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"tribeid":335845600,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":660262700,"tribe":"Tribe of Solarite" "tribeid":111715794,"tribe":"Tribe of scott" "tribeid":688743034,"tribe":"Tribe of bucky" "tribeid":787147444,"tribe":"Tribe of luke" "tribeid":840042121,"tribe":"Tribe of eldrakin" "tribeid":849922582,"tribe":"Tribe of rek" "tribeid":948451652,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":172851940,"tribe":"Tribe of Cody" "tribeid":488184846,"tribe":"Tribe of Benjamin" "tribeid":593675406,"tribe":"Tribe of Row" "tribeid":390563919,"tribe":"Tribe of Kornel" "tribeid":600744119,"tribe":"Tribe of Человек" "tribeid":931048029,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":807832490,"tribe":"Tribe of T3RROR" "tribeid":390478236,"tribe":"Tribe of MightyWill" "tribeid":867068293,"tribe":"Tribe of Thor" "tribeid":511620693,"tribe":"Tribe of Jam" "tribeid":869029808,"tribe":"Tribe of Charmless Rogue" "tribeid":851671815,"tribe":"Tribe of milky" "tribeid":532015811,"tribe":"Tribe of owen" "tribeid":782234388,"tribe":"Tribe of 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"tribeid":411241148,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":22691108,"tribe":"Tribe of slava ste" "tribeid":846092705,"tribe":"Tribe of certi hood classic" "tribeid":20374388,"tribe":"Tribe of jt" "tribeid":697387789,"tribe":"Tribe of Laird" "tribeid":651314509,"tribe":"Tribe of 123" "tribeid":941705633,"tribe":"Tribe of NASA" "tribeid":224847107,"tribe":"Tribe of conguito" "tribeid":992167852,"tribe":"Tribe of Akz" "tribeid":667081089,"tribe":"Tribe of Mens" "tribeid":462923897,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":331607162,"tribe":"Tribe of jack" "tribeid":835973502,"tribe":"Tribe of zoe" "tribeid":908873927,"tribe":"Tribe of Seya" "tribeid":872501419,"tribe":"Tribe of tester" "tribeid":316511342,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":485442095,"tribe":"Tribe of Hunter" "tribeid":464187921,"tribe":"Tribe of oneball" "tribeid":106694623,"tribe":"Tribe of THE CHEESE" "tribeid":301726858,"tribe":"Tribe of Tempy" "tribeid":336402299,"tribe":"Tribe of Porky" "tribeid":852793800,"tribe":"Tribe of ..." "tribeid":273208808,"tribe":"Tribe of Limits" "tribeid":718038154,"tribe":"Tribe of ROSE" "tribeid":200195511,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":323126339,"tribe":"Tribe of bobbie" "tribeid":91060770,"tribe":"Tribe of Joe90ZZ" "tribeid":348913545,"tribe":"Tribe of conor" "tribeid":186760329,"tribe":"Tribe of Jack" "tribeid":510683365,"tribe":"Tribe of chris" "tribeid":961482194,"tribe":"Tribe of tim" "tribeid":884422807,"tribe":"Tribe of rose" "tribeid":87700187,"tribe":"Tribe of Suby" "tribeid":695799323,"tribe":"Tribe of Princeri" "tribeid":753993028,"tribe":"Tribe of Maria" "tribeid":476804125,"tribe":"Tribe of มนุษย์" "tribeid":100804899,"tribe":"Tribe of Kharina Proudmoore" "tribeid":864863523,"tribe":"Tribe of st" "tribeid":97967540,"tribe":"Tribe of spit thron" "tribeid":215525325,"tribe":"Tribe of Humano" "tribeid":618587702,"tribe":"Tribe of Amends07" "tribeid":805535004,"tribe":"Tribe of Человек" "tribeid":802168995,"tribe":"Tribe of Perona" "tribeid":623003952,"tribe":"Tribe of Svetli" "tribeid":613499358,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":883775232,"tribe":"Tribe of Romario161" "tribeid":835774110,"tribe":"Tribe of Человек" "tribeid":629996013,"tribe":"Tribe of Zoo_mer" "tribeid":407991409,"tribe":"Tribe of Człowiek" "tribeid":119159795,"tribe":"Tribe of phoenix303" "tribeid":773741091,"tribe":"Tribe of İnsan" "tribeid":358762247,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":356230369,"tribe":"Tribe of Pixie" "tribeid":578147361,"tribe":"Tribe of Nytrix" "tribeid":822151512,"tribe":"Tribe of KillerQueen" "tribeid":613997608,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":750471588,"tribe":"Tribe of Liam" "tribeid":544043009,"tribe":"Tribe of 人类" "tribeid":174425927,"tribe":"Tribe of nazario" "tribeid":797404351,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":6026401,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":708806967,"tribe":"Tribe of Humain" "tribeid":996939823,"tribe":"Tribe of Humano" "tribeid":545804082,"tribe":"Tribe of MadameFlutterbi" "tribeid":971408836,"tribe":"Tribe of ostor" "tribeid":1449925186,"tribe":"Tribe of Hallo Eduardo logs":["Day 27728, 07:02:58: Hallo Eduardo was added to the Tribe! Day 27728, 12:08:25: Hallo Eduardo froze Juvenile M Boss Base - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 27728, 17:18:03: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent M Boss Base - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 27728, 17:26:40: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent M Boss Base - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 27729, 03:44:57: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent M Boss Base - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 27729, 03:54:20: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent M Boss Base - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 27729, 10:32:23: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent M Boss Base - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 27729, 10:36:04: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent M Boss Base - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 27729, 10:39:59: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent M Boss Base - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 27729, 10:45:23: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent M Boss Base - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 27729, 10:49:42: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent M Boss Base - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 27729, 22:11:14: Hallo Eduardo froze 002 - Lvl 179 (Maewing) Day 27731, 14:01:52: Hallo Eduardo froze M Boss Base - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 27731, 14:04:56: Hallo Eduardo froze M Boss Base - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 27731, 14:08:32: Hallo Eduardo froze M Boss Base - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 27731, 14:12:07: Hallo Eduardo froze M Boss Base - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 27731, 14:16:48: Hallo Eduardo froze M Boss Base - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 27731, 14:24:05: Hallo Eduardo froze M002 - Lvl 192 (Desmodus) Day 27734, 19:08:33: Hallo Eduardo froze M002 - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) Day 27734, 20:53:52: Hallo Eduardo froze M002 - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) Day 27734, 22:38:59: Hallo Eduardo froze F002 - Lvl 335 (R-Velonasaur) Day 27734, 23:06:31: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 27735, 02:18:08: Hallo Eduardo froze M Boss Base - Lvl 258 (Therizinosaur) Day 27735, 02:45:12: Hallo Eduardo froze M Boss Base - Lvl 258 (Therizinosaur) Day 27735, 02:50:24: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 227 (Giganotosaurus) Day 27735, 03:37:43: Hallo Eduardo froze M Boss Base - Lvl 265 (Therizinosaur) Day 27735, 04:07:14: Hallo Eduardo froze M Boss Base - Lvl 265 (Therizinosaur) Day 27735, 05:30:33: Hallo Eduardo froze M002 - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) Day 27735, 06:37:21: Hallo Eduardo froze M002 - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) Day 27735, 06:48:47: Hallo Eduardo froze 001 - Lvl 322 (Maewing) Day 27735, 07:30:56: Hallo Eduardo claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)'! Day 27735, 07:39:56: Hallo Eduardo froze M002 - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) Day 27830, 11:46:45: Hallo Eduardo froze M002 - Lvl 209 (Desmodus) Day 27830, 13:07:02: Your M002 - Lvl 209 (Desmodus) was killed by an Iceworm Male - Lvl 1! Day 27830, 13:32:45: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 337 (Giganotosaurus) Day 27830, 13:59:33: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 337 (Giganotosaurus) Day 27830, 14:26:02: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 337 (Giganotosaurus) Day 27830, 14:43:15: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 337 (Giganotosaurus) Day 27830, 14:49:50: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 337 (Giganotosaurus) Day 27830, 15:02:12: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 337 (Giganotosaurus) Day 27830, 15:14:11: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 337 (Giganotosaurus) Day 27830, 15:34:26: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 337 (Giganotosaurus) Day 27830, 15:47:57: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 337 (Giganotosaurus) Day 27830, 16:04:04: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 337 (Giganotosaurus) Day 27830, 16:21:41: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 337 (Giganotosaurus) Day 27830, 16:43:25: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 337 (Giganotosaurus) Day 27830, 16:55:47: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 337 (Giganotosaurus) Day 27830, 17:07:01: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 337 (Giganotosaurus) Day 27830, 18:06:20: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed by an Iceworm Male - Lvl 1! Day 27830, 23:04:17: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 337 (Giganotosaurus) Day 27831, 01:20:04: Hallo Eduardo froze F001 - Lvl 167 (Desmodus) Day 27851, 08:37:24: Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 27855, 01:34:07: Hallo Eduardo froze F001 - Lvl 169 (Desmodus) Day 27855, 03:28:15: Hallo Eduardo froze F001 - Lvl 169 (Desmodus) Day 27855, 04:08:37: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 27855, 06:43:04: Hallo Eduardo froze F002 - Lvl 122 (Desmodus) Day 27855, 06:59:17: Hallo Eduardo froze F002 - Lvl 122 (Desmodus) Day 27855, 08:30:38: Hallo Eduardo froze F002 - Lvl 122 (Desmodus) Day 27855, 09:30:49: Hallo Eduardo froze F002 - Lvl 122 (Desmodus) Day 27855, 10:48:18: Hallo Eduardo froze F002 - Lvl 122 (Desmodus) Day 27881, 01:25:46: Hallo Eduardo froze 003 - Lvl 299 (Maewing) Day 27881, 01:34:20: Your Baby YEET - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) was killed by Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Hallo Eduardo)! Day 27881, 01:34:20: Your Tribe killed Baby YEET - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur)! Day 27881, 02:04:10: Your Baby YEET - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) was killed by Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Hallo Eduardo)! Day 27881, 02:04:10: Your Tribe killed Baby YEET - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur)! Day 27881, 02:22:50: Your Baby YEET - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) was killed by Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Hallo Eduardo)! Day 27881, 02:22:50: Your Tribe killed Baby YEET - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur)! Day 27881, 05:15:36: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 149 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 27881, 05:38:25: Hallo Eduardo froze M003 - Lvl 149 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 27881, 06:16:18: Hallo Eduardo froze 003 - Lvl 299 (Maewing) Day 27971, 12:45:58: Hallo Eduardo froze Juvenile Reaper 2 - Lvl 205 (Reaper King) Day 27971, 21:47:11: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent Reaper 2 - Lvl 205 (Reaper King) Day 27972, 09:09:46: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent Reaper 2 - Lvl 205 (Reaper King) Day 28065, 06:18:24: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 239 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28065, 17:35:53: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent F Supply Drops - Lvl 198 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 29228, 15:57:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1447228466,"tribe":"Pigos logs":["Day 28417, 12:08:19: CJ was added to the Tribe! Day 28417, 18:13:46: CJ Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo)! Day 28417, 19:42:41: CJ Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 82 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 28419, 02:19:56: CJ demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 28419, 07:24:13: CJ Tamed an Equus - Lvl 127 (Equus)! Day 28419, 11:24:48: CJ Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle)! Day 28422, 05:53:18: CJ demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 28422, 05:54:10: CJ demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 28422, 05:54:50: CJ demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 28422, 05:56:16: CJ demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 28422, 09:24:25: CJ Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 28422, 12:47:45: Your Lenny - Lvl 82 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by CJ - Lvl 42 (LammaJamma Gods)! Day 28422, 12:47:45: Your Tribe killed Lenny - Lvl 82 (Lystrosaurus) (LammaJamma Gods)! Day 28422, 23:41:27: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 28423, 03:49:43: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 28423, 05:42:17: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 28423, 06:02:21: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 45 was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 145! Day 28441, 13:12:04: CJ Tamed an Unicorn - Lvl 74 (Unicorn)! Day 28442, 01:05:18: Your Jamie - Lvl 136 (Equus) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 130! Day 28464, 03:31:36: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 54 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 140! Day 28464, 16:39:15: CJ demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 28464, 16:42:44: CJ demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 28464, 18:10:02: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 60 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 95! Day 28464, 22:59:29: CJ Tamed an Otter - Lvl 127 (Otter)! Day 28464, 23:07:56: CJ Tamed an Otter - Lvl 134 (Otter)! Day 28465, 06:57:58: CJ demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 28489, 21:13:05: CJ Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 74 (Doedicurus)! Day 28491, 14:39:38: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 62 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 15! Day 28533, 00:34:27: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 28537, 13:09:13: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 65 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 15! Day 28537, 19:18:33: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 65 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 25! Day 28537, 19:18:58: Your Unicorn - Lvl 87 (Unicorn) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 55! Day 28537, 22:34:44: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 28829, 01:38:17: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28962, 02:40:58: Your Otter - Lvl 136 (Otter) was killed! Day 28962, 02:40:58: Otter - Lvl 136 (Otter) starved to death! Day 28962, 04:32:46: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 28962, 05:20:46: CJ was removed from the Tribe! Day 29031, 00:37:30: Oliver - Lvl 145 (Otter) starved to death! Day 29318, 00:35:33: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Scales - Lvl 248 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29559, 04:23:45: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30124, 19:34:12: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30519, 07:00:48: Goblin - Lvl 49 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 30582, 10:03:04: Dom - Lvl 53 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 31485, 01:14:29: Rolo - Lvl 74 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 33079, 11:29:30: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 40339, 19:24:24: Jamie - Lvl 223 (Equus) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1445447979,"tribe":"The Microbes logs":["Day 10711, 06:49:32: RIP was added to the Tribe! Day 10711, 10:05:40: RIP froze Spicey - Lvl 134 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10711, 10:39:29: RIP froze Spicey - Lvl 134 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10711, 12:50:56: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 181 (Snow Owl) Day 10711, 14:11:54: RIP froze [RIP] Woegg - Lvl 185 (Deinonychus) Day 10711, 14:25:58: RIP froze Pawl - Lvl 204 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10711, 15:07:45: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 181 (Snow Owl) Day 10711, 16:03:43: RIP froze Angst - Lvl 200 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 10711, 16:27:10: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 181 (Snow Owl) Day 10711, 17:21:17: RIP froze Angst - Lvl 200 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 10711, 17:44:19: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 181 (Snow Owl) Day 10711, 18:45:52: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 181 (Snow Owl) Day 10711, 19:14:25: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 181 (Snow Owl) Day 10711, 20:14:12: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 181 (Snow Owl) Day 10711, 23:28:40: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 181 (Snow Owl) Day 10712, 01:28:01: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 181 (Snow Owl) Day 10712, 03:25:40: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 181 (Snow Owl) Day 10712, 11:36:04: Pigeon added 'Tribe Jeff' Tribe to The Loft Of Jeff Alliance! Day 10712, 12:57:13: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 182 (Snow Owl) Day 10712, 15:40:16: RIP froze [RIP] Woegg - Lvl 186 (Deinonychus) Day 10712, 18:59:58: RIP demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 10723, 19:05:03: Tribemember RIP - Lvl 98 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 150! Day 10723, 19:55:56: Tribemember RIP - Lvl 98 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 50! Day 10723, 21:14:51: RIP froze F261 - Lvl 397 (Snow Owl) Day 10723, 22:08:27: Your [RIP] Woegg - Lvl 186 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 150! Day 10723, 22:50:40: Tribemember RIP - Lvl 98 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 150! Day 10724, 05:46:43: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 182 (Snow Owl) Day 10724, 10:59:56: RIP froze [RIP] Monty - Lvl 304 (Mammoth) Day 10724, 11:03:26: RIP froze [RIP] Paratrooper - Lvl 306 (Tek Parasaur) Day 10724, 11:06:24: RIP froze Pawl - Lvl 208 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10724, 11:33:16: Tribemember RIP - Lvl 98 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 10724, 15:35:53: RIP froze Spicey - Lvl 137 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10724, 16:30:44: RIP claimed 'Male 223 - Lvl 237 (Diplodocus)'! Day 10724, 16:40:38: RIP froze Male 223 - Lvl 271 (Diplodocus) Day 10724, 17:01:41: RIP unclaimed 'Male 223 - Lvl 271 (Diplodocus)'! Day 10724, 17:14:14: RIP claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 170 (Rock Drake)'! Day 10724, 17:17:16: RIP froze Baby Chameleon - Lvl 170 (Rock Drake) Day 10724, 17:42:01: RIP froze Baby Chameleon - Lvl 170 (Rock Drake) Day 10726, 08:05:06: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 182 (Snow Owl) Day 10726, 08:45:19: Tribemember RIP - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 10726, 11:24:59: RIP froze Spicey - Lvl 137 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10726, 11:52:10: RIP demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10726, 11:52:39: RIP demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10726, 11:53:01: RIP demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10726, 11:53:28: RIP demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10726, 11:57:32: RIP demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10726, 11:58:00: RIP demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10726, 11:58:24: RIP demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10726, 12:00:18: RIP demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10726, 12:05:13: RIP demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10726, 12:05:40: RIP demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10726, 12:55:32: RIP demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 10726, 14:33:39: RIP claimed 'Baby Bloodstalker - Lvl 230 (Bloodstalker)'! Day 10726, 14:36:37: RIP froze Baby VampireBat - Lvl 230 (Bloodstalker) Day 10726, 15:39:18: RIP froze Baby VampireBat - Lvl 230 (Bloodstalker) Day 10735, 05:52:12: RIP froze Juvenile VampireBat - Lvl 230 (Bloodstalker) Day 10735, 05:53:48: RIP froze Juvenile VampireBat - Lvl 230 (Bloodstalker) Day 10735, 06:09:08: RIP froze Juvenile VampireBat - Lvl 230 (Bloodstalker) Day 10735, 12:53:19: RIP froze Adolescent VampireBat - Lvl 230 (Bloodstalker) Day 10735, 18:45:27: RIP froze Grabby - Lvl 230 (Bloodstalker) Day 10737, 05:10:21: Tribemember RIP - Lvl 100 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 145! Day 10737, 05:33:52: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 183 (Snow Owl) Day 10737, 05:42:04: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 183 (Snow Owl) Day 10737, 07:18:29: RIP froze Grabby - Lvl 247 (Bloodstalker) Day 10737, 07:36:18: RIP froze Grabby - Lvl 247 (Bloodstalker) Day 10737, 08:08:06: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 183 (Snow Owl) Day 10737, 09:43:24: Tribemember RIP - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 10737, 13:45:57: RIP froze Gecko - Lvl 206 (Rock Drake) Day 10737, 16:27:36: RIP froze Grabby - Lvl 248 (Bloodstalker) Day 10737, 16:36:22: RIP froze Spicey - Lvl 137 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10737, 17:53:06: RIP froze Grabby - Lvl 248 (Bloodstalker) Day 10737, 18:16:30: RIP froze Gecko - Lvl 206 (Rock Drake) Day 10737, 18:45:06: RIP froze Angst - Lvl 209 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 10737, 19:06:45: RIP froze Angst - Lvl 209 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 10737, 19:47:49: RIP froze Grabby - Lvl 248 (Bloodstalker) Day 10737, 20:36:18: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 183 (Snow Owl) Day 10737, 22:29:48: RIP froze Pawl - Lvl 213 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10738, 03:31:36: RIP froze [RIP] Monty - Lvl 304 (Mammoth) Day 10738, 04:38:12: Tribemember RIP - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 10738, 06:17:40: Tribemember RIP - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 10738, 08:02:40: RIP froze Gecko - Lvl 207 (Rock Drake) Day 10738, 08:37:36: RIP froze Gecko - Lvl 207 (Rock Drake) Day 10738, 14:37:20: Tribemember RIP - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 10738, 16:02:25: Tribemember RIP - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 10738, 16:27:46: RIP froze Grabby - Lvl 249 (Bloodstalker) Day 10739, 07:25:57: RIP froze [RIP] Benefex - Lvl 262 (Rex) Day 10739, 22:21:47: Tribemember RIP - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 10740, 03:23:43: RIP froze [RIP] Benefex - Lvl 262 (Rex) Day 10740, 04:43:22: RIP froze [RIP] Benefex - Lvl 263 (Rex) Day 10740, 05:07:06: RIP froze [RIP] Benefex - Lvl 263 (Rex) Day 10740, 15:49:49: RIP froze [RIP] Argentina - Lvl 179 (Argentavis) Day 10740, 16:08:25: RIP froze Managamer - Lvl 225 (Managarmr) Day 10740, 16:17:18: RIP froze Spicey - Lvl 143 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10740, 16:43:54: RIP froze Managamer - Lvl 225 (Managarmr) Day 10740, 19:12:15: RIP froze Managamer - Lvl 225 (Managarmr) Day 10750, 20:05:33: RIP froze Baby Giga A - Lvl 81 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10750, 20:08:25: RIP froze Baby Giga B - Lvl 90 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10751, 05:25:12: RIP claimed 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 225 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 10751, 05:27:07: RIP froze Baby Cucumber - Lvl 225 (Basilosaurus) Day 10751, 07:10:59: RIP froze Baby Cucumber - Lvl 225 (Basilosaurus) Day 10751, 08:51:44: RIP froze Baby Mitochondria - Lvl 141 (Aberrant Spino) Day 10751, 09:37:46: RIP froze Baby Cucumber - Lvl 225 (Basilosaurus) Day 10751, 09:40:36: RIP froze Baby Cucumber - Lvl 225 (Basilosaurus) Day 10751, 09:53:09: RIP froze Baby Mitochondria - Lvl 141 (Aberrant Spino) Day 10751, 12:22:41: RIP froze Pawl - Lvl 214 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10751, 12:27:20: RIP froze [RIP] Monty - Lvl 304 (Mammoth) Day 10751, 12:48:55: RIP froze Pawl - Lvl 214 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10751, 13:21:54: RIP froze Pawl - Lvl 214 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10751, 14:35:59: RIP claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 10752, 06:41:23: RIP froze Itsy - Lvl 262 (Bloodstalker) Day 10752, 07:13:24: RIP froze Itsy - Lvl 262 (Bloodstalker) Day 10752, 18:17:12: RIP froze Itsy - Lvl 266 (Bloodstalker) Day 10753, 10:33:24: RIP froze [RIP] Monty - Lvl 304 (Mammoth) Day 10753, 11:26:17: RIP froze [RIP] Monty - Lvl 304 (Mammoth) Day 10764, 22:56:12: RIP claimed '224 ~ Breeding - Lvl 264 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10764, 22:59:13: RIP claimed '224 ~ Breeding - Lvl 252 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10764, 22:59:49: RIP claimed 'Archaeopteryx - Lvl 225 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10764, 23:01:09: RIP claimed '194 ~ Breeding - Lvl 228 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10764, 23:01:49: RIP claimed '224 ~ Breeding - Lvl 256 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10764, 23:03:46: RIP claimed '226 ~ Breeding - Lvl 260 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10764, 23:44:44: RIP froze 224 ~ Breeding - Lvl 264 (Archaeopteryx) Day 10765, 00:00:33: RIP froze 224 ~ Breeding - Lvl 266 (Archaeopteryx) Day 10765, 00:04:15: RIP froze 224 ~ Breeding - Lvl 264 (Archaeopteryx) Day 10765, 00:37:13: RIP froze Archaeopteryx - Lvl 235 (Archaeopteryx) Day 10765, 05:21:11: RIP claimed 'Baby Archaeopteryx - Lvl 224 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10765, 05:35:29: RIP froze Baby Powg - Lvl 224 (Archaeopteryx) Day 10765, 05:41:19: RIP froze Baby Powg - Lvl 224 (Archaeopteryx) Day 10765, 06:03:51: RIP claimed 'Baby Archaeopteryx - Lvl 202 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10765, 06:06:28: RIP froze Baby Archie - Lvl 202 (Archaeopteryx) Day 10765, 06:08:53: RIP froze Juvenile Powg - Lvl 224 (Archaeopteryx) Day 10765, 12:47:24: RIP froze Adolescent Powg - Lvl 224 (Archaeopteryx) Day 10766, 04:12:14: RIP Tamed a Microraptor - Lvl 29 (Microraptor)! Day 10766, 04:14:27: Your AAA - Lvl 29 (Microraptor) was killed! Day 10766, 08:02:55: RIP Tamed a Microraptor - Lvl 131 (Microraptor)! Day 10766, 11:20:15: RIP froze Baby Cucumber - Lvl 225 (Basilosaurus) Day 10766, 12:29:19: RIP froze Itsy - Lvl 275 (Bloodstalker) Day 10766, 12:32:21: RIP froze Itsy - Lvl 275 (Bloodstalker) Day 10766, 12:36:10: RIP froze Chibi - Lvl 134 (Microraptor) Day 10767, 12:43:22: RIP downloaded a dino: Itsy - Lvl 276 Day 10767, 12:43:38: RIP downloaded a dino: Owto - Lvl 46 Day 10768, 00:56:11: RIP froze Baby Giga B - Lvl 90 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10779, 22:04:12: Juvenile Giga A - Lvl 81 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 10780, 00:43:00: RIP froze Archie - Lvl 204 (Archaeopteryx) Day 10780, 00:46:31: RIP froze Powg - Lvl 225 (Archaeopteryx) Day 10780, 00:58:02: RIP froze Skipper - Lvl 267 (Archaeopteryx) Day 10780, 01:30:44: RIP froze Archaeopteryx - Lvl 236 (Archaeopteryx) Day 10780, 01:35:11: RIP froze Fondo - Lvl 264 (Archaeopteryx) Day 10780, 12:54:46: RIP froze [RIP] Monty - Lvl 304 (Mammoth) Day 10780, 13:43:16: RIP froze [RIP] Monty - Lvl 304 (Mammoth) Day 10781, 03:25:49: RIP claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 10781, 03:34:13: RIP froze Baby Woeno - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10781, 05:17:34: RIP froze Spicey - Lvl 145 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10781, 08:07:23: RIP froze Baby Woeno - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10781, 12:40:10: RIP froze Juvenile Woeno - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10781, 19:37:46: RIP froze Adolescent Woeno - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10782, 14:32:47: Tribemember RIP - Lvl 106 was killed! Day 10782, 21:47:00: RIP froze Pawl - Lvl 219 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10782, 22:56:41: RIP froze Pawl - Lvl 219 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10790, 18:58:04: Tribemember RIP - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 10792, 11:28:39: Tribemember RIP - Lvl 107 was killed by Woeno - Lvl 121 (Lightning Wyvern) (The Microbes)! Day 10792, 11:28:39: Your Tribe killed RIP - Lvl 107 (The Microbes)! Day 10792, 11:28:39: Your Owto - Lvl 52 (Aberrant Otter) was killed by Woeno - Lvl 121 (Lightning Wyvern) (The Microbes)! Day 10792, 11:28:39: Your Tribe killed Owto - Lvl 52 (Aberrant Otter) (The Microbes)! Day 10792, 13:07:22: RIP Tamed a Microraptor - Lvl 21 (Microraptor)! Day 10792, 16:42:18: RIP froze Pawl - Lvl 226 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10793, 02:50:40: RIP Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 10793, 03:05:36: RIP froze Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) Day 10793, 06:51:08: RIP Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 10793, 11:50:06: RIP froze Pteranodon - Lvl 197 (Pteranodon) Day 10793, 17:27:29: RIP claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)'! Day 10793, 17:57:39: RIP unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 197 (Pteranodon)'! Day 10793, 18:03:28: RIP claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 197 (Pteranodon)'! Day 10793, 18:22:42: RIP unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon)'! Day 10794, 07:48:52: RIP froze Adolescent Pato - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 10794, 07:50:56: RIP froze Adolescent Pato - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 10794, 09:28:28: RIP claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon)'! Day 10794, 11:25:50: RIP froze Itsy - Lvl 279 (Bloodstalker) Day 10794, 19:39:29: RIP froze Itsy - Lvl 279 (Bloodstalker) Day 10795, 17:39:31: RIP froze Snow Owl - Lvl 237 (Snow Owl) Day 10795, 17:50:04: RIP froze Woeno - Lvl 124 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10795, 17:58:26: RIP froze Venny - Lvl 177 (Velonasaur) Day 10795, 18:02:26: RIP froze Pato - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon) Day 10795, 18:18:38: RIP froze Snow Owl - Lvl 237 (Snow Owl) Day 10795, 21:51:15: Tribemember RIP - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 10795, 22:24:06: RIP downloaded a dino: Woeno - Lvl 124 Day 10796, 01:28:27: RIP uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Woeno - Lvl 129 Day 10796, 14:56:38: RIP claimed 'GREITAS - Lvl 168 (Allosaurus)'! Day 10796, 14:57:32: RIP claimed 'Echo - Lvl 222 (Raptor)'! Day 10796, 14:57:43: RIP claimed '[RL] Taming Turtle 4 - Lvl 280 (Carbonemys)'! Day 10796, 14:58:00: RIP claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 221 (Raptor)'! Day 10796, 14:58:05: RIP claimed 'Dissapointment - Lvl 212 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 10796, 15:04:32: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 184 (Snow Owl) Day 10796, 15:09:17: RIP uploaded a Allosaurus: GREITAS - Lvl 168 Day 10796, 15:13:17: RIP uploaded a Pteranodon: Pato - Lvl 224 Day 10806, 15:08:12: RIP froze Managamer - Lvl 227 (Managarmr) Day 10806, 15:15:39: RIP froze Spicey - Lvl 145 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10806, 15:19:53: RIP froze [RIP] Benefex - Lvl 263 (Rex) Day 10806, 15:53:47: RIP froze Managamer - Lvl 227 (Managarmr) Day 10806, 16:01:07: RIP froze Managamer - Lvl 227 (Managarmr) Day 10806, 16:15:56: RIP uploaded a Managarmr: Managamer - Lvl 227 Day 10806, 16:17:48: RIP froze Itsy - Lvl 280 (Bloodstalker) Day 10809, 14:22:35: RIP froze [RIP] Monty - Lvl 304 (Mammoth) Day 10809, 14:29:08: RIP froze Marco - Lvl 28 (Microraptor) Day 10809, 14:39:19: RIP froze Pteranodon - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon) Day 10809, 15:07:42: RIP froze Itsy - Lvl 282 (Bloodstalker) Day 10809, 15:09:16: RIP uploaded a Microraptor: Marco - Lvl 28 Day 10824, 05:17:04: RIP froze [RIP] Paratrooper - Lvl 308 (Tek Parasaur) Day 10824, 05:41:37: RIP froze [RIP] Paratrooper - Lvl 308 (Tek Parasaur) Day 10824, 05:52:31: Tribemember RIP - Lvl 113 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 10824, 05:57:12: Tribemember RIP - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 10824, 06:38:36: Tribemember RIP - Lvl 113 was killed by a Giant Bee - Lvl 5! Day 10824, 09:28:57: RIP claimed '200 ~ Breeding - Lvl 200 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10824, 09:29:04: RIP claimed '224 ~ Breeding - Lvl 253 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10824, 09:29:30: RIP claimed '209 ~ Breeding - Lvl 250 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10824, 09:29:47: RIP claimed '221 ~ Breeding - Lvl 260 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10824, 09:44:20: RIP claimed '194 ~ Breeding - Lvl 217 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10824, 10:00:54: RIP claimed '177 ~ Breeding - Lvl 206 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10824, 10:01:10: RIP claimed '224 ~ Breeding - Lvl 253 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10824, 10:01:22: RIP claimed '205 ~ Breeding - Lvl 237 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10824, 10:01:30: RIP claimed '221 ~ Breeding - Lvl 253 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10824, 10:01:40: RIP claimed '207 ~ Breeding - Lvl 242 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10824, 10:09:27: RIP claimed '221~ Breeding - Lvl 253 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10824, 10:10:05: RIP claimed 'Archaeopteryx - Lvl 212 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10824, 10:10:29: RIP claimed '207 ~ Breeding - Lvl 239 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10824, 13:32:07: RIP claimed 'Baby Archaeopteryx - Lvl 208 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10824, 13:35:09: RIP claimed 'Juvenile Archaeopteryx - Lvl 224 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10824, 13:50:01: Your Juvenile Archaeopteryx - Lvl 208 (Archaeopteryx) was killed! Day 10824, 13:50:01: Juvenile Archaeopteryx - Lvl 208 (Archaeopteryx) starved to death! Day 10824, 15:22:37: Your Adolescent Archaeopteryx - Lvl 224 (Archaeopteryx) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 90! Day 10824, 18:00:53: Tribemember RIP - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 10824, 18:01:58: Your Itsy - Lvl 287 (Bloodstalker) was killed! Day 10837, 07:13:52: RIP froze Do - Lvl 271 (Direwolf) Day 10874, 18:49:38: RIP claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur)'! Day 10874, 18:52:17: RIP froze Baby Corkskrew - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 10874, 18:58:46: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 187 (Snow Owl) Day 10898, 10:15:31: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 190 (Snow Owl) Day 10905, 02:35:15: 224 ~ Breeding - Lvl 264 (Archaeopteryx) starved to death! Day 10905, 18:39:31: Your 177 ~ Breeding - Lvl 206 (Archaeopteryx) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 90! Day 10905, 22:23:37: Your 194 ~ Breeding - Lvl 239 (Archaeopteryx) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 90! Day 10908, 17:12:55: Your 207 ~ Breeding - Lvl 252 (Archaeopteryx) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 90! Day 10927, 14:42:24: Your Angst - Lvl 209 (Pulmonoscorpius) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 150! Day 10932, 09:25:21: Your 207 ~ Breeding - Lvl 239 (Archaeopteryx) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 25! Day 10932, 16:58:14: Your 200 ~ Breeding - Lvl 243 (Archaeopteryx) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 25! Day 10933, 13:27:01: Your [RIP] Fright - Lvl 163 (Compy) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 150! Day 10943, 08:13:41: RIP froze 194 ~ Breeding - Lvl 226 (Archaeopteryx) Day 10943, 08:40:37: Your 209 ~ Breeding - Lvl 250 (Archaeopteryx) was killed by a Megatherium - Lvl 145! Day 10943, 08:40:37: Your Archaeopteryx - Lvl 212 (Archaeopteryx) was killed by a Megatherium - Lvl 145! Day 10943, 10:45:46: RIP froze 194 ~ Breeding - Lvl 226 (Archaeopteryx) Day 10943, 11:07:00: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 198 (Snow Owl) Day 10943, 17:06:58: RIP claimed '210 ~ Breeding - Lvl 250 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10943, 18:27:35: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 198 (Snow Owl) Day 10943, 20:36:08: Your Microraptor - Lvl 104 (Microraptor) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 145! Day 10943, 20:41:42: Your Los - Lvl 219 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 145! Day 10944, 02:08:28: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 199 (Snow Owl) Day 10944, 10:19:32: RIP froze Baby :O - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10944, 10:22:08: RIP froze Baby :O - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10944, 10:54:52: RIP froze Baby :O - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10944, 10:56:35: RIP froze Baby :O - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10944, 11:10:36: RIP froze Baby :O - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10944, 11:17:37: Your Baby Argentavis - Lvl 137 (Argentavis) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 150! Day 10944, 11:25:54: Your Baby Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 150! Day 10944, 11:31:12: RIP froze Baby Mitochondria - Lvl 141 (Aberrant Spino) Day 10944, 11:45:13: RIP froze Baby :O - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10944, 12:19:53: RIP demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 10944, 12:36:17: RIP froze Baby :O - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10944, 12:37:16: Your Juvenile Mitochondria - Lvl 141 (Aberrant Spino) was killed! Day 10944, 12:37:16: Juvenile Mitochondria - Lvl 141 (Aberrant Spino) starved to death! Day 10944, 19:33:22: RIP froze Baby :O - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10944, 21:11:08: RIP froze Baby :O - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10944, 22:29:26: Your Baby :O - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 150! Day 10945, 15:16:58: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 199 (Snow Owl) Day 10957, 13:03:24: RIP unclaimed '224 ~ Breeding - Lvl 267 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10957, 13:04:44: RIP unclaimed '205 ~ Breeding - Lvl 248 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10957, 13:05:43: RIP unclaimed '221~ Breeding - Lvl 266 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10957, 13:06:52: RIP unclaimed '224 ~ Breeding - Lvl 267 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10957, 13:07:59: RIP unclaimed '221 ~ Breeding - Lvl 271 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10957, 13:09:27: RIP unclaimed '226 ~ Breeding - Lvl 268 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10957, 13:13:32: RIP unclaimed '221 ~ Breeding - Lvl 266 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 10957, 17:09:44: RIP froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10958, 00:45:15: RIP demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 10958, 01:31:09: RIP froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10958, 01:51:13: RIP froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10958, 01:57:48: RIP froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10958, 04:30:45: RIP froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10958, 04:36:38: RIP froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10958, 04:48:28: RIP froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10958, 04:54:57: RIP froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10958, 05:03:52: RIP froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10958, 05:10:49: RIP froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10958, 21:26:15: RIP froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10959, 02:32:47: RIP froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10959, 05:51:49: RIP froze [RIP] Mushu - Lvl 201 (Snow Owl) Day 10980, 22:38:22: RIP froze Itsy Dos - Lvl 221 (Bloodstalker) Day 10997, 20:10:13: Your 210 ~ Breeding - Lvl 264 (Archaeopteryx) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 135! Day 11006, 12:12:42: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11042, 08:01:54: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 135! Day 11107, 04:52:43: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11110, 07:29:30: RIP froze Sqweed - Lvl 266 (Tusoteuthis) Day 11110, 07:46:19: Tribemember RIP - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 11110, 09:39:34: RIP froze [RIP] Argentina - Lvl 181 (Argentavis) Day 11110, 10:50:36: RIP froze Powg - Lvl 233 (Archaeopteryx) Day 11110, 10:57:27: RIP froze [Weeb] Wing - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon) Day 11110, 11:56:41: RIP unclaimed 'Echo - Lvl 222 (Raptor)'! Day 11110, 11:58:43: RIP unclaimed '[RL] Taming Turtle 4 - Lvl 281 (Carbonemys)'! Day 11110, 12:04:19: RIP unclaimed 'Dissapointment - Lvl 212 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 11110, 12:05:23: RIP unclaimed 'Raptor - Lvl 221 (Raptor)'! Day 11110, 12:24:09: RIP unclaimed 'Powg - Lvl 233 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 11110, 12:41:37: RIP froze Corkskrew - Lvl 187 (Magmasaur) Day 11110, 12:45:01: RIP froze Sqweed - Lvl 268 (Tusoteuthis) Day 11110, 16:56:34: RIP froze Twop - Lvl 233 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11110, 17:43:24: RIP unclaimed 'Scotch - Lvl 136 (Tapejara)'! Day 11110, 20:00:34: RIP Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 11110, 20:50:11: RIP froze Nushu - Lvl 258 (Snow Owl) Day 11110, 23:43:59: RIP froze Twop - Lvl 236 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11110, 23:53:29: RIP froze Nushu - Lvl 258 (Snow Owl) Day 11111, 13:08:05: RIP froze Corkskrew - Lvl 188 (Magmasaur) Day 11111, 18:39:44: RIP froze Twop - Lvl 236 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11111, 18:58:00: RIP froze Nushu - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) Day 11112, 11:42:00: [RIP] Wonton - Lvl 210 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 11157, 04:42:18: Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 11229, 19:28:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11325, 06:36:59: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11457, 18:09:06: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11499, 15:42:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11499, 15:42:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11505, 14:46:51: Akuma - Lvl 122 (Lovers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pawl - Lvl 227 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 11513, 15:09:09: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11606, 12:21:12: Lika - Lvl 122 (Alpha Legion) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[RIP] Argentina - Lvl 181 (Argentavis)'! Day 11625, 09:38:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11625, 09:38:38: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11806, 14:42:26: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16230, 11:35:38: BigTiddyWarrior - Lvl 77 (Tribe of ViKang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fondo - Lvl 264 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 16230, 11:37:16: BigTiddyWarrior - Lvl 77 (Tribe of ViKang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Skipper - Lvl 267 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 16230, 11:37:37: BigTiddyWarrior - Lvl 77 (Tribe of ViKang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Archaeopteryx - Lvl 236 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 16230, 11:37:57: BigTiddyWarrior - Lvl 77 (Tribe of ViKang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Archie - Lvl 204 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 28072, 15:13:34: [RIP] Terror - Lvl 191 (Compy) starved to death! Day 33080, 00:50:10: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1444548002,"tribe":"Tribe of Gunga Ginga logs":["Day 23652, 11:05:49: Gunga Ginga was added to the Tribe! Day 23652, 11:22:27: FartSmeller was added to the Tribe by Gunga Ginga! Day 23652, 11:43:43: FartSmeller was removed from the Tribe! Day 23652, 11:57:43: FartSmeller was added to the Tribe by Gunga Ginga! Day 23652, 14:21:53: Tribemember FartSmeller - Lvl 99 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 23652, 15:30:21: Tribemember FartSmeller - Lvl 99 was killed! Day 23652, 18:39:56: Gunga Ginga froze Rai - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23653, 05:19:21: FartSmeller Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 217 (Dung Beetle)! Day 23653, 05:51:47: FartSmeller froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 217 (Dung Beetle) Day 23653, 05:53:48: Gunga Ginga froze Rai - Lvl 251 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23745, 07:48:10: Gunga Ginga froze Chroma - Lvl 249 (Rock Drake) Day 23745, 08:57:30: Gunga Ginga froze Chroma - Lvl 249 (Rock Drake) Day 23745, 09:20:58: Gunga Ginga froze Chroma - Lvl 249 (Rock Drake) Day 23745, 09:41:51: Gunga Ginga froze Chroma - Lvl 250 (Rock Drake) Day 23745, 11:22:13: Gunga Ginga froze Chroma - Lvl 250 (Rock Drake) Day 23745, 12:36:27: Gunga Ginga froze Chroma - Lvl 250 (Rock Drake) Day 23767, 07:24:14: Gunga Ginga froze Chroma - Lvl 258 (Rock Drake) Day 23767, 08:27:35: Gunga Ginga froze Chroma - Lvl 259 (Rock Drake) Day 23767, 08:42:24: Gunga Ginga froze Chroma - Lvl 259 (Rock Drake) Day 23767, 08:57:38: Gunga Ginga froze Chroma - Lvl 259 (Rock Drake) Day 23767, 10:28:55: Gunga Ginga froze Chroma - Lvl 259 (Rock Drake) Day 23767, 11:07:44: Gunga Ginga froze Chroma - Lvl 259 (Rock Drake) Day 23781, 10:34:02: Gunga Ginga froze Chroma - Lvl 268 (Rock Drake) Day 23812, 14:41:00: Gunga Ginga froze Chroma - Lvl 282 (Rock Drake) Day 23812, 15:08:12: Gunga Ginga froze Chroma - Lvl 282 (Rock Drake) Day 23812, 15:25:51: Gunga Ginga froze Chroma - Lvl 282 (Rock Drake) Day 23812, 15:50:56: Gunga Ginga froze Chroma - Lvl 282 (Rock Drake) Day 23812, 15:57:03: Gunga Ginga froze Chroma - Lvl 282 (Rock Drake) Day 23812, 16:08:10: Tribemember Gunga Ginga - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23812, 16:09:17: Your Chroma - Lvl 282 (Rock Drake) was killed! Day 23910, 13:42:55: Gunga Ginga froze Velonasaur - Lvl 247 (Velonasaur) Day 23910, 13:59:18: Gunga Ginga froze Peter - Lvl 287 (Griffin) Day 23910, 18:13:37: Gunga Ginga froze Drake Sucks D - Lvl 224 (Rock Drake) Day 23910, 19:16:48: Gunga Ginga froze Drake Sucks D - Lvl 225 (Rock Drake) Day 23910, 19:35:10: Gunga Ginga froze Drake Sucks D - Lvl 227 (Rock Drake) Day 23910, 19:55:16: Gunga Ginga froze Velonasaur - Lvl 247 (Velonasaur) Day 23910, 20:10:16: Gunga Ginga froze Drake Sucks D - Lvl 227 (Rock Drake) Day 23910, 20:21:14: Gunga Ginga froze Drake Sucks D - Lvl 227 (Rock Drake) Day 23910, 20:50:46: Tribemember Gunga Ginga - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23910, 21:11:56: Tribemember Gunga Ginga - Lvl 121 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 23911, 02:41:01: Gunga Ginga froze Rai - Lvl 325 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23917, 14:15:54: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23923, 13:48:49: Gunga Ginga froze Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (Velonasaur) Day 23923, 14:31:28: Gunga Ginga froze Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (Velonasaur) Day 23923, 15:54:41: Gunga Ginga froze Velonasaur - Lvl 225 (Velonasaur) Day 23923, 16:53:34: Gunga Ginga froze Peter - Lvl 287 (Griffin) Day 23951, 02:08:44: Gunga Ginga froze Sutty - Lvl 338 (Shadowmane) Day 23972, 06:36:22: Gunga Ginga Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 23972, 06:43:55: Gunga Ginga froze The Bloke - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23972, 10:44:05: Gunga Ginga froze Peter - Lvl 289 (Griffin) Day 23972, 10:47:10: Gunga Ginga froze Rai - Lvl 329 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24089, 18:15:15: Gunga Ginga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 24089, 18:56:19: Gunga Ginga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 24089, 19:11:39: Gunga Ginga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 24089, 19:47:03: Gunga Ginga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 24089, 20:32:38: Gunga Ginga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 24089, 21:07:13: Gunga Ginga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 257 (Shadowmane) Day 24090, 01:52:48: Gunga Ginga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 260 (Shadowmane) Day 24090, 02:48:22: Gunga Ginga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 260 (Shadowmane) Day 24090, 03:09:44: Gunga Ginga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 260 (Shadowmane) Day 24090, 03:34:03: Gunga Ginga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane) Day 24092, 00:46:54: Gunga Ginga froze Rai - Lvl 329 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24092, 01:29:08: Gunga Ginga froze Rai - Lvl 329 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24092, 14:50:01: Gunga Ginga froze Rai - Lvl 332 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24094, 11:21:10: Gunga Ginga froze Rai - Lvl 336 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24095, 05:51:45: Gunga Ginga froze Rai - Lvl 336 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24248, 01:16:01: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1442936102,"tribe":"Tribe of tom logs":["Day 23256, 03:09:44: tom was added to the Tribe! Day 23256, 03:20:23: FOX was added to the Tribe by tom! Day 23256, 11:46:18: Tribemember FOX - Lvl 11 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 23256, 14:02:26: Tribemember FOX - Lvl 11 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 100! Day 23313, 17:19:06: Tribemember tom - Lvl 15 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 15! Day 23320, 11:11:33: Tribemember FOX - Lvl 13 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 150! Day 23563, 17:51:43: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24413, 11:00:31: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1438415999,"tribe":"KwadSquad logs":["Day 39932, 03:11:12: LowKeyFPV was added to the Tribe! Day 39932, 19:41:06: LowKeyFPV claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 264 (Argentavis)'! Day 39932, 19:44:32: LowKeyFPV claimed 'Belveth - Lvl 237 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39932, 19:51:29: LowKeyFPV unclaimed 'Belveth - Lvl 237 (Pteranodon)'! Day 40099, 16:28:00: Tribemember LowKeyFPV - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 40120, 09:22:29: LowKeyFPV claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 40123, 04:57:30: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 39 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 135! Day 40123, 05:07:08: Tribemember LowKeyFPV - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 40124, 00:48:53: LowKeyFPV claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 40124, 08:09:46: LowKeyFPV froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 40124, 20:58:24: LowKeyFPV froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 40125, 08:27:09: LowKeyFPV froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 40157, 20:01:15: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40157, 20:01:15: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40175, 18:32:24: LowKeyFPV froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 40176, 10:01:30: LowKeyFPV froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 40292, 08:54:14: LowKeyFPV Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 40414, 18:06:15: LowKeyFPV demolished a 'Water Tank (Locked) '! Day 40414, 18:08:11: LowKeyFPV demolished a 'Water Tank (Locked) '! Day 40414, 18:09:20: LowKeyFPV demolished a 'Water Tank (Locked) '! Day 40414, 18:11:36: LowKeyFPV demolished a 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection'! Day 40414, 18:31:29: LowKeyFPV demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 40450, 07:51:14: Haggis - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 113 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 40450, 08:09:41: Haggis - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon)'! Day 40990, 19:25:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40990, 19:25:31: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41062, 07:20:49: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41115, 18:13:20: liz - Lvl 47 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 272 (Argentavis)'! Day 41115, 18:16:58: liz - Lvl 47 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 227 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 41115, 18:18:39: liz - Lvl 47 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'woot - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41115, 18:21:44: liz - Lvl 47 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 226 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 41348, 02:34:09: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41348, 02:34:09: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41348, 02:34:09: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41657, 16:07:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1435626120,"tribe":"XX SHADOW BOYS XX logs":["Day 29518, 09:58:26: Razer was added to the Tribe! Day 29518, 10:31:52: Evelynn added 'Tribe of Razer' Tribe to DODOs Alliance! Day 29518, 13:50:20: Razer claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 248 (Parasaur)'! Day 29519, 07:29:52: Tribemember Razer - Lvl 15 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60! Day 29519, 08:22:12: Tribemember Razer - Lvl 15 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100! Day 29519, 09:48:07: Tribemember Razer - Lvl 15 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 130! Day 29519, 10:01:00: Tribemember Razer - Lvl 15 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100! Day 29519, 10:37:56: Tribemember Razer - Lvl 15 was killed! Day 29519, 11:04:55: Tribemember Razer - Lvl 15 was killed! Day 29519, 11:20:51: Tribemember Razer - Lvl 15 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 130! Day 29523, 16:49:24: Razer Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 19 (Triceratops)! Day 29524, 10:03:35: Razer Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 200 (Dilophosaur)! Day 29543, 16:29:42: Razer Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 64 (Pteranodon)! Day 29543, 16:33:51: Razer Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 29543, 23:06:12: Razer claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 29544, 06:02:09: Razer Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 29544, 09:36:49: Razer claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 64 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29561, 05:20:30: Razer claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 29561, 12:21:07: Razer claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29561, 13:37:45: Razer Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 127 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 29561, 18:18:46: Your ezze - Lvl 76 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 130! Day 29567, 06:11:03: Tribemember Razer - Lvl 51 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 95! Day 29567, 08:24:58: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 71 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 15! Day 29567, 08:36:34: Tribemember Razer - Lvl 51 was killed! Day 29567, 10:09:57: Tribemember Razer - Lvl 51 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 15! Day 29567, 10:20:49: Razer claimed 'Ben - Lvl 121 (Triceratops)'! Day 29567, 10:22:05: Razer claimed 'Connie - Lvl 79 (Carbonemys)'! Day 29567, 10:42:17: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 109 (Pteranodon)! Day 29567, 13:10:55: Razer claimed 'Ben - Lvl 172 (Dodo)'! Day 29567, 16:37:48: Razer claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 90 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29586, 07:20:10: Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 90 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 29586, 21:11:11: Razer claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 86 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29588, 11:58:42: Razer claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 71 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29609, 14:46:28: Razer claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 96 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29609, 14:55:04: Razer claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 73 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29611, 18:01:27: Razer claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 76 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29612, 14:03:54: Razer claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 172 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 29612, 14:11:54: Razer froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 172 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29612, 21:54:21: Razer froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 172 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29613, 02:08:38: Razer froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 172 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29616, 07:20:19: Razer froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 172 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29616, 07:26:53: Razer froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 172 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29616, 07:31:29: Razer froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 172 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29616, 16:50:04: Razer froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 172 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29616, 22:19:44: Razer froze kitty - Lvl 46 (Pteranodon) Day 29617, 08:19:45: Razer froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 172 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29617, 09:54:45: Razer froze Pteranodon - Lvl 76 (Pteranodon) Day 29617, 10:05:31: Razer froze Pteranodon - Lvl 103 (Pteranodon) Day 29617, 10:17:13: Razer froze grumble - Lvl 81 (Pteranodon) Day 29617, 10:53:08: Razer froze Connie - Lvl 88 (Carbonemys) Day 29617, 10:58:12: Razer froze Pteranodon - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon) Day 29617, 11:09:45: Razer froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 142 (Lystrosaurus) Day 29617, 11:14:11: Razer froze Ben - Lvl 181 (Dodo) Day 29617, 11:21:24: Razer froze Thook - Lvl 219 (Dilophosaur) Day 29617, 15:24:36: Razer froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 172 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29619, 00:49:30: Razer froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 172 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29619, 10:03:55: Razer froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 172 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29619, 10:51:49: Razer froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 179 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29619, 11:04:25: Razer froze Pteranodon - Lvl 122 (Pteranodon) Day 29619, 11:14:51: Razer froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 179 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29632, 13:57:19: Razer froze Pteranodon - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon) Day 29632, 14:16:05: Razer froze Pteranodon - Lvl 88 (Pteranodon) Day 29632, 16:36:15: Tribemember Razer - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 29633, 06:26:14: Tribemember Razer - Lvl 79 was killed! Day 29633, 07:08:21: Tribemember Razer - Lvl 80 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 20! Day 29633, 09:20:14: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 129 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 29633, 09:20:23: Tribemember Razer - Lvl 80 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 29633, 17:45:52: Razer froze grumble - Lvl 86 (Pteranodon) Day 29633, 19:30:50: Tribemember Razer - Lvl 81 was killed! Day 29634, 02:01:43: Tribemember Razer - Lvl 81 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 25! Day 29795, 07:35:43: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29935, 22:40:03: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29935, 22:40:03: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30245, 18:28:52: Osas - Lvl 126 (Tribe of AN7HONYCT) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 231 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 30246, 05:46:25: Tribemember Razer - Lvl 81 was killed! Day 30420, 00:51:18: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thook - Lvl 219 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 30420, 00:52:02: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 86 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30420, 00:53:43: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'kitty - Lvl 46 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30420, 00:58:05: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tricky - Lvl 35 (Triceratops)'! Day 30420, 00:59:01: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ben - Lvl 129 (Triceratops)'! Day 30420, 00:59:41: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Connie - Lvl 88 (Carbonemys)'! Day 30420, 01:00:19: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ben - Lvl 181 (Dodo)'! Day 30420, 01:01:29: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 73 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30420, 01:02:41: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 103 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30420, 01:03:50: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 269 (Parasaur)'! Day 30420, 01:19:43: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 97 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30420, 01:22:46: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 142 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 30420, 01:54:20: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30563, 12:49:47: Davies - Lvl 7 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 30601, 10:25:09: Stenhouse - Lvl 4 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 30708, 19:52:14: my first - Lvl 31 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 30810, 04:51:07: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30840, 19:43:03: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 145!"] "tribeid":1435610102,"tribe":"FUKBOI logs":["Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34904, 03:20:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35819, 23:37:19: Your Procoptodon - Lvl 22 (Procoptodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 36201, 16:21:16: Procoptodon - Lvl 29 (Procoptodon) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1432019801,"tribe":"Plemię BRAJANEK logs":["Day 30394, 12:51:28: BRAJANEK was added to the Tribe! Day 30394, 19:35:45: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 30394, 20:44:27: BRAJANEK claimed 'Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek)'! Day 30420, 17:47:39: Tribemember BRAJANEK - Lvl 45 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 30691, 23:07:57: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30776, 08:42:07: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 31104, 06:54:35: Your Equus - Lvl 90 (Equus) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 31150, 20:08:58: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 45! Day 31563, 18:44:00: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32805, 09:36:33: kokow22 - Lvl 141 (Impulse) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek)'!"] "tribeid":1430544339,"tribe":"Tribe of syntec logs":["Day 25117, 11:17:52: syntec was added to the Tribe! Day 25320, 19:51:48: Tribemember syntec - Lvl 2 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100!"] "tribeid":1430008731,"tribe":"Tribe of Swift. logs":["Day 23424, 11:45:55: Swift. Tamed a Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)! Day 23424, 11:51:00: Swift. froze Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 23424, 16:37:01: Swift. claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 23425, 17:22:18: Swift. froze Rex - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 23425, 17:25:30: Swift. froze Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 23425, 17:40:09: Swift. froze Rex - Lvl 240 (Rex) Day 23425, 17:43:23: Swift. froze Rex - Lvl 277 (Rex) Day 23425, 17:49:18: Swift. froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 23425, 17:55:35: Swift. froze Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) Day 23426, 19:07:05: Swift. froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 23426, 19:10:52: Swift. froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 23444, 23:55:13: Swift. uploaded a R-Snow Owl: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 246 Day 23446, 02:16:35: Swift. downloaded a dino: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 231 Day 23468, 14:34:30: Swift. uploaded a R-Snow Owl: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 247 Day 23470, 20:32:34: Swift. downloaded a dino: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 239 Day 23471, 00:17:21: Swift. downloaded a dino: Managarmr - Lvl 127 Day 23471, 00:23:34: Swift. froze Managarmr - Lvl 127 (Managarmr) Day 23471, 00:26:15: Swift. downloaded a dino: Managarmr - Lvl 52 Day 23471, 00:33:24: Swift. froze Managarmr - Lvl 52 (Managarmr) Day 23471, 00:56:10: Swift. froze Managarmr - Lvl 52 (Managarmr) Day 23471, 01:09:18: Swift. froze Managarmr - Lvl 127 (Managarmr) Day 23472, 23:32:32: Swift. claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 23473, 10:21:20: TarGeT froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Ice Wyvern) Day 23473, 10:27:43: TarGeT froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Ice Wyvern) Day 23473, 19:37:45: TarGeT froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Ice Wyvern) Day 23474, 06:39:57: TarGeT froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Ice Wyvern) Day 23475, 11:43:38: Tribemember Swift. - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23475, 11:43:53: Your R-Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (R-Snow Owl) was killed! Day 23475, 19:49:02: TarGeT froze Parasaur - Lvl 111 (Parasaur) Day 23486, 07:39:34: TarGeT claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 121 (Managarmr)'! Day 23486, 14:39:34: TarGeT froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 121 (Managarmr) Day 23494, 07:20:31: Swift. Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 212 (Megatherium)! Day 23494, 07:27:46: Swift. froze Megatherium - Lvl 212 (Megatherium) Day 23494, 16:52:23: Swift. claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 23494, 16:55:09: Swift. claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 238 (Rex)'! Day 23494, 19:20:28: Swift. froze Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 23495, 00:00:08: Swift. froze Megatherium - Lvl 233 (Megatherium) Day 23495, 00:30:39: Swift. froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 238 (Rex) Day 23495, 11:03:43: Swift. froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 231 (Rex) Day 23495, 11:12:19: Swift. froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 238 (Rex) Day 23495, 15:34:53: Swift. froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 231 (Rex) Day 23496, 16:41:10: Swift. froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 238 (Rex) Day 23496, 21:45:38: Swift. froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 231 (Rex) Day 23496, 21:51:58: Swift. froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 238 (Rex) Day 23497, 03:21:08: Swift. claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 211 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 23498, 22:17:26: Swift. froze Doedicurus - Lvl 242 (Doedicurus) Day 23499, 09:29:27: TarGeT demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 23499, 12:53:56: Swift. froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 240 (Therizinosaur) Day 23499, 12:54:19: TarGeT Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo)! Day 23499, 13:15:09: Swift. froze Rex - Lvl 260 (Rex) Day 23499, 13:18:20: Swift. froze Rex - Lvl 247 (Rex) Day 23499, 13:33:50: Swift. froze Rex - Lvl 247 (Rex) Day 23499, 13:37:04: Swift. froze Rex - Lvl 259 (Rex) Day 23499, 13:44:23: Swift. froze Rex - Lvl 238 (Rex) Day 23499, 13:48:00: Swift. froze Rex - Lvl 231 (Rex) Day 23499, 13:57:27: Swift. froze Managarmr - Lvl 85 (Managarmr) Day 23499, 14:03:26: Swift. froze Managarmr - Lvl 177 (Managarmr) Day 23499, 14:12:19: Swift. froze Managarmr - Lvl 121 (Managarmr) Day 23499, 14:21:52: Swift. froze Argentavis -_- - Lvl 296 (Argentavis) Day 23499, 14:29:56: Swift. froze Megatherium - Lvl 236 (Megatherium) Day 23499, 15:09:49: Swift. froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 273 (Tek Parasaur) Day 23500, 01:38:35: TarGeT froze Parasaur - Lvl 113 (Parasaur) Day 23500, 01:48:53: TarGeT froze Parasaur - Lvl 113 (Parasaur) Day 23500, 01:54:01: TarGeT froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 259 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23500, 02:10:56: TarGeT froze Swift - Lvl 194 (Parasaur) Day 23500, 02:25:20: TarGeT froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 266 (Griffin) Day 23500, 02:36:33: TarGeT froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 132 (Ice Wyvern) Day 23500, 02:44:27: TarGeT froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 247 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23502, 07:19:50: Swift. demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 23502, 07:20:37: Swift. demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 23502, 07:22:21: Swift. demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 23504, 12:50:53: Swift. uploaded a R-Snow Owl: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 276 Day 23504, 12:52:40: TarGeT uploaded a R-Snow Owl: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 232 Day 23505, 07:24:17: TarGeT downloaded a dino: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 233 Day 23505, 07:32:29: Swift. downloaded a dino: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 245 Day 23506, 00:14:17: Swift. Tamed a Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)! Day 23506, 00:21:53: Swift. froze Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 23506, 01:32:51: TarGeT froze Rex - Lvl 252 (Rex) Day 23506, 01:36:26: Swift. froze Megatherium - Lvl 240 (Megatherium) Day 23506, 01:37:14: TarGeT froze Rex - Lvl 263 (Rex) Day 23506, 01:41:25: TarGeT froze Rex - Lvl 241 (Rex) Day 23506, 01:54:04: Swift. froze Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 23506, 01:58:17: Swift. froze Megatherium - Lvl 240 (Megatherium) Day 23506, 02:03:02: TarGeT froze Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 23506, 02:10:14: Swift. froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23506, 02:13:05: TarGeT froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 250 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23506, 02:18:27: TarGeT froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 235 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23506, 02:28:59: TarGeT froze Argentavis -_- - Lvl 297 (Argentavis) Day 23506, 02:41:07: TarGeT froze Rex - Lvl 261 (Rex) Day 23506, 02:48:53: TarGeT froze Megalodon - Lvl 275 (Megalodon) Day 23506, 02:56:24: TarGeT froze Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex) Day 23506, 08:20:41: TarGeT froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 267 (Griffin) Day 23506, 08:23:56: TarGeT froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23506, 08:28:07: TarGeT froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 146 (Ice Wyvern) Day 23506, 08:36:33: TarGeT froze Managarmr - Lvl 137 (Managarmr) Day 23506, 08:41:39: TarGeT froze Managarmr - Lvl 180 (Managarmr) Day 23506, 08:45:35: TarGeT froze Managarmr - Lvl 90 (Managarmr) Day 23506, 08:49:59: Swift. froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 259 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23506, 08:53:00: TarGeT froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 249 (Therizinosaur) Day 23506, 08:56:42: TarGeT froze Doedicurus - Lvl 246 (Doedicurus) Day 23506, 09:00:02: TarGeT froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 280 (Tek Parasaur) Day 23506, 09:06:22: TarGeT froze Parasaur - Lvl 120 (Parasaur) Day 23506, 09:09:42: TarGeT froze Swift - Lvl 195 (Parasaur) Day 23506, 09:14:44: TarGeT froze hi - Lvl 86 (Dodo) Day 23506, 10:33:36: Swift. froze Megatherium - Lvl 224 (Megatherium) Day 23506, 10:36:56: Swift. froze Megatherium - Lvl 240 (Megatherium) Day 23506, 12:59:27: Swift. froze hi - Lvl 86 (Dodo) Day 23506, 20:02:29: TarGeT froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 235 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23507, 17:07:01: TarGeT uploaded a R-Snow Owl: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 272 Day 23508, 11:03:16: TarGeT downloaded a dino: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 264 Day 23508, 13:40:24: TarGeT froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 272 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23508, 14:38:52: TarGeT froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 227 (R-Megatherium) Day 23509, 06:47:15: TarGeT froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 267 (Griffin) Day 23519, 11:04:07: Tribemember Swift. - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23519, 12:14:25: Swift. froze Megatherium - Lvl 253 (Megatherium) Day 23519, 12:17:58: Swift. froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 249 (R-Megatherium) Day 23519, 12:21:23: Swift. froze Megatherium - Lvl 245 (Megatherium) Day 23519, 15:21:08: Swift. froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 290 (Tek Parasaur) Day 23521, 15:44:22: Swift. uploaded a R-Snow Owl: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 272 Day 23522, 02:58:02: Swift. downloaded a dino: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 264 Day 23522, 06:53:43: Swift. froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 275 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23522, 10:27:18: Swift. froze Velonasaur - Lvl 179 (Velonasaur) Day 23526, 10:38:00: TarGeT froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 256 (R-Megatherium) Day 23527, 07:08:33: Tribemember TarGeT - Lvl 100 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 50! Day 23527, 09:35:24: TarGeT demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 23527, 09:36:31: TarGeT demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 23527, 17:31:52: TarGeT Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 224 (Megatherium)! Day 23527, 17:37:01: TarGeT froze Megatherium - Lvl 224 (Megatherium) Day 23527, 21:29:38: TarGeT froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 276 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23527, 21:40:53: TarGeT froze Megatherium - Lvl 224 (Megatherium) Day 23527, 22:08:00: TarGeT froze Megatherium - Lvl 227 (Megatherium) Day 23573, 08:24:02: TarGeT froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 307 (Tek Parasaur) Day 23573, 11:36:10: TarGeT froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 164 (Ice Wyvern) Day 23573, 12:23:09: TarGeT froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 276 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23573, 12:50:29: TarGeT froze Megatherium - Lvl 275 (Megatherium) Day 23573, 14:25:43: TarGeT froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 268 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23573, 14:30:35: TarGeT froze Megatherium - Lvl 277 (Megatherium) Day 23573, 14:55:01: TarGeT froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 273 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23573, 15:18:52: TarGeT froze Megalodon - Lvl 286 (Megalodon) Day 23573, 15:54:34: TarGeT froze Doedicurus - Lvl 257 (Doedicurus) Day 23576, 19:09:08: TarGeT froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 307 (Tek Parasaur) Day 23576, 21:46:58: TarGeT froze hi - Lvl 136 (Dodo) Day 23577, 00:50:29: TarGeT froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 278 (Griffin) Day 23577, 01:33:44: TarGeT froze Megatherium - Lvl 278 (Megatherium) Day 23577, 02:04:01: TarGeT froze Argentavis -_- - Lvl 309 (Argentavis) Day 23577, 02:38:17: TarGeT froze Managarmr - Lvl 117 (Managarmr) Day 23577, 03:12:52: TarGeT froze Managarmr - Lvl 196 (Managarmr) Day 23577, 03:51:52: TarGeT froze Managarmr - Lvl 183 (Managarmr) Day 23577, 08:50:29: TarGeT froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 268 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23623, 00:45:22: Tribemember Swift. - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23623, 06:32:33: Swift. froze Velonasaur - Lvl 231 (Velonasaur) Day 23623, 08:16:33: Swift. froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 293 (R-Megatherium) Day 23623, 08:25:36: Swift. froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 293 (R-Megatherium) Day 23623, 08:30:39: Swift. froze Megatherium - Lvl 290 (Megatherium) Day 23623, 08:39:48: Swift. froze Megatherium - Lvl 283 (Megatherium) Day 23623, 08:45:03: Swift. froze Megatherium - Lvl 286 (Megatherium) Day 23623, 10:00:01: Swift. uploaded a R-Snow Owl: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 291 Day 23623, 21:40:01: Swift. downloaded a dino: Velonasaur - Lvl 209 Day 23623, 21:40:51: Swift. downloaded a dino: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 266 Day 23623, 22:16:54: Swift. froze Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (Velonasaur) Day 23624, 02:44:52: Swift. claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 191 (Velonasaur)'! Day 23624, 05:58:32: Swift. froze Managarmr - Lvl 191 (Managarmr) Day 23624, 06:04:49: Swift. froze Managarmr - Lvl 125 (Managarmr) Day 23624, 06:10:19: Swift. froze Managarmr - Lvl 204 (Managarmr) Day 23624, 08:18:06: Swift. froze Juvenile Velonasaur - Lvl 191 (Velonasaur) Day 23624, 10:27:50: Swift. froze Rex - Lvl 301 (Rex) Day 23624, 10:31:19: Swift. froze Rex - Lvl 308 (Rex) Day 23624, 10:37:50: Swift. froze Rex - Lvl 308 (Rex) Day 23624, 10:41:23: Swift. froze Rex - Lvl 297 (Rex) Day 23624, 10:44:39: Swift. froze Rex - Lvl 296 (Rex) Day 23624, 11:49:30: Swift. froze Rex - Lvl 293 (Rex) Day 23624, 11:52:52: Swift. froze Rex - Lvl 298 (Rex) Day 23624, 12:27:31: Swift. froze Velonasaur - Lvl 231 (Velonasaur) Day 23624, 18:30:13: Swift. froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 281 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23624, 18:36:19: Swift. froze Argentavis -_- - Lvl 311 (Argentavis) Day 23624, 21:43:28: Swift. froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 281 (Therizinosaur) Day 23624, 22:34:27: TarGeT froze Velonasaur - Lvl 231 (Velonasaur) Day 23624, 22:37:46: Swift. froze Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (Velonasaur) Day 23625, 00:54:18: Swift. froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 281 (Therizinosaur) Day 23625, 03:23:13: Swift. froze Doedicurus - Lvl 257 (Doedicurus) Day 23625, 08:03:09: Swift. froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 281 (Therizinosaur) Day 23625, 09:09:48: TarGeT froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 281 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23625, 21:04:43: Tribemember TarGeT - Lvl 102 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 110! Day 23625, 21:05:42: Tribemember Swift. - Lvl 121 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 190! Day 23625, 22:15:56: Tribemember Swift. - Lvl 121 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 95! Day 23626, 19:21:52: Tribemember TarGeT - Lvl 103 was killed by a Yutyrannus - Lvl 145! Day 23637, 12:55:52: Swift. froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 281 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23917, 14:15:54: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23917, 14:15:54: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23917, 14:15:54: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 05:52:00: Ross - Lvl 67 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 277 (Rex)'! Day 24099, 05:52:48: Ross - Lvl 67 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 249 (Rex)'! Day 24099, 05:53:17: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex)'! Day 24099, 05:54:26: ChimTea - Lvl 25 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 24099, 05:59:06: Ross - Lvl 67 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 240 (Rex)'! Day 24099, 06:08:14: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex)'! Day 24106, 09:32:17: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24224, 10:33:03: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24260, 13:17:32: Ross - Lvl 85 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 281 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24260, 13:18:29: Ross - Lvl 85 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 266 (Doedicurus)'! Day 24260, 13:19:47: Ross - Lvl 85 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 292 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 24260, 13:21:04: Ross - Lvl 85 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 199 (Velonasaur)'! Day 24260, 13:24:53: Ross - Lvl 85 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 277 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 24260, 15:30:05: Ross - Lvl 86 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'hi - Lvl 144 (Dodo)'! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24507, 22:22:26: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24673, 07:28:45: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24791, 10:23:46: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27822, 06:29:29: pipin - Lvl 15 (Tribe of pipin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 31450, 11:28:04: Tribemember Swift. - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 32584, 06:02:54: Swift. Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)! Day 32633, 10:43:15: Swift. Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 134 (Parasaur)! Day 32657, 08:24:35: Swift. Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)! Day 32657, 08:39:22: Swift. unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon)'! Day 32791, 12:51:30: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32886, 02:13:59: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32933, 09:09:42: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32957, 00:30:10: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33064, 03:22:17: Your Parasaur - Lvl 140 (Parasaur) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 145! Day 33300, 12:17:28: haythem - Lvl 127 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)'! Day 33524, 01:15:12: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36552, 21:11:51: Tribemember Swift. - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 36553, 07:31:40: Swift. Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 137 (Parasaur)! Day 36553, 20:40:14: Swift. Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)! Day 36554, 07:20:25: Swift. Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)! Day 36576, 15:19:29: TarGeT Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 134 (Parasaur)! Day 36578, 13:16:47: Swift. Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 36580, 13:03:27: Swift. Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)! Day 36580, 15:18:26: TarGeT unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 213 (Pteranodon)'! Day 36580, 15:30:41: TarGeT claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 213 (Pteranodon)'! Day 36580, 15:45:59: Swift. unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 213 (Pteranodon)'! Day 36580, 16:40:56: Swift. unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon)'! Day 36580, 17:01:59: Swift. claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon)'! Day 36580, 17:10:58: Swift. unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon)'! Day 36648, 05:16:08: Your Parasaur - Lvl 141 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 36732, 20:37:50: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36875, 13:54:40: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37137, 04:13:51: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37702, 12:25:45: Your Parasaur - Lvl 142 (Parasaur) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 37755, 08:48:38: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37861, 19:17:23: Tribemember TarGeT - Lvl 104 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 37861, 20:51:09: Tribemember Swift. - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 37962, 16:55:44: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 222 (Argentavis)'! Day 40548, 10:59:07: Haggis - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 216 (Argentavis)'!"] "tribeid":1424267604,"tribe":"Titans logs":["Day 29091, 20:45:58: Diana was added to the Tribe! Day 29091, 21:49:09: Diana demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 29091, 21:50:40: Diana demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 29091, 22:34:27: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29091, 22:35:29: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29091, 22:36:46: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29091, 22:38:19: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29091, 22:40:38: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29091, 22:47:37: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29091, 23:21:57: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29091, 23:23:06: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29091, 23:24:12: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29091, 23:25:11: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29091, 23:26:52: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29091, 23:28:41: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29091, 23:29:55: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29091, 23:31:03: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29091, 23:32:50: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 00:46:50: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 00:47:59: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 00:48:58: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 00:49:55: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 00:50:46: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 00:52:05: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 00:53:04: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 00:54:01: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 00:55:36: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 00:56:52: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 01:01:07: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 01:02:04: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 01:03:03: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 01:04:00: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 02:19:01: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 02:20:15: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 02:23:26: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 02:24:30: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 02:27:24: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 02:29:12: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 02:30:34: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 02:32:05: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 02:33:08: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 02:34:13: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 02:35:23: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 02:43:32: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 02:44:31: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 02:45:26: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 02:46:25: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 02:49:15: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 02:51:38: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 02:57:16: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 03:08:53: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 03:10:30: Diana demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29092, 10:13:05: Diana demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 29092, 19:07:18: Diana Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)! Day 29092, 19:45:13: Diana uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 135 Day 29105, 08:06:22: Diana downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 130 Day 29105, 08:07:46: Diana uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 130 Day 29112, 16:09:51: Diana downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 130 Day 29113, 14:56:01: Diana Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 217 (Raptor)! Day 29113, 20:05:57: Diana Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 224 (Raptor)! Day 29114, 04:35:49: Diana Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 29 (Mesopithecus)! Day 29114, 05:40:14: Diana demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29306, 08:14:27: Tribemember Diana - Lvl 61 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 29306, 08:15:01: Your Crinutza <3 - Lvl 29 (Mesopithecus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 29306, 08:21:58: Your Ionut <3 - Lvl 250 (Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 29306, 09:01:28: Tribemember Diana - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 30172, 02:06:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30236, 04:00:40: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30236, 04:02:53: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Crinutza <3 - Lvl 257 (Raptor)'!"] "tribeid":1422314327,"tribe":"Axolotl Pond logs":["Day 13934, 11:07:06: Axelotl was added to the Tribe! Day 13936, 17:38:22: Tribemember Axelotl - Lvl 63 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 85! Day 13936, 18:50:24: Your Emmit Otterton - Lvl 133 (Otter) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 45 | 0.9x! Day 13938, 05:39:09: Your Ms. Beaks - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 13938, 05:41:54: Tribemember Axelotl - Lvl 65 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 13938, 08:14:46: Axelotl Tamed an Equus - Lvl 209 (Equus)! Day 13938, 12:38:24: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Equus - Lvl 213 (Equus)'! Day 13938, 14:58:34: Your Juvenile Equus - Lvl 213 (Equus) was killed! Day 13938, 14:58:34: Juvenile Equus - Lvl 213 (Equus) starved to death! Day 13939, 07:23:40: Your Pesky Bird - Lvl 245 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 13939, 07:23:57: Tribemember Axelotl - Lvl 67 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 13939, 12:08:33: Your 'Power Generator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13939, 12:08:51: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13939, 12:08:51: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was destroyed! Day 13939, 12:08:51: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13939, 12:12:01: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13939, 12:12:01: Your 'Fabricator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13939, 12:12:40: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13939, 12:14:30: Your 'Refrigerator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13939, 12:16:29: Your get neigh neigh'd - Lvl 238 (Equus) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 13939, 12:19:40: Tribemember Axelotl - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 13939, 12:58:04: Your Mr. Neigh - Lvl 215 (Equus) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 13939, 13:31:21: Axelotl Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 13939, 18:29:17: Axelotl Tamed an Equus - Lvl 194 (Equus)! Day 13939, 20:18:28: Axelotl Tamed an Equus - Lvl 224 (Equus)! Day 13947, 13:48:50: Tribemember Axelotl - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 13947, 15:47:09: Tribemember Axelotl - Lvl 69 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 130! Day 13947, 17:54:23: Your Equus - Lvl 199 (Equus) was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 130! Day 13947, 17:55:08: Tribemember Axelotl - Lvl 69 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 13950, 06:30:05: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 13950, 06:44:25: Axelotl Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 13951, 11:01:10: Axelotl demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13951, 11:01:36: Axelotl demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13951, 11:02:00: Axelotl demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13951, 11:02:46: Axelotl demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13951, 11:03:28: Axelotl demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13951, 11:03:57: Axelotl demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13951, 11:04:25: Axelotl demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13951, 11:05:03: Axelotl demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13951, 11:05:27: Axelotl demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13951, 11:05:58: Axelotl demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13951, 11:06:27: Axelotl demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13951, 11:07:03: Axelotl demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13951, 11:07:31: Axelotl demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13951, 11:08:07: Axelotl demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13951, 11:08:33: Axelotl demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13951, 11:08:55: Axelotl demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13951, 11:09:27: Axelotl demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13951, 11:09:52: Axelotl demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13951, 16:56:54: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 150 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13953, 12:02:50: Axelotl Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)! Day 13964, 05:59:23: Tribemember Axelotl - Lvl 78 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 13964, 14:02:33: Tribemember Axelotl - Lvl 80 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 13964, 14:11:55: Tribemember Axelotl - Lvl 80 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 13965, 05:39:53: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13965, 21:39:08: Tribemember Axelotl - Lvl 84 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190! Day 13967, 11:08:31: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 13979, 06:18:28: Axelotl Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 224 (Raptor)! Day 13979, 06:22:51: Axelotl froze Raptor - Lvl 224 (Raptor) Day 13979, 10:30:33: Axelotl Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 13979, 15:48:40: Axelotl froze Raptor - Lvl 224 (Raptor) Day 13981, 12:08:10: Axelotl Tamed an Otter - Lvl 215 (Otter)! Day 13981, 12:14:32: Axelotl froze Jay - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 13982, 06:10:18: Axelotl Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 224 (Megalodon)! Day 13982, 06:13:25: Axelotl froze Megalodon - Lvl 224 (Megalodon) Day 13990, 12:21:02: Axelotl uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Pyro - Lvl 218 Day 13991, 08:48:25: Axelotl downloaded a dino: Pyro - Lvl 237 Day 13992, 20:46:25: Axelotl uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Pyro - Lvl 238 Day 13993, 15:54:29: Axelotl downloaded a dino: Pyro - Lvl 239 Day 14004, 16:16:47: Tribemember Axelotl - Lvl 99 was killed! Day 14006, 22:30:10: Axelotl Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 224 (Phiomia)! Day 14006, 22:39:50: Axelotl froze Phiomia - Lvl 224 (Phiomia) Day 14021, 04:08:38: Axelotl uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Pyro - Lvl 252 Day 14023, 17:25:12: Axelotl downloaded a dino: Pyro - Lvl 252 Day 14032, 11:04:30: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 216 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 85! Day 14035, 00:06:59: Axelotl Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 224 (Dire Bear)! Day 14035, 00:16:01: Axelotl froze Dire Bear - Lvl 224 (Dire Bear) Day 14036, 16:42:12: Axelotl froze [150] Baloo - Lvl 224 (Dire Bear) Day 14036, 18:27:43: Axelotl froze [150] Baloo - Lvl 224 (Dire Bear) Day 14036, 19:38:18: Axelotl froze [150] Baloo - Lvl 224 (Dire Bear) Day 14038, 09:18:26: Tribemember Axelotl - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 14050, 17:25:12: Axelotl uploaded a Equus: Ms. Neigh - Lvl 259 Day 14064, 13:42:54: Axelotl downloaded a dino: Ms. Neigh - Lvl 259 Day 14064, 13:43:24: Axelotl downloaded a dino: [168] Love You 3000 - Lvl 254 Day 14064, 13:46:11: Axelotl froze [168] Love You 3000 - Lvl 254 (Tek Raptor) Day 14064, 13:50:12: Axelotl froze [168] Love You 3000 - Lvl 254 (Tek Raptor) Day 14064, 13:54:12: Axelotl froze [168] Love You 3000 - Lvl 254 (Tek Raptor) Day 14064, 13:56:24: Axelotl froze Ms. Neigh - Lvl 259 (Equus) Day 14064, 16:42:30: Axelotl uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Pyro - Lvl 254 Day 14075, 15:47:42: Axelotl downloaded a dino: Pyro - Lvl 257 Day 14078, 21:47:20: Axelotl Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo)! Day 14078, 21:52:37: Axelotl froze Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo) Day 14078, 22:31:30: Axelotl Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo)! Day 14078, 22:37:32: Axelotl froze Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo) Day 14078, 23:00:00: Axelotl Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 216 (Dodo)! Day 14078, 23:05:23: Axelotl froze Dodo - Lvl 216 (Dodo) Day 14078, 23:30:11: Axelotl Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur)! Day 14078, 23:36:06: Axelotl froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur) Day 14079, 00:34:55: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 194 (Dodo)! Day 14079, 00:59:55: Axelotl froze Dodo - Lvl 194 (Dodo) Day 14079, 01:15:52: Axelotl Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 89 (Dilophosaur)! Day 14079, 01:53:11: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 192 (Dilophosaur)! Day 14079, 03:30:35: Axelotl froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 89 (Dilophosaur) Day 14079, 03:37:01: Axelotl froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 192 (Dilophosaur) Day 14079, 03:49:43: Axelotl Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo)! Day 14079, 04:18:14: Axelotl froze Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo) Day 14079, 04:33:34: Axelotl Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 207 (Dodo)! Day 14079, 04:39:35: Axelotl froze Dodo - Lvl 207 (Dodo) Day 14085, 07:21:44: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14085, 10:02:44: Axelotl froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 14085, 12:19:34: Axelotl froze Juvenile Blackbird - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 14085, 12:35:16: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14085, 12:41:00: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14085, 14:50:59: Axelotl froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 14085, 14:54:33: Axelotl froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 14085, 17:12:41: Axelotl froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 14086, 06:46:34: Axelotl uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Pyro - Lvl 258 Day 14088, 08:11:08: Axelotl uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 253 Day 14095, 22:11:21: Emmit Otterton 2.0 - Lvl 215 (Otter) starved to death! Day 14095, 22:31:54: Axelotl uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 252 Day 14096, 04:27:52: Axelotl downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 252 Day 14096, 04:28:41: Axelotl downloaded a dino: Pyro - Lvl 260 Day 14097, 11:59:54: Axelotl froze Jay - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 14097, 12:03:35: Axelotl froze Pyro - Lvl 261 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14098, 06:37:54: Axelotl froze Pyro - Lvl 263 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14098, 10:57:03: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14098, 10:57:30: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14098, 15:25:14: Axelotl froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 14098, 15:27:12: Axelotl froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 14098, 15:33:16: Axelotl froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 14098, 20:00:11: Axelotl froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 14099, 05:00:31: Axelotl froze [145] - Lvl 158 (Deinonychus) Day 14099, 05:11:47: Axelotl froze [145] - Lvl 158 (Deinonychus) Day 14099, 05:34:45: Axelotl froze Pyro - Lvl 264 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14123, 14:03:48: Axelotl demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 14124, 10:37:54: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14179, 15:06:34: Axelotl froze Pyro - Lvl 267 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14182, 09:20:04: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 161 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14182, 09:20:29: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14182, 09:21:40: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14182, 11:34:14: Axelotl froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus) Day 14182, 11:36:29: Axelotl froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 14182, 13:46:29: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14182, 13:46:54: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14182, 13:47:19: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14182, 15:19:26: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14182, 15:19:51: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14182, 15:22:27: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14182, 15:22:49: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14182, 16:13:02: Axelotl froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 14182, 17:39:44: Axelotl froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 14182, 18:34:35: Axelotl froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus) Day 14182, 22:34:24: Axelotl froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 14183, 15:43:28: Axelotl Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 14183, 15:46:18: Axelotl froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 14184, 07:17:15: Axelotl Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 224 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 14184, 07:28:01: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 224 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 100! Day 14184, 08:10:08: Axelotl Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 217 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 14184, 08:12:14: Axelotl froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 217 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 14193, 02:25:55: Axelotl froze Pyro - Lvl 270 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14209, 07:42:50: Axelotl froze Pyro - Lvl 270 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14211, 13:12:48: Axelotl froze Pyro - Lvl 272 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14211, 17:14:33: Axelotl froze Pyro - Lvl 272 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14222, 08:57:21: Axelotl froze Pteranodon - Lvl 250 (Pteranodon) Day 14222, 09:26:20: Axelotl froze Pyro - Lvl 272 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14235, 15:55:22: Your Jay - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 14235, 15:55:33: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 60 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 14235, 15:57:09: Your Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 14235, 15:57:10: Your Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 14235, 16:02:56: Your Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 14235, 16:18:57: Your Ms. Neigh - Lvl 270 (Equus) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 14235, 16:26:54: Your Dodo - Lvl 216 (Dodo) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 14235, 16:46:19: Your 'Refrigerator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14235, 16:52:23: Tribemember Axelotl - Lvl 122 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 14235, 16:53:34: Your Pyro - Lvl 272 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 14268, 12:31:40: Your Dodo - Lvl 207 (Dodo) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 14268, 12:37:21: Your Dodo - Lvl 194 (Dodo) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 14308, 11:02:46: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 14308, 11:03:01: Your [140] - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14308, 11:03:32: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14308, 11:03:32: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14308, 11:04:29: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14308, 11:04:29: Your [150] Chikin - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14308, 11:04:29: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14308, 11:06:03: Your [150] Raggar-Ragnar - Lvl 230 (Raptor) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14308, 11:06:38: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14308, 11:06:38: Your [168] Love You 3000 - Lvl 254 (Tek Raptor) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14308, 11:06:41: Your [140] Blackbeard - Lvl 141 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14308, 11:06:56: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14308, 11:06:56: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14308, 11:07:32: Your [145] - Lvl 158 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14308, 11:10:09: Your Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 302 (Tek Stegosaurus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14308, 11:11:37: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14308, 11:13:36: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 89 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14308, 11:13:55: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 192 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14308, 11:14:12: Your Phiomia - Lvl 258 (Phiomia) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14308, 11:36:15: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14308, 17:37:42: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 158 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14308, 17:38:11: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14308, 17:38:35: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14308, 17:39:04: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14308, 19:47:03: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 158 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14308, 19:47:08: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14308, 19:47:08: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14308, 19:47:08: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14308, 20:22:05: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 137 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14308, 20:22:43: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 142 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14310, 08:42:15: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 137 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14349, 14:03:46: Axelotl Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 14350, 18:41:31: Axelotl Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 209 (Triceratops)! Day 14350, 18:43:56: Axelotl froze Triceratops - Lvl 209 (Triceratops) Day 14359, 11:41:44: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 156 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14359, 12:55:07: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 159 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14359, 12:55:36: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 159 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14359, 12:56:02: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14359, 12:57:53: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14359, 13:58:33: Axelotl froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 156 (Deinonychus) Day 14359, 15:13:28: Axelotl froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 159 (Deinonychus) Day 14359, 18:32:44: Axelotl froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 156 (Deinonychus) Day 14360, 00:33:41: Axelotl froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus) Day 14362, 10:17:10: Your 'Compost Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14362, 10:17:12: Your 'Compost Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14363, 01:01:12: Axelotl Tamed an Equus - Lvl 224 (Equus)! Day 14363, 01:24:04: Axelotl froze Equus - Lvl 224 (Equus) Day 14363, 22:46:12: Axelotl froze Pteranodon - Lvl 269 (Pteranodon) Day 14395, 16:37:00: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 150 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 14530, 05:29:25: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14530, 05:29:57: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14530, 05:30:21: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 161 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14530, 06:41:44: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 161 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14530, 06:42:08: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14530, 06:45:38: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 159 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14530, 06:46:06: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 161 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14530, 06:55:42: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14530, 07:17:58: Your Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 14530, 07:17:58: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14530, 08:01:47: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 169 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14530, 08:02:15: Axelotl claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14530, 09:15:31: Axelotl froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus) Day 14530, 09:57:53: Axelotl froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 161 (Deinonychus) Day 14530, 10:02:53: Axelotl froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 161 (Deinonychus) Day 14530, 13:33:22: Axelotl Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 269 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 14530, 14:12:35: Axelotl froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 269 (Tek Parasaur) Day 14703, 10:23:16: Your 'Water Well' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14735, 05:54:41: Axelotl's 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 269 (Tek Parasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 14768, 13:12:27: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14768, 15:46:24: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 269 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14768, 15:48:05: Your Equus - Lvl 224 (Equus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14768, 15:48:23: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14768, 15:48:23: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14768, 15:48:23: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14768, 15:48:47: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14768, 15:48:47: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 159 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14768, 15:49:25: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 159 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14768, 15:50:03: Your Argentavis - Lvl 244 (Argentavis) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14768, 15:52:25: Your [150] Alice - Lvl 273 (Allosaurus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14768, 15:54:47: Your Triceratops - Lvl 217 (Triceratops) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14768, 15:55:36: Your JayFeather - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 14792, 20:18:51: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 156 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14883, 05:20:04: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14883, 05:20:04: Your 'Stone Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14883, 05:20:04: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14972, 13:04:31: Teigan - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 15049, 04:50:59: Your 'Gravestone' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15049, 04:50:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15049, 04:50:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15215, 09:00:24: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15215, 09:00:24: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15215, 09:00:24: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15215, 09:00:24: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15215, 09:00:24: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15215, 09:00:24: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15215, 09:00:24: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17363, 12:48:37: Tribemember Axelotl - Lvl 122 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190! Day 30460, 07:07:19: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)'!"] "tribeid":1420395859,"tribe":"Zagubiona Pogarda logs":["Day 24021, 17:26:00: Penta was added to the Tribe! Day 24021, 17:27:59: Midir was added to the Tribe by Penta! Day 24021, 18:36:50: Midir Tamed an Equus - Lvl 22 (Equus)! Day 24021, 19:23:47: Midir Tamed an Equus - Lvl 202 (Equus)! Day 24021, 20:42:45: Your Equus - Lvl 22 (Equus) was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 145! Day 24021, 20:51:39: Your Equus - Lvl 32 (Equus) was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 145! Day 24021, 22:28:01: Penta Tamed an Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus)! Day 24021, 23:51:16: Penta Tamed an Equus - Lvl 134 (Equus)! Day 24022, 00:09:46: Midir uploaded a Equus: Equus - Lvl 207 Day 24022, 00:16:12: Penta uploaded a Equus: MyMiddiumPonny - Lvl 134 Day 24022, 00:17:26: Penta uploaded a Equus: Equus - Lvl 29 Day 24048, 20:12:26: Midir froze Pteranodon't - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon) Day 24049, 20:28:36: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 239 (Griffin) Day 24074, 08:58:17: Penta froze Siu! - Lvl 99 (Maewing) Day 24075, 02:41:33: Midir froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 48 (Brontosaurus) Day 24075, 04:07:43: Midir froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 49 (Brontosaurus) Day 24075, 08:09:52: Penta Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 192 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 24075, 08:53:04: Penta froze Pietka - Lvl 192 (Giganotosaurus) Day 24075, 09:17:17: Penta uploaded a Maewing: Kalibr - Lvl 226 Day 24075, 10:35:49: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 265 (Griffin) Day 24075, 15:30:34: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 266 (Griffin) Day 24075, 18:33:14: Penta froze Kalibr - Lvl 228 (Maewing) Day 24118, 12:22:17: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 281 (Griffin) Day 24143, 17:54:31: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 308 (Griffin) Day 24144, 12:28:33: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 310 (Griffin) Day 24144, 15:17:33: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 310 (Griffin) Day 24145, 14:48:26: Midir Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 217 (Dung Beetle)! Day 24145, 14:53:35: Midir froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 217 (Dung Beetle) Day 24145, 15:32:17: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 310 (Griffin) Day 24146, 12:29:23: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 310 (Griffin) Day 24147, 00:53:52: Penta froze Kalibr - Lvl 273 (Maewing) Day 24147, 01:06:07: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 313 (Griffin) Day 24148, 10:03:54: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 314 (Griffin) Day 24186, 13:00:31: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 315 (Griffin) Day 24494, 15:55:35: Midir froze Explorer - Lvl 286 (Megatherium) Day 24494, 16:07:08: Midir froze Flugzeug - Lvl 315 (Maewing) Day 24495, 15:42:21: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 308 (Griffin) Day 24522, 03:30:48: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 309 (Griffin) Day 24613, 11:49:28: Penta froze BIOMUTANT - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 24613, 12:17:21: Penta froze Kalibr - Lvl 283 (Maewing) Day 24613, 13:13:29: Penta froze Kalibr - Lvl 283 (Maewing) Day 24613, 20:07:28: Penta froze BIOMUTANT - Lvl 336 (Shadowmane) Day 24614, 10:24:28: Penta froze Judasz - Lvl 296 (Megatherium) Day 24614, 10:58:02: Penta froze Kalibr - Lvl 283 (Maewing) Day 24634, 12:11:34: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 327 (Griffin) Day 24645, 13:32:49: Midir froze Explorer - Lvl 321 (Megatherium) Day 24645, 14:01:38: Midir froze Milky way - Lvl 311 (Maewing) Day 24681, 17:00:23: Midir froze Mech - Lvl 318 (Maewing) Day 24682, 14:56:59: Midir froze Mech - Lvl 331 (Maewing) Day 24682, 15:01:30: Midir froze Explorer - Lvl 323 (Megatherium) Day 24684, 19:58:09: Penta froze BIOMUTANT - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) Day 24684, 20:02:06: Penta froze BIOMUTANT - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) Day 24684, 21:13:57: Penta froze BIOMUTANT - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) Day 24685, 00:35:59: Penta froze Kalibr - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 24728, 12:29:58: Midir froze Sheriff - Lvl 302 (Griffin) Day 24734, 03:01:08: Midir froze Sheriff - Lvl 303 (Griffin) Day 24734, 11:27:23: Midir froze Explorer - Lvl 331 (Megatherium) Day 24734, 13:34:18: Midir froze Explorer - Lvl 331 (Megatherium) Day 24734, 14:27:32: Midir froze Sheriff - Lvl 304 (Griffin) Day 24734, 17:23:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 24734, 20:20:54: Midir froze Giga - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 24734, 20:53:39: Midir froze Sheriff - Lvl 304 (Griffin) Day 24735, 19:56:02: Midir froze Sheriff - Lvl 304 (Griffin) Day 24736, 00:36:56: Midir froze Sheriff - Lvl 304 (Griffin) Day 24736, 11:45:55: Midir froze Sheriff - Lvl 304 (Griffin) Day 24737, 17:06:44: Midir froze Sheriff - Lvl 304 (Griffin) Day 24738, 17:30:19: Midir froze Sheriff - Lvl 305 (Griffin) Day 24756, 12:59:02: Midir froze Sheriff - Lvl 295 (Griffin) Day 24773, 03:36:00: Midir froze Sheriff - Lvl 297 (Griffin)"] "tribeid":1420087731,"tribe":"Tribe of Chosef Chungsta logs":["Day 19808, 18:26:08: Chosef Chungstar was added to the Tribe! Day 19808, 18:29:06: Chadius ThunderThighs was added to the Tribe by Chosef Chungstar! Day 19808, 19:19:08: Tribemember Chadius ThunderThighs - Lvl 106 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 19809, 00:36:21: Chadius ThunderThighs claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 19809, 00:58:13: Chadius ThunderThighs unclaimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 19809, 02:27:20: Chadius ThunderThighs froze Blushweaver - Lvl 268 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19824, 14:31:12: Chosef Chungstar froze Magician's Red - Lvl 283 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 20113, 07:54:15: Chosef Chungstar was removed from the Tribe! Day 20113, 07:54:15: Tribe Owner was changed to Chadius ThunderThighs! Day 42394, 18:05:07: Chadius ThunderThighs froze 145 - Lvl 263 (R-Snow Owl) Day 43169, 23:38:42: Chadius ThunderThighs's '145 - Lvl 263 (R-Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod!"] "tribeid":1419515450,"tribe":"Tribe of Neters logs":["Day 32376, 00:25:46: Neters was added to the Tribe! Day 32376, 02:47:10: Tribe of nareex tribe was merged in by nareex! Day 32376, 02:47:10: nareex was added to the Tribe by Neters! Day 32376, 12:45:59: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 32376, 12:47:40: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 32376, 15:47:35: Tribemember Neters - Lvl 121 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 145! Day 32376, 15:49:54: Tribemember nareex - Lvl 121 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 145! Day 32376, 16:54:04: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)! Day 32376, 17:05:51: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 32376, 17:32:03: Neters Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 142 (Moschops)! Day 32376, 18:42:49: Tribemember nareex - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 32376, 19:26:28: Neters Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 134 (Moschops)! Day 32376, 19:31:36: Neters Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 74 (Moschops)! Day 32377, 05:31:35: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)! Day 32379, 02:42:25: nareex Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 32380, 00:12:39: Neters Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle)! Day 32380, 09:56:13: Tribemember nareex - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 32380, 10:55:48: Tribemember nareex - Lvl 121 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 90 | 0.8x! Day 32380, 11:21:05: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 32380, 11:51:04: Tribemember nareex - Lvl 121 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 55! Day 32380, 12:27:01: Tribemember nareex - Lvl 121 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 0.9x! Day 32380, 14:07:46: Tribemember nareex - Lvl 121 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 60! Day 32382, 07:43:46: nareex claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 208 (Argentavis)'! Day 32383, 05:48:50: nareex froze Adolescent FRANC SUISSE - Lvl 208 (Argentavis) Day 32400, 16:40:12: nareex claimed 'Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 206 (Argentavis)'! Day 32400, 16:51:45: Your Juvenile france 6 - Lvl 206 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 32400, 16:51:45: Juvenile france 6 - Lvl 206 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 32400, 22:52:47: Tribemember Neters - Lvl 121 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 100! Day 32401, 02:38:43: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 32401, 12:32:40: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 32401, 20:56:55: Neters Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 132 (Phiomia)! Day 32402, 05:30:32: Neters Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 32402, 06:11:13: Neters Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 32402, 18:07:06: Neters Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 29 (Ovis)! Day 32402, 18:10:46: Neters Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 142 (Ovis)! Day 32403, 00:15:16: Neters claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 121 (Ovis)'! Day 32403, 04:14:41: Tribemember nareex - Lvl 121 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 50! Day 32403, 06:11:40: Tribemember nareex - Lvl 121 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 140! Day 32403, 14:22:59: Neters froze Juvenile Ovis3 - Lvl 121 (Ovis) Day 32403, 14:33:46: nareex Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 29 (Castoroides)! Day 32403, 23:32:55: Tribemember nareex - Lvl 121 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 55! Day 32406, 14:26:22: nareex claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 32407, 04:50:03: nareex froze Juvenile GREG - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32407, 05:03:05: nareex froze Juvenile GREG - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32407, 06:41:47: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 243 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 32407, 06:41:55: Tribemember Neters - Lvl 121 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 32407, 07:10:32: Neters claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 32407, 09:06:21: Tribemember nareex - Lvl 121 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 32407, 11:40:47: Neters froze Baby Walid L'électricien - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32407, 13:54:18: Tribemember nareex - Lvl 121 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 32407, 20:44:57: Neters froze Adolescent GREG - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32407, 21:01:06: Neters froze Adolescent GREG - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32407, 21:05:34: Neters froze Adolescent GREG - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32407, 21:36:55: Neters froze Juvenile Walid L'électricien - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32407, 23:58:54: Tribemember nareex - Lvl 121 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 32408, 14:42:53: nareex froze Adolescent Walid L'électricien - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32408, 14:47:41: nareex froze Adolescent Walid L'électricien - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32424, 08:11:23: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 32540, 05:57:21: Neters claimed 'Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 219 (Argentavis)'! Day 32561, 17:25:19: Juvenile BMW M4 - Lvl 219 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 32634, 01:57:01: Tribemember nareex - Lvl 121 was killed by GREG - Lvl 88 (Poison Wyvern)! Day 32634, 01:57:01: Your Tribe killed nareex - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Neters)! Day 32634, 06:17:32: nareex froze Walid L'électricien - Lvl 148 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32634, 06:21:39: nareex froze GREG - Lvl 90 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32634, 06:27:29: nareex froze Argentavis - Lvl 254 (Argentavis) Day 32634, 06:31:38: nareex froze Mocho - Lvl 189 (Moschops) Day 32634, 06:36:49: nareex froze FRANC SUISSE - Lvl 235 (Argentavis) Day 32634, 06:42:58: nareex froze Crote - Lvl 150 (Phiomia) Day 32634, 07:15:03: nareex froze Graillounette - Lvl 284 (Argentavis) Day 32634, 07:18:26: Tribemember nareex - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 32634, 09:35:39: Your CASTRE T MORT - Lvl 45 (Castoroides) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 150! Day 32634, 10:27:00: nareex froze Pigeon Royal - Lvl 277 (Argentavis) Day 32697, 00:06:43: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32772, 17:04:43: nareex froze Mocho - Lvl 241 (Moschops) Day 32772, 17:20:12: nareex froze GREG - Lvl 91 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32772, 21:44:41: nareex froze Mocho - Lvl 241 (Moschops) Day 32780, 04:27:23: Mocho 3 - Lvl 85 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 32980, 15:05:51: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33064, 07:14:46: haythem - Lvl 127 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Petronas - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33094, 04:39:44: Mocho 2 - Lvl 138 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 33347, 14:55:47: Neters Tamed an Unicorn - Lvl 74 (Unicorn)! Day 33347, 16:08:56: Your Rufus - Lvl 74 (Unicorn) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 100! Day 33348, 12:37:55: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 201 (Triceratops)! Day 33348, 13:54:25: Neters froze Triceratops - Lvl 202 (Triceratops) Day 33373, 06:37:07: Neters froze Pigeon Royal - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 33373, 18:52:27: nareex froze Walid L'électricien - Lvl 203 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33749, 22:38:59: Mocho - Lvl 288 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 33972, 19:53:30: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33972, 19:53:30: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34155, 12:43:38: Ovis1 - Lvl 50 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 34256, 09:33:24: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34411, 04:30:12: Sasa - Lvl 235 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 34608, 09:56:15: Ovis3 - Lvl 140 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 34829, 07:44:53: Ovis2 - Lvl 163 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 36629, 11:24:00: Rogue - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Rogue) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Walid L'électricien - Lvl 204 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 36629, 12:36:38: Ghoul - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Rogue) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FRANC SUISSE - Lvl 318 (Argentavis)'! Day 36629, 12:38:00: Rogue - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Rogue) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Graillounette - Lvl 325 (Argentavis)'! Day 36629, 12:47:33: Rogue - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Rogue) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 258 (Argentavis)'! Day 36629, 13:51:06: Ghoul - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Rogue) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'GREG - Lvl 156 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 37656, 12:36:20: Your Crote - Lvl 242 (Phiomia) was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 168! Day 37861, 10:15:22: Tribemember nareex - Lvl 121 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 145! Day 37861, 10:16:14: Tribemember Neters - Lvl 121 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 25!"] "tribeid":1414803913,"tribe":"Omega Prime logs":["Day 29469, 09:53:15: Poggie was added to the Tribe! Day 29469, 15:05:32: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 232 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 29469, 17:11:30: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)! Day 29470, 02:07:27: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)! Day 29470, 05:44:47: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 127 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 29629, 23:47:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30446, 11:14:04: AmberSpectre - Lvl 45 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 233 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 30446, 11:14:42: AmberSpectre - Lvl 45 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hector - Lvl 223 (Parasaur)'! Day 30446, 11:15:10: AmberSpectre - Lvl 45 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 46 (Equus)'! Day 30446, 11:16:46: AmberSpectre - Lvl 45 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 197 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30644, 16:13:42: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31292, 10:43:23: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Human1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 31971, 21:20:15: Haggis - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)'! Day 32337, 06:49:50: AmberSpectre - Lvl 70 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 127 (Ankylosaurus)'!"] "tribeid":1411567413,"tribe":"CLAN MCGREGOR logs":["Day 34407, 02:17:11: IAN MCGREGOR was added to the Tribe! Day 34407, 02:35:47: IAN MCGREGOR froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 335 (Therizinosaur) Day 34407, 03:13:18: IAN MCGREGOR froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 335 (Therizinosaur) Day 34407, 03:32:16: IAN MCGREGOR froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 335 (Therizinosaur) Day 34407, 04:08:16: IAN MCGREGOR froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 335 (Therizinosaur) Day 34407, 04:56:15: IAN MCGREGOR froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 335 (Therizinosaur) Day 34407, 05:15:15: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 203 (Desmodus) Day 34588, 09:52:02: IAN MCGREGOR froze Pteranodon - Lvl 330 (Pteranodon) Day 34948, 01:10:58: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave6 - Lvl 148 (Desmodus) Day 35254, 20:51:58: IAN MCGREGOR froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 286 (Therizinosaur) Day 35254, 20:56:27: IAN MCGREGOR froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 295 (Therizinosaur) Day 35254, 21:01:08: IAN MCGREGOR froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 286 (Therizinosaur) Day 35254, 21:08:00: IAN MCGREGOR froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 286 (Therizinosaur) Day 35254, 22:00:31: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave6 - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 35660, 19:34:00: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 260 (Desmodus) Day 35959, 05:13:46: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 198 (Desmodus) Day 36465, 06:07:56: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 198 (Desmodus) Day 36883, 02:53:33: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 219 (Desmodus) Day 37272, 12:45:35: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 222 (Desmodus) Day 37714, 05:20:13: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 222 (Desmodus) Day 38061, 00:24:11: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 222 (Desmodus) Day 38310, 23:22:20: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 222 (Desmodus) Day 38679, 11:52:55: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 236 (Desmodus) Day 39046, 05:09:32: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 236 (Desmodus) Day 39893, 02:35:03: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 245 (Desmodus) Day 40412, 16:27:29: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 252 (Desmodus) Day 40726, 20:33:11: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 255 (Desmodus) Day 40868, 00:48:37: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 255 (Desmodus) Day 40868, 07:25:18: IAN MCGREGOR froze Argentavis - Lvl 378 (Argentavis) Day 40869, 15:53:18: IAN MCGREGOR froze Argentavis - Lvl 382 (Argentavis) Day 40871, 02:50:14: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 255 (Desmodus) Day 40987, 03:26:10: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 41203, 03:14:34: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 41437, 12:37:45: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 41504, 18:36:51: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 41528, 18:34:43: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 43309, 11:54:43: IAN MCGREGOR froze Cave7 - Lvl 279 (Desmodus) Day 43812, 04:36:58: IAN MCGREGOR froze Cave7 - Lvl 279 (Desmodus)"] "tribeid":1407304918,"tribe":"Tribe of wahrani logs":["Day 21022, 22:16:14: wahrani was added to the Tribe! Day 21023, 06:26:58: wahrani claimed 'slaughter or breed? - Lvl 247 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 21023, 06:39:44: wahrani claimed 'Pete - Lvl 212 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21038, 19:14:01: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21040, 16:22:36: wahrani froze slaughter or breed? - Lvl 247 (Ice Wyvern) Day 21040, 17:16:52: Your Pete - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of wahrani)! Day 21040, 17:16:52: Your Tribe killed Pete - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) (Tribe of wahrani)! Day 21041, 10:35:59: wahrani uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 210 Day 21041, 11:59:40: wahrani downloaded a dino: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 210 Day 21041, 14:19:55: wahrani uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 210 Day 21887, 15:26:11: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33080, 02:55:10: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1406165733,"tribe":"Tribe of semaJ logs":["Day 22065, 13:44:26: semaJ was added to the Tribe! Day 22065, 13:47:14: toomas was added to the Tribe by semaJ! Day 22065, 13:55:49: Tribemember semaJ - Lvl 3 was killed! Day 22065, 15:10:17: Tribemember toomas - Lvl 4 was killed! Day 22065, 19:24:38: Tribemember semaJ - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 22066, 20:38:27: Tribemember toomas - Lvl 5 was killed!"] "tribeid":1401679144,"tribe":"el culo de bobi logs":["Day 23382, 04:50:08: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 32 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 50! Day 23382, 05:36:31: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 32 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 23382, 07:25:39: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 18 was killed! Day 23382, 09:46:53: Bob el pared demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 23382, 11:20:45: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 21 was killed by Bob el pared - Lvl 32 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23382, 11:20:45: Your Tribe killed Bob el techos - Lvl 21 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23382, 11:33:24: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 32 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 21 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23382, 11:33:24: Your Tribe killed Bob el pared - Lvl 32 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23382, 14:02:47: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 21 was killed by Bob el pared - Lvl 35 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23382, 14:02:47: Your Tribe killed Bob el techos - Lvl 21 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23382, 19:03:59: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 22 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 55! Day 23382, 19:51:20: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 22 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 55! Day 23383, 01:03:57: Bob el pared Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 23384, 05:54:29: Bob el pared Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops)! Day 23384, 07:32:23: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 27 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 25! Day 23384, 09:21:40: Your uhn7yef4uyrgsyk8dvujhnsr - Lvl 33 (Triceratops) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 23384, 10:36:02: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 28 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 23384, 10:56:45: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 44 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 23384, 11:03:54: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 23384, 11:20:37: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 44 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 85! Day 23384, 11:43:29: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 23384, 12:11:54: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 28 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 60! Day 23384, 12:18:49: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 45 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 130! Day 23384, 12:31:07: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 45 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 130! Day 23384, 12:38:32: Your pene - Lvl 151 (Pegomastax) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 130! Day 23384, 22:13:59: Bob el pared demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23385, 06:59:21: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 23385, 08:39:40: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 23385, 10:48:09: Bob el techos demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 23385, 16:08:54: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 23385, 17:29:09: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 27 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 23385, 17:44:30: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 27 was killed! Day 23385, 18:54:31: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 47 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 31 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23385, 18:54:31: Your Tribe killed Bob el pared - Lvl 47 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23385, 19:35:47: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 27 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 31 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23385, 19:35:47: Your Tribe killed Bob el suelo - Lvl 27 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23385, 19:45:41: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 27 was killed! Day 23385, 19:59:58: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 27 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 31 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23385, 19:59:58: Your Tribe killed Bob el suelo - Lvl 27 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23385, 21:21:51: Bob el techos Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 21 (Dilophosaur)! Day 23385, 23:17:31: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 47 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 90! Day 23386, 00:41:59: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 47 was killed! Day 23386, 02:09:55: Bob el suelo was removed from the Tribe by Bob el pared! Day 23386, 02:25:48: Bob el techos was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Bob el pared! Day 23386, 02:37:05: Bob el suelo was added to the Tribe by Bob el techos! Day 23386, 02:54:21: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 29 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 23386, 02:59:33: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 47 was killed! Day 23386, 03:07:09: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 29 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 23386, 06:48:49: Bob el suelo Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 208 (Dodo)! Day 23386, 08:11:00: Bob el techos Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 89 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 23386, 09:07:28: Your FELIPE - Lvl 208 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 55! Day 23386, 11:19:34: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 35 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 25! Day 23386, 12:42:00: Bob el suelo Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 18 (Triceratops)! Day 23386, 13:04:19: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 30 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 23386, 13:57:26: Bob el suelo Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 74 (Moschops)! Day 23386, 14:33:49: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo)! Day 23386, 15:05:11: Bob el suelo Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo)! Day 23386, 15:26:40: Your Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 140! Day 23386, 16:17:18: Bob el techos Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 74 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 23387, 00:46:06: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 31 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 35 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23387, 00:46:06: Your Tribe killed Bob el suelo - Lvl 31 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23387, 01:08:50: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 35 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 140! Day 23387, 08:22:40: Bob el techos Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 181 (Carbonemys)! Day 23387, 11:06:57: Bob el techos claimed 'Baby Carbonemys - Lvl 93 (Carbonemys)'! Day 23387, 19:29:49: Bob el techos was demoted from Tribe Admin by Bob el pared! Day 23387, 20:03:27: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 57 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 36 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23387, 20:03:27: Your Tribe killed Bob el pared - Lvl 57 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23387, 21:46:05: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 57 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 36 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23387, 21:46:05: Your Tribe killed Bob el pared - Lvl 57 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23388, 00:12:45: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 37 was killed! Day 23388, 01:01:45: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 57 was killed! Day 23388, 04:07:04: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 57 was killed! Day 23390, 23:13:30: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 37 was killed by Bob el suelo - Lvl 32 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23390, 23:13:30: Your Tribe killed Bob el techos - Lvl 37 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23391, 05:03:14: Bob el pared Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 23391, 16:32:02: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 59 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 85! Day 23391, 16:36:02: Your s Day 23392, 05:06:00: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 60 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 23392, 05:06:57: Your regmbemhk, bn - Lvl 91 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 23392, 07:49:19: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 60 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 23392, 09:04:53: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 60 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 25! Day 23392, 10:00:26: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 60 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 135! Day 23392, 12:17:23: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 60 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 90! Day 23404, 16:41:12: Bob el techos Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 55 (Dodo)! Day 23404, 18:21:01: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 200 (Dodo)! Day 23413, 14:36:06: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 32 was killed by Bob el pared - Lvl 61 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23413, 14:36:06: Your Tribe killed Bob el suelo - Lvl 32 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23413, 21:04:46: Bob el techos Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 17 (Triceratops)! Day 23413, 22:00:30: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 61 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 23414, 13:23:10: Bob el pared Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 23 (Pteranodon)! Day 23415, 03:52:10: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 23415, 08:49:25: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 96 (Pteranodon)! Day 23415, 08:53:36: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 33 was killed by sefsetyrthrtg - Lvl 278 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 23415, 08:53:36: Your Tribe killed Bob el suelo - Lvl 33 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23415, 12:42:21: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 33 was killed by sefsetyrthrtg - Lvl 278 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 23415, 12:42:21: Your Tribe killed Bob el suelo - Lvl 33 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23415, 16:27:45: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 51 was killed! Day 23415, 16:38:46: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 33 was killed! Day 23415, 16:50:58: Bob el techos Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 139 (Carbonemys)! Day 23415, 17:00:29: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 33 was killed! Day 23415, 21:38:42: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 52 was killed! Day 23415, 23:38:20: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 66 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 52 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23415, 23:38:20: Your Tribe killed Bob el pared - Lvl 66 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23416, 06:38:59: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 66 was killed! Day 23416, 07:30:09: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 53 was killed by sefsetyrthrtg - Lvl 278 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 23416, 07:30:09: Your Tribe killed Bob el techos - Lvl 53 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23416, 08:22:56: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 66 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 53 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23416, 08:22:56: Your Tribe killed Bob el pared - Lvl 66 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23416, 08:35:05: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 23416, 08:50:30: Bob el pared claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 23416, 08:51:49: Bob el pared claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 23416, 08:52:42: Bob el pared claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 159 (Deinonychus)'! Day 23416, 08:55:11: Bob el pared claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus)'! Day 23416, 09:05:41: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 66 was killed! Day 23416, 09:25:03: Bob el techos demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23416, 09:26:22: Bob el techos demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23416, 09:28:45: Bob el techos demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23416, 09:30:15: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23416, 09:31:34: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23416, 09:32:27: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23416, 09:45:39: Bob el techos claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus)'! Day 23416, 10:10:30: Bob el techos demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23416, 10:12:01: Bob el techos demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23416, 10:13:02: Bob el techos demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23416, 11:31:12: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23416, 11:32:12: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23416, 11:33:09: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23416, 11:34:25: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23416, 11:35:32: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23416, 11:37:16: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23416, 11:38:18: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23416, 11:39:52: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23416, 13:19:58: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 66 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 53 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23416, 13:19:58: Your Tribe killed Bob el pared - Lvl 66 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23426, 21:49:37: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 36 was killed! Day 23427, 02:26:05: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 36 was killed! Day 23427, 05:58:44: Bob el suelo Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 24 (Dilophosaur)! Day 23437, 12:15:27: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 38 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 23438, 20:58:29: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 39 was killed! Day 23438, 21:41:04: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 55 was killed! Day 23438, 22:42:59: Bob el suelo claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus)'! Day 23438, 22:44:59: Bob el pared claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 158 (Deinonychus)'! Day 23439, 00:17:44: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 96 (Pteranodon) was killed by Rempalago - Lvl 279 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 23439, 00:17:44: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 96 (Pteranodon) (el culo de bobi)! Day 23439, 00:31:07: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 39 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 90! Day 23439, 00:34:32: Your Juvenile lolooo - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 90! Day 23439, 14:11:18: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 41 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 57 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23439, 14:11:18: Your Tribe killed Bob el suelo - Lvl 41 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23439, 14:42:17: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 41 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 57 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23439, 14:42:17: Your Tribe killed Bob el suelo - Lvl 41 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23439, 20:49:19: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 43 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 59 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23439, 20:49:19: Your Tribe killed Bob el suelo - Lvl 43 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23439, 22:19:52: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 43 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 59 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23439, 22:19:52: Your Tribe killed Bob el suelo - Lvl 43 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23439, 22:40:33: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 68 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 59 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23439, 22:40:33: Your Tribe killed Bob el pared - Lvl 68 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23440, 01:33:31: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 59 was killed! Day 23440, 02:31:15: Your Sacrificio I - Lvl 40 (Pteranodon) was killed by Rempalago - Lvl 279 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 23440, 02:31:15: Your Tribe killed Sacrificio I - Lvl 40 (Pteranodon) (el culo de bobi)! Day 23440, 02:31:15: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 59 was killed by Rempalago - Lvl 279 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 23440, 02:31:15: Your Tribe killed Bob el techos - Lvl 59 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23440, 04:02:39: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 23440, 05:46:49: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 69 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 59 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23440, 05:46:49: Your Tribe killed Bob el pared - Lvl 69 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23440, 05:59:47: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 69 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 59 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23440, 05:59:47: Your Tribe killed Bob el pared - Lvl 69 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23440, 07:49:07: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 43 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 60 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23440, 07:49:07: Your Tribe killed Bob el suelo - Lvl 43 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23441, 08:16:34: Bob el pared demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23441, 13:34:18: Bob el pared demolished a 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 23441, 14:30:25: Bob el pared demolished a 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection'! Day 23441, 21:37:28: Bob el techos claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus)'! Day 23442, 05:39:31: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 75 was killed by a Kentrosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 23442, 11:26:32: Bob el pared demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 23442, 11:40:00: Bob el pared demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 23450, 03:22:10: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 23450, 03:22:10: Your Tribe killed Bob el techos - Lvl 61 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23450, 23:29:27: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 23455, 05:00:11: Bob el pared Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle)! Day 23455, 05:07:58: Bob el pared froze w22gshnfsbngf - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle) Day 23455, 05:57:01: Bob el pared Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 134 (Dung Beetle)! Day 23455, 10:24:20: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:25:39: Your Humberto - Lvl 81 (Dodo) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 23455, 10:25:39: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:25:39: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:25:39: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:25:39: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:25:39: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:25:39: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:25:39: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:25:39: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:25:39: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:25:39: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:25:39: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:25:39: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:25:39: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:25:39: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:25:39: Your wazaaaa - Lvl 55 (Dodo) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 23455, 10:25:42: Your 'Compost Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:25:42: Your 'Stone Water Tap (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:27:10: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:27:10: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:27:13: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:27:13: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:27:13: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:27:13: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:27:13: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:27:13: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:27:13: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:27:13: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:27:13: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:27:13: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:27:13: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:27:13: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:28:43: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:28:43: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:28:43: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23455, 10:30:05: Your Dodo - Lvl 200 (Dodo) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 23455, 16:18:31: Bob el pared froze Rempalago - Lvl 280 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23455, 17:55:12: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 59 was killed! Day 23459, 05:26:57: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23459, 05:27:54: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23459, 05:28:43: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23459, 05:29:25: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23460, 05:27:20: Bob el techos claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 23464, 04:39:19: Bob el techos claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 23464, 13:08:27: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 91 was killed! Day 23465, 02:48:31: Bob el pared claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23465, 02:49:41: Bob el pared claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23465, 02:52:53: Bob el pared claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23465, 02:54:05: Bob el pared claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23465, 02:56:49: Bob el pared claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 23465, 03:19:42: Bob el pared claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 23465, 03:25:17: Bob el pared claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 23465, 05:30:34: Bob el pared claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 23465, 05:58:47: Bob el pared claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 23477, 20:20:49: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 23477, 22:43:35: Bob el techos demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23485, 18:48:46: Bob el pared claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 23485, 18:50:13: Bob el pared claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 23485, 22:41:01: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 23485, 23:11:03: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 90! Day 23486, 00:35:36: Bob el pared claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 23486, 17:50:12: Bob el pared claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 192 (Rex)'! Day 23487, 00:03:05: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 63 was killed by Bob el pared - Lvl 101 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23487, 00:03:05: Your Tribe killed Bob el suelo - Lvl 63 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23487, 00:37:54: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 23509, 02:10:41: Your poto tripas - Lvl 197 (Poison Wyvern) was killed! Day 23509, 02:38:19: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 23509, 10:49:50: Bob el techos claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 196 (Rex)'! Day 23510, 06:04:39: Bob el pared froze Mambo Number 5 - Lvl 96 (Poison Wyvern) Day 23511, 15:44:26: Bob el pared demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 23511, 15:56:33: Bob el pared demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23511, 15:58:05: Bob el pared demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23511, 16:19:50: Bob el pared demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 23511, 16:26:20: Bob el pared demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 23511, 16:30:04: Bob el pared demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 23511, 16:32:29: Bob el pared demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 23511, 16:33:22: Bob el pared demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 23511, 16:35:12: Bob el pared demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 23523, 12:18:54: Bob el pared demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 23523, 12:20:28: Bob el pared demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 23523, 12:22:49: Bob el pared demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 23523, 12:24:06: Bob el pared demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 23523, 19:56:22: Bob el pared demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 23523, 19:59:02: Bob el pared demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 23523, 20:00:13: Bob el pared demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 23524, 12:04:10: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Unlocked) '! Day 23524, 12:04:58: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23524, 12:06:35: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23524, 12:07:24: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23524, 12:08:16: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23524, 12:09:23: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23524, 12:10:42: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23524, 12:11:41: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23524, 12:13:23: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23524, 12:14:41: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23524, 12:16:35: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23524, 12:17:32: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23524, 12:19:00: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23524, 12:23:12: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23524, 12:24:03: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23524, 12:24:58: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23524, 12:25:56: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23524, 12:27:27: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23524, 12:28:18: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23524, 12:29:40: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23524, 12:31:01: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23524, 12:33:13: Bob el pared demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 23524, 14:33:16: Bob el techos Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 23525, 06:54:34: Your toni el calvo - Lvl 101 (Lystrosaurus) was killed! Day 23525, 12:34:18: Bob el pared Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 29 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 23525, 16:01:51: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 23525, 17:15:39: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 104 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 70 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23525, 17:15:39: Your Tribe killed Bob el pared - Lvl 104 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23525, 17:40:09: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 70 was killed by Bob el pared - Lvl 104 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23525, 17:40:09: Your Tribe killed Bob el techos - Lvl 70 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23525, 17:40:11: Your Llovizna - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) was killed by Bob el pared - Lvl 104 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23525, 17:40:11: Your Tribe killed Llovizna - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) (el culo de bobi)! Day 23525, 18:14:23: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 23526, 01:44:47: Bob el pared claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex)'! Day 23526, 01:47:24: Bob el pared claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 201 (Rex)'! Day 23526, 01:50:13: Bob el pared claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)'! Day 23526, 01:53:04: Bob el pared claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 197 (Rex)'! Day 23526, 02:42:03: Bob el pared froze Baby Rex - Lvl 197 (Rex) Day 23526, 02:50:39: Bob el pared froze Baby Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 23526, 03:12:37: Bob el pared froze Baby Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex) Day 23526, 03:34:54: Bob el pared froze Baby Rex - Lvl 201 (Rex) Day 23527, 01:27:33: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 66 was killed by Bob el pared - Lvl 104 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23527, 01:27:33: Your Tribe killed Bob el suelo - Lvl 66 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23527, 01:27:33: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 71 was killed by Bob el pared - Lvl 104 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23527, 01:27:33: Your Tribe killed Bob el techos - Lvl 71 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23527, 02:29:42: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 23527, 06:28:08: Bob el techos Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 23527, 08:00:42: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 104 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 71 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23527, 08:00:42: Your Tribe killed Bob el pared - Lvl 104 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23527, 08:08:03: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 104 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 71 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23527, 08:08:03: Your Tribe killed Bob el pared - Lvl 104 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23527, 08:14:18: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 104 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 71 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23527, 08:14:18: Your Tribe killed Bob el pared - Lvl 104 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23527, 08:24:25: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 23527, 08:32:58: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 104 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 71 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23527, 08:32:58: Your Tribe killed Bob el pared - Lvl 104 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23527, 08:42:53: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 104 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 71 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23527, 08:42:53: Your Tribe killed Bob el pared - Lvl 104 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23527, 08:47:39: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 104 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 71 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23527, 08:47:39: Your Tribe killed Bob el pared - Lvl 104 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23527, 08:52:49: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 104 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 71 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23527, 08:52:49: Your Tribe killed Bob el pared - Lvl 104 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23527, 09:13:57: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 104 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 71 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23527, 09:13:57: Your Tribe killed Bob el pared - Lvl 104 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23527, 09:28:05: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 104 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 71 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23527, 09:28:05: Your Tribe killed Bob el pared - Lvl 104 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23527, 10:59:59: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 71 was killed! Day 23527, 15:13:04: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 104 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 71 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23527, 15:13:04: Your Tribe killed Bob el pared - Lvl 104 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23528, 03:24:42: Bob el pared claimed 'Equus - Lvl 134 (Equus)'! Day 23528, 03:25:05: Bob el pared claimed 'Megaloceros - Lvl 76 (Megaloceros)'! Day 23528, 03:30:54: Bob el pared froze Equus - Lvl 134 (Equus) Day 23528, 03:50:56: Bob el techos Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 23528, 10:48:53: Bob el pared Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 23528, 11:21:19: Bob el pared Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 23528, 11:45:58: Bob el pared Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 23528, 12:08:48: Bob el pared Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 23528, 19:01:49: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 104 was killed by Bob el techos - Lvl 72 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23528, 19:01:49: Your Tribe killed Bob el pared - Lvl 104 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23531, 01:17:48: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 66 was killed by Bob el pared - Lvl 104 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23531, 01:17:48: Your Tribe killed Bob el suelo - Lvl 66 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23531, 13:23:27: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 67 was killed by Bob el pared - Lvl 105 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23531, 13:23:27: Your Tribe killed Bob el suelo - Lvl 67 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23533, 16:48:33: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 23548, 16:22:38: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 23548, 17:37:29: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 23548, 18:08:23: Bob el pared claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 23548, 22:25:00: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 73 was killed by Bob el pared - Lvl 105 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23548, 22:25:00: Your Tribe killed Bob el techos - Lvl 73 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23553, 20:35:00: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 23553, 20:36:26: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 73 was killed by Bob el pared - Lvl 105 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23553, 20:36:26: Your Tribe killed Bob el techos - Lvl 73 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23553, 21:41:10: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 23553, 22:46:21: Your Eso Tilín - Lvl 209 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 23554, 00:28:43: Tribemember Bob el techos - Lvl 73 was killed by Bob el pared - Lvl 105 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23554, 00:28:43: Your Tribe killed Bob el techos - Lvl 73 (el culo de bobi)! Day 23554, 07:31:26: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 68 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 45! Day 23554, 09:14:31: Bob el techos was removed from the Tribe by Bob el pared! Day 23554, 14:32:46: Bob el suelo was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Bob el pared! Day 23578, 12:00:39: Toni - Lvl 88 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 23624, 11:50:24: Pepe - Lvl 30 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 23788, 08:00:53: w22gshnfsbngf - Lvl 36 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 23815, 07:55:57: Martín - Lvl 24 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 23821, 06:22:07: Insanismo - Lvl 17 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 23840, 13:23:26: miau IV - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 23840, 13:23:43: miau - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 23840, 13:49:58: Llovizna - Lvl 7 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 23840, 13:54:27: miau III - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 23840, 13:59:54: miau II - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 23840, 14:12:33: Jerboa - Lvl 7 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 23846, 16:42:29: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23846, 16:42:29: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23846, 16:42:29: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23846, 16:42:29: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23846, 16:42:29: Your 'Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23846, 16:42:29: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23846, 16:42:29: Your 'Thatch Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23887, 08:53:21: Gigachad - Lvl 148 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 23910, 13:10:58: Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 23980, 13:58:25: Your pegjchdg - Lvl 95 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 24073, 20:28:08: Fabricio - Lvl 47 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 24094, 06:54:04: mamberroi - Lvl 54 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 24097, 11:07:40: webada venenosa - Lvl 39 (Pulmonoscorpius) starved to death! Day 24097, 16:31:15: Your Parabalas - Lvl 139 (Carbonemys) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 145! Day 24097, 17:04:43: Your Julian el gay - Lvl 185 (Carbonemys) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 145! Day 24153, 14:14:24: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24153, 14:14:24: Your 'Small Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24170, 19:53:36: Nytrix - Lvl 73 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'pito - Lvl 130 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 24170, 20:22:42: Nytrix - Lvl 73 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megaloceros - Lvl 85 (Megaloceros)'! Day 24206, 01:40:53: Mia Khalifa - Lvl 110 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 24261, 19:05:42: wfsd - Lvl 141 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 26786, 20:09:17: Tribemember Bob el pared - Lvl 105 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 145! Day 30730, 04:47:14: Tribemember Bob el suelo - Lvl 69 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 95!"] "tribeid":1397988442,"tribe":"Tribe of xmossy logs":["Day 33181, 05:39:50: xmossy was added to the Tribe! Day 33181, 05:43:22: Book was added to the Tribe by xmossy! Day 33181, 11:03:46: xmossy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon) Day 33181, 11:39:20: xmossy froze Argentavis - Lvl 300 (Argentavis) Day 33181, 12:58:43: Book froze Argentavis - Lvl 300 (Argentavis) Day 33186, 02:23:13: xmossy froze Doku - Lvl 155 (Poison Wyvern) Day 33204, 03:00:30: xmossy froze private jet - Lvl 162 (Poison Wyvern) Day 33204, 09:44:48: xmossy Tamed a Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)! Day 33204, 10:06:08: xmossy froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 33204, 11:53:48: xmossy uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 203 Day 34067, 09:01:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1397719272,"tribe":"BOLARKS logs":["Day 33737, 17:37:38: Osas froze FREDDY FOREVER - Lvl 314 (Therizinosaur) Day 33737, 17:48:56: Osas froze SCI-FREDDY - Lvl 353 (Therizinosaur) Day 33737, 17:55:55: Osas froze FREDDY SILK - Lvl 372 (Therizinosaur) Day 33737, 18:02:35: Osas froze FREDDY MORALES - Lvl 357 (Therizinosaur) Day 33737, 18:17:44: Osas froze FREDDY O'HARA - Lvl 357 (Therizinosaur) Day 33737, 18:21:36: Osas froze FREDDY UNLIMITED - Lvl 357 (Therizinosaur) Day 33737, 18:25:57: Osas froze FREDDY K. RETURNS - Lvl 350 (Therizinosaur) Day 33737, 18:39:32: Osas froze FREDDY STACY - Lvl 372 (Therizinosaur) Day 33737, 18:42:49: Osas froze MISS FREDDY - Lvl 341 (Therizinosaur) Day 33737, 19:51:43: Osas froze TANQUE SOVIETICA - Lvl 368 (Rex) Day 33737, 19:55:01: Osas froze CASSIOPEIA II - Lvl 393 (Rex) Day 33737, 19:57:58: Osas froze WANDAVISION 2 - Lvl 393 (Rex) Day 33737, 20:03:01: Osas froze LOVE AND THUNDER - Lvl 406 (Rex) Day 33737, 20:06:04: Osas froze GENERAL PRIME - Lvl 394 (Rex) Day 33737, 20:09:29: Osas froze INSTAKILL - Lvl 406 (Rex) Day 33737, 20:47:43: Osas froze SCREAMER SUPREME - Lvl 379 (Yutyrannus) Day 33737, 20:51:41: Osas froze SCREAMER II - Lvl 369 (Yutyrannus) Day 33737, 20:55:46: Osas froze SUBFUSIL SUPREMO - Lvl 351 (R-Velonasaur) Day 33737, 21:01:15: Osas froze LEVIATHAN - Lvl 279 (Quetzal) Day 33737, 22:51:30: Osas froze Rex - Lvl 408 (Rex) Day 33737, 22:56:11: Osas froze Rex - Lvl 407 (Rex) Day 33737, 23:00:45: Osas froze Rex - Lvl 398 (Rex) Day 33738, 00:24:47: Osas froze Rex - Lvl 408 (Rex) Day 33738, 00:28:33: Osas froze Rex - Lvl 392 (Rex) Day 33738, 00:32:48: Osas froze Rex - Lvl 393 (Rex) Day 33738, 02:04:26: Osas froze Rex - Lvl 393 (Rex) Day 33738, 02:08:16: Osas froze Base Female - Lvl 393 (Rex) Day 33738, 02:12:22: Osas froze Baby - Lvl 342 (Rex) Day 33738, 02:21:23: Osas froze Rex - Lvl 393 (Rex) Day 33738, 02:25:55: Osas froze Rex - Lvl 395 (Rex) Day 33738, 02:30:10: Osas froze jds - Lvl 392 (Rex) Day 33738, 03:52:59: Osas froze SCORPION PRIME - Lvl 318 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 34326, 22:20:24: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'SCORPION PRIME - Lvl 318 (Pulmonoscorpius)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Rex - Lvl 407 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Rex - Lvl 398 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Rex - Lvl 408 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Baby - Lvl 342 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Base Female - Lvl 393 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Rex - Lvl 408 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Rex - Lvl 393 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Rex - Lvl 392 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Rex - Lvl 393 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Rex - Lvl 393 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'jds - Lvl 392 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Rex - Lvl 395 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 344 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 298 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Spino - Lvl 205 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Spino - Lvl 347 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 181 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Spino - Lvl 282 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 262 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 315 (R-Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 141 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 308 (Pulmonoscorpius)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'HUEVERTO - Lvl 343 (Oviraptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Andrew - Lvl 346 (Andrewsarchus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 333 (Pulmonoscorpius)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Dodo - Lvl 340 (Dodo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 265 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'ROCKINA - Lvl 282 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'GARGOLA II - Lvl 393 (Dimorphodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 308 (Pulmonoscorpius)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 332 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 220 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'HARPIA - Lvl 170 (Quetzal)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Freeze Fang - Lvl 133 (Ice Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 318 (R-Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'GRITON - Lvl 228 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Dodo - Lvl 364 (Dodo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Greg - Lvl 291 (R-Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'shitstik - Lvl 280 (Dung Beetle)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Andrea - Lvl 337 (Andrewsarchus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 265 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Gallimimus - Lvl 338 (Gallimimus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 275 (R-Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'TUKITUKI - Lvl 240 (Featherlight)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Sulphur - Lvl 236 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'yo im pink - Lvl 336 (Sinomacrops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Brock - Lvl 329 (Equus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'SHINING ARMOR - Lvl 150 (Unicorn)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Valentine - Lvl 233 (Equus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Steve - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Rose - Lvl 274 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Otter - Lvl 137 (Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'PSEUDO PANTERA PRIME - Lvl 267 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Tweedle Dee - Lvl 335 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'aw - Lvl 343 (Terror Bird)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Bleach - Lvl 178 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'GHIDORAH - Lvl 294 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Baby Rex - Lvl 255 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Baby Rex - Lvl 255 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Amazon - Lvl 222 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Purple Haze - Lvl 320 (Sinomacrops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Baby Rex - Lvl 255 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Baby Rex - Lvl 257 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Baby Rex - Lvl 241 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Baby Rex - Lvl 241 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 03:27:57: 's 'Baby we - Lvl 241 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34377, 12:29:00: Osas froze LOVE AND THUNDER - Lvl 408 (Rex) Day 34623, 14:05:43: Sir Elias Quinn - Lvl 138 (The lost Castl) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 34871, 16:41:28: Otter - Lvl 337 (Otter) starved to death! Day 35057, 23:23:58: ROSADITA - Lvl 245 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 35058, 10:33:29: Osas froze FINAL FREDDY - Lvl 444 (Therizinosaur) Day 35058, 12:22:48: Osas froze HELA - Lvl 287 (Spino) Day 35058, 12:25:41: Osas froze Procoptodon - Lvl 296 (Procoptodon) Day 35058, 12:28:35: Osas froze TRAMPOLIN - Lvl 289 (Procoptodon) Day 35058, 13:52:49: Osas froze BAMBINO - Lvl 293 (Shinehorn) Day 35058, 13:55:39: Osas froze ALVIN II - Lvl 347 (Otter) Day 35058, 13:58:36: Osas froze SCRATT - Lvl 301 (Otter) Day 35058, 14:33:34: Osas froze TITAN - Lvl 354 (Brontosaurus) Day 35058, 14:36:29: Osas froze PORKY II - Lvl 296 (Daeodon) Day 35058, 14:39:39: Osas froze PARACETAMOL PRIME - Lvl 370 (Paraceratherium) Day 35058, 15:17:37: Osas froze RAPAZ - Lvl 283 (Deinonychus) Day 35058, 15:20:46: Osas froze Tweedle Dumb - Lvl 325 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35058, 15:23:36: Osas froze CHARIZARD - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 35058, 16:07:34: Osas froze DOBLE FILO - Lvl 325 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35058, 16:29:04: Osas froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35058, 16:48:22: Osas froze HELLBOY - Lvl 214 (Fire Wyvern) Day 35058, 16:51:14: Osas froze BLAZE - Lvl 255 (Fire Wyvern) Day 35058, 17:07:25: Osas froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35058, 17:40:45: Osas froze LARRYSINA - Lvl 231 (Lystrosaurus) Day 35058, 17:44:23: Osas froze RESHIRAM - Lvl 376 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 35058, 17:48:18: Osas froze HYDRA - Lvl 367 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 35058, 18:51:02: Osas froze SCI-FREDDY - Lvl 362 (Therizinosaur) Day 35058, 18:54:10: Osas froze FREDDY ESCARLATA - Lvl 362 (Therizinosaur) Day 35058, 18:57:29: Osas froze FREDDY FOREVER - Lvl 326 (Therizinosaur) Day 35058, 19:26:21: Osas froze FREDDY SILK - Lvl 384 (Therizinosaur) Day 35058, 19:29:31: Osas froze FREDDY O'HARA - Lvl 366 (Therizinosaur) Day 35058, 19:32:57: Osas froze FREDDY K. RETURNS - Lvl 362 (Therizinosaur) Day 35058, 20:24:36: Osas froze FREDDY UNLIMITED - Lvl 366 (Therizinosaur) Day 35058, 20:28:21: Osas froze FREDDY MORALES - Lvl 366 (Therizinosaur) Day 35058, 20:32:37: Osas froze FREDDY STACY - Lvl 384 (Therizinosaur) Day 35058, 21:13:41: Osas froze LEVIATHAN - Lvl 281 (Quetzal) Day 35058, 21:17:57: Osas froze MAYDAY FREEDY - Lvl 344 (Therizinosaur) Day 35058, 21:22:16: Osas froze MISS FREDDY - Lvl 346 (Therizinosaur) Day 35058, 21:54:54: Osas froze CASSIOPEIA II - Lvl 396 (Rex) Day 35058, 22:05:13: Osas froze SCREAMER SUPREME - Lvl 382 (Yutyrannus) Day 35058, 22:09:25: Osas froze SCREAMER II - Lvl 371 (Yutyrannus) Day 35058, 22:59:55: Osas froze INSTAKILL - Lvl 409 (Rex) Day 35058, 23:05:00: Osas froze WANDAVISION 2 - Lvl 396 (Rex) Day 35058, 23:10:37: Osas froze TANQUE SOVIETICA - Lvl 370 (Rex) Day 35058, 23:59:09: Osas froze GENERAL PRIME - Lvl 397 (Rex) Day 35059, 00:03:19: Osas froze LOVE AND THUNDER - Lvl 409 (Rex) Day 35533, 01:37:47: smallman - Lvl 94 (Mandem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35639, 01:38:54: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35639, 01:38:54: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35657, 08:59:23: eve - Lvl 112 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SERAPHINE - Lvl 357 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 35657, 09:00:23: eve - Lvl 112 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'VOLCARONA - Lvl 320 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 35657, 09:13:34: eve - Lvl 112 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MINIGUN II - Lvl 344 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 35657, 09:14:36: eve - Lvl 112 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FINAL FREDDY - Lvl 444 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 35657, 09:15:45: eve - Lvl 112 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PEDRIN - Lvl 276 (Doedicurus)'! Day 35657, 09:17:24: eve - Lvl 112 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FLASHPOINT - Lvl 283 (Procoptodon)'! Day 35657, 09:17:50: eve - Lvl 112 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PRIMEROS AUXILIO SUPREMO - Lvl 367 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 35657, 09:18:16: eve - Lvl 112 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SUBFUSIL SUPREMO - Lvl 355 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 35657, 09:28:40: eve - Lvl 112 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'NORKYS II - Lvl 321 (Tapejara)'! Day 35657, 09:29:13: eve - Lvl 112 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'CAPITANA MARVEL II - Lvl 392 (Rex)'! Day 35657, 09:30:16: eve - Lvl 112 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FREDDISINA - Lvl 189 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 35658, 09:17:58: eve - Lvl 112 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BLUE LARRY - Lvl 293 (Aberrant Lystrosaurus)'! Day 35658, 09:19:09: eve - Lvl 112 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DOMA TITANES II - Lvl 288 (Dodo)'! Day 35658, 09:48:13: eve - Lvl 112 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ARGENTAVIS PERFECTO - Lvl 420 (Argentavis)'! Day 35697, 13:03:33: THEBNS - Lvl 17 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35697, 13:12:54: THEBNS - Lvl 17 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35982, 09:34:35: Tribemember Osas - Lvl 126 was killed! Day 35982, 09:42:57: Tribemember Human - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 35990, 13:39:59: Tribemember Spec - Lvl 99 was killed! Day 36077, 00:58:36: Tribemember Osas - Lvl 126 was killed! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'GENERAL PRIME - Lvl 397 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'LOVE AND THUNDER - Lvl 409 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'CASSIOPEIA II - Lvl 396 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'WANDAVISION 2 - Lvl 396 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'TANQUE SOVIETICA - Lvl 370 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'INSTAKILL - Lvl 409 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'SCREAMER II - Lvl 371 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'SCREAMER SUPREME - Lvl 382 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'LEVIATHAN - Lvl 281 (Quetzal)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'SCI-FREDDY - Lvl 362 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'MISS FREDDY - Lvl 346 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'FREDDY UNLIMITED - Lvl 366 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'FREDDY MORALES - Lvl 366 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'FREDDY O'HARA - Lvl 366 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'MAYDAY FREEDY - Lvl 344 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'FREDDY ESCARLATA - Lvl 362 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'FREDDY SILK - Lvl 384 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'FREDDY K. RETURNS - Lvl 362 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'FREDDY STACY - Lvl 384 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'FREDDY FOREVER - Lvl 326 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'SCRATT - Lvl 301 (Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'ALVIN II - Lvl 347 (Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'BAMBINO - Lvl 293 (Shinehorn)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'PARACETAMOL PRIME - Lvl 370 (Paraceratherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'HYDRA - Lvl 367 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'HELLBOY - Lvl 214 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'RESHIRAM - Lvl 376 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'TITAN - Lvl 354 (Brontosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'BLAZE - Lvl 255 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'DOBLE FILO - Lvl 325 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'PORKY II - Lvl 296 (Daeodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'CHARIZARD - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'RAPAZ - Lvl 283 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'LARRYSINA - Lvl 231 (Lystrosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'TRAMPOLIN - Lvl 289 (Procoptodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'Procoptodon - Lvl 296 (Procoptodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'HELA - Lvl 287 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'DAVID GUETTA - Lvl 207 (Dung Beetle)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'PETER PUNK - Lvl 258 (Dung Beetle)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 204 (R-Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'ROCKIN PRIME - Lvl 321 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36077, 01:25:03: 's 'PIDGEOT II [Clone] - Lvl 406 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36289, 10:33:40: Tribemember Osas - Lvl 126 was killed! Day 37232, 06:22:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37232, 06:22:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37232, 06:22:51: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37232, 06:22:51: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37232, 06:22:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37232, 06:22:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37232, 06:22:51: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37232, 06:22:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37232, 06:22:51: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37232, 06:22:51: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37232, 06:22:51: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1397619785,"tribe":"Subpar Survivors logs":["Day 20195, 06:14:18: AmberBerries was added to the Tribe! Day 20195, 12:30:06: AmberBerries Tamed an Equus - Lvl 149 (Equus)! Day 20196, 15:31:16: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 20196, 17:04:43: AmberBerries demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 20196, 17:08:17: AmberBerries demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 20196, 23:09:26: AmberBerries demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 20196, 23:14:24: AmberBerries demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 20196, 23:16:36: AmberBerries demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 20196, 23:51:42: AmberBerries demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 20196, 23:52:41: AmberBerries demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 20196, 23:53:46: AmberBerries demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 20197, 10:49:42: AmberBerries claimed 'Woody - Lvl 251 (Castoroides)'! Day 20197, 10:55:54: AmberBerries unclaimed 'Woody - Lvl 251 (Castoroides)'! Day 20197, 12:47:59: AmberBerries claimed 'food - Lvl 15 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 20197, 13:13:01: AmberBerries unclaimed 'food - Lvl 15 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 20197, 13:34:23: AmberBerries claimed 'slaughter or breed? - Lvl 165 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 20197, 13:38:23: AmberBerries unclaimed 'slaughter or breed? - Lvl 165 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 20602, 22:05:17: Your Bones - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 20779, 13:12:03: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20779, 13:12:03: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24333, 13:55:54: Tribemember AmberBerries - Lvl 57 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 130!"] "tribeid":1394390724,"tribe":"The wishing pool logs":["Day 21518, 07:18:16: Wil was added to the Tribe! Day 21518, 07:29:01: Tribemember Wil - Lvl 4 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 23386, 03:29:30: Tribemember Wil - Lvl 4 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 140!"] "tribeid":1387789994,"tribe":"Tribe of Alf logs":["Day 23500, 13:34:27: Alf was added to the Tribe! Day 23500, 14:04:49: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 23500, 14:27:43: Tribe of olo welcome to tribe was merged in by olo welcome to hell! Day 23500, 14:27:43: olo welcome to hell was added to the Tribe by Alf! Day 23500, 16:04:44: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 122 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 50! Day 23500, 16:24:44: Tribemember olo welcome to hell - Lvl 122 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 50! Day 23500, 18:17:51: Tribemember olo welcome to hell - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 23500, 21:37:29: Alf froze disposable 1 - Lvl 288 (Aberrant Spino) Day 23500, 22:04:31: Alf froze aberrant spinus - Lvl 328 (Aberrant Spino) Day 23500, 22:12:16: olo welcome to hell froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 245 (Fire Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1383405452,"tribe":"LammaJamma Gods logs":["Day 28962, 05:28:38: Hippo was added to the Tribe! Day 28962, 05:43:25: rat lad was added to the Tribe by Hippo! Day 28962, 05:57:12: Hippo Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 28962, 14:00:35: Hippo Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops)! Day 28962, 16:29:29: rat lad Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 134 (Moschops)! Day 28962, 17:15:17: Hippo Tamed an Equus - Lvl 134 (Equus)! Day 28962, 17:27:24: rat lad Tamed an Equus - Lvl 142 (Equus)! Day 28962, 19:38:16: Hippo Tamed an Equus - Lvl 82 (Equus)! Day 28962, 19:58:00: Your Equus - Lvl 82 (Equus) was killed by Hippo - Lvl 15 (LammaJamma Gods)! Day 28962, 19:58:00: Your Tribe killed Equus - Lvl 82 (Equus) (LammaJamma Gods)! Day 28962, 20:31:39: Hippo Tamed an Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus)! Day 28963, 03:54:44: Your Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 85! Day 28963, 05:41:43: Tribemember rat lad - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 28963, 05:58:52: Your RUG - Lvl 150 (Equus) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 60! Day 28963, 06:28:24: Tribemember rat lad - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 28963, 08:02:48: Tribemember rat lad - Lvl 16 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 28963, 08:06:58: Tribemember Hippo - Lvl 18 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 50! Day 28963, 09:42:15: Tribemember rat lad - Lvl 16 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 50! Day 28963, 11:38:49: Tribemember Hippo - Lvl 18 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 25! Day 28963, 12:07:41: Tribemember rat lad - Lvl 18 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 140! Day 28963, 13:32:30: rat lad Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 206 (Dodo)! Day 28963, 14:11:23: Hippo Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 204 (Dodo)! Day 29007, 09:54:04: Hippo demolished a 'Bed'! Day 29007, 09:54:57: Hippo demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 29007, 15:05:15: Hippo Tamed a Gigantopithecus - Lvl 37 (Gigantopithecus)! Day 29007, 15:50:43: Tribemember rat lad - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 29007, 16:37:07: Tribemember rat lad - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 29007, 20:41:21: Your Moschops - Lvl 43 (Moschops) was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 100! Day 29007, 20:53:19: Tribemember rat lad - Lvl 28 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 100! Day 29008, 01:13:54: Hippo Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 29008, 01:18:11: rat lad Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 74 (Moschops)! Day 29008, 06:24:12: Hippo Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 29008, 06:30:25: Hippo Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 29008, 13:25:10: Your Rivet - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 50! Day 29173, 05:21:36: Tribemember Hippo - Lvl 39 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 85! Day 29196, 11:02:22: Tribemember rat lad - Lvl 36 was killed! Day 29196, 11:53:27: Your Jerboa - Lvl 7 (Jerboa) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 145! Day 29196, 11:54:19: Your Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 145! Day 29196, 11:54:46: Tribemember rat lad - Lvl 36 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 145! Day 29196, 12:00:51: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29196, 12:37:09: Tribemember Hippo - Lvl 44 was killed by rat lad - Lvl 36 (LammaJamma Gods)! Day 29196, 12:37:09: Your Tribe killed Hippo - Lvl 44 (LammaJamma Gods)! Day 29196, 13:25:13: Your Moschops - Lvl 111 (Moschops) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 140! Day 29196, 17:07:25: Tribemember rat lad - Lvl 37 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 85! Day 29196, 17:59:22: rat lad claimed 'Aberrant Purlovia - Lvl 275 (Aberrant Purlovia)'! Day 29196, 20:52:45: Hippo Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 22 (Doedicurus)! Day 29197, 06:28:07: Tribemember rat lad - Lvl 37 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 95! Day 29197, 12:56:27: Tribemember rat lad - Lvl 45 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 25! Day 29197, 17:28:43: Tribemember rat lad - Lvl 47 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 95! Day 29197, 17:44:12: Your King Pong - Lvl 70 (Gigantopithecus) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 95! Day 29197, 17:50:13: Tribemember rat lad - Lvl 47 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 45! Day 29197, 17:54:59: Tribemember Hippo - Lvl 56 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 45! Day 29197, 19:18:15: Tribemember Hippo - Lvl 56 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 55! Day 29198, 02:41:39: rat lad Tamed a Terror Bird - Lvl 66 (Terror Bird)! Day 29211, 15:01:01: Tribemember Hippo - Lvl 57 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 25! Day 29211, 20:17:55: Hippo Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 37 (Direwolf)! Day 29211, 22:23:40: Your Tut - Lvl 38 (Direwolf) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 140! Day 29211, 22:35:23: Tribemember Hippo - Lvl 60 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 140! Day 29212, 20:36:35: Hippo Tamed an Equus - Lvl 194 (Equus)! Day 29212, 22:10:25: Hippo Tamed an Equus - Lvl 217 (Equus)! Day 29213, 09:39:12: Hippo Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 29213, 12:54:47: Hippo uploaded a Equus: 130 F - Lvl 194 Day 29213, 12:56:48: Hippo uploaded a Terror Bird: gub - Lvl 81 Day 29213, 12:57:54: Hippo downloaded a dino: gub - Lvl 81 Day 29213, 12:59:25: Hippo uploaded a Terror Bird: gub - Lvl 81 Day 29213, 13:03:44: Hippo uploaded a Pteranodon: 130 F - Lvl 197 Day 29213, 14:53:20: Hippo uploaded a Equus: 145 F - Lvl 224 Day 29213, 14:55:09: Hippo downloaded a dino: 130 F - Lvl 194 Day 29213, 20:17:21: Hippo uploaded a Dodo: Pum - Lvl 209 Day 29213, 20:18:18: Hippo uploaded a Dodo: gerald - Lvl 212 Day 29213, 20:18:55: Hippo uploaded a Moschops: SLING - Lvl 145 Day 29213, 20:19:24: Hippo uploaded a Moschops: Fatso - Lvl 38 Day 29213, 20:20:13: Hippo uploaded a Equus: 130 F - Lvl 203 Day 29213, 20:21:02: Hippo downloaded a dino: 130 F - Lvl 196 Day 29213, 21:24:59: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 29214, 06:33:28: Hippo claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 29214, 06:41:36: Hippo claimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 79 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 29214, 08:18:35: Hippo downloaded a dino: gub - Lvl 81 Day 29214, 08:19:10: Hippo downloaded a dino: 145 F - Lvl 224 Day 29214, 08:19:41: Hippo downloaded a dino: Pum - Lvl 209 Day 29214, 08:20:11: Hippo downloaded a dino: SLING - Lvl 145 Day 29214, 08:20:56: Hippo downloaded a dino: Fatso - Lvl 38 Day 29214, 08:21:24: Hippo downloaded a dino: gerald - Lvl 212 Day 29214, 08:21:52: Hippo downloaded a dino: 130 F - Lvl 203 Day 29214, 09:16:10: Your gerald - Lvl 213 (Dodo) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 121 (Fire Wyvern) (LammaJamma Gods)! Day 29214, 09:16:10: Your Tribe killed gerald - Lvl 213 (Dodo) (LammaJamma Gods)! Day 29218, 10:41:21: Hippo demolished a 'Adobe Sloped Ceiling'! Day 29218, 19:04:44: Hippo demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29218, 20:34:55: Hippo demolished a 'Reinforced Wooden Door (Locked) '! Day 29218, 20:35:58: Hippo demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 29218, 20:36:57: Hippo demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 29218, 20:40:32: Hippo demolished a 'Stone Stairs'! Day 29218, 20:41:42: Hippo demolished a 'Stone Stairs'! Day 29219, 02:57:25: Hippo demolished a 'Adobe Stairs'! Day 29219, 03:12:59: Hippo demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 29219, 12:32:31: Hippo demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 29219, 12:33:25: Hippo demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 29219, 19:15:11: Tribemember Hippo - Lvl 73 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 130! Day 29219, 21:43:33: Hippo demolished a 'Adobe Wall'! Day 29219, 23:44:14: Hippo Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 194 (Direwolf)! Day 29511, 22:07:41: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29818, 21:07:56: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29818, 21:07:56: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29830, 06:18:40: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 82 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 29830, 06:20:26: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 139 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 30101, 06:10:04: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30371, 06:06:38: Fatso - Lvl 38 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 30371, 06:17:58: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aberrant Purlovia - Lvl 300 (Aberrant Purlovia)'! Day 30371, 06:19:06: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'gub - Lvl 81 (Terror Bird)'! Day 30371, 06:19:56: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pum - Lvl 211 (Dodo)'! Day 30371, 06:21:08: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame '130 F - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30371, 06:21:31: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SLING - Lvl 145 (Moschops)'! Day 30371, 06:22:25: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame '145 F - Lvl 228 (Equus)'! Day 30371, 06:22:46: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M 130 - Lvl 200 (Direwolf)'! Day 30371, 06:25:55: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rolo - Lvl 45 (Doedicurus)'! Day 30371, 06:27:17: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame '130 F - Lvl 207 (Equus)'! Day 30371, 07:27:02: Tribemember rat lad - Lvl 49 was killed! Day 30371, 07:53:30: Tribemember Hippo - Lvl 74 was killed! Day 30824, 22:12:01: Tigger - Lvl 141 (Equus) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1380413421,"tribe":"Nomads logs":["Day 31789, 13:55:55: Sam was added to the Tribe! Day 31791, 10:54:14: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31791, 10:57:28: Your Parasaur - Lvl 88 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 100! Day 31791, 11:00:24: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31791, 11:05:39: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 31791, 11:05:39: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31791, 11:07:51: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 100! Day 31791, 11:07:53: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 31791, 11:09:11: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31791, 11:10:17: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31791, 11:12:06: Your 'Stone Water Tap (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31791, 11:16:38: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 31791, 11:16:38: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 31791, 11:16:38: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 31791, 11:16:47: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31791, 11:18:43: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 57 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 100! Day 31791, 11:20:18: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 31791, 11:22:09: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31791, 11:22:44: Your 'Smithy (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31791, 12:39:23: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 31791, 12:43:51: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 57 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 100! Day 31791, 13:44:33: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 57 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 45! Day 31791, 17:12:34: Sam Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur)! Day 31791, 17:35:08: Sam Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 31791, 18:54:23: Sam Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 67 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 31792, 00:22:29: Your Parasaur - Lvl 39 (Parasaur) was killed by Sam - Lvl 59 (Nomads)! Day 31792, 00:22:29: Your Tribe killed Parasaur - Lvl 39 (Parasaur) (Nomads)! Day 31792, 05:56:10: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 60 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 90! Day 31810, 20:02:34: Sam Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur)! Day 31811, 00:26:11: Sam Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 31811, 09:02:23: Sam demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 31811, 17:08:53: Sam demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 31811, 17:11:00: Sam demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 31815, 19:00:00: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 87 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 55! Day 31815, 19:20:48: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 67 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 90! Day 31815, 22:39:46: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31815, 22:39:46: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31815, 22:39:46: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31815, 22:40:31: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31816, 02:04:24: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 31857, 03:11:24: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 31857, 09:19:59: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 31857, 09:50:33: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 69 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 130! Day 31857, 21:55:21: Sam demolished a 'Sloped Thatch Roof'! Day 31858, 12:01:46: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 31860, 21:12:01: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 74 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 55! Day 31860, 22:23:11: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 74 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 55! Day 31860, 23:28:39: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 74 was killed! Day 31860, 23:37:06: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 134 (Argentavis)! Day 31862, 17:09:02: Sam Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 31862, 17:45:57: Sam Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 74 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 31862, 19:40:10: Sam Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 212 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 31862, 21:59:06: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 74 was killed! Day 31863, 00:35:38: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 75 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 95! Day 31863, 05:59:24: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 75 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 31863, 07:31:43: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 75 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 31863, 08:57:35: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 75 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 31885, 12:04:23: Sam Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 31885, 13:15:56: Sam Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 142 (Argentavis)! Day 31885, 13:31:41: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon)! Day 31886, 06:12:35: Your 'Compost Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31886, 06:27:07: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 145! Day 31886, 06:37:46: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 145! Day 31886, 10:59:22: Your 'Compost Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31902, 11:39:34: Your Parasaur - Lvl 61 (Parasaur) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 135! Day 31902, 21:01:39: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 83 was killed by a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 162! Day 31905, 07:19:41: Sam Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo)! Day 31905, 08:26:41: Your Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo) was killed by Sam - Lvl 88 (Nomads)! Day 31905, 08:26:41: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo) (Nomads)! Day 31905, 08:40:44: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 88 was killed! Day 31905, 12:41:34: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur)! Day 31908, 07:23:11: Murphy was added to the Tribe by Sam! Day 31908, 15:18:08: Tribemember Murphy - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 31908, 16:30:30: Your Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur) was killed by Sam - Lvl 93 (Nomads)! Day 31908, 16:30:30: Your Tribe killed Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur) (Nomads)! Day 31908, 21:48:05: Tribemember Murphy - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 31908, 21:52:50: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 93 was killed! Day 31908, 21:57:00: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 31908, 22:07:37: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was destroyed! Day 31908, 22:07:37: Your 'Electric Cable Diagonal' was destroyed! Day 31908, 22:09:54: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was destroyed! Day 31908, 22:15:52: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31909, 23:54:57: Tribemember Murphy - Lvl 18 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 31910, 03:02:04: Tribemember Murphy - Lvl 18 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 140! Day 31910, 00:18:24: Tribemember Murphy - Lvl 18 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 100! Day 31910, 10:01:51: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 93 was killed! Day 31910, 14:25:33: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 93 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 95! Day 31910, 15:06:21: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 93 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 45! Day 31910, 19:25:38: Murphy Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 29 (Sabertooth)! Day 31910, 21:42:08: Your Rip Fang - Lvl 30 (Sabertooth) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 32059, 12:46:36: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32083, 04:06:47: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32201, 07:20:24: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32329, 18:38:34: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 30 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 55! Day 32390, 07:03:00: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32422, 13:02:23: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 67 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 32507, 22:53:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32507, 22:53:01: Your 'Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32507, 22:53:01: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32572, 23:46:26: Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 23 (Ichthyosaurus) starved to death! Day 32642, 10:12:05: John - Lvl 66 (The Badgers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 174 (Argentavis)'! Day 32642, 10:12:34: John - Lvl 66 (The Badgers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 160 (Argentavis)'! Day 32643, 05:04:20: Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 76 (Ichthyosaurus) starved to death! Day 32673, 09:41:53: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32791, 12:51:30: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32791, 12:51:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32791, 12:51:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32791, 12:51:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32791, 12:51:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32957, 00:30:10: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33011, 06:13:51: Your 'Power Generator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33011, 06:46:45: Tribemember Murphy - Lvl 24 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 100! Day 33075, 04:21:40: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33419, 18:47:03: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 93 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 45! Day 34316, 19:48:28: Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 212 (Ichthyosaurus) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1380404781,"tribe":"Tribe of liverpoollion logs":["Day 22588, 21:00:31: liverpoollion was added to the Tribe! Day 22588, 21:07:17: dave was added to the Tribe by liverpoollion! Day 22609, 02:22:13: Tribemember liverpoollion - Lvl 20 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 45! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23209, 11:56:02: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23209, 11:56:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23295, 18:43:48: Tribemember dave - Lvl 12 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 24724, 06:14:11: Tribemember liverpoollion - Lvl 20 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1377142268,"tribe":"Tribe of 인간1 logs":["Day 36116, 06:48:24: 인간 froze Juvenile 와사번 - Lvl 160 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36116, 11:24:58: 인간 froze Juvenile 와사번 - Lvl 160 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36116, 20:28:06: 인간 froze GOD - Lvl 150 (Dodo) Day 36116, 21:02:21: 인간 froze GOD - Lvl 150 (Dodo) Day 36117, 12:21:11: 인간 froze Adolescent 엘사 - Lvl 160 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36117, 12:28:04: 인간 froze Adolescent 엘사 - Lvl 160 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36117, 20:05:37: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 75 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 150! Day 36118, 07:36:33: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 36118, 13:38:36: 인간 unclaimed 'GOD - Lvl 171 (Dodo)'! Day 36118, 13:39:06: 인간 claimed 'GOD - Lvl 171 (Dodo)'! Day 36118, 15:31:14: 인간 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 36118, 16:08:34: 인간 froze Baby 화염방사기 - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36118, 20:04:46: 인간 froze 엘사 - Lvl 221 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36118, 20:40:54: 인간 froze Juvenile 불닭이 - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36118, 21:17:53: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 81 was killed! Day 36118, 21:53:08: 인간 froze Juvenile 불닭이 - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36119, 02:28:53: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 81 was killed! Day 36119, 18:25:47: 인간 froze Juvenile 불닭이 - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36119, 19:50:40: 인간 demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 36119, 23:49:16: 인간 froze Juvenile 불닭이 - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36120, 02:32:14: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 84 was killed! Day 36120, 05:53:54: Your GOD - Lvl 171 (Dodo) was killed by 엘사 - Lvl 223 (Ice Wyvern)! Day 36120, 05:53:54: Your Tribe killed GOD - Lvl 171 (Dodo) (Tribe of 인간1)! Day 36120, 08:05:41: 인간 Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 208 (Dodo)! Day 36120, 10:31:17: 인간 froze Adolescent 불닭이 - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36120, 10:50:49: 인간 froze Adolescent 불닭이 - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36120, 10:54:27: 인간 froze Adolescent 불닭이 - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36120, 10:58:17: 인간 froze Adolescent 불닭이 - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36120, 21:25:31: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 85 was killed by 치즈 4종 불닭이 - Lvl 223 (Ice Wyvern)! Day 36120, 21:25:31: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 85 (Tribe of 인간1)! Day 36121, 18:51:24: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 88 was killed by 치즈 4종 불닭이 - Lvl 224 (Ice Wyvern)! Day 36121, 18:51:24: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 88 (Tribe of 인간1)! Day 36122, 15:36:14: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 94 was killed by 오리지널 불닭이 - Lvl 247 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 36122, 15:36:14: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 94 (Tribe of 인간1)! Day 36122, 16:01:25: 인간 Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 36122, 16:36:55: 인간 Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 36122, 16:37:04: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 36122, 17:05:34: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 94 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 36122, 17:39:49: 인간 froze Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 36123, 03:54:43: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 36123, 05:16:49: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 36123, 18:29:02: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 36123, 21:08:00: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 36124, 09:41:05: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 36124, 16:10:49: 인간 froze 오리지널 불닭이 - Lvl 257 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36124, 20:36:20: 인간 froze 렝무 - Lvl 213 (Griffin) Day 36124, 22:10:47: 인간 Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 37 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 36124, 22:21:47: 인간 froze 광부 - Lvl 37 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36124, 23:14:31: 인간 froze 오리지널 불닭이 - Lvl 259 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36125, 04:45:44: 인간 froze 렝무 - Lvl 213 (Griffin) Day 36125, 10:44:00: 인간 Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 36125, 10:51:09: 인간 froze 김치찌개 - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 36125, 17:53:29: 인간 froze 광부 - Lvl 41 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36126, 09:07:13: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 99 was killed! Day 36126, 09:48:40: 인간 froze 김치찌개 - Lvl 230 (Argentavis) Day 36126, 12:18:20: 인간 Tamed a Megalosaurus - Lvl 191 (Megalosaurus)! Day 36126, 12:31:13: 인간 froze 잠자는 숲속의 공주 - Lvl 191 (Megalosaurus) Day 36135, 08:14:29: 인간 froze 오리지널 불닭이 - Lvl 260 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36135, 09:06:38: 인간 froze 치즈 4종 불닭이 - Lvl 233 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36135, 09:11:30: 인간 froze 치즈 4종 불닭이 - Lvl 233 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36135, 12:27:07: 인간 froze 치즈 4종 불닭이 - Lvl 233 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36135, 12:27:43: 인간 froze 오리지널 불닭이 - Lvl 260 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36135, 14:20:06: 인간 froze 오리지널 불닭이 - Lvl 260 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36135, 15:38:14: 인간 froze 오리지널 불닭이 - Lvl 260 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36136, 07:04:55: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 96 was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 150! Day 36136, 07:04:57: Your 리포토 상사 - Lvl 16 (Jerboa) was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 150! Day 36136, 07:35:49: 인간 froze 렝무 - Lvl 215 (Griffin) Day 36136, 07:40:32: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 96 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 145 | 1.0x! Day 36136, 16:05:46: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 96 was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 150! Day 36137, 13:57:53: 인간 froze 치즈 4종 불닭이 - Lvl 234 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36137, 15:53:42: 인간 froze 치즈 4종 불닭이 - Lvl 234 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36137, 20:28:30: 인간 demolished a 'Cannon (Locked) '! Day 36137, 20:50:39: 인간 froze 렝무 - Lvl 216 (Griffin) Day 36138, 01:26:40: 인간 froze 치즈 4종 불닭이 - Lvl 235 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36138, 23:16:14: 인간 froze 렝무 - Lvl 216 (Griffin) Day 36139, 05:16:59: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 36139, 13:15:49: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 36139, 14:45:18: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 36139, 14:47:33: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 36139, 15:13:41: 인간 froze 리포트 기자 - Lvl 14 (Jerboa) Day 36139, 16:15:02: 인간 Tamed a Rock Elemental - Lvl 194 (Rock Elemental)! Day 36139, 16:26:08: 인간 froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 194 (Rock Elemental) Day 36139, 21:20:54: 인간 froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 202 (Rock Elemental) Day 36140, 00:47:58: 인간 froze 아프트 - Lvl 102 (Brontosaurus) Day 36140, 00:56:40: 인간 froze 부메랑 - Lvl 249 (Pteranodon) Day 36140, 01:16:50: 인간 froze 부메랑 - Lvl 249 (Pteranodon) Day 36140, 01:20:53: 인간 froze 함우재 - Lvl 225 (Daeodon) Day 36140, 01:29:15: 인간 froze 잠자는 숲속의 공주 - Lvl 202 (Megalosaurus) Day 36140, 01:37:30: 인간 froze 김치찌개 - Lvl 234 (Argentavis) Day 36140, 02:00:38: 인간 froze 광부 - Lvl 51 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36140, 02:46:47: 인간 demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 36140, 02:48:25: 인간 demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 36140, 02:49:57: 인간 demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 36140, 02:51:46: 인간 demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 36140, 02:53:19: 인간 demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 36140, 04:52:21: 인간 demolished a 'Fabricator (Locked) '! Day 36140, 06:08:07: 인간 froze GOD 2세 - Lvl 208 (Dodo) Day 36140, 18:13:09: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 98 was killed by 인간 - Lvl 110 (Tribe of 인간1)! Day 36140, 18:13:09: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 98 (Tribe of 인간1)! Day 36141, 13:03:43: 인간 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 36141, 13:10:18: 인간 claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 36141, 13:14:32: 인간 unclaimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 36141, 13:18:30: 인간 unclaimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 36141, 13:19:01: 인간 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 36141, 13:20:30: 인간 claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 36141, 13:27:06: 인간 froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36141, 13:34:32: 인간 froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36141, 13:40:22: 인간 froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36141, 15:51:28: Tent (Locked) (Tribe of 인간1) destroyed your 'Tent (Locked) '! Day 36141, 17:03:53: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 110 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 60! Day 36141, 23:02:22: 인간 froze Juvenile 피닉스 짭퉁 - Lvl 165 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36141, 23:09:10: 인간 froze Juvenile 슈팅 스타 - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36141, 23:14:13: 인간 froze Juvenile 슈팅 스타 - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36141, 23:18:47: 인간 froze Juvenile 슈팅 스타 - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36141, 23:23:28: 인간 froze Juvenile 슈팅 스타 - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36142, 05:24:05: 인간 froze Juvenile 피닉스 짭퉁 - Lvl 165 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36142, 05:36:19: 인간 froze Juvenile 슈팅 스타 - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36142, 05:40:42: 인간 froze Juvenile 피닉스 짭퉁 - Lvl 165 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36142, 06:21:49: Your GOD 2세 - Lvl 208 (Dodo) was killed by 치즈 4종 불닭이 - Lvl 236 (Ice Wyvern)! Day 36142, 06:21:49: Your Tribe killed GOD 2세 - Lvl 208 (Dodo)! Day 36142, 11:36:48: 인간 froze Juvenile 피닉스 짭퉁 - Lvl 165 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36142, 11:44:59: 인간 froze Juvenile 피닉스 짭퉁 - Lvl 165 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36142, 11:52:27: 인간 froze Juvenile 피닉스 짭퉁 - Lvl 165 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36142, 13:15:17: 인간 Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 107 (Dodo)! Day 36142, 13:47:13: 인간 claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 36142, 13:50:08: 인간 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 36142, 13:56:59: 인간 unclaimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 36142, 13:57:18: 인간 claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 36142, 13:57:44: 인간 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 36142, 14:16:45: 인간 froze Baby 아이셔 - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36142, 14:18:26: 인간 froze Baby 피카츄 - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36142, 14:20:41: 인간 froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 36142, 14:26:48: 인간 froze Baby 아이셔 - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36142, 14:31:52: 인간 froze Baby 피카츄 - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36143, 07:21:50: 인간 froze 부메랑 - Lvl 253 (Pteranodon) Day 36143, 08:18:17: 인간 froze Juvenile 아이셔 - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36143, 12:19:11: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 106 was killed by 오리지널 불닭이 - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 36143, 12:19:11: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 106 (Tribe of 인간1)! Day 36143, 14:37:22: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 106 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 55! Day 36143, 20:30:40: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 106 was killed! Day 36143, 20:46:27: Your 리포트 기자 - Lvl 14 (Jerboa) was killed by 슈팅 스타 - Lvl 166 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 36143, 20:46:27: Your Tribe killed 리포트 기자 - Lvl 14 (Jerboa)! Day 36144, 02:05:24: Your Tribe Tamed a Titanoboa - Lvl 82 (Titanoboa)! Day 36144, 02:14:35: 인간 froze Titanoboa - Lvl 82 (Titanoboa) Day 36144, 04:36:36: 인간 froze Adolescent 피카츄 - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36144, 04:47:29: 인간 froze Adolescent 독실험 - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 36144, 04:54:51: 인간 froze Adolescent 독실험 - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 36144, 04:59:29: 인간 froze Adolescent 아이셔 - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36144, 06:09:49: 인간 froze 맹독알만 먹는놈 - Lvl 84 (Titanoboa) Day 36144, 06:49:15: 인간 froze 피닉스 짭퉁 - Lvl 168 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36144, 06:55:09: 인간 froze 김치찌개 - Lvl 243 (Argentavis) Day 36144, 07:04:40: 인간 froze 부메랑 - Lvl 253 (Pteranodon) Day 36165, 14:44:23: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 36168, 10:52:52: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 36168, 13:02:45: 인간 froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 230 (Rock Elemental) Day 36168, 13:06:28: 인간 froze 렝무 - Lvl 218 (Griffin) Day 36168, 13:28:24: 인간 froze 함우재 - Lvl 229 (Daeodon) Day 36168, 13:33:52: 인간 froze 잠자는 숲속의 공주 - Lvl 208 (Megalosaurus) Day 36168, 14:02:16: 인간 froze 아프트 - Lvl 106 (Brontosaurus) Day 36168, 14:51:00: 인간 froze 부메랑 - Lvl 253 (Pteranodon) Day 36168, 15:12:49: 인간 froze 김치찌개 - Lvl 266 (Argentavis) Day 36168, 15:50:39: 인간 froze 광부 - Lvl 58 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36169, 01:57:04: 인간 uploaded a Pteranodon: 부메랑 - Lvl 271 Day 36213, 16:36:03: 인간 froze 오리지널 불닭이 - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36213, 16:45:08: 인간 froze 치즈 4종 불닭이 - Lvl 254 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36213, 16:49:35: 인간 froze 슈팅 스타 - Lvl 193 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36213, 16:53:29: 인간 froze 함우재 - Lvl 230 (Daeodon) Day 36213, 17:01:32: 인간 froze 피닉스 짭퉁 - Lvl 168 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36213, 17:05:15: 인간 froze 아이셔 - Lvl 101 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36217, 02:15:54: 인간 demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 36229, 23:31:58: 인간 froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 258 (Rock Elemental) Day 36230, 03:06:48: 인간 froze 피카츄 - Lvl 101 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36230, 03:31:23: 인간 froze 김치찌개 - Lvl 289 (Argentavis) Day 36233, 08:41:04: 인간 froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 258 (Rock Elemental) Day 36233, 10:18:31: 인간 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 36233, 22:40:48: 인간 froze 김치찌개 - Lvl 289 (Argentavis) Day 36233, 23:03:33: 인간 froze Adolescent 독실험 - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 36234, 05:55:25: 인간 froze 광부 - Lvl 58 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36234, 16:13:04: Your 오리지널 불닭이 - Lvl 287 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 36234, 16:19:27: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 36234, 22:13:03: 인간 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 36234, 22:18:35: 인간 claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 36234, 22:33:00: 인간 froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36234, 22:46:38: 인간 froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 36235, 00:45:42: 인간 froze 아이셔 - Lvl 101 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36235, 01:04:06: 인간 froze 김치찌개 - Lvl 289 (Argentavis) Day 36235, 04:00:55: 인간 froze Baby 번개맨 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36235, 09:32:52: 인간 froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 258 (Rock Elemental) Day 36235, 10:49:41: 인간 froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 259 (Rock Elemental) Day 36235, 11:56:06: 인간 froze 김치찌개 - Lvl 289 (Argentavis) Day 36235, 18:32:06: 인간 froze Juvenile 제2의 딜로포 - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 36236, 09:53:16: 인간 froze Adolescent 번개맨 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36236, 19:00:02: 인간 froze Adolescent 번개맨 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36237, 00:38:12: 인간 froze Adolescent 번개맨 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36237, 01:15:23: 인간 froze Adolescent 번개맨 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36237, 04:45:13: 인간 froze 잠자는 숲속의 공주 - Lvl 253 (Megalosaurus) Day 36237, 07:28:32: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by 제2의 딜로포 - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern)! Day 36237, 07:28:32: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간1)! Day 36237, 08:21:18: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 108 was killed by 제2의 딜로포 - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern)! Day 36237, 08:21:18: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 108 (Tribe of 인간1)! Day 36237, 08:38:29: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 108 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 36237, 12:21:46: 인간 froze 아프트 - Lvl 138 (Brontosaurus) Day 36237, 12:52:26: 인간 froze 아프트 - Lvl 138 (Brontosaurus) Day 36237, 15:15:44: 인간 uploaded a Argentavis: 김치찌개 - Lvl 290 Day 36237, 21:44:33: 인간 froze 렝무 - Lvl 228 (Griffin) Day 36237, 23:01:17: 인간 froze 잠자는 숲속의 공주 - Lvl 253 (Megalosaurus) Day 36238, 04:42:32: 인간 froze 잠자는 숲속의 공주 - Lvl 253 (Megalosaurus) Day 36238, 05:41:08: 인간 froze 잠자는 숲속의 공주 - Lvl 253 (Megalosaurus) Day 36238, 09:18:29: 인간 froze 렝무 - Lvl 229 (Griffin) Day 36239, 12:34:49: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 36239, 15:12:15: 인간 froze 번개맨 - Lvl 203 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36239, 20:25:28: 인간 froze 번개맨 - Lvl 209 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36240, 06:54:11: 인간 froze 번개맨 - Lvl 209 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36240, 09:27:41: 인간 froze 렝무 - Lvl 229 (Griffin) Day 36240, 10:48:55: 인간 froze 번개맨 - Lvl 210 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36240, 14:41:45: 인간 froze 렝무 - Lvl 229 (Griffin) Day 36240, 16:14:18: 인간 froze 아프트 - Lvl 138 (Brontosaurus) Day 36240, 16:56:38: 인간 froze 렝무 - Lvl 229 (Griffin) Day 36240, 17:42:23: 인간 froze 아프트 - Lvl 138 (Brontosaurus) Day 36240, 18:59:42: 인간 froze 아프트 - Lvl 138 (Brontosaurus) Day 36240, 19:58:04: 인간 froze 아프트 - Lvl 138 (Brontosaurus) Day 36241, 00:33:34: 인간 froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 260 (Rock Elemental) Day 36241, 14:00:15: 인간 froze 제2의 딜로포 - Lvl 193 (Poison Wyvern) Day 36241, 16:24:39: 인간 froze 아프트 - Lvl 140 (Brontosaurus) Day 36241, 22:04:40: 인간 froze 잠자는 숲속의 공주 - Lvl 253 (Megalosaurus) Day 36242, 01:50:29: 인간 Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 216 (Phiomia)! Day 36242, 02:05:45: 인간 froze 김지홍 - Lvl 216 (Phiomia) Day 36242, 04:26:51: 인간 froze 아프트 - Lvl 140 (Brontosaurus) Day 36242, 06:55:26: 인간 froze 번개맨 - Lvl 229 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36242, 07:22:52: 인간 froze 렝무 - Lvl 230 (Griffin) Day 36242, 09:28:11: 인간 Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle)! Day 36242, 11:22:55: 인간 Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle)! Day 36242, 11:45:21: 인간 unclaimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 36242, 11:46:01: 인간 claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 36242, 11:52:37: Your Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle) was killed by 번개맨 - Lvl 229 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 36242, 11:52:37: Your Tribe killed Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle) (Tribe of 인간1)! Day 36242, 13:41:56: 인간 Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle)! Day 36243, 04:54:39: 인간 froze 아프트 - Lvl 141 (Brontosaurus) Day 36243, 18:02:11: 인간 froze 피카츄 - Lvl 117 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36243, 18:07:02: 인간 froze 아이셔 - Lvl 142 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36243, 20:12:14: 인간 froze 슈팅 스타 - Lvl 216 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36244, 00:48:39: 인간 froze 광부 - Lvl 101 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36244, 00:56:15: 인간 froze 렝무 - Lvl 230 (Griffin) Day 36253, 16:44:21: 인간 froze GOD 3세 - Lvl 107 (Dodo) Day 36253, 22:32:56: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 36255, 18:32:27: 인간 downloaded a dino: 눈빼미 - Lvl 135 Day 36255, 18:33:22: 인간 downloaded a dino: 김치찌개 - Lvl 276 Day 36255, 18:37:21: 인간 froze 눈빼미 - Lvl 135 (Snow Owl) Day 36255, 18:41:21: 인간 froze 김치찌개 - Lvl 276 (Argentavis) Day 36255, 18:46:18: 인간 froze 피카츄 - Lvl 126 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36255, 19:57:52: 인간 froze 광부 - Lvl 101 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36255, 20:02:31: 인간 froze 피카츄 - Lvl 126 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36255, 20:06:11: 인간 froze 아프트 - Lvl 141 (Brontosaurus) Day 36257, 09:56:20: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 36257, 19:21:57: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 109 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 36258, 00:04:37: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 36258, 02:12:52: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 109 was killed by 번개맨 - Lvl 236 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 36258, 02:12:52: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 109 (Tribe of 인간1)! Day 36258, 07:03:56: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 109 was killed! Day 36258, 10:59:09: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 109 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 36258, 11:30:34: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 109 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 36258, 16:29:58: 인간 Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 193 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 36258, 17:28:57: 인간 froze 렝무 - Lvl 232 (Griffin) Day 36259, 06:22:11: 인간 froze 번개맨 - Lvl 248 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36259, 11:49:35: 인간 uploaded a Argentavis: 김치찌개 - Lvl 276 Day 36260, 02:33:50: 인간 downloaded a dino: 카르마 - Lvl 217 Day 36260, 02:34:26: 인간 downloaded a dino: 김치찌개 - Lvl 276 Day 36260, 02:48:40: 인간 froze 김치찌개 - Lvl 276 (Argentavis) Day 36260, 03:19:32: Plant Species Y trap (Tribe of 인간1) destroyed your 'Plant Species Y trap'! Day 36260, 03:46:46: Plant Species Y trap (Tribe of 인간1) destroyed your 'Plant Species Y trap'! Day 36260, 04:53:36: 인간 froze 피닉스 짭퉁 - Lvl 168 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36260, 10:05:06: 인간 froze 김치찌개 - Lvl 276 (Argentavis) Day 36260, 12:23:10: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 36261, 11:03:54: 인간 froze 엽기 떡볶이 고수맛 - Lvl 247 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 36261, 19:15:44: 인간 froze 카르마 - Lvl 266 (Managarmr) Day 36261, 23:50:20: 인간 froze 카르마 - Lvl 266 (Managarmr) Day 36262, 00:40:48: 인간 froze 엽기 떡볶이 고수맛 - Lvl 250 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 36262, 03:06:28: 인간 froze 카르마 - Lvl 266 (Managarmr) Day 36262, 15:45:56: 인간 froze 아프트 - Lvl 144 (Brontosaurus) Day 36264, 00:02:05: 인간 froze 엽기 떡볶이 고수맛 - Lvl 253 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 36264, 03:05:08: 인간 froze 렝무 - Lvl 234 (Griffin) Day 36264, 12:01:48: Your 엽기 떡볶이 고수맛 - Lvl 267 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 36278, 10:59:23: 인간 froze 광부 - Lvl 107 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36279, 18:57:34: 인간 uploaded a Argentavis: 김치찌개 - Lvl 279 Day 36282, 02:30:57: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 36282, 06:34:11: 인간 froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 267 (Rock Elemental) Day 36282, 10:23:00: Your Tribe Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 223 (Allosaurus)! Day 36282, 10:55:42: 인간 froze 알로 족장 - Lvl 223 (Allosaurus) Day 36282, 18:29:06: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 36282, 18:48:08: Your 눈빼미 - Lvl 159 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 36282, 20:54:07: 인간 froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 269 (Rock Elemental) Day 36282, 22:22:13: 인간 froze 알로 족장 - Lvl 223 (Allosaurus) Day 36282, 22:52:27: 인간 Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 202 (Allosaurus)! Day 36282, 23:04:31: 인간 froze Allosaurus - Lvl 202 (Allosaurus) Day 36285, 06:03:28: 인간 froze 김치찌개 - Lvl 280 (Argentavis) Day 36285, 06:06:50: 인간 froze 김치찌개 - Lvl 280 (Argentavis) Day 36285, 08:39:35: 인간 froze 렝무 - Lvl 234 (Griffin) Day 36285, 18:52:59: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 36304, 19:10:47: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36304, 19:10:47: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36447, 12:28:49: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36542, 15:06:57: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36542, 15:06:57: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36542, 15:06:57: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36542, 15:06:57: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36590, 05:28:43: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36590, 05:28:43: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36590, 05:28:43: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36590, 05:28:43: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36613, 23:21:07: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36717, 20:02:31: 인간 froze 함우재 - Lvl 230 (Daeodon) Day 36717, 20:06:04: 인간 froze 치즈 4종 불닭이 - Lvl 257 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36717, 20:20:41: 인간 froze 치즈 4종 불닭이 - Lvl 257 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36717, 20:27:03: 인간 froze 렝무 - Lvl 234 (Griffin) Day 36717, 21:08:45: 인간 froze 카르마 - Lvl 291 (Managarmr) Day 36717, 23:42:37: 인간 uploaded a Ice Wyvern: 치즈 4종 불닭이 - Lvl 257 Day 36717, 23:43:35: 인간 uploaded a Argentavis: 김치찌개 - Lvl 280 Day 36717, 23:44:50: 인간 uploaded a Daeodon: 함우재 - Lvl 230 Day 36717, 23:46:22: 인간 uploaded a Managarmr: 카르마 - Lvl 291 Day 36732, 20:37:50: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36740, 03:41:18: 인간 froze 골벳 - Lvl 128 (Desmodus) Day 36756, 17:23:00: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 36828, 00:15:35: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36828, 00:15:35: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36832, 08:51:42: Your 광부 - Lvl 107 (Ankylosaurus) was killed! Day 36832, 09:00:20: Your Allosaurus - Lvl 217 (Allosaurus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 36832, 09:07:43: Your 알로 족장 - Lvl 244 (Allosaurus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 36832, 09:11:36: Your 피카츄 - Lvl 126 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 36832, 09:12:35: Your 독실험 - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) was killed! Day 36832, 09:23:36: Your 피닉스 짭퉁 - Lvl 168 (Ice Wyvern) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 36832, 09:31:36: Your 제2의 딜로포 - Lvl 193 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 36832, 09:37:50: Your 아이셔 - Lvl 142 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 36832, 09:48:32: Your GOD 3세 - Lvl 136 (Dodo) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 36832, 09:59:06: Your 김지홍 - Lvl 228 (Phiomia) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 36832, 10:08:00: Your 번개맨 - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 36832, 10:10:28: Your 맹독알만 먹는놈 - Lvl 123 (Titanoboa) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 36875, 13:54:40: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36883, 00:04:18: 인간 froze 잠자는 숲속의 공주 - Lvl 253 (Megalosaurus) Day 36883, 01:16:14: 인간 uploaded a Griffin: 렝무 - Lvl 242 Day 36929, 02:50:51: 인간 froze 렝무 - Lvl 243 (Griffin) Day 36932, 13:07:07: 인간 was added to the Tribe by 인간! Day 36932, 13:08:40: 인간 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by 인간! Day 36932, 15:39:17: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 36932, 20:03:07: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 36932, 22:31:03: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 36933, 01:00:20: 인간 Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 28 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 36933, 01:52:07: 인간 froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 28 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 36933, 02:46:03: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 36933, 06:43:14: 인간 froze 탄지로 - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane) Day 36933, 07:01:54: 인간 froze 무잔 - Lvl 257 (Shadowmane) Day 36947, 16:56:03: 인간 froze 무잔 - Lvl 258 (Shadowmane) Day 36947, 18:50:58: 인간 froze 무잔 - Lvl 258 (Shadowmane) Day 36948, 12:51:35: 인간 froze 무잔 - Lvl 259 (Shadowmane) Day 36948, 18:22:58: 인간 froze 렝무 - Lvl 243 (Griffin) Day 37023, 16:07:47: 인간 froze op완성체 - Lvl 275 (Shadowmane) Day 37024, 14:33:01: 인간 froze op유 - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 37024, 15:04:20: 수현 was added to the Tribe by 인간! Day 37024, 15:05:59: 수현 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by 인간! Day 37024, 15:12:46: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by 수현 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간1)! Day 37024, 15:12:46: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간1)! Day 37024, 15:37:36: 인간 was added to the Tribe by 수현! Day 37024, 15:50:05: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 37024, 18:47:20: 인간 froze 섀도우메이크 - Lvl 276 (Shadowmane) Day 37024, 18:48:54: 인간 froze op완성체 - Lvl 276 (Shadowmane) Day 37024, 18:50:17: 인간 froze 다키 - Lvl 266 (Shadowmane) Day 37024, 18:52:03: 인간 froze op로 - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) Day 37024, 18:53:35: 인간 froze M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 37024, 18:56:46: 인간 froze M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 37024, 18:59:00: 인간 froze M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 37024, 18:59:40: 인간 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 403 (Tek Rex) Day 37024, 19:02:49: 인간 froze M Rex1 M - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 37024, 19:06:50: 인간 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 37024, 21:02:17: 인간 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 37024, 21:07:03: 인간 froze 다키 - Lvl 267 (Shadowmane) Day 37024, 22:12:25: 인간 froze op완성체 - Lvl 276 (Shadowmane) Day 37024, 22:14:22: 인간 froze M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 37024, 22:18:48: 인간 froze M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 37024, 22:31:02: 인간 froze 섀도우메이크 - Lvl 276 (Shadowmane) Day 37091, 01:48:35: 인간 froze op완성체 - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 37091, 04:08:28: 인간 froze 시노부 - Lvl 245 (Shadowmane) Day 37091, 05:30:57: 수현 froze 다키 - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 37092, 11:03:23: 인간 froze 기지로 - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) Day 37092, 11:57:45: 인간 froze 기지로 - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) Day 37092, 12:46:08: Your 기지로 - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 37092, 12:46:27: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 37092, 13:32:11: 인간 froze 시노부 - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane) Day 37101, 18:50:40: Dung Beetle - Lvl 49 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Toilet' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37615, 02:25:36: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (tullinger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'op유 - Lvl 236 (Shadowmane)'! Day 37869, 14:34:37: eve - Lvl 112 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 228 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38574, 12:40:22: 인간 was removed from the Tribe! Day 38920, 16:21:02: 인생은 트라켄 - Lvl 138 (Triceratops) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1372979340,"tribe":"Stamm von Shugal logs":["Day 20608, 21:50:26: Shugal was added to the Tribe! Day 20608, 21:57:42: Lynn was added to the Tribe by Shugal! Day 20608, 23:34:18: Shugal Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 20609, 01:29:47: Shugal Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 20609, 01:47:17: Lynn demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 20609, 01:50:25: Lynn froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 20609, 01:52:23: Lynn demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 20609, 01:55:39: Lynn froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 20609, 02:33:25: Shugal froze Fürst Blood - Lvl 251 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20609, 03:00:43: Lynn froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 361 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20609, 05:04:57: Shugal froze Fürst Blood - Lvl 251 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1371904994,"tribe":"Tribe of Lars logs":["Day 29143, 11:14:17: SendDudes Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 29143, 11:19:20: SendDudes froze Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 29143, 17:47:38: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29143, 18:34:49: Lars froze Deinonychus - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus) Day 29143, 19:05:35: SendDudes froze Ausgeliehn - Lvl 220 (Deinonychus) Day 29143, 19:08:01: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29143, 19:19:20: SendDudes froze Ausgeliehn - Lvl 220 (Deinonychus) Day 29143, 19:41:02: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29162, 15:57:58: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29162, 16:10:37: Lars froze Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 29162, 17:01:24: Lars froze Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 29162, 17:04:36: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29162, 18:26:36: Lars Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 29162, 18:28:30: Lars Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 29162, 18:32:16: Lars froze dog - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 29162, 20:53:59: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29162, 21:03:11: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29162, 21:47:24: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29162, 22:17:13: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29162, 22:30:59: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29162, 23:02:04: Lars froze Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 29162, 23:14:24: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29162, 23:31:36: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29162, 23:46:09: Lars froze Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 29162, 23:57:02: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29163, 00:15:58: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29163, 00:26:09: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29163, 00:54:31: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29163, 01:09:44: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29163, 02:19:08: Lars froze dog - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 29163, 02:29:52: Lars froze Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 29163, 02:44:49: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29163, 02:57:35: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29163, 03:08:14: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29163, 03:21:30: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29163, 03:30:21: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29163, 03:40:52: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29163, 03:49:32: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29163, 04:13:11: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29163, 04:47:03: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29163, 05:04:00: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29163, 05:10:19: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29163, 05:16:54: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29163, 05:23:08: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29163, 05:27:56: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29163, 05:33:29: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29163, 06:00:00: Lars froze Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 29163, 06:33:20: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29163, 07:17:17: Lars froze Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 29167, 08:38:01: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex)'! Day 29167, 08:38:53: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex)'! Day 29167, 08:42:02: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) Day 29167, 08:44:47: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 29167, 08:45:17: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex)'! Day 29167, 08:46:21: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex)'! Day 29167, 08:47:30: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex)'! Day 29167, 08:58:40: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 29167, 09:01:12: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 29167, 09:02:24: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex)'! Day 29167, 09:05:26: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex) Day 29167, 09:08:10: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex) Day 29167, 09:10:52: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) Day 29167, 09:11:07: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex)'! Day 29167, 09:44:07: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 29167, 09:47:54: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex) Day 29167, 09:54:28: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 29167, 10:05:56: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 29167, 10:56:10: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) Day 29167, 11:00:29: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 29167, 13:38:24: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex)'! Day 29167, 13:39:07: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 29167, 13:39:43: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 205 (Rex)'! Day 29167, 13:40:33: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 29167, 13:41:49: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex)'! Day 29167, 13:44:44: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 29167, 13:45:26: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)'! Day 29167, 13:48:03: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 29167, 13:48:49: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex)'! Day 29167, 13:52:25: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 29167, 13:52:43: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex)'! Day 29167, 14:14:04: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 29167, 14:17:02: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 29167, 14:19:49: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex) Day 29167, 14:22:35: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 29167, 14:37:49: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 29167, 14:40:27: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 205 (Rex) Day 29167, 14:43:11: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 29167, 17:16:27: SendDudes froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex) Day 29167, 17:31:21: SendDudes froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) Day 29167, 17:34:31: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 29167, 17:42:04: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex) Day 29167, 17:50:19: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 29167, 18:03:39: SendDudes froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex) Day 29167, 18:11:45: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 29167, 18:14:37: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 29167, 18:17:30: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 29167, 18:25:16: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 29167, 18:44:17: SendDudes froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 29167, 18:47:14: SendDudes froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 29167, 18:58:32: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) was killed by SendDudes - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Lars)! Day 29167, 18:58:32: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)! Day 29167, 19:21:03: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex) was killed by SendDudes - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Lars)! Day 29167, 19:21:03: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex)! Day 29167, 19:26:20: SendDudes froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) Day 29167, 19:36:13: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) was killed by SendDudes - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Lars)! Day 29167, 19:36:13: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex)! Day 29167, 19:46:21: SendDudes froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 29167, 19:56:49: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex) was killed by SendDudes - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Lars)! Day 29167, 19:56:49: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex)! Day 29167, 20:01:51: SendDudes froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 29167, 20:24:46: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 205 (Rex) was killed by SendDudes - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Lars)! Day 29167, 20:24:46: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Rex - Lvl 205 (Rex)! Day 29168, 00:54:41: SendDudes froze Ausgeliehn - Lvl 220 (Deinonychus) Day 29168, 03:11:21: SendDudes froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 225 (R-Snow Owl) Day 29168, 04:54:00: SendDudes uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Spyro - Lvl 283 Day 29173, 15:48:46: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29173, 15:48:46: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29173, 15:48:46: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29173, 15:48:46: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29173, 15:48:46: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29173, 15:48:46: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29173, 15:48:46: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29173, 16:05:23: SendDudes froze Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) Day 29173, 17:28:15: SendDudes froze Ehm - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) Day 29173, 18:46:23: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex) Day 29173, 18:49:12: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 29173, 18:52:02: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex) Day 29173, 19:23:06: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex) Day 29173, 19:25:54: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 29173, 19:28:45: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 29173, 19:41:34: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 29173, 19:46:06: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 29173, 21:17:36: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake)'! Day 29173, 21:22:20: SendDudes froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) Day 29174, 00:07:44: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex)'! Day 29174, 00:08:53: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex)'! Day 29174, 00:17:50: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex)'! Day 29174, 00:18:54: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex)'! Day 29174, 02:52:16: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 29174, 02:55:49: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 29174, 03:36:10: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 29174, 03:39:49: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 29174, 11:47:32: SendDudes froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 29199, 02:44:32: Your Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 145! Day 29199, 03:55:22: Adolescent Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) starved to death! Day 29199, 03:59:44: Adolescent Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29199, 04:01:04: Adolescent Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29199, 04:01:21: Adolescent Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29199, 04:01:50: Adolescent Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29217, 14:01:24: Lars froze Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 29217, 14:11:12: Lars froze bREXit - Lvl 240 (Rex) Day 29217, 16:44:56: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 188 (Rock Drake)'! Day 29217, 20:21:20: SendDudes claimed 'Tim - Lvl 265 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 29217, 20:24:28: SendDudes froze Tim - Lvl 265 (Thylacoleo) Day 29217, 20:28:37: SendDudes claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 247 (Argentavis)'! Day 29217, 20:30:37: SendDudes claimed 'Charlise - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29217, 21:15:10: SendDudes froze Tim - Lvl 265 (Thylacoleo) Day 29217, 23:03:03: SendDudes froze Tim - Lvl 265 (Thylacoleo) Day 29218, 06:17:47: SendDudes froze Argentavis - Lvl 247 (Argentavis) Day 29218, 06:23:02: SendDudes froze Tim - Lvl 265 (Thylacoleo) Day 29218, 06:36:00: SendDudes Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 219 (Megatherium)! Day 29218, 06:46:41: Lars froze Meg - Lvl 219 (Megatherium) Day 29218, 07:46:09: Lars froze Meg - Lvl 219 (Megatherium) Day 29218, 08:07:55: Lars froze Daily Driver - Lvl 351 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29218, 08:58:39: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 243 (Rex)'! Day 29218, 09:39:08: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex)'! Day 29218, 09:41:27: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex)'! Day 29218, 09:49:16: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 29218, 09:55:18: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex)'! Day 29218, 09:59:17: Lars froze Meg - Lvl 230 (Megatherium) Day 29218, 10:03:38: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 29218, 10:14:21: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex)'! Day 29218, 10:22:26: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex)'! Day 29218, 10:27:57: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex)'! Day 29218, 10:34:44: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex)'! Day 29218, 10:38:18: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex)'! Day 29218, 10:41:43: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex)'! Day 29218, 10:52:32: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex)'! Day 29218, 11:11:51: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) was killed by SendDudes - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Lars)! Day 29218, 11:11:51: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) (Tribe of Lars)! Day 29218, 16:20:14: SendDudes froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 29218, 18:21:03: SendDudes froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 29218, 18:37:48: SendDudes froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 29218, 19:18:23: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex)'! Day 29218, 19:20:18: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex)'! Day 29218, 19:23:52: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex) Day 29218, 19:26:39: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex) Day 29218, 19:37:45: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex)'! Day 29218, 19:42:15: SendDudes froze Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 29218, 20:44:05: SendDudes froze Adolescent Rock Drake - Lvl 188 (Rock Drake) Day 29219, 08:30:09: Tribemember SendDudes - Lvl 112 was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 314 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29219, 08:30:09: Your Tribe killed SendDudes - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Lars)! Day 29219, 11:18:30: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 141 (Deinonychus)'! Day 29219, 11:22:18: SendDudes claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 29219, 21:00:02: SendDudes froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 141 (Deinonychus) Day 29220, 23:33:33: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 29220, 23:39:57: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 29220, 23:52:52: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 243 (Rex) Day 29220, 23:56:57: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 29221, 00:23:36: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 29221, 00:27:57: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 29221, 00:49:37: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 29221, 00:54:43: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 29221, 01:09:21: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 29221, 01:13:40: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 29221, 01:25:34: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 29221, 01:50:09: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 29221, 01:53:48: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 29221, 02:21:57: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 29221, 03:22:28: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 29221, 03:26:02: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 29221, 04:10:40: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 29266, 09:06:45: Lars claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex)'! Day 29266, 09:10:51: Lars claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 243 (Rex)'! Day 29266, 09:21:23: Lars froze Baby Lmao marian - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 29266, 09:24:51: Lars froze Baby Rex - Lvl 243 (Rex) Day 29266, 09:26:29: Lars claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex)'! Day 29266, 09:27:36: Lars claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 220 (Rex)'! Day 29266, 09:28:39: Lars claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex)'! Day 29266, 09:29:29: Lars claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex)'! Day 29266, 09:35:40: Lars claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 243 (Rex)'! Day 29266, 09:36:31: Lars claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex)'! Day 29266, 09:38:01: Lars claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex)'! Day 29266, 09:42:02: Lars froze Baby Rex - Lvl 220 (Rex) Day 29266, 09:44:37: Lars claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 29266, 09:52:27: Lars claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 29266, 09:53:10: Lars claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex)'! Day 29266, 09:53:55: Lars claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex)'! Day 29266, 09:55:11: Lars claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex)'! Day 29266, 11:04:50: Lars froze Baby Rex - Lvl 220 (Rex) Day 29266, 11:07:36: Lars froze Baby Rex - Lvl 243 (Rex) Day 29266, 11:10:52: Lars froze Baby Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 29266, 11:30:26: Lars froze Baby Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 29266, 11:33:49: Lars froze Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 29266, 11:36:41: Lars froze Baby Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 29266, 11:50:51: Lars froze Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 29266, 11:53:38: Lars froze Baby Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 29266, 11:56:27: Lars froze Baby Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 29266, 12:10:14: Lars froze Baby Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 29266, 12:13:04: Lars froze Baby Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 29266, 12:16:01: Lars froze Baby Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 29266, 13:16:23: Lars unclaimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex)'! Day 29266, 13:23:06: Lars claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex)'! Day 29266, 13:30:52: Lars froze Baby Lmao marian - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 29266, 17:03:47: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) was killed! Day 29266, 17:03:47: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29266, 18:24:36: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) was killed! Day 29266, 18:24:36: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29266, 18:34:24: Lars froze Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 29266, 19:00:16: Lars froze Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 29266, 19:07:12: Lars froze Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 29266, 19:27:50: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) was killed! Day 29266, 19:27:50: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29266, 19:28:37: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) was killed! Day 29266, 19:28:37: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29266, 19:30:05: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) was killed! Day 29266, 19:30:05: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29266, 19:30:29: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) was killed! Day 29266, 19:30:29: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29266, 19:32:10: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) was killed! Day 29266, 19:32:10: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29266, 19:33:32: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) was killed! Day 29266, 19:33:32: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29266, 19:34:04: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) was killed! Day 29266, 19:34:04: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29278, 19:38:38: Juvenile Lmao marian - Lvl 229 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29278, 19:38:53: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 243 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29278, 19:38:54: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 220 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29278, 19:38:56: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 243 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29278, 19:38:57: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) starved to death! Day 29323, 02:16:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29370, 07:16:50: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29417, 11:53:42: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29451, 05:13:12: Dung Beetle - Lvl 75 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 29582, 18:12:42: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29662, 16:57:50: Lars's 'Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29830, 09:53:11: Tribemember SendDudes - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 29830, 11:54:02: Tribemember Eve - Lvl 53 was killed! Day 29874, 17:12:06: Lars's 'Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29958, 01:18:56: Pteranodon - Lvl 27 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 29958, 01:19:07: Pteranodon - Lvl 35 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 30045, 13:12:06: Pteranodon - Lvl 34 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 30101, 06:10:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30158, 17:36:51: Bella - Lvl 158 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 30371, 16:51:25: dog - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 30396, 19:20:08: Gacha - Lvl 172 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 30396, 19:21:16: Gacha - Lvl 153 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 30396, 19:54:47: Genji - Lvl 24 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 30455, 13:07:39: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30455, 13:07:39: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30461, 13:14:15: HUSH - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tim - Lvl 266 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 30461, 13:54:37: HUSH - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Daily Driver - Lvl 351 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 30461, 14:10:22: HUSH - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'o-d - Lvl 311 (Rock Drake)'! Day 30461, 14:19:08: HUSH - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 188 (Rock Drake)'! Day 30461, 14:42:10: HUSH - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Meg - Lvl 230 (Megatherium)'! Day 30461, 14:56:31: HUSH - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Goats was a shit meta - Lvl 157 (Shinehorn)'! Day 30461, 15:01:07: HUSH - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shinehorn - Lvl 60 (Shinehorn)'! Day 30461, 15:03:30: HUSH - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shinehorn - Lvl 232 (Shinehorn)'! Day 30461, 15:06:05: HUSH - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Featherlight - Lvl 106 (Featherlight)'! Day 30461, 15:07:39: HUSH - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'bird - Lvl 149 (Featherlight)'! Day 30461, 15:08:30: HUSH - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Featherlight - Lvl 39 (Featherlight)'! Day 30461, 15:36:26: HUSH - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'capybaby - Lvl 184 (Shinehorn)'! Day 30461, 15:48:41: HUSH - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Marian´s Vater - Lvl 215 (Rock Drake)'! Day 30479, 05:00:42: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30496, 02:14:46: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 220 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 30496, 03:11:44: AmberSpectre - Lvl 49 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Willy - Lvl 217 (Gacha)'! Day 30496, 04:18:57: AmberSpectre - Lvl 49 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 76 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 30496, 04:58:48: AmberSpectre - Lvl 49 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snape - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus)'! Day 30496, 05:17:06: AmberSpectre - Lvl 49 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 141 (Deinonychus)'! Day 30496, 05:17:49: AmberSpectre - Lvl 49 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 141 (Deinonychus)'! Day 30496, 05:18:40: AmberSpectre - Lvl 49 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ausgeliehn - Lvl 221 (Deinonychus)'! Day 30496, 05:19:07: AmberSpectre - Lvl 49 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ehm - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 30496, 05:25:02: AmberSpectre - Lvl 49 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 30508, 08:35:29: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 285 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 30508, 08:58:05: AmberSpectre - Lvl 54 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 187 (Rock Drake)'! Day 30589, 05:59:28: Capybara - Lvl 48 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30589, 06:02:29: Your Gacha - Lvl 153 (Gacha) was killed! Day 30589, 06:04:06: Your Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed! Day 30589, 06:05:34: Your Gacha - Lvl 162 (Gacha) was killed! Day 30589, 06:05:49: Your Beerensammler auf wish - Lvl 226 (Iguanodon) was killed! Day 30589, 06:05:57: Your Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:06:09: Your TherealMEGAbite - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:06:16: Your bREXit - Lvl 240 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:06:28: Your MegaBITE - Lvl 85 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:06:40: Your Dogshit - Lvl 222 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:06:47: Your Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:06:49: Your Rex - Lvl 253 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:06:56: Your Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:07:33: Your Massacrex - Lvl 227 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:07:40: Your Rex - Lvl 241 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:07:46: Your Zuchtbulle - Lvl 218 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:07:52: Your Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:07:56: Your Cringe - Lvl 217 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:08:05: Your Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:08:39: Your Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:08:46: Your Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:09:02: Your Rex - Lvl 243 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:09:06: Your Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:09:12: Your Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:09:28: Your Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:09:36: Your Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:09:44: Your Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:09:53: Your Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:09:58: Your Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:10:05: Your Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:10:12: Your Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:10:21: Your Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:10:28: Your Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:10:37: Your DuREX - Lvl 267 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:10:59: Your H 11290 - Lvl 215 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:11:08: Your Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:11:15: Your H9910 Dm 409 - Lvl 223 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:11:24: Your Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:11:27: Your Rex - Lvl 246 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:11:31: Your Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:11:34: Your Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:11:36: Your Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:11:55: Your Hat er die Milch? - Lvl 244 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:17:29: Your Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) was killed! Day 30589, 06:17:48: Your Spyro - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern) was killed! Day 30589, 06:18:35: Your ENEMY AC-130 ABOVE - Lvl 291 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 30589, 06:18:36: Your Nicht WIllma Wixxen - Lvl 270 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 30589, 06:18:41: Your Captain - Lvl 253 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 30589, 06:19:11: Your Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Poison Wyvern) was killed! Day 30589, 06:19:47: Your Capybaby - Lvl 230 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 30589, 06:19:51: Your R-Snow Owl - Lvl 205 (R-Snow Owl) was killed! Day 30589, 06:20:19: Your YAKMAHR - Lvl 244 (Doedicurus) was killed! Day 30589, 06:20:32: Your R-Snow Owl - Lvl 205 (R-Snow Owl) was killed! Day 30589, 06:20:45: Your Raptor - Lvl 228 (Raptor) was killed! Day 30589, 06:21:42: Your R-Snow Owl - Lvl 212 (R-Snow Owl) was killed! Day 30589, 06:22:03: Your Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 314 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed! Day 30589, 06:22:20: Your Argentavis - Lvl 249 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 30589, 06:23:04: Your Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:23:07: Your Rappy - Lvl 246 (Raptor) was killed! Day 30589, 06:23:29: Your Raptor - Lvl 225 (Raptor) was killed! Day 30589, 06:23:41: Your Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:28:54: Your Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex) was killed! Day 30589, 06:29:46: Your R-Snow Owl - Lvl 226 (R-Snow Owl) was killed! Day 30589, 06:29:48: Your Heal - Lvl 233 (R-Snow Owl) was killed! Day 30589, 06:33:23: Your Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 293 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 30636, 03:51:26: AmberSpectre - Lvl 62 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 233 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30636, 04:20:02: AmberSpectre - Lvl 62 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ali - Lvl 121 (Terror Bird)'! Day 30674, 19:55:30: AmberSpectre - Lvl 65 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 182 (Mammoth)'! Day 30674, 20:12:58: AmberSpectre - Lvl 65 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Anke - Lvl 249 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 30674, 20:14:00: AmberSpectre - Lvl 65 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus)'! Day 30675, 03:12:04: AmberSpectre - Lvl 66 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'AndrewTatetavis - Lvl 306 (Argentavis)'! Day 30675, 03:12:54: AmberSpectre - Lvl 66 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Definitiv Willma Wixxen - Lvl 295 (Argentavis)'! Day 30675, 03:13:26: AmberSpectre - Lvl 66 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'KFC - Lvl 336 (Argentavis)'! Day 30675, 03:13:53: AmberSpectre - Lvl 66 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Evelin's Handtuch - Lvl 265 (Argentavis)'! Day 30675, 03:14:34: AmberSpectre - Lvl 66 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ChickenMCNuggets - Lvl 290 (Argentavis)'! Day 30685, 11:23:21: Capyslay - Lvl 134 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30762, 20:34:11: Your 'Artifact Pedestal' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30841, 16:34:52: Radar - Lvl 128 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Charlise - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31046, 11:30:47: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31128, 20:49:42: Stenhouse - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oviraptor - Lvl 208 (Oviraptor)'! Day 31129, 00:49:38: Tribemember Lars - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 31485, 02:18:32: Stenhouse - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'KFC - Lvl 78 (Terror Bird)'! Day 31485, 07:13:28: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarco - Lvl 192 (Sarco)'! Day 32383, 19:39:33: Tribemember SendDudes - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 35318, 08:51:41: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame '10th gen dodo - Lvl 269 (Argentavis)'!"] "tribeid":1371316845,"tribe":"Arkoholics Fun Factory logs":["Day 21191, 08:29:36: kokow22 froze Juvenile fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 08:33:40: kokow22 froze Juvenile fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 08:37:56: kokow22 froze Juvenile fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 08:42:07: kokow22 froze Juvenile fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 08:51:19: kokow22 froze Juvenile fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 08:55:22: kokow22 froze Juvenile fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 09:00:06: kokow22 froze Juvenile fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 09:03:53: kokow22 froze Juvenile fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 09:11:05: kokow22 froze Juvenile fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 09:15:08: kokow22 froze Juvenile fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 09:23:52: kokow22 froze Juvenile fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 09:27:48: kokow22 froze Juvenile fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 09:31:38: kokow22 froze Juvenile fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 09:36:19: kokow22 froze Juvenile fighter - Lvl 304 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 10:02:52: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 10:06:29: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 10:29:43: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 10:35:36: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 10:48:04: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 304 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 10:55:37: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 13:13:29: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 13:18:38: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 13:25:28: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 14:21:27: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 14:25:43: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 14:29:13: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 14:33:20: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 14:40:49: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 14:45:08: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 14:49:29: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 14:56:46: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 15:00:42: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 15:04:26: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 15:07:57: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 15:12:34: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 15:17:13: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 304 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 15:25:32: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 15:29:51: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 15:35:33: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 304 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 15:38:59: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 304 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 15:42:35: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 304 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 15:50:23: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 15:56:31: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 16:00:14: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 17:09:03: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 17:12:58: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 18:07:06: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 18:50:06: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 19:13:08: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 19:17:19: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 19:40:14: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 19:52:53: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 20:01:06: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 20:10:18: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 304 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 20:14:18: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 304 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 20:18:37: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 20:22:52: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 20:27:59: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 23:05:18: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21191, 23:13:26: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 00:33:15: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 00:38:18: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 00:43:45: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 00:49:35: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 00:55:21: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 01:00:51: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 01:05:43: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 01:10:23: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 01:14:53: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 02:01:44: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 02:12:15: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 02:28:06: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 02:34:42: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 02:45:46: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 02:50:58: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 02:58:40: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 304 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 03:06:24: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 03:12:41: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 03:24:12: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 04:38:16: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 04:45:34: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 04:50:26: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 04:56:16: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 05:00:58: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 05:08:31: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 05:13:26: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 05:17:38: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 05:25:07: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 05:31:35: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 05:39:30: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 05:43:11: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 06:16:50: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 06:58:06: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 07:04:52: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 304 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 07:11:30: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 07:30:17: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 07:34:20: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 07:43:29: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 07:47:07: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 07:53:30: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 07:59:45: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 08:12:25: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 08:16:11: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 08:21:14: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 08:25:04: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 08:28:50: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 08:46:39: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 08:50:33: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 09:31:59: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 09:36:27: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 09:45:01: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 09:49:00: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 09:56:55: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 10:00:55: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 10:10:01: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 12:14:22: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 12:25:34: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 13:18:31: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 13:27:53: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 16:12:30: kokow22 froze perfect mom - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 16:19:23: kokow22 froze Perfect mom - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 17:02:38: kokow22 froze Perfect mom - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 17:09:09: kokow22 froze perfect mom - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 17:15:33: kokow22 froze perfect mom - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 17:21:25: kokow22 froze perfect mom - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 17:24:29: kokow22 froze perfect mom - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 17:29:46: kokow22 froze perfect mom - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 17:36:49: kokow22 froze perfect mom - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 17:40:53: kokow22 froze perfect mom - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 17:46:35: kokow22 froze perfect mom - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 17:51:43: kokow22 froze perfect mom - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 17:57:15: kokow22 froze Perfect mom - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 18:01:16: kokow22 froze Perfect mom - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 18:10:03: kokow22 froze Perfect mom - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 18:15:22: kokow22 froze Perfect mom - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 18:25:14: kokow22 froze perfect mom - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 18:36:08: kokow22 froze perfect mom - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 18:39:15: kokow22 froze perfect mom - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 18:42:09: kokow22 froze perfect mom - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 19:01:55: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 304 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 19:08:58: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 19:12:53: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 19:18:57: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 19:23:05: kokow22 froze Adolescent fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 20:22:50: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 20:26:48: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 20:31:10: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 304 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 20:43:35: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 20:47:46: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 20:52:48: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 21:05:00: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 21:11:45: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 304 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 21:42:14: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 21:50:55: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 22:03:47: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 22:08:17: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 22:21:37: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 22:41:49: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 22:53:25: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21192, 23:06:36: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21193, 00:21:32: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21193, 00:27:31: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21193, 01:07:41: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21193, 01:50:43: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 304 (Therizinosaur) Day 21193, 02:29:39: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 21193, 03:11:08: kokow22 froze Adolescent 1x melee mom - Lvl 304 (Therizinosaur) Day 21264, 02:17:10: kokow22 froze Eironchard - Lvl 276 (Fire Wyvern) Day 21383, 06:07:08: kokow22 froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 399 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 21383, 06:12:58: kokow22 froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 405 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 21383, 07:37:53: kokow22 froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 405 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 21383, 07:42:16: kokow22 froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 399 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 21383, 08:00:35: kokow22 froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 412 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 21383, 08:16:22: kokow22 froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 419 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 21383, 08:32:10: kokow22 froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 432 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 21383, 08:48:53: kokow22 froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 405 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 21383, 09:08:18: kokow22 froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 414 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 21569, 03:44:31: Your fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 130! Day 21676, 02:49:38: Your 'Plant Species X' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21780, 10:59:40: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 220 (X-Argentavis) Day 21780, 13:09:40: Tribemember kokow22 - Lvl 175 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 145! Day 22029, 07:41:57: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22178, 19:44:24: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 377 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22178, 22:23:39: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 381 (Thylacoleo) Day 22179, 00:07:48: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 381 (Thylacoleo) Day 22179, 00:48:22: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 381 (Thylacoleo) Day 22179, 06:31:25: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 381 (Thylacoleo) Day 22179, 08:22:31: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 377 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22179, 08:58:02: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 381 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 22179, 08:58:18: Tribemember kokow22 - Lvl 175 was killed! Day 22289, 01:39:54: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22318, 06:42:03: kokow22 froze RED 8 - Lvl 376 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22318, 07:44:10: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 410 (Thylacoleo) Day 22318, 07:49:29: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 415 (Thylacoleo) Day 22318, 07:55:38: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 325 (Thylacoleo) Day 22318, 08:02:24: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 415 (Thylacoleo) Day 22318, 08:09:30: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 414 (Thylacoleo) Day 22318, 08:25:22: kokow22 froze RED11 - Lvl 345 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22318, 09:38:25: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 22318, 09:40:00: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 22318, 09:49:16: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 415 (Thylacoleo) Day 22318, 14:11:13: kokow22 froze RED11 - Lvl 345 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22318, 19:33:34: kokow22 unclaimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 415 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 22318, 22:46:20: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 410 (Thylacoleo) Day 22318, 23:19:46: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 410 (Thylacoleo) Day 22319, 02:44:24: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 410 (Thylacoleo) Day 22319, 04:39:06: kokow22 froze RED 8 - Lvl 376 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22319, 08:29:51: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 415 (Thylacoleo) Day 22319, 08:32:37: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 410 (Thylacoleo) Day 22319, 08:38:28: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 325 (Thylacoleo) Day 22319, 13:16:38: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 414 (Thylacoleo) Day 22319, 13:54:58: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 414 (Thylacoleo) Day 22319, 14:39:58: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 414 (Thylacoleo) Day 22319, 16:09:30: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 414 (Thylacoleo) Day 22319, 16:34:39: kokow22 demolished a 'Zipline Anchor'! Day 22319, 20:01:29: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 414 (Thylacoleo) Day 22320, 00:45:53: kokow22 froze RED 8 - Lvl 376 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22320, 03:08:05: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 414 (Thylacoleo) Day 22320, 04:08:23: Tribemember kokow22 - Lvl 175 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 190! Day 22320, 05:45:52: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 325 (Thylacoleo) Day 22320, 06:04:18: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 325 (Thylacoleo) Day 22320, 06:16:11: Tribemember kokow22 - Lvl 175 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 200! Day 22320, 07:08:21: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 325 (Thylacoleo) Day 22320, 07:40:13: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 325 (Thylacoleo) Day 22320, 09:29:25: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 325 (Thylacoleo) Day 22320, 11:04:46: kokow22 froze Leo jr - Lvl 379 (Thylacoleo) Day 22320, 11:19:51: kokow22 froze [SC] Health Owl - Lvl 367 (Snow Owl) Day 22349, 21:27:55: kokow22 froze Reaper King - Lvl 331 (Reaper King) Day 22395, 14:55:55: kokow22 Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 223 (Parasaur)! Day 22395, 15:17:04: kokow22 froze Parasaur - Lvl 223 (Parasaur) Day 22399, 05:09:23: kokow22 claimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 22399, 05:13:27: kokow22 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22399, 05:16:37: kokow22 claimed 'FLAMMING NORA - Lvl 224 (Magmasaur)'! Day 22399, 05:19:06: kokow22 froze FLAMMING NORA - Lvl 224 (Magmasaur) Day 22399, 05:21:01: kokow22 claimed 'Anky2 - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 22399, 05:23:18: kokow22 froze Anky2 - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22399, 05:25:18: kokow22 claimed 'Argent2 - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)'! Day 22399, 05:27:45: kokow22 froze Argent2 - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 22399, 05:32:43: kokow22 claimed 'Argent1 - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)'! Day 22399, 05:35:13: kokow22 froze Argent1 - Lvl 202 (Argentavis) Day 22399, 05:39:43: kokow22 claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 91 (Parasaur)'! Day 22399, 05:44:31: kokow22 froze Parasaur - Lvl 91 (Parasaur) Day 22399, 05:48:57: kokow22 claimed 'Anky1 - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 22399, 05:51:16: kokow22 froze Anky1 - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22399, 11:12:55: kokow22 froze FLAMMING NORA - Lvl 224 (Magmasaur) Day 22399, 14:45:27: kokow22 claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 156 (Argentavis)'! Day 22399, 14:48:47: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 156 (Argentavis) Day 22399, 14:58:40: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 156 (Argentavis) Day 22399, 15:01:36: kokow22 froze FLAMMING NORA - Lvl 224 (Magmasaur) Day 22399, 17:28:51: kokow22 froze FLAMMING NORA - Lvl 224 (Magmasaur) Day 22399, 19:21:27: kokow22 froze FLAMMING NORA - Lvl 224 (Magmasaur) Day 22418, 08:36:15: kokow22 froze FLAMMING NORA - Lvl 224 (Magmasaur) Day 22418, 12:16:28: kokow22 froze FLAMMING NORA - Lvl 225 (Magmasaur) Day 22418, 12:39:15: kokow22 froze FLAMMING NORA - Lvl 225 (Magmasaur) Day 22418, 12:42:10: kokow22 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22516, 20:45:18: dia - Lvl 181 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'A1 - Lvl 314 (Argentavis)'! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22997, 15:57:08: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22997, 15:57:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22997, 15:57:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22997, 15:57:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22997, 15:57:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22997, 15:57:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22997, 15:57:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22997, 15:57:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22997, 15:57:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22997, 15:57:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23052, 22:39:18: Argentavis's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 415 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23391, 03:29:51: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 309 (Argentavis) Day 23412, 05:11:12: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 23412, 05:14:01: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 23412, 05:33:17: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 23412, 05:34:20: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 23412, 05:35:39: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 23412, 05:41:45: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 23412, 06:26:57: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 23412, 06:28:02: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 23412, 06:30:17: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 23412, 06:44:45: kokow22 demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 23412, 06:52:43: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 23412, 06:53:48: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 23412, 06:54:52: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 23412, 06:55:53: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 23412, 07:06:07: kokow22 demolished a 'Wind Turbine'! Day 23412, 13:40:04: kokow22 froze Nelly - Lvl 222 (Dodo) Day 23412, 13:43:01: kokow22 froze Bonny - Lvl 198 (Dodo) Day 23412, 13:45:55: kokow22 froze DK - Lvl 255 (Dodo) Day 23412, 13:48:41: kokow22 froze Lotti - Lvl 265 (Dodo) Day 23412, 13:51:29: kokow22 froze Dodi - Lvl 130 (Dodo) Day 23412, 13:55:45: kokow22 froze Kurt - Lvl 257 (Dodo) Day 23412, 14:01:32: kokow22 froze Lea - Lvl 197 (Dodo) Day 23412, 14:07:08: kokow22 froze Lisa - Lvl 275 (Dodo) Day 23412, 14:09:52: kokow22 froze Milka - Lvl 204 (Dodo) Day 23412, 14:21:57: kokow22 froze M1 - Lvl 257 (Dodo) Day 23412, 14:24:59: kokow22 froze Susi - Lvl 277 (Dodo) Day 23412, 14:27:45: kokow22 froze Cindy - Lvl 203 (Dodo) Day 23412, 14:51:59: kokow22 froze Teddy - Lvl 260 (Dilophosaur) Day 23412, 14:55:44: kokow22 froze Hutch - Lvl 256 (Dilophosaur) Day 23412, 14:59:42: kokow22 froze Momo - Lvl 219 (Dilophosaur) Day 23458, 08:42:05: kokow22 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 70 (Pteranodon)! Day 23602, 06:31:47: kokow22 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 412 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23742, 06:07:23: kokow22 froze [SC] Health Owl - Lvl 367 (Snow Owl) Day 23742, 08:17:46: kokow22 froze Metal - Abberation - Lvl 376 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23742, 18:37:59: Your ptero1 - Lvl 70 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 24166, 07:24:39: kokow22 froze [SC] Health Owl - Lvl 367 (Snow Owl) Day 24356, 12:54:50: kokow22 froze junior - Lvl 308 (Ravager) Day 24797, 11:04:14: kokow22 froze Mlotek - Lvl 374 (Ankylosaurus) Day 24797, 11:11:24: kokow22 froze BASE ON WHEELS - Lvl 374 (Brontosaurus) Day 24797, 12:46:51: kokow22 froze Iorek - Lvl 218 (Dire Polar Bear) Day 24797, 12:50:00: kokow22 froze Coulter - Lvl 211 (Dire Polar Bear) Day 24797, 13:02:33: kokow22 froze Ursa - Lvl 209 (Dire Polar Bear) Day 24798, 06:52:16: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 445 (Therizinosaur) Day 24798, 07:41:24: kokow22 froze hider 2.0 - Lvl 325 (Therizinosaur) Day 24798, 08:00:46: kokow22 froze Fibrererereosaurus - Lvl 318 (Gigantopithecus) Day 24798, 08:05:24: kokow22 froze Hider - Lvl 371 (Therizinosaur) Day 24802, 06:21:52: kokow22 unclaimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 231 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 24802, 06:27:27: kokow22 froze Baby 112 - Lvl 226 (Giganotosaurus) Day 24802, 06:30:30: kokow22 froze Baby rainbow - Lvl 222 (Giganotosaurus) Day 24802, 07:26:47: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 24802, 07:28:38: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 24802, 07:29:46: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 24802, 07:34:46: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 24802, 07:38:47: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 24802, 07:39:59: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25110, 18:39:01: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25110, 18:41:11: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25110, 18:50:34: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25110, 18:52:23: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25110, 18:53:31: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25110, 18:57:03: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25110, 18:57:56: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25110, 18:59:27: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25110, 19:05:25: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25110, 19:06:22: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25110, 19:07:18: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25110, 19:08:17: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25110, 19:09:14: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25110, 19:10:11: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25110, 19:11:07: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25110, 19:19:32: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 25110, 19:22:20: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 25110, 19:23:48: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 25110, 19:25:25: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 25110, 19:27:15: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25110, 19:39:33: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25110, 21:45:14: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25110, 21:46:34: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25110, 21:47:56: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25110, 21:49:14: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25110, 21:53:28: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25110, 21:56:37: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25111, 03:22:32: kokow22 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 25111, 03:36:04: kokow22 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 25111, 03:37:31: kokow22 demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 25111, 04:14:39: kokow22 demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 25111, 04:58:21: kokow22 demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 25111, 05:23:24: kokow22 demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 25111, 05:24:09: kokow22 demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 25111, 05:36:03: kokow22 demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 25111, 08:02:09: kokow22 demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 25111, 16:42:57: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 25111, 16:44:22: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 25111, 16:46:00: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 25111, 16:47:23: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 25112, 04:46:51: kokow22 froze Baby rainbow - Lvl 222 (Giganotosaurus) Day 25112, 11:07:02: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 25112, 13:05:08: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25112, 13:06:32: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25112, 13:07:41: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 25113, 12:31:52: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 448 (X-Argentavis) Day 25113, 19:05:05: kokow22 froze A!2 - Lvl 316 (Argentavis) Day 25113, 20:15:43: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 297 (Argentavis) Day 25113, 20:21:48: kokow22 froze Arki - Lvl 337 (Argentavis) Day 25154, 08:58:27: kokow22 demolished a 'Metal Ceiling'! Day 25155, 11:42:25: kokow22 demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 25155, 13:27:56: kokow22 unclaimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 186 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 25155, 13:31:16: kokow22 unclaimed 'FIRST - Lvl 22 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 25155, 22:30:59: kokow22 unclaimed 'junior - Lvl 308 (Ravager)'! Day 25731, 13:38:01: Ugg - Lvl 181 (Tribe of Ugg) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hover Skiff (Hover Skiff)'! Day 25735, 05:42:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25994, 21:30:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26042, 03:53:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26122, 17:50:12: Caulkinator - Lvl 166 (WolfPack) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek)'! Day 26219, 02:03:39: kokow22 froze Jet - Lvl 349 (Pteranodon) Day 26324, 05:54:33: Your 'Giant Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26612, 01:05:41: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27389, 22:01:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27389, 22:01:52: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27389, 22:01:52: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27389, 22:01:52: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27389, 22:01:52: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27389, 22:01:52: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27389, 22:01:52: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27389, 22:01:52: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27389, 22:01:52: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27389, 22:01:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27389, 22:01:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27657, 13:36:17: Bob - Lvl 63 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Home of Homes (Raft)'! Day 28753, 15:26:03: Neo - Lvl 114 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek)'! Day 29450, 04:15:20: kokow22 was removed from the Tribe! Day 29450, 04:15:20: Tribe Owner was changed to J.a.n.n.i!"] "tribeid":1367493304,"tribe":"reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee logs":["Day 31502, 16:10:52: Camron was added to the Tribe! Day 31502, 16:20:56: jim bob was added to the Tribe by Camron! Day 31502, 21:19:00: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31503, 05:41:36: Camron froze Aniken - Lvl 296 (Argentavis) Day 31503, 06:01:32: jim bob froze VADER - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 31521, 10:02:35: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31521, 13:40:32: Camron froze Aniken - Lvl 297 (Argentavis) Day 31521, 20:50:07: Camron froze Aniken - Lvl 297 (Argentavis) Day 31521, 20:52:19: Camron Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 223 (Griffin)! Day 31521, 21:03:02: jim bob froze VADER - Lvl 228 (Argentavis) Day 31521, 22:38:26: Camron froze MR. Griffin - Lvl 225 (Griffin) Day 31524, 20:08:37: Camron froze Aniken - Lvl 297 (Argentavis) Day 31525, 03:43:13: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31525, 05:40:48: Tribemember Camron - Lvl 99 was killed by a Griffin - Lvl 130! Day 31525, 06:34:15: Camron froze MR. Griffin - Lvl 231 (Griffin) Day 31525, 15:18:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 194 (Griffin)! Day 31525, 17:58:31: jim bob froze VADER - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 31525, 19:25:29: Camron froze MR. Griffin - Lvl 242 (Griffin) Day 31525, 19:26:20: Tribemember Camron - Lvl 99 was killed! Day 31525, 20:11:47: jim bob froze Draednought - Lvl 194 (Griffin) Day 31682, 00:02:06: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31823, 18:27:46: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32403, 10:00:52: Camron froze Mr Tickles - Lvl 137 (Therizinosaur) Day 32403, 13:01:12: Camron froze Aniken - Lvl 333 (Argentavis) Day 32403, 19:20:58: Camron Tamed an Equus - Lvl 82 (Equus)! Day 32403, 20:56:53: Camron froze Eky - Lvl 84 (Equus) Day 32403, 21:01:48: Camron froze Aniken - Lvl 333 (Argentavis) Day 32404, 06:17:06: Tribemember Camron - Lvl 112 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 32404, 06:17:44: Your DAVE 0.1 - Lvl 306 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 32413, 20:49:14: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32660, 01:49:20: Camron froze Aniken - Lvl 339 (Argentavis) Day 32660, 10:58:07: Camron froze Aniken - Lvl 339 (Argentavis) Day 32660, 11:39:15: jim bob froze Draednought - Lvl 321 (Griffin) Day 32660, 13:58:07: Camron Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 29 (Griffin)! Day 32660, 14:05:21: Camron froze Jeffery - Lvl 29 (Griffin) Day 32660, 16:46:54: Camron froze Aniken - Lvl 339 (Argentavis) Day 32660, 18:56:49: Camron froze Aniken - Lvl 339 (Argentavis) Day 32660, 18:59:39: Camron froze Jeffery - Lvl 29 (Griffin) Day 32680, 16:40:14: jim bob froze Draednought - Lvl 321 (Griffin) Day 32709, 03:44:48: Human was added to the Tribe by Camron! Day 32709, 06:26:50: jim bob froze Draednought - Lvl 323 (Griffin) Day 32709, 06:35:26: Camron froze Jeffery - Lvl 82 (Griffin) Day 32709, 11:29:31: Camron froze Jeffery - Lvl 83 (Griffin) Day 32709, 14:31:12: Camron froze Jeffery - Lvl 83 (Griffin) Day 32709, 16:33:53: Human Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin)! Day 32709, 19:00:55: jim bob Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 37 (Griffin)! Day 32709, 19:48:24: Camron froze help - Lvl 38 (Griffin) Day 32709, 20:51:56: Camron froze Jeffery - Lvl 83 (Griffin) Day 32709, 22:19:43: jim bob froze Draednought - Lvl 323 (Griffin) Day 32709, 22:23:07: Human froze LOST - Lvl 219 (Griffin) Day 33297, 14:50:54: Camron froze perry - Lvl 163 (Pteranodon) Day 33297, 14:54:41: Human froze PETER - Lvl 98 (Argentavis) Day 33297, 14:58:34: Human froze PETER - Lvl 98 (Argentavis) Day 33319, 06:42:36: Camron froze perry - Lvl 163 (Pteranodon) Day 33319, 10:03:54: giles was added to the Tribe by Camron! Day 33319, 11:09:11: Camron froze perry - Lvl 163 (Pteranodon) Day 33319, 11:12:27: Human froze PETER - Lvl 102 (Argentavis) Day 33319, 11:14:08: giles froze PETER - Lvl 113 (Pteranodon) Day 33319, 13:07:08: Your perry - Lvl 163 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 33319, 13:10:03: Tribemember Camron - Lvl 112 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 33319, 13:38:34: Your PETER - Lvl 102 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 33319, 13:52:38: giles froze PETER - Lvl 113 (Pteranodon) Day 33319, 15:13:49: Tribemember Camron - Lvl 112 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 33319, 15:15:36: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 33319, 15:19:38: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was destroyed! Day 33319, 15:19:38: Your 'Power Generator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33319, 16:04:32: jim bob froze red - Lvl 140 (Pteranodon) Day 33319, 16:56:47: Tribemember giles - Lvl 56 was killed! Day 33319, 17:46:34: Tribemember giles - Lvl 56 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 95! Day 33319, 19:10:24: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 85! Day 33319, 20:03:22: Camron froze Draednought - Lvl 335 (Griffin) Day 33319, 20:33:29: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 50! Day 33319, 21:37:04: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 20! Day 33320, 00:16:48: Camron froze smeg head - Lvl 161 (Pteranodon) Day 33320, 00:51:35: jim bob froze Draednought - Lvl 335 (Griffin) Day 33320, 09:31:14: jim bob froze Draednought - Lvl 335 (Griffin) Day 33391, 11:11:54: Camron froze OUST - Lvl 125 (Pteranodon) Day 33391, 12:51:58: Camron froze Aniken - Lvl 348 (Argentavis) Day 33391, 16:01:22: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was destroyed! Day 33391, 16:06:25: Tribemember Camron - Lvl 112 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 60! Day 33391, 16:09:06: Your 'Power Generator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33391, 16:16:13: Your Dave - Lvl 110 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 60! Day 33391, 18:53:15: jim bob froze Aniken - Lvl 348 (Argentavis) Day 33392, 00:52:16: Your OUST - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 33392, 00:52:49: Tribemember jim bob - Lvl 109 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 33392, 03:17:15: Tribemember jim bob - Lvl 109 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 33392, 03:29:11: Tribemember Camron - Lvl 112 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 85! Day 33392, 06:28:28: Tribemember Camron - Lvl 112 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 90! Day 33392, 08:48:41: Tribemember Camron - Lvl 112 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 20! Day 33392, 09:06:42: Tribemember jim bob - Lvl 109 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 90! Day 33419, 19:15:26: Tribemember Camron - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 140! Day 33458, 00:57:40: Camron froze Aniken - Lvl 348 (Argentavis) Day 33458, 13:25:53: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)! Day 33458, 13:53:23: jim bob froze Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon) Day 33458, 14:03:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)! Day 33458, 14:46:11: jim bob froze Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon) Day 33458, 23:08:43: jim bob Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)! Day 33458, 23:39:55: jim bob froze Big Blue - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon) Day 33459, 00:53:24: jim bob froze Draednought - Lvl 337 (Griffin) Day 33459, 01:07:14: jim bob froze Draednought - Lvl 337 (Griffin) Day 33459, 01:15:53: jim bob froze Big Blue - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon) Day 33508, 18:54:41: Human froze CIEN - Lvl 93 (Pteranodon) Day 33509, 00:14:01: Human Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 142 (Argentavis)! Day 33509, 00:27:46: jim bob froze Argentavis - Lvl 142 (Argentavis) Day 33509, 00:54:37: Camron froze Lighter - Lvl 161 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33509, 09:21:50: Camron froze Lighter - Lvl 161 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33509, 09:33:20: Human froze CIEN - Lvl 93 (Pteranodon) Day 33509, 12:07:30: Human Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin)! Day 33509, 12:37:07: jim bob froze MR ANGRY - Lvl 216 (Griffin) Day 33509, 19:20:52: jim bob Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 33509, 19:32:55: jim bob froze Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis) Day 33509, 21:58:59: Camron froze Lighter - Lvl 162 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33509, 22:17:30: jim bob froze Draednought - Lvl 338 (Griffin) Day 33509, 22:24:51: Human froze CIEN - Lvl 94 (Pteranodon) Day 33558, 01:06:20: Human froze smeg head - Lvl 171 (Pteranodon) Day 33558, 03:27:38: Camron froze Jeffery - Lvl 147 (Griffin) Day 33558, 08:10:18: Camron froze Jeffery - Lvl 147 (Griffin) Day 33558, 09:48:50: Human Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 127 (Argentavis)! Day 33558, 10:08:52: Human froze phoenix - Lvl 127 (Argentavis) Day 33558, 10:16:21: Human froze smeg head - Lvl 171 (Pteranodon) Day 33558, 16:32:50: Camron Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 208 (Argentavis)! Day 33558, 16:54:52: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 208 (Argentavis) Day 33558, 17:05:24: Human froze smeg head - Lvl 171 (Pteranodon) Day 33558, 21:54:07: Human froze smeg head - Lvl 171 (Pteranodon) Day 33559, 02:31:40: Camron Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 33559, 02:40:55: Camron froze Tango - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 33559, 03:50:40: Camron froze Aniken - Lvl 349 (Argentavis) Day 33618, 12:01:42: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33760, 05:53:41: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33831, 03:08:25: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34004, 12:27:32: Tribemember jim bob - Lvl 111 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 285! Day 34004, 22:40:53: Human froze phoenix - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 34004, 22:44:36: jim bob froze Lighter - Lvl 177 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34218, 09:51:37: PETER - Lvl 113 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 34434, 02:02:54: Tribemember giles - Lvl 56 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 55! Day 34602, 12:19:10: jim bob froze Lighter - Lvl 217 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34602, 12:26:25: Camron froze tapie - Lvl 163 (Tapejara) Day 34632, 06:01:50: jim bob froze Big Blue - Lvl 321 (Pteranodon) Day 34760, 07:34:10: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34966, 13:19:29: Camron froze Pipenya - Lvl 287 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35037, 06:30:31: clive was added to the Tribe by Camron! Day 35037, 13:07:07: Human froze peter - Lvl 258 (Sinomacrops) Day 35037, 13:27:12: Human froze peter - Lvl 159 (Pteranodon) Day 35037, 19:21:38: Camron froze Rocky - Lvl 281 (Rock Drake) Day 35037, 19:43:12: jim bob froze Lighter - Lvl 226 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35037, 19:47:52: Camron froze Simeon - Lvl 181 (Sinomacrops) Day 35038, 02:48:32: jim bob froze Lighter - Lvl 226 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35038, 04:07:56: Camron froze Rocky - Lvl 281 (Rock Drake) Day 35038, 04:16:22: Camron froze Simeon - Lvl 181 (Sinomacrops) Day 35038, 09:37:54: Camron froze Rocky - Lvl 281 (Rock Drake) Day 35038, 09:45:07: Camron froze Simeon - Lvl 181 (Sinomacrops) Day 35038, 10:12:03: Camron froze Simeon - Lvl 181 (Sinomacrops) Day 35038, 11:36:42: Camron froze Rocky - Lvl 281 (Rock Drake) Day 35038, 12:00:27: Camron froze Simeon - Lvl 181 (Sinomacrops) Day 35038, 12:49:46: Tribemember Camron - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 35038, 14:12:32: Camron froze Rocky - Lvl 281 (Rock Drake) Day 35038, 21:18:26: Camron froze Rocky - Lvl 285 (Rock Drake) Day 35038, 21:24:07: Camron froze Simeon - Lvl 181 (Sinomacrops) Day 35038, 21:30:21: jim bob froze Lighter - Lvl 226 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35062, 20:23:16: clive froze Pteranodon - Lvl 175 (Pteranodon) Day 35081, 02:25:21: Tribemember clive - Lvl 112 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 85! Day 35081, 06:26:26: Tribemember clive - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 35081, 16:57:54: clive was removed from the Tribe! Day 35418, 01:54:24: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 175 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 60! Day 35418, 01:56:07: Your Terry - Lvl 174 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 60! Day 35662, 19:45:44: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35948, 04:26:34: Your 'Minigun Turret' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35948, 04:26:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35948, 04:26:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41908, 17:41:04: Pteranodon - Lvl 136 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 42580, 01:40:09: Tribemember giles - Lvl 56 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 43912, 12:54:18: Thunder Thighs - Lvl 112 (legasus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 187 (Pteranodon)'!"] "tribeid":1363772324,"tribe":"The Boomerz logs":["Day 27572, 07:49:41: J-Dizzle was added to the Tribe! Day 27572, 07:54:08: NUBZ was added to the Tribe by J-Dizzle! Day 27572, 07:59:20: NUBZ was promoted to a Tribe Admin by J-Dizzle! Day 27572, 11:43:25: J-Dizzle claimed 'Anky - Lvl 214 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 27573, 09:54:27: J-Dizzle demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 27574, 04:05:16: NUBZ demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 27574, 04:06:25: NUBZ demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 27574, 04:07:31: NUBZ demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 27574, 04:08:38: NUBZ demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 27574, 04:09:58: NUBZ demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 27574, 04:11:25: NUBZ demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 27574, 04:12:47: NUBZ demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 27574, 04:14:11: NUBZ demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 27574, 04:15:31: NUBZ demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 27574, 04:16:54: NUBZ demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 27574, 04:17:59: NUBZ demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 27574, 17:40:31: NUBZ Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 89 (Argentavis)! Day 27574, 22:35:02: NUBZ Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)! Day 27577, 16:04:25: NUBZ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 27577, 19:31:39: NUBZ demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 27591, 20:31:50: NUBZ claimed 'Cassy - Lvl 171 (Castoroides)'! Day 27593, 11:08:27: NUBZ Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon)! Day 27593, 16:38:39: J-Dizzle Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon)! Day 27593, 18:19:24: J-Dizzle claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 300 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27593, 18:21:54: J-Dizzle claimed 'Venom - Lvl 185 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 27615, 01:43:54: Rambuh was added to the Tribe by J-Dizzle! Day 27615, 01:54:26: Rambuh was promoted to a Tribe Admin by J-Dizzle! Day 27615, 09:15:21: J-Dizzle Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 27615, 10:49:47: Tribemember Rambuh - Lvl 5 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 100! Day 27615, 14:32:45: Rambuh claimed 'Zak - Lvl 71 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 27615, 14:46:28: NUBZ claimed 'Purple Dude - Lvl 279 (Pteranodon)'! Day 27615, 14:48:19: NUBZ claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 27615, 14:49:31: NUBZ claimed 'MUNCHER - Lvl 172 (Castoroides)'! Day 27615, 14:50:28: NUBZ claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 270 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 27615, 16:22:19: Rambuh Tamed a Rex - Lvl 149 (Rex)! Day 27615, 19:55:08: Tribemember NUBZ - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 27616, 04:24:15: NUBZ froze Venom - Lvl 212 (Poison Wyvern) Day 27616, 04:30:16: J-Dizzle froze watergun - Lvl 301 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27616, 04:41:53: Rambuh froze Zeus - Lvl 73 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 27617, 07:33:30: Bob was added to the Tribe by J-Dizzle! Day 27617, 13:36:23: Rambuh Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 148 (Mesopithecus)! Day 27618, 12:56:54: Rambuh Tamed a Rex - Lvl 194 (Rex)! Day 27618, 13:38:06: Rambuh froze Inferno - Lvl 194 (Rex) Day 27619, 01:46:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 216 (Doedicurus)! Day 27619, 10:40:04: J-Dizzle froze Doedicurus - Lvl 216 (Doedicurus) Day 27619, 21:33:29: J-Dizzle claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 170 (Rex)'! Day 27619, 22:33:17: J-Dizzle froze Baby Rex - Lvl 170 (Rex) Day 27620, 11:06:51: J-Dizzle froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 170 (Rex) Day 27620, 12:51:53: J-Dizzle unclaimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 270 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 27620, 12:59:21: J-Dizzle unclaimed 'MUNCHER - Lvl 172 (Castoroides)'! Day 27620, 16:08:37: J-Dizzle froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 170 (Rex) Day 27621, 00:59:13: J-Dizzle froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 170 (Rex) Day 27653, 15:51:16: Bob claimed 'Paraceratherium - Lvl 229 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 27654, 17:37:31: Bob demolished a 'Stone Triangle Roof'! Day 27654, 17:39:49: Bob demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 27657, 12:00:53: Tribemember Bob - Lvl 63 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 55! Day 27657, 12:53:32: Your Venom - Lvl 247 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 55! Day 27657, 13:36:17: Bob claimed 'Home of Homes (Raft)'! Day 27664, 20:35:25: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 149 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 27664, 20:37:35: Tribemember Bob - Lvl 66 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 27711, 12:53:40: Bob was promoted to a Tribe Admin by J-Dizzle! Day 27711, 14:24:43: J-Dizzle froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 170 (Rex) Day 27711, 14:39:09: J-Dizzle froze watergun - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27711, 14:54:07: J-Dizzle froze watergun - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27711, 14:56:04: NUBZ froze Pteresa - Lvl 165 (Pteranodon) Day 27712, 03:12:21: NUBZ claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 150 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 27712, 03:25:10: NUBZ claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 247 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 27712, 03:51:33: J-Dizzle claimed 'Hunter - Lvl 320 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 27712, 04:09:47: J-Dizzle claimed 'Henry - Lvl 324 (Argentavis)'! Day 27712, 04:23:10: J-Dizzle unclaimed 'Henry - Lvl 324 (Argentavis)'! Day 27712, 04:35:16: Bob claimed 'Flame - Lvl 322 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 27712, 05:11:13: NUBZ claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 173 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 27712, 05:13:09: J-Dizzle unclaimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 150 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 27712, 05:18:34: Bob claimed 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 218 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 27712, 05:19:17: J-Dizzle claimed 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 209 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 27712, 05:54:13: J-Dizzle claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 244 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27712, 06:09:31: J-Dizzle claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27712, 06:26:10: J-Dizzle claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 174 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27712, 06:35:55: J-Dizzle unclaimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 174 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27712, 06:39:18: J-Dizzle unclaimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27712, 06:43:32: J-Dizzle claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 176 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27712, 07:00:27: J-Dizzle froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 176 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27712, 07:04:27: NUBZ claimed 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 225 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 27712, 07:27:58: NUBZ claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 156 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 27712, 07:47:54: J-Dizzle claimed '616 weight lvl 150 - Lvl 243 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 27712, 07:49:08: NUBZ unclaimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 156 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 27712, 07:50:12: NUBZ claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 311 (Argentavis)'! Day 27712, 07:51:57: J-Dizzle unclaimed '616 weight lvl 150 - Lvl 243 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 27712, 08:00:36: J-Dizzle unclaimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 244 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27712, 08:06:57: J-Dizzle claimed 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 226 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 27712, 08:11:09: NUBZ unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 311 (Argentavis)'! Day 27712, 08:12:30: J-Dizzle froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 226 (Sinomacrops) Day 27712, 08:40:12: NUBZ claimed 'R-Gasbags - Lvl 76 (R-Gasbags)'! Day 27712, 08:51:32: NUBZ unclaimed 'R-Gasbags - Lvl 76 (R-Gasbags)'! Day 27712, 09:36:04: J-Dizzle claimed 'Base Healer - Lvl 335 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 27712, 09:43:50: J-Dizzle froze watergun - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27731, 14:38:26: J-Dizzle demolished a 'Tek Trough (Locked) '! Day 27731, 15:13:44: Rambuh demolished a 'Tek Window Wall'! Day 27731, 15:15:07: Rambuh demolished a 'Tek Window Wall'! Day 27731, 15:16:13: Rambuh demolished a 'Tek Window Wall'! Day 27731, 16:51:05: Rambuh demolished a 'Tek Staircase'! Day 27731, 16:53:01: Rambuh demolished a 'Tek Double Doorframe'! Day 27731, 16:54:18: Rambuh demolished a 'Tek Double Doorframe'! Day 27731, 16:55:18: Rambuh demolished a 'Tek Double Doorframe'! Day 27731, 16:56:21: Rambuh demolished a 'Tek Staircase'! Day 27731, 16:58:02: Rambuh demolished a 'Tek Staircase'! Day 27731, 16:59:38: Rambuh demolished a 'Tek Staircase'! Day 27731, 17:08:28: Rambuh demolished a 'Tek Double Doorframe'! Day 27732, 08:05:30: J-Dizzle froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 170 (Rex) Day 27732, 09:46:13: J-Dizzle froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 170 (Rex) Day 27737, 08:01:03: J-Dizzle froze watergun - Lvl 312 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27737, 22:17:48: Rambuh Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 222 (Mesopithecus)! Day 27737, 22:31:37: Rambuh froze Fireball - Lvl 222 (Mesopithecus) Day 27738, 06:18:11: Rambuh demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 27738, 08:28:48: Rambuh demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 27738, 08:58:03: Rambuh demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 27738, 09:00:28: Rambuh demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 27738, 23:39:03: Rambuh froze Silva - Lvl 229 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27739, 00:48:19: Rambuh froze Silva - Lvl 229 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27739, 00:48:26: J-Dizzle froze watergun - Lvl 312 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27743, 10:20:16: NUBZ froze Nubz Flamer - Lvl 253 (Fire Wyvern) Day 27753, 21:10:38: Rambuh Tamed a Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex)! Day 27753, 21:41:51: Rambuh froze Rexmas - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 27754, 09:16:10: Rambuh Tamed a Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)! Day 27754, 09:57:46: J-Dizzle froze H9240 M219 - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 27754, 10:22:00: Rambuh froze H6820 M294 - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 27754, 23:28:15: J-Dizzle froze Rolling Stone - Lvl 264 (Doedicurus) Day 27754, 23:37:21: J-Dizzle froze Eager Beaver - Lvl 194 (Castoroides) Day 27755, 18:01:07: Rambuh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 27755, 18:02:07: Rambuh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 27755, 18:05:06: Rambuh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 27755, 18:06:59: Rambuh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 27755, 18:09:00: Rambuh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 27755, 18:10:00: Rambuh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 27755, 18:10:59: Rambuh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 27755, 18:12:05: Rambuh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 27755, 18:13:03: Rambuh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 27755, 18:14:03: Rambuh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 27755, 18:15:08: Rambuh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 27793, 04:35:48: Rambuh froze Silva - Lvl 236 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27793, 07:51:13: Rambuh demolished a 'Metal Hatchframe'! Day 27793, 07:52:16: Rambuh demolished a 'Metal Railing'! Day 27793, 07:54:42: Rambuh demolished a 'Metal Hatchframe'! Day 27793, 07:57:17: Rambuh demolished a 'Metal Railing'! Day 27793, 07:58:19: Rambuh demolished a 'Metal Railing'! Day 27793, 08:22:16: Rambuh demolished a 'Metal Railing'! Day 27793, 08:25:35: Rambuh demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 27793, 21:25:15: Rambuh demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 27794, 14:26:41: Rambuh froze Silva - Lvl 236 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27794, 16:32:39: Rambuh froze Silva - Lvl 236 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27794, 16:55:29: Rambuh froze Tiddy Milk - Lvl 199 (Maewing) Day 27794, 19:23:51: Rambuh froze Inferno - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 27794, 19:35:59: Rambuh froze Barnadette - Lvl 181 (Rex) Day 27794, 21:49:57: Rambuh froze Mommy Milkers - Lvl 90 (Maewing) Day 27794, 21:57:48: Rambuh froze Pteresa - Lvl 165 (Pteranodon) Day 27795, 00:00:06: Rambuh froze Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 27795, 00:19:32: Rambuh froze Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 27795, 00:24:12: Rambuh froze Silva - Lvl 236 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27795, 03:12:55: Rambuh froze Pteresa - Lvl 174 (Pteranodon) Day 27795, 04:42:09: Rambuh froze Pteresa - Lvl 174 (Pteranodon) Day 27795, 05:35:43: Rambuh demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 27795, 06:04:48: Rambuh demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 27795, 06:06:11: Rambuh demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 27795, 06:07:14: Rambuh demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 27795, 06:11:29: Rambuh demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 27795, 06:16:17: Rambuh demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 27795, 06:18:37: Rambuh demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 27795, 06:19:36: Rambuh demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 27795, 06:20:37: Rambuh demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 27795, 06:22:53: Rambuh demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 27795, 08:54:09: Rambuh froze Pteresa - Lvl 174 (Pteranodon) Day 27795, 11:00:21: Rambuh demolished a 'Fabricator (Locked) '! Day 27795, 11:18:19: Rambuh demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 27795, 11:23:15: Rambuh demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 27795, 11:34:51: Rambuh demolished a 'Wood Catwalk'! Day 27795, 12:00:25: Rambuh demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 27795, 13:44:21: Rambuh froze Pteresa - Lvl 174 (Pteranodon) Day 27797, 17:30:18: Rambuh claimed 'Perfect male - Lvl 229 (Rex)'! Day 27797, 17:46:22: Rambuh claimed 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27797, 17:54:02: Rambuh froze F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 27797, 18:24:24: Rambuh claimed 'M - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27797, 18:32:24: Rambuh unclaimed 'Perfect male - Lvl 229 (Rex)'! Day 27797, 18:37:56: Rambuh claimed 'Base Male - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27797, 19:01:28: Rambuh unclaimed 'M - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27797, 20:23:59: Rambuh froze Base Male - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 27797, 22:23:27: Rambuh claimed 'Oviraptor - Lvl 140 (Oviraptor)'! Day 27797, 23:02:41: Your Oviraptor - Lvl 140 (Oviraptor) was killed! Day 27797, 23:02:41: Oviraptor - Lvl 140 (Oviraptor) starved to death! Day 27826, 14:00:01: J-Dizzle claimed 'Magmasaur - Lvl 214 (Magmasaur)'! Day 27826, 14:04:17: J-Dizzle froze Magmasaur - Lvl 214 (Magmasaur) Day 27826, 14:15:02: J-Dizzle claimed 'terminator - Lvl 257 (Argentavis)'! Day 27826, 14:22:24: J-Dizzle unclaimed 'terminator - Lvl 257 (Argentavis)'! Day 27826, 14:23:04: J-Dizzle claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 82 (Argentavis)'! Day 27826, 14:35:02: J-Dizzle unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 82 (Argentavis)'! Day 27826, 14:35:47: J-Dizzle claimed 'Holler - Lvl 247 (Argentavis)'! Day 27826, 14:41:23: J-Dizzle unclaimed 'Holler - Lvl 247 (Argentavis)'! Day 27826, 14:50:35: J-Dizzle claimed 'Fighter Mutation - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 27826, 14:56:37: J-Dizzle unclaimed 'Fighter Mutation - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 27826, 18:28:35: J-Dizzle froze watergun - Lvl 312 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27826, 21:26:32: J-Dizzle uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 178 Day 27826, 21:36:58: Rambuh froze Silva - Lvl 236 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27827, 08:07:17: J-Dizzle froze watergun - Lvl 312 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27827, 13:04:22: J-Dizzle froze watergun - Lvl 312 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27828, 14:13:41: J-Dizzle claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 187 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27829, 10:34:45: Rambuh claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 244 (Rex)'! Day 27829, 13:24:50: J-Dizzle froze Juvenile 5.5k h 205m - Lvl 187 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27829, 15:47:20: J-Dizzle froze Magmasaur - Lvl 217 (Magmasaur) Day 27829, 16:24:47: J-Dizzle froze watergun - Lvl 312 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27830, 06:55:48: Rambuh froze Juvenile Chadette - Lvl 244 (Rex) Day 27830, 22:55:08: Rambuh froze Adolescent Chadette - Lvl 244 (Rex) Day 27835, 09:56:37: Tribemember NUBZ - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 27836, 18:24:09: NUBZ Tamed a Woolly Rhino - Lvl 174 (Woolly Rhino)! Day 27836, 18:29:43: NUBZ froze Horn Star - Lvl 174 (Woolly Rhino) Day 27857, 04:23:06: J-Dizzle froze Barnadette - Lvl 181 (Rex) Day 27857, 04:35:31: J-Dizzle froze H6820 M294 - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 27857, 04:41:18: J-Dizzle froze H9240 M219 - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 27857, 06:42:11: J-Dizzle froze Zeus - Lvl 89 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 27857, 07:03:26: J-Dizzle claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27857, 07:09:24: J-Dizzle claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 205 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27857, 11:37:44: J-Dizzle froze Baby jds - Lvl 205 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27857, 13:28:11: J-Dizzle Tamed an Otter - Lvl 133 (Otter)! Day 27857, 13:35:17: J-Dizzle froze gg - Lvl 133 (Otter) Day 27857, 14:26:57: J-Dizzle Tamed an Otter - Lvl 214 (Otter)! Day 27857, 14:58:15: J-Dizzle froze gg - Lvl 214 (Otter) Day 27857, 16:16:56: J-Dizzle froze Juvenile jds - Lvl 205 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27857, 16:21:05: J-Dizzle froze Juvenile jds - Lvl 205 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27858, 02:52:46: J-Dizzle froze Juvenile jds - Lvl 205 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27858, 02:57:40: J-Dizzle froze Juvenile jds - Lvl 205 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27858, 03:20:49: J-Dizzle froze Juvenile jds - Lvl 205 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27858, 03:28:33: J-Dizzle froze Juvenile jds - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 27871, 07:40:39: J-Dizzle froze Adolescent jds - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 27871, 07:44:45: J-Dizzle froze Adolescent jds - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 27871, 13:30:08: J-Dizzle froze Magmasaur - Lvl 221 (Magmasaur) Day 27871, 16:42:51: J-Dizzle froze Adolescent jds - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 27871, 19:36:20: J-Dizzle froze Adolescent jds - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 27871, 19:40:17: J-Dizzle froze Adolescent jds - Lvl 205 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27897, 08:42:03: J-Dizzle Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle)! Day 27897, 08:50:55: J-Dizzle froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle) Day 27897, 17:49:56: J-Dizzle froze Adolescent jds - Lvl 205 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27898, 01:33:00: J-Dizzle froze watergun - Lvl 313 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27898, 01:38:50: J-Dizzle uploaded a Sinomacrops: jdizzle - Lvl 269 Day 27898, 08:55:08: J-Dizzle downloaded a dino: jdizzle - Lvl 262 Day 27899, 13:28:00: J-Dizzle claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 218 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 27899, 23:41:41: J-Dizzle unclaimed 'Tiddy Milk - Lvl 217 (Maewing)'! Day 27900, 04:57:08: J-Dizzle froze Adolescent yo im pink - Lvl 218 (Sinomacrops) Day 27919, 17:36:22: Rambuh claimed 'Beatrike Ilkvoyo - Lvl 251 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 27919, 17:40:23: Rambuh froze Beatrike Ilkvoyo - Lvl 251 (Basilosaurus) Day 27920, 00:33:41: Rambuh froze Beatrike Ilkvoyo - Lvl 260 (Basilosaurus) Day 27920, 15:43:25: Tribemember Rambuh - Lvl 107 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 27920, 15:44:00: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 286 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 27920, 16:31:44: Your jds - Lvl 225 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 27920, 17:15:24: Rambuh froze watergun - Lvl 313 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27920, 17:21:38: Tribemember J-Dizzle - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 27920, 17:23:20: Your jdizzle - Lvl 262 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 27920, 17:43:28: Tribemember Rambuh - Lvl 107 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 27920, 17:43:28: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 275 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 27920, 19:34:57: Your Silva - Lvl 240 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 27921, 20:46:08: Rambuh Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 27921, 21:25:57: Rambuh froze Red Velvet - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 27922, 05:24:30: Rambuh claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 187 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27922, 05:35:07: Rambuh claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 202 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 27922, 06:00:06: J-Dizzle claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27922, 06:09:19: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by J-Dizzle - Lvl 112 (The Boomerz)! Day 27922, 06:09:19: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (The Boomerz)! Day 27922, 16:54:10: Tribemember NUBZ - Lvl 101 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 190! Day 27922, 19:40:51: Your Nubz Flamer - Lvl 275 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 190! Day 27922, 19:44:02: Your Nubz Flyer - Lvl 274 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 27922, 21:42:30: Tribemember NUBZ - Lvl 103 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 27922, 22:04:14: Your Hedwig -NUBZ - Lvl 322 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 27923, 01:19:59: Your Pteresa - Lvl 183 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 27923, 01:22:03: Tribemember NUBZ - Lvl 103 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 190! Day 27923, 06:33:19: Rambuh froze Inferno - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 27923, 10:24:54: NUBZ froze MRS MAGMA - Lvl 322 (Fire Wyvern) Day 27923, 10:49:56: J-Dizzle froze 5.5k h 205m - Lvl 211 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27923, 11:33:40: Rambuh froze Super Soaker - Lvl 313 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27924, 10:28:25: J-Dizzle froze Zeus - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 27924, 12:11:48: J-Dizzle claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 218 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 27924, 12:14:11: NUBZ claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 218 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 27924, 13:31:31: NUBZ downloaded a dino: KUSH - Lvl 258 Day 27924, 17:13:34: J-Dizzle froze Stud - Lvl 190 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27924, 22:38:26: Your Adolescent Rex - Lvl 170 (Rex) was killed by J-Dizzle - Lvl 112 (The Boomerz)! Day 27924, 22:38:26: Your Tribe killed Adolescent Rex - Lvl 170 (Rex)! Day 27925, 03:04:25: Rambuh Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 149 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 27925, 05:33:54: J-Dizzle froze Adolescent jd - Lvl 218 (Sinomacrops) Day 27925, 05:37:39: J-Dizzle froze Adolescent jd - Lvl 218 (Sinomacrops) Day 27946, 13:29:20: J-Dizzle froze I Squirt a little - Lvl 253 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27947, 09:43:36: J-Dizzle froze Magmasaur - Lvl 221 (Magmasaur) Day 27948, 07:43:27: Rambuh froze Jade - Lvl 287 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27948, 07:58:00: Rambuh froze Purple Haze - Lvl 215 (Sinomacrops) Day 27948, 18:16:12: Rambuh froze Beatrike Ilkvoyo - Lvl 282 (Basilosaurus) Day 27949, 09:16:43: Rambuh claimed '44/Health (F) - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex)'! Day 27949, 09:24:03: Rambuh unclaimed '44/Health (F) - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex)'! Day 27949, 09:56:06: J-Dizzle claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 302 (Argentavis)'! Day 27949, 09:59:31: J-Dizzle unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 302 (Argentavis)'! Day 27949, 12:24:21: Rambuh froze Jade - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27949, 12:28:26: J-Dizzle froze jd - Lvl 232 (Sinomacrops) Day 27949, 12:32:26: J-Dizzle froze I Squirt a little - Lvl 254 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27949, 12:34:36: Rambuh froze Purple Haze - Lvl 215 (Sinomacrops) Day 27950, 03:42:47: Rambuh froze Purple Haze - Lvl 215 (Sinomacrops) Day 27950, 05:33:55: J-Dizzle froze jd - Lvl 232 (Sinomacrops) Day 27950, 05:37:14: J-Dizzle froze I Squirt a little - Lvl 255 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27950, 05:51:50: Rambuh froze Super Soaker - Lvl 313 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27951, 06:44:45: J-Dizzle froze I Squirt a little - Lvl 255 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27951, 06:46:17: Rambuh froze Super Soaker - Lvl 313 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27951, 06:47:51: J-Dizzle froze jd - Lvl 232 (Sinomacrops) Day 27952, 02:58:16: J-Dizzle froze I Squirt a little - Lvl 255 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27952, 03:02:54: J-Dizzle downloaded a dino: The Pink Spaffer - Lvl 215 Day 27952, 11:23:27: Rambuh claimed 'I Love You Charlotte - Lvl 266 (Argentavis)'! Day 27952, 11:42:59: Rambuh froze I Love You Charlotte - Lvl 266 (Argentavis) Day 27952, 11:46:05: Rambuh claimed 'Cu placere - Lvl 194 (Phiomia)'! Day 27952, 11:51:09: Rambuh froze Cu placere - Lvl 194 (Phiomia) Day 27952, 16:06:55: Rambuh froze Cu placere - Lvl 194 (Phiomia) Day 27952, 17:32:54: Rambuh claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 214 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27952, 17:44:35: J-Dizzle claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 206 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27952, 17:58:27: Rambuh claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 218 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 27953, 04:19:31: J-Dizzle Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 127 (Dung Beetle)! Day 27953, 04:24:41: J-Dizzle froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 127 (Dung Beetle) Day 27953, 05:01:40: Rambuh Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 127 (Dung Beetle)! Day 27953, 05:08:01: Rambuh froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 127 (Dung Beetle) Day 27953, 05:57:46: J-Dizzle froze Juvenile Jizz Bolt - Lvl 206 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27953, 05:59:02: Rambuh froze Juvenile Kushy Spaff - Lvl 214 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27953, 10:45:32: Rambuh froze Adolescent Blue Blaze - Lvl 218 (Sinomacrops) Day 27953, 10:50:12: Rambuh froze Adolescent Blue Blaze - Lvl 218 (Sinomacrops) Day 27953, 14:59:11: Rambuh froze Juvenile Kushy Spaff - Lvl 214 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27953, 16:39:05: J-Dizzle froze Juvenile Kushy Spaff - Lvl 214 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27953, 16:43:21: J-Dizzle froze Juvenile Jizz Bolt - Lvl 206 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28063, 16:07:42: Rambuh froze Red Velvet - Lvl 243 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28098, 14:49:34: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28109, 16:10:45: gg - Lvl 139 (Otter) starved to death! Day 28110, 06:10:16: J-Dizzle froze Adolescent Kushy Spaff - Lvl 214 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28110, 10:47:39: J-Dizzle froze Adolescent Jizz Bolt - Lvl 206 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28110, 10:51:42: J-Dizzle froze Adolescent Jizz Bolt - Lvl 206 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28110, 15:16:35: J-Dizzle froze Adolescent Kushy Spaff - Lvl 214 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28110, 19:46:01: J-Dizzle froze Adolescent Kushy Spaff - Lvl 214 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28110, 19:55:04: J-Dizzle froze Adolescent Jizz Bolt - Lvl 206 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28111, 01:24:37: J-Dizzle froze Adolescent Kushy Spaff - Lvl 214 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28112, 05:51:27: Rambuh froze Super Soaker - Lvl 314 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28112, 05:55:11: J-Dizzle froze jd - Lvl 244 (Sinomacrops) Day 28112, 05:56:22: Rambuh froze Purple Haze - Lvl 229 (Sinomacrops) Day 28112, 06:04:19: J-Dizzle froze I Squirt a little - Lvl 257 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28153, 07:18:39: gg - Lvl 220 (Otter) starved to death! Day 28279, 03:28:47: Little Shit - Lvl 63 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 28287, 10:59:14: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28405, 05:41:25: Your 'Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28499, 15:17:36: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28514, 13:10:40: Red Velvet - Lvl 262 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 28531, 20:22:26: Mommy Milkers - Lvl 126 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 28712, 02:08:34: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28749, 09:41:17: Neo - Lvl 113 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Base Female - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 28749, 09:43:49: Neo - Lvl 113 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Base Healer - Lvl 336 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 28749, 09:48:26: Butter - Lvl 108 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Super Soaker - Lvl 314 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28749, 09:52:57: Butter - Lvl 108 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Pink Spaffer - Lvl 229 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28749, 09:55:57: Neo - Lvl 113 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Base Male - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 28749, 10:00:28: Butter - Lvl 108 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'squaks - Lvl 139 (Argentavis)'! Day 28749, 10:05:21: Butter - Lvl 108 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'jd - Lvl 246 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 28749, 10:13:10: Butter - Lvl 108 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nubz flyer - Lvl 218 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 28749, 10:13:53: Neo - Lvl 113 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'yo im pink - Lvl 229 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 28749, 10:14:42: Neo - Lvl 113 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blue Blaze - Lvl 218 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 28749, 10:15:29: Neo - Lvl 113 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Purple Haze - Lvl 230 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 28749, 10:20:28: Butter - Lvl 108 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jizz Bolt - Lvl 211 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28749, 10:21:33: Butter - Lvl 108 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kushy Spaff - Lvl 219 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28749, 10:26:44: Butter - Lvl 108 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MRS MAGMA - Lvl 322 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 28749, 10:46:22: Neo - Lvl 113 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chadette - Lvl 244 (Rex)'! Day 28749, 10:47:36: Neo - Lvl 113 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'jds - Lvl 269 (Rex)'! Day 28749, 10:54:40: Butter - Lvl 108 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'I Squirt a little - Lvl 257 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28749, 17:12:50: Neo - Lvl 113 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 257 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28886, 16:16:46: Shit Bag! - Lvl 140 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 28886, 17:54:54: Kiwi - Lvl 123 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rolling Stone - Lvl 277 (Doedicurus)'! Day 28886, 17:55:16: Kiwi - Lvl 123 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Anky - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 28886, 18:14:58: Kiwi - Lvl 123 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Turbo - Lvl 167 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 28886, 18:32:50: Kiwi - Lvl 123 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stud - Lvl 193 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28886, 18:33:03: Kiwi - Lvl 123 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jade - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28886, 18:33:35: Kiwi - Lvl 123 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Breed me Daddy - Lvl 201 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28886, 18:34:13: Kiwi - Lvl 123 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'KUSH - Lvl 258 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28930, 21:18:48: Neo - Lvl 114 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Horn Star - Lvl 205 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 28931, 05:27:54: Neo - Lvl 114 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Eager Beaver - Lvl 204 (Castoroides)'! Day 28931, 05:29:55: Neo - Lvl 114 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Terrance - Lvl 251 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28931, 05:30:24: Neo - Lvl 114 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Purple Dude - Lvl 287 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28931, 06:05:38: Neo - Lvl 114 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MotherClucker - Lvl 268 (Argentavis)'! Day 28931, 06:12:31: Neo - Lvl 114 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Piggeh - Lvl 217 (Phiomia)'! Day 28931, 07:16:36: Neo - Lvl 114 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Toe - Lvl 289 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 28978, 09:10:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28978, 09:10:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28978, 09:10:28: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28982, 15:21:19: Butter - Lvl 112 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fireball - Lvl 229 (Mesopithecus)'! Day 28982, 15:32:32: 's 'Inferno - Lvl 221 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 28982, 15:32:32: 's 'H9240 M219 - Lvl 217 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 28982, 17:06:01: Neo - Lvl 114 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bananas - Lvl 175 (Mesopithecus)'! Day 28993, 18:47:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29030, 13:40:04: Tribemember Bob - Lvl 77 was killed! Day 29030, 14:20:45: Tribemember Rambuh - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 29030, 15:51:41: Tribemember NUBZ - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 29030, 16:22:54: Tribemember J-Dizzle - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 29205, 02:10:36: Your 'Greenhouse Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29263, 22:02:11: Neo - Lvl 114 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shitlord - Lvl 137 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 29275, 20:25:37: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29375, 19:19:11: Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 33895, 20:27:20: Bex - Lvl 69 (Queens of the North) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Home of Homes (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1360997313,"tribe":"King tut tut IV logs":["Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17231, 15:17:35: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17245, 13:34:50: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31318, 21:42:27: Tribemember Nutty - Lvl 121 was killed!"] "tribeid":1358287054,"tribe":"New Horizons logs":["Day 19846, 19:10:51: Arthas was added to the Tribe! Day 19846, 19:18:00: Heartless was added to the Tribe by Arthas! Day 19847, 00:28:26: Arthas demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 19847, 00:33:56: Arthas demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 19847, 00:34:51: Arthas demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 19847, 00:36:24: Arthas demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 19847, 00:45:07: Arthas demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 19848, 20:16:45: Arthas Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 67 (Parasaur)! Day 19854, 05:39:39: Arthas Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 19854, 07:53:32: Arthas Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 199 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 19854, 07:56:44: Tribemember Heartless - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 19855, 02:56:56: Tribemember Arthas - Lvl 63 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 19855, 15:27:03: Tribemember Heartless - Lvl 65 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 50! Day 19855, 15:31:09: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19855, 15:32:14: Tribemember Arthas - Lvl 64 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 20! Day 19855, 15:38:37: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19855, 15:42:17: Tribemember Heartless - Lvl 65 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 50! Day 19855, 15:42:17: Tribemember Arthas - Lvl 64 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 50! Day 19855, 17:36:27: Your 'War Map' was destroyed! Day 19855, 17:39:50: Tribemember Arthas - Lvl 64 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 1.1x! Day 19855, 19:00:33: Tribemember Arthas - Lvl 64 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 95 | 0.8x! Day 19855, 19:27:38: Your Tribe Tamed a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 74 (Kaprosuchus)! Day 19855, 19:55:34: Tribemember Heartless - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 19855, 20:15:02: Tribemember Arthas - Lvl 64 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 0.9x! Day 19855, 21:59:27: Your Kaprosuchus - Lvl 74 (Kaprosuchus) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 95 | 0.8x! Day 19856, 02:59:09: Tribemember Arthas - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 19856, 17:03:38: Tribemember Arthas - Lvl 66 was killed! Day 19856, 17:09:22: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 19857, 00:55:53: Tribemember Arthas - Lvl 66 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 85! Day 19857, 03:22:47: Tribemember Arthas - Lvl 67 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 85! Day 19857, 04:33:10: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 186 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 19857, 04:39:13: Tribemember Arthas - Lvl 67 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 25! Day 19857, 12:05:11: Arthas Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 209 (Parasaur)! Day 20001, 13:02:48: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20143, 05:28:24: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20253, 14:03:22: Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus) starved to death! Day 20449, 02:31:17: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20577, 21:05:55: selone - Lvl 42 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 199 (Ichthyosaurus)'! Day 20732, 07:45:47: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20732, 07:45:47: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20732, 07:45:47: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20899, 01:51:27: Savage - Lvl 122 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21050, 19:26:33: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 186 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 21050, 19:31:31: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'HAPPYTIME (Raft)'! Day 21050, 19:44:32: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 210 (Parasaur)'! Day 21050, 19:50:51: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 80 (Parasaur)'! Day 21050, 20:50:02: Tribemember Arthas - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 21050, 21:00:10: Tribemember Heartless - Lvl 68 was killed!"] "tribeid":1357613985,"tribe":"Tribe of Stanners logs":["Day 16133, 13:20:37: Stanners was added to the Tribe! Day 16133, 14:16:00: Tribemember Stanners - Lvl 29 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 135! Day 16133, 14:31:45: Tribemember Stanners - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 16133, 14:58:07: Tribemember Stanners - Lvl 29 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 45! Day 16133, 15:51:42: Tribemember Stanners - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 16133, 16:28:32: Tribemember Stanners - Lvl 29 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 135! Day 16133, 16:52:11: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 16133, 17:02:21: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 16133, 17:03:16: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 16133, 17:05:13: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 16133, 17:05:25: Tribemember Stanners - Lvl 29 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 135! Day 16133, 20:02:51: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16133, 20:02:51: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16133, 20:07:28: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 16133, 20:07:59: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 16133, 20:11:43: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 16133, 20:12:14: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 16134, 05:16:01: PussyClartius was added to the Tribe by Stanners! Day 16134, 05:51:59: Tribemember PussyClartius - Lvl 5 was killed by a Kentrosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 16134, 09:48:53: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 16134, 12:10:39: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 41 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 85! Day 16134, 14:09:49: Tribemember Stanners - Lvl 46 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 25! Day 16134, 14:29:32: Tribemember Stanners - Lvl 46 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 25! Day 16134, 14:35:02: Tribemember PussyClartius - Lvl 26 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 130! Day 16134, 14:37:53: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 16134, 17:59:15: Your Black Sambo - Lvl 33 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Kentrosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 16134, 18:04:28: Tribemember Stanners - Lvl 47 was killed by a Kentrosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 16135, 05:17:52: Stanners Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)! Day 16135, 05:28:27: PussyClartius Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)! Day 16135, 09:25:45: Tribemember Stanners - Lvl 52 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 90! Day 16143, 21:02:45: Tribemember PussyClartius - Lvl 51 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 140! Day 16144, 15:12:20: Stanners Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 85 (Triceratops)! Day 16145, 07:51:14: PussyClartius demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 16145, 07:51:42: PussyClartius demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 16145, 07:52:10: PussyClartius demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 16145, 08:13:39: PussyClartius demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 16146, 17:47:11: Stanners Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 148 (Argentavis)! Day 16147, 20:44:12: Tribemember Stanners - Lvl 69 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 50! Day 16147, 21:31:33: Tribemember Stanners - Lvl 69 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 145! Day 16147, 22:35:18: Tribemember Stanners - Lvl 69 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 15! Day 16147, 23:29:44: Tribemember Stanners - Lvl 69 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 85! Day 16148, 00:18:41: Tribemember Stanners - Lvl 69 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 140! Day 16148, 01:24:24: Tribemember Stanners - Lvl 69 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 95! Day 16148, 01:32:03: Tribemember PussyClartius - Lvl 71 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 145! Day 16148, 02:36:52: Tribemember Stanners - Lvl 69 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 16148, 02:53:32: Tribemember PussyClartius - Lvl 71 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 100! Day 16148, 04:14:06: Tribemember Stanners - Lvl 69 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 145! Day 16148, 05:15:31: Tribemember PussyClartius - Lvl 71 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 145! Day 16162, 06:01:57: Tribemember PussyClartius - Lvl 72 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 95! Day 16162, 06:07:25: Tribemember PussyClartius - Lvl 72 was killed! Day 16162, 13:13:01: Tribemember PussyClartius - Lvl 73 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 130! Day 16162, 20:05:19: PussyClartius Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 193 (Argentavis)! Day 16163, 06:33:55: Tribemember PussyClartius - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 16163, 06:42:03: Tribemember PussyClartius - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 16163, 06:54:19: Tribemember PussyClartius - Lvl 75 was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 140! Day 16248, 19:16:19: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16345, 14:14:23: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16345, 14:14:23: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16345, 14:14:23: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16400, 22:34:37: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16400, 22:34:37: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16511, 14:48:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16511, 14:48:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16532, 20:53:21: Tribemember PussyClartius - Lvl 79 was killed by an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 16532, 21:14:52: Tribemember Stanners - Lvl 86 was killed by an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 16580, 19:06:44: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16728, 17:50:49: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Black Sambo II - Lvl 204 (Argentavis)'! Day 16728, 17:51:08: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bird Wit Back - Lvl 170 (Argentavis)'! Day 16728, 17:51:23: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hubert Of House Pussy Cl - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16728, 17:51:40: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tarquin - Lvl 236 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16899, 10:59:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16899, 10:59:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16899, 10:59:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16899, 10:59:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16899, 10:59:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16899, 10:59:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16899, 10:59:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16899, 10:59:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16899, 10:59:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17064, 22:52:49: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17363, 15:00:45: Jerome - Lvl 105 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 23364, 11:24:52: Tribemember PussyClartius - Lvl 79 was killed!"] "tribeid":1356429767,"tribe":"Blueprint Enjoyers logs":["Day 43383, 06:16:15: THE MAN was added to the Tribe! Day 43383, 06:24:41: Tribe of Blonke tribe was merged in by Blonke! Day 43383, 06:24:41: Blonke was added to the Tribe by THE MAN! Day 43383, 08:06:24: Your BOSS - Lvl 274 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 43383, 08:07:22: Your BOSS - Lvl 250 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 43383, 08:50:59: Blonke froze something sensible - Lvl 265 (Therizinosaur) Day 43383, 12:11:04: Your BOSS - Lvl 269 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 130! Day 43383, 12:24:08: Your BOSS - Lvl 255 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Manticore (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 43383, 12:33:22: Tribemember THE MAN - Lvl 112 was killed by a Manticore (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 43383, 12:50:24: Your INBOUND BOSS - Lvl 246 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Griffin - Lvl 45! Day 43383, 13:08:27: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 112 was killed by a Manticore (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 43383, 13:12:07: Your BOSS - Lvl 279 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 43533, 09:32:15: THE MAN froze Guts - Lvl 400 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 43533, 10:53:42: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 279 (Maewing) Day 43533, 14:33:33: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 279 (Maewing) Day 43533, 16:27:49: THE MAN froze Fatboy Slim - Lvl 218 (Gasbags) Day 43533, 16:51:31: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 279 (Maewing) Day 43534, 00:37:39: THE MAN froze Guts - Lvl 400 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 43534, 06:06:39: THE MAN froze Archangel Gabriel - Lvl 367 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43534, 06:52:17: THE MAN froze Smokey - Lvl 241 (Rock Drake) Day 43534, 07:19:20: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 279 (Maewing) Day 43534, 08:45:48: THE MAN Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 127 (Dodo)! Day 43534, 09:03:59: THE MAN froze Dodo - Lvl 127 (Dodo) Day 43534, 09:05:27: THE MAN Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 71 (Dilophosaur)! Day 43534, 09:08:22: THE MAN froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 71 (Dilophosaur) Day 43534, 09:32:59: THE MAN Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo)! Day 43534, 09:37:15: THE MAN froze Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo) Day 43534, 13:56:42: THE MAN Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 264 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 43534, 14:08:02: THE MAN froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 264 (Tek Parasaur) Day 43534, 15:28:15: THE MAN froze Smokey - Lvl 241 (Rock Drake) Day 43534, 15:32:07: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 279 (Maewing) Day 43534, 15:38:17: THE MAN froze Fatboy Slim - Lvl 218 (Gasbags) Day 43534, 15:44:07: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 284 (Maewing) Day 43535, 06:28:58: THE MAN froze Archangel Gabriel - Lvl 367 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43551, 22:29:22: THE MAN froze Guts - Lvl 400 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 43552, 02:44:30: THE MAN froze Archangel Gabriel - Lvl 367 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 44164, 12:58:43: TAKE A SHOWER - Lvl 272 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 44164, 12:59:45: THE MAN's 'Fatboy Slim - Lvl 218 (Gasbags)' died in a Cryopod! Day 44238, 09:04:04: THE MAN's 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 44314, 10:03:51: THE MAN's 'Guts - Lvl 400 (Carcharodontosaurus)' died in a Cryopod!"] "tribeid":1356146547,"tribe":"Cheeky Chamber logs":["Day 19869, 19:04:30: Cheeky was added to the Tribe! Day 19872, 12:51:31: Your Nigerian - Lvl 217 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 19872, 12:52:32: Tribemember Cheeky - Lvl 43 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 19872, 20:02:03: Cheeky Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 142 (Parasaur)! Day 19873, 11:12:26: Cheeky Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 216 (Parasaur)! Day 19875, 08:00:19: Your nigeran buthigh level fe - Lvl 222 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 150! Day 19875, 08:30:47: Your nigerian but female - Lvl 146 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 150! Day 19896, 10:38:00: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon)! Day 19897, 15:43:53: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)! Day 19897, 16:44:37: Cheeky Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon)! Day 19966, 02:03:31: Cheeky Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 74 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 19966, 03:35:49: Cheeky Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 149 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 19966, 04:06:25: Cheeky Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 201 (Parasaur)! Day 20307, 10:13:52: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21038, 19:14:01: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21344, 23:28:14: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21344, 23:28:14: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21344, 23:28:14: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21381, 12:14:51: nibba - Lvl 81 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 21756, 20:59:28: Humain - Lvl 64 (Tribe of twingo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'nibba idk - Lvl 211 (Parasaur)'! Day 21756, 21:01:32: Humain - Lvl 64 (Tribe of twingo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'nibba but higher man - Lvl 156 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 22494, 07:12:29: TheMentalZz - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon)'! Day 22506, 11:22:50: Mumei - Lvl 6 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 231 (Pteranodon)'! Day 22506, 11:25:46: Mumei - Lvl 6 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FLYING NIGERIAN - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon)'! Day 22801, 06:38:09: Tribemember Cheeky - Lvl 67 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 55!"] "tribeid":1349655455,"tribe":"Horizon logs":["Day 23198, 23:31:49: Horikon was added to the Tribe! Day 23198, 23:39:27: Mensch was added to the Tribe by Horikon! Day 23198, 23:59:09: Mensch was added to the Tribe by Horikon! Day 23198, 23:59:13: Tribemember Mensch - Lvl 1 was killed by Horikon - Lvl 5 (Horizon)! Day 23198, 23:59:13: Your Tribe killed Mensch - Lvl 1 (Horizon)! Day 23199, 00:49:55: Tribemember Mensch - Lvl 5 was killed by Mensch - Lvl 1 (Horizon)! Day 23199, 00:49:55: Your Tribe killed Mensch - Lvl 5 (Horizon)! Day 23203, 15:33:09: Tribemember Mensch - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 23338, 04:41:49: Tribemember Horikon - Lvl 6 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 25229, 05:52:09: Tribemember Mensch - Lvl 5 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 145!"] "tribeid":1348353162,"tribe":"Tribe of greatnes logs":["Day 17018, 01:39:46: Thor was added to the Tribe! Day 17018, 02:03:40: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of greatnes' Tribe to Sexy Warriors Alliance! Day 17018, 05:53:41: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of greatnes' Tribe to Sexy Warriors Alliance! Day 17018, 06:07:49: Tribemember Thor - Lvl 8 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 140! Day 17018, 06:20:03: Tribemember Thor - Lvl 8 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 95! Day 17018, 07:18:03: Tribemember Thor - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 17018, 09:17:11: Thor Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 17018, 12:09:23: Thor claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 17018, 12:10:14: Thor claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 17018, 14:16:35: Thor Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 67 (Moschops)! Day 17058, 07:52:21: Your Moschops - Lvl 67 (Moschops) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 17106, 15:18:08: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17213, 11:16:27: The Grand Master - Lvl 30 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 18604, 14:07:23: Kalv - Lvl 69 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 19097, 13:06:38: Stev - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1344404694,"tribe":"Tribe of BIG BLACK MAN logs":["Day 23412, 02:51:29: BIG BLACK MAN was added to the Tribe! Day 23412, 02:53:28: Human was added to the Tribe by BIG BLACK MAN! Day 23412, 03:09:02: GungaChad was added to the Tribe by BIG BLACK MAN! Day 23412, 05:32:13: Tribemember GungaChad - Lvl 50 was killed! Day 23412, 05:58:45: Human claimed 'Equus - Lvl 218 (Equus)'! Day 23412, 07:19:28: Tribemember GungaChad - Lvl 51 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 23412, 10:53:55: GungaChad froze terrid - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) Day 23441, 17:34:19: Tribemember Human - Lvl 70 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 23705, 00:30:37: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23896, 03:51:27: Tribemember GungaChad - Lvl 51 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 25! Day 24048, 09:13:26: Equus - Lvl 221 (Equus) starved to death! Day 24170, 04:46:07: Viperion - Lvl 86 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yanky - Lvl 231 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 24170, 04:54:00: Viperion - Lvl 86 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[TJ] ew FEMALE - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)'! Day 24234, 19:40:25: Nytrix - Lvl 82 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[TJ] PteraDONG - Lvl 233 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24295, 07:39:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24578, 18:51:16: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25065, 03:26:15: Tribemember BIG BLACK MAN - Lvl 68 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 140! Day 25766, 12:22:12: Your Argentina - Lvl 208 (Argentavis) was killed by a Griffin - Lvl 130!"] "tribeid":1339794633,"tribe":"Tribe of tribes logs":["Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23176, 01:46:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23237, 00:44:19: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 186 (CyberTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'jucie - Lvl 248 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 23237, 01:17:33: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 186 (CyberTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kill - Lvl 175 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 23237, 01:19:34: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 186 (CyberTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'jd - Lvl 246 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 23469, 07:43:12: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23469, 07:43:12: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23469, 07:43:12: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23469, 07:43:12: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23469, 07:43:12: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23469, 07:43:12: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23469, 07:43:12: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25111, 05:26:02: Tribemember J-D - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 25111, 11:37:43: Tribemember Kill - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 27572, 05:43:32: J-D was removed from the Tribe! Day 27572, 05:43:32: Tribe Owner was changed to Kill!"] "tribeid":1339561079,"tribe":"striker logs":["Day 36318, 16:37:21: big was added to the Tribe! Day 36318, 16:46:27: Tribe of small tribe was merged in by small! Day 36318, 16:46:27: small was added to the Tribe by big! Day 36319, 02:14:23: Tribemember small - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 36319, 07:14:14: Tribemember big - Lvl 125 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 100! Day 36319, 09:25:05: small was promoted to a Tribe Admin by big! Day 36319, 09:33:08: big Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 37 (Triceratops)! Day 36340, 01:37:41: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 67 (Dodo)! Day 36340, 06:22:48: big Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 175 (Dilophosaur)! Day 36340, 06:35:04: big Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 67 (Moschops)! Day 36340, 12:10:09: small Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 216 (Carbonemys)! Day 36340, 20:53:59: big - Lvl 125 (striker) destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 36340, 22:37:18: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 36341, 05:30:22: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 201 (Parasaur)! Day 36345, 09:41:57: big Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo)! Day 36366, 09:15:58: Tribemember big - Lvl 125 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 150! Day 36366, 10:54:33: Tribemember big - Lvl 125 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 150! Day 36366, 13:45:14: Your Parasaur - Lvl 211 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90! Day 36366, 20:43:37: big Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 223 (Triceratops)! Day 36367, 04:30:01: big Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 67 (Dodo)! Day 36367, 06:59:56: big froze Dodo - Lvl 68 (Dodo) Day 36367, 15:13:43: big froze Pteranodon - Lvl 83 (Pteranodon) Day 36367, 18:26:16: big Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 22 (Raptor)! Day 36410, 17:02:00: big Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 29 (Argentavis)! Day 36410, 17:05:37: big froze Argentavis - Lvl 29 (Argentavis) Day 36410, 18:35:01: big froze Raptor - Lvl 30 (Raptor) Day 36411, 14:45:08: big froze dilo - Lvl 187 (Dilophosaur) Day 36411, 14:49:30: big froze ruby - Lvl 55 (Triceratops) Day 36411, 14:53:54: big froze grass - Lvl 227 (Carbonemys) Day 36411, 15:04:31: big froze Argentavis - Lvl 36 (Argentavis) Day 36417, 14:50:51: big froze Pteranodon - Lvl 94 (Pteranodon) Day 36418, 09:03:00: big Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 221 (Castoroides)! Day 36418, 09:06:04: big froze Castoroides - Lvl 221 (Castoroides) Day 36419, 01:37:23: big Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)! Day 36419, 06:18:54: big Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 194 (Doedicurus)! Day 36419, 06:24:02: big froze Doedicurus - Lvl 194 (Doedicurus) Day 36420, 02:54:27: big Tamed a Rex - Lvl 199 (Rex)! Day 36420, 03:05:12: big froze Pteranodon - Lvl 97 (Pteranodon) Day 36420, 03:09:41: big froze Rex - Lvl 199 (Rex) Day 36420, 03:18:09: big froze Pteranodon - Lvl 97 (Pteranodon) Day 36420, 08:15:47: big froze Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 36420, 12:51:38: big froze bev - Lvl 228 (Castoroides) Day 36420, 12:55:03: big froze dod - Lvl 199 (Doedicurus) Day 36420, 12:58:39: big froze tricky - Lvl 248 (Triceratops) Day 36420, 13:05:14: big froze Pteranodon - Lvl 216 (Pteranodon) Day 36420, 14:10:43: big froze tricky - Lvl 249 (Triceratops) Day 36420, 14:16:14: big froze rexy - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 36420, 14:56:31: big froze Pteranodon - Lvl 216 (Pteranodon) Day 36420, 16:01:44: big froze rexy - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 36420, 17:22:19: big froze rexy - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 36420, 18:05:56: big Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 202 (Raptor)! Day 36420, 18:10:24: big froze Raptor - Lvl 202 (Raptor) Day 36420, 19:10:53: big froze Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 36420, 21:08:01: big froze rexy - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 36420, 23:47:44: big froze bev - Lvl 228 (Castoroides) Day 36421, 00:06:54: big froze best - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 36421, 00:12:51: big froze whos a pretty girl then? - Lvl 45 (Argentavis) Day 36431, 16:57:07: big froze tricky - Lvl 260 (Triceratops) Day 36431, 17:30:11: big froze rexy - Lvl 233 (Rex) Day 36431, 21:22:14: big froze rexy - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 36432, 00:44:21: big froze best - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon) Day 36432, 14:56:29: big froze tricky - Lvl 261 (Triceratops) Day 36432, 15:03:19: big froze rexy - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 36432, 17:06:50: big Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 36432, 17:07:26: big froze rexy - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 36432, 17:16:13: big froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36433, 03:37:25: big froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 227 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36433, 03:55:04: big froze dod - Lvl 223 (Doedicurus) Day 36433, 04:45:21: big froze bev - Lvl 247 (Castoroides) Day 36433, 04:49:18: big froze tricky - Lvl 261 (Triceratops) Day 36433, 05:27:32: big froze rexy - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 36433, 05:54:25: big froze bev - Lvl 247 (Castoroides) Day 36433, 06:34:06: big froze bev - Lvl 248 (Castoroides) Day 36433, 08:33:33: big froze best - Lvl 237 (Pteranodon) Day 36433, 12:25:19: big froze bev - Lvl 248 (Castoroides) Day 36433, 13:11:08: big froze rexy - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 36434, 06:15:25: big demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 36434, 07:33:36: big claimed 'Emerald - Lvl 223 (Argentavis)'! Day 36434, 07:45:29: big froze best - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 36434, 09:33:04: big demolished a 'Wreath'! Day 36434, 09:34:40: big demolished a 'Holiday Stocking'! Day 36434, 10:05:29: big demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 36434, 10:36:02: big froze Emerald - Lvl 227 (Argentavis) Day 36434, 10:44:47: big froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 232 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36434, 11:11:30: big froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 232 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36434, 11:20:58: big froze rexy - Lvl 243 (Rex) Day 36434, 12:19:09: big froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36434, 12:40:12: big froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36434, 17:18:02: big froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 238 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36434, 17:42:05: big froze rexy - Lvl 244 (Rex) Day 36434, 19:00:06: big froze rexy - Lvl 246 (Rex) Day 36435, 00:10:26: big froze Emerald - Lvl 230 (Argentavis) Day 36435, 03:11:39: big froze best - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 36435, 04:25:09: big froze rexy - Lvl 246 (Rex) Day 36435, 05:27:42: big froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 240 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36435, 14:05:48: big froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 242 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36435, 14:27:51: big froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 243 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36435, 18:17:52: big - Lvl 125 (striker) destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 36435, 19:43:29: big froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 244 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36435, 20:22:36: big froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 244 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36435, 20:56:19: big froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 244 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36435, 21:55:09: big froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 244 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36435, 22:31:17: big froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 246 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36436, 03:27:14: big froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 246 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36436, 03:58:17: big demolished a 'Wreath'! Day 36436, 04:05:54: big Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 36436, 04:46:04: big froze Emerald - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 36436, 05:31:27: big froze best - Lvl 239 (Pteranodon) Day 36436, 06:09:32: big froze bows - Lvl 248 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36436, 06:34:41: big froze bows - Lvl 248 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36436, 08:54:37: big froze whos a pretty girl then? - Lvl 61 (Argentavis) Day 36436, 09:11:41: big froze Emerald - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 36436, 10:46:43: big froze best - Lvl 239 (Pteranodon) Day 36436, 11:21:55: big froze bows - Lvl 249 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36436, 11:43:57: big froze bows - Lvl 249 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36436, 11:52:54: big froze bows - Lvl 249 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36436, 12:16:00: big froze bows - Lvl 249 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36436, 12:28:33: big froze bows - Lvl 249 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36436, 12:39:37: big froze bows - Lvl 250 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36436, 14:03:18: big froze bows - Lvl 250 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36438, 18:14:54: big froze bows - Lvl 253 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36438, 18:43:53: big froze bows - Lvl 253 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36438, 18:58:51: big froze bows - Lvl 253 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36438, 19:35:51: big froze bows - Lvl 254 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36439, 18:33:13: big froze bows - Lvl 256 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36439, 20:04:01: big froze Emerald - Lvl 235 (Argentavis) Day 36439, 22:58:20: big froze best - Lvl 243 (Pteranodon) Day 36440, 01:05:46: big froze bows - Lvl 259 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36440, 05:40:01: big froze whos a pretty girl then? - Lvl 64 (Argentavis) Day 36440, 05:43:38: big froze Emerald - Lvl 235 (Argentavis) Day 36440, 06:06:20: big froze bows - Lvl 259 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36440, 06:10:53: big froze best - Lvl 243 (Pteranodon) Day 36440, 06:42:15: big froze bows - Lvl 259 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36440, 07:09:01: big froze bows - Lvl 260 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36440, 08:06:23: big froze bows - Lvl 260 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36440, 08:32:19: big froze bows - Lvl 260 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36440, 08:45:37: big froze bows - Lvl 261 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36440, 17:38:17: big froze whos a pretty girl then? - Lvl 64 (Argentavis) Day 36440, 17:41:14: big froze grass - Lvl 240 (Carbonemys) Day 36440, 17:45:33: big froze dilo - Lvl 199 (Dilophosaur) Day 36440, 17:48:28: big froze Raptor - Lvl 44 (Raptor) Day 36440, 17:52:11: big froze ruby - Lvl 65 (Triceratops) Day 36440, 17:54:53: big froze dod - Lvl 226 (Doedicurus) Day 36440, 17:59:44: big froze Raptor - Lvl 215 (Raptor) Day 36440, 18:02:35: big froze bev - Lvl 252 (Castoroides) Day 36440, 18:05:19: big froze tricky - Lvl 264 (Triceratops) Day 36440, 18:08:05: big froze bozo - Lvl 109 (Moschops) Day 36440, 18:24:32: big froze Emerald - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 36440, 18:27:25: big froze Pteranodon - Lvl 101 (Pteranodon) Day 36452, 09:25:43: big froze Emerald - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 36452, 09:30:29: big froze bows - Lvl 269 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36452, 12:09:38: big froze Emerald - Lvl 249 (Argentavis) Day 36452, 12:49:54: big froze best - Lvl 252 (Pteranodon) Day 36452, 16:21:22: big froze bows - Lvl 269 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36453, 06:35:56: big froze dod - Lvl 236 (Doedicurus) Day 36453, 07:11:25: big froze bev - Lvl 262 (Castoroides) Day 36453, 07:19:40: big froze whos a pretty boy then - Lvl 83 (Dodo) Day 36453, 07:31:31: big froze Jerboa - Lvl 9 (Jerboa) Day 36453, 07:34:32: big froze saved - Lvl 55 (Dodo) Day 36453, 07:40:03: big froze fridge - Lvl 89 (Dodo) Day 36453, 08:34:49: big froze rexy - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 36453, 15:13:23: big froze bows - Lvl 271 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36453, 15:16:56: big froze dod - Lvl 237 (Doedicurus) Day 36453, 15:21:08: big froze Emerald - Lvl 250 (Argentavis) Day 36453, 15:24:00: big froze whos a pretty girl then? - Lvl 74 (Argentavis) Day 36455, 15:10:28: big froze best - Lvl 254 (Pteranodon) Day 36455, 16:21:31: big demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 36455, 21:37:41: big froze whos a pretty girl then? - Lvl 75 (Argentavis) Day 36455, 21:45:24: big froze whos a pretty girl then? - Lvl 75 (Argentavis) Day 36455, 22:19:27: big froze Emerald - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) Day 36455, 22:48:59: Your fridge - Lvl 89 (Dodo) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 50! Day 36456, 08:09:11: big froze rexy - Lvl 253 (Rex) Day 36456, 10:11:34: big froze best - Lvl 255 (Pteranodon) Day 36456, 12:25:02: big froze rexy - Lvl 255 (Rex) Day 36456, 13:12:59: big froze best - Lvl 255 (Pteranodon) Day 36456, 14:25:04: big froze rexy - Lvl 256 (Rex) Day 36456, 15:50:01: big froze best - Lvl 255 (Pteranodon) Day 36456, 15:53:48: big froze rexy - Lvl 256 (Rex) Day 36456, 19:00:30: big froze whos a pretty girl then? - Lvl 75 (Argentavis) Day 36456, 19:08:17: big froze best - Lvl 255 (Pteranodon) Day 36456, 19:33:34: big froze whos a pretty girl then? - Lvl 76 (Argentavis) Day 36456, 22:24:24: big froze Pteranodon - Lvl 120 (Pteranodon) Day 36457, 01:36:36: big froze bows - Lvl 273 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36457, 01:43:58: big froze dod - Lvl 242 (Doedicurus) Day 36457, 01:49:16: big froze bev - Lvl 265 (Castoroides) Day 36457, 04:19:14: big froze Emerald - Lvl 253 (Argentavis) Day 36487, 03:23:24: big froze bows - Lvl 286 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36487, 03:27:10: big froze bows - Lvl 286 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36487, 04:18:22: big froze bows - Lvl 286 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36487, 05:44:24: big froze Emerald - Lvl 272 (Argentavis) Day 36487, 21:41:40: big froze dod - Lvl 255 (Doedicurus) Day 36487, 21:54:37: big froze saved - Lvl 62 (Dodo) Day 36487, 21:58:25: big froze Raptor - Lvl 234 (Raptor) Day 36487, 22:02:12: big froze dilo - Lvl 199 (Dilophosaur) Day 36487, 22:05:55: big froze Raptor - Lvl 59 (Raptor) Day 36487, 22:12:56: big froze rexy - Lvl 258 (Rex) Day 36487, 22:36:18: big froze Emerald - Lvl 272 (Argentavis) Day 36506, 11:15:50: big froze dod - Lvl 260 (Doedicurus) Day 36506, 11:34:58: big froze bows - Lvl 289 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36506, 12:43:39: big froze rexy - Lvl 258 (Rex) Day 36529, 19:24:24: big froze Emerald - Lvl 276 (Argentavis) Day 36529, 20:20:42: big froze best - Lvl 277 (Pteranodon) Day 36530, 02:03:57: big froze rexy - Lvl 265 (Rex) Day 36530, 03:30:57: big froze bows - Lvl 293 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36530, 04:29:09: big froze bows - Lvl 293 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36530, 08:58:38: big froze Emerald - Lvl 276 (Argentavis) Day 36530, 11:09:03: big froze Emerald - Lvl 276 (Argentavis) Day 36530, 15:13:08: big froze best - Lvl 277 (Pteranodon) Day 36590, 05:28:43: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36590, 05:28:43: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36590, 05:28:43: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36594, 14:52:16: big froze dod - Lvl 274 (Doedicurus) Day 36594, 15:14:06: big froze bows - Lvl 294 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36594, 17:23:27: big froze bows - Lvl 294 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36594, 19:59:07: big froze rexy - Lvl 276 (Rex) Day 36594, 20:04:57: big froze tricky - Lvl 302 (Triceratops) Day 36595, 00:29:20: big froze tricky - Lvl 302 (Triceratops) Day 36595, 00:33:03: big froze bows - Lvl 294 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36595, 00:39:02: big froze rexy - Lvl 276 (Rex) Day 36595, 00:43:12: big froze Emerald - Lvl 287 (Argentavis) Day 36595, 14:48:50: big froze best - Lvl 287 (Pteranodon) Day 36618, 13:44:11: big froze Emerald - Lvl 287 (Argentavis) Day 36618, 13:47:51: big froze rexy - Lvl 279 (Rex) Day 36618, 15:04:43: Tribemember small - Lvl 32 was killed! Day 36618, 15:11:35: Tribemember big - Lvl 125 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 0.9x! Day 36618, 18:22:51: Tribemember small - Lvl 32 was killed by big - Lvl 125 (striker)! Day 36618, 18:22:51: Your Tribe killed small - Lvl 32 (striker)! Day 36623, 04:02:51: Tribemember big - Lvl 125 was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 85! Day 36623, 06:59:29: big froze bows - Lvl 299 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36624, 00:08:17: big froze bows - Lvl 300 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36624, 01:59:46: big froze bows - Lvl 300 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36624, 02:31:07: big froze bows - Lvl 300 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36624, 03:03:12: big froze bows - Lvl 300 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36624, 04:39:28: big froze best - Lvl 291 (Pteranodon) Day 36624, 07:02:03: big froze rexy - Lvl 282 (Rex) Day 36625, 10:25:35: big froze dod - Lvl 280 (Doedicurus) Day 36625, 11:25:07: big froze bows - Lvl 301 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36625, 11:28:29: big froze Emerald - Lvl 291 (Argentavis) Day 36625, 14:43:03: big froze bev - Lvl 303 (Castoroides) Day 36625, 14:46:47: big froze best - Lvl 292 (Pteranodon) Day 36673, 00:23:26: big froze best - Lvl 299 (Pteranodon) Day 36673, 01:43:09: big froze bows - Lvl 308 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36673, 03:16:15: big froze Emerald - Lvl 299 (Argentavis) Day 36673, 03:54:42: big froze best - Lvl 299 (Pteranodon) Day 36673, 04:25:05: big froze bows - Lvl 308 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36673, 07:09:49: big froze bows - Lvl 309 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36673, 08:57:49: big froze Emerald - Lvl 299 (Argentavis) Day 36673, 10:16:20: big froze bows - Lvl 309 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36673, 10:49:50: big froze bows - Lvl 310 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36673, 11:13:03: big froze bows - Lvl 310 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36673, 12:38:57: big froze bows - Lvl 310 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36673, 12:47:22: big froze rexy - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 36673, 13:20:45: big froze rexy - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 36674, 03:44:50: big froze tricky - Lvl 315 (Triceratops) Day 36674, 06:09:26: big froze best - Lvl 299 (Pteranodon) Day 36761, 12:03:36: big froze bows - Lvl 310 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36761, 12:06:31: big froze rexy - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 36761, 12:12:02: big froze whos a pretty girl then? - Lvl 119 (Argentavis) Day 36761, 12:16:33: big froze Emerald - Lvl 299 (Argentavis) Day 36761, 15:35:07: big froze Pteranodon - Lvl 170 (Pteranodon) Day 36780, 10:51:43: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36828, 00:15:35: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37113, 09:38:47: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37113, 09:38:47: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37113, 09:38:47: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37113, 09:38:47: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37113, 09:38:47: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37113, 09:38:47: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37113, 09:38:47: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37113, 09:38:47: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37113, 09:38:47: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37113, 09:38:47: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37113, 09:38:47: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37113, 09:38:47: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37113, 09:38:47: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37113, 09:38:47: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37113, 09:38:47: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37113, 09:38:47: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37113, 09:38:47: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37351, 03:38:24: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37351, 03:38:24: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37351, 03:38:24: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37351, 03:38:24: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37351, 03:38:24: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37351, 03:38:24: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37351, 03:38:24: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37398, 15:48:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37398, 15:48:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37398, 15:48:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37398, 15:48:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37398, 15:48:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37398, 15:48:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37398, 15:48:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37398, 15:48:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37398, 15:48:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37422, 22:34:47: stefanie - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Sandra) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'best - Lvl 299 (Pteranodon)'! Day 37493, 17:42:48: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37493, 17:42:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37493, 17:42:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37636, 10:44:08: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37636, 10:44:08: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37636, 10:44:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37636, 10:44:08: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37636, 10:44:08: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37636, 10:44:08: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37636, 10:44:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37636, 10:44:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Metal Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38053, 00:11:04: Tribemember small - Lvl 35 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90! Day 41411, 22:08:39: Tribemember big - Lvl 125 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 24! Day 43311, 08:54:26: Tribemember big - Lvl 125 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 43311, 08:59:42: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 129 (Dilophosaur)! Day 43311, 18:41:49: big Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 79 (Parasaur)! Day 43311, 21:28:58: Your Parasaur - Lvl 84 (Parasaur) was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 43312, 03:42:36: Tribemember big - Lvl 125 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 43312, 04:15:20: Tribemember big - Lvl 125 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 43312, 07:35:18: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 136 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 150! Day 43312, 07:48:43: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 43312, 08:34:12: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 211 (Dilophosaur)! Day 43312, 12:08:04: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 127 (Parasaur)! Day 43312, 12:12:51: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 32 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 100! Day 43312, 12:42:20: Your Parasaur - Lvl 127 (Parasaur) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 100! Day 43467, 09:04:16: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43895, 18:00:46: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43895, 18:00:46: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43895, 18:00:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44008, 03:55:46: Nova.3 - Lvl 84 (Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 215 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 44181, 13:39:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44181, 13:39:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44181, 13:39:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44181, 13:39:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44181, 13:39:20: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44181, 13:39:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44181, 13:39:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1338040450,"tribe":"Tribe of Big Spizzy logs":["Day 22514, 10:31:40: Big Spizzy was added to the Tribe! Day 22514, 10:41:07: Tribe of Human1 tribe was merged in by Human! Day 22514, 10:41:07: Human was added to the Tribe by Big Spizzy! Day 22514, 12:42:16: Your Lukes Mother - Lvl 255 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 22514, 12:42:36: Tribemember Human - Lvl 93 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 22514, 15:17:31: Tribemember Human - Lvl 93 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 85! Day 22514, 17:07:35: Tribemember Human - Lvl 93 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 22514, 21:25:01: Your james backley - Lvl 275 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 22514, 21:25:17: Tribemember Human - Lvl 93 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 22515, 02:01:31: Requis was added to the Tribe by Big Spizzy! Day 22515, 03:22:55: Requis froze Eagle Dave - Lvl 220 (Griffin) Day 22542, 01:00:52: Big Spizzy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 242 (Pteranodon) Day 22542, 10:27:40: Big Spizzy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 243 (Pteranodon) Day 22542, 16:36:57: Requis froze Eagle Dave - Lvl 257 (Griffin) Day 22543, 00:36:29: Human froze Sex God - Lvl 234 (Pteranodon) Day 22564, 08:00:20: Tribemember Human - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 22564, 10:13:56: Your Flappy Dave 2.0 - Lvl 239 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 22564, 10:14:31: Tribemember Requis - Lvl 102 was killed! Day 22564, 10:57:50: Tribemember Requis - Lvl 102 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50! Day 22564, 12:37:34: Tribemember Requis - Lvl 102 was killed! Day 22564, 12:59:22: Tribemember Requis - Lvl 102 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 22564, 14:13:35: Tribemember Requis - Lvl 102 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 60! Day 22565, 05:07:22: Your ehhhh - Lvl 295 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 22565, 05:08:47: Tribemember Human - Lvl 105 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 22565, 08:22:03: Tribemember Human - Lvl 105 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 20! Day 22565, 10:06:32: Your Eagle Dave - Lvl 296 (Griffin) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 22565, 10:09:18: Tribemember Requis - Lvl 107 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 22566, 03:02:59: Tribemember Big Spizzy - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 22566, 14:54:25: Tribemember Human - Lvl 106 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 22637, 17:26:40: Tribemember Requis - Lvl 107 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22812, 18:21:58: Your meth dragon - Lvl 349 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 22855, 23:00:59: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1337763203,"tribe":"DangerMouse logs":["Day 21523, 09:42:59: Nev was added to the Tribe! Day 21523, 10:21:20: Nev froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 361 (Voidwyrm) Day 21531, 12:34:24: Nev froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 437 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21531, 12:50:54: Nev froze pebs - Lvl 292 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21531, 16:16:08: Nev froze R-Daeodon - Lvl 212 (R-Daeodon) Day 21531, 16:55:32: Nev froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 437 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21531, 19:04:03: Nev froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 437 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21531, 21:54:30: Nev froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 305 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21643, 04:36:46: Nev froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 368 (Voidwyrm) Day 21643, 05:09:07: Nev froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 441 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21643, 05:50:33: Nev froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 368 (Voidwyrm) Day 21643, 08:00:50: Nev froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 368 (Voidwyrm) Day 21643, 11:09:09: Nev froze R-Daeodon - Lvl 233 (R-Daeodon) Day 21643, 12:48:58: Nev froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 441 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21643, 14:10:04: Nev froze R-Daeodon - Lvl 238 (R-Daeodon) Day 21643, 16:56:44: Nev froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 368 (Voidwyrm) Day 21646, 15:52:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 177 (Beelzebufo)! Day 21646, 16:04:10: Nev froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 177 (Beelzebufo) Day 21646, 17:00:16: Nev froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 368 (Voidwyrm) Day 21646, 17:40:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 178 (Beelzebufo)! Day 21646, 17:54:45: Nev froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 178 (Beelzebufo) Day 21646, 19:32:39: Your Tribe Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 188 (Beelzebufo)! Day 21646, 20:51:00: Nev Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 217 (Beelzebufo)! Day 21646, 20:56:48: Nev froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 217 (Beelzebufo) Day 21646, 21:27:00: Nev froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 188 (Beelzebufo) Day 21646, 21:32:34: Nev froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 441 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21646, 22:08:30: Nev uploaded a Voidwyrm: Voidwyrm - Lvl 369 Day 21681, 03:55:34: Nev claimed '[M] Breeder - Lvl 156 (Argentavis)'! Day 21681, 06:20:45: Nev froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 369 (Voidwyrm) Day 21681, 11:28:41: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 276 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 11:32:27: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 276 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 11:43:22: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 276 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 11:55:18: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 16:56:26: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 17:00:23: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 17:03:38: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 17:10:09: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 17:14:41: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 276 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 17:25:07: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 264 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 17:28:55: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 264 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 17:39:51: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 17:43:46: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 17:46:56: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 18:00:06: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 18:03:44: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 18:07:23: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 18:11:03: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 18:21:52: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 18:28:16: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 19:54:01: Nev froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 370 (Voidwyrm) Day 21681, 23:14:27: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 264 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 23:21:05: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 23:25:48: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 23:29:57: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 23:34:23: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 23:38:58: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 21681, 23:48:44: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 276 (Tek Rex) Day 21682, 00:01:59: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21682, 05:01:53: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex) Day 21682, 05:13:21: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 21682, 05:28:57: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 21682, 05:45:42: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 276 (Tek Rex) Day 21682, 05:54:41: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21682, 05:59:30: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21682, 06:02:53: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21682, 06:10:11: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21682, 06:16:03: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21682, 06:20:24: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21682, 06:27:23: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21682, 06:35:06: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 21682, 06:41:59: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 21682, 06:45:22: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 21682, 06:52:26: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 276 (Tek Rex) Day 21682, 07:00:46: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21682, 08:39:03: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 264 (Tek Rex) Day 21682, 08:45:03: Nev froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 441 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21682, 11:52:12: Nev froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 370 (Voidwyrm) Day 21682, 14:20:34: Nev froze R-Daeodon - Lvl 259 (R-Daeodon) Day 21682, 15:01:58: Nev froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 441 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21682, 16:25:20: Nev froze R-Daeodon - Lvl 260 (R-Daeodon) Day 21682, 16:38:07: Nev froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 441 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21682, 17:34:37: Nev froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 00:24:57: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 00:30:43: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 00:36:54: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 00:43:36: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 264 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 00:50:29: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 264 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 00:54:59: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 264 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 01:01:29: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 276 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 01:08:48: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 276 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 01:13:41: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 276 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 02:30:04: Nev froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 370 (Voidwyrm) Day 21683, 10:38:42: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 11:23:46: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 276 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 14:32:56: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 15:16:06: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 15:20:40: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 15:24:49: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 15:51:21: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 15:57:04: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 16:02:16: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 16:05:55: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 16:09:46: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 16:14:35: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 16:17:54: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 16:23:04: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 264 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 16:36:10: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 16:41:34: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 18:06:01: Nev froze R-Daeodon - Lvl 260 (R-Daeodon) Day 21683, 23:02:47: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21683, 23:57:39: Nev froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21684, 00:27:59: Nev froze B1 - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 21684, 00:44:21: Nev froze B2 - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex) Day 21684, 00:57:42: Nev froze B3 - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21684, 01:12:55: Nev froze B4 - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 21684, 01:30:25: Nev froze B5 - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21684, 01:48:21: Nev froze B6 - Lvl 276 (Tek Rex) Day 21684, 02:03:02: Nev froze B7 - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 21684, 02:23:29: Nev froze B8 - Lvl 264 (Tek Rex) Day 21684, 07:59:40: Nev froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 370 (Voidwyrm) Day 21684, 10:11:10: Nev froze R-Daeodon - Lvl 261 (R-Daeodon) Day 21684, 11:07:41: Nev froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 441 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21684, 11:57:48: Nev froze R-Daeodon - Lvl 261 (R-Daeodon) Day 21684, 13:50:01: Nev froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 370 (Voidwyrm) Day 22399, 14:45:27: kokow22 - Lvl 175 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 156 (Argentavis)'!"] "tribeid":1337053797,"tribe":"Tribe of J logs":["Day 20131, 23:49:03: Aditzu was added to the Tribe! Day 20132, 00:05:15: Chis93 was added to the Tribe by Aditzu! Day 20132, 09:34:39: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 364 (Voidwyrm) Day 20132, 09:36:45: Chis93 froze Remus - Lvl 283 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20151, 14:40:50: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 364 (Voidwyrm) Day 20151, 15:09:27: Tribemember Aditzu - Lvl 95 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 90! Day 20151, 20:08:36: Raven added 'Tribe of Aditzu' Tribe to temp Alliance! Day 20152, 05:59:48: Aditzu froze Raimbow - Lvl 328 (Argentavis) Day 20152, 06:53:26: Aditzu froze Raimbow - Lvl 328 (Argentavis) Day 20153, 18:04:23: Human was added to the Tribe by Aditzu! Day 20153, 23:59:01: Human froze Afra - Lvl 327 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20154, 00:14:42: Aditzu froze SIN - Lvl 291 (Poison Wyvern) Day 20154, 02:55:58: Human froze Amir - Lvl 256 (Shadowmane) Day 20154, 05:56:02: Aditzu froze SIN - Lvl 291 (Poison Wyvern) Day 20154, 06:08:15: Human Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 20154, 07:16:08: Human froze Afra - Lvl 327 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20154, 07:25:20: Human uploaded a Jerboa: Frend - Lvl 1 Day 20316, 20:41:00: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 374 (Voidwyrm) Day 20316, 21:19:24: Aditzu - Lvl 116 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Satan Tribe. Day 20316, 21:21:58: Aditzu - Lvl 116 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Satan Tribe. Day 20316, 21:22:10: Aditzu added 'Tribe of Satan' Tribe to THE PROFESIONAL Alliance! Day 20316, 23:25:02: Aditzu froze Velonasaur - Lvl 270 (Velonasaur) Day 20317, 19:06:42: Aditzu froze Spike - Lvl 277 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 20341, 14:06:50: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 376 (Voidwyrm) Day 20364, 12:52:41: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 378 (Voidwyrm) Day 20364, 12:54:11: ediOO11 froze Afra - Lvl 348 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20364, 12:55:05: Chis93 froze Arkangel Flame - Lvl 263 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 20364, 20:26:05: ediOO11 Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur)! Day 20364, 21:44:54: Chis93 froze Arkangel Flame - Lvl 264 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 20364, 21:50:24: Chis93 froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 30 (Dilophosaur) Day 20364, 22:37:57: ediOO11 froze Afra - Lvl 348 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20364, 22:41:45: Chis93 froze Arkangel Flame - Lvl 264 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 20364, 22:50:18: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 378 (Voidwyrm) Day 20382, 23:57:33: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 382 (Voidwyrm) Day 20479, 14:40:25: ediOO11 Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 20479, 18:33:11: ediOO11 froze Afra - Lvl 351 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20480, 01:33:00: ediOO11 froze Afra - Lvl 351 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20480, 01:48:44: ediOO11 uploaded a Jerboa: Pretenas - Lvl 1 Day 20487, 20:15:54: Chis93 froze Arkangel Flame - Lvl 275 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 20488, 03:39:25: Chis93 froze Arkangel Flame - Lvl 275 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 20488, 06:19:53: ediOO11 froze Afra - Lvl 351 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20532, 10:53:17: Human was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Aditzu! Day 20532, 11:39:42: Tribe of Jesus tribe was merged in by Jesus! Day 20532, 11:39:42: Jesus was added to the Tribe by ediOO11! Day 20533, 00:05:03: Aditzu froze Spike - Lvl 306 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 20533, 00:41:48: Jesus froze DAVE - Lvl 280 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20533, 00:56:22: ediOO11 froze Androx - Lvl 312 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20533, 00:57:38: Aditzu froze DAVE - Lvl 280 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20861, 19:29:44: Chis93 froze Arkangel Flame - Lvl 298 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 20862, 07:31:31: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 400 (Voidwyrm) Day 20862, 09:30:18: Aditzu - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Arkoholics Fun Factory Tribe. Day 20862, 12:59:43: Aditzu - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Arkoholics Fun Factory Tribe. Day 20862, 13:01:05: Aditzu - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Arkoholics Fun Factory Tribe. Day 20862, 13:19:44: Aditzu - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Savages Tribe. Day 20862, 13:21:31: Aditzu - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Savages Tribe. Day 20862, 13:21:35: Aditzu added 'Savages' Tribe to THE PROFESIONAL Alliance! Day 20862, 13:37:23: Aditzu - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Asto Tribe. Day 20862, 13:38:31: Aditzu - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Asto Tribe. Day 20862, 13:38:35: Aditzu added 'Tribe of Asto' Tribe to THE PROFESIONAL Alliance! Day 20862, 13:44:37: Aditzu - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Arkoholics Fun Factory Tribe. Day 20862, 13:45:54: Aditzu - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Arkoholics Fun Factory Tribe. Day 20862, 13:46:53: Aditzu added 'Arkoholics Fun Factory' Tribe to THE PROFESIONAL Alliance! Day 20863, 04:27:31: Aditzu - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Sexy boys Tribe. Day 20863, 04:29:29: Aditzu added 'Sexy boys' Tribe to THE PROFESIONAL Alliance! Day 20863, 11:29:09: Aditzu froze YUTY DO FUDE - Lvl 294 (Yutyrannus) Day 20863, 11:34:02: Aditzu froze Boss 1 - Lvl 385 (Tek Rex) Day 20863, 11:40:05: Aditzu froze Tek Rex - Lvl 392 (Tek Rex) Day 20863, 11:44:36: Aditzu froze Ariana - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex) Day 20863, 11:52:31: Aditzu froze Afra - Lvl 356 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20863, 11:59:08: Aditzu froze Eren - Lvl 362 (R-Reaper King) Day 20863, 12:04:20: Aditzu froze Arkangel Flame - Lvl 298 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 20863, 13:12:58: Tribemember ediOO11 - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 20864, 02:39:17: Chis93 froze Arkangel Flame - Lvl 298 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 20864, 06:44:55: Savage removed 'Savages' Tribe from THE PROFESIONAL Alliance! Day 20864, 13:11:48: Chis93 froze BasiloKiss - Lvl 63 (Basilosaurus) Day 20864, 15:34:58: ediOO11 froze Dunkleosteus - Lvl 144 (Dunkleosteus) Day 20864, 16:14:47: Chis93 froze Arkangel Flame - Lvl 298 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 20864, 16:30:05: ediOO11 froze Afra - Lvl 356 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21117, 15:05:57: Aditzu Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 209 (Mammoth)! Day 21117, 15:15:18: Aditzu froze PERFEct - Lvl 209 (Mammoth) Day 21117, 17:02:21: Aditzu froze Raimbow - Lvl 345 (Argentavis) Day 21117, 18:45:27: Aditzu Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 209 (Mammoth)! Day 21117, 19:02:32: Aditzu froze Perfect mom - Lvl 209 (Mammoth) Day 21118, 03:57:21: Aditzu claimed 'Baby Mammoth - Lvl 214 (Mammoth)'! Day 21118, 04:20:32: Aditzu froze Baby OWo - Lvl 214 (Mammoth) Day 21118, 04:25:54: Aditzu froze Perfect mom - Lvl 209 (Mammoth) Day 21118, 04:34:52: Aditzu froze perfect dad - Lvl 209 (Mammoth) Day 21118, 11:46:51: Aditzu froze Spike - Lvl 314 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 21118, 17:50:00: Aditzu froze Spike - Lvl 314 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 21133, 07:58:22: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21309, 07:12:15: Aditzu froze Bass-A-Lue - Lvl 114 (Enforcer) Day 21331, 08:27:12: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 408 (Voidwyrm) Day 21630, 11:45:24: Aditzu demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 21630, 13:45:10: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 408 (Voidwyrm) Day 21824, 07:52:57: Chis93 froze Pink - Lvl 353 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 21824, 08:51:34: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 409 (Voidwyrm) Day 21824, 09:12:46: Chis93 froze Raimbow - Lvl 352 (Argentavis) Day 22005, 17:04:25: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22005, 17:04:25: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22221, 09:36:36: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 22221, 10:10:16: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22234, 07:47:20: DuoMog was promoted to a Tribe Admin! Day 22234, 08:26:27: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23023, 05:18:01: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23243, 12:19:16: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 409 (Voidwyrm) Day 23308, 23:40:38: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 409 (Voidwyrm) Day 23309, 01:55:15: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 409 (Voidwyrm) Day 23309, 03:46:35: Aditzu demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 23309, 08:30:28: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 23309, 08:32:25: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 23309, 08:33:46: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 23309, 08:35:21: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 23309, 08:36:25: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 23309, 08:44:25: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 23309, 08:45:33: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 23309, 08:46:37: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 23309, 08:47:48: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 23309, 09:24:45: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 23309, 10:42:40: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 409 (Voidwyrm) Day 23309, 10:47:03: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 409 (Voidwyrm) Day 23686, 03:30:28: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 410 (Voidwyrm) Day 23826, 01:42:56: Aditzu froze Spike - Lvl 315 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 23826, 03:01:13: Aditzu froze Spike - Lvl 315 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 23826, 04:50:30: Aditzu froze Spike - Lvl 315 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 24115, 07:39:10: Aditzu froze AMBER - Lvl 244 (Fjordhawk) Day 24115, 08:10:48: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 410 (Voidwyrm) Day 24395, 04:02:44: Aditzu froze BATMAN - Lvl 283 (Desmodus) Day 24489, 15:55:33: DuoMog Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 217 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 24489, 16:00:42: DuoMog froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 217 (Ankylosaurus) Day 24489, 16:29:18: DuoMog Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 24489, 16:36:15: DuoMog froze Health - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus) Day 24489, 16:45:59: DuoMog froze Melee - Lvl 217 (Ankylosaurus) Day 24489, 17:49:50: DuoMog Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 225 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 24489, 17:57:14: DuoMog froze Melee - Lvl 225 (Ankylosaurus) Day 24489, 20:10:24: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24500, 23:41:21: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24501, 01:27:48: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24501, 06:30:30: DuoMog Tamed an Araneo - Lvl 208 (Araneo)! Day 24501, 06:34:17: DuoMog froze Araneo - Lvl 208 (Araneo) Day 24501, 07:14:56: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24501, 09:01:35: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24514, 02:02:51: DuoMog Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 67 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 24514, 02:18:17: DuoMog froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 67 (Ankylosaurus) Day 24514, 08:05:33: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24801, 10:50:52: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25252, 09:23:43: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 25381, 20:22:19: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25687, 23:08:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1335935584,"tribe":"Tribe of Bee logs":["Day 31621, 06:12:43: Bee was added to the Tribe! Day 31621, 07:52:22: Bee Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops)! Day 31621, 13:59:50: Tribemember Bee - Lvl 23 was killed! Day 31621, 15:53:23: Bee Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 57 (Pteranodon)! Day 31622, 07:00:03: Bee demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 31667, 09:10:51: Bee unclaimed 'Moschops - Lvl 45 (Moschops)'! Day 31667, 09:14:24: Bee claimed 'Moschops - Lvl 45 (Moschops)'! Day 31667, 09:24:56: Your Moschops - Lvl 45 (Moschops) was killed by Bee - Lvl 42 (Tribe of Bee)! Day 31667, 09:24:56: Your Tribe killed Moschops - Lvl 45 (Moschops) (Tribe of Bee)! Day 31667, 17:03:53: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)! Day 31988, 15:05:44: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32295, 18:14:31: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32325, 06:27:10: tjue - Lvl 68 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 212 (Pteranodon)'! Day 32325, 06:29:21: tjue - Lvl 68 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 71 (Pteranodon)'! Day 32325, 07:34:14: Tribemember Bee - Lvl 54 was killed! Day 32578, 20:15:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1334784980,"tribe":"Borrowed Time logs":["Day 17842, 15:59:26: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17842, 15:59:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17842, 15:59:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17842, 15:59:26: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17842, 15:59:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17842, 15:59:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17842, 15:59:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17842, 15:59:26: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17854, 17:07:06: 's '[COA] 18.6HP-210MD Femal - Lvl 245 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:06: 's '[COA] Colourful - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:06: 's '[COA] Sea Fighter 1 - Lvl 330 (Baryonyx)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:06: 's '[COA] Scar - Lvl 252 (Sabertooth)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:17: 's '[COA] KILLER 44 - Lvl 216 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:17: 's '[COA] KILLER 6 - Lvl 338 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:17: 's 'Mantis - Lvl 386 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:17: 's '[COA] KILLER 61 - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:17: 's '[COA] KILLER 29 - Lvl 216 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:17: 's '[COA] KILLER 24 - Lvl 265 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:17: 's '[COA] KILLER 30 - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:17: 's '[COA] KILLER 19 - Lvl 260 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:17: 's '[COA] KILLER 18 - Lvl 297 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:17: 's '[COA] KILLER 15 - Lvl 311 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:17: 's '[COA] KILLER 53 - Lvl 219 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:17: 's '[COA] KILLER 28 - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:17: 's '[COA] KILLER 55 - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:17: 's '[COA] KILLER 50 - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:17: 's '[COA] KILLER 47 - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:17: 's '[COA] KILLER 43 - Lvl 219 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:17: 's '[COA] KILLER 31 - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:17: 's '[COA] KILLER 36 - Lvl 219 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:17: 's '[COA] KILLER 40 - Lvl 211 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:46: 's '[COA] FIGHTER 11 - Lvl 412 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:46: 's '[COA] FIGHTER 16 - Lvl 412 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:46: 's '[COA] FIGHTER 15 - Lvl 422 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:46: 's '[COA] FIGHTER 15 - Lvl 427 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:46: 's '[COA] FIGHTER 3 - Lvl 414 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:46: 's '[COA] FIGHTER 4 - Lvl 403 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:46: 's '[COA] FIGHTER 10 - Lvl 397 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:46: 's '[COA] FIGHTER 3 - Lvl 397 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:46: 's '[COA] FIGHTER 8 - Lvl 403 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:46: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:46: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 304 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:46: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 300 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:46: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 298 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:46: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:07:46: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 300 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17854, 17:16:16: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 17854, 17:16:25: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 17854, 17:16:37: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 129 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 17854, 17:16:45: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 17854, 17:17:45: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 17854, 17:17:51: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 88 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 17854, 17:18:00: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 17854, 17:18:03: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 17854, 17:18:10: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 17854, 17:18:12: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 17854, 17:18:18: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 101 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 17854, 17:18:37: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 129 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 17854, 17:18:38: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 51 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 17854, 17:18:43: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 17854, 17:19:00: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 129 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 17854, 17:19:09: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 17854, 17:19:16: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 17854, 17:19:59: Your [COA] Hades - Lvl 222 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 17854, 17:20:29: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 115 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 17854, 17:20:46: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 17854, 17:20:54: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 137 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 17854, 17:23:12: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 134 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 17854, 18:00:54: Your FruitCake - Lvl 238 (Shinehorn) was killed! Day 18025, 11:41:53: 's 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 211 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18025, 11:50:55: 's '[COA] Breeding Male - Lvl 346 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18025, 11:50:55: 's '[COA] Otter 1 - Lvl 232 (Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18025, 11:50:55: 's '[COA] Killing Machine - Lvl 193 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18025, 11:50:55: 's '[COA] Breeding Female 1 - Lvl 223 (Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18025, 11:50:55: 's 'F (A) - Lvl 117 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18025, 11:50:55: 's 'Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 200 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18025, 11:57:57: 's 'Ravager - Lvl 216 (Ravager)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18025, 11:57:57: 's '[COA] Breeding Female - Lvl 203 (Sabertooth)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18025, 11:57:57: 's '[COA] Crystal - Lvl 270 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18025, 11:57:57: 's 'Maewing - Lvl 179 (Maewing)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18025, 11:57:57: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 231 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18025, 11:57:57: 's '[ COA] Breeding Male - Lvl 204 (Oviraptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18025, 11:57:57: 's '[COA] Abration Fighter 2 - Lvl 300 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18025, 11:57:57: 's '[COA] Giant - Lvl 227 (Gigantopithecus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18025, 11:57:57: 's '[COA] Sea Fighter 11 - Lvl 226 (Baryonyx)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18025, 11:57:57: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 232 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18025, 11:57:57: 's 'Sea Hag - Lvl 366 (Aberrant Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18025, 11:57:57: 's '[COA] Breeding Female 2 - Lvl 311 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 19144, 21:08:29: Muzzy froze [TOD] DRAGON - Lvl 298 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19349, 06:55:13: Muzzy froze Muzzy's - Lvl 244 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19352, 10:26:51: Muzzy downloaded a dino: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 167 Day 19352, 23:33:52: Muzzy froze Muzzy's - Lvl 245 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19353, 07:41:45: Muzzy froze Muzzy's - Lvl 246 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19358, 10:24:24: Muzzy uploaded a Tek Stryder: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 171 Day 19378, 16:18:57: Muzzy froze Muzzy's - Lvl 255 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19380, 17:54:22: Muzzy froze Muzzy's - Lvl 259 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19400, 01:00:46: Muzzy downloaded a dino: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 172 Day 19400, 01:18:31: Muzzy downloaded a dino: Muzzy's - Lvl 263 Day 19401, 04:51:44: Muzzy froze Muzzy's - Lvl 264 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19446, 14:31:31: CaS was added to the Tribe by Muzzy! Day 19446, 22:18:11: Muzzy uploaded a Tek Stryder: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 177 Day 19447, 03:15:04: Muzzy downloaded a dino: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 177 Day 19447, 10:11:36: Tribemember CaS - Lvl 118 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 19447, 14:54:06: Tribemember CaS - Lvl 118 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 100! Day 19447, 15:57:05: Muzzy froze Muzzy Rocks - Lvl 231 (Rock Drake) Day 19447, 18:24:34: Muzzy froze Spot - Lvl 361 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19447, 21:47:19: Muzzy uploaded a Tek Stryder: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 178 Day 19500, 01:53:29: Muzzy froze Muzzy's - Lvl 283 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19519, 18:01:28: Muzzy downloaded a dino: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 182 Day 19522, 01:11:17: Muzzy uploaded a Tek Stryder: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 185 Day 19544, 18:47:48: Muzzy Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 224 (Doedicurus)! Day 19544, 18:58:40: Muzzy froze Breeding Female - Lvl 224 (Doedicurus) Day 19545, 05:25:18: Muzzy Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 224 (Doedicurus)! Day 19545, 05:32:42: Muzzy froze Breeding Male - Lvl 224 (Doedicurus) Day 19545, 07:50:35: Muzzy froze Muzzy's - Lvl 292 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19593, 08:56:06: Muzzy froze Muzzy's - Lvl 299 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19663, 06:38:44: CaS froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19689, 23:20:53: CaS froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 285 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19784, 06:41:59: CaS froze Sunset - Lvl 315 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19852, 22:31:05: Muzzy froze Muzzy's - Lvl 309 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19852, 22:38:28: Muzzy froze Muzzy's Nutter - Lvl 298 (Otter) Day 19874, 03:49:41: Muzzy downloaded a dino: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 189 Day 19875, 23:06:58: Muzzy uploaded a Tek Stryder: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 191 Day 19876, 01:09:32: Muzzy downloaded a dino: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 191 Day 19876, 01:26:13: Muzzy uploaded a Tek Stryder: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 191 Day 19876, 01:43:37: Muzzy froze Muzzy's - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19876, 02:44:03: Muzzy froze Muzzy's - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19876, 02:48:56: Muzzy downloaded a dino: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 191 Day 19876, 03:32:53: Muzzy uploaded a Tek Stryder: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 192 Day 19876, 03:50:02: Muzzy downloaded a dino: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 192 Day 19876, 05:23:26: Muzzy froze Muzzy's - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19876, 10:31:08: Muzzy uploaded a Tek Stryder: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 193 Day 19897, 09:55:14: Muzzy downloaded a dino: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 196 Day 19897, 23:23:15: Muzzy uploaded a Tek Stryder: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 201 Day 19898, 00:21:30: Muzzy downloaded a dino: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 201 Day 19898, 04:32:22: Muzzy claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 202 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 19898, 05:48:22: Muzzy froze Muzzy's - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19898, 07:03:25: Muzzy uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 203 Day 19898, 07:12:40: Muzzy uploaded a Tek Stryder: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 201 Day 19898, 11:54:00: CaS froze Sunset - Lvl 326 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19899, 22:37:03: Muzzy downloaded a dino: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 201 Day 19919, 03:55:30: Muzzy uploaded a Tek Stryder: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 207 Day 19919, 04:11:50: Muzzy downloaded a dino: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 207 Day 19919, 06:48:16: Muzzy uploaded a Tek Stryder: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 207 Day 19919, 07:16:20: Muzzy downloaded a dino: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 207 Day 19919, 07:38:36: Muzzy froze Muzzy's - Lvl 311 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19919, 19:12:33: Muzzy uploaded a Tek Stryder: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 210 Day 19919, 19:42:42: Muzzy downloaded a dino: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 210 Day 19919, 20:36:10: Muzzy froze Muzzy's - Lvl 311 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19921, 19:43:44: Muzzy froze Muzzy's - Lvl 311 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19968, 18:04:31: Muzzy uploaded a Tek Stryder: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 213 Day 19986, 22:10:44: Muzzy downloaded a dino: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 214 Day 19987, 10:04:24: Muzzy uploaded a Tek Stryder: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 216 Day 19987, 10:23:12: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 394 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19987, 14:04:37: Muzzy downloaded a dino: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 216 Day 19989, 13:14:24: Muzzy froze Muzzy Rocks - Lvl 273 (Rock Drake) Day 20012, 08:54:03: Muzzy uploaded a Tek Stryder: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 217 Day 20030, 18:03:13: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 395 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20030, 20:04:13: Muzzy froze [COA] Sea Fighter 10 - Lvl 311 (Baryonyx) Day 20030, 20:22:34: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 395 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20200, 21:25:00: CaS froze Sunset - Lvl 339 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20312, 09:04:36: Muzzy downloaded a dino: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 218 Day 20319, 19:13:50: CaS froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 337 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20319, 23:43:28: Muzzy froze Muzzy Rocks - Lvl 300 (Rock Drake) Day 20324, 13:25:40: CaS froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 337 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20341, 00:17:05: Muzzy uploaded a Tek Stryder: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 226 Day 20341, 15:23:55: Muzzy downloaded a dino: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 226 Day 20480, 16:01:08: Muzzy uploaded a Tek Stryder: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 226 Day 20508, 09:40:09: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 395 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20582, 10:39:20: kokow22 added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to muzz Alliance! Day 20584, 08:34:22: Muzzy downloaded a dino: [TOD] TERMINATOR - Lvl 226 Day 20612, 09:00:49: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame '{COA} Rafa - Lvl 178 (Purlovia)'! Day 20863, 21:56:53: kokow22 added 'Sexy boys' Tribe to muzz Alliance! Day 21298, 16:50:39: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23171, 11:11:18: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23171, 15:32:54: Muzzy froze (COA) MUZZY'S BEAST - Lvl 369 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23171, 18:40:44: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23171, 18:48:25: Muzzy froze Breeding Male - Lvl 358 (Otter) Day 23816, 16:55:15: Muzzy froze [COA] Breeding Female 4 - Lvl 379 (Otter) Day 23816, 16:58:10: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 412 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23830, 19:42:58: Muzzy froze (COA) Arena Fighter 3 - Lvl 385 (Shadowmane) Day 23830, 20:07:25: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 412 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23830, 20:13:10: Muzzy froze [COA] Breeding Female 4 - Lvl 379 (Otter) Day 23998, 03:46:03: Muzzy froze Otter - Lvl 322 (Otter) Day 23998, 03:50:03: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 414 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24005, 07:09:11: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 414 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24073, 23:04:35: Muzzy froze [COA] Breeding Female - Lvl 355 (Argentavis) Day 24073, 23:08:52: CaS froze Keeper - Lvl 333 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24074, 03:01:06: CaS froze Keeper - Lvl 333 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24074, 07:08:14: Muzzy froze [COA] Breeding Female - Lvl 355 (Argentavis) Day 24074, 07:12:28: CaS froze Keeper - Lvl 333 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24119, 03:51:13: Muzzy froze Otter - Lvl 322 (Otter) Day 24119, 03:59:23: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 414 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24119, 06:49:26: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 414 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24119, 06:58:32: Muzzy froze Otter - Lvl 322 (Otter) Day 24160, 04:33:36: Muzzy froze Otter - Lvl 322 (Otter) Day 24160, 04:39:03: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 415 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24160, 06:25:25: Muzzy froze Otter - Lvl 322 (Otter) Day 24160, 06:30:26: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 415 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24287, 11:58:05: Muzzy froze (COA) 9405HP 337.5MD - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 24287, 19:00:27: Muzzy uploaded a Tek Stryder: (COA) TERMINATOR - Lvl 228 Day 24287, 19:39:34: Muzzy downloaded a dino: (COA) TERMINATOR - Lvl 228 Day 24287, 21:18:01: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy Rocks - Lvl 315 (Rock Drake) Day 24497, 16:36:48: Muzzy uploaded a Tek Stryder: (COA) TERMINATOR - Lvl 228 Day 24620, 01:40:15: Muzzy downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 248 Day 24620, 02:21:09: Muzzy downloaded a dino: Vah Ruta - Lvl 197 Day 24620, 03:15:03: Muzzy downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 131 Day 24694, 07:56:13: CaS froze Keeper - Lvl 386 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24711, 17:33:30: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 417 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24711, 21:01:25: CaS froze Blue lovely - Lvl 27 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 24825, 14:37:27: Muzzy uploaded a Tek Stryder: (COA) METAL COLLECTOR - Lvl 281 Day 24825, 14:59:52: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 417 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24825, 15:05:56: Muzzy downloaded a dino: (COA) METAL COLLECTOR - Lvl 281 Day 24829, 03:32:08: Muzzy uploaded a Tek Stryder: (COA) BED TO SPAWN - Lvl 131 Day 25132, 07:45:11: CaS froze Sunset - Lvl 378 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25157, 14:10:59: Muzzy froze [COA] Breeding Female 3 - Lvl 334 (Otter) Day 25157, 14:14:05: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 418 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25326, 15:01:53: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 419 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25326, 23:44:35: Muzzy froze COA Griffin 1 - Lvl 230 (Griffin) Day 25327, 06:26:11: CaS was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Muzzy! Day 25327, 07:16:59: Muzzy Tamed a Tek Quetzal - Lvl 260 (Tek Quetzal)! Day 25327, 07:30:23: Muzzy froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 260 (Tek Quetzal) Day 25327, 09:04:06: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 419 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25327, 09:06:04: CaS froze Beautiful Girl - Lvl 393 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25327, 09:08:40: Muzzy froze [COA] Otter 4 - Lvl 383 (Otter) Day 25373, 11:31:21: Tribemember Muzzy - Lvl 153 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 20! Day 25373, 12:16:42: Tribemember Muzzy - Lvl 153 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 50! Day 25373, 14:16:09: Muzzy froze COA Griffin 1 - Lvl 230 (Griffin) Day 25373, 17:59:49: Muzzy uploaded a Tek Stryder: (COA) OBSIDIAN COLLECTOR - Lvl 203 Day 25373, 18:23:20: Muzzy downloaded a dino: (COA) OBSIDIAN COLLECTOR - Lvl 203 Day 25373, 23:21:42: Muzzy froze COA Griffin 1 - Lvl 230 (Griffin) Day 25373, 23:40:50: CaS froze (COA) BREEDING FEMALE - Lvl 366 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25536, 16:36:41: Muzzy froze [COA] Otter 4 - Lvl 383 (Otter) Day 25536, 16:40:23: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 419 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26285, 01:22:02: Muzzy froze (COA) King Voidwyrm - Lvl 435 (Voidwyrm) Day 26285, 01:27:31: Muzzy froze Otter - Lvl 306 (Otter) Day 26337, 04:48:51: CaS froze (COA) BREEDING FEMALE - Lvl 371 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26342, 03:39:07: CaS froze Wild Fire - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 26342, 04:57:05: CaS froze Strawberry Fields - Lvl 357 (Shadowmane) Day 26342, 11:57:54: CaS froze (COA) BREEDING FEMALE - Lvl 371 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26342, 12:01:07: CaS claimed 'Zombie Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 26342, 12:39:03: CaS uploaded a Zombie Lightning Wyvern: Zombie Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 196 Day 26643, 07:52:28: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Killer 1 - Lvl 416 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26643, 08:39:32: Muzzy froze (COA) King Voidwyrm - Lvl 444 (Voidwyrm) Day 26643, 09:16:11: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Killer 1 - Lvl 416 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26643, 11:00:12: Muzzy froze (COA) King Voidwyrm - Lvl 447 (Voidwyrm) Day 26643, 19:15:29: Muzzy froze (COA) King Voidwyrm - Lvl 447 (Voidwyrm) Day 26643, 19:19:37: Muzzy froze (COA) Breeding Female 2 - Lvl 336 (Otter) Day 26781, 07:48:00: Muzzy froze (COA) Breeding Female 2 - Lvl 336 (Otter) Day 26781, 08:01:26: Tribemember Muzzy - Lvl 159 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 26781, 08:16:23: Your (COA) King Voidwyrm - Lvl 447 (Voidwyrm) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 26781, 08:17:02: Tribemember Muzzy - Lvl 159 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 26781, 08:30:31: Tribemember Muzzy - Lvl 159 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 26781, 08:59:18: Tribemember Muzzy - Lvl 159 was killed! Day 26781, 09:13:53: Tribemember Muzzy - Lvl 159 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 26781, 12:05:39: Muzzy froze Spot - Lvl 410 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26781, 16:48:03: Muzzy froze Spot - Lvl 410 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26781, 16:50:57: Muzzy demolished a 'Large Bear Trap'! Day 26781, 17:26:57: Muzzy froze Spot - Lvl 410 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26781, 23:04:01: Muzzy froze Spot - Lvl 410 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26782, 03:05:26: Muzzy froze Spot - Lvl 410 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26782, 03:47:49: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 471 (Tek Rex) was killed by Muzzy - Lvl 159 (Companions of ARK)! Day 26782, 03:47:49: Your Tribe killed Tek Rex - Lvl 471 (Tek Rex)! Day 26782, 06:21:07: Your Lexi Rex - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) was killed by Muzzy - Lvl 159 (Companions of ARK)! Day 26782, 06:21:07: Your Tribe killed Lexi Rex - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex)! Day 26782, 13:18:42: Tribemember Muzzy - Lvl 159 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 26782, 14:34:14: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 471 (Tek Rex) was killed by Muzzy - Lvl 159 (Companions of ARK)! Day 26782, 14:34:14: Your Tribe killed Tek Rex - Lvl 471 (Tek Rex)! Day 26782, 14:56:32: Tribemember Muzzy - Lvl 159 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 26782, 15:11:24: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Killer 1 - Lvl 416 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26782, 16:00:15: Muzzy froze Spot - Lvl 410 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26782, 16:47:09: Muzzy froze (COA) 9405HP 319.9MD - Lvl 330 (Shadowmane) Day 27082, 19:22:00: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27303, 02:34:28: Muzzy froze {COA} KING - Lvl 398 (Voidwyrm) Day 27303, 02:41:03: Muzzy froze (COA) Breeding Female 2 - Lvl 353 (Otter) Day 27886, 01:53:17: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30244, 15:05:21: Osas - Lvl 126 (Tribe of AN7HONYCT) claimed your auto-decayed tame '(COA) METAL COLLECTOR - Lvl 284 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 30244, 15:27:46: Osas - Lvl 126 (Tribe of AN7HONYCT) claimed your auto-decayed tame '(COA) OBSIDIAN COLLECTOR - Lvl 205 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 30431, 21:42:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30725, 17:18:48: CaS froze CoA CaS - Lvl 398 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 31028, 03:32:37: Muzzy froze (COA) Voidwyrm - Lvl 457 (Voidwyrm) Day 31575, 01:55:44: CaS froze CoA CaS - Lvl 398 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32121, 06:22:12: Muzzy froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 85 (Sinomacrops) Day 32121, 06:42:09: Muzzy froze (COA) Voidwyrm - Lvl 458 (Voidwyrm) Day 32122, 08:41:42: Muzzy froze (COA) Voidwyrm - Lvl 458 (Voidwyrm) Day 32123, 12:12:08: Muzzy claimed 'Megalodon - Lvl 131 (Megalodon)'! Day 32123, 12:48:59: Muzzy froze Megalodon - Lvl 143 (Megalodon) Day 32123, 13:07:00: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Sea Fighte - Lvl 386 (Basilosaurus) Day 32123, 15:00:53: Muzzy uploaded a Voidwyrm: (COA) Voidwyrm - Lvl 458 Day 32123, 15:06:26: Muzzy froze (COA) Breeding Female 2 - Lvl 366 (Otter) Day 32135, 14:20:41: Muzzy froze (COA) Voidwyrm - Lvl 458 (Voidwyrm) Day 32136, 01:59:35: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Sea Fighte - Lvl 387 (Basilosaurus) Day 32136, 03:04:59: Muzzy froze (COA) Breeding Female 2 - Lvl 366 (Otter) Day 32136, 03:10:09: Muzzy froze (COA) Voidwyrm - Lvl 458 (Voidwyrm) Day 32164, 07:55:07: Muzzy downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 325 Day 32304, 12:55:31: Muzzy froze (COA) SKY FIGHTER - Lvl 390 (Astrodelphis) Day 32305, 09:11:33: Muzzy froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 278 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32305, 10:06:29: Muzzy froze (COA) SKY FIGHTER - Lvl 390 (Astrodelphis) Day 32305, 11:07:09: Muzzy froze (COA) Breeding Female 2 - Lvl 366 (Otter) Day 32305, 14:44:01: Muzzy froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 278 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32305, 20:46:48: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Killer 1 - Lvl 438 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32305, 23:51:04: Muzzy froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32306, 01:54:25: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Killer 1 - Lvl 438 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32306, 02:53:57: Muzzy froze (COA) SKY FIGHTER - Lvl 390 (Astrodelphis) Day 32306, 03:02:25: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Killer 1 - Lvl 438 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32306, 14:26:15: Muzzy froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 290 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32306, 15:07:54: Muzzy froze (COA) SKY FIGHTER - Lvl 390 (Astrodelphis) Day 32307, 01:18:17: Muzzy froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 292 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32307, 02:23:48: Muzzy froze (COA) SKY FIGHTER - Lvl 390 (Astrodelphis) Day 32307, 10:52:05: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Killer 1 - Lvl 438 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32307, 11:58:25: Muzzy froze (COA) SKY FIGHTER - Lvl 390 (Astrodelphis) Day 32307, 17:16:50: Muzzy froze (COA) SKY FIGHTER - Lvl 390 (Astrodelphis) Day 32308, 05:02:22: Muzzy froze (COA) SKY FIGHTER - Lvl 390 (Astrodelphis) Day 32308, 05:28:25: CaS froze Star Kissed CoA - Lvl 381 (Astrodelphis) Day 32308, 08:15:13: Muzzy claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 209 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 32308, 08:21:49: Your Brontosaurus - Lvl 209 (Brontosaurus) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 292 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32308, 08:21:49: Your Tribe killed Brontosaurus - Lvl 209 (Brontosaurus) (Companions of ARK)! Day 32308, 13:27:13: Muzzy froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 292 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32308, 13:44:41: CaS froze CoA CaS - Lvl 400 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32308, 13:50:59: Muzzy froze (COA) Breeding Female 2 - Lvl 366 (Otter) Day 32308, 14:30:36: CaS froze CaS CoA Otter - Lvl 241 (Otter) Day 32352, 20:12:58: CaS froze CoA CaS - Lvl 400 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32353, 00:52:59: CaS froze Monet - Lvl 373 (Shadowmane) Day 32353, 10:13:08: CaS froze CoA CaS - Lvl 400 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32406, 05:51:43: Muzzy froze (COA) SKY FIGHTER - Lvl 391 (Astrodelphis) Day 32407, 03:04:50: Muzzy froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 301 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32407, 05:25:14: Muzzy froze (COA) SKY FIGHTER - Lvl 391 (Astrodelphis) Day 32407, 14:27:05: Muzzy froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 303 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32407, 18:32:36: Muzzy froze (COA) Breeding Female 2 - Lvl 366 (Otter) Day 32407, 18:37:12: Muzzy froze (COA) SKY FIGHTER - Lvl 391 (Astrodelphis) Day 32418, 14:26:51: Muzzy froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 303 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32419, 07:09:52: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Sea Fighte - Lvl 388 (Basilosaurus) Day 32419, 08:21:08: Muzzy froze (COA) SKY FIGHTER - Lvl 391 (Astrodelphis) Day 32419, 09:49:00: Muzzy froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 303 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32419, 10:36:57: Muzzy froze (COA) SKY FIGHTER - Lvl 391 (Astrodelphis) Day 32419, 13:38:23: Muzzy claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 178 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 32419, 13:39:13: Muzzy claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 74 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 32419, 13:45:01: Your Brontosaurus - Lvl 74 (Brontosaurus) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 304 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32419, 13:45:01: Your Tribe killed Brontosaurus - Lvl 74 (Brontosaurus) (Companions of ARK)! Day 32419, 13:48:00: Your Brontosaurus - Lvl 178 (Brontosaurus) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 304 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32419, 13:48:00: Your Tribe killed Brontosaurus - Lvl 178 (Brontosaurus) (Companions of ARK)! Day 32419, 17:44:23: Muzzy froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 305 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32419, 19:22:52: Muzzy froze (COA) Breeding Female 2 - Lvl 367 (Otter) Day 32419, 20:59:50: Muzzy froze (COA) SKY FIGHTER - Lvl 391 (Astrodelphis) Day 32426, 06:29:10: Muzzy froze CaS Boss - Lvl 540 (Tek Rex) Day 32426, 06:32:19: Muzzy froze (COA) Buffer - Lvl 366 (Yutyrannus) Day 32426, 06:35:07: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 6 - Lvl 516 (Tek Rex) Day 32426, 06:38:07: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 20 - Lvl 516 (Tek Rex) Day 32426, 06:57:30: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 19 - Lvl 540 (Tek Rex) Day 32426, 07:00:51: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 1 - Lvl 515 (Tek Rex) Day 32426, 07:03:39: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 3 - Lvl 516 (Tek Rex) Day 32426, 07:07:59: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 5 - Lvl 516 (Tek Rex) Day 32426, 07:11:05: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 9 - Lvl 536 (Tek Rex) Day 32426, 07:18:14: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 12 - Lvl 524 (Tek Rex) Day 32426, 07:21:34: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 2 - Lvl 526 (Tek Rex) Day 32426, 07:30:10: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 7 - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) Day 32426, 07:36:47: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 8 - Lvl 536 (Tek Rex) Day 32426, 07:40:45: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 11 - Lvl 516 (Tek Rex) Day 32426, 07:45:36: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 18 - Lvl 516 (Tek Rex) Day 32426, 07:49:19: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 17 - Lvl 516 (Tek Rex) Day 32426, 07:54:31: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 4 - Lvl 516 (Tek Rex) Day 32426, 07:59:02: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 13 - Lvl 540 (Tek Rex) Day 32426, 08:24:41: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Killer 1 - Lvl 438 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32426, 09:01:04: Muzzy froze (COA) SKY FIGHTER - Lvl 391 (Astrodelphis) Day 32426, 10:17:20: CaS froze Zombie Coa - Lvl 352 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 33547, 15:28:01: Your 'Manticore Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34249, 03:50:46: Nait - Lvl 113 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 331 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 34421, 10:13:53: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34434, 05:25:00: CaS froze Zombie Coa - Lvl 352 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 36554, 13:01:24: CaS froze Cas Zombie - Lvl 358 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 37327, 09:04:46: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42048, 14:36:44: CaS froze Cas Zombie - Lvl 387 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 42048, 14:46:10: CaS froze Monet - Lvl 415 (Shadowmane) Day 42050, 09:51:41: CaS downloaded a dino: Rag Stryder - Lvl 267 Day 42050, 10:31:47: CaS froze Cas Zombie - Lvl 387 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 42051, 09:15:05: Xena was removed from the Tribe by CaS! Day 42051, 20:51:01: Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 42051, 20:59:50: Muzzy was removed from the Tribe by Scully! Day 42051, 21:17:13: Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 42052, 12:56:30: CaS froze Cas Zombie - Lvl 387 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 42052, 13:00:27: CaS froze Monet - Lvl 415 (Shadowmane) Day 42052, 21:29:17: CaS froze Cas Zombie - Lvl 387 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 42053, 03:41:03: CaS froze Cas Zombie - Lvl 387 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 42055, 05:46:35: CaS froze Cas Zombie - Lvl 387 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 42435, 01:28:04: CaS downloaded a dino: Cas Stryder - Lvl 162 Day 42502, 07:02:59: Tribe of Overdrive tribe was merged in by Overdrive! Day 42502, 07:02:59: Overdrive was added to the Tribe by CaS! Day 42502, 08:08:22: CaS froze Cas Zombie - Lvl 387 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 42502, 15:28:02: Overdrive froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 295 (Rhyniognatha) Day 42502, 23:11:00: Overdrive froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 163 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42502, 23:35:27: Overdrive was promoted to a Tribe Admin by CaS! Day 42503, 00:32:30: Overdrive froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 295 (Rhyniognatha) Day 42503, 05:19:39: Overdrive froze DREDD [Clone] - Lvl 409 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 42503, 05:36:17: CaS froze Cas Zombie - Lvl 387 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 42503, 06:35:33: CaS froze Cas Zombie - Lvl 387 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 42503, 07:21:34: CaS uploaded a Fjordhawk: Fjordhawk - Lvl 283 Day 42691, 14:26:38: CaS uploaded a Tek Stryder: Rag Stryder - Lvl 269 Day 42691, 20:57:04: CaS uploaded a Tek Stryder: Cas Stryder - Lvl 162 Day 42691, 21:06:08: CaS downloaded a dino: Crystal Stryder - Lvl 126 Day 42691, 21:34:31: CaS downloaded a dino: Cas Stryder - Lvl 162"] "tribeid":1333060603,"tribe":"The Rescue Society logs":["Day 26784, 13:53:00: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) was killed! Day 26784, 13:53:08: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) was killed! Day 26784, 13:53:30: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) was killed! Day 26784, 14:06:18: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) was killed! Day 26784, 14:06:42: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) was killed! Day 26811, 13:05:41: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 26811, 13:06:16: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 26811, 13:06:41: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 26811, 13:06:54: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 26811, 13:07:06: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 26891, 06:41:53: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 27735, 19:11:15: Titanic - Lvl 141 (Titanic's Titans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 28628, 15:34:23: Tribemember Tank Smith - Lvl 58 was killed! Day 28628, 17:18:40: Tribemember Olivia - Lvl 73 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 20! Day 28694, 08:21:23: Geaux - Lvl 114 (RaggyGuys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30045, 18:59:35: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30256, 06:54:22: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30256, 06:54:32: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30311, 04:31:00: Savage downloaded a dino: Personal Space - Lvl 105 Day 30333, 03:35:07: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)! Day 30333, 19:42:24: Savage claimed 'Dodo - Lvl 72 (Dodo)'! Day 30333, 19:43:04: Savage claimed 'Besta - Lvl 220 (Spino)'! Day 30333, 19:44:33: Savage claimed 'Melee - Lvl 265 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 30333, 19:45:38: Savage claimed 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 77 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 30333, 19:50:06: Savage claimed 'Vicky o Pequeno Golfinho - Lvl 220 (Argentavis)'! Day 30333, 19:54:41: Savage claimed 'Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo)'! Day 30333, 19:55:54: Savage claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 278 (Triceratops)'! Day 30333, 20:00:31: Savage claimed 'Assim fica melhor - Lvl 231 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30333, 20:10:12: Savage claimed 'Megalodon - Lvl 92 (Megalodon)'! Day 30333, 22:15:09: Savage downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 40 Day 30333, 22:15:55: Savage downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 332 Day 30334, 01:16:28: Savage uploaded a Argentavis: Vicky o Pequeno Golfinho - Lvl 222 Day 30418, 16:14:44: Savage claimed 'King Louie - Lvl 77 (Mesopithecus)'! Day 30418, 16:15:54: Savage claimed 'Caesar - Lvl 30 (Mesopithecus)'! Day 30418, 16:35:36: Savage uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 332 Day 30419, 21:35:31: Savage downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 332 Day 30420, 00:51:18: Savage claimed 'Thook - Lvl 219 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 30420, 00:52:02: Savage claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 86 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30420, 00:53:43: Savage claimed 'kitty - Lvl 46 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30420, 00:58:05: Savage claimed 'Tricky - Lvl 35 (Triceratops)'! Day 30420, 00:59:01: Savage claimed 'Ben - Lvl 129 (Triceratops)'! Day 30420, 00:59:41: Savage claimed 'Connie - Lvl 88 (Carbonemys)'! Day 30420, 01:00:19: Savage claimed 'Ben - Lvl 181 (Dodo)'! Day 30420, 01:01:29: Savage claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 73 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30420, 01:02:41: Savage claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 103 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30420, 01:03:50: Savage claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 269 (Parasaur)'! Day 30420, 01:19:43: Savage claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 97 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30420, 01:22:46: Savage claimed 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 142 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 30420, 01:54:20: Savage claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30420, 07:16:46: Savage claimed 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 30420, 12:25:47: Tribemember Savage - Lvl 156 was killed! Day 30432, 17:14:20: Savage claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 127 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30432, 17:16:24: Savage claimed '41/pts Health (M) - Lvl 209 (Raptor)'! Day 30432, 17:17:05: Savage claimed '47/pts Melee (F) - Lvl 209 (Raptor)'! Day 30432, 17:19:17: Savage claimed 'IShowSpeed - Lvl 309 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30432, 17:32:58: Savage claimed 'Breeding (F) - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30432, 17:34:48: Savage claimed 'Breeding Male - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30432, 17:39:00: Savage claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 161 (Doedicurus)'! Day 30433, 02:55:42: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 97 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 95! Day 30433, 03:04:50: Your Breeding Male - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 130! Day 30433, 05:32:25: Savage uploaded a Raptor: 47/pts Melee (F) - Lvl 209 Day 30433, 05:33:28: Savage uploaded a Raptor: 41/pts Health (M) - Lvl 209 Day 30433, 05:36:24: Savage uploaded a Doedicurus: Doedicurus - Lvl 161 Day 30433, 05:37:37: Savage uploaded a Pteranodon: IShowSpeed - Lvl 309 Day 30433, 06:26:09: Savage claimed 'Fat Bastard - Lvl 264 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 30433, 08:26:30: Savage uploaded a Pteranodon: Breeding (F) - Lvl 235 Day 30441, 15:36:48: Savage downloaded a dino: 47/pts Melee (F) - Lvl 209 Day 30441, 15:37:18: Savage downloaded a dino: 41/pts Health (M) - Lvl 209 Day 30441, 15:37:56: Savage downloaded a dino: IShowSpeed - Lvl 258 Day 30441, 15:38:27: Savage downloaded a dino: Doedicurus - Lvl 161 Day 30441, 15:39:01: Savage downloaded a dino: Breeding (F) - Lvl 203 Day 30442, 10:14:14: Tank Smith was removed from the Tribe by Savage! Day 30442, 10:15:08: Olivia was removed from the Tribe by Savage! Day 30460, 07:07:19: Savage claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30460, 07:48:07: Savage uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 224 Day 30461, 10:42:00: Savage froze IShowSpeed - Lvl 301 (Pteranodon) Day 30466, 14:23:04: Savage claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 204 (Triceratops)'! Day 30466, 14:24:13: Savage claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30466, 14:29:22: Savage froze Pteranodon - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon) Day 30466, 14:36:42: Savage froze Triceratops - Lvl 204 (Triceratops) Day 30467, 06:02:27: Savage uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 332 Day 30467, 06:03:11: Savage uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 97 Day 30467, 06:04:05: Savage uploaded a Triceratops: Tricky - Lvl 35 Day 30467, 06:04:55: Savage uploaded a Triceratops: Triceratops - Lvl 278 Day 30467, 06:05:37: Savage uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 80 Day 30467, 06:06:21: Savage uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 103 Day 30467, 06:07:13: Savage uploaded a Parasaur: Parasaur - Lvl 269 Day 30467, 06:07:55: Savage uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 86 Day 30467, 06:08:36: Savage uploaded a Dilophosaur: Thook - Lvl 219 Day 30467, 06:09:38: Savage uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 73 Day 30467, 06:10:31: Savage uploaded a Dodo: Dodo - Lvl 82 Day 30467, 06:11:20: Savage uploaded a Triceratops: Ben - Lvl 129 Day 30467, 06:12:06: Savage uploaded a Carbonemys: Connie - Lvl 88 Day 30467, 06:13:10: Savage uploaded a Pteranodon: kitty - Lvl 46 Day 30467, 06:14:03: Savage uploaded a Raptor: 41/pts Health (M) - Lvl 209 Day 30467, 06:14:47: Savage uploaded a Dilophosaur: Dilophosaur - Lvl 77 Day 30467, 06:15:29: Savage uploaded a Raptor: 47/pts Melee (F) - Lvl 209 Day 30467, 06:16:16: Savage uploaded a Thylacoleo: Melee - Lvl 265 Day 30467, 06:17:02: Savage uploaded a Dodo: Dodo - Lvl 72 Day 30467, 07:04:50: Savage downloaded a dino: Dodo - Lvl 82 Day 30467, 07:06:16: Savage uploaded a Tek Stryder: Personal Space - Lvl 112 Day 30467, 15:13:18: Savage claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 30467, 15:38:40: Savage claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 30467, 15:40:37: Savage claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 30467, 15:47:57: Savage claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 30467, 16:04:54: Savage claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 30467, 16:08:31: Savage claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 30467, 16:10:23: Savage claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 30467, 21:16:51: Savage froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Poison Wyvern) Day 30467, 21:21:42: Savage froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Poison Wyvern) Day 30467, 21:54:52: Savage froze Pteranodon - Lvl 216 (Pteranodon) Day 30468, 02:56:26: Savage froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30468, 07:48:53: Savage froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30468, 08:14:10: Savage froze Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 30468, 12:27:36: Savage froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30468, 21:47:22: Savage froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30469, 05:23:03: Savage froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30469, 05:26:39: Savage froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30469, 17:35:16: Savage froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30469, 18:56:56: Savage froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Poison Wyvern) Day 30469, 19:13:35: Savage froze Doedicurus - Lvl 161 (Doedicurus) Day 30469, 19:22:07: Savage froze Doedicurus - Lvl 162 (Doedicurus) Day 30469, 19:31:41: Savage froze Breeding (F) - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon) Day 30469, 19:37:38: Savage froze Dodo - Lvl 94 (Dodo) Day 30469, 19:42:41: Savage froze Caesar - Lvl 43 (Mesopithecus) Day 30469, 19:49:27: Savage froze King Louie - Lvl 88 (Mesopithecus) Day 30469, 19:55:58: Savage froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 154 (Dimorphodon) Day 30469, 20:00:16: Savage froze Ben - Lvl 185 (Dodo) Day 30469, 20:04:41: Savage froze Triceratops - Lvl 213 (Triceratops) Day 30469, 23:00:05: Savage froze Besta - Lvl 236 (Spino) Day 30470, 00:34:38: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30470, 00:41:29: Savage froze We did it! - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30470, 01:46:20: Savage froze Lightning McQueen - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30470, 02:11:23: Savage froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30470, 02:23:39: Savage froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Poison Wyvern) Day 30470, 02:44:05: Savage froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Poison Wyvern) Day 30470, 02:49:15: Savage froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Poison Wyvern) Day 30632, 17:25:39: Savage froze Fat Bastard - Lvl 283 (Poison Wyvern) Day 30632, 17:33:35: Savage uploaded a Tek Stryder: Gone Shops - Lvl 68 Day 30632, 17:34:10: Savage downloaded a dino: Harvester :O - Lvl 91 Day 30632, 20:21:38: Savage uploaded a Tek Stryder: Harvester :O - Lvl 91 Day 30632, 20:36:22: Savage froze Megalodon - Lvl 99 (Megalodon) Day 30632, 20:48:12: Savage froze Lightning McQueen - Lvl 263 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30632, 22:20:18: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 179 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30662, 20:48:10: Savage downloaded a dino: HOOVER - Lvl 156 Day 30663, 03:33:25: Savage claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 30663, 03:58:46: Savage claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus)'! Day 30663, 03:59:20: Savage claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 30663, 03:59:58: Savage claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus)'! Day 30663, 04:00:17: Savage claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus)'! Day 30663, 04:01:10: Savage claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus)'! Day 30663, 04:01:39: Savage claimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 220 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 30663, 04:46:44: Savage claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 306 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 30663, 04:54:28: Savage froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 306 (Dung Beetle) Day 30663, 05:14:04: Savage froze Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 30663, 05:18:30: Savage froze Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus) Day 30663, 05:22:39: Savage froze Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 30663, 05:26:19: Savage claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus)'! Day 30663, 05:31:49: Savage froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 220 (Stegosaurus) Day 30663, 05:35:36: Savage froze Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus) Day 30663, 05:39:25: Savage froze Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus) Day 30663, 05:43:12: Savage froze Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus) Day 30663, 05:57:24: Savage froze Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus) Day 30663, 06:34:41: Savage claimed 'Jaytee Dupitidy - Lvl 429 (Tek Rex)'! Day 30663, 06:41:30: Savage froze Jaytee Dupitidy - Lvl 429 (Tek Rex) Day 30663, 06:52:07: Savage claimed '43M - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)'! Day 30663, 06:55:53: Savage froze 43M - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 30663, 22:22:41: Savage Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 134 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 30663, 22:29:26: Savage froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 134 (Giganotosaurus) Day 30664, 04:20:04: Savage froze Desert Boy - Lvl 134 (Giganotosaurus) Day 30664, 05:29:53: Savage uploaded a Poison Wyvern: Fat Bastard - Lvl 283 Day 30664, 05:30:40: Savage uploaded a Tek Stryder: HOOVER - Lvl 159 Day 30664, 06:01:44: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30664, 07:38:22: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30672, 15:16:19: Savage downloaded a dino: HOOVER - Lvl 159 Day 30767, 22:15:05: Your Assim fica melhor - Lvl 234 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 30890, 23:04:39: Savage froze Peter - Lvl 366 (Griffin) Day 30944, 13:09:26: Savage Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 29 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 30944, 16:58:34: Your Megalodon - Lvl 175 (Megalodon) was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 20! Day 30944, 17:19:27: Your Tusoteuthis - Lvl 29 (Tusoteuthis) was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 95! Day 30945, 01:26:57: Savage froze Out for Blood - Lvl 354 (Tusoteuthis) Day 30945, 03:15:34: Savage claimed 'Rex 12 - Lvl 260 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:17:43: Savage claimed 'Rex 1 (Female) - Lvl 335 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:18:25: Savage claimed 'Rex 6 (Male) - Lvl 335 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:20:00: Savage claimed 'Rex 13 - Lvl 261 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:21:37: Savage claimed 'Rex 10 - Lvl 261 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:23:27: Savage claimed 'Rex 7 (Male) - Lvl 261 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:25:08: Savage claimed 'Rex 11 - Lvl 261 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:26:26: Savage claimed 'Rex 15 - Lvl 273 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:27:48: Savage claimed 'Rex 9 - Lvl 261 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:28:45: Savage claimed 'Rex - Lvl 333 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:29:41: Savage claimed 'Rex 8 (Female) - Lvl 266 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:30:37: Savage claimed 'Rex - Lvl 273 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:31:52: Savage claimed 'Rex 4 (Female) - Lvl 262 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:35:17: Savage claimed 'Rex 14 - Lvl 272 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 04:33:01: Savage froze Rex 10 - Lvl 261 (Rex) Day 30945, 04:37:58: Savage froze Rex 13 - Lvl 261 (Rex) Day 30945, 04:53:00: Savage froze Rex 9 - Lvl 261 (Rex) Day 30945, 04:58:17: Savage froze Rex 4 (Female) - Lvl 262 (Rex) Day 30945, 05:03:03: Savage froze Rex 7 (Male) - Lvl 261 (Rex) Day 30945, 05:08:07: Savage froze Rex 8 (Female) - Lvl 266 (Rex) Day 30945, 05:14:16: Savage froze Rex 12 - Lvl 260 (Rex) Day 30945, 05:18:28: Savage froze Rex - Lvl 273 (Rex) Day 30945, 05:22:55: Savage froze Rex 11 - Lvl 261 (Rex) Day 30945, 06:25:13: Savage froze Rex 15 - Lvl 273 (Rex) Day 30945, 06:29:11: Savage froze Rex - Lvl 333 (Rex) Day 30945, 06:40:58: Savage froze Rex 1 (Female) - Lvl 335 (Rex) Day 30945, 06:49:35: Savage uploaded a Rex: Rex 6 (Male) - Lvl 335 Day 30945, 06:52:27: Savage uploaded a Rex: Rex 14 - Lvl 272 Day 30945, 07:05:16: Savage uploaded a Rex: Rex 11 - Lvl 261 Day 30945, 08:54:55: Savage claimed 'Need FEMALE - Lvl 208 (Megalodon)'! Day 30945, 09:00:47: Savage froze Need FEMALE - Lvl 208 (Megalodon) Day 30945, 09:55:23: Savage froze Out for Blood - Lvl 354 (Tusoteuthis) Day 30945, 13:35:52: Savage Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 30945, 14:12:23: Savage Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 224 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 30945, 16:44:55: Savage Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 142 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 30945, 17:13:02: Savage froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 224 (Tusoteuthis) Day 30945, 17:20:21: Savage froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 142 (Tusoteuthis) Day 30945, 18:46:19: Savage Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 134 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 30945, 20:29:31: Savage Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 30945, 20:45:16: Your Need FEMALE - Lvl 209 (Megalodon) was killed by a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 60! Day 30945, 21:00:45: Savage froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis) Day 30945, 21:46:29: Savage froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis) Day 30946, 02:14:46: Savage Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 202 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 30946, 02:26:53: Savage froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 202 (Tusoteuthis) Day 30946, 02:46:46: Savage froze Rex 12 - Lvl 260 (Rex) Day 30946, 02:56:39: Savage froze Rex 10 - Lvl 261 (Rex) Day 30946, 05:54:59: Savage froze Out for Blood - Lvl 355 (Tusoteuthis) Day 30946, 07:14:15: Savage froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis) Day 30946, 07:23:01: Savage froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 224 (Tusoteuthis) Day 30946, 07:29:07: Savage froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 202 (Tusoteuthis) Day 30946, 07:56:17: Savage uploaded a Rex: Rex 12 - Lvl 260 Day 30946, 07:57:08: Savage uploaded a Rex: Rex 10 - Lvl 261 Day 30946, 07:57:58: Savage uploaded a Rex: Rex 15 - Lvl 273 Day 30946, 08:23:55: Savage uploaded a Rex: Rex 13 - Lvl 261 Day 30946, 08:24:40: Savage uploaded a Rex: Rex 7 (Male) - Lvl 261 Day 30946, 08:25:27: Savage uploaded a Rex: Rex 1 (Female) - Lvl 335 Day 30946, 08:26:10: Savage uploaded a Rex: Rex 4 (Female) - Lvl 262 Day 30946, 08:27:02: Savage uploaded a Rex: Rex 9 - Lvl 261 Day 30946, 08:27:42: Savage uploaded a Rex: Rex - Lvl 333 Day 30946, 08:28:26: Savage uploaded a Rex: Rex 8 (Female) - Lvl 266 Day 30946, 08:29:05: Savage uploaded a Rex: Rex - Lvl 273 Day 30946, 09:19:27: Savage froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 134 (Tusoteuthis) Day 30946, 09:25:52: Savage froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 142 (Tusoteuthis) Day 30946, 11:20:36: Savage claimed 'BJ 40m - Lvl 83 (Megalodon)'! Day 30946, 11:26:22: Savage froze BJ 40m - Lvl 83 (Megalodon) Day 30946, 11:38:10: Savage froze Out for Blood - Lvl 355 (Tusoteuthis) Day 30946, 15:18:56: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 142 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 30946, 16:02:21: Savage froze Out for Blood - Lvl 355 (Tusoteuthis) Day 30946, 16:28:09: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 206 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31060, 05:45:30: Savage froze Velonasaur - Lvl 271 (Velonasaur) Day 31060, 07:10:47: Savage froze Rex - Lvl 335 (Rex) Day 31060, 07:46:52: Savage froze Rex - Lvl 335 (Rex) Day 31060, 08:23:02: Savage froze Rex - Lvl 335 (Rex) Day 31060, 10:11:16: Savage froze Rex - Lvl 335 (Rex) Day 31060, 10:40:08: Savage froze Rex - Lvl 335 (Rex) Day 31060, 11:36:34: Savage claimed 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 231 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 31060, 11:54:23: Savage froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 231 (R-Velonasaur) Day 31060, 13:45:34: Savage froze Velonasaur - Lvl 271 (Velonasaur) Day 31060, 13:52:48: Savage unclaimed 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 240 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 31060, 15:43:29: Savage froze Rex - Lvl 335 (Rex) Day 31060, 15:55:56: Savage froze Rex - Lvl 335 (Rex) Day 31060, 19:34:03: Savage froze Mjau - Lvl 383 (Giganotosaurus) Day 31060, 19:40:24: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 209 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31060, 22:17:59: Savage froze Spikey - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 31060, 22:45:29: Savage froze Spikey - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 31060, 23:46:46: Savage froze Mjau - Lvl 383 (Giganotosaurus) Day 31061, 03:03:05: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 209 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31152, 08:51:48: Savage froze Delicate - Lvl 335 (Therizinosaur) Day 31152, 11:16:01: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 213 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31152, 12:00:24: Savage froze Spikey - Lvl 353 (Shadowmane) Day 31152, 19:28:06: Savage froze Spikey - Lvl 369 (Shadowmane) Day 31152, 20:23:30: Savage froze Spikey - Lvl 369 (Shadowmane) Day 31152, 20:48:29: Savage froze Rex - Lvl 335 (Rex) Day 31152, 21:15:11: Savage froze Spikey - Lvl 369 (Shadowmane) Day 31152, 22:45:59: Savage froze Mjau - Lvl 383 (Giganotosaurus) Day 31153, 01:56:36: Savage froze Spikey - Lvl 369 (Shadowmane) Day 31153, 02:15:57: Savage froze Spikey - Lvl 369 (Shadowmane) Day 31153, 03:06:48: Savage froze Mjau - Lvl 383 (Giganotosaurus) Day 31153, 05:56:44: Savage froze Velonasaur - Lvl 271 (Velonasaur) Day 31153, 06:00:40: Savage froze Priest - Lvl 323 (Snow Owl) Day 31153, 06:42:28: Savage froze Spikey - Lvl 369 (Shadowmane) Day 31153, 06:58:50: Savage froze Spikey - Lvl 369 (Shadowmane) Day 31153, 08:14:43: Savage froze Spikey - Lvl 369 (Shadowmane) Day 31153, 08:27:32: Savage froze Spikey - Lvl 369 (Shadowmane) Day 31153, 09:02:42: Savage froze Spikey - Lvl 370 (Shadowmane) Day 31153, 09:27:29: Savage froze Spikey - Lvl 370 (Shadowmane) Day 31153, 11:06:53: Savage froze Rex - Lvl 335 (Rex) Day 31153, 12:06:35: Savage claimed 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 240 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 31153, 13:26:53: Savage froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 240 (R-Velonasaur) Day 31153, 14:08:26: Savage froze Velonasaur - Lvl 271 (Velonasaur) Day 31153, 15:57:30: Savage froze Rex - Lvl 335 (Rex) Day 31153, 16:11:50: Savage froze Rex - Lvl 335 (Rex) Day 31153, 17:24:19: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 213 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31250, 21:39:44: ArticWolf - Lvl 152 (WolfPack) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 31340, 10:14:36: Savage froze Desmodus - Lvl 217 (Desmodus) Day 31340, 10:23:00: Savage Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 217 (Vulture)! Day 31340, 10:27:12: Savage froze Vulture - Lvl 217 (Vulture) Day 31340, 11:22:35: Savage Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 74 (Vulture)! Day 31340, 12:24:46: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 220 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31340, 12:49:58: Savage Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 142 (Vulture)! Day 31340, 12:56:17: Savage Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 149 (Vulture)! Day 31340, 12:58:41: Savage Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 134 (Vulture)! Day 31340, 13:19:02: Savage froze Vulture - Lvl 142 (Vulture) Day 31340, 13:24:40: Savage uploaded a Vulture: Vulture - Lvl 149 Day 31340, 13:25:30: Savage uploaded a Vulture: Vulture - Lvl 74 Day 31340, 13:26:14: Savage uploaded a Vulture: Vulture - Lvl 134 Day 31340, 13:30:39: Savage Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 194 (Vulture)! Day 31340, 14:48:45: Savage froze Mjau - Lvl 386 (Giganotosaurus) Day 31340, 16:07:40: Savage froze Mjau - Lvl 386 (Giganotosaurus) Day 31340, 17:02:48: Savage froze Vulture - Lvl 194 (Vulture) Day 31340, 19:44:08: Savage Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 74 (Vulture)! Day 31340, 19:45:25: Your Vulture - Lvl 74 (Vulture) was killed by Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society)! Day 31340, 19:45:25: Your Tribe killed Vulture - Lvl 74 (Vulture) (The Rescue Society)! Day 31340, 20:43:54: Savage Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 217 (Vulture)! Day 31340, 20:47:27: Savage Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 209 (Vulture)! Day 31340, 20:54:32: Savage froze Vulture - Lvl 209 (Vulture) Day 31340, 21:03:34: Savage froze Vulture - Lvl 217 (Vulture) Day 31340, 21:14:31: Savage Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 194 (Vulture)! Day 31340, 21:26:45: Savage froze Vulture - Lvl 194 (Vulture) Day 31340, 21:59:12: Savage Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 82 (Mantis)! Day 31340, 22:15:05: Savage froze Mantis - Lvl 82 (Mantis) Day 31341, 01:09:16: Savage Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 194 (Mantis)! Day 31341, 01:15:15: Savage froze Mantis - Lvl 194 (Mantis) Day 31341, 01:49:32: Savage Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 194 (Vulture)! Day 31341, 01:55:10: Savage froze Vulture - Lvl 194 (Vulture) Day 31341, 03:58:14: Savage Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 82 (Vulture)! Day 31341, 03:59:55: Your Vulture - Lvl 82 (Vulture) was killed by Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society)! Day 31341, 03:59:55: Your Tribe killed Vulture - Lvl 82 (Vulture) (The Rescue Society)! Day 31341, 06:06:02: Savage Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 217 (Vulture)! Day 31341, 06:10:26: Savage froze Vulture - Lvl 217 (Vulture) Day 31341, 08:51:36: Savage Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 224 (Mantis)! Day 31341, 08:56:13: Savage froze Mantis - Lvl 224 (Mantis) Day 31341, 10:35:10: Savage Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 224 (Mantis)! Day 31341, 10:39:25: Savage froze Mantis - Lvl 224 (Mantis) Day 31341, 17:55:13: Savage Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis)! Day 31341, 18:00:24: Savage froze Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 31341, 18:14:32: Savage Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 209 (Mantis)! Day 31341, 18:27:58: Savage froze Mantis - Lvl 209 (Mantis) Day 31341, 18:40:44: Savage Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 134 (Mantis)! Day 31341, 18:45:22: Savage froze Mantis - Lvl 134 (Mantis) Day 31341, 19:08:56: Savage Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 82 (Mantis)! Day 31341, 19:12:56: Savage froze Mantis - Lvl 82 (Mantis) Day 31341, 20:54:24: Savage Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 194 (Mantis)! Day 31341, 20:59:47: Savage froze Mantis - Lvl 194 (Mantis) Day 31341, 23:28:38: Savage downloaded a dino: Vulture - Lvl 149 Day 31341, 23:29:13: Savage downloaded a dino: Vulture - Lvl 74 Day 31341, 23:30:02: Savage downloaded a dino: Vulture - Lvl 134 Day 31341, 23:38:07: Savage froze Vulture - Lvl 74 (Vulture) Day 31341, 23:43:36: Savage froze Vulture - Lvl 149 (Vulture) Day 31341, 23:48:10: Savage froze Vulture - Lvl 134 (Vulture) Day 31342, 01:04:29: Savage froze Mantis - Lvl 194 (Mantis) Day 31342, 01:09:12: Savage froze Mantis - Lvl 224 (Mantis) Day 31342, 01:14:49: Savage froze Mantis - Lvl 82 (Mantis) Day 31342, 01:20:24: Savage froze Mantis - Lvl 134 (Mantis) Day 31342, 01:29:15: Savage froze Mantis - Lvl 82 (Mantis) Day 31342, 01:34:02: Savage froze Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 31342, 01:47:59: Savage froze Mantis - Lvl 224 (Mantis) Day 31342, 01:57:13: Savage froze Vulture - Lvl 142 (Vulture) Day 31342, 02:01:59: Savage froze Vulture - Lvl 194 (Vulture) Day 31342, 02:07:20: Savage froze Vulture - Lvl 209 (Vulture) Day 31342, 02:11:58: Savage froze Vulture - Lvl 194 (Vulture) Day 31342, 02:22:26: Savage froze Vulture - Lvl 217 (Vulture) Day 31342, 02:32:54: Savage froze Vulture - Lvl 194 (Vulture) Day 31342, 02:45:20: Savage froze Vulture - Lvl 217 (Vulture) Day 31342, 02:59:18: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 221 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31532, 01:26:31: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 228 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31560, 13:59:30: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 230 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31719, 03:33:31: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 234 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31725, 08:19:21: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 235 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31725, 11:20:39: Savage froze Out for Blood - Lvl 372 (Tusoteuthis) Day 31725, 14:56:30: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 235 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31725, 20:11:34: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 235 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31740, 18:58:24: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 235 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31800, 06:42:43: Savage froze Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis) Day 31800, 08:38:03: Savage froze Jeremiah - Lvl 330 (Giganotosaurus) Day 31800, 10:10:16: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 235 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32050, 15:12:01: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 32106, 18:01:23: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32106, 18:01:23: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32106, 18:01:23: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32106, 18:01:23: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32288, 06:27:00: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex) was killed by Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society)! Day 32288, 06:27:00: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex)! Day 32288, 08:45:14: Savage Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 32288, 08:52:13: Savage froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32288, 10:26:30: Savage froze Duality - Lvl 321 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32473, 19:10:06: Savage froze Rare Flower - Lvl 354 (Moschops) Day 32578, 20:15:23: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35163, 13:34:12: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35224, 17:57:43: Human - Lvl 4 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'HOOVER - Lvl 159 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 35448, 19:32:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35448, 19:32:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35448, 19:32:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35448, 19:32:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35448, 19:32:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35448, 19:32:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35448, 19:32:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35448, 19:32:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35734, 05:07:52: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1327050194,"tribe":"Rat Holers logs":["Day 15429, 11:18:27: Dinklebot froze Big Lad - Lvl 337 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15429, 11:35:35: Dinklebot froze SnowDrop - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) Day 15466, 05:31:32: Dinklebot froze Rock Drake - Lvl 244 (Rock Drake) Day 15466, 07:37:35: Dinklebot froze Archie - Lvl 310 (Argentavis) Day 15466, 07:43:57: Dinklebot froze Metal man - Lvl 122 (Ankylosaurus) Day 15470, 02:03:39: Dinklebot froze Rock Drake - Lvl 253 (Rock Drake) Day 15483, 17:49:31: Dinklebot froze Rock Drake - Lvl 258 (Rock Drake) Day 15564, 14:13:45: Dinklebot froze SnowerDrop - Lvl 181 (Snow Owl) Day 15756, 22:26:09: Dinklebot froze SnowerDrop - Lvl 216 (Snow Owl) Day 15756, 23:51:55: Dinklebot froze SnowerDrop - Lvl 216 (Snow Owl) Day 15757, 16:21:38: Dinklebot froze SnowerDrop - Lvl 216 (Snow Owl) Day 15759, 17:13:32: Dinklebot froze SnowerDrop - Lvl 216 (Snow Owl) Day 15759, 18:31:21: Tsang froze Valfem Two - Lvl 255 (Snow Owl) Day 15759, 18:31:49: Dinklebot froze SnowerDrop - Lvl 216 (Snow Owl) Day 15759, 18:43:48: Dinklebot froze Megatherium - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 15759, 18:58:59: Dinklebot froze Megatherium - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 15759, 19:06:59: Dinklebot froze Megatherium - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 15759, 19:08:21: Tsang froze Sacrifice - Lvl 289 (Velonasaur) Day 15759, 19:23:29: Dinklebot froze Megatherium - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 15759, 19:24:07: Tsang froze Sacrifice - Lvl 289 (Velonasaur) Day 15759, 19:33:34: Dinklebot froze Megatherium - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 15759, 19:37:15: Dinklebot froze Megatherium - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 15759, 20:12:57: Dinklebot froze This one Kokow - Lvl 318 (Velonasaur) Day 15759, 20:13:49: Tsang froze Sacrifice - Lvl 289 (Velonasaur) Day 15759, 21:58:57: Dinklebot froze Megatherium - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 15759, 22:21:32: Dinklebot froze Megatherium - Lvl 337 (Megatherium) Day 15759, 22:41:40: Tsang froze Sacrifice - Lvl 289 (Velonasaur) Day 15759, 23:34:09: Tsang froze Sacrifice - Lvl 290 (Velonasaur) Day 15760, 00:13:30: Dinklebot froze SnowerDrop - Lvl 216 (Snow Owl) Day 15760, 00:16:36: Tsang froze Valfem Two - Lvl 255 (Snow Owl) Day 15776, 08:37:55: Dinklebot froze SnowerDrop - Lvl 218 (Snow Owl) Day 15776, 08:44:00: Dinklebot froze SnowerDrop - Lvl 218 (Snow Owl) Day 15776, 09:29:35: Wyvern Eater >-.-< added 'Tribe of Dinklebot' Tribe to Ragnarok Arena Alliance! Day 15776, 10:04:59: Dinklebot froze Buffy Boy - Lvl 287 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 15776, 10:08:31: Wyvern Eater >-.-< added 'Tribe of Songoku' Tribe to Ragnarok Arena Alliance! Day 15776, 10:23:23: Wyvern Eater >-.-< added 'Dark Champions' Tribe to Ragnarok Arena Alliance! Day 15776, 11:53:35: Wyvern Eater >-.-< added 'Unoriginal Megalania' Tribe to Ragnarok Arena Alliance! Day 15776, 12:03:34: Wyvern Eater >-.-< added 'Crackalakin Crew' Tribe to Ragnarok Arena Alliance! Day 15776, 15:15:13: Dinklebot froze Krimbus - Lvl 292 (Reaper King) Day 15776, 15:16:59: Dinklebot froze Krumpus - Lvl 328 (Reaper King) Day 15776, 15:18:31: Dinklebot froze Krellius - Lvl 328 (Reaper King) Day 15776, 15:20:43: Dinklebot froze Buffy Boy - Lvl 287 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 15776, 15:22:05: Dinklebot froze Kranius - Lvl 328 (Reaper King) Day 15776, 15:36:19: Dinklebot froze SnowerDrop - Lvl 218 (Snow Owl) Day 15836, 18:42:00: Dinklebot froze Snowman - Lvl 224 (Snow Owl) Day 15836, 22:57:42: Dinklebot froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15836, 23:18:37: Dinklebot froze Snowman - Lvl 224 (Snow Owl) Day 15959, 08:32:26: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15959, 08:32:26: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 23:30:44: Dinklebot froze Based - Lvl 182 (Snow Owl) Day 18157, 07:06:26: Dinklebot claimed 'Zombie Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Zombie Fire Wyvern)'! Day 18157, 07:10:10: Dinklebot froze Zombie Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Zombie Fire Wyvern) Day 18157, 11:05:26: Dinklebot froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 227 (Griffin) Day 18157, 11:47:59: Dinklebot froze Zombie Fire Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Zombie Fire Wyvern) Day 18157, 14:31:22: Dinklebot froze Zombie Fire Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Zombie Fire Wyvern) Day 18157, 15:19:06: Your Zombie Fire Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Zombie Fire Wyvern) was killed! Day 18157, 15:21:21: Your Peter Griffin - Lvl 228 (Griffin) was killed! Day 18157, 21:33:46: Dinklebot Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus)! Day 18157, 21:47:00: Dinklebot froze Yasmine. Sole Survivor o - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus) Day 18157, 22:28:06: Dinklebot Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 29 (Direwolf)! Day 18158, 00:29:47: Dinklebot froze Desmond - Lvl 30 (Direwolf) Day 18282, 04:38:22: Dinklebot froze Based - Lvl 199 (Snow Owl) Day 18294, 11:10:47: Dinklebot froze Based - Lvl 200 (Snow Owl) Day 18310, 20:48:15: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18327, 08:28:45: Dinklebot froze Based - Lvl 202 (Snow Owl) Day 18465, 15:33:06: Dinklebot froze Louis Griffin - Lvl 195 (Griffin) Day 18465, 17:07:06: Dinklebot froze Louis Griffin - Lvl 195 (Griffin) Day 18465, 17:19:36: Dinklebot froze Broodfighter5 - Lvl 294 (Megatherium) Day 18465, 18:06:33: Dinklebot froze Broodfighter5 - Lvl 294 (Megatherium) Day 18465, 18:19:31: Dinklebot froze Broodfighter5 - Lvl 294 (Megatherium) Day 18465, 19:04:59: Dinklebot froze Broodfighter5 - Lvl 296 (Megatherium) Day 18465, 19:36:36: Tribemember Dinklebot - Lvl 152 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 190! Day 18465, 21:59:05: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter8 - Lvl 255 (Megatherium) Day 18465, 22:14:52: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter8 - Lvl 255 (Megatherium) Day 18465, 22:50:19: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter8 - Lvl 256 (Megatherium) Day 18465, 23:05:04: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter8 - Lvl 256 (Megatherium) Day 18465, 23:43:27: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter8 - Lvl 256 (Megatherium) Day 18466, 00:14:01: Dinklebot froze Vera - Lvl 270 (Velonasaur) Day 18466, 00:40:05: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter8 - Lvl 256 (Megatherium) Day 18466, 03:58:28: Dinklebot froze Vera - Lvl 271 (Velonasaur) Day 18466, 04:26:03: Dinklebot froze Louis Griffin - Lvl 195 (Griffin) Day 18466, 04:30:35: Dinklebot froze Vera - Lvl 271 (Velonasaur) Day 18466, 05:50:11: Dinklebot froze Vera - Lvl 271 (Velonasaur) Day 18466, 07:39:03: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter8 - Lvl 264 (Megatherium) Day 18466, 08:19:46: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter8 - Lvl 266 (Megatherium) Day 18466, 08:45:08: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter8 - Lvl 266 (Megatherium) Day 18466, 08:57:26: Dinklebot froze Teresa - Lvl 292 (Pteranodon) Day 18466, 09:20:14: Dinklebot froze Louis Griffin - Lvl 195 (Griffin) Day 18466, 19:24:50: Dinklebot froze Louis Griffin - Lvl 195 (Griffin) Day 18466, 19:53:36: Dinklebot froze DPS REX 1 - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 18466, 20:22:45: Dinklebot froze DPS REX 1 - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 18466, 22:02:23: Dinklebot froze DPS REX 1 - Lvl 288 (Rex) Day 18467, 01:44:20: Dinklebot froze Vera - Lvl 274 (Velonasaur) Day 18467, 02:29:42: Dinklebot froze Vera - Lvl 274 (Velonasaur) Day 18467, 03:21:22: Dinklebot froze DPS REX 1 - Lvl 288 (Rex) Day 18467, 04:44:57: Dinklebot froze Louis Griffin - Lvl 195 (Griffin) Day 18467, 05:30:13: Dinklebot froze Vera - Lvl 274 (Velonasaur) Day 18467, 06:18:24: Dinklebot froze Louis Griffin - Lvl 195 (Griffin) Day 18467, 20:59:55: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter6 - Lvl 260 (Megatherium) Day 18467, 21:36:58: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter6 - Lvl 262 (Megatherium) Day 18467, 21:53:34: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter6 - Lvl 262 (Megatherium) Day 18467, 22:39:06: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter6 - Lvl 268 (Megatherium) Day 18467, 23:18:12: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter6 - Lvl 270 (Megatherium) Day 18468, 01:23:08: Dinklebot froze Vera - Lvl 275 (Velonasaur) Day 18469, 03:36:04: Dinklebot froze Vera - Lvl 275 (Velonasaur) Day 18469, 05:16:32: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter6 - Lvl 272 (Megatherium) Day 18469, 05:57:10: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter6 - Lvl 273 (Megatherium) Day 18469, 06:25:33: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter6 - Lvl 273 (Megatherium) Day 18469, 06:58:10: Dinklebot froze Louis Griffin - Lvl 195 (Griffin) Day 18508, 08:32:50: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter2 - Lvl 296 (Megatherium) Day 18508, 08:56:04: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter2 - Lvl 296 (Megatherium) Day 18508, 09:03:47: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter2 - Lvl 296 (Megatherium) Day 18508, 09:20:01: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter2 - Lvl 297 (Megatherium) Day 18508, 10:01:25: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter2 - Lvl 297 (Megatherium) Day 18508, 10:26:05: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter2 - Lvl 297 (Megatherium) Day 18508, 12:08:39: Dinklebot froze Vera - Lvl 276 (Velonasaur) Day 18508, 13:30:05: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter2 - Lvl 298 (Megatherium) Day 18508, 14:01:16: Dinklebot froze BroodFighter2 - Lvl 298 (Megatherium) Day 18508, 14:12:14: Dinklebot froze Teresa - Lvl 293 (Pteranodon) Day 18555, 20:57:19: Dinklebot froze Muddy - Lvl 229 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18555, 23:09:36: Dinklebot froze Volcano Clearer - Lvl 295 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 18556, 00:14:59: Dinklebot froze Muddy - Lvl 230 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18579, 05:59:04: Dinklebot froze Muddy - Lvl 247 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26074, 16:55:06: Dinklebot Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 82 (Dimorphodon)! Day 26074, 18:21:35: Dinklebot Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 26075, 22:24:30: Tsang was removed from the Tribe by Dinklebot! Day 26076, 16:50:35: Dinklebot Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)! Day 26076, 19:51:38: Dinklebot Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 26077, 05:59:31: Dinklebot claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon)'! Day 26077, 06:00:19: Dinklebot claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon)'! Day 26077, 10:26:38: Dinklebot froze Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon) Day 26077, 10:30:25: Dinklebot froze Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon) Day 26077, 14:58:48: Dinklebot froze Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon) Day 26077, 20:31:04: Dinklebot froze 336GB For this? - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon) Day 26077, 23:00:27: Human was added to the Tribe by Dinklebot! Day 26078, 01:35:28: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon) Day 26078, 01:40:42: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon) Day 26078, 01:44:39: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon) Day 26078, 01:48:27: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon) Day 26078, 01:52:18: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon) Day 26078, 05:57:50: Tribemember Human - Lvl 8 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 85! Day 26078, 07:46:19: Tribemember Human - Lvl 14 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 140! Day 26078, 10:16:59: Human uploaded a Pteranodon: 336GB For this? - Lvl 219 Day 26078, 12:07:31: Dinklebot Tamed a Morellatops - Lvl 126 (Morellatops)! Day 26078, 12:11:22: Dinklebot froze Morellatops - Lvl 126 (Morellatops) Day 26078, 14:10:11: Dinklebot froze Morellatops - Lvl 130 (Morellatops) Day 26078, 18:18:08: Human downloaded a dino: 336GB For this? - Lvl 200 Day 26079, 03:58:06: Dinklebot froze Pteranodon - Lvl 240 (Pteranodon) Day 26081, 02:02:41: Dinklebot Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 26081, 02:13:41: Dinklebot froze Metal Maam - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26081, 11:48:01: Dinklebot Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 26081, 11:55:11: Dinklebot froze Professional Metal Carri - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 26081, 16:32:45: Dinklebot Tamed a Terror Bird - Lvl 224 (Terror Bird)! Day 26081, 16:37:29: Dinklebot froze Terrible Bird - Lvl 224 (Terror Bird) Day 26081, 16:51:09: Dinklebot froze Professional Metal Carri - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 26081, 16:53:55: Dinklebot froze Metal Maam - Lvl 214 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26081, 17:55:11: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 238 (Griffin) Day 26082, 05:43:17: Dinklebot froze Morellatops - Lvl 138 (Morellatops) Day 26082, 06:59:57: Dinklebot froze Morellatops - Lvl 140 (Morellatops) Day 26093, 17:20:02: Dinklebot froze Professional Metal Carri - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 26093, 20:35:30: Dinklebot claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 26094, 09:03:57: Dinklebot froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26094, 10:09:01: Dinklebot froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26095, 04:59:19: Dinklebot Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 163 (Doedicurus)! Day 26095, 05:13:38: Dinklebot froze Stoner - Lvl 163 (Doedicurus) Day 26095, 12:50:29: Dinklebot froze Morellatops - Lvl 143 (Morellatops) Day 26095, 14:48:57: Dinklebot froze Morellatops - Lvl 144 (Morellatops) Day 26095, 16:41:28: Dinklebot froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26095, 16:45:14: Dinklebot froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26095, 20:12:47: Dinklebot froze Metal Maam - Lvl 225 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26095, 21:31:30: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26095, 21:57:53: Dinklebot froze Professional Metal Carri - Lvl 222 (Argentavis) Day 26095, 22:31:03: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 248 (Griffin) Day 26095, 22:56:43: Dinklebot froze Metal Maam - Lvl 226 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26096, 04:07:00: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26096, 08:50:00: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26096, 08:53:28: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26096, 08:56:21: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26096, 08:59:11: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26096, 09:03:35: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26096, 13:38:46: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26096, 13:42:02: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26096, 23:09:44: Dinklebot froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26097, 01:55:30: Dinklebot froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 204 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26097, 03:43:02: Tribemember Dinklebot - Lvl 153 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 20! Day 26097, 04:36:18: Dinklebot froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 204 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26098, 09:41:38: Dinklebot Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 149 (Castoroides)! Day 26098, 09:46:30: Dinklebot froze Bean - Lvl 149 (Castoroides) Day 26098, 11:38:16: Dinklebot froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26098, 12:32:05: Dinklebot froze Bean - Lvl 151 (Castoroides) Day 26098, 15:46:54: Dinklebot froze Bean - Lvl 155 (Castoroides) Day 26098, 18:43:23: Dinklebot froze Stoner - Lvl 177 (Doedicurus) Day 26098, 18:45:16: Dinklebot claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 26098, 19:02:08: Dinklebot froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26098, 21:26:23: Dinklebot froze Bean - Lvl 162 (Castoroides) Day 26099, 04:13:04: Tribemember Human - Lvl 38 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 20! Day 26099, 04:27:33: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26099, 04:27:33: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26099, 04:27:33: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26099, 04:27:33: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26100, 09:50:27: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Phil - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26100, 09:53:20: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Phil - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26100, 09:56:14: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Phil - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26100, 09:59:04: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Phil - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26100, 10:02:18: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Phil - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26100, 10:06:08: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Phil - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26100, 22:59:20: Dinklebot froze Professional Metal Carri - Lvl 231 (Argentavis) Day 26100, 23:04:54: Dinklebot froze Metal Maam - Lvl 231 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26101, 00:35:56: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 252 (Griffin) Day 26101, 12:42:13: Dinklebot froze Bean - Lvl 170 (Castoroides) Day 26105, 05:54:10: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 254 (Griffin) Day 26105, 15:48:08: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 220 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26105, 16:03:38: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 220 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26116, 11:40:13: Dinklebot froze Metal Maam - Lvl 238 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26116, 12:52:07: Dinklebot froze Bean - Lvl 173 (Castoroides) Day 26116, 14:11:36: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 256 (Griffin) Day 26116, 14:41:59: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 220 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26116, 16:10:50: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 221 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26116, 23:46:45: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 257 (Griffin) Day 26116, 23:52:10: Dinklebot froze Professional Metal Carri - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 26117, 00:29:21: Dinklebot froze Metal Maam - Lvl 241 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26117, 11:23:25: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 257 (Griffin) Day 26117, 15:06:13: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 257 (Griffin) Day 26119, 20:32:09: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 221 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26119, 22:33:15: Dinklebot Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 142 (Vulture)! Day 26119, 23:25:31: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 223 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26120, 05:20:31: Human was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Dinklebot! Day 26120, 05:27:21: MeatLoaf was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 26120, 07:08:58: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 223 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26120, 07:16:37: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 223 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26120, 09:26:37: Human froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 223 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26120, 14:25:10: Human froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 241 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26120, 19:08:48: Dinklebot froze Metal Maam - Lvl 252 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26120, 20:09:10: Dinklebot froze Metal Maam - Lvl 252 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26120, 20:57:19: Dinklebot froze Professional Metal Carri - Lvl 238 (Argentavis) Day 26120, 21:01:15: Dinklebot froze Metal Maam - Lvl 252 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26120, 22:15:20: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 259 (Griffin) Day 26121, 02:29:08: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 241 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26121, 03:50:50: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 259 (Griffin) Day 26121, 03:55:45: Dinklebot froze Vinny - Lvl 142 (Vulture) Day 26121, 19:46:03: Dinklebot froze Metal Maam - Lvl 254 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26121, 22:27:36: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 242 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26121, 22:56:28: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 259 (Griffin) Day 26122, 06:52:43: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 245 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26122, 08:15:51: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 245 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26122, 13:19:59: Dinklebot froze Water - Lvl 154 (Morellatops) Day 26122, 13:57:01: Dinklebot froze Water - Lvl 156 (Morellatops) Day 26122, 15:30:51: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 260 (Griffin) Day 26122, 16:45:33: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 260 (Griffin) Day 26123, 02:30:45: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 245 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26123, 03:15:08: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 260 (Griffin) Day 26123, 19:48:40: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 246 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26123, 20:59:44: Dinklebot froze Water - Lvl 156 (Morellatops) Day 26123, 21:58:34: Dinklebot froze Water - Lvl 157 (Morellatops) Day 26124, 00:49:43: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 261 (Griffin) Day 26124, 14:46:33: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 261 (Griffin) Day 26124, 17:09:22: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 247 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26124, 18:35:47: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 247 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26125, 06:11:53: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 247 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26125, 06:48:26: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 248 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26126, 07:27:24: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 262 (Griffin) Day 26126, 07:33:05: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 262 (Griffin) Day 26126, 17:31:52: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 264 (Griffin) Day 26126, 17:55:47: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 264 (Griffin) Day 26126, 23:45:50: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 248 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26127, 00:20:48: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 264 (Griffin) Day 26127, 09:43:09: Dinklebot froze Phil - Lvl 196 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26127, 10:22:30: Dinklebot froze Phil - Lvl 201 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26128, 16:39:46: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 264 (Griffin) Day 26129, 10:10:31: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 265 (Griffin) Day 26140, 19:39:34: Dinklebot claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26140, 19:45:50: Dinklebot froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex) Day 26140, 19:51:32: Dinklebot froze 9.2k HP Base - Lvl 242 (Tek Rex) Day 26140, 20:12:55: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 257 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26140, 20:51:47: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 257 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26141, 01:20:21: Dinklebot froze Baby Perfect Female - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex) Day 26141, 03:23:01: Dinklebot froze Juvenile Perfect Female - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex) Day 26141, 03:41:55: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 267 (Griffin) Day 26141, 04:02:47: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 268 (Griffin) Day 26141, 06:55:23: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 268 (Griffin) Day 26141, 21:37:51: Dinklebot froze Metal Maam - Lvl 259 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26141, 21:52:00: Dinklebot froze Metal Maam - Lvl 259 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26141, 22:15:29: Dinklebot froze Metal Maam - Lvl 259 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26142, 00:28:10: Dinklebot froze Professional Metal Carri - Lvl 243 (Argentavis) Day 26142, 00:32:42: Dinklebot froze Metal Maam - Lvl 259 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26142, 01:02:07: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 268 (Griffin) Day 26142, 09:09:14: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 268 (Griffin) Day 26142, 16:59:37: Dinklebot claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur)'! Day 26142, 17:02:57: Dinklebot froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 26142, 19:53:44: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 268 (Griffin) Day 26142, 20:10:45: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 268 (Griffin) Day 26143, 04:06:22: Dinklebot froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 26143, 06:55:06: Dinklebot claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26143, 06:58:48: Dinklebot froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex) Day 26143, 07:27:06: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex) was killed by Dinklebot - Lvl 153 (Rat Holers)! Day 26143, 07:27:06: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex)! Day 26143, 18:32:01: Dinklebot froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 26143, 18:34:57: Dinklebot froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 26143, 18:37:52: Dinklebot froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 26144, 05:49:04: Dinklebot froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 26144, 05:51:51: Dinklebot froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 26144, 15:45:22: Dinklebot froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 26145, 17:55:26: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Metal Ma'am Prime - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 26147, 11:58:22: Dinklebot froze Metal Ma'am Prime - Lvl 57 (Magmasaur) Day 26150, 04:34:46: Dinklebot froze Metal Ma'am Prime - Lvl 65 (Magmasaur) Day 26150, 05:15:33: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 274 (Griffin) Day 26150, 05:32:46: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 274 (Griffin) Day 26150, 09:00:02: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 275 (Griffin) Day 26150, 11:58:39: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 26150, 11:58:39: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 26150, 11:59:18: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 26150, 15:46:38: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 275 (Griffin) Day 26150, 22:31:32: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 275 (Griffin) Day 26151, 15:58:07: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 276 (Griffin) Day 26151, 16:39:53: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 276 (Griffin) Day 26153, 16:22:54: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 276 (Griffin) Day 26153, 18:08:50: Human was demoted from Tribe Admin by Dinklebot! Day 26153, 18:46:46: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 277 (Griffin) Day 26154, 05:20:38: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 279 (Griffin) Day 26163, 18:15:50: Dinklebot claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26163, 18:19:48: Dinklebot froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex) Day 26163, 18:25:09: Dinklebot froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex) Day 26164, 06:36:16: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 279 (Griffin) Day 26164, 09:04:40: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 280 (Griffin) Day 26165, 02:21:58: Dinklebot froze 9.2k HP Base - Lvl 242 (Tek Rex) Day 26168, 16:07:01: Dinklebot froze 349% Base - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 26168, 16:40:15: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 280 (Griffin) Day 26168, 20:24:02: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 257 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26168, 22:17:56: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 260 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26169, 00:49:46: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 280 (Griffin) Day 26169, 02:18:34: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 280 (Griffin) Day 26169, 22:36:22: Dinklebot froze Speedster - Lvl 275 (Pteranodon) Day 26170, 11:55:06: Dinklebot froze Bean - Lvl 195 (Castoroides) Day 26170, 12:00:59: Dinklebot froze Stoner - Lvl 214 (Doedicurus) Day 26170, 12:14:44: Dinklebot froze Professional Metal Carri - Lvl 251 (Argentavis) Day 26170, 12:34:47: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 283 (Griffin) Day 26170, 13:01:37: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 283 (Griffin) Day 26170, 22:29:25: Dinklebot demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 26170, 22:30:20: Dinklebot demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 26170, 23:14:04: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 260 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26171, 01:46:33: Dinklebot froze Definitive Phil - Lvl 263 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26171, 06:35:43: Dinklebot froze Metal Ma'am - Lvl 267 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26171, 06:40:06: Dinklebot froze 349% Base - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 26171, 06:44:01: Dinklebot froze 9.2k HP Base - Lvl 242 (Tek Rex) Day 26171, 06:47:21: Dinklebot froze Buffer - Lvl 249 (Yutyrannus) Day 26173, 08:02:29: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 283 (Griffin) Day 26174, 00:03:48: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 283 (Griffin) Day 26178, 03:00:44: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 284 (Griffin) Day 26178, 04:54:43: Dinklebot froze Breeding Female 2 - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex) Day 26178, 05:15:13: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 284 (Griffin) Day 26192, 12:55:05: Dinklebot froze Breeding Female 1 - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex) Day 26192, 13:01:07: Dinklebot froze Perfect Male - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex) Day 26195, 10:40:56: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 286 (Griffin) Day 26195, 12:05:05: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 286 (Griffin) Day 26195, 13:16:45: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 286 (Griffin) Day 26195, 14:09:56: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 286 (Griffin) Day 26196, 12:51:14: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 286 (Griffin) Day 26351, 05:52:09: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26363, 19:08:44: Your Diddy - Lvl 99 (Dimorphodon) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 26422, 01:27:04: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26493, 21:00:33: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26594, 09:20:58: Dinklebot froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 51 (Bloodstalker) Day 26594, 09:43:40: Dinklebot uploaded a Bloodstalker: - Lvl 51 Day 26594, 09:46:35: Dinklebot froze Gromulous - Lvl 293 (Griffin) Day 26689, 20:57:30: Dinklebot froze Gromulous - Lvl 293 (Griffin) Day 26689, 22:09:06: Dinklebot froze Gromulous - Lvl 293 (Griffin) Day 26689, 23:04:36: Dinklebot froze Terrible Bird - Lvl 252 (Terror Bird) Day 26689, 23:09:43: Dinklebot froze 336GB For this? - Lvl 248 (Pteranodon) Day 26689, 23:16:28: Dinklebot froze Fast - Lvl 264 (Pteranodon) Day 26689, 23:19:57: Dinklebot froze Arked - Lvl 246 (Pteranodon) Day 26689, 23:24:10: Dinklebot froze Terry - Lvl 92 (Pteranodon) Day 26689, 23:31:37: Dinklebot froze Water - Lvl 167 (Morellatops) Day 26689, 23:37:36: Dinklebot froze Phil - Lvl 210 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26689, 23:42:02: Dinklebot froze 349% Base - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 26689, 23:49:17: Dinklebot froze Speedster - Lvl 276 (Pteranodon) Day 26690, 10:31:53: Dinklebot froze Juvenile Caramel - Lvl 145 (Rock Drake) Day 26690, 11:02:13: Dinklebot froze Gromulous - Lvl 293 (Griffin) Day 26713, 14:18:56: Dinklebot froze Juvenile Astrodelphis - Lvl 184 (Astrodelphis) Day 26713, 19:00:22: Dinklebot froze Juvenile Astrodelphis - Lvl 184 (Astrodelphis) Day 26713, 19:03:35: Dinklebot froze Juvenile Astrodelphis - Lvl 184 (Astrodelphis) Day 26714, 00:39:50: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Astrodelphis - Lvl 184 (Astrodelphis) Day 26714, 00:46:37: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Astrodelphis - Lvl 184 (Astrodelphis) Day 26714, 00:51:11: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Astrodelphis - Lvl 184 (Astrodelphis) Day 26714, 00:55:03: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Astrodelphis - Lvl 184 (Astrodelphis) Day 26714, 00:58:47: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Astrodelphis - Lvl 184 (Astrodelphis) Day 26714, 13:36:31: Dinklebot froze Adolescent Astrodelphis - Lvl 184 (Astrodelphis) Day 26714, 14:03:45: Dinklebot froze Owder - Lvl 256 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27194, 04:59:22: Your Tribe Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus)! Day 27194, 05:06:40: Dinklebot froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus) Day 27194, 07:36:04: Dinklebot Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 207 (Thylacoleo)! Day 27194, 07:40:16: Dinklebot froze Joker Cat - Lvl 207 (Thylacoleo) Day 27194, 08:08:32: Dinklebot froze Gromulous - Lvl 329 (Griffin) Day 27542, 20:10:32: Vinny - Lvl 149 (Vulture) starved to death! Day 27791, 14:19:56: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28075, 00:38:05: Your 'Heavy Automated Turret' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28075, 00:38:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28075, 00:38:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28358, 07:31:53: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29008, 18:39:49: Tribemember MeatLoaf - Lvl 28 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 145! Day 29008, 18:40:20: Tribemember Human - Lvl 67 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 145!"] "tribeid":1326190158,"tribe":"Tribe of del-icious logs":["Day 24286, 07:58:36: del-icious was added to the Tribe! Day 24286, 08:00:57: Teabelli was added to the Tribe by del-icious! Day 24286, 08:36:35: Tribemember del-icious - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 24286, 09:01:26: Tribemember Teabelli - Lvl 4 was killed! Day 24286, 10:50:54: Tribemember del-icious - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 24286, 12:54:48: Teabelli claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24286, 13:07:02: Teabelli claimed 'Falco - Lvl 99 (Equus)'! Day 24286, 13:12:05: Teabelli claimed 'Bone Disease - Lvl 232 (Triceratops)'! Day 24286, 13:16:22: Teabelli claimed 'Tracer - Lvl 87 (Equus)'! Day 24286, 16:58:33: Tribemember Teabelli - Lvl 9 was killed! Day 24286, 17:18:03: Tribemember Teabelli - Lvl 9 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 24287, 05:56:19: Teabelli demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 24287, 06:50:45: del-icious claimed 'Bean - Lvl 46 (Equus)'! Day 24287, 09:55:01: Tribemember del-icious - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 24287, 10:26:02: Tribemember del-icious - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 24437, 01:57:39: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24578, 18:51:16: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24885, 20:16:54: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24885, 20:16:54: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25039, 01:13:49: Arkildur - Lvl 10 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25462, 09:13:56: OGLARRYCONNORS - Lvl 64 (Tribe of OGLARRYCONNORS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Garbage Truck - Lvl 234 (Triceratops)'! Day 25462, 09:15:27: OGLARRYCONNORS - Lvl 64 (Tribe of OGLARRYCONNORS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rine - Lvl 105 (Equus)'! Day 25462, 09:44:51: OGLARRYCONNORS - Lvl 64 (Tribe of OGLARRYCONNORS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sprem - Lvl 98 (Equus)'! Day 25462, 09:46:35: OGLARRYCONNORS - Lvl 64 (Tribe of OGLARRYCONNORS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bean - Lvl 50 (Equus)'! Day 39900, 12:41:44: Tribemember Teabelli - Lvl 20 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 15!"] "tribeid":1324676384,"tribe":"DTRekt logs":["Day 23882, 13:37:24: Quizicxle was added to the Tribe! Day 23882, 14:16:12: drew was added to the Tribe by Quizicxle! Day 23882, 15:37:53: Tribemember drew - Lvl 3 was killed! Day 24307, 02:50:09: Tribemember Quizicxle - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 25039, 11:36:05: Tribemember drew - Lvl 3 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 95!"] "tribeid":1315928953,"tribe":"Sham logs":["Day 28511, 06:55:19: Shambo was added to the Tribe! Day 28511, 07:38:11: Tribemember Shambo - Lvl 66 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 55! Day 28511, 12:06:26: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 28511, 13:34:33: Tribemember Shambo - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 28511, 16:57:30: Tribemember Shambo - Lvl 67 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 130! Day 28511, 17:22:51: Tribemember Shambo - Lvl 67 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 55! Day 28511, 23:29:09: Tribemember Shambo - Lvl 67 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 140! Day 28512, 07:32:41: Tribemember Shambo - Lvl 67 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 15! Day 28512, 08:01:48: Tribemember Shambo - Lvl 67 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 25! Day 28512, 08:59:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 194 (Triceratops)! Day 28512, 10:03:31: Tribemember Shambo - Lvl 67 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 130! Day 28512, 11:13:04: Tribemember Shambo - Lvl 67 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 25! Day 28512, 11:55:12: Tribemember Shambo - Lvl 67 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 28512, 14:25:03: Tribemember Shambo - Lvl 67 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 140! Day 28512, 15:10:57: Tribemember Shambo - Lvl 67 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 28512, 16:34:07: Tribemember Shambo - Lvl 67 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 28512, 20:23:26: Tribemember Shambo - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 28514, 00:51:55: Tribemember Shambo - Lvl 69 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 135! Day 28515, 03:13:04: Tribemember Shambo - Lvl 72 was killed! Day 28515, 04:19:13: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 29110, 17:03:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29335, 00:40:24: Pteranodon - Lvl 33 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 29393, 20:50:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29831, 10:58:52: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29831, 11:03:45: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 204 (Triceratops)'! Day 29855, 02:08:07: Tribemember Shambo - Lvl 73 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 55! Day 29855, 06:16:49: Tribemember Shambo - Lvl 73 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 100!"] "tribeid":1312111803,"tribe":"Tribe of Kloppy logs":["Day 20016, 15:20:07: Kloppy froze hmmmmmmm - Lvl 280 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 20016, 17:48:58: Kloppy froze Reaper King - Lvl 390 (Reaper King) Day 20016, 18:33:39: Kloppy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 443 (Tek Rex) Day 20016, 19:02:36: Kloppy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 475 (Tek Rex) Day 20016, 20:13:19: Kloppy froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 170 (Sinomacrops) Day 20016, 21:52:55: Kloppy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 489 (Tek Rex) Day 20017, 11:03:45: Kloppy froze Daeodon - Lvl 362 (Daeodon) Day 20017, 12:06:34: Kloppy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 489 (Tek Rex) Day 20532, 05:33:27: Your hmmmmmmm - Lvl 280 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 160! Day 20888, 13:30:38: Kloppy downloaded a dino: Mining - Lvl 264 Day 20888, 13:31:22: Could not find Spawn Location for Wyvern, Destroying... Day 20888, 13:32:07: Kloppy downloaded a dino: M 04 - Lvl 350 Day 20888, 16:56:31: Kloppy froze Mining - Lvl 264 (Magmasaur) Day 20888, 16:59:51: Kloppy froze M 04 - Lvl 350 (Argentavis) Day 20888, 17:04:04: Kloppy downloaded a dino: Dersert Rose - Lvl 361 Day 20888, 17:09:12: Kloppy froze Dersert Rose - Lvl 361 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22205, 09:44:49: Kloppy uploaded a Tek Stryder: Farming Stuff - Lvl 289 Day 22205, 10:51:36: Kloppy downloaded a dino: Farming Stuff - Lvl 289 Day 22205, 11:13:57: Kloppy uploaded a Tek Stryder: AT-AT - Lvl 258 Day 22205, 11:56:18: Kloppy downloaded a dino: AT-AT - Lvl 258 Day 22981, 16:13:29: Scully84 was added to the Tribe! Day 22981, 16:34:08: Scully84 was removed from the Tribe! Day 23154, 21:56:28: Kloppy froze Argentavis - Lvl 335 (Argentavis) Day 23155, 02:46:20: Kloppy froze Argentavis - Lvl 335 (Argentavis) Day 23155, 06:46:31: Kloppy froze Magmasaur - Lvl 130 (Magmasaur) Day 23155, 12:39:20: Kloppy froze Dersert Rose - Lvl 374 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23155, 14:15:53: Kloppy froze Dersert Rose - Lvl 374 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23187, 04:10:47: Kloppy froze Magmasaur - Lvl 308 (Magmasaur) Day 23188, 00:55:04: Kloppy froze Red Baron - Lvl 376 (Tropeognathus) Day 23190, 14:20:25: Kloppy froze Crush - Lvl 433 (Snow Owl) Day 23190, 15:23:33: Kloppy froze Crush - Lvl 433 (Snow Owl) Day 23195, 13:31:11: Kloppy froze Kloppys Ride - Lvl 477 (Tek Rex) Day 23195, 13:37:34: Kloppy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 23195, 13:43:53: Kloppy froze TEK Warrior - Lvl 415 (Tek Rex) Day 23195, 14:24:53: Kloppy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 443 (Tek Rex) Day 23195, 14:30:14: Kloppy froze Kloppys Ride - Lvl 477 (Tek Rex) Day 23195, 14:36:51: Kloppy froze TEK Warrior - Lvl 429 (Tek Rex) Day 23195, 14:48:40: Kloppy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 458 (Tek Rex) Day 23195, 14:54:57: Kloppy froze TEK Warrior - Lvl 405 (Tek Rex) Day 23195, 15:00:53: Kloppy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 451 (Tek Rex) Day 23200, 23:08:27: Kloppy froze Elite Crew - Lvl 420 (Rex) Day 23200, 23:16:53: Kloppy froze Elite Crew - Lvl 413 (Rex) Day 23200, 23:46:00: Kloppy froze Fluffy - Lvl 420 (Rex) Day 23200, 23:55:04: Kloppy froze Elite Crew - Lvl 370 (Rex) Day 23201, 00:02:34: Kloppy froze TEK Warrior - Lvl 438 (Tek Rex) Day 23201, 00:09:56: Kloppy froze TEK Warrior - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 23201, 02:10:42: Kloppy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 414 (Tek Rex) Day 23201, 02:22:24: Kloppy froze TEK Warrior 3 M - Lvl 419 (Tek Rex) Day 23212, 08:19:47: Kloppy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 462 (Shadowmane) Day 23217, 11:17:20: Kloppy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 462 (Shadowmane) Day 23217, 13:10:49: Kloppy froze Kloppy [Clone] - Lvl 412 (X-Rock Elemental) Day 23222, 03:06:47: Kloppy froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 232 (Rock Elemental) Day 23222, 03:24:02: Kloppy froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 224 (Rock Elemental) Day 23222, 03:28:36: Kloppy froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 224 (Rock Elemental) Day 23222, 03:50:15: Kloppy froze Transport - Lvl 383 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23222, 23:50:35: Kloppy downloaded a dino: Fjordhawk - Lvl 214 Day 23222, 23:51:22: Kloppy downloaded a dino: Fjordhawk - Lvl 214 Day 23222, 23:52:11: Kloppy downloaded a dino: Shadowmane - Lvl 462 Day 23223, 00:31:51: Kloppy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 462 (Shadowmane) Day 23223, 01:28:17: Kloppy froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 218 (Fjordhawk) Day 23223, 01:32:12: Kloppy froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 216 (Fjordhawk) Day 23223, 01:38:02: Kloppy froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 216 (Fjordhawk) Day 23239, 04:56:20: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Fjordhawk - Lvl 216 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 23247, 17:59:28: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23247, 18:03:15: Kloppy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23249, 17:22:25: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus) Day 23249, 17:38:41: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 118 (Desmodus) Day 23261, 14:23:49: Kloppy claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23271, 03:13:06: Kloppy froze Megatherium - Lvl 348 (Megatherium) Day 23271, 03:18:38: Kloppy froze Megatherium - Lvl 291 (Megatherium) Day 23271, 03:23:04: Kloppy froze Megatherium - Lvl 315 (Megatherium) Day 23271, 03:27:40: Kloppy froze Megatherium - Lvl 307 (Megatherium) Day 23271, 04:07:20: Kloppy froze Megatherium - Lvl 307 (Megatherium) Day 23271, 04:12:26: Kloppy froze Megatherium - Lvl 315 (Megatherium) Day 23271, 04:16:33: Kloppy froze Megatherium - Lvl 291 (Megatherium) Day 23272, 01:19:26: Kloppy claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23272, 01:20:34: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Kloppy - Lvl 168 (Tribe of Kloppy)! Day 23272, 01:20:34: Your Tribe killed Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of Kloppy)! Day 23272, 01:22:45: Kloppy claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23272, 01:27:36: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Kloppy - Lvl 168 (Tribe of Kloppy)! Day 23272, 01:27:36: Your Tribe killed Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of Kloppy)! Day 23272, 01:32:41: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Kloppy - Lvl 168 (Tribe of Kloppy)! Day 23272, 01:32:41: Your Tribe killed Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of Kloppy)! Day 23272, 01:38:48: Kloppy claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23272, 01:41:24: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Kloppy - Lvl 168 (Tribe of Kloppy)! Day 23272, 01:41:24: Your Tribe killed Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of Kloppy)! Day 23273, 13:35:52: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane)'! Day 23273, 13:40:56: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 280 (Shadowmane)'! Day 23273, 13:43:54: Kloppy froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 280 (Shadowmane) Day 23273, 13:46:10: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 280 (Shadowmane)'! Day 23273, 13:50:00: Kloppy froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 280 (Shadowmane) Day 23273, 13:55:22: Kloppy froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane) Day 23273, 14:13:12: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 304 (Shadowmane)'! Day 23273, 14:32:01: Kloppy froze Kloppy's #2 - Lvl 463 (Shadowmane) Day 23273, 14:35:06: Kloppy froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 304 (Shadowmane) Day 23273, 14:37:08: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane)'! Day 23273, 14:40:08: Kloppy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 429 (Shadowmane) Day 23273, 14:43:39: Kloppy froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 23273, 14:45:23: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 272 (Shadowmane)'! Day 23273, 14:48:57: Kloppy froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 272 (Shadowmane) Day 23273, 14:57:51: Kloppy froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 23273, 15:00:43: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 304 (Shadowmane)'! Day 23273, 15:05:49: Kloppy froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 304 (Shadowmane) Day 23287, 18:17:14: Kloppy froze Kloppy's #3 - Lvl 460 (Shadowmane) Day 23287, 18:20:16: Kloppy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 484 (Shadowmane) Day 23287, 18:23:41: Kloppy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 484 (Shadowmane) Day 23287, 18:26:47: Kloppy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 429 (Shadowmane) Day 23287, 18:35:52: Kloppy froze Kloppy's #1 - Lvl 443 (Shadowmane) Day 23287, 18:43:13: Kloppy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 394 (Shadowmane) Day 23287, 18:49:47: Kloppy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 484 (Shadowmane) Day 23287, 18:54:21: Kloppy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 426 (Shadowmane) Day 23288, 00:57:34: Kloppy froze Elite Crew - Lvl 421 (Rex) Day 23288, 04:02:18: Kloppy froze [R] Roarsome Rex - Lvl 493 (Tek Rex) Day 23288, 04:09:42: Kloppy froze Knirsch - Lvl 421 (Rex) Day 23288, 04:23:24: Kloppy froze super - Lvl 477 (Tek Rex) Day 23288, 04:59:27: Kloppy froze Kloppy's Klopper - Lvl 481 (Tek Rex) Day 23288, 05:25:19: Kloppy froze Rex - Lvl 427 (Rex) Day 23288, 05:59:06: Kloppy froze TEK Warrior - Lvl 405 (Tek Rex) Day 23288, 06:04:55: Kloppy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 434 (Tek Rex) Day 23288, 06:15:37: Kloppy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 420 (Tek Rex) Day 23288, 06:24:31: Kloppy froze Rex - Lvl 383 (Rex) Day 23288, 06:31:00: Kloppy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 425 (Tek Rex) Day 23288, 07:09:52: Kloppy froze TEK Warrior - Lvl 448 (Tek Rex) Day 23288, 07:16:14: Kloppy froze TEK Warrior 1 W 260 - Lvl 430 (Tek Rex) Day 23288, 07:23:57: Kloppy froze Rex - Lvl 374 (Rex) Day 23294, 07:03:34: Kloppy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 495 (Tek Rex) Day 23294, 07:06:46: Kloppy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 495 (Tek Rex) Day 23310, 14:30:22: Kloppy froze Quetzal - Lvl 328 (Quetzal) Day 23310, 14:38:15: Kloppy froze Quetzal - Lvl 328 (Quetzal) Day 23389, 20:23:44: Kloppy froze Fenrir - Lvl 245 (Fenrir) Day 23389, 22:29:16: Kloppy froze Fenrir - Lvl 258 (Fenrir) Day 23390, 03:26:03: Kloppy froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 212 (Andrewsarchus) Day 23390, 03:30:48: Kloppy froze Fenrir - Lvl 258 (Fenrir) Day 23391, 06:51:34: Kloppy froze Zombie Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 554 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 23391, 07:05:30: Kloppy downloaded a dino: Tek Rex - Lvl 425 Day 23391, 07:06:22: Could not find Spawn Location for Wyvern, Destroying... Day 23391, 07:07:13: Kloppy downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 162 Day 23391, 07:11:23: Kloppy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 162 (Pteranodon) Day 23391, 07:15:59: Kloppy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 425 (Tek Rex) Day 23391, 07:19:05: Kloppy downloaded a dino: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 301 Day 23391, 07:25:43: Kloppy froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 301 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23402, 07:03:16: Kloppy froze Megalania - Lvl 397 (Megalania) Day 23413, 17:51:22: Kloppy froze Transport - Lvl 385 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23414, 04:41:26: Kloppy froze Transport - Lvl 385 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23509, 11:17:58: Kloppy froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 216 (Fjordhawk) Day 23509, 11:21:43: Kloppy froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 216 (Fjordhawk) Day 23509, 11:47:08: Kloppy froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 218 (Fjordhawk) Day 23509, 11:49:58: Kloppy froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 216 (Fjordhawk) Day 23509, 12:42:41: Kloppy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 430 (Shadowmane) Day 23548, 05:55:12: Kloppy froze Featherlight - Lvl 342 (Featherlight) Day 23548, 06:42:59: Kloppy froze Featherlight - Lvl 286 (Featherlight) Day 23548, 06:46:07: Kloppy froze Featherlight - Lvl 388 (Featherlight) Day 23721, 09:00:11: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 23721, 09:03:56: Kloppy froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23721, 09:25:53: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23721, 09:27:17: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23721, 09:31:30: Kloppy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23721, 09:32:36: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 23721, 09:35:45: Kloppy froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23721, 09:38:47: Kloppy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23721, 10:04:45: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23721, 10:07:48: Kloppy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23721, 10:09:43: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23721, 10:13:24: Kloppy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23721, 10:14:19: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23721, 10:18:03: Kloppy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23721, 10:58:32: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23721, 11:00:01: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23721, 11:03:03: Kloppy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23721, 11:05:59: Kloppy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23721, 11:07:13: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23721, 11:10:11: Kloppy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23721, 11:27:26: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23721, 11:30:31: Kloppy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23721, 11:31:41: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23721, 11:35:15: Kloppy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23721, 11:41:02: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23721, 11:43:56: Kloppy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23721, 11:57:23: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23721, 12:00:14: Kloppy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23735, 02:51:39: Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) starved to death! Day 23735, 02:51:39: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 23735, 02:51:39: Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) starved to death! Day 23735, 02:51:39: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 23735, 02:51:39: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 23735, 02:51:39: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 23735, 02:51:39: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 23735, 02:51:39: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 23735, 02:51:39: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 23735, 02:51:39: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 23735, 02:51:39: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 23736, 17:53:10: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 201 (Desmodus) Day 23736, 20:01:44: Kloppy froze Transport - Lvl 386 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23736, 20:04:50: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 202 (Desmodus) Day 23742, 15:26:04: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 187 (Desmodus) Day 23742, 17:53:50: Kloppy froze Ferox - Lvl 596 (Ferox) Day 23760, 21:37:10: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23760, 21:41:38: Kloppy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23760, 22:02:42: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23760, 22:06:32: Kloppy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23760, 22:16:05: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23760, 22:21:55: Kloppy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23760, 22:32:14: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23760, 22:33:38: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23760, 22:38:06: Kloppy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23760, 23:00:47: Kloppy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23761, 12:27:27: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 220 (Desmodus) Day 23761, 21:46:49: Kloppy froze Ferox - Lvl 597 (Ferox) Day 23762, 05:19:18: Kloppy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 447 (Tek Rex) Day 23762, 06:44:14: Kloppy froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 164 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23762, 08:40:09: Kloppy froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 396 (Bloodstalker) Day 23762, 10:08:05: Kloppy froze Kloppy [Clone] - Lvl 415 (X-Rock Elemental) Day 23762, 10:21:53: Kloppy froze Noglin - Lvl 293 (Noglin) Day 23762, 10:27:06: Kloppy froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 235 (Sinomacrops) Day 23765, 15:22:12: Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 23765, 15:22:12: Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 23765, 15:36:59: Kloppy froze Dinopithecus - Lvl 371 (Dinopithecus) Day 23765, 15:50:19: Kloppy froze Fenrir - Lvl 342 (Fenrir) Day 23765, 16:00:18: Kloppy froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 309 (Andrewsarchus) Day 23765, 20:56:38: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 107 (Desmodus) Day 23765, 22:10:45: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 156 (Desmodus)'! Day 23765, 22:18:04: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 224 (Desmodus) Day 23765, 22:37:43: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Kloppy - Lvl 169 (Tribe of Kloppy)! Day 23765, 22:37:43: Your Tribe killed Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 23766, 09:50:20: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 109 (Desmodus) Day 23766, 13:42:19: Kloppy froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 156 (Desmodus) Day 23767, 17:36:30: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 157 (Desmodus) Day 23813, 17:48:50: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 131 (Desmodus) Day 23908, 23:29:41: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 221 (Desmodus) Day 23932, 21:24:17: Kloppy froze Ferox - Lvl 598 (Ferox) Day 23980, 08:49:32: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 23980, 08:55:08: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23980, 08:58:56: Kloppy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23980, 10:06:07: Kloppy froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24048, 07:47:00: Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) starved to death! Day 24097, 21:17:14: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 225 (Desmodus) Day 24098, 01:22:12: Kloppy froze Snizok - Lvl 284 (Managarmr) Day 24098, 02:43:56: Kloppy froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 349 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24334, 04:19:51: Kloppy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 430 (Shadowmane) Day 24334, 06:15:30: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 252 (Desmodus) Day 24334, 06:46:57: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 252 (Desmodus) Day 24334, 07:27:34: Kloppy froze Snizok - Lvl 284 (Managarmr) Day 24334, 08:38:19: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 252 (Desmodus) Day 26055, 23:44:16: Your Farming Stuff - Lvl 302 (Tek Stryder) was killed! Day 26055, 23:48:02: Tribemember Kloppy - Lvl 169 was killed! Day 26056, 09:34:32: Kloppy froze [R] Charmaine - Lvl 400 (Castoroides) Day 26056, 11:52:52: Kloppy froze Ferox - Lvl 609 (Ferox) Day 26056, 19:35:07: Kloppy froze [RL] Breeder Male - Lvl 428 (Castoroides) Day 26056, 20:58:48: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 288 (Desmodus) Day 26056, 22:23:42: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 288 (Desmodus) Day 26071, 21:22:33: Kloppy froze 219 M Miner - Lvl 422 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26071, 21:34:30: Kloppy froze Dersert Rose - Lvl 382 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26118, 00:05:25: Kloppy froze Dersert Rose - Lvl 382 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26122, 20:59:05: Kloppy froze Dersert Rose - Lvl 382 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26123, 06:34:01: Kloppy froze 219 M Miner - Lvl 422 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26123, 08:02:00: Kloppy froze 219 M Miner - Lvl 422 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26123, 11:35:47: Kloppy froze Dersert Rose - Lvl 382 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26195, 10:06:23: Kloppy froze Dersert Rose - Lvl 382 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26220, 05:24:41: Kloppy froze Dersert Rose - Lvl 382 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26255, 15:54:28: Kloppy downloaded a dino: Vulture - Lvl 216 Day 26312, 13:55:48: Kloppy froze Dersert Rose - Lvl 383 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 27048, 00:01:45: Kloppy's 'Dersert Rose - Lvl 383 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27048, 00:44:49: Kloppy froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 350 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 27571, 17:38:05: Kloppy froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 350 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28888, 12:58:37: Kloppy froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 358 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29196, 17:59:22: rat lad - Lvl 37 (LammaJamma Gods) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aberrant Purlovia - Lvl 275 (Aberrant Purlovia)'! Day 29431, 08:42:31: Kloppy froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 359 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30789, 09:41:56: Kloppy froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 362 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30789, 10:26:40: Kloppy froze Ferox - Lvl 621 (Ferox) Day 30789, 10:54:28: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 318 (Desmodus) Day 31150, 17:25:30: Kloppy froze Ferox - Lvl 622 (Ferox) Day 31150, 18:08:42: Kloppy froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 403 (Bloodstalker) Day 31150, 20:35:38: Kloppy froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 403 (Bloodstalker) Day 31401, 16:32:03: Kloppy froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31401, 16:38:43: Kloppy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31401, 16:46:30: Kloppy froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31401, 18:18:15: Kloppy froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 363 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31404, 13:12:13: Kloppy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31404, 13:21:23: Kloppy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31404, 13:35:51: Kloppy froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31404, 13:51:34: Kloppy froze Juvenile !2L - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31404, 14:27:07: Kloppy froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 293 (Carnotaurus) Day 31404, 14:58:32: Kloppy froze Megatherium - Lvl 398 (Megatherium) Day 31404, 15:28:33: Kloppy froze Megatherium - Lvl 224 (Megatherium) Day 31404, 16:00:23: Kloppy froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 263 (Therizinosaur) Day 31404, 16:12:29: Kloppy froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 363 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31405, 11:51:01: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 326 (Desmodus) Day 31411, 23:15:29: Kloppy froze Fenrir - Lvl 423 (Fenrir) Day 31412, 01:33:15: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 327 (Desmodus) Day 31412, 04:26:15: Kloppy froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 214 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31412, 04:44:52: Kloppy froze Diplodocus - Lvl 330 (Diplodocus) Day 31412, 05:14:27: Kloppy froze Diplodocus - Lvl 225 (Diplodocus) Day 31412, 06:09:02: Kloppy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 485 (Tek Rex) Day 31412, 06:32:35: Kloppy froze Diplodocus - Lvl 225 (Diplodocus) Day 31412, 08:53:14: Your Megatherium - Lvl 398 (Megatherium) was killed by Kloppy - Lvl 172 (Tribe of Kloppy)! Day 31412, 08:53:14: Your Tribe killed Megatherium - Lvl 398 (Megatherium)! Day 31412, 09:53:12: Kloppy froze Megatherium - Lvl 349 (Megatherium) Day 31413, 09:17:37: Kloppy froze Mining - Lvl 327 (Magmasaur) Day 31413, 15:10:03: Kloppy froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 396 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31455, 17:31:07: Kloppy froze Zombie Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 571 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 31482, 18:05:03: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Fjordhawk - Lvl 212 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 31482, 18:07:57: Kloppy froze Baby Fjordhawk - Lvl 212 (Fjordhawk) Day 31482, 18:08:44: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Fjordhawk - Lvl 223 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 31482, 18:14:31: Kloppy froze Baby Fjordhawk - Lvl 223 (Fjordhawk) Day 31482, 18:40:16: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur)'! Day 31482, 18:43:19: Kloppy froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 31482, 18:44:15: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur)'! Day 31482, 18:47:22: Kloppy froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 31482, 21:29:21: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 327 (Desmodus) Day 31482, 21:46:06: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 160 (Rex)'! Day 31482, 21:50:30: Kloppy froze Baby Rex - Lvl 160 (Rex) Day 31482, 22:04:56: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Featherlight - Lvl 118 (Featherlight)'! Day 31482, 22:10:01: Kloppy froze Baby Featherlight - Lvl 118 (Featherlight) Day 31482, 22:12:52: Kloppy claimed 'Baby Featherlight - Lvl 139 (Featherlight)'! Day 31482, 22:17:05: Kloppy froze Baby Featherlight - Lvl 139 (Featherlight) Day 31482, 23:19:56: Kloppy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31482, 23:27:19: Kloppy froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31482, 23:35:15: Kloppy froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31482, 23:43:01: Kloppy froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31482, 23:51:01: Kloppy froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31483, 01:41:51: Kloppy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 485 (Tek Rex) Day 31483, 02:53:51: Kloppy froze Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 31483, 05:41:14: Kloppy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 481 (Tek Rex) Day 31483, 06:42:00: Kloppy unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex)'! Day 31483, 06:47:14: Kloppy unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 481 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31483, 06:50:39: Kloppy unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 485 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31483, 07:02:40: Your Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by Kloppy - Lvl 173 (Tribe of Kloppy)! Day 31483, 07:02:40: Your Tribe killed Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 31483, 07:28:05: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Kloppy - Lvl 173 (Tribe of Kloppy)! Day 31483, 07:28:05: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 31483, 10:49:36: Kloppy Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 176 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 31483, 10:59:42: Kloppy froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 176 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 31483, 12:19:32: Tribemember Kloppy - Lvl 173 was killed! Day 31483, 12:50:00: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus) Day 31483, 15:14:21: Kloppy claimed 'Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex)'! Day 31483, 15:23:31: Kloppy claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 481 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31483, 15:26:12: Kloppy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 481 (Tek Rex) Day 31483, 15:27:18: Kloppy claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 485 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31483, 15:30:02: Kloppy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 485 (Tek Rex) Day 31483, 15:39:04: Kloppy froze Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 31483, 15:54:02: Kloppy froze Transport - Lvl 386 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 31483, 16:29:27: Kloppy froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 396 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31498, 05:35:23: Kloppy froze Managarmr - Lvl 323 (Managarmr) Day 31498, 09:20:55: Kloppy froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 416 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 31572, 21:25:35: Kloppy froze Rex - Lvl 445 (Rex) Day 31572, 21:57:54: Kloppy froze Transport - Lvl 411 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 31573, 00:03:31: Kloppy froze Transport - Lvl 411 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 31573, 09:03:08: Kloppy froze Transport - Lvl 411 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 31590, 20:28:39: Kloppy froze SnowDragon - Lvl 472 (Snow Owl) Day 31590, 23:15:03: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 327 (Desmodus) Day 31613, 20:10:12: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 327 (Desmodus) Day 31613, 20:23:43: Kloppy froze SnowDragon - Lvl 472 (Snow Owl) Day 31613, 20:43:39: Kloppy froze M HE 12k ME 402% - Lvl 384 (Tek Rex) Day 31618, 10:23:04: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 327 (Desmodus) Day 31618, 20:28:52: Kloppy froze Purple Grey - Lvl 413 (Rex) Day 32025, 09:51:18: Kloppy froze SnowDragon - Lvl 472 (Snow Owl) Day 32876, 20:24:52: Kloppy froze Vulture - Lvl 231 (Vulture) Day 34406, 11:23:26: Kloppy froze Ferox - Lvl 631 (Ferox) Day 35224, 14:56:23: Kloppy froze Desmodus - Lvl 346 (Desmodus) Day 36425, 15:36:52: Kloppy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 515 (Shadowmane) Day 36425, 16:04:24: Kloppy froze Mek - Lvl 178 (Mek) Day 36425, 16:31:55: Kloppy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 513 (Tek Rex) Day 38307, 14:34:36: Kloppy froze SnowDragon - Lvl 472 (Snow Owl) Day 38577, 23:43:53: Kloppy froze Featherlight - Lvl 303 (Featherlight) Day 39761, 18:33:54: Kloppy froze SnowDragon - Lvl 472 (Snow Owl) Day 40884, 13:54:27: Kloppy froze Transport - Lvl 411 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40928, 14:45:08: Kloppy froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 396 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 41500, 08:49:25: Kloppy froze Transport - Lvl 418 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 41501, 09:42:34: Kloppy downloaded a dino: Rex - Lvl 217 Day 41501, 09:43:10: Kloppy downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 242 Day 41501, 09:43:39: Kloppy downloaded a dino: 145 - Lvl 209 Day 41501, 09:44:06: Could not find Spawn Location for Rex, Destroying... Day 41501, 09:45:30: Kloppy downloaded a dino: 165 - Lvl 318 Day 41501, 09:46:39: Kloppy downloaded a dino: 174 - Lvl 259 Day 41501, 09:47:18: Kloppy downloaded a dino: Diplodocus - Lvl 271 Day 41501, 09:48:05: Could not find Spawn Location for Wyvern, Destroying... Day 41501, 09:48:55: Could not find Spawn Location for Wyvern, Destroying... Day 41501, 10:56:08: Kloppy froze 165 - Lvl 319 (Tek Rex) Day 41501, 11:03:11: Kloppy froze 174 - Lvl 279 (Tek Parasaur) Day 41501, 11:12:13: Kloppy froze Rex - Lvl 279 (Rex) Day 41501, 11:22:06: Kloppy froze Diplodocus - Lvl 272 (Diplodocus) Day 41501, 11:29:07: Kloppy froze 145 - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 41501, 11:35:05: Kloppy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 242 (Pteranodon) Day 41501, 11:40:50: Kloppy downloaded a dino: холодная жопа - Lvl 115 Day 41501, 11:44:18: Kloppy froze холодная жопа - Lvl 115 (Ice Wyvern) Day 42124, 23:14:28: 174 - Lvl 279 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 42145, 23:25:14: Kloppy froze 219 M Miner - Lvl 422 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42146, 03:52:12: Kloppy froze Doedicurus - Lvl 410 (Doedicurus) Day 42386, 01:53:07: Kloppy froze 219 M Miner - Lvl 430 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43741, 22:49:03: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 242 (Pteranodon) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 396 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 43741, 22:49:03: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 242 (Pteranodon)! Day 43741, 22:49:52: Your Rex - Lvl 279 (Rex) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 396 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 43741, 22:49:52: Your Tribe killed Rex - Lvl 279 (Rex)! Day 43741, 22:51:39: Your 165 - Lvl 319 (Tek Rex) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 396 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 43741, 22:51:39: Your Tribe killed 165 - Lvl 319 (Tek Rex)! Day 43741, 22:59:12: Your Diplodocus - Lvl 272 (Diplodocus) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 396 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 43741, 22:59:12: Your Tribe killed Diplodocus - Lvl 272 (Diplodocus)! Day 43741, 23:01:43: Your 145 - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 396 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 43741, 23:01:43: Your Tribe killed 145 - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 43741, 23:27:12: Kloppy froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 396 (Lightning Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1310780994,"tribe":"Peace and Ark logs":["Day 14543, 23:19:34: 's 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 259 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 14543, 23:19:34: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 168 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17302, 09:07:09: Riddick claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 111 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 17302, 09:17:07: Riddick froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 111 (Dung Beetle) Day 17302, 09:22:10: Riddick claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 118 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 17302, 11:21:36: Riddick claimed 'Porkupine XD - Lvl 44 (Thorny Dragon)'! Day 17302, 11:23:08: Riddick claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 152 (Raptor)'! Day 17302, 11:24:46: Riddick claimed 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 82 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 17302, 11:32:38: Riddick claimed 'Equus - Lvl 104 (Equus)'! Day 17302, 11:34:04: Riddick claimed 'Equus - Lvl 126 (Equus)'! Day 17302, 11:40:29: Riddick claimed 'Pelagornis - Lvl 211 (Pelagornis)'! Day 17302, 13:31:57: Riddick claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 46 (Argentavis)'! Day 17302, 17:11:33: Your Porkupine XD - Lvl 44 (Thorny Dragon) was killed by Riddick - Lvl 124 (Peace and Ark)! Day 17302, 17:11:33: Your Tribe killed Porkupine XD - Lvl 44 (Thorny Dragon) (Peace and Ark)! Day 17302, 17:24:05: Your Argentavis - Lvl 46 (Argentavis) was killed by Riddick - Lvl 124 (Peace and Ark)! Day 17302, 17:24:05: Your Tribe killed Argentavis - Lvl 46 (Argentavis) (Peace and Ark)! Day 17302, 18:02:58: Riddick froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 118 (Dung Beetle) Day 17302, 18:12:54: Riddick froze Equus - Lvl 137 (Equus) Day 17302, 18:17:49: Riddick froze Equus - Lvl 115 (Equus) Day 17302, 18:23:06: Riddick froze Raptor - Lvl 164 (Raptor) Day 17308, 21:05:01: Riddick claimed 'Free boat, uncalim after (Raft)'! Day 17311, 14:05:53: Riddick froze Argentavis - Lvl 208 (Argentavis) Day 17311, 14:54:37: Riddick froze Argentavis - Lvl 208 (Argentavis) Day 17312, 05:57:07: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 17312, 20:51:30: Riddick unclaimed 'Free boat, uncalim after (Raft)'! Day 17322, 18:21:48: Riddick claimed 'Mr Rodders - Lvl 232 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 17323, 20:41:50: Riddick Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 16 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 17324, 08:50:28: Your Tribe Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 182 (Thylacoleo)! Day 17324, 10:06:38: Your Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 16 (Pulmonoscorpius) was killed by Riddick - Lvl 124 (Peace and Ark)! Day 17324, 10:06:38: Your Tribe killed Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 16 (Pulmonoscorpius) (Peace and Ark)! Day 17324, 10:51:12: Riddick froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 183 (Thylacoleo) Day 17324, 11:11:00: Riddick froze Equus - Lvl 154 (Equus) Day 17325, 09:19:04: Riddick froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 233 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17325, 12:03:56: Riddick froze Mr Rodders - Lvl 233 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17337, 20:27:02: Riddick Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 17337, 20:53:14: Riddick Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 17337, 21:25:09: Riddick Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 17338, 08:08:06: Riddick claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 181 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 17338, 08:10:07: Riddick claimed 'Mosasaurus - Lvl 224 (Mosasaurus)'! Day 17338, 08:23:49: Riddick claimed 'Megalodon - Lvl 200 (Megalodon)'! Day 17338, 11:57:46: Riddick froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 280 (Mosasaurus) Day 17339, 22:50:50: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 17340, 19:57:00: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 17341, 11:31:37: Riddick froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 220 (Basilosaurus) Day 17341, 16:02:54: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 17341, 18:34:50: Riddick froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 205 (Thylacoleo) Day 17341, 18:41:28: Riddick froze Raptor - Lvl 177 (Raptor) Day 17341, 18:44:35: Riddick froze Argentavis - Lvl 236 (Argentavis) Day 17341, 18:48:09: Riddick froze Argentavis - Lvl 236 (Argentavis) Day 17341, 19:00:24: Riddick froze Pelagornis - Lvl 238 (Pelagornis) Day 17341, 19:03:48: Riddick froze Megalodon - Lvl 286 (Megalodon) Day 17342, 09:53:44: Riddick froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 220 (Basilosaurus) Day 17342, 11:07:35: Riddick froze Chlamydia - Lvl 298 (Pteranodon) Day 17387, 20:11:42: Riddick claimed 'Free boat, uncalim after (Raft)'! Day 17387, 20:44:11: Riddick unclaimed 'Free boat, uncalim after (Raft)'! Day 17388, 15:38:09: Riddick claimed 'Baby Equus - Lvl 107 (Equus)'! Day 17388, 15:39:00: Riddick claimed 'Baby Equus - Lvl 107 (Equus)'! Day 17388, 15:40:47: Riddick froze Baby Equus - Lvl 107 (Equus) Day 17388, 15:42:24: Riddick froze Baby Equus - Lvl 107 (Equus) Day 17388, 17:51:37: Riddick Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 216 (Parasaur)! Day 17388, 17:55:13: Riddick froze Parasaur - Lvl 216 (Parasaur) Day 17388, 20:30:33: Riddick froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 332 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17395, 08:45:08: Riddick froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 349 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17420, 12:43:14: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 124 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 17420, 15:00:30: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 426 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17420, 22:46:13: Riddick froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 301 (Mosasaurus) Day 17420, 23:38:45: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 426 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17421, 00:00:04: Riddick froze Celina - Lvl 319 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17425, 15:09:31: Riddick froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 380 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17432, 14:07:55: Riddick Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 213 (Thylacoleo)! Day 17432, 14:12:17: Riddick froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 213 (Thylacoleo) Day 17432, 18:53:18: Riddick Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 187 (Thylacoleo)! Day 17432, 18:59:23: Riddick froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 187 (Thylacoleo) Day 17432, 19:05:49: Riddick demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 17432, 23:41:23: Riddick froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 213 (Thylacoleo) Day 17432, 23:46:54: Riddick froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 205 (Thylacoleo) Day 17432, 23:53:01: Riddick froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 187 (Thylacoleo) Day 17433, 06:00:31: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 386 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17446, 11:27:03: Riddick froze Luck - Lvl 331 (Otter) Day 17446, 11:30:28: Riddick froze Bony - Lvl 347 (Otter) Day 17446, 23:13:19: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 389 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17457, 12:30:20: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 389 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17485, 12:18:40: Riddick froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 316 (Mosasaurus) Day 17485, 19:27:18: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 394 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17489, 13:14:42: Riddick froze Deinonychus - Lvl 289 (Deinonychus) Day 17489, 13:17:25: Riddick froze Deinonychus - Lvl 300 (Deinonychus) Day 17489, 13:31:31: Riddick froze Pachyrhinosaurus - Lvl 353 (Pachyrhinosaurus) Day 17489, 13:34:26: Riddick froze Carbonemys - Lvl 382 (Carbonemys) Day 17489, 13:42:07: Riddick froze Bulbdog - Lvl 359 (Bulbdog) Day 17489, 14:15:51: Riddick froze Deinonychus - Lvl 305 (Deinonychus) Day 17489, 14:29:41: Riddick froze Deinonychus - Lvl 285 (Deinonychus) Day 17489, 14:54:30: Riddick froze Allosaurus - Lvl 202 (Allosaurus) Day 17489, 14:56:42: Riddick froze Allosaurus - Lvl 209 (Allosaurus) Day 17489, 14:59:09: Riddick froze Allosaurus - Lvl 217 (Allosaurus) Day 17489, 15:01:53: Riddick froze Allosaurus - Lvl 202 (Allosaurus) Day 17489, 15:40:28: Riddick froze Carbonemys - Lvl 209 (Carbonemys) Day 17489, 16:01:35: Riddick froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 134 (Dung Beetle) Day 17489, 16:10:26: Riddick froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 141 (Dung Beetle) Day 17489, 17:45:37: Riddick froze Bulbdog - Lvl 358 (Bulbdog) Day 17491, 07:21:38: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 395 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17518, 08:04:24: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 142 (Lystrosaurus) Day 17518, 08:27:05: Riddick Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 17519, 07:27:32: Riddick claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 161 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17519, 07:29:13: Riddick froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 161 (Shadowmane) Day 17519, 07:34:10: Riddick froze Female - Lvl 222 (Shadowmane) Day 17519, 08:09:36: Riddick froze Melee - Lvl 321 (Shadowmane) Day 17519, 18:56:08: Riddick froze Melee - Lvl 322 (Shadowmane) Day 17519, 19:00:14: Riddick froze Female - Lvl 222 (Shadowmane) Day 17525, 06:49:15: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 401 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17563, 08:12:57: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 409 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17570, 09:34:37: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 433 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17593, 18:43:04: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 409 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17613, 09:24:33: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 414 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17634, 06:41:25: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 416 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17659, 08:16:24: Riddick froze Pteranodon - Lvl 375 (Pteranodon) Day 17659, 08:38:51: Riddick froze Pteranodon - Lvl 375 (Pteranodon) Day 17659, 08:46:36: Riddick froze Pteranodon - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon) Day 17659, 08:48:52: Riddick froze Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 17659, 08:51:48: Riddick froze Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 17659, 08:54:06: Riddick froze Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 17659, 09:25:03: Riddick Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 17659, 11:22:46: Riddick Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 17659, 15:40:33: Riddick froze Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 17659, 15:45:30: Riddick froze Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 17659, 17:32:29: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 420 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17672, 14:35:05: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 422 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17676, 09:19:33: Riddick Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 134 (Dimorphodon)! Day 17676, 11:23:05: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 425 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17682, 07:18:50: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 425 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17692, 10:04:08: Riddick Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 37 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 17692, 10:06:57: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 37 (Lystrosaurus) Day 17692, 11:01:03: Riddick Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 37 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 17692, 11:12:11: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 37 (Lystrosaurus) Day 17692, 11:20:27: Riddick Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 216 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 17692, 11:22:54: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 216 (Lystrosaurus) Day 17692, 15:51:35: Riddick claimed 'Equus - Lvl 202 (Equus)'! Day 17692, 15:57:20: Riddick froze Equus - Lvl 202 (Equus) Day 17692, 15:58:06: Riddick claimed 'Equus - Lvl 162 (Equus)'! Day 17692, 16:04:43: Riddick unclaimed 'Equus - Lvl 162 (Equus)'! Day 17692, 16:05:17: Riddick claimed 'Equus - Lvl 146 (Equus)'! Day 17692, 16:07:17: Riddick unclaimed 'Equus - Lvl 146 (Equus)'! Day 17692, 16:07:57: Riddick claimed 'Equus - Lvl 146 (Equus)'! Day 17692, 16:11:15: Riddick unclaimed 'Equus - Lvl 146 (Equus)'! Day 17692, 16:12:07: Riddick claimed 'Direwolf - Lvl 140 (Direwolf)'! Day 17692, 16:18:02: Riddick unclaimed 'Direwolf - Lvl 140 (Direwolf)'! Day 17692, 16:19:43: Riddick claimed 'Baby Equus - Lvl 64 (Equus)'! Day 17692, 16:23:10: Riddick froze Baby Equus - Lvl 64 (Equus) Day 17692, 18:30:07: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 436 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17692, 19:59:07: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 426 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17699, 04:54:24: Riddick froze Argentavis - Lvl 236 (Argentavis) Day 17699, 05:50:14: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 426 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17704, 02:08:36: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 436 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17704, 05:55:55: Riddick froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 217 (Tropeognathus) Day 17706, 21:12:19: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 437 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17706, 22:16:01: Riddick froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 224 (Tropeognathus) Day 17719, 12:07:44: Riddick froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 17719, 12:24:25: Riddick froze Doedicurus - Lvl 241 (Doedicurus) Day 17719, 14:07:41: Riddick froze Doedicurus - Lvl 245 (Doedicurus) Day 17719, 14:10:20: Riddick froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 17719, 19:53:21: Riddick froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 17719, 19:56:14: Riddick froze Doedicurus - Lvl 245 (Doedicurus) Day 17719, 22:01:42: Riddick froze Doedicurus - Lvl 247 (Doedicurus) Day 17719, 22:10:17: Riddick froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 17720, 11:31:53: Riddick froze Doedicurus - Lvl 250 (Doedicurus) Day 17720, 11:34:54: Riddick froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 17721, 13:31:20: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 438 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17721, 14:53:42: Riddick froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 246 (Tropeognathus) Day 17748, 06:24:45: Riddick froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 262 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17748, 18:46:12: Riddick froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 256 (Tropeognathus) Day 17748, 19:24:19: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 442 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17767, 08:29:36: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 443 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17789, 23:44:31: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 444 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17790, 10:43:47: Riddick froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 286 (Tropeognathus) Day 17824, 06:27:44: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 445 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17824, 06:35:16: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 445 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17832, 08:10:27: Riddick claimed 'Gacha - Lvl 181 (Gacha)'! Day 17832, 08:16:40: Riddick claimed 'Aberrant Iguanodon - Lvl 269 (Aberrant Iguanodon)'! Day 17832, 08:18:39: Riddick claimed 'Equus - Lvl 219 (Equus)'! Day 17832, 08:19:40: Riddick claimed 'Equus - Lvl 219 (Equus)'! Day 17832, 08:22:00: Riddick claimed 'Turd Burgler - Lvl 277 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 17832, 08:24:25: Riddick claimed 'Aberrant Paraceratherium - Lvl 227 (Aberrant Paraceratherium)'! Day 17832, 08:29:39: Riddick claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 276 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 17832, 08:39:45: Riddick claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 269 (Doedicurus)'! Day 17832, 14:47:56: Riddick froze Gacha - Lvl 184 (Gacha) Day 17832, 14:50:40: Riddick froze Aberrant Paraceratherium - Lvl 229 (Aberrant Paraceratherium) Day 17832, 14:56:00: Riddick froze Aberrant Iguanodon - Lvl 271 (Aberrant Iguanodon) Day 17832, 14:59:30: Riddick froze Doedicurus - Lvl 269 (Doedicurus) Day 17832, 15:02:34: Riddick froze Turd Burgler - Lvl 280 (Dung Beetle) Day 17832, 15:05:17: Riddick froze Equus - Lvl 243 (Equus) Day 17832, 15:07:56: Riddick froze Equus - Lvl 229 (Equus) Day 17832, 15:10:46: Riddick froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 277 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17832, 20:13:38: Riddick froze Raptor - Lvl 239 (Raptor) Day 17833, 10:35:19: Riddick froze Bounty Killer - Lvl 304 (Shadowmane) Day 17833, 16:09:43: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 445 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17845, 13:24:24: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 445 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17845, 13:46:34: Riddick froze Bounty Killer - Lvl 331 (Shadowmane) Day 17845, 14:06:12: Riddick froze Bounty Killer - Lvl 331 (Shadowmane) Day 17845, 14:25:42: Riddick froze Bounty Killer - Lvl 331 (Shadowmane) Day 17845, 19:24:59: Riddick froze Bounty Killer - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 17846, 02:19:40: Riddick froze Bounty Killer - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 17846, 16:13:39: Riddick Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 17846, 16:16:13: Riddick Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 17847, 19:05:08: Riddick froze Doedicurus - Lvl 255 (Doedicurus) Day 17847, 21:45:01: Riddick froze Doedicurus - Lvl 256 (Doedicurus) Day 17847, 21:53:31: Riddick froze Bounty Killer - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 17848, 10:08:16: Riddick Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 17848, 11:10:48: Riddick froze Bounty Killer - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 17848, 14:48:54: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 445 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17914, 06:11:07: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17948, 04:08:47: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 448 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17948, 07:12:16: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 448 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17948, 20:22:42: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 448 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17949, 17:24:27: Riddick froze Bounty Killer - Lvl 339 (Shadowmane) Day 17950, 05:02:24: Riddick Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus)! Day 17950, 16:28:08: Riddick claimed 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 17951, 14:58:38: Riddick Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus)! Day 17953, 04:07:49: Riddick froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 255 (Basilosaurus) Day 17953, 16:16:39: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 448 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17975, 19:38:38: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 448 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17991, 03:24:46: Riddick Tamed a Tapejara - Lvl 189 (Tapejara)! Day 17991, 04:11:36: Riddick froze Tapejara - Lvl 189 (Tapejara) Day 17991, 22:46:36: Riddick claimed 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 236 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 17992, 09:12:40: Riddick froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 236 (Basilosaurus) Day 17993, 10:00:20: Riddick froze Juvenile Moby - Lvl 236 (Basilosaurus) Day 17994, 00:19:01: Riddick froze Adolescent Moby - Lvl 236 (Basilosaurus) Day 17994, 21:55:07: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 340 (Shadowmane) Day 17994, 23:14:41: Riddick froze Nereus - Lvl 255 (Basilosaurus) Day 17994, 23:22:14: Riddick froze Poseidon - Lvl 236 (Basilosaurus) Day 17994, 23:31:19: Riddick froze Thalassa - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus) Day 17995, 00:14:21: Riddick froze Pontos - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus) Day 17995, 04:29:28: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 448 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18020, 17:45:41: Riddick Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)! Day 18021, 23:53:58: Riddick claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18021, 23:56:55: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 18023, 13:34:10: Riddick Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 142 (Ovis)! Day 18023, 13:38:08: Your Ovis - Lvl 142 (Ovis) was killed by Riddick - Lvl 124 (Peace and Ark)! Day 18023, 13:38:08: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 142 (Ovis) (Peace and Ark)! Day 18024, 02:15:28: Riddick froze Poseidon - Lvl 338 (Basilosaurus) Day 18024, 03:59:26: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 341 (Shadowmane) Day 18024, 05:59:39: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 448 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18027, 15:31:02: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 341 (Shadowmane) Day 18028, 08:45:04: Riddick froze Chronixx - Lvl 272 (Shadowmane) Day 18028, 09:46:01: Riddick froze Chronixx - Lvl 272 (Shadowmane) Day 18028, 09:51:07: Riddick froze Doedicurus - Lvl 261 (Doedicurus) Day 18028, 16:17:52: Riddick froze Doedicurus - Lvl 261 (Doedicurus) Day 18028, 16:25:00: Riddick froze Chronixx - Lvl 272 (Shadowmane) Day 18029, 09:08:54: Riddick froze Chronixx - Lvl 272 (Shadowmane) Day 18029, 09:21:01: Riddick froze Doedicurus - Lvl 261 (Doedicurus) Day 18029, 12:18:50: Riddick froze Doedicurus - Lvl 262 (Doedicurus) Day 18029, 12:27:13: Riddick froze Chronixx - Lvl 273 (Shadowmane) Day 18029, 13:24:05: Riddick froze Doedicurus - Lvl 263 (Doedicurus) Day 18030, 13:51:54: Riddick froze Doedicurus - Lvl 263 (Doedicurus) Day 18030, 13:55:45: Riddick froze Chronixx - Lvl 273 (Shadowmane) Day 18034, 17:24:39: Riddick demolished a 'Adobe Window Wall'! Day 18035, 01:40:24: Riddick Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 149 (Dimorphodon)! Day 18041, 23:15:11: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane) Day 18042, 01:22:51: Riddick froze Poseidon - Lvl 338 (Basilosaurus) Day 18042, 04:06:56: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 448 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18048, 11:55:38: Riddick froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) Day 18048, 23:33:04: Riddick froze Poseidon - Lvl 338 (Basilosaurus) Day 18049, 00:32:15: Riddick froze Poseidon - Lvl 338 (Basilosaurus) Day 18049, 00:58:55: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane) Day 18049, 12:20:55: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 449 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18071, 23:29:51: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 449 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18078, 13:57:04: Riddick froze Juvenile Kairuku - Lvl 202 (Kairuku) Day 18078, 14:47:45: Riddick froze Poseidon - Lvl 339 (Basilosaurus) Day 18079, 10:15:15: Riddick froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 166 (Dimorphodon) Day 18079, 10:20:25: Riddick froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 181 (Dimorphodon) Day 18088, 09:24:45: Riddick froze Maewing - Lvl 254 (Maewing) Day 18090, 11:36:39: Riddick froze Poseidon - Lvl 352 (Basilosaurus) Day 18091, 01:54:21: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 449 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18093, 13:34:47: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 449 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18093, 13:48:51: Riddick froze Kevin - Lvl 317 (Maewing) Day 18094, 06:12:07: Riddick froze Kevin - Lvl 317 (Maewing) Day 18094, 07:13:34: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 449 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18127, 08:23:19: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane) Day 18127, 14:02:11: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 449 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18135, 02:17:15: Riddick Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 134 (Parasaur)! Day 18136, 08:26:43: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) Day 18136, 08:46:03: Riddick froze Doedicurus - Lvl 266 (Doedicurus) Day 18136, 11:42:26: Riddick froze Doedicurus - Lvl 267 (Doedicurus) Day 18136, 11:47:19: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) Day 18138, 12:20:50: Riddick demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 18139, 13:55:04: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 449 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18140, 02:39:23: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 449 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18141, 00:53:50: Riddick demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 18143, 02:05:12: Riddick froze Rasta Rocket - Lvl 304 (Tropeognathus) Day 18143, 02:35:13: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) Day 18144, 05:46:15: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 449 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18157, 12:03:45: Riddick froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 272 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18157, 12:29:05: Riddick froze Argentavis - Lvl 300 (Argentavis) Day 18157, 13:40:07: Riddick froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 272 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18157, 13:49:31: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 450 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18157, 14:37:19: Riddick froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 273 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18157, 20:31:50: Riddick froze Argentavis - Lvl 300 (Argentavis) Day 18158, 08:21:44: Riddick demolished a 'Spike Wall'! Day 18159, 17:27:34: Riddick froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 276 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18159, 18:45:57: Riddick froze Argentavis - Lvl 300 (Argentavis) Day 18159, 19:53:36: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 450 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18159, 20:12:12: Riddick froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 276 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18159, 21:36:31: Riddick froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 276 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18161, 03:47:19: Riddick froze Poseidon - Lvl 352 (Basilosaurus) Day 18161, 04:32:37: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) Day 18161, 07:40:21: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 450 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18165, 19:31:23: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) Day 18166, 06:10:05: Riddick claimed 'Rex - Lvl 206 (Rex)'! Day 18166, 06:25:11: Riddick froze Rex - Lvl 206 (Rex) Day 18166, 06:31:35: Riddick claimed 'egg maker - Lvl 208 (Rex)'! Day 18166, 06:33:52: Riddick claimed 'egg maker - Lvl 200 (Rex)'! Day 18166, 06:37:07: Riddick claimed 'Rex - Lvl 196 (Rex)'! Day 18166, 06:46:33: Riddick froze egg maker - Lvl 208 (Rex) Day 18166, 06:59:01: Riddick froze egg maker - Lvl 200 (Rex) Day 18166, 11:12:58: Riddick Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 67 (Phiomia)! Day 18166, 12:44:25: Riddick Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 127 (Phiomia)! Day 18166, 16:25:07: Riddick froze Phiomia - Lvl 127 (Phiomia) Day 18166, 16:30:08: Riddick froze Phiomia - Lvl 67 (Phiomia) Day 18166, 18:21:04: Riddick froze Rex - Lvl 196 (Rex) Day 18167, 13:47:31: Riddick froze Poseidon - Lvl 353 (Basilosaurus) Day 18167, 17:30:51: Riddick froze Phiomia - Lvl 127 (Phiomia) Day 18167, 17:40:31: Riddick froze Phiomia - Lvl 67 (Phiomia) Day 18167, 20:30:14: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 344 (Shadowmane) Day 18168, 01:01:10: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 344 (Shadowmane) Day 18168, 03:54:42: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 344 (Shadowmane) Day 18168, 04:43:59: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 450 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18172, 10:27:46: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 450 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18173, 11:33:58: Riddick froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 277 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18173, 12:20:32: Riddick froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 277 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18174, 01:04:05: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 105 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18176, 15:31:34: Riddick froze Poseidon - Lvl 353 (Basilosaurus) Day 18176, 17:11:18: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 344 (Shadowmane) Day 18176, 18:33:40: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 450 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18177, 01:24:03: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 450 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18184, 11:52:37: Riddick froze Rasta Rocket - Lvl 305 (Tropeognathus) Day 18184, 15:17:51: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 450 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18210, 19:28:28: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 345 (Shadowmane) Day 18216, 06:58:38: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 345 (Shadowmane) Day 18216, 07:34:42: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 450 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18218, 02:35:53: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 345 (Shadowmane) Day 18229, 00:41:15: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 450 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18243, 19:34:18: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 345 (Shadowmane) Day 18243, 20:06:53: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 450 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18288, 09:40:33: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 451 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18335, 10:35:10: Riddick froze Pelagornis - Lvl 245 (Pelagornis) Day 18336, 05:26:05: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 347 (Shadowmane) Day 18336, 06:49:11: Riddick claimed 'Equus - Lvl 146 (Equus)'! Day 18336, 06:52:03: Riddick froze Equus - Lvl 146 (Equus) Day 18336, 06:55:50: Riddick claimed 'Equus - Lvl 162 (Equus)'! Day 18336, 06:58:40: Riddick froze Equus - Lvl 162 (Equus) Day 18336, 07:22:22: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 452 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18366, 19:52:30: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 452 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18366, 20:20:40: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 348 (Shadowmane) Day 18367, 17:41:56: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 348 (Shadowmane) Day 18367, 19:15:14: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 452 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18389, 13:46:50: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 452 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18394, 05:39:44: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 452 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18415, 10:41:02: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 452 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18437, 15:51:21: Riddick demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18439, 14:09:34: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 166 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18440, 14:27:20: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 350 (Shadowmane) Day 18440, 16:48:07: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 452 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18441, 07:09:34: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 350 (Shadowmane) Day 18441, 07:31:35: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 452 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18441, 18:05:04: Riddick froze Tanky - Lvl 328 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18441, 20:24:21: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 453 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18461, 05:28:40: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 453 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18487, 17:20:30: Riddick froze Rob - Lvl 342 (Argentavis) Day 18487, 21:43:20: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 453 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18551, 11:29:13: Riddick froze Pelagornis - Lvl 257 (Pelagornis) Day 18551, 13:49:00: Riddick froze Doedicurus - Lvl 282 (Doedicurus) Day 18551, 13:55:30: Riddick froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 286 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18551, 22:01:46: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 284 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18551, 22:29:02: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 109 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18551, 23:11:41: Riddick froze Maewing - Lvl 254 (Maewing) Day 18551, 23:17:05: Riddick froze Pteranodon - Lvl 285 (Pteranodon) Day 18552, 00:06:46: Riddick froze Jerboa - Lvl 68 (Jerboa) Day 18552, 00:24:28: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 453 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18552, 00:47:28: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 453 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18552, 01:22:06: Riddick froze davis Arthur - Lvl 246 (Otter) Day 18552, 09:01:23: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 18552, 09:58:30: Riddick froze Equus - Lvl 191 (Equus) Day 18552, 10:05:17: Riddick froze Equus - Lvl 162 (Equus) Day 18552, 14:03:01: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 453 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18611, 01:29:31: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 18611, 08:21:37: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 453 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18701, 04:04:44: Parasaur - Lvl 182 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 18702, 18:50:54: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 18703, 07:04:24: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 18703, 08:53:46: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 454 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18806, 13:44:24: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 454 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18965, 13:19:23: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18965, 13:19:23: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19107, 11:18:52: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19107, 11:18:52: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19239, 12:53:30: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 19239, 14:14:42: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 19239, 16:42:36: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 457 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19707, 05:45:36: Parasaur - Lvl 282 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 19707, 06:31:51: 's 'Equus - Lvl 162 (Equus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 19707, 06:31:51: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 286 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 19707, 06:31:51: 's 'Phiomia - Lvl 127 (Phiomia)' died in a Cryopod!"] "tribeid":1309355445,"tribe":"Tribe of clive logs":["Day 35289, 01:59:22: clive was added to the Tribe! Day 35289, 02:13:31: my dk was added to the Tribe by clive! Day 35289, 05:04:52: Tribemember my dk - Lvl 93 was killed! Day 35289, 05:06:01: Your Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 211 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 35289, 06:56:04: Tribemember my dk - Lvl 93 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 60! Day 35289, 07:25:16: clive froze Flame On - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern) Day 35289, 07:27:54: Tribemember my dk - Lvl 93 was killed! Day 35289, 08:22:08: clive was removed from the Tribe! Day 35289, 08:22:08: Tribe Owner was changed to my dk! Day 35294, 23:54:31: my dk froze Flame On - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern) Day 35320, 23:45:15: my dk demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 35320, 23:46:15: my dk demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 35320, 23:47:37: my dk demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 35320, 23:48:55: my dk demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35320, 23:51:05: my dk demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35320, 23:52:12: my dk demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35320, 23:54:12: my dk demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35320, 23:55:24: my dk demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35321, 01:10:16: my dk froze Flame On - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern) Day 35615, 07:37:51: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1309270895,"tribe":"Gucci Gang logs":["Day 15765, 02:45:08: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15770, 10:38:03: MistaRose froze Fem H9 W1 - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) Day 15770, 13:43:01: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15770, 13:44:30: MistaRose froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 15771, 18:47:54: MistaRose froze Crafting Bench 3 - Lvl 395 (X-Argentavis) Day 15771, 23:42:00: MistaRose froze Moschops - Lvl 317 (Moschops) Day 15773, 05:20:45: MistaRose froze God Mantis - Lvl 484 (Mantis) Day 15773, 05:33:21: MistaRose froze H9 - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 15773, 07:11:32: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15773, 07:13:09: MistaRose froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 15773, 07:17:21: Your Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 157 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 15773, 07:17:21: Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 157 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) starved to death! Day 15773, 08:04:35: MistaRose froze Megachelon - Lvl 192 (Megachelon) Day 15773, 08:06:23: MistaRose froze Megachelon - Lvl 320 (Megachelon) Day 15773, 09:34:11: MistaRose froze Megachelon - Lvl 192 (Megachelon) Day 15773, 10:07:26: MistaRose froze Megachelon - Lvl 320 (Megachelon) Day 15773, 10:43:37: Your M6 Male - Lvl 308 (X-Argentavis) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 377 (Lightning Wyvern) (Gucci Gang)! Day 15773, 10:43:37: Your Tribe killed M6 Male - Lvl 308 (X-Argentavis) (Gucci Gang)! Day 15773, 21:51:14: MistaRose froze Robin - Lvl 381 (Snow Owl) Day 15777, 07:06:37: MistaRose froze Male H9 - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 15777, 07:14:10: MistaRose froze H9 - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 15777, 07:18:20: MistaRose froze Fem H9 W1 - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) Day 15777, 09:40:39: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15777, 09:42:24: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15777, 09:48:07: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15777, 09:49:42: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15777, 10:09:34: MistaRose froze M11 Male - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex) Day 15777, 11:18:00: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15777, 11:20:28: MistaRose froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) Day 15777, 11:27:54: MistaRose froze M12 Female - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) Day 15777, 12:17:24: MistaRose froze Pelagornis - Lvl 264 (Pelagornis) Day 15777, 14:36:01: MistaRose froze God Mantis - Lvl 484 (Mantis) Day 15777, 14:55:28: MistaRose froze Robin - Lvl 381 (Snow Owl) Day 15777, 17:08:23: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 371 (Managarmr) Day 15777, 19:12:50: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 371 (Managarmr) Day 15784, 06:25:13: MistaRose froze M12 Male - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) Day 15784, 06:31:59: MistaRose froze M11 Male - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex) Day 15784, 06:50:46: Your M12 Female - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 377 (Lightning Wyvern) (Gucci Gang)! Day 15784, 06:50:46: Your Tribe killed M12 Female - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) (Gucci Gang)! Day 15784, 06:51:51: Your Fem H9 W1 - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 377 (Lightning Wyvern) (Gucci Gang)! Day 15784, 06:51:51: Your Tribe killed Fem H9 W1 - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) (Gucci Gang)! Day 15784, 06:52:55: Your M11 Male - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 377 (Lightning Wyvern) (Gucci Gang)! Day 15784, 06:52:55: Your Tribe killed M11 Male - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex) (Gucci Gang)! Day 15784, 06:55:14: Your Male H9 - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 377 (Lightning Wyvern) (Gucci Gang)! Day 15784, 06:55:14: Your Tribe killed Male H9 - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) (Gucci Gang)! Day 15784, 06:58:17: Your H9 - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 377 (Lightning Wyvern) (Gucci Gang)! Day 15784, 06:58:17: Your Tribe killed H9 - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) (Gucci Gang)! Day 15784, 07:12:19: MistaRose froze God Mantis - Lvl 494 (Mantis) Day 15784, 07:35:48: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 371 (Managarmr) Day 15784, 07:48:38: MistaRose froze Crafting Bench 3 - Lvl 395 (X-Argentavis) Day 15784, 20:33:34: MistaRose claimed 'Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 157 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15784, 20:39:15: MistaRose froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 157 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 15785, 04:14:45: MistaRose froze Magmasaur - Lvl 316 (Magmasaur) Day 15785, 04:25:56: MistaRose froze Magmasaur - Lvl 299 (Magmasaur) Day 15785, 04:29:50: MistaRose froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 336 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15785, 04:33:46: MistaRose froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15785, 08:50:56: MistaRose froze Tek Rex - Lvl 428 (Tek Rex) Day 15785, 15:07:07: MistaRose froze Good Stam/dmg - Lvl 339 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 15785, 15:10:48: MistaRose froze Spino - Lvl 388 (Spino) Day 15785, 15:16:03: MistaRose froze Reaper King - Lvl 277 (Reaper King) Day 15785, 15:21:10: MistaRose froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 352 (Therizinosaur) Day 15785, 15:54:47: MistaRose froze Megalodon - Lvl 351 (Megalodon) Day 15785, 16:13:51: MistaRose froze Robin - Lvl 381 (Snow Owl) Day 15785, 16:34:33: MistaRose froze Pelagornis - Lvl 266 (Pelagornis) Day 15785, 18:57:41: MistaRose froze X-Otter - Lvl 346 (X-Otter) Day 15785, 19:05:26: MistaRose froze Male 2 4 - Lvl 157 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 15789, 05:35:33: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15789, 05:36:58: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15789, 05:39:46: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15789, 05:41:11: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15798, 13:06:59: MistaRose froze Male 4 - Lvl 30 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 15798, 16:12:14: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15798, 16:14:53: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15798, 16:19:42: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15798, 16:21:40: MistaRose froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex) Day 15798, 16:23:11: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15798, 16:24:38: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15798, 16:53:48: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15798, 16:55:09: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15798, 16:56:27: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15798, 16:57:54: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15798, 18:13:55: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15798, 18:15:17: MistaRose froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 15798, 18:20:30: Your Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 378 (Lightning Wyvern) (Gucci Gang)! Day 15798, 18:20:30: Your Tribe killed Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) (Gucci Gang)! Day 15798, 21:04:32: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15798, 21:08:53: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15798, 21:11:25: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15798, 21:14:46: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15798, 21:54:28: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 372 (Managarmr) Day 15809, 07:48:33: MistaRose demolished a 'Giant Metal Hatchframe'! Day 15809, 07:50:25: MistaRose demolished a 'Giant Metal Hatchframe'! Day 15809, 08:05:24: Your Clean Perfect - Lvl 311 (Mantis) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 378 (Lightning Wyvern) (Gucci Gang)! Day 15809, 08:05:24: Your Tribe killed Clean Perfect - Lvl 311 (Mantis) (Gucci Gang)! Day 15809, 09:15:41: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 303 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15809, 09:17:26: MistaRose froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 303 (Tek Rex) Day 15809, 14:22:29: Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 303 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 15844, 15:16:45: MistaRose froze Quetzal - Lvl 355 (Quetzal) Day 15844, 15:24:25: MistaRose froze M25 Beast - Lvl 501 (Mantis) Day 15858, 16:32:11: Jayus added 'Gucci Gang' Tribe to friend Alliance! Day 15891, 19:58:37: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15891, 20:00:49: MistaRose froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 15891, 20:02:47: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15891, 20:04:09: MistaRose froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex) Day 15892, 01:54:23: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15892, 01:59:29: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15892, 02:05:31: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15892, 02:09:19: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15892, 02:10:08: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15892, 05:26:24: MistaRose claimed 'Juvenile X-Argentavis - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15892, 05:27:53: MistaRose unclaimed 'Juvenile X-Argentavis - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15892, 05:30:29: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15892, 05:31:56: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15892, 05:40:36: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15892, 05:59:09: MistaRose froze Juvenile X-Argentavis - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis) Day 15892, 06:05:33: MistaRose froze Juvenile X-Argentavis - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis) Day 15905, 14:47:10: MistaRose froze Female 2 3 - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 15905, 14:48:54: MistaRose froze Male 2 4 - Lvl 157 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 15905, 15:06:34: MistaRose froze M12 Male - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) Day 15905, 15:37:38: Your Clean Perfect - Lvl 408 (Mantis) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 378 (Lightning Wyvern) (Gucci Gang)! Day 15905, 15:37:38: Your Tribe killed Clean Perfect - Lvl 408 (Mantis) (Gucci Gang)! Day 15905, 15:54:38: MistaRose froze M13 Male - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex) Day 15905, 18:53:39: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15905, 18:55:41: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15905, 18:58:30: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15905, 19:00:06: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15905, 19:11:03: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15905, 19:12:35: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15905, 19:13:35: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15905, 19:15:01: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15949, 10:52:39: MistaRose froze M13 Male - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex) Day 15949, 11:53:17: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15949, 11:54:55: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15949, 12:01:55: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15949, 12:06:44: MistaRose froze Baby M14 Male - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 15949, 13:21:47: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15949, 13:34:02: MistaRose froze Baby M8 male - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis) Day 15955, 05:15:11: MistaRose froze Moschops - Lvl 318 (Moschops) Day 15967, 02:53:23: Male 3 4 - Lvl 66 (Mammoth) starved to death! Day 15976, 16:14:17: MistaRose froze M13 Male - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex) Day 15976, 16:20:12: MistaRose froze M13 Fem - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex) Day 15976, 17:40:17: MistaRose froze M14 Male - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 15976, 19:14:47: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15976, 19:16:50: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15976, 19:19:44: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15976, 19:21:22: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15976, 19:22:55: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15976, 19:24:34: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15976, 19:31:29: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15976, 19:33:26: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15976, 19:40:10: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15976, 19:42:03: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15976, 19:47:56: MistaRose froze M8 Fem - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis) Day 15976, 19:56:23: MistaRose froze Male M7 - Lvl 310 (X-Argentavis) Day 15977, 05:14:47: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 314 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15977, 05:16:38: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 314 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15977, 09:22:54: MistaRose froze \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ - Lvl 431 (Tek Rex) Day 15977, 09:24:18: MistaRose froze Tek Rex - Lvl 425 (Tek Rex) Day 15977, 09:25:39: MistaRose froze Tek Rex - Lvl 425 (Tek Rex) Day 15977, 09:27:56: MistaRose froze \\\\\\ - Lvl 425 (Tek Rex) Day 15977, 09:29:48: MistaRose froze Tek Rex - Lvl 431 (Tek Rex) Day 15977, 09:31:12: MistaRose froze Tek Rex - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 15977, 09:33:51: MistaRose froze Tek Rex - Lvl 425 (Tek Rex) Day 15977, 09:36:58: MistaRose froze Tek Rex - Lvl 417 (Tek Rex) Day 15977, 09:38:19: MistaRose froze Tek Rex - Lvl 425 (Tek Rex) Day 15977, 09:46:36: MistaRose froze Tek Rex - Lvl 425 (Tek Rex) Day 15977, 09:57:17: MistaRose froze Tek Rex - Lvl 425 (Tek Rex) Day 15977, 10:38:36: MistaRose froze Tek Rex - Lvl 431 (Tek Rex) Day 15977, 10:41:22: MistaRose froze Tek Rex - Lvl 439 (Tek Rex) Day 15977, 10:42:45: MistaRose froze Tek Rex - Lvl 439 (Tek Rex) Day 15977, 10:44:20: MistaRose froze Tek Rex - Lvl 425 (Tek Rex) Day 15997, 14:29:18: MistaRose froze M14 Male - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 15997, 15:59:30: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15997, 16:09:13: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15997, 16:09:46: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15997, 16:11:11: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15997, 16:12:40: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15997, 16:14:07: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15997, 16:19:07: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15997, 16:23:12: MistaRose froze Baby M15 Male - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 15997, 17:53:29: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 314 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15997, 17:55:20: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 314 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15997, 18:01:30: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 314 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 15997, 18:02:57: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 314 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16038, 05:42:18: MistaRose froze Rock Drake - Lvl 329 (Rock Drake) Day 16047, 06:21:58: MistaRose froze M14 Male - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 16047, 08:53:29: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 314 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16047, 08:54:55: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 314 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16058, 19:33:55: Bunja - Lvl 66 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 16060, 17:00:39: Snow Owl - Lvl 293 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 16061, 06:05:16: MistaRose froze M15 Male - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 16061, 06:09:30: MistaRose froze M15 Male - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 16061, 06:25:28: MistaRose froze F235 - Lvl 409 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16061, 07:17:08: MistaRose froze M15 Male - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 16061, 07:30:26: MistaRose froze Reaper King - Lvl 349 (Reaper King) Day 16061, 08:19:12: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16061, 08:21:11: MistaRose froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 16061, 08:22:41: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16061, 08:24:02: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16061, 08:24:13: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16061, 08:25:52: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16061, 08:33:07: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16061, 08:35:59: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16061, 08:38:00: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16061, 08:41:37: MistaRose froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex) Day 16061, 09:06:09: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16061, 09:07:45: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16061, 09:14:42: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16061, 09:16:14: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16061, 09:19:50: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16061, 09:22:11: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16061, 11:57:53: MistaRose froze M24 - Lvl 363 (Mantis) Day 16061, 13:14:11: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16061, 13:15:39: MistaRose froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 16061, 14:03:18: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16061, 14:54:27: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 314 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16061, 14:56:00: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 314 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16061, 14:57:36: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 314 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16061, 15:00:48: MistaRose froze Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 314 (X-Argentavis) Day 16061, 15:01:20: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 314 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16061, 15:05:45: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 314 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16061, 15:07:21: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 314 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16061, 15:08:07: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 314 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16061, 15:10:20: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 314 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16061, 15:12:28: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 314 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16061, 15:15:35: MistaRose froze Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 314 (X-Argentavis) Day 16061, 15:51:19: MistaRose froze M15 Male - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 16061, 18:50:27: MistaRose froze Male H8 - Lvl 319 (Tek Rex) Day 16061, 19:19:16: MistaRose froze Juvenile M16 Female - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex) Day 16061, 19:20:46: MistaRose froze Juvenile H9 Male - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 16061, 19:22:18: MistaRose froze Perfect Male - Lvl 303 (Tek Rex) Day 16061, 19:23:42: MistaRose froze Juvenile Male M9 - Lvl 314 (X-Argentavis) Day 16063, 19:08:00: Juvenile X-Argentavis - Lvl 314 (X-Argentavis) starved to death! Day 16063, 19:08:03: Juvenile X-Argentavis - Lvl 314 (X-Argentavis) starved to death! Day 16073, 06:19:26: MistaRose froze M16 Male - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex) Day 16073, 06:26:25: MistaRose froze M16 Male - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex) Day 16073, 07:10:23: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16073, 07:12:15: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16073, 07:12:34: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16073, 07:13:43: Your Shinehorn - Lvl 142 (Shinehorn) was killed! Day 16073, 07:13:43: Shinehorn - Lvl 142 (Shinehorn) starved to death! Day 16073, 07:14:02: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16073, 07:17:06: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16073, 07:18:12: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16073, 07:22:19: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16073, 07:23:40: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16073, 08:25:43: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16073, 08:27:01: MistaRose froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 16073, 08:33:10: MistaRose froze M8 male - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis) Day 16073, 09:43:54: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16073, 09:45:17: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16073, 09:49:05: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16073, 09:50:35: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16073, 10:05:00: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16073, 10:06:30: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16073, 10:07:10: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16073, 10:08:25: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16073, 10:09:17: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16073, 10:11:58: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16073, 10:12:42: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16073, 10:14:11: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16093, 11:14:46: MistaRose froze M16 Male - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex) Day 16093, 11:52:05: MistaRose froze M16 Male - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex) Day 16093, 12:00:16: MistaRose froze M16 Male - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex) Day 16093, 13:08:43: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16093, 13:10:15: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16093, 13:11:51: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16093, 13:13:26: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16093, 13:41:09: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16093, 13:42:30: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16093, 13:43:38: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16093, 13:45:56: MistaRose froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex) Day 16093, 15:16:04: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16093, 15:17:29: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16093, 15:19:29: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16093, 15:24:16: MistaRose froze Baby M10 Male - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis) Day 16093, 15:34:08: MistaRose froze Baby M17 Fem - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex) Day 16102, 23:55:23: MistaRose froze F 2 3 4 - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16117, 06:52:23: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16117, 06:53:44: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16117, 06:54:16: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16117, 06:55:31: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16140, 06:34:00: MistaRose froze Male M9 - Lvl 314 (X-Argentavis) Day 16140, 11:07:12: MistaRose claimed 'Juvenile X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16140, 11:08:43: MistaRose unclaimed 'Juvenile X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16140, 11:09:52: MistaRose claimed 'Juvenile X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16140, 11:11:16: MistaRose unclaimed 'Juvenile X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16140, 11:12:04: MistaRose claimed 'Juvenile X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16140, 11:13:23: MistaRose unclaimed 'Juvenile X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16140, 11:18:58: MistaRose claimed 'Juvenile X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16140, 11:20:17: MistaRose unclaimed 'Juvenile X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16155, 09:08:05: MistaRose froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex) Day 16155, 15:53:30: MistaRose froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex) Day 16155, 15:54:54: MistaRose froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex) Day 16155, 18:24:25: MistaRose froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex) Day 16156, 11:51:24: MistaRose froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex) Day 16157, 12:19:22: MistaRose froze Tek Rex - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex) Day 16157, 12:21:10: MistaRose froze Tek Rex - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex) Day 16171, 07:24:42: MistaRose froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 378 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16184, 14:46:17: MistaRose froze M17 Male - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex) Day 16184, 14:58:22: MistaRose froze M16 Male - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex) Day 16184, 15:34:59: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16184, 15:36:20: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16184, 16:35:24: MistaRose froze Male M9 - Lvl 314 (X-Argentavis) Day 16184, 18:07:02: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16184, 18:08:42: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16184, 18:11:08: MistaRose claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16184, 18:12:28: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 316 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 16266, 12:59:35: MistaRose froze M17 Male - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex) Day 16266, 14:34:28: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16266, 14:35:58: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16266, 14:41:56: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16266, 14:43:22: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16266, 14:45:11: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16266, 14:47:57: MistaRose froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 16266, 14:50:47: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16266, 14:52:34: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16266, 15:08:27: MistaRose froze Baby fe m 18 - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 16313, 15:43:47: MistaRose froze M18 Male - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 16313, 15:49:35: MistaRose froze M17 Male - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex) Day 16313, 17:56:21: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16313, 17:58:35: MistaRose froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 16367, 18:49:45: MistaRose froze M18 Male - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 16367, 19:18:17: MistaRose froze m 19 - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 16367, 21:55:45: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16367, 21:59:18: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16367, 22:00:56: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16367, 22:04:53: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16367, 22:06:40: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16367, 22:12:10: MistaRose unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16367, 22:32:18: MistaRose claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16367, 22:38:02: MistaRose froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 16473, 15:50:26: Tek Rex - Lvl 303 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 16489, 09:09:30: Your Female for Rose - Lvl 252 (Megalodon) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 85 | 1.0x! Day 16515, 18:18:03: Tek Rex - Lvl 303 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 16529, 23:28:55: Sfemalesilicaclayfungal - Lvl 169 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Dino Leash' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Plant Species X' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Plant Species X' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Training Dummy' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16546, 17:03:07: Scully84 was added to the Tribe! Day 16546, 17:13:01: Scully84 froze X-Rock Elemental - Lvl 283 (X-Rock Elemental) Day 16546, 18:05:10: Scully84 froze Clean Perfect - Lvl 311 (Mantis) Day 16546, 18:09:16: Scully84 froze Perf Male - Lvl 437 (Mantis) Day 16546, 18:13:48: Scully84 froze Male Perf - Lvl 296 (X-Argentavis) Day 16546, 18:21:26: Scully84 froze Big Boi - Lvl 484 (Mantis) Day 16546, 18:27:39: Scully84 froze Element Gacha [Clone] - Lvl 219 (Gacha) Day 16546, 20:24:38: Scully84 froze Ninga - Lvl 406 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16546, 20:29:19: Scully84 froze Carry Boi - Lvl 384 (Argentavis) Day 16546, 20:33:21: Scully84 froze Crafting Bench 2 - Lvl 341 (Argentavis) Day 16546, 23:26:31: Scully84 froze M8 Fem - Lvl 312 (X-Argentavis) Day 16546, 23:37:39: Scully84 froze BOB - Lvl 361 (Snow Owl) Day 16546, 23:46:07: Scully84 froze Male H8 - Lvl 319 (Tek Rex) Day 16546, 23:49:49: Scully84 froze Male M7 - Lvl 310 (X-Argentavis) Day 16547, 00:04:46: Scully84 froze M18 Male - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 16547, 00:26:12: Scully84 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 303 (Tek Rex) Day 16547, 00:29:44: Scully84 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 303 (Tek Rex) Day 16547, 00:34:44: Scully84 froze Astrocetus - Lvl 123 (Astrocetus) Day 16547, 01:11:14: Scully84 was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1307285667,"tribe":"House of Buzoku logs":["Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43180, 13:55:54: Your 'Tek Bridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Metal Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44157, 17:32:31: Your 'Tek Bridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44157, 17:32:31: Your 'Tek Bridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44157, 17:32:31: Your 'Tek Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44157, 17:32:31: Your 'Tek Bridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44157, 17:32:31: Your 'Tek Bridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44157, 17:32:31: Your 'Tek Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44157, 17:32:31: Your 'Tek Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44157, 17:32:31: Your 'Tek Jump Pad' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44157, 17:32:31: Your 'Tek Bridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44157, 17:32:31: Your 'Tek Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1305084554,"tribe":"Tribe of Fallenangel logs":["Day 17707, 10:19:05: Fallenangel was added to the Tribe! Day 17707, 11:32:16: Fallenangel froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 244 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17707, 15:22:33: Fallenangel uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Spark - Lvl 242 Day 17711, 16:27:29: Fallenangel froze Spark - Lvl 244 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17727, 04:58:24: Fallenangel Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 127 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 17727, 06:42:41: Fallenangel - Lvl 104 requested an Alliance with TootsiesOfRagnarok Tribe. Day 17727, 06:47:26: Fallenangel - Lvl 104 requested an Alliance with TootsiesOfRagnarok Tribe. Day 17727, 06:48:17: Fallenangel added 'TootsiesOfRagnarok' Tribe to SKippy Alliance! Day 17727, 10:30:08: Fallenangel froze Skippy - Lvl 138 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17727, 18:22:51: Fallenangel demolished a 'Campfire (Unlocked) '! Day 17727, 18:59:19: Fallenangel uploaded a Ankylosaurus: Skippy - Lvl 138 Day 17727, 19:02:16: Fallenangel froze SIN - Lvl 212 (Poison Wyvern) Day 17766, 04:13:36: Fallenangel - Lvl 116 requested an Alliance with Rex offenders Tribe. Day 17766, 04:16:07: Fallenangel added 'Rex offenders' Tribe to DRaksoul Alliance! Day 17766, 12:56:19: Fallenangel froze Draco - Lvl 255 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17815, 05:53:54: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17881, 15:36:36: Fallenangel froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 281 (Voidwyrm) Day 17881, 18:48:13: Fallenangel froze Inferno - Lvl 117 (Magmasaur) Day 17883, 02:37:40: Tribemember Fallenangel - Lvl 121 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 55! Day 17883, 08:10:58: Fallenangel froze Inferno - Lvl 117 (Magmasaur) Day 17883, 13:03:26: Fallenangel froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 297 (Voidwyrm) Day 17952, 14:29:54: Fallenangel froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 326 (Voidwyrm) Day 17952, 15:56:19: Fallenangel froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 326 (Voidwyrm) Day 17952, 17:15:53: Fallenangel froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 326 (Voidwyrm) Day 17953, 00:06:33: Fallenangel froze Draco - Lvl 269 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17953, 16:50:43: Fallenangel froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 326 (Voidwyrm) Day 17953, 19:08:21: Fallenangel froze SIN - Lvl 247 (Poison Wyvern) Day 17966, 15:28:02: Fallenangel claimed 'Microraptor - Lvl 132 (Microraptor)'! Day 17966, 15:43:42: Fallenangel claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 17966, 16:16:25: Fallenangel claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17966, 16:26:52: Fallenangel claimed 'Thera5 - Lvl 210 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 17966, 16:31:01: Fallenangel claimed 'Argent (2M M) - Lvl 236 (Argentavis)'! Day 17966, 16:34:16: Fallenangel claimed 'Argent (baseF) - Lvl 328 (Argentavis)'! Day 17966, 16:42:54: Fallenangel froze Argent (2M M) - Lvl 236 (Argentavis) Day 17966, 16:49:48: Fallenangel froze Argent (baseF) - Lvl 328 (Argentavis) Day 17966, 17:00:57: Fallenangel claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 226 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17966, 17:11:42: Fallenangel claimed 'Shadowmane (baseM) - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17966, 17:13:47: Fallenangel claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17966, 18:14:35: Fallenangel claimed 'Shadowmane (1M M) - Lvl 221 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17966, 18:19:37: Fallenangel claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17966, 18:22:17: Fallenangel claimed 'Shadowmane (baseF) - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17966, 18:30:33: Fallenangel claimed 'Tr (baseF) - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17966, 18:31:17: Fallenangel claimed 'Tr (baseF) - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17966, 18:31:56: Fallenangel claimed 'Tr (baseF) - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17966, 18:32:28: Fallenangel claimed 'Tr (baseF) - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17966, 18:36:40: Fallenangel claimed 'Tr (baseF) - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17966, 19:03:07: Fallenangel froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 226 (Thylacoleo) Day 17966, 19:09:33: Fallenangel claimed 'Thylo (baseF) - Lvl 226 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17966, 19:12:17: Fallenangel froze Thylo (baseF) - Lvl 226 (Thylacoleo) Day 17966, 19:28:23: Fallenangel froze Thylo (baseF) - Lvl 226 (Thylacoleo) Day 17966, 19:31:36: Fallenangel froze Thera5 - Lvl 210 (Therizinosaur) Day 17966, 19:42:23: Fallenangel froze Tr (baseF) - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex) Day 17966, 19:49:10: Fallenangel froze Tr (baseF) - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex) Day 17966, 19:54:25: Fallenangel froze Tr (baseF) - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex) Day 17966, 19:57:45: Fallenangel froze Tr (baseF) - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex) Day 17966, 20:12:06: Fallenangel froze Tr (baseF) - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex) Day 17966, 20:18:15: Fallenangel froze Tr (baseF) - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex) Day 17966, 20:23:27: Fallenangel froze Tek Rex - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex) Day 17966, 20:56:50: Fallenangel froze Shadowmane (baseM) - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 17966, 21:01:20: Fallenangel froze Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane) Day 17966, 21:43:27: Fallenangel froze Shadowmane (1M M) - Lvl 221 (Shadowmane) Day 17966, 23:21:52: Fallenangel uploaded a Shadowmane: Shadowmane - Lvl 219 Day 17966, 23:23:40: Fallenangel uploaded a Shadowmane: Shadowmane (baseF) - Lvl 219 Day 17967, 00:05:14: Fallenangel uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Charizard - Lvl 252 Day 18158, 18:22:58: Fallenangel downloaded a dino: DOOMGUY - Lvl 93 Day 18159, 05:33:52: Fallenangel unclaimed 'DOOMGUY - Lvl 95 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 18159, 07:45:00: Fallenangel froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 340 (Voidwyrm) Day 18421, 09:52:06: Microraptor - Lvl 132 (Microraptor) starved to death! Day 18489, 17:05:30: Fallenangel froze weight mutation - Lvl 339 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 18489, 19:26:39: Fallenangel froze weight mutation - Lvl 339 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 18489, 20:47:04: Fallenangel froze weight mutation - Lvl 339 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 18489, 20:50:54: Fallenangel froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 355 (Voidwyrm) Day 19107, 11:18:52: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25118, 10:30:05: Hecate - Lvl 51 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1303674975,"tribe":"Tribe of tweetkimbo logs":["Day 22082, 06:04:10: tweetkimbo was added to the Tribe! Day 22082, 06:04:55: Satoshi was added to the Tribe by tweetkimbo! Day 22082, 06:57:25: Satoshi Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 22082, 08:36:26: tweetkimbo Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 209 (Moschops)! Day 22082, 16:13:48: Satoshi claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 22082, 19:16:04: Satoshi claimed 'HMS Uga booga (Raft)'! Day 22082, 23:31:06: Your qtpie - Lvl 220 (Moschops) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 22083, 02:59:31: Tribemember Satoshi - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 22083, 12:57:15: Tribemember tweetkimbo - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 22083, 13:04:44: Tribemember Satoshi - Lvl 15 was killed! Day 22084, 00:37:26: Tribemember tweetkimbo - Lvl 15 was killed! Day 22084, 00:44:18: Tribemember Satoshi - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 22084, 04:03:12: Tribemember tweetkimbo - Lvl 15 was killed! Day 22084, 18:45:37: Tribemember tweetkimbo - Lvl 15 was killed! Day 22084, 18:47:19: Tribemember Satoshi - Lvl 18 was killed! Day 22134, 19:57:11: tweetkimbo claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 22135, 00:35:18: Satoshi claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 22135, 10:27:01: tweetkimbo claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 252 (Argentavis)'! Day 22135, 10:44:49: tweetkimbo froze Argentavis - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) Day 22137, 20:39:51: Satoshi claimed 'Mini Joe - Lvl 272 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 22137, 21:13:55: tweetkimbo froze Mini Joe - Lvl 272 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22138, 09:02:51: tweetkimbo froze Mini Joe - Lvl 272 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22138, 11:47:40: tweetkimbo claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 231 (Pteranodon)'! Day 22138, 11:53:58: tweetkimbo froze Pteranodon - Lvl 231 (Pteranodon) Day 22138, 19:10:36: Satoshi froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22138, 19:17:48: tweetkimbo froze wyverio - Lvl 298 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22182, 14:55:09: Satoshi froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 290 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22327, 04:56:24: Moschops - Lvl 35 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 22666, 23:54:29: Your 'Wooden Bench' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23364, 22:30:34: Moz - Lvl 13 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 23977, 12:11:29: Amaxione - Lvl 122 (Megalanias Reforged) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'HMS Uga booga (Raft)'! Day 24119, 16:11:27: Nytrix - Lvl 39 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24214, 10:58:50: Kyanite - Lvl 84 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1302647089,"tribe":"Bing Shilling logs":["Day 21543, 21:12:34: ZigaZaga06 was added to the Tribe! Day 21543, 21:23:41: Max was added to the Tribe by ZigaZaga06! Day 21544, 09:00:22: ZigaZaga06 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 65 (Equus)! Day 21544, 16:10:41: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 21544, 18:51:06: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 203 (Pteranodon)! Day 21544, 20:05:43: ZigaZaga06 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)! Day 21545, 16:38:25: Tribemember Max - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 21547, 20:20:00: Tribemember Max - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 21547, 21:37:23: Tribemember Max - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 21548, 02:30:09: ZigaZaga06 Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin)! Day 21548, 10:43:31: ZigaZaga06 froze Griffin - Lvl 226 (Griffin) Day 21548, 10:51:03: ZigaZaga06 froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 235 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21548, 10:56:54: ZigaZaga06 froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 235 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21548, 10:59:42: ZigaZaga06 froze Equus - Lvl 78 (Equus) Day 21548, 11:04:53: ZigaZaga06 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 21548, 11:10:54: ZigaZaga06 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 213 (Pteranodon) Day 21548, 11:23:30: ZigaZaga06 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon) Day 21586, 16:57:44: ZigaZaga06 Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 21586, 17:01:50: ZigaZaga06 froze Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 21587, 16:05:02: ZigaZaga06 Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 194 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 21587, 16:13:59: ZigaZaga06 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 194 (Ankylosaurus) Day 21588, 01:21:26: ZigaZaga06 froze Argentavis - Lvl 214 (Argentavis) Day 21588, 01:26:09: ZigaZaga06 froze Ankylo Ren - Lvl 208 (Ankylosaurus) Day 21588, 01:36:45: ZigaZaga06 froze Griffin - Lvl 268 (Griffin) Day 21588, 22:26:05: ZigaZaga06 froze Equus - Lvl 116 (Equus) Day 21589, 03:23:58: Tribemember Max - Lvl 66 was killed! Day 21589, 04:46:01: Tribemember Max - Lvl 66 was killed by a Griffin - Lvl 145! Day 21589, 06:40:39: Max froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 255 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21589, 11:25:59: Tribemember Max - Lvl 66 was killed! Day 21589, 12:11:12: Tribemember Max - Lvl 66 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 21589, 15:52:01: Max froze Pteranodon - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon) Day 21589, 18:09:00: Max Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin)! Day 21589, 19:09:04: Tribemember Max - Lvl 66 was killed! Day 21589, 19:44:01: Max froze Pteranodon - Lvl 213 (Pteranodon) Day 21590, 03:01:36: ZigaZaga06 froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 255 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21590, 03:54:41: Max froze Kleine - Lvl 220 (Griffin) Day 21590, 08:55:16: ZigaZaga06 froze Argentavis - Lvl 221 (Argentavis) Day 21590, 08:58:09: ZigaZaga06 froze Ankylo Ren - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus) Day 21590, 12:29:04: Tribemember ZigaZaga06 - Lvl 93 was killed! Day 21590, 13:11:59: ZigaZaga06 froze Griffin - Lvl 273 (Griffin) Day 21590, 13:18:46: ZigaZaga06 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 21590, 22:50:37: ZigaZaga06 froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 21685, 08:59:09: Max froze Kleine - Lvl 220 (Griffin) Day 21685, 11:46:06: Max froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 255 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21685, 14:49:33: Max froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 255 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21685, 15:24:20: Max froze Kleine - Lvl 282 (Griffin) Day 21685, 21:09:54: Max froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21685, 23:46:53: Max froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21685, 23:53:05: Max froze Kleine - Lvl 282 (Griffin) Day 21780, 15:55:51: Tribemember Max - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 21780, 17:16:23: Tribemember Max - Lvl 68 was killed by ZigaZaga06 - Lvl 94 (Bing Shilling)! Day 21780, 17:16:23: Your Tribe killed Max - Lvl 68 (Bing Shilling)! Day 21780, 22:46:39: ZigaZaga06 froze Griffin - Lvl 305 (Griffin) Day 21982, 02:37:45: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22297, 16:43:04: ZigaZaga06's 'Griffin - Lvl 305 (Griffin)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22430, 11:27:38: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22430, 11:27:38: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22430, 11:27:38: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22454, 03:07:04: Your 'Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22454, 03:07:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22572, 11:38:00: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22997, 15:57:08: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30683, 14:27:57: Tribemember ZigaZaga06 - Lvl 94 was killed!"] "tribeid":1299983766,"tribe":"shadow wizard money gang logs":["Day 37991, 00:48:47: eve froze techno-baby - Lvl 288 (Tek Raptor) Day 37991, 01:05:37: eve claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex)'! Day 37991, 01:12:53: eve froze Baby Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 37991, 02:18:35: eve froze Baby Tek Raptor - Lvl 145 (Tek Raptor) Day 37991, 03:10:06: eve claimed 'Baby Tek Raptor - Lvl 145 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 37991, 03:11:18: eve claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 218 (Argentavis)'! Day 37991, 03:15:51: eve froze Baby Tek Raptor - Lvl 145 (Tek Raptor) Day 37991, 03:19:46: eve froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 218 (Argentavis) Day 37991, 04:17:33: eve froze serpantine - Lvl 361 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 38036, 09:09:46: eve froze sabbie - Lvl 375 (Ankylosaurus) Day 38036, 13:39:54: eve froze woodie - Lvl 348 (Castoroides) Day 38037, 11:04:52: eve froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38037, 11:09:38: eve froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38037, 11:15:36: eve froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38037, 11:26:29: eve froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38037, 16:18:10: eve froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38037, 16:25:36: eve froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38037, 16:30:28: eve froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38037, 16:35:18: eve froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38037, 21:09:06: eve froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38037, 21:17:03: eve froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38037, 21:21:38: eve froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 02:58:56: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 03:15:09: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 03:21:05: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 03:26:49: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 03:33:07: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 06:27:32: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 06:33:57: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 06:37:29: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 06:41:19: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 06:44:47: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 06:48:14: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 06:51:59: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 08:09:18: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 08:14:49: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 08:18:24: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 08:21:44: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 12:53:45: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 17:31:54: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 17:36:12: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 17:40:58: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 17:52:29: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 17:56:23: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 18:54:16: eve demolished a 'Stone Double Doorframe'! Day 38038, 18:55:25: eve demolished a 'Stone Stairs'! Day 38038, 19:00:07: eve demolished a 'Stone Stairs'! Day 38038, 19:58:59: eve demolished a 'Stone Double Doorframe'! Day 38038, 20:48:24: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 21:26:31: eve demolished a 'Stone Railing'! Day 38038, 22:40:13: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38038, 22:46:43: eve froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38039, 06:44:57: eve froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38039, 06:51:11: eve froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38039, 07:00:50: eve froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38039, 08:12:38: eve froze serpantine - Lvl 361 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 38156, 00:29:39: eve froze serpantine - Lvl 361 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 38168, 08:56:52: eve demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 38168, 23:40:12: eve froze serpantine - Lvl 362 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 38169, 12:44:21: eve uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: lyssy - Lvl 348 Day 38170, 07:34:27: eve downloaded a dino: lyssy - Lvl 347 Day 38170, 07:43:59: eve froze lyssy - Lvl 347 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38171, 10:24:02: eve froze woodie - Lvl 349 (Castoroides) Day 38171, 12:40:25: eve froze dando - Lvl 347 (Doedicurus) Day 38171, 21:37:25: eve froze serpantine - Lvl 362 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 38174, 18:15:16: eve froze woodie - Lvl 349 (Castoroides) Day 38174, 18:38:43: eve froze dando - Lvl 347 (Doedicurus) Day 38174, 19:02:40: eve froze serpantine - Lvl 362 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 38174, 20:38:05: eve uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: lyssy - Lvl 348 Day 38176, 02:52:34: eve froze serpantine - Lvl 362 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 38303, 13:48:29: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38345, 19:36:09: eve froze gabber - Lvl 294 (Tek Raptor) Day 38345, 19:38:55: eve froze techno-baby - Lvl 293 (Tek Raptor) Day 38345, 20:59:18: eve claimed 'Baby Tek Raptor - Lvl 145 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 38345, 21:03:47: eve froze Baby Tek Raptor - Lvl 145 (Tek Raptor) Day 38345, 23:23:32: eve froze patmut 1 - Lvl 362 (Argentavis) Day 38345, 23:27:11: eve froze matmut 1 - Lvl 353 (Argentavis) Day 38346, 01:36:47: eve claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis)'! Day 38346, 01:41:07: eve froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 38435, 07:57:38: eve froze patmut 1 - Lvl 374 (Rex) Day 38435, 08:00:26: eve froze matmut 1 - Lvl 374 (Rex) Day 38435, 10:21:06: eve claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex)'! Day 38435, 10:24:04: eve froze Baby Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 38435, 11:43:11: eve froze matmut 1 - Lvl 353 (Rex) Day 38435, 11:47:33: eve froze patmut 1 - Lvl 336 (Rex) Day 38435, 14:06:11: eve claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 183 (Rex)'! Day 38435, 14:10:54: eve froze Baby Rex - Lvl 183 (Rex) Day 38435, 19:53:45: eve froze Juvenile patmat x1 - Lvl 203 (Argentavis) Day 38435, 20:43:54: eve froze Juvenile patmat x1 - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 38435, 20:50:18: eve froze Juvenile patmat x1 - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 38435, 21:02:36: eve froze Juvenile patmat x1 - Lvl 203 (Argentavis) Day 38435, 23:24:06: eve froze ramirez - Lvl 216 (Sabertooth) Day 38436, 01:54:14: eve claimed 'Baby Sabertooth - Lvl 71 (Sabertooth)'! Day 38436, 02:00:38: eve froze Baby Sabertooth - Lvl 71 (Sabertooth) Day 38436, 02:20:34: eve froze sayori - Lvl 220 (Sabertooth) Day 38436, 07:51:32: eve froze Juvenile patmat x1 - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 38436, 07:55:51: eve froze Juvenile patmat x1 - Lvl 203 (Argentavis) Day 38436, 08:12:38: eve froze Juvenile Sabertooth - Lvl 71 (Sabertooth) Day 38436, 08:15:45: eve froze Juvenile Sabertooth - Lvl 73 (Sabertooth) Day 38436, 08:26:41: eve froze Juvenile Sabertooth - Lvl 73 (Sabertooth) Day 38436, 08:34:52: eve froze Juvenile Sabertooth - Lvl 73 (Sabertooth) Day 38436, 18:53:54: eve froze serpantine - Lvl 369 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 38436, 18:58:22: eve froze serpantine - Lvl 369 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 38598, 20:54:56: Doedicurus - Lvl 306 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 38654, 16:22:51: eve froze serpantine - Lvl 373 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 38654, 20:05:46: eve froze Juvenile Sabertooth - Lvl 73 (Sabertooth) Day 38654, 20:11:17: eve froze Juvenile Sabertooth - Lvl 73 (Sabertooth) Day 38654, 20:14:39: eve froze Juvenile Sabertooth - Lvl 73 (Sabertooth) Day 38654, 20:18:20: eve froze Juvenile Sabertooth - Lvl 73 (Sabertooth) Day 38654, 20:24:11: eve froze Juvenile Sabertooth - Lvl 71 (Sabertooth) Day 38654, 20:31:52: eve froze Juvenile Sabertooth - Lvl 71 (Sabertooth) Day 38654, 20:36:47: eve froze Juvenile Sabertooth - Lvl 71 (Sabertooth) Day 38654, 20:41:32: eve froze Juvenile Sabertooth - Lvl 71 (Sabertooth) Day 38654, 20:45:54: eve froze Juvenile Sabertooth - Lvl 71 (Sabertooth) Day 38654, 20:50:46: eve froze Juvenile Sabertooth - Lvl 71 (Sabertooth) Day 38654, 20:55:54: eve froze Juvenile Sabertooth - Lvl 71 (Sabertooth) Day 38654, 21:00:57: eve froze Juvenile Sabertooth - Lvl 71 (Sabertooth) Day 38655, 02:57:01: eve froze Adolescent Sabertooth - Lvl 71 (Sabertooth) Day 38655, 03:04:40: eve froze Adolescent Sabertooth - Lvl 71 (Sabertooth) Day 38655, 03:09:14: eve froze Adolescent Sabertooth - Lvl 71 (Sabertooth) Day 38655, 08:06:45: eve froze Adolescent Sabertooth - Lvl 71 (Sabertooth) Day 38655, 12:38:18: eve froze Adolescent patmut 1 - Lvl 71 (Sabertooth) Day 38655, 12:43:13: eve froze Adolescent patmut 1 - Lvl 71 (Sabertooth) Day 38655, 12:46:37: eve froze Adolescent patmut 1 - Lvl 71 (Sabertooth) Day 38655, 12:49:54: eve froze Adolescent patmut 1 - Lvl 71 (Sabertooth) Day 38655, 16:04:12: eve froze patmat x1 - Lvl 73 (Sabertooth) Day 38655, 16:36:38: eve froze patmut 1 - Lvl 71 (Sabertooth) Day 38655, 21:24:02: eve froze Adolescent patmat x1 - Lvl 203 (Argentavis) Day 38655, 21:30:52: eve froze Adolescent patmat x1 - Lvl 203 (Argentavis) Day 38656, 03:07:32: eve froze Adolescent patmat x1 - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 38656, 03:17:03: eve froze Adolescent patmat x1 - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 38656, 03:21:53: eve froze Adolescent patmat x1 - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 38656, 03:26:14: eve froze Adolescent patmat x1 - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 38656, 03:31:26: eve froze Adolescent patmat x1 - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 38656, 03:36:05: eve froze Adolescent patmat x1 - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 38656, 03:43:38: eve froze Adolescent patmat x1 - Lvl 203 (Argentavis) Day 38656, 12:18:23: eve froze patmat x1 - Lvl 204 (Argentavis) Day 38656, 12:23:07: eve froze patmat x1 - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 38656, 14:02:23: eve claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis)'! Day 38656, 14:08:21: eve froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 39035, 13:19:24: eve froze serpantine - Lvl 377 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 39919, 15:04:22: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39919, 15:04:22: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39919, 15:04:22: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39919, 15:04:22: Your 'Large Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39919, 15:04:22: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39919, 15:04:22: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39919, 15:04:22: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39919, 15:04:22: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39919, 15:04:22: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39919, 15:04:22: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39919, 15:04:22: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39919, 15:04:22: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39919, 15:04:22: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39919, 15:04:22: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40692, 02:06:20: dungo - Lvl 110 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 41793, 05:49:45: Tribemember eve - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 41793, 05:53:02: Your banshee - Lvl 251 (Dung Beetle) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 42580, 05:10:17: Rupert - Lvl 112 (Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'!"] "tribeid":1299178266,"tribe":"Tribe of Zeffner logs":["Day 33031, 18:17:13: Zeffner was added to the Tribe! Day 33031, 18:18:51: Khan was added to the Tribe by Zeffner! Day 33031, 21:37:40: Khan froze Jormungandr - Lvl 193 (Poison Wyvern) Day 33031, 21:55:08: Zeffner froze Toruq Makto - Lvl 313 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 33158, 10:18:43: Varos was added to the Tribe by Zeffner! Day 33158, 10:57:25: Varos froze Perry - Lvl 205 (Maewing) Day 33158, 11:42:56: Zeffner froze Toruq Makto - Lvl 322 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 33158, 11:48:31: Renegade was added to the Tribe by Zeffner! Day 33158, 11:52:48: Renegade froze Sugar - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 33158, 14:03:13: Varos Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 202 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 33158, 14:35:36: Varos froze Tanky - Lvl 239 (Carbonemys) Day 33158, 15:05:56: Renegade froze Megalodon - Lvl 225 (Megalodon) Day 33158, 15:09:49: Zeffner froze blubber - Lvl 238 (Basilosaurus) Day 33158, 15:15:36: Zeffner froze squishy - Lvl 202 (Otter) Day 33158, 15:27:16: Zeffner froze squishy - Lvl 203 (Otter) Day 33158, 15:32:49: Zeffner froze flubber - Lvl 248 (Basilosaurus) Day 33158, 15:52:55: Renegade froze Sugar - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 33158, 15:56:57: Varos froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 205 (Tusoteuthis) Day 33158, 16:51:11: Zeffner froze squishy - Lvl 203 (Otter) Day 33158, 17:02:31: Zeffner froze Toruq Makto - Lvl 322 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 33179, 02:51:09: Zeffner froze Speed - Lvl 233 (Maewing) Day 33179, 02:55:30: Zeffner froze squishy - Lvl 208 (Otter) Day 33200, 02:57:32: Zeffner froze Speed - Lvl 233 (Maewing) Day 33200, 10:25:57: Zeffner froze squishy - Lvl 208 (Otter) Day 33200, 10:28:50: Zeffner froze Speed - Lvl 233 (Maewing) Day 33204, 11:46:59: Zeffner froze squishy - Lvl 208 (Otter) Day 33204, 11:50:42: Zeffner froze Speed - Lvl 233 (Maewing) Day 33206, 17:50:02: Zeffner froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 230 (Sinomacrops) Day 33207, 11:40:13: Zeffner froze NightStalker - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 33207, 16:43:20: Zeffner froze squishy - Lvl 208 (Otter) Day 33207, 16:47:34: Zeffner froze Speed - Lvl 249 (Maewing) Day 33228, 16:53:20: Zeffner froze Speed - Lvl 249 (Maewing) Day 33229, 17:50:50: Zeffner froze squishy - Lvl 212 (Otter) Day 33229, 17:53:31: Zeffner froze Speed - Lvl 249 (Maewing) Day 33807, 11:28:24: Your 'Wooden Chair' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1296286814,"tribe":"markie7489 logs":["Day 34390, 10:06:29: Titch7489 was added to the Tribe! Day 34390, 11:11:48: Tribemember Titch7489 - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 34390, 21:16:13: jade was added to the Tribe by Titch7489! Day 34390, 23:52:40: Tribemember jade - Lvl 5 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 60! Day 34391, 00:17:20: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34391, 00:17:20: Tribemember Titch7489 - Lvl 25 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 100! Day 34391, 01:06:04: Tribemember jade - Lvl 5 was killed! Day 34391, 02:40:29: Tribemember jade - Lvl 5 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 60! Day 34391, 03:21:01: Tribemember Titch7489 - Lvl 26 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 135! Day 34391, 03:24:53: Tribemember jade - Lvl 5 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 85! Day 34391, 03:42:15: Tribemember Titch7489 - Lvl 26 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 135! Day 34391, 04:56:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 34391, 04:56:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 34391, 04:56:07: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 34391, 04:56:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was destroyed! Day 34391, 05:08:14: Tribemember jade - Lvl 11 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 135! Day 34391, 05:22:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was destroyed! Day 34391, 05:40:38: Tribemember Titch7489 - Lvl 27 was killed! Day 34539, 13:59:45: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34688, 20:08:43: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34975, 12:26:42: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34975, 12:26:42: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35258, 16:22:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35318, 06:45:36: Tribemember Titch7489 - Lvl 36 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135!"] "tribeid":1295636260,"tribe":"Telibevert logs":["Day 14571, 06:54:17: JohnSpartan froze Velonasaur - Lvl 278 (Velonasaur) Day 14571, 07:23:00: LeoGetz froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 345 (Therizinosaur) Day 14571, 07:53:43: LeoGetz froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 345 (Therizinosaur) Day 14571, 11:48:55: Zara froze Griffin - Lvl 237 (Griffin) Day 14571, 11:49:37: JohnSpartan froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 178 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14571, 11:58:26: LeoGetz froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Ice Wyvern) Day 14640, 08:03:12: LeoGetz froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Ice Wyvern) Day 14640, 08:04:45: JohnSpartan froze Heat - Lvl 273 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14640, 08:32:25: Zara froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 293 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14640, 08:54:08: JohnSpartan froze Heat - Lvl 273 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14640, 09:42:38: JohnSpartan froze Karmos - Lvl 319 (Therizinosaur) Day 14640, 10:57:31: Zara froze Nikita - Lvl 314 (Velonasaur) Day 14640, 10:58:43: JohnSpartan froze Karmos - Lvl 320 (Therizinosaur) Day 14640, 10:59:53: LeoGetz froze BlackWidow - Lvl 269 (Velonasaur) Day 14640, 11:13:04: Zara froze Nikita - Lvl 314 (Velonasaur) Day 14640, 11:19:56: JohnSpartan froze Szúrós - Lvl 314 (Velonasaur) Day 14640, 11:51:21: LeoGetz froze BlackWidow - Lvl 273 (Velonasaur) Day 14640, 12:31:20: JohnSpartan froze Karmos - Lvl 320 (Therizinosaur) Day 14640, 12:42:12: LeoGetz froze BlackWidow - Lvl 273 (Velonasaur) Day 14640, 13:37:32: Zara froze Nikita - Lvl 314 (Velonasaur) Day 14640, 13:38:53: LeoGetz froze BlackWidow - Lvl 273 (Velonasaur) Day 14640, 13:41:43: JohnSpartan froze Karmos - Lvl 320 (Therizinosaur) Day 14640, 14:30:16: LeoGetz froze BlackWidow - Lvl 274 (Velonasaur) Day 14640, 14:30:17: Zara froze Nikita - Lvl 314 (Velonasaur) Day 14640, 14:32:28: JohnSpartan froze Szúrós - Lvl 314 (Velonasaur) Day 14640, 15:24:33: LeoGetz froze BlackWidow - Lvl 274 (Velonasaur) Day 14640, 17:42:39: JohnSpartan froze Karmos - Lvl 320 (Therizinosaur) Day 14640, 18:05:23: LeoGetz froze BlackWidow - Lvl 274 (Velonasaur) Day 14640, 18:14:50: JohnSpartan froze Karmos - Lvl 320 (Therizinosaur) Day 14640, 19:02:22: JohnSpartan froze Heat - Lvl 273 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14640, 19:03:41: LeoGetz froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Ice Wyvern) Day 14640, 19:08:09: Zara froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 293 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14669, 01:37:29: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 221 (Snow Owl) Day 14669, 06:29:38: Zara froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 305 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14669, 10:06:55: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 221 (Snow Owl) Day 14669, 10:27:04: Zara Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 202 (Mantis)! Day 14669, 10:30:59: Zara froze Mantis - Lvl 202 (Mantis) Day 14669, 11:18:14: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 221 (Snow Owl) Day 14669, 12:07:41: Zara Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis)! Day 14669, 12:13:09: LeoGetz froze Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 14669, 12:28:01: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 221 (Snow Owl) Day 14669, 12:28:09: LeoGetz froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 207 (Ice Wyvern) Day 14679, 15:01:50: LeoGetz froze Bagoly - Lvl 184 (Snow Owl) Day 14718, 22:51:16: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 224 (Snow Owl) Day 14724, 09:57:07: LeoGetz froze Bagoly - Lvl 198 (Snow Owl) Day 14725, 10:29:59: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 225 (Snow Owl) Day 14725, 14:39:06: JohnSpartan froze Gigantikus - Lvl 305 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14725, 20:14:24: JohnSpartan froze Heat - Lvl 289 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14725, 20:17:05: LeoGetz froze Bagoly - Lvl 203 (Snow Owl) Day 14725, 21:18:42: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 231 (Snow Owl) Day 14737, 19:15:26: JohnSpartan froze Soren - Lvl 180 (Snow Owl) Day 14737, 21:15:19: LeoGetz froze Bagoly - Lvl 205 (Snow Owl) Day 14737, 22:40:24: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 232 (Snow Owl) Day 14748, 07:08:53: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 232 (Snow Owl) Day 14751, 17:58:51: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 232 (Snow Owl) Day 14752, 02:29:52: LeoGetz froze Bagoly - Lvl 206 (Snow Owl) Day 14752, 02:31:06: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 232 (Snow Owl) Day 14752, 02:31:43: JohnSpartan froze Soren - Lvl 187 (Snow Owl) Day 14752, 05:18:49: Zara froze Nikita - Lvl 321 (Velonasaur) Day 14752, 05:18:55: LeoGetz froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 14752, 05:19:17: JohnSpartan froze Szúrós - Lvl 325 (Velonasaur) Day 14752, 05:43:12: JohnSpartan froze Soren - Lvl 188 (Snow Owl) Day 14752, 05:58:14: JohnSpartan froze Soren - Lvl 188 (Snow Owl) Day 14752, 05:58:20: LeoGetz froze Bagoly - Lvl 206 (Snow Owl) Day 14752, 06:20:42: LeoGetz froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 14752, 06:22:23: JohnSpartan froze Szúrós - Lvl 325 (Velonasaur) Day 14752, 06:34:05: LeoGetz froze Bagoly - Lvl 206 (Snow Owl) Day 14752, 06:34:38: JohnSpartan froze Soren - Lvl 188 (Snow Owl) Day 14752, 06:35:13: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 232 (Snow Owl) Day 14752, 06:44:45: JohnSpartan froze Szúrós - Lvl 325 (Velonasaur) Day 14752, 06:48:32: LeoGetz froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 14752, 06:52:46: Zara froze Nikita - Lvl 321 (Velonasaur) Day 14752, 07:17:09: LeoGetz froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 14752, 07:43:19: LeoGetz froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 14752, 08:21:52: LeoGetz froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 14752, 08:22:42: JohnSpartan froze Szúrós - Lvl 325 (Velonasaur) Day 14752, 08:23:11: Zara froze Nikita - Lvl 321 (Velonasaur) Day 14752, 08:33:53: LeoGetz froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 14752, 08:43:00: Zara froze Nikita - Lvl 321 (Velonasaur) Day 14752, 08:43:55: JohnSpartan froze Karmos - Lvl 327 (Therizinosaur) Day 14752, 08:44:27: LeoGetz froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 14752, 09:46:11: JohnSpartan froze Karmos - Lvl 327 (Therizinosaur) Day 14752, 09:51:19: Zara froze Nikita - Lvl 321 (Velonasaur) Day 14752, 10:29:47: LeoGetz froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 14752, 10:35:17: JohnSpartan froze Karmos - Lvl 327 (Therizinosaur) Day 14752, 11:03:08: LeoGetz froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 14752, 11:05:04: JohnSpartan froze Karmos - Lvl 327 (Therizinosaur) Day 14752, 11:34:10: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 232 (Snow Owl) Day 14752, 11:34:48: JohnSpartan froze Soren - Lvl 188 (Snow Owl) Day 14752, 11:36:51: Zara froze Otter - Lvl 109 (Otter) Day 14752, 11:37:24: JohnSpartan froze Otter - Lvl 94 (Otter) Day 14752, 14:19:35: LeoGetz claimed 'Megalania - Lvl 209 (Megalania)'! Day 14752, 14:26:22: LeoGetz froze Megalania - Lvl 209 (Megalania) Day 14752, 14:27:11: LeoGetz claimed 'Megalania - Lvl 107 (Megalania)'! Day 14752, 14:29:08: LeoGetz froze Megalania - Lvl 107 (Megalania) Day 14752, 14:36:25: LeoGetz claimed 'Female Perfect Rex - Lvl 283 (Rex)'! Day 14752, 14:40:48: LeoGetz froze Female Perfect Rex - Lvl 283 (Rex) Day 14752, 14:41:53: LeoGetz claimed 'Male Perfect Rex - Lvl 249 (Rex)'! Day 14752, 14:42:50: LeoGetz claimed 'F Health 3102 - Lvl 213 (Direwolf)'! Day 14752, 15:17:03: LeoGetz claimed 'Meh - Lvl 218 (Direwolf)'! Day 14752, 15:29:34: LeoGetz froze Female Perfect Rex - Lvl 283 (Rex) Day 14752, 15:31:04: Zara froze Male Perfect Rex - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 14752, 15:34:52: Zara froze Meh - Lvl 218 (Direwolf) Day 14752, 15:37:06: Zara froze F Health 3102 - Lvl 213 (Direwolf) Day 14752, 16:31:40: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 232 (Snow Owl) Day 14752, 17:06:00: LeoGetz uploaded a Megalania: Megalania - Lvl 209 Day 14752, 17:09:20: LeoGetz uploaded a Rex: Female Perfect Rex - Lvl 283 Day 14752, 17:11:41: LeoGetz froze Otter - Lvl 175 (Otter) Day 14752, 17:13:44: LeoGetz froze Bagoly - Lvl 206 (Snow Owl) Day 14753, 06:39:02: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 232 (Snow Owl) Day 14753, 06:39:15: LeoGetz froze Bagoly - Lvl 206 (Snow Owl) Day 14753, 06:54:07: JohnSpartan froze Soren - Lvl 188 (Snow Owl) Day 14753, 07:39:53: LeoGetz froze BlackWidow - Lvl 321 (Velonasaur) Day 14753, 07:41:39: JohnSpartan froze Karmos - Lvl 327 (Therizinosaur) Day 14753, 08:04:48: LeoGetz froze BlackWidow - Lvl 321 (Velonasaur) Day 14753, 08:24:23: Zara froze Nikita - Lvl 321 (Velonasaur) Day 14753, 08:36:33: Zara froze Nikita - Lvl 321 (Velonasaur) Day 14753, 08:38:45: JohnSpartan froze Szúrós - Lvl 325 (Velonasaur) Day 14753, 08:49:33: JohnSpartan froze Szúrós - Lvl 325 (Velonasaur) Day 14753, 09:12:43: LeoGetz froze BlackWidow - Lvl 321 (Velonasaur) Day 14753, 09:15:26: Your Karmos - Lvl 327 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 14753, 09:44:22: Zara froze Nikita - Lvl 321 (Velonasaur) Day 14753, 10:00:40: JohnSpartan froze Szúrós - Lvl 326 (Velonasaur) Day 14753, 10:05:04: LeoGetz froze BlackWidow - Lvl 322 (Velonasaur) Day 14753, 10:41:58: Zara froze Nikita - Lvl 321 (Velonasaur) Day 14753, 10:43:46: LeoGetz froze BlackWidow - Lvl 322 (Velonasaur) Day 14753, 10:45:33: JohnSpartan froze Szúrós - Lvl 326 (Velonasaur) Day 14753, 11:25:09: Zara froze Nikita - Lvl 321 (Velonasaur) Day 14753, 11:25:13: LeoGetz froze BlackWidow - Lvl 322 (Velonasaur) Day 14753, 11:34:58: JohnSpartan froze Szúrós - Lvl 326 (Velonasaur) Day 14753, 12:27:05: Zara froze Nikita - Lvl 321 (Velonasaur) Day 14753, 12:27:19: LeoGetz froze BlackWidow - Lvl 322 (Velonasaur) Day 14753, 13:25:39: JohnSpartan froze Szúrós - Lvl 326 (Velonasaur) Day 14753, 13:27:27: LeoGetz froze BlackWidow - Lvl 322 (Velonasaur) Day 14753, 13:29:26: Zara froze Nikita - Lvl 321 (Velonasaur) Day 14753, 15:17:01: JohnSpartan froze Soren - Lvl 188 (Snow Owl) Day 14753, 15:17:09: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 232 (Snow Owl) Day 14753, 15:24:09: LeoGetz froze Bagoly - Lvl 206 (Snow Owl) Day 14754, 05:27:47: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 232 (Snow Owl) Day 14760, 13:26:54: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 232 (Snow Owl) Day 14794, 16:45:18: Zara Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 217 (Griffin)! Day 14794, 16:57:32: Zara froze Griffin - Lvl 350 (Griffin) Day 14794, 16:59:33: Zara froze Griffin - Lvl 217 (Griffin) Day 14794, 17:05:21: LeoGetz froze Bagoly - Lvl 221 (Snow Owl) Day 14794, 17:05:33: Zara froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 297 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 14821, 16:50:31: LeoGetz froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 214 (Ice Wyvern) Day 14821, 17:20:22: LeoGetz froze Bagoly - Lvl 221 (Snow Owl) Day 14821, 18:37:34: JohnSpartan froze La Magra - Lvl 296 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14821, 20:08:58: LeoGetz froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 214 (Ice Wyvern) Day 14821, 20:26:03: JohnSpartan froze La Magra - Lvl 296 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14821, 21:10:33: Zara froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 248 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14822, 05:26:21: Zara froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 361 (Basilosaurus) Day 14822, 05:27:35: LeoGetz froze Bazinagysaurus - Lvl 365 (Basilosaurus) Day 14822, 05:27:48: JohnSpartan froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 340 (Basilosaurus) Day 14822, 05:44:04: LeoGetz froze Bagoly - Lvl 221 (Snow Owl) Day 14822, 05:45:43: Zara froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 248 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14822, 06:03:15: LeoGetz froze Bazinagysaurus - Lvl 365 (Basilosaurus) Day 14822, 06:03:40: Zara froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 361 (Basilosaurus) Day 14822, 06:33:47: LeoGetz froze Bagoly - Lvl 221 (Snow Owl) Day 14822, 06:45:04: Zara froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 248 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14822, 06:45:29: JohnSpartan froze La Magra - Lvl 296 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14822, 07:32:54: LeoGetz froze Bazinagysaurus - Lvl 365 (Basilosaurus) Day 14822, 07:34:16: JohnSpartan froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 346 (Basilosaurus) Day 14822, 07:54:34: JohnSpartan froze La Magra - Lvl 296 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14822, 07:55:03: LeoGetz froze Bagoly - Lvl 221 (Snow Owl) Day 14822, 08:32:26: LeoGetz froze Bazinagysaurus - Lvl 365 (Basilosaurus) Day 14822, 08:57:11: JohnSpartan froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 346 (Basilosaurus) Day 14822, 08:58:06: Zara froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 361 (Basilosaurus) Day 14822, 09:15:25: JohnSpartan froze La Magra - Lvl 296 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14822, 09:39:51: JohnSpartan froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 346 (Basilosaurus) Day 14822, 09:52:30: JohnSpartan froze La Magra - Lvl 296 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14822, 10:53:06: JohnSpartan froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 346 (Basilosaurus) Day 14822, 11:22:41: Zara froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 248 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14822, 11:40:38: LeoGetz froze Bazinagysaurus - Lvl 365 (Basilosaurus) Day 14822, 12:15:12: LeoGetz froze Bazinagysaurus - Lvl 365 (Basilosaurus) Day 14822, 12:23:05: Zara froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 361 (Basilosaurus) Day 14822, 12:57:07: LeoGetz froze Bagoly - Lvl 221 (Snow Owl) Day 14822, 13:15:23: Zara froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 248 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14822, 13:19:11: JohnSpartan froze La Magra - Lvl 296 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14836, 10:04:43: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 233 (Snow Owl) Day 14836, 10:04:44: LeoGetz froze Bagoly - Lvl 221 (Snow Owl) Day 14836, 10:04:53: JohnSpartan froze Soren - Lvl 200 (Snow Owl) Day 14836, 10:49:48: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 233 (Snow Owl) Day 14836, 10:49:52: LeoGetz froze Bagoly - Lvl 221 (Snow Owl) Day 14836, 10:51:35: JohnSpartan froze Soren - Lvl 200 (Snow Owl) Day 14836, 12:05:00: Zara froze Nikita - Lvl 324 (Velonasaur) Day 14836, 12:51:43: LeoGetz froze BlackWidow - Lvl 325 (Velonasaur) Day 14836, 14:19:50: JohnSpartan froze Soren - Lvl 200 (Snow Owl) Day 14836, 14:21:56: LeoGetz froze Bagoly - Lvl 221 (Snow Owl) Day 14836, 14:23:10: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 233 (Snow Owl) Day 14850, 07:41:06: JohnSpartan froze GigaSeer - Lvl 413 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14850, 09:30:24: Zara Tamed a Rock Elemental - Lvl 209 (Rock Elemental)! Day 14850, 09:36:25: Zara froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 209 (Rock Elemental) Day 14850, 10:23:51: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 14850, 10:37:17: LeoGetz froze Bagoly - Lvl 221 (Snow Owl) Day 14850, 10:38:08: JohnSpartan froze GigaSeer - Lvl 413 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14850, 10:39:46: JohnSpartan froze Soren - Lvl 201 (Snow Owl) Day 14863, 10:42:33: JohnSpartan froze Szúrós - Lvl 357 (Velonasaur) Day 14863, 17:11:47: LeoGetz froze Tengo - Lvl 333 (Yutyrannus) Day 14863, 17:33:33: JohnSpartan froze Heat - Lvl 293 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14863, 22:04:59: LeoGetz froze Pumba - Lvl 331 (Daeodon) Day 14864, 07:38:05: Zara froze GT_3 - Lvl 322 (Therizinosaur) Day 14864, 07:40:38: Zara froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 337 (Therizinosaur) Day 14864, 07:43:15: Zara froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 337 (Therizinosaur) Day 14864, 07:45:25: Zara froze GT_5 - Lvl 328 (Therizinosaur) Day 14864, 07:48:41: Zara froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 346 (Therizinosaur) Day 14864, 07:57:50: LeoGetz froze Powerizinosaur - Lvl 363 (Therizinosaur) Day 14864, 08:00:01: LeoGetz froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 328 (Therizinosaur) Day 14864, 08:02:06: LeoGetz froze GT_4 - Lvl 328 (Therizinosaur) Day 14864, 08:03:11: JohnSpartan froze Szúrós - Lvl 357 (Velonasaur) Day 14864, 08:04:10: LeoGetz froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 338 (Therizinosaur) Day 14864, 08:06:20: LeoGetz froze Tengo - Lvl 335 (Yutyrannus) Day 14864, 08:10:13: LeoGetz froze GT_6 - Lvl 324 (Therizinosaur) Day 14864, 08:13:38: LeoGetz froze GT_2 - Lvl 318 (Therizinosaur) Day 14864, 08:16:31: LeoGetz froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 320 (Therizinosaur) Day 14864, 08:18:14: JohnSpartan froze GT_1 - Lvl 345 (Therizinosaur) Day 14864, 08:19:11: LeoGetz froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 308 (Therizinosaur) Day 14864, 08:19:58: JohnSpartan froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 310 (Therizinosaur) Day 14864, 08:21:25: LeoGetz froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 309 (Therizinosaur) Day 14864, 08:21:50: JohnSpartan froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 313 (Therizinosaur) Day 14864, 08:24:00: JohnSpartan froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 320 (Therizinosaur) Day 14864, 08:28:56: LeoGetz froze Zabagép - Lvl 323 (Daeodon) Day 14914, 00:30:02: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 235 (Snow Owl) Day 14914, 01:57:57: Zara froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 315 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 14914, 03:49:00: Your Cukker - Lvl 235 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 14914, 09:21:53: Zara Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 14914, 09:28:16: Zara froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14914, 09:30:42: Zara froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 318 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 14914, 09:37:19: Zara froze Bagoly - Lvl 223 (Snow Owl) Day 14914, 09:40:05: JohnSpartan froze Sznó ól - Lvl 198 (Snow Owl) Day 14917, 16:16:02: LeoGetz froze Bagoly - Lvl 224 (Snow Owl) Day 14917, 16:25:37: JohnSpartan froze Sznó ól - Lvl 213 (Snow Owl) Day 14917, 16:27:16: Zara froze Cukker 2 - Lvl 192 (Snow Owl) Day 14917, 18:43:00: Zara Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 224 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 14917, 18:48:56: Zara froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 357 (Basilosaurus) Day 14917, 18:51:05: Zara froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 224 (Tusoteuthis) Day 14917, 19:39:47: Zara froze Tuso Tame Tank Turtle - Lvl 312 (Carbonemys) Day 14917, 20:27:05: LeoGetz froze Bazinagysaurus - Lvl 371 (Basilosaurus) Day 14917, 20:30:10: JohnSpartan froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 367 (Basilosaurus) Day 14917, 21:07:34: LeoGetz claimed 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 292 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 14917, 21:11:45: LeoGetz froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 292 (Tek Parasaur) Day 14917, 21:19:27: LeoGetz claimed 'STAM DPS - Lvl 209 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14917, 21:25:42: LeoGetz froze STAM DPS - Lvl 209 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14917, 21:29:37: JohnSpartan froze Sznó ól - Lvl 213 (Snow Owl) Day 14917, 21:30:18: LeoGetz claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 184 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14917, 21:34:41: LeoGetz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 184 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14917, 21:43:55: Zara froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 357 (Basilosaurus) Day 14917, 22:22:32: LeoGetz froze Bagoly - Lvl 224 (Snow Owl) Day 14917, 22:34:00: Zara froze Cukker 2 - Lvl 194 (Snow Owl) Day 14918, 01:08:40: Zara Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 14918, 01:14:08: Zara froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis) Day 14918, 01:26:53: Zara froze Tuso Tame Tank Turtle - Lvl 312 (Carbonemys) Day 14918, 01:57:37: LeoGetz froze Bazinagysaurus - Lvl 371 (Basilosaurus) Day 14918, 02:02:53: JohnSpartan froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 367 (Basilosaurus) Day 14918, 03:23:45: Zara froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis) Day 14918, 03:34:51: Zara froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 224 (Tusoteuthis) Day 14918, 05:34:33: LeoGetz claimed 'Baby Tusoteuthis - Lvl 226 (Tusoteuthis)'! Day 14918, 05:37:01: LeoGetz froze Baby Tusoteuthis - Lvl 226 (Tusoteuthis) Day 14918, 05:38:01: JohnSpartan froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 368 (Basilosaurus) Day 14918, 05:39:30: Zara froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 357 (Basilosaurus) Day 14918, 05:44:23: JohnSpartan froze La Magra - Lvl 305 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14983, 10:12:59: Zara Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 233 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 14983, 10:15:36: Zara froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 233 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 14983, 10:42:38: Zara froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 269 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 14983, 10:44:05: Zara froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 233 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 14983, 10:51:00: Zara froze Cukker 2 - Lvl 268 (Snow Owl) Day 15007, 12:42:27: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15027, 05:19:56: Zara Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 15027, 05:30:14: Zara froze Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 15027, 06:08:04: Zara froze Cukker 2 - Lvl 276 (Snow Owl) Day 15094, 01:55:06: Zara froze Cukker 2 - Lvl 282 (Snow Owl) Day 15094, 02:25:00: JohnSpartan froze szines - Lvl 280 (Snow Owl) Day 15094, 02:51:00: JohnSpartan froze GigaSeer - Lvl 416 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15094, 04:00:42: JohnSpartan froze GigaSeer - Lvl 416 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15094, 04:04:25: JohnSpartan froze szines - Lvl 281 (Snow Owl) Day 15094, 04:41:06: Zara froze Heavy Metal - Lvl 381 (Argentavis) Day 15400, 01:00:14: Zara Tamed a Dimetrodon - Lvl 209 (Dimetrodon)! Day 15400, 01:06:11: Zara froze Dimetrodon - Lvl 209 (Dimetrodon) Day 15400, 06:46:45: Zara Tamed a Dimetrodon - Lvl 217 (Dimetrodon)! Day 15400, 06:49:04: Zara froze Dimetrodon - Lvl 217 (Dimetrodon) Day 15400, 10:01:00: Zara Tamed a Dimetrodon - Lvl 217 (Dimetrodon)! Day 15400, 10:03:09: Zara froze Dimetrodon - Lvl 217 (Dimetrodon) Day 15400, 10:20:48: Zara froze Cukker 2 - Lvl 294 (Snow Owl) Day 15400, 20:02:04: Zara froze Cukker 2 - Lvl 294 (Snow Owl) Day 15400, 20:59:48: Zara froze Dimetrodon - Lvl 209 (Dimetrodon) Day 15400, 21:04:28: Zara froze Dimetrodon - Lvl 217 (Dimetrodon) Day 15400, 21:09:06: Zara froze Dimetrodon - Lvl 217 (Dimetrodon) Day 15519, 12:51:20: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15884, 22:30:06: Zara froze Color - Lvl 297 (Snow Owl) Day 15950, 02:49:03: Zara froze Heavy Metal - Lvl 400 (Argentavis) Day 15950, 05:10:34: Zara froze Color - Lvl 303 (Snow Owl) Day 15950, 07:08:40: Zara froze Heavy Metal - Lvl 400 (Argentavis) Day 15950, 07:18:39: Zara froze Color - Lvl 303 (Snow Owl) Day 15951, 04:09:16: Zara froze Color - Lvl 303 (Snow Owl) Day 15951, 09:30:52: Zara froze Heavy Metal - Lvl 400 (Argentavis) Day 15951, 09:49:27: Zara froze Color - Lvl 303 (Snow Owl) Day 16117, 07:36:51: LeoGetz froze Bagoly - Lvl 249 (Snow Owl) Day 16802, 11:44:45: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 11:44:45: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 11:44:45: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 11:44:45: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18037, 00:14:36: Zara Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 209 (Thylacoleo)! Day 18037, 00:58:49: Zara froze H34 M28 - Lvl 209 (Thylacoleo) Day 18037, 06:04:49: Zara Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (Thylacoleo)! Day 18037, 06:21:16: LeoGetz froze H33 M35 - Lvl 217 (Thylacoleo) Day 18037, 09:15:24: Your Tribe Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 29 (Direwolf)! Day 18037, 10:02:50: Zara froze H34 M28 - Lvl 209 (Thylacoleo) Day 18037, 10:11:16: Zara Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 224 (Thylacoleo)! Day 18037, 10:46:00: Your H31 M28 - Lvl 224 (Thylacoleo) was killed by Zara - Lvl 156 (Telibevert)! Day 18037, 10:46:00: Your Tribe killed H31 M28 - Lvl 224 (Thylacoleo) (Telibevert)! Day 18037, 10:56:17: LeoGetz froze Piroska farka - Lvl 29 (Direwolf) Day 18037, 15:34:34: Zara froze H33 M35 - Lvl 217 (Thylacoleo) Day 18037, 15:52:10: Zara Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 224 (Thylacoleo)! Day 18037, 16:17:00: Zara froze H37 M30 - Lvl 224 (Thylacoleo) Day 18037, 17:02:40: LeoGetz froze gerimp - Lvl 401 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18037, 17:08:33: LeoGetz froze Bagoly - Lvl 279 (Snow Owl) Day 18037, 17:29:57: Zara froze H37 M30 - Lvl 224 (Thylacoleo) Day 18037, 18:26:49: Zara froze H33 M35 - Lvl 217 (Thylacoleo) Day 18037, 20:09:51: Zara claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 199 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 18037, 20:20:22: Zara froze H34 M28 - Lvl 209 (Thylacoleo) Day 18037, 20:49:42: Zara froze Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 199 (Thylacoleo) Day 18037, 21:31:17: Zara froze Sznó ól - Lvl 276 (Snow Owl) Day 18321, 10:53:02: Zara froze Snow Owl - Lvl 363 (Snow Owl) Day 18510, 07:32:06: LeoGetz froze Lassúgeci - Lvl 392 (Snow Owl) Day 18510, 07:50:05: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18510, 08:19:01: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18510, 09:03:19: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18510, 09:21:33: LeoGetz claimed 'Archaeopteryx - Lvl 259 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 18510, 09:23:48: LeoGetz froze Archaeopteryx - Lvl 259 (Archaeopteryx) Day 18510, 09:28:16: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18510, 10:13:04: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18510, 10:34:02: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18510, 11:23:36: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18510, 11:49:14: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18510, 12:45:26: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18510, 13:06:20: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18510, 15:02:36: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18510, 16:39:46: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18510, 17:07:34: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18510, 18:16:09: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18510, 18:34:56: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18510, 19:39:09: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18510, 20:16:35: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18510, 20:36:53: LeoGetz froze Lassúgeci - Lvl 392 (Snow Owl) Day 18514, 01:18:28: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18514, 03:15:49: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18514, 05:45:08: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18514, 06:08:12: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18514, 06:40:17: Zara froze Zara_imp - Lvl 437 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18514, 07:26:43: Zara froze Zara_imp - Lvl 437 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18514, 07:56:40: Zara froze Zara_imp - Lvl 437 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18514, 08:10:54: Zara froze Zara_imp - Lvl 437 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18514, 08:31:38: Zara froze Zara_imp - Lvl 437 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18514, 09:29:45: Zara froze Zara_imp - Lvl 437 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18514, 10:29:56: Zara froze Zara_imp - Lvl 437 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18514, 10:46:47: Zara froze Zara_imp - Lvl 437 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18514, 10:59:25: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18514, 11:53:15: Zara froze Zara_imp - Lvl 437 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18514, 12:32:03: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18514, 12:35:45: Zara froze Zara_imp - Lvl 437 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18514, 13:02:26: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18514, 13:32:21: LeoGetz froze Lassúgeci - Lvl 392 (Snow Owl) Day 18514, 13:42:41: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 310 (Snow Owl) Day 18549, 07:06:34: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18549, 08:22:23: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18549, 11:36:56: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18549, 11:51:12: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18549, 12:20:03: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18549, 12:47:27: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18549, 13:09:25: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18549, 13:25:01: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18549, 13:47:46: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18549, 14:11:32: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18549, 14:43:22: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18549, 15:09:47: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18549, 15:35:52: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18549, 16:09:34: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18549, 16:45:51: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18549, 17:29:21: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18549, 18:05:16: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18549, 18:30:27: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18549, 20:12:12: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18549, 21:28:52: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18549, 22:01:24: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18549, 22:06:29: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18549, 22:52:39: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18550, 02:36:00: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18550, 02:52:46: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18550, 06:20:42: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18550, 06:41:11: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18550, 07:14:05: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18550, 08:01:22: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18550, 12:07:49: LeoGetz froze Gerimp - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18550, 13:10:03: LeoGetz froze Lassúgeci - Lvl 392 (Snow Owl) Day 19028, 15:13:03: LeoGetz froze Bagoly5 - Lvl 318 (Snow Owl) Day 19028, 15:17:04: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 322 (Snow Owl) Day 19275, 12:22:33: Zara Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 202 (Therizinosaur)! Day 19275, 13:12:33: Zara froze W50 - Lvl 224 (Therizinosaur) Day 19275, 13:23:35: Zara froze S42 - Lvl 202 (Therizinosaur) Day 19275, 14:05:07: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 326 (Snow Owl)"] "tribeid":1291236993,"tribe":"Tribe of ebony logs":["Day 23896, 11:29:40: ebony was added to the Tribe! Day 23896, 11:49:44: Brewskii added 'Tribe of ebony' Tribe to brew Alliance! Day 23896, 12:27:49: ebony froze Spanners - Lvl 422 (Voidwyrm) Day 23896, 13:41:53: ebony froze archer - Lvl 311 (Shadowmane) Day 23896, 17:20:55: ebony froze archer - Lvl 311 (Shadowmane) Day 23896, 17:30:28: ebony froze tulip - Lvl 254 (Rex) Day 23896, 17:49:42: ebony froze tulip - Lvl 254 (Rex) Day 23897, 00:31:18: ebony froze tulip - Lvl 254 (Rex) Day 23897, 00:49:20: ebony froze archer - Lvl 311 (Shadowmane) Day 23897, 01:15:41: ebony froze archer - Lvl 311 (Shadowmane) Day 23897, 02:46:56: ebony froze Spanners - Lvl 422 (Voidwyrm) Day 23916, 23:05:43: ebony froze Spanners - Lvl 423 (Voidwyrm) Day 23916, 23:43:18: ebony froze Spanners - Lvl 423 (Voidwyrm) Day 23916, 23:51:30: ebony froze Spanners - Lvl 423 (Voidwyrm) Day 23946, 00:18:09: ebony froze Spanners - Lvl 423 (Voidwyrm) Day 23946, 17:47:31: ebony froze Spanners - Lvl 423 (Voidwyrm) Day 23946, 17:52:59: ebony froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 280 (Fjordhawk) Day 23948, 07:20:21: ebony froze Spanners - Lvl 423 (Voidwyrm) Day 23948, 07:26:45: ebony froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 280 (Fjordhawk) Day 23966, 14:41:55: ebony froze Spanners - Lvl 424 (Voidwyrm) Day 23967, 15:00:14: ebony claimed 'Baryonyx - Lvl 193 (Baryonyx)'! Day 23967, 15:02:58: ebony froze Baryonyx - Lvl 193 (Baryonyx) Day 23967, 16:31:38: Brewskii added 'Tribe of Overdrive' Tribe to brew Alliance! Day 23967, 17:01:35: ebony froze Baryonyx - Lvl 193 (Baryonyx) Day 23968, 02:48:48: ebony froze Spanners - Lvl 425 (Voidwyrm) Day 23970, 23:17:44: ebony froze Baryonyx - Lvl 193 (Baryonyx) Day 23971, 08:54:57: Tribemember ebony - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 23971, 08:57:31: Your Spanners - Lvl 425 (Voidwyrm) was killed! Day 23971, 20:57:15: Tribemember ebony - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 24192, 04:11:44: ebony downloaded a dino: Otter - Lvl 253 Day 24192, 05:32:43: ebony froze Otter - Lvl 253 (Otter) Day 24192, 20:30:51: ebony uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: sparky - Lvl 267 Day 24192, 21:20:24: ebony downloaded a dino: sparky - Lvl 248 Day 24192, 21:31:58: ebony uploaded a Otter: Otter - Lvl 253 Day 24192, 21:54:09: ebony froze sparky - Lvl 248 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24484, 08:25:19: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25358, 05:50:17: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1287553511,"tribe":"Desert City(Atlantis) logs":["Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Tek Behemoth Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Tek Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Tek Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39802, 04:02:29: Tribemember Sir Elias Quinn - Lvl 138 was killed! Day 39802, 04:32:27: Tribemember Sir Elias Quinn - Lvl 138 was killed! Day 39802, 08:14:23: Your EF97-148K243-3Z - Lvl 109 (Enforcer) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 39802, 08:18:19: Your Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 74 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 39802, 08:20:48: Your Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 156 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 39802, 08:22:39: Your test - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 39802, 08:25:43: Your Tek Stryder - Lvl 67 (Tek Stryder) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 39802, 08:47:10: Sir Elias Quinn uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 181 Day 39802, 08:58:44: Your Tek Stryder - Lvl 286 (Tek Stryder) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 39802, 09:13:01: Tribemember Sir Elias Quinn - Lvl 138 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 39802, 09:13:01: Your Tek Stryder - Lvl 247 (Tek Stryder) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 39802, 11:12:16: LordSnapix was added to the Tribe by Sir Elias Quinn ! Day 39802, 16:25:00: Ichthyornis - Lvl 130 destroyed your 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 39981, 18:32:37: H9460 M314 (Rex)'s 'Oranje - Lvl 94 (R-Gasbags)' died in a Cryopod! Day 39981, 18:32:37: H9460 M314 (Rex)'s 'Rex - Lvl 192 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 39981, 18:32:37: H9460 M314 (Rex)'s 'Saviour - Lvl 99 (Iguanodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 39981, 18:48:40: Munchkin - Lvl 100 (Tribe of Strontium-Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'H9460 M314 - Lvl 298 (Rex)'! Day 39981, 18:52:58: Munchkin - Lvl 100 (Tribe of Strontium-Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 254 (Desmodus)'! Day 39981, 19:13:13: Munchkin - Lvl 100 (Tribe of Strontium-Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 284 (Pteranodon)'! Day 40110, 06:05:25: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40110, 06:05:25: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40110, 06:05:25: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40110, 06:05:25: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40110, 06:05:25: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41103, 06:42:43: Tribemember Sir Elias Quinn - Lvl 138 was killed! Day 41886, 14:07:17: Tribemember Sir Elias Quinn - Lvl 138 was killed!"] "tribeid":1287459598,"tribe":"Tribe of 2ezzzzzz logs":["Day 25460, 03:35:34: 2ezzzzzz was added to the Tribe! Day 25460, 03:36:42: STUART BOB was added to the Tribe by 2ezzzzzz! Day 25460, 05:40:49: Tribemember STUART BOB - Lvl 4 was killed by 2ezzzzzz - Lvl 5 (Tribe of 2ezzzzzz)! Day 25460, 05:40:49: Your Tribe killed STUART BOB - Lvl 4 (Tribe of 2ezzzzzz)! Day 25462, 06:52:55: Tribemember 2ezzzzzz - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 25462, 06:58:33: Tribemember STUART BOB - Lvl 5 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 25617, 03:06:35: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1287199148,"tribe":"Sanctuary logs":["Day 14834, 18:29:52: Teigan was added to the Tribe! Day 14834, 19:32:57: Teigan Tamed an Equus - Lvl 37 (Equus)! Day 14849, 05:30:50: Tribemember Teigan - Lvl 96 was killed! Day 14852, 10:45:06: Teigan Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 14852, 11:39:33: Your Equus - Lvl 56 (Equus) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 14852, 11:40:55: Tribemember Teigan - Lvl 97 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 14852, 13:55:36: Tribemember Teigan - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 14852, 15:04:36: Teigan Tamed an Equus - Lvl 74 (Equus)! Day 14859, 18:05:47: Your Misty - Lvl 81 (Equus) was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 50! Day 14859, 21:12:01: Teigan Tamed an Equus - Lvl 74 (Equus)! Day 14860, 06:33:09: Your Skye - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 14860, 06:33:16: Tribemember Teigan - Lvl 98 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 14860, 11:22:50: Teigan demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 14860, 11:23:59: Teigan demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 14860, 11:25:46: Teigan demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 14860, 11:26:31: Teigan demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 14860, 11:34:24: Teigan demolished a 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe'! Day 14860, 12:52:39: Teigan demolished a 'Stone Double Doorframe'! Day 14860, 16:55:34: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 14860, 20:07:01: Your Skye - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 14860, 20:11:02: Tribemember Teigan - Lvl 98 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 14860, 21:12:10: Your Equus - Lvl 81 (Equus) was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 145! Day 14861, 09:58:03: Tribemember Teigan - Lvl 98 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 90! Day 14861, 12:20:40: Teigan Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon)! Day 14862, 06:30:10: Teigan Tamed an Equus - Lvl 217 (Equus)! Day 14862, 11:39:28: Your Skye - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 14862, 11:40:18: Tribemember Teigan - Lvl 98 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50! Day 14862, 14:24:07: Teigan Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon)! Day 14863, 07:48:23: Your Artex - Lvl 222 (Equus) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 14863, 09:02:00: Teigan claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 14863, 09:03:49: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 14863, 09:32:49: Teigan uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 148 Day 14865, 14:25:55: Tribemember Teigan - Lvl 100 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185! Day 14865, 18:13:03: Your Zoe - Lvl 133 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185! Day 14865, 18:14:18: Tribemember Teigan - Lvl 101 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 14865, 19:59:07: Teigan Tamed an Equus - Lvl 127 (Equus)! Day 14865, 20:48:54: Your Equus - Lvl 127 (Equus) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 100! Day 14866, 01:34:25: Teigan Tamed an Equus - Lvl 202 (Equus)! Day 14866, 07:29:03: Teigan Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 14866, 07:36:02: Teigan froze Judy - Lvl 206 (Equus) Day 14873, 07:25:02: Teigan froze Judy - Lvl 206 (Equus) Day 14873, 08:03:22: Teigan uploaded a Equus: Judy - Lvl 206 Day 14873, 08:05:01: Teigan froze Pteranodon - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon) Day 14876, 07:45:14: Teigan froze Char - Lvl 243 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14876, 08:08:40: Teigan uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Char - Lvl 243 Day 14876, 08:14:46: Teigan downloaded a dino: Char - Lvl 243 Day 14876, 13:18:20: Teigan Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 14876, 13:24:08: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) Day 14876, 23:40:28: Teigan Tamed an Equus - Lvl 217 (Equus)! Day 14877, 12:56:06: Your Skye - Lvl 231 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 14877, 12:56:12: Tribemember Teigan - Lvl 110 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 14878, 03:27:12: Teigan Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 212 (Pteranodon)! Day 14878, 03:38:24: Teigan froze Pteranodon - Lvl 212 (Pteranodon) Day 14878, 06:33:16: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 14878, 06:34:23: Tribemember Teigan - Lvl 116 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 14878, 21:33:27: Teigan Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 14878, 22:02:48: Teigan froze fodder - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 14879, 10:34:01: Your fodder - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50! Day 14879, 10:36:20: Tribemember Teigan - Lvl 122 was killed by an Arthropluera - Lvl 15! Day 14885, 07:46:52: Tribemember Teigan - Lvl 122 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 190! Day 14885, 08:06:49: Tribemember Teigan - Lvl 122 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 190! Day 14885, 08:20:54: Tribemember Teigan - Lvl 122 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 25! Day 14885, 09:29:39: Your Equus - Lvl 226 (Equus) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 20! Day 14885, 13:33:28: Teigan froze Char - Lvl 278 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14887, 17:59:43: Teigan downloaded a dino: Trick - Lvl 199 Day 14887, 18:02:02: Teigan froze Trick - Lvl 199 (Ankylosaurus) Day 14888, 18:03:57: Teigan froze Char - Lvl 290 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14891, 15:49:42: Teigan Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)! Day 14891, 16:03:52: Teigan froze Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon) Day 14891, 16:51:53: Teigan downloaded a dino: Glacier - Lvl 255 Day 14891, 16:54:29: Teigan froze Glacier - Lvl 255 (Ice Wyvern) Day 14892, 04:06:06: Teigan froze Treat - Lvl 200 (Ankylosaurus) Day 14892, 09:02:06: Teigan froze Glacier - Lvl 263 (Ice Wyvern) Day 14892, 09:03:48: Teigan froze Treat - Lvl 200 (Ankylosaurus) Day 14902, 10:03:31: Teigan froze Shelly - Lvl 225 (Doedicurus) Day 14902, 10:18:32: Teigan froze Glacier - Lvl 265 (Ice Wyvern) Day 14902, 10:20:17: Teigan uploaded a Doedicurus: Shelly - Lvl 225 Day 14931, 12:45:05: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 250 (Pteranodon) Day 14932, 10:22:06: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 252 (Pteranodon) Day 14932, 16:06:01: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 253 (Pteranodon) Day 14972, 11:51:56: Teigan Tamed an Equus - Lvl 224 (Equus)! Day 14972, 13:04:31: Teigan claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 14972, 13:10:22: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 14974, 07:50:35: Teigan claimed 'Velvet Thunder - Lvl 416 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 14974, 07:54:13: Teigan unclaimed 'Velvet Thunder - Lvl 416 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 14974, 08:49:32: Tribemember Teigan - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 14974, 14:49:45: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 267 (Pteranodon) Day 14975, 01:05:17: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 267 (Pteranodon) Day 14975, 08:27:56: Teigan froze Equus - Lvl 224 (Equus) Day 14975, 08:40:25: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 151 (Pteranodon) Day 14975, 08:56:40: Teigan froze Char - Lvl 318 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14975, 08:59:57: Teigan froze Ember - Lvl 310 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14975, 13:40:06: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 268 (Pteranodon) Day 14984, 11:32:03: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 274 (Pteranodon) Day 14987, 06:57:27: Teigan froze Ember - Lvl 312 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14987, 07:00:41: Teigan froze Char - Lvl 318 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14987, 10:36:57: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 276 (Pteranodon) Day 14987, 14:59:42: Teigan froze Ember - Lvl 318 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14987, 15:02:30: Teigan froze Char - Lvl 318 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14987, 19:40:31: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 277 (Pteranodon) Day 15017, 13:32:44: Teigan Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle)! Day 15017, 13:38:41: Teigan froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle) Day 15017, 13:47:59: Teigan Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 217 (Dung Beetle)! Day 15017, 13:52:16: Teigan froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 217 (Dung Beetle) Day 15017, 17:05:59: Teigan Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 15017, 17:14:11: Teigan froze Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) Day 15017, 18:03:31: Teigan froze Char - Lvl 321 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15017, 18:05:28: Teigan froze Ember - Lvl 325 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15017, 18:09:43: Teigan froze Tina - Lvl 259 (Velonasaur) Day 15017, 18:50:41: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 283 (Pteranodon) Day 15084, 18:38:01: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon) Day 15085, 14:14:16: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon) Day 15085, 14:34:48: Teigan froze Char - Lvl 328 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15085, 14:36:18: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon) Day 15085, 15:13:57: Teigan froze Azure - Lvl 301 (Ice Wyvern) Day 15333, 19:36:05: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 314 (Pteranodon) Day 15333, 19:45:31: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon) Day 15333, 20:34:45: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 314 (Pteranodon) Day 15336, 04:11:51: Teigan Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 15336, 04:24:47: Teigan froze Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) Day 15336, 15:03:09: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 314 (Pteranodon) Day 15344, 17:36:12: Teigan Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 15344, 17:39:08: Teigan froze Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) Day 15344, 18:15:52: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 315 (Pteranodon) Day 15372, 15:08:35: Teigan froze Nightscale - Lvl 274 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15372, 15:20:46: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 316 (Pteranodon) Day 15374, 11:41:12: Tribemember Teigan - Lvl 122 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185! Day 15374, 12:12:24: Teigan froze Pteranodon - Lvl 180 (Pteranodon) Day 15375, 10:55:06: Teigan froze Nightscale - Lvl 279 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15375, 11:18:55: Teigan froze Pteranodon - Lvl 182 (Pteranodon) Day 15387, 08:37:35: Tribemember Teigan - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 15387, 08:51:47: Teigan froze Pteranodon - Lvl 186 (Pteranodon) Day 15387, 22:43:29: Teigan froze Pteranodon - Lvl 187 (Pteranodon) Day 15391, 11:41:34: Teigan froze Ash - Lvl 189 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15391, 16:31:21: Teigan froze Char - Lvl 336 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15391, 16:33:53: Teigan froze Ember - Lvl 335 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15391, 17:56:47: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 254 (Pteranodon) Day 15391, 18:14:26: Teigan froze Ash - Lvl 189 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15399, 13:33:15: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 255 (Pteranodon) Day 15399, 16:03:54: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 187 (Fire Wyvern) was killed! Day 15399, 16:10:52: Teigan froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 179 (Ice Wyvern) Day 15399, 17:03:52: Teigan froze Juvenile Jade - Lvl 184 (Ice Wyvern) Day 15399, 19:30:35: Your Juvenile Jade - Lvl 184 (Ice Wyvern) was killed by Char - Lvl 336 (Fire Wyvern) (Sanctuary)! Day 15399, 19:30:35: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Jade - Lvl 184 (Ice Wyvern) (Sanctuary)! Day 15400, 10:56:27: Teigan froze Char - Lvl 336 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15400, 12:29:43: Teigan froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 179 (Ice Wyvern) Day 15400, 12:38:24: Your Ice Wyvern - Lvl 179 (Ice Wyvern) was killed! Day 15401, 19:59:35: Teigan Tamed a Spino - Lvl 224 (Spino)! Day 15401, 20:05:26: Teigan froze Spino - Lvl 224 (Spino) Day 15401, 20:14:07: Teigan demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 15401, 20:14:38: Teigan demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 15402, 02:45:39: Teigan froze Ash - Lvl 189 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15402, 16:07:58: Teigan claimed 'Juvenile Beelzebufo - Lvl 251 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 15402, 16:15:57: Teigan froze Juvenile Beelzebufo - Lvl 251 (Beelzebufo) Day 15402, 16:21:20: Teigan claimed 'Juvenile Beelzebufo - Lvl 251 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 15402, 16:31:58: Teigan claimed 'Juvenile Beelzebufo - Lvl 194 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 15402, 16:33:14: Teigan claimed 'Juvenile Beelzebufo - Lvl 194 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 15402, 16:45:55: Teigan froze Juvenile Beelzebufo - Lvl 194 (Beelzebufo) Day 15402, 16:56:01: Tribemember Teigan - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 15402, 17:29:45: Your Juvenile Beelzebufo - Lvl 251 (Beelzebufo) was killed! Day 15402, 17:29:45: Juvenile Beelzebufo - Lvl 251 (Beelzebufo) starved to death! Day 15402, 17:33:11: Your Juvenile Beelzebufo - Lvl 194 (Beelzebufo) was killed! Day 15402, 17:33:11: Juvenile Beelzebufo - Lvl 194 (Beelzebufo) starved to death! Day 15402, 18:10:01: Tribemember Teigan - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 15403, 12:43:43: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 285 (Pteranodon) Day 15412, 18:32:55: Teigan froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 283 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15412, 18:36:16: Teigan froze Ember - Lvl 336 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15412, 19:50:13: Tribemember Teigan - Lvl 122 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 15412, 21:02:32: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 287 (Pteranodon) Day 15412, 21:38:51: Teigan froze Char - Lvl 336 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15412, 22:38:30: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 292 (Pteranodon) Day 15416, 23:24:38: Teigan froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 283 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15416, 23:31:01: Teigan froze Ember - Lvl 336 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15417, 00:09:00: Teigan froze Rental - Lvl 197 (Pteranodon) Day 15417, 18:24:17: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 231 (Pteranodon) Day 15428, 09:30:54: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 244 (Pteranodon) Day 15428, 12:49:44: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 248 (Pteranodon) Day 15428, 17:12:57: Teigan Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 224 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 15428, 17:16:01: Teigan froze Shelly - Lvl 224 (Ankylosaurus) Day 15428, 17:17:34: Teigan froze Nightscale - Lvl 285 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15428, 20:15:01: Tribemember Teigan - Lvl 122 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 145! Day 15428, 22:53:23: Teigan froze Ember - Lvl 336 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15429, 07:00:27: Teigan froze Nightscale - Lvl 285 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15429, 10:26:24: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 250 (Pteranodon) Day 15432, 15:24:22: Teigan froze Azure - Lvl 264 (Ice Wyvern) Day 15432, 15:30:12: Teigan Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 223 (Castoroides)! Day 15432, 15:33:14: Teigan froze M1 - Lvl 223 (Castoroides) Day 15433, 06:28:50: Teigan demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 15433, 10:20:08: Teigan Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 224 (Castoroides)! Day 15433, 10:24:26: Teigan froze F1 - Lvl 224 (Castoroides) Day 15433, 15:26:07: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 266 (Pteranodon) Day 15444, 18:20:24: Teigan froze Ashley - Lvl 248 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15444, 18:46:31: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 273 (Pteranodon) Day 15488, 06:42:26: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 247 (Pteranodon) Day 15488, 08:10:17: Teigan froze Ember - Lvl 336 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15488, 13:05:03: Teigan froze Ember - Lvl 336 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15488, 14:01:38: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 252 (Pteranodon) Day 15488, 14:05:01: Teigan downloaded a dino: Bowser - Lvl 315 Day 15488, 14:05:17: Teigan downloaded a dino: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 255 Day 15488, 14:07:05: Teigan froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 255 (Ankylosaurus) Day 15488, 14:08:32: Teigan froze Bowser - Lvl 315 (Doedicurus) Day 15514, 10:19:11: Tribemember Teigan - Lvl 122 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 20! Day 15514, 11:41:28: Teigan froze Ember - Lvl 336 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15514, 14:33:27: Teigan froze Rental - Lvl 275 (Pteranodon) Day 15593, 09:01:08: Teigan froze Ember - Lvl 336 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15593, 18:08:57: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 281 (Pteranodon) Day 15723, 10:32:44: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 308 (Pteranodon) Day 15803, 09:38:12: Teigan froze Skye - Lvl 318 (Pteranodon) Day 15842, 15:43:15: charlie - Lvl 71 (Tribe of Elv) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 187 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 15910, 19:24:28: Oriana froze Skye - Lvl 281 (Pteranodon) Day 16214, 18:44:47: Oriana froze Skye - Lvl 309 (Pteranodon) Day 16287, 14:12:29: Oriana froze Skye - Lvl 338 (Pteranodon) Day 16677, 18:39:49: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 18:39:49: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 18:39:49: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 18:39:49: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16857, 18:37:24: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16857, 18:37:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16857, 18:37:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16857, 18:37:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16857, 18:37:24: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16857, 18:37:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16857, 18:37:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16857, 18:37:24: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16857, 18:37:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16857, 18:37:24: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16857, 18:37:24: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16857, 18:37:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16857, 18:37:24: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26122, 19:24:57: Oriana froze Skye - Lvl 416 (Argentavis) Day 26243, 16:06:32: Oriana froze Ashley - Lvl 242 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26247, 10:48:38: Tribemember Oriana - Lvl 126 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 26247, 11:49:34: Tribemember Oriana - Lvl 126 was killed! Day 26247, 12:24:22: Tribemember Oriana - Lvl 126 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 26247, 15:54:48: Tribemember Oriana - Lvl 126 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 26247, 20:40:06: Oriana froze Skye - Lvl 416 (Argentavis) Day 26247, 23:48:20: Oriana uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Ashley - Lvl 243 Day 26266, 15:57:18: Oriana froze Ashley - Lvl 249 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26270, 07:21:57: Oriana froze Ashley - Lvl 259 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26282, 18:38:21: Oriana froze Ashley - Lvl 264 (Fire Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1286391166,"tribe":"My First Tribe logs":["Day 29222, 05:44:50: Escripid was added to the Tribe! Day 29222, 08:21:07: Evelynn added 'My First Tribe' Tribe to Friends Alliance! Day 29501, 23:17:17: Escripid claimed 'Melee - Lvl 205 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 29502, 19:55:38: Escripid Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)! Day 29552, 19:34:48: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur)! Day 29552, 22:38:09: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 73 (Dilophosaur)! Day 29620, 08:42:51: Escripid Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 114 (Dodo)! Day 29620, 13:16:46: Escripid Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 25 (Dodo)! Day 29620, 16:38:08: Escripid claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 67 (Dodo)'! Day 29620, 18:06:02: Your Juvenile Dodo - Lvl 67 (Dodo) was killed! Day 29620, 18:06:02: Juvenile Dodo - Lvl 67 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 29620, 21:23:51: Escripid Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo)! Day 29620, 21:42:52: Escripid Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 64 (Dodo)! Day 29621, 08:07:31: Escripid Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 62 (Dodo)! Day 29621, 10:36:51: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 89 (Parasaur)! Day 29621, 20:15:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 83 (Megalodon)! Day 29622, 21:31:10: Escripid Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 222 (Dodo)! Day 29623, 01:15:53: Escripid claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 108 (Dodo)'! Day 29639, 20:03:53: Adolescent Dodo - Lvl 108 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 29643, 12:38:12: Escripid Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 215 (Dilophosaur)! Day 29643, 13:02:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 200 (Dilophosaur)! Day 29643, 15:22:37: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 200 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 140! Day 29643, 21:05:31: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 215 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 130! Day 29643, 21:16:50: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 29 (Doedicurus)! Day 29643, 21:32:51: Escripid Tamed a Spino - Lvl 216 (Spino)! Day 29644, 12:31:49: Your Parasaur - Lvl 89 (Parasaur) was killed! Day 29667, 01:57:10: Escripid unclaimed 'Assim fica melhor - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29667, 14:25:53: Tribemember Escripid - Lvl 79 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 85! Day 29667, 15:09:46: Escripid claimed 'Assim fica melhor - Lvl 231 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29667, 17:05:02: Escripid Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 29716, 01:32:58: Your Dodo - Lvl 119 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 55! Day 29866, 03:33:56: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30249, 13:07:06: Doedicurus - Lvl 37 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 30308, 20:14:28: Dilophosaur - Lvl 33 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 30313, 17:48:31: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30332, 17:50:14: Dodo - Lvl 34 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 30333, 19:42:24: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 72 (Dodo)'! Day 30333, 19:43:04: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Besta - Lvl 220 (Spino)'! Day 30333, 19:44:33: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Melee - Lvl 265 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 30333, 19:45:38: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 77 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 30333, 19:50:06: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vicky o Pequeno Golfinho - Lvl 220 (Argentavis)'! Day 30333, 19:54:41: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo)'! Day 30333, 19:55:54: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 278 (Triceratops)'! Day 30333, 20:00:31: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Assim fica melhor - Lvl 231 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30333, 20:10:12: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 92 (Megalodon)'! Day 30418, 15:32:14: Your Dodo - Lvl 223 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 30420, 05:30:37: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - Lvl 69 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 30460, 16:13:22: Tribemember Escripid - Lvl 80 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 140! Day 30881, 01:32:55: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1285567871,"tribe":"Tribe of Human1 logs":["Day 33369, 09:56:17: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 33369, 09:58:24: Big Mike was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 33369, 10:29:19: Guy was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 33370, 01:09:51: Tribemember Human - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 33370, 01:41:24: Tribemember Big Mike - Lvl 14 was killed by an Arthropluera - Lvl 20! Day 33370, 02:45:13: Tribemember Human - Lvl 14 was killed by an Arthropluera - Lvl 20! Day 33370, 03:53:33: Tribemember Big Mike - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 33370, 07:51:08: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33370, 08:01:54: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 33370, 08:03:21: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 33370, 08:03:21: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 33370, 08:04:49: Tribemember Big Mike - Lvl 15 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 140! Day 33370, 08:06:22: Tribemember Human - Lvl 18 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 140! Day 33370, 08:11:42: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 20 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 140! Day 33370, 08:39:42: Tribemember Big Mike - Lvl 15 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 140! Day 33370, 11:37:11: Tribemember Human - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 33370, 12:37:00: John was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 33370, 19:10:26: Tribemember John - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 33370, 19:27:07: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 24 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 33370, 19:39:11: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 24 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 33370, 19:59:25: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 25 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 33370, 20:18:21: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 25 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 33370, 20:22:13: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 33370, 20:22:13: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 33370, 20:22:13: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 33370, 20:22:13: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 33370, 20:22:13: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 33370, 20:22:13: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 33370, 20:22:13: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 33370, 20:22:13: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 33370, 20:22:13: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 33370, 20:22:13: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 33370, 20:22:13: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 33370, 20:22:13: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 33370, 20:22:13: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 33370, 20:22:13: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 33370, 20:30:54: Tribemember Big Mike - Lvl 25 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 33370, 20:37:23: Tribemember John - Lvl 16 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 33370, 20:44:11: Tribemember Human - Lvl 22 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 33370, 21:57:39: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 25 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 33370, 22:33:50: Tribemember Human - Lvl 22 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 33370, 23:05:11: Tribemember Human - Lvl 22 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 33370, 23:07:44: Tribemember Big Mike - Lvl 25 was killed! Day 33370, 23:18:53: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 25 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90! Day 33370, 23:32:29: Tribemember John - Lvl 16 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90! Day 33371, 00:38:27: Tribemember Human - Lvl 24 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 33371, 00:42:30: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33371, 00:53:04: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 25 was killed! Day 33371, 02:08:20: Tribemember Big Mike - Lvl 26 was killed by Guy - Lvl 26 (Tribe of Human1)! Day 33371, 02:08:20: Your Tribe killed Big Mike - Lvl 26 (Tribe of Human1)! Day 33371, 02:52:08: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33371, 03:04:28: Tribemember Human - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 33371, 09:37:53: Guy Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 33371, 12:25:32: Human demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 33371, 19:01:53: Tribemember Big Mike - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 33371, 21:43:02: Big Mike claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 33372, 06:04:13: Human demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Unlocked) '! Day 33375, 16:38:43: Human Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 33376, 02:05:38: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 33376, 12:23:05: Your james - Lvl 35 (Parasaur) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 145! Day 33376, 12:55:35: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 30 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 145! Day 33376, 17:34:43: John demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 33376, 17:40:04: John demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 33376, 19:59:28: Human Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)! Day 33376, 22:41:09: Guy Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax)! Day 33376, 22:58:51: Your Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 25! Day 33377, 04:43:06: Guy demolished a 'Medium Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 33377, 05:37:54: Tribemember Big Mike - Lvl 50 was killed! Day 33377, 06:53:24: Tribemember Big Mike - Lvl 50 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 25! Day 33377, 08:05:12: Tribemember Big Mike - Lvl 50 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 25! Day 33377, 08:36:50: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 64 (Pteranodon)! Day 33377, 08:50:30: Tribemember Big Mike - Lvl 50 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 25! Day 33377, 09:37:36: Guy claimed 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 33377, 10:04:32: Tribemember Big Mike - Lvl 50 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 25! Day 33377, 14:05:21: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 48 was killed! Day 33377, 15:47:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 222 (Parasaur)! Day 33377, 16:32:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)! Day 33377, 18:33:14: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 49 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 95! Day 33378, 01:25:49: Human demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 33378, 06:52:46: Guy Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 134 (Moschops)! Day 33378, 12:56:34: Guy claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 33378, 13:03:35: Guy claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 33378, 15:21:14: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 54 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 135! Day 33378, 16:54:01: Human demolished a 'Wooden Double Doorframe'! Day 33378, 16:55:48: Human demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 33378, 17:46:35: Human demolished a 'Wooden Double Door (Locked) '! Day 33379, 00:41:54: Guy demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 33379, 05:47:04: Guy demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 33379, 05:48:14: Guy demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 33389, 13:57:24: Human demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 33389, 13:59:18: Human demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 33389, 14:01:08: Human demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 33389, 14:02:23: Human demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 33389, 14:03:29: Human demolished a 'Thatch Doorframe'! Day 33389, 22:10:14: Human Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 22 (Argentavis)! Day 33390, 06:32:04: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 207 (Dilophosaur)! Day 33390, 08:16:00: Tribemember Big Mike - Lvl 55 was killed! Day 33390, 09:38:48: Tribemember Human - Lvl 68 was killed by Guy - Lvl 63 (Tribe of Human1)! Day 33390, 09:38:48: Your Tribe killed Human - Lvl 68 (Tribe of Human1)! Day 33390, 09:58:51: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 63 was killed by Big Mike - Lvl 55 (Tribe of Human1)! Day 33390, 09:58:51: Your Tribe killed Guy - Lvl 63 (Tribe of Human1)! Day 33390, 10:04:10: Tribemember Big Mike - Lvl 55 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 100! Day 33390, 11:25:54: Guy Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 141 (Dilophosaur)! Day 33390, 15:46:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 134 (Dimorphodon)! Day 33390, 16:51:33: Tribemember Human - Lvl 68 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 130! Day 33390, 17:43:46: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 63 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 33390, 18:17:25: Tribemember John - Lvl 49 was killed! Day 33390, 18:36:22: Tribemember Big Mike - Lvl 57 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 33390, 21:16:53: Tribemember Big Mike - Lvl 58 was killed by Guy - Lvl 64 (Tribe of Human1)! Day 33390, 21:16:53: Your Tribe killed Big Mike - Lvl 58 (Tribe of Human1)! Day 33390, 22:42:00: Human Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 134 (Argentavis)! Day 33391, 00:14:59: Big Mike was removed from the Tribe by Human! Day 33391, 00:30:35: Big Mike was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 33392, 07:06:03: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33392, 07:13:28: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33392, 15:31:28: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 223 (Triceratops)! Day 33392, 19:35:44: Guy Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 79 (Raptor)! Day 33392, 19:48:55: John Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 134 (Doedicurus)! Day 33393, 07:20:50: Human Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 158 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 33393, 09:28:59: Human demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 33393, 19:54:52: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 33394, 07:57:10: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon) was killed by Human - Lvl 73 (Tribe of Human1)! Day 33394, 07:57:10: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon) (Tribe of Human1)! Day 33394, 08:52:59: Tribemember John - Lvl 60 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 33394, 09:56:34: Tribemember John - Lvl 60 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 95! Day 33394, 11:04:17: Tribemember Human - Lvl 74 was killed! Day 33394, 11:06:00: Tribemember John - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 33394, 21:10:40: John demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 33395, 12:51:44: Human demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 33395, 12:53:50: Human demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 33395, 12:56:53: Human demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 33395, 13:00:30: Human demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 33400, 19:43:31: Tribemember John - Lvl 62 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 95! Day 33401, 03:20:49: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33401, 03:23:18: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33401, 03:24:24: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33401, 03:37:32: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33401, 04:17:30: John demolished a 'Reinforced Double Door (Locked) '! Day 33401, 04:19:05: John demolished a 'Stone Double Doorframe'! Day 33401, 04:30:41: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33401, 04:31:51: John demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 33401, 04:33:57: John demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 33401, 04:35:28: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33401, 05:19:53: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33401, 09:26:57: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33412, 09:56:54: Guy demolished a 'Metal Double Doorframe'! Day 33412, 18:34:58: Guy demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 33412, 18:36:15: Guy demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 33412, 18:37:45: Guy demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 33412, 18:38:59: Guy demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 33412, 18:40:29: Guy demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 33412, 18:41:51: Guy demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 33412, 18:43:20: Guy demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 33412, 18:46:01: Guy demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 33412, 18:47:16: Guy demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 33412, 19:48:34: Human demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 33412, 19:52:51: Human demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 33412, 19:53:34: Human demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 33412, 19:59:35: John demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 33413, 02:20:01: Human demolished a 'Campfire (Unlocked) '! Day 33413, 03:22:01: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33413, 03:23:09: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33413, 03:24:44: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33413, 03:27:41: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33413, 03:39:24: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33413, 04:35:28: Tribemember Human - Lvl 78 was killed! Day 33413, 05:25:24: Tribemember Human - Lvl 78 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 33413, 09:29:35: Guy Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 22 (Pachy)! Day 33413, 13:12:42: John demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 33413, 13:13:41: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33413, 13:14:32: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33413, 15:55:12: Tribemember Human - Lvl 78 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 95! Day 33413, 17:09:20: Tribemember Human - Lvl 78 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 135! Day 33413, 18:42:20: Tribemember Human - Lvl 79 was killed! Day 33413, 20:54:37: Human demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 33413, 20:56:10: Human demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 33414, 00:42:41: Tribemember John - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 33414, 11:56:46: Human Tamed a Rex - Lvl 82 (Rex)! Day 33414, 16:36:06: Tribemember Big Mike - Lvl 60 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 145! Day 33414, 17:29:35: Your bord - Lvl 47 (Argentavis) was killed by a Giant Bee - Lvl 5! Day 33415, 20:01:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 75 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 33415, 23:57:44: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 127 (Megalodon)! Day 33416, 02:57:17: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 82 (Argentavis)! Day 33416, 05:36:19: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 75 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 95! Day 33416, 06:34:57: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 75 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 15! Day 33416, 14:44:18: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33416, 14:46:05: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33416, 14:47:06: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33416, 14:48:10: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33416, 14:56:21: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33416, 15:02:23: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33416, 15:09:53: John demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 33416, 15:12:55: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33416, 15:24:00: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33417, 06:10:12: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33417, 06:41:03: John demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 33417, 06:48:07: John demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 33417, 07:00:15: John demolished a 'Metal Stairs'! Day 33417, 07:14:37: John demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 33417, 07:25:30: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33417, 09:05:34: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33417, 09:09:20: John demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 33417, 17:59:22: Guy Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 67 (Argentavis)! Day 33420, 07:15:56: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 33420, 16:30:27: Your smeglashlong - Lvl 148 (Megalodon) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 140! Day 33420, 16:42:19: Tribemember Human - Lvl 85 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 140! Day 33421, 18:56:29: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 120 (Megalodon)! Day 33437, 17:06:37: Tribemember Human - Lvl 93 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 100! Day 33443, 22:23:42: Human demolished a 'Wooden Cage (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 33444, 16:00:13: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 126 (Argentavis)! Day 33444, 19:56:56: Tribemember Big Mike - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 33446, 14:53:07: Your Tribe Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 134 (Brontosaurus)! Day 33448, 10:30:17: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 33448, 10:31:10: Human demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 33448, 10:31:57: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 33460, 22:23:07: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 84 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 50! Day 33460, 23:14:40: Tribemember Human - Lvl 98 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 140! Day 33461, 08:01:57: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 84 was killed! Day 33461, 13:05:07: Guy Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 29 (Sabertooth)! Day 33461, 15:50:22: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 85 was killed! Day 33461, 17:41:56: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 85 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 95! Day 33468, 14:11:59: Human unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 138 (Argentavis)'! Day 33468, 16:38:31: Human claimed 'Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek)'! Day 33524, 01:15:12: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33618, 12:01:42: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33665, 17:19:40: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33760, 05:53:41: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33760, 05:53:41: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33775, 07:37:01: greg - Lvl 83 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 33949, 06:16:53: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34050, 11:59:05: Siness - Lvl 114 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 153 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 34050, 13:06:09: Siness - Lvl 114 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Alice Cooper - Lvl 99 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 34050, 14:08:07: Siness - Lvl 114 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'smegalodon - Lvl 144 (Megalodon)'! Day 34057, 10:26:15: Nait - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek)'! Day 34057, 15:50:10: Nait - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'rashid - Lvl 179 (Argentavis)'! Day 34057, 16:00:38: Nait - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dan - Lvl 206 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 34057, 16:13:29: Nait - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 165 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 34057, 16:30:50: Nait - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Greg 2.0 - Lvl 194 (Moschops)'! Day 34057, 16:47:32: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 34067, 09:01:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34157, 11:05:04: dia - Lvl 192 (The Old Gits) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Horny - Lvl 179 (Pteranodon)'! Day 34171, 16:31:21: Bunnie - Lvl 12 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'mike - Lvl 113 (Rex)'! Day 34171, 16:37:55: Bunnie - Lvl 12 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'bord 2.0 - Lvl 119 (Argentavis)'! Day 34171, 16:42:35: Bunnie - Lvl 12 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dicky - Lvl 178 (Doedicurus)'! Day 34171, 16:47:16: Bunnie - Lvl 12 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 265 (Triceratops)'! Day 34171, 18:00:26: Bunnie - Lvl 12 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sabertooth - Lvl 33 (Sabertooth)'! Day 34171, 19:41:34: Bunnie - Lvl 13 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'steven - Lvl 109 (Raptor)'! Day 34217, 23:59:51: Donald Duck - Lvl 8 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'piss - Lvl 47 (Pachy)'! Day 34218, 00:01:36: Donald Duck - Lvl 8 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 171 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 34218, 00:02:00: Donald Duck - Lvl 8 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 258 (Parasaur)'! Day 34218, 00:18:44: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 89 (Argentavis)'! Day 34337, 12:29:25: that1bob - Lvl 5 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dildo - Lvl 237 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 34350, 13:33:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34372, 06:23:21: Human - Lvl 2 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 34385, 13:47:59: Tribemember Human - Lvl 98 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 145! Day 34386, 00:30:43: Tribemember John - Lvl 70 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 145! Day 34390, 09:22:57: the miggler - Lvl 2 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 34391, 11:54:50: the miggler - Lvl 17 (Tribe of zinger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 34402, 09:03:51: zinger - Lvl 15 (Tribe of zinger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 34412, 23:25:56: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 85 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 34617, 14:03:12: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34818, 01:54:25: nathan - Lvl 67 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'darron - Lvl 237 (Pteranodon)'! Day 42020, 03:19:26: Tribemember Big Mike - Lvl 65 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 145! Day 43078, 10:33:10: rek - Lvl 3 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'!"] "tribeid":1282855675,"tribe":"Demon Lobby logs":["Day 31369, 08:11:06: Bad Juice was added to the Tribe! Day 31369, 14:15:33: Tribemember Bad Juice - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 31370, 16:15:26: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31370, 19:03:11: Tribemember Bad Juice - Lvl 15 was killed! Day 31371, 06:51:23: Bad Juice demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 31458, 17:27:53: GreenHoonGranny added 'Demon Lobby' Tribe to United Swaggers Alliance! Day 31458, 21:53:30: Bad Juice claimed 'Pinky - Lvl 64 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 31459, 06:23:32: Bad Juice claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 31459, 06:36:25: Bad Juice froze Baby FIRE - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31459, 10:03:50: Tribemember Bad Juice - Lvl 24 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 31459, 10:43:36: Tribemember Bad Juice - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 31460, 09:34:53: Bad Juice froze Juvenile FIRE - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31460, 15:48:11: Tribemember Bad Juice - Lvl 28 was killed by an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 31460, 16:27:11: Tribemember Bad Juice - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 31508, 19:14:45: Tribemember Bad Juice - Lvl 33 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 31508, 20:00:24: Your Pinky - Lvl 64 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 31508, 20:01:08: Tribemember Bad Juice - Lvl 33 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 31510, 03:29:18: Tribemember Bad Juice - Lvl 33 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 60! Day 31510, 03:54:13: Tribemember Bad Juice - Lvl 33 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 60! Day 31510, 04:53:11: Tribemember Bad Juice - Lvl 33 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 140! Day 31531, 13:49:01: Bad Juice claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 189 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 31531, 14:03:35: Bad Juice claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 31531, 14:08:22: Bad Juice froze Baby MK1 - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31531, 15:31:29: Bad Juice froze Baby Kuraz - Lvl 189 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31531, 16:12:26: Tribemember Bad Juice - Lvl 36 was killed! Day 31531, 16:56:46: Bad Juice froze Baby MK1 - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31531, 17:17:29: Bad Juice froze food fem - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31531, 17:47:11: Bad Juice froze food fem - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31532, 12:09:49: Bad Juice froze Juvenile MK1 - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31532, 12:23:19: Bad Juice froze Juvenile Kuraz - Lvl 189 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31752, 20:37:19: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31752, 20:37:19: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31752, 20:37:19: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31752, 20:37:19: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31823, 18:27:46: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32035, 21:07:21: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32130, 10:11:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32413, 20:49:14: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32429, 14:00:26: Tribemember Bad Juice - Lvl 43 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 20! Day 32539, 12:57:48: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Alexxe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FIRE - Lvl 164 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 32539, 13:13:52: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Alexxe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MK1 - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 32539, 13:42:26: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Alexxe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kuraz - Lvl 189 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 32697, 00:06:43: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1282845766,"tribe":"Lens World logs":["Day 35774, 08:00:00: Len froze Baby Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 35774, 09:08:46: Len claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 186 (Rex)'! Day 35774, 09:16:04: Len froze Baby Rex - Lvl 186 (Rex) Day 35774, 09:36:07: Len claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex)'! Day 35774, 10:32:30: Len froze Female - Lvl 235 (Tek Rex) Day 35774, 12:08:37: Len froze Baby Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 35794, 08:42:30: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) starved to death! Day 35794, 08:42:30: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 186 (Rex) starved to death! Day 35794, 13:39:40: Len froze Fem - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 35794, 16:38:37: Len froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 371 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35794, 19:08:20: Len uploaded a R-Snow Owl: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 267 Day 35796, 03:18:56: Len froze Maewing - Lvl 133 (Maewing) Day 35818, 13:24:47: Len froze Argentavis - Lvl 327 (Argentavis) Day 35818, 19:33:15: Len froze Male - Lvl 317 (Tek Rex) Day 35818, 19:40:06: Len froze Female - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 35818, 20:06:17: Len froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 228 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35819, 12:27:39: Len froze Rex - Lvl 288 (Rex) Day 35820, 03:46:30: Len uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 371 Day 35821, 05:03:55: Len downloaded a dino: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 371 Day 35843, 05:39:02: Len claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex)'! Day 35844, 15:27:11: Your Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 153 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 35844, 15:27:53: Tribemember Len - Lvl 113 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 35844, 16:11:30: Tribemember Len - Lvl 113 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 35853, 01:23:18: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35868, 09:02:20: Len claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 35868, 09:17:42: Len froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35868, 11:54:59: Len uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 371 Day 35868, 19:29:56: Len froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 328 (Fire Wyvern) Day 35869, 04:15:57: Len froze Female - Lvl 294 (Tek Rex) Day 35869, 05:20:08: Len froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 126 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35869, 05:31:57: Len froze Female - Lvl 294 (Tek Rex) Day 35869, 12:12:35: Tribemember Len - Lvl 113 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 35869, 23:34:15: Len froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 126 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35872, 14:37:18: Len Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 142 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 35873, 02:24:29: Evelynn added 'Lens World' Tribe to Golem Slayer Alliance! Day 35873, 09:27:21: Len froze Female 1332S 313M - Lvl 213 (R-Velonasaur) Day 35873, 13:35:58: Len froze Female 1332S 313M - Lvl 269 (R-Velonasaur) Day 35873, 15:24:11: Len froze Female 1332S 313M - Lvl 269 (R-Velonasaur) Day 35873, 15:32:03: Len froze Elixir - Lvl 330 (Desmodus) Day 35873, 17:22:09: Len froze Elixir - Lvl 330 (Desmodus) Day 35873, 19:48:03: Len claimed 'Vlad Tepes - Lvl 199 (Desmodus)'! Day 35873, 20:28:51: Len froze Vlad Tepes - Lvl 199 (Desmodus) Day 35873, 20:54:58: Len froze Elixir - Lvl 330 (Desmodus) Day 35874, 01:31:35: Len froze Female 1332S 313M - Lvl 269 (R-Velonasaur) Day 35874, 04:42:02: Len froze Elixir - Lvl 330 (Desmodus) Day 35874, 06:09:08: Len froze Elixir - Lvl 330 (Desmodus) Day 35874, 07:42:49: Len unclaimed 'Elixir - Lvl 330 (Desmodus)'! Day 35874, 08:31:25: Len claimed 'Elixir - Lvl 330 (Desmodus)'! Day 35874, 11:08:50: Len froze Elixir - Lvl 330 (Desmodus) Day 35874, 12:25:28: Len claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane)'! Day 35874, 13:41:34: Len unclaimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane)'! Day 35896, 14:04:54: Len claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 191 (Rex)'! Day 35896, 14:17:30: Len froze Baby Rex - Lvl 191 (Rex) Day 35896, 17:21:03: Len froze Rex - Lvl 191 (Rex) Day 35896, 18:54:33: Len froze Rex - Lvl 191 (Rex) Day 35896, 21:02:39: Len claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 118 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 35896, 21:09:29: Len froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 118 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35896, 21:44:30: Len claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 143 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 35896, 21:59:39: Len froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 143 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35897, 10:46:58: Len claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex)'! Day 35897, 10:55:31: Len froze Baby Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex) Day 35910, 01:53:30: Len claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex)'! Day 35910, 01:54:57: Len claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex)'! Day 35910, 02:18:54: Len froze Baby Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex) Day 35910, 02:32:41: Len froze Baby Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 35910, 03:00:12: Len claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex)'! Day 35910, 03:14:45: Len froze Baby Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex) Day 35910, 05:11:33: Len claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 35910, 05:29:20: Len froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 35914, 01:47:07: Len claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex)'! Day 35914, 14:43:03: Len froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 35915, 11:58:34: Len froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 35915, 12:05:48: Len froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 35918, 11:28:16: Len claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex)'! Day 35918, 11:44:14: Len claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex)'! Day 35918, 11:58:43: Len froze Baby Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 35918, 12:14:13: Len froze Baby Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex) Day 35920, 11:46:32: Len claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 35920, 11:56:53: Len froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 35921, 02:49:33: Len froze FEM - Lvl 187 (Rex) Day 35921, 03:44:12: Len froze FEM - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 35921, 04:15:38: Len froze M purp - Lvl 187 (Rex) Day 35921, 04:28:20: Len froze Male - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 35921, 04:53:09: Len froze Male - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 35921, 10:03:05: Len claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex)'! Day 35921, 10:19:39: Len froze Baby Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 35921, 10:24:24: Len claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex)'! Day 35921, 10:35:50: Len froze Baby Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 35936, 08:56:02: Len claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 226 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 35936, 09:08:08: Len froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 226 (R-Velonasaur) Day 35937, 18:46:53: Len claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex)'! Day 35937, 19:03:35: Len froze Baby Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 35937, 19:15:02: Len claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex)'! Day 35937, 19:32:20: Len froze Baby Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 35938, 13:37:24: Len claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 35938, 13:58:08: Len froze Baby FEM 3 - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 35962, 08:12:22: Len claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 226 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 35962, 08:23:00: Len claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 35962, 08:33:48: Len froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 226 (R-Velonasaur) Day 35962, 08:43:23: Len froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 35962, 08:55:26: Len claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 35962, 09:04:02: Len froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 35963, 04:35:26: Len froze Adolescent MALE 4 - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 35982, 12:18:02: Raven - Lvl 94 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 36009, 19:03:39: Len claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 36009, 19:13:44: Len froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 36010, 01:51:03: Len froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 36010, 09:02:15: Len claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 36010, 09:04:01: Len claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 36010, 09:05:08: Len claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 36010, 09:16:26: Len froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 36010, 09:22:42: Len froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 36010, 09:34:15: Len froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (R-Velonasaur) Day 36010, 10:58:00: Len froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 36010, 11:03:04: Len froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 36010, 20:01:14: Len claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 191 (Rex)'! Day 36010, 20:03:28: Len claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 191 (Rex)'! Day 36010, 20:53:03: Len froze Baby Male base - Lvl 191 (Rex) Day 36010, 21:01:29: Len froze Baby Female base - Lvl 191 (Rex) Day 36033, 00:49:11: Juvenile Female base - Lvl 191 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36033, 00:49:49: Juvenile Male base - Lvl 191 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36033, 02:51:45: Len froze Nouget - Lvl 172 (Giganotosaurus) Day 36033, 03:26:55: Len froze Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex) Day 36033, 03:38:35: Len froze Fem H - Lvl 191 (Rex) Day 36033, 05:39:41: Len uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 220 Day 36080, 23:44:47: Len froze Fem H - Lvl 246 (Rex) Day 36080, 23:52:22: Len froze Rex - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 36081, 00:30:00: Len froze Nouget - Lvl 220 (Giganotosaurus) Day 36081, 03:33:46: Len froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36081, 06:46:34: Len froze Sister Deaves - Lvl 302 (R-Snow Owl) Day 36129, 01:11:26: Len froze Nouget - Lvl 252 (Giganotosaurus) Day 36151, 15:45:58: Len froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36154, 10:08:14: Len froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 226 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36155, 00:14:43: Len froze Equus - Lvl 253 (Equus) Day 36174, 11:31:44: Tribemember Len - Lvl 113 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 36174, 16:07:26: Len froze Sister Deaves - Lvl 303 (R-Snow Owl) Day 36174, 16:28:18: Len froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 241 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36209, 16:19:15: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36209, 16:19:15: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36220, 16:28:54: Tribemember Len - Lvl 113 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 36220, 22:07:38: Len froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 143 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36220, 22:20:05: Len froze Sister Deaves - Lvl 305 (R-Snow Owl) Day 36221, 03:46:30: Len froze Sister Deaves - Lvl 305 (R-Snow Owl) Day 36245, 13:52:02: Tribemember Len - Lvl 113 was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 60! Day 36245, 18:33:07: Len froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36245, 18:44:08: Len froze not so baby boy - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 36245, 18:51:26: Len froze Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 36245, 19:02:18: Len froze Rex - Lvl 198 (Rex) Day 36245, 19:58:17: Len froze Male - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 36245, 20:08:24: Len froze Male - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 36245, 20:17:51: Len froze M purp - Lvl 187 (Rex) Day 36245, 20:25:22: Len froze Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 36245, 20:40:18: Len froze Fem - Lvl 187 (Rex) Day 36245, 20:50:40: Len froze Fem - Lvl 187 (Rex) Day 36245, 21:00:24: Len froze Fem - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 36245, 21:13:07: Len froze FEM - Lvl 187 (Rex) Day 36245, 21:22:51: Len froze FEM - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 36245, 21:32:42: Len froze Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 36245, 21:43:37: Len froze Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 36245, 21:58:02: Len froze Male base - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 36245, 23:02:34: Len froze Fem Or - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 36245, 23:11:20: Len froze Fem H - Lvl 191 (Rex) Day 36245, 23:25:20: Len froze Fem Or - Lvl 201 (Rex) Day 36245, 23:41:11: Len froze Fem - Lvl 182 (Rex) Day 36245, 23:52:15: Len froze Fem H - Lvl 191 (Rex) Day 36246, 00:23:11: Len froze Fem - Lvl 207 (Rex) Day 36246, 00:40:10: Len froze Fem - Lvl 207 (Rex) Day 36246, 00:53:21: Len froze Rex - Lvl 280 (Rex) Day 36246, 01:02:36: Len froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 36246, 01:13:26: Len froze Male H10780 S924 M290 - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 36246, 01:22:19: Len froze Fem - Lvl 233 (Rex) Day 36246, 01:47:03: Len froze Pip .. LW - Lvl 241 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36246, 02:26:47: Len froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 36246, 02:43:57: Len froze Female 1332S 313M - Lvl 272 (R-Velonasaur) Day 36246, 02:57:14: Len froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 36246, 03:06:55: Len froze Vernon - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 36246, 03:18:51: Len froze FEM 2 - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 36246, 03:34:06: Len froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (R-Velonasaur) Day 36246, 03:46:15: Len froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 36246, 04:06:10: Len froze Male 3KH - Lvl 278 (R-Velonasaur) Day 36246, 12:21:51: Len froze Fem - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 36246, 12:29:43: Len froze Male Tango - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 36246, 12:37:18: Len froze FEM - Lvl 191 (Rex) Day 36246, 12:45:34: Len froze Fem - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 36246, 12:54:20: Len froze FEM - Lvl 191 (Rex) Day 36246, 13:01:56: Len froze FEM - Lvl 191 (Rex) Day 36246, 18:47:33: Len froze Zero .. LW - Lvl 241 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36246, 20:05:22: Len froze Desmodus - Lvl 268 (Desmodus) Day 36246, 20:38:03: Len froze Chris - Lvl 255 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36246, 20:57:09: Len froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36246, 21:16:33: Len froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 188 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36246, 21:29:57: Len froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 36247, 02:24:13: Len froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 125 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36247, 02:40:37: Len froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36247, 02:56:57: Len froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 199 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36247, 03:09:08: Len froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 199 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36247, 03:30:18: Len froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 203 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36247, 03:52:44: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 191 (Rex) was killed! Day 36247, 03:52:44: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 191 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36247, 03:53:46: Len froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 178 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36247, 04:04:34: Len froze Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex) Day 36247, 04:06:49: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) was killed! Day 36247, 04:06:49: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36247, 04:20:40: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 191 (Rex) was killed! Day 36247, 04:20:40: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 191 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36247, 04:24:40: Len froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36247, 04:35:51: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex) was killed! Day 36247, 04:35:51: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36247, 04:42:55: Len froze Fem Health - Lvl 191 (Rex) Day 36247, 04:51:34: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex) was killed! Day 36247, 04:51:34: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36247, 04:53:24: Len froze Male - Lvl 191 (Rex) Day 36247, 05:02:14: Len froze Rex - Lvl 191 (Rex) Day 36247, 05:03:12: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 205 (Rex) was killed! Day 36247, 05:03:12: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 205 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36247, 05:10:33: Len froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36247, 05:13:42: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex) was killed! Day 36247, 05:13:42: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36247, 05:15:35: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex) was killed! Day 36247, 05:15:35: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36247, 05:17:04: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex) was killed! Day 36247, 05:17:04: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36247, 05:18:40: Len froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 133 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36247, 05:25:37: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) was killed! Day 36247, 05:25:37: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36247, 05:26:49: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex) was killed! Day 36247, 05:26:49: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36247, 05:28:51: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 191 (Rex) was killed! Day 36247, 05:28:51: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 191 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36247, 05:32:51: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex) was killed! Day 36247, 05:32:51: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36247, 05:34:25: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 191 (Rex) was killed! Day 36247, 05:34:25: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 191 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36247, 05:38:36: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 201 (Rex) was killed! Day 36247, 05:38:36: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 201 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36247, 05:39:58: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 191 (Rex) was killed! Day 36247, 05:39:58: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 191 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36247, 05:42:09: Your Juvenile |H Fem - Lvl 191 (Rex) was killed! Day 36247, 05:42:09: Juvenile |H Fem - Lvl 191 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36247, 05:42:24: Len froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 105 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36247, 05:46:48: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 191 (Rex) was killed! Day 36247, 05:46:48: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 191 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36247, 05:49:11: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) was killed! Day 36247, 05:49:11: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36247, 05:51:06: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) was killed! Day 36247, 05:51:06: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36247, 05:51:11: Len froze Rex - Lvl 279 (Rex) Day 36247, 05:57:56: Len froze tamed wild - Lvl 172 (Rex) Day 36247, 06:12:07: Len froze MALE 4 - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 36247, 06:15:38: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) was killed! Day 36247, 06:15:38: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36247, 06:20:56: Len froze FEM 3 - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 36247, 06:21:10: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex) was killed! Day 36247, 06:21:10: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36247, 06:28:41: Len froze Female 7 - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 36247, 06:35:12: Len froze Female 5 - Lvl 226 (R-Velonasaur) Day 36247, 06:49:03: Len froze Male 2 - Lvl 226 (R-Velonasaur) Day 36247, 07:55:03: Len froze Male 2 - Lvl 226 (R-Velonasaur) Day 36247, 08:01:32: Len froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 157 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36281, 00:39:47: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36293, 00:16:19: Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 118 (Lightning Wyvern) starved to death! Day 36293, 00:16:19: Adolescent Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36293, 04:11:49: Len froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (R-Snow Owl) Day 36293, 11:50:46: Len froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (R-Snow Owl) Day 36294, 09:25:08: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 205 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:25:08: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:25:10: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:25:10: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 172 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:25:12: Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Lightning Wyvern) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:25:13: Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Lightning Wyvern) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:25:15: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 201 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:25:24: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 170 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:25:25: Baby Rex - Lvl 122 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:25:27: Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:25:29: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 201 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:25:30: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 183 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:25:49: Baby Rex - Lvl 122 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:26:25: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 205 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:27:15: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:27:34: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:27:34: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 205 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:27:34: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:27:34: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:27:36: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 182 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:27:36: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:27:37: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:27:37: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:27:37: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:27:37: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:27:37: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:27:37: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:27:37: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:27:37: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:27:37: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 201 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:27:37: Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Lightning Wyvern) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:27:37: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:27:39: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 178 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:27:39: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36294, 09:27:39: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36533, 08:22:14: Tribemember Len - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 36557, 14:09:07: Tribemember Len - Lvl 113 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 90! Day 36645, 20:53:19: Len claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 36645, 21:02:00: Len claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 36645, 21:10:42: Len claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 36646, 02:30:33: Tribemember Len - Lvl 113 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 140! Day 36698, 18:10:52: Tribemember Len - Lvl 113 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 130! Day 36864, 20:48:05: Len froze Unicorn - Lvl 90 (Unicorn) Day 36864, 20:58:31: Len froze Equus - Lvl 286 (Equus) Day 36864, 21:21:28: Len froze bam bam - Lvl 113 (Doedicurus) Day 36864, 21:47:37: Len froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 112 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36864, 22:01:38: Len froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 239 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37089, 14:27:53: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37089, 14:27:53: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37089, 14:27:53: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37089, 14:27:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37089, 14:27:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37089, 14:27:53: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37089, 14:27:53: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37089, 14:27:53: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37089, 14:27:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37102, 15:21:28: Allosaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 37102, 15:21:28: Allosaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 37102, 15:21:30: Allosaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 37102, 15:29:35: Tribemember Len - Lvl 113 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 100! Day 37102, 15:58:52: Tribemember Len - Lvl 113 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 100! Day 37160, 21:57:50: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37290, 16:04:02: Tribemember Len - Lvl 113 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 50! Day 37374, 20:43:44: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37374, 20:43:44: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37374, 20:43:44: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37389, 01:21:42: Len froze Equus - Lvl 155 (Equus) Day 37389, 01:33:58: Len froze Max the Megatherium - Lvl 184 (Megatherium) Day 37459, 09:24:00: Raven - Lvl 100 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Obie Blue (Raft)'! Day 37959, 13:33:41: Len froze FEM - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 38049, 03:12:24: Len froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 197 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 38290, 15:35:36: Umano - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 38290, 21:00:36: Umano - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 38409, 03:07:10: Tribemember Len - Lvl 113 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 38887, 06:19:07: Len uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Pip .. LW - Lvl 296 Day 38887, 11:57:18: Len downloaded a dino: Pip .. LW - Lvl 296 Day 39981, 12:02:06: Munchkin - Lvl 100 (Tribe of Strontium-Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Caravan v2 (Raft)'! Day 40171, 01:26:18: Pipa unclaimed 'Pip .. LW - Lvl 297 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 40171, 01:33:01: Pipa claimed 'Pip .. LW - Lvl 297 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 40171, 06:49:43: Pipa froze Desmodus - Lvl 344 (Desmodus) Day 40171, 08:39:55: Pipa claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 40171, 09:24:41: Pipa claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 102 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40171, 10:28:50: Pipa froze Deinonychus - Lvl 102 (Deinonychus) Day 40171, 10:33:35: Pipa froze Desmodus - Lvl 344 (Desmodus) Day 40171, 14:03:31: Pipa froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) Day 40241, 00:22:40: Pipa claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 40742, 21:10:58: Pipa claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 41150, 00:10:05: Tribemember Pipa - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 41704, 22:23:52: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42106, 07:53:58: Pipa froze Fem - Lvl 207 (Rex) Day 42106, 12:14:37: Pipa unclaimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 344 (Desmodus)'! Day 42106, 12:22:12: Pipa unclaimed 'Zero .. LW - Lvl 241 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 42106, 12:31:29: Pipa unclaimed 'Male H10780 S924 M290 - Lvl 219 (Rex)'! Day 42106, 12:40:33: Pipa unclaimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 188 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 42106, 12:49:47: Pipa unclaimed 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 239 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 42106, 13:24:00: Pipa unclaimed 'FEM 2 - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 42106, 13:39:55: Pipa unclaimed 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 42106, 13:55:01: Pipa unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 102 (Deinonychus)'! Day 42106, 14:14:55: Pipa unclaimed 'Chris - Lvl 294 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 42106, 14:32:22: Pipa unclaimed 'Fem - Lvl 207 (Rex)'! Day 42106, 14:53:37: Pipa unclaimed 'Dexter - Lvl 187 (Rex)'! Day 42106, 15:09:31: Pipa unclaimed 'Female 1332S 313M - Lvl 272 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 42106, 15:21:52: Pipa unclaimed 'FEM 3 - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 42106, 15:41:04: Pipa unclaimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 197 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 42106, 15:52:03: Pipa unclaimed 'FEM - Lvl 249 (Rex)'! Day 42106, 16:10:40: Pipa unclaimed 'M purp - Lvl 187 (Rex)'! Day 42106, 16:27:15: Pipa unclaimed 'Male base - Lvl 189 (Rex)'! Day 42484, 07:55:50: Pipa froze Dr Hoot - Lvl 309 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42484, 09:55:36: Pipa froze Nightshade - Lvl 257 (Poison Wyvern) Day 42484, 11:44:26: Pipa froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 342 (Fire Wyvern) Day 42484, 13:32:00: Pipa froze Fem H 10780 S 924 M 290 - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 42484, 13:39:24: Pipa froze Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 42484, 13:48:27: Pipa froze Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 42484, 13:56:22: Pipa froze Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42484, 14:04:23: Pipa froze Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) Day 42484, 14:11:44: Pipa froze Fem H10780 S1596 M290 - Lvl 294 (Rex) Day 42484, 14:18:48: Pipa froze Rex - Lvl 220 (Rex) Day 42484, 14:27:33: Pipa froze Rex - Lvl 259 (Rex) Day 42484, 14:34:01: Pipa froze Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex) Day 42578, 20:59:28: Nova.3 - Lvl 70 (Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 42593, 09:33:44: Christian Ron - Lvl 105 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 42831, 20:46:47: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 42831, 20:59:37: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 42990, 13:52:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43149, 08:30:18: Tribemember Pipa - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 43149, 10:11:47: Pipa froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 265 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 43149, 12:06:03: Pipa froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 265 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 43443, 13:09:30: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43562, 14:45:37: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43657, 20:02:15: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44389, 08:23:56: Pipa froze Pip .. LW - Lvl 298 (Fire Wyvern) Day 44389, 08:48:35: Pipa froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 44389, 11:52:42: Pipa froze Mc Millan - Lvl 399 (Argentavis) Day 44389, 11:57:56: Pipa froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 44389, 16:26:28: Pipa froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 44389, 16:32:08: Pipa froze Mackintyre - Lvl 236 (Argentavis)"] "tribeid":1281507733,"tribe":"Fluffy Kittens logs":["Day 22415, 06:01:25: Velvetkitten was added to the Tribe! Day 22424, 03:22:05: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 359 (Griffin) Day 22471, 13:07:59: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 359 (Griffin) Day 22471, 16:35:23: Velvetkitten froze Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 22471, 17:02:53: Velvetkitten Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 22471, 17:14:36: Velvetkitten froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 22471, 17:18:54: Velvetkitten froze Pixel - Lvl 366 (Shadowmane) Day 22471, 21:43:33: Velvetkitten froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 22471, 21:47:46: Velvetkitten froze Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 22472, 02:58:09: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 359 (Griffin) Day 22508, 06:15:20: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 359 (Griffin) Day 22508, 12:06:31: Velvetkitten froze Titan - Lvl 400 (Shadowmane) Day 22508, 12:30:01: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 359 (Griffin) Day 22508, 14:26:14: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 359 (Griffin) Day 22508, 16:53:09: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 359 (Griffin) Day 22508, 20:57:35: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 22508, 21:10:21: Velvetkitten froze Weight? - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 22508, 21:16:04: Velvetkitten froze Titan - Lvl 400 (Shadowmane) Day 22509, 00:31:09: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 359 (Griffin) Day 22509, 10:24:38: Velvetkitten Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 22509, 10:31:43: Velvetkitten froze Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 22509, 10:40:38: Velvetkitten froze Titan - Lvl 400 (Shadowmane) Day 22509, 11:31:46: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 359 (Griffin) Day 22552, 13:04:07: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 359 (Griffin) Day 22552, 15:02:04: Velvetkitten froze \"Hide\" and Seek - Lvl 410 (Therizinosaur) Day 22552, 15:34:55: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 359 (Griffin) Day 22552, 15:42:44: Velvetkitten froze \"Hide\" and Seek - Lvl 410 (Therizinosaur) Day 23388, 09:26:26: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 368 (Griffin) Day 23388, 16:29:50: Velvetkitten froze Pixel - Lvl 385 (Shadowmane) Day 23388, 16:55:04: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 368 (Griffin) Day 32288, 09:24:15: Velvetkitten froze Muffin - Lvl 363 (Griffin) Day 34148, 06:17:06: Velvetkitten froze Muffin - Lvl 367 (Griffin) Day 34344, 20:17:38: Velvetkitten froze Muffin - Lvl 367 (Griffin) Day 34344, 21:39:39: Velvetkitten froze Warlock - Lvl 456 (Shadowmane) Day 34344, 22:58:44: Velvetkitten froze Victor - Lvl 433 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34345, 01:33:11: Velvetkitten froze Melody - Lvl 397 (Rock Drake) Day 34345, 02:21:45: Velvetkitten froze Muffin - Lvl 367 (Griffin)"] "tribeid":1280367062,"tribe":"Tribe of pipin logs":["Day 27821, 17:04:14: pipin was added to the Tribe! Day 27821, 18:07:25: Your red - Lvl 203 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 25! Day 27822, 06:19:17: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 27822, 06:29:29: pipin claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 27824, 18:23:45: Tribemember pipin - Lvl 30 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 27824, 20:10:28: pipin claimed 'OG F Carno - Lvl 246 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 27826, 10:09:27: pipin Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 136 (Dilophosaur)! Day 27826, 11:08:17: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 27826, 11:32:26: Tribemember pipin - Lvl 39 was killed! Day 27827, 14:19:44: Tribemember pipin - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 27827, 14:31:42: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 27827, 17:41:17: Tribemember pipin - Lvl 42 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 20! Day 27919, 21:56:27: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 136 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 45! Day 28405, 05:41:25: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28445, 07:01:07: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'big c - Lvl 254 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 28445, 07:24:04: Tribemember pipin - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 30496, 20:04:57: Osas - Lvl 126 (Tribe of AN7HONYCT) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1280099072,"tribe":"Tribe of Barry Basmati logs":["Day 23202, 01:38:47: Barry Basmati was added to the Tribe! Day 23202, 01:42:03: Legallois was added to the Tribe by Barry Basmati! Day 23202, 10:07:34: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 22 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 20! Day 23202, 14:56:56: Potatoe Waffle was added to the Tribe by Barry Basmati! Day 23202, 17:16:02: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 25 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 135! Day 23224, 08:05:52: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 36 was killed! Day 23247, 09:34:39: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 39 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 95! Day 23247, 21:13:25: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 45 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23247, 22:32:21: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 23247, 23:19:05: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 45 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23248, 01:00:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 24 (Pteranodon)! Day 23312, 03:22:20: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 32 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 23312, 05:02:09: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 32 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 23312, 13:38:36: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 33 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 23312, 17:05:24: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 34 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 23313, 04:57:27: Bobette was added to the Tribe by Barry Basmati! Day 23313, 05:04:11: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 16 was killed by Barry Basmati - Lvl 45 (Tribe of Barry Basmati)! Day 23313, 05:04:11: Your Tribe killed Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 16 (Tribe of Barry Basmati)! Day 23313, 17:44:03: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 40 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 25! Day 23313, 19:14:20: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 40 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 25! Day 23313, 22:20:35: Bobette Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 89 (Parasaur)! Day 23314, 11:51:24: Bobette demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23314, 17:08:29: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 44 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 145! Day 23314, 17:15:58: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 26 was killed! Day 23314, 19:25:51: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 44 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 23315, 03:31:25: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 46 was killed! Day 23315, 17:59:39: Potatoe Waffle Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 89 (Stegosaurus)! Day 23315, 18:09:36: Barry Basmati Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 149 (Triceratops)! Day 23315, 23:30:44: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 43 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 23315, 23:43:26: Barry Basmati Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 184 (Triceratops)! Day 23316, 02:09:59: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 44 was killed! Day 23316, 02:42:29: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 44 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 23316, 03:22:58: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 44 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 23316, 04:00:21: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 44 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 23316, 04:22:49: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 57 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 23316, 04:37:27: Tribemember Bobette - Lvl 54 was killed! Day 23316, 06:50:56: Tribemember Bobette - Lvl 55 was killed! Day 23316, 11:38:21: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 46 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 23316, 16:38:48: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 23316, 16:40:41: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 59 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 23316, 18:59:27: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 23317, 07:12:15: Potatoe Waffle Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 21 (Therizinosaur)! Day 23317, 16:35:03: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 23318, 03:35:52: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 63 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 23318, 06:21:58: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 23318, 17:40:28: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 64 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 23318, 18:13:56: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 23318, 21:31:18: Legallois Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 74 (Raptor)! Day 23318, 23:20:04: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 64 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 23319, 00:01:23: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 64 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 23319, 00:26:20: Your Charlize Theronosaur - Lvl 49 (Therizinosaur) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 23319, 00:40:36: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 73 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23319, 01:50:52: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 64 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 23319, 01:52:11: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 73 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 95! Day 23319, 02:14:28: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 64 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 100! Day 23319, 03:12:37: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 23319, 03:35:59: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 64 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 100! Day 23319, 03:44:43: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 64 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 23319, 06:15:40: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 74 was killed! Day 23319, 16:18:47: Legallois Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 77 (Therizinosaur)! Day 23319, 21:08:09: Potatoe Waffle Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 192 (Dilophosaur)! Day 23320, 02:36:03: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 66 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23320, 02:42:17: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 66 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23320, 03:06:58: Your Perry - Lvl 109 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 23320, 06:48:05: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 66 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 50! Day 23320, 07:24:09: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 66 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 50! Day 23320, 09:27:28: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 66 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 23320, 11:52:55: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 74 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 23320, 14:45:09: Potatoe Waffle Tamed a Megalosaurus - Lvl 64 (Megalosaurus)! Day 23320, 15:35:16: Potatoe Waffle Tamed a Rex - Lvl 34 (Rex)! Day 23320, 19:01:36: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 74 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 150! Day 23320, 20:27:11: Potatoe Waffle Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 110 (Raptor)! Day 23320, 20:31:27: Barry Basmati demolished a 'Bear Trap'! Day 23320, 20:38:13: Potatoe Waffle demolished a 'Bear Trap'! Day 23320, 22:32:01: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 74 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 130! Day 23321, 04:29:06: Your Grace - Lvl 86 (Raptor) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 60! Day 23321, 04:40:13: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 66 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 60! Day 23321, 04:43:53: Your Reggie - Lvl 110 (Raptor) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 45! Day 23321, 12:42:25: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 186 (Argentavis)! Day 23321, 16:25:45: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 66 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 145! Day 23321, 19:09:05: Barry Basmati demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 23321, 19:10:20: Barry Basmati demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 23321, 19:11:40: Barry Basmati demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 23321, 19:18:15: Barry Basmati demolished a 'Medium Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 23321, 19:33:04: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 80 (Doedicurus)! Day 23321, 23:54:03: Legallois was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Barry Basmati! Day 23321, 23:54:51: Potatoe Waffle was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Barry Basmati! Day 23321, 23:55:32: Bobette was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Barry Basmati! Day 23322, 01:25:23: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 67 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 145! Day 23322, 14:27:37: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 68 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 25! Day 23323, 08:12:33: Your Captain Rex - Lvl 52 (Rex) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 23323, 08:17:12: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 76 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 23323, 20:52:45: Legallois claimed 'Baby Triceratops - Lvl 155 (Triceratops)'! Day 23333, 20:55:15: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 77 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 135! Day 23333, 21:16:07: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 77 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 135! Day 23334, 07:10:44: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23334, 14:16:16: Barry Basmati demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23334, 16:18:07: Legallois Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 23334, 20:17:26: Legallois Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)! Day 23335, 05:20:50: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 80 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 85! Day 23335, 05:52:10: Your Bruce - Lvl 77 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 23335, 09:54:29: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23335, 09:54:29: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23335, 09:54:29: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23335, 10:17:13: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 81 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 50! Day 23335, 16:16:42: Potatoe Waffle Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 194 (Triceratops)! Day 23335, 18:02:41: Legallois demolished a 'Large Bear Trap'! Day 23336, 02:15:09: Barry Basmati Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 23336, 03:34:03: Barry Basmati Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 23336, 08:03:43: Tribemember Bobette - Lvl 64 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 135! Day 23336, 08:19:37: Tribemember Bobette - Lvl 64 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 135! Day 23336, 08:23:18: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 72 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 135! Day 23336, 09:04:46: Tribemember Bobette - Lvl 64 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 135! Day 23336, 15:02:27: Your Idiot 2 - Lvl 27 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 23336, 22:43:44: Tribemember Bobette - Lvl 66 was killed! Day 23336, 23:20:36: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 82 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 30! Day 23337, 03:30:21: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 83 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 25! Day 23337, 06:06:44: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was destroyed! Day 23337, 06:06:44: Your 'Stone Water Tap (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23337, 06:06:44: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23337, 06:06:44: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23337, 06:09:17: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 74 was killed! Day 23337, 06:24:31: Your Taxi - Lvl 210 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 60! Day 23337, 07:51:10: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 83 was killed! Day 23337, 08:41:51: Potatoe Waffle Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 215 (Dilophosaur)! Day 23337, 09:28:31: Legallois claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 23337, 09:42:36: Potatoe Waffle Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 23337, 12:13:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops)! Day 23337, 17:04:36: Potatoe Waffle Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 23337, 19:43:42: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 83 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 60! Day 23337, 19:47:38: Potatoe Waffle Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 132 (Triceratops)! Day 23337, 21:40:33: Your Terry the Second - Lvl 33 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Compy - Lvl 100! Day 23337, 22:29:05: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 83 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 60! Day 23337, 22:30:21: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 23337, 22:43:43: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 75 was killed by Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 78 (Tribe of Barry Basmati)! Day 23337, 22:43:43: Your Tribe killed Legallois - Lvl 75 (Tribe of Barry Basmati)! Day 23338, 00:39:05: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur)! Day 23338, 06:34:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 23338, 16:12:10: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 84 was killed! Day 23338, 17:55:33: Potatoe Waffle claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 23338, 20:08:48: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur)! Day 23339, 03:36:12: Potatoe Waffle demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 23339, 03:38:18: Potatoe Waffle demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 23339, 07:28:22: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 24 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 23339, 13:58:45: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 37 (Dilophosaur)! Day 23339, 18:19:52: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 82 (Dilophosaur)! Day 23340, 00:08:57: Your Tribe Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 142 (Stegosaurus)! Day 23340, 02:17:51: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 23340, 13:41:29: Legallois claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 31 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23340, 14:48:05: Legallois claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 28 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23340, 15:19:07: Your Baby Pterry 2 - Lvl 31 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 23340, 15:19:07: Baby Pterry 2 - Lvl 31 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 23340, 16:50:18: Potatoe Waffle claimed 'Baby Triceratops - Lvl 145 (Triceratops)'! Day 23340, 16:52:05: Legallois claimed 'Baby Triceratops - Lvl 155 (Triceratops)'! Day 23341, 08:05:53: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 93 was killed by L1ghtn1ngWyv3rn - Lvl 178 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Barry Basmati)! Day 23341, 08:05:53: Your Tribe killed Barry Basmati - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Barry Basmati)! Day 23341, 15:14:12: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 82 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 23341, 15:54:45: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 34 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 23341, 15:54:45: Your Ptery 3 - Lvl 28 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 23341, 15:54:45: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 82 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 23341, 15:55:24: Your Pterry - Lvl 43 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 23341, 16:04:33: Your Parasaur - Lvl 34 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 23341, 16:04:33: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 88 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 23341, 16:05:34: Your Timothée Triceratops - Lvl 42 (Triceratops) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 23341, 16:18:41: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 93 was killed by Drogon - Lvl 76 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Barry Basmati)! Day 23341, 16:18:41: Your Tribe killed Barry Basmati - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Barry Basmati)! Day 23341, 16:26:39: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 82 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 23341, 16:57:58: Legallois claimed 'Juvenile Triceratops - Lvl 169 (Triceratops)'! Day 23341, 18:01:46: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 93 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 90! Day 23342, 00:13:39: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 78 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 130! Day 23342, 03:46:21: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 79 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 135! Day 23342, 19:04:59: Legallois Tamed a Megaloceros - Lvl 53 (Megaloceros)! Day 23342, 19:21:05: Your Warwick - Lvl 53 (Megaloceros) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 140! Day 23342, 20:03:44: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 80 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 25! Day 23343, 15:11:36: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 45 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 23343, 15:11:51: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 81 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 23343, 20:43:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 37 (Carnotaurus)! Day 23343, 23:42:58: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 38 (Carnotaurus) was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 23364, 00:32:33: Potatoe Waffle Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 133 (Dilophosaur)! Day 23365, 10:21:26: Potatoe Waffle Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 89 (Sabertooth)! Day 23365, 23:25:04: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 93 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 23365, 23:54:28: Your Tribe Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 22 (Sabertooth)! Day 23366, 00:09:58: Your Pretty Big Bird - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) was killed by L1ghtn1ngWyv3rn - Lvl 214 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Barry Basmati)! Day 23366, 00:09:58: Your Tribe killed Pretty Big Bird - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) (Tribe of Barry Basmati)! Day 23366, 00:18:54: Your Sabertooth - Lvl 22 (Sabertooth) was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 23366, 14:29:09: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 23366, 19:09:11: Legallois Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 23366, 21:26:34: Potatoe Waffle Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 23367, 07:40:26: Legallois Tamed an Ichthyornis - Lvl 72 (Ichthyornis)! Day 23367, 11:18:39: Legallois Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 216 (Pteranodon)! Day 23367, 11:39:09: Your Chris - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 135! Day 23367, 11:42:57: Your Nigel Thornberry - Lvl 98 (Sabertooth) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 135! Day 23367, 17:30:57: Legallois Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 23368, 03:24:16: Your Dragon bait - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 150! Day 23368, 03:24:34: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 88 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 150! Day 23368, 07:46:01: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 94 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 23368, 11:25:21: Legallois claimed 'Baby Triceratops - Lvl 122 (Triceratops)'! Day 23379, 16:22:44: Legallois claimed 'Baby Triceratops - Lvl 142 (Triceratops)'! Day 23381, 12:39:20: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 18 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 23381, 14:59:52: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 19 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 50! Day 23381, 17:25:37: Legallois Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 89 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 23382, 10:47:39: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 134 (Rex)! Day 23382, 12:22:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Procoptodon - Lvl 29 (Procoptodon)! Day 23382, 18:52:13: Your Procoptodon - Lvl 29 (Procoptodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 90! Day 23383, 08:49:07: Legallois Tamed a Rex - Lvl 134 (Rex)! Day 23383, 12:28:41: Your Terrence Howard, the rea - Lvl 145 (Triceratops) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 135! Day 23388, 06:05:44: Barry Basmati demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 23388, 06:07:12: Barry Basmati demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 23388, 06:10:53: Barry Basmati demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 23388, 06:14:34: Barry Basmati demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 23389, 21:32:34: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 23390, 11:07:57: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 23390, 16:20:39: Your Babe - Lvl 197 (Triceratops) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 23390, 16:31:25: Your Wyvern beater - Lvl 81 (Pteranodon) was killed by L1ghtn1ngWyv3rn - Lvl 226 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Barry Basmati)! Day 23390, 16:31:25: Your Tribe killed Wyvern beater - Lvl 81 (Pteranodon) (Tribe of Barry Basmati)! Day 23404, 11:54:07: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 126 (Raptor)! Day 23404, 12:06:01: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 126 (Raptor)! Day 23404, 12:52:32: Your Raptor - Lvl 126 (Raptor) was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 140! Day 23404, 13:01:55: Your Raptor - Lvl 126 (Raptor) was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 140! Day 23404, 13:23:08: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 23404, 17:37:22: Legallois froze Drogon - Lvl 105 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23406, 02:44:38: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 96 was killed by L1ghtn1ngWyv3rn - Lvl 231 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Barry Basmati)! Day 23406, 02:44:38: Your Tribe killed Legallois - Lvl 96 (Tribe of Barry Basmati)! Day 23406, 09:57:32: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 98 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 25! Day 23406, 17:41:09: Legallois Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 217 (Sarco)! Day 23406, 20:18:46: Legallois froze Danny boy - Lvl 217 (Sarco) Day 23408, 20:54:04: Legallois Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 23409, 08:48:01: Legallois froze itchy - Lvl 213 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 23409, 18:20:42: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 99 was killed by L1ghtn1ngWyv3rn - Lvl 241 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Barry Basmati)! Day 23409, 18:20:42: Your Tribe killed Legallois - Lvl 99 (Tribe of Barry Basmati)! Day 23410, 02:13:44: Your Richard - Lvl 133 (Dilophosaur) was killed by L1ghtn1ngWyv3rn - Lvl 241 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Barry Basmati)! Day 23410, 02:13:44: Your Tribe killed Richard - Lvl 133 (Dilophosaur) (Tribe of Barry Basmati)! Day 23410, 02:14:15: Your Parasaur - Lvl 61 (Parasaur) was killed by L1ghtn1ngWyv3rn - Lvl 241 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Barry Basmati)! Day 23410, 02:14:15: Your Tribe killed Parasaur - Lvl 61 (Parasaur) (Tribe of Barry Basmati)! Day 23427, 20:16:44: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 23429, 19:54:37: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 100 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 23439, 12:44:14: Potatoe Waffle froze Argy-Bargy - Lvl 254 (Argentavis) Day 23439, 13:09:48: Legallois claimed 'Baby Triceratops - Lvl 132 (Triceratops)'! Day 23439, 13:50:17: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 23439, 19:25:59: Legallois froze itchy - Lvl 213 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 23557, 08:26:21: Stan - Lvl 132 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 23563, 17:51:43: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23681, 10:54:52: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23705, 00:30:37: Your 'Water Well' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23823, 02:30:21: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23823, 02:30:21: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23988, 05:24:32: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24003, 12:13:50: Dilophosaur - Lvl 37 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 24011, 19:14:25: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24011, 19:14:25: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24011, 19:14:25: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24011, 19:14:25: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24011, 19:14:25: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24025, 11:21:30: Annoying - Lvl 99 (Ichthyornis) starved to death! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24048, 06:53:59: Your Danny boy - Lvl 234 (Sarco) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 24094, 19:53:07: Your Obie - Lvl 225 (Triceratops) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 24094, 20:31:53: Your Terri - Lvl 232 (Triceratops) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 24094, 20:35:26: Your Parasaur annoyer - Lvl 123 (Triceratops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 24094, 20:58:00: Your Idk wtf to name you didn - Lvl 154 (Triceratops) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 24094, 21:31:37: Your Fred - Lvl 185 (Triceratops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 24094, 21:37:30: Your Terry - Lvl 187 (Triceratops) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 24094, 22:23:20: Your Rex - Lvl 156 (Rex) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 24094, 22:54:33: Your Stegosaurus - Lvl 162 (Stegosaurus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 24094, 23:18:48: Your hehe - Lvl 147 (Triceratops) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 24094, 23:21:40: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24094, 23:27:12: Your Good Boy - Lvl 173 (Triceratops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 24094, 23:42:34: Your Argy-Bargy - Lvl 256 (Argentavis) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 24095, 00:23:10: Your Rexxy - Lvl 158 (Rex) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 24095, 00:40:52: Your ankyboy - Lvl 125 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 24095, 02:19:01: Your L1ghtn1ngWyv3rn - Lvl 245 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 24095, 02:31:57: Your Jeremy - Lvl 216 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 24095, 03:32:27: Your Stegolas17 - Lvl 140 (Stegosaurus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 24099, 11:41:07: Your Dido - Lvl 228 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 24106, 09:32:17: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24106, 09:32:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24118, 15:08:19: thefurge200 - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Steve - Lvl 118 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24118, 15:08:52: thefurge200 - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Drogon - Lvl 108 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 24118, 15:17:03: thefurge200 - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 124 (Doedicurus)'! Day 24212, 10:29:01: Ross - Lvl 68 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatron - Lvl 106 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 24214, 10:49:49: Idiot 1 - Lvl 43 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 24413, 11:00:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24413, 11:00:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24413, 11:00:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24413, 11:00:31: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24521, 21:52:23: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 94 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 24521, 22:32:46: Tribemember Legallois - Lvl 101 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 24524, 04:37:48: Tribemember Bobette - Lvl 66 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 24524, 04:38:56: Tribemember Barry Basmati - Lvl 98 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 24696, 21:47:15: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24696, 21:47:15: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25110, 20:18:00: Hecate - Lvl 6 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 25980, 18:38:03: Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1279884803,"tribe":"Mandem logs":["Day 35957, 20:50:36: JaYDM froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Ice Wyvern) Day 35957, 23:02:46: smallman froze Killua - Lvl 153 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35958, 11:25:48: JaYDM claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur)'! Day 35958, 20:18:07: JaYDM froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 35959, 21:48:18: JaYDM froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 35959, 21:53:39: JaYDM froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 35960, 00:48:44: smallman froze Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex) Day 35960, 13:26:31: smallman froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 35961, 15:04:31: JaYDM froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 35961, 16:23:47: JaYDM froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 35961, 21:07:52: JaYDM froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 35963, 00:04:53: JaYDM froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 35963, 07:59:57: JaYDM froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 36097, 08:23:20: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 112 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 36097, 21:32:51: JaYDM froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 139 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36097, 21:47:03: JaYDM froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 142 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36097, 22:44:10: JaYDM froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36099, 08:15:53: smallman demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 36099, 09:30:33: smallman demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 36099, 09:31:50: smallman demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 36099, 09:33:30: smallman demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 36099, 09:35:14: smallman demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 36099, 09:58:00: smallman demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 36102, 19:35:30: smallman demolished a 'Holiday Tree'! Day 36176, 19:00:48: JaYDM froze Tyrunt - Lvl 286 (Rex) Day 36176, 19:03:33: smallman froze Rex - Lvl 243 (Rex) Day 36176, 21:33:58: smallman froze Rex - Lvl 243 (Rex) Day 36177, 04:10:14: JaYDM froze AR Gee - Lvl 297 (Argentavis) Day 36177, 04:15:23: smallman froze Gordon - Lvl 252 (Poison Wyvern) Day 36178, 08:13:08: smallman froze Maewing - Lvl 260 (Maewing) Day 36178, 08:24:08: JaYDM froze Maewing - Lvl 232 (Maewing) Day 36196, 09:02:36: smallman Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 209 (Sarco)! Day 36196, 09:07:38: smallman froze Sarco - Lvl 209 (Sarco) Day 36197, 03:15:51: JaYDM Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 202 (Baryonyx)! Day 36197, 03:26:01: JaYDM froze Baryonyx - Lvl 202 (Baryonyx) Day 36197, 09:10:21: smallman Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 202 (Baryonyx)! Day 36197, 09:13:33: smallman froze Baryonyx - Lvl 202 (Baryonyx) Day 36197, 10:59:29: JaYDM Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 209 (Beelzebufo)! Day 36197, 11:06:55: JaYDM froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 209 (Beelzebufo) Day 36197, 14:16:51: JaYDM froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 209 (Beelzebufo) Day 36197, 15:38:07: smallman froze Sarco - Lvl 217 (Sarco) Day 36197, 17:16:40: smallman froze Sarco - Lvl 220 (Sarco) Day 36197, 17:38:39: smallman froze Baryonyx - Lvl 207 (Baryonyx) Day 36197, 19:14:57: smallman froze Baryonyx - Lvl 213 (Baryonyx) Day 36198, 17:24:56: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 112 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 130! Day 36198, 17:32:13: Tribemember JaYDM - Lvl 112 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 130! Day 36198, 17:42:13: smallman froze Sarco - Lvl 222 (Sarco) Day 36198, 21:12:33: smallman froze Baryonyx - Lvl 232 (Baryonyx) Day 36198, 23:39:42: smallman froze Sarco - Lvl 226 (Sarco) Day 36198, 23:48:07: smallman froze Baryonyx - Lvl 230 (Baryonyx) Day 36199, 13:26:00: JaYDM Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 36199, 14:45:34: smallman Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 36200, 03:18:36: smallman Tamed a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 224 (Thorny Dragon)! Day 36200, 03:23:46: smallman froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 224 (Thorny Dragon) Day 36200, 18:17:14: JaYDM Tamed a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 224 (Thorny Dragon)! Day 36200, 18:23:23: JaYDM froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 224 (Thorny Dragon) Day 36201, 13:59:16: JaYDM claimed 'Baby Thorny Dragon - Lvl 221 (Thorny Dragon)'! Day 36201, 15:23:58: JaYDM froze Baby Thorny Dragon - Lvl 221 (Thorny Dragon) Day 36201, 19:35:18: JaYDM froze Choso - Lvl 232 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36202, 04:54:05: JaYDM Tamed a Gigantopithecus - Lvl 219 (Gigantopithecus)! Day 36202, 05:58:48: JaYDM froze Gigantopithecus - Lvl 219 (Gigantopithecus) Day 36202, 14:10:37: JaYDM Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax)! Day 36202, 14:51:10: JaYDM unclaimed 'Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax)'! Day 36202, 17:32:00: smallman Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus)! Day 36202, 17:39:47: smallman froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus) Day 36203, 02:48:39: smallman claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 36203, 03:00:34: JaYDM claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 36203, 03:12:38: JaYDM froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36203, 04:35:47: smallman froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36216, 12:31:28: smallman froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36216, 16:03:32: smallman froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36217, 16:57:25: smallman froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36217, 21:57:43: smallman froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36217, 22:02:55: smallman froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36218, 10:49:59: JaYDM froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36218, 13:46:52: smallman froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36218, 14:56:48: smallman froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36219, 02:17:46: JaYDM froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36219, 02:24:16: JaYDM froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36219, 17:17:09: JaYDM froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36220, 17:40:54: smallman claimed 'Baby Thorny Dragon - Lvl 229 (Thorny Dragon)'! Day 36220, 20:31:59: smallman claimed 'Baby Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)'! Day 36220, 21:29:59: Your Baby Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) was killed! Day 36220, 21:29:59: Baby Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 36221, 01:16:29: JaYDM froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36221, 01:51:26: smallman froze Juvenile Thorny Dragon - Lvl 229 (Thorny Dragon) Day 36221, 04:02:48: smallman froze Noelle silver - Lvl 233 (Sarco) Day 36221, 04:07:58: smallman froze Tanjiro - Lvl 237 (Baryonyx) Day 36221, 05:30:22: JaYDM claimed 'Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 205 (Baryonyx)'! Day 36221, 05:33:27: JaYDM froze Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 205 (Baryonyx) Day 36221, 05:50:04: JaYDM froze Baryonyx - Lvl 236 (Baryonyx) Day 36221, 06:59:47: smallman froze Tanjiro - Lvl 237 (Baryonyx) Day 36221, 16:25:12: JaYDM froze Baryonyx - Lvl 237 (Baryonyx) Day 36221, 16:57:23: Your Noelle silver - Lvl 234 (Sarco) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 15! Day 36221, 16:57:53: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 113 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 20! Day 36221, 17:10:00: JaYDM froze Tanjiro - Lvl 237 (Baryonyx) Day 36221, 17:23:33: JaYDM froze Perry - Lvl 267 (Maewing) Day 36221, 19:07:16: smallman froze Tanjiro - Lvl 239 (Baryonyx) Day 36221, 20:38:48: smallman froze Tanjiro - Lvl 239 (Baryonyx) Day 36221, 23:05:00: smallman froze Tanjiro - Lvl 241 (Baryonyx) Day 36222, 00:14:07: smallman froze Tanjiro - Lvl 241 (Baryonyx) Day 36222, 02:55:19: JaYDM froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36222, 02:58:22: smallman froze Joker - Lvl 197 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36224, 16:44:01: JaYDM froze Choso - Lvl 232 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36224, 18:04:57: JaYDM froze Choso - Lvl 232 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36224, 18:19:06: smallman froze Ace - Lvl 269 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36226, 23:16:11: Tribemember JaYDM - Lvl 112 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 85! Day 36226, 23:45:37: JaYDM froze Maewing - Lvl 266 (Maewing) Day 36227, 02:34:03: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 257 (Velonasaur) Day 36239, 19:47:40: smallman froze Juvenile Thorny Dragon - Lvl 229 (Thorny Dragon) Day 36239, 19:53:06: smallman froze Juvenile Thorny Dragon - Lvl 229 (Thorny Dragon) Day 36240, 07:04:18: smallman froze Adolescent Thorny Dragon - Lvl 229 (Thorny Dragon) Day 36240, 13:10:06: smallman froze Adolescent Thorny Dragon - Lvl 229 (Thorny Dragon) Day 36240, 19:46:09: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 258 (Velonasaur) Day 36240, 20:15:02: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 258 (Velonasaur) Day 36240, 20:17:45: JaYDM froze Rex - Lvl 281 (Rex) Day 36240, 20:25:23: JaYDM froze Rex - Lvl 272 (Rex) Day 36241, 00:27:19: smallman Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 183 (Allosaurus)! Day 36241, 00:34:47: smallman froze Allosaurus - Lvl 183 (Allosaurus) Day 36241, 01:25:14: smallman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 248 (Velonasaur) Day 36241, 02:08:34: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 258 (Velonasaur) Day 36241, 02:42:55: smallman froze Perry - Lvl 268 (Maewing) Day 36241, 02:46:35: JaYDM froze Maewing - Lvl 267 (Maewing) Day 36245, 22:49:10: JaYDM froze Choso - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36246, 03:18:04: JaYDM froze Shadowmane - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane) Day 36246, 06:44:21: JaYDM froze Choso - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36246, 06:54:44: smallman froze Ace - Lvl 273 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36249, 00:35:51: smallman claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 36249, 01:00:34: smallman froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 36249, 01:53:38: JaYDM claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 36249, 02:00:05: JaYDM froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36249, 06:36:56: smallman froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 36249, 14:57:33: JaYDM froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36249, 15:45:14: smallman froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 36249, 15:50:44: smallman froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 36263, 13:55:20: smallman froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 36263, 13:59:14: smallman froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 36263, 21:03:59: Your Velonasaur - Lvl 298 (Velonasaur) was killed! Day 36263, 21:03:59: Velonasaur - Lvl 298 (Velonasaur) starved to death! Day 36264, 00:00:01: smallman froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 36264, 05:50:52: smallman froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 36264, 20:04:58: Your Velonasaur - Lvl 313 (Velonasaur) was killed! Day 36264, 20:04:58: Velonasaur - Lvl 313 (Velonasaur) starved to death! Day 36265, 14:48:20: smallman froze Adolescent Baryonyx - Lvl 205 (Baryonyx) Day 36266, 10:24:47: JaYDM claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur)'! Day 36266, 10:27:16: JaYDM claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 15 (Magmasaur)'! Day 36266, 10:30:02: JaYDM claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 25 (Magmasaur)'! Day 36266, 11:29:48: Your Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) was killed by KING - Lvl 231 (Ice Wyvern)! Day 36266, 11:29:48: Your Tribe killed Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) (Mandem)! Day 36266, 11:29:48: Your Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 25 (Magmasaur) was killed by KING - Lvl 231 (Ice Wyvern)! Day 36266, 11:29:48: Your Tribe killed Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 25 (Magmasaur) (Mandem)! Day 36266, 11:30:38: Your Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 15 (Magmasaur) was killed by KING - Lvl 231 (Ice Wyvern)! Day 36266, 11:30:38: Your Tribe killed Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 15 (Magmasaur) (Mandem)! Day 36267, 21:57:12: JaYDM froze Magmasaur - Lvl 188 (Magmasaur) Day 36267, 22:31:31: JaYDM froze Breed (Female) - Lvl 220 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36267, 22:37:10: JaYDM froze Decoy - Lvl 246 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36267, 22:50:16: JaYDM froze KING - Lvl 234 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36267, 22:58:51: JaYDM froze Friendly Fire / ON - Lvl 231 (Poison Wyvern) Day 36267, 23:06:05: JaYDM froze Licht - Lvl 244 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36267, 23:53:00: JaYDM froze Tamaki - Lvl 254 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36268, 00:01:10: JaYDM froze Killua - Lvl 177 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36268, 00:13:32: JaYDM froze Gray - Lvl 219 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36268, 00:22:47: JaYDM froze Gordon - Lvl 257 (Poison Wyvern) Day 36268, 00:33:04: JaYDM froze Adler - Lvl 284 (Griffin) Day 36268, 00:39:50: JaYDM froze nitro - Lvl 304 (Griffin) Day 36268, 09:39:28: JaYDM froze Choso - Lvl 235 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36268, 09:43:50: smallman froze ace - Lvl 275 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36271, 14:59:04: smallman froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 36271, 15:10:02: JaYDM froze Snow Owl - Lvl 298 (Snow Owl) Day 36271, 16:46:04: JaYDM demolished a 'Trophy Wall-Mount (Locked) '! Day 36271, 21:00:38: JaYDM claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 65 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 36271, 21:01:53: JaYDM claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 35 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 36271, 21:20:46: JaYDM claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 36271, 22:43:01: Your Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 35 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Licht - Lvl 245 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 36271, 22:43:01: Your Tribe killed Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 35 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) (Mandem)! Day 36271, 22:43:06: Your Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 65 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Licht - Lvl 245 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 36271, 22:43:06: Your Tribe killed Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 65 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) (Mandem)! Day 36271, 22:43:10: Your Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Licht - Lvl 245 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 36271, 22:43:10: Your Tribe killed Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) (Mandem)! Day 36271, 23:04:07: smallman froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 183 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 36271, 23:15:41: JaYDM froze Licht - Lvl 246 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36289, 22:00:36: 's 'Gray - Lvl 219 (Ice Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36289, 22:00:36: 's 'Tamaki - Lvl 254 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36290, 00:06:19: smallman froze Decoy - Lvl 246 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36290, 09:41:25: JaYDM froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36290, 09:45:52: JaYDM froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36290, 09:50:29: JaYDM froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36290, 11:43:07: JaYDM froze Adolescent Baryonyx - Lvl 205 (Baryonyx) Day 36290, 11:46:26: JaYDM froze Adolescent Baryonyx - Lvl 205 (Baryonyx) Day 36290, 14:24:31: JaYDM froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36290, 15:14:20: JaYDM froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36290, 15:18:29: JaYDM froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36291, 07:05:07: JaYDM froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36291, 08:46:24: smallman froze Tanjiro - Lvl 248 (Baryonyx) Day 36291, 10:47:48: smallman froze Tanjiro - Lvl 250 (Baryonyx) Day 36292, 03:41:31: JaYDM froze Licht - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36292, 03:42:17: smallman froze ace - Lvl 281 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36294, 07:01:05: JaYDM froze Rex - Lvl 289 (Rex) Day 36294, 07:34:14: JaYDM froze Cid Kagano - Lvl 257 (Shadowmane) Day 36294, 07:56:29: JaYDM froze Rex - Lvl 289 (Rex) Day 36294, 08:46:17: JaYDM froze Choso - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36295, 09:46:58: smallman froze ace - Lvl 293 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36295, 09:47:25: JaYDM froze Choso - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36296, 14:24:47: JaYDM froze Choso - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36296, 14:26:02: smallman froze ace - Lvl 296 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36297, 11:37:09: smallman froze Rex - Lvl 296 (Rex) Day 36297, 11:53:37: JaYDM froze Rex - Lvl 294 (Rex) Day 36297, 12:02:57: smallman froze Deinonychus - Lvl 202 (Deinonychus) Day 36297, 14:40:00: JaYDM froze Cid Kagano - Lvl 272 (Shadowmane) Day 36313, 05:25:57: JaYDM froze KING - Lvl 238 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36313, 05:55:36: smallman froze ace - Lvl 296 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36313, 14:00:44: smallman claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 238 (Rex)'! Day 36313, 14:05:53: JaYDM claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 36313, 14:15:59: JaYDM froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 36313, 19:50:58: JaYDM froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 36313, 23:51:54: smallman froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 238 (Rex) Day 36313, 23:56:49: smallman froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 238 (Rex) Day 36314, 07:04:15: JaYDM froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 36314, 16:09:22: JaYDM froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 36315, 01:02:38: smallman froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 238 (Rex) Day 36315, 10:58:14: smallman froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 238 (Rex) Day 36315, 12:08:58: JaYDM froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 36317, 04:01:33: smallman froze Rex - Lvl 316 (Rex) Day 36317, 04:13:52: smallman froze Deinonychus - Lvl 202 (Deinonychus) Day 36317, 04:56:47: JaYDM froze Rex - Lvl 295 (Rex) Day 36317, 06:14:56: JaYDM froze Rex - Lvl 295 (Rex) Day 36317, 06:17:46: JaYDM froze Cid Kagano - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 36318, 23:13:16: smallman claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake)'! Day 36318, 23:14:41: smallman claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake)'! Day 36318, 23:27:52: JaYDM claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 190 (Rock Drake)'! Day 36319, 05:58:41: JaYDM froze Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) Day 36319, 08:40:16: smallman froze ace - Lvl 296 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36319, 15:06:11: JaYDM froze Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) Day 36338, 07:03:08: smallman claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)'! Day 36338, 17:00:23: JaYDM froze Rock Drake - Lvl 227 (Rock Drake) Day 36338, 17:22:22: smallman froze Drake - Lvl 211 (Rock Drake) Day 36338, 18:59:30: JaYDM froze KING - Lvl 239 (Ice Wyvern) Day 36338, 19:13:51: smallman froze ace - Lvl 297 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36338, 19:56:08: JaYDM froze Rock Drake - Lvl 227 (Rock Drake) Day 36339, 00:48:32: JaYDM claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 36339, 06:16:52: JaYDM froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36340, 03:07:44: JaYDM froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36340, 03:14:16: JaYDM froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36340, 08:10:18: JaYDM froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36340, 08:15:46: JaYDM froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36340, 08:20:01: JaYDM froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36340, 12:48:11: JaYDM froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36340, 17:19:44: JaYDM froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36340, 22:17:51: JaYDM froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36340, 22:22:49: JaYDM froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36340, 22:28:39: JaYDM froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36340, 22:33:51: JaYDM froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36340, 22:38:41: JaYDM froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36340, 22:43:53: JaYDM froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36340, 22:49:23: JaYDM froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36340, 22:53:59: JaYDM froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36341, 23:47:43: JaYDM claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 170 (Rock Drake)'! Day 36341, 23:48:58: JaYDM claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)'! Day 36341, 23:50:23: JaYDM claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)'! Day 36342, 00:38:14: Your Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 36342, 00:38:14: Your Tribe killed Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) (Mandem)! Day 36342, 00:38:23: Your Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 170 (Rock Drake) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 36342, 00:38:23: Your Tribe killed Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 170 (Rock Drake) (Mandem)! Day 36342, 00:38:23: Your Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 36342, 00:38:23: Your Tribe killed Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) (Mandem)! Day 36453, 04:20:23: smallman Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 202 (Vulture)! Day 36899, 09:11:34: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37042, 01:05:23: Your 'Water Well' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37042, 01:05:23: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37042, 01:05:23: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37042, 01:05:23: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37042, 01:05:23: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37042, 01:05:23: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37184, 16:50:36: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37327, 09:04:46: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37327, 09:04:46: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37327, 09:04:46: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37327, 09:04:46: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37327, 09:04:46: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37327, 09:04:46: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37327, 09:04:46: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37327, 09:04:46: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37327, 09:04:46: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37327, 09:04:46: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37327, 09:04:46: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37327, 09:04:46: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37327, 09:04:46: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37327, 09:04:46: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37327, 09:04:46: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37327, 09:04:46: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37327, 09:04:46: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37327, 09:04:46: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37327, 09:04:46: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37327, 09:04:46: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37327, 09:04:46: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37612, 15:35:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37702, 14:52:15: BeyondGirthy - Lvl 84 (Tribe of BeyondGirthy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Magmasaur - Lvl 210 (Magmasaur)'! Day 37702, 16:01:33: BeyondGirthy - Lvl 84 (Tribe of BeyondGirthy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'KING - Lvl 241 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 37702, 16:32:41: BeyondGirthy - Lvl 84 (Tribe of BeyondGirthy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Licht - Lvl 275 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 37720, 10:47:00: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 260 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 37720, 14:08:20: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 197 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 37720, 14:11:48: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Killua - Lvl 178 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 37720, 14:19:05: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gordon - Lvl 261 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 37720, 14:25:18: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Choso - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 37720, 14:28:31: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Di Raizel - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 37720, 14:33:35: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Breed (Female) - Lvl 220 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 37720, 14:39:46: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Decoy - Lvl 246 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 37720, 14:43:13: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 37720, 14:59:03: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'meta - Lvl 255 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 37720, 15:11:01: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shinehorn - Lvl 224 (Shinehorn)'! Day 37720, 15:20:06: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vulture - Lvl 203 (Vulture)'! Day 37720, 15:23:21: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Glowtail - Lvl 235 (Glowtail)'! Day 37720, 15:27:21: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jerboa - Lvl 20 (Jerboa)'! Day 37720, 15:34:51: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jerboa - Lvl 38 (Jerboa)'! Day 37720, 15:37:48: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Featherlight - Lvl 210 (Featherlight)'! Day 37720, 15:44:42: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Featherlight - Lvl 219 (Featherlight)'! Day 37720, 15:48:39: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 237 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 37720, 15:54:53: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Featherlight - Lvl 243 (Featherlight)'! Day 37720, 16:04:30: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 247 (Velonasaur)'! Day 37720, 16:14:24: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ravager - Lvl 254 (Ravager)'! Day 37720, 16:18:00: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 333 (Rex)'! Day 37720, 16:26:30: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (Velonasaur)'! Day 37720, 16:35:38: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cid Kagano - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane)'! Day 37720, 16:40:47: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rika - Lvl 250 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 37720, 17:02:09: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 298 (Snow Owl)'! Day 37720, 17:09:44: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'AR Gee - Lvl 297 (Argentavis)'! Day 37720, 17:17:48: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pumba - Lvl 283 (Daeodon)'! Day 37720, 17:36:31: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ace - Lvl 299 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 37720, 22:09:12: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'jumpy - Lvl 214 (Deinonychus)'! Day 37720, 22:12:37: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 209 (Deinonychus)'! Day 37720, 22:17:06: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dyno - Lvl 215 (Deinonychus)'! Day 37720, 22:21:13: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 199 (Deinonychus)'! Day 37720, 22:25:46: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 209 (Deinonychus)'! Day 37720, 22:37:57: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 202 (Deinonychus)'! Day 37726, 23:18:11: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'blue - Lvl 203 (Dire Bear)'! Day 37746, 05:59:50: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 272 (Maewing)'! Day 37746, 09:32:24: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 113 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 90! Day 37746, 10:27:02: Tribemember JaYDM - Lvl 113 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 90! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37962, 12:35:13: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 230 (Rock Drake)'! Day 37962, 12:43:34: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tyrunt - Lvl 291 (Rex)'! Day 37962, 12:51:03: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 188 (Rock Drake)'! Day 37962, 13:21:02: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)'! Day 37962, 13:27:19: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baryonyx - Lvl 243 (Baryonyx)'! Day 37962, 13:30:19: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baryonyx - Lvl 205 (Baryonyx)'! Day 37962, 13:34:24: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tanjiro - Lvl 250 (Baryonyx)'! Day 37962, 13:41:46: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tekky - Lvl 294 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 37962, 13:45:21: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Haxorus - Lvl 273 (Raptor)'! Day 37962, 13:49:12: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'nitro - Lvl 305 (Griffin)'! Day 37962, 13:58:05: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Purlovia - Lvl 231 (Purlovia)'! Day 37962, 14:02:22: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sleepy - Lvl 275 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 37962, 14:06:48: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Adler - Lvl 284 (Griffin)'! Day 37962, 14:14:13: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thorny Dragon - Lvl 233 (Thorny Dragon)'! Day 37962, 14:18:08: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thorny Dragon - Lvl 246 (Thorny Dragon)'! Day 37962, 14:21:40: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thorny Dragon - Lvl 224 (Thorny Dragon)'! Day 37962, 14:25:40: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thorny Dragon - Lvl 253 (Thorny Dragon)'! Day 37962, 14:35:23: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Drake - Lvl 229 (Rock Drake)'! Day 37962, 14:51:07: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sassy - Lvl 275 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 37962, 14:54:35: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Golem - Lvl 151 (Doedicurus)'! Day 37962, 14:58:48: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gigantopithecus - Lvl 236 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 37962, 15:03:25: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shieldon - Lvl 96 (Triceratops)'! Day 37962, 15:10:03: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 276 (Pteranodon)'! Day 37962, 15:18:31: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Devil - Lvl 241 (Ravager)'! Day 37962, 15:24:21: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 304 (Rex)'! Day 37962, 15:25:25: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 209 (Allosaurus)'! Day 37962, 15:26:33: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 243 (Rex)'! Day 37962, 15:28:09: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 297 (Rex)'! Day 37962, 16:17:25: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Friendly Fire / ON - Lvl 231 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 37962, 16:28:27: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bulbdog - Lvl 240 (Bulbdog)'! Day 37962, 16:34:26: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 257 (Ovis)'! Day 37962, 16:34:49: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 272 (Ovis)'! Day 37962, 16:35:22: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 255 (Ovis)'! Day 37962, 16:35:45: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 255 (Ovis)'! Day 37962, 16:36:11: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 255 (Ovis)'!"] "tribeid":1279158735,"tribe":"Tribe of Leroy logs":["Day 19160, 23:12:21: Leroy was added to the Tribe! Day 19160, 23:16:23: tony was added to the Tribe by Leroy! Day 19215, 01:09:58: Tribemember tony - Lvl 4 was killed! Day 19215, 01:58:27: Tribemember Leroy - Lvl 2 was killed!"] "tribeid":1276013804,"tribe":"Tribe of zinger logs":["Day 34390, 10:23:27: zinger was added to the Tribe! Day 34390, 10:29:38: the miggler was added to the Tribe by zinger! Day 34390, 12:19:04: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 34390, 13:34:18: Tribemember the miggler - Lvl 5 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 20! Day 34391, 01:05:22: zinger Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 34391, 01:42:46: zinger Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 134 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 34391, 04:14:22: zinger Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 82 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 34391, 07:15:12: Tribemember the miggler - Lvl 16 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 34391, 09:52:00: Tribemember the miggler - Lvl 16 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 135! Day 34391, 10:19:26: the miggler Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 114 (Dilophosaur)! Day 34391, 11:15:19: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 22 (Triceratops)! Day 34391, 11:31:10: Tribemember the miggler - Lvl 17 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90! Day 34391, 11:38:49: Your sex - Lvl 114 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 45! Day 34391, 11:54:50: the miggler claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 34391, 12:29:36: zinger unclaimed 'blinger zing 2 - Lvl 139 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 34391, 12:32:23: zinger unclaimed 'zinger bing 3 - Lvl 84 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 34391, 12:43:32: zinger unclaimed 'bling zing 1 - Lvl 34 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 34391, 13:34:01: zinger froze Baby Dilophosaur - Lvl 184 (Dilophosaur) Day 34391, 13:37:04: zinger froze Baby Dilophosaur - Lvl 97 (Dilophosaur) Day 34391, 13:48:41: zinger claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)'! Day 34391, 14:04:25: zinger claimed 'Baby Dilophosaur - Lvl 97 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 34391, 14:08:37: zinger froze Juvenile Dilophosaur - Lvl 97 (Dilophosaur) Day 34391, 14:56:07: zinger froze Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon) Day 34391, 18:51:18: Tribemember the miggler - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 34391, 19:58:04: Tribemember zinger - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 34402, 07:08:45: Tribemember zinger - Lvl 14 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 100! Day 34402, 09:03:51: zinger claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 34402, 11:21:40: Tribemember zinger - Lvl 15 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100! Day 34403, 18:57:15: Tribemember the miggler - Lvl 23 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 150! Day 34404, 00:36:11: the miggler Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 222 (Dilophosaur)! Day 34404, 03:41:44: Your dildo phorsaurs - Lvl 223 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 135! Day 34404, 04:43:30: the miggler Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 125 (Pteranodon)! Day 34410, 07:17:40: Tribemember the miggler - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 34412, 12:41:46: zinger froze flappy mc tickles - Lvl 135 (Pteranodon) Day 34412, 12:45:18: zinger downloaded a dino: Easy 20 - Lvl 50 Day 34412, 17:45:05: zinger froze flappy mc tickles - Lvl 135 (Pteranodon) Day 34412, 17:52:15: zinger downloaded a dino: ilob - Lvl 159 Day 34412, 17:52:47: zinger downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 97 Day 34412, 18:15:02: zinger froze ilob - Lvl 159 (Maewing) Day 34412, 18:17:52: zinger froze Maewing - Lvl 97 (Maewing) Day 34412, 19:34:52: zinger froze ilob - Lvl 159 (Maewing) Day 34412, 20:34:49: zinger unclaimed 'Maewing - Lvl 100 (Maewing)'! Day 34412, 21:16:10: Tribemember the miggler - Lvl 38 was killed! Day 34413, 13:39:54: Your Triceratops - Lvl 36 (Triceratops) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 145! Day 34413, 15:30:21: zinger froze Rex - Lvl 108 (Rex) Day 34432, 11:03:36: zinger froze ilob - Lvl 162 (Maewing) Day 34432, 11:16:09: zinger froze ilob - Lvl 162 (Maewing) Day 34434, 20:49:53: zinger froze ilob - Lvl 166 (Maewing) Day 34736, 11:50:48: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34803, 09:23:32: Your flappy mc tickles - Lvl 140 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 50! Day 34803, 11:08:12: Tribemember the miggler - Lvl 39 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 60! Day 35033, 22:37:50: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Easy 20 - Lvl 89 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 35248, 08:02:51: Rogue - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Rogue) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35306, 07:12:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35306, 07:12:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35337, 08:00:35: eve - Lvl 97 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 109 (Rex)'! Day 35889, 06:20:37: Pteranodon - Lvl 138 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 36578, 18:19:34: Human - Lvl 10 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 37123, 16:27:27: rudy - Lvl 5 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1272523103,"tribe":"3xiled logs":["Day 38646, 18:23:16: JC741 was added to the Tribe! Day 38646, 19:13:05: JC741 froze TRUCK - Lvl 311 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38646, 20:41:10: JC741 downloaded a dino: Licht - Lvl 277 Day 38646, 20:46:19: JC741 froze Licht - Lvl 277 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38646, 20:49:35: JC741 downloaded a dino: Fire Wyvern - Lvl 223 Day 38646, 20:54:01: JC741 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38646, 20:59:10: JC741 downloaded a dino: Desmodus - Lvl 321 Day 38646, 21:04:05: JC741 froze Desmodus - Lvl 321 (Desmodus) Day 38646, 21:08:44: JC741 downloaded a dino: HELKARAKSE - Lvl 310 Day 38646, 21:25:32: JC741 froze truck - Lvl 310 (Ice Wyvern) Day 38646, 22:47:12: JC741 froze flying bunny - Lvl 276 (Quetzal) Day 38891, 02:02:58: JC741 unclaimed 'speeder - Lvl 70 (Argentavis)'! Day 38891, 02:30:59: JC741 froze IvorTheSecond - Lvl 317 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 38891, 04:07:55: JC741 froze Tumeric - Lvl 316 (Basilosaurus) Day 38891, 04:30:19: JC741 froze Tumeric - Lvl 316 (Basilosaurus) Day 38891, 05:46:09: JC741 froze IvorTheSecond - Lvl 317 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 38891, 06:59:42: JC741 froze Tumeric - Lvl 316 (Basilosaurus) Day 38891, 07:27:11: JC741 froze IvorTheSecond - Lvl 317 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 39509, 05:44:43: pablee - Lvl 5 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'haythem - Lvl 141 (Tek Stryder)'!"] "tribeid":1270789472,"tribe":"Somthing creative logs":["Day 31172, 20:16:30: Smirney was added to the Tribe! Day 31172, 21:07:57: Smirney Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax)! Day 31172, 21:44:22: Smirney claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 50 (Triceratops)'! Day 31694, 12:02:57: Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax) starved to death! Day 31811, 02:42:32: Triceratops - Lvl 52 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 37227, 11:10:30: Tribemember Smirney - Lvl 8 was killed!"] "tribeid":1268074050,"tribe":"KAOS logs":["Day 29115, 12:25:50: Fruj was added to the Tribe! Day 29115, 13:09:31: Fruj downloaded a dino: BloodWing - Lvl 216 Day 29115, 13:11:13: Fruj downloaded a dino: High Oxygen ._. - Lvl 218 Day 29116, 05:28:45: Fruj Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 29119, 06:19:42: Fruj Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 29120, 01:06:06: Fruj Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 29121, 02:53:38: Fruj claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis)'! Day 29121, 08:13:22: Fruj froze High Oxygen ._. - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) Day 29121, 12:55:30: Fruj froze Juvenile Greyback Salmon - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 29121, 22:11:24: Fruj froze Adolescent Silverback Salmon - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 29121, 22:39:58: Fruj froze Adolescent Silverback Salmon - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 29123, 04:00:50: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 67 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 95! Day 29123, 07:03:01: Fruj demolished a 'Large Wood Signpost'! Day 29123, 07:03:48: Fruj demolished a 'Large Wood Signpost'! Day 29123, 07:05:09: Fruj demolished a 'Large Wood Signpost'! Day 29123, 09:27:54: Fruj Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 22 (Megatherium)! Day 29123, 09:37:17: Fruj froze Megatherium - Lvl 22 (Megatherium) Day 29123, 13:35:25: Fruj froze Megatherium - Lvl 33 (Megatherium) Day 29144, 07:58:44: Fruj Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 224 (Griffin)! Day 29144, 10:03:06: Fruj froze Silverback Salmon - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 29197, 03:57:13: Fruj claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 29197, 09:55:04: Fruj froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29197, 10:08:37: Fruj froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29218, 05:05:18: Fruj froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29218, 05:10:44: Fruj froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29218, 05:14:53: Fruj froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29218, 05:18:09: Fruj froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29218, 09:46:19: Fruj froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29218, 09:50:12: Fruj froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29218, 14:17:44: Fruj froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29218, 14:21:37: Fruj froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29259, 19:43:25: Fruj froze Megatherium - Lvl 33 (Megatherium) Day 29259, 21:03:27: Fruj froze Megatherium - Lvl 42 (Megatherium) Day 29260, 01:56:59: Fruj froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 174 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29269, 00:16:17: Fruj Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 29269, 00:24:10: Fruj froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus) Day 29269, 06:33:22: Fruj Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 216 (Doedicurus)! Day 29269, 06:36:09: Fruj froze Doedicurus - Lvl 216 (Doedicurus) Day 29280, 05:10:24: Fruj froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 29280, 05:16:50: Fruj demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 29280, 06:42:34: Fruj froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 29280, 08:46:37: Fruj froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 29280, 17:47:37: Fruj claimed 'Dire Bear - Lvl 113 (Dire Bear)'! Day 29280, 17:49:55: Fruj froze Dire Bear - Lvl 113 (Dire Bear) Day 29280, 17:50:43: Fruj claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 29280, 17:51:15: Fruj claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 214 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 29280, 17:52:05: Fruj claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex)'! Day 29280, 18:02:32: Fruj froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 214 (Thylacoleo) Day 29280, 18:09:02: Fruj froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (Thylacoleo) Day 29280, 18:13:30: Fruj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex) Day 29280, 18:27:34: Fruj claimed 'Managarmr - Lvl 255 (Managarmr)'! Day 29280, 18:30:30: Fruj froze Managarmr - Lvl 255 (Managarmr) Day 29280, 18:34:40: Fruj claimed 'X-Rex - Lvl 224 (X-Rex)'! Day 29280, 18:35:27: Fruj claimed 'Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 29280, 18:37:43: Fruj froze X-Rex - Lvl 224 (X-Rex) Day 29280, 18:42:13: Fruj froze Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 29280, 18:56:36: Fruj claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 226 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 29280, 18:56:55: Fruj claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 230 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 29280, 18:59:05: Fruj froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 230 (Ankylosaurus) Day 29280, 19:03:05: Fruj froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 226 (Ankylosaurus) Day 29280, 19:47:00: Fruj unclaimed 'Managarmr - Lvl 255 (Managarmr)'! Day 29280, 20:22:22: Fruj unclaimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 226 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 29280, 20:24:46: Fruj unclaimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 29280, 20:42:13: Fruj unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 29280, 20:45:25: Fruj unclaimed 'Dire Bear - Lvl 113 (Dire Bear)'! Day 29280, 20:48:02: Fruj unclaimed 'X-Rex - Lvl 224 (X-Rex)'! Day 29280, 20:56:01: Fruj unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex)'! Day 29280, 21:00:22: Fruj claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex)'! Day 29280, 21:04:02: Fruj unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex)'! Day 29284, 11:15:03: Fruj froze Griffin - Lvl 248 (Griffin) Day 29284, 11:21:51: Fruj froze Doedicurus - Lvl 216 (Doedicurus) Day 29284, 11:25:50: Fruj froze Megatherium - Lvl 42 (Megatherium) Day 29284, 11:34:04: Fruj froze CrimsonBeast - Lvl 244 (Pteranodon) Day 29284, 11:37:32: Fruj froze BloodWing - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon) Day 29284, 11:49:42: Fruj froze Lightning McQueen - Lvl 234 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29285, 03:18:11: Fruj claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 236 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29285, 03:35:58: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 248 (Pteranodon) was killed by Fruj - Lvl 105 (KAOS)! Day 29285, 03:35:58: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 248 (Pteranodon) (KAOS)! Day 29285, 09:39:20: Fruj claimed 'Equus - Lvl 199 (Equus)'! Day 29285, 09:50:36: Fruj froze Equus - Lvl 199 (Equus) Day 29332, 23:47:32: Fruj froze Lightning McQueen - Lvl 240 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29333, 04:04:27: Fruj froze Lightning McQueen - Lvl 240 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29333, 06:32:59: Fruj froze Lightning McQueen - Lvl 240 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29380, 23:47:22: Fruj froze Lightning McQueen - Lvl 242 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29535, 13:16:27: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29677, 05:59:02: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29959, 13:10:01: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30266, 12:58:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30312, 14:17:26: Equus - Lvl 199 (Equus) starved to death! Day 30550, 03:26:44: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30772, 17:32:08: Megatherium - Lvl 42 (Megatherium) starved to death! Day 31107, 13:33:54: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning McQueen - Lvl 242 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 31107, 13:34:39: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Griffin - Lvl 249 (Griffin)'! Day 31107, 13:38:26: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'CrimsonBeast - Lvl 244 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31107, 13:38:51: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BloodWing - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31107, 13:39:45: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'High Oxygen ._. - Lvl 239 (Argentavis)'! Day 31107, 13:39:56: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'LoveBird - Lvl 214 (Argentavis)'! Day 31107, 13:40:28: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Silverback Salmon - Lvl 242 (Argentavis)'! Day 31107, 13:41:19: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phantom - Lvl 241 (Argentavis)'! Day 31107, 13:41:57: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 230 (Doedicurus)'! Day 31107, 13:42:21: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 244 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 31107, 13:42:47: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 236 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 31107, 20:39:19: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 110 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 15! Day 31673, 14:20:25: Thylacoleo - Lvl 214 (Thylacoleo) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1268063203,"tribe":"LOVE PVE logs":["Day 28017, 22:36:29: Nate5tar was added to the Tribe! Day 28017, 22:58:47: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 244 (Maewing) Day 28018, 05:01:34: Nate5tar froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur) Day 28018, 05:50:58: Nate5tar froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 228 (R-Velonasaur) Day 28018, 10:43:45: Nate5tar froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 228 (R-Velonasaur) Day 28018, 12:51:31: Tribemember Nate5tar - Lvl 110 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 60! Day 28018, 13:11:44: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 244 (Maewing) Day 28018, 16:46:14: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 244 (Maewing) Day 28019, 01:08:50: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 245 (Maewing) Day 28040, 13:54:33: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 258 (Maewing) Day 28044, 17:03:31: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 259 (Maewing) Day 28044, 20:36:17: Nate5tar froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 231 (R-Velonasaur) Day 28044, 23:07:31: Tribemember Nate5tar - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 28044, 23:07:44: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 141 (Sinomacrops) was killed! Day 28044, 23:41:52: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 259 (Maewing) Day 28065, 15:07:07: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 269 (Maewing) Day 28067, 23:21:50: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 269 (Maewing) Day 28069, 11:33:13: Nate5tar Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 202 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 28069, 11:43:00: Nate5tar froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 202 (Tusoteuthis) Day 28069, 12:43:17: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 269 (Maewing) Day 28106, 07:31:12: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 275 (Maewing) Day 28110, 11:44:40: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 275 (Maewing) Day 28115, 15:43:34: Nate5tar froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 256 (R-Velonasaur) Day 28115, 16:27:59: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 293 (Maewing) Day 28116, 23:58:36: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 293 (Maewing) Day 28128, 05:52:28: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 293 (Maewing) Day 28136, 08:15:41: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 294 (Maewing) Day 28152, 12:32:22: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 296 (Maewing) Day 28163, 12:58:18: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 298 (Maewing) Day 28298, 17:59:49: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 309 (Maewing) Day 28351, 03:52:07: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 316 (Maewing) Day 28351, 09:13:00: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 316 (Maewing) Day 28372, 08:15:18: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 316 (Maewing) Day 28512, 13:13:53: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 321 (Maewing) Day 29464, 16:41:03: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31060, 11:36:34: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 231 (R-Velonasaur)'!"] "tribeid":1267154488,"tribe":"The Azures logs":["Day 34318, 08:06:59: Galdren was added to the Tribe! Day 34463, 09:19:49: Galdren Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 174 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 35538, 12:37:00: Incubator 1 - Lvl 287 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 35683, 09:09:42: eve - Lvl 112 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Princess Peaks - Lvl 259 (Sarco)'! Day 35683, 09:14:44: eve - Lvl 112 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Horned Prince - Lvl 264 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 35683, 09:16:49: eve - Lvl 112 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maximus - Lvl 250 (Megaloceros)'! Day 35683, 09:17:32: eve - Lvl 112 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Second - Lvl 261 (Parasaur)'! Day 35684, 05:30:03: eve - Lvl 112 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Princess Damaged - Lvl 224 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 35948, 04:26:34: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35948, 04:26:34: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35948, 04:26:34: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35948, 04:26:34: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35948, 04:26:34: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35948, 04:26:34: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35948, 04:26:34: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35948, 04:26:34: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35948, 04:26:34: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35948, 04:26:34: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36006, 05:32:42: Tribemember Galdren - Lvl 96 was killed! Day 36233, 11:27:09: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36233, 11:27:09: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36233, 11:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36233, 11:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36518, 20:02:22: Your 'Tek Bridge' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1265542981,"tribe":"Tribe of twingo logs":["Day 21614, 12:53:55: twingo was added to the Tribe! Day 21614, 12:55:04: Humain was added to the Tribe by twingo! Day 21614, 21:02:50: twingo Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 89 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 21615, 00:36:10: Humain Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 193 (Parasaur)! Day 21615, 02:01:44: twingo demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 21615, 04:48:57: Humain Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops)! Day 21615, 09:11:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 25 (Pteranodon)! Day 21615, 10:21:02: Humain Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 65 (Pteranodon)! Day 21615, 18:20:33: Humain Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)! Day 21615, 20:33:58: Your gitan - Lvl 94 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by twingo - Lvl 51 (Tribe of twingo)! Day 21615, 20:33:58: Your Tribe killed gitan - Lvl 94 (Lystrosaurus) (Tribe of twingo)! Day 21615, 20:44:37: Humain unclaimed 'Carlos - Lvl 45 (Moschops)'! Day 21615, 20:46:18: Humain claimed 'Carlos - Lvl 45 (Moschops)'! Day 21615, 20:58:58: Your Carlos - Lvl 45 (Moschops) was killed by Humain - Lvl 27 (Tribe of twingo)! Day 21615, 20:58:58: Your Tribe killed Carlos - Lvl 45 (Moschops) (Tribe of twingo)! Day 21615, 22:18:22: Humain demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 21616, 06:11:47: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 30 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 85! Day 21616, 07:31:06: Your paf - Lvl 210 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 150! Day 21616, 07:31:06: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 54 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 150! Day 21616, 11:28:55: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 54 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 255! Day 21616, 11:30:16: Your Pif - Lvl 73 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 150! Day 21616, 11:49:17: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 54 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 50! Day 21616, 15:20:43: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 54 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 150! Day 21629, 21:26:11: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 54 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 85! Day 21630, 00:04:05: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 54 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 21633, 14:06:56: Your Parasaur - Lvl 219 (Parasaur) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 21634, 09:23:24: twingo Tamed a Pelagornis - Lvl 29 (Pelagornis)! Day 21636, 16:10:56: Humain Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 21 (Phiomia)! Day 21636, 23:47:15: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 21 (Pteranodon)! Day 21637, 04:27:47: Tribemember Humain - Lvl 36 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 150! Day 21637, 10:20:15: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 21637, 12:36:56: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 21637, 16:38:22: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 21637, 17:05:48: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 21637, 18:21:12: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 26 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 85! Day 21637, 18:24:00: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 26 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 85! Day 21637, 18:37:54: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 85 (Pteranodon) was killed by Humain - Lvl 37 (Tribe of twingo)! Day 21637, 18:37:54: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 85 (Pteranodon) (Tribe of twingo)! Day 21638, 01:06:30: twingo Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 141 (Parasaur)! Day 21638, 03:16:57: twingo Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 193 (Parasaur)! Day 21638, 09:47:01: Humain claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 21638, 09:48:07: Humain claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 21638, 09:49:11: Humain claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 21638, 09:53:21: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 21638, 09:59:41: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 21638, 10:04:01: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 21638, 12:42:46: Tribemember Humain - Lvl 44 was killed! Day 21638, 13:22:16: Tribemember Humain - Lvl 44 was killed! Day 21638, 13:33:11: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 21638, 18:38:56: Tribemember Humain - Lvl 45 was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 85! Day 21638, 18:49:18: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 65 was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 85! Day 21639, 12:29:43: Humain claimed 'Baby Parasaur - Lvl 163 (Parasaur)'! Day 21639, 20:35:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 21640, 00:32:05: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 21640, 01:10:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 21640, 05:54:54: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 41 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160! Day 21640, 05:55:31: Tribemember Humain - Lvl 50 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160! Day 21640, 07:17:41: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 21640, 11:03:25: Your Pelagornis - Lvl 44 (Pelagornis) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 21640, 14:08:54: twingo Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 21641, 06:04:45: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 90! Day 21641, 06:18:02: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 69 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 25! Day 21641, 07:05:54: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 69 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 45! Day 21662, 16:48:39: twingo claimed 'Baby Parasaur - Lvl 190 (Parasaur)'! Day 21662, 22:58:04: twingo Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 21663, 10:50:53: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 21663, 14:39:37: twingo claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 130 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21664, 03:24:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 21664, 23:47:03: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 209 (Triceratops)! Day 21668, 16:24:40: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 21668, 20:09:57: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 21669, 12:01:35: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 21669, 14:27:26: twingo claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21669, 15:54:30: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 50! Day 21669, 16:04:02: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 76 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 50! Day 21669, 20:33:34: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 76 was killed! Day 21688, 16:02:20: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 21708, 18:17:41: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 80 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 21708, 19:18:00: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 80 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 21708, 21:14:36: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 80 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 60! Day 21709, 03:50:53: Your Parasaur - Lvl 163 (Parasaur) was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 85! Day 21709, 04:07:21: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 80 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 85! Day 21709, 16:45:06: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 21709, 16:46:14: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 80 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 21709, 17:21:53: Your Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 21709, 20:59:49: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 80 was killed! Day 21709, 23:36:18: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 80 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 145! Day 21710, 06:05:30: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 81 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 21710, 06:26:09: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 21710, 08:17:38: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 21710, 08:43:11: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 81 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 21711, 10:41:18: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 81 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 21711, 11:42:10: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 81 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 85! Day 21732, 12:35:18: twingo froze Pteranodon - Lvl 34 (Pteranodon) Day 21732, 12:46:35: twingo froze Parasaur - Lvl 200 (Parasaur) Day 21732, 12:54:31: twingo froze Parasaur - Lvl 190 (Parasaur) Day 21732, 13:02:39: twingo froze Parasaur - Lvl 155 (Parasaur) Day 21732, 13:11:34: twingo froze Carle - Lvl 32 (Phiomia) Day 21732, 13:21:27: twingo froze Triceratops - Lvl 209 (Triceratops) Day 21732, 14:43:14: twingo froze Pteranodon - Lvl 34 (Pteranodon) Day 21732, 18:01:29: Tribemember Humain - Lvl 53 was killed! Day 21732, 18:30:55: Tribemember Humain - Lvl 53 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 21733, 06:18:58: Tribemember Humain - Lvl 55 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 21733, 07:03:59: Tribemember Humain - Lvl 55 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 145! Day 21733, 11:36:08: Tribemember Humain - Lvl 55 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 21733, 12:16:06: twingo claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 21733, 12:57:37: twingo claimed 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 21733, 14:59:07: Humain claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 41 (Parasaur)'! Day 21733, 19:32:38: Humain claimed 'Baby Parasaur - Lvl 86 (Parasaur)'! Day 21733, 19:48:55: Humain claimed 'Baby Parasaur - Lvl 180 (Parasaur)'! Day 21733, 20:04:09: Humain claimed 'Baby Parasaur - Lvl 172 (Parasaur)'! Day 21733, 20:05:51: Humain claimed 'Baby Parasaur - Lvl 172 (Parasaur)'! Day 21734, 02:04:03: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 86 was killed! Day 21734, 02:13:57: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 26 (Pteranodon)! Day 21734, 02:47:28: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 35 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 21734, 02:53:29: twingo froze Juvenile Parasaur - Lvl 86 (Parasaur) Day 21734, 03:02:41: twingo froze Juvenile Parasaur - Lvl 86 (Parasaur) Day 21734, 06:12:17: twingo claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 186 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 21734, 06:14:08: twingo claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21734, 06:15:10: twingo claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 210 (Parasaur)'! Day 21734, 06:16:14: twingo claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 80 (Parasaur)'! Day 21734, 06:19:51: twingo claimed 'HAPPYTIME (Raft)'! Day 21734, 07:06:35: twingo froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 186 (Ankylosaurus) Day 21734, 08:09:33: Juvenile Parasaur - Lvl 86 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 21734, 08:09:38: Juvenile Parasaur - Lvl 180 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 21734, 08:10:14: Juvenile Parasaur - Lvl 172 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 21734, 08:10:20: Juvenile Parasaur - Lvl 172 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 21734, 11:31:01: twingo claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 111 (Argentavis)'! Day 21734, 11:32:09: twingo claimed 'Wanheda - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21734, 11:32:50: twingo claimed 'Rollie Polly - Lvl 194 (Doedicurus)'! Day 21734, 11:33:39: twingo claimed 'Feather - Lvl 75 (Deinonychus)'! Day 21734, 11:34:20: twingo claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 21734, 11:35:50: twingo claimed 'Megaloceros - Lvl 84 (Megaloceros)'! Day 21734, 11:44:49: twingo froze Feather - Lvl 75 (Deinonychus) Day 21734, 11:47:37: twingo froze Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 21734, 11:52:39: twingo froze Megaloceros - Lvl 84 (Megaloceros) Day 21734, 11:58:23: twingo froze Rollie Polly - Lvl 194 (Doedicurus) Day 21734, 14:16:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)! Day 21734, 14:45:35: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 193 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 21734, 19:12:48: twingo froze Wanheda - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) Day 21734, 19:20:33: twingo froze Wanheda - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) Day 21734, 19:21:26: twingo claimed 'Compy - Lvl 29 (Compy)'! Day 21734, 19:25:47: twingo froze Compy - Lvl 29 (Compy) Day 21734, 19:30:32: twingo froze Argentavis - Lvl 111 (Argentavis) Day 21734, 19:32:22: twingo claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 202 (Raptor)'! Day 21734, 19:38:05: twingo froze Raptor - Lvl 202 (Raptor) Day 21734, 19:44:59: twingo claimed 'Tickle Chicken - Lvl 208 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 21734, 19:50:14: twingo froze Tickle Chicken - Lvl 208 (Therizinosaur) Day 21734, 21:21:15: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 21734, 21:26:30: Humain claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 118 (Deinonychus)'! Day 21735, 01:33:29: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 107 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 21735, 02:54:26: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 87 was killed! Day 21735, 03:08:02: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 107 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 140! Day 21735, 04:49:54: Humain Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 89 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 21748, 07:38:46: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 118 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 21753, 08:33:00: twingo froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 193 (Ankylosaurus) Day 21753, 15:57:45: twingo claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21753, 16:01:57: twingo claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 21753, 18:43:29: twingo froze Asuna - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 21753, 18:58:23: twingo froze Asuna - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 21753, 19:01:57: twingo froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 186 (Ankylosaurus) Day 21754, 01:02:39: twingo froze Wanheda - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) Day 21754, 01:29:43: twingo froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 186 (Ankylosaurus) Day 21754, 02:19:30: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 89 was killed! Day 21754, 03:03:57: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 89 was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 21754, 09:27:33: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 89 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 25! Day 21755, 23:09:45: twingo claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 184 (Argentavis)'! Day 21756, 01:32:28: twingo froze Tickle Chicken - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 21756, 20:59:28: Humain claimed 'nibba idk - Lvl 211 (Parasaur)'! Day 21756, 21:01:32: Humain claimed 'nibba but higher man - Lvl 156 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 21757, 03:59:09: Your Kirito - Lvl 112 (Argentavis) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 21757, 03:59:09: Tribemember Humain - Lvl 64 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 21758, 07:36:32: Tribemember Humain - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 21779, 05:24:19: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 21779, 09:41:20: Humain uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 95 Day 21779, 09:48:20: twingo uploaded a Argentavis: Asuna - Lvl 269 Day 21792, 22:55:02: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21792, 22:55:02: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21864, 00:39:20: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21864, 00:39:20: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21903, 01:38:30: nibba but higher man - Lvl 156 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 21911, 07:01:18: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21934, 20:26:38: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22076, 13:14:44: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22076, 13:14:44: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22076, 13:14:44: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22137, 06:56:03: Tribemember twingo - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 22218, 05:45:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22335, 22:07:20: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22335, 22:07:20: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22345, 23:59:38: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 22396, 09:28:56: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'le preque parfait - Lvl 184 (Argentavis)'! Day 22506, 11:30:01: Mumei - Lvl 6 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'nibba idk - Lvl 213 (Parasaur)'! Day 22516, 13:59:27: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Arnolde mais fille - Lvl 196 (Parasaur)'! Day 22596, 02:21:52: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22643, 08:56:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22643, 08:56:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22643, 08:56:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22643, 08:56:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22666, 23:54:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22666, 23:54:29: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22666, 23:54:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22666, 23:54:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22666, 23:54:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22666, 23:54:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22666, 23:54:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22808, 17:42:14: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22808, 17:42:14: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22822, 00:34:33: Eli The Builder - Lvl 138 (The lost Castl) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 22879, 14:07:21: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22879, 14:07:21: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22950, 10:46:46: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22950, 10:46:46: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23173, 03:30:13: Meatball - Lvl 145 (Tribe of Arms) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 23173, 03:34:52: Meatball - Lvl 145 (Tribe of Arms) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'nique les mouettes (Raft)'! Day 23740, 08:42:25: Inmate - Lvl 122 (Trikru) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Compy - Lvl 29 (Compy)'! Day 24143, 03:33:24: Nytrix - Lvl 68 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24409, 06:34:55: Hollow - Lvl 78 (The Lone ShieldMaiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'HAPPYTIME (Raft)'! Day 25118, 19:00:34: Hecate - Lvl 51 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1264114985,"tribe":"Old Farts logs":["Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38184, 12:19:02: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38445, 09:57:52: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38469, 05:22:00: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38469, 05:22:00: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38469, 05:22:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38469, 05:22:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38469, 05:22:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38469, 05:22:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38469, 05:22:00: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38469, 05:22:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38469, 05:22:00: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38469, 05:22:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38469, 05:22:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38469, 05:22:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38469, 05:22:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38469, 05:22:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38469, 05:22:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38469, 05:22:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38469, 05:22:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38469, 05:22:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38469, 05:22:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38469, 05:22:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38469, 05:22:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38469, 05:22:00: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38573, 09:07:18: Dilophosaur - Lvl 37 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 38736, 19:26:36: Human - Lvl 20 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sum-Ting-Rong - Lvl 177 (Pteranodon)'! Day 40814, 10:57:19: Tribemember Blue - Lvl 72 was killed! Day 41115, 06:29:35: liz - Lvl 46 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 251 (Doedicurus)'! Day 41115, 06:42:34: liz - Lvl 46 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 167 (Doedicurus)'!"] "tribeid":1262951908,"tribe":"Nature Boy logs":["Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17207, 09:39:34: Blue - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Blue) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 194 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 25116, 11:35:14: Tribemember Jango - Lvl 121 was killed!"] "tribeid":1262605654,"tribe":"The Breed logs":["Day 18633, 02:09:13: Kail froze Frank - Lvl 220 (Shinehorn) Day 18633, 02:13:11: Kail froze Shinehorn - Lvl 154 (Shinehorn) Day 18633, 03:42:44: Kail froze Spare Argent - Lvl 305 (Argentavis) Day 18633, 03:47:14: Kail froze MATE - Lvl 213 (Ravager) Day 18633, 03:51:04: Kail froze Irish Queen - Lvl 405 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18633, 03:54:49: Kail froze Step Child - Lvl 382 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18633, 04:00:11: Kail froze Beast - Lvl 363 (Phiomia) Day 18633, 04:04:35: Kail froze Beth (W) - Lvl 366 (Ravager) Day 18633, 04:08:34: Kail froze Snow Owl - Lvl 236 (Snow Owl) Day 18633, 04:12:51: Kail froze Snow Owl - Lvl 236 (Snow Owl) Day 18633, 04:17:31: Kail froze hulk - Lvl 297 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18633, 04:21:36: Kail froze Mine Spike - Lvl 260 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18633, 05:45:15: Kail froze Dagger - Lvl 78 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18633, 05:48:12: Kail froze Glowtail - Lvl 216 (Glowtail) Day 18633, 05:51:00: Kail froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 221 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18633, 05:54:02: Kail froze Bulbdog - Lvl 325 (Bulbdog) Day 18633, 05:57:09: Kail froze Level Buddy - Lvl 136 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18633, 06:00:22: Kail froze Sun - Lvl 57 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18633, 06:04:12: Kail froze Blood Diamond - Lvl 341 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18633, 06:08:52: Kail froze Doedicurus - Lvl 262 (Doedicurus) Day 18633, 06:12:27: Kail froze Knuckles (BM) - Lvl 224 (Doedicurus) Day 18633, 06:15:22: Kail froze Nazz - Lvl 205 (Doedicurus) Day 18633, 07:17:38: Kail froze STONER - Lvl 91 (Doedicurus) Day 18633, 07:20:31: Kail froze Megatherium - Lvl 250 (Megatherium) Day 18633, 07:23:28: Kail froze Mating - Lvl 247 (Megatherium) Day 18633, 07:26:27: Kail froze Lum Invader - Lvl 291 (Doedicurus) Day 18633, 07:35:27: Kail froze Doedicurus - Lvl 257 (Doedicurus) Day 18633, 07:38:46: Kail froze Eddy - Lvl 205 (Doedicurus) Day 18633, 07:42:13: Kail froze Conny - Lvl 313 (Doedicurus) Day 18633, 07:45:20: Kail froze Doedicurus - Lvl 253 (Doedicurus) Day 18633, 07:48:39: Kail froze Doedicurus - Lvl 217 (Doedicurus) Day 18633, 07:51:35: Kail froze Doedicurus - Lvl 374 (Doedicurus) Day 18633, 08:40:35: Kail froze Mating - Lvl 247 (Megatherium) Day 18633, 08:43:29: Kail froze Gift - Lvl 340 (Doedicurus) Day 18633, 08:46:16: Kail froze Bad Boy Learoy Brown - Lvl 273 (Megatherium) Day 18633, 08:49:46: Kail froze [2] - Lvl 204 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18633, 08:53:17: Kail froze Eve - Lvl 310 (Megatherium) Day 18633, 08:56:42: Kail froze Flint - Lvl 189 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18633, 09:00:01: Kail froze Megatherium - Lvl 242 (Megatherium) Day 18633, 09:03:55: Kail froze GOLD MEMBER - Lvl 116 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18633, 09:06:54: Kail froze Megatherium - Lvl 279 (Megatherium) Day 18633, 09:10:03: Kail froze Anton - Lvl 283 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18636, 09:22:55: Kail froze Megatherium - Lvl 250 (Megatherium) Day 18636, 09:25:54: Kail froze Hutch - Lvl 306 (Megatherium) Day 18636, 09:28:45: Kail froze Megatherium - Lvl 235 (Megatherium) Day 18636, 09:32:15: Kail froze Megatherium - Lvl 284 (Megatherium) Day 18636, 09:38:04: Kail froze Molly - Lvl 267 (Aberrant Ankylosaurus) Day 18636, 09:41:55: Kail froze Ocean - Lvl 156 (Carbonemys) Day 18636, 09:44:58: Kail froze Almondie - Lvl 158 (Carbonemys) Day 18636, 09:48:19: Kail froze Doedicurus - Lvl 190 (Doedicurus) Day 18636, 09:51:24: Kail froze Carbonemys - Lvl 22 (Carbonemys) Day 18636, 09:55:09: Kail froze Little Anky - Lvl 357 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18636, 10:51:34: Kail froze Doedicurus - Lvl 285 (Doedicurus) Day 18636, 10:54:35: Kail froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 260 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18636, 10:57:29: Kail froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 157 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18636, 11:00:47: Kail froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 118 (Dilophosaur) Day 18636, 11:03:55: Kail froze Hanky - Lvl 88 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18636, 11:07:45: Kail froze Rocksteady - Lvl 243 (Doedicurus) Day 18636, 11:13:24: Kail froze Pelagornis - Lvl 124 (Pelagornis) Day 18636, 11:16:17: Kail froze Doedicurus - Lvl 68 (Doedicurus) Day 18636, 11:19:42: Kail froze Pelagornis - Lvl 209 (Pelagornis) Day 18636, 11:23:28: Kail froze Pink Skys - Lvl 288 (Doedicurus) Day 18636, 12:09:42: Kail froze Edd - Lvl 204 (Doedicurus) Day 18636, 12:12:35: Kail froze Pelagornis - Lvl 67 (Pelagornis) Day 18636, 12:15:38: Kail froze Camilla - Lvl 79 (Dilophosaur) Day 18636, 12:18:50: Kail froze Greenwoode - Lvl 41 (Dilophosaur) Day 18636, 12:21:50: Kail froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 109 (Dilophosaur) Day 18636, 12:24:40: Kail froze V2 - Lvl 65 (Dilophosaur) Day 18636, 12:28:58: Kail froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 249 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18636, 12:32:48: Kail froze Pelagornis - Lvl 287 (Pelagornis) Day 18636, 12:35:47: Kail froze Matthew - Lvl 275 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18636, 12:39:17: Kail froze Claymerra - Lvl 86 (Carbonemys) Day 18636, 13:23:55: Kail froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 38 (Dilophosaur) Day 18636, 13:26:58: Kail froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 53 (Dilophosaur) Day 18636, 13:30:10: Kail froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 67 (Dilophosaur) Day 18636, 13:33:05: Kail froze Busch - Lvl 98 (Pteranodon) Day 18636, 13:35:56: Kail froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 148 (Dilophosaur) Day 18636, 13:39:28: Kail froze Clobber - Lvl 242 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18636, 13:43:08: Kail froze Uncle Ankie - Lvl 221 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18636, 13:46:51: Kail froze Pteranodon - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon) Day 18636, 13:50:12: Kail froze pop - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon) Day 18636, 13:53:16: Kail froze Galaxy - Lvl 67 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18636, 14:31:22: Kail froze Pteranodon - Lvl 195 (Pteranodon) Day 18636, 14:34:28: Kail froze Kulio - Lvl 115 (Carbonemys) Day 18636, 14:37:35: Kail froze Pteranodon - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) Day 18636, 15:16:37: Kail froze Ultramarine - Lvl 70 (Parasaur) Day 18636, 15:19:29: Kail froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 191 (Tek Parasaur) Day 18636, 15:22:19: Kail froze bobbly - Lvl 70 (Parasaur) Day 18636, 15:25:13: Kail froze Francis - Lvl 234 (Tek Parasaur) Day 18636, 15:28:03: Kail froze Kenishi - Lvl 72 (Parasaur) Day 18636, 15:31:09: Kail froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 93 (Tek Parasaur) Day 18636, 15:36:33: Kail froze Castoroides - Lvl 377 (Castoroides) Day 18636, 15:39:26: Kail froze Parasaur - Lvl 85 (Parasaur) Day 18636, 15:42:24: Kail froze Turii - Lvl 20 (Parasaur) Day 18636, 15:45:21: Kail froze Cerulean - Lvl 164 (Tek Parasaur) Day 18636, 16:36:50: Kail froze Cyber Grape - Lvl 194 (Paraceratherium) Day 18636, 16:39:55: Kail froze Betty - Lvl 222 (Castoroides) Day 18636, 16:42:56: Kail froze Aberrant Equus - Lvl 232 (Aberrant Equus) Day 18636, 16:46:01: Kail froze Woody - Lvl 281 (Castoroides) Day 18636, 16:58:57: Kail froze Aberrant Equus - Lvl 293 (Aberrant Equus) Day 18636, 17:01:46: Kail froze Castoroides - Lvl 277 (Castoroides) Day 18636, 17:04:33: Kail froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 121 (Thorny Dragon) Day 18636, 17:08:32: Kail froze EGGS - Lvl 281 (Dodo) Day 18636, 17:11:23: Kail froze Titus - Lvl 95 (Thorny Dragon) Day 18636, 17:16:16: Kail froze Cain - Lvl 233 (Otter) Day 18636, 17:55:14: Kail froze Iggyzilla - Lvl 132 (Thorny Dragon) Day 18636, 17:58:19: Kail froze Dodo - Lvl 153 (Dodo) Day 18636, 18:01:04: Kail froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 111 (Thorny Dragon) Day 18636, 18:03:57: Kail froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 152 (Thorny Dragon) Day 18636, 18:06:52: Kail froze Dodo - Lvl 52 (Dodo) Day 18636, 18:09:52: Kail froze Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo) Day 18636, 18:12:39: Kail froze Sperm Donor 1 - Lvl 155 (Carbonemys) Day 18636, 18:16:10: Kail froze Spare Argent - Lvl 243 (Argentavis) Day 18636, 18:19:03: Kail froze Raleigh - Lvl 157 (Carbonemys) Day 18636, 18:22:11: Kail froze Spare Argent - Lvl 280 (Argentavis) Day 18636, 19:05:59: Kail froze Apricot - Lvl 108 (Carbonemys) Day 18636, 19:09:24: Kail froze Spare Argent - Lvl 162 (Argentavis) Day 18636, 19:12:39: Kail froze Plum - Lvl 181 (Carbonemys) Day 18636, 19:17:14: Kail froze Spare Argent - Lvl 270 (Argentavis) Day 18636, 19:20:05: Kail froze Nut - Lvl 123 (Carbonemys) Day 18636, 19:24:29: Kail froze Bittersweet - Lvl 317 (Carbonemys) Day 18636, 19:28:49: Kail froze Spare Argent - Lvl 261 (Argentavis) Day 18636, 19:31:53: Kail froze Fuchsia - Lvl 123 (Carbonemys) Day 18636, 19:35:41: Kail froze Spare Argent - Lvl 246 (Argentavis) Day 18636, 19:39:45: Kail froze Spare Argent - Lvl 231 (Argentavis) Day 18636, 20:23:42: Kail froze Russet - Lvl 316 (Carbonemys) Day 18636, 20:28:15: Kail froze Spare Argent - Lvl 274 (Argentavis) Day 18636, 20:32:26: Kail froze Tender - Lvl 316 (Carbonemys) Day 18636, 20:36:39: Kail froze Rust body and tail - Lvl 310 (Argentavis) Day 18636, 20:40:29: Kail froze Carbonemys - Lvl 112 (Carbonemys) Day 18636, 20:46:00: Kail froze Leafie - Lvl 138 (Carbonemys) Day 18636, 20:50:05: Kail froze Blue and Purple Tail - Lvl 227 (Argentavis) Day 18636, 20:55:46: Kail froze Sapphire - Lvl 205 (Carbonemys) Day 18636, 21:00:21: Kail froze Red body green tail - Lvl 291 (Argentavis) Day 18636, 21:05:10: Kail froze Hot Orange tail feathers - Lvl 147 (Argentavis) Day 18636, 22:11:47: Kail froze Russet - Lvl 316 (Carbonemys) Day 18636, 22:15:44: Kail froze Spare Argent - Lvl 274 (Argentavis) Day 18636, 22:19:30: Kail froze Tender - Lvl 316 (Carbonemys) Day 18636, 22:23:20: Kail froze Rust body and tail - Lvl 310 (Argentavis) Day 18636, 22:27:03: Kail froze Carbonemys - Lvl 112 (Carbonemys) Day 18636, 22:31:42: Kail froze Hot Orange tail feathers - Lvl 147 (Argentavis) Day 18636, 22:39:55: Kail froze Red body green tail - Lvl 291 (Argentavis) Day 18636, 22:43:45: Kail froze Sapphire - Lvl 205 (Carbonemys) Day 18636, 22:47:25: Kail froze Blue and Purple Tail - Lvl 227 (Argentavis) Day 18636, 22:51:15: Kail froze Leafie - Lvl 138 (Carbonemys) Day 18636, 23:39:19: Kail froze Crimson Body - Lvl 175 (Argentavis) Day 18636, 23:45:58: Kail froze Pink Highlights - Lvl 222 (Argentavis) Day 18636, 23:51:38: Kail froze Lavendar - Lvl 175 (Carbonemys) Day 18636, 23:59:07: Kail froze Tabitha - Lvl 206 (Otter) Day 18637, 00:04:15: Kail froze Crimson Highlights - Lvl 267 (Argentavis) Day 18637, 00:15:32: Kail froze Carbonemys - Lvl 193 (Carbonemys) Day 18637, 00:19:30: Kail froze Teal Color - Lvl 40 (Argentavis) Day 18637, 00:29:21: Kail froze Abigail - Lvl 206 (Otter) Day 18637, 00:33:19: Kail froze Aquamarine - Lvl 209 (Carbonemys) Day 18637, 00:38:56: Kail froze Carbonemys - Lvl 110 (Carbonemys) Day 18637, 01:31:04: Kail froze Solar - Lvl 142 (Carbonemys) Day 18637, 01:35:17: Kail froze Carbonemys - Lvl 29 (Carbonemys) Day 18637, 01:39:38: Kail froze Tulip - Lvl 159 (Carbonemys) Day 18637, 01:43:28: Kail froze Coral - Lvl 182 (Carbonemys) Day 18637, 01:47:08: Kail froze Mintie - Lvl 134 (Carbonemys) Day 18637, 01:57:06: Kail froze Blue and yellow tail - Lvl 360 (Argentavis) Day 18637, 02:01:02: Kail froze Pure Red - Lvl 79 (Argentavis) Day 18637, 02:04:56: Kail froze Dk Red body - Lvl 291 (Argentavis) Day 18637, 02:08:46: Kail froze Carbonemys - Lvl 74 (Carbonemys) Day 18637, 02:12:55: Kail froze Aqua - Lvl 159 (Carbonemys) Day 18637, 02:52:21: Kail froze Blue Body - Lvl 134 (Argentavis) Day 18637, 02:56:36: Kail froze Blue Breast - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) Day 18637, 06:58:43: Kail froze Emmaline - Lvl 228 (Raptor) Day 18637, 07:03:13: Kail froze Adrian - Lvl 238 (Raptor) Day 18637, 07:07:14: Kail froze Tesla - Lvl 159 (Raptor) Day 18637, 07:10:48: Kail froze Direwolf - Lvl 170 (Direwolf) Day 18637, 07:13:59: Kail froze Orange Magenta Breeder - Lvl 209 (Direwolf) Day 18637, 07:18:11: Kail froze Breeder Orange Magenta ( - Lvl 298 (Direwolf) Day 18637, 07:21:04: Kail froze Direwolf - Lvl 230 (Direwolf) Day 18637, 07:23:55: Kail froze Dir-Wof-76b - Lvl 285 (Direwolf) Day 18637, 07:26:55: Kail froze Snows's Wolf - Lvl 150 (Direwolf) Day 18637, 07:29:58: Kail froze Direwolf - Lvl 213 (Direwolf) Day 18638, 22:06:18: Kail froze Sabertooth - Lvl 205 (Sabertooth) Day 18638, 22:10:25: Kail froze Sephy Saber - Lvl 285 (Sabertooth) Day 18638, 22:14:11: Kail froze Sa-Ber-76d - Lvl 291 (Sabertooth) Day 18638, 22:18:24: Kail froze red - Lvl 85 (Sabertooth) Day 18638, 22:23:34: Kail froze Sephy Saber - Lvl 291 (Sabertooth) Day 18638, 22:27:17: Kail froze Sa-Ber-76b - Lvl 256 (Sabertooth) Day 18638, 22:31:10: Kail froze Level 218 - Lvl 218 (Sabertooth) Day 18638, 22:36:43: Kail froze Raptor - Lvl 196 (Raptor) Day 18638, 22:40:27: Kail froze Sabertooth - Lvl 89 (Sabertooth) Day 18638, 22:44:16: Kail froze Raptor - Lvl 154 (Raptor) Day 18639, 00:10:27: Kail froze Breeder Orange Magenta ( - Lvl 259 (Direwolf) Day 18639, 00:14:38: Kail froze Breeder Orange Magenta ( - Lvl 292 (Direwolf) Day 18639, 00:18:40: Kail froze Direwolf - Lvl 312 (Direwolf) Day 18639, 00:48:50: Kail froze Direwolf - Lvl 202 (Direwolf) Day 18639, 00:52:33: Kail froze Direwolf - Lvl 102 (Direwolf) Day 18639, 00:56:12: Kail froze Direwolf - Lvl 317 (Direwolf) Day 18639, 01:03:14: Kail froze Nay Nay - Lvl 264 (Direwolf) Day 18639, 01:07:09: Kail froze Eliza - Lvl 280 (Tek Raptor) Day 18639, 01:13:07: Kail froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 233 (Tek Raptor) Day 18639, 01:38:12: Kail froze Raptor - Lvl 91 (Raptor) Day 18639, 03:20:55: Kail froze Dir-Wof-76d - Lvl 286 (Direwolf) Day 18639, 03:24:49: Kail froze Sa-Ber-76a - Lvl 255 (Sabertooth) Day 18639, 03:28:26: Kail froze Sa-Ber-76f - Lvl 155 (Sabertooth) Day 18639, 03:35:03: Kail froze Sa-Ber-76e - Lvl 270 (Sabertooth) Day 18639, 03:40:26: Kail froze Sa-Ber-76c - Lvl 255 (Sabertooth) Day 18639, 03:44:01: Kail froze Level 234 - Lvl 234 (Sabertooth) Day 18639, 03:49:44: Kail froze Sabertooth - Lvl 208 (Sabertooth) Day 18639, 03:53:43: Kail froze Jay Jay - Lvl 219 (Sabertooth) Day 18639, 03:57:30: Kail froze Tootha - Lvl 244 (Sabertooth) Day 18639, 04:02:49: Kail froze Sabertooth - Lvl 166 (Sabertooth) Day 18639, 05:11:16: Kail froze Noah - Lvl 206 (Otter) Day 18639, 05:15:03: Kail froze Abel - Lvl 217 (Otter) Day 18639, 05:18:12: Kail froze Jezebel - Lvl 206 (Otter) Day 18639, 05:21:06: Kail froze Castoroides - Lvl 166 (Castoroides) Day 18639, 05:24:34: Kail froze Castoroides - Lvl 71 (Castoroides) Day 18639, 05:27:23: Kail froze Scar - Lvl 287 (Sabertooth) Day 18639, 05:30:08: Kail froze SnowFluffy - Lvl 203 (Direwolf) Day 18639, 05:33:08: Kail froze Direwolf - Lvl 221 (Direwolf) Day 18639, 05:36:12: Kail froze (OM) - Lvl 252 (Direwolf) Day 18639, 05:39:03: Kail froze Direwolf - Lvl 201 (Direwolf) Day 18639, 07:04:58: Kail froze Raptor - Lvl 267 (Raptor) Day 18639, 07:07:48: Kail froze Byte - Lvl 209 (Tek Raptor) Day 18639, 07:10:39: Kail froze Yori (OM) - Lvl 229 (Direwolf) Day 18639, 07:20:53: Kail froze Logan (OM) - Lvl 264 (Direwolf) Day 18639, 07:23:42: Kail froze Razor - Lvl 268 (Raptor) Day 18639, 07:26:33: Kail froze Forrest - Lvl 147 (Raptor) Day 18639, 07:29:56: Kail froze Ford - Lvl 196 (Raptor) Day 18639, 07:35:47: Kail froze Direwolf - Lvl 212 (Direwolf) Day 18639, 07:38:34: Kail froze Direwolf - Lvl 187 (Direwolf) Day 18639, 07:41:20: Kail froze Direwolf - Lvl 138 (Direwolf) Day 18639, 07:44:21: Kail froze Baloo - Lvl 100 (Dire Bear) Day 18639, 08:48:10: Kail froze Linux - Lvl 176 (Tek Raptor) Day 18639, 08:51:54: Kail froze Slice - Lvl 265 (Raptor) Day 18639, 08:55:07: Kail froze Scyth - Lvl 253 (Raptor) Day 18639, 09:00:50: Kail froze Raptor - Lvl 79 (Raptor) Day 18639, 09:04:03: Kail froze Bubi's OM NOM NOM (OM) - Lvl 216 (Direwolf) Day 18639, 09:07:23: Kail froze Raptor - Lvl 130 (Raptor) Day 18639, 09:10:11: Kail froze Thalia - Lvl 220 (Raptor) Day 18639, 09:13:48: Kail froze Erika - Lvl 95 (Raptor) Day 18639, 09:16:56: Kail froze Rhode - Lvl 103 (Raptor) Day 18639, 09:20:15: Kail froze Slash - Lvl 288 (Raptor) Day 18639, 09:23:06: Kail froze Orange Magenta Breeder - Lvl 209 (Direwolf) Day 18639, 11:33:03: Kail froze Coelacanth - Lvl 95 | 1.1x (Coelacanth) Day 18639, 11:36:03: Kail froze Coelacanth - Lvl 55 | 2.2x (Coelacanth) Day 18639, 11:39:35: Kail froze Coelacanth - Lvl 85 | 1.1x (Coelacanth) Day 18639, 12:01:46: Kail froze Octilass - Lvl 378 (Tusoteuthis) Day 18639, 12:12:16: Kail froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 208 (Tusoteuthis) Day 18639, 13:10:50: Kail froze Lord Bahamut - Lvl 232 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18639, 14:30:20: Kail froze Big Betty - Lvl 283 (Brontosaurus) Day 18639, 14:33:46: Kail froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 209 (Beelzebufo) Day 18639, 14:36:35: Kail froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 134 (Beelzebufo) Day 18639, 14:39:26: Kail froze Manny - Lvl 382 (Mammoth) Day 18639, 14:45:25: Kail froze Ice Lander - Lvl 289 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18639, 14:58:46: Kail froze Buck - Lvl 240 (Brontosaurus) Day 18639, 15:02:48: Kail froze Big Martha - Lvl 303 (Brontosaurus) Day 18639, 15:07:25: Kail froze Big Bob - Lvl 124 (Brontosaurus) Day 18639, 15:21:36: Kail froze Vitus - Lvl 32 (Poison Wyvern) Day 18639, 15:24:50: Kail froze Mama Medusa - Lvl 220 (Poison Wyvern) Day 18639, 20:48:44: Kail froze Scorpion Death Lock - Lvl 324 (Poison Wyvern) Day 18639, 20:57:13: Kail froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 247 (Poison Wyvern) Day 18639, 21:02:44: Kail froze Zora - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18639, 21:12:52: Kail froze Juvenile Adara - Lvl 55 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18639, 21:44:55: Kail froze Tropica - Lvl 210 (Poison Wyvern) Day 18639, 21:52:08: Kail froze Grima - Lvl 283 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18639, 21:58:07: Kail froze Totashi - Lvl 254 (Poison Wyvern) Day 18639, 22:26:49: Kail froze Persephone - Lvl 241 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18639, 22:39:54: Kail froze Zirocco - Lvl 259 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18639, 22:46:02: Kail froze Burnt Orange - Lvl 267 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18639, 22:59:53: Kail froze Viper - Lvl 326 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18640, 01:11:40: Kail froze Rocko - Lvl 222 (Rock Drake) Day 18640, 01:21:16: Kail froze Direwolf - Lvl 233 (Direwolf) Day 18640, 07:22:27: Kail froze Ombre - Lvl 106 (Kentrosaurus) Day 18640, 07:28:21: Kail froze Bob - Lvl 275 (Tapejara) Day 18640, 07:31:35: Kail froze Jara - Lvl 277 (Tapejara) Day 18640, 07:34:46: Kail froze Awwwesome! - Lvl 92 (Tapejara) Day 18640, 07:38:11: Kail froze Kentrosaurus - Lvl 71 (Kentrosaurus) Day 18640, 07:41:34: Kail froze Direwolf - Lvl 190 (Direwolf) Day 18640, 07:44:21: Kail froze Direwolf - Lvl 227 (Direwolf) Day 18640, 07:47:17: Kail froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 256 (Thylacoleo) Day 18640, 08:35:00: Kail froze Tony - Lvl 165 (Thylacoleo) Day 18640, 08:37:58: Kail froze Compy - Lvl 37 (Compy) Day 18640, 08:41:04: Kail froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 52 (Dimorphodon) Day 18640, 08:43:51: Kail froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 49 (Carnotaurus) Day 18640, 08:49:06: Kail froze Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake) Day 18640, 09:05:07: Kail froze Compy - Lvl 37 (Compy) Day 18640, 09:08:32: Kail froze Big Rim Job - Lvl 355 (Brontosaurus) Day 18640, 09:12:50: Kail froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 212 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 18640, 09:17:38: Kail froze Mantis - Lvl 193 (Mantis) Day 18640, 09:23:50: Kail froze Tekko - Lvl 198 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 18640, 09:28:30: Kail froze Snow's - Lvl 178 (Rock Drake) Day 18640, 09:32:17: Kail froze Miss Piggy - Lvl 232 (Daeodon) Day 18640, 10:15:15: Kail froze Ruuru - Lvl 267 (Mammoth) Day 18640, 10:20:41: Kail froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 278 (Tek Quetzal) Day 18640, 10:24:10: Kail froze Cindy - Lvl 262 (Mammoth) Day 18640, 10:27:47: Kail froze Black Lizard - Lvl 224 (Diplodocus) Day 18640, 10:31:46: Kail froze Compy - Lvl 127 (Compy) Day 18640, 10:34:50: Kail froze Diplo - Lvl 247 (Diplodocus) Day 18640, 10:39:01: Kail froze Monica - Lvl 304 (Mammoth) Day 18640, 10:43:44: Kail froze Rachel - Lvl 251 (Mammoth) Day 18640, 10:48:28: Kail froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 127 (Beelzebufo) Day 18640, 10:53:22: Kail froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 74 (Beelzebufo) Day 18640, 11:46:31: Kail froze Jenny 2 - Lvl 124 (Carnotaurus) Day 18640, 11:50:01: Kail froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 278 (Tek Quetzal) Day 18640, 11:54:32: Kail froze Witherwing - Lvl 324 (Quetzal) Day 18640, 11:57:41: Kail froze M 0-0 - Lvl 179 (Vulture) Day 18640, 12:01:43: Kail froze F 0-0 imprinted same sta - Lvl 179 (Vulture) Day 18640, 12:05:09: Kail froze Vulture - Lvl 110 (Vulture) Day 18640, 12:08:09: Kail froze Caspain - Lvl 61 (Dimorphodon) Day 18640, 12:40:42: Kail froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 299 (Brontosaurus) Day 18640, 12:45:43: Kail froze Tony - Lvl 165 (Thylacoleo) Day 18640, 12:48:42: Kail froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 201 (Thylacoleo) Day 18640, 12:52:14: Kail froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 256 (Thylacoleo) Day 18640, 12:55:15: Kail froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 259 (Dimorphodon) Day 18640, 12:58:57: Kail froze F 0-0 - Lvl 179 (Vulture) Day 18640, 13:02:03: Kail froze boy - Lvl 204 (Vulture) Day 18640, 17:41:27: Kail froze Red Force Lightning - Lvl 271 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18640, 17:44:42: Kail froze Eager - Lvl 194 (Castoroides) Day 18640, 17:50:59: Kail froze Mango - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake) Day 18640, 17:54:16: Kail froze King Grimlock - Lvl 495 (Tek Rex) Day 18640, 18:04:49: Kail froze Zorro - Lvl 424 (Otter) Day 18640, 18:08:16: Kail froze Araneo - Lvl 14 (Araneo) Day 18640, 18:13:50: Kail froze Blueberry - Lvl 175 (Rock Drake) Day 18640, 18:19:15: Kail froze Lapis Lazuli - Lvl 170 (Rock Drake) Day 18640, 19:02:37: Kail froze Spare Argent - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) Day 18640, 19:05:57: Kail froze Spare Argent - Lvl 349 (Argentavis) Day 18640, 19:12:12: Kail froze Red - Lvl 342 (Rock Drake) Day 18640, 19:17:04: Kail froze Smoke - Lvl 250 (Rock Drake) Day 18640, 19:21:14: Kail froze Allosaurus - Lvl 276 (Allosaurus) Day 18640, 19:24:30: Kail froze Sheri (B) - Lvl 373 (Ravager) Day 18640, 19:27:29: Kail froze Dopey - Lvl 452 (Tek Rex) Day 18640, 19:33:21: Kail froze Mistletoe - Lvl 308 (Poison Wyvern) Day 18640, 19:36:39: Kail froze Lily - Lvl 35 (Raptor) Day 18640, 19:39:30: Kail froze Lynn (B) - Lvl 365 (Ravager) Day 18640, 21:08:52: Kail froze Light House - Lvl 217 (Phoenix) Day 18640, 21:16:21: Kail froze Goddess Nyx - Lvl 397 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18640, 21:22:35: Kail froze Mantis - Lvl 306 (Mantis) Day 18640, 21:30:44: Kail froze Voilet - Lvl 348 (Rock Drake) Day 18640, 21:37:40: Kail froze Sephy's Command Rex - Lvl 300 (Tek Rex) Day 18640, 21:43:32: Kail froze Amethyst - Lvl 158 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18640, 21:50:47: Kail froze Hedwig - Lvl 411 (Snow Owl) Day 18640, 21:55:57: Kail froze Feather Lite - Lvl 395 (Argentavis) Day 18640, 22:01:20: Kail froze Ice Pick - Lvl 404 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18640, 22:05:28: Kail froze Bubi's Toaster - Lvl 191 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18640, 22:25:29: Kail froze Lady Flameo - Lvl 306 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18640, 22:29:16: Kail froze Isaac - Lvl 359 (Otter) Day 18640, 22:33:23: Kail froze Sephy argent - Lvl 291 (Argentavis) Day 18640, 22:37:03: Kail froze Flame Wing - Lvl 302 (Argentavis) Day 18653, 05:13:43: Kail froze Flame Wing - Lvl 434 (Argentavis) Day 18655, 19:33:26: Kail froze Rose - Lvl 234 (Mammoth) Day 18674, 14:57:10: Kail froze Flame Wing - Lvl 434 (Argentavis) Day 18677, 15:43:47: Kail froze Lora Croft - Lvl 360 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18917, 11:50:07: Kail froze Hedwig - Lvl 412 (Snow Owl) Day 18918, 00:07:05: Kail froze Scarlett Johanson - Lvl 214 (Magmasaur) Day 18918, 00:28:00: Kail froze Goddess Nyx - Lvl 397 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18918, 08:34:26: Kail froze Flame Wing - Lvl 434 (Argentavis) Day 18981, 15:00:39: Kail froze Dark Side - Lvl 189 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18981, 21:54:06: Kail froze Scarlett Johanson - Lvl 220 (Magmasaur) Day 18982, 06:21:59: Kail froze Scarlett Johanson - Lvl 220 (Magmasaur) Day 18982, 06:49:47: Kail froze Dark Side - Lvl 189 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18982, 07:53:02: Kail froze Flame Wing - Lvl 434 (Argentavis) Day 19007, 12:44:03: Kail froze Hedwig - Lvl 412 (Snow Owl) Day 19007, 13:07:32: Kail froze Hedwig - Lvl 412 (Snow Owl) Day 19007, 15:47:59: Kail froze Hedwig - Lvl 412 (Snow Owl) Day 19029, 21:35:06: Tribemember Kail - Lvl 155 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 50! Day 19029, 22:26:07: Tribemember Kail - Lvl 155 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 45! Day 19029, 23:10:29: Tribemember Kail - Lvl 155 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 19030, 00:03:15: Tribemember Kail - Lvl 155 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 19030, 05:20:42: Kail froze Feather Lite - Lvl 438 (Argentavis) Day 19030, 07:19:25: Tribemember Kail - Lvl 155 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 55! Day 19030, 10:25:27: Kail froze Flame Wing - Lvl 434 (Argentavis) Day 19030, 13:30:43: Kail Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 89 (Dimorphodon)! Day 19030, 14:50:35: Kail froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 89 (Dimorphodon) Day 19030, 15:24:33: Kail Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 216 (Dimorphodon)! Day 19030, 15:30:13: Kail froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 216 (Dimorphodon) Day 19030, 15:47:07: Kail froze Hedwig - Lvl 412 (Snow Owl) Day 19030, 18:05:48: Kail froze Thunder - Lvl 332 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19144, 11:41:38: Kail froze Holli-bell - Lvl 182 (Poison Wyvern) Day 19144, 11:46:23: Kail froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 146 (Dimorphodon) Day 19208, 03:22:22: Kail froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 146 (Dimorphodon) Day 19208, 05:36:54: Kail froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 206 (Dimorphodon) Day 19208, 05:41:14: Kail froze Holli-bell - Lvl 235 (Poison Wyvern) Day 19209, 12:27:44: Kail froze Holli-bell - Lvl 235 (Poison Wyvern) Day 19954, 08:58:17: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19954, 08:58:17: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20166, 18:56:52: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20166, 18:56:52: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20166, 18:56:52: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20166, 18:56:52: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21474, 01:00:12: Kail froze Red - Lvl 385 (Rock Drake) Day 24032, 14:13:16: Tribemember Kail - Lvl 156 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 15! Day 24032, 16:30:32: Tribemember Kail - Lvl 156 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 100! Day 24032, 18:35:41: Tribemember Kail - Lvl 156 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 90! Day 24032, 20:36:30: Tribemember Kail - Lvl 156 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 85! Day 24032, 21:26:28: Tribemember Kail - Lvl 156 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 145! Day 24033, 02:52:24: Kail froze Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 24033, 05:54:25: Kail froze King Grimlock - Lvl 505 (Tek Rex) Day 24033, 12:49:17: Kail froze Red - Lvl 394 (Rock Drake) Day 24033, 13:06:35: Kail froze Burnt Orange - Lvl 355 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24033, 14:18:40: Kail froze Red - Lvl 394 (Rock Drake) Day 25192, 17:19:49: Your 'Metal Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25318, 17:22:54: Kail froze Red - Lvl 394 (Rock Drake) Day 26942, 07:04:57: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1261807958,"tribe":"Megalanias Reforged logs":["Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20199, 05:47:47: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'mut x567 fem - Lvl 290 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 05:49:06: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame '486 mut male - Lvl 290 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 06:50:46: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 06:58:51: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 07:01:25: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 07:02:17: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 07:08:09: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 07:09:27: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 07:10:23: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 07:11:49: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 07:26:27: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 07:28:33: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 07:31:03: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 07:34:00: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 07:36:49: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 07:47:29: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 07:49:49: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 07:53:45: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 07:56:44: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 08:00:23: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 08:05:47: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 08:18:51: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 08:21:32: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 08:24:34: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 08:34:59: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 08:37:45: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 08:40:28: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 08:44:44: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 08:47:53: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 08:51:40: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 08:55:43: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 09:02:17: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 09:05:56: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 09:07:40: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 09:10:25: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 09:14:02: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 09:16:52: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 09:22:05: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 09:33:31: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 09:38:42: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 09:48:48: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 09:50:52: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 10:01:38: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 10:08:34: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 10:12:21: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 10:17:16: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 10:25:20: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 10:43:14: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 11:30:45: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 11:34:18: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 11:56:00: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 11:56:34: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 11:57:44: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 12:03:42: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 12:45:55: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 12:46:40: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 12:47:40: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 12:49:37: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 12:54:38: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 12:55:26: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 13:00:12: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 13:05:20: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 13:06:40: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 13:08:29: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 13:09:10: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 13:09:57: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 13:10:39: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 13:13:21: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 13:58:53: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 13:59:08: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:03:32: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:06:21: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:07:15: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:08:27: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:08:59: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:10:04: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:11:31: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:12:21: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:13:12: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:15:27: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:17:49: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:21:13: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:27:17: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:32:58: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:34:25: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:37:28: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:38:39: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:39:37: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:40:14: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:47:12: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:47:45: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:48:18: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:48:49: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:50:56: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:51:22: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 14:52:47: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 16:37:52: MisterB - Lvl 152 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 16:38:13: MisterB - Lvl 152 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 16:38:47: MisterB - Lvl 152 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 16:38:59: MisterB - Lvl 152 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 16:40:03: MisterB - Lvl 152 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 16:40:16: MisterB - Lvl 152 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 16:40:33: MisterB - Lvl 152 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 16:41:37: MisterB - Lvl 152 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 16:41:46: MisterB - Lvl 152 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 16:41:55: MisterB - Lvl 152 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 16:44:26: MisterB - Lvl 152 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 16:44:52: MisterB - Lvl 152 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 16:48:26: MisterB - Lvl 152 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 16:49:29: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 16:50:04: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 16:50:41: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 16:51:18: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 16:51:51: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 16:52:24: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 16:53:49: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20199, 17:10:32: Gregory Snape - Lvl 121 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Bookshelf' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20881, 05:21:46: Overdrive - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Overdrive) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20882, 11:41:57: Overdrive - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Overdrive) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 21916, 10:14:22: Goku - Lvl 117 (Saiyans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 21916, 10:21:59: Goku - Lvl 117 (Saiyans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 22135, 01:06:27: Tribemember Amaxione - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23975, 19:00:04: Tribemember Unoriginal_47 - Lvl 67 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 135! Day 23975, 19:54:29: Tribemember Amaxione - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 23975, 21:21:25: Tribemember Amaxione - Lvl 122 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 90! Day 23975, 22:38:55: Unoriginal_47 Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax)! Day 23975, 23:00:01: Tribemember Amaxione - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 23975, 23:51:28: Unoriginal_47 claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23976, 00:37:44: Tribemember Amaxione - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 23976, 01:56:20: Unoriginal_47 claimed '[T] Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 23976, 01:57:36: Unoriginal_47 claimed 'Baryonyx - Lvl 292 (Baryonyx)'! Day 23976, 01:58:31: Unoriginal_47 claimed 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 214 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 23976, 01:59:24: Unoriginal_47 claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 90 (Doedicurus)'! Day 23976, 02:00:42: Unoriginal_47 claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus)'! Day 23976, 04:08:44: Tribemember Amaxione - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 23976, 05:48:40: Tribemember Amaxione - Lvl 122 was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 20! Day 23976, 09:55:07: Tribemember Amaxione - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 23976, 10:45:14: Tribemember Unoriginal_47 - Lvl 122 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 145! Day 23976, 11:01:22: Unoriginal_47 claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 23976, 11:33:05: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon) was killed by [T] Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Lightning Wyvern) (Megalanias Reforged)! Day 23976, 11:33:05: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon) (Megalanias Reforged)! Day 23976, 12:32:21: Tribemember Unoriginal_47 - Lvl 122 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 20! Day 23977, 00:28:34: Tribemember Amaxione - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 23977, 00:55:15: Tribemember Amaxione - Lvl 122 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 95! Day 23977, 01:57:16: Tribemember Amaxione - Lvl 122 was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 90! Day 23977, 03:56:54: Tribemember Amaxione - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 23977, 07:16:44: Tribemember Amaxione - Lvl 122 was killed by Unoriginal_47 - Lvl 122 (Megalanias Reforged)! Day 23977, 07:16:44: Your Tribe killed Amaxione - Lvl 122 (Megalanias Reforged)! Day 23977, 09:18:28: Tribemember Amaxione - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 23977, 10:15:25: Tribemember Amaxione - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 23977, 11:39:08: Tribemember Amaxione - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 23977, 12:11:29: Amaxione claimed 'HMS Uga booga (Raft)'! Day 23977, 12:58:21: Tribemember Amaxione - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 23977, 15:27:06: Unoriginal_47 demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23977, 15:27:57: Unoriginal_47 demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23977, 15:28:52: Unoriginal_47 demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23977, 15:29:44: Unoriginal_47 demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23977, 15:30:41: Unoriginal_47 demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23977, 15:31:34: Unoriginal_47 demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23977, 15:32:28: Unoriginal_47 demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23977, 15:34:05: Unoriginal_47 demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23977, 15:43:33: Unoriginal_47 demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23977, 20:13:46: Unoriginal_47 claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 199 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23977, 23:10:09: Tribemember Amaxione - Lvl 122 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 45! Day 23978, 06:25:44: Amaxione demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23978, 06:35:09: Amaxione demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 23978, 07:28:12: Amaxione demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 23978, 09:16:28: Amaxione Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon)! Day 23978, 09:31:26: Amaxione demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23978, 09:32:41: Amaxione demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23978, 09:33:28: Amaxione demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23978, 09:34:13: Amaxione demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23978, 09:34:22: Unoriginal_47 unclaimed 'Juvenile BITCH BOI - Lvl 199 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23978, 09:34:43: Unoriginal_47 claimed 'Juvenile BITCH BOI - Lvl 199 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23978, 09:36:05: Amaxione demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23978, 09:37:12: Unoriginal_47 unclaimed 'Juvenile BITCH BOI - Lvl 199 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23978, 09:37:52: Unoriginal_47 claimed 'Juvenile BITCH BOI - Lvl 199 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23978, 14:32:49: Your john - Lvl 129 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 23978, 14:33:04: Tribemember Amaxione - Lvl 122 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 23978, 20:27:00: Amaxione uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: [T] Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 272 Day 24048, 04:46:20: Your HMS Uga booga (Raft) was destroyed! Day 24048, 04:46:46: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 24130, 00:01:23: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24271, 15:42:52: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24271, 15:42:52: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24271, 15:42:52: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24561, 08:13:54: Goku - Lvl 123 (Saiyans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilisk - Lvl 289 (Basilisk)'! Day 24561, 08:22:09: Goku - Lvl 123 (Saiyans) claimed your auto-decayed tame '(175) Sunset - Lvl 267 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 24563, 17:41:46: Kyanite - Lvl 122 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BITCH BOI - Lvl 202 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 24563, 18:03:31: Kyanite - Lvl 122 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 167 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24563, 18:07:02: Kyanite - Lvl 122 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 92 (Doedicurus)'! Day 24563, 20:58:30: Kyanite - Lvl 122 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 214 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 24563, 20:59:10: Kyanite - Lvl 122 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baryonyx - Lvl 292 (Baryonyx)'! Day 24862, 05:58:57: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24862, 05:58:57: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24862, 05:58:57: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24862, 05:58:57: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24862, 05:58:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24862, 05:58:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24862, 05:58:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24862, 05:58:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24862, 05:58:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24862, 05:58:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25161, 06:45:15: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:16: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:16: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:16: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:16: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:16: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:18: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:18: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:18: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:18: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:18: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:18: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:18: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:18: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:18: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:18: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:19: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:19: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:19: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:19: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:19: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:19: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:19: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:19: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:19: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:19: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:22: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25161, 06:45:22: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25187, 10:52:30: Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax) starved to death! Day 25965, 06:25:40: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25965, 06:46:24: Xantium - Lvl 122 (Tribe of V4z31) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 29451, 03:20:31: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 29451, 03:20:39: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30104, 14:51:11: Osas - Lvl 126 (Tribe of AN7HONYCT) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30104, 15:03:56: Osas - Lvl 126 (Tribe of AN7HONYCT) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30104, 15:11:14: Osas - Lvl 126 (Tribe of AN7HONYCT) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30104, 15:12:24: Osas - Lvl 126 (Tribe of AN7HONYCT) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30104, 15:14:14: Osas - Lvl 126 (Tribe of AN7HONYCT) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30104, 15:15:07: Osas - Lvl 126 (Tribe of AN7HONYCT) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30104, 15:15:43: Osas - Lvl 126 (Tribe of AN7HONYCT) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30306, 04:36:12: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30306, 04:36:13: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30306, 04:36:15: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30306, 04:36:17: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30306, 04:36:19: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30306, 04:36:21: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30306, 04:36:23: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30306, 04:36:27: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30306, 04:36:29: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30306, 04:36:31: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30306, 04:36:34: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30306, 04:36:34: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30306, 04:36:34: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30306, 04:36:36: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30306, 04:36:38: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30306, 04:36:40: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30371, 03:33:21: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30371, 03:33:21: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30469, 17:40:23: full breeder fem - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30469, 17:40:25: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30469, 17:40:25: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30469, 17:40:28: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30469, 17:40:28: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30469, 17:40:29: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30469, 17:40:29: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30469, 17:40:29: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30469, 17:40:31: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30469, 17:40:31: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30469, 17:40:31: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30508, 19:12:48: AmberSpectre - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30508, 19:29:11: AmberSpectre - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30508, 19:29:34: AmberSpectre - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30508, 19:30:04: AmberSpectre - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30508, 19:30:35: AmberSpectre - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30508, 19:31:04: AmberSpectre - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30508, 19:31:23: AmberSpectre - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30508, 19:32:23: AmberSpectre - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30508, 19:32:46: AmberSpectre - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30508, 19:33:01: AmberSpectre - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30508, 19:34:47: AmberSpectre - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30508, 19:35:45: AmberSpectre - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30508, 19:37:50: AmberSpectre - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30508, 19:40:10: AmberSpectre - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30508, 19:40:59: AmberSpectre - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30508, 19:42:43: AmberSpectre - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30508, 19:43:15: AmberSpectre - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30508, 19:43:37: AmberSpectre - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30508, 19:44:46: AmberSpectre - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30508, 19:46:03: AmberSpectre - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 41309, 15:20:05: Tribemember Unoriginal_47 - Lvl 122 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 43594, 10:59:09: Triceratops - Lvl 85 destroyed your 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 43594, 10:59:09: Triceratops - Lvl 85 destroyed your 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 43594, 11:01:02: Triceratops - Lvl 85 destroyed your 'Thatch Wall'! Day 43594, 11:01:02: Triceratops - Lvl 85 destroyed your 'Thatch Doorframe'! Day 43594, 15:34:45: Unoriginal_47 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 43594, 18:01:59: Your wings - Lvl 39 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 130! Day 43595, 03:50:32: Unoriginal_47 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)! Day 43598, 00:17:08: Your wings 2 - Lvl 153 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 15! Day 43598, 00:19:04: Tribemember Unoriginal_47 - Lvl 124 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 15! Day 43598, 18:29:01: Tribemember Unoriginal_47 - Lvl 124 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 50! Day 43599, 03:29:51: Unoriginal_47 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon)! Day 43599, 18:40:13: Unoriginal_47 uploaded a Pteranodon: wings 3 - Lvl 227 Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43895, 18:00:46: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44181, 13:39:20: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44181, 13:39:20: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44181, 13:39:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44181, 13:39:20: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1257922363,"tribe":"xdf logs":["Day 22391, 11:23:59: 人类 was added to the Tribe! Day 22391, 13:38:39: Tribemember 人类 - Lvl 5 was killed! Day 23963, 17:27:08: Tribemember 人类 - Lvl 6 was killed!"] "tribeid":1257312977,"tribe":"Tribe of Jhin logs":["Day 35437, 05:51:40: Jhin was added to the Tribe! Day 35558, 08:54:18: Tribemember Jhin - Lvl 3 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 135!"] "tribeid":1256635480,"tribe":"Tribe of Meliodas logs":["Day 14097, 12:33:26: Meliodas was added to the Tribe! Day 14097, 12:33:45: APE was added to the Tribe by Meliodas! Day 14097, 17:09:04: Meliodas froze BuckBeak - Lvl 281 (Griffin) Day 14097, 17:16:13: APE froze lol - Lvl 294 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14099, 09:34:29: Meliodas froze BuckBeak - Lvl 282 (Griffin) Day 20013, 19:30:59: Meliodas froze BuckBeak - Lvl 284 (Griffin) Day 20018, 19:24:01: Meliodas froze BuckBeak - Lvl 285 (Griffin) Day 20042, 06:42:34: Meliodas froze Draggin - Lvl 292 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 20128, 10:50:31: Meliodas froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 303 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1256311596,"tribe":"Tribe of Alsuperhero1 logs":["Day 23896, 11:30:15: Alsuperhero1 was added to the Tribe! Day 23896, 12:14:48: Alsuperhero1 froze Betty - Lvl 374 (Voidwyrm) Day 23896, 22:51:25: Alsuperhero1 froze Boss - Lvl 438 (Rex) Day 23897, 00:03:28: Alsuperhero1 froze Boss - Lvl 438 (Rex) Day 23897, 01:03:28: Alsuperhero1 froze Boss - Lvl 438 (Rex) Day 23897, 02:04:26: Alsuperhero1 froze Betty - Lvl 374 (Voidwyrm) Day 23929, 19:29:55: Tribemember Alsuperhero1 - Lvl 148 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 20! Day 23929, 22:24:06: Alsuperhero1 froze Maeve [Clone] - Lvl 410 (Voidwyrm) Day 23929, 22:36:33: Alsuperhero1 froze Betty - Lvl 377 (Voidwyrm) Day 23929, 23:45:47: Alsuperhero1 froze Volzone - Lvl 347 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23930, 01:30:59: Alsuperhero1 froze Betty - Lvl 378 (Voidwyrm) Day 23930, 01:36:02: Alsuperhero1 froze Volzone - Lvl 347 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24186, 00:16:53: Your X-Otter - Lvl 280 (X-Otter) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 25! Day 24730, 17:21:21: Alsuperhero1 Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 224 (Raptor)! Day 24730, 17:31:26: Alsuperhero1 froze OG Mid dino F - Lvl 224 (Raptor) Day 24730, 17:56:53: Alsuperhero1 froze OG Mid dino F - Lvl 224 (Raptor) Day 24730, 18:00:48: Alsuperhero1 froze Betty - Lvl 381 (Voidwyrm)"] "tribeid":1252703473,"tribe":"Tribe of DuoMog logs":["Day 19593, 21:56:31: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 19593, 22:08:37: DuoMog claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 19593, 22:19:55: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 19698, 18:13:34: Duomog-- was removed from the Tribe! Day 19698, 19:39:38: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 268 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20085, 22:26:47: Duomog-- was removed from the Tribe! Day 20086, 05:46:24: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 268 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20530, 15:16:04: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 268 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20530, 17:20:51: DuoMog froze Pocket Giga Babes - Lvl 179 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20530, 17:54:08: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 268 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20630, 09:37:05: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1249296119,"tribe":"... logs":["Day 22206, 06:20:43: Coltm1911 was added to the Tribe! Day 22206, 06:30:34: Tyrone was added to the Tribe by Coltm1911! Day 22206, 08:03:21: Tribemember Coltm1911 - Lvl 120 was killed! Day 22206, 08:50:57: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 244 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 22206, 15:53:21: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 22206, 15:53:42: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 308 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 22206, 18:24:02: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 194 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22326, 08:14:05: Coltm1911 froze Argentavis - Lvl 299 (Argentavis) Day 22339, 21:05:39: Tribemember Coltm1911 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 20! Day 22512, 14:26:00: Tribemember Coltm1911 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 22512, 16:05:03: Coltm1911 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 187 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22512, 18:33:05: Tribemember Coltm1911 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 22513, 08:02:56: Coltm1911 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 188 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22513, 10:17:47: Tyrone Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 22513, 10:21:56: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22513, 11:39:19: Tyrone froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 189 (Lightning Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1245904426,"tribe":"Tribe of Human logs":["Day 18963, 21:45:25: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 18964, 01:42:34: Tribemember Human - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 19443, 05:51:53: Tribemember Human - Lvl 1 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60!"] "tribeid":1245845132,"tribe":"Tribe of Jesus logs":["Day 20038, 11:51:52: Jesus was added to the Tribe! Day 20038, 11:52:52: Human was added to the Tribe by Jesus! Day 20038, 17:12:04: Jesus demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 20038, 17:14:35: Jesus demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 20038, 17:18:06: Jesus demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 20038, 17:19:54: Jesus demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 20039, 09:38:23: Tribemember Human - Lvl 107 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 20039, 09:55:13: Tribemember Human - Lvl 107 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 135! Day 20039, 20:01:04: Human froze Afra - Lvl 305 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20039, 20:07:28: Jesus froze Fraierica - Lvl 300 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 20086, 00:11:33: Human froze Afra - Lvl 320 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20110, 20:56:40: Human was removed from the Tribe! Day 20111, 05:40:12: Jesus froze Afra - Lvl 322 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20111, 05:49:47: Tribe of Human tribe was merged in by Human! Day 20111, 05:49:47: Human was added to the Tribe by Jesus! Day 20111, 05:58:47: Mali was added to the Tribe by Jesus! Day 20112, 07:45:27: Jesus froze Fraierica - Lvl 316 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 20112, 07:48:59: Human froze Afra - Lvl 325 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20112, 07:49:16: Mali froze Elias - Lvl 270 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 20153, 17:51:22: Human froze Afra - Lvl 327 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20153, 18:04:23: Human was removed from the Tribe! Day 20532, 11:37:18: Jesus froze DAVE - Lvl 279 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20532, 11:39:42: Jesus was removed from the Tribe! Day 20532, 11:39:42: Tribe Owner was changed to Mali!"] "tribeid":1243594766,"tribe":"Tribe of DOW logs":["Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15118, 11:02:39: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15132, 07:55:32: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15284, 12:13:02: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15450, 08:31:48: Your 'Vacuum Compartment' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15450, 08:31:48: Your 'Vacuum Compartment' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15450, 08:31:48: Your 'Vacuum Compartment Moonpool' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15450, 08:31:48: Your 'Vacuum Compartment' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15450, 08:31:48: Your 'Vacuum Compartment' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15450, 08:31:48: Your 'Vacuum Compartment' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15450, 08:31:48: Your 'Vacuum Compartment' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15450, 08:31:48: Your 'Vacuum Compartment' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15450, 08:31:48: Your 'Tek Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15555, 16:31:02: Kairuku - Lvl 292 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 17228, 06:24:54: Tribemember Ares - Lvl 14 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 20! Day 17338, 08:08:06: Riddick - Lvl 124 (Peace and Ark) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 181 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 17338, 08:10:07: Riddick - Lvl 124 (Peace and Ark) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mosasaurus - Lvl 224 (Mosasaurus)'! Day 17338, 08:23:49: Riddick - Lvl 124 (Peace and Ark) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 200 (Megalodon)'! Day 24521, 11:04:26: Tribemember Tom the Tyrannical - Lvl 122 was killed!"] "tribeid":1243022835,"tribe":"Tribe of blankoo logs":["Day 14048, 15:22:20: blankoo was added to the Tribe! Day 14048, 15:23:44: Jjando was added to the Tribe by blankoo! Day 14048, 15:51:41: Tribemember blankoo - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 14048, 16:04:49: Tribemember Jjando - Lvl 5 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 14048, 16:15:49: Tribemember blankoo - Lvl 1 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 20! Day 14048, 18:50:19: Tribemember Jjando - Lvl 10 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 14048, 18:50:38: Tribemember blankoo - Lvl 10 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 14048, 19:22:05: Tribemember Jjando - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 14048, 19:32:05: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14048, 19:32:21: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14048, 19:32:21: Tribemember blankoo - Lvl 10 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 14048, 19:56:11: Tribemember Jjando - Lvl 10 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 14049, 01:37:29: Tribemember Jjando - Lvl 12 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 25! Day 14049, 02:21:00: Tribemember Jjando - Lvl 12 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 25! Day 14049, 03:08:36: Tribemember Jjando - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 14049, 08:50:35: Jjando demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 14049, 08:54:39: Jjando demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 14049, 12:11:55: blankoo demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 14060, 09:04:51: Tribemember blankoo - Lvl 35 was killed by Jjando - Lvl 30 (Tribe of blankoo)! Day 14060, 09:04:51: Your Tribe killed blankoo - Lvl 35 (Tribe of blankoo)! Day 14060, 17:01:36: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14060, 17:03:36: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14060, 17:12:30: Tribemember Jjando - Lvl 32 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 90! Day 14060, 17:15:35: Tribemember blankoo - Lvl 35 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 90! Day 14060, 17:16:12: Tribemember Jjando - Lvl 32 was killed! Day 14060, 17:23:39: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14060, 17:25:50: Tribemember blankoo - Lvl 35 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 90! Day 14060, 17:30:26: Tribemember Jjando - Lvl 32 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 14060, 18:26:43: Tribemember Jjando - Lvl 33 was killed! Day 14060, 18:45:33: Tribemember Jjando - Lvl 33 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 90! Day 14060, 18:46:40: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14060, 19:03:06: Tribemember blankoo - Lvl 35 was killed! Day 14060, 19:19:31: Your 'Wardrums' was destroyed! Day 14060, 19:28:06: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14060, 19:49:12: Tribemember blankoo - Lvl 35 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 50! Day 14060, 20:49:00: Tribemember blankoo - Lvl 35 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 20! Day 14350, 09:04:22: Your 'Refining Forge (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14411, 10:27:45: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14411, 10:27:45: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14411, 10:27:45: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15233, 11:48:43: ViceFusion - Lvl 82 (The Eerie Meanions) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18823, 18:19:48: Tribemember blankoo - Lvl 1 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 145 | 1.0x! Day 18989, 02:47:07: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19511, 12:07:56: Your owly - Lvl 124 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 19511, 12:07:59: Tribemember blankoo - Lvl 94 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 19680, 00:38:35: blankoo froze sheowl - Lvl 128 (Snow Owl) Day 19688, 01:33:49: blankoo froze venom - Lvl 101 (Poison Wyvern) Day 29152, 03:22:20: blankoo Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 142 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 29152, 03:42:05: blankoo froze hammertron - Lvl 142 (Ankylosaurus) Day 29152, 04:20:57: blankoo froze toto - Lvl 270 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1234664105,"tribe":"Dyason logs":["Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Reinforced Giant Trapdoor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 300 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 101 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 's248 - Lvl 248 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 210 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's '217 - Lvl 218 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 'm225 - Lvl 225 (Mammoth)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 'Mamma - Lvl 188 (Mammoth)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 'Juvenile Pinkytoo - Lvl 178 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 'Baby Rex - Lvl 200 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 'Equus - Lvl 224 (Equus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 'Equus - Lvl 286 (Equus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 'Equus - Lvl 106 (Equus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 'Equus - Lvl 208 (Equus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 'Equus - Lvl 167 (Equus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 'Skyblue - Lvl 191 (Equus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 'Pachy - Lvl 67 (Pachy)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 'Shinehorn - Lvl 137 (Shinehorn)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 'Moby - Lvl 271 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 'Mesopithecus - Lvl 217 (Mesopithecus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 'Xrex - Lvl 237 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 'Grex - Lvl 309 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 'blue - Lvl 190 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 117 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 'Raver - Lvl 365 (Ravager)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22976, 13:15:38: 's 'arg1 - Lvl 339 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22997, 15:57:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22997, 15:57:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22997, 15:57:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22997, 15:57:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23280, 10:02:08: Your 'Tek Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23381, 05:41:05: Bob el pared - Lvl 27 (el culo de bobi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 23407, 07:43:49: Catya's 'Perfectly cute - Lvl 419 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25133, 22:47:11: Tribemember Catya - Lvl 156 was killed! Day 25134, 04:37:16: Tribemember Jenufa - Lvl 156 was killed! Day 25134, 05:07:58: Tribemember Marsbar - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 25134, 11:14:52: Tribemember Boggle - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 27602, 14:15:16: Your 'Tek Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1225720629,"tribe":"Tribe of Big Dave logs":["Day 20605, 05:53:55: Big Dave was added to the Tribe! Day 20605, 05:56:31: Tom was added to the Tribe by Big Dave! Day 20605, 06:07:58: Sugmadien was added to the Tribe by Big Dave! Day 20605, 06:45:06: Tom demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 20605, 09:23:13: Sugmadien Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 138 (Parasaur)! Day 20605, 09:56:21: Tom claimed 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 20605, 11:53:27: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 9 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 20605, 12:02:49: Your Norwayhator - Lvl 139 (Parasaur) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 55! Day 20605, 14:00:03: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 9 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 85! Day 20605, 14:03:00: Tribemember Tom - Lvl 17 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 85! Day 20605, 14:05:14: Tribemember Sugmadien - Lvl 17 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 90! Day 20605, 15:37:21: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 9 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 140! Day 20605, 15:43:22: Tribemember Tom - Lvl 17 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 20752, 07:29:04: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 9 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 15! Day 20824, 19:23:37: Tribemember Sugmadien - Lvl 17 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 21546, 00:56:44: J-D - Lvl 15 (Tribe of tribes) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'!"] "tribeid":1224982412,"tribe":"Tribe of Strontium-Dogs logs":["Day 39901, 07:05:58: Munchkin was added to the Tribe! Day 39901, 13:56:31: Tribemember Munchkin - Lvl 89 was killed! Day 39902, 06:23:01: Your Tribe Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 208 (Brontosaurus)! Day 39902, 13:30:43: Munchkin Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 65 (Doedicurus)! Day 39904, 16:56:43: Munchkin Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle)! Day 39904, 20:46:19: Munchkin Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 29 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 39936, 10:41:50: Munchkin Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)! Day 39936, 18:23:38: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 39959, 12:54:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 134 (Dire Bear)! Day 39959, 23:39:02: Tribemember Munchkin - Lvl 100 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 90! Day 39981, 12:02:06: Munchkin claimed 'Caravan v2 (Raft)'! Day 39981, 13:06:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 209 (Carnotaurus)! Day 39981, 18:48:40: Munchkin claimed 'H9460 M314 - Lvl 298 (Rex)'! Day 39981, 18:52:58: Munchkin claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 254 (Desmodus)'! Day 39981, 19:13:13: Munchkin claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 284 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39981, 21:22:01: Tribemember Munchkin - Lvl 100 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 25! Day 39997, 13:45:50: Munchkin demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 39997, 15:34:49: Munchkin demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 39998, 12:17:12: Your Dire Bear - Lvl 149 (Dire Bear) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 145! Day 39998, 16:19:43: Munchkin demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 40000, 16:33:20: Munchkin demolished a 'Sloped Stone Wall Left'! Day 40000, 16:43:37: Munchkin demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 40000, 16:45:17: Munchkin demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 40000, 16:46:42: Munchkin demolished a 'Sloped Stone Wall Left'! Day 40004, 14:31:46: Dire Bear - Lvl 55 destroyed your 'Wood Ramp'! Day 40004, 15:00:50: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 40004, 22:58:35: Munchkin Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle)! Day 40005, 22:46:22: Munchkin claimed 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 324 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 40005, 22:54:11: Munchkin claimed 'Baby feeder - Lvl 294 (Maewing)'! Day 40005, 22:56:29: Munchkin claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 98 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 40006, 15:37:05: Munchkin Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 29 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 40006, 15:56:41: Munchkin Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 40006, 19:07:45: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 82 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 40045, 17:25:05: Munchkin claimed 'Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 30 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 40048, 00:40:17: Your Billy Batts - Lvl 259 (Desmodus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 40048, 00:40:17: Tribemember Munchkin - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 40054, 11:46:51: Tribemember Munchkin - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 40078, 07:30:34: Tribemember Munchkin - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 40078, 22:21:44: Tribemember Munchkin - Lvl 112 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 140! Day 40134, 01:08:00: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40157, 20:01:15: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40205, 11:55:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40276, 14:17:51: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40681, 14:42:46: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40681, 14:42:46: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40681, 14:42:46: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40681, 14:42:46: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40681, 14:42:46: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40719, 20:34:25: TROD - Lvl 69 (Tribe of TROD) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baby feeder - Lvl 298 (Maewing)'! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40919, 09:57:00: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40919, 09:57:00: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40919, 09:57:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40919, 09:57:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40967, 00:43:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40996, 05:31:00: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 327 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 40996, 06:10:04: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Marc Bolan - Lvl 301 (Rex)'! Day 40996, 06:46:29: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 320 (Mammoth)'! Day 40996, 07:07:05: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 286 (Pteranodon)'! Day 40996, 07:20:37: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Paraceratherium - Lvl 226 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 40996, 08:01:57: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 257 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 40996, 09:05:36: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 234 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 40996, 10:34:53: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 34 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41104, 01:47:27: liz - Lvl 39 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'mini - Lvl 42 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 41104, 01:48:19: liz - Lvl 39 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 60 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 41104, 01:50:32: liz - Lvl 39 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 54 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 41104, 01:50:59: liz - Lvl 39 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 160 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 41104, 01:51:37: liz - Lvl 39 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 109 (Doedicurus)'! Day 41104, 01:51:59: liz - Lvl 39 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 49 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 41124, 20:05:18: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 82 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 25! Day 41124, 23:22:37: Tribemember Munchkin - Lvl 112 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 41201, 08:21:40: Your poo - Lvl 60 (Dung Beetle) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 100! Day 41252, 19:24:12: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41252, 19:24:12: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41252, 19:24:12: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41252, 19:24:12: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41252, 19:24:12: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41252, 19:24:12: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41252, 19:24:12: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41252, 19:24:12: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41385, 18:17:56: Your POO - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 15! Day 41663, 04:44:29: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 20! Day 42641, 12:36:10: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 43676, 21:22:50: Rupert - Lvl 112 (Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Caravan v2 (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1219851043,"tribe":"Gamers logs":["Day 20170, 13:52:45: Ethan was added to the Tribe! Day 20170, 17:52:06: Ethan demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 20171, 04:35:26: Ethan claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 194 (Triceratops)'! Day 20171, 05:49:53: Alfonzo was added to the Tribe by Ethan! Day 20171, 05:58:07: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 1 was killed by Ethan - Lvl 32 (Gamers)! Day 20171, 05:58:07: Your Tribe killed Alfonzo - Lvl 1 (Gamers)! Day 20171, 06:03:54: Alfonzo was removed from the Tribe by Ethan! Day 20171, 06:45:35: Alfonzo was added to the Tribe by Ethan! Day 20171, 19:29:21: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)! Day 20171, 22:13:29: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 45 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 90! Day 20171, 23:05:19: Alfonzo was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Ethan! Day 20171, 23:19:27: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 46 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 20171, 23:22:33: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 26 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 20171, 23:35:27: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 26 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 20172, 03:18:27: Your Triceratops - Lvl 210 (Triceratops) was killed by Ethan - Lvl 46 (Gamers)! Day 20172, 03:18:27: Your Tribe killed Triceratops - Lvl 210 (Triceratops) (Gamers)! Day 20172, 14:14:37: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 51 was killed by Alfonzo - Lvl 30 (Gamers)! Day 20172, 14:14:37: Your Tribe killed Ethan - Lvl 51 (Gamers)! Day 20173, 14:46:29: Ethan Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 29 (Argentavis)! Day 20173, 18:42:07: Alfonzo demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 20174, 08:06:18: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 62 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 25! Day 20174, 09:08:21: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 20174, 09:32:06: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 62 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 25! Day 20174, 10:02:13: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 20174, 10:04:00: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 42 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 20174, 10:30:20: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 62 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 135! Day 20174, 10:34:52: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 20174, 10:45:38: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 62 was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 20! Day 20174, 10:47:19: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 20174, 11:06:12: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 43 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 135! Day 20174, 11:58:59: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 62 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 25! Day 20174, 14:15:56: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 44 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 100! Day 20174, 14:29:08: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 44 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 20174, 14:36:41: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 44 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 20174, 19:56:46: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 63 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 20174, 20:06:37: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 20174, 21:59:23: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 20174, 23:40:52: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 63 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 20175, 00:42:29: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 45 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 25! Day 20175, 01:26:11: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 45 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 20175, 05:15:58: Alfonzo Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 33 (Parasaur)! Day 20175, 08:38:09: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 20175, 10:57:53: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 64 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 100! Day 20175, 11:13:54: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 64 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 20176, 03:46:53: Ethan Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 36 (Pteranodon)! Day 20176, 07:21:23: Alfonzo froze Pteranodon - Lvl 38 (Pteranodon) Day 20176, 14:16:36: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 20176, 19:15:00: Alfonzo froze Pteranodon - Lvl 38 (Pteranodon) Day 20176, 19:39:20: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 50 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 145! Day 20176, 20:48:33: Alfonzo froze Fat Ugly Dino - Lvl 37 (Parasaur) Day 20176, 22:15:53: Your Fat Ugly Dino - Lvl 37 (Parasaur) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 100! Day 20177, 10:59:05: Ethan Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 127 (Argentavis)! Day 20177, 17:37:09: Ethan Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 18 (Doedicurus)! Day 20177, 17:41:39: Alfonzo froze Doedicurus - Lvl 18 (Doedicurus) Day 20177, 21:24:40: Alfonzo froze Pteranodon - Lvl 38 (Pteranodon) Day 20179, 04:40:53: Alfonzo Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)! Day 20179, 08:33:41: Ethan Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 22 (Triceratops)! Day 20179, 08:39:33: Ethan froze Triceratops - Lvl 22 (Triceratops) Day 20179, 17:19:10: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 72 was killed! Day 20179, 17:52:37: Alfonzo froze Coked up Platypus - Lvl 280 (Maewing) Day 20179, 19:57:07: Ethan froze Triceratops - Lvl 27 (Triceratops) Day 20179, 22:46:17: Alfonzo claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 167 (Argentavis)'! Day 20179, 22:58:25: Ethan froze Triceratops - Lvl 31 (Triceratops) Day 20180, 03:38:48: Alfonzo froze Pteranodon - Lvl 49 (Pteranodon) Day 20180, 03:45:09: Alfonzo froze Pteranodon - Lvl 49 (Pteranodon) Day 20181, 01:14:05: Ethan froze Triceratops - Lvl 36 (Triceratops) Day 20181, 02:54:21: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 20181, 09:43:58: Alfonzo demolished a 'Wood Signpost'! Day 20181, 09:45:08: Alfonzo demolished a 'Wood Signpost'! Day 20181, 09:47:36: Alfonzo demolished a 'Wood Signpost'! Day 20181, 11:48:35: Ethan demolished a 'thatch (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 20181, 15:53:28: Alfonzo froze [W] Breeder - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 20182, 03:36:48: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 66 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 50! Day 20182, 05:16:58: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 67 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 20182, 10:14:53: Ethan demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 20182, 11:57:07: Ethan demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 20182, 18:08:38: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 68 was killed by Ethan - Lvl 84 (Gamers)! Day 20182, 18:08:38: Your Tribe killed Alfonzo - Lvl 68 (Gamers)! Day 20183, 01:28:54: Ethan froze Coked up Platypus - Lvl 282 (Maewing) Day 20183, 01:39:54: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 69 was killed by Ethan - Lvl 85 (Gamers)! Day 20183, 01:39:54: Your Tribe killed Alfonzo - Lvl 69 (Gamers)! Day 20183, 06:34:12: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 69 was killed by Ethan - Lvl 85 (Gamers)! Day 20183, 06:34:12: Your Tribe killed Alfonzo - Lvl 69 (Gamers)! Day 20194, 21:07:27: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 85 was killed! Day 20195, 09:47:33: Ethan Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 22 (Castoroides)! Day 20195, 09:52:09: Ethan froze Beaver - Lvl 22 (Castoroides) Day 20196, 00:00:17: Ethan froze Beaver - Lvl 27 (Castoroides) Day 20196, 07:11:20: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 74 was killed! Day 20196, 07:42:37: Ethan demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 20196, 13:41:22: Alfonzo froze [W] Crazy Chicken ツ - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) Day 20196, 14:59:12: Ethan froze Beaver - Lvl 30 (Castoroides) Day 20196, 17:47:49: Ethan froze [W] Crazy Chicken ツ - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) Day 20196, 21:33:08: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 20197, 12:40:08: Alfonzo claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 88 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 20197, 13:17:34: Alfonzo claimed 'food - Lvl 15 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 20197, 13:29:27: Alfonzo unclaimed 'food - Lvl 15 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 20197, 13:57:17: Alfonzo claimed 'slaughter or breed? - Lvl 165 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 20197, 16:47:27: Ethan claimed 'food - Lvl 15 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 20197, 18:31:27: Alfonzo froze food - Lvl 27 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20197, 18:31:44: Ethan froze [W] Coked Up Birb - Lvl 63 (Argentavis) Day 20197, 19:11:47: Alfonzo claimed 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 213 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 20197, 19:17:05: Ethan claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 207 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 20197, 19:18:06: Ethan claimed 'Equus - Lvl 155 (Equus)'! Day 20197, 19:18:21: Ethan claimed 'Equus - Lvl 175 (Equus)'! Day 20197, 19:40:50: Alfonzo claimed 'Dodo - Lvl 242 (Dodo)'! Day 20197, 19:41:41: Ethan claimed 'Dodo - Lvl 225 (Dodo)'! Day 20197, 19:41:49: Ethan claimed 'Dodo - Lvl 176 (Dodo)'! Day 20197, 19:41:52: Alfonzo claimed 'Dodo - Lvl 240 (Dodo)'! Day 20197, 20:52:36: Alfonzo froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 212 (Ankylosaurus) Day 20197, 21:38:20: Ethan claimed 'Phiomia - Lvl 250 (Phiomia)'! Day 20198, 02:17:08: Alfonzo froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 88 (Therizinosaur) Day 20198, 03:59:57: Ethan demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 20198, 04:02:17: Ethan demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 20198, 04:04:25: Ethan demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 20198, 04:05:24: Ethan demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 20198, 04:49:05: Ethan demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 20198, 06:14:09: Alfonzo froze Equus - Lvl 155 (Equus) Day 20198, 06:19:00: Alfonzo froze Equus - Lvl 175 (Equus) Day 20198, 09:45:27: Alfonzo froze slaughter or breed? - Lvl 193 (Ice Wyvern) Day 20198, 09:57:20: Ethan froze Equus - Lvl 180 (Equus) Day 20198, 10:08:40: Ethan froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 92 (Therizinosaur) Day 20198, 14:52:36: Your Equus - Lvl 199 (Equus) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 25! Day 20198, 15:22:25: Alfonzo claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)'! Day 20198, 16:46:07: Ethan froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 97 (Therizinosaur) Day 20198, 22:20:26: Ethan froze Beaver - Lvl 36 (Castoroides) Day 20199, 11:44:37: Alfonzo froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis) Day 20199, 15:59:33: Ethan froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 213 (Ankylosaurus) Day 20199, 18:35:00: Alfonzo froze slaughter or breed? - Lvl 202 (Ice Wyvern) Day 20199, 22:35:41: Ethan claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 237 (Argentavis)'! Day 20199, 22:40:50: Ethan froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 20199, 22:51:39: Ethan claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 237 (Argentavis)'! Day 20199, 22:55:37: Ethan froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 20200, 03:06:30: Ethan claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 237 (Snow Owl)'! Day 20200, 03:13:19: Ethan froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 237 (Snow Owl) Day 20200, 03:21:32: Ethan claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 161 (Snow Owl)'! Day 20200, 03:26:17: Ethan froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 161 (Snow Owl) Day 20200, 06:05:40: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 96 was killed! Day 20200, 13:57:24: Alfonzo froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 161 (Snow Owl) Day 20200, 14:12:35: Ethan froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 215 (Ankylosaurus) Day 20200, 14:21:16: Alfonzo froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 237 (Snow Owl) Day 20200, 15:35:10: Ethan claimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 295 (Snow Owl)'! Day 20200, 15:46:24: Ethan froze slaughter or breed? - Lvl 203 (Ice Wyvern) Day 20200, 18:28:37: Alfonzo froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 161 (Snow Owl) Day 20201, 00:03:45: Alfonzo froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 237 (Snow Owl) Day 20201, 00:11:41: Alfonzo froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 161 (Snow Owl) Day 20201, 04:43:25: Alfonzo froze Snow Owl - Lvl 296 (Snow Owl) Day 20201, 05:00:19: Alfonzo froze Snow Owl - Lvl 296 (Snow Owl) Day 20201, 05:45:24: Alfonzo froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 237 (Snow Owl) Day 20201, 05:49:05: Alfonzo froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 237 (Snow Owl) Day 20201, 05:54:49: Alfonzo froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 237 (Snow Owl) Day 20201, 06:08:23: Alfonzo froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 161 (Snow Owl) Day 20201, 08:31:13: Ethan froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 217 (Ankylosaurus) Day 20201, 11:03:53: Alfonzo froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 218 (Ankylosaurus) Day 20226, 00:32:56: Alfonzo froze Ethans Boner - Lvl 55 (Doedicurus) Day 20226, 01:28:39: Alfonzo froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 100 (Therizinosaur) Day 20226, 06:10:25: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 81 was killed! Day 20226, 07:47:30: Ethan froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 220 (Ankylosaurus) Day 20226, 07:57:22: Ethan froze Snow Owl - Lvl 298 (Snow Owl) Day 20252, 18:40:35: Ethan demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 20252, 18:41:22: Ethan demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 20252, 18:42:09: Ethan demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 20252, 18:42:42: Ethan demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 20253, 07:12:53: Ethan froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 122 (Therizinosaur) Day 20253, 11:30:05: Ethan froze Snow Owl - Lvl 296 (Snow Owl) Day 20253, 13:38:36: Ethan froze Big Bertha - Lvl 302 (Snow Owl) Day 20253, 13:52:37: Ethan froze Big Bertha - Lvl 302 (Snow Owl) Day 20297, 08:04:19: Alfonzo froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 20297, 08:14:48: Alfonzo froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 20297, 11:08:08: Alfonzo froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 20297, 11:11:26: Alfonzo froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 20317, 11:32:06: Ethan claimed 'Pete - Lvl 212 (Pteranodon)'! Day 20317, 16:40:03: Ethan claimed 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 136 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 20317, 16:52:58: Ethan froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 153 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 20318, 09:19:07: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 104 was killed by a Pachyrhinosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 20318, 11:35:29: Ethan froze Beaver - Lvl 43 (Castoroides) Day 20318, 11:41:13: Ethan froze Argentavis - Lvl 210 (Argentavis) Day 20318, 12:11:29: Ethan froze [W] Crazy Chicken ツ - Lvl 210 (Argentavis) Day 20318, 12:20:54: Ethan froze Coked up Platypus - Lvl 284 (Maewing) Day 20318, 12:27:40: Ethan froze Beaver - Lvl 43 (Castoroides) Day 20318, 12:32:03: Ethan froze Coked up Platypus - Lvl 284 (Maewing) Day 20318, 12:43:36: Ethan froze [W] Crazy Chicken ツ - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 20318, 12:47:37: Ethan froze Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis) Day 20318, 13:32:42: Ethan froze [W] Breeder - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 20319, 14:09:42: Your 'Power Generator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20319, 14:09:42: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was destroyed! Day 20319, 14:11:10: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was destroyed! Day 20319, 14:13:01: Your 'Refrigerator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20319, 14:13:57: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20319, 14:13:57: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20319, 14:16:53: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20319, 14:16:53: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20319, 23:55:13: Your Tribe Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 82 (Brontosaurus)! Day 20320, 10:00:42: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 194 (Doedicurus)! Day 20338, 07:43:23: Ethan froze Doedicurus - Lvl 194 (Doedicurus) Day 20338, 09:07:25: Ethan froze Snow Owl - Lvl 345 (Snow Owl) Day 20338, 09:16:49: Ethan froze Snow Owl - Lvl 334 (Snow Owl) Day 20338, 09:31:38: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 82 was killed by a Pachyrhinosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 20338, 09:45:52: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 82 was killed! Day 20338, 10:39:03: Ethan froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 82 (Brontosaurus) Day 20338, 10:50:45: Ethan froze [W] Crazy Chicken ツ - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 20338, 11:02:55: Alfonzo froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 20338, 11:05:55: Ethan froze Snow Owl - Lvl 334 (Snow Owl) Day 20338, 11:14:58: Alfonzo froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 20338, 11:17:24: Alfonzo unclaimed 'Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 237 (Argentavis)'! Day 20338, 11:20:19: Alfonzo froze Big Bertha - Lvl 333 (Snow Owl) Day 20338, 12:09:23: Alfonzo demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 20338, 12:27:40: Alfonzo demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 20338, 12:28:40: Alfonzo demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 20338, 13:09:47: Alfonzo froze Big Bertha - Lvl 333 (Snow Owl) Day 20338, 13:18:48: Ethan froze Snow Owl - Lvl 345 (Snow Owl) Day 20344, 12:06:59: Dodo - Lvl 176 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 20344, 14:35:46: Your Beaver - Lvl 43 (Castoroides) was killed by a Tek Rex - Lvl 120! Day 20408, 10:34:16: Equus - Lvl 181 (Equus) starved to death! Day 20449, 02:31:17: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20449, 02:31:17: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20452, 13:40:46: Snow Owl - Lvl 171 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 20462, 09:00:25: Snow Owl - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20519, 10:38:34: Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 153 (Tek Stegosaurus) starved to death! Day 20531, 12:38:46: Therizinosaur - Lvl 122 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 20570, 18:40:46: Dodo - Lvl 225 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 20604, 10:27:05: Dodo - Lvl 240 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 20650, 07:45:17: Triceratops - Lvl 47 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 20858, 21:48:45: Pteranodon - Lvl 55 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 20858, 23:02:52: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'food - Lvl 27 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 20858, 23:16:36: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 250 (Phiomia)'! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20997, 04:13:16: FlyHigh - Lvl 71 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 242 (Dodo)'! Day 20997, 10:43:31: FlyHigh - Lvl 73 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 213 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 21023, 06:26:58: wahrani - Lvl 121 (Tribe of wahrani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'slaughter or breed? - Lvl 247 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 21023, 06:39:44: wahrani - Lvl 121 (Tribe of wahrani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pete - Lvl 212 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21050, 14:05:50: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[W] Coked Up Birb - Lvl 70 (Argentavis)'! Day 21050, 14:10:41: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[M] Breeder - Lvl 156 (Argentavis)'! Day 21050, 23:40:47: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[W] Breeder - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21510, 10:24:02: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21510, 10:24:02: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1217134782,"tribe":"Kaos logs":["Day 18742, 07:44:50: Fruj was added to the Tribe! Day 18742, 09:10:28: Fruj Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 35 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 18742, 19:16:38: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 18742, 21:49:47: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 18769, 10:01:41: Fruj Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 148 (Pteranodon)! Day 18769, 10:28:34: Fruj Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 216 (Triceratops)! Day 18771, 08:41:12: Fruj claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 105 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18772, 07:39:27: Fruj Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 18772, 12:50:29: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 18817, 03:03:40: Fruj Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 18818, 16:55:59: Fruj claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 221 (Argentavis)'! Day 18819, 05:39:12: Fruj froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 221 (Argentavis) Day 18819, 06:15:41: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 18965, 13:19:23: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19130, 20:00:29: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19326, 18:48:55: Tek Platypus - Lvl 51 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 19411, 13:03:11: julie - Lvl 153 (The Eerie Meanions) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Angelica - Lvl 235 (Argentavis)'! Day 19411, 13:05:12: julie - Lvl 153 (The Eerie Meanions) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'crap melee - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)'! Day 19411, 13:07:03: julie - Lvl 153 (The Eerie Meanions) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'CrackHead - Lvl 236 (Triceratops)'! Day 19411, 13:08:27: julie - Lvl 153 (The Eerie Meanions) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Clyde - Lvl 81 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19411, 13:09:36: julie - Lvl 153 (The Eerie Meanions) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bonnie - Lvl 161 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19411, 13:11:10: julie - Lvl 153 (The Eerie Meanions) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ShitShow Gw - Lvl 105 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19412, 19:53:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19412, 19:53:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19412, 19:53:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Preserving Bin' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1212246305,"tribe":"Tek Tribe logs":["Day 26290, 09:38:15: Xantium was added to the Tribe! Day 26410, 13:56:26: Xantium Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 202 (Baryonyx)! Day 26410, 14:01:22: Xantium froze 32 stam - Lvl 202 (Baryonyx) Day 26410, 14:36:58: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 171 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26414, 14:11:13: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 171 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26556, 00:24:09: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 172 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26556, 04:12:05: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 173 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26556, 04:23:32: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 173 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26625, 09:09:30: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26625, 19:16:10: Xantium froze Gen 2 - Lvl 356 (Argentavis) Day 26650, 22:07:39: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26942, 07:04:57: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1211995306,"tribe":"IamMonkey Tribe logs":["Day 24830, 08:53:17: IamMonkey was added to the Tribe! Day 24830, 08:59:22: IamMonkey - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Ugg Tribe. Day 24830, 09:01:30: IamMonkey added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to UngaBunga Alliance! Day 24830, 09:10:57: IamMonkey froze Maewing - Lvl 346 (Maewing) Day 24830, 09:47:17: IamMonkey froze Coleleo - Lvl 453 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24830, 21:09:50: IamMonkey froze Maewing - Lvl 346 (Maewing) Day 24832, 00:51:51: Tribemember IamMonkey - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24832, 01:14:24: IamMonkey uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 277 Day 25114, 19:12:49: IamMonkey uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 288 Day 25114, 19:13:40: IamMonkey uploaded a Snow Owl: Snow Owl - Lvl 266 Day 25405, 12:35:27: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1210297707,"tribe":"Tribe of Beerai logs":["Day 28072, 08:15:00: Beerai was added to the Tribe! Day 28072, 08:15:39: Thiccita was added to the Tribe by Beerai! Day 28072, 12:03:14: Tribemember Thiccita - Lvl 9 was killed! Day 28072, 12:31:01: Thiccita claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 28072, 14:21:26: Beerai claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 28120, 07:37:48: Tribemember Thiccita - Lvl 10 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 28349, 16:35:10: Tribemember Beerai - Lvl 10 was killed by a Kentrosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 39105, 19:51:40: SiggiRGuð - Lvl 91 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1209585375,"tribe":"Galustele logs":["Day 18765, 09:26:20: Madalin was added to the Tribe! Day 18765, 09:33:58: Lavinia was added to the Tribe by Madalin! Day 18765, 21:47:44: Tribemember Madalin - Lvl 9 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 18765, 21:50:53: Tribemember Lavinia - Lvl 8 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 18766, 05:03:59: Tribemember Madalin - Lvl 10 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 130! Day 18766, 05:39:23: Tribemember Lavinia - Lvl 8 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 18766, 07:26:03: Tribemember Madalin - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 18766, 07:26:14: Tribemember Lavinia - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 18766, 11:34:05: Tribemember Madalin - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 18766, 11:50:28: Tribemember Lavinia - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 18766, 12:55:11: Tribemember Madalin - Lvl 14 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 100! Day 18766, 13:20:10: Tribemember Lavinia - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 18766, 13:45:50: Lavinia Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 134 (Moschops)! Day 18794, 10:24:16: Tribemember Lavinia - Lvl 12 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 18794, 10:29:40: Tribemember Madalin - Lvl 17 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19592, 13:44:27: Daz - Lvl 176 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BUBI - Lvl 142 (Moschops)'! Day 40411, 06:55:53: Tribemember Madalin - Lvl 17 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100!"] "tribeid":1208491591,"tribe":"Tribe of Vortex logs":["Day 14796, 15:34:46: Vortex was added to the Tribe! Day 14796, 23:29:39: Vortex Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops)! Day 14797, 06:00:34: Your Happy - Lvl 31 (Triceratops) was killed by Vortex - Lvl 26 (Tribe of Vortex)! Day 14797, 06:00:34: Your Tribe killed Happy - Lvl 31 (Triceratops) (Tribe of Vortex)! Day 14797, 10:15:01: Vortex Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops)! Day 14798, 00:24:33: Vortex Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)! Day 14798, 07:49:21: Tribemember Vortex - Lvl 46 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 14798, 07:51:45: Your spike - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 14799, 05:53:44: Vortex claimed 'Equus - Lvl 88 (Equus)'! Day 14799, 05:54:12: Vortex claimed 'Equus - Lvl 37 (Equus)'! Day 14810, 21:51:46: Vortex Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)! Day 14811, 08:22:52: Vortex claimed 'fire niggy - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 14811, 08:36:56: Vortex claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 53 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 14811, 08:42:15: Vortex claimed 'Lighting - Lvl 82 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 14811, 08:44:58: Vortex claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 113 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 14811, 08:50:02: Vortex claimed 'Bertha - Lvl 109 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 14812, 07:44:19: Vortex demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 14812, 08:02:55: Vortex demolished a 'Smithy (Locked) '! Day 14812, 08:36:53: Vortex demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 14812, 08:38:15: Vortex demolished a 'Bed'! Day 14812, 08:39:23: Vortex demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 14812, 08:42:16: Vortex demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 14812, 08:43:19: Vortex demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 14812, 13:53:45: Vortex demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 14812, 23:39:49: Tribemember Vortex - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 14820, 11:00:01: Tribemember Vortex - Lvl 62 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 145! Day 14820, 18:00:55: Vortex claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 14821, 12:36:09: Your happy - Lvl 39 (Triceratops) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 14821, 12:36:10: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14821, 17:43:09: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14821, 17:43:11: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14821, 17:43:11: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14821, 17:43:11: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14821, 17:43:11: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14821, 17:43:11: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14821, 17:43:11: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14821, 17:43:11: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14821, 17:43:11: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14821, 17:43:11: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14821, 17:43:11: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14821, 17:43:11: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14821, 17:43:11: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14821, 17:43:11: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14821, 17:43:11: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14821, 17:43:11: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14821, 17:43:11: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14821, 17:43:11: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14821, 17:43:11: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14821, 17:43:11: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14821, 17:43:11: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14822, 05:16:07: Vortex claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 14822, 06:37:55: Vortex claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 93 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 14823, 06:47:56: Your Equus - Lvl 46 (Equus) was killed by Stam - Lvl 117 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Vortex)! Day 14823, 06:47:56: Your Tribe killed Equus - Lvl 46 (Equus) (Tribe of Vortex)! Day 14823, 06:47:57: Your Equus - Lvl 93 (Equus) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 130! Day 14832, 17:16:02: Vortex claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 14832, 21:14:04: Tribemember Vortex - Lvl 69 was killed by Stam - Lvl 117 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Vortex)! Day 14832, 21:14:04: Your Tribe killed Vortex - Lvl 69 (Tribe of Vortex)! Day 14833, 02:09:22: Vortex claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 14835, 16:28:26: Your Stam - Lvl 117 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed! Day 14835, 16:31:56: Tribemember Vortex - Lvl 69 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 14924, 09:21:08: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14924, 09:21:08: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15007, 12:42:27: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15007, 12:42:27: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15076, 18:37:48: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15159, 21:21:13: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15278, 16:37:23: Your spike - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 90! Day 15278, 17:16:58: Tribemember Vortex - Lvl 76 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 15278, 17:49:45: Your first born - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 90! Day 15288, 03:43:11: Your fire niggy - Lvl 111 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 15288, 03:55:36: Your Transporter - Lvl 93 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 15288, 04:05:09: Your Fighter - Lvl 151 (Fire Wyvern) was killed! Day 15288, 04:26:59: Your spitty - Lvl 155 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 15333, 07:52:04: Batman - Lvl 122 (dark knights) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 80 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 15333, 08:11:45: Batman - Lvl 122 (dark knights) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'grim - Lvl 93 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 15333, 08:20:37: Batman - Lvl 122 (dark knights) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'main man - Lvl 214 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 15357, 16:04:34: DeathByBanjo - Lvl 96 (BladeHenge) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'newbie - Lvl 171 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 15671, 17:46:44: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21518, 05:27:06: Tribemember Vortex - Lvl 78 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 21676, 02:49:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21676, 02:49:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22100, 04:36:06: Your 'Wooden Chair' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22406, 20:11:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22406, 20:11:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23367, 05:24:44: Tribemember Vortex - Lvl 79 was killed! Day 31572, 06:52:53: Tribemember Vortex - Lvl 79 was killed by a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1205398314,"tribe":"Sleeping Turtles logs":["Day 18421, 14:42:33: Aswog froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18421, 14:47:00: Aswog froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18421, 15:11:04: Your Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Ice Wyvern) was killed by male aswog - Lvl 257 (Lightning Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18421, 15:11:04: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Ice Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18421, 15:11:19: Your Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Ice Wyvern) was killed by male aswog - Lvl 257 (Lightning Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18421, 15:11:19: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Ice Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18421, 15:13:57: Your Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Ice Wyvern) was killed by male aswog - Lvl 257 (Lightning Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18421, 15:13:57: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Ice Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18421, 15:14:32: Your Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Ice Wyvern) was killed by male aswog - Lvl 257 (Lightning Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18421, 15:14:32: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Ice Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18421, 15:40:03: Aswog claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18421, 15:43:34: Holly claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18421, 15:48:33: Holly froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18421, 15:50:55: Aswog claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18421, 15:55:28: Aswog froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18421, 16:10:28: Aswog claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18421, 16:13:21: Aswog froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18421, 16:18:43: Aswog froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18421, 16:33:41: Holly froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18421, 17:42:39: Holly claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18421, 17:47:06: Holly froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18421, 18:31:54: Holly claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18421, 18:35:54: Holly claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18421, 18:41:19: Holly froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18421, 18:48:20: Holly froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18421, 19:41:03: Aswog froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18421, 19:51:38: Aswog froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18421, 19:55:06: Aswog froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18421, 20:36:45: Your Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Ice Wyvern) was killed by male aswog - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18421, 20:36:45: Your Tribe killed Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Ice Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18421, 20:36:45: Your Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Ice Wyvern) was killed by male aswog - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18421, 20:36:45: Your Tribe killed Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Ice Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18421, 20:36:45: Your Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Ice Wyvern) was killed by male aswog - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18421, 20:36:45: Your Tribe killed Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Ice Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18421, 20:36:58: Your Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Ice Wyvern) was killed by male aswog - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18421, 20:36:58: Your Tribe killed Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Ice Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18422, 01:46:48: Your Equus - Lvl 127 (Equus) was killed by Holly - Lvl 121 (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18422, 01:46:48: Your Tribe killed Equus - Lvl 127 (Equus) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18422, 03:29:28: Aswog froze Metal farmer - Lvl 246 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18422, 06:17:00: Aswog froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 270 (X-Argentavis) Day 18422, 10:47:07: Aswog froze male aswog - Lvl 272 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18422, 12:03:21: Aswog froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 270 (X-Argentavis) Day 18422, 14:21:51: Your X-Argentavis - Lvl 270 (X-Argentavis) was killed by Amethyst rose - Lvl 318 (Ice Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18422, 14:21:51: Your Tribe killed X-Argentavis - Lvl 270 (X-Argentavis) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18422, 18:26:45: Aswog froze Metal farmer - Lvl 246 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18422, 19:53:09: Aswog froze Stud me lud - Lvl 226 (Equus) Day 18435, 18:11:52: Aswog claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 189 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 18435, 18:12:58: Aswog claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 103 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18435, 18:23:00: Aswog froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 103 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18435, 18:26:10: Aswog froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 189 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18435, 18:35:46: Aswog froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 189 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18435, 21:17:08: Aswog froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 103 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18436, 00:44:27: Aswog froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 103 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18436, 00:49:22: Aswog froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 103 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18436, 00:54:36: Aswog froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 103 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18436, 11:55:47: Aswog claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18436, 11:57:17: Aswog claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18436, 12:05:15: Aswog froze Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon) Day 18436, 12:08:04: Aswog froze Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon) Day 18437, 05:28:54: Your Adolescent food - Lvl 189 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by Ice Wyvern - Lvl 239 (Ice Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18437, 05:28:54: Your Tribe killed Adolescent food - Lvl 189 (Lightning Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18437, 05:42:19: Your food - Lvl 182 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by Ice Wyvern - Lvl 242 (Ice Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18437, 05:42:19: Your Tribe killed food - Lvl 182 (Lightning Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18437, 20:00:27: Aswog claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 177 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 18437, 20:12:31: Aswog froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 177 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18437, 22:16:27: Aswog froze Baby food probs - Lvl 177 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18437, 22:40:26: Your Baby food probs - Lvl 177 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by Onyx - Lvl 244 (Ice Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18437, 22:40:26: Your Tribe killed Baby food probs - Lvl 177 (Lightning Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18438, 07:14:27: Your Jerboa - Lvl 17 (Jerboa) was killed! Day 18438, 07:14:27: Jerboa - Lvl 17 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 18438, 16:40:37: Aswog froze Onyx Rose - Lvl 247 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18439, 05:21:00: Aswog claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18439, 05:22:25: Aswog claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18439, 05:25:07: Aswog froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18439, 05:29:15: Aswog froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18439, 05:46:38: Your Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Ice Wyvern) was killed by male aswog - Lvl 276 (Lightning Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18439, 05:46:38: Your Tribe killed Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Ice Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18439, 05:47:28: Your Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Ice Wyvern) was killed by male aswog - Lvl 276 (Lightning Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18439, 05:47:28: Your Tribe killed Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Ice Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18439, 07:40:14: Aswog claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18439, 07:49:17: Aswog claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18439, 07:54:34: Aswog froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18439, 07:55:12: Holly froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18439, 11:34:46: Holly claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 139 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18439, 11:50:08: Holly froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 139 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18439, 14:47:05: Aswog froze Onyx Rose - Lvl 255 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18439, 14:58:32: Holly froze Amethyst rose - Lvl 319 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18440, 20:09:42: Aswog claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18440, 20:11:14: Aswog claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18440, 21:20:53: Aswog froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18440, 22:20:11: Holly froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18440, 22:44:00: Aswog claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18440, 22:49:20: Holly froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18440, 23:02:54: Holly froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18441, 02:18:48: Aswog claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18441, 02:42:03: Aswog froze Baby slaughter or breed? - Lvl 165 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18441, 02:49:09: Aswog froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18441, 03:20:43: Aswog froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18441, 03:26:27: Aswog froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18441, 03:45:48: Aswog froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18441, 05:30:19: Aswog claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18441, 05:33:11: Aswog froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18441, 15:35:38: Aswog froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18441, 15:41:08: Aswog froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18441, 23:53:44: Aswog froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18442, 00:07:39: Aswog froze Juvenile perfect colors - Lvl 45 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18442, 00:27:15: Aswog froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18442, 05:23:24: Aswog froze Adolescent perfect colors - Lvl 45 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18442, 16:32:01: Aswog claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18442, 16:38:59: Aswog froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18442, 17:20:56: Aswog claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 213 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 18442, 17:29:24: Aswog froze Baby WOGGIE - Lvl 213 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18442, 17:47:15: Aswog froze Baby WOGGIE - Lvl 213 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18442, 23:30:18: Aswog froze Adolescent perfect colors - Lvl 45 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18442, 23:40:23: Aswog froze Baby WOGGIE - Lvl 213 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18442, 23:54:25: Aswog froze Baby WOGGIE - Lvl 213 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18443, 04:14:31: Aswog froze Adolescent perfect colors - Lvl 45 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18443, 05:58:51: Aswog froze Baby WOGGIE - Lvl 213 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18443, 10:52:34: Aswog froze Juvenile WOGGIE - Lvl 213 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18443, 12:48:19: Aswog froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18443, 14:56:14: Aswog claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 36 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18443, 15:01:03: Aswog froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 36 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18443, 15:36:27: Aswog froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 36 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18443, 16:29:48: Aswog froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18443, 16:33:03: Aswog froze Juvenile WOGGIE - Lvl 213 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18445, 16:42:32: Aswog froze Juvenile WOGGIE - Lvl 213 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18445, 17:43:36: Tribemember Aswog - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 18445, 18:51:15: Aswog froze Juvenile WOGGIE - Lvl 213 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18457, 09:42:40: Tribemember Aswog - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 18457, 14:36:31: Aswog claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 181 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18457, 15:11:04: Aswog froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 181 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18457, 18:41:30: Aswog froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 181 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18457, 19:39:31: Aswog claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 173 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 18457, 19:45:40: Aswog froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 173 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18458, 03:53:07: Aswog claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 38 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18458, 03:56:35: Aswog froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 38 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18458, 04:37:23: Your Baby food - Lvl 38 (Ice Wyvern) was killed by male aswog - Lvl 278 (Lightning Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18458, 04:37:23: Your Tribe killed Baby food - Lvl 38 (Ice Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18458, 09:01:04: Aswog claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18458, 09:06:37: Aswog froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18458, 09:58:01: Aswog froze Breeding rex - Lvl 210 (X-Rex) Day 18458, 11:43:14: Aswog froze Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon) Day 18458, 12:39:44: Aswog claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18458, 13:05:11: Aswog froze Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon) Day 18458, 19:18:58: Aswog claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 201 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 18458, 19:28:26: Aswog froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 201 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18459, 20:26:02: Aswog froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 201 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18460, 13:43:22: Aswog froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 201 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18460, 18:19:34: Aswog froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 201 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18460, 20:01:36: Tribemember Aswog - Lvl 121 was killed by male aswog - Lvl 278 (Lightning Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18460, 20:01:36: Your Tribe killed Aswog - Lvl 121 (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18460, 20:32:10: Your Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) was killed by male aswog - Lvl 278 (Lightning Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18460, 20:32:10: Your Tribe killed Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) (Sleeping Turtles)! Day 18461, 00:18:36: Holly claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18461, 00:32:52: Holly froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18461, 10:40:01: Holly froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18461, 10:54:46: Holly froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18461, 20:10:52: Holly froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18462, 03:45:58: Aswog froze new max - Lvl 282 (Equus) Day 18462, 07:05:27: Holly froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18462, 07:11:20: Holly froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18462, 07:58:28: Holly claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 226 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 18462, 08:16:05: Holly froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 226 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18462, 08:25:34: Holly froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 226 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18462, 14:30:06: Holly froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18463, 07:04:19: Your Doodoo - Lvl 37 (Dodo) was killed! Day 18463, 07:04:19: Doodoo - Lvl 37 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 18463, 09:08:16: Holly froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18463, 19:49:10: Holly froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 156 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18463, 20:04:18: Aswog froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 266 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18465, 06:49:43: Aswog froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 211 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18465, 10:28:24: Holly froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 211 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18465, 16:06:21: Aswog claimed 'Monty - Lvl 267 (Mammoth)'! Day 18465, 16:16:08: Aswog claimed 'Andy - Lvl 383 (Argentavis)'! Day 18465, 17:10:45: Aswog froze Monty - Lvl 267 (Mammoth) Day 18465, 17:19:19: Aswog froze SPEED DEMON - Lvl 249 (Pteranodon) Day 18467, 00:35:45: Tribemember Aswog - Lvl 121 was killed by a Pachy - Lvl 145! Day 18530, 21:57:58: Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 226 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 18579, 11:57:09: Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 18616, 13:28:17: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18616, 13:28:17: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18694, 07:17:12: Your Foxxie - Lvl 12 (Jerboa) was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 45! Day 18704, 10:46:05: aswog - Lvl 167 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 18726, 16:17:42: Holly - Lvl 160 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 18757, 19:44:07: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18757, 19:44:07: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18757, 19:44:07: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18840, 13:18:30: MY FIRST TEK - Lvl 276 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 18885, 02:29:09: asdsads - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 19002, 03:17:58: Dodo - Lvl 127 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 19029, 22:55:09: cool colours - Lvl 26 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 19045, 06:55:52: Peppermint - Lvl 121 (Coming for ya golem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 213 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19045, 07:23:17: Peppermint - Lvl 121 (Coming for ya golem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'cute guy - Lvl 265 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19069, 09:13:04: Line 1 - 0 mut - Male - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 19069, 09:16:57: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 103 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19069, 09:21:31: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 181 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19069, 09:25:13: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19069, 09:30:19: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Rex - Lvl 226 (X-Rex)'! Day 19069, 09:31:40: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Line 4 - 0 mut - Female - Lvl 225 (X-Rex)'! Day 19069, 09:32:08: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Rex - Lvl 236 (X-Rex)'! Day 19069, 09:32:53: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 236 (Triceratops)'! Day 19069, 09:33:17: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Rex - Lvl 225 (X-Rex)'! Day 19069, 09:35:08: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Triceratops - Lvl 217 (X-Triceratops)'! Day 19069, 09:37:17: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Line 4 - 0 mut - Male - Lvl 236 (X-Rex)'! Day 19069, 09:37:39: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Line 2 + 0 mut - Lvl 230 (X-Rex)'! Day 19069, 09:38:20: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Rex - Lvl 236 (X-Rex)'! Day 19069, 09:39:16: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Line 3 - 0 mut - Lvl 235 (X-Rex)'! Day 19069, 09:39:52: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Rex - Lvl 225 (X-Rex)'! Day 19069, 09:40:20: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Line 1 + 0 mut - Lvl 224 (X-Rex)'! Day 19069, 09:40:45: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 237 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 19069, 09:41:45: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Breeding rex - Lvl 210 (X-Rex)'! Day 19069, 09:43:45: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boobies - Lvl 125 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 19069, 09:49:22: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Allosaurus - Lvl 200 (X-Allosaurus)'! Day 19069, 09:49:55: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aswog - Lvl 211 (X-Allosaurus)'! Day 19069, 09:50:36: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Allosaurus - Lvl 209 (X-Allosaurus)'! Day 19069, 09:51:30: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Line 3 - 0 mut - Female - Lvl 204 (X-Allosaurus)'! Day 19069, 09:53:40: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19069, 09:54:23: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19069, 09:55:23: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19069, 09:56:25: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ellie - Lvl 248 (Mammoth)'! Day 19069, 09:57:35: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19069, 09:58:35: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vimto - Lvl 165 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19069, 10:00:10: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 231 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 19069, 10:00:44: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'aswog rex - Lvl 260 (X-Rex)'! Day 19069, 10:03:01: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fat giu - Lvl 271 (Mammoth)'! Day 19069, 10:03:55: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'tekgodx - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex)'! Day 19069, 10:04:51: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19069, 10:05:51: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Amethyst rose - Lvl 324 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19069, 10:07:19: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'male aswog - Lvl 280 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 19069, 10:08:00: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 139 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19069, 10:10:05: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19069, 10:11:44: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Work Bird - Lvl 383 (Argentavis)'! Day 19069, 10:13:25: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'female aswog - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 19069, 10:16:36: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 263 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 19069, 10:17:33: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19069, 10:20:30: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Archaeopteryx - Lvl 39 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 19069, 10:21:52: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'new max - Lvl 282 (Equus)'! Day 19069, 10:22:33: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 262 (Equus)'! Day 19069, 10:44:20: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jiggly puff - Lvl 261 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 19069, 10:46:20: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 148 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19069, 10:46:46: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19069, 10:53:56: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stud me lud - Lvl 226 (Equus)'! Day 19069, 10:58:59: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'asdfg - Lvl 52 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 19069, 11:07:30: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Onyx Rose - Lvl 268 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19069, 11:12:09: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'blood king - Lvl 134 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 19069, 11:13:15: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Manny - Lvl 252 (Mammoth)'! Day 19069, 11:14:02: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 275 (Doedicurus)'! Day 19069, 11:14:40: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Metal farmer - Lvl 246 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 19069, 11:23:39: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19069, 13:14:12: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'blood queen - Lvl 223 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 19069, 14:28:48: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 202 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 19069, 14:29:25: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snowdrop - Lvl 232 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 19141, 22:48:11: Holly's 'Baby X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 207 (X-Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 19186, 13:50:02: Benedy - Lvl 107 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'food - Lvl 173 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 19186, 13:54:17: Benedy - Lvl 107 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 36 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19186, 13:56:17: Benedy - Lvl 107 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'perfect colors - Lvl 45 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19186, 14:07:22: Benedy - Lvl 107 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Breeding rex - Lvl 212 (Rex)'! Day 19186, 14:11:00: Benedy - Lvl 107 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19216, 23:34:41: Peppermint - Lvl 123 (Coming for ya golem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Line 1 - 0 mut - Male - Lvl 212 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19616, 21:29:48: SPEED DEMON - Lvl 249 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Wood Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Wood Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Wood Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Wood Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Wood Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Wood Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19688, 19:29:00: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FORTNITE - Lvl 74 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 19806, 05:32:41: .pnkz - Lvl 121 (Tribe of .pnkz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 20036, 10:03:53: Drago - Lvl 20 (fugly) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'lil chad - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 20132, 15:29:13: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 20197, 12:47:59: AmberBerries - Lvl 49 (Subpar Survivors) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'food - Lvl 15 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 20197, 13:34:23: AmberBerries - Lvl 49 (Subpar Survivors) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'slaughter or breed? - Lvl 165 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 21052, 15:18:06: FlyHigh - Lvl 94 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon)'! Day 22418, 14:04:43: food - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 26102, 14:28:18: Tribemember Holly - Lvl 122 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1204918919,"tribe":"Yolobois logs":["Day 5617, 13:26:18: Asbel was added to the Tribe! Day 5617, 13:31:10: Asbel downloaded a dino: GoldenYolo - Lvl 259 Day 5617, 17:44:24: Asbel Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 5617, 19:52:09: Asbel Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 5617, 20:45:56: Asbel uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 217 Day 5617, 20:53:38: Asbel uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 218 Day 5617, 22:09:29: Asbel uploaded a Rex: GoldenYolo - Lvl 261 Day 5662, 14:21:43: Asbel downloaded a dino: NomNom - Lvl 270 Day 5663, 02:17:22: Asbel Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin)! Day 5663, 03:19:56: Asbel uploaded a Griffin: Griffin - Lvl 216 Day 5663, 11:32:08: Asbel claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 5664, 10:23:56: Asbel uploaded a Pteranodon: NomNom - Lvl 278 Day 5674, 15:52:25: Asbel froze Blazzi - Lvl 181 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 5674, 15:58:45: Kail added 'Yolobois' Tribe to The Bred Allianc Alliance! Day 5674, 18:25:08: Asbel uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Blazzi - Lvl 191 Day 5674, 20:17:40: Asbel downloaded a dino: Blazzi - Lvl 191 Day 5675, 12:48:12: Asbel downloaded a dino: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 172 Day 5675, 17:42:19: Your Tribe Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 127 (Mammoth)! Day 5675, 18:32:26: Asbel uploaded a Mammoth: Mammoth - Lvl 130 Day 5675, 18:32:55: Asbel uploaded a Ankylosaurus: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 172 Day 5675, 20:06:33: Asbel downloaded a dino: NomNom - Lvl 279 Day 5675, 20:06:48: Asbel downloaded a dino: Doedicurus - Lvl 186 Day 5675, 20:07:01: Asbel downloaded a dino: Mammoth - Lvl 130 Day 5675, 20:07:15: Asbel downloaded a dino: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 172 Day 5676, 08:34:55: Asbel demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 5676, 08:35:41: Asbel demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 5676, 08:36:41: Asbel demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 5676, 12:43:37: Asbel uploaded a Pteranodon: NomNom - Lvl 279 Day 5703, 01:02:08: Asbel downloaded a dino: NomNom - Lvl 280 Day 5703, 06:13:40: Asbel uploaded a Pteranodon: NomNom - Lvl 281 Day 5703, 06:14:42: Asbel uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Blazzi - Lvl 200 Day 5705, 14:22:23: Asbel downloaded a dino: Blazzi - Lvl 203 Day 5705, 18:24:56: Asbel Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle)! Day 5705, 18:31:39: Your Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle) was killed by Blazzi - Lvl 208 (Lightning Wyvern) (Yolobois)! Day 5705, 18:31:39: Your Tribe killed Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle) (Yolobois)! Day 5705, 18:35:00: Asbel Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle)! Day 5705, 18:53:11: Asbel Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 74 (Dung Beetle)! Day 5705, 19:31:57: Asbel uploaded a Dung Beetle: Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 Day 5705, 19:32:22: Asbel uploaded a Dung Beetle: Dung Beetle - Lvl 74 Day 5706, 03:10:43: Asbel uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Blazzi - Lvl 211 Day 5716, 22:55:17: Asbel downloaded a dino: Blazzi - Lvl 219 Day 5717, 08:11:22: Asbel Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 217 (Sabertooth)! Day 5717, 08:25:26: Asbel uploaded a Sabertooth: Sabertooth - Lvl 217 Day 5717, 08:57:10: Asbel Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 260 (Tek Raptor)! Day 5717, 09:15:08: Asbel uploaded a Tek Raptor: Tek Raptor - Lvl 260 Day 5717, 12:17:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 194 (Sabertooth)! Day 5717, 12:39:59: Asbel uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Blazzi - Lvl 230 Day 5717, 12:40:26: Asbel uploaded a Sabertooth: Sabertooth - Lvl 194 Day 5733, 19:17:49: Asbel downloaded a dino: Blazzi - Lvl 253 Day 5733, 23:41:41: Asbel uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Blazzi - Lvl 253 Day 5743, 17:52:58: Asbel unclaimed 'Tiny - Lvl 212 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 5743, 18:05:02: Asbel downloaded a dino: Blazzi - Lvl 254 Day 5743, 20:24:34: Asbel uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Blazzi - Lvl 254 Day 5799, 00:14:51: Asbel downloaded a dino: NomNom - Lvl 290 Day 5799, 10:15:28: Asbel Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 194 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 5799, 10:32:42: Asbel uploaded a Giganotosaurus: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 194 Day 5800, 08:15:15: Your Tribe Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 127 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 5800, 09:29:23: Asbel downloaded a dino: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 194 Day 5800, 09:57:37: Asbel uploaded a Giganotosaurus: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 127 Day 5800, 09:58:02: Asbel uploaded a Giganotosaurus: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 194 Day 5800, 10:03:19: Asbel uploaded a Pteranodon: NomNom - Lvl 291 Day 5815, 19:18:28: Asbel downloaded a dino: Griffin - Lvl 254 Day 5816, 06:19:32: Asbel uploaded a Griffin: Griffin - Lvl 254 Day 5836, 11:58:39: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5846, 13:58:14: Asbel froze Griffin - Lvl 259 (Griffin) Day 5911, 09:01:55: Asbel Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear)! Day 5911, 09:40:33: Asbel froze Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear) Day 5911, 13:11:03: Asbel Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 195 (Dire Bear)! Day 5911, 13:40:01: Asbel froze Dire Bear - Lvl 195 (Dire Bear) Day 5911, 13:59:35: Asbel froze Hot Grill - Lvl 302 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5911, 14:02:04: Asbel uploaded a Dire Bear: Dire Bear - Lvl 217 Day 5911, 22:24:48: Asbel downloaded a dino: Hot Grill - Lvl 302 Day 5912, 10:57:15: Asbel froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 271 (Carnotaurus) Day 5912, 11:24:39: Klinqy was added to the Tribe by Asbel! Day 5912, 11:51:52: Klinqy froze Argentavis - Lvl 244 (Argentavis) Day 5912, 12:09:08: Asbel froze Hot Grill - Lvl 303 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5912, 13:25:58: Asbel froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 275 (Carnotaurus) Day 5912, 13:29:05: Klinqy froze Direwolf - Lvl 273 (Direwolf) Day 5912, 14:27:19: Asbel froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 279 (Carnotaurus) Day 5912, 14:38:52: Klinqy froze Direwolf - Lvl 274 (Direwolf) Day 5912, 15:39:46: Asbel froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 279 (Carnotaurus) Day 5912, 15:41:46: Klinqy froze Direwolf - Lvl 274 (Direwolf) Day 5912, 16:38:57: Klinqy froze Direwolf - Lvl 274 (Direwolf) Day 5912, 17:01:30: Tribemember Klinqy - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 5912, 17:44:18: Tribemember Klinqy - Lvl 122 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 55! Day 5912, 18:03:28: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 5912, 18:05:51: Tribemember Klinqy - Lvl 122 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 95! Day 5912, 18:36:59: Asbel froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 280 (Carnotaurus) Day 5912, 18:42:26: Asbel uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Hot Grill - Lvl 303 Day 5912, 18:58:05: Klinqy claimed 'Ptéra Rebuzzi - Lvl 278 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5912, 18:58:22: Asbel claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 295 (Argentavis)'! Day 5912, 18:58:35: Klinqy claimed 'Ptera Gauthier - Lvl 275 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5912, 19:04:47: Klinqy unclaimed 'Ptéra Rebuzzi - Lvl 278 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5912, 19:04:55: Asbel unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 295 (Argentavis)'! Day 5929, 17:00:44: Asbel Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus)! Day 5929, 17:06:08: Asbel froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus) Day 5929, 18:35:49: Asbel unclaimed 'Ptera Gauthier - Lvl 275 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5929, 18:38:24: Asbel froze Hot Grill - Lvl 305 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5998, 06:06:07: Asbel froze Hot Grill - Lvl 309 (Fire Wyvern) Day 6019, 14:40:05: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6173, 13:42:42: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6257, 18:26:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6257, 18:26:40: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6313, 06:13:27: chris - Lvl 57 (Baba Yaga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 138 (Mammoth)'! Day 6313, 12:48:39: chris - Lvl 58 (Baba Yaga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 173 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 6313, 13:12:19: chris - Lvl 58 (Baba Yaga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 188 (Doedicurus)'! Day 6333, 22:00:22: Asbel downloaded a dino: Otter - Lvl 112 Day 6333, 23:06:01: Asbel uploaded a Otter: Otter - Lvl 119 Day 6333, 23:10:16: Asbel froze Snowy - Lvl 251 (Snow Owl) Day 6391, 12:28:04: Your Snowy - Lvl 254 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 6391, 12:28:04: Tribemember Asbel - Lvl 122 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 6391, 14:45:17: Asbel froze healer - Lvl 232 (Snow Owl) Day 6402, 18:52:19: Asbel froze healer - Lvl 241 (Snow Owl) Day 6454, 16:09:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6454, 16:09:16: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6454, 16:09:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6454, 16:09:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6669, 14:59:59: Asbel froze Snowy - Lvl 260 (Snow Owl) Day 6780, 18:23:20: Asbel froze Snowy - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) Day 6847, 11:05:12: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6938, 15:53:35: Asbel froze healer - Lvl 253 (Snow Owl) Day 6991, 21:10:29: Asbel froze Snowy - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) Day 7009, 08:31:51: Asbel Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus)! Day 7009, 08:42:13: Asbel froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus) Day 7009, 10:57:21: Asbel Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 209 (Basilosaurus)! Day 7009, 11:39:07: Asbel froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus) Day 7009, 13:20:52: Asbel claimed 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 223 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 7009, 13:26:27: Asbel froze 140 kibble - Lvl 210 (Basilosaurus) Day 7009, 13:29:46: Asbel froze Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 223 (Basilosaurus) Day 7009, 13:40:06: Asbel froze eeee - Lvl 320 (Megalodon) Day 7108, 14:44:44: Asbel froze Daeodon - Lvl 208 (Daeodon) Day 7108, 15:00:27: Asbel froze healer - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) Day 7149, 12:01:29: Xanius was added to the Tribe by Asbel! Day 7149, 12:02:07: Tribemember Xanius - Lvl 122 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150! Day 7149, 13:07:15: Tribemember Xanius - Lvl 122 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 25! Day 7149, 13:54:23: Asbel froze healer - Lvl 264 (Snow Owl) Day 7767, 18:37:27: Asbel demolished a 'Tek Wall'! Day 7767, 23:10:52: Asbel claimed 'Baby Otter - Lvl 248 (Otter)'! Day 7768, 03:17:49: Asbel unclaimed 'Juvenile Otter - Lvl 248 (Otter)'! Day 7768, 15:03:48: Asbel froze For Asbel - Lvl 218 (Snow Owl) Day 7771, 00:27:20: Your CHITINI / CERATIINI - Lvl 172 (Dodo) was killed! Day 7771, 16:27:25: Asbel demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 7771, 23:52:26: Asbel froze For Asbel - Lvl 221 (Snow Owl) Day 7779, 01:02:09: Asbel froze Velonasaur - Lvl 277 (Velonasaur) Day 7779, 08:55:09: Asbel froze Velonasaur - Lvl 277 (Velonasaur) Day 7779, 09:33:27: Asbel froze Lad - Lvl 331 (Rex) Day 7779, 11:34:13: Asbel froze Rockie - Lvl 210 (Rock Drake) Day 7779, 12:28:39: Asbel froze Rockie - Lvl 211 (Rock Drake) Day 7784, 16:10:01: Asbel froze Yellow Yolo - Lvl 228 (Snow Owl) Day 7784, 16:23:03: Asbel froze Velonasaur - Lvl 278 (Velonasaur) Day 7799, 15:07:48: Asbel claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 280 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 7799, 15:10:53: Asbel froze Rock Drake - Lvl 275 (Rock Drake) Day 7799, 16:03:42: Asbel froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 286 (Basilosaurus) Day 7799, 21:03:32: Asbel claimed '248 ~ Breeding - Lvl 257 (Otter)'! Day 7799, 22:08:56: Asbel froze Oi - Lvl 272 (Otter) Day 7800, 08:54:33: Asbel froze Metal carry Dragon - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern) Day 7800, 11:01:25: Asbel froze Yolo-San - Lvl 275 (Rock Drake) Day 7811, 18:26:19: Asbel froze 248 ~ Breeding - Lvl 259 (Otter) Day 7813, 03:13:42: Asbel froze Oi - Lvl 283 (Otter) Day 7813, 12:54:55: Asbel froze Yolo-San - Lvl 276 (Rock Drake) Day 7861, 15:13:34: Asbel froze Yolo-San - Lvl 277 (Rock Drake) Day 7863, 03:56:43: Asbel claimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (Snow Owl)'! Day 7863, 11:43:38: Asbel claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 7863, 11:52:58: Asbel claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 7863, 11:59:27: Asbel claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 7863, 15:15:59: Asbel froze Juvenile King Yolo - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 7863, 18:48:58: Asbel froze Juvenile King Yolo - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 7863, 19:35:06: Asbel froze Lad - Lvl 334 (Rex) Day 7863, 19:39:22: Asbel froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 245 (Ankylosaurus) Day 7864, 01:39:02: Asbel froze Juvenile King Yolo - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 7864, 02:19:20: Asbel froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 7864, 15:06:18: Asbel froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 7864, 15:39:28: Asbel demolished a 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 7864, 15:41:57: Asbel froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 7864, 18:36:12: Asbel froze Adolescent King Yolo - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 7864, 19:43:42: Asbel froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 7865, 19:53:59: Asbel froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 7973, 20:05:57: Asbel froze King Yolo - Lvl 195 (Ice Wyvern) Day 7973, 22:05:06: Asbel froze 248 ~ Breeding - Lvl 321 (Otter) Day 8136, 17:51:40: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8185, 22:35:44: Asbel froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 8186, 00:16:50: Asbel froze Rock Drake - Lvl 267 (Rock Drake) Day 8323, 23:34:53: Asbel froze King Yolo - Lvl 258 (Ice Wyvern) Day 8324, 00:19:59: Asbel froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 8398, 22:34:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8794, 22:28:32: Asbel froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 8876, 11:23:34: Asbel froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 288 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 8876, 14:53:46: Asbel uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Fire Wyvern - Lvl 307 Day 8891, 12:01:29: Asbel Tamed an Equus - Lvl 209 (Equus)! Day 8891, 12:06:11: Asbel froze 140 carrot tame - Lvl 209 (Equus) Day 8891, 14:28:49: Asbel Tamed an Equus - Lvl 202 (Equus)! Day 8891, 15:05:26: Asbel froze 140 carrot tame - Lvl 209 (Equus) Day 8891, 17:55:46: Asbel claimed 'Baby Equus - Lvl 212 (Equus)'! Day 8891, 17:57:09: Asbel froze Baby Equus - Lvl 212 (Equus) Day 8891, 17:59:11: Asbel froze 135 carrot - Lvl 202 (Equus) Day 8891, 18:02:58: Asbel froze Golden wings - Lvl 299 (Snow Owl) Day 9056, 15:03:05: Asbel froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 296 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9056, 15:07:06: Asbel froze Green - Lvl 281 (Snow Owl) Day 9115, 00:07:08: Your 140 carrot tame - Lvl 209 (Equus) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 95! Day 9125, 12:07:20: Asbel froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 326 (Beelzebufo) Day 9125, 14:39:24: Asbel Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 9125, 14:46:46: Asbel froze 145 kibble, 200%dmg - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9125, 17:39:14: Asbel froze 145 kibble, 200%dmg - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9125, 17:41:43: Asbel froze Lad - Lvl 369 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9179, 17:22:49: 217 ~ Free - Lvl 224 (Vulture) starved to death! Day 9550, 10:54:41: Asbel froze Carry Boi - Lvl 310 (Rock Drake) Day 9589, 06:36:51: Asbel froze Lad - Lvl 368 (Rex) Day 9621, 03:42:45: Asbel uploaded a Allosaurus: Allosaurus - Lvl 380 Day 9621, 05:36:08: Asbel Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 224 (Mantis)! Day 9621, 05:39:56: Asbel froze Mantis - Lvl 224 (Mantis) Day 10000, 14:14:45: Asbel froze Orange and white - Lvl 331 (Snow Owl) Day 10009, 15:01:47: Asbel froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 333 (Beelzebufo) Day 10009, 15:58:43: Asbel Tamed a Spino - Lvl 217 (Spino)! Day 10009, 16:01:14: Asbel froze Spino - Lvl 217 (Spino) Day 10009, 23:38:01: Asbel froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 333 (Beelzebufo) Day 10010, 03:44:34: Asbel Tamed a Spino - Lvl 217 (Spino)! Day 10010, 04:24:11: Asbel froze Spino - Lvl 217 (Spino) Day 10010, 04:25:56: Asbel froze Spino - Lvl 217 (Spino) Day 10010, 09:22:46: Asbel froze Orange and white - Lvl 333 (Snow Owl) Day 10010, 10:05:54: Asbel froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 333 (Beelzebufo) Day 10010, 10:21:59: Asbel froze Orange and white - Lvl 333 (Snow Owl) Day 10033, 06:05:34: Asbel froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 334 (Beelzebufo) Day 10033, 07:37:49: Asbel Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 224 (Doedicurus)! Day 10033, 07:41:06: Asbel froze 150 - Lvl 224 (Doedicurus) Day 10033, 10:02:36: Asbel Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 224 (Doedicurus)! Day 10033, 10:31:44: Asbel froze 150 - Lvl 224 (Doedicurus) Day 10033, 11:34:27: Asbel claimed 'Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 215 (Doedicurus)'! Day 10033, 11:36:39: Asbel froze Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 215 (Doedicurus) Day 10033, 11:38:20: Asbel froze 150 - Lvl 224 (Doedicurus) Day 10033, 11:40:25: Asbel claimed 'Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 215 (Doedicurus)'! Day 10033, 11:42:08: Asbel froze Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 215 (Doedicurus) Day 10033, 11:44:16: Asbel froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 334 (Beelzebufo) Day 10033, 12:56:20: Asbel uploaded a Snow Owl: Orange and white - Lvl 333 Day 10091, 00:24:30: SleepyHollow was added to the Tribe by Asbel! Day 10091, 12:14:54: SleepyHollow froze Hexe - Lvl 359 (Griffin) Day 10091, 13:55:54: Asbel froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 334 (Beelzebufo) Day 10091, 13:58:09: Asbel froze Orange and white - Lvl 333 (Snow Owl) Day 10091, 14:02:01: Asbel froze Orange and white - Lvl 333 (Snow Owl) Day 10092, 18:52:37: SleepyHollow Tamed a Mosasaurus - Lvl 217 (Mosasaurus)! Day 10092, 19:00:23: Asbel froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 217 (Mosasaurus) Day 10092, 19:31:18: SleepyHollow froze Sea Cucumber - Lvl 331 (Basilosaurus) Day 10092, 19:34:54: Asbel froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 334 (Beelzebufo) Day 10093, 03:27:35: SleepyHollow Tamed a Mosasaurus - Lvl 209 (Mosasaurus)! Day 10093, 03:33:30: Asbel froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 209 (Mosasaurus) Day 10093, 03:52:13: SleepyHollow froze Sea Cucumber - Lvl 331 (Basilosaurus) Day 10093, 03:59:11: Asbel froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 334 (Beelzebufo) Day 10093, 06:54:09: Asbel froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 217 (Mosasaurus) Day 10093, 06:57:27: Asbel froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 209 (Mosasaurus) Day 10093, 08:29:25: Your Tribe Tamed a Mosasaurus - Lvl 149 (Mosasaurus)! Day 10093, 08:37:39: SleepyHollow froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 149 (Mosasaurus) Day 10093, 08:56:02: Asbel froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 336 (Beelzebufo) Day 10093, 09:02:03: SleepyHollow froze Sea Cucumber - Lvl 332 (Basilosaurus) Day 10093, 10:44:07: Asbel froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 336 (Beelzebufo) Day 10093, 11:28:54: Asbel froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 217 (Mosasaurus) Day 10093, 12:44:07: Asbel claimed 'Baby Mosasaurus - Lvl 197 (Mosasaurus)'! Day 10093, 12:45:45: Asbel froze Baby Mosasaurus - Lvl 197 (Mosasaurus) Day 10093, 13:04:44: Asbel froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 209 (Mosasaurus) Day 10093, 13:12:26: SleepyHollow claimed 'Baby Mosasaurus - Lvl 169 (Mosasaurus)'! Day 10093, 13:15:42: SleepyHollow froze Baby Mosasaurus - Lvl 169 (Mosasaurus) Day 10093, 13:29:31: Asbel froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 149 (Mosasaurus) Day 10093, 13:34:25: SleepyHollow froze Sea Cucumber - Lvl 332 (Basilosaurus) Day 10093, 14:35:04: SleepyHollow froze Hexe - Lvl 359 (Griffin) Day 10391, 06:31:12: Snow Owl - Lvl 311 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 10878, 16:58:19: Kail added 'Overwhelming Potatos' Tribe to The Bred Allianc Alliance! Day 10888, 12:32:05: Scully84 removed 'Dinobots' Tribe from The Bred Allianc Alliance! Day 11038, 10:22:08: SleepyHollow froze Silverscale - Lvl 343 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 11038, 10:44:09: SleepyHollow froze Blue - Lvl 343 (Snow Owl) Day 11038, 17:11:53: SleepyHollow froze Blue - Lvl 343 (Snow Owl) Day 11152, 18:44:41: Asbel froze Orange and white - Lvl 334 (Snow Owl) Day 11251, 14:05:37: SleepyHollow was removed from the Tribe! Day 11251, 15:53:26: Asbel unclaimed 'Silverscale - Lvl 343 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 11251, 16:05:10: Asbel froze Orange and white - Lvl 334 (Snow Owl) Day 11848, 12:55:18: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12525, 14:12:24: Asbel froze Jacinta - Lvl 389 (Snow Owl) Day 12525, 14:13:51: Asbel froze Jacinta - Lvl 389 (Snow Owl) Day 12533, 17:10:11: Asbel froze Jacinta - Lvl 389 (Snow Owl) Day 12533, 20:29:38: Asbel froze Jacinta - Lvl 389 (Snow Owl) Day 12534, 05:49:41: Asbel froze Jacinta - Lvl 389 (Snow Owl) Day 12534, 06:20:26: Asbel Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 216 (Mammoth)! Day 12534, 06:23:25: Asbel froze Mamoooo - Lvl 216 (Mammoth) Day 12534, 06:37:25: Asbel froze Snow Owl - Lvl 270 (Snow Owl) Day 12534, 09:29:22: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 12547, 10:49:12: Asbel demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 12547, 10:52:17: Asbel froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus) Day 12547, 10:58:17: Asbel froze Green - Lvl 304 (Snow Owl) Day 12587, 06:59:50: Asbel Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex)! Day 12587, 07:02:04: Asbel froze Tek Rex - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex) Day 12587, 07:14:57: Asbel froze Green - Lvl 305 (Snow Owl) Day 12700, 06:08:27: Asbel froze Miss Yolo - Lvl 351 (Managarmr) Day 12700, 15:08:45: Asbel Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 12700, 15:18:05: Asbel froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 12700, 15:27:35: Asbel froze Orange and white - Lvl 339 (Snow Owl) Day 16467, 22:11:15: Asbel froze King Yolo - Lvl 340 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16475, 23:58:42: Asbel froze King Yolo - Lvl 340 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16521, 12:30:26: Asbel froze King Yolo - Lvl 346 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16521, 16:26:44: Asbel froze King Yolo - Lvl 346 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16529, 16:03:57: Asbel froze King Yolo - Lvl 346 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16535, 16:23:20: Asbel froze King Yolo - Lvl 346 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16546, 06:40:00: Asbel froze King Yolo - Lvl 346 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16598, 11:45:31: Asbel froze King Yolo - Lvl 349 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16643, 05:14:20: Asbel froze Golden wings - Lvl 380 (Snow Owl) Day 16643, 05:27:47: Asbel froze Golden wings - Lvl 380 (Snow Owl) Day 16643, 07:40:50: Asbel froze Golden wings - Lvl 380 (Snow Owl) Day 16643, 08:03:45: Asbel froze Golden wings - Lvl 380 (Snow Owl) Day 16643, 08:21:50: Asbel froze Golden wings - Lvl 380 (Snow Owl) Day 16660, 09:08:00: Asbel froze Golden wings - Lvl 380 (Snow Owl) Day 16660, 10:21:13: Asbel froze Golden wings - Lvl 380 (Snow Owl) Day 16660, 16:11:17: Asbel Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 16660, 16:23:38: Asbel froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16660, 18:07:11: Asbel froze Golden wings - Lvl 380 (Snow Owl) Day 16755, 10:25:20: Asbel froze King Yolo - Lvl 351 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17337, 20:26:22: Asbel froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 326 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19554, 05:59:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19554, 05:59:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19554, 05:59:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19554, 05:59:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19554, 05:59:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19554, 05:59:57: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19554, 05:59:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19554, 05:59:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19554, 05:59:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19554, 05:59:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21275, 01:51:59: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1202628576,"tribe":"Tribe of Tom logs":["Day 20409, 14:38:20: Tom was added to the Tribe! Day 20409, 16:15:16: Tom claimed 'Griffin - Lvl 93 (Griffin)'! Day 20409, 16:20:57: Tom claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 161 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 20409, 16:26:08: Tom froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 164 (Carnotaurus) Day 20409, 16:34:50: Tom uploaded a Griffin: Griffin - Lvl 99 Day 20409, 16:40:36: Tom uploaded a Carnotaurus: Carnotaurus - Lvl 164 Day 20409, 16:48:30: Tom claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 152 (Parasaur)'! Day 20409, 16:50:40: Tom froze Parasaur - Lvl 152 (Parasaur) Day 20409, 16:59:23: Tom uploaded a Parasaur: Parasaur - Lvl 152 Day 20409, 17:34:08: Tom froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 75 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20991, 13:43:00: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1202166284,"tribe":"Tribe of Goof logs":["Day 22253, 11:31:27: Goof was added to the Tribe! Day 22253, 11:34:08: Harry was added to the Tribe by Goof! Day 22253, 15:27:51: Goof Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 127 (Dilophosaur)! Day 22254, 05:41:44: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 22254, 06:31:18: Tribemember Harry - Lvl 18 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 55! Day 22254, 06:44:36: Your Dildo - Lvl 130 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 55! Day 22254, 06:49:11: Tribemember Goof - Lvl 21 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 145! Day 22254, 10:13:15: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 22254, 12:48:22: Tribemember Harry - Lvl 20 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 22254, 22:25:44: Tribemember Goof - Lvl 26 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 22254, 22:55:38: Tribemember Goof - Lvl 26 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 22254, 23:09:09: Tribemember Goof - Lvl 26 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 22254, 23:25:32: Tribemember Goof - Lvl 26 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 22255, 00:49:20: Tribemember Goof - Lvl 26 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 22255, 01:31:54: Tribemember Goof - Lvl 26 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 22255, 02:27:11: Tribemember Goof - Lvl 26 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 22255, 05:36:44: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon)! Day 22275, 23:05:47: Goof Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 216 (Parasaur)! Day 22276, 15:05:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 22277, 00:12:25: Goof Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)! Day 22277, 00:53:18: Goof demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 22277, 00:56:04: Goof demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 22277, 01:48:13: Goof demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 22277, 01:50:24: Goof demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 22277, 01:52:09: Goof demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 22277, 01:53:38: Goof demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 22277, 01:55:42: Goof demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 22277, 01:57:23: Goof demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 22277, 05:48:23: Goof claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)'! Day 22277, 19:53:17: Goof claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 154 (Argentavis)'! Day 22278, 00:25:42: Goof claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 136 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 22278, 02:04:13: Goof froze Pterry - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon) Day 22278, 02:39:31: Goof froze Paula - Lvl 229 (Parasaur) Day 22278, 03:13:08: Goof froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 136 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22278, 03:17:16: Goof froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 136 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22278, 03:31:41: Goof froze Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon) Day 22278, 03:35:43: Goof froze Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon) Day 22278, 04:08:41: Goof froze Pterry - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon) Day 22278, 04:42:18: Goof froze Pteranodon - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon) Day 22278, 04:51:20: Goof froze Pteranodon - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon) Day 22278, 07:30:18: Goof froze Pteranodon - Lvl 212 (Pteranodon) Day 22278, 07:56:03: Goof froze Argentavis - Lvl 165 (Argentavis) Day 22327, 11:54:41: Goof froze Pteranodon - Lvl 256 (Pteranodon) Day 22327, 12:01:33: Harry froze Iggle Piggle - Lvl 231 (Pteranodon) Day 22341, 23:30:39: Harry froze Iggle Piggle - Lvl 240 (Pteranodon) Day 22342, 00:37:45: Goof froze Pteranodon - Lvl 260 (Pteranodon) Day 22342, 00:43:14: Harry froze Iggle Piggle - Lvl 240 (Pteranodon) Day 22346, 11:54:55: Tribemember Goof - Lvl 96 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 22346, 13:42:11: Tribemember Goof - Lvl 96 was killed! Day 22346, 14:18:10: Tribemember Goof - Lvl 96 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 60! Day 22346, 14:56:04: Tribemember Goof - Lvl 96 was killed! Day 22346, 15:41:55: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 262 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 22346, 17:33:16: Tribemember Goof - Lvl 96 was killed! Day 22396, 12:47:48: Goof froze Shmuck - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon) Day 22396, 12:48:02: Harry froze Goober - Lvl 234 (Pteranodon) Day 22493, 02:03:36: Goof froze Ratio - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22494, 14:20:37: Goof froze Ratio - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22505, 13:58:48: Goof froze Ratio - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22572, 11:38:00: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22572, 11:38:00: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22631, 15:26:38: Goof Tamed a Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex)! Day 22631, 15:31:47: Goof froze Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex) Day 22631, 21:30:44: Goof Tamed a Rex - Lvl 194 (Rex)! Day 22631, 21:38:07: Goof froze Rex - Lvl 194 (Rex) Day 22631, 23:10:18: Goof froze Ratio - Lvl 295 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22674, 12:30:15: Goof Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 22674, 12:34:04: Goof froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22674, 14:35:13: Goof froze Ratio - Lvl 315 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23681, 10:54:52: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1201122568,"tribe":"Tribe of Human logs":["Day 41639, 01:28:23: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 41639, 03:59:30: Tribemember Human - Lvl 16 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50!"] "tribeid":1200797291,"tribe":"Geezers logs":["Day 27096, 10:21:38: Trent was added to the Tribe! Day 27096, 10:23:47: Lamp Post was added to the Tribe by Trent! Day 27096, 14:38:54: Jacob was added to the Tribe by Trent! Day 27096, 18:05:58: Lamp Post froze Apollo - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 27096, 18:17:20: Jacob froze Molly - Lvl 151 (Ice Wyvern) Day 27097, 00:07:12: Trent froze Polly - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1199756440,"tribe":"Kitties Tities logs":["Day 28765, 15:02:13: Zenalis was added to the Tribe! Day 28765, 15:14:49: rosi was added to the Tribe by Zenalis! Day 28766, 06:52:08: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 13 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 55! Day 28771, 18:11:09: Zenalis Tamed an Equus - Lvl 74 (Equus)! Day 28772, 02:20:37: rosi Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 205 (Parasaur)! Day 28773, 11:31:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)! Day 28788, 04:01:03: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 37 was killed! Day 28788, 06:41:05: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 37 was killed! Day 28788, 12:08:33: rosi Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 192 (Dilophosaur)! Day 28789, 08:18:12: Tribemember rosi - Lvl 32 was killed! Day 28789, 09:34:19: Zenalis Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 28789, 16:41:33: rosi Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)! Day 28789, 17:47:31: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 43 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 28789, 17:50:24: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 228 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 28789, 18:27:32: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 28789, 19:04:29: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 28792, 06:54:25: Your 'Tent (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28844, 04:38:11: Zenalis Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 28844, 06:49:24: Zenalis Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 28844, 07:09:02: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28844, 09:55:34: Zenalis Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 28844, 10:12:38: Zenalis Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 28845, 01:13:15: rosi claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28845, 05:39:43: rosi demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 28845, 05:54:42: rosi claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 28845, 06:48:29: Zenalis froze Juvenile candiz - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 28845, 06:52:21: Zenalis froze Juvenile candiz - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 28845, 12:43:53: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185! Day 28845, 12:44:00: Tribemember rosi - Lvl 47 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 28845, 13:19:12: rosi froze Juvenile draku in pers - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28845, 13:25:13: rosi froze Juvenile draku in pers - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28845, 16:13:15: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 53 was killed! Day 28845, 18:43:25: Zenalis froze Adolescent candiz - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 28845, 18:46:35: Zenalis froze Adolescent candiz - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 28845, 18:58:43: Zenalis froze Juvenile draku in pers - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28845, 19:03:54: Zenalis froze Juvenile draku in pers - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28845, 19:14:18: Zenalis froze Juvenile draku in pers - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28845, 19:19:52: Zenalis froze Adolescent candiz - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 28845, 20:57:41: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 53 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 28846, 00:00:49: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28846, 01:31:30: Your vanilliana - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185! Day 28846, 01:33:52: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 54 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185! Day 28846, 05:20:50: rosi froze Juvenile draku in pers - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28846, 05:24:44: rosi froze Juvenile draku in pers - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28846, 05:28:40: rosi froze Juvenile draku in pers - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28846, 10:43:44: rosi froze Juvenile draku in pers - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28846, 11:02:54: rosi froze Juvenile draku in pers - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28864, 18:10:50: rosi froze Adolescent draku in pers - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28864, 23:41:18: rosi froze Adolescent draku in pers - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28864, 23:48:07: rosi froze Adolescent draku in pers - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28864, 23:57:15: rosi froze Adolescent draku in pers - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28865, 01:14:45: rosi froze Adolescent draku in pers - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28888, 03:33:25: Zenalis claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 28888, 03:40:01: Zenalis froze Baby FireQueen - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28888, 04:22:26: Zenalis froze Baby [RG] Ashes - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28890, 08:47:11: Zenalis froze Adolescent draku in pers - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28890, 08:51:12: Zenalis froze Adolescent draku in pers - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28890, 08:54:08: Zenalis froze Adolescent draku in pers - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28890, 09:02:16: rosi claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 28890, 09:06:22: Zenalis froze Baby MIKO - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28890, 09:18:15: Zenalis froze Juvenile [RG] Ashes - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28890, 09:24:18: Zenalis froze Juvenile [RG] Ashes - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28890, 09:28:17: Zenalis froze Juvenile [RG] Ashes - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28890, 09:32:22: Zenalis froze Juvenile [RG] Ashes - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28890, 14:19:05: Zenalis froze Juvenile [RG] Ashes - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28890, 14:36:09: Zenalis froze Juvenile [RG] Ashes - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28890, 14:39:51: Zenalis froze Juvenile [RG] Ashes - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28890, 14:43:03: Zenalis froze Juvenile [RG] Ashes - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28890, 14:46:53: Zenalis froze Juvenile [RG] Ashes - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28890, 14:49:27: rosi froze Juvenile MIKO - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28890, 14:57:49: rosi froze Juvenile MIKO - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28890, 15:26:57: rosi froze Juvenile MIKO - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28890, 15:31:28: rosi froze Juvenile MIKO - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28890, 15:36:40: rosi froze Juvenile MIKO - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28890, 19:56:54: Zenalis froze Juvenile [RG] Ashes - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28890, 20:07:47: Zenalis froze Juvenile MIKO - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28890, 21:57:49: Zenalis froze draku in pers - Lvl 173 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28890, 22:02:54: Zenalis froze Juvenile [RG] Ashes - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28890, 22:07:39: Zenalis froze Juvenile MIKO - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28907, 04:00:26: Zenalis froze draku in pers - Lvl 173 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28907, 07:21:21: rosi froze Juvenile MIKO - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28907, 07:22:40: Zenalis froze Juvenile [RG] Ashes - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28907, 07:26:07: rosi froze Juvenile MIKO - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28907, 07:30:08: rosi froze Juvenile MIKO - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28907, 07:34:06: rosi froze Juvenile MIKO - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28907, 07:38:28: rosi froze Juvenile MIKO - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28907, 12:10:47: rosi froze Juvenile MIKO - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28907, 14:44:52: Tribemember rosi - Lvl 58 was killed by draku in pers - Lvl 198 (Poison Wyvern)! Day 28907, 14:44:52: Your Tribe killed rosi - Lvl 58 (Rosi's Cult)! Day 28907, 21:27:56: rosi froze Adolescent MIKO - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28908, 03:00:27: rosi froze Adolescent MIKO - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28908, 03:07:12: rosi froze Adolescent [RG] Ashes - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28908, 03:16:59: rosi froze Adolescent MIKO - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28908, 03:23:09: rosi froze Adolescent MIKO - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28908, 03:30:55: rosi froze Adolescent [RG] Ashes - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28908, 03:36:55: rosi froze Adolescent [RG] Ashes - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28908, 03:42:41: rosi froze Adolescent [RG] Ashes - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28908, 03:48:12: rosi froze Adolescent [RG] Ashes - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28908, 03:53:50: rosi froze Adolescent [RG] Ashes - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28908, 08:16:51: rosi froze Adolescent MIKO - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29110, 17:03:20: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29146, 11:35:41: Your mimi - Lvl 209 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 29146, 11:36:52: Your bonbon - Lvl 228 (Parasaur) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 29146, 11:39:45: Your candiz - Lvl 210 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 29146, 11:41:33: Your Zen - Lvl 234 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 29146, 11:43:21: Tribemember rosi - Lvl 65 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 29205, 02:10:36: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29252, 07:13:28: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29664, 16:49:36: Ethan - Lvl 1 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Saffron - Lvl 209 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 29664, 16:54:10: Ethan - Lvl 1 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'draku in pers - Lvl 199 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 29664, 17:35:38: Ethan - Lvl 1 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'roz bonbon - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29664, 18:10:47: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 30018, 19:30:54: Tess <3 - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Tess <3) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30045, 03:44:23: cocopop - Lvl 123 (cocopop) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[RG] Ashes - Lvl 208 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 30124, 19:34:12: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30255, 23:51:36: FulgerMic - Lvl 82 (Equus) starved to death! Day 30913, 08:31:38: rosi was added to the Tribe by Zenalis! Day 30913, 08:34:47: rosi was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Zenalis! Day 30913, 08:39:30: rosi was removed from the Tribe by Zenalis! Day 30913, 19:19:27: Tribemember rosi - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 30913, 21:45:10: Tribemember rosi - Lvl 12 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 30914, 06:24:50: Zenalis unclaimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 31056, 21:55:27: Zenalis claimed 'roz bonbon - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31056, 22:53:19: Zenalis froze Pteranodon - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) Day 31057, 04:00:13: Zenalis froze Meow-Meow - Lvl 201 (Maewing) Day 31127, 17:12:17: Zenalis Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 142 (Moschops)! Day 31127, 17:17:39: Zenalis froze Moschops - Lvl 142 (Moschops) Day 31127, 20:49:37: Zenalis Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 74 (Moschops)! Day 31127, 21:40:54: Zenalis froze Desmodus - Lvl 428 (Desmodus) Day 31127, 21:50:23: Zenalis uploaded a Moschops: Moschops - Lvl 142 Day 31127, 21:51:33: Zenalis uploaded a Moschops: Moschops - Lvl 74 Day 31174, 01:05:13: COCOA BEANS - Lvl 148 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 31272, 11:39:03: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 31272, 14:00:13: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 31272, 18:10:47: Zenalis froze [G2] King - Lvl 280 (R-Reaper King) Day 31273, 02:49:46: Zenalis froze [G2] King - Lvl 280 (R-Reaper King) Day 31273, 03:34:10: Zenalis froze [G2] Conte - Lvl 303 (Desmodus) Day 31273, 05:25:08: Zenalis froze [G2] King - Lvl 280 (R-Reaper King) Day 31508, 14:16:58: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 31508, 18:32:55: Your [G2] Conte - Lvl 319 (Desmodus) was killed! Day 31509, 08:19:49: Zenalis was removed from the Tribe! Day 31509, 08:19:49: Tribe Owner was changed to rosi!"] "tribeid":1199621584,"tribe":"Tribe of Steve logs":["Day 18227, 20:54:17: Steve was added to the Tribe! Day 18227, 20:55:55: Zoe was added to the Tribe by Steve! Day 18228, 01:04:47: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 121 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 18228, 01:19:06: Your Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 264 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 18228, 09:23:35: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 121 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 18228, 09:31:37: Your Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 18228, 12:34:09: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 121 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150! Day 18228, 15:27:52: Steve claimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 314 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 18228, 15:35:29: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 117 (Thylacoleo) Day 18229, 09:02:50: Your Tribe Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)! Day 18230, 00:46:22: Your Tribe Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 193 (Griffin)! Day 18230, 01:11:47: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 182 (Thylacoleo) Day 18230, 04:27:21: Steve froze Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 18230, 06:07:04: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 195 (Griffin) Day 18230, 06:14:40: Steve froze Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 18230, 07:19:55: Steve froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 314 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18233, 05:07:30: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 182 (Thylacoleo) Day 18278, 23:58:50: Steve froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 231 (Basilosaurus) Day 18279, 05:19:52: Steve claimed 'HWM - Lvl 262 (Megalodon)'! Day 18279, 05:26:30: Steve froze HWM - Lvl 262 (Megalodon) Day 18279, 06:22:12: Steve Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)! Day 18279, 06:26:00: Steve froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) Day 18279, 08:25:58: Steve froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 231 (Basilosaurus) Day 18279, 11:49:16: Steve froze Carbonemys - Lvl 242 (Carbonemys) Day 18279, 16:11:00: Steve Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 74 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 18279, 16:39:10: Steve froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 74 (Tusoteuthis) Day 18279, 16:58:42: Steve Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 67 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 18279, 17:02:16: Steve froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 67 (Tusoteuthis) Day 18279, 17:25:43: Steve froze Carbonemys - Lvl 242 (Carbonemys) Day 18279, 18:28:54: Steve froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 67 (Tusoteuthis) Day 18279, 18:54:30: Steve froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 231 (Basilosaurus) Day 18279, 19:00:32: Steve unclaimed 'Carbonemys - Lvl 220 (Carbonemys)'! Day 18279, 19:03:57: Steve claimed 'Carbonemys - Lvl 220 (Carbonemys)'! Day 18279, 21:09:43: Steve froze Carbonemys - Lvl 242 (Carbonemys) Day 18279, 21:14:57: Steve froze Carbonemys - Lvl 220 (Carbonemys) Day 18279, 22:39:37: Steve froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 74 (Tusoteuthis) Day 18279, 22:43:33: Steve froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 67 (Tusoteuthis) Day 18279, 23:53:33: Steve froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 245 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18280, 00:13:09: Steve froze Otter - Lvl 59 (Otter) Day 18302, 03:44:40: Steve froze Carbonemys - Lvl 220 (Carbonemys) Day 18302, 06:37:40: Steve froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 231 (Basilosaurus) Day 18302, 10:12:40: Steve Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 209 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 18302, 10:29:55: Steve froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 209 (Tusoteuthis) Day 18302, 10:43:06: Steve froze Carbonemys - Lvl 229 (Carbonemys) Day 18302, 13:07:11: Steve Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 18302, 14:00:52: Steve froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis) Day 18302, 15:03:06: Steve froze Carbonemys - Lvl 229 (Carbonemys) Day 18302, 16:01:44: Steve froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 231 (Basilosaurus) Day 18302, 18:25:32: Steve froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis) Day 18302, 18:55:50: Steve froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 209 (Tusoteuthis) Day 18302, 20:35:18: Steve claimed 'Baby Tusoteuthis - Lvl 208 (Tusoteuthis)'! Day 18302, 20:39:35: Steve froze Baby Tusoteuthis - Lvl 208 (Tusoteuthis) Day 18303, 04:59:16: Steve froze Carbonemys - Lvl 229 (Carbonemys) Day 18303, 06:30:02: Steve froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 245 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18353, 16:42:24: Steve Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 209 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 18353, 17:03:33: Steve froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 209 (Tusoteuthis) Day 18353, 17:35:07: Steve froze Carbonemys - Lvl 254 (Carbonemys) Day 18353, 22:00:27: Steve froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 209 (Tusoteuthis) Day 18353, 23:22:14: Steve froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 209 (Tusoteuthis) Day 18353, 23:30:15: Steve froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 209 (Tusoteuthis) Day 18354, 00:27:48: Steve froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 318 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18592, 23:11:26: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18727, 15:40:20: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 18727, 20:50:41: Steve demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 18728, 01:12:54: Your Tribe Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 142 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 18728, 01:49:53: Steve froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 142 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18728, 10:09:07: Steve Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 67 (Griffin)! Day 18728, 10:24:55: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 67 (Griffin) Day 18729, 05:14:37: Steve claimed 'Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)'! Day 18729, 05:19:29: Steve froze Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 18729, 06:23:12: Steve froze Carstein - Lvl 253 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18775, 07:20:48: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Quetzal - Lvl 81 (Tek Quetzal)! Day 18775, 08:32:42: Steve froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 81 (Tek Quetzal) Day 18775, 11:24:03: Steve Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 27 (Griffin)! Day 18775, 11:27:09: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 27 (Griffin) Day 18775, 15:29:51: Steve Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 82 (Griffin)! Day 18775, 15:36:08: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 82 (Griffin) Day 18775, 16:12:58: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 254 (Griffin) Day 18798, 22:17:37: Steve Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 217 (Baryonyx)! Day 18798, 22:25:26: Steve froze Baryonyx - Lvl 217 (Baryonyx) Day 18798, 23:41:49: Steve Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 217 (Griffin)! Day 18799, 00:10:54: Steve demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 18799, 00:17:42: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 217 (Griffin) Day 18799, 08:14:41: Steve Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 202 (Griffin)! Day 18799, 08:20:33: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 202 (Griffin) Day 18799, 09:10:19: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 254 (Griffin) Day 18799, 09:33:30: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 202 (Griffin) Day 18799, 09:36:30: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 217 (Griffin) Day 18799, 09:40:56: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 254 (Griffin) Day 18819, 19:01:00: Steve Tamed a Tek Quetzal - Lvl 232 (Tek Quetzal)! Day 18819, 20:10:39: Steve froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 232 (Tek Quetzal) Day 18819, 22:48:32: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 254 (Griffin) Day 18862, 15:08:28: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)! Day 18862, 15:26:06: Steve froze Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 18862, 20:16:49: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was destroyed! Day 18863, 04:43:33: Steve Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 18863, 05:09:26: Steve froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18863, 13:47:47: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 257 (Griffin) Day 18863, 13:51:18: Steve uploaded a Giganotosaurus: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 Day 18863, 16:54:14: Steve Tamed an Equus - Lvl 217 (Equus)! Day 18863, 17:06:05: Steve froze Equus - Lvl 217 (Equus) Day 18863, 18:26:03: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 257 (Griffin) Day 18863, 23:39:38: Boyle was added to the Tribe by Steve! Day 18864, 02:09:22: Your baby 1 - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 18864, 02:09:26: Tribemember Boyle - Lvl 121 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 18864, 04:36:37: Tribemember Boyle - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 18864, 05:59:00: Steve froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 230 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18864, 06:23:07: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 257 (Griffin) Day 18892, 06:46:20: Steve froze Trucker - Lvl 276 (Argentavis) Day 18892, 07:56:15: Boyle froze Alduin - Lvl 305 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18892, 12:57:31: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 18892, 17:36:54: Steve froze Trucker - Lvl 276 (Argentavis) Day 18892, 18:16:51: Steve froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 245 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18892, 19:36:02: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was destroyed! Day 18893, 08:03:23: Your 'Cannon (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 18893, 09:07:59: Steve froze Trucker - Lvl 276 (Argentavis) Day 18893, 09:57:37: Steve froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 111 (Tek Quetzal) Day 18893, 09:58:30: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was destroyed! Day 18893, 09:58:30: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was destroyed! Day 18893, 10:09:20: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was destroyed! Day 18893, 11:31:50: Boyle froze Alduin - Lvl 305 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18893, 11:32:47: Steve froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 254 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18895, 17:23:37: Boyle froze Alduin - Lvl 305 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18908, 19:50:41: Boyle froze Alduin - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18914, 22:09:45: Steve Tamed a Rock Elemental - Lvl 194 (Rock Elemental)! Day 18914, 22:42:06: Steve froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 194 (Rock Elemental) Day 18914, 23:53:27: Tribemember Boyle - Lvl 121 was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 60! Day 18914, 23:59:29: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 18915, 01:41:08: Boyle froze Bby for trap 2 - Lvl 161 (Pteranodon) Day 18915, 02:20:17: Boyle Tamed a Rock Elemental - Lvl 89 (Rock Elemental)! Day 18915, 02:21:14: Boyle froze Bby for trap 1 - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) Day 18915, 02:45:33: Boyle froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 89 (Rock Elemental) Day 18915, 15:20:24: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 205 (Thylacoleo) Day 18915, 15:59:16: Steve demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 18915, 18:02:24: Your Bby for trap 1 - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon) was killed by Alduin - Lvl 307 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Steve)! Day 18915, 18:02:24: Your Tribe killed Bby for trap 1 - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon) (Tribe of Steve)! Day 18915, 19:48:34: Steve Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 209 (Mantis)! Day 18915, 19:52:22: Steve froze Mantis - Lvl 209 (Mantis) Day 18916, 03:30:12: Tribemember Boyle - Lvl 121 was killed by a Tek Rex - Lvl 180! Day 18916, 05:06:22: Tribemember Boyle - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 18916, 08:34:03: Steve demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 18916, 12:55:51: Boyle froze baby 1 - Lvl 250 (Thylacoleo) Day 18916, 13:07:06: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 205 (Thylacoleo) Day 18916, 13:25:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)! Day 18916, 13:54:12: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 205 (Thylacoleo) Day 18916, 13:54:29: Boyle froze baby 1 - Lvl 265 (Thylacoleo) Day 18916, 15:19:56: Boyle froze baby 1 - Lvl 265 (Thylacoleo) Day 18916, 16:03:38: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 121 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 260! Day 18916, 16:24:32: Boyle froze baby 1 - Lvl 265 (Thylacoleo) Day 18916, 18:33:30: Boyle froze baby 1 - Lvl 265 (Thylacoleo) Day 18916, 19:34:44: Boyle froze baby 1 - Lvl 265 (Thylacoleo) Day 18916, 19:38:50: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 205 (Thylacoleo) Day 18916, 19:53:27: Boyle froze baby 1 - Lvl 267 (Thylacoleo) Day 18916, 20:39:33: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 205 (Thylacoleo) Day 18916, 20:40:17: Boyle froze baby 1 - Lvl 267 (Thylacoleo) Day 18916, 21:14:33: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 205 (Thylacoleo) Day 18916, 21:17:24: Boyle froze baby 1 - Lvl 269 (Thylacoleo) Day 18917, 05:02:24: Boyle froze baby 1 - Lvl 269 (Thylacoleo) Day 18917, 06:24:33: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 205 (Thylacoleo) Day 18917, 07:04:30: Boyle froze baby 1 - Lvl 269 (Thylacoleo) Day 18917, 07:33:14: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 18917, 08:25:36: Boyle froze baby 1 - Lvl 269 (Thylacoleo) Day 18917, 10:30:15: Boyle froze baby 1 - Lvl 269 (Thylacoleo) Day 18917, 11:12:13: Steve froze baby 1 - Lvl 269 (Thylacoleo) Day 18917, 20:36:39: Steve froze baby 1 - Lvl 269 (Thylacoleo) Day 18917, 21:09:01: Steve froze baby 1 - Lvl 269 (Thylacoleo) Day 18917, 21:54:04: Boyle froze Alduin - Lvl 307 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18917, 22:29:48: Steve froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 275 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18918, 03:53:26: Boyle froze Alduin - Lvl 307 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18918, 11:16:11: Steve froze Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 18918, 11:39:31: Steve froze BatWings - Lvl 239 (Griffin) Day 18933, 13:46:05: Boyle froze Alduin - Lvl 307 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18960, 09:08:36: Boyle froze Bassi - Lvl 227 (Basilosaurus) Day 18960, 10:09:31: Boyle froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19047, 07:43:18: Boyle froze Alduin - Lvl 308 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19047, 13:00:57: Boyle froze Alduin - Lvl 308 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19117, 12:51:45: Boyle froze Bary v2 - Lvl 210 (Baryonyx) Day 19117, 16:52:45: Boyle froze Bary v2 - Lvl 210 (Baryonyx) Day 19117, 16:59:02: Boyle froze Alduin - Lvl 311 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19117, 19:40:41: Boyle froze Beta - Lvl 247 (Argentavis) Day 19143, 18:30:42: Boyle froze Alduin - Lvl 312 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19144, 01:17:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 201 (Castoroides)! Day 19144, 17:09:29: Boyle froze Castoroides - Lvl 201 (Castoroides) Day 19144, 17:30:39: Boyle froze Alduin - Lvl 312 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19214, 23:53:47: Tek Quetzal - Lvl 111 (Tek Quetzal) starved to death! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Large Bear Trap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Large Bear Trap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19271, 19:34:00: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19288, 19:42:27: Boyle froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 263 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19289, 00:19:43: Boyle froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 263 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19317, 20:04:51: Boyle froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 278 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19332, 08:40:19: Boyle froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19386, 16:30:29: Boyle Tamed an Otter - Lvl 22 (Otter)! Day 19386, 16:36:35: Your Otter - Lvl 22 (Otter) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Steve)! Day 19386, 16:36:35: Your Tribe killed Otter - Lvl 22 (Otter) (Tribe of Steve)! Day 19386, 18:33:57: Boyle froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 281 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19445, 14:02:16: Boyle froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 286 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19502, 10:34:47: Boyle froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 290 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19502, 21:26:01: Boyle Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis)! Day 19502, 21:38:25: Boyle froze Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 19502, 23:32:03: Boyle froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 290 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19502, 23:56:47: Boyle froze Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 19789, 07:41:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20342, 10:52:02: Boyle froze Snow Owl - Lvl 302 (Snow Owl) Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20504, 12:56:06: Boyle froze Snow Owl - Lvl 250 (Snow Owl) Day 20506, 13:11:43: Boyle froze Cap Planet - Lvl 290 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 20514, 10:51:14: Boyle froze Snow Owl - Lvl 302 (Snow Owl) Day 21392, 06:28:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21392, 06:28:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21549, 12:04:43: Boyle froze Snow Owl - Lvl 359 (Snow Owl) Day 21676, 02:49:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21812, 13:53:44: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 21812, 14:36:32: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 121 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 102! Day 21812, 15:10:21: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 21812, 19:03:09: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 121 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 45! Day 21827, 14:01:33: Steve Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 134 (Griffin)! Day 21827, 16:13:08: Steve uploaded a Griffin: Griffin - Lvl 136 Day 21827, 16:19:53: Steve froze Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis) Day 21828, 10:10:03: Your PERRY - Lvl 90 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 55! Day 21828, 15:15:06: Steve Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 82 (Griffin)! Day 21828, 15:18:10: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 82 (Griffin) Day 21828, 17:13:12: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 142 (Griffin) Day 21926, 08:48:05: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 21926, 14:30:01: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 21926, 15:34:27: Your Griffin - Lvl 167 (Griffin) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 145! Day 21926, 17:18:19: Steve Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 216 (Thylacoleo)! Day 21926, 17:23:36: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 216 (Thylacoleo) Day 21926, 19:58:57: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 216 (Thylacoleo) Day 21926, 20:35:51: Steve Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 205 (Thylacoleo)! Day 21926, 20:55:36: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 205 (Thylacoleo) Day 21927, 11:42:34: Steve froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus) Day 21927, 13:20:46: Your Tribe Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 224 (Griffin)! Day 21927, 14:33:37: Steve froze Argentavis - Lvl 254 (Argentavis) Day 21927, 15:24:09: Steve uploaded a Griffin: Griffin - Lvl 229 Day 21928, 23:32:34: Your Tribe Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin)! Day 21929, 00:51:01: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin) Day 21929, 07:28:32: Steve Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 201 (Griffin)! Day 21929, 07:33:21: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 201 (Griffin) Day 21929, 07:37:34: Steve froze Juvenile Ankylosaurus - Lvl 211 (Ankylosaurus) Day 21929, 08:35:36: Steve uploaded a Griffin: Griffin - Lvl 225 Day 21930, 19:02:36: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 224 (Griffin) Day 21952, 19:57:44: Steve Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus)! Day 21952, 20:08:40: Steve froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus) Day 21952, 20:49:57: Steve was removed from the Tribe! Day 21952, 20:49:57: Tribe Owner was changed to Zoe! Day 40909, 06:31:05: Boyle froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (R-Snow Owl) Day 40933, 12:27:31: Boyle froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 40950, 23:22:14: Boyle froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42098, 16:57:27: Boyle was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1198837554,"tribe":"Tribe of Duomog-- logs":["Day 33469, 14:09:00: Duomog-- was added to the Tribe! Day 42729, 06:03:46: Tribemember Duomog-- - Lvl 5 was killed! Day 43555, 20:15:13: Tribemember Duomog-- - Lvl 5 was killed!"] "tribeid":1198505106,"tribe":"Tribe of Arms logs":["Day 16518, 10:20:59: Your fatty - Lvl 206 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16518, 10:20:59: Your Waste of time - Lvl 206 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16518, 10:21:11: Your Fleshyboy - Lvl 136 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16518, 10:21:11: Your white needweit - Lvl 166 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16518, 10:21:11: Your Greensun needlee - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16518, 10:21:11: Your Kill me - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16518, 10:21:11: Your white stam - Lvl 146 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16518, 10:21:11: Your psych needstam - Lvl 202 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16518, 10:21:11: Your white - Lvl 139 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16518, 10:21:22: Your psych needstam - Lvl 200 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16518, 10:21:34: Your NuJuicer heltyweit - Lvl 194 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16518, 10:21:34: Your Kill me - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16518, 10:22:08: Your NuJuicer heltlee - Lvl 192 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16518, 10:23:55: Your Anatoly heltystam - Lvl 223 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16518, 10:42:50: Meatball froze tealie - Lvl 282 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16567, 01:27:12: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16567, 01:27:12: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16580, 19:06:44: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16612, 20:02:23: Meatball froze Sunshine - Lvl 250 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16613, 02:44:53: Your mutygirl needheltweit - Lvl 223 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16613, 03:57:02: Your Equus - Lvl 22 (Equus) was killed! Day 16613, 03:57:08: Your lee - Lvl 181 (Equus) was killed! Day 16613, 03:57:19: Your Equus - Lvl 183 (Equus) was killed! Day 16613, 03:58:28: Your Peaches - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 16613, 03:58:56: Your Black Breeder Boy - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 16613, 03:59:27: Your needgrey - Lvl 200 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 16613, 04:00:24: Your Breeder Girl - Lvl 228 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 16613, 04:00:24: Your needgrey - Lvl 238 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 16613, 04:00:52: Your needwhite - Lvl 200 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 16613, 04:00:52: Your needgrey - Lvl 200 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 16613, 04:00:52: Your needgrey - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 16613, 04:01:21: Your needgrey - Lvl 200 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 16613, 04:01:21: Your needstam - Lvl 234 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 16613, 04:01:49: Your needstam - Lvl 234 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 16613, 04:02:20: Your fatty - Lvl 172 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 16613, 04:02:20: Your Breeder Boy - Lvl 287 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 16613, 04:02:20: Your Black Breeder Girl - Lvl 199 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 16613, 04:02:48: Your Black Breeder Girl - Lvl 199 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 16613, 04:03:17: Your Nu Breeder Boy - Lvl 200 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 16613, 04:04:16: Your Raven Breeder Girl - Lvl 195 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 16613, 04:10:11: Your Raven Breeder Boy - Lvl 195 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 16613, 05:01:18: Your heltlee - Lvl 186 (R-Daeodon) was killed! Day 16613, 05:01:18: Your stamweitlee - Lvl 228 (R-Daeodon) was killed! Day 16613, 05:01:18: Your foolee - Lvl 199 (R-Daeodon) was killed! Day 16613, 05:01:18: Your stamweit - Lvl 209 (R-Daeodon) was killed! Day 16613, 05:01:47: Your heltlee - Lvl 220 (R-Daeodon) was killed! Day 16613, 05:01:47: Your hungry - Lvl 225 (R-Daeodon) was killed! Day 16613, 05:01:47: Your fooweitlee - Lvl 201 (R-Daeodon) was killed! Day 16613, 05:02:15: Your stamweit - Lvl 209 (R-Daeodon) was killed! Day 16613, 05:02:15: Your foolee - Lvl 194 (R-Daeodon) was killed! Day 16613, 05:02:15: Your tired - Lvl 217 (R-Daeodon) was killed! Day 16613, 05:02:15: Your heltfoolee - Lvl 199 (R-Daeodon) was killed! Day 16613, 05:02:44: Your heltlee - Lvl 196 (R-Daeodon) was killed! Day 16613, 05:02:44: Your heltweitlee - Lvl 197 (R-Daeodon) was killed! Day 16613, 05:04:40: Your helty - Lvl 209 (R-Daeodon) was killed! Day 16613, 05:05:08: Your heltfoolee - Lvl 199 (R-Daeodon) was killed! Day 16613, 05:17:14: Your needhelt - Lvl 215 (Baryonyx) was killed! Day 16613, 05:17:14: Your neeeeehelt - Lvl 222 (Baryonyx) was killed! Day 16613, 05:17:14: Your stamweit - Lvl 200 (Baryonyx) was killed! Day 16613, 05:17:30: Your needwet - Lvl 208 (Baryonyx) was killed! Day 16613, 05:37:43: Your 012 - Lvl 238 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16613, 05:37:43: Your 1245 - Lvl 245 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16613, 05:37:48: Your 124 - Lvl 245 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16613, 05:37:55: Your Near Blackie needstam - Lvl 216 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16613, 05:37:55: Your needblackie - Lvl 245 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16613, 05:37:55: Your Nu Blackie needstam - Lvl 234 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16613, 05:37:55: Your needblak weitlee - Lvl 191 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16613, 05:37:55: Your 124 - Lvl 245 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16613, 05:37:55: Your needblak weitlee - Lvl 168 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16613, 05:37:55: Your Boobies cat - Lvl 67 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16613, 05:38:04: Your 01345 stamweit - Lvl 188 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16613, 05:38:06: Your needblackie - Lvl 245 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16613, 05:38:06: Your needblackie - Lvl 230 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16613, 05:38:06: Your 124 - Lvl 245 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16613, 05:38:06: Your 1245 - Lvl 245 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16613, 05:38:09: Your 124 - Lvl 238 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16613, 05:38:15: Your nublackie needstam - Lvl 234 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16613, 05:38:17: Your 1245 - Lvl 238 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16613, 05:59:27: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16613, 05:59:38: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16613, 05:59:38: Your needlee - Lvl 135 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16613, 05:59:38: Your leemuty girl needhelt - Lvl 217 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16613, 05:59:49: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16613, 05:59:49: Your leemuty girl - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16613, 05:59:49: Your Kill me pls - Lvl 181 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16613, 06:00:00: Your NuJuicer needastam - Lvl 209 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16613, 06:00:00: Your stammuty - Lvl 162 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16613, 06:00:00: Your NuJuicer needstam - Lvl 209 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16613, 06:00:00: Your leemuty girl needhelt - Lvl 217 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16613, 06:00:00: Your Blackspine heltlee - Lvl 210 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16613, 06:00:00: Your leemuty girl - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16613, 06:00:11: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16613, 06:00:11: Your Regal helty - Lvl 119 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16613, 06:00:11: Your Pyjama needstam - Lvl 205 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16613, 06:00:23: Your leemuty - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16613, 06:00:23: Your NuJuicer needstam - Lvl 213 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16613, 06:00:23: Your NuJuicer needstam - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16613, 06:00:23: Your leemuty - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16613, 06:00:23: Your leemuty boy - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16613, 06:00:35: Your leemuty - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16613, 06:29:26: Meatball froze Sunshine - Lvl 250 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16698, 16:02:24: Arms froze Henry - Lvl 364 (Shadowmane) Day 16698, 16:10:44: Arms froze Henry - Lvl 364 (Shadowmane) Day 16699, 08:36:44: Meatball Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 194 (Mantis)! Day 16699, 08:40:50: Arms froze Mantis - Lvl 194 (Mantis) Day 16699, 10:19:08: Arms froze Otter - Lvl 237 (Otter) Day 16699, 10:20:54: Arms froze Han - Lvl 316 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16699, 10:37:44: Meatball froze nuzzles - Lvl 145 (X-Otter) Day 16699, 10:40:48: Meatball froze Sunshine - Lvl 338 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16733, 06:54:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16733, 06:54:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16752, 15:00:54: Meatball froze Aquamarine - Lvl 345 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16753, 09:34:11: Meatball froze Cuddles - Lvl 192 (X-Otter) Day 16753, 09:35:35: Meatball froze Starshine - Lvl 311 (Shadowmane) Day 16753, 10:38:53: Meatball froze Dumbbell - Lvl 325 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16754, 06:19:16: Meatball froze Mossie Worshipper - Lvl 309 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16767, 06:47:45: Meatball Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 216 (Mantis)! Day 16767, 06:53:35: Meatball froze Mantis - Lvl 216 (Mantis) Day 16767, 08:15:18: Meatball Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 209 (Mantis)! Day 16767, 08:28:54: Meatball froze Mantis - Lvl 209 (Mantis) Day 16767, 09:07:32: Meatball froze weit - Lvl 216 (Mantis) Day 16767, 09:14:28: Meatball froze helt - Lvl 209 (Mantis) Day 16767, 09:30:23: Meatball uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 345 Day 16779, 10:29:36: Your stam - Lvl 224 (Ravager) was killed! Day 16779, 10:29:49: Your mutyboy needlee - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 10:29:49: Your 10 77 needhelt - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 10:30:01: Your mutyboy needstam - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 10:30:23: Your blulemon - Lvl 199 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 16779, 10:30:25: Your purple leemuty girl weit - Lvl 232 (R-Snow Owl) was killed! Day 16779, 10:42:46: Your Lemonade - Lvl 208 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 16779, 10:48:00: Your 1235 needstam - Lvl 216 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16779, 10:48:00: Your 1245 needstam - Lvl 234 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16779, 10:48:00: Your 124 - Lvl 245 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16779, 10:48:11: Your 124 - Lvl 245 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16779, 10:48:11: Your 012 needstam - Lvl 209 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16779, 10:48:22: Your 124 - Lvl 245 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16779, 10:48:22: Your 123 needstam - Lvl 216 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16779, 10:48:33: Your 92 10 stamweit - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 10:48:33: Your 12 needstam - Lvl 234 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16779, 10:48:33: Your 124 needstam - Lvl 209 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16779, 10:57:34: Your 0123 needstam - Lvl 216 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16779, 10:57:45: Your 01245 needstam - Lvl 216 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16779, 10:57:45: Your 1245 needstam - Lvl 209 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16779, 10:57:45: Your 01235 needstam - Lvl 227 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16779, 10:57:56: Your 1245 needstam - Lvl 216 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16779, 10:57:56: Your 1245 - Lvl 245 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16779, 10:58:08: Your 1245 needstam - Lvl 227 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16779, 10:58:08: Your 1245 needstam - Lvl 234 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16779, 10:59:18: Your 1245 needstam - Lvl 227 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16779, 11:09:38: Your 93 10 x x - Lvl 141 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 11:09:49: Your 93 10 weitlee - Lvl 202 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 11:09:57: Your 92 77 helty - Lvl 152 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 11:10:00: Your 77 needweit - Lvl 193 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 11:10:00: Your 0123 needstam - Lvl 216 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 16779, 11:10:11: Your 93 10 needstam - Lvl 206 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 11:10:11: Your 92 10 77 helty - Lvl 147 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 11:10:11: Your 93 10 77 heltyweit - Lvl 177 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 11:10:22: Your 93 10 heltlee - Lvl 215 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 11:10:22: Your 93 10 77 helty - Lvl 150 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 15:22:31: Meatball froze x x 95 77 - Lvl 126 (Shadowmane) Day 16779, 15:34:48: Meatball froze 93 95 needstam - Lvl 208 (Shadowmane) Day 16779, 16:01:01: Your Crystaline - Lvl 177 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 16779, 16:01:01: Your black helty - Lvl 202 (Ravager) was killed! Day 16779, 16:01:24: Your 92 10 needstam - Lvl 208 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 16:01:24: Your 93 10 95 helty - Lvl 133 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 16:01:24: Your 92 x 77 - Lvl 189 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 16:01:24: Your 92 10 x 77 - Lvl 137 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 16:01:24: Your 95 x 77 - Lvl 162 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 16:01:35: Your 93 10 needstam - Lvl 170 (Shadowmane) was killed by Sunny Delight - Lvl 333 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of Arms)! Day 16779, 16:01:35: Your Tribe killed 93 10 needstam - Lvl 170 (Shadowmane) (Tribe of Arms)! Day 16779, 16:01:35: Your 92 10 x 77 - Lvl 150 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 16:01:35: Your 92 10 x 77 heltlee - Lvl 172 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 16:01:47: Your 10 x 77 - Lvl 112 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 16:01:47: Your Regal heltlee - Lvl 174 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 16:01:47: Your stamlee - Lvl 243 (Maewing) was killed! Day 16779, 16:01:56: Your 92 x 77 - Lvl 211 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 16:01:58: Your 10 77 77 - Lvl 112 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 16:02:33: Your 92 10 x 77 - Lvl 177 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 16:12:29: Your 93 10 needweit - Lvl 192 (Shadowmane) was killed by Sunny Delight - Lvl 333 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of Arms)! Day 16779, 16:12:29: Your Tribe killed 93 10 needweit - Lvl 192 (Shadowmane) (Tribe of Arms)! Day 16779, 16:14:09: Your fatty - Lvl 256 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 16779, 16:35:10: Your leemuty - Lvl 209 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 16:35:10: Your leemuty - Lvl 209 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 16:35:10: Your leemuty - Lvl 223 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 16:35:21: Your leemuty - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 16:35:21: Your leemuty - Lvl 223 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 16:35:21: Your gold heltyweit muty - Lvl 248 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 16779, 16:35:32: Your leemuty - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 16:35:32: Your mutyboy needlee - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 16:37:21: Your heltyweit - Lvl 234 (Maewing) was killed! Day 16779, 16:37:33: Your heltyweit - Lvl 254 (Maewing) was killed! Day 16779, 16:48:05: Your Equus - Lvl 152 (Equus) was killed! Day 16779, 16:48:06: Your Equus - Lvl 188 (Equus) was killed! Day 16779, 16:48:07: Your Equus - Lvl 185 (Equus) was killed! Day 16779, 16:48:08: Your Equus - Lvl 173 (Equus) was killed! Day 16779, 16:48:15: Your Equus - Lvl 154 (Equus) was killed! Day 16779, 16:48:15: Your Equus - Lvl 199 (Equus) was killed! Day 16779, 16:48:21: Your Equus - Lvl 192 (Equus) was killed! Day 16779, 16:48:25: Your Equus - Lvl 182 (Equus) was killed! Day 16779, 16:48:30: Your stamlee - Lvl 197 (Equus) was killed! Day 16779, 16:48:32: Your needstam - Lvl 199 (Equus) was killed! Day 16779, 16:59:50: Your Black - Lvl 103 (Equus) was killed! Day 16779, 16:59:56: Your black needstam - Lvl 185 (Equus) was killed! Day 16779, 16:59:56: Your black needstam - Lvl 185 (Equus) was killed! Day 16779, 17:00:07: Your black needstam - Lvl 185 (Equus) was killed! Day 16779, 17:00:07: Your needlee - Lvl 205 (Equus) was killed! Day 16779, 17:00:09: Your needlee - Lvl 209 (Equus) was killed! Day 16779, 17:00:12: Your Equus - Lvl 115 (Equus) was killed! Day 16779, 17:00:19: Your Equus - Lvl 192 (Equus) was killed! Day 16779, 17:00:19: Your black heltyweit - Lvl 163 (Equus) was killed! Day 16779, 17:00:19: Your needstam - Lvl 199 (Equus) was killed! Day 16779, 17:10:30: Your 10 x 77 mutyboy - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 17:10:53: Your white needlee - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 17:10:53: Your Pyjama needstam - Lvl 210 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 17:11:05: Your Pyjama needstam - Lvl 205 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 17:11:05: Your 18 88 97 97 - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 17:11:05: Your stamweit mutyboy - Lvl 210 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 17:11:05: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 17:11:05: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 17:11:16: Your regal needhelt - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 17:21:14: Your 92 10 x 77 needstam - Lvl 213 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 17:21:14: Your Regal stamweit - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 17:21:26: Your 92 10 needhelt - Lvl 213 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16779, 17:24:21: Your Male - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 16779, 17:24:32: Your Female - Lvl 211 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 16779, 17:48:25: Meatball froze Sunny Delight - Lvl 333 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16794, 17:49:22: Meatball Tamed a Lymantria - Lvl 202 (Lymantria)! Day 16794, 17:54:01: Meatball froze BOY - Lvl 202 (Lymantria) Day 16794, 17:55:35: Meatball froze Blossom - Lvl 281 (R-Snow Owl) Day 16794, 17:57:31: Meatball froze Cheeto - Lvl 353 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16794, 18:19:47: Meatball froze Sunshine - Lvl 346 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16796, 20:00:22: Your 1245 needstam - Lvl 227 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 16893, 16:16:59: Your Breeder Boy - Lvl 239 (Ravager) was killed! Day 16893, 16:17:11: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:17:11: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 181 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:17:11: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:17:11: Your ProjectEugenics: Good F - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:17:11: Your 92 10 needhelt - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:17:22: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:17:22: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 188 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:17:22: Your regal needstam - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:28:36: Your needlee - Lvl 213 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:28:36: Your needlee - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:28:36: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:28:36: Your stamweit - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:28:36: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:28:47: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:28:58: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 181 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:28:58: Your needstam - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:28:58: Your needlee - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:29:09: Your needlee - Lvl 211 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:38:24: Your 10 x 77 needhelt - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:38:24: Your needstam - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:38:36: Your needlee - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:38:47: Your regal needstam - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:38:58: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:38:58: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:39:09: Your Regal MutyBoy - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:39:09: Your weitlee - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:39:09: Your stamweit - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 16:39:20: Your stamweit - Lvl 208 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 22:07:00: Your heltyweit - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 22:07:00: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 22:07:00: Your 10 77 77 needlee - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 22:07:31: Your weitlee - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 22:08:00: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 22:08:00: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 22:08:28: Your 93 10 x 77 - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 22:08:28: Your 52 67 74 88 - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 22:08:57: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 22:08:57: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 22:40:57: Your heltyweit - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 22:41:26: Your heltyweit - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 22:41:26: Your 92 10 77 needlee - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 22:41:26: Your needhelt - Lvl 213 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 22:41:55: Your weitlee - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 22:41:55: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 22:42:24: Your Psychedellic MutyBoy - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 22:42:24: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 22:42:53: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 22:43:22: Your needhelt - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 23:10:43: Your stamweit - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 23:10:43: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 23:10:43: Your heltyweit - Lvl 201 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 23:11:12: Your needlee - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 23:11:12: Your needlee - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 23:11:12: Your needlee - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 23:11:42: Your heltystam mutygirl - Lvl 197 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 23:11:42: Your needlee - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 23:12:12: Your needlee - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 23:46:23: Your regalmuty needhelt - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 23:46:23: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 23:46:52: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 23:46:52: Your regal stamweit - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 23:46:52: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 23:47:21: Your needhelt - Lvl 213 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 23:47:21: Your needlee - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 23:47:21: Your 10 x 77 weitlee - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 23:47:21: Your needlee - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 23:48:19: Your needlee - Lvl 203 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16893, 23:48:19: Your needlee - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 00:18:30: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 181 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 00:18:30: Your regal - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 00:18:30: Your Champagne - Lvl 181 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 00:18:30: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 00:18:59: Your stamweit - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 00:18:59: Your 92 x x 77 - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 00:19:28: Your heltyweit - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 00:19:28: Your stamweit - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 00:19:28: Your heltyweit - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 00:19:56: Your needlee - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 00:46:19: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 00:46:49: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 00:46:49: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 206 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 00:46:49: Your weitlee - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 00:47:18: Your 92 x x 77 weitlee - Lvl 192 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 00:47:18: Your needstam - Lvl 211 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 00:47:18: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 188 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 00:47:48: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 00:47:48: Your needstam - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 00:47:48: Your 10 x 77 weitlee - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 01:18:49: Your 10 77 77 - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 01:19:46: Your needstam - Lvl 213 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 01:19:56: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 01:20:15: Your 52 88 97 97 - Lvl 205 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 01:20:15: Your needstam - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 01:21:13: Your needstam - Lvl 211 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 01:21:13: Your 19 44 74 88 - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 01:21:13: Your stammuty girl - Lvl 246 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 16894, 01:22:12: Your tealie - Lvl 282 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 16894, 01:36:41: Your Teal Breeder Boy - Lvl 244 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 16894, 02:02:23: Your fruity needlee - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 16894, 02:04:26: Your fruity needhelt - Lvl 255 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 16894, 02:21:09: Your fruity needlee - Lvl 232 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 16894, 02:37:37: Your Fruity needhelt - Lvl 249 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 16894, 05:47:47: Your fruity needhelt - Lvl 255 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 16894, 05:55:46: Your Pyjama MutyBoy - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 05:55:46: Your juice needlee - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 05:55:46: Your needhelt - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 05:55:58: Your needstam - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 05:56:20: Your NuMutyBoy - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 07:49:25: Your stamweit - Lvl 210 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 07:49:37: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 07:49:37: Your needlee - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 07:49:37: Your needlee - Lvl 203 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 07:49:37: Your needlee - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 07:49:46: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 07:49:48: Your blolive heltyweit - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 07:49:48: Your needlee - Lvl 213 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 07:49:59: Your Anatoly - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 07:50:10: Your Aqua - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:02:53: Your mutygirl needweit - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:02:53: Your Juicy - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:02:53: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:02:53: Your needstam - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:02:53: Your regal - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:02:53: Your regal - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:03:04: Your Juicy - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:03:04: Your regal - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:03:04: Your heltmuty - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:03:04: Your ProjectEugenics Good-F - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:03:04: Your heltyweit - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:20:22: Your blolive stamweit - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:20:22: Your needstam - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:20:33: Your stamweit - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:20:33: Your needstam - Lvl 211 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:20:45: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:20:45: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:28:54: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:28:54: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 199 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:28:54: Your stammuty - Lvl 147 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:29:05: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:29:05: Your stamlee muty - Lvl 210 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:29:05: Your weitlee - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:29:05: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 199 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:40:37: Your ProjectEugenics Good F - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:40:37: Your stamweit - Lvl 211 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:40:49: Your stamweit - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16894, 08:59:34: Meatball froze Sunny Delight - Lvl 349 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17064, 22:52:49: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17148, 09:09:30: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17148, 09:09:30: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17148, 09:09:30: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17148, 09:09:30: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17148, 09:09:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17148, 09:09:30: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17579, 12:13:56: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18534, 06:54:58: Meatball froze Sunny Delight - Lvl 403 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18534, 08:18:57: Meatball froze Cheeto - Lvl 364 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23169, 13:23:02: Meatball froze Cheeto - Lvl 399 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23170, 17:35:33: Meatball froze Aquamarine - Lvl 414 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23171, 01:25:39: Meatball froze Aquamarine - Lvl 414 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23171, 06:10:51: Meatball froze Aquamarine - Lvl 414 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23173, 03:30:13: Meatball claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 23173, 03:33:02: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 23173, 03:34:52: Meatball claimed 'nique les mouettes (Raft)'! Day 23173, 03:42:10: Your nique les mouettes (Raft) was destroyed! Day 23173, 20:49:10: Meatball froze Aquamarine - Lvl 414 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23201, 10:12:14: Meatball froze Aquamarine - Lvl 414 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1193304351,"tribe":"Tribe of Human1 logs":["Day 31080, 07:19:17: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 31080, 08:40:26: Human claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 269 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31080, 08:41:43: Human claimed 'Carla - Lvl 275 (Castoroides)'! Day 31080, 08:42:19: Human claimed 'Dotty - Lvl 287 (Triceratops)'! Day 31080, 08:43:24: Human claimed 'Peter - Lvl 260 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31080, 08:50:25: Human claimed 'Ravager - Lvl 223 (Ravager)'! Day 31080, 08:51:04: Human claimed 'Gigantopithecus - Lvl 207 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 31080, 09:02:30: Human claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 31080, 12:28:56: Human claimed 'Hanky Panky The Anky - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 31082, 22:15:05: Human Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 214 (Doedicurus)! Day 31085, 05:45:00: Human Tamed a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 204 (Thorny Dragon)! Day 31103, 11:52:05: Human froze Ravager - Lvl 224 (Ravager) Day 31103, 12:11:23: Human froze Peter - Lvl 260 (Pteranodon) Day 31103, 14:03:02: Tribemember Human - Lvl 94 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 31103, 14:35:21: Gorilla Man was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 31103, 14:37:44: Tribemember Gorilla Man - Lvl 1 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 50! Day 31103, 14:40:53: Tribemember Human - Lvl 94 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 50! Day 31103, 14:47:37: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31103, 14:49:18: Tribemember Gorilla Man - Lvl 1 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 31103, 17:48:24: Human claimed 'Saksikäsi - Lvl 228 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 31103, 17:57:25: Human froze Saksikäsi - Lvl 228 (Therizinosaur) Day 31103, 18:24:11: Tribemember Gorilla Man - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 31104, 06:25:12: Your Peter - Lvl 260 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 31104, 06:25:12: Tribemember Gorilla Man - Lvl 9 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 31104, 06:55:49: Tribemember Gorilla Man - Lvl 9 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 31104, 07:30:05: Tribemember Gorilla Man - Lvl 9 was killed! Day 31104, 08:36:00: Tribemember Gorilla Man - Lvl 10 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 90! Day 31104, 12:58:06: Tribemember Gorilla Man - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 31104, 14:59:29: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) Day 31104, 15:12:30: Human froze Saksikäsi - Lvl 228 (Therizinosaur) Day 31104, 16:23:01: Tribemember Gorilla Man - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 31104, 23:27:54: Human claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 31105, 05:20:30: Human froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31129, 23:16:30: Tribemember Gorilla Man - Lvl 10 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 31129, 23:36:24: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 273 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 31129, 23:36:49: Your Thorny Dragon - Lvl 226 (Thorny Dragon) was killed! Day 31129, 23:37:40: Your Raptor - Lvl 220 (Raptor) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 31129, 23:39:19: Your Morellatops - Lvl 234 (Morellatops) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 31129, 23:40:09: Your Ravager - Lvl 224 (Ravager) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 31129, 23:40:58: Your Carla - Lvl 279 (Castoroides) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 31129, 23:41:40: Your Argentavis - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 31129, 23:52:48: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 239 (Ankylosaurus) was killed! Day 31130, 00:41:39: Your Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 31130, 00:55:24: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was destroyed! Day 31130, 00:55:28: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was destroyed! Day 31130, 01:09:17: Your Baryonyx - Lvl 229 (Baryonyx) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 31130, 01:10:07: Your Saksikäsi - Lvl 229 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 31150, 09:34:35: Human froze Doedicurus - Lvl 258 (Doedicurus) Day 31174, 14:07:48: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 31174, 15:55:38: Human froze H9460 M314 - Lvl 278 (Rex) Day 31174, 16:32:20: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 196 (Argentavis) Day 31176, 05:38:31: Human froze Doedicurus - Lvl 258 (Doedicurus) Day 31176, 07:21:58: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 254 (Argentavis) Day 31176, 11:15:50: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 254 (Argentavis) Day 31176, 22:39:41: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 254 (Argentavis) Day 31196, 21:37:58: Human froze FFA - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) Day 31196, 23:50:54: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 258 (Argentavis) Day 31209, 05:51:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31224, 14:27:10: Human Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 188 (Sarco)! Day 31224, 14:36:01: Human froze Sarco - Lvl 188 (Sarco) Day 31224, 15:39:28: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 259 (Argentavis) Day 31240, 20:28:20: Human froze kuba jarosz is gayboy - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31244, 03:37:07: Human froze Gigantopithecus - Lvl 221 (Gigantopithecus) Day 31244, 04:43:42: Human froze kuba jarosz is gayboy - Lvl 247 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31256, 11:53:18: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31256, 11:53:18: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31292, 10:43:23: Human claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 31292, 12:32:25: Human froze kuba jarosz is gayboy - Lvl 263 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31339, 23:19:51: Human froze fortnite balla - Lvl 269 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31351, 00:52:43: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31351, 00:52:43: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31362, 13:17:33: Human froze fortnite balla - Lvl 275 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31363, 02:18:00: Human froze Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 31382, 03:31:45: Human froze jump strid - Lvl 307 (Managarmr) Day 31383, 09:42:09: Human froze jump strid - Lvl 308 (Managarmr) Day 31384, 16:31:01: Human claimed 'Purp - Lvl 195 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 31384, 18:16:59: Human uploaded a Tek Stryder: Purp - Lvl 195 Day 31384, 19:30:41: Human froze jump strid - Lvl 310 (Managarmr) Day 31406, 15:52:03: Moschops - Lvl 170 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 31406, 17:35:32: Human froze jump strid - Lvl 311 (Managarmr) Day 31413, 21:02:04: Human froze jump strid - Lvl 331 (Managarmr) Day 31430, 18:50:24: Human froze jump strid - Lvl 334 (Managarmr) Day 31452, 18:04:00: Human froze jump strid - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 31452, 20:42:09: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 222 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 31462, 01:02:30: Human froze jump strid - Lvl 341 (Managarmr) Day 31478, 08:13:16: Human froze jump strid - Lvl 342 (Managarmr) Day 31500, 13:31:59: Human froze jump strid - Lvl 342 (Managarmr) Day 31527, 00:51:44: Human froze fortnite balla - Lvl 281 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31720, 08:19:04: Human froze fortnite balla - Lvl 293 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31859, 19:30:10: Human froze WIGGER - Lvl 295 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31971, 21:46:47: Haggis - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 32074, 15:05:39: LOKI - Lvl 134 (Mad4MutZ) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hanky Panky The Anky - Lvl 227 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 32074, 15:06:58: LOKI - Lvl 134 (Mad4MutZ) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dotty - Lvl 287 (Triceratops)'! Day 32375, 15:30:28: Human froze WIGGER - Lvl 295 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32957, 00:30:10: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32957, 00:30:10: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33264, 05:54:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33264, 05:54:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33264, 05:54:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33264, 05:54:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33264, 05:54:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33264, 05:54:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33264, 05:54:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33264, 05:54:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34529, 04:42:28: Len - Lvl 70 (Lens World) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 42080, 11:55:06: Tribemember Gorilla Man - Lvl 10 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 85!"] "tribeid":1192045974,"tribe":"Radioactive logs":["Day 13482, 04:20:26: Screpzy froze [SC] RedDeath - Lvl 263 (Rex) Day 13490, 10:05:15: Andy froze Bagin's - Lvl 259 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13490, 12:59:48: Andy claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 189 (Gacha)'! Day 13490, 13:01:48: Andy froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 189 (Gacha) Day 13490, 13:02:34: Andy claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 170 (Gacha)'! Day 13490, 13:04:19: Andy froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 170 (Gacha) Day 13490, 13:17:21: Andy claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 203 (Gacha)'! Day 13490, 13:19:16: Andy froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 203 (Gacha) Day 13490, 13:20:09: Andy claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 209 (Gacha)'! Day 13490, 13:22:02: Andy froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 209 (Gacha) Day 13490, 13:23:39: Andy claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha)'! Day 13490, 13:25:05: Andy froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha) Day 13490, 15:08:24: Andy froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 177 (Rex) Day 13490, 15:10:37: Andy froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 177 (Rex) Day 13490, 15:12:26: Andy froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 177 (Rex) Day 13490, 15:16:33: Andy froze Woody - Lvl 239 (Castoroides) Day 13490, 16:31:42: Andy froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 170 (Gacha) Day 13490, 19:02:10: Andy froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 203 (Gacha) Day 13490, 19:04:13: Andy froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha) Day 13490, 19:09:58: Andy froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha) Day 13490, 19:16:43: Andy froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 177 (Rex) Day 13490, 19:19:11: Andy froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 137 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13490, 20:09:26: Andy froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 137 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13490, 20:11:18: Andy froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 137 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13490, 23:22:10: Andy froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha) Day 13490, 23:29:28: Andy froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 170 (Gacha) Day 13490, 23:37:21: Andy froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 170 (Gacha) Day 13491, 00:07:57: Andy froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha) Day 13491, 05:00:55: Andy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 137 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13491, 05:29:50: Andy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 137 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13491, 05:31:49: Andy froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 189 (Gacha) Day 13491, 05:33:55: Andy froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 189 (Gacha) Day 13491, 10:14:09: Andy froze Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 209 (Gacha) Day 13491, 10:18:06: Andy froze Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 203 (Gacha) Day 13491, 10:20:09: Andy froze Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha) Day 13491, 10:27:09: Andy froze Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha) Day 13491, 10:39:36: Andy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 137 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13491, 13:47:52: Andy froze Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha) Day 13491, 13:50:00: Andy froze Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 170 (Gacha) Day 13491, 14:11:34: Andy froze Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 209 (Gacha) Day 13491, 18:33:31: Andy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 137 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13491, 18:36:44: Andy froze Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 209 (Gacha) Day 13491, 18:38:42: Andy froze Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 209 (Gacha) Day 13491, 18:40:59: Andy froze Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 170 (Gacha) Day 13491, 18:43:05: Andy froze Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 170 (Gacha) Day 13491, 18:45:43: Andy froze Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 189 (Gacha) Day 13491, 18:48:20: Andy froze Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 203 (Gacha) Day 13491, 18:56:09: Andy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 137 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13493, 17:42:34: Andy froze Rex - Lvl 181 (Rex) Day 13493, 17:53:15: SilverBack was removed from the Tribe by Andy! Day 13493, 17:53:58: Screpzy was removed from the Tribe by Andy! Day 13493, 17:58:54: Andy froze Rex - Lvl 181 (Rex) Day 13493, 18:16:19: Andy froze Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex) Day 13493, 18:18:15: Andy froze Rex - Lvl 161 (Rex) Day 13493, 18:20:02: Andy froze Rex - Lvl 264 (Rex) Day 13493, 18:31:24: Andy froze Gacha - Lvl 210 (Gacha) Day 13493, 18:36:52: Screpzy was added to the Tribe by Andy! Day 13493, 19:34:08: Andy unclaimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13493, 19:41:21: Andy claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13493, 19:58:07: Andy froze Odin - Lvl 327 (Snow Owl) Day 13493, 20:00:37: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 260 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13493, 20:00:37: Your Tribe killed Fire Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13494, 06:40:10: Andy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 125 (Snow Owl) Day 13494, 08:15:47: Screpzy unclaimed 'Doberhorse IV - Lvl 180 (Equus)'! Day 13496, 07:24:30: Screpzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13496, 07:37:28: Screpzy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13497, 02:28:43: Your Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 77 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 13505, 10:22:46: Screpzy claimed 'Baby Sarco - Lvl 209 (Sarco)'! Day 13505, 10:24:37: Screpzy froze Baby Sarco - Lvl 209 (Sarco) Day 13505, 12:32:52: Screpzy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13505, 15:00:53: Screpzy froze Juvenile [SC] Snappy - Lvl 209 (Sarco) Day 13505, 15:33:06: Screpzy claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 81 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13505, 15:33:28: Screpzy claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 86 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13505, 17:04:18: Screpzy froze Adolescent Tek Raptor - Lvl 279 (Tek Raptor) Day 13505, 19:09:04: Tribemember Screpzy - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 13506, 06:22:34: Andy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 125 (Snow Owl) Day 13506, 13:00:52: J.a.n.n.i was added to the Tribe by Andy! Day 13506, 13:32:42: J.a.n.n.i was removed from the Tribe by Andy! Day 13506, 13:51:54: Andy unclaimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 125 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13506, 14:37:05: Andy unclaimed 'Punisher - Lvl 316 (Aberrant Megalosaurus)'! Day 13506, 15:27:00: Andy froze Gacha - Lvl 210 (Gacha) Day 13506, 18:27:29: Andy froze Gacha - Lvl 210 (Gacha) Day 13509, 05:27:04: Scully84 was added to the Tribe! Day 13509, 05:30:41: SilverBack was added to the Tribe by Scully84! Day 13509, 05:32:11: Scully84 was removed from the Tribe! Day 13509, 08:09:02: Screpzy froze [SC] Goku Black - Lvl 270 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13509, 09:40:51: SilverBack froze [SB] Electro Wizard - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13509, 09:41:34: Screpzy froze [SC] Goku Black - Lvl 270 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13509, 16:32:03: Screpzy froze [SC] Goku Black - Lvl 270 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13509, 16:34:34: SilverBack froze [SB] Electro Wizard - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13510, 14:55:10: SilverBack froze [SB] Electro Wizard - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13518, 05:56:18: Andy froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 293 (Tek Raptor) Day 13518, 05:58:37: Andy froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 301 (Tek Raptor) Day 13518, 06:18:29: Andy unclaimed 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 293 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 13518, 06:23:36: Andy unclaimed 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 301 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 13518, 06:42:59: Andy claimed 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 301 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 13518, 06:43:14: Andy claimed 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 293 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 13518, 08:12:58: Andy demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 13518, 08:51:26: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 13518, 09:00:49: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 13518, 09:07:32: Your 'Wood Floor' was destroyed! Day 13518, 09:07:51: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was destroyed! Day 13518, 09:07:51: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was destroyed! Day 13518, 09:08:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was destroyed! Day 13519, 09:53:43: Screpzy downloaded a dino: [SC] Goku Black - Lvl 282 Day 13519, 09:57:58: Screpzy froze [SC] Goku Black - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13519, 12:45:27: Andy froze [SC] Steven - Lvl 223 (Sarco) Day 13519, 13:05:51: Screpzy froze Gacha - Lvl 210 (Gacha) Day 13519, 16:34:07: Andy froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 294 (Tek Raptor) Day 13519, 16:35:58: Andy froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 301 (Tek Raptor) Day 13519, 16:55:05: Andy froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 294 (Tek Raptor) Day 13519, 16:56:34: Andy froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 301 (Tek Raptor) Day 13519, 18:04:22: Screpzy froze [SC] Iceberg - Lvl 149 (Snow Owl) Day 13521, 06:02:35: Screpzy downloaded a dino: [SC] Iceberg - Lvl 150 Day 13521, 06:03:05: Screpzy downloaded a dino: Bulbdog - Lvl 246 Day 13521, 06:06:40: Screpzy froze Bulbdog - Lvl 246 (Bulbdog) Day 13521, 10:57:53: SilverBack claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 165 (Rock Drake)'! Day 13521, 11:04:36: SilverBack froze Baby [SB] Sylvester - Lvl 165 (Rock Drake) Day 13521, 12:38:16: Screpzy claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 165 (Rock Drake)'! Day 13521, 12:42:30: Screpzy froze Baby [SC] Dwane - Lvl 165 (Rock Drake) Day 13522, 00:20:40: SilverBack froze Juvenile [SC] Dwane - Lvl 165 (Rock Drake) Day 13522, 03:25:55: SilverBack froze [SB] Titanic Killer - Lvl 137 (Snow Owl) Day 13522, 12:19:24: SilverBack froze Adolescent [SB] Sylvester - Lvl 165 (Rock Drake) Day 13522, 16:15:08: SilverBack claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 186 (Rex)'! Day 13522, 16:19:03: SilverBack froze Baby [SB] - Lvl 186 (Rex) Day 13522, 18:44:26: Tribemember SilverBack - Lvl 117 was killed by a GachaClaus - Lvl 145! Day 13523, 00:07:53: SilverBack froze Baby [SB] Pinky - Lvl 186 (Rex) Day 13523, 08:06:43: SilverBack froze [SC] Bonesy - Lvl 192 (Stegosaurus) Day 13523, 11:10:24: Tribemember Screpzy - Lvl 123 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 55! Day 13523, 11:18:46: Your [SC] Snappy - Lvl 232 (Sarco) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 150! Day 13523, 21:31:42: SilverBack froze Juvenile [SB] Pinky - Lvl 186 (Rex) Day 13524, 03:30:27: SilverBack froze Juvenile [SB] Pinky - Lvl 186 (Rex) Day 13524, 07:02:04: SilverBack froze Juvenile [SB] Pinky - Lvl 186 (Rex) Day 13563, 08:04:53: Your RockSmasher - Lvl 168 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 50! Day 13581, 09:31:04: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 143 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 13593, 07:28:03: Screpzy froze Juvenile [SB] Pinky - Lvl 186 (Rex) Day 13602, 07:12:26: Screpzy claimed 'Megaloceros - Lvl 217 (Megaloceros)'! Day 13602, 07:13:04: Screpzy claimed 'Megaloceros - Lvl 217 (Megaloceros)'! Day 13602, 07:28:46: Screpzy claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 168 (Argentavis)'! Day 13602, 19:43:17: Screpzy froze [SC] Hooters - Lvl 343 (Snow Owl) Day 13604, 05:50:31: Screpzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13604, 05:52:15: Screpzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13604, 05:55:41: Screpzy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13604, 06:02:11: Screpzy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13604, 07:24:41: Screpzy claimed 'Mek - Lvl 51 (Mek)'! Day 13604, 07:46:33: Screpzy unclaimed 'Mek - Lvl 51 (Mek)'! Day 13604, 08:08:45: Screpzy claimed 'Mek - Lvl 51 (Mek)'! Day 13604, 08:18:32: Screpzy froze Mek - Lvl 51 (Mek) Day 13604, 08:50:35: Screpzy froze Mek - Lvl 51 (Mek) Day 13604, 09:25:37: Screpzy froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13604, 09:27:25: Screpzy froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13604, 10:03:17: Screpzy froze [SC] Bionic - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 13604, 13:47:34: Screpzy claimed '6 gen - Lvl 218 (Aberrant Megalosaurus)'! Day 13604, 13:49:05: Screpzy unclaimed '6 gen - Lvl 218 (Aberrant Megalosaurus)'! Day 13604, 17:42:22: Screpzy froze [SC] Flappy Bird - Lvl 284 (Argentavis) Day 13607, 10:00:19: Screpzy froze Mawnin' Wood Collector - Lvl 334 (Castoroides) Day 13607, 10:05:44: Screpzy froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 252 (Bloodstalker) Day 13607, 12:35:15: Screpzy froze Ravager - Lvl 312 (Ravager) Day 13607, 12:41:50: Screpzy froze [SC] Fluffy - Lvl 240 (Yutyrannus) Day 13612, 20:45:20: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13615, 19:41:19: Screpzy froze [SC] Ratchet - Lvl 51 (Mek) Day 13615, 20:10:06: Screpzy froze Doedicurus - Lvl 215 (Doedicurus) Day 13615, 22:58:57: Screpzy claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13616, 03:47:38: Screpzy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13616, 03:56:21: Screpzy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex) Day 13616, 05:15:09: Screpzy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex) Day 13616, 12:26:18: Screpzy froze [SC] Pigieotto - Lvl 284 (Argentavis) Day 13618, 18:16:47: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13618, 18:16:47: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13618, 18:16:47: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13618, 18:16:47: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 13618, 18:16:47: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13618, 18:16:47: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13619, 01:06:13: Screpzy froze [SC] Ratchet - Lvl 51 (Mek) Day 13621, 18:50:08: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 139 (Ankylosaurus) was killed! Day 13630, 08:51:52: Screpzy froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13630, 08:59:08: Screpzy froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13630, 09:04:07: Screpzy froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13630, 09:09:17: Screpzy froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13630, 13:13:46: Screpzy froze [SC] Fluffy - Lvl 265 (Yutyrannus) Day 13630, 13:49:01: Screpzy froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13630, 13:50:30: Screpzy froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13630, 13:52:22: Screpzy froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13630, 13:55:12: Screpzy froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13630, 15:31:17: Screpzy froze Megaloceros - Lvl 256 (Megaloceros) Day 13630, 15:34:17: Screpzy froze Megaloceros - Lvl 255 (Megaloceros) Day 13630, 18:50:12: Tribemember Screpzy - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 13630, 20:12:51: Screpzy froze Megaloceros - Lvl 255 (Megaloceros) Day 13630, 20:15:22: Screpzy froze Megaloceros - Lvl 256 (Megaloceros) Day 13630, 20:17:27: Screpzy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 365 (Snow Owl) Day 13630, 20:46:19: Screpzy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13630, 20:53:57: Screpzy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13630, 21:02:24: Screpzy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13630, 21:09:59: Screpzy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13632, 06:35:53: Screpzy froze [SC] Male breeding - Lvl 54 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13632, 06:38:05: Screpzy froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 33 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13632, 06:40:26: Screpzy froze {K.W} Oceon - Lvl 51 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13632, 06:47:35: Screpzy froze [SC] StinkyPinky - Lvl 64 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13632, 06:50:00: Screpzy froze [SC] Leafy - Lvl 63 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13632, 08:55:00: Screpzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13632, 08:57:04: Screpzy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13632, 09:14:13: Screpzy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13632, 09:41:31: Screpzy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13632, 10:00:14: Screpzy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13632, 10:01:57: Screpzy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13632, 10:07:24: Screpzy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13632, 10:09:42: Screpzy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13632, 10:12:42: Screpzy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13632, 12:09:23: Screpzy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13632, 12:12:06: Screpzy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13632, 12:44:52: Screpzy froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13632, 14:08:05: Screpzy froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13632, 18:27:11: Screpzy froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13632, 21:10:55: Screpzy froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13633, 06:05:12: Screpzy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13633, 07:02:53: Screpzy claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13634, 15:03:52: Screpzy froze [SC] Fluffy - Lvl 266 (Yutyrannus) Day 13634, 15:26:00: Screpzy froze [SC] Fluffy - Lvl 266 (Yutyrannus) Day 13634, 16:47:27: Screpzy claimed 'Basilisk - Lvl 67 (Basilisk)'! Day 13634, 16:53:38: Screpzy froze Basilisk - Lvl 75 (Basilisk) Day 13644, 14:51:45: Screpzy froze [SBSC] Magna - Lvl 183 (Magmasaur) Day 13644, 16:09:09: Screpzy froze [SC] Felicia - Lvl 280 (Therizinosaur) Day 13644, 16:14:04: Screpzy froze [TRIBE] Spiky - Lvl 274 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13645, 23:08:01: Screpzy froze Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha) Day 13645, 23:19:02: Screpzy froze Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 13645, 23:23:41: Screpzy froze Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 13646, 02:11:32: Screpzy froze Snow owl - Lvl 365 (Snow Owl) Day 13657, 16:41:23: Screpzy froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 253 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13657, 16:45:44: Screpzy froze [SC] - Lvl 257 (Megaloceros) Day 13660, 09:41:56: Screpzy claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13660, 11:39:27: Screpzy froze [TRIBE] Spiky - Lvl 274 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13660, 13:00:19: Screpzy froze [TRIBE] Spiky - Lvl 275 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13663, 16:01:57: Screpzy froze [TRIBE] Spiky - Lvl 276 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13671, 08:23:38: Andy demolished a 'EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (Bed)'! Day 13671, 09:30:31: Andy demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 13671, 11:27:22: Your [SC] Iceberg - Lvl 150 (Snow Owl) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 11:27:22: Your Tribe killed [SC] Iceberg - Lvl 150 (Snow Owl) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 11:30:17: Your [SC] Steven - Lvl 223 (Sarco) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 11:30:17: Your Tribe killed [SC] Steven - Lvl 223 (Sarco) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 11:31:14: Your Woody - Lvl 239 (Castoroides) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 11:31:14: Your Tribe killed Woody - Lvl 239 (Castoroides) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 11:31:32: Your Doedicurus - Lvl 100 (Doedicurus) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 11:31:32: Your Tribe killed Doedicurus - Lvl 100 (Doedicurus) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 11:32:30: Your Doedicurus - Lvl 215 (Doedicurus) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 11:32:30: Your Tribe killed Doedicurus - Lvl 215 (Doedicurus) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 11:37:38: Your HAWKEYE - Lvl 182 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 11:37:38: Your Tribe killed HAWKEYE - Lvl 182 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 12:09:24: Your [SC] Health Owl - Lvl 366 (Snow Owl) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 12:09:24: Your Tribe killed [SC] Health Owl - Lvl 366 (Snow Owl) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 12:50:17: Your Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 12:50:17: Your Tribe killed Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 12:51:53: Your [SB] Arnold - Lvl 265 (Argentavis) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 12:51:53: Your Tribe killed [SB] Arnold - Lvl 265 (Argentavis) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:03:19: Your 6 gen - Lvl 353 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:03:19: Your Tribe killed 6 gen - Lvl 353 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:03:23: Your 5gen - Lvl 351 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:03:23: Your Tribe killed 5gen - Lvl 351 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:06:18: Your [SC] Pigieotto - Lvl 284 (Argentavis) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:06:18: Your Tribe killed [SC] Pigieotto - Lvl 284 (Argentavis) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:14:16: Your [SB] Thylo - Lvl 186 (Thylacoleo) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 13671, 13:14:49: Your Poison Wyvern - Lvl 71 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:14:49: Your Tribe killed Poison Wyvern - Lvl 71 (Poison Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:19:18: Your Basilisk - Lvl 76 (Basilisk) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:19:18: Your Tribe killed Basilisk - Lvl 76 (Basilisk) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:22:06: Your [SB] Billy - Lvl 258 (Bulbdog) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:22:06: Your Tribe killed [SB] Billy - Lvl 258 (Bulbdog) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:25:14: Your Mawnin' Wood Collector - Lvl 335 (Castoroides) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:25:14: Your Tribe killed Mawnin' Wood Collector - Lvl 335 (Castoroides) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:27:38: Your [SC] RoboRaptor - Lvl 306 (Tek Raptor) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:27:38: Your Tribe killed [SC] RoboRaptor - Lvl 306 (Tek Raptor) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:29:31: Your [SC[ Tyra - Lvl 178 (Gigantopithecus) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:29:31: Your Tribe killed [SC[ Tyra - Lvl 178 (Gigantopithecus) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:34:14: Your [SC] Chomper - Lvl 167 (Carnotaurus) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:34:14: Your Tribe killed [SC] Chomper - Lvl 167 (Carnotaurus) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:34:39: Your [SC] Minni - Lvl 195 (Microraptor) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:34:39: Your Tribe killed [SC] Minni - Lvl 195 (Microraptor) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:34:41: Your [SC] Spoodermon - Lvl 259 (Bloodstalker) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:34:41: Your Tribe killed [SC] Spoodermon - Lvl 259 (Bloodstalker) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:34:55: Your [SC] Frederick - Lvl 239 (Beelzebufo) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:34:55: Your Tribe killed [SC] Frederick - Lvl 239 (Beelzebufo) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:37:11: Your Gacha - Lvl 249 (Gacha) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 13:37:11: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 249 (Gacha) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 14:00:53: Your [SC] Fluffy - Lvl 267 (Yutyrannus) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 262 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 14:00:53: Your Tribe killed [SC] Fluffy - Lvl 267 (Yutyrannus) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 14:03:50: Your [SC] Rolex - Lvl 215 (Doedicurus) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 262 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 14:03:50: Your Tribe killed [SC] Rolex - Lvl 215 (Doedicurus) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 14:04:53: Your Doedicurus - Lvl 201 (Doedicurus) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 262 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 14:04:53: Your Tribe killed Doedicurus - Lvl 201 (Doedicurus) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 14:13:00: Your [SC] Goku Black - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Bagin's - Lvl 262 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 14:13:00: Your Tribe killed [SC] Goku Black - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of Bagins1)! Day 13671, 14:17:18: Andy demolished a 'Skins (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 13671, 14:19:02: Andy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13671, 14:19:36: Andy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13671, 14:20:06: Andy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13671, 14:20:49: Andy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13671, 14:21:29: Andy demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13671, 14:22:00: Andy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13671, 14:22:38: Andy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13671, 14:23:21: Andy demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13671, 14:24:12: Andy demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13671, 14:27:25: Andy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13671, 14:28:19: Andy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13671, 14:29:02: Andy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13671, 14:31:14: Andy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13671, 14:31:40: Andy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13671, 14:32:36: Andy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13671, 14:33:01: Andy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13671, 14:33:29: Andy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13671, 14:33:58: Andy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13671, 14:36:42: Andy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13671, 14:37:19: Andy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13671, 14:40:47: Screpzy was removed from the Tribe by Andy! Day 13671, 14:41:05: SilverBack was removed from the Tribe by Andy! Day 13671, 14:42:03: gazza was removed from the Tribe by Andy! Day 13672, 07:14:28: Scully84 was added to the Tribe! Day 13672, 07:59:12: Andy was removed from the Tribe by Scully84! Day 13672, 11:10:37: Scully84 was removed from the Tribe! Day 13673, 13:46:52: Screpzy was added to the Tribe by Scully84! Day 13673, 14:03:50: Scully84 was removed from the Tribe! Day 13673, 14:34:45: Screpzy froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13673, 14:55:31: Screpzy froze Jet - Lvl 349 (Pteranodon) Day 13673, 14:57:23: Screpzy froze [SB] Titanic Killer - Lvl 137 (Snow Owl) Day 13673, 15:00:57: Screpzy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 128 (Pteranodon) Day 13673, 15:03:03: Screpzy froze [SC] Sandstorm - Lvl 280 (Pteranodon) Day 13673, 15:04:59: Screpzy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 122 (Pteranodon) Day 13673, 15:10:32: Screpzy froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 232 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13673, 16:12:21: Screpzy froze Gacha - Lvl 206 (Gacha) Day 13673, 16:14:13: Screpzy froze Rex - Lvl 264 (Rex) Day 13673, 16:16:00: Screpzy froze Rex - Lvl 161 (Rex) Day 13673, 16:18:02: Screpzy froze Gacha - Lvl 186 (Gacha) Day 13673, 16:22:16: Screpzy froze Gacha - Lvl 220 (Gacha) Day 13673, 16:24:25: Screpzy froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 70 (Brontosaurus) Day 13673, 16:27:13: Screpzy froze Rex - Lvl 257 (Rex) Day 13673, 16:29:39: Screpzy froze Managarmr - Lvl 368 (Managarmr) Day 13673, 16:36:41: Screpzy froze Smaug - Lvl 147 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13673, 16:43:46: Screpzy froze Odin - Lvl 328 (Snow Owl) Day 13673, 16:48:57: Screpzy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 203 (Snow Owl) Day 13673, 16:50:52: Screpzy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 274 (Snow Owl) Day 13674, 07:06:40: Screpzy froze Gon - Lvl 172 (Pteranodon) Day 13674, 07:09:05: Screpzy froze [SB] Poison Ivy - Lvl 105 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13674, 07:14:21: Screpzy froze [SB] Blazer - Lvl 224 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13674, 07:19:05: Screpzy froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 118 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13674, 07:57:34: Screpzy froze [SC] Bionic - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 13674, 08:21:33: Screpzy froze [SC] Goku Black - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13674, 08:23:33: Screpzy froze [SC] StinkyPinky - Lvl 80 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13674, 08:25:35: Screpzy froze Triceratops - Lvl 138 (Triceratops) Day 13674, 08:27:31: Screpzy froze [SB] Electro Wizard - Lvl 254 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13674, 08:29:56: Screpzy froze Bagin's - Lvl 263 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13674, 09:52:15: Your Sarco - Lvl 147 (Sarco) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 20! Day 13675, 16:58:42: Your [SC] Bonesy - Lvl 194 (Stegosaurus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 150! Day 13675, 17:10:15: Your [SB] Bonkers - Lvl 143 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 13675, 19:31:31: Your [SC] Sassy Sally - Lvl 238 (Sarco) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 150! Day 13686, 09:19:01: Screpzy froze Odin - Lvl 328 (Snow Owl) Day 13686, 11:31:02: Screpzy froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 369 (Basilosaurus) Day 13688, 01:51:07: Your Gon - Lvl 172 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 85! Day 13688, 06:31:12: Screpzy claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13688, 06:33:25: Screpzy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 13688, 06:41:54: Screpzy claimed 'no4 - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13688, 06:50:11: Screpzy froze no4 - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 13688, 06:52:45: Screpzy unclaimed 'no4 - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13688, 07:22:39: Screpzy claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13688, 07:26:30: Screpzy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 13689, 19:55:42: Screpzy froze [SC] Hooters - Lvl 346 (Snow Owl) Day 13689, 20:11:29: Screpzy froze [SC] Hooters - Lvl 346 (Snow Owl) Day 13689, 21:02:45: Screpzy froze [SC] Hooters - Lvl 346 (Snow Owl) Day 13690, 05:24:45: Your Tek Raptor - Lvl 301 (Tek Raptor) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 13693, 13:41:17: Muzzy - Lvl 138 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 13700, 16:13:45: Screpzy froze [SC] Felicia - Lvl 283 (Therizinosaur) Day 13700, 16:57:24: Your Tribe Tamed a Megaloceros - Lvl 201 (Megaloceros)! Day 13700, 17:36:18: Screpzy froze Megaloceros - Lvl 201 (Megaloceros) Day 13700, 18:45:17: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 149 (Carnotaurus)! Day 13700, 19:00:20: Screpzy froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 149 (Carnotaurus) Day 13700, 21:14:11: Your Tribe Tamed a Paraceratherium - Lvl 149 (Paraceratherium)! Day 13700, 21:29:47: Screpzy froze Paraceratherium - Lvl 149 (Paraceratherium) Day 13700, 21:38:41: Screpzy froze [SC] Felicia - Lvl 283 (Therizinosaur) Day 13701, 00:00:41: For the - Lvl 109 (Rex) starved to death! Day 13701, 20:22:59: Screpzy unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 270 (Rex)'! Day 13702, 09:34:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 209 (Direwolf)! Day 13702, 09:49:50: Screpzy froze Direwolf - Lvl 209 (Direwolf) Day 13704, 10:38:11: Screpzy claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13704, 10:43:28: Screpzy froze Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon) Day 13704, 10:57:06: Screpzy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 220 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13704, 11:00:32: Screpzy froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 220 (Snow Owl) Day 13704, 11:22:08: Screpzy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13704, 11:26:07: Screpzy claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 13704, 11:28:19: Screpzy froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Ice Wyvern) Day 13704, 14:17:27: Screpzy froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 13704, 19:42:20: Screpzy froze Ravager - Lvl 314 (Ravager) Day 13713, 15:06:50: Screpzy Tamed a Kairuku - Lvl 37 (Kairuku)! Day 13713, 15:11:21: Your Kairuku - Lvl 37 (Kairuku) was killed by a Mammoth - Lvl 45! Day 13715, 10:43:47: Screpzy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 236 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13715, 11:02:33: Screpzy froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 236 (Snow Owl) Day 13715, 14:01:00: Screpzy froze [SC] Hooters - Lvl 350 (Snow Owl) Day 13718, 00:10:59: Screpzy froze [SBSC] Magna - Lvl 187 (Magmasaur) Day 13718, 02:48:08: Screpzy froze [SBSC] Magna - Lvl 187 (Magmasaur) Day 13718, 06:27:46: Screpzy - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with kokow tribe Tribe. Day 13718, 06:30:31: Screpzy - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with kokow tribe Tribe. Day 13718, 06:35:46: Screpzy - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with kokow tribe Tribe. Day 13718, 06:36:41: Screpzy added 'kokow tribe' Tribe to Boss Killers Alliance! Day 13718, 07:34:27: Screpzy was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1188970568,"tribe":"Tribe of the toxic mat logs":["Day 40620, 08:41:59: the toxic mat was added to the Tribe! Day 41433, 19:13:10: Tribemember the toxic mat - Lvl 6 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100!"] "tribeid":1188256142,"tribe":"The Old Gits logs":["Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24318, 21:29:07: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24318, 21:29:07: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24318, 21:29:07: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24427, 14:33:32: Daz froze Hurculize - Lvl 487 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24428, 06:46:29: Daz froze Hurculize - Lvl 487 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24732, 04:05:37: Daz froze Hurculize - Lvl 487 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24989, 04:27:37: Daz froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 217 (Rock Elemental) Day 24989, 04:51:00: Daz froze Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 24989, 08:33:30: Daz froze Phoenix - Lvl 210 (Phoenix) Day 24989, 08:57:21: Daz froze Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 24989, 09:02:06: Daz froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 217 (Rock Elemental) Day 24989, 11:09:28: Daz froze 178 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 296 (Desmodus) Day 24990, 14:13:30: dia froze Phoenix - Lvl 210 (Phoenix) Day 24990, 14:28:52: dia froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 217 (Rock Elemental) Day 24990, 14:32:03: dia froze Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 24990, 14:52:15: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 499 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24995, 03:26:41: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 499 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25018, 15:37:49: Daz Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 217 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 25018, 15:47:54: Daz froze Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 217 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 25018, 16:09:05: Daz froze Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 217 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 25018, 16:47:50: Daz froze Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 217 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 25018, 17:11:21: Daz froze 178 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 296 (Desmodus) Day 25018, 17:48:32: Daz froze Hurculize - Lvl 487 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25327, 08:11:43: Daz froze Hurculize - Lvl 487 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25585, 10:25:38: Daz froze Daz - Lvl 233 (Griffin) Day 25585, 10:30:23: Daz froze Daz - Lvl 360 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 25585, 11:12:28: Daz froze Hurculize - Lvl 487 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25602, 17:02:13: dia demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 25602, 17:03:23: dia demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 25602, 17:17:21: dia demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 25602, 17:18:27: dia demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 25602, 22:51:11: dia froze Dia - Lvl 224 (Griffin) Day 25602, 23:19:39: dia froze Dia - Lvl 360 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 25603, 00:45:17: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 499 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25823, 05:26:17: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 499 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25823, 09:51:41: dia froze Flabbergast - Lvl 378 (Desmodus) Day 25823, 10:01:28: Daz froze 264 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 372 (Desmodus) Day 25823, 11:55:26: Daz froze 264 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 372 (Desmodus) Day 25823, 13:14:02: dia froze Ghost1 - Lvl 421 (R-Velonasaur) Day 25823, 13:14:14: Daz froze 267 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 421 (R-Velonasaur) Day 25823, 14:43:53: dia froze Flabbergast - Lvl 378 (Desmodus) Day 25823, 15:04:45: Daz froze 264 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 372 (Desmodus) Day 25823, 19:27:07: Daz froze 264 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 372 (Desmodus) Day 25823, 19:37:29: dia froze Siddely 198 - Lvl 266 (Fjordhawk) Day 25823, 19:51:21: Daz froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 177 (Fjordhawk) Day 25823, 20:16:46: dia froze Flabbergast - Lvl 379 (Desmodus) Day 25986, 02:10:39: dia froze Glenda Greene - Lvl 416 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 25986, 02:21:12: Tribe of Ugg tribe was merged in by Ugg! Day 25986, 02:21:12: Ugg was added to the Tribe by dia! Day 25986, 02:28:23: Ugg was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Daz! Day 25986, 18:32:00: dia froze Glenda Greene - Lvl 416 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 25987, 02:58:15: Daz froze 285 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 439 (Thylacoleo) Day 25987, 03:04:38: Daz froze 285 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 439 (Thylacoleo) Day 25987, 03:10:13: Daz froze 285 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 439 (Thylacoleo) Day 25987, 03:14:22: Daz Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle)! Day 25987, 03:25:20: Daz froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle) Day 25987, 03:42:23: Daz froze 285 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 439 (Thylacoleo) Day 25987, 03:48:34: Daz froze 285 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 439 (Thylacoleo) Day 25987, 04:59:21: Daz Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 217 (Dung Beetle)! Day 25987, 05:08:21: Daz froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 217 (Dung Beetle) Day 25987, 05:27:58: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 495 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25987, 05:36:42: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 499 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25987, 05:44:03: Ugg froze Mags - Lvl 383 (Argentavis) Day 25987, 06:18:17: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 390 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 25987, 06:27:20: Ugg froze Mittens - Lvl 320 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 25987, 07:01:04: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 390 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 25987, 07:44:38: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 495 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25987, 08:08:26: Daz froze 225 Chomper [Daz] #6 - Lvl 330 (R-Reaper King) Day 25987, 10:49:31: dia froze Grum - Lvl 384 (Otter) Day 25987, 10:50:05: Daz froze StrongDog - Lvl 394 (Bulbdog) Day 25987, 13:21:08: dia froze Baboon 5 - Lvl 419 (Dinopithecus) Day 25987, 15:28:33: dia froze Flabbergast - Lvl 381 (Desmodus) Day 25987, 15:36:50: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 391 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 25987, 17:02:09: Daz froze 290 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 423 (Terror Bird) Day 25987, 18:20:28: Daz froze 290 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 423 (Terror Bird) Day 25987, 18:20:31: dia froze Flabbergast - Lvl 381 (Desmodus) Day 25987, 18:23:23: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 391 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 25987, 19:43:05: dia froze meanmahboy - Lvl 467 (Thylacoleo) Day 25987, 19:46:49: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 391 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 25987, 20:09:10: Daz froze 290 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 423 (Terror Bird) Day 25987, 21:50:26: Ugg froze Cyanotosaurus - Lvl 473 (Giganotosaurus) Day 25987, 23:26:47: Daz Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 134 (Dung Beetle)! Day 25987, 23:37:58: Daz froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 134 (Dung Beetle) Day 25988, 00:08:04: Daz froze 290 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 423 (Terror Bird) Day 25988, 02:19:05: Daz froze 290 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 423 (Terror Bird) Day 25988, 04:13:46: dia froze meanmahboy - Lvl 467 (Thylacoleo) Day 25988, 04:31:34: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 393 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 25988, 05:39:28: Daz froze StrongDog - Lvl 394 (Bulbdog) Day 25988, 06:59:51: Daz froze 290 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 423 (Terror Bird) Day 25988, 08:22:00: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 393 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 25988, 08:36:42: dia froze meanmahboy - Lvl 467 (Thylacoleo) Day 25988, 11:05:46: dia froze meanmahboy - Lvl 467 (Thylacoleo) Day 25988, 11:46:56: dia froze meanmahboy - Lvl 467 (Thylacoleo) Day 25988, 11:50:30: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 393 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 25988, 11:59:26: Your Dung Beetle - Lvl 134 (Dung Beetle) was killed! Day 25988, 13:10:35: Tribemember Ugg - Lvl 181 was killed! Day 25988, 14:03:41: dia froze meanmahboy - Lvl 467 (Thylacoleo) Day 25988, 14:03:43: Daz froze 290 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 423 (Terror Bird) Day 25988, 15:04:36: dia froze meanmahboy - Lvl 467 (Thylacoleo) Day 25988, 15:11:41: Daz froze 290 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 423 (Terror Bird) Day 25988, 16:57:40: Daz froze StrongDog - Lvl 394 (Bulbdog) Day 25988, 19:56:34: Daz froze 225 Chomper [Daz] #6 - Lvl 330 (R-Reaper King) Day 25988, 23:27:11: Ugg froze whiplash - Lvl 380 (R-Reaper King) Day 25989, 05:34:17: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 495 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25989, 06:38:30: Ugg froze Mags - Lvl 383 (Argentavis) Day 25989, 09:05:24: Daz froze 243 Heavy Haulage [Daz] - Lvl 397 (Argentavis) Day 25989, 09:25:13: Daz froze Blacky [Daz] - Lvl 417 (Otter) Day 25989, 11:20:12: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 499 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25989, 12:51:46: dia froze Grum - Lvl 384 (Otter) Day 25989, 14:30:59: Ugg froze Mags - Lvl 383 (Argentavis) Day 25989, 14:38:00: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 332 (Fjordhawk) Day 25990, 04:44:12: dia froze Glenda Greene - Lvl 416 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 25991, 15:25:55: dia froze Glenda Greene - Lvl 416 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 25992, 05:09:03: dia froze Glenda Greene - Lvl 416 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 25993, 04:05:17: dia froze Grum - Lvl 384 (Otter) Day 26016, 03:39:48: Daz froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 26083, 11:51:39: Daz froze 275 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 414 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 26083, 12:39:55: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 495 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26083, 17:46:43: Daz froze 263 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 414 (Dinopithecus) Day 26084, 12:38:04: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 358 (Desmodus) Day 26084, 13:03:34: dia froze Grum - Lvl 384 (Otter) Day 26130, 17:37:52: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26147, 23:00:07: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 495 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26148, 06:15:51: Daz froze 242 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 436 (Daeodon) Day 26148, 06:30:33: Daz froze 263 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 414 (Dinopithecus) Day 26148, 06:35:36: Daz froze 263 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 414 (Dinopithecus) Day 26148, 06:40:26: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 495 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26148, 07:45:56: Daz Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 67 (Dung Beetle)! Day 26148, 07:50:42: Daz froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 67 (Dung Beetle) Day 26148, 08:45:34: Daz Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle)! Day 26148, 08:50:34: Daz froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle) Day 26148, 09:26:22: Daz froze 285 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 476 (Thylacoleo) Day 26148, 10:00:52: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 495 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26148, 11:08:15: Daz froze 209 Rocky - Lvl 412 (Rock Elemental) Day 26148, 11:14:03: Daz froze Boss#15 - Lvl 447 (Mammoth) Day 26148, 11:18:52: Daz froze Imp [Daz] - Lvl 481 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 26148, 11:23:11: Daz froze Boss#17 - Lvl 359 (Mammoth) Day 26148, 11:27:39: Daz froze 290 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 423 (Terror Bird) Day 26148, 11:31:57: Daz froze 210 Stinky Pinky [Daz] - Lvl 345 (Andrewsarchus) Day 26148, 11:37:40: Daz froze 317 H43 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 434 (Mantis) Day 26148, 11:42:30: Daz froze 267 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 421 (R-Velonasaur) Day 26148, 11:46:53: Daz froze 300 Boss #8 [Daz] - Lvl 455 (Shadowmane) Day 26148, 11:52:22: Daz froze Incey III [Daz] - Lvl 390 (Bloodstalker) Day 26148, 11:58:04: Daz froze 251 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 251 (Sinomacrops) Day 26149, 19:17:53: Daz froze Imp [Daz] - Lvl 481 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 26150, 08:54:53: Daz froze 290 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 423 (Terror Bird) Day 26150, 09:40:00: Daz froze 285 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 476 (Thylacoleo) Day 26150, 10:30:18: Daz froze 225 Chomper [Daz] #6 - Lvl 330 (R-Reaper King) Day 26150, 10:35:17: Daz froze 285 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 476 (Thylacoleo) Day 26150, 15:00:58: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 495 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26150, 15:09:09: Daz froze StrongDog - Lvl 394 (Bulbdog) Day 26213, 23:33:43: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 333 (Fjordhawk) Day 26249, 13:11:27: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26249, 15:16:48: Ugg Tamed a Terror Bird - Lvl 74 (Terror Bird)! Day 26249, 15:34:25: Ugg froze Terror Bird - Lvl 74 (Terror Bird) Day 26249, 16:22:46: Ugg Tamed a Terror Bird - Lvl 127 (Terror Bird)! Day 26249, 16:26:28: Ugg froze Terror Bird - Lvl 127 (Terror Bird) Day 26249, 18:18:12: Ugg froze Mutant X - Lvl 365 (Desmodus) Day 26249, 19:28:23: Ugg claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 26249, 19:38:20: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 26249, 23:27:58: Ugg froze Mutant X - Lvl 365 (Desmodus) Day 26249, 23:32:26: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26269, 04:29:09: Daz froze 209 Rocky - Lvl 412 (Rock Elemental) Day 26269, 14:47:01: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 499 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26269, 15:11:16: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 499 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26286, 20:52:51: Ugg Tamed a Terror Bird - Lvl 67 (Terror Bird)! Day 26286, 20:55:14: Ugg Tamed a Terror Bird - Lvl 74 (Terror Bird)! Day 26286, 20:58:37: Ugg Tamed a Terror Bird - Lvl 29 (Terror Bird)! Day 26286, 20:59:00: Ugg froze Terror Bird - Lvl 67 (Terror Bird) Day 26286, 21:03:09: Ugg Tamed a Terror Bird - Lvl 22 (Terror Bird)! Day 26286, 21:08:49: Ugg froze Terror Bird - Lvl 74 (Terror Bird) Day 26286, 21:15:00: Ugg froze Terror Bird - Lvl 67 (Terror Bird) Day 26286, 21:21:20: Ugg froze Terror Bird - Lvl 22 (Terror Bird) Day 26286, 21:25:46: Ugg froze Terror Bird - Lvl 29 (Terror Bird) Day 26287, 07:37:50: Your Terror Bird - Lvl 22 (Terror Bird) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 26287, 07:40:17: Your Terror Bird - Lvl 29 (Terror Bird) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 26287, 07:41:39: Your Terror Bird - Lvl 74 (Terror Bird) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 26287, 07:45:17: Your Terror Bird - Lvl 67 (Terror Bird) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 26287, 11:24:05: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26340, 01:22:17: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26340, 04:45:38: Ugg froze Fraggle Rock - Lvl 339 (Rock Elemental) Day 26342, 04:16:09: Ugg froze whiplash - Lvl 380 (R-Reaper King) Day 26342, 04:24:48: Ugg froze Her - Lvl 538 (Tek Rex) Day 26342, 04:36:09: Ugg froze Him - Lvl 539 (Tek Rex) Day 26342, 08:42:51: Ugg claimed 'Zombie Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 26342, 08:57:40: Ugg froze Zombie Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 26342, 13:03:36: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26342, 14:16:20: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26380, 09:20:03: Ugg Tamed a Procoptodon - Lvl 37 (Procoptodon)! Day 26380, 09:26:26: Ugg froze Procoptodon - Lvl 37 (Procoptodon) Day 26380, 14:42:52: Ugg Tamed a Procoptodon - Lvl 127 (Procoptodon)! Day 26380, 14:47:32: Ugg froze Procoptodon - Lvl 127 (Procoptodon) Day 26380, 16:46:36: Ugg Tamed a Procoptodon - Lvl 29 (Procoptodon)! Day 26380, 16:57:08: Ugg froze Procoptodon - Lvl 29 (Procoptodon) Day 26381, 01:13:46: Ugg Tamed a Procoptodon - Lvl 202 (Procoptodon)! Day 26381, 01:19:04: Ugg froze Procoptodon - Lvl 202 (Procoptodon) Day 26381, 05:21:55: Ugg froze Procoptodon - Lvl 37 (Procoptodon) Day 26381, 05:33:49: Ugg froze Procoptodon - Lvl 29 (Procoptodon) Day 26381, 06:17:51: Ugg claimed 'Baby Procoptodon - Lvl 54 (Procoptodon)'! Day 26381, 06:23:31: Ugg froze Baby Procoptodon - Lvl 54 (Procoptodon) Day 26381, 06:35:48: Ugg froze Procoptodon - Lvl 127 (Procoptodon) Day 26381, 06:49:02: Ugg froze Baby Procoptodon - Lvl 54 (Procoptodon) Day 26381, 07:16:06: Ugg claimed 'Baby Procoptodon - Lvl 144 (Procoptodon)'! Day 26381, 07:18:53: Ugg froze Baby Procoptodon - Lvl 144 (Procoptodon) Day 26381, 07:27:38: Ugg froze Procoptodon - Lvl 202 (Procoptodon) Day 26381, 07:31:45: Ugg claimed 'Baby Procoptodon - Lvl 144 (Procoptodon)'! Day 26381, 07:34:28: Ugg froze Baby Procoptodon - Lvl 144 (Procoptodon) Day 26381, 07:42:58: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 335 (Fjordhawk) Day 26381, 07:53:07: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26388, 08:54:39: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26402, 12:20:14: Ugg froze Cyanotosaurus - Lvl 473 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26402, 15:12:49: Ugg Tamed a Terror Bird - Lvl 149 (Terror Bird)! Day 26402, 15:16:02: Ugg froze Terror Bird - Lvl 149 (Terror Bird) Day 26402, 17:22:04: Ugg Tamed a Lymantria - Lvl 209 (Lymantria)! Day 26402, 17:27:22: Ugg froze Lymantria - Lvl 209 (Lymantria) Day 26403, 13:32:30: Ugg Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 202 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 26403, 13:38:57: Ugg froze Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 202 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 26403, 20:04:56: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 457 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26403, 20:10:41: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 335 (Fjordhawk) Day 26445, 15:37:21: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26483, 17:01:02: Ugg froze Cyanotosaurus - Lvl 473 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26483, 17:04:26: Ugg froze 280 5m - Lvl 434 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26483, 17:31:33: Ugg demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 26483, 17:40:07: Ugg demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 26483, 17:42:35: Ugg froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 26483, 17:44:58: Ugg demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 26483, 17:50:35: Ugg demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 26483, 17:53:33: Ugg demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 26584, 00:59:02: dia froze Blueberry - Lvl 451 (Moschops) Day 26584, 03:04:59: dia froze Lucy - Lvl 348 (Bulbdog) Day 26584, 04:38:37: dia Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus)! Day 26584, 04:49:12: dia froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus) Day 26584, 05:22:08: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 500 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26584, 05:38:41: dia froze Grum - Lvl 385 (Otter) Day 26584, 12:01:00: dia froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus) Day 26584, 12:03:51: dia froze ready2 - Lvl 257 (Yutyrannus) Day 26594, 10:50:16: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 457 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26594, 12:21:13: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 336 (Fjordhawk) Day 26640, 17:34:55: Ugg froze General Griff - Lvl 409 (Griffin) Day 26641, 04:25:39: Ugg froze General Griff - Lvl 414 (Griffin) Day 26641, 04:47:17: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 336 (Fjordhawk) Day 26719, 06:29:31: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 457 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26722, 02:20:54: Tribemember Ugg - Lvl 181 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 26722, 15:03:51: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 457 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26722, 15:38:10: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 457 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26722, 17:09:42: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 457 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26743, 23:47:58: dia froze Grum - Lvl 385 (Otter) Day 26744, 08:24:06: dia froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 271 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 26744, 10:21:14: dia froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 272 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 26744, 10:52:02: dia froze Grum - Lvl 385 (Otter) Day 26744, 11:06:29: dia froze Grum - Lvl 385 (Otter) Day 26744, 11:34:18: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 500 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26810, 06:00:10: Ugg froze Batfink - Lvl 364 (Desmodus) Day 26810, 07:20:51: Ugg froze Batfink - Lvl 364 (Desmodus) Day 26810, 16:50:00: Ugg Tamed a Liopleurodon - Lvl 7 (Liopleurodon)! Day 26810, 21:12:20: Ugg - Lvl 181 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Overdrive Tribe. Day 26810, 22:53:51: Raven added 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe to The royal pair Alliance! Day 26811, 03:59:20: Ugg froze 266F - Lvl 400 (R-Velonasaur) Day 26811, 11:40:51: Ugg froze Pinkie and - Lvl 481 (Shadowmane) Day 26811, 18:26:17: Ugg froze Pinkie and - Lvl 481 (Shadowmane) Day 26814, 10:38:36: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 457 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26814, 10:44:13: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 338 (Fjordhawk) Day 26887, 00:43:33: dia froze Gandalf - Lvl 473 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26887, 01:27:21: dia froze Gandalf - Lvl 473 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26887, 02:35:03: dia froze Grum - Lvl 387 (Otter) Day 26887, 02:38:46: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 426 (Snow Owl) Day 26890, 23:03:39: dia froze Windolene - Lvl 411 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 26891, 00:55:21: dia froze Windolene - Lvl 411 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 26891, 03:04:35: dia froze Gandalf - Lvl 473 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26891, 03:15:12: Your Carcha Food - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) was killed by dia - Lvl 186 (Salty Sea Dogs)! Day 26891, 03:15:12: Your Tribe killed Carcha Food - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex)! Day 26891, 05:58:10: dia Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 26891, 06:03:18: dia froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 26891, 06:20:20: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 500 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26891, 08:04:17: dia froze Windolene - Lvl 411 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 26891, 09:54:34: dia froze Grum - Lvl 387 (Otter) Day 26891, 09:57:45: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 426 (Snow Owl) Day 26897, 10:13:10: dia froze Windolene - Lvl 411 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 26897, 10:59:51: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 426 (Snow Owl) Day 26897, 11:03:17: dia froze Grum - Lvl 387 (Otter) Day 26919, 10:45:14: dia froze Windolene - Lvl 411 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 26919, 11:58:33: dia froze Windolene - Lvl 411 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 26919, 12:53:05: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 426 (Snow Owl) Day 26919, 12:56:53: dia froze Grum - Lvl 387 (Otter) Day 27106, 10:55:37: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27160, 19:45:29: Daz froze Dribbler [Daz] - Lvl 345 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 27160, 21:50:50: Daz froze Martha - Lvl 370 (Mantis) Day 27177, 08:01:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27354, 22:37:56: Ugg froze Andy Pandy - Lvl 401 (Basilosaurus) Day 27451, 19:18:33: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 477 (Giganotosaurus) Day 27451, 21:28:26: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex) was killed by dia - Lvl 186 (Salty Sea Dogs)! Day 27451, 21:28:26: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex)! Day 27452, 00:44:48: dia Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 210 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 27452, 00:58:53: dia froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 210 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 27452, 01:32:47: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 426 (Snow Owl) Day 27452, 02:35:04: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 500 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27452, 08:01:12: dia froze Grum - Lvl 388 (Otter) Day 27543, 09:42:04: Ugg froze Andy Pandy - Lvl 401 (Basilosaurus) Day 27543, 11:26:56: Ugg froze B Possitive - Lvl 380 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 27560, 11:28:53: Ugg froze Andy Pandy - Lvl 401 (Basilosaurus) Day 27561, 05:49:29: Ugg demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 27561, 14:24:14: Ugg froze R I P - Lvl 361 (Otter) Day 27561, 14:31:13: Ugg froze Sir Swoopsalot - Lvl 490 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27821, 07:03:46: pipin - Lvl 6 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 27850, 06:54:55: Ugg froze Sir Swoopsalot - Lvl 490 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27980, 13:27:01: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28244, 05:53:18: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 540 (R-Snow Owl) Day 28263, 19:52:22: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28502, 14:31:52: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 546 (R-Snow Owl) Day 29198, 09:07:28: dia froze 45s 41m [Dia] - Lvl 436 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 29198, 11:46:00: dia froze 45s 41m [Dia] - Lvl 436 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 29198, 18:03:50: dia froze 45s 41m [Dia] - Lvl 436 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 29198, 18:40:13: dia froze Gandalf - Lvl 489 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29199, 01:03:13: dia froze 45s 41m [Dia] - Lvl 437 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 29199, 13:31:13: dia froze Grum - Lvl 389 (Otter) Day 29199, 13:34:04: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 428 (Snow Owl) Day 29260, 05:55:55: Daz froze 338 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 489 (Argentavis) Day 29278, 20:51:55: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 547 (R-Snow Owl) Day 29370, 07:16:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29426, 07:31:18: Daz froze 210 Stinky Pinky [Daz] - Lvl 364 (Andrewsarchus) Day 29639, 21:19:23: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 547 (R-Snow Owl) Day 30198, 18:25:03: Daz froze 275 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 421 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 30212, 12:46:29: Ugg froze Mags - Lvl 385 (Argentavis) Day 30494, 20:41:20: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 549 (R-Snow Owl) Day 30537, 13:44:14: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 549 (R-Snow Owl) Day 31403, 15:19:02: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 550 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32317, 21:21:02: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 563 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32531, 14:33:20: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32664, 10:19:47: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 566 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33751, 04:15:49: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 573 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33940, 10:16:51: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 575 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34155, 16:20:51: Daz froze Aberrant Gigantopithecus - Lvl 202 (Aberrant Gigantopithecus) Day 34155, 21:32:16: dia froze -----M Sp26 - Lvl 395 (Dinopithecus) Day 34155, 21:53:28: dia froze Velonasaur - Lvl 456 (Velonasaur) Day 34156, 01:16:22: Daz froze Daz LavCave - Lvl 409 (Dinopithecus) Day 34156, 01:26:46: Daz froze 253 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 456 (Velonasaur) Day 34156, 07:49:14: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 575 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34156, 10:57:16: Daz froze Daz LavCave - Lvl 409 (Dinopithecus) Day 34156, 11:22:08: Daz froze 253 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 456 (Velonasaur) Day 34156, 11:45:21: dia froze -----M Sp26 - Lvl 407 (Dinopithecus) Day 34156, 15:05:20: Tribemember Daz - Lvl 192 was killed! Day 34156, 15:06:04: Your Daz LavCave - Lvl 409 (Dinopithecus) was killed! Day 34156, 18:05:43: Daz froze 291 Speed [Daz] - Lvl 444 (Desmodus) Day 34156, 19:18:26: Daz froze 291 Speed [Daz] - Lvl 444 (Desmodus) Day 34156, 20:36:02: dia froze -----M Sp26 - Lvl 423 (Dinopithecus) Day 34156, 22:28:53: Daz froze 253 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 456 (Velonasaur) Day 34156, 22:32:50: dia froze Velonasaur - Lvl 456 (Velonasaur) Day 34157, 09:47:56: Daz froze 225 Chomper [Daz] #6 [Clone] - Lvl 331 (R-Reaper King) Day 34157, 11:05:04: dia claimed 'Horny - Lvl 179 (Pteranodon)'! Day 34157, 11:21:10: Your Horny - Lvl 179 (Pteranodon) was killed by dia - Lvl 192 (The Old Gits)! Day 34157, 11:21:10: Your Tribe killed Horny - Lvl 179 (Pteranodon) (The Old Gits)! Day 34157, 11:22:31: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 575 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34157, 13:40:43: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 508 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34157, 13:59:24: dia froze Siddely 198 - Lvl 267 (Fjordhawk) Day 34157, 13:59:47: Daz froze aaaaaaaaaaaaaa - Lvl 123 (Fjordhawk) Day 34271, 16:25:27: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 575 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34413, 06:06:26: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 431 (Snow Owl) Day 34413, 06:11:45: dia froze brrrick - Lvl 337 (Otter) Day 34829, 08:38:30: Daz froze Messi - Lvl 141 (Thylacoleo) Day 34829, 09:20:55: Daz froze 263 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 449 (Dinopithecus) Day 35214, 16:25:20: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 581 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35712, 20:49:17: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 583 (R-Snow Owl) Day 36676, 15:44:14: Daz froze 275 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 443 (X-Basilosaurus)"] "tribeid":1188249924,"tribe":"Black Wolf Company logs":["Day 35607, 00:10:48: Brock was added to the Tribe! Day 35607, 00:16:02: Lola was added to the Tribe by Brock! Day 35607, 02:58:10: Brock froze Meatloaf - Lvl 291 (Desmodus) Day 35607, 06:17:18: Brock froze Main Boiii - Lvl 253 (Desmodus) Day 35607, 06:24:05: Brock froze Elijah - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 36059, 18:33:31: Brock froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 204 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36059, 22:50:37: Baboon was added to the Tribe by Brock! Day 36059, 23:45:10: Brock froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 204 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36223, 16:56:56: Tribemember Baboon - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 36223, 17:29:12: Baboon was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1182811318,"tribe":"The Eerie Meanions logs":["Day 32475, 04:55:38: julie demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 32475, 04:57:19: julie demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 32475, 04:58:58: julie demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 32475, 05:00:08: julie demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 32475, 05:02:44: julie demolished a 'Refrigerator (Unlocked) '! Day 32475, 05:04:35: julie demolished a 'Refrigerator (Locked) '! Day 32475, 05:09:43: julie demolished a 'Chemistry Bench (Locked) '! Day 32475, 05:12:02: julie demolished a 'Smithy (Unlocked) '! Day 32475, 05:13:27: julie demolished a 'Smithy (Locked) '! Day 32475, 05:15:24: julie demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 32475, 05:18:37: julie demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 32475, 05:19:36: julie demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 32475, 05:20:28: julie demolished a 'recipes (Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 32475, 05:21:36: julie demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Unlocked) '! Day 32475, 05:22:46: julie demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 32475, 05:23:45: julie demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 32475, 05:24:51: julie demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 32475, 05:26:03: julie demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 32475, 05:27:01: julie demolished a 'saddles (Vault) (Locked) '! Day 32475, 05:28:09: julie demolished a 'Vault (Locked) '! Day 32475, 05:32:41: julie demolished a 'Artifact Pedestal (Locked) '! Day 32475, 05:34:39: julie demolished a 'gear (Vault) (Locked) '! Day 32475, 05:35:39: julie demolished a 'Building Materials (Vault) (Locked) '! Day 32475, 05:38:43: julie demolished a 'Trophys and rare items (Vault) (Locked) '! Day 32475, 05:39:45: julie demolished a 'saddles (Vault) (Locked) '! Day 32475, 05:42:51: julie demolished a 'julie (Vault) (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 32475, 05:43:54: julie demolished a 'AMMO (Vault) (Locked) '! Day 32475, 05:47:47: julie demolished a 'Stone Stairs'! Day 32475, 05:48:57: julie demolished a 'Stone Stairs'! Day 32475, 05:50:12: julie demolished a 'Stone Stairs'! Day 32475, 05:55:21: julie demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 32475, 05:56:39: julie demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 32475, 05:58:18: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 06:04:32: julie demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 32475, 06:09:02: julie demolished a 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate (Locked) '! Day 32475, 06:10:23: julie demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 32475, 06:14:20: julie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 32475, 06:16:27: julie demolished a 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate (Locked) '! Day 32475, 06:18:41: julie demolished a 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate (Locked) '! Day 32475, 06:22:41: julie demolished a 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate (Locked) '! Day 32475, 06:24:00: julie demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 32475, 06:28:38: julie demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 32475, 06:33:36: julie demolished a 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate (Locked) '! Day 32475, 06:35:11: julie demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32475, 06:36:31: julie demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 32475, 06:41:12: julie demolished a 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate (Locked) '! Day 32475, 06:47:52: julie demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32475, 06:49:07: julie demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32475, 06:50:35: julie demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 32475, 06:56:31: julie demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32475, 06:58:05: julie demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32475, 07:01:42: julie demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32475, 07:05:54: julie demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 32475, 07:06:55: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 07:07:55: julie demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 32475, 07:12:13: julie demolished a 'Metal Behemoth Gate (Locked) '! Day 32475, 07:15:56: julie demolished a 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe'! Day 32475, 07:17:07: julie demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 32475, 07:21:57: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 07:23:03: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 07:24:15: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 07:26:00: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 07:27:06: julie demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 32475, 07:28:15: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 07:30:42: julie demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 32475, 07:31:50: julie demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 32475, 07:34:59: julie demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 32475, 07:36:32: julie demolished a 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate (Locked) '! Day 32475, 07:37:45: julie demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 32475, 07:43:13: julie demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 32475, 07:47:27: julie demolished a 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe'! Day 32475, 07:51:37: julie demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 32475, 07:52:41: julie demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 32475, 07:54:04: julie demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 32475, 07:57:36: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 07:59:00: julie demolished a 'Metal Railing'! Day 32475, 08:00:07: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:01:09: julie demolished a 'Metal Railing'! Day 32475, 08:02:05: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:03:21: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:04:24: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:06:33: julie demolished a 'Metal Railing'! Day 32475, 08:07:36: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:08:52: julie demolished a 'Metal Railing'! Day 32475, 08:09:46: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:11:05: julie demolished a 'Metal Railing'! Day 32475, 08:12:48: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:14:11: julie demolished a 'Metal Railing'! Day 32475, 08:15:27: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:18:41: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:19:54: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:21:50: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:23:08: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:24:09: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:25:37: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:29:01: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:30:31: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:31:45: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:33:05: julie demolished a 'Tek Behemoth Gateframe'! Day 32475, 08:38:55: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:40:13: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:41:18: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:42:34: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:43:31: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:45:41: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:46:53: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:48:50: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:50:35: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:51:41: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:53:04: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 08:56:16: julie demolished a 'Large Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 32475, 09:07:37: julie demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 32475, 09:08:37: julie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 32475, 09:09:37: julie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 32475, 09:15:13: julie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 32475, 09:17:22: julie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 32475, 09:18:42: julie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 32475, 09:23:50: julie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 32475, 09:25:52: julie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 32475, 09:26:57: julie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 32475, 09:28:31: julie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 32475, 09:29:36: julie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 32475, 09:30:36: julie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 32475, 09:31:45: julie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 32475, 09:32:45: julie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 32475, 09:33:43: julie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 32475, 09:34:43: julie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 32475, 09:35:39: julie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 32475, 09:36:46: julie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 32475, 09:39:32: julie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 32475, 09:47:44: julie demolished a 'Large Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 32475, 09:49:09: julie demolished a 'Large Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 32475, 09:58:14: julie demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 32475, 09:59:15: julie demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 32475, 10:00:15: julie demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 32475, 10:01:32: julie demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 32475, 10:02:30: julie demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 32475, 10:26:01: julie demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 32475, 10:28:33: julie demolished a 'weapons tools (Vault) (Locked) '! Day 32475, 10:29:38: julie demolished a 'Vault (Locked) '! Day 32475, 10:37:23: julie demolished a 'Vault (Locked) '! Day 32475, 10:38:35: julie demolished a 'Vault (Locked) '! Day 32475, 10:47:59: julie demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 32475, 10:56:27: julie demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 32475, 11:02:36: julie demolished a 'Metal Ceiling'! Day 32475, 11:04:32: julie demolished a 'Metal Ceiling'! Day 32475, 11:06:23: julie demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 32475, 11:10:08: julie demolished a 'Metal Ceiling'! Day 32475, 11:12:21: julie demolished a 'Metal Ceiling'! Day 32475, 11:15:23: julie demolished a 'Metal Ceiling'! Day 32475, 11:17:29: julie demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 32475, 11:20:41: julie demolished a 'Metal Ceiling'! Day 32475, 11:21:53: julie demolished a 'Metal Ceiling'! Day 32475, 11:27:43: Your Hover Skiff (Hover Skiff) was destroyed! Day 32475, 11:35:10: julie demolished a 'julies vault (Vault) (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 32475, 11:56:27: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 11:57:46: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:00:22: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:01:29: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:03:35: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:05:01: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:06:01: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:07:13: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:08:09: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:09:41: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:11:15: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:12:44: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:13:53: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:15:09: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:16:22: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:17:31: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:19:37: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:20:55: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:22:07: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:24:41: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:25:38: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:26:56: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:31:34: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:32:37: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:33:53: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:34:57: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:35:56: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:37:20: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:38:33: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:40:39: julie demolished a 'FREE (Large Storage Box) (Unlocked) '! Day 32475, 12:41:50: julie demolished a 'FREE (Large Storage Box) (Unlocked) '! Day 32475, 12:42:46: julie demolished a 'FREE (Large Storage Box) (Unlocked) '! Day 32475, 12:44:10: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:45:13: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:47:46: julie demolished a 'Tek Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 32475, 12:48:48: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 12:49:45: julie demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 32475, 12:51:50: julie demolished a 'Tek Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 32475, 13:00:38: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 13:01:43: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 13:03:00: julie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 32475, 13:04:33: julie demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 32475, 13:07:34: julie demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 32475, 13:08:27: julie demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 32475, 13:20:29: julie demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 32475, 13:21:34: julie demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 32475, 13:58:28: julie demolished a 'Spike Wall'! Day 32475, 13:59:34: julie demolished a 'Spike Wall'! Day 32475, 14:02:21: julie demolished a 'Spike Wall'! Day 32475, 15:07:45: Tribemember julie - Lvl 159 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 85! Day 32475, 19:25:34: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 32475, 19:25:51: Your USS Jewels (Raft) was destroyed! Day 32475, 19:26:18: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 32475, 19:26:42: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 32475, 19:27:07: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 32475, 19:27:30: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 32475, 19:27:54: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 32475, 19:29:05: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 34802, 03:22:24: Mathias Baker froze Char - Lvl 361 (Fire Wyvern) Day 34802, 09:44:53: Mathias Baker froze Char - Lvl 361 (Fire Wyvern) Day 34802, 11:35:06: Mathias Baker froze Char - Lvl 361 (Fire Wyvern) Day 34802, 13:53:58: Mathias Baker froze Char - Lvl 361 (Fire Wyvern) Day 34802, 18:49:35: Mathias Baker froze Char - Lvl 361 (Fire Wyvern) Day 34803, 11:43:55: Mathias Baker froze Noctowl - Lvl 364 (Snow Owl) Day 34803, 21:57:24: Mathias Baker froze Killer - Lvl 385 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34812, 03:30:33: Mathias Baker froze farmer john - Lvl 373 (Argentavis) Day 34812, 04:45:37: Mathias Baker froze Sid - Lvl 385 (Ankylosaurus) Day 34812, 07:07:40: Mathias Baker froze Char - Lvl 361 (Fire Wyvern) Day 34812, 07:48:34: Mathias Baker froze Char - Lvl 361 (Fire Wyvern) Day 34812, 09:23:39: Mathias Baker froze Noctowl - Lvl 364 (Snow Owl) Day 34812, 13:42:22: Mathias Baker froze Poison Ivy - Lvl 267 (Poison Wyvern) Day 34812, 14:44:48: Mathias Baker froze Legion 13 - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 34812, 15:15:53: Mathias Baker froze [R] Gemma - Lvl 379 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34813, 23:50:03: Mathias Baker froze big evil chicken - Lvl 284 (Therizinosaur) Day 34814, 00:18:20: Mathias Baker froze big evil chicken - Lvl 284 (Therizinosaur) Day 34814, 04:54:53: Mathias Baker froze big evil chicken - Lvl 353 (Therizinosaur) Day 34815, 06:58:41: Mathias Baker froze Legion 15 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 34815, 18:25:02: Mathias Baker unclaimed 'Legion 14 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34815, 19:09:08: Mathias Baker claimed 'Legion 14 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34815, 19:22:12: Mathias Baker froze Legion 9 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 34815, 19:32:51: Mathias Baker froze Legion 6 - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 34815, 19:36:00: Mathias Baker unclaimed 'Legion 14 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34815, 19:43:01: Mathias Baker froze Legion 9 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 34815, 19:46:44: Mathias Baker froze Legion 6 - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 34815, 19:58:32: Mathias Baker claimed 'Legion 14 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34815, 20:39:40: Mathias Baker froze Legion 15 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 34815, 20:44:03: Mathias Baker froze Legion 1 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 34815, 20:48:17: Mathias Baker froze Legion 9 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 34815, 20:57:43: Mathias Baker froze Legion 6 - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 34816, 06:47:17: Mathias Baker froze Legion 1 - Lvl 468 (Tek Rex) Day 34816, 07:09:06: Mathias Baker froze Legion 14 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 34816, 10:22:37: Mathias Baker claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 298 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34816, 10:50:36: Mathias Baker froze Baby test - Lvl 298 (Tek Rex) Day 34816, 12:20:49: Mathias Baker unclaimed 'Killer [Clone] - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 34816, 12:33:50: Mathias Baker claimed 'Killer [Clone] - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 34816, 12:36:05: Mathias Baker froze Killer [Clone] - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34816, 13:08:16: Mathias Baker unclaimed 'Tek Quetzal - Lvl 265 (Tek Quetzal)'! Day 34816, 13:20:30: Mathias Baker froze Moltres - Lvl 251 (Phoenix) Day 34816, 13:23:14: Mathias Baker claimed 'Tek Quetzal - Lvl 265 (Tek Quetzal)'! Day 34816, 13:32:00: Mathias Baker froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 265 (Tek Quetzal) Day 34816, 14:05:04: Mathias Baker unclaimed 'Metal Brain - Lvl 290 (Mek)'! Day 34816, 14:24:45: Mathias Baker claimed 'Metal Brain - Lvl 290 (Mek)'! Day 34816, 14:27:27: Mathias Baker froze Metal Brain - Lvl 290 (Mek) Day 34817, 04:32:58: Mathias Baker froze Killer - Lvl 385 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34817, 05:30:25: Mathias Baker froze Char - Lvl 361 (Fire Wyvern) Day 34817, 05:47:38: Mathias Baker froze Legion 13 - Lvl 397 (Tek Rex) Day 34817, 08:48:22: Mathias Baker froze Sid - Lvl 385 (Ankylosaurus) Day 34817, 08:56:12: Mathias Baker froze Char - Lvl 361 (Fire Wyvern) Day 34817, 09:03:13: Mathias Baker froze Char - Lvl 361 (Fire Wyvern) Day 34817, 11:45:38: Mathias Baker froze Char - Lvl 361 (Fire Wyvern) Day 34981, 15:48:37: Mathias Baker froze Noctowl - Lvl 364 (Snow Owl) Day 35225, 20:03:56: Your Otter - Lvl 230 (Otter) was killed by Mathias Baker - Lvl 142 (The Eerie Meanions)! Day 35225, 20:03:56: Your Tribe killed Otter - Lvl 230 (Otter)! Day 35225, 20:09:05: Your Otter - Lvl 214 (Otter) was killed by Mathias Baker - Lvl 142 (The Eerie Meanions)! Day 35225, 20:09:05: Your Tribe killed Otter - Lvl 214 (Otter)! Day 35225, 20:13:48: Mathias Baker froze Legion 13 - Lvl 397 (Tek Rex) Day 35225, 20:20:28: Mathias Baker froze Char - Lvl 361 (Fire Wyvern) Day 35225, 21:23:00: Mathias Baker froze Char - Lvl 361 (Fire Wyvern) Day 35270, 07:24:26: Tribemember julie - Lvl 159 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 35702, 08:40:29: Mathias Baker was promoted to a Tribe Admin by julie! Day 35702, 09:35:37: Tribemember julie - Lvl 159 was killed! Day 36533, 21:22:26: Mathias Baker froze Char - Lvl 361 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37558, 11:43:01: Mathias Baker froze Char - Lvl 361 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37558, 12:22:06: Mathias Baker froze Killer [Clone] - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 37558, 13:42:33: Mathias Baker froze Killer - Lvl 400 (Giganotosaurus) Day 37558, 16:14:32: Mathias Baker froze Moltres - Lvl 251 (Phoenix) Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38731, 00:02:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44140, 12:51:01: Tribemember julie - Lvl 159 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45!"] "tribeid":1182191211,"tribe":"Tribu de Jesusda logs":["Day 21336, 18:57:43: Jesusda was added to the Tribe! Day 21336, 20:47:39: Jesusda froze Maewing - Lvl 303 (Maewing) Day 21337, 04:54:10: Jesusda froze Pinganoto - Lvl 410 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21337, 05:20:21: Jesusda froze Maewing - Lvl 303 (Maewing) Day 21878, 21:47:51: Jesusda's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 185 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21934, 20:26:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21934, 20:26:38: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22061, 00:41:50: Jesusda's 'Maewing - Lvl 303 (Maewing)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23087, 08:31:59: Tribemember Jesusda - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 130!"] "tribeid":1181752044,"tribe":"The Fallen logs":["Day 35847, 10:55:46: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 193 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35847, 11:00:26: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 193 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35847, 11:05:44: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 193 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35847, 11:10:21: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 193 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35847, 11:16:47: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 193 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35847, 12:43:58: W4YN3 Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo)! Day 35847, 13:24:37: W4YN3 Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo)! Day 35847, 15:07:29: W4YN3 froze Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo) Day 35847, 15:13:05: W4YN3 froze Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo) Day 35847, 15:56:17: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 193 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35847, 18:23:24: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 193 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35847, 21:35:16: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 193 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35847, 21:42:49: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 193 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35848, 04:36:51: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 193 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35848, 05:10:48: W4YN3 Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 35848, 05:20:50: W4YN3 froze Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo) Day 35848, 05:37:06: W4YN3 Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 35848, 15:24:28: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 193 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35849, 11:03:35: W4YN3 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 35849, 11:11:20: W4YN3 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) Day 35849, 16:24:22: W4YN3 claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 132 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35849, 16:30:39: W4YN3 froze Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 132 (Pteranodon) Day 35850, 02:08:21: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 132 (Pteranodon) Day 35850, 04:59:28: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 132 (Pteranodon) Day 35850, 06:48:30: W4YN3 demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 35850, 06:49:30: W4YN3 demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 35850, 06:50:30: W4YN3 demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 35850, 06:52:03: W4YN3 demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 35850, 13:01:32: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 132 (Pteranodon) Day 35851, 05:54:45: Your Tribe Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 149 (Castoroides)! Day 35851, 06:41:55: W4YN3 froze Castoroides - Lvl 151 (Castoroides) Day 35851, 15:15:56: W4YN3 Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 201 (Castoroides)! Day 35852, 07:54:52: W4YN3 Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 200 (Castoroides)! Day 35852, 08:00:05: W4YN3 froze Castoroides - Lvl 200 (Castoroides) Day 35852, 08:44:47: W4YN3 froze Tea Leaf - Lvl 150 (Pegomastax) Day 35852, 10:10:54: W4YN3 froze spare - Lvl 236 (Argentavis) Day 35852, 12:14:14: W4YN3 froze Castoroides - Lvl 151 (Castoroides) Day 35852, 12:34:07: W4YN3 claimed 'Baby Castoroides - Lvl 193 (Castoroides)'! Day 35852, 12:42:56: W4YN3 froze Baby Castoroides - Lvl 193 (Castoroides) Day 35852, 13:00:22: W4YN3 froze Castoroides - Lvl 207 (Castoroides) Day 35852, 13:06:50: W4YN3 froze Castoroides - Lvl 200 (Castoroides) Day 35852, 13:20:51: W4YN3 froze Castoroides - Lvl 200 (Castoroides) Day 35852, 13:58:01: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon) was killed by W4YN3 - Lvl 112 (The Fallen)! Day 35852, 13:58:01: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon)! Day 35852, 14:10:53: Your Tea Leaf - Lvl 150 (Pegomastax) was killed by W4YN3 - Lvl 112 (The Fallen)! Day 35852, 14:10:53: Your Tribe killed Tea Leaf - Lvl 150 (Pegomastax)! Day 35852, 15:41:43: W4YN3 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) Day 35852, 16:11:16: W4YN3 froze Baby Castoroides - Lvl 193 (Castoroides) Day 35858, 09:58:55: W4YN3 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 193 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35858, 12:00:05: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Castoroides - Lvl 193 (Castoroides) Day 35858, 12:23:29: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Castoroides - Lvl 193 (Castoroides) Day 35858, 14:20:36: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Castoroides - Lvl 193 (Castoroides) Day 35858, 23:32:55: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Castoroides - Lvl 193 (Castoroides) Day 35858, 23:37:54: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Castoroides - Lvl 193 (Castoroides) Day 35858, 23:42:54: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Castoroides - Lvl 193 (Castoroides) Day 35858, 23:47:44: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Castoroides - Lvl 193 (Castoroides) Day 35859, 00:10:10: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Castoroides - Lvl 193 (Castoroides) Day 35859, 00:15:20: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Castoroides - Lvl 193 (Castoroides) Day 35859, 00:20:03: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Castoroides - Lvl 193 (Castoroides) Day 35859, 10:41:21: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Castoroides - Lvl 193 (Castoroides) Day 35859, 14:14:44: W4YN3 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 193 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35859, 15:35:12: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Castoroides - Lvl 193 (Castoroides) Day 35861, 23:02:28: W4YN3 froze Castoroides - Lvl 222 (Castoroides) Day 35886, 06:16:49: W4YN3 Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo)! Day 35887, 08:05:24: W4YN3 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 193 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35887, 08:11:26: W4YN3 froze chompy - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 35887, 16:19:31: Tribemember W4YN3 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 20! Day 35887, 18:43:15: W4YN3 froze spare - Lvl 239 (Argentavis) Day 35888, 09:17:27: W4YN3 demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35888, 09:19:10: W4YN3 demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35888, 09:20:22: W4YN3 demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35888, 09:35:06: W4YN3 froze chompy - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 35910, 01:19:16: W4YN3 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35910, 13:29:54: W4YN3 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 253 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35910, 16:20:11: W4YN3 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 253 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35910, 21:38:37: W4YN3 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 35910, 21:43:04: W4YN3 froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35910, 22:51:27: W4YN3 froze spare - Lvl 169 (Argentavis) Day 35912, 13:22:42: W4YN3 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 253 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35912, 13:29:24: W4YN3 froze Dire Bear - Lvl 276 (Dire Bear) Day 35912, 18:21:12: W4YN3 Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 209 (Castoroides)! Day 35912, 18:30:28: W4YN3 froze Castoroides - Lvl 209 (Castoroides) Day 35927, 11:12:46: W4YN3 froze Castoroides - Lvl 209 (Castoroides) Day 35927, 14:51:36: W4YN3 claimed 'Baby Castoroides - Lvl 184 (Castoroides)'! Day 35927, 15:01:11: W4YN3 froze Baby Castoroides - Lvl 184 (Castoroides) Day 35927, 16:24:36: W4YN3 Tamed an Otter - Lvl 82 (Otter)! Day 35937, 02:11:43: W4YN3 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 155 (Pteranodon) Day 35937, 06:16:03: W4YN3 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 155 (Pteranodon) Day 35937, 09:40:38: W4YN3 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 155 (Pteranodon) Day 35937, 19:34:05: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35938, 01:38:47: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35938, 01:44:53: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35938, 01:51:22: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35938, 02:30:25: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35938, 02:37:51: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35938, 02:44:07: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35938, 12:27:27: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35938, 15:23:31: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 157 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 35939, 08:42:07: W4YN3 Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 108 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 35939, 08:49:08: W4YN3 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 108 (Ankylosaurus) Day 35941, 02:10:03: W4YN3 froze Castoroides - Lvl 151 (Castoroides) Day 35941, 13:03:07: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35942, 04:20:42: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35942, 09:25:07: W4YN3 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35942, 22:31:30: W4YN3 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 108 (Ankylosaurus) Day 35944, 10:13:52: W4YN3 claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 35944, 10:17:18: W4YN3 froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35944, 13:16:31: W4YN3 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 35944, 13:20:13: W4YN3 froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35944, 14:48:43: W4YN3 froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35944, 14:53:38: W4YN3 froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35944, 14:58:15: W4YN3 froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35944, 15:02:18: W4YN3 froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35944, 15:06:53: W4YN3 froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35944, 18:31:08: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35944, 22:20:02: W4YN3 demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 35944, 22:23:40: W4YN3 demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 35944, 22:28:52: W4YN3 demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 35944, 22:33:21: W4YN3 demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 35945, 00:01:07: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35945, 00:06:44: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35945, 00:12:20: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35945, 06:49:30: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35945, 06:53:27: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35945, 06:57:41: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35945, 07:01:38: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35945, 10:35:42: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35945, 10:39:54: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35945, 10:43:44: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35945, 10:47:32: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35945, 10:51:02: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35945, 11:32:14: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35945, 11:37:00: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35945, 11:40:50: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35945, 11:47:50: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35945, 11:53:36: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35945, 11:57:14: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35945, 12:01:06: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35945, 12:04:51: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35945, 12:09:25: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35945, 12:13:24: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35945, 12:17:05: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35945, 12:21:10: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35945, 12:24:36: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35945, 12:28:23: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35945, 12:31:52: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35945, 12:35:43: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35945, 19:51:35: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35945, 19:56:08: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35945, 21:48:48: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35945, 21:53:45: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35945, 21:59:19: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35945, 22:04:16: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35945, 22:10:12: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35946, 07:10:16: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35946, 07:14:46: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35946, 07:18:58: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35946, 07:22:43: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35946, 07:26:37: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35946, 10:51:40: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35946, 10:55:45: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35946, 10:59:01: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35946, 16:49:43: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35958, 18:26:14: W4YN3 froze Drifter - Lvl 188 (Rock Drake) Day 35958, 18:38:51: W4YN3 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 77 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35958, 18:54:58: W4YN3 froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35958, 19:01:46: W4YN3 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 292 (Pteranodon) Day 35958, 19:05:34: W4YN3 froze Castoroides - Lvl 223 (Castoroides) Day 35958, 21:15:11: W4YN3 uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 Day 35961, 09:14:58: W4YN3 froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus) Day 35961, 09:20:24: W4YN3 froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus) Day 35961, 10:42:47: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 35961, 14:47:41: W4YN3 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 35961, 17:36:30: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 35961, 20:04:30: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 35985, 10:50:36: W4YN3 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 35985, 10:57:40: W4YN3 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 35985, 11:00:35: W4YN3 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 35985, 11:03:52: W4YN3 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 35985, 11:05:20: W4YN3 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 35985, 11:08:54: W4YN3 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36009, 01:14:45: W4YN3 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36009, 01:19:43: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 308 (Shadowmane) Day 36009, 01:23:51: W4YN3 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36009, 01:37:02: W4YN3 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36009, 01:39:49: W4YN3 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36009, 01:46:39: W4YN3 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36009, 01:51:24: W4YN3 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36009, 02:09:36: W4YN3 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36009, 02:16:46: W4YN3 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36009, 02:54:25: W4YN3 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36009, 02:59:59: W4YN3 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36009, 03:16:44: W4YN3 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36009, 04:02:20: W4YN3 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 108 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36009, 04:19:40: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36009, 04:43:00: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36009, 05:04:20: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36009, 05:19:38: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 308 (Shadowmane) Day 36009, 05:54:19: W4YN3 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 108 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36009, 10:23:27: W4YN3 froze Castoroides - Lvl 207 (Castoroides) Day 36009, 10:26:10: W4YN3 froze Castoroides - Lvl 209 (Castoroides) Day 36009, 10:28:55: W4YN3 froze Castoroides - Lvl 222 (Castoroides) Day 36010, 14:15:57: Your Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 50! Day 36010, 15:09:34: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36010, 15:14:07: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36010, 23:07:08: Your Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 15! Day 36010, 23:14:03: Your Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 118 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 36010, 23:14:03: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 36011, 03:35:41: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 36011, 03:37:02: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 36011, 07:20:41: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 07:24:05: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 07:25:38: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 07:26:43: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 07:28:11: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 07:29:31: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 07:30:43: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 07:32:30: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 07:33:38: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 07:34:50: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 07:36:09: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 07:38:23: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 07:43:11: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 08:15:13: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 08:16:15: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 08:17:20: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 08:18:20: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 08:19:58: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 08:21:46: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 08:22:49: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 08:24:22: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 08:25:24: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 08:26:46: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 08:28:34: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 08:30:08: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 08:31:51: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 08:33:32: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 08:34:43: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 08:37:34: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 08:38:46: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 08:40:21: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 08:41:50: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 08:44:23: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 08:46:18: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 08:47:35: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36011, 08:49:07: W4YN3 demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 36051, 18:03:39: W4YN3 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 108 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36059, 10:44:16: W4YN3 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 253 (Giganotosaurus) Day 36059, 13:40:32: W4YN3 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 177 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36060, 10:10:56: W4YN3 froze Castoroides - Lvl 253 (Castoroides) Day 36060, 12:34:10: W4YN3 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 118 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36060, 12:43:35: W4YN3 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 285 (Giganotosaurus) Day 36060, 13:04:23: W4YN3 froze spare - Lvl 243 (Argentavis) Day 36061, 03:28:57: W4YN3 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36061, 03:37:50: W4YN3 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36061, 04:10:02: W4YN3 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36061, 04:21:54: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36061, 04:45:09: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 308 (Shadowmane) Day 36061, 05:24:47: W4YN3 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36061, 05:29:18: W4YN3 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36061, 05:40:12: W4YN3 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36061, 06:50:48: W4YN3 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36061, 06:54:30: W4YN3 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36061, 08:25:35: W4YN3 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36061, 08:29:56: W4YN3 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36061, 09:06:50: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36061, 09:11:40: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36061, 09:15:32: W4YN3 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36061, 10:09:46: W4YN3 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36061, 10:13:42: W4YN3 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36061, 12:23:47: W4YN3 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36061, 12:25:13: W4YN3 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36061, 12:29:00: W4YN3 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36061, 12:38:04: W4YN3 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36061, 13:45:51: W4YN3 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36061, 13:49:51: W4YN3 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36061, 19:02:57: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36061, 19:09:56: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36061, 19:23:18: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36061, 19:27:02: W4YN3 froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36061, 20:36:09: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 308 (Shadowmane) Day 36062, 06:43:48: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 308 (Shadowmane) Day 36062, 13:49:11: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36062, 14:36:37: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36062, 15:19:41: W4YN3 froze Dire Bear - Lvl 276 (Dire Bear) Day 36063, 01:35:15: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36063, 01:42:05: W4YN3 froze Dire Bear - Lvl 276 (Dire Bear) Day 36072, 16:00:38: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 278 (Shadowmane) Day 36194, 12:47:39: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36194, 12:53:00: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36194, 13:00:57: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36194, 13:11:58: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36194, 13:15:20: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36194, 13:19:05: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36194, 13:22:43: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36194, 13:26:43: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36194, 13:31:08: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36194, 13:43:49: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36194, 13:47:56: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36194, 13:51:18: W4YN3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 36194, 14:43:43: W4YN3 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 125 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36194, 16:46:17: W4YN3 froze Otter - Lvl 99 (Otter) Day 36233, 11:27:09: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36709, 02:49:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36780, 10:51:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36780, 10:51:43: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36780, 10:51:43: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36780, 10:51:43: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36946, 21:39:45: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37189, 17:09:59: Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37565, 02:52:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37604, 12:40:11: Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 37788, 16:33:18: Unga - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 186 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38136, 20:49:11: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38136, 20:49:11: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38136, 20:49:11: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38136, 20:49:11: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38136, 20:49:11: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38136, 20:49:11: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38379, 02:29:52: Tribemember W4YN3 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1180010106,"tribe":"backdoorboys logs":["Day 32808, 07:29:33: dave5 was added to the Tribe! Day 32808, 07:46:54: Lennnnnny5 was added to the Tribe by dave5! Day 32808, 12:16:19: Lennnnnny5 froze Argentavis - Lvl 335 (Argentavis) Day 32808, 12:17:46: dave5 froze speedy - Lvl 354 (Griffin) Day 32808, 18:29:38: dave5 Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 32808, 19:18:39: dave5 froze Sid Vicarious - Lvl 339 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32808, 19:20:33: Lennnnnny5 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32808, 19:27:09: Lennnnnny5 froze Party - Lvl 231 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 32808, 19:31:21: Lennnnnny5 froze Halaand - Lvl 364 (Shadowmane) Day 32808, 19:36:01: Lennnnnny5 froze Anklyosaur - Lvl 305 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32808, 23:57:51: Lennnnnny5 uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 335 Day 32809, 00:05:06: dave5 froze speedy - Lvl 354 (Griffin) Day 33972, 19:53:30: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34035, 06:17:26: Lennnnnny5 froze Lymtac - Lvl 372 (Snow Owl) Day 34256, 09:33:24: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1179662347,"tribe":"People's Tribe logs":["Day 34499, 18:24:33: Misha was added to the Tribe! Day 34499, 18:31:51: Damirox was added to the Tribe by Misha! Day 34500, 01:14:43: Misha Tamed a Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)! Day 34500, 02:35:23: Misha froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 34500, 05:26:45: Misha froze PTERODAKTYL_D - Lvl 248 (Pteranodon) Day 34500, 07:03:32: Damirox froze PTERODAKTYL_D - Lvl 248 (Pteranodon) Day 34500, 07:04:51: Misha froze Dziobak - Lvl 242 (Pteranodon) Day 34725, 04:08:56: Misha froze Bombardier - Lvl 294 (Snow Owl) Day 34725, 04:44:13: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 34725, 08:31:34: Damirox froze MyFreezer - Lvl 312 (Snow Owl) Day 34725, 09:30:04: Damirox froze MyFreezer - Lvl 312 (Snow Owl) Day 34725, 17:59:27: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 112 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 34725, 18:39:19: Misha froze MyFreezer - Lvl 312 (Snow Owl) Day 34725, 19:00:37: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 112 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 100! Day 34725, 20:23:11: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 112 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45! Day 34725, 20:40:20: Your MyFreezer - Lvl 312 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 34725, 22:07:13: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 112 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 90! Day 34725, 23:57:56: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 34726, 00:33:44: Misha froze Robbo 244 - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 34726, 00:59:57: Damirox claimed 'F Breeder - Lvl 310 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 34726, 01:46:40: Misha froze F Breeder - Lvl 310 (Therizinosaur) Day 34726, 02:36:07: Misha froze Bombardier - Lvl 295 (Snow Owl) Day 34744, 04:20:56: Misha froze Bombardier - Lvl 298 (Snow Owl) Day 34744, 06:21:42: Tribemember Misha - Lvl 112 was killed by Damirox - Lvl 112 (People's Tribe)! Day 34744, 06:21:42: Your Tribe killed Misha - Lvl 112 (People's Tribe)! Day 34744, 13:17:12: Misha froze Bombardier - Lvl 298 (Snow Owl) Day 34744, 13:20:33: Damirox froze 203 - Freezer - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) Day 34748, 11:19:23: Damirox froze 203 - Freezer - Lvl 270 (Snow Owl) Day 34751, 08:14:27: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 112 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50! Day 34751, 09:44:20: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 112 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 34751, 11:10:45: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 34751, 11:32:06: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 112 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 34751, 12:17:53: Your 203 - Freezer - Lvl 270 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185! Day 34751, 12:36:09: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 112 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 100! Day 34751, 17:16:28: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 34751, 17:16:28: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 112 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 34751, 19:00:46: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 112 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 60! Day 34751, 20:59:49: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 34752, 06:37:03: Damirox froze Dziobak - Lvl 296 (Pteranodon) Day 34752, 19:05:45: Damirox froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Fire Wyvern) Day 34764, 12:17:21: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 112 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 85! Day 34764, 16:15:36: Damirox froze Dziobak - Lvl 298 (Pteranodon) Day 34764, 16:18:55: Damirox froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 34938, 07:56:03: Damirox froze DREXIK - Lvl 357 (Tek Rex) Day 34938, 08:39:51: Damirox froze SOWIA - Lvl 288 (Snow Owl) Day 34938, 16:45:14: Damirox Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 34938, 16:49:57: Damirox froze ANKYLO - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus) Day 34938, 16:54:57: Damirox froze DREXIK - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 34938, 18:21:28: Damirox uploaded a Ankylosaurus: ANKYLO - Lvl 209 Day 34938, 18:26:11: Damirox froze SOWIA - Lvl 288 (Snow Owl) Day 35070, 16:28:11: Your 'Rope Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35102, 20:22:20: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 341 (Snow Owl) Day 35102, 21:52:33: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 35103, 00:00:58: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 341 (Snow Owl) Day 35128, 06:30:10: Damirox froze SOWIA - Lvl 324 (Snow Owl) Day 35128, 06:46:52: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 342 (Snow Owl) Day 35312, 10:28:13: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 347 (Snow Owl) Day 35315, 00:44:13: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 347 (Snow Owl) Day 35315, 11:17:02: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 347 (Snow Owl) Day 35316, 01:18:34: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 35317, 12:44:01: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 347 (Snow Owl) Day 35319, 00:37:15: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 347 (Snow Owl) Day 35319, 11:36:50: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 347 (Snow Owl) Day 35321, 13:02:11: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 35321, 14:02:06: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 347 (Snow Owl) Day 35322, 09:09:39: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 347 (Snow Owl) Day 35339, 07:31:08: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 35340, 22:34:36: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 35341, 22:34:18: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 35345, 02:09:15: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 35360, 17:10:00: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 35361, 09:27:10: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 35365, 18:34:21: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 35367, 03:25:31: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 35367, 09:34:47: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 35385, 00:08:07: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 35386, 07:45:09: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 35387, 13:41:19: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 35388, 09:03:50: Damirox froze SOWIA - Lvl 337 (Snow Owl) Day 35388, 09:43:02: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 35388, 13:16:02: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 409 (Tek Rex) Day 35388, 17:31:44: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 35389, 06:50:22: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 35389, 09:26:07: Misha downloaded a dino: Alba Stryder - Lvl 129 Day 35393, 01:19:12: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 35416, 18:36:33: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 409 (Tek Rex) Day 35434, 15:31:09: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 409 (Tek Rex) Day 35464, 16:47:05: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 409 (Tek Rex) Day 35464, 17:15:46: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 409 (Tek Rex) Day 35464, 17:30:27: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 409 (Tek Rex) Day 35580, 20:49:26: Tribemember Misha - Lvl 131 was killed! Day 35580, 21:48:06: Tribemember Misha - Lvl 131 was killed! Day 35632, 05:07:09: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) Day 35632, 05:28:56: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) Day 35653, 16:48:37: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) Day 35658, 05:35:10: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) Day 35747, 21:30:55: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) Day 35751, 14:49:01: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) Day 35794, 16:27:48: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) Day 35819, 17:13:47: Tribemember Misha - Lvl 131 was killed! Day 35823, 06:11:13: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 364 (Shadowmane) Day 35823, 14:34:56: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 35900, 14:19:31: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35900, 14:19:31: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35900, 14:19:31: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35916, 11:38:34: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 35917, 01:31:40: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 35936, 23:04:56: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 35937, 02:04:51: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 35937, 03:53:53: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 35940, 12:12:07: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 35959, 00:02:28: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 35959, 11:00:10: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 35983, 06:21:38: Misha demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 35983, 06:23:34: Misha demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 35983, 06:25:57: Misha demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 35983, 06:28:41: Misha demolished a 'Stone Double Doorframe'! Day 35984, 02:46:17: Misha froze Shadowmane - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 35984, 03:00:23: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 35985, 23:00:02: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 35986, 16:13:13: Misha froze Shadowmane - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 35988, 09:56:03: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 35988, 23:38:01: Misha froze GACHA OWL - Lvl 223 (Snow Owl) Day 35988, 23:42:24: Misha froze GACHA OWL - Lvl 238 (Snow Owl) Day 35988, 23:46:56: Misha froze GACHA OWL - Lvl 215 (Snow Owl) Day 35988, 23:52:03: Misha froze GACHA OWL - Lvl 235 (Snow Owl) Day 35988, 23:57:18: Misha froze M BlackPearl/Silk/Blue - Lvl 223 (Gacha) Day 35989, 00:02:14: Misha froze METAL/CRYSTAL - Lvl 219 (Gacha) Day 36011, 23:39:50: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 36031, 04:10:50: Misha uploaded a Tek Stryder: Alba Stryder - Lvl 131 Day 36031, 04:17:40: Misha froze Shadowmane - Lvl 303 (Shadowmane) Day 36032, 00:01:33: Misha downloaded a dino: The Harvester - Lvl 215 Day 36032, 06:43:12: Misha froze M Blue/Green - Lvl 250 (Gacha) Day 36032, 07:27:03: Misha froze M Blue/Green - Lvl 250 (Gacha) Day 36032, 08:22:41: Misha froze F BlackPearls/Crystal - Lvl 274 (Gacha) Day 36032, 14:35:10: Tribemember Misha - Lvl 131 was killed! Day 36032, 19:51:21: Misha froze Snow Owl - Lvl 286 (Snow Owl) Day 36033, 03:58:58: Misha froze Snow Owl - Lvl 293 (Snow Owl) Day 36054, 23:52:34: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 270 (Tek Rex) was killed by Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe)! Day 36054, 23:52:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 270 (Tek Rex)! Day 36054, 23:59:41: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 270 (Tek Rex) was killed by Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe)! Day 36054, 23:59:41: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 270 (Tek Rex)! Day 36072, 06:45:36: Damirox froze OWLIK - Lvl 309 (Snow Owl) Day 36077, 22:46:06: Misha claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 209 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 36077, 22:52:29: Misha froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 209 (Brontosaurus) Day 36077, 23:29:15: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 366 (Shadowmane) Day 36078, 09:43:25: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 36079, 21:59:52: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 413 (Tek Rex) Day 36096, 16:51:50: Damirox froze Rocky Balboa - Lvl 290 (Rock Drake) Day 36102, 07:40:52: Damirox froze OWLIK - Lvl 314 (Snow Owl) Day 36102, 13:11:14: Misha claimed '48H F OG - Lvl 257 (Pteranodon)'! Day 36102, 13:15:12: Misha froze 48H F OG - Lvl 257 (Pteranodon) Day 36102, 13:19:09: Misha claimed 'Tauboss - Lvl 278 (Argentavis)'! Day 36102, 13:22:23: Misha froze Tauboss - Lvl 278 (Argentavis) Day 36102, 13:44:52: Misha claimed 'Free boat, uncalim after (Raft)'! Day 36102, 13:58:53: Your Free boat, uncalim after (Raft) was destroyed! Day 36102, 14:07:41: Misha claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 36102, 14:09:58: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 36102, 14:13:48: Misha claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 36102, 14:16:02: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 36102, 16:28:33: Misha claimed 'HAPPYTIME (Raft)'! Day 36102, 16:30:35: Your HAPPYTIME (Raft) was destroyed! Day 36103, 08:35:31: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 369 (Shadowmane) Day 36103, 08:43:52: Misha froze Argustus - Lvl 317 (Argentavis) Day 36104, 13:01:20: Misha froze M Blue/Green - Lvl 305 (Gacha) Day 36104, 13:09:01: Misha froze F Blue/Green - Lvl 231 (Gacha) Day 36105, 18:52:23: Tribemember Misha - Lvl 131 was killed! Day 36129, 11:58:11: Tribemember Misha - Lvl 131 was killed! Day 36153, 12:42:25: Misha froze M Oil/Silk - Lvl 311 (Gacha) Day 36153, 12:45:56: Misha froze F Oil/Silk - Lvl 318 (Gacha) Day 36175, 22:49:08: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 413 (Tek Rex) Day 36176, 02:40:31: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 413 (Tek Rex) Day 36176, 10:24:22: Misha froze M BlackPearls/Crystal - Lvl 315 (Gacha) Day 36176, 10:28:43: Misha froze F BlackPearls/Crystal - Lvl 275 (Gacha) Day 36176, 11:33:57: Misha froze M Sap/Silica Pearls - Lvl 219 (Gacha) Day 36176, 11:37:55: Misha froze F Sap/SilicaPearls - Lvl 268 (Gacha) Day 36177, 13:06:00: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 413 (Tek Rex) Day 36177, 13:16:09: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 413 (Tek Rex) Day 36304, 19:10:47: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36340, 09:14:09: Misha froze Argustus - Lvl 318 (Argentavis) Day 36341, 01:02:04: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 379 (Shadowmane) Day 36341, 02:38:45: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 379 (Shadowmane) Day 36531, 12:00:40: Tribemember Misha - Lvl 131 was killed! Day 36531, 12:25:39: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 385 (Shadowmane) Day 36928, 07:09:44: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 393 (Shadowmane) Day 36929, 06:22:47: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 37148, 02:57:21: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 37602, 07:29:39: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 130 was killed! Day 37897, 17:00:12: Misha froze Poop maker - Lvl 182 (Phiomia) Day 37897, 17:03:13: Misha froze Beetle 2 - Lvl 316 (Dung Beetle) Day 37897, 21:44:45: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 404 (Shadowmane) Day 37925, 15:27:56: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 404 (Shadowmane) Day 38351, 04:28:18: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 404 (Shadowmane) Day 38357, 23:45:23: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 413 (Tek Rex) Day 38595, 11:22:51: Damirox froze BEST-FEMALE - Lvl 255 (Mantis) Day 39183, 12:59:51: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39183, 12:59:51: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39183, 12:59:51: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39183, 12:59:51: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39183, 12:59:51: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39183, 12:59:51: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39183, 12:59:51: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39183, 12:59:51: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39183, 12:59:51: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39183, 12:59:51: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39183, 12:59:51: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39183, 12:59:51: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39183, 12:59:51: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39183, 12:59:51: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39183, 12:59:51: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39183, 12:59:51: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39183, 12:59:51: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39183, 12:59:51: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39183, 12:59:51: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39183, 12:59:51: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39183, 12:59:51: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39183, 12:59:51: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39183, 12:59:51: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39192, 13:52:33: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 406 (Shadowmane) Day 39743, 13:03:43: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 407 (Shadowmane) Day 39982, 01:08:03: Damirox's 'Shadi - Lvl 388 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40189, 18:15:58: Damirox froze Shadio - Lvl 397 (Shadowmane) Day 40189, 18:20:01: Damirox froze F 242 HP&STAM&DMG - Lvl 242 (Snow Owl) Day 40189, 18:23:41: Damirox froze F 242 HP&STAM&DMG - Lvl 242 (Snow Owl) Day 40189, 18:27:00: Damirox froze MALE HP&STAM&DMG - Lvl 242 (Snow Owl) Day 40315, 05:59:13: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 408 (Shadowmane) Day 41106, 08:26:54: Misha froze F 24 Element - Lvl 116 (Gacha) Day 41106, 08:29:47: Misha froze M 32 Element - Lvl 120 (Gacha) Day 41106, 08:32:53: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 344 (Snow Owl) Day 41106, 08:36:50: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 345 (Snow Owl) Day 41106, 08:39:45: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 321 (Snow Owl) Day 41106, 08:42:36: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 321 (Snow Owl) Day 41106, 08:56:13: Misha froze M Polymer - Lvl 271 (Gacha) Day 41106, 08:59:22: Misha froze F Polymer - Lvl 281 (Gacha) Day 41106, 09:03:18: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 320 (Snow Owl) Day 41106, 09:07:27: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 320 (Snow Owl) Day 41106, 09:10:19: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 346 (Snow Owl) Day 41106, 09:13:07: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 346 (Snow Owl) Day 41106, 09:23:03: Misha froze M Obsidian/Crystal - Lvl 293 (Gacha) Day 41106, 09:26:39: Misha froze F Obsidian/Crystal - Lvl 290 (Gacha) Day 41106, 09:29:32: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 320 (Snow Owl) Day 41106, 09:33:43: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 311 (Snow Owl) Day 41106, 09:36:38: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 306 (Snow Owl) Day 41106, 09:39:19: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 312 (Snow Owl) Day 41106, 09:49:32: Misha froze M Gas/Sulfur - Lvl 286 (Gacha) Day 41106, 09:52:17: Misha froze F Gas/Sulfur - Lvl 277 (Gacha) Day 41106, 09:55:02: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 300 (Snow Owl) Day 41106, 10:31:05: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 318 (Snow Owl) Day 41106, 10:34:21: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 299 (Snow Owl) Day 41106, 10:37:11: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 312 (Snow Owl) Day 42140, 04:28:37: Damirox froze Shadio - Lvl 413 (Shadowmane) Day 43022, 15:26:58: Damirox froze Shadio - Lvl 413 (Shadowmane) Day 43266, 05:42:30: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 408 (Shadowmane) Day 43418, 17:08:27: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1179003983,"tribe":"lonely sigmas of the dar logs":["Day 38289, 21:59:12: Umano was added to the Tribe! Day 38290, 03:31:46: Tribe of Umano tribe was merged in by plixt! Day 38290, 03:31:46: plixt was added to the Tribe by Umano! Day 38290, 07:43:17: Tribemember Umano - Lvl 9 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 38290, 07:49:21: Umano was removed from the Tribe! Day 38290, 07:49:21: Tribe Owner was changed to plixt! Day 38290, 13:20:01: Umano was added to the Tribe by plixt! Day 38290, 13:57:35: Your Nigger - Lvl 58 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 95! Day 38290, 14:28:38: Tribemember plixt - Lvl 15 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 38290, 14:40:56: Tribemember Umano - Lvl 7 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 38290, 14:57:49: Umano was removed from the Tribe! Day 38290, 15:01:48: Tribemember plixt - Lvl 15 was killed! Day 38290, 15:22:03: Tribemember plixt - Lvl 15 was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 130! Day 38290, 16:06:27: Tribemember plixt - Lvl 15 was killed! Day 38290, 16:56:22: Tribemember plixt - Lvl 15 was killed! Day 38290, 23:12:44: Tribemember plixt - Lvl 18 was killed! Day 38445, 09:57:52: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38873, 21:51:18: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39445, 12:05:04: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42676, 02:29:54: Tribemember plixt - Lvl 22 was killed!"] "tribeid":1175990976,"tribe":"Tribe of Goosen logs":["Day 19541, 18:46:40: Goosen was added to the Tribe! Day 19541, 18:55:23: Noble was added to the Tribe by Goosen! Day 19541, 19:40:50: Noble froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 313 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19541, 20:07:58: Noble froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 313 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19541, 21:32:17: Goosen froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 183 (Ice Wyvern) Day 19542, 00:06:16: Goosen froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 183 (Ice Wyvern) Day 19542, 10:18:06: Goosen froze [G] Machine Gun Kelly - Lvl 264 (Velonasaur) Day 19542, 11:24:21: Goosen froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 184 (Ice Wyvern) Day 19542, 13:05:14: Noble froze [Nob] Velo - Lvl 308 (Velonasaur) Day 19542, 13:44:13: Lembon was added to the Tribe by Goosen! Day 19542, 14:20:51: Noble froze [Nob] Velo - Lvl 308 (Velonasaur) Day 19542, 14:28:54: Lembon froze Velonasaur - Lvl 282 (Velonasaur) Day 19542, 16:25:27: Tribemember Goosen - Lvl 122 was killed by Noble - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Goosen)! Day 19542, 16:25:27: Your Tribe killed Goosen - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Goosen)! Day 19542, 16:58:59: Tribemember Noble - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 19542, 16:59:42: Tribemember Goosen - Lvl 122 was killed by an Arthropluera - Lvl 45! Day 19542, 17:35:02: Tribemember Noble - Lvl 122 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 140! Day 19542, 18:01:05: Tribemember Noble - Lvl 122 was killed by an Arthropluera - Lvl 45! Day 19542, 18:04:35: Tribemember Goosen - Lvl 122 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 100! Day 19542, 18:21:53: Noble froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 313 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19542, 18:59:27: Noble froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 313 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19542, 20:13:45: Noble froze Velonasaur - Lvl 282 (Velonasaur) Day 19542, 20:30:35: Goosen froze [G] Machine Gun Kelly - Lvl 264 (Velonasaur) Day 19542, 21:17:42: Noble froze [Nob] Velo - Lvl 308 (Velonasaur) Day 19542, 21:49:07: Noble froze [Nob] Velo - Lvl 308 (Velonasaur) Day 19542, 21:57:02: Your Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 313 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 19542, 23:53:33: Noble froze [Nob] Velo - Lvl 309 (Velonasaur) Day 19543, 01:32:33: Tribemember Goosen - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 19543, 01:39:58: Noble froze [Nob] Velo - Lvl 309 (Velonasaur) Day 19543, 02:25:46: Goosen froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 184 (Ice Wyvern) Day 19543, 03:12:13: Noble froze [Nob] Velo - Lvl 309 (Velonasaur) Day 19543, 04:04:39: Noble froze [Nob] Velo - Lvl 309 (Velonasaur) Day 19543, 04:05:15: Lembon froze Velonasaur - Lvl 282 (Velonasaur) Day 19543, 05:12:08: Lembon froze Lemontop - Lvl 149 (Ice Wyvern) Day 19598, 04:19:45: Noble froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 232 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19598, 04:56:02: Noble Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 141 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 19598, 05:06:13: Noble froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 141 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19598, 06:23:57: Noble froze Argentavis - Lvl 262 (Argentavis) Day 19633, 06:19:33: Tribemember Noble - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 19633, 06:19:47: Your [Nob] Velo - Lvl 309 (Velonasaur) was killed! Day 19633, 08:24:24: Tribemember Noble - Lvl 122 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 95! Day 19633, 09:04:05: Tribemember Noble - Lvl 122 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 135! Day 19633, 12:49:59: Noble froze Velonasaur - Lvl 273 (Velonasaur) Day 19633, 12:54:30: Tribemember Noble - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 19633, 14:01:42: Tribemember Noble - Lvl 122 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 145! Day 19633, 17:01:32: Noble froze Rock Drake - Lvl 112 (Rock Drake) Day 19633, 19:28:17: Noble froze Rock Drake - Lvl 112 (Rock Drake) Day 19633, 20:48:10: Noble froze Rock Drake - Lvl 112 (Rock Drake) Day 19633, 21:48:02: Noble froze Rock Drake - Lvl 112 (Rock Drake) Day 19633, 23:10:48: Noble froze Rock Drake - Lvl 112 (Rock Drake) Day 19634, 00:05:45: Noble froze Rock Drake - Lvl 112 (Rock Drake) Day 19634, 00:38:02: Noble froze Rock Drake - Lvl 123 (Rock Drake) Day 19634, 19:05:11: Noble froze Rock Drake - Lvl 124 (Rock Drake) Day 19635, 08:47:14: Noble froze Rock Drake - Lvl 201 (Rock Drake) Day 19636, 06:03:00: Duomog-- was added to the Tribe! Day 19636, 07:11:43: Tribemember Goosen - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 19636, 08:46:29: Duomog-- was removed from the Tribe! Day 19636, 09:40:19: Noble froze Maewing - Lvl 301 (Maewing) Day 19641, 20:28:42: Noble froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19753, 15:58:00: Noble froze Maewing - Lvl 301 (Maewing) Day 19753, 16:13:56: Noble froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 231 (R-Reaper King) Day 19753, 17:27:42: Noble froze Maewing - Lvl 301 (Maewing) Day 19754, 13:01:20: Noble froze Maewing - Lvl 301 (Maewing) Day 19754, 15:52:33: Noble froze Maewing - Lvl 301 (Maewing) Day 19754, 16:03:04: Lembon froze Dinopithecus - Lvl 232 (Dinopithecus) Day 19754, 16:35:46: Lembon froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 286 (R-Reaper King) Day 19754, 17:24:20: Lembon froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 286 (R-Reaper King) Day 19754, 17:53:03: Lembon froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 287 (R-Reaper King) Day 19754, 18:11:05: Noble froze Deinonychus - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 19754, 18:25:53: Noble froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 231 (R-Reaper King) Day 19754, 19:47:23: Lembon froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 287 (R-Reaper King) Day 19754, 19:57:00: Noble froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 231 (R-Reaper King) Day 19754, 21:07:26: Noble froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 231 (R-Reaper King) Day 19754, 23:54:04: Lembon froze Dinopithecus - Lvl 232 (Dinopithecus) Day 19755, 00:40:58: Noble froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 231 (R-Reaper King) Day 19768, 01:19:20: Noble froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19768, 02:05:30: Noble froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 236 (R-Reaper King) Day 19768, 02:55:05: Noble froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 236 (R-Reaper King) Day 19768, 03:33:04: Noble froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 236 (R-Reaper King) Day 19768, 04:11:05: Noble froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 236 (R-Reaper King) Day 19768, 05:13:51: Noble froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19768, 06:05:04: Noble froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 236 (R-Reaper King) Day 19768, 07:58:30: Noble froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 236 (R-Reaper King) Day 19768, 08:58:04: Noble froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20331, 00:45:55: Your 'Wooden Chair' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1170860634,"tribe":"A Long Ride logs":["Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17961, 07:27:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18279, 05:19:52: Steve - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Steve) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'HWM - Lvl 262 (Megalodon)'! Day 19358, 18:45:10: jaxs - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1164664228,"tribe":"Tribe of Black Mamba logs":["Day 23792, 14:26:52: Black Mamba was added to the Tribe! Day 23792, 14:28:10: Aidn was added to the Tribe by Black Mamba! Day 23792, 19:07:14: Tribemember Black Mamba - Lvl 14 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 23793, 06:18:49: Black Mamba Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 209 (Parasaur)! Day 23793, 18:08:41: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23793, 18:13:05: Tribemember Aidn - Lvl 15 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 15! Day 23794, 04:49:51: Black Mamba Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon)! Day 23804, 07:48:56: Tribemember Black Mamba - Lvl 39 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 23804, 10:34:41: Your Parasaur - Lvl 221 (Parasaur) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 23807, 17:43:49: Black Mamba Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon)! Day 23808, 00:03:36: Black Mamba Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 74 (Triceratops)! Day 23808, 10:28:17: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 197 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 130! Day 23808, 11:26:08: Tribemember Black Mamba - Lvl 47 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 130! Day 23808, 13:03:34: Your Triceratops - Lvl 79 (Triceratops) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 130! Day 23926, 13:49:27: Tribemember Black Mamba - Lvl 47 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 23957, 03:28:42: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24696, 21:47:15: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24781, 19:26:28: Nytrix - Lvl 105 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24841, 17:13:11: Kyanite - Lvl 122 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 146 (Pteranodon)'!"] "tribeid":1164514510,"tribe":"Ugg logs":["Day 14267, 08:47:29: Your Tribe Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 26 (Iguanodon)! Day 14267, 08:51:27: Pip froze Iguanodon - Lvl 26 (Iguanodon) Day 14267, 11:05:54: Pip froze Iguanodon - Lvl 26 (Iguanodon) Day 14267, 11:13:12: Pip froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 180 (Snow Owl) Day 14267, 12:31:29: Pip Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 188 (Baryonyx)! Day 14267, 12:36:24: Pip froze Barney - Lvl 188 (Baryonyx) Day 14267, 18:29:47: Pip froze Barney - Lvl 188 (Baryonyx) Day 14268, 04:42:29: Pip froze Baby Peach - Lvl 180 (Snow Owl) Day 14275, 02:10:00: Pip froze Juvenile Peach - Lvl 180 (Snow Owl) Day 14275, 02:16:15: Pip froze Juvenile Peach - Lvl 180 (Snow Owl) Day 14275, 02:20:47: Pip froze Juvenile Peach - Lvl 180 (Snow Owl) Day 14275, 04:17:36: Pip froze Larimar - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14275, 04:49:08: Pip froze Juvenile Peach - Lvl 180 (Snow Owl) Day 14275, 05:34:03: Pip Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 29 (Ovis)! Day 14275, 05:36:43: Pip froze Ovis - Lvl 29 (Ovis) Day 14275, 08:07:15: Pip froze Juvenile Peach - Lvl 180 (Snow Owl) Day 14275, 10:53:15: Pip froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 256 (Tek Quetzal) Day 14275, 11:28:18: Pip froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 256 (Tek Quetzal) Day 14275, 13:55:55: Pip Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 209 (Dilophosaur)! Day 14275, 14:04:07: Pip froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 209 (Dilophosaur) Day 14280, 22:54:54: Pip froze Adolescent Peach - Lvl 180 (Snow Owl) Day 14281, 05:31:20: Pip froze Adolescent Peach - Lvl 180 (Snow Owl) Day 14281, 07:08:05: Pip froze Adolescent Peach - Lvl 180 (Snow Owl) Day 14281, 10:43:24: Pip froze Peach - Lvl 180 (Snow Owl) Day 14281, 14:37:07: Pip claimed 'Mantis - Lvl 380 (Mantis)'! Day 14281, 14:48:45: Tribemember Pip - Lvl 123 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 14281, 15:46:32: Pip unclaimed 'Mantis - Lvl 380 (Mantis)'! Day 14281, 17:02:23: Pip claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 29 (Raptor)'! Day 14281, 17:08:46: Pip froze Raptor - Lvl 29 (Raptor) Day 14281, 18:09:32: Pip Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 224 (Raptor)! Day 14281, 19:26:13: Pip Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 181 (Yutyrannus)! Day 14281, 19:30:08: Pip froze Monsieur Floof - Lvl 181 (Yutyrannus) Day 14289, 09:32:36: Pip froze Anglerfish - Lvl 169 (Anglerfish) Day 14289, 11:02:29: Pip froze Anglerfish - Lvl 246 (Anglerfish) Day 14289, 14:50:44: Pip claimed 'X-Argentavis - Lvl 29 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 14289, 14:51:47: Pip claimed 'X-Woolly Rhino - Lvl 22 (X-Woolly Rhino)'! Day 14289, 15:16:00: Pip froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 29 (X-Argentavis) Day 14289, 18:48:44: Pip froze Monsieur Floof - Lvl 181 (Yutyrannus) Day 14289, 22:04:44: Pip froze Gilgamesh - Lvl 386 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14335, 22:22:05: Pip claimed 'Baby Aberrant Otter - Lvl 125 (Aberrant Otter)'! Day 14335, 22:26:28: Pip froze Baby Aberrant Otter - Lvl 125 (Aberrant Otter) Day 14335, 22:29:27: Pip claimed 'Baby Aberrant Otter - Lvl 90 (Aberrant Otter)'! Day 14335, 22:32:56: Pip froze Baby Aberrant Otter - Lvl 90 (Aberrant Otter) Day 14336, 02:54:24: Pip froze Jesus - Lvl 276 (Daeodon) Day 14336, 07:24:51: Pip froze Jesus - Lvl 276 (Daeodon) Day 14336, 07:37:06: Pip froze Peppa - Lvl 250 (Daeodon) Day 14336, 07:40:46: Pip froze Jesus - Lvl 276 (Daeodon) Day 14336, 07:56:25: Pip froze Mary, I guess - Lvl 246 (Daeodon) Day 14336, 08:04:20: Pip froze Femmina (m7 p6) - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 14336, 08:26:30: Pip froze Peppa - Lvl 250 (Daeodon) Day 14336, 09:04:13: Pip Tamed an Equus - Lvl 82 (Equus)! Day 14336, 09:09:15: Pip froze Fruit Salad - Lvl 82 (Equus) Day 14336, 12:18:06: EcStAsY added 'Tribe of Dyason' Tribe to sufyaan Alliance! Day 14336, 12:47:16: Pip froze Mary, I guess - Lvl 247 (Daeodon) Day 14336, 15:11:41: Pip claimed 'Baby Daeodon - Lvl 220 (Daeodon)'! Day 14336, 15:43:32: Pip claimed 'Baby Daeodon - Lvl 224 (Daeodon)'! Day 14336, 16:11:23: Pip froze Baby F220 - Lvl 220 (Daeodon) Day 14336, 17:06:09: Pip froze Femmina (m7 p6) - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 14336, 17:13:31: Pip froze Juvenile F220 - Lvl 220 (Daeodon) Day 14336, 17:15:09: Pip froze Juvenile M224 - Lvl 224 (Daeodon) Day 14336, 17:40:02: Pip froze Peach - Lvl 196 (Snow Owl) Day 14361, 02:06:07: Moschops - Lvl 82 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 14361, 07:24:00: Pip froze Peppa - Lvl 251 (Daeodon) Day 14361, 07:25:29: Pip froze Jesus - Lvl 276 (Daeodon) Day 14361, 07:27:49: Pip froze Mary, I guess - Lvl 247 (Daeodon) Day 14361, 07:29:26: Pip froze Fruit Salad - Lvl 86 (Equus) Day 14361, 10:41:47: Pip froze Adolescent F220 - Lvl 220 (Daeodon) Day 14361, 10:45:48: Pip froze Adolescent F220 - Lvl 220 (Daeodon) Day 14361, 10:47:32: Pip froze Adolescent F220 - Lvl 220 (Daeodon) Day 14361, 11:13:19: Pip froze Adolescent M224 - Lvl 224 (Daeodon) Day 14361, 13:45:57: Pip froze Mini Slam - Lvl 266 (Doedicurus) Day 14361, 17:44:24: Pip claimed 'Baby Daeodon - Lvl 229 (Daeodon)'! Day 14361, 17:46:05: Pip froze Baby Daeodon - Lvl 229 (Daeodon) Day 14361, 20:05:57: Pip froze Juvenile M229 1/40 - Lvl 229 (Daeodon) Day 14361, 20:08:17: Pip claimed 'Baby Daeodon - Lvl 217 (Daeodon)'! Day 14361, 20:11:13: Pip froze Baby Daeodon - Lvl 217 (Daeodon) Day 14361, 23:45:21: Pip froze Juvenile M229 1/40 - Lvl 229 (Daeodon) Day 14363, 13:02:19: Pip froze Femmina (m7 p6) - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex) Day 14363, 19:00:24: Pip froze Femmina (m7 p6) - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex) Day 14364, 11:16:27: Pip froze Gilgamesh - Lvl 386 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14364, 12:53:07: Pip Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 37 (Ovis)! Day 14364, 12:56:05: Pip froze Ovis - Lvl 37 (Ovis) Day 14420, 03:12:27: Pip claimed 'Baby Daeodon - Lvl 222 (Daeodon)'! Day 14420, 03:36:58: Pip froze Baby Daeodon - Lvl 222 (Daeodon) Day 14420, 11:37:39: Pip unclaimed 'Baby Daeodon - Lvl 222 (Daeodon)'! Day 14434, 07:28:14: Tribemember Pip - Lvl 123 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 15! Day 14434, 12:22:43: Tribemember Pip - Lvl 123 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 45! Day 14434, 12:58:41: Your Tomato - Lvl 36 (Compy) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 130! Day 14434, 14:23:47: Tribemember Pip - Lvl 123 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 130! Day 14447, 17:30:54: Lila - Lvl 124 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14484, 07:38:03: Pip claimed 'Baby Daeodon - Lvl 230 (Daeodon)'! Day 14484, 09:04:19: Pip froze F220 0/40 11.4kHP 20kF - Lvl 224 (Daeodon) Day 14484, 09:05:11: Your Lumia - Lvl 39 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 14484, 09:05:11: Lumia - Lvl 39 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 14484, 09:27:19: Pip froze Alassoa - Lvl 179 (Snow Owl) Day 14484, 09:34:04: Pip froze Barran - Lvl 252 (Snow Owl) Day 14484, 09:52:33: Pip froze Freefall - Lvl 262 (Pteranodon) Day 14484, 09:57:01: Pip froze Stripey - Lvl 261 (Pteranodon) Day 14484, 10:05:35: Pip froze Argentavis - Lvl 260 (Argentavis) Day 14484, 10:14:31: Pip froze Argentavis - Lvl 260 (Argentavis) Day 14484, 10:18:22: Pip froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 29 (X-Argentavis) Day 14484, 10:53:41: Pip froze Midnight - Lvl 216 (Equus) Day 14484, 10:57:00: Pip froze Sheu - Lvl 271 (Equus) Day 14484, 10:59:53: Pip froze Xanthos - Lvl 285 (Equus) Day 14484, 11:03:09: Pip froze Equus - Lvl 150 (Equus) Day 14484, 11:06:04: Pip froze Equus - Lvl 215 (Equus) Day 14484, 11:10:29: Pip froze Equus - Lvl 225 (Equus) Day 14486, 00:41:26: Pip froze Rose - Lvl 77 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14486, 00:49:52: Pip froze Ambellina - Lvl 66 (Sabertooth) Day 14486, 01:04:00: Pip froze Jesus M217 - Lvl 277 (Daeodon) Day 14486, 01:12:00: Pip froze M224 0/40 11.4kHP 20kF - Lvl 228 (Daeodon) Day 14486, 01:24:50: Pip froze M229 1/40 11.2kHP 22.2kF - Lvl 229 (Daeodon) Day 14486, 01:32:35: Pip froze Femmina (m7 p6) - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex) Day 14486, 01:55:41: Pip froze Sarcha - Lvl 260 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14486, 03:51:14: Pip froze Acina - Lvl 222 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14486, 04:15:35: Pip froze Larimar - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14486, 04:30:11: Pip froze Equus - Lvl 220 (Equus) Day 14512, 21:11:56: Apollo - Lvl 212 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14532, 15:36:20: Britt - Lvl 178 (Brontosaurus) starved to death! Day 14544, 13:40:36: Bertie - Lvl 76 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 14580, 08:01:00: Pip claimed 'Baby Daeodon - Lvl 230 (Daeodon)'! Day 14580, 08:02:21: Pip claimed 'Baby Daeodon - Lvl 230 (Daeodon)'! Day 14580, 08:03:24: Pip claimed 'Baby Daeodon - Lvl 230 (Daeodon)'! Day 14580, 08:04:39: Pip claimed 'Baby Daeodon - Lvl 230 (Daeodon)'! Day 14606, 02:54:37: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14637, 14:23:23: M230 1/40 - Lvl 230 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 14654, 17:03:17: Bellaria - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 14654, 17:09:12: F230 1/40 - Lvl 230 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 14654, 17:09:13: F230 1/40 - Lvl 230 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 14669, 22:39:16: Pip froze Bespin - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus) Day 14669, 22:57:52: Pip froze Dorn - Lvl 187 (Deinonychus) Day 14669, 23:04:09: Pip froze Celestine - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus) Day 14669, 23:41:40: Pip froze Dorn - Lvl 187 (Deinonychus) Day 14670, 00:09:22: Pip froze Prada - Lvl 274 (Mammoth) Day 14761, 01:51:44: Pip froze Shifter - Lvl 281 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14761, 02:48:05: Pip froze Chalcedony - Lvl 295 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14761, 03:12:14: Pip froze Sonic - Lvl 241 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14761, 03:27:23: Pip froze Chrysocolia - Lvl 275 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14761, 07:18:10: Pip froze Unicorn - Lvl 141 (Unicorn) Day 14761, 07:22:04: Pip froze Unicorn - Lvl 134 (Unicorn) Day 14960, 20:11:39: EcStAsY added 'Anthill' Tribe to sufyaan Alliance! Day 15057, 12:40:15: EcStAsY added 'of Light' Tribe to sufyaan Alliance! Day 15096, 12:13:56: Your Ovis - Lvl 29 (Ovis) was killed! Day 15096, 12:13:56: Ovis - Lvl 29 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 15096, 17:23:55: Pip claimed 'X-Otter - Lvl 82 (X-Otter)'! Day 15096, 17:24:26: Pip claimed 'X-Otter - Lvl 29 (X-Otter)'! Day 15096, 23:04:19: Pip froze X-Otter - Lvl 82 (X-Otter) Day 15096, 23:18:18: Pip froze Pan - Lvl 29 (X-Otter) Day 15097, 00:14:56: Pip claimed 'Baby Dilophosaur - Lvl 41 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 15097, 00:18:12: Pip claimed 'Baby Dilophosaur - Lvl 40 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 15142, 10:09:15: Dalton343 - Lvl 122 (Sexy boys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 15225, 04:28:27: EcStAsY added 'House of Buzoku' Tribe to sufyaan Alliance! Day 15543, 06:42:02: Grass - Lvl 22 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 15561, 02:01:37: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15561, 02:01:37: Your 'Dino Leash' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15561, 02:01:37: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15561, 02:01:37: Your 'Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15561, 02:01:37: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15561, 02:01:37: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15561, 02:01:37: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15561, 02:01:37: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15561, 02:01:37: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15561, 02:01:37: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15561, 02:01:37: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15561, 02:01:37: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15561, 02:01:37: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15561, 02:01:37: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15561, 02:01:37: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15561, 02:01:37: Your 'Painting Canvas' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15561, 02:01:37: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15561, 02:01:37: Your 'Water Well' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15563, 08:51:08: Ovis - Lvl 37 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 15569, 17:56:47: EcStAsY added 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe to sufyaan Alliance! Day 15570, 12:29:46: Ray 2 - Lvl 134 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 15595, 10:28:13: Dilophosaur - Lvl 54 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 15595, 11:28:16: Tribemember Pip - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 15596, 15:49:02: Tribemember Pip - Lvl 123 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 15596, 17:39:58: Neo - Lvl 83 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 15812, 19:03:52: Pip froze Peppa F230 - Lvl 254 (Daeodon) Day 15812, 19:05:23: Pip froze M230 - Lvl 230 (Daeodon) Day 15812, 19:06:49: Pip froze Mary, I Guess F224 - Lvl 250 (Daeodon) Day 15812, 19:08:14: Pip froze Greenling - Lvl 134 (Hyaenodon ) Day 15812, 19:12:06: Pip froze Raptor - Lvl 29 (Raptor) Day 15813, 00:32:43: Pip froze Phellilea - Lvl 82 (Direwolf) Day 15813, 00:43:32: Pip froze Eunina - Lvl 71 (Direwolf) Day 15813, 00:48:25: Pip froze Alcora - Lvl 117 (Direwolf) Day 15813, 00:55:17: Pip froze Floyd - Lvl 224 (Raptor) Day 15813, 01:06:55: Pip froze Colgate - Lvl 127 (Thorny Dragon) Day 15813, 01:13:17: Pip froze Pandemonium - Lvl 236 (Dire Polar Bear) Day 15813, 01:19:00: Pip froze Slowpoke - Lvl 95 (Gasbags) Day 15813, 01:23:38: Pip froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 253 (Dilophosaur) Day 15813, 01:31:54: Pip froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 133 (Dilophosaur) Day 15813, 01:35:42: Pip froze Golden - Lvl 92 (Dilophosaur) Day 15813, 01:39:30: Pip froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 113 (Dilophosaur) Day 15813, 02:16:57: Pip froze Eironchard - Lvl 250 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15813, 03:07:14: Pip froze Featherlight - Lvl 174 (Featherlight) Day 15813, 03:10:51: Pip froze Little Red - Lvl 199 (Featherlight) Day 15813, 03:14:50: Pip froze Heiliger Schein - Lvl 310 (Featherlight) Day 15813, 03:20:18: Pip froze Polka - Lvl 194 (Featherlight) Day 15813, 03:27:49: Pip froze Agrippina - Lvl 237 (Featherlight) Day 15813, 03:31:53: Pip froze Featherlight - Lvl 248 (Featherlight) Day 15813, 03:35:30: Pip froze Doppa - Lvl 224 (Featherlight) Day 15813, 03:39:18: Pip froze Imperator - Lvl 246 (Featherlight) Day 15813, 03:46:38: Pip froze Featherlight - Lvl 227 (Featherlight) Day 15813, 03:50:56: Pip froze Quinn - Lvl 164 (Featherlight) Day 15813, 03:58:08: Pip froze Swell - Lvl 59 (Featherlight) Day 15813, 04:06:59: Pip froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 53 (Dilophosaur) Day 15813, 06:48:06: Pip froze Zombie Fire Wyvern - Lvl 113 (Zombie Fire Wyvern) Day 15813, 06:54:24: Pip froze Langua - Lvl 212 (Dimetrodon) Day 15813, 06:56:13: Pip froze Swell - Lvl 59 (Featherlight) Day 15813, 06:59:39: Pip froze Dalua - Lvl 108 (Microraptor) Day 15813, 07:07:42: Pip froze Argentavis - Lvl 231 (Argentavis) Day 15813, 07:10:01: Pip froze Brule - Lvl 309 (Argentavis) Day 15813, 07:13:03: Pip froze Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 15813, 07:30:49: Pip froze Snow Owl - Lvl 374 (Snow Owl) Day 15813, 07:33:47: Pip froze Pteranodon - Lvl 182 (Pteranodon) Day 15813, 07:37:25: Pip froze Tapejara - Lvl 122 (Tapejara) Day 15813, 07:44:29: Pip froze Vakarian - Lvl 161 (Rock Drake) Day 15813, 07:50:25: Pip froze Shinehorn - Lvl 255 (Shinehorn) Day 15815, 03:52:03: Pip froze Pandemonium - Lvl 236 (Dire Polar Bear) Day 15815, 05:40:00: Pip froze Peach - Lvl 225 (Snow Owl) Day 15824, 07:01:09: Pip froze Shifter - Lvl 281 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15824, 07:06:28: Pip froze Bruton - Lvl 281 (Iguanodon) Day 15824, 07:37:14: Pip uploaded a Blood Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 383 Day 15824, 07:38:06: Pip uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 340 Day 15838, 23:10:00: Pip froze Bulbdog - Lvl 227 (Bulbdog) Day 15838, 23:13:40: Pip froze Imperator - Lvl 246 (Featherlight) Day 15838, 23:23:13: Pip froze Glowtail - Lvl 213 (Glowtail) Day 15838, 23:26:44: Pip froze Doppa - Lvl 224 (Featherlight) Day 15838, 23:31:12: Pip froze Carrot - Lvl 154 (Compy) Day 15838, 23:59:53: Pip froze Fred - Lvl 91 (Parasaur) Day 15839, 00:04:29: Pip froze Varagar - Lvl 98 (Tek Parasaur) Day 15839, 00:14:11: Pip froze Monsieur Floof - Lvl 221 (Yutyrannus) Day 15839, 00:25:11: Pip froze Sanguinius - Lvl 84 (Deinonychus) Day 15839, 00:30:17: Pip froze Barney - Lvl 188 (Baryonyx) Day 15839, 01:11:05: Pip froze Azula - Lvl 192 (Equus) Day 15839, 01:15:18: Pip froze Unicorn - Lvl 145 (Unicorn) Day 15839, 01:33:24: Pip froze Littlefoot - Lvl 261 (Diplodocus) Day 15839, 02:18:39: Pip uploaded a Griffin: Glove Stealer - Lvl 275 Day 15843, 07:09:13: Pip froze Helli - Lvl 167 (Ankylosaurus) Day 15843, 07:16:24: Pip froze Really Big Al - Lvl 377 (Allosaurus) Day 15843, 07:18:20: Pip froze Lacrimosa - Lvl 291 (Allosaurus) Day 15843, 07:21:17: Pip froze Amaterasu - Lvl 312 (Tek Raptor) Day 15843, 07:23:15: Pip froze Ambellina - Lvl 66 (Sabertooth) Day 15843, 07:49:43: Pip uploaded a Snow Owl: Crazy Bint - Lvl 394 Day 15843, 11:50:42: Pip froze Crazy Bint - Lvl 393 (Snow Owl) Day 15843, 12:34:27: Pip froze Sovereign - Lvl 304 (Velonasaur) Day 15843, 12:57:13: Pip froze Crazy Bint - Lvl 393 (Snow Owl) Day 15843, 14:31:06: Pip froze Prosso - Lvl 316 (Mammoth) Day 15843, 14:49:44: Pip uploaded a Snow Owl: Crazy Bint - Lvl 393 Day 15870, 07:25:49: Pip froze Mini Slam - Lvl 266 (Doedicurus) Day 15870, 07:35:28: Pip froze Glimmer - Lvl 192 (Dung Beetle) Day 15870, 08:03:53: Pip uploaded a Snow Owl: Crazy Bint - Lvl 394 Day 15897, 17:28:53: Pip froze Malavai - Lvl 304 (Ankylosaurus) Day 15897, 17:32:07: Pip froze Fallo - Lvl 135 (Ankylosaurus) Day 15897, 17:33:59: Pip froze Chungus - Lvl 22 (X-Woolly Rhino) Day 15897, 17:36:06: Pip froze Iguanodon - Lvl 26 (Iguanodon) Day 15897, 17:38:01: Pip froze Neera - Lvl 224 (Iguanodon) Day 15897, 17:39:29: Pip froze Aladar - Lvl 217 (Iguanodon) Day 15897, 17:41:27: Pip froze Ovis - Lvl 199 (Ovis) Day 15897, 17:43:20: Pip froze Ovis - Lvl 159 (Ovis) Day 15897, 17:45:47: Pip froze Ovis - Lvl 87 (Ovis) Day 15897, 17:47:51: Pip froze Ribena - Lvl 123 (Diplodocus) Day 15897, 17:57:05: Pip froze Macrophage - Lvl 141 (Aberrant Ankylosaurus) Day 15897, 18:18:43: Pip froze Spice - Lvl 209 (Stegosaurus) Day 15897, 18:24:33: Pip froze Charger - Lvl 52 (Equus) Day 15897, 18:26:00: Pip froze Scarlet - Lvl 80 (Equus) Day 15897, 18:27:28: Pip froze Red - Lvl 211 (Equus) Day 15897, 18:28:57: Pip froze Tyria - Lvl 189 (Equus) Day 15897, 18:30:22: Pip froze Forest - Lvl 213 (Equus) Day 15897, 18:32:17: Pip froze Nox - Lvl 110 (Equus) Day 15897, 18:33:44: Pip froze Equus - Lvl 240 (Equus) Day 15897, 18:35:07: Pip froze C1 - Lvl 64 (Equus) Day 15897, 18:40:18: Pip froze Ruby - Lvl 166 (Equus) Day 15897, 18:42:12: Pip froze Nethys - Lvl 190 (Equus) Day 15897, 18:43:36: Pip froze Vermillion - Lvl 91 (Equus) Day 15897, 18:44:59: Pip froze Tyra - Lvl 263 (Equus) Day 15897, 18:46:28: Pip froze Emerald - Lvl 232 (Equus) Day 15897, 18:47:53: Pip froze Veridian - Lvl 193 (Equus) Day 15897, 18:51:44: Pip froze Fruit Salad - Lvl 86 (Equus) Day 15897, 18:53:06: Pip froze Psyker - Lvl 135 (Equus) Day 15897, 18:54:29: Pip froze Obyron - Lvl 225 (Equus) Day 15897, 18:55:53: Pip froze C2 - Lvl 244 (Equus) Day 15897, 18:58:39: Pip froze C3 - Lvl 70 (Equus) Day 15897, 19:00:43: Pip froze Trazyn - Lvl 176 (Equus) Day 15897, 19:02:16: Pip froze Szarekh - Lvl 246 (Equus) Day 15897, 19:50:46: Pip froze Crazy Bint - Lvl 394 (Snow Owl) Day 15897, 23:55:03: Pip froze Crazy Bint - Lvl 394 (Snow Owl) Day 15898, 00:02:33: Pip froze Dodo - Lvl 215 (Dodo) Day 15898, 00:08:37: Pip froze Captain Scarlet - Lvl 256 (Dodo) Day 15898, 00:12:52: Pip froze Pumpkin - Lvl 68 (Dodo) Day 15898, 00:16:33: Pip froze Vimto - Lvl 174 (Dodo) Day 15898, 00:20:21: Pip froze Dodo - Lvl 215 (Dodo) Day 15898, 00:24:00: Pip froze Dodo - Lvl 146 (Dodo) Day 15898, 00:46:38: Pip froze Crazy Bint - Lvl 394 (Snow Owl) Day 15898, 01:05:22: Pip froze Pu - Lvl 225 (Equus) Day 15898, 01:09:07: Pip froze Equus - Lvl 224 (Equus) Day 15898, 01:12:57: Pip froze Sky - Lvl 70 (Equus) Day 15898, 01:25:22: Pip froze P1 - Lvl 150 (Equus) Day 15898, 01:29:04: Pip froze Merlot - Lvl 217 (Equus) Day 15898, 02:21:10: Pip froze Chirp - Lvl 272 (Castoroides) Day 15898, 02:33:54: Pip froze Mulder - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) Day 15898, 02:39:21: Pip froze Scully - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 15898, 04:14:10: Pip froze Corel - Lvl 137 (Brontosaurus) Day 15898, 05:19:34: Pip froze Crazy Bint - Lvl 394 (Snow Owl) Day 15925, 14:38:40: Pip froze Crazy Bint - Lvl 394 (Snow Owl) Day 15939, 16:21:16: Pip froze Crazy Bint - Lvl 394 (Snow Owl) Day 15939, 19:52:00: Pip uploaded a Snow Owl: Crazy Bint - Lvl 394 Day 16033, 03:45:35: Pip froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) Day 16033, 04:21:22: Pip froze Baby R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 16033, 04:48:05: Pip froze Bruton - Lvl 282 (Iguanodon) Day 16033, 06:55:03: Pip froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) Day 16033, 07:00:57: Pip froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 16033, 09:09:27: Pip froze Juvenile Salogel - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) Day 16033, 09:16:55: Pip froze Juvenile Aestus - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 16033, 09:19:05: Pip froze Juvenile Aestus - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 16033, 09:35:44: Pip froze Juvenile Hephaestus - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 16033, 09:37:49: Pip froze Juvenile Hephaestus - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 16033, 11:33:33: Pip froze Adolescent Aestus - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 16033, 13:36:35: Pip froze Adolescent Salogel - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) Day 16033, 13:38:38: Pip froze Adolescent Salogel - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) Day 16033, 13:41:17: Pip froze Adolescent Salogel - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) Day 16033, 13:47:14: Pip froze Adolescent Aestus - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 16033, 13:49:25: Pip froze Adolescent Aestus - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 16033, 13:51:40: Pip froze Adolescent Aestus - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 16033, 13:53:43: Pip froze Adolescent Aestus - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 16033, 13:55:25: Pip froze Adolescent Aestus - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 16033, 13:58:17: Pip froze Adolescent Aestus - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 16033, 14:00:30: Pip froze Adolescent Aestus - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 16033, 14:06:46: Pip froze Juvenile Hephaestus - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 16033, 14:09:01: Pip froze Juvenile Hephaestus - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 16033, 17:50:40: Pip froze Salogel - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) Day 16033, 17:57:10: Pip froze Aestus - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 16033, 21:29:12: Pip froze Adolescent Hephaestus - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 16033, 21:47:20: Pip froze Adolescent Hephaestus - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 16033, 21:54:21: Pip froze Duck - Lvl 59 (Maewing) Day 16034, 02:17:50: Pip froze Adolescent Hephaestus - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 16034, 03:32:21: Pip froze Shifter - Lvl 384 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16034, 04:01:01: Pip froze Salogel - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) Day 16034, 07:06:12: Pip froze Salogel - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) Day 16034, 08:11:26: Pip froze Aestus - Lvl 260 (Shadowmane) Day 16064, 10:54:13: Scully84 was added to the Tribe! Day 16064, 11:43:59: Scully84 was removed from the Tribe! Day 16064, 11:43:59: Tribe Owner was changed to Pip! Day 16119, 05:31:44: Pip froze Adolescent Jossey - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 16119, 05:33:54: Pip froze Duck - Lvl 130 (Maewing) Day 16119, 05:47:41: Pip froze Aestus - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 16127, 08:14:40: Pip froze Baby R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 16127, 08:21:42: Pip froze Baby R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 16127, 08:39:44: Pip froze Baby R-Reaper King - Lvl 205 (R-Reaper King) Day 16127, 08:41:53: Pip froze Baby R-Reaper King - Lvl 205 (R-Reaper King) Day 16127, 08:46:01: Pip froze Baby R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 16127, 08:47:59: Pip froze Baby R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 16127, 08:50:06: Pip froze Baby R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 16127, 08:52:17: Pip froze Baby R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 16127, 10:40:36: Pip froze Juvenile R-Equus - Lvl 153 (R-Equus) Day 16127, 12:58:45: Pip froze Juvenile R-Equus - Lvl 153 (R-Equus) Day 16127, 15:06:49: Pip froze Adolescent Zlotnik - Lvl 221 (Shadowmane) Day 16127, 17:31:22: Pip froze Juvenile R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 16127, 18:15:57: Pip froze Juvenile R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 16127, 20:58:42: Pip froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 205 (R-Reaper King) Day 16127, 23:28:16: Pip froze Jossey - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane) Day 16128, 03:00:07: Pip froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 16128, 03:19:15: Pip froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 16128, 04:29:18: Pip froze R-Equus - Lvl 153 (R-Equus) Day 16128, 06:33:27: Pip froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 16128, 06:42:54: Pip froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 16128, 06:50:23: Pip froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 16128, 06:55:18: Pip froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 16128, 06:57:16: Pip froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 205 (R-Reaper King) Day 16128, 07:01:49: Pip froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 16128, 07:04:58: Pip froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 16128, 07:08:09: Pip froze Duck - Lvl 131 (Maewing) Day 16128, 08:19:28: Pip froze Zlotnik - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) Day 16161, 05:57:21: Pip froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 252 (Shadowmane) Day 16161, 06:02:28: Pip froze Baby Ferox - Lvl 66 (Ferox) Day 16161, 07:25:31: Pip froze Baby Ferox - Lvl 66 (Ferox) Day 16161, 08:28:22: Pip froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 252 (Shadowmane) Day 16161, 13:03:06: Pip froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 16161, 13:04:36: Pip froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 252 (Shadowmane) Day 16161, 13:09:00: Pip froze Juvenile rainbow - Lvl 227 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16161, 13:11:55: Pip froze Juvenile Ferox - Lvl 122 (Ferox) Day 16161, 13:14:47: Pip froze Juvenile Ferox - Lvl 66 (Ferox) Day 16161, 13:20:13: Pip froze Duck - Lvl 131 (Maewing) Day 16161, 13:45:43: Pip froze Jossey - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane) Day 16174, 21:50:53: Pip froze Juvenile rainbow - Lvl 227 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16175, 02:48:27: Pip froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 252 (Shadowmane) Day 16175, 02:52:23: Pip froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 16175, 02:57:08: Pip froze Juvenile R-Equus - Lvl 184 (R-Equus) Day 16175, 03:05:21: Pip froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 252 (Shadowmane) Day 16175, 09:23:32: Pip froze Juvenile rainbow - Lvl 227 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16175, 10:57:29: Pip froze Saliss - Lvl 252 (Shadowmane) Day 16175, 11:05:09: Pip froze Adolescent R-Equus - Lvl 115 (R-Equus) Day 16175, 11:07:06: Pip froze Adolescent R-Equus - Lvl 184 (R-Equus) Day 16175, 11:15:30: Pip froze Adolescent R-Equus - Lvl 197 (R-Equus) Day 16175, 11:17:00: Pip froze Adolescent R-Equus - Lvl 177 (R-Equus) Day 16175, 11:19:35: Pip froze Juvenile rainbow - Lvl 227 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16175, 11:24:12: Pip froze Akhana - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 16175, 11:26:42: Pip froze Duck - Lvl 131 (Maewing) Day 16175, 11:43:13: Pip froze Jossey - Lvl 290 (Shadowmane)"] "tribeid":1162813346,"tribe":"Tartarus logs":["Day 31453, 10:15:31: Your Gigantopithecus - Lvl 72 (Gigantopithecus) was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 85! Day 31453, 11:45:07: Tribemember Magefire - Lvl 52 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 135! Day 31453, 18:18:39: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)! Day 31453, 18:38:12: Tribemember Magefire - Lvl 52 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 25! Day 31453, 19:54:44: Tribemember Magefire - Lvl 52 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 25! Day 31453, 23:20:01: Tribemember Magefire - Lvl 52 was killed! Day 31454, 03:16:21: Magefire Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 37 (Carnotaurus)! Day 31455, 10:50:57: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 37 (Argentavis)! Day 31456, 11:25:43: Tribemember Magefire - Lvl 61 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 50! Day 31456, 16:45:45: Magefire Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 202 (Dung Beetle)! Day 31456, 21:42:09: RoboNinaj192 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)! Day 31457, 07:22:05: Tribemember Magefire - Lvl 63 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 140! Day 31457, 07:27:12: Tribemember RoboNinaj192 - Lvl 40 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 140! Day 31457, 08:20:44: Tribemember Magefire - Lvl 63 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 140! Day 31457, 23:46:50: Your Argentavis - Lvl 46 (Argentavis) was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 45! Day 31457, 23:55:39: Tribemember Magefire - Lvl 64 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 45! Day 31458, 15:11:56: Tribemember RoboNinaj192 - Lvl 45 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 45! Day 31458, 16:25:58: Tribemember RoboNinaj192 - Lvl 45 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 45! Day 31458, 17:16:13: Tribemember RoboNinaj192 - Lvl 45 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 50! Day 31458, 17:46:15: Tribemember Magefire - Lvl 65 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 31459, 04:13:04: Tribemember RoboNinaj192 - Lvl 46 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 145! Day 31459, 12:37:18: Tribemember RoboNinaj192 - Lvl 47 was killed! Day 31459, 13:17:32: Tribemember RoboNinaj192 - Lvl 47 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 85! Day 31459, 15:24:48: Tribemember RoboNinaj192 - Lvl 48 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 95! Day 31459, 16:34:21: Magefire claimed 'Caravan v2 (Raft)'! Day 31459, 18:38:23: Tribemember RoboNinaj192 - Lvl 49 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 90! Day 31459, 19:16:51: Tribemember RoboNinaj192 - Lvl 49 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 90! Day 31459, 22:38:58: RoboNinaj192 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 31460, 09:13:08: Magefire Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)! Day 31460, 12:34:29: Magefire claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31460, 19:21:43: Magefire claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31461, 06:32:07: Magefire froze Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon) Day 31461, 12:42:08: RoboNinaj192 claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31461, 17:36:26: Magefire froze Juvenile bog birb - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon) Day 31462, 12:25:44: Tribemember RoboNinaj192 - Lvl 57 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 95! Day 31473, 06:30:30: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 158 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 31479, 11:52:00: Tribemember Magefire - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 31480, 06:11:44: Tribemember Magefire - Lvl 70 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 31480, 10:25:35: Magefire Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 31481, 04:54:28: Magefire froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 31481, 09:42:47: Tribemember Magefire - Lvl 72 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 15! Day 31481, 12:13:43: Magefire froze Pteranodon - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) Day 31481, 22:18:11: Magefire Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 31482, 11:27:09: Magefire claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 31482, 12:10:33: Magefire claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 31482, 14:00:08: Magefire claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 31482, 16:52:29: Magefire froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31482, 22:00:30: Magefire froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31482, 23:12:25: Magefire froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31482, 23:34:59: Magefire froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31482, 23:39:51: Magefire froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31483, 02:14:50: Magefire froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31483, 07:25:24: Magefire froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31483, 08:54:03: Magefire froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31483, 08:58:02: Magefire froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31483, 09:08:07: Magefire froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31483, 14:33:47: Magefire froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31483, 16:23:00: Magefire froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31483, 18:15:38: Magefire froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31483, 20:59:33: Magefire froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31483, 21:04:11: Magefire froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31483, 21:10:05: Magefire froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31484, 02:58:17: Magefire froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31484, 03:03:56: Magefire froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31484, 03:08:26: Magefire froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31484, 09:40:44: Magefire froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31484, 10:35:10: Magefire froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31484, 14:15:15: Magefire froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31484, 15:56:28: Magefire froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31484, 16:01:44: Magefire froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31484, 18:42:12: Magefire froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31484, 19:40:11: Magefire froze bog birb - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) Day 31502, 11:47:46: Magefire Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 149 (Mammoth)! Day 31502, 11:52:58: Magefire froze Mammoth - Lvl 149 (Mammoth) Day 31503, 20:42:30: Magefire claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 31503, 20:43:21: RoboNinaj192 claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 31503, 20:45:12: RoboNinaj192 claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 31503, 21:12:19: Magefire froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31503, 21:29:09: Magefire froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31503, 22:28:19: Magefire froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31503, 22:36:26: Magefire froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31504, 07:54:53: RoboNinaj192 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31504, 12:04:59: RoboNinaj192 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31504, 12:08:54: RoboNinaj192 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31504, 12:26:50: RoboNinaj192 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31504, 12:31:56: RoboNinaj192 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31504, 12:35:39: RoboNinaj192 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31504, 21:46:32: RoboNinaj192 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31504, 22:30:12: Tribemember Magefire - Lvl 83 was killed! Day 31505, 00:12:39: Magefire Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 37 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 31505, 00:27:37: Magefire froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 37 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31505, 02:04:20: Tribemember Magefire - Lvl 83 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 31505, 03:39:14: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31505, 05:28:33: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 127 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 160! Day 31505, 08:31:58: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31505, 08:37:31: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31505, 12:38:13: Tribemember Magefire - Lvl 84 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 31505, 12:39:45: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31505, 12:54:39: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31505, 12:59:31: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31505, 13:13:36: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31505, 13:20:42: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31505, 13:51:28: Your Poison Wyvern - Lvl 74 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 150! Day 31505, 16:41:23: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 31505, 16:41:43: Tribemember Magefire - Lvl 84 was killed! Day 31505, 17:17:22: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31505, 22:16:07: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31505, 22:39:47: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31505, 22:45:39: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31505, 22:50:03: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31505, 23:00:14: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31505, 23:05:44: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31505, 23:15:30: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31507, 19:47:13: Magefire claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 31508, 00:04:56: RoboNinaj192 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 31508, 00:29:36: Magefire froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31508, 04:41:19: Magefire claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 31508, 04:48:35: Magefire froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31508, 05:46:21: Magefire froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31508, 05:51:02: Magefire froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31508, 07:42:52: RoboNinaj192 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 31508, 07:56:11: RoboNinaj192 froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31508, 08:09:32: Magefire froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31508, 08:13:17: Magefire froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31508, 08:17:30: Magefire froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31508, 09:50:56: Magefire froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31508, 09:59:32: Magefire claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 31508, 10:09:47: Magefire froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31508, 12:42:47: RoboNinaj192 froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31508, 15:20:44: RoboNinaj192 froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31508, 15:24:28: RoboNinaj192 froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31508, 15:24:43: Magefire froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31508, 15:35:58: RoboNinaj192 froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31508, 19:53:02: RoboNinaj192 froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31508, 19:56:33: RoboNinaj192 froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31508, 20:15:13: RoboNinaj192 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31508, 23:07:55: Magefire froze Pteranodon - Lvl 48 (Pteranodon) Day 31509, 02:34:19: RoboNinaj192 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31509, 03:16:14: Tribemember Magefire - Lvl 84 was killed! Day 31509, 04:29:53: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31509, 07:21:38: RoboNinaj192 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31509, 07:40:03: RoboNinaj192 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31509, 07:46:13: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31509, 08:19:49: Kitties Tities tribe was merged in by Zenalis! Day 31509, 08:19:49: Zenalis was added to the Tribe by Magefire! Day 31509, 09:14:27: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31509, 10:45:27: RoboNinaj192 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31509, 11:27:31: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 31509, 12:13:16: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31509, 12:29:40: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31509, 12:34:52: RoboNinaj192 froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31509, 12:47:09: Zenalis was removed from the Tribe by Magefire! Day 31509, 13:36:52: Zenalis was added to the Tribe by Magefire! Day 31509, 14:47:32: Zenalis was removed from the Tribe! Day 31509, 15:26:53: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31509, 15:30:32: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31509, 17:05:21: Magefire froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31509, 17:16:32: Magefire froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31509, 18:21:45: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31509, 19:12:05: RoboNinaj192 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31509, 19:18:51: Magefire froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31509, 19:33:57: Magefire froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31509, 19:41:08: Magefire froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31509, 19:45:47: Magefire froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31509, 19:50:03: Magefire froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31523, 13:27:37: Magefire froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31523, 13:39:17: Magefire froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31523, 14:10:49: Magefire froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31523, 14:15:21: Magefire froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31523, 18:51:57: Magefire froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31523, 19:00:40: Magefire froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31523, 19:05:14: Magefire froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31551, 17:52:42: Magefire Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 31551, 17:58:39: Magefire froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 31552, 00:50:19: Tribemember Magefire - Lvl 101 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 100! Day 31552, 03:22:46: Magefire froze Pteranodon - Lvl 240 (Pteranodon) Day 31554, 02:50:45: Magefire froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31554, 05:11:16: Magefire froze great weight/good melee - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 31554, 13:22:31: Magefire froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31554, 17:55:49: Magefire claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31554, 22:57:14: Magefire froze Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon) Day 31555, 01:23:12: Magefire froze Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon) Day 31555, 05:24:41: Magefire froze great weight/good melee - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 31555, 08:42:47: Magefire froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon) Day 31555, 09:35:58: Magefire froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon) Day 31555, 14:00:53: Magefire froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon) Day 31555, 14:12:59: Magefire froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon) Day 31555, 14:25:32: Magefire froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon) Day 31555, 23:35:42: Magefire froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 72 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31556, 00:22:16: Magefire froze big pb - Lvl 81 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31556, 00:50:02: Magefire froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31556, 01:31:50: Magefire froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31556, 01:36:26: Magefire froze light - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31556, 02:08:51: Magefire froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 67 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31556, 02:20:20: Magefire froze bat - Lvl 80 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31556, 04:03:43: Magefire froze bat - Lvl 80 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31556, 13:56:18: Magefire froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 63 (Carnotaurus) Day 31556, 15:39:39: Magefire froze bog birb - Lvl 230 (Pteranodon) Day 31556, 16:09:36: Magefire froze Pteranodon - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon) Day 31556, 16:40:49: Magefire froze Pteranodon - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon) Day 31556, 16:44:32: Magefire froze Big fying bird - Lvl 230 (Pteranodon) Day 31556, 18:45:43: Magefire froze Big fying bird - Lvl 230 (Pteranodon) Day 31556, 18:49:22: Magefire froze Moschops - Lvl 81 (Moschops) Day 31556, 19:05:30: Magefire froze Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon) Day 31556, 19:21:17: Magefire froze Vulture - Lvl 217 (Vulture) Day 31556, 19:43:29: Magefire froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 31556, 19:56:51: Magefire froze Big bird - Lvl 48 (Vulture) Day 31579, 14:46:38: RoboNinaj192 was removed from the Tribe by Magefire! Day 31695, 03:22:15: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31695, 06:40:36: Magefire froze fire bird - Lvl 199 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31695, 19:31:26: Magefire Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 98 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 31695, 19:38:17: Magefire froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 98 (Tek Parasaur) Day 31696, 05:32:23: Magefire Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 31696, 05:54:25: Magefire froze Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 31696, 11:21:27: Magefire froze Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 31696, 11:25:29: Magefire froze great weight/good melee - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 31696, 15:42:45: Magefire claimed 'Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis)'! Day 31696, 15:44:03: Magefire claimed 'Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis)'! Day 31696, 21:21:06: Magefire froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) Day 31696, 21:26:35: Magefire froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) Day 31696, 23:06:31: Magefire froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 98 (Tek Parasaur) Day 31696, 23:15:43: Magefire froze Moschops - Lvl 81 (Moschops) Day 31696, 23:20:24: Magefire froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 63 (Carnotaurus) Day 31696, 23:26:39: Magefire froze Pteranodon - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon) Day 31696, 23:45:13: Magefire froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31697, 03:59:33: Magefire froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) Day 31697, 22:35:50: Magefire froze Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) Day 31697, 22:43:08: Magefire froze Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) Day 31698, 00:10:07: Magefire froze Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) Day 31698, 00:16:07: Magefire froze Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) Day 31705, 15:06:08: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31739, 04:50:26: Magefire froze great weight/good melee - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 31739, 05:00:23: Magefire froze Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 31739, 06:32:59: Magefire claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 218 (Argentavis)'! Day 31740, 09:25:17: Magefire froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 218 (Argentavis) Day 31740, 10:24:08: Magefire froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 98 (Tek Parasaur) Day 31740, 16:07:20: Magefire froze great weight/good melee - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 31741, 08:59:47: Magefire froze Argentavis - Lvl 218 (Argentavis) Day 31741, 23:30:25: Magefire Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 29 (Megalodon)! Day 31741, 23:36:25: Magefire froze Megalodon - Lvl 29 (Megalodon) Day 31742, 11:13:41: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 105 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 145! Day 31742, 11:24:27: Tribemember Magefire - Lvl 105 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 145! Day 31742, 12:10:55: Tribemember Magefire - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 31742, 14:42:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 217 (Megalodon)! Day 31743, 05:41:06: Magefire froze Megalodon - Lvl 226 (Megalodon) Day 31760, 09:45:40: Magefire froze great weight/good melee - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 31760, 09:50:30: Magefire froze Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 31760, 10:57:33: Magefire froze Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) Day 31760, 11:01:20: Magefire froze great weight/good melee - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 31760, 11:04:45: Magefire froze Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) Day 31760, 13:13:44: Magefire claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)'! Day 31760, 13:15:46: Magefire claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 231 (Argentavis)'! Day 31760, 13:17:05: Magefire claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)'! Day 31760, 16:59:15: Magefire froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 31760, 17:02:47: Magefire froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 31760, 17:06:11: Magefire froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 231 (Argentavis) Day 31761, 12:21:26: Magefire froze Argentavis - Lvl 285 (Argentavis) Day 31782, 06:39:33: Magefire froze Megalodon - Lvl 29 (Megalodon) Day 31782, 06:40:24: Magefire claimed 'Baby Megalodon - Lvl 169 (Megalodon)'! Day 31782, 07:20:34: Magefire froze Baby Megalodon - Lvl 169 (Megalodon) Day 31783, 09:38:26: Tribemember Magefire - Lvl 105 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 20! Day 31783, 10:50:48: Tribemember Magefire - Lvl 105 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 60! Day 31783, 11:08:31: Tribemember Magefire - Lvl 105 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 60! Day 31783, 13:00:05: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31783, 13:00:18: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31783, 21:13:32: Magefire froze Megalodon - Lvl 78 (Megalodon) Day 31785, 03:24:39: Magefire Tamed an Anglerfish - Lvl 82 (Anglerfish)! Day 31785, 07:51:12: Magefire froze Anglerfish - Lvl 82 (Anglerfish) Day 31785, 07:57:20: Magefire froze Megalodon - Lvl 268 (Megalodon) Day 31835, 05:50:14: Magefire froze Argentavis - Lvl 297 (Argentavis) Day 31835, 11:36:47: Magefire froze bad stam - Lvl 100 (Pteranodon) Day 31847, 10:02:08: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31880, 11:48:24: Magefire froze Argentavis - Lvl 304 (Argentavis) Day 31881, 01:18:41: Magefire Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 26 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 31881, 01:26:02: Magefire froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 26 (Tek Parasaur) Day 31881, 07:18:38: Magefire froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 98 (Tek Parasaur) Day 31881, 07:24:34: Magefire froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 26 (Tek Parasaur) Day 31881, 14:13:45: Magefire froze Megalodon - Lvl 291 (Megalodon) Day 31926, 14:52:20: Magefire froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 26 (Tek Parasaur) Day 31926, 14:58:22: Magefire froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 98 (Tek Parasaur) Day 31926, 17:20:12: Magefire froze Argentavis - Lvl 311 (Argentavis) Day 31926, 18:26:36: Magefire froze Anglerfish - Lvl 82 (Anglerfish) Day 31926, 18:55:54: Magefire froze Baby Megalodon - Lvl 169 (Megalodon) Day 31927, 00:27:39: Magefire Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 202 (Basilosaurus)! Day 31927, 00:32:51: Magefire froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 202 (Basilosaurus) Day 31927, 00:58:57: Magefire froze Megalodon - Lvl 298 (Megalodon) Day 31927, 06:54:58: Magefire froze Anglerfish - Lvl 155 (Anglerfish) Day 31976, 14:33:08: Magefire froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 98 (Tek Parasaur) Day 31976, 14:36:34: Magefire froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 26 (Tek Parasaur) Day 31976, 15:48:55: Magefire froze Argentavis - Lvl 317 (Argentavis) Day 31976, 21:34:49: Magefire froze Argentavis - Lvl 317 (Argentavis) Day 31977, 06:05:51: Magefire claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 31977, 06:12:21: Magefire froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31977, 06:15:46: Magefire claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 138 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 31977, 06:21:57: Magefire froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 138 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31977, 06:24:16: Magefire claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 136 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 31977, 06:31:40: Magefire froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 136 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31977, 06:34:32: Magefire claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 31977, 06:39:07: Magefire froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31977, 06:41:29: Magefire claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 31977, 06:46:23: Magefire froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31977, 06:48:26: Magefire claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 31977, 06:53:55: Magefire froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31977, 13:50:01: Magefire claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 31977, 13:56:47: Magefire froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31977, 14:00:20: Magefire claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 31977, 14:05:58: Magefire froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31977, 14:10:07: Magefire claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 31977, 14:15:27: Magefire froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31977, 14:17:49: Magefire claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 31977, 14:23:49: Magefire froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31977, 14:27:13: Magefire claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 31977, 14:31:14: Magefire froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31977, 14:33:47: Magefire claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 31977, 14:38:41: Magefire froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31977, 14:57:55: Magefire froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31977, 15:04:13: Magefire claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 31977, 15:08:55: Magefire froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31977, 21:29:06: Magefire froze Argentavis - Lvl 317 (Argentavis) Day 31978, 22:14:42: Magefire claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 31978, 22:21:54: Magefire froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31978, 22:26:11: Magefire claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 31978, 22:34:15: Magefire froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31978, 22:38:00: Magefire claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 31978, 22:41:38: Magefire froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31978, 22:46:07: Magefire claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 31978, 22:47:17: Magefire claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 31978, 22:49:17: Magefire claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 31978, 23:02:48: Magefire froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31978, 23:07:18: Magefire froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31978, 23:11:56: Magefire froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31979, 05:36:33: Magefire claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 31979, 05:42:59: Magefire froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31979, 07:52:29: Magefire froze Pteranodon - Lvl 295 (Pteranodon) Day 31979, 08:53:59: Magefire froze Baby for sale - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31979, 10:30:00: Magefire froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31979, 12:17:09: Magefire claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 119 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 31979, 12:22:01: Magefire froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 119 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31979, 13:09:42: Magefire froze Baby for sale - Lvl 119 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32002, 02:07:35: Magefire uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Fire Wyvern - Lvl 228 Day 32002, 16:49:23: Magefire froze Big fying bird - Lvl 230 (Pteranodon) Day 32002, 17:16:38: Magefire froze fire bird - Lvl 199 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32002, 17:21:13: Magefire downloaded a dino: Fire Wyvern - Lvl 229 Day 32002, 17:25:31: Magefire froze Pteranodon - Lvl 295 (Pteranodon) Day 32002, 18:25:44: Magefire froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 213 (Desmodus) Day 32035, 21:07:21: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32083, 04:06:47: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32137, 17:36:50: Magefire froze Baby for sale - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32138, 10:17:52: Magefire froze Juvenile Megalodon - Lvl 169 (Megalodon) Day 32139, 09:02:27: Magefire froze Adolescent Desmodus - Lvl 213 (Desmodus) Day 32139, 19:09:13: Magefire froze Megalodon - Lvl 169 (Megalodon) Day 32139, 19:45:55: Magefire froze Desmodus - Lvl 213 (Desmodus) Day 32140, 01:40:35: Magefire froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 136 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32140, 01:48:36: Magefire froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32140, 01:54:32: Magefire froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32140, 02:01:57: Magefire froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32140, 02:14:01: Magefire froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32140, 02:23:48: Magefire froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 230 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32140, 02:45:13: Magefire froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32140, 02:52:02: Magefire froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32140, 02:57:02: Magefire froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32140, 03:03:59: Magefire froze for sale - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32140, 03:09:47: Magefire froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32140, 03:14:55: Magefire froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32140, 03:20:56: Magefire froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32140, 03:26:25: Magefire froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 136 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32140, 03:35:31: Magefire froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32140, 03:42:51: Magefire froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32140, 03:47:19: Magefire froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32140, 03:52:45: Magefire froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32140, 04:22:12: Magefire froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32140, 04:32:36: Magefire froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32140, 04:38:22: Magefire froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 138 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32140, 04:43:06: Magefire froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32140, 09:25:55: Magefire froze Desmodus - Lvl 213 (Desmodus) Day 32140, 19:38:29: Magefire froze Desmodus - Lvl 233 (Desmodus) Day 32374, 20:14:15: Magefire froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32374, 20:18:51: Magefire froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32626, 03:47:48: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32720, 15:27:34: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32957, 00:30:10: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32957, 00:30:10: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32957, 00:30:10: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32957, 00:30:10: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33146, 01:24:18: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33240, 14:12:26: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33240, 14:12:26: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33311, 12:18:51: Your 'Metal Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33437, 19:13:44: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 231 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 33437, 19:18:12: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 201 (Mammoth)'! Day 33437, 19:22:26: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 196 (Doedicurus)'! Day 33437, 19:24:00: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 97 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 33547, 15:28:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33547, 15:28:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33547, 15:28:01: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33831, 03:08:25: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35266, 17:28:09: Len - Lvl 112 (Lens World) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35266, 17:39:31: Len - Lvl 112 (Lens World) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Caravan v2 (Raft)'! Day 35701, 10:45:13: Tribemember Magefire - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 36886, 06:08:21: stefanie - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 254 (Dung Beetle)'!"] "tribeid":1158897826,"tribe":"Tribe of DuoMog logs":["Day 23141, 08:32:44: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 23308, 06:35:22: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23893, 23:15:12: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1154894601,"tribe":"Irrenanstalt logs":["Day 15431, 17:29:47: Your Schnuckelchen - Lvl 218 (X-Otter) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 140! Day 15431, 18:13:17: Tribemember Bengelchen - Lvl 142 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 140! Day 15431, 18:21:46: Anurama froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 317 (Tusoteuthis) Day 15431, 18:45:40: Bengelchen froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15431, 18:52:58: Bengelchen froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15431, 21:53:05: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 340 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15431, 23:38:06: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 340 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15432, 07:12:17: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 340 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15432, 10:58:41: Anurama froze X-Otter - Lvl 176 (X-Otter) Day 15432, 11:09:59: Anurama froze kai dmg - Lvl 325 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15432, 12:39:24: Anurama froze Dire Bear - Lvl 150 (Dire Bear) Day 15432, 13:23:26: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 340 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15432, 13:43:59: Tribemember Bengelchen - Lvl 142 was killed! Day 15432, 13:58:24: Bengelchen froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 15432, 14:39:47: Anurama froze Uhu³ - Lvl 359 (Snow Owl) Day 15432, 15:41:55: Anurama froze Dire Bear - Lvl 150 (Dire Bear) Day 15432, 16:16:49: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 340 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15432, 16:30:25: Anurama froze kai dmg - Lvl 325 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15437, 07:30:55: Anurama froze kai dmg - Lvl 325 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15437, 09:05:16: Anurama froze kai dmg - Lvl 325 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15437, 09:53:27: Bengelchen froze EulenPost - Lvl 268 (Snow Owl) Day 15437, 10:01:53: Anurama froze Kai - Lvl 324 (Tek Quetzal) Day 15437, 10:06:43: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 340 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15437, 13:04:51: Anurama froze kai dmg - Lvl 325 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15437, 13:25:49: Anurama froze MISTVIEH - Lvl 278 (Quetzal) Day 15437, 13:42:01: Anurama froze kai - Lvl 196 (Magmasaur) Day 15437, 15:27:23: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 340 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15437, 16:12:50: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 340 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15437, 16:28:34: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 340 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15437, 16:56:39: Your Knuddel<3 - Lvl 131 (X-Otter) was killed! Day 15437, 16:56:39: Knuddel<3 - Lvl 131 (X-Otter) starved to death! Day 15438, 05:58:28: Anurama froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 357 (Tusoteuthis) Day 15438, 07:38:02: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 340 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15438, 07:59:41: Anurama Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 15438, 08:31:01: Anurama Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 15438, 09:48:29: Anurama Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 15438, 10:16:54: Bengelchen froze Dire Bear - Lvl 150 (Dire Bear) Day 15438, 10:42:43: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 340 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15439, 10:13:29: Bengelchen froze Dire Bear - Lvl 152 (Dire Bear) Day 15441, 11:25:22: Bengelchen froze Uhu³ - Lvl 359 (Snow Owl) Day 15443, 14:19:24: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 340 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15443, 14:45:33: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 340 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15443, 14:47:47: Anurama froze X-Otter - Lvl 182 (X-Otter) Day 15450, 23:04:40: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 340 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15569, 12:52:25: Anurama froze W1-Lvln - Lvl 365 (Tek Rex) Day 15569, 13:01:32: Anurama froze EulenPost - Lvl 270 (Snow Owl) Day 15569, 16:42:20: Anurama froze Giga-Papa - Lvl 322 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15575, 21:36:45: Bengelchen Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 198 (Daeodon)! Day 15575, 21:50:29: Bengelchen froze Daeodon - Lvl 198 (Daeodon) Day 15576, 02:05:55: Bengelchen demolished a 'Spike Wall'! Day 15581, 14:44:42: Anurama froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 127 (Ice Wyvern) Day 15581, 15:11:43: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 201 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15581, 20:01:04: Anurama froze Magmasaur - Lvl 246 (Magmasaur) Day 15581, 20:12:03: Anurama froze Daeodon - Lvl 198 (Daeodon) Day 15581, 20:25:49: Anurama froze Knuffi - Lvl 197 (X-Otter) Day 15581, 20:33:21: Anurama froze X-Otter - Lvl 180 (X-Otter) Day 15581, 20:58:39: Anurama froze Cookie - Lvl 335 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15626, 06:52:09: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 15626, 06:52:12: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 15660, 09:14:33: Anurama froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 164 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15660, 11:29:02: Anurama froze Chanti - Lvl 292 (Managarmr) Day 15661, 09:20:51: Anurama froze EulenPost - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) Day 15661, 12:54:55: Anurama froze EulenPost - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) Day 15661, 13:37:39: Anurama froze kai - Lvl 205 (Magmasaur) Day 15661, 17:55:23: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 378 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15661, 20:30:21: Anurama froze kai - Lvl 206 (Magmasaur) Day 15662, 06:09:00: Anurama froze kai - Lvl 206 (Magmasaur) Day 15678, 16:18:17: Anurama Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 89 (Achatina)! Day 15678, 16:21:10: Anurama froze Achatina - Lvl 89 (Achatina) Day 15678, 17:27:01: Anurama Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 82 (Achatina)! Day 15678, 17:29:14: Anurama froze Achatina - Lvl 82 (Achatina) Day 15678, 18:24:50: Anurama Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 127 (Achatina)! Day 15678, 18:26:35: Anurama froze Achatina - Lvl 127 (Achatina) Day 15678, 18:37:34: Anurama claimed 'Nameless - Lvl 116 (Vulture)'! Day 15678, 18:39:15: Anurama froze Nameless - Lvl 116 (Vulture) Day 15678, 22:05:43: Anurama Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 217 (Achatina)! Day 15678, 22:09:35: Anurama froze Achatina - Lvl 217 (Achatina) Day 15679, 02:08:57: Anurama Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 29 (Achatina)! Day 15679, 02:15:12: Anurama froze Achatina - Lvl 29 (Achatina) Day 15679, 08:21:16: Anurama claimed 'Baby Shinehorn - Lvl 82 (Shinehorn)'! Day 15679, 08:52:37: Anurama froze Baby Shinehorn - Lvl 82 (Shinehorn) Day 15679, 11:24:18: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 378 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15679, 17:41:44: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 378 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15680, 05:47:56: Anurama froze kai - Lvl 208 (Magmasaur) Day 15680, 05:51:50: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 378 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15699, 12:29:00: Your 'Wooden Chair' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15862, 10:46:07: Your 'Bee Hive' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16017, 12:13:35: Hog - Lvl 8 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Wind Turbine' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16105, 18:40:48: Amaxione - Lvl 121 (Unoriginal Megalania) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur)'! Day 16105, 18:49:27: Amaxione - Lvl 121 (Unoriginal Megalania) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Daeodon - Lvl 251 (Daeodon)'! Day 16193, 14:29:01: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16193, 14:29:01: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16193, 14:29:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16193, 14:29:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16193, 14:29:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16331, 17:11:44: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16331, 17:11:44: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16331, 17:11:44: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16331, 17:11:44: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16331, 17:11:44: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16331, 17:11:44: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16331, 17:11:44: Your 'Greenhouse Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Refrigerator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 08:57:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17093, 18:22:29: Anurama froze Snow Owl - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 17196, 12:25:22: Anurama froze Snow Owl - Lvl 322 (Snow Owl) Day 17197, 15:50:42: Anurama froze Snow Owl - Lvl 322 (Snow Owl) Day 17197, 16:07:38: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed! Day 17197, 16:40:58: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 17197, 17:18:40: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 140! Day 17197, 19:43:59: Bengelchen froze Eulily - Lvl 290 (Snow Owl) Day 17197, 19:56:25: Bengelchen froze Eulily - Lvl 290 (Snow Owl) Day 17197, 20:02:29: Anurama froze DerNeueGen3 - Lvl 213 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17197, 20:16:50: Anurama froze starker ember - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17197, 21:10:34: Anurama froze Snow Owl - Lvl 322 (Snow Owl) Day 17197, 23:49:16: Anurama froze DerNeueGen3 - Lvl 213 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17198, 01:09:26: Anurama froze starker ember - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17198, 04:48:15: Anurama froze Snow Owl - Lvl 322 (Snow Owl) Day 17198, 05:03:54: Anurama froze Aberrant Dire Bear - Lvl 37 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 17198, 08:41:26: Anurama froze starker ember - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17198, 09:45:43: Anurama Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 17198, 09:48:12: Anurama froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 17198, 09:54:10: Anurama froze DerNeueGen3 - Lvl 213 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17198, 10:11:59: Anurama froze Snow Owl - Lvl 322 (Snow Owl) Day 17212, 12:45:30: Anurama froze X-Otter - Lvl 150 (X-Otter) Day 17212, 15:51:29: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 20! Day 17212, 16:08:06: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 17212, 16:24:45: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 17212, 16:50:59: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 17212, 19:36:10: Anurama froze Snow Owl - Lvl 322 (Snow Owl) Day 17238, 19:22:00: Anurama froze Snow Owl - Lvl 323 (Snow Owl) Day 17238, 22:31:14: Anurama froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 320 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17239, 01:03:04: Anurama froze Snow Owl - Lvl 323 (Snow Owl) Day 17239, 10:41:36: Anurama froze Snow Owl - Lvl 323 (Snow Owl) Day 17239, 11:32:04: Anurama froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 320 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17239, 12:05:35: Your Snow Owl - Lvl 323 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Giant Bee - Lvl 5! Day 17239, 16:04:32: Anurama froze Aberrant Dire Bear - Lvl 103 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 17239, 18:02:25: Anurama froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 320 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17239, 18:13:57: Anurama froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 320 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17239, 23:59:31: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Giant Bee - Lvl 5! Day 17240, 00:58:44: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 17240, 01:21:55: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 140! Day 17240, 03:00:00: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 17240, 04:29:43: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 25! Day 17240, 05:19:37: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 25! Day 17240, 06:04:32: Anurama froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17240, 06:49:28: Anurama froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 320 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17240, 07:17:58: Bengelchen Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 29 (Achatina)! Day 17240, 07:20:30: Bengelchen froze Achatina - Lvl 29 (Achatina) Day 17240, 08:52:18: Bengelchen Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 180 (Achatina)! Day 17240, 08:55:15: Bengelchen froze Achatina - Lvl 180 (Achatina) Day 17240, 09:03:23: Anurama froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 81 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17240, 09:26:37: Bengelchen Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 202 (Achatina)! Day 17240, 09:29:54: Bengelchen froze Achatina - Lvl 202 (Achatina) Day 17240, 10:14:50: Bengelchen Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 29 (Achatina)! Day 17240, 10:16:04: Bengelchen Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 22 (Achatina)! Day 17240, 10:19:23: Bengelchen froze Achatina - Lvl 29 (Achatina) Day 17240, 10:22:41: Bengelchen froze Achatina - Lvl 22 (Achatina) Day 17240, 10:58:13: Your Tribe Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 134 (Achatina)! Day 17240, 11:17:31: Anurama froze Achatina - Lvl 134 (Achatina) Day 17240, 11:39:03: Bengelchen Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 209 (Achatina)! Day 17240, 11:43:23: Bengelchen froze Achatina - Lvl 209 (Achatina) Day 17240, 11:54:27: Anurama froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 320 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17240, 13:36:45: Bengelchen froze Packeule - Lvl 326 (Snow Owl) Day 17240, 13:42:46: Bengelchen froze Packeule - Lvl 326 (Snow Owl) Day 17240, 13:59:14: Anurama Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 17240, 14:01:11: Anurama froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 17240, 14:06:09: Anurama froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 320 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17240, 14:23:34: Bengelchen froze Packeule - Lvl 326 (Snow Owl) Day 17240, 14:43:36: Anurama Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 17240, 14:45:46: Anurama froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 17240, 15:41:24: Bengelchen froze Packeule - Lvl 326 (Snow Owl) Day 17240, 16:16:19: Anurama Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 17240, 16:18:01: Anurama froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 17240, 16:58:02: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Giant Bee - Lvl 5! Day 17240, 17:14:32: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 25! Day 17240, 17:21:31: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 100! Day 17240, 17:28:52: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 100! Day 17240, 17:55:48: Anurama Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 17240, 18:03:22: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 150! Day 17240, 19:44:36: Anurama froze Packeule - Lvl 326 (Snow Owl) Day 17241, 01:09:54: Anurama froze Packeule - Lvl 326 (Snow Owl) Day 17241, 02:15:03: Anurama Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 17241, 02:47:23: Your Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 20! Day 17241, 03:09:55: Anurama froze Packeule - Lvl 326 (Snow Owl) Day 17241, 03:14:48: Anurama froze machs gut - Lvl 160 (X-Otter) Day 17241, 03:29:47: Bengelchen froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 320 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17241, 03:31:14: Anurama froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 81 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17254, 19:08:13: Anurama froze starker ember - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17295, 19:59:58: Anurama froze Argentavis - Lvl 262 (Argentavis) Day 17295, 21:47:00: Anurama froze Argentavis - Lvl 262 (Argentavis) Day 17295, 22:10:25: Anurama froze Argentavis - Lvl 262 (Argentavis) Day 17295, 22:27:18: Anurama froze Argentavis - Lvl 211 (Argentavis) Day 17296, 00:36:02: Anurama froze Argentavis - Lvl 105 (Argentavis) Day 17296, 04:56:26: Anurama froze Argentavis - Lvl 262 (Argentavis) Day 17363, 13:45:12: Anurama froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Poison Wyvern) Day 17363, 15:14:52: Anurama unclaimed 'giga - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 17363, 16:11:40: Anurama froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Poison Wyvern) Day 17389, 14:14:03: Anurama froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Poison Wyvern) Day 17390, 06:54:51: Anurama froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Poison Wyvern) Day 17390, 09:33:38: Anurama froze Lvln-310% - Lvl 227 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17390, 12:42:04: Anurama froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Poison Wyvern) Day 17405, 18:55:42: Anurama froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Poison Wyvern) Day 17405, 21:33:42: Anurama froze Lvln-310% - Lvl 325 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17406, 02:27:25: Anurama froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Poison Wyvern) Day 17406, 05:34:14: Anurama froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Poison Wyvern) Day 17406, 05:55:53: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 145! Day 17406, 06:06:01: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 17406, 07:04:06: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed! Day 17406, 07:15:44: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 90! Day 17406, 07:43:54: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed! Day 17406, 09:49:39: Bengelchen froze Eulily - Lvl 296 (Snow Owl) Day 17406, 10:46:09: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17406, 11:03:07: Anurama froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Poison Wyvern) Day 17406, 11:57:30: Anurama froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Poison Wyvern) Day 17420, 20:49:03: Anurama froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Poison Wyvern) Day 17420, 23:47:32: Anurama froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Poison Wyvern) Day 17421, 00:02:11: Anurama froze M4 - Lvl 315 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 17421, 01:34:06: Anurama froze M4 - Lvl 315 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 17421, 03:45:01: Anurama froze M4 - Lvl 315 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 17421, 04:49:47: Anurama froze Eulily 2.0 - Lvl 243 (Snow Owl) Day 17421, 05:13:38: Anurama froze Eulily 2.0 - Lvl 243 (Snow Owl) Day 17421, 05:17:13: Anurama froze M4 - Lvl 315 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 17421, 05:48:50: Anurama Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 142 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 17421, 05:52:26: Anurama froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 142 (Tusoteuthis) Day 17421, 06:01:30: Anurama froze M4 - Lvl 315 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 17421, 06:14:45: Anurama froze M4 - Lvl 315 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 17421, 07:01:36: Anurama Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 202 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 17421, 07:03:27: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 100! Day 17421, 07:37:16: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed! Day 17421, 07:57:50: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed! Day 17421, 08:34:13: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 51 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17421, 10:13:05: Your Tusoteuthis - Lvl 202 (Tusoteuthis) was killed by a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 150! Day 17421, 10:51:04: Anurama froze M4 - Lvl 315 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 17421, 11:02:53: Anurama Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 149 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 17421, 11:23:19: Anurama froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 149 (Tusoteuthis) Day 17421, 11:28:39: Anurama froze M4 - Lvl 315 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 17421, 11:48:43: Anurama Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 194 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 17421, 11:50:25: Anurama froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 194 (Tusoteuthis) Day 17421, 11:56:58: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 140! Day 17421, 12:15:42: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed! Day 17421, 14:22:55: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 45! Day 17421, 15:33:28: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 140! Day 17422, 05:52:18: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 100! Day 17433, 12:10:40: Anurama froze M4 - Lvl 315 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 17433, 12:57:04: Anurama froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 281 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17433, 13:36:53: Anurama Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 142 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 17433, 13:38:23: Anurama froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 142 (Tusoteuthis) Day 17433, 14:02:15: Anurama froze M4 - Lvl 315 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 17433, 14:21:18: Anurama Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 202 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 17433, 16:27:50: Anurama froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 280 (Tusoteuthis) Day 17433, 17:02:59: Anurama froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 280 (Tusoteuthis) Day 17433, 17:05:37: Anurama froze M4 - Lvl 315 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 17433, 17:32:23: Anurama Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 194 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 17433, 17:33:48: Anurama froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 194 (Tusoteuthis) Day 17433, 17:46:35: Anurama froze M4 - Lvl 315 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 17433, 20:00:16: Anurama froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 280 (Tusoteuthis) Day 17433, 21:49:41: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 17434, 02:27:36: Anurama froze Schmusebacke - Lvl 318 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17434, 02:35:34: Anurama froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 281 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17531, 16:30:37: Bengelchen froze Packeule - Lvl 329 (Snow Owl) Day 17531, 17:35:26: Bengelchen froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 32 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17531, 17:59:03: Anurama Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 17531, 18:04:33: Anurama froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 17531, 18:23:27: Anurama Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 17531, 18:25:07: Anurama froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 17531, 19:08:27: Anurama Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 17531, 19:10:19: Anurama froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 17531, 19:34:59: Anurama Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 17531, 19:36:44: Anurama froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 17531, 20:53:38: Anurama Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 17531, 20:59:30: Anurama froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 17531, 21:22:42: Anurama froze Schmusebacke - Lvl 318 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17531, 23:40:13: Anurama Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 17531, 23:44:34: Anurama froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 17532, 02:14:08: Anurama froze Schmusebacke - Lvl 318 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17532, 03:48:33: Bengelchen froze Lvln-G2 - Lvl 381 (Tek Rex) Day 17532, 04:41:47: Anurama froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 281 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17532, 05:04:16: Anurama froze Schal - Lvl 292 (X-Otter) Day 17532, 05:17:26: Anurama froze X-Otter - Lvl 211 (X-Otter) Day 17656, 16:30:53: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 17787, 23:42:29: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17836, 09:25:35: Bengelchen downloaded a dino: Rosaline - Lvl 64 Day 17836, 09:28:04: Bengelchen froze Packeule - Lvl 355 (Snow Owl) Day 17836, 12:54:24: Bengelchen uploaded a Tek Stryder: Rosaline - Lvl 97 Day 17836, 12:55:41: Bengelchen downloaded a dino: Rosaline - Lvl 97 Day 17836, 12:57:53: Bengelchen uploaded a Tek Stryder: Rosaline - Lvl 97 Day 17836, 12:59:24: Anurama froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 303 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17836, 13:19:59: Bengelchen downloaded a dino: Rosaline - Lvl 97 Day 17836, 13:22:27: Your Rosaline - Lvl 97 (Tek Stryder) was killed! Day 17836, 13:23:53: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed! Day 17836, 13:45:14: Bengelchen froze X-Otter - Lvl 211 (X-Otter) Day 17836, 13:50:59: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 95! Day 17836, 14:37:07: Anurama froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 303 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17927, 07:42:58: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 268 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17927, 10:06:12: Bengelchen Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 74 (Achatina)! Day 17927, 10:12:10: Bengelchen froze Achatina - Lvl 74 (Achatina) Day 17927, 13:48:59: Bengelchen Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 194 (Achatina)! Day 17927, 13:54:16: Bengelchen froze Achatina - Lvl 194 (Achatina) Day 17927, 15:01:44: Bengelchen Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 89 (Achatina)! Day 17927, 15:07:38: Bengelchen froze Achatina - Lvl 89 (Achatina) Day 17927, 15:26:44: Anurama froze wasserratte - Lvl 367 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17927, 16:39:53: Bengelchen froze Packeule - Lvl 356 (Snow Owl) Day 17927, 17:06:12: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 268 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17927, 18:03:05: Bengelchen Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 134 (Achatina)! Day 17927, 18:09:11: Bengelchen froze Achatina - Lvl 134 (Achatina) Day 17927, 18:16:10: Anurama froze wasserratte - Lvl 367 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17927, 22:08:00: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 17927, 22:13:04: Tribemember Bengelchen - Lvl 141 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 17927, 23:46:46: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 17928, 02:24:44: Bengelchen froze X-Otter - Lvl 211 (X-Otter) Day 17928, 03:03:10: Bengelchen froze Shiny - Lvl 174 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17928, 03:33:30: Bengelchen Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)! Day 17928, 03:41:41: Bengelchen froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 17928, 04:03:22: Bengelchen Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur)! Day 17928, 04:07:31: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed! Day 17928, 04:11:12: Bengelchen froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur) Day 17928, 04:27:08: Bengelchen froze Cookielonie - Lvl 400 (Tek Rex) Day 17928, 06:05:22: Bengelchen froze Cookielonie - Lvl 400 (Tek Rex) Day 17928, 06:47:55: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 268 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17928, 06:54:19: Bengelchen froze Eulily 3.0 - Lvl 252 (Snow Owl) Day 17928, 06:57:03: Anurama froze wasserratte - Lvl 367 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17928, 07:00:56: Bengelchen froze Packeule - Lvl 356 (Snow Owl) Day 17928, 09:54:51: Bengelchen froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17928, 16:38:54: Anurama froze wasserratte - Lvl 368 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17928, 21:04:51: Bengelchen froze Cookielonie - Lvl 401 (Tek Rex) Day 17929, 01:56:56: Bengelchen froze Schal - Lvl 328 (X-Otter) Day 17929, 02:15:24: Bengelchen froze Packeule - Lvl 356 (Snow Owl) Day 17929, 03:41:32: Anurama froze X-Otter - Lvl 211 (X-Otter) Day 17929, 03:46:19: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 269 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17976, 03:12:34: Anurama claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 138 (Pteranodon)'! Day 17976, 03:16:53: Anurama froze Pteranodon - Lvl 138 (Pteranodon) Day 17976, 04:35:24: Anurama froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 303 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17976, 06:17:20: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed by an Alpha Tusoteuthis - Lvl 15! Day 17976, 06:18:04: Your Tusoteuthis - Lvl 287 (Tusoteuthis) was killed by an Alpha Tusoteuthis - Lvl 15! Day 17976, 06:56:25: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed! Day 17976, 07:41:27: Tribemember Anurama - Lvl 141 was killed! Day 17976, 09:30:27: Bengelchen froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17976, 13:57:14: Anurama froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 280 (Tusoteuthis) Day 17976, 15:36:48: Anurama froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 303 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17976, 16:09:21: Anurama froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 303 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18106, 03:02:04: Kannan28 - Lvl 65 (PVE Beeps) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 18263, 19:02:18: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18300, 15:01:49: Anurama froze dmger - Lvl 328 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18300, 22:23:13: Bengelchen downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 29 Day 18301, 05:58:40: Bengelchen uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 29 Day 18301, 15:01:44: Bengelchen froze SumseBiene - Lvl 200 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18301, 22:01:40: Bengelchen froze SumseBiene - Lvl 200 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18301, 22:16:07: Bengelchen froze Keinhorn *-* - Lvl 314 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18301, 23:12:59: Bengelchen froze Schal - Lvl 359 (X-Otter) Day 18301, 23:46:36: Anurama froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 317 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18302, 05:21:30: Anurama froze dmger - Lvl 328 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18302, 05:49:02: Anurama froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 317 (Ice Wyvern) Day 19534, 03:24:46: Anurama froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 122 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19534, 06:03:38: Anurama froze dmger2 - Lvl 423 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19537, 00:22:14: Anurama froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 108 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19537, 09:19:44: Anurama froze Eulily 3.0 - Lvl 273 (Snow Owl) Day 19537, 12:51:00: Anurama froze kaichi - Lvl 148 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19537, 12:54:12: Anurama froze Eulily 3.0 - Lvl 273 (Snow Owl) Day 19537, 15:41:23: Anurama froze kaichi - Lvl 160 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21787, 19:13:44: Your X-Otter - Lvl 290 (X-Otter) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1149215721,"tribe":"Queens of the North logs":["Day 28612, 22:23:36: Bex was added to the Tribe! Day 28612, 22:31:10: Adza was added to the Tribe by Bex! Day 28612, 23:07:21: Bex claimed 'Iguanodon - Lvl 215 (Iguanodon)'! Day 28612, 23:23:11: Bex claimed 'Mrs. Paddington - Lvl 294 (Dire Bear)'! Day 28612, 23:23:59: Bex claimed 'Mr. Paddington - Lvl 294 (Dire Bear)'! Day 28612, 23:24:29: Bex claimed 'Dire Bear - Lvl 273 (Dire Bear)'! Day 28613, 12:03:07: Tribemember Adza - Lvl 5 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 150! Day 28613, 14:18:27: Adza claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 150 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 28614, 00:18:55: Bex demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28631, 18:49:26: Bex claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 347 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 28631, 19:29:24: Bex claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 177 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 28631, 20:26:00: Bex claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 183 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 28658, 13:50:37: Bex claimed 'Metal + Crystal - Lvl 129 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 28658, 15:12:31: Bex claimed 'Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 29240, 12:48:33: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 183 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 29240, 15:19:02: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 347 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 29240, 15:38:46: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Holler - Lvl 285 (Argentavis)'! Day 29403, 14:06:37: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone ShieldMaiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sabre - Lvl 269 (Sabertooth)'! Day 29403, 14:34:48: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone ShieldMaiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dire Bear - Lvl 273 (Dire Bear)'! Day 29403, 14:53:06: Your Castoroides - Lvl 263 (Castoroides) was killed by an Alpha Megalodon - Lvl 95! Day 29403, 14:55:35: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone ShieldMaiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mr. Paddington - Lvl 294 (Dire Bear)'! Day 29436, 15:57:25: Iguanodon - Lvl 227 (Iguanodon) starved to death! Day 29436, 16:25:12: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shmithy - Lvl 392 (Argentavis)'! Day 29436, 16:31:27: Raven - Lvl 182 (umbongo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fighter Mutation - Lvl 289 (Argentavis)'! Day 29436, 16:38:25: Raven - Lvl 182 (umbongo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 132 (Argentavis)'! Day 29436, 16:41:59: Raven - Lvl 182 (umbongo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 315 (Argentavis)'! Day 29436, 16:49:56: Raven - Lvl 182 (umbongo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MAHAMOET - Lvl 316 (Mammoth)'! Day 29436, 16:51:49: Raven - Lvl 182 (umbongo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 193 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 29436, 16:54:21: Raven - Lvl 182 (umbongo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 332 (Argentavis)'! Day 29436, 17:00:07: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'terminator - Lvl 263 (Argentavis)'! Day 29436, 17:01:21: Raven - Lvl 182 (umbongo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 199 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 29436, 17:02:56: Raven - Lvl 182 (umbongo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 156 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 29436, 17:05:59: Raven - Lvl 182 (umbongo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iguanodon - Lvl 274 (Iguanodon)'! Day 29436, 17:07:43: Raven - Lvl 182 (umbongo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iguanodon - Lvl 232 (Iguanodon)'! Day 29436, 17:12:39: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mrs. Paddington - Lvl 294 (Dire Bear)'! Day 29436, 17:14:19: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Henry - Lvl 325 (Argentavis)'! Day 29436, 17:22:04: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Platinum - Lvl 296 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 29436, 17:44:31: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 283 (Mammoth)'! Day 29524, 06:47:46: Raven - Lvl 182 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 177 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 29535, 13:16:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29818, 21:07:56: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32376, 10:17:51: Tribemember Adza - Lvl 21 was killed! Day 33895, 20:27:20: Bex claimed 'Home of Homes (Raft)'! Day 34529, 17:41:39: Len - Lvl 71 (Lens World) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Home of Homes (Raft)'! Day 36115, 17:25:30: Tribemember Bex - Lvl 69 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 39200, 17:42:36: Bex claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 39201, 00:55:19: Bex claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39226, 11:35:38: Bex claimed 'stef's sweetie - Lvl 163 (Argentavis)'! Day 39226, 14:31:44: Bex claimed 'Oddball - Lvl 381 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 39226, 14:45:32: Bex claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 389 (Argentavis)'! Day 39226, 14:55:32: Bex claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 386 (Argentavis)'! Day 39226, 15:46:04: Bex claimed 'Klaus - Lvl 421 (Reaper King)'! Day 39226, 15:57:05: Bex claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 177 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39226, 16:22:05: Bex claimed 'Eomer - Lvl 313 (Mammoth)'! Day 39226, 23:07:31: Bex claimed 'Maewing - Lvl 222 (Maewing)'! Day 39226, 23:20:56: Bex uploaded a Argentavis: stef's sweetie - Lvl 163 Day 39226, 23:22:48: Bex downloaded a dino: stef's sweetie - Lvl 163 Day 39226, 23:24:45: Bex uploaded a Argentavis: stef's sweetie - Lvl 163 Day 39226, 23:34:13: Bex uploaded a Maewing: Maewing - Lvl 222 Day 39226, 23:54:07: Bex uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 147 Day 39227, 01:20:15: Bex uploaded a Ankylosaurus: Oddball - Lvl 381 Day 39249, 06:50:14: Bex downloaded a dino: stef's sweetie - Lvl 163 Day 39249, 06:50:39: Bex downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 222 Day 39249, 06:51:02: Bex downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 145 Day 39249, 06:51:32: Bex downloaded a dino: Oddball - Lvl 381 Day 39249, 06:52:54: Bex uploaded a Ankylosaurus: Oddball - Lvl 381 Day 39249, 06:53:47: Bex uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 145 Day 39249, 06:55:08: Bex uploaded a Maewing: Maewing - Lvl 222 Day 39249, 06:56:13: Bex uploaded a Argentavis: stef's sweetie - Lvl 163 Day 39249, 07:00:32: Bex uploaded a Reaper King: Klaus - Lvl 422 Day 39250, 20:28:13: Bex downloaded a dino: Klaus - Lvl 422 Day 39276, 14:44:58: Bex claimed 'Diplodocus - Lvl 171 (Diplodocus)'! Day 39276, 18:39:31: Bex uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 389 Day 39289, 11:51:36: Bex uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 178 Day 39289, 11:52:28: Bex uploaded a Diplodocus: Diplodocus - Lvl 174 Day 39289, 11:53:12: Bex downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 189 Day 39289, 16:28:28: Bex claimed 'Griff - Lvl 206 (Argentavis)'! Day 39289, 17:16:01: Bex uploaded a Argentavis: Griff - Lvl 207 Day 39289, 23:28:31: Bex uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 192 Day 39290, 09:56:03: Rex - Lvl 25 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 39290, 13:53:06: Bex uploaded a Mammoth: Eomer - Lvl 313 Day 39290, 13:53:49: Bex uploaded a Reaper King: Klaus - Lvl 422 Day 39290, 18:53:29: Bex uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 386 Day 39290, 19:06:47: Bex downloaded a dino: Polly - Lvl 229 Day 39290, 22:36:21: Bex uploaded a Pteranodon: Polly - Lvl 230 Day 39291, 02:59:04: Bex downloaded a dino: Polly - Lvl 230 Day 39291, 08:18:19: Bex uploaded a Pteranodon: Polly - Lvl 230 Day 39321, 07:10:18: Bex downloaded a dino: dmg mut1 - Lvl 192 Day 39321, 13:59:04: Bex uploaded a Pteranodon: dmg mut1 - Lvl 198 Day 39586, 05:10:10: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39610, 00:01:06: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40490, 21:59:11: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40673, 12:17:32: NIGGER - Lvl 4 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1148345166,"tribe":"Kmen Ahoj logs":["Day 30958, 10:21:21: Ahoj was added to the Tribe! Day 31152, 06:26:22: Tribemember Ahoj - Lvl 4 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45!"] "tribeid":1146074178,"tribe":"Black Pirates logs":["Day 18283, 05:31:21: neek was added to the Tribe! Day 18283, 06:05:59: neek - Lvl 25 requested an Alliance with the big baas family Tribe. Day 18283, 06:13:35: neek - Lvl 25 requested an Alliance with the big baas family Tribe. Day 18283, 06:15:57: neek added 'the big baas family' Tribe to brothers Alliance! Day 18283, 09:39:45: neek - Lvl 29 requested an Alliance with Trikru Tribe. Day 18283, 09:41:45: neek added 'Trikru' Tribe to brothers Alliance! Day 18283, 11:11:25: neek claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur)'! Day 18283, 15:57:55: neek downloaded a dino: Manny - Lvl 109 Day 18283, 16:03:32: neek uploaded a Mammoth: Manny - Lvl 109 Day 18283, 16:05:08: neek downloaded a dino: Wanheda - Lvl 184 Day 18284, 00:23:30: neek - Lvl 31 requested an Alliance with theybeendroped Tribe. Day 18284, 00:27:18: neek - Lvl 31 requested an Alliance with theybeendroped Tribe. Day 18284, 00:31:04: neek added 'theybeendroped' Tribe to brothers Alliance! Day 18770, 21:41:20: Parasaur - Lvl 27 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 18920, 17:01:41: neek claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 177 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 18920, 19:51:40: neek claimed 'Snow - Lvl 181 (Argentavis)'! Day 18920, 20:56:47: neek claimed 'Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 126 (Doedicurus)'! Day 18920, 22:10:58: neek claimed 'Shadow - Lvl 95 (Vulture)'! Day 18921, 04:32:29: neek froze Juvenile zip - Lvl 177 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18921, 04:38:52: neek froze Juvenile zip - Lvl 177 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18921, 04:44:00: neek froze Juvenile zip - Lvl 177 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18921, 04:57:29: neek froze Juvenile dick - Lvl 126 (Doedicurus) Day 18961, 03:42:02: neek froze Snow - Lvl 186 (Argentavis) Day 18962, 07:42:54: neek claimed 'Lost - Lvl 118 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 18962, 09:01:47: neek froze Lost - Lvl 118 (Poison Wyvern) Day 18962, 15:00:15: neek froze Lost - Lvl 126 (Poison Wyvern) Day 18962, 15:05:49: neek uploaded a Vulture: Shadow - Lvl 95 Day 18962, 19:58:00: neek claimed 'Mr.T - Lvl 174 (Rex)'! Day 18963, 05:59:09: neek froze Lost - Lvl 126 (Poison Wyvern) Day 18963, 06:02:44: neek unclaimed 'Mr.T - Lvl 216 (Rex)'! Day 18963, 06:29:54: neek unclaimed 'Wanheda - Lvl 190 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18963, 07:05:26: neek froze Lost - Lvl 126 (Poison Wyvern) Day 18974, 18:11:10: neek froze Lost - Lvl 127 (Poison Wyvern) Day 18974, 22:47:46: neek downloaded a dino: Shadow - Lvl 95 Day 18974, 23:50:10: neek froze Lost - Lvl 129 (Poison Wyvern) Day 18976, 17:41:16: neek Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 134 (Moschops)! Day 18978, 00:14:00: Your Tribe Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 223 (Mammoth)! Day 18978, 00:34:44: neek froze Mammoth - Lvl 223 (Mammoth) Day 18978, 22:53:16: neek froze Lost - Lvl 141 (Poison Wyvern) Day 18982, 17:22:03: neek froze zip - Lvl 177 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18982, 17:26:42: neek froze Shadow - Lvl 95 (Vulture) Day 18982, 19:35:20: neek froze Lost - Lvl 141 (Poison Wyvern) Day 18982, 21:13:46: neek froze Mammoth - Lvl 233 (Mammoth) Day 18982, 21:35:04: neek froze Snow - Lvl 187 (Argentavis) Day 18982, 23:53:13: neek froze zip - Lvl 187 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19146, 20:59:52: neek froze zip - Lvl 187 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19295, 10:05:21: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19403, 18:28:56: Moschops - Lvl 146 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 19577, 18:51:52: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19577, 18:51:52: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19577, 18:51:52: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19859, 23:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19859, 23:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19859, 23:59:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20932, 08:34:22: Tribemember neek - Lvl 74 was killed! Day 23741, 15:50:17: neek claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 111 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23741, 16:16:42: neek claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 23741, 16:37:51: neek unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 111 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23741, 16:50:21: neek downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 128 Day 23742, 18:10:16: neek claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 65 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 23742, 18:12:19: neek claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus)'! Day 23743, 07:49:27: neek unclaimed 'Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 65 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 23743, 10:32:54: neek claimed 'le preque parfait - Lvl 184 (Argentavis)'! Day 23743, 10:37:39: neek froze le preque parfait - Lvl 184 (Argentavis) Day 23744, 06:04:27: neek uploaded a Argentavis: le preque parfait - Lvl 184 Day 23744, 06:22:37: Tribemember neek - Lvl 80 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 45! Day 23765, 13:51:07: Tribemember neek - Lvl 80 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 23838, 23:30:14: Deinonychus - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24517, 04:45:19: Nytrix - Lvl 100 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 35 (Desmodus)'! Day 26172, 11:48:58: Haggis - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 131 (Pteranodon)'! Day 26172, 12:42:51: Haggis - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 313 (Dimorphodon)'!"] "tribeid":1144342392,"tribe":"The Goobers logs":["Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42728, 14:25:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42752, 10:01:12: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42966, 17:52:26: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43007, 15:14:16: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43008, 16:44:31: Nova.3 - Lvl 70 (Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 43008, 18:20:17: Nova.3 - Lvl 70 (Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'!"] "tribeid":1142576905,"tribe":"Tribe of Hoggy logs":["Day 34791, 06:30:56: Hoggy was added to the Tribe! Day 34791, 06:45:54: FINDOG was added to the Tribe by Hoggy! Day 34792, 08:31:49: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 34792, 17:37:06: Hoggy Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 198 (Pteranodon)! Day 34794, 04:12:38: Tribemember FINDOG - Lvl 24 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 25! Day 34796, 09:39:14: Hoggy Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 79 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 34797, 05:51:52: FINDOG Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 133 (Dilophosaur)! Day 34797, 06:40:40: FINDOG Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops)! Day 34797, 11:14:46: Tribemember FINDOG - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 34799, 03:51:55: ohfuck was added to the Tribe by Hoggy! Day 34819, 16:31:03: Your Terry - Lvl 45 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 34951, 17:02:27: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34951, 17:02:27: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35094, 11:58:17: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35094, 11:58:17: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35121, 18:45:22: Tribemember ohfuck - Lvl 8 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 20! Day 35121, 22:58:01: Tribemember FINDOG - Lvl 36 was killed! Day 35377, 11:29:11: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35377, 11:29:11: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35377, 11:29:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35511, 03:33:08: triceracop - Lvl 41 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 35555, 19:45:05: Pteranodon - Lvl 45 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 35605, 06:21:17: Perry - Lvl 95 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 35713, 19:11:48: Human - Lvl 7 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 35863, 07:03:16: Human - Lvl 9 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35904, 15:37:19: Human - Lvl 10 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perry - Lvl 93 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 35904, 15:37:41: Human - Lvl 10 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Clarence - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35904, 15:38:36: Human - Lvl 10 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'peri - Lvl 140 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 35971, 21:45:39: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1139972942,"tribe":"radiation lab logs":["Day 15155, 23:34:58: Tribemember Tasha - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 15155, 23:56:59: Tasha froze Rock Drake - Lvl 150 (Rock Drake) Day 15156, 00:06:23: Tasha froze Rock Drake - Lvl 150 (Rock Drake) Day 15156, 00:42:46: Tasha froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 233 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 15156, 06:47:04: Tasha froze Shinehorn - Lvl 79 (Shinehorn) Day 15156, 06:49:26: Tasha froze Gold rush - Lvl 220 (Rock Drake) Day 15156, 12:58:35: Tasha claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)'! Day 15156, 15:47:21: Tasha froze Shinehorn - Lvl 81 (Shinehorn) Day 15156, 15:48:52: Tasha froze Gold rush - Lvl 223 (Rock Drake) Day 15156, 23:29:40: Tasha claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 165 (Rock Drake)'! Day 15157, 11:38:17: Tasha claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 193 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 15159, 10:17:05: Tasha froze Rock Drake - Lvl 165 (Rock Drake) Day 15243, 05:45:19: Tribemember Tasha - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 15243, 05:50:31: Tasha claimed 'Juvenile Thylacoleo - Lvl 188 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 15387, 07:57:57: Tasha claimed 'Juvenile Thylacoleo - Lvl 190 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 15387, 11:42:34: Tribemember Tasha - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 15387, 12:06:20: Tribemember Tasha - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 15387, 13:22:57: Tribemember Tasha - Lvl 122 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 20! Day 15387, 18:05:38: Tasha claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 195 (Managarmr)'! Day 15387, 19:05:10: Tasha froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 195 (Managarmr) Day 15498, 12:08:58: Tasha claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 195 (Managarmr)'! Day 15498, 15:41:02: Your Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 195 (Managarmr) was killed! Day 15498, 15:41:02: Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 195 (Managarmr) starved to death! Day 15526, 17:35:14: Tasha claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 195 (Managarmr)'! Day 15526, 20:24:29: Tribemember Hazard - Lvl 35 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 20! Day 15527, 07:33:18: Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 195 (Managarmr) starved to death! Day 15531, 02:36:03: Tasha claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15531, 02:51:17: Tasha claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 245 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15531, 02:55:11: Tasha claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 189 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15531, 06:31:20: Tasha froze Shinehorn - Lvl 81 (Shinehorn) Day 15531, 06:47:46: Tasha froze Jaffacake - Lvl 248 (Rock Drake) Day 15531, 11:30:15: Tasha claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)'! Day 15538, 11:33:24: Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) starved to death! Day 15540, 11:07:17: Tribemember Tasha - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 15540, 11:21:36: Tribemember Tasha - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 15540, 11:57:11: Tribemember Tasha - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 15540, 12:18:22: Tribemember Tasha - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 15540, 12:30:14: Tasha claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15540, 13:10:09: Tasha claimed 'Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15540, 13:10:46: Tasha claimed 'Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15540, 13:11:38: Tasha claimed 'Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15540, 13:12:19: Tasha claimed 'Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 138 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15540, 13:12:48: Tasha claimed 'Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15540, 13:13:34: Tasha claimed 'Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15540, 13:14:03: Tasha claimed 'Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15540, 13:14:53: Tasha claimed 'Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15540, 13:15:16: Tasha claimed 'Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15540, 13:17:57: Your Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 15540, 13:17:57: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 15540, 14:19:51: Your Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 15540, 14:19:51: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 15540, 14:19:55: Your Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 15540, 14:19:55: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 15540, 14:19:56: Your Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 15540, 14:19:56: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 15540, 14:46:17: Your Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 138 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 15540, 14:46:17: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 138 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 15540, 15:00:09: Tasha claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 233 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15542, 08:22:46: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 15642, 03:56:43: Tribemember Tasha - Lvl 122 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 25! Day 15648, 09:11:28: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 258 (Thylacoleo) was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 130! Day 15648, 10:51:02: Tasha froze Equus - Lvl 296 (Equus) Day 15648, 12:23:41: Tasha froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 370 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 15715, 06:48:24: Tasha froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 370 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 15742, 04:31:10: Tasha claimed 'Juvenile Thylacoleo - Lvl 233 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 15742, 06:54:38: Tasha claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 233 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15742, 08:33:23: Tasha claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 195 (Managarmr)'! Day 15742, 10:26:55: Tasha claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 235 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 15742, 13:08:27: Tasha froze Juvenile N1F - Lvl 235 (Thylacoleo) Day 15742, 14:37:04: Tasha froze Jaffacake - Lvl 251 (Rock Drake) Day 15743, 00:15:21: Tasha froze Adolescent N1F - Lvl 235 (Thylacoleo) Day 15753, 22:42:16: Tasha claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 233 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 15754, 02:02:37: Tasha claimed 'Baby Direwolf - Lvl 208 (Direwolf)'! Day 15754, 02:49:52: Tasha claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 226 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 15754, 03:17:10: Tasha claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 195 (Managarmr)'! Day 15754, 03:28:34: Tasha claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 197 (Managarmr)'! Day 15754, 03:34:00: Tasha claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 197 (Managarmr)'! Day 15754, 03:36:44: Tasha claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 197 (Managarmr)'! Day 15754, 05:53:32: Tasha claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 228 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 15754, 07:10:11: Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 197 (Managarmr) starved to death! Day 15754, 09:09:23: Tasha froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 197 (Managarmr) Day 15754, 09:17:06: Tasha froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 197 (Managarmr) Day 15754, 09:21:06: Tasha froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 197 (Managarmr) Day 15754, 11:17:41: Tribemember Tasha - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 15754, 12:35:46: Tasha froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 361 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 15758, 10:27:56: Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 197 (Managarmr) starved to death! Day 15758, 10:28:03: Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 197 (Managarmr) starved to death! Day 15787, 13:23:41: Tasha claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 227 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 15787, 13:24:13: Tasha claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 227 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 15787, 14:05:37: Tasha froze Juvenile Thylacoleo - Lvl 227 (Thylacoleo) Day 15787, 14:07:36: Tasha froze Juvenile Thylacoleo - Lvl 227 (Thylacoleo) Day 15787, 17:05:19: Tasha claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 224 (Snow Owl)'! Day 15787, 17:05:53: Tasha claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 219 (Snow Owl)'! Day 15787, 17:06:25: Tasha claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl)'! Day 15787, 17:08:27: Tasha froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 15787, 17:10:00: Tasha froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 219 (Snow Owl) Day 15787, 17:11:33: Tasha froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 224 (Snow Owl) Day 15787, 23:02:38: Tasha claimed 'Baby Unicorn - Lvl 187 (Unicorn)'! Day 15787, 23:07:12: Tasha froze Baby Unicorn - Lvl 187 (Unicorn) Day 15787, 23:18:37: Tasha claimed 'Baby Unicorn - Lvl 157 (Unicorn)'! Day 15787, 23:22:44: Tasha froze Baby Unicorn - Lvl 157 (Unicorn) Day 15788, 07:39:13: Tasha claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 138 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15788, 07:39:38: Tasha claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 83 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15788, 07:40:08: Tasha claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 138 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15788, 07:40:34: Tasha claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 133 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15788, 09:01:53: Your Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 133 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 15788, 09:01:53: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 133 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 15788, 10:09:40: Tasha claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15788, 10:10:11: Tasha claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15788, 10:11:29: Tasha claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15805, 09:35:23: Tasha froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 15805, 09:39:24: Tasha froze F2MUTBBRS - Lvl 296 (Equus) Day 15809, 10:18:59: Tasha claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15809, 10:30:44: Tasha froze Deinonychus - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus) Day 15809, 10:42:20: Tasha froze MMUTPurpleSTRIPE - Lvl 293 (Equus) Day 15809, 11:00:53: Tasha froze eeeeeeeeee - Lvl 246 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 15811, 13:36:19: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 15811, 17:46:37: Tasha froze Managarmr - Lvl 195 (Managarmr) Day 15811, 18:13:22: Tasha froze Rock Drake - Lvl 242 (Rock Drake) Day 15824, 16:26:44: Tasha froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 15824, 16:31:57: Tasha froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 15824, 16:39:30: Tasha froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 245 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 15837, 08:12:42: Tasha froze Deinonychus - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus) Day 15837, 08:17:47: Tasha froze Mint - Lvl 251 (Snow Owl) Day 15837, 08:20:33: Tasha froze AreoMint - Lvl 224 (Snow Owl) Day 15837, 08:31:25: Tasha froze Shinehorn - Lvl 96 (Shinehorn) Day 15837, 08:36:55: Tasha froze Jaffacake - Lvl 255 (Rock Drake) Day 15837, 08:42:14: Tasha froze Managarmr - Lvl 244 (Managarmr) Day 15837, 08:44:08: Tasha froze Managarmr - Lvl 214 (Managarmr) Day 15837, 09:03:18: Tasha froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 371 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 15837, 09:07:50: Tasha froze Managarmr - Lvl 214 (Managarmr) Day 15960, 10:44:29: Tasha froze Rock Drake - Lvl 209 (Rock Drake) Day 15960, 10:46:21: Tasha froze Gold rush - Lvl 226 (Rock Drake) Day 15960, 10:47:43: Tasha froze valantime - Lvl 243 (Rock Drake) Day 15960, 10:49:08: Tasha froze Rock Drake - Lvl 174 (Rock Drake) Day 15960, 10:50:52: Tasha froze Rock Drake - Lvl 209 (Rock Drake) Day 15960, 10:52:53: Tasha froze Rock Drake - Lvl 219 (Rock Drake) Day 15960, 10:55:07: Tasha froze Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) Day 15960, 10:58:23: Tasha froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 247 (Yutyrannus) Day 15960, 11:02:56: Tasha froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 250 (Yutyrannus) Day 15960, 11:08:13: Tasha froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 269 (Ankylosaurus) Day 15960, 12:28:51: Tasha froze Tango - Lvl 219 (Snow Owl) Day 15960, 12:34:57: Tasha froze BLUMUF - Lvl 142 (Deinonychus) Day 15960, 12:36:56: Tasha froze Tango - Lvl 219 (Snow Owl) Day 15993, 00:50:20: Your Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 361 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 16138, 11:14:05: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16138, 11:14:05: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16138, 11:14:05: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16138, 11:14:05: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16138, 11:14:05: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16138, 11:14:05: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16138, 11:14:05: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16138, 11:14:05: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16169, 07:43:29: Meatball - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Arms) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 264 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16181, 10:40:20: Tasha froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 233 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16181, 11:00:09: Tasha froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 286 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16181, 11:19:40: Tasha froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 286 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16198, 18:44:01: Angel - Lvl 239 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 16303, 11:09:34: Deinonychus - Lvl 154 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16304, 05:39:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16382, 21:28:32: Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16414, 10:10:26: Tasha froze Dusk - Lvl 231 (Thylacoleo) Day 16414, 10:12:47: Tasha froze Midnight - Lvl 252 (Thylacoleo) Day 16414, 10:16:21: Tasha froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 202 (Thylacoleo) Day 16414, 10:18:39: Tasha froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 202 (Thylacoleo) Day 16414, 10:21:10: Tasha froze Equus - Lvl 287 (Equus) Day 16414, 10:24:48: Tasha froze Equus - Lvl 228 (Equus) Day 16414, 10:26:48: Tasha froze FBM orange - Lvl 237 (Equus) Day 16414, 10:28:49: Tasha froze Equus - Lvl 271 (Equus) Day 16414, 10:30:36: Tasha froze Equus - Lvl 234 (Equus) Day 16414, 10:32:11: Tasha froze FMUTREDBOD - Lvl 234 (Equus) Day 16414, 10:52:58: Tasha froze Terror Bird - Lvl 264 (Terror Bird) Day 16414, 10:56:38: Tasha froze Managarmr - Lvl 229 (Managarmr) Day 16414, 11:01:37: Tasha froze Unicorn - Lvl 157 (Unicorn) Day 16414, 11:03:23: Tasha froze Unicorn - Lvl 187 (Unicorn) Day 16414, 11:05:24: Tasha froze Equus - Lvl 226 (Equus) Day 16414, 11:14:38: Tasha froze Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) Day 16414, 11:20:40: Tasha froze Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) Day 16414, 15:09:56: Tasha froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 278 (Thorny Dragon) Day 16414, 15:53:16: Tasha froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 275 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16451, 16:02:51: Procoptodon - Lvl 85 (Procoptodon) starved to death! Day 16483, 21:09:10: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16518, 03:34:40: Deinonychus - Lvl 83 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16518, 03:34:51: Thylacoleo - Lvl 233 (Thylacoleo) starved to death! Day 16587, 21:29:05: Deinonychus - Lvl 137 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16599, 02:56:17: Deinonychus - Lvl 133 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16599, 02:56:24: Deinonychus - Lvl 133 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16711, 14:33:42: Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16728, 15:00:36: Deinonychus - Lvl 138 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16740, 05:13:23: Tasha froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 226 (Thylacoleo) Day 16740, 05:41:30: Tasha froze Equus - Lvl 230 (Equus) Day 16740, 06:15:47: Tasha froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 272 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16751, 20:03:55: Your Ravager - Lvl 174 (Ravager) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 50! Day 16766, 15:51:56: Deinonychus - Lvl 138 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16766, 15:53:21: Patrolpidgeon - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16766, 16:18:26: Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16766, 16:18:29: Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16780, 11:14:32: Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16849, 15:19:01: Deinonychus - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16849, 15:19:01: Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16881, 10:58:41: Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16906, 10:51:26: F2MUTBBGLEG - Lvl 290 (Equus) starved to death! Day 16938, 04:24:12: Ruby - Lvl 188 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16961, 17:18:44: Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 17005, 20:20:44: Hyaenodon - Lvl 192 (Hyaenodon ) starved to death! Day 17035, 14:16:52: Equus - Lvl 228 (Equus) starved to death! Day 17080, 20:09:29: Mianthra - Lvl 123 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 252 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17080, 20:09:42: Mianthra - Lvl 123 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17080, 20:09:56: Mianthra - Lvl 123 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17080, 20:11:18: NeO - Lvl 122 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 263 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17080, 20:12:04: Mianthra - Lvl 123 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 189 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17080, 20:12:20: NeO - Lvl 122 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 150 (Rock Drake)'! Day 17080, 20:12:28: Mianthra - Lvl 123 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17080, 20:13:51: NeO - Lvl 122 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 108 (Rock Drake)'! Day 17080, 20:14:10: Mianthra - Lvl 123 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 208 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17080, 20:14:34: NeO - Lvl 122 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 108 (Rock Drake)'! Day 17080, 20:15:13: NeO - Lvl 122 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 50 (Rock Drake)'! Day 17080, 20:16:11: Mianthra - Lvl 123 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 248 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17080, 20:16:23: Mianthra - Lvl 123 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 286 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17080, 20:17:18: Mianthra - Lvl 123 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 276 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17080, 20:17:31: Mianthra - Lvl 123 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 141 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17080, 20:18:23: Mianthra - Lvl 123 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 205 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17080, 20:19:33: NeO - Lvl 122 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 184 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 17080, 20:22:07: NeO - Lvl 122 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 208 (Aberrant Megalosaurus)'! Day 17080, 20:48:35: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pistrelo! - Lvl 241 (Ravager)'! Day 17080, 20:56:04: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 258 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17080, 21:26:06: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bloodymary - Lvl 201 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17080, 21:27:16: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 233 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17080, 21:28:10: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'N1F - Lvl 235 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17080, 21:28:55: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FMUTYelBOD - Lvl 229 (Equus)'! Day 17080, 21:29:54: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 236 (Equus)'! Day 17080, 21:30:36: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'JamJar - Lvl 233 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17080, 21:31:03: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 271 (Doedicurus)'! Day 17080, 21:33:31: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Direwolf - Lvl 208 (Direwolf)'! Day 17080, 21:33:44: Mianthra - Lvl 123 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17080, 21:33:58: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Direwolf - Lvl 208 (Direwolf)'! Day 17080, 21:34:43: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Direwolf - Lvl 208 (Direwolf)'! Day 17080, 21:35:50: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M MUT BLUE BODY - Lvl 202 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17080, 21:36:47: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 206 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17080, 21:37:46: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 193 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17080, 21:38:28: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 228 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17080, 21:38:54: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 226 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17080, 21:39:44: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 233 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17080, 21:40:18: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 231 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17080, 21:40:46: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 227 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17080, 21:42:39: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 188 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17080, 23:18:16: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 160 (Rock Drake)'! Day 17080, 23:22:29: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 199 (Rock Drake)'! Day 17080, 23:26:59: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 50 (Rock Drake)'! Day 17080, 23:31:16: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 50 (Rock Drake)'! Day 17080, 23:39:04: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 296 (Equus)'! Day 17080, 23:47:39: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 194 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17080, 23:48:07: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 257 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17081, 00:01:01: NeO - Lvl 122 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 247 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17090, 03:58:25: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 150 (Rock Drake)'! Day 17092, 17:19:48: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17092, 17:19:48: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17092, 17:19:48: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17092, 17:19:48: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17092, 17:19:48: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17092, 17:19:48: Your 'Adobe Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17092, 17:19:48: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17092, 17:19:48: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17092, 17:19:48: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17092, 17:19:48: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17259, 11:17:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17384, 13:52:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17384, 13:52:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17384, 13:52:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17384, 13:52:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17384, 13:52:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17384, 13:52:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17384, 13:52:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17384, 13:52:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17384, 13:52:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17384, 13:52:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17384, 13:52:58: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17384, 13:52:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17384, 13:52:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17384, 13:52:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17384, 13:52:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17384, 13:52:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17384, 13:52:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17384, 13:52:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17384, 13:52:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17384, 13:52:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17384, 13:52:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17384, 13:52:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17384, 13:52:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17426, 08:21:00: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23153, 13:02:34: Tasha froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 303 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23365, 11:46:25: Tribemember Tasha - Lvl 122 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 23365, 13:10:11: Tribemember Tasha - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 23365, 15:51:15: Tribemember Tasha - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 23715, 13:07:07: Tasha Tamed an Equus - Lvl 194 (Equus)! Day 24143, 05:23:30: Tasha froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 303 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 24330, 06:46:25: Buutija - Lvl 118 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 195 (Equus)'!"] "tribeid":1139404994,"tribe":"Tribe of Raven logs":["Day 15196, 06:50:41: Raven was added to the Tribe! Day 15196, 06:54:10: Jenufa added 'Tribe of Raven' Tribe to ssss Alliance! Day 15196, 07:43:32: Raven claimed 'Baby m221 - Lvl 221 (Mantis)'! Day 15196, 07:46:13: Raven froze Baby m221 - Lvl 221 (Mantis) Day 15196, 09:07:24: Raven uploaded a Snow Owl: ® Perfect Male - Lvl 321 Day 15209, 10:36:24: Raven Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 15209, 10:38:09: Raven froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 15209, 13:04:18: Raven Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 15209, 13:06:30: Raven froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 15209, 13:57:59: Raven froze Mikes Owl - Lvl 243 (Snow Owl) Day 15209, 14:56:51: Raven froze Mikes Owl - Lvl 243 (Snow Owl) Day 15237, 14:49:15: Jenufa added 'Impulse' Tribe to ssss Alliance! Day 15237, 14:56:45: Jenufa added 'Potato Heads' Tribe to ssss Alliance! Day 17587, 13:15:40: kokow22 added 'Sexy boys' Tribe to ssss Alliance! Day 20863, 16:08:55: kokow22 removed 'Sexy boys' Tribe from ssss Alliance! Day 20863, 21:49:30: kokow22 added 'Sexy boys' Tribe to ssss Alliance!"] "tribeid":1138886783,"tribe":"Fire Vikings logs":["Day 8816, 20:18:58: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 273 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:18:59: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:18:59: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:19:12: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:19:12: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:19:14: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:19:14: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:19:53: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:19:53: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:20:01: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:20:01: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:20:09: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:20:09: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:20:17: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:20:17: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:20:33: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:20:33: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:20:41: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:20:41: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:20:49: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:20:49: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:21:21: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:21:21: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:22:11: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:22:11: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:23:15: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8816, 20:23:15: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8976, 23:30:27: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 273 (Snow Owl)'! Day 8976, 23:43:50: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 8976, 23:44:56: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 8976, 23:45:33: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 8976, 23:46:48: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 8976, 23:47:31: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl)'! Day 8976, 23:48:18: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 8976, 23:49:03: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl)'! Day 8976, 23:49:55: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 8976, 23:53:02: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl)'! Day 8976, 23:53:53: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl)'! Day 8976, 23:55:18: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl)'! Day 8976, 23:57:56: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 8976, 23:59:03: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 8977, 00:08:57: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:08:57: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:08:59: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:08:59: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:09:02: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:09:02: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:09:07: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:09:07: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:09:38: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:09:38: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:09:50: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:09:50: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:09:59: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:09:59: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:10:10: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:10:10: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:10:20: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:10:20: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:10:41: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:10:41: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:11:33: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:11:33: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:12:15: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:12:15: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:13:39: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:13:39: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:18:00: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 273 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 8977, 00:18:00: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 273 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9095, 10:59:05: Luxy's 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 273 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 9095, 13:07:46: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9095, 13:08:24: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9095, 13:09:23: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9095, 13:10:11: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9095, 13:12:24: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9095, 13:13:22: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9095, 13:17:20: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9095, 13:18:26: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9095, 13:24:47: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9095, 13:24:47: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9095, 13:24:56: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9095, 13:24:56: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9095, 13:25:03: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9095, 13:25:03: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9095, 13:25:04: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9095, 13:25:04: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9095, 13:25:05: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9095, 13:25:05: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9095, 13:25:19: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9095, 13:25:19: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9095, 13:26:47: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9095, 13:26:47: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9095, 13:29:10: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9095, 13:29:10: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9120, 19:16:09: Rapido - Lvl 292 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 9188, 00:13:19: Snow Owl - Lvl 273 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 9188, 18:34:20: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9188, 18:37:12: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9188, 18:37:48: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9188, 18:38:51: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9188, 18:40:00: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9188, 18:40:57: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9188, 18:42:03: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9188, 18:43:00: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9188, 18:43:42: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9188, 18:44:26: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9188, 18:45:13: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9188, 18:46:03: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9188, 18:46:35: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9188, 18:47:17: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9188, 18:51:41: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:51:41: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:51:48: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:51:48: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:52:29: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:52:29: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:53:18: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:53:18: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:53:19: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:53:19: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:53:49: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:53:49: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:54:31: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9188, 18:55:21: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:55:21: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:56:30: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:56:30: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:56:32: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:56:32: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:56:38: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:56:38: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:57:42: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:57:42: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:57:50: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:57:50: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:58:34: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:58:34: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:58:39: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:58:39: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:58:47: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 18:58:47: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 19:01:26: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9188, 19:02:10: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 19:02:10: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 19:02:50: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9188, 19:03:34: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9188, 19:03:34: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9258, 14:16:22: Born in captivity - Lvl 242 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 9299, 10:33:27: Luxy uploaded a Snow Owl: Azue - Lvl 325 Day 9299, 22:45:07: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9299, 22:52:01: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9299, 22:56:47: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9299, 23:03:56: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9299, 23:09:05: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9299, 23:09:45: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9299, 23:10:48: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9299, 23:14:10: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9299, 23:25:52: Luxy froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) Day 9299, 23:31:13: Luxy froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) Day 9299, 23:34:36: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9299, 23:37:30: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9299, 23:40:41: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9299, 23:42:05: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9299, 23:54:16: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9299, 23:54:16: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9299, 23:54:16: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9299, 23:54:16: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9299, 23:54:26: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9299, 23:54:26: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9299, 23:54:57: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9299, 23:54:57: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9299, 23:54:59: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9299, 23:54:59: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9299, 23:55:08: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9299, 23:55:08: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9299, 23:56:42: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9299, 23:56:42: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9299, 23:57:14: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9299, 23:57:14: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9299, 23:58:16: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9299, 23:58:16: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9299, 23:58:48: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9299, 23:58:48: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9300, 00:15:05: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9300, 00:15:53: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9300, 00:16:47: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9300, 00:22:57: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9300, 00:22:57: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9300, 00:23:28: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9300, 00:23:28: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9300, 00:24:00: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9300, 00:24:00: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 00:52:56: Snow Owl - Lvl 274 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 9370, 02:13:36: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9370, 02:14:28: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9370, 02:16:31: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9370, 02:25:17: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9370, 02:50:51: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9370, 02:54:04: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 02:54:04: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 02:54:21: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 02:54:21: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 02:54:42: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 02:54:42: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 02:56:21: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 02:56:21: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 03:07:02: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9370, 03:14:25: Luxy froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) Day 9370, 04:50:56: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9370, 04:51:40: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9370, 04:54:29: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9370, 04:55:02: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9370, 04:56:39: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9370, 04:57:57: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9370, 05:00:12: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9370, 05:01:07: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9370, 05:04:14: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 05:04:14: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 05:04:25: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 05:04:25: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 05:04:40: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 05:04:40: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 05:04:56: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 05:04:56: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 05:06:43: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 05:06:43: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 05:06:45: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 05:06:45: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 05:07:04: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 05:07:04: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 05:07:34: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 05:07:34: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 05:08:48: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9370, 05:09:46: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 05:09:46: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 06:47:35: Your Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9370, 06:47:35: Your Tribe killed Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9377, 07:11:55: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 9377, 07:25:38: Your 'Wooden Table' was destroyed! Day 9377, 07:34:37: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 9385, 11:37:55: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9385, 11:40:49: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9385, 11:45:59: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9385, 12:23:22: Luxy froze Juvenile MUT HP 3445 NO MELE TOT - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) Day 9385, 14:42:59: Your Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9385, 14:42:59: Your Tribe killed Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9385, 14:43:43: Luxy claimed 'Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9385, 14:44:34: Luxy claimed 'Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9385, 14:46:06: Luxy claimed 'Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9385, 14:47:01: Your Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9385, 14:47:01: Your Tribe killed Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9385, 14:48:09: Your Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9385, 14:48:09: Your Tribe killed Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9385, 14:55:49: Luxy claimed 'Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9385, 14:58:20: Your Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9385, 14:58:20: Your Tribe killed Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9385, 14:58:51: Your Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9385, 14:58:51: Your Tribe killed Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9385, 15:03:42: Luxy claimed 'Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9385, 15:06:42: Your Adolescent hp 3445 no mele muts 9 - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9385, 15:06:42: Your Tribe killed Adolescent hp 3445 no mele muts 9 - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9385, 15:08:21: Luxy claimed 'Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9385, 15:09:08: Your Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9385, 15:09:08: Your Tribe killed Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9385, 15:18:19: Your Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9385, 15:18:19: Your Tribe killed Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9385, 15:19:33: Luxy claimed 'Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9385, 15:21:24: Your Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9385, 15:21:24: Your Tribe killed Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9385, 15:22:06: Luxy claimed 'Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9385, 15:26:11: Your Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9385, 15:26:11: Your Tribe killed Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9385, 15:30:26: Luxy claimed 'Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9385, 15:38:44: Your Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9385, 15:38:44: Your Tribe killed Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9385, 16:19:19: Luxy demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 9396, 08:22:10: Pteranodon - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 9397, 11:04:15: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9397, 11:07:33: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9397, 11:09:02: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9397, 11:22:34: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9397, 11:23:12: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9397, 11:23:48: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9397, 11:24:46: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9397, 11:25:16: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9397, 11:26:06: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9397, 11:26:47: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9397, 11:27:31: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9397, 11:28:28: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9397, 11:28:56: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9397, 11:29:37: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9397, 11:40:23: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:40:23: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:40:26: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:40:26: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:40:33: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:40:33: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:40:49: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:40:49: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:41:00: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:41:00: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:41:13: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:41:13: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:41:37: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:41:37: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:41:38: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:41:38: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:41:53: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:41:53: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:42:18: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:42:18: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:42:34: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:42:34: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:43:14: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:43:14: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:43:46: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:43:46: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:44:51: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:44:51: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:48:11: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9397, 11:48:46: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:48:46: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:49:27: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9397, 11:50:01: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 11:50:01: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 13:19:15: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9397, 13:20:19: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 13:20:19: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 13:20:55: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9397, 13:21:19: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 13:21:19: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 13:21:54: Luxy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9397, 13:22:20: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9397, 13:22:20: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9398, 14:01:12: Luxy claimed 'Unicorn - Lvl 262 (Unicorn)'! Day 9398, 15:31:01: Luxy froze Unicorn - Lvl 258 (Unicorn) Day 9398, 20:31:15: Luxy froze Sir Richard - Lvl 262 (Unicorn) Day 9409, 20:11:55: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9409, 20:17:07: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9409, 20:59:17: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9409, 20:59:55: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9409, 21:00:52: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9409, 21:01:29: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9409, 21:02:34: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9409, 21:03:17: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9409, 21:05:03: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9409, 21:07:06: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9409, 21:08:55: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9409, 21:09:56: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9409, 21:17:18: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:17:18: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:17:18: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:17:18: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:17:44: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:17:44: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:17:52: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:17:52: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:18:11: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:18:11: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:18:11: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:18:11: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:19:08: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:19:08: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:19:18: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:19:18: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:19:39: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:19:39: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:20:10: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:20:10: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:21:37: Luxy claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9409, 21:22:29: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:22:29: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:23:42: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:23:42: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:24:13: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) was killed by Luxy - Lvl 122 (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 21:24:13: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) (Fire Vikings)! Day 9409, 22:46:10: Luxy was removed from the Tribe! Day 9409, 22:46:10: Tribe Owner was changed to Mathias Baker! Day 9527, 15:38:12: Brock froze Megatherium - Lvl 280 (Megatherium) Day 10352, 14:14:11: Dooglet added 'Flying Bitches' Tribe to Free Men Alliance! Day 10602, 10:39:39: Tribemember Jovian - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 10612, 15:49:07: Brock froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 10850, 08:23:34: Brock froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 10850, 09:56:17: Brock froze Crackler - Lvl 336 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10850, 10:08:29: Brock froze Crackler - Lvl 336 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10850, 10:09:59: Brock froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 10860, 12:34:20: Brock froze SOnic 214 - Lvl 273 (Snow Owl) Day 10860, 19:46:22: Brock froze Crackler - Lvl 336 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 11940, 10:29:14: Tribemember Jovian - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 11940, 11:31:18: Jovian claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 390 (Argentavis)'! Day 11940, 15:10:45: Jovian claimed 'Arctic - Lvl 355 (Snow Owl)'! Day 11940, 15:47:08: Jovian was removed from the Tribe! Day 11954, 18:49:23: Wortnik added 'The Free Men' Tribe to Free Men Alliance! Day 12341, 10:17:44: Tribemember Mathias Baker - Lvl 137 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 135! Day 12341, 12:24:42: Tribemember Mathias Baker - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 12342, 16:20:02: Mathias Baker unclaimed 'Rock Drake - Lvl 202 (Rock Drake)'! Day 12342, 16:21:35: Mathias Baker unclaimed 'Char - Lvl 344 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 12342, 16:25:22: Mathias Baker was removed from the Tribe! Day 12342, 16:25:22: Tribe Owner was changed to Brock! Day 14212, 07:47:04: Brock froze Snow Owl - Lvl 341 (Snow Owl)"] "tribeid":1135491807,"tribe":"Ascendancy logs":["Day 12929, 10:19:41: Cinder was added to the Tribe! Day 12929, 11:48:04: Tribemember Cinder - Lvl 113 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 12929, 12:47:28: Your P45 (C) - Lvl 279 (Argentavis) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 12929, 12:56:33: Tribemember Cinder - Lvl 115 was killed! Day 12929, 18:10:33: Cinder Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 194 (Ovis)! Day 12929, 18:12:06: Cinder froze Ovis - Lvl 194 (Ovis) Day 12929, 18:30:56: Cinder Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 142 (Ovis)! Day 12929, 18:34:15: Cinder froze Ovis - Lvl 194 (Ovis) Day 12929, 18:35:54: Cinder froze Ovis - Lvl 142 (Ovis) Day 12929, 19:36:49: Cinder Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 67 (Ovis)! Day 12929, 19:37:59: Cinder Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 22 (Ovis)! Day 12929, 19:39:41: Cinder froze Ovis - Lvl 22 (Ovis) Day 12929, 19:41:49: Cinder froze Ovis - Lvl 67 (Ovis) Day 12929, 19:59:16: Cinder froze Pteranodon - Lvl 151 (Pteranodon) Day 12952, 10:15:06: Cinder Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 194 (Daeodon)! Day 12952, 10:16:54: Cinder froze Daeodon - Lvl 194 (Daeodon) Day 12952, 13:14:27: Your Tribe Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 209 (Direwolf)! Day 12952, 14:21:39: Cinder uploaded a Direwolf: Direwolf - Lvl 209 Day 12952, 14:30:54: Cinder uploaded a Daeodon: Daeodon - Lvl 194 Day 12952, 14:32:47: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 338 (Argentavis) Day 12953, 19:52:46: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 338 (Argentavis) Day 12953, 23:59:16: Cinder Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus)! Day 12954, 00:03:52: Cinder froze Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus) Day 12954, 01:13:52: Cinder downloaded a dino: Woolly Rhino - Lvl 224 Day 12954, 01:14:53: Cinder downloaded a dino: Sabertooth - Lvl 224 Day 12954, 01:15:27: Cinder downloaded a dino: Allosaurus - Lvl 209 Day 12954, 01:19:36: Cinder froze Sabertooth - Lvl 224 (Sabertooth) Day 12954, 01:24:19: Cinder froze Woolly Rhino - Lvl 224 (Woolly Rhino) Day 12954, 01:29:16: Cinder froze Allosaurus - Lvl 209 (Allosaurus) Day 12954, 01:34:41: Cinder froze Fast boii - Lvl 234 (Pteranodon) Day 12955, 08:42:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 224 (Direwolf)! Day 12955, 09:53:31: Cinder froze Direwolf - Lvl 224 (Direwolf) Day 12955, 11:03:21: HexedKarma was added to the Tribe by Cinder! Day 12955, 12:40:22: HexedKarma froze Direwolf - Lvl 224 (Direwolf) Day 12955, 15:08:31: Your Tribe Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus)! Day 12955, 15:28:00: Tribemember Cinder - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 12955, 16:23:14: Cinder froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus) Day 12955, 16:25:46: HexedKarma demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 12955, 20:04:24: Cinder uploaded a Yutyrannus: Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 Day 12955, 20:06:24: Cinder froze Doppler (C) - Lvl 340 (Argentavis) Day 12956, 04:22:15: Raddetta was added to the Tribe by Cinder! Day 12956, 10:22:17: Raddetta Tamed a Woolly Rhino - Lvl 209 (Woolly Rhino)! Day 12956, 10:25:30: Cinder froze Wilma - Lvl 209 (Woolly Rhino) Day 12956, 16:04:10: Cinder froze Doppler (C) - Lvl 340 (Argentavis) Day 12956, 16:04:34: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 291 (Argentavis) Day 12956, 16:10:04: Raddetta froze Bubbi - Lvl 314 (Argentavis) Day 12957, 19:49:00: Raddetta Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 12958, 04:44:29: Raddetta froze Jerry! - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 12958, 05:31:31: Raddetta Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 12958, 05:33:59: Your Juliane - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) was killed by Raddetta - Lvl 102 (Equinox)! Day 12958, 05:33:59: Your Tribe killed Juliane - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) (Equinox)! Day 12958, 06:36:28: Raddetta Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 12958, 07:57:23: Raddetta uploaded a Jerboa: Julianne - Lvl 1 Day 12958, 08:00:31: Raddetta uploaded a Jerboa: Jerry! - Lvl 1 Day 12958, 10:59:45: Raddetta froze Bubbi - Lvl 316 (Argentavis) Day 12958, 11:08:32: Raddetta froze Bubbi - Lvl 316 (Argentavis) Day 12968, 21:30:10: HexedKarma froze Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 12968, 22:18:49: Cinder froze 5.1hp 1k st 314m Male Br - Lvl 230 (Allosaurus) Day 12968, 23:13:14: HexedKarma froze W3 - Lvl 221 (Direwolf) Day 12968, 23:29:53: Cinder froze 5.1hp 1k st 314m Male Br - Lvl 230 (Allosaurus) Day 12969, 00:06:19: Cinder froze 5.1hp 1k st 314m Male Br - Lvl 230 (Allosaurus) Day 12969, 03:04:54: Cinder froze 5.1hp 1k st 314m Male Br - Lvl 230 (Allosaurus) Day 12969, 05:59:30: Cinder froze 5.1hp 1k st 314m Male Br - Lvl 230 (Allosaurus) Day 12969, 06:40:42: Cinder froze 5.1hp 1k st 314m Male Br - Lvl 230 (Allosaurus) Day 12969, 06:52:18: HexedKarma froze W3 - Lvl 239 (Direwolf) Day 12969, 07:05:45: HexedKarma froze W3 - Lvl 239 (Direwolf) Day 12969, 08:25:46: HexedKarma froze Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 12969, 18:45:08: HexedKarma Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 217 (Baryonyx)! Day 12969, 18:48:26: HexedKarma froze Baryonyx - Lvl 217 (Baryonyx) Day 12970, 01:28:46: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 309 (Argentavis) Day 12970, 06:46:12: Cinder Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 224 (Mantis)! Day 12970, 06:48:00: Cinder froze Mantis - Lvl 224 (Mantis) Day 12970, 08:24:10: Cinder Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 194 (Mantis)! Day 12970, 08:31:00: Cinder froze Mantis - Lvl 224 (Mantis) Day 12970, 08:33:08: Cinder froze Mantis - Lvl 194 (Mantis) Day 12970, 10:30:33: Cinder froze Mantis - Lvl 224 (Mantis) Day 12970, 10:46:33: Cinder froze Mantis - Lvl 194 (Mantis) Day 12970, 11:15:03: Cinder claimed 'Baby Mantis - Lvl 218 (Mantis)'! Day 12970, 11:16:30: Cinder froze Baby Mantis - Lvl 218 (Mantis) Day 12970, 11:35:22: Cinder uploaded a Mantis: Mantis - Lvl 224 Day 12970, 11:44:07: Cinder froze Mantis - Lvl 194 (Mantis) Day 12970, 12:01:33: Cinder uploaded a Mantis: Mantis - Lvl 194 Day 12970, 12:03:01: Cinder froze Doppler (C) - Lvl 346 (Argentavis) Day 12971, 17:58:48: Raddetta Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 12971, 18:09:39: Raddetta froze Eadith - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 12972, 05:20:28: Cinder froze Robin - Lvl 305 (Argentavis) Day 12972, 05:25:55: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 335 (Argentavis) Day 12972, 05:39:01: HexedKarma downloaded a dino: 110 - Lvl 164 Day 12972, 05:41:53: Raddetta froze Bubbi - Lvl 344 (Argentavis) Day 12972, 05:42:09: HexedKarma froze 110 - Lvl 164 (Featherlight) Day 12972, 14:00:26: HexedKarma Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 194 (Baryonyx)! Day 12972, 14:03:47: HexedKarma froze Baryonyx - Lvl 194 (Baryonyx) Day 12972, 18:48:42: HexedKarma Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 142 (Baryonyx)! Day 12972, 18:51:04: HexedKarma froze Baryonyx - Lvl 142 (Baryonyx) Day 12972, 19:42:58: Raddetta froze Bubbi - Lvl 345 (Argentavis) Day 12973, 06:28:11: HexedKarma uploaded a Baryonyx: Baryonyx - Lvl 194 Day 12973, 06:30:08: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 338 (Argentavis) Day 12997, 18:13:56: Cinder froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 161 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 12998, 05:44:56: Cinder froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 162 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13035, 14:43:53: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 231 (Griffin) Day 13035, 17:06:44: Dragon added 'Equinox' Tribe to Boss Fight Alliance! Day 13035, 17:10:25: Dragon added 'Tribe of Alsuperhero1' Tribe to Boss Fight Alliance! Day 13035, 22:52:15: Dragon added 'WolfPack' Tribe to Boss Fight Alliance! Day 13036, 03:36:44: Cinder froze Rex - Lvl 368 (Rex) Day 13036, 04:31:44: ArcticWolf removed 'WolfPack' Tribe from Boss Fight Alliance! Day 13036, 06:18:00: Dragon removed 'Droogn' Tribe from Boss Fight Alliance! Day 13053, 14:17:38: Raddetta froze (C) - Lvl 241 (Griffin) Day 13053, 14:21:20: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 302 (Megatherium) Day 13053, 14:24:08: Raddetta froze (C) - Lvl 283 (Megatherium) Day 13053, 14:45:18: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 302 (Megatherium) Day 13053, 14:57:09: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 302 (Megatherium) Day 13053, 16:05:19: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 302 (Megatherium) Day 13053, 16:05:22: Raddetta froze (C) - Lvl 283 (Megatherium) Day 13053, 16:31:22: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 302 (Megatherium) Day 13053, 17:10:01: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 302 (Megatherium) Day 13053, 17:22:37: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 302 (Megatherium) Day 13053, 17:26:10: Raddetta froze (C) - Lvl 288 (Megatherium) Day 13053, 17:42:17: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 302 (Megatherium) Day 13053, 17:42:36: Raddetta froze (C) - Lvl 288 (Megatherium) Day 13053, 18:01:41: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 302 (Megatherium) Day 13053, 18:03:12: Raddetta froze (C) - Lvl 288 (Megatherium) Day 13053, 18:44:55: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 242 (Griffin) Day 13053, 19:17:10: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 302 (Megatherium) Day 13053, 19:33:31: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 242 (Griffin) Day 13054, 01:59:15: Raddetta froze (C) - Lvl 288 (Megatherium) Day 13054, 02:03:05: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 305 (Megatherium) Day 13054, 02:10:47: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 305 (Megatherium) Day 13064, 16:25:03: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 254 (Griffin) Day 13064, 16:29:37: Cinder froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 176 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13119, 09:31:27: Cinder froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13140, 14:28:18: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13160, 18:41:16: Tribemember Cinder - Lvl 123 was killed by a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 150! Day 13160, 21:50:25: Your Baryonyx - Lvl 233 (Baryonyx) was killed by a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 85! Day 13161, 08:05:37: Cinder Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 209 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 13161, 08:08:05: Cinder froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 209 (Tusoteuthis) Day 13161, 09:38:26: Cinder froze B1 - Lvl 221 (Baryonyx) Day 13331, 11:16:42: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 283 (Griffin) Day 13331, 13:38:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Procoptodon - Lvl 209 (Procoptodon)! Day 13331, 13:45:12: Cinder froze Procoptodon - Lvl 209 (Procoptodon) Day 13331, 14:27:48: Cinder froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 192 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13331, 17:15:55: Your Tribe Tamed a Procoptodon - Lvl 202 (Procoptodon)! Day 13331, 17:48:26: Cinder froze Procoptodon - Lvl 202 (Procoptodon) Day 13331, 18:29:33: Cinder froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 192 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13331, 20:48:45: HexedKarma Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 128 (Thylacoleo)! Day 13331, 21:06:33: HexedKarma froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 128 (Thylacoleo) Day 13332, 00:17:41: Cinder Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 126 (Thylacoleo)! Day 13332, 00:27:53: HexedKarma froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 126 (Thylacoleo) Day 13332, 01:47:25: Cinder froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 192 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13332, 01:54:40: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 284 (Griffin) Day 13364, 15:49:00: Raddetta froze ManaFlare - Lvl 232 (Managarmr) Day 13364, 17:44:29: Cinder Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 202 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 13364, 18:15:16: Cinder froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 202 (Tusoteuthis) Day 13364, 19:27:48: Raddetta froze Christmas - Lvl 258 (Baryonyx) Day 13364, 22:06:03: Raddetta froze Christmas - Lvl 259 (Baryonyx) Day 13364, 22:07:07: Cinder froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 344 (Tusoteuthis) Day 13364, 23:30:01: Raddetta froze ManaFlare - Lvl 233 (Managarmr) Day 13368, 08:16:19: Cinder froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 344 (Tusoteuthis) Day 13368, 10:15:04: Raddetta froze ManaFlare - Lvl 251 (Managarmr) Day 13368, 11:51:43: Cinder froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 344 (Tusoteuthis) Day 13368, 13:47:30: Cinder froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 354 (Tusoteuthis) Day 13368, 14:04:15: Raddetta froze ManaFlare - Lvl 252 (Managarmr) Day 13368, 15:13:48: HexedKarma froze Managarmr - Lvl 231 (Managarmr) Day 13370, 03:37:49: Cinder froze Managarmr - Lvl 231 (Managarmr) Day 13370, 03:41:16: Cinder downloaded a dino: Deinonychus - Lvl 148 Day 13370, 03:41:45: Cinder downloaded a dino: Deinonychus - Lvl 165 Day 13370, 03:42:38: Cinder downloaded a dino: Deinonychus - Lvl 150 Day 13370, 03:43:08: Cinder downloaded a dino: Deinonychus - Lvl 173 Day 13370, 03:43:44: Cinder downloaded a dino: Deinonychus - Lvl 151 Day 13370, 05:34:01: Raddetta froze ManaFlare - Lvl 253 (Managarmr) Day 13370, 05:44:19: Raddetta uploaded a Managarmr: ManaFlare - Lvl 253 Day 13370, 06:30:52: Cinder downloaded a dino: Deinonychus - Lvl 147 Day 13370, 06:31:05: Cinder downloaded a dino: Deinonychus - Lvl 166 Day 13370, 06:31:17: Cinder downloaded a dino: Deinonychus - Lvl 145 Day 13370, 06:31:30: Cinder downloaded a dino: Deinonychus - Lvl 161 Day 13370, 06:31:44: Cinder downloaded a dino: Delta - Lvl 195 Day 13370, 06:31:57: Cinder downloaded a dino: Deinonychus - Lvl 143 Day 13370, 06:32:23: Cinder downloaded a dino: Deinonychus - Lvl 151 Day 13370, 06:32:35: Cinder downloaded a dino: Deinonychus - Lvl 147 Day 13370, 06:32:58: Cinder downloaded a dino: Feather - Lvl 179 Day 13370, 06:33:13: Cinder downloaded a dino: Deinonychus - Lvl 146 Day 13370, 08:42:43: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 140! Day 13370, 08:43:25: Your Saddle King - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 60! Day 13370, 09:06:30: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 60! Day 13370, 09:12:08: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Manticore (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 13370, 09:12:08: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Manticore (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 13370, 09:18:24: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Manticore (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 13370, 09:19:25: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 161 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Manticore (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 13370, 10:03:17: Cinder froze Woolly Rhino - Lvl 281 (Woolly Rhino) Day 13370, 10:07:35: Raddetta froze 314M M - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 13370, 10:28:07: Cinder froze (I) - Lvl 277 (Woolly Rhino) Day 13370, 10:29:37: HexedKarma uploaded a Deinonychus: Deinonychus - Lvl 150 Day 13370, 10:29:59: HexedKarma uploaded a Deinonychus: Deinonychus - Lvl 151 Day 13370, 10:30:22: HexedKarma uploaded a Deinonychus: Feather - Lvl 179 Day 13370, 10:30:44: HexedKarma uploaded a Deinonychus: Deinonychus - Lvl 143 Day 13370, 10:31:12: HexedKarma uploaded a Deinonychus: Deinonychus - Lvl 151 Day 13370, 10:31:34: HexedKarma uploaded a Deinonychus: Deinonychus - Lvl 173 Day 13370, 10:31:55: HexedKarma uploaded a Deinonychus: Delta - Lvl 195 Day 13370, 10:34:36: Cinder uploaded a Deinonychus: Deinonychus - Lvl 167 Day 13370, 11:29:46: Cinder froze Managarmr - Lvl 231 (Managarmr) Day 13370, 12:06:36: Cinder froze Managarmr - Lvl 231 (Managarmr) Day 13524, 20:15:07: Tribemember Cinder - Lvl 123 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 13524, 20:53:54: Tribemember HexedKarma - Lvl 122 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 13525, 01:37:39: Cinder froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 197 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13525, 02:47:32: HexedKarma froze Kalgorasz (I) - Lvl 244 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13538, 15:40:44: Tribemember HexedKarma - Lvl 122 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 13538, 19:22:57: Cinder froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 248 (Ice Wyvern) Day 13538, 19:33:46: HexedKarma froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 245 (Ice Wyvern) Day 13578, 09:02:05: HexedKarma froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 13578, 12:27:07: Cinder froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 203 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13578, 12:27:37: HexedKarma froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Ice Wyvern) Day 13578, 15:25:43: HexedKarma froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Ice Wyvern) Day 13578, 15:30:28: Cinder froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 204 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13692, 09:48:46: Cinder Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 82 (Mantis)! Day 13692, 09:58:09: Cinder froze Mantis - Lvl 82 (Mantis) Day 13692, 10:20:48: Cinder Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 134 (Mantis)! Day 13692, 10:22:36: Cinder froze Mantis - Lvl 134 (Mantis) Day 13692, 11:36:40: HexedKarma Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 194 (Mantis)! Day 13692, 11:38:12: HexedKarma froze Mantis - Lvl 194 (Mantis) Day 13692, 12:23:26: Cinder froze Death (C) - Lvl 274 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13692, 12:29:39: HexedKarma froze Kalgorasz (I) - Lvl 261 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13705, 16:22:14: Cinder Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 74 (Mantis)! Day 13705, 16:24:36: Cinder froze Mantis - Lvl 74 (Mantis) Day 13705, 17:57:08: HexedKarma Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 202 (Mantis)! Day 13705, 17:59:00: HexedKarma froze Mantis - Lvl 202 (Mantis) Day 13705, 18:06:22: Cinder Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 202 (Mantis)! Day 13705, 18:08:00: Cinder froze Mantis - Lvl 202 (Mantis) Day 13705, 18:17:28: HexedKarma Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 29 (Mantis)! Day 13705, 18:19:26: HexedKarma froze Mantis - Lvl 29 (Mantis) Day 13705, 18:32:27: HexedKarma Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 29 (Mantis)! Day 13705, 18:34:37: HexedKarma froze Mantis - Lvl 29 (Mantis) Day 13705, 18:51:00: HexedKarma Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 29 (Mantis)! Day 13705, 18:52:51: HexedKarma froze Mantis - Lvl 29 (Mantis) Day 13705, 19:51:12: Your Mantis - Lvl 29 (Mantis) was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 140! Day 13705, 20:50:50: Cinder Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 209 (Mantis)! Day 13705, 20:55:51: Cinder froze Mantis - Lvl 209 (Mantis) Day 13705, 22:17:51: Cinder froze Death (C) - Lvl 277 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13705, 22:22:04: HexedKarma froze Stats M (I) - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13808, 20:43:46: Raddetta froze (R) BestuStatu - Lvl 290 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14328, 03:23:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14328, 03:23:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15758, 13:25:42: Cinder Tamed an Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus)! Day 15758, 15:40:02: Cinder Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 15758, 16:24:29: Cinder uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 217 Day 15762, 19:27:59: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon) Day 15776, 08:33:12: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon) Day 15778, 06:35:09: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon) Day 15815, 14:52:04: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 243 (Pteranodon) Day 15816, 09:03:58: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 243 (Pteranodon) Day 15826, 05:29:57: Your Equus - Lvl 32 (Equus) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 50! Day 26192, 08:52:55: Tribemember Cinder - Lvl 139 was killed! Day 26192, 10:44:28: Cinder Tamed an Equus - Lvl 194 (Equus)! Day 26192, 11:05:52: Cinder froze Ko - Lvl 194 (Equus) Day 26192, 12:16:11: Cinder froze Ko - Lvl 196 (Equus) Day 26192, 22:35:38: Cinder froze Ko - Lvl 197 (Equus) Day 26193, 23:04:40: Cinder froze Argentavis - Lvl 221 (Argentavis) Day 26194, 01:00:00: Cinder froze Argentavis - Lvl 221 (Argentavis) Day 26194, 05:34:36: Cinder froze Argentavis - Lvl 221 (Argentavis) Day 26195, 10:36:01: Cinder froze Argentavis - Lvl 223 (Argentavis) Day 26289, 10:12:13: Cinder froze Fyp - Lvl 65 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26334, 06:36:43: Tribemember Cinder - Lvl 139 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 26376, 09:40:01: Cinder froze Maewing - Lvl 233 (Maewing) Day 26376, 12:15:13: Cinder froze Maewing - Lvl 233 (Maewing) Day 26428, 08:20:46: Tribemember Cinder - Lvl 139 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 50! Day 26428, 11:50:01: Tribemember Cinder - Lvl 139 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 55! Day 26428, 13:14:04: Cinder froze Maewing - Lvl 239 (Maewing) Day 26609, 08:52:23: Cinder froze Maewing - Lvl 241 (Maewing) Day 26616, 12:06:58: Tribemember Cinder - Lvl 139 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 135! Day 26616, 14:35:06: Cinder froze Maewing - Lvl 243 (Maewing) Day 26618, 20:52:24: Cinder froze Maewing - Lvl 251 (Maewing) Day 26622, 00:56:32: Cinder froze Maewing - Lvl 251 (Maewing) Day 26622, 09:48:09: Tribemember Cinder - Lvl 139 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 85! Day 26622, 11:53:33: Cinder froze Maewing - Lvl 253 (Maewing) Day 26668, 05:33:03: Cinder froze Maewing - Lvl 254 (Maewing) Day 27077, 04:47:24: Cinder froze Rock Drake - Lvl 181 (Rock Drake) Day 27077, 16:50:07: Cinder froze Rock Drake - Lvl 187 (Rock Drake)"] "tribeid":1135373730,"tribe":"RaggyGuys logs":["Day 29162, 07:19:11: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 225 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 211 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 211 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 07:19:31: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 07:19:59: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 07:19:59: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 08:06:42: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 08:09:20: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 08:11:29: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 08:14:06: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 08:15:27: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 08:18:05: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 08:19:12: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 08:21:59: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 08:43:56: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 08:46:36: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 08:48:24: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 08:51:13: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 08:52:26: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 08:55:06: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 08:56:19: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 08:58:59: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 09:14:33: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 09:19:10: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 09:20:47: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 09:23:31: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 09:25:12: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 09:27:49: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 09:28:52: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 09:31:32: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 09:32:41: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 09:35:19: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 10:21:45: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 10:24:24: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 10:26:14: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 10:28:48: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 10:29:52: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 10:32:31: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 10:33:38: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 10:36:15: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 10:42:56: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 10:45:54: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 10:47:04: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 10:51:16: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 11:01:31: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 11:04:12: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 11:05:39: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 11:08:19: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 11:09:39: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 11:12:20: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 11:15:23: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 11:18:05: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 11:19:28: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 11:22:08: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 11:23:30: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 11:26:12: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 12:25:22: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 12:28:09: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 12:29:22: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 12:32:06: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 12:34:05: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 12:36:46: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 13:33:57: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 13:36:53: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 13:39:41: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 13:42:27: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 13:44:02: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 13:46:43: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 13:48:09: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29162, 13:50:56: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29162, 18:19:44: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 18:19:44: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Jayway Parlay - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex)! Day 29162, 18:20:13: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29163, 06:24:33: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29163, 06:27:29: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29163, 06:28:22: Geaux claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29163, 06:31:05: Geaux froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29163, 06:57:57: Geaux froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29163, 07:01:23: Geaux froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29163, 07:05:06: Geaux froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29163, 07:09:47: Geaux froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29163, 07:13:16: Geaux froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29163, 07:16:50: Geaux froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29163, 07:21:52: Geaux froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29163, 07:26:56: Geaux froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29163, 07:33:05: Geaux froze Clean - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29163, 07:40:12: Geaux froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29163, 08:35:12: Your Giganotosaurus - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Grease - Lvl 328 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29163, 08:35:12: Your Tribe killed Giganotosaurus - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29163, 08:35:15: Your Clean - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Grease - Lvl 328 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29163, 08:35:15: Your Tribe killed Clean - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29163, 08:35:15: Your Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Grease - Lvl 328 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29163, 08:35:15: Your Tribe killed Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29163, 08:35:15: Your Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Grease - Lvl 328 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29163, 08:35:15: Your Tribe killed Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29163, 08:59:24: Your Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Grease - Lvl 330 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29163, 08:59:24: Your Tribe killed Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29163, 08:59:24: Your Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Grease - Lvl 330 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29163, 08:59:24: Your Tribe killed Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29163, 08:59:24: Your Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Grease - Lvl 330 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29163, 08:59:24: Your Tribe killed Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29163, 09:00:14: Your Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Grease - Lvl 330 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29163, 09:00:14: Your Tribe killed Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29163, 09:18:06: Your Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Grease - Lvl 331 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29163, 09:18:06: Your Tribe killed Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29163, 09:18:06: Your Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Grease - Lvl 331 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29163, 09:18:06: Your Tribe killed Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 29163, 11:39:53: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29163, 20:28:09: Geaux froze Grave Digger - Lvl 364 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29464, 16:41:03: Your 'Bee Hive' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29464, 16:41:03: Your 'Dino Leash' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29748, 01:20:28: Your 'Wooden Cage' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29748, 01:20:28: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29748, 01:20:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29797, 14:02:35: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame '32h34m - Lvl 310 (Shadowmane)'! Day 29797, 14:14:01: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 208 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 29797, 14:22:04: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'EleDust - Lvl 164 (Gacha)'! Day 29797, 14:27:13: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'EleDust - Lvl 156 (Gacha)'! Day 29797, 14:56:29: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Killing Machine - Lvl 293 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 29797, 15:17:41: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Clean - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29797, 15:29:28: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Medic - Lvl 289 (Snow Owl)'! Day 29797, 15:35:54: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 330 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 29797, 15:59:57: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jayway Parlay - Lvl 465 (Tek Rex)'! Day 29797, 16:12:53: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Grave Digger - Lvl 364 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29797, 16:26:35: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame '32h34m - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane)'! Day 29797, 16:31:18: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame '34m - Lvl 205 (Shadowmane)'! Day 29797, 16:35:36: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame '32h34m - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane)'! Day 29797, 16:56:25: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 210 (Shadowmane)'! Day 29797, 18:02:51: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame '48h - Lvl 247 (Mosasaurus)'! Day 29828, 12:34:57: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29828, 12:35:19: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29828, 12:35:37: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29828, 12:36:35: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29828, 12:37:07: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29828, 12:37:51: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29828, 12:38:22: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29828, 12:40:05: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29828, 12:41:27: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29828, 12:41:55: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29828, 12:50:52: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29828, 13:05:05: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29828, 13:31:07: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Frog - Lvl 242 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 29828, 13:39:11: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spurkle - Lvl 319 (Doedicurus)'! Day 29828, 13:44:07: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 305 (Doedicurus)'! Day 29828, 13:48:53: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame '552w323m - Lvl 298 (Castoroides)'! Day 29828, 13:56:52: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Birdens - Lvl 330 (Argentavis)'! Day 29828, 14:37:35: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 210 (Maewing)'! Day 29828, 14:49:31: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ScoobyBoobyBoo - Lvl 233 (Velonasaur)'! Day 29828, 15:00:01: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Daeodon - Lvl 287 (Daeodon)'! Day 29828, 15:05:43: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Daeodon - Lvl 281 (Daeodon)'! Day 29828, 15:16:36: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing)'! Day 29828, 15:25:01: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 236 (Snow Owl)'! Day 29828, 15:45:48: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 228 (Snow Owl)'! Day 29828, 15:53:57: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 236 (Snow Owl)'! Day 29828, 15:57:18: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 228 (Snow Owl)'! Day 29828, 16:01:34: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 228 (Snow Owl)'! Day 29828, 16:05:57: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 251 (Snow Owl)'! Day 29828, 16:09:50: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 210 (Snow Owl)'! Day 29828, 16:14:02: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 215 (Snow Owl)'! Day 29828, 16:22:11: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 252 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 29828, 16:30:40: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ferox - Lvl 292 (Ferox)'! Day 29828, 16:45:54: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 280 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 29828, 16:52:54: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Morbius - Lvl 279 (Desmodus)'! Day 29828, 17:00:55: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 309 (Doedicurus)'! Day 29828, 17:06:01: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 306 (Doedicurus)'! Day 29828, 17:10:32: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 299 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 29828, 17:39:10: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'And I'm Hopin' - Lvl 256 (Argentavis)'! Day 29828, 17:39:43: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Are Heavy - Lvl 228 (Argentavis)'! Day 29828, 17:41:06: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'It don't - Lvl 316 (Argentavis)'! Day 29828, 17:41:43: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bury Me - Lvl 302 (Argentavis)'! Day 29828, 20:21:41: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mosasaurus - Lvl 236 (Mosasaurus)'! Day 29828, 20:30:09: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame '48h - Lvl 217 (Mosasaurus)'! Day 29828, 20:36:52: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame '48m - Lvl 217 (Mosasaurus)'! Day 29828, 20:47:45: Console Peasant - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mosasaurus - Lvl 226 (Mosasaurus)'! Day 29830, 15:24:35: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29830, 15:24:50: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29830, 15:25:14: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29830, 15:25:53: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29830, 15:26:06: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29830, 15:26:36: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29830, 15:27:30: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29830, 15:28:12: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29830, 15:35:20: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29830, 15:36:15: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Joyful And - Lvl 262 (Maewing)'! Day 29830, 15:36:32: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'I Used To Be - Lvl 222 (Maewing)'! Day 29830, 15:37:01: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Skip So Merrily - Lvl 316 (Maewing)'! Day 29830, 15:38:56: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baby Got Back - Lvl 288 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 29830, 15:55:23: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus)'! Day 29830, 15:59:05: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Grease - Lvl 332 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 29830, 16:03:44: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 278 (Megatherium)'! Day 29830, 16:04:14: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Caramel - Lvl 305 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 29830, 16:05:38: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Coffe - Lvl 285 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 29830, 16:10:05: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jaytee Dupitidy - Lvl 429 (Tek Rex)'! Day 29830, 16:11:36: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 213 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 29830, 16:21:32: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame '42m - Lvl 284 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 29830, 16:23:35: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Quetzal - Lvl 199 (Quetzal)'! Day 29830, 16:27:51: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Granger - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 29830, 16:30:16: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Killer Queen - Lvl 309 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 29830, 16:32:03: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 211 (Maewing)'! Day 29830, 17:19:07: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake)'! Day 29830, 17:19:55: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame '37m - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake)'! Day 29830, 17:38:07: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame '39M - Lvl 224 (Megatherium)'! Day 29830, 17:39:01: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 205 (Megatherium)'! Day 29830, 17:39:27: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame '43M - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)'! Day 29830, 19:50:08: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 244 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 29830, 19:55:22: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 160 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 29830, 20:04:30: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 206 (Carbonemys)'! Day 29830, 20:04:57: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 212 (Carbonemys)'! Day 29830, 20:05:46: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 223 (Carbonemys)'! Day 29830, 20:06:08: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 259 (Carbonemys)'! Day 29830, 20:08:37: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Purlovia - Lvl 45 (Purlovia)'! Day 29830, 20:09:30: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Equus - Lvl 221 (R-Equus)'! Day 29830, 20:11:02: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Coke - Lvl 214 (R-Direwolf)'! Day 29830, 20:14:10: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'flyer 7 - Lvl 276 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29830, 20:20:39: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 220 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 29830, 20:23:48: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 29830, 20:24:21: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 29830, 20:25:16: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 234 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 29830, 20:26:17: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 234 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 29830, 20:27:20: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 234 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 29830, 20:28:23: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 234 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 29830, 20:29:18: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 29830, 20:30:51: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 29830, 20:32:07: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 29830, 20:45:20: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 29830, 20:45:49: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 29830, 21:08:05: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dire Bear - Lvl 221 (Dire Bear)'! Day 29830, 21:16:20: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 220 (Carbonemys)'! Day 29830, 22:33:41: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 209 (Parasaur)'! Day 29830, 22:35:09: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 201 (Parasaur)'! Day 29830, 22:39:11: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Madam Loins I - Lvl 262 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 29830, 22:44:02: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Woolly Rhino - Lvl 219 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 29831, 01:12:14: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'These - Lvl 286 (Gasbags)'! Day 29831, 04:45:02: Alfie - Lvl 108 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29831, 05:00:42: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus)'! Day 29831, 05:22:57: Alfie - Lvl 108 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus)'! Day 29831, 05:23:44: Alfie - Lvl 108 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus)'! Day 29831, 05:24:10: Alfie - Lvl 108 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus)'! Day 29831, 05:24:49: Alfie - Lvl 108 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus)'! Day 29831, 05:26:28: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 273 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 29831, 05:27:38: Alfie - Lvl 108 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 29831, 05:28:00: Alfie - Lvl 108 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 29831, 05:57:51: Alfie - Lvl 108 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 127 (Parasaur)'! Day 29831, 05:58:23: Alfie - Lvl 108 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 194 (Parasaur)'! Day 29831, 06:51:51: Alfie - Lvl 108 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sap - Lvl 203 (Gacha)'! Day 29866, 03:33:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30030, 10:06:20: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30030, 10:06:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30030, 10:06:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30030, 10:06:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30043, 16:08:14: Console Peasant - Lvl 162 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 90 (Achatina)'! Day 30043, 16:08:35: Console Peasant - Lvl 162 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 90 (Achatina)'! Day 30043, 16:09:08: Console Peasant - Lvl 162 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 246 (Achatina)'! Day 30043, 16:09:33: Console Peasant - Lvl 162 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 242 (Achatina)'! Day 30043, 16:09:55: Console Peasant - Lvl 162 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 275 (Achatina)'! Day 30043, 16:10:42: Console Peasant - Lvl 162 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 245 (Achatina)'! Day 30043, 16:16:30: Console Peasant - Lvl 162 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 267 (Achatina)'! Day 30044, 14:56:10: Your Tek Raptor - Lvl 80 (Tek Raptor) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 90! Day 30044, 15:07:34: Your Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 25! Day 30044, 15:16:47: Your Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 25! Day 30044, 15:18:15: Your Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 25! Day 30053, 23:49:20: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30062, 08:58:55: Console Peasant - Lvl 162 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 229 (Achatina)'! Day 30337, 09:42:29: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30388, 20:28:31: Your Woolly Rhino - Lvl 253 (Woolly Rhino) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 30399, 18:32:47: Your Megaloceros - Lvl 223 (Megaloceros) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 30432, 17:16:24: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame '41/pts Health (M) - Lvl 209 (Raptor)'! Day 30432, 17:17:05: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame '47/pts Melee (F) - Lvl 209 (Raptor)'! Day 30432, 17:19:17: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'IShowSpeed - Lvl 309 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30432, 17:32:58: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Breeding (F) - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30432, 17:34:48: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Breeding Male - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30432, 17:39:00: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 161 (Doedicurus)'! Day 30487, 19:30:05: Fjordhawk - Lvl 102 (Fjordhawk) starved to death! Day 30589, 05:03:42: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:03:48: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:03:52: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:03:53: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:03:57: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:04:01: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:04:03: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:04:07: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:04:09: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:04:12: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:04:16: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:04:22: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:04:24: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:04:32: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:04:47: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:04:58: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:05:04: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:05:11: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:05:13: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:05:48: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:06:03: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:06:07: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:06:12: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:06:24: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:06:28: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:06:30: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:06:37: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:07:23: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:07:57: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:08:07: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:08:08: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:08:27: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:08:41: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:08:43: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:11:36: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:11:45: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:12:00: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 234 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:17:13: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:17:20: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:17:27: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:17:33: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:17:42: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:17:45: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:17:57: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:18:05: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:18:08: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:18:13: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:18:17: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:18:20: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:18:23: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:18:24: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:18:43: Your 0/1 Melee - Lvl 177 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:19:02: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:19:08: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:19:16: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:19:24: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:19:30: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:19:32: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:20:30: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 30663, 04:46:44: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 306 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 31127, 17:36:34: Achatina - Lvl 252 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 31318, 00:30:47: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 25! Day 31426, 05:06:41: Achatina - Lvl 247 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 31456, 18:38:22: Tribemember Geaux - Lvl 114 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 55! Day 32586, 03:37:30: Achatina - Lvl 250 (Achatina) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1134201400,"tribe":"Tribe of Edu logs":["Day 18651, 16:20:19: Nala froze Coelacanth - Lvl 15 | 1.1x (Coelacanth) Day 18651, 16:28:52: Nala froze Coelacanth - Lvl 55 | 1.3x (Coelacanth) Day 18651, 16:37:46: Nala froze Coelacanth - Lvl 100 | 0.6x (Coelacanth) Day 18651, 16:50:17: Nala froze Coelacanth - Lvl 25 | 0.8x (Coelacanth) Day 18651, 16:58:14: Nala froze Coelacanth - Lvl 60 | 1.0x (Coelacanth) Day 18651, 17:05:46: Nala froze Coelacanth - Lvl 15 | 1.3x (Coelacanth) Day 18651, 17:12:32: Nala froze Coelacanth - Lvl 95 | 1.1x (Coelacanth) Day 18651, 17:19:37: Nala froze Coelacanth - Lvl 85 | 1.0x (Coelacanth) Day 18651, 17:26:24: Nala froze Coelacanth - Lvl 55 | 1.0x (Coelacanth) Day 18654, 20:16:53: Nala claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 184 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 18654, 20:31:46: Nala froze Baby Annie - Lvl 184 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18674, 00:00:46: Nala claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex)'! Day 18674, 01:54:04: Nala froze Lux - Lvl 273 (Rex) Day 18674, 02:02:22: Nala froze Viego - Lvl 282 (Rex) Day 18674, 15:48:29: Nala froze Juvenile Granny - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 18674, 15:57:27: Nala froze Juvenile Granny - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 18674, 21:35:31: Nala froze Juvenile Granny - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 18675, 08:48:23: Nala froze Adolescent Annie - Lvl 184 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18675, 13:55:41: Nala froze Adolescent Annie - Lvl 184 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18675, 18:38:55: Nala froze Adolescent Annie - Lvl 184 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18675, 18:46:05: Nala froze Adolescent Annie - Lvl 184 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18675, 22:26:18: Nala froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 273 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18676, 00:09:11: Nala froze Adolescent Annie - Lvl 184 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18676, 00:17:48: Nala froze Adolescent Annie - Lvl 184 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18676, 00:28:00: Nala froze Adolescent Annie - Lvl 184 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18676, 05:39:55: Nala froze Adolescent Annie - Lvl 184 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18676, 06:08:29: Nala froze Adolescent Puka - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 18676, 06:48:31: Nala froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 15 | 0.6x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 18676, 06:59:55: Nala froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 20 | 1.1x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 18676, 07:05:29: Nala froze Coelacanth - Lvl 25 | 0.8x (Coelacanth) Day 18676, 16:33:57: Nala froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 85 | 1.0x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 18676, 17:29:06: Nala froze Coelacanth - Lvl 85 | 1.0x (Coelacanth) Day 18676, 17:49:01: Nala froze Coelacanth - Lvl 45 | 1.0x (Coelacanth) Day 18676, 17:56:20: Nala froze Coelacanth - Lvl 95 | 1.3x (Coelacanth) Day 18676, 18:05:31: Nala froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 55 | 0.9x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 18676, 18:19:19: Nala froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 100 | 1.3x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 18676, 18:27:13: Nala froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 25 | 1.0x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 18676, 19:24:09: Nala froze Granny - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 18676, 19:53:41: Nala froze Puka - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 18694, 07:18:19: Nala claimed 'Kaji - Lvl 339 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 18694, 11:21:04: Nala froze Kaji - Lvl 339 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18698, 04:28:30: Nala claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 210 (Shadowmane)'! Day 18698, 12:35:51: Nala froze Ellie - Lvl 290 (Castoroides) Day 18702, 05:12:03: Nala claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 201 (Shadowmane)'! Day 18702, 09:42:35: Nala froze Juvenile Alice - Lvl 201 (Shadowmane) Day 18702, 12:53:18: Nala froze Amis - Lvl 224 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 18703, 02:43:52: Edu froze Adolescent Alice - Lvl 201 (Shadowmane) Day 18712, 17:38:56: Nala claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane)'! Day 18712, 17:42:09: Nala claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane)'! Day 18712, 22:56:05: Nala froze Juvenile Xio - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane) Day 18713, 09:53:37: Nala froze Adolescent Xio - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane) Day 18713, 15:17:22: Nala froze Adolescent Yui - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane) Day 18713, 20:49:44: Nala froze Adolescent Xio - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane) Day 18714, 10:37:29: Nala claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 213 (Shadowmane)'! Day 18723, 16:24:15: Nala froze Luca - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane) Day 18723, 16:30:49: Nala froze Luca - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane) Day 18726, 07:20:18: Nala froze Cereza - Lvl 262 (Shadowmane) Day 18726, 07:51:16: Nala froze sssssssssssss - Lvl 236 (Shadowmane) Day 18726, 10:02:09: Nala claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 210 (Shadowmane)'! Day 18726, 12:28:30: Nala froze Baby Eo - Lvl 210 (Shadowmane) Day 18726, 23:06:52: Edu froze Luca - Lvl 275 (Shadowmane) Day 18726, 23:08:01: Nala froze Misty - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane) Day 18727, 02:41:37: Edu froze Kumo - Lvl 142 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18727, 03:12:23: Nala froze Luna - Lvl 284 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18727, 03:29:13: Nala froze Misty - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane) Day 18727, 03:30:46: Edu froze Luca - Lvl 275 (Shadowmane) Day 18727, 05:55:14: Edu froze Kumo - Lvl 143 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18727, 05:58:30: Nala froze Luna - Lvl 285 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18727, 08:55:52: Nala froze Misty - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane) Day 18727, 09:04:55: Edu froze Luca - Lvl 275 (Shadowmane) Day 18727, 11:09:49: Nala claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 18727, 12:06:39: Edu claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 18727, 15:45:38: Nala froze Baby BBQ - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18727, 16:34:59: Edu froze Baby Light - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18740, 00:16:38: Nala Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 22 (Argentavis)! Day 18740, 00:34:29: Nala froze Torpe - Lvl 22 (Argentavis) Day 18746, 16:51:37: Nala Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops)! Day 18747, 02:47:49: Nala froze Torpe - Lvl 42 (Argentavis) Day 18747, 09:36:20: Your 'Dino Leash (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 18747, 16:10:23: Nala froze Luna - Lvl 285 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18747, 16:11:37: Edu froze Kumo - Lvl 143 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18747, 21:45:32: Nala froze Misty - Lvl 285 (Shadowmane) Day 18747, 21:49:34: Edu froze Luca - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 18747, 22:22:11: Edu froze Kumo - Lvl 143 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18772, 13:35:37: Nala claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane)'! Day 18772, 13:49:35: Nala froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) Day 18792, 19:29:12: Nala claimed 'Baby Voidwyrm - Lvl 270 (Voidwyrm)'! Day 18792, 19:33:53: Edu claimed 'Baby Voidwyrm - Lvl 268 (Voidwyrm)'! Day 18793, 07:47:01: Edu froze Luca - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 18793, 09:27:59: Nala froze Pepper - Lvl 300 (Argentavis) Day 18793, 12:26:20: Edu froze Juvenile Voidwyrm - Lvl 268 (Voidwyrm) Day 18793, 14:51:41: Nala froze Kumo - Lvl 143 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18793, 15:11:33: Nala froze Yui - Lvl 240 (Shadowmane) Day 18793, 15:16:54: Nala froze Xio - Lvl 242 (Shadowmane) Day 18793, 19:19:33: Edu froze Adolescent Annie - Lvl 184 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18794, 05:39:38: Edu froze Juvenile BBQ - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18794, 09:18:38: Nala froze Adolescent Voidwyrm - Lvl 270 (Voidwyrm) Day 18794, 11:06:16: Nala froze Juvenile BBQ - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18794, 11:20:03: Nala froze Juvenile Light - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18794, 18:31:47: Nala froze Adolescent BBQ - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18794, 18:36:39: Nala froze Adolescent BBQ - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18794, 18:41:25: Nala froze Adolescent BBQ - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18794, 23:06:48: Edu froze Adolescent Voidwyrm - Lvl 270 (Voidwyrm) Day 18794, 23:12:28: Edu froze Adolescent Light - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18794, 23:20:46: Nala froze Adolescent BBQ - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18794, 23:25:30: Nala froze Adolescent Voidwyrm - Lvl 268 (Voidwyrm) Day 18808, 02:52:30: Nala claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 210 (Shadowmane)'! Day 18808, 03:02:06: Nala froze Misty - Lvl 293 (Shadowmane) Day 18808, 03:27:02: Nala froze Baby Goldie - Lvl 210 (Shadowmane) Day 18819, 15:48:23: Nala froze Adolescent BBQ - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18819, 15:54:08: Nala froze Adolescent BBQ - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18822, 14:37:16: Nala froze Lux - Lvl 296 (Rex) Day 18822, 14:41:29: Nala froze Rex - Lvl 167 (Rex) Day 18822, 14:52:04: Nala froze Granny - Lvl 289 (Rex) Day 18822, 16:04:24: Nala froze Kumo - Lvl 144 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18822, 16:15:42: Nala froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 268 (Voidwyrm) Day 18822, 16:28:40: Nala froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 270 (Voidwyrm) Day 18822, 16:52:28: Nala froze BBQ - Lvl 166 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18822, 17:05:56: Nala froze Charlotte - Lvl 206 (Carnotaurus) Day 18822, 17:11:52: Nala froze Griffin - Lvl 264 (Carnotaurus) Day 18822, 17:26:28: Nala froze Reddy - Lvl 131 (Maewing) Day 18822, 17:49:13: Nala froze Puka - Lvl 286 (Rex) Day 18822, 17:53:04: Nala froze Viego - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 18833, 08:08:32: Nala downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 78 Day 18841, 02:36:00: Nala froze Misty - Lvl 294 (Shadowmane) Day 18843, 21:13:02: Nala froze Luna - Lvl 286 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18843, 21:18:00: Edu froze Kumo - Lvl 144 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18843, 21:35:41: Edu froze Light - Lvl 189 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18855, 05:37:13: Nala froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 278 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18855, 05:45:03: Nala froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 278 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18855, 05:49:27: Nala froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 278 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18855, 05:54:55: Nala froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 278 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18855, 06:01:55: Nala froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 278 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18855, 06:06:53: Nala froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 278 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18855, 06:13:34: Nala froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 278 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18855, 06:17:17: Nala froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 278 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18855, 06:22:54: Nala froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 278 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18855, 06:29:08: Nala froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 278 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18855, 06:37:24: Nala froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 278 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18855, 06:41:29: Nala froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 278 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18855, 06:45:09: Nala froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 278 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18855, 06:48:43: Nala froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 278 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18855, 06:52:34: Nala froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 278 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18855, 07:01:33: Nala froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 278 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18855, 07:05:38: Nala froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 278 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18855, 07:14:38: Nala froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 278 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18855, 07:19:47: Nala froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 278 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18855, 07:23:48: Nala froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 278 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18856, 00:00:00: Nala froze Lupita - Lvl 67 (Gacha) Day 18880, 03:45:18: Nala froze Luca - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 18886, 16:30:21: Nala claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex)'! Day 18886, 16:46:47: Nala froze Baby Prime - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 18886, 16:59:33: Nala claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex)'! Day 18886, 17:09:03: Nala froze Baby Freya - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 18886, 17:17:18: Nala claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex)'! Day 18886, 17:26:24: Nala froze Baby Phortos - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 18886, 17:52:26: Nala claimed 'Baby Kentrosaurus - Lvl 54 (Kentrosaurus)'! Day 18886, 17:59:44: Nala froze Baby Pinchitos - Lvl 54 (Kentrosaurus) Day 18887, 04:04:38: Nala froze Baby Freya - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 18887, 04:10:35: Nala froze Juvenile Prime - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 18887, 04:15:26: Nala froze Juvenile Pinchitos - Lvl 54 (Kentrosaurus) Day 18887, 14:56:40: Nala froze Juvenile Freya - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 18887, 20:05:59: Nala froze Juvenile Prime - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 18887, 20:10:15: Nala froze Juvenile Phortos - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 18887, 20:34:32: Nala froze Adolescent Pinchitos - Lvl 54 (Kentrosaurus) Day 18887, 20:39:14: Nala froze Juvenile Freya - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 18892, 06:07:26: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 18892, 06:07:29: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 18892, 09:59:13: Edu froze Adolescent Freya - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 18892, 09:59:32: Nala froze Adolescent Phortos - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 18892, 10:23:56: Edu froze Kumo - Lvl 144 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18892, 13:54:04: Nala froze Adolescent Prime - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 18892, 13:57:53: Nala froze Adolescent Phortos - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 18892, 14:04:11: Nala froze Adolescent Freya - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 18902, 00:59:06: Nala froze Adolescent Phortos - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 18902, 01:05:02: Nala froze Adolescent Freya - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 18902, 10:36:30: Nala froze Fluffy - Lvl 41 (Ferox) Day 18902, 10:46:09: Nala froze Glowtail - Lvl 47 (Glowtail) Day 18902, 10:50:03: Nala froze COOKIE - Lvl 50 (Jerboa) Day 18902, 12:08:41: Nala froze Adolescent Freya - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 18902, 21:26:20: Nala froze Pinchitos - Lvl 60 (Kentrosaurus) Day 18903, 01:28:17: Nala froze Reddy - Lvl 144 (Maewing) Day 18909, 05:01:00: Nala froze Doedicurus - Lvl 166 (Doedicurus) Day 18910, 13:29:25: Nala froze Misty - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 18910, 16:42:31: Nala claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 202 (Shadowmane)'! Day 18910, 16:55:02: Nala froze Baby B1 - Lvl 202 (Shadowmane) Day 18914, 18:56:47: Edu froze Kumo - Lvl 144 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18915, 14:08:10: Nala froze Terry - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon) Day 18915, 16:45:56: Edu froze Kumo - Lvl 144 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18932, 01:49:01: Nala froze Yui - Lvl 255 (Shadowmane) Day 18932, 19:17:15: Nala froze Nami - Lvl 317 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18935, 08:49:09: Nala Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 89 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 18935, 08:56:11: Nala froze Heavy - Lvl 89 (Tek Parasaur) Day 18968, 22:24:01: Nala froze Misty - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 18978, 05:41:28: Nala froze Misty - Lvl 303 (Shadowmane) Day 18978, 07:57:25: Nala froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 339 (Voidwyrm) Day 18978, 13:18:19: Nala claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 78 (Gacha)'! Day 18978, 13:26:52: Nala claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 78 (Gacha)'! Day 18978, 14:03:58: Nala froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 78 (Gacha) Day 18978, 14:08:24: Nala froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 78 (Gacha) Day 18979, 18:07:28: Edu uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 91 Day 18979, 23:51:30: Nala froze Glowtail - Lvl 61 (Glowtail) Day 18980, 05:44:42: Nala froze Phortos - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 18980, 05:52:09: Nala froze Granny - Lvl 298 (Rex) Day 18980, 06:19:18: Nala froze Trinchete - Lvl 243 (Mantis) Day 18980, 06:24:31: Nala froze PInzotas - Lvl 224 (Mantis) Day 18980, 06:29:32: Nala froze PInzitas - Lvl 288 (Mantis) Day 18980, 06:44:06: Nala froze Xio - Lvl 255 (Shadowmane) Day 18989, 02:47:07: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19005, 02:45:47: Nala froze Pierrot - Lvl 249 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 19005, 09:43:34: Nala froze Freya - Lvl 241 (Rex) Day 19025, 04:43:00: Nala froze Salty - Lvl 339 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19028, 15:16:19: Nala froze Annie - Lvl 206 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19028, 15:22:41: Nala froze Mirta - Lvl 170 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19029, 10:56:58: Edu froze Meka - Lvl 348 (Voidwyrm) Day 19056, 00:39:17: Edu froze Meka - Lvl 348 (Voidwyrm) Day 19060, 15:22:05: Nala froze Annie - Lvl 206 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19074, 05:59:24: Nala froze Pierrot - Lvl 249 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 19074, 18:21:08: Edu froze Ankylo Ren - Lvl 226 (Ankylosaurus) Day 19074, 23:44:57: Edu froze Meka - Lvl 348 (Voidwyrm) Day 19103, 18:18:23: Edu froze Meka - Lvl 348 (Voidwyrm) Day 19386, 18:19:15: Luck - Lvl 74 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 19412, 19:53:01: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19412, 19:53:01: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19590, 17:49:25: Lupita - Lvl 90 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 19674, 20:33:11: Honey - Lvl 9 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 19679, 14:29:03: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'QR4 - Lvl 92 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 19679, 14:32:09: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lady Snowie - Lvl 280 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 19680, 15:23:11: COOKIE - Lvl 56 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 19685, 17:35:48: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Alice - Lvl 257 (Shadowmane)'! Day 19685, 17:36:18: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Simba - Lvl 347 (Shadowmane)'! Day 19685, 17:37:02: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cereza - Lvl 285 (Shadowmane)'! Day 19685, 17:37:26: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Misty - Lvl 306 (Shadowmane)'! Day 19685, 17:37:54: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sssssssssssss - Lvl 267 (Shadowmane)'! Day 19685, 17:38:35: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yui - Lvl 274 (Shadowmane)'! Day 19685, 17:40:04: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 101 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 19685, 17:42:05: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Magnus - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur)'! Day 19685, 17:47:57: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nami - Lvl 318 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 19685, 17:48:58: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pinky - Lvl 103 (Gacha)'! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Stone Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19702, 13:16:13: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Prime - Lvl 221 (Rex)'! Day 19847, 04:32:01: MIRCA - Lvl 92 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 19854, 18:25:13: Fluffy - Lvl 46 (Ferox) starved to death! Day 19925, 02:27:16: Lumi - Lvl 83 (Shinehorn) starved to death! Day 19954, 08:58:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19977, 22:27:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20005, 22:31:12: Jintao - Lvl 86 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 20213, 23:50:14: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20213, 23:50:14: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20213, 23:50:14: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20213, 23:50:14: Your 'Greenhouse Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20213, 23:50:14: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20213, 23:50:14: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20213, 23:50:14: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20213, 23:50:14: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20213, 23:50:14: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20213, 23:50:14: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20213, 23:50:14: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20213, 23:50:14: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20261, 06:12:21: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20261, 06:12:21: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20261, 06:12:21: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20261, 06:12:21: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20261, 06:12:21: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20261, 06:12:21: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20261, 06:12:21: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20261, 06:12:21: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20261, 06:12:21: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20261, 06:12:21: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20261, 06:12:21: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20261, 06:12:21: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20261, 06:12:21: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20261, 06:12:21: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 03:49:30: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20383, 02:55:37: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 353 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 20383, 02:57:23: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Terry - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21070, 08:39:05: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 21133, 11:08:32: wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 (Stronghold) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 26450, 13:52:39: Nala froze Fanny - Lvl 289 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 26451, 18:11:16: Nala froze Fanny - Lvl 291 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 26452, 16:22:17: Nala Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 67 (Argentavis)! Day 26452, 16:34:29: Nala froze Berry - Lvl 67 (Argentavis) Day 26453, 08:54:00: Nala claimed 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 26453, 09:19:48: Nala froze Berry - Lvl 75 (Argentavis) Day 26453, 11:21:28: Nala froze Fanny - Lvl 298 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 26663, 13:52:03: Your Berry - Lvl 80 (Argentavis) was killed by Nala - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Edu)! Day 26663, 13:52:03: Your Tribe killed Berry - Lvl 80 (Argentavis)! Day 26663, 13:54:51: Tribemember Nala - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 26664, 00:10:13: Nala froze Fanny - Lvl 304 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 27248, 04:03:13: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27531, 16:58:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28010, 08:33:35: BFG - Lvl 26 (Night Wing) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'!"] "tribeid":1133876622,"tribe":"Tribe of Zeus logs":["Day 15525, 13:51:10: Laco froze Ark Angel - Lvl 295 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15539, 02:04:13: Zeus froze Kylo - Lvl 213 (Ice Wyvern) Day 15539, 07:55:13: Zeus Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 142 (Dung Beetle)! Day 15539, 08:01:01: Zeus froze Brenda - Lvl 142 (Dung Beetle) Day 15539, 08:30:06: Zeus Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle)! Day 15539, 08:33:35: Zeus froze Tyrone - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle) Day 15539, 09:08:11: Zeus froze Tyrone - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle) Day 15539, 09:14:02: Zeus froze Kylo - Lvl 218 (Ice Wyvern) Day 15540, 08:27:34: Laco froze he's died again save me - Lvl 324 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15540, 16:31:20: Laco Tamed a Procoptodon - Lvl 29 (Procoptodon)! Day 15540, 17:06:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Procoptodon - Lvl 89 (Procoptodon)! Day 15540, 18:02:17: Laco Tamed a Procoptodon - Lvl 142 (Procoptodon)! Day 15540, 18:06:28: Laco froze jumpy - Lvl 142 (Procoptodon) Day 15540, 18:10:02: Laco froze Procoptodon - Lvl 91 (Procoptodon) Day 15540, 18:18:47: Your yas - Lvl 30 (Procoptodon) was killed by Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus)! Day 15540, 18:18:47: Your Tribe killed yas - Lvl 30 (Procoptodon) (Tribe of Zeus)! Day 15541, 04:07:13: Laco froze he's died again save me - Lvl 327 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15581, 05:45:22: Laco froze he's died again save me - Lvl 334 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15581, 07:31:31: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 122 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 130! Day 15581, 08:34:39: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 15581, 09:32:18: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 15581, 12:53:04: Laco froze Griffin - Lvl 182 (Griffin) Day 15581, 13:29:57: Laco froze Megatherium - Lvl 188 (Megatherium) Day 15581, 19:17:54: Laco Tamed a Rex - Lvl 149 (Rex)! Day 15581, 19:28:49: Laco froze Rex Offender - Lvl 149 (Rex) Day 15581, 19:56:19: Laco froze he's died again save me - Lvl 336 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15630, 08:23:24: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15630, 08:23:24: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15653, 07:56:20: Laco froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 366 (Thylacoleo) Day 15653, 08:45:43: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 122 was killed by an Iceworm Male - Lvl 1! Day 15653, 12:21:52: Laco claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 355 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 15653, 12:50:59: Laco froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 356 (Thylacoleo) Day 15653, 14:47:44: Laco froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 356 (Thylacoleo) Day 15653, 15:01:19: Laco froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 366 (Thylacoleo) Day 15653, 16:46:40: Laco froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 366 (Thylacoleo) Day 15654, 00:14:54: Laco froze he's died again save me - Lvl 338 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15654, 00:40:35: Laco froze he's died again save me - Lvl 338 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15661, 22:41:57: Laco Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 194 (Mantis)! Day 15661, 22:58:58: Laco froze claw - Lvl 195 (Mantis) Day 15662, 03:21:28: Laco Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis)! Day 15662, 03:32:22: Laco froze claw - Lvl 195 (Mantis) Day 15662, 03:36:52: Laco froze pray - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 15662, 07:18:30: Laco Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 149 (Mantis)! Day 15662, 07:25:00: Laco froze Mantis - Lvl 149 (Mantis) Day 15662, 08:24:24: Laco Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 209 (Mantis)! Day 15662, 09:10:59: Laco froze Mantis - Lvl 210 (Mantis) Day 15662, 09:43:07: Laco uploaded a Mantis: Mantis - Lvl 149 Day 15662, 09:45:18: Laco froze Mantis - Lvl 210 (Mantis) Day 15662, 09:48:57: Laco froze he's died again save me - Lvl 338 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15666, 04:07:27: Laco froze Fat summer - Lvl 106 (Basilosaurus) Day 15666, 05:48:22: Laco froze Fat summer - Lvl 106 (Basilosaurus) Day 15666, 08:03:01: Laco froze Fat summer - Lvl 106 (Basilosaurus) Day 15666, 11:11:27: Laco froze Fat summer - Lvl 106 (Basilosaurus) Day 15666, 11:56:35: Laco froze X-Otter - Lvl 67 (X-Otter) Day 15666, 12:02:41: Laco froze he's died again save me - Lvl 338 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15717, 15:46:59: Laco froze he's died again save me - Lvl 339 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15717, 16:39:02: Laco froze Megatherium - Lvl 199 (Megatherium) Day 15717, 17:28:47: Laco froze he's died again save me - Lvl 339 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15717, 18:13:11: Laco froze Megatherium - Lvl 199 (Megatherium) Day 15717, 18:36:47: Laco froze he's died again save me - Lvl 339 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15735, 18:21:27: Laco froze he's died again save me - Lvl 340 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15735, 19:12:54: Laco demolished a 'Cannon (Locked) '! Day 15735, 19:47:33: Laco froze Frosty - Lvl 213 (Snow Owl) Day 15735, 20:06:45: Laco Tamed a Rock Elemental - Lvl 142 (Rock Elemental)! Day 15735, 20:19:40: Laco froze The rock - Lvl 142 (Rock Elemental) Day 15735, 20:20:53: Laco demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 15735, 20:54:25: Laco froze he's died again save me - Lvl 340 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15747, 12:34:43: Laco Tamed a Procoptodon - Lvl 134 (Procoptodon)! Day 15747, 12:37:44: Laco froze Procoptodon - Lvl 134 (Procoptodon) Day 15747, 18:45:09: Laco Tamed a Procoptodon - Lvl 89 (Procoptodon)! Day 15747, 18:47:22: Laco froze Procoptodon - Lvl 89 (Procoptodon) Day 15747, 19:24:19: Laco froze Megatherium - Lvl 208 (Megatherium) Day 15747, 19:46:21: Laco froze Megatherium - Lvl 208 (Megatherium) Day 15747, 20:22:15: Laco froze Megatherium - Lvl 209 (Megatherium) Day 15747, 21:10:18: Laco froze Megatherium - Lvl 209 (Megatherium) Day 15747, 22:16:12: Laco froze Megatherium - Lvl 209 (Megatherium) Day 15748, 01:00:35: Laco froze Megatherium - Lvl 210 (Megatherium) Day 15748, 04:09:28: Laco froze Frosty - Lvl 218 (Snow Owl) Day 15924, 17:51:48: Laco Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 209 (Thylacoleo)! Day 15924, 18:00:47: Laco froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 209 (Thylacoleo) Day 15925, 00:39:27: Laco Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (Thylacoleo)! Day 15925, 00:57:05: Laco froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (Thylacoleo) Day 15925, 03:20:48: Laco froze Frosty - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 15966, 20:11:54: Laco Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 155 (Doedicurus)! Day 15966, 20:14:06: Laco froze Doedicurus - Lvl 155 (Doedicurus) Day 15967, 15:16:08: Laco Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 202 (Doedicurus)! Day 15967, 15:18:37: Laco froze Doedicurus - Lvl 202 (Doedicurus) Day 15967, 16:02:08: Laco froze he's died again save me - Lvl 357 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15980, 11:25:47: Laco froze Frosty - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 15980, 11:30:14: Laco froze Otter - Lvl 93 (Otter) Day 15991, 22:05:35: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 15992, 00:46:50: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 15992, 01:49:52: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 121 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 90! Day 15992, 05:26:39: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 15992, 10:23:57: Laco Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 224 (Mammoth)! Day 15992, 10:27:02: Laco froze Mammoth - Lvl 224 (Mammoth) Day 15992, 13:55:04: Laco Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 189 (Mammoth)! Day 15992, 13:59:36: Laco froze Mammoth - Lvl 189 (Mammoth) Day 15992, 20:06:02: Laco Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 224 (Mammoth)! Day 15992, 20:08:12: Laco froze Mammoth - Lvl 224 (Mammoth) Day 15992, 20:18:17: Laco Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 217 (Mammoth)! Day 15992, 20:20:43: Laco froze Mammoth - Lvl 217 (Mammoth) Day 15992, 22:17:00: Laco froze Otter - Lvl 173 (Otter) Day 15992, 22:23:11: Laco froze he's died again save me - Lvl 362 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16138, 11:14:05: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16317, 21:02:21: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16317, 21:02:21: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16317, 21:02:21: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16345, 14:14:23: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16345, 14:14:23: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16352, 13:42:53: Laco froze Fat summer - Lvl 150 (Basilosaurus) Day 16352, 19:31:58: Laco Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)! Day 16352, 19:37:38: Laco froze Fat summer - Lvl 150 (Basilosaurus) Day 16352, 20:04:21: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) Day 16353, 05:28:11: Laco Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)! Day 16353, 05:32:11: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) Day 16353, 07:16:18: Laco Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 194 (Basilosaurus)! Day 16353, 07:19:32: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 194 (Basilosaurus) Day 16353, 07:32:39: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) Day 16353, 08:14:53: Laco froze he's died again save me - Lvl 368 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16366, 02:19:11: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) Day 16366, 07:26:49: Laco froze Baryonyx - Lvl 219 (Baryonyx) Day 16366, 07:47:16: Laco Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 217 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 16366, 07:59:15: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) Day 16366, 09:01:09: Laco froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 219 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 16366, 12:44:53: Laco froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 221 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 16366, 15:25:39: Laco froze Baryonyx - Lvl 219 (Baryonyx) Day 16367, 01:17:55: Laco Tamed a Dunkleosteus - Lvl 217 (Dunkleosteus)! Day 16367, 01:31:44: Laco froze Dunkleosteus - Lvl 217 (Dunkleosteus) Day 16367, 01:36:42: Laco froze Baryonyx - Lvl 219 (Baryonyx) Day 16367, 04:20:14: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) Day 16367, 05:32:22: Laco froze he's died again save me - Lvl 369 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16483, 21:09:10: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16483, 21:09:10: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16505, 18:53:35: Laco claimed '[COA] Sea Fighter 1 - Lvl 329 (Baryonyx)'! Day 16505, 19:11:17: Laco froze [COA] Sea Fighter 1 - Lvl 329 (Baryonyx) Day 16505, 23:03:06: Laco froze armorteus - Lvl 318 (Dunkleosteus) Day 16506, 04:17:10: Laco Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 82 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 16506, 04:37:50: Laco froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 82 (Tusoteuthis) Day 16506, 06:54:20: Laco Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 142 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 16506, 07:03:31: Laco froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 142 (Tusoteuthis) Day 16506, 08:08:21: Laco froze armorteus - Lvl 318 (Dunkleosteus) Day 16506, 11:18:03: Laco froze armorteus - Lvl 318 (Dunkleosteus) Day 16506, 12:03:48: Laco froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 142 (Tusoteuthis) Day 16506, 12:08:04: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 313 (Basilosaurus) Day 16506, 12:23:16: Laco froze [COA] Sea Fighter 1 - Lvl 329 (Baryonyx) Day 16506, 13:59:25: Laco froze jet fighter - Lvl 235 (Tropeognathus) Day 16515, 10:26:51: Laco froze big man - Lvl 293 (Dunkleosteus) Day 16515, 14:15:07: Laco Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 209 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 16515, 14:19:58: Laco froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 209 (Tusoteuthis) Day 16515, 15:16:49: Laco Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 224 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 16515, 15:18:43: Laco froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 224 (Tusoteuthis) Day 16515, 17:32:25: Laco Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 194 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 16515, 17:37:18: Laco froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 194 (Tusoteuthis) Day 16515, 20:14:48: Laco Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 224 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 16515, 20:33:55: Laco froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 224 (Tusoteuthis) Day 16516, 05:14:15: Laco Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 149 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 16516, 05:18:06: Laco froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 149 (Tusoteuthis) Day 16516, 10:29:22: Laco Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 127 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 16516, 10:29:33: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 121 was killed by a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 90! Day 16516, 13:03:06: Laco froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 127 (Tusoteuthis) Day 16516, 13:31:25: Laco froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 127 (Tusoteuthis) Day 16516, 13:36:18: Laco froze big man - Lvl 296 (Dunkleosteus) Day 16516, 13:46:33: Laco froze [COA] Sea Fighter 1 - Lvl 330 (Baryonyx) Day 16516, 14:06:36: Laco Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 142 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 16516, 14:11:15: Laco froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 142 (Tusoteuthis) Day 16516, 14:32:51: Laco Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 142 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 16516, 14:41:13: Laco froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 142 (Tusoteuthis) Day 16516, 15:30:26: Laco froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 82 (Tusoteuthis) Day 16516, 15:44:58: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 320 (Basilosaurus) Day 16516, 15:46:43: Laco froze water cave tank - Lvl 301 (Dunkleosteus) Day 16516, 16:31:29: Laco froze jet fighter - Lvl 235 (Tropeognathus) Day 16531, 21:06:17: Laco Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 209 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 16531, 21:16:48: Laco froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 209 (Tusoteuthis) Day 16531, 21:28:29: Laco froze armorteus - Lvl 318 (Dunkleosteus) Day 16532, 01:08:10: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 322 (Basilosaurus) Day 16532, 02:29:33: Laco froze jet fighter - Lvl 235 (Tropeognathus) Day 16532, 02:44:08: Laco froze jet fighter - Lvl 235 (Tropeognathus) Day 16539, 08:46:45: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16573, 10:18:14: Laco Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 16573, 10:21:17: Laco froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis) Day 16573, 10:25:25: Laco froze water cave tank - Lvl 301 (Dunkleosteus) Day 16573, 11:01:29: Laco Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 209 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 16573, 11:06:40: Laco froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 209 (Tusoteuthis) Day 16573, 11:12:46: Laco froze water cave tank - Lvl 301 (Dunkleosteus) Day 16573, 13:10:06: Laco Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 209 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 16573, 13:12:19: Laco froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 209 (Tusoteuthis) Day 16573, 13:16:49: Laco froze big man - Lvl 296 (Dunkleosteus) Day 16573, 16:06:36: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 324 (Basilosaurus) Day 16573, 16:30:33: Laco froze jet fighter - Lvl 235 (Tropeognathus) Day 16747, 02:41:00: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16885, 13:52:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16885, 13:52:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24167, 08:31:19: Laco Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 24167, 08:55:39: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus)! Day 24167, 08:55:39: Your Tribe killed Lystrosaurus - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus) (Tribe of Zeus)! Day 24167, 12:21:02: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 131 (Parasaur)! Day 24167, 17:12:54: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 26 (Pteranodon)! Day 24179, 07:42:38: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 122 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 20! Day 24179, 19:49:18: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur)! Day 24179, 22:10:21: Laco Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 21 (Triceratops)! Day 24185, 05:01:40: Your Parasaur - Lvl 43 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 24185, 07:16:14: Laco Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur)! Day 24185, 10:58:18: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 149 (Triceratops)! Day 24186, 09:29:01: Laco Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 142 (Argentavis)! Day 24187, 10:25:26: Your Argentavis - Lvl 153 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 24187, 10:44:33: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 122 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 24189, 04:12:10: Laco Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 82 (Moschops)! Day 24189, 17:06:08: Your Parasaur - Lvl 45 (Parasaur) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 150! Day 24189, 17:22:47: Your Triceratops - Lvl 162 (Triceratops) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 50! Day 24189, 17:28:39: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 122 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 145! Day 24189, 21:24:28: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 122 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 150! Day 24189, 21:57:17: Your Triceratops - Lvl 33 (Triceratops) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 100! Day 24190, 07:02:27: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 24190, 08:52:46: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 24202, 02:08:17: Laco Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 24202, 17:57:34: Laco Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 148 (Argentavis)! Day 24226, 03:00:39: Laco Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 24229, 10:20:06: Your Tribe Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 194 (Stegosaurus)! Day 24229, 13:48:00: Laco Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 24261, 10:31:35: Your 'Wood Ramp' was destroyed! Day 24261, 10:37:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus)! Day 24261, 18:53:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 209 (Dire Bear)! Day 24273, 17:14:55: Your Tribe Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 201 (Griffin)! Day 24274, 04:25:24: Laco demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 24274, 04:26:30: Laco demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 24274, 04:27:28: Laco demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 24274, 04:29:10: Laco demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 24274, 04:30:13: Laco demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 24281, 21:19:28: Laco claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24282, 13:15:20: Laco demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 24298, 05:41:42: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 127 (Megalodon)! Day 24298, 06:39:45: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 24298, 11:12:04: Laco froze Megalodon - Lvl 140 (Megalodon) Day 24298, 12:12:04: Laco froze Megalodon - Lvl 140 (Megalodon) Day 24298, 18:16:56: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 202 (Megalodon)! Day 24323, 01:55:05: Laco claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24323, 08:05:29: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 122 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 90! Day 24323, 08:35:38: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 24323, 11:36:42: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 122 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 150! Day 24323, 15:36:47: Laco froze terminator - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) Day 24324, 01:12:09: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 122 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 55! Day 24324, 04:10:36: Laco froze Griffin - Lvl 217 (Griffin) Day 24324, 04:28:21: Laco froze Argentavis - Lvl 176 (Argentavis) Day 24324, 08:35:28: Laco froze terminator - Lvl 253 (Argentavis) Day 24324, 10:16:02: Your Tribe Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 187 (Baryonyx)! Day 24324, 10:28:35: Laco froze Baryonyx - Lvl 187 (Baryonyx) Day 24354, 10:26:08: Laco froze Griffin - Lvl 219 (Griffin) Day 24354, 23:48:31: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 122 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 160! Day 24356, 03:24:19: Laco claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 24356, 03:30:13: Laco froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24366, 18:43:40: Your Stegosaurus - Lvl 211 (Stegosaurus) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 145! Day 24367, 06:31:21: Laco claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 24367, 06:36:42: Laco froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24367, 09:16:28: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 242 (Tek Rex)! Day 24371, 18:59:39: Your Tribe Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 196 (Daeodon)! Day 24371, 19:36:30: Laco froze Daeodon - Lvl 196 (Daeodon) Day 24372, 06:32:07: Laco froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24372, 06:36:13: Laco froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24372, 08:28:34: Laco froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24372, 08:36:39: Laco froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24372, 08:41:04: Laco froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24372, 09:21:54: Laco froze Tek Rex - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex) Day 24372, 11:14:56: Laco froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24372, 11:39:16: Laco froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24372, 11:43:06: Laco froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24372, 11:46:46: Laco froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24372, 11:50:48: Laco froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24372, 13:09:02: Laco froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24372, 13:57:06: Laco froze Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 24372, 16:33:57: Laco froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24372, 16:37:47: Laco froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24372, 16:41:48: Laco froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24372, 18:18:23: Laco froze Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 24372, 22:52:30: Laco froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24372, 23:04:38: Laco froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24372, 23:29:53: Laco froze Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 24373, 04:49:10: Laco froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24373, 04:55:50: Laco froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24373, 05:00:28: Laco froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24373, 05:15:16: Laco froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24373, 05:22:03: Laco froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24374, 02:41:18: Laco froze Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 24374, 07:49:31: Laco froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24374, 10:29:48: Laco froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24374, 10:50:58: Laco froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24374, 10:58:13: Laco froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24374, 11:53:40: Laco froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24374, 15:23:20: Laco froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24374, 16:50:20: Laco froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24374, 19:55:00: Laco froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24374, 20:01:35: Laco froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24374, 21:23:03: Laco froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24374, 21:27:35: Laco froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24374, 21:32:01: Laco froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24374, 21:36:10: Laco froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24374, 21:53:56: Laco froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24374, 22:02:18: Laco froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24375, 01:44:04: Laco froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24375, 01:52:53: Laco froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24375, 02:52:02: Laco froze Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 24375, 03:44:32: Laco froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24375, 03:56:14: Your Parasaur - Lvl 144 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 130! Day 24375, 04:53:00: Laco froze Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 24375, 05:44:41: Laco froze Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 24375, 07:51:58: Laco froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 89 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24375, 07:56:50: Laco froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 89 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24377, 21:28:37: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 122 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 55! Day 24377, 23:57:43: Laco froze Griffin - Lvl 233 (Griffin) Day 24378, 14:04:11: Laco froze Griffin - Lvl 234 (Griffin) Day 24378, 16:48:37: Laco froze Griffin - Lvl 234 (Griffin) Day 24378, 18:30:35: Laco froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 144 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24378, 23:01:33: Laco claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 24378, 23:05:34: Laco froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24415, 17:57:03: Laco claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 115 (Desmodus)'! Day 24415, 18:19:22: Laco froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 151 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24417, 19:28:23: Laco froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24417, 19:32:10: Laco froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24418, 00:23:48: Laco froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24418, 01:34:14: Laco froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24418, 04:17:51: Laco froze Argentavis - Lvl 176 (Argentavis) Day 24418, 04:22:06: Laco froze Baryonyx - Lvl 187 (Baryonyx) Day 24418, 04:26:44: Laco froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 29 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24418, 04:32:03: Laco froze Baryonyx - Lvl 187 (Baryonyx) Day 24418, 04:40:58: Laco froze Desmodus - Lvl 119 (Desmodus) Day 24418, 04:44:52: Laco froze Desmodus - Lvl 119 (Desmodus) Day 24418, 04:59:46: Laco froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 249 (Ankylosaurus) Day 24418, 05:03:45: Laco froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 249 (Ankylosaurus) Day 24418, 08:40:44: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24418, 08:46:34: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 24418, 10:07:50: Laco froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24418, 11:21:14: Laco froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24418, 11:36:25: Laco froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24418, 16:15:37: Laco froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24418, 20:35:44: Laco froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24419, 10:48:12: Laco froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 154 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24419, 10:51:26: Laco froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 154 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24419, 12:08:39: Laco froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24419, 12:13:10: Laco froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24419, 14:24:03: Laco froze Griffin - Lvl 237 (Griffin) Day 24419, 17:40:19: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 24419, 19:33:48: Laco froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 151 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24420, 01:16:27: Laco froze Griffin - Lvl 237 (Griffin) Day 24420, 04:46:02: Laco froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 168 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24440, 02:25:16: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 24440, 05:17:43: Laco froze Baryonyx - Lvl 187 (Baryonyx) Day 24440, 06:22:18: Laco froze Baryonyx - Lvl 187 (Baryonyx) Day 24440, 07:57:58: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 122 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 24440, 10:14:17: Laco Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 37 (Carbonemys)! Day 24440, 10:20:39: Laco froze Carbonemys - Lvl 37 (Carbonemys) Day 24440, 13:51:29: Laco claimed 'MAHAMOET - Lvl 313 (Mammoth)'! Day 24440, 13:56:26: Laco froze MAHAMOET - Lvl 313 (Mammoth) Day 24440, 19:53:25: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 122 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 145! Day 24441, 01:31:20: Laco Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 202 (Basilosaurus)! Day 24441, 01:59:57: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 202 (Basilosaurus) Day 24441, 02:33:49: Laco froze MAHAMOET - Lvl 313 (Mammoth) Day 24441, 02:40:43: Laco froze Baryonyx - Lvl 236 (Baryonyx) Day 24441, 10:00:04: Laco Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 24441, 10:33:12: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 37 (Carbonemys) was killed by an Anglerfish - Lvl 55! Day 24441, 10:35:06: Laco froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis) Day 24441, 12:27:36: Laco froze Baryonyx - Lvl 236 (Baryonyx) Day 24441, 14:33:26: Laco froze Daeodon - Lvl 213 (Daeodon) Day 24441, 17:38:04: Laco froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis) Day 24441, 17:47:28: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 202 (Basilosaurus) Day 24465, 19:17:08: Laco froze terminator - Lvl 254 (Argentavis) Day 24465, 22:19:35: Laco froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 205 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24466, 01:26:00: Laco froze Argentavis - Lvl 208 (Argentavis) Day 24466, 07:01:52: Laco froze Argentavis - Lvl 208 (Argentavis) Day 24466, 07:05:20: Laco froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 278 (Ankylosaurus) Day 24466, 07:17:16: Laco froze terminator - Lvl 254 (Argentavis) Day 24470, 19:18:55: Laco froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 279 (Ankylosaurus) Day 24470, 22:12:31: Laco froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 208 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24471, 05:07:40: Laco froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 279 (Ankylosaurus) Day 24471, 09:39:02: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 24493, 17:26:37: Moschops - Lvl 98 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 24682, 03:37:32: Your Megalodon - Lvl 140 (Megalodon) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 45! Day 24682, 09:53:41: Your Megalodon - Lvl 207 (Megalodon) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 45! Day 24720, 13:36:42: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24720, 13:36:42: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24744, 05:33:55: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24756, 14:45:03: Pteranodon - Lvl 34 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 24815, 00:31:44: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24841, 14:56:47: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 24913, 19:51:51: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 90 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160! Day 25027, 09:48:52: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25098, 06:39:40: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25111, 02:06:52: Pteranodon - Lvl 43 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 25117, 02:04:47: Hecate - Lvl 49 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MAHAMOET - Lvl 316 (Mammoth)'! Day 25117, 02:23:41: Hecate - Lvl 49 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dire Bear - Lvl 209 (Dire Bear)'! Day 25117, 02:27:25: Hecate - Lvl 49 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'terminator - Lvl 255 (Argentavis)'! Day 25117, 02:58:45: Hecate - Lvl 49 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rammus - Lvl 238 (Doedicurus)'! Day 25258, 07:14:44: Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 25310, 21:01:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25388, 21:57:16: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25405, 12:35:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25405, 12:35:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25687, 23:08:27: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28053, 10:44:25: Spec - Lvl 65 (Tribe of AN7HONYCT) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 32684, 02:48:51: John - Lvl 94 (The Badgers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1130600328,"tribe":"Tribe of Hound logs":["Day 23106, 19:46:23: Hound was added to the Tribe! Day 23106, 19:48:43: keith was added to the Tribe by Hound! Day 23106, 21:32:02: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 31 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 23107, 06:25:47: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 35 was killed! Day 23107, 06:32:10: Tribemember keith - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 23107, 06:57:47: keith Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 27 (Pteranodon)! Day 23107, 07:01:58: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 35 was killed! Day 23107, 11:37:27: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 36 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 23107, 12:15:01: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 37 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23107, 18:20:29: Your stewart - Lvl 32 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 23107, 18:24:53: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 43 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 50! Day 23107, 19:40:01: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 43 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 23107, 21:14:01: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 43 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 95! Day 23121, 21:54:13: Hound Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 67 (Dodo)! Day 23122, 00:34:34: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 44 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 55! Day 23122, 05:32:37: Hound Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 131 (Pteranodon)! Day 23122, 06:48:23: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 23122, 17:33:10: Your Tard - Lvl 138 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 23122, 17:33:19: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 46 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 23124, 14:18:24: Hound Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 23124, 16:01:12: Hound Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon)! Day 23124, 17:54:57: Hound claimed 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 221 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 23124, 19:49:48: Hound froze Pteranodon - Lvl 23 (Pteranodon) Day 23124, 19:54:13: Hound froze Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon) Day 23124, 19:58:16: Hound demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23124, 19:59:03: Hound demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23124, 20:00:38: Hound demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23124, 20:01:26: Hound demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23125, 11:07:19: Hound froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 316 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23125, 23:24:38: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23126, 01:41:49: Hound froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 313 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23126, 10:37:17: Hound froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 313 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23128, 03:46:42: Tribemember keith - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 23128, 13:04:29: Tribemember keith - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 23128, 15:35:24: keith froze Pteranodon - Lvl 95 (Pteranodon) Day 23128, 15:51:31: Tribemember keith - Lvl 25 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 25! Day 23128, 16:57:15: Your Sock - Lvl 32 (Pegomastax) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 140! Day 23128, 21:25:49: keith froze Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon) Day 23128, 21:49:58: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 23128, 23:53:39: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 23129, 00:22:14: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 64 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 55! Day 23129, 02:34:19: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 64 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 145! Day 23129, 03:48:38: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 64 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 95! Day 23129, 04:51:19: Tribemember keith - Lvl 26 was killed! Day 23129, 05:56:08: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 64 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 130! Day 23129, 07:21:21: Tribemember keith - Lvl 27 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 130! Day 23129, 07:38:46: Tribemember keith - Lvl 27 was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 20! Day 23129, 08:07:05: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 64 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 15! Day 23129, 08:51:02: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 64 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 23129, 10:08:14: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 23129, 11:19:32: Tribemember keith - Lvl 29 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 130! Day 23129, 12:44:24: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 38 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 25! Day 23129, 22:34:39: keith froze Keniff - Lvl 316 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23129, 23:10:11: Hound froze S-Snow Owl - Lvl 313 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23130, 16:41:58: Hound froze S-Snow Owl - Lvl 313 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23132, 20:55:02: Hound froze S-Snow Owl - Lvl 313 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23145, 05:03:09: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23145, 22:44:01: Hound froze S-Snow Owl - Lvl 315 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23146, 11:06:01: Hound claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 178 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23146, 11:35:15: Hound demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23146, 11:36:02: Hound demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23146, 11:37:05: Hound demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23146, 13:06:52: Hound froze Baby Blaze - Lvl 178 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23147, 00:19:31: Hound claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 229 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 23147, 05:53:57: Hound froze Juvenile Blaze - Lvl 178 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23147, 06:06:11: Hound froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 229 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23147, 06:15:13: Hound froze Juvenile Blaze - Lvl 178 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23147, 10:34:26: Hound froze Juvenile Blaze - Lvl 178 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23147, 10:38:40: Hound froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 229 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23147, 10:47:22: Hound froze S-Snow Owl - Lvl 315 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23170, 20:42:52: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 23170, 20:43:38: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 23170, 20:44:22: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 23170, 20:51:49: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23170, 20:54:05: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23170, 20:54:05: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23170, 22:34:26: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23170, 22:34:26: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23170, 22:34:26: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23170, 22:34:26: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23170, 22:34:26: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23170, 22:34:26: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23170, 22:36:46: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23170, 22:38:06: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23170, 22:39:18: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23170, 22:39:18: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 23170, 23:34:31: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 23170, 23:42:26: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 23170, 23:44:43: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23170, 23:49:51: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 23170, 23:52:32: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 23170, 23:52:32: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 23170, 23:53:33: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23171, 00:10:20: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 229 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 25! Day 23171, 00:24:28: Your Aberrant Iguanodon - Lvl 80 (Aberrant Iguanodon) was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 25! Day 23171, 06:08:41: Hound claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 256 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23171, 07:17:00: Hound froze Juvenile Blaze - Lvl 178 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23171, 10:24:43: Hound froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 257 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23171, 10:43:13: Hound demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 23171, 10:44:09: Hound demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 23171, 10:45:22: Hound demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 23171, 10:46:40: Hound demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 23171, 10:51:37: Hound demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 23171, 10:52:38: Hound demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 23171, 11:00:53: Hound demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 23171, 11:01:42: Hound demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 23171, 11:04:46: Hound demolished a 'Power Generator (Locked) '! Day 23171, 11:06:03: Hound demolished a 'Smithy (Locked) '! Day 23171, 11:06:52: Hound demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 23171, 11:09:28: Hound demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23171, 11:13:37: Hound demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23171, 11:16:55: Hound froze Rock Drake - Lvl 255 (Rock Drake) Day 23171, 11:17:51: Hound demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23171, 11:18:39: Hound demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23171, 11:19:27: Hound demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23171, 11:20:11: Hound demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 23171, 11:20:57: Hound demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23171, 11:21:38: Hound demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23171, 11:22:24: Hound demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23171, 11:23:07: Hound demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23171, 11:24:23: Hound demolished a 'Electric Junction Box'! Day 23171, 11:26:06: Hound demolished a 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 23171, 11:45:32: Hound demolished a 'Bed'! Day 23171, 11:52:26: Hound demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23171, 19:41:05: Hound froze S-Snow Owl - Lvl 316 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23171, 22:16:02: Hound froze S-Snow Owl - Lvl 316 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23171, 22:34:12: Hound froze Rock Drake - Lvl 255 (Rock Drake) Day 23172, 17:17:25: Hound froze S-Snow Owl - Lvl 317 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23178, 14:13:41: Hound froze S-Snow Owl - Lvl 318 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23178, 14:41:04: Hound froze S-Snow Owl - Lvl 318 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23193, 11:01:43: Hound froze S-Snow Owl - Lvl 318 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23193, 11:41:07: Hound uploaded a Rock Drake: Rock Drake - Lvl 257 Day 23245, 14:52:37: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 99 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 45! Day 23245, 17:19:56: Hound froze Rock Drake - Lvl 269 (Rock Drake) Day 23250, 07:32:54: Hound froze Rock Drake - Lvl 269 (Rock Drake) Day 23339, 18:38:19: Hound froze Snowfall - Lvl 288 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23357, 07:30:35: Hound froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 322 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23357, 08:59:52: Hound froze Snowfall - Lvl 293 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23422, 01:39:34: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23422, 01:39:34: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23422, 01:39:34: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23422, 01:39:34: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23455, 11:05:51: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 23455, 11:06:33: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 118 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 145! Day 23455, 13:05:06: Hound froze Snowfall - Lvl 309 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23469, 07:43:12: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23652, 14:29:26: Dodo - Lvl 67 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 24323, 01:55:05: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24876, 10:52:13: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24876, 12:47:15: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24892, 10:00:10: Hound froze Tek Rex - Lvl 403 (Tek Rex) Day 24892, 10:19:07: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 60! Day 24892, 13:30:22: Hound froze Pteranodon - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 24918, 08:52:17: Tribemember keith - Lvl 30 was killed! Day 24918, 10:43:22: Hound froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 238 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24918, 10:55:29: keith froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 256 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24926, 23:21:41: Your R-Snow Owl - Lvl 202 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 25082, 22:03:48: Hound froze FwibbleFwobble - Lvl 309 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25381, 20:22:19: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25512, 17:18:19: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 25513, 04:50:52: Hound froze pigeon - Lvl 329 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25513, 06:16:03: Hound froze Unwanted - Lvl 329 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25628, 18:07:31: Hound Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 201 (Yutyrannus)! Day 25628, 18:27:13: Hound froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 201 (Yutyrannus) Day 25628, 18:51:29: Hound froze Unwanted - Lvl 334 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25628, 18:59:08: Hound uploaded a Fjordhawk: Fjordhawk - Lvl 163 Day 25629, 00:04:10: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex)! Day 25633, 01:37:48: Hound froze Tek Rex - Lvl 404 (Tek Rex) Day 25633, 02:26:13: Hound froze Unwanted - Lvl 334 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26051, 06:29:58: OverK2ll - Robert - Lvl 110 (Tribe of OverK2ll - Robe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 26054, 08:45:38: Hound claimed 'breeder - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26054, 08:49:34: Hound froze breeder - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 26054, 12:41:28: Hound claimed 'Shorty - Lvl 308 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 26054, 13:22:06: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 26054, 13:56:16: Hound froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 239 (Fjordhawk) Day 26054, 20:33:07: Hound froze FwibbleFwobble - Lvl 358 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26054, 20:34:00: Hound Tamed an EV95-816K400-2D - Lvl 1 (Enforcer)! Day 26055, 01:19:46: Hound claimed 'loki - Lvl 325 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 01:20:58: Hound claimed 'loki - Lvl 337 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 26055, 01:21:32: Hound claimed 'farmer - Lvl 127 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 26055, 01:22:52: Hound claimed 'ELECTRO - Lvl 318 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 26055, 01:24:27: Hound claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 26055, 01:28:21: Hound claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 216 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 26055, 02:04:47: Hound claimed 'Oviraptor - Lvl 127 (Oviraptor)'! Day 26055, 02:07:15: Hound claimed 'hemad4mutz - Lvl 202 (Rex)'! Day 26055, 02:07:40: Hound claimed 'Ice - Lvl 246 (Rex)'! Day 26055, 02:08:06: Hound claimed 'Harry Henderson - Lvl 259 (Rex)'! Day 26055, 02:09:47: Hound claimed '7700.1hp1806st331.6dmg - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 26055, 02:10:35: Hound claimed 'Lois Lane - Lvl 272 (Rex)'! Day 26055, 02:11:51: Hound claimed 'shemad4mutz - Lvl 170 (Rex)'! Day 26055, 02:15:35: Hound claimed 'loki - Lvl 335 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 26055, 02:16:57: Hound claimed 'ZUES - Lvl 283 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 26055, 02:21:52: Hound claimed 'Yoda - Lvl 277 (Triceratops)'! Day 26055, 02:22:47: Hound claimed 'Jellyman - Lvl 270 (Triceratops)'! Day 26055, 02:23:50: Hound claimed 'Megalania - Lvl 77 (Megalania)'! Day 26055, 02:27:25: Hound claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 367 (Argentavis)'! Day 26055, 02:32:29: Hound claimed 'Davina - Lvl 190 (Velonasaur)'! Day 26055, 02:32:58: Hound claimed 'Velonasaur - Lvl 179 (Velonasaur)'! Day 26055, 02:33:21: Hound claimed 'Dave - Lvl 233 (Velonasaur)'! Day 26055, 02:36:14: Hound claimed 'Yutyrannus [Clone] - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 26055, 02:36:52: Hound claimed 'Yutyrannus [Clone] - Lvl 206 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 26055, 02:37:22: Hound claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 26055, 02:40:48: Hound claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 02:43:01: Hound claimed 'BOSS F - Lvl 293 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26055, 02:43:49: Hound claimed 'BOSS F - Lvl 301 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26055, 02:48:40: Hound claimed 'shemad4muts - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 26055, 02:59:36: Hound claimed 'BOSS F - Lvl 308 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26055, 03:00:01: Hound claimed 'BOSS F - Lvl 290 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26055, 03:00:23: Hound claimed 'BOSS F - Lvl 244 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26055, 03:02:12: Hound claimed 'BOSS F - Lvl 308 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26055, 03:02:52: Hound claimed 'BOSS F - Lvl 310 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26055, 03:25:44: Hound claimed 'loki - Lvl 222 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:26:14: Hound claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 227 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:26:31: Hound claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 304 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:26:54: Hound claimed 'miss jooliee - Lvl 236 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:27:32: Hound claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 380 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:28:33: Hound claimed 'green - Lvl 231 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:28:48: Hound claimed 'purple - Lvl 204 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:29:22: Hound claimed 'green - Lvl 227 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:29:45: Hound claimed 'loki - Lvl 193 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:30:40: Hound claimed 'yellow - Lvl 233 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:31:26: Hound claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 353 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:31:53: Hound claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 226 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:32:12: Hound claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 277 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:32:42: Hound claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 258 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:35:16: Hound claimed 'purple - Lvl 228 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:36:21: Hound claimed 'pur - Lvl 207 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:38:28: Hound claimed 'R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 324 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 04:18:23: Hound claimed 'BOSS F - Lvl 300 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26055, 04:19:50: Hound claimed 'BOSS F - Lvl 306 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26055, 04:21:29: Hound claimed 'BOSS F - Lvl 308 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26055, 04:22:23: Hound claimed 'DMG - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26055, 04:23:46: Hound claimed 'HP - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26055, 04:48:17: Hound claimed 'Otter - Lvl 386 (Otter)'! Day 26055, 05:25:47: Hound froze Rex - Lvl 180 (Rex) Day 26055, 05:33:05: Hound froze shemad4muts - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26055, 05:53:52: Hound claimed '10K WEIGHT - Lvl 416 (Argentavis)'! Day 26055, 06:11:05: Hound froze pur - Lvl 207 (Thylacoleo) Day 26055, 06:48:52: Hound froze FwibbleFwobble - Lvl 358 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26055, 16:05:59: Hound froze loki - Lvl 325 (Thylacoleo) Day 26055, 16:18:01: Hound froze loki - Lvl 339 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26055, 16:29:21: Hound froze ELECTRO - Lvl 318 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26055, 16:34:14: Hound froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26055, 16:40:17: Hound froze ZUES - Lvl 283 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26055, 16:46:50: Hound froze loki - Lvl 338 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26055, 17:01:20: Hound froze Lois Lane - Lvl 272 (Rex) Day 26055, 17:07:29: Hound froze 7700.1hp1806st331.6dmg - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 26055, 17:14:12: Hound froze Harry Henderson - Lvl 259 (Rex) Day 26055, 17:19:55: Hound froze Ice - Lvl 246 (Rex) Day 26055, 17:24:45: Hound froze hemad4mutz - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 26055, 17:34:12: Hound froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 235 (Yutyrannus) Day 26055, 17:38:02: Hound froze BOSS F - Lvl 300 (Deinonychus) Day 26055, 17:41:57: Hound froze BOSS F - Lvl 307 (Deinonychus) Day 26055, 17:45:57: Hound froze BOSS F - Lvl 301 (Deinonychus) Day 26055, 17:49:16: Hound froze BOSS F - Lvl 293 (Deinonychus) Day 26055, 17:52:44: Hound froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo) Day 26055, 17:56:14: Hound froze BOSS F - Lvl 308 (Deinonychus) Day 26055, 17:59:49: Hound froze BOSS F - Lvl 290 (Deinonychus) Day 26055, 18:03:19: Hound froze BOSS F - Lvl 244 (Deinonychus) Day 26055, 18:07:52: Hound froze BOSS F - Lvl 308 (Deinonychus) Day 26055, 18:11:29: Hound froze BOSS F - Lvl 310 (Deinonychus) Day 26055, 18:16:24: Hound froze BOSS F - Lvl 308 (Deinonychus) Day 26055, 18:20:05: Hound froze DMG - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 26055, 18:23:37: Hound froze HP - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 26055, 18:46:59: Hound froze Oviraptor - Lvl 127 (Oviraptor) Day 26055, 18:51:17: Hound froze Otter - Lvl 386 (Otter) Day 26055, 19:11:02: Hound froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus) Day 26055, 19:14:17: Hound froze Yutyrannus [Clone] - Lvl 206 (Yutyrannus) Day 26055, 19:17:58: Hound froze Yutyrannus [Clone] - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus) Day 26055, 19:21:20: Hound froze Davina - Lvl 190 (Velonasaur) Day 26055, 19:24:45: Hound froze Velonasaur - Lvl 179 (Velonasaur) Day 26055, 19:28:54: Hound froze Dave - Lvl 233 (Velonasaur) Day 26055, 19:39:36: Hound froze 10K WEIGHT - Lvl 416 (Argentavis) Day 26055, 19:45:03: Hound froze Argentavis - Lvl 367 (Argentavis) Day 26055, 19:56:45: Hound froze Megalania - Lvl 77 (Megalania) Day 26055, 20:00:13: Hound froze EV95-816K400-2D - Lvl 3 (Enforcer) Day 26055, 20:08:14: Hound froze Jellyman - Lvl 272 (Triceratops) Day 26055, 20:12:47: Hound froze Yoda - Lvl 277 (Triceratops) Day 26055, 20:23:28: Hound froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 227 (Thylacoleo) Day 26055, 20:27:48: Hound froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 304 (Thylacoleo) Day 26055, 20:32:26: Hound froze miss jooliee - Lvl 236 (Thylacoleo) Day 26055, 20:37:07: Hound froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 380 (Thylacoleo) Day 26055, 20:47:45: Hound froze green - Lvl 231 (Thylacoleo) Day 26055, 20:52:21: Hound froze purple - Lvl 204 (Thylacoleo) Day 26055, 20:57:35: Hound froze green - Lvl 227 (Thylacoleo) Day 26055, 21:02:10: Hound froze purple - Lvl 228 (Thylacoleo) Day 26055, 21:06:42: Hound froze loki - Lvl 193 (Thylacoleo) Day 26055, 21:12:03: Hound froze yellow - Lvl 233 (Thylacoleo) Day 26055, 21:17:11: Hound froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 353 (Thylacoleo) Day 26055, 21:22:42: Hound froze loki - Lvl 222 (Thylacoleo) Day 26055, 21:52:42: Hound froze Shorty - Lvl 308 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26055, 22:32:48: Hound froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 239 (Fjordhawk) Day 26055, 22:38:21: Hound froze Unwanted - Lvl 344 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26055, 23:14:09: Hound froze FwibbleFwobble - Lvl 358 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26076, 18:21:24: Hound froze Unwanted - Lvl 345 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26246, 17:50:37: Your EV95-816K400-2D - Lvl 7 (Enforcer) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 34217, 21:42:15: keith was removed from the Tribe by Hound! Day 34217, 21:48:36: Donald Duck was added to the Tribe by Hound! Day 34217, 23:59:51: Donald Duck claimed 'piss - Lvl 47 (Pachy)'! Day 34218, 00:01:36: Donald Duck claimed 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 171 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 34218, 00:02:00: Donald Duck claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 258 (Parasaur)'! Day 34218, 00:18:44: Hound claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 89 (Argentavis)'! Day 34218, 08:20:19: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 34218, 13:34:21: Hound froze Maewing - Lvl 225 (Maewing) Day 34219, 02:04:21: Donald Duck Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 214 (Argentavis)! Day 34219, 02:13:26: Donald Duck froze Emerald - Lvl 214 (Argentavis) Day 34219, 03:00:35: Donald Duck froze Maewing - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 34249, 06:01:01: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 34249, 07:01:47: Hound froze Maewing - Lvl 158 (Maewing) Day 34271, 09:08:40: piss - Lvl 47 (Pachy) starved to death! Day 34290, 05:23:18: Hound froze Maewing - Lvl 161 (Maewing) Day 34318, 16:31:46: piss - Lvl 47 (Pachy) starved to death! Day 34581, 10:37:40: Your Parasaur - Lvl 258 (Parasaur) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 135! Day 34586, 19:11:31: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34607, 05:40:18: Hound froze Maewing - Lvl 227 (Maewing) Day 34704, 23:30:22: Maewing - Lvl 233 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 34794, 20:36:40: Tribemember Donald Duck - Lvl 46 was killed! Day 34815, 09:17:02: swagz - Lvl 90 (Tribe of swagz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 171 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 34867, 22:44:15: Hound froze Speed - Lvl 349 (Maewing) Day 35270, 22:35:11: Len - Lvl 112 (Lens World) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35406, 19:20:20: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35454, 14:19:16: Raven - Lvl 79 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Emerald - Lvl 223 (Argentavis)'! Day 35455, 01:20:27: Tribemember Donald Duck - Lvl 46 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 25! Day 35662, 19:45:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35662, 19:45:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35662, 19:45:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35662, 19:45:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35662, 19:45:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35662, 19:45:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35662, 19:45:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35768, 23:54:21: Argentavis - Lvl 92 (Argentavis) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1130545297,"tribe":"... logs":["Day 13120, 18:19:47: Louis was added to the Tribe! Day 13121, 11:35:26: Louis Tamed a Megaloceros - Lvl 82 (Megaloceros)! Day 13121, 14:22:52: Louis demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 13121, 14:23:34: Louis demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 13122, 07:11:13: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 29 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 13122, 07:22:54: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 29 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 13122, 07:28:05: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 29 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 140! Day 13122, 07:38:56: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 29 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 145! Day 13122, 09:07:26: Your Flappy Boi - Lvl 360 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 13129, 12:55:04: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 13129, 16:35:27: Louis Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 89 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 13131, 14:51:50: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 33 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 85! Day 13131, 15:09:49: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 33 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 13131, 15:56:06: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 33 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 50! Day 13131, 16:04:10: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 33 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 13131, 16:27:02: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 33 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 140! Day 13131, 17:00:50: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 33 was killed! Day 13132, 13:32:42: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 13135, 15:47:27: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 38 was killed! Day 13135, 18:26:35: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 38 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 13146, 12:57:57: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 38 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 55! Day 13146, 13:14:00: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 38 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 13146, 13:28:24: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 38 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 13146, 15:11:23: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 38 was killed! Day 13146, 16:49:51: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 38 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 13146, 19:08:50: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 39 was killed! Day 13147, 02:56:54: ArcticWolf added 'Tribe 410476' Tribe to fuck you james Alliance! Day 13148, 19:28:38: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 44 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 15! Day 13330, 14:26:50: Louis Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 13343, 13:45:45: Louis Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 26 (Tek Raptor)! Day 13343, 14:59:57: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 13343, 15:21:21: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 64 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 85! Day 13343, 16:17:15: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 13343, 16:51:18: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 72 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 130! Day 13352, 09:34:21: Louis Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)! Day 13356, 23:36:03: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 74 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 135! Day 13421, 18:34:44: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 81 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 45! Day 13441, 11:16:15: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 93 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 13453, 12:59:36: Louis Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 142 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 13455, 09:05:53: Louis claimed 'Baby Lystrosaurus - Lvl 101 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 13455, 09:06:21: Louis claimed 'Baby Lystrosaurus - Lvl 101 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 13466, 22:54:24: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 89 (Argentavis)! Day 13467, 13:19:08: Louis Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 13467, 13:27:46: Louis Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 13478, 09:02:23: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 96 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 50! Day 13483, 17:11:34: Louis Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 13483, 18:17:36: Your Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 13585, 05:04:03: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13646, 16:11:14: Louis Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 216 (Dodo)! Day 13646, 16:32:24: Louis Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 98 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 13648, 22:01:47: Louis Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 148 (Mesopithecus)! Day 13779, 16:47:42: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14192, 17:38:13: Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 14219, 06:58:04: Rat - Lvl 30 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 14254, 21:18:46: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14254, 21:18:46: Your 'Water Well' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14324, 11:28:43: Tek Raptor - Lvl 62 (Tek Raptor) starved to death! Day 14405, 11:30:36: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 135 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 14425, 08:25:53: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14425, 08:25:53: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14425, 08:25:53: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14425, 08:25:53: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14448, 12:20:23: Mesopithecus - Lvl 148 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 14457, 12:25:10: Megaloceros - Lvl 111 (Megaloceros) starved to death! Day 14488, 03:45:02: Asto - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 257 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 14488, 03:56:42: Asto - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 113 (Argentavis)'! Day 14488, 04:11:03: Asto - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 332 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 14488, 04:25:43: Asto - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 279 (Rex)'! Day 14542, 20:50:05: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - Lvl 111 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 14544, 17:04:05: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 162 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 14544, 18:26:38: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 119 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 14544, 18:27:17: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 119 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 14592, 06:04:07: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14592, 06:04:07: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14592, 06:04:07: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14592, 06:04:07: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14592, 06:04:07: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14592, 06:04:07: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14592, 06:04:07: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14592, 06:04:07: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14592, 06:04:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14592, 06:04:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14592, 06:04:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14599, 15:58:47: Pillow Cheeks - Lvl 220 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 14642, 07:54:17: Jenufa - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Dyason) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MEKAZOR - Lvl 235 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 14642, 07:59:59: Jenufa - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Dyason) claimed your auto-decayed tame '2 eme bete - Lvl 293 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 14642, 08:01:05: Jenufa - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Dyason) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 189 (Triceratops)'! Day 14642, 08:23:15: Jenufa - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Dyason) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 168 (Pteranodon)'! Day 14772, 19:48:43: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15069, 11:09:14: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 102 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 85! Day 25201, 16:27:21: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 1 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95!"] "tribeid":1130482505,"tribe":"Midnight logs":["Day 34654, 03:06:53: Rupert was added to the Tribe! Day 34654, 07:31:41: Rupert demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 34685, 05:34:46: Rupert Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 179 (Parasaur)! Day 34721, 16:39:12: Rupert Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon)! Day 34865, 11:54:39: Rupert Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 216 (Pteranodon)! Day 34900, 05:15:07: Rupert Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)! Day 34917, 03:01:22: Rupert Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 22 (Allosaurus)! Day 34917, 03:09:46: Rupert Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 82 (Allosaurus)! Day 34917, 10:23:29: Rupert Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 216 (Allosaurus)! Day 35019, 00:30:21: Rupert Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 217 (Allosaurus)! Day 35035, 09:33:21: Rupert claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 200 (Allosaurus)'! Day 35040, 13:32:47: Rupert Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 149 (Dodo)! Day 35040, 14:43:07: Rupert Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 209 (Dodo)! Day 35040, 15:44:38: Rupert Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 215 (Dodo)! Day 35041, 10:16:57: Rupert claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35057, 18:39:50: Rupert claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 200 (Allosaurus)'! Day 35058, 08:22:48: Rupert claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 203 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35082, 17:03:28: Rupert Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 37 (Carbonemys)! Day 35083, 11:57:07: Rupert Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 37 (Carbonemys)! Day 35088, 09:03:41: Rupert claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 216 (Allosaurus)'! Day 35088, 11:31:13: Rupert claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35090, 01:02:55: Rupert froze Mellons - Lvl 58 (Allosaurus) Day 35103, 09:32:31: Rupert claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35103, 12:42:20: Rupert claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 200 (Allosaurus)'! Day 35105, 14:37:23: Rupert Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 35108, 11:43:36: Rupert Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 35127, 10:55:23: Rupert claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35127, 12:41:01: Rupert claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 210 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35151, 07:30:14: Rupert claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35151, 09:16:22: Rupert claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35247, 03:41:27: Rupert Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 260 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 35247, 03:51:58: Rupert froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 260 (Tek Parasaur) Day 35248, 05:27:16: Rupert Tamed a Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)! Day 35317, 01:28:34: Rupert froze Rambo - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 35351, 19:23:09: Rupert Tamed a Rex - Lvl 79 (Rex)! Day 35351, 20:03:14: Rupert froze Rex - Lvl 80 (Rex) Day 35365, 09:25:26: Rupert claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 171 (Rex)'! Day 35365, 17:36:04: Rupert claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 200 (Allosaurus)'! Day 35386, 15:23:54: Rupert claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 171 (Rex)'! Day 35853, 01:23:18: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36043, 07:07:07: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36043, 07:07:07: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36043, 07:07:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36447, 12:28:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36447, 12:28:49: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36447, 12:28:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36831, 23:39:16: Your Chocolate - Lvl 246 (Parasaur) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 37269, 06:54:14: Rupert Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 215 (Megalodon)! Day 37269, 09:12:21: Rupert froze Megalodon - Lvl 217 (Megalodon) Day 37860, 14:07:39: Tribemember Rupert - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 37979, 15:42:12: Rupert Tamed an Equus - Lvl 22 (Equus)! Day 38361, 10:16:01: Your Purple Toes - Lvl 278 (Allosaurus) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 40619, 20:18:01: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)! Day 40678, 05:42:38: Nova.3 was added to the Tribe by Rupert! Day 40679, 09:46:31: Nova.3 Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 209 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 40679, 10:25:59: Rupert Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 216 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 40680, 08:03:07: Equus - Lvl 55 destroyed your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 40680, 09:13:29: Rupert Tamed an Equus - Lvl 56 (Equus)! Day 40699, 20:39:26: Nova.3 claimed 'Baby Equus - Lvl 34 (Equus)'! Day 40700, 03:52:35: Nova.3 claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 200 (Allosaurus)'! Day 40701, 11:53:27: Nova.3 Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 40701, 21:43:27: Nova.3 Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo)! Day 40702, 18:50:40: Rupert Tamed an Equus - Lvl 69 (Equus)! Day 40725, 10:21:06: Rupert downloaded a dino: Hawk - Lvl 262 Day 40725, 10:23:37: Rupert downloaded a dino: Eagle - Lvl 249 Day 40726, 01:05:23: Nova.3 Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 22 (Carbonemys)! Day 40726, 01:53:48: Rupert froze Purple one - Lvl 22 (Carbonemys) Day 40726, 08:01:32: Rupert Tamed an Equus - Lvl 22 (Equus)! Day 40726, 08:53:57: Rupert froze Equus - Lvl 23 (Equus) Day 40726, 22:14:43: Nova.3 Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 207 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 40726, 22:34:45: Rupert froze Kitty - Lvl 207 (Tek Parasaur) Day 40727, 07:10:37: Rupert Tamed an Equus - Lvl 173 (Equus)! Day 40727, 07:49:38: Rupert froze Equus - Lvl 173 (Equus) Day 40837, 02:35:07: Rupert Tamed an Equus - Lvl 209 (Equus)! Day 40838, 07:37:16: Rupert claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex)'! Day 40842, 19:22:55: Rupert claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)'! Day 40843, 05:51:23: Rupert claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex)'! Day 40843, 05:52:32: Rupert claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex)'! Day 40843, 20:15:34: Rupert Tamed an Equus - Lvl 181 (Equus)! Day 40845, 22:46:00: Rupert froze Jaws - Lvl 367 (Megalodon) Day 41157, 13:06:24: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41173, 17:16:32: Nova.3 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 33 (Equus)! Day 41174, 14:05:13: Nova.3 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 151 (Equus)! Day 41174, 17:23:45: Nova.3 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 142 (Equus)! Day 41201, 04:15:39: Rupert froze Equus - Lvl 70 (Equus) Day 41201, 04:39:34: Rupert froze Crunchie - Lvl 192 (Rex) Day 41201, 10:05:26: Tribemember Nova.3 - Lvl 36 was killed! Day 41201, 14:36:35: Nova.3 claimed 'Furnace - Lvl 90 (Triceratops)'! Day 41223, 03:54:51: Nova.3 uploaded a Equus: Equus - Lvl 70 Day 41223, 03:56:51: Nova.3 uploaded a Rex: Crunchie - Lvl 192 Day 41270, 22:44:00: Rupert Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 35 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 41270, 23:21:31: Nova.3 Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 266 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 41271, 00:46:17: Ichthyornis - Lvl 90 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 41271, 00:46:17: Ichthyornis - Lvl 90 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 41670, 21:41:14: Nova.3 Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 82 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 41748, 05:28:42: Rupert downloaded a dino: Firestorm - Lvl 234 Day 41748, 05:32:33: Rupert downloaded a dino: Magma - Lvl 234 Day 41748, 05:34:13: Rupert downloaded a dino: Ember - Lvl 233 Day 41749, 16:38:11: Nova.3 Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 37 (Moschops)! Day 41749, 18:34:06: Rupert Tamed a Gallimimus - Lvl 201 (Gallimimus)! Day 41750, 07:42:41: Nova.3 Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 89 (Dilophosaur)! Day 41750, 09:31:18: Nova.3 froze Cheapshot - Lvl 89 (Dilophosaur) Day 41770, 17:37:35: Nova.3 Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 35 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 41772, 06:26:12: Nova.3 Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 160 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 41772, 06:47:30: Rupert froze Roger - Lvl 160 (Tek Parasaur) Day 41794, 16:47:21: Nova.3 Tamed a Megaloceros - Lvl 81 (Megaloceros)! Day 41794, 17:51:41: Nova.3 froze Comet - Lvl 81 (Megaloceros) Day 41794, 18:44:47: Nova.3 Tamed a Megaloceros - Lvl 208 (Megaloceros)! Day 41794, 19:19:14: Nova.3 froze Blitzen - Lvl 208 (Megaloceros) Day 41795, 04:09:48: Rupert Tamed a Gigantopithecus - Lvl 132 (Gigantopithecus)! Day 41795, 04:43:37: Rupert froze Henderson - Lvl 132 (Gigantopithecus) Day 42055, 16:35:16: Nova.3 claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 109 (Doedicurus)'! Day 42410, 18:29:52: Nova.3 Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 201 (Dodo)! Day 42414, 03:41:10: Nova.3 Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 260 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 42414, 04:18:29: Nova.3 froze BlueTooth - Lvl 260 (Tek Parasaur) Day 42532, 12:25:01: Nova.3 Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 88 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 42532, 12:40:07: Nova.3 froze Pinky - Lvl 88 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 42532, 12:56:41: Rupert Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 140 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 42532, 13:38:26: Rupert froze Perky - Lvl 140 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 42532, 21:53:28: Rupert Tamed a Gigantopithecus - Lvl 37 (Gigantopithecus)! Day 42532, 22:28:52: Rupert froze Gigantopithecus - Lvl 37 (Gigantopithecus) Day 42534, 08:12:51: Rupert Tamed an Otter - Lvl 67 (Otter)! Day 42535, 05:57:44: Tribemember Nova.3 - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 42555, 16:08:44: Tribemember Nova.3 - Lvl 70 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 135! Day 42556, 23:28:12: Nova.3 claimed '7260H 314M - Lvl 209 (Rex)'! Day 42557, 00:14:10: Nova.3 froze 7260H 314M - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 42557, 00:29:56: Nova.3 claimed '7260H 331.4M - Lvl 263 (Rex)'! Day 42557, 01:06:44: Nova.3 froze 7260H 331.4M - Lvl 263 (Rex) Day 42557, 05:24:35: Nova.3 claimed '9460H 331D - Lvl 222 (Rex)'! Day 42557, 06:32:41: Nova.3 froze 9460H 331D - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 42557, 10:19:31: Nova.3 claimed 'I have nuting - Lvl 82 (Phiomia)'! Day 42557, 11:46:00: Nova.3 froze I have nuting - Lvl 82 (Phiomia) Day 42557, 16:03:44: Nova.3 claimed 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 278 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 42557, 23:51:41: Rupert claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis)'! Day 42559, 13:29:12: Nova.3 claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 307 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 42559, 13:43:13: Nova.3 froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 307 (Yutyrannus) Day 42559, 14:23:52: Nova.3 claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)'! Day 42559, 14:44:39: Nova.3 froze Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 42559, 14:53:29: Nova.3 claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)'! Day 42559, 15:14:02: Nova.3 froze Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 42559, 15:25:46: Nova.3 claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)'! Day 42559, 16:08:00: Nova.3 froze Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 42559, 17:01:00: Nova.3 claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 42559, 17:49:55: Nova.3 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42559, 20:16:07: Nova.3 claimed 'rex army - Lvl 300 (Rex)'! Day 42559, 21:02:11: Nova.3 froze rex army - Lvl 300 (Rex) Day 42559, 23:26:02: Nova.3 claimed 'stam - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)'! Day 42559, 23:51:01: Nova.3 froze stam - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 42560, 00:03:56: Nova.3 claimed 'weight - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)'! Day 42560, 00:41:28: Nova.3 froze weight - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 42560, 00:55:22: Nova.3 claimed 'health - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)'! Day 42560, 01:08:39: Nova.3 froze health - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 42560, 01:20:05: Nova.3 claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)'! Day 42560, 01:52:48: Nova.3 froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 42560, 06:30:32: Nova.3 claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 202 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 42560, 06:36:15: Nova.3 claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 42560, 06:40:50: Nova.3 claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 202 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 42560, 07:33:49: Nova.3 froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 202 (Therizinosaur) Day 42560, 07:44:52: Nova.3 froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur) Day 42560, 09:25:59: Nova.3 froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 202 (Therizinosaur) Day 42561, 01:20:33: Nova.3 froze Roger - Lvl 160 (Tek Parasaur) Day 42561, 01:30:54: Nova.3 froze BlueTooth - Lvl 260 (Tek Parasaur) Day 42561, 02:46:23: Nova.3 froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 42578, 20:59:28: Nova.3 claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 42580, 05:10:17: Rupert claimed 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 42580, 08:55:02: Nova.3 claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 108 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 42580, 13:25:57: Nova.3 claimed 'Purple Poppy F237 - Lvl 363 (Argentavis)'! Day 42581, 00:35:02: Nova.3 uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 108 Day 42581, 03:26:35: Nova.3 claimed 'rex army - Lvl 301 (Rex)'! Day 42581, 06:20:56: Nova.3 froze rex army - Lvl 301 (Rex) Day 42581, 07:32:09: Rupert claimed 'rex army - Lvl 300 (Rex)'! Day 42581, 10:15:40: Nova.3 claimed 'rex army - Lvl 299 (Rex)'! Day 42581, 10:48:46: Nova.3 froze rex army - Lvl 299 (Rex) Day 42581, 10:49:17: Rupert claimed 'F 1 Health - Lvl 236 (Rex)'! Day 42581, 11:43:21: Rupert froze Monster Munch - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42581, 12:13:47: Rupert froze Monster Mash - Lvl 300 (Rex) Day 42581, 17:52:00: Nova.3 claimed '7920H 285M - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42581, 18:03:04: Nova.3 claimed '7700H 302D - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 42581, 18:12:37: Nova.3 claimed '6300H 278D - Lvl 209 (Rex)'! Day 42581, 19:04:28: Rupert claimed '6600H 314M - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 42581, 19:13:18: Rupert claimed '7500H 284D - Lvl 194 (Rex)'! Day 42581, 19:18:43: Rupert claimed '9200H 290D - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 42581, 20:21:54: Nova.3 froze 7700H 302D - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 42581, 20:26:18: Rupert froze 6600H 314M - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 42581, 20:53:00: Nova.3 froze 7920H 285M - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42581, 20:57:32: Rupert froze 7500H 284D - Lvl 194 (Rex) Day 42581, 21:20:14: Nova.3 froze 6300H 278D - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 42581, 21:20:36: Rupert froze 9200H 290D - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 42582, 06:13:49: Nova.3 downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 108 Day 42582, 18:55:25: Nova.3 Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 215 (Dodo)! Day 42676, 08:14:18: Rupert claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 42676, 08:19:26: Nova.3 claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 42676, 08:40:46: Rupert froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus) Day 42676, 12:46:03: Rupert froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) Day 42678, 10:21:50: Nova.3 Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 82 (Allosaurus)! Day 42866, 18:11:19: Rupert Tamed an Equus - Lvl 134 (Equus)! Day 42984, 20:46:26: Rupert Tamed an Equus - Lvl 69 (Equus)! Day 42985, 06:31:21: Nova.3 Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 233 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 43007, 23:40:40: Rupert Tamed an Equus - Lvl 127 (Equus)! Day 43008, 16:19:26: Rupert Tamed a Pelagornis - Lvl 65 (Pelagornis)! Day 43008, 16:44:31: Nova.3 claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 43008, 18:20:17: Nova.3 claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 43009, 02:44:03: Rupert froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 43009, 03:05:04: Rupert froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 43009, 04:17:28: Nova.3 claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 221 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 43009, 12:33:13: Rupert froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 221 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43010, 10:53:01: Rupert Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 152 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 43010, 11:21:34: Rupert froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 152 (Tek Parasaur) Day 43050, 16:55:41: Rupert Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon)! Day 43199, 18:14:03: Nova.3 Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 127 (Moschops)! Day 43200, 14:04:07: Your Ember - Lvl 283 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 43200, 14:36:54: Tribemember Nova.3 - Lvl 70 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 43201, 03:08:12: Rupert Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 22 (Brontosaurus)! Day 43201, 03:44:19: Rupert froze Signal - Lvl 22 (Brontosaurus) Day 43201, 19:55:55: Rupert Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 43327, 01:37:14: Nova.3 claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 120 (Pteranodon)'! Day 43327, 01:51:27: Nova.3 claimed 'HOLA - Lvl 89 (Unicorn)'! Day 43327, 02:37:19: Nova.3 froze HOLA - Lvl 89 (Unicorn) Day 43342, 20:34:04: Rupert Tamed an Unicorn - Lvl 37 (Unicorn)! Day 43460, 17:02:34: Rupert Tamed an Equus - Lvl 89 (Equus)! Day 43603, 16:19:36: Rupert Tamed an Equus - Lvl 202 (Equus)! Day 43604, 06:31:35: Rupert Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 43604, 07:39:03: Nova.3 Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 67 (Brontosaurus)! Day 43604, 17:34:01: Nova.3 Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 67 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 43604, 18:07:04: Nova.3 froze Mango - Lvl 67 (Lystrosaurus) Day 43605, 09:08:58: Rupert Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)! Day 43605, 09:47:39: Nova.3 froze Purple Princess - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon) Day 43676, 21:22:50: Rupert claimed 'Caravan v2 (Raft)'! Day 43721, 12:13:03: Rupert claimed 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 215 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 44007, 09:05:14: Nova.3 claimed 'MAT FARMER - Lvl 120 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 44007, 09:07:57: Nova.3 claimed 'GUNNER - Lvl 30 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 44007, 21:25:07: Nova.3 claimed 'Male H10780 S924 M290 - Lvl 219 (Rex)'! Day 44007, 21:39:07: Nova.3 claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 230 (Pteranodon)'! Day 44007, 21:52:32: Nova.3 uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 230 Day 44007, 21:54:12: Nova.3 uploaded a Rex: Male H10780 S924 M290 - Lvl 219 Day 44007, 23:10:08: Nova.3 uploaded a Tek Stryder: MAT FARMER - Lvl 120 Day 44007, 23:11:48: Nova.3 uploaded a Tek Stryder: GUNNER - Lvl 30 Day 44008, 03:55:46: Nova.3 claimed 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 215 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 44008, 04:07:40: Nova.3 froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 215 (Dilophosaur) Day 44009, 00:19:45: Nova.3 downloaded a dino: GUNNER - Lvl 30 Day 44009, 00:20:25: Nova.3 downloaded a dino: MAT FARMER - Lvl 120 Day 44009, 00:21:10: Could not find Spawn Location for Rex, Destroying... Day 44009, 00:22:03: Nova.3 downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 230 Day 44009, 00:23:01: Could not find Spawn Location for Rex, Destroying... Day 44009, 00:25:53: Could not find Spawn Location for Rex, Destroying... Day 44009, 00:48:01: Nova.3 downloaded a dino: Male H10780 S924 M290 - Lvl 219 Day 44177, 17:24:06: Rupert Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 216 (Triceratops)! Day 44177, 18:39:13: Rupert froze Triceratops - Lvl 216 (Triceratops) Day 44177, 22:09:32: Rupert Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 123 (Parasaur)! Day 44177, 23:06:03: Rupert froze Scary - Lvl 123 (Parasaur) Day 44178, 17:56:53: Nova.3 Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 74 (Triceratops)! Day 44178, 18:33:36: Nova.3 froze Triceratops - Lvl 74 (Triceratops) Day 44437, 06:42:24: Nova.3 claimed 'Oviraptor - Lvl 62 (Oviraptor)'! Day 44437, 07:56:41: Nova.3 claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 174 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 44437, 11:44:20: Nova.3 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 174 (Thylacoleo) Day 44437, 12:58:48: Nova.3 claimed 'Bertrice - Lvl 202 (Megatherium)'! Day 44437, 13:03:20: Rupert claimed 'Bertie - Lvl 209 (Megatherium)'! Day 44437, 13:05:19: Rupert claimed 'Betty 1 - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)'! Day 44437, 13:06:53: Rupert claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 220 (Megatherium)'! Day 44437, 13:07:46: Rupert claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 238 (Megatherium)'! Day 44437, 13:14:52: Nova.3 claimed 'Cloud - Lvl 236 (Equus)'! Day 44437, 13:51:16: Nova.3 claimed 'Dickie - Lvl 85 (Doedicurus)'! Day 44437, 14:01:48: Rupert claimed 'Do Dickie Doo DA - Lvl 230 (Doedicurus)'! Day 44437, 14:04:21: Rupert claimed 'Little Dickie - Lvl 185 (Doedicurus)'! Day 44437, 14:36:32: Nova.3 froze Oviraptor - Lvl 62 (Oviraptor) Day 44437, 14:39:45: Rupert froze Cloud - Lvl 236 (Equus) Day 44437, 18:58:00: Rupert claimed 'poop-a-matic 2000 - Lvl 137 (Phiomia)'! Day 44438, 00:50:49: Rupert froze Dickie - Lvl 85 (Doedicurus) Day 44438, 01:06:59: Rupert froze Little Dickie - Lvl 185 (Doedicurus) Day 44438, 01:22:11: Rupert froze poop-a-matic 2000 - Lvl 137 (Phiomia) Day 44438, 08:56:25: Nova.3 uploaded a Megatherium: Bertrice - Lvl 202 Day 44438, 10:05:08: Rupert froze Bertie - Lvl 209 (Megatherium) Day 44438, 10:13:48: Rupert froze Megatherium - Lvl 238 (Megatherium) Day 44438, 10:21:43: Rupert froze Betty 1 - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 44438, 12:50:51: Nova.3 downloaded a dino: Bertrice - Lvl 202 Day 44438, 13:02:58: Rupert froze Bertrice - Lvl 202 (Megatherium) Day 44438, 13:42:28: Rupert froze Do Dickie Doo DA - Lvl 230 (Doedicurus) Day 44438, 13:50:08: Rupert froze Megatherium - Lvl 220 (Megatherium) Day 44438, 18:35:16: Rupert froze weight - Lvl 250 (Argentavis)"] "tribeid":1129121840,"tribe":"Sanctum logs":["Day 18890, 10:34:23: Bantcha was added to the Tribe! Day 19765, 15:59:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20768, 06:29:15: Tribemember Bantcha - Lvl 61 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 60!"] "tribeid":1127173479,"tribe":"Tribe of .pnkz logs":["Day 19408, 06:02:43: .pnkz was added to the Tribe! Day 19408, 06:07:11: Groli was added to the Tribe by .pnkz! Day 19408, 08:50:56: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 19408, 08:50:56: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 19408, 11:01:38: Tribemember .pnkz - Lvl 98 was killed by a Griffin - Lvl 145! Day 19408, 23:26:58: .pnkz froze Monte - Lvl 201 (Argentavis) Day 19408, 23:32:42: Groli froze King - Lvl 240 (Rex) Day 19408, 23:56:16: .pnkz Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin)! Day 19409, 00:26:41: .pnkz froze Monte - Lvl 201 (Argentavis) Day 19409, 00:32:17: .pnkz froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin) Day 19409, 00:39:50: Groli froze Berta - Lvl 273 (Argentavis) Day 19440, 01:08:04: .pnkz froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 276 (Griffin) Day 19493, 15:12:11: .pnkz froze Managarmr - Lvl 253 (Managarmr) Day 19493, 15:53:20: Groli froze EGGaLot - Lvl 293 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19519, 16:48:35: Groli Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 196 (Baryonyx)! Day 19519, 16:59:40: Groli froze Baryonyx - Lvl 196 (Baryonyx) Day 19519, 18:05:46: Groli froze Ruby - Lvl 244 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19589, 19:50:51: .pnkz froze DriftKing - Lvl 259 (Maewing) Day 19641, 11:18:13: .pnkz froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 19739, 14:00:47: .pnkz froze kamikaze - Lvl 312 (Griffin) Day 19806, 03:52:29: .pnkz claimed 'Melanie - Lvl 128 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19806, 04:51:29: .pnkz froze Melanie - Lvl 128 (Ice Wyvern) Day 19806, 05:32:41: .pnkz claimed 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19806, 05:37:47: .pnkz froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 19806, 06:44:05: .pnkz uploaded a Ice Wyvern: Melanie - Lvl 128 Day 19806, 06:48:43: .pnkz froze kamikaze - Lvl 313 (Griffin) Day 19927, 15:32:20: .pnkz froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 338 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19928, 15:48:20: .pnkz froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 338 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19928, 23:00:56: .pnkz Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis)! Day 19928, 23:08:09: .pnkz froze Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 19929, 04:33:09: .pnkz Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 22 (Mantis)! Day 19929, 04:55:39: .pnkz froze Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 19929, 05:10:29: .pnkz froze Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 19929, 05:23:55: .pnkz froze Mantis - Lvl 22 (Mantis) Day 19929, 05:26:45: .pnkz froze Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 19929, 06:18:55: .pnkz froze Mantis - Lvl 22 (Mantis) Day 19929, 06:21:39: .pnkz froze Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 19929, 07:32:58: .pnkz froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 338 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20153, 09:45:24: .pnkz froze :( - Lvl 323 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21038, 19:14:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1126382989,"tribe":"Pinetronic logs":["Day 13552, 09:18:42: Steffen was added to the Tribe! Day 13552, 09:19:46: Niki was added to the Tribe by Steffen! Day 13552, 09:22:30: Niki was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Steffen! Day 13552, 20:03:39: Steffen demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 13552, 21:09:04: Steffen demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 13552, 21:10:12: Steffen demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 13553, 06:11:14: Tribemember Niki - Lvl 22 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 13553, 07:30:42: Tribemember Niki - Lvl 22 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 90! Day 13553, 08:05:57: Tribemember Niki - Lvl 22 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 20! Day 13553, 10:33:32: Niki Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 82 (Moschops)! Day 13553, 11:02:21: Tribemember Niki - Lvl 23 was killed! Day 13553, 11:04:55: Tribemember Steffen - Lvl 24 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 85! Day 13553, 11:15:30: Tribemember Steffen - Lvl 24 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 85! Day 13553, 15:13:19: Tribemember Steffen - Lvl 30 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 60! Day 13553, 17:04:15: Tribemember Niki - Lvl 25 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 50! Day 13553, 18:38:53: Tribemember Niki - Lvl 29 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 15! Day 13553, 19:42:35: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13554, 04:28:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)! Day 13554, 06:03:19: Niki Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 13554, 12:27:37: Niki Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 13640, 16:37:53: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13717, 09:55:28: lala - Lvl 102 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 14069, 23:49:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14069, 23:49:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14069, 23:49:15: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14078, 13:42:53: Tribemember Niki - Lvl 35 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 14078, 13:43:20: Tribemember Steffen - Lvl 44 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 18982, 20:11:26: Tribemember Niki - Lvl 1 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55!"] "tribeid":1125067876,"tribe":"peanut butter rag logs":["Day 24091, 14:38:27: Maria was added to the Tribe! Day 24091, 14:50:42: Mr Rex was added to the Tribe by Maria! Day 24091, 19:59:15: Your Egg Thief - Lvl 86 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 150! Day 24091, 20:18:49: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 86 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 150! Day 24091, 21:05:30: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 86 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 24091, 21:22:54: Mr Rex claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24092, 14:40:50: Mr Rex Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)! Day 24092, 16:28:48: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 86 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 60! Day 24092, 16:29:43: Your The Big Bitch - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 60! Day 24092, 16:30:09: Your Egg Stealer - Lvl 94 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 160! Day 24092, 16:31:36: Tribemember Maria - Lvl 108 was killed! Day 24389, 18:58:07: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31294, 00:10:08: GreenHoonGranny - Lvl 85 (Pepegasus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1123943184,"tribe":"TheFallen logs":["Day 34582, 12:01:36: Void was added to the Tribe! Day 34582, 12:02:39: ryze was added to the Tribe by Void! Day 34582, 14:10:32: Tribemember ryze - Lvl 6 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 20! Day 34582, 14:16:09: Tribemember Void - Lvl 8 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 55! Day 34582, 15:25:58: Tribemember ryze - Lvl 7 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 130! Day 34583, 08:12:50: ryze Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 259 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 34583, 12:20:11: Void demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 34880, 08:14:33: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34880, 08:14:33: Your 'Thatch Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34940, 16:21:48: Robbie Finkle Jr - Lvl 265 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 36114, 08:23:33: Tribemember ryze - Lvl 23 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 36114, 08:24:04: Tribemember Void - Lvl 25 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55!"] "tribeid":1122545424,"tribe":"Tribe of Shushy logs":["Day 37026, 15:58:23: Joshy was added to the Tribe! Day 37026, 16:08:21: shu was added to the Tribe by Joshy! Day 37124, 13:35:38: Tribemember shu - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 37227, 08:31:22: Tribemember Joshy - Lvl 11 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15!"] "tribeid":1121918276,"tribe":"Tribe of Чупакабра logs":["Day 23295, 06:04:52: Чупакабра was added to the Tribe! Day 23295, 06:09:10: Джофри was added to the Tribe by Чупакабра! Day 23295, 09:29:28: Tribemember Джофри - Lvl 6 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 23295, 13:21:47: Tribemember Чупакабра - Lvl 17 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 23318, 03:17:13: Tribemember Джофри - Lvl 11 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 23445, 16:09:43: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31008, 12:24:50: Tribemember Джофри - Lvl 11 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 135!"] "tribeid":1119609532,"tribe":"DigBick logs":["Day 15785, 08:10:08: u2 froze Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 256 (Thylacoleo) Day 15785, 09:12:46: u2 froze F 208 - Lvl 208 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 15785, 13:49:33: u2 claimed 'Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 223 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 15785, 13:52:16: u2 froze Baby M 223 - Lvl 223 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 15785, 14:06:41: u2 froze F 208 - Lvl 208 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 15785, 14:08:58: u2 froze M X-Yuty 169 - Lvl 169 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 15785, 14:10:36: u2 froze M X-Yuty 217 - Lvl 217 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 15785, 16:30:01: u2 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 355 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15785, 16:35:46: u2 froze Procoptodon - Lvl 260 (Procoptodon) Day 15785, 16:38:48: u2 froze M 248 - Lvl 248 (Thylacoleo) Day 15800, 06:52:22: u2 froze M 223 - Lvl 223 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 15800, 08:05:24: u2 claimed 'Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 202 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 15800, 08:07:02: u2 froze Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 202 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 15800, 08:20:04: u2 froze M X-Yuty 209 - Lvl 209 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 15800, 08:29:02: u2 claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 252 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 15800, 08:30:24: u2 froze Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 252 (Thylacoleo) Day 15800, 08:39:16: u2 froze M 256 - Lvl 256 (Thylacoleo) Day 15800, 08:52:48: u2 froze M 256 - Lvl 256 (Thylacoleo) Day 15800, 09:35:05: u2 froze F 160 - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus) Day 15800, 10:15:18: u2 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15800, 10:16:54: u2 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 15800, 10:20:46: u2 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15800, 10:25:30: u2 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15800, 10:27:00: u2 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 15800, 10:28:36: u2 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15800, 10:30:13: u2 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 15800, 10:40:42: u2 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 15800, 11:12:21: u2 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 250 (Thylacoleo) Day 15800, 11:44:16: u2 froze Juvenile Cobalt - Lvl 252 (Thylacoleo) Day 15800, 11:53:16: Your Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 202 (X-Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 15800, 11:53:16: Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 202 (X-Yutyrannus) starved to death! Day 15813, 14:26:32: Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 15813, 16:37:04: u2 froze M CRFT - Lvl 276 (Gacha) Day 15813, 16:39:42: u2 froze F CRFT - Lvl 271 (Gacha) Day 15813, 16:46:58: u2 froze Ellie - Lvl 332 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 15813, 16:50:38: u2 froze Ellie - Lvl 332 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 15813, 17:15:16: u2 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15813, 17:18:52: u2 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15813, 17:23:27: u2 unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15813, 17:27:00: u2 unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15813, 18:06:46: u2 froze U2's Healer - Lvl 423 (Snow Owl) Day 15813, 18:08:22: u2 froze U2's Healer - Lvl 423 (Snow Owl) Day 15813, 18:10:26: u2 froze U2's Healer - Lvl 423 (Snow Owl) Day 15813, 18:12:42: u2 froze U2's Healer - Lvl 423 (Snow Owl) Day 15814, 05:57:15: u2 froze Charity - Lvl 412 (Snow Owl) Day 15815, 02:05:57: u2 froze U2's Healer - Lvl 423 (Snow Owl) Day 15815, 02:11:27: u2 froze U2's Healer - Lvl 423 (Snow Owl) Day 15815, 02:16:33: u2 froze U2's Healer - Lvl 423 (Snow Owl) Day 15815, 02:20:37: u2 froze U2's Healer - Lvl 423 (Snow Owl) Day 15815, 02:26:44: u2 froze U2's Healer - Lvl 423 (Snow Owl) Day 15815, 02:31:29: u2 froze U2's Healer - Lvl 423 (Snow Owl) Day 15815, 02:52:51: u2 froze Ellie - Lvl 332 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 15832, 03:27:30: u2 froze U2's Healer - Lvl 423 (Snow Owl) Day 15832, 03:31:22: u2 froze U2's Healer - Lvl 423 (Snow Owl) Day 15832, 03:35:18: u2 froze U2's Healer - Lvl 423 (Snow Owl) Day 15832, 03:41:16: u2 froze U2's Healer - Lvl 423 (Snow Owl) Day 15832, 04:46:11: u2 froze Ellie - Lvl 334 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 15832, 04:56:04: u2 froze U2's Healer - Lvl 423 (Snow Owl) Day 15832, 05:00:01: u2 froze U2's Healer - Lvl 423 (Snow Owl) Day 15832, 05:03:40: u2 froze U2's Healer - Lvl 423 (Snow Owl) Day 15832, 05:07:19: u2 froze U2's Healer - Lvl 423 (Snow Owl) Day 15832, 05:10:56: u2 froze U2's Healer - Lvl 423 (Snow Owl) Day 15832, 06:35:21: u2 froze Ellie - Lvl 334 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 15833, 05:59:59: u2 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 15833, 08:12:14: u2 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 183 (Shadowmane) Day 15833, 08:22:07: u2 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 183 (Shadowmane) Day 15839, 12:21:44: u2 froze Element Dust [Clone] - Lvl 191 (Gacha) Day 15839, 12:23:37: u2 froze U2's Healer - Lvl 423 (Snow Owl) Day 15839, 12:25:06: u2 froze Doedicurus - Lvl 316 (Doedicurus) Day 15839, 13:39:52: u2 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 183 (Shadowmane) Day 15840, 03:01:59: u2 claimed 'Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 220 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 15840, 03:08:36: u2 froze Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 220 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 15867, 13:27:35: u2 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 176 (Shadowmane)'! Day 15867, 13:30:48: u2 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 176 (Shadowmane) Day 15867, 13:51:45: u2 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15867, 13:53:25: u2 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 15867, 16:01:40: u2 claimed 'Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 221 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 15867, 16:03:30: u2 froze Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 221 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 15867, 21:32:01: Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 15868, 07:08:33: u2 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 318 (Ankylosaurus) Day 15868, 07:46:33: u2 froze Charity - Lvl 415 (Snow Owl) Day 15868, 07:48:02: u2 froze U2's Healer - Lvl 423 (Snow Owl) Day 15868, 14:13:47: u2 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 335 (Ankylosaurus) Day 15868, 14:15:32: u2 froze M #1 - Lvl 349 (Argentavis) Day 15868, 14:49:21: u2 froze Maggie - Lvl 214 (Magmasaur) Day 15869, 14:25:56: u2 froze Ellie - Lvl 337 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 15879, 07:46:06: u2 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15879, 07:47:26: u2 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 15879, 07:50:38: u2 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 15879, 08:41:59: u2 claimed 'Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 230 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 15879, 08:43:05: u2 claimed 'Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 227 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 15879, 08:45:20: u2 froze Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 230 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 15879, 08:47:03: u2 froze Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 227 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 15879, 09:17:25: u2 claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 256 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 15879, 09:19:07: u2 froze Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 256 (Thylacoleo) Day 15879, 13:09:23: u2 froze Agent 001 - Lvl 217 (Shadowmane) Day 15879, 13:13:41: u2 froze Ellie - Lvl 338 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 15880, 16:35:11: u2 froze Ellie - Lvl 338 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 15921, 05:47:58: u2 froze M #8 BP Oil - Lvl 166 (Gacha) Day 15921, 05:51:48: u2 froze Charity - Lvl 415 (Snow Owl) Day 15921, 05:53:37: u2 froze U2's Healer - Lvl 423 (Snow Owl) Day 15921, 05:59:31: u2 froze Doedicurus - Lvl 319 (Doedicurus) Day 15921, 08:47:27: u2 froze Agent 001 - Lvl 240 (Shadowmane) Day 15921, 09:02:09: u2 claimed 'Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 232 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 15921, 09:05:15: u2 froze Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 232 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 15935, 14:37:51: u2 froze Maewing - Lvl 287 (Maewing) Day 15935, 14:43:16: u2 claimed 'Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 226 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 15935, 14:45:54: u2 froze Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 226 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 15935, 14:58:10: u2 claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 244 (Maewing)'! Day 15935, 15:01:10: u2 froze Baby Maewing - Lvl 244 (Maewing) Day 15935, 15:55:02: u2 froze F 160 - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus) Day 15935, 15:56:40: u2 froze F 156 - Lvl 156 (Deinonychus) Day 15935, 16:48:04: u2 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 189 (Shadowmane)'! Day 15935, 16:55:32: u2 froze Baby M 189 - Lvl 189 (Shadowmane) Day 15935, 17:40:20: Your Baby M 189 - Lvl 189 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 15935, 17:40:20: Baby M 189 - Lvl 189 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 15935, 17:51:56: u2 froze M 145 - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 15935, 18:02:36: u2 froze F X-Yuty 217 - Lvl 217 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 15935, 18:04:16: u2 froze F X-Yuty 178 - Lvl 178 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 15935, 18:06:04: u2 froze M X-Yuty 209 - Lvl 209 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 15935, 18:09:37: u2 froze M 223 - Lvl 223 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 15935, 18:40:40: u2 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15935, 18:43:04: u2 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 15935, 21:13:51: u2 froze Agent 001 - Lvl 242 (Shadowmane) Day 15935, 21:29:11: u2 claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 254 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 15935, 21:33:32: u2 froze Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 254 (Thylacoleo) Day 15935, 21:49:51: u2 froze Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 254 (Thylacoleo) Day 15935, 23:45:59: Your Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 226 (X-Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 15935, 23:45:59: Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 226 (X-Yutyrannus) starved to death! Day 15936, 00:47:32: Your Juvenile Thylacoleo - Lvl 250 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 15936, 00:47:32: Juvenile Thylacoleo - Lvl 250 (Thylacoleo) starved to death! Day 15936, 01:15:11: Your Juvenile Thylacoleo - Lvl 252 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 15936, 01:15:11: Juvenile Thylacoleo - Lvl 252 (Thylacoleo) starved to death! Day 15936, 02:39:15: Your Juvenile Thylacoleo - Lvl 250 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 15936, 02:39:15: Juvenile Thylacoleo - Lvl 250 (Thylacoleo) starved to death! Day 15936, 03:12:11: u2 froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 244 (Maewing) Day 15936, 03:18:57: u2 froze Maewing - Lvl 287 (Maewing) Day 15936, 06:04:15: Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 15936, 06:04:15: Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 15936, 06:04:15: Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 15936, 06:04:15: Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 15936, 06:04:15: Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 15948, 19:43:11: u2 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 15963, 09:16:04: u2 froze Procoptodon - Lvl 296 (Procoptodon) Day 15963, 09:19:40: u2 froze Megatherium - Lvl 318 (Megatherium) Day 15963, 09:35:04: u2 froze Agent 001 - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 15963, 09:40:33: u2 froze Smokey - Lvl 295 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15963, 10:30:12: u2 froze Agent 001 - Lvl 245 (Shadowmane) Day 15963, 10:41:36: u2 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 254 (Thylacoleo) Day 16022, 13:56:33: u2 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 156 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16022, 13:59:07: u2 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 156 (Shadowmane) Day 16022, 14:42:26: Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 156 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 16022, 14:55:53: u2 froze Agent 001 - Lvl 266 (Shadowmane) Day 16022, 15:05:40: u2 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16022, 15:08:04: u2 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 16037, 07:58:52: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16037, 07:58:52: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16149, 10:11:46: u2 froze M 339 (3 DMG) - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 16149, 10:16:27: u2 froze M 339 (3 DMG) - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 16149, 11:51:17: u2 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16149, 11:52:39: u2 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 16149, 12:29:48: u2 froze Agent 001 - Lvl 267 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 04:09:29: u2 froze Agent 001 - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 06:36:28: u2 froze Agent 001 - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 07:24:31: u2 froze Agent 001 - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 07:38:41: u2 froze F1 - Lvl 141 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 07:40:33: u2 froze M1 - Lvl 222 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 08:04:07: u2 froze u2 #6 - Lvl 216 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 08:40:26: u2 froze u2 #4 - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 10:07:14: u2 froze Agent 001 - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 10:17:12: u2 froze u2 #5 - Lvl 222 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 10:19:03: u2 froze u2 #6 - Lvl 216 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 10:21:21: u2 froze u2 #6 - Lvl 216 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 11:20:54: u2 froze u2 #6 - Lvl 216 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 11:22:50: u2 froze u2 #5 - Lvl 222 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 12:20:14: u2 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 216 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16155, 12:37:17: u2 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 216 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 14:09:25: u2 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 213 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16155, 14:14:17: u2 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 213 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 15:48:24: u2 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16155, 16:17:01: u2 froze u2 #6 - Lvl 216 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 16:18:41: u2 froze u2 #3 - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 16:21:09: u2 froze u2 #1 - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 16:28:12: u2 froze Baby Baby #1 - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 18:29:25: u2 froze F1 - Lvl 141 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 18:31:20: u2 froze M1 - Lvl 222 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 18:34:19: u2 froze u2 #8 - Lvl 206 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 18:36:07: u2 froze u2 #4 - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 18:37:47: u2 froze u2 #7 - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 18:39:45: u2 froze u2 #2 - Lvl 259 (Shadowmane) Day 16155, 18:41:54: u2 froze u2 #5 - Lvl 222 (Shadowmane) Day 16156, 12:05:55: Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 216 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 16156, 12:05:55: Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 213 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 16156, 12:10:48: u2 froze F 241 (4 DMG) - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 16156, 12:13:10: u2 froze M 333 #1 - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 16156, 12:21:53: u2 froze Baby #1 - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane) Day 16156, 12:30:58: u2 froze u2 #6 - Lvl 216 (Shadowmane) Day 16156, 13:34:06: u2 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 294 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16156, 15:24:12: u2 froze u2 #4 - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane) Day 16156, 15:43:03: u2 froze Baby #1 - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane) Day 16156, 17:05:56: u2 froze Agent 001 - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 16172, 20:07:21: Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 176 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 16173, 09:16:55: u2 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16173, 13:05:26: u2 froze Agent 001 - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 16182, 06:54:06: u2 froze Baby #2 - Lvl 294 (Shadowmane) Day 16182, 06:56:06: u2 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 357 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16182, 06:58:38: u2 froze u2 #6 - Lvl 216 (Shadowmane) Day 16182, 08:14:59: u2 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16182, 09:11:14: u2 froze u2 #1 - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane) Day 16182, 19:17:50: u2 froze u2 #6 - Lvl 216 (Shadowmane) Day 16182, 19:19:36: u2 froze u2 #4 - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane) Day 16182, 19:21:27: u2 froze F1 - Lvl 141 (Shadowmane) Day 16182, 19:23:29: u2 froze u2 #3 - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 16182, 19:26:46: u2 froze Agent 001 - Lvl 275 (Shadowmane) Day 16200, 18:44:02: u2 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 296 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16200, 18:54:01: u2 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16200, 19:23:52: u2 unclaimed 'Baby Baby #4 - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16200, 19:39:39: u2 froze F1 - Lvl 141 (Shadowmane) Day 16200, 19:40:22: u2 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16200, 19:41:31: u2 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16200, 19:43:56: u2 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16200, 19:51:37: u2 froze u2 #1 - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane) Day 16200, 19:53:26: u2 froze u2 #4 - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane) Day 16200, 19:56:26: u2 froze u2 #3 - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 16200, 19:58:51: u2 froze u2 #6 - Lvl 216 (Shadowmane) Day 16200, 20:06:15: u2 froze Agent 001 - Lvl 275 (Shadowmane) Day 16200, 21:51:03: u2 claimed 'Juvenile Baby #4 - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16201, 03:31:21: Your Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16201, 03:31:21: Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 16201, 03:48:29: u2 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane) Day 16201, 04:20:03: Your Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16201, 04:20:03: Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 16201, 09:10:14: Juvenile Baby #4 - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 16230, 07:40:28: u2 froze F 333 #16 - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 16230, 07:43:43: u2 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 16230, 07:46:20: u2 froze F1 - Lvl 141 (Shadowmane) Day 16230, 07:55:41: u2 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 16230, 08:58:53: u2 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 296 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16230, 09:12:47: u2 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 280 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16230, 09:17:56: u2 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 275 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16230, 10:05:28: u2 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16230, 11:31:31: u2 froze Astrodelphis - Lvl 271 (Astrodelphis) Day 16230, 11:45:15: u2 froze Agent 001 - Lvl 280 (Shadowmane) Day 16258, 02:53:04: u2 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 310 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16258, 04:07:20: u2 froze u2 #4 - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane) Day 16258, 04:12:18: u2 froze Baby #5 - Lvl 296 (Shadowmane) Day 16258, 04:24:52: u2 froze u2 #6 - Lvl 216 (Shadowmane) Day 16258, 06:13:42: u2 froze u2 #3 - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 16258, 06:15:36: u2 froze u2 #1 - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane) Day 16258, 06:21:09: u2 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 296 (Shadowmane) Day 16258, 06:23:03: u2 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 275 (Shadowmane) Day 16258, 06:25:17: u2 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 280 (Shadowmane) Day 16258, 06:27:33: u2 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane) Day 16258, 06:45:47: u2 froze Agent 001 - Lvl 280 (Shadowmane) Day 16258, 09:15:01: u2 froze Maggie - Lvl 235 (Magmasaur) Day 16258, 09:18:23: u2 froze Agent 001 - Lvl 280 (Shadowmane) Day 16258, 16:23:40: u2 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16258, 16:24:59: u2 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 16258, 16:25:44: u2 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16258, 16:27:07: u2 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) Day 16268, 03:40:26: u2 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 16268, 03:44:48: u2 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) Day 16268, 03:58:06: u2 froze Baby #6 - Lvl 310 (Shadowmane) Day 16268, 05:52:38: u2 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16268, 06:24:44: u2 froze Baby #6 - Lvl 310 (Shadowmane) Day 16286, 02:03:31: u2 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16286, 05:07:10: u2 froze Agent 001 - Lvl 280 (Shadowmane) Day 16286, 05:39:22: u2 froze Maggie - Lvl 236 (Magmasaur) Day 16286, 06:16:43: u2 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 16294, 19:25:02: u2 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16295, 16:32:37: Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 16311, 20:18:12: u2 froze Agent 002 - Lvl 356 (Shadowmane) Day 16311, 21:20:07: u2 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16312, 02:15:40: u2 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16312, 02:30:31: u2 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 16312, 02:46:29: u2 froze Agent 002 - Lvl 356 (Shadowmane) Day 16312, 03:10:31: u2 froze Juvenile AGENT 003 - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 16312, 03:22:51: u2 froze Juvenile AGENT 003 - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 16322, 15:09:00: Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 16322, 15:09:00: Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 16643, 20:36:48: u2 froze Agent 002 - Lvl 361 (Shadowmane) Day 16996, 11:58:36: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16996, 11:58:36: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17162, 06:59:01: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17162, 06:59:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17162, 06:59:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17162, 06:59:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17162, 06:59:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17287, 08:36:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17293, 13:07:30: Your Dung Beetle - Lvl 111 (Dung Beetle) was killed! Day 17302, 09:07:09: Riddick - Lvl 124 (Peace and Ark) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 111 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 17302, 09:22:10: Riddick - Lvl 124 (Peace and Ark) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 118 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 17302, 09:57:19: Tribemember Twisted - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 17328, 23:02:09: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17328, 23:02:09: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17328, 23:02:09: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17328, 23:02:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17328, 23:02:09: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17328, 23:02:09: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17328, 23:02:09: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17328, 23:02:09: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17339, 15:36:47: Tribemember u2 - Lvl 153 was killed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17509, 15:18:26: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21604, 22:15:37: Your 'Tek Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1118883747,"tribe":"Eevee logs":["Day 18658, 06:08:02: Wishlock froze Megalania - Lvl 224 (Megalania) Day 18658, 09:03:43: Wishlock Tamed a Megalania - Lvl 209 (Megalania)! Day 18658, 09:56:41: Wishlock froze Megalania - Lvl 209 (Megalania) Day 18658, 09:59:38: Wishlock froze Megalania - Lvl 224 (Megalania) Day 18658, 11:18:01: Wishlock Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 194 (Mantis)! Day 18658, 11:20:51: Wishlock froze Mantis - Lvl 194 (Mantis) Day 18658, 13:05:59: Wishlock Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis)! Day 18658, 14:50:49: Wishlock froze Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 18658, 14:53:36: Wishlock froze Mantis - Lvl 194 (Mantis) Day 18658, 15:17:14: Wishlock froze X-Rex - Lvl 238 (X-Rex) Day 18658, 15:52:36: Wishlock froze Utility - Lvl 286 (Poison Wyvern) Day 18658, 17:36:36: Wishlock claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 215 (Megalania)'! Day 18658, 17:39:19: Wishlock froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 215 (Megalania) Day 18658, 17:54:01: Wishlock claimed 'Baby Mantis - Lvl 199 (Mantis)'! Day 18658, 17:57:54: Wishlock froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 215 (Megalania) Day 18658, 18:00:45: Wishlock froze Baby Mantis - Lvl 199 (Mantis) Day 18659, 00:20:09: Wishlock froze Juvenile Mantis - Lvl 199 (Mantis) Day 18659, 17:39:55: Wishlock froze Megalania - Lvl 215 (Megalania) Day 18660, 00:42:23: Wishlock froze Adolescent Mantis - Lvl 199 (Mantis) Day 18672, 23:08:17: Tribemember Lavender - Lvl 116 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 25! Day 18675, 11:16:48: Wishlock froze Mantis - Lvl 199 (Mantis) Day 18675, 18:42:08: Wishlock froze Utility - Lvl 286 (Poison Wyvern) Day 18675, 23:53:55: Wishlock froze Megalania - Lvl 245 (Megalania) Day 18676, 09:09:41: Wishlock froze Megalania - Lvl 245 (Megalania) Day 18676, 18:58:19: Wishlock froze Megalania - Lvl 246 (Megalania) Day 18676, 20:27:41: Wishlock froze Megalania - Lvl 246 (Megalania) Day 18677, 02:11:37: Wishlock froze Megalania - Lvl 246 (Megalania) Day 18677, 09:37:39: Wishlock froze Megalania - Lvl 246 (Megalania) Day 18677, 11:50:20: Tribemember Wishlock - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 18677, 12:54:28: Wishlock froze Utility - Lvl 286 (Poison Wyvern) Day 18677, 13:25:46: Wishlock froze Utility - Lvl 286 (Poison Wyvern) Day 18677, 14:01:50: Wishlock froze Megalania - Lvl 246 (Megalania) Day 18677, 14:50:28: Wishlock froze Utility - Lvl 286 (Poison Wyvern) Day 18677, 16:00:21: Wishlock froze Megalania - Lvl 209 (Megalania) Day 18677, 16:03:43: Wishlock froze Megalania - Lvl 224 (Megalania) Day 18781, 09:50:04: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18781, 09:50:04: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18863, 17:52:54: Lavender Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 29 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 18863, 18:31:33: Lavender froze asdfg - Lvl 29 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18863, 22:31:58: Lavender froze Lavender - Lvl 133 (Ice Wyvern) Day 18863, 22:37:17: Lavender froze Lolli - Lvl 297 (Argentavis) Day 18863, 22:42:53: Lavender froze Mia - Lvl 262 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18863, 22:49:28: Lavender froze purpur - Lvl 123 (Pteranodon) Day 18863, 22:55:03: Lavender froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 286 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 18863, 22:59:48: Lavender froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 189 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 18863, 23:06:37: Lavender froze Claudia - Lvl 222 (Doedicurus) Day 18863, 23:23:38: Lavender froze Mojo Mojo - Lvl 103 (Ferox) Day 18863, 23:27:32: Lavender froze Pikachu - Lvl 206 (Ferox) Day 18875, 14:00:35: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18965, 13:19:23: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19012, 05:23:56: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19141, 22:50:23: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19154, 10:05:16: Your 'Large Bear Trap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19459, 23:39:23: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19459, 23:39:23: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19459, 23:39:23: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19459, 23:39:23: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19459, 23:39:23: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19459, 23:39:23: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19459, 23:39:23: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19459, 23:39:23: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19459, 23:39:23: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19459, 23:39:23: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19459, 23:39:23: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19459, 23:39:23: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19459, 23:39:23: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19459, 23:39:23: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19459, 23:39:23: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19459, 23:39:23: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19459, 23:39:23: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19459, 23:39:23: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19469, 12:04:26: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lavender - Lvl 172 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19610, 22:14:11: Zenalis - Lvl 161 (Miki's Legacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sadsd - Lvl 60 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 19718, 20:17:38: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19742, 10:43:25: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19742, 10:43:25: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19765, 15:59:51: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19806, 03:52:29: .pnkz - Lvl 121 (Tribe of .pnkz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Melanie - Lvl 128 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19897, 20:51:07: 's 'YASY - Lvl 193 (Castoroides)' died in a Cryopod! Day 19897, 20:51:07: 's 'pinky - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 19897, 20:51:38: 's 'X-Rex - Lvl 208 (X-Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 19897, 20:51:38: 's 'X-Rex - Lvl 202 (X-Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 19897, 20:51:38: 's 'Baby X-Rex - Lvl 200 (X-Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 19897, 20:51:38: 's 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 211 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 19897, 20:51:38: 's 'Triceratops - Lvl 269 (Triceratops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 19897, 20:51:38: 's 'X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 194 (X-Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 19897, 20:51:38: 's 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 343 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 19897, 20:51:38: 's 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 229 (Tek Stegosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 19897, 20:51:38: 's 'X-Triceratops - Lvl 216 (X-Triceratops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 19897, 20:51:38: 's 'Booya - Lvl 290 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 19897, 20:51:38: 's 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 19897, 20:51:38: 's 'Velonasaur - Lvl 256 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 19897, 20:51:38: 's 'Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20025, 03:41:19: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20025, 03:41:19: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22245, 09:47:02: Tribemember Lavender - Lvl 117 was killed! Day 22564, 04:34:36: Daz - Lvl 181 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 23203, 16:26:41: Badra was added to the Tribe by Lavender! Day 23203, 16:28:48: Badra was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Lavender! Day 23204, 02:20:26: Tribemember Lavender - Lvl 117 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 145! Day 23247, 21:07:36: Tribemember Badra - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 23247, 22:31:53: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23248, 01:23:26: Slick was added to the Tribe by Badra! Day 23248, 08:19:34: Tribemember Badra - Lvl 25 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 23248, 11:16:34: Badra Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 112 (Dilophosaur)! Day 23248, 14:24:39: Tribemember Badra - Lvl 28 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 150! Day 23249, 03:06:02: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 65 (Pteranodon)! Day 23249, 05:58:30: Slick claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 211 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 23249, 06:18:01: Slick claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 231 (Doedicurus)'! Day 23249, 07:09:12: Lavender Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)! Day 23249, 09:58:41: Slick demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 23249, 10:51:34: Slick demolished a 'Storage Box (Unlocked) '! Day 23249, 11:02:53: Slick demolished a 'Storage Box (Unlocked) '! Day 23249, 13:28:30: Slick Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 23249, 14:00:23: Slick demolished a 'Wooden Double Door (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 23249, 15:17:43: Slick claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 157 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23250, 03:44:52: Slick demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 23250, 03:46:53: Slick demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 23251, 02:32:34: Tribemember Badra - Lvl 41 was killed by Lavender - Lvl 117 (Eevee)! Day 23251, 02:32:34: Your Tribe killed Badra - Lvl 41 (Eevee)! Day 23251, 02:55:35: Tribemember Badra - Lvl 41 was killed by Lavender - Lvl 117 (Eevee)! Day 23251, 02:55:35: Your Tribe killed Badra - Lvl 41 (Eevee)! Day 23273, 01:50:34: Your Skippy - Lvl 119 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 23290, 20:22:04: Tribemember Wishlock - Lvl 121 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 23290, 20:25:18: Tribemember professor snape - Lvl 33 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 23366, 14:01:31: Your 'Compost Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23366, 14:34:16: Your Bitch - Lvl 71 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 45! Day 23381, 18:56:37: Tribemember Badra - Lvl 42 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 55! Day 23381, 21:19:55: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 50! Day 23414, 07:04:16: Tribemember Lavender - Lvl 117 was killed! Day 23415, 10:46:43: Your asdfg - Lvl 195 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 145! Day 23434, 02:07:16: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 239 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 135! Day 23439, 15:20:00: Your Slickii - Lvl 175 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 15! Day 23445, 16:09:43: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23445, 16:09:43: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23509, 08:42:01: Tribemember Slick - Lvl 59 was killed! Day 23752, 07:02:55: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24117, 14:40:07: Nytrix - Lvl 25 (Tribe 945169) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 272 (Doedicurus)'! Day 24318, 21:29:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24318, 21:29:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24318, 21:29:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24318, 21:29:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24318, 21:29:07: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24318, 21:29:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24318, 21:29:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24318, 21:29:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24318, 21:29:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24318, 21:29:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24318, 21:29:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24318, 21:29:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24318, 21:29:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24318, 21:29:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24318, 21:29:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24318, 21:29:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24318, 21:29:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24318, 21:29:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24318, 21:29:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42099, 17:56:22: Lavender Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 89 (Dilophosaur)! Day 42099, 19:12:49: Lavender Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 35 (Pteranodon)! Day 42106, 06:39:56: Lavender claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 42106, 12:15:25: Lavender claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 344 (Desmodus)'! Day 42106, 12:32:36: Lavender claimed 'Male H10780 S924 M290 - Lvl 219 (Rex)'! Day 42106, 12:40:03: Lavender claimed 'Zero .. LW - Lvl 241 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 42106, 12:52:13: Lavender claimed 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 239 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 42106, 12:52:48: Lavender claimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 188 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 42106, 13:24:36: Lavender claimed 'FEM 2 - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 42106, 13:41:35: Lavender claimed 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 42106, 13:55:30: Lavender claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 102 (Deinonychus)'! Day 42106, 14:16:49: Lavender claimed 'Chris - Lvl 294 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 42106, 15:07:36: Lavender claimed 'Dexter - Lvl 187 (Rex)'! Day 42106, 15:09:00: Lavender claimed 'Fem - Lvl 207 (Rex)'! Day 42106, 15:10:47: Lavender claimed 'Female 1332S 313M - Lvl 272 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 42106, 15:23:47: Lavender claimed 'FEM 3 - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 42106, 15:45:32: Lavender claimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 197 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 42106, 15:52:56: Lavender claimed 'FEM - Lvl 249 (Rex)'! Day 42106, 16:11:06: Lavender claimed 'M purp - Lvl 187 (Rex)'! Day 42106, 16:32:52: Lavender claimed 'Male base - Lvl 189 (Rex)'! Day 42119, 03:52:35: Tribemember Lavender - Lvl 117 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 45! Day 42119, 12:23:28: Lavender claimed 'MAT FARMER - Lvl 119 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 42119, 12:42:07: Lavender claimed '135 m - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 42119, 12:51:47: Lavender claimed 'SXMM :) - Lvl 134 (Rex)'! Day 42119, 14:07:17: Lavender claimed 'GUNNER - Lvl 30 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 42123, 17:07:05: professor snape was removed from the Tribe! Day 42123, 21:02:41: UWUGIRL445234 was added to the Tribe by Lavender! Day 42123, 22:33:51: Tribemember UWUGIRL445234 - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 42144, 12:23:22: FEM 3 - Lvl 374 (R-Velonasaur) starved to death! Day 42151, 01:42:15: Tribemember Lavender - Lvl 117 was killed! Day 42170, 08:51:23: Your Poo - Lvl 35 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 42170, 15:52:43: UWUGIRL445234 claimed 'Johnky - Lvl 225 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 42170, 16:02:28: UWUGIRL445234 claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 234 (Argentavis)'! Day 42170, 17:37:38: UWUGIRL445234 claimed 'JohnDICK - Lvl 76 (Doedicurus)'! Day 42170, 17:49:35: UWUGIRL445234 claimed 'Arjohntavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)'! Day 42172, 08:09:15: Lavender claimed 'Lana Tavis - Lvl 170 (Argentavis)'! Day 42172, 08:11:40: Lavender claimed 'Rex - Lvl 139 (Rex)'! Day 42172, 08:12:36: Lavender claimed 'Tyrannosaurus John - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 42245, 14:31:59: Lavender froze FEM 2 - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 42245, 14:39:29: Lavender froze FEM 2 - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 42245, 14:43:24: Lavender froze Dexter - Lvl 357 (Rex) Day 42245, 14:52:38: Lavender froze Dexter - Lvl 357 (Rex) Day 42245, 14:57:35: Lavender froze Deinonychus - Lvl 102 (Deinonychus) Day 42245, 15:05:01: Lavender froze Fem - Lvl 207 (Rex) Day 42245, 15:16:39: Lavender froze Fem - Lvl 207 (Rex) Day 42245, 15:20:00: Lavender froze Female 1332S 313M - Lvl 272 (R-Velonasaur) Day 42245, 15:26:52: Lavender froze M purp - Lvl 187 (Rex) Day 42276, 09:16:49: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42276, 09:16:49: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42289, 07:59:46: Your Zero .. LW - Lvl 241 (Ice Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 45! Day 42291, 00:26:33: Lavender froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 42291, 03:42:22: Lavender demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 42291, 03:44:24: Lavender demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 42291, 03:46:00: Lavender demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 42291, 03:48:26: Lavender demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 42291, 03:49:50: Lavender demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 42291, 03:51:30: Lavender demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 42291, 03:54:23: Lavender demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 42291, 04:24:54: Lavender froze Poopy - Lvl 96 (Dilophosaur) Day 42291, 04:30:02: Lavender froze 135 m - Lvl 231 (Rex) Day 42291, 04:42:50: Lavender froze Desmodus - Lvl 354 (Desmodus) Day 42291, 14:47:17: Lavender claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 42291, 16:42:50: Lavender claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 50 (Dodo)'! Day 42291, 17:37:27: Your Juvenile dodo - Lvl 50 (Dodo) was killed! Day 42291, 17:37:27: Juvenile dodo - Lvl 50 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 42291, 19:56:27: Lavender froze Male base - Lvl 348 (Rex) Day 42291, 20:01:58: Lavender froze SXMM :) - Lvl 134 (Rex) Day 42292, 22:42:34: Juvenile Booboo - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 42293, 01:11:06: Lavender claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 231 (Argentavis)'! Day 42293, 01:15:18: Lavender froze Baby ASDSA - Lvl 231 (Argentavis) Day 42293, 01:26:42: Lavender froze Baby ASDSA - Lvl 231 (Argentavis) Day 42293, 05:34:03: Lavender froze Chris - Lvl 351 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 42294, 07:11:03: Lavender froze Ada - Lvl 29 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 42294, 07:16:33: Lavender froze Zapper - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 42419, 00:26:06: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42419, 00:26:06: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42442, 19:19:44: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42442, 19:19:44: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42504, 14:20:06: Tribemember UWUGIRL445234 - Lvl 88 was killed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42680, 23:04:02: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42680, 23:04:02: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42680, 23:04:02: Your 'Thatch Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42712, 00:56:27: Lavender froze Baby ASDSA - Lvl 231 (Argentavis) Day 42712, 01:59:25: Lavender froze Ada - Lvl 127 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 42717, 07:57:04: Lavender claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 96 (Dodo)'! Day 42717, 08:04:58: Lavender froze Baby dodo - Lvl 96 (Dodo) Day 42717, 10:28:47: Lavender demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 42717, 10:30:30: Lavender demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 42717, 13:22:04: Lavender claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 42717, 13:26:18: Lavender froze Baby sadda - Lvl 50 (Poison Wyvern) Day 42762, 22:21:24: Lavender froze Baby sadda - Lvl 50 (Poison Wyvern) Day 42791, 03:16:29: Lavender froze SXMM :) - Lvl 134 (Rex) Day 42791, 03:21:30: Lavender froze M purp - Lvl 187 (Rex) Day 42854, 10:46:07: Lavender froze FEM - Lvl 344 (Rex) Day 42854, 18:32:54: Lavender claimed 'woody - Lvl 77 (Parasaur)'! Day 42854, 18:33:59: Lavender claimed 'Dodo - Lvl 215 (Dodo)'! Day 42966, 17:52:26: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42966, 17:52:26: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42966, 17:52:26: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42966, 17:52:26: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43078, 18:40:57: Argentavis - Lvl 145 destroyed your 'Wall Torch (Locked) '! Day 43113, 19:57:21: Your Tribe Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 66 (Sabertooth)! Day 43113, 20:01:58: Your Sabertooth - Lvl 66 (Sabertooth) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 55! Day 43113, 21:56:57: 's 'FEM - Lvl 344 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 43113, 21:56:57: 's 'Baby sadda - Lvl 50 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 43113, 21:56:57: 's 'SXMM :) - Lvl 134 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 43113, 21:56:57: 's 'M purp - Lvl 187 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 43113, 21:56:57: 's 'Baby dodo - Lvl 96 (Dodo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 43113, 21:56:57: 's 'Baby ASDSA - Lvl 231 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 43181, 19:04:58: Lavender demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 43181, 19:06:12: Lavender demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 43181, 19:08:36: Lavender demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 43181, 23:04:17: Lavender demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 43182, 09:51:34: Lavender demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 43195, 08:11:59: Your Dodo - Lvl 215 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 135! Day 43243, 11:55:51: Lavender Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 43243, 12:20:56: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur)! Day 43243, 13:02:19: Lavender froze weewoo - Lvl 29 (Parasaur) Day 43243, 13:06:07: Lavender froze Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur) Day 43243, 14:02:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 82 (Phiomia)! Day 43243, 14:40:05: Lavender froze Phiomia - Lvl 82 (Phiomia) Day 43243, 14:55:21: Lavender claimed 'Andy - Lvl 281 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 43243, 15:00:23: Lavender froze Andy - Lvl 281 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43243, 18:01:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)! Day 43243, 18:03:23: Lavender's 'Andy - Lvl 281 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 43243, 18:05:33: Lavender's 'Phiomia - Lvl 82 (Phiomia)' died in a Cryopod! Day 43243, 18:07:56: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 43252, 00:56:21: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43267, 18:08:49: Lavender froze Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon) Day 43267, 18:12:36: Lavender froze Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon) Day 43267, 19:17:59: Lavender froze Ada - Lvl 127 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 43267, 19:25:25: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 156! Day 43267, 20:53:54: Rex - Lvl 145 destroyed your 'Electric Cable Intersection'! Day 43267, 20:53:54: Rex - Lvl 145 destroyed your 'Wall Torch (Locked) '! Day 43267, 21:27:36: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 143 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 145! Day 43267, 21:35:59: Your weewoo - Lvl 29 (Parasaur) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 145! Day 43267, 22:11:41: Argentavis - Lvl 90 destroyed your 'Wall Torch (Locked) '! Day 43443, 13:09:30: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43871, 22:44:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43933, 23:00:31: bootha195 - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Shakexion) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 239 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 43933, 23:24:54: bootha195 - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Shakexion) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 188 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 44007, 09:05:14: Nova.3 - Lvl 84 (Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MAT FARMER - Lvl 120 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 44007, 09:07:57: Nova.3 - Lvl 84 (Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'GUNNER - Lvl 30 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 44007, 21:25:07: Nova.3 - Lvl 84 (Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Male H10780 S924 M290 - Lvl 219 (Rex)'! Day 44007, 21:39:07: Nova.3 - Lvl 84 (Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 230 (Pteranodon)'! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Wind Turbine' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44014, 19:53:02: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44162, 18:34:50: GOBLIN - Lvl 48 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 44163, 00:13:03: GOBLIN - Lvl 48 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chris - Lvl 351 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 44163, 00:36:53: GOBLIN - Lvl 48 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 44163, 00:43:50: GOBLIN - Lvl 48 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fem - Lvl 366 (Rex)'! Day 44163, 00:44:59: GOBLIN - Lvl 48 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dexter - Lvl 357 (Rex)'! Day 44163, 01:04:56: GOBLIN - Lvl 48 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'LEA HELEN - Lvl 247 (Argentavis)'! Day 44163, 01:22:12: GOBLIN - Lvl 48 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ada - Lvl 127 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 44163, 01:29:02: GOBLIN - Lvl 48 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zapper - Lvl 314 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 44163, 01:45:57: GOBLIN - Lvl 48 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Female 1332S 313M - Lvl 371 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 44163, 01:48:11: GOBLIN - Lvl 48 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 253 (Deinonychus)'! Day 44163, 01:51:09: GOBLIN - Lvl 48 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FEM 2 - Lvl 329 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 44163, 01:51:59: GOBLIN - Lvl 48 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Male base - Lvl 348 (Rex)'! Day 44163, 01:53:43: GOBLIN - Lvl 48 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame '135 m - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 44163, 01:54:39: GOBLIN - Lvl 48 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'JONATHAN - Lvl 246 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 44163, 02:06:55: GOBLIN - Lvl 48 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Poopy - Lvl 114 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 44163, 02:15:23: GOBLIN - Lvl 48 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur)'! Day 44163, 02:27:41: GOBLIN - Lvl 48 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'STEINAR - Lvl 110 (Doedicurus)'! Day 44164, 13:33:17: GOBLIN - Lvl 52 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lana Tavis - Lvl 184 (Argentavis)'! Day 44164, 13:39:00: GOBLIN - Lvl 52 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 139 (Rex)'! Day 44164, 13:40:09: GOBLIN - Lvl 52 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tyrannosaurus John - Lvl 232 (Rex)'! Day 44164, 13:54:24: GOBLIN - Lvl 52 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 360 (Desmodus)'! Day 44176, 23:11:18: woody - Lvl 77 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 44300, 15:26:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44300, 15:26:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44300, 15:26:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44300, 15:26:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44300, 15:26:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44300, 15:26:19: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44300, 15:26:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44300, 15:26:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44300, 15:26:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44300, 15:26:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44300, 15:26:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44300, 15:26:19: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44466, 23:53:47: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44480, 13:37:54: Tribemember UWUGIRL445234 - Lvl 96 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 90! Day 44480, 13:40:03: Tribemember Lavender - Lvl 117 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 90!"] "tribeid":1117194671,"tribe":"Tribe of Davies logs":["Day 32521, 23:41:44: Davies claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 32521, 23:47:32: Davies froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32521, 23:48:53: Davies claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 32521, 23:53:57: Davies froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32522, 00:07:53: Davies claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 221 (Argentavis)'! Day 32522, 00:25:13: Davies froze Argentavis - Lvl 290 (Argentavis) Day 32522, 00:37:49: Davies claimed 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 32522, 00:45:12: Davies froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32522, 00:47:47: Davies claimed 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 32522, 00:56:03: Davies claimed 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 32522, 01:13:55: Davies froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 32522, 04:44:52: Your Argentavis - Lvl 290 (Argentavis) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 32522, 09:56:40: Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 32522, 10:46:54: Stenhouse claimed 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 32522, 10:49:40: Your Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 373 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32522, 10:49:40: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) (Tribe of Davies)! Day 32522, 22:07:30: Your Thor - Lvl 419 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 32522, 22:12:16: Tribemember Davies - Lvl 114 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 32522, 22:12:16: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 237 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 32523, 06:48:05: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32523, 06:54:52: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32523, 07:01:31: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32523, 07:07:46: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32523, 07:26:05: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32523, 07:30:58: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32523, 07:35:15: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32523, 07:41:21: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32523, 07:50:35: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32523, 07:56:35: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32523, 08:33:59: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32523, 08:41:39: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32523, 09:37:41: Davies froze no7 - Lvl 217 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32523, 09:43:56: Davies froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 274 (Rex) Day 32523, 09:47:19: Davies froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 274 (Rex) Day 32523, 10:47:31: Davies froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32523, 10:51:24: Davies froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32523, 10:56:26: Davies froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 32523, 11:32:55: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32523, 11:35:46: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32523, 11:37:10: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32523, 14:13:29: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32523, 14:13:29: Your Tribe killed R-Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 32523, 14:13:29: Your no6 - Lvl 217 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32523, 14:13:29: Your Tribe killed no6 - Lvl 217 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 32523, 14:13:29: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 215 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32523, 14:13:29: Your Tribe killed R-Velonasaur - Lvl 215 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 32523, 14:13:29: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32523, 14:13:29: Your Tribe killed R-Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 32523, 14:13:29: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32523, 14:13:29: Your Tribe killed R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 32523, 14:13:29: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32523, 14:13:29: Your Tribe killed R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 32523, 14:13:32: Your ven 3 - Lvl 280 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32523, 14:13:32: Your Tribe killed ven 3 - Lvl 280 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 32523, 14:15:07: Your ven 4 - Lvl 215 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32523, 14:15:07: Your Tribe killed ven 4 - Lvl 215 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 32523, 14:15:07: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32523, 14:15:07: Your Tribe killed R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 32523, 14:17:21: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32523, 14:17:21: Your Tribe killed R-Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 32523, 14:20:55: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32523, 14:20:55: Your Tribe killed R-Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 32523, 14:22:28: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32523, 14:22:28: Your Tribe killed R-Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 32523, 14:23:58: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32523, 14:23:58: Your Tribe killed R-Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 32523, 14:26:59: Davies froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 32523, 15:07:30: Davies froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32523, 15:12:37: Davies froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32523, 15:16:08: Davies froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32523, 15:20:08: Davies froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32523, 15:37:33: Davies froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 32523, 15:42:28: Davies froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32523, 17:43:58: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32523, 17:43:58: Your Tribe killed R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) (Tribe of Davies)! Day 32523, 17:43:58: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32523, 17:43:58: Your Tribe killed R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 32523, 17:43:58: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32523, 17:43:58: Your Tribe killed R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 32523, 17:43:58: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32523, 17:43:58: Your Tribe killed R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 32523, 17:43:58: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32523, 17:43:58: Your Tribe killed R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) (Tribe of Davies)! Day 32523, 19:58:26: Davies froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32523, 20:08:32: Davies froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 274 (Rex) Day 32523, 21:26:51: Davies claimed 'Thor - Lvl 406 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 32523, 22:17:11: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 406 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32524, 00:55:02: Stenhouse froze Blueberry - Lvl 149 (Snow Owl) Day 32524, 01:12:52: Davies froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 32524, 01:35:23: Stenhouse froze Blueberry - Lvl 149 (Snow Owl) Day 32524, 06:18:34: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 32524, 06:24:37: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 274 (Rex) Day 32524, 07:47:12: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 32524, 07:51:35: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 274 (Rex) Day 32524, 07:56:05: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 274 (Rex) Day 32524, 08:19:27: Stenhouse claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 32524, 08:24:26: Stenhouse froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32524, 08:33:16: Davies claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 32524, 08:38:59: Davies froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 32524, 09:22:34: Stenhouse froze Baby Scar - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32524, 09:31:48: Davies claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 32524, 09:37:21: Davies claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 32524, 09:43:51: Davies froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32524, 09:47:39: Davies froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32524, 11:38:13: Davies froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32524, 11:47:58: Davies froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32524, 12:19:44: Davies froze Shadowmane - Lvl 257 (Shadowmane) Day 32524, 12:34:29: Davies froze Shadowmane - Lvl 257 (Shadowmane) Day 32524, 15:12:24: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32524, 15:18:43: Davies froze no7 - Lvl 217 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32524, 15:22:19: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32524, 15:27:16: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32524, 16:22:19: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 419 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32524, 18:19:04: Davies froze Shadowmane - Lvl 274 (Shadowmane) Day 32542, 03:39:39: Gacha - Lvl 147 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 32542, 04:44:00: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32542, 04:47:14: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32543, 23:56:14: chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Tribe of Overdrive) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 32549, 21:28:07: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 32557, 22:05:11: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32557, 22:22:57: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32558, 04:00:34: Davies claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 32558, 04:13:40: Davies froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 32558, 04:29:49: Davies froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 32558, 05:55:59: Your Hesperornis - Lvl 112 (Hesperornis) was killed! Day 32558, 05:55:59: Hesperornis - Lvl 112 (Hesperornis) starved to death! Day 32558, 06:01:49: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32558, 06:02:39: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32558, 06:03:38: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32558, 06:04:49: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32558, 06:06:11: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32558, 06:07:14: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32558, 06:11:20: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32558, 06:13:03: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32558, 06:13:59: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32558, 06:16:00: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32558, 07:14:07: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32558, 07:16:15: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32558, 07:18:21: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32558, 07:19:35: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32558, 07:21:34: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32558, 07:54:29: Davies froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32558, 08:00:06: Your Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Thor - Lvl 419 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 32558, 08:00:06: Your Tribe killed Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 32558, 08:00:45: Your Gacha - Lvl 225 (Gacha) was killed by Thor - Lvl 419 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 32558, 08:00:45: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 225 (Gacha)! Day 32558, 09:58:08: Your Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Thor - Lvl 419 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 32558, 09:58:08: Your Tribe killed Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur) (Tribe of Davies)! Day 32558, 09:58:08: Your Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Thor - Lvl 419 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 32558, 09:58:08: Your Tribe killed Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur) (Tribe of Davies)! Day 32558, 13:48:57: Your Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 32558, 13:48:57: Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 32560, 07:34:06: Davies froze Shadowmane - Lvl 303 (Shadowmane) Day 32560, 08:32:07: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32560, 08:37:26: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32560, 08:45:58: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32560, 08:49:54: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32560, 08:54:29: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32560, 09:05:55: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32560, 10:02:15: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32560, 10:04:33: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32560, 10:05:21: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32560, 10:07:01: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32560, 10:08:23: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32561, 10:32:18: Davies froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32561, 10:43:39: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32561, 10:54:41: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32561, 11:00:26: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32561, 11:08:33: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32561, 11:16:55: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32561, 11:23:56: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32561, 11:31:08: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32561, 11:38:58: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32561, 11:46:59: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32561, 11:54:33: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32561, 12:02:43: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32561, 12:09:48: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32561, 12:20:03: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32561, 12:26:45: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32561, 12:31:20: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32561, 12:41:55: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32561, 12:48:51: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32561, 13:37:39: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32561, 13:45:56: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32561, 13:53:34: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32561, 13:59:55: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32561, 14:13:12: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32561, 14:59:11: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32561, 14:59:58: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32561, 15:00:46: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32561, 15:01:39: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32561, 15:09:42: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32563, 10:51:39: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32563, 10:58:20: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32563, 11:03:40: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32563, 11:07:15: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32563, 11:13:24: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32563, 11:20:06: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32563, 11:27:16: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32563, 11:36:07: Your Gacha - Lvl 190 (Gacha) was killed! Day 32563, 11:36:07: Gacha - Lvl 190 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 32563, 16:57:22: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 419 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32563, 19:08:04: Davies froze Shadowmane - Lvl 308 (Shadowmane) Day 32563, 19:30:24: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Thor - Lvl 419 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 32563, 19:30:24: Your Tribe killed R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 32563, 19:30:24: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Thor - Lvl 419 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 32563, 19:30:24: Your Tribe killed R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 32563, 19:30:24: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Thor - Lvl 419 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 32563, 19:30:24: Your Tribe killed R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 32563, 19:30:24: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Thor - Lvl 419 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 32563, 19:30:24: Your Tribe killed R-Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 32563, 19:30:24: Your no7 - Lvl 217 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Thor - Lvl 419 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 32563, 19:30:24: Your Tribe killed no7 - Lvl 217 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 32567, 02:25:44: Tribemember Davies - Lvl 114 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 32567, 05:00:22: Davies froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32569, 00:12:27: Your Hesperornis - Lvl 105 (Hesperornis) was killed! Day 32569, 00:12:27: Hesperornis - Lvl 105 (Hesperornis) starved to death! Day 32569, 00:23:31: Davies froze Shadowmane - Lvl 311 (Shadowmane) Day 32569, 09:06:36: Stenhouse froze Baby Scar - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32569, 09:50:32: Your Gacha - Lvl 113 (Gacha) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32569, 09:50:32: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 113 (Gacha)! Day 32569, 13:15:16: Your Hesperornis - Lvl 105 (Hesperornis) was killed! Day 32569, 13:15:16: Hesperornis - Lvl 105 (Hesperornis) starved to death! Day 32569, 14:12:01: Stenhouse froze Juvenile Scar - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32569, 23:40:37: Stenhouse froze Juvenile Scar - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32570, 05:34:04: Stenhouse claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 111 (Gacha)'! Day 32570, 05:53:13: Stenhouse claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 190 (Gacha)'! Day 32570, 05:56:25: Stenhouse claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 190 (Gacha)'! Day 32570, 05:59:31: Stenhouse claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 156 (Gacha)'! Day 32570, 06:01:40: Stenhouse claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 170 (Gacha)'! Day 32570, 06:04:24: Stenhouse claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 183 (Gacha)'! Day 32570, 06:07:25: Stenhouse claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 183 (Gacha)'! Day 32570, 06:11:33: Stenhouse claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 206 (Gacha)'! Day 32570, 06:14:06: Stenhouse claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 161 (Gacha)'! Day 32570, 06:16:35: Stenhouse claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 151 (Gacha)'! Day 32570, 06:21:20: Stenhouse claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha)'! Day 32570, 06:53:42: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 170 (Gacha) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32570, 06:53:42: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 170 (Gacha) (Tribe of Davies)! Day 32570, 06:53:42: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 183 (Gacha) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32570, 06:53:42: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 183 (Gacha) (Tribe of Davies)! Day 32570, 06:53:42: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32570, 06:53:42: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha) (Tribe of Davies)! Day 32570, 06:53:42: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 183 (Gacha) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32570, 06:53:42: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 183 (Gacha) (Tribe of Davies)! Day 32570, 06:53:42: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 161 (Gacha) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32570, 06:53:42: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 161 (Gacha) (Tribe of Davies)! Day 32570, 06:53:42: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 156 (Gacha) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32570, 06:53:42: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 156 (Gacha) (Tribe of Davies)! Day 32570, 06:53:42: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 190 (Gacha) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32570, 06:53:42: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 190 (Gacha) (Tribe of Davies)! Day 32570, 06:53:45: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 190 (Gacha) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32570, 06:53:45: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 190 (Gacha) (Tribe of Davies)! Day 32570, 10:14:35: Stenhouse froze Adolescent Scar - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32570, 10:32:10: Stenhouse claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 169 (Gacha)'! Day 32570, 10:37:11: Stenhouse claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 178 (Gacha)'! Day 32570, 10:38:52: Stenhouse claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 178 (Gacha)'! Day 32570, 13:07:16: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32570, 13:58:57: Davies claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 278 (Rex)'! Day 32570, 13:59:59: Davies claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 274 (Rex)'! Day 32570, 14:01:09: Davies claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex)'! Day 32570, 14:43:41: Stenhouse froze Adolescent Scar - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32570, 14:47:28: Stenhouse froze Adolescent Scar - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32570, 18:29:33: Davies froze Baby Rex - Lvl 274 (Rex) Day 32570, 20:06:21: Stenhouse froze Scar - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32571, 01:11:41: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 225 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32571, 01:14:11: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32571, 01:27:26: Davies froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 274 (Rex) Day 32571, 01:38:50: Davies froze Juvenile bestF - Lvl 278 (Rex) Day 32571, 05:40:26: Davies froze Shadowmane - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane) Day 32571, 05:51:18: Davies froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 274 (Rex) Day 32571, 05:55:26: Davies froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 32571, 06:03:13: Davies froze Juvenile bestF - Lvl 278 (Rex) Day 32571, 06:37:27: Davies claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 32571, 06:38:12: Davies claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 32571, 07:06:27: Davies claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 149 (Snow Owl)'! Day 32571, 08:37:44: Davies froze Juvenile bestF - Lvl 278 (Rex) Day 32571, 09:57:47: Davies froze Shadowmane - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane) Day 32571, 10:56:53: Davies froze Shadowmane - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane) Day 32571, 11:41:45: Stenhouse froze Scar - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 32572, 22:42:35: Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 111 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 32572, 22:42:39: Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 169 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 32572, 22:42:46: Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 178 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 32572, 22:42:46: Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 178 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 32573, 01:40:17: Stenhouse froze Scar - Lvl 272 (Shadowmane) Day 32574, 00:02:12: Davies froze Shadowmane - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane) Day 32574, 00:42:45: Davies froze ven8 - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32574, 04:22:50: Davies froze ven8 - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32574, 05:45:11: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 225 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32574, 05:46:44: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32574, 20:44:18: Davies froze ven8 - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32574, 22:41:41: Davies froze ven8 - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32575, 02:19:08: Davies froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 32575, 19:11:05: Davies froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 32575, 19:15:15: Davies froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 32575, 19:21:52: Davies froze Adolescent bestF - Lvl 278 (Rex) Day 32575, 19:26:22: Davies froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 274 (Rex) Day 32575, 19:30:06: Davies froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 274 (Rex) Day 32575, 19:35:53: Davies froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 274 (Rex) Day 32581, 08:48:16: Stenhouse froze Snow Owl - Lvl 153 (Snow Owl) Day 32581, 09:48:58: Stenhouse froze Snow Owl - Lvl 153 (Snow Owl) Day 32581, 10:01:42: Stenhouse froze Thorn - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32582, 17:41:34: Tribemember Stenhouse - Lvl 113 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 32582, 19:03:36: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 255 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 32582, 20:10:34: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 357 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32584, 14:00:37: Davies froze ven8 - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32585, 04:34:14: Davies froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 32585, 04:40:36: Davies froze Adolescent bestF - Lvl 278 (Rex) Day 32585, 10:11:53: Davies froze Adolescent bestF - Lvl 278 (Rex) Day 32585, 10:15:55: Davies froze Adolescent bestF - Lvl 278 (Rex) Day 32585, 12:40:01: Davies froze bestF - Lvl 278 (Rex) Day 32585, 13:36:48: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 32585, 13:44:08: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 274 (Rex) Day 32585, 13:52:26: Davies froze bestF - Lvl 278 (Rex) Day 32586, 07:25:16: Davies claimed 'Baby Mantis - Lvl 250 (Mantis)'! Day 32586, 07:26:28: Davies claimed 'Baby Mantis - Lvl 232 (Mantis)'! Day 32586, 07:27:52: Davies claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 218 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 32586, 07:29:04: Davies claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32586, 07:30:52: Davies claimed 'Baby Mantis - Lvl 220 (Mantis)'! Day 32586, 07:33:02: Davies claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 207 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 32586, 09:07:53: Davies claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 208 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 32586, 09:13:49: Davies froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 208 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32586, 09:28:50: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 220 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32586, 09:29:41: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 266 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32586, 09:30:34: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 271 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32586, 09:31:57: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 266 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32586, 09:33:26: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 244 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32586, 09:35:02: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32586, 09:35:54: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 169 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32586, 09:36:51: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 220 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32586, 09:39:06: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 271 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32586, 09:48:23: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 212 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32586, 11:14:26: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 420 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32586, 12:45:19: Stenhouse froze Thorn - Lvl 375 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32586, 12:51:37: Davies froze Shadowmane - Lvl 315 (Shadowmane) Day 32586, 17:08:35: Stenhouse froze Scar - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 32586, 21:41:00: Stenhouse froze Thorn - Lvl 375 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32586, 23:16:50: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 420 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32587, 00:03:22: Stenhouse froze Scar - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 32587, 03:22:07: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 420 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32587, 09:19:45: Davies froze Shadowmane - Lvl 315 (Shadowmane) Day 32587, 12:13:05: Stenhouse froze Thorn - Lvl 375 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32587, 13:07:27: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 220 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32587, 13:11:45: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 220 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32587, 13:17:15: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 271 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32587, 13:26:47: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 244 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32587, 13:32:46: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 271 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32587, 13:43:32: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 266 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32587, 13:48:24: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 212 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32587, 13:53:06: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 169 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32587, 13:58:14: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32587, 14:09:04: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 266 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32589, 05:55:23: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 252 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32589, 05:58:19: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 252 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32589, 06:38:12: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 225 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Thor - Lvl 420 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 32589, 06:38:12: Your Tribe killed R-Velonasaur - Lvl 225 (R-Velonasaur) (Tribe of Davies)! Day 32589, 06:38:12: Your food - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Thor - Lvl 420 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 32589, 06:38:12: Your Tribe killed food - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur) (Tribe of Davies)! Day 32589, 06:38:18: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Thor - Lvl 420 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 32589, 06:38:18: Your Tribe killed R-Velonasaur - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur) (Tribe of Davies)! Day 32589, 06:38:18: Your health - Lvl 225 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Thor - Lvl 420 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 32589, 06:38:18: Your Tribe killed health - Lvl 225 (R-Velonasaur) (Tribe of Davies)! Day 32589, 07:12:24: Your bary 5 - Lvl 175 (Baryonyx) was killed! Day 32589, 07:12:24: bary 5 - Lvl 175 (Baryonyx) starved to death! Day 32589, 08:46:08: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 271 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32589, 09:07:56: Davies froze Baby 20 - Lvl 271 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32590, 10:14:51: Stenhouse froze Gacha - Lvl 151 (Gacha) Day 32590, 17:54:03: Davies froze 19 - Lvl 252 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32590, 19:03:11: Davies froze 19 - Lvl 252 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32590, 20:18:23: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 253 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32590, 20:19:11: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 268 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32590, 20:20:45: Davies claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 255 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 32591, 06:19:13: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 420 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32591, 11:29:49: Davies froze Shadowmane - Lvl 315 (Shadowmane) Day 32591, 16:05:01: Stenhouse froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32591, 17:03:23: Stenhouse froze Thorn - Lvl 375 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32592, 03:54:00: Stenhouse froze GOD - Lvl 224 (Gacha) Day 32592, 04:46:14: Stenhouse froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 268 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32592, 04:51:55: Stenhouse froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 253 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32592, 05:00:42: Stenhouse froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 255 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32592, 05:07:48: Stenhouse froze ven8 - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32592, 05:11:45: Stenhouse froze 20 - Lvl 271 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32592, 06:04:33: Stenhouse froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 200 (Sinomacrops) Day 32592, 06:09:50: Stenhouse froze Thorn - Lvl 375 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32593, 00:56:01: Stenhouse froze Thor - Lvl 420 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32593, 07:48:01: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 76 (Dilophosaur) was killed! Day 32593, 07:48:01: Dilophosaur - Lvl 76 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 32593, 12:19:38: Tribemember Stenhouse - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 32593, 13:17:07: Tribemember Stenhouse - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 32593, 17:57:36: Stenhouse froze Argentavis - Lvl 99 (Argentavis) Day 32594, 01:32:10: Stenhouse froze 19 - Lvl 252 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32594, 01:36:27: Stenhouse froze 19 - Lvl 252 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32594, 01:42:46: Stenhouse froze 13 - Lvl 271 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32594, 03:05:46: Stenhouse froze 17 - Lvl 244 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32594, 03:35:05: Stenhouse froze 10 - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32594, 04:21:39: Stenhouse froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 207 (Sinomacrops) Day 32594, 04:34:49: Stenhouse froze Thorn - Lvl 375 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32594, 07:44:25: Stenhouse froze Thor - Lvl 420 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33082, 15:16:53: Stenhouse's 'Thorn - Lvl 375 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 33397, 16:10:54: Davies's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 315 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37721, 21:26:22: Tribemember Davies - Lvl 114 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 25!"] "tribeid":1115888285,"tribe":"Overwhelming Potatos logs":["Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Giant Trapdoor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Giant Trapdoor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25462, 15:06:00: James claimed 'Ross' pimp machine (Raft)'! Day 25464, 07:42:20: Darkrelic was removed from the Tribe by James! Day 25464, 07:42:48: Fayebeard was removed from the Tribe by James! Day 25464, 16:38:12: James Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 37 (Moschops)! Day 25464, 18:39:47: James Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 82 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 25483, 17:24:07: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 86 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 100! Day 25552, 09:28:08: Your Moschops - Lvl 46 (Moschops) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 25853, 07:44:20: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25853, 07:44:20: Your 'Thatch Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25914, 17:23:51: Tribemember James - Lvl 127 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 150! Day 26131, 06:57:11: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 436 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 26389, 03:49:16: ArticWolf - Lvl 152 (WolfPack) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ross' pimp machine (Raft)'! Day 28487, 07:02:24: Tribemember James - Lvl 127 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 135! Day 28487, 10:15:22: Tribemember James - Lvl 127 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 135! Day 28487, 10:57:42: James claimed '16khp300d - Lvl 203 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 28487, 11:06:16: James claimed 'Chardonnay - Lvl 240 (Sarco)'! Day 28487, 11:08:47: James claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 316 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 28487, 12:39:48: James claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 177 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 28487, 12:43:54: James unclaimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 177 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 28487, 13:52:35: James claimed 'Megalodon - Lvl 222 (Megalodon)'! Day 28487, 13:56:21: James unclaimed 'Megalodon - Lvl 222 (Megalodon)'! Day 28487, 16:15:08: James claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 135 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 28487, 16:18:27: James claimed 'Sabre - Lvl 265 (Sabertooth)'! Day 28487, 16:25:36: James claimed 'sleepyhead - Lvl 89 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 28487, 16:28:04: James claimed 'Friut Salad - Lvl 114 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28487, 16:29:18: James claimed 'Sally - Lvl 309 (Baryonyx)'! Day 28487, 16:30:16: James claimed 'flyer 8 - Lvl 287 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28487, 16:30:43: James claimed 'Speedy - Lvl 195 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28487, 16:31:46: James claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 272 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 28487, 16:32:27: James claimed 'Nigella - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 28885, 01:17:11: Speedy - Lvl 195 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 28912, 19:07:40: Friut Salad - Lvl 114 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 29073, 23:48:20: vhe - Lvl 112 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nigella - Lvl 255 (Argentavis)'! Day 29141, 18:09:00: sleepyhead - Lvl 89 (Megalosaurus) starved to death! Day 29240, 12:43:06: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 316 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 29281, 00:15:03: Brontosaurus - Lvl 135 (Brontosaurus) starved to death! Day 29299, 07:44:06: Chardonnay - Lvl 246 (Sarco) starved to death! Day 29450, 22:06:15: Sabre - Lvl 265 (Sabertooth) starved to death! Day 29666, 05:46:58: Tribemember James - Lvl 127 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 145! Day 29667, 23:29:22: Ethan - Lvl 56 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'flyer 8 - Lvl 287 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29667, 23:30:33: Ethan - Lvl 56 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sally - Lvl 309 (Baryonyx)'! Day 29667, 23:32:08: Ethan - Lvl 56 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 272 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 30755, 12:20:31: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame '16khp300d - Lvl 203 (Basilosaurus)'!"] "tribeid":1115134957,"tribe":"Tribe of starjamin logs":["Day 27666, 02:35:22: starjamin was added to the Tribe! Day 27666, 02:38:30: Nikemya2000 was added to the Tribe by starjamin! Day 27666, 03:40:30: Nikemya2000 froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 174 (Griffin) Day 27666, 14:47:55: starjamin froze stars weight bird - Lvl 265 (Argentavis) Day 27666, 14:49:19: Nikemya2000 froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 177 (Griffin) Day 27666, 14:50:58: starjamin froze Griffin - Lvl 282 (Griffin) Day 27666, 23:17:57: starjamin froze stars weight bird - Lvl 265 (Argentavis) Day 27667, 00:16:47: starjamin claimed 'Frosty - Lvl 242 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 27667, 00:21:00: starjamin froze Frosty - Lvl 242 (Ice Wyvern) Day 27667, 00:44:14: starjamin claimed 'Megatron - Lvl 128 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 27667, 00:51:00: starjamin froze Megatron - Lvl 128 (Megalosaurus) Day 27667, 01:06:57: starjamin claimed 'Clifford - Lvl 273 (Griffin)'! Day 27667, 01:27:13: Nikemya2000 claimed 'Pinky - Lvl 220 (Castoroides)'! Day 27667, 01:32:06: Nikemya2000 froze Pinky - Lvl 220 (Castoroides) Day 27667, 01:32:15: starjamin froze Clifford - Lvl 278 (Griffin) Day 27667, 01:57:03: starjamin claimed 'nelly - Lvl 243 (Argentavis)'! Day 27667, 01:57:45: starjamin claimed 'Nigella - Lvl 233 (Argentavis)'! Day 27667, 01:58:40: starjamin claimed 'collin - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 27667, 02:00:59: starjamin claimed 'Neville - Lvl 271 (Argentavis)'! Day 27667, 02:10:17: starjamin froze Griffin - Lvl 282 (Griffin) Day 27667, 02:17:53: starjamin unclaimed 'Neville - Lvl 271 (Argentavis)'! Day 27667, 02:23:40: starjamin unclaimed 'nelly - Lvl 243 (Argentavis)'! Day 27667, 02:36:38: starjamin unclaimed 'Nigella - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 27667, 02:40:26: starjamin unclaimed 'collin - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 27667, 02:56:38: starjamin froze Megatron - Lvl 128 (Megalosaurus) Day 27667, 14:13:18: Nikemya2000 froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 177 (Griffin) Day 27667, 14:30:44: starjamin froze Frosty - Lvl 244 (Ice Wyvern) Day 27688, 11:58:29: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 246 (Ice Wyvern) Day 27875, 14:04:20: starjamin claimed 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 210 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 27875, 14:04:49: starjamin claimed 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 232 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 27875, 14:05:13: starjamin claimed 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 220 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 27875, 14:13:31: starjamin claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 125 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 27875, 14:15:28: starjamin claimed 'MAHAMOET - Lvl 316 (Mammoth)'! Day 27875, 14:15:55: starjamin claimed 'Mammoth - Lvl 252 (Mammoth)'! Day 27875, 14:17:42: starjamin claimed 'Dire Bear - Lvl 209 (Dire Bear)'! Day 27875, 14:18:27: starjamin claimed 'Mr. Paddington - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear)'! Day 27875, 14:18:58: starjamin claimed 'Mrs. Paddington - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear)'! Day 27875, 14:19:48: starjamin claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 27875, 14:25:07: starjamin claimed 'Sulfur + Salt - Lvl 148 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 27875, 14:27:48: starjamin claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 244 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27875, 14:28:25: starjamin claimed 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 231 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 27875, 14:28:54: starjamin claimed 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 238 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 27875, 14:29:42: starjamin claimed 'Whale Whisperer - Lvl 76 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 27875, 14:53:21: starjamin claimed '27S Male - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur)'! Day 27875, 14:55:12: starjamin claimed 'Burthold - Lvl 163 (Magmasaur)'! Day 27875, 14:56:44: starjamin claimed 'Scoria - Lvl 186 (Magmasaur)'! Day 27875, 14:59:58: starjamin claimed 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 244 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 27875, 15:00:29: starjamin claimed 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 235 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 27875, 15:01:33: starjamin claimed 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 226 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 27875, 15:02:20: starjamin claimed 'Metal + Crystal - Lvl 126 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 27875, 15:04:25: starjamin claimed 'Farmer - Lvl 161 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 27875, 15:13:28: starjamin claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 75 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 27875, 15:14:02: starjamin claimed 'Platinum - Lvl 280 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 27875, 15:15:38: starjamin claimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 148 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 27875, 15:16:35: starjamin claimed 'Iguanodon - Lvl 193 (Iguanodon)'! Day 27875, 15:16:52: starjamin claimed 'Iguanodon - Lvl 249 (Iguanodon)'! Day 27875, 15:18:39: starjamin claimed 'Castoroides - Lvl 256 (Castoroides)'! Day 27875, 15:22:08: starjamin claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 156 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 27875, 15:23:17: starjamin claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 311 (Argentavis)'! Day 27875, 15:23:55: starjamin claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 328 (Argentavis)'! Day 27875, 15:24:17: starjamin claimed 'Shmithy - Lvl 392 (Argentavis)'! Day 27875, 15:25:51: starjamin claimed 'Henry - Lvl 324 (Argentavis)'! Day 27875, 15:27:20: starjamin claimed 'Pew Pew - Lvl 158 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 27875, 15:36:02: starjamin claimed 'Astrodelphis - Lvl 295 (Astrodelphis)'! Day 27875, 15:54:36: starjamin claimed 'Basilisk - Lvl 176 (Basilisk)'! Day 27875, 16:13:36: starjamin claimed 'Megachelon - Lvl 313 (Megachelon)'! Day 27875, 16:26:34: starjamin claimed 'R-Gasbags - Lvl 76 (R-Gasbags)'! Day 27875, 16:33:57: starjamin claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27875, 16:36:07: starjamin claimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 164 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 27875, 16:37:07: starjamin claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 174 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27875, 16:44:04: Tribemember starjamin - Lvl 112 was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 164 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of starjamin)! Day 27875, 16:44:04: Your Tribe killed starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin)! Day 27875, 16:52:07: starjamin claimed 'golomslayer - Lvl 278 (Velonasaur)'! Day 27875, 17:23:46: starjamin claimed 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 145 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 27875, 17:33:53: starjamin claimed 'terminator - Lvl 257 (Argentavis)'! Day 27875, 17:39:34: starjamin claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 82 (Argentavis)'! Day 27875, 17:39:57: starjamin claimed 'Holler - Lvl 247 (Argentavis)'! Day 27875, 18:55:24: starjamin claimed 'Aberrant Spino - Lvl 226 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 27875, 18:56:20: starjamin claimed 'Aberrant Spino - Lvl 204 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 27875, 18:56:37: starjamin claimed 'Aberrant Spino - Lvl 194 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 27875, 18:57:48: starjamin claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 230 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 27875, 19:15:08: starjamin claimed 'Mantis - Lvl 232 (Mantis)'! Day 27875, 19:16:01: starjamin claimed 'Mantis - Lvl 232 (Mantis)'! Day 27875, 19:16:29: starjamin claimed 'Mantis - Lvl 233 (Mantis)'! Day 27875, 19:33:18: starjamin claimed '616 weight lvl 150 - Lvl 243 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 27875, 19:45:27: starjamin claimed '[G2] Hay - Lvl 403 (Astrodelphis)'! Day 27875, 20:00:37: starjamin claimed 'Staro - Lvl 36 (Astrodelphis)'! Day 27875, 20:10:53: starjamin claimed 'HeavySpeed - Lvl 338 (Astrodelphis)'! Day 27875, 21:38:41: starjamin claimed 'Tusoteuthis - Lvl 412 (Tusoteuthis)'! Day 27875, 23:03:31: starjamin claimed 'saddle bag - Lvl 174 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 27875, 23:23:27: starjamin claimed 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 234 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 27875, 23:24:34: starjamin claimed 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 220 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 27876, 00:10:42: starjamin claimed 'Saksikäsi - Lvl 201 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 27876, 00:29:04: starjamin claimed 'Fighter Mutation - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 27876, 01:19:48: starjamin claimed 'Obsidian + Metal - Lvl 123 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 27876, 01:25:25: starjamin claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 150 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 27876, 01:37:37: starjamin claimed 'Stone + Flint - Lvl 188 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 27876, 01:49:08: starjamin claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 280 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 27876, 02:01:34: starjamin claimed 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 208 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 27876, 02:02:23: starjamin claimed 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 234 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 27876, 02:02:52: starjamin claimed 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 274 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 27876, 02:30:59: starjamin claimed 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:31:54: starjamin claimed 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:32:30: starjamin claimed 'Perfect male - Lvl 229 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:33:02: starjamin claimed 'Perfect female - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:33:37: starjamin claimed 'Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:34:13: starjamin claimed 'Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:34:51: starjamin claimed 'Rex - Lvl 197 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:35:25: starjamin claimed 'Rex - Lvl 195 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:36:03: starjamin claimed 'Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:36:37: starjamin claimed 'Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:37:12: starjamin claimed 'Rex - Lvl 197 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:37:44: starjamin claimed 'Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:38:18: starjamin claimed 'Rex - Lvl 354 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:38:54: starjamin claimed 'Rex - Lvl 327 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:39:51: starjamin claimed 'Rex - Lvl 351 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:41:36: starjamin claimed 'M HP 1/0 - Lvl 244 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:42:12: starjamin claimed 'F H 2/0 - Lvl 246 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:42:50: starjamin claimed 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:43:38: starjamin claimed 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:44:23: starjamin claimed 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:45:03: starjamin claimed 'M - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:45:43: starjamin claimed 'M - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:46:20: starjamin claimed 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:46:59: starjamin claimed 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:47:37: starjamin claimed 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:52:38: starjamin claimed 'Paradingdong - Lvl 82 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 27876, 02:57:20: starjamin claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 416 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 27876, 03:16:25: starjamin claimed 'Storage - Lvl 167 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 27876, 04:10:17: starjamin claimed 'BJ 20f - Lvl 39 (Megalodon)'! Day 27876, 04:34:13: starjamin froze Megachelon - Lvl 313 (Megachelon) Day 27876, 15:12:35: starjamin uploaded a Astrodelphis: Staro - Lvl 36 Day 27876, 15:13:28: starjamin uploaded a Astrodelphis: HeavySpeed - Lvl 338 Day 27876, 15:14:26: starjamin uploaded a Astrodelphis: Astrodelphis - Lvl 298 Day 27876, 15:15:28: starjamin uploaded a Astrodelphis: [G2] Hay - Lvl 403 Day 27876, 21:55:07: starjamin froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27876, 22:03:48: starjamin froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 174 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27876, 22:44:24: starjamin froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 164 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 27876, 22:56:26: starjamin froze golomslayer - Lvl 288 (Velonasaur) Day 27876, 23:03:34: starjamin froze Basilisk - Lvl 176 (Basilisk) Day 27876, 23:08:42: starjamin claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 164 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 27876, 23:35:52: starjamin froze Basilisk - Lvl 176 (Basilisk) Day 27876, 23:40:48: starjamin froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 226 (Aberrant Spino) Day 27876, 23:45:49: starjamin froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 204 (Aberrant Spino) Day 27876, 23:50:55: starjamin froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 194 (Aberrant Spino) Day 27877, 00:00:03: starjamin froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 230 (Brontosaurus) Day 27877, 00:16:49: starjamin froze Paradingdong - Lvl 82 (Paraceratherium) Day 27877, 00:52:11: starjamin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 220 (R-Velonasaur) Day 27877, 01:19:44: starjamin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 234 (R-Velonasaur) Day 27877, 01:28:40: starjamin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 226 (R-Velonasaur) Day 27877, 01:33:38: starjamin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 235 (R-Velonasaur) Day 27877, 01:38:54: starjamin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 244 (R-Velonasaur) Day 27877, 02:06:01: starjamin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 210 (R-Velonasaur) Day 27877, 02:10:33: starjamin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 232 (R-Velonasaur) Day 27877, 02:15:27: starjamin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 220 (R-Velonasaur) Day 27877, 02:36:25: starjamin claimed 'DAVE - Lvl 306 (Doedicurus)'! Day 27877, 04:33:34: starjamin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 220 (R-Velonasaur) Day 27877, 04:38:17: starjamin froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Fire Wyvern) Day 27877, 05:00:37: starjamin froze 616 weight lvl 150 - Lvl 243 (Fire Wyvern) Day 27877, 05:17:34: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 252 (Ice Wyvern) Day 27877, 05:28:01: starjamin froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 244 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27877, 05:33:38: starjamin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 238 (R-Velonasaur) Day 27877, 05:36:54: starjamin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 231 (R-Velonasaur) Day 27877, 05:46:12: starjamin froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 412 (Tusoteuthis) Day 27877, 06:24:12: starjamin claimed 'Iguanodon - Lvl 215 (Iguanodon)'! Day 27877, 07:49:56: starjamin claimed 'Mammoth - Lvl 283 (Mammoth)'! Day 27877, 08:19:31: starjamin froze Mantis - Lvl 232 (Mantis) Day 27877, 08:47:58: starjamin froze Mantis - Lvl 232 (Mantis) Day 27877, 09:18:14: starjamin froze Mantis - Lvl 233 (Mantis) Day 27878, 17:31:51: starjamin froze Scoria - Lvl 186 (Magmasaur) Day 27878, 17:43:46: starjamin froze 27S Male - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 27879, 00:31:35: starjamin froze Megachelon - Lvl 313 (Megachelon) Day 27879, 03:01:48: starjamin froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 92 (R-Gasbags) Day 27879, 05:42:19: starjamin froze Perfect female - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 27879, 05:48:22: starjamin froze Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 27879, 05:54:08: starjamin froze Rex - Lvl 197 (Rex) Day 27879, 05:58:45: starjamin froze Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 27879, 07:33:41: starjamin froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 145 (Fjordhawk) Day 27879, 07:44:16: starjamin uploaded a Tek Stryder: Farmer - Lvl 162 Day 27896, 19:38:09: starjamin claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 27896, 19:41:20: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 27896, 20:27:48: starjamin claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 347 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 27896, 20:42:42: Nikemya2000 claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 149 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 27898, 09:17:03: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 252 (Ice Wyvern) Day 27898, 09:21:10: Nikemya2000 froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27898, 11:37:12: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 252 (Ice Wyvern) Day 27898, 11:42:59: Tribemember starjamin - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 27898, 16:32:04: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 252 (Ice Wyvern) Day 27898, 17:34:46: Nikemya2000 claimed 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 209 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 27898, 17:37:08: Nikemya2000 claimed 'Pingu - Lvl 89 (Kairuku)'! Day 27898, 17:37:51: Nikemya2000 claimed 'Kairuku - Lvl 291 (Kairuku)'! Day 27898, 17:38:51: Nikemya2000 claimed 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 209 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 27898, 17:57:57: Nikemya2000 claimed 'Kairuku - Lvl 287 (Kairuku)'! Day 27898, 18:12:50: Nikemya2000 froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 224 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28372, 17:04:02: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 126 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 28531, 19:15:23: Pingu - Lvl 134 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 28541, 10:43:00: Your BJ 20f - Lvl 39 (Megalodon) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 100! Day 28541, 11:25:43: vhe - Lvl 100 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Holler - Lvl 284 (Argentavis)'! Day 28541, 11:26:22: vhe - Lvl 100 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 131 (Argentavis)'! Day 28541, 11:26:58: vhe - Lvl 100 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'terminator - Lvl 257 (Argentavis)'! Day 28541, 11:29:26: vhe - Lvl 100 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fighter Mutation - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 28541, 11:30:24: vhe - Lvl 100 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 311 (Argentavis)'! Day 28541, 11:31:11: vhe - Lvl 100 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shmithy - Lvl 392 (Argentavis)'! Day 28541, 11:37:22: vhe - Lvl 100 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DAVE - Lvl 306 (Doedicurus)'! Day 28541, 11:42:59: vhe - Lvl 100 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Platinum - Lvl 280 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 28541, 11:53:03: vhe - Lvl 100 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kairuku - Lvl 298 (Kairuku)'! Day 28541, 11:53:20: vhe - Lvl 100 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kairuku - Lvl 292 (Kairuku)'! Day 28541, 11:59:21: vhe - Lvl 100 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 28555, 19:30:45: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sulfur + Salt - Lvl 148 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 28555, 19:32:12: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Obsidian + Metal - Lvl 123 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 28555, 19:32:56: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 150 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 28555, 19:34:13: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stone + Flint - Lvl 188 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 28555, 19:34:46: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 280 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 28555, 19:37:46: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 28555, 19:39:50: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F H 2/0 - Lvl 246 (Rex)'! Day 28555, 19:40:21: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M HP 1/0 - Lvl 244 (Rex)'! Day 28555, 19:41:32: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 351 (Rex)'! Day 28555, 19:42:19: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 327 (Rex)'! Day 28555, 19:42:53: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 281 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 28555, 19:44:06: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 236 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 28555, 19:44:40: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 284 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 28555, 19:45:50: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 195 (Rex)'! Day 28555, 19:46:39: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 28555, 19:47:55: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 28555, 19:48:13: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 28555, 19:49:24: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 28555, 19:50:01: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 28555, 19:50:21: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 28555, 19:51:37: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 28555, 19:51:56: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 28555, 19:53:05: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 28555, 19:54:23: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perfect male - Lvl 229 (Rex)'! Day 28555, 19:55:08: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 28555, 20:00:24: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 125 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 28555, 20:01:26: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'saddle bag - Lvl 175 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 28555, 20:02:36: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Metal + Crystal - Lvl 126 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 28555, 20:04:10: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Burthold - Lvl 163 (Magmasaur)'! Day 28555, 20:13:09: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 256 (Castoroides)'! Day 28555, 20:14:03: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 256 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 28555, 20:17:44: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Saksikäsi - Lvl 225 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 28555, 20:23:57: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MAHAMOET - Lvl 316 (Mammoth)'! Day 28555, 20:24:27: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 252 (Mammoth)'! Day 28555, 20:56:46: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pew Pew - Lvl 158 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 28555, 20:57:15: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Storage - Lvl 167 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 28556, 04:16:15: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Whale Whisperer - Lvl 76 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 28556, 06:23:42: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 209 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 28556, 13:03:04: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dire Bear - Lvl 273 (Dire Bear)'! Day 28556, 13:09:35: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mr. Paddington - Lvl 294 (Dire Bear)'! Day 28556, 13:13:54: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mrs. Paddington - Lvl 294 (Dire Bear)'! Day 28556, 16:32:38: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 283 (Mammoth)'! Day 28556, 16:44:00: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Henry - Lvl 324 (Argentavis)'! Day 28556, 16:53:19: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 156 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 28556, 17:04:20: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 328 (Argentavis)'! Day 28556, 17:32:15: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iguanodon - Lvl 274 (Iguanodon)'! Day 28556, 17:35:28: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iguanodon - Lvl 232 (Iguanodon)'! Day 28556, 17:37:43: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 199 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 28556, 18:27:00: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 416 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 28556, 18:31:15: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 164 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 28607, 17:47:31: vhe - Lvl 112 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iguanodon - Lvl 215 (Iguanodon)'! Day 28607, 19:15:51: vhe - Lvl 112 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 197 (Rex)'! Day 28607, 19:16:31: vhe - Lvl 112 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 28608, 07:31:10: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 347 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 28612, 17:28:16: Bex - Lvl 7 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 354 (Rex)'! Day 30755, 10:31:55: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 209 (Basilosaurus)'!"] "tribeid":1113420632,"tribe":"Tribe of Human logs":["Day 20225, 20:45:03: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 20225, 20:47:06: Fuck me was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 20225, 20:59:45: BIG JEFFJ was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 20225, 23:37:50: BIG JEFFJ Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 27 (Dodo)! Day 20225, 23:46:06: Human Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 58 (Dodo)! Day 20226, 00:12:24: Fuck me Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 167 (Dodo)! Day 20226, 01:07:26: Tribemember Human - Lvl 6 was killed by BIG JEFFJ - Lvl 5 (Tribe of Human)! Day 20226, 01:07:26: Your Tribe killed Human - Lvl 6 (Tribe of Human)! Day 20226, 02:07:52: Tribemember Human - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 20226, 02:49:33: Tribemember Fuck me - Lvl 7 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 130! Day 20226, 03:08:53: Your fuck you - Lvl 167 (Dodo) was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 130! Day 20233, 12:46:29: Your DUMBDUUMB - Lvl 27 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 130! Day 20233, 12:55:46: Your Dumbo - Lvl 58 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 130! Day 20272, 16:24:50: Tribemember Human - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 130! Day 20274, 23:40:24: Tribemember BIG JEFFJ - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 34801, 01:52:09: Tribemember Fuck me - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85!"] "tribeid":1113251118,"tribe":"Misfits logs":["Day 11508, 06:05:50: Jevin unclaimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 110 (Managarmr)'! Day 11508, 06:06:12: Vi claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 110 (Managarmr)'! Day 11509, 01:43:18: Tamahome froze Ricky - Lvl 182 (Triceratops) Day 11509, 05:52:53: Tribemember Tamahome - Lvl 72 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 11509, 05:55:28: Your Karen - Lvl 132 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 11509, 06:14:11: Tribemember Tamahome - Lvl 72 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 60! Day 11509, 07:41:25: Tamahome froze Ricky - Lvl 182 (Triceratops) Day 11509, 11:54:25: Jevin froze Luna - Lvl 229 (Thylacoleo) Day 11509, 11:59:07: Vi froze Theo - Lvl 276 (Thylacoleo) Day 11509, 12:30:34: Tamahome froze Ricky - Lvl 182 (Triceratops) Day 11509, 12:39:34: Vi froze Theo - Lvl 276 (Thylacoleo) Day 11509, 12:44:16: Jevin froze Luna - Lvl 229 (Thylacoleo) Day 11509, 12:51:42: Tamahome froze Ricky - Lvl 182 (Triceratops) Day 11509, 14:51:06: Vi froze Theo - Lvl 276 (Thylacoleo) Day 11509, 14:51:45: Jevin froze Luna - Lvl 229 (Thylacoleo) Day 11509, 15:00:25: Tamahome Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 59 (Pteranodon)! Day 11509, 16:00:36: Your Mjonlnr - Lvl 151 (Managarmr) was killed! Day 11509, 16:17:55: Jevin froze Ragnar - Lvl 227 (Velonasaur) Day 11509, 17:34:00: Vi froze Theo - Lvl 276 (Thylacoleo) Day 11509, 17:37:02: Jevin froze Luna - Lvl 229 (Thylacoleo) Day 11509, 18:16:46: Vi froze Theo - Lvl 276 (Thylacoleo) Day 11509, 18:17:12: Jevin froze Luna - Lvl 229 (Thylacoleo) Day 11509, 19:19:03: Jevin froze Luna - Lvl 230 (Thylacoleo) Day 11509, 21:55:35: Vi froze Theo - Lvl 277 (Thylacoleo) Day 11509, 22:45:29: Vi froze Slate - Lvl 281 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11509, 23:12:46: Vi froze Slate - Lvl 281 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11509, 23:29:08: Jevin froze Skye - Lvl 120 (Argentavis) Day 11510, 06:31:30: Vi froze Slate - Lvl 282 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11510, 06:44:48: Jevin froze Ragnar - Lvl 227 (Velonasaur) Day 11510, 06:58:55: Tribemember Tamahome - Lvl 73 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 140! Day 11510, 09:05:11: Vi froze Khan - Lvl 197 (Sabertooth) Day 11510, 09:07:15: Vi froze Kara - Lvl 241 (Sabertooth) Day 11522, 16:00:11: Jevin froze Skye - Lvl 120 (Argentavis) Day 11535, 22:05:03: Vi claimed 'Baby Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 159 (Aberrant Megalosaurus)'! Day 11536, 07:06:09: Vi froze Manny - Lvl 165 (Managarmr) Day 11536, 11:19:17: Vi froze Juvenile Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 159 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 11536, 15:54:47: Vi froze Adolescent Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 159 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 11537, 12:48:15: Vi froze Skye - Lvl 120 (Argentavis) Day 11537, 18:36:09: Vi Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 223 (Doedicurus)! Day 11537, 18:37:55: Vi froze Doedicurus - Lvl 223 (Doedicurus) Day 11537, 19:02:40: Vi froze Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 159 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 11537, 19:15:11: Vi froze Bulbdog - Lvl 73 (Bulbdog) Day 11537, 20:07:51: Vi froze Manny - Lvl 167 (Managarmr) Day 11578, 07:37:20: Vi claimed 'Baby Ravager - Lvl 144 (Ravager)'! Day 11578, 12:09:42: Vi froze Skye - Lvl 120 (Argentavis) Day 11578, 14:22:18: Vi froze Skye - Lvl 120 (Argentavis) Day 11579, 15:56:54: Vi Tamed a Megalania - Lvl 209 (Megalania)! Day 11579, 16:00:14: Vi froze Megalania - Lvl 209 (Megalania) Day 11592, 02:34:25: Vi froze Peter - Lvl 215 (Thylacoleo) Day 11592, 08:18:56: Vi Tamed a Megalania - Lvl 217 (Megalania)! Day 11592, 08:21:24: Vi froze Megalania - Lvl 217 (Megalania) Day 11592, 08:28:20: Vi froze Peter - Lvl 215 (Thylacoleo) Day 11592, 09:50:05: Vi froze Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 187 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 11592, 09:52:11: Vi froze Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 149 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 11592, 11:26:36: Vi claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 208 (Megalania)'! Day 11592, 11:34:20: Vi froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 208 (Megalania) Day 11592, 11:37:06: Vi claimed 'Baby Ravager - Lvl 131 (Ravager)'! Day 11592, 16:10:21: Vi froze Juvenile Ravager - Lvl 131 (Ravager) Day 11593, 15:34:08: Vi froze Kerry - Lvl 290 (Basilosaurus) Day 11594, 00:26:26: Vi froze Kerry - Lvl 290 (Basilosaurus) Day 11611, 10:20:56: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11620, 12:39:52: Vi froze Megan - Lvl 221 (Megalania) Day 11620, 14:20:57: Vi froze Megan - Lvl 221 (Megalania) Day 11620, 16:50:54: Vi froze Needler - Lvl 231 (Velonasaur) Day 11620, 17:58:33: Vi froze Megan - Lvl 221 (Megalania) Day 11634, 16:46:25: Vi froze Megan - Lvl 225 (Megalania) Day 11634, 17:52:19: Vi froze Megan - Lvl 225 (Megalania) Day 11634, 19:17:03: Vi froze Needler - Lvl 233 (Velonasaur) Day 11634, 20:10:02: Vi froze Needler - Lvl 233 (Velonasaur) Day 11634, 20:50:44: Vi froze Megan - Lvl 229 (Megalania) Day 11635, 01:34:49: Vi froze Needler - Lvl 233 (Velonasaur) Day 11635, 03:35:24: Vi froze Skye - Lvl 122 (Argentavis) Day 11648, 07:48:20: Vi froze Skye - Lvl 122 (Argentavis) Day 11648, 14:05:55: Vi froze Gasbags - Lvl 164 (Gasbags) Day 11648, 17:24:44: Vi froze Chic - Lvl 98 (Therizinosaur) Day 11648, 20:48:36: Jevin claimed 'Baby Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 175 (Aberrant Megalosaurus)'! Day 11648, 20:51:31: Jevin claimed 'Baby Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 155 (Aberrant Megalosaurus)'! Day 11648, 20:59:53: Jevin claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 216 (Megalania)'! Day 11648, 21:56:16: Jevin claimed 'Baby Ravager - Lvl 135 (Ravager)'! Day 11648, 23:24:16: Your Baby Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 175 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) was killed by Jevin - Lvl 122 (Misfits)! Day 11648, 23:24:16: Your Tribe killed Baby Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 175 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) (Misfits)! Day 11649, 02:45:51: Jevin froze Juvenile Megalania - Lvl 216 (Megalania) Day 11649, 03:42:34: Jevin froze Juvenile Ravager - Lvl 135 (Ravager) Day 11649, 06:32:37: Jevin froze Juvenile Megalania - Lvl 216 (Megalania) Day 11649, 06:54:41: Jevin froze Juvenile Morbius - Lvl 135 (Ravager) Day 11649, 08:41:37: Jevin froze Juvenile Meg - Lvl 155 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 11649, 13:07:35: Jevin froze Juvenile Meg - Lvl 155 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 11649, 19:57:21: Vi froze Megalania - Lvl 217 (Megalania) Day 11649, 19:59:32: Vi froze Megalania - Lvl 209 (Megalania) Day 11649, 20:02:22: Vi froze Ravager - Lvl 134 (Ravager) Day 11649, 20:02:52: Jevin froze Adolescent Meg - Lvl 155 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 11649, 20:04:41: Vi froze Ravager - Lvl 138 (Ravager) Day 11650, 09:49:00: Vi froze Megan - Lvl 234 (Megalania) Day 11650, 09:57:40: Jevin froze Marco - Lvl 225 (Megalania) Day 11650, 10:41:19: Vi froze Megan - Lvl 234 (Megalania) Day 11650, 10:41:55: Jevin froze Marco - Lvl 225 (Megalania) Day 11650, 11:42:15: Vi froze Needler - Lvl 235 (Velonasaur) Day 11650, 11:42:52: Jevin froze Ragnar - Lvl 227 (Velonasaur) Day 11650, 13:03:52: Vi froze Megan - Lvl 236 (Megalania) Day 11650, 13:04:58: Jevin froze Marco - Lvl 225 (Megalania) Day 11650, 14:47:28: Jevin froze Managarmr - Lvl 110 (Managarmr) Day 11650, 14:58:16: Vi froze Harley Quinn - Lvl 248 (Dilophosaur) Day 11650, 15:09:29: Vi froze Either - Lvl 163 (Tek Parasaur) Day 11650, 15:43:23: Jevin froze Runa - Lvl 153 (Otter) Day 11650, 15:45:45: Vi froze Otter - Lvl 228 (Otter) Day 11650, 15:53:41: Vi froze Otter - Lvl 168 (Otter) Day 11650, 15:58:26: Jevin froze Amber - Lvl 188 (Dimorphodon) Day 11650, 16:00:39: Vi froze Raven - Lvl 89 (Ravager) Day 11650, 16:06:10: Vi froze Penny - Lvl 233 (Pelagornis) Day 11650, 16:35:19: Vi froze Quincy - Lvl 80 (Quetzal) Day 11650, 16:44:33: Vi froze Raven - Lvl 89 (Ravager) Day 11651, 13:19:38: Groli - Lvl 122 (ALREADY DEAD) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Crimson - Lvl 156 (Argentavis)'! Day 11661, 08:28:34: Vi froze Ivy - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 11661, 16:12:57: Vi Tamed a Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)! Day 11661, 16:18:29: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 11661, 16:26:32: Vi froze Peter - Lvl 237 (Thylacoleo) Day 11662, 11:44:03: Vi froze Maverick - Lvl 204 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 11662, 11:49:10: Vi froze Megan - Lvl 239 (Megalania) Day 11662, 12:12:18: Vi froze Megan - Lvl 239 (Megalania) Day 11662, 14:39:24: Vi froze Shoeshine - Lvl 91 (Shinehorn) Day 11662, 14:40:28: Jevin froze Shinehorn - Lvl 123 (Shinehorn) Day 11662, 14:53:11: Jevin froze Meg - Lvl 155 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 11662, 15:00:17: Jevin froze Marco - Lvl 225 (Megalania) Day 11662, 16:03:43: Vi froze Garry - Lvl 105 (Gasbags) Day 11663, 07:05:57: Vi froze Manny - Lvl 175 (Managarmr) Day 11663, 12:45:24: Vi claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 50 (Rock Drake)'! Day 11663, 13:12:15: Vi froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 50 (Rock Drake) Day 11670, 14:09:18: Vi froze Shoeshine - Lvl 91 (Shinehorn) Day 11670, 15:34:53: Vi froze Maverick - Lvl 206 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 11670, 16:20:07: Vi froze Manny - Lvl 175 (Managarmr) Day 11671, 06:55:30: Vi froze Vincent - Lvl 241 (Rex) Day 11671, 06:57:34: Vi froze Roberta - Lvl 149 (Rex) Day 11671, 07:48:05: Vi demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 11671, 18:54:11: Vi froze Stormbreaker - Lvl 128 (Managarmr) Day 11672, 09:57:02: Vi froze Maverick - Lvl 208 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 11672, 10:02:03: Vi froze Megan - Lvl 239 (Megalania) Day 11672, 10:06:42: Vi froze Garry - Lvl 105 (Gasbags) Day 11672, 10:10:36: Vi froze Shoeshine - Lvl 91 (Shinehorn) Day 11672, 11:24:56: Vi froze Manny - Lvl 175 (Managarmr) Day 11674, 12:56:21: Vi froze Shoeshine - Lvl 94 (Shinehorn) Day 11674, 13:57:47: Vi froze Rockey - Lvl 68 (Rock Drake) Day 11675, 01:25:49: Vi claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)'! Day 11675, 06:11:22: Vi froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 11704, 07:20:32: Vi froze Gasbags - Lvl 170 (Gasbags) Day 11704, 10:23:18: Vi froze Chic - Lvl 99 (Therizinosaur) Day 11704, 11:07:12: Vi froze Shoeshine - Lvl 96 (Shinehorn) Day 11704, 11:09:59: Vi froze Bulbdog - Lvl 80 (Bulbdog) Day 11704, 11:12:39: Vi froze Deano - Lvl 275 (Dimorphodon) Day 11704, 11:22:04: Vi froze Cassy - Lvl 213 (Castoroides) Day 11704, 11:23:54: Vi froze Devin - Lvl 121 (Doedicurus) Day 11704, 11:27:15: Vi froze Slate - Lvl 288 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11704, 11:30:04: Vi froze Rag - Lvl 153 (Ravager) Day 11704, 11:32:46: Vi froze Raegan - Lvl 167 (Ravager) Day 11704, 11:36:23: Vi froze Garry - Lvl 105 (Gasbags) Day 11704, 11:38:21: Vi froze Angel - Lvl 120 (Argentavis) Day 11704, 11:40:18: Vi froze Ted - Lvl 219 (Tapejara) Day 11704, 11:42:27: Vi froze Moxxi - Lvl 111 (Argentavis) Day 11704, 11:44:31: Vi froze Lynn - Lvl 276 (Lystrosaurus) Day 11704, 11:49:55: Vi froze Rock Drake - Lvl 204 (Rock Drake) Day 11704, 11:53:46: Vi froze Rockey - Lvl 75 (Rock Drake) Day 11704, 11:58:12: Vi froze Boris - Lvl 86 (Anglerfish) Day 11704, 12:01:53: Vi froze Mal - Lvl 257 (Megaloceros) Day 11704, 12:04:01: Vi froze Gasbags - Lvl 170 (Gasbags) Day 11704, 12:06:10: Vi froze Chic - Lvl 99 (Therizinosaur) Day 11704, 12:13:59: Vi froze She-Hulk - Lvl 263 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11704, 12:15:52: Vi froze Hulk - Lvl 301 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11704, 12:23:45: Vi froze Peter - Lvl 237 (Thylacoleo) Day 11704, 12:25:50: Vi froze Olive - Lvl 232 (Thylacoleo) Day 11704, 12:27:48: Vi froze Wade - Lvl 134 (Argentavis) Day 11704, 12:31:11: Vi froze Nelson - Lvl 179 (Velonasaur) Day 11704, 12:53:33: Vi froze Babe - Lvl 97 (Phiomia) Day 11704, 12:56:26: Vi froze Ivy - Lvl 181 (Poison Wyvern) Day 11704, 12:58:25: Vi froze Aster - Lvl 120 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11704, 13:09:48: Vi froze Morbius - Lvl 151 (Ravager) Day 11704, 13:13:35: Vi froze Kiwi - Lvl 262 (Dimorphodon) Day 11704, 13:17:18: Vi froze Skye - Lvl 122 (Argentavis) Day 11704, 13:19:52: Vi froze Magneta - Lvl 79 (Snow Owl) Day 11704, 13:23:27: Vi froze Donovan - Lvl 85 (Pteranodon) Day 11704, 13:40:47: Vi demolished a 'Large Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 11704, 13:42:40: Vi froze Dooie - Lvl 140 (Dung Beetle) Day 11704, 13:52:25: Vi froze Dungcan - Lvl 206 (Dung Beetle) Day 11764, 17:46:08: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11764, 17:46:08: Your 'Training Dummy' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11890, 11:13:34: Your 'Rope Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11890, 11:13:34: Your 'Rope Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11890, 11:13:34: Your 'Rope Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11890, 11:13:34: Your 'Rope Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11890, 11:13:34: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11953, 13:48:40: Vi froze Rock Drake - Lvl 204 (Rock Drake) Day 12501, 16:51:25: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12501, 16:51:25: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12677, 08:15:21: 's 'Ricky - Lvl 182 (Triceratops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12682, 20:02:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12682, 20:02:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12682, 20:02:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12682, 20:02:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12682, 20:02:51: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12682, 20:02:51: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12682, 20:02:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12682, 20:02:51: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12807, 12:43:02: Tribemember Vi - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 12807, 12:51:18: Tribemember Tamahome - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 12807, 12:57:45: Tribemember Jevin - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 12818, 17:03:00: 's 'Donovan - Lvl 85 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12818, 17:03:00: 's 'Roberta - Lvl 149 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12818, 17:03:17: 's 'Ivy - Lvl 181 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12818, 17:03:17: 's 'Megan - Lvl 239 (Megalania)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12818, 17:04:40: 's 'Peter - Lvl 237 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12818, 17:04:40: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12818, 17:05:04: 's 'Quincy - Lvl 80 (Quetzal)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12818, 17:05:04: 's 'Baby Mysterion - Lvl 56 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12851, 12:31:54: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12851, 12:31:54: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12851, 12:31:54: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12851, 12:31:54: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12851, 12:31:54: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12851, 12:31:54: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14222, 10:08:24: Tribemember Vi - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 14222, 13:06:49: Vi Tamed an Equus - Lvl 217 (Equus)! Day 14222, 22:24:53: Vi Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 82 (Dimorphodon)! Day 14223, 02:26:44: Vi Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 213 (Pteranodon)! Day 14223, 04:08:23: Vi claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 150 (Pteranodon)'! Day 14223, 12:54:45: Vi uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 218 Day 14223, 12:55:41: Vi downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 209 Day 14223, 13:35:09: Vi uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 209 Day 14223, 13:35:42: Vi uploaded a Equus: Equus - Lvl 228 Day 14223, 13:36:13: Vi uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 162 Day 14240, 15:26:53: Jevin uploaded a Dimorphodon: Dimorphodon - Lvl 82 Day 14352, 04:50:04: Vi froze PRO COP - Lvl 189 (Procoptodon) Day 14653, 23:15:55: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 232 (Thylacoleo) Day 14654, 04:12:39: Vi froze Argentavis - Lvl 184 (Argentavis) Day 14654, 05:30:50: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 232 (Thylacoleo) Day 14654, 05:38:08: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 232 (Thylacoleo) Day 14654, 07:30:06: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 237 (Thylacoleo) Day 14654, 08:17:35: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 237 (Thylacoleo) Day 14654, 09:38:41: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 237 (Thylacoleo) Day 14654, 09:43:10: Vi froze Dime - Lvl 223 (Dimorphodon) Day 14659, 03:23:07: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 237 (Thylacoleo) Day 14659, 03:56:23: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 237 (Thylacoleo) Day 14659, 06:03:30: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 239 (Thylacoleo) Day 14659, 07:09:47: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 239 (Thylacoleo) Day 14659, 10:05:54: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 239 (Thylacoleo) Day 14659, 10:20:19: Vi froze Dime - Lvl 228 (Dimorphodon) Day 14667, 07:56:15: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 239 (Thylacoleo) Day 14667, 09:06:42: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 240 (Thylacoleo) Day 14667, 09:45:47: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 240 (Thylacoleo) Day 14667, 09:56:15: Tribemember Vi - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 14667, 12:36:37: Vi froze ENDURO - Lvl 270 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14667, 14:14:36: Vi froze ENDURO - Lvl 270 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14667, 14:25:34: Vi froze Danny - Lvl 220 (Dire Bear) Day 14667, 14:44:06: Vi froze Danny - Lvl 220 (Dire Bear) Day 14667, 14:53:34: Vi froze Danny - Lvl 220 (Dire Bear) Day 14667, 15:08:58: Vi froze Danny - Lvl 220 (Dire Bear) Day 14667, 16:03:22: Vi froze ENDURO - Lvl 270 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14667, 16:06:14: Vi froze Dime - Lvl 229 (Dimorphodon) Day 14671, 22:15:28: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 243 (Thylacoleo) Day 14672, 01:32:57: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 244 (Thylacoleo) Day 14672, 03:12:46: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 244 (Thylacoleo) Day 14672, 05:39:13: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 244 (Thylacoleo) Day 14672, 05:43:52: Vi froze Dime - Lvl 234 (Dimorphodon) Day 14679, 08:27:13: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 245 (Thylacoleo) Day 14679, 09:26:35: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 245 (Thylacoleo) Day 14679, 10:00:35: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 245 (Thylacoleo) Day 14679, 11:25:03: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 246 (Thylacoleo) Day 14679, 11:28:23: Vi froze Dime - Lvl 237 (Dimorphodon) Day 14685, 08:58:57: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 246 (Thylacoleo) Day 14685, 09:49:23: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 246 (Thylacoleo) Day 14685, 10:21:26: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 246 (Thylacoleo) Day 14685, 11:35:56: Vi froze Dime - Lvl 240 (Dimorphodon) Day 14685, 11:37:58: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 246 (Thylacoleo) Day 14712, 09:39:50: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 250 (Thylacoleo) Day 14712, 10:40:41: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 251 (Thylacoleo) Day 14712, 11:12:08: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 251 (Thylacoleo) Day 14712, 12:12:47: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 251 (Thylacoleo) Day 14712, 12:15:58: Vi froze Dime - Lvl 242 (Dimorphodon) Day 14874, 13:27:53: Vi froze Meg - Lvl 164 (Megalania) Day 14874, 16:17:24: Vi froze Meg - Lvl 170 (Megalania) Day 14874, 18:24:52: Vi froze Meg - Lvl 170 (Megalania) Day 14875, 06:01:12: Vi froze Meg - Lvl 173 (Megalania) Day 14875, 06:23:11: Vi froze Meg - Lvl 173 (Megalania) Day 14875, 06:32:52: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 162 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14875, 12:16:12: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 162 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14876, 10:44:02: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 162 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14876, 10:52:31: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 14876, 15:59:50: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 162 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14876, 16:04:38: Vi froze Otter - Lvl 90 (Otter) Day 14972, 16:54:03: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 199 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14972, 17:51:08: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 278 (Thylacoleo) Day 14972, 19:03:21: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 278 (Thylacoleo) Day 14972, 19:47:41: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 279 (Thylacoleo) Day 14972, 20:13:33: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 279 (Thylacoleo) Day 14972, 20:50:21: Vi froze Dime - Lvl 256 (Dimorphodon) Day 14973, 06:32:12: Vi Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 224 (Mantis)! Day 14973, 06:37:28: Vi froze M 150 - Lvl 224 (Mantis) Day 14973, 08:14:35: Vi Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 209 (Mantis)! Day 14973, 08:20:50: Vi froze F 140 - Lvl 209 (Mantis) Day 14973, 09:59:51: Vi froze Glowtail - Lvl 165 (Glowtail) Day 14973, 10:08:56: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 199 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14975, 08:10:40: Vi froze Neeko - Lvl 321 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14975, 08:54:26: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 280 (Thylacoleo) Day 14975, 09:37:22: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 280 (Thylacoleo) Day 14975, 10:06:57: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 280 (Thylacoleo) Day 14975, 10:21:53: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 280 (Thylacoleo) Day 14975, 11:27:20: Vi froze Dime - Lvl 256 (Dimorphodon) Day 14975, 15:31:49: Vi froze Neeko - Lvl 321 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14976, 13:14:04: Vi froze Bazza - Lvl 268 (Basilosaurus) Day 15029, 19:27:28: Vi froze Hoppy - Lvl 260 (Procoptodon) Day 15030, 00:37:46: Vi froze Hoppy - Lvl 261 (Procoptodon) Day 15030, 07:12:18: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 284 (Thylacoleo) Day 15030, 07:14:04: Vi froze Hoppy - Lvl 261 (Procoptodon) Day 15030, 08:41:33: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 284 (Thylacoleo) Day 15030, 09:03:12: Vi froze Hoppy - Lvl 261 (Procoptodon) Day 15030, 10:35:03: Vi Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 200 (Therizinosaur)! Day 15030, 10:42:45: Vi froze F - 140 - Lvl 200 (Therizinosaur) Day 15030, 13:00:46: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 190 (Therizinosaur)! Day 15030, 13:34:20: Vi froze Hoppy - Lvl 261 (Procoptodon) Day 15030, 13:47:39: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 190 (Therizinosaur) Day 15030, 14:56:53: Vi froze Hoppy - Lvl 261 (Procoptodon) Day 15030, 15:42:55: Vi froze M - 130 - Lvl 190 (Therizinosaur) Day 15030, 15:52:47: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 284 (Thylacoleo) Day 15030, 17:44:07: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 284 (Thylacoleo) Day 15030, 18:34:31: Vi froze Hoppy - Lvl 261 (Procoptodon) Day 15030, 19:29:19: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)! Day 15030, 20:00:11: Vi froze Hoppy - Lvl 262 (Procoptodon) Day 15030, 20:59:03: Vi froze F - 145 EC - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 15031, 02:47:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 194 (Therizinosaur)! Day 15031, 04:06:14: Vi froze F - 130 - Lvl 194 (Therizinosaur) Day 15031, 07:50:47: Vi Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)! Day 15031, 08:01:20: Vi froze F- 145 - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 15031, 10:32:34: Vi Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur)! Day 15031, 10:36:02: Vi froze F - 150 - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 15031, 11:16:46: Vi froze F - 145 EC - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 15031, 11:26:16: Vi froze F- 145 - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 15031, 11:29:21: Vi froze F - 130 - Lvl 194 (Therizinosaur) Day 15031, 11:32:08: Vi froze M - 130 - Lvl 190 (Therizinosaur) Day 15031, 11:45:33: Vi froze Neeko - Lvl 322 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15058, 08:03:46: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 286 (Thylacoleo) Day 15058, 08:52:39: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 287 (Thylacoleo) Day 15058, 09:22:17: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 287 (Thylacoleo) Day 15058, 10:39:21: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 287 (Thylacoleo) Day 15058, 10:44:31: Vi froze Dime - Lvl 257 (Dimorphodon) Day 15085, 11:00:14: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 287 (Thylacoleo) Day 15085, 11:46:29: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 287 (Thylacoleo) Day 15085, 12:14:00: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 287 (Thylacoleo) Day 15085, 13:33:44: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 287 (Thylacoleo) Day 15085, 13:38:24: Vi froze Dime - Lvl 258 (Dimorphodon) Day 15144, 05:15:44: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 215 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15144, 05:42:39: Vi froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 209 (Thylacoleo) Day 15144, 07:02:54: Vi froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 226 (Thylacoleo) Day 15144, 07:37:33: Vi froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 227 (Thylacoleo) Day 15144, 08:15:03: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 215 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15152, 16:15:37: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 215 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15152, 16:39:18: Vi froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 258 (Thylacoleo) Day 15152, 17:22:48: Vi froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 258 (Thylacoleo) Day 15152, 17:52:43: Vi froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 261 (Thylacoleo) Day 15152, 18:37:45: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 215 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15243, 01:07:24: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15263, 14:43:59: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 217 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15263, 16:01:44: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 217 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15263, 16:12:52: Vi froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 269 (Thylacoleo) Day 15263, 17:00:05: Vi froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 270 (Thylacoleo) Day 15263, 17:36:51: Vi froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 270 (Thylacoleo) Day 15263, 18:16:00: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 217 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15441, 10:31:56: Vi Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle)! Day 15441, 10:35:48: Vi unclaimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 15441, 11:02:30: Vi Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle)! Day 15441, 11:04:31: Vi froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle) Day 15441, 12:24:13: Vi froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle) Day 15441, 12:26:07: Vi froze Igor - Lvl 243 (Managarmr) Day 16124, 14:32:25: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16124, 14:32:25: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16124, 14:32:25: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16811, 03:48:14: Tribemember ned - Lvl 74 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 60! Day 24759, 12:55:44: Vi froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 226 (Carnotaurus) Day 24968, 09:08:25: Vi claimed 'asdfg - Lvl 52 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 24968, 09:14:18: Vi unclaimed 'asdfg - Lvl 52 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 24968, 09:22:02: Vi froze belrog - Lvl 196 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24968, 11:46:19: Vi froze Sing - Lvl 236 (Sinomacrops) Day 25089, 18:20:49: Vi Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 195 (Thylacoleo)! Day 25089, 18:26:30: Vi froze 135 F - Lvl 195 (Thylacoleo) Day 25090, 04:34:21: Vi Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)! Day 25090, 04:43:28: Vi froze 135F - Lvl 202 (Argentavis) Day 25090, 07:00:43: Vi froze belrog - Lvl 200 (Poison Wyvern) Day 25090, 07:06:39: Vi froze Sing - Lvl 236 (Sinomacrops) Day 25137, 03:05:14: Vi froze belrog - Lvl 203 (Poison Wyvern) Day 25137, 04:42:13: Vi froze Timmy - Lvl 208 (Thylacoleo) Day 25137, 05:02:36: Vi froze Timmy - Lvl 208 (Thylacoleo) Day 25137, 09:31:48: Vi froze Timmy - Lvl 219 (Thylacoleo) Day 25137, 09:44:12: Vi froze Sing - Lvl 262 (Sinomacrops) Day 25137, 11:08:27: Vi froze Timmy - Lvl 220 (Thylacoleo) Day 25137, 11:13:06: Vi froze Sing - Lvl 262 (Sinomacrops) Day 25137, 13:11:12: Vi froze belrog - Lvl 203 (Poison Wyvern) Day 25137, 13:23:44: Vi froze Sing - Lvl 262 (Sinomacrops) Day 25158, 14:24:52: Vi froze belrog - Lvl 203 (Poison Wyvern) Day 25158, 15:22:57: Vi froze Timmy - Lvl 222 (Thylacoleo) Day 25158, 18:14:42: Vi froze Timmy - Lvl 227 (Thylacoleo) Day 25158, 20:00:25: Vi froze Timmy - Lvl 228 (Thylacoleo) Day 25158, 20:06:02: Vi froze Sing - Lvl 262 (Sinomacrops) Day 25158, 20:45:32: Vi froze Timmy - Lvl 228 (Thylacoleo) Day 25159, 05:29:35: Vi froze belrog - Lvl 203 (Poison Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1107722803,"tribe":"Boggy Boys logs":["Day 42098, 17:05:35: Boyle was added to the Tribe! Day 42098, 18:51:19: Boyle claimed 'Boyle - Lvl 312 (Snow Owl)'! Day 42098, 19:33:21: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 312 (Snow Owl) Day 42098, 19:45:33: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 312 (Snow Owl) Day 42117, 08:03:33: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 313 (Snow Owl) Day 42117, 10:15:11: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 313 (Snow Owl) Day 42118, 08:24:56: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 313 (Snow Owl) Day 42119, 12:49:10: Boyle claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 234 (Argentavis)'! Day 42119, 13:09:08: Boyle unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 234 (Argentavis)'! Day 42120, 02:35:40: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 313 (Snow Owl) Day 42146, 06:03:19: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 313 (Snow Owl) Day 42219, 14:19:40: Boyle froze Speed - Lvl 323 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42219, 21:12:43: Boyle froze Speed - Lvl 323 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42599, 13:00:58: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 328 (Snow Owl)"] "tribeid":1107440694,"tribe":"Tribe of steeeeeeeeeeeee logs":["Day 22233, 22:54:02: Steve froze Mantis - Lvl 209 (Mantis) Day 22233, 23:13:27: Steve froze Egg Stealer - Lvl 269 (Griffin) Day 22236, 12:28:29: Steve froze Egg Stealer - Lvl 269 (Griffin) Day 22258, 16:36:55: Steve froze Muscle - Lvl 278 (Griffin) Day 22258, 20:06:06: Steve froze Poly - Lvl 294 (Moschops) Day 22258, 20:23:52: Steve froze Poly - Lvl 294 (Moschops) Day 22258, 20:38:24: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)! Day 22258, 21:01:39: Steve froze Poly - Lvl 294 (Moschops) Day 22258, 22:45:47: Steve froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 22258, 22:49:35: Steve froze Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 22259, 02:07:09: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 235 (Griffin) Day 22259, 02:14:03: Steve froze Muscle - Lvl 278 (Griffin) Day 22284, 02:30:29: Steve froze Muscle - Lvl 278 (Griffin) Day 22319, 04:50:55: Steve froze Snow Owl - Lvl 213 (Snow Owl) Day 22319, 05:23:19: Steve froze Snow Owl - Lvl 213 (Snow Owl) Day 22319, 05:27:19: Steve froze Poly - Lvl 294 (Moschops) Day 22319, 06:12:13: Steve froze Poly - Lvl 294 (Moschops) Day 22319, 07:11:44: Steve froze Poly - Lvl 294 (Moschops) Day 22319, 08:45:01: Steve froze Egg Stealer - Lvl 286 (Griffin) Day 22322, 23:29:14: Your 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 22323, 01:08:56: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was destroyed! Day 22323, 10:49:11: Steve froze Egg Stealer - Lvl 286 (Griffin) Day 22324, 02:47:54: Your 'Wood Ramp' was destroyed! Day 22324, 02:50:07: Your 'Wood Ramp' was destroyed! Day 22324, 07:33:00: Your 'Wood Ramp' was destroyed! Day 22324, 11:56:18: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 291 (Griffin) Day 22324, 15:58:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 22324, 16:53:05: Steve froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22324, 17:29:32: Steve demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 22324, 18:44:03: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 291 (Griffin) Day 22326, 00:09:43: Steve froze Egg Stealer - Lvl 286 (Griffin) Day 22326, 01:23:47: Steve froze Egg Stealer - Lvl 286 (Griffin) Day 22326, 11:45:09: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 121 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150! Day 22326, 12:31:04: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 22326, 15:24:22: Your Egg Stealer - Lvl 286 (Griffin) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 22326, 15:58:30: Steve claimed 'Fenrir - Lvl 337 (Managarmr)'! Day 22326, 16:01:35: Steve froze Fenrir - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 22326, 16:37:49: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 291 (Griffin) Day 22352, 17:25:02: Steve froze Fenrir - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 22375, 05:43:02: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 291 (Griffin) Day 22375, 06:03:56: Steve froze new2 - Lvl 367 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22375, 12:15:34: Your Tribe Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 194 (Megatherium)! Day 22375, 12:38:57: Steve froze Megatherium - Lvl 194 (Megatherium) Day 22375, 14:02:12: Steve froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 309 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22375, 16:15:10: Steve froze new2 - Lvl 367 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22375, 16:34:07: Steve Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 217 (Griffin)! Day 22375, 16:38:19: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 217 (Griffin) Day 22375, 19:00:31: Steve froze new2 - Lvl 367 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22375, 21:00:38: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 293 (Griffin) Day 22400, 06:08:08: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 293 (Griffin) Day 22400, 06:28:42: Steve froze new2 - Lvl 367 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22400, 09:20:04: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 293 (Griffin) Day 22400, 09:40:33: Steve froze new2 - Lvl 367 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22400, 12:34:47: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 121 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160! Day 22400, 14:50:08: Your Griffin - Lvl 293 (Griffin) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 190! Day 22400, 17:39:43: Steve froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 253 (Poison Wyvern) Day 22422, 00:58:16: Steve froze Muscle - Lvl 278 (Griffin) Day 22449, 16:05:07: Steve froze Fenrir - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 22489, 12:07:56: Steve froze Fenrir - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 22498, 07:18:11: Steve froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22540, 16:36:25: Steve froze Otter - Lvl 59 (Otter) Day 22540, 16:44:55: Steve froze Muscle - Lvl 278 (Griffin) Day 22590, 13:56:01: Steve froze Hide - Lvl 304 (Therizinosaur) Day 22590, 14:14:55: Steve froze Fenrir - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 22590, 22:21:22: Steve froze Hide - Lvl 304 (Therizinosaur) Day 22590, 23:39:51: Steve froze Fenrir - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 22590, 23:50:26: Steve froze Hide - Lvl 304 (Therizinosaur) Day 22612, 18:42:59: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 268 (Managarmr) Day 22635, 20:06:33: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 268 (Managarmr) Day 22635, 20:53:47: Steve froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 271 (Yutyrannus) Day 22635, 21:02:07: Steve froze Rex - Lvl 312 (Rex) Day 22635, 21:05:38: Steve froze Rex - Lvl 319 (Rex) Day 22635, 21:09:21: Steve froze Rex - Lvl 319 (Rex) Day 22635, 21:12:56: Steve froze Rex - Lvl 293 (Rex) Day 22635, 23:26:26: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 268 (Managarmr) Day 22636, 15:47:25: Your 'Wood Ramp' was destroyed! Day 22636, 15:47:25: Your 'Wood Ramp' was destroyed! Day 22636, 19:11:44: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 268 (Managarmr) Day 22636, 21:39:46: Your 'Wood Ramp' was destroyed! Day 22637, 04:36:27: Steve froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22637, 04:44:08: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 268 (Managarmr) Day 22637, 07:11:46: Steve Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 22637, 07:18:24: Steve froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22637, 07:50:02: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 268 (Managarmr) Day 22637, 08:07:37: Steve froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22653, 07:01:08: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 289 (Managarmr) Day 22660, 11:58:30: Steve froze Otter - Lvl 14 (Otter) Day 22660, 12:01:10: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 289 (Managarmr) Day 22663, 02:03:31: Steve froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 211 (Tusoteuthis) Day 22663, 02:59:53: Steve froze Meth Master - Lvl 294 (Argentavis) Day 22663, 11:47:15: Steve froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 263 (Tusoteuthis) Day 22663, 12:49:55: Steve froze Meth Master - Lvl 294 (Argentavis) Day 22671, 19:43:10: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 309 (Managarmr) Day 22671, 23:43:47: Steve Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus)! Day 22671, 23:57:03: Steve froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus) Day 22672, 00:00:38: Steve froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 222 (Basilosaurus) Day 22672, 02:47:19: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 324 (Managarmr) Day 22708, 23:05:54: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 324 (Managarmr) Day 22728, 23:52:41: Steve froze Moschops - Lvl 337 (Moschops) Day 22729, 01:43:31: Steve froze Moschops - Lvl 337 (Moschops) Day 22729, 01:55:57: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 324 (Managarmr) Day 22779, 06:29:47: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 324 (Managarmr) Day 22820, 07:00:23: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 324 (Managarmr) Day 22820, 07:04:07: Steve froze Fenrir - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 22828, 23:34:16: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 22842, 23:28:30: Steve froze Fem 1 - Lvl 360 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22842, 23:33:32: Steve froze Punch - Lvl 346 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22843, 00:08:29: Steve froze Punch - Lvl 346 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22843, 00:11:57: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 22874, 01:11:25: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 22899, 02:50:18: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 22916, 07:20:09: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 22919, 17:41:44: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 22920, 06:17:00: Steve froze Fighter 2 - Lvl 270 (Thylacoleo) Day 22920, 06:50:46: Steve froze Fighter 2 - Lvl 270 (Thylacoleo) Day 22920, 07:33:41: Steve froze Fighter 2 - Lvl 289 (Thylacoleo) Day 22920, 08:04:25: Steve claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 415 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 22920, 08:07:42: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 415 (Thylacoleo) Day 22920, 08:34:44: Steve froze Fighter 2 - Lvl 289 (Thylacoleo) Day 22920, 12:36:29: Your Fighter 2 - Lvl 289 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 22920, 12:36:29: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 130 was killed! Day 22920, 13:19:53: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 130 was killed! Day 22920, 16:50:14: Steve froze Fighter 1 - Lvl 262 (Thylacoleo) Day 22920, 17:09:59: Steve froze Fighter 1 - Lvl 262 (Thylacoleo) Day 22920, 17:33:24: Steve froze Fighter 1 - Lvl 262 (Thylacoleo) Day 22920, 18:01:51: Steve froze Fighter 1 - Lvl 262 (Thylacoleo) Day 22920, 18:33:10: Steve froze Fighter 1 - Lvl 262 (Thylacoleo) Day 22921, 00:13:32: Steve froze Fighter 1 - Lvl 262 (Thylacoleo) Day 22921, 01:31:10: Steve froze Fighter 1 - Lvl 262 (Thylacoleo) Day 22921, 03:20:26: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 130 was killed! Day 22921, 07:26:47: Steve froze Fenrir - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 22921, 10:02:13: Steve froze Super Dad - Lvl 295 (Thylacoleo) Day 22921, 10:19:08: Steve froze Super Dad - Lvl 295 (Thylacoleo) Day 22921, 11:43:18: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 130 was killed! Day 22921, 15:45:01: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 279 (Thylacoleo) Day 22921, 15:59:12: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 279 (Thylacoleo) Day 22921, 16:25:40: Steve froze Super Dad - Lvl 295 (Thylacoleo) Day 22921, 17:20:16: Steve froze Super Dad - Lvl 295 (Thylacoleo) Day 22921, 17:30:46: Steve froze Fighter 1 - Lvl 262 (Thylacoleo) Day 22921, 17:53:04: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 279 (Thylacoleo) Day 22921, 18:18:29: Steve froze Muscle - Lvl 278 (Griffin) Day 22921, 18:21:44: Steve froze Fenrir - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 22921, 18:24:40: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 256 (Griffin) Day 22921, 19:36:34: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 22941, 22:29:27: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 22944, 03:45:44: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 22970, 11:49:55: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 22971, 10:32:25: Your 'Wood Ramp' was destroyed! Day 22971, 10:36:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was destroyed! Day 22971, 10:58:52: Your 'Wood Ramp' was destroyed! Day 22971, 19:22:14: Your 'Wood Ramp' was destroyed! Day 22971, 21:09:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 22971, 21:50:56: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 22972, 00:18:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 22972, 03:21:23: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 22972, 06:30:37: Your 'Wood Ramp' was destroyed! Day 22972, 06:32:20: Your 'Wood Ramp' was destroyed! Day 22972, 08:07:51: Your 'Wood Ramp' was destroyed! Day 22972, 16:55:17: Steve Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 22972, 17:22:34: Steve froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22972, 17:52:20: Steve froze Fenrir - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 22972, 17:57:37: Steve uploaded a Giganotosaurus: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 Day 22981, 20:27:02: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 22991, 09:35:37: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 22991, 10:57:56: Steve froze Fighting Mom 7 - Lvl 354 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22991, 11:28:21: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 22991, 11:44:17: Steve froze Fighting Mom 7 - Lvl 354 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22991, 13:06:04: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 22991, 13:23:05: Steve froze Fighting Mom 7 - Lvl 354 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22991, 13:43:55: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 22993, 01:46:41: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 23007, 04:59:54: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 23008, 17:13:02: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 23016, 07:47:39: Steve froze Super Dad - Lvl 308 (Thylacoleo) Day 23016, 08:01:56: Steve froze Super Dad - Lvl 308 (Thylacoleo) Day 23016, 08:34:34: Steve froze Super Dad - Lvl 308 (Thylacoleo) Day 23016, 08:52:05: Steve froze Argentavis - Lvl 278 (Argentavis) Day 23016, 09:51:48: Steve froze Super Dad - Lvl 308 (Thylacoleo) Day 23016, 10:10:07: Steve froze Super Dad - Lvl 308 (Thylacoleo) Day 23016, 12:24:12: Steve froze Giga Culling - Lvl 295 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23016, 12:50:10: Steve froze Giga Culling - Lvl 295 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23016, 12:52:50: Steve froze Super Dad - Lvl 308 (Thylacoleo) Day 23016, 13:37:31: Steve froze Super Dad - Lvl 308 (Thylacoleo) Day 23016, 13:59:49: Steve froze Super Dad - Lvl 308 (Thylacoleo) Day 23016, 14:34:08: Steve froze Super Dad - Lvl 308 (Thylacoleo) Day 23016, 14:49:00: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 23017, 19:57:06: Steve froze Snow Owl - Lvl 160 (Snow Owl) Day 23017, 21:03:20: Steve Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 204 (Stegosaurus)! Day 23017, 21:39:18: Steve froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 204 (Stegosaurus) Day 23018, 01:02:27: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 23028, 10:37:31: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 23029, 19:25:53: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 23034, 06:56:17: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 23034, 10:32:53: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 23034, 20:15:09: Steve froze Super Dad - Lvl 308 (Thylacoleo) Day 23034, 20:46:09: Steve froze Super Dad - Lvl 308 (Thylacoleo) Day 23034, 22:28:52: Steve froze Super Dad - Lvl 308 (Thylacoleo) Day 23034, 22:54:05: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 136 was killed! Day 23035, 01:18:29: Steve froze Fenrir - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 23035, 02:27:26: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 235 (Thylacoleo) Day 23035, 03:15:04: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 235 (Thylacoleo) Day 23035, 03:56:41: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 240 (Thylacoleo) Day 23035, 06:04:18: Steve froze Super Dad - Lvl 308 (Thylacoleo) Day 23035, 06:50:23: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 240 (Thylacoleo) Day 23035, 07:22:12: Steve froze Fenrir - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 23035, 07:43:08: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 23036, 02:39:32: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 23060, 15:33:14: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 23063, 04:57:57: Steve Tamed a Liopleurodon - Lvl 7 (Liopleurodon)! Day 23063, 05:32:59: Steve froze TOPEDO - Lvl 320 (Basilosaurus) Day 23063, 09:44:51: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 23085, 19:37:16: Steve Tamed a Liopleurodon - Lvl 7 (Liopleurodon)! Day 23085, 20:00:53: Steve froze TOPEDO - Lvl 320 (Basilosaurus) Day 23085, 21:11:16: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 297 (Thylacoleo) Day 23085, 22:02:50: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 297 (Thylacoleo) Day 23085, 23:06:36: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 299 (Thylacoleo) Day 23086, 00:23:57: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 299 (Thylacoleo) Day 23086, 05:20:42: Steve froze Velonasaur - Lvl 239 (Velonasaur) Day 23086, 06:06:21: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 299 (Thylacoleo) Day 23086, 06:49:49: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 299 (Thylacoleo) Day 23086, 07:10:20: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 299 (Thylacoleo) Day 23086, 08:21:02: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 299 (Thylacoleo) Day 23086, 11:59:09: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 23108, 15:32:40: Steve Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 23108, 15:49:21: Steve froze Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 23108, 17:53:59: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 23109, 23:57:15: Steve Tamed a Liopleurodon - Lvl 7 (Liopleurodon)! Day 23110, 00:47:09: Steve froze TOPEDO - Lvl 320 (Basilosaurus) Day 23110, 02:26:41: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 261 (Thylacoleo) Day 23110, 03:22:12: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 261 (Thylacoleo) Day 23110, 04:02:05: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 261 (Thylacoleo) Day 23110, 05:32:13: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 261 (Thylacoleo) Day 23110, 07:48:36: Steve froze Velonasaur - Lvl 239 (Velonasaur) Day 23110, 09:15:16: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 261 (Thylacoleo) Day 23110, 10:05:12: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 264 (Thylacoleo) Day 23110, 11:08:31: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 264 (Thylacoleo) Day 23110, 11:49:56: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 264 (Thylacoleo) Day 23110, 14:49:02: Steve froze Velonasaur - Lvl 239 (Velonasaur) Day 23110, 14:55:36: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 345 (Managarmr) Day 23131, 14:32:21: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 345 (Managarmr) Day 23131, 17:18:14: Steve froze Hide - Lvl 330 (Therizinosaur) Day 23131, 17:50:25: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 345 (Managarmr) Day 23131, 23:22:38: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 345 (Managarmr) Day 23132, 01:26:14: Steve Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 217 (Ovis)! Day 23132, 01:31:01: Steve froze Ovis - Lvl 217 (Ovis) Day 23132, 02:57:43: Steve Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 202 (Ovis)! Day 23132, 03:02:11: Steve froze Ovis - Lvl 202 (Ovis) Day 23132, 05:47:35: Steve froze Ovis - Lvl 202 (Ovis) Day 23132, 06:01:53: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 345 (Managarmr) Day 23132, 07:28:23: Steve claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 199 (Ovis)'! Day 23132, 07:29:10: Steve claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 199 (Ovis)'! Day 23132, 07:30:14: Steve claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 199 (Ovis)'! Day 23132, 07:32:58: Steve froze Ovis - Lvl 217 (Ovis) Day 23132, 07:35:53: Steve froze Baby Ovis - Lvl 199 (Ovis) Day 23132, 07:40:05: Steve froze Baby Ovis - Lvl 199 (Ovis) Day 23132, 07:42:47: Steve froze Baby Ovis - Lvl 199 (Ovis) Day 23133, 01:46:48: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 345 (Managarmr) Day 23133, 02:38:08: Steve Tamed a Liopleurodon - Lvl 7 (Liopleurodon)! Day 23133, 03:26:48: Steve froze TOPEDO - Lvl 320 (Basilosaurus) Day 23133, 04:43:07: Steve froze Fighter 1 - Lvl 293 (Thylacoleo) Day 23133, 05:39:33: Steve froze Fighter 1 - Lvl 293 (Thylacoleo) Day 23133, 06:18:38: Steve froze Fighter 1 - Lvl 293 (Thylacoleo) Day 23133, 08:19:29: Steve froze Fighter 1 - Lvl 293 (Thylacoleo) Day 23133, 10:13:17: Steve froze Velonasaur - Lvl 242 (Velonasaur) Day 23133, 11:06:15: Steve froze Fighter 1 - Lvl 293 (Thylacoleo) Day 23133, 12:00:14: Steve froze Fighter 1 - Lvl 293 (Thylacoleo) Day 23133, 12:43:10: Steve froze Fighter 1 - Lvl 293 (Thylacoleo) Day 23133, 15:37:02: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 345 (Managarmr) Day 23146, 22:04:47: Steve Tamed a Liopleurodon - Lvl 7 (Liopleurodon)! Day 23146, 22:55:04: Steve froze TOPEDO - Lvl 320 (Basilosaurus) Day 23147, 00:36:00: Steve froze Fighter 1 - Lvl 293 (Thylacoleo) Day 23147, 01:16:39: Steve froze Fighter 1 - Lvl 293 (Thylacoleo) Day 23147, 02:11:57: Steve froze Fighter 1 - Lvl 293 (Thylacoleo) Day 23147, 02:26:42: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 136 was killed! Day 23147, 06:59:49: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 264 (Thylacoleo) Day 23147, 07:23:43: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 264 (Thylacoleo) Day 23147, 07:41:56: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 264 (Thylacoleo) Day 23147, 10:16:28: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 264 (Thylacoleo) Day 23147, 10:45:08: Steve froze Fenrir - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 23147, 10:57:22: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 345 (Managarmr) Day 23155, 14:47:10: Steve Tamed an Otter - Lvl 223 (Otter)! Day 23155, 15:57:51: Steve froze Otter - Lvl 223 (Otter) Day 23155, 16:00:42: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 345 (Managarmr) Day 23155, 17:44:10: Steve froze Argentavis - Lvl 293 (Argentavis) Day 23155, 18:28:32: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 345 (Managarmr) Day 23155, 19:23:51: Steve Tamed an Otter - Lvl 194 (Otter)! Day 23155, 20:57:35: Steve froze Dusty - Lvl 311 (Mantis) Day 23155, 22:18:53: Steve froze Dusty - Lvl 311 (Mantis) Day 23155, 23:37:28: Steve froze Dusty - Lvl 311 (Mantis) Day 23155, 23:41:39: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 345 (Managarmr) Day 23155, 23:50:24: Steve froze Argentavis - Lvl 293 (Argentavis) Day 23156, 00:15:04: Steve froze Argentavis - Lvl 293 (Argentavis) Day 23156, 00:19:43: Steve froze Otter - Lvl 223 (Otter) Day 23156, 04:25:55: Steve froze Argentavis - Lvl 293 (Argentavis) Day 23156, 04:43:36: Steve claimed 'Baby Otter - Lvl 208 (Otter)'! Day 23156, 04:49:59: Steve froze Baby Otter - Lvl 208 (Otter) Day 23156, 04:57:37: Steve froze Otter - Lvl 194 (Otter) Day 23158, 17:54:52: Steve Tamed a Liopleurodon - Lvl 7 (Liopleurodon)! Day 23158, 18:31:28: Steve froze TOPEDO - Lvl 320 (Basilosaurus) Day 23158, 18:54:17: Steve froze Velonasaur - Lvl 256 (Velonasaur) Day 23158, 20:32:12: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 264 (Thylacoleo) Day 23158, 21:27:11: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 264 (Thylacoleo) Day 23158, 22:00:58: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 264 (Thylacoleo) Day 23159, 00:26:09: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 264 (Thylacoleo) Day 23159, 03:23:02: Steve froze Velonasaur - Lvl 256 (Velonasaur) Day 23159, 04:58:51: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 264 (Thylacoleo) Day 23159, 05:39:22: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 270 (Thylacoleo) Day 23159, 06:13:49: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 270 (Thylacoleo) Day 23159, 09:41:18: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 345 (Managarmr) Day 23168, 06:27:47: Steve Tamed a Liopleurodon - Lvl 7 (Liopleurodon)! Day 23168, 07:02:07: Steve froze TOPEDO - Lvl 320 (Basilosaurus) Day 23168, 09:48:22: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 345 (Managarmr) Day 23174, 16:38:28: Steve Tamed a Liopleurodon - Lvl 7 (Liopleurodon)! Day 23174, 17:05:02: Steve froze TOPEDO - Lvl 320 (Basilosaurus) Day 23174, 18:03:29: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 270 (Thylacoleo) Day 23174, 18:46:57: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 270 (Thylacoleo) Day 23174, 19:31:51: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 270 (Thylacoleo) Day 23174, 19:50:50: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 270 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 23174, 20:07:21: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 136 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 300! Day 23175, 02:02:00: Steve froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 333 (Tusoteuthis) Day 23175, 02:08:18: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (Thylacoleo) Day 23175, 02:39:43: Steve froze Fenrir - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 23175, 04:10:54: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (Thylacoleo) Day 23175, 04:32:44: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 195 (Thylacoleo) Day 23175, 05:08:18: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 195 (Thylacoleo) Day 23175, 06:24:47: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 136 was killed! Day 23175, 08:21:46: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 256 (Griffin) Day 23175, 08:35:19: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 287 (Thylacoleo) Day 23175, 09:04:23: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 256 (Griffin) Day 23175, 09:32:44: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 195 (Thylacoleo) Day 23175, 10:05:53: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 287 (Thylacoleo) Day 23175, 10:46:11: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 203 (Thylacoleo) Day 23175, 12:31:01: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 287 (Thylacoleo) Day 23175, 12:35:29: Steve froze Fenrir - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 23175, 12:39:02: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 203 (Thylacoleo) Day 23175, 12:56:18: Steve froze Fenrir - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 23175, 12:59:09: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 345 (Managarmr) Day 23179, 14:32:37: Steve froze Hide - Lvl 333 (Therizinosaur) Day 23179, 15:49:36: Steve froze Hide - Lvl 333 (Therizinosaur) Day 23179, 16:57:47: Steve froze Hide - Lvl 333 (Therizinosaur) Day 23179, 17:25:00: Steve Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin)! Day 23179, 17:28:59: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin) Day 23179, 17:50:33: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin) Day 23179, 17:53:15: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 345 (Managarmr) Day 23180, 14:07:17: Steve Tamed a Liopleurodon - Lvl 7 (Liopleurodon)! Day 23180, 14:35:22: Steve froze TOPEDO - Lvl 320 (Basilosaurus) Day 23180, 17:53:53: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 345 (Managarmr) Day 23226, 16:09:03: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 345 (Managarmr) Day 23226, 16:48:22: Steve Tamed a Liopleurodon - Lvl 7 (Liopleurodon)! Day 23226, 17:39:06: Steve froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 333 (Tusoteuthis) Day 23226, 19:30:33: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 345 (Managarmr) Day 23227, 06:03:38: Steve froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 333 (Tusoteuthis) Day 23227, 06:20:01: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 345 (Managarmr) Day 23250, 15:08:23: Steve Tamed a Liopleurodon - Lvl 7 (Liopleurodon)! Day 23250, 15:39:23: Steve froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 270 (Tusoteuthis) Day 23250, 18:57:16: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 346 (Managarmr) Day 23274, 08:38:03: Steve Tamed a Liopleurodon - Lvl 7 (Liopleurodon)! Day 23274, 13:32:55: Steve froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 286 (Tusoteuthis) Day 23274, 13:56:26: Steve froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 333 (Tusoteuthis) Day 23274, 15:48:40: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 346 (Managarmr) Day 23308, 14:21:55: Steve Tamed a Liopleurodon - Lvl 7 (Liopleurodon)! Day 23308, 15:13:07: Steve froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 333 (Tusoteuthis) Day 23309, 00:32:26: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex)! Day 23309, 01:30:59: Steve froze Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) Day 23309, 02:21:03: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 346 (Managarmr) Day 23334, 17:06:35: Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 225 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 23334, 17:06:38: Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 228 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 23484, 09:56:01: Steve claimed 'Penelope - Lvl 144 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23484, 10:02:16: Steve froze Penelope - Lvl 144 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23484, 11:04:21: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 346 (Managarmr) Day 23484, 11:16:03: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 346 (Managarmr) Day 24177, 05:34:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25727, 20:05:49: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 346 (Managarmr) Day 25728, 14:10:56: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon)! Day 25728, 14:16:44: Steve froze Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon) Day 25728, 16:28:53: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)! Day 25728, 17:32:02: Steve froze Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon) Day 25728, 22:18:26: Steve Tamed an Equus - Lvl 173 (Equus)! Day 25728, 22:33:18: Steve froze Equus - Lvl 173 (Equus) Day 25728, 22:57:10: Steve froze Equus - Lvl 173 (Equus) Day 25729, 08:27:51: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 346 (Managarmr) Day 25822, 11:11:39: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 346 (Managarmr) Day 25822, 16:53:17: Steve froze Muscle - Lvl 284 (Griffin) Day 25822, 17:29:44: Your Tribe Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 217 (Griffin)! Day 25822, 22:53:37: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 217 (Griffin) Day 25823, 07:15:54: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 142 was killed! Day 25823, 08:06:26: Your Managarmr - Lvl 346 (Managarmr) was killed! Day 25823, 13:27:37: Steve froze Muscle - Lvl 284 (Griffin) Day 26082, 19:43:03: Steve froze Managarmr - Lvl 267 (Managarmr) Day 27248, 04:03:13: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41437, 08:41:41: Steve was removed from the Tribe! Day 42014, 09:59:55: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42031, 20:29:36: Steve - Lvl 146 (Tribe of Steve) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wells - Lvl 193 (Argentavis)'! Day 42323, 23:24:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42323, 23:24:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42323, 23:24:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42323, 23:24:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42323, 23:24:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42323, 23:24:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42323, 23:24:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1103953590,"tribe":"Tribe of Sandra logs":["Day 36890, 09:11:03: Sandra was added to the Tribe! Day 36890, 09:12:16: stefanie was added to the Tribe by Sandra! Day 36890, 22:14:32: Sandra froze Jimbo - Lvl 247 (Pteranodon) Day 36891, 03:14:36: stefanie froze wyvernthief - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 36916, 19:53:07: Sandra froze Fire - Lvl 215 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36916, 23:57:31: Sandra froze Jimbo - Lvl 248 (Pteranodon) Day 36917, 06:59:00: Sandra Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 134 (Griffin)! Day 36917, 08:02:06: Sandra froze Griffin - Lvl 135 (Griffin) Day 36917, 09:01:51: Sandra froze Griffin - Lvl 135 (Griffin) Day 36917, 09:05:46: Sandra froze carch - Lvl 243 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 36917, 09:10:27: Sandra froze Jimbo - Lvl 248 (Pteranodon) Day 36917, 16:03:36: Sandra froze Fire - Lvl 225 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36917, 18:58:41: Sandra froze Jimbo - Lvl 248 (Pteranodon) Day 36917, 19:57:16: Sandra froze Fire - Lvl 225 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36957, 08:26:00: Sandra froze carch - Lvl 257 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 36957, 17:50:13: stefanie froze in loving mammory - Lvl 253 (Griffin) Day 36957, 20:58:37: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 113 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 150! Day 36957, 22:04:34: Your Tribe Tamed a Spino - Lvl 217 (Spino)! Day 36957, 22:10:36: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 113 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 150! Day 36957, 23:24:30: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 36958, 00:17:15: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 113 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 1.0x! Day 36958, 03:36:00: Tribemember Sandra - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 36958, 04:34:01: Tribemember Sandra - Lvl 113 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 36958, 05:34:37: Tribemember Sandra - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 36958, 06:18:36: Sandra froze Jimbo - Lvl 251 (Pteranodon) Day 36958, 06:49:58: Sandra froze Spino - Lvl 217 (Spino) Day 36958, 17:25:56: Sandra froze carch - Lvl 273 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 36958, 17:45:38: stefanie Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 36958, 17:56:46: Sandra Tamed a Spino - Lvl 224 (Spino)! Day 36958, 18:04:31: Sandra froze eew - Lvl 224 (Spino) Day 36958, 20:19:01: stefanie Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 36959, 01:19:44: Sandra froze eew - Lvl 224 (Spino) Day 36959, 01:37:15: Sandra froze Sparky - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36959, 01:43:40: Sandra froze Spino - Lvl 217 (Spino) Day 36959, 02:01:08: stefanie froze Peter - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 36959, 02:10:18: stefanie froze Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 36959, 02:17:41: stefanie uploaded a Griffin: in loving mammory - Lvl 269 Day 36963, 20:57:27: Griselda was added to the Tribe by Sandra! Day 36963, 22:05:16: Sandra froze Griffin - Lvl 182 (Griffin) Day 36963, 22:21:39: Sandra froze Sparky - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36963, 23:11:43: Sandra froze Griffin - Lvl 182 (Griffin) Day 36963, 23:28:27: Tribemember Griselda - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 36964, 01:19:17: Tribemember Griselda - Lvl 61 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 15! Day 36964, 02:42:15: Tribemember Griselda - Lvl 61 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 36964, 03:44:44: Sandra froze Griffin - Lvl 182 (Griffin) Day 36964, 12:58:39: Griselda froze Ptero - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon) Day 36964, 13:35:14: Sandra froze Sparky - Lvl 282 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36964, 15:43:33: Sandra froze Sparky - Lvl 283 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36964, 17:06:12: Griselda froze Ptero - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 36965, 09:32:34: Tribemember Sandra - Lvl 113 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 36965, 11:57:20: Tribemember Sandra - Lvl 114 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150! Day 36965, 12:19:06: Tribemember Griselda - Lvl 64 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 45! Day 36965, 13:16:46: Tribemember Griselda - Lvl 64 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 36965, 13:34:57: Your Ptero - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 36965, 13:51:24: Your Sparky - Lvl 289 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed! Day 36965, 14:02:56: Sandra froze Griffin - Lvl 182 (Griffin) Day 36965, 14:25:47: Sandra froze carch - Lvl 274 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 36965, 16:39:51: Sandra froze Griffin - Lvl 182 (Griffin) Day 36977, 19:17:55: stefanie froze Rabbitwings - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon) Day 36978, 00:14:46: Griselda froze Petra - Lvl 249 (Pteranodon) Day 36978, 00:54:36: Tribemember Griselda - Lvl 75 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 36978, 01:10:37: Tribemember Griselda - Lvl 75 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 36978, 02:05:05: Griselda froze Petra - Lvl 253 (Pteranodon) Day 36978, 03:14:06: Your Rabbitwings - Lvl 245 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 45! Day 36978, 03:15:36: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 36978, 06:59:07: Griselda froze Petra - Lvl 253 (Pteranodon) Day 36978, 08:46:21: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 36978, 09:46:25: Griselda froze Petra - Lvl 254 (Pteranodon) Day 36978, 12:19:00: Griselda froze Petra - Lvl 254 (Pteranodon) Day 36978, 15:21:32: Griselda froze Petra - Lvl 254 (Pteranodon) Day 36978, 16:53:37: Griselda froze Petra - Lvl 254 (Pteranodon) Day 36978, 17:38:17: stefanie froze FabricT - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 36978, 18:31:37: Griselda froze Petra - Lvl 259 (Pteranodon) Day 36979, 16:24:32: stefanie froze FabricT - Lvl 203 (Pteranodon) Day 36979, 16:44:57: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 36984, 03:44:17: Sandra froze FabricT - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon) Day 36984, 07:32:41: Sandra froze FabricT - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon) Day 36984, 07:43:43: Tribemember Griselda - Lvl 87 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 36984, 09:22:51: Tribemember Griselda - Lvl 90 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 36984, 09:46:35: Sandra froze FabricT - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon) Day 36984, 11:31:58: Griselda froze Petra - Lvl 269 (Pteranodon) Day 36984, 12:20:36: Griselda froze FabricT - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon) Day 36984, 15:25:48: Sandra froze carch - Lvl 296 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 36984, 16:22:32: Griselda froze Petra - Lvl 277 (Pteranodon) Day 36984, 16:42:38: Sandra froze FabricT - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon) Day 36984, 18:13:19: Sandra froze FabricT - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon) Day 36984, 19:01:09: Griselda froze Petra - Lvl 277 (Pteranodon) Day 36985, 03:12:11: stefanie froze in loving mammory - Lvl 287 (Griffin) Day 36986, 03:04:20: Griselda froze Petra - Lvl 277 (Pteranodon) Day 37007, 17:31:13: Sandra froze Fire - Lvl 243 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37007, 20:01:11: Sandra froze carch - Lvl 296 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37007, 21:12:58: Sandra froze Fire - Lvl 244 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37032, 11:03:36: Sandra claimed 'Argentavis - Weight - Lvl 152 (Argentavis)'! Day 37032, 11:09:39: Sandra froze Argentavis - Weight - Lvl 152 (Argentavis) Day 37032, 11:20:55: Sandra froze Argentavis - Weight - Lvl 152 (Argentavis) Day 37032, 14:50:34: Sandra froze Sparky2 - Lvl 302 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 37035, 08:25:36: Sandra froze Argentavis - Weight - Lvl 152 (Argentavis) Day 37035, 14:25:05: Sandra claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 37035, 14:39:26: Sandra froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus) Day 37035, 14:41:51: Sandra claimed 'Argentavis - Speed - Lvl 199 (Argentavis)'! Day 37035, 14:49:08: Sandra claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon)'! Day 37035, 16:05:02: Sandra uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Weight - Lvl 152 Day 37035, 16:06:17: Sandra uploaded a Ankylosaurus: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 Day 37035, 16:41:55: Sandra claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 126 (Deinonychus)'! Day 37035, 16:45:09: Sandra froze Deinonychus - Lvl 126 (Deinonychus) Day 37036, 02:36:48: Sandra froze Sparky2 - Lvl 307 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 37053, 05:02:16: stefanie froze in loving mammory - Lvl 294 (Griffin) Day 37084, 21:18:54: Sandra froze Baby sausage - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 37085, 02:56:20: Sandra froze Baby sausage - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 37085, 04:45:55: Sandra froze carch - Lvl 300 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37085, 08:21:46: Sandra froze carch - Lvl 300 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37085, 08:24:40: Sandra downloaded a dino: Sparky2 - Lvl 321 Day 37085, 14:19:26: Tribemember Sandra - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 37085, 15:04:42: Tribemember Sandra - Lvl 114 was killed by an Arthropluera - Lvl 85! Day 37085, 15:42:25: Tribemember Sandra - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 37085, 17:01:05: Tribemember Sandra - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 37085, 17:51:42: Tribemember Sandra - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 37085, 21:43:54: Your PETER - Lvl 150 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 37085, 21:44:23: Tribemember Sandra - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 37086, 00:23:44: Tribemember Sandra - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 37086, 01:08:13: Tribemember Sandra - Lvl 114 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 37088, 10:54:09: Your GEMMA 2 - Lvl 155 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Griffin - Lvl 55! Day 37088, 13:33:03: Sandra froze Adolescent Nonce - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 37247, 12:04:35: Sandra froze Daenerys - Lvl 255 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37291, 11:08:34: Sandra froze Diserano - Lvl 308 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 37291, 11:26:14: Sandra froze Diserano - Lvl 308 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 37291, 15:22:29: Sandra froze magma lover - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) Day 37291, 18:02:02: Sandra froze Diserano - Lvl 311 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 37291, 18:39:49: Sandra uploaded a Griffin: Griffin - Lvl 262 Day 37292, 05:20:00: Sandra froze sophia - Lvl 263 (Argentavis) Day 37292, 05:27:57: Sandra froze Pulla Mea - Lvl 294 (Argentavis) Day 37292, 07:57:21: Sandra froze Pulla Mea - Lvl 294 (Argentavis) Day 37292, 08:04:27: Sandra froze Diserano - Lvl 311 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 37292, 16:53:16: stefanie froze in loving mammory - Lvl 299 (Griffin) Day 37294, 07:07:04: stefanie claimed 'Jupiter - Lvl 358 (Astrocetus)'! Day 37294, 07:12:57: stefanie claimed 'Grumpy - Lvl 429 (Megatherium)'! Day 37294, 07:16:18: stefanie claimed 'Hurin - Lvl 360 (Dire Bear)'! Day 37294, 07:17:11: stefanie claimed 'King of Bongo - Lvl 381 (Mammoth)'! Day 37294, 07:19:41: stefanie claimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 241 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 37294, 07:21:29: stefanie claimed 'Archangel - Lvl 374 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 37294, 07:24:59: stefanie claimed 'Speedy v2 - Lvl 436 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 37294, 07:25:46: stefanie claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 400 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 37294, 07:28:30: stefanie claimed 'Disco Kitty - Lvl 303 (Shadowmane)'! Day 37294, 07:31:26: stefanie claimed 'Round Trip - Lvl 409 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 37294, 07:41:41: stefanie claimed 'HELKARAKSE - Lvl 310 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 37294, 07:47:00: stefanie claimed 'Green Lightning 182 - Lvl 182 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 37294, 07:51:14: stefanie claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 37294, 07:59:17: stefanie claimed 'Friggia - Lvl 305 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 37294, 10:32:46: stefanie froze Grumpy - Lvl 429 (Megatherium) Day 37294, 10:41:20: stefanie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 241 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 37294, 13:28:46: stefanie froze in loving mammory - Lvl 299 (Griffin) Day 37294, 19:17:26: stefanie froze in loving mammory - Lvl 299 (Griffin) Day 37357, 15:45:57: stefanie froze magma lover - Lvl 233 (Desmodus) Day 37401, 19:04:55: Sandra froze Green Lightning 182 - Lvl 337 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 37401, 20:24:36: Sandra froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 241 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 37401, 20:31:24: Sandra froze Archangel - Lvl 374 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 37401, 21:30:43: Sandra uploaded a Blood Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 374 Day 37401, 21:33:05: Sandra uploaded a Blood Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 241 Day 37401, 21:47:16: Sandra uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Green Lightning 182 - Lvl 337 Day 37401, 21:48:57: Sandra uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Daenerys - Lvl 261 Day 37401, 22:19:46: Sandra froze Speedy v2 - Lvl 436 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 37401, 22:24:34: Sandra froze Disco Kitty - Lvl 303 (Shadowmane) Day 37401, 22:32:33: Sandra froze Round Trip - Lvl 409 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 37402, 00:24:49: Sandra uploaded a Ember Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 409 Day 37402, 00:26:24: Sandra uploaded a Shadowmane: Disco Kitty - Lvl 303 Day 37402, 00:40:01: Sandra froze Speedy v2 - Lvl 436 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 37402, 11:18:50: Sandra froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 363 (Griffin) Day 37422, 22:34:47: stefanie claimed 'best - Lvl 299 (Pteranodon)'! Day 37423, 09:52:12: stefanie froze magma lover - Lvl 237 (Desmodus) Day 37423, 10:21:37: stefanie froze dragonslayer 8 - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex) Day 37423, 17:55:51: stefanie froze magma lover - Lvl 237 (Desmodus) Day 37423, 18:15:17: stefanie froze dragonslayer 8 - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex) Day 37423, 19:21:00: stefanie Tamed a Spino - Lvl 217 (Spino)! Day 37423, 19:25:48: stefanie froze Spino - Lvl 217 (Spino) Day 37424, 06:39:43: Your Tribe Tamed a Spino - Lvl 217 (Spino)! Day 37424, 07:53:53: stefanie froze Spino - Lvl 217 (Spino) Day 37424, 08:03:50: Your Tribe Tamed a Spino - Lvl 224 (Spino)! Day 37424, 08:17:49: stefanie froze Spino - Lvl 224 (Spino) Day 37424, 09:43:21: stefanie froze magma lover - Lvl 238 (Desmodus) Day 37439, 16:01:42: Griselda was removed from the Tribe by Sandra! Day 37439, 18:35:40: Sandra froze That fast im broken - Lvl 436 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 37449, 20:38:28: Sandra downloaded a dino: Sky - Lvl 194 Day 37450, 19:32:33: Sandra froze That fast im broken - Lvl 436 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 37450, 19:42:32: Sandra froze Sky - Lvl 194 (Sinomacrops) Day 37450, 22:37:38: stefanie froze magma lover - Lvl 238 (Desmodus) Day 37481, 14:57:12: stefanie froze magma lover - Lvl 238 (Desmodus) Day 37481, 22:45:00: stefanie froze magma lover - Lvl 238 (Desmodus) Day 37535, 15:05:27: Your egger - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 37535, 15:06:05: Tribemember Sandra - Lvl 114 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150! Day 37700, 09:02:02: Sandra froze Jupiter - Lvl 358 (Astrocetus) Day 37700, 14:48:25: Sandra froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 363 (Griffin) Day 37700, 16:39:10: Your Tribe Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 37 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 37700, 16:56:07: Sandra froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 37 (Giganotosaurus) Day 37700, 17:08:43: Sandra froze F...... - Lvl 244 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37700, 21:07:15: Sandra froze F...... - Lvl 244 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37700, 21:46:08: Sandra Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 29 (Allosaurus)! Day 37700, 21:52:06: Sandra froze Allosaurus - Lvl 29 (Allosaurus) Day 37700, 22:14:12: Sandra froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 363 (Griffin) Day 37700, 22:24:38: Sandra uploaded a Sinomacrops: Big Red - Lvl 231 Day 37700, 22:26:08: Sandra uploaded a Sinomacrops: blue - Lvl 212 Day 37700, 22:27:38: Sandra uploaded a Allosaurus: Allosaurus - Lvl 29 Day 37704, 09:08:43: Your dragoneggthief - Lvl 33 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 20! Day 37779, 03:48:08: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37994, 01:45:58: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38113, 02:08:25: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38146, 13:19:59: Raven - Lvl 100 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pulla Mea - Lvl 294 (Argentavis)'! Day 38223, 00:06:17: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Ancients) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Speed - Lvl 201 (Argentavis)'! Day 38279, 17:55:18: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38279, 17:55:18: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38342, 11:05:04: Luxy Stunning Queen of Server - Lvl 160 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'stef's sweetie - Lvl 163 (Argentavis)'! Day 38548, 08:15:43: 인간 - Lvl 17 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Joe Rodon - Lvl 138 (Argentavis)'! Day 38548, 08:16:36: 인간 - Lvl 17 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'phoenix - Lvl 272 (Argentavis)'! Day 38548, 08:16:51: 인간 - Lvl 17 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 316 (Mammoth)'! Day 38548, 08:21:32: 인간 - Lvl 17 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 254 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 38548, 08:24:18: 인간 - Lvl 17 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 232 (Argentavis)'! Day 38548, 13:14:58: 인간 - Lvl 18 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Special Agent Davis - Lvl 242 (Argentavis)'! Day 38548, 13:17:19: 인간 - Lvl 6 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sophia - Lvl 294 (Argentavis)'! Day 38548, 13:17:55: 인간 - Lvl 6 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'speeder - Lvl 69 (Argentavis)'! Day 38548, 13:59:07: 인간 - Lvl 7 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Griff - Lvl 206 (Argentavis)'! Day 38588, 03:50:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38588, 03:50:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38588, 03:50:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38588, 03:50:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38588, 03:50:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38588, 03:50:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38588, 03:50:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38643, 11:32:52: JC741 - Lvl 57 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'best - Lvl 299 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38643, 12:18:54: JC741 - Lvl 57 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'flying bunny - Lvl 276 (Quetzal)'! Day 38643, 12:45:18: JC741 - Lvl 57 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 177 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38643, 12:55:42: JC741 - Lvl 57 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 38643, 13:00:26: JC741 - Lvl 57 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'HELKARAKSE - Lvl 310 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 38643, 13:40:10: JC741 - Lvl 57 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Friggia - Lvl 305 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 38643, 14:34:07: JC741 - Lvl 57 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'King of Bongo - Lvl 381 (Mammoth)'! Day 38643, 15:04:06: JC741 - Lvl 57 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hurin - Lvl 360 (Dire Bear)'! Day 38643, 16:41:26: JC741 - Lvl 57 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 400 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 38707, 05:18:48: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38707, 05:18:48: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39201, 00:55:19: Bex - Lvl 70 (Queens of the North) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon)'!"] "tribeid":1102424332,"tribe":"nips logs":["Day 29664, 14:42:22: Alfie was added to the Tribe! Day 29664, 14:54:14: Ethan was added to the Tribe by Alfie! Day 29664, 16:10:40: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 1 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 145! Day 29664, 16:35:10: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 1 was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 25! Day 29664, 16:49:36: Ethan claimed 'Saffron - Lvl 209 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 29664, 16:54:10: Ethan claimed 'draku in pers - Lvl 199 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 29664, 17:35:38: Ethan claimed 'roz bonbon - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29664, 21:27:44: Your parry - Lvl 29 (Parasaur) was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 29664, 21:28:09: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 11 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 29664, 21:40:32: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 11 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 29665, 06:44:16: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 23 was killed by Saffron - Lvl 214 (Lightning Wyvern) (nips)! Day 29665, 06:44:16: Your Tribe killed Alfie - Lvl 23 (nips)! Day 29666, 03:48:00: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 32 was killed by draku in pers - Lvl 230 (Poison Wyvern) (nips)! Day 29666, 03:48:00: Your Tribe killed Ethan - Lvl 32 (nips)! Day 29666, 05:26:11: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 29 (Doedicurus)! Day 29666, 11:24:00: Ethan demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29666, 12:06:04: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 77 was killed! Day 29666, 20:42:53: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 50 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 140! Day 29666, 20:51:43: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 78 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 140! Day 29666, 23:21:10: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 79 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 100! Day 29667, 00:22:31: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 79 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 145! Day 29667, 00:50:13: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 53 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 29667, 01:57:29: Ethan claimed 'Assim fica melhor - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29667, 05:53:44: Ethan unclaimed 'Assim fica melhor - Lvl 231 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29667, 06:48:41: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 53 was killed! Day 29667, 07:24:22: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 79 was killed by Saffron - Lvl 259 (Lightning Wyvern) (nips)! Day 29667, 07:24:22: Your Tribe killed Alfie - Lvl 79 (nips)! Day 29667, 07:25:03: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 53 was killed by Saffron - Lvl 259 (Lightning Wyvern) (nips)! Day 29667, 07:25:03: Your Tribe killed Ethan - Lvl 53 (nips)! Day 29667, 08:09:53: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 53 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 55! Day 29667, 08:16:33: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 79 was killed! Day 29667, 14:02:49: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 81 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 85! Day 29667, 23:29:22: Ethan claimed 'flyer 8 - Lvl 287 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29667, 23:30:33: Ethan claimed 'Sally - Lvl 309 (Baryonyx)'! Day 29667, 23:32:08: Ethan claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 272 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 29668, 06:27:00: Alfie claimed 'Schnoozer - Lvl 206 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 29668, 09:58:13: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 82 was killed by draku in pers - Lvl 233 (Poison Wyvern) (nips)! Day 29668, 09:58:13: Your Tribe killed Alfie - Lvl 82 (nips)! Day 29668, 11:35:15: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 82 was killed by Ethan - Lvl 58 (nips)! Day 29668, 11:35:15: Your Tribe killed Alfie - Lvl 82 (nips)! Day 29668, 13:20:21: Alfie Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 37 (Therizinosaur)! Day 29668, 19:15:03: Your Edward Sexy Hands - Lvl 50 (Therizinosaur) was killed by Saffron - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) (nips)! Day 29668, 19:15:03: Your Tribe killed Edward Sexy Hands - Lvl 50 (Therizinosaur) (nips)! Day 29683, 11:24:46: Alfie demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 29684, 06:04:13: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 93 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 29684, 09:48:46: Alfie Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 74 (Mesopithecus)! Day 29684, 13:12:45: Ethan froze Sally - Lvl 312 (Baryonyx) Day 29684, 13:18:44: Alfie Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 29 (Mesopithecus)! Day 29684, 13:19:51: Ethan froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 275 (Ankylosaurus) Day 29684, 13:22:54: Ethan froze rock muncher - Lvl 49 (Doedicurus) Day 29684, 14:36:29: Alfie Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 29 (Therizinosaur)! Day 29684, 14:51:26: Ethan froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 29 (Therizinosaur) Day 29684, 14:53:05: Alfie froze King Louie - Lvl 77 (Mesopithecus) Day 29684, 16:48:37: Alfie froze draku in pers - Lvl 237 (Poison Wyvern) Day 29684, 17:03:00: Ethan uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Saffron - Lvl 261 Day 29684, 17:21:17: Ethan downloaded a dino: Saffron - Lvl 261 Day 29684, 17:25:39: Ethan froze Saffron - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29830, 03:19:51: Ethan claimed 'Sarah - Lvl 266 (Triceratops)'! Day 29830, 03:20:56: Ethan claimed 'black man named requis - Lvl 268 (Equus)'! Day 29830, 03:21:49: Ethan claimed 'White gyal named Emily - Lvl 266 (Equus)'! Day 29830, 03:24:18: Ethan claimed 'meow - Lvl 133 (Triceratops)'! Day 29830, 05:04:36: Ethan froze go fast - Lvl 231 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29830, 06:18:40: Ethan claimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 82 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 29830, 06:20:26: Ethan claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 139 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 29830, 07:58:14: Ethan froze go fast - Lvl 231 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29830, 15:24:35: Ethan claimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29830, 15:24:50: Ethan claimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29830, 15:25:14: Ethan claimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29830, 15:25:53: Ethan claimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29830, 15:26:06: Ethan claimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29830, 15:26:36: Ethan claimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29830, 15:27:30: Ethan claimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29830, 15:28:12: Ethan claimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29830, 15:35:20: Ethan claimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29830, 15:36:15: Ethan claimed 'Joyful And - Lvl 262 (Maewing)'! Day 29830, 15:36:32: Ethan claimed 'I Used To Be - Lvl 222 (Maewing)'! Day 29830, 15:37:01: Ethan claimed 'Skip So Merrily - Lvl 316 (Maewing)'! Day 29830, 15:38:56: Ethan claimed 'Baby Got Back - Lvl 288 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 29830, 15:55:23: Ethan claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus)'! Day 29830, 15:59:05: Ethan claimed 'Grease - Lvl 332 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 29830, 16:03:44: Ethan claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 278 (Megatherium)'! Day 29830, 16:04:14: Ethan claimed 'Caramel - Lvl 305 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 29830, 16:05:38: Ethan claimed 'Coffe - Lvl 285 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 29830, 16:10:05: Ethan claimed 'Jaytee Dupitidy - Lvl 429 (Tek Rex)'! Day 29830, 16:11:36: Ethan claimed 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 213 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 29830, 16:21:32: Ethan claimed '42m - Lvl 284 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 29830, 16:23:35: Ethan claimed 'Quetzal - Lvl 199 (Quetzal)'! Day 29830, 16:27:51: Ethan claimed 'Granger - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 29830, 16:30:16: Ethan claimed 'Killer Queen - Lvl 309 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 29830, 16:32:03: Ethan claimed 'Maewing - Lvl 211 (Maewing)'! Day 29830, 16:45:06: Ethan unclaimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29830, 16:47:10: Ethan unclaimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29830, 16:49:09: Ethan claimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29830, 16:50:05: Ethan claimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29830, 16:54:55: Ethan froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29830, 17:19:07: Ethan claimed 'Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake)'! Day 29830, 17:19:55: Ethan claimed '37m - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake)'! Day 29830, 17:38:07: Ethan claimed '39M - Lvl 224 (Megatherium)'! Day 29830, 17:39:01: Ethan claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 205 (Megatherium)'! Day 29830, 17:39:27: Ethan claimed '43M - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)'! Day 29830, 19:50:08: Ethan claimed 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 244 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 29830, 19:55:22: Ethan claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 160 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 29830, 20:04:30: Ethan claimed 'Carbonemys - Lvl 206 (Carbonemys)'! Day 29830, 20:04:57: Ethan claimed 'Carbonemys - Lvl 212 (Carbonemys)'! Day 29830, 20:05:46: Ethan claimed 'Carbonemys - Lvl 223 (Carbonemys)'! Day 29830, 20:06:08: Ethan claimed 'Carbonemys - Lvl 259 (Carbonemys)'! Day 29830, 20:08:37: Ethan claimed 'Purlovia - Lvl 45 (Purlovia)'! Day 29830, 20:09:30: Ethan claimed 'R-Equus - Lvl 221 (R-Equus)'! Day 29830, 20:11:02: Ethan claimed 'Coke - Lvl 214 (R-Direwolf)'! Day 29830, 20:14:10: Ethan claimed 'flyer 7 - Lvl 276 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29830, 20:20:39: Ethan claimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 220 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 29830, 20:23:48: Ethan claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 29830, 20:24:21: Ethan claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 29830, 20:25:16: Ethan claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 234 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 29830, 20:26:17: Ethan claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 234 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 29830, 20:27:20: Ethan claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 234 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 29830, 20:28:23: Ethan claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 234 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 29830, 20:29:18: Ethan claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 29830, 20:30:51: Ethan claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 29830, 20:32:07: Ethan claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 29830, 20:45:20: Ethan claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 29830, 20:45:49: Ethan claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 29830, 21:08:05: Ethan claimed 'Dire Bear - Lvl 221 (Dire Bear)'! Day 29830, 21:16:20: Ethan claimed 'Carbonemys - Lvl 220 (Carbonemys)'! Day 29830, 22:33:41: Ethan claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 209 (Parasaur)'! Day 29830, 22:35:09: Ethan claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 201 (Parasaur)'! Day 29830, 22:39:11: Ethan claimed 'Madam Loins I - Lvl 262 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 29830, 22:44:02: Ethan claimed 'Woolly Rhino - Lvl 219 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 29831, 00:16:05: Ethan froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 160 (Therizinosaur) Day 29831, 00:26:00: Ethan froze Quetzal - Lvl 199 (Quetzal) Day 29831, 00:32:47: Ethan froze Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) Day 29831, 00:48:29: Ethan froze 37m - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) Day 29831, 01:10:39: Ethan froze Baby Got Back - Lvl 288 (Poison Wyvern) Day 29831, 01:12:14: Ethan claimed 'These - Lvl 286 (Gasbags)'! Day 29831, 01:18:10: Ethan froze I Used To Be - Lvl 222 (Maewing) Day 29831, 01:23:49: Ethan froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29831, 01:38:05: Ethan froze Grease - Lvl 332 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29831, 01:48:54: Ethan froze Skip So Merrily - Lvl 316 (Maewing) Day 29831, 01:52:46: Ethan froze Joyful And - Lvl 262 (Maewing) Day 29831, 02:32:16: Ethan froze Granger - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29831, 02:38:23: Ethan froze Maewing - Lvl 211 (Maewing) Day 29831, 02:57:13: Ethan froze Coffe - Lvl 285 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 29831, 03:16:27: Ethan froze Killer Queen - Lvl 309 (Thylacoleo) Day 29831, 03:19:57: Alfie froze Skip So Merrily - Lvl 316 (Maewing) Day 29831, 03:36:46: Ethan froze Hippie 1 - Lvl 321 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 29831, 03:40:52: Ethan froze go fast - Lvl 231 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29831, 03:42:50: Alfie froze Joyful And - Lvl 262 (Maewing) Day 29831, 03:51:04: Alfie froze Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) Day 29831, 03:53:56: Ethan froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 160 (Therizinosaur) Day 29831, 04:00:34: Ethan froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 160 (Therizinosaur) Day 29831, 04:04:12: Ethan froze Granger - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29831, 04:07:30: Alfie froze Quetzal - Lvl 199 (Quetzal) Day 29831, 04:08:41: Ethan froze Maewing - Lvl 211 (Maewing) Day 29831, 04:16:02: Ethan froze Killer Queen - Lvl 309 (Thylacoleo) Day 29831, 04:17:19: Alfie froze Baby Got Back - Lvl 288 (Poison Wyvern) Day 29831, 04:26:51: Ethan froze Coffe - Lvl 285 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 29831, 04:28:21: Alfie froze I Used To Be - Lvl 222 (Maewing) Day 29831, 04:35:27: Ethan froze Skip So Merrily - Lvl 316 (Maewing) Day 29831, 04:45:02: Alfie claimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29831, 04:49:24: Alfie unclaimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 29831, 05:00:42: Ethan claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus)'! Day 29831, 05:09:42: Alfie froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29831, 05:15:49: Alfie froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29831, 05:22:57: Alfie claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus)'! Day 29831, 05:23:44: Alfie claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus)'! Day 29831, 05:24:10: Alfie claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus)'! Day 29831, 05:24:49: Alfie claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus)'! Day 29831, 05:26:28: Ethan claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 273 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 29831, 05:27:38: Alfie claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 29831, 05:28:00: Alfie claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 29831, 05:48:05: Ethan froze Caramel - Lvl 305 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 29831, 05:57:51: Alfie claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 127 (Parasaur)'! Day 29831, 05:58:08: Ethan froze 42m - Lvl 284 (Brontosaurus) Day 29831, 05:58:23: Alfie claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 194 (Parasaur)'! Day 29831, 06:51:51: Alfie claimed 'Sap - Lvl 203 (Gacha)'! Day 29831, 10:16:27: Ethan froze Granger - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29831, 10:34:32: Ethan froze Granger - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29831, 10:58:52: Ethan claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29831, 11:03:45: Ethan claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 204 (Triceratops)'! Day 29831, 11:41:35: Ethan froze Pteranodon - Lvl 370 (Pteranodon) Day 29831, 11:50:47: Alfie froze Tank - Lvl 309 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29842, 12:30:01: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29983, 05:04:20: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30040, 22:43:49: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 30040, 22:43:51: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 30040, 22:43:53: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 30040, 22:44:41: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 30040, 22:44:46: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 30043, 13:00:28: Your Sap - Lvl 203 (Gacha) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 140! Day 30043, 21:38:21: Your Woolly Rhino - Lvl 219 (Woolly Rhino) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 90! Day 30044, 05:08:18: Your Dire Bear - Lvl 221 (Dire Bear) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 30044, 05:13:57: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 223 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 50! Day 30044, 10:44:39: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 212 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 90! Day 30044, 11:01:38: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 220 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 90! Day 30044, 12:29:11: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 206 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 90! Day 30044, 14:47:05: Your Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 244 (Tek Stegosaurus) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 90! Day 30044, 15:31:54: Your Parasaur - Lvl 194 (Parasaur) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 90! Day 30044, 16:16:33: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 259 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 140! Day 30044, 16:21:49: Your Parasaur - Lvl 127 (Parasaur) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 90! Day 30044, 16:35:38: Your Parasaur - Lvl 201 (Parasaur) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 90! Day 30044, 16:49:07: Your Parasaur - Lvl 209 (Parasaur) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 90! Day 30062, 04:45:01: Your flyer 7 - Lvl 276 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 90! Day 30092, 15:17:03: Schnoozer - Lvl 212 (Megalosaurus) starved to death! Day 30266, 12:58:35: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30399, 17:52:52: Your Purlovia - Lvl 45 (Purlovia) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 30399, 17:58:52: Your R-Equus - Lvl 221 (R-Equus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 30399, 18:13:05: Your Coke - Lvl 214 (R-Direwolf) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 30399, 18:53:47: Your Coffe - Lvl 285 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 30399, 21:55:51: Your Ice Wyvern - Lvl 213 (Ice Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 130! Day 30418, 16:14:44: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'King Louie - Lvl 77 (Mesopithecus)'! Day 30418, 16:15:54: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Caesar - Lvl 30 (Mesopithecus)'! Day 30466, 14:23:04: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 204 (Triceratops)'! Day 30466, 14:24:13: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30550, 03:26:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30550, 03:26:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30550, 03:26:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30589, 04:55:58: Your Baby Got Back - Lvl 288 (Poison Wyvern) was killed! Day 30589, 04:56:32: Your Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) was killed! Day 30589, 04:57:52: Your Madam Loins I - Lvl 262 (Fire Wyvern) was killed! Day 30589, 04:58:43: Your 39M - Lvl 224 (Megatherium) was killed! Day 30589, 04:59:08: Your Megatherium - Lvl 278 (Megatherium) was killed! Day 30589, 05:00:26: Your 37m - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) was killed! Day 30589, 05:04:33: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 234 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:04:43: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 234 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:04:52: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:05:19: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:06:33: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:06:47: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:06:52: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 234 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:07:09: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:07:51: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:12:12: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:12:31: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 234 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:18:30: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 30589, 05:23:26: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 273 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 30663, 03:33:25: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 30663, 03:58:46: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus)'! Day 30663, 03:59:20: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 30663, 03:59:58: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus)'! Day 30663, 04:00:17: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus)'! Day 30663, 04:01:10: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus)'! Day 30663, 04:01:39: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 220 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 30663, 05:26:19: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 214 (Allosaurus)'! Day 30663, 06:34:41: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jaytee Dupitidy - Lvl 429 (Tek Rex)'! Day 30663, 06:52:07: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame '43M - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)'! Day 30702, 08:03:39: Dalton343 - Lvl 152 (Sexy boys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jeffrey dahmer - Lvl 290 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30727, 08:28:15: Neo - Lvl 114 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'black man named requis - Lvl 268 (Equus)'! Day 30727, 08:28:44: Neo - Lvl 114 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarah - Lvl 266 (Triceratops)'! Day 30727, 08:29:35: Neo - Lvl 114 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'White gyal named Emily - Lvl 266 (Equus)'! Day 30727, 08:30:15: Neo - Lvl 114 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'meow - Lvl 133 (Triceratops)'! Day 30766, 01:58:50: Stenhouse - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'These - Lvl 286 (Gasbags)'! Day 30857, 10:24:51: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30935, 19:36:03: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 82 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 30935, 19:37:06: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 139 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 31056, 21:55:27: Zenalis - Lvl 94 (Kitties Tities) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'roz bonbon - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31338, 10:10:47: Your Megatherium - Lvl 205 (Megatherium) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 135!"] "tribeid":1101534576,"tribe":"Bodi Tribe logs":["Day 23337, 12:46:21: Jake was added to the Tribe! Day 23337, 12:48:10: mitchy was added to the Tribe by Jake! Day 23337, 14:35:49: Tribemember mitchy - Lvl 3 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 145! Day 23337, 15:35:37: Your Adam - Lvl 34 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 135! Day 23337, 15:56:17: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23337, 19:45:22: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 23337, 23:21:22: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 71 (Pteranodon)! Day 23338, 03:44:05: Babatunde was added to the Tribe by Jake! Day 23338, 06:58:39: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 3 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 145! Day 23338, 07:45:32: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 3 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 145! Day 23338, 07:48:17: Tribemember Jake - Lvl 40 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 85! Day 23338, 09:06:37: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 3 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 85! Day 23338, 10:03:07: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 3 was killed by mitchy - Lvl 15 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23338, 10:03:07: Your Tribe killed Babatunde - Lvl 3 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23338, 10:25:36: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 3 was killed by Jake - Lvl 40 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23338, 10:25:36: Your Tribe killed Babatunde - Lvl 3 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23338, 10:40:48: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 3 was killed by mitchy - Lvl 15 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23338, 10:40:48: Your Tribe killed Babatunde - Lvl 3 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23338, 11:43:55: Babatunde was removed from the Tribe by Jake! Day 23338, 12:34:45: Babatunde was added to the Tribe by Jake! Day 23338, 13:00:42: Babatunde demolished a 'Wooden Cage (Locked) '! Day 23338, 13:33:50: mitchy claimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 23338, 14:21:29: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 12 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 23338, 15:38:21: Tribemember mitchy - Lvl 19 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 95! Day 23338, 23:21:56: Jake Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 19 (Parasaur)! Day 23339, 05:05:42: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 21 was killed by mitchy - Lvl 25 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23339, 05:05:42: Your Tribe killed Babatunde - Lvl 21 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23339, 13:29:23: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 23339, 16:57:44: Jake claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 53 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23340, 06:33:42: Jake demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 23340, 06:34:41: Jake demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 23340, 06:35:38: Jake demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 23340, 06:37:33: Jake demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 23340, 06:38:15: Jake demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 23340, 14:28:44: Jake demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 23340, 19:36:54: Tribemember mitchy - Lvl 30 was killed by Jake - Lvl 56 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23340, 19:36:54: Your Tribe killed mitchy - Lvl 30 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23340, 19:56:08: Tribemember mitchy - Lvl 30 was killed by Jake - Lvl 56 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23340, 19:56:08: Your Tribe killed mitchy - Lvl 30 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23341, 16:17:58: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 23341, 16:17:58: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 23341, 16:18:01: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 23341, 16:18:01: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 23341, 16:18:07: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 23341, 16:18:07: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 23341, 21:51:01: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 138 (Triceratops)! Day 23358, 18:03:25: Jake Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 149 (Dodo)! Day 23359, 12:53:53: Jake Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 67 (Dodo)! Day 23359, 14:05:35: Jake Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 23359, 14:35:12: Your dipstick - Lvl 67 (Dodo) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 100! Day 23359, 14:36:33: Your Dildo - Lvl 29 (Dodo) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 100! Day 23359, 14:44:17: Your Bozo - Lvl 149 (Dodo) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 25! Day 23359, 15:09:48: Your big bertha - Lvl 84 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 25! Day 23359, 15:12:06: Your AAF11 - Lvl 42 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 100! Day 23359, 15:23:32: Your Pete but worse - Lvl 33 (Parasaur) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 100! Day 23359, 21:35:02: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 67 (Parasaur)! Day 23359, 22:41:58: mitchy was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Jake! Day 23359, 22:43:20: Babatunde was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Jake! Day 23360, 00:37:32: mitchy Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 201 (Parasaur)! Day 23360, 00:38:24: mitchy Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 193 (Dodo)! Day 23360, 02:20:17: Jake Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 23360, 05:29:45: Jake Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 223 (Dodo)! Day 23360, 07:33:03: mitchy Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20 (Dilophosaur)! Day 23360, 08:56:24: Jake Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 85 (Pteranodon)! Day 23360, 09:09:19: mitchy Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 28 (Dilophosaur)! Day 23360, 11:12:50: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 207 (Dilophosaur)! Day 23360, 14:11:23: mitchy claimed 'Baby Parasaur - Lvl 113 (Parasaur)'! Day 23360, 16:04:13: Jake claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 145 (Dodo)'! Day 23360, 16:08:31: Jake claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 137 (Dodo)'! Day 23360, 16:27:10: Jake unclaimed 'Baby Baby - Lvl 145 (Dodo)'! Day 23360, 16:34:55: Jake claimed 'Baby Baby - Lvl 145 (Dodo)'! Day 23360, 16:35:27: Your Baby Baby - Lvl 145 (Dodo) was killed by Jake - Lvl 64 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23360, 16:35:27: Your Tribe killed Baby Baby - Lvl 145 (Dodo) (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23360, 16:40:52: Jake unclaimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 137 (Dodo)'! Day 23360, 16:42:46: Jake claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 137 (Dodo)'! Day 23360, 16:43:05: Your Baby Dodo - Lvl 137 (Dodo) was killed by Jake - Lvl 64 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23360, 16:43:05: Your Tribe killed Baby Dodo - Lvl 137 (Dodo) (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23360, 20:09:16: Tribemember mitchy - Lvl 33 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 150! Day 23360, 20:33:52: Tribemember mitchy - Lvl 33 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 150! Day 23361, 06:09:48: Jake Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 221 (Carbonemys)! Day 23361, 11:20:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 223 (Carbonemys)! Day 23361, 11:54:06: Your lil shjit 2.0 - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 23361, 12:51:08: Jake Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 29 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 23362, 06:23:58: Jake Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 74 (Moschops)! Day 23362, 07:22:05: mitchy Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 23362, 08:35:35: mitchy Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 23362, 10:08:35: Tribemember mitchy - Lvl 39 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 23362, 21:37:46: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 72 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 23363, 02:29:42: mitchy claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 23363, 03:04:04: Jake Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 148 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 23363, 13:12:58: Jake Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 37 (Moschops)! Day 23363, 18:46:25: Tribemember Jake - Lvl 68 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 23364, 16:19:49: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 26 was killed! Day 23364, 18:59:38: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 26 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 85! Day 23364, 20:05:43: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 26 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 85! Day 23365, 00:23:48: Moz was added to the Tribe by Jake! Day 23365, 01:50:56: Tribemember mitchy - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 23365, 03:55:49: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 28 was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 188 (Lightning Wyvern) (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23365, 03:55:49: Your Tribe killed Babatunde - Lvl 28 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23365, 03:57:01: Your bob - Lvl 93 (Pteranodon) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 188 (Lightning Wyvern) (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23365, 03:57:01: Your Tribe killed bob - Lvl 93 (Pteranodon) (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23365, 04:22:35: mitchy unclaimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 72 (Parasaur)'! Day 23365, 06:37:59: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 28 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 23365, 07:57:50: mitchy Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 74 (Moschops)! Day 23365, 09:32:49: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 24 (Dodo)! Day 23365, 09:38:51: mitchy Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 37 (Moschops)! Day 23365, 10:27:09: Tribemember mitchy - Lvl 47 was killed by Babatunde - Lvl 28 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23365, 10:27:09: Your Tribe killed mitchy - Lvl 47 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23365, 14:42:50: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 23365, 15:18:26: Babatunde was removed from the Tribe by mitchy! Day 23365, 15:29:16: Babatunde was added to the Tribe by mitchy! Day 23365, 15:50:56: Jake Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 23365, 16:17:39: Tribemember mitchy - Lvl 47 was killed by Moz - Lvl 16 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23365, 16:17:39: Your Tribe killed mitchy - Lvl 47 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 02:44:21: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 29 was killed by Moz - Lvl 17 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 02:44:21: Your Tribe killed Babatunde - Lvl 29 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 05:38:48: Tribemember Moz - Lvl 17 was killed by mitchy - Lvl 50 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 05:38:48: Your Tribe killed Moz - Lvl 17 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 06:04:55: Tribemember Moz - Lvl 17 was killed by mitchy - Lvl 50 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 06:04:55: Your Tribe killed Moz - Lvl 17 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 06:11:56: Tribemember Jake - Lvl 69 was killed by Babatunde - Lvl 30 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 06:11:56: Your Tribe killed Jake - Lvl 69 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 07:50:33: Tribemember Moz - Lvl 18 was killed by Babatunde - Lvl 30 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 07:50:33: Your Tribe killed Moz - Lvl 18 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 08:28:41: Tribemember Jake - Lvl 69 was killed by Babatunde - Lvl 30 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 08:28:41: Your Tribe killed Jake - Lvl 69 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 08:33:33: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 30 was killed by mitchy - Lvl 51 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 08:33:33: Your Tribe killed Babatunde - Lvl 30 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 08:40:45: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 30 was killed by mitchy - Lvl 51 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 08:40:45: Your Tribe killed Babatunde - Lvl 30 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 08:45:39: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 30 was killed by Jake - Lvl 69 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 08:45:39: Your Tribe killed Babatunde - Lvl 30 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 09:25:33: Tribemember mitchy - Lvl 51 was killed! Day 23366, 10:29:07: Tribemember Jake - Lvl 69 was killed by Moz - Lvl 18 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 10:29:07: Your Tribe killed Jake - Lvl 69 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 10:34:45: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 31 was killed by Moz - Lvl 18 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 10:34:45: Your Tribe killed Babatunde - Lvl 31 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 11:16:39: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23366, 11:21:52: Tribemember Moz - Lvl 18 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 20! Day 23366, 11:25:12: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 31 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 20! Day 23366, 11:33:03: Tribemember Jake - Lvl 69 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 20! Day 23366, 12:52:09: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 31 was killed by Moz - Lvl 20 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 12:52:09: Your Tribe killed Babatunde - Lvl 31 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23366, 14:13:33: Tribemember Moz - Lvl 20 was killed! Day 23366, 18:39:24: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 32 was killed! Day 23366, 19:44:45: Jake demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 23366, 19:45:44: Jake demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 23366, 19:46:28: Jake demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 23366, 19:47:12: Jake demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 23366, 20:48:33: Tribemember mitchy - Lvl 51 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 23366, 21:53:20: Tribemember mitchy - Lvl 51 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 23367, 00:38:32: Tribemember Moz - Lvl 24 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 145! Day 23367, 00:40:42: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 32 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 145! Day 23367, 00:53:54: Your baby big batty bertha - Lvl 131 (Parasaur) was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 145! Day 23367, 01:02:20: Tribemember Moz - Lvl 24 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 145! Day 23367, 01:10:36: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 32 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 145! Day 23367, 01:21:30: Tribemember mitchy - Lvl 51 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 145! Day 23367, 02:10:14: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 32 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 23367, 02:11:06: Tribemember Moz - Lvl 24 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 145! Day 23367, 02:53:52: Tribemember Moz - Lvl 24 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 140! Day 23381, 13:30:16: Tribemember mitchy - Lvl 51 was killed! Day 23381, 16:29:08: Tribemember mitchy - Lvl 52 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 150! Day 23381, 19:21:52: Your daddypig799 - Lvl 54 (Moschops) was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 108! Day 23383, 08:47:51: Tribemember mitchy - Lvl 54 was killed! Day 23383, 11:00:42: Jake claimed 'Baby Carbonemys - Lvl 210 (Carbonemys)'! Day 23390, 04:11:56: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 32 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 55! Day 23390, 04:56:15: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 33 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 95! Day 23390, 05:26:08: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 33 was killed by dragon bollocks Z - Lvl 200 (Lightning Wyvern) (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23390, 05:26:08: Your Tribe killed Babatunde - Lvl 33 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23390, 06:03:22: Babatunde Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 23409, 16:05:21: Tribemember mitchy - Lvl 57 was killed! Day 23409, 16:20:10: mitchy claimed 'Baby Carbonemys - Lvl 228 (Carbonemys)'! Day 23409, 16:37:13: Tribemember Jake - Lvl 71 was killed by dragon bollocks Z - Lvl 200 (Lightning Wyvern) (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23409, 16:37:13: Your Tribe killed Jake - Lvl 71 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23410, 09:09:32: Adolescent squirtle - Lvl 228 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 23410, 11:47:27: Jake claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 23410, 14:01:51: Tribemember mitchy - Lvl 58 was killed by dragon bollocks Z - Lvl 206 (Lightning Wyvern) (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23410, 14:01:51: Your Tribe killed mitchy - Lvl 58 (Bodi Tribe)! Day 23468, 14:36:11: Your Pete - Lvl 53 (Parasaur) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 130! Day 23473, 14:01:28: Your Dodo - Lvl 24 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 23505, 11:10:26: Your daddypig684 - Lvl 49 (Moschops) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 145! Day 23540, 03:22:06: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23550, 12:33:50: Your Antonio - Lvl 39 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 23646, 19:36:10: mitchy claimed 'Baby Carbonemys - Lvl 230 (Carbonemys)'! Day 23647, 10:14:22: mitchy Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 134 (Argentavis)! Day 23647, 10:34:31: mitchy demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23647, 13:05:15: Your wasih baby - Lvl 230 (Carbonemys) was killed! Day 23647, 13:05:15: wasih baby - Lvl 230 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 23681, 10:54:52: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23828, 12:05:16: lil shit - Lvl 23 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 23909, 16:55:14: Your Eve - Lvl 60 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 50! Day 23941, 06:17:03: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23941, 06:17:03: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23964, 13:26:36: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23964, 13:26:36: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23964, 13:26:36: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24091, 21:22:54: Mr Rex - Lvl 86 (peanut butter rag) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24143, 07:28:04: big batty bertha - Lvl 224 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 24210, 11:21:50: Tribemember mitchy - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 24210, 11:30:02: Tribemember Babatunde - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 24210, 12:01:44: Tribemember Moz - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 24210, 21:34:19: Nytrix - Lvl 80 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fanny pack - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)'! Day 24210, 21:35:23: Nytrix - Lvl 80 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'jake's fanny pack - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)'! Day 24228, 03:52:20: Kyanite - Lvl 85 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'dragon bollocks Z - Lvl 210 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 24228, 03:58:54: Kyanite - Lvl 85 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'bird - Lvl 138 (Argentavis)'! Day 24228, 03:59:51: Kyanite - Lvl 85 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'manky - Lvl 167 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 24228, 04:00:38: Kyanite - Lvl 85 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'suiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - Lvl 94 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 24228, 04:01:26: Kyanite - Lvl 85 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'stud - Lvl 237 (Carbonemys)'! Day 24228, 04:02:21: Kyanite - Lvl 85 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'daddypig79969420 - Lvl 113 (Moschops)'! Day 24228, 04:03:03: Kyanite - Lvl 85 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'triple dildo face - Lvl 161 (Triceratops)'! Day 24228, 04:03:52: Kyanite - Lvl 85 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ooooooohhhhhhhhhhh yeeee - Lvl 220 (Carbonemys)'! Day 24228, 04:04:27: Kyanite - Lvl 85 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'slut - Lvl 239 (Carbonemys)'! Day 24228, 04:06:42: Kyanite - Lvl 85 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Strap on - Lvl 239 (Dodo)'! Day 24228, 04:09:29: Kyanite - Lvl 85 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'JAKES PT - Lvl 79 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24228, 04:17:50: Kyanite - Lvl 85 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'daddypig193 - Lvl 103 (Moschops)'! Day 24228, 05:40:01: Kyanite - Lvl 85 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'phil - Lvl 215 (Dodo)'! Day 24228, 06:09:39: Tribemember Jake - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 24231, 06:39:16: Kyanite - Lvl 85 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shit PT - Lvl 42 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24248, 01:16:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24248, 01:16:01: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24521, 13:09:51: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 142 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'dildo - Lvl 34 (Dodo)'! Day 24531, 14:07:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24531, 14:07:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24531, 14:07:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24531, 14:07:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24555, 05:47:51: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24663, 16:59:40: venomous - Lvl 216 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 24815, 00:31:44: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25089, 19:05:11: Abdul's Fanny Pack - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 25111, 03:30:29: Hecate - Lvl 9 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 25118, 18:07:03: Hecate - Lvl 51 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 25118, 18:16:00: Hecate - Lvl 51 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1098668378,"tribe":"Kanye West's Lawyers logs":["Day 26555, 12:27:06: cachuhead was added to the Tribe! Day 26555, 12:30:48: NebTheLank was added to the Tribe by cachuhead! Day 26555, 14:36:07: Tribemember cachuhead - Lvl 5 was killed! Day 26993, 23:19:59: Tribemember NebTheLank - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1098495375,"tribe":"Tribe of Haggis logs":["Day 40548, 11:14:07: Haggis was added to the Tribe! Day 40548, 13:58:45: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 150! Day 40548, 19:15:39: Haggis froze Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 40548, 19:34:42: Haggis froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 281 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 40610, 00:31:41: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40673, 01:47:57: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 115 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 40681, 14:42:46: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40681, 14:42:46: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40762, 16:07:56: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 340 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 40762, 16:07:56: Your Tribe killed Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis)! Day 40909, 04:42:05: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 130! Day 40996, 05:31:00: Haggis claimed 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 327 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 40996, 05:56:06: Haggis froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 327 (R-Reaper King) Day 40996, 06:10:04: Haggis claimed 'Marc Bolan - Lvl 301 (Rex)'! Day 40996, 06:12:57: Haggis froze Marc Bolan - Lvl 301 (Rex) Day 40996, 06:46:29: Haggis claimed 'Mammoth - Lvl 320 (Mammoth)'! Day 40996, 07:07:05: Haggis claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 286 (Pteranodon)'! Day 40996, 07:20:37: Haggis claimed 'Paraceratherium - Lvl 226 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 40996, 08:01:57: Haggis claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 257 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 40996, 09:05:36: Haggis claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 234 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 40996, 09:51:43: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 237 (Carnotaurus) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 278 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Haggis)! Day 40996, 09:51:43: Your Tribe killed Carnotaurus - Lvl 237 (Carnotaurus) (Tribe of Haggis)! Day 40996, 10:34:53: Haggis claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 34 (Pteranodon)'! Day 40996, 11:41:04: Haggis froze Pteranodon - Lvl 286 (Pteranodon) Day 40996, 14:49:41: Haggis froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 278 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 40998, 20:38:23: Haggis froze Paraceratherium - Lvl 228 (Paraceratherium) Day 40998, 21:09:17: Haggis froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 257 (Brontosaurus) Day 40998, 21:17:51: Haggis froze Mammoth - Lvl 321 (Mammoth) Day 40998, 22:11:51: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 34 (Pteranodon) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 340 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 40998, 22:11:51: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 34 (Pteranodon) (Tribe of Haggis)! Day 40998, 22:57:33: Haggis froze Marc Bolan - Lvl 303 (Rex) Day 40999, 10:03:26: Haggis claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 67 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 41000, 07:01:16: Hyaenodon - Lvl 90 destroyed your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 41000, 07:02:54: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 90! Day 41000, 07:44:23: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 140! Day 41000, 12:09:50: Haggis froze Pteranodon - Lvl 287 (Pteranodon) Day 41000, 14:58:16: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 41000, 15:44:44: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 41001, 12:15:07: Haggis Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 22 (Megalodon)! Day 41001, 12:46:35: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 29 (Megalodon)! Day 41001, 15:24:49: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 135! Day 41001, 15:27:17: Your Megalodon - Lvl 24 (Megalodon) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 41001, 18:15:54: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 135! Day 41001, 19:14:09: Haggis froze Pteranodon - Lvl 287 (Pteranodon) Day 41070, 19:12:57: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 41071, 10:53:55: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 340 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 41071, 10:53:55: Your Tribe killed Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis)! Day 41093, 07:33:14: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 41094, 09:17:15: Haggis froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus) Day 41094, 15:10:45: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 26 (Megalodon)! Day 41144, 15:33:05: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 41190, 14:23:49: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 45 | 0.9x! Day 41190, 16:50:36: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 41300, 11:15:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41395, 16:54:29: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41404, 11:37:26: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 60! Day 41404, 13:23:03: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 85! Day 41404, 17:55:41: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 102! Day 41552, 07:24:55: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 15! Day 41552, 08:27:57: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 135! Day 41695, 16:28:13: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 41695, 20:17:11: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 145! Day 41695, 21:53:56: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 41728, 17:57:56: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41886, 15:41:29: Haggis unclaimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 68 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 41886, 15:43:02: Haggis claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 68 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 41886, 17:10:58: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 42009, 18:19:21: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 140! Day 42051, 05:00:37: Rex - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 42051, 05:00:37: Rex - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 42051, 05:07:32: Rex - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection'! Day 42051, 05:07:32: Rex - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe'! Day 42051, 05:07:32: Rex - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe'! Day 42051, 08:02:14: Stegosaurus - Lvl 90 destroyed your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe'! Day 42051, 08:02:28: Stegosaurus - Lvl 90 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 42051, 08:03:57: Stegosaurus - Lvl 90 destroyed your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe'! Day 42143, 18:01:30: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 145! Day 42144, 15:30:29: Haggis Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 202 (Megalodon)! Day 42144, 15:36:00: Haggis froze Megalodon - Lvl 202 (Megalodon) Day 42219, 09:19:52: Haggis froze Megalodon - Lvl 202 (Megalodon) Day 42219, 15:36:42: Haggis Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 209 (Megalodon)! Day 42219, 19:19:29: Haggis froze Megalodon - Lvl 212 (Megalodon) Day 42338, 01:30:47: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 42338, 03:11:40: Your Megalodon - Lvl 45 (Megalodon) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 340 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 42338, 03:11:40: Your Tribe killed Megalodon - Lvl 45 (Megalodon) (Tribe of Haggis)! Day 42386, 08:39:16: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 60! Day 42386, 11:33:54: Haggis froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 393 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42466, 15:18:27: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42466, 15:18:27: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42599, 21:27:20: Haggis demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 42599, 21:29:38: Haggis demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 42599, 22:11:54: Haggis froze Megalodon - Lvl 306 (Megalodon) Day 42641, 11:52:54: Haggis froze Megalodon - Lvl 307 (Megalodon) Day 42641, 12:36:10: Haggis claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 42641, 18:03:00: Argentavis - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 42789, 15:30:18: Haggis froze Megalodon - Lvl 313 (Megalodon) Day 42790, 06:26:49: Haggis claimed 'Tapejara - Lvl 33 (Tapejara)'! Day 42790, 06:30:19: Haggis claimed 'Josh - Lvl 240 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 42790, 07:20:49: Haggis claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 41 (Pteranodon)'! Day 42790, 07:47:23: Haggis claimed 'BuckBeak - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 42812, 22:22:23: Haggis froze Argentavis - Lvl 285 (Argentavis) Day 42813, 01:13:55: Haggis froze Tapejara - Lvl 33 (Tapejara) Day 42813, 01:23:10: Haggis froze BuckBeak - Lvl 255 (Argentavis) Day 42813, 01:31:47: Haggis claimed 'Oniz - Lvl 273 (Doedicurus)'! Day 42813, 01:39:28: Haggis froze Oniz - Lvl 273 (Doedicurus) Day 42813, 01:47:14: Haggis claimed 'Tony Stank - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 42813, 01:50:52: Haggis froze Tony Stank - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42813, 01:57:58: Haggis claimed 'Castoroides - Lvl 230 (Castoroides)'! Day 42813, 02:08:24: Haggis froze Castoroides - Lvl 231 (Castoroides) Day 42831, 13:29:14: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 85 | 1.0x! Day 42832, 00:41:55: Haggis claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 42832, 00:56:34: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 42832, 01:26:21: Haggis claimed 'Jack Attack - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon)'! Day 42832, 01:35:50: Haggis froze Jack Attack - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon) Day 42832, 06:32:33: Haggis claimed 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 217 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 42832, 06:41:24: Haggis froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 217 (Lystrosaurus) Day 42832, 06:57:47: Haggis claimed 'SCARY - Lvl 176 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 42832, 07:01:56: Haggis froze SCARY - Lvl 176 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 43002, 10:14:11: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150! Day 43002, 15:20:34: Haggis froze Tony Stank - Lvl 286 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43371, 02:22:47: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43371, 02:22:47: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43380, 06:32:15: Pteranodon - Lvl 45 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 43657, 20:02:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43657, 20:02:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43657, 20:02:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43657, 20:02:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43657, 20:02:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43657, 20:02:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43657, 20:02:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43657, 20:02:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43657, 20:02:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43657, 20:02:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43657, 20:02:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43657, 20:02:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43657, 20:02:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43657, 20:02:15: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43991, 00:59:21: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44150, 12:48:39: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 60! Day 44267, 18:53:50: Tribemember Haggis - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 44268, 15:01:57: Haggis claimed 'Cookie - Lvl 311 (Dire Bear)'! Day 44268, 15:14:35: Haggis claimed 'Reggie - Lvl 188 (Griffin)'! Day 44268, 15:20:53: Haggis claimed 'Alvin - Lvl 255 (Argentavis)'! Day 44268, 15:42:01: Haggis claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 90 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 44268, 15:48:52: Haggis claimed 'Big Daddy - Lvl 187 (Mammoth)'! Day 44268, 15:58:49: Haggis claimed 'Alvin - Lvl 257 (Argentavis)'! Day 44268, 16:25:34: Haggis claimed 'Megalodon - Lvl 188 (Megalodon)'! Day 44269, 01:38:47: Haggis froze Reggie - Lvl 198 (Griffin) Day 44269, 01:49:40: Haggis froze Alvin - Lvl 256 (Argentavis) Day 44269, 02:19:16: Haggis claimed 'Barty 1 - Lvl 263 (Megatherium)'! Day 44269, 02:23:07: Haggis froze Barty 1 - Lvl 263 (Megatherium) Day 44269, 02:27:15: Haggis claimed 'Betty 2 - Lvl 220 (Megatherium)'! Day 44269, 02:31:02: Haggis froze Betty 2 - Lvl 220 (Megatherium) Day 44269, 02:47:21: Haggis froze Cookie - Lvl 312 (Dire Bear) Day 44269, 03:49:30: Haggis claimed 'Titan - Lvl 276 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 44269, 03:54:11: Haggis froze Titan - Lvl 276 (Ankylosaurus) Day 44269, 04:07:44: Haggis froze Big Daddy - Lvl 187 (Mammoth) Day 44269, 04:20:44: Haggis froze Alvin - Lvl 257 (Argentavis) Day 44269, 04:43:14: Haggis claimed 'breeding mama - Lvl 209 (Rex)'! Day 44269, 04:57:58: Haggis froze breeding mama - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 44269, 05:13:30: Haggis claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 253 (Triceratops)'! Day 44269, 05:16:42: Haggis froze Triceratops - Lvl 253 (Triceratops) Day 44269, 05:25:16: Haggis claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 216 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 44269, 05:28:10: Haggis froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 216 (Basilosaurus) Day 44269, 05:52:23: Haggis claimed 'Oviraptor - Lvl 204 (Oviraptor)'! Day 44385, 09:47:39: Haggis claimed 'Meh! - Lvl 194 (Rex)'! Day 44385, 12:47:36: Haggis claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 218 (Megatherium)'! Day 44385, 13:23:59: Haggis froze Meh! - Lvl 231 (Rex) Day 44385, 13:37:42: Haggis froze Megatherium - Lvl 262 (Megatherium) Day 44538, 06:05:58: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1098492829,"tribe":"Group of People logs":["Day 17420, 17:15:12: Taura was added to the Tribe! Day 17420, 17:22:55: Taura demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 17420, 22:16:44: Taura demolished a 'Adobe Wall'! Day 17421, 05:38:02: Tribemember Taura - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 17421, 06:54:59: Taura Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 37 (Direwolf)! Day 17421, 11:23:26: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 17421, 11:28:30: Taura Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax)! Day 17421, 11:51:51: Taura Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 67 (Direwolf)! Day 17421, 14:07:05: Taura claimed 'Baby Direwolf - Lvl 55 (Direwolf)'! Day 17421, 14:48:49: Taura claimed 'Baby Direwolf - Lvl 31 (Direwolf)'! Day 17421, 17:18:21: Tribemember Taura - Lvl 50 was killed! Day 17421, 19:53:47: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 201 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 17421, 20:13:44: Taura demolished a 'Wood Catwalk'! Day 17421, 20:14:12: Taura demolished a 'Wood Catwalk'! Day 17431, 15:31:57: Adolescent Direwolf - Lvl 31 (Direwolf) starved to death! Day 17431, 15:32:01: Adolescent Direwolf - Lvl 55 (Direwolf) starved to death! Day 17457, 20:08:50: Taura demolished a 'Sloped Adobe Wall Right'! Day 17457, 21:08:43: Taura demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 17458, 02:12:32: Your Ratty Boi - Lvl 38 (Pegomastax) was killed by Taura - Lvl 54 (Group of People)! Day 17458, 02:12:32: Your Tribe killed Ratty Boi - Lvl 38 (Pegomastax) (Group of People)! Day 17462, 11:19:57: royale was added to the Tribe by Taura! Day 17462, 15:16:03: Your Tribe Tamed a Morellatops - Lvl 22 (Morellatops)! Day 17462, 15:58:54: royale Tamed a Pelagornis - Lvl 190 (Pelagornis)! Day 17462, 18:06:52: Tribemember royale - Lvl 19 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 90! Day 17462, 18:35:49: Tribemember royale - Lvl 19 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 17463, 00:32:38: Your Direwolf - Lvl 50 (Direwolf) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 50! Day 17463, 00:37:33: Your Direwolf - Lvl 36 (Direwolf) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 145! Day 17463, 00:45:32: Your Direwolf - Lvl 82 (Direwolf) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 25! Day 17463, 00:46:44: Tribemember Taura - Lvl 60 was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 90! Day 17463, 00:46:46: Your Pocket Fridge - Lvl 17 (Jerboa) was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 90! Day 17634, 22:28:48: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17811, 07:35:58: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17811, 07:35:58: Your 'Adobe Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17811, 07:35:58: Your 'Adobe Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17811, 07:35:58: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17811, 07:35:58: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17811, 07:35:58: Your 'Adobe Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17811, 07:35:58: Your 'Adobe Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17819, 16:15:00: Crystal - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Crystal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pelagornis - Lvl 196 (Pelagornis)'! Day 17837, 19:26:30: Fedra - Lvl 57 (Tribe of John) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Morellatops - Lvl 27 (Morellatops)'! Day 17910, 16:31:56: Tribemember royale - Lvl 23 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 130! Day 18180, 15:03:35: Tammi - Lvl 87 (Equus) starved to death! Day 18274, 09:23:51: Tilly - Lvl 50 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 18298, 21:01:46: Kannan28 - Lvl 87 (PVE Beeps) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 213 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 18518, 06:09:09: Tango - Lvl 76 (Equus) starved to death! Day 19725, 14:46:35: Tribemember Taura - Lvl 61 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 60! Day 23108, 02:36:21: Tribemember Taura - Lvl 62 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100!"] "tribeid":1097736660,"tribe":"Zefinya logs":["Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18390, 05:56:35: Tribemember Enya - Lvl 126 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 20! Day 18413, 21:12:50: Lonwe - Lvl 68 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18416, 13:45:24: Tribemember Zero - Lvl 121 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 135! Day 18508, 05:26:25: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Large Elevator Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Wood Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Wood Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Wood Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Wood Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Wood Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Wood Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Wood Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24043, 16:22:31: Enya claimed 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 24117, 15:45:28: Enya froze Fast Male - Lvl 244 (Desmodus) Day 24141, 16:54:18: Enya froze Fast Male - Lvl 286 (Desmodus) Day 24141, 16:58:17: Enya froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 137 (Fjordhawk) Day 24163, 16:17:50: Enya Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 194 (Raptor)! Day 24163, 16:23:02: Enya froze Barney - Lvl 194 (Raptor) Day 24163, 21:35:19: Enya froze Daenerys - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24798, 07:29:12: Ugg - Lvl 176 (Tribe of Ugg) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'!"] "tribeid":1095530080,"tribe":"Dodo Dicko logs":["Day 5366, 10:29:13: Dicko was added to the Tribe! Day 5366, 11:26:46: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 4 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 5366, 18:09:27: Dicko Tamed an Equus - Lvl 82 (Equus)! Day 5712, 02:20:17: Your Equus - Lvl 90 (Equus) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 5712, 02:20:25: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 22 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 5724, 10:06:17: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5724, 10:06:17: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6838, 11:48:47: Dicko Tamed an Equus - Lvl 74 (Equus)! Day 6838, 13:16:27: Dicko Tamed an Equus - Lvl 217 (Equus)! Day 6838, 17:08:00: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 134 (Triceratops)! Day 6839, 11:45:50: Dicko demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 6840, 07:15:53: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6840, 11:44:26: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 149 (Pteranodon)! Day 6840, 14:25:16: Dicko Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 6841, 02:09:09: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 29 (Doedicurus)! Day 6841, 05:16:39: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 90! Day 6841, 05:51:11: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 74 (Doedicurus)! Day 6845, 14:01:17: Dicko Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 6845, 14:07:18: Dicko Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 6845, 19:24:44: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 49 was killed! Day 6846, 09:25:04: Dicko Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)! Day 6846, 15:10:49: Dicko demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 6854, 13:00:50: Dicko claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 6855, 16:54:18: Dicko Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 210 (Megalodon)! Day 6856, 04:32:46: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 160 (Pteranodon) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 176 (Fire Wyvern) (Dodo Dicko)! Day 6856, 04:32:46: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 160 (Pteranodon) (Dodo Dicko)! Day 6856, 16:09:27: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 6856, 16:37:58: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 242 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 6858, 07:18:28: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 142 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 6868, 07:36:44: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6868, 07:37:38: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6868, 07:38:26: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6868, 07:39:11: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 6868, 07:40:21: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 6868, 07:41:43: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 6868, 07:42:31: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 6868, 07:44:15: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 6868, 07:44:56: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 6868, 07:50:08: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 6868, 07:51:08: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 6868, 07:51:57: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 6868, 07:54:59: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6868, 07:55:48: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6868, 07:58:08: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6868, 07:58:51: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6868, 07:59:29: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6868, 08:00:11: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6868, 08:02:08: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6868, 08:02:52: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6868, 08:03:19: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6868, 08:04:28: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6868, 08:08:26: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6868, 08:09:14: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6868, 08:10:49: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6868, 08:11:42: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6868, 08:12:10: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6868, 08:12:45: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6868, 08:13:44: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 6868, 08:14:21: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 6868, 08:15:27: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6868, 08:16:35: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6868, 08:17:09: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6868, 08:18:36: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6869, 09:05:04: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 6869, 09:06:11: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 6869, 09:06:55: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 6869, 09:07:44: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 6870, 17:34:07: Dicko unclaimed 'Equus - Lvl 89 (Equus)'! Day 6870, 17:36:01: Dicko unclaimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 44 (Doedicurus)'! Day 6870, 17:38:36: Dicko unclaimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 151 (Triceratops)'! Day 6870, 17:53:13: Dicko claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 151 (Triceratops)'! Day 6870, 17:53:30: Dicko claimed 'Equus - Lvl 89 (Equus)'! Day 6870, 17:53:49: Dicko claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 44 (Doedicurus)'! Day 6870, 17:55:35: Your Triceratops - Lvl 151 (Triceratops) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 230 (Fire Wyvern) (Dodo Dicko)! Day 6870, 17:55:35: Your Tribe killed Triceratops - Lvl 151 (Triceratops) (Dodo Dicko)! Day 6870, 17:56:35: Your Equus - Lvl 89 (Equus) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 230 (Fire Wyvern) (Dodo Dicko)! Day 6870, 17:56:35: Your Tribe killed Equus - Lvl 89 (Equus) (Dodo Dicko)! Day 6870, 17:57:15: Your Doedicurus - Lvl 44 (Doedicurus) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 230 (Fire Wyvern) (Dodo Dicko)! Day 6870, 17:57:15: Your Tribe killed Doedicurus - Lvl 44 (Doedicurus) (Dodo Dicko)! Day 6872, 05:49:24: Dicko Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 134 (Castoroides)! Day 6872, 15:01:19: Your Tribe Tamed a Megaloceros - Lvl 216 (Megaloceros)! Day 6872, 17:03:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 216 (Doedicurus)! Day 6885, 10:06:21: Dicko claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 6885, 17:31:41: Dicko Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 134 (Griffin)! Day 6885, 20:03:37: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 97 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 95! Day 6885, 20:18:24: Your Peter - Lvl 136 (Griffin) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 6888, 05:50:50: Dicko Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 224 (Griffin)! Day 6896, 23:41:33: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 164 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 6896, 23:43:53: Your Castoroides - Lvl 147 (Castoroides) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 6897, 00:30:29: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 239 (Fire Wyvern) was killed! Day 6897, 00:32:12: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 98 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 6897, 04:08:53: Your Sparky - Lvl 178 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 6897, 04:15:21: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 6897, 04:16:06: Your Peter v2 - Lvl 233 (Griffin) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 6897, 04:19:20: Your Megaloceros - Lvl 225 (Megaloceros) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 6897, 04:27:18: Your Doedicurus - Lvl 236 (Doedicurus) was killed! Day 6897, 04:27:54: Your Doedicurus - Lvl 91 (Doedicurus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 6897, 05:26:40: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 98 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 6897, 06:41:38: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 6897, 19:31:59: Dicko claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 222 (Snow Owl)'! Day 6897, 19:32:46: Dicko claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 222 (Snow Owl)'! Day 6897, 19:37:47: Dicko claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 232 (Snow Owl)'! Day 6898, 14:42:31: Your Tribe Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 125 (Stegosaurus)! Day 6899, 12:02:43: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 99 was killed! Day 6899, 12:03:40: Your Snow Owl - Lvl 250 (Snow Owl) was killed! Day 6899, 12:36:34: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 99 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 85! Day 6899, 13:31:30: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 99 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 6899, 14:44:07: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 6900, 08:42:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 127 (Doedicurus)! Day 6911, 20:22:47: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 102 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 50! Day 6912, 14:30:38: Dicko claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 6912, 14:36:27: Dicko claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 6912, 21:28:55: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 104 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 6912, 23:06:19: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 104 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 6912, 23:57:03: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 6913, 01:04:58: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 104 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 6913, 01:25:04: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 104 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 6913, 02:01:19: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 6913, 02:40:27: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 6917, 08:45:05: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 104 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 6968, 14:17:57: Dicko claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 6968, 15:18:19: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 109 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 6969, 19:56:07: Dicko demolished a 'Metal Triangle Foundation'! Day 6969, 19:56:33: Dicko demolished a 'Metal Triangle Foundation'! Day 6969, 19:57:11: Dicko demolished a 'Metal Triangle Foundation'! Day 6969, 19:57:40: Dicko demolished a 'Metal Triangle Foundation'! Day 6970, 06:54:56: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 113 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 90! Day 6974, 15:43:51: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 6974, 15:44:36: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 6974, 15:45:29: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 6974, 15:46:10: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 6974, 16:14:26: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6974, 16:14:53: Dicko demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 6998, 19:30:39: Your Megalodon - Lvl 230 (Megalodon) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 45! Day 6998, 21:37:06: Dicko Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 127 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 7008, 12:24:10: Dicko Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 37 (Therizinosaur)! Day 7008, 13:53:29: Dicko Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 22 (Therizinosaur)! Day 7008, 20:07:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 29 (Therizinosaur)! Day 7009, 03:13:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 82 (Therizinosaur)! Day 7009, 07:39:39: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 29 (Therizinosaur)! Day 7009, 07:55:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 29 (Therizinosaur)! Day 7014, 10:13:10: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 7014, 11:38:39: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 7026, 07:07:14: Dicko demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 7036, 02:33:54: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 7036, 12:07:25: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)! Day 7240, 09:38:17: Your 'Dino Leash' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7409, 07:09:34: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7409, 07:09:34: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7409, 07:09:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7444, 06:14:35: Sleepy Hollow - Lvl 127 (Mother of Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Donkey - Lvl 232 (Equus)'! Day 7446, 10:54:37: Scully84 - Lvl 152 (Dinobots) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sparky - Lvl 258 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 7446, 11:01:16: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 188 (Fire Wyvern) was killed! Day 7446, 11:02:34: Scully84 - Lvl 152 (Dinobots) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 7446, 11:06:53: Your Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) was killed! Day 7446, 11:09:51: Your Jerry the Berry - Lvl 152 (Stegosaurus) was killed! Day 7446, 11:10:12: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 41 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 7446, 11:10:25: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 41 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 7446, 11:10:38: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 50 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 7446, 11:10:46: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 35 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 7446, 11:10:54: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 42 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 7446, 11:11:03: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 96 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 7446, 11:13:39: Your Heavy Metal - Lvl 256 (Ankylosaurus) was killed! Day 7592, 03:56:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7592, 03:56:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7592, 03:56:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7592, 03:56:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7592, 03:56:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7592, 03:56:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7606, 05:53:55: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7753, 15:42:56: Bob - Lvl 122 (Snorkers!) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Weightlifter - Lvl 235 (Argentavis)'! Day 7753, 15:43:33: Bob - Lvl 122 (Snorkers!) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Rock - Lvl 152 (Doedicurus)'! Day 7760, 11:22:32: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7760, 11:22:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7760, 11:22:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7760, 11:22:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7791, 20:54:03: Fayebeard - Lvl 122 (Skylding) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 127 (Ichthyosaurus)'! Day 7903, 18:01:27: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 122 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 8394, 23:02:46: Dicko Tamed an Equus - Lvl 82 (Equus)! Day 8395, 00:51:34: Dicko Tamed an Equus - Lvl 173 (Equus)! Day 8395, 01:07:54: Dicko claimed 'Flamethrower - Lvl 145 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 8407, 00:20:02: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 134 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 8407, 01:33:57: Dicko Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 8407, 14:48:01: Dicko Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 110 (Doedicurus)! Day 8417, 10:35:12: Dicko Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 8417, 11:51:49: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 8417, 11:59:02: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 122 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 100! Day 8417, 12:27:29: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 8417, 12:49:10: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 122 was killed by a Griffin - Lvl 140! Day 8417, 13:41:59: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 122 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 8428, 01:15:00: Your Tribe Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 189 (Stegosaurus)! Day 8430, 16:38:00: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 122 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 95! Day 8430, 17:18:23: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 122 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 95! Day 8451, 16:46:13: Dicko Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 201 (Griffin)! Day 8453, 11:43:24: Dicko demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 8453, 11:46:19: Dicko demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 8453, 11:56:52: Dicko demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 8453, 15:59:00: Dicko demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 8502, 10:41:11: Dicko demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 8717, 09:47:57: Your Equus - Lvl 83 (Equus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 8730, 13:12:45: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8872, 17:41:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8944, 01:36:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9015, 08:21:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9015, 08:21:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9035, 12:41:10: mazar - Lvl 66 (Tribe of mazar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Flamethrower - Lvl 156 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9035, 12:44:38: mazar - Lvl 66 (Tribe of mazar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Griffin - Lvl 208 (Griffin)'! Day 9041, 17:07:09: mazar - Lvl 71 (Tribe of mazar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Magnus - Lvl 240 (Argentavis)'! Day 9041, 17:18:11: mazar - Lvl 71 (Tribe of mazar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 187 (Equus)'! Day 9041, 17:22:37: mazar - Lvl 71 (Tribe of mazar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 244 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 9056, 06:04:29: weasel - Lvl 97 (Tribe of weasel) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon)'! Day 9056, 06:05:06: weasel - Lvl 97 (Tribe of weasel) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 123 (Doedicurus)'! Day 9056, 06:06:05: weasel - Lvl 97 (Tribe of weasel) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 147 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 9056, 06:18:46: weasel - Lvl 97 (Tribe of weasel) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 227 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 9056, 06:19:05: weasel - Lvl 97 (Tribe of weasel) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 198 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 9086, 13:46:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9086, 13:46:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9086, 13:46:58: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9527, 12:59:58: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 122 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 60! Day 9912, 18:24:08: Dicko claimed 'petit bouchou - Lvl 62 (Pteranodon)'! Day 9912, 18:28:40: Dicko claimed 'Baby Equus - Lvl 148 (Equus)'! Day 9912, 18:30:10: Dicko claimed 'madame dada - Lvl 196 (Equus)'! Day 9912, 18:30:22: Dicko claimed 'monsieur dada - Lvl 150 (Equus)'! Day 9912, 20:30:58: Dicko Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 9912, 20:45:26: Baby Equus - Lvl 148 (Equus) starved to death! Day 9912, 20:53:24: Dicko unclaimed 'monsieur dada - Lvl 150 (Equus)'! Day 9912, 20:55:24: Dicko unclaimed 'madame dada - Lvl 196 (Equus)'! Day 9912, 21:02:24: Dicko unclaimed 'i used your bird, thanks - Lvl 63 (Pteranodon)'! Day 9912, 22:06:11: Dicko unclaimed 'Take this bird, name it - Lvl 203 (Pteranodon)'! Day 10063, 06:32:59: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23291, 15:37:50: Tribemember Dicko - Lvl 122 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55!"] "tribeid":1093849190,"tribe":"Ashtar Command logs":["Day 36266, 17:46:02: Star Man was added to the Tribe! Day 36289, 06:31:39: Your Eggs - Lvl 111 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 36333, 10:48:46: Star Man froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36340, 18:48:11: Star Man froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 158 (Poison Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1092275003,"tribe":"Tribe of Overdrive logs":["Day 29259, 17:42:21: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 29259, 20:06:37: Overdrive froze thor - Lvl 323 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29719, 12:19:55: Glowtail - Lvl 217 (Glowtail) starved to death! Day 29719, 13:49:34: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 360 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 30236, 12:57:21: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 361 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 30236, 17:36:32: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 361 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 30236, 18:13:24: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 459 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Tribe of Overdrive)! Day 30236, 18:13:24: Your Tribe killed Tek Rex - Lvl 459 (Tek Rex)! Day 30236, 22:19:37: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 30236, 22:27:33: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 30236, 22:54:42: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 361 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 30236, 23:13:27: chi-chi froze 24 base melee? - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 30256, 08:20:28: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 30440, 18:21:17: Overdrive froze thor - Lvl 324 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30440, 19:13:30: Overdrive froze Rose - Lvl 316 (Desmodus) Day 30440, 20:26:35: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 254 (Tek Rex) was killed by thor - Lvl 324 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 30440, 20:26:35: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 254 (Tek Rex)! Day 30440, 21:01:09: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 228 (Tek Rex) was killed by thor - Lvl 324 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 30440, 21:01:09: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 228 (Tek Rex)! Day 30440, 21:08:53: Overdrive froze thor - Lvl 324 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30441, 04:35:55: Your Rex13 - Lvl 392 (Tek Rex) was killed by thor - Lvl 324 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 30441, 04:35:55: Your Tribe killed Rex13 - Lvl 392 (Tek Rex)! Day 30441, 04:42:15: Overdrive froze thor - Lvl 324 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30441, 06:51:20: Tribemember Overdrive - Lvl 152 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 30441, 09:41:02: Overdrive froze Rose - Lvl 316 (Desmodus) Day 30441, 10:28:14: Overdrive froze Rose - Lvl 316 (Desmodus) Day 30441, 11:06:49: Overdrive froze Rex17 - Lvl 404 (Tek Rex) Day 30441, 12:30:51: Overdrive froze thor - Lvl 324 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30468, 10:37:03: Overdrive froze Rose - Lvl 316 (Desmodus) Day 30468, 13:20:24: Overdrive froze Midas - Lvl 363 (Managarmr) Day 30468, 14:29:58: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 30468, 14:29:58: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex)! Day 30468, 14:40:13: Overdrive froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30468, 19:46:54: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 254 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 30468, 19:46:54: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex)! Day 30468, 19:51:59: Overdrive froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 254 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30468, 22:23:09: Overdrive Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 30468, 22:40:36: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 30468, 23:08:49: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 30469, 05:45:09: Overdrive claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 30469, 05:55:16: Overdrive froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) Day 30469, 13:27:40: Tribemember Overdrive - Lvl 152 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 135! Day 30469, 20:49:27: Overdrive froze Midas - Lvl 363 (Managarmr) Day 30471, 08:42:37: Overdrive froze Rose - Lvl 317 (Desmodus) Day 30762, 20:34:11: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31198, 00:47:24: Stenhouse - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek)'! Day 31734, 05:37:51: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 366 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 31734, 05:43:12: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Tribe of Overdrive)! Day 31734, 05:43:12: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex)! Day 31734, 09:43:31: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Tribe of Overdrive)! Day 31734, 09:43:31: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex)! Day 31734, 10:39:10: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 207 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 31734, 10:47:18: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 207 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 31734, 11:09:25: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 366 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32449, 20:18:48: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 369 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32449, 20:22:09: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Tribe of Overdrive)! Day 32449, 20:22:09: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex)! Day 32449, 23:41:08: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 221 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 32449, 23:53:46: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 221 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32450, 00:36:02: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 369 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32450, 00:48:03: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Tribe of Overdrive)! Day 32450, 00:48:03: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex)! Day 32450, 04:06:48: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 32450, 04:22:15: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32450, 05:22:00: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 369 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32450, 05:27:37: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Tribe of Overdrive)! Day 32450, 05:27:37: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex)! Day 32450, 08:15:31: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 32450, 08:24:45: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32450, 08:31:46: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32450, 13:17:18: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 369 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32543, 21:26:43: chi-chi froze Carbonemys - Lvl 238 (Carbonemys) Day 32543, 23:48:03: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 370 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32543, 23:56:14: chi-chi claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 32544, 13:45:37: chi-chi Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 209 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 32544, 15:20:59: chi-chi froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 209 (Tusoteuthis) Day 32544, 15:25:13: chi-chi froze Carbonemys - Lvl 238 (Carbonemys) Day 32544, 16:27:16: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 370 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 33456, 19:04:11: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 371 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 33456, 19:12:33: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Tribe of Overdrive)! Day 33456, 19:12:33: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex)! Day 33456, 23:54:06: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 195 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 33457, 00:02:27: chi-chi froze wwww - Lvl 195 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 33457, 00:35:58: chi-chi froze wwww - Lvl 195 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 33457, 00:45:49: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 371 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 33690, 09:53:37: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 371 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 33690, 09:59:53: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Tribe of Overdrive)! Day 33690, 09:59:53: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex)! Day 33690, 13:41:16: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 217 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 33690, 13:48:49: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 217 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 33690, 13:57:58: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 217 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 33690, 14:15:57: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 371 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 33918, 16:02:42: chi-chi froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 33918, 16:11:41: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Tribe of Overdrive)! Day 33918, 16:11:41: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex)! Day 33918, 16:24:23: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Tribe of Overdrive)! Day 33918, 16:24:23: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex)! Day 33918, 19:31:20: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 195 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 33918, 19:39:26: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 195 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 33918, 22:53:13: chi-chi froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 34155, 09:47:33: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 372 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 34291, 16:52:45: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 373 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 34291, 17:00:30: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Tribe of Overdrive)! Day 34291, 17:00:30: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex)! Day 34291, 19:17:10: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 34291, 19:23:59: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 34291, 19:52:57: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 373 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 34318, 05:43:54: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 373 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 34318, 22:03:15: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 373 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 34343, 21:43:28: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 373 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 34344, 02:43:31: chi-chi froze Perfect F - Lvl 360 (Shadowmane) Day 34344, 05:36:02: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 494 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 34344, 07:35:39: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 494 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 34344, 16:38:08: chi-chi froze giga 4 - Lvl 224 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34344, 16:41:30: chi-chi froze giga 3 - Lvl 224 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34344, 17:03:53: chi-chi froze giga 2 - Lvl 224 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34344, 17:09:23: chi-chi froze giga 1 - Lvl 224 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34344, 17:43:16: chi-chi froze giga 2 - Lvl 224 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34344, 17:46:28: chi-chi froze giga 4 - Lvl 224 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34365, 15:44:29: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 373 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 34366, 13:20:52: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 373 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 34369, 21:45:19: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 373 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 34381, 16:29:01: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 494 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 34382, 05:28:51: chi-chi downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 195 Day 34383, 14:41:07: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 494 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 34383, 17:19:18: chi-chi uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 248 Day 34383, 18:32:41: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 494 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 34383, 20:09:20: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 494 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 34383, 20:32:33: chi-chi downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 248 Day 34384, 00:47:15: chi-chi uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 255 Day 34384, 01:39:16: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 494 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 34384, 03:32:18: chi-chi downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 255 Day 34384, 11:58:06: chi-chi uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 262 Day 34384, 21:09:43: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 494 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 34385, 07:15:58: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 494 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 34385, 09:38:55: chi-chi downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 262 Day 34385, 11:42:36: chi-chi uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 267 Day 34434, 08:55:18: Overdrive froze Quetzal - Lvl 257 (Quetzal) Day 34434, 09:06:06: Overdrive froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 237 (Fire Wyvern) Day 34434, 11:10:09: Overdrive froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 237 (Fire Wyvern) Day 34434, 16:26:59: Overdrive froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 243 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34434, 19:57:16: Overdrive froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 34434, 20:23:41: Overdrive froze Maewing - Lvl 273 (Maewing) Day 34505, 08:40:34: Overdrive froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Fire Wyvern) Day 34505, 08:48:51: Overdrive froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 34975, 12:26:42: Your 'Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35591, 12:23:56: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35591, 12:23:56: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35591, 12:23:56: Your 'Large Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36447, 12:28:49: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38174, 18:35:24: chi-chi froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 365 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41768, 09:36:48: Overdrive froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 372 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 42052, 05:01:53: Overdrive froze DREDD [Clone] - Lvl 406 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 42052, 12:30:32: Overdrive froze Batista - Lvl 450 (Shadowmane) Day 42052, 21:36:58: Overdrive froze DREDD [Clone] - Lvl 406 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 42053, 03:32:50: Overdrive froze DREDD [Clone] - Lvl 406 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 42502, 01:17:52: Overdrive froze DREDD [Clone] - Lvl 408 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 42502, 04:09:00: Overdrive froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 295 (Rhyniognatha) Day 42502, 04:30:17: CRESSY was added to the Tribe by Overdrive! Day 42502, 05:16:56: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 177 (Tribe of Overdrive)! Day 42502, 05:16:56: Your Tribe killed CRESSY - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Overdrive)! Day 42502, 05:44:46: CRESSY was removed from the Tribe by Overdrive! Day 42502, 06:52:40: Overdrive froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 295 (Rhyniognatha) Day 42502, 07:02:59: Overdrive was removed from the Tribe! Day 42502, 07:02:59: Tribe Owner was changed to Sir Tea! Day 43117, 21:37:54: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 239 (Maewing) Day 43117, 21:43:39: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 140 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Tribe of Overdrive)! Day 43117, 21:43:39: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 140 (Tek Rex)! Day 43118, 01:34:39: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 225 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 43118, 01:56:01: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 225 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 43118, 02:01:53: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 225 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 43118, 02:32:52: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 239 (Maewing) Day 43356, 13:39:22: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 284 (Maewing) Day 43542, 16:24:45: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 284 (Maewing) Day 43810, 00:33:24: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 284 (Maewing) Day 43810, 00:47:08: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Tribe of Overdrive)! Day 43810, 00:47:08: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex)! Day 43810, 05:13:56: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 208 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 43810, 05:23:21: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 208 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 43810, 05:31:36: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 208 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 43810, 05:45:43: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 284 (Maewing) Day 43952, 09:35:56: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 284 (Maewing) Day 44166, 22:40:13: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 286 (Maewing) Day 44238, 22:52:07: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 286 (Maewing) Day 44238, 23:08:44: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Tribe of Overdrive)! Day 44238, 23:08:44: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex)! Day 44239, 04:06:27: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 44239, 04:18:46: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 44239, 04:38:34: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 286 (Maewing) Day 44301, 10:49:09: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 286 (Maewing) Day 44301, 11:00:34: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Tribe of Overdrive)! Day 44301, 11:00:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex)! Day 44301, 14:24:30: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 217 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 44301, 14:33:56: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 217 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 44301, 14:51:51: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 286 (Maewing) Day 44407, 13:32:12: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 286 (Maewing) Day 44407, 13:39:57: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Tribe of Overdrive)! Day 44407, 13:39:57: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex)! Day 44407, 17:00:57: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 225 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 44407, 17:11:31: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 225 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 44407, 17:23:36: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 286 (Maewing)"] "tribeid":1091688716,"tribe":"Tribe of Iona logs":["Day 20606, 20:16:48: Iona was added to the Tribe! Day 20606, 20:18:23: Tribe of NanoBastardo tribe was merged in by NanoBastardo! Day 20606, 20:18:23: NanoBastardo was added to the Tribe by Iona! Day 20607, 01:18:06: Tribemember NanoBastardo - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 20607, 07:19:38: Iona Tamed a Megalosaurus - Lvl 224 (Megalosaurus)! Day 20607, 07:26:43: Iona froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 224 (Megalosaurus) Day 20607, 12:41:10: NanoBastardo demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 20607, 16:34:25: NanoBastardo Tamed a Megalosaurus - Lvl 194 (Megalosaurus)! Day 20607, 16:41:32: NanoBastardo froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 194 (Megalosaurus) Day 20607, 16:58:39: NanoBastardo froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 194 (Megalosaurus) Day 20607, 17:19:09: Iona Tamed a Megalosaurus - Lvl 209 (Megalosaurus)! Day 20607, 17:28:33: Iona froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 209 (Megalosaurus) Day 20608, 06:31:39: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalosaurus - Lvl 217 (Megalosaurus)! Day 20608, 10:23:04: NanoBastardo demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 20608, 11:50:54: NanoBastardo froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 217 (Megalosaurus) Day 20608, 12:01:13: Iona demolished a 'Standing Torch (Unlocked) '! Day 20608, 15:55:39: Iona froze Nyx - Lvl 274 (Argentavis) Day 20608, 16:28:15: NanoBastardo froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 224 (Megalosaurus) Day 20608, 16:31:13: Iona froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 217 (Megalosaurus) Day 20608, 16:34:05: NanoBastardo froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 224 (Megalosaurus) Day 20608, 16:38:13: NanoBastardo froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 194 (Megalosaurus) Day 20608, 16:38:20: Iona froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 209 (Megalosaurus) Day 20608, 16:51:38: NanoBastardo froze Ucellaccio - Lvl 292 (Argentavis) Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21072, 03:11:31: NanoBastardo Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (Thylacoleo)! Day 21072, 03:19:17: NanoBastardo froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (Thylacoleo) Day 21072, 11:13:52: NanoBastardo claimed 'Tekky - Lvl 407 (Tek Rex)'! Day 21072, 11:18:13: NanoBastardo froze Tekky - Lvl 407 (Tek Rex) Day 21072, 11:25:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 209 (Thylacoleo)! Day 21072, 11:27:18: NanoBastardo claimed 'Feathers - Lvl 350 (Argentavis)'! Day 21072, 11:28:31: NanoBastardo claimed 'all-rounder - Lvl 298 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 21072, 11:29:02: NanoBastardo claimed 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 290 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 21072, 11:29:51: NanoBastardo claimed 'Castoroides - Lvl 280 (Castoroides)'! Day 21072, 11:30:39: NanoBastardo claimed 'Megaloceros - Lvl 157 (Megaloceros)'! Day 21072, 11:31:18: NanoBastardo claimed 'Aberrant Doedicurus - Lvl 269 (Aberrant Doedicurus)'! Day 21072, 11:31:40: NanoBastardo claimed 'm s - Lvl 350 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21072, 11:38:48: NanoBastardo claimed 'Vulture - Lvl 97 (Vulture)'! Day 21072, 11:48:36: NanoBastardo claimed 'Berry Collecter - Lvl 309 (Triceratops)'! Day 21072, 11:52:10: NanoBastardo claimed 'Argent (baseF) - Lvl 291 (Argentavis)'! Day 21072, 11:55:47: NanoBastardo unclaimed 'Argent (baseF) - Lvl 291 (Argentavis)'! Day 21072, 11:58:12: NanoBastardo claimed 'BEST ARGY 4700 WEIGHT - Lvl 371 (Argentavis)'! Day 21072, 12:03:46: NanoBastardo claimed 'Argent (baseF) - Lvl 347 (Argentavis)'! Day 21072, 12:12:01: NanoBastardo froze Argent (baseF) - Lvl 347 (Argentavis) Day 21072, 12:12:43: NanoBastardo claimed 'Argent (baseF) - Lvl 272 (Argentavis)'! Day 21072, 12:24:15: NanoBastardo claimed 'Argent (baseF) - Lvl 272 (Argentavis)'! Day 21072, 12:27:56: NanoBastardo claimed 'Argent (baseF) - Lvl 329 (Argentavis)'! Day 21072, 12:29:40: NanoBastardo claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21072, 12:30:17: NanoBastardo claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21072, 12:30:39: NanoBastardo claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 242 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21072, 12:30:59: NanoBastardo claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21072, 12:34:14: NanoBastardo claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21072, 12:35:59: NanoBastardo claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21072, 12:37:16: NanoBastardo claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21072, 12:40:00: NanoBastardo claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21072, 12:41:57: NanoBastardo claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21072, 12:45:42: NanoBastardo claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21072, 12:46:07: NanoBastardo claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21072, 12:46:34: NanoBastardo claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21072, 12:47:15: NanoBastardo claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21072, 12:48:19: NanoBastardo claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21072, 12:48:48: NanoBastardo claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21072, 12:51:25: NanoBastardo claimed 'Oviraptor - Lvl 38 (Oviraptor)'! Day 21072, 12:56:18: NanoBastardo claimed 'Maewing - Lvl 222 (Maewing)'! Day 21072, 12:56:58: NanoBastardo claimed 'Maewing - Lvl 193 (Maewing)'! Day 21072, 14:01:19: NanoBastardo froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 209 (Thylacoleo) Day 21072, 16:39:19: NanoBastardo claimed 'Argent (baseF) - Lvl 291 (Argentavis)'! Day 21072, 16:43:16: NanoBastardo claimed 'Procoptodon - Lvl 234 (Procoptodon)'! Day 21072, 16:43:45: NanoBastardo claimed 'Procoptodon - Lvl 217 (Procoptodon)'! Day 21072, 17:25:41: NanoBastardo claimed 'Procoptodon - Lvl 247 (Procoptodon)'! Day 21072, 17:58:12: NanoBastardo froze BEST ARGY 4700 WEIGHT - Lvl 372 (Argentavis) Day 21072, 18:07:42: NanoBastardo froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 209 (Thylacoleo) Day 21072, 18:29:53: NanoBastardo claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21072, 19:49:04: NanoBastardo claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 199 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 21072, 19:56:30: NanoBastardo froze Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 199 (Thylacoleo) Day 21072, 20:08:18: NanoBastardo froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (Thylacoleo) Day 21073, 00:03:29: Tribemember NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 21073, 03:02:26: NanoBastardo uploaded a Argentavis: BEST ARGY 4700 WEIGHT - Lvl 372 Day 21073, 03:08:22: NanoBastardo froze Speedy - Lvl 267 (Argentavis) Day 21073, 06:50:49: NanoBastardo froze Tekky - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 21073, 06:58:16: NanoBastardo froze all-rounder - Lvl 298 (Fire Wyvern) Day 21073, 07:03:42: NanoBastardo froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 290 (Ice Wyvern) Day 21073, 07:33:20: NanoBastardo froze Oviraptor - Lvl 38 (Oviraptor) Day 21073, 07:38:31: NanoBastardo froze Vulture - Lvl 97 (Vulture) Day 21073, 08:02:30: NanoBastardo froze Carrier - Lvl 350 (Argentavis) Day 21073, 08:16:13: NanoBastardo froze m s - Lvl 350 (Pteranodon) Day 21073, 08:32:40: NanoBastardo froze Aberrant Doedicurus - Lvl 269 (Aberrant Doedicurus) Day 21073, 09:43:00: NanoBastardo froze Procoptodon - Lvl 234 (Procoptodon) Day 21073, 10:38:15: NanoBastardo froze Argent (baseF) - Lvl 272 (Argentavis) Day 21073, 10:41:43: NanoBastardo froze Argent (baseF) - Lvl 272 (Argentavis) Day 21073, 10:56:57: NanoBastardo claimed 'Baby Procoptodon - Lvl 216 (Procoptodon)'! Day 21073, 11:05:28: NanoBastardo froze Baby Procoptodon - Lvl 216 (Procoptodon) Day 21073, 11:11:57: NanoBastardo froze Procoptodon - Lvl 247 (Procoptodon) Day 21073, 11:18:10: NanoBastardo froze Procoptodon - Lvl 217 (Procoptodon) Day 21073, 11:25:32: NanoBastardo claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21073, 11:45:19: NanoBastardo froze Pteranodon - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon) Day 21073, 12:13:34: NanoBastardo froze Maewing - Lvl 193 (Maewing) Day 21073, 12:19:33: NanoBastardo froze Maewing - Lvl 222 (Maewing) Day 21073, 13:16:25: NanoBastardo froze Speedy - Lvl 267 (Argentavis) Day 21073, 19:41:15: NanoBastardo froze Castoroides - Lvl 281 (Castoroides) Day 21074, 00:35:08: NanoBastardo uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 242 Day 21074, 00:36:30: NanoBastardo uploaded a Argentavis: Argent (baseF) - Lvl 291 Day 21074, 00:38:31: NanoBastardo uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 241 Day 21074, 00:39:38: NanoBastardo uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 241 Day 21074, 00:40:37: NanoBastardo uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 241 Day 21074, 00:41:39: NanoBastardo uploaded a Argentavis: Argent (baseF) - Lvl 329 Day 21074, 01:23:25: NanoBastardo froze Carrier - Lvl 350 (Argentavis) Day 21096, 18:55:43: Iona Tamed a Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex)! Day 21096, 19:03:27: Iona froze Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex) Day 21096, 21:22:49: Iona froze Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex) Day 21096, 21:26:36: Iona froze Ivor - Lvl 224 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21107, 12:23:12: Your Berry Collecter - Lvl 309 (Triceratops) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 21107, 13:39:39: Your Argent (baseF) - Lvl 348 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 21119, 05:28:43: Iona froze Battle M - Lvl 282 (Megalosaurus) Day 21119, 05:31:49: Iona froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 256 (Megalosaurus) Day 21119, 05:54:21: Iona froze Ivor - Lvl 238 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21119, 10:34:10: NanoBastardo froze Otter - Lvl 73 (Otter) Day 21119, 10:38:13: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 273 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21152, 19:33:17: NanoBastardo froze Ligtho - Lvl 286 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21153, 09:59:09: NanoBastardo froze Pteranodon - Lvl 258 (Pteranodon) Day 21153, 10:11:18: NanoBastardo froze Pteranodon - Lvl 258 (Pteranodon) Day 21153, 10:14:05: NanoBastardo froze Ligtho - Lvl 286 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21192, 01:41:37: Iona Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 194 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 21192, 03:18:50: Iona froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 194 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21192, 03:23:49: Iona froze 210%dmg - Lvl 277 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21192, 04:24:59: Iona froze Ligtho - Lvl 288 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21195, 20:15:34: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21195, 21:46:45: NanoBastardo froze Otter - Lvl 97 (Otter) Day 21195, 21:53:51: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21237, 10:37:11: NanoBastardo froze Pteranodon - Lvl 263 (Pteranodon) Day 21237, 18:27:54: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 224 (Carnotaurus)! Day 21237, 23:00:48: NanoBastardo froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 224 (Carnotaurus) Day 21237, 23:19:41: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 217 (Carnotaurus)! Day 21237, 23:36:14: NanoBastardo froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 217 (Carnotaurus) Day 21238, 03:24:57: NanoBastardo Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 224 (Carnotaurus)! Day 21238, 03:32:35: NanoBastardo froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 224 (Carnotaurus) Day 21238, 05:27:31: NanoBastardo froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 224 (Carnotaurus) Day 21238, 05:30:59: NanoBastardo froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 224 (Carnotaurus) Day 21238, 05:34:09: NanoBastardo froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 217 (Carnotaurus) Day 21238, 05:42:57: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 269 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21368, 14:17:14: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21392, 06:28:31: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21467, 14:29:50: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 303 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21468, 06:20:29: NanoBastardo Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 21468, 06:30:46: NanoBastardo Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)! Day 21468, 06:39:45: NanoBastardo froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21468, 06:50:13: NanoBastardo froze Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis) Day 21468, 08:37:11: NanoBastardo froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 277 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21468, 09:34:14: NanoBastardo froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 278 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21503, 19:18:50: Iona froze Iona - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21503, 21:28:09: Iona froze IvorTheStupid - Lvl 269 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21514, 21:31:34: NanoBastardo froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 296 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21515, 00:53:26: NanoBastardo froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 242 (R-Megatherium) Day 21515, 01:47:48: NanoBastardo froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 242 (R-Megatherium) Day 21515, 02:28:41: NanoBastardo froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 242 (R-Megatherium) Day 21515, 03:49:29: NanoBastardo froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 242 (R-Megatherium) Day 21515, 05:36:36: NanoBastardo froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 250 (R-Megatherium) Day 21515, 06:34:07: NanoBastardo froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 250 (R-Megatherium) Day 21515, 06:52:18: NanoBastardo froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 250 (R-Megatherium) Day 21515, 08:47:23: NanoBastardo froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 289 (R-Velonasaur) Day 21515, 12:08:23: NanoBastardo froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 289 (R-Velonasaur) Day 21515, 12:23:07: NanoBastardo froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 253 (R-Megatherium) Day 21515, 14:22:20: NanoBastardo froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 253 (R-Megatherium) Day 21515, 14:41:19: NanoBastardo froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 253 (R-Megatherium) Day 21515, 15:36:35: NanoBastardo froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 253 (R-Megatherium) Day 21515, 16:22:27: NanoBastardo froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 253 (R-Megatherium) Day 21515, 16:53:01: NanoBastardo froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 253 (R-Megatherium) Day 21515, 17:57:23: NanoBastardo froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 296 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21518, 07:05:50: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 260 (R-Megatherium) Day 21518, 12:29:52: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21518, 13:48:22: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21518, 15:04:43: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21518, 15:54:24: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21518, 16:45:54: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21518, 17:02:52: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21518, 18:43:40: NanoBastardo froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 289 (R-Velonasaur) Day 21518, 22:01:05: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21518, 23:32:09: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21519, 00:55:58: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21519, 02:11:38: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21519, 02:51:37: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21519, 05:22:57: NanoBastardo froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 296 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21521, 06:28:55: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21521, 07:26:26: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21521, 09:00:40: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21521, 09:39:35: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21521, 11:35:52: NanoBastardo froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 289 (R-Velonasaur) Day 21521, 13:30:03: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21521, 14:22:09: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21521, 14:54:39: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21521, 15:53:10: NanoBastardo froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 296 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21522, 10:53:03: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21522, 11:39:23: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21522, 12:42:03: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21522, 13:05:19: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21522, 15:03:43: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21522, 16:09:13: NanoBastardo froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 289 (R-Velonasaur) Day 21522, 17:40:07: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21522, 18:21:02: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21522, 19:12:17: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21522, 19:33:29: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 262 (R-Megatherium) Day 21522, 20:43:58: NanoBastardo froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 296 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21531, 12:54:22: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 304 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21531, 13:15:02: NanoBastardo froze Ginanotosaurus - Lvl 340 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21531, 13:39:19: NanoBastardo froze Shadowmane - Lvl 293 (Shadowmane) Day 21531, 16:17:46: NanoBastardo froze R-Daeodon - Lvl 203 (R-Daeodon) Day 21531, 17:14:16: NanoBastardo froze Ginanotosaurus - Lvl 340 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21531, 19:33:18: NanoBastardo froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 21531, 20:43:50: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 304 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21531, 22:34:52: NanoBastardo froze Ginanotosaurus - Lvl 341 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21532, 01:55:57: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 305 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21532, 10:16:37: NanoBastardo froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 275 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21547, 12:00:55: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 291 (R-Megatherium) Day 21547, 12:25:44: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 291 (R-Megatherium) Day 21547, 12:40:07: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 291 (R-Megatherium) Day 21547, 13:22:39: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 292 (R-Megatherium) Day 21547, 14:52:48: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 292 (R-Megatherium) Day 21547, 15:29:46: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 292 (R-Megatherium) Day 21547, 17:01:06: NanoBastardo froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 289 (R-Velonasaur) Day 21547, 18:17:11: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 292 (R-Megatherium) Day 21547, 18:55:55: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 292 (R-Megatherium) Day 21547, 19:42:12: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 292 (R-Megatherium) Day 21547, 20:10:31: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 292 (R-Megatherium) Day 21547, 20:42:33: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 292 (R-Megatherium) Day 21547, 21:06:07: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 293 (R-Megatherium) Day 21548, 12:30:55: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 293 (R-Megatherium) Day 21548, 16:55:22: NanoBastardo froze Imprint - Lvl 227 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21548, 17:10:18: NanoBastardo froze Ginanotosaurus - Lvl 341 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21548, 19:50:54: NanoBastardo froze Dire Bear - Lvl 234 (Dire Bear) Day 21548, 20:17:18: NanoBastardo froze Dire Bear - Lvl 234 (Dire Bear) Day 21548, 20:35:38: NanoBastardo froze Dire Bear - Lvl 234 (Dire Bear) Day 21548, 20:57:45: NanoBastardo froze Ginanotosaurus - Lvl 341 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21548, 21:37:38: NanoBastardo froze Ginanotosaurus - Lvl 341 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21548, 23:19:51: NanoBastardo froze Dire Bear - Lvl 234 (Dire Bear) Day 21549, 01:04:43: NanoBastardo froze Imprint - Lvl 228 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21570, 16:09:44: NanoBastardo froze Imprint - Lvl 288 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21570, 16:56:16: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 293 (R-Megatherium) Day 21570, 17:29:38: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 293 (R-Megatherium) Day 21570, 18:17:58: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 293 (R-Megatherium) Day 21570, 19:31:07: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 293 (R-Megatherium) Day 21570, 20:05:02: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 293 (R-Megatherium) Day 21570, 22:00:55: NanoBastardo froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 289 (R-Velonasaur) Day 21570, 23:30:46: NanoBastardo froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 289 (R-Velonasaur) Day 21570, 23:47:59: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 293 (R-Megatherium) Day 21571, 00:51:34: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 293 (R-Megatherium) Day 21571, 02:08:46: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 293 (R-Megatherium) Day 21571, 02:41:49: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 293 (R-Megatherium) Day 21571, 03:17:35: NanoBastardo froze Nanotherium - Lvl 293 (R-Megatherium) Day 21571, 05:11:56: NanoBastardo froze Imprint - Lvl 288 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21571, 05:24:55: NanoBastardo froze Ginanotosaurus - Lvl 341 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21571, 06:02:56: NanoBastardo froze Dire Bear - Lvl 234 (Dire Bear) Day 21571, 07:47:54: NanoBastardo froze Dire Bear - Lvl 242 (Dire Bear) Day 21571, 08:09:24: Tribemember NanoBastardo - Lvl 124 was killed by an Iceworm Queen - Lvl 10! Day 21571, 10:04:02: Iona froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21571, 10:57:42: NanoBastardo froze Ligtho - Lvl 308 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21571, 12:24:31: NanoBastardo froze Dire Bear - Lvl 242 (Dire Bear) Day 21571, 12:34:30: NanoBastardo froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 281 (Thylacoleo) Day 21571, 13:37:17: NanoBastardo froze Ginanotosaurus - Lvl 341 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21572, 07:00:51: NanoBastardo froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 281 (Thylacoleo) Day 21572, 07:11:33: NanoBastardo froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 281 (Thylacoleo) Day 21572, 07:55:46: NanoBastardo froze Ligtho - Lvl 308 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21572, 08:47:18: NanoBastardo froze Imprint - Lvl 288 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21572, 10:29:54: Iona froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21646, 22:53:38: Iona froze Battle Rex - Lvl 374 (Tek Rex) Day 21646, 23:00:34: Iona froze Battle Rex - Lvl 374 (Tek Rex) Day 21646, 23:05:37: Iona froze Battle Rex - Lvl 373 (Tek Rex) Day 21646, 23:05:40: NanoBastardo froze Battle Rex - Lvl 373 (Tek Rex) Day 21646, 23:11:53: Iona froze Battle Rex - Lvl 374 (Tek Rex) Day 21646, 23:11:56: NanoBastardo froze Battle Rex - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 21646, 23:15:35: Iona froze Battle Rex - Lvl 374 (Tek Rex) Day 21646, 23:17:29: NanoBastardo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 374 (Tek Rex) Day 21646, 23:24:16: NanoBastardo froze Breeding F - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 21646, 23:25:13: Iona froze MINE - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex) Day 21646, 23:30:11: NanoBastardo froze Battle Rex - Lvl 374 (Tek Rex) Day 21646, 23:30:43: Iona froze Battle rex - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex) Day 21646, 23:35:51: Iona froze Battle Rex - Lvl 374 (Tek Rex) Day 21646, 23:36:33: NanoBastardo froze Battle Rex - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 21646, 23:42:11: Iona froze Battle Rex - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 21646, 23:45:04: NanoBastardo froze Battle Rex - Lvl 374 (Tek Rex) Day 21646, 23:48:06: Iona froze Battle Rex - Lvl 374 (Tek Rex) Day 21646, 23:54:22: NanoBastardo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex) Day 21647, 00:01:41: NanoBastardo froze Battle Yutynannus - Lvl 305 (Yutyrannus) Day 21647, 00:03:18: Iona froze Battle Rex - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 21647, 00:17:09: Iona froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21647, 02:03:59: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21647, 03:44:14: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21670, 17:45:57: Reynix - Lvl 103 (PVE Beeps) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21670, 17:46:26: Reynix - Lvl 103 (PVE Beeps) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21670, 17:46:54: Reynix - Lvl 103 (PVE Beeps) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21670, 17:47:24: Reynix - Lvl 103 (PVE Beeps) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21670, 17:48:35: Reynix - Lvl 103 (PVE Beeps) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21670, 17:49:17: Reynix - Lvl 103 (PVE Beeps) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21670, 17:50:43: Reynix - Lvl 103 (PVE Beeps) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21670, 17:51:06: Reynix - Lvl 103 (PVE Beeps) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21670, 17:52:37: Reynix - Lvl 103 (PVE Beeps) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21670, 17:53:21: Reynix - Lvl 103 (PVE Beeps) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21670, 17:53:45: Reynix - Lvl 103 (PVE Beeps) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21670, 17:58:10: Reynix - Lvl 103 (PVE Beeps) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21762, 07:56:10: NanoBastardo froze Speed Wyvern - Lvl 302 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21880, 13:20:44: NanoBastardo froze Speed Wyvern - Lvl 313 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21958, 11:19:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21958, 11:19:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22047, 14:20:21: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 268 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22047, 18:17:30: NanoBastardo Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 260 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 22047, 19:44:45: NanoBastardo froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 260 (Tek Parasaur) Day 22047, 19:48:17: NanoBastardo froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 160 (Tek Parasaur) Day 22047, 20:19:53: NanoBastardo froze Imprint - Lvl 319 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22047, 20:56:38: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 268 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22297, 19:27:53: Your Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) was killed! Day 22926, 19:05:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22926, 19:05:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23159, 09:03:06: Megaloceros - Lvl 157 (Megaloceros) starved to death! Day 23369, 19:54:44: NanoBastardo Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis)! Day 23369, 19:58:22: NanoBastardo froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 23369, 20:52:00: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 345 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26974, 09:53:47: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 281 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34472, 20:28:15: Iona froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 405 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34473, 02:59:34: Iona froze Argentavis - Lvl 344 (Argentavis) Day 34473, 09:57:12: Iona Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 224 (Megatherium)! Day 34473, 10:08:26: Iona froze Megatherium - Lvl 224 (Megatherium) Day 34473, 14:56:50: Iona froze Megatherium - Lvl 202 (Megatherium) Day 34473, 18:34:43: Iona claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 204 (Megatherium)'! Day 34473, 18:40:47: Iona froze Megatherium - Lvl 224 (Megatherium) Day 34473, 18:59:53: Iona froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 405 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34582, 01:46:22: Baby Megatherium - Lvl 204 (Megatherium) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1091337035,"tribe":"Tribe of ward logs":["Day 23244, 05:20:25: ward was added to the Tribe! Day 23244, 05:21:11: James was added to the Tribe by ward! Day 23244, 10:53:25: Tribemember James - Lvl 11 was killed by a Pachy - Lvl 130! Day 23244, 11:34:51: Tribemember ward - Lvl 11 was killed by James - Lvl 13 (Tribe of ward)! Day 23244, 11:34:51: Your Tribe killed ward - Lvl 11 (Tribe of ward)! Day 23244, 11:51:27: Tribemember James - Lvl 13 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 23244, 11:52:24: Tribemember ward - Lvl 11 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 23244, 15:20:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 136 (Parasaur)! Day 23244, 17:28:48: Tribemember ward - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 23244, 19:01:53: James Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 141 (Parasaur)! Day 23245, 03:25:43: Tribemember James - Lvl 22 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 130 | 1.0x! Day 23245, 04:21:58: Tribemember James - Lvl 22 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 100! Day 23245, 05:41:04: Tribemember James - Lvl 22 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23245, 06:12:36: Tribemember James - Lvl 22 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 100! Day 23245, 08:30:08: Tribemember ward - Lvl 22 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 95! Day 23245, 08:49:47: Tribemember ward - Lvl 22 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 95! Day 23245, 08:57:47: Tribemember James - Lvl 23 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 95! Day 23301, 04:21:33: Tribemember James - Lvl 23 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 150! Day 23322, 04:25:14: Your Parasaur - Lvl 148 (Parasaur) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 90! Day 23322, 04:31:42: Tribemember ward - Lvl 28 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 140! Day 23322, 04:32:22: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23409, 22:02:06: Tribemember James - Lvl 23 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 23410, 03:05:33: Tribemember ward - Lvl 29 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 23410, 03:26:41: Tribemember ward - Lvl 29 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 23410, 03:57:54: Tribemember ward - Lvl 29 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 23410, 04:15:40: Tribemember James - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 23410, 07:27:09: Harry was added to the Tribe by ward! Day 23410, 07:36:14: Tribemember Harry - Lvl 6 was killed by James - Lvl 26 (Tribe of ward)! Day 23410, 07:36:14: Your Tribe killed Harry - Lvl 6 (Tribe of ward)! Day 23410, 07:40:42: Tribemember James - Lvl 26 was killed by ward - Lvl 32 (Tribe of ward)! Day 23410, 07:40:42: Your Tribe killed James - Lvl 26 (Tribe of ward)! Day 23410, 16:09:40: Tribemember James - Lvl 32 was killed! Day 23410, 16:48:06: Tribemember James - Lvl 32 was killed! Day 23410, 18:10:43: Tribemember James - Lvl 32 was killed! Day 23410, 22:02:35: James claimed 'chronos raft (Raft)'! Day 23411, 17:25:55: Tribemember James - Lvl 39 was killed! Day 23411, 18:09:08: Tribemember ward - Lvl 44 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23411, 18:59:28: James Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)! Day 23411, 19:47:41: ward Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon)! Day 23412, 09:39:18: Tribemember James - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 23412, 11:30:09: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 74 (Triceratops)! Day 23412, 12:05:41: ward demolished a 'Large Wood Signpost'! Day 23412, 17:21:18: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 23412, 17:33:03: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 23412, 18:54:29: ward Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 197 (Pteranodon)! Day 23412, 19:16:29: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 23412, 19:17:19: Tribemember ward - Lvl 49 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 23413, 06:52:39: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23413, 06:53:14: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 23414, 22:29:47: Tribemember ward - Lvl 54 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 23414, 22:35:38: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 77 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 23415, 02:00:02: Tribemember Harry - Lvl 12 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 23415, 02:04:17: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 23415, 02:04:39: Tribemember ward - Lvl 54 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 23415, 07:30:42: ward claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 212 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23415, 09:03:50: Tribemember ward - Lvl 58 was killed by James - Lvl 50 (Tribe of ward)! Day 23415, 09:03:50: Your Tribe killed ward - Lvl 58 (Tribe of ward)! Day 23415, 17:48:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 149 (Pteranodon)! Day 23415, 18:15:10: ward uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 29 Day 23415, 18:21:12: James uploaded a Pteranodon: Charizard - Lvl 207 Day 23416, 08:06:37: James claimed 'pls dont claim - Lvl 303 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 23416, 18:23:38: ward froze Pteranodon - Lvl 274 (Pteranodon) Day 23417, 09:54:55: James downloaded a dino: Vaporeon - Lvl 73 Day 23417, 09:56:10: ward froze Pteranodon - Lvl 274 (Pteranodon) Day 23417, 10:01:11: ward downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 214 Day 23417, 10:02:44: James downloaded a dino: Charizard - Lvl 196 Day 23422, 01:39:34: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23433, 18:44:09: ward froze pls dont claim - Lvl 311 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23434, 15:16:28: ward Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 152 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 23435, 07:54:00: ward demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 23435, 07:55:16: ward demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 23435, 08:00:06: James Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 23435, 20:48:45: Tribemember James - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 23435, 21:20:00: ward froze Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 23436, 06:40:16: ward froze Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 23436, 11:14:59: ward downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 29 Day 23436, 11:19:58: ward froze Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) Day 23436, 19:50:14: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 201 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 23436, 23:02:27: James froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 201 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23436, 23:18:38: ward froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 203 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23437, 01:38:39: ward froze Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis) Day 23503, 12:24:46: James froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 204 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23503, 12:54:52: James froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 204 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23503, 13:55:47: James froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 205 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23503, 15:07:47: James froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 206 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23503, 15:11:20: James froze Argentavis - Lvl 277 (Argentavis) Day 23563, 17:51:43: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23587, 08:34:00: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23587, 08:34:00: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23623, 21:09:13: Your Paralympics - Lvl 147 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 23705, 00:30:37: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23728, 15:07:23: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23728, 15:07:23: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23846, 16:42:29: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23893, 23:15:12: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23977, 06:49:21: Tribemember James - Lvl 99 was killed! Day 24011, 19:14:25: Your 'Large Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24119, 05:07:00: Your Charizard - Lvl 198 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 24188, 20:27:03: Nytrix - Lvl 77 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 89 (Triceratops)'! Day 24188, 20:36:27: Nytrix - Lvl 77 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Caravan (Raft)'! Day 24237, 15:32:46: Ross - Lvl 69 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Caravan v2 (Raft)'! Day 24318, 21:29:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24460, 16:42:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24602, 10:56:28: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24602, 10:56:28: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25122, 08:26:08: Hecate - Lvl 66 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 243 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 25122, 08:30:11: Hecate - Lvl 66 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 203 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 25122, 08:31:07: Hecate - Lvl 66 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vaporeon - Lvl 103 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 25122, 08:32:57: Hecate - Lvl 66 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 277 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25122, 08:34:00: Hecate - Lvl 66 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 162 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25122, 08:34:38: Hecate - Lvl 66 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 163 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 25122, 21:25:17: Tribemember ward - Lvl 75 was killed!"] "tribeid":1086573382,"tribe":"Tribe of Zerhathos logs":["Day 22254, 10:30:55: Zerhathos was added to the Tribe! Day 22254, 10:33:04: BB4L tribe was merged in by Coleo! Day 22254, 10:33:04: Coleo was added to the Tribe by Zerhathos! Day 22254, 15:09:02: Coleo froze Fenrir - Lvl 229 (Thylacoleo) Day 22254, 15:12:57: Coleo froze Crush - Lvl 193 (Argentavis) Day 22254, 16:40:22: Zerhathos froze Air Mail - Lvl 79 (Argentavis) Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1085815765,"tribe":"Cast aways logs":["Day 16113, 19:44:35: Ellie was added to the Tribe! Day 16113, 20:04:25: Ellie Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 194 (Moschops)! Day 16114, 00:07:51: Ellie claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16114, 05:32:10: Ellie froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16114, 05:34:57: Ellie froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16114, 05:51:33: Ellie froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16114, 06:11:42: Ellie unclaimed 'Moschops - Lvl 204 (Moschops)'! Day 16114, 06:12:54: Ellie claimed 'Moschops - Lvl 204 (Moschops)'! Day 16114, 06:15:14: Ellie froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16114, 08:17:56: Your Moschops - Lvl 211 (Moschops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 16114, 08:35:24: Ellie froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16132, 12:05:50: Tribemember Ellie - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 16207, 11:40:25: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16290, 09:23:13: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16479, 09:19:38: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 16802, 11:44:45: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19278, 21:40:41: Tribemember Ellie - Lvl 22 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45!"] "tribeid":1083251810,"tribe":"Tribe of Steve logs":["Day 41437, 09:05:26: Steve was added to the Tribe! Day 41437, 20:48:00: Your Tribe Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 217 (Griffin)! Day 41437, 23:45:16: Steve Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 217 (Griffin)! Day 41437, 23:55:58: Steve froze Sphinz - Lvl 217 (Griffin) Day 41438, 01:28:26: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 217 (Griffin) Day 41438, 07:07:18: Steve Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 194 (Beelzebufo)! Day 41438, 07:13:23: Steve froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 194 (Beelzebufo) Day 41438, 13:39:04: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 146 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 135! Day 41438, 19:19:24: Steve froze Sarco - Lvl 211 (Sarco) Day 41438, 20:50:49: Steve froze Argentavis - Lvl 181 (Argentavis) Day 41438, 21:41:42: Steve Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 202 (Baryonyx)! Day 41438, 21:48:14: Steve froze Baryonyx - Lvl 202 (Baryonyx) Day 41438, 23:37:35: Steve froze Spare Wells - Lvl 199 (Argentavis) Day 41439, 04:23:17: Steve froze Baryonyx - Lvl 202 (Baryonyx) Day 41439, 05:25:05: Steve froze Sarco - Lvl 211 (Sarco) Day 41439, 09:32:28: Steve froze Sarco - Lvl 211 (Sarco) Day 41439, 14:00:19: Steve froze Spare Wells - Lvl 199 (Argentavis) Day 41439, 15:31:02: Steve froze Spare Wells - Lvl 199 (Argentavis) Day 41439, 15:46:30: Steve Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 220 (Thylacoleo)! Day 41439, 15:52:36: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 220 (Thylacoleo) Day 41439, 16:23:20: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 220 (Thylacoleo) Day 41439, 17:04:37: Steve froze Spare Wells - Lvl 199 (Argentavis) Day 41439, 18:49:42: Steve froze Spare Wells - Lvl 199 (Argentavis) Day 41439, 18:56:25: Steve froze Argentavis - Lvl 193 (Argentavis) Day 41439, 19:48:34: Steve froze Argentavis - Lvl 193 (Argentavis) Day 41439, 22:32:54: Steve Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 200 (Thylacoleo)! Day 41439, 23:30:11: Steve froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 200 (Thylacoleo) Day 41440, 02:30:19: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 223 (Griffin) Day 41533, 07:14:03: Your Juvenile Miao 3 - Lvl 202 (Thylacoleo) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 50! Day 41533, 07:42:50: Steve froze Baby Duck Ride - Lvl 195 (Pelagornis) Day 41533, 07:45:54: Steve froze Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 200 (Doedicurus) Day 41533, 08:10:36: Steve froze Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 200 (Doedicurus) Day 41533, 08:14:09: Steve froze Baby Duck Ride - Lvl 195 (Pelagornis) Day 41533, 10:18:00: Steve froze Baby Duck Ride - Lvl 195 (Pelagornis) Day 41533, 10:21:01: Steve froze Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 200 (Doedicurus) Day 41533, 12:12:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)! Day 41533, 14:05:19: Steve froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 41533, 15:46:05: Steve froze Juvenile Duck Ride - Lvl 195 (Pelagornis) Day 41533, 16:02:42: Steve froze Juvenile Duck Ride - Lvl 195 (Pelagornis) Day 41533, 17:40:00: Steve Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur)! Day 41533, 17:44:48: Steve froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 200 (Doedicurus) Day 41533, 17:47:36: Steve froze Adolescent Castoroides - Lvl 121 (Castoroides) Day 41533, 17:50:30: Steve froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur) Day 41533, 18:09:47: Steve froze Juvenile Duck Ride - Lvl 195 (Pelagornis) Day 41533, 19:02:21: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 277 (Griffin) Day 41580, 17:18:22: Steve froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 220 (Megatherium) Day 41580, 20:23:02: Steve Tamed an Otter - Lvl 216 (Otter)! Day 41581, 04:50:34: Steve Tamed a Gigantopithecus - Lvl 217 (Gigantopithecus)! Day 41581, 05:05:48: Steve froze Fiona - Lvl 217 (Gigantopithecus) Day 41581, 05:14:36: Steve froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 220 (Megatherium) Day 41581, 05:49:22: Steve froze Otter - Lvl 216 (Otter) Day 41581, 05:58:37: Your Baryonyx - Lvl 130 (Baryonyx) was killed by Steve - Lvl 146 (Tribe of Steve)! Day 41581, 05:58:37: Your Tribe killed Baryonyx - Lvl 130 (Baryonyx)! Day 41581, 06:02:54: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 287 (Griffin) Day 41581, 12:53:59: Steve froze High all - Lvl 225 (Baryonyx) Day 41581, 13:55:53: Steve claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 255 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 41581, 14:04:37: Steve froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 255 (Basilosaurus) Day 41581, 17:44:00: Steve Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 209 (Basilosaurus)! Day 41581, 17:53:37: Steve froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 209 (Basilosaurus) Day 41581, 18:39:45: Steve froze High all - Lvl 233 (Baryonyx) Day 41581, 19:30:35: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 287 (Griffin) Day 41590, 14:53:04: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 287 (Griffin) Day 41592, 17:42:00: Steve froze Ollie - Lvl 238 (Otter) Day 41592, 17:44:38: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 287 (Griffin) Day 41605, 01:58:13: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 289 (Griffin) Day 41628, 01:07:31: Steve Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 202 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 41628, 01:12:34: Steve froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 202 (Tusoteuthis) Day 41628, 01:31:04: Steve froze Squid Talker - Lvl 160 (Carbonemys) Day 41628, 03:41:53: Steve froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 286 (Basilosaurus) Day 41628, 04:30:25: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 289 (Griffin) Day 41628, 15:20:19: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 289 (Griffin) Day 41648, 16:30:32: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 289 (Griffin) Day 41651, 08:09:03: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 293 (Griffin) Day 41652, 17:40:19: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 293 (Griffin) Day 41676, 06:12:21: Steve froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 286 (Basilosaurus) Day 41676, 08:46:19: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 293 (Griffin) Day 41676, 12:22:27: Steve Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 209 (Basilosaurus)! Day 41676, 12:28:19: Steve froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 209 (Basilosaurus) Day 41676, 13:02:04: Steve froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 287 (Basilosaurus) Day 41676, 16:59:19: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 293 (Griffin) Day 41699, 06:41:50: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 293 (Griffin) Day 41724, 01:39:28: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 41746, 15:25:03: Your Tribe Tamed a Tapejara - Lvl 202 (Tapejara)! Day 41746, 16:25:44: Steve demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 41746, 16:34:00: Steve froze Tapejara - Lvl 202 (Tapejara) Day 41747, 05:17:12: Your Tribe Tamed an Anglerfish - Lvl 217 (Anglerfish)! Day 41747, 06:32:34: Steve froze Anglerfish - Lvl 217 (Anglerfish) Day 41747, 11:05:18: Steve Tamed an Anglerfish - Lvl 202 (Anglerfish)! Day 41747, 11:19:05: Steve froze Anglerfish - Lvl 202 (Anglerfish) Day 41747, 12:39:21: Steve froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 296 (Basilosaurus) Day 41747, 12:56:11: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 41756, 06:09:10: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 41790, 22:51:19: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 41792, 06:33:22: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 41818, 20:32:59: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 41841, 23:33:18: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 41861, 21:37:42: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 41884, 08:26:51: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 41884, 10:04:06: Steve Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 41884, 10:30:53: Steve froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis) Day 41884, 10:44:23: Steve froze Squid Talker - Lvl 160 (Carbonemys) Day 41884, 11:14:49: Steve froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 225 (Basilosaurus) Day 41884, 13:39:47: Steve froze Anglerfish - Lvl 192 (Anglerfish) Day 41884, 13:57:02: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 41884, 18:22:14: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 41888, 09:59:33: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 41888, 10:34:06: Steve froze Miao 2 - Lvl 301 (Thylacoleo) Day 41888, 10:49:05: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 41888, 11:06:32: Steve froze Miao 2 - Lvl 301 (Thylacoleo) Day 41888, 11:53:56: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 41888, 11:56:47: Steve froze Miao 2 - Lvl 301 (Thylacoleo) Day 41888, 16:35:24: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 41889, 05:22:21: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175 destroyed your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost (Locked) '! Day 41889, 05:22:21: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175 destroyed your 'Electric Junction Box'! Day 41889, 05:22:21: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175 destroyed your 'Power Generator (Locked) '! Day 41889, 07:31:46: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 41889, 16:59:03: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 41908, 17:56:27: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 41914, 17:09:02: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 41924, 17:04:15: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 41960, 21:42:33: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 41984, 22:44:38: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 42008, 22:01:50: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 42031, 20:29:36: Steve claimed 'Wells - Lvl 193 (Argentavis)'! Day 42031, 20:35:50: Steve froze Wells - Lvl 193 (Argentavis) Day 42031, 20:46:55: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 42055, 08:34:04: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 42055, 10:50:14: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 42104, 15:38:17: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 42126, 08:28:29: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 42126, 12:40:36: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 42126, 12:58:00: Steve froze Miao 2 - Lvl 301 (Thylacoleo) Day 42126, 14:20:24: Steve froze Miao 2 - Lvl 301 (Thylacoleo) Day 42126, 16:12:41: Steve froze Miao 2 - Lvl 317 (Thylacoleo) Day 42126, 17:37:20: Steve froze Miao 2 - Lvl 317 (Thylacoleo) Day 42126, 18:02:29: Steve froze Orla - Lvl 228 (Otter) Day 42126, 18:05:08: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 42151, 04:07:30: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 42388, 10:36:00: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 42460, 20:52:39: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 42483, 03:59:35: Steve froze Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 42490, 11:15:08: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42490, 11:15:08: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42490, 11:15:08: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42776, 06:00:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42776, 06:00:13: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42776, 06:00:13: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42776, 06:00:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43371, 02:22:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43371, 02:22:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43371, 02:22:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43371, 02:22:47: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43371, 02:22:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1075600815,"tribe":"Square logs":["Day 17703, 21:28:52: Square was added to the Tribe! Day 17707, 17:44:55: Square froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 241 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17707, 17:49:50: Square froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 241 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17708, 10:44:26: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 255 (Griffin) Day 17708, 14:33:25: Square Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 194 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 17708, 14:35:03: Square Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 217 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 17708, 14:48:41: Square froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 217 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 17708, 14:57:34: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 194 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 17708, 16:11:03: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 220 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 150! Day 17708, 17:39:35: Square Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 224 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 17708, 17:41:24: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 224 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 90! Day 17708, 17:52:08: Tribemember Square - Lvl 101 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 140! Day 17708, 18:10:50: Square Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 17708, 18:13:28: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 25! Day 17708, 18:46:28: Tribemember Square - Lvl 101 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 85! Day 17708, 20:15:43: Tribemember Square - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 17709, 05:21:25: Square Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 182 (Megalodon)! Day 17709, 07:09:57: Square froze Megalodon - Lvl 195 (Megalodon) Day 17709, 12:23:17: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 257 (Griffin) Day 17712, 15:21:13: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 257 (Griffin) Day 17712, 16:15:06: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 257 (Griffin) Day 17713, 10:40:17: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 313 (Griffin) Day 17713, 19:06:28: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 314 (Griffin) Day 17713, 19:08:02: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 314 (Griffin) Day 17714, 02:44:11: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 314 (Griffin) Day 17714, 19:14:14: Square claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17714, 19:14:49: Square claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17714, 20:08:56: Square froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 254 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17715, 18:17:26: Square froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17715, 18:19:38: Square froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17715, 18:21:28: Square froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17715, 18:23:22: Square froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17715, 18:26:35: Square froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17715, 18:28:58: Square froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17715, 18:30:50: Square froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17715, 18:32:39: Square froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17715, 18:34:35: Square froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17715, 18:37:51: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 314 (Griffin) Day 17715, 19:45:39: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 314 (Griffin) Day 17715, 22:51:51: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 314 (Griffin) Day 17716, 08:00:29: Square froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17716, 08:02:49: Square froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17716, 08:12:44: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 314 (Griffin) Day 17716, 19:11:50: Square demolished a 'Bed'! Day 17716, 19:29:46: Square demolished a 'Bed'! Day 17716, 19:30:24: Square demolished a 'Bed'! Day 17716, 19:31:24: Square demolished a 'Bed'! Day 17725, 05:45:39: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 318 (Griffin) Day 17725, 07:06:45: Square claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 205 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17725, 08:12:46: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 318 (Griffin) Day 17725, 13:40:24: Square Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 134 (Moschops)! Day 17725, 13:42:13: Your Moschops - Lvl 134 (Moschops) was killed by Square - Lvl 121 (Square)! Day 17725, 13:42:13: Your Tribe killed Moschops - Lvl 134 (Moschops) (Square)! Day 17725, 14:06:44: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur)! Day 17725, 14:29:08: Square froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 214 (Therizinosaur) Day 17725, 16:00:40: Square froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 205 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17725, 16:44:40: Square froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 254 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17725, 17:34:22: Square froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 216 (Therizinosaur) Day 17725, 17:35:58: Square froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 216 (Therizinosaur) Day 17725, 17:49:27: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 318 (Griffin) Day 17726, 04:40:26: Square froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 222 (Therizinosaur) Day 17726, 08:12:15: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 318 (Griffin) Day 17726, 13:45:02: Square froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 274 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17726, 15:11:28: Square froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 205 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17726, 20:19:34: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 318 (Griffin) Day 17727, 03:34:32: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 318 (Griffin) Day 17737, 06:57:32: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 318 (Griffin) Day 17737, 16:10:07: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 318 (Griffin) Day 17737, 21:44:16: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 318 (Griffin) Day 17738, 05:19:46: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 318 (Griffin) Day 17738, 13:46:12: Your The Square Boat (Raft) was destroyed! Day 17738, 16:06:56: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 319 (Griffin) Day 17738, 23:20:38: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 319 (Griffin) Day 17739, 02:46:24: Square froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 248 (Therizinosaur) Day 17739, 05:37:12: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 319 (Griffin) Day 17739, 07:39:24: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 319 (Griffin) Day 17739, 07:41:53: Square demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 17739, 10:44:36: Tribemember Square - Lvl 121 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 95! Day 17739, 16:40:18: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 319 (Griffin) Day 17740, 16:40:08: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 319 (Griffin) Day 17740, 19:07:28: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 319 (Griffin) Day 17741, 09:21:54: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 320 (Griffin) Day 17741, 15:49:01: Square froze Snow Owl - Lvl 179 (Snow Owl) Day 17741, 15:59:06: Square froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 248 (Therizinosaur) Day 17741, 16:10:53: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 321 (Griffin) Day 17742, 04:06:14: Square froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 307 (Therizinosaur) Day 17742, 05:58:16: Square froze Snow Owl - Lvl 185 (Snow Owl) Day 17742, 06:39:49: Square froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 307 (Therizinosaur) Day 17742, 06:58:15: Square froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 308 (Therizinosaur) Day 17742, 07:21:38: Square froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 308 (Therizinosaur) Day 17742, 07:47:52: Square froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 308 (Therizinosaur) Day 17742, 08:26:17: Square froze Snow Owl - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) Day 17742, 08:55:40: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 321 (Griffin) Day 17742, 11:03:34: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 321 (Griffin) Day 17742, 14:36:11: Square froze Snow Owl - Lvl 188 (Snow Owl) Day 17742, 14:37:40: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 321 (Griffin) Day 17743, 11:17:23: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 327 (Griffin) Day 17743, 12:11:41: Square demolished a 'Trophy Wall-Mount (Locked) '! Day 17743, 12:26:06: Square claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 17743, 12:35:34: Square froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern) Day 17743, 13:09:16: Square claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 17754, 16:32:26: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 17754, 20:01:06: Square froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 308 (Therizinosaur) Day 17755, 01:14:26: Square froze Iguanodon - Lvl 278 (Iguanodon) Day 17755, 01:37:07: Square froze Iguanodon - Lvl 278 (Iguanodon) Day 17755, 06:09:27: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 328 (Griffin) Day 17755, 07:58:52: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 328 (Griffin) Day 17755, 11:32:37: Square froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 285 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17755, 14:05:09: Square froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 285 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17755, 15:14:38: Square froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 285 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17756, 00:10:50: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 329 (Griffin) Day 17756, 12:08:55: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 329 (Griffin) Day 17765, 02:31:53: Square froze Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) Day 17765, 03:09:35: Square froze Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) Day 17765, 07:03:53: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 329 (Griffin) Day 17767, 07:16:31: Square froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern) Day 17767, 09:08:20: Square froze Shadowmane - Lvl 236 (Shadowmane) Day 17767, 09:12:21: Square froze Iguanodon - Lvl 278 (Iguanodon) Day 17769, 09:47:09: Square froze Shadowmane - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 17769, 10:39:05: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 268 (Griffin) Day 17769, 20:12:17: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 312 (Griffin) Day 17780, 05:12:09: Square claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 247 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 17780, 05:24:40: Square froze Weight - Lvl 247 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17780, 05:44:25: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 312 (Griffin) Day 17780, 11:55:13: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 313 (Griffin) Day 17780, 12:07:13: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 313 (Griffin) Day 17780, 12:09:16: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 313 (Griffin) Day 17780, 12:13:31: Square froze Snow Owl - Lvl 239 (Snow Owl) Day 17780, 12:15:02: Square froze Snow Owl - Lvl 239 (Snow Owl) Day 17780, 16:33:50: Square froze Snow Owl - Lvl 239 (Snow Owl) Day 17781, 11:45:30: Square froze Iguanodon - Lvl 278 (Iguanodon) Day 17784, 13:59:16: Square froze Griffin - Lvl 258 (Griffin) Day 17784, 14:31:05: Square froze Snow Owl - Lvl 239 (Snow Owl) Day 17784, 19:01:19: Square froze Shadowmane - Lvl 274 (Shadowmane) Day 17784, 19:11:56: Square claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 17784, 19:12:32: Square claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 17784, 19:13:06: Square claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 17784, 19:13:49: Square claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 17784, 19:14:20: Square claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 18050, 07:51:27: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Lightning Wyvern) starved to death! Day 18109, 03:52:04: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) starved to death! Day 18114, 13:20:00: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) starved to death! Day 18114, 13:49:09: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) starved to death! Day 18322, 17:16:31: Reynix - Lvl 101 (PVE Beeps) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 18334, 05:04:41: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18334, 05:04:41: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18334, 05:04:41: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18334, 05:04:41: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18828, 12:12:21: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18828, 12:12:21: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18828, 12:12:21: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18828, 12:12:21: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18857, 01:14:16: 's 'Snow Owl - Lvl 239 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18857, 01:14:16: 's 'Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 205 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18857, 01:14:16: Your The Square Boat (Motorboat) was destroyed! Day 18879, 21:51:17: Tribemember Square - Lvl 121 was killed!"] "tribeid":1074996189,"tribe":"Tarzan logs":["Day 43911, 12:51:10: Malcolm was added to the Tribe! Day 43911, 16:04:26: PogO was added to the Tribe by Malcolm! Day 43911, 17:15:17: Tribemember Malcolm - Lvl 14 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 25! Day 43911, 19:19:49: Tribemember PogO - Lvl 13 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 60! Day 43911, 19:23:32: Tribemember Malcolm - Lvl 14 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 135! Day 43911, 19:32:49: Tribemember PogO - Lvl 13 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 100! Day 43911, 20:30:12: Tribemember PogO - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 43911, 20:32:53: Tribemember Malcolm - Lvl 15 was killed! Day 43911, 23:03:59: Tribemember Malcolm - Lvl 16 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 145! Day 43911, 23:32:13: Tribemember PogO - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 43912, 05:12:52: Tribemember Malcolm - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 43912, 08:49:33: Tribemember PogO - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 43912, 10:23:23: Tribemember PogO - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 44205, 09:33:40: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1066355589,"tribe":"BWC logs":["Day 34577, 06:38:01: Lola was added to the Tribe! Day 34577, 19:09:12: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 180 (Pteranodon)! Day 34578, 12:39:29: Lola claimed 'Carbonemys - Lvl 219 (Carbonemys)'! Day 34578, 15:25:03: Lola Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 126 (Triceratops)! Day 35163, 13:34:12: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35163, 13:34:12: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35441, 02:49:24: Raven - Lvl 75 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 181 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35441, 03:04:15: Raven - Lvl 75 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 250 (Carbonemys)'! Day 35441, 03:08:27: Raven - Lvl 75 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 126 (Triceratops)'! Day 35734, 05:07:52: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38478, 08:24:13: Tribemember Lola - Lvl 45 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95!"] "tribeid":1065911977,"tribe":"Tribe Of Legends logs":["Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19248, 07:34:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19530, 16:00:26: Your 'Tek Jump Pad' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19538, 11:43:06: Tribemember KJC - Lvl 94 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 55! Day 20991, 13:43:00: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21557, 15:43:08: Your 'Industrial Cooker' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1064492054,"tribe":"16th Legion logs":["Day 13625, 13:44:43: Dave was added to the Tribe! Day 13625, 14:44:02: Dave Tamed an Equus - Lvl 127 (Equus)! Day 13625, 20:48:56: Dave claimed 'Rodan - Lvl 231 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13625, 20:51:26: Dave claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 227 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13625, 20:53:26: Dave claimed 'Terror Bird - Lvl 228 (Terror Bird)'! Day 13625, 20:54:28: Dave claimed 'Spartan - Lvl 242 (Equus)'! Day 13625, 20:55:15: Dave claimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 219 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 13625, 20:56:31: Dave claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 155 (Doedicurus)'! Day 13625, 21:24:43: Dave claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 13626, 02:40:52: Tribemember Dave - Lvl 27 was killed! Day 13626, 04:50:46: Dave claimed 'Equus - Lvl 193 (Equus)'! Day 13626, 06:59:20: Dave demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 13626, 06:59:51: Dave demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 13807, 15:59:29: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13972, 18:19:14: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14013, 06:21:36: Caulkinator - Lvl 161 (Mr Tek) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 219 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 14013, 06:26:01: Caulkinator - Lvl 161 (Mr Tek) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spartan - Lvl 242 (Equus)'! Day 14163, 01:05:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14196, 08:55:07: Tribemember Dave - Lvl 35 was killed! Day 14314, 06:44:48: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14534, 08:41:37: Ciaran - Lvl 122 (Tribe of ai) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Terror Bird - Lvl 228 (Terror Bird)'! Day 14534, 08:41:47: Ciaran - Lvl 122 (Tribe of ai) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 193 (Equus)'! Day 14534, 08:41:56: Ciaran - Lvl 122 (Tribe of ai) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 134 (Equus)'! Day 14534, 08:42:11: Ciaran - Lvl 122 (Tribe of ai) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 155 (Doedicurus)'! Day 14534, 08:42:30: Ciaran - Lvl 122 (Tribe of ai) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rodan - Lvl 251 (Pteranodon)'! Day 14534, 08:43:42: Ciaran - Lvl 122 (Tribe of ai) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 227 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 14534, 08:54:22: Ciaran - Lvl 122 (Tribe of ai) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 14722, 01:03:53: Dave demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 14723, 15:17:55: Dave Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 241 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 14723, 22:44:15: Dave demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 14897, 00:04:58: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15041, 06:56:35: Tribemember Dave - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 15076, 18:37:48: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15222, 08:50:47: Batman - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 15243, 01:07:24: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15243, 01:07:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15357, 17:34:25: ViceFusion - Lvl 123 (The Eerie Meanions) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 250 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 15408, 17:54:25: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15422, 15:00:55: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21923, 17:23:50: Tribemember Dave - Lvl 61 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 22682, 11:36:07: Tribemember Dave - Lvl 61 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100!"] "tribeid":1063656672,"tribe":"Solo Survivor logs":["Day 20677, 04:50:49: Martin was added to the Tribe! Day 20677, 05:14:50: Tribemember Martin - Lvl 9 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 20677, 05:55:54: Tribemember Martin - Lvl 9 was killed! Day 20761, 06:17:44: Tribemember Martin - Lvl 11 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 20761, 07:20:19: Tribemember Martin - Lvl 11 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 20! Day 20761, 08:26:15: Tribemember Martin - Lvl 12 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 20761, 12:59:06: Tribemember Martin - Lvl 12 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 55! Day 20826, 11:23:55: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1062315263,"tribe":"Tribe of CptFero logs":["Day 18278, 10:58:04: CptFero was added to the Tribe! Day 18278, 11:25:44: EcStAsY added 'Tribe of CptFero' Tribe to muzz Alliance! Day 18278, 14:57:02: CptFero froze old alpha - Lvl 399 (Yutyrannus) Day 18278, 20:49:38: CptFero froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 380 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20582, 10:39:20: kokow22 added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to muzz Alliance! Day 20863, 21:56:53: kokow22 added 'Sexy boys' Tribe to muzz Alliance!"] "tribeid":1052879072,"tribe":"Tribe of Penetrololinato logs":["Day 19590, 12:32:53: Penetrololinator was added to the Tribe! Day 19590, 12:34:18: Zuokas was added to the Tribe by Penetrololinator! Day 19590, 14:02:03: Penetrololinator froze Emma - Lvl 248 (Doedicurus) Day 19590, 17:46:33: Zuokas froze Snow - Lvl 366 (Mammoth) Day 19591, 09:26:20: Penetrololinator claimed 'omggg - Lvl 102 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 19591, 09:44:18: Penetrololinator unclaimed 'omggg - Lvl 102 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 19591, 12:31:07: Penetrololinator claimed 'Megalodon - Lvl 238 (Megalodon)'! Day 19591, 12:35:32: Penetrololinator froze Megalodon - Lvl 238 (Megalodon) Day 19591, 14:29:14: Penetrololinator froze 210 - Lvl 258 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19591, 14:57:42: Zuokas froze Speed and Power - Lvl 328 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19601, 05:17:49: Penetrololinator froze 210 - Lvl 269 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19601, 08:28:49: Penetrololinator froze 210 - Lvl 269 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19649, 06:07:43: Penetrololinator froze 210 - Lvl 271 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19675, 08:45:10: Zuokas froze Speed and Power - Lvl 331 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19676, 01:12:21: Zuokas froze Speed and Power - Lvl 331 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19676, 02:01:37: Zuokas froze Speed and Power - Lvl 331 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19679, 14:29:03: Penetrololinator claimed 'QR4 - Lvl 92 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 19679, 14:32:09: Penetrololinator claimed 'Lady Snowie - Lvl 280 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 19679, 14:34:37: Penetrololinator froze Lady Snowie - Lvl 280 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19679, 19:40:13: Penetrololinator froze 210 - Lvl 271 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19679, 20:16:20: Penetrololinator uploaded a Tek Stryder: QR4 - Lvl 93 Day 19685, 17:35:48: Penetrololinator claimed 'Alice - Lvl 257 (Shadowmane)'! Day 19685, 17:36:18: Penetrololinator claimed 'Simba - Lvl 347 (Shadowmane)'! Day 19685, 17:37:02: Penetrololinator claimed 'Cereza - Lvl 285 (Shadowmane)'! Day 19685, 17:37:26: Penetrololinator claimed 'Misty - Lvl 306 (Shadowmane)'! Day 19685, 17:37:54: Penetrololinator claimed 'sssssssssssss - Lvl 267 (Shadowmane)'! Day 19685, 17:38:35: Penetrololinator claimed 'Yui - Lvl 274 (Shadowmane)'! Day 19685, 17:40:04: Penetrololinator claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 101 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 19685, 17:42:05: Penetrololinator claimed 'Magnus - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur)'! Day 19685, 17:47:57: Penetrololinator claimed 'Nami - Lvl 318 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 19685, 17:48:58: Penetrololinator claimed 'Pinky - Lvl 103 (Gacha)'! Day 19686, 08:34:51: Penetrololinator froze Nami - Lvl 318 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19686, 08:45:59: Penetrololinator froze Lady Snowie - Lvl 281 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19686, 10:48:02: Penetrololinator demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 19686, 10:49:52: Penetrololinator demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 19686, 11:21:50: Penetrololinator demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 19686, 11:45:24: Penetrololinator froze Lady Snowie - Lvl 281 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19686, 13:00:53: Penetrololinator froze Lady Snowie - Lvl 281 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19686, 13:55:50: Penetrololinator froze Lady Snowie - Lvl 281 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19686, 14:01:03: Penetrololinator froze Pinky - Lvl 103 (Gacha) Day 19687, 04:25:23: Penetrololinator claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 217 (Shadowmane)'! Day 19687, 04:32:33: Penetrololinator froze Baby 217 - Lvl 217 (Shadowmane) Day 19687, 04:34:37: Penetrololinator claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane)'! Day 19687, 04:45:22: Penetrololinator froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) Day 19698, 23:36:15: Zuokas froze Yui - Lvl 274 (Shadowmane) Day 19698, 23:48:23: Zuokas froze Cereza - Lvl 285 (Shadowmane) Day 19699, 01:19:14: Zuokas froze Magnus - Lvl 137 (Magmasaur) Day 19840, 05:38:44: Penetrololinator claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex)'! Day 19840, 05:39:20: Penetrololinator claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex)'! Day 19840, 11:12:30: Penetrololinator claimed 'Dire Bear - Lvl 253 (Dire Bear)'! Day 19840, 11:14:49: Penetrololinator claimed 'Bertra - Lvl 224 (Megatherium)'! Day 19840, 11:15:49: Penetrololinator claimed 'Bertie - Lvl 224 (Megatherium)'! Day 19840, 11:16:53: Penetrololinator claimed 'Big Bertha - Lvl 244 (Dire Bear)'! Day 19840, 11:19:05: Penetrololinator claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 19840, 11:20:13: Penetrololinator claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 19840, 11:35:41: Penetrololinator claimed 'Poop Factory - Lvl 263 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 19840, 15:12:49: Penetrololinator froze 210 - Lvl 293 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20297, 01:17:15: Pinky - Lvl 106 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 20504, 16:52:31: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bertie - Lvl 224 (Megatherium)'! Day 20504, 16:54:40: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bertra - Lvl 224 (Megatherium)'! Day 20504, 16:56:59: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dire Bear - Lvl 253 (Dire Bear)'! Day 20504, 16:59:52: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 20504, 17:07:58: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Big Bertha - Lvl 244 (Dire Bear)'! Day 20504, 17:28:32: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 20504, 17:42:18: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Poop Factory - Lvl 263 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 20505, 15:55:44: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 102 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 20505, 15:58:35: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Alice - Lvl 257 (Shadowmane)'! Day 20505, 15:59:37: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lady Snowie - Lvl 281 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 20505, 16:00:53: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Misty - Lvl 306 (Shadowmane)'! Day 20505, 16:01:50: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Simba - Lvl 347 (Shadowmane)'! Day 20505, 16:06:56: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sssssssssssss - Lvl 267 (Shadowmane)'! Day 20505, 16:08:01: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nami - Lvl 318 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 20708, 16:30:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20708, 16:30:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20708, 16:30:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20708, 16:30:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20708, 16:30:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20708, 16:30:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1051235049,"tribe":"Cosmo logs":["Day 17724, 13:49:34: Tom was added to the Tribe! Day 17831, 11:45:09: Tribemember Tom - Lvl 10 was killed by a Skeletal Bronto - Lvl 95! Day 17937, 17:57:04: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20388, 02:13:20: Tribemember Tom - Lvl 11 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15!"] "tribeid":1050124546,"tribe":"Yubi Yubi logs":["Day 23316, 14:00:56: Your Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) was killed! Day 23316, 14:00:56: Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) starved to death! Day 23316, 14:00:56: Your Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake) was killed! Day 23316, 14:00:56: Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake) starved to death! Day 23316, 14:00:56: Your Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 175 (Rock Drake) was killed! Day 23316, 14:00:56: Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 175 (Rock Drake) starved to death! Day 23316, 17:26:14: Mumei froze FMG2 1 - Lvl 232 (Desmodus) Day 23316, 19:09:36: Mumei froze FMG1 1 - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 23317, 05:05:20: Mumei claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 156 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 23317, 05:09:52: Mumei froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 156 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23317, 05:12:40: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 202 (Desmodus)'! Day 23317, 05:14:08: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 202 (Desmodus)'! Day 23317, 05:17:01: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 192 (Desmodus)'! Day 23317, 14:19:01: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 234 (Desmodus)'! Day 23317, 14:21:37: Mumei froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 234 (Desmodus) Day 23317, 16:48:00: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23317, 16:56:48: Mumei claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 170 (Rock Drake)'! Day 23317, 16:58:35: Mumei claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 170 (Rock Drake)'! Day 23317, 17:25:19: Mumei claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 175 (Rock Drake)'! Day 23317, 17:26:32: Mumei claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)'! Day 23317, 17:31:46: Mumei claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 165 (Rock Drake)'! Day 23317, 17:34:30: Mumei froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 165 (Rock Drake) Day 23317, 21:44:46: Mumei froze Velonasaur - Lvl 297 (Velonasaur) Day 23317, 22:55:39: Mumei froze FMG1 1 - Lvl 266 (Desmodus) Day 23317, 23:55:35: Mumei froze FMG1 1 - Lvl 266 (Desmodus) Day 23318, 01:06:17: Mumei froze Velonasaur - Lvl 297 (Velonasaur) Day 23318, 02:12:08: Mumei froze FMG1 1 - Lvl 266 (Desmodus) Day 23318, 06:54:19: Mumei froze Twin 3rd gen cave - Lvl 341 (Thylacoleo) Day 23318, 08:23:04: Mumei froze Twin 3rd gen cave - Lvl 341 (Thylacoleo) Day 23318, 09:03:32: Mumei froze Twin 3rd gen cave - Lvl 341 (Thylacoleo) Day 23318, 10:08:02: Mumei froze Juvenile Wild F1 - Lvl 165 (Rock Drake) Day 23318, 10:11:10: Mumei froze Juvenile Wild M1 - Lvl 170 (Rock Drake) Day 23318, 10:14:25: Mumei froze Juvenile Wild M2 - Lvl 175 (Rock Drake) Day 23318, 10:17:32: Mumei froze Juvenile Wild F2 - Lvl 170 (Rock Drake) Day 23318, 10:22:15: Mumei froze Juvenile Wild F3 - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 23319, 13:00:26: Mumei froze Procoptodon - Lvl 214 (Procoptodon) Day 23319, 13:26:33: Mumei froze Carry Thyla - Lvl 292 (Thylacoleo) Day 23319, 14:02:33: Mumei froze Procoptodon - Lvl 202 (Procoptodon) Day 23319, 14:10:36: Mumei froze Procoptodon - Lvl 204 (Procoptodon) Day 23319, 14:18:25: Mumei froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 23319, 14:30:27: Mumei froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 224 (Therizinosaur) Day 23319, 15:50:28: Mumei froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 156 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23319, 17:35:48: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 230 (Desmodus)'! Day 23319, 17:37:05: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 230 (Desmodus)'! Day 23319, 17:38:57: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 195 (Desmodus)'! Day 23319, 17:40:22: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 188 (Desmodus)'! Day 23319, 17:41:52: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 201 (Desmodus)'! Day 23319, 19:42:32: Your Baby Desmodus - Lvl 188 (Desmodus) was killed by Mumei - Lvl 122 (Yubi Yubi)! Day 23319, 19:42:32: Your Tribe killed Baby Desmodus - Lvl 188 (Desmodus) (Yubi Yubi)! Day 23319, 19:43:21: Your Baby SFG4 2 - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) was killed by Mumei - Lvl 122 (Yubi Yubi)! Day 23319, 19:43:21: Your Tribe killed Baby SFG4 2 - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) (Yubi Yubi)! Day 23319, 19:51:13: Your Baby SFG4 1 - Lvl 201 (Desmodus) was killed by Mumei - Lvl 122 (Yubi Yubi)! Day 23319, 19:51:13: Your Tribe killed Baby SFG4 1 - Lvl 201 (Desmodus) (Yubi Yubi)! Day 23319, 19:58:04: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 226 (Desmodus)'! Day 23320, 12:22:39: Mumei froze Wild M2 - Lvl 175 (Rock Drake) Day 23320, 14:19:53: Mumei froze Wild F3 - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 23320, 14:28:51: Mumei froze Wild M1 - Lvl 170 (Rock Drake) Day 23320, 14:32:10: Mumei froze Wild F1 - Lvl 165 (Rock Drake) Day 23320, 14:35:00: Mumei froze Wild F2 - Lvl 170 (Rock Drake) Day 23321, 00:22:16: Mumei claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)'! Day 23321, 00:23:36: Mumei claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 183 (Rock Drake)'! Day 23321, 00:31:58: Mumei froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 183 (Rock Drake) Day 23321, 00:35:29: Mumei froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 23321, 00:45:34: Mumei claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 170 (Rock Drake)'! Day 23321, 00:49:07: Mumei froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 170 (Rock Drake) Day 23321, 00:50:04: Mumei claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23321, 00:54:26: Mumei froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 23321, 01:05:04: Mumei froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 23321, 13:12:09: Mumei froze FMG1 1 - Lvl 273 (Desmodus) Day 23321, 17:18:28: Mumei froze Kaede Niyama - Lvl 282 (Maewing) Day 23321, 20:34:29: Mumei froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 23324, 02:39:10: Mumei froze MG1 3 - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 23324, 02:44:14: Mumei froze MG1 2 - Lvl 183 (Rock Drake) Day 23324, 02:47:57: Mumei froze MG1 1 - Lvl 170 (Rock Drake) Day 23324, 08:40:14: Mumei froze FMG1 1 - Lvl 273 (Desmodus) Day 23325, 11:53:14: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 37 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23325, 12:47:12: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 37 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23325, 12:50:57: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 156 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23325, 12:55:57: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23337, 10:52:16: Mumei froze SFG1 2 - Lvl 199 (Desmodus) Day 23337, 10:56:44: Mumei froze FMG3 1 - Lvl 192 (Desmodus) Day 23337, 11:03:42: Mumei froze FMG1 3 - Lvl 204 (Desmodus) Day 23337, 11:11:54: Mumei froze FMG1 3 - Lvl 204 (Desmodus) Day 23337, 11:21:59: Mumei froze SFG1 1 - Lvl 210 (Desmodus) Day 23337, 14:03:39: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 212 (Desmodus)'! Day 23337, 14:05:34: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 239 (Desmodus)'! Day 23337, 14:38:00: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 200 (Desmodus)'! Day 23337, 14:39:47: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 208 (Desmodus)'! Day 23337, 16:08:27: Your Baby Kill 3 - Lvl 212 (Desmodus) was killed by Mumei - Lvl 122 (Yubi Yubi)! Day 23337, 16:08:27: Your Tribe killed Baby Kill 3 - Lvl 212 (Desmodus) (Yubi Yubi)! Day 23337, 16:09:11: Your Baby Kill 2 - Lvl 200 (Desmodus) was killed by Mumei - Lvl 122 (Yubi Yubi)! Day 23337, 16:09:11: Your Tribe killed Baby Kill 2 - Lvl 200 (Desmodus) (Yubi Yubi)! Day 23337, 16:09:47: Your Baby Kill 1 - Lvl 208 (Desmodus) was killed by Mumei - Lvl 122 (Yubi Yubi)! Day 23337, 16:09:47: Your Tribe killed Baby Kill 1 - Lvl 208 (Desmodus) (Yubi Yubi)! Day 23337, 16:40:25: Mumei claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 202 (Ovis)'! Day 23337, 17:25:24: Mumei froze FMG1 1 - Lvl 275 (Desmodus) Day 23337, 18:29:15: Mumei froze STAM Sino 2 - Lvl 251 (Sinomacrops) Day 23337, 18:30:55: Your Baby Ovis - Lvl 202 (Ovis) was killed! Day 23337, 18:30:55: Baby Ovis - Lvl 202 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 23338, 04:34:42: Mumei froze FFG2 4 - Lvl 226 (Desmodus) Day 23339, 12:12:26: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 221 (Desmodus)'! Day 23339, 15:45:46: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 219 (Desmodus)'! Day 23339, 15:49:11: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 219 (Desmodus)'! Day 23339, 20:01:45: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 247 (Desmodus)'! Day 23341, 22:10:11: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 249 (Desmodus)'! Day 23341, 22:11:46: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 249 (Desmodus)'! Day 23341, 22:14:39: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 241 (Desmodus)'! Day 23342, 16:36:45: Mumei froze FFG2 1 - Lvl 197 (Desmodus) Day 23342, 16:39:30: Mumei froze Desmodus - Lvl 210 (Desmodus) Day 23342, 16:44:16: Mumei froze FFG2 3 - Lvl 197 (Desmodus) Day 23342, 16:47:10: Mumei froze FFG3 1 - Lvl 234 (Desmodus) Day 23342, 16:55:18: Mumei froze FFG2 2 - Lvl 197 (Desmodus) Day 23342, 16:58:10: Mumei froze SFG3 1 - Lvl 202 (Desmodus) Day 23342, 17:05:16: Mumei froze FFG2 4 - Lvl 226 (Desmodus) Day 23342, 17:08:46: Mumei froze SFG3 2 - Lvl 202 (Desmodus) Day 23342, 17:13:06: Mumei froze SMG5 3 - Lvl 219 (Desmodus) Day 23342, 17:15:57: Mumei froze SMG5 2 - Lvl 219 (Desmodus) Day 23342, 17:18:46: Mumei froze SMG5 1 - Lvl 221 (Desmodus) Day 23342, 17:28:42: Mumei froze SMG4 1 - Lvl 226 (Desmodus) Day 23343, 07:51:13: Mumei froze Adolescent FFG7 1 - Lvl 249 (Desmodus) Day 23343, 07:59:51: Mumei froze FMG1 1 - Lvl 310 (Desmodus) Day 23345, 02:52:50: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23345, 03:01:20: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 156 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23345, 10:11:21: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 79 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23345, 10:16:12: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 177 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23345, 10:23:02: Mumei froze FMG1 1 - Lvl 333 (Desmodus) Day 23347, 05:39:44: Mumei claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 23347, 05:40:54: Mumei claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 23347, 05:48:03: Mumei froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23347, 05:50:49: Mumei froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23347, 05:53:52: Mumei claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 23347, 06:06:41: Mumei froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23347, 07:03:44: Mumei froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23365, 00:57:27: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23365, 15:48:40: Mumei froze FMG1 3 - Lvl 204 (Desmodus) Day 23365, 15:54:40: Mumei froze FFG7 2 - Lvl 249 (Desmodus) Day 23365, 16:08:44: Mumei froze SMG7 1 - Lvl 241 (Desmodus) Day 23365, 16:28:29: Mumei froze FFG5 1 - Lvl 239 (Desmodus) Day 23365, 16:32:57: Mumei froze FFG4 1 - Lvl 230 (Desmodus) Day 23365, 16:35:36: Mumei froze FMG2 1 - Lvl 232 (Desmodus) Day 23365, 16:39:45: Mumei froze SFG2 1 - Lvl 227 (Desmodus) Day 23365, 16:44:04: Mumei froze FFG4 2 - Lvl 230 (Desmodus) Day 23365, 17:08:24: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23365, 17:11:41: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 156 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23365, 17:17:16: Mumei froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 23365, 17:24:35: Mumei froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 23365, 20:34:46: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 228 (Desmodus)'! Day 23365, 20:37:58: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 240 (Desmodus)'! Day 23365, 20:41:58: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 218 (Desmodus)'! Day 23365, 20:44:15: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 239 (Desmodus)'! Day 23365, 21:10:15: Mumei claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 185 (Ovis)'! Day 23365, 21:11:52: Mumei claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 200 (Ovis)'! Day 23365, 21:13:56: Mumei claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 200 (Ovis)'! Day 23365, 21:15:35: Mumei claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 222 (Ovis)'! Day 23365, 21:52:49: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 247 (Desmodus)'! Day 23365, 21:54:05: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 247 (Desmodus)'! Day 23365, 21:55:36: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 247 (Desmodus)'! Day 23365, 22:22:34: Mumei froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23366, 12:27:52: Mumei froze FMG1 1 - Lvl 339 (Desmodus) Day 23366, 13:12:21: Mumei froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 322 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23366, 14:42:29: Mumei froze FFG6 1 - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 23366, 14:46:08: Mumei froze FFG2 4 - Lvl 226 (Desmodus) Day 23366, 14:49:24: Mumei froze FFG2 2 - Lvl 197 (Desmodus) Day 23366, 14:52:04: Mumei froze SMG7 1 - Lvl 241 (Desmodus) Day 23366, 15:00:26: Mumei froze SMG7 1 - Lvl 241 (Desmodus) Day 23366, 15:07:49: Mumei froze FFG7 1 - Lvl 249 (Desmodus) Day 23366, 15:10:40: Mumei froze FFG7 2 - Lvl 249 (Desmodus) Day 23366, 15:13:20: Mumei froze FMG1 3 - Lvl 204 (Desmodus) Day 23366, 15:22:49: Mumei froze FFG7 2 - Lvl 249 (Desmodus) Day 23366, 18:35:31: Mumei froze FMG1 1 - Lvl 340 (Desmodus) Day 23366, 18:42:55: Mumei froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23366, 18:46:25: Mumei froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23367, 03:53:36: Mumei froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23367, 06:00:00: Mumei froze MC 1 - Lvl 356 (Tek Rex) Day 23367, 06:05:53: Mumei froze IMP M7 - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 23367, 06:25:22: Mumei froze Tek Rex - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 23367, 06:34:11: Mumei froze Tek Rex - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex) Day 23367, 06:42:40: Mumei froze Tek Rex - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex) Day 23367, 06:51:33: Mumei froze Tek Rex - Lvl 356 (Tek Rex) Day 23367, 07:23:03: Mumei froze Tek Rex - Lvl 356 (Tek Rex) Day 23367, 07:33:51: Mumei froze Tek Rex - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex) Day 23367, 07:40:51: Mumei froze IMP M2 - Lvl 352 (Tek Rex) Day 23367, 07:49:13: Mumei froze IMP M8 - Lvl 357 (Tek Rex) Day 23367, 07:57:05: Mumei froze IMP M6 - Lvl 357 (Tek Rex) Day 23367, 08:04:18: Mumei froze IMP M17 - Lvl 357 (Tek Rex) Day 23367, 08:13:23: Mumei froze Tek Rex - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex) Day 23367, 08:20:19: Mumei froze IMP M14 - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 23367, 08:29:47: Mumei froze IMP F1 - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 23367, 08:36:52: Mumei froze IMP M5 - Lvl 357 (Tek Rex) Day 23367, 08:44:16: Mumei froze IMP M16 - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 23367, 09:05:43: Mumei froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23367, 09:18:18: Mumei froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23368, 09:58:42: Mumei froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23368, 10:03:20: Mumei froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23368, 10:29:47: Mumei froze Kaede Niyama - Lvl 283 (Maewing) Day 23368, 10:43:51: Mumei froze Anri Okita - Lvl 282 (Maewing) Day 23368, 15:48:37: Mumei froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23368, 16:30:18: Mumei froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23368, 21:16:21: Mumei froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23369, 10:59:41: Mumei froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23369, 11:09:20: Mumei claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 23369, 11:13:04: Mumei froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23369, 11:16:31: Mumei claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23369, 11:19:16: Mumei froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 23369, 15:36:46: Mumei froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23369, 16:04:11: Mumei froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23369, 20:48:06: Mumei froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23369, 20:52:32: Mumei froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23372, 18:49:57: Mumei froze Ovis - Lvl 222 (Ovis) Day 23372, 18:52:39: Mumei froze Ovis - Lvl 200 (Ovis) Day 23372, 18:55:29: Mumei froze Ovis - Lvl 200 (Ovis) Day 23372, 19:00:23: Mumei froze Ovis - Lvl 185 (Ovis) Day 23373, 03:02:37: Mumei froze Velonasaur - Lvl 290 (Velonasaur) Day 23373, 07:07:42: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23373, 07:41:13: Mumei froze FMG1 1 - Lvl 343 (Desmodus) Day 23412, 08:50:36: Mumei froze FMG2 1 - Lvl 289 (Desmodus) Day 23413, 01:01:41: Mumei froze Tek Rex - Lvl 361 (Tek Rex) Day 23413, 01:07:14: Mumei froze Tek Rex - Lvl 361 (Tek Rex) Day 23413, 01:12:22: Mumei froze Tek Rex - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 23413, 02:20:11: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23413, 02:27:42: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23413, 02:32:34: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 156 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23413, 02:37:54: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23415, 19:26:20: Mumei claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 23415, 19:28:29: Mumei claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 23415, 19:34:42: Mumei froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23415, 19:37:35: Mumei froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23415, 19:39:31: Mumei claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 185 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 23415, 19:42:09: Mumei froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 185 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23415, 21:33:31: Mumei froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 210 (Sinomacrops) Day 23415, 21:37:59: Mumei froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 242 (Thorny Dragon) Day 23415, 22:00:06: Mumei froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 353 (Thorny Dragon) Day 23415, 22:04:23: Mumei froze Asgard wings - Lvl 288 (Sinomacrops) Day 23416, 06:32:09: Mumei froze FFG2 3 - Lvl 197 (Desmodus) Day 23416, 18:14:40: Mumei froze 203/HStam - Lvl 203 (Shadowmane) Day 23416, 18:18:06: Mumei froze Mek - Lvl 51 (Mek) Day 23422, 15:16:30: Mumei froze FMG2 1 - Lvl 366 (Desmodus) Day 23436, 18:08:15: Mumei froze Carry owl 2 - Lvl 287 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23436, 18:48:30: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23436, 18:51:25: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23436, 18:54:12: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23436, 18:57:06: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 156 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23437, 09:28:51: Mumei froze FMG2 1 - Lvl 367 (Desmodus) Day 23438, 19:11:28: Mumei claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 23438, 19:18:33: Mumei froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23438, 19:21:17: Mumei claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 23438, 19:25:29: Mumei froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23438, 19:28:42: Mumei claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 23438, 19:29:29: Mumei claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 23438, 19:33:27: Mumei froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23438, 19:36:16: Mumei froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23438, 20:04:45: Mumei froze Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing) Day 23438, 20:09:11: Mumei froze Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing) Day 23438, 20:13:15: Mumei froze Maewing - Lvl 212 (Maewing) Day 23438, 20:45:35: Mumei froze Megatherium - Lvl 282 (Megatherium) Day 23438, 21:14:07: Mumei froze Taming owl - Lvl 305 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23438, 21:50:45: Mumei froze FMG8 6 - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 23438, 22:05:27: Mumei froze FFG8 1 - Lvl 218 (Desmodus) Day 23438, 22:16:22: Mumei froze FFG7 2 - Lvl 249 (Desmodus) Day 23438, 22:37:36: Mumei froze FFG7 1 - Lvl 249 (Desmodus) Day 23438, 22:46:13: Mumei froze FFG2 2 - Lvl 197 (Desmodus) Day 23438, 23:13:40: Mumei froze FFG2 4 - Lvl 226 (Desmodus) Day 23438, 23:22:36: Mumei froze FFG6 1 - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 23438, 23:42:03: Mumei froze STAM Owl 2 - Lvl 274 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23438, 23:47:22: Mumei froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 208 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23439, 00:53:42: Mumei froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 201 (Velonasaur) Day 23439, 01:34:51: Mumei froze Carry owl 2 - Lvl 289 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23439, 01:58:07: Mumei froze Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (Velonasaur) Day 23439, 02:04:36: Mumei froze Velonasaur - Lvl 187 (Velonasaur) Day 23439, 04:24:06: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 249 (Desmodus)'! Day 23439, 04:28:10: Mumei froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 249 (Desmodus) Day 23439, 04:31:27: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 247 (Desmodus)'! Day 23439, 04:36:22: Mumei froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 23439, 04:50:51: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 241 (Desmodus)'! Day 23439, 04:54:17: Mumei froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 241 (Desmodus) Day 23439, 04:57:59: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 242 (Desmodus)'! Day 23439, 05:01:28: Mumei froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 242 (Desmodus) Day 23439, 05:08:13: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 247 (Desmodus)'! Day 23439, 05:11:39: Mumei froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 23439, 05:17:39: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 205 (Desmodus)'! Day 23439, 05:24:22: Mumei froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 205 (Desmodus) Day 23441, 08:41:25: Mumei froze Carry booba - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 23460, 14:30:34: Mumei froze Daeodon - Lvl 248 (Daeodon) Day 23460, 15:56:51: Mumei froze Melee Otter - Lvl 305 (X-Otter) Day 23460, 16:01:01: Mumei froze Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 23460, 16:04:51: Mumei froze Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 23508, 11:05:19: Mumei demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 23508, 12:07:02: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23508, 12:12:21: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23508, 12:15:48: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23508, 12:19:21: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 156 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23508, 14:12:14: Mumei demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 23508, 14:16:00: Mumei froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 23531, 23:16:55: Mumei froze Melee Otter 2 - Lvl 291 (X-Otter) Day 23531, 23:22:39: Mumei froze Ovis - Lvl 209 (Ovis) Day 23531, 23:26:06: Mumei froze Ovis - Lvl 202 (Ovis) Day 23531, 23:29:39: Mumei froze Ovis - Lvl 194 (Ovis) Day 23531, 23:33:52: Mumei froze Ovis - Lvl 194 (Ovis) Day 23563, 17:51:43: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23567, 07:00:56: Mumei froze uwu - Lvl 173 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23567, 08:58:01: Mumei froze Dicky - Lvl 232 (Managarmr) Day 23567, 09:16:43: Mumei froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23567, 09:19:47: Mumei froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 290 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23567, 09:22:42: Mumei froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23567, 09:25:57: Mumei froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 186 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23567, 09:29:31: Mumei froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23567, 09:35:52: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 228 (Desmodus)'! Day 23567, 09:38:29: Mumei froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 228 (Desmodus) Day 23567, 09:40:08: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 225 (Desmodus)'! Day 23567, 09:42:46: Mumei froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 225 (Desmodus) Day 23567, 09:44:04: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 197 (Desmodus)'! Day 23567, 09:46:54: Mumei froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 197 (Desmodus) Day 23567, 09:48:56: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 236 (Desmodus)'! Day 23567, 09:53:19: Mumei froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 236 (Desmodus) Day 23567, 09:55:02: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 238 (Desmodus)'! Day 23567, 09:57:55: Mumei froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 238 (Desmodus) Day 23567, 10:03:38: Mumei claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 247 (Desmodus)'! Day 23567, 10:06:11: Mumei froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 23567, 11:19:30: Mumei froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Poison Wyvern) Day 23567, 11:22:55: Mumei froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Poison Wyvern) Day 23567, 11:26:37: Mumei froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 23567, 11:43:09: Mumei froze MG1 1 - Lvl 170 (Rock Drake) Day 23567, 12:07:35: Mumei froze Shadowmane - Lvl 203 (Shadowmane) Day 23633, 12:40:39: Baby alarm - Lvl 219 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 23916, 13:49:10: Storage slave - Lvl 84 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 24069, 08:42:11: Mumei froze BREX M1 - Lvl 255 (Tek Rex) Day 24069, 08:45:08: Mumei froze BREX F1 - Lvl 254 (Tek Rex) Day 24069, 08:48:01: Mumei froze BREX F2 - Lvl 254 (Tek Rex) Day 24069, 08:53:54: Mumei froze BREX F3 - Lvl 256 (Tek Rex) Day 24069, 08:57:43: Mumei froze Velonasaur - Lvl 297 (Velonasaur) Day 24069, 09:01:24: Mumei froze Farming dragon - Lvl 291 (Thorny Dragon) Day 24069, 09:09:27: Mumei froze Cave runner 3 - Lvl 332 (Thylacoleo) Day 24069, 09:21:41: Mumei froze Twin 3rd gen cave - Lvl 341 (Thylacoleo) Day 24069, 09:37:05: Mumei froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 224 (Sinomacrops) Day 24069, 09:39:48: Mumei froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 221 (Sinomacrops) Day 24069, 09:44:13: Mumei froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 224 (Sinomacrops) Day 24069, 09:46:54: Mumei froze M5 - Lvl 207 (Fjordhawk) Day 24069, 09:49:40: Mumei froze M4 - Lvl 192 (Fjordhawk) Day 24069, 09:52:24: Mumei froze M3 - Lvl 207 (Fjordhawk) Day 24069, 09:56:14: Mumei froze M2 - Lvl 192 (Fjordhawk) Day 24069, 10:17:59: Mumei froze STAM Sino - Lvl 212 (Sinomacrops) Day 24069, 10:22:44: Mumei froze Oviraptor - Lvl 125 (Oviraptor) Day 24069, 10:27:15: Mumei froze Oviraptor - Lvl 134 (Oviraptor) Day 24069, 10:34:14: Mumei froze M1 - Lvl 214 (Fjordhawk) Day 24069, 10:36:59: Mumei froze F3 - Lvl 207 (Fjordhawk) Day 24069, 10:39:49: Mumei froze F2 - Lvl 207 (Fjordhawk) Day 24069, 10:42:35: Mumei froze F1 - Lvl 192 (Fjordhawk) Day 24069, 10:52:52: Mumei froze Syunka Ayami - Lvl 280 (Maewing) Day 24069, 11:30:51: Mumei froze Element gacha - Lvl 288 (Gacha) Day 24069, 11:33:38: Mumei froze Gacha - Lvl 302 (Gacha) Day 24069, 11:38:40: Mumei froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 218 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24069, 11:41:22: Mumei froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24069, 11:44:03: Mumei froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 222 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24069, 11:46:53: Mumei froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24069, 11:51:58: Mumei froze Oviraptor - Lvl 293 (Oviraptor) Day 24366, 04:44:19: Your 'Dino Leash' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24366, 04:44:19: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24403, 00:03:26: Mumei froze 32H 36M - Lvl 295 (Desmodus) Day 24403, 00:15:37: Mumei froze Kaede Niyama - Lvl 284 (Maewing) Day 24403, 00:41:56: Mumei froze Anri Okita - Lvl 282 (Maewing) Day 24403, 00:49:05: Mumei froze Jose Cuervo - Lvl 229 (Fjordhawk) Day 24403, 00:52:57: Mumei froze FFG6 1 - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 24403, 00:56:32: Mumei froze FFG7 1 - Lvl 249 (Desmodus) Day 24403, 01:00:02: Mumei froze FFG2 2 - Lvl 197 (Desmodus) Day 24403, 01:07:31: Mumei froze FFG2 4 - Lvl 226 (Desmodus) Day 24403, 01:11:02: Mumei froze FMG8 6 - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 24403, 01:14:27: Mumei froze FFG7 2 - Lvl 249 (Desmodus) Day 24403, 01:18:00: Mumei froze FMG8 3 - Lvl 228 (Desmodus) Day 24403, 01:21:28: Mumei froze FMG8 2 - Lvl 239 (Desmodus) Day 24403, 01:24:59: Mumei froze FMG8 1 - Lvl 240 (Desmodus) Day 24403, 01:29:44: Mumei froze FMG8 5 - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 24403, 01:34:14: Mumei froze FMG8 4 - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 24403, 01:43:29: Mumei froze FFG8 1 - Lvl 218 (Desmodus) Day 24403, 01:47:54: Mumei froze FMG1 3 - Lvl 204 (Desmodus) Day 24403, 01:51:42: Mumei froze SMG7 1 - Lvl 241 (Desmodus) Day 25003, 17:40:09: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25287, 06:23:43: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25287, 06:23:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25287, 06:23:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25287, 06:23:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25287, 06:23:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25287, 06:23:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25287, 06:23:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25287, 06:23:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25287, 06:23:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25287, 06:23:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25287, 06:23:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25287, 06:23:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25287, 06:23:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25287, 06:23:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25287, 06:23:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25287, 06:23:43: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25287, 06:23:43: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25287, 06:23:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25287, 06:23:43: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25287, 06:23:43: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25569, 19:44:53: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25585, 13:32:02: Xantium - Lvl 121 (Tribe of V4z31) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 143 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 25853, 07:44:20: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27641, 03:06:09: Sinomacrops - Lvl 201 (Sinomacrops) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1036458506,"tribe":"Dinobots logs":["Day 26809, 13:05:15: Björnen Scully claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 281 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 26809, 13:10:09: Björnen Scully froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 281 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 26809, 13:33:11: Björnen Scully froze Health/Stam/Melee - Lvl 281 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 26809, 14:42:42: Björnen Scully claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 281 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 26809, 14:50:30: Björnen Scully froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 281 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 26809, 15:08:55: Björnen Scully froze Health/Stam/Melee - Lvl 281 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 26809, 15:29:52: Björnen Scully froze Health - Lvl 244 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 26809, 23:45:21: Björnen Scully Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 336 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 26810, 00:02:18: Björnen Scully froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 244 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 26810, 00:14:49: Björnen Scully froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 244 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 26810, 03:07:57: Björnen Scully Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 217 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 26810, 03:13:22: Björnen Scully Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 217 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 26810, 03:18:59: Björnen Scully froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 217 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 26810, 03:37:55: Björnen Scully claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 247 (Desmodus)'! Day 26810, 03:47:54: Björnen Scully froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 26810, 18:27:34: Björnen Scully froze Carcharodontosaurus [Clone] - Lvl 244 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 26837, 02:27:34: Björnen Scully Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 336 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 26837, 02:48:10: Björnen Scully froze Stam - Lvl 224 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 26837, 04:42:59: Björnen Scully froze Health/Stam/Melee - Lvl 281 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 27118, 11:26:08: Björnen Scully froze Fenrir - Lvl 245 (Fenrir) Day 27342, 15:31:24: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27451, 17:57:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 27451, 17:57:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 27451, 17:57:39: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 27451, 17:57:39: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 27451, 17:57:39: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 27451, 18:49:00: Your R-Megatherium - Lvl 248 (R-Megatherium) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 27451, 19:01:00: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 27451, 19:01:00: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 27451, 19:01:06: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 27451, 19:01:06: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 27451, 19:01:09: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 27451, 19:01:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 27451, 19:01:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 27451, 19:02:13: Your Base male - Lvl 288 (R-Megatherium) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 27771, 04:06:30: Björnen Scully froze Stam/Weight - Lvl 244 (Desmodus) Day 27771, 04:09:59: Björnen Scully froze Health/Stam - Lvl 263 (Desmodus) Day 27771, 04:13:44: Björnen Scully froze Melee - Lvl 244 (Desmodus) Day 27771, 04:24:36: Björnen Scully froze Desmodus - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 27781, 04:47:53: Björnen Scully froze Tapejara - Lvl 254 (Tapejara) Day 27781, 05:07:27: Björnen Scully froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 231 (Fire Wyvern) Day 27781, 06:09:56: Björnen Scully froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 255 (Fire Wyvern) Day 27781, 07:49:45: Björnen Scully uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 257 Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28255, 12:01:32: ScullyClaus froze Kono's Male - Lvl 171 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28417, 20:01:23: ScullyClaus froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 142 (Andrewsarchus) Day 28476, 01:01:30: Your 'Large Metal Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28606, 06:16:34: ScullyClaus was removed from the Tribe! Day 28606, 09:32:36: ScullyClaus was added to the Tribe! Day 29078, 08:40:55: Scully froze Margarine - Lvl 208 (Thylacoleo) Day 29078, 09:00:09: Scully unclaimed 'Margarine - Lvl 208 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 29078, 09:15:21: Scully froze Spare - Lvl 505 (Voidwyrm) Day 29310, 18:23:01: Scully froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 300 (Basilosaurus) Day 29310, 21:36:17: Scully Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 1 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 29310, 21:50:35: Scully Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 336 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 29310, 21:55:08: Your R-Snow Owl - Lvl 1 (R-Snow Owl) was killed! Day 29310, 22:42:51: Scully froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 224 (R-Snow Owl) Day 29311, 02:51:04: Scully Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 217 (Desmodus)! Day 29311, 03:11:58: Scully froze Desmodus - Lvl 217 (Desmodus) Day 29653, 14:35:13: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29653, 14:35:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29653, 14:35:13: Your 'Metal Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29935, 22:40:03: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30896, 22:29:57: Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 30897, 07:04:51: Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 31578, 23:18:16: Your Doomsday - Lvl 134 (Brontosaurus) was killed by Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 96 (Rhyniognatha)! Day 31578, 23:20:14: Scully claimed 'Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 96 (Rhyniognatha)'! Day 31578, 23:33:05: Scully froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 96 (Rhyniognatha) Day 31580, 11:16:25: Scully Tamed a Rhyniognatha - Lvl 120 (Rhyniognatha)! Day 31580, 11:46:41: Scully froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 100 (Rhyniognatha) Day 31596, 20:02:47: Scully claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31596, 20:14:48: Scully froze Tek Rex - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex) Day 31596, 20:28:25: Your Tribe Tamed a Rhyniognatha - Lvl 1 (Rhyniognatha)! Day 31598, 12:55:55: Scully froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 274 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 31598, 13:02:58: Scully froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 274 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 31598, 13:13:49: Scully claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 276 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 31598, 13:17:37: Scully froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 276 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 31598, 13:32:18: Scully froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 276 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 31646, 17:03:00: Scully froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 276 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 31646, 18:11:52: Scully claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 414 (Shadowmane)'! Day 31646, 18:16:20: Scully froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 414 (Shadowmane) Day 31646, 18:16:52: Scully claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 414 (Shadowmane)'! Day 31646, 18:19:33: Scully froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 414 (Shadowmane) Day 31646, 18:20:38: Scully claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 414 (Shadowmane)'! Day 31646, 18:23:18: Scully froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 414 (Shadowmane) Day 31646, 18:28:07: Scully claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane)'! Day 31646, 18:30:46: Scully froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane) Day 31646, 18:45:23: Scully claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane)'! Day 31646, 18:48:19: Scully froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane) Day 31646, 18:51:22: Scully claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane)'! Day 31646, 18:54:04: Scully froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane) Day 31646, 18:56:16: Scully claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane)'! Day 31646, 18:58:48: Scully froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane) Day 31646, 19:06:26: Scully claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane)'! Day 31646, 19:09:01: Scully froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane) Day 31646, 19:19:52: Scully claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane)'! Day 31646, 19:22:30: Scully froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane) Day 31646, 19:24:01: Scully claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane)'! Day 31646, 19:26:34: Scully froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane) Day 31646, 19:29:42: Scully claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane)'! Day 31646, 19:32:24: Scully froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane) Day 31646, 19:34:58: Scully claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane)'! Day 31646, 19:37:38: Scully froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane) Day 31646, 19:41:41: Scully claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane)'! Day 31646, 19:44:20: Scully froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane) Day 31646, 19:46:12: Scully claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane)'! Day 31646, 19:48:48: Scully froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane) Day 31646, 19:54:06: Scully claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane)'! Day 31646, 19:56:46: Scully froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane) Day 31646, 19:59:09: Your Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 414 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 31646, 19:59:20: Your Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 414 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 31646, 20:02:20: Your Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 414 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 31647, 17:20:18: Scully froze Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane) Day 31697, 03:29:29: Scully froze Shadowmane - Lvl 450 (Shadowmane) Day 31717, 14:43:28: Scully claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 354 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 31717, 14:46:06: Scully froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 354 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 31717, 14:49:47: Scully claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 354 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 31717, 14:55:35: Scully claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 354 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 31717, 14:58:07: Scully froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 354 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 31717, 15:02:00: Scully froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 354 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 31718, 11:25:06: Scully froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 131 (Rhyniognatha) Day 31718, 11:43:56: Scully froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 309 (Rhyniognatha) Day 31718, 13:02:43: Scully froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 354 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 31718, 13:14:39: Scully froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 131 (Rhyniognatha) Day 31718, 13:43:40: Scully froze Shadowmane [Clone] - Lvl 450 (Shadowmane) Day 31718, 15:05:07: Scully froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 131 (Rhyniognatha) Day 31718, 15:22:52: Scully froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 309 (Rhyniognatha) Day 31718, 15:46:51: Your Tribe Tamed a Rhyniognatha - Lvl 1 (Rhyniognatha)! Day 31718, 16:23:57: Scully froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 131 (Rhyniognatha) Day 31718, 18:31:58: Scully froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 309 (Rhyniognatha) Day 31718, 18:42:03: Scully froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 131 (Rhyniognatha) Day 31721, 11:01:28: Scully froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 354 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 31757, 21:23:01: Scully froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 322 (Rhyniognatha) Day 31788, 20:06:43: Scully froze Rhyniognatha [Clone] - Lvl 322 (Rhyniognatha) Day 31788, 20:13:27: Scully froze Rhyniognatha [Clone] - Lvl 322 (Rhyniognatha) Day 31861, 03:38:09: Scully froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 163 (Rhyniognatha) Day 31861, 03:42:35: Scully froze Rhyniognatha [Clone] - Lvl 322 (Rhyniognatha) Day 31977, 07:52:22: Scully claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 267 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 31977, 07:56:44: Scully froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 267 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32066, 20:44:19: Scully Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 336 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 32066, 21:11:36: Scully Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 336 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 32066, 21:42:09: Scully froze Health - Lvl 224 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32066, 22:00:30: Scully claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 279 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 32066, 22:06:50: Scully froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 279 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32066, 22:17:03: Scully froze Health/Stam/Melee - Lvl 281 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32119, 20:40:18: Scully claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 254 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 32119, 20:44:46: Scully froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 254 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32333, 16:10:18: Scully froze Rhyniognatha [Clone] - Lvl 322 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32357, 18:32:09: Scully froze Rhyniognatha [Clone] - Lvl 322 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32357, 18:37:28: Scully froze Rhyniognatha [Clone] - Lvl 322 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32359, 03:45:35: Scully froze H,S,M - Lvl 279 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32359, 03:55:47: Scully claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 284 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 32366, 15:32:20: Your 'Tek Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32379, 19:20:02: Scully froze Rhyniognatha [Clone] - Lvl 322 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32379, 19:25:25: Scully froze Rhyniognatha [Clone] - Lvl 322 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32402, 16:10:27: Scully froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 254 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32402, 16:14:56: Scully froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 244 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32402, 16:38:59: Scully froze Stam - Lvl 244 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32402, 16:43:47: Scully froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 284 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32402, 17:09:43: Scully claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 303 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 32402, 17:12:30: Scully claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 265 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 32402, 18:34:59: Scully claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 287 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 32402, 19:39:22: Scully froze H109 - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex) Day 32402, 21:03:37: Scully froze Base Breeder - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 32402, 21:16:19: Scully froze Tek Rex - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 32402, 21:27:42: Scully froze Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) Day 32402, 21:35:03: Scully froze Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) Day 32402, 21:38:42: Scully froze Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) Day 32402, 21:42:17: Scully froze Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) Day 32402, 21:57:06: Scully froze Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) Day 32402, 22:00:53: Scully froze Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) Day 32402, 22:04:27: Scully froze Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) Day 32402, 22:13:09: Scully froze Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) Day 32402, 22:16:42: Scully froze Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) Day 32402, 22:20:15: Scully froze Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) Day 32402, 22:32:25: Scully froze Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) Day 32402, 22:37:16: Scully froze Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) Day 32402, 22:40:49: Scully froze Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) Day 32402, 22:46:58: Scully froze Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) Day 32402, 22:52:58: Scully froze Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) Day 32402, 23:04:25: Scully claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex)'! Day 32402, 23:09:56: Scully froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 32403, 01:53:22: Scully froze Artorias - Lvl 655 (Shadowmane) Day 32403, 14:51:22: Scully froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 120 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32425, 11:18:37: Scully froze Tek Rex - Lvl 567 (Tek Rex) Day 32425, 14:06:31: Scully froze Spare - Lvl 505 (Voidwyrm) Day 32425, 16:16:41: Scully froze Grimlock - Lvl 567 (Tek Rex) Day 32425, 16:22:44: Scully froze Spare - Lvl 505 (Voidwyrm) Day 32426, 06:28:51: Scully froze Grimlock - Lvl 567 (Tek Rex) Day 32426, 07:31:44: Scully froze Grimlock - Lvl 567 (Tek Rex) Day 32450, 04:45:14: Scully claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 274 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 32451, 15:54:44: Scully froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 274 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32472, 22:57:24: Scully froze Grimlock - Lvl 567 (Tek Rex) Day 32472, 23:40:24: Scully claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 289 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 32472, 23:49:21: Scully froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 289 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32473, 00:37:51: Scully claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 308 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 32497, 04:07:58: Scully froze Needs H - Lvl 308 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32497, 04:14:26: Scully froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 287 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32497, 04:22:30: Scully froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 265 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32523, 04:55:38: Scully froze Spare - Lvl 505 (Voidwyrm) Day 32523, 05:48:42: Scully froze Grimlock - Lvl 567 (Tek Rex) Day 32523, 06:11:24: Scully froze Spare - Lvl 505 (Voidwyrm) Day 32542, 21:16:00: Scully claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 308 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 32542, 21:22:57: Scully froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 308 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32542, 21:47:49: Scully claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 308 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 32542, 21:53:32: Scully froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 308 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32542, 23:35:48: Scully froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 308 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32639, 01:01:47: Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 32639, 06:15:57: Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 32641, 03:37:48: Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 32641, 03:37:48: Tribe Owner was changed to Little Moony! Day 32641, 05:44:47: Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 32875, 11:13:47: Scully froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 120 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32875, 12:50:28: Scully froze Spare - Lvl 505 (Voidwyrm) Day 32993, 09:14:41: Scully claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 308 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 32993, 15:14:07: Scully froze Grimlock - Lvl 607 (Tek Rex) Day 32994, 02:23:37: Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 32994, 02:23:37: Tribe Owner was changed to Little Moony! Day 32994, 08:07:55: Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 33281, 15:15:02: Jay froze Envy - Lvl 346 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33281, 15:37:00: Jay froze John - Lvl 336 (Reaper King) Day 33281, 16:13:02: Jay froze Fred - Lvl 368 (Reaper King) Day 33281, 21:01:13: Jay froze AsPhAlT tHe DeStRoYeR - Lvl 296 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33298, 05:41:37: Jay froze Death - Lvl 342 (Poison Wyvern) Day 33298, 20:10:58: Jay froze Death - Lvl 342 (Poison Wyvern) Day 33299, 09:37:41: Jay froze Kushiel - Lvl 362 (Giganotosaurus) Day 33299, 10:53:23: Jay froze OgGiNaG - Lvl 346 (Giganotosaurus) Day 33299, 12:23:47: Jay froze Fred - Lvl 368 (Reaper King) Day 33299, 13:34:21: Jay froze John - Lvl 336 (Reaper King) Day 33299, 13:41:55: Jay froze Ben - Lvl 373 (Reaper King) Day 33299, 13:47:54: Jay froze Fred - Lvl 226 (Reaper King) Day 33299, 13:56:29: Jay froze George - Lvl 197 (Reaper King) Day 33299, 14:03:38: Jay froze Fred - Lvl 368 (Reaper King) Day 33299, 15:01:31: Jay froze Fred - Lvl 226 (Reaper King) Day 33299, 15:21:59: Jay froze Ben - Lvl 373 (Reaper King) Day 33299, 20:03:03: Jay froze Fred - Lvl 286 (Snow Owl) Day 33299, 20:23:50: Jay froze Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 33300, 05:29:31: Scully froze Artorias - Lvl 661 (Shadowmane) Day 33300, 05:33:43: Scully froze Spare - Lvl 505 (Voidwyrm) Day 33300, 05:40:03: Scully froze Grimlock - Lvl 607 (Tek Rex) Day 33300, 06:15:22: Jay froze Princess Elsa - Lvl 253 (Ice Wyvern) Day 33300, 06:24:37: Jay froze AsPhAlT tHe DeStRoYeR - Lvl 296 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33300, 06:29:30: Jay froze Lust - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33300, 06:34:20: Jay froze Pride - Lvl 322 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33300, 06:47:41: Jay froze Magni - Lvl 328 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33300, 06:53:24: Jay froze Slothliness - Lvl 262 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33300, 07:04:13: Jay froze KERMIT THE BLACK - Lvl 238 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33300, 07:09:13: Jay froze War - Lvl 333 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33300, 07:20:48: Jay froze Famine - Lvl 336 (Poison Wyvern) Day 33300, 07:24:57: Jay froze Conquest - Lvl 334 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33300, 07:29:56: Jay froze Aeres - Lvl 293 (Poison Wyvern) Day 33300, 07:34:42: Jay froze Glory - Lvl 309 (Ice Wyvern) Day 33300, 07:46:05: Jay froze Modi - Lvl 330 (Poison Wyvern) Day 33300, 07:51:36: Jay froze Wrath - Lvl 316 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33300, 07:56:47: Jay froze Tyr - Lvl 302 (Poison Wyvern) Day 33300, 08:02:25: Jay froze Greed - Lvl 325 (Poison Wyvern) Day 33300, 08:18:48: Jay froze Mars - Lvl 250 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33300, 08:47:18: Jay froze Envy - Lvl 326 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33300, 12:51:22: Jay froze Death - Lvl 342 (Poison Wyvern) Day 33300, 17:07:13: Jay froze Death - Lvl 361 (Poison Wyvern) Day 33300, 17:11:40: Jay froze Deaths ladyfriend Doris - Lvl 396 (Poison Wyvern) Day 33300, 18:24:50: Jay froze Genghis - Lvl 242 (Featherlight) Day 33300, 19:12:25: Jay froze Genghis - Lvl 257 (Featherlight) Day 33300, 19:20:05: Jay froze Pepe Le Pew - Lvl 328 (Featherlight) Day 33300, 21:42:27: Scully froze Reaper King - Lvl 205 (Reaper King) Day 33300, 21:43:28: Jay froze jay - Lvl 376 (Rock Drake) Day 33300, 21:45:58: Scully froze Godzilla - Lvl 241 (Reaper King) Day 33300, 21:49:20: Jay froze FREd - Lvl 381 (Rock Drake) Day 33300, 21:50:32: Scully froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 225 (R-Reaper King) Day 33300, 21:55:54: Jay froze Fred - Lvl 386 (Rock Drake) Day 33300, 21:59:44: Scully froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 225 (R-Reaper King) Day 33300, 22:05:26: Scully froze Reaper King - Lvl 220 (Reaper King) Day 33300, 22:10:14: Scully froze Anomander - Lvl 371 (Reaper King) Day 33300, 22:14:38: Scully froze Blue - Lvl 376 (Reaper King) Day 33300, 22:24:09: Scully froze Diglett - Lvl 220 (Reaper King) Day 33300, 22:29:29: Scully froze Reaper King - Lvl 225 (Reaper King) Day 33300, 22:58:13: Scully froze Gumdrop - Lvl 225 (Reaper King) Day 33300, 23:01:52: Jay froze Genghis - Lvl 257 (Featherlight) Day 33300, 23:03:19: Scully froze Reaper King - Lvl 215 (Reaper King) Day 33300, 23:19:43: Scully froze Reaper King - Lvl 225 (Reaper King) Day 33300, 23:22:50: Jay froze Pepe Le Pew - Lvl 328 (Featherlight) Day 33300, 23:23:15: Scully froze Reaper King - Lvl 225 (Reaper King) Day 33300, 23:30:08: Scully froze Reaper King - Lvl 225 (Reaper King) Day 33300, 23:37:18: Scully froze D Mog - Lvl 371 (Reaper King) Day 33300, 23:45:10: Scully froze Reaper King - Lvl 225 (Reaper King) Day 33300, 23:48:49: Scully froze Reaper King - Lvl 225 (Reaper King) Day 33300, 23:57:32: Scully froze Sludge - Lvl 376 (Reaper King) Day 33301, 00:06:13: Scully froze Reaper King - Lvl 225 (Reaper King) Day 33301, 00:14:18: Scully froze Spartan - Lvl 215 (Reaper King) Day 33301, 00:19:04: Scully froze Demon - Lvl 371 (Reaper King) Day 33301, 00:23:05: Scully froze Reaper King - Lvl 225 (Reaper King) Day 33301, 00:27:24: Scully froze Snow - Lvl 215 (Reaper King) Day 33303, 05:57:21: Scully Tamed a Dinopithecus - Lvl 210 (Dinopithecus)! Day 33303, 07:01:15: Scully froze Artorias - Lvl 661 (Shadowmane) Day 33303, 07:27:05: Scully froze Johnny 5 - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 33303, 08:08:19: Scully froze Shadowmane - Lvl 410 (Shadowmane) Day 33303, 09:52:37: Scully froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 217 (Sinomacrops) Day 33303, 10:32:50: Jay claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33303, 10:35:09: Scully froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 454 (Shadowmane) Day 33303, 15:56:05: Scully froze Johnny 5 - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 33303, 16:43:31: Jay froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 220 (R-Reaper King) Day 33303, 16:46:34: Jay froze Shadowmane - Lvl 456 (Shadowmane) Day 34055, 11:06:51: Jay's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 526 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34055, 11:06:51: Jay's 'Death - Lvl 361 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34055, 11:06:51: Jay's 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 237 (R-Reaper King)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34575, 07:54:24: Scully froze Argentavis - Lvl 245 (Argentavis) Day 34799, 10:11:38: Scully froze Johnny 5 - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 35433, 00:53:18: Scully froze Pinky Winky - Lvl 261 (Sinomacrops) Day 35599, 09:30:38: Scully Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 300 (Dodo)! Day 36828, 00:15:35: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36828, 00:15:35: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37208, 11:20:36: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40385, 06:25:51: Scully froze X-Rock Elemental - Lvl 223 (X-Rock Elemental) Day 40385, 07:27:03: Scully froze Hulk - Lvl 495 (Ferox) Day 40386, 02:52:57: Scully froze X-Rock Elemental - Lvl 223 (X-Rock Elemental) Day 40386, 06:51:15: Scully froze Hulk - Lvl 495 (Ferox) Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 40884, 13:39:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 41114, 21:57:59: Tribemember Jay - Lvl 154 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 130! Day 41458, 19:40:25: Scully froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 308 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 41458, 19:43:17: Scully froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 308 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 41458, 19:48:13: Scully froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 303 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42051, 20:48:32: Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 42051, 20:48:32: Tribe Owner was changed to Little Moony! Day 42051, 21:35:20: Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 42052, 07:18:06: Scully froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 241 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 42052, 07:46:11: Scully froze April - Lvl 327 (Otter) Day 42098, 18:50:50: Scully unclaimed 'Boyle - Lvl 312 (Snow Owl)'! Day 43451, 12:04:29: Scully Tamed a Zombie Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern)! Day 43451, 12:09:41: Scully froze Zombie Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 43451, 12:25:21: Scully Tamed a Zombie Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern)! Day 43451, 12:28:13: Scully froze Zombie Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 43451, 12:30:37: Scully Tamed a Zombie Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern)! Day 43451, 12:33:09: Scully froze Zombie Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 43451, 13:32:13: Scully Tamed a Zombie Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Zombie Poison Wyvern)! Day 43451, 13:49:20: Scully froze ZandBeast - Lvl 180 (Zombie Poison Wyvern) Day 43452, 04:14:27: Scully froze Salsi - Lvl 180 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 43452, 08:04:46: Scully froze ZandBeast - Lvl 180 (Zombie Poison Wyvern) Day 43452, 10:37:01: Scully froze Johnny 5 - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek)"] "tribeid":1036143330,"tribe":"Tribe of FartSmeller logs":["Day 23652, 11:07:31: FartSmeller was added to the Tribe! Day 23652, 11:18:15: FartSmeller was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1035932583,"tribe":"BigBorrisBoys logs":["Day 10863, 12:36:38: Daniel was added to the Tribe! Day 10863, 12:40:34: EVERYONE was added to the Tribe by Daniel! Day 10863, 13:06:57: EVERYONE Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 194 (Dodo)! Day 10863, 13:09:34: Tribemember Daniel - Lvl 7 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 90! Day 10863, 13:28:40: Tribemember Daniel - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 10863, 13:30:57: Tribemember EVERYONE - Lvl 6 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 145! Day 10863, 19:16:32: Daniel demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 10863, 19:17:01: Daniel demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 10872, 06:05:40: Daniel claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 10872, 08:03:33: Daniel claimed 'mosieu peranodo - Lvl 34 (Pteranodon)'! Day 10872, 08:07:41: Daniel claimed 'ptepte - Lvl 43 (Pteranodon)'! Day 10872, 08:13:18: Daniel demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 10872, 08:13:46: Daniel demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 10872, 10:44:40: Tribemember Daniel - Lvl 28 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 50! Day 10872, 12:10:14: NoxTheMadLad was added to the Tribe by Daniel! Day 10872, 18:00:57: Daniel claimed 'meme - Lvl 132 (Pteranodon)'! Day 10874, 16:16:16: Your Per - Lvl 150 (Parasaur) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 25! Day 10875, 19:29:57: NoxTheMadLad was removed from the Tribe! Day 10877, 18:52:08: NoxTheMadLad was added to the Tribe by Daniel! Day 10877, 19:17:54: NoxTheMadLad was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Daniel! Day 10877, 22:56:17: Tribemember NoxTheMadLad - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 10878, 12:47:49: NoxTheMadLad Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 82 (Parasaur)! Day 10878, 16:33:28: Tribemember NoxTheMadLad - Lvl 46 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 10883, 22:07:48: Tribemember NoxTheMadLad - Lvl 55 was killed! Day 10883, 23:50:57: Tribemember NoxTheMadLad - Lvl 55 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 100! Day 10884, 10:26:27: NoxTheMadLad demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 10884, 12:05:17: NoxTheMadLad claimed 'P and Faiths skimmer (Raft)'! Day 10884, 13:20:13: Tribemember NoxTheMadLad - Lvl 56 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 90! Day 10884, 17:17:09: Tribemember NoxTheMadLad - Lvl 57 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 90! Day 10885, 15:31:29: NoxTheMadLad Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 10887, 00:12:03: NoxTheMadLad Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 134 (Argentavis)! Day 10887, 10:35:05: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 10887, 12:45:47: NoxTheMadLad Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 142 (Argentavis)! Day 10888, 01:25:38: NoxTheMadLad unclaimed 'Albert - Lvl 143 (Argentavis)'! Day 10888, 01:28:41: NoxTheMadLad unclaimed 'Aggie - Lvl 135 (Argentavis)'! Day 10888, 03:50:44: NoxTheMadLad claimed 'Aggie - Lvl 135 (Argentavis)'! Day 10888, 03:52:46: NoxTheMadLad claimed 'Albert - Lvl 143 (Argentavis)'! Day 10888, 09:30:11: Tribemember NoxTheMadLad - Lvl 65 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 10888, 19:35:07: NoxTheMadLad Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 10890, 01:16:27: NoxTheMadLad demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 10890, 06:52:09: Tribemember NoxTheMadLad - Lvl 66 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 100! Day 10891, 05:46:51: Tribemember NoxTheMadLad - Lvl 68 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 20! Day 10891, 08:54:45: Tribemember NoxTheMadLad - Lvl 69 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 10891, 10:17:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 113 (Doedicurus)! Day 10891, 13:23:18: NoxTheMadLad claimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl)'! Day 10914, 14:50:34: Tribemember EVERYONE - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 10914, 17:10:55: Tribemember EVERYONE - Lvl 12 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 55! Day 10958, 11:01:13: Tribemember EVERYONE - Lvl 12 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 140! Day 10978, 16:11:04: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11025, 07:43:06: Tribemember Daniel - Lvl 39 was killed! Day 11110, 19:19:12: BigSadTimes - Lvl 220 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 11186, 12:25:11: ptepte - Lvl 46 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 11256, 10:59:39: mosieu peranodo - Lvl 39 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 11279, 18:52:43: Plix - Lvl 97 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 11292, 06:48:06: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 123 (CyberTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pelle - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon)'! Day 11292, 06:58:42: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 123 (CyberTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Arosa - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)'! Day 11292, 06:59:18: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 123 (CyberTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Albert - Lvl 145 (Argentavis)'! Day 11292, 06:59:52: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 123 (CyberTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aggie - Lvl 135 (Argentavis)'! Day 11294, 05:06:00: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 123 (CyberTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Combat F238 - Lvl 385 (Argentavis)'! Day 11294, 05:20:35: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 123 (CyberTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 307 (Snow Owl)'! Day 11415, 20:39:01: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11415, 20:39:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11415, 20:39:01: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11415, 20:39:01: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11415, 20:39:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11415, 20:39:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11429, 19:46:52: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11429, 19:46:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11429, 19:46:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11429, 19:46:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11429, 19:46:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11429, 19:46:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11429, 19:46:52: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11446, 08:16:06: zSmasher - Lvl 122 (LINDA CULT) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'meme - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)'! Day 11518, 07:46:28: Tommy - Lvl 4 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 114 (Doedicurus)'! Day 11583, 11:53:43: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11590, 16:46:59: фарак - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'P and Faiths skimmer (Raft)'! Day 11597, 11:15:16: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11597, 11:15:16: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11770, 18:06:01: Cheese - Lvl 31 (Tribe of DOW) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Combat F238 - Lvl 390 (Argentavis)'! Day 11770, 18:12:53: Tom the Tyrannical - Lvl 122 (Tribe of DOW) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 264 (Pteranodon)'! Day 11880, 12:17:08: Dotaro Dujo - Lvl 204 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 12036, 21:22:02: Subraka - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Subraka) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 12411, 07:46:39: Minibliss - Lvl 25 (Avalanche) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18962, 14:48:12: Tribemember NoxTheMadLad - Lvl 69 was killed!"] "tribeid":1025364374,"tribe":"The Beach Bobs logs":["Day 18490, 12:00:37: Saif Smallman was added to the Tribe! Day 18490, 12:03:50: Duke was added to the Tribe by Saif Smallman! Day 18490, 21:00:14: Duke froze Shadowmane - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) Day 18562, 22:50:36: Duke froze [BS] Mufasa - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 18562, 23:12:15: Duke froze [BS] Mufasa - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 18562, 23:52:37: Duke froze [BS] Mufasa - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 18563, 01:35:45: Duke froze [BS] Mufasa - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 18563, 02:28:38: Duke froze [BS] Mufasa - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 18563, 03:55:25: Duke froze [BS] Mufasa - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 18563, 04:00:31: Duke froze [BS] Mufasa - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 18563, 04:49:34: Duke froze [BS] Mufasa - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 18563, 05:16:36: Duke froze [BS] Mufasa - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 18563, 05:26:02: Duke froze [BS] Mufasa - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 18563, 05:32:53: Duke froze [BS] Mufasa - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 18564, 00:27:51: Duke froze [BS] Mufasa - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 18585, 13:27:21: Saif Smallman froze [S] - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon) Day 18585, 21:40:27: Your [S] - Lvl 195 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 18585, 21:46:25: Tribemember Saif Smallman - Lvl 87 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 18674, 14:39:10: Duke froze [BS] Blue - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 18746, 15:34:31: Duke claimed 'Bait - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18746, 20:13:48: Duke unclaimed 'Bait - Lvl 212 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18746, 21:04:50: Duke froze [BS] Pinky - Lvl 104 (Rock Drake) Day 18747, 05:27:16: Your Griffin - Lvl 247 (Griffin) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 18747, 05:29:01: Tribemember Duke - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 18747, 07:45:40: Duke claimed 'BloodShot - Lvl 302 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 18747, 08:04:57: Tribemember Duke - Lvl 121 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 18747, 08:29:23: Your BloodShot - Lvl 302 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 18747, 10:38:31: Duke froze [BS] Pinky - Lvl 104 (Rock Drake) Day 18844, 17:19:20: Duke was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1025095859,"tribe":"Tribe of V4z3 logs":["Day 25113, 08:46:28: V4z3 was added to the Tribe! Day 25113, 10:22:14: Tribe of Xantium tribe was merged in by Xantium! Day 25113, 10:22:14: Xantium was added to the Tribe by V4z3! Day 25113, 10:54:48: V4z3 froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 317 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 25113, 16:23:59: Xantium froze Vanky v2 - Lvl 309 (Ankylosaurus) Day 25113, 18:22:54: Xantium froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 243 (Brontosaurus) Day 25113, 19:07:07: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 278 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25113, 20:45:34: Xantium froze Vjri - Lvl 312 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 25113, 21:02:46: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 278 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25117, 01:09:42: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 322 (Snow Owl) Day 25117, 04:00:34: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 322 (Snow Owl) Day 25117, 14:10:11: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 322 (Snow Owl) Day 25117, 14:15:10: V4z3 froze Vargy - Lvl 349 (Argentavis) Day 25131, 18:43:23: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 322 (Snow Owl) Day 25131, 22:16:34: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 322 (Snow Owl) Day 25132, 04:08:08: V4z3 froze argy - Lvl 289 (Argentavis) Day 25132, 05:31:07: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 322 (Snow Owl) Day 25132, 08:27:17: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 322 (Snow Owl) Day 25132, 09:55:38: V4z3 froze argy - Lvl 289 (Argentavis) Day 25132, 11:05:27: V4z3 froze argy - Lvl 289 (Argentavis) Day 25132, 11:14:47: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 322 (Snow Owl) Day 25135, 11:54:50: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 282 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25141, 04:32:41: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 323 (Snow Owl) Day 25141, 14:04:22: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 283 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25151, 09:19:20: V4z3 froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 319 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 25158, 12:33:43: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 286 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25179, 12:47:17: V4z3 froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 320 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 25186, 14:02:24: V4z3 froze Vujri - Lvl 321 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 25200, 19:27:13: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 326 (Snow Owl) Day 25200, 19:48:31: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 326 (Snow Owl) Day 25201, 06:38:01: V4z3 froze Vujri - Lvl 321 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 25204, 08:24:30: V4z3 froze Vujri - Lvl 321 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 25210, 18:42:05: V4z3 froze Vujri - Lvl 322 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 25211, 01:15:42: V4z3 froze Vujri - Lvl 322 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 25211, 03:20:46: V4z3 froze Vujri - Lvl 322 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 25226, 19:10:59: V4z3 froze Vujri - Lvl 323 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 25227, 02:03:24: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 328 (Snow Owl) Day 25227, 12:25:52: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 25227, 13:31:13: V4z3 demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 25227, 13:46:35: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 328 (Snow Owl) Day 25227, 23:12:00: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 328 (Snow Owl) Day 25228, 07:53:05: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 328 (Snow Owl) Day 25228, 08:06:36: V4z3 froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 244 (Brontosaurus) Day 25228, 17:41:33: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 328 (Snow Owl) Day 25280, 13:42:19: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 310 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25321, 04:43:47: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 331 (Snow Owl) Day 25321, 05:38:29: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 331 (Snow Owl) Day 25321, 08:06:49: V4z3 froze Quetzal - Lvl 157 (Quetzal) Day 25321, 14:01:01: V4z3 Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 25321, 14:07:20: V4z3 froze Quetzal - Lvl 157 (Quetzal) Day 25321, 14:14:49: V4z3 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 25321, 15:54:13: Tribemember V4z3 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 25322, 07:31:38: Your Tribe Tamed a Morellatops - Lvl 74 (Morellatops)! Day 25322, 07:38:29: V4z3 froze Morellatops - Lvl 74 (Morellatops) Day 25322, 09:30:26: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 313 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25322, 09:44:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 149 (Thorny Dragon)! Day 25322, 09:53:57: V4z3 froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 149 (Thorny Dragon) Day 25322, 10:41:17: V4z3 Tamed a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 29 (Thorny Dragon)! Day 25322, 10:46:21: V4z3 froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 29 (Thorny Dragon) Day 25322, 11:41:00: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 332 (Snow Owl) Day 25423, 21:20:04: Xantium was removed from the Tribe! Day 25424, 13:56:21: V4z3 froze 500 Melee - Lvl 318 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25424, 14:48:40: V4z3 froze Vujri - Lvl 333 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 25735, 05:42:27: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26246, 06:09:59: Tribemember V4z3 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 25! Day 26300, 14:39:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26588, 10:25:20: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1022372459,"tribe":"|| Kaczuchy Ragnarok || logs":["Day 19186, 15:14:51: Kaczuchax was added to the Tribe! Day 19186, 15:15:43: Kondziozaur was added to the Tribe by Kaczuchax! Day 19186, 15:25:25: Kondziozaur was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Kaczuchax! Day 19186, 16:53:52: Kondziozaur froze Neon - Lvl 267 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 19186, 16:54:09: Kaczuchax froze || Rubin || - Lvl 265 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 19329, 08:59:28: NoobPL-6 was added to the Tribe by Kondziozaur! Day 19330, 01:26:52: NoobPL-6 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 227 (Velonasaur) Day 19330, 02:18:31: NoobPL-6 froze Fluffer 2.0 - Lvl 95 (Sinomacrops) Day 19330, 04:18:53: Tribemember Kondziozaur - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 19330, 04:19:12: Your xD - Lvl 107 (Sinomacrops) was killed! Day 19330, 07:01:38: Kondziozaur froze Kryształek - Lvl 304 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 19330, 07:07:43: NoobPL-6 froze Glowstick - Lvl 298 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 19492, 04:30:42: NoobPL-6 froze Glowstick - Lvl 304 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 19492, 04:37:10: NoobPL-6 froze Fluffer - Lvl 131 (Sinomacrops) Day 19492, 07:28:35: NoobPL-6 uploaded a Sinomacrops: Fluffer 2.0 - Lvl 95 Day 19492, 07:55:13: Kondziozaur froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 247 (R-Velonasaur) Day 19492, 10:24:25: Tribemember NoobPL-6 - Lvl 122 was killed by Kondziozaur - Lvl 122 (|| Kaczuchy Ragnarok ||)! Day 19492, 10:24:25: Your Tribe killed NoobPL-6 - Lvl 122 (|| Kaczuchy Ragnarok ||)! Day 19492, 11:18:52: Kondziozaur froze Fluffer - Lvl 131 (Sinomacrops) Day 19492, 17:42:11: NoobPL-6 froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 242 (R-Velonasaur) Day 19492, 17:43:16: Kondziozaur froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 248 (R-Velonasaur) Day 19492, 18:17:30: Tribemember Kondziozaur - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 19492, 18:17:44: Your Bruh - Lvl 107 (Sinomacrops) was killed! Day 19492, 19:33:06: Tribemember Kondziozaur - Lvl 122 was killed by NoobPL-6 - Lvl 122 (|| Kaczuchy Ragnarok ||)! Day 19492, 19:33:06: Your Tribe killed Kondziozaur - Lvl 122 (|| Kaczuchy Ragnarok ||)! Day 19492, 21:26:12: NoobPL-6 froze Fluffer - Lvl 132 (Sinomacrops) Day 19492, 21:49:29: NoobPL-6 froze Glowstick - Lvl 304 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 19492, 22:00:01: NoobPL-6 uploaded a Ember Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 308 Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1021896003,"tribe":"THC logs":["Day 5140, 09:11:15: Your Tribe killed Baby Dodo - Lvl 214 (Dodo) (THC)! Day 5154, 04:03:00: Pappy Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 193 (Dodo)! Day 5154, 05:25:04: Pappy Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 216 (Dodo)! Day 5158, 05:37:02: Pappy claimed 'Flipper - Lvl 143 (Ichthyosaurus)'! Day 5158, 05:40:24: Pappy unclaimed 'Flipper - Lvl 143 (Ichthyosaurus)'! Day 5158, 08:33:47: Your Dodo - Lvl 216 (Dodo) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 60! Day 5174, 16:39:45: Pappy Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 233 (Tek Rex)! Day 5174, 21:21:06: Pappy Tamed an Oviraptor - Lvl 18 (Oviraptor)! Day 5175, 07:27:32: Pappy demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 5175, 07:28:21: Pappy demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 5175, 07:29:00: Pappy demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 5175, 11:59:05: Pappy claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis)'! Day 5175, 11:59:50: Pappy claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 216 (Argentavis)'! Day 5175, 12:01:11: Pappy claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis)'! Day 5176, 16:39:30: Mathias Baker added 'THC' Tribe to the vikings Alliance! Day 5177, 08:46:05: Pappy froze Legion 15 - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 5186, 22:24:40: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5186, 22:24:40: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5186, 22:24:40: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5189, 10:40:23: Pappy Tamed a Gigantopithecus - Lvl 125 (Gigantopithecus)! Day 5189, 11:45:00: Your Gigantopithecus - Lvl 125 (Gigantopithecus) was killed by Ice Cube - Lvl 245 (Ice Wyvern) (THC)! Day 5189, 11:45:00: Your Tribe killed Gigantopithecus - Lvl 125 (Gigantopithecus) (THC)! Day 5190, 06:36:30: Pappy claimed 'Baby Megalodon - Lvl 202 (Megalodon)'! Day 5190, 06:38:33: Your Baby Megalodon - Lvl 202 (Megalodon) was killed by Pappy - Lvl 122 (THC)! Day 5190, 06:38:33: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalodon - Lvl 202 (Megalodon) (THC)! Day 5244, 16:27:22: Mathias Baker added 'Tribe of Its Me Midget' Tribe to the vikings Alliance! Day 5246, 12:55:48: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5246, 12:55:49: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5246, 12:55:49: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5276, 15:44:02: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5313, 10:41:34: Pappy claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 5314, 07:34:30: Andy Henry claimed 'Willy 145 - Lvl 274 (Rex)'! Day 5314, 07:54:29: Andy Henry unclaimed 'Willy 145 - Lvl 274 (Rex)'! Day 5314, 08:12:19: Andy Henry claimed 'Willy 145 - Lvl 274 (Rex)'! Day 5314, 08:24:58: Your Willy 145 - Lvl 274 (Rex) was killed by Ice Cube - Lvl 247 (Ice Wyvern) (THC)! Day 5314, 08:24:58: Your Tribe killed Willy 145 - Lvl 274 (Rex) (THC)! Day 5314, 16:50:43: asbo was added to the Tribe by Pappy! Day 5314, 17:51:58: Tribemember asbo - Lvl 103 was killed! Day 5314, 19:20:21: Your Ice Cube - Lvl 247 (Ice Wyvern) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 5314, 19:21:18: Tribemember Andy Henry - Lvl 100 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 5315, 07:43:06: Tribemember asbo - Lvl 103 was killed! Day 5315, 14:43:35: Your Megaloceros - Lvl 127 (Megaloceros) was killed by Poison Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Poison Wyvern) (THC)! Day 5315, 14:43:35: Your Tribe killed Megaloceros - Lvl 127 (Megaloceros) (THC)! Day 5316, 01:38:07: Tribemember asbo - Lvl 103 was killed! Day 5316, 15:36:00: Tribemember asbo - Lvl 103 was killed! Day 5316, 18:18:39: asbo claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 5316, 18:20:14: asbo claimed 'M 239 - Lvl 269 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 5316, 18:20:26: asbo claimed 'Phiomia - Lvl 161 (Phiomia)'! Day 5316, 18:20:43: asbo claimed 'Castoroides - Lvl 238 (Castoroides)'! Day 5316, 19:33:53: asbo unclaimed 'Phiomia - Lvl 161 (Phiomia)'! Day 5316, 19:45:58: asbo claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5316, 19:46:25: asbo claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 231 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5317, 09:02:42: asbo claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 233 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5317, 09:03:27: asbo claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5317, 09:05:43: asbo claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 232 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 5322, 10:22:53: asbo claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 50 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 5322, 10:25:55: asbo claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 58 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 5322, 10:28:12: asbo claimed 'Oviraptor - Lvl 125 (Oviraptor)'! Day 5323, 03:06:26: Your Gallimimus - Lvl 59 (Gallimimus) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 5323, 03:11:30: Andy Henry claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis)'! Day 5323, 03:17:14: Andy Henry claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis)'! Day 5323, 04:08:10: Andy Henry claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 5323, 08:28:51: Your Juvenile eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 5323, 08:28:51: Juvenile eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 5323, 09:34:14: Andy Henry claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 227 (Argentavis)'! Day 5323, 12:33:17: asbo unclaimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 227 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 5323, 13:25:48: asbo was removed from the Tribe! Day 5326, 14:16:48: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5326, 14:16:48: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5326, 14:16:48: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5339, 17:18:59: Pappy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 5342, 23:02:28: Pappy claimed 'Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 35 (Gallimimus)'! Day 5342, 23:04:53: Pappy claimed 'Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 28 (Gallimimus)'! Day 5342, 23:06:20: Pappy claimed 'Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 28 (Gallimimus)'! Day 5342, 23:08:16: Pappy claimed 'Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 35 (Gallimimus)'! Day 5342, 23:40:52: Your Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 28 (Gallimimus) was killed by Pappy - Lvl 122 (THC)! Day 5342, 23:40:52: Your Tribe killed Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 28 (Gallimimus) (THC)! Day 5343, 00:16:26: Your Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 35 (Gallimimus) was killed! Day 5343, 00:16:26: Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 35 (Gallimimus) starved to death! Day 5343, 12:10:45: Pappy Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 22 (Carbonemys)! Day 5343, 13:47:50: Your Tribe Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 74 (Carbonemys)! Day 5343, 15:07:10: Your Tribe Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 216 (Carbonemys)! Day 5343, 18:34:01: Added u as friend - Lvl 89 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 5345, 07:55:08: asbo - Lvl 112 (asbo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M 03 - Lvl 250 (Argentavis)'! Day 5355, 20:27:00: Pappy claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5355, 20:28:16: Pappy claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5355, 20:29:38: Pappy claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5355, 20:31:20: Pappy claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5355, 20:58:00: Your Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) was killed by Pappy - Lvl 122 (THC)! Day 5355, 20:58:00: Your Tribe killed Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) (THC)! Day 5355, 20:59:50: Your Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon) was killed by Pappy - Lvl 122 (THC)! Day 5355, 20:59:50: Your Tribe killed Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon) (THC)! Day 5355, 22:33:25: Pappy claimed 'Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 30 (Gallimimus)'! Day 5355, 22:41:34: Pappy claimed 'Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 35 (Gallimimus)'! Day 5355, 22:43:08: Pappy claimed 'Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 29 (Gallimimus)'! Day 5355, 22:45:37: Pappy claimed 'Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 34 (Gallimimus)'! Day 5355, 22:47:03: Pappy claimed 'Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 30 (Gallimimus)'! Day 5355, 23:07:01: Your Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 30 (Gallimimus) was killed by Pappy - Lvl 122 (THC)! Day 5355, 23:07:01: Your Tribe killed Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 30 (Gallimimus) (THC)! Day 5355, 23:13:37: Pappy claimed 'Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 37 (Gallimimus)'! Day 5355, 23:15:37: Your Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 37 (Gallimimus) was killed by Pappy - Lvl 122 (THC)! Day 5355, 23:15:37: Your Tribe killed Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 37 (Gallimimus) (THC)! Day 5355, 23:36:13: Your Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 30 (Gallimimus) was killed! Day 5355, 23:36:13: Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 30 (Gallimimus) starved to death! Day 5355, 23:37:27: Your Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 29 (Gallimimus) was killed! Day 5355, 23:37:27: Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 29 (Gallimimus) starved to death! Day 5355, 23:38:16: Your Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 34 (Gallimimus) was killed! Day 5355, 23:38:16: Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 34 (Gallimimus) starved to death! Day 5356, 02:55:41: Pappy claimed 'Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 35 (Gallimimus)'! Day 5356, 02:56:36: Pappy claimed 'Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 29 (Gallimimus)'! Day 5356, 02:57:39: Pappy claimed 'Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 32 (Gallimimus)'! Day 5356, 02:58:32: Pappy claimed 'Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 33 (Gallimimus)'! Day 5356, 02:59:37: Pappy claimed 'Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 32 (Gallimimus)'! Day 5356, 03:11:36: Pappy claimed 'Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 31 (Gallimimus)'! Day 5356, 03:14:33: Pappy claimed 'Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 35 (Gallimimus)'! Day 5356, 04:12:20: Your Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 32 (Gallimimus) was killed by Pappy - Lvl 122 (THC)! Day 5356, 04:12:20: Your Tribe killed Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 32 (Gallimimus) (THC)! Day 5356, 04:15:54: Your Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 29 (Gallimimus) was killed by Pappy - Lvl 122 (THC)! Day 5356, 04:15:54: Your Tribe killed Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 29 (Gallimimus) (THC)! Day 5356, 04:15:54: Your Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 31 (Gallimimus) was killed by Pappy - Lvl 122 (THC)! Day 5356, 04:15:54: Your Tribe killed Baby Gallimimus - Lvl 31 (Gallimimus) (THC)! Day 5356, 05:46:15: Pappy claimed 'Baby Carbonemys - Lvl 101 (Carbonemys)'! Day 5356, 05:47:10: Pappy claimed 'Baby Carbonemys - Lvl 53 (Carbonemys)'! Day 5357, 03:42:23: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was destroyed! Day 5357, 05:45:54: Pappy demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 5357, 06:26:20: Pappy demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 5357, 06:26:45: Pappy demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 5357, 10:18:42: Pappy Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 202 (Ovis)! Day 5357, 12:28:11: Pappy claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 131 (Ovis)'! Day 5357, 12:29:16: Pappy claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 131 (Ovis)'! Day 5357, 12:29:51: Pappy claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 131 (Ovis)'! Day 5357, 17:13:36: Your Ovis - Lvl 230 (Ovis) was killed by Pappy - Lvl 122 (THC)! Day 5357, 17:13:36: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 230 (Ovis) (THC)! Day 5357, 19:02:09: Your Juvenile Ovis - Lvl 131 (Ovis) was killed! Day 5357, 19:02:09: Juvenile Ovis - Lvl 131 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 5366, 19:44:07: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5366, 19:44:07: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5366, 19:44:07: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5368, 08:35:05: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was destroyed! Day 5368, 08:35:05: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was destroyed! Day 5368, 08:35:22: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was destroyed! Day 5368, 08:35:29: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was destroyed! Day 5368, 08:35:47: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was destroyed! Day 5368, 10:37:56: Pappy claimed 'Baby Carbonemys - Lvl 45 (Carbonemys)'! Day 5368, 10:38:43: Pappy claimed 'Baby Carbonemys - Lvl 43 (Carbonemys)'! Day 5368, 10:49:25: Your Baby Carbonemys - Lvl 43 (Carbonemys) was killed by Pappy - Lvl 122 (THC)! Day 5368, 10:49:25: Your Tribe killed Baby Carbonemys - Lvl 43 (Carbonemys) (THC)! Day 5396, 00:12:20: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5396, 00:12:20: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5396, 00:12:20: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5396, 10:06:58: Your M 239 - Lvl 269 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by Venom - Lvl 245 (Poison Wyvern) (THC)! Day 5396, 10:06:58: Your Tribe killed M 239 - Lvl 269 (Ankylosaurus) (THC)! Day 5396, 10:53:46: Pappy claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 173 (Ovis)'! Day 5448, 17:25:18: Juvenile Ovis - Lvl 173 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 5448, 20:15:43: Pappy claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 177 (Ovis)'! Day 5448, 20:43:32: Pappy claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 85 (Ovis)'! Day 5448, 21:28:01: Your Slaughter me - Lvl 131 (Ovis) was killed by Pappy - Lvl 122 (THC)! Day 5448, 21:28:01: Your Tribe killed Slaughter me - Lvl 131 (Ovis) (THC)! Day 5449, 09:24:00: Your Tribe Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 207 (Sarco)! Day 5449, 11:22:04: Pappy unclaimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 81 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 5449, 11:27:10: Pappy unclaimed 'M.M - Lvl 74 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 5449, 12:10:01: Pappy unclaimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 74 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 5449, 15:57:36: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 5449, 18:12:23: Pappy Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 194 (Sarco)! Day 5450, 06:34:22: Pappy claimed 'Baby Sarco - Lvl 208 (Sarco)'! Day 5450, 20:58:33: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 90! Day 5451, 00:04:15: Your Sarco - Lvl 219 (Sarco) was killed by a Plesiosaur - Lvl 20! Day 5451, 06:48:01: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 5451, 07:37:41: Your Runner - Lvl 78 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 5451, 07:47:31: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 15! Day 5451, 09:03:19: Pappy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 5452, 04:29:59: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5452, 04:29:59: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5452, 04:29:59: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5452, 08:17:36: Pappy demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 5452, 12:10:06: Pappy claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 74 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 5453, 08:55:26: Your Venom - Lvl 250 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 5453, 09:49:01: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 90! Day 5453, 17:04:34: Pappy claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 5453, 17:05:15: Pappy claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 5453, 17:05:50: Pappy claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 5463, 20:14:54: Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Poison Wyvern) starved to death! Day 5463, 20:14:54: Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Poison Wyvern) starved to death! Day 5463, 20:14:54: Juvenile aw - Lvl 90 (Poison Wyvern) starved to death! Day 5463, 20:14:54: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5463, 20:14:54: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5463, 20:14:54: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5464, 07:10:31: Pappy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 5464, 13:26:23: Pappy claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 196 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5464, 13:26:47: Pappy claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 196 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5464, 13:27:21: Pappy claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 196 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5465, 22:19:53: Your 111 - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 5465, 22:20:53: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 5466, 21:00:27: Pappy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 5468, 14:32:11: Your Tanky - Lvl 258 (Megalodon) was killed by a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 85! Day 5468, 17:59:50: Pappy Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 127 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 5469, 12:34:53: Pappy Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 22 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 5469, 18:31:57: Pappy claimed 'Baby Tusoteuthis - Lvl 49 (Tusoteuthis)'! Day 5469, 18:36:39: Pappy claimed 'Baby Tusoteuthis - Lvl 49 (Tusoteuthis)'! Day 5469, 18:38:05: Pappy claimed 'Baby Tusoteuthis - Lvl 49 (Tusoteuthis)'! Day 5469, 20:39:38: Baby Tusoteuthis - Lvl 49 (Tusoteuthis) starved to death! Day 5469, 20:47:48: Baby Tusoteuthis - Lvl 49 (Tusoteuthis) starved to death! Day 5469, 20:48:48: Baby Male 1 - Lvl 49 (Tusoteuthis) starved to death! Day 5478, 17:34:43: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5478, 17:34:43: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5478, 17:34:43: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5479, 06:35:44: Pappy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 5479, 11:20:52: Pappy claimed 'Juvenile Ankylosaurus - Lvl 200 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 5479, 23:15:58: Dung Beetle - Lvl 50 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 5480, 02:59:02: Pappy demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 5480, 03:00:08: Pappy demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 5480, 03:01:15: Pappy demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 5491, 19:10:20: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5491, 19:10:20: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5491, 19:10:20: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5492, 07:38:14: Pappy Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 224 (Vulture)! Day 5492, 18:34:16: Pappy Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 82 (Yutyrannus)! Day 5493, 02:04:28: Pappy unclaimed 'TZ - Lvl 106 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 5493, 07:38:44: Pappy Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 89 (Daeodon)! Day 5493, 15:28:48: Pappy demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 5493, 15:30:17: Pappy demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 5493, 15:30:45: Pappy demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 5506, 02:56:23: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5506, 02:56:23: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5506, 02:56:23: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5506, 14:49:09: Pappy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 5506, 14:52:07: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 50! Day 5506, 18:09:07: Pappy Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 133 (Daeodon)! Day 5506, 20:29:31: Pappy Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 194 (Vulture)! Day 5507, 00:30:18: Pappy Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 209 (Vulture)! Day 5507, 00:37:25: Pappy unclaimed 'Vulture - Lvl 194 (Vulture)'! Day 5507, 05:38:16: Pappy unclaimed '140 - Lvl 209 (Vulture)'! Day 5507, 05:43:35: Pappy Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 224 (Vulture)! Day 5507, 10:01:56: Pappy claimed 'Baby Vulture - Lvl 230 (Vulture)'! Day 5507, 20:38:01: Pappy claimed 'Baby Daeodon - Lvl 114 (Daeodon)'! Day 5519, 18:07:11: Juvenile Daeodon - Lvl 114 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 5519, 18:07:11: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 200 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 5519, 18:07:11: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5519, 18:07:11: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5519, 18:07:11: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5597, 21:18:26: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5634, 17:41:19: Mathias Baker added 'The Breed' Tribe to the vikings Alliance! Day 5686, 19:14:06: Console Pesant - Lvl 71 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 232 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 5717, 09:50:07: DannyM - Lvl 122 (Anarchy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 5836, 11:58:39: Your 'Rope Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5854, 18:01:24: Thea - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Thea) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Crystal - Lvl 183 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 5854, 18:04:42: Thea - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Thea) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Crystal Guardian - Lvl 252 (Argentavis)'! Day 5864, 15:17:01: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5864, 15:17:01: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5864, 15:17:01: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5864, 15:17:01: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5864, 15:17:01: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6019, 14:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6019, 14:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6033, 16:21:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6033, 16:21:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6033, 16:21:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6033, 16:21:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6033, 16:21:07: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6033, 16:21:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6044, 18:39:00: Mathias Baker added 'Misfits' Tribe to the vikings Alliance! Day 6065, 11:59:39: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 6074, 13:58:50: Edward Rockwell - Lvl 95 (Survival Snacks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'OoO - Lvl 255 (Megalodon)'! Day 6082, 07:38:44: Edward Rockwell - Lvl 96 (Survival Snacks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F 01 - Lvl 235 (Argentavis)'! Day 6119, 16:00:04: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 6145, 10:51:52: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6145, 10:51:52: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6145, 10:51:52: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6193, 23:56:02: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 6194, 11:58:49: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 6194, 12:40:38: Your Metal Guardian - Lvl 282 (Argentavis) was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 85! Day 6194, 21:59:18: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 6194, 22:23:52: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 6194, 22:54:08: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 6209, 09:16:50: Ben - Lvl 122 (Baccy Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 163 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 6215, 17:58:39: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6215, 17:58:39: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6215, 17:58:39: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6312, 10:57:39: Your G M - Lvl 58 (Gallimimus) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 55! Day 6312, 11:48:08: Your MmM - Lvl 32 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 95! Day 6312, 11:54:52: Sherman - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon M - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon)'! Day 6312, 12:02:31: Sherman - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F145 - w720 - Lvl 259 (Argentavis)'! Day 6312, 12:04:54: Sherman - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FFF - Lvl 223 (Argentavis)'! Day 6312, 12:11:02: Sherman - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F 145 - Lvl 248 (Argentavis)'! Day 6312, 12:21:49: Sherman - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 249 (Pteranodon)'! Day 6312, 12:22:58: Sherman - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 203 (Pteranodon)'! Day 6312, 12:27:48: Sherman - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon)'! Day 6312, 12:30:51: Sherman - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 236 (Pteranodon)'! Day 6312, 12:34:05: Sherman - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 245 (Pteranodon)'! Day 6312, 13:07:02: Sherman - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fff - Lvl 240 (Argentavis)'! Day 6312, 13:10:19: Sherman - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oviraptor - Lvl 137 (Oviraptor)'! Day 6314, 05:40:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6314, 05:40:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6314, 05:40:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6314, 05:40:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6325, 09:16:22: Ovis - Lvl 85 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 6328, 06:33:49: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6328, 06:33:49: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6328, 06:33:49: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6328, 06:33:49: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6328, 06:33:49: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6328, 06:33:49: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6328, 06:33:49: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6328, 06:33:49: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6328, 06:33:49: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6335, 11:00:37: jjjjj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of KKKKK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Metal - Lvl 261 (Aberrant Ankylosaurus)'! Day 6345, 15:32:03: Your ee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) was killed! Day 6345, 15:32:03: ee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) starved to death! Day 6345, 15:57:55: Your ee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) was killed! Day 6345, 15:57:55: ee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) starved to death! Day 6345, 18:05:22: Your OoO - Lvl 41 (Oviraptor) was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 140! Day 6346, 05:54:48: Andy Henry demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 6346, 09:24:00: Andy Henry demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 6346, 12:27:01: Andy Henry claimed 'Metal - Lvl 263 (Aberrant Ankylosaurus)'! Day 6347, 17:24:52: Your Daeodon - Lvl 89 (Daeodon) was killed! Day 6347, 17:24:52: Daeodon - Lvl 89 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 6352, 16:23:51: Stevo - Lvl 104 (Muggy Slutt) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Flamy - Lvl 271 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 6394, 07:29:01: Tusoteuthis - Lvl 22 (Tusoteuthis) starved to death! Day 6431, 12:54:47: Your Metal - Lvl 263 (Aberrant Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 20! Day 6493, 13:03:56: 90 - Lvl 133 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 6503, 18:04:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6503, 18:04:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6503, 18:04:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6562, 17:05:57: Dung Beetle - Lvl 69 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 6562, 17:07:02: Gallimimus - Lvl 38 (Gallimimus) starved to death! Day 6590, 06:28:20: Gallimimus - Lvl 38 (Gallimimus) starved to death! Day 6591, 13:51:12: Gallimimus - Lvl 36 (Gallimimus) starved to death! Day 6618, 19:26:02: Gallimimus - Lvl 38 (Gallimimus) starved to death! Day 6666, 19:05:23: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 82 (Carbonemys) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 45! Day 6667, 16:59:17: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 107 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 145! Day 6668, 05:38:16: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 57 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 20! Day 6668, 16:05:50: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 52 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 145! Day 6668, 16:11:00: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 224 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 50! Day 6668, 16:11:06: Your Gallimimus - Lvl 34 (Gallimimus) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 45! Day 6673, 18:25:46: Your Gallimimus - Lvl 58 (Gallimimus) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 15! Day 6682, 08:08:29: Your Gallimimus - Lvl 40 (Gallimimus) was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 45! Day 6688, 12:50:56: Your Gallimimus - Lvl 35 (Gallimimus) was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 50! Day 6688, 16:08:33: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 251 (Castoroides)'! Day 6688, 16:09:52: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 82 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 6688, 16:10:18: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M 156 - Lvl 233 (Tek Rex)'! Day 6688, 16:10:48: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'XxX - Lvl 294 (Sabertooth)'! Day 6688, 16:11:04: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 111 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 6688, 16:14:05: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Trainer - Lvl 200 (Tek Rex)'! Day 6688, 16:16:15: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M 04 - Lvl 269 (Argentavis)'! Day 6688, 16:20:33: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ZZZ f - Lvl 275 (Argentavis)'! Day 6688, 16:25:33: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F 145 - Lvl 203 (Megalodon)'! Day 6688, 16:45:27: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'mmm - Lvl 250 (Megalodon)'! Day 6688, 16:58:39: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argie F - Lvl 275 (Argentavis)'! Day 6688, 17:28:24: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'New One - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 6688, 17:39:24: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame '222 - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon)'! Day 6688, 17:42:24: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stony - Lvl 138 (Doedicurus)'! Day 6688, 17:55:26: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 82 (Doedicurus)'! Day 6688, 17:58:52: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F140 - Lvl 223 (Doedicurus)'! Day 6688, 18:03:55: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F 140 - Lvl 211 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 6688, 18:05:26: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Imprinted 67 - Lvl 241 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 6688, 18:09:37: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shoulder - Lvl 230 (Vulture)'! Day 6688, 18:14:47: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F 150 - Lvl 222 (Sabertooth)'! Day 6688, 18:16:57: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M145-150 - Lvl 222 (Sabertooth)'! Day 6688, 18:41:13: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Milky way - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 6688, 18:53:03: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FFF - Lvl 247 (Ichthyosaurus)'! Day 6688, 19:00:08: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'eea - Lvl 127 (Tusoteuthis)'! Day 6688, 20:11:01: Legend - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Legend) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 394 (Achatina)'! Day 6745, 20:44:21: Stevo - Lvl 122 (Muggy Slutt) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F Breed - Lvl 224 (Vulture)'! Day 6745, 21:04:21: Stevo - Lvl 122 (Muggy Slutt) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MmM - Lvl 285 (Argentavis)'! Day 6745, 21:31:45: Stevo - Lvl 122 (Muggy Slutt) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F imprint - Lvl 136 (Ovis)'! Day 6773, 06:24:07: Stevo - Lvl 122 (Muggy Slutt) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Breed - Lvl 224 (Vulture)'! Day 6794, 13:25:46: Stevo - Lvl 122 (Muggy Slutt) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M -145 a fost lovit - Lvl 207 (Sarco)'! Day 6794, 13:55:34: Stevo - Lvl 122 (Muggy Slutt) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Ovis - Lvl 206 (Ovis)'! Day 6861, 11:59:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6861, 11:59:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6861, 11:59:27: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6861, 11:59:27: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6861, 11:59:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6861, 11:59:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6984, 14:28:53: Ovis - Lvl 58 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 7013, 07:56:52: Wortnik removed 'Angry Marines' Tribe from the vikings Alliance! Day 7013, 08:17:37: Maji removed 'The Free Men' Tribe from the vikings Alliance! Day 7043, 09:02:28: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7043, 09:02:28: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7135, 08:43:01: Fertilizer - Lvl 263 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 7195, 08:39:37: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 7324, 17:32:12: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7324, 17:32:12: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7493, 15:13:40: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7513, 05:31:20: Your Dodo - Lvl 218 (Dodo) was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 140! Day 7513, 05:36:30: Your Dodo - Lvl 243 (Dodo) was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 140! Day 7513, 05:40:25: Your Dodo - Lvl 236 (Dodo) was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 140! Day 7513, 05:41:35: Your M 145 - Lvl 244 (Dodo) was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 95! Day 7772, 05:39:42: Maji - Lvl 137 (The Free Men) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 398 (Achatina)'! Day 7772, 05:44:33: Maji - Lvl 137 (The Free Men) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 484 (Achatina)'! Day 7772, 05:45:40: Maji - Lvl 137 (The Free Men) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 342 (Achatina)'! Day 7772, 07:17:25: Maji - Lvl 137 (The Free Men) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 367 (Achatina)'! Day 7772, 07:26:03: Maji - Lvl 137 (The Free Men) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'POLIMER - Lvl 387 (Achatina)'! Day 7772, 07:54:43: Maji - Lvl 137 (The Free Men) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 350 (Achatina)'! Day 7772, 07:58:05: Maji - Lvl 137 (The Free Men) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 299 (Achatina)'! Day 9928, 08:57:09: Tribemember Andy Henry - Lvl 106 was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 50! Day 10393, 11:02:53: Your 130 - Lvl 194 (Sarco) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 95! Day 12820, 06:40:53: Pappy was removed from the Tribe! Day 12820, 06:40:53: Tribe Owner was changed to Andy Henry! Day 30945, 08:54:55: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Need FEMALE - Lvl 208 (Megalodon)'!"] "tribeid":1021009294,"tribe":"Tribe of Alsuperhero1 logs":["Day 9630, 08:51:07: Alsuperhero1 was added to the Tribe! Day 9630, 08:58:28: Muzz added 'Tribe of Alsuperhero1' Tribe to Lift home Alliance! Day 9630, 11:18:31: Alsuperhero1 froze Rock Drake - Lvl 274 (Rock Drake) Day 10914, 08:25:10: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Pteranodon F02 JKV - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon)'! Day 10914, 08:27:40: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Pteranodon F01 JKV - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 10914, 10:41:33: Alsuperhero1 uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon F01 JKV - Lvl 217 Day 10914, 10:42:07: Alsuperhero1 uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon F02 JKV - Lvl 229 Day 10914, 10:44:03: Alsuperhero1 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 13 (Snow Owl) Day 10916, 15:13:32: Alsuperhero1 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 15 (Snow Owl) Day 10946, 01:05:35: Alsuperhero1 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 195 (Snow Owl) Day 10970, 12:20:19: Tribemember Alsuperhero1 - Lvl 118 was killed! Day 10970, 17:14:30: Alsuperhero1 froze tris - Lvl 251 (Pteranodon) Day 10970, 21:13:19: Alsuperhero1 froze tris - Lvl 251 (Pteranodon) Day 10970, 21:18:52: Alsuperhero1 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 214 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11056, 23:34:16: Alsuperhero1 froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 189 (Tropeognathus) Day 13020, 10:42:04: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 13020, 10:59:31: Alsuperhero1 Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 13021, 02:22:59: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13021, 02:22:59: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13021, 02:24:27: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13021, 02:24:27: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13021, 02:24:27: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13021, 12:55:12: Alsuperhero1 Tamed a Morellatops - Lvl 37 (Morellatops)! Day 13021, 13:21:34: Alsuperhero1 froze Morellatops - Lvl 38 (Morellatops) Day 13022, 07:13:39: Alsuperhero1 Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 223 (Doedicurus)! Day 13023, 00:46:37: Alsuperhero1 Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 200 (Doedicurus)! Day 13023, 05:36:05: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 210 (Doedicurus)'! Day 13023, 05:51:00: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Neo - Lvl 210 (Doedicurus) Day 13026, 12:26:49: Juvenile Neo - Lvl 210 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 13031, 10:00:01: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 13032, 00:28:04: Alsuperhero1 froze StarLight - Lvl 99 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13032, 01:53:17: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 122 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 13032, 02:30:51: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13032, 08:28:39: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 122 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13032, 11:08:30: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13032, 13:00:24: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 122 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13032, 15:57:19: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13032, 16:21:12: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 122 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13032, 16:23:01: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 122 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13033, 03:49:40: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 122 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13033, 03:54:57: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 122 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13033, 03:59:02: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 122 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13033, 06:59:48: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 122 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13033, 07:01:27: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 122 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13033, 19:24:48: Alsuperhero1 froze Sun beam - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13034, 07:35:33: Tribemember Alsuperhero1 - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 13035, 07:02:53: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13035, 17:10:25: Dragon added 'Tribe of Alsuperhero1' Tribe to Boss Fight Alliance! Day 13035, 20:55:09: Alsuperhero1 froze Beo - Lvl 237 (Doedicurus) Day 13035, 22:52:15: Dragon added 'WolfPack' Tribe to Boss Fight Alliance! Day 13036, 03:07:30: Alsuperhero1 froze Beo - Lvl 237 (Doedicurus) Day 13036, 04:31:44: ArcticWolf removed 'WolfPack' Tribe from Boss Fight Alliance! Day 13036, 06:18:00: Dragon removed 'Droogn' Tribe from Boss Fight Alliance! Day 13036, 15:36:40: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 13036, 15:37:10: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 13036, 15:38:07: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 13036, 17:51:34: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Benny - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13036, 17:53:26: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Benny - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13036, 18:00:52: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Ralph - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13036, 20:16:55: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Benny - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13036, 20:18:45: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Benny - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13037, 02:12:11: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Ralph - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13037, 04:52:36: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 219 (Doedicurus)'! Day 13037, 06:02:48: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Clare - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13037, 06:16:54: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Benny - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13037, 06:18:34: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Benny - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13037, 07:22:18: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Rain breaker - Lvl 219 (Doedicurus) Day 13037, 07:24:02: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Rain breaker - Lvl 219 (Doedicurus) Day 13037, 08:02:15: Alsuperhero1 Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 134 (Vulture)! Day 13037, 08:41:56: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Ralph - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13037, 08:43:42: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Ralph - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13037, 13:18:27: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Benny - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13037, 13:19:59: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Benny - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13037, 13:21:36: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Benny - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13037, 15:05:01: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Clare - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13037, 15:07:56: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Clare - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13037, 15:44:44: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Ralph - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13037, 16:38:10: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Rain breaker - Lvl 219 (Doedicurus) Day 13037, 17:30:00: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Clare - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13037, 18:02:28: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Ralph - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13037, 18:04:54: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Ralph - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13037, 23:14:44: Alsuperhero1 froze Rain breaker - Lvl 219 (Doedicurus) Day 13038, 06:41:59: Alsuperhero1 froze Zoomy Zoom - Lvl 243 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 13038, 06:53:53: Alsuperhero1 froze Zoomy Zoom - Lvl 243 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 13038, 08:22:26: Alsuperhero1 downloaded a dino: Zoomy Zoom - Lvl 243 Day 13038, 08:24:35: Alsuperhero1 froze Zoomy Zoom - Lvl 243 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 13045, 15:27:12: Tribemember Alsuperhero1 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 13047, 19:32:50: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 144 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 13047, 19:38:57: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 144 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13048, 07:46:20: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 144 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13048, 12:39:27: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 144 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13048, 12:41:49: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 144 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13049, 06:17:51: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 144 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13049, 06:19:27: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 144 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13049, 16:50:29: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 146 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 13049, 17:07:35: Your Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 146 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by Alsuperhero1 - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Alsuperhero1)! Day 13049, 17:07:35: Your Tribe killed Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 146 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Alsuperhero1)! Day 13050, 14:15:03: Alsuperhero1 froze Zoomy Zoom - Lvl 243 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 13050, 16:24:31: Scully84 was added to the Tribe! Day 13050, 19:38:53: Scully84 was removed from the Tribe! Day 13050, 20:03:22: Alsuperhero1 froze Rain breaker - Lvl 256 (Doedicurus) Day 13051, 07:42:46: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile alsuperhero1 magma here - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 13051, 12:09:52: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile alsuperhero1 magma here - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 13051, 12:11:39: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile alsuperhero1 magma here - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 13051, 12:15:18: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile alsuperhero1 magma here - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 13051, 14:54:37: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile alsuperhero1 magma here - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 13051, 20:12:48: Your Morellatops - Lvl 56 (Morellatops) was killed by StarLight - Lvl 103 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Alsuperhero1)! Day 13051, 20:12:48: Your Tribe killed Morellatops - Lvl 56 (Morellatops) (Tribe of Alsuperhero1)! Day 13052, 08:59:39: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent alsuperhero1 magma here - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 13062, 01:32:05: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent alsuperhero1 magma here - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 13062, 01:39:31: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent alsuperhero1 magma here - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 13062, 06:35:08: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent alsuperhero1 magma here - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 13062, 06:38:01: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent alsuperhero1 magma here - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 13062, 06:41:39: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent alsuperhero1 magma here - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 13062, 07:33:25: Alsuperhero1 froze Zappers - Lvl 205 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13062, 08:50:24: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent alsuperhero1 magma here - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 13062, 09:41:11: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 167 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 13062, 09:57:42: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Leapers - Lvl 167 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13062, 11:05:23: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent alsuperhero1 magma here - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 13062, 12:58:11: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent alsuperhero1 magma here - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 13062, 14:49:54: Alsuperhero1 - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte Tribe. Day 13062, 14:50:45: Alsuperhero1 - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte Tribe. Day 13062, 14:51:18: Alsuperhero1 added 'Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte' Tribe to wyvern Alliance! Day 13063, 09:44:58: Alsuperhero1 froze Ralph - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13063, 09:49:43: Alsuperhero1 froze StarLight - Lvl 103 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13063, 11:48:02: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Leapers - Lvl 167 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13063, 15:09:48: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Leapers - Lvl 167 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13063, 23:29:40: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Leapers - Lvl 167 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13064, 02:45:19: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Leapers - Lvl 167 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13064, 03:13:19: Alsuperhero1 froze Ragnaros - Lvl 136 (Magmasaur) Day 13064, 08:17:37: Alsuperhero1 froze Ragnaros - Lvl 136 (Magmasaur) Day 13064, 09:30:08: Alsuperhero1 froze StarLight - Lvl 103 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13064, 11:26:54: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 130 (Magmasaur)'! Day 13064, 11:29:55: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 130 (Magmasaur) Day 13064, 11:48:02: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Leapers - Lvl 167 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13064, 12:19:02: Alsuperhero1 froze G.A.T.E - Lvl 144 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13064, 12:43:04: Alsuperhero1 froze G.A.T.E - Lvl 144 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13064, 13:36:26: Alsuperhero1 froze G.A.T.E - Lvl 144 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13064, 15:36:12: Alsuperhero1 unclaimed 'Clare - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 13064, 16:28:04: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Leapers - Lvl 167 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13064, 16:44:07: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 130 (Magmasaur) Day 13064, 16:46:18: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Leapers - Lvl 167 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13064, 16:59:29: Alsuperhero1 froze Ralph - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13064, 17:19:19: Alsuperhero1 froze Ralph - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13065, 09:03:28: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 130 (Magmasaur) Day 13065, 09:04:56: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Leapers - Lvl 167 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13066, 07:37:56: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 13066, 10:54:18: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 130 (Magmasaur) Day 13066, 10:56:18: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 130 (Magmasaur) Day 13066, 12:04:35: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13066, 12:57:54: Tribemember Alsuperhero1 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 13066, 13:15:09: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 130 (Magmasaur) Day 13066, 14:23:49: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13066, 15:02:43: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 130 (Magmasaur) Day 13066, 15:04:20: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13076, 07:42:37: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13076, 07:44:16: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13076, 08:32:33: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 130 (Magmasaur) Day 13076, 08:34:18: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 130 (Magmasaur) Day 13076, 10:50:49: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 130 (Magmasaur) Day 13076, 15:33:22: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 130 (Magmasaur) Day 13076, 17:54:14: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 130 (Magmasaur) Day 13076, 23:37:05: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13076, 23:41:35: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13077, 01:33:50: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 130 (Magmasaur) Day 13077, 01:37:49: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 130 (Magmasaur) Day 13077, 07:14:21: Alsuperhero1 froze G.A.T.E - Lvl 144 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13077, 08:18:51: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 13077, 09:14:35: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13077, 16:26:04: Alsuperhero1 froze Zappers - Lvl 244 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13078, 14:59:04: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Titanstrike - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13078, 15:04:23: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Titanstrike - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13078, 23:31:38: Alsuperhero1 froze StarLight - Lvl 103 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13079, 00:07:37: Alsuperhero1 froze Benny - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13079, 00:39:01: Alsuperhero1 froze Leapers - Lvl 172 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13079, 00:55:50: Alsuperhero1 froze Rain breaker - Lvl 263 (Doedicurus) Day 13079, 01:04:42: Alsuperhero1 froze Ragnaros - Lvl 146 (Magmasaur) Day 13079, 01:09:59: Alsuperhero1 froze Beo - Lvl 237 (Doedicurus) Day 13079, 01:14:25: Alsuperhero1 froze Geo - Lvl 200 (Doedicurus) Day 13079, 05:22:29: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Titanstrike - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13079, 06:47:19: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Titanstrike - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13079, 10:59:46: Tribemember Alsuperhero1 - Lvl 123 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 145! Day 13079, 14:01:16: Alsuperhero1 Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 217 (Megalodon)! Day 13079, 14:03:10: Alsuperhero1 froze Megalodon - Lvl 217 (Megalodon) Day 13079, 14:17:57: Alsuperhero1 froze Sun beam - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13080, 04:24:57: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Titanstrike - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13080, 04:29:10: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Titanstrike - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13080, 09:47:06: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Titanstrike - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13088, 00:27:41: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 161 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 13088, 01:20:31: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 161 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13088, 10:26:53: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Lucky - Lvl 161 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13088, 10:28:39: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Lucky - Lvl 161 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13088, 15:07:45: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Lucky - Lvl 161 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13089, 10:13:34: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Lucky - Lvl 161 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13089, 18:09:36: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 161 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 13089, 18:45:50: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 161 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13091, 11:19:30: Tribemember Alsuperhero1 - Lvl 123 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 145! Day 13091, 12:53:54: Tribemember Alsuperhero1 - Lvl 123 was killed by Zappers - Lvl 244 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Alsuperhero1)! Day 13091, 12:53:54: Your Tribe killed Alsuperhero1 - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Alsuperhero1)! Day 13091, 13:27:01: Alsuperhero1 froze Sun beam - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13091, 15:10:25: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 212 (Megalodon)! Day 13091, 15:13:43: Alsuperhero1 froze Megalodon - Lvl 212 (Megalodon) Day 13091, 15:19:04: Alsuperhero1 froze Zappers - Lvl 244 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13092, 04:29:05: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Baby Megalodon - Lvl 227 (Megalodon)'! Day 13092, 04:35:45: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Megalodon - Lvl 227 (Megalodon) Day 13093, 11:17:04: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Megalodon - Lvl 227 (Megalodon) Day 13093, 12:44:01: Alsuperhero1 froze N'zoth - Lvl 197 (Magmasaur) Day 13093, 15:05:11: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Megalodon - Lvl 227 (Megalodon) Day 13093, 16:33:09: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Megalodon - Lvl 227 (Megalodon) Day 13093, 16:37:02: Alsuperhero1 froze N'zoth - Lvl 200 (Magmasaur) Day 13093, 18:08:11: Alsuperhero1 froze N'zoth - Lvl 200 (Magmasaur) Day 13093, 20:46:56: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Megalodon - Lvl 227 (Megalodon) Day 13094, 05:51:27: Alsuperhero1 froze N'zoth - Lvl 200 (Magmasaur) Day 13094, 06:52:24: Alsuperhero1 froze M43H41 - Lvl 274 (Mantis) Day 13102, 22:21:53: Alsuperhero1 froze N'zoth - Lvl 200 (Magmasaur) Day 13104, 10:34:52: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13104, 10:34:52: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13104, 10:34:52: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13104, 11:35:01: Your Tribe Tamed a Dimetrodon - Lvl 82 (Dimetrodon)! Day 13104, 12:12:20: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 177 (Basilosaurus) Day 13104, 14:33:19: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 177 (Basilosaurus) Day 13108, 10:54:35: Tribemember Alsuperhero1 - Lvl 123 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 150! Day 13108, 12:14:37: Alsuperhero1 froze Titanstrike - Lvl 168 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13108, 14:31:21: Alsuperhero1 Tamed a Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)! Day 13108, 14:35:17: Alsuperhero1 froze Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 13116, 15:57:36: Alsuperhero1 Tamed a Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex)! Day 13116, 16:00:05: Alsuperhero1 froze Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 13116, 18:20:48: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex)'! Day 13117, 16:23:11: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Alex - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 13117, 17:03:14: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 87 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13117, 17:09:25: Alsuperhero1 froze Titanstrike - Lvl 187 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13117, 17:48:45: Alsuperhero1 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 87 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13126, 15:54:37: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13130, 21:47:14: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex)'! Day 13131, 16:55:12: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 13131, 23:17:20: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 13131, 23:22:49: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 13132, 06:11:01: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 13143, 05:32:15: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 220 (Rex)'! Day 13143, 05:32:56: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 220 (Rex)'! Day 13143, 05:33:22: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 220 (Rex)'! Day 13143, 14:42:55: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Uno - Lvl 220 (Rex) Day 13143, 14:56:20: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Dos - Lvl 220 (Rex) Day 13143, 20:20:45: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Tres - Lvl 220 (Rex) Day 13144, 02:37:59: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Uno - Lvl 220 (Rex) Day 13144, 06:43:55: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Tres - Lvl 220 (Rex) Day 13144, 06:48:59: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Uno - Lvl 220 (Rex) Day 13144, 06:50:44: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Uno - Lvl 220 (Rex) Day 13148, 01:23:23: Alsuperhero1 froze Uno - Lvl 220 (Rex) Day 13148, 01:28:04: Alsuperhero1 froze Dos - Lvl 220 (Rex) Day 13148, 01:34:40: Alsuperhero1 froze Alex - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 13148, 01:41:42: Alsuperhero1 froze Tres - Lvl 220 (Rex) Day 13148, 01:52:27: Alsuperhero1 froze Gwen - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 13205, 04:48:00: Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 13349, 05:48:27: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13349, 05:48:27: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13349, 05:48:27: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13529, 11:34:06: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13529, 11:34:06: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13529, 11:34:06: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13529, 11:34:06: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13636, 18:26:22: 's 'Alex - Lvl 222 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13636, 18:26:22: 's 'Ralph - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 14614, 18:43:41: Tribemember Alsuperhero1 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 14668, 05:22:15: Alsuperhero1 froze Jack - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 14712, 12:37:45: Alsuperhero1 froze Frost - Lvl 255 (Snow Owl) Day 14712, 12:39:48: Alsuperhero1 froze Frost - Lvl 255 (Snow Owl) Day 15838, 05:38:05: Alsuperhero1 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 229 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15841, 18:12:23: Alsuperhero1 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 241 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15953, 09:00:31: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 15953, 13:28:35: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 15953, 16:11:06: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 15953, 18:33:35: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 15953, 21:41:36: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 15954, 02:55:15: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 15954, 03:00:18: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 15954, 03:29:27: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 15954, 08:55:41: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 15954, 08:57:38: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 15954, 09:02:59: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 15954, 11:19:07: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 15954, 11:25:41: Alsuperhero1 froze Mad Lad - Lvl 246 (Maewing) Day 15954, 11:32:17: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 15954, 11:34:41: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 15954, 11:51:12: Alsuperhero1 froze Dr. Hoo - Lvl 265 (R-Snow Owl) Day 15982, 10:50:48: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby R-Reaper King - Lvl 175 (R-Reaper King) Day 15982, 15:28:55: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile R-Reaper King - Lvl 175 (R-Reaper King) Day 15983, 01:47:41: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 175 (R-Reaper King) Day 15983, 01:52:46: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 175 (R-Reaper King) Day 15983, 13:11:43: Alsuperhero1 froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 175 (R-Reaper King) Day 15983, 13:37:37: Alsuperhero1 froze Dr. Hoo - Lvl 265 (R-Snow Owl) Day 16012, 00:47:35: Alsuperhero1 froze Lightning - Lvl 239 (R-Reaper King) Day 16012, 07:05:28: Alsuperhero1 froze Dr. Hoo - Lvl 295 (R-Snow Owl) Day 16033, 19:26:45: Alsuperhero1 froze Vanilla ice - Lvl 221 (Managarmr) Day 16060, 13:32:27: Alsuperhero1 froze Coca-Cola - Lvl 270 (R-Snow Owl) Day 16092, 08:23:12: Alsuperhero1 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 231 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16106, 18:35:39: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Moschops - Lvl 195 (Moschops) Day 16107, 11:10:21: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Moschops - Lvl 195 (Moschops) Day 16107, 11:13:02: Alsuperhero1 froze Ma boi - Lvl 204 (Maewing) Day 16134, 12:55:10: Alsuperhero1 froze Chomp - Lvl 254 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16134, 15:22:59: Alsuperhero1 froze red white n' blue - Lvl 251 (R-Snow Owl) Day 16134, 15:36:13: Alsuperhero1 froze Otto von Bismarck - Lvl 87 (Otter) Day 16176, 16:21:15: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Voidwyrm - Lvl 254 (Voidwyrm) Day 16177, 11:25:10: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Voidwyrm - Lvl 254 (Voidwyrm) Day 16177, 18:32:25: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Voidwyrm - Lvl 254 (Voidwyrm) Day 16177, 18:41:54: Alsuperhero1 froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 338 (Voidwyrm)"] "tribeid":1020981583,"tribe":"Angry Marines logs":["Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39514, 17:06:28: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39514, 17:06:28: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39514, 17:06:28: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39514, 17:06:28: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39514, 17:06:28: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39514, 17:06:28: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39514, 17:06:28: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39514, 17:06:28: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39514, 17:06:28: Your 'Metal Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39514, 17:06:28: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39514, 17:06:28: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39514, 17:06:28: Your 'Metal Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39800, 13:32:16: Your 'Tek Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41125, 12:51:05: Console Peasant Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 41125, 23:25:24: Your Ptrippy - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 150! Day 41126, 06:26:05: Console Peasant Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 41126, 12:21:39: Tribemember Console Peasant - Lvl 162 was killed! Day 41137, 23:13:08: Console Peasant Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 209 (Triceratops)! Day 41143, 21:23:23: Tribemember Luxy Stunning Queen of Server - Lvl 160 was killed! Day 41150, 02:34:58: Tribemember Console Peasant - Lvl 162 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 41150, 05:22:19: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 41150, 14:50:39: Tribemember Console Peasant - Lvl 162 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 90! Day 41150, 23:10:25: Console Peasant froze Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) Day 41150, 23:17:02: Console Peasant froze Lucy - Lvl 213 (Triceratops) Day 41151, 00:12:35: Console Peasant froze Thing 1 - Lvl 329 (Basilisk) Day 41162, 09:10:57: Console Peasant froze Lucy - Lvl 213 (Triceratops) Day 41162, 15:52:22: Console Peasant Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 41162, 16:00:44: Console Peasant froze Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon) Day 41162, 16:25:23: Tribemember Console Peasant - Lvl 162 was killed! Day 41162, 17:33:04: Console Peasant froze Fill - Lvl 319 (Basilisk) Day 41162, 23:49:02: Console Peasant froze Pteranodon - Lvl 250 (Pteranodon) Day 41292, 08:14:43: Tribemember MetalRooster - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 41324, 07:24:07: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41371, 21:31:15: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41728, 17:57:56: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41728, 17:57:56: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41728, 17:57:56: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41728, 17:57:56: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41728, 17:57:56: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41728, 17:57:56: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41800, 05:36:01: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41800, 05:36:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41800, 05:36:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41800, 05:36:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41800, 05:36:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41887, 14:45:01: Console Peasant's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 250 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 41887, 14:45:01: Console Peasant's 'Thing 1 - Lvl 329 (Basilisk)' died in a Cryopod! Day 43102, 09:19:32: THE MAN - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Munin - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 43102, 09:33:16: THE MAN - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lucy - Lvl 236 (Triceratops)'! Day 44038, 15:43:22: Your 'Cryofridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44110, 03:15:26: Your 'Tek Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44110, 03:15:26: Your 'Tek Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44408, 19:26:52: Tribemember Console Peasant - Lvl 162 was killed!"] "tribeid":1436484376,"tribe":"Underwhelming Potato" "tribeid":1150704057,"tribe":"Nomade" "tribeid":1382397458,"tribe":"Familia" "tribeid":783715318,"tribe":"romanae3" "tribeid":1700560037,"tribe":"yeet" "tribeid":1913886821,"tribe":"Tribe of Falconeux" "tribeid":1028509249,"tribe":"Tribe of Legend" "tribeid":1531318638,"tribe":"PartySwine" "tribeid":628849534,"tribe":"EcStAsY" "tribeid":1513776214,"tribe":"Wigglerrr" "tribeid":508178022,"tribe":"GetroffenDodos" "tribeid":212366623,"tribe":"Tribe of reta" "tribeid":494809371,"tribe":"Tribe of sploinart" "tribeid":974064304,"tribe":"Tribe of DANIEL" "tribeid":431998064,"tribe":"Tribe of 도적" "tribeid":907052983,"tribe":"Tribe of Человек" "tribeid":1219369227,"tribe":"Rugrats" "tribeid":1740789596,"tribe":"lil rapers" "tribeid":2208413,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":459685642,"tribe":"Tribe of DustbinBeaver" "tribeid":467400811,"tribe":"Tribe of Ryan Coleman" "tribeid":1267161346,"tribe":"Useless Noobs" "tribeid":445110406,"tribe":"Tribe of Benjo Kazooie" "tribeid":262878993,"tribe":"Tribe of pussycrusher" "tribeid":1391483029,"tribe":"Poseidon's Legacy - ADMIN" "tribeid":1324938675,"tribe":"Explorers" "tribeid":829142262,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":784522909,"tribe":"Tribe of IRIS" "tribeid":25982889,"tribe":"Tribe of Murv" "tribeid":19666742,"tribe":"Tribe of pocky" "tribeid":1409339784,"tribe":"18+ only ;)" "tribeid":802726525,"tribe":"Tribe of hs4sd" "tribeid":363453435,"tribe":"Tribe of Kirito" "tribeid":271895084,"tribe":"Tribe of SpringyColt" "tribeid":31605048,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":404118618,"tribe":"Tribe of Master" "tribeid":100698344,"tribe":"Tribe of Humano" "tribeid":554613803,"tribe":"Tribe of Humano" "tribeid":434952839,"tribe":"Tribe of 人类" "tribeid":202237153,"tribe":"Tribe of HumanScum" "tribeid":80342784,"tribe":"Tribe of slap1970" "tribeid":765685416,"tribe":"Tribe of Edgr" "tribeid":751053078,"tribe":"Tribe of Bobson" "tribeid":364823475,"tribe":"Tribe of Peterz" "tribeid":540338806,"tribe":"Tribe of Aiko" "tribeid":731458877,"tribe":"Tribe of m85y" "tribeid":243556242,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":790189382,"tribe":"Tribe of m3allem" "tribeid":555665339,"tribe":"Tribe of wdw" "tribeid":14636004,"tribe":"Tribe of FlyHigh" "tribeid":875294097,"tribe":"Tribe of Bebo" "tribeid":970634729,"tribe":"Tribe of ewewewe" "tribeid":803368907,"tribe":"Tribe of DurkaDurka" "tribeid":825705244,"tribe":"Tribe of Strangestalker" "tribeid":860237616,"tribe":"Tribe of Renners" "tribeid":615196833,"tribe":"Tribe of Steeley" "tribeid":633600194,"tribe":"Tribe of Namuh" "tribeid":515679446,"tribe":"Tribe of Lupo" "tribeid":656113169,"tribe":"Tribe of Ragman" "tribeid":873622630,"tribe":"Tribe of jes" "tribeid":370843012,"tribe":"Tribe of Hijynx" "tribeid":689337491,"tribe":"Tribe of Micc" "tribeid":501748315,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":847319294,"tribe":"Tribe of 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"tribeid":510574725,"tribe":"Tribe of Ginja" "tribeid":226409336,"tribe":"Tribe of aaaaaa" "tribeid":777033596,"tribe":"Tribe of Samurai" "tribeid":784735976,"tribe":"Tribe of Raven" "tribeid":805142716,"tribe":"Tribe of Alpha Frog" "tribeid":331814839,"tribe":"Tribe of StRiCtLy" "tribeid":579451987,"tribe":"Tribe of Toto" "tribeid":542003492,"tribe":"Tribe of DeathKillerMMV" "tribeid":771105188,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":588745439,"tribe":"Tribe of Dragon" "tribeid":923373036,"tribe":"Tribe of Silent" "tribeid":35903437,"tribe":"Tribe of CAVAN" "tribeid":514944575,"tribe":"Tribe of greg" "tribeid":6136500,"tribe":"Tribe of StoutyXx2006" "tribeid":756289442,"tribe":"Tribe of Brookyboi" "tribeid":748730673,"tribe":"Tribe of adam" "tribeid":85239411,"tribe":"Tribe of sas!" "tribeid":787324743,"tribe":"Tribe of bob marley" "tribeid":820947202,"tribe":"Tribe of Im new" "tribeid":934204347,"tribe":"Tribe of Aaron" "tribeid":609464651,"tribe":"Tribe of cc" "tribeid":672098675,"tribe":"Tribe of Golucki" "tribeid":885246241,"tribe":"Tribe of Lebvii" "tribeid":444506573,"tribe":"Tribe of gab" "tribeid":524303997,"tribe":"Tribe of Lazer" "tribeid":762270729,"tribe":"Tribe of Humain" "tribeid":777157527,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":145028665,"tribe":"Tribe of Mens" "tribeid":265969889,"tribe":"Tribe of bigd" "tribeid":975359692,"tribe":"Tribe of gooba" "tribeid":308092566,"tribe":"Tribe of EASYDEE" "tribeid":371538862,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":426318316,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":71713095,"tribe":"Tribe of Vintage" "tribeid":804505527,"tribe":"Tribe of Conrad" "tribeid":263788569,"tribe":"Tribe of yngvar5f" "tribeid":249478218,"tribe":"Tribe of Umano" "tribeid":790626786,"tribe":"Tribe of Piripak" "tribeid":852447702,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":996043715,"tribe":"Tribe of BEX" "tribeid":676991416,"tribe":"Tribe of karolis" "tribeid":482867366,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":228410686,"tribe":"Tribe of Frost" "tribeid":600941470,"tribe":"Tribe of FINALLTONARKAFTER2YEARS" "tribeid":850219430,"tribe":"Tribe of Typho_JEM" "tribeid":733964048,"tribe":"Tribe of Humadidi" "tribeid":994553410,"tribe":"Tribe of Bog" "tribeid":990583324,"tribe":"Tribe of Bozza" "tribeid":316137566,"tribe":"Tribe of geoff" "tribeid":693034449,"tribe":"Tribe of Hog Rider" "tribeid":798781888,"tribe":"Tribe of Hoppi" "tribeid":984182864,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":379178440,"tribe":"Tribe of A2" "tribeid":943864074,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":138956249,"tribe":"Tribe of bob" "tribeid":501384759,"tribe":"Tribe of 123" "tribeid":938319230,"tribe":"Tribe of King" "tribeid":623609995,"tribe":"Tribe of M1NDL3SS" "tribeid":612117642,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":140067699,"tribe":"Tribe of anna (im friendly)" "tribeid":508161114,"tribe":"Tribe of Bob el techos" "tribeid":167503716,"tribe":"Tribe of mini" "tribeid":56114567,"tribe":"Tribe of PaleoNerd" "tribeid":370586863,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":417602214,"tribe":"Tribe of leon" "tribeid":936135167,"tribe":"Tribe of venturoustomb" "tribeid":839759649,"tribe":"Tribe of off" "tribeid":916893275,"tribe":"Tribe of S I M A S" "tribeid":11153881,"tribe":"Tribe of yeon" "tribeid":443267411,"tribe":"Tribe of Humain" "tribeid":263310557,"tribe":"Tribe of OogieBoogie" "tribeid":308822305,"tribe":"Tribe of хард плей" "tribeid":773802713,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":724067953,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":361830048,"tribe":"Tribe of PoOLeY" "tribeid":414600704,"tribe":"Tribe of pac" "tribeid":889176822,"tribe":"Tribe of Gnome" "tribeid":821228165,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":681566266,"tribe":"Tribe of 인간" "tribeid":640475721,"tribe":"Tribe of TheRizz" "tribeid":828221234,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":686517069,"tribe":"Tribe of bigbikes" "tribeid":995361682,"tribe":"Tribe of bROKN" "tribeid":281695649,"tribe":"Tribe of 人类" "tribeid":344587945,"tribe":"Tribe of ECKO911" "tribeid":59259223,"tribe":"Tribe of ark" "tribeid":93894842,"tribe":"Tribe of Humano" "tribeid":846862748,"tribe":"Tribe of Takashi" "tribeid":738019317,"tribe":"Tribe of Umano" "tribeid":331904126,"tribe":"Tribe of Humano" "tribeid":862042767,"tribe":"Tribe of Chewbie" "tribeid":954355497,"tribe":"Tribe of Reivajj89" "tribeid":663654189,"tribe":"Tribe of Horse Piss in my arms" "tribeid":221594702,"tribe":"Tribe of jan" "tribeid":989636455,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":284179833,"tribe":"Tribe of ItsDice." "tribeid":315068859,"tribe":"Tribe of jesus" "tribeid":890435303,"tribe":"Tribe of SAMET" "tribeid":29830837,"tribe":"Tribe of Robert" "tribeid":387857071,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":102300153,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":916975074,"tribe":"Tribe of Mensch" "tribeid":434260094,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":130477742,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":510919820,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":732786486,"tribe":"Tribe of Brocas" "tribeid":211218385,"tribe":"Tribe of Azure" "tribeid":481133271,"tribe":"Tribe of 人类嗨2" "tribeid":11664690,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":227831686,"tribe":"Tribe of MauHard" "tribeid":818056664,"tribe":"Tribe of Человек" "tribeid":762599859,"tribe":"Tribe of Mensch" "tribeid":674287668,"tribe":"Tribe of Humano" "tribeid":654277749,"tribe":"Tribe of enano" "tribeid":721683984,"tribe":"Tribe of Elvensky" "tribeid":356775762,"tribe":"Tribe of Slendie" "tribeid":368488539,"tribe":"Tribe of İnsan" "tribeid":854115319,"tribe":"Tribe of ПОМИДОР 228" "tribeid":285532531,"tribe":"Tribe of Teriyaki" "tribeid":1915445227,"tribe":"Los Pollos Hermanos logs":["Day 22137, 22:56:01: Aeinzel was added to the Tribe! Day 22138, 00:32:44: Tribemember Aeinzel - Lvl 2 was killed! Day 22138, 03:18:29: Tribemember Aeinzel - Lvl 4 was killed! Day 22138, 06:19:44: Tribemember Aeinzel - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 22138, 06:40:59: Tribemember Aeinzel - Lvl 6 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 90! Day 22138, 07:30:57: Tribemember Aeinzel - Lvl 6 was killed!"] "tribeid":1914238715,"tribe":"Lithium logs":["Day 32594, 05:12:10: Lillith was added to the Tribe! Day 32594, 08:16:48: SlamDunk was added to the Tribe by Lillith! Day 32594, 15:27:39: Lillith Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 209 (Dodo)! Day 32595, 17:12:36: Tribemember Lillith - Lvl 25 was killed! Day 32595, 17:13:21: Tribemember SlamDunk - Lvl 15 was killed! Day 32617, 11:51:46: SlamDunk Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops)! Day 32618, 05:39:04: Lillith Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 242 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 32618, 07:41:30: SlamDunk Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 196 (Pteranodon)! Day 32618, 16:16:15: Tribemember Lillith - Lvl 47 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 32619, 03:57:45: Your Pepper - Lvl 196 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 32619, 05:20:37: Your Rawrsputin - Lvl 37 (Moschops) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 32619, 06:18:35: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 32619, 06:18:35: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 32619, 06:18:35: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 32619, 06:19:39: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 32619, 06:19:39: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 32619, 06:28:00: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 32619, 06:28:00: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 32619, 06:29:43: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 32619, 06:29:46: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 32619, 06:29:52: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 32619, 06:29:52: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 32619, 06:32:30: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 32619, 06:36:30: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 32619, 06:37:06: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 32619, 06:37:06: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was destroyed! Day 32619, 06:39:17: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 32619, 12:47:05: Lillith Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon)! Day 32643, 21:23:41: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon)! Day 32643, 21:56:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon)! Day 32643, 22:37:20: Lillith Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 32644, 01:28:30: Tribemember Lillith - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 32644, 05:28:49: Tribemember Lillith - Lvl 63 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 140! Day 32644, 10:54:22: Your Canoe (Canoe) was destroyed! Day 32666, 15:21:24: Lillith Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon)! Day 32667, 13:23:48: Lillith claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon)'! Day 32667, 18:27:14: Lillith froze Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon) Day 32668, 01:30:47: Tribemember SlamDunk - Lvl 44 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 32668, 02:13:23: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 245 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 32668, 02:13:38: Tribemember Lillith - Lvl 68 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 32736, 09:10:58: Lillith froze Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) Day 32736, 09:40:39: Lillith froze Pteranodon - Lvl 233 (Pteranodon) Day 32737, 08:14:59: Lillith downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 209 Day 32737, 08:15:32: Lillith downloaded a dino: Celine - Lvl 223 Day 32738, 11:08:04: Lillith froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon) Day 32749, 05:19:03: Lillith demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 32749, 05:22:53: Lillith demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 32750, 21:10:24: Lillith demolished a 'Wood Ladder'! Day 32751, 00:17:12: Lillith Tamed an Equus - Lvl 209 (Equus)! Day 32751, 00:56:33: Lillith froze Equus - Lvl 209 (Equus) Day 32759, 18:12:05: Lillith demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 32759, 18:31:18: Lillith froze Equus - Lvl 213 (Equus) Day 32759, 19:40:54: Lillith demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 32759, 19:41:44: Lillith demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 32759, 19:42:27: Lillith demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 32980, 15:05:51: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33064, 01:34:47: Vixie - Lvl 13 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 33122, 10:41:48: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33398, 18:11:06: Tribemember Lillith - Lvl 88 was killed! Day 33398, 18:33:14: Tribemember SlamDunk - Lvl 44 was killed! Day 33412, 22:25:29: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Garuda - Lvl 218 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 33412, 22:26:20: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Celine - Lvl 256 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 33412, 22:38:32: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33412, 22:43:57: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 268 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 33412, 22:48:41: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Donald - Lvl 218 (Dodo)'! Day 33465, 18:41:27: haythem - Lvl 127 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 213 (Equus)'! Day 33465, 18:43:24: haythem - Lvl 127 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 231 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33465, 18:47:18: haythem - Lvl 127 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 236 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33642, 02:54:13: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33996, 11:39:32: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1910463370,"tribe":"Gawk Clan logs":["Day 32469, 02:36:08: TDrizzy was added to the Tribe! Day 32469, 02:49:27: Sully was added to the Tribe by TDrizzy! Day 32469, 03:34:11: TDrizzy demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 32469, 04:42:21: Tribemember Sully - Lvl 6 was killed by TDrizzy - Lvl 11 (Gawk Clan)! Day 32469, 04:42:21: Your Tribe killed Sully - Lvl 6 (Gawk Clan)! Day 32469, 05:44:47: Tribemember Sully - Lvl 7 was killed by TDrizzy - Lvl 13 (Gawk Clan)! Day 32469, 05:44:47: Your Tribe killed Sully - Lvl 7 (Gawk Clan)! Day 32469, 05:57:36: Tribemember Sully - Lvl 7 was killed by TDrizzy - Lvl 13 (Gawk Clan)! Day 32469, 05:57:36: Your Tribe killed Sully - Lvl 7 (Gawk Clan)! Day 32469, 07:39:26: Tribemember Sully - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 32469, 07:51:51: Tribemember Sully - Lvl 7 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 25! Day 32626, 03:47:48: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32767, 20:58:01: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34310, 09:37:49: Tribemember TDrizzy - Lvl 13 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 34316, 02:29:28: Tribe Owner was changed to Sully!"] "tribeid":1909918705,"tribe":"Kryształowa Pogarda logs":["Day 26443, 14:22:09: Penta was added to the Tribe! Day 26443, 14:26:14: Tribe of Kotama tribe was merged in by Kotama! Day 26443, 14:26:14: Kotama was added to the Tribe by Penta! Day 26443, 16:45:16: Penta Tamed an Equus - Lvl 217 (Equus)! Day 26443, 17:01:42: Penta Tamed an Equus - Lvl 22 (Equus)! Day 26443, 18:43:33: Tribemember Kotama - Lvl 7 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 135! Day 26443, 19:07:21: Penta uploaded a Equus: Stiepan - Lvl 219 Day 26443, 19:14:06: Kotama was removed from the Tribe! Day 27117, 12:13:47: Your Equus - Lvl 22 (Equus) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 95! Day 28779, 11:39:08: Penta Tamed an Equus - Lvl 142 (Equus)! Day 28914, 10:53:44: Tribemember Penta - Lvl 43 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 28914, 11:00:33: Your Equus - Lvl 146 (Equus) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 28915, 18:36:56: Tribemember Penta - Lvl 43 was killed!"] "tribeid":1909688624,"tribe":"LOL logs":["Day 18039, 09:58:19: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac was added to the Tribe! Day 18051, 05:46:53: Your Moschops - Lvl 225 (Moschops) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 25! Day 18060, 02:37:12: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 198 (Mesopithecus)! Day 18060, 10:13:09: Your Parasaur - Lvl 211 (Parasaur) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 18060, 12:23:20: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 18060, 17:17:51: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 154 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 90! Day 18060, 17:25:58: Tribemember Evelynn - Agony's Embrac - Lvl 118 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 140! Day 18146, 05:19:59: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18205, 03:24:20: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 27 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 95! Day 18222, 15:37:55: Tribemember Evelynn - Agony's Embrac - Lvl 118 was killed! Day 18222, 16:48:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 18229, 08:33:37: Tribemember Evelynn - Agony's Embrac - Lvl 118 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 140! Day 18388, 01:06:19: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac was removed from the Tribe! Day 18398, 13:12:57: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 18398, 21:33:07: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 18398, 21:42:49: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 18445, 13:57:56: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18445, 13:57:56: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18770, 07:41:04: Your Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 19236, 03:26:52: Your Mesopithecus - Lvl 198 (Mesopithecus) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 140! Day 19245, 15:19:09: julie - Lvl 153 (The Eerie Meanions) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 91 (Pteranodon)'!"] "tribeid":1909152212,"tribe":"Tribe of The survivor logs":["Day 22114, 09:45:56: The survivor was added to the Tribe! Day 22114, 10:23:04: The survivor froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 290 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22114, 12:04:42: The survivor froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22209, 20:42:02: spakkatron400 was added to the Tribe by The survivor! Day 22210, 00:09:55: spakkatron400 froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22210, 03:00:03: The survivor froze Neybean - Lvl 242 (Poison Wyvern) Day 22211, 08:04:12: The survivor froze Neybean - Lvl 242 (Poison Wyvern) Day 22211, 08:11:55: spakkatron400 froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22211, 09:03:02: The survivor froze Good melle breeder - Lvl 306 (Velonasaur) Day 22211, 10:31:42: The survivor froze Good melle breeder - Lvl 306 (Velonasaur) Day 22211, 12:44:02: spakkatron400 froze USE - Lvl 281 (Rex) Day 22211, 13:10:33: spakkatron400 froze USE - Lvl 281 (Rex) Day 22211, 13:10:53: The survivor froze Good melle breeder - Lvl 307 (Velonasaur) Day 22211, 13:51:46: Tribemember The survivor - Lvl 121 was killed by an Iceworm Queen - Lvl 20! Day 22211, 13:55:55: Tribemember spakkatron400 - Lvl 77 was killed by an Iceworm Queen - Lvl 20! Day 22211, 14:11:34: Tribemember The survivor - Lvl 121 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 90! Day 22259, 16:49:39: The survivor froze Neybean v2 - Lvl 247 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22272, 09:36:28: The survivor Tamed a Procoptodon - Lvl 202 (Procoptodon)! Day 22272, 11:00:55: The survivor froze Procoptodon - Lvl 202 (Procoptodon) Day 22272, 11:49:52: The survivor froze Neybean v2 - Lvl 265 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22374, 06:21:25: The survivor froze Neybean v2 - Lvl 283 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22374, 06:32:20: The survivor froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 253 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22374, 09:53:02: The survivor froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 255 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22374, 13:27:47: The survivor froze Neybean v2 - Lvl 283 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22375, 06:44:13: spakkatron400 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 249 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22375, 07:48:49: The survivor froze Neybean v2 - Lvl 284 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22375, 07:50:05: spakkatron400 froze gal wyv1 - Lvl 205 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22375, 08:21:49: spakkatron400 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 249 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22375, 08:36:07: The survivor froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 255 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22375, 08:36:10: spakkatron400 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 249 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22375, 10:25:24: The survivor froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 256 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22375, 10:26:36: spakkatron400 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 250 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22375, 11:16:45: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 183 (Sinomacrops) was killed by an Iceworm Queen - Lvl 20! Day 22375, 11:58:51: The survivor froze Use - Lvl 295 (Rex) Day 22375, 12:37:47: The survivor froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 256 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22375, 12:40:21: spakkatron400 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 250 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22375, 13:12:15: spakkatron400 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 250 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22375, 13:40:55: The survivor froze gal wyv1 - Lvl 205 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22375, 14:23:42: spakkatron400 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 250 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22375, 16:28:27: spakkatron400 froze gal wyv1 - Lvl 205 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22375, 17:10:13: The survivor froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 257 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22375, 17:22:13: spakkatron400 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 250 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22375, 18:18:25: spakkatron400 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 250 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22375, 18:18:52: The survivor froze Neybean v2 - Lvl 284 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22375, 18:36:02: spakkatron400 uploaded a R-Thylacoleo: R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 250 Day 22375, 18:45:17: spakkatron400 downloaded a dino: R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 250 Day 22375, 18:49:36: spakkatron400 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 250 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22375, 19:04:50: spakkatron400 froze gal wyv1 - Lvl 205 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22391, 00:37:32: The survivor froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 242 (Poison Wyvern) Day 23445, 16:09:43: Your 'Large Metal Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1903654232,"tribe":"Night Wing logs":["Day 28009, 05:02:55: LUNA.MS was added to the Tribe! Day 28009, 05:19:14: LUNA.MS downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 97 Day 28009, 05:19:53: LUNA.MS downloaded a dino: Parasaur - Lvl 80 Day 28009, 09:16:25: LUNA.MS uploaded a Parasaur: Parasaur - Lvl 80 Day 28009, 09:17:13: LUNA.MS uploaded a Maewing: Maewing - Lvl 97 Day 28010, 03:22:14: Desmond was added to the Tribe by LUNA.MS! Day 28010, 03:38:59: LUNA.MS downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 108 Day 28010, 03:39:50: LUNA.MS downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 34 Day 28010, 03:40:32: LUNA.MS downloaded a dino: Parasaur - Lvl 83 Day 28010, 05:01:21: BFG was added to the Tribe by LUNA.MS! Day 28010, 05:28:37: Tribemember Desmond - Lvl 7 was killed by LUNA.MS - Lvl 61 (Night Wing)! Day 28010, 05:28:37: Your Tribe killed Desmond - Lvl 7 (Night Wing)! Day 28010, 08:33:35: BFG claimed 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 28011, 07:55:11: LUNA.MS claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 28011, 09:20:11: LUNA.MS claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus)'! Day 28011, 09:28:41: LUNA.MS demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 28011, 09:31:00: LUNA.MS demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 28011, 09:39:17: LUNA.MS demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 28011, 13:58:09: Tribemember Desmond - Lvl 18 was killed by BFG - Lvl 40 (Night Wing)! Day 28011, 13:58:09: Your Tribe killed Desmond - Lvl 18 (Night Wing)! Day 28011, 15:29:25: BFG claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 28011, 15:32:53: BFG demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 28011, 15:34:03: BFG demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 28011, 15:36:37: BFG demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 28011, 15:49:58: BFG demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 28011, 15:56:10: BFG demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 28013, 09:21:33: BFG Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 194 (Triceratops)! Day 28014, 15:03:35: BFG uploaded a Maewing: Maewing - Lvl 51 Day 28015, 03:30:06: BFG downloaded a dino: Otter - Lvl 14 Day 28015, 03:32:38: Your Otter - Lvl 14 (Otter) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 140! Day 28015, 05:23:45: LUNA.MS uploaded a Maewing: Maewing - Lvl 112 Day 28017, 07:46:58: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28032, 23:45:43: LUNA.MS downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 131 Day 28038, 05:44:43: BFG Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 28038, 08:10:19: Tribemember BFG - Lvl 76 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 140! Day 28038, 08:52:52: Tribemember BFG - Lvl 76 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 130! Day 28038, 14:55:24: BFG Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 28041, 08:06:25: Tribemember BFG - Lvl 78 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 28041, 08:30:52: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 193 (Argentavis)! Day 28042, 06:42:20: BFG claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 28043, 12:19:06: BFG claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 28056, 08:35:35: LUNA.MS uploaded a Maewing: Maewing - Lvl 133 Day 28056, 08:37:25: LUNA.MS uploaded a Deinonychus: Deinonychus - Lvl 171 Day 28059, 12:18:19: LUNA.MS downloaded a dino: Argentavis - Lvl 46 Day 28059, 19:46:55: LUNA.MS uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 51 Day 28062, 06:17:41: Your Parasaur - Lvl 96 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 145! Day 28065, 02:34:44: Tribemember BFG - Lvl 83 was killed! Day 28065, 03:38:48: Tribemember BFG - Lvl 83 was killed! Day 28065, 04:19:48: Tribemember BFG - Lvl 83 was killed! Day 28112, 13:46:10: Tribemember BFG - Lvl 83 was killed! Day 28112, 22:10:24: LUNA.MS downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 135 Day 28113, 04:15:13: Tribemember LUNA.MS - Lvl 82 was killed! Day 28113, 04:15:42: Your Maewing - Lvl 135 (Maewing) was killed! Day 28113, 06:02:20: LUNA.MS uploaded a Poison Wyvern: toxic cum - Lvl 174 Day 28114, 01:21:23: LUNA.MS downloaded a dino: toxic cum - Lvl 186 Day 28114, 21:18:02: Tribemember BFG - Lvl 90 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 28114, 23:41:02: Tribemember LUNA.MS - Lvl 85 was killed! Day 28263, 19:52:22: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28558, 13:01:19: Pteranodon - Lvl 33 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 28712, 02:08:34: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28722, 13:24:54: Human - Lvl 93 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 216 (Argentavis)'! Day 28722, 13:26:03: Human - Lvl 93 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 93 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28722, 13:27:25: Human - Lvl 93 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'winkies wang - Lvl 214 (Triceratops)'! Day 28722, 13:29:02: Human - Lvl 93 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'toxic cum - Lvl 186 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 28722, 13:30:28: Human - Lvl 93 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Moe lester - Lvl 233 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 28722, 13:32:30: Human - Lvl 93 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 28722, 13:34:09: Human - Lvl 93 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 52 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 28978, 09:10:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28993, 18:47:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29194, 15:40:58: Your 'Refining Forge (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29194, 15:41:01: Your 'Refining Forge (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29194, 15:41:04: Your 'Smithy (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29194, 17:17:08: Your 'Fabricator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29194, 17:29:46: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29194, 17:29:46: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29275, 20:25:37: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30420, 07:16:46: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 31417, 13:44:01: Tribe Owner was changed to Desmond!"] "tribeid":1899254952,"tribe":"Tribe of Fitz logs":["Day 44363, 16:50:35: Tatey was added to the Tribe! Day 44363, 16:53:39: DANVAN was added to the Tribe by Tatey! Day 44364, 03:27:22: Tribemember DANVAN - Lvl 18 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 145! Day 44364, 14:55:35: Tribemember DANVAN - Lvl 30 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 44364, 17:44:47: DANVAN demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 44364, 22:33:33: Tatey Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)! Day 44385, 06:44:31: Tatey Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops)! Day 44385, 06:46:48: Tatey Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 44386, 17:33:28: Tatey Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 82 (Doedicurus)! Day 44386, 18:56:19: DANVAN was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Tatey! Day 44387, 06:17:23: Tatey Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 217 (Carnotaurus)! Day 44387, 07:04:00: Stegosaurus - Lvl 60 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 44387, 07:05:29: Stegosaurus - Lvl 60 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 44387, 07:05:32: Stegosaurus - Lvl 60 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 44387, 07:07:05: Stegosaurus - Lvl 60 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 44387, 07:07:08: Stegosaurus - Lvl 60 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 44387, 07:08:41: Stegosaurus - Lvl 60 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 44387, 07:08:41: Stegosaurus - Lvl 60 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 44387, 11:11:46: Tatey Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 44387, 20:54:28: DANVAN Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 74 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 44388, 08:00:37: Tatey Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon)! Day 44388, 08:27:23: Tatey Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)! Day 44388, 22:51:01: Carnotaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Stone Water Tap (Locked) '! Day 44408, 04:17:20: Tribemember DANVAN - Lvl 63 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 85! Day 44408, 16:18:55: Rex - Lvl 85 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 44408, 16:18:55: Rex - Lvl 85 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 44408, 16:18:55: Rex - Lvl 85 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 44408, 16:18:55: Rex - Lvl 85 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 44408, 16:22:42: Rex - Lvl 85 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 44408, 16:22:42: Rex - Lvl 85 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 44408, 16:22:42: Rex - Lvl 85 destroyed your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe'! Day 44408, 16:24:25: Rex - Lvl 85 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 44408, 16:24:25: Rex - Lvl 85 destroyed your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe'! Day 44408, 16:24:25: Rex - Lvl 85 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 44408, 16:24:25: Rex - Lvl 85 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 44408, 17:41:21: Tribemember DANVAN - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 44422, 16:54:31: Your Tribe Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 216 (Phiomia)! Day 44422, 17:25:43: Raptor - Lvl 145 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 44422, 21:55:19: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 44429, 06:24:43: Tribemember DANVAN - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 44429, 14:40:18: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 201 (Triceratops)! Day 44431, 12:40:07: Tribemember DANVAN - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 44431, 18:39:35: Your Tribe Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 133 (Daeodon)! Day 44432, 05:58:18: Your Tribe Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 74 (Mammoth)! Day 44432, 06:35:05: DANVAN demolished a 'Campfire (Unlocked) '! Day 44432, 06:37:09: DANVAN demolished a 'Campfire (Unlocked) '! Day 44477, 00:24:59: DANVAN demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 44477, 00:28:44: DANVAN demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 44477, 00:59:56: DANVAN Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 201 (Castoroides)! Day 44480, 19:09:04: Your Tribe Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 182 (Baryonyx)! Day 44481, 06:34:03: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 134 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 44502, 08:01:50: Tatey froze Meat Taxi - Lvl 251 (Pteranodon) Day 44503, 00:19:15: Tatey downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 148 Day 44527, 09:18:00: Tatey froze Mammoth - Lvl 107 (Mammoth) Day 44527, 10:10:13: Tatey froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 267 (Carnotaurus) Day 44527, 11:22:12: Tatey froze Mammoth - Lvl 108 (Mammoth) Day 44527, 12:31:06: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 167 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 44527, 12:46:44: Tatey froze Mammoth - Lvl 110 (Mammoth) Day 44527, 14:43:56: Tatey froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 153 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 44527, 14:49:25: Tatey froze Baryonyx - Lvl 199 (Baryonyx) Day 44551, 05:44:34: Your Tribe Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 67 (Phiomia)!"] "tribeid":1899044483,"tribe":"Side Tracked logs":["Day 17598, 13:36:57: NeO froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17598, 14:25:59: NeO froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17598, 14:35:39: NeO froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17598, 14:37:29: NeO froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17598, 14:54:27: NeO froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex) Day 17598, 16:05:56: NeO froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17598, 16:41:43: NeO froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 192 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17598, 18:37:58: NeO froze Adolescent BLUE BACK - Lvl 193 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17598, 19:06:28: NeO froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 192 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17598, 19:43:34: NeO froze Adolescent BLUE BACK - Lvl 193 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17598, 20:32:29: NeO froze Adolescent BLUE BACK - Lvl 193 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17598, 20:39:58: NeO froze Adolescent Mama mk3 improved HP - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17598, 21:02:30: NeO froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17598, 21:15:50: NeO froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17598, 21:29:05: NeO froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17598, 21:59:05: NeO froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17598, 22:11:53: NeO froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17598, 22:55:58: NeO froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 192 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17598, 23:19:42: NeO froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17599, 01:31:34: NeO froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17599, 02:00:21: NeO froze Adolescent draconis - Lvl 195 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17599, 02:31:39: NeO froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17599, 02:50:04: NeO froze draconis - Lvl 195 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17599, 03:00:16: NeO froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 192 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17599, 03:13:03: NeO froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17599, 03:21:59: NeO froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 258 (Tek Rex) Day 17599, 03:37:31: NeO froze Tek Rex - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex) Day 17599, 04:37:20: NeO froze Adolescent Mama mk3 improved HP - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17599, 04:43:32: NeO froze Tek Rex - Lvl 258 (Tek Rex) Day 17599, 04:50:00: NeO froze Adolescent Mama mk3 improved HP - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17599, 05:00:33: NeO froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17599, 05:09:35: NeO froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 192 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17599, 05:16:55: NeO froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17599, 05:55:51: NeO froze Mama mk3 improved HP - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17599, 06:37:34: NeO froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17599, 06:48:58: NeO froze Oviraptor - Lvl 102 (Oviraptor) Day 17599, 06:55:00: NeO froze BLUE BACK - Lvl 193 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17599, 07:35:50: NeO froze Mama mk3 improved HP - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17623, 16:58:14: Tribemember Mianthra - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 17623, 23:37:45: Mianthra Tamed a Megalania - Lvl 194 (Megalania)! Day 17624, 00:20:17: Mianthra froze Stinky - Lvl 194 (Megalania) Day 17624, 00:22:29: Mianthra Tamed a Megalania - Lvl 82 (Megalania)! Day 17624, 00:33:40: Mianthra froze Drain - Lvl 82 (Megalania) Day 17624, 04:56:37: Mianthra froze Ghost - Lvl 292 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17624, 10:02:34: Mianthra Tamed a Megalania - Lvl 29 (Megalania)! Day 17624, 10:06:24: Mianthra froze Drain - Lvl 29 (Megalania) Day 17624, 11:56:47: Mianthra Tamed a Megalania - Lvl 74 (Megalania)! Day 17624, 11:59:52: Mianthra froze Drain 2 - Lvl 74 (Megalania) Day 17624, 12:25:33: Mianthra froze Ghost - Lvl 292 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17655, 06:38:12: NeO downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 157 Day 17655, 11:29:53: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 168 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 17655, 14:34:01: Mianthra froze Ghost - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17655, 16:56:26: NeO froze draconis II - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17655, 19:34:52: Mianthra Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 224 (Megalodon)! Day 17655, 19:46:07: NeO froze Fodder - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 17655, 19:53:28: NeO froze Rex - Lvl 224 (Megalodon) Day 17655, 21:32:50: Mianthra froze Ghost - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17656, 08:04:13: NeO froze draconis II - Lvl 272 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17656, 08:48:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 194 (Megalodon)! Day 17656, 08:58:38: NeO froze Megalodon - Lvl 194 (Megalodon) Day 17656, 16:19:25: NeO froze draconis II - Lvl 273 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17657, 02:15:19: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 224 (Megalodon)! Day 17657, 03:44:16: NeO froze Megalodon - Lvl 224 (Megalodon) Day 17657, 03:55:45: NeO froze Fodder - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 17657, 07:55:10: NeO froze draconis II - Lvl 273 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17657, 11:17:26: Mianthra froze Ghost - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17658, 17:42:38: NeO froze car 3 - Lvl 293 (Carbonemys) Day 17658, 17:43:21: Mianthra froze car 4 - Lvl 317 (Carbonemys) Day 17658, 17:48:16: NeO froze car 5 - Lvl 317 (Carbonemys) Day 17658, 17:53:51: Mianthra froze car 4 - Lvl 317 (Carbonemys) Day 17658, 18:14:04: Mianthra froze car 4 - Lvl 317 (Carbonemys) Day 17658, 18:30:33: Mianthra froze Ghost - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17658, 18:39:01: NeO froze draconis II - Lvl 274 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17658, 23:10:17: Tribemember NeO - Lvl 123 was killed by a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 20! Day 17658, 23:32:54: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 17659, 01:11:06: Tribemember NeO - Lvl 123 was killed by a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 145! Day 17659, 03:10:26: Mianthra froze Ghost - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17659, 05:28:11: Tribemember NeO - Lvl 123 was killed by a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 20! Day 17659, 06:18:26: NeO froze Managarmr - Lvl 283 (Managarmr) Day 17659, 07:51:11: NeO Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 17659, 07:54:44: NeO froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis) Day 17659, 08:17:28: Your car 3 - Lvl 293 (Carbonemys) was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 50! Day 17659, 09:10:24: NeO Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 194 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 17659, 09:25:19: NeO froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 194 (Tusoteuthis) Day 17659, 09:46:46: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 17659, 09:50:54: NeO froze car 5 - Lvl 317 (Carbonemys) Day 17659, 11:07:16: NeO froze draconis II - Lvl 274 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17659, 11:49:35: Mianthra froze Ghost - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17685, 09:28:23: NeO froze Adolescent Bassie - Lvl 202 (Basilosaurus) Day 17685, 17:35:13: NeO froze Adolescent Bassie - Lvl 202 (Basilosaurus) Day 17685, 17:38:04: NeO froze Adolescent Megalodon - Lvl 218 (Megalodon) Day 17685, 18:31:19: NeO froze draconis II - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17686, 04:30:57: BloWn36 froze PingYou - Lvl 289 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17692, 08:38:11: BloWn36 froze PingYou - Lvl 294 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17698, 20:11:44: NeO froze Adolescent Megalodon - Lvl 218 (Megalodon) Day 17699, 07:28:00: NeO froze Bassie - Lvl 226 (Basilosaurus) Day 17699, 09:44:59: NeO froze Bassie - Lvl 226 (Basilosaurus) Day 17699, 12:35:08: NeO froze Megalodon - Lvl 245 (Megalodon) Day 17699, 14:13:27: NeO froze Bassie - Lvl 233 (Basilosaurus) Day 17699, 14:25:10: NeO froze draconis II - Lvl 308 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17726, 05:39:16: Tribemember NeO - Lvl 123 was killed by a Woolly Rhino - Lvl 20! Day 17726, 09:46:07: NeO froze tweety - Lvl 285 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17726, 11:08:30: NeO froze tweety - Lvl 285 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17726, 16:57:22: NeO froze tweety - Lvl 286 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17726, 19:12:13: NeO froze SWIPE LEFT - Lvl 275 (Stegosaurus) Day 17726, 21:16:31: NeO Tamed a Woolly Rhino - Lvl 212 (Woolly Rhino)! Day 17726, 21:24:47: NeO froze hp 31 melee 28 - Lvl 212 (Woolly Rhino) Day 17726, 23:36:56: NeO froze tweety - Lvl 286 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17727, 01:27:06: NeO froze tweety - Lvl 286 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17727, 03:18:03: Tribemember NeO - Lvl 123 was killed by a Woolly Rhino - Lvl 145! Day 17727, 08:34:58: NeO froze tweety - Lvl 286 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17727, 12:00:31: NeO froze tweety - Lvl 286 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17727, 12:52:14: NeO froze tweety - Lvl 286 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17727, 14:27:45: NeO Tamed a Woolly Rhino - Lvl 212 (Woolly Rhino)! Day 17727, 14:31:46: NeO froze HP 31 MELEE 28 - Lvl 212 (Woolly Rhino) Day 17727, 14:33:33: NeO froze tweety - Lvl 286 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17727, 15:31:08: NeO froze draconis II - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17727, 15:34:00: NeO froze tweety - Lvl 286 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17815, 05:53:54: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17890, 17:07:20: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17890, 17:07:20: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17937, 17:57:04: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18055, 08:19:25: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18055, 08:19:25: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18055, 08:19:25: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18055, 08:19:25: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18055, 08:19:25: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18055, 08:19:25: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18055, 08:19:25: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18110, 19:38:52: Careless - Lvl 90 (PVE Beeps) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pelagornis - Lvl 228 (Pelagornis)'! Day 18144, 08:24:09: hulk - Lvl 170 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 18182, 05:58:13: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 58 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18240, 06:59:28: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18278, 10:24:55: dippie - Lvl 110 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 18282, 16:24:08: Sammie - Lvl 66 (The Viking) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thorny Dragon - Lvl 108 (Thorny Dragon)'! Day 18282, 16:27:17: Sammie - Lvl 66 (The Viking) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Moe - Lvl 112 (Morellatops)'! Day 18291, 13:14:04: Mianthra froze jean luc du balzak - Lvl 204 (Doedicurus) Day 18291, 13:18:01: Mianthra froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 230 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18291, 13:21:56: Mianthra froze Rosewhite - Lvl 331 (Thylacoleo) Day 18291, 13:29:44: Mianthra froze Dodi - Lvl 258 (Doedicurus) Day 18291, 13:33:10: Mianthra froze Skunky - Lvl 268 (Castoroides) Day 18291, 14:18:26: Mianthra froze Dollar Dollar - Lvl 308 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18291, 14:23:32: Mianthra froze SWIPE LEFT - Lvl 275 (Stegosaurus) Day 18291, 15:08:20: Mianthra froze Chinook - Lvl 298 (Argentavis) Day 18291, 15:13:07: Mianthra froze pisang - Lvl 233 (Pteranodon) Day 18334, 05:04:41: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18334, 05:04:41: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18334, 05:04:41: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18334, 05:04:41: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18334, 05:04:41: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18334, 05:04:41: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18420, 05:58:52: Nala - Lvl 24 (Tribe of Edu) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 18435, 11:41:33: TEKKIE - Lvl 128 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 18475, 04:04:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18475, 04:04:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18475, 04:04:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18475, 04:04:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18522, 06:57:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18757, 19:44:07: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18804, 21:57:32: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18804, 21:57:32: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18804, 21:57:32: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18804, 21:57:32: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18804, 21:57:32: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18954, 09:09:02: Tyrant - Lvl 198 (Rex) starved to death! Day 19119, 14:47:14: Raptor - Lvl 282 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 19258, 19:47:27: vogeltje - Lvl 271 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19377, 19:39:19: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'robodog - Lvl 314 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 19377, 19:42:25: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 160 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 19377, 19:44:35: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Base Male - Lvl 294 (Rex)'! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19648, 03:59:13: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19907, 03:45:35: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19907, 03:45:35: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21648, 14:29:48: Tribemember Human - Lvl 32 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60!"] "tribeid":1898978432,"tribe":"Tribe of Oosh logs":["Day 38001, 17:15:23: Oosh was added to the Tribe! Day 38001, 17:18:35: anoosh was added to the Tribe by Oosh! Day 38001, 19:04:45: anoosh Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 134 (Dodo)! Day 38001, 20:41:34: Tribemember Oosh - Lvl 9 was killed! Day 38001, 23:09:11: Your Dodo - Lvl 134 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 38002, 05:59:28: Oosh Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 141 (Dilophosaur)! Day 38002, 07:00:21: anoosh Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 193 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 38002, 09:19:14: Oosh Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 81 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 38002, 11:30:49: Your Lyla - Lvl 83 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 85! Day 38002, 11:48:44: anoosh claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 224 (Raptor)'! Day 38002, 11:49:30: anoosh claimed 'Mr.Ed - Lvl 194 (Equus)'! Day 38002, 14:11:32: Your LARRY - Lvl 195 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 15! Day 38002, 17:24:36: anoosh Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 134 (Triceratops)! Day 38002, 23:22:00: Triceratops - Lvl 145 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 38003, 08:38:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 210 (Triceratops)! Day 38003, 11:26:56: anoosh Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 134 (Iguanodon)! Day 38004, 01:00:56: Your iggy - Lvl 134 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 38004, 01:18:57: Your Triceratops - Lvl 220 (Triceratops) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 38160, 16:33:31: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38303, 13:48:29: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38873, 21:51:18: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38873, 21:51:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39159, 17:07:47: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40221, 13:50:34: Dildo - Lvl 145 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 40673, 05:13:15: TROD - Lvl 9 (Tribe of TROD) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'tri - Lvl 134 (Triceratops)'! Day 42534, 16:36:40: Mr.Ed - Lvl 215 (Equus) starved to death! Day 43141, 17:39:51: Raptor - Lvl 238 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 43268, 19:01:07: Tribemember Oosh - Lvl 45 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 43285, 19:27:16: Tribemember anoosh - Lvl 38 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15!"] "tribeid":1897923890,"tribe":"Tribe of Blue logs":["Day 17308, 21:26:59: Blue froze Adolescent Harr - Lvl 211 (Shadowmane) Day 17308, 21:33:19: Blue froze Adolescent Harr - Lvl 211 (Shadowmane) Day 17308, 21:39:43: Blue froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 215 (Shadowmane) Day 17308, 21:44:37: Blue froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 215 (Shadowmane) Day 17308, 21:49:07: Blue froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 215 (Shadowmane) Day 17308, 22:11:41: Blue froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane) Day 17308, 22:16:01: Blue froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane) Day 17308, 22:21:57: Blue froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 201 (Shadowmane) Day 17308, 22:26:40: Blue froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 201 (Shadowmane) Day 17308, 22:52:46: Blue froze Worm Killer - Lvl 278 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 17309, 01:07:43: Blue froze Racer - Lvl 272 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17309, 01:26:19: Blue froze Worm Killer - Lvl 278 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 17309, 05:19:16: Blue froze Worm Killer - Lvl 289 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 17309, 06:10:12: Blue froze Worm Killer - Lvl 289 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 17309, 06:20:47: Blue froze Worm Killer - Lvl 289 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 17309, 06:55:13: Blue froze Shadowmane - Lvl 201 (Shadowmane) Day 17309, 06:58:00: Blue froze Shadowmane - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane) Day 17309, 06:59:25: Blue froze Shadowmane - Lvl 201 (Shadowmane) Day 17309, 07:00:51: Blue froze Shadowmane - Lvl 196 (Shadowmane) Day 17309, 07:02:16: Blue froze Shadowmane - Lvl 215 (Shadowmane) Day 17309, 07:03:44: Blue froze Shadowmane - Lvl 215 (Shadowmane) Day 17309, 07:05:11: Blue froze Harr - Lvl 211 (Shadowmane) Day 17309, 07:06:45: Blue froze Silver Green - Lvl 204 (Shadowmane) Day 17309, 07:11:18: Blue froze Choco Lime - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 17309, 07:52:12: Blue froze Choco Lime - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 17309, 08:05:45: Blue froze Silver Green - Lvl 204 (Shadowmane) Day 17309, 09:00:15: Blue claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17309, 09:04:07: Blue froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane) Day 17309, 09:13:24: Blue claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 209 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17309, 09:15:09: Blue froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 209 (Shadowmane) Day 17309, 09:15:23: Blue claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 209 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17309, 09:18:34: Blue froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 209 (Shadowmane) Day 17309, 09:19:36: Blue claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 205 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17309, 09:21:03: Blue froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 205 (Shadowmane) Day 17309, 09:23:27: Blue claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17309, 09:25:13: Blue froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) Day 17309, 09:38:54: Blue froze Baby Puuurfect Female - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) Day 17309, 11:02:59: Blue unclaimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 209 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17309, 11:03:49: Blue unclaimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 209 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17309, 11:32:58: Blue froze Racer - Lvl 272 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17309, 18:59:29: Blue unclaimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 263 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 17309, 19:00:42: Blue unclaimed 'Stoney 2 - Lvl 271 (Doedicurus)'! Day 17309, 19:02:06: Blue unclaimed 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 260 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 17309, 19:03:18: Blue unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 284 (Argentavis)'! Day 17319, 23:40:29: Blue claimed 'Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 233 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 17319, 23:44:32: Blue froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 227 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 17319, 23:50:14: Blue froze Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 233 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 17320, 00:00:30: Blue claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17320, 00:05:58: Blue froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 17320, 00:09:55: Blue claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17320, 00:14:31: Blue froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 17320, 00:57:37: Blue froze Racer - Lvl 272 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17321, 13:11:45: Blue claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 245 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17321, 13:14:17: Blue froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 245 (Shadowmane) Day 17321, 15:03:01: Blue froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 260 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17321, 15:37:03: Blue froze Green Black - Lvl 274 (Tek Rex) Day 17321, 15:39:11: Blue froze Health 27 - Lvl 283 (Tek Rex) Day 17321, 15:42:13: Blue froze 372.8 - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 17321, 16:53:47: Blue claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 177 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 17321, 16:59:29: Blue froze Baby Purp Mut - Lvl 177 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17321, 19:00:22: Blue claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17321, 19:02:34: Blue froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 17321, 19:15:44: Blue froze Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex) Day 17321, 19:48:43: Blue froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 263 (Therizinosaur) Day 17321, 20:04:07: Blue claimed 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17321, 20:09:51: Blue froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane) Day 17321, 23:12:31: Blue claimed 'Jade - Lvl 272 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17321, 23:18:49: Blue froze Jade - Lvl 272 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17321, 23:23:37: Blue claimed 'Jock - Lvl 210 (Pteranodon)'! Day 17321, 23:29:42: Blue froze Jock - Lvl 210 (Pteranodon) Day 17322, 00:12:20: Blue unclaimed 'Jock - Lvl 210 (Pteranodon)'! Day 17322, 00:21:10: Blue unclaimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 234 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 17322, 00:53:53: Blue unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex)'! Day 17322, 01:00:06: Blue unclaimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 263 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 17322, 01:13:46: Blue unclaimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17322, 02:57:43: Blue froze KO - Lvl 275 (Equus) Day 17322, 03:39:18: Blue unclaimed 'Metal - Lvl 294 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 17322, 03:42:26: Blue unclaimed 'F Metal - Lvl 323 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 17322, 04:10:47: Blue froze KO - Lvl 275 (Equus) Day 17322, 07:13:45: Blue froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 258 (Therizinosaur) Day 17322, 07:15:26: Blue froze Woody - Lvl 351 (Therizinosaur) Day 17322, 07:17:11: Blue froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 247 (Therizinosaur) Day 17322, 08:33:43: Blue claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 202 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17322, 08:37:33: Blue unclaimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 202 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17322, 08:48:43: Blue froze Waffle - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex) Day 17322, 09:03:49: Blue froze Racer - Lvl 272 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17323, 04:18:17: Blue froze Racer - Lvl 273 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17323, 14:42:45: Blue froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 17323, 15:30:03: Blue froze Racer - Lvl 273 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17324, 10:37:01: Blue froze Racer - Lvl 273 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17332, 15:27:18: Blue froze Spike - Lvl 326 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 17332, 15:52:43: Blue froze Wild Green - Lvl 352 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 17332, 16:15:21: Blue froze Spike - Lvl 326 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 17332, 16:16:54: Blue froze Wild Golden - Lvl 352 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 17332, 17:09:24: Blue claimed 'Baby Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 295 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 17332, 17:11:17: Blue froze Baby Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 295 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 17332, 17:49:58: Blue froze Rock Drake - Lvl 149 (Rock Drake) Day 17332, 17:51:26: Blue froze Rock Drake - Lvl 198 (Rock Drake) Day 17332, 18:26:17: Blue froze Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 17334, 14:58:47: Blue froze Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 17334, 15:01:06: Blue claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 277 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17334, 15:04:18: Blue froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 277 (Tek Rex) Day 17334, 16:13:27: Blue froze Megalania - Lvl 306 (Megalania) Day 17334, 16:14:58: Blue froze Megalania - Lvl 311 (Megalania) Day 17334, 16:23:41: Blue claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17334, 16:26:48: Blue froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex) Day 17334, 16:28:45: Blue unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17334, 16:37:30: Blue claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 209 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17334, 16:40:53: Blue unclaimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 209 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17334, 16:41:50: Blue claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 203 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17334, 16:42:45: Blue claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 218 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17334, 16:48:04: Blue unclaimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 203 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17334, 16:50:55: Blue unclaimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 218 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17334, 16:53:30: Blue unclaimed 'Harr - Lvl 211 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17334, 16:58:12: Blue claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 283 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17334, 17:02:14: Blue froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 283 (Tek Rex) Day 17334, 17:04:18: Blue unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 283 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17334, 17:21:12: Blue froze Ginge - Lvl 299 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17337, 01:22:35: Blue froze Floor - Lvl 180 (Magmasaur) Day 17337, 01:39:56: Blue froze Racer - Lvl 273 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17364, 16:51:02: Blue froze Pugs Son - Lvl 257 (Ferox) Day 17364, 16:58:02: Blue claimed 'Harr - Lvl 211 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17364, 18:19:15: Blue claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17364, 18:24:31: Blue froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane) Day 17364, 19:03:08: Blue claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 241 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17364, 19:07:10: Blue froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 241 (Tek Rex) Day 17364, 19:14:46: Blue claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 222 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17364, 19:17:26: Blue froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 222 (Tek Rex) Day 17364, 19:19:11: Blue unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 241 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17364, 19:21:32: Blue unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 222 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17364, 19:23:52: Blue claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 245 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17364, 19:26:27: Blue unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 245 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17364, 19:54:20: Blue froze Racer - Lvl 275 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17365, 13:39:50: Blue claimed 'Heinz - Lvl 100 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 17365, 13:41:26: Blue froze Heinz - Lvl 100 (Fire Wyvern) Day 17365, 15:10:36: Blue froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17373, 07:39:57: Blue froze Jade - Lvl 277 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17373, 08:34:36: Blue froze Griff - Lvl 286 (Griffin) Day 17374, 05:31:37: Blue froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 245 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17377, 17:39:11: Blue froze Adolescent Purp Mut - Lvl 177 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17377, 17:40:52: Blue froze Adolescent Purp Mut - Lvl 177 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17377, 17:42:33: Blue froze Adolescent Purp Mut - Lvl 177 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17377, 17:44:12: Blue froze Adolescent Purp Mut - Lvl 177 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17377, 17:45:56: Blue froze Adolescent Purp Mut - Lvl 177 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17377, 19:09:30: Blue claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17377, 19:13:51: Blue froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 17377, 20:42:03: Blue froze Waffle - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 17377, 21:57:50: Blue froze Tek Rex - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex) Day 17377, 22:42:29: Blue froze Breeder - Lvl 234 (Megatherium) Day 17377, 22:49:08: Blue froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 227 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 17377, 23:06:30: Blue froze FIRST BREED - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 17377, 23:12:37: Blue froze Male Health - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex) Day 17377, 23:17:39: Blue froze Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 17378, 11:49:12: Tribemember Blue - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 17378, 12:48:13: Blue froze Angela - Lvl 329 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17378, 16:18:51: Blue froze Purp - Lvl 241 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17378, 17:03:01: Blue froze Adam - Lvl 331 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17388, 21:24:33: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 17390, 16:17:50: Blue claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 294 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17390, 16:18:32: Blue claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 237 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17390, 16:21:14: Blue claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17390, 16:24:27: Blue froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 294 (Tek Rex) Day 17390, 16:25:53: Blue froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex) Day 17390, 16:27:19: Blue froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 237 (Tek Rex) Day 17390, 16:36:55: Blue unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 237 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17390, 16:43:30: Blue froze 372.8 - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex) Day 17390, 16:46:25: Blue froze Male Health - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 17390, 17:07:59: Blue claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17390, 17:10:16: Blue unclaimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17390, 18:42:24: Blue froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 263 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17406, 09:59:13: Blue froze Baby Heamo - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17406, 10:02:12: Blue froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17406, 10:10:43: Blue froze Baby Albino - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17406, 10:12:47: Blue froze Baby Albino - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17406, 11:13:20: Blue froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 284 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 17406, 11:49:52: Blue froze Juvenile Able - Lvl 227 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17406, 12:03:31: Blue froze Juvenile Prime - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex) Day 17406, 12:05:23: Blue froze Juvenile Prime - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex) Day 17406, 12:09:35: Blue froze Juvenile Kane - Lvl 227 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17406, 12:11:23: Blue froze Juvenile Kane - Lvl 227 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17406, 12:15:07: Blue froze Juvenile Heamo - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17406, 12:17:24: Blue froze Juvenile Heamo - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17406, 12:19:46: Blue froze Juvenile Heamo - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17406, 12:22:18: Blue froze Juvenile Heamo - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17406, 12:24:46: Blue froze Juvenile Heamo - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17406, 12:26:47: Blue froze Juvenile Heamo - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17406, 12:28:14: Blue froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17406, 12:30:54: Blue froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17406, 12:33:01: Blue froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17406, 12:35:23: Blue froze Juvenile Albino - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17406, 12:37:35: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17406, 14:21:18: Blue froze Juvenile Prime - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex) Day 17406, 14:23:09: Blue froze Juvenile Prime - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex) Day 17406, 14:24:50: Blue froze Juvenile Prime - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex) Day 17406, 14:26:34: Blue froze Juvenile Prime - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex) Day 17406, 14:28:17: Blue froze Juvenile Prime - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex) Day 17406, 14:42:04: Blue froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17406, 14:53:33: Blue froze Juvenile Heamo - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17406, 14:56:22: Blue froze Juvenile Albino - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17406, 14:58:25: Blue froze Juvenile Albino - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17406, 15:01:16: Blue froze Juvenile Albino - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17406, 15:03:19: Blue froze Juvenile Albino - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17406, 15:05:12: Blue froze Juvenile Albino - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17406, 15:07:12: Blue froze Juvenile Albino - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17406, 15:09:13: Blue froze Juvenile Albino - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17406, 15:27:20: Blue claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 227 (Megatherium)'! Day 17406, 15:30:49: Blue unclaimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 227 (Megatherium)'! Day 17406, 16:27:28: Blue froze Juvenile H-F - Lvl 294 (Tek Rex) Day 17406, 16:43:11: Blue froze Juvenile Prime - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex) Day 17406, 16:48:53: Blue froze Juvenile Prime - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex) Day 17406, 16:52:03: Blue froze Juvenile Able - Lvl 227 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17406, 16:53:57: Blue froze Juvenile Able - Lvl 227 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17406, 16:56:13: Blue froze Juvenile Able - Lvl 227 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17406, 16:58:21: Blue froze Juvenile Able - Lvl 227 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17406, 17:00:35: Blue froze Juvenile Kane - Lvl 227 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17406, 17:02:31: Blue froze Juvenile Kane - Lvl 227 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17406, 17:04:23: Blue froze Juvenile Kane - Lvl 227 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17406, 17:07:29: Blue froze Juvenile Heamo - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17406, 17:09:25: Blue froze Juvenile Heamo - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17406, 17:11:35: Blue froze Juvenile Heamo - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17406, 17:13:23: Blue froze Juvenile Heamo - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17406, 17:20:00: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17406, 17:21:56: Blue froze Juvenile Kane - Lvl 227 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17406, 17:23:21: Blue froze Juvenile Able - Lvl 227 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17406, 17:25:10: Blue froze Juvenile Albino - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17406, 17:27:26: Blue froze Juvenile Albino - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17406, 17:29:10: Blue froze Juvenile H-F - Lvl 294 (Tek Rex) Day 17406, 17:31:52: Blue froze Juvenile Prime - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex) Day 17406, 17:35:13: Blue froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17406, 17:36:54: Blue froze Juvenile Heamo - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17406, 17:38:12: Blue claimed 'Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 240 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 17406, 17:40:36: Blue froze Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 240 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 17406, 17:43:14: Blue froze Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 240 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 17412, 10:03:59: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17413, 15:30:21: Blue claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 17413, 15:31:49: Blue froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Poison Wyvern) Day 17413, 16:33:17: Blue uploaded a Shadowmane: Baby Blue - Lvl 290 Day 17414, 09:36:02: Blue froze Jade - Lvl 309 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17420, 00:01:36: Blue froze Harr - Lvl 228 (Shadowmane) Day 17420, 11:39:39: Blue froze Alpha - Lvl 293 (Fire Wyvern) Day 17429, 06:36:38: Blue demolished a 'Metal Railing'! Day 17429, 12:14:18: Blue froze Jade - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17429, 17:14:22: Blue froze Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 17429, 17:15:50: Blue froze Deinonychus - Lvl 221 (Deinonychus) Day 17429, 17:17:16: Blue froze Deinonychus - Lvl 213 (Deinonychus) Day 17429, 17:18:42: Blue froze Deinonychus - Lvl 221 (Deinonychus) Day 17429, 17:20:06: Blue froze Deinonychus - Lvl 221 (Deinonychus) Day 17429, 17:21:28: Blue froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 152 (Lystrosaurus) Day 17429, 17:22:58: Blue froze Oviraptor - Lvl 44 (Oviraptor) Day 17429, 17:24:24: Blue froze Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus) Day 17429, 17:25:57: Blue froze Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 17429, 17:30:37: Blue froze Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 17429, 17:32:00: Blue froze Deinonychus - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus) Day 17429, 17:33:22: Blue froze Deinonychus - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus) Day 17429, 17:34:54: Blue froze m blue color - Lvl 251 (Yutyrannus) Day 17429, 17:36:15: Blue froze perfect f - Lvl 296 (Yutyrannus) Day 17429, 17:37:57: Blue froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 319 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 17429, 17:39:18: Blue froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 231 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 17429, 17:40:56: Blue froze Megatherium - Lvl 250 (Megatherium) Day 17429, 17:42:21: Blue froze perfect m - Lvl 307 (Megatherium) Day 17429, 17:47:19: Blue froze perfect f - Lvl 263 (Megatherium) Day 17429, 17:48:38: Blue froze Breeder - Lvl 248 (Megatherium) Day 17429, 17:51:04: Blue froze Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 17429, 17:52:26: Blue froze Green Black - Lvl 283 (Tek Rex) Day 17429, 17:54:11: Blue froze Health 27 - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) Day 17429, 17:55:41: Blue froze Prime - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) Day 17429, 17:57:19: Blue froze Baby Green - Lvl 266 (Shadowmane) Day 17429, 17:58:40: Blue froze One F - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) Day 17429, 18:00:01: Blue froze Red Man - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane) Day 17429, 18:03:49: Blue froze Baby Red - Lvl 251 (Shadowmane) Day 17429, 18:05:13: Blue froze Pinky - Lvl 265 (Shadowmane) Day 17429, 18:07:20: Blue froze TKO - Lvl 285 (Equus) Day 17429, 18:09:31: Blue froze Red Red - Lvl 252 (Shadowmane) Day 17429, 18:10:53: Blue froze Shadowmane - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) Day 17429, 18:12:30: Blue froze Red Red 2 - Lvl 240 (Shadowmane) Day 17433, 13:52:36: Blue froze Jade - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17434, 00:20:18: Blue froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 94 (Dung Beetle) Day 17434, 00:23:52: Blue froze poop eater - Lvl 229 (Dung Beetle) Day 17434, 00:29:14: Blue froze Phiomia - Lvl 221 (Phiomia) Day 17434, 01:13:06: Blue demolished a 'Greenhouse Double Door (Locked) '! Day 17434, 03:17:41: Blue demolished a 'Straight Metal Water Pipe'! Day 17434, 03:21:45: Blue demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 17434, 03:22:57: Blue demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 17434, 03:40:37: Blue claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17434, 03:46:15: Blue froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex) Day 17434, 03:46:50: Blue claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17434, 03:51:08: Blue froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex) Day 17434, 03:51:52: Blue claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17434, 03:57:49: Blue claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17434, 04:01:22: Blue froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex) Day 17434, 04:17:46: Blue froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) Day 17434, 04:18:47: Blue claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17434, 04:22:16: Blue froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex) Day 17434, 09:52:43: Blue demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 17434, 10:29:29: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:30:11: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:31:04: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:31:38: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:32:10: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:32:40: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:35:07: Blue demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 17434, 10:35:44: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:36:14: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:36:58: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:40:12: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:40:40: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:41:14: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:41:46: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:42:28: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:44:09: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:44:40: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:45:11: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:45:48: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:46:30: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:51:08: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:51:41: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:52:11: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:54:23: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:54:55: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:55:34: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:56:07: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 10:56:35: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 11:03:10: Blue demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 17434, 11:07:52: Blue demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 17434, 11:08:24: Blue demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 17434, 11:09:10: Blue demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 17434, 11:09:35: Blue demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 17434, 11:09:59: Blue demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 17434, 11:12:15: Blue demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 17434, 11:12:52: Blue demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 17434, 11:13:20: Blue demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 17434, 11:14:00: Blue demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 17434, 11:20:33: Blue froze Harr - Lvl 228 (Shadowmane) Day 17434, 13:47:31: Blue froze Rocky 1 - Lvl 299 (Rock Elemental) Day 17434, 14:51:19: Blue froze Jade - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17434, 14:53:30: Blue froze Rocky 1 - Lvl 299 (Rock Elemental) Day 17528, 19:18:09: Blue claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 188 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 17528, 19:19:39: Blue froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 188 (Fire Wyvern) Day 17625, 14:34:34: Blue claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 17625, 14:38:41: Blue froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17625, 14:38:55: Blue claimed 'Baby Quetzal - Lvl 201 (Quetzal)'! Day 17625, 14:40:35: Blue froze Baby Quetzal - Lvl 201 (Quetzal) Day 17625, 15:03:51: Blue unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 304 (Pteranodon)'! Day 17703, 06:30:32: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 18055, 08:19:25: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18055, 08:19:25: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18055, 08:19:25: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18055, 08:19:25: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18055, 08:19:25: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18055, 11:24:04: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rocky 1 - Lvl 299 (Rock Elemental)'! Day 18055, 11:25:29: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Quetzal - Lvl 249 (Quetzal)'! Day 18055, 11:25:59: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Quetzal - Lvl 264 (Quetzal)'! Day 18055, 11:26:31: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mobile F - Lvl 308 (Quetzal)'! Day 18055, 11:27:40: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Harr - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane)'! Day 18055, 11:29:08: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Green Lady - Lvl 272 (Shadowmane)'! Day 18055, 11:29:56: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 211 (Rock Drake)'! Day 18055, 11:30:18: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bob - Lvl 259 (Rock Drake)'! Day 18055, 11:31:55: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Betty - Lvl 266 (Rock Drake)'! Day 18569, 10:05:26: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18569, 10:05:26: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18569, 10:05:26: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18569, 10:05:26: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18569, 10:05:26: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18569, 10:05:26: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18569, 10:05:26: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18569, 10:05:26: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18569, 10:05:26: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18569, 10:05:26: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18569, 10:05:26: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18569, 10:05:26: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18569, 10:05:26: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18569, 10:05:26: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18573, 14:24:26: Nala - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Edu) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18573, 22:05:18: Nala - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Edu) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sirus - Lvl 295 (Argentavis)'! Day 18581, 07:53:30: 's 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18581, 07:53:30: 's 'Phiomia - Lvl 221 (Phiomia)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18581, 07:53:30: 's 'Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 218 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18581, 07:53:30: 's 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 274 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18581, 07:53:30: 's 'Baby Tek Raptor - Lvl 286 (Tek Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18581, 07:53:30: 's 'Megalania - Lvl 306 (Megalania)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18581, 07:53:30: 's 'Cpl 1 - Lvl 281 (Tek Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18581, 07:53:30: 's 'Equus - Lvl 260 (Equus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18581, 07:53:30: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18581, 07:53:30: 's 'Red Man - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18581, 07:53:30: 's 'Green Black - Lvl 283 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18640, 03:15:32: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23294, 04:49:09: Lambo was removed from the Tribe! Day 23295, 17:25:48: Blue downloaded a dino: Raptor - Lvl 60 Day 23295, 21:18:25: Your Raptor - Lvl 63 (Raptor) was killed by Blue - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Blue)! Day 23295, 21:18:25: Your Tribe killed Raptor - Lvl 63 (Raptor) (Tribe of Blue)! Day 23296, 06:26:36: Blue demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 23296, 19:39:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)! Day 23296, 20:56:34: Your Tribe Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 194 (Carbonemys)! Day 23296, 22:14:40: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 89 (Parasaur)! Day 23445, 16:09:43: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24142, 08:29:45: Nytrix - Lvl 68 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24142, 08:31:36: Nytrix - Lvl 68 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 197 (Carbonemys)'! Day 24142, 08:32:07: Nytrix - Lvl 68 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 93 (Parasaur)'! Day 24177, 05:34:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25211, 14:50:39: Tribemember Blue - Lvl 123 was killed!"] "tribeid":1896124060,"tribe":"of Light logs":["Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Greenhouse Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17308, 07:19:05: Scully84 was added to the Tribe! Day 17308, 07:35:04: Scully84 froze Johnny 5 - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 17308, 07:52:11: Scully84 was removed from the Tribe! Day 17308, 07:52:11: Tribe Owner was changed to Patty! Day 17587, 21:09:46: Ray froze Mantis - Lvl 467 (Mantis) Day 17588, 12:26:08: Ray was removed from the Tribe! Day 18152, 10:45:05: Tribemember Patty - Lvl 1 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 100! Day 20582, 10:39:20: kokow22 added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to muzz Alliance! Day 20863, 21:56:53: kokow22 added 'Sexy boys' Tribe to muzz Alliance!"] "tribeid":1895502224,"tribe":"Gamer girls logs":["Day 19638, 03:12:37: Londen was added to the Tribe! Day 19638, 05:56:52: Tribemember Londen - Lvl 28 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 19638, 08:03:50: Tribemember Londen - Lvl 29 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 130! Day 19638, 08:24:16: Tribemember Londen - Lvl 29 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 130! Day 19638, 10:10:49: Tribemember Londen - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 19638, 12:59:10: Tribemember Londen - Lvl 30 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 85! Day 19638, 14:52:26: Tribemember Londen - Lvl 30 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 85! Day 19638, 19:00:12: Londen Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 37 (Raptor)! Day 19638, 20:25:16: Your Raptor - Lvl 38 (Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 19638, 20:57:19: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19638, 20:59:04: Tribemember Londen - Lvl 32 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 19679, 16:08:35: Londen Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 134 (Raptor)! Day 19680, 06:49:15: Tribemember Londen - Lvl 39 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 19680, 07:09:02: Tribemember Londen - Lvl 39 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 19680, 07:53:41: Tribemember Londen - Lvl 40 was killed by a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 95! Day 19680, 14:22:02: Londen Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 134 (Carnotaurus)! Day 19680, 14:26:34: Londen Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 19680, 17:48:40: Londen demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 19680, 17:49:43: Londen demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 19680, 17:51:06: Londen demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 19680, 17:53:18: Londen demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 19680, 17:54:11: Londen demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 19681, 17:09:33: Londen Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)! Day 19701, 18:59:51: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 19701, 20:54:38: Londen Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 142 (Parasaur)! Day 19702, 17:58:47: Londen Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 89 (Griffin)! Day 19789, 07:41:19: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19883, 12:37:18: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20187, 09:44:10: Pteranodon - Lvl 47 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 20283, 18:12:15: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20283, 18:12:15: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20307, 10:13:52: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20307, 10:13:52: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20307, 10:13:52: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20409, 16:15:16: Tom - Lvl 109 (Tribe of Tom) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Griffin - Lvl 93 (Griffin)'! Day 20409, 16:20:57: Tom - Lvl 109 (Tribe of Tom) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 161 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 20409, 16:48:30: Tom - Lvl 109 (Tribe of Tom) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 152 (Parasaur)'! Day 20582, 17:17:11: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 233 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 130! Day 21499, 06:23:17: Wolf - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 140 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21499, 06:24:23: Wolf - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 144 (Raptor)'! Day 21780, 14:57:39: Tribemember Londen - Lvl 68 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 145!"] "tribeid":1891292404,"tribe":"Tribe of al queda logs":["Day 19756, 20:59:07: .. was added to the Tribe! Day 19758, 07:28:49: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19759, 08:01:35: .. demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 19759, 08:03:30: .. demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 19759, 08:10:35: .. demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 19759, 08:37:09: .. demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 19759, 08:47:05: .. demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 19759, 08:50:58: .. demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 19762, 15:15:43: Your Argentavis - Lvl 46 (Argentavis) was killed by a Megatherium - Lvl 60! Day 19762, 15:24:15: Tribemember .. - Lvl 66 was killed by a Megatherium - Lvl 60! Day 19762, 22:26:32: .. Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 19763, 10:16:16: Tribemember .. - Lvl 66 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 55! Day 19763, 11:45:43: Tribemember .. - Lvl 66 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 60! Day 19763, 13:09:46: Tribemember .. - Lvl 66 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 19763, 14:42:42: Tribemember .. - Lvl 66 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 95! Day 19763, 17:14:57: Tribemember .. - Lvl 67 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 19763, 17:52:19: Tribemember .. - Lvl 67 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 85! Day 19763, 19:09:31: Tribemember .. - Lvl 67 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 60! Day 19899, 19:28:04: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19899, 19:31:08: Your gugu gaga - Lvl 94 (Rex) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 20048, 17:14:33: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20354, 15:11:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20637, 21:20:20: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20637, 21:20:20: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20637, 21:20:20: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22297, 16:42:27: Pteranodon - Lvl 73 (Pteranodon) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1889815985,"tribe":"The Kibble Klub logs":["Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Giant Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24838, 15:19:38: Your 'Giant Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25087, 03:24:04: Tribemember Small Child - Lvl 129 was killed! Day 25087, 03:29:22: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 316 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:29:22: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 369 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:29:22: 's 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 82 (Beelzebufo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:29:22: 's 'P Female - Lvl 288 (Moschops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:29:22: 's 'Moschops - Lvl 274 (Moschops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:29:22: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 247 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:29:22: 's '39food - Lvl 217 (Moschops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:29:22: 's '30melee - Lvl 202 (Moschops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:29:22: 's '39 oxygen - Lvl 224 (Moschops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:29:22: 's 'Sir Wobblebottom - Lvl 363 (Managarmr)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:29:22: 's '37H - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:29:22: 's 'Achatina - Lvl 174 (Achatina)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:29:22: 's 'Achatina - Lvl 89 (Achatina)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:29:22: 's '37H 38St 33W 31O - Lvl 192 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:29:22: 's 'Pingu - Lvl 149 (Kairuku)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:29:22: 's 'Boss 9 - Lvl 254 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:29:22: 's 'Dire Bear - Lvl 227 (Dire Bear)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:29:22: 's 'Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 278 (R-Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:29:22: 's 'BOSS BABY! - Lvl 337 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:35:27: 's 'Rex - Lvl 271 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:35:27: 's 'Baby Meany - Lvl 243 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:35:27: 's 'Baby Bluey - Lvl 243 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:36:17: 's 'Juvenile BLUEBELLS - Lvl 225 (R-Reaper King)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:36:17: 's 'Rockstar - Lvl 229 (R-Reaper King)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:36:17: 's 'Wave - Lvl 309 (R-Reaper King)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:36:17: 's 'Sarabi - Lvl 265 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:36:17: 's 'P Female 0 - Lvl 265 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:36:17: 's 'colour - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:36:17: 's 'Baby Blurr - Lvl 267 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:36:17: 's 'Sock's - Lvl 419 (R-Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:36:17: 's 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 96 (Carnotaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:36:17: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:36:17: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:36:17: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:36:17: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:36:17: 's '39Oxygen - Lvl 217 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:36:17: 's 'Bloodstalker - Lvl 147 (Bloodstalker)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:36:17: 's 'Carbonemys - Lvl 265 (Carbonemys)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:36:17: 's 'Pink Trike - Lvl 142 (Triceratops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:36:17: 's 'Astrodelphis - Lvl 194 (Astrodelphis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:36:17: 's 'Health - Lvl 217 (Astrodelphis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:38:02: 's 'P Female - Lvl 243 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:38:02: 's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 194 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:38:02: 's 'dmger - Lvl 358 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:38:02: 's 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 243 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:38:02: 's 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 243 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:38:02: 's 'HULK - Lvl 44 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:38:02: 's 'Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:38:02: 's 'Rex - Lvl 232 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:38:02: 's 'Boss 11 - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:38:02: 's 'Boss 7 - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:38:02: 's 'Rock Drake - Lvl 127 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:38:02: 's 'Mantis - Lvl 307 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:38:02: 's 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'mememe - Lvl 217 (Managarmr)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's '40Sp40O - Lvl 217 (Managarmr)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'Baby H/St/F - Lvl 195 (Managarmr)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'Managarmr - Lvl 194 (Managarmr)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'Wild - M - HP + STAM - Lvl 208 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'Check - Lvl 217 (R-Daeodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 260 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'Baby P Female - Lvl 225 (Daeodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's '39H/35W - Lvl 221 (R-Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 194 (R-Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's '43 Health - Lvl 223 (R-Direwolf)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 90 (Magmasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'weight - Lvl 202 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 311 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'Tusoteuthis - Lvl 322 (Tusoteuthis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'Check Black - Lvl 213 (R-Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'P Female - Lvl 284 (R-Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'P Female - Lvl 282 (R-Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 304 (Tek Stegosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 281 (Tek Stegosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'St/M - Lvl 283 (Tek Stegosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'P Male Check Col - Lvl 300 (Shinehorn)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'Pink B/Red Stripes Both/ - Lvl 271 (Shinehorn)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'Reddy - Lvl 312 (Featherlight)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'Vulture - Lvl 29 (Vulture)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 69 (Sinomacrops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'P Male - Lvl 312 (Featherlight)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'Chaos - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'P Female - Lvl 303 (Voidwyrm)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'StarScream - Lvl 147 (Voidwyrm)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'Torch - Lvl 200 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'Beautiful! - Lvl 286 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:40:05: 's 'Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 286 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:41:04: 's 'Perfect M (Backup) - Lvl 298 (R-Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:42:30: 's 'Bluey/Pink - Lvl 29 (Megalania)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 03:42:30: 's 'Health Check - Lvl 224 (Megalania)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25087, 04:36:08: Your baby colour - Lvl 286 (Shinehorn) was killed! Day 32875, 05:32:56: Tribemember Small Child - Lvl 129 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 32879, 14:55:26: Small Child froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 220 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32879, 15:26:17: Small Child froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 357 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33575, 11:27:05: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rhyniognatha - Lvl 220 (Rhyniognatha)'! Day 35407, 09:38:17: Tribemember Small Child - Lvl 129 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 35407, 09:38:53: Small Child's 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 357 (R-Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod!"] "tribeid":1888853818,"tribe":"SILENT SECTA logs":["Day 30507, 19:29:28: HUSH was added to the Tribe! Day 30508, 00:27:11: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 341 (Snow Owl) Day 30658, 03:58:10: HUSH froze Shadowmane - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 30658, 04:58:57: HUSH froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 265 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31740, 18:32:10: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 96 (Rhyniognatha) Day 31769, 09:17:02: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 97 (Rhyniognatha) Day 31787, 13:10:07: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 97 (Rhyniognatha) Day 31814, 05:55:58: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 98 (Rhyniognatha) Day 31861, 08:53:14: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 99 (Rhyniognatha) Day 31925, 18:22:17: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 169 (Rhyniognatha) Day 31947, 21:53:42: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 169 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32050, 15:49:47: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 117 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32052, 07:35:53: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 117 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32112, 09:56:42: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 139 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32325, 09:37:14: HUSH froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 303 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32325, 16:13:30: HUSH froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 303 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32326, 11:56:27: HUSH froze Magmasaur - Lvl 252 (Magmasaur) Day 32328, 01:50:24: HUSH froze Magmasaur - Lvl 252 (Magmasaur) Day 32333, 07:24:12: HUSH froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 303 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32335, 17:27:01: HUSH froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 303 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32335, 17:31:18: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 137 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32335, 17:34:56: HUSH froze Magmasaur - Lvl 253 (Magmasaur) Day 32524, 00:15:17: HUSH froze Element [Clone] - Lvl 154 (Gacha) Day 32524, 00:21:10: HUSH froze H92 - Lvl 305 (Snow Owl) Day 32524, 00:25:11: HUSH froze Snow Owl - Lvl 237 (Snow Owl) Day 32524, 00:29:23: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 342 (Snow Owl) Day 32524, 00:33:57: HUSH froze HEALA - Lvl 340 (Snow Owl) Day 32900, 16:54:42: HUSH froze Magmasaur - Lvl 262 (Magmasaur) Day 32995, 17:59:13: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 330 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32995, 18:03:34: HUSH froze H1 - Lvl 366 (Giganotosaurus) Day 33017, 05:54:30: Tribemember HUSH - Lvl 172 was killed! Day 33017, 07:57:03: HUSH froze HEALA - Lvl 343 (Snow Owl) Day 33017, 17:27:36: Tribemember HUSH - Lvl 172 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 33017, 19:16:03: HUSH froze H1 - Lvl 374 (Giganotosaurus) Day 33017, 19:24:46: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 331 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33090, 22:30:17: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 331 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33101, 09:35:04: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 331 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33206, 14:14:11: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 331 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33207, 06:08:22: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 74 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33229, 16:14:31: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 96 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33230, 04:19:31: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 331 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33230, 16:17:20: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 331 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33231, 10:27:15: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 331 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33232, 03:06:32: HUSH Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 82 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 33232, 03:14:22: HUSH froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 82 (Giganotosaurus) Day 33232, 04:31:57: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 96 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33232, 08:00:11: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 368 (Shadowmane) Day 33251, 19:19:23: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 331 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33255, 00:23:55: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 331 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33277, 20:19:27: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 331 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33323, 12:34:11: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 331 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33323, 21:15:32: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 331 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33584, 11:33:27: HUSH froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 253 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 33878, 09:14:25: Your 'Dino Leash' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34293, 03:52:28: HUSH froze BD - Lvl 333 (Desmodus) Day 35437, 09:36:28: Sir Elias Quinn - Lvl 138 (Desert City(Atlantis)) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hover Skiff (Hover Skiff)'! Day 35805, 12:16:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35876, 19:06:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35876, 19:06:24: Your 'Metal Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35876, 19:06:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36162, 04:18:07: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36162, 04:18:07: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36162, 04:18:07: Your 'Tek Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36162, 04:18:07: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37588, 20:44:50: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37588, 20:44:50: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1887922837,"tribe":"Tribe of Sam logs":["Day 26790, 03:46:12: Sam was added to the Tribe! Day 26790, 03:49:07: Cms was added to the Tribe by Sam! Day 26790, 08:26:14: Cms Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 26790, 08:36:15: Cms Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 26791, 02:06:01: Cms claimed 'Baby Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)'! Day 26791, 02:19:11: Cms claimed 'Baby Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)'! Day 26791, 02:36:09: Your Baby Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) was killed! Day 26791, 02:36:09: Baby Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 26791, 02:36:38: Your Baby Lil Lis - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) was killed! Day 26791, 02:36:38: Baby Lil Lis - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 26791, 11:37:26: Cms Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 26791, 12:03:10: Tribemember Cms - Lvl 25 was killed! Day 26792, 02:03:59: Cms Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 192 (Pteranodon)! Day 26792, 04:20:54: Sam Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)! Day 26792, 18:43:24: Cms Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 202 (Allosaurus)! Day 26793, 12:20:03: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 26793, 21:37:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 82 (Sabertooth)! Day 26794, 06:56:15: Tribemember Cms - Lvl 44 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 145! Day 26794, 06:57:03: Your Terry - Lvl 39 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 145! Day 26794, 16:42:42: Tribemember Cms - Lvl 45 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 100! Day 26794, 21:08:08: Tribemember Cms - Lvl 45 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 26794, 22:03:52: Tribemember Cms - Lvl 45 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 26797, 06:22:54: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 26797, 09:20:52: Your Tribe Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 36 (Griffin)! Day 26797, 15:05:05: Cms Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 126 (Argentavis)! Day 26798, 04:51:20: Tribemember Cms - Lvl 57 was killed! Day 26798, 06:20:46: Tribemember Cms - Lvl 57 was killed! Day 26799, 00:53:05: Sam Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 84 (Griffin)! Day 26812, 21:28:11: Tribemember Cms - Lvl 61 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 145! Day 26813, 01:15:44: Tribemember Cms - Lvl 61 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 145! Day 26813, 03:30:26: Tribemember Cms - Lvl 61 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 145! Day 26813, 20:09:02: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 29 (Argentavis)! Day 26813, 21:00:07: Cms Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 29 (Dimorphodon)! Day 26814, 02:02:48: Cms Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 82 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 26814, 02:54:43: Cms Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 130 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 26814, 12:47:30: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 22 (Doedicurus)! Day 26817, 15:27:54: Cms demolished a 'Water Tank (Locked) '! Day 26818, 11:04:16: Cms Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 26818, 11:50:34: Cms Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 126 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 26819, 02:47:06: Your 'Tent (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26819, 17:43:16: Cms Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 141 (Castoroides)! Day 26820, 02:41:03: Your Tribe Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 210 (Castoroides)! Day 26820, 03:08:10: Tribemember Cms - Lvl 73 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 90! Day 26822, 09:25:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Megaloceros - Lvl 213 (Megaloceros)! Day 26822, 10:59:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Megaloceros - Lvl 74 (Megaloceros)! Day 26822, 11:53:26: Your Tribe Tamed a Megaloceros - Lvl 82 (Megaloceros)! Day 26822, 14:35:47: Your Megaloceros - Lvl 74 (Megaloceros) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 90! Day 26822, 14:39:59: Your Megaloceros - Lvl 82 (Megaloceros) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 90! Day 26823, 09:33:44: Your Peter - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 140! Day 26823, 10:52:00: Tribemember Cms - Lvl 76 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 140! Day 26824, 07:22:54: Cms Tamed a Rex - Lvl 208 (Rex)! Day 26839, 04:00:59: Sam Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 26839, 23:55:28: Your Arg - Lvl 153 (Argentavis) was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 130! Day 26842, 09:07:35: Sam claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 26842, 11:12:04: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)! Day 26842, 18:27:58: Sam froze Juvenile Venom - Lvl 160 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26842, 18:33:35: Sam froze Juvenile Venom - Lvl 160 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26842, 19:41:31: Sam froze Juvenile Venom - Lvl 160 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26843, 00:28:48: Sam froze Juvenile Venom - Lvl 160 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26843, 03:20:06: Cms Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 142 (Therizinosaur)! Day 26843, 06:59:22: Cms Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 216 (Allosaurus)! Day 26858, 14:26:42: Cms claimed 'Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 171 (Argentavis)'! Day 26858, 16:42:06: Sam froze Juvenile Venom - Lvl 160 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26858, 18:00:16: Sam froze Juvenile Venom - Lvl 160 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26858, 18:29:41: Sam froze Juvenile Venom - Lvl 160 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26858, 18:34:14: Sam froze Juvenile Venom - Lvl 160 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26858, 19:00:12: Sam froze Juvenile Venom - Lvl 160 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26859, 06:20:08: Sam froze Adolescent Venom - Lvl 160 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26859, 15:32:22: Sam froze Adolescent Venom - Lvl 160 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26859, 15:37:04: Sam froze Adolescent Venom - Lvl 160 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26859, 20:04:57: Sam froze Adolescent Venom - Lvl 160 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26859, 20:08:42: Sam froze Adolescent Venom - Lvl 160 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26860, 03:23:58: Your Angy - Lvl 61 (Argentavis) was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 95! Day 26861, 02:29:33: Tribemember Cms - Lvl 100 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 20! Day 26861, 17:44:49: Cms froze Venom - Lvl 199 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26861, 22:19:54: Cms froze Rexy - Lvl 275 (Rex) Day 26862, 00:59:05: Cms froze Peter - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) Day 26862, 03:23:09: Cms froze Rexy - Lvl 275 (Rex) Day 26862, 04:25:55: Cms froze Peter - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) Day 26862, 05:00:48: Cms froze Rexy - Lvl 275 (Rex) Day 26862, 14:08:38: Cms froze Theo - Lvl 164 (Therizinosaur) Day 26862, 14:11:34: Cms froze Thatchy - Lvl 236 (Megaloceros) Day 26862, 14:17:43: Cms froze Losa - Lvl 171 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26862, 14:31:52: Cms froze Trike - Lvl 131 (Triceratops) Day 26862, 14:36:23: Cms froze Anky - Lvl 110 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26862, 16:46:20: Cms froze Saber - Lvl 116 (Sabertooth) Day 26862, 17:43:11: Cms froze Griff - Lvl 69 (Griffin) Day 26862, 20:11:35: Cms froze Griff - Lvl 70 (Griffin) Day 26863, 03:02:53: Your Saber - Lvl 121 (Sabertooth) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 26863, 03:33:57: Cms froze Rexy - Lvl 278 (Rex) Day 26863, 07:19:04: Cms froze Ven - Lvl 65 (Lystrosaurus) Day 26863, 17:35:10: Cms froze Griff - Lvl 70 (Griffin) Day 26863, 20:47:38: Cms froze Theo - Lvl 170 (Therizinosaur) Day 26864, 14:32:06: Cms froze Theo - Lvl 171 (Therizinosaur) Day 26864, 22:11:43: Cms froze Losa - Lvl 173 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26864, 22:18:54: Cms froze Losa - Lvl 173 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26865, 03:20:39: Cms claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 174 (Argentavis)'! Day 26865, 05:45:52: Cms froze Rexy - Lvl 278 (Rex) Day 26865, 10:02:30: Cms froze Rexy - Lvl 278 (Rex) Day 26865, 13:43:09: Cms froze Rexy - Lvl 279 (Rex) Day 26865, 20:10:13: Cms froze Rexy - Lvl 280 (Rex) Day 26865, 21:18:39: Cms froze Rexy - Lvl 280 (Rex) Day 26866, 04:11:58: Cms Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 224 (Yutyrannus)! Day 26866, 04:23:46: Cms froze Yute - Lvl 224 (Yutyrannus) Day 26866, 16:52:48: Your Griff - Lvl 73 (Griffin) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45! Day 26866, 16:54:39: Tribemember Cms - Lvl 104 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 26866, 22:10:55: Your Fred - Lvl 247 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 60! Day 26866, 22:13:22: Tribemember Cms - Lvl 104 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 60! Day 26867, 06:21:50: Cms froze Yute - Lvl 224 (Yutyrannus) Day 26867, 10:21:05: Cms claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 26868, 18:13:43: Cms claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 174 (Argentavis)'! Day 26868, 19:11:50: Cms froze Venom - Lvl 220 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26869, 16:05:38: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 22 (Argentavis)! Day 26869, 22:06:20: Cms Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 134 (Allosaurus)! Day 26869, 23:03:06: Cms froze Rexy - Lvl 281 (Rex) Day 26869, 23:17:54: Cms froze Allosaurus - Lvl 134 (Allosaurus) Day 26870, 01:28:27: Cms Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 217 (Allosaurus)! Day 26870, 01:36:30: Cms froze Allosaurus - Lvl 217 (Allosaurus) Day 26870, 02:09:24: Cms unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 22 (Argentavis)'! Day 26870, 05:56:24: Juvenile Gen - Lvl 174 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 26870, 07:11:11: Cms froze Rexy - Lvl 281 (Rex) Day 26870, 09:10:55: Cms froze Venom - Lvl 220 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26870, 09:14:05: Cms froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26870, 10:01:09: Cms claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 80 (Argentavis)'! Day 26870, 10:04:04: Cms claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 80 (Argentavis)'! Day 26871, 03:49:24: Cms claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 26871, 03:51:05: Cms claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 26871, 20:16:30: Cms unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 80 (Argentavis)'! Day 26872, 02:37:17: Cms froze Rexy - Lvl 281 (Rex) Day 26872, 03:20:39: Cms froze Tavis - Lvl 196 (Argentavis) Day 26872, 11:03:17: Cms froze Rexy - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 26872, 13:55:21: Cms froze Rexy - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 26873, 04:36:12: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 217 (Carnotaurus)! Day 26873, 11:44:48: Tribemember Cms - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 26873, 13:45:28: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)! Day 26873, 17:22:21: Cms froze OG F Carno - Lvl 217 (Carnotaurus) Day 26873, 17:36:04: Cms froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 26874, 15:28:41: Cms froze Rexy - Lvl 286 (Rex) Day 26874, 15:48:41: Cms froze Rexy - Lvl 286 (Rex) Day 26874, 16:13:37: Cms froze Rexy - Lvl 286 (Rex) Day 26874, 20:56:26: Your Tribe Tamed a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 217 (Thorny Dragon)! Day 26875, 00:41:47: Cms froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 217 (Thorny Dragon) Day 26875, 03:52:30: Your Thorny Dragon - Lvl 217 (Thorny Dragon) was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 140! Day 26875, 04:09:30: Cms froze Rexy - Lvl 287 (Rex) Day 26875, 04:27:48: Cms froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 26875, 04:34:52: Cms froze OG F Carno - Lvl 217 (Carnotaurus) Day 26875, 07:31:24: Your Tribe Tamed a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 224 (Thorny Dragon)! Day 26875, 09:18:13: Cms froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 224 (Thorny Dragon) Day 26875, 09:42:06: Cms froze Rexy - Lvl 287 (Rex) Day 26875, 15:37:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 217 (Thorny Dragon)! Day 26875, 16:00:17: Tribemember Cms - Lvl 114 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 130! Day 26875, 21:29:24: Cms froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 217 (Thorny Dragon) Day 26875, 22:30:16: Your Thorny Dragon - Lvl 217 (Thorny Dragon) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 140! Day 26875, 23:13:45: Cms froze Rexy - Lvl 288 (Rex) Day 26876, 00:34:27: Cms Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 26885, 22:31:01: Cms froze Rexy - Lvl 290 (Rex) Day 26886, 00:52:37: Cms demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 26886, 01:36:01: Cms claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 171 (Argentavis)'! Day 26886, 11:18:50: Juvenile Female - Lvl 171 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 26886, 13:58:19: Cms froze Losa - Lvl 188 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26887, 02:59:13: Cms froze Rexy - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 26887, 18:53:05: Cms froze Rexy - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 26887, 20:12:30: Your Tribe Tamed a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 202 (Thorny Dragon)! Day 26887, 20:57:18: Cms froze Rexy - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 26887, 21:02:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 142 (Carnotaurus)! Day 26888, 00:10:50: Tribemember Cms - Lvl 116 was killed! Day 26888, 00:39:27: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 149 (Carnotaurus)! Day 26888, 04:35:39: Cms froze Tavis - Lvl 206 (Argentavis) Day 26888, 05:33:18: Cms froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 142 (Carnotaurus) Day 26888, 05:36:31: Cms froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 149 (Carnotaurus) Day 26888, 06:18:00: Cms froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 202 (Thorny Dragon) Day 26888, 16:34:46: Cms froze Alexis - Lvl 239 (Allosaurus) Day 26888, 16:37:53: Cms froze Ally - Lvl 252 (Allosaurus) Day 26888, 17:39:09: Cms froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 149 (Carnotaurus) Day 26888, 19:01:58: Cms claimed 'Baby Carnotaurus - Lvl 170 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 26888, 19:49:12: Cms froze OG F Thorny - Lvl 224 (Thorny Dragon) Day 26888, 21:01:24: Cms claimed 'Baby Thorny Dragon - Lvl 209 (Thorny Dragon)'! Day 26890, 01:26:42: Juvenile Thorny 2.0 - Lvl 209 (Thorny Dragon) starved to death! Day 27035, 12:52:30: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27200, 21:43:17: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27200, 21:43:17: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27456, 18:46:46: Lisa - Lvl 40 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 27484, 11:28:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27541, 08:58:04: julie - Lvl 154 (The Eerie Meanions) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tory - Lvl 240 (Castoroides)'! Day 27541, 11:03:44: julie - Lvl 154 (The Eerie Meanions) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'OG M Thorny - Lvl 208 (Thorny Dragon)'! Day 27541, 11:10:10: julie - Lvl 154 (The Eerie Meanions) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Archie - Lvl 118 (Griffin)'! Day 27541, 11:17:13: julie - Lvl 154 (The Eerie Meanions) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Venom - Lvl 236 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 27541, 11:47:04: Jerry - Lvl 40 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 27541, 12:58:19: julie - Lvl 154 (The Eerie Meanions) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 52 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 27541, 13:03:28: julie - Lvl 154 (The Eerie Meanions) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 27 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 27541, 13:12:57: julie - Lvl 154 (The Eerie Meanions) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tiny - Lvl 184 (Argentavis)'! Day 27541, 14:24:33: julie - Lvl 154 (The Eerie Meanions) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Breed - Lvl 80 (Argentavis)'! Day 27541, 15:08:22: julie - Lvl 154 (The Eerie Meanions) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Valkyrie - Lvl 245 (Argentavis)'! Day 27541, 15:26:37: julie - Lvl 154 (The Eerie Meanions) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tavis - Lvl 206 (Argentavis)'! Day 27541, 15:36:35: julie - Lvl 154 (The Eerie Meanions) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimi - Lvl 62 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 27541, 15:56:45: julie - Lvl 154 (The Eerie Meanions) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Alexis - Lvl 239 (Allosaurus)'! Day 27541, 16:03:43: julie - Lvl 154 (The Eerie Meanions) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ally - Lvl 252 (Allosaurus)'! Day 27541, 16:13:00: julie - Lvl 154 (The Eerie Meanions) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 217 (Allosaurus)'! Day 27591, 12:45:46: Cms's 'OG F Thorny - Lvl 224 (Thorny Dragon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27591, 20:31:50: NUBZ - Lvl 57 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cassy - Lvl 171 (Castoroides)'! Day 27667, 05:34:02: Tribemember Sam - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 27667, 05:49:24: Tribemember Cms - Lvl 118 was killed! Day 27684, 15:43:51: Your Ste - Lvl 169 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 55! Day 27710, 17:55:02: Doedicurus - Lvl 63 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 27767, 23:10:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27767, 23:10:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27781, 15:57:09: selone - Lvl 121 (Stronghold) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Winston - Lvl 249 (Pteranodon)'! Day 27824, 20:10:28: pipin - Lvl 30 (Tribe of pipin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'OG F Carno - Lvl 246 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 27993, 23:23:41: Ven - Lvl 75 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 28042, 05:32:02: jimbob - Lvl 8 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 28051, 09:54:38: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28114, 17:53:13: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Peter - Lvl 228 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28119, 15:38:52: Spec - Lvl 69 (Tribe of AN7HONYCT) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'OG M Carno - Lvl 148 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 28119, 15:45:44: Spec - Lvl 69 (Tribe of AN7HONYCT) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 149 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 28119, 15:46:13: Spec - Lvl 69 (Tribe of AN7HONYCT) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 134 (Allosaurus)'! Day 28233, 04:31:42: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)'! Day 28515, 13:34:30: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 113 (RaggyGuys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Frodo - Lvl 244 (Pteranodon)'!"] "tribeid":1884852068,"tribe":"legasus logs":["Day 43100, 17:45:43: Thunder Thighs was added to the Tribe! Day 43101, 04:46:37: Thunder Thighs Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 209 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 43101, 09:30:06: Thunder Thighs demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 43117, 08:39:42: Thunder Thighs demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 43117, 08:40:45: Thunder Thighs demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 43117, 08:41:33: Thunder Thighs demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 43117, 08:42:18: Thunder Thighs demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 43117, 09:40:21: Kudgen was added to the Tribe by Thunder Thighs! Day 43117, 14:42:59: Skip was added to the Tribe by Thunder Thighs! Day 43118, 02:40:24: Skip Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 33 (Parasaur)! Day 43118, 03:16:39: Kudgen Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 20 (Parasaur)! Day 43118, 07:30:23: Tribemember Skip - Lvl 4 was killed by an Iguanodon - Lvl 140! Day 43118, 07:32:27: Tribemember Kudgen - Lvl 17 was killed by an Iguanodon - Lvl 140! Day 43118, 09:43:13: Tribemember Thunder Thighs - Lvl 33 was killed! Day 43118, 11:53:18: Thunder Thighs Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 204 (Iguanodon)! Day 43118, 12:36:48: Thunder Thighs demolished a 'Bed'! Day 43119, 13:05:11: Kudgen Tamed a Microraptor - Lvl 65 (Microraptor)! Day 43119, 13:12:11: Thunder Thighs demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 43119, 13:16:37: Thunder Thighs demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 43119, 21:31:52: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 20 (Pteranodon)! Day 43119, 23:39:33: Kudgen Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 75 (Pteranodon)! Day 43120, 05:22:54: Your Tony - Lvl 33 (Parasaur) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 43196, 12:41:23: Kudgen Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)! Day 43196, 17:00:18: Thunder Thighs Tamed a Pelagornis - Lvl 212 (Pelagornis)! Day 43196, 17:16:38: Thunder Thighs demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 43197, 03:56:41: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 28 (Pteranodon) was killed by Thunder Thighs - Lvl 49 (legasus)! Day 43197, 03:56:41: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 28 (Pteranodon) (legasus)! Day 43246, 06:53:54: Kudgen Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 43246, 15:24:32: Thunder Thighs Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 67 (Doedicurus)! Day 43246, 20:41:34: Thunder Thighs Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 29 (Vulture)! Day 43247, 02:06:06: Kudgen was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Thunder Thighs! Day 43268, 12:32:46: Kudgen Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 118 (Dodo)! Day 43268, 12:47:35: Kudgen Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo)! Day 43268, 19:51:31: Tribemember Thunder Thighs - Lvl 54 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 85! Day 43268, 19:51:32: Your tinkle - Lvl 93 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 90! Day 43268, 21:05:45: Your Fluff - Lvl 80 (Microraptor) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 95! Day 43269, 22:34:17: Thunder Thighs Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon)! Day 43282, 22:41:56: Tribemember Skip - Lvl 25 was killed by Thunder Thighs - Lvl 61 (legasus)! Day 43282, 22:41:56: Your Tribe killed Skip - Lvl 25 (legasus)! Day 43283, 13:07:12: Tribemember Skip - Lvl 27 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 25! Day 43283, 13:19:20: Tribemember Kudgen - Lvl 61 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 50! Day 43283, 21:01:35: Thunder Thighs Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 43284, 10:05:54: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 127 (Argentavis)! Day 43284, 10:20:00: Tribemember Kudgen - Lvl 62 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 100! Day 43285, 08:22:18: Thunder Thighs claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)'! Day 43285, 11:32:40: Skip Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 43290, 19:09:17: TallyRetro was added to the Tribe by Thunder Thighs! Day 43291, 11:19:47: TallyRetro demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 43291, 18:56:24: TallyRetro demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 43292, 10:18:35: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 134 (Therizinosaur)! Day 43292, 18:59:59: Tribemember Thunder Thighs - Lvl 67 was killed by Skip - Lvl 45 (legasus)! Day 43292, 18:59:59: Your Tribe killed Thunder Thighs - Lvl 67 (legasus)! Day 43293, 12:22:02: Thunder Thighs Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 82 (Dung Beetle)! Day 43338, 18:50:30: Thunder Thighs Tamed a Compy - Lvl 127 (Compy)! Day 43361, 15:28:56: TallyRetro demolished a 'Thatch Doorframe'! Day 43363, 05:38:59: Tribemember TallyRetro - Lvl 34 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 43363, 06:06:41: TallyRetro was removed from the Tribe! Day 43385, 08:38:42: 'Human' was added to the Tribe by Thunder Thighs! Day 43386, 23:00:09: Tribemember 'Human' - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 43387, 00:43:34: Tribemember 'Human' - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 43387, 01:47:12: Tribemember 'Human' - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 43387, 09:10:16: 'Human' Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 28 (Pteranodon)! Day 43411, 05:59:56: Tribemember 'Human' - Lvl 35 was killed! Day 43435, 12:26:40: Thunder Thighs Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 29 (Iguanodon)! Day 43435, 21:38:12: Thunder Thighs Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 37 (Mesopithecus)! Day 43443, 13:09:30: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43459, 18:34:01: Thunder Thighs claimed 'Baby Iguanodon - Lvl 90 (Iguanodon)'! Day 43459, 18:59:15: Your Baby Iguanodon - Lvl 90 (Iguanodon) was killed by Thunder Thighs - Lvl 88 (legasus)! Day 43459, 18:59:15: Your Tribe killed Baby Iguanodon - Lvl 90 (Iguanodon) (legasus)! Day 43460, 05:11:09: Tribemember Thunder Thighs - Lvl 89 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 145! Day 43484, 10:32:25: Tribemember Thunder Thighs - Lvl 91 was killed! Day 43485, 05:45:23: Thunder Thighs Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 216 (Mammoth)! Day 43485, 06:35:10: Your manny - Lvl 216 (Mammoth) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 95! Day 43507, 10:25:41: Thunder Thighs Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 194 (Mammoth)! Day 43507, 22:05:49: Thunder Thighs demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 43554, 13:30:14: Tribemember Thunder Thighs - Lvl 94 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 55! Day 43554, 14:22:11: Tribemember Thunder Thighs - Lvl 94 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 55! Day 43554, 15:19:26: Tribemember Thunder Thighs - Lvl 94 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 95! Day 43554, 18:00:19: Tribemember Thunder Thighs - Lvl 94 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 100 | 1.0x! Day 43556, 01:27:39: Thunder Thighs Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 193 (Griffin)! Day 43556, 20:30:22: Thunder Thighs Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 134 (Dung Beetle)! Day 43578, 15:02:56: Thunder Thighs Tamed an Equus - Lvl 209 (Equus)! Day 43578, 18:07:47: Skip Tamed an Equus - Lvl 132 (Equus)! Day 43578, 18:20:05: Thunder Thighs Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo)! Day 43579, 00:52:53: Tribemember Skip - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 43579, 01:36:34: Tribemember Thunder Thighs - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 43579, 04:26:09: Direwolf - Lvl 145 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 43579, 04:26:09: Direwolf - Lvl 145 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 43579, 05:27:05: Tribemember Skip - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 43579, 06:44:33: Tribemember Skip - Lvl 61 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 15! Day 43579, 07:06:19: Tribemember Skip - Lvl 61 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 43579, 08:10:32: Your sleeping beauty - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 45! Day 43579, 18:15:18: Tribemember Skip - Lvl 61 was killed by Thunder Thighs - Lvl 96 (legasus)! Day 43579, 18:15:18: Your Tribe killed Skip - Lvl 61 (legasus)! Day 43579, 18:25:29: Tribemember Skip - Lvl 61 was killed by Thunder Thighs - Lvl 96 (legasus)! Day 43579, 18:25:29: Your Tribe killed Skip - Lvl 61 (legasus)! Day 43579, 20:00:40: Thunder Thighs claimed 'Baby Equus - Lvl 187 (Equus)'! Day 43580, 22:55:04: Thunder Thighs Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 43623, 16:48:44: Thunder Thighs claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 222 (Argentavis)'! Day 43623, 18:20:39: Thunder Thighs claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 216 (Argentavis)'! Day 43623, 18:21:49: Thunder Thighs claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 216 (Argentavis)'! Day 43623, 21:06:17: Skip claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 91 (Dodo)'! Day 43623, 21:10:17: Thunder Thighs claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 91 (Dodo)'! Day 43623, 21:11:30: Thunder Thighs claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 91 (Dodo)'! Day 43681, 16:01:03: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43698, 22:22:16: Castoroides - Lvl 145 destroyed your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 43699, 21:08:20: Thunder Thighs Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 209 (Castoroides)! Day 43716, 14:54:23: Tribemember Thunder Thighs - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 43716, 14:55:04: Your Hot Feet - Lvl 236 (Griffin) was killed! Day 43720, 09:15:09: Thunder Thighs Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 201 (Griffin)! Day 43721, 17:22:08: Thunder Thighs claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 208 (Argentavis)'! Day 43743, 11:40:24: Thunder Thighs claimed 'Baby Iguanodon - Lvl 52 (Iguanodon)'! Day 43743, 12:16:47: Your Baby Iguanodon - Lvl 52 (Iguanodon) was killed by Thunder Thighs - Lvl 102 (legasus)! Day 43743, 12:16:47: Your Tribe killed Baby Iguanodon - Lvl 52 (Iguanodon) (legasus)! Day 43744, 02:15:11: Tribemember Skip - Lvl 62 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 50! Day 43745, 17:31:16: Thunder Thighs claimed 'Baby Parasaur - Lvl 62 (Parasaur)'! Day 43745, 17:35:24: Your Baby Parasaur - Lvl 62 (Parasaur) was killed by Thunder Thighs - Lvl 104 (legasus)! Day 43745, 17:35:24: Your Tribe killed Baby Parasaur - Lvl 62 (Parasaur) (legasus)! Day 43746, 09:06:03: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 224 (Doedicurus)! Day 43746, 10:06:52: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 257 (Tek Raptor)! Day 43746, 10:43:52: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 215 (Raptor)! Day 43768, 13:28:34: Thunder Thighs claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 43768, 13:29:39: Thunder Thighs claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 230 (Argentavis)'! Day 43768, 15:55:24: Thunder Thighs claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 43768, 17:03:36: Your Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 230 (Argentavis) was killed by Thunder Thighs - Lvl 105 (legasus)! Day 43768, 17:03:36: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 230 (Argentavis) (legasus)! Day 43768, 17:08:21: Your Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) was killed by Thunder Thighs - Lvl 105 (legasus)! Day 43768, 17:08:21: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) (legasus)! Day 43770, 03:30:33: Tribemember Kudgen - Lvl 75 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 43770, 03:42:15: Tribemember Skip - Lvl 64 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 43770, 06:05:27: Tribemember Skip - Lvl 64 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 43770, 07:27:15: Tribemember Skip - Lvl 64 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 43770, 07:47:05: Tribemember Skip - Lvl 64 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 43784, 13:28:49: Your rock hard - Lvl 127 (Doedicurus) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 205 (Lightning Wyvern) (legasus)! Day 43784, 13:28:49: Your Tribe killed rock hard - Lvl 127 (Doedicurus) (legasus)! Day 43785, 18:22:49: Tribemember Thunder Thighs - Lvl 110 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 43785, 19:28:50: Tribemember Thunder Thighs - Lvl 111 was killed! Day 43785, 20:26:30: Tribemember Thunder Thighs - Lvl 111 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 60! Day 43785, 21:20:05: Tribemember Thunder Thighs - Lvl 111 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 60! Day 43818, 12:57:20: Thunder Thighs demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 43818, 13:18:45: Thunder Thighs demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 43818, 13:21:14: Thunder Thighs demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 43819, 07:31:19: Thunder Thighs Tamed an Oviraptor - Lvl 107 (Oviraptor)! Day 43824, 14:23:30: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43824, 14:23:30: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43824, 14:23:30: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43824, 14:23:30: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43824, 14:23:30: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43841, 08:58:34: Thunder Thighs claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 43841, 11:54:08: Thunder Thighs claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 43841, 11:56:03: Thunder Thighs claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 43841, 17:17:49: Thunder Thighs froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 43841, 21:51:45: Thunder Thighs froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43841, 22:01:09: Thunder Thighs froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43841, 22:34:50: Thunder Thighs froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 43841, 22:41:04: Thunder Thighs froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 43841, 22:46:54: Thunder Thighs froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 43842, 00:00:21: Thunder Thighs demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 43842, 03:37:59: Thunder Thighs froze manny 2.0 - Lvl 237 (Mammoth) Day 43842, 05:05:21: Thunder Thighs froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 43842, 13:30:31: Thunder Thighs froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43842, 14:59:59: Thunder Thighs froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 43842, 19:28:31: Thunder Thighs froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43843, 05:59:13: Thunder Thighs froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 43843, 06:08:05: Thunder Thighs froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 43843, 06:13:27: Thunder Thighs froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 43843, 10:35:28: Thunder Thighs froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 43843, 10:39:36: Thunder Thighs froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 43843, 10:42:47: Thunder Thighs froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 43843, 10:47:47: Thunder Thighs froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43843, 15:25:09: Thunder Thighs froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43843, 15:30:41: Thunder Thighs froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43843, 20:37:12: Thunder Thighs froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 105 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43843, 20:52:54: Thunder Thighs froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 102 (Poison Wyvern) Day 43843, 21:02:39: Thunder Thighs froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 43911, 21:25:54: Thunder Thighs claimed 'Munin - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 43911, 21:30:17: Thunder Thighs claimed 'Lucy - Lvl 236 (Triceratops)'! Day 43912, 04:30:04: Thunder Thighs froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 105 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43912, 05:09:05: Thunder Thighs froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 102 (Poison Wyvern) Day 43912, 08:05:27: Thunder Thighs froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 43912, 08:09:13: Thunder Thighs froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 156 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43912, 12:54:18: Thunder Thighs claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 187 (Pteranodon)'! Day 43932, 19:47:30: Tribemember Skip - Lvl 67 was killed by zappy - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) (legasus)! Day 43932, 19:47:30: Your Tribe killed Skip - Lvl 67 (legasus)! Day 43933, 22:43:37: Thunder Thighs claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 43934, 08:04:05: Thunder Thighs froze Munin - Lvl 256 (Argentavis) Day 43934, 09:06:07: Thunder Thighs froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Ice Wyvern) Day 43934, 12:12:16: Thunder Thighs claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 43934, 12:13:07: Skip Tamed a Megaloceros - Lvl 25 (Megaloceros)! Day 43934, 17:45:48: Thunder Thighs froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Ice Wyvern) Day 43934, 17:49:22: Thunder Thighs froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Ice Wyvern) Day 43935, 00:53:51: Thunder Thighs froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Ice Wyvern) Day 43935, 01:53:37: Skip Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 80 (Megatherium)! Day 43935, 06:41:12: Thunder Thighs froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Ice Wyvern) Day 43935, 06:46:03: Thunder Thighs froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Ice Wyvern) Day 43935, 21:17:12: Thunder Thighs froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Ice Wyvern) Day 43935, 21:22:38: Thunder Thighs froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Ice Wyvern) Day 43936, 08:42:32: Thunder Thighs froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Ice Wyvern) Day 43936, 14:50:56: Thunder Thighs froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Ice Wyvern) Day 44038, 15:43:22: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44086, 07:42:12: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44110, 03:15:26: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44110, 03:15:26: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44181, 13:39:20: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44229, 05:34:15: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44324, 11:29:43: Your 'Dino Leash' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44324, 11:29:43: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44324, 11:29:43: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44324, 11:29:43: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44324, 11:29:43: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44324, 11:29:43: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44324, 11:29:43: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44324, 11:29:43: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44324, 11:29:43: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44324, 11:29:43: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44324, 11:29:43: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44324, 11:29:43: Your 'Water Well' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44324, 11:29:43: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44324, 11:29:43: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44324, 11:29:43: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44324, 11:29:43: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44324, 11:29:43: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44408, 10:06:34: Thunder Thighs claimed 'orangeade - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 44514, 09:46:00: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1883905405,"tribe":"Placeholder Tribe logs":["Day 13776, 08:18:17: Peter froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 13779, 16:47:42: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13790, 03:03:16: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 159 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13790, 03:52:57: Peter froze Adolescent M P Imprinted - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 13790, 03:58:23: Peter froze Adolescent M P Imprint - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 13790, 04:03:43: Peter froze Adolescent M P Imprint - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 13790, 04:10:24: Peter froze Adolescent M P Imprint - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 13790, 04:24:54: Peter froze Adolescent F P Imprinted - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 13790, 04:43:24: Peter froze Adolescent M P Imprint - Lvl 251 (Rex) Day 13790, 05:03:27: Peter froze Adolescent M P Imprint - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 13790, 05:12:24: Peter froze Adolescent M P Imprint - Lvl 251 (Rex) Day 13790, 05:16:11: Peter froze Adolescent M P Imprint - Lvl 251 (Rex) Day 13790, 06:14:48: Peter demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 13790, 07:05:22: Peter froze Adolescent M P Imprint - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 13790, 07:22:16: Peter froze M P Imprint - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 13790, 07:24:17: Peter froze M P Imprinted - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 13790, 07:26:14: Peter froze M P Imprinted - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 13790, 07:27:55: Peter froze M P Imprint - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 13790, 07:29:45: Peter froze M P Imprinted - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 13790, 07:31:14: Peter froze M P Imprint - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 13790, 07:33:10: Peter froze M P Imprint - Lvl 250 (Rex) Day 13790, 07:45:45: Peter froze M P Imprint - Lvl 251 (Rex) Day 13790, 08:06:46: Peter froze F P Imprint - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 13790, 08:13:48: Peter froze F P Imprint - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 13790, 08:16:17: Peter froze M P Imprint - Lvl 251 (Rex) Day 13790, 08:19:27: Peter froze F P Imprinted - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 13790, 08:24:30: Peter froze M P Imprint - Lvl 250 (Rex) Day 13790, 08:34:31: Peter froze F P Imprint - Lvl 255 (Rex) Day 13790, 08:36:29: Peter froze M P Imprinted - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 13790, 08:38:41: Peter froze M P Imprint - Lvl 250 (Rex) Day 13790, 09:13:23: Peter froze Pelagornis - Lvl 201 (Pelagornis) Day 13790, 09:47:06: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 159 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13795, 18:42:33: Peter froze Pelagornis - Lvl 202 (Pelagornis) Day 13796, 00:45:33: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 259 (Thylacoleo) Day 13796, 07:03:17: Peter froze Mantis - Lvl 299 (Mantis) Day 13796, 08:15:47: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 259 (Thylacoleo) Day 13796, 09:35:42: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 13796, 09:58:36: Peter froze Mantis - Lvl 299 (Mantis) Day 13796, 10:30:27: Peter Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 169 (Direwolf)! Day 13796, 10:36:27: Peter froze M Health 2376 - Lvl 169 (Direwolf) Day 13796, 10:48:15: Your Tribe Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 141 (Direwolf)! Day 13796, 11:28:03: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 13796, 11:47:51: Peter froze Mantis - Lvl 299 (Mantis) Day 13796, 13:04:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 209 (Direwolf)! Day 13796, 13:31:29: Peter froze Meh - Lvl 209 (Direwolf) Day 13796, 13:46:26: Your Tribe Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 202 (Direwolf)! Day 13796, 14:09:56: Peter froze Direwolf - Lvl 202 (Direwolf) Day 13796, 16:43:44: Peter froze Meh - Lvl 209 (Direwolf) Day 13796, 16:45:27: Peter froze F Health 3102 - Lvl 202 (Direwolf) Day 13796, 16:48:52: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 13796, 18:09:59: Peter froze Mantis - Lvl 299 (Mantis) Day 13796, 20:07:01: Peter froze Mantis - Lvl 299 (Mantis) Day 13796, 20:10:10: Peter froze F Health 3102 - Lvl 202 (Direwolf) Day 13796, 20:15:43: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 13797, 18:32:42: Peter Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 149 (Ovis)! Day 13797, 18:35:07: Peter froze Ovis - Lvl 149 (Ovis) Day 13800, 20:37:40: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 161 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13801, 06:53:24: Peter froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 317 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13801, 19:08:11: Peter froze Argentavis - Lvl 331 (Argentavis) Day 13801, 22:31:47: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 13801, 22:46:39: Peter froze Mantis - Lvl 299 (Mantis) Day 13802, 00:08:04: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 163 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13802, 01:14:43: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 13802, 02:47:30: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 13802, 04:21:37: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 13802, 04:40:19: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 13802, 05:20:29: Peter froze Mantis - Lvl 299 (Mantis) Day 13802, 05:27:26: Tribemember Peter - Lvl 122 was killed by an Iceworm Male - Lvl 1! Day 13802, 06:44:46: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 251 (Thylacoleo) Day 13802, 07:04:23: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 13802, 07:32:12: Peter froze F P Imprint - Lvl 255 (Rex) Day 13802, 07:43:33: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 251 (Thylacoleo) Day 13802, 08:14:21: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 13802, 08:27:54: Peter froze M P Imprinted - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 13802, 08:30:55: Peter froze F P Imprint - Lvl 255 (Rex) Day 13802, 08:32:40: Peter froze Combatent - Lvl 157 (Yutyrannus) Day 13802, 09:14:32: Peter froze F P Imprinted - Lvl 309 (Rex) Day 13802, 09:19:41: Peter froze Combatent - Lvl 124 (Yutyrannus) Day 13802, 09:23:52: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 13802, 09:45:12: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 251 (Thylacoleo) Day 13802, 10:00:44: Peter froze Mantis - Lvl 299 (Mantis) Day 13802, 10:09:22: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 13802, 10:11:45: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 251 (Thylacoleo) Day 13802, 10:19:40: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 251 (Thylacoleo) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 20! Day 13802, 10:30:39: Peter froze M P Imprinted - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 13802, 10:33:12: Peter froze Combatent - Lvl 124 (Yutyrannus) Day 13802, 10:34:45: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 13802, 13:34:27: Peter Tamed an Otter - Lvl 81 (Otter)! Day 13802, 13:42:01: Peter froze Otter - Lvl 81 (Otter) Day 13802, 14:09:33: Peter Tamed an Otter - Lvl 223 (Otter)! Day 13802, 14:18:36: Peter froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 143 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 13802, 15:02:53: Peter Tamed an Otter - Lvl 194 (Otter)! Day 13802, 15:13:37: Peter froze Otter - Lvl 194 (Otter) Day 13802, 15:35:37: Peter uploaded a Otter: Otter - Lvl 81 Day 13802, 17:59:05: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 167 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13802, 18:07:50: Peter claimed 'Baby Otter - Lvl 199 (Otter)'! Day 13802, 18:23:29: Peter froze Baby Otter - Lvl 199 (Otter) Day 13802, 18:39:01: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 13802, 18:45:24: Tribemember Peter - Lvl 122 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 95! Day 13802, 18:54:56: Your Otter - Lvl 227 (Otter) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 167 (Fire Wyvern) (Placeholder Tribe)! Day 13802, 18:54:56: Your Tribe killed Otter - Lvl 227 (Otter) (Placeholder Tribe)! Day 13802, 19:27:58: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 13802, 19:41:08: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 143 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 95! Day 13802, 19:54:19: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 13807, 15:59:29: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13807, 15:59:29: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13807, 15:59:29: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13807, 15:59:29: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13807, 15:59:29: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13807, 15:59:29: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13811, 07:54:02: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 167 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13811, 09:20:40: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 13811, 10:47:57: Peter froze F P Imprint - Lvl 286 (Rex) Day 13811, 10:59:47: Peter froze M P Imprinted - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 13811, 11:02:28: Peter froze Combatent - Lvl 124 (Yutyrannus) Day 13811, 11:14:03: Peter froze F Stam Combatent - Lvl 318 (Rex) Day 13811, 11:20:51: Peter froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 176 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13811, 11:22:16: Peter froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 269 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13811, 11:23:34: Peter froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 296 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13811, 11:31:50: Peter froze F P Imprinted - Lvl 309 (Rex) Day 13811, 11:34:25: Peter froze F P Imprint - Lvl 286 (Rex) Day 13811, 11:36:59: Peter froze Combatent - Lvl 212 (Yutyrannus) Day 13811, 11:41:27: Peter froze Baby Momma - Lvl 222 (Procoptodon) Day 13811, 11:51:42: Peter froze Pelagornis - Lvl 206 (Pelagornis) Day 13811, 11:55:45: Peter froze Argentavis - Lvl 315 (Argentavis) Day 13811, 13:39:28: Peter froze F P Imprint - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 13811, 13:59:52: Peter froze Ovis - Lvl 149 (Ovis) Day 13811, 14:14:59: Peter froze Mantis - Lvl 299 (Mantis) Day 13811, 18:34:57: Peter froze Mantis - Lvl 299 (Mantis) Day 13811, 19:06:58: Peter Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 219 (Carbonemys)! Day 13811, 19:40:04: Peter froze Carbonemys - Lvl 219 (Carbonemys) Day 13811, 21:23:18: Peter froze Carbonemys - Lvl 221 (Carbonemys) Day 13813, 10:36:00: Peter froze Carbonemys - Lvl 319 (Carbonemys) Day 13813, 10:41:53: Peter froze Carbonemys - Lvl 229 (Carbonemys) Day 13813, 11:08:18: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 247 (Thylacoleo) Day 13813, 11:43:52: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 167 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13813, 11:47:03: Peter froze Otter - Lvl 203 (Otter) Day 13813, 17:15:52: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13816, 08:25:06: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13816, 14:07:50: Peter froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 176 (Tusoteuthis) Day 13816, 16:31:36: Tribemember Peter - Lvl 122 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 1.0x! Day 13816, 16:56:09: Peter froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 176 (Tusoteuthis) Day 13816, 18:27:04: Peter froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 193 (Tusoteuthis) Day 13834, 12:58:44: Tribemember Peter - Lvl 122 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 95! Day 13838, 12:25:08: Doedicurus - Lvl 141 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 13847, 18:23:08: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13855, 19:30:12: Your Direwolf - Lvl 141 (Direwolf) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 150! Day 13870, 16:04:53: Peter froze Argentavis - Lvl 319 (Argentavis) Day 13870, 16:06:41: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 262 (Thylacoleo) Day 13870, 16:25:41: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 247 (Thylacoleo) Day 13870, 17:13:51: Your Ovis - Lvl 22 (Ovis) was killed! Day 13870, 17:13:51: Ovis - Lvl 22 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 13870, 18:02:22: Peter claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 126 (Ovis)'! Day 13870, 18:02:50: Peter claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 92 (Ovis)'! Day 13870, 19:49:31: Your Juvenile Ovis - Lvl 92 (Ovis) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 95! Day 13870, 19:59:47: Your Juvenile Ovis - Lvl 126 (Ovis) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 95! Day 13870, 20:47:44: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 262 (Thylacoleo) Day 13870, 21:32:32: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13870, 22:12:38: Wyvern Eater - Lvl 123 (A Long Ride) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 231 (Raptor)'! Day 13871, 12:17:23: Peter froze F P Imprinted - Lvl 316 (Rex) Day 13871, 12:27:01: Peter froze M P Imprinted - Lvl 316 (Rex) Day 13871, 12:28:52: Peter froze Combatent - Lvl 181 (Yutyrannus) Day 13871, 12:30:49: Peter froze M H Imprinted - Lvl 309 (Rex) Day 13871, 12:33:29: Peter froze M P Imprinted (87) - Lvl 311 (Rex) Day 13871, 12:35:44: Peter froze M F S Imprinted - Lvl 300 (Rex) Day 13871, 12:42:24: Peter froze F P Imprinted - Lvl 312 (Rex) Day 13871, 12:45:35: Peter froze F P Imprint - Lvl 264 (Rex) Day 13871, 13:00:18: Peter froze F P Imprint - Lvl 264 (Rex) Day 13871, 13:02:14: Peter froze F P Imprinted - Lvl 316 (Rex) Day 13871, 13:06:52: Peter froze Male Combatent - Lvl 318 (Rex) Day 13871, 13:08:37: Peter froze F M Imprinted - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 13871, 13:10:06: Peter froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 232 (Yutyrannus) Day 13871, 13:12:29: Peter froze F P Imprinted - Lvl 311 (Rex) Day 13871, 13:18:00: Peter froze F P Imprinted - Lvl 312 (Rex) Day 13871, 13:50:34: Peter froze Food Melee Imp(100) - Lvl 326 (Rex) Day 13871, 13:55:10: Peter froze F P Imprint - Lvl 320 (Rex) Day 13871, 13:58:13: Peter froze M P Imprinted - Lvl 313 (Rex) Day 13871, 14:00:33: Peter froze Stam Combat Imp(87) - Lvl 282 (Rex) Day 13871, 14:53:29: Peter froze Food Melee Imp(100) - Lvl 326 (Rex) Day 13871, 15:47:05: Peter froze F P Imprinted - Lvl 322 (Rex) Day 13884, 07:57:36: Your Mantis - Lvl 299 (Mantis) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 55! Day 13889, 12:44:00: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13889, 12:44:00: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13891, 18:42:39: Peter froze F P Imprint - Lvl 316 (Rex) Day 13891, 18:44:53: Peter froze F P Imprint - Lvl 316 (Rex) Day 13891, 21:06:49: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 171 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13892, 06:29:21: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13892, 18:33:40: Tribemember Peter - Lvl 122 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 13892, 18:43:08: Your Griffin - Lvl 218 (Griffin) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 13892, 18:49:57: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 178 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13899, 17:15:57: Peter froze Daeodon - Lvl 203 (Daeodon) Day 13899, 18:53:36: Peter froze Ovis - Lvl 168 (Ovis) Day 13899, 20:15:27: Peter claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 98 (Ovis)'! Day 13899, 20:19:11: Peter froze Ovis - Lvl 64 (Ovis) Day 13899, 20:20:44: Peter froze Baby Ovis - Lvl 98 (Ovis) Day 13899, 22:43:55: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 178 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13900, 09:13:40: Peter froze Baby Otter - Lvl 199 (Otter) Day 13900, 09:45:27: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13900, 12:19:28: Tribemember Peter - Lvl 122 was killed by a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 95! Day 13900, 12:55:12: Peter froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 230 (Basilosaurus) Day 13900, 13:19:37: Your Tusoteuthis - Lvl 236 (Tusoteuthis) was killed by a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 140! Day 13900, 16:38:13: Peter froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 233 (Basilosaurus) Day 13900, 18:45:03: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13901, 16:23:11: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 181 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13901, 22:16:33: Your M Melee 36 345.8 - Lvl 312 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 20! Day 13902, 05:55:42: Peter froze Otter - Lvl 200 (Otter) Day 13905, 08:37:05: Peter froze Argentavis - Lvl 336 (Argentavis) Day 13905, 09:21:19: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 181 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13905, 10:06:38: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 251 (Thylacoleo) Day 13905, 10:30:12: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 181 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13905, 11:13:27: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 181 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13905, 12:12:30: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 251 (Thylacoleo) Day 13905, 12:44:09: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 181 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13905, 14:10:02: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 181 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13905, 15:46:55: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 181 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13905, 16:12:24: Peter froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 323 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13905, 16:41:42: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 181 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13906, 01:53:33: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 181 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13906, 06:11:21: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 251 (Thylacoleo) Day 13906, 07:18:17: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 181 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13906, 08:54:41: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 181 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13906, 15:51:15: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 251 (Thylacoleo) Day 13906, 16:12:33: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 181 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13939, 08:51:16: Tribemember Peter - Lvl 122 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 55! Day 13939, 09:52:51: Peter froze Speedy - Lvl 234 (Thylacoleo) Day 13939, 09:59:09: Peter froze Speedy - Lvl 234 (Thylacoleo) Day 13939, 10:54:29: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 251 (Thylacoleo) Day 13939, 11:17:41: Peter froze Pteranodon - Lvl 323 (Pteranodon) Day 13939, 11:28:08: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 181 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13939, 12:57:04: Peter froze Speedy - Lvl 234 (Thylacoleo) Day 13939, 13:20:18: Peter froze Speedy - Lvl 234 (Thylacoleo) Day 13939, 13:47:20: Peter Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis)! Day 13939, 14:01:28: Peter froze F Health 2200 - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 13939, 15:05:42: Peter froze F Health 2200 - Lvl 221 (Mantis) Day 13939, 23:11:50: Peter froze F Health 2200 - Lvl 223 (Mantis) Day 13940, 01:31:57: Peter froze F Health 2200 - Lvl 223 (Mantis) Day 13940, 05:14:11: Peter froze Ovis - Lvl 99 (Ovis) Day 13945, 01:03:36: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13972, 18:19:14: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13989, 20:29:14: Peter claimed 'Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex)'! Day 13989, 21:31:39: Peter froze Speedy - Lvl 234 (Thylacoleo) Day 13989, 22:42:13: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 182 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13989, 23:01:06: Peter froze Speedy - Lvl 234 (Thylacoleo) Day 13989, 23:33:45: Peter froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 182 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13990, 00:07:11: Peter froze Speedy - Lvl 234 (Thylacoleo) Day 14028, 09:21:08: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14028, 09:21:08: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14069, 23:49:15: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14143, 13:52:15: Hidey - Lvl 83 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 14155, 10:23:10: Hidey - Lvl 76 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 14163, 01:05:42: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14171, 11:31:01: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14171, 11:31:01: Dung Beetle - Lvl 98 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 14171, 11:31:01: Dung Beetle - Lvl 91 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 14181, 11:07:42: Kerrytin - Lvl 116 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 14181, 12:35:09: Peter froze Pteranodon - Lvl 335 (Pteranodon) Day 14181, 18:27:43: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 262 (Thylacoleo) Day 14181, 18:30:12: Peter froze Argentavis - Lvl 319 (Argentavis) Day 14181, 18:58:13: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 251 (Thylacoleo) Day 14186, 18:41:57: Dung Beetle - Lvl 88 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 14186, 18:42:03: Dung Beetle - Lvl 98 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 14225, 08:48:26: Felicia - Lvl 79 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 14231, 07:44:46: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14231, 07:44:46: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14245, 00:31:00: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14263, 21:23:12: Ovis - Lvl 69 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 14274, 01:51:26: Peter froze Argentavis - Lvl 336 (Argentavis) Day 14280, 14:29:36: Dung Beetle - Lvl 143 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 14286, 10:53:10: Your 'Small Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14286, 10:53:10: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14286, 10:53:10: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14295, 18:24:28: Rex - Lvl 288 (Rex) starved to death! Day 14295, 18:24:42: Flintoff - Lvl 123 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 14308, 20:50:02: F Perfect WO/Food - Lvl 123 (Yutyrannus) starved to death! Day 14314, 06:44:48: Your 'Ballista Turret' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14328, 03:23:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14350, 09:57:22: Peter froze F4 - Lvl 242 (Thylacoleo) Day 14365, 09:19:55: Ovis - Lvl 107 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 14385, 10:11:26: Peter demolished a 'Wooden Cage (Locked) '! Day 14385, 14:41:46: Peter froze F5 - Lvl 338 (Thylacoleo) Day 14385, 16:13:06: Peter froze F5 - Lvl 339 (Thylacoleo) Day 14385, 18:46:14: Peter Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 194 (Griffin)! Day 14386, 00:00:15: Peter froze Griffin - Lvl 197 (Griffin) Day 14386, 05:50:00: Peter froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 310 (Thylacoleo) Day 14397, 12:24:16: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14411, 10:27:45: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14411, 10:27:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14452, 21:20:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14452, 21:20:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14452, 21:20:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14452, 21:20:06: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14452, 21:20:06: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14452, 21:20:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14452, 21:20:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14452, 21:20:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14476, 09:53:05: Fibel - Lvl 120 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 14476, 09:53:23: Kerrytin - Lvl 145 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 14504, 17:29:13: Pastey - Lvl 180 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 14504, 17:29:15: Thatcher - Lvl 164 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 14564, 06:03:30: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14564, 06:03:30: Your 'Dino Leash' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14588, 01:30:32: Flintoff - Lvl 292 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 14633, 19:49:36: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14633, 19:49:36: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14633, 19:49:36: Your 'Metal Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14670, 09:11:51: Ovis - Lvl 151 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Gorilla Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14731, 07:03:32: Your 'Wooden Cage' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14740, 14:20:12: Gregory Snape - Lvl 122 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F Perfect - Lvl 123 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 14752, 14:19:35: LeoGetz - Lvl 122 (Telibevert) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalania - Lvl 209 (Megalania)'! Day 14752, 14:27:11: LeoGetz - Lvl 122 (Telibevert) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalania - Lvl 107 (Megalania)'! Day 14752, 14:36:25: LeoGetz - Lvl 122 (Telibevert) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Female Perfect Rex - Lvl 283 (Rex)'! Day 14752, 14:41:53: LeoGetz - Lvl 122 (Telibevert) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Male Perfect Rex - Lvl 249 (Rex)'! Day 14752, 14:42:50: LeoGetz - Lvl 122 (Telibevert) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F Health 3102 - Lvl 213 (Direwolf)'! Day 14752, 15:17:03: LeoGetz - Lvl 122 (Telibevert) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Meh - Lvl 218 (Direwolf)'! Day 14777, 22:01:31: MEh - Lvl 175 (Direwolf) starved to death! Day 14779, 13:58:08: Antman - Lvl 123 (Anthill) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 133 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 14779, 13:58:35: Antman - Lvl 123 (Anthill) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 196 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 14779, 13:58:58: Antman - Lvl 123 (Anthill) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 290 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 14779, 13:59:28: Antman - Lvl 123 (Anthill) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 193 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 14779, 14:00:22: Antman - Lvl 123 (Anthill) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 271 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 14779, 14:14:16: Antman - Lvl 123 (Anthill) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F Food - Lvl 111 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 14779, 14:15:14: Antman - Lvl 123 (Anthill) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Food - Lvl 107 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 14779, 14:16:03: Antman - Lvl 123 (Anthill) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Female Stamina Melee - Lvl 206 (Megatherium)'! Day 14779, 18:41:09: Antman - Lvl 123 (Anthill) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 172 (Ovis)'! Day 14779, 18:49:37: EcStAsY - Lvl 149 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Smackhead Tony - Lvl 263 (Kairuku)'! Day 14779, 18:52:51: EcStAsY - Lvl 149 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Smackhead Tina - Lvl 244 (Kairuku)'! Day 14779, 18:59:21: EcStAsY - Lvl 149 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hidey - Lvl 189 (Kairuku)'! Day 14779, 19:00:35: EcStAsY - Lvl 149 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hidey - Lvl 172 (Kairuku)'! Day 14779, 19:01:13: EcStAsY - Lvl 149 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hidey - Lvl 243 (Kairuku)'! Day 14779, 19:01:26: EcStAsY - Lvl 149 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kerrytin - Lvl 214 (Kairuku)'! Day 14779, 19:01:35: EcStAsY - Lvl 149 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Flintoff - Lvl 227 (Kairuku)'! Day 14779, 19:02:37: EcStAsY - Lvl 149 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Flintoff - Lvl 144 (Kairuku)'! Day 14779, 19:02:49: EcStAsY - Lvl 149 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Flintoff - Lvl 189 (Kairuku)'! Day 14779, 19:04:00: EcStAsY - Lvl 149 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kairuku - Lvl 166 (Kairuku)'! Day 14779, 19:18:16: EcStAsY - Lvl 149 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 154 (Phiomia)'! Day 14779, 19:45:46: Antman - Lvl 123 (Anthill) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 14779, 20:04:42: Antman - Lvl 123 (Anthill) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Felicia - Lvl 203 (Kairuku)'! Day 14779, 20:04:53: Antman - Lvl 123 (Anthill) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kairuku - Lvl 189 (Kairuku)'! Day 14779, 20:06:14: Antman - Lvl 123 (Anthill) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Felciia - Lvl 161 (Kairuku)'! Day 14779, 20:06:29: Antman - Lvl 123 (Anthill) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kairuku - Lvl 199 (Kairuku)'! Day 14779, 20:06:39: Antman - Lvl 123 (Anthill) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kairuku - Lvl 183 (Kairuku)'! Day 14779, 20:07:03: Antman - Lvl 123 (Anthill) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Felicia - Lvl 189 (Kairuku)'! Day 14779, 20:07:31: Antman - Lvl 123 (Anthill) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Felicia - Lvl 254 (Kairuku)'! Day 14779, 20:08:42: Antman - Lvl 123 (Anthill) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Felicia - Lvl 166 (Kairuku)'! Day 14903, 13:58:53: 's 'Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 123 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 14903, 13:58:53: 's 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 125 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 14903, 13:58:53: 's 'Top Shagger - Lvl 194 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 14903, 14:07:38: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 353 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 14903, 14:07:38: 's 'M Melee 27 Combatent - Lvl 209 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 14903, 14:07:38: 's 'Achatina - Lvl 162 (Achatina)' died in a Cryopod! Day 14903, 17:41:04: 's 'Combatent - Lvl 212 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 14903, 17:41:04: 's 'F P Imprinted - Lvl 319 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 14903, 17:41:04: 's 'M P Imprinted - Lvl 302 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 14903, 17:41:04: 's 'Combatent - Lvl 124 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 14910, 19:27:17: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14910, 19:27:17: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14910, 19:27:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14910, 19:27:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14910, 19:27:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14910, 19:27:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14910, 19:27:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14910, 19:27:17: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14910, 19:27:17: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14910, 19:27:17: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15076, 18:37:48: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15076, 18:37:48: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15076, 18:37:48: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15076, 18:37:48: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15076, 18:37:48: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15076, 18:37:48: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15076, 18:37:48: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15076, 18:37:48: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15076, 18:37:48: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22606, 16:50:11: F2 - Lvl 153 (Thylacoleo) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1879195630,"tribe":"Cartoon Network logs":["Day 18201, 09:54:39: Johnny Bravo was added to the Tribe! Day 18201, 10:00:04: Raven was added to the Tribe by Johnny Bravo! Day 18205, 18:14:11: Johnny Bravo Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 161 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 18206, 13:31:15: Johnny Bravo Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 22 (Argentavis)! Day 18206, 15:09:34: Johnny Bravo demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 18211, 07:33:02: Tribemember Raven - Lvl 77 was killed! Day 18211, 08:35:41: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon)! Day 18211, 11:05:20: Johnny Bravo Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 82 (Argentavis)! Day 18220, 22:18:04: Johnny Bravo Tamed a Tapejara - Lvl 89 (Tapejara)! Day 18857, 00:26:22: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tapejara - Lvl 90 (Tapejara)'! Day 18874, 05:51:25: Argentavis - Lvl 31 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 19010, 09:17:25: Inmate - Lvl 121 (Trikru) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jemma - Lvl 172 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 19010, 09:18:43: Inmate - Lvl 121 (Trikru) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 91 (Argentavis)'! Day 19010, 09:19:31: Inmate - Lvl 121 (Trikru) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19107, 11:18:52: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19107, 11:18:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19107, 11:18:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19143, 18:23:52: Tribemember Raven - Lvl 77 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 19661, 03:43:32: Tribemember Johnny Bravo - Lvl 93 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 150!"] "tribeid":1877276633,"tribe":"Frozen logs":["Day 16438, 13:00:48: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 59 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 25! Day 16438, 13:15:16: Your Betonflieger - Lvl 237 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 16438, 13:19:19: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 59 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 95! Day 16438, 13:20:39: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 59 was killed by a Megatherium - Lvl 20! Day 16438, 13:30:41: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 59 was killed! Day 16438, 13:31:41: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 59 was killed! Day 16438, 14:17:01: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 59 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 95! Day 16438, 14:29:39: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 59 was killed! Day 16438, 14:36:35: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 59 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 95! Day 16438, 14:51:18: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 59 was killed! Day 16438, 15:14:44: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 59 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 140! Day 16438, 15:19:41: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 59 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 140! Day 16438, 15:31:37: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 59 was killed! Day 16438, 15:37:23: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 59 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 140! Day 16438, 15:56:30: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 59 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 55! Day 16438, 16:05:32: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 59 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 60! Day 16438, 16:10:43: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 59 was killed by a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 20! Day 16438, 16:16:22: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 59 was killed by a Mammoth - Lvl 85! Day 16438, 16:53:27: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 59 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 130! Day 16438, 16:56:39: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 59 was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 25! Day 16438, 17:07:31: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 59 was killed by a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 20! Day 16438, 17:24:35: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 59 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 16438, 17:35:39: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 59 was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 90! Day 16438, 17:46:55: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 59 was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 25! Day 16438, 18:07:27: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 59 was killed! Day 16438, 18:41:10: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 59 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 16438, 18:53:52: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 59 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 145! Day 16438, 20:30:56: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 60 was killed by Luca - Lvl 59 (Frozen)! Day 16438, 20:30:56: Your Tribe killed leSkimbeR - Lvl 60 (Frozen)! Day 16438, 20:50:13: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 59 was killed by leSkimbeR - Lvl 60 (Frozen)! Day 16438, 20:50:13: Your Tribe killed Luca - Lvl 59 (Frozen)! Day 16438, 23:17:35: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 59 was killed by a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 55! Day 16439, 02:16:47: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 59 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 95! Day 16439, 02:39:27: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 60 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 95! Day 16439, 04:24:58: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 60 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 20! Day 16439, 04:37:32: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16439, 06:14:57: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 60 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 130! Day 16439, 06:41:51: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 60 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 130! Day 16439, 07:11:39: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 29 (Carnotaurus)! Day 16439, 07:32:09: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 61 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 25! Day 16439, 07:55:36: leSkimbeR Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 136 (Daeodon)! Day 16439, 08:21:35: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 61 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 130! Day 16439, 15:15:00: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 61 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 95! Day 16439, 16:33:17: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16439, 16:37:54: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16439, 18:39:28: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 62 was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 15! Day 16439, 18:41:52: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 60 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 16439, 18:53:29: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 60 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 16439, 19:13:24: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 16439, 19:15:12: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 60 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 100! Day 16439, 22:00:23: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 134 (Carnotaurus)! Day 16439, 22:13:12: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 16439, 22:40:32: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 16439, 23:17:15: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 60 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 100! Day 16439, 23:48:40: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 60 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 100! Day 16440, 00:41:23: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 134 (Carnotaurus) was killed by leSkimbeR - Lvl 63 (Frozen)! Day 16440, 00:41:23: Your Tribe killed Carnotaurus - Lvl 134 (Carnotaurus) (Frozen)! Day 16440, 00:45:51: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 60 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 140! Day 16440, 02:10:22: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 60 was killed by a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 130! Day 16440, 04:13:26: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 60 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 25! Day 16440, 05:18:13: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 60 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 145! Day 16440, 05:44:13: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 60 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 130! Day 16440, 07:57:40: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 66 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 140! Day 16440, 08:26:59: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 16440, 10:24:38: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 60 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 55! Day 16440, 10:37:11: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 67 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 145! Day 16440, 10:38:11: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 60 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 145! Day 16440, 11:26:44: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 16440, 11:36:51: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 60 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 85! Day 16440, 11:59:36: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 63 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 140! Day 16440, 13:14:14: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 63 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 16440, 13:34:00: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 16440, 13:35:32: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 68 was killed by a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 145! Day 16440, 13:54:48: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 63 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 16440, 13:59:53: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 38 (Carnotaurus) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 85! Day 16440, 14:20:56: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 16440, 14:24:07: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 16440, 15:15:54: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 16440, 15:34:50: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 63 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 16440, 16:16:23: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 63 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 90! Day 16440, 16:22:17: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 63 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 15! Day 16440, 17:16:11: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 16440, 17:32:34: Your Tribe Tamed a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 215 (Thorny Dragon)! Day 16440, 18:46:20: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 63 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 55! Day 16440, 18:55:40: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 69 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 20! Day 16440, 19:55:23: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 63 was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 60! Day 16440, 20:13:16: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 16440, 21:06:50: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 63 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 135! Day 16440, 21:07:05: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16440, 21:07:05: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16440, 21:25:45: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 63 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 135! Day 16440, 22:01:23: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 63 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 135! Day 16440, 22:17:41: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 16440, 22:48:20: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 70 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 20! Day 16441, 02:12:37: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 66 was killed by leSkimbeR - Lvl 70 (Frozen)! Day 16441, 02:12:37: Your Tribe killed Luca - Lvl 66 (Frozen)! Day 16441, 02:30:10: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 66 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 16441, 02:56:42: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 70 was killed by a Yutyrannus - Lvl 15! Day 16441, 03:19:40: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 70 was killed by a Yutyrannus - Lvl 15! Day 16441, 03:56:59: leSkimbeR Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 16441, 04:13:25: Your Tribe Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 157 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 16441, 04:44:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 216 (Sabertooth)! Day 16441, 06:21:02: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 66 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 20! Day 16441, 07:32:32: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 70 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 85! Day 16441, 07:53:25: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 70 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 130! Day 16441, 08:02:09: leSkimbeR demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 16441, 08:03:57: leSkimbeR demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 16441, 08:04:30: leSkimbeR demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 16441, 08:29:45: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16441, 08:29:45: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16441, 08:33:51: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 70 was killed by a Yutyrannus - Lvl 15! Day 16441, 09:58:31: Your Tribe Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 22 (Yutyrannus)! Day 16441, 11:36:39: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 71 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 130! Day 16441, 12:10:26: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 71 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 90! Day 16441, 12:10:59: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 22 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 16441, 12:19:56: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 71 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 16441, 12:29:28: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 71 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 16441, 12:40:42: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 71 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 16441, 12:54:32: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 71 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 90! Day 16441, 13:29:31: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 71 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 16441, 13:44:59: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 71 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 16441, 14:30:44: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 67 was killed by leSkimbeR - Lvl 72 (Frozen)! Day 16441, 14:30:44: Your Tribe killed Luca - Lvl 67 (Frozen)! Day 16446, 08:58:30: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 67 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 16446, 13:04:24: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16446, 18:29:08: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 16447, 03:24:17: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 72 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 25! Day 16447, 03:52:27: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 72 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 95! Day 16447, 05:26:15: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 72 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 145! Day 16447, 07:15:38: Your Tribe Tamed a Morellatops - Lvl 37 (Morellatops)! Day 16447, 14:32:45: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 201 (Carnotaurus)! Day 16448, 10:26:41: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 78 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 55! Day 16448, 17:35:55: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 81 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 145! Day 16449, 14:16:46: leSkimbeR claimed 'Pinkie - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16449, 17:35:03: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16449, 17:35:03: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16449, 17:35:34: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16449, 17:35:49: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16449, 18:41:52: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 87 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 130! Day 16449, 19:01:53: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 87 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 145! Day 16449, 21:31:24: leSkimbeR Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 215 (Carnotaurus)! Day 16449, 22:00:05: leSkimbeR Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 194 (Carnotaurus)! Day 16450, 01:36:07: leSkimbeR Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 194 (Carnotaurus)! Day 16450, 08:54:09: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 89 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 140! Day 16450, 09:08:22: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 16450, 09:22:48: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 89 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 140! Day 16450, 09:56:10: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 89 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 130! Day 16450, 09:58:21: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was destroyed! Day 16450, 10:09:14: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 89 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 55! Day 16450, 10:21:47: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 89 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 90! Day 16450, 10:51:51: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 89 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 130! Day 16450, 16:19:12: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 207 (Carnotaurus)! Day 16451, 14:28:32: leSkimbeR claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 199 (Rex)'! Day 16451, 14:36:44: leSkimbeR froze Baby Rex - Lvl 199 (Rex) Day 16451, 19:23:58: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 93 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 130! Day 16452, 05:18:37: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was destroyed! Day 16452, 05:18:38: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was destroyed! Day 16452, 05:18:51: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 93 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 45! Day 16452, 05:26:53: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 93 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 45! Day 16452, 05:48:13: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 207 (Carnotaurus) was killed! Day 16453, 18:14:20: Your 'Tent (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16453, 18:46:02: Fettsack - Lvl 160 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 16453, 18:47:09: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 199 (Rex) starved to death! Day 16458, 16:16:57: leSkimbeR claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 135 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16458, 16:18:06: leSkimbeR claimed 'EE - Lvl 35 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 16458, 17:00:30: leSkimbeR demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 16458, 17:01:29: leSkimbeR demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 16458, 17:01:58: leSkimbeR demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 16458, 17:02:27: leSkimbeR demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 16458, 17:02:57: leSkimbeR demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 16458, 17:03:36: leSkimbeR demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 16458, 17:04:08: leSkimbeR demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 16459, 17:34:47: leSkimbeR unclaimed 'Scorpi - Lvl 171 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 16459, 17:35:45: leSkimbeR claimed 'Scorpi - Lvl 171 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 16459, 17:55:48: leSkimbeR unclaimed 'Scorpi - Lvl 176 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 16459, 17:56:52: leSkimbeR claimed 'Scorpi - Lvl 176 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 16460, 00:02:46: leSkimbeR claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 191 (Rex)'! Day 16460, 00:26:51: leSkimbeR froze Baby Rex - Lvl 191 (Rex) Day 16460, 09:58:01: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 16461, 08:50:25: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16461, 08:52:10: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 16461, 10:52:16: leSkimbeR claimed 'Grassland - Lvl 158 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16461, 10:52:40: leSkimbeR claimed 'Fred - Lvl 212 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 16461, 10:52:54: leSkimbeR claimed 'Spinebreaker - Lvl 219 (Doedicurus)'! Day 16461, 10:53:23: leSkimbeR claimed 'Leggo - Lvl 77 (Vulture)'! Day 16461, 10:54:10: leSkimbeR claimed 'Mongo - Lvl 82 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 16461, 11:33:13: leSkimbeR froze Spinebreaker - Lvl 221 (Doedicurus) Day 16461, 11:37:22: leSkimbeR froze Fred - Lvl 215 (Carnotaurus) Day 16461, 11:39:18: leSkimbeR froze Grassland - Lvl 158 (Pteranodon) Day 16461, 11:43:22: leSkimbeR froze Mongo - Lvl 82 (Brontosaurus) Day 16461, 11:48:33: leSkimbeR froze Leggo - Lvl 77 (Vulture) Day 16462, 06:00:29: leSkimbeR froze Calus - Lvl 294 (Rock Drake) Day 16462, 08:46:40: leSkimbeR froze Felix - Lvl 297 (Rock Drake) Day 16462, 08:54:38: leSkimbeR froze Felix - Lvl 297 (Rock Drake) Day 16462, 19:36:19: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 16462, 22:19:46: leSkimbeR froze Felix - Lvl 298 (Rock Drake) Day 16463, 23:33:55: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 71 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 16464, 07:26:42: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 71 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 90! Day 16464, 13:14:03: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 72 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 140! Day 16464, 13:27:04: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 72 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 16464, 13:54:43: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 72 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 150! Day 16464, 14:25:40: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 72 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 150! Day 16464, 18:01:16: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 224 (Carnotaurus)! Day 16464, 20:08:58: Luca Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 16464, 22:31:35: Luca Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis)! Day 16465, 14:43:27: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 74 was killed! Day 16465, 21:00:45: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 74 was killed! Day 16466, 03:01:36: Luca froze Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 16466, 03:24:31: Luca froze Byakuya - Lvl 261 (Sabertooth) Day 16466, 03:41:04: Luca froze Carnosaurus 224 - Lvl 224 (Carnotaurus) Day 16466, 03:48:25: Luca froze Carnosaurus 215 - Lvl 232 (Carnotaurus) Day 16466, 03:55:31: Luca froze Anton - Lvl 218 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16466, 04:03:38: Luca froze Carnosaurus 203 - Lvl 227 (Carnotaurus) Day 16466, 04:13:14: Luca froze Terrano - Lvl 243 (Thorny Dragon) Day 16466, 06:28:24: Luca demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 16466, 06:54:53: Luca froze Carnosaurus 194 - Lvl 214 (Carnotaurus) Day 16466, 06:57:13: Luca froze Carnosaurus 194 - Lvl 210 (Carnotaurus) Day 16466, 08:01:59: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 74 was killed! Day 16467, 01:19:13: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 16467, 02:41:16: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 75 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 130! Day 16467, 08:25:07: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 77 was killed! Day 16467, 15:58:11: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 78 was killed! Day 16467, 22:09:43: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 78 was killed by leSkimbeR - Lvl 98 (Frozen)! Day 16467, 22:09:43: Your Tribe killed Luca - Lvl 78 (Frozen)! Day 16468, 10:09:52: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 81 was killed! Day 16473, 17:13:10: leSkimbeR froze cow deer 2 - Lvl 116 (Megaloceros) Day 16473, 18:17:49: leSkimbeR froze cow deer 2 - Lvl 116 (Megaloceros) Day 16473, 18:20:45: leSkimbeR froze cow deer 2 - Lvl 116 (Megaloceros) Day 16474, 06:02:19: Your Tribe Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 194 (Dire Bear)! Day 16477, 14:48:25: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 99 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 16477, 15:01:47: Your Byakuya - Lvl 265 (Sabertooth) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 150! Day 16478, 06:08:40: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 86 was killed! Day 16478, 09:35:49: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 86 was killed! Day 16478, 11:47:37: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 99 was killed by Luca - Lvl 87 (Frozen)! Day 16478, 11:47:37: Your Tribe killed leSkimbeR - Lvl 99 (Frozen)! Day 16479, 14:21:01: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 16487, 13:41:05: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 99 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 135! Day 16488, 04:43:05: Your Hurensohn - Lvl 242 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 135! Day 16488, 12:04:10: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 100 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 145! Day 16488, 13:16:30: Your 'Wood Ramp' was destroyed! Day 16488, 16:15:37: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 100 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 90! Day 16488, 19:51:31: leSkimbeR Tamed a Spino - Lvl 216 (Spino)! Day 16488, 23:26:35: leSkimbeR froze Noer - Lvl 232 (Spino) Day 16489, 09:50:00: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 98 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 150! Day 16489, 15:41:05: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 16489, 17:44:25: Your 'Wood Ramp' was destroyed! Day 16489, 17:47:21: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was destroyed! Day 16489, 18:01:33: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 16489, 18:09:41: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 102 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 150! Day 16489, 18:45:26: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 102 was killed! Day 16489, 18:59:50: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 102 was killed! Day 16489, 19:03:34: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 160 (Tek Raptor)! Day 16489, 19:48:43: Luca claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 16489, 22:10:35: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 102 was killed! Day 16489, 23:04:37: Luca froze Dire Bear - Lvl 226 (Dire Bear) Day 16490, 00:43:58: Your Tek Raptor - Lvl 160 (Tek Raptor) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 145! Day 16490, 03:42:38: Luca demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 16490, 05:43:29: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 102 was killed! Day 16490, 06:40:16: Your Rudolf - Lvl 116 (Megaloceros) was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 20! Day 16490, 07:01:32: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 102 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 135! Day 16490, 07:05:03: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 102 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 135! Day 16490, 11:21:02: leSkimbeR froze Dire Bear - Lvl 226 (Dire Bear) Day 16490, 11:26:05: leSkimbeR demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 16490, 11:44:32: leSkimbeR Tamed a Spino - Lvl 216 (Spino)! Day 16490, 12:38:07: leSkimbeR froze Dire Bear - Lvl 226 (Dire Bear) Day 16490, 12:40:16: leSkimbeR froze Opfer - Lvl 216 (Spino) Day 16494, 00:47:29: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 103 was killed by a Griffin - Lvl 90! Day 16494, 01:27:43: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 103 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 16494, 01:50:11: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 103 was killed! Day 16494, 02:28:46: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 103 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 95! Day 16494, 07:13:18: leSkimbeR Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 134 (Griffin)! Day 16494, 17:05:38: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 102 was killed! Day 16501, 08:24:13: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 104 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 130! Day 16501, 14:02:40: leSkimbeR claimed 'Cinders - Lvl 217 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16501, 14:12:31: leSkimbeR claimed 'Ivy - Lvl 209 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 16501, 14:28:22: leSkimbeR froze Ivy - Lvl 209 (Poison Wyvern) Day 16501, 14:30:05: leSkimbeR froze Cinders - Lvl 217 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16501, 14:37:58: leSkimbeR claimed 'Fiery - Lvl 296 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16501, 14:38:56: leSkimbeR claimed 'Ashly - Lvl 245 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16501, 14:42:52: leSkimbeR froze Fiery - Lvl 296 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16501, 14:44:31: leSkimbeR froze Ashly - Lvl 245 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16502, 10:33:55: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 103 was killed! Day 16502, 12:03:01: Luca claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 184 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 16502, 12:04:12: leSkimbeR froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 184 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16502, 17:01:25: Your 'Wooden Cage (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16518, 14:04:28: leSkimbeR froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 211 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16518, 14:56:25: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 16518, 18:41:37: leSkimbeR froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 211 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16518, 18:49:04: leSkimbeR froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 211 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16518, 19:33:38: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 105 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 55! Day 16520, 09:42:01: Luca claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 236 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 16520, 09:42:03: leSkimbeR claimed 'Phiomia - Lvl 204 (Phiomia)'! Day 16520, 09:43:05: Luca claimed 'Grendol's Wyvern - Lvl 356 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 16520, 09:43:13: leSkimbeR claimed 'BOB - Lvl 335 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 16520, 09:44:25: Luca claimed 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 279 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 16520, 09:45:15: Luca claimed 'Velo (M) - Lvl 222 (Velonasaur)'! Day 16520, 13:04:26: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 109 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 145! Day 16520, 14:42:54: leSkimbeR froze Velo (M) - Lvl 255 (Velonasaur) Day 16520, 14:48:57: leSkimbeR froze Grendol's Wyvern - Lvl 356 (Poison Wyvern) Day 16520, 14:54:18: leSkimbeR froze BOB - Lvl 335 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16520, 14:58:08: leSkimbeR froze Phiomia - Lvl 204 (Phiomia) Day 16520, 14:59:13: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 16520, 15:02:09: leSkimbeR froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 244 (Thylacoleo) Day 16520, 15:13:16: leSkimbeR froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 279 (Megalosaurus) Day 16520, 15:18:06: leSkimbeR froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 279 (Megalosaurus) Day 16520, 15:19:31: leSkimbeR froze Griffin - Lvl 156 (Griffin) Day 16520, 19:40:26: Your Scorpi - Lvl 182 (Pulmonoscorpius) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 140! Day 16520, 20:22:20: Your Grassland - Lvl 176 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 16521, 02:32:55: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 105 was killed by an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 16521, 02:48:14: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 109 was killed! Day 16521, 04:32:32: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 109 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 25! Day 16521, 09:12:08: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 106 was killed! Day 16521, 19:02:19: Luca froze Kacksau - Lvl 204 (Phiomia) Day 16522, 03:45:40: Luca Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 89 (Mesopithecus)! Day 16522, 05:43:25: Your Tribe Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 216 (Mammoth)! Day 16522, 07:03:40: Your Mammoth - Lvl 216 (Mammoth) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 100! Day 16522, 08:27:52: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 16522, 10:31:15: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 109 was killed by Luca - Lvl 107 (Frozen)! Day 16522, 10:31:15: Your Tribe killed leSkimbeR - Lvl 109 (Frozen)! Day 16522, 15:24:48: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 107 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 16522, 19:35:31: Your Tribe Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 223 (Mammoth)! Day 16522, 21:25:11: Luca froze Mammoth - Lvl 223 (Mammoth) Day 16532, 14:59:59: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 109 was killed! Day 16532, 15:51:15: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 109 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 85! Day 16535, 12:21:51: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 109 was killed! Day 16535, 17:56:58: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 109 was killed! Day 16535, 19:49:03: Luca demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 16535, 19:49:27: Luca demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 16536, 03:35:37: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 109 was killed! Day 16547, 03:44:03: Sonic - Lvl 110 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16650, 05:40:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16703, 20:04:03: Your Morellatops - Lvl 61 (Morellatops) was killed by an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 100! Day 16705, 12:29:01: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16705, 12:29:01: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16719, 09:45:48: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16733, 06:54:53: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16753, 06:15:09: Charlie - Lvl 31 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 16837, 04:20:20: Pteranodon - Lvl 111 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16885, 13:52:36: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16896, 05:44:22: Ping - Lvl 89 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 16903, 06:43:10: GigaChad - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Felix - Lvl 306 (Rock Drake)'! Day 16903, 06:43:34: GigaChad - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Odin - Lvl 269 (Velonasaur)'! Day 16903, 06:43:46: GigaChad - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Opfer - Lvl 236 (Spino)'! Day 16903, 06:43:57: GigaChad - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Terrano - Lvl 253 (Thorny Dragon)'! Day 16903, 06:44:27: GigaChad - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 247 (Mammoth)'! Day 16903, 06:44:46: GigaChad - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dire Bear - Lvl 229 (Dire Bear)'! Day 16903, 06:45:09: GigaChad - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vandal - Lvl 233 (Rex)'! Day 16903, 06:45:28: GigaChad - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mongo - Lvl 118 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 16903, 06:46:45: GigaChad - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vulkan - Lvl 300 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16903, 06:47:51: GigaChad - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Anton - Lvl 222 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 16903, 06:48:20: GigaChad - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 245 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 16903, 06:49:45: GigaChad - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedel - Lvl 257 (Doedicurus)'! Day 16903, 06:49:53: GigaChad - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 285 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 16903, 06:53:21: GigaChad - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wilma - Lvl 106 (Vulture)'! Day 16903, 07:34:56: 's 'Kacksau - Lvl 204 (Phiomia)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16903, 08:22:55: GigaChad - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zapdos - Lvl 335 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 16903, 08:29:03: GigaChad - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Griffin - Lvl 169 (Griffin)'! Day 16903, 08:41:02: GigaChad - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BigChick - Lvl 284 (Argentavis)'! Day 16903, 08:55:03: GigaChad - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 266 (Argentavis)'! Day 16903, 09:31:08: GigaChad - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Noer - Lvl 241 (Spino)'! Day 16903, 16:13:25: GigaChad - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phantom - Lvl 303 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 16913, 07:53:58: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16913, 07:53:58: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16913, 07:53:58: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16913, 07:53:58: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16913, 07:53:58: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16913, 07:53:58: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16913, 07:53:58: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16913, 07:53:58: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16913, 07:53:58: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16917, 05:55:37: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnosaurus 203 - Lvl 241 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 16917, 06:00:04: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Viper - Lvl 356 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 16917, 06:05:02: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnosaurus 215 - Lvl 249 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 16917, 06:05:08: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnosaurus 224 - Lvl 254 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 16917, 06:05:29: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnosaurus 194 - Lvl 229 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 16917, 06:05:49: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnosaurus 194 - Lvl 230 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 16917, 06:06:10: big - Lvl 124 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnosaurus 208 - Lvl 236 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 17016, 00:28:47: Tribemember Luca - Lvl 110 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 17017, 07:47:29: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 120 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 17037, 11:05:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17078, 19:28:23: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17078, 19:28:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17078, 19:28:23: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17078, 19:28:23: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17078, 19:28:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17078, 19:28:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17078, 19:28:23: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17078, 19:28:23: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17078, 19:28:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17100, 07:02:40: EE - Lvl 38 (Carnotaurus) starved to death! Day 17217, 17:29:55: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17245, 13:34:50: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17530, 17:31:54: BloWn36 - Lvl 124 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stahlflieger - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon)'! Day 17578, 14:50:39: Pteranodon - Lvl 135 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 17879, 05:16:42: Tribemember leSkimbeR - Lvl 120 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60! Day 31055, 05:58:29: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by a Spino - Lvl 135!"] "tribeid":1877000719,"tribe":"Tribe of OGLARRYCONNORS logs":["Day 25349, 22:00:55: OGLARRYCONNORS was added to the Tribe! Day 25350, 00:31:53: OGLARRYCONNORS demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 25350, 00:33:51: OGLARRYCONNORS demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 25350, 00:48:23: OGLARRYCONNORS demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 25350, 00:55:17: OGLARRYCONNORS demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 25350, 01:00:03: OGLARRYCONNORS demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 25350, 01:15:38: OGLARRYCONNORS demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 25350, 01:16:51: OGLARRYCONNORS demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 25350, 01:18:14: OGLARRYCONNORS demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 25350, 01:22:58: OGLARRYCONNORS demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 25350, 01:27:58: OGLARRYCONNORS demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 25398, 04:41:00: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 127 (Parasaur)! Day 25398, 07:14:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)! Day 25398, 09:14:43: Your Parasaur - Lvl 131 (Parasaur) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 90! Day 25460, 06:47:46: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 232 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 25460, 09:42:50: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)! Day 25462, 09:13:56: OGLARRYCONNORS claimed 'Garbage Truck - Lvl 234 (Triceratops)'! Day 25462, 09:15:27: OGLARRYCONNORS claimed 'Rine - Lvl 105 (Equus)'! Day 25462, 09:44:51: OGLARRYCONNORS claimed 'sprem - Lvl 98 (Equus)'! Day 25462, 09:46:35: OGLARRYCONNORS claimed 'Bean - Lvl 50 (Equus)'! Day 25462, 09:51:29: OGLARRYCONNORS unclaimed 'Bean - Lvl 50 (Equus)'! Day 25462, 10:13:05: OGLARRYCONNORS unclaimed 'sprem - Lvl 98 (Equus)'! Day 25482, 21:45:37: OGLARRYCONNORS demolished a 'Bookshelf (Locked) '! Day 25482, 23:50:41: OGLARRYCONNORS froze Doedicurus - Lvl 194 (Doedicurus) Day 25483, 00:53:36: OGLARRYCONNORS froze Pteranodon - Lvl 210 (Pteranodon) Day 25483, 01:02:59: OGLARRYCONNORS froze Doedicurus - Lvl 194 (Doedicurus) Day 25483, 05:46:45: OGLARRYCONNORS froze Pteranodon - Lvl 210 (Pteranodon) Day 25483, 05:53:00: OGLARRYCONNORS froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 245 (Tek Parasaur) Day 25483, 06:29:51: OGLARRYCONNORS froze Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) Day 26249, 19:28:23: Ugg - Lvl 181 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 27195, 22:06:59: Your Rine - Lvl 105 (Equus) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 27195, 22:33:32: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Garbage Truck - Lvl 234 (Triceratops)'!"] "tribeid":1876958040,"tribe":"House Grimwood logs":["Day 23293, 15:40:13: Lambo was added to the Tribe! Day 23587, 08:34:00: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24177, 05:34:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1876928301,"tribe":"Dirty Rag logs":["Day 30963, 11:01:51: Fruj was added to the Tribe! Day 30963, 15:59:02: Fruj froze stam, melee - Lvl 202 (Desmodus) Day 31075, 10:41:51: Fruj froze Blackson - Lvl 243 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31150, 23:12:49: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 112 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 31151, 00:57:14: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 112 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 31151, 06:48:46: Fruj froze Blackson - Lvl 268 (Fire Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1875795183,"tribe":"Tribe of chunk logs":["Day 11714, 11:37:17: Thomas The DANK was added to the Tribe! Day 11714, 11:39:39: Michael was added to the Tribe by Thomas The DANK! Day 11714, 12:50:51: Your Jimmy - Lvl 197 (Dodo) was killed by Michael - Lvl 5 (Tribe of chunk)! Day 11714, 12:50:51: Your Tribe killed Jimmy - Lvl 197 (Dodo) (Tribe of chunk)! Day 11714, 20:04:14: Tribemember Michael - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 11714, 22:30:56: Tribemember Thomas The DANK - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 11717, 15:25:59: Tribemember Michael - Lvl 12 was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 20! Day 11720, 10:17:56: Tribemember Thomas The DANK - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 11720, 12:35:47: Tribemember Thomas The DANK - Lvl 23 was killed! Day 11720, 14:22:47: Tribemember Thomas The DANK - Lvl 24 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 20! Day 11720, 14:56:23: Tribemember Thomas The DANK - Lvl 24 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 20! Day 11720, 15:21:17: Tribemember Thomas The DANK - Lvl 24 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 20! Day 11720, 15:58:46: Tribemember Thomas The DANK - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 11727, 07:40:49: Thomas The DANK demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 11727, 07:41:22: Thomas The DANK demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 11727, 07:41:50: Thomas The DANK demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 11727, 07:42:23: Thomas The DANK demolished a 'Storage Box (Unlocked) '! Day 11727, 07:42:55: Thomas The DANK demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 11727, 09:54:05: Tribemember Thomas The DANK - Lvl 25 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 50! Day 11727, 10:24:28: Tribemember Thomas The DANK - Lvl 25 was killed! Day 11727, 11:01:41: Tribemember Thomas The DANK - Lvl 25 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 11727, 12:19:37: Tribemember Thomas The DANK - Lvl 25 was killed! Day 11729, 02:42:06: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 179 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 11730, 05:49:58: Tribemember Thomas The DANK - Lvl 32 was killed! Day 11730, 14:00:15: Thomas The DANK Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)! Day 11733, 14:32:00: Thomas The DANK demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 11733, 17:51:55: Thomas The DANK demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 11734, 09:26:01: bag spol was added to the Tribe by Thomas The DANK! Day 11734, 12:34:32: bag spol Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 134 (Dodo)! Day 11734, 13:49:24: Thomas The DANK claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 11734, 13:51:51: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 192 (Dilophosaur)! Day 11734, 14:01:16: Thomas The DANK unclaimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 11734, 17:26:07: Thomas The DANK Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops)! Day 11741, 20:13:42: Tribemember Thomas The DANK - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 11742, 15:24:20: Thomas The DANK demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 11743, 09:05:05: Tribemember Thomas The DANK - Lvl 52 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 90! Day 11743, 09:16:54: Tribemember Thomas The DANK - Lvl 52 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 90! Day 11743, 09:28:11: Tribemember Thomas The DANK - Lvl 52 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 130! Day 11743, 09:48:11: Tribemember Thomas The DANK - Lvl 52 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 90! Day 11743, 10:35:40: Tribemember bag spol - Lvl 10 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 12057, 11:31:31: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12105, 23:09:02: dris - Lvl 37 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 12134, 19:11:25: bag spol jr - Lvl 140 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 12236, 10:43:41: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12236, 10:43:41: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12236, 10:43:41: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12236, 10:43:41: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12236, 10:43:41: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12236, 10:43:41: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12372, 17:52:44: N4YF - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boginda - Lvl 191 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 12386, 15:39:07: Mathias Baker - Lvl 137 (The Eerie Meanions) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bogara - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon)'! Day 12403, 23:20:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12469, 07:02:09: Boff - Lvl 195 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 12571, 05:41:01: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12749, 18:46:58: Riddick - Lvl 15 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18675, 10:21:05: Tribemember Thomas The DANK - Lvl 52 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 130!"] "tribeid":1869223375,"tribe":"LoneWolf logs":["Day 19387, 07:38:00: deadman was added to the Tribe! Day 19387, 09:15:39: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 136 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 19387, 09:18:56: Tribemember deadman - Lvl 88 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 19387, 10:14:20: Tribemember deadman - Lvl 88 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 19387, 11:46:23: Tribemember deadman - Lvl 88 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 19387, 13:50:53: Tribemember deadman - Lvl 88 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 19387, 15:50:00: deadman Tamed an Equus - Lvl 202 (Equus)! Day 19388, 06:46:09: deadman Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)! Day 19388, 07:08:27: deadman froze Equus - Lvl 207 (Equus) Day 19388, 09:38:30: deadman uploaded a Equus: Equus - Lvl 207 Day 19388, 10:03:57: deadman froze Pteranodon - Lvl 210 (Pteranodon) Day 19388, 22:32:58: deadman Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 195 (Argentavis)! Day 19388, 22:39:38: deadman froze Argentavis - Lvl 195 (Argentavis) Day 19394, 04:14:27: deadman uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 195 Day 19394, 04:18:17: deadman froze Pteranodon - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon) Day 19394, 05:42:46: deadman froze Pteranodon - Lvl 216 (Pteranodon) Day 19395, 08:25:50: deadman froze Pteranodon - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) Day 19395, 16:03:12: deadman froze Pteranodon - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) Day 19395, 16:07:59: deadman Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 202 (Griffin)! Day 19395, 16:39:24: deadman froze Griffin - Lvl 203 (Griffin) Day 19404, 11:01:06: deadman froze Griffin - Lvl 233 (Griffin) Day 19420, 16:33:34: deadman froze Griffin - Lvl 248 (Griffin) Day 19425, 16:47:56: deadman froze Griffin - Lvl 254 (Griffin) Day 19439, 12:11:20: deadman froze Griffin - Lvl 262 (Griffin) Day 19465, 23:15:54: deadman downloaded a dino: Sinomacrops - Lvl 75 Day 19465, 23:21:38: deadman froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 75 (Sinomacrops) Day 19465, 23:26:48: deadman froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 231 (Poison Wyvern) Day 19471, 20:50:16: deadman froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 191 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19474, 10:39:33: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 207 (Megatherium) Day 19474, 10:49:36: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 207 (Megatherium) Day 19474, 11:49:00: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 210 (Megatherium) Day 19474, 12:13:34: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 210 (Megatherium) Day 19474, 13:47:17: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 218 (Megatherium) Day 19474, 14:33:34: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 219 (Megatherium) Day 19474, 16:10:36: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 220 (Megatherium) Day 19474, 19:15:49: deadman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 192 (Velonasaur) Day 19474, 22:19:03: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 221 (Megatherium) Day 19474, 23:31:36: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 225 (Megatherium) Day 19475, 00:03:29: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 225 (Megatherium) Day 19475, 03:06:27: deadman froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19483, 23:36:42: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 227 (Megatherium) Day 19484, 00:50:58: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 227 (Megatherium) Day 19484, 01:34:46: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 228 (Megatherium) Day 19484, 03:02:13: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 233 (Megatherium) Day 19484, 05:06:27: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 234 (Megatherium) Day 19484, 08:30:46: deadman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 193 (Velonasaur) Day 19484, 10:17:35: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 235 (Megatherium) Day 19484, 11:26:37: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 239 (Megatherium) Day 19484, 12:09:18: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 239 (Megatherium) Day 19484, 12:48:16: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 239 (Megatherium) Day 19484, 13:46:24: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 239 (Megatherium) Day 19484, 13:50:21: deadman froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 209 (Sinomacrops) Day 19484, 14:03:38: deadman froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19486, 11:19:53: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 240 (Megatherium) Day 19486, 11:58:37: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 240 (Megatherium) Day 19486, 12:19:41: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 241 (Megatherium) Day 19486, 13:21:58: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 244 (Megatherium) Day 19486, 13:59:09: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 244 (Megatherium) Day 19486, 14:22:55: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 244 (Megatherium) Day 19486, 14:39:34: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 244 (Megatherium) Day 19486, 15:09:08: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 245 (Megatherium) Day 19486, 17:47:35: deadman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 194 (Velonasaur) Day 19486, 19:36:35: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 247 (Megatherium) Day 19486, 20:05:56: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 247 (Megatherium) Day 19486, 20:46:19: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 248 (Megatherium) Day 19486, 22:16:33: deadman froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 211 (Sinomacrops) Day 19486, 22:27:57: deadman froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19487, 11:09:16: deadman froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19510, 17:08:31: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 216 (Maewing) Day 19510, 19:54:53: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 248 (Megatherium) Day 19510, 20:39:16: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 250 (Megatherium) Day 19510, 20:53:54: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 250 (Megatherium) Day 19510, 21:55:40: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 250 (Megatherium) Day 19511, 00:07:17: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 252 (Megatherium) Day 19511, 00:55:15: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 252 (Megatherium) Day 19511, 04:27:23: deadman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 199 (Velonasaur) Day 19511, 06:37:18: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 253 (Megatherium) Day 19511, 07:14:29: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 253 (Megatherium) Day 19511, 08:17:24: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 253 (Megatherium) Day 19511, 09:02:02: deadman froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 276 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19511, 16:29:35: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 216 (Maewing) Day 19511, 17:59:34: deadman froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 111 (Sinomacrops) Day 19511, 18:03:13: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 216 (Maewing) Day 19513, 11:04:36: deadman froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 278 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19555, 08:51:49: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 245 (Maewing) Day 19589, 04:01:11: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 263 (Megatherium) Day 19589, 04:37:25: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 263 (Megatherium) Day 19589, 05:01:51: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 263 (Megatherium) Day 19589, 06:13:47: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 264 (Megatherium) Day 19589, 07:00:45: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 264 (Megatherium) Day 19589, 07:52:56: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 264 (Megatherium) Day 19589, 10:26:26: deadman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 199 (Velonasaur) Day 19589, 12:36:28: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 265 (Megatherium) Day 19589, 12:59:19: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 265 (Megatherium) Day 19589, 13:43:38: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 265 (Megatherium) Day 19589, 20:10:34: deadman froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 136 (Sinomacrops) Day 19589, 20:40:44: deadman froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 136 (Sinomacrops) Day 19589, 20:47:00: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 245 (Maewing) Day 19604, 02:52:39: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 266 (Megatherium) Day 19604, 03:39:02: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 266 (Megatherium) Day 19604, 04:10:22: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 267 (Megatherium) Day 19604, 05:17:52: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 267 (Megatherium) Day 19604, 06:24:08: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 267 (Megatherium) Day 19604, 09:15:53: deadman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 200 (Velonasaur) Day 19604, 11:39:27: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 267 (Megatherium) Day 19604, 18:05:42: deadman froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 143 (Sinomacrops) Day 19604, 18:16:18: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 245 (Maewing) Day 19604, 18:31:20: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 245 (Maewing) Day 19606, 20:06:57: Your Tribe Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 186 (Thylacoleo)! Day 19606, 20:41:55: deadman froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 186 (Thylacoleo) Day 19606, 22:02:27: deadman Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 209 (Thylacoleo)! Day 19607, 06:28:09: deadman froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 209 (Thylacoleo) Day 19607, 07:01:24: deadman froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 305 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19607, 07:05:45: deadman froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 209 (Thylacoleo) Day 19632, 17:14:16: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 249 (Maewing) Day 19656, 06:19:20: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 267 (Megatherium) Day 19656, 06:40:02: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 267 (Megatherium) Day 19656, 07:47:01: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 268 (Megatherium) Day 19656, 07:54:16: Tribemember deadman - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 19656, 07:54:28: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 143 (Sinomacrops) was killed! Day 19656, 08:22:40: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 249 (Maewing) Day 19656, 13:03:45: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 121 (Sinomacrops) was killed! Day 19656, 13:05:08: Tribemember deadman - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 19656, 13:42:15: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 249 (Maewing) Day 19778, 05:49:10: deadman froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 322 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19778, 06:43:27: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 19778, 10:21:21: deadman froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 322 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19778, 12:16:23: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 19778, 12:32:51: deadman froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 322 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19801, 19:03:58: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 19814, 10:31:59: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 19818, 07:08:18: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 276 (Megatherium) Day 19818, 08:00:36: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 276 (Megatherium) Day 19818, 08:56:36: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 276 (Megatherium) Day 19818, 09:26:18: deadman froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 105 (Sinomacrops) Day 19818, 10:06:10: deadman froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 105 (Sinomacrops) Day 19818, 10:12:44: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 223 (Maewing) Day 19818, 22:53:00: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 223 (Maewing) Day 19841, 22:36:43: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 223 (Maewing) Day 19883, 12:37:18: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20222, 00:12:09: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 20462, 11:41:24: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 313 (Megatherium) Day 20462, 12:04:19: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 313 (Megatherium) Day 20462, 12:45:05: Tribemember deadman - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 20462, 13:13:56: Tribemember deadman - Lvl 123 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 95! Day 20462, 16:29:10: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 222 (Maewing) Day 20462, 17:41:19: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 298 (Megatherium) Day 20462, 17:57:56: deadman froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 78 (Sinomacrops) Day 20462, 18:34:59: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 313 (Megatherium) Day 20462, 18:40:24: deadman froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 78 (Sinomacrops) Day 20462, 19:30:19: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 313 (Megatherium) Day 20462, 19:58:14: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 313 (Megatherium) Day 20462, 22:28:22: deadman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 301 (Velonasaur) Day 20462, 23:56:03: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 313 (Megatherium) Day 20463, 00:47:09: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 313 (Megatherium) Day 20463, 01:53:04: deadman froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 149 (Sinomacrops) Day 20463, 01:58:02: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 20480, 07:35:08: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 317 (Megatherium) Day 20480, 08:06:51: Your Megatherium - Lvl 317 (Megatherium) was killed! Day 20480, 09:31:53: deadman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 302 (Velonasaur) Day 20480, 11:12:16: deadman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 302 (Velonasaur) Day 20480, 12:50:45: deadman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 302 (Velonasaur) Day 20480, 18:38:55: deadman froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 150 (Sinomacrops) Day 20480, 18:48:07: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 20637, 21:20:20: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20639, 21:47:50: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 20755, 21:34:43: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20925, 08:56:37: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 335 (Megatherium) Day 20925, 10:00:50: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 335 (Megatherium) Day 20925, 10:24:49: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 335 (Megatherium) Day 20925, 12:21:51: deadman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 321 (Velonasaur) Day 20925, 14:05:25: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 335 (Megatherium) Day 20925, 15:35:51: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 239 (Maewing) Day 20925, 15:42:22: deadman froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 162 (Sinomacrops) Day 20928, 10:59:27: Tribemember deadman - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 20928, 13:26:25: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 213 (Maewing) Day 20928, 18:55:29: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 239 (Maewing) Day 20928, 23:38:19: deadman froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 312 (Tusoteuthis) Day 20929, 02:44:52: Tribemember deadman - Lvl 123 was killed by an Alpha Tusoteuthis - Lvl 50! Day 20956, 22:56:39: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing) Day 21368, 14:17:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1864449766,"tribe":"Tribe of Siness logs":["Day 33019, 08:01:53: Siness was added to the Tribe! Day 33019, 08:04:06: TK was added to the Tribe by Siness! Day 33019, 08:27:53: Tribe of Rinwood tribe was merged in by Rinwood! Day 33019, 08:27:53: Rinwood was added to the Tribe by Siness! Day 33019, 14:42:36: TK Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 197 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 33019, 15:15:25: TK froze Carly - Lvl 197 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 33019, 16:31:16: Siness froze Diamond - Lvl 223 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 33019, 16:32:10: Rinwood froze Mr Speed - Lvl 268 (Snow Owl) Day 33019, 16:34:13: TK froze Tapejara - Lvl 249 (Tapejara) Day 33063, 18:17:50: TK froze Tucker - Lvl 277 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 33063, 19:14:00: Tribemember TK - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 33064, 01:24:50: Tribemember TK - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 33064, 02:51:28: TK froze Tucker - Lvl 277 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 33064, 03:18:09: Tribemember TK - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 33064, 03:55:52: Tribemember TK - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 33064, 05:26:36: Siness froze Ice - Lvl 262 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 33064, 05:30:37: TK froze Tucker - Lvl 277 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 33064, 10:14:10: TK Tamed a Tek Quetzal - Lvl 251 (Tek Quetzal)! Day 33064, 10:35:10: TK froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 251 (Tek Quetzal) Day 33064, 10:49:05: TK froze Tucker - Lvl 277 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 33079, 04:33:10: TK claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 33079, 05:01:02: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 33079, 11:29:30: TK claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 33079, 11:54:33: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 33079, 23:44:06: TK claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 33079, 23:48:52: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 33080, 00:50:10: TK claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 33080, 00:53:16: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 33080, 02:55:10: TK claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 33080, 02:59:30: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 33080, 03:23:32: TK claimed 'Hovercraft (Motorboat)'! Day 33080, 03:32:05: Your Hovercraft (Motorboat) was destroyed! Day 33080, 05:01:18: TK claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 33080, 05:05:44: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 33080, 14:05:25: TK froze mk1 - - Lvl 317 (Pteranodon) Day 33083, 16:22:57: TK froze mk1 - - Lvl 317 (Pteranodon) Day 33084, 04:51:17: TK froze mk1 - - Lvl 317 (Pteranodon) Day 33084, 08:49:16: TK froze mk1 - - Lvl 318 (Pteranodon) Day 33111, 20:12:52: Rinwood froze Mr Speed - Lvl 272 (Snow Owl) Day 33112, 00:09:43: Siness froze Ice - Lvl 271 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 33112, 00:43:12: Rinwood froze Mr Speed - Lvl 272 (Snow Owl) Day 33112, 03:06:18: Siness froze Ice - Lvl 274 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 33134, 13:27:15: TK froze mk1 - - Lvl 318 (Pteranodon) Day 33206, 06:51:42: TK froze mk1 - - Lvl 318 (Pteranodon) Day 33206, 06:52:10: TK claimed 'Terry V3 - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33206, 06:55:34: TK froze Terry V3 - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) Day 33206, 07:00:18: TK claimed 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 33206, 07:02:14: TK claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 203 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 33206, 07:07:24: TK froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 203 (Ankylosaurus) Day 33206, 07:08:57: TK claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 164 (Triceratops)'! Day 33206, 07:11:09: TK froze Triceratops - Lvl 164 (Triceratops) Day 33206, 07:54:05: Your Motorboat (Motorboat) was destroyed! Day 33206, 08:57:47: TK froze mk1 - - Lvl 318 (Pteranodon) Day 33220, 11:15:41: Rinwood was removed from the Tribe! Day 33220, 11:33:01: TK froze mk1 - - Lvl 320 (Pteranodon) Day 33325, 12:29:58: TK froze mk1 - Lvl 321 (Pteranodon) Day 33397, 10:59:53: Siness was removed from the Tribe! Day 33397, 10:59:53: Tribe Owner was changed to TK! Day 33412, 09:43:47: TK claimed 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 09:48:56: TK froze base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 09:50:02: TK claimed 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 09:52:59: TK froze base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 09:55:18: TK claimed 'hp stam melee food fem - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 09:57:30: TK froze hp stam melee food fem - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 09:58:20: TK claimed 'all- weight fem - Lvl 244 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:00:30: TK froze all- weight fem - Lvl 244 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 10:02:39: TK claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:07:13: TK claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:11:59: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 10:16:38: TK claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:17:30: TK claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:17:52: TK claimed 'fem - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:20:41: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 10:21:42: TK claimed 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:23:54: TK froze base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 10:26:41: TK froze fem - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 10:27:42: TK claimed 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:29:56: TK froze base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 10:31:03: TK claimed 'base breeder fem - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:33:16: TK froze base breeder fem - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 10:39:40: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 10:40:11: TK claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:40:34: TK claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:41:02: TK claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:43:55: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 10:46:38: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 10:49:57: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 10:50:37: TK claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:55:21: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 10:58:05: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 11:05:01: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 11:08:44: TK claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 11:14:05: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 11:58:21: TK froze mk1 - Lvl 324 (Pteranodon) Day 33412, 13:50:43: TK claimed 'all- melee food fem - Lvl 206 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33412, 14:05:56: TK froze all- melee food fem - Lvl 206 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33412, 14:20:55: TK claimed 'all- food fem - Lvl 218 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33412, 14:24:03: TK froze all- food fem - Lvl 218 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33412, 14:59:21: TK claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 15:08:01: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 15:32:41: TK froze Quetzal - Lvl 321 (Quetzal) Day 33412, 15:36:28: TK claimed 'fem - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 15:38:38: TK froze fem - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 15:39:36: TK claimed 'all- stam speed fem - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 15:41:49: TK froze all- stam speed fem - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 15:44:12: TK claimed 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 15:46:23: TK froze base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 15:48:03: TK claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 15:52:38: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 16:00:03: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 16:01:08: TK claimed 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 16:03:17: TK froze base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 16:03:57: TK claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 16:09:54: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 16:11:16: TK claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 16:13:30: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 16:18:14: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 16:19:37: TK claimed 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 16:21:51: TK froze base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 16:25:46: TK claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 235 (Argentavis)'! Day 33412, 16:28:00: TK froze Argentavis - Lvl 235 (Argentavis) Day 33412, 16:45:19: TK claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 16:47:48: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 16:49:43: TK claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 16:51:56: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 16:52:39: TK claimed 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 16:55:01: TK froze base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 16:55:50: TK claimed 'fem - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 16:58:02: TK froze fem - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 17:01:42: TK claimed 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 17:03:53: TK froze base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 17:04:23: TK claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 17:06:51: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 17:07:33: TK claimed 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 17:09:50: TK froze base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 17:10:32: TK claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 228 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 17:12:41: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 228 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 17:13:21: TK claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 17:16:28: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 17:20:59: TK claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 17:23:14: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 17:23:57: TK claimed 'fem - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 17:26:05: TK froze fem - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 17:26:45: TK claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 17:28:55: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 17:29:32: TK claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 17:31:44: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 17:53:15: TK claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 17:59:15: TK froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 18:00:12: TK claimed 'hp stam fem - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 18:01:26: TK claimed 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 18:08:20: TK froze hp stam fem - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 18:11:02: TK froze base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 18:17:23: TK claimed 'stam melee food fem - Lvl 217 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 18:19:34: TK froze stam melee food fem - Lvl 217 (Shadowmane) Day 33412, 22:25:29: TK claimed 'Garuda - Lvl 218 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 33412, 22:26:20: TK claimed 'Celine - Lvl 256 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 33412, 22:33:43: TK froze Garuda - Lvl 218 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 33412, 22:37:28: TK froze Celine - Lvl 256 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 33412, 22:38:32: TK claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33412, 22:42:17: TK froze Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) Day 33412, 22:43:57: TK claimed 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 268 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 33412, 22:46:47: TK froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 268 (Tek Parasaur) Day 33412, 22:48:41: TK claimed 'Donald - Lvl 218 (Dodo)'! Day 33412, 22:55:09: TK froze Donald - Lvl 218 (Dodo) Day 33413, 03:54:53: TK froze mk1 - Lvl 324 (Pteranodon)"] "tribeid":1863143341,"tribe":"Tribe of swagz logs":["Day 34814, 19:53:59: swagz was added to the Tribe! Day 34814, 19:56:18: Akihiro was added to the Tribe by swagz! Day 34814, 22:24:00: swagz Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 201 (Parasaur)! Day 34814, 22:28:59: swagz froze Parasaur - Lvl 201 (Parasaur) Day 34815, 05:43:47: swagz claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 138 (Argentavis)'! Day 34815, 06:29:26: swagz claimed 'bord 2.0 - Lvl 132 (Argentavis)'! Day 34815, 06:37:28: Tribemember Akihiro - Lvl 11 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 50! Day 34815, 09:17:02: swagz claimed 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 171 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 34816, 09:00:17: Tribemember Akihiro - Lvl 35 was killed! Day 34819, 02:58:57: swagz claimed 'AVALON (Raft)'! Day 34819, 03:03:43: swagz claimed 'Led Zeppelin - Lvl 205 (Equus)'! Day 34821, 00:51:50: Tribemember swagz - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 34821, 03:00:47: swagz froze Led Zeppelin - Lvl 241 (Equus) Day 34821, 14:49:55: swagz froze Argentavis - Lvl 164 (Argentavis) Day 34822, 05:22:21: swagz Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (Thylacoleo)! Day 34822, 05:36:08: swagz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (Thylacoleo) Day 34822, 10:43:51: swagz froze Led Zeppelin - Lvl 241 (Equus) Day 34837, 20:05:37: swagz Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 214 (Thylacoleo)! Day 34837, 20:21:39: swagz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 214 (Thylacoleo) Day 34838, 05:15:10: swagz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 214 (Thylacoleo) Day 34838, 12:31:40: swagz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 225 (Thylacoleo) Day 34848, 00:17:04: swagz froze first male - Lvl 277 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34848, 03:08:36: swagz froze Argentavis - Lvl 168 (Argentavis) Day 34848, 04:25:54: Tribemember swagz - Lvl 111 was killed! Day 34848, 05:32:23: Tribemember Akihiro - Lvl 41 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 20! Day 34848, 06:12:28: Tribemember Akihiro - Lvl 41 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 34848, 06:26:53: Tribemember Akihiro - Lvl 41 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 34848, 09:37:30: Tribemember Akihiro - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 34848, 09:57:16: Tribemember Akihiro - Lvl 41 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 140! Day 34848, 10:05:41: Tribemember Akihiro - Lvl 41 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 140! Day 34848, 22:24:24: Your Argentavis - Lvl 168 (Argentavis) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 95! Day 34848, 23:33:28: Tribemember Akihiro - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 34849, 00:37:45: swagz Tamed a Gigantopithecus - Lvl 212 (Gigantopithecus)! Day 34849, 05:11:26: swagz froze first male 145 - Lvl 219 (Gigantopithecus) Day 34850, 05:56:34: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 157 (Doedicurus)! Day 34850, 06:46:53: swagz froze Doedicurus - Lvl 159 (Doedicurus) Day 34850, 07:13:37: swagz froze first male 145 - Lvl 241 (Gigantopithecus) Day 34850, 08:51:19: swagz froze first male 145 - Lvl 241 (Gigantopithecus) Day 34850, 12:02:10: swagz Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 209 (Vulture)! Day 34999, 08:04:26: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34999, 08:04:26: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35115, 23:21:26: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35139, 18:05:17: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35314, 12:19:15: first male - Lvl 277 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 35417, 17:02:59: Tribemember swagz - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 35417, 17:09:28: Tribemember Akihiro - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 35432, 17:51:46: JaYDM - Lvl 8 (Mandem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 224 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 35437, 18:22:34: JaYDM - Lvl 58 (Mandem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 219 (Parasaur)'! Day 35437, 18:40:18: JaYDM - Lvl 58 (Mandem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 214 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 35437, 18:46:04: JaYDM - Lvl 58 (Mandem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'bord 2.0 - Lvl 135 (Argentavis)'! Day 35437, 19:02:30: JaYDM - Lvl 58 (Mandem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vulture - Lvl 209 (Vulture)'! Day 35437, 19:13:43: JaYDM - Lvl 58 (Mandem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Led Zeppelin - Lvl 242 (Equus)'! Day 35558, 09:34:15: Jean - Lvl 8 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 183 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 35734, 05:07:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35734, 05:07:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35734, 05:07:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36019, 11:48:43: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1862383903,"tribe":"The Carrot Farmers logs":["Day 17841, 03:15:55: Your Tribe Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)! Day 17841, 04:11:12: NoMoreCarrots froze Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 17841, 06:43:17: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 204 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17841, 06:50:38: NoMoreCarrots froze Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 204 (Allosaurus) Day 17841, 06:58:35: Your Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 204 (Allosaurus) was killed by NoMoreCarrots - Lvl 116 (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 17841, 06:58:35: Your Tribe killed Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 204 (Allosaurus) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 17841, 07:31:18: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 119 (Ovis)'! Day 17841, 16:30:04: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Bolt - Lvl 248 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 17841, 16:32:02: NoMoreCarrots froze Bolt - Lvl 248 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17841, 23:49:21: NoMoreCarrots froze Bolt - Lvl 248 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17842, 09:03:40: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Compy - Lvl 217 (Compy)! Day 17842, 09:34:31: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 209 (Raptor)! Day 17842, 10:05:10: NoMoreCarrots froze Raptor - Lvl 209 (Raptor) Day 17857, 13:10:15: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 161 (Ovis)'! Day 17859, 11:20:53: Your Tribe Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 224 (Mammoth)! Day 17859, 11:36:04: NoMoreCarrots froze Mammoth - Lvl 224 (Mammoth) Day 17859, 20:20:54: Your Ovis - Lvl 27 (Ovis) was killed by NoMoreCarrots - Lvl 122 (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 17859, 20:20:54: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 27 (Ovis) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 17860, 06:18:09: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Spino - Lvl 224 (Spino)! Day 17860, 06:26:28: NoMoreCarrots froze Spino - Lvl 224 (Spino) Day 17873, 19:54:10: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17873, 19:57:19: NoMoreCarrots froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex) Day 17874, 10:52:48: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 217 (Dimorphodon)! Day 17874, 22:19:26: NoMoreCarrots froze Shadowmane - Lvl 251 (Shadowmane) Day 17874, 22:24:40: NoMoreCarrots froze Shadowmane - Lvl 209 (Shadowmane) Day 17874, 22:36:59: NoMoreCarrots froze Spino - Lvl 224 (Spino) Day 17874, 23:01:57: NoMoreCarrots froze Deinonychus - Lvl 189 (Deinonychus) Day 17875, 00:55:06: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 243 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17875, 01:01:30: NoMoreCarrots froze Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 243 (Allosaurus) Day 17875, 04:40:25: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 224 (Dimorphodon)! Day 17876, 04:53:41: NoMoreCarrots froze Tek Rex - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex) Day 17876, 06:22:54: NoMoreCarrots froze Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) Day 17884, 12:35:34: Your BASE F MALE - Lvl 200 (Argentavis) was killed by NoMoreCarrots - Lvl 122 (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 17884, 12:35:34: Your Tribe killed BASE F MALE - Lvl 200 (Argentavis) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 17884, 13:32:25: Your WEIGHT BIRD - Lvl 142 (Argentavis) was killed by NoMoreCarrots - Lvl 122 (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 17884, 13:32:25: Your Tribe killed WEIGHT BIRD - Lvl 142 (Argentavis) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 17884, 13:42:23: Your sssssss - Lvl 121 (Dilophosaur) was killed by NoMoreCarrots - Lvl 122 (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 17884, 13:42:23: Your Tribe killed sssssss - Lvl 121 (Dilophosaur) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 17884, 13:45:04: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 88 (Dilophosaur) was killed by NoMoreCarrots - Lvl 122 (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 17884, 13:45:04: Your Tribe killed Dilophosaur - Lvl 88 (Dilophosaur) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 17884, 14:35:22: NoMoreCarrots froze Tek Rex - Lvl 272 (Tek Rex) Day 17884, 14:41:10: NoMoreCarrots froze Tek Rex - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex) Day 17884, 14:46:04: NoMoreCarrots froze Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 17886, 20:22:27: NoMoreCarrots Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 202 (Ovis)! Day 17886, 20:27:01: NoMoreCarrots froze Ovis - Lvl 202 (Ovis) Day 17886, 20:33:02: NoMoreCarrots Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 37 (Ovis)! Day 17886, 20:39:55: NoMoreCarrots froze Ovis - Lvl 37 (Ovis) Day 17886, 20:49:42: NoMoreCarrots Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 194 (Ovis)! Day 17886, 20:54:56: NoMoreCarrots froze Ovis - Lvl 194 (Ovis) Day 17887, 10:48:15: NoMoreCarrots Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 82 (Ovis)! Day 17887, 10:49:57: NoMoreCarrots Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 127 (Ovis)! Day 17887, 10:51:14: NoMoreCarrots Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 22 (Ovis)! Day 17887, 10:56:20: NoMoreCarrots froze Ovis - Lvl 22 (Ovis) Day 17887, 11:01:13: NoMoreCarrots froze Ovis - Lvl 82 (Ovis) Day 17887, 11:05:45: NoMoreCarrots froze Ovis - Lvl 127 (Ovis) Day 17903, 08:10:45: Your Ovis - Lvl 22 (Ovis) was killed by NoMoreCarrots - Lvl 122 (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 17903, 08:10:45: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 22 (Ovis) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 17903, 08:46:00: NoMoreCarrots Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 17903, 08:49:57: NoMoreCarrots froze Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 17903, 13:17:29: Your Tribe Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 217 (Beelzebufo)! Day 17903, 14:12:35: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)'! Day 17903, 14:15:19: NoMoreCarrots froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 17903, 14:26:35: Your Baby Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) was killed by NoMoreCarrots - Lvl 122 (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 17903, 14:26:35: Your Tribe killed Baby Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 17903, 19:18:10: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 214 (Baryonyx)! Day 17903, 19:24:25: NoMoreCarrots froze Baryonyx - Lvl 214 (Baryonyx) Day 17904, 10:53:14: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 224 (Beelzebufo)! Day 17904, 10:58:13: NoMoreCarrots froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 224 (Beelzebufo) Day 17904, 15:34:32: Your Tribe Tamed a Paraceratherium - Lvl 209 (Paraceratherium)! Day 17904, 15:45:21: NoMoreCarrots froze Paraceratherium - Lvl 209 (Paraceratherium) Day 17904, 20:24:57: NoMoreCarrots froze Baryonyx - Lvl 214 (Baryonyx) Day 17905, 02:10:26: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 222 (Baryonyx)! Day 17905, 02:16:57: NoMoreCarrots froze Baryonyx - Lvl 222 (Baryonyx) Day 17905, 03:33:23: NoMoreCarrots froze Baryonyx - Lvl 222 (Baryonyx) Day 17905, 03:38:39: NoMoreCarrots froze Baryonyx - Lvl 214 (Baryonyx) Day 17905, 10:03:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Paraceratherium - Lvl 224 (Paraceratherium)! Day 17905, 10:32:18: NoMoreCarrots froze Paraceratherium - Lvl 224 (Paraceratherium) Day 17909, 15:55:36: NoMoreCarrots froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 131 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17909, 19:07:07: NoMoreCarrots froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 131 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17910, 11:21:07: NoMoreCarrots Tamed an Equus - Lvl 217 (Equus)! Day 17910, 11:26:05: NoMoreCarrots froze Equus - Lvl 217 (Equus) Day 17911, 06:23:15: Your Tribe Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear)! Day 17911, 09:34:09: NoMoreCarrots froze Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear) Day 17911, 10:55:34: NoMoreCarrots froze Equus - Lvl 217 (Equus) Day 17980, 19:28:01: NoMoreCarrots froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 134 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17980, 21:36:36: NoMoreCarrots froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 134 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17980, 22:47:13: NoMoreCarrots froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 134 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17981, 01:07:11: NoMoreCarrots froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 135 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17982, 09:45:51: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear)! Day 17982, 09:57:27: NoMoreCarrots froze Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear) Day 17982, 12:25:09: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 224 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 17982, 12:33:58: NoMoreCarrots froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 224 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17982, 12:57:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear)! Day 17982, 13:07:54: NoMoreCarrots froze Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear) Day 17982, 23:32:53: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear)! Day 17982, 23:39:59: NoMoreCarrots froze Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear) Day 17983, 01:02:57: Your Tribe Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear)! Day 17983, 01:48:20: NoMoreCarrots froze Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear) Day 17983, 06:35:01: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 202 (Sabertooth)! Day 17983, 06:38:13: NoMoreCarrots froze Sabertooth - Lvl 202 (Sabertooth) Day 17983, 08:35:42: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Dire Bear - Lvl 215 (Dire Bear)'! Day 17983, 09:58:11: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear)'! Day 17983, 14:32:37: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Sabertooth - Lvl 201 (Sabertooth)'! Day 18037, 00:17:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 217 (Beelzebufo)! Day 18037, 00:36:53: NoMoreCarrots froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 217 (Beelzebufo) Day 18037, 04:13:29: Your Tribe Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 217 (Beelzebufo)! Day 18037, 04:59:38: NoMoreCarrots froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 217 (Beelzebufo) Day 18037, 05:37:28: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 217 (Beelzebufo)! Day 18037, 05:40:19: NoMoreCarrots froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 217 (Beelzebufo) Day 18037, 07:24:29: Tribemember NoMoreCarrots - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 18037, 10:34:57: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 217 (Dimorphodon)! Day 18050, 23:56:18: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 215 (Baryonyx)! Day 18051, 00:59:15: NoMoreCarrots froze Baryonyx - Lvl 215 (Baryonyx) Day 18062, 01:12:57: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 18062, 02:59:55: NoMoreCarrots froze Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 18062, 07:35:05: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 217 (Beelzebufo)! Day 18062, 07:39:17: NoMoreCarrots froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 217 (Beelzebufo) Day 18062, 09:29:00: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 217 (Beelzebufo)! Day 18062, 09:33:31: NoMoreCarrots froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 217 (Beelzebufo) Day 18062, 09:46:02: NoMoreCarrots froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 217 (Beelzebufo) Day 18062, 09:49:46: NoMoreCarrots froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 224 (Beelzebufo) Day 18062, 09:53:30: NoMoreCarrots froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 217 (Beelzebufo) Day 18062, 09:57:11: NoMoreCarrots froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 217 (Beelzebufo) Day 18062, 10:01:05: NoMoreCarrots froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 217 (Beelzebufo) Day 18062, 10:52:18: NoMoreCarrots froze Baryonyx - Lvl 214 (Baryonyx) Day 18062, 10:56:08: NoMoreCarrots froze Baryonyx - Lvl 222 (Baryonyx) Day 18062, 11:01:21: NoMoreCarrots froze Baryonyx - Lvl 215 (Baryonyx) Day 18062, 11:06:02: NoMoreCarrots froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 224 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18062, 11:11:42: NoMoreCarrots froze Equus - Lvl 217 (Equus) Day 18110, 17:39:59: Your Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 308 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Skeletal Carnotaurus - Lvl 45! Day 18110, 17:56:32: Tribemember NoMoreCarrots - Lvl 122 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 85! Day 18111, 02:21:06: NoMoreCarrots froze Dire Bear - Lvl 227 (Dire Bear) Day 18111, 05:28:09: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 18111, 05:37:01: NoMoreCarrots froze Dire Bear - Lvl 227 (Dire Bear) Day 18111, 08:42:24: NoMoreCarrots froze Dire Bear - Lvl 227 (Dire Bear) Day 18111, 11:11:37: NoMoreCarrots froze Dire Bear - Lvl 227 (Dire Bear) Day 18111, 12:15:36: NoMoreCarrots froze Dire Bear - Lvl 227 (Dire Bear) Day 18111, 20:47:54: NoMoreCarrots froze Dire Bear - Lvl 230 (Dire Bear) Day 18126, 10:37:31: NoMoreCarrots froze Dire Bear - Lvl 230 (Dire Bear) Day 18126, 16:49:21: Your Tribe Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 217 (Sabertooth)! Day 18126, 18:56:07: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)! Day 18126, 20:41:06: NoMoreCarrots froze Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 18126, 21:18:01: NoMoreCarrots froze Sabertooth - Lvl 217 (Sabertooth) Day 18127, 02:20:55: NoMoreCarrots Tamed an Otter - Lvl 126 (Otter)! Day 18143, 02:51:49: NoMoreCarrots froze Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 18143, 03:13:04: NoMoreCarrots froze Pteranodon - Lvl 216 (Pteranodon) Day 18143, 03:23:33: NoMoreCarrots froze asshole - Lvl 230 (Pteranodon) Day 18143, 03:28:36: NoMoreCarrots froze shithead - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon) Day 18143, 03:34:55: NoMoreCarrots froze givemecarrotcake - Lvl 200 (Argentavis) Day 18143, 03:51:39: NoMoreCarrots froze Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis) Day 18143, 07:08:59: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 223 (Argentavis)'! Day 18143, 07:09:53: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 223 (Argentavis)'! Day 18143, 07:11:02: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 223 (Argentavis)'! Day 18143, 08:36:39: NoMoreCarrots froze Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 18143, 09:11:37: NoMoreCarrots froze Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis) Day 18143, 14:23:53: NoMoreCarrots froze Sabertooth - Lvl 202 (Sabertooth) Day 18143, 16:48:01: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Sabertooth - Lvl 207 (Sabertooth)'! Day 18143, 16:50:03: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Sabertooth - Lvl 195 (Sabertooth)'! Day 18144, 02:28:33: Your Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 223 (Argentavis) was killed by Bolt - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18144, 02:28:33: Your Tribe killed Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 223 (Argentavis) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18144, 09:58:55: Your Tribe Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 217 (Sarco)! Day 18144, 14:58:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 215 (Baryonyx)! Day 18144, 14:59:12: NoMoreCarrots froze Sarco - Lvl 217 (Sarco) Day 18144, 15:21:34: NoMoreCarrots froze Baryonyx - Lvl 215 (Baryonyx) Day 18144, 15:43:05: NoMoreCarrots froze Ovis - Lvl 78 (Ovis) Day 18144, 16:03:03: Your Ovis - Lvl 78 (Ovis) was killed by Bolt - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18144, 16:03:03: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 78 (Ovis) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18144, 17:33:24: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 224 (Daeodon)! Day 18144, 17:38:58: NoMoreCarrots froze Daeodon - Lvl 224 (Daeodon) Day 18145, 02:31:49: Your Tribe Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco)! Day 18145, 02:48:24: NoMoreCarrots froze Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco) Day 18145, 07:44:29: Your Tribe Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 208 (Baryonyx)! Day 18145, 09:04:05: NoMoreCarrots froze Baryonyx - Lvl 208 (Baryonyx) Day 18145, 10:01:56: NoMoreCarrots froze Baryonyx - Lvl 208 (Baryonyx) Day 18145, 10:05:34: NoMoreCarrots froze Baryonyx - Lvl 215 (Baryonyx) Day 18173, 20:42:06: Your Tribe Tamed a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 224 (Kaprosuchus)! Day 18173, 21:06:03: NoMoreCarrots froze Kaprosuchus - Lvl 224 (Kaprosuchus) Day 18174, 16:31:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 215 (Baryonyx)! Day 18174, 16:51:19: NoMoreCarrots froze Baryonyx - Lvl 215 (Baryonyx) Day 18174, 18:35:25: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 242 (Baryonyx)'! Day 18174, 18:37:44: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 236 (Baryonyx)'! Day 18175, 15:02:07: Your Tribe Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco)! Day 18175, 16:24:04: NoMoreCarrots froze Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco) Day 18175, 17:55:37: NoMoreCarrots froze Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco) Day 18175, 22:41:37: NoMoreCarrots froze Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco) Day 18175, 22:49:04: NoMoreCarrots froze Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco) Day 18175, 22:55:49: NoMoreCarrots froze Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco) Day 18175, 23:51:15: NoMoreCarrots froze Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco) Day 18175, 23:57:01: NoMoreCarrots froze Sarco - Lvl 217 (Sarco) Day 18176, 01:06:43: NoMoreCarrots froze Sarco - Lvl 241 (Sarco) Day 18176, 01:21:53: Your Sarco - Lvl 241 (Sarco) was killed by Bolt - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18176, 01:21:53: Your Tribe killed Sarco - Lvl 241 (Sarco) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18176, 01:49:53: NoMoreCarrots froze Sarco - Lvl 251 (Sarco) Day 18176, 02:17:15: Your Sarco - Lvl 251 (Sarco) was killed by Bolt - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18176, 02:17:15: Your Tribe killed Sarco - Lvl 251 (Sarco) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18176, 02:39:14: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 272 (Tek Rex) was killed by Bolt - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18176, 02:39:14: Your Tribe killed Tek Rex - Lvl 272 (Tek Rex) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18176, 06:03:13: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco)'! Day 18176, 06:05:29: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 230 (Baryonyx)'! Day 18176, 06:34:34: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Sarco - Lvl 241 (Sarco)'! Day 18176, 08:02:39: Your Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 230 (Baryonyx) was killed by Bolt - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18176, 08:02:39: Your Tribe killed Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 230 (Baryonyx) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18176, 09:32:52: NoMoreCarrots froze Argentavis - Lvl 223 (Argentavis) Day 18176, 21:13:42: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 224 (Sabertooth)! Day 18176, 21:26:18: NoMoreCarrots froze Sabertooth - Lvl 224 (Sabertooth) Day 18176, 23:12:27: Tribemember NoMoreCarrots - Lvl 122 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 150! Day 18177, 00:01:25: NoMoreCarrots froze Kims Flier - Lvl 297 (Pteranodon) Day 18177, 02:07:50: NoMoreCarrots froze Kims Flier - Lvl 297 (Pteranodon) Day 18177, 04:35:30: Your Tribe Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 224 (Direwolf)! Day 18177, 05:12:43: NoMoreCarrots froze Direwolf - Lvl 224 (Direwolf) Day 18177, 09:19:43: NoMoreCarrots froze Sabertooth - Lvl 217 (Sabertooth) Day 18177, 09:25:09: NoMoreCarrots froze Sabertooth - Lvl 202 (Sabertooth) Day 18177, 09:32:34: NoMoreCarrots froze Sabertooth - Lvl 209 (Sabertooth) Day 18177, 09:37:22: NoMoreCarrots froze Sabertooth - Lvl 202 (Sabertooth) Day 18183, 01:36:12: NoMoreCarrots froze Sarco - Lvl 241 (Sarco) Day 18183, 01:41:23: NoMoreCarrots froze Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco) Day 18183, 03:52:00: NoMoreCarrots froze Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco) Day 18183, 05:51:41: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Sarco - Lvl 222 (Sarco)'! Day 18183, 05:56:15: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Sarco - Lvl 225 (Sarco)'! Day 18183, 06:04:10: NoMoreCarrots froze Baby Sarco - Lvl 222 (Sarco) Day 18183, 06:09:06: NoMoreCarrots froze Baby Sarco - Lvl 225 (Sarco) Day 18183, 06:55:35: NoMoreCarrots froze Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco) Day 18183, 11:14:09: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 217 (Kaprosuchus)! Day 18183, 11:19:21: NoMoreCarrots froze Kaprosuchus - Lvl 217 (Kaprosuchus) Day 18183, 23:21:52: NoMoreCarrots froze Kims Flier - Lvl 297 (Pteranodon) Day 18184, 11:12:25: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 209 (Direwolf)! Day 18184, 11:15:43: NoMoreCarrots froze Direwolf - Lvl 209 (Direwolf) Day 18184, 12:40:00: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 209 (Direwolf)! Day 18184, 12:43:15: NoMoreCarrots froze Direwolf - Lvl 209 (Direwolf) Day 18184, 16:50:46: Your Tribe Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 217 (Direwolf)! Day 18184, 17:03:08: NoMoreCarrots froze Direwolf - Lvl 217 (Direwolf) Day 18184, 18:15:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 18184, 20:00:10: NoMoreCarrots froze Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) Day 18222, 20:02:53: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 256 (Baryonyx)'! Day 18223, 03:33:16: Your Baryonyx - Lvl 208 (Baryonyx) was killed by Bolt - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18223, 03:33:16: Your Tribe killed Baryonyx - Lvl 208 (Baryonyx) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18223, 10:07:38: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Diplocaulus - Lvl 224 (Diplocaulus)! Day 18223, 12:29:49: NoMoreCarrots froze Diplocaulus - Lvl 224 (Diplocaulus) Day 18223, 14:18:23: Your Baryonyx - Lvl 215 (Baryonyx) was killed by Bolt - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18223, 14:18:23: Your Tribe killed Baryonyx - Lvl 215 (Baryonyx) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18223, 14:19:10: Your Baryonyx - Lvl 214 (Baryonyx) was killed by Bolt - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18223, 14:19:10: Your Tribe killed Baryonyx - Lvl 214 (Baryonyx) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18223, 14:19:19: Your Baryonyx - Lvl 215 (Baryonyx) was killed by Bolt - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18223, 14:19:19: Your Tribe killed Baryonyx - Lvl 215 (Baryonyx) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18223, 14:32:02: NoMoreCarrots froze Daeodon - Lvl 224 (Daeodon) Day 18223, 14:57:27: Your Parasaur - Lvl 232 (Parasaur) was killed by Bolt - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18223, 14:57:27: Your Tribe killed Parasaur - Lvl 232 (Parasaur) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18223, 15:25:55: NoMoreCarrots froze Tek Rex - Lvl 242 (Tek Rex) Day 18223, 18:14:35: NoMoreCarrots froze Sarco - Lvl 222 (Sarco) Day 18223, 18:18:18: NoMoreCarrots froze Sarco - Lvl 225 (Sarco) Day 18223, 18:32:40: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 254 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18223, 18:33:43: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 247 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18223, 18:48:09: NoMoreCarrots froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 247 (Tek Rex) Day 18223, 19:31:04: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 247 (Tek Rex) was killed by Bolt - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18223, 19:31:04: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 247 (Tek Rex) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18224, 17:57:40: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 217 (Direwolf)! Day 18224, 18:07:00: NoMoreCarrots froze Direwolf - Lvl 217 (Direwolf) Day 18224, 19:31:29: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Megaloceros - Lvl 223 (Megaloceros)! Day 18224, 19:41:39: NoMoreCarrots froze Megaloceros - Lvl 223 (Megaloceros) Day 18225, 00:22:59: NoMoreCarrots froze Direwolf - Lvl 209 (Direwolf) Day 18225, 00:27:58: NoMoreCarrots froze Direwolf - Lvl 209 (Direwolf) Day 18225, 00:32:49: NoMoreCarrots froze Direwolf - Lvl 224 (Direwolf) Day 18225, 00:37:32: NoMoreCarrots froze Direwolf - Lvl 217 (Direwolf) Day 18228, 11:12:21: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18228, 12:59:11: NoMoreCarrots froze Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear) Day 18228, 13:02:52: NoMoreCarrots froze Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear) Day 18228, 13:06:42: NoMoreCarrots froze Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear) Day 18228, 13:11:12: NoMoreCarrots froze Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear) Day 18228, 13:14:59: NoMoreCarrots froze Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear) Day 18228, 13:24:05: NoMoreCarrots froze Kaprosuchus - Lvl 224 (Kaprosuchus) Day 18228, 13:27:47: NoMoreCarrots froze Kaprosuchus - Lvl 217 (Kaprosuchus) Day 18228, 16:21:04: Your Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear) was killed by Bolt - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18228, 16:21:04: Your Tribe killed Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18228, 16:22:16: Your Dire Bear - Lvl 215 (Dire Bear) was killed by Bolt - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18228, 16:22:16: Your Tribe killed Dire Bear - Lvl 215 (Dire Bear) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18228, 16:22:28: Your Dire Bear - Lvl 230 (Dire Bear) was killed by Bolt - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18228, 16:22:28: Your Tribe killed Dire Bear - Lvl 230 (Dire Bear) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18228, 17:26:53: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Dire Bear - Lvl 218 (Dire Bear)'! Day 18228, 17:45:56: NoMoreCarrots froze Baby Dire Bear - Lvl 218 (Dire Bear) Day 18228, 18:06:44: NoMoreCarrots froze health - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear) Day 18228, 20:32:18: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear)'! Day 18229, 01:03:51: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Dire Bear - Lvl 221 (Dire Bear)'! Day 18229, 05:13:19: Your Tribe Tamed a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 217 (Kaprosuchus)! Day 18229, 05:49:08: NoMoreCarrots froze Kaprosuchus - Lvl 217 (Kaprosuchus) Day 18229, 09:32:26: Your Tribe Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco)! Day 18229, 10:04:17: NoMoreCarrots froze Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco) Day 18250, 19:37:11: Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 18250, 19:38:31: Adolescent stam - Lvl 221 (Dire Bear) starved to death! Day 18250, 19:38:41: Adolescent weight - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear) starved to death! Day 18374, 19:18:40: Otter - Lvl 126 (Otter) starved to death! Day 18459, 07:48:26: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 224 (Kaprosuchus)! Day 18459, 14:45:34: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 237 (Baryonyx)'! Day 18459, 15:17:14: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Kaprosuchus - Lvl 228 (Kaprosuchus)'! Day 18459, 15:19:44: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Kaprosuchus - Lvl 228 (Kaprosuchus)'! Day 18459, 20:36:51: Your Tribe Tamed a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 209 (Kaprosuchus)! Day 18459, 20:50:45: NoMoreCarrots froze Kaprosuchus - Lvl 209 (Kaprosuchus) Day 18489, 08:46:37: Ovis - Lvl 27 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 18489, 08:48:24: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 18557, 19:00:34: Ovis - Lvl 26 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 18729, 09:37:32: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 222 (Baryonyx)! Day 18729, 09:47:51: NoMoreCarrots froze Baryonyx - Lvl 222 (Baryonyx) Day 18953, 14:49:35: NoMoreCarrots froze Kaprosuchus - Lvl 224 (Kaprosuchus) Day 18953, 14:55:00: NoMoreCarrots froze Kaprosuchus - Lvl 224 (Kaprosuchus) Day 18953, 15:00:24: NoMoreCarrots froze Kaprosuchus - Lvl 228 (Kaprosuchus) Day 18953, 15:04:27: NoMoreCarrots froze Kaprosuchus - Lvl 228 (Kaprosuchus) Day 18953, 15:18:51: NoMoreCarrots froze Paraceratherium - Lvl 224 (Paraceratherium) Day 18953, 15:26:47: NoMoreCarrots froze Paraceratherium - Lvl 209 (Paraceratherium) Day 18953, 15:45:16: NoMoreCarrots froze Ovis - Lvl 161 (Ovis) Day 18953, 15:52:55: NoMoreCarrots froze Ovis - Lvl 82 (Ovis) Day 18953, 16:00:13: NoMoreCarrots froze Ovis - Lvl 119 (Ovis) Day 19004, 18:49:46: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 253 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 19004, 18:58:46: NoMoreCarrots froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 253 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19005, 10:33:55: NoMoreCarrots froze Baryonyx - Lvl 237 (Baryonyx) Day 19005, 10:39:42: NoMoreCarrots froze Baryonyx - Lvl 242 (Baryonyx) Day 19005, 10:43:41: NoMoreCarrots froze Baryonyx - Lvl 236 (Baryonyx) Day 19005, 10:47:28: NoMoreCarrots froze Baryonyx - Lvl 256 (Baryonyx) Day 19005, 10:53:30: NoMoreCarrots froze Baryonyx - Lvl 215 (Baryonyx) Day 19005, 10:57:24: NoMoreCarrots froze Baryonyx - Lvl 222 (Baryonyx) Day 19038, 12:39:46: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 98 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 135! Day 19038, 13:19:07: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 98 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 130! Day 19742, 10:43:25: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19754, 01:03:22: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 242 (Tek Rex)'! Day 19754, 01:04:17: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex)'! Day 19754, 01:04:51: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 315 (Tek Rex)'! Day 19754, 01:09:21: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 254 (Tek Rex)'! Day 19754, 01:11:44: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 202 (Ovis)'! Day 19754, 01:12:03: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 194 (Ovis)'! Day 19754, 01:12:35: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 78 (Ovis)'! Day 19754, 01:18:42: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarco - Lvl 241 (Sarco)'! Day 19754, 01:20:00: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco)'! Day 19754, 01:20:25: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco)'! Day 19754, 01:23:14: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 333 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 19754, 01:25:03: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex)'! Day 19754, 01:30:32: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bolt - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 19754, 01:42:29: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarco - Lvl 225 (Sarco)'! Day 19754, 01:43:39: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarco - Lvl 222 (Sarco)'! Day 19819, 20:40:42: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BASE F MALE - Lvl 233 (Argentavis)'! Day 20048, 17:14:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20048, 17:14:33: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20048, 17:14:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20048, 17:14:33: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20048, 17:14:33: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20048, 17:14:33: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20048, 17:14:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20331, 00:45:55: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20331, 00:45:55: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20331, 00:45:55: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20331, 00:45:55: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20331, 00:45:55: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20331, 00:45:55: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20331, 00:45:55: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20331, 00:45:55: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20331, 00:45:55: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20331, 00:45:55: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20331, 00:45:55: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20331, 00:45:55: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20331, 00:45:55: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20331, 00:45:55: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20331, 00:45:55: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20331, 00:45:55: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20331, 00:45:55: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20336, 02:34:57: kokow22 - Lvl 175 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'health - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear)'! Day 20336, 02:52:18: kokow22 - Lvl 175 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 243 (Allosaurus)'! Day 20336, 03:19:18: kokow22 - Lvl 175 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 209 (Raptor)'! Day 20336, 03:20:45: kokow22 - Lvl 175 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 217 (Allosaurus)'! Day 20336, 03:22:58: kokow22 - Lvl 175 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 20336, 03:31:15: kokow22 - Lvl 175 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 200 (Argentavis)'! Day 20336, 03:54:58: kokow22 - Lvl 175 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 224 (Mammoth)'! Day 20336, 09:36:15: kokow22 - Lvl 175 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'melee - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear)'! Day 20336, 09:40:20: kokow22 - Lvl 175 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sabertooth - Lvl 195 (Sabertooth)'! Day 20336, 09:44:12: kokow22 - Lvl 175 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sabertooth - Lvl 207 (Sabertooth)'! Day 20336, 09:56:00: kokow22 - Lvl 175 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 240 (Argentavis)'! Day 20336, 09:59:49: kokow22 - Lvl 175 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 134 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20336, 10:10:02: kokow22 - Lvl 175 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'stam - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear)'! Day 20336, 10:14:38: kokow22 - Lvl 175 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 223 (Phiomia)'! Day 20336, 10:17:50: kokow22 - Lvl 175 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 223 (Phiomia)'! Day 20336, 10:24:09: kokow22 - Lvl 175 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 224 (Raptor)'! Day 20336, 10:36:02: kokow22 - Lvl 175 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 217 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20336, 10:39:30: kokow22 - Lvl 175 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 224 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20336, 10:41:03: kokow22 - Lvl 175 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 217 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20336, 10:49:06: kokow22 - Lvl 175 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 224 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20336, 10:57:44: kokow22 - Lvl 175 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 223 (Argentavis)'! Day 20336, 11:00:03: kokow22 - Lvl 175 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 313 (Argentavis)'! Day 20336, 11:17:30: kokow22 - Lvl 175 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Weight - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear)'! Day 21002, 20:41:48: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco)'! Day 21002, 20:45:59: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 141 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 21002, 20:49:06: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dire Bear - Lvl 218 (Dire Bear)'! Day 21002, 20:57:50: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco)'! Day 21002, 20:59:54: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco)'! Day 21002, 21:00:30: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco)'! Day 21002, 21:01:41: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 223 (Argentavis)'! Day 21002, 21:03:21: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BASE MALE - Lvl 201 (Argentavis)'! Day 21002, 22:39:20: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)'! Day 21002, 22:42:18: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BASE F MALE - Lvl 200 (Argentavis)'! Day 21002, 23:56:38: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Melee F - Lvl 201 (Sabertooth)'! Day 21003, 09:52:02: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 312 (Doedicurus)'! Day 21003, 10:04:47: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 245 (Castoroides)'! Day 21497, 20:17:15: Tribemember NoMoreCarrots - Lvl 122 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 25! Day 21497, 20:21:19: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 98 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 55! Day 31982, 11:39:52: Compy - Lvl 217 (Compy) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1859697833,"tribe":"Tribe of Fubarforce logs":["Day 25628, 11:44:16: Fubarforce was added to the Tribe! Day 25628, 11:47:57: Megagnome was added to the Tribe by Fubarforce! Day 25628, 15:36:20: Fubarforce demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 25629, 05:27:24: Tribemember Fubarforce - Lvl 30 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 15! Day 25630, 01:36:47: Fubarforce demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25630, 06:33:42: Tribemember Fubarforce - Lvl 45 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 25630, 08:05:21: Fubarforce Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 22 (Triceratops)! Day 25647, 07:42:20: Tribemember Fubarforce - Lvl 53 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 145! Day 25647, 13:33:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo)! Day 25647, 13:42:27: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo)! Day 25647, 16:59:49: Fubarforce Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo)! Day 25947, 16:56:16: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25961, 03:31:48: Your Fluffy - Lvl 35 (Triceratops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 25961, 03:34:27: Your Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 25961, 03:34:29: Your Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 25961, 03:34:37: Your Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 25961, 03:36:44: Tribemember Megagnome - Lvl 32 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 26229, 17:39:44: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26229, 17:39:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26541, 04:42:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26824, 07:52:15: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34403, 09:34:26: Tribemember Fubarforce - Lvl 61 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1856635296,"tribe":"Taranis logs":["Day 24115, 09:19:36: Zap was added to the Tribe! Day 24115, 17:20:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 224 (Yutyrannus)! Day 24115, 18:42:38: Zap froze [OF] F43 M38 - Lvl 224 (Yutyrannus) Day 24115, 20:16:19: Zap uploaded a Griffin: Lucifer - Lvl 323 Day 24115, 20:22:14: Zap uploaded a Yutyrannus: [OF] F43 M38 - Lvl 224 Day 25003, 17:40:09: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25056, 23:45:52: Zap froze Rocky II - Lvl 311 (Rock Drake) Day 25057, 00:22:01: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 339 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 55! Day 25057, 06:44:19: Zap Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)! Day 25057, 08:29:58: Zap froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) Day 25057, 10:06:48: Zap froze Rocky II - Lvl 311 (Rock Drake) Day 25358, 05:50:17: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1855062385,"tribe":"Tribe of Human1 logs":["Day 20464, 05:05:52: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 20464, 05:07:12: SKID was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 20464, 10:22:46: Human demolished a 'Bookshelf (Locked) '! Day 20464, 13:58:41: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 231 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 20464, 15:37:49: Tribemember Human - Lvl 70 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 100! Day 20464, 15:47:16: Your o.east - Lvl 48 (Equus) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 100! Day 20464, 15:47:16: Tribemember Human - Lvl 70 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 100! Day 20474, 19:50:02: Human Tamed an Equus - Lvl 83 (Equus)! Day 20475, 08:34:29: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 243 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 20479, 01:45:00: Tribemember Human - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 20479, 06:16:32: Human demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 20479, 06:21:35: Human demolished a 'Campfire (Unlocked) '! Day 20479, 06:23:25: Human demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 20479, 06:29:08: Human demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 20479, 06:53:47: Human demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 20479, 07:13:07: Human demolished a 'Smithy (Unlocked) '! Day 20479, 07:14:10: Human demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 20479, 07:15:37: Human demolished a 'Bed'! Day 20479, 07:17:08: Human demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 20479, 07:18:02: SKID demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 20479, 07:18:02: Human demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 20479, 08:02:45: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 248 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 20479, 08:03:24: SKID uploaded a Equus: o.east - Lvl 88 Day 20482, 05:49:15: Tribemember Human - Lvl 79 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 25! Day 20482, 08:10:49: Tribemember Human - Lvl 79 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 20482, 09:44:47: Tribemember Human - Lvl 79 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 20483, 00:04:51: Tribemember Human - Lvl 79 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 15! Day 20483, 00:28:29: Tribemember Human - Lvl 79 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 20483, 00:48:00: Tribemember Human - Lvl 79 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 20483, 01:29:56: Tribemember Human - Lvl 79 was killed! Day 20483, 05:31:26: SKID uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 261 Day 20484, 10:18:56: Tribemember Human - Lvl 79 was killed! Day 20504, 03:43:59: Human Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 176 (Pteranodon)! Day 20504, 03:52:06: SKID froze BOB - Lvl 176 (Pteranodon) Day 20504, 07:58:05: SKID froze PETRE - Lvl 178 (Pteranodon) Day 20504, 13:24:40: Human Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 20504, 13:46:26: Human froze mark and olivers - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 20504, 15:55:51: Human froze o.east - Lvl 231 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20504, 20:26:52: SKID froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 273 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 20508, 10:58:54: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 273 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 20530, 02:19:30: Your mark - Lvl 124 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 20530, 02:20:04: Tribemember Human - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 20531, 17:05:40: Human froze olivers - Lvl 256 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20531, 18:39:32: SKID froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 306 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 20577, 22:06:33: SKID demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 20578, 07:56:31: SKID froze Skid - Lvl 237 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20578, 19:29:05: Human Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 216 (Therizinosaur)! Day 20578, 19:36:18: SKID froze oe - Lvl 216 (Therizinosaur) Day 20578, 20:26:33: Human froze olivers - Lvl 262 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20578, 23:15:02: SKID froze Skid - Lvl 237 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20578, 23:24:52: SKID froze oe - Lvl 216 (Therizinosaur) Day 20602, 15:48:40: Tribemember Human - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 20602, 16:27:11: Tribemember Human - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 20602, 17:31:04: Tribemember Human - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 20602, 19:32:43: Tribemember Human - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 20602, 19:41:57: Tribemember SKID - Lvl 111 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 20602, 19:56:22: Tribemember Human - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 20602, 23:42:23: Human froze olivers - Lvl 262 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20603, 05:49:17: SKID froze Skid - Lvl 247 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20625, 12:11:45: Tribemember Human - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 20625, 15:13:38: Tribemember SKID - Lvl 118 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 20625, 15:40:28: Tribemember Human - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 20625, 15:48:48: Tribemember SKID - Lvl 118 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 20625, 19:24:25: SKID froze Skid - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20625, 19:27:45: Human froze olivers - Lvl 264 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20689, 20:46:52: SKID froze Skid - Lvl 267 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20767, 12:08:42: SKID froze Skid - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20830, 10:04:18: SKID froze oe - Lvl 295 (Therizinosaur) Day 20830, 11:30:49: SKID froze oe - Lvl 295 (Therizinosaur) Day 20830, 13:15:24: SKID froze oe - Lvl 295 (Therizinosaur) Day 20830, 14:00:22: SKID froze oe - Lvl 295 (Therizinosaur) Day 20830, 14:15:18: SKID froze Skid - Lvl 275 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20830, 19:53:47: SKID froze Skid - Lvl 275 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20831, 05:26:27: SKID Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle)! Day 20831, 05:30:35: SKID froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle) Day 20831, 06:03:38: SKID froze Skid - Lvl 275 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20859, 22:51:13: SKID froze Managarmr - Lvl 228 (Managarmr) Day 20873, 15:36:55: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21136, 09:35:13: SKID froze Skid - Lvl 277 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21276, 03:57:38: SKID Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 217 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 21276, 04:01:55: SKID froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 217 (Ankylosaurus) Day 21276, 08:25:58: SKID froze Skid - Lvl 283 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21325, 05:18:24: Tribemember SKID - Lvl 121 was killed by Skid - Lvl 283 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 21325, 05:18:24: Your Tribe killed SKID - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Human1)! Day 21325, 07:40:04: SKID froze olivers imprited dragon - Lvl 193 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21325, 07:54:43: SKID froze Skid - Lvl 283 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21415, 20:41:50: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21415, 20:41:50: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21477, 07:46:02: Your Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 235 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 450! Day 21477, 12:11:34: SKID froze Skid - Lvl 283 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21515, 08:15:36: Human froze oliver imp - Lvl 350 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21515, 15:49:28: SKID froze MARK IMP - Lvl 336 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21515, 17:55:34: Human froze oliver imp - Lvl 350 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21515, 22:13:29: Human froze oliver imp - Lvl 350 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21516, 01:42:29: Human Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 193 (Therizinosaur)! Day 21516, 01:50:57: SKID froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 193 (Therizinosaur) Day 21516, 03:14:59: SKID froze mark - Lvl 271 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21516, 03:17:31: Human froze olivers - Lvl 233 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21525, 19:38:05: SKID froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 302 (Basilosaurus) Day 21526, 08:11:03: Human froze OLIVERS - Lvl 212 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21526, 08:12:00: SKID froze mark - Lvl 277 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21595, 15:58:44: SKID froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 302 (Basilosaurus) Day 21595, 18:51:17: SKID froze weight - Lvl 252 (Bloodstalker) Day 21676, 02:49:38: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21781, 22:28:11: SKID froze weight - Lvl 252 (Bloodstalker) Day 21846, 03:52:50: Human froze OLIVERS - Lvl 244 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21846, 13:36:06: Human froze oliver imp - Lvl 359 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21846, 15:26:32: SKID froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 280 (Bloodstalker) Day 21846, 15:33:06: Human froze wight - Lvl 271 (Bloodstalker) Day 21846, 17:39:13: SKID froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 280 (Bloodstalker) Day 21900, 14:34:59: SKID froze mark - Lvl 286 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21900, 14:57:15: SKID froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 247 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21900, 19:55:29: SKID froze MARK IMP - Lvl 407 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21900, 20:13:59: SKID froze MARK IMP - Lvl 407 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21900, 20:19:59: SKID froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 315 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21900, 22:10:02: SKID froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 280 (Bloodstalker) Day 21900, 23:11:42: SKID froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 280 (Bloodstalker) Day 21900, 23:54:56: SKID froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 280 (Bloodstalker) Day 21901, 02:39:46: SKID froze dad - Lvl 262 (Griffin) Day 21901, 08:51:06: Human froze olivers imp - Lvl 206 (Bloodstalker) Day 21901, 10:40:44: SKID froze mark - Lvl 286 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21901, 10:41:19: Human froze OLIVERS - Lvl 244 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21901, 17:30:14: Human froze olivers imp - Lvl 206 (Bloodstalker) Day 21901, 17:45:59: Tribemember Human - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 21901, 18:47:03: SKID froze mark - Lvl 286 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21901, 19:44:54: SKID froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 316 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21901, 21:04:31: Human froze olivers imp - Lvl 244 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21902, 00:08:29: Human froze olivers imp - Lvl 245 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21902, 00:11:58: SKID froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 316 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21902, 01:09:11: SKID froze MARK IMP - Lvl 407 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21902, 01:16:14: Human froze oliver imp - Lvl 361 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21902, 01:29:03: Human froze wight - Lvl 271 (Bloodstalker) Day 21902, 01:56:33: Tribemember Human - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 21902, 02:07:01: SKID froze olivers imp - Lvl 206 (Bloodstalker) Day 21902, 02:39:08: SKID froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 280 (Bloodstalker) Day 21902, 02:57:54: SKID froze dad - Lvl 262 (Griffin) Day 21902, 04:50:22: SKID froze olivers imp - Lvl 206 (Bloodstalker) Day 21923, 11:18:14: SKID froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 281 (Bloodstalker) Day 21923, 13:22:51: SKID froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 317 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21923, 13:38:36: SKID froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 317 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21923, 14:13:51: SKID froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 317 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21923, 14:59:48: Tribemember SKID - Lvl 121 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 50! Day 21923, 16:31:20: SKID froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 254 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21923, 18:49:10: SKID froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 317 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21923, 21:17:16: SKID froze breeder - Lvl 264 (Velonasaur) Day 21924, 01:35:00: SKID froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 317 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21924, 02:05:39: SKID froze MARK IMP - Lvl 407 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21924, 03:22:19: SKID froze MARK IMP - Lvl 407 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21924, 05:26:23: SKID froze mark - Lvl 288 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21924, 05:34:07: SKID froze breeder - Lvl 264 (Velonasaur) Day 22009, 20:55:53: SKID froze dad - Lvl 263 (Griffin) Day 22010, 03:11:29: SKID froze MARK IMP - Lvl 408 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 22010, 03:57:41: SKID froze mark - Lvl 290 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22060, 16:08:21: SKID froze WEIGHT - Lvl 290 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22063, 06:18:32: SKID froze WEIGHT - Lvl 292 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22088, 17:29:49: SKID froze BOSS REX - Lvl 214 (Rex) Day 22088, 17:33:45: SKID froze BOSS REX - Lvl 214 (Rex) Day 22088, 17:37:17: SKID froze BOSS REX - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 22088, 17:41:46: SKID froze MARK IMP - Lvl 409 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 22088, 21:18:37: SKID froze WEIGHT - Lvl 292 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23021, 07:41:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23068, 12:53:34: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1849203804,"tribe":"Tribe of Mint logs":["Day 27898, 18:13:37: Mint was added to the Tribe! Day 27898, 18:14:33: PICKLETICKLER was added to the Tribe by Mint! Day 27898, 18:15:24: PICKLETICKLER was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Mint! Day 27898, 18:49:54: Mint froze Pteranodon - Lvl 237 (Pteranodon) Day 27898, 19:20:14: Mint froze Pteranodon - Lvl 237 (Pteranodon) Day 27898, 21:02:15: PICKLETICKLER froze main breeder 1 melee - Lvl 240 (Pteranodon) Day 27899, 20:24:10: Mint froze Miguel - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 27900, 17:36:10: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was destroyed! Day 27900, 18:25:32: PICKLETICKLER froze main breeder 1 melee - Lvl 252 (Pteranodon) Day 27900, 18:30:11: Mint froze Miguel - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon) Day 27900, 23:43:31: PICKLETICKLER demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 27901, 01:19:29: Tribemember Mint - Lvl 103 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 27901, 01:21:12: Your Miguel - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 27901, 01:30:01: Tribemember Mint - Lvl 103 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 27901, 02:20:16: Tribemember Mint - Lvl 103 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 60! Day 27901, 04:17:51: Tribemember Mint - Lvl 103 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 27901, 06:46:45: PICKLETICKLER froze main breeder 1 melee - Lvl 255 (Pteranodon) Day 27902, 02:48:39: PICKLETICKLER froze main breeder 1 melee - Lvl 251 (Pteranodon) Day 27902, 03:50:56: Tribemember Mint - Lvl 105 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 27902, 08:08:12: PICKLETICKLER froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 27902, 08:50:09: PICKLETICKLER froze main breeder 1 melee - Lvl 251 (Pteranodon) Day 27902, 14:12:10: Mint froze Pteranodon - Lvl 283 (Pteranodon) Day 27902, 14:27:18: PICKLETICKLER froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 196 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 27903, 12:46:03: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 283 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 27903, 12:49:53: Tribemember Mint - Lvl 106 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 27903, 15:28:32: Tribemember PICKLETICKLER - Lvl 108 was killed! Day 27903, 15:29:54: Your Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 197 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 27903, 16:05:54: Mint froze main breeder 1 melee - Lvl 251 (Pteranodon) Day 27904, 11:31:50: Tribemember PICKLETICKLER - Lvl 109 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 270! Day 27904, 12:16:45: PICKLETICKLER froze main breeder 1 melee - Lvl 253 (Pteranodon) Day 27904, 15:56:42: Mint froze Miguel 2.0 - Lvl 233 (Pteranodon) Day 27905, 03:08:12: PICKLETICKLER froze tookagescunt - Lvl 164 (Thylacoleo) Day 27905, 03:58:25: PICKLETICKLER froze tookagescunt - Lvl 164 (Thylacoleo) Day 27905, 04:15:59: PICKLETICKLER froze tookagescunt - Lvl 164 (Thylacoleo) Day 27905, 04:48:08: PICKLETICKLER froze tookagescunt - Lvl 164 (Thylacoleo) Day 27905, 05:00:15: PICKLETICKLER froze tookagescunt - Lvl 164 (Thylacoleo) Day 27905, 08:16:42: Tribemember Mint - Lvl 108 was killed! Day 27905, 08:20:45: PICKLETICKLER froze tookagescunt - Lvl 168 (Thylacoleo) Day 27905, 08:29:52: PICKLETICKLER froze Deinonychus - Lvl 163 (Deinonychus) Day 27905, 09:01:11: PICKLETICKLER froze tookagescunt - Lvl 168 (Thylacoleo) Day 27905, 09:06:47: PICKLETICKLER froze Deinonychus - Lvl 163 (Deinonychus) Day 27905, 09:25:54: PICKLETICKLER froze Miguel 2.0 - Lvl 233 (Pteranodon) Day 27905, 09:30:47: PICKLETICKLER froze tookagescunt - Lvl 168 (Thylacoleo) Day 27905, 10:13:23: PICKLETICKLER froze main breeder 1 melee - Lvl 253 (Pteranodon) Day 27917, 13:46:25: Mint froze Miguel 2.0 - Lvl 247 (Pteranodon) Day 27918, 08:17:10: Mint froze tookagescunt - Lvl 171 (Thylacoleo) Day 27918, 10:29:29: Your tookagescunt - Lvl 173 (Thylacoleo) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 300! Day 27918, 10:29:29: Tribemember Mint - Lvl 109 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 300! Day 27918, 11:05:27: Mint froze Miguel 2.0 - Lvl 248 (Pteranodon) Day 27952, 21:58:54: Mint froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 272 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28216, 16:18:21: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28546, 20:14:59: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28829, 01:38:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29110, 17:03:20: Your 'Metal Door' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1848713679,"tribe":"Children of the Bean logs":["Day 28531, 09:24:15: vhe froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon) Day 28531, 13:59:14: vhe froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon) Day 28535, 08:30:29: vhe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 28535, 08:34:14: vhe froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28537, 15:50:08: vhe claimed 'Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 28537, 16:13:17: vhe claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 226 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28537, 16:14:53: vhe claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 226 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28537, 16:21:36: Your Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 226 (Pteranodon) was killed by vhe - Lvl 97 (Children of the Bean)! Day 28537, 16:21:36: Your Tribe killed Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 226 (Pteranodon) (Children of the Bean)! Day 28537, 16:24:14: Your Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 226 (Pteranodon) was killed by vhe - Lvl 97 (Children of the Bean)! Day 28537, 16:24:14: Your Tribe killed Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 226 (Pteranodon) (Children of the Bean)! Day 28537, 20:19:21: vhe froze Juvenile Ankylosaurus - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28537, 20:22:35: vhe froze Juvenile Ankylosaurus - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28537, 20:42:37: Kiwi froze Adolescent Spoicy - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28537, 20:46:39: Kiwi froze Adolescent Spoicy - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28537, 20:50:40: Kiwi froze Adolescent Spoicy - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28537, 20:54:35: Kiwi froze Adolescent Spoicy - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28538, 02:11:01: vhe froze Juvenile pussy muncher - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28538, 02:15:21: vhe froze Juvenile pussy muncher - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28538, 02:22:34: vhe froze Juvenile pussy muncher - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28538, 02:33:36: vhe froze Pteranodon - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon) Day 28538, 06:14:39: Kiwi froze Tory Vega - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 28538, 06:53:45: Kiwi froze Paracetamol - Lvl 271 (Pteranodon) Day 28538, 07:29:10: vhe froze Adolescent pussy muncher - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28538, 07:32:39: vhe froze Adolescent pussy muncher - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28538, 07:37:28: vhe froze Adolescent pussy muncher - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28538, 12:19:19: vhe froze Adolescent pussy muncher - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28538, 12:23:19: vhe froze Adolescent pussy muncher - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28539, 12:23:44: Kiwi Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus)! Day 28539, 12:29:10: Kiwi froze Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus) Day 28539, 12:56:15: vhe froze pussy muncher - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28539, 16:38:24: vhe froze Ingenius - Lvl 146 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28539, 17:29:07: vhe froze Child - Lvl 248 (Pteranodon) Day 28540, 00:33:22: vhe froze Ingenius - Lvl 158 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28540, 00:44:20: vhe froze Paracetamol - Lvl 271 (Pteranodon) Day 28540, 03:02:57: Kiwi claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 28540, 03:04:13: Kiwi claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 28540, 03:14:10: Kiwi claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 28540, 03:14:24: vhe claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 28540, 03:32:17: Kiwi froze Baby FreshMeat - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28540, 03:39:49: Kiwi froze Baby FreshMeat - Lvl 60 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28540, 03:44:59: vhe claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 28540, 07:50:52: vhe froze Baby Jac Naylor - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28540, 07:59:56: Kiwi froze Baby Moild - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28540, 08:07:52: Kiwi froze Baby Latrice - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28540, 08:16:05: Kiwi froze Baby Latrice - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28540, 08:39:01: Kiwi froze Baby Latrice - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28540, 08:41:12: vhe froze Baby Jac Naylor - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28540, 08:44:27: Kiwi froze Juvenile Moild - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28540, 08:44:37: vhe froze Baby Jac Naylor - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28540, 08:48:00: vhe froze Baby Jac Naylor - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28540, 13:33:33: vhe froze Juvenile Jac Naylor - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28540, 13:37:09: vhe froze Juvenile Jac Naylor - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28540, 13:40:20: vhe froze Juvenile Jac Naylor - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28540, 13:43:33: vhe froze Juvenile Jac Naylor - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28540, 20:29:12: vhe froze pussy muncher - Lvl 218 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28540, 23:16:42: vhe froze Juvenile Jac Naylor - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28541, 05:03:28: vhe froze Juvenile Jac Naylor - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28541, 05:07:33: vhe froze Juvenile Jac Naylor - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28541, 09:35:58: vhe froze Adolescent Jac Naylor - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28541, 09:38:51: vhe froze Adolescent Jac Naylor - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28541, 09:43:54: vhe froze Adolescent Jac Naylor - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28541, 11:25:43: vhe claimed 'Holler - Lvl 284 (Argentavis)'! Day 28541, 11:26:22: vhe claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 131 (Argentavis)'! Day 28541, 11:26:58: vhe claimed 'terminator - Lvl 257 (Argentavis)'! Day 28541, 11:29:26: vhe claimed 'Fighter Mutation - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 28541, 11:30:24: vhe claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 311 (Argentavis)'! Day 28541, 11:31:11: vhe claimed 'Shmithy - Lvl 392 (Argentavis)'! Day 28541, 11:37:22: vhe claimed 'DAVE - Lvl 306 (Doedicurus)'! Day 28541, 11:42:59: vhe claimed 'Platinum - Lvl 280 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 28541, 11:53:03: vhe claimed 'Kairuku - Lvl 298 (Kairuku)'! Day 28541, 11:53:20: vhe claimed 'Kairuku - Lvl 292 (Kairuku)'! Day 28541, 11:59:21: vhe claimed 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 28541, 12:03:14: vhe unclaimed 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 28555, 11:50:35: vhe froze pussy muncher - Lvl 240 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28555, 12:31:05: vhe froze Juvenile Latrice - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28555, 18:09:00: vhe froze Adolescent Jac Naylor - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28555, 18:55:44: vhe unclaimed 'Child - Lvl 250 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28555, 20:37:51: vhe froze Spoicy - Lvl 86 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28555, 23:43:50: vhe froze Adolescent Jac Naylor - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28555, 23:47:40: vhe froze Adolescent Jac Naylor - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28555, 23:51:28: vhe froze Adolescent Jac Naylor - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28555, 23:55:33: vhe froze Adolescent Jac Naylor - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28555, 23:59:48: vhe froze Adolescent Jac Naylor - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28556, 02:20:01: vhe froze Juvenile Latrice - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28556, 05:40:02: vhe froze Adolescent Jac Naylor - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28556, 10:37:51: vhe froze Adolescent Latrice - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28557, 05:47:04: vhe claimed 'Child - Lvl 251 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28557, 06:43:45: vhe claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 28557, 06:54:00: vhe froze Baby For Oli - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28557, 20:03:58: vhe Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco)! Day 28557, 20:07:35: vhe froze Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco) Day 28557, 22:46:50: vhe froze DO NOT LEVEL - Lvl 224 (Sarco) Day 28558, 20:43:23: vhe froze North - Lvl 258 (Triceratops) Day 28558, 20:55:24: vhe froze girliepop - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) Day 28558, 21:01:02: vhe froze tired innit - Lvl 250 (Megalosaurus) Day 28558, 21:16:43: vhe froze Beryl Turtle - Lvl 243 (Carbonemys) Day 28558, 21:20:58: vhe froze Delicate little flower - Lvl 281 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 28558, 21:25:28: vhe froze Charlie_Mackie - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28558, 21:40:54: vhe froze Luke Swarbrick - Lvl 51 (Parasaur) Day 28558, 21:48:00: vhe froze FROG - Lvl 172 (Beelzebufo) Day 28560, 08:49:41: vhe claimed 'Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 237 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 28560, 08:52:59: vhe froze Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 237 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28560, 09:09:39: vhe froze Baby pussy munchers partner - Lvl 237 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28560, 22:20:22: vhe froze Juvenile pussy munchers partner - Lvl 237 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28560, 22:59:15: vhe froze Adolescent pussy munchers partner - Lvl 237 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28560, 23:24:06: vhe froze Adolescent pussy munchers partner - Lvl 237 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28562, 06:55:28: vhe froze pussy munchers partner - Lvl 237 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28562, 07:49:37: vhe froze pussy munchers partner - Lvl 237 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28562, 07:52:41: vhe froze pussy muncher - Lvl 246 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28562, 09:27:20: vhe claimed 'Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 28562, 13:56:13: vhe froze Juvenile pussy first child - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28562, 13:59:17: vhe froze Juvenile pussy first child - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28562, 18:26:10: vhe froze Juvenile pussy first child - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28562, 23:37:11: vhe froze Adolescent pussy first child - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28563, 05:32:15: vhe froze Adolescent pussy first child - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28563, 05:36:11: vhe froze Adolescent pussy first child - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28563, 05:39:56: vhe froze Adolescent pussy first child - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28563, 05:43:09: vhe froze Adolescent pussy first child - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28563, 05:46:14: vhe froze Adolescent pussy first child - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28563, 05:50:24: vhe froze Adolescent pussy first child - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28563, 05:53:45: vhe froze Adolescent pussy first child - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28563, 05:56:38: vhe froze Adolescent pussy first child - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28563, 05:59:52: vhe froze Adolescent pussy first child - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28563, 06:03:19: vhe froze Adolescent pussy first child - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28563, 14:19:32: vhe froze pussy first child - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28563, 23:41:42: vhe froze Jac Naylor - Lvl 254 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28579, 18:45:16: vhe froze Baby For Oli - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28579, 22:30:09: vhe froze Ingenius - Lvl 162 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28580, 00:03:45: vhe froze Juvenile For Oli - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28580, 00:08:00: vhe froze Juvenile For Oli - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28580, 01:30:57: vhe froze pussy munchers partner - Lvl 237 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28580, 01:35:55: vhe froze pussy first child - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28580, 05:47:41: vhe froze Juvenile For Oli - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28580, 05:51:09: vhe froze Juvenile For Oli - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28580, 10:18:33: vhe froze Juvenile For Oli - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28580, 13:08:47: vhe froze Juvenile For Oli - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28581, 08:03:52: vhe claimed 'Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 217 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 28581, 17:04:02: vhe froze Juvenile pussy second child - Lvl 217 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28581, 17:07:24: vhe froze Juvenile pussy second child - Lvl 217 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28581, 17:10:23: vhe froze Juvenile pussy second child - Lvl 217 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28581, 17:13:31: vhe froze Juvenile pussy second child - Lvl 217 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28582, 02:56:36: vhe froze pussy munchers partner - Lvl 237 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28582, 03:01:40: vhe froze pussy muncher - Lvl 246 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28582, 03:16:26: vhe froze Adolescent pussy second child - Lvl 217 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28583, 04:56:15: vhe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)! Day 28583, 05:08:06: vhe froze do not lvl - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 28586, 13:17:12: vhe froze Jac Naylor - Lvl 268 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28586, 14:56:28: Kiwi froze Spoicy - Lvl 92 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28588, 11:21:44: vhe froze Jac Naylor - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28588, 11:22:21: Kiwi froze Ingenius - Lvl 164 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28588, 21:55:10: Kiwi downloaded a dino: Spoicy - Lvl 49 Day 28588, 22:40:35: Kiwi froze Spoicy - Lvl 109 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28588, 22:45:28: Kiwi froze Child - Lvl 255 (Pteranodon) Day 28603, 16:44:31: vhe claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 28603, 17:06:47: vhe claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 28603, 17:07:43: vhe claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 28603, 17:39:12: vhe froze Juvenile For Oli - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28603, 17:42:12: vhe froze Juvenile For Oli - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28603, 17:45:08: vhe froze Juvenile For Oli - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28603, 20:20:40: vhe claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 28603, 21:58:42: vhe froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28603, 22:02:27: vhe froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28603, 22:08:28: vhe froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28603, 22:16:25: vhe froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28603, 22:20:11: vhe froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28603, 22:27:40: vhe froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28603, 23:12:01: vhe froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 28603, 23:48:24: vhe froze Adolescent For Oli - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28604, 04:06:22: vhe froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28604, 04:11:03: vhe froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28604, 04:15:27: vhe froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28604, 04:19:46: vhe froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28604, 04:25:06: vhe froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28604, 04:31:34: vhe froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28604, 04:35:25: vhe froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28604, 04:39:11: vhe froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28604, 04:45:47: vhe froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28604, 04:49:48: vhe froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28604, 08:59:34: vhe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28604, 09:03:22: vhe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28604, 09:06:47: vhe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28604, 09:11:38: vhe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28604, 09:53:37: vhe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28604, 09:56:33: vhe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28604, 10:00:36: vhe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28604, 10:48:35: vhe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28604, 10:51:54: vhe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28604, 10:59:41: vhe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28604, 11:02:23: vhe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 28604, 11:46:48: vhe froze Adolescent For Oli - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28604, 16:41:48: vhe Tamed an Unicorn - Lvl 29 (Unicorn)! Day 28604, 16:45:43: vhe froze Unicorn - Lvl 29 (Unicorn) Day 28605, 06:45:26: vhe Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 179 (Tek Rex)! Day 28605, 06:49:01: vhe froze Tek Rex - Lvl 179 (Tek Rex) Day 28605, 06:51:28: vhe demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 28606, 04:45:29: vhe froze Unicorn - Lvl 29 (Unicorn) Day 28606, 06:32:53: Kiwi froze West - Lvl 236 (Triceratops) Day 28606, 07:00:45: Kiwi froze Tory Vega - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 28606, 12:53:27: vhe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 28606, 17:26:13: vhe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 28606, 17:29:42: vhe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 28606, 17:48:19: vhe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28606, 17:51:47: vhe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28606, 17:55:11: vhe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28606, 17:58:33: vhe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28606, 18:12:34: Kiwi froze Tory Vega - Lvl 256 (Argentavis) Day 28606, 18:44:02: Kiwi froze Spoicy - Lvl 112 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28606, 19:06:22: Kiwi froze Tory Vega - Lvl 256 (Argentavis) Day 28606, 19:31:04: vhe froze Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28606, 19:34:30: vhe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 28606, 19:37:33: vhe froze Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 28606, 22:57:56: Kiwi Tamed an Otter - Lvl 141 (Otter)! Day 28606, 23:23:52: Kiwi froze Otter - Lvl 141 (Otter) Day 28607, 04:31:15: Kiwi froze North - Lvl 280 (Triceratops) Day 28607, 05:06:50: Kiwi froze North - Lvl 280 (Triceratops) Day 28607, 06:01:33: Kiwi froze North - Lvl 280 (Triceratops) Day 28607, 06:46:57: Kiwi froze Adolescent Latrice - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28607, 07:21:04: Kiwi froze Juvenile fresh meat - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28607, 09:21:00: Kiwi froze Doedicurus - Lvl 257 (Doedicurus) Day 28607, 10:42:58: Kiwi froze Doedicurus - Lvl 259 (Doedicurus) Day 28607, 13:39:15: Kiwi froze Adolescent Mild - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28607, 13:42:21: Kiwi froze Adolescent Mild - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28607, 14:07:07: vhe froze Ingenius - Lvl 167 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28607, 15:24:55: Kiwi froze DAVE - Lvl 306 (Doedicurus) Day 28607, 16:08:08: Kiwi froze Kairuku - Lvl 298 (Kairuku) Day 28607, 16:08:08: vhe claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 328 (Argentavis)'! Day 28607, 16:13:10: Kiwi froze Kairuku - Lvl 292 (Kairuku) Day 28607, 16:30:28: vhe claimed 'Henry - Lvl 324 (Argentavis)'! Day 28607, 17:47:31: vhe claimed 'Iguanodon - Lvl 215 (Iguanodon)'! Day 28607, 17:58:20: vhe unclaimed 'Iguanodon - Lvl 215 (Iguanodon)'! Day 28607, 17:59:57: vhe claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 156 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 28607, 18:12:56: vhe claimed 'Dire Bear - Lvl 273 (Dire Bear)'! Day 28607, 18:17:08: vhe claimed 'Mr. Paddington - Lvl 294 (Dire Bear)'! Day 28607, 18:26:17: vhe claimed 'Mrs. Paddington - Lvl 294 (Dire Bear)'! Day 28607, 18:29:22: Kiwi claimed 'MAHAMOET - Lvl 316 (Mammoth)'! Day 28607, 18:36:37: Kiwi unclaimed 'MAHAMOET - Lvl 316 (Mammoth)'! Day 28607, 18:37:03: Kiwi claimed 'Sulfur + Salt - Lvl 148 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 28607, 18:37:31: vhe claimed 'MAHAMOET - Lvl 316 (Mammoth)'! Day 28607, 18:38:41: Kiwi claimed 'Castoroides - Lvl 256 (Castoroides)'! Day 28607, 18:41:18: Kiwi unclaimed 'Castoroides - Lvl 256 (Castoroides)'! Day 28607, 18:43:28: vhe unclaimed 'MAHAMOET - Lvl 316 (Mammoth)'! Day 28607, 18:47:06: Kiwi claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 150 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 28607, 18:51:11: Kiwi unclaimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 150 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 28607, 18:52:28: Kiwi claimed 'Obsidian + Metal - Lvl 123 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 28607, 18:53:20: vhe claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 416 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 28607, 18:58:34: Kiwi unclaimed 'Obsidian + Metal - Lvl 123 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 28607, 19:01:30: vhe claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 164 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 28607, 19:10:16: vhe claimed 'Rex - Lvl 195 (Rex)'! Day 28607, 19:13:03: vhe claimed 'Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 28607, 19:15:51: vhe claimed 'Rex - Lvl 197 (Rex)'! Day 28607, 19:16:31: vhe claimed 'Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 28607, 19:21:30: vhe unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 195 (Rex)'! Day 28607, 19:24:01: vhe unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 28607, 19:26:58: vhe unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 197 (Rex)'! Day 28607, 19:30:00: vhe unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 28607, 19:37:10: vhe claimed 'Mammoth - Lvl 283 (Mammoth)'! Day 28607, 19:40:17: vhe unclaimed 'Mammoth - Lvl 283 (Mammoth)'! Day 28607, 19:41:26: vhe claimed 'Storage - Lvl 167 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 28607, 20:13:10: vhe claimed 'Whale Whisperer - Lvl 76 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 28607, 20:23:48: vhe unclaimed 'Whale Whisperer - Lvl 76 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 28607, 20:54:18: vhe unclaimed 'Mr. Paddington - Lvl 294 (Dire Bear)'! Day 28607, 21:00:41: vhe unclaimed 'Dire Bear - Lvl 273 (Dire Bear)'! Day 28607, 21:06:10: vhe unclaimed 'Mrs. Paddington - Lvl 294 (Dire Bear)'! Day 28607, 21:09:27: vhe claimed 'Metal + Crystal - Lvl 129 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 28607, 21:18:42: vhe unclaimed 'Metal + Crystal - Lvl 129 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 28607, 21:25:14: vhe unclaimed 'Platinum - Lvl 280 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 28607, 21:37:20: vhe unclaimed 'terminator - Lvl 257 (Argentavis)'! Day 28607, 21:40:27: vhe unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 131 (Argentavis)'! Day 28607, 21:43:42: vhe unclaimed 'Holler - Lvl 284 (Argentavis)'! Day 28607, 22:20:49: vhe unclaimed 'Fighter Mutation - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 28607, 22:50:49: vhe unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 328 (Argentavis)'! Day 28607, 23:01:49: Kiwi froze Adolescent Latrice - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28607, 23:03:58: vhe unclaimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 156 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 28607, 23:08:57: vhe unclaimed 'Henry - Lvl 324 (Argentavis)'! Day 28608, 02:47:37: vhe unclaimed 'Sulfur + Salt - Lvl 148 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 28608, 02:56:35: vhe unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 311 (Argentavis)'! Day 28608, 02:59:07: vhe unclaimed 'Shmithy - Lvl 392 (Argentavis)'! Day 28608, 04:02:29: vhe froze Deanonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 28608, 04:11:43: vhe froze Phil - Lvl 97 (Phiomia) Day 28608, 04:19:42: vhe froze Penny- Stamina - Lvl 123 (Equus) Day 28608, 04:42:28: vhe froze X-ray - Lvl 282 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28608, 04:48:33: vhe froze Charlie_Mackie - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28608, 04:54:44: vhe froze North - Lvl 280 (Triceratops) Day 28608, 05:08:41: vhe froze Chopsmos - Lvl 61 (Moschops) Day 28608, 05:15:23: vhe froze Maximilian - Lvl 189 (Lystrosaurus) Day 28608, 05:22:00: vhe froze I eat babies - Lvl 119 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 28608, 05:45:02: vhe froze Seaweed - Lvl 221 (Pteranodon) Day 28608, 05:49:16: vhe froze Dysfunction - Lvl 254 (Pteranodon) Day 28608, 05:52:46: vhe froze tigerbreath - Lvl 242 (Pteranodon) Day 28608, 06:09:45: vhe froze Intentional - Lvl 94 (Dilophosaur) Day 28608, 06:15:32: vhe froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 238 (Dilophosaur) Day 28608, 06:19:08: vhe froze Dylosa - Lvl 215 (Dilophosaur) Day 28608, 06:23:30: vhe froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 207 (Dilophosaur) Day 28608, 06:28:44: vhe froze Fitta - Lvl 247 (Argentavis) Day 28608, 06:54:52: vhe froze Special Kay - Lvl 261 (Pteranodon) Day 28608, 06:59:29: vhe froze Ammonia - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 28608, 07:05:34: vhe froze poggers - Lvl 98 (Dimorphodon) Day 28608, 07:18:50: vhe froze Terd - Lvl 250 (Vulture) Day 28608, 07:23:21: vhe froze Vhe's minion - Lvl 34 (Pegomastax) Day 28608, 07:26:51: vhe froze Webby - Lvl 109 (Pegomastax) Day 28608, 07:45:58: vhe froze Naan - Lvl 242 (Pteranodon) Day 28608, 08:01:52: vhe froze DoDon't - Lvl 53 (Dodo) Day 28608, 08:04:42: vhe froze Precious - Lvl 255 (Compy) Day 28608, 08:08:56: vhe froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 126 (Dimorphodon) Day 28608, 08:25:43: vhe froze THE LOATHSOME DUNG EATER - Lvl 202 (Dung Beetle) Day 28608, 08:28:21: vhe froze THE MENACING MANURE MUNC - Lvl 142 (Dung Beetle) Day 28608, 08:31:35: vhe froze nesquik - Lvl 128 (Compy) Day 28608, 08:42:01: vhe froze Sappy - Lvl 263 (Mesopithecus) Day 28608, 17:24:04: Kiwi froze Mild - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28608, 22:02:54: Kiwi froze Adolescent Latrice - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28609, 08:36:46: Kiwi froze Latrice - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28609, 10:18:38: vhe froze Jac Naylor - Lvl 288 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28609, 10:21:01: Kiwi froze Spoicy - Lvl 112 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28610, 08:58:56: Kiwi froze Spoicy - Lvl 112 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28610, 09:04:44: Kiwi froze Spoicy - Lvl 112 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28610, 09:56:06: vhe froze Jac Naylor - Lvl 289 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28610, 11:23:54: Kiwi froze Anaemia - Lvl 257 (Argentavis) Day 28610, 11:44:12: Kiwi froze Spoicy - Lvl 112 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28610, 11:51:48: vhe froze Jac Naylor - Lvl 289 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28610, 15:00:06: Kiwi froze Ammonia - Lvl 254 (Argentavis) Day 28610, 15:42:21: vhe froze Tory Vega - Lvl 258 (Argentavis) Day 28610, 23:01:09: Kiwi froze Fitta - Lvl 264 (Argentavis) Day 28610, 23:06:41: Kiwi froze Spoicy - Lvl 113 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28612, 14:23:41: vhe froze Jac Naylor - Lvl 289 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28699, 09:07:05: vhe froze Jac Naylor - Lvl 293 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28725, 13:59:47: Kiwi unclaimed 'Storage - Lvl 167 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 28725, 18:26:21: Kiwi Tamed an Otter - Lvl 22 (Otter)! Day 28725, 18:36:01: Kiwi froze Otter - Lvl 22 (Otter) Day 28725, 19:02:53: Kiwi Tamed an Otter - Lvl 142 (Otter)! Day 28725, 19:09:57: Kiwi froze Otter - Lvl 142 (Otter) Day 28725, 21:34:42: vhe froze Jac Naylor - Lvl 299 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28725, 22:30:19: Kiwi froze Babooshka - Lvl 248 (Ice Wyvern) Day 28748, 07:37:48: vhe froze Jac Naylor - Lvl 300 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28749, 14:04:57: vhe froze Lollipop - Lvl 158 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 28794, 12:04:13: vhe froze Jac Naylor - Lvl 301 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28795, 19:03:42: vhe froze Jac Naylor - Lvl 301 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28795, 20:21:50: vhe froze Chitin Harvester - Lvl 244 (Megatherium) Day 28795, 21:25:01: vhe froze Jac Naylor - Lvl 301 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28886, 16:49:08: Kiwi Tamed an Otter - Lvl 22 (Otter)! Day 28886, 17:22:44: Kiwi Tamed an Otter - Lvl 29 (Otter)! Day 28886, 17:30:20: Kiwi froze Otter - Lvl 22 (Otter) Day 28886, 17:39:41: Kiwi froze Otter - Lvl 29 (Otter) Day 28886, 17:54:54: Kiwi claimed 'Rolling Stone - Lvl 277 (Doedicurus)'! Day 28886, 17:55:16: Kiwi claimed 'Anky - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 28886, 18:01:36: Kiwi froze Rolling Stone - Lvl 277 (Doedicurus) Day 28886, 18:08:30: Kiwi unclaimed 'Anky - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 28886, 18:13:29: Kiwi unclaimed 'Rolling Stone - Lvl 277 (Doedicurus)'! Day 28886, 18:14:58: Kiwi claimed 'Turbo - Lvl 167 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 28886, 18:17:19: Kiwi froze Turbo - Lvl 167 (Lystrosaurus) Day 28886, 18:32:50: Kiwi claimed 'Stud - Lvl 193 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28886, 18:33:03: Kiwi claimed 'Jade - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28886, 18:33:35: Kiwi claimed 'Breed me Daddy - Lvl 201 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28886, 18:34:13: Kiwi claimed 'KUSH - Lvl 258 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28886, 18:45:40: Kiwi froze Stud - Lvl 193 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28886, 18:49:11: Kiwi unclaimed 'Stud - Lvl 193 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28886, 18:56:45: Kiwi unclaimed 'Jade - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28886, 19:00:14: Kiwi unclaimed 'Breed me Daddy - Lvl 201 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28886, 19:04:05: Kiwi unclaimed 'KUSH - Lvl 258 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28886, 22:40:11: Kiwi froze Otter - Lvl 29 (Otter) Day 28886, 22:44:07: Kiwi froze Otter - Lvl 29 (Otter) Day 28886, 22:48:21: Kiwi froze Cameron Dunn - Lvl 242 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28912, 19:25:21: vhe froze Jac Naylor - Lvl 303 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28913, 03:17:34: vhe froze Spino - Lvl 309 (Spino) Day 28913, 08:22:03: vhe Tamed a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 202 (Kaprosuchus)! Day 28913, 08:27:13: vhe froze Kaprosuchus - Lvl 202 (Kaprosuchus) Day 28913, 12:18:13: vhe Tamed a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 202 (Kaprosuchus)! Day 28913, 12:47:38: vhe froze Kaprosuchus - Lvl 202 (Kaprosuchus) Day 28913, 13:43:17: vhe uploaded a Kaprosuchus: Kaprosuchus - Lvl 202 Day 28913, 13:46:30: vhe froze Jac Naylor - Lvl 304 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28916, 10:29:18: Kiwi froze Babooshka - Lvl 283 (Ice Wyvern) Day 29030, 09:52:08: Kiwi Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 29030, 10:25:55: Kiwi Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 29030, 10:36:00: Kiwi Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 29030, 18:32:22: Kiwi unclaimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 164 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 29030, 21:56:49: Kiwi Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 29030, 22:04:09: Kiwi froze Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 29031, 01:26:33: Kiwi froze Babooshka - Lvl 286 (Ice Wyvern) Day 29031, 02:39:28: Kiwi demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 29031, 02:45:03: Kiwi froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 29031, 02:48:47: Kiwi demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 29031, 02:50:04: Kiwi demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 29031, 02:54:13: Kiwi froze wwwwwwww - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 29031, 02:58:33: Kiwi froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 29031, 03:09:10: Kiwi froze Babooshka - Lvl 286 (Ice Wyvern) Day 29073, 23:48:20: vhe claimed 'Nigella - Lvl 255 (Argentavis)'! Day 29074, 00:01:09: vhe froze Nigella - Lvl 255 (Argentavis) Day 29074, 03:07:42: vhe froze Nigella - Lvl 255 (Argentavis) Day 29074, 03:50:49: vhe froze Jac Naylor - Lvl 312 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29096, 23:59:28: vhe froze Jac Naylor - Lvl 313 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29252, 07:13:28: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29370, 07:16:50: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29393, 20:50:39: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29500, 16:46:26: Raven - Lvl 182 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 309 (Spino)'! Day 29677, 05:59:02: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29677, 05:59:02: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29983, 05:04:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30199, 12:02:19: HUSH - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 416 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 30266, 12:58:35: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36833, 05:46:16: Tribemember vhe - Lvl 130 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 95!"] "tribeid":1847752102,"tribe":"The Free Men logs":["Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15796, 11:14:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15800, 17:56:07: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15831, 20:51:42: Tribemember Maji - Lvl 1 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 90!"] "tribeid":1841054250,"tribe":"Plumbob logs":["Day 33987, 07:12:14: Alzarathe was added to the Tribe! Day 33987, 07:18:28: Gothita was added to the Tribe by Alzarathe! Day 33987, 07:31:39: Alzarathe froze Pteranodon - Lvl 228 (Pteranodon) Day 33987, 07:33:10: Gothita froze Twizzle - Lvl 228 (Pteranodon) Day 33987, 13:49:25: Gothita Tamed an Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus)! Day 33987, 14:06:32: Gothita Tamed an Equus - Lvl 37 (Equus)! Day 33987, 14:13:44: Alzarathe Tamed an Equus - Lvl 142 (Equus)! Day 33987, 14:33:10: Alzarathe froze Equus - Lvl 142 (Equus) Day 33987, 14:33:21: Gothita froze Equus - Lvl 37 (Equus) Day 33987, 14:49:27: Gothita unclaimed 'Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus)'! Day 33987, 14:55:54: Alzarathe claimed 'Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus)'! Day 33987, 15:01:50: Alzarathe unclaimed 'Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus)'! Day 33987, 17:46:34: Alzarathe froze Equus - Lvl 142 (Equus) Day 33987, 17:47:46: Gothita froze Shrek - Lvl 253 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 33987, 17:50:07: Alzarathe froze [Alza] Saphire - Lvl 254 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 33987, 20:39:05: Tribemember Gothita - Lvl 77 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 33987, 20:50:47: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 233 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 33987, 21:59:32: Your Twizzle - Lvl 230 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 33987, 23:15:27: Tribemember Gothita - Lvl 77 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 95! Day 33988, 01:18:29: Alzarathe froze [Alza] Saphire - Lvl 254 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 33988, 01:19:00: Gothita froze Shrek - Lvl 253 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1840982451,"tribe":"The Wetwipes logs":["Day 41169, 08:02:08: Jeffanddave was added to the Tribe! Day 41169, 09:56:02: Tribemember Jeffanddave - Lvl 5 was killed! Day 41169, 15:06:49: Jeffanddave Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 128 (Dodo)! Day 41169, 16:21:14: Tribemember Jeffanddave - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 41169, 16:30:11: Your Sam - Lvl 129 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60! Day 41169, 17:12:12: Tribemember Jeffanddave - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60! Day 41474, 16:22:42: Tribemember Jeffanddave - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95!"] "tribeid":1835410585,"tribe":"Tribe of Negatron logs":["Day 20067, 03:55:42: Negatron was added to the Tribe! Day 20067, 04:04:26: The Creature... was added to the Tribe by Negatron! Day 20067, 06:48:23: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20067, 09:07:22: Tribemember The Creature... - Lvl 11 was killed by Negatron - Lvl 14 (Tribe of Negatron)! Day 20067, 09:07:22: Your Tribe killed The Creature... - Lvl 11 (Tribe of Negatron)! Day 20067, 10:06:52: Tribemember The Creature... - Lvl 11 was killed by a Tapejara - Lvl 50! Day 20067, 10:52:23: The Creature... demolished a 'Campfire (Unlocked) '! Day 20067, 22:45:26: The Creature... demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 20068, 10:36:20: The Creature... Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 74 (Parasaur)! Day 20068, 11:07:43: Your Parasaur - Lvl 74 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 130! Day 20068, 11:24:49: Tribemember The Creature... - Lvl 29 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 85! Day 20068, 14:05:33: Tribemember The Creature... - Lvl 30 was killed! Day 20069, 02:01:40: The Creature... demolished a 'Wood Trapdoor (Locked) '! Day 20069, 02:05:03: The Creature... demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 20069, 02:20:03: The Creature... demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 20213, 23:50:14: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20661, 12:20:52: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20661, 12:20:52: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20661, 12:20:52: Your 'Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21214, 15:23:03: Rahl - Lvl 122 (Primal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'HMS Uga booga (Raft)'! Day 22082, 20:08:29: Tribemember Negatron - Lvl 40 was killed! Day 22082, 20:34:10: Tribemember The Creature... - Lvl 33 was killed!"] "tribeid":1835136425,"tribe":"Tribe of Crystal logs":["Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20187, 00:17:02: Dodo - Lvl 153 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 20197, 10:49:42: AmberBerries - Lvl 49 (Subpar Survivors) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Woody - Lvl 251 (Castoroides)'! Day 20197, 12:40:08: Alfonzo - Lvl 75 (Gamers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 88 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 20197, 19:11:47: Alfonzo - Lvl 75 (Gamers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 213 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 20197, 19:17:05: Ethan - Lvl 93 (Gamers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 207 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 20197, 19:18:06: Ethan - Lvl 93 (Gamers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 155 (Equus)'! Day 20197, 19:18:21: Ethan - Lvl 93 (Gamers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 175 (Equus)'! Day 20197, 19:40:50: Alfonzo - Lvl 75 (Gamers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 242 (Dodo)'! Day 20197, 19:41:41: Ethan - Lvl 93 (Gamers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 225 (Dodo)'! Day 20197, 19:41:49: Ethan - Lvl 93 (Gamers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 176 (Dodo)'! Day 20197, 19:41:52: Alfonzo - Lvl 75 (Gamers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 240 (Dodo)'! Day 20197, 20:06:57: Tribemember Crystal - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 20197, 21:38:20: Ethan - Lvl 93 (Gamers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 250 (Phiomia)'! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Preserving Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20504, 17:52:26: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 259 (Doedicurus)'! Day 24514, 07:56:48: Tribemember Crystal - Lvl 121 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 135! Day 28180, 04:46:11: Crystal Tamed an Equus - Lvl 217 (Equus)! Day 28180, 14:16:46: Crystal demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 28180, 19:28:28: Your Equus - Lvl 224 (Equus) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 28180, 19:30:49: Tribemember Crystal - Lvl 121 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 28181, 00:03:31: Crystal Tamed an Equus - Lvl 142 (Equus)! Day 28181, 10:24:00: Your Tribe Tamed a Terror Bird - Lvl 194 (Terror Bird)! Day 28181, 16:39:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 29 (Doedicurus)! Day 28182, 09:33:19: Tribemember Crystal - Lvl 121 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 28182, 10:47:29: Your Equus - Lvl 151 (Equus) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 28182, 11:15:08: Crystal froze Doedicurus - Lvl 30 (Doedicurus) Day 28183, 10:47:11: Crystal demolished a 'Wooden Double Door (Locked) '! Day 28184, 04:53:05: Crystal Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon)! Day 28184, 18:40:55: Tribemember Crystal - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 28184, 22:27:59: Tribemember Crystal - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 90! Day 28185, 06:29:49: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 28185, 06:39:46: Crystal froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28206, 22:55:45: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 194 (Triceratops)! Day 28207, 07:22:55: Crystal froze Triceratops - Lvl 194 (Triceratops) Day 28207, 22:47:09: Crystal Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 224 (Dire Bear)! Day 28207, 23:15:46: Crystal froze Cookie - Lvl 224 (Dire Bear) Day 28229, 15:58:39: Tribemember Crystal - Lvl 121 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 85! Day 28232, 21:05:03: Crystal froze Cookie - Lvl 251 (Dire Bear) Day 28233, 06:28:37: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 142 (Argentavis)! Day 28257, 20:05:42: Crystal Tamed an Equus - Lvl 199 (Equus)! Day 28257, 20:22:57: Crystal froze Equus - Lvl 199 (Equus) Day 28270, 00:31:57: Your Tribe Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 127 (Mammoth)! Day 28283, 07:37:57: Tribemember Crystal - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 45! Day 28283, 08:12:47: Tribemember Crystal - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 45! Day 28283, 12:25:01: Tribemember Crystal - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 28283, 14:17:35: Tribemember Crystal - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 28295, 14:21:53: Crystal claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 28295, 18:57:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 134 (Megalodon)! Day 28295, 19:39:22: Crystal froze Megalodon - Lvl 134 (Megalodon) Day 28296, 01:12:36: Crystal Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle)! Day 28296, 04:56:14: Crystal froze Megalodon - Lvl 137 (Megalodon) Day 28296, 08:07:39: Crystal froze Megalodon - Lvl 143 (Megalodon) Day 28326, 08:14:10: Crystal Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 142 (Griffin)! Day 28369, 06:15:12: Crystal froze Megalodon - Lvl 148 (Megalodon) Day 28369, 18:52:12: Crystal Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 134 (Basilosaurus)! Day 28369, 19:42:43: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 134 (Basilosaurus) Day 28369, 21:18:17: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 136 (Basilosaurus) Day 28467, 22:44:41: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 136 (Basilosaurus) Day 28468, 03:51:28: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 153 (Basilosaurus) Day 28468, 20:20:24: Crystal froze Megalodon - Lvl 156 (Megalodon) Day 28513, 09:05:58: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 158 (Basilosaurus) Day 28513, 17:41:50: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 195 (Basilosaurus) Day 28515, 06:06:51: Crystal Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 209 (Megatherium)! Day 28515, 06:22:23: Crystal froze Megatherium - Lvl 209 (Megatherium) Day 28515, 16:30:52: Crystal Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 202 (Megatherium)! Day 28515, 16:41:50: Crystal froze Megatherium - Lvl 202 (Megatherium) Day 28529, 09:42:08: Crystal claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 218 (Megatherium)'! Day 28532, 11:01:37: Crystal froze Barty 1 - Lvl 226 (Megatherium) Day 28533, 11:51:28: Crystal froze Barty 1 - Lvl 232 (Megatherium) Day 28533, 15:55:37: Crystal froze Barty 1 - Lvl 243 (Megatherium) Day 28533, 17:13:12: Crystal froze Barty 1 - Lvl 244 (Megatherium) Day 28533, 17:28:13: Crystal froze Barty 1 - Lvl 244 (Megatherium) Day 28533, 18:12:48: Crystal froze Barty 1 - Lvl 244 (Megatherium) Day 28534, 01:57:43: Crystal froze Barty 1 - Lvl 256 (Megatherium) Day 28553, 12:09:25: Crystal claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 205 (Megatherium)'! Day 28553, 16:47:25: Crystal froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 205 (Megatherium) Day 28575, 12:59:25: Crystal claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 210 (Megatherium)'! Day 28575, 15:01:46: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 195 (Basilosaurus) Day 28575, 16:20:08: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 195 (Basilosaurus) Day 28581, 09:42:49: Crystal Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 194 (Doedicurus)! Day 28583, 13:05:11: Crystal Tamed an Oviraptor - Lvl 22 (Oviraptor)! Day 28583, 13:10:29: Crystal froze Oviraptor - Lvl 22 (Oviraptor) Day 28583, 18:02:54: Crystal Tamed an Oviraptor - Lvl 194 (Oviraptor)! Day 28587, 06:32:08: Crystal claimed 'Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 155 (Doedicurus)'! Day 28587, 06:54:35: Crystal claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 218 (Megatherium)'! Day 28587, 07:03:57: Crystal claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 220 (Megatherium)'! Day 28587, 07:08:53: Crystal claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 218 (Megatherium)'! Day 28587, 15:24:35: Crystal froze Juvenile Little Dickie - Lvl 155 (Doedicurus) Day 28587, 15:28:55: Crystal froze Juvenile Little Dickie - Lvl 155 (Doedicurus) Day 28588, 02:27:20: Crystal froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 220 (Megatherium) Day 28588, 03:09:28: Crystal froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 218 (Megatherium) Day 28588, 08:12:42: Crystal froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 218 (Megatherium) Day 28634, 07:42:51: Crystal demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Unlocked) '! Day 28651, 23:39:41: Crystal Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 126 (Thylacoleo)! Day 28652, 00:01:47: Crystal froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 126 (Thylacoleo) Day 28652, 08:22:31: Crystal Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 28652, 10:24:42: Crystal froze Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis) Day 28673, 15:56:50: Crystal uploaded a Argentavis: Athena - Lvl 199 Day 29110, 17:03:20: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29252, 07:13:28: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29559, 04:23:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30010, 22:31:49: Tribemember Crystal - Lvl 121 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 45! Day 30039, 18:50:32: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 198 (Basilosaurus) Day 30040, 02:37:23: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 198 (Basilosaurus) Day 30305, 07:16:20: AmberSpectre - Lvl 10 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 30468, 19:11:42: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 198 (Basilosaurus) Day 30469, 00:09:29: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 199 (Basilosaurus) Day 31307, 19:58:45: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 199 (Basilosaurus) Day 31308, 03:08:16: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 201 (Basilosaurus) Day 31742, 23:57:54: Crystal froze Argentavis - Lvl 216 (Argentavis) Day 31760, 14:27:49: Crystal froze Alvin - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 31760, 14:31:14: Crystal downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 88 Day 31827, 06:09:11: Crystal froze Cookie - Lvl 292 (Dire Bear) Day 31828, 10:50:01: Crystal Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 31828, 11:23:57: Crystal froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) Day 31853, 09:38:29: Crystal froze Big Daddy - Lvl 170 (Mammoth) Day 31853, 15:25:13: Crystal froze Reggie - Lvl 185 (Griffin) Day 31853, 20:49:30: Crystal froze Big Daddy - Lvl 178 (Mammoth) Day 31854, 01:21:59: Crystal Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 31854, 03:20:08: Crystal froze Cookie - Lvl 297 (Dire Bear) Day 31862, 02:53:09: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 194 (Rex)! Day 31862, 03:11:08: Crystal froze Rex - Lvl 194 (Rex) Day 31862, 07:19:49: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)! Day 31862, 07:31:24: Crystal froze Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 31862, 22:58:38: Your Tribe Tamed a Microraptor - Lvl 21 (Microraptor)! Day 31862, 23:58:01: Your Tribe Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 134 (Phiomia)! Day 31863, 00:25:24: Crystal froze Phiomia - Lvl 134 (Phiomia) Day 31910, 00:04:23: Crystal froze Alvin - Lvl 250 (Argentavis) Day 32424, 15:18:50: Your Ernie - Lvl 191 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 60! Day 32424, 16:19:50: Your Terror Bird - Lvl 239 (Terror Bird) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 32914, 15:00:11: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 202 (Basilosaurus) Day 32914, 20:02:06: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 203 (Basilosaurus) Day 33429, 14:11:13: Your 'Bee Hive' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33469, 01:47:27: Tribemember Crystal - Lvl 121 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 90! Day 34076, 11:41:20: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 203 (Basilosaurus) Day 34076, 18:00:26: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 206 (Basilosaurus) Day 35129, 23:23:48: Buck - Lvl 264 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 35193, 09:15:23: Your Microraptor - Lvl 28 (Microraptor) was killed! Day 35193, 09:15:23: Microraptor - Lvl 28 (Microraptor) starved to death! Day 36838, 13:37:18: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 207 (Basilosaurus) Day 36838, 17:52:06: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 207 (Basilosaurus) Day 37167, 11:08:42: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 207 (Basilosaurus) Day 37167, 18:40:16: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 208 (Basilosaurus) Day 39473, 13:12:33: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 208 (Basilosaurus) Day 39595, 04:53:17: Crystal froze Megalodon - Lvl 183 (Megalodon) Day 39595, 06:05:23: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 214 (Basilosaurus) Day 39595, 07:09:31: Crystal froze Megalodon - Lvl 188 (Megalodon) Day 40112, 12:36:33: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 214 (Basilosaurus) Day 40112, 17:38:23: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 215 (Basilosaurus) Day 40705, 11:53:09: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40705, 11:53:09: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40705, 11:53:09: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40705, 11:53:09: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40705, 11:53:09: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40705, 11:53:09: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40705, 11:53:09: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40705, 11:53:09: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40705, 11:53:09: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40705, 11:53:09: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40705, 11:53:09: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40705, 11:53:09: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40705, 11:53:09: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40705, 11:53:09: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40705, 11:53:09: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41376, 21:28:30: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 215 (Basilosaurus) Day 41377, 03:38:24: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 216 (Basilosaurus) Day 41899, 12:15:30: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 216 (Basilosaurus) Day 41899, 18:46:40: Crystal froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 216 (Basilosaurus) Day 42497, 16:15:27: Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 destroyed your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left'! Day 42497, 16:15:27: Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 42497, 16:15:51: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 42497, 16:16:01: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 42497, 16:16:22: Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 destroyed your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof'! Day 42497, 16:16:25: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 42497, 16:19:27: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right'! Day 43467, 09:04:16: Your 'Wooden Cage' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43467, 09:04:16: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43467, 09:04:16: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43467, 09:04:16: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44038, 15:43:22: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44038, 15:43:22: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44038, 15:43:22: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44038, 15:43:22: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44038, 15:43:22: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44038, 15:43:22: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44038, 15:43:22: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44038, 15:43:22: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44268, 15:01:57: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cookie - Lvl 311 (Dire Bear)'! Day 44268, 15:14:35: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Reggie - Lvl 188 (Griffin)'! Day 44268, 15:20:53: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Alvin - Lvl 255 (Argentavis)'! Day 44268, 15:42:01: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 90 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 44268, 15:48:52: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Big Daddy - Lvl 187 (Mammoth)'! Day 44268, 15:58:49: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Alvin - Lvl 257 (Argentavis)'! Day 44268, 16:25:34: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 188 (Megalodon)'! Day 44268, 17:37:59: Dung Beetle - Lvl 77 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 44269, 02:19:16: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Barty 1 - Lvl 263 (Megatherium)'! Day 44269, 02:27:15: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Betty 2 - Lvl 220 (Megatherium)'! Day 44269, 03:49:30: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Titan - Lvl 276 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 44269, 04:43:14: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'breeding mama - Lvl 209 (Rex)'! Day 44269, 05:13:30: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 253 (Triceratops)'! Day 44269, 05:25:16: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 216 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 44269, 05:52:23: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oviraptor - Lvl 204 (Oviraptor)'! Day 44385, 09:47:39: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Meh! - Lvl 194 (Rex)'! Day 44385, 12:47:36: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 218 (Megatherium)'! Day 44437, 06:42:24: Nova.3 - Lvl 84 (Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oviraptor - Lvl 62 (Oviraptor)'! Day 44437, 07:56:41: Nova.3 - Lvl 84 (Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 174 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 44437, 12:58:48: Nova.3 - Lvl 84 (Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bertrice - Lvl 202 (Megatherium)'! Day 44437, 13:03:20: Rupert - Lvl 112 (Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bertie - Lvl 209 (Megatherium)'! Day 44437, 13:05:19: Rupert - Lvl 112 (Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Betty 1 - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)'! Day 44437, 13:06:53: Rupert - Lvl 112 (Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 220 (Megatherium)'! Day 44437, 13:07:46: Rupert - Lvl 112 (Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 238 (Megatherium)'! Day 44437, 13:14:52: Nova.3 - Lvl 84 (Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cloud - Lvl 236 (Equus)'! Day 44437, 13:51:16: Nova.3 - Lvl 84 (Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dickie - Lvl 85 (Doedicurus)'! Day 44437, 14:01:48: Rupert - Lvl 112 (Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Do Dickie Doo DA - Lvl 230 (Doedicurus)'! Day 44437, 14:04:21: Rupert - Lvl 112 (Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Little Dickie - Lvl 185 (Doedicurus)'! Day 44437, 16:55:42: Tribemember Crystal - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 44437, 18:58:00: Rupert - Lvl 112 (Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'poop-a-matic 2000 - Lvl 137 (Phiomia)'!"] "tribeid":1830481323,"tribe":"Tribe of 인간 logs":["Day 38572, 13:46:13: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 38572, 13:51:04: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 21 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 95! Day 38572, 14:04:17: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 38572, 14:24:17: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 38572, 14:46:30: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 14:47:19: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 14:48:11: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 14:48:59: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 14:49:50: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 15:06:18: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 15:07:20: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 15:08:18: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 15:09:31: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 15:10:54: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 15:12:40: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 15:13:58: 인간 demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 38572, 15:15:45: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 15:16:49: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 15:17:52: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 15:20:50: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 15:21:41: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 15:23:26: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 15:25:19: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 15:26:40: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 15:51:09: 인간 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 38572, 15:51:23: 인간 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 202 (Equus)! Day 38572, 16:06:07: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 16:07:07: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 16:09:59: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 16:13:17: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 16:15:30: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 16:16:43: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 16:18:26: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 16:19:33: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 16:21:09: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 16:25:37: 인간 demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 38572, 16:52:55: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 16:54:09: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 16:55:17: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 16:56:07: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 16:57:23: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 16:58:17: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 16:59:09: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 16:59:58: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 38572, 19:02:17: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 38573, 06:57:36: 인간 froze Adolescent 썬더 - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38573, 07:01:06: 인간 froze Adolescent 썬더 - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38573, 07:07:46: 인간 froze Adolescent 썬더 - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38573, 09:46:09: 인간 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 38573, 16:42:21: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 35 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 38573, 19:12:23: 인간 claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 73 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38573, 21:16:58: 인간 froze Adolescent 썬더 - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38573, 21:40:01: 인간 froze Adolescent 썬더 - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38573, 21:45:05: 인간 froze Adolescent 썬더 - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38573, 22:00:53: 인간 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by 인간! Day 38574, 01:53:31: 인간석기 was added to the Tribe by 인간! Day 38574, 01:55:29: 인간석기 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by 인간! Day 38574, 03:32:19: 인간 froze Adolescent 썬더 - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38574, 09:36:27: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 36 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 38574, 10:56:10: Tribemember 인간석기 - Lvl 9 was killed! Day 38574, 11:29:03: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 36 was killed! Day 38574, 12:40:22: 인간 was added to the Tribe by 인간! Day 38574, 12:43:22: 인간 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by 인간! Day 38574, 13:55:38: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 36 was killed by 따까리 - Lvl 61 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38574, 13:55:38: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 36 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38574, 14:12:37: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by 인간 - Lvl 61 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38574, 14:12:37: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38574, 16:28:29: Your 니아빠 - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) was killed by 따까리 - Lvl 61 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38574, 16:28:29: Your Tribe killed 니아빠 - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38574, 18:06:09: 인간 froze sophia - Lvl 296 (Argentavis) Day 38574, 18:09:22: 인간 downloaded a dino: 스파이더맨 - Lvl 192 Day 38584, 22:30:29: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 38 was killed! Day 38585, 00:41:44: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by 인간 - Lvl 38 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38585, 00:41:44: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38585, 01:07:28: 인간 was removed from the Tribe! Day 38585, 01:25:05: 인간석기 was added to the Tribe by 인간! Day 38585, 04:27:39: Tribemember 인간석기 - Lvl 5 was killed by 인간 - Lvl 62 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38585, 04:27:39: Your Tribe killed 인간석기 - Lvl 5 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38585, 08:05:28: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 64 was killed by 따까리 - Lvl 73 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38585, 08:05:28: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 64 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38585, 09:18:35: 인간 froze 니엄마 노동 - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon) Day 38585, 13:21:41: 인간 demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 38585, 13:22:33: 인간 demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 38585, 13:23:38: 인간 demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 38585, 13:24:51: 인간 demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 38585, 23:17:18: 인간 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon)! Day 38586, 03:32:44: 인간 Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 209 (Griffin)! Day 38586, 06:09:15: 인간 froze Special Agent Davis - Lvl 243 (Argentavis) Day 38586, 06:13:52: 인간 froze sophia - Lvl 298 (Argentavis) Day 38589, 22:31:45: Tribemember 인간석기 - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 38590, 10:53:09: 인간석기 Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 37 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 38590, 11:19:08: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 37 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 25! Day 38590, 13:38:09: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 54 was killed! Day 38590, 20:31:04: 인간 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 38590, 20:37:56: 인간 froze Baby ㅁㅈ - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38590, 20:50:15: 인간석기 Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 127 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 38591, 00:25:18: 인간 froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 129 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 38591, 15:23:48: 인간 froze Juvenile 까사노바 불닭이 - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38591, 15:27:36: 인간 froze Juvenile 까사노바 불닭이 - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38591, 15:54:00: 인간 demolished a 'Power Generator (Locked) '! Day 38591, 21:56:32: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 73 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 38592, 04:46:37: 인간석기 Tamed an Otter - Lvl 82 (Otter)! Day 38592, 05:33:54: 인간 claimed 'Licht - Lvl 277 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 38592, 05:35:37: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 74 was killed by Licht - Lvl 277 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38592, 05:35:37: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 74 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38592, 06:12:32: 인간 froze Adolescent 까사노바 불닭이 - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38592, 06:17:34: 인간 froze Adolescent 까사노바 불닭이 - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38592, 06:22:37: 인간 froze Adolescent 까사노바 불닭이 - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38592, 08:51:17: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 134 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 135! Day 38592, 09:18:37: 인간 froze 니엄마 노동 - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon) Day 38592, 09:40:40: 인간 unclaimed 'Licht - Lvl 277 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 38592, 17:01:16: 인간 froze Adolescent 까사노바 불닭이 - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38592, 18:24:03: Your 수달리기 - Lvl 82 (Otter) was killed by 따까리 - Lvl 99 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38592, 18:24:03: Your Tribe killed 수달리기 - Lvl 82 (Otter) (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38592, 18:24:10: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 75 was killed by 따까리 - Lvl 99 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38592, 18:24:10: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 75 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38592, 22:07:24: 인간 froze Adolescent 까사노바 불닭이 - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38592, 22:14:30: 인간 froze Adolescent 까사노바 불닭이 - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38593, 00:53:12: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 58 was killed! Day 38593, 01:00:33: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 38593, 01:12:04: Tribemember 인간석기 - Lvl 47 was killed by 인간 - Lvl 75 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38593, 01:12:04: Your Tribe killed 인간석기 - Lvl 47 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38593, 01:30:28: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 33 was killed! Day 38593, 04:23:10: 인간 froze Adolescent 까사노바 불닭이 - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38594, 04:14:58: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 33 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 140! Day 38594, 06:04:16: 인간 froze 니엄마 노동 - Lvl 91 (Pteranodon) Day 38594, 10:17:51: 인간 claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 233 (Argentavis)'! Day 38594, 10:24:29: 인간 unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 234 (Argentavis)'! Day 38594, 17:36:04: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 34 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 45! Day 38594, 19:13:14: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 38594, 20:53:05: 인간 froze 니엄마 노동 - Lvl 92 (Pteranodon) Day 38598, 20:19:45: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 77 was killed! Day 38598, 21:16:24: 인간 froze 스파이더맨 - Lvl 293 (Bloodstalker) Day 38599, 12:37:03: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 80 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 135! Day 38599, 14:28:38: 인간 Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 38600, 10:02:02: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 209 (Megalodon)! Day 38619, 01:22:57: 인간 demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 38619, 01:28:48: 인간 demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 38619, 07:22:22: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 38 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 38619, 09:36:12: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 233 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 38619, 11:04:33: 인간 was added to the Tribe by 인간! Day 38619, 11:05:44: 인간 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by 인간! Day 38619, 13:18:02: Your 따까리 - Lvl 102 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed! Day 38619, 13:29:07: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 39 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 38619, 15:15:23: 인간 demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 38619, 17:14:15: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 139 (Triceratops)! Day 38619, 23:27:14: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 63 was killed by 까사노바 불닭이 - Lvl 213 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 38619, 23:27:14: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 63 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38620, 00:52:23: 인간 was removed from the Tribe by 인간! Day 38620, 01:16:34: 인간 was added to the Tribe by 인간! Day 38620, 01:20:06: 인간 was removed from the Tribe! Day 38620, 01:20:06: Tribe Owner was changed to 인간! Day 38620, 07:17:04: 인간 의 부족 tribe was merged in by 인간! Day 38620, 07:17:04: 인간 was added to the Tribe by 인간! Day 38620, 07:36:38: 인간 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by 인간! Day 38620, 07:39:43: 인간 was removed from the Tribe! Day 38620, 07:42:40: 인간 was added to the Tribe by 인간! Day 38620, 07:43:48: 인간 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by 인간! Day 38620, 07:45:16: 인간 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by 인간! Day 38620, 12:25:33: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 34 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 50! Day 38620, 12:36:40: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 89 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 145! Day 38620, 12:48:37: Your Megalodon - Lvl 222 (Megalodon) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 50! Day 38620, 13:21:23: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 46 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 50! Day 38620, 18:21:26: 인간 claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)'! Day 38620, 18:28:45: 인간 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 38620, 18:43:45: 인간 demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 38620, 19:03:33: 인간 froze Baby You are mom - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38620, 22:02:43: 인간 claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 38621, 00:29:26: 인간 froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38621, 01:08:02: 인간 froze Juvenile 최강 아르젠 - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 38621, 01:13:33: 인간 froze Juvenile 최강 아르젠 - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 38621, 04:20:54: Your Triceratops - Lvl 147 (Triceratops) was killed by 까사노바 불닭이 - Lvl 232 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 38621, 04:20:54: Your Tribe killed Triceratops - Lvl 147 (Triceratops) (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38621, 06:31:30: 인간 claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 79 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38621, 06:36:35: 인간 froze Juvenile 최강 아르젠 - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 38621, 06:40:17: 인간 froze Juvenile 최강 아르젠 - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 38621, 06:50:07: 인간 froze Baby 피죤투 - Lvl 79 (Pteranodon) Day 38621, 06:57:31: 인간 froze Juvenile 엄마가 없어 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38621, 08:41:57: Your Juvenile 피죤투 - Lvl 79 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 38621, 08:41:57: Juvenile 피죤투 - Lvl 79 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 38621, 08:59:02: 인간 demolished a 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 38621, 09:01:34: 인간 demolished a 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 38621, 09:03:41: 인간 demolished a 'Stone Stairs'! Day 38621, 09:04:45: 인간 demolished a 'Stone Stairs'! Day 38621, 16:26:33: 인간 froze Juvenile 엄마가 없어 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38621, 18:46:07: 인간 froze Juvenile 썬더2 - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38621, 18:56:19: 인간 froze Juvenile 썬더2 - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38621, 20:10:35: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 38621, 20:11:49: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 38621, 20:12:45: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 38621, 21:04:33: 인간 froze Juvenile 썬더3 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38621, 21:09:17: 인간 froze Juvenile 썬더3 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38621, 21:13:46: 인간 froze Juvenile 썬더3 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38621, 21:23:29: 인간 froze Adolescent 최강 아르젠 - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 38621, 23:30:40: 인간 froze Juvenile 썬더2 - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38622, 02:27:20: 인간 froze Adolescent 썬더3 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38637, 20:51:43: 인간 froze Adolescent 썬더3 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38637, 20:56:01: 인간 froze Adolescent 썬더3 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38637, 21:00:39: 인간 froze Adolescent 썬더3 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38637, 21:16:24: 인간 froze Adolescent 썬더3 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38637, 23:40:45: 인간 froze Adolescent 썬더3 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38638, 01:56:47: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 91 was killed! Day 38638, 12:57:30: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 93 was killed! Day 38638, 13:57:24: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 61 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 20! Day 38638, 15:01:43: 인간 claimed 'GREG - Lvl 157 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 38638, 15:39:12: 인간 claimed 'Magmasaur - Lvl 212 (Magmasaur)'! Day 38638, 15:43:33: 인간 unclaimed 'Magmasaur - Lvl 212 (Magmasaur)'! Day 38638, 17:42:16: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 61 was killed by 인간 - Lvl 93 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38638, 17:42:16: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 61 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38638, 18:07:04: 인간 froze Adolescent 썬더3 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38642, 07:09:50: 인간 demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 38642, 07:11:04: 인간 demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 38642, 07:12:11: 인간 demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 38642, 09:29:22: 인간 froze Adolescent 썬더3 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38642, 09:32:44: 인간 froze Adolescent 썬더3 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38642, 14:09:20: 인간 froze Adolescent 썬더3 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38642, 14:12:47: 인간 froze Adolescent 썬더3 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38642, 14:16:04: 인간 froze Adolescent 썬더3 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38642, 14:19:28: 인간 froze Adolescent 썬더3 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38642, 14:22:41: 인간 froze Adolescent 썬더3 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38642, 14:28:01: 인간 froze Adolescent 썬더3 - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38644, 13:34:48: 인간 froze Adolescent 피카폰 - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38666, 21:06:19: 인간 froze Adolescent 피카폰 - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38666, 21:32:37: 인간 froze Adolescent 피카폰 - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38666, 21:43:24: 인간 froze Adolescent 피카폰 - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38666, 21:48:28: 인간 froze Adolescent 피카폰 - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38667, 03:47:02: 인간 froze Adolescent 피카폰 - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38667, 04:04:30: 인간 froze Adolescent 피카폰 - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38667, 17:15:54: 인간 froze Adolescent 피카폰 - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38672, 05:19:17: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 93 was killed by 스파이더맨 - Lvl 293 (Bloodstalker)! Day 38672, 05:19:17: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 93 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38672, 05:19:26: Your 스파이더맨 - Lvl 293 (Bloodstalker) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 38681, 04:52:54: 인간 froze 까사노바 불닭이 - Lvl 237 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38681, 07:13:43: 인간 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 38681, 07:35:30: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 93 was killed by 피카폰 - Lvl 197 (Poison Wyvern)! Day 38681, 07:35:30: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 93 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38681, 08:00:02: 인간 froze 최강 아르젠 - Lvl 238 (Argentavis) Day 38681, 19:54:22: Tribemember 인간석기 - Lvl 49 was killed by 피카폰 - Lvl 203 (Poison Wyvern)! Day 38681, 19:54:22: Your Tribe killed 인간석기 - Lvl 49 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38681, 20:14:36: 인간 froze Special Agent Davis - Lvl 245 (Argentavis) Day 38681, 20:45:41: 인간 froze 썬더3 - Lvl 196 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38681, 20:58:20: 인간 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38681, 21:27:03: 인간 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38681, 23:52:24: 인간 demolished a 'Straight Metal Water Pipe'! Day 38681, 23:53:25: 인간 froze 고자핀 - Lvl 251 (Griffin) Day 38681, 23:53:31: 인간 demolished a 'Straight Metal Water Pipe'! Day 38681, 23:54:39: 인간 demolished a 'Straight Metal Water Pipe'! Day 38681, 23:57:19: 인간 demolished a 'Straight Metal Water Pipe'! Day 38682, 00:06:21: 인간 demolished a 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe'! Day 38682, 00:10:00: 인간 demolished a 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe'! Day 38682, 00:11:03: 인간 demolished a 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe'! Day 38682, 02:40:19: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 94 was killed by 피카폰 - Lvl 207 (Poison Wyvern)! Day 38682, 02:40:19: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 94 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38682, 03:11:20: 인간 froze Juvenile 찌리찌리 짜라짜라 - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38682, 03:16:24: 인간 froze Juvenile 찌리찌리 짜라짜라 - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38682, 23:07:56: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 71 was killed by 피카폰 - Lvl 211 (Poison Wyvern)! Day 38682, 23:07:56: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 71 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38683, 03:58:13: 인간 froze Adolescent 찌리찌리 짜라짜라 - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38683, 04:45:02: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 55 was killed by 피카폰 - Lvl 211 (Poison Wyvern)! Day 38683, 04:45:02: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 55 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38683, 04:57:18: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 95 was killed by 피카폰 - Lvl 211 (Poison Wyvern)! Day 38683, 04:57:18: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 95 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38683, 14:28:43: 인간 demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 38683, 17:42:26: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 38683, 20:37:47: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 95 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 38684, 02:32:15: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 71 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 38684, 03:11:31: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 95 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 38684, 03:56:58: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 71 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 38684, 04:51:28: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 38684, 05:02:47: Your 피카폰 - Lvl 212 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 38684, 05:47:09: Your 수현이가 좋아하는 사람1 - Lvl 103 (Pteranodon) was killed by 찌리찌리 짜라짜라 - Lvl 167 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38684, 05:47:09: Your Tribe killed 수현이가 좋아하는 사람1 - Lvl 103 (Pteranodon) (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38684, 07:33:40: 인간 froze 찌리찌리 짜라짜라 - Lvl 172 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38684, 07:34:38: 인간 uploaded a Argentavis: sophia - Lvl 300 Day 38686, 07:08:55: 인간 froze 고자핀 - Lvl 257 (Griffin) Day 38688, 14:34:45: 인간 froze 고자핀 - Lvl 259 (Griffin) Day 38688, 14:38:08: 인간 uploaded a Equus: 니엄마 발로 밀쿠스 - Lvl 241 Day 38836, 05:56:51: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38858, 21:23:07: 인간 froze 시노부 - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane) Day 38859, 04:43:23: 인간 froze 고자핀 - Lvl 293 (Griffin) Day 38859, 06:22:55: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 93 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 38859, 10:17:48: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 93 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 38859, 13:21:34: 인간 froze 고자핀 - Lvl 295 (Griffin) Day 38859, 16:15:36: 인간 froze 수현이가 좋아하는 사람2 - Lvl 98 (Pteranodon) Day 38859, 18:17:03: Your 수현이가 좋아하는 사람2 - Lvl 98 (Pteranodon) was killed by 인간 - Lvl 94 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38859, 18:17:03: Your Tribe killed 수현이가 좋아하는 사람2 - Lvl 98 (Pteranodon)! Day 38859, 18:40:20: 인간 froze 젠이츠 - Lvl 185 (Shadowmane) Day 38859, 18:54:41: 인간 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus)! Day 38859, 19:01:04: 인간 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 22 (Equus)! Day 38859, 19:15:05: 인간 froze Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus) Day 38859, 20:42:32: 인간 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 127 (Equus)! Day 38859, 21:04:25: 인간 froze 젠이츠 - Lvl 185 (Shadowmane) Day 38859, 21:56:37: 인간 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus)! Day 38859, 22:01:37: 인간 froze Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus) Day 38859, 22:55:25: Your Equus - Lvl 127 (Equus) was killed by 인간 - Lvl 94 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38859, 22:55:25: Your Tribe killed Equus - Lvl 127 (Equus) (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38859, 23:01:43: Your Equus - Lvl 24 (Equus) was killed by 인간 - Lvl 108 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38859, 23:01:43: Your Tribe killed Equus - Lvl 24 (Equus) (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38859, 23:10:48: Your Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus) was killed by 인간 - Lvl 108 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38859, 23:10:48: Your Tribe killed Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus)! Day 38859, 23:27:26: Your Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus) was killed by 인간 - Lvl 108 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38859, 23:27:26: Your Tribe killed Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus)! Day 38860, 06:09:54: 인간 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 34 (Equus)! Day 38860, 06:42:25: Your Equus - Lvl 34 (Equus) was killed by 인간 - Lvl 94 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38860, 06:42:25: Your Tribe killed Equus - Lvl 34 (Equus) (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38860, 09:02:22: 인간 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 37 (Equus)! Day 38860, 09:51:33: 인간 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 142 (Equus)! Day 38860, 09:55:27: Your Equus - Lvl 37 (Equus) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 90! Day 38860, 09:58:12: 인간 froze Equus - Lvl 142 (Equus) Day 38860, 10:11:42: 인간 froze 젠이츠 - Lvl 186 (Shadowmane) Day 38860, 11:39:02: Your Equus - Lvl 142 (Equus) was killed by 인간 - Lvl 94 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 38860, 11:39:02: Your Tribe killed Equus - Lvl 142 (Equus)! Day 38860, 13:16:35: 인간 froze 젠이츠 - Lvl 187 (Shadowmane) Day 38860, 14:26:22: 인간 froze 수섀 - Lvl 251 (Shadowmane) Day 38860, 15:53:03: 인간 froze 고자핀 - Lvl 297 (Griffin) Day 38905, 02:12:37: 인간 froze 젠이츠 - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane) Day 38920, 13:38:04: 인간 froze 수섀 - Lvl 257 (Shadowmane) Day 38920, 16:50:01: 인간 froze 고자핀 - Lvl 303 (Griffin) Day 38922, 07:37:05: 인간 froze 고자핀 - Lvl 303 (Griffin) Day 38922, 09:33:04: 인간 froze 고자핀 - Lvl 303 (Griffin) Day 38922, 10:50:45: 인간 froze 고자핀 - Lvl 303 (Griffin) Day 38922, 18:08:16: 인간 froze 수섀 - Lvl 257 (Shadowmane) Day 38923, 23:53:21: Your Maewing - Lvl 268 (Maewing) was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 145! Day 38924, 02:54:00: 인간석기 Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis)! Day 38924, 03:11:51: 인간석기 froze 갓마귀 - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 38924, 09:31:04: 인간석기 Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 37 (Basilosaurus)! Day 38924, 09:48:43: 인간 froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 37 (Basilosaurus) Day 38924, 11:01:01: 인간석기 uploaded a Shadowmane: 수섀 - Lvl 258 Day 38928, 08:39:01: 인간 froze 고자핀 - Lvl 304 (Griffin) Day 38928, 09:50:32: 인간 froze 고자핀 - Lvl 304 (Griffin) Day 38943, 07:33:56: 인간 froze 고자핀 - Lvl 305 (Griffin) Day 38943, 12:43:07: 인간 froze 수섀 - Lvl 261 (Shadowmane) Day 38945, 09:26:08: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39091, 18:39:16: 인간 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 37 (Equus)! Day 39091, 18:43:27: 인간 froze Equus - Lvl 37 (Equus) Day 39091, 19:42:37: 인간 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 127 (Equus)! Day 39091, 20:41:30: 인간석기 froze Equus - Lvl 127 (Equus) Day 39091, 21:21:38: 인간 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 181 (Equus)! Day 39091, 21:45:52: 인간 froze 최강암컷? - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 39091, 22:10:17: Your Equus - Lvl 127 (Equus) was killed by 썬더3 - Lvl 280 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 39091, 22:10:17: Your Tribe killed Equus - Lvl 127 (Equus)! Day 39091, 22:36:52: Your Equus - Lvl 37 (Equus) was killed by 썬더3 - Lvl 280 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 39091, 22:36:52: Your Tribe killed Equus - Lvl 37 (Equus)! Day 39091, 23:41:17: 인간 froze Equus - Lvl 181 (Equus) Day 39092, 00:17:52: 인간 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 82 (Equus)! Day 39092, 02:58:51: 인간 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 188 (Equus)! Day 39092, 03:51:37: 인간석기 froze 썬더3 - Lvl 280 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 39092, 04:34:22: 인간 froze Equus - Lvl 188 (Equus) Day 39092, 04:38:25: 인간 froze Equus - Lvl 82 (Equus) Day 39092, 05:27:48: 인간 froze 최강암컷? - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 39092, 05:32:41: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 90! Day 39092, 07:34:51: 인간 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus)! Day 39092, 07:39:39: 인간 froze Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus) Day 39092, 07:54:30: 인간 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 82 (Equus)! Day 39092, 08:05:09: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 95! Day 39092, 08:14:08: 인간 froze Equus - Lvl 82 (Equus) Day 39092, 08:34:42: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 39092, 08:36:47: 인간 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 82 (Equus)! Day 39092, 08:41:10: 인간 froze ㄷㄷ - Lvl 82 (Equus) Day 39092, 09:08:42: 인간 Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle)! Day 39092, 09:12:21: 인간 froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle) Day 39092, 11:13:46: 인간 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 127 (Equus)! Day 39092, 11:18:04: 인간 froze Equus - Lvl 127 (Equus) Day 39092, 12:47:41: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 39092, 13:57:25: 인간 froze 최강암컷? - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 39092, 13:59:10: 인간 froze 수섀 - Lvl 287 (Shadowmane) Day 39093, 15:43:10: 인간 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus)! Day 39093, 15:47:55: 인간 froze Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus) Day 39093, 16:35:14: 인간 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus)! Day 39093, 16:39:14: 인간 froze Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus) Day 39093, 17:32:05: 인간 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 186 (Equus)! Day 39093, 17:39:50: 인간 froze Equus - Lvl 186 (Equus) Day 39094, 00:00:16: 인간 froze 수섀 - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 39095, 04:27:16: 인간 froze 수섀 - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39289, 16:28:28: Bex - Lvl 91 (Queens of the North) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Griff - Lvl 206 (Argentavis)'! Day 39397, 19:52:05: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39397, 19:52:05: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39397, 19:52:05: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39397, 19:52:05: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39397, 19:52:05: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39519, 18:00:17: pablee - Lvl 37 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'phoenix - Lvl 272 (Argentavis)'! Day 39681, 10:58:31: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39681, 10:58:31: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39737, 11:44:41: 인간 froze 변종 - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 39737, 11:47:19: 인간 was removed from the Tribe! Day 39737, 12:15:58: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 276 (Desmodus) Day 39737, 12:20:12: 인간석기 was removed from the Tribe! Day 39925, 16:01:13: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'GREG - Lvl 157 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 39967, 06:54:31: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40459, 16:51:24: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone ShieldMaiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 40610, 00:31:41: Your 'Artifact Pedestal' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40895, 13:54:51: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40895, 13:54:51: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40895, 13:54:51: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40895, 13:54:51: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40895, 13:54:51: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40895, 13:54:51: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40895, 13:54:51: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1828860366,"tribe":"Tribe of purplepixie1991 logs":["Day 39608, 16:46:37: purplepixie1991 was added to the Tribe! Day 39608, 16:50:57: Lonwe was added to the Tribe by purplepixie1991! Day 39608, 22:26:06: Tribemember Lonwe - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 39609, 01:06:29: Tribemember Lonwe - Lvl 7 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 95! Day 39609, 02:32:21: Tribemember purplepixie1991 - Lvl 7 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 15! Day 39609, 03:16:35: Tribemember purplepixie1991 - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 39609, 05:16:15: Tribemember Lonwe - Lvl 7 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 100! Day 39609, 05:46:46: Tribemember purplepixie1991 - Lvl 12 was killed by Lonwe - Lvl 7 (Tribe of purplepixie1991)! Day 39609, 05:46:46: Your Tribe killed purplepixie1991 - Lvl 12 (Tribe of purplepixie1991)! Day 39609, 06:17:36: Tribemember Lonwe - Lvl 7 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 100! Day 39609, 06:36:03: Tribemember purplepixie1991 - Lvl 12 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 100! Day 39609, 14:09:32: Tribemember Lonwe - Lvl 19 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 130! Day 39609, 14:12:42: Tribemember purplepixie1991 - Lvl 15 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 130! Day 39609, 14:25:16: Tribemember purplepixie1991 - Lvl 15 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 145! Day 39609, 14:34:01: Sabertooth - Lvl 130 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 39609, 14:34:01: Sabertooth - Lvl 130 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 39609, 14:51:39: Tribemember Lonwe - Lvl 19 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 130! Day 39609, 15:24:04: Tribemember Lonwe - Lvl 19 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 130! Day 39609, 15:26:17: Sabertooth - Lvl 130 destroyed your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 39609, 15:27:20: Sabertooth - Lvl 130 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 39609, 15:28:54: Sabertooth - Lvl 130 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 39609, 15:35:37: Tribemember purplepixie1991 - Lvl 15 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 130! Day 39609, 19:15:00: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 39609, 19:44:11: Tribemember purplepixie1991 - Lvl 15 was killed! Day 39609, 20:14:32: Tribemember purplepixie1991 - Lvl 15 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 130! Day 39609, 20:36:02: Tribemember Lonwe - Lvl 26 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 39609, 20:41:45: Tribemember purplepixie1991 - Lvl 15 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 39609, 22:03:03: Tribemember purplepixie1991 - Lvl 15 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 39619, 11:06:11: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 186 (Triceratops)! Day 39619, 11:24:55: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 39619, 15:46:29: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 39621, 02:00:53: Dilophosaur - Lvl 150 destroyed your 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 39621, 15:06:19: Tribemember Lonwe - Lvl 52 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 85! Day 39621, 18:20:31: Tribemember Lonwe - Lvl 52 was killed! Day 39621, 18:56:25: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 91 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 55! Day 39622, 03:52:15: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 71 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 150! Day 39622, 04:06:27: Your Triceratops - Lvl 186 (Triceratops) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 150! Day 39622, 04:45:45: Tribemember purplepixie1991 - Lvl 15 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 150! Day 39622, 04:46:35: Rex - Lvl 150 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 39622, 04:46:35: Rex - Lvl 150 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 39622, 06:41:46: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon)! Day 39622, 07:55:32: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 142 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 39623, 20:20:38: Lonwe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 223 (Triceratops)! Day 39624, 12:35:48: Tribemember Lonwe - Lvl 61 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 85! Day 39624, 23:02:23: Tribemember Lonwe - Lvl 61 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 85! Day 39625, 02:59:08: Brontosaurus - Lvl 15 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 39625, 03:06:52: Brontosaurus - Lvl 15 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 39625, 03:06:52: Brontosaurus - Lvl 15 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 39625, 06:19:55: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 142 (Argentavis)! Day 39626, 15:26:57: Tribemember Lonwe - Lvl 66 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 140! Day 39628, 02:37:17: purplepixie1991 Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 149 (Argentavis)! Day 39628, 21:42:19: purplepixie1991 Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 216 (Doedicurus)! Day 39695, 05:53:42: purplepixie1991 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 210 (Pteranodon)! Day 39741, 11:21:23: purplepixie1991 Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 40019, 14:07:44: Lonwe Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 209 (Brontosaurus)! Day 40467, 03:13:14: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40467, 03:13:14: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40990, 19:25:31: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40998, 08:13:03: monty - Lvl 41 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 41102, 15:49:28: nathan - Lvl 108 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 238 (Doedicurus)'! Day 41102, 15:49:43: liz - Lvl 27 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 245 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41102, 15:50:13: nathan - Lvl 108 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'mr featherton - Lvl 181 (Argentavis)'! Day 41102, 15:50:42: liz - Lvl 27 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'mr patty - Lvl 210 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41102, 15:51:06: nathan - Lvl 108 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 181 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 41102, 15:52:01: nathan - Lvl 108 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 251 (Triceratops)'! Day 41102, 15:55:35: liz - Lvl 27 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 41102, 16:33:38: liz - Lvl 27 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 209 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 41102, 16:47:12: Tribemember Lonwe - Lvl 86 was killed! Day 41102, 16:50:14: Tribemember purplepixie1991 - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 41102, 17:27:56: liz - Lvl 27 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Smokey - Lvl 185 (Argentavis)'! Day 42190, 19:13:58: SXMM - Lvl 91 (BigMonkeyGaming) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1826961838,"tribe":"Highland warriors logs":["Day 16891, 19:18:56: Monke claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 58 (Ovis)'! Day 16891, 19:20:18: Monke froze Baby Ovis - Lvl 58 (Ovis) Day 16891, 19:21:04: Monke claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 63 (Ovis)'! Day 16891, 19:21:29: Monke claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 63 (Ovis)'! Day 16891, 19:23:05: Monke froze Baby Ovis - Lvl 63 (Ovis) Day 16891, 19:24:43: Monke froze Baby Ovis - Lvl 63 (Ovis) Day 16891, 19:25:19: Monke claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 149 (Ovis)'! Day 16891, 19:31:43: Monke froze Baby Ovis - Lvl 149 (Ovis) Day 16891, 21:48:06: Monke froze Astrid - Lvl 275 (Argentavis) Day 16891, 21:54:15: Monke froze Spark - Lvl 283 (R-Reaper King) Day 16891, 22:02:15: Monke froze Aurora - Lvl 200 (Shadowmane) Day 16892, 00:33:33: Monke froze Aurora - Lvl 200 (Shadowmane) Day 16892, 05:23:51: Monke froze Geggs - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane) Day 16892, 08:18:53: Monke froze Astrid - Lvl 288 (Argentavis) Day 16892, 08:31:47: Monke froze Red XIII - Lvl 276 (Shadowmane) Day 16892, 08:39:51: Monke froze Ivysaur - Lvl 318 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16892, 08:41:27: Monke froze Charizard - Lvl 346 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16892, 08:44:35: Monke froze Charmeleon - Lvl 316 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16892, 08:47:01: Monke froze Aurora - Lvl 200 (Shadowmane) Day 16892, 08:48:31: Monke froze Geggs - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane) Day 16892, 09:17:59: Monke froze Red XIII - Lvl 276 (Shadowmane) Day 16892, 09:20:00: Monke froze Aurora - Lvl 200 (Shadowmane) Day 16892, 09:26:44: Monke froze Flappy Bird - Lvl 300 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16893, 10:18:37: Monke froze Pteranodon - Lvl 310 (Pteranodon) Day 16894, 01:18:36: Tribemember Monke - Lvl 123 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 16894, 01:19:12: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 314 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 16894, 01:33:40: Monke claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16894, 02:05:47: Monke froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16894, 03:39:17: Monke froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16894, 03:44:08: Monke froze Baby Killer - Lvl 233 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16894, 04:11:16: Tribemember Monke - Lvl 123 was killed by Baby Killer - Lvl 233 (Lightning Wyvern) (Highland warriors)! Day 16894, 04:11:16: Your Tribe killed Monke - Lvl 123 (Highland warriors)! Day 16894, 05:22:23: Monke froze Baby Killer - Lvl 233 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16894, 11:03:31: Monke froze Weetabix - Lvl 374 (Snow Owl) Day 16894, 13:02:59: Monke froze Astrid - Lvl 288 (Argentavis) Day 16894, 13:57:24: Monke froze Astrid - Lvl 288 (Argentavis) Day 16894, 16:49:02: Monke froze Red XIII - Lvl 280 (Shadowmane) Day 16901, 19:52:05: Tribemember ..J - Lvl 69 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 16901, 23:21:47: Monke froze Astrid - Lvl 293 (Argentavis) Day 16902, 15:54:56: Monke froze Astrid - Lvl 295 (Argentavis) Day 16903, 08:38:16: Monke froze Red XIII - Lvl 287 (Shadowmane) Day 16903, 17:15:03: Monke froze Red XIII - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 16904, 17:38:16: Monke froze Monke's Sidekick - Lvl 327 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16906, 07:53:05: Monke froze Bob The Babysitter (OG) - Lvl 335 (Maewing) Day 16906, 09:15:45: Monke froze Bob The Babysitter (OG) - Lvl 335 (Maewing) Day 16906, 10:57:41: Monke froze Bob The Babysitter (OG) - Lvl 335 (Maewing) Day 16906, 15:33:35: Monke froze Red XIII - Lvl 291 (Shadowmane) Day 16906, 17:31:09: Monke froze Red XIII - Lvl 291 (Shadowmane) Day 16907, 08:49:38: Monke froze Shadowmane - Lvl 210 (Shadowmane) Day 16907, 09:00:49: Monke froze Red XIII - Lvl 292 (Shadowmane) Day 16908, 01:52:47: Monke froze Red XIII - Lvl 292 (Shadowmane) Day 16908, 07:04:27: Monke froze bear - Lvl 315 (Dire Bear) Day 16908, 07:19:49: Monke froze Red XIII - Lvl 292 (Shadowmane) Day 16908, 10:02:46: Monke froze Red XIII - Lvl 292 (Shadowmane) Day 16919, 17:22:52: Monke froze Gunpowder - Lvl 318 (Maewing) Day 16919, 19:09:29: Monke froze Gunpowder - Lvl 318 (Maewing) Day 16920, 19:26:06: Monke froze Red XIII - Lvl 296 (Shadowmane) Day 16920, 19:54:15: Monke Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 67 (Dung Beetle)! Day 16920, 19:56:17: Monke froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 67 (Dung Beetle) Day 16920, 20:06:49: Monke froze Red XIII - Lvl 296 (Shadowmane) Day 16920, 20:10:09: Monke froze Red XIII - Lvl 296 (Shadowmane) Day 16920, 20:16:06: Monke froze Red XIII - Lvl 296 (Shadowmane) Day 16920, 20:19:26: Monke froze Red XIII - Lvl 296 (Shadowmane) Day 16920, 20:22:10: Monke froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 67 (Dung Beetle) Day 16920, 20:46:01: Monke Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle)! Day 16920, 22:38:32: Monke froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle) Day 16920, 23:02:32: Monke froze Red XIII - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 16922, 14:32:44: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 140 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 16934, 04:46:25: 's 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16934, 05:27:24: Monke froze Griffin - Lvl 308 (Griffin) Day 16934, 19:48:09: Monke froze Griffin - Lvl 308 (Griffin) Day 16935, 02:34:18: Monke demolished a 'Cannon (Locked) '! Day 16935, 03:03:20: Monke froze Griffin - Lvl 308 (Griffin) Day 16975, 17:23:48: Tribemember Puglife - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 16991, 17:10:20: Monke froze Apollo - Lvl 276 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16991, 19:53:54: Monke froze Benson - Lvl 370 (Otter) Day 16992, 09:01:40: Monke froze Bob The Babysitter (OG) - Lvl 336 (Maewing) Day 16999, 04:34:57: Monke froze Red XIII - Lvl 308 (Shadowmane) Day 17000, 17:17:53: Monke froze Weetabix - Lvl 375 (Snow Owl) Day 17000, 19:07:59: Monke froze Weetabix - Lvl 375 (Snow Owl) Day 17000, 22:04:46: Monke claimed 'Rila 2.0 - Lvl 319 (Pteranodon)'! Day 17000, 22:36:55: Monke froze Weetabix - Lvl 375 (Snow Owl) Day 17001, 02:02:44: Monke unclaimed 'Rila 2.0 - Lvl 319 (Pteranodon)'! Day 17001, 07:08:41: Monke Tamed a Rock Elemental - Lvl 217 (Rock Elemental)! Day 17001, 07:14:08: Monke froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 217 (Rock Elemental) Day 17001, 08:21:43: Monke froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 217 (Rock Elemental) Day 17001, 08:25:02: Monke froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 217 (Rock Elemental) Day 17001, 08:40:50: Monke froze Weetabix - Lvl 375 (Snow Owl) Day 17005, 13:13:12: Monke froze Astrodelphis - Lvl 151 (Astrodelphis) Day 17005, 13:30:42: Monke froze Astrodelphis - Lvl 151 (Astrodelphis) Day 17010, 05:23:21: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17017, 09:53:22: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of Blue' Tribe to Sexy Warriors Alliance! Day 17017, 10:00:43: Dalton343 removed 'Tribe of Blue' Tribe from Sexy Warriors Alliance! Day 17017, 10:12:32: Monke froze Corn :) - Lvl 295 (Argentavis) Day 17017, 21:38:32: Monke froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 239 (Snow Owl) Day 17017, 21:53:10: Monke froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 223 (Snow Owl) Day 17018, 02:03:40: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of greatnes' Tribe to Sexy Warriors Alliance! Day 17018, 03:35:39: Dalton343 removed 'Tribe of greatnes' Tribe from Sexy Warriors Alliance! Day 17018, 05:53:41: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of greatnes' Tribe to Sexy Warriors Alliance! Day 17018, 06:48:10: Monke claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 226 (Maewing)'! Day 17018, 06:51:02: Monke froze Baby Maewing - Lvl 226 (Maewing) Day 17018, 07:02:35: Monke froze Base N/A - Lvl 229 (Maewing) Day 17018, 07:04:13: Monke froze Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing) Day 17018, 07:22:21: Monke claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 235 (Maewing)'! Day 17018, 07:24:09: Monke froze Baby Maewing - Lvl 235 (Maewing) Day 17018, 08:24:02: Monke froze Baby Billy - Lvl 226 (Maewing) Day 17018, 08:26:34: Monke froze Baby Maewilly - Lvl 235 (Maewing) Day 17018, 08:40:55: Monke froze Weetabix - Lvl 375 (Snow Owl) Day 17018, 11:30:20: Your Egg female - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 17018, 11:30:20: Egg female - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 17018, 12:07:36: Monke froze Juvenile Willy - Lvl 235 (Maewing) Day 17018, 12:09:14: Monke froze Juvenile Willy - Lvl 235 (Maewing) Day 17018, 12:11:16: Monke froze Juvenile Willy - Lvl 235 (Maewing) Day 17018, 17:56:34: Monke froze Adolescent Billy - Lvl 226 (Maewing) Day 17018, 17:57:55: Monke froze Adolescent Willy - Lvl 235 (Maewing) Day 17018, 17:59:57: Monke froze Adolescent Kiggy - Lvl 152 (Thylacoleo) Day 17018, 18:13:50: Monke froze Weetabix - Lvl 375 (Snow Owl) Day 17037, 11:05:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17037, 11:05:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17037, 11:05:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17045, 06:58:24: Monke froze Astrid - Lvl 299 (Argentavis) Day 17045, 08:33:05: Monke froze Astrid - Lvl 299 (Argentavis) Day 17045, 09:20:39: Monke froze Astrid - Lvl 300 (Argentavis) Day 17045, 16:00:04: Monke froze Astrid - Lvl 300 (Argentavis) Day 17045, 16:43:39: Monke froze Weetabix - Lvl 377 (Snow Owl) Day 17045, 17:05:13: Monke froze Weetabix - Lvl 377 (Snow Owl) Day 17045, 19:26:53: Monke claimed 'Bliss - Lvl 215 (Shinehorn)'! Day 17045, 20:09:50: Monke froze Bliss - Lvl 215 (Shinehorn) Day 17045, 20:11:29: Monke froze Bliss - Lvl 215 (Shinehorn) Day 17045, 21:30:31: Monke froze Weetabix - Lvl 377 (Snow Owl) Day 17058, 23:14:15: Egg female - Lvl 201 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 17060, 01:47:02: Monke froze Juvenile Shoto - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 17060, 08:07:32: Monke froze Daito (OG) - Lvl 265 (Deinonychus) Day 17060, 08:24:43: Monke froze Daito (OG) - Lvl 265 (Deinonychus) Day 17060, 08:26:42: Monke froze Adolescent Shoto - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 17060, 08:28:31: Monke froze Billy - Lvl 244 (Maewing) Day 17064, 22:52:49: Your 'Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17086, 08:01:52: Monke froze Griffin - Lvl 313 (Griffin) Day 17092, 17:19:48: Your 'Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17092, 17:19:48: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17092, 17:19:48: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17092, 17:19:48: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17100, 14:55:39: Monke froze fOwl - Lvl 350 (Snow Owl) Day 17100, 15:08:32: Monke froze fOwl - Lvl 350 (Snow Owl) Day 17100, 17:07:43: Monke claimed 'Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus)'! Day 17100, 17:09:20: Your Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus) was killed by Monke - Lvl 123 (Highland warriors)! Day 17100, 17:09:20: Your Tribe killed Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus) (Highland warriors)! Day 17100, 19:41:09: Monke froze Juvenile Blueberry - Lvl 206 (Maewing) Day 17100, 19:42:59: Monke froze Billy - Lvl 279 (Maewing) Day 17101, 07:30:56: Monke froze Billy - Lvl 279 (Maewing) Day 17101, 11:19:35: Monke froze Billy - Lvl 279 (Maewing) Day 17128, 08:04:27: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 315 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 17141, 07:40:03: Monke froze Gunpowder - Lvl 329 (Maewing) Day 17141, 14:42:37: Monke froze Gunpowder - Lvl 329 (Maewing) Day 17142, 18:26:07: Monke froze Big Turk - Lvl 346 (Therizinosaur) Day 17142, 19:07:30: Monke froze Big Turk - Lvl 346 (Therizinosaur) Day 17142, 19:44:11: Monke froze Big Turk - Lvl 346 (Therizinosaur) Day 17142, 20:38:42: Monke froze Big Turk - Lvl 346 (Therizinosaur) Day 17143, 12:53:25: Monke froze Weetabix - Lvl 382 (Snow Owl) Day 17153, 21:08:28: Egg female - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 17180, 07:04:22: Monke froze Kang - Lvl 319 (R-Reaper King) Day 17180, 07:11:54: Monke froze Willy - Lvl 263 (Maewing) Day 17180, 19:04:24: Blue - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Blue) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pug's son :P - Lvl 210 (Ferox)'! Day 17182, 09:36:10: Monke froze Sunny - Lvl 191 (Magmasaur) Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17203, 19:29:59: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17212, 15:34:18: Musturd - Lvl 252 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 17240, 20:08:58: Pug's son - Lvl 158 (Ferox) starved to death! Day 17250, 17:40:28: Egg female - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 17250, 17:40:29: Egg male - Lvl 235 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 17258, 06:03:57: King Red - Lvl 311 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 17268, 13:29:28: Egg male - Lvl 142 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 17279, 17:36:10: 's 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17279, 17:52:53: Monke froze Tango - Lvl 239 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17291, 21:55:18: Monke froze Charizard - Lvl 363 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17292, 00:29:44: Monke froze Griffin - Lvl 313 (Griffin) Day 17292, 11:01:15: Monke froze Griffin - Lvl 313 (Griffin) Day 17293, 06:38:44: Monke froze Peppa - Lvl 337 (Daeodon) Day 17293, 12:35:48: Monke froze Peanut (OG) - Lvl 289 (Argentavis) Day 17293, 12:37:16: Monke froze Luna - Lvl 317 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 17293, 12:55:19: Monke froze Astrid - Lvl 319 (Argentavis) Day 17293, 15:57:45: Monke froze R-Direwolf - Lvl 340 (R-Direwolf) Day 17293, 16:30:35: Monke froze Astrid - Lvl 319 (Argentavis) Day 17293, 17:10:49: Monke froze Lexi - Lvl 236 (Magmasaur) Day 17307, 12:59:54: Egg female - Lvl 170 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 17308, 20:22:32: Monke froze Cyanara - Lvl 320 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17308, 21:15:18: Monke froze Blueberry - Lvl 225 (Maewing) Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Medium Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17323, 06:07:18: Monke froze Blueberry - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 17323, 08:42:54: Monke unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis)'! Day 17323, 09:21:06: Monke froze Cyanara - Lvl 320 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17323, 09:32:55: Monke froze Blastoise - Lvl 214 (Megachelon) Day 17323, 09:54:25: Monke froze Blueberry - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 17328, 23:02:09: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17328, 23:02:09: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17336, 07:48:23: Egg male - Lvl 192 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 17337, 18:09:59: Monke unclaimed 'Queen Crimson - Lvl 283 (Voidwyrm)'! Day 17337, 18:24:14: Monke claimed 'Queen Crimson - Lvl 283 (Voidwyrm)'! Day 17337, 22:46:55: Monke froze Queen Crimson - Lvl 285 (Voidwyrm) Day 17362, 20:09:08: Egg female - Lvl 193 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 17363, 17:54:45: Monke froze Griffin - Lvl 313 (Griffin) Day 17365, 08:53:13: Monke froze Peanut (OG) - Lvl 289 (Argentavis) Day 17373, 06:43:36: Monke demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 17373, 06:44:24: Monke demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 17373, 06:45:02: Monke demolished a 'Walmart Version Of A Cryofridge (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 17373, 06:45:43: Monke demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 17373, 06:46:06: Monke demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 17373, 06:46:29: Monke demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 17373, 06:48:57: Monke demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 17373, 08:29:35: Monke froze Bob The Babysitter (OG) - Lvl 343 (Maewing) Day 17373, 15:33:27: Monke froze Bob The Babysitter (OG) - Lvl 343 (Maewing) Day 17373, 16:24:44: Monke froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 252 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17374, 15:15:09: Puglife froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 347 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17388, 10:17:21: Your Queen Crimson - Lvl 318 (Voidwyrm) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 17388, 10:17:48: Tribemember Monke - Lvl 142 was killed! Day 17388, 11:50:10: Monke froze red thunder - Lvl 274 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17388, 11:53:47: Monke froze Tek 3 - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 17388, 11:55:13: Monke froze Shadowmane - Lvl 210 (Shadowmane) Day 17388, 11:56:41: Monke froze Tek 1 - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 17388, 11:58:07: Monke froze Shadowmane - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) Day 17388, 12:00:04: Monke froze Tek 2 - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 17388, 12:01:33: Monke froze Crystal - Lvl 297 (Gacha) Day 17388, 12:03:02: Monke froze Tuck N' Roll! - Lvl 170 (Doedicurus) Day 17388, 12:08:55: Monke froze Melee male (28) - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 17388, 12:12:25: Monke froze Hp and melee female - Lvl 230 (Therizinosaur) Day 17388, 12:35:17: Monke froze Hp and melee female - Lvl 230 (Therizinosaur) Day 17388, 12:36:45: Monke froze Pug's noble steed - Lvl 267 (Equus) Day 17388, 13:21:40: Monke froze Bob The Babysitter (OG) - Lvl 344 (Maewing) Day 17388, 14:24:33: Monke froze Bob The Babysitter (OG) - Lvl 344 (Maewing) Day 17388, 15:44:31: Monke froze Tek 1 - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 17388, 16:00:20: Monke froze Bob The Babysitter (OG) - Lvl 344 (Maewing) Day 17392, 05:43:53: Monke froze Health,stam,melee,food - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 17392, 05:45:26: Monke froze Weight - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 17392, 05:48:01: Monke froze Oxygen - Lvl 202 (Mantis) Day 17392, 06:11:02: Monke froze Cyanara - Lvl 338 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17434, 01:11:44: Your R-Direwolf - Lvl 340 (R-Direwolf) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 17477, 18:21:50: Monke froze Prophaela - Lvl 308 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17477, 18:28:36: Monke froze X-Wing - Lvl 397 (X-Argentavis) Day 17485, 22:29:10: Monke froze Cyanara - Lvl 360 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17485, 22:50:00: Monke froze Pinky - Lvl 335 (Tapejara) Day 17587, 12:56:47: Monke claimed 'boss fighter 2.1 - Lvl 427 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17587, 13:09:14: Monke claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 346 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17587, 17:35:25: Monke unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 346 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17587, 17:37:38: Monke unclaimed 'boss fighter 2.1 - Lvl 428 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17587, 17:47:27: Monke froze Blueberry - Lvl 253 (Maewing) Day 17614, 12:55:52: Monke claimed 'Blueberry - Lvl 253 (Maewing)'! Day 17614, 13:44:46: Monke froze Blueberry - Lvl 254 (Maewing) Day 17615, 10:48:34: Monke froze Cyanara - Lvl 360 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17615, 10:58:39: Monke froze Cyanara - Lvl 360 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17615, 11:01:49: Monke claimed 'pickle - Lvl 110 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 17615, 11:12:52: Tribemember Monke - Lvl 143 was killed! Day 17615, 11:41:26: Tribemember Monke - Lvl 143 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 24! Day 17615, 12:07:10: Tribemember Monke - Lvl 143 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 20! Day 17615, 13:08:26: Monke froze Weetabix - Lvl 389 (Snow Owl) Day 17623, 16:04:18: Monke froze Saphire - Lvl 228 (Rock Drake) Day 17668, 10:03:59: Twilight - Lvl 224 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 17668, 12:17:34: Monke froze X-Wing - Lvl 400 (X-Argentavis) Day 17670, 11:06:59: Monke froze Billy - Lvl 303 (Maewing) Day 17670, 11:13:15: Monke froze Billy - Lvl 303 (Maewing) Day 17671, 10:26:03: Monke froze Griffin - Lvl 328 (Griffin) Day 17694, 10:23:14: Monke froze X-Wing - Lvl 400 (X-Argentavis) Day 17708, 09:36:26: Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 17708, 09:49:11: Monke froze red thunder - Lvl 282 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17708, 16:03:22: Monke froze Chainsaw - Lvl 304 (Mammoth) Day 17708, 16:08:18: Monke froze Weetabix - Lvl 389 (Snow Owl) Day 17708, 18:42:03: Monke froze Chainsaw - Lvl 310 (Mammoth) Day 17708, 18:46:49: Monke froze Weetabix - Lvl 389 (Snow Owl) Day 17709, 05:46:02: Monke froze Chainsaw - Lvl 317 (Mammoth) Day 17711, 18:53:10: Monke froze bear - Lvl 343 (Dire Bear) Day 17711, 19:02:58: Monke froze bear - Lvl 343 (Dire Bear) Day 17721, 13:55:52: Monke froze Cyanara - Lvl 381 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17722, 06:18:33: Monke froze Weetabix - Lvl 390 (Snow Owl) Day 17722, 10:42:54: Monke demolished a 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 17722, 12:37:31: Monke froze Griffin - Lvl 329 (Griffin) Day 17723, 19:50:52: Monke froze Weetabix - Lvl 390 (Snow Owl) Day 17739, 14:21:48: Monke froze Pteranodon - Lvl 330 (Pteranodon) Day 17753, 12:39:53: Monke demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 17753, 14:04:45: Monke froze Griffin - Lvl 329 (Griffin) Day 17753, 15:12:17: Monke froze Bob The Babysitter (OG) - Lvl 359 (Maewing) Day 17755, 13:26:32: Monke froze Chainsaw - Lvl 349 (Mammoth) Day 17780, 05:12:09: Square - Lvl 121 (Square) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 247 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 17808, 10:14:18: Monke froze Pteranodon - Lvl 330 (Pteranodon) Day 17808, 10:19:58: Monke froze Pteranodon - Lvl 330 (Pteranodon) Day 17821, 11:29:21: Monke froze Ivysaur - Lvl 361 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17821, 11:39:15: Lazy Beetle 3 - Lvl 93 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 17821, 12:18:16: Monke froze Ivysaur - Lvl 361 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17821, 14:43:52: Monke froze Ivysaur - Lvl 361 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17821, 15:09:30: Monke froze Ivysaur - Lvl 361 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17821, 16:59:15: Monke froze Ivysaur - Lvl 361 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17821, 17:32:02: Monke froze Travis - Lvl 258 (Tropeognathus) Day 17836, 00:55:13: Monke froze Ms. Element 2.0 - Lvl 383 (Mantis) Day 17836, 03:49:10: Monke froze Travis - Lvl 270 (Tropeognathus) Day 17858, 10:56:03: Your scar - Lvl 268 (Sabertooth) was killed! Day 17929, 00:20:40: Your Pug's noble steed - Lvl 267 (Equus) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 85! Day 18059, 00:30:24: Monke froze Undead Tesla - Lvl 157 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 18059, 17:09:18: Your ED10-594B587-7J - Lvl 193 (Enforcer) was killed! Day 18135, 05:25:00: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 210 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 18275, 22:49:44: Your Hermes - Lvl 266 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 18302, 14:55:18: Your pickle - Lvl 110 (Poison Wyvern) was killed! Day 18381, 09:56:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18381, 09:56:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18381, 09:56:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18381, 09:56:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18381, 09:56:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18381, 09:56:11: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18388, 11:43:15: Your Lazy Beetle 1 - Lvl 258 (Dung Beetle) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 95! Day 18428, 12:28:31: Your 'Small Metal Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18428, 12:28:31: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18428, 12:28:31: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18428, 12:28:31: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18428, 12:28:31: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18428, 12:28:31: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18640, 03:15:32: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18694, 07:18:19: Nala - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Edu) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kaji - Lvl 339 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 18710, 18:14:34: Your 'Gravestone' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18710, 18:14:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18710, 18:14:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18710, 18:14:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18710, 18:14:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18710, 18:14:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18710, 18:14:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18710, 18:14:34: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18941, 21:37:46: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19224, 16:24:08: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Tek Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20242, 03:00:14: SKiLLz - Lvl 133 (Tribe of SKiLLz - Admin Skillz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 22940, 08:31:50: Monke Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 121 (Dodo)! Day 22940, 09:08:42: Monke claimed 'Nemesis - Lvl 296 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 23009, 00:08:44: Tribemember Monke - Lvl 159 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 60! Day 23509, 18:11:20: Pixel - Lvl 121 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 23722, 14:36:10: Human - Lvl 32 (Tribe of Eddie Hall) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nemesis - Lvl 298 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 28462, 07:31:57: Your Hermes son of FORG - Lvl 20 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 28462, 07:34:01: Tribemember Monke - Lvl 162 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 28481, 22:46:46: Monke froze Bob the Babysitter - Lvl 141 (Maewing) Day 32686, 12:50:05: Monke froze Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing) Day 32915, 20:22:31: Monke froze Night Wing - Lvl 303 (Desmodus) Day 32915, 20:33:05: Monke froze Maewing - Lvl 149 (Maewing) Day 32915, 22:35:15: Monke froze fighter - Lvl 473 (Therizinosaur) Day 32916, 04:10:41: Monke froze Maewing - Lvl 302 (Maewing) Day 32916, 05:27:20: Monke froze fighter - Lvl 473 (Therizinosaur) Day 32916, 07:52:54: Monke froze Maewing - Lvl 302 (Maewing) Day 32916, 08:48:43: Monke froze fighter - Lvl 473 (Therizinosaur) Day 33133, 18:53:04: Monke froze Maewing - Lvl 305 (Maewing) Day 33133, 19:01:44: Your Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) was killed by Monke - Lvl 165 (Highland warriors)! Day 33133, 19:01:44: Your Tribe killed Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur)! Day 33133, 23:35:53: Monke Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 82 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 33133, 23:44:15: Monke froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 82 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 33134, 00:38:14: Monke froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 184 (Maewing) Day 33134, 00:43:53: Monke froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 184 (Maewing) Day 33134, 01:03:32: Monke froze Maewing - Lvl 305 (Maewing) Day 33156, 00:38:58: Monke froze fighter - Lvl 377 (Giganotosaurus) Day 33156, 01:18:36: Monke froze Maewing - Lvl 206 (Maewing)"] "tribeid":1824476810,"tribe":"Warlocks logs":["Day 36530, 00:23:39: ArticWolf was added to the Tribe! Day 36530, 00:27:24: Maso was added to the Tribe by ArticWolf! Day 36530, 08:57:09: ArticWolf froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 413 (Giganotosaurus) Day 36530, 10:16:11: ArticWolf froze hewwo - Lvl 261 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36531, 23:07:15: ArticWolf froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 413 (Giganotosaurus) Day 36532, 00:16:22: ArticWolf froze hewwo - Lvl 284 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36533, 00:52:36: Maso froze Fire Dog - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36576, 08:42:09: Maso froze Fire Dog - Lvl 187 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36626, 05:25:02: Maso froze Fire Dog - Lvl 205 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36627, 06:18:42: ArticWolf froze hewwo - Lvl 284 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36636, 12:56:19: Maso claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 36636, 12:58:42: Maso claimed 'Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek)'! Day 36636, 13:03:51: Maso claimed 'Painful - Lvl 146 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 36636, 13:05:20: Maso claimed '(COA) TERMINATOR - Lvl 243 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 36636, 13:07:56: Maso claimed 'Gigante grande - Lvl 345 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 36636, 13:12:31: Maso claimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 357 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 36636, 13:15:41: Maso claimed 'Daeodon - Lvl 229 (Daeodon)'! Day 36636, 13:16:15: Maso claimed 'Daeodon - Lvl 221 (Daeodon)'! Day 36636, 13:19:29: Maso claimed 'Mantis - Lvl 524 (Mantis)'! Day 36636, 13:29:08: Maso claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 173 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 36636, 14:29:13: Maso froze Mantis - Lvl 524 (Mantis) Day 36636, 14:36:29: Maso froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 357 (Giganotosaurus) Day 36636, 14:53:37: Maso froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36636, 15:11:43: Maso claimed 'Turte!_ - Lvl 181 (Megachelon)'! Day 36636, 16:23:22: Maso froze Fire Dog - Lvl 207 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36636, 17:43:50: Maso froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36636, 17:50:02: Maso uploaded a Tek Stryder: Painful - Lvl 157 Day 36636, 18:14:02: Maso uploaded a Tek Stryder: (COA) TERMINATOR - Lvl 243 Day 36636, 18:47:42: Maso froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36636, 18:55:35: Maso uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 173 Day 36636, 21:02:25: Maso froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 36636, 21:26:31: Maso froze Turte!_ - Lvl 181 (Megachelon) Day 36636, 21:49:11: Maso froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36643, 20:14:02: ArticWolf froze Daeodon - Lvl 221 (Daeodon) Day 36643, 20:17:11: ArticWolf froze Daeodon - Lvl 229 (Daeodon) Day 36643, 20:40:24: ArticWolf froze Gigante grande - Lvl 345 (Brontosaurus) Day 36643, 21:45:45: ArticWolf froze hewwo - Lvl 312 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36656, 02:15:30: ArticWolf claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 207 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 36656, 02:16:53: ArticWolf claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 207 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 36656, 02:23:29: ArticWolf froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 207 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 36656, 02:27:39: ArticWolf froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 207 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 36656, 02:48:38: ArticWolf froze hewwo - Lvl 313 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36656, 04:16:37: ArticWolf froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 210 (Sinomacrops)"] "tribeid":1815466160,"tribe":"Tribe of JJ logs":["Day 31429, 20:49:30: JJ was added to the Tribe! Day 31430, 08:24:45: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 31430, 15:37:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 31431, 19:10:53: JJ Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 31438, 12:02:01: JJ froze Equus - Lvl 233 (Equus) Day 31438, 12:41:50: JJ froze Pteranodon - Lvl 240 (Pteranodon) Day 31438, 12:48:36: JJ froze Pteranodon - Lvl 226 (Pteranodon) Day 31439, 15:05:29: JJ froze Pteranodon - Lvl 230 (Pteranodon) Day 31439, 16:10:57: JJ froze Pteranodon - Lvl 239 (Pteranodon) Day 31440, 18:39:00: JJ froze Pteranodon - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon) Day 31440, 21:19:24: JJ froze Equus - Lvl 239 (Equus) Day 31450, 11:44:26: JJ froze Pteranodon - Lvl 246 (Pteranodon) Day 31452, 01:18:13: JJ froze Pteranodon - Lvl 242 (Pteranodon) Day 31453, 18:54:47: JJ demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 31454, 04:30:46: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 31456, 06:06:30: JJ froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31456, 11:20:08: JJ froze Pteranodon - Lvl 245 (Pteranodon) Day 31456, 19:39:50: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 31457, 09:09:56: JJ froze Argentavis - Lvl 219 (Argentavis) Day 31460, 20:08:17: JJ froze Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 31461, 10:15:23: JJ froze Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis) Day 31462, 06:12:47: JJ Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin)! Day 31462, 08:31:45: JJ froze Argentavis - Lvl 236 (Argentavis) Day 31462, 08:42:23: JJ froze Pteranodon - Lvl 260 (Pteranodon) Day 31464, 10:00:57: JJ Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 31464, 10:04:21: JJ Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 31464, 10:33:01: JJ Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 142 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 31464, 10:51:36: JJ froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 142 (Lystrosaurus) Day 31464, 10:52:49: JJ Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 216 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 31464, 10:56:33: JJ froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 216 (Lystrosaurus) Day 31464, 10:59:30: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by JJ - Lvl 80 (Tribe of JJ)! Day 31464, 10:59:30: Your Tribe killed Lystrosaurus - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus) (Tribe of JJ)! Day 31464, 11:08:14: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by JJ - Lvl 80 (Tribe of JJ)! Day 31464, 11:08:14: Your Tribe killed Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus) (Tribe of JJ)! Day 31465, 08:16:55: JJ froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 224 (Lystrosaurus) Day 31465, 08:29:06: JJ froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 150 (Lystrosaurus) Day 31473, 10:55:19: JJ froze Argentavis - Lvl 240 (Argentavis) Day 31474, 10:39:30: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 31474, 12:55:05: JJ froze Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 31475, 07:20:27: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 194 (Doedicurus)! Day 31479, 07:48:59: JJ froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 239 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31479, 08:07:45: JJ froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 249 (Lystrosaurus) Day 31480, 06:14:50: JJ froze Uhaul - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 31480, 08:05:25: JJ froze Equus - Lvl 245 (Equus) Day 31480, 17:37:22: JJ froze Argentavis - Lvl 243 (Argentavis) Day 31483, 02:51:04: JJ froze Uhaul - Lvl 228 (Argentavis) Day 31483, 04:25:04: JJ froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 176 (Lystrosaurus) Day 31483, 14:50:36: JJ froze Unicorn - Lvl 60 (Unicorn) Day 31484, 15:22:47: Tribemember JJ - Lvl 93 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 85! Day 31484, 22:20:55: JJ froze Pteranodon - Lvl 264 (Pteranodon) Day 31498, 15:54:39: JJ froze Argentavis - Lvl 246 (Argentavis) Day 31498, 19:42:16: JJ froze Argentavis - Lvl 246 (Argentavis) Day 31499, 09:58:16: JJ Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 67 (Dung Beetle)! Day 31499, 10:02:06: JJ froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 67 (Dung Beetle) Day 31499, 12:15:24: JJ froze Doedicurus - Lvl 198 (Doedicurus) Day 31658, 08:55:25: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31800, 04:01:59: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31800, 04:01:59: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32083, 04:06:47: Your 'Wooden Cage' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32083, 04:06:47: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32083, 04:06:47: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32120, 10:43:05: Stenhouse - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Griffin - Lvl 258 (Griffin)'! Day 32120, 10:45:23: Stenhouse - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 263 (Pteranodon)'! Day 32120, 10:48:31: Stenhouse - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 249 (Equus)'! Day 32120, 13:04:28: Stenhouse - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Uhaul - Lvl 228 (Argentavis)'! Day 32120, 13:13:18: Stenhouse - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 255 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 32120, 14:31:40: Tribemember JJ - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 32366, 15:32:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32420, 01:45:33: Nytrix - Lvl 63 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 32523, 22:47:00: Dung Beetle - Lvl 74 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 32602, 12:24:36: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32673, 09:41:53: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32778, 04:47:52: Stubs McGee - Lvl 28 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 234 (Pteranodon)'! Day 32778, 04:50:13: Stubs McGee - Lvl 28 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 247 (Pteranodon)'! Day 32778, 04:52:47: Stubs McGee - Lvl 28 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 234 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35457, 17:51:13: JJ Tamed an Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus)! Day 35615, 07:37:51: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36060, 04:25:49: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 33 (Equus)'! Day 36060, 04:34:58: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1815403767,"tribe":"Impulse logs":["Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Baby Shinehorn - Lvl 218 (Shinehorn)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Baby Tusoteuthis - Lvl 227 (Tusoteuthis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 90 (Magmasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Direwolf - Lvl 37 (Direwolf)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Snow Owl - Lvl 44 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Snow Owl - Lvl 29 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Direwolf - Lvl 31 (Direwolf)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 149 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 89 (Tek Parasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 74 (Stegosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 194 (R-Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Mantis - Lvl 134 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Mantis - Lvl 82 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Phiomia - Lvl 74 (Phiomia)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 67 (Brontosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Sabertooth - Lvl 132 (Sabertooth)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 82 (Brontosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 82 (Brontosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'c3 c4 - Lvl 149 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 126 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 89 (Stegosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 209 (Stegosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 29 (Carnotaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 255 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Ice Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29449, 09:39:19: 's 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29450, 04:15:20: Arkoholics Fun Factory tribe was merged in by kokow22! Day 29450, 04:15:20: kokow22 was added to the Tribe by Rhaelie! Day 29450, 04:24:06: kokow22 froze Coco - Lvl 325 (Thylacoleo) Day 29450, 04:28:14: kokow22 froze Milo - Lvl 349 (Thylacoleo) Day 29450, 04:32:04: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 305 (Thylacoleo) Day 29450, 04:38:51: Rhaelie froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 224 (Therizinosaur) Day 29450, 04:42:34: Rhaelie froze STAM 2 - Lvl 224 (Therizinosaur) Day 29450, 04:48:37: kokow22 froze Jax - Lvl 232 (Thylacoleo) Day 29450, 04:48:44: Rhaelie froze oxy, weight - Lvl 248 (Therizinosaur) Day 29450, 04:53:48: Rhaelie froze W, M, O, F - Lvl 258 (Therizinosaur) Day 29450, 04:58:26: Rhaelie froze STAM 1 - Lvl 224 (Therizinosaur) Day 29450, 05:01:29: kokow22 froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 134 (Megalosaurus) Day 29450, 05:02:54: Rhaelie froze HPP - Lvl 244 (Therizinosaur) Day 29450, 05:07:11: Rhaelie froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 202 (Therizinosaur) Day 29450, 05:11:47: Rhaelie froze hp - Lvl 202 (Therizinosaur) Day 29450, 05:15:55: Rhaelie froze Teddy - Lvl 324 (Therizinosaur) Day 29450, 05:19:32: Rhaelie froze Gallimimus - Lvl 194 (Gallimimus) Day 29450, 05:22:45: kokow22 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 297 (Sabertooth) Day 29450, 05:23:22: Rhaelie froze Jace - Lvl 430 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29450, 05:26:45: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 05:28:05: Rhaelie froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 05:29:43: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 05:31:34: Rhaelie froze Collin - Lvl 411 (Snow Owl) Day 29450, 05:33:18: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 05:35:09: Rhaelie froze Jasper - Lvl 371 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 05:36:07: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 05:39:01: Rhaelie froze Mike - Lvl 328 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 05:39:10: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 05:41:54: kokow22 froze Ojciec 6 - Lvl 260 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 05:42:41: Rhaelie froze Jasper - Lvl 371 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 05:45:00: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 05:46:08: Rhaelie froze Captain Argy - Lvl 313 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 05:48:08: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 05:49:26: Rhaelie froze Bella - Lvl 405 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 05:53:01: Rhaelie froze Bober - Lvl 295 (Sabertooth) Day 29450, 05:56:27: Rhaelie froze OXY - Lvl 224 (Thylacoleo) Day 29450, 05:57:28: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 06:00:42: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 06:00:48: Rhaelie froze Charlie - Lvl 401 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 06:03:38: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 06:05:22: Rhaelie froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (Thylacoleo) Day 29450, 06:07:15: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 06:08:40: Rhaelie froze STAM, SPEED - Lvl 224 (Thylacoleo) Day 29450, 06:10:09: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 06:11:56: Rhaelie froze WEIGHT - Lvl 217 (Thylacoleo) Day 29450, 06:13:23: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 06:15:24: Rhaelie froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (Thylacoleo) Day 29450, 06:18:57: Rhaelie froze Castoroides - Lvl 217 (Castoroides) Day 29450, 06:22:34: Rhaelie froze Castoroides - Lvl 194 (Castoroides) Day 29450, 06:25:58: Rhaelie froze Castoroides - Lvl 224 (Castoroides) Day 29450, 06:26:28: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 06:29:23: Rhaelie froze Castoroides - Lvl 209 (Castoroides) Day 29450, 06:29:59: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 06:32:48: Rhaelie froze Castoroides - Lvl 238 (Castoroides) Day 29450, 06:36:13: Rhaelie froze Castoroides - Lvl 74 (Castoroides) Day 29450, 06:39:59: Rhaelie froze melee - Lvl 224 (Thylacoleo) Day 29450, 06:42:50: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 06:43:22: Rhaelie froze Sabertooth - Lvl 332 (Sabertooth) Day 29450, 06:45:50: kokow22 froze Agatka [Clone] - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 06:47:37: Rhaelie froze Ravager - Lvl 318 (Ravager) Day 29450, 06:48:37: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 06:52:33: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 06:56:03: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 06:58:57: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 07:01:53: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 07:05:07: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 07:13:48: Rhaelie froze Nico - Lvl 449 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29450, 07:17:19: Rhaelie froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 145 (Carnotaurus) Day 29450, 07:20:51: Rhaelie froze Dire Bear - Lvl 142 (Dire Bear) Day 29450, 07:24:08: Rhaelie froze Dire Bear - Lvl 202 (Dire Bear) Day 29450, 07:27:36: Rhaelie froze Sabertooth - Lvl 302 (Sabertooth) Day 29450, 07:31:27: kokow22 froze Gringo - Lvl 212 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29450, 07:32:46: Rhaelie froze Sabertooth - Lvl 323 (Sabertooth) Day 29450, 07:35:00: kokow22 froze Delta - Lvl 109 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29450, 07:36:09: Rhaelie froze Sabertooth - Lvl 299 (Sabertooth) Day 29450, 07:39:41: Rhaelie froze Maewing - Lvl 383 (Maewing) Day 29450, 07:40:12: kokow22 froze X-Otter - Lvl 175 (X-Otter) Day 29450, 07:43:27: Rhaelie froze Sabertooth - Lvl 231 (Sabertooth) Day 29450, 07:43:52: kokow22 froze X-Otter - Lvl 196 (X-Otter) Day 29450, 07:46:52: kokow22 froze X-Otter - Lvl 240 (X-Otter) Day 29450, 07:47:18: Rhaelie froze HP, WEIGHT, OXY - Lvl 277 (Therizinosaur) Day 29450, 07:49:39: kokow22 froze X-Otter - Lvl 277 (X-Otter) Day 29450, 07:50:49: Rhaelie froze Sabertooth - Lvl 300 (Sabertooth) Day 29450, 07:54:17: Rhaelie froze Sabertooth - Lvl 297 (Sabertooth) Day 29450, 08:02:20: Rhaelie froze SPEED? - Lvl 202 (Therizinosaur) Day 29450, 08:05:42: Rhaelie froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 241 (Carnotaurus) Day 29450, 08:11:12: Rhaelie froze WEIGHT - Lvl 224 (Therizinosaur) Day 29450, 08:13:42: kokow22 froze Gamma - Lvl 187 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29450, 08:14:40: Rhaelie froze Direwolf - Lvl 211 (Direwolf) Day 29450, 08:18:11: Rhaelie froze Sabertooth - Lvl 306 (Sabertooth) Day 29450, 08:18:14: kokow22 froze STAM I MELEE - Lvl 219 (Shinehorn) Day 29450, 08:21:26: kokow22 froze Shinehorn - Lvl 99 (Shinehorn) Day 29450, 08:22:56: Rhaelie froze weight, melee, oxy - Lvl 255 (Therizinosaur) Day 29450, 08:27:51: Rhaelie froze who are you - Lvl 249 (Direwolf) Day 29450, 08:29:55: kokow22 froze Shinehorn - Lvl 157 (Shinehorn) Day 29450, 08:31:45: Rhaelie froze Direwolf - Lvl 119 (Direwolf) Day 29450, 08:33:00: kokow22 froze Rosie - Lvl 296 (Shinehorn) Day 29450, 08:35:01: Rhaelie froze Direwolf - Lvl 115 (Direwolf) Day 29450, 08:35:59: kokow22 froze Shinehorn - Lvl 147 (Shinehorn) Day 29450, 08:38:33: Rhaelie froze Direwolf - Lvl 226 (Direwolf) Day 29450, 08:38:58: kokow22 froze Shinehorn - Lvl 231 (Shinehorn) Day 29450, 08:41:55: kokow22 froze Shinehorn - Lvl 144 (Shinehorn) Day 29450, 08:42:52: Rhaelie froze Bailey - Lvl 292 (Direwolf) Day 29450, 08:44:48: kokow22 froze Shinehorn - Lvl 208 (Shinehorn) Day 29450, 08:46:10: Rhaelie froze Direwolf - Lvl 219 (Direwolf) Day 29450, 08:49:31: Rhaelie froze Direwolf - Lvl 91 (Direwolf) Day 29450, 08:50:53: kokow22 froze Shinehorn - Lvl 139 (Shinehorn) Day 29450, 08:52:51: Rhaelie froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 194 (Carnotaurus) Day 29450, 08:55:47: kokow22 froze Shinehorn - Lvl 154 (Shinehorn) Day 29450, 08:56:46: Rhaelie froze Direwolf - Lvl 268 (Direwolf) Day 29450, 09:00:05: kokow22 froze Shinehorn - Lvl 148 (Shinehorn) Day 29450, 09:02:12: Rhaelie froze R-Direwolf - Lvl 248 (R-Direwolf) Day 29450, 09:06:21: Rhaelie froze Maewing - Lvl 378 (Maewing) Day 29450, 09:08:15: kokow22 froze Shinehorn - Lvl 99 (Shinehorn) Day 29450, 09:09:39: Rhaelie froze Equus - Lvl 89 (Equus) Day 29450, 09:11:05: kokow22 froze Shinehorn - Lvl 152 (Shinehorn) Day 29450, 09:12:58: Rhaelie froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 29450, 09:16:10: kokow22 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 417 (R-Snow Owl) Day 29450, 09:16:15: Rhaelie froze R-Direwolf - Lvl 248 (R-Direwolf) Day 29450, 09:19:22: Rhaelie froze Equus - Lvl 22 (Equus) Day 29450, 09:23:02: Rhaelie froze 150lvl - Lvl 288 (Carnotaurus) Day 29450, 09:24:59: kokow22 froze Beta - Lvl 174 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29450, 09:26:34: Rhaelie froze Equus - Lvl 209 (Equus) Day 29450, 09:30:27: Rhaelie froze Equus - Lvl 76 (Equus) Day 29450, 09:30:55: kokow22 froze Alpha - Lvl 163 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29450, 09:33:58: Rhaelie froze Raptor - Lvl 292 (Raptor) Day 29450, 09:34:44: kokow22 froze Adil KO - Lvl 196 (Dinopithecus) Day 29450, 09:37:19: Rhaelie froze R-Direwolf - Lvl 248 (R-Direwolf) Day 29450, 09:40:38: Rhaelie froze R-Direwolf - Lvl 248 (R-Direwolf) Day 29450, 09:52:08: kokow22 froze Equus - Lvl 160 (Equus) Day 29450, 09:55:07: kokow22 froze Equus - Lvl 104 (Equus) Day 29450, 09:57:10: Rhaelie froze Helvi - Lvl 327 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29450, 09:57:49: kokow22 froze Equus - Lvl 67 (Equus) Day 29450, 10:02:19: Rhaelie froze Lady G - Lvl 410 (Snow Owl) Day 29450, 10:05:05: Rhaelie froze Desmodus - Lvl 238 (Desmodus) Day 29450, 10:05:46: kokow22 froze R-Equus - Lvl 37 (R-Equus) Day 29450, 10:08:56: Rhaelie froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 10:09:42: kokow22 froze Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus) Day 29450, 10:12:10: Rhaelie froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 10:12:57: kokow22 froze Equus - Lvl 83 (Equus) Day 29450, 10:15:29: Rhaelie froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 10:15:44: kokow22 froze Equus - Lvl 134 (Equus) Day 29450, 10:18:49: Rhaelie froze Agatka [Clone] - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 10:18:49: kokow22 froze Marty - Lvl 209 (Equus) Day 29450, 10:21:45: kokow22 froze Equus - Lvl 142 (Equus) Day 29450, 10:22:11: Rhaelie froze Jacek - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 10:24:36: kokow22 froze Equus - Lvl 74 (Equus) Day 29450, 10:25:34: Rhaelie froze Agatka [Clone] - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29450, 10:27:35: kokow22 froze Equus - Lvl 76 (Equus) Day 29450, 10:30:39: kokow22 froze Equus - Lvl 134 (Equus) Day 29450, 10:30:52: Rhaelie froze #F1 - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 29450, 10:34:16: Rhaelie froze #F2 - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 29450, 10:37:41: Rhaelie froze #F4 - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 29450, 10:40:56: Rhaelie froze #F9 - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 29450, 10:44:17: Rhaelie froze #F10 [Clone] - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 29450, 10:47:32: Rhaelie froze #F8 - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 29450, 10:50:42: Rhaelie froze #F7 - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 29450, 10:54:01: Rhaelie froze M/Mele 1/20 - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 29450, 10:55:32: kokow22 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29450, 10:57:19: Rhaelie froze #F3 - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 29450, 10:58:22: kokow22 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29450, 11:00:44: Rhaelie froze #F6 - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 29450, 11:03:56: Rhaelie froze #F5 - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 29450, 11:05:57: kokow22 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 410 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29450, 11:18:00: Rhaelie froze Ovis - Lvl 165 (Ovis) Day 29450, 11:21:10: Rhaelie froze Ovis - Lvl 222 (Ovis) Day 29450, 11:24:37: Rhaelie froze Ovis - Lvl 266 (Ovis) Day 29450, 11:30:43: Rhaelie froze Sabertooth - Lvl 321 (Sabertooth) Day 29450, 11:32:02: kokow22 froze Shinehorn - Lvl 88 (Shinehorn) Day 29450, 11:34:25: Rhaelie froze Lizzie - Lvl 203 (Lystrosaurus) Day 29450, 11:35:28: kokow22 froze oxy - Lvl 233 (Shinehorn) Day 29450, 11:37:53: Rhaelie froze WEIGHT - Lvl 213 (Shinehorn) Day 29450, 11:38:18: kokow22 froze HP - Lvl 207 (Shinehorn) Day 29450, 11:41:27: kokow22 froze Shinehorn - Lvl 82 (Shinehorn) Day 29450, 11:43:10: Rhaelie froze Direwolf - Lvl 149 (Direwolf) Day 29450, 11:45:04: kokow22 froze Shinehorn - Lvl 154 (Shinehorn) Day 29450, 11:46:32: Rhaelie froze Direwolf - Lvl 137 (Direwolf) Day 29450, 11:48:39: kokow22 froze Shinehorn - Lvl 100 (Shinehorn) Day 29450, 11:50:01: Rhaelie froze Direwolf - Lvl 115 (Direwolf) Day 29450, 11:57:37: kokow22 froze Shinehorn - Lvl 85 (Shinehorn) Day 29450, 11:57:50: Rhaelie froze Ovis - Lvl 286 (Ovis) Day 29450, 12:02:17: Rhaelie froze Ichthyornis - Lvl 127 (Ichthyornis) Day 29450, 12:04:55: kokow22 froze Ichthyornis - Lvl 127 (Ichthyornis) Day 29450, 12:05:38: Rhaelie froze Ovis - Lvl 159 (Ovis) Day 29450, 12:09:06: Rhaelie froze R-Direwolf - Lvl 248 (R-Direwolf) Day 29450, 12:10:40: kokow22 froze Bulbdog - Lvl 187 (Bulbdog) Day 29450, 12:12:52: Rhaelie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 246 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29450, 12:16:18: Rhaelie froze Matka 6 - Lvl 246 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29450, 12:20:18: Rhaelie froze Matka 4 - Lvl 246 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29450, 12:22:54: kokow22 froze Matka 12 - Lvl 246 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29450, 12:23:55: Rhaelie froze Matka 2 - Lvl 246 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29450, 12:26:04: kokow22 froze Matka 7 - Lvl 246 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29450, 12:27:16: Rhaelie froze Ovis - Lvl 289 (Ovis) Day 29450, 12:28:58: kokow22 froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 246 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29450, 12:30:43: Rhaelie froze Matka 3 - Lvl 246 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29450, 12:31:50: kokow22 froze Matka 5 - Lvl 246 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29450, 12:34:46: Rhaelie froze Ovis - Lvl 271 (Ovis) Day 29450, 12:34:46: kokow22 froze Matka 1 - Lvl 246 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29450, 12:38:27: Rhaelie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 246 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29450, 12:38:49: kokow22 froze Matka 8 - Lvl 246 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29450, 12:41:48: Rhaelie froze Matka 11 - Lvl 246 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29450, 12:45:13: Rhaelie froze Matka 9 - Lvl 246 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29450, 12:48:38: Rhaelie froze Matka 10 - Lvl 246 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29450, 12:49:56: kokow22 froze Ojciec 2 - Lvl 248 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29450, 12:52:56: Rhaelie froze Ovis - Lvl 218 (Ovis) Day 29450, 12:55:08: kokow22 froze Direwolf - Lvl 43 (Direwolf) Day 29450, 13:01:44: Rhaelie froze Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis) Day 29450, 13:08:27: kokow22 froze Ovis - Lvl 289 (Ovis) Day 29450, 13:11:02: Rhaelie froze Ovis - Lvl 294 (Ovis) Day 29450, 13:14:30: Rhaelie froze Ovis - Lvl 202 (Ovis) Day 29450, 13:17:06: kokow22 froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 127 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 29450, 13:19:26: Rhaelie froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 176 (Dung Beetle) Day 29450, 13:20:40: kokow22 froze HP - Lvl 209 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 29450, 13:23:02: Rhaelie froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 167 (Dung Beetle) Day 29450, 13:24:17: kokow22 froze Stam - Lvl 217 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 29450, 13:27:47: kokow22 froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 217 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 29450, 13:33:57: kokow22 froze mele - Lvl 202 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 29450, 13:47:23: kokow22 froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 215 (Lystrosaurus) Day 29450, 13:50:15: Rhaelie froze Wacusia - Lvl 349 (Tek Parasaur) Day 29450, 14:19:58: kokow22 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus) Day 29450, 14:30:21: kokow22 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 249 (Deinonychus) Day 29450, 14:33:53: kokow22 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 176 (Deinonychus) Day 29450, 14:37:00: kokow22 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus) Day 29450, 14:47:06: kokow22 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 92 (Deinonychus) Day 29450, 14:57:03: kokow22 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 102 (Deinonychus) Day 29450, 15:00:22: kokow22 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) Day 29450, 15:04:10: kokow22 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 29450, 15:08:03: kokow22 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus) Day 29450, 15:18:06: kokow22 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 158 (Deinonychus) Day 29450, 15:20:53: kokow22 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 142 (Deinonychus) Day 29450, 15:23:41: kokow22 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 92 (Deinonychus) Day 29450, 15:26:28: kokow22 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 101 (Deinonychus) Day 29450, 15:32:17: kokow22 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 266 (Deinonychus) Day 29450, 15:35:09: kokow22 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 29450, 15:37:53: kokow22 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 102 (Deinonychus) Day 29450, 15:40:43: kokow22 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) Day 29450, 17:02:07: kokow22 Tamed an Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek)! Day 29450, 18:55:44: Rhaelie demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 29450, 20:41:49: Rhaelie demolished a 'Lotki (Storage Box) (Unlocked) '! Day 29450, 20:44:18: Rhaelie demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 29450, 21:27:56: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Ceiling'! Day 29450, 21:33:36: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Ceiling'! Day 29450, 21:34:43: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 29450, 21:37:47: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 29450, 21:39:32: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 29450, 21:41:23: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 29450, 21:43:07: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 29450, 21:47:49: Rhaelie demolished a 'Metal Ceiling'! Day 29450, 21:50:47: Rhaelie demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 29450, 21:51:53: Rhaelie demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 29450, 21:53:15: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 29450, 21:54:16: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29450, 21:58:12: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:12:00: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:12:57: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:14:02: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 29450, 22:14:53: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:16:07: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:17:12: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:18:01: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:19:00: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:21:02: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:25:42: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:26:41: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 29450, 22:28:24: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:29:36: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:30:35: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:31:30: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:33:00: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:33:57: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:34:58: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:35:55: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:37:11: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 29450, 22:38:18: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:39:15: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:42:42: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:43:39: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:44:38: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:45:31: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:46:29: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:47:43: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:48:44: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:49:43: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:50:47: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:51:48: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 29450, 22:52:45: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29450, 23:27:37: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 29450, 23:29:20: Rhaelie demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 29451, 00:04:03: Rhaelie unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 29451, 00:18:27: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 29451, 02:13:22: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 29451, 02:14:39: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 29451, 02:37:35: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Double Door (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 29451, 02:39:39: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Double Doorframe'! Day 29451, 05:26:42: Rhaelie froze Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 29451, 05:57:37: Rhaelie demolished a 'Fireplace (Locked) '! Day 29451, 05:58:58: Rhaelie demolished a 'Placed Taxidermy Base (Locked) '! Day 29451, 06:00:16: Rhaelie demolished a 'Placed Taxidermy Base (Locked) '! Day 29451, 06:01:19: Rhaelie demolished a 'Wooden Chair'! Day 29451, 06:03:01: Rhaelie demolished a 'Rug'! Day 29451, 06:09:27: Rhaelie demolished a 'Wooden Chair'! Day 29451, 06:10:19: Rhaelie demolished a 'Wooden Table'! Day 29451, 06:11:18: Rhaelie demolished a 'Wooden Chair'! Day 29451, 06:12:33: Rhaelie demolished a 'Wooden Table'! Day 29451, 06:14:09: Rhaelie demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 29451, 06:16:17: Rhaelie demolished a 'Bookshelf (Locked) '! Day 29451, 06:20:43: Rhaelie demolished a 'Nefro (Bed)'! Day 29451, 06:21:32: Rhaelie demolished a 'Bed'! Day 29451, 06:35:15: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Railing'! Day 29451, 06:38:18: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Railing'! Day 29451, 06:39:11: Rhaelie demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 29451, 06:40:38: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Railing'! Day 29451, 06:41:36: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Railing'! Day 29451, 06:42:37: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Railing'! Day 29451, 06:43:57: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 29451, 06:46:35: Rhaelie demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 29451, 06:47:35: Rhaelie demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 29451, 06:49:42: Rhaelie demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 29451, 06:51:57: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 29451, 06:53:03: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 29451, 06:53:53: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 29451, 06:55:21: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 29451, 08:17:47: Rhaelie demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 29451, 08:20:48: Rhaelie demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 29451, 15:39:39: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29451, 15:40:09: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29451, 15:49:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 29451, 15:50:24: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 29452, 01:38:52: kokow22 demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 29452, 02:30:53: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 29452, 03:48:13: kokow22 demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 29452, 05:16:16: kokow22 demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 29452, 06:19:44: kokow22 demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 29452, 06:36:20: Rhaelie demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 29452, 08:15:25: Rhaelie demolished a 'Nefro (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 29452, 09:21:38: Rhaelie demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Unlocked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 29452, 09:59:56: Rhaelie demolished a 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection'! Day 29452, 10:01:49: Rhaelie demolished a 'Straight Metal Water Pipe'! Day 29452, 10:02:55: Rhaelie demolished a 'Straight Metal Water Pipe'! Day 29452, 10:03:58: Rhaelie demolished a 'Straight Metal Water Pipe'! Day 29452, 10:08:21: Rhaelie demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 29452, 11:01:59: kokow22 froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 29452, 11:35:16: Rhaelie demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29452, 12:22:36: Rhaelie unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 29452, 12:25:19: Rhaelie unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 29452, 12:28:01: Rhaelie unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 29452, 12:31:52: Rhaelie demolished a 'Gravestone'! Day 29452, 12:32:40: Rhaelie demolished a 'Gravestone'! Day 29452, 12:33:28: Rhaelie demolished a 'Gravestone'! Day 29452, 12:34:13: Rhaelie demolished a 'Gravestone'! Day 29452, 12:35:02: Rhaelie demolished a 'Gravestone'! Day 29452, 12:35:49: Rhaelie demolished a 'Gravestone'! Day 29452, 12:36:40: Rhaelie demolished a 'Gravestone'! Day 29452, 18:14:12: kokow22 froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 30337, 09:42:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30394, 20:44:27: BRAJANEK - Lvl 42 (Plemię BRAJANEK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek)'! Day 30621, 01:18:27: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30621, 01:18:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32686, 05:11:41: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 32686, 11:51:09: kokow22 froze fighter - Lvl 455 (Therizinosaur) Day 32686, 15:20:09: kokow22 froze [SC] Goku Black - Lvl 344 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32805, 09:36:33: kokow22 claimed 'Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek)'! Day 32805, 10:00:13: kokow22 froze [SC] Goku Black - Lvl 344 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32805, 11:23:46: kokow22 froze [SC] Goku Black - Lvl 344 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32805, 15:14:13: kokow22 froze [SC] Goku Black - Lvl 344 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32805, 22:42:38: kokow22 froze [SC] Goku Black - Lvl 344 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32890, 10:35:45: kokow22 froze [SC] Goku Black - Lvl 344 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32892, 03:00:16: kokow22 froze [SC] Goku Black - Lvl 344 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33468, 16:38:31: Human - Lvl 98 (Tribe of Human1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek)'! Day 33760, 05:53:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33760, 05:53:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1814670616,"tribe":"Spastics logs":["Day 23223, 07:30:29: Taylor was added to the Tribe! Day 23223, 13:54:20: Tribemember Taylor - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 23223, 16:32:16: Wooty was added to the Tribe by Taylor! Day 23223, 22:28:58: Taylor Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 27 (Pteranodon)! Day 23224, 05:14:53: Tribemember Wooty - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 23254, 00:23:13: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 23255, 00:17:44: Tribemember Taylor - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 23255, 00:44:47: Tribemember Wooty - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 23337, 17:15:39: Your HEYA - Lvl 28 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 135! Day 23516, 12:16:12: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1813765692,"tribe":"Stronghold logs":["Day 20577, 21:43:25: wild wendy windbreaker was added to the Tribe! Day 20577, 22:10:23: selone was added to the Tribe by wild wendy windbreaker! Day 20578, 18:38:44: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed an Equus - Lvl 22 (Equus)! Day 20578, 18:53:31: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed an Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus)! Day 20578, 20:32:13: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed an Equus - Lvl 22 (Equus)! Day 20579, 00:21:55: Tribemember selone - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 20579, 01:03:51: Tribemember selone - Lvl 42 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 20579, 02:19:39: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 74 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 20579, 02:22:17: Your Equus - Lvl 22 (Equus) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 85! Day 20579, 05:15:44: Tribemember selone - Lvl 42 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 20579, 05:17:29: Your Equus - Lvl 22 (Equus) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 20579, 05:18:28: Your Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 85! Day 20579, 05:45:00: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 139 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 85! Day 20579, 06:10:04: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 74 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 85! Day 20579, 08:18:48: Tribemember selone - Lvl 42 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 95! Day 20579, 08:23:36: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 87 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 95! Day 20689, 22:37:13: wild wendy windbreaker downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 152 Day 20689, 23:02:21: wild wendy windbreaker froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 199 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 20690, 08:59:37: wild wendy windbreaker uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 158 Day 21074, 14:48:12: wild wendy windbreaker froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 57 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21074, 15:02:34: selone froze Daniel's Slong - Lvl 249 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21088, 18:06:15: wild wendy windbreaker froze Daniel's Slong - Lvl 251 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21122, 20:00:49: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 21122, 20:01:59: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 21123, 01:06:16: selone froze sliver rider two - Lvl 251 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21133, 11:08:32: wild wendy windbreaker claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 21133, 11:10:25: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 21133, 18:43:51: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 129 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 21133, 18:44:08: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 21133, 19:11:03: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 21181, 16:42:16: wild wendy windbreaker froze speed3 - Lvl 254 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21338, 00:30:26: selone froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 227 (Poison Wyvern) Day 21349, 11:27:44: wild wendy windbreaker froze SPEED 2 - Lvl 214 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21354, 01:47:37: wild wendy windbreaker froze SPEED 2 - Lvl 214 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21652, 05:03:51: Your 'Fish Basket' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21687, 19:35:42: wild wendy windbreaker froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 308 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21687, 19:44:31: selone froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 196 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21687, 19:55:58: wild wendy windbreaker froze Thor - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 21687, 20:17:42: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 190! Day 21687, 20:47:23: wild wendy windbreaker froze Thor - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 21688, 00:54:50: wild wendy windbreaker froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 308 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21688, 00:58:17: selone froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 196 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21688, 02:15:17: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by an Iceworm Male - Lvl 1! Day 21688, 02:15:17: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed by an Iceworm Male - Lvl 1! Day 21688, 05:17:47: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sky - Lvl 227 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21688, 05:39:59: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by an Iceworm Male - Lvl 1! Day 21688, 06:00:18: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 21688, 07:43:58: wild wendy windbreaker froze Bluewing - Lvl 235 (Rock Drake) Day 21688, 08:17:23: wild wendy windbreaker froze BlueBelly - Lvl 235 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21688, 08:36:00: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by an Iceworm Male - Lvl 1! Day 21688, 09:23:09: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 21688, 10:03:17: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 21688, 10:36:53: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 21688, 11:49:41: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 21688, 13:01:15: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 40! Day 21688, 15:28:54: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 21688, 16:05:17: wild wendy windbreaker froze Claw - Lvl 122 (Rock Drake) Day 21688, 16:27:49: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 21688, 19:17:22: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by an Iceworm Male - Lvl 1! Day 21688, 19:17:22: Your Otter - Lvl 47 (Otter) was killed by an Iceworm Male - Lvl 1! Day 21688, 20:37:00: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 21689, 00:13:13: Your Claw - Lvl 122 (Rock Drake) was killed by an Iceworm Male - Lvl 1! Day 21689, 04:12:16: wild wendy windbreaker froze Mellow Yellow - Lvl 299 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21689, 04:46:04: wild wendy windbreaker froze vamp - Lvl 135 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21689, 05:12:48: wild wendy windbreaker froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 322 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21689, 05:54:13: wild wendy windbreaker froze Mellow Yellow - Lvl 299 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21689, 09:39:39: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 21689, 10:07:20: wild wendy windbreaker froze Mellow Yellow - Lvl 299 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21706, 13:33:23: wild wendy windbreaker froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 208 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21711, 21:34:46: Your 32m 26s - Lvl 202 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 21711, 21:39:38: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 21711, 21:48:35: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 21712, 00:38:20: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 21712, 04:16:08: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 22005, 17:04:25: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22388, 05:42:32: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 22388, 06:06:11: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 22388, 07:19:24: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 22388, 14:54:55: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sparks - Lvl 277 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22388, 15:32:36: wild wendy windbreaker demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 22388, 15:35:20: wild wendy windbreaker froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 22388, 15:46:06: wild wendy windbreaker demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 22388, 15:49:40: wild wendy windbreaker froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 22388, 15:52:15: wild wendy windbreaker demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 22388, 15:55:39: wild wendy windbreaker froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 22388, 16:40:49: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sparks - Lvl 277 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22396, 17:24:59: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sparks - Lvl 277 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22525, 06:14:25: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22599, 20:08:37: Small Child - Lvl 129 (The Kibble Klub) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 22959, 13:23:16: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 23432, 18:39:12: selone froze A8 - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 23432, 20:02:37: wild wendy windbreaker froze Wisey - Lvl 352 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23432, 20:07:27: selone froze wise owl - Lvl 353 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23432, 22:25:39: selone froze A8 - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 23433, 00:19:44: selone froze A8 - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 23433, 00:22:14: wild wendy windbreaker froze Wisey - Lvl 352 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23433, 00:39:53: wild wendy windbreaker froze shadow22 - Lvl 348 (Shadowmane) Day 23433, 00:54:01: selone froze wise owl - Lvl 353 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23433, 00:55:52: wild wendy windbreaker froze shadow22 - Lvl 348 (Shadowmane) Day 23433, 01:12:17: selone froze A8 - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 23433, 02:00:25: wild wendy windbreaker froze shadow22 - Lvl 348 (Shadowmane) Day 23433, 03:49:38: wild wendy windbreaker froze shadow22 - Lvl 348 (Shadowmane) Day 23433, 04:00:25: selone froze A8 - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 23433, 05:31:07: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23433, 06:45:08: wild wendy windbreaker froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 294 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23433, 06:49:09: wild wendy windbreaker froze shadow22 - Lvl 348 (Shadowmane) Day 23433, 07:24:16: selone froze wise owl - Lvl 353 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23433, 07:59:36: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed by an Iceworm Male - Lvl 1! Day 23433, 08:22:27: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23433, 09:38:41: selone froze wise owl - Lvl 353 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23433, 10:10:08: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed by an Iceworm Male - Lvl 1! Day 23433, 11:03:24: selone froze wise owl - Lvl 353 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23433, 11:56:05: selone froze shadow22 - Lvl 348 (Shadowmane) Day 23433, 12:48:09: selone froze A8 - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 23433, 13:30:45: selone froze A8 - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 23433, 13:34:57: selone froze shadow22 - Lvl 348 (Shadowmane) Day 23433, 16:04:07: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 140! Day 23433, 17:22:31: wild wendy windbreaker froze A8 - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 23433, 19:36:05: selone froze A8 - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 23433, 20:16:23: selone froze Wisey - Lvl 352 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23433, 23:00:57: selone froze A8 - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 23433, 23:32:28: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed by an Iceworm Male - Lvl 1! Day 23434, 00:58:14: wild wendy windbreaker froze shadow22 - Lvl 350 (Shadowmane) Day 23434, 02:33:12: selone froze Wisey - Lvl 352 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23434, 03:41:29: selone froze A8 - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 23434, 03:56:00: selone froze shadow22 - Lvl 350 (Shadowmane) Day 23434, 04:02:51: selone froze wise owl - Lvl 353 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23434, 04:23:22: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed by an Iceworm Male - Lvl 1! Day 23434, 16:25:19: selone froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 197 (Fjordhawk) Day 23434, 16:47:30: wild wendy windbreaker froze Wisey - Lvl 352 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23434, 16:57:21: selone froze Puddy - Lvl 250 (Fjordhawk) Day 23434, 17:03:43: selone froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 197 (Fjordhawk) Day 23434, 17:07:59: selone froze wise owl - Lvl 353 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23728, 15:07:23: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23947, 13:59:31: Your Hope I Live Longer - Lvl 354 (R-Snow Owl) was killed! Day 23947, 14:01:12: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 23947, 16:47:12: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 23948, 07:23:07: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23948, 10:46:55: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 25! Day 23948, 12:05:25: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 25! Day 23948, 14:48:17: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 15! Day 23948, 15:12:11: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 60! Day 23949, 00:30:06: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sparks - Lvl 318 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23949, 00:37:33: wild wendy windbreaker froze 130 M - Lvl 234 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23949, 00:55:58: wild wendy windbreaker froze Puddy - Lvl 279 (Fjordhawk) Day 24093, 02:47:02: wild wendy windbreaker froze old wiseone - Lvl 348 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24094, 07:10:33: wild wendy windbreaker froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 252 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24094, 07:31:15: selone froze old wiseone - Lvl 348 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24094, 07:45:50: selone froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 275 (R-Velonasaur) Day 24094, 10:48:07: selone froze Desmodus - Lvl 284 (Desmodus) Day 24094, 11:53:30: selone froze Desmodus - Lvl 287 (Desmodus) Day 24094, 11:58:23: wild wendy windbreaker froze Desmodus - Lvl 134 (Desmodus) Day 24094, 12:26:37: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane) Day 24094, 18:26:43: selone froze Desmodus - Lvl 287 (Desmodus) Day 24094, 18:40:04: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane) Day 24094, 18:44:22: wild wendy windbreaker froze Desmodus - Lvl 134 (Desmodus) Day 24094, 20:24:30: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 276 (R-Velonasaur) was killed! Day 24094, 20:25:01: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24094, 20:39:36: selone froze Desmodus - Lvl 134 (Desmodus) Day 24095, 08:34:16: Your Desmodus - Lvl 287 (Desmodus) was killed! Day 24095, 09:20:11: wild wendy windbreaker froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 252 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24095, 09:57:50: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 275 (R-Velonasaur) was killed! Day 24095, 09:58:03: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24095, 10:35:48: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane) Day 24095, 12:02:32: wild wendy windbreaker froze Desmodus - Lvl 134 (Desmodus) Day 24095, 12:47:27: wild wendy windbreaker froze Desmodus - Lvl 134 (Desmodus) Day 24095, 13:14:35: wild wendy windbreaker froze Desmodus - Lvl 134 (Desmodus) Day 24095, 13:15:55: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24095, 13:40:14: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 85! Day 24095, 14:43:25: selone froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 37 (Fjordhawk) Day 24095, 14:46:34: wild wendy windbreaker froze Puddy - Lvl 279 (Fjordhawk) Day 24095, 14:49:41: selone froze old wiseone - Lvl 348 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24095, 14:49:55: wild wendy windbreaker froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 252 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24113, 04:10:39: selone froze Desmodus - Lvl 136 (Desmodus) Day 24113, 04:20:14: wild wendy windbreaker froze Desmodus - Lvl 122 (Desmodus) Day 24113, 05:54:24: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 264 (Shadowmane) Day 24113, 07:26:33: Your Desmodus - Lvl 136 (Desmodus) was killed! Day 24113, 07:50:58: selone froze Desmodus - Lvl 122 (Desmodus) Day 24113, 11:19:44: selone froze Desmodus - Lvl 122 (Desmodus) Day 24113, 13:40:48: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 224 (R-Velonasaur) was killed! Day 24113, 13:43:25: Your Desmodus - Lvl 122 (Desmodus) was killed! Day 24113, 14:07:01: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24113, 14:07:17: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 224 (R-Velonasaur) was killed! Day 24113, 14:19:51: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24113, 15:13:04: wild wendy windbreaker froze Puddy - Lvl 279 (Fjordhawk) Day 24113, 15:17:41: wild wendy windbreaker froze 0id wise owl - Lvl 369 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24113, 16:28:59: selone claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24130, 07:44:59: wild wendy windbreaker froze REPETER - Lvl 197 (Fjordhawk) Day 24130, 07:49:40: wild wendy windbreaker froze BATTY - Lvl 297 (Desmodus) Day 24130, 08:20:31: wild wendy windbreaker froze A3 - Lvl 244 (Shadowmane) Day 24130, 08:58:44: wild wendy windbreaker froze BATTY - Lvl 297 (Desmodus) Day 24130, 09:24:44: wild wendy windbreaker froze BATTY - Lvl 297 (Desmodus) Day 24130, 13:36:41: Your BATTY - Lvl 297 (Desmodus) was killed! Day 24130, 14:59:06: wild wendy windbreaker froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 225 (R-Velonasaur) Day 24130, 15:40:01: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24130, 22:05:27: wild wendy windbreaker froze 0id wise owl - Lvl 369 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24130, 22:14:40: wild wendy windbreaker froze Puddy - Lvl 279 (Fjordhawk) Day 24140, 07:53:46: wild wendy windbreaker claimed 'Chupa - Lvl 252 (Argentavis)'! Day 24140, 07:57:33: wild wendy windbreaker froze Chupa - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) Day 24140, 09:25:38: wild wendy windbreaker froze Chupa - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) Day 24140, 12:37:29: wild wendy windbreaker froze wendys boss 2 - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 24140, 12:51:40: wild wendy windbreaker froze sel 1 - Lvl 319 (Shadowmane) Day 24140, 12:56:01: wild wendy windbreaker froze Chupa - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) Day 24140, 13:00:03: wild wendy windbreaker froze sel2 - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 24140, 13:05:43: wild wendy windbreaker froze Wendys boss - Lvl 282 (Shadowmane) Day 24140, 14:51:47: wild wendy windbreaker froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 198 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24380, 04:35:01: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sellys Slayer - Lvl 304 (Giganotosaurus) Day 24380, 04:39:56: wild wendy windbreaker froze wendys boss 2 - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane) Day 24380, 08:10:12: wild wendy windbreaker froze wendys boss 2 - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane) Day 24634, 20:00:14: Viperion - Lvl 121 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fem 5 - Lvl 339 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 24727, 18:06:36: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 172 (Beelzebufo)! Day 24727, 18:11:22: wild wendy windbreaker froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 172 (Beelzebufo) Day 24727, 19:57:45: wild wendy windbreaker froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 172 (Beelzebufo) Day 24727, 20:02:18: wild wendy windbreaker froze Puddy - Lvl 279 (Fjordhawk) Day 24727, 20:13:38: wild wendy windbreaker uploaded a R-Snow Owl: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 243 Day 25155, 07:38:34: wild wendy windbreaker froze Mal 5 - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25460, 12:10:09: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25460, 12:16:15: wild wendy windbreaker froze wendys boss 2 - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane) Day 25460, 12:50:01: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed! Day 25460, 15:18:28: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 25460, 17:19:08: wild wendy windbreaker froze xX - BlueTip -Xx - Lvl 227 (Desmodus) Day 25460, 18:25:52: wild wendy windbreaker froze OLD MAN'S OWL - Lvl 371 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25460, 18:42:34: wild wendy windbreaker froze xX - BlueTip -Xx - Lvl 227 (Desmodus) Day 25460, 22:53:20: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed by a Giant Bee - Lvl 5! Day 25461, 05:41:52: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed! Day 25461, 07:10:39: wild wendy windbreaker froze wendys boss 2 - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane) Day 25461, 08:51:18: wild wendy windbreaker froze OLD MAN'S OWL 2 - Lvl 394 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25461, 09:22:17: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25461, 09:27:38: wild wendy windbreaker froze Puddy - Lvl 311 (Fjordhawk) Day 25461, 09:42:03: wild wendy windbreaker froze xX - BlueTip -Xx - Lvl 227 (Desmodus) Day 25461, 16:45:13: wild wendy windbreaker froze bear 1 - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear) Day 25461, 16:46:18: selone froze wendys boss 2 - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane) Day 25461, 19:25:41: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25462, 01:15:39: selone froze OLD MAN'S OWL 2 - Lvl 394 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25462, 02:28:34: selone froze bear 1 - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear) Day 25462, 03:29:01: wild wendy windbreaker froze Puddy - Lvl 311 (Fjordhawk) Day 25462, 03:34:09: wild wendy windbreaker froze xX - BlueTip -Xx - Lvl 227 (Desmodus) Day 25462, 03:43:31: selone froze OLD MAN'S FJORDHAWK - Lvl 197 (Fjordhawk) Day 25462, 03:50:09: selone froze OLD MAN'S OWL 2 - Lvl 394 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26096, 01:07:46: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 26238, 10:00:10: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26363, 05:44:57: Your Fem 6 - Lvl 353 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 26363, 12:18:56: wild wendy windbreaker froze Puddy - Lvl 311 (Fjordhawk) Day 26363, 12:20:18: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 26363, 13:23:32: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 26363, 14:39:27: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 140! Day 26363, 15:27:01: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 140! Day 26363, 16:01:04: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 145! Day 26363, 18:50:37: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 26376, 20:40:54: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed by a Kentrosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 26377, 01:26:47: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 425 (Shadowmane) Day 26377, 04:26:57: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sparks - Lvl 318 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26640, 19:52:09: wild wendy windbreaker froze colour 11 - Lvl 381 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26640, 19:56:51: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 26641, 02:02:43: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 26641, 02:07:49: wild wendy windbreaker froze colour 11 - Lvl 381 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26669, 03:12:42: wild wendy windbreaker froze colour 11 - Lvl 381 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26669, 06:59:11: wild wendy windbreaker froze Plesiosaur - Lvl 198 (Plesiosaur) Day 26669, 07:16:52: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed a Liopleurodon - Lvl 7 (Liopleurodon)! Day 26669, 08:35:57: wild wendy windbreaker froze Plesiosaur - Lvl 198 (Plesiosaur) Day 26669, 09:45:15: Brewskii added 'Stronghold' Tribe to brew Alliance! Day 26669, 11:15:40: wild wendy windbreaker froze Desmodus - Lvl 248 (Desmodus) Day 26669, 12:48:53: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 153 was killed! Day 26669, 12:49:14: Your Desmodus - Lvl 248 (Desmodus) was killed! Day 26669, 13:51:32: Brewskii added 'Metal Farm' Tribe to brew Alliance! Day 26669, 17:10:03: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 153 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 27108, 01:58:38: wild wendy windbreaker froze i refuse to die - Lvl 380 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27108, 16:39:17: wild wendy windbreaker froze Lost - Lvl 230 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 27108, 18:27:09: wild wendy windbreaker froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 27119, 03:19:04: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 162 was killed! Day 27119, 03:19:59: Your i refuse to die - Lvl 380 (R-Snow Owl) was killed! Day 27119, 04:03:39: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 162 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 27119, 04:53:04: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 162 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 27119, 08:30:50: Your Fjordhawk - Lvl 159 (Fjordhawk) was killed! Day 27119, 09:23:52: wild wendy windbreaker froze nobody - Lvl 334 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27119, 17:59:47: wild wendy windbreaker froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 316 (Fjordhawk) Day 27119, 18:14:19: wild wendy windbreaker froze Go fetch lava - Lvl 316 (Fjordhawk) Day 27119, 18:18:40: wild wendy windbreaker froze nobody - Lvl 334 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27564, 06:25:39: wild wendy windbreaker froze ima bat - Lvl 277 (Desmodus) Day 27564, 07:51:54: Your Fem 20 - Lvl 225 (Rex) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 52 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 27564, 07:51:54: Your Tribe killed Fem 20 - Lvl 225 (Rex)! Day 27564, 08:00:37: wild wendy windbreaker froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 52 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 27564, 08:06:35: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 27564, 08:06:35: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 27564, 08:06:35: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 27564, 08:10:53: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 27564, 08:15:22: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 162 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 27564, 09:02:29: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 162 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 27564, 10:21:10: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 162 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 27564, 11:56:12: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 405 (Shadowmane) Day 27564, 12:29:18: Your Tek fem 1 - Lvl 240 (Tek Rex) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 52 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 27564, 12:29:18: Your Tribe killed Tek fem 1 - Lvl 240 (Tek Rex)! Day 27564, 12:32:50: wild wendy windbreaker froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 52 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 27564, 16:04:10: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 207 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 27564, 16:13:37: wild wendy windbreaker froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 207 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 27564, 18:58:13: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 27564, 19:09:06: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 27564, 19:12:44: wild wendy windbreaker froze Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon) Day 27564, 19:24:19: wild wendy windbreaker froze Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) Day 27564, 21:42:19: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 27564, 21:51:17: wild wendy windbreaker froze Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon) Day 27564, 22:20:23: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 162 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 135! Day 27565, 05:10:44: wild wendy windbreaker uploaded a Desmodus: ima bat - Lvl 277 Day 27781, 10:49:24: selone claimed 'THEZZA - Lvl 277 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 27781, 10:54:19: selone claimed 'PT FEM - Lvl 249 (Pteranodon)'! Day 27781, 10:56:22: selone claimed 'FLINTOV - Lvl 196 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 27781, 11:01:17: selone claimed 'Neville - Lvl 271 (Argentavis)'! Day 27781, 13:57:21: selone froze OLD MAN'S ARGENTAVIS - Lvl 308 (Argentavis) Day 27781, 15:57:09: selone claimed 'Winston - Lvl 249 (Pteranodon)'! Day 27781, 16:05:29: selone froze Winston - Lvl 249 (Pteranodon) Day 27781, 20:16:56: selone froze THEZZA - Lvl 277 (Therizinosaur) Day 27781, 20:23:46: selone froze THEZZA - Lvl 277 (Therizinosaur) Day 27781, 20:50:49: selone froze FLINTOV - Lvl 196 (Ankylosaurus) Day 27781, 21:10:08: selone froze Neville - Lvl 271 (Argentavis) Day 27781, 21:32:51: selone froze PT FEM - Lvl 249 (Pteranodon) Day 27781, 23:56:53: selone froze OLD MAN'S ARGENTAVIS - Lvl 308 (Argentavis) Day 27782, 02:48:58: selone froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 218 (Fjordhawk) Day 27782, 03:00:47: selone froze OLD MAN'S ARGENTAVIS - Lvl 308 (Argentavis) Day 28124, 20:55:18: wild wendy windbreaker froze Peaches - Lvl 247 (Magmasaur)"] "tribeid":1813046454,"tribe":"Tribe of BANE logs":["Day 42006, 09:11:12: BANE was added to the Tribe! Day 42006, 09:13:58: Reece was added to the Tribe by BANE! Day 42006, 12:09:37: Tribemember Reece - Lvl 10 was killed by a Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 130 | 0.5x! Day 42006, 13:34:46: BANE Tamed an Otter - Lvl 201 (Otter)! Day 42006, 15:54:36: BANE demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 42006, 21:50:56: Tribemember Reece - Lvl 15 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 135! Day 42006, 23:19:41: Tribemember Reece - Lvl 15 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 135! Day 42007, 10:01:18: BANE Tamed an Otter - Lvl 67 (Otter)! Day 42007, 13:42:32: Tribemember BANE - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 42007, 16:52:26: Tribemember BANE - Lvl 29 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 15! Day 42007, 19:41:21: Rex - Lvl 140 destroyed your 'Thatch Floor'! Day 42007, 19:47:22: Rex - Lvl 140 destroyed your 'Thatch Floor'! Day 42007, 19:47:22: Rex - Lvl 140 destroyed your 'Thatch Floor'! Day 42007, 19:47:22: Rex - Lvl 140 destroyed your 'Thatch Floor'! Day 42007, 23:58:16: BANE Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)! Day 42008, 13:54:32: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 42009, 01:45:29: Tribemember BANE - Lvl 41 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 42009, 01:54:41: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 140 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 42009, 15:50:27: BANE Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 42010, 04:07:08: BANE Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)! Day 42010, 05:04:08: BANE Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 42010, 16:20:06: BANE demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 42018, 21:19:00: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 134 (Parasaur)! Day 42020, 00:39:37: BANE Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 42020, 08:33:49: BANE froze CARRY PIDGEN - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) Day 42020, 08:38:37: BANE froze REECE - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 42020, 08:42:18: BANE froze Pteranodon - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon) Day 42020, 08:45:50: BANE froze Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon) Day 42020, 20:44:35: BANE Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 127 (Sabertooth)! Day 42020, 23:55:51: BANE froze Sabertooth - Lvl 130 (Sabertooth) Day 42021, 00:49:39: BANE froze NATHAN - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 42021, 02:17:03: BANE froze Parasaur - Lvl 145 (Parasaur) Day 42021, 04:02:08: BANE froze Otter - Lvl 201 (Otter) Day 42021, 04:07:00: BANE froze Otter - Lvl 70 (Otter) Day 42022, 12:17:37: BANE froze Sabertooth - Lvl 135 (Sabertooth) Day 42022, 14:47:13: Tribemember Reece - Lvl 21 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 156! Day 42022, 15:16:26: Tribemember BANE - Lvl 63 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 90! Day 42023, 01:43:24: Tribemember BANE - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 42023, 03:08:35: BANE froze NATHAN - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 42024, 03:08:35: Tribemember Reece - Lvl 61 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 90! Day 42024, 05:47:59: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 201 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 42024, 06:36:03: BANE demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 42024, 06:37:41: BANE demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 42024, 10:21:45: Reece froze REECE - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 42029, 03:20:21: BANE claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex)'! Day 42029, 03:24:33: BANE froze Baby Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42029, 05:22:28: BANE claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex)'! Day 42029, 05:25:52: BANE froze Baby Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42029, 05:31:17: BANE froze Baby Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42029, 06:10:01: BANE claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex)'! Day 42029, 06:11:27: BANE claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42029, 06:15:01: BANE froze Baby Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42029, 06:18:37: BANE froze Baby Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42029, 09:54:05: BANE froze Baby Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42029, 10:43:55: BANE froze Baby Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42029, 10:47:46: BANE froze Baby Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42029, 11:21:10: BANE froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42029, 11:28:45: BANE froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42029, 11:39:56: BANE froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42029, 15:44:45: Tribemember BANE - Lvl 73 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 42029, 19:39:28: Your NATHAN - Lvl 248 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 42029, 19:42:23: Tribemember BANE - Lvl 73 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 42029, 20:25:35: Tribemember BANE - Lvl 73 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 140! Day 42029, 22:32:39: BANE froze Pteranodon - Lvl 166 (Pteranodon) Day 42030, 03:09:29: BANE froze Sabertooth - Lvl 135 (Sabertooth) Day 42030, 09:12:22: BANE claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 42030, 09:15:27: BANE froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42030, 10:00:44: BANE froze Sabertooth - Lvl 135 (Sabertooth) Day 42030, 10:04:20: BANE froze Pteranodon - Lvl 166 (Pteranodon) Day 42030, 10:12:19: BANE froze Pteranodon - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon) Day 42030, 13:41:05: BANE froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42030, 13:45:18: BANE froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42030, 14:31:24: BANE froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42030, 17:27:30: BANE froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42030, 18:03:41: BANE froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42030, 18:53:47: BANE froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42030, 18:58:44: BANE froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42030, 19:03:13: BANE froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42030, 19:21:03: BANE froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42030, 22:29:43: BANE froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42030, 22:35:31: BANE froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42030, 23:14:57: BANE froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42030, 23:20:27: BANE froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42030, 23:25:55: BANE froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42031, 00:41:49: BANE froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42031, 04:23:45: BANE froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42031, 04:29:10: BANE froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42031, 04:34:22: BANE froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42031, 06:12:38: BANE froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42031, 09:15:04: BANE froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42031, 09:20:18: BANE froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42031, 09:23:54: BANE froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42031, 09:49:44: BANE froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42031, 09:53:53: BANE froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42031, 09:57:51: BANE froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42031, 10:01:34: BANE froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42031, 10:41:50: BANE froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42031, 10:46:35: BANE froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42031, 13:51:24: BANE froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42031, 13:55:26: BANE froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42031, 13:59:23: BANE froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42031, 14:30:48: BANE froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42031, 14:34:31: BANE froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42031, 14:38:14: BANE froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42031, 18:26:47: BANE froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42031, 19:55:20: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42031, 19:59:53: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42031, 23:39:11: BANE froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42031, 23:44:28: BANE froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42032, 00:29:43: BANE froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42032, 01:40:12: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42032, 01:46:11: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42032, 05:27:54: BANE froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42032, 05:31:42: BANE froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42032, 05:35:16: BANE froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42032, 05:38:49: BANE froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42032, 05:42:51: BANE froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42032, 05:46:22: BANE froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42032, 07:01:58: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42032, 11:29:43: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42032, 11:33:57: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42032, 20:04:24: BANE froze Pteranodon - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon) Day 42032, 20:19:50: BANE froze Sabertooth - Lvl 152 (Sabertooth) Day 42033, 08:22:14: BANE demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 42034, 04:05:42: BANE demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 42034, 04:10:39: BANE demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 42034, 04:11:55: BANE demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 42041, 21:52:59: BANE froze TANK - Lvl 253 (Rex) Day 42041, 22:31:31: BANE froze CARRY PIDGEN - Lvl 267 (Argentavis) Day 42042, 00:53:17: BANE froze TANK - Lvl 256 (Rex) Day 42048, 16:45:28: BANE froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 103 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42048, 19:26:18: BANE froze TANK - Lvl 267 (Rex) Day 42048, 20:20:21: BANE Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle)! Day 42048, 20:23:17: Your Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 103 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 42048, 20:23:17: Your Tribe killed Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle) (Tribe of BANE)! Day 42048, 20:33:46: BANE Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle)! Day 42049, 15:18:55: BANE froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 230 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42049, 17:18:40: BANE froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 231 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42050, 18:13:04: Tribemember BANE - Lvl 89 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 20! Day 42051, 11:09:26: Tribemember BANE - Lvl 90 was killed! Day 42051, 12:31:55: Tribemember BANE - Lvl 90 was killed by a Giant Bee - Lvl 5! Day 42102, 07:26:44: BANE froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 262 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42102, 10:55:29: Your Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 129 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed! Day 42102, 11:07:28: Tribemember BANE - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 42102, 11:31:17: Tribemember BANE - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 42102, 17:44:41: BANE froze Parasaur - Lvl 145 (Parasaur) Day 42122, 21:56:32: BANE froze TANK - Lvl 277 (Rex) Day 42122, 23:12:41: BANE froze TANK - Lvl 278 (Rex) Day 42123, 04:29:49: BANE claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 42123, 05:01:14: BANE froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42123, 08:01:43: BANE Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 209 (Phiomia)! Day 42123, 08:04:50: BANE froze Phiomia - Lvl 209 (Phiomia) Day 42123, 14:31:37: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 42123, 14:33:10: Tribemember BANE - Lvl 96 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 42123, 15:35:17: BANE claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 170 (Pteranodon)'! Day 42123, 15:37:50: BANE claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 170 (Pteranodon)'! Day 42123, 15:40:00: BANE claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 170 (Pteranodon)'! Day 42123, 20:38:17: BANE froze Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 170 (Pteranodon) Day 42124, 02:32:26: BANE froze Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 170 (Pteranodon) Day 42124, 02:37:47: BANE froze Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 170 (Pteranodon) Day 42124, 02:42:48: BANE froze Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 170 (Pteranodon) Day 42124, 05:40:36: Reece froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42124, 06:23:50: BANE Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 201 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 42124, 06:27:01: BANE froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 201 (Lystrosaurus) Day 42124, 07:32:49: BANE froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 170 (Pteranodon) Day 42124, 07:55:47: BANE froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 201 (Lystrosaurus) Day 42124, 08:56:57: BANE froze TANK - Lvl 279 (Rex) Day 42124, 13:39:04: BANE froze TANK - Lvl 280 (Rex) Day 42124, 18:40:56: BANE froze Pteranodon - Lvl 173 (Pteranodon) Day 42124, 20:03:11: Reece froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42124, 22:13:12: BANE froze TANK - Lvl 281 (Rex) Day 42125, 00:27:58: Reece demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 42125, 10:19:49: Reece froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42125, 11:08:37: BANE froze TANK - Lvl 281 (Rex) Day 42125, 11:34:50: BANE froze Pteranodon - Lvl 177 (Pteranodon) Day 42125, 13:08:05: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 216 (Doedicurus)! Day 42125, 16:10:44: BANE froze TANK - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 42125, 17:01:34: BANE froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42125, 17:21:36: BANE froze TANK - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 42125, 18:46:44: Reece Tamed a Diplodocus - Lvl 194 (Diplodocus)! Day 42125, 18:51:25: Reece froze Diplodocus - Lvl 194 (Diplodocus) Day 42125, 19:26:52: Reece froze Doedicurus - Lvl 216 (Doedicurus) Day 42125, 23:33:14: BANE demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 42125, 23:34:24: BANE demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 42126, 06:51:14: Reece froze Diplodocus - Lvl 194 (Diplodocus) Day 42126, 14:12:21: BANE froze Pteranodon - Lvl 175 (Pteranodon) Day 42126, 14:19:25: BANE froze Pteranodon - Lvl 175 (Pteranodon) Day 42126, 14:51:11: Reece froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 268 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42127, 01:24:17: BANE Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle)! Day 42127, 01:28:00: BANE froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle) Day 42127, 01:56:07: BANE Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 67 (Dung Beetle)! Day 42127, 03:23:39: BANE Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 142 (Dung Beetle)! Day 42127, 03:27:02: BANE froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 142 (Dung Beetle) Day 42127, 03:38:19: BANE Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 149 (Dung Beetle)! Day 42127, 03:42:04: BANE froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 149 (Dung Beetle) Day 42127, 06:40:16: BANE Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle)! Day 42127, 06:43:20: BANE froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle) Day 42127, 06:52:53: BANE Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle)! Day 42127, 10:16:26: BANE froze Phiomia - Lvl 214 (Phiomia) Day 42127, 10:21:13: BANE froze Phiomia - Lvl 214 (Phiomia) Day 42127, 10:33:18: BANE froze Phiomia - Lvl 214 (Phiomia) Day 42127, 11:38:25: BANE froze nathan - Lvl 181 (Pteranodon) Day 42127, 11:44:10: BANE froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42127, 11:51:24: BANE froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 268 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42166, 02:43:33: BANE froze nathan - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) Day 42166, 06:43:37: BANE froze TANK - Lvl 299 (Rex) Day 42166, 07:43:15: BANE froze nathan - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) Day 42166, 09:10:12: BANE froze nathan - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) Day 42166, 11:31:36: Tribemember BANE - Lvl 98 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 25! Day 42166, 14:52:45: Tribemember BANE - Lvl 98 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 42166, 16:23:35: Tribemember BANE - Lvl 98 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 42166, 20:46:00: BANE froze TANK - Lvl 299 (Rex) Day 42166, 22:07:46: BANE froze CARRY PIDGEN - Lvl 275 (Argentavis) Day 42167, 13:15:01: Your nathan - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 42167, 13:15:22: Tribemember BANE - Lvl 99 was killed! Day 42167, 14:40:33: Tribemember BANE - Lvl 99 was killed! Day 42167, 14:54:25: Tribemember BANE - Lvl 99 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 95! Day 42167, 17:10:38: BANE froze Pteranodon - Lvl 187 (Pteranodon) Day 42168, 02:13:02: Tribemember BANE - Lvl 100 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 42168, 07:32:00: Your CARRY PIDGEN - Lvl 278 (Argentavis) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 42168, 14:02:58: BANE claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 146 (Pteranodon)'! Day 42168, 14:22:03: BANE froze Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 146 (Pteranodon) Day 42168, 14:54:27: BANE claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 42168, 14:57:36: BANE froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42168, 15:01:36: BANE claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 42168, 15:06:53: BANE froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42168, 19:39:31: BANE froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42169, 01:17:27: BANE froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42169, 01:23:19: BANE froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42169, 01:29:33: BANE froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42169, 06:07:34: BANE froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 146 (Pteranodon) Day 42169, 10:37:40: BANE froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 146 (Pteranodon) Day 42169, 10:59:19: BANE froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42169, 11:03:24: BANE froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42169, 11:07:07: BANE froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42169, 11:10:50: BANE froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42169, 11:14:15: BANE froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42169, 11:17:56: BANE froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42169, 11:23:06: BANE froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42169, 11:27:12: BANE froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42169, 20:19:21: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42169, 20:22:39: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42169, 20:27:03: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42169, 20:31:48: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42169, 20:36:24: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42170, 01:47:02: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42170, 01:51:27: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42170, 02:37:36: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42170, 02:43:48: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42170, 02:54:09: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42170, 07:05:22: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42170, 07:09:34: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42170, 07:13:00: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42170, 07:55:28: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42170, 08:00:01: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42170, 08:04:41: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42170, 08:08:48: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42170, 12:36:27: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42170, 12:40:12: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42170, 12:44:14: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42170, 16:04:35: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42170, 16:07:52: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42170, 17:15:04: BANE froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42170, 23:16:27: BANE froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42171, 00:23:32: BANE froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42171, 03:29:24: BANE claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 84 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 42171, 03:33:40: BANE froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 84 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42752, 10:01:12: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42752, 10:01:12: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42859, 12:41:43: BANE claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 161 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 42859, 12:42:17: BANE claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 212 (Raptor)'! Day 42859, 20:17:41: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 42860, 00:21:28: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 42860, 01:40:40: BANE froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 84 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42860, 03:20:13: BANE froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 42860, 03:34:53: BANE froze Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 42860, 05:10:55: BANE froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42860, 05:16:00: BANE froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42861, 17:35:11: BANE froze TANK - Lvl 305 (Rex) Day 42861, 18:19:20: BANE froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 43029, 12:11:31: Otter - Lvl 70 (Otter) starved to death! Day 43380, 21:20:29: Otter - Lvl 201 (Otter) starved to death! Day 43443, 13:09:30: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43443, 13:09:30: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43443, 13:09:30: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43443, 13:09:30: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43443, 13:09:30: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43443, 13:09:30: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43443, 13:09:30: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43481, 20:08:32: Geralt - Lvl 112 (Jewy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 186 (Parasaur)'! Day 43481, 20:15:57: Geralt - Lvl 112 (Jewy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'TANK - Lvl 305 (Rex)'! Day 43481, 20:23:53: Geralt - Lvl 112 (Jewy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 196 (Pteranodon)'! Day 43481, 20:30:17: Geralt - Lvl 112 (Jewy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 232 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 43605, 13:41:33: Dung Beetle - Lvl 42 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 43621, 06:19:25: Dung Beetle - Lvl 57 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43729, 08:03:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43905, 14:37:38: Dung Beetle - Lvl 49 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 44038, 15:43:22: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44165, 07:56:24: GOBLIN - Lvl 52 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sabertooth - Lvl 194 (Sabertooth)'! Day 44165, 08:02:20: GOBLIN - Lvl 52 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 162 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 44165, 08:03:08: GOBLIN - Lvl 52 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 229 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 44165, 08:07:04: GOBLIN - Lvl 52 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)'! Day 44165, 08:12:41: GOBLIN - Lvl 52 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 241 (Doedicurus)'! Day 44165, 08:22:01: GOBLIN - Lvl 52 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 87 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 44165, 08:23:23: GOBLIN - Lvl 52 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 169 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 44165, 16:05:45: GOBLIN - Lvl 52 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 161 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 44165, 16:06:38: GOBLIN - Lvl 52 (Tribe of GOBLIN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 212 (Raptor)'! Day 44480, 16:28:56: Pteranodon - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1809472150,"tribe":"Tribe of Jola logs":["Day 34816, 02:20:45: Jola was added to the Tribe! Day 34816, 21:32:12: Tribemember Jola - Lvl 26 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 140! Day 34816, 23:01:06: Jola demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 34817, 08:27:09: Tribemember Jola - Lvl 31 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 140! Day 34819, 16:41:23: Jola Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 201 (Parasaur)! Day 34820, 22:04:13: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 34821, 17:38:55: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 216 (Argentavis)! Day 34822, 18:36:58: Tribemember Jola - Lvl 61 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 145! Day 34839, 17:51:26: Your Tribe Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin)! Day 35023, 02:55:31: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35288, 19:35:36: Your Raupa - Lvl 218 (Parasaur) was killed! Day 35437, 07:05:23: eve - Lvl 110 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spornis - Lvl 247 (Argentavis)'! Day 35437, 07:07:07: eve - Lvl 110 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wyllstorm - Lvl 247 (Griffin)'! Day 35437, 07:11:02: eve - Lvl 110 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giraus - Lvl 212 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35448, 19:32:42: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35448, 19:32:42: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35448, 19:32:42: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35734, 05:07:52: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35734, 05:07:52: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43245, 16:21:00: Tribemember Jola - Lvl 75 was killed!"] "tribeid":1809241407,"tribe":"Ancients logs":["Day 38060, 20:32:53: Mezakeen was added to the Tribe! Day 38060, 20:44:57: Mattoneyro was added to the Tribe by Mezakeen! Day 38061, 06:08:23: Mattoneyro froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 212 (Ankylosaurus) Day 38061, 10:45:50: Mattoneyro froze Smash - Lvl 178 (Aberrant Doedicurus) Day 38061, 18:38:01: Mattoneyro froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 286 (Ankylosaurus) Day 38061, 18:46:28: Mattoneyro froze Bolt - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38061, 19:25:33: Mattoneyro froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 276 (Sinomacrops) Day 38061, 19:34:44: Mezakeen froze Obin - Lvl 280 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38061, 19:54:34: Mattoneyro froze Bolt - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38069, 11:39:19: Tribemember Mezakeen - Lvl 113 was killed by Obin - Lvl 280 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38069, 11:39:19: Your Tribe killed Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Ancients)! Day 38069, 14:41:51: Mezakeen froze Obin - Lvl 280 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38072, 08:21:42: Mezakeen froze Obin - Lvl 280 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38222, 19:01:16: Mezakeen froze Vicount - Lvl 202 (Desmodus) Day 38223, 00:06:17: Mezakeen claimed 'Argentavis - Speed - Lvl 201 (Argentavis)'! Day 38223, 00:15:46: Mezakeen froze Argentavis - Speed - Lvl 201 (Argentavis) Day 38223, 06:31:48: Mezakeen froze Velocity - Lvl 251 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38223, 23:07:46: Mezakeen froze Vicount - Lvl 203 (Desmodus) Day 38802, 11:26:11: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38802, 11:26:11: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38802, 11:26:11: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39112, 02:50:10: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39112, 02:50:10: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1804826333,"tribe":"RogueHunters logs":["Day 19497, 16:41:29: R.H.G_Rob was added to the Tribe! Day 19497, 16:45:45: Lee was added to the Tribe by R.H.G_Rob! Day 19497, 23:44:47: R.H.G_Rob froze Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Lvl 409 (Voidwyrm) Day 19497, 23:45:09: Lee froze Cyber-wyrm [Clone] - Lvl 347 (Voidwyrm) Day 19498, 03:52:40: R.H.G_Rob froze Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Lvl 409 (Voidwyrm) Day 19498, 06:14:53: Lee froze Cyber-wyrm [Clone] - Lvl 347 (Voidwyrm) Day 19498, 09:56:32: R.H.G_Rob froze Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Lvl 409 (Voidwyrm) Day 19498, 10:00:56: Lee froze Cyber-wyrm [Clone] - Lvl 347 (Voidwyrm) Day 19498, 11:19:50: R.H.G_Rob froze Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Lvl 409 (Voidwyrm) Day 19498, 11:38:26: Lee froze Cyber-wyrm [Clone] - Lvl 347 (Voidwyrm) Day 19498, 17:50:47: R.H.G_Rob froze Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Lvl 409 (Voidwyrm) Day 19498, 18:59:52: Lee froze Cyber-wyrm [Clone] - Lvl 347 (Voidwyrm) Day 24098, 21:58:51: Ross was added to the Tribe by R.H.G_Rob! Day 24098, 22:00:23: ChimTea was added to the Tribe by R.H.G_Rob! Day 24099, 05:52:00: Ross claimed 'Rex - Lvl 277 (Rex)'! Day 24099, 05:52:48: Ross claimed 'Rex - Lvl 249 (Rex)'! Day 24099, 05:53:17: R.H.G_Rob claimed 'Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex)'! Day 24099, 05:54:26: ChimTea claimed 'Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 24099, 05:59:06: Ross claimed 'Rex - Lvl 240 (Rex)'! Day 24099, 06:08:14: R.H.G_Rob claimed 'Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex)'! Day 24099, 07:39:35: Ross claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24099, 08:08:41: R.H.G_Rob froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 292 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24099, 09:35:00: Ross claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24099, 12:09:11: Tribemember Ross - Lvl 67 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 45! Day 24099, 12:55:27: R.H.G_Rob froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24099, 13:26:14: R.H.G_Rob uploaded a Rex: Rex - Lvl 240 Day 24099, 13:26:53: Tribemember Ross - Lvl 67 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 24099, 13:26:59: R.H.G_Rob uploaded a Rex: Rex - Lvl 249 Day 24099, 13:28:14: R.H.G_Rob uploaded a Rex: Rex - Lvl 226 Day 24099, 13:29:05: R.H.G_Rob uploaded a Rex: Rex - Lvl 218 Day 24099, 13:29:51: R.H.G_Rob uploaded a Rex: Rex - Lvl 277 Day 24099, 13:30:36: R.H.G_Rob uploaded a Rex: Rex - Lvl 217 Day 24099, 13:35:35: ChimTea froze Travis - Lvl 262 (Argentavis) Day 24099, 13:45:16: R.H.G_Rob froze RHG OGMane - Lvl 304 (Shadowmane) Day 24212, 10:29:01: Ross claimed 'Megatron - Lvl 106 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 24212, 10:46:47: Tribemember Ross - Lvl 68 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 90! Day 24212, 18:07:11: Ross Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 24213, 02:20:49: Tribemember Ross - Lvl 68 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 20! Day 24213, 03:24:27: Tribemember Ross - Lvl 68 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 24213, 12:06:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 142 (Doedicurus)! Day 24235, 03:52:24: Your Birdy - Lvl 26 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 24236, 09:50:25: Ross claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 246 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 24236, 09:51:18: Ross claimed 'Kevin - Lvl 139 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 24236, 10:03:04: Ross claimed 'Maewing - Lvl 290 (Maewing)'! Day 24236, 10:06:55: Ross claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24236, 10:09:20: Ross claimed 'Perry - Lvl 251 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24236, 10:10:48: Ross claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 257 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24236, 10:12:23: Ross claimed 'Dire Bear - Lvl 103 (Dire Bear)'! Day 24236, 10:14:15: Ross claimed 'Bone Disease - Lvl 232 (Triceratops)'! Day 24236, 10:21:26: Ross claimed 'Fred - Lvl 224 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 24236, 10:57:28: Ross unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24236, 11:00:23: Ross unclaimed 'Perry - Lvl 251 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24236, 11:07:08: Ross unclaimed 'Bone Disease - Lvl 232 (Triceratops)'! Day 24236, 11:14:01: Ross claimed 'Equus - Lvl 219 (Equus)'! Day 24236, 11:15:01: Ross claimed '140 The 2nd - Lvl 238 (Equus)'! Day 24236, 11:15:32: Ross claimed '140 The 1st - Lvl 239 (Equus)'! Day 24236, 11:16:17: Ross claimed 'Falco - Lvl 99 (Equus)'! Day 24236, 11:17:52: Ross claimed 'Bean - Lvl 46 (Equus)'! Day 24236, 11:19:03: Ross claimed 'Tracer - Lvl 87 (Equus)'! Day 24236, 12:19:43: R.H.G_Rob froze Equus - Lvl 219 (Equus) Day 24236, 12:24:57: R.H.G_Rob froze 140 The 2nd - Lvl 238 (Equus) Day 24236, 12:26:48: R.H.G_Rob claimed 'Megan - Lvl 221 (Equus)'! Day 24236, 12:29:15: R.H.G_Rob unclaimed 'Falco - Lvl 99 (Equus)'! Day 24236, 12:31:41: R.H.G_Rob froze 140 The 1st - Lvl 239 (Equus) Day 24236, 12:35:02: R.H.G_Rob froze Megan - Lvl 221 (Equus) Day 24236, 12:40:06: R.H.G_Rob unclaimed 'Tracer - Lvl 87 (Equus)'! Day 24236, 12:47:07: R.H.G_Rob unclaimed 'Dire Bear - Lvl 103 (Dire Bear)'! Day 24236, 12:51:46: R.H.G_Rob unclaimed 'Bean - Lvl 46 (Equus)'! Day 24236, 12:58:45: R.H.G_Rob unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 257 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24236, 13:05:49: R.H.G_Rob froze Maewing - Lvl 290 (Maewing) Day 24236, 13:12:09: R.H.G_Rob froze El nene - Lvl 376 (Pteranodon) Day 24236, 13:19:13: R.H.G_Rob froze Kevin - Lvl 140 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24236, 13:20:16: R.H.G_Rob claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 211 (Doedicurus)'! Day 24236, 13:23:34: R.H.G_Rob froze Doedicurus - Lvl 211 (Doedicurus) Day 24236, 13:30:26: R.H.G_Rob froze Fred - Lvl 224 (Ankylosaurus) Day 24236, 14:35:17: Ross claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24236, 14:43:01: Ross unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 237 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24236, 15:50:33: R.H.G_Rob froze RHG OGMane - Lvl 319 (Shadowmane) Day 24236, 17:15:07: Tribemember Ross - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 24236, 20:27:10: Tribemember Ross - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 24236, 22:47:16: Ross claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 237 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24237, 01:51:03: Tribemember Ross - Lvl 69 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 90! Day 24237, 02:52:31: Tribemember Ross - Lvl 69 was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 50! Day 24237, 04:08:37: Ross claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 257 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24237, 11:26:48: Tribemember Ross - Lvl 69 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 90! Day 24237, 13:06:18: Tribemember Ross - Lvl 69 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 25! Day 24237, 15:32:46: Ross claimed 'Caravan v2 (Raft)'! Day 24237, 17:32:15: Tribemember Ross - Lvl 69 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 50! Day 24238, 00:14:19: Tribemember Ross - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 24238, 02:05:20: Tribemember Ross - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 24238, 03:34:04: Ross claimed 'Perry - Lvl 251 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24240, 11:06:04: Ross Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 149 (Parasaur)! Day 24260, 13:17:32: Ross claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 281 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24260, 13:18:29: Ross claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 266 (Doedicurus)'! Day 24260, 13:19:47: Ross claimed 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 292 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 24260, 13:21:04: Ross claimed 'Velonasaur - Lvl 199 (Velonasaur)'! Day 24260, 13:24:53: Ross claimed 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 277 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 24260, 15:30:05: Ross claimed 'hi - Lvl 144 (Dodo)'! Day 24260, 15:33:03: Ross unclaimed 'hi - Lvl 144 (Dodo)'! Day 24260, 17:12:19: Ross uploaded a Velonasaur: Velonasaur - Lvl 199 Day 24260, 18:29:34: Ross uploaded a R-Snow Owl: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 277 Day 24260, 18:30:15: Ross uploaded a Doedicurus: Doedicurus - Lvl 266 Day 24260, 18:48:06: Ross uploaded a R-Snow Owl: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 292 Day 24261, 03:27:37: R.H.G_Rob froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 282 (Therizinosaur) Day 24261, 03:42:03: Ross uploaded a Therizinosaur: Therizinosaur - Lvl 282 Day 24261, 06:56:48: R.H.G_Rob froze Voidy - Lvl 293 (Voidwyrm) Day 24261, 07:10:19: Ross froze murderer - Lvl 262 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 24263, 22:01:57: Ross downloaded a dino: Velonasaur - Lvl 199 Day 24263, 22:03:00: Ross downloaded a dino: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 259 Day 24263, 22:03:43: Ross downloaded a dino: Doedicurus - Lvl 266 Day 24263, 22:04:27: Ross downloaded a dino: Therizinosaur - Lvl 282 Day 24263, 22:05:05: Ross downloaded a dino: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 267 Day 24263, 22:11:31: Ross froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 282 (Therizinosaur) Day 24263, 22:17:51: Ross froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 282 (Therizinosaur) Day 24263, 22:22:02: Ross froze Velonasaur - Lvl 199 (Velonasaur) Day 24264, 08:00:19: Tribemember Ross - Lvl 98 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 24264, 08:09:40: Tribemember Ross - Lvl 98 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 24264, 08:52:07: Your Doedicurus - Lvl 266 (Doedicurus) was killed! Day 24264, 16:39:49: Ross froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 190 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 24264, 16:46:23: Ross froze Doedicurus - Lvl 160 (Doedicurus) Day 24264, 18:40:09: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24265, 00:51:14: Tribemember Ross - Lvl 98 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 100! Day 24265, 01:20:31: Tribemember Ross - Lvl 98 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 20! Day 24283, 22:23:43: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 24283, 23:47:24: Tribemember Ross - Lvl 100 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 24284, 00:41:33: Tribemember Ross - Lvl 100 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 24284, 13:23:03: Your Perry - Lvl 255 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 25! Day 24284, 17:32:34: Tribemember Ross - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 24428, 07:57:29: Lee froze Velonasaur - Lvl 208 (Velonasaur) Day 24428, 09:01:53: R.H.G_Rob froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 284 (Therizinosaur) Day 24428, 09:09:06: R.H.G_Rob froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 278 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24428, 09:12:26: R.H.G_Rob froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 294 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24428, 09:16:25: R.H.G_Rob froze Doedicurus - Lvl 175 (Doedicurus) Day 24428, 09:19:52: R.H.G_Rob froze berry bitch - Lvl 164 (Parasaur) Day 24428, 09:35:02: R.H.G_Rob froze murderer - Lvl 267 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 24428, 10:40:40: R.H.G_Rob froze murderer - Lvl 267 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 24428, 10:42:58: Lee froze Voidy - Lvl 300 (Voidwyrm) Day 24428, 10:43:24: R.H.G_Rob froze Sanic - Lvl 294 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24486, 09:47:39: R.H.G_Rob froze Sanic - Lvl 303 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24486, 13:31:34: R.H.G_Rob froze Sanic - Lvl 303 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24759, 09:20:32: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 24788, 19:58:50: R.H.G_Rob froze Sanic - Lvl 318 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24947, 08:47:17: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 260 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 85! Day 25381, 20:22:19: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25462, 15:06:00: James - Lvl 127 (Overwhelming Potatos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ross' pimp machine (Raft)'! Day 25658, 17:11:53: fizzle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatron - Lvl 114 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 25664, 08:37:57: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25664, 08:37:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25664, 08:37:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25947, 16:56:16: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26363, 19:22:45: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 354 (Maewing) Day 26363, 19:59:18: R.H.G_Rob froze Purple Muncher - Lvl 366 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26363, 20:30:14: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 354 (Maewing) Day 26363, 22:53:38: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 354 (Maewing) Day 26460, 08:57:59: Rhaelie - Lvl 161 (Impulse) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 31459, 16:34:21: Magefire - Lvl 66 (Tartarus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Caravan v2 (Raft)'! Day 33895, 17:59:29: xmossy - Lvl 114 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jasper - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane)'!"] "tribeid":1804201219,"tribe":"Tribe of 인간 logs":["Day 39447, 01:04:40: 인간 was added to the Tribe! Day 39447, 01:06:42: 인간 was added to the Tribe by 인간! Day 39447, 01:09:09: 인간 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by 인간! Day 39447, 16:20:50: Your Quetzal - Lvl 88 (Quetzal) was killed by 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 39447, 16:20:50: Your Tribe killed Quetzal - Lvl 88 (Quetzal) (Tribe of 인간)! Day 39447, 19:26:44: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 316 (Shadowmane) Day 39545, 09:19:40: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 39545, 11:24:07: 인간 froze Argentavis - Lvl 266 (Argentavis) Day 39597, 19:10:17: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 260 (Desmodus) Day 39737, 11:47:19: 인간 was added to the Tribe by 인간! Day 39737, 11:49:50: 인간 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by 인간! Day 39737, 12:20:12: 인간석기 was added to the Tribe by 인간! Day 39737, 12:32:22: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 276 (Desmodus) Day 39737, 15:07:42: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 276 (Desmodus) Day 39737, 15:19:25: 인간 froze 변종 - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane) Day 39737, 15:19:54: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 250 (Desmodus) Day 39737, 15:47:43: 인간 froze 변종 - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane) Day 39737, 16:05:04: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 250 (Desmodus) Day 39737, 16:05:16: 인간 froze 변종 - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane) Day 39737, 16:10:52: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 276 (Desmodus) Day 39737, 16:11:36: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 250 (Desmodus) Day 39737, 16:43:54: 인간 froze 변종 - Lvl 256 (Shadowmane) Day 39737, 16:48:49: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 251 (Desmodus) Day 39737, 17:10:12: 인간 froze 변종 - Lvl 258 (Shadowmane) Day 39737, 17:11:40: 인간 claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 318 (Shadowmane)'! Day 39737, 17:21:01: 인간 claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 319 (Shadowmane)'! Day 39737, 17:28:39: 인간 unclaimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 322 (Shadowmane)'! Day 39737, 17:31:22: 인간 unclaimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 318 (Shadowmane)'! Day 39737, 17:33:01: 인간 claimed 'FOXXY - Lvl 344 (Shadowmane)'! Day 39737, 17:40:19: 인간 unclaimed 'FOXXY - Lvl 344 (Shadowmane)'! Day 39737, 17:46:29: 인간 claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 322 (Shadowmane)'! Day 39737, 17:47:38: 인간 claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 318 (Shadowmane)'! Day 39737, 17:52:31: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 318 (Shadowmane) Day 39737, 18:42:12: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 251 (Desmodus) Day 39737, 18:49:32: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 276 (Desmodus) Day 39737, 20:02:56: 인간석기 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 322 (Shadowmane) Day 39737, 20:08:13: 인간석기 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 322 (Shadowmane) Day 39737, 20:12:33: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 276 (Desmodus) Day 39737, 22:29:42: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 318 (Shadowmane) Day 39737, 22:35:01: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 276 (Desmodus) Day 39737, 22:48:14: 인간 froze 변종 - Lvl 259 (Shadowmane) Day 39737, 23:00:47: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 39738, 00:49:31: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 276 (Desmodus) Day 39738, 00:49:38: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 251 (Desmodus) Day 39738, 04:58:26: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by 인간석기 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 39738, 04:58:26: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 39738, 06:53:25: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 276 (Desmodus) Day 39738, 09:24:07: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 320 (Shadowmane) Day 39738, 09:27:14: 인간 froze 변종 - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 39738, 09:55:52: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 320 (Shadowmane) Day 39738, 10:10:49: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 321 (Shadowmane) Day 39738, 10:33:52: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 321 (Shadowmane) Day 39738, 10:44:57: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 321 (Shadowmane) Day 39738, 11:17:00: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 321 (Shadowmane) Day 39738, 11:31:44: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 276 (Desmodus) Day 39738, 11:41:20: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 321 (Shadowmane) Day 39738, 11:54:37: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 252 (Desmodus) Day 39738, 12:01:18: 인간 froze 변종 - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 39738, 12:27:31: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 39738, 12:42:51: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 321 (Shadowmane) Day 39738, 12:43:26: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 252 (Desmodus) Day 39738, 15:23:46: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 276 (Desmodus) Day 39738, 15:52:18: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 252 (Desmodus) Day 39738, 16:37:57: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 276 (Desmodus) Day 39738, 16:38:55: 인간 uploaded a Desmodus: Desmodus - Lvl 252 Day 39775, 17:58:30: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 278 (Desmodus) Day 39775, 18:37:39: 인간 froze 젠이츠 남친 - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane) Day 39775, 18:58:42: 인간 froze 젠이츠 남친 - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane) Day 39775, 19:27:08: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 188 (Desmodus) Day 39775, 19:28:49: 인간 froze 젠이츠 남친 - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane) Day 39775, 20:50:47: 인간 froze 젠이츠 남친 - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 39775, 21:10:21: 인간 froze 젠이츠 남친 - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 39775, 21:19:40: 인간석기 claimed 'FOXXY - Lvl 344 (Shadowmane)'! Day 39775, 21:37:29: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 278 (Desmodus) Day 39775, 22:17:58: 인간 froze 젠이츠 남친 - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 39775, 23:34:24: 인간 froze 젠이츠 남친 - Lvl 316 (Shadowmane) Day 39776, 00:19:10: 인간 froze 젠이츠 남친 - Lvl 316 (Shadowmane) Day 39776, 01:13:48: 인간 froze 젠이츠 남친 - Lvl 316 (Shadowmane) Day 39776, 01:41:10: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 278 (Desmodus) Day 39776, 01:52:44: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 199 (Desmodus) Day 39776, 02:43:33: 인간 froze 젠이츠 남친 - Lvl 317 (Shadowmane) Day 39776, 02:48:39: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 278 (Desmodus) Day 39776, 03:24:41: 인간 froze 젠이츠 남친 - Lvl 318 (Shadowmane) Day 39776, 04:06:55: 인간 froze 젠이츠 남친 - Lvl 318 (Shadowmane) Day 39776, 04:08:54: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 217 (Desmodus) Day 39776, 06:04:51: 인간 froze 젠이츠 남친 - Lvl 319 (Shadowmane) Day 39776, 06:18:35: 인간 froze 젠이츠 남친 - Lvl 319 (Shadowmane) Day 39776, 06:40:42: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 222 (Desmodus) Day 39776, 06:48:06: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 278 (Desmodus) Day 39776, 06:51:37: 인간 claimed 'Tito - Lvl 276 (Shadowmane)'! Day 39776, 08:00:18: 인간 froze 젠이츠 남친 - Lvl 319 (Shadowmane) Day 39776, 08:10:20: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 222 (Desmodus) Day 39776, 08:33:30: 인간 froze 젠이츠 남친 - Lvl 319 (Shadowmane) Day 39776, 09:33:21: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 222 (Desmodus) Day 39776, 09:39:56: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 278 (Desmodus) Day 39925, 16:01:13: 인간 claimed 'GREG - Lvl 157 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 39926, 05:38:13: 인간 Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 39926, 06:03:44: 인간 froze 가르마 컷 - Lvl 266 (Managarmr) Day 39933, 03:40:13: Sac - Lvl 300 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 40549, 13:04:25: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone ShieldMaiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'GREG - Lvl 157 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 41086, 02:31:59: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41399, 14:45:22: Your Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 41411, 17:30:23: Chris - Lvl 102 (The Goobers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FOXXY - Lvl 344 (Shadowmane)'!"] "tribeid":1803450431,"tribe":"Bruh logs":["Day 18084, 14:21:18: alluck was added to the Tribe! Day 18084, 14:29:11: alluck demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 18084, 14:30:51: alluck demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 18084, 14:36:22: alluck demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 18085, 08:15:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 18085, 12:53:17: Tribemember alluck - Lvl 32 was killed! Day 18085, 16:20:15: alluck Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 18085, 18:45:50: alluck demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 18085, 18:47:25: alluck demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 18085, 18:49:40: alluck demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 18085, 18:51:16: alluck demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 18085, 20:25:20: alluck claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18088, 20:14:15: alluck demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 18088, 20:15:34: alluck demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 18089, 03:09:39: alluck demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 18089, 03:10:32: alluck demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 18089, 12:12:17: alluck demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 18089, 12:13:45: alluck demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 18089, 12:15:24: alluck demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 18094, 02:08:51: alluck Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 209 (Griffin)! Day 18107, 12:43:27: alluck claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18107, 12:49:10: alluck demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 18107, 13:11:11: Your Baby bird - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon) was killed by alluck - Lvl 68 (Bruh)! Day 18107, 13:11:11: Your Tribe killed Baby bird - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon) (Bruh)! Day 18386, 18:20:32: Tribemember alluck - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 18404, 22:24:58: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18404, 22:24:58: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18490, 19:38:40: Your floof - Lvl 133 (Equus) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 18490, 19:50:18: Your flappy bird - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 18741, 04:25:29: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pancake - Lvl 226 (Griffin)'! Day 18741, 04:48:42: Benedy - Lvl 96 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'flappy - Lvl 237 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18741, 04:58:48: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 216 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18989, 02:47:07: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18989, 02:47:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18989, 02:47:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22013, 14:18:58: Tribemember alluck - Lvl 69 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1802958384,"tribe":"Titans logs":["Day 13106, 08:14:46: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 96 (Gacha) was killed by Bogdanica - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Bogdanica)! Day 13106, 08:14:46: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 96 (Gacha) (Tribe of Bogdanica)! Day 13106, 08:15:25: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 108 (Gacha) was killed by Bogdanica - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Bogdanica)! Day 13106, 08:15:25: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 108 (Gacha) (Tribe of Bogdanica)! Day 13106, 08:16:19: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 88 (Gacha) was killed by Bogdanica - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Bogdanica)! Day 13106, 08:16:19: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 88 (Gacha) (Tribe of Bogdanica)! Day 13106, 08:17:16: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 88 (Gacha) was killed by Bogdanica - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Bogdanica)! Day 13106, 08:17:16: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 88 (Gacha) (Tribe of Bogdanica)! Day 13106, 08:17:56: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 88 (Gacha) was killed by Bogdanica - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Bogdanica)! Day 13106, 08:17:56: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 88 (Gacha) (Tribe of Bogdanica)! Day 13106, 08:18:04: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 116 (Gacha) was killed by Bogdanica - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Bogdanica)! Day 13106, 08:18:04: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 116 (Gacha) (Tribe of Bogdanica)! Day 13106, 08:18:42: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 109 (Gacha) was killed by Bogdanica - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Bogdanica)! Day 13106, 08:18:42: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 109 (Gacha) (Tribe of Bogdanica)! Day 13106, 14:58:25: Bogdanica froze Male boss - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex) Day 13106, 15:42:18: Bogdanica froze MASCULU - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex) Day 13107, 06:56:11: Bogdanica froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 231 (Yutyrannus) Day 13113, 23:06:03: Bogdanica froze METAL NEW - Lvl 292 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13113, 23:44:14: Bogdanica froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 181 (Therizinosaur) Day 13113, 23:48:35: Bogdanica froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 268 (Therizinosaur) Day 13113, 23:55:59: Bogdanica froze METAL FARMER - Lvl 305 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13114, 00:00:29: Bogdanica froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 258 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13114, 10:32:14: Bogdanica froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 269 (Therizinosaur) Day 13114, 10:49:45: Bogdanica froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 187 (Basilosaurus) Day 13114, 10:54:58: Bogdanica froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 187 (Basilosaurus) Day 13114, 12:03:29: Bogdanica froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 187 (Basilosaurus) Day 13114, 12:08:45: Bogdanica froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 187 (Basilosaurus) Day 13114, 14:14:24: Bogdanica froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 187 (Basilosaurus) Day 13114, 14:17:26: Bogdanica froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 187 (Basilosaurus) Day 13114, 14:19:09: Bogdanica froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 187 (Basilosaurus) Day 13114, 14:33:50: Bogdanica froze Snow Owl - Lvl 251 (Snow Owl) Day 13114, 14:35:21: Bogdanica froze Snow Owl - Lvl 251 (Snow Owl) Day 13114, 14:36:55: Bogdanica froze Snow Owl - Lvl 251 (Snow Owl) Day 13114, 14:41:15: Bogdanica froze Snow Owl - Lvl 251 (Snow Owl) Day 13114, 14:44:40: Bogdanica froze Snow Owl - Lvl 251 (Snow Owl) Day 13114, 14:47:30: Bogdanica froze Snow Owl - Lvl 251 (Snow Owl) Day 13114, 14:49:11: Bogdanica froze Snow Owl - Lvl 251 (Snow Owl) Day 13114, 14:51:50: Bogdanica froze Snow Owl - Lvl 251 (Snow Owl) Day 13114, 14:54:26: Bogdanica froze Snow Owl - Lvl 251 (Snow Owl) Day 13114, 14:57:03: Bogdanica froze Snow Owl - Lvl 254 (Snow Owl) Day 13114, 15:00:24: Bogdanica froze Snow Owl - Lvl 236 (Snow Owl) Day 13114, 15:02:44: Bogdanica froze Snow Owl - Lvl 236 (Snow Owl) Day 13114, 15:04:37: Bogdanica froze Snow Owl - Lvl 236 (Snow Owl) Day 13114, 15:09:19: Bogdanica froze Snow Owl - Lvl 236 (Snow Owl) Day 13114, 15:12:54: Bogdanica froze Snow Owl - Lvl 236 (Snow Owl) Day 13114, 15:15:18: Bogdanica froze Snow Owl - Lvl 236 (Snow Owl) Day 13114, 15:17:14: Bogdanica froze Snow Owl - Lvl 236 (Snow Owl) Day 13114, 15:19:15: Bogdanica froze Snow Owl - Lvl 236 (Snow Owl) Day 13114, 15:21:34: Bogdanica froze Snow Owl - Lvl 236 (Snow Owl) Day 13114, 19:49:42: Bogdanica froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 187 (Basilosaurus) Day 13114, 19:51:47: Bogdanica froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 187 (Basilosaurus) Day 13114, 19:55:20: Bogdanica froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 187 (Basilosaurus) Day 13115, 08:19:33: Bogdanica froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 187 (Basilosaurus) Day 13115, 08:22:10: Bogdanica froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 187 (Basilosaurus) Day 13115, 08:29:00: Bogdanica froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 270 (Therizinosaur) Day 13115, 11:42:42: Bogdanica froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 187 (Basilosaurus) Day 13115, 17:31:03: Bogdanica Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 67 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 13115, 17:39:21: Bogdanica Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 82 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 13115, 17:41:05: Bogdanica froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 82 (Lystrosaurus) Day 13115, 17:43:54: Bogdanica froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 67 (Lystrosaurus) Day 13115, 18:12:42: Bogdanica Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 13115, 18:14:36: Bogdanica froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus) Day 13115, 19:30:23: Bogdanica froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 187 (Basilosaurus) Day 13115, 19:32:38: Bogdanica froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 187 (Basilosaurus) Day 13116, 07:07:58: Bogdanica froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 286 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13121, 06:49:09: Bogdanica froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 206 (Basilosaurus) Day 13121, 07:08:36: Bogdanica froze Managarmr - Lvl 294 (Managarmr) Day 13121, 14:31:29: Bogdanica froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 265 (Basilosaurus) Day 13122, 05:42:32: Bogdanica froze Femela boss BOMBA - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 13122, 05:46:01: Bogdanica froze Fmale Boss BOMBA - Lvl 301 (Tek Rex) Day 13122, 05:50:19: Bogdanica froze Fmale Boss BOMBA - Lvl 301 (Tek Rex) Day 13122, 05:54:08: Bogdanica froze Fmale Boss BOMBA - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 13122, 05:59:20: Bogdanica froze Rex Boss BOMBA - Lvl 326 (Tek Rex) Day 13122, 06:03:40: Bogdanica froze Rex Boss BOMBA - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 13122, 06:07:09: Bogdanica froze Rex Boss Bomba - Lvl 317 (Tek Rex) Day 13122, 06:10:16: Bogdanica froze Rex Boss BOMBA - Lvl 336 (Tek Rex) Day 13122, 06:14:55: Bogdanica froze Rex Boss Bomba - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 13122, 06:18:00: Bogdanica froze Rex Boss BOMBA - Lvl 318 (Tek Rex) Day 13122, 06:22:15: Bogdanica froze Rex Boss Bun - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex) Day 13122, 06:25:14: Bogdanica froze Rex Boss BOMBA - Lvl 317 (Tek Rex) Day 13122, 06:30:44: Bogdanica froze Male Boss BOMBA - Lvl 301 (Tek Rex) Day 13122, 06:40:13: Bogdanica froze Femela Boss BOMBA - Lvl 318 (Tek Rex) Day 13122, 06:44:22: Bogdanica froze Tek Rex - Lvl 301 (Tek Rex) Day 13122, 06:48:17: Bogdanica froze Femela Boss BOMBA - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 13122, 07:05:05: Bogdanica froze Male boss - Lvl 283 (Tek Rex) Day 13122, 07:12:26: Bogdanica froze Male boss - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 13122, 07:17:18: Bogdanica froze Breeder - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 13129, 02:38:47: Bogdanica froze Managarmr - Lvl 294 (Managarmr) Day 13129, 07:45:02: Bogdanica froze Managarmr - Lvl 294 (Managarmr) Day 13129, 09:03:08: Bogdanica froze Managarmr - Lvl 294 (Managarmr) Day 13129, 23:51:56: Bogdanica froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 258 (Yutyrannus) Day 13130, 11:33:43: Bogdanica froze Rock Drake - Lvl 229 (Rock Drake) Day 13187, 13:14:24: Bogdanica froze Rex Boss Bun - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 13187, 13:25:07: Bogdanica froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 288 (Yutyrannus) Day 13190, 08:03:08: Hiroto was added to the Tribe by Bogdanica! Day 13190, 08:05:07: Hiroto was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Bogdanica! Day 13190, 08:14:07: Hiroto froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 308 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13190, 12:34:18: BogdanicaC was added to the Tribe by Hiroto! Day 13190, 12:34:51: BogdanicaC was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Hiroto! Day 13190, 12:43:09: Hiroto was removed from the Tribe by BogdanicaC! Day 13190, 17:23:35: BogdanicaC froze Rex Boss BOMBA - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 13197, 09:33:03: BogdanicaC froze Black pearlssss! - Lvl 188 (Gacha) Day 13197, 09:44:53: BogdanicaC froze Org Poly-Green fragment - Lvl 206 (Gacha) Day 13197, 09:47:06: BogdanicaC froze Gacha - Lvl 136 (Gacha) Day 13197, 09:57:41: BogdanicaC froze Gacha - Lvl 137 (Gacha) Day 13197, 10:01:35: BogdanicaC froze Org Poly-Green fragment - Lvl 206 (Gacha) Day 13197, 10:06:36: BogdanicaC froze Org Poly-Green fragment - Lvl 206 (Gacha) Day 13197, 10:18:00: BogdanicaC froze Gacha - Lvl 156 (Gacha) Day 13197, 10:21:58: BogdanicaC froze Gacha - Lvl 136 (Gacha) Day 13197, 10:25:18: BogdanicaC froze Gacha - Lvl 136 (Gacha) Day 13197, 12:00:50: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 123 (Gacha)'! Day 13197, 12:02:09: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 102 (Gacha)'! Day 13197, 12:03:04: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 102 (Gacha)'! Day 13197, 12:06:12: BogdanicaC froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 102 (Gacha) Day 13197, 12:07:14: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 139 (Gacha)'! Day 13197, 12:09:08: BogdanicaC froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 139 (Gacha) Day 13197, 12:10:04: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 103 (Gacha)'! Day 13197, 12:11:24: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 96 (Gacha)'! Day 13197, 12:12:50: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 96 (Gacha) was killed by BogdanicaC - Lvl 37 (Titans)! Day 13197, 12:12:50: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 96 (Gacha) (Titans)! Day 13197, 12:14:34: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 93 (Gacha)'! Day 13197, 12:15:37: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 93 (Gacha) was killed by BogdanicaC - Lvl 37 (Titans)! Day 13197, 12:15:37: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 93 (Gacha) (Titans)! Day 13197, 12:16:05: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 105 (Gacha)'! Day 13197, 12:18:52: BogdanicaC froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 105 (Gacha) Day 13197, 12:20:08: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 93 (Gacha)'! Day 13197, 12:21:58: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 93 (Gacha) was killed by BogdanicaC - Lvl 37 (Titans)! Day 13197, 12:21:58: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 93 (Gacha) (Titans)! Day 13197, 12:23:41: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 103 (Gacha) was killed by BogdanicaC - Lvl 37 (Titans)! Day 13197, 12:23:41: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 103 (Gacha) (Titans)! Day 13197, 12:24:21: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 102 (Gacha) was killed by BogdanicaC - Lvl 37 (Titans)! Day 13197, 12:24:21: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 102 (Gacha) (Titans)! Day 13197, 12:24:34: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 123 (Gacha) was killed by BogdanicaC - Lvl 37 (Titans)! Day 13197, 12:24:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 123 (Gacha) (Titans)! Day 13197, 12:26:02: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 108 (Gacha)'! Day 13197, 12:28:46: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 108 (Gacha) was killed by BogdanicaC - Lvl 37 (Titans)! Day 13197, 12:28:46: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 108 (Gacha) (Titans)! Day 13197, 12:33:42: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 112 (Gacha)'! Day 13197, 12:35:59: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 112 (Gacha) was killed by BogdanicaC - Lvl 40 (Titans)! Day 13197, 12:35:59: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 112 (Gacha) (Titans)! Day 13197, 12:41:50: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 104 (Gacha)'! Day 13197, 12:43:14: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 104 (Gacha) was killed by BogdanicaC - Lvl 40 (Titans)! Day 13197, 12:43:14: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 104 (Gacha) (Titans)! Day 13197, 14:00:12: BogdanicaC froze Gacha - Lvl 156 (Gacha) Day 13197, 14:02:31: BogdanicaC froze Black pearlssss! - Lvl 188 (Gacha) Day 13197, 14:04:41: BogdanicaC froze Gacha - Lvl 160 (Gacha) Day 13197, 14:07:47: BogdanicaC froze Gacha - Lvl 224 (Gacha) Day 13197, 14:09:40: BogdanicaC froze Gacha - Lvl 200 (Gacha) Day 13197, 14:11:34: BogdanicaC froze Gacha - Lvl 147 (Gacha) Day 13197, 14:13:27: BogdanicaC froze Metal-Fungal-Crystal - Lvl 165 (Gacha) Day 13197, 14:17:30: BogdanicaC froze Gacha - Lvl 143 (Gacha) Day 13197, 14:19:26: BogdanicaC froze Gacha - Lvl 128 (Gacha) Day 13197, 14:21:40: BogdanicaC froze Org Poly-Green fragment - Lvl 206 (Gacha) Day 13197, 14:37:10: BogdanicaC froze Gacha - Lvl 137 (Gacha) Day 13197, 14:40:34: BogdanicaC froze Gacha - Lvl 146 (Gacha) Day 13197, 14:42:25: BogdanicaC froze Gacha - Lvl 136 (Gacha) Day 13197, 15:19:32: BogdanicaC froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 201 (Therizinosaur) Day 13197, 15:28:17: BogdanicaC froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 201 (Therizinosaur) Day 13197, 15:37:33: BogdanicaC froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 282 (Therizinosaur) Day 13197, 16:19:11: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 162 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 13197, 16:21:12: BogdanicaC froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 162 (Therizinosaur) Day 13197, 16:21:55: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 162 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 13197, 16:23:16: BogdanicaC froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 162 (Therizinosaur) Day 13197, 16:23:54: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 148 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 13197, 16:25:12: BogdanicaC froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 148 (Therizinosaur) Day 13197, 16:25:42: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 148 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 13197, 16:27:05: BogdanicaC froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 148 (Therizinosaur) Day 13197, 16:53:05: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 152 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 13197, 16:54:38: BogdanicaC froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 152 (Therizinosaur) Day 13197, 16:56:41: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 162 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 13197, 16:58:04: BogdanicaC froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 162 (Therizinosaur) Day 13197, 17:14:05: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 222 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 13197, 17:16:12: BogdanicaC froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 222 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13197, 17:16:43: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 222 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 13197, 17:18:53: BogdanicaC froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 222 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13197, 17:19:57: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 234 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 13197, 17:22:43: BogdanicaC froze Baby mele - Lvl 234 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13197, 17:33:00: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 220 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 13197, 17:35:14: BogdanicaC froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 220 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13197, 20:13:40: BogdanicaC froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 152 (Therizinosaur) Day 13197, 22:57:11: BogdanicaC froze Baby Both stats - Lvl 220 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13197, 23:30:51: BogdanicaC froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 162 (Therizinosaur) Day 13197, 23:40:23: BogdanicaC froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 148 (Therizinosaur) Day 13198, 05:28:14: BogdanicaC froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 162 (Therizinosaur) Day 13198, 05:30:19: BogdanicaC froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 162 (Therizinosaur) Day 13198, 05:33:31: BogdanicaC froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 162 (Therizinosaur) Day 13198, 07:43:33: BogdanicaC froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 162 (Therizinosaur) Day 13198, 07:46:14: BogdanicaC froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 162 (Therizinosaur) Day 13198, 10:08:05: BogdanicaC froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 148 (Therizinosaur) Day 13198, 10:12:37: BogdanicaC froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 148 (Therizinosaur) Day 13198, 10:14:36: BogdanicaC froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 148 (Therizinosaur) Day 13198, 10:16:19: BogdanicaC froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 148 (Therizinosaur) Day 13198, 10:55:17: BogdanicaC unclaimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 152 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 13198, 11:14:00: BogdanicaC froze Fmale boss - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 13198, 11:16:20: BogdanicaC froze Fmale boss - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 13198, 11:22:47: BogdanicaC froze Fmale boss - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 13198, 11:25:36: BogdanicaC froze Fmale boss - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 13198, 12:00:41: BogdanicaC unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13198, 12:01:46: BogdanicaC unclaimed 'Female boss - Lvl 276 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13198, 12:04:07: BogdanicaC unclaimed 'Male boss - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13198, 12:05:13: BogdanicaC unclaimed 'Fmale boss - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13198, 12:06:59: BogdanicaC unclaimed 'Male Boss - Lvl 277 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13198, 12:11:07: BogdanicaC unclaimed 'Male boss - Lvl 276 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13198, 12:23:12: BogdanicaC froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 162 (Therizinosaur) Day 13198, 14:46:39: BogdanicaC froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 162 (Therizinosaur) Day 13198, 14:49:14: BogdanicaC froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 162 (Therizinosaur) Day 13198, 14:54:50: BogdanicaC froze Juvenile Both Stats - Lvl 234 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13198, 15:00:31: BogdanicaC froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 162 (Therizinosaur) Day 13198, 15:02:53: BogdanicaC froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 162 (Therizinosaur) Day 13198, 15:59:12: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 208 (Managarmr)'! Day 13198, 16:06:49: BogdanicaC froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 208 (Managarmr) Day 13198, 17:18:28: BogdanicaC froze Juvenile Both Stats - Lvl 234 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13198, 18:49:19: BogdanicaC froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 208 (Managarmr) Day 13198, 19:17:28: BogdanicaC froze Juvenile Both stats - Lvl 220 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13198, 19:28:18: BogdanicaC froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 162 (Therizinosaur) Day 13198, 19:30:36: BogdanicaC froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 162 (Therizinosaur) Day 13199, 05:29:06: BogdanicaC froze Juvenile Both stats - Lvl 220 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13199, 05:40:44: BogdanicaC froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 162 (Therizinosaur) Day 13199, 05:42:49: BogdanicaC froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 162 (Therizinosaur) Day 13199, 07:37:32: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 49 (Ovis)'! Day 13199, 07:39:03: BogdanicaC froze Baby Ovis - Lvl 49 (Ovis) Day 13199, 08:08:58: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 73 (Ovis)'! Day 13199, 08:10:55: BogdanicaC froze Baby Ovis - Lvl 73 (Ovis) Day 13199, 08:27:40: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 187 (Ovis)'! Day 13199, 08:28:11: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 187 (Ovis)'! Day 13199, 08:32:56: BogdanicaC claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 187 (Ovis)'! Day 13199, 09:54:55: BogdanicaC froze Juvenile Ovis - Lvl 49 (Ovis) Day 13199, 10:37:50: BogdanicaC froze Juvenile Both stats - Lvl 220 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13199, 10:43:31: BogdanicaC froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 148 (Therizinosaur) Day 13199, 13:38:49: BogdanicaC froze Juvenile Ovis - Lvl 187 (Ovis) Day 13199, 13:43:53: BogdanicaC froze Juvenile Ovis - Lvl 187 (Ovis) Day 13199, 14:14:37: BogdanicaC froze Adolescent Managarmr - Lvl 208 (Managarmr) Day 13199, 17:27:18: BogdanicaC froze Adolescent Both Stats - Lvl 234 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13199, 19:42:42: BogdanicaC froze Adolescent Ovis - Lvl 187 (Ovis) Day 13200, 01:00:54: BogdanicaC froze Adolescent Both stats - Lvl 220 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13200, 20:06:05: BogdanicaC Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 194 (Daeodon)! Day 13200, 20:08:10: BogdanicaC froze Daeodon - Lvl 194 (Daeodon) Day 13201, 01:25:00: BogdanicaC unclaimed 'Daeodon - Lvl 197 (Daeodon)'! Day 13201, 01:35:28: BogdanicaC claimed 'Daeodon - Lvl 197 (Daeodon)'! Day 13201, 03:02:01: BogdanicaC unclaimed 'Daeodon - Lvl 197 (Daeodon)'! Day 13201, 03:18:28: BogdanicaC claimed 'Daeodon - Lvl 197 (Daeodon)'! Day 13201, 05:50:59: BogdanicaC froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 154 (Therizinosaur) Day 13201, 05:52:50: BogdanicaC froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 154 (Therizinosaur) Day 13201, 05:54:40: BogdanicaC froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 168 (Therizinosaur) Day 13201, 05:57:07: BogdanicaC froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 168 (Therizinosaur) Day 13201, 05:59:16: BogdanicaC froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 162 (Therizinosaur) Day 13201, 17:10:24: BogdanicaC froze Both Stats - Lvl 265 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13364, 22:33:25: Your Ovis - Lvl 60 (Ovis) was killed! Day 13364, 22:33:25: Ovis - Lvl 60 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 13365, 02:41:18: BogdanicaC froze Femela Boss BOMBA - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 13644, 09:13:16: Ovis - Lvl 49 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 13688, 22:33:25: Daeodon - Lvl 202 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 13701, 17:46:40: Ovis - Lvl 86 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 13706, 08:30:25: Ovis - Lvl 162 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 13710, 08:07:10: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13710, 08:07:10: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13730, 13:04:56: Dung Beetle - Lvl 164 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 13759, 01:04:45: Ovis - Lvl 166 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 13759, 01:04:59: Dung Beetle - Lvl 119 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 13761, 14:05:18: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 87 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 13774, 10:39:09: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 54 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 13788, 16:38:25: Snow Owl - Lvl 238 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 13804, 06:05:46: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 257 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 13828, 12:30:19: Dung Beetle - Lvl 171 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 13855, 18:32:30: Ovis - Lvl 73 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 13868, 23:40:06: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 244 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 13868, 23:40:15: Both stats - Lvl 227 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 13871, 17:31:31: BoopadyBoop - Lvl 94 (BeepodyBop) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Both Stats - Lvl 267 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 13871, 17:34:34: BoopadyBoop - Lvl 94 (BeepodyBop) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 313 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 13871, 17:35:13: BoopadyBoop - Lvl 94 (BeepodyBop) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 272 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 13871, 17:46:48: BoopadyBoop - Lvl 94 (BeepodyBop) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 189 (Ovis)'! Day 13871, 17:47:04: BoopadyBoop - Lvl 94 (BeepodyBop) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 240 (Ovis)'! Day 13871, 17:47:15: BoopadyBoop - Lvl 94 (BeepodyBop) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 220 (Ovis)'! Day 13871, 17:47:33: BoopadyBoop - Lvl 94 (BeepodyBop) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 187 (Ovis)'! Day 13871, 17:47:46: BoopadyBoop - Lvl 94 (BeepodyBop) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 187 (Ovis)'! Day 13875, 14:43:10: Your 'Lamp Post' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13875, 14:43:10: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13875, 14:43:10: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13875, 14:43:10: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13875, 14:43:10: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13877, 23:08:59: Snow Owl - Lvl 236 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 168 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 162 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 154 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 168 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 154 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Baby bebe de crescut - Lvl 195 (Managarmr)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Managarmr - Lvl 207 (Managarmr)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 222 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 222 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 282 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 201 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 136 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 137 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 146 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 147 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Black pearlssss! - Lvl 188 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 160 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 224 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 200 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Org Poly-Green fragment - Lvl 206 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Metal-Fungal-Crystal - Lvl 165 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 105 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 156 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 139 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 102 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 128 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 143 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 119 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Rock Drake - Lvl 229 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 265 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 187 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 258 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'METAL FARMER - Lvl 305 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'METAL NEW - Lvl 292 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 109 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 86 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 119 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 108 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Baby Black Pearls - Lvl 91 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Baby black pearl - Lvl 96 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'H41SP41F42 - Lvl 247 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'M46SP41 - Lvl 285 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Baby Mantis - Lvl 256 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 120 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 211 (Managarmr)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 137 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Rex - Lvl 368 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 110 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 116 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Rock Drake - Lvl 155 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Doedicurus - Lvl 248 (Doedicurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Spino - Lvl 216 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 162 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 203 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 203 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 203 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'RADYBOS - Lvl 263 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Violet - Lvl 340 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:18: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 270 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:51: 's 'Femela Boss BOMBA - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:51: 's 'Fmale boss - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:51: 's 'Fmale boss - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:51: 's 'MASCULU - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:51: 's 'Fmale boss - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:51: 's 'Rex Boss BOMBA - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:51: 's 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 288 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:51: 's 'Rex Boss Bun - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:51: 's 'Male boss - Lvl 283 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:51: 's 'Breeder - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:51: 's 'Male boss - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:51: 's 'Male Boss BOMBA - Lvl 346 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:51: 's 'Fmale Boss BOMBA - Lvl 301 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:51: 's 'Fmale Boss BOMBA - Lvl 301 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:51: 's 'Femela boss BOMBA - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:51: 's 'Rex Boss BOMBA - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:51: 's 'Rex Boss Bomba - Lvl 317 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:51: 's 'Rex Boss BOMBA - Lvl 336 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:51: 's 'Rex Boss Bomba - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:51: 's 'Rex Boss BOMBA - Lvl 318 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:51: 's 'Rex Boss BOMBA - Lvl 317 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:51: 's 'Fmale Boss BOMBA - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:51: 's 'Femela Boss BOMBA - Lvl 318 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:41:51: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 301 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13881, 12:48:17: Tribemember Bogdanica - Lvl 124 was killed by BogdanicaC - Lvl 76 (Titans)! Day 13881, 12:48:17: Your Tribe killed Bogdanica - Lvl 124 (Titans)! Day 13889, 12:44:00: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13924, 04:23:57: Snow Owl - Lvl 285 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 13936, 08:34:05: Snow Owl - Lvl 254 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 13947, 13:50:17: Snow Owl - Lvl 294 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 13950, 23:26:06: Snow Owl - Lvl 253 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 13990, 08:17:31: Dung Beetle - Lvl 261 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 14006, 12:06:56: Snow Owl - Lvl 272 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 14011, 10:36:50: Snow Owl - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 14075, 14:32:36: Snow Owl - Lvl 318 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 14222, 08:28:19: elementttt! - Lvl 145 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 14277, 02:03:21: Scully84 - Lvl 172 (Dinobots) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Element againn - Lvl 130 (Gacha)'! Day 14397, 12:24:16: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14397, 12:24:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14397, 12:24:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14397, 12:24:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14397, 12:24:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14397, 12:24:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14397, 12:24:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14397, 12:24:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14397, 12:24:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14397, 12:24:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14397, 12:24:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14397, 12:24:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14397, 12:24:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14397, 12:24:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14397, 12:24:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14397, 12:24:16: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14397, 12:24:16: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14522, 11:51:53: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14578, 06:23:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14578, 06:23:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14578, 06:23:09: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14862, 13:14:35: Tribemember BogdanicaC - Lvl 76 was killed!"] "tribeid":1799912669,"tribe":"Tribe of mazar logs":["Day 9046, 05:27:08: Ducky Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 183 (Castoroides)! Day 9046, 05:39:06: Ducky froze Castoroides - Lvl 183 (Castoroides) Day 9046, 05:39:51: Ducky demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 9046, 05:46:55: Ducky demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 9046, 06:09:36: TiiteAnge froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 222 (Thylacoleo) Day 9046, 06:35:23: TiiteAnge froze Joyeux - Lvl 205 (Ankylosaurus) Day 9046, 06:48:22: mazar froze august - Lvl 200 (Snow Owl) Day 9046, 07:30:42: Ducky froze Linfar - Lvl 345 (Snow Owl) Day 9046, 08:09:12: mazar froze august - Lvl 200 (Snow Owl) Day 9046, 08:21:25: TiiteAnge froze Hope - Lvl 238 (Snow Owl) Day 9047, 03:26:20: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 9047, 05:23:49: mazar claimed 'Baby Castoroides - Lvl 174 (Castoroides)'! Day 9047, 10:00:19: TiiteAnge froze Rex - Lvl 253 (Rex) Day 9047, 14:18:01: TiiteAnge froze Adolescent Nestor - Lvl 174 (Castoroides) Day 9049, 08:59:58: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 9049, 09:03:13: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 9049, 11:01:57: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 9049, 11:03:11: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 9056, 04:13:33: TiiteAnge froze Joyeux - Lvl 213 (Ankylosaurus) Day 9056, 05:11:36: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 91 was killed! Day 9056, 07:07:45: TiiteAnge froze Joyeux - Lvl 215 (Ankylosaurus) Day 9056, 14:48:47: Ducky froze Belladeon - Lvl 241 (Thylacoleo) Day 9056, 15:22:40: mazar froze (H)DOEDICURUS - Lvl 284 (Doedicurus) Day 9056, 15:57:07: Ducky claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 214 (Doedicurus)'! Day 9056, 16:20:03: mazar froze Nestor - Lvl 196 (Castoroides) Day 9057, 03:26:06: mazar froze moustache - Lvl 259 (Thylacoleo) Day 9057, 03:32:19: Ducky Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 9057, 03:42:18: Ducky froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9057, 03:53:08: Ducky froze Belladeon - Lvl 241 (Thylacoleo) Day 9057, 11:26:09: TiiteAnge froze Griffin - Lvl 215 (Griffin) Day 9057, 15:45:40: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 9058, 17:40:44: TiiteAnge froze ROSE - Lvl 305 (Snow Owl) Day 9058, 17:51:56: mazar froze august - Lvl 202 (Snow Owl) Day 9059, 10:47:09: Ducky froze Joyeux - Lvl 217 (Ankylosaurus) Day 9059, 10:51:16: Ducky froze Argentavis - Lvl 285 (Argentavis) Day 9059, 11:41:03: Ducky claimed 'Dunkleosteus - Lvl 224 (Dunkleosteus)'! Day 9059, 12:00:00: Ducky froze Dunkleosteus - Lvl 224 (Dunkleosteus) Day 9059, 12:34:39: Ducky claimed 'Gacha - Lvl 220 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 9059, 12:53:45: Ducky froze Gacha - Lvl 220 (Thylacoleo) Day 9059, 15:11:17: TiiteAnge froze ROSE - Lvl 307 (Snow Owl) Day 9059, 16:08:02: Ducky claimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 229 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9059, 17:07:25: Ducky claimed 'BURNT TURKEY - Lvl 222 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9059, 17:27:54: Ducky claimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 249 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9059, 17:52:09: Ducky froze Snow Owl - Lvl 249 (Snow Owl) Day 9059, 18:09:40: Ducky froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9059, 18:38:28: TiiteAnge froze Joyeux - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus) Day 9059, 18:40:25: TiiteAnge froze ROSE - Lvl 307 (Snow Owl) Day 9059, 21:27:30: mazar froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9060, 00:55:11: mazar froze Nestor - Lvl 199 (Castoroides) Day 9060, 05:45:17: Ducky claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9060, 07:39:45: TiiteAnge claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 216 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 9060, 08:28:08: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Stone Railing'! Day 9060, 08:28:44: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Stone Railing'! Day 9060, 08:29:20: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Stone Railing'! Day 9060, 08:29:52: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Stone Railing'! Day 9060, 08:34:19: TiiteAnge claimed 'Baby Castoroides - Lvl 174 (Castoroides)'! Day 9060, 08:47:23: Tribemember Ducky - Lvl 84 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 145! Day 9060, 09:37:40: Ducky froze Belladeon - Lvl 242 (Thylacoleo) Day 9060, 10:30:14: Tribemember Ducky - Lvl 84 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 0.8x! Day 9060, 10:59:42: Tribemember Ducky - Lvl 84 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 140 | 1.0x! Day 9060, 11:54:31: Tribemember Ducky - Lvl 84 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 135! Day 9060, 12:05:41: Ducky froze Gacha - Lvl 220 (Thylacoleo) Day 9060, 12:23:01: Doedicurus - Lvl 214 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 9060, 12:29:19: Tribemember Ducky - Lvl 84 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 135! Day 9060, 12:55:34: TiiteAnge froze Rex - Lvl 253 (Rex) Day 9060, 13:08:53: TiiteAnge froze Juvenile Castoroides - Lvl 174 (Castoroides) Day 9060, 13:42:13: Tribemember Ducky - Lvl 84 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.0x! Day 9060, 14:20:44: Ducky froze Rex - Lvl 253 (Rex) Day 9060, 14:23:04: Ducky froze Gacha - Lvl 220 (Thylacoleo) Day 9060, 14:24:05: TiiteAnge Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 67 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 9060, 14:32:34: Ducky froze Belladeon - Lvl 255 (Thylacoleo) Day 9060, 14:39:49: TiiteAnge froze Adolescent Linf Combat - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) Day 9060, 15:50:33: Ducky froze Snow Owl - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 9060, 15:52:05: Ducky froze Snow Owl - Lvl 290 (Snow Owl) Day 9060, 15:54:33: Ducky froze Snow Owl - Lvl 249 (Snow Owl) Day 9060, 15:57:56: Ducky froze Snow Owl - Lvl 275 (Snow Owl) Day 9060, 16:03:04: Ducky froze ROSE - Lvl 307 (Snow Owl) Day 9060, 16:47:41: Ducky froze Belladeon - Lvl 255 (Thylacoleo) Day 9060, 17:12:25: mazar Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 215 (Baryonyx)! Day 9060, 17:14:04: Ducky froze Snow Owl - Lvl 229 (Snow Owl) Day 9060, 17:29:44: mazar froze Baryonyx - Lvl 215 (Baryonyx) Day 9060, 17:35:27: mazar froze moustache - Lvl 263 (Thylacoleo) Day 9060, 18:51:43: TiiteAnge froze Adolescent Thylacoleo - Lvl 216 (Thylacoleo) Day 9060, 22:46:07: Ducky Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 188 (Baryonyx)! Day 9060, 22:53:37: Ducky froze Belladeon - Lvl 256 (Thylacoleo) Day 9060, 23:14:50: mazar froze Baryonyx - Lvl 188 (Baryonyx) Day 9061, 02:31:01: mazar claimed 'Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 190 (Baryonyx)'! Day 9061, 06:08:20: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Small Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 9061, 15:47:33: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 9061, 15:48:35: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 9061, 15:49:13: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 9061, 15:49:57: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 9061, 15:50:32: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 9061, 15:51:04: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 9061, 15:51:45: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 9061, 16:23:45: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 9061, 17:39:05: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 9061, 17:40:24: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 9064, 07:57:07: Tribemember Ducky - Lvl 93 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 20! Day 9064, 08:33:02: Ducky claimed 'F decent - Lvl 268 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9064, 08:48:48: Ducky froze F decent - Lvl 268 (Snow Owl) Day 9064, 08:50:11: Ducky froze Linfar - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 9064, 09:21:20: Ducky froze Belladeon - Lvl 258 (Thylacoleo) Day 9064, 10:32:25: Ducky froze Argentavis - Lvl 285 (Argentavis) Day 9064, 13:39:16: Ducky froze Joyeux - Lvl 230 (Ankylosaurus) Day 9064, 15:27:09: Ducky froze Argentavis - Lvl 285 (Argentavis) Day 9064, 15:38:04: Ducky froze Atchoum - Lvl 267 (Doedicurus) Day 9064, 16:01:23: Ducky froze Linf Combat - Lvl 240 (Snow Owl) Day 9064, 19:12:18: Ducky froze Linf Combat - Lvl 240 (Snow Owl) Day 9065, 00:37:37: Ducky froze Belladeon - Lvl 258 (Thylacoleo) Day 9066, 14:25:42: mazar froze Nestor - Lvl 203 (Castoroides) Day 9067, 17:16:02: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 9067, 17:25:00: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 9067, 17:34:53: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 9067, 17:36:24: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 9067, 17:40:23: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 99 was killed! Day 9068, 05:56:27: TiiteAnge froze ROSE - Lvl 307 (Snow Owl) Day 9068, 14:49:55: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 100 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50! Day 9068, 15:40:17: Tribemember mazar - Lvl 96 was killed! Day 9068, 16:34:41: Tribemember Ducky - Lvl 94 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 9068, 18:39:17: Tribemember Ducky - Lvl 94 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185! Day 9068, 22:55:21: Ducky claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 218 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 9069, 00:56:45: TiiteAnge Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 9069, 01:43:05: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Bee Hive (Unlocked) '! Day 9069, 03:14:06: mazar froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9069, 07:53:24: TiiteAnge claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 129 (Gacha)'! Day 9069, 07:53:53: TiiteAnge claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 129 (Gacha)'! Day 9069, 07:54:19: TiiteAnge claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 129 (Gacha)'! Day 9069, 08:01:26: TiiteAnge froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 129 (Gacha) Day 9069, 08:04:07: TiiteAnge froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 129 (Gacha) Day 9069, 08:10:24: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 129 (Gacha) was killed by TiiteAnge - Lvl 100 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9069, 08:10:24: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 129 (Gacha) (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9069, 09:22:04: TiiteAnge froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 129 (Gacha) Day 9069, 09:25:35: TiiteAnge froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 129 (Gacha) Day 9069, 10:10:20: Tribemember Mary - Lvl 4 was killed! Day 9069, 12:10:29: mazar froze Snow Owl - Lvl 278 (Snow Owl) Day 9069, 14:19:07: Tribemember mazar - Lvl 98 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185! Day 9069, 14:50:57: Your august - Lvl 203 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 9069, 20:46:46: Ducky froze Nestor - Lvl 205 (Castoroides) Day 9069, 21:03:53: Ducky froze Zeus - Lvl 265 (Argentavis) Day 9069, 22:58:18: mazar claimed 'Argent2 - Lvl 252 (Argentavis)'! Day 9070, 10:55:21: mazar froze Snow Owl - Lvl 229 (Snow Owl) Day 9070, 11:34:44: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 9070, 11:43:19: Tribemember mazar - Lvl 98 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 9070, 16:55:22: mazar froze Snow Owl - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) Day 9093, 10:13:57: mazar froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 9093, 11:26:36: Tribemember mazar - Lvl 99 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 9093, 17:14:25: Tribemember mazar - Lvl 99 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 9093, 18:47:22: Tribemember mazar - Lvl 99 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 9093, 19:18:56: mazar froze Linf Combat - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 9093, 19:22:55: mazar froze Snow Owl - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) Day 9093, 19:57:20: Your Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 9093, 21:32:59: mazar froze Linf Combat - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 9094, 03:14:34: Tribemember mazar - Lvl 100 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.0x! Day 9094, 08:03:57: mazar claimed 'Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 190 (Baryonyx)'! Day 9094, 12:37:14: mazar froze Juvenile barry - Lvl 190 (Baryonyx) Day 9094, 12:39:30: mazar froze Juvenile barry - Lvl 190 (Baryonyx) Day 9094, 14:56:18: Ducky claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 222 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 9094, 15:00:20: mazar claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 214 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 9094, 15:24:30: Your Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 214 (Thylacoleo) was killed by mazar - Lvl 100 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9094, 15:24:30: Your Tribe killed Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 214 (Thylacoleo) (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9094, 18:57:33: Ducky claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9094, 18:59:20: mazar claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 193 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9094, 19:39:29: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 193 (Snow Owl) was killed by mazar - Lvl 100 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9094, 19:39:29: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 193 (Snow Owl) (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9094, 20:19:31: mazar claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 190 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9094, 20:21:44: mazar claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9094, 20:23:02: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 190 (Snow Owl) was killed by mazar - Lvl 100 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9094, 20:23:02: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 190 (Snow Owl) (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9094, 21:58:33: mazar froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) Day 9094, 21:59:02: Ducky froze Adolescent Linf - Lvl 222 (Thylacoleo) Day 9095, 00:23:43: Ducky froze Garuda - Lvl 230 (Thylacoleo) Day 9095, 01:35:04: mazar froze moustache - Lvl 263 (Thylacoleo) Day 9095, 01:48:47: Ducky froze Linf Combat - Lvl 258 (Snow Owl) Day 9095, 02:01:26: mazar froze eva - Lvl 237 (Snow Owl) Day 9095, 07:57:44: Ducky froze Linf Combat - Lvl 258 (Snow Owl) Day 9096, 07:28:26: mazar claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 07:54:39: mazar claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 07:55:27: TiiteAnge claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 07:56:11: Ducky claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 08:06:30: mazar claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 08:11:14: TiiteAnge claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 08:13:33: Ducky claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 08:18:36: mazar claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 10:08:48: TiiteAnge froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9096, 10:10:44: Ducky froze Baby keraunos - Lvl 190 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9096, 10:20:02: mazar froze Baby grégeois - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9096, 10:24:29: Ducky froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9096, 10:35:14: TiiteAnge claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 10:36:38: mazar froze Juvenile kasai - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9096, 10:40:04: TiiteAnge claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 10:41:20: Ducky claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 10:44:35: TiiteAnge froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9096, 10:46:53: TiiteAnge claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 10:51:03: mazar claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 10:53:24: Ducky claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 10:54:10: mazar claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 11:01:37: mazar claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 11:04:57: TiiteAnge claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 11:14:23: mazar claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 11:16:40: TiiteAnge claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 11:44:00: mazar claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 11:55:55: TiiteAnge claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 12:00:12: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by TiiteAnge - Lvl 101 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 12:00:12: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 12:19:19: TiiteAnge froze Baby Jolie - Lvl 25 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9096, 12:25:38: TiiteAnge froze Baby Jolie - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9096, 12:29:15: TiiteAnge froze Baby Rouge - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9096, 12:30:46: mazar froze Juvenile keraunos - Lvl 190 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9096, 12:38:04: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by TiiteAnge - Lvl 101 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 12:38:04: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 12:38:16: Your Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by Ducky - Lvl 100 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 12:38:16: Your Tribe killed Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 12:40:30: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by TiiteAnge - Lvl 101 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 12:40:30: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 12:44:58: Ducky froze Juvenile Dracarys - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9096, 12:47:39: mazar froze Juvenile keraunos - Lvl 190 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9096, 13:18:26: Ducky froze Juvenile Dracarys - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9096, 13:31:03: mazar froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Poison Wyvern) Day 9096, 13:42:24: Your Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Ducky - Lvl 100 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 13:42:24: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 13:43:37: mazar froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9096, 13:45:10: mazar froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9096, 13:47:19: mazar froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9096, 13:49:57: mazar froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9096, 14:01:51: Ducky claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 14:09:44: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Ducky - Lvl 100 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 14:09:44: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 14:22:23: TiiteAnge froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9096, 14:24:13: Ducky froze Juvenile Dracarys - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9096, 14:24:47: TiiteAnge froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9096, 14:37:20: Ducky froze Juvenile Jsuis Vegan ! - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9096, 14:39:35: TiiteAnge claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 14:40:35: Your Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by TiiteAnge - Lvl 101 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 14:40:35: Your Tribe killed Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 14:42:03: TiiteAnge claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 14:47:41: Your Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by TiiteAnge - Lvl 101 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 14:47:41: Your Tribe killed Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 14:52:35: mazar froze Juvenile pharmakos - Lvl 175 (Poison Wyvern) Day 9096, 15:00:18: TiiteAnge claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 15:02:33: Ducky claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 15:04:23: TiiteAnge froze Baby Jolie - Lvl 15 (Poison Wyvern) Day 9096, 15:04:29: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Ducky - Lvl 100 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 15:04:29: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 15:11:16: TiiteAnge claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 15:12:41: Ducky claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 15:14:48: Your Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by TiiteAnge - Lvl 101 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 15:14:48: Your Tribe killed Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 15:15:48: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Ducky - Lvl 100 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 15:15:48: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 15:25:53: Ducky claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 15:26:25: TiiteAnge claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 15:33:50: Your Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by TiiteAnge - Lvl 101 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 15:33:50: Your Tribe killed Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern) (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 15:39:54: TiiteAnge claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 15:40:35: Your Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by TiiteAnge - Lvl 101 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 15:40:35: Your Tribe killed Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 15:40:59: Ducky claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 15:42:10: Your Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by Ducky - Lvl 100 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 15:42:10: Your Tribe killed Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Poison Wyvern) (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 15:49:20: TiiteAnge claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 15:49:26: Ducky claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 15:50:10: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by TiiteAnge - Lvl 101 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 15:50:10: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 15:50:44: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by TiiteAnge - Lvl 101 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 15:50:44: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9096, 16:02:28: TiiteAnge claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9096, 16:05:02: TiiteAnge froze Baby Jolie - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9096, 16:40:44: Ducky froze Juvenile Dracarys - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9096, 17:07:53: mazar froze Juvenile pharmakos - Lvl 175 (Poison Wyvern) Day 9096, 17:26:58: mazar froze Juvenile grégeois - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9096, 17:32:32: TiiteAnge froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9096, 17:34:39: TiiteAnge froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9096, 17:54:06: Ducky froze Juvenile keraunos - Lvl 190 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9096, 18:14:54: Ducky froze Juvenile kasai - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9096, 18:47:21: TiiteAnge froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9096, 19:08:30: Ducky froze Juvenile Dracarys - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9096, 19:26:55: TiiteAnge froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9096, 20:22:36: TiiteAnge froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9096, 23:41:37: mazar froze Juvenile grégeois - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9096, 23:45:06: TiiteAnge froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9096, 23:45:09: mazar froze Juvenile grégeois - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9097, 01:10:09: Ducky claimed 'Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 9097, 01:15:24: Your Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by Ducky - Lvl 103 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9097, 01:15:24: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9097, 01:31:06: TiiteAnge froze Cristal - Lvl 129 (Gacha) Day 9097, 02:04:11: Ducky froze Juvenile Dracarys - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9097, 02:21:44: mazar froze Juvenile kasai - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9097, 02:39:43: TiiteAnge froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9097, 02:49:34: TiiteAnge froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9097, 03:49:48: Your Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by TiiteAnge - Lvl 106 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9097, 03:49:48: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9097, 03:50:56: TiiteAnge claimed 'Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 9097, 03:55:08: Your Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by TiiteAnge - Lvl 106 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9097, 03:55:08: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9097, 04:11:49: mazar froze Adolescent grégeois - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9097, 04:23:28: TiiteAnge claimed 'Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 9097, 04:26:43: Your Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by TiiteAnge - Lvl 106 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9097, 04:26:43: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9097, 05:21:30: mazar froze Adolescent kasai - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9097, 06:14:24: TiiteAnge froze Adolescent Jsuis Vegan ! - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9097, 06:16:37: TiiteAnge froze Adolescent Jsuis Vegan ! - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9097, 07:33:54: TiiteAnge froze Adolescent Jsuis Vegan ! - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9097, 07:37:28: Ducky froze Adolescent Jsuis Vegan ! - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9097, 08:55:13: TiiteAnge froze Adolescent keraunos - Lvl 190 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9097, 09:56:54: mazar froze Adolescent kasai - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9097, 10:48:17: mazar froze Adolescent pharmakos - Lvl 175 (Poison Wyvern) Day 9097, 10:56:30: Ducky froze Adolescent blue - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9097, 11:05:19: TiiteAnge froze Adolescent Jsuis Vegan ! - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9097, 11:08:52: mazar froze Adolescent grégeois - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9097, 13:05:09: TiiteAnge froze Adolescent pharmakos - Lvl 175 (Poison Wyvern) Day 9097, 13:57:27: Ducky froze Adolescent Dracarys - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9097, 14:01:18: TiiteAnge froze Adolescent Dracarys - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9097, 14:03:07: TiiteAnge froze Adolescent Dracarys - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9097, 14:15:53: mazar froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9097, 14:41:31: mazar froze Adolescent kasai - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9097, 15:27:53: TiiteAnge froze Adolescent blue - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9097, 15:38:59: mazar froze Adolescent grégeois - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9097, 15:44:00: TiiteAnge froze Adolescent blue - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9097, 15:52:58: Tribemember Ducky - Lvl 104 was killed by TiiteAnge - Lvl 107 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9097, 15:52:58: Your Tribe killed Ducky - Lvl 104 (Tribe of mazar)! Day 9097, 16:07:30: Ducky froze Adolescent Dracarys - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9097, 16:09:47: Ducky froze Adolescent Dracarys - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9097, 16:34:57: mazar froze Adolescent grégeois - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9097, 17:13:44: mazar froze moustache - Lvl 269 (Thylacoleo) Day 9097, 17:32:28: mazar froze Adolescent grégeois - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9097, 18:19:13: mazar froze grégeois - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9097, 18:20:51: mazar froze pharmakos - Lvl 175 (Poison Wyvern) Day 9097, 18:25:44: mazar froze keraunos - Lvl 190 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9097, 18:28:24: mazar froze kasai - Lvl 169 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9097, 19:24:39: TiiteAnge froze Adolescent Jsuis Vegan ! - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9097, 20:21:49: TiiteAnge froze blue - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9097, 20:24:04: TiiteAnge froze Fire - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9097, 22:05:14: Ducky froze Adolescent Jsuis Vegan ! - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9099, 11:40:40: Tribemember Ducky - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 9105, 01:33:32: mazar froze kasai - Lvl 169 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9105, 01:36:58: mazar froze Nestor - Lvl 206 (Castoroides) Day 9105, 06:44:18: mazar froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) Day 9105, 09:21:20: mazar froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) Day 9105, 09:23:24: mazar froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) Day 9122, 04:36:08: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9143, 03:41:27: M 217 - Lvl 229 (Dimetrodon) starved to death! Day 9153, 19:01:17: Ducky claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9153, 19:02:15: Ducky claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9153, 19:02:50: Ducky claimed 'Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 207 (Baryonyx)'! Day 9153, 19:03:31: Ducky claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 240 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9153, 19:04:12: Ducky claimed 'Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 189 (Baryonyx)'! Day 9153, 19:04:48: Ducky claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 192 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9153, 19:05:23: Ducky claimed 'Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 189 (Baryonyx)'! Day 9153, 19:27:02: Ducky froze Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 189 (Baryonyx) Day 9153, 19:28:24: Ducky froze Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 189 (Baryonyx) Day 9153, 19:30:52: Ducky froze Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 207 (Baryonyx) Day 9153, 20:53:23: Ducky claimed 'Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 200 (Baryonyx)'! Day 9154, 12:27:39: Juvenile Baryonyx - Lvl 200 (Baryonyx) starved to death! Day 9155, 08:21:32: Ducky froze Jsuis Vegan ! - Lvl 181 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9155, 14:05:28: TiiteAnge froze Joyeux - Lvl 230 (Ankylosaurus) Day 9155, 14:06:06: mazar froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) Day 9155, 14:23:39: TiiteAnge froze Argentavis - Lvl 291 (Argentavis) Day 9155, 14:36:23: TiiteAnge froze ROSE - Lvl 307 (Snow Owl) Day 9155, 16:47:13: mazar claimed '10 T - Lvl 224 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9155, 21:45:11: Ducky froze Baryonyx - Lvl 207 (Baryonyx) Day 9155, 23:19:55: mazar froze barry - Lvl 190 (Baryonyx) Day 9156, 01:43:39: Ducky froze Linf Combat - Lvl 268 (Snow Owl) Day 9156, 02:17:54: mazar froze eva - Lvl 240 (Snow Owl) Day 9156, 03:40:04: TiiteAnge froze blue - Lvl 255 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9156, 03:45:18: Ducky froze Baryonyx - Lvl 287 (Baryonyx) Day 9156, 03:49:43: mazar froze barry - Lvl 270 (Baryonyx) Day 9156, 10:14:15: TiiteAnge froze Cookie - Lvl 238 (Thylacoleo) Day 9156, 11:17:14: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 116 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 85! Day 9156, 11:38:38: TiiteAnge froze ROSE - Lvl 310 (Snow Owl) Day 9156, 12:58:59: TiiteAnge froze Cookie - Lvl 238 (Thylacoleo) Day 9156, 14:00:18: TiiteAnge Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 209 (Direwolf)! Day 9156, 14:02:44: TiiteAnge froze Direwolf - Lvl 209 (Direwolf) Day 9156, 14:19:41: TiiteAnge froze Gacha - Lvl 129 (Gacha) Day 9156, 14:47:47: TiiteAnge froze brownie - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 9156, 15:24:15: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 116 was killed! Day 9156, 15:46:16: TiiteAnge froze ROSE - Lvl 310 (Snow Owl) Day 9156, 18:06:11: mazar Tamed a Plesiosaur - Lvl 224 (Plesiosaur)! Day 9156, 18:14:23: mazar froze nessie - Lvl 224 (Plesiosaur) Day 9156, 18:59:29: TiiteAnge froze Poly/sili/ar/pie/sab/Sel - Lvl 21 (Gacha) Day 9202, 23:43:46: mazar froze Joyeux - Lvl 240 (Ankylosaurus) Day 9245, 06:22:49: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 9254, 02:57:23: Dimetrodon - Lvl 229 (Dimetrodon) starved to death! Day 9308, 02:14:46: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9308, 02:14:46: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9383, 01:12:47: Snow Owl - Lvl 192 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 9387, 10:27:39: Bulbdog - Lvl 39 (Bulbdog) starved to death! Day 9390, 07:21:13: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 245 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 9397, 16:55:49: Hope (Snow Owl)'s 'blue - Lvl 255 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 9404, 11:35:21: Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 9404, 11:43:27: Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 9404, 11:43:28: Snow Owl - Lvl 240 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 9404, 13:17:32: 10 T - Lvl 224 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 9404, 18:40:10: Tribemember Ducky - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 9404, 18:46:32: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 117 was killed! Day 9408, 18:40:46: Baryonyx - Lvl 190 (Baryonyx) starved to death! Day 9417, 18:50:24: mazar's 'nessie - Lvl 224 (Plesiosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 9420, 13:30:04: mazar was removed from the Tribe! Day 9420, 13:30:04: Tribe Owner was changed to Ducky! Day 18841, 01:12:58: Tribe Owner was changed to Mary!"] "tribeid":1798177829,"tribe":"TootsiesOfRagnarok logs":["Day 17723, 13:50:35: KaptainKlutz2021 was added to the Tribe! Day 17723, 13:54:23: katblue was added to the Tribe by KaptainKlutz2021! Day 17723, 13:55:50: katblue was promoted to a Tribe Admin by KaptainKlutz2021! Day 17723, 15:47:03: katblue Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 82 (Dung Beetle)! Day 17723, 15:49:57: katblue froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 82 (Dung Beetle) Day 17723, 16:17:15: katblue Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle)! Day 17723, 16:20:40: katblue froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle) Day 17723, 17:09:03: katblue Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 194 (Dung Beetle)! Day 17723, 17:11:30: katblue froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 194 (Dung Beetle) Day 17723, 17:14:48: katblue Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 82 (Dung Beetle)! Day 17723, 17:17:19: katblue froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 194 (Dung Beetle) Day 17723, 17:21:09: katblue froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 82 (Dung Beetle) Day 17723, 17:57:50: katblue Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle)! Day 17723, 18:01:48: katblue froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle) Day 17723, 18:21:12: katblue Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle)! Day 17723, 18:22:50: katblue froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle) Day 17723, 19:08:08: katblue Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 67 (Dung Beetle)! Day 17723, 19:10:25: katblue froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 67 (Dung Beetle) Day 17723, 20:04:03: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 254 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17723, 20:12:13: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Amber - Lvl 280 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17727, 02:08:18: KaptainKlutz2021 Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 28 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 17727, 03:06:55: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 28 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 135! Day 17727, 05:49:22: KaptainKlutz2021 Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 101 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 17727, 05:55:05: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 101 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17727, 06:20:51: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 102 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17727, 06:48:17: Fallenangel added 'TootsiesOfRagnarok' Tribe to SKippy Alliance! Day 17727, 06:53:12: katblue Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 134 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 17727, 07:00:56: katblue froze rocky - Lvl 134 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17727, 09:53:49: katblue froze rocky - Lvl 144 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17727, 10:43:34: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 112 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17727, 16:07:42: katblue demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 17727, 16:31:15: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 116 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17727, 17:49:19: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 116 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17727, 18:55:37: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Amber - Lvl 283 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17727, 19:15:18: katblue uploaded a Ember Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 256 Day 17769, 03:40:56: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Amber - Lvl 291 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17769, 05:11:44: Tribemember KaptainKlutz2021 - Lvl 98 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 20! Day 17769, 10:26:04: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Amber - Lvl 292 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17769, 10:28:41: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 264 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17781, 09:05:18: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 270 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17781, 09:05:21: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Amber - Lvl 303 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17795, 14:33:39: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Amber - Lvl 306 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17795, 14:35:24: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 274 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17838, 12:54:35: katblue Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 202 (Achatina)! Day 17838, 12:56:35: katblue froze Achatina - Lvl 202 (Achatina) Day 17838, 14:51:31: KaptainKlutz2021 Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 194 (Achatina)! Day 17838, 14:58:30: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Achatina - Lvl 194 (Achatina) Day 17838, 15:03:16: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Achatina - Lvl 194 (Achatina) Day 17838, 19:27:37: katblue Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 29 (Achatina)! Day 17838, 19:29:36: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Achatina - Lvl 29 (Achatina) Day 17838, 20:39:00: katblue Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 127 (Achatina)! Day 17838, 20:58:18: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Achatina - Lvl 127 (Achatina) Day 17839, 01:04:44: katblue Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 151 (Achatina)! Day 17839, 01:27:54: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Achatina - Lvl 151 (Achatina) Day 17839, 02:10:10: katblue Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 217 (Achatina)! Day 17839, 02:17:56: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Achatina - Lvl 217 (Achatina) Day 17839, 05:41:36: katblue Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 127 (Achatina)! Day 17839, 05:57:30: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Achatina - Lvl 127 (Achatina) Day 17839, 05:57:55: KaptainKlutz2021 Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 209 (Dimorphodon)! Day 17839, 06:24:59: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Amber - Lvl 312 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17839, 06:30:56: KaptainKlutz2021 uploaded a Dimorphodon: Dimorphodon - Lvl 209 Day 17839, 06:31:59: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 285 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17857, 08:14:48: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Aragorn - Lvl 304 (Argentavis) Day 17857, 13:46:53: katblue Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 149 (Argentavis)! Day 17857, 14:02:16: katblue froze Pumpkin pie - Lvl 149 (Argentavis) Day 17857, 16:35:42: katblue froze cookie - Lvl 280 (Argentavis) Day 17857, 16:48:21: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Aragorn - Lvl 304 (Argentavis) Day 17881, 03:54:30: katblue froze rocky - Lvl 226 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17882, 13:26:50: katblue Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 37 (Argentavis)! Day 17882, 13:30:48: katblue froze Argentavis - Lvl 37 (Argentavis) Day 17883, 13:35:42: katblue froze cookie - Lvl 286 (Argentavis) Day 17883, 15:24:23: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Aragorn - Lvl 310 (Argentavis) Day 17952, 09:51:25: katblue froze green speckles - Lvl 293 (Diplocaulus) Day 17952, 15:55:04: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Aragorn - Lvl 317 (Argentavis) Day 17952, 16:31:08: katblue froze cookie - Lvl 299 (Argentavis) Day 17974, 07:37:44: katblue claimed 'Thylo (baseF) - Lvl 226 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17974, 07:41:28: katblue froze Thylo (baseF) - Lvl 226 (Thylacoleo) Day 17974, 07:43:13: katblue claimed 'Thylo (baseF) - Lvl 226 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17974, 07:46:26: katblue froze Thylo (baseF) - Lvl 226 (Thylacoleo) Day 17974, 07:51:39: katblue claimed 'Thylo (baseF) - Lvl 226 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17974, 07:52:48: katblue claimed 'Thylo (baseF) - Lvl 226 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17974, 07:57:35: katblue froze Thylo (baseF) - Lvl 226 (Thylacoleo) Day 17974, 08:01:14: katblue froze Thylo (baseF) - Lvl 226 (Thylacoleo) Day 17974, 08:06:08: katblue froze Thylo (baseF) - Lvl 226 (Thylacoleo) Day 17974, 08:09:41: katblue froze Thylo (baseF) - Lvl 226 (Thylacoleo) Day 17974, 08:22:27: katblue claimed 'Tr (baseF) - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17974, 08:27:31: katblue froze Tr (baseF) - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex) Day 17974, 08:33:47: katblue claimed 'Tr (baseF) - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17974, 08:37:08: katblue froze Tr (baseF) - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex) Day 17974, 08:41:52: katblue claimed 'Tr (baseF) - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17974, 08:46:36: katblue froze Tr (baseF) - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex) Day 17974, 08:54:09: katblue claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17974, 08:57:32: katblue froze Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane) Day 17974, 09:08:24: katblue claimed 'Shadowmane (baseF) - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17974, 09:13:34: katblue froze Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane) Day 17974, 09:16:45: katblue froze Shadowmane (baseF) - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane) Day 17974, 09:18:46: katblue claimed 'Shadowmane (baseF) - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17974, 09:21:54: katblue froze Shadowmane (baseF) - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane) Day 17974, 09:26:10: katblue claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17974, 09:29:23: katblue froze Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane) Day 17974, 09:37:52: katblue claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17974, 09:41:24: katblue froze Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane) Day 17974, 10:10:50: katblue claimed 'Argent (baseF) - Lvl 329 (Argentavis)'! Day 17974, 10:13:51: katblue froze Argent (baseF) - Lvl 329 (Argentavis) Day 17974, 10:23:18: katblue claimed 'Argent (baseF) - Lvl 279 (Argentavis)'! Day 17974, 10:26:05: katblue froze Argent (baseF) - Lvl 279 (Argentavis) Day 17974, 10:38:21: KaptainKlutz2021 claimed 'Argent (baseF) - Lvl 244 (Argentavis)'! Day 17974, 10:43:08: katblue froze Argent (baseF) - Lvl 279 (Argentavis) Day 17974, 10:46:42: KaptainKlutz2021 claimed 'Argent (baseF) - Lvl 232 (Argentavis)'! Day 17974, 10:46:49: katblue froze Argent (baseF) - Lvl 244 (Argentavis) Day 17974, 10:52:34: katblue froze Argent (baseF) - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 17974, 13:18:11: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 291 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17974, 13:29:47: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Amber - Lvl 317 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18024, 06:06:42: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Aragorn - Lvl 321 (Argentavis) Day 18024, 14:13:50: katblue Tamed a Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)! Day 18024, 14:25:17: katblue froze purple rage - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 18024, 15:31:41: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Aragorn - Lvl 321 (Argentavis) Day 18024, 18:01:56: katblue Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 89 (Tek Raptor)! Day 18024, 18:07:30: katblue froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 89 (Tek Raptor) Day 18024, 21:04:18: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Aragorn - Lvl 321 (Argentavis) Day 18025, 02:26:49: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Aragorn - Lvl 321 (Argentavis) Day 18025, 06:20:45: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Aragorn - Lvl 321 (Argentavis) Day 18025, 14:32:00: katblue Tamed a Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)! Day 18025, 14:43:52: katblue froze red rage - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 18025, 16:44:30: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Aragorn - Lvl 321 (Argentavis) Day 18025, 16:46:57: katblue froze cookie - Lvl 302 (Argentavis) Day 18091, 16:55:12: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Aragorn - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 18091, 17:06:39: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 295 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18109, 04:03:23: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Aragorn - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 18114, 16:59:49: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Aragorn - Lvl 325 (Argentavis) Day 18114, 17:58:59: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 295 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18134, 17:48:19: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Aragorn - Lvl 325 (Argentavis) Day 18135, 08:17:17: katblue froze purple speckles - Lvl 100 (Diplocaulus) Day 18135, 10:11:37: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Aragorn - Lvl 325 (Argentavis) Day 18135, 10:15:00: katblue froze cookie - Lvl 307 (Argentavis) Day 18156, 04:42:22: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Aragorn - Lvl 326 (Argentavis) Day 18158, 18:14:52: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 279 (Argentavis) Day 18159, 05:35:10: KaptainKlutz2021 claimed 'DOOMGUY - Lvl 95 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 18159, 06:19:49: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 279 (Argentavis) Day 18159, 06:30:13: KaptainKlutz2021 uploaded a Tek Stryder: DOOMGUY - Lvl 95 Day 18159, 07:37:20: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 298 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18159, 08:15:24: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 279 (Argentavis) Day 18182, 01:43:39: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Amber - Lvl 326 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18182, 02:01:32: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 298 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18208, 09:54:44: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 285 (Argentavis) Day 18228, 17:11:16: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 298 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18231, 11:13:35: KaptainKlutz2021 downloaded a dino: DOOMGUY - Lvl 104 Day 18231, 16:53:17: KaptainKlutz2021 uploaded a Tek Stryder: DOOMGUY - Lvl 108 Day 18231, 17:24:17: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 295 (Argentavis) Day 18252, 23:58:10: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 299 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18256, 14:17:55: KaptainKlutz2021 downloaded a dino: DOOMGUY - Lvl 108 Day 18256, 22:44:12: KaptainKlutz2021 uploaded a Tek Stryder: DOOMGUY - Lvl 111 Day 18257, 00:06:14: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 296 (Argentavis) Day 18257, 00:06:48: katblue froze cookie - Lvl 310 (Argentavis) Day 18275, 23:11:14: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 299 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18278, 23:51:29: KaptainKlutz2021 downloaded a dino: DOOMGUY - Lvl 111 Day 18279, 07:35:05: KaptainKlutz2021 uploaded a Tek Stryder: DOOMGUY - Lvl 114 Day 18279, 08:07:35: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 299 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18279, 08:28:09: KaptainKlutz2021 froze cookie - Lvl 310 (Argentavis) Day 18297, 20:58:20: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 299 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18325, 10:43:19: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Amber - Lvl 332 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18325, 10:50:37: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 301 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18348, 18:03:58: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 297 (Argentavis) Day 18464, 23:47:49: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 297 (Argentavis) Day 18509, 22:29:32: katblue froze purple speckles - Lvl 100 (Diplocaulus) Day 18510, 01:17:35: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 299 (Argentavis) Day 18510, 11:20:47: katblue froze purple speckles - Lvl 119 (Diplocaulus) Day 18510, 13:41:35: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 308 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18510, 13:44:13: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 299 (Argentavis) Day 18514, 14:52:21: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 218 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18514, 15:55:48: katblue froze rocky - Lvl 236 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18514, 16:09:31: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 308 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18514, 18:27:00: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 218 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18514, 18:30:36: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 299 (Argentavis) Day 18514, 19:13:03: katblue froze cookie - Lvl 311 (Argentavis) Day 18514, 21:03:52: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 308 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18607, 21:57:20: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 313 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18663, 15:54:35: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18719, 19:02:35: katblue froze green speckles - Lvl 300 (Diplocaulus) Day 18719, 20:01:13: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 313 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18723, 06:34:58: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 313 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18723, 08:40:37: katblue froze rocky - Lvl 237 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18723, 10:45:22: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 309 (Argentavis) Day 18723, 11:03:57: katblue froze cookie - Lvl 312 (Argentavis) Day 18797, 04:15:40: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Amber - Lvl 333 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18797, 04:29:37: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 313 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18863, 06:35:54: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 323 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18913, 12:28:47: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 309 (Argentavis) Day 18913, 16:48:33: KaptainKlutz2021 Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 170 (Castoroides)! Day 18913, 16:59:45: katblue froze Castoroides - Lvl 170 (Castoroides) Day 18913, 20:15:42: katblue Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 134 (Castoroides)! Day 18913, 20:22:46: katblue froze Castoroides - Lvl 134 (Castoroides) Day 18913, 21:55:34: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 312 (Argentavis) Day 18914, 23:15:54: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 324 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18915, 02:19:43: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 312 (Argentavis) Day 19012, 05:23:56: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19049, 06:51:04: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 327 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 19235, 22:06:26: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 315 (Argentavis) Day 19236, 05:57:30: katblue froze cookie - Lvl 321 (Argentavis) Day 19236, 08:34:59: katblue Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 161 (Tek Rex)! Day 19236, 08:49:08: katblue froze Mellons - Lvl 161 (Tek Rex) Day 19236, 11:21:19: KaptainKlutz2021 froze blaze - Lvl 262 (Rex) Day 19236, 12:44:39: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 328 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 19236, 12:59:58: KaptainKlutz2021 froze blaze - Lvl 262 (Rex) Day 19236, 13:08:17: KaptainKlutz2021 froze blaze - Lvl 262 (Rex) Day 19236, 13:11:59: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 315 (Argentavis) Day 19236, 13:45:47: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 315 (Argentavis) Day 19237, 18:46:39: katblue Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 142 (Achatina)! Day 19237, 18:53:32: katblue froze Achatina - Lvl 142 (Achatina) Day 19237, 23:24:47: katblue Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 37 (Achatina)! Day 19237, 23:33:26: katblue froze Achatina - Lvl 37 (Achatina) Day 19239, 05:17:31: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 328 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 19239, 05:28:19: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 315 (Argentavis) Day 19239, 06:32:23: katblue froze cookie - Lvl 321 (Argentavis) Day 19389, 07:46:10: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19469, 11:48:02: katblue froze Ember Flames - Lvl 328 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 19472, 12:59:52: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 315 (Argentavis) Day 19473, 05:21:00: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 315 (Argentavis) Day 19541, 14:03:25: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 316 (Argentavis) Day 19542, 02:00:52: KaptainKlutz2021 Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 37 (Phiomia)! Day 19542, 02:26:06: katblue froze Phiomia - Lvl 37 (Phiomia) Day 19542, 11:38:12: katblue Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 202 (Raptor)! Day 19542, 11:50:33: katblue froze bubblegum - Lvl 202 (Raptor) Day 19542, 12:10:00: katblue Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 125 (Argentavis)! Day 19542, 12:18:52: katblue froze red sherbert - Lvl 125 (Argentavis) Day 19543, 02:45:11: katblue Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 19543, 02:57:40: katblue froze strawberry limes - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 19543, 09:58:02: katblue Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 19543, 10:03:31: katblue froze cole - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 19543, 12:53:07: katblue froze cookie - Lvl 322 (Argentavis) Day 19543, 13:21:52: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 316 (Argentavis) Day 19544, 13:22:28: katblue froze cookie - Lvl 322 (Argentavis) Day 19544, 13:28:22: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 316 (Argentavis) Day 19546, 03:58:25: katblue froze cookie - Lvl 322 (Argentavis) Day 19546, 04:07:52: KaptainKlutz2021 froze Albion - Lvl 317 (Argentavis) Day 19612, 05:45:32: katblue froze cookie - Lvl 322 (Argentavis) Day 19695, 07:42:04: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20190, 10:11:19: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20190, 10:11:19: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20190, 10:11:19: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20190, 10:11:19: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20190, 10:11:19: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20190, 10:11:19: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20190, 10:11:19: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20190, 10:11:19: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21400, 08:25:17: katblue claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 21427, 13:27:07: katblue Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 22 (Triceratops)! Day 21428, 10:26:08: katblue Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 21453, 07:44:41: katblue froze mr lazy - Lvl 32 (Triceratops) Day 21453, 07:53:56: katblue froze mr to tired - Lvl 35 (Pteranodon) Day 21469, 18:46:19: katblue froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 94 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21470, 16:17:17: Tribemember KaptainKlutz2021 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 95! Day 21470, 20:27:25: Tribemember KaptainKlutz2021 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 55! Day 21769, 09:30:14: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22082, 16:13:48: Satoshi - Lvl 8 (Tribe of tweetkimbo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 22114, 05:31:52: Daz - Lvl 181 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 197 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 22114, 05:46:07: Daz - Lvl 181 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 106 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 22643, 08:56:54: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22917, 19:50:36: Tribemember KaptainKlutz2021 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 22918, 08:37:09: Tribemember katblue - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140!"] "tribeid":1795202092,"tribe":"Tribe of jimbob logs":["Day 28042, 06:41:45: jimbob was added to the Tribe! Day 28334, 16:03:19: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28394, 06:54:30: Tribemember jimbob - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 29561, 05:20:30: Razer - Lvl 44 (Tribe of Razer) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 30909, 17:39:35: Tribemember jimbob - Lvl 9 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 140! Day 30909, 22:40:55: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30909, 22:48:44: Tribemember jimbob - Lvl 12 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 30912, 23:53:56: Tribemember jimbob - Lvl 22 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 30914, 17:24:57: Tribemember jimbob - Lvl 24 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 145! Day 30914, 22:10:31: jimbob Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 56 (Pteranodon)! Day 30915, 00:11:32: Tribemember jimbob - Lvl 25 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 30915, 00:13:51: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 56 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 30932, 01:31:33: Tribemember jimbob - Lvl 26 was killed! Day 31101, 03:43:13: Tribemember jimbob - Lvl 26 was killed! Day 31516, 12:30:41: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1792188922,"tribe":"Tesco's Finest logs":["Day 28586, 00:00:23: Muzz froze Carla - Lvl 275 (Castoroides) Day 28586, 17:15:45: Muzz Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 224 (Yutyrannus)! Day 28586, 17:19:10: Muzz froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 224 (Yutyrannus) Day 28586, 18:57:23: Muzz froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 261 (Sinomacrops) Day 28586, 19:04:41: Muzz froze Spinarak - Lvl 198 (Bloodstalker) Day 28587, 19:12:17: Muzz Tamed a Procoptodon - Lvl 82 (Procoptodon)! Day 28587, 19:16:11: Muzz froze Procoptodon - Lvl 82 (Procoptodon) Day 28587, 23:32:09: Muzz froze Procoptodon - Lvl 85 (Procoptodon) Day 28587, 23:36:21: Muzz froze Spinarak - Lvl 200 (Bloodstalker) Day 28602, 12:32:20: Peppa - Lvl 229 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 28602, 19:40:01: Muzz froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 172 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28602, 19:42:45: Muzz froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 188 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28602, 22:56:19: Muzz froze Miata - Lvl 249 (Rock Drake) Day 28602, 22:59:28: Muzz downloaded a dino: Spinarak - Lvl 201 Day 28602, 23:03:35: Muzz froze Spinarak - Lvl 201 (Bloodstalker) Day 28603, 15:05:51: Muzz froze Miata - Lvl 249 (Rock Drake) Day 28603, 20:11:28: Muzz claimed 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 228 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 28603, 23:40:00: Muzz froze Mark - Lvl 271 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28604, 00:59:45: Muzz froze Mark - Lvl 271 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28604, 02:18:59: Muzz Tamed a Procoptodon - Lvl 74 (Procoptodon)! Day 28604, 02:22:34: Muzz froze Procoptodon - Lvl 74 (Procoptodon) Day 28604, 16:03:44: Muzz froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 188 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28604, 20:23:28: Muzz froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 172 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28605, 02:32:56: Muzz froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 188 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28605, 12:10:58: Muzz froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 172 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28605, 21:49:23: Muzz froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 188 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28606, 03:44:37: Muzz froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 172 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28606, 03:49:30: Muzz froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 188 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28606, 09:49:35: Muzz froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 172 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28606, 19:50:00: Muzz froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 172 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28606, 19:56:10: Muzz froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 228 (Yutyrannus) Day 28607, 02:17:15: Muzz froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 188 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28607, 07:34:51: Muzz froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 172 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28607, 11:02:22: Muzz froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 228 (Yutyrannus) Day 28607, 11:06:18: Muzz froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 172 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28607, 11:10:06: Muzz froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 188 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28608, 05:37:32: Muzz claimed 'Shmithy - Lvl 392 (Argentavis)'! Day 28608, 06:12:37: Muzz claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 311 (Argentavis)'! Day 28608, 06:44:12: Muzz unclaimed 'Shmithy - Lvl 392 (Argentavis)'! Day 28608, 06:51:21: Muzz unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 311 (Argentavis)'! Day 28608, 06:53:18: Muzz claimed 'Holler - Lvl 284 (Argentavis)'! Day 28608, 06:53:52: Muzz claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 131 (Argentavis)'! Day 28608, 06:54:08: Muzz claimed 'terminator - Lvl 257 (Argentavis)'! Day 28608, 07:01:55: Muzz unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 131 (Argentavis)'! Day 28608, 07:04:25: Muzz unclaimed 'terminator - Lvl 257 (Argentavis)'! Day 28608, 07:06:28: Muzz unclaimed 'Holler - Lvl 284 (Argentavis)'! Day 28608, 07:31:10: Muzz claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 347 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 28608, 07:37:38: Muzz claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 177 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 28608, 07:40:12: Muzz unclaimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 177 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 28608, 07:44:28: Muzz unclaimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 347 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 28608, 21:52:41: Your George - Lvl 268 (Gigantopithecus) was killed by Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest)! Day 28608, 21:52:41: Your Tribe killed George - Lvl 268 (Gigantopithecus)! Day 28609, 03:30:38: Muzz froze Miata - Lvl 252 (Rock Drake) Day 28609, 07:53:34: Muzz froze Miata - Lvl 252 (Rock Drake) Day 28609, 08:03:30: Muzz froze Pterry - Lvl 258 (Pteranodon) Day 28611, 03:52:37: Muzz froze Miata - Lvl 252 (Rock Drake) Day 28611, 04:02:04: Muzz froze Spinarak - Lvl 206 (Bloodstalker) Day 28611, 09:04:53: Muzz froze Craig - Lvl 199 (Desmodus) Day 28625, 10:02:21: Shit Pig - Lvl 54 (Phiomia) starved to death! Day 28626, 13:55:57: Muzz claimed 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 234 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 28626, 18:53:38: Muzz claimed 'Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 28626, 19:04:10: Muzz froze Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28626, 23:31:49: Muzz froze Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 234 (Yutyrannus) Day 28627, 00:16:25: Muzz froze Juvenile Ankylosaurus - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28627, 00:20:59: Muzz froze Juvenile Ankylosaurus - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28627, 05:57:54: Muzz froze Juvenile Ankylosaurus - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28627, 14:13:42: Muzz Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 124 (Phiomia)! Day 28627, 14:16:23: Muzz froze Phiomia - Lvl 124 (Phiomia) Day 28627, 15:13:07: Muzz froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 234 (Yutyrannus) Day 28627, 15:18:31: Muzz froze Adolescent Ankylosaurus - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28627, 23:25:45: Muzz froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 234 (Yutyrannus) Day 28627, 23:55:42: Muzz froze Miata - Lvl 253 (Rock Drake) Day 28628, 05:47:34: Muzz froze Nurse Joy - Lvl 242 (Maewing) Day 28628, 06:12:19: Muzz froze Tiana - Lvl 279 (Argentavis) Day 28628, 06:20:39: Muzz froze Craig - Lvl 206 (Desmodus) Day 28628, 06:25:40: Muzz froze Skrill - Lvl 278 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28628, 06:31:07: Muzz froze Spinarak - Lvl 222 (Bloodstalker) Day 28652, 16:44:12: Muzz froze It's Morbin' Time - Lvl 267 (Desmodus) Day 28677, 10:35:21: Sinomacrops - Lvl 264 (Sinomacrops) starved to death! Day 28751, 12:41:54: Muzz froze LEVEL MOVE SPEED - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 28797, 13:12:46: Muzz froze Drew - Lvl 288 (Andrewsarchus) Day 28843, 02:09:58: Phiomia - Lvl 124 (Phiomia) starved to death! Day 28876, 06:27:22: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29031, 00:33:12: Deinonychus - Lvl 89 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 29031, 00:33:13: Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 29031, 00:33:19: Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 29032, 13:28:18: Muzz froze Adrian Fletcher - Lvl 282 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29032, 13:30:55: Muzz downloaded a dino: It's Morbin' Time - Lvl 269 Day 29032, 13:45:52: Muzz froze It's Morbin' Time - Lvl 289 (Desmodus) Day 29056, 14:17:28: Muzz froze Declan - Lvl 283 (Diplocaulus) Day 29056, 14:39:27: Muzz froze Pterry - Lvl 259 (Pteranodon) Day 29063, 13:36:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29072, 22:22:39: Muzz froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 226 (Basilosaurus) Day 29072, 22:28:20: Muzz froze Bruce - Lvl 393 (X-Megalodon) Day 29072, 22:49:25: Muzz froze It's Morbin' Time - Lvl 290 (Desmodus) Day 29077, 16:14:06: Deinonychus - Lvl 63 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 29087, 04:28:01: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29102, 06:04:40: Spot - Lvl 74 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 29126, 04:37:41: Your Bonnie- Speed - Lvl 249 (Equus) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60! Day 29217, 20:21:20: SendDudes - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Lars) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tim - Lvl 265 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 29217, 20:28:37: SendDudes - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Lars) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 247 (Argentavis)'! Day 29217, 20:30:37: SendDudes - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Lars) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Charlise - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29241, 12:39:40: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 129 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 29370, 07:16:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29569, 08:32:09: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 29569, 08:32:43: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 77 (Deinonychus)'! Day 29569, 08:35:12: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 250 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 29569, 08:37:27: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 29569, 08:38:41: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pauline - Lvl 247 (Argentavis)'! Day 29653, 14:35:13: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29668, 06:27:00: Alfie - Lvl 82 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Schnoozer - Lvl 206 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 29959, 13:10:01: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30094, 18:44:10: Dorothy - Lvl 206 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 30158, 10:57:29: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 174 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 30158, 10:58:10: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 194 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 30158, 11:00:07: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maverick - Lvl 269 (Quetzal)'! Day 30158, 11:00:54: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 30158, 11:01:12: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 30158, 11:03:28: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 30158, 11:03:47: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 30158, 11:04:09: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 30158, 11:05:36: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 30158, 11:06:33: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 30158, 11:07:00: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 30158, 11:07:25: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perfect male - Lvl 229 (Rex)'! Day 30158, 11:07:50: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 30158, 11:08:23: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 30158, 11:09:05: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 30158, 11:09:52: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 30158, 11:10:17: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '37m - Lvl 202 (Rex)'! Day 30158, 11:12:17: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Purp - Lvl 195 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 30158, 11:13:23: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Procoptodon - Lvl 88 (Procoptodon)'! Day 30158, 11:14:13: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ted - Lvl 191 (Rock Drake)'! Day 30158, 11:15:17: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Floyd - Lvl 230 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 30158, 11:16:22: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Peter - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30158, 11:17:06: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutenant Dan - Lvl 229 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 30158, 11:18:28: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Burthold - Lvl 192 (Magmasaur)'! Day 30158, 11:21:00: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carla - Lvl 275 (Castoroides)'! Day 30158, 11:21:43: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Saksikäsi - Lvl 225 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 30158, 11:22:25: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dotty - Lvl 287 (Triceratops)'! Day 30158, 11:24:05: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dive Instructor - Lvl 252 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 30158, 11:26:24: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 269 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30158, 11:29:42: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 30158, 11:32:20: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrea - Lvl 236 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 30158, 11:32:39: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrew - Lvl 282 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 30158, 15:45:17: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ravager - Lvl 201 (Ravager)'! Day 30158, 15:45:55: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gigantopithecus - Lvl 207 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 30158, 17:06:10: Human - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fluffy - Lvl 253 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 30172, 02:06:02: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30236, 16:25:36: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shelly - Lvl 173 (Dodo)'! Day 30242, 21:39:20: Your 'Metal Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30256, 01:49:46: HUSH - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 224 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 30256, 01:57:55: HUSH - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 224 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 30256, 02:14:28: HUSH - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Paul - Lvl 272 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 30256, 03:03:47: HUSH - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 252 (Mammoth)'! Day 30256, 03:20:40: HUSH - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Evan - Lvl 265 (Doedicurus)'! Day 30256, 03:32:07: HUSH - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carol - Lvl 293 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 30371, 12:28:15: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andy - Lvl 215 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 30371, 12:47:37: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stephano - Lvl 255 (Argentavis)'! Day 30371, 12:58:35: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Procoptodon - Lvl 74 (Procoptodon)'! Day 30371, 13:09:42: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mark - Lvl 272 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 30371, 13:15:29: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hanky Panky The Anky - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 30371, 14:22:25: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MUNCHER - Lvl 177 (Castoroides)'! Day 30433, 06:26:09: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fat Bastard - Lvl 264 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 30748, 07:13:31: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 81 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 31080, 07:00:33: Human - Lvl 67 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FFA - Lvl 216 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35033, 20:08:44: Muzz froze John - Lvl 294 (Fire Wyvern) Day 35033, 20:16:42: Muzz froze John - Lvl 294 (Fire Wyvern) Day 35033, 22:37:50: Muzz claimed 'Easy 20 - Lvl 89 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 35033, 23:09:18: Muzz froze John - Lvl 295 (Fire Wyvern) Day 35683, 06:25:32: eve - Lvl 112 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Easy 20 - Lvl 89 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 38762, 05:49:54: Muzz claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 38762, 06:53:35: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 38762, 10:18:47: Muzz claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 38762, 10:23:32: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 38765, 15:49:37: Muzz Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)! Day 38784, 12:05:30: Muzz claimed 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 38784, 13:19:24: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 38784, 13:21:14: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 38786, 18:44:54: Muzz Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 149 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 38787, 00:20:25: Muzz Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 38787, 00:50:56: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 135! Day 38787, 06:17:26: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 154 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 38787, 10:23:40: Muzz demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 38787, 10:26:29: Muzz demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 38787, 19:36:57: Muzz Tamed a Pelagornis - Lvl 191 (Pelagornis)! Day 38787, 23:05:02: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 50! Day 38790, 13:57:51: Muzz uploaded a Pelagornis: Pelagornis - Lvl 202 Day 38791, 21:10:19: Muzz downloaded a dino: Pelagornis - Lvl 193 Day 38791, 21:10:58: Muzz downloaded a dino: lyssy - Lvl 348 Day 38791, 21:15:25: Muzz froze lyssy - Lvl 348 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38791, 21:18:59: Muzz froze Pelagornis - Lvl 193 (Pelagornis) Day 38794, 06:33:05: Muzz Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 190 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 38794, 09:43:46: Muzz demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 38794, 11:09:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Pelagornis - Lvl 208 (Pelagornis)! Day 38794, 11:25:18: Muzz froze Pelagornis - Lvl 208 (Pelagornis) Day 38794, 15:38:33: Muzz claimed 'Baby Pelagornis - Lvl 202 (Pelagornis)'! Day 38794, 15:39:23: Muzz claimed 'Baby Pelagornis - Lvl 202 (Pelagornis)'! Day 38794, 15:44:33: Muzz froze Baby Pelagornis - Lvl 202 (Pelagornis) Day 38794, 15:47:22: Muzz froze Baby Pelagornis - Lvl 202 (Pelagornis) Day 38794, 21:55:00: Muzz froze Juvenile Pelagornis - Lvl 202 (Pelagornis) Day 38794, 21:59:54: Muzz froze Juvenile Pelagornis - Lvl 202 (Pelagornis) Day 38794, 22:15:12: Muzz froze Juvenile Pelagornis - Lvl 202 (Pelagornis) Day 38794, 22:19:36: Muzz froze Juvenile Pelagornis - Lvl 202 (Pelagornis) Day 38794, 22:23:54: Muzz froze Juvenile Pelagornis - Lvl 202 (Pelagornis) Day 38795, 08:19:39: Muzz froze Adolescent Pelagornis - Lvl 202 (Pelagornis) Day 38810, 10:15:51: Muzz demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 38810, 10:16:45: Muzz demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 38810, 10:17:48: Muzz demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 38810, 11:40:11: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 198 (Ankylosaurus) Day 38810, 17:07:06: Muzz claimed 'Maewing - Lvl 355 (Maewing)'! Day 38810, 17:28:42: Muzz claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 108 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 38810, 17:32:27: Muzz claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 184 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 38810, 17:39:44: Muzz unclaimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 184 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 38810, 17:43:02: Muzz unclaimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 108 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 38810, 18:43:09: Muzz claimed 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 230 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 38810, 19:04:13: Muzz froze Skrill - Lvl 348 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38810, 22:35:04: Muzz demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 38811, 02:02:54: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 198 (Ankylosaurus) Day 38811, 07:38:25: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 206 (Ankylosaurus) Day 38811, 12:51:54: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 206 (Ankylosaurus) Day 38812, 05:41:39: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 208 (Ankylosaurus) Day 38812, 13:18:46: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus) Day 38812, 20:05:51: Muzz claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)'! Day 38812, 20:10:11: Muzz froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 38813, 16:44:35: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 38813, 23:27:48: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus) Day 38814, 01:06:14: Muzz claimed 'King of Bongo - Lvl 381 (Mammoth)'! Day 38814, 01:54:08: Muzz claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 400 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 38814, 13:40:16: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 38814, 20:47:09: Muzz froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 400 (Brontosaurus) Day 38814, 21:31:38: Muzz froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 400 (Brontosaurus) Day 38814, 21:39:31: Muzz claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 177 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38814, 21:44:11: Muzz unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 177 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38815, 00:49:55: Muzz froze King of Bongo - Lvl 381 (Mammoth) Day 38818, 12:15:21: Your Rock Drake - Lvl 199 (Rock Drake) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 55! Day 38818, 12:23:55: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 55! Day 38818, 17:29:35: Muzz claimed 'ALL-FOOD MALE - Lvl 239 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 38818, 22:16:53: Muzz froze King of Bongo - Lvl 381 (Mammoth) Day 38818, 22:25:47: Muzz froze Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 38818, 22:43:43: Muzz froze Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 38818, 23:39:16: Muzz claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 38819, 08:07:04: Muzz froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38836, 19:16:01: Muzz froze Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 38836, 19:25:24: Muzz froze King of Bongo - Lvl 381 (Mammoth) Day 38836, 19:40:03: Muzz froze Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 38836, 20:04:37: Muzz claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)'! Day 38837, 01:42:44: Muzz froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38837, 04:13:30: Muzz froze King of Bongo - Lvl 381 (Mammoth) Day 38837, 04:29:44: Muzz froze Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 38837, 04:43:15: Muzz froze Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 38837, 07:48:20: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 213 (Ankylosaurus) Day 38837, 11:39:34: Muzz froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38837, 11:42:51: Muzz froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38837, 15:08:02: Muzz froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38838, 22:46:08: Muzz froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38839, 05:09:50: Muzz froze Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 38839, 18:04:10: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 217 (Ankylosaurus) Day 38840, 00:05:55: Muzz froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38840, 00:09:52: Muzz froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38840, 00:16:40: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 217 (Ankylosaurus) Day 38859, 18:15:05: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 221 (Ankylosaurus) Day 38860, 06:46:47: Muzz claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)'! Day 38860, 07:25:39: Muzz froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 38862, 10:31:59: Muzz froze King of Bongo - Lvl 381 (Mammoth) Day 38862, 14:02:47: Muzz froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 400 (Brontosaurus) Day 38862, 14:09:29: Muzz froze Spyro - Lvl 268 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38862, 14:12:52: Muzz froze Skrill - Lvl 348 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38862, 14:19:39: Muzz froze ALL-FOOD MALE - Lvl 278 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38862, 14:26:01: Muzz froze Rock Drake - Lvl 195 (Rock Drake) Day 38863, 02:51:18: Muzz froze Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 38863, 02:54:59: Muzz froze Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 38863, 02:59:50: Muzz froze Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon) Day 38863, 03:08:47: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus) Day 38863, 06:51:19: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus) Day 38863, 11:42:14: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 227 (Ankylosaurus) Day 38863, 12:14:17: Muzz froze King of Bongo - Lvl 381 (Mammoth) Day 38863, 18:38:10: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 227 (Ankylosaurus) Day 38864, 07:12:15: Muzz froze King of Bongo - Lvl 381 (Mammoth) Day 38864, 09:08:14: Muzz froze King of Bongo - Lvl 381 (Mammoth) Day 38864, 15:08:49: Muzz froze King of Bongo - Lvl 381 (Mammoth) Day 38885, 06:27:03: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 230 (Ankylosaurus) Day 38936, 13:26:14: Sinomacrops - Lvl 231 (Sinomacrops) starved to death! Day 38969, 05:08:42: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38969, 05:08:42: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38980, 19:38:25: Muzz froze Rock Drake - Lvl 199 (Rock Drake) Day 39105, 11:13:59: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 39105, 11:16:30: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 39105, 12:43:57: Muzz - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Pops Raggy Tribe. Day 39105, 12:57:49: Tribe of Pops Raggy tribe was merged in by Pops Raggy! Day 39105, 12:57:49: Pops Raggy was added to the Tribe by Muzz! Day 39105, 15:48:44: Tribemember Pops Raggy - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 39105, 16:13:36: Muzz demolished a 'Metal Triangle Ceiling'! Day 39105, 16:21:14: Muzz demolished a 'Metal Triangle Ceiling'! Day 39105, 16:29:00: Muzz demolished a 'Metal Triangle Ceiling'! Day 39105, 16:29:38: Muzz demolished a 'Metal Triangle Ceiling'! Day 39105, 16:30:15: Muzz demolished a 'Metal Triangle Ceiling'! Day 39105, 16:30:53: Muzz demolished a 'Metal Triangle Ceiling'! Day 39105, 17:07:07: Tribemember Pops Raggy - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 39105, 18:15:29: Pops Raggy claimed 'Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing)'! Day 39105, 18:24:39: Pops Raggy froze Old Faithful - Lvl 286 (Rock Drake) Day 39105, 18:26:37: Pops Raggy claimed 'Breed - Lvl 239 (Featherlight)'! Day 39105, 18:31:20: Pops Raggy claimed 'Maewing - Lvl 301 (Maewing)'! Day 39105, 20:47:20: Pops Raggy claimed 'Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing)'! Day 39105, 23:43:29: Pops Raggy froze Maewing - Lvl 301 (Maewing) Day 39105, 23:49:20: Pops Raggy froze Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing) Day 39105, 23:58:10: Pops Raggy froze Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing) Day 39106, 00:29:44: Pops Raggy froze Breed - Lvl 239 (Featherlight) Day 39106, 00:41:58: Pops Raggy claimed 'Maewing - Lvl 222 (Maewing)'! Day 39106, 01:01:05: Pops Raggy claimed 'Maewing - Lvl 231 (Maewing)'! Day 39106, 02:03:41: Pops Raggy uploaded a Maewing: Maewing - Lvl 224 Day 39106, 02:05:29: Pops Raggy uploaded a Maewing: Maewing - Lvl 301 Day 39106, 02:11:47: Pops Raggy froze Maewing - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 39106, 02:15:55: Pops Raggy froze Maewing - Lvl 222 (Maewing) Day 39106, 02:22:50: Pops Raggy unclaimed 'Maewing - Lvl 231 (Maewing)'! Day 39106, 02:29:09: Pops Raggy unclaimed 'Maewing - Lvl 222 (Maewing)'! Day 39106, 03:54:58: Tribemember Pops Raggy - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 39112, 02:50:10: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39112, 02:50:10: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39129, 16:38:27: Tribemember Pops Raggy - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 39150, 01:34:08: Pops Raggy froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 246 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 39150, 03:16:08: Tribemember Pops Raggy - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 39170, 16:28:43: Muzz demolished a 'Bed'! Day 39170, 16:59:16: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 235 (Ankylosaurus) Day 39170, 23:15:02: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 39239, 18:29:25: Muzz froze Skrill - Lvl 348 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 39239, 19:45:30: Muzz froze Skrill - Lvl 348 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 39374, 00:39:07: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39374, 00:39:07: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39374, 00:39:07: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39374, 00:39:07: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39931, 18:20:26: Tribemember Pops Raggy - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 40038, 17:39:10: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40225, 11:20:44: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40340, 23:22:35: Tribemember Pops Raggy - Lvl 16 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 40340, 23:45:09: Tribemember Pops Raggy - Lvl 16 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 40514, 17:31:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40620, 08:22:33: Tribemember Pops Raggy - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40824, 14:07:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41118, 23:02:41: liz - Lvl 61 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spyro - Lvl 280 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 41118, 23:13:16: liz - Lvl 61 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ALL-FOOD MALE - Lvl 278 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 41118, 23:23:43: liz - Lvl 61 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'King of Bongo - Lvl 381 (Mammoth)'! Day 41118, 23:36:01: liz - Lvl 61 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perry the Platypus?? - Lvl 355 (Maewing)'! Day 41118, 23:46:16: liz - Lvl 61 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Skrill - Lvl 348 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 41118, 23:53:48: liz - Lvl 61 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 200 (Rock Drake)'! Day 41119, 00:01:05: liz - Lvl 61 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F1 - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)'! Day 41119, 00:08:29: liz - Lvl 61 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)'! Day 41119, 00:13:38: liz - Lvl 61 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)'! Day 41119, 00:24:31: liz - Lvl 61 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 238 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 41119, 00:31:55: liz - Lvl 61 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 400 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 41229, 00:08:17: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41474, 15:12:49: liz - Lvl 112 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pelagornis - Lvl 193 (Pelagornis)'! Day 41474, 15:14:44: liz - Lvl 112 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pelagornis - Lvl 202 (Pelagornis)'! Day 43092, 04:08:51: Muzz claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 400 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 43092, 04:58:52: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 43092, 05:55:10: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 85! Day 43243, 08:30:34: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 15! Day 43380, 00:39:44: THE MAN - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hullbreaker (Motorboat)'!"] "tribeid":1791522574,"tribe":"Tribe of TJDC logs":["Day 31287, 17:29:37: TJDC was added to the Tribe! Day 36932, 18:37:06: Tribemember TJDC - Lvl 1 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1786607110,"tribe":"League Of Legends In Ark logs":["Day 16917, 17:50:46: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac was added to the Tribe! Day 16917, 18:02:45: big added 'League Of Legends In Ark' Tribe to poop Alliance! Day 16917, 18:33:50: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac froze Pteranodon - Lvl 255 (Pteranodon) Day 16917, 20:09:35: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 224 (Griffin)! Day 16918, 09:05:50: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 275 (Stegosaurus) Day 16919, 08:35:52: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac Tamed a Megaloceros - Lvl 211 (Megaloceros)! Day 16919, 09:09:57: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac froze Megaloceros - Lvl 211 (Megaloceros) Day 16919, 09:16:11: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac froze Griffin - Lvl 244 (Griffin) Day 16923, 11:15:52: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac froze Pteranodon - Lvl 257 (Pteranodon) Day 16930, 14:11:47: Tribemember Evelynn - Agony's Embrac - Lvl 111 was killed! Day 16931, 05:21:32: Tribemember Evelynn - Agony's Embrac - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 16931, 12:09:52: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac froze Doedicurus - Lvl 232 (Doedicurus) Day 16931, 12:17:31: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac froze Megaloceros - Lvl 237 (Megaloceros) Day 16931, 13:03:57: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac froze Pteranodon - Lvl 257 (Pteranodon) Day 16931, 13:05:41: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac froze Pteranodon - Lvl 257 (Pteranodon) Day 16931, 13:11:48: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac froze Griffin - Lvl 254 (Griffin) Day 16931, 13:15:21: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac froze Megaloceros - Lvl 237 (Megaloceros) Day 16932, 19:50:17: Your Argentavis - Lvl 269 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 16932, 21:28:51: Tribemember Evelynn - Agony's Embrac - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 16932, 23:19:47: Tribemember Evelynn - Agony's Embrac - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 16937, 05:53:08: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 282 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16937, 05:55:12: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac froze Pteranodon - Lvl 260 (Pteranodon) Day 16937, 07:06:26: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac froze Megaloceros - Lvl 237 (Megaloceros) Day 16937, 07:08:47: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac froze Doedicurus - Lvl 232 (Doedicurus) Day 16937, 10:09:37: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac froze Pteranodon - Lvl 260 (Pteranodon) Day 16937, 14:07:30: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 282 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16937, 17:53:17: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac froze Pteranodon - Lvl 260 (Pteranodon) Day 16938, 04:50:50: Tribemember Evelynn - Agony's Embrac - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 16938, 07:09:08: Tribemember Evelynn - Agony's Embrac - Lvl 114 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 95! Day 16996, 11:58:36: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17090, 12:52:25: Your Doedicurus - Lvl 233 (Doedicurus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 17090, 12:53:34: Your Stegosaurus - Lvl 280 (Stegosaurus) was killed! Day 17136, 07:02:39: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 17348, 08:10:07: 123 - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Cheesy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 282 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 17363, 07:32:37: Velvetkitten - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Griffin - Lvl 257 (Griffin)'! Day 17454, 04:16:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17454, 04:16:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17454, 04:16:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17454, 04:16:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17454, 04:16:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17454, 04:16:19: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17851, 04:52:41: Evelynn - Agony's Embrac was removed from the Tribe! Day 19028, 10:03:02: Inmate - Lvl 121 (Trikru) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 292 (Thylacoleo)'!"] "tribeid":1784811027,"tribe":"Tribe of Wunt logs":["Day 33054, 14:46:19: Wunt was added to the Tribe! Day 33054, 16:46:00: Wunt froze Don - Lvl 299 (Argentavis)"] "tribeid":1783966892,"tribe":"Flying Bitches logs":["Day 10405, 16:44:16: Bexy froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 221 (Basilosaurus) Day 10405, 16:46:59: Bexy froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 221 (Basilosaurus) Day 10405, 19:00:38: Bexy froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 221 (Basilosaurus) Day 10405, 19:02:13: Joe claimed 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 216 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 10405, 19:03:03: Bexy froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 221 (Basilosaurus) Day 10405, 19:03:57: Joe froze Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 216 (Basilosaurus) Day 10405, 19:16:10: Joe froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 223 (Basilosaurus) Day 10405, 23:45:26: Joe froze Argentavis - Lvl 291 (Argentavis) Day 10406, 01:34:21: Salemina Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 194 (Moschops)! Day 10406, 02:45:02: Joe froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 246 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10406, 09:30:29: Bexy froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 221 (Basilosaurus) Day 10406, 09:33:35: Bexy froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 221 (Basilosaurus) Day 10406, 11:47:05: Bexy froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 221 (Basilosaurus) Day 10406, 11:52:08: Bexy froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 221 (Basilosaurus) Day 10406, 11:54:11: Bexy froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 221 (Basilosaurus) Day 10406, 16:22:41: Bexy froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 221 (Basilosaurus) Day 10406, 21:46:57: Bexy froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 221 (Basilosaurus) Day 10406, 21:53:40: Bexy froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 221 (Basilosaurus) Day 10406, 22:00:20: Bexy froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 221 (Basilosaurus) Day 10406, 22:06:36: Bexy froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 221 (Basilosaurus) Day 10407, 06:40:23: Salemina Tamed a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 209 (Thorny Dragon)! Day 10407, 08:59:19: Joe froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 288 (Basilosaurus) Day 10407, 11:29:52: Bexy claimed 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 211 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 10407, 11:36:11: Bexy froze Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 211 (Basilosaurus) Day 10407, 12:55:13: Joe froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 159 (Lystrosaurus) Day 10407, 18:53:18: Salemina claimed 'Baby Thorny Dragon - Lvl 221 (Thorny Dragon)'! Day 10408, 04:00:17: Salemina froze Juvenile Woodie - Lvl 221 (Thorny Dragon) Day 10408, 07:00:55: Salemina froze Juvenile Woodie - Lvl 221 (Thorny Dragon) Day 10408, 07:03:14: Salemina froze Adolescent Woodie - Lvl 221 (Thorny Dragon) Day 10408, 10:35:52: Bexy froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 227 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10408, 10:36:48: Joe froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 249 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10409, 09:07:14: Joe froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 10409, 09:08:50: Joe froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 10409, 09:10:25: Joe froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 10409, 09:41:54: Bexy claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex)'! Day 10409, 09:51:59: Joe froze Baby Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 10409, 09:52:22: Joe claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex)'! Day 10409, 09:54:52: Joe froze Baby Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 10413, 12:19:37: Salemina claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 10413, 12:54:44: Salemina claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10415, 11:01:13: Salemina froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 266 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 10415, 13:40:51: Salemina froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 267 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 10416, 03:33:34: Joe froze Baby Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 10416, 06:42:58: Joe froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 10416, 07:59:44: Salemina froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 267 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 10416, 13:08:15: Tribemember Salemina - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 10416, 19:05:56: Tribemember Salemina - Lvl 123 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 140! Day 10417, 10:55:13: Tribemember Salemina - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 10418, 16:40:17: Salemina Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 216 (Doedicurus)! Day 10418, 16:43:58: Salemina froze Doedicurus - Lvl 216 (Doedicurus) Day 10419, 05:43:43: Salemina uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Fulgora - Lvl 284 Day 10419, 07:48:18: Bexy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10419, 08:23:40: Bexy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10419, 09:27:33: Bexy froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 244 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10419, 09:29:11: Joe froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 253 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10420, 15:10:51: Bexy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10420, 15:40:36: Salemina downloaded a dino: Fulgora - Lvl 287 Day 10420, 16:58:34: Bexy froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10420, 17:49:09: Salemina claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 10420, 19:27:07: Bexy claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 10420, 19:30:39: Joe claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 10420, 19:33:43: Joe froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10420, 19:41:32: Joe froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10420, 19:42:01: Bexy froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10420, 20:26:34: Joe downloaded a dino: Lil Ol Doed - Lvl 251 Day 10420, 20:30:36: Joe froze Lil Ol Doed - Lvl 251 (Doedicurus) Day 10420, 23:48:47: Bexy froze Baby Shiver - Lvl 190 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10420, 23:57:18: Bexy froze Baby Shiver - Lvl 190 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10421, 00:13:54: Bexy froze Baby Shiver - Lvl 190 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10421, 00:32:54: Bexy froze Baby Shiver - Lvl 190 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10421, 01:12:14: Salemina froze Juvenile Shiva - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10421, 04:32:35: Joe claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 10421, 04:40:05: Joe froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10421, 05:22:18: Joe claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10421, 05:23:54: Joe froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10421, 05:44:51: Bexy froze Juvenile Shiver - Lvl 190 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10421, 05:46:47: Bexy froze Juvenile Shiver - Lvl 190 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10421, 05:51:50: Joe froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 260 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10421, 08:35:41: Bexy froze Adolescent Flame - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10421, 10:12:59: Bexy froze Juvenile Shiver - Lvl 190 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10421, 10:15:38: Bexy froze Juvenile Shiver - Lvl 190 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10421, 10:23:59: Salemina froze Juvenile Shiva - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10421, 13:01:11: Bexy froze Adolescent Flame - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10421, 15:23:31: Joe claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 82 (Snow Owl)'! Day 10421, 16:59:38: Bexy froze Adolescent Shiver - Lvl 190 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10421, 17:01:27: Bexy froze Adolescent Shiver - Lvl 190 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10421, 19:23:06: Joe froze Tek 1 - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) Day 10421, 19:24:40: Joe froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 10421, 19:26:05: Joe froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 10421, 19:30:56: Joe froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 10421, 23:26:03: Salemina froze Adolescent Shiva - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10422, 00:35:54: Bexy froze Adolescent Shiva - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10422, 05:08:06: Bexy froze Adolescent Shiver - Lvl 190 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10422, 10:13:13: Joe froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 82 (Snow Owl) Day 10422, 10:32:21: Joe downloaded a dino: Snow Owl - Lvl 74 Day 10422, 10:32:37: Joe downloaded a dino: Snow Owl - Lvl 89 Day 10422, 10:35:17: Your Snow Owl - Lvl 89 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 135! Day 10422, 10:35:23: Your Snow Owl - Lvl 74 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 145! Day 10422, 10:40:43: Joe froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 262 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10422, 16:26:36: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 82 (Snow Owl) Day 10422, 18:58:04: Joe claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 82 (Snow Owl)'! Day 10422, 19:02:45: Joe froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 82 (Snow Owl) Day 10422, 19:58:33: Joe claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 209 (Spino)'! Day 10422, 20:02:52: Joe froze Baby Spino - Lvl 209 (Spino) Day 10422, 20:12:14: Joe froze Baby Spino - Lvl 209 (Spino) Day 10423, 09:42:35: Joe froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10423, 18:36:11: Joe froze Lil Ol Doed - Lvl 260 (Doedicurus) Day 10423, 18:37:47: Joe froze Doedicurus - Lvl 71 (Doedicurus) Day 10423, 18:39:12: Joe froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 272 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 10423, 18:54:37: Joe froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 148 (Thylacoleo) Day 10423, 18:56:35: Joe froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 184 (Therizinosaur) Day 10423, 19:38:19: Joe demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 10426, 03:00:38: Salemina froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 275 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 10426, 06:06:55: Salemina claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 10426, 06:12:02: Salemina claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 10426, 06:13:13: Salemina claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 10426, 08:25:28: Salemina froze Juvenile Deina - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) Day 10426, 08:28:21: Salemina froze Juvenile Deina - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) Day 10427, 06:01:26: Salemina claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 137 (Deinonychus)'! Day 10427, 06:05:29: Salemina claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 10427, 08:18:44: Salemina froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) Day 10427, 08:19:44: Your Tribe Tamed a Microraptor - Lvl 113 (Microraptor)! Day 10427, 08:21:14: Salemina froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) Day 10427, 08:24:04: Salemina froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) Day 10427, 13:39:16: Salemina demolished a '\"Powders\" (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 10427, 20:16:33: Salemina froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 276 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 10428, 17:22:35: Salemina froze Moby - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus) Day 10428, 22:04:37: Salemina froze Moby - Lvl 231 (Basilosaurus) Day 10429, 06:29:59: Salemina froze Moby - Lvl 235 (Basilosaurus) Day 10429, 15:18:59: Bexy froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 278 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 10430, 06:27:35: Salemina uploaded a Ice Wyvern: Shiva - Lvl 248 Day 10430, 08:35:17: Bexy froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 10430, 08:46:41: Bexy froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 10430, 11:58:13: Bexy froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 10430, 12:42:43: Bexy froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10430, 13:22:02: Bexy froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10430, 16:45:51: Joe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10430, 18:00:03: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 89 (Snow Owl) Day 10431, 11:13:48: Joe froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 266 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10431, 11:47:01: Joe froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 266 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10431, 12:51:40: Joe froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 10431, 16:04:10: Joe froze Juvenile Spino - Lvl 209 (Spino) Day 10431, 18:53:46: Bexy froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 10431, 19:07:05: Joe froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 10431, 19:08:43: Joe froze Juvenile Spino - Lvl 209 (Spino) Day 10431, 19:48:26: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 102 (Snow Owl) Day 10432, 05:25:59: Bexy froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 10432, 05:58:33: Salemina froze Managarmr - Lvl 172 (Managarmr) Day 10432, 07:55:55: Salemina claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 101 (Snow Owl)'! Day 10432, 11:21:46: Salemina froze Managarmr - Lvl 172 (Managarmr) Day 10432, 12:31:34: Salemina claimed 'Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 204 (Doedicurus)'! Day 10432, 13:16:30: Salemina froze Choco - Lvl 213 (Thorny Dragon) Day 10432, 13:40:20: Salemina froze Doedicurus - Lvl 218 (Doedicurus) Day 10432, 14:37:01: Salemina froze Juvenile Narih - Lvl 101 (Snow Owl) Day 10432, 14:39:25: Salemina froze Juvenile Narih - Lvl 101 (Snow Owl) Day 10432, 14:52:26: Salemina froze Juvenile Rocky - Lvl 204 (Doedicurus) Day 10432, 14:54:38: Salemina froze Juvenile Rocky - Lvl 204 (Doedicurus) Day 10432, 14:57:09: Salemina froze Juvenile Rocky - Lvl 204 (Doedicurus) Day 10432, 16:16:42: Bexy downloaded a dino: ssd - Lvl 38 Day 10432, 16:18:42: Your ssd - Lvl 38 (Velonasaur) was killed by Shiver - Lvl 225 (Ice Wyvern) (Flying Bitches)! Day 10432, 16:18:42: Your Tribe killed ssd - Lvl 38 (Velonasaur) (Flying Bitches)! Day 10432, 20:19:57: Joe claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 185 (Snow Owl)'! Day 10432, 20:21:53: Joe froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 185 (Snow Owl) Day 10433, 02:40:29: Joe froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 185 (Snow Owl) Day 10433, 02:45:12: Joe froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 185 (Snow Owl) Day 10433, 04:04:49: Joe froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 185 (Snow Owl) Day 10433, 04:09:46: Joe froze Juvenile Spino - Lvl 209 (Spino) Day 10433, 04:13:31: Joe froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 10433, 06:26:20: Tribemember Bexy - Lvl 109 was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 252 (Lightning Wyvern) (Flying Bitches)! Day 10433, 06:26:20: Your Tribe killed Bexy - Lvl 109 (Flying Bitches)! Day 10433, 06:55:35: Joe claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 181 (Snow Owl)'! Day 10433, 06:57:21: Joe froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 181 (Snow Owl) Day 10433, 07:09:17: Joe claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (Snow Owl)'! Day 10433, 07:10:59: Joe froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (Snow Owl) Day 10433, 07:34:51: Salemina froze Adolescent Rocky - Lvl 204 (Doedicurus) Day 10433, 07:50:08: Salemina froze Adolescent Rocky - Lvl 204 (Doedicurus) Day 10433, 08:30:07: Joe froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 181 (Snow Owl) Day 10433, 08:32:30: Joe froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 181 (Snow Owl) Day 10433, 09:25:15: Joe froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (Snow Owl) Day 10433, 09:28:09: Joe froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 181 (Snow Owl) Day 10433, 11:29:13: Joe froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 10433, 12:19:41: Joe froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 185 (Snow Owl) Day 10433, 12:21:31: Joe froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 185 (Snow Owl) Day 10433, 12:27:49: Joe froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (Snow Owl) Day 10433, 12:29:39: Joe froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 181 (Snow Owl) Day 10433, 14:11:41: Joe froze Adolescent Spino - Lvl 209 (Spino) Day 10433, 14:13:35: Joe froze Adolescent Spino - Lvl 209 (Spino) Day 10433, 14:15:23: Joe froze Adolescent Spino - Lvl 209 (Spino) Day 10433, 14:33:19: Tribemember Bexy - Lvl 109 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 145! Day 10433, 14:38:57: Joe froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 185 (Snow Owl) Day 10433, 15:04:58: Tribemember Bexy - Lvl 109 was killed by a Megatherium - Lvl 150! Day 10433, 15:18:20: Joe froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 181 (Snow Owl) Day 10433, 16:45:43: Joe froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 270 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10433, 16:52:42: Joe froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 185 (Snow Owl) Day 10433, 18:08:41: Joe froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 10433, 18:10:32: Joe froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 10433, 18:44:58: Joe froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 181 (Snow Owl) Day 10433, 20:49:57: Bexy Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 214 (Thylacoleo)! Day 10433, 21:34:51: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 214 (Thylacoleo) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 252 (Lightning Wyvern) (Flying Bitches)! Day 10433, 21:34:51: Your Tribe killed Thylacoleo - Lvl 214 (Thylacoleo) (Flying Bitches)! Day 10434, 00:50:27: Joe claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 174 (Snow Owl)'! Day 10434, 00:55:12: Joe froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 174 (Snow Owl) Day 10434, 01:07:04: Joe froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 174 (Snow Owl) Day 10434, 01:47:27: Bexy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 148 (Snow Owl)'! Day 10434, 02:01:37: Bexy froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 148 (Snow Owl) Day 10434, 03:50:44: Bexy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (Snow Owl)'! Day 10434, 06:54:49: Joe froze Spino - Lvl 209 (Spino) Day 10434, 08:00:37: Joe froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (Snow Owl) Day 10434, 10:42:49: Joe froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (Snow Owl) Day 10434, 11:50:40: Bexy Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 202 (Thylacoleo)! Day 10434, 11:52:43: Bexy froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 202 (Thylacoleo) Day 10434, 12:58:51: Joe froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (Snow Owl) Day 10434, 13:02:08: Joe froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (Snow Owl) Day 10434, 15:40:56: Joe froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (Snow Owl) Day 10434, 17:38:30: Joe froze Argentavis - Lvl 318 (Argentavis) Day 10434, 17:54:57: Joe froze Argentavis - Lvl 318 (Argentavis) Day 10434, 19:20:11: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (Snow Owl) Day 10434, 20:09:49: Bexy Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 202 (Thylacoleo)! Day 10434, 20:12:38: Bexy froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 202 (Thylacoleo) Day 10435, 06:39:12: Bexy Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 194 (Thylacoleo)! Day 10435, 06:41:43: Bexy froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 194 (Thylacoleo) Day 10435, 09:36:21: Bexy froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 202 (Thylacoleo) Day 10435, 09:40:19: Bexy froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 194 (Thylacoleo) Day 10435, 09:42:27: Bexy froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 202 (Thylacoleo) Day 10435, 13:02:55: Joe froze [a] no name - Lvl 295 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10435, 16:28:56: Joe froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 270 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10435, 16:30:56: Joe froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 270 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10435, 16:32:56: Joe froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 270 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10435, 17:29:46: Joe Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 217 (Dung Beetle)! Day 10435, 17:33:16: Joe froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 217 (Dung Beetle) Day 10435, 19:30:32: Joe froze Doedicurus - Lvl 71 (Doedicurus) Day 10435, 19:40:08: Joe froze [a] no name - Lvl 295 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10436, 00:18:22: Joe froze [a] no name - Lvl 295 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10436, 03:41:20: Bexy froze Spino - Lvl 245 (Spino) Day 10436, 03:42:04: Joe froze Spino - Lvl 209 (Spino) Day 10445, 13:13:46: Salemina Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle)! Day 10445, 13:15:41: Salemina froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle) Day 10445, 13:45:05: Salemina Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 82 (Dung Beetle)! Day 10446, 14:34:46: Salemina claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 204 (Snow Owl)'! Day 10446, 20:17:46: Salemina claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 10447, 14:47:42: Tribemember Salemina - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 10447, 15:55:10: Salemina froze Narih - Lvl 118 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 09:24:49: Bexy froze Spino - Lvl 194 (Spino) Day 10450, 09:28:18: Bexy froze Spino - Lvl 209 (Spino) Day 10450, 14:31:37: Joe claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 187 (Snow Owl)'! Day 10450, 14:33:11: Joe froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 187 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 14:33:26: Bexy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 187 (Snow Owl)'! Day 10450, 14:37:41: Joe froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 187 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 14:41:50: Bexy froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 187 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 16:51:33: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 16:53:59: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 16:56:36: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 17:04:13: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 181 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 17:05:42: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 179 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 17:07:14: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 199 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 17:08:44: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 102 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 17:10:11: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 141 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 17:13:13: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 17:21:20: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 102 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 17:22:47: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 181 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 17:24:16: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 179 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 17:25:41: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 17:27:04: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 17:28:30: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 141 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 17:29:58: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 199 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 17:49:13: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 102 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 17:50:40: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 181 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 17:52:05: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 17:53:31: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 179 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 17:55:06: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 141 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 17:56:35: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (Snow Owl) Day 10450, 17:58:00: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 199 (Snow Owl) Day 10451, 02:06:27: Joe froze Spino - Lvl 289 (Spino) Day 10451, 02:47:41: Joe froze Spino - Lvl 289 (Spino) Day 10451, 02:51:45: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 202 (Snow Owl) Day 10451, 09:16:38: Bexy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 205 (Snow Owl) Day 10452, 08:25:17: Salemina froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 282 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 10452, 15:32:29: Salemina Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 149 (Dung Beetle)! Day 10452, 15:40:58: Salemina froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 149 (Dung Beetle) Day 10452, 15:46:39: Salemina Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 74 (Dung Beetle)! Day 10453, 03:16:38: Salemina demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 10459, 13:39:33: Tribemember Salemina - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 10459, 14:24:45: Salemina froze Owler - Lvl 228 (Snow Owl) Day 10459, 18:31:50: Salemina froze Shiva - Lvl 264 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10459, 21:44:22: Salemina froze Owler - Lvl 229 (Snow Owl) Day 10460, 07:05:26: Salemina froze Shiva - Lvl 264 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10460, 07:33:47: Salemina froze Owler - Lvl 230 (Snow Owl) Day 10461, 11:01:55: Salemina claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 178 (Managarmr)'! Day 10461, 11:18:47: Salemina froze Manou - Lvl 171 (Managarmr) Day 10461, 15:27:17: Salemina froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 178 (Managarmr) Day 10462, 05:46:43: Salemina froze Adolescent Shine - Lvl 178 (Managarmr) Day 10462, 05:50:06: Salemina froze Adolescent Shine - Lvl 178 (Managarmr) Day 10462, 12:47:55: Joe froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 283 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 10462, 13:17:01: Joe froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 283 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 10462, 17:13:15: Joe froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 187 (Snow Owl) Day 10462, 17:21:08: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 82 (Snow Owl) was killed by Joe - Lvl 123 (Flying Bitches)! Day 10462, 17:21:08: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 82 (Snow Owl) (Flying Bitches)! Day 10462, 17:24:06: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 148 (Snow Owl) was killed by Joe - Lvl 123 (Flying Bitches)! Day 10462, 17:24:06: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 148 (Snow Owl) (Flying Bitches)! Day 10462, 17:28:44: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 174 (Snow Owl) was killed by Joe - Lvl 123 (Flying Bitches)! Day 10462, 17:28:44: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 174 (Snow Owl) (Flying Bitches)! Day 10462, 19:14:35: Salemina froze Shine - Lvl 189 (Managarmr) Day 10462, 19:54:21: Joe froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 223 (Basilosaurus) Day 10463, 03:10:26: Joe froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 270 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10463, 03:35:36: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 179 (Snow Owl) Day 10463, 03:45:41: Joe froze Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (Snow Owl) Day 10463, 05:13:24: Joe froze Ginger - Lvl 200 (Rock Drake) Day 10466, 16:12:18: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 10466, 16:12:18: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 10466, 17:39:05: Salemina Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear)! Day 10466, 17:43:08: Salemina froze Honey - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear) Day 10466, 18:25:10: Salemina froze Honey - Lvl 218 (Dire Bear) Day 10466, 19:04:05: Salemina froze Honey - Lvl 218 (Dire Bear) Day 10466, 19:22:50: Salemina froze Honey - Lvl 219 (Dire Bear) Day 10473, 08:42:51: Salemina claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 204 (Snow Owl)'! Day 10473, 10:56:04: Salemina froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 204 (Snow Owl) Day 10473, 10:58:01: Salemina froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 204 (Snow Owl) Day 10473, 14:24:05: Salemina froze Spino - Lvl 258 (Spino) Day 10473, 14:27:46: Salemina froze Spino - Lvl 273 (Spino) Day 10473, 15:23:53: Salemina froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 204 (Snow Owl) Day 10473, 15:32:46: Salemina claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 214 (Spino)'! Day 10473, 15:33:15: Salemina claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 214 (Spino)'! Day 10473, 19:49:55: Salemina froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 204 (Snow Owl) Day 10474, 01:07:44: Salemina froze Juvenile Spino - Lvl 214 (Spino) Day 10474, 01:13:38: Salemina froze Juvenile Spino - Lvl 214 (Spino) Day 10474, 08:12:07: Salemina froze Adolescent Pastel - Lvl 214 (Spino) Day 10474, 10:28:11: Salemina froze Adolescent Faded - Lvl 214 (Spino) Day 10474, 14:51:40: Salemina froze Adolescent Pastel - Lvl 214 (Spino) Day 10474, 15:35:07: Salemina claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 10474, 15:46:13: Salemina unclaimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 10474, 18:00:08: Salemina froze Pastel - Lvl 215 (Spino) Day 10475, 18:03:30: Salemina froze Faded - Lvl 261 (Spino) Day 10477, 16:35:55: Salemina downloaded a dino: Faded - Lvl 270 Day 10481, 18:32:13: Salemina froze Moby - Lvl 235 (Basilosaurus) Day 10482, 01:31:53: Salemina froze Moby - Lvl 241 (Basilosaurus) Day 10547, 07:52:45: Joe froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 216 (Basilosaurus) Day 10547, 08:18:11: Joe froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 216 (Basilosaurus) Day 10547, 09:02:32: Joe froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 216 (Basilosaurus) Day 10719, 04:12:41: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10719, 04:12:41: Your 'Rope Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10719, 04:12:41: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10781, 02:46:02: Snow Owl - Lvl 199 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 10781, 02:46:04: Snow Owl - Lvl 179 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 10783, 17:20:01: Snow Owl - Lvl 141 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 10797, 10:52:40: Jerboa - Lvl 35 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 10878, 22:01:14: Parasaur - Lvl 66 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 10879, 07:52:15: Sputtly - Lvl 2 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 10884, 05:33:16: Patt - Lvl 12 (Stamm von Patt) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 10884, 05:41:42: Patt - Lvl 12 (Stamm von Patt) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 10890, 10:26:18: GUy - Lvl 36 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beak - Lvl 215 (Argentavis)'! Day 10890, 10:26:42: GUy - Lvl 36 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Claw - Lvl 223 (Argentavis)'! Day 10890, 11:06:27: GUy - Lvl 36 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon)'! Day 10890, 11:06:49: GUy - Lvl 36 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rain - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 10890, 11:07:13: GUy - Lvl 36 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cloudy - Lvl 96 (Pteranodon)'! Day 10890, 11:07:36: GUy - Lvl 36 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 42 (Pteranodon)'! Day 10890, 11:08:07: GUy - Lvl 36 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sky - Lvl 145 (Pteranodon)'! Day 10895, 15:17:35: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10895, 15:17:35: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10895, 15:17:35: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10895, 15:17:35: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10895, 15:17:35: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10895, 15:17:35: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10895, 15:17:35: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10914, 06:14:46: Moshy - Lvl 255 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 10914, 06:15:22: Salemina's 'Moby - Lvl 241 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 10932, 03:30:46: Pooh - Lvl 47 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 10932, 03:31:28: Miko - Lvl 138 (Microraptor) starved to death! Day 10945, 18:23:28: GUy - Lvl 66 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sayanah - Lvl 178 (Deinonychus)'! Day 10945, 18:27:38: GUy - Lvl 66 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beeh - Lvl 162 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 10945, 18:28:09: GUy - Lvl 66 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tule - Lvl 87 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 10945, 18:28:29: GUy - Lvl 66 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Woodie - Lvl 255 (Thorny Dragon)'! Day 10945, 18:28:54: GUy - Lvl 66 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spiky - Lvl 239 (Thorny Dragon)'! Day 10945, 18:29:19: GUy - Lvl 66 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bouboule - Lvl 264 (Doedicurus)'! Day 10945, 18:30:03: GUy - Lvl 66 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Firsty - Lvl 171 (Parasaur)'! Day 10945, 18:38:30: GUy - Lvl 66 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deina - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus)'! Day 10945, 18:38:47: GUy - Lvl 66 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deiny - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus)'! Day 10945, 18:39:19: GUy - Lvl 66 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Khus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus)'! Day 10945, 18:40:13: GUy - Lvl 66 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nony - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus)'! Day 10945, 18:41:25: GUy - Lvl 66 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sanyh - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus)'! Day 10945, 18:42:47: GUy - Lvl 66 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pooz - Lvl 100 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 10945, 18:45:50: GUy - Lvl 66 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'RezQD - Lvl 231 (Dodo)'! Day 10945, 18:46:43: GUy - Lvl 66 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Feather - Lvl 264 (Argentavis)'! Day 11019, 10:18:24: bibouille - Lvl 122 (Tribu de bibouille) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 150 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 11054, 19:18:33: Dodo - Lvl 168 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 11055, 19:00:26: 's 'Spino - Lvl 258 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11055, 19:00:26: 's 'Unicorn - Lvl 73 (Unicorn)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11055, 19:53:34: GUy - Lvl 95 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Geoff - Lvl 327 (Argentavis)'! Day 11055, 19:53:47: GUy - Lvl 95 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 319 (Argentavis)'! Day 11055, 20:11:58: GUy - Lvl 95 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 198 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11055, 20:22:02: Your Rocky - Lvl 215 (Doedicurus) was killed! Day 11055, 20:43:49: Your Doedicurus - Lvl 218 (Doedicurus) was killed! Day 11055, 20:48:31: 's 'Managarmr - Lvl 172 (Managarmr)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11056, 10:37:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11056, 11:57:44: uman - Lvl 118 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo Warrior 2 - Lvl 240 (Dodo)'! Day 11056, 11:57:59: uman - Lvl 118 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo Warrior 3 - Lvl 180 (Dodo)'! Day 11056, 11:58:40: uman - Lvl 118 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 227 (Dodo)'! Day 11056, 11:58:52: uman - Lvl 118 (Tribe of uman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo Warrior 1 - Lvl 213 (Dodo)'! Day 11062, 07:26:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11084, 20:18:20: Warnic - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 326 (Phiomia)'! Day 18490, 06:06:16: Tribemember Salemina - Lvl 123 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 150!"] "tribeid":1783896575,"tribe":"Riding Solo logs":["Day 19121, 07:19:58: Elemental was added to the Tribe! Day 19121, 07:39:53: Lucy was added to the Tribe by Elemental! Day 19123, 21:15:22: Lucy demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 19123, 21:17:05: Lucy demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 19124, 01:15:53: Lucy demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 19124, 01:17:45: Lucy demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 19124, 09:35:48: Lucy demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 19124, 09:37:10: Lucy demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 19124, 09:57:10: Lucy demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 19124, 09:59:33: Lucy demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 19124, 18:18:27: Lucy demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 19125, 00:12:51: Tribemember Lucy - Lvl 37 was killed by an Arthropluera - Lvl 15! Day 19125, 08:22:20: Lucy demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 19125, 08:28:28: Lucy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 19125, 08:29:44: Lucy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 19129, 14:04:46: Elemental Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 209 (Triceratops)! Day 19142, 07:55:59: Lucy demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 19142, 08:09:26: Lucy demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 19142, 08:19:35: Lucy demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 19142, 08:27:18: Lucy demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 19142, 17:37:56: Tribemember Lucy - Lvl 41 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 19142, 22:10:52: Elemental Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 20025, 03:41:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20025, 03:41:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20025, 03:41:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20483, 14:55:46: Tribemember Elemental - Lvl 67 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 20483, 14:59:25: Tribemember Lucy - Lvl 64 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 25!"] "tribeid":1780989138,"tribe":"Stam van rudy logs":["Day 37123, 17:35:14: rudy was added to the Tribe! Day 37123, 18:56:44: rudy claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 37123, 22:04:48: rudy claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 223 (Argentavis)'! Day 37123, 23:15:05: rudy claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 216 (Raptor)'! Day 37123, 23:18:30: rudy claimed 'Pepermønte - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon)'! Day 37279, 18:45:39: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37422, 10:32:24: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37422, 10:32:24: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37422, 10:32:24: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37422, 10:32:24: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37558, 15:36:38: Tribemember rudy - Lvl 23 was killed! Day 37887, 07:07:30: eve - Lvl 112 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'leo - Lvl 228 (Argentavis)'! Day 37887, 07:07:54: eve - Lvl 112 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'upup - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon)'! Day 37887, 07:08:29: eve - Lvl 112 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'hap - Lvl 221 (Raptor)'! Day 38279, 17:55:18: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39082, 06:13:48: SiggiRGuð - Lvl 84 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 39200, 17:42:36: Bex - Lvl 69 (Queens of the North) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 41886, 21:16:26: Megalosaurus - Lvl 90 destroyed your 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 41886, 21:16:28: Megalosaurus - Lvl 90 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 41886, 21:17:11: Tribemember rudy - Lvl 26 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 42010, 09:21:30: Triceratops - Lvl 90 destroyed your 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 42010, 09:21:33: Triceratops - Lvl 90 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 42442, 19:19:44: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43100, 12:43:26: Tribemember rudy - Lvl 27 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25!"] "tribeid":1780016811,"tribe":"Wyvern Slayer logs":["Day 31044, 08:52:00: Twinkii was added to the Tribe! Day 31044, 15:02:33: Twinkii froze Tito - Lvl 274 (Shadowmane) Day 31044, 15:57:19: Twinkii froze Tito - Lvl 274 (Shadowmane) Day 31044, 18:17:13: Twinkii froze Tito - Lvl 275 (Shadowmane) Day 31044, 19:28:02: Twinkii froze Tito - Lvl 276 (Shadowmane) Day 31045, 05:13:10: Tribemember Twinkii - Lvl 118 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 60! Day 31045, 06:10:01: Twinkii froze Soy un cuervo - Lvl 282 (Fjordhawk) Day 31230, 14:20:32: Twinkii froze Twinkii F - Lvl 364 (Voidwyrm) Day 31540, 04:05:25: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39776, 06:51:37: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tito - Lvl 276 (Shadowmane)'!"] "tribeid":1778149439,"tribe":"x_x logs":["Day 26226, 07:14:55: standard was added to the Tribe! Day 26226, 14:54:01: standard froze triston - Lvl 220 (Triceratops) Day 26226, 15:05:03: standard froze triston - Lvl 220 (Triceratops) Day 26226, 15:57:07: standard froze Giveaway - Lvl 165 (Rex) Day 26227, 07:15:38: standard froze Giveaway - Lvl 119 (Rex) Day 26227, 07:32:11: standard froze Giveaway - Lvl 165 (Rex) Day 26227, 07:49:40: standard froze triston - Lvl 220 (Triceratops) Day 26227, 08:11:19: standard froze pito - Lvl 270 (Argentavis) Day 26398, 10:42:55: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26824, 07:52:15: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27795, 01:04:55: Tribemember standard - Lvl 28 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1775033767,"tribe":"Tribe of Smith logs":["Day 17778, 17:44:47: Smith was added to the Tribe! Day 17778, 17:45:19: Big Kier was added to the Tribe by Smith! Day 17836, 14:40:41: Tribemember Smith - Lvl 6 was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 20! Day 18765, 08:29:09: Tribemember Big Kier - Lvl 8 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90!"] "tribeid":1770328781,"tribe":"Donkeys logs":["Day 15982, 22:23:28: Robert froze Adolescent DIE III - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15982, 22:28:15: Robert froze Adolescent DIE III - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15982, 22:32:56: Robert froze Adolescent DIE III - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15983, 03:00:10: Robert froze Falcastor - Lvl 301 (Castoroides) Day 15983, 03:05:22: Robert froze Ophelia - Lvl 281 (Doedicurus) Day 15983, 04:23:12: Robert froze Adolescent DIE III - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15983, 06:22:30: Robert froze dIVe - Lvl 118 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15983, 06:36:40: Robert froze Pteranodon - Lvl 181 (Pteranodon) Day 15983, 07:00:26: Robert claimed 'NightShade - Lvl 157 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 15983, 07:06:54: Robert unclaimed 'NightShade - Lvl 157 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 15983, 08:18:53: Robert froze DIE III - Lvl 184 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15983, 08:20:23: Robert froze DIE II - Lvl 156 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15983, 08:36:38: Robert froze DIE - Lvl 173 (Poison Wyvern) Day 15983, 09:04:31: Robert froze TRASH - Lvl 191 (Rock Drake) Day 15983, 09:06:48: Robert froze Argentavis - Lvl 211 (Argentavis) Day 15983, 09:40:41: Robert froze RUN - Lvl 201 (Rock Drake) Day 15983, 09:42:59: Robert froze Crimtane - Lvl 181 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15983, 16:21:55: Robert froze senpai - Lvl 152 (Rex) Day 15983, 18:06:55: Robert froze dIVe - Lvl 121 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15983, 18:08:17: Robert froze DIE III - Lvl 184 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15983, 20:12:47: Robert claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 124 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 15983, 20:17:56: Robert froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 124 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15983, 20:37:38: Robert froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 124 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15992, 11:45:15: Robert froze dipdipdipshitshitshit - Lvl 127 (Griffin) Day 15992, 14:11:22: Robert froze RUN - Lvl 222 (Rock Drake) Day 15992, 14:25:01: Robert froze Mt. Lady - Lvl 259 (Brontosaurus) Day 15992, 14:36:27: Robert froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 148 (Carnotaurus) Day 15993, 00:23:37: Robert froze dIVe - Lvl 121 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15993, 00:54:03: Robert froze Gacha - Lvl 137 (Gacha) Day 15993, 12:44:13: WaffLBrd froze dipdipdipshitshitshit - Lvl 128 (Griffin) Day 15993, 12:46:47: WaffLBrd froze DIE - Lvl 201 (Poison Wyvern) Day 15993, 13:06:15: Robert froze Argentavis - Lvl 230 (Argentavis) Day 15993, 23:06:05: Tribemember WaffLBrd - Lvl 74 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 50! Day 15994, 00:42:59: Robert claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 134 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 15994, 00:47:25: Robert froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 134 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15994, 02:38:50: Robert froze Bloodline 1 - Lvl 142 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15994, 06:10:28: WaffLBrd froze dipdipdipshitshitshit - Lvl 128 (Griffin) Day 15994, 06:14:58: WaffLBrd froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 256 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 15994, 08:49:50: WaffLBrd froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 134 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15994, 11:42:07: Robert froze Ophelia - Lvl 284 (Doedicurus) Day 15994, 12:01:31: Robert froze BUZMAN - Lvl 260 (Ankylosaurus) Day 15994, 14:45:49: Robert claimed 'TermicShock - Lvl 273 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 15994, 15:10:55: Robert unclaimed 'TermicShock - Lvl 273 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 15994, 15:28:43: WaffLBrd froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 134 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15994, 15:29:46: Robert froze Mt. Lady - Lvl 262 (Brontosaurus) Day 15994, 15:31:39: WaffLBrd froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 134 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15994, 15:32:47: Tribemember WaffLBrd - Lvl 75 was killed by DIE III - Lvl 248 (Lightning Wyvern) (Donkeys)! Day 15994, 15:32:47: Your Tribe killed WaffLBrd - Lvl 75 (Donkeys)! Day 15994, 15:43:35: WaffLBrd froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 134 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15994, 17:30:06: Tribemember WaffLBrd - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 15994, 20:28:32: Robert Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 15994, 23:18:18: Robert froze Bob - Lvl 211 (Argentavis) Day 15994, 23:22:21: Robert froze Arg - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 15995, 00:56:23: WaffLBrd froze dipdipdipshitshitshit - Lvl 128 (Griffin) Day 15995, 07:44:50: Robert claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 203 (Argentavis)'! Day 15995, 07:48:19: Robert froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 203 (Argentavis) Day 15995, 08:14:52: Robert froze DIE II - Lvl 197 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15995, 08:17:04: Robert froze DIE III - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16002, 15:13:54: Your berry boy - Lvl 58 (Triceratops) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 60! Day 16008, 19:55:21: Robert froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 136 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16008, 22:55:59: Robert claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 134 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 16008, 23:04:04: Robert froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 134 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16009, 01:33:57: Robert froze Crimson - Lvl 137 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16009, 01:56:07: Robert froze senpai - Lvl 159 (Rex) Day 16009, 02:44:53: Robert froze dIVe - Lvl 138 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16009, 07:07:05: WaffLBrd froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 134 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16009, 08:44:59: Tribemember Robert - Lvl 121 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 160! Day 16009, 08:44:59: Tribemember Robert - Lvl 121 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190! Day 16009, 10:01:04: Your DIE III - Lvl 251 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190! Day 16009, 10:07:45: Your Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190! Day 16009, 10:12:26: Tribemember Robert - Lvl 121 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190! Day 16009, 11:04:44: WaffLBrd froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 134 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16009, 11:09:53: WaffLBrd froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 134 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16009, 11:42:08: Robert claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 16009, 11:43:34: Robert froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16009, 11:59:09: Robert froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16009, 12:01:04: Robert froze Bloodline 1 - Lvl 167 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16009, 16:57:27: Robert froze Arg - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 16009, 18:45:03: Robert claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)'! Day 16009, 18:48:28: Robert froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 16009, 19:07:46: Robert froze Bob - Lvl 247 (Argentavis) Day 16009, 20:27:56: Robert froze Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 16009, 23:31:59: Robert froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 16010, 04:13:02: Robert froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 16010, 08:27:48: Robert froze Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 16010, 09:01:51: Robert froze Bob - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 16010, 09:03:30: Robert froze Arg - Lvl 249 (Argentavis) Day 16010, 09:35:35: Tribemember WaffLBrd - Lvl 77 was killed! Day 16010, 09:47:00: Tribemember WaffLBrd - Lvl 77 was killed! Day 16010, 10:12:52: Robert froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 134 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16010, 15:33:06: Robert froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 16010, 15:38:22: WaffLBrd froze RUN - Lvl 244 (Rock Drake) Day 16010, 16:43:31: Robert claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)'! Day 16010, 16:47:22: Robert froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 16010, 17:09:32: Robert froze Bob - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 16010, 17:46:13: Tribemember Robert - Lvl 121 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 140! Day 16010, 18:23:39: Robert froze Mhm - Lvl 220 (Argentavis) Day 16010, 18:25:10: Robert froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 16018, 10:14:56: Robert froze Mhm - Lvl 220 (Argentavis) Day 16018, 10:46:13: Robert froze Arg - Lvl 254 (Argentavis) Day 16018, 11:06:54: Robert froze Argentavis - Lvl 238 (Argentavis) Day 16018, 11:08:16: Robert froze Argentavis - Lvl 211 (Argentavis) Day 16018, 12:01:52: Robert claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis)'! Day 16018, 12:02:13: Robert claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 203 (Argentavis)'! Day 16018, 12:06:36: Robert froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 203 (Argentavis) Day 16018, 12:08:00: Robert froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis) Day 16018, 13:25:42: Robert froze Argentavis - Lvl 238 (Argentavis) Day 16018, 14:06:41: Robert froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis) Day 16018, 14:08:01: Robert froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 203 (Argentavis) Day 16018, 17:04:00: WaffLBrd froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis) Day 16018, 17:21:30: WaffLBrd froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis) Day 16018, 18:49:20: Robert froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis) Day 16018, 19:16:54: WaffLBrd froze RUN - Lvl 250 (Rock Drake) Day 16018, 20:02:23: Robert froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 123 (Snow Owl) Day 16018, 20:14:40: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16018, 20:16:05: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16018, 20:17:29: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (Snow Owl) Day 16018, 22:37:32: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16018, 22:47:00: Robert froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 203 (Argentavis) Day 16019, 00:14:20: Tribemember WaffLBrd - Lvl 80 was killed! Day 16019, 04:51:37: WaffLBrd froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 203 (Argentavis) Day 16019, 08:17:30: Robert froze dipdipdipshitshitshit - Lvl 135 (Griffin) Day 16019, 10:07:52: Robert froze Ophelia - Lvl 284 (Doedicurus) Day 16019, 10:32:38: Robert froze BUZMAN - Lvl 267 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16019, 10:38:22: WaffLBrd froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis) Day 16019, 10:41:55: Robert froze BUZMAN - Lvl 267 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16019, 10:47:16: WaffLBrd froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis) Day 16019, 11:18:04: WaffLBrd froze Falcastor - Lvl 307 (Castoroides) Day 16019, 14:13:06: Robert froze Misty - Lvl 123 (Snow Owl) Day 16019, 15:38:01: Robert claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 123 (Snow Owl)'! Day 16019, 15:38:25: Robert claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 123 (Snow Owl)'! Day 16019, 15:38:42: WaffLBrd froze Argentavis - Lvl 218 (Argentavis) Day 16019, 15:40:37: WaffLBrd froze sprint - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16019, 15:41:30: Robert froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 123 (Snow Owl) Day 16019, 15:42:38: WaffLBrd froze Big Daddy Bean - Lvl 216 (Snow Owl) Day 16019, 15:43:10: Robert froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 123 (Snow Owl) Day 16019, 15:48:41: WaffLBrd froze Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) Day 16019, 15:56:45: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16019, 15:59:50: Robert froze DIE II - Lvl 217 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16021, 11:13:13: Robert froze DIE II - Lvl 218 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16021, 11:14:51: Robert froze Bloodline 1 - Lvl 179 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16021, 11:17:03: Robert froze dIVe - Lvl 161 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16021, 11:18:37: Robert froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 167 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16021, 11:26:48: Robert froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 123 (Snow Owl) Day 16021, 11:28:26: Robert froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 123 (Snow Owl) Day 16021, 17:09:58: Robert froze Gacha - Lvl 137 (Gacha) Day 16021, 17:17:56: Robert froze sprint - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16021, 17:36:57: Robert froze Big Daddy Bean - Lvl 216 (Snow Owl) Day 16021, 18:20:05: Robert froze Misty - Lvl 123 (Snow Owl) Day 16021, 18:36:14: Robert froze Misty - Lvl 137 (Snow Owl) Day 16021, 18:38:54: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16021, 18:41:16: Robert froze Misty - Lvl 137 (Snow Owl) Day 16021, 18:43:20: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16021, 18:46:51: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16021, 18:48:26: Robert froze Misty - Lvl 137 (Snow Owl) Day 16021, 19:10:06: Robert froze Misty - Lvl 137 (Snow Owl) Day 16021, 19:12:12: Robert froze Misty - Lvl 137 (Snow Owl) Day 16021, 20:11:31: Robert froze Misty - Lvl 137 (Snow Owl) Day 16021, 20:15:33: Robert froze Misty - Lvl 137 (Snow Owl) Day 16021, 20:17:06: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16021, 22:08:46: Robert froze Mt. Lady - Lvl 262 (Brontosaurus) Day 16021, 22:26:37: Robert froze Bob - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 16021, 23:17:08: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16021, 23:21:48: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16022, 00:58:44: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16022, 01:04:16: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16022, 01:47:42: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16022, 05:56:46: Tribemember Robert - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 16022, 07:58:15: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16022, 08:01:30: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16022, 08:04:52: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16022, 08:07:15: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16022, 08:09:12: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16022, 08:12:17: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16022, 08:14:56: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16022, 08:16:22: WaffLBrd froze ruby bean - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16022, 08:18:32: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16022, 08:18:54: WaffLBrd froze ruby bean - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16022, 08:20:38: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16022, 08:21:55: WaffLBrd froze ruby bean - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16022, 08:24:25: WaffLBrd froze ruby bean - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16022, 08:26:01: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16022, 08:27:40: WaffLBrd froze ruby bean - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16022, 08:29:41: WaffLBrd froze ruby bean - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16022, 08:31:30: WaffLBrd froze ruby bean - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16022, 10:12:01: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16022, 16:07:32: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16023, 08:54:56: Robert claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16023, 08:55:27: Robert claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 125 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16023, 08:55:57: Robert claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 16023, 08:56:21: WaffLBrd claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 16023, 08:57:02: Robert claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16023, 09:13:54: Robert froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16023, 09:15:23: Robert froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 125 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16023, 09:17:48: Robert froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16023, 09:19:44: Robert froze Baby Brimstone - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16023, 09:21:19: Robert froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16023, 10:21:16: Robert froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16023, 10:23:07: WaffLBrd froze ruby bean - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16023, 15:43:25: Robert froze DIE II - Lvl 220 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16023, 17:25:09: Robert froze Ruby Bean - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16024, 02:00:55: Robert froze Ophelia - Lvl 293 (Doedicurus) Day 16024, 02:26:37: Robert froze Ruby Bean - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16024, 02:35:03: Robert froze Gacha - Lvl 139 (Gacha) Day 16024, 21:52:06: Robert froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16024, 21:55:54: Robert froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16024, 21:59:41: Robert froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16024, 22:03:15: Robert froze Baby Brimstone - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16024, 22:06:52: Robert froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 125 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16025, 02:39:25: Robert froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16025, 02:44:16: Robert froze Baby Brimstone - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16025, 03:04:47: Robert froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16025, 03:48:03: Robert froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16025, 06:51:47: Robert froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16025, 06:53:47: Robert froze Juvenile Brimstone - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16025, 06:57:34: Robert froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16025, 08:41:38: Robert froze Crimson - Lvl 141 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16025, 08:56:59: Robert froze Juvenile Steamy - Lvl 125 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16025, 08:58:37: Robert froze Juvenile Steamy - Lvl 125 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16025, 09:03:55: Robert froze Juvenile Steamy - Lvl 125 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16025, 09:08:43: Robert froze Juvenile Brimstone - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16025, 09:29:23: Robert froze Crimtane - Lvl 200 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16025, 09:54:45: Robert froze Juvenile Steamy - Lvl 125 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16025, 09:56:22: Robert froze Juvenile Black Jet - Lvl 155 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16025, 09:58:16: Robert froze Juvenile Chilly - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16025, 09:59:38: Robert froze Juvenile Brimstone - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16025, 10:03:38: Robert froze Juvenile Magma - Lvl 150 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16025, 11:29:11: Robert claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 166 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16025, 11:29:39: Robert claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 178 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16025, 11:37:40: Robert froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 178 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16025, 11:39:08: Robert froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 166 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16025, 11:54:46: Robert froze Ruby Bean - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16026, 02:58:27: Robert froze Juvenile Black Jet - Lvl 155 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16026, 03:15:46: Robert froze Juvenile Steampunk - Lvl 125 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16026, 03:20:46: Robert froze Juvenile Steampunk - Lvl 125 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16026, 03:36:13: Robert froze Juvenile Magma - Lvl 150 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16026, 03:41:53: Robert froze Juvenile Magma - Lvl 150 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16026, 03:48:12: Robert froze Juvenile Chilly - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16026, 03:54:02: Robert froze Juvenile Chilly - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16026, 03:58:19: Robert froze Juvenile Brimstone - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16026, 04:02:34: Robert froze Juvenile Chilly - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16026, 04:11:15: Robert froze Juvenile Brimstone - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16026, 06:48:04: Robert froze Juvenile Steampunk - Lvl 125 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16026, 07:16:23: Robert froze Juvenile Brimstone - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16026, 08:49:04: Robert froze Adolescent Black Jet - Lvl 155 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16026, 09:05:56: Robert froze Adolescent Magma - Lvl 150 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16026, 09:27:42: Robert froze Adolescent Chilly - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16026, 09:29:25: Robert froze Adolescent Magma - Lvl 150 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16026, 09:31:23: Robert froze Adolescent Steampunk - Lvl 125 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16026, 09:33:22: Robert froze Adolescent Black Jet - Lvl 155 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16026, 09:34:46: Robert froze Adolescent Brimstone - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16026, 09:37:27: Robert froze Adolescent Brimstone - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16026, 09:39:17: Robert froze Ruby Bean - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 16031, 08:10:55: Robert froze Adolescent Brimstone - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16031, 10:12:34: Robert froze Adolescent Solar Flare - Lvl 125 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16031, 12:07:55: Tribemember WaffLBrd - Lvl 81 was killed! Day 16031, 14:17:48: WaffLBrd froze Ruby Bean - Lvl 237 (Snow Owl) Day 16031, 16:08:59: Robert froze Solar Flare - Lvl 129 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16031, 16:10:34: Robert froze Frosty The Snowman - Lvl 179 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16031, 16:12:33: Robert froze Brimstone - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16031, 16:16:33: Robert froze Crowley - Lvl 209 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16031, 16:18:16: Robert froze Big Daddy Bean - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 16031, 16:19:51: Robert froze Magma - Lvl 157 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16065, 21:57:19: Robert froze Brimstone - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16076, 08:51:00: Robert froze Big Daddy Bean - Lvl 220 (Snow Owl) Day 16076, 09:12:48: Robert froze Solar Flare - Lvl 187 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16076, 09:22:53: Robert froze Magma - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16076, 09:34:44: Robert froze Brimstone - Lvl 272 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16076, 09:49:09: Robert froze Frosty The Snowman - Lvl 237 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16076, 10:02:01: Robert froze Crowley - Lvl 225 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16076, 10:09:24: Robert froze Gacha - Lvl 143 (Gacha) Day 16076, 10:19:14: Robert froze Mt. Lady - Lvl 300 (Brontosaurus) Day 16076, 10:32:49: Robert froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 148 (Carnotaurus) Day 16076, 10:51:51: Robert froze dipdipdipshitshitshit - Lvl 150 (Griffin) Day 16076, 11:03:46: Robert froze Misty - Lvl 189 (Snow Owl) Day 16076, 11:22:55: Robert froze DIE - Lvl 245 (Poison Wyvern) Day 16076, 11:38:35: Robert froze senpai - Lvl 159 (Rex) Day 16076, 12:24:16: Robert froze Argentavis - Lvl 269 (Argentavis) Day 16076, 12:26:07: Robert froze Mhm - Lvl 277 (Argentavis) Day 16076, 12:27:43: Robert froze Arg - Lvl 270 (Argentavis) Day 16076, 12:29:06: Robert froze Argentavis - Lvl 275 (Argentavis) Day 16076, 12:30:31: Robert froze Argentavis - Lvl 272 (Argentavis) Day 16076, 12:32:15: Robert froze Bob - Lvl 281 (Argentavis) Day 16076, 12:39:55: Robert froze Best Weight - Lvl 281 (Argentavis) Day 16076, 12:47:01: WaffLBrd froze Ruby Bean - Lvl 240 (Snow Owl) Day 16076, 12:50:13: WaffLBrd froze DIE II - Lvl 223 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16085, 16:57:03: WaffLBrd froze Ruby Bean - Lvl 241 (Snow Owl) Day 16111, 06:34:03: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 16131, 17:31:33: WaffLBrd froze Ruby Bean - Lvl 241 (Snow Owl) Day 16166, 03:40:11: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16166, 03:40:11: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16166, 03:40:11: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16204, 09:55:54: Robert froze Ruby Bean - Lvl 249 (Snow Owl) Day 16204, 10:21:55: Robert froze Solar Flare - Lvl 218 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16204, 11:39:11: Robert froze Frosty The Snowman - Lvl 268 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16204, 11:42:01: Robert froze Crowley - Lvl 251 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16204, 11:49:56: Robert froze Brimstone - Lvl 303 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16204, 11:57:31: Robert froze Magma - Lvl 243 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16204, 12:07:53: Robert froze dipdipdipshitshitshit - Lvl 164 (Griffin) Day 16204, 12:28:19: Robert froze DIE II - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16248, 19:16:19: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16248, 19:16:19: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16290, 09:23:13: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16296, 01:11:53: Tribemember Robert - Lvl 121 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 15! Day 16296, 01:42:04: Tribemember Robert - Lvl 121 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 150! Day 16296, 02:53:04: Robert froze Gacha - Lvl 158 (Gacha) Day 16296, 04:08:14: Robert froze Gacha - Lvl 158 (Gacha) Day 16296, 04:11:59: Robert froze Brimstone - Lvl 309 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16296, 04:16:23: Robert froze Ophelia - Lvl 326 (Doedicurus) Day 16296, 04:24:26: Robert froze Falcastor - Lvl 326 (Castoroides) Day 16382, 01:38:45: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 127 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 16428, 13:56:04: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16438, 11:53:01: WaffLBrd froze Ruby Bean - Lvl 249 (Snow Owl) Day 16577, 01:31:28: WaffLBrd froze Ruby Bean - Lvl 249 (Snow Owl) Day 16577, 02:17:19: WaffLBrd froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 222 (Carnotaurus) Day 16577, 04:01:07: WaffLBrd froze DIE II - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16577, 04:09:43: WaffLBrd froze Brimstone - Lvl 309 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16577, 04:15:32: WaffLBrd froze Gacha - Lvl 158 (Gacha) Day 16577, 04:20:24: WaffLBrd froze dipdipdipshitshitshit - Lvl 164 (Griffin) Day 16577, 04:25:35: WaffLBrd froze Solar Flare - Lvl 218 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16577, 04:30:47: WaffLBrd froze Crowley - Lvl 251 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16577, 04:35:50: WaffLBrd froze Magma - Lvl 243 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16577, 04:40:39: WaffLBrd froze Frosty The Snowman - Lvl 268 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16760, 19:43:25: Your 'Plant Species X' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16760, 19:43:25: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16760, 19:43:25: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16760, 19:43:25: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17081, 17:41:55: WaffLBrd demolished a 'Wood Staircase'! Day 17081, 19:27:32: WaffLBrd froze Ophelia - Lvl 326 (Doedicurus) Day 17081, 19:35:18: WaffLBrd froze Ruby Bean - Lvl 249 (Snow Owl) Day 17082, 06:46:13: WaffLBrd froze Falcastor - Lvl 326 (Castoroides) Day 17082, 06:51:14: WaffLBrd froze Gacha - Lvl 178 (Gacha) Day 17213, 02:55:50: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 17277, 09:02:29: WaffLBrd froze Gacha - Lvl 179 (Gacha) Day 17277, 09:07:48: WaffLBrd froze Ophelia - Lvl 368 (Doedicurus) Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17621, 00:46:19: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17801, 20:14:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17801, 20:14:08: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17801, 20:14:08: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17801, 20:14:08: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17801, 20:14:08: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17801, 20:14:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17801, 20:14:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17801, 20:14:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17801, 20:14:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17801, 20:14:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17801, 20:14:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17801, 20:14:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18055, 08:19:25: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18055, 08:19:25: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18206, 00:11:55: Tribemember Robert - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 18206, 00:12:16: Tribemember WaffLBrd - Lvl 90 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 23252, 04:29:49: Tribemember Robert - Lvl 121 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 23252, 05:37:42: Robert was removed from the Tribe! Day 23252, 05:37:42: Tribe Owner was changed to WaffLBrd!"] "tribeid":1768910515,"tribe":"Tribe of Alf logs":["Day 28960, 14:54:24: Alf was added to the Tribe! Day 28960, 16:21:16: Alf froze Maewing - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 28960, 17:54:11: OLO was added to the Tribe by Alf! Day 28960, 17:55:14: OLO was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Alf! Day 28961, 03:26:58: OLO froze Maewing - Lvl 277 (Maewing) Day 28961, 07:46:57: Alf Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 28961, 07:53:09: Alf froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28961, 07:54:55: OLO froze Shadowmane - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 28961, 08:03:23: Alf froze Shadowmane - Lvl 338 (Shadowmane) Day 28961, 08:05:16: OLO froze Shadowmane - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 28961, 08:36:34: OLO froze Maewing - Lvl 277 (Maewing) Day 28961, 10:16:20: Alf froze Maewing - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 28979, 02:34:08: Your Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake) was killed by Alf - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Alf)! Day 28979, 02:34:08: Your Tribe killed Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake)! Day 28979, 03:51:19: Your Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 20 (Rock Drake) was killed by Alf - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Alf)! Day 28979, 03:51:19: Your Tribe killed Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 20 (Rock Drake)! Day 28979, 07:13:00: Alf Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 201 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 28979, 09:27:33: Alf froze Maewing - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 28979, 11:51:32: Alf froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 201 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28979, 11:56:28: Alf froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 284 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28979, 13:38:37: Alf froze aquatic feline - Lvl 338 (Shadowmane) Day 29026, 00:05:56: Alf froze Maewing - Lvl 288 (Maewing) Day 29052, 12:04:20: Alf froze Maewing - Lvl 296 (Maewing) Day 29075, 16:18:19: Alf froze Maewing - Lvl 297 (Maewing)"] "tribeid":1767387683,"tribe":"Tribe of family logs":["Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19507, 03:10:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19529, 05:26:45: Your we3 - Lvl 90 (Megalodon) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 150! Day 19591, 12:31:07: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 238 (Megalodon)'! Day 19789, 07:41:19: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19789, 07:41:19: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19789, 07:41:19: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19789, 07:41:19: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19789, 07:41:19: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19789, 07:41:19: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19789, 07:41:19: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19789, 07:41:19: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19944, 15:36:23: FLASH - Lvl 266 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 21400, 08:25:17: katblue - Lvl 121 (TootsiesOfRagnarok) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 21641, 08:02:18: Tribemember C00KIE - Lvl 82 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 85! Day 21681, 07:07:46: Tribemember C00KIE - Lvl 82 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 135!"] "tribeid":1763623464,"tribe":"GetroffenDodos logs":["Day 38117, 12:15:47: Nick demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 38117, 12:16:29: Nick demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 38117, 12:17:11: Nick demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 38117, 12:17:54: Nick demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 38117, 12:51:11: Nick froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38117, 16:47:48: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 38117, 16:48:43: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 38117, 16:50:31: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 38117, 16:51:52: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 204 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 38117, 19:04:23: Nick froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38117, 20:10:05: Nick froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 300 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38117, 20:45:15: Your Food Muta - Lvl 319 (Maewing) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 38117, 20:48:38: Your Base breeder 2 - Lvl 285 (Maewing) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 38117, 20:52:41: Your Base Breeder 1 - Lvl 319 (Maewing) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 38117, 21:06:30: Nick froze Female - Lvl 363 (Tek Rex) Day 38117, 21:14:05: Nick froze spino - Lvl 345 (Aberrant Spino) Day 38117, 21:36:59: Nick froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 309 (R-Reaper King) Day 38118, 05:52:49: Nick froze spino - Lvl 345 (Aberrant Spino) Day 38118, 05:56:13: Nick froze pocket - Lvl 252 (Reaper King) Day 38118, 06:07:16: Nick froze Female - Lvl 363 (Tek Rex) Day 38118, 10:44:05: Nick froze Juvenile Base bread (stam muta) - Lvl 233 (Maewing) Day 38118, 11:10:06: Nick froze Juvenile Stam muta - Lvl 233 (Maewing) Day 38118, 11:26:36: Nick froze Allround (W/S/HP) - Lvl 263 (Maewing) Day 38118, 12:23:06: Nick froze Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 233 (Maewing) Day 38118, 12:57:03: Nick froze Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing) Day 38118, 14:04:02: Nick unclaimed 'Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing)'! Day 38118, 14:05:56: Nick claimed 'Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing)'! Day 38122, 16:59:37: Nick froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38122, 17:03:57: Nick froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38122, 17:07:25: Nick froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38122, 17:17:42: Nick froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38122, 17:20:25: Nick froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 204 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38122, 18:08:45: Nick froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 219 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38122, 21:14:56: Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 210 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 38122, 21:14:56: Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 38122, 21:14:58: Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 38123, 00:42:25: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 38123, 00:44:00: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 38123, 00:45:10: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 38123, 00:46:57: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 38123, 00:49:17: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 219 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 38123, 19:21:51: Nick froze pocket - Lvl 252 (Reaper King) Day 38124, 04:52:55: Nick demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 38124, 06:04:19: Nick froze pocket - Lvl 252 (Reaper King) Day 38124, 06:18:32: Nick froze pocket - Lvl 252 (Reaper King) Day 38125, 00:55:49: Nick froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38125, 00:59:21: Nick froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38125, 01:11:21: Nick froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38125, 07:23:02: Nick froze Sac - Lvl 230 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38125, 07:26:09: Nick froze Sac - Lvl 219 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38125, 07:30:17: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 218 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 38125, 07:46:49: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 38125, 07:47:35: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 38125, 07:48:48: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 38125, 07:49:44: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 38126, 11:28:35: Nick froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 218 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38126, 23:34:07: Nick demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 38127, 00:06:22: Nick demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 38127, 00:07:16: Nick demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 38127, 00:08:10: Nick demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 38127, 00:09:07: Nick demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 38150, 04:33:08: Nick froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38150, 04:40:40: Nick froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38150, 04:45:15: Nick froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38150, 04:53:36: Nick froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38150, 06:55:12: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 38150, 06:56:05: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 230 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 38150, 06:57:44: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 38150, 07:14:01: Nick froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 230 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38150, 07:17:40: Nick froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38150, 07:20:38: Nick froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38150, 07:31:33: Nick froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38150, 08:26:55: Nick froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38150, 18:21:26: Nick froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 244 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38150, 19:34:10: Nick froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 221 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38150, 21:58:56: Nick froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 253 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38151, 02:22:57: Nick froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 222 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38151, 03:41:54: Tribemember Nick - Lvl 112 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 270! Day 38192, 10:58:15: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 225 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 38192, 10:59:04: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 38192, 11:09:35: Nick froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38192, 11:15:58: Nick froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38192, 11:28:59: Nick froze Health muta - Lvl 230 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38192, 11:39:00: Nick froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38192, 11:50:20: Nick froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38192, 17:45:34: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 228 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 38192, 17:47:18: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 38193, 00:16:11: Nick froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 311 (R-Reaper King) Day 38193, 04:00:33: Nick froze Allround (W/S/HP) - Lvl 274 (Maewing) Day 38211, 02:49:41: Nick froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 225 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38211, 02:55:57: Nick froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38211, 03:26:26: Nick froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38211, 03:32:04: Nick froze NEW female - Lvl 228 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38211, 03:46:24: Nick froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38211, 03:50:13: Nick froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38211, 05:00:20: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 233 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 38211, 05:00:20: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 38211, 06:02:19: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 38211, 06:03:05: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 38211, 06:03:43: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 38211, 10:35:18: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 230 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 38222, 23:01:32: do - Lvl 36 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 38223, 06:13:44: Your Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 230 (R-Velonasaur) was killed! Day 38223, 06:13:44: Your Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl) was killed! Day 38223, 06:13:44: Your Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (R-Snow Owl) was killed! Day 38223, 06:13:44: Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 38239, 01:39:34: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 230 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 38239, 03:14:25: Nick froze Allround (W/S/HP) - Lvl 274 (Maewing) Day 38239, 04:06:37: Nick froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 218 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38239, 04:10:17: Nick froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 231 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38239, 04:14:53: Nick froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 242 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38239, 04:20:24: Nick froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 230 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38239, 04:34:24: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 38246, 18:38:23: Nick froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38246, 19:20:48: Nick froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 230 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38246, 19:41:40: Nick froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 230 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38247, 02:06:43: Nick froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 312 (R-Reaper King) Day 38247, 10:30:14: Nick froze Health muta - Lvl 230 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38255, 22:32:17: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38255, 22:32:17: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38270, 13:10:04: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 241 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 38270, 13:10:48: Nick claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 241 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 38270, 17:20:27: Nick froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 272 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38271, 19:24:09: Nick froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 241 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38271, 19:32:26: Nick froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 241 (R-Velonasaur) Day 38287, 17:54:12: Nick froze Mr.Perrie - Lvl 284 (Maewing) Day 38315, 03:21:54: Nick froze Fruit Salad - Lvl 313 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 38315, 14:20:26: Tribemember Nick - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 38398, 19:26:46: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38450, 01:47:21: Nick froze pocket - Lvl 252 (Reaper King) Day 38450, 03:11:36: Nick froze pocket - Lvl 259 (Reaper King) Day 38547, 04:17:09: 인간 - Lvl 5 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Do DO - Lvl 209 (Dodo)'! Day 38547, 04:20:42: 인간 - Lvl 5 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Berry Good! - Lvl 98 (Triceratops)'! Day 38754, 19:12:24: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38754, 19:12:24: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38864, 11:49:44: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 39016, 19:12:38: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wooden Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39040, 15:12:20: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39105, 18:15:29: Pops Raggy - Lvl 13 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing)'! Day 39105, 18:26:37: Pops Raggy - Lvl 13 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Breed - Lvl 239 (Featherlight)'! Day 39105, 18:31:20: Pops Raggy - Lvl 13 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 301 (Maewing)'! Day 39105, 20:47:20: Pops Raggy - Lvl 15 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing)'! Day 39106, 00:41:58: Pops Raggy - Lvl 15 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 222 (Maewing)'! Day 39106, 01:01:05: Pops Raggy - Lvl 15 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 231 (Maewing)'! Day 39326, 09:34:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39326, 09:34:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39326, 09:34:54: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39326, 09:34:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39326, 09:34:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39326, 09:34:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39326, 09:34:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39326, 09:34:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39326, 09:34:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39326, 09:34:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39326, 09:34:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39326, 09:34:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39326, 09:34:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39326, 09:34:54: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39326, 09:34:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39326, 09:34:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39326, 09:34:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39326, 09:34:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39424, 16:12:29: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 219 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 39424, 16:25:00: 인간 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sac - Lvl 300 (Maewing)'! Day 39610, 00:01:06: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39610, 00:01:06: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39916, 07:47:00: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 231 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 39916, 07:47:01: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 225 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 40005, 22:46:22: Munchkin - Lvl 105 (Tribe of Strontium-Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 324 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 40005, 22:54:11: Munchkin - Lvl 105 (Tribe of Strontium-Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baby feeder - Lvl 294 (Maewing)'! Day 40005, 22:56:29: Munchkin - Lvl 105 (Tribe of Strontium-Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 98 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 40340, 23:35:51: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 40340, 23:35:53: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 40340, 23:36:21: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 40340, 23:36:32: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 40363, 15:23:57: Calcifer - Lvl 28 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 87 (Triceratops)'! Day 40411, 19:01:48: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 222 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 40412, 15:43:28: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 40649, 05:41:47: Sac - Lvl 304 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 40649, 05:41:51: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 40868, 09:59:55: Weight - Lvl 306 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 40987, 03:15:22: Allround (W/S/HP) - Lvl 280 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 40995, 20:14:01: Weight 2 - Lvl 266 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 41101, 07:18:06: liz - Lvl 3 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 219 (Dodo)'! Day 41115, 06:25:16: liz - Lvl 46 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 144 (Raptor)'! Day 41115, 18:19:51: nathan - Lvl 108 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 241 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 41115, 18:24:19: nathan - Lvl 108 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 121 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 41115, 18:26:14: nathan - Lvl 108 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'popo - Lvl 230 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 41115, 18:26:36: nathan - Lvl 108 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 241 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 41115, 18:27:27: nathan - Lvl 108 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 224 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 41115, 18:29:50: nathan - Lvl 108 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Malde breed - Lvl 224 (Featherlight)'! Day 41115, 18:31:15: nathan - Lvl 108 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 41115, 18:32:51: nathan - Lvl 108 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 234 (Doedicurus)'! Day 41115, 18:45:30: nathan - Lvl 108 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 295 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 44395, 22:44:55: Tribemember Nick - Lvl 112 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 44396, 05:04:38: Tribemember Nick - Lvl 112 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 44396, 05:59:06: Tribemember Nick - Lvl 112 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 50! Day 44396, 12:54:41: Tribemember Nick - Lvl 112 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 60! Day 44396, 13:54:07: Tribemember Nick - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 44397, 12:27:45: Tribemember Nick - Lvl 112 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 44528, 06:09:41: Breed 2 - Lvl 234 (Featherlight) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1760352976,"tribe":"The Lone ShieldMaiden logs":["Day 18348, 21:48:56: Sammie Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)! Day 18349, 01:44:52: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 103 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 15! Day 18349, 22:49:15: Sammie Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 138 (Doedicurus)! Day 18393, 02:53:10: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 79 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 18394, 03:55:46: Sammie Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 208 (Brontosaurus)! Day 18395, 04:59:35: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 82 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 55! Day 18395, 09:48:50: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 82 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 18395, 15:00:08: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 82 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 18395, 21:32:42: Sammie Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 18 (Pteranodon)! Day 18399, 06:23:14: Sammie Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 84 (Castoroides)! Day 18400, 17:43:00: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 86 was killed! Day 18465, 21:46:47: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 18465, 22:51:52: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 18 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 18466, 13:32:49: Sammie demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 18467, 03:12:07: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 94 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 60! Day 18469, 08:51:25: Sammie Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 48 (Direwolf)! Day 18469, 12:38:14: Sammie Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 168 (Direwolf)! Day 18469, 15:48:09: Your Direwolf - Lvl 49 (Direwolf) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 95! Day 18490, 04:09:42: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 18534, 22:51:17: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 99 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 95! Day 18535, 02:36:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 22 (Megalodon)! Day 18535, 05:37:25: Your Megalodon - Lvl 22 (Megalodon) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 55! Day 18535, 06:53:31: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 99 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 18539, 22:30:46: Sammie Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 69 (Megalodon)! Day 18539, 22:37:41: Sammie froze Megalodon - Lvl 69 (Megalodon) Day 18556, 19:37:08: Sammie demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 18560, 06:24:47: Sammie demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18562, 08:52:12: Sammie Tamed a Spino - Lvl 202 (Spino)! Day 18562, 08:57:14: Sammie froze Spino - Lvl 202 (Spino) Day 18562, 14:28:16: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 101 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 50! Day 18564, 14:10:46: Sammie demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 18564, 14:19:21: Sammie demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 18566, 06:14:57: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 101 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 130 | 1.0x! Day 18566, 10:34:52: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 101 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 0.9x! Day 18566, 13:05:05: Sammie froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 92 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18566, 14:39:45: Sammie froze omggg - Lvl 98 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18582, 06:23:36: Sammie Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle)! Day 18587, 08:05:53: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 18587, 23:32:58: Sammie froze omggg - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18588, 00:11:22: Sammie froze omggg - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18635, 08:54:31: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 103 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 45! Day 18635, 09:13:12: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 103 was killed! Day 18678, 19:53:08: Your Spiro - Lvl 316 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 25! Day 18678, 20:00:23: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 104 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 25! Day 18679, 00:04:10: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 18734, 08:22:42: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18893, 20:58:33: Sammie froze Pteranodon - Lvl 176 (Pteranodon) Day 18894, 19:33:19: Sammie froze Pteranodon - Lvl 181 (Pteranodon) Day 18894, 20:25:35: Sammie froze Pteranodon - Lvl 181 (Pteranodon) Day 19022, 23:52:18: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19059, 19:36:11: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19073, 11:07:41: Sammie Tamed a Megalania - Lvl 29 (Megalania)! Day 19073, 11:13:21: Sammie froze Megalania - Lvl 29 (Megalania) Day 19096, 23:00:52: Sammie froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 103 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19100, 07:22:45: Sammie froze Pteranodon - Lvl 181 (Pteranodon) Day 19100, 08:59:48: Sammie froze sadsf - Lvl 70 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19119, 22:23:33: Sammie froze Megalania - Lvl 29 (Megalania) Day 19119, 22:43:15: Sammie froze Toof - Lvl 124 (Castoroides) Day 19120, 03:43:47: Sammie froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 111 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19120, 03:56:39: Sammie uploaded a Castoroides: Toof - Lvl 124 Day 19122, 22:25:56: Sammie froze Megalania - Lvl 29 (Megalania) Day 19122, 23:30:28: Sammie froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 111 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19123, 02:04:10: Sammie froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 111 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19141, 20:50:48: Sammie froze Rose - Lvl 93 (Megalodon) Day 19141, 21:37:09: Sammie froze Liv - Lvl 115 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19142, 00:43:36: Sammie froze Liv - Lvl 115 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19143, 11:58:21: Sammie froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 58 (Dung Beetle) Day 19143, 19:17:54: Sammie froze Spino - Lvl 232 (Spino) Day 19143, 19:26:23: Sammie froze Spike - Lvl 71 (Ankylosaurus) Day 19143, 20:02:13: Sammie froze Army - Lvl 197 (Doedicurus) Day 19143, 20:24:18: Sammie froze Direwolf - Lvl 201 (Direwolf) Day 19143, 20:36:57: Sammie froze Army - Lvl 197 (Doedicurus) Day 19143, 23:21:13: Sammie froze Liv - Lvl 116 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19143, 23:34:38: Sammie uploaded a Dung Beetle: Dung Beetle - Lvl 58 Day 19163, 12:09:12: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19295, 10:05:21: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19314, 01:27:47: Sammie froze Liv - Lvl 132 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19318, 00:39:39: Sammie froze Liv - Lvl 132 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19331, 10:14:21: Sammie froze Big Birtha - Lvl 261 (Brontosaurus) Day 19331, 10:34:20: Sammie froze Moe - Lvl 120 (Morellatops) Day 19331, 12:12:23: Sammie froze Argentavis - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19342, 13:02:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19459, 23:39:23: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19459, 23:39:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19459, 23:39:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19554, 05:59:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19554, 05:59:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19554, 05:59:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19554, 05:59:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19554, 05:59:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19554, 05:59:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19591, 09:26:20: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'omggg - Lvl 102 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 19624, 16:04:05: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19765, 15:59:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19765, 15:59:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19765, 15:59:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19765, 15:59:51: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19765, 15:59:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19765, 15:59:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19789, 07:41:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19907, 03:45:35: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19930, 17:46:45: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20041, 01:34:34: Sammie froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 121 (Thorny Dragon) Day 20041, 03:43:49: Sammie froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 149 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20090, 16:45:10: Sammie froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 149 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20090, 18:18:47: Sammie froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 149 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20190, 10:11:19: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20190, 10:11:19: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20190, 10:11:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20190, 10:11:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20190, 10:11:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20283, 18:12:15: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20472, 16:22:11: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20516, 15:45:58: Sammie froze Rose - Lvl 93 (Megalodon) Day 20584, 09:49:13: Sammie froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 151 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21463, 04:34:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21545, 09:55:08: Sammie froze Rose - Lvl 138 (Megalodon) Day 21545, 18:34:23: Sammie claimed 'Cappuccino - Lvl 219 (Griffin)'! Day 21545, 18:42:23: Sammie claimed 'W, M - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)'! Day 21545, 18:44:31: Sammie claimed 'H, S - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 21545, 18:52:25: Sammie claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21545, 18:53:35: Sammie claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21545, 18:55:12: Sammie claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 231 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21546, 10:03:41: Sammie froze Cappuccino - Lvl 219 (Griffin) Day 21546, 10:23:23: Sammie froze H, S - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 21546, 10:35:47: Sammie froze W, M - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 21546, 10:45:13: Sammie froze Pteranodon - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon) Day 21546, 10:50:26: Sammie froze Pteranodon - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon) Day 21546, 13:04:53: Sammie froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 151 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21734, 20:48:51: Desperate Dan - Lvl 43 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 21734, 22:32:46: Desperate Dan - Lvl 43 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 22138, 11:47:40: tweetkimbo - Lvl 74 (Tribe of tweetkimbo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 231 (Pteranodon)'! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22960, 16:23:45: Humano - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 23363, 02:29:42: mitchy - Lvl 44 (Bodi Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24400, 13:15:04: Sammie downloaded a dino: Aslan - Lvl 255 Day 24400, 15:28:50: Sammie Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 82 (Dung Beetle)! Day 24400, 15:35:04: Sammie froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 82 (Dung Beetle) Day 24400, 16:21:25: Sammie Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 74 (Dung Beetle)! Day 24400, 17:22:08: Sammie uploaded a Griffin: Aslan - Lvl 255 Day 24400, 17:28:07: Sammie uploaded a Dung Beetle: Dung Beetle - Lvl 74 Day 24406, 09:15:15: Sammie downloaded a dino: Aslan - Lvl 255 Day 24406, 17:59:00: Sammie uploaded a Griffin: Aslan - Lvl 256 Day 24408, 03:43:51: Sammie downloaded a dino: Aslan - Lvl 256 Day 24408, 04:03:35: Hollow was added to the Tribe by Sammie! Day 24409, 06:34:55: Hollow claimed 'HAPPYTIME (Raft)'! Day 24410, 04:34:09: Sammie uploaded a Griffin: Aslan - Lvl 257 Day 27263, 06:18:15: Sammie downloaded a dino: Aslan - Lvl 269 Day 27263, 10:25:05: Sammie froze Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus) Day 27263, 10:34:18: Sammie froze Aslan - Lvl 269 (Griffin) Day 28935, 14:58:22: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 313 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 29334, 01:10:02: Sammie claimed 'Managarmr - Lvl 255 (Managarmr)'! Day 29334, 01:17:05: Sammie froze Managarmr - Lvl 255 (Managarmr) Day 29334, 01:46:42: Sammie claimed 'X-Rex - Lvl 224 (X-Rex)'! Day 29334, 01:51:31: Sammie froze X-Rex - Lvl 224 (X-Rex) Day 29334, 01:59:03: Sammie claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 29334, 02:39:56: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 29334, 07:35:19: Sammie froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (Thylacoleo) Day 29334, 07:42:31: Sammie claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex)'! Day 29334, 07:53:59: Sammie froze Tek Rex - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex) Day 29334, 08:21:10: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 327 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 29334, 17:06:58: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 327 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 29334, 17:10:13: Sammie froze Twilight - Lvl 200 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29403, 14:06:37: Sammie claimed 'Sabre - Lvl 269 (Sabertooth)'! Day 29403, 14:09:28: Sammie froze Sabre - Lvl 269 (Sabertooth) Day 29403, 14:34:48: Sammie claimed 'Dire Bear - Lvl 273 (Dire Bear)'! Day 29403, 14:37:40: Sammie froze Dire Bear - Lvl 273 (Dire Bear) Day 29403, 14:55:35: Sammie claimed 'Mr. Paddington - Lvl 294 (Dire Bear)'! Day 29403, 14:59:09: Sammie froze Mr. Paddington - Lvl 294 (Dire Bear) Day 29403, 16:42:41: Sammie uploaded a Dire Bear: Mr. Paddington - Lvl 294 Day 29403, 16:48:55: Sammie froze Twilight - Lvl 200 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 31434, 21:30:15: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 33797, 09:12:37: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 332 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34433, 16:37:17: Haggis - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'HAPPYTIME (Raft)'! Day 34610, 13:19:41: Sammie froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 350 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40459, 16:51:24: Sammie claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 40460, 00:11:08: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 309 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40460, 12:49:56: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 364 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40461, 00:05:45: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 364 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40461, 04:36:47: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 364 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40461, 18:44:02: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 364 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40463, 01:59:43: Sleepy_Hollow was added to the Tribe by Sammie! Day 40463, 08:11:03: Tribemember Sleepy_Hollow - Lvl 7 was killed by a Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 50 | 1.8x! Day 40463, 08:45:53: Tribemember Sleepy_Hollow - Lvl 7 was killed by a Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 150 | 1.1x! Day 40463, 17:44:15: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 309 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40477, 21:09:42: Sammie froze Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex) Day 40477, 23:19:27: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 364 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40479, 13:19:23: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 364 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40479, 17:24:34: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 364 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40480, 05:15:45: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 364 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40480, 22:43:53: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 364 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40481, 01:02:39: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 364 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40481, 07:35:18: Sammie froze Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex) Day 40481, 13:58:49: Sammie claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40481, 18:10:23: Sammie froze spiderfood 2 - Lvl 356 (Rex) Day 40481, 18:19:45: Sammie froze Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex) Day 40481, 19:20:41: Sammie froze Dimetrodon - Lvl 65 (Dimetrodon) Day 40481, 19:30:26: Sammie froze Dimetrodon - Lvl 95 (Dimetrodon) Day 40500, 14:10:22: Sammie claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40500, 14:13:49: Sammie claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40500, 14:27:24: Sammie claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40504, 11:44:08: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 364 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40505, 00:36:20: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 364 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40505, 03:41:18: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 364 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40505, 07:32:27: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 364 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40505, 13:48:08: Sammie Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 89 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 40506, 11:16:52: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 364 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40506, 21:44:53: Tribemember Sleepy_Hollow - Lvl 20 was killed! Day 40507, 08:51:16: Sammie claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 90 (Rock Drake)'! Day 40507, 09:04:48: Sammie froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 90 (Rock Drake) Day 40507, 09:10:17: Sammie claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 60 (Rock Drake)'! Day 40507, 09:18:35: Sammie froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 60 (Rock Drake) Day 40510, 23:15:49: Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 90 (Rock Drake) starved to death! Day 40511, 04:15:18: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 333 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40511, 04:53:09: Sammie froze Lil miss Zeus - Lvl 171 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 40525, 18:03:23: Sammie froze River - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 40531, 00:39:25: Sammie froze River - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 40531, 13:33:20: Sammie Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 89 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 40531, 13:39:33: Sammie froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 89 (Ankylosaurus) Day 40531, 17:27:52: Sammie froze Rock Drake - Lvl 60 (Rock Drake) Day 40549, 12:39:28: Sammie claimed 'Belveth - Lvl 237 (Pteranodon)'! Day 40549, 12:42:22: Sammie claimed 'UUGH - Lvl 203 (Argentavis)'! Day 40549, 12:50:12: Sammie claimed 'zextina akali - Lvl 230 (Pteranodon)'! Day 40549, 13:04:25: Sammie claimed 'GREG - Lvl 157 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 40549, 21:14:30: Sammie froze UUGH - Lvl 203 (Argentavis) Day 40550, 14:10:07: Sammie claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40551, 22:27:27: Sammie froze Lily - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane) Day 40573, 11:42:47: Sammie claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40573, 14:01:37: Sammie claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40577, 18:27:28: Sammie claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40580, 02:40:22: Sammie claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40599, 16:54:34: Sammie claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40601, 22:38:11: Sammie claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40602, 01:39:40: Sammie claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40602, 05:14:06: Sammie claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40602, 07:50:55: Sammie claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40619, 06:29:55: Sammie froze Shadowmane - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) Day 40619, 06:33:35: Sammie froze Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 40619, 06:39:10: Sammie froze Shadowmane - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) Day 40619, 06:43:04: Sammie froze Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 40625, 03:52:15: Sammie froze Rock Drake - Lvl 60 (Rock Drake) Day 40625, 05:06:05: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 333 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40625, 19:05:40: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 334 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40625, 20:31:46: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 334 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40625, 22:04:57: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 334 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40626, 15:01:39: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 40626, 16:54:31: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 334 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40626, 17:29:52: Sammie froze Kandy - Lvl 251 (Pteranodon) Day 40626, 22:04:38: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 85! Day 40674, 07:21:29: Sammie claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 175 (Rock Drake)'! Day 40674, 07:25:28: Sammie froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 175 (Rock Drake) Day 40675, 02:02:30: Sammie claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 155 (Rock Drake)'! Day 40675, 02:09:22: Sammie froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 155 (Rock Drake) Day 40675, 07:57:40: Sammie froze Rock Drake - Lvl 134 (Rock Drake) Day 40677, 13:05:58: Sammie froze Rock Drake - Lvl 155 (Rock Drake) Day 40677, 13:17:01: Sammie froze Rock Drake - Lvl 175 (Rock Drake) Day 40692, 07:00:20: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 364 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40748, 07:41:25: Sammie froze Rock Drake - Lvl 134 (Rock Drake) Day 40907, 14:04:16: Sammie froze Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 40907, 14:29:58: Sammie froze Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 40907, 14:36:55: Sammie froze Shadowmane - Lvl 251 (Shadowmane) Day 40907, 14:54:30: Sammie froze Shadowmane - Lvl 261 (Shadowmane) Day 40907, 15:41:19: Dilophosaur - Lvl 90 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 41146, 09:24:20: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 41197, 14:07:14: Sammie froze Cochise - Lvl 274 (Shadowmane) Day 41200, 06:26:40: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 349 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41201, 09:55:13: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 349 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41202, 05:57:14: Sammie downloaded a dino: Saffy - Lvl 349 Day 41202, 06:02:04: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 349 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41202, 16:53:08: Sammie froze Flora - Lvl 305 (Magmasaur) Day 41202, 17:37:12: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 349 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41203, 12:34:44: Sammie froze Rock Drake - Lvl 175 (Rock Drake) Day 41203, 12:41:38: Sammie froze Happy - Lvl 387 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41203, 12:46:23: Sammie froze Rock Drake - Lvl 155 (Rock Drake) Day 41203, 14:12:31: Sammie froze Shadowmane - Lvl 251 (Shadowmane) Day 41203, 14:19:41: Sammie downloaded a dino: I do no damage - Lvl 130 Day 41203, 17:44:47: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 129 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 41203, 19:42:21: Sammie froze ARCHIE - Lvl 305 (Archaeopteryx) Day 41203, 20:36:29: Sammie froze Castoroides - Lvl 379 (Castoroides) Day 41203, 22:37:07: Sammie froze ARCHIE - Lvl 305 (Archaeopteryx) Day 41219, 21:12:48: Sammie froze Flora - Lvl 305 (Magmasaur) Day 41219, 23:43:55: Sammie froze Flora - Lvl 305 (Magmasaur) Day 41221, 03:03:12: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 349 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41221, 04:31:44: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 349 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41222, 06:10:42: Sammie downloaded a dino: SPARKLE - Lvl 294 Day 41222, 06:11:33: Sammie downloaded a dino: Saffy - Lvl 349 Day 41222, 06:12:26: Sammie downloaded a dino: Deinonychus - Lvl 202 Day 41222, 06:13:20: Could not find Spawn Location for Rex, Destroying... Day 41222, 06:15:33: Could not find Spawn Location for Rex, Destroying... Day 41222, 06:22:49: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 349 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41222, 06:26:27: Sammie froze SPARKLE - Lvl 294 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41222, 06:29:08: Sammie downloaded a dino: NEW REX - Lvl 338 Day 41222, 06:33:03: Sammie froze NEW REX - Lvl 338 (Tek Rex) Day 41222, 06:39:24: Sammie froze Deinonychus - Lvl 202 (Deinonychus) Day 41222, 08:23:37: Sammie froze Rock Drake - Lvl 155 (Rock Drake) Day 41222, 08:33:15: Sammie froze Rock Drake - Lvl 175 (Rock Drake) Day 41293, 10:14:41: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 349 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41293, 14:08:26: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 349 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41294, 07:00:36: Sammie downloaded a dino: Female 0 - Lvl 401 Day 41294, 07:01:46: Sammie downloaded a dino: Tek Rex - Lvl 382 Day 41294, 07:02:51: Sammie downloaded a dino: Silver - Lvl 165 Day 41294, 07:04:05: Sammie downloaded a dino: Zezolek - Lvl 179 Day 41294, 07:09:12: Sammie froze Female 0 - Lvl 401 (Dire Bear) Day 41294, 07:21:45: Sammie froze Tek Rex - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex) Day 41294, 07:27:34: Sammie froze Female 0 - Lvl 401 (Dire Bear) Day 41294, 07:37:36: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 349 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41389, 05:33:18: Sammie froze Griffy - Lvl 305 (Griffin) Day 41408, 10:13:45: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 349 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41426, 22:50:42: Sammie froze SPARKLE - Lvl 294 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41477, 21:18:47: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 309 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 41478, 12:12:17: Sammie claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 187 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41479, 04:23:15: Sammie claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 197 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41479, 18:45:10: Sammie froze Shadowmane - Lvl 187 (Shadowmane) Day 41481, 09:10:43: Sammie demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 41482, 20:58:23: Sammie froze Bonny - Lvl 173 (Rex) Day 41482, 21:04:54: Sammie froze NEW REX - Lvl 338 (Tek Rex) Day 41482, 21:10:08: Sammie froze Sharp - Lvl 357 (Rex) Day 41482, 21:16:05: Sammie froze Purp - Lvl 268 (Rex) Day 41482, 21:34:46: Sammie froze Purp - Lvl 268 (Rex) Day 41483, 00:21:00: Sammie froze Tek Rex - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex) Day 41483, 00:26:11: Sammie froze Rock Drake - Lvl 154 (Rock Drake) Day 41483, 00:38:45: Sammie froze ALLIE - Lvl 301 (Allosaurus) Day 41483, 00:49:02: Sammie froze Female 0 - Lvl 401 (Dire Bear) Day 41483, 02:00:11: Sammie froze NEW REX - Lvl 338 (Tek Rex) Day 41483, 05:59:37: Sammie froze Lil miss Zeus - Lvl 171 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 41483, 06:03:27: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 353 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41483, 06:08:18: Sammie froze Clark Kent - Lvl 157 (Poison Wyvern) Day 41483, 06:18:34: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 334 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 41532, 07:46:12: Sammie claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 171 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41532, 10:00:58: Sammie claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 192 (Shadowmane)'! Day 42147, 15:40:33: Lil - Lvl 66 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 42165, 15:59:01: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 25! Day 42832, 05:55:06: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 44143, 12:46:01: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130!"] "tribeid":1752689591,"tribe":"Potato Heads logs":["Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40086, 10:06:58: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40110, 06:05:25: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40171, 08:39:55: Pipa - Lvl 112 (Lens World) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 40171, 09:24:41: Pipa - Lvl 112 (Lens World) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 102 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Bridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Tek Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40620, 05:13:06: Tribemember Benedy - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 40620, 05:15:10: Tribemember SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 was killed! Day 40692, 08:56:16: Tribemember Human - Lvl 73 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25!"] "tribeid":1751416203,"tribe":"Tribe of uman logs":["Day 11055, 17:06:27: uman froze Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 11055, 19:53:34: GUy claimed 'Geoff - Lvl 327 (Argentavis)'! Day 11055, 19:53:47: GUy claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 319 (Argentavis)'! Day 11055, 20:11:58: GUy claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 198 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11056, 11:48:03: uman claimed 'Firsty - Lvl 200 (Parasaur)'! Day 11056, 11:48:56: uman claimed 'Spiky - Lvl 261 (Thorny Dragon)'! Day 11056, 11:50:44: uman claimed 'Woodie - Lvl 262 (Thorny Dragon)'! Day 11056, 11:55:40: uman froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 201 (Therizinosaur) Day 11056, 11:57:44: uman claimed 'Dodo Warrior 2 - Lvl 240 (Dodo)'! Day 11056, 11:57:59: uman claimed 'Dodo Warrior 3 - Lvl 180 (Dodo)'! Day 11056, 11:58:40: uman claimed 'Dodo - Lvl 227 (Dodo)'! Day 11056, 11:58:52: uman claimed 'Dodo Warrior 1 - Lvl 213 (Dodo)'! Day 11056, 14:31:32: GUy froze eeeeeeeeeeee - Lvl 206 (Snow Owl) Day 11056, 20:10:32: uman claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 11057, 04:35:50: GUy claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 50 (Gacha)'! Day 11057, 04:46:59: GUy froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 50 (Gacha) Day 11057, 07:39:38: GUy froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 50 (Gacha) Day 11057, 08:17:39: GUy froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 50 (Gacha) Day 11057, 10:41:08: GUy froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 50 (Gacha) Day 11057, 11:15:14: GUy froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 50 (Gacha) Day 11057, 11:17:58: GUy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 204 (Snow Owl)'! Day 11057, 11:21:13: uman Tamed a Terror Bird - Lvl 89 (Terror Bird)! Day 11057, 11:23:00: GUy froze Baby letss a goo - Lvl 204 (Snow Owl) Day 11057, 11:23:54: uman froze Terror Bird - Lvl 89 (Terror Bird) Day 11057, 15:24:51: Adolescent Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo) starved to death! Day 11057, 17:02:31: uman Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 146 (Thylacoleo)! Day 11057, 17:06:41: uman froze night shade - Lvl 146 (Thylacoleo) Day 11057, 19:47:07: Your Tribe Tamed a Megaloceros - Lvl 21 (Megaloceros)! Day 11057, 20:06:18: Your Tribe Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 37 (Thylacoleo)! Day 11058, 05:14:02: uman claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 99 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 11058, 05:22:57: uman claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 171 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 11066, 13:07:21: GUy claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 165 (Managarmr)'! Day 11066, 13:09:47: GUy froze Baby MINI MAN - Lvl 165 (Managarmr) Day 11066, 14:19:05: GUy froze Managarmr - Lvl 205 (Managarmr) Day 11066, 14:23:15: GUy froze Managarmr - Lvl 191 (Managarmr) Day 11066, 15:46:32: GUy froze Managarmr - Lvl 191 (Managarmr) Day 11066, 19:32:45: GUy uploaded a Managarmr: Managarmr - Lvl 190 Day 11066, 19:33:23: GUy uploaded a Blood Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 153 Day 11067, 13:53:54: GUy unclaimed 'big brid - Lvl 234 (Argentavis)'! Day 11067, 17:24:01: GUy downloaded a dino: Managarmr - Lvl 190 Day 11067, 17:24:16: GUy downloaded a dino: Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 153 Day 11067, 17:24:32: GUy downloaded a dino: M 240 - Lvl 287 Day 11067, 17:29:14: GUy froze M 240 - Lvl 287 (Snow Owl) Day 11067, 17:36:27: GUy froze Managarmr - Lvl 190 (Managarmr) Day 11067, 18:51:54: GUy claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)'! Day 11067, 18:53:06: GUy claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 200 (Argentavis)'! Day 11067, 18:55:56: GUy claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 200 (Argentavis)'! Day 11067, 18:56:30: GUy claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 204 (Argentavis)'! Day 11067, 18:58:32: GUy claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 204 (Argentavis)'! Day 11067, 19:00:24: GUy unclaimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 204 (Argentavis)'! Day 11068, 01:54:15: Your Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 200 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 11068, 01:54:15: Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 200 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 11068, 06:13:58: Tribemember GUy - Lvl 96 was killed! Day 11068, 09:32:47: uman froze Juvenile letss a goo - Lvl 204 (Snow Owl) Day 11068, 09:34:44: uman froze Juvenile letss a goo - Lvl 204 (Snow Owl) Day 11068, 09:37:20: uman froze Juvenile letss a goo - Lvl 204 (Snow Owl) Day 11068, 10:23:16: uman claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 11068, 10:23:43: uman claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex)'! Day 11068, 10:25:06: uman claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex)'! Day 11068, 10:27:17: uman claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex)'! Day 11068, 10:39:54: uman claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex)'! Day 11068, 10:43:23: uman froze Baby Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 11068, 10:49:10: uman froze Baby Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 11068, 10:53:00: uman froze Baby Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 11068, 10:56:10: uman froze Baby Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 11068, 10:59:19: uman froze Baby Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 11068, 12:31:40: uman claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 197 (Rex)'! Day 11068, 12:32:24: uman claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex)'! Day 11068, 12:32:48: uman claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 11068, 12:33:30: uman claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 160 (Rex)'! Day 11068, 12:37:14: uman claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex)'! Day 11068, 12:39:02: uman froze Baby Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex) Day 11068, 12:40:57: uman froze Baby Rex - Lvl 160 (Rex) Day 11068, 12:42:29: uman froze Baby Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 11068, 12:44:29: uman froze Baby Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) Day 11068, 12:46:25: uman froze Baby Rex - Lvl 197 (Rex) Day 11068, 12:51:38: uman claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 59 (Gacha)'! Day 11068, 12:53:09: uman froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 59 (Gacha) Day 11068, 17:27:48: uman froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 59 (Gacha) Day 11068, 19:31:11: uman claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 185 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 11068, 19:36:25: uman froze Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 185 (Thylacoleo) Day 11068, 23:58:51: uman froze Juvenile Thylacoleo - Lvl 185 (Thylacoleo) Day 11069, 00:05:37: uman froze Juvenile Thylacoleo - Lvl 185 (Thylacoleo) Day 11069, 00:10:43: uman froze Juvenile Thylacoleo - Lvl 185 (Thylacoleo) Day 11069, 00:22:06: uman froze Juvenile Thylacoleo - Lvl 185 (Thylacoleo) Day 11069, 08:12:32: uman froze Nony - Lvl 181 (Deinonychus) Day 11069, 13:02:50: uman froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 158 (Basilosaurus) Day 11069, 14:24:09: uman froze Adolescent Blood Ice - Lvl 185 (Thylacoleo) Day 11069, 19:10:25: uman Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 251 (Tek Raptor)! Day 11069, 19:13:30: uman froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 251 (Tek Raptor) Day 11069, 22:59:00: GUy claimed 'eeeeeeeeeeee - Lvl 207 (Snow Owl)'! Day 11069, 23:27:06: GUy froze MINI MAN - Lvl 165 (Managarmr) Day 11070, 02:42:27: uman claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 171 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 11070, 02:58:03: uman froze Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 171 (Thylacoleo) Day 11070, 03:13:27: Tribemember GUy - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 11070, 04:41:09: Tribemember GUy - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 11070, 05:22:08: GUy unclaimed 'letss a goo - Lvl 213 (Snow Owl)'! Day 11070, 05:25:32: GUy claimed 'letss a goo - Lvl 213 (Snow Owl)'! Day 11070, 08:04:33: GUy unclaimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 233 (Snow Owl)'! Day 11070, 09:31:59: GUy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 226 (Snow Owl)'! Day 11070, 09:32:36: GUy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl)'! Day 11070, 09:40:44: GUy froze Baby ok - Lvl 226 (Snow Owl) Day 11070, 09:43:59: GUy froze Baby joe mamma - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) Day 11070, 12:13:13: GUy froze Juvenile joe mamma - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) Day 11070, 14:23:35: uman froze Juvenile joe mamma - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) Day 11070, 14:25:23: uman froze Juvenile joe mamma - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) Day 11070, 14:27:08: uman froze Juvenile joe mamma - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) Day 11070, 16:22:37: uman froze Juvenile ok - Lvl 226 (Snow Owl) Day 11070, 16:42:11: uman froze Baby Night shade - Lvl 171 (Thylacoleo) Day 11070, 16:44:23: uman froze Baby Night shade - Lvl 171 (Thylacoleo) Day 11070, 16:57:29: uman froze Baby Night shade - Lvl 171 (Thylacoleo) Day 11070, 19:25:48: GUy froze Adolescent ok - Lvl 226 (Snow Owl) Day 11070, 19:36:07: GUy froze Adolescent joe mamma - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) Day 11070, 19:41:46: Your Tribe Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 202 (Castoroides)! Day 11070, 21:21:10: GUy froze Managarmr - Lvl 215 (Managarmr) Day 11070, 22:59:17: Your Dodo - Lvl 280 (Dodo) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 20! Day 11070, 23:00:37: GUy froze Adolescent joe mamma - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) Day 11070, 23:43:36: GUy froze Adolescent ok - Lvl 226 (Snow Owl) Day 11071, 03:21:38: uman froze Castoroides - Lvl 206 (Castoroides) Day 11071, 03:29:16: GUy claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 168 (Managarmr)'! Day 11071, 03:34:53: GUy froze Baby ok - Lvl 168 (Managarmr) Day 11071, 05:09:51: GUy froze Baby ok - Lvl 168 (Managarmr) Day 11071, 05:17:59: uman froze Adolescent Night shade - Lvl 171 (Thylacoleo) Day 11071, 05:38:56: GUy froze MINI MAN - Lvl 176 (Managarmr) Day 11071, 15:18:46: Tribemember uman - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 11071, 16:48:45: uman froze Blood Ice - Lvl 251 (Thylacoleo) Day 11071, 19:02:48: uman froze Bowser - Lvl 252 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11072, 16:34:33: uman Tamed a Rex - Lvl 194 (Rex)! Day 11072, 16:38:06: uman froze Rex - Lvl 194 (Rex) Day 11078, 15:11:26: GUy froze Night shade - Lvl 184 (Thylacoleo) Day 11078, 15:14:12: uman froze Blood Ice - Lvl 259 (Thylacoleo) Day 11078, 15:59:37: GUy froze Night shade - Lvl 193 (Thylacoleo) Day 11078, 16:00:03: uman froze Blood Ice - Lvl 261 (Thylacoleo) Day 11078, 16:38:33: Tribemember GUy - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 11078, 16:54:36: uman froze Night shade - Lvl 198 (Thylacoleo) Day 11078, 17:21:09: uman froze Blood Ice - Lvl 261 (Thylacoleo) Day 11078, 18:22:58: uman froze Blood Ice - Lvl 261 (Thylacoleo) Day 11079, 03:16:25: uman froze Argentavis - Lvl 244 (Argentavis) Day 11079, 05:18:11: Tribemember uman - Lvl 122 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 50! Day 11079, 06:53:21: uman froze Argentavis - Lvl 244 (Argentavis) Day 11079, 07:09:54: uman froze Blood Ice - Lvl 265 (Thylacoleo) Day 11079, 07:32:15: uman froze Blood Ice - Lvl 265 (Thylacoleo) Day 11079, 07:36:33: uman froze Argentavis - Lvl 244 (Argentavis) Day 11079, 08:49:41: uman froze Blood Ice - Lvl 266 (Thylacoleo) Day 11079, 09:21:31: uman froze Argentavis - Lvl 245 (Argentavis) Day 11079, 12:12:53: uman claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 171 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 11079, 13:50:13: uman claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 205 (Rex)'! Day 11079, 13:51:41: uman froze Baby Rex - Lvl 205 (Rex) Day 11079, 17:14:58: uman claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex)'! Day 11079, 17:16:57: uman froze Baby Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 11079, 19:31:21: uman froze Baby Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 11079, 19:33:45: uman froze Baby Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 11079, 22:29:06: uman froze Adolescent Thylacoleo - Lvl 171 (Thylacoleo) Day 11079, 22:46:13: uman froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 59 (Gacha) Day 11079, 22:51:45: uman froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 59 (Gacha) Day 11080, 00:14:12: GUy claimed 'Shaggy - Lvl 152 (Rock Drake)'! Day 11080, 07:00:47: uman froze Adolescent Thylacoleo - Lvl 171 (Thylacoleo) Day 11080, 09:51:16: Tribemember uman - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 11080, 19:22:57: GUy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 11080, 19:23:24: GUy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 11080, 19:23:49: GUy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 11080, 19:24:28: GUy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 11080, 19:24:59: GUy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 11080, 19:25:29: GUy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 11080, 19:26:26: GUy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 11080, 19:26:59: GUy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 11080, 19:27:44: GUy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 11080, 19:28:12: GUy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 11080, 19:28:44: GUy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 11080, 19:29:08: GUy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 11080, 19:30:07: GUy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 11080, 19:30:32: GUy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 11081, 03:34:29: GUy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 11081, 05:31:59: Tribe of arcticwolf tribe was merged in by arcticwolf! Day 11081, 05:31:59: arcticwolf was added to the Tribe by GUy! Day 11081, 06:50:23: arcticwolf froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 184 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 11081, 06:54:08: arcticwolf was removed from the Tribe! Day 11082, 12:49:03: Firsty - Lvl 200 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 11091, 18:29:14: Tribemember uman - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 11091, 20:15:37: uman claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)'! Day 11091, 21:17:31: uman claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 236 (Argentavis)'! Day 11091, 23:26:15: Your Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 236 (Argentavis) was killed by uman - Lvl 122 (Tribe of uman)! Day 11091, 23:26:15: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 236 (Argentavis) (Tribe of uman)! Day 11092, 06:51:17: uman froze Blood Ice - Lvl 271 (Thylacoleo) Day 11092, 07:44:49: uman froze Blood Ice - Lvl 273 (Thylacoleo) Day 11092, 08:56:18: uman froze Blood Ice - Lvl 275 (Thylacoleo) Day 11092, 09:10:19: uman froze Blood Ice - Lvl 275 (Thylacoleo) Day 11092, 09:51:07: uman froze Blood Ice - Lvl 275 (Thylacoleo) Day 11092, 09:59:05: Tribemember uman - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 11092, 11:42:27: uman froze Night shade - Lvl 210 (Thylacoleo) Day 11092, 11:53:56: uman froze Night shade - Lvl 210 (Thylacoleo) Day 11092, 12:30:18: uman froze Night shade - Lvl 210 (Thylacoleo) Day 11092, 12:58:54: uman froze Night shade - Lvl 210 (Thylacoleo) Day 11092, 13:17:37: Tribemember uman - Lvl 122 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 100! Day 11092, 14:17:33: uman froze inferno - Lvl 197 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 11099, 09:23:31: GUy demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 11099, 11:27:09: Tribemember GUy - Lvl 100 was killed by uman - Lvl 122 (Tribe of uman)! Day 11099, 11:27:09: Your Tribe killed GUy - Lvl 100 (Tribe of uman)! Day 11107, 06:55:18: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11111, 09:08:53: uman froze Blood Ice - Lvl 277 (Thylacoleo) Day 11111, 12:41:59: GUy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 213 (Snow Owl)'! Day 11111, 12:43:04: GUy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl)'! Day 11111, 12:44:47: GUy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl)'! Day 11111, 12:46:37: GUy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl)'! Day 11111, 12:51:58: GUy froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) Day 11111, 12:54:13: GUy froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 213 (Snow Owl) Day 11111, 12:56:45: GUy froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) Day 11111, 12:58:53: GUy froze Baby ok - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) Day 11111, 14:47:19: GUy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl)'! Day 11111, 14:48:07: GUy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl)'! Day 11111, 14:50:16: GUy froze Baby lolmk2 - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) Day 11111, 14:52:41: GUy froze Baby lol - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) Day 11111, 15:05:39: GUy froze Juvenile ok - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) Day 11111, 16:10:31: GUy froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) Day 11123, 02:45:55: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11136, 05:31:52: Your Dodo Warrior 3 - Lvl 213 (Dodo) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 15! Day 11168, 08:10:05: dddddddddddddddddddddddd - Lvl 60 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 11178, 05:19:39: lolmk2 - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 11178, 05:31:40: GUy froze ok - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) Day 11178, 06:55:05: GUy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) Day 11178, 06:56:47: GUy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 213 (Snow Owl) Day 11178, 07:03:56: GUy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) Day 11178, 07:05:39: GUy froze lol - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) Day 11178, 16:57:21: Your JEff - Lvl 70 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 11213, 11:54:52: Gacha - Lvl 70 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 11221, 14:47:44: BIG BOPY - Lvl 91 (Quetzal) starved to death! Day 11240, 20:02:23: Your Dung Beetle - Lvl 38 (Dung Beetle) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 11243, 11:37:05: Gacha - Lvl 59 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 11243, 18:19:05: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11259, 18:32:58: F 240 - Lvl 299 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 11261, 04:54:22: Your Megaloceros - Lvl 22 (Megaloceros) was killed! Day 11261, 04:54:22: Megaloceros - Lvl 22 (Megaloceros) starved to death! Day 11261, 08:48:19: uman Tamed an Equus - Lvl 37 (Equus)! Day 11261, 14:23:44: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 44 (Tek Raptor)! Day 11261, 14:29:14: uman froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 44 (Tek Raptor) Day 11261, 16:34:26: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalosaurus - Lvl 29 (Megalosaurus)! Day 11261, 16:53:46: uman froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 30 (Megalosaurus) Day 11261, 17:46:57: uman froze Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) Day 11261, 17:52:06: uman froze Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 11261, 17:53:34: uman froze Rex - Lvl 206 (Rex) Day 11261, 17:55:36: uman froze Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 11261, 17:58:25: uman froze Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 11261, 18:00:10: uman froze Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 11261, 18:01:41: uman froze Rex - Lvl 160 (Rex) Day 11261, 18:03:35: uman froze Rex - Lvl 252 (Rex) Day 11261, 18:05:48: uman froze Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex) Day 11261, 18:29:49: uman froze Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex) Day 11261, 18:31:48: uman froze Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 11261, 18:35:06: uman froze Rex - Lvl 208 (Rex) Day 11261, 18:37:30: uman froze Rex - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 11261, 18:40:08: uman froze Rex - Lvl 228 (Rex) Day 11261, 18:42:37: uman froze Rex - Lvl 205 (Rex) Day 11261, 19:02:33: uman froze Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 11261, 19:04:35: uman froze Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex) Day 11261, 19:06:40: uman froze Rex - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 11261, 19:08:27: uman froze Rex - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 11261, 19:11:52: uman froze Rex - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 11263, 18:37:05: uman froze Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 11264, 02:35:46: uman claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 148 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 11264, 03:01:15: Your Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 148 (Thylacoleo) was killed by uman - Lvl 122 (Tribe of uman)! Day 11264, 03:01:15: Your Tribe killed Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 148 (Thylacoleo) (Tribe of uman)! Day 11264, 06:49:33: uman claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 171 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 11264, 06:54:04: Your Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 171 (Thylacoleo) was killed by uman - Lvl 122 (Tribe of uman)! Day 11264, 06:54:04: Your Tribe killed Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 171 (Thylacoleo) (Tribe of uman)! Day 11267, 16:56:32: RezQD - Lvl 231 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 11278, 18:07:59: Dung Beetle - Lvl 61 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 11336, 07:38:38: six - Lvl 208 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 11336, 07:58:51: Your Dung Beetle - Lvl 219 (Dung Beetle) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 85! Day 11342, 10:56:27: thirteen - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 11363, 08:19:01: three - Lvl 225 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 11377, 00:12:50: nine - Lvl 296 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 11385, 22:52:19: twelve - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 11400, 17:33:50: eight - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 11400, 17:33:51: ten - Lvl 213 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 11400, 17:33:52: eleven - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 11420, 14:22:44: BIG JEzus boi - Lvl 97 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 11436, 10:06:14: Peter - Lvl 89 (Griffin) starved to death! Day 11446, 10:08:12: zSmasher - Lvl 122 (LINDA CULT) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spiky - Lvl 261 (Thorny Dragon)'! Day 11446, 10:09:06: zSmasher - Lvl 122 (LINDA CULT) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Woodie - Lvl 262 (Thorny Dragon)'! Day 11451, 15:22:59: Equus - Lvl 42 (Equus) starved to death! Day 11462, 12:48:14: Your Tek Raptor - Lvl 49 (Tek Raptor) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 85! Day 11476, 10:33:23: Your Managarmr - Lvl 212 (Managarmr) was killed! Day 11476, 10:34:34: Your Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 154 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 11476, 10:34:55: Your inferno - Lvl 204 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 11476, 10:35:17: Your Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 137 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 11476, 10:37:00: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 93 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 11476, 10:37:06: Your Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 120 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 11476, 10:37:11: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 138 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 11476, 10:37:12: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 224 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 11476, 10:37:34: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 218 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 11476, 10:37:36: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 230 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 11476, 10:37:39: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 176 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 11476, 10:37:40: Your da baby jeezus - Lvl 271 (Stegosaurus) was killed! Day 11476, 10:37:41: Your lol - Lvl 210 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 11476, 10:37:42: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 155 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 11476, 10:37:46: Your Megalosaurus - Lvl 37 (Megalosaurus) was killed! Day 11476, 10:37:47: Your Dire Bear - Lvl 229 (Dire Bear) was killed! Day 11476, 10:38:20: Your BArry - Lvl 223 (Baryonyx) was killed! Day 11476, 10:38:34: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 216 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 11476, 10:38:40: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 119 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 11476, 10:38:48: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 104 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 11476, 10:38:59: Your scary cat - Lvl 233 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 11476, 10:39:26: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 169 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 11476, 10:39:31: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 96 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 11476, 10:39:34: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 11476, 10:41:25: Your four - Lvl 226 (Snow Owl) was killed! Day 11476, 10:41:39: Your five - Lvl 224 (Snow Owl) was killed! Day 11476, 10:41:49: Your seven - Lvl 212 (Snow Owl) was killed! Day 11476, 10:42:29: Your two - Lvl 244 (Snow Owl) was killed! Day 11476, 10:42:36: Your one - Lvl 300 (Snow Owl) was killed! Day 11476, 10:44:58: Your Nony - Lvl 181 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 11476, 10:45:41: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 166 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 11476, 10:50:45: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 11476, 10:50:47: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 141 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 11480, 17:12:54: meborn - Lvl 194 (Equus) starved to death! Day 11507, 07:30:51: Oviraptor - Lvl 55 (Oviraptor) starved to death! Day 11533, 09:00:13: Your Tek Raptor - Lvl 254 (Tek Raptor) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 11533, 19:27:02: Your M223 - Lvl 377 (Stegosaurus) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 85! Day 11533, 19:35:20: Your Tek Raptor - Lvl 92 (Tek Raptor) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 150! Day 11536, 13:18:51: Your Argentavis - Lvl 216 (Argentavis) was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 95! Day 11545, 18:33:57: Tribemember Rambo - Lvl 18 was killed! Day 11591, 16:46:44: Dodo Warrior 1 - Lvl 247 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 11604, 05:03:54: Tribemember GUy - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 11604, 20:10:42: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shaggy - Lvl 196 (Rock Drake)'! Day 11604, 20:10:49: BadBanny - Lvl 124 (Tribe of BadBanny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 117 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 11604, 20:11:22: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Terror Bird - Lvl 111 (Terror Bird)'! Day 11604, 20:11:30: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 234 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 11604, 20:11:50: BadBanny - Lvl 124 (Tribe of BadBanny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 91 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 11604, 20:12:07: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 11604, 20:12:25: BadBanny - Lvl 124 (Tribe of BadBanny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 281 (Rex)'! Day 11604, 20:12:51: Guilherme - Lvl 98 (The Dankest 3.0) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 240 (Rex)'! Day 11604, 20:15:05: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex)'! Day 11604, 20:15:19: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 20:15:49: BadBanny - Lvl 124 (Tribe of BadBanny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 216 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 20:16:10: BadBanny - Lvl 124 (Tribe of BadBanny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 208 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 20:16:46: BadBanny - Lvl 124 (Tribe of BadBanny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 204 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 20:17:21: BadBanny - Lvl 124 (Tribe of BadBanny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DA baby ad hoa - Lvl 241 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 20:17:55: Akuma - Lvl 122 (Lovers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 245 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 20:18:08: Akuma - Lvl 122 (Lovers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'dr baby - Lvl 242 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 11604, 20:18:23: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 20:18:37: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F229 - Lvl 383 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 11604, 20:18:40: Akuma - Lvl 122 (Lovers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 342 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 11604, 20:18:59: Guilherme - Lvl 98 (The Dankest 3.0) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 179 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 11604, 20:19:00: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bouboule - Lvl 292 (Doedicurus)'! Day 11604, 20:19:03: Akuma - Lvl 122 (Lovers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mr Simp - Lvl 252 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 11604, 20:19:11: Akuma - Lvl 122 (Lovers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BORN TO BREED - Lvl 386 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 11604, 20:19:27: Akuma - Lvl 122 (Lovers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 246 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 11604, 20:19:55: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 234 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 20:20:14: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blue bird - Lvl 269 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 20:20:26: Akuma - Lvl 122 (Lovers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 97 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 11604, 20:20:36: Akuma - Lvl 122 (Lovers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Meek - Lvl 231 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 20:20:42: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 20:20:44: Akuma - Lvl 122 (Lovers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 216 (Castoroides)'! Day 11604, 20:21:17: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bowser - Lvl 255 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 11604, 20:21:33: Akuma - Lvl 122 (Lovers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo Warrior 2 - Lvl 274 (Dodo)'! Day 11604, 20:22:05: Akuma - Lvl 122 (Lovers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Da Baby Jr - Lvl 229 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 20:28:55: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex)'! Day 11604, 20:34:33: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 386 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 11604, 20:38:33: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Geoff - Lvl 330 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 20:45:52: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 124 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 11604, 20:57:07: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Feather - Lvl 275 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 20:59:32: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'k' - Lvl 215 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 21:01:33: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 21:02:04: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 233 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 21:04:50: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'JEEZUS MK2 - Lvl 218 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 21:08:12: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Drake - Lvl 230 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 21:30:55: BadBanny - Lvl 124 (Tribe of BadBanny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 102 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 11604, 21:32:07: BadBanny - Lvl 124 (Tribe of BadBanny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 253 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 11604, 21:32:30: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 146 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11605, 00:46:15: BadBanny - Lvl 124 (Tribe of BadBanny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 386 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 11605, 06:17:04: BadBanny - Lvl 124 (Tribe of BadBanny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F221 - Lvl 375 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 11606, 15:17:26: Lika - Lvl 122 (Alpha Legion) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 210 (Argentavis)'! Day 11611, 10:20:56: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11611, 10:20:56: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11619, 13:54:12: Armando - Lvl 49 (Lon'Armando) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 11659, 19:41:23: baker - Lvl 55 (Tribe of baker) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 127 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 11675, 17:26:14: Bengelchen - Lvl 123 (Bonnie&Clyde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deina - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11718, 10:44:16: Dung Beetle - Lvl 166 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 11778, 16:39:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11778, 16:39:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11778, 16:39:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11778, 16:39:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11778, 16:39:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11778, 16:39:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11778, 16:39:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11778, 16:39:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11778, 16:39:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11778, 16:39:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11778, 16:39:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11778, 16:39:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11778, 16:39:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11778, 16:39:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11959, 17:04:02: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11959, 17:04:02: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11959, 17:04:02: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11959, 17:04:02: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12461, 18:09:29: Khus - Lvl 159 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 13022, 00:42:54: munchasuressrex - Lvl 224 (Megalodon) starved to death! Day 14023, 18:26:12: Tribemember uman - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 32475, 08:48:27: jaws - Lvl 187 (Megalodon) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1747267951,"tribe":"WolfPack logs":["Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Tek Behemoth Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28263, 19:52:22: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28276, 05:38:33: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28276, 07:21:01: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29677, 05:59:02: Your 'Tek Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31250, 21:39:44: ArticWolf claimed 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 31250, 22:53:46: Tribemember ArticWolf - Lvl 152 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 130! Day 31433, 19:19:30: DuoMog-- was removed from the Tribe! Day 31433, 19:42:47: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 31806, 05:26:46: Tribemember ArticWolf - Lvl 152 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 32122, 17:10:31: haythem - Lvl 122 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 35766, 06:33:56: ArticWolf was removed from the Tribe! Day 35766, 06:33:56: Tribe Owner was changed to arcticwolf!"] "tribeid":1741329013,"tribe":"Titanic's Titans logs":["Day 22649, 22:08:20: Titanic froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22649, 22:15:59: Titanic froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22649, 22:22:00: Titanic froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22649, 22:26:55: Titanic froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22649, 22:31:08: Titanic froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22650, 08:49:54: Titanic froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22650, 09:01:46: Titanic froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22650, 09:05:30: Titanic froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22650, 13:43:13: Titanic froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22650, 13:47:15: Titanic froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22650, 18:12:17: Titanic froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22651, 03:16:36: Tribemember Titanic - Lvl 140 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22971, 21:06:03: Your Moschops - Lvl 238 (Moschops) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 22971, 21:40:04: Your Equus - Lvl 41 (Equus) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 22972, 01:06:33: Your Equus - Lvl 130 (Equus) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23153, 08:55:38: Equus - Lvl 33 (Equus) starved to death! Day 23283, 18:49:40: Titanic Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 127 (Parasaur)! Day 23287, 13:28:23: Titanic froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 254 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23288, 19:15:04: zora was added to the Tribe by Titanic! Day 23289, 02:02:04: Titanic claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 23289, 03:04:05: Tribemember zora - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 23311, 04:56:25: Titanic froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 23311, 14:45:54: Titanic froze Deinonychus - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus) Day 23311, 17:41:14: Titanic Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 218 (Baryonyx)! Day 23311, 17:51:49: Titanic froze Baryonyx - Lvl 218 (Baryonyx) Day 23311, 23:05:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 193 (Baryonyx)! Day 23311, 23:25:02: Titanic froze Baryonyx - Lvl 193 (Baryonyx) Day 23312, 14:09:46: Titanic claimed 'Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 222 (Baryonyx)'! Day 23312, 18:36:50: Titanic froze Juvenile Baryonyx - Lvl 222 (Baryonyx) Day 23314, 03:05:21: Titanic froze Baryonyx - Lvl 248 (Baryonyx) Day 23314, 03:22:50: Titanic froze [T] Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 266 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23315, 08:10:02: Titanic froze [T] Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 267 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23317, 18:22:11: Titanic froze Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) Day 23317, 18:59:36: Titanic froze [T] Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23361, 02:16:45: Your Parasaur - Lvl 140 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 23381, 09:07:17: Titanic demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 23381, 09:07:59: Titanic demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 23381, 09:08:47: Titanic demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 23381, 09:20:17: Titanic demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 23381, 09:20:58: Titanic demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 23381, 09:22:28: Titanic demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 23381, 09:48:49: Titanic demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 23381, 09:49:46: Titanic demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 23381, 09:50:30: Titanic demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 23381, 09:51:14: Titanic demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 23540, 03:22:06: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23681, 10:54:52: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23681, 10:54:52: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23952, 16:25:12: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 23952, 16:32:29: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 137 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 23952, 16:32:32: Your Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 196 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 23952, 16:34:17: Your Ice Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Ice Wyvern) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 23952, 16:36:00: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23967, 14:19:26: Brewskii - Lvl 128 (Tribe of Brewskii) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 233 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 23967, 15:00:14: ebony - Lvl 122 (Tribe of ebony) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baryonyx - Lvl 193 (Baryonyx)'! Day 23976, 01:56:20: Unoriginal_47 - Lvl 122 (Megalanias Reforged) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[T] Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 23976, 01:57:36: Unoriginal_47 - Lvl 122 (Megalanias Reforged) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baryonyx - Lvl 292 (Baryonyx)'! Day 23976, 01:58:31: Unoriginal_47 - Lvl 122 (Megalanias Reforged) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 214 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 23976, 01:59:24: Unoriginal_47 - Lvl 122 (Megalanias Reforged) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 90 (Doedicurus)'! Day 23976, 02:00:42: Unoriginal_47 - Lvl 122 (Megalanias Reforged) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24200, 19:05:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24248, 01:16:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24248, 01:16:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24287, 20:23:42: Your Compy - Lvl 217 (Compy) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 24447, 22:39:00: Tribemember Titanic - Lvl 140 was killed! Day 24484, 08:25:19: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24555, 05:47:51: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24555, 05:47:51: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25038, 10:36:14: Tribemember zora - Lvl 28 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 25038, 10:44:35: Arkildur - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baryonyx - Lvl 218 (Baryonyx)'! Day 25957, 03:05:24: Titanic Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax)! Day 25957, 03:49:40: Your Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 25976, 18:51:15: Titanic Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 149 (Parasaur)! Day 25976, 21:00:38: Tribemember zexify - Lvl 141 was killed! Day 25977, 06:19:13: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon)! Day 26055, 09:35:03: Tribemember Titanic - Lvl 140 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15! Day 26055, 09:36:57: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 26055, 17:28:11: Titanic Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 26055, 19:10:45: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 84 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45! Day 26055, 19:12:45: Tribemember Titanic - Lvl 140 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 60! Day 26207, 08:18:19: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26276, 23:50:53: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26312, 07:29:32: Your Parasaur - Lvl 154 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 145! Day 26312, 14:12:04: Titanic Tamed an Equus - Lvl 37 (Equus)! Day 26312, 16:41:29: Titanic claimed 'Dire Bear - Lvl 108 (Dire Bear)'! Day 26312, 16:42:06: Titanic claimed 'Equus - Lvl 204 (Equus)'! Day 26312, 16:42:29: Titanic claimed 'Equus - Lvl 213 (Equus)'! Day 26313, 00:06:05: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon)! Day 26313, 01:42:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)! Day 26313, 05:38:33: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 133 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 26313, 05:48:10: Tribemember Titanic - Lvl 140 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 26313, 15:47:23: Titanic claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 26313, 18:23:05: Titanic claimed 'Baby Equus - Lvl 199 (Equus)'! Day 26314, 02:04:25: Titanic froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26314, 11:05:48: Titanic froze Adolescent Equus - Lvl 199 (Equus) Day 26314, 16:16:43: Titanic froze Adolescent Equus - Lvl 199 (Equus) Day 26314, 16:19:45: Titanic froze Adolescent Equus - Lvl 199 (Equus) Day 26314, 16:22:52: Titanic froze Adolescent Equus - Lvl 199 (Equus) Day 26314, 21:49:56: Titanic froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26315, 04:18:47: Titanic froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26315, 04:45:20: Titanic froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26329, 22:49:03: Titanic froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26357, 22:08:39: Titanic froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26357, 22:12:46: Titanic froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26360, 09:23:27: Titanic demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 26360, 09:24:24: Titanic demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 26360, 09:25:08: Titanic demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 26360, 09:25:49: Titanic demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 26360, 10:29:00: Titanic froze Equus - Lvl 199 (Equus) Day 26360, 10:34:51: Titanic froze Dire Bear - Lvl 113 (Dire Bear) Day 26361, 02:47:33: Titanic froze Equus - Lvl 199 (Equus) Day 26361, 07:23:24: Titanic froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 147 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26411, 16:14:07: Titanic claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 26412, 02:35:22: Titanic froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26412, 05:32:34: Tribemember Titanic - Lvl 141 was killed! Day 26412, 21:05:08: Titanic froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26413, 03:09:51: Titanic froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26415, 19:54:12: Titanic froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26429, 23:18:14: Titanic froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 203 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26431, 11:22:04: Titanic claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 200 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 26431, 15:48:56: Titanic froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 200 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26431, 20:19:20: Titanic froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 200 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26431, 20:22:36: Titanic froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 200 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26431, 20:27:03: Titanic froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 200 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26432, 08:08:39: Titanic froze Adolescent R-Snow Owl - Lvl 200 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26432, 12:47:13: Titanic froze Adolescent R-Snow Owl - Lvl 200 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26460, 07:52:12: Titanic froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 200 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26460, 07:55:02: Titanic froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26499, 13:15:58: Titanic froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 249 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26588, 10:25:20: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26658, 22:59:05: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26800, 15:53:43: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27075, 01:23:43: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 37 (Equus)'! Day 27075, 01:24:54: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 213 (Equus)'! Day 27075, 01:25:41: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 204 (Equus)'! Day 27082, 19:22:00: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27280, 02:12:17: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 27280, 02:12:17: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 202 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 27280, 02:46:20: 's 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 249 (R-Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27280, 02:46:20: 's 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27280, 02:46:20: 's 'Otter - Lvl 207 (Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27280, 10:08:02: Titanic Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 27280, 17:17:03: Titanic uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 194 Day 27302, 02:04:53: Titanic froze Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis) Day 27319, 00:34:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27377, 00:19:37: Titanic froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 194 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27380, 00:32:38: Tribemember Titanic - Lvl 141 was killed! Day 27380, 09:11:58: Titanic froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 194 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27422, 08:56:56: Titanic froze Tek Rex - Lvl 242 (Tek Rex) Day 27423, 16:44:54: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 224 (Managarmr) Day 27424, 17:25:58: Titanic claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 255 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 27424, 17:30:22: Titanic claimed 'Lil Shit - Lvl 278 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 27424, 17:33:14: Titanic claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 375 (Argentavis)'! Day 27424, 17:37:37: Titanic claimed 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 250 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 27424, 17:49:32: Titanic unclaimed 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 250 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 27424, 17:55:29: Titanic froze Lil Shit - Lvl 278 (Ankylosaurus) Day 27424, 17:59:27: Titanic froze Argentavis - Lvl 375 (Argentavis) Day 27424, 18:02:58: Titanic froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 255 (Therizinosaur) Day 27424, 19:00:33: zexify froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 163 (Managarmr) Day 27425, 00:54:46: Titanic froze Lil Shit - Lvl 278 (Ankylosaurus) Day 27425, 01:13:19: Titanic froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 255 (Therizinosaur) Day 27425, 05:34:04: Titanic froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 255 (Therizinosaur) Day 27425, 05:38:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 214 (Thylacoleo)! Day 27425, 06:49:46: Titanic Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (Thylacoleo)! Day 27425, 07:08:40: Titanic froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (Thylacoleo) Day 27425, 08:10:14: Titanic froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 214 (Thylacoleo) Day 27425, 11:01:06: Titanic froze Argentavis - Lvl 260 (Argentavis) Day 27425, 11:38:48: Titanic claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 208 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 27425, 12:02:51: Titanic froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (Thylacoleo) Day 27425, 12:06:19: Titanic froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 214 (Thylacoleo) Day 27425, 16:05:58: zexify froze Juvenile Thylacoleo - Lvl 208 (Thylacoleo) Day 27426, 04:13:45: zexify froze Maewing - Lvl 213 (Maewing) Day 27426, 06:35:48: Titanic froze Lil Shit - Lvl 278 (Ankylosaurus) Day 27426, 07:18:47: Titanic froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 349 (Ankylosaurus) Day 27426, 10:01:26: Tribemember Titanic - Lvl 141 was killed! Day 27426, 10:56:48: Titanic froze Maewing - Lvl 242 (Maewing) Day 27426, 12:08:44: zexify froze Adolescent Thylacoleo - Lvl 208 (Thylacoleo) Day 27426, 16:34:36: Titanic froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 194 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27426, 18:54:28: Titanic froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 258 (Thylacoleo) Day 27426, 18:58:31: zexify froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 194 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27426, 19:48:47: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 224 (Managarmr) Day 27430, 01:44:24: Titanic froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 277 (Thylacoleo) Day 27430, 04:17:33: Titanic froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 214 (Thylacoleo) Day 27430, 04:22:12: Titanic froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (Thylacoleo) Day 27430, 04:51:16: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 224 (Managarmr) Day 27430, 04:53:49: zexify froze Managarmr - Lvl 225 (Managarmr) Day 27445, 00:43:39: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 179 (Managarmr) Day 27445, 01:09:31: Titanic froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 255 (Therizinosaur) Day 27445, 01:17:57: Titanic froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 277 (Thylacoleo) Day 27445, 03:31:53: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 224 (Managarmr) Day 27445, 06:30:14: Titanic froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 277 (Thylacoleo) Day 27445, 16:17:24: Titanic froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 255 (Therizinosaur) Day 27446, 05:46:29: Titanic froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 215 (Managarmr) Day 27446, 06:30:55: zexify claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex)'! Day 27446, 06:37:19: zexify froze Baby Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 27446, 19:17:17: Tribemember Titanic - Lvl 141 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 27446, 19:37:08: Tribemember Titanic - Lvl 141 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 27446, 20:09:36: Tribemember Titanic - Lvl 141 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 27446, 22:20:02: Tribemember Titanic - Lvl 141 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 27446, 22:37:01: Tribemember Titanic - Lvl 141 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 27446, 22:56:42: Tribemember Titanic - Lvl 141 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 27447, 06:41:46: Tribemember Titanic - Lvl 141 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 27447, 10:42:51: zexify froze Managarmr - Lvl 235 (Managarmr) Day 27447, 12:24:59: zexify froze Managarmr - Lvl 235 (Managarmr) Day 27447, 15:34:36: Tribemember Titanic - Lvl 141 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 27447, 19:47:23: Titanic froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (Thylacoleo) Day 27447, 21:27:53: Titanic froze Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 27447, 21:32:20: Titanic froze Tek Rex - Lvl 242 (Tek Rex) Day 27468, 07:56:58: Titanic froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 255 (Therizinosaur) Day 27468, 10:36:30: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 269 (Managarmr) Day 27468, 18:04:14: Titanic claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 201 (Managarmr)'! Day 27468, 18:06:46: Your Baby Managarmr - Lvl 201 (Managarmr) was killed by Titanic - Lvl 141 (Titanic's Titans)! Day 27468, 18:06:46: Your Tribe killed Baby Managarmr - Lvl 201 (Managarmr) (Titanic's Titans)! Day 27468, 18:17:44: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 179 (Managarmr) Day 27468, 19:17:17: Titanic froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 255 (Therizinosaur) Day 27468, 22:54:08: Titanic froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 349 (Ankylosaurus) Day 27468, 23:14:19: zexify froze JP JUNIOR - Lvl 234 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27469, 00:01:55: zexify froze Managarmr - Lvl 239 (Managarmr) Day 27469, 08:07:57: Titanic froze Maewing - Lvl 242 (Maewing) Day 27469, 19:16:42: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 269 (Managarmr) Day 27469, 23:42:23: Your Tribe Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin)! Day 27470, 08:54:49: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 179 (Managarmr) Day 27470, 09:05:23: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 269 (Managarmr) Day 27470, 09:50:18: Titanic froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 249 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27470, 10:34:13: Titanic froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 249 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27471, 02:41:09: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 269 (Managarmr) Day 27493, 23:01:57: Titanic claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex)'! Day 27493, 23:25:43: Titanic froze Baby Tribute rex - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex) Day 27494, 01:27:10: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 269 (Managarmr) Day 27494, 01:53:04: Titanic froze Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 27494, 02:00:21: Titanic froze Tek Rex - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex) Day 27494, 03:02:13: Titanic claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 195 (Managarmr)'! Day 27494, 03:12:54: Titanic froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 195 (Managarmr) Day 27494, 03:19:24: Titanic froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 195 (Managarmr) Day 27494, 03:26:55: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 179 (Managarmr) Day 27494, 03:40:55: Titanic claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 258 (Tek Rex)'! Day 27494, 03:55:57: Titanic froze Baby Tribute Rex - Lvl 258 (Tek Rex) Day 27512, 02:48:30: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 179 (Managarmr) Day 27512, 02:54:16: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 269 (Managarmr) Day 27512, 03:22:51: Titanic froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 195 (Managarmr) Day 27512, 03:32:12: Titanic froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 195 (Managarmr) Day 27512, 04:57:32: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 269 (Managarmr) Day 27512, 05:13:41: Titanic froze Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 27512, 05:17:53: Titanic froze Tek Rex - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex) Day 27512, 05:54:54: Titanic claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 274 (Tek Rex)'! Day 27512, 06:09:52: Titanic froze Baby Mutation? - Lvl 274 (Tek Rex) Day 27512, 06:30:43: Titanic froze Baby M mut - Lvl 274 (Tek Rex) Day 27539, 18:08:53: Juvenile M mut - Lvl 274 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 27540, 00:19:32: Titanic froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 195 (Managarmr) Day 27540, 00:42:25: Titanic froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 195 (Managarmr) Day 27540, 01:53:17: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 269 (Managarmr) Day 27540, 01:59:33: Titanic froze Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 27540, 02:04:38: Titanic froze Tek Rex - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex) Day 27540, 03:31:57: Titanic claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex)'! Day 27540, 03:36:39: Titanic froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex) Day 27540, 03:39:01: Titanic claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr)'! Day 27540, 03:40:16: Titanic claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr)'! Day 27540, 04:00:18: Titanic froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr) Day 27540, 04:09:04: Titanic froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr) Day 27540, 04:15:46: Titanic froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr) Day 27540, 04:26:38: Titanic froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr) Day 27540, 04:32:26: Titanic froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr) Day 27540, 04:43:46: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 179 (Managarmr) Day 27542, 23:36:34: Titanic froze Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin) Day 27543, 03:59:16: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 269 (Managarmr) Day 27705, 15:41:04: Titanic froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr) Day 27705, 15:51:30: Titanic froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr) Day 27705, 15:59:01: Titanic froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr) Day 27705, 16:22:59: Titanic froze Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 27705, 16:26:10: Titanic froze Tek Rex - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex) Day 27705, 22:29:35: Titanic froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 305 (Thylacoleo) Day 27705, 23:32:29: Titanic claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex)'! Day 27706, 05:13:54: Titanic froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr) Day 27706, 05:19:51: Titanic froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) Day 27706, 09:44:59: Titanic froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr) Day 27706, 13:14:54: Titanic froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 349 (Ankylosaurus) Day 27706, 13:32:22: Titanic froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr) Day 27706, 13:52:18: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 269 (Managarmr) Day 27706, 14:17:10: Titanic froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) Day 27706, 14:20:48: Titanic froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr) Day 27706, 14:25:22: Titanic froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr) Day 27706, 15:06:09: Titanic froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 249 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27706, 20:39:19: Titanic froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 249 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27707, 01:08:46: Titanic demolished a 'Tek Window Wall'! Day 27707, 01:09:59: Titanic demolished a 'Tek Window Wall'! Day 27707, 01:11:13: Titanic demolished a 'Tek Window Wall'! Day 27707, 01:12:37: Titanic demolished a 'Tek Window Wall'! Day 27707, 02:07:52: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 142 (Managarmr) Day 27707, 02:17:17: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 27707, 05:31:02: Titanic froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 249 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27735, 18:27:42: Titanic froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 305 (Thylacoleo) Day 27735, 18:55:16: Titanic froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 305 (Thylacoleo) Day 27735, 19:11:15: Titanic claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 27735, 19:22:34: Titanic unclaimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 27736, 00:01:42: Titanic froze Baby Tribute Rex - Lvl 258 (Tek Rex) Day 27736, 01:58:37: Titanic froze Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 27736, 02:03:55: Titanic froze Tek Rex - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex) Day 27736, 05:40:29: Titanic claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 208 (Managarmr)'! Day 27736, 06:00:58: Titanic froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 208 (Managarmr) Day 27736, 08:00:03: Your Baby Tribute Rex - Lvl 258 (Tek Rex) was killed by Titanic - Lvl 141 (Titanic's Titans)! Day 27736, 08:00:03: Your Tribe killed Baby Tribute Rex - Lvl 258 (Tek Rex)! Day 27736, 11:13:03: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 269 (Managarmr) Day 27736, 11:17:04: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 179 (Managarmr) Day 27736, 11:41:09: Titanic claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex)'! Day 27736, 11:46:04: Titanic froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) Day 27775, 13:41:45: Titanic froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 305 (Thylacoleo) Day 27775, 16:26:34: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 269 (Managarmr) Day 27775, 19:15:37: Titanic froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr) Day 27775, 19:34:16: Titanic froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) Day 27776, 00:21:05: Titanic froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) Day 27776, 00:38:17: Titanic froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr) Day 27776, 04:33:36: Titanic froze Adolescent Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr) Day 27776, 04:38:23: Titanic froze Adolescent Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr) Day 27776, 04:45:11: Titanic froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) Day 27776, 04:51:14: Titanic froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) Day 27827, 05:35:20: Titanic froze Adolescent Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr) Day 27827, 05:40:18: Titanic froze Adolescent Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr) Day 27827, 05:45:19: Titanic froze Adolescent Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr) Day 27827, 06:25:51: Titanic froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) Day 27827, 06:43:27: Titanic froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) Day 27827, 07:48:44: Titanic froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 305 (Thylacoleo) Day 27827, 10:12:24: Titanic froze Adolescent Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr) Day 27827, 10:22:01: Titanic froze Adolescent Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr) Day 27828, 12:34:57: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr) Day 27828, 12:38:51: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 186 (Managarmr) Day 27828, 12:43:05: Titanic froze Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) Day 27831, 13:53:10: Titanic froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 249 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27831, 15:03:33: Titanic froze Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) Day 27831, 15:10:13: Titanic froze Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) Day 27832, 01:43:28: Titanic claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 27832, 01:48:40: Titanic froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27832, 01:55:03: Titanic claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex)'! Day 27832, 02:00:24: Titanic froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) Day 27838, 19:06:45: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27847, 22:29:53: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 226 (Managarmr) Day 27848, 23:33:19: Titanic froze [T] - Lvl 341 (Reaper King) Day 27848, 23:55:57: Titanic claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake)'! Day 27848, 23:57:02: Titanic claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake)'! Day 27849, 00:07:56: Titanic claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake)'! Day 27849, 00:16:56: Titanic claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 80 (Rock Drake)'! Day 27849, 00:50:55: Titanic froze [T] - Lvl 341 (Reaper King) Day 27849, 01:01:35: Titanic froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 80 (Rock Drake) Day 27849, 01:06:56: Titanic froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake) Day 27849, 01:11:38: Titanic froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake) Day 27849, 01:17:22: Titanic froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake) Day 27849, 01:54:35: Titanic froze [T] Mirage - Lvl 328 (Rock Drake) Day 27869, 21:51:06: Titanic froze [T] Mirage - Lvl 328 (Rock Drake) Day 27869, 22:37:29: Titanic froze [T] - Lvl 341 (Reaper King) Day 27869, 23:38:43: Titanic froze [T] Mirage - Lvl 328 (Rock Drake) Day 27870, 00:23:50: Titanic demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 27870, 04:29:55: Titanic froze Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) Day 27870, 06:07:39: Titanic froze Tek Rex - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex) Day 27870, 06:46:58: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 238 (Managarmr) Day 28085, 16:20:00: 's 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 28085, 16:20:00: 's 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 208 (Managarmr)' died in a Cryopod! Day 28085, 16:20:00: 's 'Managarmr - Lvl 179 (Managarmr)' died in a Cryopod! Day 28085, 16:20:00: 's 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 215 (Managarmr)' died in a Cryopod! Day 28085, 16:20:00: 's 'Baby Tribute rex - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 28085, 16:20:00: 's 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 195 (Managarmr)' died in a Cryopod! Day 28085, 16:20:00: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 349 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 28085, 16:20:00: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 255 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 28085, 16:20:00: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 242 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 28085, 16:20:00: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 28299, 17:56:52: Maewing - Lvl 242 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 28299, 21:54:35: Titanic froze Managarmr - Lvl 286 (Managarmr) Day 28300, 02:19:24: Tribemember Titanic - Lvl 141 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 95! Day 28580, 09:31:43: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 215 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 28628, 22:51:25: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 208 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 28628, 22:51:29: JP JUNIOR - Lvl 234 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 28712, 02:08:34: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28865, 09:38:17: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 249 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 28899, 19:25:07: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28899, 19:25:07: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29181, 11:39:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29181, 11:39:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29181, 11:39:38: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29280, 17:47:37: Fruj - Lvl 105 (KAOS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dire Bear - Lvl 113 (Dire Bear)'! Day 29280, 17:50:43: Fruj - Lvl 105 (KAOS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 29280, 17:51:15: Fruj - Lvl 105 (KAOS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 214 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 29280, 17:52:05: Fruj - Lvl 105 (KAOS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex)'! Day 29280, 18:27:34: Fruj - Lvl 105 (KAOS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Managarmr - Lvl 255 (Managarmr)'! Day 29280, 18:34:40: Fruj - Lvl 105 (KAOS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Rex - Lvl 224 (X-Rex)'! Day 29280, 18:35:27: Fruj - Lvl 105 (KAOS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 29280, 18:56:36: Fruj - Lvl 105 (KAOS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 226 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 29280, 18:56:55: Fruj - Lvl 105 (KAOS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 230 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 29285, 03:18:11: Fruj - Lvl 105 (KAOS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 236 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29285, 09:39:20: Fruj - Lvl 106 (KAOS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 199 (Equus)'! Day 29464, 16:41:03: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31201, 07:47:41: Titanic Tamed an Equus - Lvl 22 (Equus)! Day 31201, 08:29:57: Titanic Tamed an Equus - Lvl 194 (Equus)! Day 31201, 12:15:57: zexify Tamed an Equus - Lvl 217 (Equus)! Day 31271, 12:00:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 31445, 14:35:35: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31587, 10:26:45: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31650, 18:09:54: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 31650, 18:11:05: Tribemember zexify - Lvl 141 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 31650, 18:11:46: Tribemember Titanic - Lvl 141 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 31650, 18:13:34: Your Equus - Lvl 194 (Equus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 55!"] "tribeid":1739148709,"tribe":"Tribe of Maazzigga logs":["Day 40082, 01:24:33: Maazzigga was added to the Tribe! Day 40082, 01:25:58: Tribe of Yoshi698 tribe was merged in by Yoshi698! Day 40082, 01:25:58: Yoshi698 was added to the Tribe by Maazzigga! Day 40082, 11:30:11: Tribemember Maazzigga - Lvl 112 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 40082, 12:17:07: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 40082, 13:34:10: Yoshi698 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 138 (Snow Owl) Day 40082, 14:26:08: Yoshi698 uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Big guy - Lvl 234 Day 40082, 14:30:30: Maazzigga uploaded a Ice Wyvern: Frostfang - Lvl 247 Day 40228, 22:43:10: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40371, 19:57:47: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41252, 19:24:12: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1735201485,"tribe":"Dominion logs":["Day 12465, 10:14:27: Mart was added to the Tribe! Day 12465, 10:33:09: Mart froze F3 - Lvl 165 (Snow Owl) Day 12466, 07:24:52: Mart froze Diplodocus - Lvl 29 (Diplodocus) Day 12466, 07:38:39: Mart froze F1 - Lvl 100 (Snow Owl) Day 12466, 07:40:33: Mart froze M3 - Lvl 205 (Snow Owl) Day 12466, 10:28:28: Mart froze Rachel - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 12466, 10:34:51: Mart froze M1 - Lvl 203 (Rex) Day 12466, 10:43:48: Mart froze F1 - Lvl 177 (Daeodon) Day 12466, 10:45:31: Mart froze F2 - Lvl 219 (Daeodon) Day 12466, 10:47:30: Mart froze M1 - Lvl 149 (Daeodon) Day 12466, 10:49:31: Mart froze Miss Piggy - Lvl 158 (Daeodon) Day 12466, 10:53:53: Mart froze Oviraptor - Lvl 21 (Oviraptor) Day 12466, 18:55:38: Mart Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 12467, 09:01:01: Mart demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 12467, 21:37:04: Mart claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 12467, 22:09:26: Mart claimed 'Elsa - Lvl 107 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 12467, 22:28:59: Mart claimed 'Gary Goldenfoots - Lvl 229 (Dodo)'! Day 12468, 05:55:34: Mart froze Terry - Lvl 100 (Triceratops) Day 12468, 05:58:23: Mart froze Rizi - Lvl 96 (Therizinosaur) Day 12468, 06:12:43: Mart froze Mickey - Lvl 316 (Mammoth) Day 12468, 06:15:42: Mart froze Edwina - Lvl 216 (Doedicurus) Day 12468, 06:18:30: Mart froze F1 - Lvl 244 (Rex) Day 12468, 07:52:45: Mart claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 12468, 08:15:21: Mart claimed 'raptor lil black - Lvl 185 (Raptor)'! Day 12468, 20:16:24: Mart froze Terry - Lvl 105 (Triceratops) Day 12468, 22:41:22: Mart froze Gary Goldenfoots - Lvl 237 (Dodo) Day 12468, 22:45:48: Mart froze Dee - Lvl 29 (Dodo) Day 12468, 22:50:18: Mart froze Fiona - Lvl 111 (Phiomia) Day 12468, 22:54:58: Mart froze Aimee - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 12468, 23:00:57: Mart froze Fem1 - Lvl 95 (Direwolf) Day 12468, 23:05:44: Mart froze Male1 - Lvl 218 (Direwolf) Day 12468, 23:11:34: Mart froze Fem2 - Lvl 101 (Direwolf) Day 12468, 23:18:45: Mart froze M3 - Lvl 205 (Snow Owl) Day 12468, 23:23:24: Mart froze Snow Owl - Lvl 189 (Snow Owl) Day 12468, 23:27:49: Mart froze M2 - Lvl 262 (Snow Owl) Day 12468, 23:32:34: Mart froze Snow Owl - Lvl 163 (Snow Owl) Day 12468, 23:47:56: Mart froze Elsa - Lvl 107 (Brontosaurus) Day 12469, 00:00:31: Mart froze Reg - Lvl 293 (Rex) Day 12469, 00:07:23: Mart froze Oil Crystal Stone Flint - Lvl 140 (Gacha) Day 12469, 00:11:56: Mart froze Oil SP Flint Fiber - Lvl 201 (Gacha) Day 12469, 00:19:24: Mart froze Snow Owl - Lvl 175 (Snow Owl) Day 12469, 00:23:56: Mart froze Snow Owl - Lvl 193 (Snow Owl) Day 12469, 00:28:55: Mart froze Snow Owl - Lvl 172 (Snow Owl) Day 12469, 00:33:32: Mart froze F1 - Lvl 100 (Snow Owl) Day 12469, 00:51:28: Mart froze M1 - Lvl 63 (Snow Owl) Day 12469, 00:55:45: Mart froze Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 12469, 01:00:24: Mart froze Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (Snow Owl) Day 12469, 01:14:00: Mart froze Snow Owl - Lvl 189 (Snow Owl) Day 12469, 01:23:04: Mart froze Metal Wood Fiber - Lvl 197 (Gacha) Day 12469, 01:27:48: Mart froze Metal SP Fiber - Lvl 150 (Gacha) Day 12469, 07:18:22: Mart froze Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 12469, 07:20:41: Mart froze M1 - Lvl 80 (Snow Owl) Day 12469, 15:40:13: Mart froze M1 - Lvl 203 (Rex) Day 12469, 15:42:04: Mart froze Snow Owl - Lvl 205 (Snow Owl) Day 12469, 15:43:55: Mart froze Rachel - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 12469, 15:46:50: Mart froze Oviraptor - Lvl 21 (Oviraptor) Day 12469, 15:48:30: Mart froze Phiomia - Lvl 52 (Phiomia) Day 12469, 15:50:42: Mart froze Triceratops - Lvl 64 (Triceratops) Day 12469, 15:52:37: Mart froze Triceratops - Lvl 77 (Triceratops) Day 12469, 15:54:17: Mart froze Parasaur - Lvl 52 (Parasaur) Day 12469, 15:58:03: Mart froze Diplodocus - Lvl 29 (Diplodocus) Day 12469, 16:00:29: Mart froze Female - Lvl 30 (Dilophosaur) Day 12469, 16:02:11: Mart froze Raptor - Lvl 74 (Raptor) Day 12469, 16:03:57: Mart froze raptor lil black - Lvl 188 (Raptor) Day 12469, 16:06:23: Mart froze Raptor - Lvl 59 (Raptor) Day 12469, 16:08:13: Mart froze Male - Lvl 83 (Dilophosaur) Day 12469, 16:10:00: Mart froze Fem2 - Lvl 56 (Dilophosaur) Day 12469, 16:11:40: Mart froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 89 (Dilophosaur) Day 12469, 16:13:36: Mart froze Miss Piggy - Lvl 158 (Daeodon) Day 12470, 05:59:28: Mart froze F1 - Lvl 246 (Rex) Day 12470, 06:02:13: Mart froze Mickey - Lvl 316 (Mammoth) Day 12473, 13:31:30: Mart froze Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 12473, 13:33:43: Mart froze Snow Owl - Lvl 205 (Snow Owl) Day 12473, 15:52:55: Mart demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 12474, 13:15:35: Mart demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 12476, 07:26:20: Mart demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 12621, 20:45:19: Otter - Lvl 112 (Otter) starved to death! Day 12646, 05:32:06: Snow Owl - Lvl 163 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 12728, 12:58:17: M1 - Lvl 80 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 12747, 17:50:55: Oil SP Flint Fiber - Lvl 201 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 12816, 15:52:14: Snow Owl - Lvl 175 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 12819, 16:27:39: Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 12823, 13:50:03: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12823, 13:50:03: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12823, 13:50:03: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12823, 13:50:03: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12823, 13:50:03: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12823, 13:50:03: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12833, 15:29:00: F1 - Lvl 100 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 12847, 19:40:33: F3 - Lvl 169 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 12847, 19:40:39: Metal SP Fiber - Lvl 152 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 12861, 14:52:42: Sap Crystal Stone Wood - Lvl 195 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 12861, 15:04:00: Bluey - Lvl 122 (Tribe of DOW) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Metal Wood Fiber - Lvl 200 (Gacha)'! Day 12901, 18:03:41: Burn - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F1 - Lvl 249 (Rex)'! Day 12901, 18:04:18: Burn - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Reg - Lvl 293 (Rex)'! Day 12901, 18:05:06: Burn - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 205 (Snow Owl)'! Day 12901, 18:05:20: Burn - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M2 - Lvl 262 (Snow Owl)'! Day 12901, 18:05:38: Burn - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 189 (Snow Owl)'! Day 12901, 18:05:55: Burn - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M3 - Lvl 205 (Snow Owl)'! Day 12901, 18:07:42: Burn - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rizi - Lvl 104 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 12901, 18:08:05: Burn - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Terry - Lvl 112 (Triceratops)'! Day 12901, 18:08:36: Burn - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 193 (Snow Owl)'! Day 12901, 18:08:53: Burn - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 172 (Snow Owl)'! Day 12901, 18:09:14: Burn - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 189 (Snow Owl)'! Day 12901, 18:10:17: Burn - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Edwina - Lvl 223 (Doedicurus)'! Day 12901, 18:11:05: Burn - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mickey - Lvl 317 (Mammoth)'! Day 12911, 11:03:34: Burn - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Di - Lvl 53 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 12923, 10:53:50: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 12989, 09:33:10: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12989, 09:33:10: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12989, 09:33:10: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12989, 09:33:10: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12997, 11:22:20: Tribemember Mart - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 12997, 15:04:37: 's 'Female - Lvl 30 (Dilophosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12997, 15:04:37: 's 'F1 - Lvl 177 (Daeodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13003, 08:31:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13003, 08:31:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13003, 08:31:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13003, 08:31:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13003, 08:31:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13154, 13:11:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13154, 13:11:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13164, 17:56:21: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13245, 13:04:08: Caulkinator - Lvl 63 (Tribe of arcticwolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 13352, 12:20:51: Tribemember Mart - Lvl 122 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 25! Day 16769, 14:58:45: Mart froze Sparrowhawk - Lvl 326 (Argentavis) Day 16769, 16:32:43: Mart Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)! Day 16769, 16:34:37: Mart froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) Day 16769, 16:52:34: Mart froze F1 - Lvl 293 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16769, 20:06:33: Mart froze F1 - Lvl 296 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16770, 05:40:00: Mart Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 37 (Basilosaurus)! Day 16770, 05:41:43: Mart froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 37 (Basilosaurus) Day 16770, 05:49:24: Mart froze Thomas - Lvl 155 (Megatherium) Day 16770, 05:52:18: Mart froze F1 - Lvl 297 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16770, 06:14:06: Mart froze Sparrowhawk - Lvl 327 (Argentavis) Day 16829, 18:21:52: Mart Tamed a Megalania - Lvl 37 (Megalania)! Day 16829, 18:26:03: Mart froze Megalania - Lvl 37 (Megalania) Day 16829, 20:22:26: Mart Tamed a Megalania - Lvl 209 (Megalania)! Day 16829, 20:26:19: Mart froze Megalania - Lvl 209 (Megalania) Day 16830, 01:05:56: Mart Tamed a Megalania - Lvl 127 (Megalania)! Day 16830, 01:10:24: Mart froze Megalania - Lvl 127 (Megalania) Day 16830, 07:33:04: Mart froze F2 - Lvl 308 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16830, 07:43:10: Mart froze Thomas - Lvl 175 (Megatherium) Day 16830, 08:46:12: Mart froze Sparrowhawk - Lvl 333 (Argentavis) Day 16905, 19:59:34: Mart froze F1 - Lvl 357 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16906, 05:40:20: Mart froze Kylo - Lvl 274 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16906, 05:50:36: Mart froze F1 - Lvl 357 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16906, 07:35:35: Mart froze Eddi - Lvl 268 (Doedicurus) Day 16906, 07:47:43: Mart froze Sparrowhawk - Lvl 336 (Argentavis) Day 16906, 07:50:34: Mart froze Otter van Bismarck - Lvl 303 (Otter) Day 19397, 18:58:59: Mart froze TM1 - Lvl 66 (Snow Owl) Day 19419, 05:47:44: Mart froze Male 112 - Lvl 127 (Snow Owl) Day 22161, 20:06:34: Mart Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 149 (Basilosaurus)! Day 22161, 20:15:14: Mart froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 149 (Basilosaurus) Day 22161, 20:27:48: Mart froze curly - Lvl 279 (Therizinosaur) Day 22162, 08:50:20: Mart froze Raul - Lvl 284 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22162, 09:09:23: Mart froze curly - Lvl 279 (Therizinosaur) Day 22162, 09:55:21: Mart froze curly - Lvl 279 (Therizinosaur) Day 22162, 11:09:23: Mart froze Raul - Lvl 284 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22162, 15:06:43: Mart froze curly - Lvl 279 (Therizinosaur) Day 22162, 17:20:07: Mart Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 194 (Megalodon)! Day 22162, 17:28:11: Mart froze Megalodon - Lvl 194 (Megalodon) Day 22162, 18:05:39: Mart froze Raul - Lvl 284 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22162, 21:42:42: Mart Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 149 (Basilosaurus)! Day 22162, 21:48:05: Mart froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 149 (Basilosaurus) Day 22162, 22:43:02: Mart Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 74 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 22162, 22:48:21: Mart froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 74 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 22162, 23:32:39: Mart froze curly - Lvl 279 (Therizinosaur) Day 22163, 07:58:07: Mart Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 76 (Megalodon)! Day 22163, 08:03:57: Mart froze Megalodon - Lvl 76 (Megalodon) Day 22163, 10:57:44: Mart froze Megalodon - Lvl 78 (Megalodon) Day 22163, 13:14:22: Mart claimed 'Baby Megalodon - Lvl 94 (Megalodon)'! Day 22163, 13:23:52: Mart froze Baby Megalodon - Lvl 94 (Megalodon) Day 22163, 13:29:21: Mart froze TF1 - Lvl 200 (Megalodon) Day 22163, 13:33:37: Mart froze TF1 - Lvl 200 (Megalodon) Day 22163, 14:45:54: Mart Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 22163, 14:49:50: Mart froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 22163, 15:35:11: Mart Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 194 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 22163, 15:39:16: Mart froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 194 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 22163, 19:48:43: Mart froze Raul - Lvl 285 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22163, 20:19:47: Mart froze curly - Lvl 279 (Therizinosaur) Day 22164, 00:42:42: Mart Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 202 (Basilosaurus)! Day 22164, 00:53:04: Mart froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 202 (Basilosaurus) Day 22164, 04:06:10: Mart froze TM1 - Lvl 149 (Basilosaurus) Day 22164, 07:35:42: Mart claimed 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 187 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 22164, 07:41:21: Mart froze Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 187 (Basilosaurus) Day 22164, 07:46:26: Mart froze TF1 - Lvl 206 (Basilosaurus) Day 22164, 08:32:33: Mart froze Raul - Lvl 285 (R-Snow Owl)"] "tribeid":1732349280,"tribe":"Tribe of Meerkats logs":["Day 27663, 09:01:05: Timmy was added to the Tribe! Day 27663, 09:14:00: Timmy - Lvl 149 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Overdrive Tribe. Day 27663, 09:21:44: Timmy - Lvl 149 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Overdrive Tribe. Day 27663, 09:28:07: Timmy - Lvl 149 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Overdrive Tribe. Day 27663, 09:35:12: Timmy - Lvl 149 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Overdrive Tribe. Day 27663, 09:37:31: Timmy added 'Tribe of Overdrive' Tribe to The Click Alliance! Day 27663, 09:39:13: Timmy - Lvl 149 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Brewskii Tribe. Day 27663, 09:45:07: Timmy - Lvl 149 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Brewskii Tribe. Day 27663, 09:47:58: Timmy added 'Tribe of Brewskii' Tribe to The Click Alliance! Day 27663, 13:47:25: Timmy froze Nip - Lvl 288 (Deinonychus) Day 27663, 13:53:14: Timmy froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 320 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 27956, 21:59:38: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28131, 20:10:49: Timmy froze Peter - Lvl 360 (Griffin) Day 28132, 07:21:49: Timmy froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 136 (Fjordhawk) Day 28132, 07:25:07: Timmy froze Peter - Lvl 360 (Griffin)"] "tribeid":1723216302,"tribe":"Tribe of Noobs logs":["Day 22541, 05:17:42: TheMentalZz was added to the Tribe! Day 22541, 05:31:16: Small Child added 'Tribe of Noobs' Tribe to Dino's & Dodo's Alliance! Day 22541, 13:13:58: TheMentalZz froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 286 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22777, 09:53:00: TheMentalZz froze Blood M 215 - Lvl 277 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22804, 21:24:57: TheMentalZz froze Blood M 215 - Lvl 281 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22811, 06:33:38: TheMentalZz froze Blood M 215 - Lvl 281 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22811, 16:02:41: TheMentalZz froze Griffin - Lvl 251 (Griffin) Day 22811, 23:01:24: TheMentalZz froze Blood M 215 - Lvl 282 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22813, 14:13:43: TheMentalZz froze Blood M 215 - Lvl 284 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22816, 06:55:05: TheMentalZz Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 208 (Thylacoleo)! Day 22816, 07:43:12: TheMentalZz froze Blood M 215 - Lvl 284 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22816, 10:01:40: TheMentalZz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 222 (Thylacoleo) Day 22816, 10:32:43: TheMentalZz froze Blood M 215 - Lvl 285 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22817, 13:43:48: TheMentalZz froze Blood M 215 - Lvl 285 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22817, 14:17:08: TheMentalZz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 226 (Thylacoleo) Day 22817, 17:27:16: TheMentalZz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 236 (Thylacoleo) Day 22817, 18:04:05: Tribemember TheMentalZz - Lvl 121 was killed by an Iceworm Male - Lvl 1! Day 22817, 19:13:11: Tribemember TheMentalZz - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 135! Day 22817, 23:59:11: Tribemember TheMentalZz - Lvl 121 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 95! Day 22818, 05:04:50: TheMentalZz froze Pteranodon - Lvl 250 (Pteranodon) Day 22818, 06:04:44: TheMentalZz froze Blood M 215 - Lvl 285 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22818, 08:16:07: TheMentalZz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 239 (Thylacoleo) Day 22818, 09:53:04: TheMentalZz froze Blood M 215 - Lvl 285 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22821, 06:00:20: TheMentalZz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 242 (Thylacoleo) Day 22821, 06:16:25: TheMentalZz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 242 (Thylacoleo) Day 22821, 07:32:52: TheMentalZz froze Blood M 215 - Lvl 286 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22825, 07:26:20: TheMentalZz froze Blood M 215 - Lvl 287 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22846, 20:32:52: TheMentalZz froze Blood M 215 - Lvl 291 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22847, 00:15:36: TheMentalZz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 256 (Thylacoleo) Day 22847, 00:48:37: TheMentalZz froze Blood M 215 - Lvl 291 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22847, 01:17:07: Tribemember TheMentalZz - Lvl 121 was killed by an Iceworm Queen - Lvl 10! Day 22847, 02:10:03: TheMentalZz froze Pteranodon - Lvl 250 (Pteranodon) Day 22847, 04:25:03: TheMentalZz froze Pteranodon - Lvl 250 (Pteranodon) Day 22847, 05:00:39: TheMentalZz froze Pteranodon - Lvl 250 (Pteranodon) Day 22847, 05:14:43: TheMentalZz froze Pteranodon - Lvl 250 (Pteranodon) Day 22847, 05:17:33: TheMentalZz froze Blood M 215 - Lvl 291 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22847, 05:25:17: TheMentalZz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 256 (Thylacoleo) Day 22847, 06:41:46: TheMentalZz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 256 (Thylacoleo) Day 22847, 09:39:37: TheMentalZz froze Blood M 215 - Lvl 291 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22869, 17:14:24: TheMentalZz froze Blood M 215 - Lvl 292 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22869, 21:11:51: TheMentalZz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 259 (Thylacoleo) Day 22869, 23:42:07: TheMentalZz froze Blood M 215 - Lvl 292 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22870, 00:19:09: TheMentalZz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 22870, 01:44:27: TheMentalZz froze Blood M 215 - Lvl 292 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23366, 11:52:39: Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 23386, 03:05:14: red - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 23410, 11:47:27: Jake - Lvl 71 (Bodi Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 23422, 01:39:34: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23422, 01:39:34: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23473, 16:28:00: Tribemember TheMentalZz - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23473, 18:09:39: Tribemember TheMentalZz - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23473, 18:16:13: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 250 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23473, 18:34:19: Tribemember TheMentalZz - Lvl 121 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 23473, 20:59:03: TheMentalZz froze Griffin - Lvl 288 (Griffin) Day 23474, 01:36:58: TheMentalZz froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 285 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23531, 00:47:48: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23531, 00:50:05: Tribemember TheMentalZz - Lvl 121 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45! Day 23531, 02:39:29: Tribemember TheMentalZz - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 55! Day 23531, 05:45:07: TheMentalZz froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 288 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23531, 06:22:00: TheMentalZz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 296 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23720, 10:37:06: Your Lightning F 160 - Lvl 227 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed! Day 23907, 06:55:14: TheMentalZz froze Female Dog - Lvl 328 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23970, 15:51:31: TheMentalZz froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 245 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24342, 13:01:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24413, 11:00:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24465, 02:44:06: TheMentalZz froze Maewing - Lvl 273 (Maewing) Day 24465, 09:18:57: TheMentalZz claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24465, 16:34:50: TheMentalZz froze Maewing - Lvl 273 (Maewing) Day 24878, 05:32:32: TheMentalZz froze Female Dog - Lvl 331 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25118, 06:23:23: Hecate - Lvl 50 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 25273, 10:37:28: TheMentalZz froze Maewing - Lvl 286 (Maewing)"] "tribeid":1722456093,"tribe":"Tribe of SKiLLz logs":["Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20107, 14:16:50: Human was removed from the Tribe! Day 20108, 00:14:55: SKiLLz froze Saira - Lvl 263 (Spino) Day 20108, 11:16:09: SKiLLz froze Saira - Lvl 263 (Spino) Day 20108, 17:19:48: SKiLLz Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 217 (Doedicurus)! Day 20108, 17:44:53: SKiLLz froze Ed - Lvl 217 (Doedicurus) Day 20109, 15:06:21: SKiLLz Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)! Day 20109, 15:28:51: SKiLLz froze T-dog - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 20109, 17:27:24: SKiLLz froze Argentavis - Lvl 234 (Argentavis) Day 20115, 10:51:42: SKiLLz froze Elvis - Lvl 238 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20115, 19:43:26: SKiLLz froze Saira - Lvl 278 (Spino) Day 20115, 20:05:09: SKiLLz froze Elvis - Lvl 240 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20123, 04:00:12: SKiLLz froze Elvis - Lvl 240 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20123, 05:32:39: SKiLLz froze Saira - Lvl 278 (Spino) Day 20123, 08:49:08: SKiLLz Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 20123, 08:55:17: SKiLLz froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 20123, 10:00:58: SKiLLz froze Elvis - Lvl 240 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20131, 21:47:52: SKiLLz Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 224 (Triceratops)! Day 20131, 22:34:48: SKiLLz froze Mike - Lvl 224 (Triceratops) Day 20132, 05:20:58: SKiLLz froze Elvis - Lvl 245 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20135, 19:56:03: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz - Lvl 249 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20136, 08:57:12: SKiLLz Tamed an Archaeopteryx - Lvl 29 (Archaeopteryx)! Day 20136, 11:23:56: SKiLLz Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 224 (Castoroides)! Day 20136, 11:39:53: SKiLLz froze Kevin - Lvl 224 (Castoroides) Day 20136, 11:50:10: SKiLLz froze Saira - Lvl 279 (Spino) Day 20136, 12:31:24: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz - Lvl 250 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20139, 07:36:37: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 246 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20153, 13:24:29: SKiLLz froze Swifty - Lvl 285 (Spino) Day 20153, 14:11:26: SKiLLz froze Speedy - Lvl 254 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20158, 09:37:40: SKiLLz froze Speedy - Lvl 255 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20160, 12:54:56: SKiLLz froze Speedy - Lvl 257 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20163, 22:45:53: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Argy - Lvl 267 (Argentavis) Day 20165, 04:34:15: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 265 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20165, 10:41:50: SKiLLz demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 20165, 10:45:21: SKiLLz demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 20165, 10:46:30: SKiLLz demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 20165, 10:47:16: SKiLLz demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 20165, 10:48:53: SKiLLz demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 20165, 11:04:53: SKiLLz froze Swifty - Lvl 288 (Spino) Day 20165, 13:54:40: SKiLLz froze Swifty - Lvl 288 (Spino) Day 20165, 16:09:42: SKiLLz Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 224 (Beelzebufo)! Day 20165, 16:22:27: SKiLLz froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 224 (Beelzebufo) Day 20165, 16:27:53: SKiLLz froze Swifty - Lvl 288 (Spino) Day 20165, 17:25:55: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 265 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20172, 13:21:45: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 268 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20173, 00:20:09: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 269 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20173, 01:12:08: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 269 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20173, 05:12:16: SKiLLz froze Kermit - Lvl 238 (Beelzebufo) Day 20173, 05:24:02: SKiLLz froze Aqua Woman - Lvl 242 (Sarco) Day 20173, 05:53:17: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 269 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20177, 14:25:19: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 272 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20186, 10:00:43: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 284 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20186, 23:25:20: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 284 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20187, 03:27:47: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 284 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20199, 23:50:12: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 256 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20200, 02:04:07: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 286 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20200, 03:10:31: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 271 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20200, 07:21:34: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 276 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20200, 07:47:12: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 276 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20200, 09:02:23: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 286 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20200, 11:11:41: Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 20201, 15:22:59: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 286 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20203, 12:52:31: SKiLLz claimed 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - Lvl 128 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 20203, 13:58:38: SKiLLz uploaded a Tek Stryder: Big un - Lvl 128 Day 20203, 14:03:15: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 294 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20203, 15:14:02: SKiLLz downloaded a dino: Big un - Lvl 128 Day 20203, 19:44:47: SKiLLz uploaded a Tek Stryder: Big un - Lvl 129 Day 20203, 19:49:12: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 294 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20203, 20:35:23: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Argy - Lvl 284 (Argentavis) Day 20203, 20:54:35: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 287 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20204, 03:20:41: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 287 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20204, 04:09:15: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 295 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20204, 05:52:50: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 296 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20204, 07:38:48: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 296 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20204, 08:21:26: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 296 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20204, 09:16:11: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 287 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20231, 18:08:23: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 290 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20231, 18:18:03: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 300 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20231, 19:36:53: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 301 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20231, 21:17:24: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 301 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20231, 22:21:07: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 301 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20231, 23:42:54: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 290 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20241, 19:52:58: SKiLLz claimed 'Blu - Lvl 180 (Megalodon)'! Day 20241, 19:59:53: SKiLLz froze Blu - Lvl 186 (Megalodon) Day 20242, 03:00:14: SKiLLz claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 20242, 03:34:47: SKiLLz Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus)! Day 20242, 03:45:06: SKiLLz froze Bassy - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus) Day 20242, 04:10:05: SKiLLz froze Aqua Woman - Lvl 286 (Sarco) Day 20242, 07:22:04: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 291 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20253, 09:38:34: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 301 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20253, 11:20:54: SKiLLz Tamed an Otter - Lvl 148 (Otter)! Day 20253, 12:04:35: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 301 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20253, 14:10:25: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 294 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20253, 14:14:31: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 301 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20254, 22:12:04: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 294 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20297, 22:36:28: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 288 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20297, 22:45:02: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 315 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20298, 00:28:32: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 316 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20298, 01:55:40: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 316 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20298, 03:14:55: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 288 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20307, 10:13:52: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20307, 10:13:52: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20307, 10:13:52: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20307, 10:13:52: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20307, 10:13:52: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20307, 10:13:52: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20307, 10:13:52: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20307, 10:13:52: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20307, 10:13:52: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20307, 10:13:52: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20326, 14:26:13: Tarzan was added to the Tribe by SKiLLz! Day 20326, 15:37:25: SKiLLz Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 217 (Daeodon)! Day 20326, 15:45:17: SKiLLz froze Daeodon - Lvl 217 (Daeodon) Day 20326, 20:29:52: Tarzan froze Growler - Lvl 288 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20326, 20:43:31: SKiLLz Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 224 (Daeodon)! Day 20326, 23:32:55: SKiLLz froze Daeodon - Lvl 217 (Daeodon) Day 20327, 04:33:38: SKiLLz claimed 'Baby Daeodon - Lvl 226 (Daeodon)'! Day 20327, 04:40:07: SKiLLz froze Baby Daeodon - Lvl 226 (Daeodon) Day 20327, 04:44:49: Tarzan froze Growler - Lvl 289 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20327, 04:48:13: SKiLLz froze Daeodon - Lvl 224 (Daeodon) Day 20327, 05:02:21: SKiLLz Tamed a Procoptodon - Lvl 202 (Procoptodon)! Day 20327, 05:08:21: SKiLLz froze Procoptodon - Lvl 202 (Procoptodon) Day 20327, 06:04:50: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 295 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20327, 06:10:24: Tarzan froze Growler - Lvl 289 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20327, 06:14:18: Tarzan froze WiseOldOs - Lvl 299 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20342, 03:14:59: SKiLLz froze Otter - Lvl 153 (Otter) Day 20342, 03:19:04: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 296 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20345, 17:45:17: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 296 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20345, 21:32:07: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 296 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20346, 00:08:52: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 296 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20346, 00:18:34: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 325 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20346, 02:08:47: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 327 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20346, 04:09:10: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 327 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20346, 05:04:59: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 296 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20361, 14:58:42: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 298 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20361, 15:03:34: SKiLLz downloaded a dino: Miner - Lvl 141 Day 20361, 15:04:16: SKiLLz downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 172 Day 20361, 15:05:59: SKiLLz uploaded a Tek Stryder: Miner - Lvl 141 Day 20361, 15:07:11: SKiLLz uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 172 Day 20369, 17:27:26: SKiLLz downloaded a dino: Miner - Lvl 141 Day 20369, 20:01:59: SKiLLz uploaded a Tek Stryder: Miner - Lvl 142 Day 20369, 20:30:59: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 298 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20370, 02:39:39: SKiLLz downloaded a dino: Miner - Lvl 142 Day 20370, 04:04:18: SKiLLz uploaded a Tek Stryder: Miner - Lvl 143 Day 20370, 06:57:07: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Owl - Lvl 299 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Refrigerator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20378, 06:13:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20389, 06:29:51: Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 20393, 14:42:34: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz M Owl - Lvl 280 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20393, 14:49:58: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 329 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20393, 16:12:40: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 329 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20393, 17:18:06: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 329 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20393, 17:38:18: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 329 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20393, 18:27:08: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz M Owl - Lvl 280 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20406, 08:57:24: SKiLLz froze WiseOldOs - Lvl 316 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20414, 10:07:03: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz M Owl - Lvl 285 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20414, 10:15:34: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 329 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20414, 13:53:34: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 330 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20414, 14:41:46: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 330 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20414, 15:15:15: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz-Yellow-Feet - Lvl 330 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20414, 16:18:06: SKiLLz froze SKiLLz M Owl - Lvl 285 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20661, 12:20:52: Your 'Tek Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20708, 16:30:37: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20708, 16:30:37: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20779, 13:12:03: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20865, 20:11:00: Otter - Lvl 164 (Otter) starved to death! Day 20892, 04:01:44: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BOB - Lvl 29 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 21050, 22:19:57: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 22419, 09:56:58: Tarzan froze pinkarch - Lvl 310 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22448, 05:53:38: SKiLLz froze Old SKILLz - Lvl 320 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22448, 07:36:43: SKiLLz froze Mammoth - Lvl 271 (Mammoth) Day 22448, 08:44:42: SKiLLz froze Old SKILLz - Lvl 322 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22510, 15:23:16: SKiLLz froze Old SKILLz - Lvl 322 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22587, 02:18:03: Mumei - Lvl 121 (Yubi Yubi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oviraptor - Lvl 293 (Oviraptor)'! Day 22650, 16:37:55: SKiLLz froze Old SKILLz - Lvl 322 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22658, 14:28:51: Tarzan froze pinkarch - Lvl 319 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22658, 14:29:38: SKiLLz froze Speedy SKiLLz - Lvl 333 (R-Snow Owl)"] "tribeid":1722057580,"tribe":"Phoenix logs":["Day 11575, 20:05:44: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 259 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11575, 20:15:24: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 259 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11575, 22:56:50: Your Tribe Tamed a Quetzal - Lvl 82 (Quetzal)! Day 11575, 23:29:19: Sufyaan froze Mohawk - Lvl 82 (Quetzal) Day 11576, 00:08:10: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 260 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11576, 00:36:15: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 260 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11576, 07:28:55: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 260 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11576, 07:44:53: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 260 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11576, 07:59:46: Sufyaan froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 156 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11576, 11:24:33: Sufyaan froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 214 (Brontosaurus) Day 11576, 11:59:29: Sufyaan froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 216 (Brontosaurus) Day 11576, 16:35:51: Sufyaan froze F-15 Eagle - Lvl 295 (Snow Owl) Day 11577, 10:04:22: Sufyaan froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 216 (Brontosaurus) Day 11577, 13:30:11: Your ZEUZ 2.0 - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 95! Day 11577, 17:00:55: Sufyaan claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 141 (Managarmr)'! Day 11577, 20:18:58: Sufyaan froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 156 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11578, 04:50:21: Sufyaan froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 44 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11578, 07:35:52: Sufyaan froze Juvenile Frostbite - Lvl 141 (Managarmr) Day 11578, 08:49:42: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 260 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11578, 08:58:07: Sufyaan froze Beiber - Lvl 183 (Castoroides) Day 11578, 09:31:03: Sufyaan froze Beiber - Lvl 184 (Castoroides) Day 11578, 10:47:57: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 260 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11578, 10:57:57: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 260 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11578, 11:54:58: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 260 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11578, 12:06:21: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 260 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11578, 13:36:01: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 260 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11578, 15:48:43: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 260 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11578, 16:49:41: Sufyaan froze Beiber - Lvl 184 (Castoroides) Day 11578, 17:19:49: Sufyaan froze Beiber - Lvl 185 (Castoroides) Day 11578, 18:51:19: Sufyaan froze Beiber - Lvl 185 (Castoroides) Day 11579, 06:02:52: Sufyaan froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 138 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11579, 06:04:45: Sufyaan froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 156 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11579, 20:23:16: Sufyaan froze Pteranodon - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon) Day 11579, 20:53:32: Sufyaan froze Peril - Lvl 258 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11579, 21:06:10: Sufyaan froze F-15 Eagle - Lvl 295 (Snow Owl) Day 11579, 21:21:13: Sufyaan froze Mohawk - Lvl 91 (Quetzal) Day 11579, 21:28:06: Sufyaan froze Jet - Lvl 256 (Pteranodon) Day 11579, 21:36:31: Sufyaan froze Pteranodon - Lvl 253 (Pteranodon) Day 11579, 23:16:57: Sufyaan demolished a 'Metal Ceiling'! Day 11579, 23:57:51: Sufyaan froze Big boy - Lvl 118 (Managarmr) Day 11580, 00:03:49: Sufyaan froze Purrfection - Lvl 116 (Managarmr) Day 11580, 00:17:42: Sufyaan froze Alexander De Grote - Lvl 239 (Pteranodon) Day 11580, 00:21:25: Sufyaan froze F-20 - Lvl 263 (Pteranodon) Day 11580, 00:29:45: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 261 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11580, 00:54:36: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 261 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11580, 01:19:10: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 261 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11580, 01:49:15: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 261 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11580, 04:25:20: Sufyaan froze F-15 Eagle - Lvl 295 (Snow Owl) Day 11580, 05:18:52: Sufyaan froze Big Crab - Lvl 101 (Karkinos) Day 11580, 05:21:13: Sufyaan froze Reptile - Lvl 230 (Poison Wyvern) Day 11580, 05:24:39: Sufyaan froze Winged Snake - Lvl 243 (Poison Wyvern) Day 11580, 05:26:50: Sufyaan froze Venom - Lvl 241 (Poison Wyvern) Day 11580, 05:37:58: Sufyaan demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 11580, 06:47:23: Sufyaan froze Dorothea - Lvl 290 (Doedicurus) Day 11580, 06:49:20: Sufyaan froze Bryony - Lvl 303 (Megatherium) Day 11580, 07:08:36: Sufyaan froze Dodo - Lvl 65 (Dodo) Day 11580, 07:16:34: Sufyaan froze Fin - Lvl 219 (Megalodon) Day 11580, 07:20:47: Sufyaan froze Sharkzilla - Lvl 230 (Megalodon) Day 11580, 08:29:38: Sufyaan froze Sharkira - Lvl 220 (Megalodon) Day 11580, 13:00:18: Sufyaan claimed 'rexwagon1 - Lvl 260 (Rex)'! Day 11580, 13:03:03: Sufyaan froze rexwagon1 - Lvl 260 (Rex) Day 11580, 18:02:36: Tribemember Sufyaan - Lvl 122 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 11580, 18:12:12: Your Otter - Lvl 209 (Otter) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 11580, 18:39:48: Sufyaan froze Peril - Lvl 260 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11581, 04:40:45: Sufyaan froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 138 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11581, 04:46:19: Sufyaan froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 138 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11581, 06:09:16: Sufyaan froze Gacha - Lvl 259 (Gacha) Day 11581, 07:53:27: Sufyaan claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 200 (Gacha)'! Day 11581, 07:54:11: Sufyaan claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 197 (Gacha)'! Day 11581, 07:54:36: Sufyaan claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 206 (Gacha)'! Day 11581, 07:55:22: Sufyaan claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 193 (Gacha)'! Day 11581, 08:06:55: Sufyaan froze Gacha - Lvl 266 (Gacha) Day 11581, 08:08:28: Sufyaan froze Gacha - Lvl 259 (Gacha) Day 11581, 08:10:56: Sufyaan froze Gacha - Lvl 250 (Gacha) Day 11581, 08:12:23: Sufyaan froze Big sloth - Lvl 244 (Gacha) Day 11581, 08:24:38: Sufyaan froze Gacha - Lvl 250 (Gacha) Day 11581, 08:43:59: Sufyaan froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 197 (Gacha) Day 11581, 08:45:26: Sufyaan froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 206 (Gacha) Day 11581, 08:47:45: Sufyaan froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 200 (Gacha) Day 11581, 08:49:12: Sufyaan froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 193 (Gacha) Day 11581, 09:16:47: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 261 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11581, 09:59:39: Sufyaan froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 156 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11581, 10:08:23: Sufyaan froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 138 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11581, 10:33:02: Sufyaan froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 156 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11581, 15:14:11: Sufyaan froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 156 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11581, 15:16:45: Sufyaan froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 138 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11581, 17:23:54: Sufyaan froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 138 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11581, 17:27:31: Sufyaan froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 156 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11581, 17:39:52: Sufyaan froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 138 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11581, 17:48:24: Sufyaan froze Jet - Lvl 256 (Pteranodon) Day 11581, 17:49:55: Sufyaan froze F-20 - Lvl 263 (Pteranodon) Day 11581, 18:10:43: Sufyaan froze Winged Snake - Lvl 244 (Poison Wyvern) Day 11581, 18:12:27: Sufyaan froze Venom - Lvl 241 (Poison Wyvern) Day 11581, 18:27:34: Sufyaan froze Alexander De Grote - Lvl 240 (Pteranodon) Day 11581, 18:29:48: Sufyaan froze Pterabyte - Lvl 253 (Pteranodon) Day 11581, 18:45:05: Sufyaan froze Purrfection - Lvl 117 (Managarmr) Day 11581, 19:40:13: Sufyaan froze Big boy - Lvl 119 (Managarmr) Day 11581, 19:55:30: Sufyaan froze rexwagon1 - Lvl 260 (Rex) Day 11582, 04:22:05: Sufyaan froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 54 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11582, 04:43:31: Sufyaan unclaimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 54 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 11582, 05:03:27: Sufyaan - Lvl 122 requested an Alliance with The Dankest 3.0 Tribe. Day 11582, 05:06:45: Sufyaan added 'The Dankest 3.0' Tribe to Dankest Alliance! Day 11582, 08:36:36: Sufyaan Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 194 (Ovis)! Day 11582, 08:37:39: Sufyaan Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 22 (Ovis)! Day 11582, 08:39:57: Sufyaan Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 29 (Ovis)! Day 11582, 08:43:45: Sufyaan froze Ovis - Lvl 29 (Ovis) Day 11582, 08:48:25: Sufyaan Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 29 (Ovis)! Day 11582, 09:01:32: Sufyaan Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 194 (Ovis)! Day 11582, 09:03:45: Sufyaan froze Ovis - Lvl 194 (Ovis) Day 11582, 09:28:27: Sufyaan froze Ovis - Lvl 29 (Ovis) Day 11582, 09:33:43: Sufyaan froze Ovis - Lvl 195 (Ovis) Day 11582, 09:35:36: Sufyaan froze Ovis - Lvl 29 (Ovis) Day 11582, 09:44:40: Sufyaan froze Ovis - Lvl 23 (Ovis) Day 11582, 10:53:28: Sufyaan froze Ovis - Lvl 196 (Ovis) Day 11582, 10:55:37: Sufyaan froze Ovis - Lvl 31 (Ovis) Day 11582, 11:17:00: Sufyaan froze Ovis - Lvl 24 (Ovis) Day 11582, 11:17:28: Sufyaan claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 205 (Ovis)'! Day 11582, 11:34:50: Sufyaan froze Ovis - Lvl 196 (Ovis) Day 11582, 11:36:29: Sufyaan claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 146 (Ovis)'! Day 11582, 11:39:18: Sufyaan claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 98 (Ovis)'! Day 11582, 11:42:53: Sufyaan froze Ovis - Lvl 196 (Ovis) Day 11582, 12:05:27: Sufyaan froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 156 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11582, 12:45:02: Sufyaan froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 222 (Brontosaurus) Day 11582, 16:17:51: Sufyaan froze Ovis - Lvl 33 (Ovis) Day 11582, 16:34:37: Sufyaan froze Juvenile Ovis - Lvl 146 (Ovis) Day 11582, 16:38:34: Sufyaan froze Juvenile Ovis - Lvl 146 (Ovis) Day 11582, 16:41:11: Sufyaan froze Juvenile Ovis - Lvl 146 (Ovis) Day 11582, 16:42:56: Sufyaan froze Juvenile Ovis - Lvl 146 (Ovis) Day 11582, 16:48:20: Sufyaan froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 156 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11582, 16:50:33: Sufyaan froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 156 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11582, 16:56:50: Sufyaan froze Juvenile Ovis - Lvl 205 (Ovis) Day 11582, 17:02:12: Sufyaan froze Juvenile Ovis - Lvl 146 (Ovis) Day 11582, 17:05:42: Sufyaan froze Juvenile Ovis - Lvl 98 (Ovis) Day 11582, 19:07:20: Sufyaan froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 138 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11582, 19:23:54: Sufyaan froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 138 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11582, 19:25:24: Sufyaan froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 158 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11588, 21:50:09: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 11588, 21:53:00: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 15! Day 11589, 06:34:35: Sufyaan froze Big Crab - Lvl 103 (Karkinos) Day 11589, 07:10:39: Sufyaan claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 129 (Managarmr)'! Day 11589, 10:07:56: Sufyaan Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 67 (Achatina)! Day 11589, 10:10:26: Sufyaan froze Achatina - Lvl 67 (Achatina) Day 11589, 11:23:34: Sufyaan froze Frostbite - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 11589, 13:07:41: Sufyaan froze Frostbite - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 11589, 14:21:12: Sufyaan unclaimed 'Frostbite - Lvl 202 (Managarmr)'! Day 11589, 15:05:10: Sufyaan claimed 'Frostbite - Lvl 202 (Managarmr)'! Day 11589, 15:14:09: Sufyaan froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 129 (Managarmr) Day 11589, 15:19:19: Sufyaan froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 129 (Managarmr) Day 11589, 15:44:40: Sufyaan claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 107 (Managarmr)'! Day 11589, 15:52:20: Sufyaan froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 107 (Managarmr) Day 11589, 16:31:08: Sufyaan froze Ted - Lvl 202 (Dire Bear) Day 11589, 18:16:38: Sufyaan froze Beiber - Lvl 191 (Castoroides) Day 11589, 18:41:26: Sufyaan froze Beiber - Lvl 191 (Castoroides) Day 11589, 20:04:19: Sufyaan froze Adolescent Managarmr - Lvl 129 (Managarmr) Day 11590, 02:04:39: Sufyaan froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 107 (Managarmr) Day 11590, 02:21:20: Sufyaan froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 107 (Managarmr) Day 11590, 02:39:08: Sufyaan froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 107 (Managarmr) Day 11590, 05:21:03: Sufyaan froze Adolescent Managarmr - Lvl 129 (Managarmr) Day 11590, 07:14:11: Sufyaan froze Adolescent Managarmr - Lvl 129 (Managarmr) Day 11590, 09:59:55: Sufyaan froze Adolescent Managarmr - Lvl 107 (Managarmr) Day 11590, 10:29:03: Sufyaan froze F-15 Eagle - Lvl 295 (Snow Owl) Day 11590, 10:35:54: Sufyaan froze Frostbite - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 11590, 11:14:04: Sufyaan froze Ted - Lvl 238 (Dire Bear) Day 11590, 12:11:02: Sufyaan froze F-15 Eagle - Lvl 295 (Snow Owl) Day 11590, 12:20:29: Sufyaan froze Chewbacca - Lvl 258 (Gigantopithecus) Day 11590, 12:29:15: Sufyaan froze F-15 Eagle - Lvl 295 (Snow Owl) Day 11591, 06:59:41: Sufyaan froze Bigfoot - Lvl 245 (Gigantopithecus) Day 11591, 08:08:00: Sufyaan froze Jet - Lvl 256 (Pteranodon) Day 11591, 13:41:27: Sufyaan claimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 255 (Snow Owl)'! Day 11591, 13:45:59: Sufyaan froze Snow Owl - Lvl 255 (Snow Owl) Day 11591, 14:17:28: Tribemember Sufyaan - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 11591, 14:44:43: Sufyaan froze Purrfection - Lvl 124 (Managarmr) Day 11591, 20:08:27: Sufyaan Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 217 (Direwolf)! Day 11591, 20:12:58: Sufyaan froze Shadow - Lvl 217 (Direwolf) Day 11592, 05:40:09: Tribemember Sufyaan - Lvl 122 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 150! Day 11592, 06:15:40: Sufyaan froze Kogeru - Lvl 172 (Managarmr) Day 11592, 06:52:24: Tribemember Sufyaan - Lvl 122 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 150! Day 11592, 08:35:31: Sufyaan froze Peril - Lvl 260 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11592, 08:55:12: Sufyaan froze Snow Owl - Lvl 255 (Snow Owl) Day 11592, 10:13:09: Sufyaan Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 224 (Direwolf)! Day 11592, 10:15:13: Sufyaan froze Ghost - Lvl 224 (Direwolf) Day 11592, 11:50:34: Sufyaan claimed 'Baby Direwolf - Lvl 238 (Direwolf)'! Day 11592, 13:53:52: Sufyaan froze Adolescent Managarmr - Lvl 129 (Managarmr) Day 11593, 13:53:52: Sufyaan Tamed a Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)! Day 11593, 13:57:22: Sufyaan froze Albino - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 11594, 01:08:37: Sufyaan froze Frostbite - Lvl 164 (Managarmr) Day 11594, 07:16:14: Sufyaan froze Tan - Lvl 261 (Direwolf) Day 11594, 07:45:04: Sufyaan froze Snow Owl - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 11594, 09:23:15: Sufyaan froze Snow Owl - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 11602, 03:38:12: Sufyaan demolished a 'Dino Leash (Locked) '! Day 11603, 17:39:54: Sufyaan claimed 'Sheila Birling - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)'! Day 11603, 18:01:40: Sufyaan froze Sheila Birling - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 11604, 20:10:42: Sufyaan claimed 'Shaggy - Lvl 196 (Rock Drake)'! Day 11604, 20:10:43: Akuma - Lvl 122 (Lovers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shaggy - Lvl 196 (Rock Drake)'! Day 11604, 20:10:47: Sufyaan claimed 'Shaggy - Lvl 196 (Rock Drake)'! Day 11604, 20:10:49: Akuma - Lvl 122 (Lovers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shaggy - Lvl 196 (Rock Drake)'! Day 11604, 20:11:22: Sufyaan claimed 'Terror Bird - Lvl 111 (Terror Bird)'! Day 11604, 20:11:25: BadBanny - Lvl 124 (Tribe of BadBanny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Terror Bird - Lvl 111 (Terror Bird)'! Day 11604, 20:11:30: Sufyaan claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 234 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 11604, 20:12:07: Sufyaan claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 11604, 20:15:05: Sufyaan claimed 'Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex)'! Day 11604, 20:15:19: Sufyaan claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 20:18:08: Sufyaan claimed 'Night shade - Lvl 233 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 11604, 20:18:23: Sufyaan claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 20:18:37: Sufyaan claimed 'F229 - Lvl 383 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 11604, 20:19:00: Sufyaan claimed 'Bouboule - Lvl 292 (Doedicurus)'! Day 11604, 20:19:27: Sufyaan claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 211 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11604, 20:19:55: Sufyaan claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 234 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 20:20:14: Sufyaan claimed 'Blue bird - Lvl 269 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 20:20:42: Sufyaan claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 20:21:17: Sufyaan claimed 'Bowser - Lvl 255 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 11604, 20:28:55: Sufyaan claimed 'Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex)'! Day 11604, 20:34:33: Sufyaan claimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 386 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 11604, 20:38:33: Sufyaan claimed 'Geoff - Lvl 330 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 20:45:52: Sufyaan claimed 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 124 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 11604, 20:57:07: Sufyaan claimed 'Feather - Lvl 275 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 20:59:32: Sufyaan claimed 'k' - Lvl 215 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 21:01:33: Sufyaan claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 21:02:04: Sufyaan claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 233 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 21:04:50: Sufyaan claimed 'JEEZUS MK2 - Lvl 218 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 21:08:12: Sufyaan claimed 'Drake - Lvl 230 (Argentavis)'! Day 11604, 21:32:30: Sufyaan claimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 146 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11604, 21:39:51: Sufyaan froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 146 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 11604, 21:58:30: Sufyaan froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (Thylacoleo) Day 11604, 22:07:52: Sufyaan froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 234 (Carnotaurus) Day 11604, 22:16:23: Sufyaan froze Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 11604, 22:35:20: Sufyaan froze Drake - Lvl 230 (Argentavis) Day 11604, 22:52:33: Sufyaan froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 124 (Tek Raptor) Day 11604, 23:09:01: Sufyaan froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 386 (Stegosaurus) Day 11604, 23:24:35: Sufyaan froze Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex) Day 11604, 23:44:02: Sufyaan froze Night shade - Lvl 233 (Thylacoleo) Day 11605, 02:30:41: Sufyaan froze Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 11605, 02:55:51: Sufyaan froze Geoff - Lvl 330 (Argentavis) Day 11605, 03:55:54: Sufyaan froze Geoff - Lvl 330 (Argentavis) Day 11605, 04:01:39: Sufyaan froze F229 - Lvl 383 (Stegosaurus) Day 11605, 04:25:57: Sufyaan froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 222 (Therizinosaur) Day 11605, 04:59:35: Sufyaan froze Argentavis - Lvl 234 (Argentavis) Day 11605, 05:22:10: Sufyaan froze Blue bird - Lvl 269 (Argentavis) Day 11605, 05:30:32: Sufyaan froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 11605, 05:43:01: Sufyaan froze JEEZUS MK2 - Lvl 273 (Argentavis) Day 11605, 06:02:56: Sufyaan froze JEEZUS MK2 - Lvl 273 (Argentavis) Day 11605, 06:04:42: Sufyaan froze k' - Lvl 215 (Argentavis) Day 11605, 06:11:25: Sufyaan froze Feather - Lvl 275 (Argentavis) Day 11605, 06:20:53: Sufyaan froze Argentavis - Lvl 233 (Argentavis) Day 11605, 08:30:51: Sufyaan froze Argentavis - Lvl 270 (Argentavis) Day 11605, 08:33:48: Sufyaan froze Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) Day 11605, 08:36:25: Sufyaan froze k' - Lvl 215 (Argentavis) Day 11605, 09:05:53: Sufyaan froze Reptile - Lvl 233 (Poison Wyvern) Day 11605, 12:51:23: Sufyaan froze Argentavis - Lvl 270 (Argentavis) Day 11605, 15:20:26: Sufyaan froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 230 (Thylacoleo) Day 11605, 15:26:36: Sufyaan froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 230 (Thylacoleo) Day 11605, 16:53:15: Sufyaan claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 174 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 11605, 17:37:15: Sufyaan froze Baby Thylo Ren - Lvl 174 (Thylacoleo) Day 11605, 17:48:38: Sufyaan claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 199 (Rex)'! Day 11605, 17:50:41: Sufyaan froze Baby Rex - Lvl 199 (Rex) Day 11606, 00:38:02: Sufyaan froze Snow Owl - Lvl 257 (Snow Owl) Day 11606, 11:00:11: Sufyaan froze Juvenile Thylo Ren - Lvl 174 (Thylacoleo) Day 11606, 12:46:48: Sufyaan froze Juvenile Thylo Ren - Lvl 174 (Thylacoleo) Day 11606, 13:59:14: Sufyaan claimed 'Baby Direwolf - Lvl 227 (Direwolf)'! Day 11606, 14:00:41: Sufyaan claimed 'Baby Direwolf - Lvl 227 (Direwolf)'! Day 11606, 18:48:54: Sufyaan froze Juvenile Direwolf - Lvl 227 (Direwolf) Day 11606, 18:50:40: Sufyaan froze Juvenile Direwolf - Lvl 227 (Direwolf) Day 11606, 18:54:45: Sufyaan froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 199 (Rex) Day 11607, 06:30:20: RichPiana was added to the Tribe by Sufyaan! Day 11607, 07:36:37: Your Giganotosaurus - Lvl 178 (Giganotosaurus) was killed! Day 11607, 07:51:38: Sufyaan froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 163 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11607, 07:51:55: Tribemember RichPiana - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 11607, 10:16:53: Tribemember RichPiana - Lvl 40 was killed! Day 11607, 11:27:19: Sufyaan froze Freddy Krueger - Lvl 222 (Therizinosaur) Day 11607, 14:01:01: Tribemember RichPiana - Lvl 40 was killed by Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix)! Day 11607, 14:01:01: Your Tribe killed RichPiana - Lvl 40 (Phoenix)! Day 11607, 14:13:14: Sufyaan froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11607, 14:14:57: Tribemember RichPiana - Lvl 40 was killed by Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix)! Day 11607, 14:14:57: Your Tribe killed RichPiana - Lvl 40 (Phoenix)! Day 11607, 15:22:58: Tribemember Sufyaan - Lvl 122 was killed by RichPiana - Lvl 40 (Phoenix)! Day 11607, 15:22:58: Your Tribe killed Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix)! Day 11607, 15:26:10: Tribemember Sufyaan - Lvl 122 was killed by RichPiana - Lvl 40 (Phoenix)! Day 11607, 15:26:10: Your Tribe killed Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix)! Day 11607, 16:04:01: Tribemember Sufyaan - Lvl 122 was killed by RichPiana - Lvl 40 (Phoenix)! Day 11607, 16:04:01: Your Tribe killed Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix)! Day 11607, 17:00:08: Tribemember RichPiana - Lvl 40 was killed by Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix)! Day 11607, 17:00:08: Your Tribe killed RichPiana - Lvl 40 (Phoenix)! Day 11607, 17:05:37: Tribemember RichPiana - Lvl 40 was killed by Sufyaan - Lvl 122 (Phoenix)! Day 11607, 17:05:37: Your Tribe killed RichPiana - Lvl 40 (Phoenix)! Day 11607, 17:42:01: RichPiana was removed from the Tribe by Sufyaan! Day 11607, 18:13:12: Sufyaan demolished a 'Smithy (Locked) '! Day 11607, 18:50:56: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 263 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11623, 05:13:31: Sufyaan claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex)'! Day 11623, 05:16:04: Sufyaan froze Baby Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 11623, 05:39:32: Sufyaan froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 199 (Rex) Day 11623, 06:30:12: Sufyaan froze Frostbite - Lvl 194 (Managarmr) Day 11623, 06:32:07: Sufyaan claimed 'POPO2 - Lvl 260 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 11623, 07:38:57: Sufyaan unclaimed 'POPO2 - Lvl 261 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 11623, 10:07:44: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 263 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11623, 10:27:20: Sufyaan froze Adolescent Direwolf - Lvl 227 (Direwolf) Day 11623, 11:27:42: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 263 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11623, 11:42:17: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 263 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11623, 11:53:05: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 263 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11623, 12:12:46: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 263 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11623, 13:05:53: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 263 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11623, 16:13:23: Sufyaan froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 199 (Rex) Day 11623, 18:51:59: Sufyaan claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 53 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11623, 18:55:18: Sufyaan froze Deinonychus - Lvl 53 (Deinonychus) Day 11623, 18:55:38: Sufyaan claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 99 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11623, 18:58:26: Sufyaan froze Deinonychus - Lvl 99 (Deinonychus) Day 11624, 00:14:51: Sufyaan froze Tan - Lvl 270 (Direwolf) Day 11624, 00:20:23: Sufyaan froze Ghost - Lvl 238 (Direwolf) Day 11624, 00:24:55: Sufyaan froze Shadow - Lvl 231 (Direwolf) Day 11650, 01:15:23: Sufyaan froze Ghost - Lvl 238 (Direwolf) Day 11650, 01:19:43: Sufyaan froze Shadow - Lvl 231 (Direwolf) Day 11650, 01:40:32: Sufyaan froze Ares - Lvl 287 (Rex) Day 11650, 01:44:17: Sufyaan froze Rex - Lvl 200 (Rex) Day 11650, 01:48:08: Sufyaan froze GET REXT - Lvl 276 (Rex) Day 11650, 01:54:06: Sufyaan froze Crusher - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 11650, 01:57:51: Sufyaan froze Rexy - Lvl 266 (Rex) Day 11650, 02:04:17: Sufyaan froze Night shade - Lvl 246 (Thylacoleo) Day 11650, 02:12:24: Sufyaan froze Frostbite - Lvl 200 (Managarmr) Day 11650, 02:17:13: Sufyaan froze Frosty - Lvl 174 (Managarmr) Day 11650, 02:21:09: Sufyaan froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 163 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11650, 02:27:19: Sufyaan froze Kogeru - Lvl 173 (Managarmr) Day 11650, 02:43:07: Sufyaan froze Peril - Lvl 262 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11650, 02:46:44: Sufyaan froze Purrfection - Lvl 125 (Managarmr) Day 11650, 02:50:42: Sufyaan froze Venom - Lvl 242 (Poison Wyvern) Day 11650, 02:54:41: Sufyaan froze Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (Snow Owl) Day 11650, 02:58:24: Sufyaan froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 11650, 03:02:22: Sufyaan froze Winged Snake - Lvl 247 (Poison Wyvern) Day 11650, 03:07:17: Sufyaan froze Jet - Lvl 256 (Pteranodon) Day 11650, 03:28:37: Sufyaan froze Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus) Day 11650, 03:32:13: Sufyaan froze Deinonychus - Lvl 54 (Deinonychus) Day 11650, 03:55:22: Sufyaan froze Mohawk - Lvl 101 (Quetzal) Day 11650, 04:12:25: Sufyaan froze Feather - Lvl 292 (Argentavis) Day 11650, 04:16:50: Sufyaan froze 213 M - Lvl 283 (Pteranodon) Day 11650, 04:23:07: Sufyaan froze Geoff - Lvl 342 (Argentavis) Day 11650, 04:27:42: Sufyaan froze Sheila Birling - Lvl 210 (Argentavis) Day 11650, 04:31:34: Sufyaan froze Pterabyte - Lvl 253 (Pteranodon) Day 11650, 04:36:22: Sufyaan froze JEEZUS MK2 - Lvl 273 (Argentavis) Day 11650, 04:40:57: Sufyaan froze Argentavis - Lvl 339 (Argentavis) Day 11650, 05:44:36: Sufyaan froze F229 - Lvl 384 (Stegosaurus) Day 11650, 05:46:03: Sufyaan froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 386 (Stegosaurus) Day 11650, 06:00:42: Sufyaan froze Alexander De Grote - Lvl 240 (Pteranodon) Day 11650, 06:02:11: Sufyaan froze Argentavis - Lvl 267 (Argentavis) Day 11650, 06:03:40: Sufyaan froze F-20 - Lvl 263 (Pteranodon) Day 11650, 06:15:52: Sufyaan froze Drake - Lvl 273 (Argentavis) Day 11701, 12:45:55: Your Ovis - Lvl 24 (Ovis) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 11702, 11:31:33: Achatina - Lvl 84 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 11760, 13:41:26: Ovis - Lvl 31 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 11778, 16:39:07: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11778, 16:39:07: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11788, 20:01:06: Your Brontosaurus - Lvl 222 (Brontosaurus) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185! Day 11802, 17:18:55: Your Mike Tyson - Lvl 287 (Triceratops) was killed! Day 11802, 17:27:10: Your Big boy - Lvl 120 (Managarmr) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 11802, 17:29:12: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 234 (Carnotaurus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 11802, 17:29:47: Your anwgon - Lvl 300 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 11803, 06:18:09: Your Lionheart - Lvl 237 (Griffin) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 11848, 12:55:18: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11867, 22:24:09: Pteranodon - Lvl 177 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 11871, 20:20:00: Sufyaan froze Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 11871, 20:27:11: Sufyaan froze Direwolf - Lvl 237 (Direwolf) Day 11871, 20:30:57: Sufyaan froze Mystique - Lvl 230 (Thylacoleo) Day 11871, 20:49:55: Sufyaan froze Direwolf - Lvl 237 (Direwolf) Day 11871, 20:59:47: Sufyaan froze Tan - Lvl 271 (Direwolf) Day 11871, 21:16:33: Sufyaan froze Andy - Lvl 263 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11871, 21:20:14: Sufyaan froze Dorothea - Lvl 292 (Doedicurus) Day 11871, 21:27:31: Sufyaan froze Bryony - Lvl 303 (Megatherium) Day 11871, 21:32:59: Sufyaan froze Thylo Ren - Lvl 187 (Thylacoleo) Day 11871, 21:36:52: Sufyaan froze Beiber - Lvl 199 (Castoroides) Day 11871, 21:41:12: Sufyaan froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 165 (Tek Raptor) Day 11871, 22:02:22: Sufyaan froze Dodo - Lvl 77 (Dodo) Day 11948, 12:36:34: Bouboule - Lvl 309 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 11948, 12:36:36: Bowser - Lvl 272 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 12043, 12:28:08: Your 'Dino Leash' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12124, 16:25:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12124, 16:25:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12124, 16:25:23: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12124, 16:25:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12222, 11:07:05: Your 'Spider Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12222, 11:07:05: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12230, 08:44:34: bolinoso - Lvl 124 (Tribe of mikatana) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)'! Day 12230, 21:15:37: EcStAsY - Lvl 124 (Tribe of SIMPLE HUMAN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jaws - Lvl 212 (Megalodon)'! Day 12230, 21:26:23: EcStAsY - Lvl 124 (Tribe of SIMPLE HUMAN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shark - Lvl 245 (Megalodon)'! Day 12245, 07:37:54: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 142 (Tribe of SIMPLE HUMAN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 185 (Pteranodon)'! Day 12292, 08:16:25: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12292, 08:16:25: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12485, 10:06:17: bolinoso - Lvl 124 (Tribe of mikatana) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 185 (Pteranodon)'! Day 12557, 06:00:16: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12557, 06:00:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12557, 06:00:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12557, 06:00:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12557, 06:00:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12557, 06:00:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12557, 06:00:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12761, 00:17:17: Your ZEUS - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 12772, 07:39:44: Tribemember Sufyaan - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 14101, 12:34:55: EcStAsY added 'kokow tribe' Tribe to sufyaan Alliance! Day 14143, 06:11:17: EcStAsY added 'Ugg' Tribe to sufyaan Alliance! Day 14960, 20:11:39: EcStAsY added 'Anthill' Tribe to sufyaan Alliance! Day 14960, 20:16:48: EcStAsY added 'Tribe of Raven' Tribe to sufyaan Alliance! Day 15057, 12:40:15: EcStAsY added 'of Light' Tribe to sufyaan Alliance! Day 15225, 04:28:27: EcStAsY added 'House of Buzoku' Tribe to sufyaan Alliance! Day 15569, 17:56:47: EcStAsY added 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe to sufyaan Alliance!"] "tribeid":1720797135,"tribe":"Chubstars logs":["Day 23252, 07:13:52: OverK2ll was added to the Tribe! Day 23252, 12:09:56: Human was added to the Tribe by OverK2ll! Day 23252, 12:39:44: Tribemember Human - Lvl 5 was killed by OverK2ll - Lvl 5 (Chubstars)! Day 23252, 12:39:44: Your Tribe killed Human - Lvl 5 (Chubstars)! Day 23252, 12:55:46: ongGavin was added to the Tribe by OverK2ll! Day 23252, 13:25:14: Human was removed from the Tribe! Day 23252, 13:32:32: Human was added to the Tribe by OverK2ll! Day 23252, 14:02:14: Tribemember OverK2ll - Lvl 6 was killed by Human - Lvl 1 (Chubstars)! Day 23252, 14:02:14: Your Tribe killed OverK2ll - Lvl 6 (Chubstars)! Day 23252, 14:22:28: Tribemember Human - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 23252, 14:57:48: Human was removed from the Tribe! Day 23252, 15:04:57: Lewis was added to the Tribe by OverK2ll! Day 23252, 15:14:26: Tribemember Lewis - Lvl 1 was killed by OverK2ll - Lvl 8 (Chubstars)! Day 23252, 15:14:26: Your Tribe killed Lewis - Lvl 1 (Chubstars)! Day 23252, 16:53:50: Tribemember OverK2ll - Lvl 11 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 23252, 16:56:55: Tribemember ongGavin - Lvl 11 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 23252, 17:49:12: Tribemember OverK2ll - Lvl 11 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 23252, 17:58:12: Tribemember ongGavin - Lvl 11 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 23252, 21:48:34: Tribemember Lewis - Lvl 13 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 23252, 22:09:53: Tribemember ongGavin - Lvl 15 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 23252, 23:13:52: Tribemember ongGavin - Lvl 16 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 20! Day 23253, 06:32:53: Tribemember OverK2ll - Lvl 32 was killed by Lewis - Lvl 30 (Chubstars)! Day 23253, 06:32:53: Your Tribe killed OverK2ll - Lvl 32 (Chubstars)! Day 23253, 09:23:00: Tribemember Lewis - Lvl 31 was killed by OverK2ll - Lvl 32 (Chubstars)! Day 23253, 09:23:00: Your Tribe killed Lewis - Lvl 31 (Chubstars)! Day 23253, 10:03:37: OverK2ll demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 23253, 10:11:29: Tribemember OverK2ll - Lvl 33 was killed by Lewis - Lvl 31 (Chubstars)! Day 23253, 10:11:29: Your Tribe killed OverK2ll - Lvl 33 (Chubstars)! Day 23253, 10:22:08: Tribemember Lewis - Lvl 31 was killed by OverK2ll - Lvl 33 (Chubstars)! Day 23253, 10:22:08: Your Tribe killed Lewis - Lvl 31 (Chubstars)! Day 23253, 11:49:25: Tribemember Lewis - Lvl 32 was killed by OverK2ll - Lvl 33 (Chubstars)! Day 23253, 11:49:25: Your Tribe killed Lewis - Lvl 32 (Chubstars)! Day 23253, 17:00:41: Tribemember OverK2ll - Lvl 37 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 145! Day 23254, 00:22:10: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)! Day 23255, 02:12:41: Tribemember Lewis - Lvl 39 was killed! Day 23300, 14:07:35: Tribemember Lewis - Lvl 41 was killed by OverK2ll - Lvl 45 (Chubstars)! Day 23300, 14:07:35: Your Tribe killed Lewis - Lvl 41 (Chubstars)! Day 23300, 14:48:50: Tribemember Lewis - Lvl 41 was killed by OverK2ll - Lvl 46 (Chubstars)! Day 23300, 14:48:50: Your Tribe killed Lewis - Lvl 41 (Chubstars)! Day 23300, 15:05:26: Tribemember Lewis - Lvl 41 was killed by OverK2ll - Lvl 46 (Chubstars)! Day 23300, 15:05:26: Your Tribe killed Lewis - Lvl 41 (Chubstars)! Day 23300, 17:34:49: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 23300, 20:48:28: Tribemember Lewis - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 23300, 22:01:47: Lewis Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 74 (Triceratops)! Day 23300, 23:58:16: Tribemember Lewis - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 23301, 03:31:00: Tribemember OverK2ll - Lvl 47 was killed by Lewis - Lvl 43 (Chubstars)! Day 23301, 03:31:00: Your Tribe killed OverK2ll - Lvl 47 (Chubstars)! Day 23301, 03:49:43: Tribemember Lewis - Lvl 43 was killed by OverK2ll - Lvl 47 (Chubstars)! Day 23301, 03:49:43: Your Tribe killed Lewis - Lvl 43 (Chubstars)! Day 23301, 04:36:31: Tribemember Lewis - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 23301, 05:48:25: Tribemember Lewis - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 23301, 07:55:16: Tribemember OverK2ll - Lvl 47 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 55! Day 23345, 19:54:20: Tribemember OverK2ll - Lvl 47 was killed! Day 23345, 20:03:10: Tribemember ongGavin - Lvl 35 was killed! Day 23384, 12:34:56: Your NIGGER - Lvl 81 (Triceratops) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 60! Day 23445, 16:09:43: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23602, 03:00:45: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23975, 23:51:28: Unoriginal_47 - Lvl 122 (Megalanias Reforged) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24096, 23:29:10: Tribemember Lewis - Lvl 43 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 15! Day 24099, 09:35:00: Ross - Lvl 67 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 25961, 05:27:19: OverK2ll was removed from the Tribe! Day 25961, 05:27:19: Tribe Owner was changed to ongGavin!"] "tribeid":1720055793,"tribe":"DaisyAlf logs":["Day 32210, 07:56:40: Annie was added to the Tribe! Day 32210, 07:58:11: Alfie was added to the Tribe by Annie! Day 32210, 08:07:28: Alfie was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Annie! Day 32210, 09:12:55: Annie froze Wesley - Lvl 307 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32241, 05:01:24: Alfie froze Wesley - Lvl 312 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32315, 08:59:34: Alfie froze F3 [AL] - Lvl 256 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32361, 19:32:49: Alfie Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 32361, 23:43:39: Alfie froze F3 [AL] - Lvl 260 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32363, 04:17:53: Alfie froze Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 32454, 05:17:40: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 112 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 15! Day 32490, 10:19:30: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 32492, 17:56:33: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 32538, 04:16:34: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 112 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 15! Day 32562, 05:48:11: Annie froze Wesley - Lvl 339 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32738, 09:06:05: Alfie froze M5 [AL] - Lvl 369 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32738, 09:08:30: Alfie froze F4 [AL] - Lvl 315 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 33094, 04:26:30: Alfie froze M2B - Lvl 339 (Argentavis) Day 33094, 10:06:30: Alfie froze F4 [AL] - Lvl 318 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 33094, 14:10:46: Alfie froze F4 [AL] - Lvl 318 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 33094, 16:07:36: Alfie froze F4 [AL] - Lvl 318 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 33117, 05:38:43: Alfie froze F4 [AL] - Lvl 319 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 33141, 21:17:25: Annie downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 62 Day 33142, 00:39:50: Annie froze M1 [D] - Lvl 237 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 35298, 17:52:58: Tribemember Annie - Lvl 112 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 15! Day 35788, 16:38:10: Tribemember Annie - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 38644, 00:18:58: JC741 - Lvl 58 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 67 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 38754, 19:12:24: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38754, 19:12:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38754, 19:12:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1718132244,"tribe":"Tribe of Stamppot logs":["Day 17876, 18:48:50: Stamppot was added to the Tribe! Day 17876, 21:10:16: Tribemember Stamppot - Lvl 5 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 50! Day 17876, 21:56:24: Tribemember Stamppot - Lvl 6 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 55! Day 17876, 23:00:53: Mr_Isaak was added to the Tribe by Stamppot! Day 17877, 03:51:24: Tribemember Mr_Isaak - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 135! Day 17877, 06:41:20: Tribemember Stamppot - Lvl 12 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 45! Day 17877, 11:06:51: Stamppot Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 132 (Parasaur)! Day 17878, 11:02:54: Stamppot demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 17878, 13:49:33: Stamppot Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 195 (Dilophosaur)! Day 17879, 16:00:04: Tribemember Stamppot - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 17879, 20:49:36: Stamppot Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon)! Day 17880, 05:54:53: Tribemember Stamppot - Lvl 44 was killed! Day 17894, 06:10:10: kabouter was added to the Tribe by Stamppot! Day 17894, 08:00:09: Stamppot Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 21 (Dilophosaur)! Day 17894, 12:26:39: Tribemember kabouter - Lvl 9 was killed! Day 17894, 14:04:56: Tribemember Stamppot - Lvl 46 was killed! Day 17894, 18:44:02: kabouter claimed 'Baby Dilophosaur - Lvl 156 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 17894, 19:51:36: Stamppot unclaimed 'isaaks zn vergeten kind - Lvl 26 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 17894, 20:01:30: kabouter claimed 'isaaks zn vergeten kind - Lvl 26 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 17894, 20:03:21: Your isaaks zn vergeten kind - Lvl 26 (Dilophosaur) was killed by kabouter - Lvl 13 (Tribe of Stamppot)! Day 17894, 20:03:21: Your Tribe killed isaaks zn vergeten kind - Lvl 26 (Dilophosaur) (Tribe of Stamppot)! Day 17894, 22:19:10: Tribemember kabouter - Lvl 13 was killed by Stamppot - Lvl 47 (Tribe of Stamppot)! Day 17894, 22:19:10: Your Tribe killed kabouter - Lvl 13 (Tribe of Stamppot)! Day 17894, 22:40:51: Tribemember Stamppot - Lvl 47 was killed by kabouter - Lvl 13 (Tribe of Stamppot)! Day 17894, 22:40:51: Your Tribe killed Stamppot - Lvl 47 (Tribe of Stamppot)! Day 17895, 00:45:32: Tribemember kabouter - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 17895, 05:53:43: Tribemember Stamppot - Lvl 47 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 50! Day 17900, 11:00:27: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 17900, 13:33:55: kabouter Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 202 (Carnotaurus)! Day 17901, 15:39:09: Tribemember kabouter - Lvl 41 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 50! Day 17901, 21:08:32: Your Betsy The 1st - Lvl 152 (Parasaur) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 17929, 03:11:46: Tribemember Mr_Isaak - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 17929, 09:40:42: Tribemember Mr_Isaak - Lvl 26 was killed! Day 17929, 12:41:31: Tribemember Mr_Isaak - Lvl 27 was killed! Day 17929, 16:48:59: Tribemember Mr_Isaak - Lvl 28 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 17929, 17:09:33: Tribemember Mr_Isaak - Lvl 28 was killed by Stamppot - Lvl 60 (Tribe of Stamppot)! Day 17929, 17:09:33: Your Tribe killed Mr_Isaak - Lvl 28 (Tribe of Stamppot)! Day 17975, 18:38:04: Tribemember Stamppot - Lvl 60 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 18055, 08:19:25: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18478, 21:55:34: Nala - Lvl 81 (Tribe of Edu) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carlos. - Lvl 229 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 18478, 22:18:12: Your Ootje het Bootje (Raft) was destroyed! Day 18478, 22:46:45: Tribemember kabouter - Lvl 44 was killed! Day 18555, 14:49:45: Tribemember Stamppot - Lvl 61 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 95! Day 18555, 14:57:39: Tribemember Mr_Isaak - Lvl 28 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 95! Day 18569, 10:05:26: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18841, 17:29:21: Dillilah - Lvl 211 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 19222, 23:43:54: PJaPja - Lvl 145 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 19359, 01:15:45: Your ankha - Lvl 165 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 60!"] "tribeid":1712930503,"tribe":"red face logs":["Day 27755, 09:07:59: redface123_ was added to the Tribe! Day 27755, 09:13:39: redface123_ demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 27755, 09:21:02: redface123_ demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 27755, 10:59:01: redface123_ demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 27755, 10:59:56: redface123_ demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 27779, 23:49:37: redface123_ Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops)! Day 27780, 08:59:45: redface123_ Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 194 (Moschops)! Day 27780, 09:01:18: redface123_ Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 127 (Moschops)! Day 27780, 16:44:22: redface123_ Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)! Day 27822, 07:50:58: redface123_ demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 27822, 07:51:54: redface123_ demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 27822, 07:53:44: redface123_ demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 27822, 07:54:38: redface123_ demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 27822, 07:55:55: redface123_ demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 27822, 07:57:00: redface123_ demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 27822, 07:59:00: redface123_ demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 27822, 08:02:12: redface123_ demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 27822, 15:30:07: redface123_ demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 27822, 15:31:02: redface123_ demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 27822, 15:31:57: redface123_ demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 27822, 15:33:19: redface123_ demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 27822, 15:44:04: redface123_ demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 27822, 15:44:54: redface123_ demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 27822, 16:17:15: redface123_ demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 27823, 01:16:16: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 27969, 07:41:10: pinky - Lvl 64 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 28053, 19:56:06: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28157, 18:19:46: icy - Lvl 215 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 28183, 22:52:47: flamy - Lvl 143 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 28358, 07:31:53: Your 'Wooden Chair' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28436, 17:43:51: Rah - Lvl 98 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'green goblin - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28436, 17:49:58: Rah - Lvl 98 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ocean - Lvl 75 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28482, 07:03:44: IndigoLegion - Lvl 6 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'skippy - Lvl 39 (Triceratops)'! Day 28688, 11:25:01: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29144, 04:01:12: Tribemember redface123_ - Lvl 60 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85!"] "tribeid":1711468853,"tribe":"Tribe of V4z31 logs":["Day 25423, 21:15:17: V4z3 was added to the Tribe! Day 25423, 21:20:04: Xantium was added to the Tribe by V4z3! Day 25424, 00:13:08: Xantium froze Sarco - Lvl 132 (Sarco) Day 25424, 01:53:42: Xantium froze Sarco - Lvl 132 (Sarco) Day 25424, 02:03:44: Xantium froze Tumeric - Lvl 232 (Basilosaurus) Day 25424, 05:52:11: Xantium froze Tumeric - Lvl 232 (Basilosaurus) Day 25424, 11:51:47: Xantium froze Sarco - Lvl 132 (Sarco) Day 25424, 12:32:24: Xantium froze Tumeric - Lvl 232 (Basilosaurus) Day 25424, 16:00:15: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 209 (Megalodon)! Day 25424, 16:07:47: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 435 (Snow Owl) Day 25424, 16:30:33: Xantium froze Megalodon - Lvl 209 (Megalodon) Day 25424, 16:38:44: Xantium froze Sarco - Lvl 132 (Sarco) Day 25424, 18:05:01: Xantium froze Tumeric - Lvl 232 (Basilosaurus) Day 25424, 18:56:23: Xantium froze Sarco - Lvl 132 (Sarco) Day 25424, 21:51:47: V4z3 Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 202 (Megalodon)! Day 25424, 21:59:43: V4z3 froze Megalodon - Lvl 202 (Megalodon) Day 25424, 22:44:39: Xantium froze Tumeric - Lvl 233 (Basilosaurus) Day 25424, 22:52:25: V4z3 froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 163 (Basilosaurus) Day 25425, 01:40:28: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 435 (Snow Owl) Day 25425, 02:32:44: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 319 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25585, 11:34:17: Xantium Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 194 (Mantis)! Day 25585, 11:47:33: Xantium froze Mantis - Lvl 194 (Mantis) Day 25585, 13:32:02: Xantium claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 143 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 25585, 22:41:20: Xantium Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 224 (Mantis)! Day 25585, 22:54:12: Xantium froze Mantis - Lvl 224 (Mantis) Day 25586, 00:25:34: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 329 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25611, 08:08:09: Xantium unclaimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 144 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 25611, 15:06:36: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 25611, 17:28:01: Xantium froze Gen 3 - Lvl 200 (Deinonychus) Day 25611, 19:05:52: Xantium unclaimed 'Gen 3 - Lvl 200 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25611, 19:43:11: Xantium claimed 'Gen 3 - Lvl 200 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25611, 22:59:11: Xantium froze Gen 3 - Lvl 200 (Deinonychus) Day 25611, 23:13:50: Xantium froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 306 (Tropeognathus) Day 25612, 04:08:26: Xantium uploaded a Blood Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 331 Day 25631, 00:29:58: Xantium froze Moschops - Lvl 190 (Moschops) Day 25631, 01:33:40: Xantium froze Moschops - Lvl 190 (Moschops) Day 25631, 03:11:03: Xantium froze Moschops - Lvl 190 (Moschops) Day 25631, 05:11:01: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 331 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25631, 05:17:30: Xantium froze Moschops - Lvl 190 (Moschops) Day 25636, 19:48:18: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 332 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25637, 06:02:41: Xantium Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 25637, 06:15:46: Xantium froze 39 Health - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) Day 25637, 06:33:25: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 332 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25697, 10:22:53: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 425 (Snow Owl) Day 25697, 11:02:57: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 425 (Snow Owl) Day 25697, 12:43:36: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 425 (Snow Owl) Day 25697, 14:02:44: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 425 (Snow Owl) Day 25697, 14:17:48: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 425 (Snow Owl) Day 25703, 21:22:45: Xantium froze Moschops - Lvl 220 (Moschops) Day 25703, 22:20:08: Xantium froze Moschops - Lvl 220 (Moschops) Day 25703, 22:39:54: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 334 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25704, 09:06:41: Xantium froze Moschops - Lvl 220 (Moschops) Day 25704, 09:40:19: Xantium froze Moschops - Lvl 221 (Moschops) Day 25704, 10:38:11: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 334 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25726, 15:55:39: Xantium froze Moschops - Lvl 223 (Moschops) Day 25726, 16:09:11: Xantium froze Moschops - Lvl 223 (Moschops) Day 25726, 17:06:54: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 335 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25746, 10:13:45: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 336 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25746, 16:09:09: Xantium froze Bad healthj - Lvl 220 (Desmodus) Day 25750, 08:05:38: Xantium froze Moschops - Lvl 223 (Moschops) Day 25750, 09:13:53: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 337 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25798, 14:02:27: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 122 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 25798, 16:54:10: Your 39 Health - Lvl 279 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 25799, 11:05:24: Xantium froze HP Weight - Lvl 300 (Pteranodon) Day 25799, 16:38:11: Xantium froze HP Weight - Lvl 301 (Pteranodon) Day 25867, 22:28:02: Xantium froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 207 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 25868, 18:08:18: Xantium froze Egg theif - Lvl 207 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 25890, 14:11:52: Xantium froze Egg theif - Lvl 207 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 25890, 20:08:10: Xantium froze Egg theif - Lvl 207 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 25891, 03:34:46: Xantium froze Egg theif - Lvl 207 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 25914, 10:20:09: Xantium froze Egg theif - Lvl 212 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 25920, 09:25:56: Xantium froze Egg theif - Lvl 212 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 25965, 06:46:24: Xantium claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 25965, 06:50:48: Xantium unclaimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 25965, 19:11:39: Xantium froze 35 Melee - Lvl 215 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25965, 20:18:46: Xantium froze 35 Melee - Lvl 215 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26101, 22:06:07: Xantium froze 35 Melee - Lvl 240 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26175, 07:31:38: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 168 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26175, 12:00:12: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 168 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26198, 16:31:16: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 168 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26224, 12:45:05: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 169 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26224, 15:34:58: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 122 was killed by a Zombie Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 26224, 19:20:26: Xantium froze Pteranodon - Lvl 283 (Pteranodon) Day 26224, 19:57:21: Xantium uploaded a Ice Wyvern: Ice Wyvern - Lvl 169 Day 26242, 17:17:42: Xantium Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 194 (Basilosaurus)! Day 26242, 17:37:24: Xantium froze Tumeric - Lvl 259 (Basilosaurus) Day 26242, 18:06:52: Xantium froze pure black - Lvl 194 (Basilosaurus) Day 26242, 18:50:29: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 169 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26245, 14:58:07: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 425 (Snow Owl) Day 26245, 23:02:38: V4z3 froze Hi! Probably OP Giga may - Lvl 453 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26246, 01:30:49: V4z3 Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 134 (Mantis)! Day 26246, 01:44:39: V4z3 froze Mantis - Lvl 134 (Mantis) Day 26246, 03:31:31: V4z3 Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 127 (Mantis)! Day 26246, 03:41:41: V4z3 froze Mantis - Lvl 127 (Mantis) Day 26246, 05:12:08: Tribemember V4z3 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 95! Day 26246, 06:06:20: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 26246, 06:07:48: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 26246, 06:08:32: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was destroyed! Day 26246, 06:41:01: Tribemember V4z3 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 85! Day 26246, 08:24:56: Tribemember V4z3 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 55! Day 26246, 11:12:37: Tribemember V4z3 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 130! Day 26246, 13:28:05: V4z3 froze 35 Melee - Lvl 258 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26246, 14:37:36: V4z3 Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 142 (Mantis)! Day 26246, 14:47:16: V4z3 froze Mantis - Lvl 142 (Mantis) Day 26246, 19:51:19: Xantium froze 35 Melee - Lvl 258 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26246, 20:18:15: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 425 (Snow Owl) Day 26246, 20:48:03: V4z3 froze Hi! Probably OP Giga may - Lvl 453 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26246, 21:10:29: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 425 (Snow Owl) Day 26246, 21:20:50: Xantium froze 35 Melee - Lvl 260 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26248, 09:39:36: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 169 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26248, 17:31:34: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 169 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26271, 18:07:57: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26271, 22:51:18: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26290, 09:31:46: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26290, 09:36:32: Xantium was removed from the Tribe! Day 26312, 00:18:10: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 425 (Snow Owl) Day 26312, 03:02:49: V4z3 froze Verko - Lvl 328 (Sarco) Day 26312, 07:03:29: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 425 (Snow Owl) Day 26612, 01:05:41: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27460, 19:25:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32430, 17:20:28: V4z3 froze UPGRADES PEOPLE, UPGRADE - Lvl 245 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32430, 19:14:48: V4z3 froze UPGRADES PEOPLE, UPGRADE - Lvl 245 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32430, 19:18:45: V4z3 froze Vujri - Lvl 402 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32472, 01:12:40: V4z3 froze Vujri - Lvl 402 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32475, 13:58:28: V4z3 froze Vujri - Lvl 403 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32585, 14:33:02: V4z3 Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)! Day 32585, 14:38:51: V4z3 froze 36W - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 32585, 15:20:04: V4z3 froze Vujri - Lvl 404 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32626, 03:47:48: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1705331538,"tribe":"Tribe of Jim Beam logs":["Day 18556, 05:23:07: Jim Beam was added to the Tribe! Day 19121, 04:17:15: Equus - Lvl 32 (Equus) starved to death! Day 19144, 17:36:05: Tribemember Jim Beam - Lvl 14 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 19186, 10:45:00: Benedy - Lvl 107 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 127 (Equus)'! Day 19186, 10:46:16: Benedy - Lvl 107 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus)'!"] "tribeid":1704641478,"tribe":"Tribe of Plouzy logs":["Day 19940, 04:01:40: Plouzy was added to the Tribe! Day 19940, 04:03:07: Ghost was added to the Tribe by Plouzy! Day 19964, 13:30:58: Ghost Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)! Day 19965, 01:52:25: Ghost Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)! Day 20018, 13:45:34: Ghost claimed '150 - Lvl 224 (Equus)'! Day 20018, 15:56:27: Ghost claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 198 (Pteranodon)'! Day 20018, 16:05:10: Ghost claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 161 (Triceratops)'! Day 20018, 16:08:57: Ghost claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 20018, 16:13:09: Ghost claimed 'Equus - Lvl 142 (Equus)'! Day 20018, 16:13:28: Ghost claimed 'Equus - Lvl 194 (Equus)'! Day 20018, 16:14:01: Ghost claimed 'Equus - Lvl 205 (Equus)'! Day 20018, 16:14:35: Ghost claimed 'Zebedy - Lvl 216 (Equus)'! Day 20199, 10:01:15: Tribemember Plouzy - Lvl 32 was killed! Day 20331, 00:45:55: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20331, 00:45:55: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20331, 00:45:55: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20464, 05:28:11: Equus - Lvl 224 (Equus) starved to death! Day 20534, 22:07:40: Equus - Lvl 168 (Equus) starved to death! Day 20534, 22:07:47: Equus - Lvl 219 (Equus) starved to death! Day 20542, 07:51:19: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 145 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 20542, 08:11:22: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 20542, 08:11:57: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 20542, 08:16:33: Your Triceratops - Lvl 173 (Triceratops) was killed! Day 20542, 08:17:14: Your 150 - Lvl 251 (Equus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 20542, 08:17:49: Your Zebedy - Lvl 224 (Equus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 20542, 08:19:02: Your Allosaurus - Lvl 240 (Allosaurus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 20542, 08:21:46: Tribemember Ghost - Lvl 55 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1698501151,"tribe":"Tribe of CRESSY logs":["Day 42502, 05:46:37: CRESSY was added to the Tribe! Day 42503, 00:51:12: CRESSY froze Maewing - Lvl 240 (Maewing) Day 42503, 04:10:26: CRESSY froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 163 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42503, 13:02:50: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 42503, 13:03:54: Your Maewing - Lvl 240 (Maewing) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 50! Day 42504, 22:11:57: CRESSY froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 164 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42505, 01:59:23: CRESSY froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 164 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42507, 04:39:25: Your Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 42507, 04:44:55: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 42552, 16:28:39: CRESSY froze MEMENTO MORI - Lvl 241 (Maewing) Day 42579, 15:12:00: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42579, 15:24:01: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42579, 16:24:48: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42579, 16:40:02: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42579, 16:48:46: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42579, 16:56:05: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42579, 17:05:12: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42579, 17:21:56: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42579, 17:36:46: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42579, 18:07:19: CRESSY froze M 32S 40M - Lvl 190 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42579, 18:23:22: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42579, 18:59:06: CRESSY froze M 32S 40M - Lvl 190 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42580, 04:13:41: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42580, 04:22:36: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42580, 04:45:56: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42580, 05:18:33: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42580, 05:28:55: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42580, 06:11:46: CRESSY froze M 32S 40M - Lvl 190 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42580, 07:12:15: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42580, 07:33:44: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42580, 07:45:39: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42580, 07:56:02: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42580, 08:12:56: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42580, 08:24:38: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42580, 08:34:25: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42580, 08:53:21: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42580, 09:00:40: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42580, 09:12:48: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42580, 09:26:52: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42580, 09:34:39: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42580, 09:43:06: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42580, 09:56:40: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42580, 10:10:13: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42580, 10:20:41: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42580, 10:30:36: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42580, 10:43:11: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42580, 11:04:09: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 42580, 11:53:38: CRESSY froze M 32S 40M - Lvl 190 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42581, 06:13:09: CRESSY Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 42581, 06:24:42: CRESSY froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) Day 42581, 06:32:41: CRESSY froze MEMENTO MORI - Lvl 246 (Maewing) Day 42595, 18:31:59: CRESSY froze MEMENTO MORI - Lvl 248 (Maewing) Day 42719, 09:13:01: CRESSY froze M 32S 40M - Lvl 284 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42742, 17:26:37: CRESSY froze M 32S 40M - Lvl 289 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42815, 09:30:18: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 113 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 50! Day 42815, 11:39:11: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 42815, 13:42:22: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 113 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 42815, 16:39:56: Your M 32S 40M - Lvl 294 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 42815, 16:41:22: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 113 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 42815, 18:22:42: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 113 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 135! Day 42815, 20:33:17: Your GLIDER 1 - Lvl 281 (Maewing) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 160! Day 42815, 21:59:10: CRESSY froze GLIDER 2 - Lvl 242 (Maewing) Day 42818, 00:22:07: CRESSY froze GLIDER 2 - Lvl 248 (Maewing) Day 42818, 12:51:53: CRESSY froze M 43H 49S 41M - Lvl 334 (R-Velonasaur) Day 42818, 12:54:45: CRESSY froze perfect f - Lvl 343 (R-Velonasaur) Day 42818, 14:37:00: Tribemember CRESSY - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 43991, 00:59:21: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1697314503,"tribe":"Tribe of Unga logs":["Day 37629, 22:42:08: Unga was added to the Tribe! Day 37629, 22:48:09: Yhhez was added to the Tribe by Unga! Day 37630, 00:12:58: Yhhez froze Shinehorn - Lvl 145 (Shinehorn) Day 37630, 00:16:37: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 330 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37630, 00:45:58: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 330 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37630, 00:50:08: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 177 (Megatherium) Day 37630, 02:09:36: Unga froze FatAss - Lvl 278 (Daeodon) Day 37630, 02:22:43: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 180 (Megatherium) Day 37630, 02:27:45: Yhhez froze Shinehorn - Lvl 145 (Shinehorn) Day 37630, 02:55:07: Unga froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 254 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37630, 03:04:13: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 331 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37630, 09:56:38: Unga froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 254 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37703, 10:42:46: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 262 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37716, 08:27:25: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 264 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37720, 10:47:00: Unga claimed 'Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 260 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 37720, 10:55:45: Unga froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 260 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 37720, 12:06:42: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 265 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37720, 14:08:20: Unga claimed 'Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 197 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 37720, 14:10:42: Unga froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 197 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 37720, 14:11:48: Unga claimed 'Killua - Lvl 178 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 37720, 14:15:15: Unga froze Killua - Lvl 178 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 37720, 14:19:05: Unga claimed 'Gordon - Lvl 261 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 37720, 14:21:19: Unga froze Gordon - Lvl 261 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37720, 14:25:18: Unga claimed 'Choso - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 37720, 14:27:29: Unga froze Choso - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 37720, 14:28:31: Unga claimed 'Di Raizel - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 37720, 14:31:37: Unga froze Di Raizel - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 37720, 14:33:35: Unga claimed 'Breed (Female) - Lvl 220 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 37720, 14:35:48: Unga froze Breed (Female) - Lvl 220 (Ice Wyvern) Day 37720, 14:39:46: Unga claimed 'Decoy - Lvl 246 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 37720, 14:42:03: Unga froze Decoy - Lvl 246 (Ice Wyvern) Day 37720, 14:43:13: Unga claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 37720, 14:45:28: Unga froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37720, 14:59:03: Unga claimed 'meta - Lvl 255 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 37720, 15:01:53: Unga froze meta - Lvl 255 (Ankylosaurus) Day 37720, 15:11:01: Unga claimed 'Shinehorn - Lvl 224 (Shinehorn)'! Day 37720, 15:13:55: Unga froze Shinehorn - Lvl 224 (Shinehorn) Day 37720, 15:20:06: Unga claimed 'Vulture - Lvl 203 (Vulture)'! Day 37720, 15:22:31: Unga froze Vulture - Lvl 203 (Vulture) Day 37720, 15:23:21: Unga claimed 'Glowtail - Lvl 235 (Glowtail)'! Day 37720, 15:26:35: Unga froze Glowtail - Lvl 235 (Glowtail) Day 37720, 15:27:21: Unga claimed 'Jerboa - Lvl 20 (Jerboa)'! Day 37720, 15:31:01: Unga froze Jerboa - Lvl 20 (Jerboa) Day 37720, 15:34:51: Unga claimed 'Jerboa - Lvl 38 (Jerboa)'! Day 37720, 15:37:09: Unga froze Jerboa - Lvl 38 (Jerboa) Day 37720, 15:37:48: Unga claimed 'Featherlight - Lvl 210 (Featherlight)'! Day 37720, 15:40:07: Unga froze Featherlight - Lvl 210 (Featherlight) Day 37720, 15:44:42: Unga claimed 'Featherlight - Lvl 219 (Featherlight)'! Day 37720, 15:47:50: Unga froze Featherlight - Lvl 219 (Featherlight) Day 37720, 15:48:39: Unga claimed 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 237 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 37720, 15:50:54: Unga froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 237 (Beelzebufo) Day 37720, 15:54:53: Unga claimed 'Featherlight - Lvl 243 (Featherlight)'! Day 37720, 15:57:10: Unga froze Featherlight - Lvl 243 (Featherlight) Day 37720, 16:04:30: Unga claimed 'Velonasaur - Lvl 247 (Velonasaur)'! Day 37720, 16:07:24: Unga froze Velonasaur - Lvl 247 (Velonasaur) Day 37720, 16:14:24: Unga claimed 'Ravager - Lvl 254 (Ravager)'! Day 37720, 16:17:29: Unga froze Ravager - Lvl 254 (Ravager) Day 37720, 16:18:00: Unga claimed 'Rex - Lvl 333 (Rex)'! Day 37720, 16:23:38: Unga unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 333 (Rex)'! Day 37720, 16:26:30: Unga claimed 'Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (Velonasaur)'! Day 37720, 16:28:56: Unga froze Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (Velonasaur) Day 37720, 16:35:38: Unga claimed 'Cid Kagano - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane)'! Day 37720, 16:37:55: Unga froze Cid Kagano - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 37720, 16:40:47: Unga claimed 'Rika - Lvl 250 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 37720, 16:43:57: Unga froze Rika - Lvl 250 (Yutyrannus) Day 37720, 17:02:09: Unga claimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 298 (Snow Owl)'! Day 37720, 17:04:28: Unga froze Snow Owl - Lvl 298 (Snow Owl) Day 37720, 17:09:44: Unga claimed 'AR Gee - Lvl 297 (Argentavis)'! Day 37720, 17:13:18: Unga froze AR Gee - Lvl 297 (Argentavis) Day 37720, 17:17:48: Unga claimed 'Pumba - Lvl 283 (Daeodon)'! Day 37720, 17:20:05: Unga froze Pumba - Lvl 283 (Daeodon) Day 37720, 17:36:31: Unga claimed 'ace - Lvl 299 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 37720, 17:38:55: Unga froze ace - Lvl 299 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37720, 18:26:40: Unga unclaimed 'Gordon - Lvl 261 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 37720, 18:27:14: Unga claimed 'Gordon - Lvl 261 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 37720, 18:48:49: Your Gordon - Lvl 261 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga)! Day 37720, 18:48:49: Your Tribe killed Gordon - Lvl 261 (Poison Wyvern) (Tribe of Unga)! Day 37720, 18:58:24: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 265 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37720, 22:09:12: Unga claimed 'jumpy - Lvl 214 (Deinonychus)'! Day 37720, 22:12:10: Unga froze jumpy - Lvl 214 (Deinonychus) Day 37720, 22:12:37: Unga claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 209 (Deinonychus)'! Day 37720, 22:16:07: Unga froze Deinonychus - Lvl 209 (Deinonychus) Day 37720, 22:17:06: Unga claimed 'Dyno - Lvl 215 (Deinonychus)'! Day 37720, 22:20:01: Unga froze Dyno - Lvl 215 (Deinonychus) Day 37720, 22:21:13: Unga claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 199 (Deinonychus)'! Day 37720, 22:24:09: Unga froze Deinonychus - Lvl 199 (Deinonychus) Day 37720, 22:25:46: Unga claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 209 (Deinonychus)'! Day 37720, 22:28:42: Unga froze Deinonychus - Lvl 209 (Deinonychus) Day 37720, 22:37:57: Unga claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 202 (Deinonychus)'! Day 37720, 22:40:59: Unga froze Deinonychus - Lvl 202 (Deinonychus) Day 37721, 02:04:22: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 265 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37722, 09:00:14: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 265 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37726, 23:18:11: Unga claimed 'blue - Lvl 203 (Dire Bear)'! Day 37726, 23:21:19: Unga froze blue - Lvl 203 (Dire Bear) Day 37726, 23:36:48: Unga froze Maewing - Lvl 309 (Maewing) Day 37746, 05:59:50: Unga claimed 'Maewing - Lvl 272 (Maewing)'! Day 37746, 06:04:31: Unga froze Maewing - Lvl 272 (Maewing) Day 37746, 06:42:07: Unga froze Maewing - Lvl 314 (Maewing) Day 37746, 07:34:33: Unga froze Maewing - Lvl 314 (Maewing) Day 37746, 08:23:10: Unga froze Maewing - Lvl 314 (Maewing) Day 37746, 08:51:56: Unga froze Maewing - Lvl 314 (Maewing) Day 37746, 11:25:18: Unga froze Maewing - Lvl 314 (Maewing) Day 37768, 07:58:18: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 338 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37768, 12:27:20: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 338 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37768, 13:04:16: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 272 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37769, 10:18:41: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 273 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37769, 16:53:54: Unga froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 211 (Giganotosaurus) Day 37769, 17:41:13: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 273 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37788, 14:55:20: Unga froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 135 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37788, 16:33:18: Unga claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 186 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 37788, 20:11:20: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 274 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37795, 20:36:42: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 275 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37796, 09:38:46: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 275 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37796, 11:22:04: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 275 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37796, 12:08:22: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 275 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37796, 12:46:05: Unga froze Desmodus - Lvl 267 (Desmodus) Day 37796, 13:23:53: Unga Tamed a Quetzal - Lvl 22 (Quetzal)! Day 37796, 13:28:52: Unga froze Quetzal - Lvl 22 (Quetzal) Day 37796, 14:03:14: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 275 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37796, 14:06:55: Unga froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 260 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 37796, 21:29:34: Unga froze Quetzal - Lvl 22 (Quetzal) Day 37796, 21:48:37: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 275 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37797, 07:52:29: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 275 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37797, 15:23:35: Unga uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 186 Day 37797, 15:46:37: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 275 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37860, 14:00:22: Unga froze Quetzal - Lvl 22 (Quetzal) Day 37860, 20:12:14: Yhhez froze Desmodus - Lvl 272 (Desmodus) Day 37860, 20:29:31: Yhhez demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 37860, 20:34:54: Yhhez froze Quetzal - Lvl 22 (Quetzal) Day 37860, 20:45:16: Tribemember Unga - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 37860, 20:50:17: Yhhez froze Desmodus - Lvl 272 (Desmodus) Day 37861, 10:38:29: Tribemember Unga - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 37861, 11:13:03: Yhhez froze Quetzal - Lvl 22 (Quetzal) Day 37861, 15:54:54: Yhhez froze Quetzal - Lvl 22 (Quetzal) Day 37861, 16:54:26: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 277 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37861, 18:22:09: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 277 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37861, 18:23:51: Yhhez claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 273 (Shadowmane)'! Day 37861, 18:30:53: Yhhez froze Shadowmane - Lvl 273 (Shadowmane) Day 37861, 18:51:52: Yhhez claimed 'Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)'! Day 37861, 22:26:38: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37861, 22:39:16: Unga froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 237 (Beelzebufo) Day 37861, 23:05:16: Unga froze Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 37861, 23:10:50: Your Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Unga - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Unga)! Day 37861, 23:10:50: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 37862, 05:25:09: Unga froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 305 (R-Snow Owl) Day 37862, 09:38:35: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 277 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37880, 01:07:12: Unga froze Megatherium - Lvl 270 (Megatherium) Day 37880, 09:18:39: Yhhez froze Quetzal - Lvl 22 (Quetzal) Day 37880, 09:35:16: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37880, 09:36:34: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 277 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38160, 16:33:31: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1696424776,"tribe":"Desert City (Lighthouse) logs":["Day 34703, 14:18:04: AmberSpectre was added to the Tribe! Day 34703, 14:43:07: Sir Elias Quinn added 'Desert City (Lighthouse)' Tribe to Desert City Alliance! Day 34703, 15:37:09: AmberSpectre froze EF97-148K243-3Z - Lvl 108 (Enforcer) Day 34703, 17:02:21: AmberSpectre froze EF97-148K243-3Z - Lvl 108 (Enforcer) Day 34792, 08:49:48: AmberSpectre froze THE BOI (256) - Lvl 269 (Tek Parasaur) Day 34793, 07:33:03: AmberSpectre claimed 'CAStrider - Lvl 146 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 34800, 04:53:29: AmberSpectre demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 34800, 16:06:25: AmberSpectre claimed 'fem - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane)'! Day 34800, 16:12:43: AmberSpectre froze Dosier (105) - Lvl 169 (Deinonychus) Day 34800, 17:27:13: AmberSpectre unclaimed 'fem - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane)'! Day 34801, 08:46:45: AmberSpectre froze Dosier (105) - Lvl 169 (Deinonychus) Day 34815, 19:07:03: AmberSpectre froze Dosier (105) - Lvl 170 (Deinonychus) Day 34818, 13:31:58: AmberSpectre claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 34818, 14:04:01: AmberSpectre froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 34819, 00:38:35: AmberSpectre froze Desmodus - Lvl 250 (Desmodus) Day 34819, 00:48:35: AmberSpectre claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 184 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 34819, 00:56:36: AmberSpectre froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 184 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34843, 07:11:39: Tribemember AmberSpectre - Lvl 112 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 50! Day 34848, 00:59:59: AmberSpectre froze Dosier (105) - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus) Day 34848, 06:13:50: AmberSpectre froze THE BOI (256) - Lvl 277 (Tek Parasaur) Day 34848, 06:25:36: AmberSpectre froze Dosier (105) - Lvl 172 (Deinonychus) Day 34857, 08:19:03: AmberSpectre froze Desmodus - Lvl 251 (Desmodus) Day 34857, 08:28:03: AmberSpectre froze Desmodus - Lvl 251 (Desmodus) Day 34858, 18:51:39: AmberSpectre claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus)'! Day 34866, 20:31:01: AmberSpectre froze 1 Speed - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus) Day 34866, 20:53:05: AmberSpectre froze 2 ox 1 food - Lvl 48 (Deinonychus) Day 34866, 20:59:22: AmberSpectre froze 16/8/3/20/2/6/1 - Lvl 67 (Deinonychus) Day 34866, 21:15:25: AmberSpectre froze test one - Lvl 182 (Deinonychus) Day 34866, 21:20:21: AmberSpectre froze 16/8/3/20/2/6/1 - Lvl 67 (Deinonychus) Day 34866, 21:35:18: AmberSpectre froze 27 stam - Lvl 119 (Deinonychus) Day 34866, 21:40:05: AmberSpectre froze 2 spe - Lvl 32 (Deinonychus) Day 34866, 21:55:52: AmberSpectre froze 13 hp 20 stam 25 wei 19 - Lvl 142 (Deinonychus) Day 34866, 22:01:01: AmberSpectre froze 27 stam - Lvl 107 (Deinonychus) Day 34866, 22:15:44: AmberSpectre froze 27 stam - Lvl 107 (Deinonychus) Day 34866, 22:29:26: AmberSpectre froze 25 weight 0 mele - Lvl 123 (Deinonychus) Day 34866, 22:34:05: AmberSpectre froze Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 34866, 22:47:40: AmberSpectre froze Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 34867, 00:23:52: AmberSpectre froze 1 Speed - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus) Day 34867, 00:47:48: AmberSpectre froze 1 Speed - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus) Day 34867, 01:57:05: AmberSpectre froze 1 Speed - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus) Day 34867, 03:13:24: AmberSpectre froze 1 Speed - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus) Day 34867, 04:32:04: AmberSpectre froze 1 Speed - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus) Day 34870, 06:05:48: AmberSpectre claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 67 (Deinonychus)'! Day 34870, 06:06:46: AmberSpectre claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus)'! Day 34870, 06:07:46: AmberSpectre claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus)'! Day 34870, 06:13:35: AmberSpectre froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus) Day 34870, 06:16:29: AmberSpectre froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus) Day 34870, 06:23:16: AmberSpectre froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 67 (Deinonychus) Day 34870, 19:57:45: AmberSpectre froze THE BOI (256) - Lvl 292 (Tek Parasaur) Day 34870, 20:38:06: AmberSpectre froze Deinonychus - Lvl 209 (Deinonychus) Day 34965, 11:47:45: Tribemember AmberSpectre - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 34965, 13:38:28: AmberSpectre froze Oranje - Lvl 94 (R-Gasbags) Day 35115, 23:21:26: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36495, 02:09:15: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36495, 02:09:15: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36495, 02:09:15: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36495, 02:09:15: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36495, 02:09:15: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36495, 02:09:15: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36495, 02:09:15: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36495, 02:09:15: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36495, 02:09:15: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36495, 02:09:15: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36496, 15:37:53: 's 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36496, 15:37:53: 's 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36496, 15:37:53: 's 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 67 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36496, 15:37:53: 's 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 197 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36986, 22:46:21: AmberSpectre was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1690316376,"tribe":"Tribe of dia logs":["Day 14533, 20:20:52: dia was added to the Tribe! Day 14533, 21:34:46: dia - Lvl 129 requested an Alliance with Companions of ARK Tribe. Day 14533, 21:43:55: dia - Lvl 129 requested an Alliance with Companions of ARK Tribe. Day 14533, 21:46:58: dia - Lvl 129 requested an Alliance with Companions of ARK Tribe. Day 14533, 21:47:17: dia added 'Companions of ARK' Tribe to raggy7 Alliance! Day 14534, 04:35:07: dia froze next - Lvl 284 (Otter) Day 14534, 04:41:14: dia froze oscar - Lvl 244 (Snow Owl) Day 14644, 17:31:19: dia froze oscar - Lvl 245 (Snow Owl) Day 14644, 18:21:06: dia froze base184male - Lvl 355 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14645, 08:10:37: dia froze superotter male - Lvl 316 (Otter) Day 14645, 08:13:46: dia froze oscar - Lvl 245 (Snow Owl) Day 14728, 09:48:24: dia froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 297 (Thylacoleo) Day 14728, 10:33:28: dia froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 297 (Thylacoleo) Day 14728, 10:47:18: dia froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 297 (Thylacoleo) Day 14728, 12:14:50: dia froze oscar - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 14728, 17:03:30: dia froze superotter kelvin - Lvl 318 (Otter) Day 14735, 18:02:49: Daz added 'Tribe of dia' Tribe to Friends Alliance! Day 14735, 18:36:21: dia froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 276 (Thylacoleo) Day 14735, 21:00:22: dia froze princess - Lvl 313 (Thylacoleo) Day 14735, 22:22:18: dia froze princess - Lvl 313 (Thylacoleo) Day 14736, 11:01:56: dia froze princess - Lvl 313 (Thylacoleo) Day 14736, 12:40:56: dia froze princess - Lvl 313 (Thylacoleo) Day 14736, 13:43:18: dia froze princess - Lvl 313 (Thylacoleo) Day 14736, 17:37:36: dia froze doctor owl - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 14737, 02:12:14: dia froze superotter kelvin - Lvl 318 (Otter) Day 14769, 08:29:15: dia Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 14769, 08:35:09: dia froze fatboy1 - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 14769, 09:00:25: dia froze Pteranodon - Lvl 320 (Pteranodon) Day 14769, 09:43:33: dia froze oscar - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 14769, 09:47:10: dia froze superotter kelvin - Lvl 319 (Otter) Day 14878, 18:20:13: dia froze oscar - Lvl 251 (Snow Owl) Day 14878, 18:24:43: dia froze superotter kelvin - Lvl 321 (Otter) Day 14910, 19:27:17: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15097, 08:25:24: dia claimed 'Imp Daz 2 - Lvl 323 (Velonasaur)'! Day 15097, 09:53:11: dia froze Imp Daz 2 - Lvl 323 (Velonasaur) Day 15097, 11:45:57: dia froze Dia's Demise - Lvl 276 (Megalania) Day 15097, 16:48:09: dia froze Dia's Demise - Lvl 277 (Megalania) Day 15097, 18:44:54: dia froze Dia's Demise - Lvl 278 (Megalania) Day 15098, 00:17:57: Your Ovis - Lvl 284 (Ovis) was killed by dia - Lvl 141 (Tribe of dia)! Day 15098, 00:17:57: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 284 (Ovis) (Tribe of dia)! Day 15098, 00:49:08: Your Ovis - Lvl 283 (Ovis) was killed by dia - Lvl 141 (Tribe of dia)! Day 15098, 00:49:08: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 283 (Ovis) (Tribe of dia)! Day 15098, 00:51:46: Your Ovis - Lvl 287 (Ovis) was killed by dia - Lvl 141 (Tribe of dia)! Day 15098, 00:51:46: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 287 (Ovis) (Tribe of dia)! Day 15098, 00:54:18: Your Ovis - Lvl 295 (Ovis) was killed by dia - Lvl 141 (Tribe of dia)! Day 15098, 00:54:18: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 295 (Ovis) (Tribe of dia)! Day 15098, 02:12:01: dia froze berrygirl - Lvl 300 (Therizinosaur) Day 15098, 04:20:35: dia claimed 'Hider - Lvl 322 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 15098, 05:18:50: dia unclaimed 'Hider - Lvl 322 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 15098, 05:44:50: dia froze berrygirl - Lvl 300 (Therizinosaur) Day 15098, 07:20:36: dia froze Imp Daz 2 - Lvl 323 (Velonasaur) Day 15098, 09:13:35: dia froze Imp Daz 2 - Lvl 324 (Velonasaur) Day 15098, 11:57:26: dia froze oscar - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) Day 15098, 12:16:55: dia froze superotter male - Lvl 317 (Otter) Day 15098, 22:44:02: dia froze Dia's Demise - Lvl 278 (Megalania) Day 15099, 04:18:47: dia froze Dia's Demise - Lvl 278 (Megalania) Day 15099, 05:34:46: dia froze superotter male - Lvl 317 (Otter) Day 15099, 05:36:18: dia froze oscar - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl)"] "tribeid":1689129900,"tribe":"Tribe Of The Lost logs":["Day 27873, 12:08:11: Blue was added to the Tribe! Day 27873, 12:48:00: Blue claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 28027, 18:30:10: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32404, 23:37:46: Nytrix - Lvl 56 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1689090322,"tribe":"KAOS logs":["Day 20790, 23:19:30: Fruj was added to the Tribe! Day 20791, 03:51:14: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 28 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 25! Day 20791, 07:29:27: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)! Day 20791, 08:57:37: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 20791, 09:10:31: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 20791, 09:49:52: Fruj Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 22 (Triceratops)! Day 20814, 14:57:40: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 41 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 20816, 03:48:38: Fruj Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon)! Day 20816, 08:28:50: Fruj claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon)'! Day 20830, 23:29:23: Fruj Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 193 (Griffin)! Day 20858, 23:52:41: Fruj Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 20860, 14:31:13: Fruj Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 20861, 00:20:44: Fruj claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis)'! Day 20861, 05:14:17: Fruj froze Juvenile All fem - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 20861, 15:48:26: Fruj froze Juvenile All fem - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 20931, 20:54:11: Fruj froze Juvenile All fem - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 21086, 01:27:39: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21400, 07:26:26: Triceratops - Lvl 41 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 21510, 10:24:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21510, 10:24:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21545, 18:34:23: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone ShieldMaiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cappuccino - Lvl 219 (Griffin)'! Day 21545, 18:42:23: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone ShieldMaiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'W, M - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)'! Day 21545, 18:44:31: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone ShieldMaiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'H, S - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 21545, 18:52:25: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone ShieldMaiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21545, 18:53:35: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone ShieldMaiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21545, 18:55:12: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone ShieldMaiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 231 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21585, 17:40:30: Fruj's 'Juvenile All fem - Lvl 229 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21647, 05:59:55: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 22100, 04:36:06: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22583, 22:08:19: Bob was added to the Tribe by Fruj! Day 22584, 17:44:18: Fruj Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 22584, 18:21:09: Fruj Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)! Day 22585, 07:18:24: Tribemember Bob - Lvl 26 was killed! Day 22585, 13:08:08: Fruj demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 22585, 13:08:57: Fruj demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 22606, 20:21:32: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 22607, 09:33:34: Your Tribe Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 82 (Iguanodon)! Day 22608, 08:57:56: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)! Day 22608, 09:41:20: Camroni was added to the Tribe by Fruj! Day 22608, 09:55:00: Tribemember Bob - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 22608, 14:30:45: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 22608, 15:45:51: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 75 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 22608, 15:47:49: Tribemember Camroni - Lvl 8 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 22608, 15:48:11: Tribemember Bob - Lvl 46 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 22608, 16:28:43: Tribemember Camroni - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 22608, 16:30:44: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 75 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 22608, 17:09:30: Tribemember Bob - Lvl 46 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 0.9x! Day 22609, 00:11:06: Tribemember Camroni - Lvl 10 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 0.9x! Day 22609, 03:20:10: Bob Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)! Day 22610, 13:28:00: Fruj demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 22631, 14:02:33: Fruj claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis)'! Day 22631, 14:03:23: Bob claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 198 (Argentavis)'! Day 22631, 23:41:22: Fruj demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 22632, 07:27:50: Fruj froze Adolescent no 2 - Lvl 198 (Argentavis) Day 22654, 10:01:49: Camroni claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis)'! Day 22655, 14:13:25: Fruj Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 29 (Phiomia)! Day 22656, 16:09:45: Fruj Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 67 (Dung Beetle)! Day 22656, 16:27:17: Fruj froze digger - Lvl 67 (Dung Beetle) Day 22656, 17:46:13: Fruj Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle)! Day 22656, 18:00:45: Fruj froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle) Day 22656, 18:34:52: Fruj Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 67 (Dung Beetle)! Day 22656, 19:09:53: Fruj froze digger - Lvl 67 (Dung Beetle) Day 22656, 19:58:48: Fruj Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 74 (Dung Beetle)! Day 22656, 20:07:23: Fruj Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle)! Day 22656, 21:25:27: Fruj Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 224 (Dung Beetle)! Day 22659, 13:18:52: Fruj froze Mans Ackin - Lvl 241 (Argentavis) Day 22659, 13:25:20: Fruj froze Chaderon - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 22660, 08:45:48: Tribemember Camroni - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 22660, 08:57:09: Fruj downloaded a dino: Chaderon - Lvl 219 Day 22660, 08:57:37: Fruj downloaded a dino: Mans Ackin - Lvl 232 Day 22660, 09:05:17: Fruj froze Mans Ackin - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 22660, 09:07:58: Fruj froze Chaderon - Lvl 219 (Argentavis) Day 22673, 08:47:08: Your SUGMA - Lvl 195 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 22673, 08:50:39: Tribemember Bob - Lvl 78 was killed! Day 22673, 09:29:27: Your Cotton - Lvl 213 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 22673, 09:29:44: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 97 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 22673, 13:32:46: Your no 2 - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 22673, 13:33:04: Tribemember Bob - Lvl 78 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 22674, 05:00:08: Fruj claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 22674, 05:00:10: Bob claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 22674, 10:15:05: Camroni froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22674, 12:55:06: Fruj froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22674, 14:29:45: Bob froze Juvenile numpty - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22674, 14:34:58: Bob froze Juvenile numpty - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22674, 18:31:15: Bob Tamed a Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)! Day 22674, 19:06:10: Bob froze Juvenile numpty - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22674, 22:47:14: Bob froze Juvenile Wiggler - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22675, 00:47:58: Bob froze Juvenile numpty - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22675, 04:28:27: Fruj froze Juvenile Wiggler - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22675, 10:48:21: Fruj froze Juvenile Wiggler - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22675, 19:48:13: Fruj froze Adolescent Wiggler - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22675, 19:53:15: Fruj froze Adolescent Wiggler - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22675, 19:59:02: Fruj froze Adolescent Wiggler - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22675, 21:11:30: Fruj Tamed a Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex)! Day 22675, 22:23:22: Fruj demolished a 'Bed'! Day 22675, 22:24:31: Fruj demolished a 'BASE (Bed)'! Day 22675, 22:25:30: Fruj demolished a 'BASE (Bed)'! Day 22676, 00:39:43: Fruj demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 22676, 00:40:40: Fruj demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 22676, 00:43:37: Fruj demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 22676, 01:46:11: Tribemember Bob - Lvl 84 was killed by Fruj - Lvl 98 (KAOS)! Day 22676, 01:46:11: Your Tribe killed Bob - Lvl 84 (KAOS)! Day 22676, 02:00:22: Fruj froze Adolescent Wiggler - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22676, 02:25:59: Fruj froze Adolescent Wiggler - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22676, 02:30:34: Fruj froze Adolescent Wiggler - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22676, 02:35:06: Fruj froze Adolescent Wiggler - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22676, 10:06:43: Tribemember Camroni - Lvl 68 was killed by Fruj - Lvl 99 (KAOS)! Day 22676, 10:06:43: Your Tribe killed Camroni - Lvl 68 (KAOS)! Day 22676, 10:14:41: Fruj claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 22676, 10:37:31: Fruj froze DONT LVL UP - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 22676, 11:10:13: Fruj froze Adolescent Shiggler - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22676, 12:29:04: Fruj froze Adolescent Wiggler - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22676, 16:57:49: Fruj froze Adolescent Wiggler - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22676, 17:01:23: Fruj froze Adolescent Wiggler - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22677, 06:44:19: Tribemember Camroni - Lvl 72 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 22677, 06:45:32: Your Shittler - Lvl 63 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 22677, 23:53:10: Fruj demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 22678, 03:34:06: Bob claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 22678, 04:47:14: Camroni claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 22678, 09:24:00: Fruj froze Baby Penis - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22678, 14:07:00: Camroni froze Juvenile Penis - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22678, 14:11:29: Camroni froze Juvenile Penis - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22678, 17:59:29: Camroni froze Juvenile worse than the other - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22678, 23:33:13: Camroni froze Juvenile worse than the other - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22678, 23:40:54: Bob froze Juvenile worse than the other - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22679, 01:24:49: Bob froze Juvenile worse than the other - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22679, 01:25:10: Camroni froze Juvenile Penis - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22683, 04:26:15: Fruj demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 22683, 04:39:24: Camroni froze Adolescent Penis - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22683, 04:43:42: Camroni froze Adolescent Penis - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22683, 05:03:23: Fruj Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 22683, 13:53:11: Camroni froze Adolescent Penis - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22683, 17:04:04: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 22702, 18:03:02: Camroni claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis)'! Day 22702, 18:03:49: Camroni claimed 'Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 219 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 22702, 18:27:04: Camroni claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex)'! Day 22702, 20:16:12: Camroni claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 141 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 22703, 00:19:37: Bob froze Baby Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 22703, 05:11:32: Camroni froze Juvenile Ankylosaurus - Lvl 219 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22703, 05:26:24: Bob froze Adolescent worse than the other - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22703, 05:30:22: Bob froze Adolescent worse than the other - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22703, 05:33:34: Bob froze Adolescent worse than the other - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22703, 10:07:25: Bob froze Adolescent worse than the other - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22703, 14:59:45: Camroni froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis) Day 22703, 19:27:13: Camroni froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis) Day 22704, 02:39:09: Camroni froze Adolescent aw - Lvl 141 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22704, 02:49:51: Camroni froze Adolescent aw - Lvl 141 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22704, 17:15:35: Camroni froze Adolescent aw - Lvl 141 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22704, 23:04:18: Camroni froze Adolescent aw - Lvl 141 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22705, 14:33:15: Fruj froze DONT LVL UP - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 22705, 15:20:52: Fruj froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22705, 17:17:02: Fruj claimed 'Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 232 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 22705, 17:56:12: Fruj claimed 'Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 22705, 18:08:54: Your Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by Fruj - Lvl 107 (KAOS)! Day 22705, 18:08:54: Your Tribe killed Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus) (KAOS)! Day 22705, 22:56:48: Your Juvenile Ankylosaurus - Lvl 232 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by Wiggler - Lvl 248 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 22705, 22:56:48: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Ankylosaurus - Lvl 232 (Ankylosaurus) (KAOS)! Day 22705, 23:08:54: Tribemember Camroni - Lvl 79 was killed by Wiggler - Lvl 248 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 22705, 23:08:54: Your Tribe killed Camroni - Lvl 79 (KAOS)! Day 22705, 23:19:47: Tribemember Camroni - Lvl 79 was killed by Wiggler - Lvl 248 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 22705, 23:19:47: Your Tribe killed Camroni - Lvl 79 (KAOS)! Day 22706, 14:08:47: Tribemember Bob - Lvl 96 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 22706, 18:44:24: Your Iguanodon - Lvl 118 (Iguanodon) was killed by Penis - Lvl 158 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 22706, 18:44:24: Your Tribe killed Iguanodon - Lvl 118 (Iguanodon) (KAOS)! Day 22706, 18:45:08: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 111 was killed by Penis - Lvl 158 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 22706, 18:45:08: Your Tribe killed Fruj - Lvl 111 (KAOS)! Day 22706, 19:24:07: Tribemember Camroni - Lvl 93 was killed by Wiggler - Lvl 254 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 22706, 19:24:07: Your Tribe killed Camroni - Lvl 93 (KAOS)! Day 22707, 01:58:26: Camroni claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 22707, 05:32:51: Bob froze aw - Lvl 153 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22707, 05:56:10: Fruj froze Penis - Lvl 158 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22707, 15:13:31: Fruj demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 22707, 15:14:26: Fruj demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 22707, 15:17:24: Fruj demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 22707, 15:18:38: Fruj demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 22707, 15:19:33: Fruj demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 22707, 15:30:26: Fruj demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 22707, 15:31:13: Fruj demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 22707, 15:32:03: Fruj demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 22707, 17:42:15: Camroni froze Juvenile PEPE - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 22707, 23:09:58: Fruj Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)! Day 22719, 01:36:48: Bob claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 22719, 07:07:11: Bob froze Juvenile LESGO - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 22720, 22:08:18: Bob froze Adolescent LESGO - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 22720, 22:12:53: Bob froze Adolescent LESGO - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 22721, 06:16:40: Bob froze LESGO - Lvl 181 (Poison Wyvern) Day 22724, 22:47:59: Fruj claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis)'! Day 22724, 22:49:10: Fruj claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis)'! Day 22724, 22:50:45: Fruj claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis)'! Day 22724, 23:25:21: Fruj claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex)'! Day 22725, 03:29:05: Fruj froze Wiggler - Lvl 255 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22725, 03:55:59: Bob uploaded a Fire Wyvern: worse than the other - Lvl 174 Day 22725, 13:22:14: Fruj froze Juvenile crap DONT LVL UP O - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 22725, 14:06:41: Bob downloaded a dino: worse than the other - Lvl 199 Day 22725, 19:33:28: Fruj froze sivatnegra - Lvl 258 (Argentavis) Day 22726, 10:53:57: Fruj froze Mans Ackin - Lvl 261 (Argentavis) Day 22749, 10:03:39: Camroni froze Juvenile PEPE - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 22749, 15:03:54: Camroni froze Juvenile PEPE - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 22750, 02:58:10: Bob froze worse than the other - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22750, 03:44:16: Camroni froze Adolescent PEPE - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 22750, 04:26:27: Camroni froze Adolescent PEPE - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 22750, 06:33:10: Fruj claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex)'! Day 22750, 06:34:50: Fruj claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis)'! Day 22750, 06:36:08: Fruj claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis)'! Day 22750, 06:37:35: Fruj claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis)'! Day 22750, 06:39:31: Fruj claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis)'! Day 22750, 06:40:21: Fruj claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis)'! Day 22750, 06:41:01: Fruj claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 22750, 06:56:25: Fruj claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis)'! Day 22750, 07:51:43: Your Baby Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis) was killed by Fruj - Lvl 121 (KAOS)! Day 22750, 07:51:43: Your Tribe killed Baby Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis) (KAOS)! Day 22750, 07:56:36: Your Baby Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis) was killed by Fruj - Lvl 121 (KAOS)! Day 22750, 07:56:36: Your Tribe killed Baby Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis) (KAOS)! Day 22752, 12:04:06: Bob froze worse than the other - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22753, 23:36:50: Bob Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo)! Day 22753, 23:49:55: Bob froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo) Day 22754, 18:09:08: Bob Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo)! Day 22754, 18:16:12: Bob froze Thylacoleo 2 - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo) Day 22777, 06:58:42: Bob claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 22777, 16:04:46: Bob froze Juvenile beg for penis - Lvl 217 (Thylacoleo) Day 22814, 11:28:24: Bob claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 206 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 22814, 11:38:25: Bob froze Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 206 (Thylacoleo) Day 22867, 17:45:10: Fruj froze WORM - Lvl 226 (Thylacoleo) Day 22867, 17:47:10: Bob froze beg for penis - Lvl 210 (Thylacoleo) Day 22867, 18:28:43: Fruj froze WORM - Lvl 228 (Thylacoleo) Day 22867, 19:09:56: Bob froze beg for penis - Lvl 211 (Thylacoleo) Day 22867, 20:00:34: Bob froze beg for penis - Lvl 216 (Thylacoleo) Day 22867, 20:13:26: Fruj froze WORM - Lvl 237 (Thylacoleo) Day 22867, 22:44:28: Fruj froze Wiggler - Lvl 275 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22867, 22:47:08: Bob froze worse than the other - Lvl 210 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22868, 00:55:30: Bob froze beg for penis - Lvl 219 (Thylacoleo) Day 22868, 03:10:03: Bob froze beg for penis - Lvl 219 (Thylacoleo) Day 22868, 03:44:03: Fruj froze WORM - Lvl 239 (Thylacoleo) Day 22868, 04:28:13: Fruj froze Wiggler - Lvl 275 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22868, 04:35:36: Fruj froze WORM - Lvl 239 (Thylacoleo) Day 22868, 04:42:01: Bob froze worse than the other - Lvl 210 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22868, 07:39:26: Tribemember Bob - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 22868, 07:58:07: Fruj froze WORM - Lvl 252 (Thylacoleo) Day 22868, 09:03:15: Fruj froze beg for penis - Lvl 232 (Thylacoleo) Day 22868, 09:29:53: Fruj froze WORM - Lvl 252 (Thylacoleo) Day 22988, 05:52:51: Dung Beetle - Lvl 39 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 23021, 07:41:27: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23163, 01:40:05: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23163, 01:40:05: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23163, 01:40:05: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23163, 01:40:05: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23174, 17:26:21: Dung Beetle - Lvl 84 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 23174, 17:26:23: Dung Beetle - Lvl 54 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 23200, 06:23:17: Dung Beetle - Lvl 91 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 23290, 10:49:10: digger - Lvl 84 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 23334, 20:28:39: Pteranodon - Lvl 108 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 23409, 14:24:45: Shitter - Lvl 62 (Phiomia) starved to death! Day 23469, 07:43:12: Your 'Lamp Post' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23469, 07:43:12: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23469, 07:43:12: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23469, 07:43:12: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23469, 07:43:12: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23469, 07:43:12: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23469, 07:43:12: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23469, 07:43:12: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23469, 07:43:12: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23469, 07:43:12: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23469, 07:43:12: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23469, 07:43:12: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23469, 07:43:12: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23530, 08:43:06: Fruj's 'WORM - Lvl 252 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23739, 07:39:26: Dung Beetle - Lvl 241 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 23752, 07:02:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23926, 09:29:39: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 23926, 09:30:17: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex)'! Day 23926, 09:30:44: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis)'! Day 23926, 09:31:13: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis)'! Day 23926, 09:31:59: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis)'! Day 23926, 09:33:19: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mans Ackin - Lvl 261 (Argentavis)'! Day 23926, 09:34:12: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis)'! Day 23926, 09:34:44: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis)'! Day 23926, 09:35:02: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis)'! Day 23926, 09:39:02: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jonathan Bexon - Lvl 266 (Argentavis)'! Day 23926, 09:39:27: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chaderon - Lvl 248 (Argentavis)'! Day 23926, 09:39:53: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sivatnegra - Lvl 264 (Argentavis)'! Day 23926, 09:40:18: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis)'! Day 23926, 09:40:49: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 200 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 23926, 09:41:55: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo 2 - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 23926, 09:42:24: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 239 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 23926, 09:43:58: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'worse than the other - Lvl 210 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23926, 09:44:37: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wiggler - Lvl 276 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 23926, 09:51:32: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 243 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 23926, 09:52:49: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'beg for penis - Lvl 232 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 23926, 09:53:12: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Melee DONT LVL UP - Lvl 226 (Rex)'! Day 23926, 09:53:37: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DONT LVL UP - Lvl 230 (Rex)'! Day 23926, 09:54:22: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'crap DONT LVL UP O - Lvl 226 (Rex)'! Day 23926, 09:55:18: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis)'! Day 23927, 06:48:54: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iron Deficiency - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24035, 11:24:08: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24288, 02:58:01: Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 24429, 19:02:20: Tribemember Camroni - Lvl 93 was killed! Day 24429, 19:03:35: Tribemember Bob - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 25798, 11:05:34: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 130! Day 29115, 12:12:47: Tribe Owner was changed to Bob! Day 39456, 15:56:44: Tribe Owner was changed to Camroni!"] "tribeid":1688792148,"tribe":"Imperial logs":["Day 28445, 16:39:20: Mint was added to the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1687491168,"tribe":"Tribe of Renton logs":["Day 38908, 02:19:35: Renton was added to the Tribe! Day 39843, 08:11:19: Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1686189763,"tribe":"Tribe of Human1 logs":["Day 15899, 17:03:46: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 15899, 17:04:29: Human was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 15899, 17:06:02: Human downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 138 Day 15899, 17:06:24: Human downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 145 Day 15899, 17:55:07: Plouzy was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 15899, 19:04:37: Plouzy froze Maewing - Lvl 143 (Maewing) Day 15910, 02:19:01: Human downloaded a dino: Doedicurus - Lvl 186 Day 15910, 02:24:36: Human froze Doedicurus - Lvl 186 (Doedicurus) Day 15910, 02:36:03: Human froze Doedicurus - Lvl 186 (Doedicurus) Day 15910, 03:38:51: Human froze Doedicurus - Lvl 186 (Doedicurus) Day 15910, 05:23:59: Human demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 15910, 05:54:34: Human froze Doedicurus - Lvl 186 (Doedicurus) Day 15910, 08:00:47: Human froze Doedicurus - Lvl 186 (Doedicurus) Day 15910, 11:33:17: Human froze Doedicurus - Lvl 186 (Doedicurus) Day 15913, 08:18:19: Tribemember Plouzy - Lvl 44 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 140! Day 15913, 08:29:18: Tribemember Human - Lvl 77 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 140! Day 15913, 12:36:48: Human Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 15913, 12:40:33: Plouzy froze Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 15914, 00:44:19: Plouzy Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 179 (Pteranodon)! Day 15914, 01:14:27: Plouzy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 179 (Pteranodon) Day 15914, 02:14:41: Plouzy froze Argentavis - Lvl 222 (Argentavis) Day 15921, 10:39:52: Human Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 178 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 15921, 11:33:16: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 178 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 60! Day 15921, 15:47:53: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 222 (Argentavis) Day 15922, 05:38:53: Human froze Doedicurus - Lvl 193 (Doedicurus) Day 15922, 06:29:00: Human froze Doedicurus - Lvl 194 (Doedicurus) Day 15925, 03:47:22: Plouzy Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 182 (Pteranodon)! Day 15925, 12:43:31: Plouzy claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 170 (Pteranodon)'! Day 15925, 13:15:08: Human froze Doedicurus - Lvl 194 (Doedicurus) Day 15925, 15:05:02: Human downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 237 Day 15925, 15:10:23: Human downloaded a dino: Rex - Lvl 227 Day 15925, 15:19:53: Human froze Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 15925, 15:28:05: Human claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 15925, 19:45:05: Tribemember Human - Lvl 82 was killed! Day 15926, 04:52:09: Human froze Pteranodon - Lvl 213 (Pteranodon) Day 15926, 09:26:13: Human Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 215 (Griffin)! Day 15926, 12:41:02: Tribemember Plouzy - Lvl 52 was killed! Day 15926, 16:17:40: Tribemember Plouzy - Lvl 53 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 15926, 17:23:53: Your Griffin - Lvl 222 (Griffin) was killed! Day 15926, 18:51:10: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 174 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 15926, 18:54:51: Tribemember Human - Lvl 100 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 55! Day 15926, 19:07:06: Tribemember Plouzy - Lvl 53 was killed! Day 15926, 20:19:49: Plouzy Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 19 (Dilophosaur)! Day 15926, 21:42:36: Tribemember Human - Lvl 100 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 15926, 21:47:05: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 191 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 15927, 01:04:33: Plouzy unclaimed 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 19 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 15927, 01:45:01: Your Argentavis - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 15927, 01:48:28: Tribemember Human - Lvl 100 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 15927, 03:29:15: Tribemember Plouzy - Lvl 53 was killed! Day 15927, 03:42:23: Tribemember Human - Lvl 100 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 50! Day 15927, 04:13:52: Human froze Rex - Lvl 232 (Rex) Day 15927, 04:27:28: Tribemember Human - Lvl 100 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 15927, 06:51:18: Human uploaded a Rex: Rex - Lvl 232 Day 15940, 04:11:23: Your Marwing - Lvl 165 (Maewing) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 20! Day 15940, 04:15:59: Your Maewing - Lvl 170 (Maewing) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 20! Day 15963, 13:51:35: Human downloaded a dino: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 222 Day 15963, 14:22:32: Human was removed from the Tribe! Day 15963, 14:22:32: Tribe Owner was changed to Human! Day 15967, 12:22:55: Human was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 15967, 12:23:58: Human was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Human! Day 15967, 12:39:21: Tribemember Human - Lvl 104 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 15967, 13:06:39: Human uploaded a R-Snow Owl: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 234 Day 15967, 13:09:54: Human downloaded a dino: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 229 Day 15967, 14:39:52: Human uploaded a R-Snow Owl: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 234 Day 16003, 08:55:54: Doedicurus - Lvl 202 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 16014, 11:30:33: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16114, 13:35:42: Maewing - Lvl 237 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 16138, 11:14:05: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16138, 11:14:05: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16204, 03:31:38: Tribemember Plouzy - Lvl 53 was killed! Day 16204, 04:14:03: Tribemember Human - Lvl 82 was killed! Day 16317, 21:02:21: Your 'Wooden Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16746, 08:31:31: Pteranodon - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 17012, 13:26:28: Kara Thrace - Lvl 95 (DMENT) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 19939, 15:56:57: Plouzy was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1683163521,"tribe":"Kingdom of the Brute logs":["Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18545, 19:15:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18569, 10:05:26: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18653, 16:54:31: Phiomia - Lvl 36 (Phiomia) starved to death! Day 18828, 12:12:21: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18828, 12:12:21: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18828, 12:12:21: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18828, 12:12:21: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18828, 12:12:21: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18828, 12:12:21: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18828, 12:12:21: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18828, 12:12:21: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18828, 12:12:21: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18828, 12:12:21: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18828, 12:12:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18828, 12:12:21: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18828, 12:12:21: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18828, 12:12:21: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18828, 12:12:21: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18828, 12:12:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19919, 09:14:13: Dimorphodon - Lvl 221 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 20567, 02:52:49: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20863, 16:08:55: kokow22 removed 'Sexy boys' Tribe from ssss Alliance! Day 20863, 21:49:30: kokow22 added 'Sexy boys' Tribe to ssss Alliance! Day 32914, 18:53:20: Tribemember Joanna - Lvl 138 was killed!"] "tribeid":1681597499,"tribe":"Tribe of Eddie Hall logs":["Day 23720, 01:23:02: Eddie Hall was added to the Tribe! Day 23720, 01:27:04: Human was added to the Tribe by Eddie Hall! Day 23720, 12:50:01: Eddie Hall demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 23720, 12:50:59: Eddie Hall demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 23720, 13:17:13: Eddie Hall Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 61 (Pteranodon)! Day 23720, 18:38:51: Human claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 134 (Parasaur)'! Day 23721, 13:14:02: Tribemember Eddie Hall - Lvl 33 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 130! Day 23721, 18:44:38: Tribemember Human - Lvl 26 was killed by Eddie Hall - Lvl 35 (Tribe of Eddie Hall)! Day 23721, 18:44:38: Your Tribe killed Human - Lvl 26 (Tribe of Eddie Hall)! Day 23721, 19:00:04: Tribemember Human - Lvl 26 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 23722, 03:44:44: Tribemember Eddie Hall - Lvl 39 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23722, 14:36:10: Human claimed 'Nemesis - Lvl 298 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 23722, 16:44:56: Eddie Hall Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 23723, 02:55:21: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)! Day 23723, 08:39:18: Human claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 136 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23723, 17:00:35: Human was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Eddie Hall! Day 23724, 02:38:43: Eddie Hall froze Adolescent Delilah - Lvl 136 (Pteranodon) Day 23724, 15:01:43: Tribemember Eddie Hall - Lvl 51 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 15! Day 23724, 18:13:31: Tribemember Eddie Hall - Lvl 51 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 15! Day 23725, 19:28:25: Tribemember Human - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 23726, 01:23:03: Tribemember Human - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 23726, 01:34:28: Tribemember Eddie Hall - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 23726, 04:38:57: Tribemember Eddie Hall - Lvl 60 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 25! Day 23726, 11:54:29: Tribemember Eddie Hall - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 23726, 19:33:19: Eddie Hall claimed 'Fireball - Lvl 293 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23727, 01:17:44: Tribemember Human - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 23727, 04:21:23: Tribemember Human - Lvl 45 was killed by Fireball - Lvl 294 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of Eddie Hall)! Day 23727, 04:21:23: Your Tribe killed Human - Lvl 45 (Tribe of Eddie Hall)! Day 23727, 09:02:02: Eddie Hall demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 23746, 17:53:14: Eddie Hall Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 82 (Argentavis)! Day 23746, 17:56:11: Eddie Hall froze Argentavis - Lvl 82 (Argentavis) Day 23748, 14:40:28: Eddie Hall Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 74 (Triceratops)! Day 23749, 17:59:38: Eddie Hall demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 23749, 18:00:30: Eddie Hall demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 23749, 18:02:22: Eddie Hall demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 23749, 18:05:56: Eddie Hall demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 23774, 10:23:00: Tribemember Human - Lvl 56 was killed! Day 23910, 18:10:31: Your Jar Jar Binks - Lvl 188 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60! Day 23941, 06:17:03: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23941, 06:17:03: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24059, 02:48:01: Your 'Bear Trap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24082, 17:25:34: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24082, 17:25:34: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24082, 17:25:34: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24117, 21:47:57: Fire boy - Lvl 221 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 24301, 20:10:23: Crayon - Lvl 84 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 24329, 23:21:06: Your Kerry - Lvl 94 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 24350, 14:36:42: Nytrix - Lvl 96 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pete - Lvl 301 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 24350, 14:47:44: Kyanite - Lvl 97 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fireball - Lvl 295 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 24350, 14:50:38: Nytrix - Lvl 96 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Archie - Lvl 93 (Argentavis)'! Day 24350, 14:51:22: Nytrix - Lvl 96 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Delilah - Lvl 153 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24350, 14:53:34: Kyanite - Lvl 97 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'lesbean - Lvl 87 (Triceratops)'! Day 24350, 15:47:16: Tribemember Human - Lvl 56 was killed! Day 24350, 16:00:49: Tribemember Eddie Hall - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 24366, 04:44:19: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24366, 04:44:19: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24366, 04:44:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24649, 16:03:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1680290096,"tribe":"Silent Wolf logs":["Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Giant Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39088, 07:22:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41118, 13:34:06: liz - Lvl 61 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blue Blaze - Lvl 289 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 41118, 16:39:21: liz - Lvl 61 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 209 (Parasaur)'! Day 41118, 16:39:50: liz - Lvl 61 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame '38 stam 38 dam - Lvl 224 (Parasaur)'! Day 41118, 16:40:29: liz - Lvl 61 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame '44stam - Lvl 217 (Parasaur)'! Day 41118, 16:40:45: liz - Lvl 61 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame '36 sta 36 oc 35 food - Lvl 202 (Parasaur)'! Day 41118, 16:41:12: liz - Lvl 61 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame '51 SPEED - Lvl 224 (Parasaur)'! Day 41118, 18:45:44: Tribemember cocopop - Lvl 147 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 41118, 18:54:59: Your boss - Lvl 210 (Sinomacrops) was killed! Day 41195, 14:17:38: Brontosaurus - Lvl 194 (Brontosaurus) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1675768948,"tribe":"Adverse logs":["Day 30922, 16:58:36: Akane was added to the Tribe! Day 30922, 17:26:50: Buce was added to the Tribe by Akane! Day 30922, 17:44:59: Akane froze Fukuro - Lvl 295 (Snow Owl) Day 30922, 18:09:10: Akane froze Heroine Addiction - Lvl 237 (Fjordhawk) Day 30922, 18:11:12: Buce froze F35-it's back - Lvl 287 (Snow Owl) Day 30922, 18:23:01: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 30922, 18:25:05: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 114 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 30922, 18:27:25: Your Heroine Addiction - Lvl 237 (Fjordhawk) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 45! Day 30922, 18:56:56: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 97 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 30922, 18:57:59: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 114 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 30922, 19:14:59: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 97 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 30922, 19:19:33: Tribemember Buce - Lvl 114 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 30922, 19:39:45: Buce froze Bucerina - Lvl 247 (Fjordhawk) Day 30922, 21:45:09: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 82 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 30922, 21:46:56: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 114 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 30922, 22:32:18: Akane froze Fukuro - Lvl 295 (Snow Owl) Day 30922, 23:00:43: Buce froze F35-it's back - Lvl 287 (Snow Owl) Day 30964, 20:01:25: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 30964, 20:03:14: Your Fukuro - Lvl 297 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 30965, 01:06:45: Akane froze Me mori? - Lvl 282 (Fjordhawk) Day 30967, 03:34:54: Akane froze Tosica culona - Lvl 250 (Poison Wyvern) Day 30967, 03:58:47: Buce froze F35-it's back - Lvl 304 (Snow Owl) Day 31241, 03:55:04: Akane froze Nagumo - Lvl 293 (Voidwyrm) Day 31242, 12:54:46: Akane froze Carcha chetao backup - Lvl 402 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 31540, 04:05:25: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32130, 10:11:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1675063976,"tribe":"Dragons1 logs":["Day 20932, 08:43:14: wildy unclaimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 5 (Doedicurus)'! Day 20932, 08:47:56: wildy unclaimed 'Rollie Polly - Lvl 194 (Doedicurus)'! Day 20932, 08:51:50: wildy unclaimed 'Wanheda - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)'! Day 20932, 09:01:49: wildy froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 185 (Lystrosaurus) Day 20932, 09:04:35: wildy froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 268 (Lystrosaurus) Day 20932, 09:10:54: wildy froze Thief - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax) Day 20932, 09:29:22: wildy froze Pelagornis - Lvl 261 (Pelagornis) Day 20932, 09:33:50: wildy unclaimed 'Bulbdog - Lvl 122 (Bulbdog)'! Day 20932, 09:39:17: wildy froze Pelagornis - Lvl 214 (Pelagornis) Day 20932, 10:10:19: wildy froze Pelagornis - Lvl 214 (Pelagornis) Day 20932, 10:13:46: wildy froze Argentavis - Lvl 251 (Argentavis) Day 20932, 10:24:03: wildy unclaimed 'Rasta - Lvl 182 (Argentavis)'! Day 20932, 10:28:35: wildy unclaimed 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 31 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 20932, 10:31:13: wildy unclaimed 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 107 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 20932, 10:33:23: Radar unclaimed 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 255 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 20932, 10:35:13: wildy unclaimed 'Spit - Lvl 247 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 20932, 10:36:47: wildy claimed 'Spit - Lvl 247 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 20932, 10:38:12: wildy claimed 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 255 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 20932, 10:46:34: wildy froze Spit - Lvl 247 (Dilophosaur) Day 20932, 10:49:33: wildy froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 255 (Dilophosaur) Day 20932, 10:52:44: wildy unclaimed 'Raptor - Lvl 202 (Raptor)'! Day 20932, 10:59:20: wildy unclaimed 'Pelagornis - Lvl 55 (Pelagornis)'! Day 20932, 11:03:50: wildy froze Shitter - Lvl 67 (Phiomia) Day 20932, 11:49:52: Radar froze Compy - Lvl 127 (Compy) Day 20932, 12:17:58: wildy unclaimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20932, 12:20:10: wildy unclaimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20932, 12:22:27: wildy unclaimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20932, 12:24:42: wildy unclaimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20932, 13:02:12: wildy unclaimed 'armor - Lvl 110 (Argentavis)'! Day 20932, 13:04:32: wildy unclaimed 'Spike - Lvl 220 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 20932, 13:11:39: wildy froze Jerboa - Lvl 51 (Jerboa) Day 20932, 13:14:28: wildy froze Compy - Lvl 244 (Compy) Day 20932, 13:14:37: Radar unclaimed 'Ajax - Lvl 225 (Argentavis)'! Day 20932, 13:18:08: wildy froze Microraptor - Lvl 119 (Microraptor) Day 20932, 13:21:01: wildy froze Microraptor - Lvl 87 (Microraptor) Day 20932, 13:27:25: wildy froze Monkey - Lvl 63 (Mesopithecus) Day 20932, 13:31:53: wildy froze Compy - Lvl 82 (Compy) Day 20932, 13:35:36: wildy froze Compy - Lvl 97 (Compy) Day 20932, 14:03:36: wildy unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20932, 14:05:48: wildy unclaimed 'Feather - Lvl 75 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20932, 14:11:35: wildy unclaimed 'Bulbdog - Lvl 86 (Bulbdog)'! Day 20932, 14:22:58: wildy unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 111 (Argentavis)'! Day 20932, 14:27:29: wildy unclaimed 'T.T - Lvl 276 (Rex)'! Day 20932, 14:30:32: wildy unclaimed '145Tame - Lvl 277 (Rex)'! Day 20932, 14:42:48: wildy froze Velonasaur - Lvl 29 (Velonasaur) Day 20932, 14:45:38: wildy froze melee x3 male - Lvl 264 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20932, 14:46:52: Radar froze breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20932, 14:49:29: wildy froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 266 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20932, 14:51:44: Radar claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 88 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 20932, 14:56:16: wildy unclaimed 'Tickle Chicken - Lvl 208 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 20932, 15:01:46: wildy unclaimed 'Little Chicken - Lvl 224 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 20932, 15:04:04: Radar froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 88 (Dung Beetle) Day 20932, 15:07:33: wildy unclaimed 'Longneck - Lvl 88 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 20932, 15:13:12: wildy unclaimed 'Megaloceros - Lvl 84 (Megaloceros)'! Day 20932, 15:18:46: wildy unclaimed 'Compy - Lvl 29 (Compy)'! Day 20932, 15:22:47: wildy froze Green Lantern - Lvl 134 (Compy) Day 20932, 15:27:27: wildy unclaimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20932, 15:39:57: wildy unclaimed 'Compy - Lvl 97 (Compy)'! Day 20932, 15:44:01: wildy unclaimed 'Bulbdog - Lvl 139 (Bulbdog)'! Day 20932, 15:49:24: wildy froze Compy - Lvl 80 (Compy) Day 20932, 22:18:23: wildy froze Diesel Random - Lvl 424 (Snow Owl) Day 20977, 08:21:33: wildy froze Diesel Random - Lvl 424 (Snow Owl) Day 20977, 19:00:23: wildy froze 14.4 - Lvl 396 (Quetzal) Day 20977, 21:07:21: wildy froze 14.4 - Lvl 396 (Quetzal) Day 20977, 21:37:16: Radar froze pinky - Lvl 370 (Snow Owl) Day 20977, 21:47:38: wildy froze Diesel Random - Lvl 424 (Snow Owl) Day 20977, 22:31:51: wildy froze Diesel Random - Lvl 424 (Snow Owl) Day 21002, 20:25:54: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 315 (Tek Rex)'! Day 21002, 20:26:38: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex)'! Day 21002, 20:27:37: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 254 (Tek Rex)'! Day 21002, 20:37:58: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex)'! Day 21002, 20:39:43: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 333 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 21002, 20:42:58: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarco - Lvl 225 (Sarco)'! Day 21002, 20:52:04: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarco - Lvl 241 (Sarco)'! Day 21002, 20:53:00: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco)'! Day 21002, 20:53:59: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco)'! Day 21002, 21:34:30: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 242 (Tek Rex)'! Day 21002, 22:33:22: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarco - Lvl 222 (Sarco)'! Day 21003, 11:07:36: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 194 (Ovis)'! Day 21003, 11:08:17: haythem - Lvl 121 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 202 (Ovis)'! Day 21049, 15:26:19: wildy froze Jerboa - Lvl 51 (Jerboa) Day 21049, 15:30:12: wildy froze Transporter - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 21049, 17:24:08: wildy froze Transporter - Lvl 218 (Argentavis) Day 21049, 22:28:25: wildy froze Diesel Random - Lvl 424 (Snow Owl) Day 21050, 14:05:50: wildy claimed '[W] Coked Up Birb - Lvl 70 (Argentavis)'! Day 21050, 14:10:41: wildy claimed '[M] Breeder - Lvl 156 (Argentavis)'! Day 21050, 14:14:50: wildy unclaimed '[M] Breeder - Lvl 156 (Argentavis)'! Day 21050, 14:18:28: wildy unclaimed '[W] Coked Up Birb - Lvl 70 (Argentavis)'! Day 21050, 19:18:47: wildy claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21050, 19:21:21: wildy unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21050, 19:26:33: wildy claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 186 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 21050, 19:30:55: wildy unclaimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 186 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 21050, 19:31:31: wildy claimed 'HAPPYTIME (Raft)'! Day 21050, 19:44:32: wildy claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 210 (Parasaur)'! Day 21050, 19:50:51: wildy claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 80 (Parasaur)'! Day 21050, 20:25:41: Radar claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 186 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 21050, 20:34:18: wildy unclaimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 210 (Parasaur)'! Day 21050, 20:34:52: Radar unclaimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 186 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 21050, 20:37:36: wildy unclaimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 80 (Parasaur)'! Day 21050, 20:44:52: wildy unclaimed 'HAPPYTIME (Raft)'! Day 21050, 22:19:57: wildy claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 21050, 23:40:47: wildy claimed '[W] Breeder - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 21050, 23:48:54: wildy froze [W] Breeder - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 21051, 02:03:24: Radar froze pinky - Lvl 370 (Snow Owl) Day 21051, 05:00:04: wildy froze Diesel Random - Lvl 424 (Snow Owl) Day 21051, 06:02:56: Radar froze pinky - Lvl 370 (Snow Owl) Day 21139, 11:57:43: Radar froze pinky - Lvl 370 (Snow Owl) Day 21263, 18:01:06: Radar froze pinky - Lvl 370 (Snow Owl) Day 21328, 09:46:33: Radar froze pinky - Lvl 370 (Snow Owl) Day 21397, 07:44:30: Radar froze pinky - Lvl 370 (Snow Owl) Day 21448, 12:43:13: Radar froze pinky - Lvl 370 (Snow Owl) Day 21518, 11:37:53: Radar froze pinky - Lvl 370 (Snow Owl) Day 21563, 17:19:16: Radar froze pinky - Lvl 370 (Snow Owl) Day 21598, 03:18:53: Your Mosasaurus - Lvl 82 (Mosasaurus) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 20! Day 21640, 00:15:13: Radar froze pinky - Lvl 370 (Snow Owl) Day 21817, 16:08:13: wildy froze Diesel Random - Lvl 424 (Snow Owl) Day 22135, 00:35:18: Satoshi - Lvl 69 (Tribe of tweetkimbo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 22218, 05:45:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22218, 05:45:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22218, 05:45:27: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22399, 12:49:11: TinTin - Lvl 129 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vally - Lvl 194 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 22406, 20:11:20: Your 'Gorilla Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22406, 20:11:20: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22406, 20:11:20: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22406, 20:11:20: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22979, 04:07:35: Nick - Lvl 28 (GetroffenDodos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 305 (Mammoth)'! Day 23280, 10:02:08: Your 'Tek Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23718, 15:59:45: Your Motorboat (Motorboat) was destroyed! Day 25089, 19:34:56: Cori - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 25321, 12:36:39: Kropek - Lvl 122 (The Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 248 (Doedicurus)'! Day 25321, 12:37:14: Kropek - Lvl 122 (The Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 245 (Doedicurus)'! Day 25321, 12:41:37: Kropek - Lvl 122 (The Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 312 (Doedicurus)'! Day 30235, 21:59:49: wildy froze Dusk - Lvl 280 (Desmodus) Day 30235, 23:15:44: wildy froze Dusk - Lvl 280 (Desmodus) Day 30236, 03:27:15: Tribemember wildy - Lvl 129 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 150! Day 30236, 04:00:40: wildy claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30236, 04:02:53: wildy claimed 'Crinutza <3 - Lvl 257 (Raptor)'! Day 30236, 05:38:41: Tribemember wildy - Lvl 129 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 145! Day 30236, 07:14:43: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 135! Day 30236, 08:16:28: Your Crinutza <3 - Lvl 277 (Raptor) was killed by an Arthropluera - Lvl 135! Day 30236, 08:25:11: Tribemember wildy - Lvl 129 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 150! Day 30236, 14:28:05: wildy froze {W} - Lvl 204 (Desmodus) Day 30236, 16:25:36: wildy claimed 'Shelly - Lvl 173 (Dodo)'! Day 30236, 16:59:54: wildy froze Shelly - Lvl 173 (Dodo) Day 30237, 00:51:13: wildy uploaded a Dodo: Shelly - Lvl 173 Day 30237, 00:55:44: wildy froze Dusk - Lvl 280 (Desmodus) Day 30371, 06:17:58: wildy claimed 'Aberrant Purlovia - Lvl 300 (Aberrant Purlovia)'! Day 30371, 06:19:06: wildy claimed 'gub - Lvl 81 (Terror Bird)'! Day 30371, 06:19:56: wildy claimed 'Pum - Lvl 211 (Dodo)'! Day 30371, 06:21:08: wildy claimed '130 F - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30371, 06:21:31: wildy claimed 'SLING - Lvl 145 (Moschops)'! Day 30371, 06:22:25: wildy claimed '145 F - Lvl 228 (Equus)'! Day 30371, 06:22:46: wildy claimed 'M 130 - Lvl 200 (Direwolf)'! Day 30371, 06:25:55: wildy claimed 'Rolo - Lvl 45 (Doedicurus)'! Day 30371, 06:27:17: wildy claimed '130 F - Lvl 207 (Equus)'! Day 30371, 09:00:13: wildy froze 130 F - Lvl 207 (Equus) Day 30371, 09:04:47: wildy froze 145 F - Lvl 228 (Equus) Day 30371, 09:31:07: wildy froze Aberrant Purlovia - Lvl 300 (Aberrant Purlovia) Day 30371, 12:28:15: wildy claimed 'Andy - Lvl 215 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 30371, 12:36:41: wildy froze Andy - Lvl 215 (Andrewsarchus) Day 30371, 12:47:37: wildy claimed 'Stephano - Lvl 255 (Argentavis)'! Day 30371, 12:53:59: wildy froze Stephano - Lvl 255 (Argentavis) Day 30371, 12:58:35: wildy claimed 'Procoptodon - Lvl 74 (Procoptodon)'! Day 30371, 13:04:05: wildy unclaimed 'Procoptodon - Lvl 74 (Procoptodon)'! Day 30371, 13:09:42: wildy claimed 'Mark - Lvl 272 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 30371, 13:14:43: wildy froze Mark - Lvl 272 (Ankylosaurus) Day 30371, 13:15:29: wildy claimed 'Hanky Panky The Anky - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 30371, 13:19:36: wildy unclaimed 'Hanky Panky The Anky - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 30371, 13:37:45: wildy uploaded a Ankylosaurus: Mark - Lvl 272 Day 30371, 13:57:45: wildy uploaded a Aberrant Purlovia: Aberrant Purlovia - Lvl 300 Day 30371, 13:59:17: wildy uploaded a Equus: 145 F - Lvl 228 Day 30371, 14:00:32: wildy uploaded a Equus: 130 F - Lvl 207 Day 30371, 14:01:40: wildy uploaded a Argentavis: Stephano - Lvl 255 Day 30371, 14:02:48: wildy uploaded a Andrewsarchus: Andy - Lvl 215 Day 30371, 14:22:25: wildy claimed 'MUNCHER - Lvl 177 (Castoroides)'! Day 30371, 14:27:10: wildy froze MUNCHER - Lvl 177 (Castoroides) Day 30372, 06:36:00: wildy froze Dusk - Lvl 297 (Desmodus) Day 30382, 08:40:23: wildy claimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 74 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 30382, 08:41:54: wildy claimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 30382, 08:47:58: wildy claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 77 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 30382, 08:59:15: wildy unclaimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 77 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 30382, 09:07:29: wildy unclaimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 30382, 09:12:53: wildy unclaimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 74 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 30382, 15:06:28: wildy froze {W} - Lvl 274 (Sinomacrops) Day 30383, 00:35:12: wildy froze Dusk - Lvl 298 (Desmodus) Day 30691, 23:07:57: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30748, 01:36:14: wildy froze Dusk - Lvl 311 (Desmodus) Day 30748, 07:13:31: wildy claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 81 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 30748, 07:22:12: wildy froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 81 (Basilosaurus) Day 30748, 08:12:00: wildy froze {W} - Lvl 300 (Sinomacrops) Day 30748, 08:16:00: wildy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 30748, 13:44:33: wildy froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 247 (Basilosaurus) Day 30748, 20:50:26: wildy froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 194 (Basilosaurus) Day 30748, 20:57:43: wildy froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 194 (Basilosaurus) Day 30748, 21:11:40: wildy froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 194 (Basilosaurus) Day 30748, 22:54:46: wildy froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 194 (Basilosaurus) Day 30749, 21:32:05: wildy froze {W} - Lvl 300 (Sinomacrops) Day 30750, 01:20:37: wildy froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 194 (Basilosaurus) Day 30750, 02:10:24: wildy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 328 (Shadowmane) Day 30754, 19:19:46: wildy froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 197 (Basilosaurus) Day 30755, 06:50:50: wildy froze {W} - Lvl 300 (Sinomacrops) Day 30755, 10:28:05: wildy claimed 'BJ 40m - Lvl 83 (Megalodon)'! Day 30755, 10:31:55: wildy claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 209 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 30755, 10:39:54: wildy claimed 'Megalodon - Lvl 131 (Megalodon)'! Day 30755, 10:51:01: wildy unclaimed 'Megalodon - Lvl 131 (Megalodon)'! Day 30755, 10:54:33: wildy claimed 'Megalodon - Lvl 132 (Megalodon)'! Day 30755, 11:02:37: wildy froze Megalodon - Lvl 132 (Megalodon) Day 30755, 11:06:50: wildy claimed 'Megalodon - Lvl 195 (Megalodon)'! Day 30755, 11:13:42: wildy froze Megalodon - Lvl 195 (Megalodon) Day 30755, 11:25:02: wildy unclaimed 'BJ 40m - Lvl 83 (Megalodon)'! Day 30755, 11:28:52: wildy claimed 'Ickeh - Lvl 228 (Ichthyosaurus)'! Day 30755, 11:37:53: wildy froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 209 (Basilosaurus) Day 30755, 11:54:51: wildy froze Ickeh - Lvl 257 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 30755, 12:20:31: wildy claimed '16khp300d - Lvl 203 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 30755, 12:29:39: wildy froze 16khp300d - Lvl 203 (Basilosaurus) Day 30755, 15:00:35: wildy Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)! Day 30755, 15:15:22: wildy froze 145 - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) Day 30755, 23:38:27: wildy froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 209 (Basilosaurus) Day 30756, 02:39:48: Your Megalodon - Lvl 195 (Megalodon) was killed by a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 135! Day 30756, 07:24:00: Tribemember wildy - Lvl 129 was killed! Day 30756, 11:51:25: wildy froze Dusk - Lvl 311 (Desmodus) Day 30756, 12:39:54: wildy claimed 'Squishy - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 30756, 12:51:16: wildy froze Squishy - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 30756, 15:22:22: wildy froze Squishy - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 30756, 21:57:05: wildy froze 16khp300d - Lvl 263 (Basilosaurus) Day 30756, 22:08:20: wildy froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 267 (Basilosaurus) Day 30757, 01:37:42: wildy froze Dusk - Lvl 311 (Desmodus) Day 30757, 02:09:42: wildy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 328 (Shadowmane) Day 30757, 04:06:36: wildy froze {W} - Lvl 301 (Sinomacrops) Day 30766, 08:31:10: wildy froze Twin 2 - Lvl 241 (Desmodus) Day 30767, 06:29:11: wildy downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 101 Day 30767, 16:55:27: wildy claimed 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 205 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 30767, 16:56:42: wildy claimed 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 223 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 30767, 16:59:16: wildy claimed 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 221 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 30767, 17:12:26: wildy froze 26H 28S - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 30767, 17:18:33: wildy froze Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 205 (Basilosaurus) Day 30767, 17:21:33: wildy froze Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 223 (Basilosaurus) Day 30767, 17:24:33: wildy froze Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 221 (Basilosaurus) Day 30767, 17:25:42: wildy claimed 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 223 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 30767, 17:30:12: wildy froze Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 223 (Basilosaurus) Day 30767, 17:42:28: wildy froze 16khp300d - Lvl 263 (Basilosaurus) Day 30767, 17:47:41: wildy froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 214 (Basilosaurus) Day 30767, 18:08:05: wildy froze Ickeh - Lvl 257 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 30767, 19:50:53: wildy froze Baby HP22560 - Lvl 205 (Basilosaurus) Day 30767, 20:20:47: wildy froze Baby HP22560 - Lvl 205 (Basilosaurus) Day 30767, 21:34:26: wildy froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 176 (Fire Wyvern) Day 30767, 23:38:56: wildy froze FFA - Lvl 125 (Sinomacrops) Day 30831, 01:05:31: wildy froze Juvenile Velonasaur - Lvl 204 (Velonasaur) Day 30831, 01:41:15: wildy froze 26H 28S - Lvl 298 (Maewing) Day 30837, 02:41:12: wildy froze Juvenile Velonasaur - Lvl 204 (Velonasaur) Day 30837, 05:17:59: wildy froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 251 (Basilosaurus) Day 30837, 06:45:18: wildy froze Adolescent Velonasaur - Lvl 204 (Velonasaur) Day 30837, 08:48:42: wildy froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 214 (Basilosaurus) Day 30837, 09:34:41: wildy froze Desmodus - Lvl 243 (Desmodus) Day 30838, 13:01:52: wildy claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 442 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 30838, 21:15:34: wildy froze male - Lvl 278 (Basilosaurus) Day 30839, 04:09:15: wildy froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 442 (Basilosaurus) Day 30839, 04:17:43: wildy froze Desmodus - Lvl 244 (Desmodus) Day 30839, 04:22:46: Radar froze Robin - Lvl 284 (Desmodus) Day 30839, 13:22:22: wildy claimed 'Compy - Lvl 52 (Compy)'! Day 30839, 13:26:39: wildy claimed 'Dodo - Lvl 207 (Dodo)'! Day 30839, 13:30:39: wildy unclaimed 'Dodo - Lvl 207 (Dodo)'! Day 30839, 13:31:57: wildy claimed 'Dodo - Lvl 275 (Dodo)'! Day 30839, 13:34:32: wildy unclaimed 'Dodo - Lvl 275 (Dodo)'! Day 30839, 13:34:56: wildy claimed 'Compy - Lvl 97 (Compy)'! Day 30839, 13:38:08: Radar froze male - Lvl 278 (Basilosaurus) Day 30839, 13:39:13: wildy froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 247 (Basilosaurus) Day 30839, 16:37:17: wildy froze Compy - Lvl 52 (Compy) Day 30839, 17:08:04: Radar froze Robin - Lvl 284 (Desmodus) Day 30841, 07:16:24: Tribemember wildy - Lvl 129 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 190! Day 30841, 12:01:21: wildy froze 26H 28S - Lvl 299 (Maewing) Day 30841, 16:12:05: Radar claimed 'f breeder 1 - Lvl 258 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30841, 16:25:51: Radar unclaimed 'f breeder 1 - Lvl 258 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30841, 16:34:52: Radar claimed 'Charlise - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30841, 16:39:36: Radar unclaimed 'Charlise - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30841, 17:25:34: wildy claimed 'f breeder 1 - Lvl 258 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30841, 17:25:49: Radar claimed 'Charlise - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30841, 17:32:04: Radar unclaimed 'Charlise - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30841, 17:37:03: Radar claimed 'Charlise - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30841, 17:37:53: Your f breeder 1 - Lvl 258 (Pteranodon) was killed by wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1)! Day 30841, 17:37:53: Your Tribe killed f breeder 1 - Lvl 258 (Pteranodon) (Dragons1)! Day 30841, 17:45:56: wildy froze Charlise - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon) Day 30842, 00:54:26: Radar claimed 'Pauline - Lvl 247 (Argentavis)'! Day 30842, 01:24:49: Radar froze Pauline - Lvl 247 (Argentavis) Day 30842, 16:07:00: wildy froze Desmodus - Lvl 252 (Desmodus) Day 30842, 16:26:48: Radar froze Robin - Lvl 285 (Desmodus) Day 30843, 11:07:11: Tribemember Radar - Lvl 128 was killed! Day 30843, 13:36:26: Radar froze Pauline - Lvl 247 (Argentavis) Day 30844, 08:03:33: wildy froze {W} - Lvl 252 (Desmodus) Day 30844, 10:57:08: wildy froze Boss 1 - Lvl 336 (Tek Rex) Day 30844, 11:08:32: wildy froze Boss2 - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 30844, 11:11:28: wildy froze Boss 3 - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 30844, 11:24:09: wildy froze Boss 3 - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 30844, 13:22:36: wildy froze {W} m - Lvl 219 (Sinomacrops) Day 30844, 13:38:05: wildy froze {W} - Lvl 252 (Desmodus) Day 30844, 13:56:14: Radar froze FFA - Lvl 154 (Sinomacrops) Day 30844, 14:02:15: wildy froze Adolescent Velonasaur - Lvl 204 (Velonasaur) Day 30846, 01:55:31: Radar froze Robin - Lvl 285 (Desmodus) Day 30846, 23:50:14: wildy froze Daeodon - Lvl 318 (Daeodon) Day 30846, 23:56:42: wildy froze [R] - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) Day 30847, 00:50:10: Radar froze FFA - Lvl 154 (Sinomacrops) Day 30847, 07:51:47: Your Boss 6 - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 85! Day 30847, 08:14:08: Your Boss2 - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 85! Day 30847, 08:19:42: Your Boss 15 - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 135! Day 30847, 08:29:28: Your Boss 10 - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 135! Day 30847, 08:33:03: Your Boss 7 - Lvl 381 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 90! Day 30847, 09:36:38: Your Boss 3 - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 135! Day 30847, 09:43:26: Your Boss 5 - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 90! Day 30847, 11:02:09: wildy froze Boss - Lvl 267 (Yutyrannus) Day 30847, 11:07:26: wildy froze Boss 13 - Lvl 364 (Tek Rex) Day 30847, 11:12:37: wildy froze Boss 4 - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 30847, 11:20:17: wildy froze Boss 9 - Lvl 363 (Tek Rex) Day 30847, 11:27:11: Radar froze Boss 12 - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 30847, 11:37:33: wildy froze Boss 11 - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) Day 30847, 11:43:02: wildy froze Boss 1 - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex) Day 30847, 11:45:17: Radar froze Boss 8 - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 30847, 11:56:19: wildy froze [R] - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) Day 30847, 17:05:38: Radar froze FFA - Lvl 154 (Sinomacrops) Day 30847, 17:17:41: wildy froze {W} - Lvl 253 (Desmodus) Day 30847, 17:25:21: Radar froze Robin - Lvl 285 (Desmodus) Day 30847, 17:37:31: wildy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 359 (Shadowmane) Day 30847, 17:38:38: Radar froze {R} - Lvl 327 (Shadowmane) Day 30893, 01:08:12: wildy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 380 (Shadowmane) Day 31118, 16:19:40: Dobbs was added to the Tribe by wildy! Day 31118, 17:25:31: wildy froze {w} Dusk - Lvl 294 (Desmodus) Day 31118, 18:35:09: Dobbs froze Batman - Lvl 305 (Desmodus) Day 31138, 07:40:16: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31198, 13:57:49: SLING - Lvl 157 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 31216, 15:32:02: wildy froze 16khp300d - Lvl 263 (Basilosaurus) Day 31216, 16:17:36: wildy froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 252 (Basilosaurus) Day 31216, 16:26:26: wildy froze male - Lvl 278 (Basilosaurus) Day 31256, 11:53:18: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31770, 15:08:49: Rolo - Lvl 46 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 31811, 15:43:35: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pum - Lvl 211 (Dodo)'! Day 31811, 15:44:33: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame '130 F - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31811, 15:49:35: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'gub - Lvl 84 (Terror Bird)'! Day 31811, 15:56:09: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M 130 - Lvl 200 (Direwolf)'! Day 31823, 18:27:46: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32061, 04:15:13: Stenhouse - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 102 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 32061, 04:21:09: Stenhouse - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 442 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 32061, 04:24:24: Stenhouse - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 211 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 32061, 05:04:55: Stenhouse - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 133 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 32106, 18:01:23: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32120, 12:04:14: Stenhouse - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame '{W} m - Lvl 219 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 32120, 12:04:50: Stenhouse - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FFA - Lvl 154 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 32120, 12:05:52: Stenhouse - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Compy - Lvl 132 (Compy)'! Day 32120, 12:06:14: Stenhouse - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Compy - Lvl 56 (Compy)'! Day 32120, 13:56:03: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 268 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 32120, 13:57:29: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame '145 - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 32120, 13:58:38: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 132 (Megalodon)'! Day 32413, 20:49:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32998, 13:34:12: Ickeh - Lvl 261 (Ichthyosaurus) starved to death! Day 42594, 06:05:18: wildy froze Maewing - Lvl 225 (Maewing)"] "tribeid":1673112199,"tribe":"Da Tribe logs":["Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Greenhouse Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15270, 15:42:43: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15270, 15:42:43: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15270, 15:42:43: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15270, 15:42:43: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15270, 15:42:43: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15270, 15:42:43: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15270, 15:42:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15270, 15:42:43: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15270, 15:42:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15270, 15:42:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15270, 15:42:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15450, 08:31:48: Your 'Tek Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15569, 17:56:47: EcStAsY added 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe to sufyaan Alliance! Day 15857, 11:03:54: Tribemember Jayus - Lvl 1 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 130! Day 15857, 17:03:55: Jayus froze 261- LARRY - Lvl 405 (Snow Owl) Day 15857, 17:13:46: Jayus was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1668858476,"tribe":"Tribe of ragnarok logs":["Day 16753, 05:47:32: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 16753, 07:42:02: Tribemember Human - Lvl 9 was killed! Day 16927, 05:23:59: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16927, 05:23:59: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19377, 19:25:38: Tribemember Human - Lvl 9 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 24737, 03:05:15: Tribemember Human - Lvl 12 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90!"] "tribeid":1664880791,"tribe":"Tribe of offe logs":["Day 32493, 00:46:32: offe was added to the Tribe! Day 32493, 12:03:24: offe Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 194 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 32493, 12:07:10: offe froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 194 (Tusoteuthis) Day 32493, 12:18:28: offe froze Carbonemys - Lvl 261 (Carbonemys) Day 32493, 13:48:53: offe Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 32493, 14:35:00: offe froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis) Day 32493, 14:38:49: offe froze Carbonemys - Lvl 261 (Carbonemys) Day 32493, 16:55:12: offe froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 194 (Tusoteuthis) Day 32493, 16:59:06: offe froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis) Day 32493, 22:29:49: offe froze Shadowmane - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane) Day 32587, 13:39:30: offe froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 276 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32603, 10:48:23: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 282 (Maewing) Day 32605, 09:48:58: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 313 (Maewing) Day 32607, 13:03:42: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 240 (Maewing) Day 32609, 08:20:06: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 265 (Maewing) Day 32610, 19:23:17: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 245 (Maewing) Day 32612, 22:47:32: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 248 (Maewing) Day 32631, 19:44:13: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 269 (Maewing) Day 32633, 17:45:06: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 269 (Maewing) Day 32636, 13:29:56: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 272 (Maewing) Day 32636, 22:32:26: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 272 (Maewing) Day 32639, 08:00:10: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 272 (Maewing) Day 32650, 07:40:36: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 280 (Maewing) Day 32652, 02:16:56: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 315 (Maewing) Day 32652, 07:05:37: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 325 (Desmodus) Day 32652, 08:31:35: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 325 (Desmodus) Day 32652, 09:05:54: offe froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 328 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32652, 09:38:33: Your Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 334 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed! Day 32652, 10:47:20: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 325 (Desmodus) Day 32652, 11:44:53: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 325 (Desmodus) Day 32656, 19:22:53: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 315 (Maewing) Day 32656, 20:57:06: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 325 (Desmodus) Day 32656, 22:19:43: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 325 (Desmodus) Day 32656, 23:11:15: offe froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 312 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32657, 00:29:50: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 325 (Desmodus) Day 32657, 01:27:30: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 325 (Desmodus) Day 32659, 17:43:40: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 315 (Maewing) Day 32659, 18:45:19: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 325 (Desmodus) Day 32659, 19:48:02: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 325 (Desmodus) Day 32659, 20:34:20: offe froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 312 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32659, 21:33:51: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 325 (Desmodus) Day 32659, 22:18:45: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 326 (Desmodus) Day 32662, 08:18:17: offe downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 75 Day 32662, 08:28:17: offe unclaimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 75 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 32662, 09:28:14: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 315 (Maewing) Day 32662, 13:23:34: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 315 (Maewing) Day 32662, 13:41:04: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 32662, 13:50:59: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 284 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (Tribe of offe)! Day 32662, 13:50:59: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 284 (Tek Rex)! Day 32662, 18:03:28: offe Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 217 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 32662, 18:17:13: offe froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 217 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32662, 19:04:15: offe froze Shadowmane - Lvl 242 (Shadowmane) Day 32662, 19:16:27: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 315 (Maewing) Day 32711, 00:11:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 194 (Daeodon)! Day 32711, 00:35:39: offe froze Daeodon - Lvl 194 (Daeodon) Day 32711, 03:58:27: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 328 (Desmodus) Day 32770, 20:45:38: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 305 (Maewing) Day 32826, 09:04:49: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 321 (Maewing) Day 33009, 19:40:05: offe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 328 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33009, 20:48:09: offe froze Mission - Lvl 399 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 33009, 21:59:08: offe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 328 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33010, 03:11:46: offe froze Mission - Lvl 399 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 33010, 03:51:04: offe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 328 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33057, 04:36:29: offe froze Shadowmane - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane) Day 33057, 05:18:28: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 308 (Maewing) Day 33057, 06:50:56: offe froze Shadowmane - Lvl 256 (Shadowmane) Day 33075, 04:21:40: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33101, 01:23:43: Your Baby M-H63 S42 W34 M54 - Lvl 301 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 152 (Tribe of offe)! Day 33101, 01:23:43: Your Tribe killed Baby M-H63 S42 W34 M54 - Lvl 301 (Tek Rex)! Day 33101, 01:55:21: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 341 (Desmodus) Day 33101, 06:40:51: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 303 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 152 (Tribe of offe)! Day 33101, 06:40:51: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 303 (Tek Rex)! Day 33101, 12:42:22: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 344 (Desmodus) Day 33219, 09:06:21: offe froze Dinopithecus - Lvl 293 (Dinopithecus) Day 33220, 11:29:14: Tribe of Rinwood tribe was merged in by Rinwood! Day 33220, 11:29:14: Rinwood was added to the Tribe by offe! Day 33220, 11:59:56: Your Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 211 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe)! Day 33220, 11:59:56: Your Tribe killed Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 211 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 33220, 12:03:29: Your Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe)! Day 33220, 12:03:29: Your Tribe killed Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 33220, 12:08:47: Your Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe)! Day 33220, 12:08:47: Your Tribe killed Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 33220, 12:13:08: Your Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe)! Day 33220, 12:13:08: Your Tribe killed Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 33220, 12:21:10: Your Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe)! Day 33220, 12:21:10: Your Tribe killed Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 33220, 12:26:33: Rinwood froze M 199 - Lvl 313 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 33220, 12:44:14: Your Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 110 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe)! Day 33220, 12:44:14: Your Tribe killed Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 110 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 33220, 12:45:14: Your Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe)! Day 33220, 12:45:14: Your Tribe killed Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 33220, 12:46:08: Your Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe)! Day 33220, 12:46:08: Your Tribe killed Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 33220, 12:49:08: Your Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe)! Day 33220, 12:49:08: Your Tribe killed Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 33220, 12:50:52: Your Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe)! Day 33220, 12:50:52: Your Tribe killed Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 33220, 13:08:15: Your Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe)! Day 33220, 13:08:15: Your Tribe killed Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 33220, 13:09:25: Your Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe)! Day 33220, 13:09:25: Your Tribe killed Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 33220, 13:10:21: Your Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe)! Day 33220, 13:10:21: Your Tribe killed Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 33220, 14:32:41: Rinwood froze Shadowmane - Lvl 206 (Shadowmane) Day 33220, 14:34:45: offe froze Dinopithecus - Lvl 384 (Dinopithecus) Day 33220, 14:59:40: Rinwood was promoted to a Tribe Admin by offe! Day 33317, 07:47:36: offe froze Main - Lvl 310 (Managarmr) Day 33369, 15:25:34: offe froze Main - Lvl 317 (Managarmr) Day 33369, 16:08:28: offe froze Main - Lvl 318 (Managarmr) Day 33397, 07:15:11: Rinwood claimed 'fighter fem - Lvl 256 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33397, 07:18:38: Rinwood froze fighter fem - Lvl 256 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33397, 07:35:03: Rinwood froze fighter fem - Lvl 256 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33397, 07:40:27: Rinwood claimed 'hp speed oxy fem - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 07:45:30: Rinwood froze fighter fem - Lvl 256 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33397, 07:54:36: Rinwood claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 07:59:22: Rinwood froze Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 08:15:09: Rinwood froze hp speed oxy fem - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 08:16:24: Rinwood claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 08:19:19: Rinwood froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 08:19:53: Rinwood claimed 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 08:20:40: Rinwood claimed 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 08:24:59: Rinwood froze base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 08:56:12: Rinwood froze base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 08:59:02: Rinwood claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 244 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 09:00:36: Rinwood claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 09:10:43: Rinwood claimed 'Managarmr - Lvl 214 (Managarmr)'! Day 33397, 09:48:31: Rinwood claimed 'all- melee food fem - Lvl 190 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33397, 09:55:33: Rinwood claimed 'base breeder fem - Lvl 223 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33397, 10:00:44: Rinwood claimed 'fighter fem - Lvl 218 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33397, 10:59:53: Tribe of Siness tribe was merged in by Siness! Day 33397, 10:59:53: Siness was added to the Tribe by Rinwood! Day 33397, 11:08:18: Siness froze Managarmr - Lvl 214 (Managarmr) Day 33397, 11:11:03: Rinwood froze base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 11:14:16: Rinwood froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 11:17:34: Rinwood froze Shadowmane - Lvl 244 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 11:21:48: Siness claimed 'Dirty Beast - Lvl 319 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 11:27:34: Siness froze Dirty Beast - Lvl 319 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 11:31:24: Rinwood claimed 'Managarmr - Lvl 283 (Managarmr)'! Day 33397, 11:49:40: Siness claimed 'base breeder male - Lvl 223 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33397, 11:54:04: Siness froze base breeder male - Lvl 223 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33397, 11:58:50: Rinwood claimed 'Managarmr - Lvl 149 (Managarmr)'! Day 33397, 12:03:39: Rinwood froze Shadowmane - Lvl 244 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 12:07:23: Rinwood froze Managarmr - Lvl 149 (Managarmr) Day 33397, 12:11:18: Rinwood claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 12:11:47: Rinwood claimed 'stam melee food fem - Lvl 217 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 12:12:43: Rinwood claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 236 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 12:15:55: Rinwood froze Shadowmane - Lvl 236 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 12:18:54: Rinwood froze Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 12:20:04: Rinwood claimed 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 12:23:48: Siness froze stam melee food fem - Lvl 217 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 12:26:09: Rinwood froze base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 12:26:10: Siness claimed 'fem - Lvl 228 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 12:30:27: Siness froze fem - Lvl 228 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 12:31:19: Siness claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 12:48:44: Siness claimed 'melee muta 43?? - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 12:51:45: Siness froze melee muta 43?? - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 12:55:02: Siness froze Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 12:56:23: Siness claimed 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 13:04:03: Siness froze Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 13:08:23: Siness froze base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 13:28:19: Rinwood froze all- melee food fem - Lvl 190 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33397, 13:30:07: Siness froze base breeder fem - Lvl 223 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33397, 13:34:00: Rinwood froze fighter fem - Lvl 218 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33397, 13:56:18: Rinwood froze fighter fem - Lvl 218 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33397, 14:02:35: Rinwood froze Managarmr - Lvl 283 (Managarmr) Day 33397, 14:05:06: Siness claimed 'Odogaron - Lvl 304 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 14:09:21: Siness froze Odogaron - Lvl 304 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 14:19:12: Rinwood claimed 'hp stam oxy fem - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33397, 14:26:31: Rinwood froze hp stam oxy fem - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33397, 14:46:14: Rinwood claimed 'weight stam fem - Lvl 183 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33397, 15:14:50: Siness claimed 'oxy fem - Lvl 160 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33397, 15:19:41: Siness froze oxy fem - Lvl 160 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33397, 15:48:39: Siness froze weight stam fem - Lvl 183 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33397, 16:52:28: Rinwood claimed 'fighter male - Lvl 223 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33397, 16:57:58: Rinwood froze fighter male - Lvl 223 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33397, 17:02:41: Rinwood froze hp stam oxy fem - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33397, 17:06:09: Rinwood claimed 'melee muta male - Lvl 216 (Managarmr)'! Day 33397, 17:09:32: Rinwood froze melee muta male - Lvl 216 (Managarmr) Day 33397, 17:41:33: Siness claimed 'melee muta male - Lvl 216 (Managarmr)'! Day 33397, 17:56:10: Siness froze melee muta male - Lvl 216 (Managarmr) Day 33397, 18:01:42: Siness claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 18:06:05: Siness froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 18:10:21: Siness claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 18:14:39: Siness froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 18:16:48: Rinwood claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 18:20:06: Rinwood froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 18:22:13: Rinwood claimed 'fem - Lvl 266 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 18:25:39: Rinwood froze fem - Lvl 266 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 18:28:45: Siness claimed 'hp melee food fem - Lvl 184 (Desmodus)'! Day 33397, 18:33:08: Siness froze hp melee food fem - Lvl 184 (Desmodus) Day 33397, 18:41:37: Siness claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 18:45:52: Rinwood claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 18:47:39: Siness froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 18:59:58: Siness claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 19:38:18: Siness claimed 'Managarmr - Lvl 89 (Managarmr)'! Day 33397, 19:44:47: Siness froze Managarmr - Lvl 89 (Managarmr) Day 33397, 19:53:05: Rinwood claimed 'fem - Lvl 246 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 19:56:20: Rinwood froze fem - Lvl 246 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 20:11:12: Rinwood claimed 'fem - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 20:13:41: Rinwood froze fem - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 20:26:49: Siness claimed 'Beta 2 - Lvl 233 (Argentavis)'! Day 33397, 20:31:49: Siness froze Beta 2 - Lvl 233 (Argentavis) Day 33397, 20:38:35: Rinwood claimed 'Sepp - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 33397, 20:42:42: Rinwood froze Sepp - Lvl 254 (Argentavis) Day 33397, 20:52:38: Siness claimed 'Managarmr - Lvl 211 (Managarmr)'! Day 33397, 20:59:06: Siness froze Managarmr - Lvl 211 (Managarmr) Day 33397, 21:02:47: Rinwood claimed 'fighter male 1 - Lvl 259 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33397, 21:06:33: Rinwood froze fighter male 1 - Lvl 259 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33397, 21:10:33: Siness claimed 'Managarmr - Lvl 205 (Managarmr)'! Day 33397, 21:16:48: Siness froze Managarmr - Lvl 205 (Managarmr) Day 33397, 21:28:13: Siness claimed 'Managarmr - Lvl 210 (Managarmr)'! Day 33397, 21:33:43: Siness froze Managarmr - Lvl 210 (Managarmr) Day 33397, 21:36:15: Rinwood claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 21:38:37: Siness claimed 'fem - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 22:01:23: Siness claimed 'Managarmr - Lvl 214 (Managarmr)'! Day 33397, 22:05:17: Rinwood froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 33397, 22:20:04: Siness froze Managarmr - Lvl 214 (Managarmr) Day 33397, 22:23:31: Rinwood claimed 'M001 - Lvl 280 (Aberrant Doedicurus)'! Day 33397, 22:52:46: Siness froze Managarmr - Lvl 210 (Managarmr) Day 33397, 23:56:29: Siness froze Ash - Lvl 328 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 33398, 00:45:00: Rinwood froze Mr Speed - Lvl 302 (Snow Owl) Day 33398, 11:01:47: Rinwood froze Sepp - Lvl 254 (Argentavis) Day 33398, 11:05:34: Rinwood claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 11:09:04: Rinwood froze Shadowmane - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane) Day 33398, 11:17:40: Rinwood froze M001 - Lvl 291 (Aberrant Doedicurus) Day 33398, 11:29:36: Rinwood claimed 'food fem - Lvl 182 (Bloodstalker)'! Day 33398, 11:32:14: Rinwood froze food fem - Lvl 182 (Bloodstalker) Day 33398, 11:49:09: Siness claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 11:56:51: Siness claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 11:59:45: Siness froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 33398, 12:23:24: Siness claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 255 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 12:25:49: Siness froze Shadowmane - Lvl 255 (Shadowmane) Day 33398, 12:43:51: Siness froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33398, 13:02:31: Siness claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 13:07:01: Siness froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 33398, 13:08:55: Siness claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 13:12:53: Siness froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33398, 13:25:21: Siness claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 13:44:50: Siness claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 13:49:40: Siness froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 33398, 13:51:05: Siness claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 13:54:40: Siness froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33398, 14:04:08: Siness claimed 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 14:06:52: Siness froze base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33398, 14:10:58: Siness claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 14:13:10: Siness froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33398, 14:29:09: Siness froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33398, 14:38:52: Siness claimed 'weight muta fem - Lvl 245 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 14:44:23: Siness froze weight muta fem - Lvl 245 (Shadowmane) Day 33398, 14:48:34: Siness froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33398, 16:12:09: Rinwood claimed 'fighter male - Lvl 220 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33398, 16:15:45: Rinwood froze fighter male - Lvl 220 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33398, 16:54:49: Siness claimed 'fem - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 17:15:54: Rinwood claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 244 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 17:22:46: Siness froze fem - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 33398, 19:27:11: Rinwood claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 21:52:53: Rinwood froze Mr Speed - Lvl 303 (Snow Owl) Day 33398, 21:57:44: Siness froze Ash - Lvl 330 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 33429, 14:11:13: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33511, 23:13:23: Siness froze Tilly - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 33512, 07:00:06: Siness froze Tilly - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 33516, 01:29:35: Rinwood froze Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) Day 33516, 04:59:11: Rinwood froze Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) Day 33516, 05:45:15: Rinwood froze Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) Day 33516, 06:33:25: Tribemember Rinwood - Lvl 119 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 140! Day 33516, 09:51:32: Rinwood froze Snow Owl - Lvl 272 (Snow Owl) Day 33516, 10:09:40: Siness froze Tilly - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 33516, 10:13:08: Rinwood froze Snow Owl - Lvl 272 (Snow Owl) Day 33534, 23:08:04: Siness froze Tilly - Lvl 309 (Snow Owl) Day 33575, 11:27:05: Rinwood claimed 'Rhyniognatha - Lvl 220 (Rhyniognatha)'! Day 33575, 11:30:27: Rinwood froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 220 (Rhyniognatha) Day 33575, 13:26:45: Rinwood froze F 209-1 - Lvl 306 (Snow Owl) Day 33604, 16:41:02: Siness froze Tilly 2 - Lvl 305 (Snow Owl) Day 33681, 06:55:04: Siness froze Tilly 2 - Lvl 305 (Snow Owl) Day 33681, 07:49:48: Siness froze Tasha [Clone] - Lvl 329 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 33682, 01:19:31: Siness froze Tilly 2 - Lvl 305 (Snow Owl) Day 34050, 11:59:05: Siness claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 153 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 34050, 13:06:09: Siness claimed 'Alice Cooper - Lvl 99 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 34050, 14:08:07: Siness claimed 'smegalodon - Lvl 144 (Megalodon)'! Day 34050, 16:16:15: Siness froze Tilly 2 - Lvl 306 (Snow Owl) Day 34050, 23:03:18: Siness froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 153 (Dimorphodon) Day 34051, 05:24:34: Siness froze smegalodon - Lvl 144 (Megalodon) Day 34051, 07:45:22: Siness froze Ash - Lvl 353 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 34214, 11:38:50: Siness claimed 'Rex Ruthless - Lvl 244 (Rex)'! Day 34214, 11:43:28: Rinwood claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 219 (Doedicurus)'! Day 34214, 11:46:52: Rinwood froze Doedicurus - Lvl 219 (Doedicurus) Day 34214, 12:07:05: Siness claimed 'Venojuan - Lvl 156 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 34214, 12:16:26: Rinwood froze Rex Ruthless - Lvl 244 (Rex) Day 34214, 12:22:45: Rinwood froze Venojuan - Lvl 156 (Poison Wyvern) Day 34214, 13:23:14: Rinwood claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 226 (Pteranodon)'! Day 34214, 13:27:51: Rinwood froze Pteranodon - Lvl 226 (Pteranodon) Day 34214, 14:44:19: Siness froze Tilly 2 - Lvl 311 (Snow Owl) Day 34214, 14:46:06: Rinwood froze F211 - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 34223, 08:06:39: Morde - Lvl 109 (New 883) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane)'! Day 34223, 09:43:47: Morde - Lvl 109 (New 883) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 244 (Shadowmane)'! Day 34338, 00:04:39: Haggis - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 34338, 01:48:49: Haggis - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 34338, 02:03:16: Haggis - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 34407, 02:38:40: Haggis - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 236 (Shadowmane)'! Day 34563, 05:21:31: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34581, 09:20:40: Your Alice Cooper - Lvl 99 (Pulmonoscorpius) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 135! Day 34800, 16:06:25: AmberSpectre - Lvl 112 (Desert City (Lighthouse)) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fem - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane)'! Day 35377, 11:29:11: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1663315313,"tribe":"Tribe of BeyondGirthy logs":["Day 37654, 15:01:29: BeyondGirthy was added to the Tribe! Day 37654, 15:11:07: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)! Day 37654, 21:12:44: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 37655, 01:45:31: zex was added to the Tribe by BeyondGirthy! Day 37655, 03:22:39: zex Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)! Day 37656, 08:58:20: BeyondGirthy Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 170 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 37656, 13:06:17: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 177 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 150! Day 37656, 13:20:33: Tribemember BeyondGirthy - Lvl 80 was killed! Day 37657, 01:29:57: Tribemember zex - Lvl 74 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 100! Day 37698, 04:11:54: Tribemember zex - Lvl 75 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 50! Day 37698, 12:36:05: zex Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 37698, 12:40:47: Tribemember BeyondGirthy - Lvl 81 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 135! Day 37698, 18:30:04: BeyondGirthy claimed 'GREG - Lvl 157 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 37698, 19:00:03: BeyondGirthy claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 261 (Argentavis)'! Day 37702, 14:52:15: BeyondGirthy claimed 'Magmasaur - Lvl 210 (Magmasaur)'! Day 37702, 15:10:07: BeyondGirthy froze Magmasaur - Lvl 210 (Magmasaur) Day 37702, 16:01:33: BeyondGirthy claimed 'KING - Lvl 241 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 37702, 16:25:55: BeyondGirthy unclaimed 'KING - Lvl 242 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 37702, 16:32:41: BeyondGirthy claimed 'Licht - Lvl 275 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 37703, 03:52:21: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 221 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 37946, 12:11:22: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37994, 01:45:58: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38549, 09:32:02: 인간 - Lvl 24 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'GREG - Lvl 157 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 38549, 09:41:23: 인간 - Lvl 24 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Licht - Lvl 277 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 38588, 03:50:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38588, 03:50:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38588, 03:50:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38638, 15:39:12: 인간 - Lvl 93 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Magmasaur - Lvl 212 (Magmasaur)'! Day 38643, 10:28:59: JC741 - Lvl 57 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'UUGH - Lvl 203 (Argentavis)'! Day 38643, 10:45:24: JC741 - Lvl 57 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 264 (Argentavis)'! Day 39932, 19:44:32: LowKeyFPV - Lvl 62 (KwadSquad) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Belveth - Lvl 237 (Pteranodon)'! Day 40549, 12:50:12: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone ShieldMaiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'zextina akali - Lvl 230 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41576, 22:16:00: Pteranodon - Lvl 94 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 43009, 04:17:28: Nova.3 - Lvl 70 (Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 221 (Ankylosaurus)'!"] "tribeid":1659941446,"tribe":"Tribe of the beast logs":["Day 41241, 18:30:23: liz claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex)'! Day 41241, 18:35:19: liz froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 41241, 18:45:45: liz claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex)'! Day 41241, 18:46:36: liz claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 270 (Tek Rex)'! Day 41241, 18:47:52: liz claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 303 (Tek Rex)'! Day 41241, 19:20:26: liz froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 41241, 19:27:26: liz claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 41241, 19:30:23: liz froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 41241, 19:33:55: liz claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 284 (Tek Rex)'! Day 41241, 19:34:38: liz claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 258 (Tek Rex)'! Day 41241, 19:36:04: liz claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 284 (Tek Rex)'! Day 41241, 19:47:38: liz claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex)'! Day 41241, 19:48:52: liz claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 284 (Tek Rex)'! Day 41241, 19:50:49: liz claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 270 (Tek Rex)'! Day 41241, 19:53:40: liz froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 41241, 20:00:14: liz claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 270 (Tek Rex)'! Day 41241, 20:04:09: liz froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 270 (Tek Rex) Day 41241, 20:15:42: liz froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 258 (Tek Rex) Day 41241, 20:30:08: liz froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 284 (Tek Rex) Day 41241, 20:39:08: liz froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 270 (Tek Rex) Day 41241, 20:50:21: liz froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 284 (Tek Rex) Day 41241, 21:52:08: liz claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex)'! Day 41241, 22:04:36: liz claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex)'! Day 41242, 01:20:01: liz froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 274 (Tek Rex) Day 41242, 19:25:13: liz froze Maria - Lvl 318 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 41242, 20:58:14: liz froze Boss - Lvl 343 (Rex) Day 41244, 14:04:01: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 270 (Tek Rex) Day 41244, 14:09:05: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 274 (Tek Rex) Day 41244, 14:13:10: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 284 (Tek Rex) Day 41244, 14:19:02: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 284 (Tek Rex) Day 41244, 14:22:10: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 270 (Tek Rex) Day 41244, 14:27:52: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 41244, 14:31:06: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 41244, 14:35:28: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 284 (Tek Rex) Day 41244, 14:48:29: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 258 (Tek Rex) Day 41244, 14:51:58: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 274 (Tek Rex) Day 41244, 14:55:16: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 284 (Tek Rex) Day 41244, 14:58:32: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 41244, 15:01:52: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 41244, 15:05:30: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 41244, 15:30:59: liz froze 303 - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 41263, 10:58:28: Tribemember nathan - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 41263, 15:04:20: nathan froze hot boi - Lvl 265 (Fire Wyvern) Day 41263, 15:55:46: nathan froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 261 (Fire Wyvern) Day 41264, 01:44:01: liz froze Maria - Lvl 319 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 41265, 08:23:11: liz downloaded a dino: TYLKO- DMG - Lvl 383 Day 41265, 08:29:39: liz froze TYLKO- DMG - Lvl 383 (Shadowmane) Day 41265, 08:31:08: liz downloaded a dino: 18 - Lvl 172 Day 41265, 08:35:05: liz froze 18 - Lvl 172 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 41265, 08:40:10: liz downloaded a dino: best Desmo - Lvl 245 Day 41265, 08:44:14: liz froze best Desmo - Lvl 245 (Desmodus) Day 41265, 08:45:42: liz downloaded a dino: Dinopithecus - Lvl 291 Day 41265, 08:46:07: Could not find Spawn Location for Gigant, Destroying... Day 41265, 08:46:36: Could not find Spawn Location for Rex, Destroying... Day 41265, 08:50:35: liz froze Dinopithecus - Lvl 291 (Dinopithecus) Day 41265, 08:51:54: liz downloaded a dino: NN GIGIEŁ - Lvl 277 Day 41265, 08:58:06: liz froze NN GIGIEŁ - Lvl 277 (Giganotosaurus) Day 41265, 08:59:35: liz downloaded a dino: 303 - Lvl 308 Day 41265, 09:08:34: liz froze 303 - Lvl 309 (Tek Rex) Day 41265, 09:31:49: liz froze Maria - Lvl 319 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 41265, 11:10:17: liz froze best Desmo - Lvl 245 (Desmodus) Day 41265, 11:49:40: liz froze Dinopithecus - Lvl 293 (Dinopithecus) Day 41265, 12:02:27: liz froze NN GIGIEŁ - Lvl 277 (Giganotosaurus) Day 41265, 12:27:17: liz froze NN GIGIEŁ - Lvl 278 (Giganotosaurus) Day 41265, 13:00:54: liz froze NN GIGIEŁ - Lvl 278 (Giganotosaurus) Day 41265, 13:04:38: liz froze 18 - Lvl 172 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 41265, 13:23:01: liz froze Maria - Lvl 319 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 41265, 13:35:22: liz froze Maria - Lvl 319 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 41265, 13:39:00: liz froze yes - Lvl 204 (Sinomacrops) Day 41269, 17:49:10: liz froze Maria - Lvl 319 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 41270, 11:25:20: Wh05God froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 261 (Fire Wyvern) Day 41270, 12:03:06: Wh05God froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 261 (Fire Wyvern) Day 41270, 12:27:59: Wh05God froze Velonasaur - Lvl 225 (Velonasaur) Day 41270, 13:14:23: Wh05God froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 88 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41270, 20:22:49: liz demolished a 'Tek Transmitter (Locked) '! Day 41270, 21:22:49: liz froze Maria - Lvl 320 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 41270, 23:20:45: liz demolished a 'Tek Door Frame'! Day 41270, 23:22:18: liz demolished a 'Tek Door Frame'! Day 41270, 23:46:41: liz froze teddys best - Lvl 310 (Argentavis) Day 41271, 01:55:12: liz froze yes - Lvl 204 (Sinomacrops) Day 41271, 02:35:52: liz demolished a 'Elevator Track'! Day 41271, 02:37:05: liz demolished a 'Elevator Track'! Day 41276, 15:15:05: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41282, 06:31:07: nathan froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 261 (Fire Wyvern) Day 41282, 08:40:48: nathan claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 161 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 41282, 08:45:21: nathan froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 161 (Fire Wyvern) Day 41282, 09:45:50: nathan froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 261 (Fire Wyvern) Day 41290, 14:32:58: nathan froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 261 (Fire Wyvern) Day 41290, 20:55:26: nathan froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 261 (Fire Wyvern) Day 41290, 21:02:28: nathan froze hot boi - Lvl 265 (Fire Wyvern) Day 41290, 23:56:01: nathan claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 41291, 00:00:30: nathan froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 41291, 00:38:00: nathan uploaded a Featherlight: Malde breed - Lvl 271 Day 41291, 01:12:55: nathan froze hot boi - Lvl 265 (Fire Wyvern) Day 41291, 01:30:06: liz froze NN GIGIEŁ - Lvl 278 (Giganotosaurus) Day 41291, 01:43:02: liz froze teddys best - Lvl 310 (Argentavis) Day 41291, 10:45:14: liz froze Maria - Lvl 320 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 41292, 23:18:03: liz froze teddys best - Lvl 311 (Argentavis) Day 41292, 23:49:24: liz claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 41292, 23:57:30: liz froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Ice Wyvern) Day 41293, 00:33:35: Tribemember nathan - Lvl 112 was killed by liz - Lvl 112 (Tribe of the beast)! Day 41293, 00:33:35: Your Tribe killed nathan - Lvl 112 (Tribe of the beast)! Day 41300, 11:15:08: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41316, 20:38:53: liz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 341 (Ankylosaurus) Day 41317, 00:34:05: liz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 342 (Ankylosaurus) Day 41317, 00:38:43: liz froze teddys best - Lvl 312 (Argentavis) Day 41339, 22:57:00: liz froze NN GIGIEŁ - Lvl 291 (Giganotosaurus) Day 41339, 23:49:35: liz froze teddys best - Lvl 313 (Argentavis) Day 41340, 00:39:34: liz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 343 (Ankylosaurus) Day 41340, 00:54:59: liz demolished a 'Tek Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 41340, 01:00:45: liz demolished a 'Tek Catwalk'! Day 41340, 13:07:58: liz froze teddys best - Lvl 313 (Argentavis) Day 41340, 22:01:54: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 97 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41353, 06:23:01: liz froze NN GIGIEŁ - Lvl 299 (Giganotosaurus) Day 41353, 10:39:13: liz froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 254 (Brontosaurus) Day 41353, 12:17:03: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 99 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41353, 15:07:05: liz froze NN GIGIEŁ - Lvl 299 (Giganotosaurus) Day 41353, 17:35:49: liz froze Castoroides - Lvl 302 (Castoroides) Day 41353, 17:52:43: liz froze NN GIGIEŁ - Lvl 299 (Giganotosaurus) Day 41353, 19:20:09: liz froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 254 (Brontosaurus) Day 41353, 19:32:36: liz froze NN GIGIEŁ - Lvl 299 (Giganotosaurus) Day 41353, 20:42:09: Your Tribe Tamed a Woolly Rhino - Lvl 190 (Woolly Rhino)! Day 41353, 22:12:08: liz froze Woolly Rhino - Lvl 190 (Woolly Rhino) Day 41354, 00:54:06: liz froze NN GIGIEŁ - Lvl 299 (Giganotosaurus) Day 41354, 07:02:24: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41354, 13:49:01: liz Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus)! Day 41354, 14:04:26: liz froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus) Day 41354, 14:18:06: liz froze NN GIGIEŁ - Lvl 300 (Giganotosaurus) Day 41354, 15:30:24: liz froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 219 (Yutyrannus) Day 41354, 15:33:34: liz froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 219 (Yutyrannus) Day 41354, 16:58:30: liz froze NN GIGIEŁ - Lvl 300 (Giganotosaurus) Day 41354, 17:04:07: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41361, 22:08:10: liz froze NN GIGIEŁ - Lvl 301 (Giganotosaurus) Day 41362, 06:53:09: liz froze NN GIGIEŁ - Lvl 301 (Giganotosaurus) Day 41362, 07:54:59: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 101 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41362, 11:32:51: liz Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 194 (Daeodon)! Day 41362, 11:33:10: liz froze NN GIGIEŁ - Lvl 301 (Giganotosaurus) Day 41362, 11:39:01: liz froze Daeodon - Lvl 194 (Daeodon) Day 41362, 12:26:50: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 101 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41362, 12:50:21: liz froze teddys best - Lvl 314 (Argentavis) Day 41362, 14:15:55: liz uploaded a Giganotosaurus: NN GIGIEŁ - Lvl 301 Day 41362, 14:20:59: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 101 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41362, 14:25:45: liz froze yes - Lvl 217 (Sinomacrops) Day 41362, 22:00:01: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 41362, 22:05:17: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 41362, 22:09:47: liz froze 303 - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) Day 41362, 22:14:10: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 41362, 22:18:29: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 41362, 22:23:07: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 41362, 22:28:01: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 41362, 22:35:38: liz froze 42k 1k - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 41362, 22:40:01: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 361 (Tek Rex) Day 41362, 22:44:29: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 363 (Tek Rex) Day 41362, 22:48:45: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 361 (Tek Rex) Day 41362, 22:53:11: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 41362, 22:58:31: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 41362, 23:03:12: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 368 (Tek Rex) Day 41362, 23:07:42: liz froze dw - Lvl 368 (Tek Rex) Day 41362, 23:12:14: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 41362, 23:16:32: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 41362, 23:22:16: liz froze Daeodon - Lvl 196 (Daeodon) Day 41362, 23:59:23: liz downloaded a dino: NN GIGIEŁ - Lvl 301 Day 41363, 00:05:26: liz froze NN GIGIEŁ - Lvl 301 (Giganotosaurus) Day 41363, 00:06:40: Tribemember Wh05God - Lvl 94 was killed by liz - Lvl 112 (Tribe of the beast)! Day 41363, 00:06:40: Your Tribe killed Wh05God - Lvl 94 (Tribe of the beast)! Day 41363, 00:29:01: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 101 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41381, 13:45:15: liz froze NN GIGIEŁ - Lvl 303 (Giganotosaurus) Day 41381, 16:10:25: liz froze yes - Lvl 220 (Sinomacrops) Day 41381, 16:30:39: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41382, 14:35:19: liz froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 256 (Yutyrannus) Day 41382, 14:45:48: liz froze Daeodon - Lvl 227 (Daeodon) Day 41382, 14:50:06: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 41382, 14:53:50: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) Day 41382, 14:57:08: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 41382, 15:00:37: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 41382, 15:05:13: liz froze 303 - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex) Day 41382, 15:08:58: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 371 (Tek Rex) Day 41382, 15:17:14: liz froze dw - Lvl 371 (Tek Rex) Day 41382, 15:20:31: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) Day 41382, 15:23:52: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 41382, 15:27:35: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 41382, 15:33:08: liz froze 42k 1k - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) Day 41382, 15:36:22: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 364 (Tek Rex) Day 41382, 15:39:36: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 41382, 15:42:46: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 364 (Tek Rex) Day 41382, 15:46:07: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 346 (Tek Rex) Day 41382, 15:49:26: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 41382, 15:52:50: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 41395, 16:54:29: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 20:30:25: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 106 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41406, 04:43:55: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 107 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41406, 05:49:25: liz froze NN GIGIEŁ - Lvl 303 (Giganotosaurus) Day 41406, 09:57:09: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 107 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41406, 14:20:06: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 107 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41406, 20:30:35: liz froze teddys best - Lvl 315 (Argentavis) Day 41406, 21:40:46: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 108 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41407, 03:31:46: liz claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 227 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 41407, 03:45:52: liz claimed 'Hover Skiff (Hover Skiff)'! Day 41407, 03:50:55: liz claimed 'Quetzal - Lvl 299 (Quetzal)'! Day 41407, 03:56:56: liz claimed 'HOOVER - Lvl 163 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 41407, 03:59:30: liz claimed 'Swoop - Lvl 261 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 41407, 04:02:35: liz claimed 'Lightning McQueen - Lvl 324 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 41407, 04:05:31: liz claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 387 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 41407, 04:11:30: liz froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 387 (Therizinosaur) Day 41407, 04:13:08: liz claimed 'FRANC SUISSE - Lvl 319 (Argentavis)'! Day 41407, 04:15:43: liz claimed 'Tritop - Lvl 229 (Triceratops)'! Day 41407, 04:18:24: liz claimed 'Herr Melone - Lvl 234 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 41407, 04:20:13: liz claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 227 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 41407, 04:27:05: liz claimed 'Chirp - Lvl 273 (Castoroides)'! Day 41407, 04:28:32: liz claimed 'BUBBA - Lvl 238 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 41407, 04:30:48: liz claimed 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 114 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 41407, 04:33:31: liz claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41407, 04:36:09: liz claimed 'EX77-292E187-6R - Lvl 194 (Enforcer)'! Day 41407, 04:52:51: liz froze Quetzal - Lvl 299 (Quetzal) Day 41407, 08:57:19: liz froze teddys best - Lvl 315 (Argentavis) Day 41407, 12:04:18: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 108 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41407, 18:30:31: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 108 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41407, 18:48:21: liz froze yes - Lvl 222 (Sinomacrops) Day 41410, 16:13:29: liz claimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 264 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 41410, 16:16:29: liz claimed 'Phiomia - Lvl 205 (Phiomia)'! Day 41410, 16:47:13: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 108 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41410, 18:34:01: liz unclaimed 'ALLO RHOADES - Lvl 295 (Allosaurus)'! Day 41411, 04:31:07: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 108 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41411, 04:43:18: Tribemember liz - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 41411, 05:07:58: Your yes - Lvl 222 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 41411, 05:26:56: Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 destroyed your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 41411, 05:26:56: Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 destroyed your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 41411, 05:26:56: Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 destroyed your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 41411, 05:55:56: liz froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 114 (Fjordhawk) Day 41411, 06:42:40: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 108 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41430, 08:10:39: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 111 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41430, 14:40:47: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 111 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41432, 01:07:25: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 116 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41432, 10:19:14: liz downloaded a dino: Tek Rex - Lvl 387 Day 41432, 10:22:47: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 41432, 10:24:36: liz downloaded a dino: Tek Rex - Lvl 370 Day 41432, 10:29:30: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 41432, 10:31:35: liz downloaded a dino: Tek Rex - Lvl 388 Day 41432, 10:34:32: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 388 (Tek Rex) Day 41432, 10:36:06: liz downloaded a dino: Tek Rex - Lvl 383 Day 41432, 10:36:47: liz downloaded a dino: F1 150 - Lvl 319 Day 41432, 10:37:15: liz downloaded a dino: teddys best - Lvl 304 Day 41432, 10:37:44: liz downloaded a dino: alex - Lvl 314 Day 41432, 10:38:10: liz downloaded a dino: Argentavis - Lvl 287 Day 41432, 10:38:34: liz downloaded a dino: Featherlight - Lvl 219 Day 41432, 10:42:37: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 383 (Tek Rex) Day 41432, 10:45:58: liz froze F1 150 - Lvl 319 (Dire Bear) Day 41432, 10:53:17: liz froze teddys best - Lvl 304 (Argentavis) Day 41432, 11:00:12: liz froze Argentavis - Lvl 287 (Argentavis) Day 41432, 11:04:50: liz froze alex - Lvl 314 (Argentavis) Day 41432, 12:03:29: liz froze First Breed Ole - Lvl 319 (Argentavis) Day 41432, 12:20:12: liz froze kevin - Lvl 197 (Ankylosaurus) Day 41432, 12:23:57: liz froze BOSH - Lvl 101 (Pteranodon) Day 41432, 19:37:20: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 116 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41432, 19:51:18: liz froze Featherlight - Lvl 219 (Featherlight) Day 41457, 19:15:05: liz demolished a 'Tek Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 41457, 21:19:50: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 119 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41466, 20:17:59: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 119 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41474, 00:46:38: liz froze NN GIGIEŁ - Lvl 305 (Giganotosaurus) Day 41474, 04:39:00: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex) Day 41474, 05:19:07: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex) Day 41474, 05:23:16: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex) Day 41474, 05:26:36: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 384 (Tek Rex) Day 41474, 12:54:57: liz demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 41474, 15:12:49: liz claimed 'Pelagornis - Lvl 193 (Pelagornis)'! Day 41474, 15:14:44: liz claimed 'Pelagornis - Lvl 202 (Pelagornis)'! Day 41474, 17:31:01: liz claimed 'Lana Rhoades - Lvl 171 (Triceratops)'! Day 41474, 17:34:25: liz unclaimed 'Lana Rhoades - Lvl 171 (Triceratops)'! Day 41475, 03:15:23: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 41475, 03:23:15: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex) Day 41475, 05:22:40: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 41475, 05:27:29: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex) Day 41475, 06:14:29: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex) Day 41475, 06:18:27: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex) Day 41475, 06:54:27: liz froze 303 - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 41475, 07:45:58: liz froze dw - Lvl 381 (Tek Rex) Day 41475, 07:50:45: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 41475, 08:45:05: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 41475, 10:45:00: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 41475, 10:48:28: liz froze 42k 1k - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 41475, 11:05:08: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 41475, 12:12:54: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 356 (Tek Rex) Day 41475, 12:50:55: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex) Day 41475, 13:40:33: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 41475, 16:12:53: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex) Day 41475, 16:16:16: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 384 (Tek Rex) Day 41475, 16:19:55: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex) Day 41475, 16:28:21: liz froze Tek Rex - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex) Day 41475, 22:44:19: liz froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 294 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41484, 18:50:38: Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 57 (Pulmonoscorpius) starved to death! Day 41528, 13:13:06: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 123 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41528, 14:06:47: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 123 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41528, 16:51:48: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 123 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41528, 21:22:17: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 123 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41529, 08:03:14: liz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 123 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41529, 22:16:36: liz froze hewwo - Lvl 317 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 41531, 00:28:08: liz froze First Breed Ole - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 41776, 09:42:13: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41954, 18:26:31: liz demolished a 'Bed'! Day 41954, 18:28:21: liz demolished a 'Bed'! Day 41990, 14:06:39: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42055, 16:35:16: Nova.3 - Lvl 60 (Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 109 (Doedicurus)'! Day 42080, 10:11:02: Raptor - Lvl 144 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 42081, 07:17:25: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Tribe of OCplayer1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 227 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 42081, 07:27:51: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Tribe of OCplayer1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'EX77-292E187-6R - Lvl 194 (Enforcer)'! Day 42081, 07:33:16: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Tribe of OCplayer1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning McQueen - Lvl 324 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 42092, 15:46:30: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Tribe of OCplayer1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Herr Melone - Lvl 234 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 42092, 16:00:56: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Tribe of OCplayer1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BUBBA - Lvl 238 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 42092, 16:55:53: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Tribe of OCplayer1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'HOOVER - Lvl 163 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 42109, 15:38:47: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42109, 15:38:47: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42109, 15:38:47: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42109, 15:38:47: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42109, 15:38:47: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42109, 15:38:47: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42109, 15:38:47: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42244, 23:39:54: Chirp - Lvl 273 (Castoroides) starved to death! Day 42323, 23:24:59: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42395, 05:27:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42538, 02:15:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42585, 17:00:02: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42633, 08:35:28: Your 'Large Metal Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42823, 20:05:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42823, 20:05:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42823, 20:05:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42823, 20:05:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42823, 20:05:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42823, 20:05:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42823, 20:05:21: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42823, 20:05:21: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42823, 20:05:21: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42823, 20:05:21: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42823, 20:05:21: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42823, 20:05:21: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42823, 20:05:21: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42823, 20:05:21: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42823, 20:05:21: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42823, 20:05:21: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42823, 20:05:21: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42823, 20:05:21: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42823, 20:05:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42823, 20:05:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42832, 07:28:30: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 43092, 04:08:51: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 400 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 43109, 04:14:13: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43109, 04:14:13: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43109, 04:14:13: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43109, 04:14:13: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43109, 04:14:13: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43109, 04:14:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43109, 04:14:13: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43109, 04:14:13: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43109, 04:14:13: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43109, 04:14:13: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43109, 04:14:13: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43109, 04:14:13: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43109, 04:14:13: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43109, 04:14:13: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43109, 04:14:13: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43109, 04:14:13: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43109, 04:14:13: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43169, 12:32:08: ph3on1x - Lvl 117 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hover Skiff (Hover Skiff)'! Day 43169, 12:42:30: ph3on1x - Lvl 117 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 191 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 43169, 12:43:32: ph3on1x - Lvl 117 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 123 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 44120, 03:13:58: bootha195 - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Shakexion) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 227 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 44528, 08:31:53: Tribemember liz - Lvl 113 was killed!"] "tribeid":1658504694,"tribe":"The Badgers logs":["Day 32710, 09:39:49: John froze Maggy - Lvl 65 (Magmasaur) Day 32710, 10:09:07: John froze Rex Ruthless - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 32712, 19:51:06: John froze Magnus - Lvl 159 (Magmasaur) Day 32712, 23:18:25: John froze Magnus - Lvl 161 (Magmasaur) Day 32713, 07:28:03: John froze Magnus - Lvl 168 (Magmasaur) Day 32713, 11:11:02: John froze Magnus - Lvl 171 (Magmasaur) Day 32713, 12:14:34: John froze Argentavis - Lvl 195 (Argentavis) Day 32713, 15:28:57: John froze Magnus - Lvl 176 (Magmasaur) Day 32728, 22:43:55: John froze Maggy - Lvl 75 (Magmasaur) Day 32729, 18:32:51: Your Pterri - Lvl 228 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 32729, 18:32:57: Tribemember John - Lvl 100 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 32730, 15:17:24: John froze Argentavis - Lvl 196 (Argentavis) Day 32732, 06:13:02: John Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 164 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 32732, 08:21:50: John Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus)! Day 32737, 14:31:20: John froze Magnus - Lvl 195 (Magmasaur) Day 32737, 17:02:02: John froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 212 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32737, 19:44:40: John froze Magnus - Lvl 196 (Magmasaur) Day 32738, 03:39:23: John demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 32738, 03:40:39: John demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 32755, 11:17:51: John claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 201 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 32757, 07:35:20: Tribemember John - Lvl 112 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 32757, 14:06:29: John froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32778, 23:43:38: John froze Doedicurus - Lvl 211 (Doedicurus) Day 32778, 23:49:33: John froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 164 (Ankylosaurus) Day 32779, 11:39:42: Tribemember John - Lvl 112 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 32796, 14:35:42: John claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 211 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 32797, 20:59:45: John froze Terry - Lvl 290 (Tek Parasaur) Day 32797, 23:20:10: John froze Terry - Lvl 290 (Tek Parasaur) Day 32798, 06:21:39: John froze Bagolyette - Lvl 225 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32798, 10:37:26: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 32798, 11:42:29: John froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus) Day 32798, 11:52:08: John froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 164 (Ankylosaurus) Day 32798, 12:31:53: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus)! Day 32798, 12:48:23: John froze Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus) Day 32798, 20:20:24: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 232 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32799, 04:57:45: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 242 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32806, 03:35:07: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 247 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32809, 07:47:34: Tribemember John - Lvl 112 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50! Day 32809, 10:09:54: John froze Bagolyette - Lvl 226 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32809, 16:10:06: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus)! Day 32809, 17:07:22: John froze Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus) Day 32809, 20:46:26: John claimed 'Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 215 (Doedicurus)'! Day 32809, 20:47:48: John claimed 'Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 215 (Doedicurus)'! Day 32809, 20:55:30: John froze Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 215 (Doedicurus) Day 32809, 21:07:54: John froze Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 215 (Doedicurus) Day 32832, 14:40:26: Your R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 60! Day 32832, 17:04:30: Gigajuan claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 32832, 18:22:11: Gigajuan froze Baby Venojuan - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32833, 08:27:19: Gigajuan froze Juvenile Venojuan - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32876, 05:46:20: Amroth claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 32876, 07:50:32: Gigajuan froze Juvenile Venojuan - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32876, 07:56:30: Gigajuan froze Juvenile Venojuan - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32876, 10:19:12: Amroth froze Baby Wymroth - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32876, 14:49:23: John froze Terry - Lvl 290 (Tek Parasaur) Day 32876, 15:12:36: John froze Terry - Lvl 290 (Tek Parasaur) Day 32876, 17:53:18: Gigajuan froze Adolescent Venojuan - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32876, 18:58:49: John froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 215 (Doedicurus) Day 32876, 19:03:37: John froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 215 (Doedicurus) Day 32876, 20:49:59: Amroth froze Terry - Lvl 290 (Tek Parasaur) Day 32877, 00:44:15: Amroth froze Terry - Lvl 293 (Tek Parasaur) Day 32877, 01:20:44: Amroth froze Juvenile Wymroth - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32877, 03:00:25: Amroth froze Terry - Lvl 293 (Tek Parasaur) Day 32877, 06:09:06: Amroth froze Terry - Lvl 293 (Tek Parasaur) Day 32877, 06:39:49: Amroth froze Adolescent Venojuan - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32877, 06:43:54: Amroth froze Adolescent Venojuan - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32877, 06:47:44: Amroth froze Adolescent Venojuan - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32877, 11:33:20: John froze Adolescent Venojuan - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32877, 11:36:37: John froze Adolescent Venojuan - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32877, 11:39:22: Amroth froze Adolescent Wymroth - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32877, 11:50:23: Amroth froze Adolescent Wymroth - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32877, 16:20:18: Amroth froze Adolescent Wymroth - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32877, 18:39:05: John froze Venojuan - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32877, 20:54:57: John froze Adolescent Doedicurus - Lvl 215 (Doedicurus) Day 32877, 20:55:27: Amroth froze Adolescent Wymroth - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32877, 21:06:45: Amroth froze Terry - Lvl 293 (Tek Parasaur) Day 32877, 21:46:10: Tribemember Amroth - Lvl 97 was killed by John - Lvl 112 (The Badgers)! Day 32877, 21:46:10: Your Tribe killed Amroth - Lvl 97 (The Badgers)! Day 32877, 21:59:21: Tribemember Amroth - Lvl 97 was killed by John - Lvl 112 (The Badgers)! Day 32877, 21:59:21: Your Tribe killed Amroth - Lvl 97 (The Badgers)! Day 32878, 03:43:42: Amroth froze Terry - Lvl 298 (Tek Parasaur) Day 32878, 09:05:48: John froze Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus) Day 32878, 09:09:16: John froze Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus) Day 32878, 09:13:05: John froze Doedicurus - Lvl 225 (Doedicurus) Day 32878, 09:16:57: John froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 220 (Ankylosaurus) Day 32878, 09:22:30: John froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32878, 09:29:25: John froze Terry - Lvl 298 (Tek Parasaur) Day 32878, 09:34:22: John froze Doedicurus - Lvl 219 (Doedicurus) Day 32879, 00:24:45: Tribemember Amroth - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 32879, 01:48:08: Amroth froze Bagolyette - Lvl 229 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32879, 01:58:45: Amroth froze Bagolyette - Lvl 229 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32879, 02:24:45: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 32879, 02:24:45: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 32879, 02:36:44: Tribemember Amroth - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 32879, 04:00:30: Amroth froze Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis) Day 32879, 09:12:21: Tribemember Amroth - Lvl 98 was killed by John - Lvl 112 (The Badgers)! Day 32879, 09:12:21: Your Tribe killed Amroth - Lvl 98 (The Badgers)! Day 32929, 14:46:27: John claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 202 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 32929, 14:47:21: John claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 202 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 32929, 14:51:34: John froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 202 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32929, 14:57:01: John froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 202 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32929, 15:06:57: John claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 32929, 15:11:18: John froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32929, 17:32:41: John claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 32929, 17:36:56: John froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32947, 11:15:11: Amroth froze Argentavis - Lvl 203 (Argentavis) Day 32947, 11:19:38: Amroth froze Terry - Lvl 304 (Tek Parasaur) Day 32947, 15:41:44: Tribemember Gigajuan - Lvl 100 was killed by Venojuan - Lvl 156 (Poison Wyvern)! Day 32947, 15:41:44: Your Tribe killed Gigajuan - Lvl 100 (The Badgers)! Day 32947, 17:18:42: Gigajuan froze Bagolyette - Lvl 236 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32948, 02:07:43: Gigajuan claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 32948, 16:50:18: John froze Venojuan - Lvl 156 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32948, 17:02:45: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 289 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32948, 18:19:06: John froze Juvenile Venojuan 2.0 - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32948, 18:22:26: John froze Juvenile Venojuan 2.0 - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32948, 22:31:34: John claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 32948, 22:47:10: John froze Baby Icebane - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 32949, 05:42:31: John froze Juvenile Venojuan 2.0 - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32949, 10:35:41: John froze Adolescent Venojuan 2.0 - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32949, 10:41:01: John froze Adolescent Venojuan 2.0 - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32949, 10:44:10: John froze Adolescent Venojuan 2.0 - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32949, 10:47:33: John froze Adolescent Venojuan 2.0 - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32949, 10:50:43: John froze Adolescent Venojuan 2.0 - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32949, 10:54:27: John froze Adolescent Venojuan 2.0 - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32949, 10:57:43: John froze Adolescent Venojuan 2.0 - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32949, 11:01:17: John froze Adolescent Venojuan 2.0 - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32949, 18:39:21: Tribemember John - Lvl 112 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 50! Day 32949, 21:11:00: Tribemember John - Lvl 112 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 20! Day 32949, 21:57:40: Tribemember John - Lvl 112 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 55! Day 32950, 00:38:35: John froze Bagolyette - Lvl 236 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32950, 02:01:36: John froze Juvenile Icebane - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 32950, 02:06:35: John froze Juvenile Icebane - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 32950, 04:05:50: Tribemember John - Lvl 112 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 55! Day 32950, 06:35:20: Tribemember John - Lvl 112 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 50! Day 32950, 07:54:35: John froze Adolescent Icebane - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 32950, 07:58:09: John froze Adolescent Icebane - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 32950, 09:14:50: John froze Bagolyette - Lvl 236 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32950, 12:06:36: John froze Venojuan 2.0 - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32950, 16:56:07: John froze Adolescent Icebane - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 32950, 16:59:25: John froze Adolescent Icebane - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 32951, 04:10:00: John froze Adolescent Icebane - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 32997, 13:03:37: John claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 32997, 13:09:41: John froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32998, 06:19:31: John froze Wymroth - Lvl 125 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32998, 06:25:08: John froze Venojuan - Lvl 156 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32998, 06:29:54: John froze Icebane - Lvl 193 (Ice Wyvern) Day 32998, 06:34:47: John froze Argentavis - Lvl 203 (Argentavis) Day 33016, 00:51:58: Tribemember John - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 33016, 04:40:41: John froze Bagolyette - Lvl 236 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33016, 16:26:59: John froze Bagolyette - Lvl 236 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33020, 12:35:44: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 292 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33020, 19:47:23: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 292 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33021, 14:44:49: Tribemember Gigajuan - Lvl 101 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 145! Day 33022, 17:38:26: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 292 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33022, 19:28:51: John claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 212 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 33022, 19:30:00: John claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 219 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 33022, 19:34:12: John froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 212 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33022, 19:38:06: John froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 219 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33039, 06:32:25: John froze Magnus - Lvl 213 (Magmasaur) Day 33039, 07:24:30: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 292 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33039, 08:02:51: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 292 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33039, 12:21:46: Amroth froze Magnus - Lvl 214 (Magmasaur) Day 33040, 05:33:22: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 293 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33040, 07:51:37: Amroth froze Wymroth - Lvl 125 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33040, 11:09:27: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 293 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33040, 18:02:15: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 293 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33040, 19:31:50: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 293 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33041, 01:18:48: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 293 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33041, 03:20:56: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 293 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33041, 05:37:33: Tribemember Amroth - Lvl 103 was killed by John - Lvl 112 (The Badgers)! Day 33041, 05:37:33: Your Tribe killed Amroth - Lvl 103 (The Badgers)! Day 33041, 10:56:59: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 293 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33053, 11:27:19: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 293 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33054, 04:05:00: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 294 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33054, 06:45:28: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 294 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33054, 13:08:41: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 294 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33064, 12:35:59: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 294 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33064, 16:47:01: Tribemember John - Lvl 112 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 25! Day 33064, 17:15:08: John froze Wymroth - Lvl 158 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33065, 00:53:35: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 295 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33065, 06:41:06: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 295 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33068, 16:16:22: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 295 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33068, 17:15:42: John froze Doedicurus - Lvl 285 (Doedicurus) Day 33068, 18:04:57: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 295 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33069, 01:06:52: John froze Doedicurus - Lvl 287 (Doedicurus) Day 33070, 00:11:32: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 295 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33070, 03:09:58: John froze Venojuan 2.0 - Lvl 226 (Poison Wyvern) Day 33070, 04:04:58: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 295 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33070, 18:32:54: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 295 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33072, 14:17:23: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 295 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33072, 15:37:15: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 295 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33090, 01:44:45: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 295 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33090, 04:00:57: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 295 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33113, 11:32:25: Tribemember Gigajuan - Lvl 104 was killed by John - Lvl 112 (The Badgers)! Day 33113, 11:32:25: Your Tribe killed Gigajuan - Lvl 104 (The Badgers)! Day 33114, 16:03:07: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 296 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33114, 17:15:24: John demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 33114, 17:22:58: John demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 33138, 16:12:16: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 296 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33139, 12:13:56: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 299 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33139, 13:51:11: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 299 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33139, 16:09:20: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 299 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33139, 17:19:55: Wolfgang Jürgen was added to the Tribe by John! Day 33139, 19:13:47: Tribemember Wolfgang Jürgen - Lvl 10 was killed by John - Lvl 112 (The Badgers)! Day 33139, 19:13:47: Your Tribe killed Wolfgang Jürgen - Lvl 10 (The Badgers)! Day 33139, 19:38:34: Wolfgang Jürgen claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 33139, 19:46:13: John froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 33139, 19:47:32: Tribemember Wolfgang Jürgen - Lvl 10 was killed by John - Lvl 112 (The Badgers)! Day 33139, 19:47:32: Your Tribe killed Wolfgang Jürgen - Lvl 10 (The Badgers)! Day 33139, 20:54:54: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 300 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33140, 06:11:14: Tribemember Wolfgang Jürgen - Lvl 20 was killed by John - Lvl 112 (The Badgers)! Day 33140, 06:11:14: Your Tribe killed Wolfgang Jürgen - Lvl 20 (The Badgers)! Day 33140, 08:56:36: Tribemember John - Lvl 112 was killed by Wolfgang Jürgen - Lvl 22 (The Badgers)! Day 33140, 08:56:36: Your Tribe killed John - Lvl 112 (The Badgers)! Day 33141, 02:40:57: John froze Juvenile Bismarck - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 33141, 12:34:29: John froze Adolescent Bismarck - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 33141, 12:37:43: John froze Adolescent Bismarck - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 33141, 22:39:31: John froze Adolescent Bismarck - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 33141, 23:44:32: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 300 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33142, 00:32:36: John demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 33142, 00:38:55: John demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 33142, 00:46:24: John demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 33142, 00:52:21: John demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 33142, 00:57:33: John demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 33142, 01:38:52: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 300 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33142, 04:48:14: John froze Adolescent Bismarck - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 33142, 04:52:58: John froze Adolescent Bismarck - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 33142, 18:25:59: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 300 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33142, 19:41:50: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 300 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33142, 23:42:50: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 300 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33143, 01:59:43: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 300 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33145, 04:18:57: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 300 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33145, 06:24:55: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 300 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33145, 12:00:32: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 300 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33146, 03:23:17: Tribemember John - Lvl 112 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 140! Day 33146, 07:46:21: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 197 (Megalodon)! Day 33146, 07:59:38: John froze Megalodon - Lvl 197 (Megalodon) Day 33146, 11:37:46: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 180 (Megalodon)! Day 33146, 12:15:24: John froze Megalodon - Lvl 180 (Megalodon) Day 33156, 23:32:21: John froze Megalodon - Lvl 180 (Megalodon) Day 33157, 00:43:01: John froze Megalodon - Lvl 197 (Megalodon) Day 33157, 01:52:11: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 300 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33157, 05:06:25: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33158, 04:25:13: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33158, 04:30:03: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33166, 14:45:23: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33166, 14:48:17: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33166, 14:51:40: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33166, 14:55:14: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33169, 16:04:17: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33186, 06:54:30: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33186, 07:00:45: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33186, 07:04:24: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33186, 07:08:54: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33186, 07:15:23: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33186, 07:19:44: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33186, 07:23:14: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33186, 07:26:39: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33186, 07:31:22: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33186, 07:34:48: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33186, 07:38:15: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33186, 07:54:30: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33186, 07:58:27: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33186, 08:02:01: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33186, 18:00:59: John froze Megalodon - Lvl 197 (Megalodon) Day 33187, 17:39:12: John froze Megalodon - Lvl 231 (Megalodon) Day 33187, 19:47:22: John froze Megalodon - Lvl 231 (Megalodon) Day 33188, 00:09:42: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 202 (Megalodon)! Day 33188, 02:21:40: Tribemember John - Lvl 112 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 33188, 02:48:59: Your Megalodon - Lvl 202 (Megalodon) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 33188, 03:16:40: Tribemember John - Lvl 112 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 33188, 06:05:56: John froze Megalodon - Lvl 229 (Megalodon) Day 33199, 07:44:34: John froze Megalodon - Lvl 229 (Megalodon) Day 33215, 08:47:15: John froze Megalodon - Lvl 229 (Megalodon) Day 33215, 11:04:48: John froze Megalodon - Lvl 229 (Megalodon) Day 33215, 11:18:48: John froze Megalodon - Lvl 231 (Megalodon) Day 33215, 11:19:26: John claimed 'Baby Megalodon - Lvl 195 (Megalodon)'! Day 33216, 04:06:37: John froze Juvenile Nutmeg - Lvl 195 (Megalodon) Day 33216, 04:53:31: John froze Juvenile Nutmeg - Lvl 195 (Megalodon) Day 33216, 04:57:40: John froze Juvenile Nutmeg - Lvl 195 (Megalodon) Day 33216, 05:01:49: John froze Juvenile Nutmeg - Lvl 195 (Megalodon) Day 33216, 05:06:01: John froze Juvenile Nutmeg - Lvl 195 (Megalodon) Day 33216, 19:09:35: John froze Adolescent Nutmeg - Lvl 195 (Megalodon) Day 33217, 00:36:25: John froze Adolescent Nutmeg - Lvl 195 (Megalodon) Day 33217, 07:39:56: John froze Megalodon - Lvl 231 (Megalodon) Day 33217, 07:43:46: John froze Nutmeg - Lvl 195 (Megalodon) Day 33217, 12:38:31: John froze Nutmeg - Lvl 210 (Megalodon) Day 33217, 15:54:16: John Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 33217, 16:03:05: John Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 29 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 33217, 18:31:04: John Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 217 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 33217, 18:43:38: John Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 201 (Basilosaurus)! Day 33217, 18:50:37: John froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 201 (Basilosaurus) Day 33217, 19:55:16: John froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 29 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 33217, 20:11:21: John froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 217 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 33217, 20:28:15: John froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 33217, 20:42:35: John froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 201 (Basilosaurus) Day 33218, 03:19:12: Your Nutmeg - Lvl 227 (Megalodon) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 33218, 03:21:38: Tribemember John - Lvl 112 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 33218, 07:53:08: John froze Megalodon - Lvl 239 (Megalodon) Day 33218, 09:22:54: John froze Megalodon - Lvl 239 (Megalodon) Day 33218, 10:54:50: John froze Megalodon - Lvl 239 (Megalodon) Day 33218, 11:34:03: Your Megalodon - Lvl 239 (Megalodon) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 33218, 17:28:05: John Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus)! Day 33218, 17:32:13: John froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus) Day 33218, 17:41:00: John froze Megalodon - Lvl 256 (Megalodon) Day 33228, 13:00:27: John froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 201 (Basilosaurus) Day 33228, 15:52:44: Wolfgang Jürgen froze Bagolyette - Lvl 248 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33228, 15:58:53: Wolfgang Jürgen froze Bagolyette - Lvl 248 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33228, 16:14:04: Wolfgang Jürgen froze Bagolyette - Lvl 248 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33228, 16:18:56: Wolfgang Jürgen froze Bagolyette - Lvl 248 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33228, 16:23:12: Wolfgang Jürgen froze Bagolyette - Lvl 248 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33228, 16:33:04: John claimed 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 33228, 16:44:30: John froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus) Day 33228, 16:49:21: Wolfgang Jürgen froze Bagolyette - Lvl 248 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33228, 16:55:39: Wolfgang Jürgen froze Bagolyette - Lvl 248 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33228, 16:59:39: Wolfgang Jürgen froze Bagolyette - Lvl 248 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33228, 17:03:41: Wolfgang Jürgen froze Bagolyette - Lvl 248 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33228, 17:12:09: Wolfgang Jürgen froze Bagolyette - Lvl 248 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33228, 19:26:28: Tribemember Wolfgang Jürgen - Lvl 47 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 33228, 21:06:49: Tribemember Wolfgang Jürgen - Lvl 47 was killed! Day 33228, 21:27:56: John froze Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus) Day 33228, 21:33:55: John froze Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus) Day 33228, 21:37:49: John froze Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus) Day 33228, 23:25:44: Tribemember Wolfgang Jürgen - Lvl 47 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 135! Day 33229, 03:25:30: John froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus) Day 33229, 03:32:00: John froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus) Day 33229, 06:14:19: Wolfgang Jürgen Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 82 (Direwolf)! Day 33229, 06:39:09: Wolfgang Jürgen froze Dave - Lvl 82 (Direwolf) Day 33229, 07:08:54: Tribemember John - Lvl 112 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 135! Day 33229, 08:42:40: John froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus) Day 33229, 08:47:20: John froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus) Day 33229, 08:50:19: John froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus) Day 33229, 08:56:38: Wolfgang Jürgen froze Dave - Lvl 87 (Direwolf) Day 33229, 10:45:36: Wolfgang Jürgen froze Dave - Lvl 89 (Direwolf) Day 33229, 14:08:13: Wolfgang Jürgen froze Dave - Lvl 91 (Direwolf) Day 33229, 17:31:09: John froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 220 (Basilosaurus) Day 33229, 22:57:45: John froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus) Day 33232, 19:50:34: John froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus) Day 33232, 19:55:20: John froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus) Day 33232, 19:58:36: John froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus) Day 33232, 20:01:45: John froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus) Day 33232, 20:04:51: John froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus) Day 33232, 20:08:02: John froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus) Day 33232, 20:11:05: John froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus) Day 33233, 02:19:37: John froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus) Day 33233, 02:25:22: John froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus) Day 33233, 02:29:21: John froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus) Day 33233, 02:33:55: John froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus) Day 33233, 02:37:57: John froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus) Day 33233, 02:41:51: John froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus) Day 33233, 12:07:40: John froze Adolescent Basil - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus) Day 33234, 10:54:09: John froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 220 (Basilosaurus) Day 33234, 10:59:25: John froze Basil - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus) Day 33242, 15:34:29: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33243, 11:57:53: John froze Basil - Lvl 258 (Basilosaurus) Day 33243, 12:29:57: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33257, 17:43:26: Wolfgang Jürgen froze Dave - Lvl 96 (Direwolf) Day 33257, 19:23:24: Wolfgang Jürgen froze Dave - Lvl 98 (Direwolf) Day 33257, 20:30:03: Tribemember Wolfgang Jürgen - Lvl 52 was killed! Day 33257, 21:39:30: Tribemember Wolfgang Jürgen - Lvl 52 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 135! Day 33258, 04:45:19: Wolfgang Jürgen Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 201 (Direwolf)! Day 33258, 07:11:05: Wolfgang Jürgen froze Daveena - Lvl 208 (Direwolf) Day 33278, 18:56:13: Wolfgang Jürgen claimed 'Baby Direwolf - Lvl 121 (Direwolf)'! Day 33278, 21:53:31: Tribemember Wolfgang Jürgen - Lvl 57 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 145! Day 33279, 06:17:00: Wolfgang Jürgen Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 127 (Carnotaurus)! Day 33279, 06:36:32: Wolfgang Jürgen froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 127 (Carnotaurus) Day 33279, 06:42:21: Wolfgang Jürgen froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 127 (Carnotaurus) Day 33279, 07:34:12: Wolfgang Jürgen Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 33279, 09:57:21: Juvenile Dave Jr - Lvl 121 (Direwolf) starved to death! Day 33311, 12:18:51: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33382, 09:30:19: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33453, 05:58:19: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33476, 19:19:24: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33524, 01:15:12: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33547, 15:28:01: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33736, 14:27:13: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33878, 09:14:25: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34214, 11:38:50: Siness - Lvl 114 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex Ruthless - Lvl 244 (Rex)'! Day 34214, 11:43:28: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 219 (Doedicurus)'! Day 34214, 12:07:05: Siness - Lvl 114 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Venojuan - Lvl 156 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 34326, 22:20:24: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34374, 05:21:11: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34445, 01:29:19: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34445, 01:29:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34445, 01:29:19: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34460, 16:07:18: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 55! Day 34460, 16:10:24: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 29 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 34460, 16:12:12: Len - Lvl 28 (Lens World) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bismarck - Lvl 219 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 34460, 16:28:00: Len - Lvl 28 (Lens World) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wymroth - Lvl 158 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 34460, 16:36:54: Len - Lvl 28 (Lens World) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 291 (Doedicurus)'! Day 34460, 16:52:39: Len - Lvl 28 (Lens World) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 211 (Argentavis)'! Day 34460, 16:56:46: Len - Lvl 28 (Lens World) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)'! Day 34460, 17:06:24: Len - Lvl 28 (Lens World) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Venojuan 2.0 - Lvl 226 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 34460, 17:12:05: Len - Lvl 28 (Lens World) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 34460, 17:15:24: Len - Lvl 28 (Lens World) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bagolyette - Lvl 256 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 34460, 17:26:57: Len - Lvl 28 (Lens World) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Daveena - Lvl 209 (Direwolf)'! Day 34460, 17:27:54: Len - Lvl 28 (Lens World) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dave - Lvl 99 (Direwolf)'! Day 34460, 17:28:31: Len - Lvl 28 (Lens World) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 130 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 34460, 17:34:34: Len - Lvl 28 (Lens World) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Magnus - Lvl 216 (Magmasaur)'! Day 34468, 16:07:31: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38547, 10:39:25: 인간 - Lvl 12 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Wooden Pearl (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1657623281,"tribe":"LutzTollerHusky logs":["Day 24050, 05:21:55: Husky was added to the Tribe! Day 24050, 05:48:42: Husky downloaded a dino: Griffin Farmer - Lvl 103 Day 24050, 07:03:18: Lutz was added to the Tribe by Husky! Day 24050, 07:06:49: Lutz was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Husky! Day 24050, 16:40:49: Husky Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 128 (Griffin)! Day 24050, 19:00:59: Tribemember Husky - Lvl 74 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45! Day 24050, 19:42:51: Tribemember Husky - Lvl 74 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 20! Day 24050, 20:58:42: Your Peter Griffin - Lvl 130 (Griffin) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45! Day 24050, 21:19:14: Your Griffin Farmer - Lvl 106 (Tapejara) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 24050, 21:25:28: Tribemember Husky - Lvl 74 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 25! Day 24050, 21:42:21: Tribemember Lutz - Lvl 66 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 24050, 21:56:45: Tribemember Husky - Lvl 74 was killed! Day 24050, 23:48:22: Tribemember Husky - Lvl 74 was killed! Day 24051, 05:15:09: Husky downloaded a dino: Pete - Lvl 130 Day 24051, 06:51:35: Your Pete - Lvl 130 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 24051, 07:00:56: Tribemember Husky - Lvl 75 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 24052, 20:23:40: Tribemember Lutz - Lvl 69 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 24052, 21:25:17: Tribemember Lutz - Lvl 69 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 135! Day 24053, 01:00:11: Tribemember Lutz - Lvl 69 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 24053, 04:45:23: Husky froze FlexTape - Lvl 168 (Tapejara) Day 24053, 07:20:36: Husky Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 81 (Griffin)! Day 24053, 13:28:16: Husky froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 86 (Griffin) Day 24069, 08:26:45: Husky Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 201 (Griffin)! Day 24069, 10:58:36: Lutz froze Stewie Griffin - Lvl 204 (Griffin) Day 24069, 13:45:53: Husky froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 107 (Griffin) Day 24224, 10:33:03: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24366, 04:44:19: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24467, 09:54:51: Husky froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 178 (Griffin) Day 24470, 18:38:32: Husky froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 179 (Griffin) Day 24494, 14:31:10: Your Peter Griffin - Lvl 179 (Griffin) was killed! Day 24494, 14:31:57: Tribemember Husky - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 24494, 16:40:22: Husky froze [Husky] - Lvl 257 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25381, 20:22:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25664, 08:37:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1657080837,"tribe":"Tribe of Satan logs":["Day 36077, 15:35:33: clive froze Patron - Lvl 332 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 36077, 18:05:04: clive froze Adolescent red - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36077, 18:09:07: clive froze Adolescent red - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36077, 21:16:59: clive froze Adolescent red - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36078, 04:26:04: clive froze Adolescent red - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36078, 10:35:44: clive froze Adolescent red - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36078, 13:01:27: clive froze Scar - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 36079, 00:22:08: clive froze Adolescent red - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36079, 00:28:36: clive froze Adolescent red - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36079, 06:25:25: clive froze Adolescent red - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36079, 06:28:54: clive froze Adolescent red - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36079, 06:32:29: clive froze Adolescent red - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36079, 06:36:01: clive froze Adolescent red - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36079, 06:40:03: clive froze Adolescent red - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36079, 10:07:09: clive froze red - Lvl 157 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36079, 10:19:18: clive froze Lightning McQueen - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36079, 10:48:01: clive froze Lightning McQueen - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36079, 10:52:12: clive froze Patron - Lvl 332 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 36079, 11:07:30: clive froze bbno$ - Lvl 276 (Sinomacrops) Day 36079, 11:19:04: clive froze Mocha - Lvl 201 (Lystrosaurus) Day 36079, 11:22:25: clive froze Mocha - Lvl 201 (Lystrosaurus) Day 36079, 11:28:31: clive froze bbno$ - Lvl 276 (Sinomacrops) Day 36083, 16:10:44: clive froze Patron - Lvl 332 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 36098, 16:30:57: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 306 (Shadowmane) Day 36098, 16:57:13: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 317 (Rock Drake) Day 36101, 18:07:26: clive froze Patron - Lvl 333 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 36101, 18:11:38: clive froze Lightning McQueen - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36101, 18:45:04: clive froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 231 (Griffin) Day 36101, 18:48:06: clive froze Scar - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 36105, 03:38:20: Evelynn froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 140 (Sinomacrops) Day 36105, 04:13:40: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 317 (Rock Drake) Day 36105, 13:28:34: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 327 (Griffin) Day 36105, 18:48:36: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 327 (Griffin) Day 36157, 13:17:57: Evelynn froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 201 (Sinomacrops) Day 36157, 13:46:59: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 319 (Rock Drake) Day 36157, 22:35:51: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 319 (Rock Drake) Day 36157, 22:40:43: Evelynn downloaded a dino: Sinomacrops - Lvl 201 Day 36157, 22:47:56: Evelynn froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 201 (Sinomacrops) Day 36158, 11:32:09: Evelynn downloaded a dino: Simba - Lvl 357 Day 36158, 11:41:27: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 357 (Shadowmane) Day 36158, 13:07:13: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 357 (Shadowmane) Day 36158, 13:45:37: Your FrogBert - Lvl 94 (Beelzebufo) was killed by Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan)! Day 36158, 13:45:37: Your Tribe killed FrogBert - Lvl 94 (Beelzebufo)! Day 36257, 06:24:48: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36271, 05:18:18: clive froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 236 (Griffin) Day 36289, 14:39:01: clive froze Lightning McQueen - Lvl 342 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36290, 05:33:00: Evelynn froze bronto - Lvl 148 (Brontosaurus) Day 36290, 19:37:09: clive froze Patron - Lvl 333 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 36290, 22:14:24: clive froze Lightning McQueen - Lvl 342 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36291, 02:53:18: Evelynn froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 294 (Fjordhawk) Day 36291, 03:32:42: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 332 (Griffin) Day 36291, 03:38:25: Evelynn froze Megatherium - Lvl 307 (Megatherium) Day 36291, 03:43:41: Evelynn froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 294 (Fjordhawk) Day 36291, 04:14:31: clive Tamed an ES86-146E929-3Y - Lvl 96 (Enforcer)! Day 36291, 05:01:44: Evelynn froze ES86-146E929-3Y - Lvl 96 (Enforcer) Day 36291, 07:19:06: clive froze ES86-146E929-3Y - Lvl 97 (Enforcer) Day 36291, 07:20:46: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 360 (Shadowmane) Day 36291, 08:32:28: clive froze ES86-146E929-3Y - Lvl 100 (Enforcer) Day 36291, 14:28:06: clive froze Patron - Lvl 333 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 36374, 12:12:09: Tribemember clive - Lvl 114 was killed by Lightning McQueen - Lvl 342 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 36374, 12:12:09: Your Tribe killed clive - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Satan)! Day 36374, 13:18:48: clive froze ES86-146E929-3Y - Lvl 100 (Enforcer) Day 36374, 13:25:45: clive froze Gizmo - Lvl 314 (Ferox) Day 36374, 13:33:40: clive froze Patron - Lvl 333 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 36374, 13:40:28: clive froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 236 (Griffin) Day 36374, 14:43:34: clive froze Lightning McQueen - Lvl 342 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36375, 01:05:53: clive froze Lightning McQueen - Lvl 342 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36399, 22:10:30: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36399, 22:10:30: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36573, 03:25:37: clive froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 249 (Griffin) Day 36573, 04:50:12: clive froze veno - Lvl 323 (Velonasaur) Day 36573, 04:56:02: clive froze ES86-146E929-3Y - Lvl 189 (Enforcer) Day 36573, 08:00:49: clive froze Lightning McQueen - Lvl 343 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36573, 09:33:42: clive froze ES86-146E929-3Y - Lvl 189 (Enforcer) Day 36575, 10:20:45: clive froze red - Lvl 255 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36578, 09:55:34: clive froze Scar - Lvl 356 (Shadowmane) Day 36609, 13:24:03: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 364 (Shadowmane) Day 36609, 13:29:27: Evelynn froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 306 (Fjordhawk) Day 36609, 13:39:51: Evelynn froze Adventure Desmodius - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 36609, 14:05:10: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 346 (Griffin) Day 36738, 21:34:13: clive froze Scar - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) Day 36738, 22:01:15: clive froze ES86-146E929-3Y - Lvl 195 (Enforcer) Day 36875, 13:54:40: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36989, 10:14:01: Evelynn froze Adventure Desomodius - Lvl 251 (Desmodus) Day 36989, 11:18:59: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 359 (Griffin) Day 36989, 16:35:19: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 369 (Shadowmane) Day 36989, 16:50:50: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 369 (Shadowmane) Day 36989, 17:58:10: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 319 (Rock Drake) Day 36989, 19:29:21: Evelynn froze Jean Huges - Lvl 339 (Rock Drake) Day 36990, 01:41:28: Evelynn froze Cracky - Lvl 353 (Ferox) Day 36990, 02:30:00: Evelynn froze Snowy - Lvl 321 (Snow Owl) Day 36990, 03:59:52: Evelynn froze Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 36990, 05:58:46: Evelynn froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 323 (Fjordhawk) Day 36990, 06:02:41: Evelynn froze 194 Girlie - Lvl 322 (Rock Drake) Day 36990, 17:43:07: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 359 (Griffin) Day 36990, 22:59:26: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 369 (Shadowmane) Day 36991, 03:51:48: Evelynn froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 301 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 36991, 04:38:30: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 359 (Griffin) Day 36991, 07:32:26: Evelynn froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 301 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 36991, 18:25:11: Evelynn Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 192 (Brontosaurus)! Day 36992, 01:59:36: Evelynn froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 192 (Brontosaurus) Day 36992, 02:06:30: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 369 (Shadowmane) Day 36992, 03:15:03: Evelynn froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 323 (Fjordhawk) Day 36992, 03:20:42: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 359 (Griffin) Day 37128, 08:01:55: Evelynn froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 306 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 37128, 08:07:39: Evelynn froze Cracky - Lvl 356 (Ferox) Day 37128, 11:23:03: Evelynn froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 306 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 37128, 11:40:12: Evelynn froze Snowy - Lvl 326 (Snow Owl) Day 37130, 11:50:11: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 361 (Griffin) Day 37131, 02:09:43: Evelynn froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 328 (Fjordhawk) Day 37131, 04:41:24: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 371 (Shadowmane) Day 37131, 15:29:57: Evelynn claimed 'Baby Brontosaurus - Lvl 169 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 37131, 15:58:56: Evelynn froze Baby offering - Lvl 169 (Brontosaurus) Day 37131, 17:40:24: Evelynn froze Baby offering - Lvl 169 (Brontosaurus) Day 37131, 18:38:09: Evelynn froze 194 Girlie - Lvl 323 (Rock Drake) Day 37132, 09:02:50: Evelynn claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex)'! Day 37132, 09:07:26: Evelynn froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex) Day 37132, 11:59:32: Evelynn claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 37132, 12:13:43: Evelynn claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 37132, 12:16:57: Evelynn claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 37132, 12:25:02: Evelynn froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37132, 12:28:33: Evelynn froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37132, 12:32:51: Evelynn froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37132, 13:01:32: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 361 (Griffin) Day 37133, 06:08:20: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 371 (Shadowmane) Day 37133, 07:07:47: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 361 (Griffin) Day 37134, 03:32:05: Evelynn claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)'! Day 37134, 03:38:11: Evelynn claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 37134, 03:43:32: Evelynn froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 37134, 03:47:52: Evelynn froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 37134, 05:16:04: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 371 (Shadowmane) Day 37134, 21:26:33: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 362 (Griffin) Day 37136, 05:59:42: Evelynn froze Snowy - Lvl 327 (Snow Owl) Day 37136, 06:03:16: Evelynn froze Pumba - Lvl 356 (Daeodon) Day 37142, 14:03:23: Evelynn froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 212 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37142, 14:31:33: Evelynn froze Snowy - Lvl 327 (Snow Owl) Day 37142, 17:54:27: Evelynn froze 194 Girlie - Lvl 323 (Rock Drake) Day 37147, 22:43:43: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 372 (Shadowmane) Day 37148, 16:26:16: Evelynn froze Dinopithecus - Lvl 214 (Dinopithecus) Day 37155, 21:04:44: Evelynn froze Doedicurus - Lvl 286 (Doedicurus) Day 37155, 22:44:02: Evelynn froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 201 (Sinomacrops) Day 37155, 22:51:17: Evelynn froze 194 Girlie - Lvl 323 (Rock Drake) Day 37156, 22:02:31: Evelynn froze Adventure Desomodius - Lvl 292 (Desmodus) Day 37156, 22:22:41: Evelynn froze 194 Girlie - Lvl 323 (Rock Drake) Day 37172, 12:12:28: Evelynn froze Doedicurus - Lvl 288 (Doedicurus) Day 37172, 16:53:13: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 372 (Shadowmane) Day 37176, 18:31:03: Evelynn froze Dinopithecus - Lvl 247 (Dinopithecus) Day 37176, 18:35:27: Evelynn froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 230 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37176, 20:10:29: Evelynn froze Ferox - Lvl 217 (Ferox) Day 37177, 09:54:36: Evelynn froze Pumba - Lvl 356 (Daeodon) Day 37178, 00:31:45: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 362 (Griffin) Day 37178, 04:46:51: Evelynn Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 217 (Moschops)! Day 37178, 05:01:36: Evelynn froze Moschops - Lvl 217 (Moschops) Day 37178, 06:08:18: Evelynn froze Ferox - Lvl 217 (Ferox) Day 37178, 09:40:30: Evelynn Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 194 (Moschops)! Day 37178, 09:45:37: Evelynn froze Moschops - Lvl 194 (Moschops) Day 37178, 11:02:34: Evelynn froze Moschops - Lvl 194 (Moschops) Day 37178, 11:30:48: Evelynn Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 217 (Moschops)! Day 37178, 11:36:13: Evelynn froze Moschops - Lvl 217 (Moschops) Day 37178, 12:42:17: Evelynn froze Moschops - Lvl 217 (Moschops) Day 37178, 12:45:55: Evelynn froze Moschops - Lvl 217 (Moschops) Day 37178, 14:56:34: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 362 (Griffin) Day 37178, 18:31:37: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 362 (Griffin) Day 37178, 21:00:44: Evelynn froze Ferox - Lvl 248 (Ferox) Day 37178, 21:46:54: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 362 (Griffin) Day 37178, 23:21:01: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 372 (Shadowmane) Day 37179, 06:33:25: Evelynn claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 214 (Moschops)'! Day 37179, 06:34:46: Evelynn claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 215 (Moschops)'! Day 37179, 08:10:29: Evelynn froze Moschops - Lvl 194 (Moschops) Day 37179, 08:13:55: Evelynn froze Moschops - Lvl 217 (Moschops) Day 37179, 08:18:19: Evelynn froze Moschops - Lvl 217 (Moschops) Day 37179, 12:23:05: Evelynn froze Juvenile Moschops - Lvl 214 (Moschops) Day 37179, 12:32:51: Evelynn froze Juvenile Moschops - Lvl 215 (Moschops) Day 37179, 13:43:32: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 362 (Griffin) Day 37179, 13:57:23: Evelynn froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 328 (Fjordhawk) Day 37180, 14:37:42: Evelynn froze Moschops - Lvl 214 (Moschops) Day 37180, 14:41:41: Evelynn froze Moschops - Lvl 215 (Moschops) Day 37199, 14:38:48: Evelynn froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 230 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37199, 16:35:53: Evelynn froze Moschops - Lvl 273 (Moschops) Day 37199, 16:39:17: Evelynn froze Moschops - Lvl 254 (Moschops) Day 37199, 16:43:24: Evelynn froze Moschops - Lvl 277 (Moschops) Day 37199, 16:47:21: Evelynn froze Moschops - Lvl 277 (Moschops) Day 37199, 16:50:48: Evelynn froze Moschops - Lvl 272 (Moschops) Day 37199, 22:41:46: Evelynn froze Adventure Desomodius - Lvl 300 (Desmodus) Day 37200, 00:30:18: Evelynn froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 201 (Sinomacrops) Day 37200, 02:15:32: Evelynn froze Adventure Desomodius - Lvl 300 (Desmodus) Day 37200, 08:55:36: Evelynn froze Adventure Desomodius - Lvl 300 (Desmodus) Day 37200, 09:01:51: Evelynn froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 201 (Sinomacrops) Day 37224, 16:27:05: Evelynn froze Moschops - Lvl 289 (Moschops) Day 37224, 17:03:49: Evelynn froze Moschops - Lvl 277 (Moschops) Day 37224, 17:18:33: Evelynn froze Moschops - Lvl 289 (Moschops) Day 37224, 17:27:03: Evelynn froze Moschops - Lvl 289 (Moschops) Day 37224, 17:30:21: Evelynn froze Moschops - Lvl 266 (Moschops) Day 37224, 17:39:20: Evelynn froze Moschops - Lvl 286 (Moschops) Day 37224, 17:43:06: Evelynn froze Moschops - Lvl 285 (Moschops) Day 37224, 18:36:01: Evelynn froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 201 (Sinomacrops) Day 37224, 19:25:09: Evelynn froze bronto - Lvl 151 (Brontosaurus) Day 37224, 20:00:37: Evelynn froze 194 Girlie - Lvl 323 (Rock Drake) Day 37226, 06:01:37: Evelynn froze 194 Girlie - Lvl 323 (Rock Drake) Day 37226, 19:35:16: Evelynn froze Adventure Desomodius - Lvl 300 (Desmodus) Day 37232, 06:22:51: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37291, 04:14:16: Snowy - Lvl 328 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 37291, 10:00:41: Your Rudolph - Lvl 217 (Megaloceros) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 37291, 11:40:22: Your bronto - Lvl 151 (Brontosaurus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 37291, 11:40:36: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 37291, 11:48:13: Your Doedicurus - Lvl 289 (Doedicurus) was killed! Day 37291, 11:52:52: Your Brontosaurus - Lvl 192 (Brontosaurus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 37291, 11:55:00: Your Terry - Lvl 327 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 37291, 12:36:55: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 37291, 12:36:55: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 37291, 12:36:55: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 37291, 12:36:55: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 37291, 12:36:55: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 37291, 12:42:32: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 37291, 12:43:14: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 37291, 12:43:14: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 37291, 12:43:55: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 37291, 12:57:19: Your 190 male breeder - Lvl 190 (Rock Drake) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 37291, 12:58:29: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 37291, 12:58:36: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 37291, 13:02:02: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 13:02:02: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 37291, 13:02:43: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 13:02:50: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 13:03:25: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 13:03:25: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 13:04:07: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 13:04:07: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 13:04:10: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 13:04:49: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 13:04:49: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 13:04:49: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 13:04:49: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 13:04:52: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 13:04:52: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 13:06:12: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 13:06:12: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 13:06:54: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 37291, 13:06:54: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 13:07:33: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 13:07:33: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 37291, 13:07:40: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 13:08:15: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 37291, 13:08:18: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 13:08:56: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 13:09:42: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 13:11:02: Your 194 Girlie - Lvl 324 (Rock Drake) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 37291, 13:12:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 37291, 18:35:58: Your chicholade - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 37291, 18:59:51: Your HP 39 Stam 44 - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 37291, 19:04:22: Your Stamina Female - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 37291, 19:05:14: Your Health + Melee Male - Lvl 224 (Velonasaur) was killed! Day 37291, 19:06:06: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 37291, 19:06:06: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:06:06: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:07:06: Tribemember Jean - Lvl 17 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 37291, 19:07:06: Your Coco - Lvl 89 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 37291, 19:07:06: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 162 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 37291, 19:07:06: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 37291, 19:07:09: Your Mocha - Lvl 201 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 37291, 19:07:47: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 37291, 19:07:47: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:08:29: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Bed'! Day 37291, 19:08:29: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Bed'! Day 37291, 19:09:11: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 202 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 37291, 19:09:11: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Pillar'! Day 37291, 19:09:56: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 119 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 37291, 19:09:56: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 37291, 19:09:59: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 37291, 19:10:34: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 37291, 19:10:37: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 37291, 19:11:16: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:11:23: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Refining Forge (Unlocked) '! Day 37291, 19:12:01: Your bbno$ - Lvl 277 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 37291, 19:12:39: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:12:43: Your Trudy - Lvl 197 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 37291, 19:14:05: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:14:05: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:14:05: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Pillar'! Day 37291, 19:14:08: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Fabricator (Locked) '! Day 37291, 19:14:47: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:15:28: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:15:28: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:15:28: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:15:28: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:15:28: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:15:28: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:17:02: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:17:02: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:17:02: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:17:02: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:17:06: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 122 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 37291, 19:17:06: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:20:45: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:20:45: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 201 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 37291, 19:20:48: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:23:25: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:31:00: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 37291, 19:31:04: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:32:24: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Pillar'! Day 37291, 19:32:27: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:33:05: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Pillar'! Day 37291, 19:39:24: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:40:48: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 37291, 19:42:13: Your Giganotosaurus - Lvl 230 (Giganotosaurus) was killed! Day 37291, 19:46:51: Your Giganotosaurus - Lvl 225 (Giganotosaurus) was killed! Day 37291, 19:48:02: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:48:44: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:49:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:49:26: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:50:08: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:50:08: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 37291, 19:50:11: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 37291, 19:50:49: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 37291, 19:50:53: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Smithy (Locked) '! Day 37291, 19:51:31: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 37291, 19:51:31: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 37291, 19:51:31: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:51:34: Your FrogBert - Lvl 184 (Beelzebufo) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 37291, 19:54:18: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 37291, 19:56:23: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:57:01: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:57:01: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:57:05: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:57:43: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:58:28: Your Andrewsarchus - Lvl 277 (Andrewsarchus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 37291, 19:59:16: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37291, 19:59:51: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 37327, 09:04:46: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37457, 21:19:31: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 130 | 1.1x! Day 37501, 08:35:59: Tribemember Jean - Lvl 17 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 37517, 12:49:02: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37517, 12:49:02: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37603, 09:26:29: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37857, 09:07:41: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37884, 13:03:52: Nick - Lvl 112 (GetroffenDodos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Reaper King - Lvl 247 (Reaper King)'! Day 37890, 00:48:27: Evelynn unclaimed 'Baby feeder - Lvl 230 (Maewing)'! Day 37975, 05:29:33: Evelynn demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 37975, 11:57:23: Evelynn froze Jayde - Lvl 273 (Rock Drake) Day 37975, 16:08:27: Evelynn Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 201 (Doedicurus)! Day 37975, 16:21:54: Evelynn froze Doedicurus - Lvl 201 (Doedicurus) Day 37975, 16:43:57: Evelynn froze Jayde - Lvl 273 (Rock Drake) Day 38160, 16:33:31: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:08:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39135, 21:34:22: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39135, 21:34:22: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41443, 08:48:01: Your 'Industrial Cooker' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44408, 10:06:34: Thunder Thighs - Lvl 112 (legasus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'orangeade - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'!"] "tribeid":1656223367,"tribe":"Pantheon logs":["Day 26035, 18:13:59: Hecate froze Sabertooth - Lvl 217 (Sabertooth) Day 26035, 18:18:26: Hecate froze Sabertooth - Lvl 233 (Sabertooth) Day 26035, 18:30:29: Hecate froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 231 (Tek Raptor) Day 26035, 18:39:53: Hecate froze Doedicurus - Lvl 179 (Doedicurus) Day 26035, 19:00:34: Hecate froze Griffin - Lvl 246 (Griffin) Day 26035, 19:05:37: Hecate froze Megaloceros - Lvl 163 (Megaloceros) Day 26035, 19:09:43: Hecate froze Harry - Lvl 245 (Megaloceros) Day 26035, 19:14:55: Hecate froze Lex - Lvl 214 (Thylacoleo) Day 26035, 19:19:24: Hecate froze Archie - Lvl 207 (Thylacoleo) Day 26035, 19:27:46: Hecate froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 205 (Yutyrannus) Day 26035, 19:33:44: Hecate froze R-Direwolf - Lvl 266 (R-Direwolf) Day 26035, 19:42:58: Hecate froze Thaan - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 26035, 19:47:55: Hecate froze Raab'i - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 26035, 19:55:36: Hecate froze M B Fang - Lvl 137 (Yutyrannus) Day 26035, 20:01:48: Hecate froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 200 (Thylacoleo) Day 26035, 20:09:06: Hecate froze Thaalith - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 26035, 20:13:33: Hecate froze Saab'i - Lvl 236 (Shadowmane) Day 26035, 20:22:13: Hecate froze Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis) Day 26035, 20:34:40: Hecate froze Pijj'Eh - Lvl 275 (Argentavis) Day 26035, 20:50:17: Hecate froze Pteranodon - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon) Day 26036, 01:22:54: Hecate froze Metal - Lvl 152 (Gacha) Day 26036, 01:28:00: Hecate froze Gacha - Lvl 104 (Gacha) Day 26036, 01:33:26: Hecate froze Obsidian - Lvl 209 (Gacha) Day 26036, 01:38:22: Hecate froze Black Pearl - Lvl 116 (Gacha) Day 26036, 01:44:56: Hecate froze Element [Clone] - Lvl 141 (Gacha) Day 26036, 01:50:35: Hecate froze Obsidian - Lvl 192 (Gacha) Day 26036, 01:56:09: Hecate froze Black Pearl - Lvl 69 (Gacha) Day 26036, 02:01:10: Hecate froze Breeder - Lvl 159 (Gacha) Day 26036, 02:06:28: Hecate froze Gacha - Lvl 224 (Gacha) Day 26036, 02:12:29: Hecate froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 303 (Dung Beetle) Day 26036, 02:17:38: Hecate froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 244 (Dung Beetle) Day 26036, 02:22:38: Hecate froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 142 (Dung Beetle) Day 26036, 02:27:44: Hecate froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 187 (Dung Beetle) Day 26036, 02:35:32: Hecate froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 164 (Dung Beetle) Day 26036, 02:41:07: Hecate froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 313 (Dung Beetle) Day 26036, 02:48:23: Hecate froze Bulbdog - Lvl 127 (Bulbdog) Day 26036, 06:07:09: Hecate froze Perfekt Breed Female 0-0 - Lvl 260 (Shadowmane) Day 26036, 06:18:01: Hecate froze Perfekt Breed Female 0-0 - Lvl 323 (Shadowmane) Day 26036, 06:53:58: Hecate froze Shadowmane - Lvl 260 (Shadowmane) Day 26036, 06:58:45: Hecate froze Perfekt Breed Female 0-0 [Clone] - Lvl 260 (Shadowmane) Day 26036, 07:05:26: Hecate froze Perfekt Breed Female 0-0 - Lvl 260 (Shadowmane) Day 26036, 07:09:22: Hecate froze Shadowmane - Lvl 260 (Shadowmane) Day 26036, 07:13:37: Hecate froze Shadowmane - Lvl 260 (Shadowmane) Day 26036, 07:19:02: Hecate froze Shadowmane - Lvl 260 (Shadowmane) Day 26036, 07:22:34: Hecate froze Shadowmane - Lvl 260 (Shadowmane) Day 26036, 07:26:26: Hecate froze BloodyNight - Lvl 409 (Shadowmane) Day 26036, 07:36:12: Hecate froze Shadowmane - Lvl 260 (Shadowmane) Day 26036, 11:07:46: Hecate froze Shadowmane - Lvl 260 (Shadowmane) Day 26036, 11:13:41: Hecate froze Shadowmane - Lvl 260 (Shadowmane) Day 26036, 11:17:42: Hecate froze Perfekt Breed Female 0-0 - Lvl 260 (Shadowmane) Day 26036, 11:22:27: Hecate froze Shadowmane - Lvl 266 (Shadowmane) Day 26036, 11:27:34: Hecate froze Perfekt Breed Female 0-0 - Lvl 260 (Shadowmane) Day 26036, 11:31:30: Hecate froze Shadowmane - Lvl 260 (Shadowmane) Day 26036, 11:36:38: Hecate froze Perfekt Breed Female 0-0 - Lvl 260 (Shadowmane) Day 26036, 11:40:34: Hecate froze Perfekt Breed Female 0-0 - Lvl 260 (Shadowmane) Day 26036, 11:44:52: Hecate froze Shadowmane - Lvl 274 (Shadowmane) Day 26036, 12:37:45: Hecate froze Thylacoleo 2 - Lvl 255 (Thylacoleo) Day 26036, 12:42:40: Hecate froze Phiomia - Lvl 297 (Phiomia) Day 26036, 12:50:59: Hecate froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 284 (Thylacoleo) Day 26036, 12:54:58: Hecate froze Woolly Rhino - Lvl 183 (Woolly Rhino) Day 26036, 12:59:18: Hecate froze Freddo - Lvl 242 (Beelzebufo) Day 26036, 13:05:52: Hecate froze triston - Lvl 165 (Triceratops) Day 26036, 13:10:23: Hecate froze Triceratops - Lvl 207 (Triceratops) Day 26036, 13:17:04: Hecate froze Tricera - Lvl 198 (Triceratops) Day 26036, 13:21:16: Hecate froze Shadowmane - Lvl 257 (Shadowmane) Day 26036, 13:27:40: Hecate froze rhino - Lvl 198 (Woolly Rhino) Day 26036, 13:33:14: Hecate froze tulip - Lvl 187 (Parasaur) Day 26036, 13:49:05: Hecate froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 127 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26036, 15:09:30: Hecate froze Vortex - Lvl 287 (Shadowmane) Day 26036, 15:40:03: Hecate froze Dealer - Lvl 198 (Raptor) Day 26036, 15:47:47: Hecate froze Giveaway - Lvl 107 (Rex) Day 26036, 15:53:42: Hecate froze Giveaway - Lvl 136 (Rex) Day 26036, 16:03:32: Hecate froze Pteranodon - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) Day 26036, 16:59:06: Hecate froze Blue Smaug - Lvl 232 (Pelagornis) Day 26036, 18:54:30: Hecate froze Wyvern - Lvl 124 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26036, 19:00:58: Hecate froze Parasaur - Lvl 88 (Parasaur) Day 26036, 19:06:40: Hecate froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 163 (Tek Parasaur) Day 26036, 19:10:58: Hecate froze Parasaur - Lvl 311 (Parasaur) Day 26036, 19:15:33: Hecate froze Parasaur - Lvl 126 (Parasaur) Day 26036, 22:13:32: Hecate froze woosh - Lvl 184 (Woolly Rhino) Day 26036, 22:38:18: Hecate froze Sting - Lvl 204 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 26036, 22:51:18: Hecate froze Pulmonoscorpius 001 - Lvl 102 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 26037, 05:45:34: Hecate froze Hyaenodon - Lvl 230 (Hyaenodon ) Day 26037, 05:52:15: Hecate froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 211 (Beelzebufo) Day 26037, 06:02:35: Hecate froze Doedicurus - Lvl 276 (Doedicurus) Day 26037, 08:43:54: Hecate froze Skinny - Lvl 254 (Pelagornis) Day 26037, 08:48:09: Hecate froze Bourbon - Lvl 267 (Argentavis) Day 26037, 09:09:32: Hecate froze F - Possible breed - Lvl 246 (Ravager) Day 26037, 09:13:25: Hecate froze F - Red/Green - Lvl 101 (Ravager) Day 26037, 09:18:11: Hecate froze F - fodder - Lvl 111 (Ravager) Day 26037, 09:22:20: Hecate froze F - Red/Green - Lvl 105 (Ravager) Day 26037, 09:26:22: Hecate froze F - fodder - Lvl 124 (Ravager) Day 26037, 09:30:28: Hecate froze M - Green/Red - Lvl 90 (Ravager) Day 26037, 09:35:22: Hecate froze M - fodder - Lvl 154 (Ravager) Day 26076, 12:12:42: Hecate claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 115 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 26076, 12:15:13: Hecate froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 115 (Basilosaurus) Day 26076, 14:03:59: Hecate froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 244 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26088, 18:50:32: Hecate downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 210 Day 26088, 18:51:07: Hecate downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 220 Day 26088, 18:51:51: Hecate downloaded a dino: Aberrant Spino - Lvl 204 Day 26088, 18:52:25: Hecate downloaded a dino: she - Lvl 300 Day 26088, 18:53:03: Hecate downloaded a dino: sheHULK - Lvl 368 Day 26088, 18:53:50: Hecate downloaded a dino: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 231 Day 26088, 18:54:28: Could not find Spawn Location for Spino, Destroying... Day 26088, 18:55:23: Hecate downloaded a dino: THELMA - Lvl 340 Day 26088, 18:56:30: Hecate downloaded a dino: Mammoth - Lvl 283 Day 26088, 18:57:35: Could not find Spawn Location for Wyvern, Destroying... Day 26088, 18:58:29: Could not find Spawn Location for Wyvern, Destroying... Day 26088, 18:59:15: Could not find Spawn Location for Quetz, Destroying... Day 26088, 19:13:16: Hecate downloaded a dino: Aberrant Spino - Lvl 226 Day 26088, 19:13:49: Hecate downloaded a dino: Argentavis - Lvl 194 Day 26088, 19:14:19: Could not find Spawn Location for Spino, Destroying... Day 26088, 19:15:03: Could not find Spawn Location for Spino, Destroying... Day 26088, 19:15:41: Hecate downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 244 Day 26088, 19:16:26: Could not find Spawn Location for Wyvern, Destroying... Day 26088, 19:17:40: Hecate downloaded a dino: AMMO GIRL - Lvl 411 Day 26088, 19:19:22: Hecate downloaded a dino: saddle bag - Lvl 172 Day 26088, 19:32:44: Hecate froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 226 (Aberrant Spino) Day 26088, 19:39:27: Hecate downloaded a dino: Fire Wyvern - Lvl 198 Day 26088, 19:40:11: Could not find Spawn Location for Wyvern, Destroying... Day 26088, 19:40:56: Could not find Spawn Location for Quetz, Destroying... Day 26088, 19:41:39: Could not find Spawn Location for Gigant, Destroying... Day 26088, 19:46:37: Hecate downloaded a dino: Aberrant Spino - Lvl 194 Day 26088, 19:47:16: Could not find Spawn Location for Quetz, Destroying... Day 26088, 19:47:49: Could not find Spawn Location for Gigant, Destroying... Day 26088, 19:52:52: Hecate downloaded a dino: Quetzal - Lvl 175 Day 26088, 19:53:39: Could not find Spawn Location for Gigant, Destroying... Day 26088, 20:00:17: Hecate downloaded a dino: MR BANE - Lvl 353 Day 26088, 20:06:41: Hecate downloaded a dino: saucy [Clone] - Lvl 232 Day 26097, 20:33:28: Hecate's '® Berry machine - Lvl 363 (Brontosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 26098, 08:51:01: Hecate froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 204 (Aberrant Spino) Day 26098, 09:59:18: Hecate froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 194 (Aberrant Spino) Day 26098, 10:57:39: Hecate froze sheHULK - Lvl 368 (Therizinosaur) Day 26098, 11:07:44: Hecate froze Pteranodon - Lvl 210 (Pteranodon) Day 26098, 12:07:21: Hecate froze saucy [Clone] - Lvl 232 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26098, 16:10:30: Hecate froze Pteranodon - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon) Day 26098, 19:14:17: Hecate froze AMMO GIRL - Lvl 411 (X-Argentavis) Day 26098, 20:26:42: Your Pegomastax - Lvl 155 (Pegomastax) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 198 (Fire Wyvern) (Pantheon)! Day 26098, 20:26:42: Your Tribe killed Pegomastax - Lvl 155 (Pegomastax) (Pantheon)! Day 26098, 20:33:40: Your Pegomastax - Lvl 37 (Pegomastax) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 198 (Fire Wyvern) (Pantheon)! Day 26098, 20:33:40: Your Tribe killed Pegomastax - Lvl 37 (Pegomastax) (Pantheon)! Day 26099, 02:12:12: Hecate froze Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis) Day 26099, 07:10:19: Hecate froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 231 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26099, 07:23:50: Hecate froze she - Lvl 300 (Argentavis) Day 26100, 02:02:28: Hecate froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 208 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26113, 00:25:08: Hecate froze Flame - Lvl 313 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26137, 12:27:51: Hecate froze thor - Lvl 288 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26147, 06:13:17: Tribemember Hecate - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 26147, 08:21:23: Hecate froze saucy [Clone] - Lvl 238 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26222, 09:13:01: Hecate claimed 'basil - Lvl 67 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 26222, 09:17:57: Hecate froze basil - Lvl 67 (Basilosaurus) Day 26222, 09:20:56: Hecate claimed 'Megalodon - Lvl 256 (Megalodon)'! Day 26222, 09:25:01: Hecate claimed 'ds - Lvl 234 (Ichthyosaurus)'! Day 26222, 09:28:58: Hecate claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 26222, 13:13:03: Your ds - Lvl 234 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 50! Day 26222, 19:09:59: Hecate froze Megalodon - Lvl 259 (Megalodon) Day 26222, 20:28:44: Hecate froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) Day 26223, 06:58:47: Hecate froze Maryland - Lvl 419 (Argentavis) Day 26223, 07:32:38: Hecate froze Maryland - Lvl 419 (Argentavis) Day 26336, 23:20:30: Hecate froze thor - Lvl 291 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26480, 16:30:40: Hecate froze THELMA - Lvl 340 (Thylacoleo) Day 26577, 18:30:13: Tyrone - Lvl 268 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 26577, 19:32:20: Brontosaurus - Lvl 67 (Brontosaurus) starved to death! Day 26647, 10:56:27: Hecate froze Cargo Bob - Lvl 267 (Quetzal) Day 26647, 11:03:12: Hecate froze Quetzal - Lvl 175 (Quetzal) Day 26647, 11:22:26: Hecate froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 216 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 26647, 11:30:47: Hecate froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 26647, 11:42:51: Hecate froze Pietka - Lvl 341 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26647, 11:53:21: Hecate froze imprint - Lvl 242 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 26647, 11:59:18: Hecate froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 309 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 26647, 12:10:32: Hecate froze Bestia z Wadowic - Lvl 273 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 26647, 13:58:48: Hecate froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 310 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26647, 15:03:43: Hecate froze Schnitzel - Lvl 258 (Quetzal) Day 26647, 15:07:49: Hecate froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 145 (Tek Quetzal) Day 26647, 17:19:22: Hecate froze MR BANE - Lvl 354 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26837, 18:16:42: CringeIsSwag - Lvl 99 (SantaIsSwag) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baryonyx - Lvl 304 (Baryonyx)'! Day 26890, 18:21:49: Overdrive - Lvl 138 (Tribe of Overdrive) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rocky - Lvl 235 (Rock Elemental)'! Day 26974, 18:25:44: Hecate froze Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis) Day 26974, 18:50:20: Hecate froze Dr - Lvl 244 (Rock Drake) Day 26974, 22:06:02: Hecate froze Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis) Day 26974, 22:25:39: Hecate claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 226 (Triceratops)'! Day 26974, 22:31:57: Hecate claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 75 (Pteranodon)'! Day 26974, 22:35:40: Hecate claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 46 (Argentavis)'! Day 26974, 22:43:31: Your Triceratops - Lvl 226 (Triceratops) was killed by Flame - Lvl 322 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 26974, 22:43:31: Your Tribe killed Triceratops - Lvl 226 (Triceratops) (Pantheon)! Day 26974, 22:45:04: Your Argentavis - Lvl 46 (Argentavis) was killed by Flame - Lvl 322 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 26974, 22:45:04: Your Tribe killed Argentavis - Lvl 46 (Argentavis) (Pantheon)! Day 26974, 22:49:36: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 75 (Pteranodon) was killed by Flame - Lvl 322 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 26974, 22:49:36: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 75 (Pteranodon) (Pantheon)! Day 26975, 05:51:24: Hecate claimed '58/melee (M) - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26975, 05:52:51: Hecate claimed '44/Health (F) - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26975, 05:56:19: Hecate claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 320 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 26975, 05:57:07: Hecate claimed '616 weight lvl 150 - Lvl 243 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 26975, 05:58:19: Hecate claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 26975, 06:00:01: Hecate claimed 'IShowSpeed - Lvl 309 (Pteranodon)'! Day 26975, 06:01:11: Hecate claimed 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 278 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 26975, 06:03:26: Hecate claimed 'Breeding Male - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon)'! Day 26975, 06:04:00: Hecate claimed 'Breeding (F) - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon)'! Day 26975, 06:04:41: Hecate claimed '41/pts Health (M) - Lvl 209 (Raptor)'! Day 26975, 06:05:09: Hecate claimed '47/pts Melee (F) - Lvl 209 (Raptor)'! Day 26975, 06:58:00: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 278 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by Flame - Lvl 322 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 26975, 06:58:00: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 278 (Tek Parasaur) (Pantheon)! Day 26975, 07:13:02: Hecate froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Fire Wyvern) Day 27572, 11:43:25: J-Dizzle - Lvl 10 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Anky - Lvl 214 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 27649, 19:52:22: Your 'Dragon Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27649, 19:52:22: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27649, 19:52:22: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27649, 19:52:22: Your 'Wooden Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27649, 19:52:22: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27649, 19:52:22: Your 'Wood Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27649, 19:52:22: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27649, 19:52:22: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27649, 19:52:22: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27649, 19:52:22: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27649, 19:52:22: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27649, 19:52:22: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27649, 19:52:22: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27649, 19:52:22: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27649, 19:52:22: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27649, 19:52:22: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27649, 19:52:22: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27649, 19:52:22: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27649, 19:52:22: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27649, 19:52:22: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27649, 19:52:22: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27649, 19:52:22: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27649, 19:52:22: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27649, 19:52:22: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27653, 15:51:16: Bob - Lvl 62 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Paraceratherium - Lvl 229 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 27688, 10:32:00: Maewing - Lvl 278 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 27688, 10:32:01: Maewing - Lvl 335 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 27712, 02:38:30: Hecate's 'Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27712, 03:12:21: NUBZ - Lvl 97 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 150 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 27712, 03:25:10: NUBZ - Lvl 97 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 247 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 27712, 03:51:33: J-Dizzle - Lvl 98 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hunter - Lvl 320 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 27712, 04:09:47: J-Dizzle - Lvl 98 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Henry - Lvl 324 (Argentavis)'! Day 27712, 04:35:16: Bob - Lvl 66 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Flame - Lvl 322 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 27712, 05:11:13: NUBZ - Lvl 97 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 173 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 27712, 05:18:34: Bob - Lvl 66 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 218 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 27712, 05:19:17: J-Dizzle - Lvl 98 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 209 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 27712, 05:54:13: J-Dizzle - Lvl 98 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 244 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27712, 06:09:31: J-Dizzle - Lvl 98 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27712, 06:26:10: J-Dizzle - Lvl 98 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 174 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27712, 06:43:32: J-Dizzle - Lvl 98 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 176 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27712, 07:04:27: NUBZ - Lvl 97 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 225 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 27712, 07:27:58: NUBZ - Lvl 97 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 156 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 27712, 07:47:54: J-Dizzle - Lvl 98 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame '616 weight lvl 150 - Lvl 243 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 27712, 07:50:12: NUBZ - Lvl 97 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 311 (Argentavis)'! Day 27712, 08:06:57: J-Dizzle - Lvl 98 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 226 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 27712, 08:40:12: NUBZ - Lvl 98 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Gasbags - Lvl 76 (R-Gasbags)'! Day 27712, 09:36:04: J-Dizzle - Lvl 98 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Base Healer - Lvl 335 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 27797, 17:06:51: Hecate's 'Dr - Lvl 244 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27797, 17:30:18: Rambuh - Lvl 100 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perfect male - Lvl 229 (Rex)'! Day 27797, 17:46:22: Rambuh - Lvl 100 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27797, 18:24:24: Rambuh - Lvl 100 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27797, 18:37:56: Rambuh - Lvl 100 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Base Male - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27797, 22:23:27: Rambuh - Lvl 100 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oviraptor - Lvl 140 (Oviraptor)'! Day 27826, 14:00:01: J-Dizzle - Lvl 103 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Magmasaur - Lvl 214 (Magmasaur)'! Day 27826, 14:15:02: J-Dizzle - Lvl 103 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'terminator - Lvl 257 (Argentavis)'! Day 27826, 14:23:04: J-Dizzle - Lvl 103 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 82 (Argentavis)'! Day 27826, 14:35:47: J-Dizzle - Lvl 103 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Holler - Lvl 247 (Argentavis)'! Day 27826, 14:50:35: J-Dizzle - Lvl 103 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fighter Mutation - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 27875, 14:04:20: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 210 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 27875, 14:04:49: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 232 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 27875, 14:05:13: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 220 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 27875, 14:13:31: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 125 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 27875, 14:15:28: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MAHAMOET - Lvl 316 (Mammoth)'! Day 27875, 14:15:55: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 252 (Mammoth)'! Day 27875, 14:17:42: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dire Bear - Lvl 209 (Dire Bear)'! Day 27875, 14:18:27: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mr. Paddington - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear)'! Day 27875, 14:18:58: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mrs. Paddington - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear)'! Day 27875, 14:19:48: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 27875, 14:25:07: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sulfur + Salt - Lvl 148 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 27875, 14:28:25: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 231 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 27875, 14:28:54: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 238 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 27875, 14:29:42: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Whale Whisperer - Lvl 76 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 27875, 14:53:21: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '27S Male - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur)'! Day 27875, 14:55:12: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Burthold - Lvl 163 (Magmasaur)'! Day 27875, 14:56:44: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Scoria - Lvl 186 (Magmasaur)'! Day 27875, 14:59:58: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 244 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 27875, 15:00:29: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 235 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 27875, 15:01:33: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 226 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 27875, 15:02:20: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Metal + Crystal - Lvl 126 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 27875, 15:04:25: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Farmer - Lvl 161 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 27875, 15:13:28: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 75 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 27875, 15:14:02: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Platinum - Lvl 280 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 27875, 15:15:38: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 148 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 27875, 15:16:35: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iguanodon - Lvl 193 (Iguanodon)'! Day 27875, 15:16:52: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iguanodon - Lvl 249 (Iguanodon)'! Day 27875, 15:18:39: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 256 (Castoroides)'! Day 27875, 15:23:55: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 328 (Argentavis)'! Day 27875, 15:24:17: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shmithy - Lvl 392 (Argentavis)'! Day 27875, 15:27:20: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pew Pew - Lvl 158 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 27875, 15:36:02: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Astrodelphis - Lvl 295 (Astrodelphis)'! Day 27875, 15:54:36: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilisk - Lvl 176 (Basilisk)'! Day 27875, 16:13:36: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megachelon - Lvl 313 (Megachelon)'! Day 27875, 16:36:07: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 164 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 27875, 16:52:07: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'golomslayer - Lvl 278 (Velonasaur)'! Day 27875, 17:23:46: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 145 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 27875, 18:55:24: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aberrant Spino - Lvl 226 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 27875, 18:56:20: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aberrant Spino - Lvl 204 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 27875, 18:56:37: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aberrant Spino - Lvl 194 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 27875, 18:57:48: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 230 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 27875, 19:15:08: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mantis - Lvl 232 (Mantis)'! Day 27875, 19:16:01: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mantis - Lvl 232 (Mantis)'! Day 27875, 19:16:29: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mantis - Lvl 233 (Mantis)'! Day 27875, 19:45:27: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[G2] Hay - Lvl 403 (Astrodelphis)'! Day 27875, 20:00:37: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Staro - Lvl 36 (Astrodelphis)'! Day 27875, 20:10:53: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'HeavySpeed - Lvl 338 (Astrodelphis)'! Day 27875, 21:38:41: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tusoteuthis - Lvl 412 (Tusoteuthis)'! Day 27875, 22:27:22: Tribemember Hecate - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 27875, 23:03:31: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'saddle bag - Lvl 174 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 27875, 23:23:27: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 234 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 27875, 23:24:34: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 220 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 27876, 00:10:42: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Saksikäsi - Lvl 201 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 27876, 01:19:48: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Obsidian + Metal - Lvl 123 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 27876, 01:37:37: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stone + Flint - Lvl 188 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 27876, 01:49:08: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 280 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 27876, 02:01:34: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 208 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 27876, 02:02:23: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 234 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 27876, 02:02:52: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 274 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 27876, 02:30:59: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:31:54: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:33:02: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perfect female - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:33:37: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:34:13: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:34:51: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 197 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:35:25: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 195 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:36:03: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:36:37: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:37:12: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 197 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:37:44: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:38:18: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 354 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:38:54: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 327 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:39:51: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 351 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:41:36: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M HP 1/0 - Lvl 244 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:42:12: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F H 2/0 - Lvl 246 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:42:50: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:43:38: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:44:23: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:45:43: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:46:20: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:46:59: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:47:37: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F - 11k HP - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 27876, 02:52:38: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Paradingdong - Lvl 82 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 27876, 02:57:20: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 416 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 27876, 03:16:25: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Storage - Lvl 167 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 27876, 04:10:17: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BJ 20f - Lvl 39 (Megalodon)'! Day 27876, 23:08:42: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 164 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 27877, 02:36:25: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DAVE - Lvl 306 (Doedicurus)'! Day 27877, 06:24:12: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iguanodon - Lvl 215 (Iguanodon)'! Day 27877, 07:49:56: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 283 (Mammoth)'! Day 27896, 19:38:09: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 27896, 20:27:48: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 347 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 27896, 20:42:42: Nikemya2000 - Lvl 74 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 149 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 27898, 17:34:46: Nikemya2000 - Lvl 75 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 209 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 27898, 17:37:08: Nikemya2000 - Lvl 75 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pingu - Lvl 89 (Kairuku)'! Day 27898, 17:37:51: Nikemya2000 - Lvl 75 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kairuku - Lvl 291 (Kairuku)'! Day 27898, 17:38:51: Nikemya2000 - Lvl 75 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 209 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 27898, 17:57:57: Nikemya2000 - Lvl 75 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kairuku - Lvl 287 (Kairuku)'! Day 27949, 09:16:43: Rambuh - Lvl 112 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame '44/Health (F) - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex)'! Day 27956, 21:59:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27956, 21:59:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27956, 21:59:38: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28086, 06:39:41: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (RaggyGuys) claimed your auto-decayed tame '58/melee (M) - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)'! Day 28086, 07:00:24: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (RaggyGuys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 320 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 28086, 07:31:07: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (RaggyGuys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'IShowSpeed - Lvl 309 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28086, 07:33:03: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (RaggyGuys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Breeding Male - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28086, 07:33:49: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (RaggyGuys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Breeding (F) - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28086, 07:34:50: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (RaggyGuys) claimed your auto-decayed tame '41/pts Health (M) - Lvl 209 (Raptor)'! Day 28086, 07:35:12: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (RaggyGuys) claimed your auto-decayed tame '47/pts Melee (F) - Lvl 209 (Raptor)'! Day 28119, 12:06:04: Spec - Lvl 69 (Tribe of AN7HONYCT) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 28145, 20:04:29: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28169, 11:31:17: Your 'Greenhouse Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28200, 04:21:21: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 176 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 28200, 10:59:53: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'brucie - Lvl 338 (X-Megalodon)'! Day 28200, 11:00:57: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'knasher - Lvl 326 (X-Megalodon)'! Day 28200, 11:45:04: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 115 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 28200, 11:47:32: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 81 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 28200, 20:04:10: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 259 (Megalodon)'! Day 28220, 21:33:32: Spec - Lvl 85 (Tribe of AN7HONYCT) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28240, 07:30:49: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28487, 10:57:42: James - Lvl 127 (Overwhelming Potatos) claimed your auto-decayed tame '16khp300d - Lvl 203 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 28487, 11:06:16: James - Lvl 127 (Overwhelming Potatos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chardonnay - Lvl 240 (Sarco)'! Day 28487, 11:08:47: James - Lvl 127 (Overwhelming Potatos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 316 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 28487, 12:39:48: James - Lvl 127 (Overwhelming Potatos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 177 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 28523, 06:47:00: Your 'Tek Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28631, 20:26:00: Bex - Lvl 61 (Queens of the North) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 183 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 29240, 13:25:18: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 209 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 29240, 13:29:23: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'basil - Lvl 67 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 29393, 20:50:39: Your 'Egg Incubator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29959, 13:10:01: Your 'Cryofridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30469, 05:45:09: Overdrive - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Overdrive) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 30755, 10:28:05: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BJ 40m - Lvl 83 (Megalodon)'! Day 30755, 10:39:54: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 131 (Megalodon)'! Day 30755, 10:54:33: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 132 (Megalodon)'! Day 30755, 11:06:50: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 195 (Megalodon)'! Day 30755, 11:28:52: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ickeh - Lvl 228 (Ichthyosaurus)'! Day 30756, 12:39:54: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Squishy - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern)'!"] "tribeid":1652548953,"tribe":"The New Warren logs":["Day 35507, 06:44:15: GeoTheRabbitGod was added to the Tribe! Day 35507, 07:57:29: Tanah was added to the Tribe by GeoTheRabbitGod! Day 35507, 12:56:36: Tanah Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 35507, 12:57:33: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 35507, 22:54:12: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 112 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 60! Day 35508, 00:41:17: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 112 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 35508, 08:01:00: Your Uranus - Lvl 163 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 35508, 08:06:18: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 112 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 35508, 09:08:30: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 112 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 35508, 09:09:24: Your Bo II - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 35508, 10:17:44: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 35508, 12:05:18: GeoTheRabbitGod uploaded a Jerboa: Bo III - Lvl 1 Day 35508, 14:03:54: Tanah uploaded a Jerboa: Bronja - Lvl 1 Day 35668, 15:02:43: GeoTheRabbitGod downloaded a dino: Gaia - Lvl 249 Day 35669, 06:55:07: GeoTheRabbitGod uploaded a Argentavis: Argo - Lvl 208 Day 35670, 15:39:56: GeoTheRabbitGod uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Gaia - Lvl 289 Day 35971, 21:45:39: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36542, 15:06:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36542, 15:06:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36542, 15:06:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1651112206,"tribe":"Tribe of The Wanderers logs":["Day 37434, 14:42:18: The Wanderer was added to the Tribe! Day 37434, 14:50:03: Tribe of Dj tribe was merged in by Dj! Day 37434, 14:50:03: Dj was added to the Tribe by The Wanderer! Day 37434, 17:12:50: Dj demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 37436, 12:15:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 198 (Pteranodon)! Day 37436, 14:32:51: Tribemember The Wanderer - Lvl 26 was killed! Day 37436, 15:35:34: Tribemember The Wanderer - Lvl 26 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 37731, 13:19:17: Your 'Thatch Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37731, 13:19:17: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37979, 22:55:28: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 198 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 38017, 19:23:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38017, 19:23:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42701, 00:51:07: Tribemember Dj - Lvl 12 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 55!"] "tribeid":1649574656,"tribe":"Tribe called Quest logs":["Day 19123, 20:00:21: DMoney was added to the Tribe! Day 19671, 17:07:44: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20017, 02:42:55: Tribemember DMoney - Lvl 10 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60!"] "tribeid":1648645084,"tribe":"SantaIsSwag logs":["Day 20996, 19:08:32: Your Tribe Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 29 (Dimorphodon)! Day 20997, 01:31:36: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo)! Day 20997, 10:25:24: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 20997, 13:02:23: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops)! Day 20997, 15:26:49: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 67 (Moschops)! Day 21029, 02:06:08: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 21029, 08:14:49: Humane Tamed a Megalosaurus - Lvl 27 (Megalosaurus)! Day 21029, 13:10:43: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 19 (Sabertooth)! Day 21029, 13:22:44: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 29 (Sabertooth)! Day 21029, 14:18:02: Your hUNT - Lvl 19 (Sabertooth) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 21029, 14:18:37: Your HUNT - Lvl 29 (Sabertooth) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 21029, 15:00:46: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalosaurus - Lvl 29 (Megalosaurus)! Day 21029, 18:46:44: Your Tribe Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 203 (Sabertooth)! Day 21123, 00:46:26: Your Megalosaurus - Lvl 29 (Megalosaurus) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 140! Day 21123, 21:21:55: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 21123, 21:40:41: Humane Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)! Day 21123, 22:37:14: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 66 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 21123, 22:41:31: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 82 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 21123, 23:29:08: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 89 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 21124, 03:06:43: CringeIsSwag demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 21124, 03:28:05: CringeIsSwag demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 21124, 05:35:05: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalosaurus - Lvl 142 (Megalosaurus)! Day 21159, 10:21:56: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 143 (Pteranodon) was killed by Humane - Lvl 66 (SantaIsSwag)! Day 21159, 10:21:56: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 143 (Pteranodon) (SantaIsSwag)! Day 21159, 18:16:54: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 21159, 18:18:06: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 21159, 18:18:06: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 21159, 18:18:06: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 21159, 18:21:09: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 21159, 18:21:09: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 21159, 18:21:09: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 21159, 18:21:11: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 68 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 95! Day 21160, 00:27:27: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 21160, 04:39:09: Your Speeds - Lvl 169 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 21160, 04:46:05: Tribemember CringeIsSwag - Lvl 60 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 90! Day 21160, 05:06:34: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 68 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 21160, 05:40:06: Your squik - Lvl 95 (Compy) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 21160, 06:36:43: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 21160, 07:24:25: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 134 (Moschops)! Day 21160, 14:48:16: Tribemember CringeIsSwag - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 21160, 16:02:20: Tribemember CringeIsSwag - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 21161, 17:03:25: Humane demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 21161, 18:38:04: Your Tribe Tamed a Pelagornis - Lvl 129 (Pelagornis)! Day 21161, 22:05:52: Humane unclaimed 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 156 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 21161, 23:30:53: Humane claimed 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 156 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 21194, 05:23:46: Tribemember CringeIsSwag - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 21194, 06:57:32: Tribemember CringeIsSwag - Lvl 62 was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 50! Day 21194, 09:17:09: Tribemember CringeIsSwag - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 21194, 12:50:56: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 73 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 25! Day 21289, 00:36:52: Humane Tamed a Compy - Lvl 82 (Compy)! Day 21289, 02:18:25: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Compy - Lvl 209 (Compy)! Day 21289, 03:26:58: Humane unclaimed 'Moschops - Lvl 68 (Moschops)'! Day 21289, 05:54:41: Your Tribe Tamed a Pelagornis - Lvl 72 (Pelagornis)! Day 21289, 06:21:32: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 214 (Megalodon)! Day 21324, 19:05:38: CringeIsSwag Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 85 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 21325, 01:01:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 167 (Pteranodon)! Day 21325, 02:21:17: Your Pelagornis - Lvl 72 (Pelagornis) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 21325, 09:13:23: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 21496, 00:19:12: God - Lvl 52 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 21523, 14:24:07: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 45 (Dimorphodon) was killed by CringeIsSwag - Lvl 65 (SantaIsSwag)! Day 21523, 14:24:07: Your Tribe killed Dimorphodon - Lvl 45 (Dimorphodon) (SantaIsSwag)! Day 21523, 14:31:46: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 54 (Dimorphodon) was killed by CringeIsSwag - Lvl 65 (SantaIsSwag)! Day 21523, 14:31:46: Your Tribe killed Dimorphodon - Lvl 54 (Dimorphodon) (SantaIsSwag)! Day 21524, 07:17:37: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 74 (Moschops)! Day 21564, 23:14:19: Moschops - Lvl 88 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 21571, 07:10:45: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 142 (Pegomastax)! Day 21655, 17:28:24: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 21655, 23:47:05: Your absolute tank - Lvl 233 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 140! Day 21656, 05:58:19: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 78 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 21656, 06:02:15: Your Banann - Lvl 154 (Pegomastax) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 21689, 20:51:59: Tribemember CringeIsSwag - Lvl 68 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 85! Day 21690, 01:58:57: Tribemember CringeIsSwag - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 21690, 07:58:45: Tribemember CringeIsSwag - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 21690, 18:41:19: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 78 was killed! Day 21783, 06:00:55: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 125 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 21783, 06:02:01: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 125 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 21783, 06:29:32: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 148 (Moschops)'! Day 21783, 06:37:48: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 110 (Moschops)'! Day 21783, 06:38:35: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 110 (Moschops)'! Day 21783, 07:01:35: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 47 (Moschops)'! Day 21783, 07:02:33: Your Baby Moschops - Lvl 47 (Moschops) was killed! Day 21783, 07:02:33: Baby Moschops - Lvl 47 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 21783, 07:07:19: Your Baby Gen 2 - Lvl 110 (Moschops) was killed! Day 21783, 07:07:19: Baby Gen 2 - Lvl 110 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 21783, 07:07:40: Your Baby Gen 2 - Lvl 110 (Moschops) was killed! Day 21783, 07:07:40: Baby Gen 2 - Lvl 110 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 21786, 12:38:40: Juvenile Gen 2 - Lvl 148 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 21787, 13:59:08: Juvenile Ankylosaurus - Lvl 125 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 21819, 06:13:34: Tribemember CringeIsSwag - Lvl 73 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 90! Day 21819, 11:55:35: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Juvenile Ankylosaurus - Lvl 161 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 21819, 18:45:17: Juvenile Gen 2 - Lvl 161 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 21819, 20:09:27: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 49 (Moschops)'! Day 21820, 02:30:38: Your Juvenile Gen 2 - Lvl 49 (Moschops) was killed! Day 21820, 02:30:38: Juvenile Gen 2 - Lvl 49 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 21820, 08:51:02: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)! Day 21820, 14:11:26: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 67 (Moschops)! Day 21820, 15:36:33: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 209 (Moschops)! Day 21820, 22:35:41: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 209 (Moschops)'! Day 21820, 22:38:00: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 98 (Moschops)'! Day 21820, 22:39:25: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 139 (Moschops)'! Day 21827, 15:37:35: Juvenile Moschops - Lvl 139 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 21827, 15:37:35: Juvenile Moschops - Lvl 98 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 21854, 06:17:08: Humane Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle)! Day 21854, 09:16:25: Your Ruby - Lvl 221 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 21854, 09:16:38: Tribemember CringeIsSwag - Lvl 76 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 21973, 07:51:51: Gen 1 - Lvl 194 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 21989, 19:56:39: Gen 1 - Lvl 195 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 22018, 21:09:43: Gen 1 - Lvl 78 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 22067, 04:33:24: Pelagornis - Lvl 151 (Pelagornis) starved to death! Day 22074, 06:05:33: Gen 1 - Lvl 199 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 22082, 07:24:27: Invincible - Lvl 67 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 22123, 18:25:37: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22147, 09:37:12: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22157, 12:55:35: Gen 1 - Lvl 214 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 22231, 12:45:14: Tribemember CringeIsSwag - Lvl 76 was killed! Day 22231, 18:24:41: Humane demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 22231, 18:25:43: Humane demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 22231, 18:27:39: Humane demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 22231, 18:31:06: Humane demolished a 'Standing Torch (Unlocked) '! Day 22406, 20:11:20: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22406, 20:11:20: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22439, 05:38:13: Gen 1 - Lvl 74 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 22525, 06:14:25: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22525, 06:14:25: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22627, 22:52:11: yes - Lvl 32 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 22690, 14:37:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22712, 07:35:43: Trent - Lvl 65 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 22780, 11:20:51: xp - Lvl 36 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 22974, 01:40:35: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23085, 20:10:52: Gen 1 - Lvl 109 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 23171, 05:53:00: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 113 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 23223, 06:53:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 82 (Dimorphodon)! Day 23223, 16:34:52: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 83 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 45! Day 23223, 17:51:33: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 83 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 23223, 19:43:11: Humane Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 166 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 23223, 23:00:59: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 126 (Argentavis)! Day 23270, 15:34:18: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23270, 15:34:21: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23308, 08:19:56: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Baby Lystrosaurus - Lvl 90 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 23309, 07:00:50: Your flyer 6 - Lvl 233 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 23309, 07:00:50: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 84 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 23309, 13:07:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Megaloceros - Lvl 82 (Megaloceros)! Day 23309, 19:46:13: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon)! Day 23310, 07:03:39: Humane demolished a 'Wood Signpost'! Day 23310, 07:06:12: Humane demolished a 'Wood Signpost'! Day 23364, 23:13:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 20 (Pteranodon)! Day 23365, 11:58:33: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 25 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 23365, 11:58:45: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 87 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 23365, 13:46:45: Your sped - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 23372, 09:35:59: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 102 (Dimorphodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 23411, 22:13:49: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 72 (Parasaur)'! Day 23411, 23:36:46: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23411, 23:36:50: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23411, 23:36:50: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23412, 04:35:46: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 23412, 07:17:42: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 88 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 130! Day 23412, 12:56:38: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 88 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 55! Day 23412, 16:39:26: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 88 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 45! Day 23473, 12:32:02: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 193 (Dodo)! Day 23474, 08:12:31: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo)! Day 23474, 09:53:14: Your Dory - Lvl 142 (Dodo) was killed by CringeIsSwag - Lvl 82 (SantaIsSwag)! Day 23474, 09:53:14: Your Tribe killed Dory - Lvl 142 (Dodo) (SantaIsSwag)! Day 23474, 10:02:35: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 154 (Dodo)'! Day 23474, 10:26:44: Your Dorothy - Lvl 199 (Dodo) was killed by CringeIsSwag - Lvl 82 (SantaIsSwag)! Day 23474, 10:26:44: Your Tribe killed Dorothy - Lvl 199 (Dodo) (SantaIsSwag)! Day 23474, 10:27:36: Your Baby Dorothy Jr - Lvl 154 (Dodo) was killed by CringeIsSwag - Lvl 82 (SantaIsSwag)! Day 23474, 10:27:36: Your Tribe killed Baby Dorothy Jr - Lvl 154 (Dodo) (SantaIsSwag)! Day 23474, 22:50:58: Tribemember CringeIsSwag - Lvl 82 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 55! Day 23529, 19:32:27: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 94 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 23530, 08:13:38: Your xp - Lvl 90 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by Zak - Lvl 33 (Lightning Wyvern) (SantaIsSwag)! Day 23530, 08:13:38: Your Tribe killed xp - Lvl 90 (Lystrosaurus) (SantaIsSwag)! Day 23530, 09:18:18: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23530, 17:21:47: Tribemember CringeIsSwag - Lvl 83 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 25! Day 23533, 23:36:24: Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 23718, 11:54:32: Humane Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 23803, 14:55:03: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 96 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 140! Day 23803, 17:16:01: Your Tribe Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 134 (Dimorphodon)! Day 23804, 04:27:15: Humane Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 149 (Dung Beetle)! Day 23804, 16:11:02: Humane Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 89 (Dung Beetle)! Day 23804, 19:30:06: Humane demolished a 'Chibi (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 23948, 17:39:55: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24135, 18:31:14: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 181 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24135, 22:43:07: Humane was promoted to a Tribe Admin by CringeIsSwag! Day 24136, 04:11:57: Humane Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 134 (Castoroides)! Day 24143, 15:45:49: Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 181 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 24188, 01:30:18: Nytrix - Lvl 77 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'White Shadow - Lvl 146 (Argentavis)'! Day 24406, 08:33:57: Your xp - Lvl 149 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 15! Day 24437, 01:57:39: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24437, 01:57:39: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24437, 01:57:39: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24437, 01:57:39: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24437, 01:57:39: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24437, 01:57:39: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24437, 01:57:39: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24437, 01:57:39: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24631, 03:55:00: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 24631, 03:55:00: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 24631, 03:55:00: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 24631, 03:55:00: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 24631, 03:55:00: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 24631, 03:56:09: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 24631, 18:15:21: Your Tribe Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 88 (Brontosaurus)! Day 24632, 10:35:13: Tribemember CringeIsSwag - Lvl 87 was killed! Day 25187, 09:31:55: Megaloceros - Lvl 110 (Megaloceros) starved to death! Day 25654, 15:41:01: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 25654, 20:32:56: Humane Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 127 (Beelzebufo)! Day 25788, 10:05:06: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 127 (Pegomastax)! Day 25788, 10:22:22: CringeIsSwag unclaimed 'Pegomastax - Lvl 127 (Pegomastax)'! Day 25788, 10:28:21: Humane claimed 'Pegomastax - Lvl 127 (Pegomastax)'! Day 25843, 14:47:01: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 102 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 130! Day 25843, 16:30:15: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 25843, 17:43:35: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 74 (Vulture)! Day 25843, 18:56:24: CringeIsSwag unclaimed 'Save Me!! - Lvl 3 (Jerboa)'! Day 25843, 21:48:18: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 102 was killed by CringeIsSwag - Lvl 95 (SantaIsSwag)! Day 25843, 21:48:18: Your Tribe killed Humane - Lvl 102 (SantaIsSwag)! Day 25843, 22:13:20: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 102 was killed by CringeIsSwag - Lvl 95 (SantaIsSwag)! Day 25843, 22:13:20: Your Tribe killed Humane - Lvl 102 (SantaIsSwag)! Day 25843, 23:09:22: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 102 was killed by CringeIsSwag - Lvl 95 (SantaIsSwag)! Day 25843, 23:09:22: Your Tribe killed Humane - Lvl 102 (SantaIsSwag)! Day 25913, 23:54:41: Humane Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 25914, 00:01:02: Humane unclaimed 'Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)'! Day 25914, 03:19:51: Humane demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 25914, 03:21:37: Humane demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 25914, 03:23:39: Humane demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 25914, 03:25:29: Humane demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 25914, 03:26:57: Humane demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 25914, 03:28:42: Humane demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 25914, 17:37:45: Humane Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 26065, 17:22:19: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26199, 08:42:50: Rupert - Lvl 12 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 26267, 22:31:39: Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 24 (Ichthyosaurus) starved to death! Day 26337, 23:20:03: Humane demolished a 'Small Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 26340, 05:16:02: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 149 (Therizinosaur)! Day 26388, 01:37:14: Tribemember CringeIsSwag - Lvl 96 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 95! Day 26388, 05:31:10: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 281 (Pteranodon)'! Day 26388, 05:32:10: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 275 (Pteranodon)'! Day 26388, 19:08:07: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 141 (Mesopithecus)! Day 26388, 19:17:09: Humane Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 26388, 20:11:57: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 26389, 03:44:20: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 26389, 04:09:13: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 105 was killed by a Skeletal Bronto - Lvl 90! Day 26451, 14:35:29: CringeIsSwag demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 26451, 14:36:26: CringeIsSwag demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 26451, 14:37:23: CringeIsSwag demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 26451, 14:38:21: CringeIsSwag demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 26451, 22:10:18: Humane demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26451, 22:11:27: Humane demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26451, 22:12:33: Humane demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26451, 22:13:47: Humane demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26451, 22:15:21: Humane demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26452, 06:35:31: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 192 (Megalodon)! Day 26452, 12:19:30: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 191 (Megalodon)! Day 26554, 18:50:01: Tribemember CringeIsSwag - Lvl 97 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 26555, 10:22:10: CringeIsSwag Tamed an Equus - Lvl 67 (Equus)! Day 26614, 09:27:00: CringeIsSwag demolished a 'Wooden Double Door (Locked) '! Day 26614, 09:28:53: CringeIsSwag demolished a 'Wooden Double Doorframe'! Day 26617, 01:12:18: Humane Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 213 (Basilosaurus)! Day 26804, 19:44:46: CringeIsSwag Tamed an Equus - Lvl 217 (Equus)! Day 26804, 20:23:24: CringeIsSwag Tamed an Equus - Lvl 82 (Equus)! Day 26804, 21:44:49: CringeIsSwag Tamed an Equus - Lvl 69 (Equus)! Day 26805, 07:39:39: CringeIsSwag Tamed an Equus - Lvl 82 (Equus)! Day 26805, 23:57:05: CringeIsSwag demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 26806, 00:16:44: CringeIsSwag demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 26806, 01:45:21: CringeIsSwag demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 26806, 01:46:27: CringeIsSwag demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 26831, 12:55:22: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26837, 18:16:42: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Baryonyx - Lvl 304 (Baryonyx)'! Day 26837, 21:44:42: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Baby Equus - Lvl 172 (Equus)'! Day 26838, 09:51:14: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Baby Equus - Lvl 66 (Equus)'! Day 26908, 07:55:26: Adolescent Gavin - Lvl 172 (Equus) starved to death! Day 26908, 07:55:26: Juvenile Graham - Lvl 66 (Equus) starved to death! Day 26908, 13:35:03: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Baby Equus - Lvl 173 (Equus)'! Day 26909, 08:21:38: Your Adolescent Polly- Speed, Weight - Lvl 173 (Equus) was killed by CringeIsSwag - Lvl 99 (SantaIsSwag)! Day 26909, 08:21:38: Your Tribe killed Adolescent Polly- Speed, Weight - Lvl 173 (Equus) (SantaIsSwag)! Day 26932, 03:17:57: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Baby Equus - Lvl 129 (Equus)'! Day 26932, 03:43:52: Your Baby Malaya - Lvl 129 (Equus) was killed by CringeIsSwag - Lvl 99 (SantaIsSwag)! Day 26932, 03:43:52: Your Tribe killed Baby Malaya - Lvl 129 (Equus) (SantaIsSwag)! Day 26932, 09:27:29: Your Murphy- Dmg - Lvl 97 (Equus) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 130! Day 26932, 09:27:29: Your Martin- Weight - Lvl 88 (Equus) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 130! Day 26932, 09:27:29: Your Eleanor- Food - Lvl 96 (Equus) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 130! Day 26932, 17:58:50: CringeIsSwag demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 26945, 16:05:27: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 27096, 14:54:36: Tribemember CringeIsSwag - Lvl 99 was killed! Day 27106, 10:55:37: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27216, 10:12:59: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'flyer 7 - Lvl 247 (Pteranodon)'! Day 27248, 04:03:13: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27248, 04:03:13: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27389, 22:01:52: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27531, 16:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27531, 16:58:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27531, 16:58:59: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27593, 18:19:24: J-Dizzle - Lvl 56 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 300 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27593, 18:21:54: J-Dizzle - Lvl 56 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Venom - Lvl 185 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 27615, 14:32:45: Rambuh - Lvl 6 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zak - Lvl 71 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 27615, 14:46:28: NUBZ - Lvl 61 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Purple Dude - Lvl 279 (Pteranodon)'! Day 27615, 14:48:19: NUBZ - Lvl 61 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 27615, 14:49:31: NUBZ - Lvl 61 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MUNCHER - Lvl 172 (Castoroides)'! Day 27615, 14:50:28: NUBZ - Lvl 61 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 270 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 27757, 19:20:23: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 270 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 27757, 21:21:40: CringeIsSwag claimed 'MUNCHER - Lvl 172 (Castoroides)'! Day 27758, 01:55:42: Your xp - Lvl 151 (Lystrosaurus) was killed! Day 27758, 18:49:04: Humane demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 27758, 21:24:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 99 (Pteranodon)! Day 27773, 00:37:30: Tribemember CringeIsSwag - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 27773, 03:13:44: Tribemember CringeIsSwag - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 27774, 05:17:28: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 27774, 05:20:15: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 27774, 05:23:41: Humane claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 27779, 20:12:10: Juvenile lil guy - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern) starved to death! Day 27779, 20:12:45: Juvenile VomitSpit - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern) starved to death! Day 27779, 20:17:53: Juvenile Venom - Lvl 45 (Poison Wyvern) starved to death! Day 27823, 14:01:24: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 62 (Dilophosaur)! Day 27823, 14:31:55: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo)! Day 27824, 06:09:45: Humane demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 27842, 10:04:50: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Nigella - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 27842, 14:56:39: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 109 was killed! Day 27842, 16:35:44: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 27842, 19:34:56: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 74 (Moschops)! Day 27843, 05:42:15: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 109 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 135! Day 27843, 11:56:21: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 109 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 95! Day 27843, 17:43:16: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Hyaenodon - Lvl 133 (Hyaenodon )! Day 27843, 20:04:25: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 110 was killed by CringeIsSwag - Lvl 100 (SantaIsSwag)! Day 27843, 20:04:25: Your Tribe killed Humane - Lvl 110 (SantaIsSwag)! Day 27844, 03:13:25: Humane Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 22 (Daeodon)! Day 27844, 06:04:26: Tribemember CringeIsSwag - Lvl 100 was killed by Humane - Lvl 110 (SantaIsSwag)! Day 27844, 06:04:26: Your Tribe killed CringeIsSwag - Lvl 100 (SantaIsSwag)! Day 27899, 19:46:15: CringeIsSwag Tamed an Otter - Lvl 201 (Otter)! Day 27899, 23:44:10: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Tiddy Milk - Lvl 217 (Maewing)'! Day 27900, 00:39:44: CringeIsSwag froze Tiddy Milk - Lvl 219 (Maewing) Day 27900, 07:19:32: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 207 (Dilophosaur)! Day 27900, 07:21:11: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 192 (Dilophosaur)! Day 27900, 11:12:59: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 74 (Vulture)! Day 27900, 11:43:36: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 37 (Vulture)! Day 27900, 12:00:26: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 217 (Vulture)! Day 27900, 12:23:42: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 74 (Vulture)! Day 27900, 12:38:14: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 74 (Vulture)! Day 27900, 12:42:52: CringeIsSwag Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 67 (Vulture)! Day 27993, 23:23:41: Doji - Lvl 74 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 28004, 05:08:35: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28009, 06:11:41: pigg - Lvl 24 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 28041, 23:49:03: Your jon - Lvl 37 (Vulture) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 145! Day 28113, 03:59:43: JOlly JohN - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 28133, 12:31:50: Otto - Lvl 201 (Otter) starved to death! Day 28193, 02:37:39: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28262, 13:49:29: mumma bear - Lvl 219 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 28297, 22:37:04: daz - Lvl 66 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 28369, 18:53:19: egg - Lvl 82 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 28396, 02:05:15: Boldie - Lvl 74 (Vulture) starved to death! Day 28396, 22:37:17: pleb - Lvl 67 (Vulture) starved to death! Day 28417, 23:50:43: bogy - Lvl 74 (Vulture) starved to death! Day 28482, 08:23:32: IndigoLegion - Lvl 6 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'dsafds - Lvl 237 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 28486, 16:52:01: Kiwi - Lvl 123 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Terd - Lvl 217 (Vulture)'! Day 28487, 13:52:35: James - Lvl 127 (Overwhelming Potatos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 222 (Megalodon)'! Day 28487, 14:30:03: Kiwi - Lvl 123 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phil - Lvl 89 (Phiomia)'! Day 28487, 15:27:07: Kiwi - Lvl 123 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Precious - Lvl 250 (Compy)'! Day 28487, 16:15:08: James - Lvl 127 (Overwhelming Potatos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 135 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 28487, 16:18:27: James - Lvl 127 (Overwhelming Potatos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sabre - Lvl 265 (Sabertooth)'! Day 28487, 16:25:36: James - Lvl 127 (Overwhelming Potatos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sleepyhead - Lvl 89 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 28487, 16:28:04: James - Lvl 127 (Overwhelming Potatos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Friut Salad - Lvl 114 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28487, 16:29:18: James - Lvl 127 (Overwhelming Potatos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sally - Lvl 309 (Baryonyx)'! Day 28487, 16:30:16: James - Lvl 127 (Overwhelming Potatos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'flyer 8 - Lvl 287 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28487, 16:30:43: James - Lvl 127 (Overwhelming Potatos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Speedy - Lvl 195 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28487, 16:31:46: James - Lvl 127 (Overwhelming Potatos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 272 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 28487, 16:32:27: James - Lvl 127 (Overwhelming Potatos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nigella - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 28489, 01:02:21: Kiwi - Lvl 123 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'THE LOATHSOME DUNG EATER - Lvl 193 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 28489, 01:04:59: Kiwi - Lvl 123 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'THE MENACING MANURE MUNC - Lvl 133 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 28489, 01:38:34: vhe - Lvl 63 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 192 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 28489, 01:41:59: vhe - Lvl 63 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 207 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 28489, 02:10:14: vhe - Lvl 63 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Penny- Stamina - Lvl 95 (Equus)'! Day 28499, 15:17:36: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28499, 15:17:36: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28503, 19:01:01: IndigoLegion - Lvl 8 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 28506, 05:02:48: Kiwi - Lvl 123 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FROG - Lvl 167 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 28507, 04:13:59: Valentine - Lvl 112 (Vulture) starved to death! Day 28510, 23:32:04: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MUNCHER - Lvl 177 (Castoroides)'! Day 28511, 00:38:15: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bonnie- Speed - Lvl 242 (Equus)'! Day 28511, 00:44:14: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'stingy - Lvl 219 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 28511, 00:54:53: Kiwi - Lvl 123 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'nesquik - Lvl 123 (Compy)'! Day 28511, 00:55:33: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Schnoozer - Lvl 205 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 28555, 19:11:44: Dimorphodon - Lvl 182 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 28593, 03:20:51: Crimbo - Lvl 166 (Pegomastax) starved to death! Day 28601, 05:19:09: Parasaur - Lvl 113 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 28609, 03:16:48: Ryan - Lvl 93 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 225 (Megalodon)'! Day 28612, 15:25:03: Annoying Child - Lvl 174 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 28628, 16:24:50: Val - Lvl 74 (Vulture) starved to death! Day 28781, 20:05:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28781, 20:05:14: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28805, 11:22:24: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28885, 01:37:49: Neo - Lvl 114 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hyaenodon - Lvl 139 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 29063, 13:36:01: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29173, 05:34:11: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 29173, 05:41:24: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 29668, 01:23:01: Tribemember Humane - Lvl 110 was killed! Day 33113, 17:28:36: CringeIsSwag claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 33113, 18:12:30: Tribemember CringeIsSwag - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 33382, 09:30:19: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33398, 20:22:31: Tribemember CringeIsSwag - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 33524, 01:15:12: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33811, 18:19:16: haythem - Lvl 127 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 96 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 34217, 19:53:31: Donald Duck - Lvl 8 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1645222338,"tribe":"Tribe of BotZ logs":["Day 30971, 13:03:22: Bot Aimz was added to the Tribe! Day 30971, 21:25:32: Bot Aimz froze Stu - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31004, 20:13:14: Bot Aimz froze Stu - Lvl 195 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31016, 12:23:25: Bot Aimz froze Stu - Lvl 192 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31037, 09:44:34: Bot Aimz froze Trash - Lvl 141 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1640134118,"tribe":"Naked Friends logs":["Day 41437, 01:50:42: FullWinter was added to the Tribe! Day 41437, 01:55:36: Human was added to the Tribe by FullWinter! Day 41437, 08:41:41: Steve was added to the Tribe by FullWinter! Day 41437, 09:04:16: Steve was removed from the Tribe! Day 41437, 11:47:03: FullWinter Tamed a Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex)! Day 41437, 11:55:15: FullWinter froze Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex) Day 41437, 13:16:54: Human froze Jason - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 41437, 16:24:52: Human froze Jason - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 41437, 16:36:46: Your Tribe Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 37 (Brontosaurus)! Day 41437, 17:52:24: FullWinter froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 37 (Brontosaurus) Day 41437, 19:16:25: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 41437, 21:35:19: Human froze Jason - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 41438, 00:24:32: FullWinter froze Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 41438, 02:25:36: Human froze Jason - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 41438, 02:33:44: FullWinter froze Argen Speed - Lvl 237 (Argentavis)"] "tribeid":1637383331,"tribe":"Tribe of osg logs":["Day 20978, 13:25:42: osg was added to the Tribe! Day 21275, 01:51:59: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21383, 09:05:50: Tribemember osg - Lvl 9 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145!"] "tribeid":1634248362,"tribe":"The Guild of Assassins logs":["Day 24760, 02:58:39: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) Day 24760, 03:49:17: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) Day 24760, 04:54:21: Kyanite froze Hiken - Lvl 308 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24766, 05:44:35: Kyanite claimed 'Freda - Lvl 419 (Argentavis)'! Day 24766, 05:46:32: Kyanite claimed 'Rock Drake - Lvl 236 (Rock Drake)'! Day 24766, 05:59:42: Kyanite froze Rock Drake - Lvl 236 (Rock Drake) Day 24766, 08:18:42: Kyanite claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 416 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 24766, 08:34:56: Kyanite froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 416 (Brontosaurus) Day 24766, 09:00:08: Kyanite claimed 'Shit Pig - Lvl 297 (Phiomia)'! Day 24773, 14:19:21: Viperion froze meh - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 24773, 14:24:47: Viperion froze meh - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 24773, 14:51:39: Viperion froze meh - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 24773, 14:56:33: Viperion froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 204 (Yutyrannus) Day 24773, 15:05:54: Viperion froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 204 (Yutyrannus) Day 24773, 15:12:40: Viperion froze Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 24773, 19:07:49: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) Day 24774, 07:46:55: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 121 was killed by Basilisk - Lvl 176 (Basilisk)! Day 24774, 07:46:55: Your Tribe killed Viperion - Lvl 121 (The Guild of Assassins)! Day 24774, 08:27:38: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 255 (Argentavis) Day 24774, 08:59:11: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 121 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 95! Day 24774, 09:47:40: Viperion froze Desmodus - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 24774, 17:04:50: Viperion froze trash - Lvl 228 (Rex) Day 24774, 19:50:40: Viperion claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex)'! Day 24774, 19:53:17: Viperion claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 24774, 19:55:29: Viperion claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex)'! Day 24775, 03:02:38: Viperion claimed 'Baby Woolly Rhino - Lvl 183 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 24776, 11:25:29: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 255 (Argentavis) Day 24779, 07:32:18: Kyanite claimed 'Phiomia - Lvl 122 (Phiomia)'! Day 24779, 07:35:54: Kyanite claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 313 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 24779, 07:36:09: Kyanite claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 244 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 24779, 07:36:29: Kyanite claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 303 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 24780, 07:59:11: Kyanite froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 244 (Dung Beetle) Day 24780, 08:07:24: Kyanite froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 244 (Dung Beetle) Day 24780, 08:10:46: Kyanite froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 313 (Dung Beetle) Day 24780, 08:14:41: Kyanite froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 303 (Dung Beetle) Day 24780, 08:26:09: Kyanite froze Phiomia - Lvl 122 (Phiomia) Day 24781, 09:23:09: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 24781, 12:14:15: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 24781, 12:14:15: Your Argentavis - Lvl 253 (Argentavis) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 24781, 13:41:03: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24781, 18:39:55: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 105 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 24781, 19:26:28: Nytrix claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24782, 08:24:36: Kyanite Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 24782, 16:03:11: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 257 (Argentavis) Day 24782, 17:01:44: Viperion froze Gigabyte - Lvl 206 (Giganotosaurus) Day 24782, 20:13:12: Viperion demolished a 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 24782, 23:17:35: Viperion froze Perfect female - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 24783, 00:00:37: Viperion froze trash - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 24783, 00:11:33: Viperion froze trash - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 24783, 00:17:04: Viperion froze trash - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 24783, 00:21:22: Viperion froze breeding male - Lvl 228 (Rex) Day 24783, 00:25:01: Viperion froze breeding amle - Lvl 228 (Rex) Day 24783, 00:29:33: Viperion froze breeding female - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 24783, 00:38:08: Viperion froze breeding female - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 24783, 00:49:31: Viperion froze DO NOT LEVEL Breeding Fe - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 24783, 07:10:04: Viperion claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex)'! Day 24783, 07:46:58: Viperion claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)'! Day 24783, 07:47:57: Viperion claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis)'! Day 24783, 07:49:17: Viperion claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis)'! Day 24783, 07:50:58: Viperion claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis)'! Day 24794, 21:45:43: Adolescent trash - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 24795, 01:34:33: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 24795, 02:34:50: Viperion froze Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 24795, 19:19:23: Viperion froze Phiomia - Lvl 124 (Phiomia) Day 24795, 19:30:34: Viperion froze Berrysaurus - Lvl 101 (Brontosaurus) Day 24795, 23:07:14: Your Claimus II - Lvl 273 (Equus) was killed! Day 24796, 01:11:52: Viperion froze Berrysaurus - Lvl 101 (Brontosaurus) Day 24796, 01:16:45: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 259 (Argentavis) Day 24796, 13:28:56: Viperion froze Gigabyte - Lvl 216 (Giganotosaurus) Day 24796, 14:19:58: Viperion froze Hiken - Lvl 308 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24797, 22:44:58: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 259 (Argentavis) Day 24797, 23:19:36: Viperion froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (Thylacoleo) Day 24798, 00:15:00: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 260 (Argentavis) Day 24798, 14:28:05: Viperion froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 257 (Thylacoleo) Day 24798, 14:33:39: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 260 (Argentavis) Day 24798, 15:17:23: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 260 (Argentavis) Day 24801, 13:48:04: Kyanite demolished a 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 24801, 13:48:54: Kyanite demolished a 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 24801, 13:49:54: Kyanite demolished a 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 24803, 18:40:08: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 260 (Argentavis) Day 24803, 19:01:36: Viperion froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 284 (Thylacoleo) Day 24803, 20:19:56: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 260 (Argentavis) Day 24804, 03:33:31: Nytrix demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 24804, 03:34:37: Nytrix demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 24804, 06:01:31: Nytrix uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 244 Day 24804, 06:02:30: Nytrix uploaded a Phiomia: Phiomia - Lvl 124 Day 24804, 15:05:48: Viperion froze DO NOT LEVEL Breeding Ma - Lvl 252 (Rex) Day 24804, 15:13:59: Viperion froze Samanthas-Samuel Pozwig - Lvl 277 (Rex) Day 24804, 15:17:58: Viperion froze Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 24804, 15:29:41: Viperion froze DO NOT LEVEL Breeding Fe - Lvl 255 (Rex) Day 24804, 15:48:26: Viperion froze Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 24804, 16:05:10: Viperion froze Samanthas-Samuel Pozwig - Lvl 277 (Rex) Day 24804, 16:12:03: Viperion froze DO NOT LEVEL Breeding Ma - Lvl 252 (Rex) Day 24804, 16:17:28: Viperion froze Samanthas-Samuel Pozwig - Lvl 277 (Rex) Day 24804, 16:25:16: Viperion froze Baby pozwig - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 24804, 18:17:14: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 261 (Argentavis) Day 24804, 21:21:25: Nytrix uploaded a Desmodus: Desmodus - Lvl 253 Day 24805, 21:46:52: Nytrix froze Tekzal - Lvl 51 (Tek Quetzal) Day 24806, 04:55:19: Nytrix froze Frosty - Lvl 215 (Ice Wyvern) Day 24824, 18:07:50: Kyanite froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 230 (Brontosaurus) Day 24824, 18:48:06: Kyanite froze Aquamarine - Lvl 261 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 24828, 04:10:11: Kyanite claimed 'Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 209 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 24830, 20:38:26: Kyanite froze Adolescent Xerneon - Lvl 209 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 24832, 01:31:14: Kyanite froze Adolescent Flop - Lvl 209 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 24832, 11:15:28: Kyanite froze Adolescent Flop - Lvl 209 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 24832, 11:22:45: Kyanite froze Adolescent Flop - Lvl 209 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 24832, 15:59:26: Kyanite froze Adolescent Flop - Lvl 209 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 24832, 16:10:21: Kyanite froze Adolescent Flop - Lvl 209 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 24841, 17:13:11: Kyanite claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 146 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24841, 17:43:47: Kyanite unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 146 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24842, 00:15:50: Kyanite froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 230 (Brontosaurus) Day 24845, 17:28:26: Kyanite froze Aquamarine - Lvl 266 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 24845, 17:33:59: Kyanite froze Talon - Lvl 80 (Fjordhawk) Day 24876, 13:19:32: Dilophosaur - Lvl 86 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 24877, 22:41:42: Kyanite froze Phiomia - Lvl 297 (Phiomia) Day 24878, 00:13:27: Kyanite froze Aquamarine - Lvl 268 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 24878, 09:34:11: Viperion claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake)'! Day 24878, 09:36:58: Viperion froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake) Day 24878, 09:39:41: Viperion claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake)'! Day 24878, 09:42:41: Viperion froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake) Day 24878, 16:49:45: Viperion froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane) Day 24878, 16:54:36: Viperion froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane) Day 24878, 19:39:01: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 24878, 21:15:55: Viperion froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 24878, 21:22:08: Viperion froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 24878, 22:58:37: Viperion froze Juvenile Hi - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane) Day 24878, 23:06:47: Viperion froze Juvenile Hi - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane) Day 24878, 23:11:46: Viperion froze Juvenile Hi - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane) Day 24879, 01:08:36: Nytrix froze Argentavis - Lvl 262 (Argentavis) Day 24879, 09:15:09: Viperion froze Adolescent Thaamin - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 24879, 16:34:37: Tribemember Kyanite - Lvl 122 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 24902, 00:09:13: Viperion froze Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake) Day 24902, 00:14:47: Viperion froze Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake) Day 24902, 05:45:18: Viperion claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex)'! Day 24911, 16:12:53: Viperion froze Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 24912, 04:26:52: Viperion claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 166 (Rock Drake)'! Day 24912, 04:36:10: Viperion froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 166 (Rock Drake) Day 24912, 08:13:12: Viperion claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24912, 08:16:06: Viperion froze Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) Day 24912, 08:59:48: Viperion froze Griffin - Lvl 244 (Griffin) Day 24912, 17:41:23: Viperion demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 24912, 17:42:43: Viperion demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 24912, 17:44:10: Viperion demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 24912, 17:45:08: Viperion demolished a 'Metal Triangle Foundation'! Day 24912, 17:46:34: Viperion demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 24912, 17:47:40: Viperion demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 24912, 17:49:42: Viperion demolished a 'Metal Triangle Foundation'! Day 24912, 17:50:57: Viperion demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 24913, 00:13:38: Viperion demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 24913, 00:14:45: Viperion demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 24913, 00:16:47: Viperion demolished a 'Metal Triangle Foundation'! Day 24913, 10:46:29: Viperion froze Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 166 (Rock Drake) Day 24913, 15:42:12: Viperion froze Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 166 (Rock Drake) Day 24913, 15:50:09: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 258 (Argentavis) Day 24913, 19:49:39: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 121 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160! Day 24913, 20:20:56: Your Argentavis - Lvl 258 (Argentavis) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160! Day 24914, 01:23:18: Viperion froze Pteranodon - Lvl 279 (Pteranodon) Day 24914, 05:49:44: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 121 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 24914, 06:41:05: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 121 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 24914, 08:31:21: Viperion froze Pteranodon - Lvl 279 (Pteranodon) Day 24914, 10:29:43: Viperion froze Pteranodon - Lvl 279 (Pteranodon) Day 24915, 05:02:40: Viperion claimed 'Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 198 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 24915, 05:06:33: Viperion claimed 'Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 198 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 24915, 05:23:07: Viperion claimed 'Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 209 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 24915, 05:25:12: Viperion claimed 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 207 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24915, 05:28:33: Viperion claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex)'! Day 24915, 05:31:24: Viperion claimed 'Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 209 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 24915, 06:33:03: Viperion claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 24915, 06:34:18: Viperion claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 24915, 07:00:55: Viperion claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 24915, 07:29:49: Viperion demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 24915, 11:02:40: Viperion froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24915, 11:07:52: Viperion froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24915, 11:12:37: Viperion froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24915, 12:08:31: Viperion froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24915, 12:12:02: Viperion froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24915, 12:15:10: Viperion froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24915, 18:43:51: Viperion froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24915, 18:52:25: Viperion froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24915, 19:00:30: Viperion froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24916, 00:53:57: Viperion froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24916, 06:02:16: Viperion froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24916, 06:07:34: Viperion froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24916, 06:11:19: Viperion froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24916, 06:15:15: Viperion froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24916, 06:21:00: Viperion froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24916, 06:31:33: Viperion froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24916, 06:40:30: Viperion froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24916, 06:57:27: Viperion froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24916, 11:26:58: Viperion froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24916, 11:32:41: Viperion froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24916, 11:36:16: Viperion froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24916, 15:55:40: Viperion froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24916, 16:22:10: Viperion froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24916, 20:12:26: Viperion froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24916, 20:36:58: Viperion froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24918, 18:10:57: Juvenile X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 209 (X-Yutyrannus) starved to death! Day 24918, 18:10:57: Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 207 (Yutyrannus) starved to death! Day 24918, 18:10:57: Juvenile X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 209 (X-Yutyrannus) starved to death! Day 24918, 18:10:57: Juvenile X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 198 (X-Yutyrannus) starved to death! Day 24918, 18:10:57: Juvenile X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 198 (X-Yutyrannus) starved to death! Day 24921, 00:40:42: Kyanite downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 262 Day 24945, 20:05:33: Kyanite froze Mammoth - Lvl 252 (Mammoth) Day 24967, 13:42:59: Kyanite claimed 'Drogon - Lvl 109 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 24990, 02:04:57: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 121 was killed by Kyanite - Lvl 122 (The Guild of Assassins)! Day 24990, 02:04:57: Your Tribe killed Viperion - Lvl 121 (The Guild of Assassins)! Day 25010, 06:38:01: Viperion claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 25010, 06:42:40: Viperion froze Baby Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 25027, 09:48:52: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25027, 09:48:52: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25074, 15:15:25: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25087, 05:41:50: Your Caravan (Raft) was destroyed! Day 25087, 05:42:58: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 25089, 11:48:44: Tribemember Kyanite - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 25109, 08:05:22: Dealer - Lvl 141 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 25133, 09:52:53: Parasaur - Lvl 161 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 25133, 18:59:12: Kyanite froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 230 (Brontosaurus) Day 25133, 19:17:28: Kyanite froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 230 (Brontosaurus) Day 25133, 19:20:20: Kyanite froze TREX - Lvl 254 (Rex) Day 25133, 21:00:26: Kyanite froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 230 (Brontosaurus) Day 25133, 21:40:41: Kyanite froze TREX - Lvl 254 (Rex) Day 25133, 23:50:06: Kyanite froze TREX - Lvl 254 (Rex) Day 25134, 03:24:16: Kyanite froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 230 (Brontosaurus) Day 25134, 10:16:19: Kyanite froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 230 (Brontosaurus) Day 25134, 10:21:56: Kyanite froze TREX - Lvl 254 (Rex) Day 25205, 13:43:53: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 25216, 08:46:17: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25232, 00:01:01: Your Iguanodon - Lvl 100 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 55! Day 25232, 00:19:01: Your Triceratops - Lvl 82 (Triceratops) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 55! Day 25255, 09:33:33: Your Tresa - Lvl 202 (Triceratops) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 55! Day 25327, 08:35:15: Gigabyte - Lvl 235 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 25333, 07:17:34: Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex) starved to death! Day 25381, 20:22:19: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25396, 18:16:11: Deinonychus - Lvl 164 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 25498, 23:00:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25498, 23:00:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25593, 11:49:27: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25597, 07:12:59: Helen - Lvl 7 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 265 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25597, 07:15:24: Helen - Lvl 7 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 262 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25664, 08:37:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25674, 04:33:17: Hecate - Lvl 122 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25674, 16:20:24: Hecate - Lvl 122 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 25674, 20:44:13: Doedicurus - Lvl 93 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 25782, 10:34:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25812, 20:15:28: Steffen - Lvl 142 (Tek Stegosaurus) starved to death! Day 25846, 16:25:59: ds - Lvl 113 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 25869, 00:13:34: Your Pheonix - Lvl 262 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 25869, 00:19:53: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 25869, 01:07:55: Your Desmodus - Lvl 236 (Desmodus) was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 25876, 21:29:37: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25888, 19:22:00: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blizzard - Lvl 284 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 25888, 19:22:51: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadow Claw - Lvl 269 (Rock Drake)'! Day 25888, 19:24:25: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Direwolf - Lvl 266 (R-Direwolf)'! Day 25888, 19:25:09: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 142 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 25888, 19:25:38: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25888, 19:26:31: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 198 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 25888, 19:27:16: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dealer - Lvl 198 (Raptor)'! Day 25888, 19:28:38: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hyaenodon - Lvl 230 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 25888, 19:29:20: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Holler - Lvl 247 (Argentavis)'! Day 25888, 19:29:57: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bourbon - Lvl 267 (Argentavis)'! Day 25888, 19:30:26: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilisk - Lvl 176 (Basilisk)'! Day 25888, 19:31:35: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 297 (Phiomia)'! Day 25888, 19:33:07: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maryland - Lvl 419 (Argentavis)'! Day 25888, 19:33:39: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oreo - Lvl 269 (Argentavis)'! Day 25888, 19:34:07: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Platinum - Lvl 280 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 25888, 19:34:35: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 252 (Mammoth)'! Day 25888, 19:35:08: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 123 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 25888, 19:38:06: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 303 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 25888, 19:47:21: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 173 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 25888, 19:48:18: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 230 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 25888, 19:49:00: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 416 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 25888, 19:49:34: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'triston - Lvl 165 (Triceratops)'! Day 25888, 19:50:16: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 207 (Triceratops)'! Day 25888, 19:50:53: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 188 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 25888, 19:51:18: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 127 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 25888, 19:52:05: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 235 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 25888, 19:52:25: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'tulip - Lvl 187 (Parasaur)'! Day 25888, 19:54:03: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DONT LEVEL - Lvl 220 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 25888, 19:55:21: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jasmine - Lvl 40 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 25888, 19:56:18: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raab'i - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane)'! Day 25888, 19:56:43: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Saadis - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane)'! Day 25888, 19:57:59: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iguanodon - Lvl 215 (Iguanodon)'! Day 25888, 19:59:12: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iguanodon - Lvl 249 (Iguanodon)'! Day 25888, 20:05:52: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake)'! Day 25888, 20:06:41: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DONT LEVEL - Lvl 235 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 25888, 20:08:17: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Griffin - Lvl 246 (Griffin)'! Day 25888, 20:09:20: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 209 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25888, 20:09:40: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'suiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - Lvl 133 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 25888, 20:10:31: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 205 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 25888, 20:12:06: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megan - Lvl 155 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 25888, 20:12:39: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Paradingdong - Lvl 82 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 25888, 20:13:11: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 202 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 25888, 20:13:52: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'rhino - Lvl 198 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 25888, 20:17:08: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Trey - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25888, 20:18:05: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Quinten - Lvl 124 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25888, 20:18:40: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'TUTY - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 25888, 20:19:43: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake)'! Day 25888, 20:20:58: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Anky - Lvl 214 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 25888, 20:21:47: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Freddo - Lvl 242 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 25888, 20:22:12: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tricera - Lvl 198 (Triceratops)'! Day 25888, 20:23:45: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Woolly Rhino - Lvl 183 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 25888, 20:24:48: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Quattro - Lvl 124 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25888, 20:27:16: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jaffa - Lvl 269 (Argentavis)'! Day 25888, 20:29:24: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'WWWWWWW - Lvl 193 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 25888, 20:33:33: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yuty - Lvl 209 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 25888, 20:34:40: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Scorch - Lvl 251 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 25888, 20:37:59: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25888, 20:39:04: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex)'! Day 25888, 20:42:06: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 279 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25888, 20:42:43: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DO NOT LEVEL Breeding Ma - Lvl 252 (Rex)'! Day 25888, 20:43:07: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 276 (Doedicurus)'! Day 25888, 20:43:59: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 284 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 25888, 20:44:56: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex)'! Day 25888, 20:45:53: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perfect male - Lvl 229 (Rex)'! Day 25888, 20:48:04: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 166 (Rock Drake)'! Day 25888, 20:53:27: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Samanthas-Samuel Pozwig - Lvl 277 (Rex)'! Day 25888, 21:02:33: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 81 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 25888, 21:06:42: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ickeh - Lvl 228 (Ichthyosaurus)'! Day 25888, 21:16:21: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iron Deficiency - Lvl 272 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 25888, 21:17:22: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pijj'Eh - Lvl 275 (Argentavis)'! Day 25888, 21:34:38: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 25888, 21:49:16: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis)'! Day 25888, 21:55:44: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 262 (Argentavis)'! Day 25888, 22:05:22: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Scoria - Lvl 186 (Magmasaur)'! Day 25888, 22:06:48: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Saab'i - Lvl 236 (Shadowmane)'! Day 25888, 22:07:50: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thaamin - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane)'! Day 25888, 22:09:39: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thaalith - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane)'! Day 25888, 22:10:19: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 257 (Shadowmane)'! Day 25888, 22:11:10: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Awwal - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane)'! Day 25888, 22:12:58: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baryonyx - Lvl 304 (Baryonyx)'! Day 25888, 22:15:42: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thaan - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane)'! Day 25888, 22:17:11: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 234 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 25888, 22:23:43: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Squishy - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 25888, 22:28:34: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Drogon - Lvl 109 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 25888, 22:31:06: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aquamarine - Lvl 268 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 25888, 22:34:33: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 25888, 22:36:12: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Inazuma - Lvl 267 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 25888, 22:39:05: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hiken - Lvl 309 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 25888, 22:47:08: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 244 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 25888, 23:43:58: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vortex - Lvl 287 (Shadowmane)'! Day 25888, 23:44:51: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 277 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25888, 23:45:46: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Xerneon - Lvl 209 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 25888, 23:46:26: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'TREX - Lvl 254 (Rex)'! Day 25888, 23:49:10: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 209 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 25889, 00:01:29: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 256 (Castoroides)'! Day 25889, 00:27:38: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Schnitzel - Lvl 258 (Quetzal)'! Day 25889, 00:32:09: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fighter Mutation - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 25889, 00:55:19: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 202 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 25889, 05:07:01: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Khaamis - Lvl 236 (Shadowmane)'! Day 25889, 05:14:34: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Skinny - Lvl 254 (Pelagornis)'! Day 25889, 05:24:52: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 280 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 25889, 05:39:31: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baby pozwig - Lvl 284 (Rex)'! Day 25889, 06:17:08: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dose - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25889, 06:17:30: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 119 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25889, 06:18:58: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'woosh - Lvl 184 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 25889, 06:20:02: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 164 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25889, 06:21:13: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DO NOT LEVEL Breeding Fe - Lvl 255 (Rex)'! Day 25889, 06:24:16: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perfect female - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 25889, 06:27:26: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DAVE - Lvl 306 (Doedicurus)'! Day 25889, 06:48:59: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 211 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 25889, 06:49:37: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25889, 06:54:29: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tyrone - Lvl 268 (Triceratops)'! Day 25889, 06:55:06: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 173 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25889, 06:55:51: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo 2 - Lvl 255 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 25889, 06:56:33: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 200 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 25889, 06:57:32: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Unos - Lvl 182 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25889, 07:00:50: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 199 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25889, 07:15:49: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 164 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 25890, 21:44:45: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis)'! Day 25891, 00:54:55: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 282 (Doedicurus)'! Day 25891, 01:03:30: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Aurora (Motorboat)'! Day 25891, 01:17:18: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 313 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 25928, 09:48:04: Lebvii - Lvl 3 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 25943, 05:24:39: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 287 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 26033, 09:46:08: fizzle - Lvl 104 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Frosty - Lvl 215 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 26076, 12:12:42: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 115 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 26089, 08:15:29: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26183, 17:01:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26222, 09:13:01: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'basil - Lvl 67 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 26222, 09:20:56: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 256 (Megalodon)'! Day 26222, 09:25:01: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ds - Lvl 234 (Ichthyosaurus)'! Day 26222, 09:28:58: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 26293, 19:12:12: Tribemember Kyanite - Lvl 122 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 26430, 22:28:58: Your Digestive - Lvl 271 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 26453, 08:54:00: Nala - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Edu) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 26470, 07:20:42: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26792, 11:51:15: [TJ] PteraDONG - Lvl 274 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 27070, 14:48:44: Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 28053, 10:01:02: Spec - Lvl 65 (Tribe of AN7HONYCT) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 28072, 14:14:56: Your Nemys - Lvl 254 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 28119, 14:25:09: Spec - Lvl 69 (Tribe of AN7HONYCT) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Wooden PEarl (Raft)'! Day 28217, 21:09:04: Spec - Lvl 83 (Tribe of AN7HONYCT) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 93 (Parasaur)'! Day 28470, 20:38:02: Les - Lvl 85 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 28482, 15:10:44: Les - Lvl 91 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 28491, 07:55:10: Sinomacrops - Lvl 66 (Sinomacrops) starved to death! Day 28887, 16:59:22: Butter - Lvl 112 (Unpaid greggs workers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 32239, 02:18:07: Tribemember Kyanite - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 32428, 04:00:39: Nytrix - Lvl 70 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 32876, 22:26:48: Tribemember Kyanite - Lvl 122 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 95! Day 42080, 04:11:33: CarboN - Lvl 237 (Carbonemys) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1631379538,"tribe":"gimgam logs":["Day 21352, 03:27:14: ElecTroN was added to the Tribe! Day 21352, 03:31:35: FireCube was added to the Tribe by ElecTroN! Day 21352, 05:22:23: Tribemember ElecTroN - Lvl 126 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 50! Day 21352, 05:43:55: Tribemember ElecTroN - Lvl 126 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 21352, 06:00:12: Tribemember ElecTroN - Lvl 126 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 90! Day 21352, 12:41:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 83 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 21352, 13:27:01: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 83 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 50! Day 21352, 15:49:50: Tribemember ElecTroN - Lvl 126 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 95! Day 21352, 15:50:56: Tribemember FireCube - Lvl 18 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 95! Day 21352, 16:26:30: Tribemember ElecTroN - Lvl 126 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 95! Day 21352, 16:35:53: Tribemember FireCube - Lvl 18 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 95! Day 21352, 16:52:42: Tribemember FireCube - Lvl 18 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 95! Day 21354, 07:05:21: FireCube Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax)! Day 21354, 07:14:18: Your Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax) was killed by FireCube - Lvl 41 (Tribe of ElecTroN)! Day 21354, 07:14:18: Your Tribe killed Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax) (Tribe of ElecTroN)! Day 21354, 13:38:12: ElecTroN Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax)! Day 21354, 18:31:56: Tribemember FireCube - Lvl 41 was killed by ElecTroN - Lvl 126 (Tribe of ElecTroN)! Day 21354, 18:31:56: Your Tribe killed FireCube - Lvl 41 (Tribe of ElecTroN)! Day 21354, 19:43:43: ElecTroN Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 142 (Triceratops)! Day 21355, 08:09:39: ElecTroN Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 127 (Moschops)! Day 21355, 16:49:03: FireCube Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 21510, 10:24:02: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21646, 09:51:17: Tribemember FireCube - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 21646, 10:42:44: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 21646, 13:45:49: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 149 (Argentavis)! Day 21646, 22:37:16: ElecTroN Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 129 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 21647, 04:53:11: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 142 (Argentavis)! Day 21647, 08:34:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)! Day 21647, 20:29:33: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 140 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 21647, 20:29:52: Tribemember ElecTroN - Lvl 126 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 21648, 04:22:45: Tribemember FireCube - Lvl 58 was killed! Day 21661, 05:59:43: Tribemember ElecTroN - Lvl 126 was killed! Day 21661, 07:04:25: Tribemember ElecTroN - Lvl 126 was killed! Day 21661, 10:35:50: Tribemember ElecTroN - Lvl 126 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 85! Day 21661, 23:43:34: ElecTroN uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 162 Day 21689, 13:44:12: meho was added to the Tribe by ElecTroN! Day 21689, 14:42:01: Tribemember meho - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 21799, 01:57:21: Your Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 21816, 18:09:43: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22082, 13:28:22: Tribemember meho - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 22253, 20:05:59: Moschops - Lvl 127 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 22277, 19:53:17: Goof - Lvl 50 (Tribe of Goof) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 154 (Argentavis)'! Day 22278, 00:25:42: Goof - Lvl 53 (Tribe of Goof) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 136 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 22281, 21:22:53: Your Fotis - Lvl 173 (Triceratops) was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 22289, 01:39:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22289, 01:39:54: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22395, 12:49:49: Tribemember ElecTroN - Lvl 126 was killed! Day 22395, 13:04:44: Tribemember FireCube - Lvl 58 was killed! Day 22837, 08:11:42: meho was removed from the Tribe by ElecTroN! Day 22837, 08:15:42: Tribemember ElecTroN - Lvl 126 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 23032, 18:29:47: Tribemember ElecTroN - Lvl 126 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90!"] "tribeid":1625496796,"tribe":"Tribe of Monkeyville logs":["Day 31465, 13:47:40: XLuna was added to the Tribe! Day 31465, 13:54:14: ngyoromo was added to the Tribe by XLuna! Day 31465, 15:24:23: Your sock cucker - Lvl 173 (Maewing) was killed! Day 31465, 15:32:08: Tribemember ngyoromo - Lvl 114 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 31465, 17:03:49: Your Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 242 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 50! Day 31465, 22:07:34: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 239 (Maewing) Day 31465, 22:16:44: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31468, 06:27:26: ngyoromo froze baskin - Lvl 243 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31473, 08:29:12: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 247 (Maewing) Day 31474, 23:19:12: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 250 (Maewing) Day 31474, 23:57:30: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31475, 04:08:16: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31475, 04:12:10: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 250 (Maewing) Day 31476, 00:17:06: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 251 (Maewing) Day 31476, 01:37:37: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 283 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31476, 06:34:13: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 251 (Maewing) Day 31476, 08:56:26: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 251 (Maewing) Day 31476, 09:03:49: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 283 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31477, 15:34:49: ngyoromo froze baskin - Lvl 253 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31479, 15:30:10: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 254 (Maewing) Day 31479, 18:36:46: Tribemember ngyoromo - Lvl 114 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 31479, 21:39:57: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 254 (Maewing) Day 31480, 01:39:18: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31480, 02:59:22: ngyoromo Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 22 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 31480, 03:30:16: XLuna froze MONKEY CRUNCHER - Lvl 22 (Giganotosaurus) Day 31480, 04:21:33: XLuna uploaded a Giganotosaurus: MONKEY CRUNCHER - Lvl 22 Day 31480, 04:25:59: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 254 (Maewing) Day 31480, 07:47:00: Tribemember ngyoromo - Lvl 114 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 31480, 08:46:30: Tribemember ngyoromo - Lvl 114 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 31480, 11:21:14: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31480, 13:29:41: ngyoromo Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 67 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 31480, 13:38:45: XLuna froze mosnter muncher - Lvl 67 (Giganotosaurus) Day 31480, 14:09:14: XLuna uploaded a Giganotosaurus: mosnter muncher - Lvl 67 Day 31480, 14:27:16: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 255 (Maewing) Day 31480, 14:34:28: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31480, 17:55:24: Tribemember ngyoromo - Lvl 114 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 31480, 18:03:39: Tribemember ngyoromo - Lvl 114 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 31481, 01:19:24: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31481, 01:38:47: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 255 (Maewing) Day 31481, 01:48:44: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 167 (Maewing) Day 31481, 07:45:17: XLuna downloaded a dino: Stegosaurus - Lvl 34 Day 31481, 07:46:04: XLuna downloaded a dino: Carnotaurus - Lvl 86 Day 31481, 07:48:53: XLuna froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 34 (Stegosaurus) Day 31481, 07:51:38: XLuna froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 86 (Carnotaurus) Day 31481, 08:32:16: XLuna downloaded a dino: Carnotaurus - Lvl 29 Day 31481, 08:32:46: XLuna downloaded a dino: Triceratops - Lvl 226 Day 31481, 08:35:48: XLuna froze Triceratops - Lvl 226 (Triceratops) Day 31481, 08:38:54: XLuna froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 29 (Carnotaurus) Day 31481, 09:22:45: XLuna unclaimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 226 (Triceratops)'! Day 31481, 09:26:39: XLuna unclaimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 29 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 31481, 09:29:48: XLuna unclaimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 34 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 31481, 09:32:46: XLuna unclaimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 86 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 31481, 09:49:48: XLuna claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 226 (Triceratops)'! Day 31481, 09:57:28: XLuna unclaimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 226 (Triceratops)'! Day 31481, 10:00:32: XLuna claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 226 (Triceratops)'! Day 31481, 10:01:12: XLuna claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 29 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 31481, 10:23:56: XLuna claimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 34 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 31481, 10:29:22: XLuna unclaimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 34 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 31481, 10:36:52: XLuna claimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 34 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 31481, 11:05:39: Your Triceratops - Lvl 226 (Triceratops) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 31481, 11:05:39: Your Tribe killed Triceratops - Lvl 226 (Triceratops) (Tribe of Monkeyville)! Day 31481, 11:07:39: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 29 (Carnotaurus) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 31481, 11:07:39: Your Tribe killed Carnotaurus - Lvl 29 (Carnotaurus) (Tribe of Monkeyville)! Day 31481, 12:10:55: Your Stegosaurus - Lvl 34 (Stegosaurus) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 31481, 12:10:55: Your Tribe killed Stegosaurus - Lvl 34 (Stegosaurus) (Tribe of Monkeyville)! Day 31481, 13:42:26: XLuna claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 86 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 31481, 13:44:41: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 86 (Carnotaurus) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 31481, 13:44:41: Your Tribe killed Carnotaurus - Lvl 86 (Carnotaurus) (Tribe of Monkeyville)! Day 31481, 15:33:26: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 255 (Maewing) Day 31481, 16:06:08: Tribemember XLuna - Lvl 113 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 31481, 16:14:23: Tribemember XLuna - Lvl 113 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 31481, 17:19:07: Tribemember XLuna - Lvl 113 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 31481, 17:50:13: Tribemember XLuna - Lvl 113 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 31481, 18:17:47: Tribemember XLuna - Lvl 113 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 31481, 19:28:07: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 255 (Maewing) Day 31481, 21:02:32: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 168 (Maewing) Day 31481, 21:07:44: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31482, 22:57:13: Tribemember XLuna - Lvl 113 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 31483, 03:35:32: ngyoromo froze baskin - Lvl 262 (Poison Wyvern) Day 31483, 04:26:17: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 172 (Maewing) Day 31483, 04:27:56: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 257 (Maewing) Day 31484, 22:53:18: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 174 (Maewing) Day 31485, 07:33:00: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 175 (Maewing) Day 31485, 21:18:46: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 175 (Maewing) Day 31485, 21:49:58: XLuna Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 31485, 22:28:38: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 259 (Maewing) Day 31486, 05:28:02: XLuna Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 134 (Megalodon)! Day 31486, 06:13:45: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31486, 06:49:30: XLuna froze Megalodon - Lvl 134 (Megalodon) Day 31486, 08:30:26: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 259 (Maewing) Day 31486, 08:41:47: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 259 (Maewing) Day 31486, 09:57:28: XLuna froze Megalodon - Lvl 142 (Megalodon) Day 31486, 11:05:54: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 259 (Maewing) Day 31486, 11:14:00: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 259 (Maewing) Day 31486, 11:50:26: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 176 (Maewing) Day 31486, 13:44:00: XLuna froze Megalodon - Lvl 146 (Megalodon) Day 31486, 14:07:06: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 259 (Maewing) Day 31486, 14:21:47: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 259 (Maewing) Day 31486, 18:16:59: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 259 (Maewing) Day 31497, 06:21:15: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 266 (Maewing) Day 31505, 07:23:52: XLuna froze L-Wing B3 - Lvl 156 (Maewing) Day 31526, 15:51:45: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 198 (Maewing) Day 31527, 02:21:57: XLuna froze L-Wing B1 - Lvl 100 (Maewing) Day 31550, 21:09:59: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 311 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31550, 22:45:23: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 311 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31551, 04:43:33: XLuna froze L-Wing B1 Mk2 - Lvl 107 (Maewing) Day 31572, 09:51:53: XLuna froze L-Wing B1 Mk2 - Lvl 119 (Maewing) Day 31599, 16:20:13: Tribemember ngyoromo - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 31634, 16:53:42: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31752, 20:37:19: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31871, 00:36:19: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31894, 15:36:16: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32140, 14:44:59: EE - Lvl 212 (Ichthyosaurus) starved to death! Day 32437, 12:23:58: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32484, 09:00:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32767, 20:58:01: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1621930830,"tribe":"Jewy logs":["Day 43479, 12:03:46: Geralt froze Jono's Wife - Lvl 293 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43479, 12:11:43: Lyruin froze Kaster - Lvl 284 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43479, 15:33:52: jamals dad froze Kaisel - Lvl 263 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43479, 16:11:17: Geralt froze Jono's Wife - Lvl 293 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43479, 16:35:25: Lyruin froze Kaster - Lvl 284 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43481, 12:44:47: Geralt claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 43481, 12:51:15: Geralt froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Ice Wyvern) Day 43481, 14:57:57: Geralt froze Original Bloodline - Lvl 271 (Pteranodon) Day 43481, 15:02:36: Geralt froze Mr Clock - Lvl 278 (Pteranodon) Day 43481, 15:10:02: Your Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Ice Wyvern) was killed by Geralt - Lvl 112 (Jewy)! Day 43481, 15:10:02: Your Tribe killed Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Ice Wyvern)! Day 43481, 16:14:33: Geralt froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 263 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43481, 16:27:05: Geralt claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 43481, 16:40:50: Geralt froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43481, 17:39:07: jamals dad froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 264 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43481, 18:07:55: jamals dad froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 264 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43481, 18:35:23: jamals dad froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 264 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43481, 19:51:18: jamals dad froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 264 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43481, 20:08:32: Geralt claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 186 (Parasaur)'! Day 43481, 20:14:27: Geralt unclaimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 186 (Parasaur)'! Day 43481, 20:15:57: Geralt claimed 'TANK - Lvl 305 (Rex)'! Day 43481, 20:22:12: Geralt froze TANK - Lvl 305 (Rex) Day 43481, 20:23:53: Geralt claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 196 (Pteranodon)'! Day 43481, 20:29:28: Geralt unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 196 (Pteranodon)'! Day 43481, 20:30:17: Geralt claimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 232 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 43481, 20:43:27: Geralt unclaimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 233 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 43482, 17:52:04: Geralt froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 266 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43482, 18:39:23: Geralt froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 266 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43482, 19:09:50: Geralt froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 266 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43484, 22:40:17: Geralt demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 43484, 22:41:11: Geralt demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 43484, 22:42:07: Geralt demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 43485, 09:51:08: Geralt froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 266 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43485, 10:03:44: Geralt froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 267 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43485, 10:26:18: Geralt froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 268 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43485, 11:10:14: Geralt froze Kaisel - Lvl 270 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43485, 11:23:18: Geralt froze Kaster - Lvl 285 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43485, 11:27:34: Geralt froze Birdeye - Lvl 279 (Argentavis) Day 43485, 11:48:01: Geralt froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43485, 11:51:57: Geralt froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 226 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43485, 11:56:39: Geralt froze 347 Melee - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43485, 12:03:44: Geralt froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43485, 20:23:49: Geralt froze Jono's Wife - Lvl 300 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43497, 14:10:33: Geralt froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 270 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43498, 20:04:52: Lyruin froze TANK - Lvl 307 (Rex) Day 43498, 20:43:29: Lyruin froze Kaster - Lvl 287 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43498, 22:28:18: Lyruin froze TANK - Lvl 307 (Rex) Day 43498, 23:00:49: Geralt Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 209 (Megalodon)! Day 43499, 01:13:56: Lyruin froze Kaisel - Lvl 273 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43499, 01:54:49: Lyruin froze Original Bloodline - Lvl 277 (Pteranodon) Day 43499, 02:49:25: Lyruin froze Kaster - Lvl 287 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43499, 05:06:40: Geralt Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 202 (Basilosaurus)! Day 43499, 05:08:58: Lyruin froze Wings - Lvl 260 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43499, 05:17:22: Geralt froze Cindy The Shark - Lvl 212 (Megalodon) Day 43499, 05:51:03: Lyruin froze Kaster - Lvl 287 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43499, 05:58:55: Geralt froze Cindy's Cuszo - Lvl 203 (Basilosaurus) Day 43499, 07:26:35: Geralt froze Jono's Wife - Lvl 302 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43500, 15:35:55: Geralt claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 30 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 43500, 15:37:15: Geralt claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 30 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 43500, 15:41:10: Geralt claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 30 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 43500, 15:46:54: Geralt froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 30 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43500, 15:50:26: Geralt froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 30 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43500, 15:54:06: Geralt froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 30 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43500, 16:08:34: Lyruin froze Kaster - Lvl 290 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43500, 18:04:44: Geralt froze Jono's Wife - Lvl 302 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43500, 19:51:02: Lyruin froze TANK - Lvl 307 (Rex) Day 43500, 20:52:59: Geralt froze Cindy's Cuszo - Lvl 244 (Basilosaurus) Day 43501, 07:15:22: Tribemember Lyruin - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 43501, 08:44:05: Lyruin froze Wings - Lvl 260 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43501, 13:05:40: Lyruin froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 30 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43501, 19:38:21: Lyruin froze Kaster - Lvl 294 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43502, 00:00:15: jamals dad froze Kaisel - Lvl 274 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43502, 03:09:14: Geralt Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 201 (Brontosaurus)! Day 43502, 03:24:18: Geralt froze Bronto Pontro - Lvl 201 (Brontosaurus) Day 43502, 05:23:49: Geralt froze Bronto Pontro - Lvl 212 (Brontosaurus) Day 43502, 07:01:46: Geralt froze Bronto Pontro - Lvl 219 (Brontosaurus) Day 43502, 13:21:54: Geralt froze Jono's Wife - Lvl 304 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43503, 06:25:59: Lyruin froze Kaster - Lvl 295 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43503, 06:32:30: jamals dad froze Kaisel - Lvl 283 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43503, 06:45:12: Geralt froze Jono's Wife - Lvl 304 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43503, 06:49:50: Geralt froze Jono's Wife - Lvl 304 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43503, 10:25:25: Geralt froze Cindy's Cuszo - Lvl 245 (Basilosaurus) Day 43503, 12:22:53: Geralt froze Jono's Wife - Lvl 304 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43503, 16:58:24: Geralt froze Cindy's Cuszo - Lvl 262 (Basilosaurus) Day 43503, 19:30:47: Lyruin froze TANK - Lvl 308 (Rex) Day 43503, 20:03:38: Lyruin claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 43503, 20:21:08: Lyruin froze Baby JOHN - Lvl 225 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43503, 20:40:15: Lyruin claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 43503, 20:44:31: Lyruin froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43503, 20:47:43: Lyruin claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 43503, 20:51:48: Lyruin froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43503, 20:59:58: Lyruin froze Baby JOHN - Lvl 225 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43503, 21:03:39: Lyruin claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 43503, 21:04:59: Lyruin claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 43503, 21:06:10: Lyruin claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 43503, 21:09:53: Lyruin froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43503, 21:12:49: Lyruin claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 43503, 21:16:52: Lyruin froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43503, 21:19:55: Lyruin claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 43503, 21:23:24: Lyruin froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43503, 21:29:59: Lyruin froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43503, 21:34:02: Lyruin froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43503, 21:38:27: Lyruin froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43503, 22:59:12: Lyruin froze Kaster - Lvl 295 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43504, 09:30:33: Geralt froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 30 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43504, 09:33:25: Geralt froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 30 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43504, 09:36:18: Geralt froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 30 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43504, 10:19:10: Geralt froze Mr Clock - Lvl 283 (Pteranodon) Day 43504, 10:22:50: Geralt froze Original Bloodline - Lvl 278 (Pteranodon) Day 43504, 10:44:10: Geralt froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43504, 11:59:43: jamals dad froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 272 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43504, 13:36:38: Lyruin froze Kaster - Lvl 295 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43504, 13:37:26: jamals dad froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 272 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43504, 14:21:37: jamals dad froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 272 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43504, 17:06:00: Geralt froze Bronto Pontro - Lvl 224 (Brontosaurus) Day 43504, 17:36:29: jamals dad froze Birdeye - Lvl 284 (Argentavis) Day 43505, 15:21:16: Geralt froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43505, 16:10:54: jamals dad froze Kaisel - Lvl 287 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43505, 16:11:06: Geralt froze Jono's Wife - Lvl 304 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43506, 01:59:21: Lyruin froze Kaster - Lvl 295 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43506, 16:35:37: Geralt froze Snow Owl - Lvl 194 (Snow Owl) Day 43506, 16:39:04: Geralt froze Snow Owl - Lvl 194 (Snow Owl) Day 43506, 16:43:06: Geralt froze Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 43506, 16:49:33: jamals dad froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43506, 16:49:55: Geralt froze Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 43506, 16:52:53: Geralt froze bloy - Lvl 194 (Snow Owl) Day 43506, 16:54:23: jamals dad froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43506, 17:00:13: jamals dad froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43506, 17:16:36: jamals dad froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43506, 17:20:26: jamals dad froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43506, 17:25:15: jamals dad froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43506, 17:31:27: jamals dad froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43507, 18:46:50: Geralt froze JOHN - Lvl 225 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43507, 22:06:45: Geralt froze Jono's Wife - Lvl 306 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43509, 01:55:04: Geralt claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 43509, 02:32:01: Geralt froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43509, 07:45:33: Geralt froze bowei - Lvl 220 (Snow Owl) Day 43509, 07:49:43: Geralt froze bowei - Lvl 220 (Snow Owl) Day 43509, 07:52:59: Geralt froze bowei - Lvl 220 (Snow Owl) Day 43509, 07:56:15: Geralt froze bowei - Lvl 220 (Snow Owl) Day 43509, 07:59:08: Geralt froze bowei - Lvl 220 (Snow Owl) Day 43520, 01:34:14: Geralt froze Perfect Male - Lvl 216 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43520, 05:53:19: Geralt froze Bronto Pontro - Lvl 240 (Brontosaurus) Day 43520, 06:44:25: Geralt froze Bronto Pontro - Lvl 241 (Brontosaurus) Day 43520, 07:25:36: Lyruin froze TANK - Lvl 308 (Rex) Day 43521, 01:12:04: Geralt froze Jono's Wife - Lvl 307 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43521, 02:19:50: Geralt froze Cindy's Cuszo - Lvl 266 (Basilosaurus) Day 43521, 02:34:31: Geralt froze Jono's Wife - Lvl 307 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43521, 03:21:58: Lyruin froze Kaster - Lvl 302 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43521, 04:32:04: Geralt froze Cindy's Cuszo - Lvl 266 (Basilosaurus) Day 43524, 12:38:02: Geralt claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 221 (Snow Owl)'! Day 43524, 19:09:51: Geralt froze Jono's Wife - Lvl 307 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43524, 21:22:37: Geralt froze Cindy's Cuszo - Lvl 268 (Basilosaurus) Day 43525, 10:56:18: Geralt froze Adolescent Perfect Female - Lvl 221 (Snow Owl) Day 43526, 04:48:24: Tribemember Lyruin - Lvl 100 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 43526, 06:40:44: Lyruin froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 252 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43526, 09:08:30: Lyruin froze TANK - Lvl 311 (Rex) Day 43526, 09:38:11: Lyruin froze Kaster - Lvl 302 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43526, 12:25:40: Lyruin froze TANK - Lvl 311 (Rex) Day 43526, 14:04:55: Lyruin Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 134 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 43526, 14:13:54: Geralt froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 134 (Giganotosaurus) Day 43526, 14:21:35: Geralt froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 134 (Giganotosaurus) Day 43526, 18:46:13: Lyruin froze TANK - Lvl 311 (Rex) Day 43526, 19:48:00: Geralt claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 224 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 43526, 20:10:35: Lyruin froze TANK - Lvl 311 (Rex) Day 43527, 01:29:32: Lyruin froze Kaster - Lvl 302 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43527, 06:48:36: Lyruin froze MountainWTeeth - Lvl 179 (Giganotosaurus) Day 43527, 12:06:33: Lyruin froze Kaster - Lvl 302 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43527, 13:06:36: Your MountainWTeeth - Lvl 179 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 43527, 19:38:28: Lyruin froze Kaster - Lvl 302 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43530, 13:21:29: Geralt claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 43530, 17:50:01: Your Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Geralt - Lvl 112 (Jewy)! Day 43530, 17:50:01: Your Tribe killed Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) (Jewy)! Day 43543, 20:16:17: Lyruin claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 208 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 43543, 20:45:45: Your Baby purp - Lvl 208 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Lyruin - Lvl 103 (Jewy)! Day 43543, 20:45:45: Your Tribe killed Baby purp - Lvl 208 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) (Jewy)! Day 43543, 20:59:31: Lyruin froze TANK - Lvl 313 (Rex) Day 43543, 23:05:34: Lyruin froze flash - Lvl 254 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43543, 23:35:52: Geralt claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 218 (Snow Owl)'! Day 43543, 23:38:20: Lyruin froze WEIGHT 675 - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 43543, 23:47:29: Lyruin froze bowei - Lvl 220 (Snow Owl) Day 43543, 23:51:59: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 218 (Snow Owl) was killed by Geralt - Lvl 112 (Jewy)! Day 43543, 23:51:59: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 218 (Snow Owl) (Jewy)! Day 43544, 00:09:01: Lyruin froze Hoey - Lvl 237 (Snow Owl) Day 43544, 00:59:06: Lyruin froze Jared - Lvl 261 (Rex) Day 43544, 03:08:50: Lyruin froze Bono - Lvl 134 (Triceratops) Day 43544, 04:42:15: Lyruin froze Kaster - Lvl 303 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43544, 08:18:57: Geralt froze Jono's Wife - Lvl 308 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43544, 08:33:16: Geralt froze Jono's Wife - Lvl 308 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43544, 13:01:15: Lyruin froze Kaster - Lvl 304 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43544, 16:18:22: Lyruin froze Original Bloodline - Lvl 282 (Pteranodon) Day 43544, 17:27:45: Lyruin froze Original Bloodline - Lvl 282 (Pteranodon) Day 43544, 19:24:48: Lyruin froze Kaster - Lvl 304 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43544, 22:24:10: Lyruin froze Original Bloodline - Lvl 282 (Pteranodon) Day 43544, 23:36:59: Lyruin froze Kaster - Lvl 304 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43545, 01:48:51: Geralt Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 216 (Doedicurus)! Day 43545, 01:56:18: Geralt froze Doedicurus - Lvl 216 (Doedicurus) Day 43545, 05:16:41: Geralt froze Doedicurus - Lvl 221 (Doedicurus) Day 43545, 07:09:18: Geralt froze Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) Day 43545, 12:26:15: Geralt froze Doedicurus - Lvl 233 (Doedicurus) Day 43545, 20:54:06: Geralt Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo)! Day 43545, 21:02:42: Geralt froze Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo) Day 43545, 21:03:53: Geralt Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 127 (Dodo)! Day 43545, 21:08:14: Geralt froze Dodo - Lvl 127 (Dodo) Day 43545, 21:47:12: Geralt Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 67 (Dodo)! Day 43545, 21:48:52: Geralt Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo)! Day 43545, 21:54:23: Geralt froze Dodo - Lvl 67 (Dodo) Day 43545, 21:55:39: Geralt Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 148 (Dodo)! Day 43545, 21:58:00: Geralt froze Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo) Day 43545, 22:01:36: Geralt froze Dodo - Lvl 148 (Dodo) Day 43546, 05:46:22: Geralt Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 37 (Carbonemys)! Day 43546, 05:46:23: Geralt Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 29 (Carbonemys)! Day 43546, 05:50:22: Geralt froze Carbonemys - Lvl 29 (Carbonemys) Day 43546, 05:53:05: Geralt froze Carbonemys - Lvl 37 (Carbonemys) Day 43546, 07:25:19: Geralt Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo)! Day 43546, 07:28:55: Geralt froze Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo) Day 43546, 09:05:49: Geralt Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 74 (Carbonemys)! Day 43546, 09:09:17: Geralt froze Carbonemys - Lvl 74 (Carbonemys) Day 43546, 09:25:52: Geralt Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 149 (Carbonemys)! Day 43546, 09:30:16: Geralt froze Carbonemys - Lvl 149 (Carbonemys) Day 43546, 10:01:06: Geralt Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 29 (Carbonemys)! Day 43546, 10:06:05: Geralt froze Carbonemys - Lvl 29 (Carbonemys) Day 43546, 10:48:18: Geralt froze Carbonemys - Lvl 29 (Carbonemys) Day 43546, 11:25:26: Geralt froze Carbonemys - Lvl 74 (Carbonemys) Day 43546, 11:28:50: Geralt froze Carbonemys - Lvl 74 (Carbonemys) Day 43546, 16:56:32: Geralt Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 89 (Raptor)! Day 43546, 17:12:27: Geralt froze Raptor - Lvl 89 (Raptor) Day 43547, 00:22:33: Geralt Tamed a Compy - Lvl 29 (Compy)! Day 43547, 00:25:07: Geralt Tamed a Compy - Lvl 82 (Compy)! Day 43547, 00:31:39: Geralt froze Compy - Lvl 29 (Compy) Day 43547, 00:35:35: Geralt froze Compy - Lvl 82 (Compy) Day 43547, 06:32:43: Geralt Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 89 (Raptor)! Day 43547, 06:36:04: Geralt Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 82 (Raptor)! Day 43547, 06:41:35: Geralt froze Raptor - Lvl 82 (Raptor) Day 43547, 06:44:20: Geralt froze Raptor - Lvl 89 (Raptor) Day 43547, 06:45:18: Geralt Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 194 (Raptor)! Day 43547, 06:49:58: Geralt froze Raptor - Lvl 194 (Raptor) Day 43547, 06:59:24: Geralt Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 142 (Raptor)! Day 43547, 07:02:51: Geralt froze Raptor - Lvl 142 (Raptor) Day 43547, 13:02:06: Your Tribe Tamed an Oviraptor - Lvl 27 (Oviraptor)! Day 43547, 13:33:20: Geralt froze Oviraptor - Lvl 27 (Oviraptor) Day 43548, 10:11:29: Geralt claimed 'Baby Carbonemys - Lvl 47 (Carbonemys)'! Day 43548, 10:12:17: Geralt claimed 'Baby Carbonemys - Lvl 47 (Carbonemys)'! Day 43548, 10:14:57: Geralt claimed 'Baby Carbonemys - Lvl 30 (Carbonemys)'! Day 43548, 10:27:33: Geralt froze Baby Carbonemys - Lvl 30 (Carbonemys) Day 43548, 10:30:33: Geralt froze Baby Carbonemys - Lvl 47 (Carbonemys) Day 43548, 10:33:15: Geralt froze Baby Carbonemys - Lvl 47 (Carbonemys) Day 43548, 10:35:47: Geralt claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 43548, 12:42:35: Geralt froze Bronto Pontro - Lvl 259 (Brontosaurus) Day 43549, 03:36:24: Geralt froze Carbonemys - Lvl 47 (Carbonemys) Day 43549, 03:40:04: Geralt froze Carbonemys - Lvl 47 (Carbonemys) Day 43549, 03:44:54: Geralt froze Carbonemys - Lvl 30 (Carbonemys) Day 43549, 04:40:31: Geralt froze Carbonemys - Lvl 47 (Carbonemys) Day 43549, 10:52:41: Geralt froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43549, 21:00:10: jamals dad froze 1820 ST / 343 ME - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 43549, 21:05:31: jamals dad froze 1820 ST / 343 ME - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 43549, 21:09:28: jamals dad froze 1820 ST / 343 ME - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 43549, 21:19:28: jamals dad froze 1820 ST / 343 ME - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 43549, 21:23:25: jamals dad froze 1820 ST / 343 ME - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 43549, 21:29:06: jamals dad froze 1820 ST / 343 ME - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 43549, 21:42:13: jamals dad froze 1820 ST / 343 ME - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 43549, 21:52:12: jamals dad froze 1820 ST / 343 ME - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 43549, 21:56:54: jamals dad froze 1820 ST / 343 ME - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 43549, 22:02:22: jamals dad froze 1820 ST / 343 ME - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 43549, 22:16:43: Geralt froze Bronto Pontro - Lvl 260 (Brontosaurus) Day 43551, 14:15:17: Geralt froze Oviraptor - Lvl 29 (Oviraptor) Day 43572, 18:51:52: jamals dad - Lvl 101 (Jewy) destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 43573, 10:56:45: jamals dad froze 1820 ST / 343 ME - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 43573, 11:37:25: jamals dad froze Original Bloodline - Lvl 283 (Pteranodon) Day 43580, 12:25:47: Geralt claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (Snow Owl)'! Day 43580, 12:49:02: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (Snow Owl) was killed by Geralt - Lvl 112 (Jewy)! Day 43580, 12:49:02: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (Snow Owl) (Jewy)! Day 43592, 14:20:10: Lyruin froze TANK - Lvl 313 (Rex) Day 43592, 14:32:56: Lyruin froze Kaster - Lvl 306 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43592, 16:12:59: jamals dad froze Doedicurus - Lvl 242 (Doedicurus) Day 43592, 16:54:08: jamals dad froze Compy - Lvl 82 (Compy) Day 43592, 18:58:53: Lyruin froze Original Bloodline - Lvl 283 (Pteranodon) Day 43592, 19:30:30: jamals dad froze flash - Lvl 267 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43592, 23:29:26: Your Compy - Lvl 29 (Compy) was killed by Geralt - Lvl 112 (Jewy)! Day 43592, 23:29:26: Your Tribe killed Compy - Lvl 29 (Compy)! Day 43593, 00:41:46: Geralt froze Oviraptor - Lvl 29 (Oviraptor) Day 43593, 01:42:46: jamals dad froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 272 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43593, 03:00:50: jamals dad froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 286 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43593, 04:40:23: Tribemember Lyruin - Lvl 105 was killed by Geralt - Lvl 112 (Jewy)! Day 43593, 04:40:23: Your Tribe killed Lyruin - Lvl 105 (Jewy)! Day 43593, 04:57:17: Geralt claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 43593, 05:15:39: Your Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Geralt - Lvl 112 (Jewy)! Day 43593, 05:15:39: Your Tribe killed Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) (Jewy)! Day 43593, 05:39:23: jamals dad froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 287 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43593, 10:04:53: Geralt froze Jono's Wife - Lvl 308 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43593, 12:36:38: Tribemember Lyruin - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 43593, 19:15:19: Lyruin froze Kaster - Lvl 306 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43672, 07:42:04: Geralt froze Mr Clock - Lvl 309 (Pteranodon) Day 43672, 08:11:12: Geralt froze Kaster - Lvl 309 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43672, 08:57:32: Geralt froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43672, 09:04:05: Geralt claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 203 (Snow Owl)'! Day 43672, 09:46:36: Geralt froze Perfect Female - Lvl 255 (Snow Owl) Day 43672, 16:38:22: jamals dad froze bowei - Lvl 220 (Snow Owl) Day 43672, 16:43:14: jamals dad froze 1820 ST / 343 ME - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 43672, 16:49:18: jamals dad froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 224 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43672, 16:57:01: jamals dad froze Original Bloodline - Lvl 284 (Pteranodon) Day 43672, 17:01:38: jamals dad froze Jono's Wife - Lvl 310 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43672, 17:05:50: jamals dad froze flash - Lvl 279 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43672, 17:10:45: jamals dad froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 203 (Snow Owl) Day 43672, 17:27:03: jamals dad froze Birdeye - Lvl 290 (Argentavis) Day 43672, 17:33:50: jamals dad froze Managarmr - Lvl 38 (Managarmr) Day 43672, 17:40:38: jamals dad froze HP 7500 - Lvl 225 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43672, 17:46:26: jamals dad froze Melee 306 - Lvl 200 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43672, 17:56:40: jamals dad froze Kaisel - Lvl 299 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43672, 18:00:56: jamals dad froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43672, 18:05:41: jamals dad froze Perfect Male - Lvl 216 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 43705, 12:06:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43705, 12:06:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43824, 14:23:30: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43824, 14:23:30: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43824, 14:23:30: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43824, 14:23:30: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44133, 21:47:06: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44133, 21:47:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44133, 21:47:06: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44133, 21:47:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44133, 21:47:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44133, 21:47:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44133, 21:47:06: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44133, 21:47:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44133, 21:47:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44133, 21:47:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44133, 21:47:06: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44133, 21:47:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44133, 21:47:06: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44133, 21:47:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44133, 21:47:06: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44133, 21:47:06: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44253, 00:19:03: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44538, 06:05:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44538, 06:05:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44538, 06:05:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44538, 06:05:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44538, 06:05:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44538, 06:05:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44538, 06:05:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44538, 06:05:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44538, 06:05:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44538, 06:05:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44538, 06:05:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44538, 06:05:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44538, 06:05:58: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1621846033,"tribe":"Tribe of Ugg logs":["Day 21080, 02:57:58: Ugg froze 317 - Lvl 317 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 21080, 03:18:00: Your Karkinos [Clone] - Lvl 6 (Karkinos) was killed by Sparky - Lvl 339 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 21080, 03:18:00: Your Tribe killed Karkinos [Clone] - Lvl 6 (Karkinos)! Day 21080, 05:06:56: Ugg froze Polyman - Lvl 341 (Moschops) Day 21080, 05:23:23: Ugg froze Sparky - Lvl 339 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21080, 08:23:46: Ugg claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 119 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 21080, 08:28:37: Ugg froze Baby 119 - Lvl 119 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21159, 17:55:09: Ugg froze 41 oxy - Lvl 202 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21159, 19:44:40: Ugg claimed 'Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 226 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 21159, 20:31:11: Ugg froze 44 D - Lvl 193 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21159, 20:34:58: Ugg froze 269 - Lvl 269 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21160, 12:38:21: Ugg froze Adolescent R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 226 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21160, 12:54:42: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 429 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21160, 18:58:25: Ugg froze 248 - Lvl 248 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21160, 19:02:01: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 252 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21161, 13:22:41: Ugg Tamed a Megalosaurus - Lvl 217 (Megalosaurus)! Day 21161, 13:31:01: Ugg froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 217 (Megalosaurus) Day 21161, 15:26:30: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 429 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21161, 16:48:55: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 252 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21161, 17:30:04: Ugg claimed 'Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 229 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 21161, 18:15:35: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 226 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21161, 22:15:03: Ugg claimed 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 156 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 21161, 23:22:25: Ugg unclaimed 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 156 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 21161, 23:37:26: Ugg froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 217 (Megalosaurus) Day 21162, 01:55:13: Ugg claimed 'Baby Megalosaurus - Lvl 171 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 21162, 02:07:10: Ugg froze Baby 171 - Lvl 171 (Megalosaurus) Day 21162, 22:58:08: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 229 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21163, 00:34:04: Ugg froze H St F - Lvl 265 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21163, 02:24:49: Ugg claimed 'Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 270 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 21163, 02:39:16: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 229 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21163, 04:46:32: Ugg froze Juvenile 171 - Lvl 171 (Megalosaurus) Day 21163, 04:50:31: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 229 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21163, 11:00:58: Ugg froze Zac - Lvl 419 (Shadowmane) Day 21163, 11:59:32: Ugg froze Juvenile 171 - Lvl 171 (Megalosaurus) Day 21163, 19:53:45: Ugg froze Adolescent 171 - Lvl 171 (Megalosaurus) Day 21164, 11:40:11: Ugg froze H St D F - Lvl 270 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21164, 12:24:19: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 230 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21164, 13:53:46: Ugg froze H St D F - Lvl 270 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21164, 14:02:35: Ugg froze Buddy - Lvl 202 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21164, 16:35:07: Ugg froze Maewing - Lvl 336 (Maewing) Day 21164, 22:54:22: Ugg froze 171 - Lvl 171 (Megalosaurus) Day 21164, 23:40:17: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 429 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21166, 11:06:07: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 21166, 11:23:20: Ugg froze 271 - Lvl 271 (Managarmr) Day 21210, 11:42:45: Ugg froze Male (41ox, 41W) - Lvl 209 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21210, 12:46:07: Ugg claimed 'Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 277 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 21210, 14:58:05: Ugg froze H St D F - Lvl 270 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21210, 17:41:38: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 21210, 17:44:44: Ugg froze 271 - Lvl 271 (Managarmr) Day 21210, 21:37:39: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21211, 17:34:53: Ugg froze - F Sp - Lvl 277 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21211, 18:37:15: Ugg froze 43 food - Lvl 222 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21211, 18:50:05: Ugg froze 34st41sp - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21211, 18:57:48: Ugg froze - F Sp - Lvl 277 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21235, 19:04:53: Ugg froze 34st41sp - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21235, 19:09:06: Ugg froze 43 food - Lvl 222 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21235, 21:56:24: Ugg froze 269 - Lvl 269 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21236, 09:11:54: Ugg froze H St D F - Lvl 270 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21236, 09:32:32: Ugg froze - F Sp - Lvl 277 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21236, 15:30:43: Ugg froze 235 - Lvl 235 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21236, 16:21:26: Ugg froze 34st41sp - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21236, 17:04:59: Ugg froze H St D F - Lvl 270 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21236, 17:09:40: Ugg froze 43 food - Lvl 222 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21236, 19:44:46: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21236, 21:42:03: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 209 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21236, 21:51:43: Ugg froze - F Sp - Lvl 277 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21261, 00:15:35: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 21261, 00:19:46: Ugg froze 271 - Lvl 271 (Managarmr) Day 21281, 03:50:16: Ugg froze Daddy - Lvl 217 (Procoptodon) Day 21281, 03:56:11: Ugg froze Mommy - Lvl 202 (Procoptodon) Day 21306, 06:45:29: Ugg froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 67 (Therizinosaur) Day 21306, 06:51:23: Ugg froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 75 (Therizinosaur) Day 21306, 09:11:52: Ugg froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 67 (Therizinosaur) Day 21306, 09:26:05: Ugg froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 75 (Therizinosaur) Day 21309, 06:36:00: Ugg froze UGG 1 - Lvl 142 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21309, 08:07:48: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 21309, 08:10:52: Ugg froze 271 - Lvl 271 (Managarmr) Day 21342, 13:27:00: Ugg froze 271 - Lvl 271 (Managarmr) Day 21342, 14:33:51: Ugg claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 276 (Managarmr)'! Day 21342, 14:45:06: Ugg froze Baby 276 - Lvl 276 (Managarmr) Day 21342, 14:49:02: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 21346, 21:06:47: Ugg froze 34st41sp - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21346, 23:35:59: Ugg froze 41 oxy - Lvl 202 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21346, 23:45:08: Ugg froze 286M - Lvl 286 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21361, 14:34:17: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 21361, 14:37:36: Ugg froze 271 - Lvl 271 (Managarmr) Day 21361, 15:52:38: Ugg froze Allosaurus - Lvl 226 (Allosaurus) Day 21361, 16:25:12: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 434 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21364, 02:47:31: Ugg froze Jet - Lvl 345 (Rock Drake) Day 21364, 03:03:41: Ugg froze Sooty - Lvl 467 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21364, 03:41:11: Ugg froze Zac - Lvl 420 (Shadowmane) Day 21364, 03:56:05: Ugg froze R I P - Lvl 315 (Otter) Day 21364, 12:21:37: Ugg froze Featherlight - Lvl 331 (Featherlight) Day 21364, 13:17:08: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 434 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21410, 20:05:49: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 21410, 20:27:01: Ugg froze Perfect 0 Fem [Clone] - Lvl 255 (Managarmr) Day 21419, 12:27:30: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 21419, 12:30:54: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 21433, 20:27:28: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 21433, 21:32:36: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 21479, 15:28:45: Ugg froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 67 (Therizinosaur) Day 21479, 15:35:23: Ugg froze 302 Blk - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21479, 15:41:57: Ugg claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 165 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 21479, 15:45:11: Ugg froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 165 (Therizinosaur) Day 21500, 01:36:41: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 209 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21500, 02:50:30: Ugg froze 41 oxy - Lvl 202 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21500, 03:18:37: Ugg froze 43 food - Lvl 222 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21500, 03:53:32: Ugg froze 34st41sp - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21500, 04:08:45: Ugg froze 41 oxy - Lvl 202 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21500, 05:33:28: Ugg froze H St D F - Lvl 270 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21500, 05:48:30: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 209 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21500, 06:23:00: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 127 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21500, 06:57:00: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 21514, 09:46:58: Ugg froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 67 (Therizinosaur) Day 21514, 10:08:53: Ugg froze Deinonychus - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus) Day 21514, 11:06:50: Ugg froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 67 (Therizinosaur) Day 21514, 11:41:44: Ugg froze 302 Blk - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 21514, 11:47:25: Ugg claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 173 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 21514, 11:50:37: Ugg froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 173 (Therizinosaur) Day 21614, 23:39:11: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 21614, 23:43:27: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 21998, 13:08:53: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 21998, 13:12:18: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 22089, 14:38:50: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 22089, 14:41:40: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 22089, 17:26:50: Ugg froze R I P - Lvl 315 (Otter) Day 22114, 17:45:14: Ugg froze R I P - Lvl 317 (Otter) Day 22114, 17:54:52: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 443 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22115, 14:28:14: Ugg claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 22115, 14:32:41: Ugg froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22254, 20:55:53: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 22254, 20:59:55: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 22256, 12:23:00: Ugg froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis) Day 22256, 12:41:04: Ugg froze Squidly Didly - Lvl 213 (Tusoteuthis) Day 22256, 12:52:31: Ugg froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis) Day 22256, 12:57:24: Ugg froze Squidly Didly - Lvl 213 (Tusoteuthis) Day 22345, 09:35:20: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 22345, 09:43:17: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 22392, 18:06:11: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 22392, 18:09:48: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 22392, 19:37:21: Ugg froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 279 (Tek Quetzal) Day 22411, 23:27:21: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 22411, 23:31:49: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 22412, 07:16:08: Ugg froze Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 22414, 17:56:46: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 445 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22457, 17:58:10: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 22457, 18:05:08: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 22458, 13:35:52: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 445 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22459, 23:18:57: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 446 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22468, 09:14:31: Ugg froze Disposable - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22468, 09:17:59: Ugg froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22468, 10:14:20: Ugg froze Disposable - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22468, 11:10:20: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 446 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22476, 09:36:08: Ugg froze Disposable - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22482, 15:39:58: Ugg froze Disposable - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22506, 17:46:11: Ugg froze Disposable - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22506, 17:49:30: Ugg froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22506, 20:33:36: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 446 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22506, 21:02:41: Ugg froze Yafinkisaurus - Lvl 328 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22506, 21:23:49: Ugg froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 127 (Therizinosaur) Day 22509, 07:54:21: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 22509, 08:01:27: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 22510, 01:38:09: Ugg froze Disposable - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22510, 01:41:54: Ugg froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 242 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22510, 15:00:29: Ugg froze H St D F - Lvl 270 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22527, 12:54:13: Ugg froze Disposable - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22527, 12:57:07: Ugg froze breeder boy - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22527, 13:24:22: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 22535, 04:27:28: Ugg froze Disposable - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22535, 06:49:46: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 22535, 06:54:17: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 22564, 12:34:51: Daz added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to Friends Alliance! Day 22564, 19:48:04: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 446 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22564, 23:09:38: Ugg froze Andy Pandy - Lvl 363 (Basilosaurus) Day 22565, 11:57:59: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 446 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22565, 12:18:28: Ugg froze Zac - Lvl 420 (Shadowmane) Day 22565, 12:52:13: Ugg froze Zac - Lvl 420 (Shadowmane) Day 22565, 13:16:32: Tribemember Ugg - Lvl 176 was killed! Day 22565, 14:29:00: Ugg froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22565, 16:34:50: Ugg froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22565, 17:14:02: Ugg froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22565, 17:40:18: Ugg froze Zac - Lvl 420 (Shadowmane) Day 22565, 19:55:12: Ugg froze 213 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 313 (Terror Bird) Day 22565, 20:11:49: Tribemember Ugg - Lvl 176 was killed by an Iceworm Queen - Lvl 30! Day 22566, 05:25:03: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 446 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22566, 05:56:57: Ugg froze 213 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 313 (Terror Bird) Day 22566, 07:39:45: Ugg froze 213 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 313 (Terror Bird) Day 22566, 08:08:21: Ugg froze R I P - Lvl 360 (Otter) Day 22566, 09:47:43: Ugg froze 213 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 313 (Terror Bird) Day 22566, 11:47:19: Ugg froze Blacky [Daz] - Lvl 416 (Otter) Day 22566, 15:12:13: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 446 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22584, 05:24:56: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 22584, 05:30:30: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 22584, 08:11:21: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 22584, 09:26:46: Ugg froze Disposable - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22584, 09:29:43: Ugg froze breeder boy - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22584, 09:50:49: Ugg froze Disposable - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22610, 10:51:41: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 492 (Tek Rex) Day 22610, 10:55:35: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 489 (Tek Rex) Day 22610, 10:59:16: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 22610, 15:16:59: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 487 (Tek Rex) Day 22610, 15:20:24: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 420 (Tek Rex) Day 22611, 00:07:12: Ugg froze riding - Lvl 492 (Tek Rex) Day 22611, 00:13:11: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 420 (Tek Rex) Day 22611, 00:21:20: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 487 (Tek Rex) Day 22611, 00:36:44: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 22611, 00:46:55: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 489 (Tek Rex) Day 22612, 20:05:49: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 22612, 20:09:28: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 22612, 20:43:39: Ugg froze Disposable - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22612, 20:48:03: Ugg froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 253 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22612, 21:20:50: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 446 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22645, 13:33:30: Ugg froze Disposable - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22645, 13:36:18: Ugg froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 253 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22645, 15:02:27: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 22645, 15:06:11: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 22645, 16:10:49: Ugg claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 262 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 22645, 16:13:46: Ugg froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 262 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22645, 16:14:26: Ugg claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 262 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 22645, 16:17:35: Ugg froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 262 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22645, 16:21:36: Ugg claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 262 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 22645, 16:24:28: Ugg froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 262 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22803, 12:31:02: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 446 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23317, 01:54:34: Ugg froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 99 (Sinomacrops) Day 23317, 04:03:31: Ugg froze H St D F - Lvl 270 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23317, 05:23:16: Ugg froze Pandora - Lvl 199 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23317, 05:38:04: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 23317, 05:41:34: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 23317, 05:51:58: Ugg froze Pandora - Lvl 199 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23390, 14:03:15: Ugg froze Baby 60 W - Lvl 401 (Tek Rex) Day 23582, 17:41:58: Ugg froze Tapejara - Lvl 14 (Tapejara) Day 23582, 17:51:46: Ugg froze Mesopithecus - Lvl 67 (Mesopithecus) Day 23582, 18:03:57: Ugg froze Arthropluera - Lvl 22 (Arthropluera) Day 23582, 18:11:10: Ugg froze Kairuku - Lvl 149 (Kairuku) Day 23582, 18:22:14: Ugg froze Dr Jekyll - Lvl 222 (Ravager) Day 23582, 18:43:17: Ugg froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 229 (Tek Quetzal) Day 23582, 19:02:47: Ugg froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 217 (Megalosaurus) Day 23582, 19:17:30: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 450 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23640, 03:49:04: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 23640, 03:54:05: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 23686, 03:58:34: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 23686, 04:03:20: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 23686, 06:39:24: Ugg froze 34st41sp - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23686, 07:00:24: Ugg froze 43 food - Lvl 222 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23686, 08:57:01: Ugg froze 41 oxy - Lvl 202 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23686, 09:46:42: Ugg froze H St D F - Lvl 270 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23686, 09:50:25: Ugg froze Male (41ox, 41W) - Lvl 209 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23694, 10:34:03: Ugg froze H St D F - Lvl 270 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23716, 15:17:42: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 23716, 15:21:03: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 23716, 17:56:08: Ugg froze 34st41sp - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23716, 17:59:08: Ugg froze 286M - Lvl 286 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23759, 01:59:15: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 23759, 02:05:15: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 23759, 05:32:09: Ugg froze 34st41sp - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23759, 05:35:47: Ugg froze 286M - Lvl 286 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23767, 19:40:07: Ugg froze Fraggle Rock - Lvl 262 (Rock Elemental) Day 23843, 12:57:22: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 23843, 13:07:42: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 23843, 14:14:36: Ugg froze 34st41sp - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23843, 14:18:05: Ugg froze 286M - Lvl 286 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23855, 01:17:07: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 23855, 01:21:01: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 23855, 02:32:51: Ugg froze 34st41sp - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23855, 02:36:43: Ugg froze 286M - Lvl 286 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23881, 10:17:56: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 23881, 10:21:57: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 23896, 12:31:43: Ugg froze B Possitive - Lvl 345 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23896, 13:41:11: Ugg froze Zac - Lvl 422 (Shadowmane) Day 23896, 17:13:01: Ugg froze Sooty - Lvl 470 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23897, 00:22:20: Ugg froze Sooty - Lvl 470 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23897, 02:12:53: Ugg froze Zac - Lvl 422 (Shadowmane) Day 23897, 08:30:08: Ugg froze B Possitive - Lvl 346 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23897, 09:49:30: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 235 (Fjordhawk) Day 24040, 12:27:51: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 24040, 12:31:14: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 24103, 11:15:16: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 24103, 11:18:23: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 24136, 20:57:08: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 24136, 21:07:26: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 24136, 21:55:08: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 24137, 00:07:37: Ugg froze Perfect 0 Fem [Clone] - Lvl 255 (Managarmr) Day 24137, 01:20:03: Ugg froze Managarmr - Lvl 29 (Managarmr) Day 24137, 02:38:32: Ugg froze uggs perfect female - Lvl 261 (Managarmr) Day 24137, 02:45:40: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 24137, 03:02:06: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 24168, 02:11:50: Ugg froze B Possitive - Lvl 346 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24211, 14:10:01: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 24211, 15:23:27: Ugg froze Perfect 0 Fem [Clone] - Lvl 255 (Managarmr) Day 24211, 16:37:07: Ugg froze Managarmr - Lvl 29 (Managarmr) Day 24211, 17:49:38: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 24211, 19:30:11: Ugg claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 281 (Managarmr)'! Day 24211, 19:33:14: Ugg froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 24211, 19:37:31: Ugg froze uggs perfect female - Lvl 261 (Managarmr) Day 24229, 09:45:16: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 24229, 11:11:24: Ugg froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 24229, 11:38:39: Ugg froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 24229, 15:11:12: Ugg froze Batfink - Lvl 288 (Desmodus) Day 24229, 16:29:25: Ugg froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 24229, 21:18:18: Ugg froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 24229, 22:53:00: Ugg froze Maewing - Lvl 370 (Maewing) Day 24230, 07:03:45: Ugg froze uggs perfect female - Lvl 261 (Managarmr) Day 24230, 07:35:37: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 24230, 08:18:41: Ugg froze Juvenile Aunty Freeze - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 24230, 08:52:33: Ugg froze Snowball [Clone] - Lvl 229 (Managarmr) Day 24230, 10:01:05: Ugg froze Male 1 - Lvl 267 (Managarmr) Day 24230, 12:28:46: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 24230, 12:33:58: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 24230, 14:03:11: Ugg froze uggs perfect female - Lvl 261 (Managarmr) Day 24230, 16:11:19: Ugg froze Perfect 0 Fem [Clone] - Lvl 255 (Managarmr) Day 24230, 16:48:24: Ugg froze 271 - Lvl 271 (Managarmr) Day 24230, 17:30:59: Ugg froze Adolescent Aunty Freeze - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 24232, 20:52:33: Ugg froze Aunty Freeze - Lvl 283 (Managarmr) Day 24232, 22:30:07: Ugg froze Aunty Freeze - Lvl 283 (Managarmr) Day 24232, 22:39:52: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 452 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24233, 04:12:40: Ugg froze uggs perfect female - Lvl 261 (Managarmr) Day 24233, 04:29:45: Ugg froze Snowball [Clone] - Lvl 229 (Managarmr) Day 24236, 05:20:58: Ugg froze Batfink - Lvl 288 (Desmodus) Day 24286, 15:28:00: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 24286, 15:31:01: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 24286, 17:52:09: Ugg froze uggs perfect female - Lvl 261 (Managarmr) Day 24286, 18:07:21: Ugg froze Snowball [Clone] - Lvl 229 (Managarmr) Day 24355, 19:58:12: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 24355, 20:01:51: Ugg froze Jumping Jack - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 24372, 11:43:15: Ugg froze Her Royal Ugg Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 24373, 01:35:27: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 24380, 07:50:55: Ugg froze X - Man - Lvl 261 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 24380, 14:34:07: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 453 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24380, 18:09:07: Ugg uploaded a Tek Stryder: Leggy Lou - Lvl 144 Day 24380, 21:13:49: Ugg downloaded a dino: Leggy Lou - Lvl 144 Day 24381, 06:20:25: Ugg froze Her Royal Ugg Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 24381, 21:44:53: Ugg froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 24381, 23:24:03: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 235 (Fjordhawk) Day 24383, 11:00:24: Ugg froze Mek - Lvl 205 (Mek) Day 24383, 13:53:46: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 235 (Fjordhawk) Day 24397, 19:15:09: Ugg froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 24397, 19:18:51: Ugg froze Deinonychus - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus) Day 24397, 19:21:46: Ugg froze Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) Day 24397, 19:24:49: Ugg froze Deinonychus - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus) Day 24397, 19:28:20: Ugg froze Deinonychus - Lvl 99 (Deinonychus) Day 24397, 19:55:24: Ugg froze Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus) Day 24398, 02:57:59: Ugg froze Granny - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 24398, 03:18:51: Ugg froze Demon Boy - Lvl 282 (Managarmr) Day 24398, 04:38:37: Ugg froze uggs perfect female - Lvl 261 (Managarmr) Day 24398, 04:42:33: Ugg froze Snowball [Clone] - Lvl 229 (Managarmr) Day 24398, 20:26:12: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 235 (Fjordhawk) Day 24399, 04:05:36: Ugg froze Her Royal Ugg Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 24399, 05:00:04: Ugg froze Her Royal Ugg Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 24399, 07:20:33: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 235 (Fjordhawk) Day 24399, 18:56:36: Ugg froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 24399, 19:12:21: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 235 (Fjordhawk) Day 24400, 04:08:33: Ugg froze Featherlight - Lvl 334 (Featherlight) Day 24400, 05:56:32: Ugg froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 24400, 18:29:02: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 235 (Fjordhawk) Day 24400, 21:59:52: Ugg froze Her Royal Ugg Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 24400, 22:32:28: Ugg froze Mek - Lvl 300 (Mek) Day 24400, 23:00:18: Ugg froze Bruce - Lvl 452 (Giganotosaurus) Day 24401, 00:45:11: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 235 (Fjordhawk) Day 24401, 03:31:47: Ugg froze Zac - Lvl 423 (Shadowmane) Day 24401, 04:10:33: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 235 (Fjordhawk) Day 24401, 08:08:19: Ugg froze Zac - Lvl 423 (Shadowmane) Day 24401, 11:12:01: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 235 (Fjordhawk) Day 24404, 04:11:30: Ugg froze Zac - Lvl 423 (Shadowmane) Day 24404, 05:40:51: Ugg froze Zac - Lvl 423 (Shadowmane) Day 24404, 05:44:23: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 235 (Fjordhawk) Day 24404, 07:53:10: Ugg froze Zac - Lvl 423 (Shadowmane) Day 24404, 07:56:52: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 235 (Fjordhawk) Day 24696, 21:47:15: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24798, 07:29:12: Ugg claimed 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 24798, 22:06:14: Ugg froze R I P - Lvl 360 (Otter) Day 24799, 15:54:35: Ugg froze Mutant X - Lvl 351 (Desmodus) Day 24800, 07:58:12: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 317 (Fjordhawk) Day 24801, 21:04:24: Ugg froze Buddy - Lvl 413 (Basilosaurus) Day 24802, 06:22:24: Ugg claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 231 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 24802, 06:27:39: Ugg froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 231 (Giganotosaurus) Day 24802, 08:56:36: Ugg froze Mutant X - Lvl 352 (Desmodus) Day 24830, 09:01:30: IamMonkey added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to UngaBunga Alliance! Day 24831, 10:00:33: Ugg froze Mutant X - Lvl 352 (Desmodus) Day 24832, 01:24:07: Ugg froze Mutant X - Lvl 352 (Desmodus) Day 24832, 01:35:33: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 317 (Fjordhawk) Day 24842, 09:17:48: Tribemember Ugg - Lvl 176 was killed! Day 24842, 10:41:09: Ugg froze Buddy - Lvl 413 (Basilosaurus) Day 24983, 02:27:15: Ugg froze Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 24983, 02:42:43: Ugg froze Phoenix - Lvl 210 (Phoenix) Day 24983, 02:58:19: Ugg froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 217 (Rock Elemental) Day 24983, 07:07:20: Ugg froze Mutant X - Lvl 353 (Desmodus) Day 25060, 12:24:05: Ugg froze Featherlight - Lvl 335 (Featherlight) Day 25121, 19:51:12: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25155, 20:03:31: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 454 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25172, 14:03:52: Ugg froze Mags - Lvl 346 (Argentavis) Day 25534, 14:19:51: Ugg froze Mutant X - Lvl 357 (Desmodus) Day 25584, 11:10:10: Ugg froze Ugg - Lvl 224 (Griffin) Day 25584, 11:13:49: Ugg froze Ugg - Lvl 360 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 25584, 13:47:37: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 454 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25731, 13:38:01: Ugg claimed 'Hover Skiff (Hover Skiff)'! Day 25823, 10:02:09: Ugg froze Mutant X - Lvl 364 (Desmodus) Day 25823, 13:18:36: Ugg froze 266F - Lvl 400 (R-Velonasaur) Day 25823, 14:51:05: Ugg froze Mutant X - Lvl 364 (Desmodus) Day 25823, 19:35:25: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 332 (Fjordhawk) Day 25823, 19:41:51: Ugg froze Mutant X - Lvl 364 (Desmodus)"] "tribeid":1618633781,"tribe":"Tribe of GOBLIN logs":["Day 44138, 09:12:32: GOBLIN was added to the Tribe! Day 44138, 10:14:02: deez nuts was added to the Tribe by GOBLIN! Day 44138, 10:43:12: Moschops - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 44138, 10:43:12: Moschops - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 44138, 10:44:03: Moschops - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Storage Box (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 44138, 15:36:07: Tribemember GOBLIN - Lvl 15 was killed! Day 44138, 17:51:01: Tribemember GOBLIN - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 44139, 01:19:15: Tribemember GOBLIN - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 44139, 11:57:53: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 44139, 19:45:36: GOBLIN Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 74 (Parasaur)! Day 44139, 23:07:11: GOBLIN Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 71 (Pteranodon)! Day 44140, 03:23:45: deez nuts Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 67 (Dilophosaur)! Day 44140, 06:35:34: Tribemember deez nuts - Lvl 30 was killed! Day 44140, 06:36:34: Tribemember GOBLIN - Lvl 27 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 130! Day 44140, 08:32:49: Tribemember GOBLIN - Lvl 27 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 44140, 09:12:11: Tribemember GOBLIN - Lvl 27 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 44140, 10:05:06: Tribemember GOBLIN - Lvl 27 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 44140, 12:42:26: Tribemember deez nuts - Lvl 30 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 85! Day 44140, 12:45:42: Tribemember GOBLIN - Lvl 27 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 95! Day 44140, 18:49:25: deez nuts Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 32 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 44141, 00:54:15: Tribemember GOBLIN - Lvl 30 was killed! Day 44161, 06:01:34: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 18 (Triceratops)! Day 44161, 09:33:47: Ichthyornis - Lvl 90 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 44162, 18:34:50: GOBLIN claimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 44163, 00:13:03: GOBLIN claimed 'Chris - Lvl 351 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 44163, 00:36:53: GOBLIN claimed 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 44163, 00:43:50: GOBLIN claimed 'Fem - Lvl 366 (Rex)'! Day 44163, 00:44:59: GOBLIN claimed 'Dexter - Lvl 357 (Rex)'! Day 44163, 01:04:56: GOBLIN claimed 'LEA HELEN - Lvl 247 (Argentavis)'! Day 44163, 01:22:12: GOBLIN claimed 'Ada - Lvl 127 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 44163, 01:29:02: GOBLIN claimed 'Zapper - Lvl 314 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 44163, 01:45:57: GOBLIN claimed 'Female 1332S 313M - Lvl 371 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 44163, 01:48:11: GOBLIN claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 253 (Deinonychus)'! Day 44163, 01:51:09: GOBLIN claimed 'FEM 2 - Lvl 329 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 44163, 01:51:59: GOBLIN claimed 'Male base - Lvl 348 (Rex)'! Day 44163, 01:53:43: GOBLIN claimed '135 m - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 44163, 01:54:39: GOBLIN claimed 'JONATHAN - Lvl 246 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 44163, 02:06:55: GOBLIN claimed 'Poopy - Lvl 114 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 44163, 02:15:23: GOBLIN claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur)'! Day 44163, 02:27:41: GOBLIN claimed 'STEINAR - Lvl 110 (Doedicurus)'! Day 44163, 14:29:15: deez nuts demolished a 'Smithy (Unlocked) '! Day 44163, 14:31:03: deez nuts demolished a 'Bed'! Day 44163, 14:35:22: deez nuts demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 44163, 14:41:19: deez nuts demolished a 'Campfire (Unlocked) '! Day 44163, 14:42:32: deez nuts demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 44163, 16:15:29: deez nuts demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 44163, 16:29:06: deez nuts demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 44163, 16:31:37: deez nuts demolished a 'Thatch Doorframe'! Day 44163, 16:32:39: deez nuts demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 44163, 16:34:32: deez nuts demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 44164, 01:02:35: Tribemember GOBLIN - Lvl 51 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 44164, 04:58:11: GOBLIN claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 44164, 09:54:11: Tribemember deez nuts - Lvl 54 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 145! Day 44164, 13:33:17: GOBLIN claimed 'Lana Tavis - Lvl 184 (Argentavis)'! Day 44164, 13:39:00: GOBLIN claimed 'Rex - Lvl 139 (Rex)'! Day 44164, 13:40:09: GOBLIN claimed 'Tyrannosaurus John - Lvl 232 (Rex)'! Day 44164, 13:54:24: GOBLIN claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 360 (Desmodus)'! Day 44165, 05:33:11: Tribemember GOBLIN - Lvl 52 was killed! Day 44165, 07:56:24: GOBLIN claimed 'Sabertooth - Lvl 194 (Sabertooth)'! Day 44165, 07:58:33: GOBLIN claimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 233 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 44165, 08:02:20: GOBLIN claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 162 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 44165, 08:03:08: GOBLIN claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 229 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 44165, 08:07:04: GOBLIN claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)'! Day 44165, 08:12:41: GOBLIN claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 241 (Doedicurus)'! Day 44165, 08:22:01: GOBLIN claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 87 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 44165, 08:23:23: GOBLIN claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 169 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 44165, 12:50:34: Your Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 90! Day 44165, 16:05:45: GOBLIN claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 161 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 44165, 16:06:38: GOBLIN claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 212 (Raptor)'! Day 44237, 23:27:57: Dung Beetle - Lvl 87 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 44266, 21:55:56: Tribemember GOBLIN - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 44266, 22:31:44: Tribemember deez nuts - Lvl 55 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 135! Day 44386, 03:16:27: Your dildo - Lvl 72 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50!"] "tribeid":1616782693,"tribe":"Tribe of TROD logs":["Day 40672, 20:52:57: TROD was added to the Tribe! Day 40672, 20:57:18: Guy was added to the Tribe by TROD! Day 40672, 22:30:06: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 1 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 40672, 23:34:33: homunculus was added to the Tribe by TROD! Day 40672, 23:44:23: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 4 was killed! Day 40673, 00:26:05: Tribemember homunculus - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 40673, 02:14:00: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 40673, 02:35:35: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 7 was killed by homunculus - Lvl 7 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40673, 02:35:35: Your Tribe killed TROD - Lvl 7 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40673, 03:27:21: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 7 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 40673, 03:52:19: Tribemember homunculus - Lvl 9 was killed by TROD - Lvl 7 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40673, 03:52:19: Your Tribe killed homunculus - Lvl 9 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40673, 03:54:17: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 7 was killed by Guy - Lvl 8 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40673, 03:54:17: Your Tribe killed TROD - Lvl 7 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40673, 04:53:53: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 9 was killed by homunculus - Lvl 9 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40673, 04:53:53: Your Tribe killed TROD - Lvl 9 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40673, 04:54:11: Tribemember homunculus - Lvl 9 was killed by Guy - Lvl 8 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40673, 04:54:11: Your Tribe killed homunculus - Lvl 9 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40673, 04:57:02: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 8 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 40673, 05:13:15: TROD claimed 'tri - Lvl 134 (Triceratops)'! Day 40673, 06:37:21: Tribemember homunculus - Lvl 11 was killed by Guy - Lvl 8 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40673, 06:37:21: Your Tribe killed homunculus - Lvl 11 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40673, 06:45:04: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 12 was killed by homunculus - Lvl 11 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40673, 06:45:04: Your Tribe killed Guy - Lvl 12 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40673, 09:05:38: Tribemember homunculus - Lvl 13 was killed by Guy - Lvl 14 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40673, 09:05:38: Your Tribe killed homunculus - Lvl 13 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40673, 09:50:48: homunculus was removed from the Tribe! Day 40673, 10:46:29: Herculad was added to the Tribe by TROD! Day 40673, 10:47:16: Tribemember Guy - Lvl 14 was killed by TROD - Lvl 10 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40673, 10:47:16: Your Tribe killed Guy - Lvl 14 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40673, 11:02:39: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 10 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 40673, 11:39:48: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 10 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 40673, 11:39:48: Tribemember Herculad - Lvl 4 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 40673, 11:43:49: Guy was removed from the Tribe! Day 40673, 12:00:52: Tribemember Herculad - Lvl 4 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 40673, 12:02:20: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 10 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 40673, 12:20:06: Hurcules was added to the Tribe by TROD! Day 40673, 12:26:29: Tribemember Herculad - Lvl 4 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 40673, 12:27:21: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 10 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 40673, 12:27:39: Tribemember Hurcules - Lvl 1 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 40673, 12:47:06: Tribemember Hurcules - Lvl 1 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 40673, 12:47:06: Tribemember Herculad - Lvl 4 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 40673, 12:48:41: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 10 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 40673, 13:30:46: Hurcules was removed from the Tribe! Day 40673, 13:34:45: NIGGER was added to the Tribe by TROD! Day 40673, 13:41:25: Hercules was added to the Tribe by TROD! Day 40673, 18:30:02: Tribemember Hercules - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 40673, 21:24:46: Hercules demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 40673, 21:25:58: Hercules demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 40673, 22:26:40: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 40673, 22:26:42: TROD demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 40673, 22:27:43: TROD demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 40673, 22:29:15: TROD demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 40673, 22:30:16: TROD demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 40674, 01:30:25: Hercules demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 40674, 01:31:37: Hercules demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 40674, 02:03:54: TROD demolished a 'Thatch Doorframe'! Day 40674, 02:05:26: TROD demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 40674, 02:54:52: TROD demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 40674, 14:56:02: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 201 (Parasaur)! Day 40674, 19:53:06: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 44 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 40675, 00:23:28: TROD Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 71 (Pteranodon)! Day 40692, 13:16:29: Tribemember Herculad - Lvl 34 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 40692, 15:33:39: Herculad Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 193 (Raptor)! Day 40692, 17:32:57: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 52 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 85! Day 40692, 17:48:56: Rex - Lvl 85 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 40692, 21:16:07: Hercules Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 173 (Pteranodon)! Day 40693, 00:00:35: Herculad Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 22 (Vulture)! Day 40693, 00:33:21: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon)! Day 40693, 02:36:30: Hercules Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)! Day 40693, 02:46:45: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 124 (Rex)! Day 40693, 07:50:02: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 56 was killed by Herculad - Lvl 40 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40693, 07:50:02: Your Tribe killed TROD - Lvl 56 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40693, 15:57:51: Herculad Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 134 (Raptor)! Day 40693, 18:07:39: TROD Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 149 (Argentavis)! Day 40694, 04:20:01: Hercules Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 89 (Vulture)! Day 40694, 04:42:54: Herculad Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 74 (Vulture)! Day 40694, 06:30:56: Tribemember Hercules - Lvl 38 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 40694, 08:48:51: Hercules Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 215 (Raptor)! Day 40694, 13:27:32: Hercules Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 29 (Vulture)! Day 40694, 13:51:08: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 61 was killed by a Doedicurus - Lvl 95! Day 40694, 16:42:33: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 40694, 18:34:07: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 61 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 145! Day 40694, 18:35:27: Your John vulture - Lvl 29 (Vulture) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 85! Day 40694, 18:38:43: Your John Pteranodon - Lvl 195 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 40694, 18:43:15: Your Lana Raptor - Lvl 218 (Raptor) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 85! Day 40694, 22:48:04: TROD Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 127 (Dodo)! Day 40694, 23:55:47: Tribemember Hercules - Lvl 41 was killed by Herculad - Lvl 42 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40694, 23:55:47: Your Tribe killed Hercules - Lvl 41 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40695, 00:13:12: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 61 was killed by a Pteranodon - Lvl 55! Day 40695, 01:22:43: Tribemember Hercules - Lvl 41 was killed by TROD - Lvl 61 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40695, 01:22:43: Your Tribe killed Hercules - Lvl 41 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40695, 04:16:43: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 61 was killed by Hercules - Lvl 41 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40695, 04:16:43: Your Tribe killed TROD - Lvl 61 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40718, 16:53:50: Tribemember Herculad - Lvl 45 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 95! Day 40718, 16:55:13: Tribemember Hercules - Lvl 45 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 20! Day 40718, 17:26:38: Tribemember Herculad - Lvl 45 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 40718, 18:31:14: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 64 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 40718, 19:19:21: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 64 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 40718, 20:19:11: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 64 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 40718, 21:26:18: Hercules Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 217 (Moschops)! Day 40718, 21:27:36: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 65 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 40718, 22:57:12: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 65 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 40719, 06:07:51: TROD Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 194 (Allosaurus)! Day 40719, 08:22:13: Tribemember Herculad - Lvl 46 was killed by Hercules - Lvl 49 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40719, 08:22:13: Your Tribe killed Herculad - Lvl 46 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40719, 08:55:42: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 68 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 50! Day 40719, 09:26:05: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 68 was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 25! Day 40719, 09:33:01: Your John Wrapper - Lvl 149 (Raptor) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 40719, 09:49:14: Your Hercuraptor - Lvl 217 (Raptor) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 95! Day 40719, 10:09:10: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 68 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 20! Day 40719, 11:03:04: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 68 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 20! Day 40719, 12:36:27: Tribemember Hercules - Lvl 51 was killed by TROD - Lvl 68 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40719, 12:36:27: Your Tribe killed Hercules - Lvl 51 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40719, 14:35:59: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 69 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 60! Day 40719, 20:34:25: TROD claimed 'Baby feeder - Lvl 298 (Maewing)'! Day 40720, 05:43:27: Herculad demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 40720, 05:44:27: Herculad demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 40720, 08:22:48: Herculad demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 40720, 20:08:48: Tribemember Hercules - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 40721, 06:09:17: Rex - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Wood Ramp'! Day 40721, 18:34:03: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 198 (Rex)! Day 40722, 10:42:53: Hercules Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 40742, 20:13:46: Tribemember Hercules - Lvl 62 was killed by TROD - Lvl 71 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40742, 20:13:46: Your Tribe killed Hercules - Lvl 62 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40742, 22:10:46: Tribemember Hercules - Lvl 62 was killed by Herculad - Lvl 55 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40742, 22:10:46: Your Tribe killed Hercules - Lvl 62 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40743, 02:18:19: TROD froze Rex - Lvl 138 (Rex) Day 40743, 02:27:03: TROD froze ALLO RHOADES - Lvl 209 (Allosaurus) Day 40743, 10:27:14: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 72 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 45! Day 40743, 18:46:14: TROD demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 40743, 18:47:46: TROD demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 40743, 18:49:02: TROD demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 40743, 23:02:27: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 40744, 00:49:40: TROD froze ALLO RHOADES - Lvl 215 (Allosaurus) Day 40744, 04:37:54: Tribemember Hercules - Lvl 63 was killed by Herculad - Lvl 58 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40744, 04:37:54: Your Tribe killed Hercules - Lvl 63 (Tribe of TROD)! Day 40744, 05:28:04: Tribemember Herculad - Lvl 58 was killed! Day 40744, 05:44:27: Tribemember Hercules - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 40744, 06:32:21: Tribemember Hercules - Lvl 64 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 95! Day 40744, 10:34:20: Your Lana Rhoades - Lvl 79 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 40744, 10:39:04: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 216 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 40744, 10:39:55: Tribemember Herculad - Lvl 59 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 40895, 13:54:51: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40909, 14:36:28: Tribemember Hercules - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 40910, 18:04:34: Hercules Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 71 (Doedicurus)! Day 40911, 03:47:45: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 74 was killed! Day 40911, 16:13:33: TROD froze ALLO RHOADES - Lvl 221 (Allosaurus) Day 40911, 18:12:01: TROD froze LANA MAE - Lvl 299 (Maewing) Day 40911, 20:10:25: TROD froze ALLO RHOADES - Lvl 222 (Allosaurus) Day 40911, 21:02:27: TROD froze ALLO RHOADES - Lvl 222 (Allosaurus) Day 41062, 07:20:49: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41120, 10:54:04: Your Hercuvulture - Lvl 39 (Vulture) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 41120, 10:58:51: Your John-Ture - Lvl 89 (Vulture) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 41324, 07:24:07: Your 'Wooden Chair' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41365, 12:39:52: Chris - Lvl 99 (Tribe of george) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'LANA DODO - Lvl 137 (Dodo)'! Day 41407, 03:07:36: Your LANA MAE - Lvl 299 (Maewing) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 50! Day 41410, 18:02:10: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 74 was killed! Day 41474, 17:31:01: liz - Lvl 112 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lana Rhoades - Lvl 171 (Triceratops)'! Day 41490, 23:17:45: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41490, 23:17:45: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41490, 23:17:45: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41490, 23:17:45: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41490, 23:17:45: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41490, 23:17:45: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41586, 05:53:09: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41586, 05:53:09: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41586, 05:53:09: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41610, 01:04:00: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41610, 01:04:00: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41610, 01:04:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41610, 01:04:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41618, 11:50:49: John-Chops - Lvl 271 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 41763, 19:22:44: Raven - Lvl 101 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lana para - Lvl 219 (Parasaur)'! Day 41771, 05:06:28: OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 (Tribe of OCplayer1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 41771, 05:08:04: OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 (Tribe of OCplayer1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 41771, 05:09:56: OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 (Tribe of OCplayer1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 41771, 05:10:56: OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 (Tribe of OCplayer1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 41771, 05:11:49: OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 (Tribe of OCplayer1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 41771, 05:12:47: OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 (Tribe of OCplayer1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Herculumobile (Raft)'! Day 41800, 05:36:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41800, 05:36:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41800, 05:36:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41800, 05:36:01: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41800, 05:36:01: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41800, 05:36:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41800, 05:36:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41800, 05:36:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41800, 05:36:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41800, 05:36:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41886, 17:54:27: Tribemember NIGGER - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 42009, 20:35:06: Tribemember TROD - Lvl 74 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 140! Day 42119, 12:49:10: Boyle - Lvl 161 (Boggy Boys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 234 (Argentavis)'! Day 42119, 13:38:27: Your John-PT - Lvl 195 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 42119, 13:39:59: Tribemember Herculad - Lvl 59 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 42170, 15:52:43: UWUGIRL445234 - Lvl 59 (Eevee) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Johnky - Lvl 225 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 42170, 17:37:38: UWUGIRL445234 - Lvl 59 (Eevee) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'JohnDICK - Lvl 76 (Doedicurus)'! Day 42170, 17:49:35: UWUGIRL445234 - Lvl 59 (Eevee) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Arjohntavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)'! Day 42172, 08:09:15: Lavender - Lvl 117 (Eevee) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lana Tavis - Lvl 170 (Argentavis)'! Day 42172, 08:11:40: Lavender - Lvl 117 (Eevee) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 139 (Rex)'! Day 42172, 08:12:36: Lavender - Lvl 117 (Eevee) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tyrannosaurus John - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 42244, 13:06:41: Tribemember Hercules - Lvl 66 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 25! Day 42791, 02:21:27: Herture - Lvl 85 (Vulture) starved to death! Day 42832, 00:41:55: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 43380, 09:57:34: THE MAN - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'!"] "tribeid":1616660148,"tribe":"Trikru logs":["Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20920, 15:02:00: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20931, 12:45:35: Wildling - Lvl 255 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 20931, 13:05:42: Radar - Lvl 128 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rafiki - Lvl 141 (Dinopithecus)'! Day 20931, 15:45:34: Radar - Lvl 128 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pissy - Lvl 174 (Ravager)'! Day 20931, 15:48:06: Radar - Lvl 128 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lust - Lvl 233 (Maewing)'! Day 20931, 15:54:21: Radar - Lvl 128 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wrath - Lvl 264 (Maewing)'! Day 20931, 15:59:58: Radar - Lvl 128 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 202 (Raptor)'! Day 20931, 16:04:58: Radar - Lvl 128 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sub-Zero - Lvl 257 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 20931, 16:19:02: Radar - Lvl 128 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mosasaurus - Lvl 82 (Mosasaurus)'! Day 20931, 16:23:35: Radar - Lvl 128 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blastoise - Lvl 270 (Megachelon)'! Day 20931, 16:47:06: Radar - Lvl 128 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Neytini - Lvl 281 (Shadowmane)'! Day 20931, 16:55:49: Radar - Lvl 128 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nomad - Lvl 298 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 20931, 17:00:41: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thunder - Lvl 217 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 20931, 17:01:54: Radar - Lvl 128 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rasta - Lvl 150 (Argentavis)'! Day 20931, 17:08:19: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'NightCrawler - Lvl 219 (Allosaurus)'! Day 20931, 17:08:43: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 216 (Allosaurus)'! Day 20931, 17:09:27: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 282 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 20931, 17:10:05: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 336 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 20931, 17:11:28: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spike - Lvl 220 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 20931, 17:12:36: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gigantopithecus - Lvl 195 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 20931, 17:23:26: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 81 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 20931, 17:26:32: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 89 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 20931, 17:39:18: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Microraptor - Lvl 119 (Microraptor)'! Day 20931, 17:39:50: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Monkey - Lvl 63 (Mesopithecus)'! Day 20931, 17:40:11: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Microraptor - Lvl 87 (Microraptor)'! Day 20931, 17:40:44: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20931, 17:41:08: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20931, 17:41:53: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20931, 17:42:31: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20931, 17:42:56: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 20931, 17:44:15: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bulbdog - Lvl 139 (Bulbdog)'! Day 20931, 17:44:49: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jerboa - Lvl 51 (Jerboa)'! Day 20931, 17:45:05: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jerboa - Lvl 51 (Jerboa)'! Day 20931, 17:45:33: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Compy - Lvl 80 (Compy)'! Day 20931, 17:45:51: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Compy - Lvl 127 (Compy)'! Day 20931, 17:46:11: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Compy - Lvl 97 (Compy)'! Day 20931, 17:47:01: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Compy - Lvl 97 (Compy)'! Day 20931, 17:47:51: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Compy - Lvl 244 (Compy)'! Day 20931, 17:48:14: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Green Lantern - Lvl 134 (Compy)'! Day 20931, 17:48:42: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Compy - Lvl 29 (Compy)'! Day 20931, 18:02:03: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Compy - Lvl 82 (Compy)'! Day 20931, 18:05:46: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 65 (Equus)'! Day 20931, 18:06:01: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 43 (Equus)'! Day 20931, 18:06:17: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 127 (Equus)'! Day 20931, 18:06:50: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20931, 18:07:18: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Feather - Lvl 75 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20931, 18:08:14: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rollie Polly - Lvl 194 (Doedicurus)'! Day 20931, 18:08:55: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 5 (Doedicurus)'! Day 20931, 18:09:40: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megaloceros - Lvl 84 (Megaloceros)'! Day 20931, 18:10:29: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mantis - Lvl 41 (Mantis)'! Day 20931, 18:10:52: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mantis - Lvl 46 (Mantis)'! Day 20931, 18:11:20: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mantis - Lvl 46 (Mantis)'! Day 20931, 18:11:52: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mantis - Lvl 49 (Mantis)'! Day 20931, 18:13:24: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame '145Tame - Lvl 277 (Rex)'! Day 20931, 18:14:08: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 278 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 20931, 18:16:13: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Longneck - Lvl 88 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 20931, 18:17:01: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Little Chicken - Lvl 224 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 20931, 18:18:01: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tickle Chicken - Lvl 208 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 20931, 18:18:47: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 20931, 18:19:16: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 266 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 20931, 18:19:37: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 29 (Velonasaur)'! Day 20931, 18:20:05: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'melee x3 male - Lvl 264 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 20931, 18:21:41: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pelagornis - Lvl 55 (Pelagornis)'! Day 20931, 18:22:16: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pelagornis - Lvl 261 (Pelagornis)'! Day 20931, 18:23:06: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pelagornis - Lvl 214 (Pelagornis)'! Day 20931, 18:24:19: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wanheda - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)'! Day 20931, 18:25:21: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bulbdog - Lvl 122 (Bulbdog)'! Day 20931, 18:25:58: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thief - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax)'! Day 20931, 18:26:19: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 268 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 20931, 18:39:20: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bulbdog - Lvl 86 (Bulbdog)'! Day 20931, 18:39:55: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'armor - Lvl 110 (Argentavis)'! Day 20931, 18:42:40: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 111 (Argentavis)'! Day 20931, 18:48:27: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Transporter - Lvl 213 (Argentavis)'! Day 20931, 18:50:07: Radar - Lvl 128 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 305 (Mammoth)'! Day 20931, 18:54:31: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 251 (Argentavis)'! Day 20931, 19:02:21: Radar - Lvl 128 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ajax - Lvl 225 (Argentavis)'! Day 20931, 19:10:02: Radar - Lvl 128 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Compy - Lvl 164 (Compy)'! Day 20931, 19:29:09: Radar - Lvl 128 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bulbdog - Lvl 127 (Bulbdog)'! Day 20931, 20:29:41: Tribemember Inmate - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 20931, 21:38:25: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oviraptor - Lvl 34 (Oviraptor)'! Day 20931, 21:42:36: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shitter - Lvl 67 (Phiomia)'! Day 20931, 22:01:01: Your Moschops - Lvl 124 (Moschops) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 135! Day 20931, 22:48:33: Radar - Lvl 128 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 255 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 20931, 22:50:48: Radar - Lvl 128 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spit - Lvl 247 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 20931, 22:57:39: Radar - Lvl 128 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 31 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 20931, 22:58:42: Radar - Lvl 128 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 107 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 20932, 06:43:29: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baby Shark Doodoo - Lvl 67 (Megalodon)'! Day 20932, 06:52:32: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 242 (Megalodon)'! Day 20932, 08:42:55: Radar - Lvl 128 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 20932, 14:51:44: Radar - Lvl 128 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 88 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 21079, 07:42:16: Kairuku - Lvl 14 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 21097, 22:46:06: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kairuku - Lvl 74 (Kairuku)'! Day 21097, 22:46:45: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kairuku - Lvl 29 (Kairuku)'! Day 21097, 22:48:01: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kairuku - Lvl 78 (Kairuku)'! Day 21097, 22:51:14: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 67 (Ovis)'! Day 21097, 22:51:59: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 81 (Ovis)'! Day 21097, 22:52:49: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 48 (Ovis)'! Day 21097, 22:53:36: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 66 (Ovis)'! Day 21097, 22:55:13: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 80 (Ovis)'! Day 21097, 23:42:49: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 55 (Ovis)'! Day 21098, 00:06:23: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 229 (Carbonemys)'! Day 21098, 00:07:23: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 208 (Carbonemys)'! Day 21098, 00:08:00: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 230 (Carbonemys)'! Day 21098, 00:24:13: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarco - Lvl 149 (Sarco)'! Day 21098, 02:15:31: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 185 (Dodo)'! Day 21133, 07:58:22: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21139, 11:40:39: Rambo - Lvl 276 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21204, 04:48:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21448, 12:24:19: Maewing - Lvl 193 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21733, 12:57:37: twingo - Lvl 86 (Tribe of twingo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 23740, 03:16:37: Inmate claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 23740, 03:17:19: Inmate claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 23740, 03:17:57: Inmate claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 23740, 03:18:43: Inmate claimed 'Compy - Lvl 97 (Compy)'! Day 23740, 04:36:03: Your Dodo - Lvl 102 (Dodo) was killed by Inmate - Lvl 122 (Trikru)! Day 23740, 04:36:03: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 102 (Dodo) (Trikru)! Day 23740, 08:23:33: Your Dodo - Lvl 199 (Dodo) was killed by Inmate - Lvl 122 (Trikru)! Day 23740, 08:23:33: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 199 (Dodo) (Trikru)! Day 23740, 08:42:25: Inmate claimed 'Compy - Lvl 29 (Compy)'! Day 23740, 16:10:44: Your Dodo - Lvl 259 (Dodo) was killed by Inmate - Lvl 122 (Trikru)! Day 23740, 16:10:44: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 259 (Dodo) (Trikru)! Day 23740, 16:19:27: Your Dodo - Lvl 258 (Dodo) was killed by Inmate - Lvl 122 (Trikru)! Day 23740, 16:19:27: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 258 (Dodo) (Trikru)! Day 23741, 07:37:02: Inmate claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 110 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23741, 07:38:00: Tribemember Inmate - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 23741, 15:50:01: Inmate unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 111 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23741, 16:16:22: Inmate unclaimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 23741, 17:00:44: Inmate claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 111 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23741, 17:59:37: Inmate demolished a 'Wooden Hatchframe'! Day 23741, 18:00:59: Inmate demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 23742, 00:15:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)! Day 23742, 00:44:18: Inmate Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 23742, 07:35:40: Your Oil - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45! Day 23742, 07:44:04: Tribemember Inmate - Lvl 122 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45! Day 23742, 09:46:27: Tribemember Inmate - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 23742, 12:34:56: Tribemember Inmate - Lvl 122 was killed by a Pteranodon - Lvl 150! Day 23742, 15:32:21: Your Killer - Lvl 313 (Dimorphodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45! Day 23742, 15:43:07: Tribemember Inmate - Lvl 122 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 55! Day 23742, 18:38:19: Inmate claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus)'! Day 23742, 19:25:38: Your Dodo - Lvl 265 (Dodo) was killed by Inmate - Lvl 122 (Trikru)! Day 23742, 19:25:38: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 265 (Dodo) (Trikru)! Day 23742, 23:54:12: Inmate froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) Day 23743, 00:15:32: Inmate froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) Day 23743, 04:00:13: Inmate froze Pteranodon - Lvl 112 (Pteranodon) Day 23743, 07:11:49: Inmate froze Desmodus - Lvl 113 (Desmodus) Day 23743, 07:30:03: Inmate froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) Day 23743, 07:51:34: Inmate claimed 'Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 65 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 23743, 20:39:31: Inmate froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 65 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23743, 21:16:52: Inmate froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 65 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23743, 22:32:52: Inmate froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 65 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23744, 00:20:48: Inmate froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 65 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23744, 00:30:13: Inmate froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) Day 23744, 00:35:21: Inmate froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) Day 23744, 00:39:26: Inmate froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) Day 23744, 00:43:26: Inmate froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) Day 23763, 15:07:16: Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 65 (Lightning Wyvern) starved to death! Day 24075, 14:04:18: Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 24130, 00:01:23: Your 'Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24130, 00:01:23: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24415, 17:57:03: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 115 (Desmodus)'! Day 24437, 01:57:39: Your 'Multi Panel Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24437, 01:57:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24437, 01:57:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24437, 01:57:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24437, 01:57:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24437, 01:57:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24720, 13:36:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24720, 13:36:42: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24720, 13:36:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25003, 17:40:09: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26172, 12:34:32: Haggis - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 112 (Pteranodon)'! Day 26172, 12:37:39: Haggis - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 26262, 12:57:49: Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 30839, 13:22:22: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Compy - Lvl 52 (Compy)'! Day 30839, 13:26:39: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 207 (Dodo)'! Day 30839, 13:31:57: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 275 (Dodo)'! Day 30839, 13:34:56: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Compy - Lvl 97 (Compy)'! Day 30839, 13:38:54: Tribemember Inmate - Lvl 122 was killed!"] "tribeid":1609319880,"tribe":"Rex Offenders logs":["Day 19075, 12:49:09: Lilith claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 245 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 19075, 12:51:23: Lilith froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 245 (Yutyrannus) Day 19075, 12:52:07: Lilith claimed 'melee mut x16 fem - Lvl 282 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 12:54:25: Lilith froze melee mut x16 fem - Lvl 282 (Dimorphodon) Day 19075, 12:55:40: Lilith claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 12:58:30: Lilith froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) Day 19075, 13:03:07: Lilith claimed 'full fighter male - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 13:05:24: Lilith froze full fighter male - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) Day 19075, 13:08:14: Lilith claimed 'melee mut x20 male - Lvl 290 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 13:10:32: Lilith froze melee mut x20 male - Lvl 290 (Dimorphodon) Day 19075, 13:12:17: Lilith claimed 'melee mut x13 fem - Lvl 276 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 13:15:09: Lilith froze melee mut x13 fem - Lvl 276 (Dimorphodon) Day 19075, 13:17:20: Lilith claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 228 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 19075, 13:20:07: Lilith froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 228 (Yutyrannus) Day 19075, 13:21:14: Lilith claimed 'Red Wood - Lvl 346 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 19075, 14:04:05: Lilith claimed 'Morellatops - Lvl 294 (Morellatops)'! Day 19075, 14:09:07: Lilith froze Morellatops - Lvl 294 (Morellatops) Day 19075, 14:15:38: Lilith claimed '81 mut fem - Lvl 290 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 14:16:25: Lilith claimed '324 mut fem - Lvl 290 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 14:16:50: Lilith claimed '162 mut fem - Lvl 290 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 14:17:20: Lilith claimed 'mut x567 fem - Lvl 290 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 14:17:59: Lilith claimed '81 mut fem - Lvl 290 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 14:27:21: Lilith claimed 'Jazz(299) - Lvl 427 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 19075, 14:29:39: Lilith froze Jazz(299) - Lvl 427 (X-Argentavis) Day 19075, 14:30:09: Lilith claimed 'Valfem Two - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl)'! Day 19075, 14:32:26: Lilith froze Valfem Two - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) Day 19075, 14:57:55: Lilith froze 81 mut fem - Lvl 290 (Dimorphodon) Day 19075, 15:00:44: Lilith froze 81 mut fem - Lvl 290 (Dimorphodon) Day 19075, 15:04:01: Lilith froze 324 mut fem - Lvl 290 (Dimorphodon) Day 19075, 15:06:54: Lilith froze 162 mut fem - Lvl 290 (Dimorphodon) Day 19075, 15:09:52: Lilith froze mut x567 fem - Lvl 290 (Dimorphodon) Day 19075, 15:10:56: Lilith claimed 'Lemon - Lvl 279 (Megalania)'! Day 19075, 15:13:40: Lilith claimed '(224) - Lvl 302 (Lymantria)'! Day 19075, 15:17:05: Lilith claimed 'X-Argentavis - Lvl 326 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 19075, 15:20:07: Lilith claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 15:20:58: Lilith claimed 'melee mut x19 male - Lvl 288 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 15:21:45: Lilith claimed 'melee mut x14 male - Lvl 278 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 15:22:26: Lilith claimed '(yellow) - Lvl 224 (Vulture)'! Day 19075, 15:22:47: Lilith claimed 'Vulture - Lvl 134 (Vulture)'! Day 19075, 15:24:41: Lilith claimed '(224) - Lvl 275 (Pachy)'! Day 19075, 15:52:03: Lilith claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 15:54:48: Lilith froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) Day 19075, 15:55:40: Lilith claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 15:57:57: Lilith froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) Day 19075, 16:00:43: Lilith froze Vulture - Lvl 134 (Vulture) Day 19075, 16:03:25: Lilith froze (yellow) - Lvl 224 (Vulture) Day 19075, 16:06:16: Lilith froze melee mut x14 male - Lvl 278 (Dimorphodon) Day 19075, 16:09:03: Lilith froze melee mut x19 male - Lvl 288 (Dimorphodon) Day 19075, 16:12:02: Lilith froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) Day 19075, 16:32:02: Lilith froze (224) - Lvl 275 (Pachy) Day 19075, 18:04:10: Lilith claimed '(224) - Lvl 316 (Doedicurus)'! Day 19075, 18:06:34: Lilith claimed 'Norris - Lvl 262 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 19075, 18:14:08: Lilith claimed 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19075, 18:16:26: Lilith claimed 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 233 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19075, 18:20:33: Lilith claimed 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 273 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19075, 18:29:30: Lilith claimed 'Midnight (175) - Lvl 275 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 19075, 18:57:57: Lilith claimed 'E. rex sean - Lvl 248 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 19075, 19:02:50: Lilith claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 276 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 19075, 19:05:19: Lilith claimed 'Bella - Lvl 184 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 19075, 19:18:22: Lilith claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 285 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 19075, 19:22:03: Lilith claimed 'Prickly (240) - Lvl 240 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19075, 23:03:34: Lilith claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 23:03:47: Lilith claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 23:04:08: Lilith claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 23:04:23: Lilith claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 23:04:54: Lilith claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 23:05:05: Lilith claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 23:05:20: Lilith claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 23:05:32: Lilith claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 23:05:43: Lilith claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 23:07:33: Lilith claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 23:07:47: Lilith claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19075, 23:14:35: Lilith claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19091, 16:51:31: Lilith froze Jazz(299) - Lvl 427 (X-Argentavis) Day 19091, 18:56:41: Lilith froze (224) - Lvl 302 (Lymantria) Day 19091, 19:00:25: Lilith froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) Day 19091, 19:42:33: Lilith froze E. rex sean - Lvl 248 (Poison Wyvern) Day 19091, 20:06:29: Lilith froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 285 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19205, 09:16:16: Lilith froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 233 (Ice Wyvern) Day 19205, 10:01:29: Lilith claimed 'Dirty Dragon - Lvl 253 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 19205, 10:15:56: Lilith uploaded a Dimorphodon: Dirty Dragon - Lvl 253 Day 19205, 12:04:49: Lilith froze Midnight (175) - Lvl 275 (R-Reaper King) Day 19205, 12:11:15: Lilith froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Ice Wyvern) Day 19205, 12:35:04: Lilith froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 276 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19205, 13:59:52: Lilith uploaded a Doedicurus: (224) - Lvl 316 Day 19205, 16:39:53: Lilith froze Bella - Lvl 184 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19205, 18:41:43: Lilith uploaded a Ice Wyvern: Ice Wyvern - Lvl 273 Day 19205, 20:51:18: Lilith uploaded a Megalania: Lemon - Lvl 279 Day 19205, 20:58:34: Lilith uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Bella - Lvl 184 Day 19205, 21:44:44: Lilith froze Norris - Lvl 262 (Tek Parasaur) Day 19205, 23:38:17: Lilith uploaded a Ice Wyvern: Ice Wyvern - Lvl 233 Day 19205, 23:52:00: Lilith uploaded a R-Velonasaur: Prickly (240) - Lvl 240 Day 19206, 01:34:37: Lilith uploaded a Brontosaurus: Red Wood - Lvl 346 Day 19206, 04:17:31: Lilith uploaded a X-Argentavis: X-Argentavis - Lvl 326 Day 19206, 04:55:29: Lilith uploaded a Dimorphodon: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 Day 19206, 04:56:47: Lilith uploaded a Dimorphodon: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 Day 19206, 04:58:01: Lilith uploaded a Dimorphodon: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 Day 19206, 05:06:04: Lilith uploaded a Dimorphodon: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 Day 19206, 05:07:30: Lilith uploaded a Dimorphodon: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 Day 19206, 05:08:50: Lilith uploaded a Dimorphodon: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 Day 19206, 05:22:32: Lilith uploaded a Dimorphodon: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 Day 19206, 05:23:39: Lilith uploaded a Dimorphodon: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 Day 19206, 05:24:46: Lilith uploaded a Dimorphodon: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 Day 19206, 05:29:03: Lilith uploaded a Dimorphodon: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 Day 19206, 05:30:22: Lilith uploaded a Dimorphodon: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 Day 19206, 05:48:43: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19206, 05:50:39: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19206, 05:51:02: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19207, 00:25:28: Lilith froze Bella - Lvl 233 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19207, 04:11:44: Lilith froze Bella - Lvl 234 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19207, 21:52:54: Lilith froze metal temptress - Lvl 365 (Voidwyrm) Day 19208, 08:34:37: Lilith uploaded a R-Velonasaur: breeder fem - Lvl 258 Day 19208, 08:35:55: Lilith uploaded a R-Velonasaur: breeder fem - Lvl 258 Day 19208, 08:36:59: Lilith uploaded a R-Velonasaur: breeder fem - Lvl 258 Day 19208, 08:42:07: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19208, 08:42:55: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19208, 08:43:20: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19208, 08:44:18: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19208, 08:44:36: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19208, 08:45:35: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19208, 08:47:45: Lilith uploaded a R-Velonasaur: breeder fem - Lvl 258 Day 19208, 08:48:55: Lilith uploaded a R-Velonasaur: breeder fem - Lvl 258 Day 19208, 08:49:42: Lilith uploaded a R-Velonasaur: breeder fem - Lvl 258 Day 19208, 08:50:51: Lilith uploaded a R-Velonasaur: breeder fem - Lvl 258 Day 19208, 08:51:58: Lilith uploaded a R-Velonasaur: breeder fem - Lvl 258 Day 19208, 08:53:13: Lilith uploaded a R-Velonasaur: breeder fem - Lvl 258 Day 19208, 08:54:32: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19208, 08:54:53: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19208, 08:55:29: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19208, 08:55:44: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19208, 08:57:06: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19208, 08:59:19: Lilith uploaded a R-Velonasaur: breeder fem - Lvl 258 Day 19208, 09:00:31: Lilith uploaded a R-Velonasaur: breeder fem - Lvl 258 Day 19208, 09:01:30: Lilith uploaded a R-Velonasaur: breeder fem - Lvl 258 Day 19208, 09:02:22: Lilith uploaded a R-Velonasaur: breeder fem - Lvl 258 Day 19208, 09:03:22: Lilith uploaded a R-Velonasaur: breeder fem - Lvl 258 Day 19208, 09:04:25: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19208, 09:04:44: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19208, 09:05:09: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19208, 09:06:50: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19208, 09:10:18: Lilith uploaded a R-Velonasaur: breeder fem - Lvl 258 Day 19208, 09:11:27: Lilith uploaded a R-Velonasaur: breeder fem - Lvl 258 Day 19208, 09:12:27: Lilith uploaded a R-Velonasaur: breeder fem - Lvl 258 Day 19208, 09:13:27: Lilith uploaded a R-Velonasaur: breeder fem - Lvl 258 Day 19208, 09:16:39: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19208, 09:16:58: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19208, 09:17:30: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19208, 09:17:57: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19208, 09:18:22: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19208, 09:18:42: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19208, 09:19:26: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19208, 09:19:47: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19208, 09:20:20: Lilith claimed 'breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19208, 09:22:26: Lilith uploaded a R-Velonasaur: breeder fem - Lvl 258 Day 19208, 09:23:38: Lilith uploaded a R-Velonasaur: breeder fem - Lvl 258 Day 19208, 09:30:24: Lilith froze breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur) Day 19208, 09:33:51: Lilith froze breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur) Day 19208, 09:41:40: Lilith froze breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur) Day 19208, 09:44:28: Lilith froze breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur) Day 19208, 09:48:21: Lilith froze breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur) Day 19208, 09:51:36: Lilith froze breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur) Day 19208, 09:54:20: Lilith froze breeder fem - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur) Day 19208, 12:09:54: Lilith froze metal temptress - Lvl 392 (Voidwyrm) Day 19238, 14:45:32: Lilith claimed 'R-Allosaurus - Lvl 310 (R-Allosaurus )'! Day 19238, 14:47:58: Lilith froze R-Allosaurus - Lvl 310 (R-Allosaurus ) Day 19238, 20:41:26: Lilith froze metal temptress - Lvl 392 (Voidwyrm) Day 19281, 03:44:23: Lilith froze Peabuddy - Lvl 332 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19303, 06:26:13: Lilith froze Peabuddy - Lvl 332 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19347, 01:50:46: Lilith froze Peabuddy - Lvl 352 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19409, 19:04:16: Lilith froze oxygen mutation - Lvl 354 (Voidwyrm) Day 19469, 08:20:37: Lilith froze breeder - Lvl 258 (Shadowmane) Day 19469, 10:17:19: Lilith claimed 'Redrum - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 19469, 10:19:34: Lilith froze Redrum - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 19469, 10:22:58: Lilith claimed 'zues - Lvl 106 (Direwolf)'! Day 19469, 10:25:09: Lilith froze zues - Lvl 106 (Direwolf) Day 19469, 10:25:43: Lilith claimed 'peter - Lvl 103 (Compy)'! Day 19469, 10:27:55: Lilith froze peter - Lvl 103 (Compy) Day 19469, 12:04:26: Lilith claimed 'Lavender - Lvl 172 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19469, 12:06:48: Lilith froze Lavender - Lvl 172 (Ice Wyvern) Day 19469, 12:44:36: Lilith froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 322 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19511, 16:28:09: Lilith froze metal temptress - Lvl 392 (Voidwyrm) Day 19859, 23:59:37: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19859, 23:59:37: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19859, 23:59:37: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20006, 12:01:00: Margo - Lvl 4 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 21149, 00:33:47: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 326 (Voidwyrm) Day 21149, 01:08:22: Tasha froze Nuts 'N' Bolts - Lvl 355 (Voidwyrm) Day 21149, 10:22:33: TinTin downloaded a dino: PewPew - Lvl 37 Day 21149, 11:08:04: Tasha froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 177 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 21149, 11:39:04: TinTin uploaded a Tek Stryder: PewPew - Lvl 66 Day 21149, 12:10:01: TinTin downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 22 Day 21149, 12:10:49: Tasha froze Nuts 'N' Bolts - Lvl 355 (Voidwyrm) Day 21149, 12:11:20: TinTin downloaded a dino: PewPew - Lvl 66 Day 21149, 15:38:58: TinTin froze Darkness - Lvl 360 (Voidwyrm) Day 21149, 16:01:21: TinTin uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 26 Day 21149, 16:59:00: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 326 (Voidwyrm) Day 21149, 17:22:41: Killer froze Darkness - Lvl 360 (Voidwyrm) Day 21149, 18:13:39: Tribemember TinTin - Lvl 129 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 45! Day 21149, 18:23:01: Tasha froze Poko - Lvl 279 (R-Direwolf) Day 21149, 18:32:01: Killer froze Darkness - Lvl 360 (Voidwyrm) Day 21149, 20:17:05: Tasha froze Poko - Lvl 279 (R-Direwolf) Day 21149, 23:29:18: Tasha demolished a 'Bed'! Day 21150, 00:26:50: TinTin froze Dotty Dog - Lvl 223 (R-Direwolf) Day 21150, 00:29:32: Killer froze Red - Lvl 277 (R-Direwolf) Day 21150, 05:35:34: Killer froze Red - Lvl 277 (R-Direwolf) Day 21150, 05:53:34: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 327 (Voidwyrm) Day 21150, 06:28:13: TinTin froze Dotty Dog - Lvl 223 (R-Direwolf) Day 21150, 06:28:40: Tasha froze Poko - Lvl 283 (R-Direwolf) Day 21150, 06:46:17: Killer froze Red - Lvl 279 (R-Direwolf) Day 21150, 08:12:13: Killer froze Red - Lvl 279 (R-Direwolf) Day 21150, 10:39:57: TinTin froze Dotty Dog - Lvl 223 (R-Direwolf) Day 21150, 12:11:21: Killer froze Red - Lvl 279 (R-Direwolf) Day 21150, 12:52:51: Killer froze Darkness - Lvl 360 (Voidwyrm) Day 21150, 13:25:42: Killer uploaded a Tek Stryder: PewPew - Lvl 106 Day 21246, 15:16:22: Tasha froze Poko - Lvl 285 (R-Direwolf) Day 21246, 19:23:11: Tribemember TinTin - Lvl 129 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 95! Day 21246, 21:04:59: Killer froze Darkness - Lvl 410 (Voidwyrm) Day 21246, 21:37:35: Killer froze Red - Lvl 289 (R-Direwolf) Day 21246, 22:51:51: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 362 (Voidwyrm) Day 21246, 23:18:22: Killer froze Darkness - Lvl 410 (Voidwyrm) Day 21246, 23:57:45: Tasha froze Spares 'N' Repairs - Lvl 347 (Voidwyrm) Day 21258, 07:34:12: Tasha froze Spares 'N' Repairs - Lvl 347 (Voidwyrm) Day 21450, 22:07:07: TinTin uploaded a Voidwyrm: Spanners - Lvl 378 Day 21734, 17:21:48: Tribemember TinTin - Lvl 129 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 15! Day 21734, 17:45:44: Tribemember TinTin - Lvl 129 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 90! Day 21734, 19:17:00: Tribemember TinTin - Lvl 129 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 50! Day 21734, 19:59:12: Tribemember TinTin - Lvl 129 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 15! Day 21734, 20:47:06: Tribemember TinTin - Lvl 129 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 90! Day 21734, 21:25:47: Tribemember TinTin - Lvl 129 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 50! Day 21734, 23:07:20: Tribemember TinTin - Lvl 129 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 20! Day 21735, 01:58:29: Tribemember TinTin - Lvl 129 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 90! Day 21735, 03:24:16: Tribemember TinTin - Lvl 129 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 15! Day 21735, 06:15:02: TinTin Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)! Day 21735, 06:19:10: TinTin froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) Day 21735, 14:14:08: TinTin froze Nuts 'N' Bolts - Lvl 380 (Voidwyrm) Day 21755, 12:44:59: TinTin Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 194 (Castoroides)! Day 21755, 12:51:21: TinTin froze Castoroides - Lvl 194 (Castoroides) Day 21755, 12:51:50: TinTin Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 149 (Castoroides)! Day 21755, 12:56:17: TinTin froze Castoroides - Lvl 149 (Castoroides) Day 21755, 13:33:03: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 388 (Voidwyrm) Day 21786, 09:07:45: Tasha froze Captain Feathers - Lvl 288 (Rock Drake) Day 21786, 09:09:13: TinTin froze Rock Drake - Lvl 190 (Rock Drake) Day 21786, 10:23:48: TinTin froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 194 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 21786, 10:59:56: TinTin froze Rock Drake - Lvl 190 (Rock Drake) Day 21786, 11:22:25: TinTin froze Rock Drake - Lvl 190 (Rock Drake) Day 21786, 12:22:58: Tasha froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 226 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 21786, 12:45:23: Tasha froze Captain Feathers - Lvl 288 (Rock Drake) Day 21786, 19:56:13: TinTin froze X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 322 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 21787, 00:37:29: TinTin froze Rock Drake - Lvl 196 (Rock Drake) Day 21787, 04:15:57: Tasha froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 270 (Basilosaurus) Day 21787, 06:27:52: Tasha Tamed a Mosasaurus - Lvl 217 (Mosasaurus)! Day 21787, 06:46:50: Tasha froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 217 (Mosasaurus) Day 21787, 07:01:54: Tasha froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 240 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 21787, 07:44:53: Tasha froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 217 (Mosasaurus) Day 21787, 08:19:14: TinTin froze X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 322 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 21787, 08:46:33: TinTin froze X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 322 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 21787, 11:46:19: Tasha froze Captain Feathers - Lvl 288 (Rock Drake) Day 21787, 11:59:36: Tasha froze Nuts 'N' Bolts - Lvl 383 (Voidwyrm) Day 21787, 15:13:25: Tasha froze Blackie - Lvl 350 (Allosaurus) Day 21787, 18:12:16: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 389 (Voidwyrm) Day 21788, 00:19:49: Tasha froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 240 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 21788, 05:31:40: Tasha froze Nuts 'N' Bolts - Lvl 383 (Voidwyrm) Day 21788, 06:19:38: Tasha froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 240 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 21788, 10:26:08: TinTin Tamed a Mosasaurus - Lvl 224 (Mosasaurus)! Day 21788, 12:29:21: TinTin froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 224 (Mosasaurus) Day 21788, 15:21:51: TinTin claimed 'Baby Mosasaurus - Lvl 227 (Mosasaurus)'! Day 21788, 15:22:43: TinTin claimed 'Baby Mosasaurus - Lvl 227 (Mosasaurus)'! Day 21788, 15:23:55: TinTin claimed 'Baby Mosasaurus - Lvl 227 (Mosasaurus)'! Day 21788, 15:31:47: Tasha froze Baby Mosasaurus - Lvl 227 (Mosasaurus) Day 21788, 15:39:10: Tasha froze Baby Mosasaurus - Lvl 227 (Mosasaurus) Day 21788, 15:43:33: Tasha froze Baby Mosasaurus - Lvl 227 (Mosasaurus) Day 21788, 16:14:23: Tasha froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 229 (Mosasaurus) Day 21788, 16:18:22: TinTin froze X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 322 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 21788, 17:02:26: TinTin uploaded a Voidwyrm: Spanners - Lvl 389 Day 21788, 17:04:22: TinTin uploaded a Voidwyrm: Nuts 'N' Bolts - Lvl 383 Day 21897, 18:20:08: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 391 (Voidwyrm) Day 21995, 23:16:01: Tasha froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 262 (Voidwyrm) Day 21995, 23:50:23: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 394 (Voidwyrm) Day 21996, 00:11:39: TinTin froze Aberrant Anglerfish - Lvl 119 (Aberrant Anglerfish) Day 21996, 05:39:13: Tasha froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 194 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 21996, 05:46:17: Tasha froze ddd - Lvl 90 (Aberrant Anglerfish) Day 21996, 06:10:16: TinTin froze Aberrant Anglerfish - Lvl 131 (Aberrant Anglerfish) Day 21996, 06:45:48: Tasha froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 262 (Voidwyrm) Day 21996, 06:46:34: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 394 (Voidwyrm) Day 22046, 00:37:07: Tasha Tamed a Woolly Rhino - Lvl 209 (Woolly Rhino)! Day 22046, 00:44:31: Tasha froze Woolly Rhino - Lvl 209 (Woolly Rhino) Day 22046, 05:48:44: Tasha Tamed a Woolly Rhino - Lvl 217 (Woolly Rhino)! Day 22046, 06:10:32: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 395 (Voidwyrm) Day 22046, 06:40:50: Tasha froze Woolly Rhino - Lvl 209 (Woolly Rhino) Day 22046, 08:22:40: Tasha froze Woolly Rhino - Lvl 217 (Woolly Rhino) Day 22046, 08:23:30: Tasha claimed 'Baby Woolly Rhino - Lvl 227 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 22046, 08:26:42: Tasha froze Baby Woolly Rhino - Lvl 227 (Woolly Rhino) Day 22046, 09:30:45: Tasha froze Nuts 'N' Bolts - Lvl 389 (Voidwyrm) Day 22115, 16:55:28: Tasha froze Zippy - Lvl 355 (Voidwyrm) Day 22115, 16:56:00: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 401 (Voidwyrm) Day 22115, 17:40:09: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 245 (Therizinosaur) Day 22115, 19:03:26: TinTin froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 272 (Therizinosaur) Day 22115, 19:04:31: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 251 (Therizinosaur) Day 22115, 20:13:45: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 254 (Therizinosaur) Day 22115, 20:14:19: TinTin froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 273 (Therizinosaur) Day 22115, 22:07:16: Tasha froze Zippy - Lvl 355 (Voidwyrm) Day 22115, 22:51:38: TinTin froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 273 (Therizinosaur) Day 22115, 22:51:56: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 254 (Therizinosaur) Day 22115, 23:46:24: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 258 (Therizinosaur) Day 22115, 23:47:02: TinTin froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 276 (Therizinosaur) Day 22116, 00:13:39: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 260 (Therizinosaur) Day 22116, 00:18:15: TinTin froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 278 (Therizinosaur) Day 22116, 01:19:17: Tasha froze Daniel's - Lvl 423 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 22116, 04:37:49: Tasha froze Zippy - Lvl 355 (Voidwyrm) Day 22233, 20:38:16: TinTin froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 432 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 22233, 22:27:20: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 406 (Voidwyrm) Day 22234, 07:43:55: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 406 (Voidwyrm) Day 22249, 07:56:02: Tribemember TinTin - Lvl 129 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 100! Day 22249, 16:47:24: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 407 (Voidwyrm) Day 22251, 18:53:18: Tasha froze Zippy - Lvl 367 (Voidwyrm) Day 22281, 17:53:01: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 408 (Voidwyrm) Day 22281, 23:00:06: TinTin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 340 (R-Velonasaur) Day 22282, 00:11:54: TinTin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 340 (R-Velonasaur) Day 22282, 03:30:50: TinTin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 340 (R-Velonasaur) Day 22282, 04:55:43: Tribemember TinTin - Lvl 129 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 110! Day 22282, 05:04:01: Your Glowtail - Lvl 98 (Glowtail) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 110! Day 22282, 05:41:25: TinTin froze Zippy - Lvl 369 (Voidwyrm) Day 22282, 08:42:09: Tasha froze Spanners - Lvl 408 (Voidwyrm) Day 22282, 20:13:29: Tasha froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 326 (R-Velonasaur) Day 22282, 20:13:34: TinTin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 341 (R-Velonasaur) Day 22282, 21:05:54: TinTin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 341 (R-Velonasaur) Day 22283, 02:24:12: Tasha froze Zippy - Lvl 369 (Voidwyrm) Day 22283, 02:31:16: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 408 (Voidwyrm) Day 22283, 03:03:19: TinTin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 341 (R-Velonasaur) Day 22283, 03:04:01: Tasha froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 326 (R-Velonasaur) Day 22283, 04:36:26: Tasha froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 326 (R-Velonasaur) Day 22283, 04:37:33: TinTin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 341 (R-Velonasaur) Day 22283, 06:37:52: Tasha froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 326 (R-Velonasaur) Day 22283, 06:44:10: TinTin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 341 (R-Velonasaur) Day 22283, 06:52:26: Tasha froze Shinehorn - Lvl 174 (Shinehorn) Day 22283, 06:53:05: TinTin froze Shinehorn - Lvl 190 (Shinehorn) Day 22283, 09:43:52: Tasha froze Zippy - Lvl 369 (Voidwyrm) Day 22283, 09:50:45: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 408 (Voidwyrm) Day 22347, 12:16:02: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 325 (Pteranodon) Day 22347, 12:57:36: TinTin froze Ground Alpha - Lvl 293 (Dire Bear) Day 22347, 13:10:39: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 325 (Pteranodon) Day 22347, 13:27:07: TinTin froze Ground Alpha - Lvl 293 (Dire Bear) Day 22347, 14:48:08: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 325 (Pteranodon) Day 22347, 15:21:26: TinTin froze Ground Alpha - Lvl 293 (Dire Bear) Day 22347, 17:55:25: TinTin froze Ground Alpha - Lvl 293 (Dire Bear) Day 22347, 20:43:26: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 325 (Pteranodon) Day 22347, 22:10:21: Tasha froze John Snow - Lvl 243 (Snow Owl) Day 22347, 22:56:36: Tasha froze Dire Bear - Lvl 295 (Dire Bear) Day 22347, 23:08:29: TinTin froze Ground Alpha - Lvl 293 (Dire Bear) Day 22348, 00:15:52: Tasha froze John Snow - Lvl 243 (Snow Owl) Day 22348, 00:45:38: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 325 (Pteranodon) Day 22348, 01:59:24: Tasha froze John Snow - Lvl 243 (Snow Owl) Day 22348, 02:56:23: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 325 (Pteranodon) Day 22348, 03:54:14: Tasha Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 22348, 04:00:10: Tasha froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 22348, 04:17:43: Tasha froze John Snow - Lvl 243 (Snow Owl) Day 22348, 06:10:00: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 325 (Pteranodon) Day 22348, 06:38:08: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 325 (Pteranodon) Day 22348, 09:20:14: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 325 (Pteranodon) Day 22348, 09:32:07: Tasha froze John Snow - Lvl 243 (Snow Owl) Day 22348, 09:44:31: Tasha Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 22348, 09:57:48: Tasha froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 22348, 11:17:04: Tasha froze Dire Bear - Lvl 295 (Dire Bear) Day 22348, 11:22:19: TinTin Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 22348, 11:31:45: TinTin froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 22348, 11:44:10: Tasha froze John Snow - Lvl 243 (Snow Owl) Day 22348, 12:15:12: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 411 (Voidwyrm) Day 22348, 12:15:31: Tasha froze Zippy - Lvl 373 (Voidwyrm) Day 22349, 05:51:00: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 411 (Voidwyrm) Day 22350, 17:12:01: Tasha froze Zippy - Lvl 374 (Voidwyrm) Day 22350, 17:12:51: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 412 (Voidwyrm) Day 22350, 17:19:35: Tasha froze Zippy - Lvl 374 (Voidwyrm) Day 22350, 22:11:13: Tasha froze Zippy - Lvl 381 (Voidwyrm) Day 22399, 12:20:13: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 414 (Voidwyrm) Day 22399, 12:49:11: TinTin claimed 'Vally - Lvl 194 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 22399, 13:22:12: TinTin uploaded a Tek Stryder: Vally - Lvl 194 Day 22399, 18:48:18: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 414 (Voidwyrm) Day 22558, 00:46:34: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 415 (Voidwyrm) Day 22681, 08:05:16: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 416 (Voidwyrm) Day 22683, 03:30:32: Tasha froze Zippy - Lvl 392 (Voidwyrm) Day 22683, 09:11:09: Tribemember TinTin - Lvl 134 was killed! Day 22683, 09:22:56: Tasha froze Shinehorn - Lvl 191 (Shinehorn) Day 22683, 11:09:05: Tasha froze Snow Owl - Lvl 276 (Snow Owl) Day 22683, 13:02:37: Tribemember TinTin - Lvl 135 was killed! Day 22683, 13:04:01: Your Shinehorn - Lvl 191 (Shinehorn) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 270! Day 22683, 18:13:52: TinTin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 362 (R-Velonasaur) Day 22683, 18:13:52: Tasha froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 348 (R-Velonasaur) Day 22683, 22:43:19: Tasha froze Zippy - Lvl 392 (Voidwyrm) Day 22684, 02:36:58: Tasha froze Zippy - Lvl 393 (Voidwyrm) Day 22684, 02:37:28: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 416 (Voidwyrm) Day 22684, 03:39:56: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 339 (Pteranodon) Day 22684, 07:26:33: TinTin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 363 (R-Velonasaur) Day 22684, 07:26:41: Tasha froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 348 (R-Velonasaur) Day 22684, 08:00:58: Tribemember Tasha - Lvl 140 was killed! Day 22684, 13:54:52: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 339 (Pteranodon) Day 22684, 16:12:38: TinTin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 363 (R-Velonasaur) Day 22684, 18:07:13: TinTin froze Glowtail - Lvl 151 (Glowtail) Day 22684, 18:12:34: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 416 (Voidwyrm) Day 22684, 18:24:52: Tasha froze Zippy - Lvl 393 (Voidwyrm) Day 23846, 16:42:29: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1607454472,"tribe":"The Tribe logs":["Day 13869, 05:09:51: Kropek was added to the Tribe! Day 13869, 12:22:08: Kropek Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 209 (Moschops)! Day 13885, 03:59:16: Your Dodo - Lvl 43 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 13885, 04:00:36: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13886, 06:42:55: Your Dodo - Lvl 71 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 13958, 20:18:19: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14050, 08:28:11: Moschops - Lvl 229 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 14383, 14:27:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14564, 06:03:30: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14968, 10:20:47: Dark Barron - Lvl 118 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18036, 07:20:26: Tribemember Kropek - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 19875, 10:26:42: Kropek Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax)! Day 19875, 21:57:59: Kropek uploaded a Pegomastax: Pegomastax - Lvl 30 Day 25320, 20:15:27: Kropek downloaded a dino: Harrier Jump Jet - Lvl 321 Day 25321, 12:36:39: Kropek claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 248 (Doedicurus)'! Day 25321, 12:37:14: Kropek claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 245 (Doedicurus)'! Day 25321, 12:41:37: Kropek claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 312 (Doedicurus)'! Day 25321, 12:56:15: Kropek froze Doedicurus - Lvl 245 (Doedicurus) Day 25321, 12:59:13: Kropek froze Doedicurus - Lvl 248 (Doedicurus) Day 25321, 13:12:40: Kropek froze Doedicurus - Lvl 312 (Doedicurus) Day 25321, 13:19:50: Kropek froze Doedicurus - Lvl 312 (Doedicurus) Day 25321, 16:28:16: Kropek froze Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 25321, 20:03:17: Kropek Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 25322, 15:13:50: Kropek uploaded a Jerboa: Jerboa - Lvl 1 Day 25322, 15:14:51: Kropek uploaded a Pteranodon: Harrier Jump Jet - Lvl 357"] "tribeid":1607205445,"tribe":"Tribe of PneumaticCow80 logs":["Day 22608, 16:08:03: PneumaticCow80 was added to the Tribe! Day 22608, 16:08:56: swalsp was added to the Tribe by PneumaticCow80! Day 22608, 19:34:10: swalsp froze Moon - Lvl 225 (Velonasaur) Day 22608, 19:40:37: PneumaticCow80 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 218 (Velonasaur) Day 22608, 19:57:06: PneumaticCow80 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 218 (Velonasaur) Day 22608, 20:26:54: Your Velonasaur - Lvl 218 (Velonasaur) was killed! Day 22608, 20:27:01: Tribemember PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 22608, 20:33:32: swalsp froze Moon - Lvl 225 (Velonasaur) Day 22608, 21:43:29: swalsp froze Moon - Lvl 226 (Velonasaur) Day 22608, 22:33:02: swalsp froze Moon - Lvl 226 (Velonasaur) Day 22608, 23:05:11: swalsp froze Moon - Lvl 226 (Velonasaur) Day 22609, 03:04:19: PneumaticCow80 froze Solar Flare - Lvl 276 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22609, 03:31:15: swalsp froze Moon - Lvl 226 (Velonasaur) Day 22609, 07:39:44: swalsp froze Netflix - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22632, 14:15:27: swalsp froze Netflix - Lvl 255 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22635, 08:47:27: PneumaticCow80 froze Solar Flare - Lvl 278 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22636, 10:05:01: PneumaticCow80 froze Solar Flare - Lvl 278 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22637, 00:32:47: swalsp froze Moon - Lvl 245 (Velonasaur) Day 22637, 01:18:49: Tribemember PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 103 was killed! Day 22637, 01:34:36: swalsp froze Moon - Lvl 245 (Velonasaur) Day 22637, 03:08:33: swalsp froze Moon - Lvl 246 (Velonasaur) Day 22637, 06:50:24: swalsp froze Moon - Lvl 246 (Velonasaur) Day 22637, 08:15:26: PneumaticCow80 froze Solar Flare - Lvl 278 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22637, 08:18:11: Tribemember swalsp - Lvl 97 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 170! Day 22637, 12:03:13: PneumaticCow80 froze Solar Flare - Lvl 278 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22637, 13:22:20: Tribemember swalsp - Lvl 97 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 100! Day 22637, 13:54:43: Your Moon - Lvl 246 (Velonasaur) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 100! Day 22637, 15:07:14: Tribemember swalsp - Lvl 98 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 170! Day 22637, 16:59:22: swalsp claimed '[F] 146 - Lvl 322 (Argentavis)'! Day 22637, 18:24:28: swalsp uploaded a Blood Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 259 Day 22637, 18:30:08: swalsp froze juice - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 22654, 22:46:28: PneumaticCow80 froze Solar Flare - Lvl 282 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22657, 17:44:44: PneumaticCow80 froze Solar Flare - Lvl 283 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22658, 16:33:44: PneumaticCow80 froze Solar Flare - Lvl 283 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22682, 05:14:18: PneumaticCow80 froze Solar Flare - Lvl 287 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22700, 07:14:39: swalsp froze juice - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 22753, 00:59:30: PneumaticCow80 froze Solar Flare - Lvl 298 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22801, 17:05:31: swalsp froze Netflix - Lvl 261 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22825, 00:43:22: PneumaticCow80 froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22826, 03:15:52: PneumaticCow80 froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22827, 04:50:49: PneumaticCow80 froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22847, 22:03:25: PneumaticCow80 froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22867, 09:00:03: swalsp froze Pteranodon - Lvl 290 (Pteranodon) Day 22927, 04:36:08: swalsp claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 22938, 17:35:42: swalsp claimed 'asdfg - Lvl 52 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 22938, 17:50:30: swalsp froze Pteranodon - Lvl 290 (Pteranodon) Day 22965, 19:51:38: PneumaticCow80 Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 209 (Megatherium)! Day 22965, 20:04:22: PneumaticCow80 froze Megatherium - Lvl 209 (Megatherium) Day 22966, 00:13:39: PneumaticCow80 froze Vampire Knives - Lvl 271 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22967, 02:38:07: PneumaticCow80 froze Female - Lvl 252 (Velonasaur) Day 22967, 05:25:46: swalsp froze Male - Lvl 182 (Velonasaur) Day 22967, 05:36:51: PneumaticCow80 froze Female - Lvl 252 (Velonasaur) Day 22967, 06:06:11: swalsp froze Male - Lvl 182 (Velonasaur) Day 22967, 06:31:35: PneumaticCow80 froze Female - Lvl 252 (Velonasaur) Day 22967, 06:53:32: PneumaticCow80 froze Female - Lvl 252 (Velonasaur) Day 22967, 07:25:44: PneumaticCow80 froze Female - Lvl 252 (Velonasaur) Day 22967, 07:26:04: swalsp froze Male - Lvl 184 (Velonasaur) Day 22967, 09:06:46: PneumaticCow80 froze Female - Lvl 252 (Velonasaur) Day 22967, 09:08:14: swalsp froze Male - Lvl 184 (Velonasaur) Day 22967, 10:07:05: PneumaticCow80 froze Female - Lvl 252 (Velonasaur) Day 22967, 11:14:58: PneumaticCow80 froze Female - Lvl 253 (Velonasaur) Day 22967, 11:54:18: PneumaticCow80 froze Female - Lvl 253 (Velonasaur) Day 22967, 12:28:15: swalsp froze Netflix - Lvl 265 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22977, 13:17:53: swalsp froze juice - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 22977, 13:54:21: swalsp froze juice - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 22977, 14:19:27: swalsp froze I am Speed - Lvl 224 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22977, 14:22:23: swalsp froze juice - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 22988, 14:18:45: swalsp Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 209 (Yutyrannus)! Day 22988, 14:29:27: swalsp froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 209 (Yutyrannus) Day 22988, 18:52:06: PneumaticCow80 froze Vampire Knives - Lvl 276 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22989, 01:26:08: swalsp froze Netflix - Lvl 268 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23083, 18:12:40: swalsp froze Speed - Lvl 164 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23107, 23:31:01: PneumaticCow80 froze Female - Lvl 272 (Velonasaur) Day 23107, 23:33:41: swalsp froze Male - Lvl 231 (Velonasaur) Day 23108, 01:20:12: PneumaticCow80 froze Female - Lvl 272 (Velonasaur) Day 23108, 01:22:03: swalsp froze Male - Lvl 231 (Velonasaur) Day 23108, 02:08:35: PneumaticCow80 froze Female - Lvl 272 (Velonasaur) Day 23108, 02:12:06: swalsp froze Male - Lvl 233 (Velonasaur) Day 23108, 04:24:56: PneumaticCow80 froze Female - Lvl 272 (Velonasaur) Day 23108, 04:25:00: swalsp froze Male - Lvl 233 (Velonasaur) Day 23108, 06:47:36: swalsp froze Male - Lvl 233 (Velonasaur) Day 23108, 07:18:41: PneumaticCow80 froze Female - Lvl 272 (Velonasaur) Day 23108, 07:51:05: Tribemember PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 130! Day 23108, 08:00:36: Your Female - Lvl 272 (Velonasaur) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 55! Day 23108, 09:51:41: swalsp froze Male - Lvl 233 (Velonasaur) Day 23108, 12:19:15: swalsp froze Netflix - Lvl 269 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23131, 12:29:35: swalsp froze Pteranodon - Lvl 325 (Pteranodon) Day 23133, 12:12:03: PneumaticCow80 froze Vampire Knives - Lvl 284 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23156, 05:56:00: swalsp froze Pteranodon - Lvl 330 (Pteranodon) Day 23166, 18:42:08: swalsp claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 23177, 04:41:59: Tribemember swalsp - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23177, 09:24:48: swalsp froze Pteranodon - Lvl 330 (Pteranodon) Day 23256, 18:34:15: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23298, 17:39:53: Tribemember PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 was killed by Amara - Lvl 258 (Poison Wyvern)! Day 23298, 17:39:53: Your Tribe killed PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 (Tribe of PneumaticCow80)! Day 23299, 02:10:00: PneumaticCow80 froze Amara - Lvl 260 (Poison Wyvern) Day 23320, 15:18:37: PneumaticCow80 froze Speed - Lvl 173 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23386, 23:10:28: Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 23422, 01:39:34: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23592, 02:39:42: PneumaticCow80 froze Speed - Lvl 178 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23592, 12:57:08: Tribemember PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 122 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 23592, 16:35:56: Tribemember PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 122 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 23592, 18:10:28: PneumaticCow80 froze Amara - Lvl 287 (Poison Wyvern) Day 23728, 15:07:23: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23815, 01:08:12: PneumaticCow80 froze Male - Lvl 279 (Velonasaur) Day 23815, 02:21:11: swalsp froze Velonasaur - Lvl 290 (Velonasaur) Day 23815, 03:12:39: PneumaticCow80 froze Male - Lvl 279 (Velonasaur) Day 23815, 03:27:46: swalsp froze Velonasaur - Lvl 290 (Velonasaur) Day 23815, 05:24:18: swalsp froze Velonasaur - Lvl 290 (Velonasaur) Day 23815, 05:25:40: PneumaticCow80 froze Male - Lvl 279 (Velonasaur) Day 23815, 06:52:12: swalsp froze Velonasaur - Lvl 290 (Velonasaur) Day 24106, 09:32:17: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24142, 06:19:55: Nytrix - Lvl 68 (The Guild of Assassins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24168, 08:13:06: PneumaticCow80 Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 29 (Ovis)! Day 24168, 08:14:09: PneumaticCow80 Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 74 (Ovis)! Day 24168, 08:17:21: PneumaticCow80 Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 82 (Ovis)! Day 24168, 08:18:57: PneumaticCow80 Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 127 (Ovis)! Day 24168, 08:19:56: PneumaticCow80 Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 82 (Ovis)! Day 24168, 08:21:02: PneumaticCow80 Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 22 (Ovis)! Day 24168, 08:24:33: PneumaticCow80 Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 127 (Ovis)! Day 24168, 08:31:57: PneumaticCow80 froze Ovis - Lvl 127 (Ovis) Day 24168, 08:40:55: PneumaticCow80 froze OJ - Lvl 22 (Ovis) Day 24168, 08:44:44: PneumaticCow80 froze Ovis - Lvl 74 (Ovis) Day 24168, 08:48:25: PneumaticCow80 froze Ovis - Lvl 82 (Ovis) Day 24168, 08:52:22: PneumaticCow80 froze Ovis - Lvl 82 (Ovis) Day 24168, 08:56:00: PneumaticCow80 froze Ovis - Lvl 29 (Ovis) Day 24168, 08:59:58: PneumaticCow80 froze Ovis - Lvl 127 (Ovis) Day 24168, 12:42:46: PneumaticCow80 froze Amara - Lvl 312 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24406, 19:25:25: swalsp froze A-Train - Lvl 313 (Argentavis) Day 24927, 13:27:34: Dalton343 - Lvl 152 (Sexy boys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'asdfg - Lvl 52 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 25569, 19:44:53: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25569, 19:44:53: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1604110260,"tribe":"Unpaid greggs workers logs":["Day 29524, 10:35:54: Your Tribe Tamed a Spino - Lvl 37 (Spino)! Day 29524, 10:46:00: Neo froze Spino - Lvl 37 (Spino) Day 29612, 02:32:41: Your Tek Raptor - Lvl 170 (Tek Raptor) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 135! Day 29613, 04:08:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 142 (Carnotaurus)! Day 29613, 12:01:55: Neo froze Simon - Lvl 255 (Sinomacrops) Day 29613, 12:12:31: Neo froze Rose - Lvl 222 (Thylacoleo) Day 29613, 12:18:39: Butter froze Margarine - Lvl 209 (Thylacoleo) Day 29613, 12:50:49: Butter froze Pinkie Pie - Lvl 285 (Sinomacrops) Day 29616, 10:23:41: Neo downloaded a dino: Scoob - Lvl 37 Day 29616, 10:29:17: Neo froze Scoob - Lvl 37 (Bulbdog) Day 29616, 11:40:08: Butter froze Margarine - Lvl 231 (Thylacoleo) Day 29617, 07:16:57: Neo froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (R-Velonasaur) Day 29617, 07:21:02: Neo froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur) Day 29622, 21:56:12: Neo froze Rocket - Lvl 81 (Otter) Day 29623, 01:07:52: Neo froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (R-Velonasaur) Day 29623, 01:11:36: Neo froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur) Day 29645, 03:42:20: Jay claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 213 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 29645, 03:50:29: Jay froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 213 (R-Velonasaur) Day 29682, 16:29:48: Neo claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 205 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 29682, 16:34:30: Neo froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 205 (R-Velonasaur) Day 29682, 21:32:05: Neo froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 29682, 21:36:39: Neo froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 29682, 21:41:11: Neo froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 29682, 21:54:38: Neo froze Adolescent Thylacoleo - Lvl 71 (Thylacoleo) Day 29682, 22:02:14: Neo froze Adolescent Thylacoleo - Lvl 71 (Thylacoleo) Day 29683, 04:29:49: Neo froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Ice Wyvern) Day 29683, 06:30:25: Neo froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 29683, 07:33:56: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 215 (Parasaur)! Day 29683, 07:53:38: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 216 (Parasaur)! Day 29683, 08:24:41: Neo froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 29683, 09:57:59: Neo froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 29683, 10:02:11: Neo froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 29683, 11:02:04: Neo froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 29683, 11:06:05: Neo froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 244 (Rex) Day 29683, 11:10:41: Neo froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 244 (Rex) Day 29683, 11:37:30: Neo froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 205 (R-Velonasaur) Day 29683, 12:09:06: Neo froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 244 (Rex) Day 29683, 13:33:02: Neo froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 29683, 14:38:58: Neo froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 29683, 20:27:38: Neo froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 214 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 29683, 20:43:28: Neo froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 244 (Rex) Day 29684, 00:44:20: Neo froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 29684, 00:49:20: Neo froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 29684, 01:08:33: Neo froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 29684, 03:37:11: Neo froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 205 (R-Velonasaur) Day 29684, 07:55:34: Neo froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 29684, 15:41:31: Neo froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 29684, 15:50:14: Neo froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 29684, 15:54:30: Neo froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 29684, 18:16:41: Neo froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 214 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 29684, 18:20:13: Neo froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 214 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 29684, 18:25:50: Neo froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 214 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 29685, 10:25:24: Neo claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 29685, 10:31:23: Neo froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur) Day 29795, 07:35:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29830, 03:19:51: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarah - Lvl 266 (Triceratops)'! Day 29830, 03:20:56: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'black man named requis - Lvl 268 (Equus)'! Day 29830, 03:21:49: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'White gyal named Emily - Lvl 266 (Equus)'! Day 29830, 03:24:18: Ethan - Lvl 102 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'meow - Lvl 133 (Triceratops)'! Day 29895, 03:37:56: Neo claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 196 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 29895, 03:43:44: Neo froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 196 (R-Velonasaur) Day 29895, 03:46:16: Neo claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 29895, 03:53:47: Neo froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30011, 02:33:00: Neo claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 133 (Deinonychus)'! Day 30011, 02:35:34: Neo claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 133 (Deinonychus)'! Day 30011, 02:40:12: Neo froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 133 (Deinonychus) Day 30011, 02:44:00: Neo froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 133 (Deinonychus) Day 30011, 02:47:04: Neo claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus)'! Day 30011, 02:48:28: Neo claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus)'! Day 30011, 02:52:28: Neo froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus) Day 30011, 02:56:11: Neo froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus) Day 30011, 02:58:50: Neo claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 128 (Deinonychus)'! Day 30011, 03:02:14: Neo froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 128 (Deinonychus) Day 30011, 03:07:22: Neo claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 30011, 03:11:14: Neo froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 30011, 03:14:40: Neo claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 123 (Deinonychus)'! Day 30011, 03:18:07: Neo froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 123 (Deinonychus) Day 30011, 03:21:48: Neo claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus)'! Day 30011, 03:26:09: Neo froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus) Day 30011, 03:40:21: Neo claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus)'! Day 30011, 03:41:31: Neo claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus)'! Day 30011, 03:46:26: Neo claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus)'! Day 30011, 03:49:04: Neo claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 109 (Deinonychus)'! Day 30011, 03:50:26: Neo claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus)'! Day 30011, 03:55:11: Neo froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus) Day 30011, 03:59:03: Neo froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus) Day 30011, 04:03:12: Neo froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus) Day 30011, 04:07:29: Neo froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus) Day 30011, 04:11:29: Neo froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 109 (Deinonychus) Day 30011, 05:18:45: Neo claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 30011, 05:20:05: Neo claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 204 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 30011, 05:23:35: Neo froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30011, 05:26:27: Neo froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 204 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30011, 06:03:08: Neo claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 210 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 30011, 06:06:30: Neo froze Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 210 (Sinomacrops) Day 30011, 06:08:57: Neo claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 30011, 06:12:28: Neo froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Fire Wyvern) Day 30011, 06:27:37: Neo claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 30011, 06:29:20: Neo claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 30011, 06:34:01: Neo froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) Day 30011, 06:37:42: Neo froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 30011, 06:40:22: Neo claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 30011, 06:43:18: Neo froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) Day 30011, 06:45:59: Neo claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 30011, 06:46:55: Neo claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 57 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 30011, 06:50:55: Neo froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Poison Wyvern) Day 30011, 06:53:55: Neo froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 57 (Poison Wyvern) Day 30011, 06:56:17: Neo claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 30011, 07:01:16: Neo froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30011, 07:07:49: Neo claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 30011, 07:11:18: Neo froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Ice Wyvern) Day 30011, 07:28:34: Neo claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 30011, 07:32:45: Neo froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 30011, 07:48:07: Neo claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 30011, 07:51:01: Neo froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 30020, 02:04:54: Neo froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 109 (Deinonychus) Day 30020, 06:37:37: Neo froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30020, 06:42:27: Neo froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30020, 06:46:28: Neo froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30020, 06:58:35: Neo froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30020, 07:04:27: Neo froze Juvenile Amazon - Lvl 109 (Deinonychus) Day 30020, 07:09:22: Neo froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30020, 07:14:22: Neo froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30020, 07:23:53: Neo froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30020, 07:28:07: Neo froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30020, 07:32:10: Neo froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30020, 07:38:31: Neo froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30020, 07:45:45: Neo froze Juvenile Amazon - Lvl 109 (Deinonychus) Day 30020, 07:49:20: Neo froze Juvenile Amazon - Lvl 109 (Deinonychus) Day 30020, 11:35:31: Neo froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30020, 11:42:25: Neo froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30020, 11:46:14: Neo froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30020, 12:00:31: Neo froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30020, 12:06:10: Neo froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30020, 12:16:47: Neo froze Juvenile Amazon - Lvl 109 (Deinonychus) Day 30020, 17:41:10: Neo froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 196 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30020, 17:44:21: Neo froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30020, 17:47:14: Neo froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30020, 21:42:18: Neo froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30020, 21:46:02: Neo froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 196 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30020, 21:50:39: Neo froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30020, 21:57:45: Neo froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 204 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30020, 22:03:13: Neo froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30020, 22:31:36: Neo froze Adolescent Amazon - Lvl 109 (Deinonychus) Day 30020, 22:36:05: Neo froze Adolescent Amazon - Lvl 109 (Deinonychus) Day 30020, 22:40:06: Neo froze Adolescent Amazon - Lvl 109 (Deinonychus) Day 30020, 22:45:48: Neo froze Adolescent Amazon - Lvl 109 (Deinonychus) Day 30035, 13:16:30: Neo claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 206 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 30035, 13:17:18: Neo claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 206 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 30035, 13:20:47: Neo froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 206 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30035, 13:23:51: Neo froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 206 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30035, 13:28:50: Neo claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 205 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 30035, 13:31:56: Neo froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 205 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30037, 18:32:35: Butter claimed 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 30037, 19:40:14: Butter claimed 'Baggins - Lvl 158 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 30037, 19:40:47: Neo claimed 'Beano - Lvl 216 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 30038, 05:57:17: Neo froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 204 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 06:00:35: Neo froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 204 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 06:05:33: Neo froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 204 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 06:08:53: Neo froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 204 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 06:12:07: Neo froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 204 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 06:15:32: Neo froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 204 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 06:48:46: Neo froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 07:01:40: Neo froze Adolescent Greg - Lvl 211 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 08:32:35: Neo froze Baggins - Lvl 158 (Dilophosaur) Day 30038, 08:35:53: Neo froze Beano - Lvl 216 (Dilophosaur) Day 30038, 10:52:01: Neo froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 204 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 11:31:57: Neo froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 11:35:29: Neo froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 11:36:31: Butter froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 205 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 11:40:09: Neo froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 11:42:55: Neo froze Adolescent Greg - Lvl 211 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 12:23:46: Neo froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 196 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 12:26:42: Neo froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 12:30:41: Neo froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 204 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 12:53:20: Neo froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 205 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 13:11:45: Neo froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 14:26:53: Butter claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 30038, 14:45:39: Neo claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 30038, 14:46:20: Neo claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 207 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 30038, 14:47:28: Neo claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 207 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 30038, 14:51:56: Neo froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 207 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 14:54:43: Neo froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 14:57:34: Neo froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 207 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 16:33:48: Butter froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) Day 30038, 16:50:34: Butter froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 205 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 16:51:24: Your Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 30038, 16:51:24: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 30038, 17:15:19: Butter froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 205 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 19:09:24: Butter froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 205 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 19:13:22: Butter froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 205 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 19:17:02: Butter froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 205 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30038, 19:29:39: Butter froze Juvenile White rabbit - Lvl 152 (Giganotosaurus) Day 30039, 05:48:18: Butter froze Juvenile Cheshire cat - Lvl 152 (Giganotosaurus) Day 30039, 05:54:32: Butter froze Juvenile Cheshire cat - Lvl 152 (Giganotosaurus) Day 30039, 05:58:19: Butter froze Juvenile Cheshire cat - Lvl 152 (Giganotosaurus) Day 30039, 06:02:13: Butter froze Juvenile Cheshire cat - Lvl 152 (Giganotosaurus) Day 30039, 09:53:41: Butter froze Juvenile White rabbit - Lvl 152 (Giganotosaurus) Day 30039, 10:51:34: Butter froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 205 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30039, 10:55:22: Butter froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 205 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30039, 13:51:30: Butter froze Adolescent Queen of hearts - Lvl 167 (Giganotosaurus) Day 30039, 14:02:31: Butter froze Juvenile Cheshire cat - Lvl 152 (Giganotosaurus) Day 30039, 14:08:15: Butter froze Juvenile White rabbit - Lvl 152 (Giganotosaurus) Day 30039, 14:33:15: Butter froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 205 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30094, 08:29:27: Simon - Lvl 255 (Sinomacrops) starved to death! Day 30115, 02:29:59: Neo claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 30115, 02:30:54: Neo claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 30115, 02:31:51: Neo claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 213 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 30115, 02:36:16: Neo froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 213 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30115, 02:40:08: Neo froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30115, 02:41:31: Neo claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 194 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 30115, 02:43:39: Neo claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 213 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 30115, 02:49:00: Neo froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 213 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30115, 02:49:42: Neo claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 213 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 30115, 02:50:56: Neo claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 194 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 30115, 02:57:13: Neo froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30115, 03:02:19: Neo froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 213 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30115, 03:07:03: Neo froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 194 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30115, 03:15:27: Neo froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 194 (R-Velonasaur) Day 30135, 10:58:36: Neo froze Hermes - Lvl 142 (Argentavis) Day 30135, 11:02:04: Neo froze B E E S E C H U R G E R - Lvl 131 (Argentavis) Day 30135, 23:28:05: Neo demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 30135, 23:30:45: Neo demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 30308, 08:16:02: Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 30663, 07:41:04: Milky - Lvl 134 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 30726, 17:51:31: Your Egg - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) was killed! Day 30726, 17:51:31: Egg - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 30726, 20:33:51: Your Amma - Lvl 59 (Jerboa) was killed! Day 30726, 20:33:51: Amma - Lvl 59 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 30727, 08:28:15: Neo claimed 'black man named requis - Lvl 268 (Equus)'! Day 30727, 08:28:44: Neo claimed 'Sarah - Lvl 266 (Triceratops)'! Day 30727, 08:29:35: Neo claimed 'White gyal named Emily - Lvl 266 (Equus)'! Day 30727, 08:30:15: Neo claimed 'meow - Lvl 133 (Triceratops)'! Day 30762, 20:34:11: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30799, 15:30:01: Tribemember Jay - Lvl 102 was killed! Day 30799, 16:37:28: Tribemember Neo - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 31107, 16:20:36: Tribemember Butter - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 31128, 07:47:12: Alice - Lvl 130 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 31128, 08:39:07: Jemma - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 31152, 23:44:45: Sandstorm - Lvl 16 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 31197, 17:43:43: Maewing - Lvl 110 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 31245, 16:00:30: Mad Hatter - Lvl 204 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 31274, 22:49:24: Calypso - Lvl 172 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 31274, 22:49:47: Procoptodon - Lvl 57 (Procoptodon) starved to death! Day 31274, 22:50:06: Scoob - Lvl 43 (Bulbdog) starved to death! Day 31274, 22:50:10: Microraptor - Lvl 75 (Microraptor) starved to death! Day 31304, 09:04:56: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tweedle Dee - Lvl 303 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 31304, 09:32:43: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 317 (Rex)'! Day 31304, 09:47:05: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Base Female - Lvl 320 (Rex)'! Day 31304, 09:55:52: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 315 (Rex)'! Day 31304, 10:07:06: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 315 (Rex)'! Day 31304, 10:16:40: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baby - Lvl 252 (Rex)'! Day 31304, 11:10:20: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tweedle Dumb - Lvl 239 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 31304, 11:26:12: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'jds - Lvl 269 (Rex)'! Day 31304, 11:27:23: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 31304, 11:43:25: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 31304, 12:16:58: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Belenos - Lvl 240 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 31304, 12:26:15: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chonko - Lvl 275 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 31304, 13:06:10: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 291 (Rex)'! Day 31304, 13:12:59: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tree - Lvl 305 (Rex)'! Day 31304, 13:30:03: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Toe - Lvl 293 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 31304, 14:15:11: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Margarine - Lvl 231 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 31304, 14:58:44: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rockina - Lvl 241 (Rock Drake)'! Day 31304, 15:17:08: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sulphur - Lvl 236 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 31304, 15:49:22: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 205 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 31304, 16:01:57: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Greg - Lvl 211 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 31304, 16:33:34: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 204 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 31304, 16:36:20: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 196 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 31304, 16:36:57: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 31304, 17:05:00: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bubbles - Lvl 192 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31304, 17:14:19: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 31304, 17:19:02: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 31304, 17:43:05: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jayjay - Lvl 142 (Shinehorn)'! Day 31304, 20:54:01: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gary - Lvl 342 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 31304, 21:13:05: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'terror(ist)don - Lvl 274 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31304, 21:25:05: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brock - Lvl 281 (Equus)'! Day 31304, 21:34:43: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Valentine - Lvl 123 (Equus)'! Day 31304, 22:02:05: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rose - Lvl 237 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 31304, 22:19:26: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 281 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31304, 22:36:36: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Turo - Lvl 277 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 31304, 22:48:19: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Horn Star - Lvl 231 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 31304, 22:57:34: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Twinkle toes - Lvl 92 (Unicorn)'! Day 31304, 23:16:08: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gallimimus - Lvl 259 (Gallimimus)'! Day 31304, 23:30:39: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rolling Stone - Lvl 284 (Doedicurus)'! Day 31304, 23:44:43: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Eager Beaver - Lvl 211 (Castoroides)'! Day 31304, 23:53:58: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 210 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 31305, 00:03:04: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Steve - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek)'! Day 31305, 01:10:14: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'yo im pink - Lvl 266 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 31305, 01:13:03: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blue Blaze - Lvl 218 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 31305, 01:14:35: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Purple Haze - Lvl 230 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 31305, 01:30:11: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Featherlight - Lvl 146 (Featherlight)'! Day 31305, 01:52:00: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 156 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 31305, 01:52:32: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'shitstik - Lvl 280 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 31305, 01:53:03: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'pisstik - Lvl 197 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 31305, 05:35:39: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 133 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31305, 05:41:06: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31305, 05:42:48: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31305, 05:52:40: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31305, 06:03:13: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Amazon - Lvl 109 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31305, 06:10:24: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 128 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31305, 06:11:18: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31305, 06:11:27: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31305, 06:11:48: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31305, 06:14:47: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31305, 07:37:43: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 123 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31305, 07:38:34: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31305, 07:39:35: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31305, 07:51:36: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 133 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31305, 08:52:12: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Freeze Fang - Lvl 20 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 31305, 09:13:38: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 31305, 09:24:34: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Charcoal - Lvl 264 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 31305, 09:30:15: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Helios - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 31305, 09:40:22: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sapphire - Lvl 266 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 31305, 09:48:33: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Super Soaker - Lvl 316 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 31305, 09:53:52: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rose Quartz - Lvl 270 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 31305, 09:59:48: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pearl - Lvl 259 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 31305, 10:09:20: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jade - Lvl 298 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 31305, 10:39:05: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 229 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 31305, 10:49:47: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bleach - Lvl 94 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 31305, 10:53:22: Osas - Lvl 126 (BOLARKS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Toxin - Lvl 122 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 31314, 13:44:12: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 31314, 13:52:21: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'arson - Lvl 196 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 31314, 14:03:47: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chadette - Lvl 333 (Rex)'! Day 31314, 14:14:48: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 31314, 14:20:29: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Marmalade - Lvl 269 (Rex)'! Day 31314, 14:27:38: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 244 (Rex)'! Day 31314, 14:31:47: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 244 (Rex)'! Day 31314, 14:40:51: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 31314, 14:48:41: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 99 (Rex)'! Day 31314, 14:55:21: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 244 (Rex)'! Day 31314, 15:37:21: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Base Male - Lvl 314 (Rex)'! Day 31314, 15:50:21: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 63 (Spino)'! Day 31314, 16:04:07: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pumpa 3 - Lvl 25 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 31314, 17:26:02: ilf - Lvl 51 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 31314, 17:39:06: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 165 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 31314, 17:47:44: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beano - Lvl 216 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 31314, 17:48:04: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baggins - Lvl 158 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 31314, 17:50:29: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Piggeh - Lvl 237 (Phiomia)'! Day 31314, 17:50:50: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pumpa - Lvl 47 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 31314, 17:51:10: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Timmothy - Lvl 84 (Castoroides)'! Day 31314, 17:52:15: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fredrick - Lvl 100 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 31314, 17:53:37: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baller - Lvl 96 (Doedicurus)'! Day 31314, 17:54:13: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pumpa 2 - Lvl 54 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 31314, 17:56:34: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hermes - Lvl 142 (Argentavis)'! Day 31314, 17:57:40: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 81 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31314, 17:58:17: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Anky - Lvl 238 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 31314, 17:59:06: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MotherClucker - Lvl 278 (Argentavis)'! Day 31314, 18:00:54: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'stingy - Lvl 223 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 31314, 18:01:20: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lesbian flag - Lvl 114 (Argentavis)'! Day 31314, 18:01:49: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'spike - Lvl 209 (Triceratops)'! Day 31314, 18:04:30: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'B E E S E C H U R G E R - Lvl 131 (Argentavis)'! Day 31314, 18:05:19: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Terrance - Lvl 272 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31314, 18:06:52: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'squaks - Lvl 159 (Argentavis)'! Day 31314, 18:10:54: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 119 (Parasaur)'! Day 31314, 18:11:31: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bambi - Lvl 272 (Equus)'! Day 31314, 18:13:47: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'moomin - Lvl 157 (Argentavis)'! Day 31314, 18:15:21: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 89 (Castoroides)'! Day 31314, 18:15:36: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Colgate - Lvl 255 (Equus)'! Day 31314, 18:17:33: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Frosting - Lvl 138 (Argentavis)'! Day 31314, 18:18:23: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Firecracker - Lvl 181 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31314, 18:18:42: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Primus - Lvl 257 (Equus)'! Day 31314, 18:19:20: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'nipper - Lvl 173 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31314, 18:21:45: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Eros - Lvl 200 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31314, 18:22:14: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Venus - Lvl 197 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31314, 18:22:35: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thing 1 - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31314, 18:24:22: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Skully - Lvl 181 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31314, 18:24:42: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Freyja - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31314, 18:24:58: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thing 2 - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31314, 18:26:42: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aphrodite - Lvl 180 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31314, 18:29:49: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zippy - Lvl 180 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31314, 18:30:33: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ruby - Lvl 183 (Deinonychus)'! Day 31314, 18:31:37: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 142 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 31314, 18:32:02: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 215 (Parasaur)'! Day 31314, 18:33:09: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 216 (Parasaur)'! Day 31314, 18:33:49: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 74 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 31314, 18:34:14: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 189 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 31314, 19:47:48: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31314, 19:54:47: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fay - Lvl 106 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 31317, 18:30:29: Stenhouse - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pinkie Pie - Lvl 285 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 31317, 18:47:18: Stenhouse - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 181 (Megalodon)'! Day 31317, 18:48:56: Stenhouse - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oceanus - Lvl 297 (Megalodon)'! Day 31327, 09:56:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31327, 09:56:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31327, 09:56:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31334, 02:10:59: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bananas - Lvl 175 (Mesopithecus)'! Day 31334, 02:11:26: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fireball - Lvl 229 (Mesopithecus)'! Day 31334, 02:12:38: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 201 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 31334, 02:14:06: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jet - Lvl 287 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 31520, 18:20:08: Rah - Lvl 105 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 31524, 16:51:39: meow - Lvl 133 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 31611, 01:42:07: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31695, 16:53:00: Carbonemys - Lvl 187 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 31805, 21:48:15: White gyal named Emily - Lvl 266 (Equus) starved to death! Day 31805, 21:48:25: black man named requis - Lvl 268 (Equus) starved to death! Day 31894, 15:36:16: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31894, 15:36:16: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32568, 04:22:24: Nytrix - Lvl 93 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarah - Lvl 266 (Triceratops)'! Day 33393, 16:20:55: Coco - Lvl 194 (Megatherium) starved to death! Day 35697, 09:28:46: THEBNS - Lvl 15 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 38905, 01:38:00: Tribemember Zaerise - Lvl 96 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 25!"] "tribeid":1602665703,"tribe":"Tribe of Booba logs":["Day 17491, 14:44:15: Booba was added to the Tribe! Day 17491, 17:33:18: Tribemember Booba - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 17491, 21:45:39: Tribemember Booba - Lvl 15 was killed! Day 17492, 00:09:16: Tribemember Booba - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 17557, 11:45:47: Tribemember Booba - Lvl 16 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 50! Day 17557, 11:55:42: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 17557, 11:58:25: Tribemember Booba - Lvl 16 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 145! Day 17557, 12:15:50: Tribemember Booba - Lvl 16 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 55! Day 17701, 14:17:11: Tribemember Booba - Lvl 24 was killed by a Parasaur - Lvl 20! Day 17701, 19:56:54: Booba Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 142 (Triceratops)! Day 17914, 06:11:07: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17914, 06:11:07: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18253, 11:55:58: Sammie - Lvl 61 (Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'uoga - Lvl 148 (Triceratops)'! Day 18255, 14:22:23: Sammie - Lvl 63 (The Viking) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18490, 20:55:24: Tribemember Booba - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 18781, 09:50:04: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1598463875,"tribe":"The New 883 logs":["Day 34195, 16:38:05: Morde was added to the Tribe! Day 34195, 16:58:33: Morde froze Maewing - Lvl 218 (Maewing) Day 34195, 18:37:07: Morde froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 199 (R-Gasbags) Day 34195, 19:18:32: Morde froze Maewing - Lvl 218 (Maewing) Day 34196, 03:40:20: Morde demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 34196, 05:43:44: Morde froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 203 (R-Gasbags) Day 34196, 06:05:26: Morde froze Maewing - Lvl 219 (Maewing) Day 34196, 10:37:10: Morde froze Maewing - Lvl 219 (Maewing) Day 34196, 10:43:35: Morde froze Triceratops - Lvl 235 (Triceratops) Day 34196, 10:47:09: Morde froze Doedicurus - Lvl 213 (Doedicurus) Day 34196, 10:51:46: Morde froze Argentavis - Lvl 162 (Argentavis) Day 34196, 11:28:40: Morde froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 204 (R-Gasbags) Day 34203, 12:50:36: Morde froze Maewing - Lvl 229 (Maewing) Day 34203, 13:11:18: Morde froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 219 (R-Gasbags) Day 34203, 20:26:38: Morde froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 219 (R-Gasbags) Day 34203, 20:48:20: Morde froze Maewing - Lvl 229 (Maewing) Day 34204, 04:00:37: Tribemember Morde - Lvl 102 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 100! Day 34204, 11:55:17: Morde froze Maewing - Lvl 229 (Maewing) Day 34215, 03:36:02: Morde claimed 'all- hp melee fem - Lvl 198 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 34215, 04:21:17: Morde froze all- hp melee fem - Lvl 198 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34215, 04:52:39: Morde claimed 'stam oxy weight fem - Lvl 182 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 34215, 05:19:28: Morde froze stam oxy weight fem - Lvl 182 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34215, 09:24:52: Morde froze Maewing - Lvl 239 (Maewing) Day 34215, 13:25:24: Morde froze 6.7H 926S - Lvl 201 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34222, 05:30:36: Morde froze Travel Female 0% - Lvl 216 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34222, 20:04:15: Morde claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 34222, 22:27:04: Morde froze Travel Female 0% - Lvl 239 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34223, 00:08:31: Morde froze Argentavis - Lvl 169 (Argentavis) Day 34223, 00:45:39: Morde demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 34223, 01:12:53: Morde demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 34223, 01:13:58: Morde demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 34223, 01:15:22: Morde demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 34223, 01:16:21: Morde demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 34223, 03:47:31: Morde froze Maewing - Lvl 245 (Maewing) Day 34223, 05:59:57: Morde froze Travel Female 0% - Lvl 240 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34223, 08:06:39: Morde claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane)'! Day 34223, 09:43:47: Morde claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 244 (Shadowmane)'! Day 34223, 10:08:02: Morde claimed 'Tauboss - Lvl 278 (Argentavis)'! Day 34223, 11:33:03: Morde froze Shadowmane - Lvl 244 (Shadowmane) Day 34223, 12:09:47: Morde unclaimed 'Tauboss - Lvl 278 (Argentavis)'! Day 34223, 12:22:20: Morde unclaimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane)'! Day 34223, 13:59:40: Morde froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34223, 14:52:47: Morde froze Female - Lvl 244 (Shadowmane) Day 34223, 15:07:06: Morde froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34223, 15:13:40: Morde froze Maewing - Lvl 245 (Maewing) Day 34223, 15:43:57: Morde demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 34223, 15:49:21: Morde demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 34223, 15:50:06: Morde demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 34223, 20:05:44: Morde froze Maewing - Lvl 245 (Maewing) Day 34223, 22:07:39: Morde froze Maewing - Lvl 245 (Maewing) Day 34224, 03:13:55: Morde froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34226, 12:44:54: Morde froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34226, 12:49:00: Morde froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34226, 12:52:17: Morde froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34226, 14:48:08: Morde froze Maewing - Lvl 252 (Maewing) Day 34226, 16:58:25: Morde demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 34226, 17:20:06: Morde demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 34226, 17:42:55: Morde froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34226, 17:46:11: Morde froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34226, 17:49:42: Morde froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34226, 17:54:25: Morde froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34226, 17:58:15: Morde froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34226, 18:01:52: Morde froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34226, 23:07:43: Morde froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34226, 23:16:51: Morde froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34227, 01:39:34: Morde froze Travel Female 0% - Lvl 242 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34227, 02:31:43: Morde froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 240 (R-Gasbags) Day 34227, 03:56:09: Morde froze Spirit - Lvl 220 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34227, 07:05:58: Morde froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 240 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34227, 07:20:58: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 161 (Pteranodon) was killed by Morde - Lvl 112 (The New 883)! Day 34227, 07:20:58: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 161 (Pteranodon) (The New 883)! Day 34227, 09:58:27: Morde froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 240 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34227, 12:55:17: Your Tribe Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear)! Day 34227, 15:02:46: Morde froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 240 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34227, 22:12:41: Morde froze Spirit - Lvl 269 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34228, 01:35:58: Morde froze Maewing - Lvl 253 (Maewing) Day 34228, 07:17:04: Morde froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 240 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34228, 12:30:33: Morde froze Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear) Day 34228, 14:32:03: Morde froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 241 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34228, 14:35:32: Morde froze Spirit - Lvl 287 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34229, 00:00:08: Morde froze Female 0% - Lvl 252 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34240, 12:57:28: Morde froze Maewing - Lvl 260 (Maewing) Day 34240, 17:08:34: Morde froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 249 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34240, 22:46:55: Morde froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 249 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34240, 22:52:22: Morde froze Female 0% - Lvl 280 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34241, 04:50:37: Morde froze Maewing - Lvl 260 (Maewing) Day 34241, 06:41:21: Morde claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 34241, 12:27:11: Morde froze Spirit - Lvl 292 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34241, 15:31:15: Morde froze Dire Bear - Lvl 245 (Dire Bear) Day 34241, 16:03:45: Morde froze Female 0% - Lvl 280 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34241, 16:41:01: Morde froze Spirit - Lvl 292 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34241, 16:44:09: Morde froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 249 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34241, 22:13:51: Morde froze Spirit - Lvl 292 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34242, 21:37:13: Morde froze Travel Female 0% - Lvl 242 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34242, 21:45:52: Morde froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34243, 05:28:05: Morde claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 243 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34243, 05:35:38: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 243 (Tek Rex) was killed by Morde - Lvl 112 (The New 883)! Day 34243, 05:35:38: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 243 (Tek Rex) (The New 883)! Day 34243, 11:54:25: Morde demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 34243, 11:55:09: Morde demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 34243, 11:55:59: Morde demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 34243, 11:56:47: Morde demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 34243, 11:57:34: Morde demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 34243, 11:58:23: Morde demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 34243, 11:59:05: Morde demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 34243, 12:00:37: Morde demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 34243, 12:01:21: Morde demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 34243, 12:39:59: Morde demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 34243, 17:26:52: Morde froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34243, 20:15:10: Morde froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 251 (R-Gasbags) Day 34243, 20:46:26: Morde froze Spirit - Lvl 296 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34245, 05:46:19: Morde claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 124 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 34245, 15:19:01: Morde froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 252 (R-Gasbags) Day 34246, 02:29:44: Morde demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 34246, 04:41:36: Morde demolished a 'Straight Metal Water Pipe'! Day 34246, 04:44:46: Morde demolished a 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe'! Day 34246, 04:49:12: Morde demolished a 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe'! Day 34246, 11:19:00: Morde claimed 'stam oxy food fem - Lvl 188 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 34246, 11:27:09: Morde froze stam oxy food fem - Lvl 188 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34246, 12:10:36: Morde claimed 'fighter male 3 - Lvl 251 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 34246, 12:23:23: Morde froze fighter male 3 - Lvl 251 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34246, 13:19:04: Morde froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 252 (R-Gasbags) Day 34246, 14:42:47: Morde Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin)! Day 34246, 15:22:39: Morde froze Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin) Day 34246, 16:25:31: Morde froze Male - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34246, 19:00:13: Morde claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 34246, 19:03:22: Your Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by Morde - Lvl 112 (The New 883)! Day 34246, 19:03:22: Your Tribe killed Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Lightning Wyvern) (The New 883)! Day 34246, 19:32:56: Morde froze Spirit - Lvl 298 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34249, 02:57:17: Morde froze Griffin - Lvl 230 (Griffin) Day 34266, 00:33:19: Morde claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 213 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 34266, 07:06:50: Morde froze Juvenile Tempest - Lvl 213 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34266, 10:33:52: Morde claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 226 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34266, 16:19:03: Morde froze Juvenile Tempest - Lvl 213 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34266, 16:30:16: Morde froze Juvenile Tempest - Lvl 213 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34267, 02:29:25: Morde froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 260 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34267, 03:17:25: Morde froze Spirit - Lvl 303 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34267, 21:04:34: Morde froze Spirit - Lvl 304 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34267, 21:18:34: Morde froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 260 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34268, 04:31:45: Morde froze Juvenile Tempest - Lvl 213 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34268, 04:39:27: Morde froze Juvenile Tempest - Lvl 213 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34268, 07:43:23: Morde froze Desmodus - Lvl 188 (Desmodus) Day 34268, 09:12:08: Morde froze Adolescent Tempest - Lvl 213 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34268, 09:17:20: Morde froze Adolescent Tempest - Lvl 213 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34268, 10:43:27: Morde froze Spirit - Lvl 304 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34269, 07:38:31: Morde froze Female H - Lvl 226 (Tek Rex) Day 34269, 09:50:41: Morde froze Tempest - Lvl 213 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34269, 12:44:48: Morde froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34269, 13:13:52: Morde froze Tempest - Lvl 228 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34269, 13:20:06: Morde froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34271, 06:14:34: Morde froze Managarmr - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 34271, 09:04:25: Morde froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34271, 09:25:41: Morde froze Male 325M - Lvl 205 (Managarmr) Day 34272, 19:48:02: Morde froze Mammoth - Lvl 231 (Mammoth) Day 34284, 23:20:27: Morde froze Desmodus - Lvl 206 (Desmodus) Day 34286, 21:34:13: Morde claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 235 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34286, 22:09:17: Morde claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 237 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34287, 00:28:00: Morde claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 200 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 34287, 05:30:25: Morde froze Tempest - Lvl 314 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34287, 12:29:32: Morde froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 258 (R-Gasbags) Day 34287, 15:20:46: Morde froze Male 325M - Lvl 213 (Managarmr) Day 34291, 14:29:18: Morde froze Female - Lvl 235 (Tek Rex) Day 34291, 14:35:26: Morde froze Male H M - Lvl 237 (Tek Rex) Day 34291, 14:42:07: Morde froze Female Melee - Lvl 200 (R-Velonasaur) Day 34291, 15:18:18: Your 366M - Lvl 233 (Tek Rex) was killed by Tempest - Lvl 314 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 34291, 15:18:18: Your Tribe killed 366M - Lvl 233 (Tek Rex)! Day 34291, 16:16:11: Morde froze Tempest - Lvl 314 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34291, 21:30:01: Morde froze Male 325M - Lvl 220 (Managarmr) Day 34291, 22:36:26: Morde froze Female Melee - Lvl 204 (R-Velonasaur) Day 34292, 00:00:59: Morde froze Desmodus - Lvl 206 (Desmodus) Day 34292, 01:08:37: Morde froze Desmodus - Lvl 206 (Desmodus) Day 34292, 02:17:20: Morde froze Tempest - Lvl 322 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34293, 01:55:05: Morde claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34293, 01:56:47: Morde claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34293, 02:00:35: Morde froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex) Day 34293, 02:05:53: Morde froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex) Day 34293, 06:38:02: Morde froze Female - Lvl 317 (Shadowmane) Day 34293, 07:38:57: Morde froze Desmodus - Lvl 210 (Desmodus) Day 34293, 13:50:39: Morde froze Desmodus - Lvl 212 (Desmodus) Day 34293, 14:09:29: Morde froze Female Melee - Lvl 295 (R-Velonasaur) Day 34293, 14:59:04: Morde froze Desmodus - Lvl 212 (Desmodus) Day 34293, 16:01:36: Morde froze Desmodus - Lvl 213 (Desmodus) Day 34293, 18:13:07: Morde froze Desmodus - Lvl 215 (Desmodus) Day 34293, 18:55:11: Morde froze Maewing - Lvl 213 (Maewing) Day 34294, 15:42:17: Morde froze Baby Female AS - Lvl 201 (Managarmr) Day 34294, 15:46:50: Morde froze Baby Female AS - Lvl 201 (Managarmr) Day 34294, 15:53:30: Morde froze Baby Female AS - Lvl 201 (Managarmr) Day 34294, 16:12:12: Morde froze Desmodus - Lvl 215 (Desmodus) Day 34295, 07:45:00: Morde froze Tempest - Lvl 324 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34295, 10:00:57: Your Tribe Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 224 (Dire Bear)! Day 34295, 10:12:42: Morde froze Female - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex) Day 34295, 10:30:52: Morde froze Female - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex) Day 34295, 12:47:24: Morde froze Dire Bear - Lvl 224 (Dire Bear) Day 34295, 13:29:53: Morde froze Maewing - Lvl 221 (Maewing) Day 34295, 13:48:16: Morde froze Juvenile Female AS - Lvl 201 (Managarmr) Day 34298, 13:59:23: Morde claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34298, 17:36:27: Morde froze Male H M - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex) Day 34298, 17:50:51: Morde froze Male H M - Lvl 245 (Tek Rex) Day 34298, 23:04:08: Morde froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 262 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34298, 23:12:27: Morde froze Tempest - Lvl 324 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34299, 01:36:11: Morde froze Maewing - Lvl 228 (Maewing) Day 34300, 00:54:33: Morde froze Female AS - Lvl 208 (Managarmr) Day 34310, 10:16:59: Morde froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 264 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34310, 11:03:43: Morde froze Female AS - Lvl 229 (Managarmr) Day 34311, 11:55:40: Morde froze Female AS - Lvl 305 (Managarmr) Day 34316, 05:19:17: Morde froze Male Breeder - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex) Day 34316, 10:26:03: Morde claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34316, 10:33:02: Morde froze Baby Female - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 34316, 10:33:44: Morde claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34316, 10:40:15: Morde froze Baby Female - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 34316, 10:40:31: Morde claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34316, 10:45:55: Morde froze Baby Female - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 34316, 10:47:58: Morde claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34316, 10:54:47: Morde froze Baby Female - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex) Day 34316, 11:28:35: Morde claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34316, 11:33:56: Morde froze Baby Male - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex) Day 34316, 11:36:59: Morde claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 231 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34316, 11:41:24: Morde froze Baby Male - Lvl 231 (Tek Rex) Day 34316, 11:43:32: Morde claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 235 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34316, 11:49:03: Morde froze Baby Female - Lvl 235 (Tek Rex) Day 34316, 11:51:06: Morde claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34316, 11:57:11: Morde froze Baby Male - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex) Day 34316, 12:05:54: Morde froze Female AS - Lvl 307 (Managarmr) Day 34316, 22:13:38: Morde froze Juvenile Male - Lvl 231 (Tek Rex) Day 34317, 04:20:25: Morde froze Juvenile Male - Lvl 231 (Tek Rex) Day 34317, 04:44:06: Morde froze Juvenile Male - Lvl 231 (Tek Rex) Day 34317, 04:47:47: Morde froze Juvenile Male - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex) Day 34317, 04:52:30: Morde froze Juvenile Female - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex) Day 34317, 05:34:31: Morde froze Juvenile Male - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex) Day 34317, 05:51:01: Morde froze Juvenile Female - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 34317, 05:54:54: Morde froze Juvenile Female - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 34317, 06:04:45: Morde froze Juvenile Female - Lvl 235 (Tek Rex) Day 34317, 06:08:13: Morde froze Juvenile Female - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 34317, 06:11:46: Morde froze Juvenile Female - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 34317, 07:01:33: Morde froze Desmodus - Lvl 229 (Desmodus) Day 34336, 15:02:26: Morde froze Juvenile Male - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex) Day 34336, 16:13:07: Morde froze Juvenile Female - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 34336, 21:36:21: Morde froze Adolescent Female - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 34336, 21:50:04: Morde froze Juvenile Male - Lvl 231 (Tek Rex) Day 34336, 21:55:52: Morde froze Adolescent Female - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 34336, 22:32:43: Morde froze Adolescent Male - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex) Day 34337, 04:47:24: Morde froze Adolescent Female - Lvl 235 (Tek Rex) Day 34337, 11:52:38: Morde froze Adolescent Female - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex) Day 34337, 20:31:00: Morde froze Female AS - Lvl 309 (Managarmr) Day 34338, 17:23:33: Morde claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 203 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 34338, 17:27:38: Morde froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 203 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34338, 19:09:26: Morde froze Tempest - Lvl 325 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34338, 20:49:01: Morde froze Male - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex) Day 34338, 21:07:12: Morde froze Female - Lvl 235 (Tek Rex) Day 34338, 21:20:03: Morde froze Male - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex) Day 34338, 21:39:34: Morde froze Male - Lvl 231 (Tek Rex) Day 34338, 21:46:34: Morde froze Female - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 34338, 21:52:39: Morde froze Female - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 34338, 22:21:39: Morde froze Female AS - Lvl 310 (Managarmr) Day 34339, 14:36:07: Morde froze Female AS - Lvl 310 (Managarmr) Day 34340, 14:19:06: Morde claimed 'Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 218 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 34340, 14:29:02: Morde froze Baby Boss Female - Lvl 218 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 34340, 19:22:57: Morde Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 142 (Parasaur)! Day 34340, 19:30:43: Morde froze Parasaur - Lvl 142 (Parasaur) Day 34340, 20:02:27: Morde claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 192 (Managarmr)'! Day 34340, 20:10:38: Morde froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 192 (Managarmr) Day 34341, 04:25:28: Morde froze Desmodus - Lvl 234 (Desmodus) Day 34341, 04:32:25: Morde froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34341, 06:35:30: Your Tribe Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 209 (Dire Bear)! Day 34341, 07:24:37: Morde froze Tempest - Lvl 326 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34341, 07:58:19: Morde froze Female - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex) Day 34341, 08:02:08: Morde froze Female - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 34341, 11:18:47: Morde froze Tempest - Lvl 326 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34341, 16:08:56: Morde froze Juvenile Boss Female - Lvl 218 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 34341, 16:14:22: Morde froze Juvenile Boss Female - Lvl 218 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 34341, 16:25:53: Morde froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 192 (Managarmr) Day 34341, 19:14:40: Morde froze Female H S W - Lvl 217 (X-Woolly Rhino) Day 34341, 19:50:00: Morde froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34341, 20:54:49: Morde froze Female H S W - Lvl 227 (X-Woolly Rhino) Day 34341, 22:20:23: Morde froze Maewing - Lvl 259 (Maewing) Day 34343, 09:30:43: Morde froze Adolescent Boss Female - Lvl 218 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 34343, 10:16:48: Morde froze Managarmr - Lvl 193 (Managarmr) Day 34344, 18:20:49: Morde froze Male - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex) Day 34345, 01:06:59: Morde froze Female H S W - Lvl 284 (X-Woolly Rhino) Day 34345, 01:10:59: Morde froze Managarmr - Lvl 302 (Managarmr) Day 34345, 01:51:26: Morde froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34345, 08:09:04: Morde froze Boss Female - Lvl 218 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 34346, 13:56:34: Morde froze Managarmr - Lvl 302 (Managarmr) Day 34347, 15:53:01: Morde demolished a 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe'! Day 34347, 16:04:46: Morde demolished a 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe'! Day 34347, 16:05:24: Morde demolished a 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe'! Day 34347, 16:06:02: Morde demolished a 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe'! Day 34347, 19:04:15: Morde froze Female -M - Lvl 303 (Managarmr) Day 34349, 07:14:17: Morde claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34349, 07:22:27: Morde froze Baby Female - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex) Day 34349, 07:23:58: Morde claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 235 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34349, 07:31:36: Morde froze Baby Female - Lvl 235 (Tek Rex) Day 34349, 07:32:39: Morde claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 237 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34349, 07:38:10: Morde froze Baby Male - Lvl 237 (Tek Rex) Day 34349, 07:39:45: Morde claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34349, 07:45:29: Morde froze Baby Male - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex) Day 34349, 07:47:21: Morde claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34349, 07:52:08: Morde froze Baby Male - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex) Day 34349, 08:05:30: Morde claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 34349, 08:14:27: Morde froze Baby Male Spiker - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 34358, 13:16:58: Morde claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 173 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 34358, 13:30:52: Morde froze Baby Female H M - Lvl 173 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34358, 21:56:47: Morde froze Tempest - Lvl 327 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34359, 07:03:16: Morde froze Female H S W - Lvl 286 (X-Woolly Rhino) Day 34359, 10:04:21: Morde froze Juvenile Female H M - Lvl 173 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34359, 10:23:27: Morde froze Juvenile Female H M - Lvl 173 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34359, 15:40:58: Morde froze Juvenile Female H M - Lvl 173 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34360, 22:58:20: Morde froze Female -M - Lvl 306 (Managarmr) Day 34361, 05:12:03: Morde froze Juvenile Female H M - Lvl 173 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34361, 06:50:54: Morde claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 214 (Managarmr)'! Day 34361, 06:56:47: Morde froze Baby Female - Lvl 214 (Managarmr) Day 34361, 06:59:30: Morde claimed 'Baby X-Woolly Rhino - Lvl 209 (X-Woolly Rhino)'! Day 34361, 07:07:50: Your Baby X-Woolly Rhino - Lvl 209 (X-Woolly Rhino) was killed by Morde - Lvl 112 (The New 883)! Day 34361, 07:07:50: Your Tribe killed Baby X-Woolly Rhino - Lvl 209 (X-Woolly Rhino) (The New 883)! Day 34361, 07:25:50: Morde froze Baby Female - Lvl 214 (Managarmr) Day 34361, 09:51:42: Morde froze Juvenile Female H M - Lvl 173 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34361, 11:03:53: Morde froze Baby Female - Lvl 214 (Managarmr) Day 34515, 22:33:49: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34665, 01:31:07: Your 'Water Well' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34702, 03:22:49: Parasaur - Lvl 150 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 34951, 17:02:27: Your 'Wind Turbine' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34951, 17:02:27: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34951, 17:02:27: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34951, 17:02:27: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34951, 17:02:27: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35158, 10:27:57: Morde's 'Female -M - Lvl 306 (Managarmr)' died in a Cryopod! Day 35234, 21:09:43: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35234, 21:09:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35234, 21:09:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35234, 21:09:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35234, 21:09:43: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35234, 21:09:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35234, 21:09:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35234, 21:09:43: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35234, 21:09:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35234, 21:09:43: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35234, 21:09:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35234, 21:09:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35234, 21:09:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35234, 21:09:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35234, 21:09:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35318, 06:40:53: Male -H -M - Lvl 29 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 35371, 02:56:32: Female H M - Lvl 217 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 35371, 03:05:40: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boss Female - Lvl 248 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 35371, 03:06:45: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Female - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 35371, 03:09:01: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Female - Lvl 284 (Tek Rex)'! Day 35371, 03:23:37: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 261 (Doedicurus)'! Day 35371, 03:27:15: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame '9.2H 2.6S - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)'! Day 35371, 03:46:00: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Female H S - Lvl 195 (Managarmr)'! Day 35371, 03:48:18: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Male 325M - Lvl 220 (Managarmr)'! Day 35371, 04:29:32: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Male Melee - Lvl 202 (X-Woolly Rhino)'! Day 35371, 04:31:08: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 270 (Mammoth)'! Day 35371, 04:32:50: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 262 (Triceratops)'! Day 35371, 04:35:26: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dire Bear - Lvl 224 (Dire Bear)'! Day 35371, 04:36:51: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FiBear - Lvl 256 (Dire Bear)'! Day 35371, 04:38:11: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Female 4k H - Lvl 209 (Dire Bear)'! Day 35371, 04:43:42: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Female - Lvl 235 (Tek Rex)'! Day 35371, 04:53:44: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Male - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex)'! Day 35371, 04:55:56: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Female - Lvl 284 (Tek Rex)'! Day 35371, 04:59:10: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Male - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 35371, 05:05:40: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Male - Lvl 277 (Tek Rex)'! Day 35371, 05:18:20: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 222 (Maewing)'! Day 35371, 05:42:12: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 263 (Maewing)'! Day 35371, 05:58:49: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Female - Lvl 255 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 35371, 06:00:42: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Female 0% - Lvl 280 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 35371, 06:02:44: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Male - Lvl 255 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 35371, 06:06:58: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame '7.8H 1700S Female - Lvl 217 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 35371, 06:12:16: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Weight / Melee Male - Lvl 209 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 35371, 07:39:46: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Travel Female 0% - Lvl 246 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 35371, 08:24:05: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Female H S W - Lvl 224 (X-Woolly Rhino)'! Day 35371, 08:37:40: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Toss Male - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 35371, 09:20:39: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Female - Lvl 272 (Tek Rex)'! Day 35371, 09:41:50: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Female - Lvl 270 (Tek Rex)'! Day 35371, 10:27:25: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Toss Male - Lvl 77 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 35439, 12:10:06: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Female 1332S 313M - Lvl 213 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 35439, 12:10:54: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Male 3KH - Lvl 220 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 35439, 12:29:04: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 238 (Desmodus)'! Day 35439, 12:51:55: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Female H - Lvl 226 (Tek Rex)'! Day 35439, 13:45:48: Tribemember Morde - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 135! Day 35439, 14:19:12: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Female - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex)'! Day 35520, 04:41:08: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35520, 04:41:08: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35520, 04:41:08: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35520, 04:41:08: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35520, 04:41:08: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35744, 10:18:38: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Male Breeder - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex)'! Day 35744, 10:28:55: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Female - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex)'! Day 35805, 12:16:59: Your 'Tek Bridge' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1596432777,"tribe":"Tribe of DuoMog The 2nd logs":["Day 13395, 14:13:39: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Air Force Seven - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) Day 13395, 14:17:21: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Air Force Seven - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) Day 13395, 14:31:10: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Air Force Six - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon) Day 13395, 15:07:37: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Roger - Lvl 175 (Rock Drake) Day 13395, 15:41:18: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Air Force Six - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon) Day 13395, 15:48:16: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Air Force Seven - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) Day 13395, 15:52:30: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Air Force Seven - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) Day 13395, 16:21:50: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby Sploger - Lvl 90 (Rock Drake) Day 13395, 16:35:47: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13395, 17:33:23: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 85 (Rock Drake)'! Day 13395, 18:19:29: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Air Force Nine - Lvl 210 (Pteranodon) Day 13395, 18:36:14: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Air Force Seven - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) Day 13395, 18:41:20: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Air Force Seven - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) Day 13395, 20:12:31: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Air Force Eight - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon) Day 13395, 21:55:40: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Air Force Seven - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) Day 13395, 22:07:54: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Air Force Seven - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) Day 13395, 22:16:16: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Air Force Seven - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) Day 13395, 22:27:40: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Air Force Seven - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) Day 13395, 22:43:55: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Air Force Seven - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) Day 13395, 22:49:24: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Air Force Seven - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) Day 13395, 22:53:52: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Air Force Seven - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) Day 13395, 23:02:10: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Air Force Seven - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) Day 13395, 23:12:54: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Air Force Seven - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) Day 13395, 23:50:31: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Air Force Ten - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon) Day 13396, 00:32:46: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Air Force Ten - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon) Day 13396, 00:41:42: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Air Force Ten - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon) Day 13396, 01:00:17: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Air Force Ten - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon) Day 13396, 01:22:00: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Air Force Ten - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon) Day 13396, 01:59:50: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Air Force Ten - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon) Day 13396, 02:59:34: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Air Force Ten - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon) Day 13396, 11:49:46: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Air Force Ten - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon) Day 13396, 11:56:52: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Bodger - Lvl 85 (Rock Drake) Day 13396, 12:06:42: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Roger - Lvl 175 (Rock Drake) Day 13396, 12:15:32: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Sploger - Lvl 90 (Rock Drake) Day 13396, 12:22:54: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Dodger - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake) Day 13399, 02:30:05: DuoMog The 2nd froze Lystro One - Lvl 58 (Lystrosaurus) Day 13400, 01:55:12: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force Ten - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon) Day 13400, 02:05:05: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force Nine - Lvl 221 (Pteranodon) Day 13400, 02:10:15: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force Eight - Lvl 233 (Pteranodon) Day 13400, 02:14:49: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force Seven - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon) Day 13400, 02:26:43: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force Six - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon) Day 13400, 06:47:30: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Pterrance - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13400, 07:07:22: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force Six - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon) Day 13400, 07:19:39: DuoMog The 2nd froze Roger - Lvl 224 (Rock Drake) Day 13401, 16:35:11: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force Eight - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon) Day 13401, 18:46:31: Your Pterrance - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 13401, 18:46:31: Tribemember DuoMog The 2nd - Lvl 110 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 13401, 19:35:06: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force Ten - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 13401, 19:36:35: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force Seven - Lvl 234 (Pteranodon) Day 13407, 18:42:35: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force Four - Lvl 276 (Pteranodon) Day 13408, 03:25:15: DuoMog The 2nd froze Roger - Lvl 232 (Rock Drake) Day 13408, 04:43:51: Tribemember DuoMog The 2nd - Lvl 111 was killed! Day 13408, 06:17:01: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force Two - Lvl 266 (Pteranodon) Day 13408, 07:04:06: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force Four - Lvl 276 (Pteranodon) Day 13408, 07:48:25: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 13408, 07:48:27: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 13408, 07:48:48: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 13408, 08:20:11: Tribemember DuoMog The 2nd - Lvl 111 was killed by a Yutyrannus - Lvl 135! Day 13408, 09:30:07: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force Three - Lvl 251 (Pteranodon) Day 13408, 09:56:51: Tribemember DuoMog The 2nd - Lvl 111 was killed by a Yutyrannus - Lvl 135! Day 13408, 12:15:22: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force Five - Lvl 263 (Pteranodon) Day 13408, 13:26:22: DuoMog The 2nd Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 202 (Yutyrannus)! Day 13408, 13:29:18: DuoMog The 2nd froze Yuti One - Lvl 202 (Yutyrannus) Day 13412, 10:28:12: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 13412, 15:05:09: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Poison - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13412, 15:07:36: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Poison - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13412, 17:37:12: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Poison - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13412, 17:39:40: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Poison - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13412, 17:41:51: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Poison - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13412, 17:44:21: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Poison - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13412, 17:46:13: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Poison - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13414, 09:42:32: DuoMog The 2nd Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 134 (Yutyrannus)! Day 13414, 10:02:46: DuoMog The 2nd froze Mrs. Y. - Lvl 134 (Yutyrannus) Day 13415, 10:26:57: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 182 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 13415, 21:38:09: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Baby Y. - Lvl 182 (Yutyrannus) Day 13441, 18:22:13: DuoMog The 2nd froze Dodger - Lvl 105 (Rock Drake) Day 13441, 18:24:24: DuoMog The 2nd froze Sploger - Lvl 99 (Rock Drake) Day 13441, 18:26:00: DuoMog The 2nd froze Bodger - Lvl 94 (Rock Drake) Day 13455, 07:55:46: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 182 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 13455, 07:56:42: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 182 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 13455, 10:26:14: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 182 (Yutyrannus) Day 13455, 10:56:09: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 182 (Yutyrannus) Day 13455, 10:57:55: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 182 (Yutyrannus) Day 13456, 00:16:36: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 182 (Yutyrannus) Day 13456, 07:52:07: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 182 (Yutyrannus) Day 13456, 07:54:03: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 182 (Yutyrannus) Day 13456, 07:58:38: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 182 (Yutyrannus) Day 13456, 09:15:08: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 182 (Yutyrannus) Day 13456, 09:16:47: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 182 (Yutyrannus) Day 13464, 00:07:26: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 182 (Yutyrannus) Day 13464, 00:12:45: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 182 (Yutyrannus) Day 13466, 08:22:07: DuoMog The 2nd froze Mr. Y. - Lvl 202 (Yutyrannus) Day 13466, 08:24:16: DuoMog The 2nd froze Mrs. Y. - Lvl 134 (Yutyrannus) Day 13466, 08:34:21: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby Y. - Lvl 226 (Yutyrannus) Day 13466, 08:35:56: DuoMog The 2nd froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 182 (Yutyrannus) Day 13466, 09:09:34: DuoMog The 2nd froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 182 (Yutyrannus) Day 13466, 15:22:32: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 177 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 13466, 22:55:34: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 177 (Yutyrannus) Day 13467, 00:23:55: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 189 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 13467, 04:41:08: DuoMog The 2nd Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 74 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 13467, 04:55:37: DuoMog The 2nd froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 74 (Lystrosaurus) Day 13467, 17:41:35: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 189 (Yutyrannus) Day 13468, 02:31:01: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 189 (Yutyrannus) Day 13468, 02:37:28: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 177 (Yutyrannus) Day 13468, 08:12:28: DuoMog The 2nd unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis)'! Day 13468, 09:08:14: DuoMog The 2nd unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13479, 19:31:51: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 177 (Yutyrannus) Day 13479, 20:01:26: DuoMog The 2nd froze Poison - Lvl 223 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13480, 06:39:13: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 177 (Yutyrannus) Day 13480, 06:47:15: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 189 (Yutyrannus) Day 13480, 09:54:21: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 177 (Yutyrannus) Day 13480, 10:03:50: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 177 (Yutyrannus) Day 13480, 12:16:26: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 177 (Yutyrannus) Day 13480, 13:46:24: DuoMog The 2nd froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 74 (Lystrosaurus) Day 13480, 16:41:53: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 177 (Yutyrannus) Day 13480, 19:36:47: DuoMog The 2nd Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle)! Day 13480, 19:39:23: DuoMog The 2nd froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle) Day 13480, 20:06:09: DuoMog The 2nd Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 134 (Dung Beetle)! Day 13480, 20:09:08: DuoMog The 2nd froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 134 (Dung Beetle) Day 13480, 22:53:08: DuoMog The 2nd Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 127 (Dung Beetle)! Day 13480, 22:59:06: DuoMog The 2nd froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 127 (Dung Beetle) Day 13481, 07:58:00: DuoMog The 2nd froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 74 (Lystrosaurus) Day 13490, 15:00:36: DuoMog The 2nd froze Poison - Lvl 226 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13498, 13:00:37: DuoMog The 2nd froze Lystro One - Lvl 89 (Lystrosaurus) Day 13525, 18:05:34: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 13525, 18:06:53: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 13525, 18:10:58: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 13525, 18:13:03: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13525, 18:14:33: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13525, 18:16:48: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13526, 10:33:00: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby TNG Girl One - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13526, 15:06:17: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile TNG Lucky Boy - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13526, 15:15:36: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile TNG Girl Two - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13526, 15:19:08: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile TNG Girl One - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13526, 15:25:32: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile TNG Lucky Boy - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13532, 12:03:00: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile TNG Girl One - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13532, 16:52:44: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile TNG Girl Two - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13532, 16:54:56: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile TNG Lucky Boy - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13532, 19:18:41: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile TNG Girl Two - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13532, 23:34:58: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile TNG Girl Two - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13532, 23:44:07: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile TNG Girl Two - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13533, 12:48:19: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent TNG Lucky Boy - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13533, 12:50:05: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent TNG Girl Two - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13533, 12:53:24: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent TNG Girl One - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13534, 10:23:17: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent TNG Girl Two - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13534, 10:24:59: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent TNG Lucky Boy - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13534, 17:45:57: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent TNG Girl Two - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13535, 01:35:09: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent TNG Lucky Boy - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13535, 01:41:54: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent TNG Girl Two - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13535, 02:06:14: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent TNG Girl Two - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13535, 06:24:50: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent TNG Girl Two - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13535, 06:46:53: DuoMog The 2nd froze Mrs Valguero - Lvl 209 (Yutyrannus) Day 13535, 07:16:08: DuoMog The 2nd froze Lystro Two - Lvl 95 (Lystrosaurus) Day 13536, 08:00:14: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force One - Lvl 263 (Pteranodon) Day 13536, 09:13:47: DuoMog The 2nd froze Poison - Lvl 241 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13536, 14:15:52: DuoMog The 2nd froze Poison - Lvl 242 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13547, 13:16:28: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby M - Lvl 294 (Megalodon) Day 13547, 13:39:29: DuoMog The 2nd froze Poison - Lvl 259 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13550, 20:44:04: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 206 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 13550, 21:44:47: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 13550, 21:52:03: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 13550, 23:24:28: DuoMog The 2nd froze Roger - Lvl 239 (Rock Drake) Day 13551, 02:42:41: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 206 (Yutyrannus) Day 13551, 09:08:21: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13551, 11:08:43: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 206 (Yutyrannus) Day 13551, 12:27:59: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 206 (Yutyrannus) Day 13551, 12:30:37: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13551, 12:42:30: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13552, 18:58:32: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13552, 22:04:58: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13552, 22:14:04: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13552, 22:19:25: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13552, 22:35:17: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13552, 22:50:46: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13552, 22:56:07: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13552, 23:01:13: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 206 (Yutyrannus) Day 13561, 15:44:18: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 206 (Yutyrannus) Day 13561, 15:46:11: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13561, 15:48:13: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13562, 03:07:44: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13562, 03:24:55: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13562, 06:46:33: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 206 (Yutyrannus) Day 13562, 07:06:34: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 206 (Yutyrannus) Day 13562, 07:08:32: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 206 (Yutyrannus) Day 13562, 08:35:37: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13563, 09:12:55: DuoMog The 2nd froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 74 (Lystrosaurus) Day 13564, 18:11:56: DuoMog The 2nd froze M 12 21 - 2 - Lvl 242 (Yutyrannus) Day 13564, 18:32:57: DuoMog The 2nd froze Poison - Lvl 262 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13564, 20:18:07: DuoMog The 2nd froze M 12 21 - 2 - Lvl 245 (Yutyrannus) Day 13564, 21:46:00: DuoMog The 2nd froze Poison - Lvl 262 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13565, 04:33:38: DuoMog The 2nd froze M 12 21 - 2 - Lvl 247 (Yutyrannus) Day 13567, 05:14:09: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 23 - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13568, 02:09:01: DuoMog The 2nd froze Lystro One - Lvl 89 (Lystrosaurus) Day 13568, 02:27:56: DuoMog The 2nd froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 74 (Lystrosaurus) Day 13575, 08:37:36: Tribemember DuoMog The 2nd - Lvl 123 was killed by a Megatherium - Lvl 140! Day 13575, 08:56:51: Santa was added to the Tribe! Day 13575, 09:08:16: Santa was removed from the Tribe! Day 13575, 09:42:48: DuoMog The 2nd Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 210 (Megatherium)! Day 13575, 09:45:05: DuoMog The 2nd froze Megatherium - Lvl 210 (Megatherium) Day 13575, 15:36:28: DuoMog The 2nd Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 202 (Megatherium)! Day 13575, 15:39:28: DuoMog The 2nd froze Megatherium - Lvl 202 (Megatherium) Day 13577, 02:25:35: DuoMog The 2nd froze Poison - Lvl 263 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13577, 16:01:27: DuoMog The 2nd Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 225 (Megatherium)! Day 13577, 16:04:20: DuoMog The 2nd froze Megatherium - Lvl 225 (Megatherium) Day 13578, 05:34:01: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 13578, 06:52:13: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 13578, 09:09:09: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13578, 09:12:02: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13578, 12:33:19: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13578, 12:37:00: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13578, 14:42:16: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13578, 16:15:08: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)'! Day 13578, 16:15:40: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)'! Day 13578, 17:19:18: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 13578, 17:20:58: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 13578, 17:27:12: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13578, 17:30:03: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13578, 17:37:26: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 13594, 20:03:21: DuoMog The 2nd demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 13594, 20:05:57: DuoMog The 2nd demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 13594, 20:07:28: DuoMog The 2nd demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 13595, 04:34:33: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 210 (Megatherium)'! Day 13595, 05:16:09: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 13595, 05:31:12: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 13595, 09:37:32: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 13595, 09:40:37: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 13595, 12:38:07: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 210 (Megatherium) Day 13595, 12:40:44: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 13595, 12:43:42: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 13602, 21:06:26: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 13603, 15:48:40: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13603, 15:53:31: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13603, 15:55:51: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13603, 15:58:06: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13603, 16:00:34: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13604, 04:22:35: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13604, 04:26:48: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13604, 20:15:21: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13605, 06:37:31: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13605, 06:39:20: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13605, 16:29:02: DuoMog The 2nd Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 225 (Megatherium)! Day 13605, 16:30:56: DuoMog The 2nd froze Megatherium - Lvl 225 (Megatherium) Day 13605, 23:57:12: DuoMog The 2nd Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 13606, 00:03:20: DuoMog The 2nd froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus) Day 13606, 06:13:25: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 247 (Megatherium)'! Day 13606, 11:41:11: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13606, 17:22:49: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13606, 17:28:07: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13606, 17:30:58: DuoMog The 2nd froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 13606, 17:33:35: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 247 (Megatherium) Day 13608, 18:53:21: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 247 (Megatherium) Day 13608, 22:16:05: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 197 (Megatherium)'! Day 13609, 07:43:52: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Baby Blue - Lvl 197 (Megatherium) Day 13616, 10:01:21: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 241 (Megatherium)'! Day 13616, 15:25:42: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile M 12 27 - 1 - Lvl 241 (Megatherium) Day 13619, 11:50:54: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 206 (Megatherium)'! Day 13619, 12:59:59: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 206 (Megatherium) Day 13620, 16:38:56: Tribemember DuoMog The 2nd - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 13649, 06:23:40: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 206 (Megatherium) Day 13649, 09:09:43: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 228 (Megatherium)'! Day 13649, 09:13:17: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 233 (Megatherium)'! Day 13649, 11:24:31: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 228 (Megatherium) Day 13649, 11:27:47: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 228 (Megatherium) Day 13649, 13:43:59: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 233 (Megatherium) Day 13649, 13:46:13: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 233 (Megatherium) Day 13649, 13:49:25: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 233 (Megatherium) Day 13649, 13:52:09: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 233 (Megatherium) Day 13649, 14:02:47: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 206 (Megatherium) Day 13649, 14:04:18: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 233 (Megatherium) Day 13649, 14:05:51: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 228 (Megatherium) Day 13649, 14:24:14: DuoMog The 2nd unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13649, 14:28:20: DuoMog The 2nd unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13659, 18:54:07: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 228 (Megatherium) Day 13659, 19:41:34: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 225 (Megatherium)'! Day 13659, 19:43:31: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 232 (Megatherium)'! Day 13659, 22:29:03: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile F 12 28 - 2 - Lvl 228 (Megatherium) Day 13659, 22:34:37: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile F 12 28 - 2 - Lvl 228 (Megatherium) Day 13660, 00:20:52: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile F 12 30 - 2 - Lvl 225 (Megatherium) Day 13660, 00:27:22: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile F 12 30 - 1 - Lvl 232 (Megatherium) Day 13660, 04:31:22: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile F 12 28 - 2 - Lvl 228 (Megatherium) Day 13684, 19:17:56: DuoMog The 2nd Tamed a Terror Bird - Lvl 210 (Terror Bird)! Day 13687, 05:53:14: DuoMog The 2nd froze Poison - Lvl 266 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13747, 11:17:34: DuoMog The 2nd froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 212 (Yutyrannus) Day 13747, 11:21:09: DuoMog The 2nd froze M 12 28 - 1 - Lvl 240 (Megatherium) Day 13747, 11:33:10: DuoMog The 2nd froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 230 (Yutyrannus) Day 13747, 11:46:38: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 21 - 3 - Lvl 249 (Yutyrannus) Day 13747, 11:53:44: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 21 - 1 - Lvl 229 (Yutyrannus) Day 13747, 12:45:58: DuoMog The 2nd froze Poison - Lvl 273 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13756, 06:14:41: DuoMog The 2nd downloaded a dino: Terror Bird - Lvl 195 Day 13756, 06:17:42: DuoMog The 2nd froze Terror Bird - Lvl 195 (Terror Bird) Day 13790, 14:40:07: DuoMog The 2nd claimed 'Baby Terror Bird - Lvl 214 (Terror Bird)'! Day 13790, 17:01:35: DuoMog The 2nd froze Juvenile Terror Bird - Lvl 214 (Terror Bird) Day 13798, 14:12:44: DuoMog The 2nd froze Poison - Lvl 273 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13799, 16:33:49: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 23 - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus) Day 13799, 16:36:31: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 21 - 1 - Lvl 241 (Yutyrannus) Day 13799, 16:39:10: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 24 - Lvl 232 (Yutyrannus) Day 13799, 16:44:26: DuoMog The 2nd froze TNG Girl Two - Lvl 237 (Yutyrannus) Day 13799, 16:48:03: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 21 - 3 - Lvl 249 (Yutyrannus) Day 13799, 16:54:01: DuoMog The 2nd froze TNG Girl One - Lvl 237 (Yutyrannus) Day 13799, 17:31:28: DuoMog The 2nd uploaded a Poison Wyvern: Poison - Lvl 273 Day 13799, 18:49:13: DuoMog The 2nd froze TNG Lucky Boy - Lvl 237 (Yutyrannus) Day 13799, 18:51:47: DuoMog The 2nd froze M 12 23 - 2 - Lvl 239 (Yutyrannus) Day 13799, 19:03:16: DuoMog The 2nd froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 216 (Yutyrannus) Day 13799, 19:07:31: DuoMog The 2nd froze M 12 23 - 1 - Lvl 230 (Yutyrannus) Day 13799, 20:17:07: DuoMog The 2nd froze M 12 21 - 2 - Lvl 250 (Yutyrannus) Day 13815, 02:57:51: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 23 - Lvl 259 (Yutyrannus) Day 13815, 05:27:14: Kurt... added 'Tribe of DuoMog The 2nd' Tribe to muzz Alliance! Day 13815, 08:30:37: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 23 - Lvl 259 (Yutyrannus) Day 13828, 17:26:14: DuoMog The 2nd froze M 12 23 - 2 - Lvl 250 (Yutyrannus) Day 13828, 17:29:00: DuoMog The 2nd froze M 12 23 - 1 - Lvl 234 (Yutyrannus) Day 13828, 17:32:32: DuoMog The 2nd froze TNG Girl One - Lvl 241 (Yutyrannus) Day 13828, 17:37:48: DuoMog The 2nd froze TNG Girl Two - Lvl 242 (Yutyrannus) Day 13828, 17:39:48: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 21 - 3 - Lvl 255 (Yutyrannus) Day 13828, 17:42:54: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 23 - Lvl 259 (Yutyrannus) Day 13828, 17:45:23: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 21 - 1 - Lvl 242 (Yutyrannus) Day 13828, 17:51:43: DuoMog The 2nd froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 218 (Yutyrannus) Day 13828, 18:01:10: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 28 - 1 - Lvl 240 (Megatherium) Day 13828, 18:04:48: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 30 - 2 - Lvl 240 (Megatherium) Day 13828, 18:07:17: DuoMog The 2nd froze M 12 28 - 1 - Lvl 248 (Megatherium) Day 13828, 18:09:46: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 28 - 2 - Lvl 243 (Megatherium) Day 13828, 18:14:41: DuoMog The 2nd froze M 12 27 - 1 - Lvl 260 (Megatherium) Day 13828, 18:41:29: DuoMog The 2nd froze Poison - Lvl 274 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13829, 13:04:34: DuoMog The 2nd froze M 12 26 - 3 - Lvl 245 (Megatherium) Day 13829, 13:51:51: DuoMog The 2nd froze M 12 26 - 3 - Lvl 245 (Megatherium) Day 13829, 14:12:56: DuoMog The 2nd uploaded a Megatherium: M 12 26 - 3 - Lvl 245 Day 13884, 11:17:32: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 23 - Lvl 301 (Yutyrannus) Day 13884, 12:36:55: DuoMog The 2nd froze Poison - Lvl 275 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13884, 12:39:47: Tribemember DuoMog The 2nd - Lvl 124 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 13884, 13:39:59: DuoMog The 2nd uploaded a Pteranodon: Air Force One - Lvl 266 Day 13894, 10:41:54: DuoMog The 2nd downloaded a dino: Air Force One - Lvl 266 Day 13924, 10:41:16: Your Rex - Lvl 178 (Rex) was killed! Day 13992, 05:23:56: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force One - Lvl 268 (Pteranodon) Day 13992, 05:25:19: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force Two - Lvl 267 (Pteranodon) Day 13992, 05:26:48: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force Three - Lvl 261 (Pteranodon) Day 13992, 05:28:38: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force Four - Lvl 277 (Pteranodon) Day 13992, 05:32:01: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force Ten - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon) Day 13992, 05:34:08: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force Five - Lvl 265 (Pteranodon) Day 13992, 05:35:41: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force Nine - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon) Day 13992, 05:37:08: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force Six - Lvl 226 (Pteranodon) Day 13992, 05:40:50: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force Seven - Lvl 277 (Pteranodon) Day 13992, 05:42:24: DuoMog The 2nd froze Air Force Eight - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon) Day 13992, 05:45:41: DuoMog The 2nd froze M20 - Lvl 89 (Castoroides) Day 13992, 05:47:07: DuoMog The 2nd froze M25 - Lvl 77 (Castoroides) Day 13992, 05:52:06: DuoMog The 2nd froze Pegs - Lvl 73 (Pegomastax) Day 13992, 05:57:46: DuoMog The 2nd froze Para Two - Lvl 285 (Parasaur) Day 13992, 06:01:47: DuoMog The 2nd froze Mrs. Meg - Lvl 229 (Megalodon) Day 13992, 06:06:01: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby M - Lvl 310 (Megalodon) Day 13992, 06:12:38: DuoMog The 2nd froze Mega Man - Lvl 246 (Megalodon) Day 13992, 06:16:13: DuoMog The 2nd froze Terror Bird - Lvl 203 (Terror Bird) Day 13992, 06:17:43: DuoMog The 2nd froze Terror Bird - Lvl 221 (Terror Bird) Day 13992, 06:21:14: DuoMog The 2nd froze Bush - Lvl 95 (Ankylosaurus) Day 14083, 16:57:58: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14178, 05:18:06: DuoMog The 2nd froze Dodo - Lvl 56 (Dodo) Day 14178, 05:19:31: DuoMog The 2nd froze Dodo - Lvl 220 (Dodo) Day 14178, 05:20:56: DuoMog The 2nd froze Blue D - Lvl 157 (Dodo) Day 14178, 05:22:26: DuoMog The 2nd froze Red - Lvl 54 (Dodo) Day 14178, 05:25:55: DuoMog The 2nd froze Red - Lvl 107 (Dodo) Day 14178, 05:29:02: DuoMog The 2nd froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 169 (Dung Beetle) Day 14178, 05:31:20: DuoMog The 2nd froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 252 (Dung Beetle) Day 14178, 05:33:11: DuoMog The 2nd froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 177 (Dung Beetle) Day 14178, 05:38:57: DuoMog The 2nd froze Bash - Lvl 265 (Doedicurus) Day 14178, 05:44:25: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 135 - Lvl 260 (Castoroides) Day 14317, 11:14:19: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby Blue - Lvl 216 (Megatherium) Day 14317, 11:16:12: DuoMog The 2nd froze M 12 26 - 1 - Lvl 244 (Megatherium) Day 14317, 11:17:57: DuoMog The 2nd froze M 12 26 - 2 - Lvl 244 (Megatherium) Day 14317, 11:19:26: DuoMog The 2nd froze M 12 26 - 3 - Lvl 245 (Megatherium) Day 14317, 11:26:13: DuoMog The 2nd froze M 12 28 - 1 - Lvl 248 (Megatherium) Day 14317, 11:27:38: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 30 - 2 - Lvl 240 (Megatherium) Day 14317, 11:29:08: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 28 - 1 - Lvl 240 (Megatherium) Day 14317, 11:30:43: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 30 - 1 - Lvl 247 (Megatherium) Day 14317, 11:34:41: DuoMog The 2nd froze Bosh - Lvl 289 (Ankylosaurus) Day 14317, 11:36:57: DuoMog The 2nd froze Bish - Lvl 275 (Ankylosaurus) Day 14386, 04:36:32: DuoMog The 2nd froze Lystro Four - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus) Day 14386, 04:40:39: DuoMog The 2nd froze Lystro Two - Lvl 95 (Lystrosaurus) Day 14386, 04:49:30: DuoMog The 2nd froze Lystro One - Lvl 89 (Lystrosaurus) Day 14386, 04:54:45: DuoMog The 2nd froze Lystro Three - Lvl 74 (Lystrosaurus) Day 14386, 05:06:31: DuoMog The 2nd froze Para One - Lvl 136 (Parasaur) Day 14386, 05:10:35: DuoMog The 2nd froze Mrs Green - Lvl 241 (Megatherium) Day 14386, 05:14:24: DuoMog The 2nd froze Green Daddy - Lvl 253 (Megatherium) Day 14386, 05:16:11: DuoMog The 2nd froze Brown Girl - Lvl 226 (Megatherium) Day 14386, 05:19:12: DuoMog The 2nd froze Green Boy - Lvl 234 (Megatherium) Day 14386, 05:20:49: DuoMog The 2nd froze Blue Boy - Lvl 248 (Megatherium) Day 14386, 06:21:32: DuoMog The 2nd froze Mr. Y. - Lvl 262 (Yutyrannus) Day 14386, 06:23:35: DuoMog The 2nd froze Mrs Valguero - Lvl 261 (Yutyrannus) Day 14386, 06:25:19: DuoMog The 2nd froze Mrs. Y. - Lvl 193 (Yutyrannus) Day 14386, 06:27:52: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 21 - 1 - Lvl 242 (Yutyrannus) Day 14386, 06:31:36: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 23 - Lvl 302 (Yutyrannus) Day 14386, 06:33:08: DuoMog The 2nd froze TNG Girl One - Lvl 240 (Yutyrannus) Day 14386, 06:34:40: DuoMog The 2nd froze Baby Y. - Lvl 247 (Yutyrannus) Day 14386, 06:36:07: DuoMog The 2nd froze TNG Girl Two - Lvl 243 (Yutyrannus) Day 14386, 06:39:54: DuoMog The 2nd froze M 12 23 - 1 - Lvl 235 (Yutyrannus) Day 14386, 06:41:20: DuoMog The 2nd froze M 12 23 - 2 - Lvl 250 (Yutyrannus) Day 14386, 06:42:44: DuoMog The 2nd froze Yutti Boy - Lvl 239 (Yutyrannus) Day 14386, 06:44:17: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 21 - 3 - Lvl 255 (Yutyrannus) Day 14386, 07:39:42: DuoMog The 2nd froze Poison - Lvl 276 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14580, 15:22:09: Your Taming Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 14580, 15:23:05: Your Raft One (Raft) was destroyed! Day 14580, 15:23:46: Tribemember DuoMog The 2nd - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 20582, 10:39:20: kokow22 added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to muzz Alliance! Day 20863, 21:56:53: kokow22 added 'Sexy boys' Tribe to muzz Alliance!"] "tribeid":1594454068,"tribe":"Tribe of Booty logs":["Day 3386, 05:37:40: Pappy was added to the Tribe! Day 3386, 05:46:16: Ember was added to the Tribe by Pappy! Day 3386, 05:49:31: Pappy downloaded a dino: Otter - Lvl 236 Day 3386, 06:02:36: Pappy uploaded a Pteranodon: Babes - Lvl 262 Day 3386, 08:06:31: Tribemember Ember - Lvl 89 was killed by Cyanide - Lvl 248 (Poison Wyvern) (Tribe of Booty)! Day 3386, 08:06:31: Your Tribe killed Ember - Lvl 89 (Tribe of Booty)! Day 3386, 08:15:27: Your Cyanide - Lvl 248 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by ZEUS - Lvl 267 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Booty)! Day 3386, 08:15:27: Your Tribe killed Cyanide - Lvl 248 (Poison Wyvern) (Tribe of Booty)! Day 3386, 10:07:48: Tribemember Ember - Lvl 91 was killed! Day 3386, 10:57:20: Tribemember Ember - Lvl 93 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 3386, 11:39:05: Tribemember Ember - Lvl 93 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 3386, 11:51:19: Tribemember Ember - Lvl 93 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 100! Day 3386, 13:34:14: Tribemember Ember - Lvl 93 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 100! Day 3386, 17:06:23: Tribemember Ember - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 3386, 17:19:56: Tribemember Ember - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 3386, 17:39:55: Tribemember Ember - Lvl 100 was killed by ZEUS - Lvl 277 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Booty)! Day 3386, 17:39:55: Your Tribe killed Ember - Lvl 100 (Tribe of Booty)! Day 3386, 18:07:14: Tribemember Ember - Lvl 100 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 3386, 18:10:55: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 3386, 18:10:56: Your Otter - Lvl 238 (Otter) was killed by ZEUS - Lvl 280 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Booty)! Day 3386, 18:10:56: Your Tribe killed Otter - Lvl 238 (Otter) (Tribe of Booty)! Day 3386, 18:20:06: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 3386, 18:45:54: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 3386, 19:34:57: Tribemember Ember - Lvl 101 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 15! Day 3387, 01:08:09: Pappy uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: ZEUS - Lvl 281 Day 3387, 06:50:35: Pappy downloaded a dino: ZEUS - Lvl 281 Day 3387, 12:08:11: Pappy uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: ZEUS - Lvl 281 Day 3387, 13:44:28: Pappy downloaded a dino: ZEUS - Lvl 281 Day 3387, 16:56:31: Pappy uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: ZEUS - Lvl 281 Day 3388, 12:13:03: Pappy downloaded a dino: ZEUS - Lvl 281 Day 3388, 12:30:35: Pappy claimed 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 97 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 3388, 14:43:58: Pappy uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: ZEUS - Lvl 281 Day 3394, 02:57:18: Pappy downloaded a dino: Hot Wings - Lvl 239 Day 3394, 04:03:00: Ember downloaded a dino: Jeffrey - Lvl 188 Day 3394, 08:03:52: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 150 | 0.9x! Day 3394, 08:48:56: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 25 | 1.0x! Day 3394, 09:22:39: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 150 | 0.9x! Day 3394, 17:55:52: Tribemember Ember - Lvl 103 was killed! Day 3394, 18:15:29: Tribemember Ember - Lvl 103 was killed! Day 3394, 18:54:47: Pappy uploaded a Poison Wyvern: Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 Day 3394, 18:55:01: Pappy uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Hot Wings - Lvl 252 Day 3394, 18:56:03: Ember uploaded a Poison Wyvern: Jeffrey - Lvl 251 Day 3400, 17:37:02: Pappy downloaded a dino: Raiden - Lvl 191 Day 3400, 17:37:11: Pappy downloaded a dino: ZEUS - Lvl 284 Day 3401, 19:23:29: Pappy claimed 'Walter - Lvl 110 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 3402, 10:51:47: Pappy unclaimed 'ZEUS - Lvl 284 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 3402, 14:03:36: Pappy Tamed an Otter - Lvl 22 (Otter)! Day 3402, 16:53:33: Pappy Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle)! Day 3402, 17:08:08: Pappy uploaded a Dung Beetle: Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 Day 3402, 18:23:55: Pappy uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Raiden - Lvl 254 Day 3402, 18:25:26: Pappy uploaded a Otter: Otter - Lvl 27 Day 3410, 17:37:45: Pappy downloaded a dino: Ice Wyvern - Lvl 251 Day 3411, 07:01:29: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 3411, 07:22:55: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 3411, 07:42:43: Your Ice Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Ice Wyvern) was killed! Day 3411, 07:45:16: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 3411, 08:36:26: Pappy downloaded a dino: Raiden - Lvl 257 Day 3411, 10:31:00: Pappy uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Raiden - Lvl 259 Day 3415, 20:10:35: Pappy downloaded a dino: Otter - Lvl 35 Day 3415, 20:11:22: Pappy downloaded a dino: Raiden - Lvl 263 Day 3416, 05:26:55: Pappy claimed 'fem 145 - Lvl 216 (Rex)'! Day 3416, 05:27:02: Pappy claimed 'Guard - Lvl 206 (Sabertooth)'! Day 3416, 05:27:13: Pappy claimed 'The Cold One - Lvl 219 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 3416, 05:27:27: Pappy claimed 'Spark - Lvl 311 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 3416, 05:27:58: Pappy claimed 'Aunt Jemima - Lvl 262 (Rex)'! Day 3416, 05:29:50: Pappy claimed 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 212 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 3416, 05:30:19: Pappy claimed 'spook - Lvl 219 (Raptor)'! Day 3416, 05:30:35: Pappy claimed 'squeeky - Lvl 198 (Raptor)'! Day 3416, 05:30:43: Pappy claimed 'Sabertooth - Lvl 206 (Sabertooth)'! Day 3416, 05:30:50: Pappy claimed 'F 3/2 - Lvl 225 (Sabertooth)'! Day 3416, 05:30:57: Pappy claimed 'tekkie mang - Lvl 230 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 3416, 05:31:00: Pappy claimed 'Sabertooth - Lvl 206 (Sabertooth)'! Day 3416, 05:31:09: Pappy claimed 'F 1/1 - Lvl 244 (Sabertooth)'! Day 3416, 05:31:13: Pappy claimed 'bebboooo - Lvl 91 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 3416, 05:31:19: Pappy claimed 'Sabertooth - Lvl 208 (Sabertooth)'! Day 3416, 05:31:26: Pappy claimed 'M 3/2 - Lvl 225 (Sabertooth)'! Day 3416, 05:31:36: Pappy claimed 'F 2/1 - Lvl 226 (Sabertooth)'! Day 3416, 05:31:58: Pappy claimed 'F 2/1 - Lvl 225 (Sabertooth)'! Day 3416, 05:33:55: Pappy claimed 'Guard - Lvl 248 (Sabertooth)'! Day 3416, 05:34:37: Pappy claimed 'Guard - Lvl 206 (Sabertooth)'! Day 3416, 05:35:17: Pappy claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 188 (Raptor)'! Day 3416, 05:53:51: Pappy claimed 'Cinders - Lvl 286 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 3416, 06:10:11: Pappy claimed 'Lift - Lvl 288 (Quetzal)'! Day 3416, 06:12:46: Pappy claimed 'Megalodon - Lvl 256 (Megalodon)'! Day 3416, 06:13:31: Pappy claimed 'tHE STOMACHE - Lvl 267 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 3416, 06:14:24: Pappy claimed 'Fatts - Lvl 223 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 3416, 06:15:07: Pappy claimed 'Jelly Farmer - Lvl 83 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 3416, 08:02:20: Pappy claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 3416, 08:02:58: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 3416, 09:19:13: Pappy uploaded a Quetzal: Lift - Lvl 289 Day 3416, 09:19:35: Pappy uploaded a Sabertooth: Sabertooth - Lvl 206 Day 3416, 09:19:51: Pappy uploaded a Raptor: spook - Lvl 219 Day 3416, 09:20:04: Pappy uploaded a Sabertooth: Sabertooth - Lvl 206 Day 3416, 09:20:20: Pappy uploaded a Sabertooth: F 2/1 - Lvl 225 Day 3416, 09:20:35: Pappy uploaded a Sabertooth: M 3/2 - Lvl 225 Day 3416, 09:20:48: Pappy uploaded a Tek Raptor: Tek Raptor - Lvl 212 Day 3416, 09:21:08: Pappy uploaded a Raptor: squeeky - Lvl 198 Day 3416, 09:21:24: Pappy uploaded a Sabertooth: Guard - Lvl 206 Day 3416, 09:21:46: Pappy uploaded a Tek Raptor: tekkie mang - Lvl 230 Day 3416, 09:21:57: Pappy uploaded a Sabertooth: Guard - Lvl 206 Day 3416, 09:22:13: Pappy uploaded a Raptor: Raptor - Lvl 188 Day 3416, 09:22:28: Pappy uploaded a Sabertooth: Sabertooth - Lvl 208 Day 3416, 09:22:47: Pappy uploaded a Sabertooth: F 1/1 - Lvl 244 Day 3416, 09:22:59: Pappy uploaded a Sabertooth: Guard - Lvl 248 Day 3416, 09:23:14: Pappy uploaded a Rex: Aunt Jemima - Lvl 269 Day 3416, 09:23:40: Pappy uploaded a Sabertooth: F 3/2 - Lvl 225 Day 3416, 09:23:53: Pappy uploaded a Tek Raptor: bebboooo - Lvl 91 Day 3416, 09:24:11: Pappy uploaded a Rex: fem 145 - Lvl 233 Day 3416, 09:33:15: Pappy uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Cinders - Lvl 286 Day 3416, 16:21:20: Pappy downloaded a dino: ## Amber ## - Lvl 257 Day 3416, 16:27:31: Pappy uploaded a Pteranodon: ## Amber ## - Lvl 257 Day 3416, 16:34:36: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 3416, 17:18:35: Pappy uploaded a Otter: Otter - Lvl 37 Day 3416, 17:18:48: Pappy uploaded a Ice Wyvern: The Cold One - Lvl 226 Day 3416, 17:19:00: Pappy uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Spark - Lvl 311 Day 3416, 18:07:37: Pappy uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Raiden - Lvl 265 Day 3417, 17:48:14: Ember downloaded a dino: Cindy - Lvl 172 Day 3417, 17:52:07: Pappy downloaded a dino: Raiden - Lvl 265 Day 3417, 20:16:09: Pappy uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Raiden - Lvl 267 Day 3417, 20:18:51: Ember uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Cindy - Lvl 201 Day 3419, 15:18:43: Pappy downloaded a dino: Durnehviir Bloodwing - Lvl 198 Day 3419, 20:04:24: Pappy claimed 'Spino - Lvl 255 (Spino)'! Day 3419, 20:04:34: Pappy claimed 'birby - Lvl 286 (Argentavis)'! Day 3419, 21:47:23: Pappy uploaded a Spino: Spino - Lvl 256 Day 3419, 21:50:04: Pappy uploaded a Argentavis: birby - Lvl 286 Day 3419, 22:16:01: Pappy uploaded a Poison Wyvern: Durnehviir Bloodwing - Lvl 200 Day 3476, 06:55:52: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3516, 02:20:26: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3638, 21:53:18: Kloppy - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Kloppy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jelly Farmer - Lvl 83 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 3638, 21:56:36: Kloppy - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Kloppy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 256 (Megalodon)'! Day 3638, 22:13:57: Kloppy - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Kloppy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fatts - Lvl 223 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 3675, 16:44:29: Your F 2/1 - Lvl 226 (Sabertooth) was killed! Day 3889, 19:33:31: lukonio - Lvl 11 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 3930, 04:26:44: Pappy - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Walter - Lvl 111 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 4562, 07:22:44: Kloppy - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Kloppy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'tHE STOMACHE - Lvl 267 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 6001, 16:41:07: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 135! Day 6001, 22:14:13: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 140! Day 6002, 10:07:48: Pappy claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 6002, 10:16:56: Pappy claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 6003, 01:11:25: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 6014, 22:07:08: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 6015, 00:02:14: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 15! Day 6015, 05:34:21: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 25! Day 6015, 05:53:00: Pappy claimed 'Batboat (Motorboat)'! Day 6015, 12:39:02: Pappy Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur)! Day 6015, 14:11:39: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 30 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 95! Day 6015, 17:55:00: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)! Day 6015, 18:59:54: Pappy claimed '[JOE] P-Tip - Lvl 227 (Raptor)'! Day 6015, 19:00:42: Pappy claimed '[JAM] Harry - Lvl 161 (Raptor)'! Day 6016, 01:10:40: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 136 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 6016, 05:35:41: Your [JOE] P-Tip - Lvl 238 (Raptor) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 6016, 06:39:47: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 25! Day 6016, 09:25:09: Pappy claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 6017, 22:20:48: Tribemember Ember - Lvl 105 was killed by an Arthropluera - Lvl 20! Day 6018, 08:22:35: Tribemember Ember - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 6018, 14:20:33: Tribemember Ember - Lvl 105 was killed by an Ice Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 6019, 05:47:05: Pappy claimed 'Ptéra Rebuzzi - Lvl 278 (Pteranodon)'! Day 6019, 05:47:40: Pappy claimed 'Ptera Gauthier - Lvl 275 (Pteranodon)'! Day 6019, 06:14:51: Ember uploaded a Pteranodon: Ptéra Rebuzzi - Lvl 280 Day 6019, 06:17:08: Ember uploaded a Pteranodon: Ptera Gauthier - Lvl 276 Day 6019, 06:21:41: Ember uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Thor - Lvl 189 Day 6044, 18:47:51: Pappy claimed 'Sandcast - Lvl 274 (Sarco)'! Day 6044, 19:14:02: Pappy uploaded a Sarco: Sandcast - Lvl 276 Day 6044, 19:42:38: Pappy downloaded a dino: Thor - Lvl 240 Day 6045, 08:59:45: Pappy claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 201 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 6045, 09:03:32: Pappy froze Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 201 (Thylacoleo) Day 6045, 13:10:03: Pappy uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Thor - Lvl 240 Day 6065, 11:00:24: Pappy downloaded a dino: Thor - Lvl 247 Day 6065, 11:00:40: Pappy downloaded a dino: F Owl Breeder - Lvl 209 Day 6066, 17:04:22: Pappy uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Thor - Lvl 256 Day 6066, 18:07:36: Ember uploaded a Snow Owl: F Owl Breeder - Lvl 261 Day 6083, 05:20:55: Tribemember Ember - Lvl 117 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 90! Day 6083, 09:19:58: Ember downloaded a dino: Bobbeh - Lvl 243 Day 6083, 19:06:00: Tribemember Ember - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 6083, 20:09:09: Tribemember Ember - Lvl 122 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 140! Day 6083, 22:18:01: Tribemember Ember - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 6084, 04:39:10: Ember uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Bobbeh - Lvl 257 Day 6084, 13:58:43: Ember downloaded a dino: Bobbeh - Lvl 272 Day 6085, 08:30:49: Ember Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 74 (Dung Beetle)! Day 6085, 09:01:27: Ember uploaded a Dung Beetle: Shity - Lvl 74 Day 6085, 13:09:04: Tribemember Ember - Lvl 122 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 160! Day 6085, 13:48:21: Tribemember Ember - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 6085, 14:53:45: Tribemember Ember - Lvl 122 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 20! Day 6085, 15:10:29: Tribemember Ember - Lvl 122 was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 25! Day 6085, 15:59:50: Ember claimed '190 - Lvl 285 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 6086, 04:13:37: Ember unclaimed '190 - Lvl 287 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 6086, 05:47:16: Ember uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Bobbeh - Lvl 279 Day 6090, 03:05:57: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6104, 04:16:23: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6104, 04:16:23: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6115, 13:41:20: Ember downloaded a dino: Bobbeh - Lvl 279 Day 6116, 00:09:03: Ember uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Bobbeh - Lvl 284 Day 6126, 11:05:31: Ember downloaded a dino: Bobbeh - Lvl 285 Day 6126, 14:10:29: Ember uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Bobbeh - Lvl 285 Day 6126, 18:05:47: Ember downloaded a dino: Bobbeh - Lvl 285 Day 6126, 23:35:30: Ember uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Bobbeh - Lvl 285 Day 6126, 23:43:04: Ember downloaded a dino: Bobbeh - Lvl 285 Day 6127, 00:43:10: Ember uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Bobbeh - Lvl 285 Day 6159, 12:20:28: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6233, 11:58:43: Your [JAM] Harry - Lvl 167 (Raptor) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 6359, 16:40:38: DuoMog - Lvl 152 (Tribe of rrran) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 6426, 13:53:50: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6467, 05:18:27: Pappy froze F Owl Breeder - Lvl 287 (Snow Owl) Day 6819, 09:09:36: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7433, 01:44:11: Mr. DeVoid - Lvl 122 (Mother of Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 8523, 14:34:32: Kloppy - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Kloppy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Batboat (Motorboat)'! Day 10350, 18:33:24: Pappy downloaded a dino: Ice Wyvern - Lvl 86 Day 10350, 20:35:47: Your Ice Wyvern - Lvl 86 (Ice Wyvern) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 150! Day 10350, 23:56:50: Pappy claimed '[J] - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon)'! Day 10351, 06:46:30: Your [J] - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 160! Day 10351, 06:47:27: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 10351, 07:49:04: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 10438, 05:49:27: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10505, 11:49:10: Pappy claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10505, 11:51:19: Pappy froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10505, 17:32:45: Pappy claimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 230 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 10505, 17:35:02: Pappy claimed 'Pop - Lvl 254 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10505, 17:53:16: Pappy claimed 'Snap - Lvl 258 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 10505, 18:03:20: Pappy froze Snap - Lvl 258 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10505, 18:05:54: Pappy froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 230 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10505, 18:07:13: Pappy claimed 'Scrapper - Lvl 293 (Argentavis)'! Day 10505, 18:10:52: Pappy froze Scrapper - Lvl 293 (Argentavis) Day 10505, 18:12:53: Pappy froze Pop - Lvl 254 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10505, 18:13:54: Pappy claimed 'Wee Cracker (190) - Lvl 340 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 10505, 18:17:07: Pappy froze Wee Cracker (190) - Lvl 340 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10505, 18:18:19: Pappy claimed '185-3 - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 10505, 18:20:17: Pappy froze 185-3 - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10505, 18:21:10: Pappy claimed '185-2 - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 10505, 18:23:20: Pappy froze 185-2 - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10505, 18:24:17: Pappy claimed 'Tribe Ride 3 - Lvl 277 (Argentavis)'! Day 10505, 18:26:03: Pappy froze Tribe Ride 3 - Lvl 277 (Argentavis) Day 10505, 18:28:01: Pappy claimed '185-1 - Lvl 280 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 10505, 18:31:04: Pappy froze 185-1 - Lvl 280 (Ice Wyvern) Day 10505, 19:15:38: Pappy froze DON'T TOUCH - Lvl 327 (Snow Owl) Day 18258, 03:22:57: Pappy downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 Day 18258, 08:39:17: Pappy uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 211 Day 18348, 11:58:42: Pappy Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle)! Day 18348, 12:02:15: Pappy froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle) Day 18348, 18:53:27: Pappy Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle)! Day 18348, 19:32:43: Pappy froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle) Day 18348, 20:28:26: Pappy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 188 (Snow Owl) Day 18427, 17:36:39: Pappy Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 217 (Doedicurus)! Day 18427, 17:39:54: Pappy froze Doedicurus - Lvl 217 (Doedicurus) Day 18427, 18:56:23: Pappy froze Lightning Wyvern 2 - Lvl 238 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18518, 23:29:14: Feel My Hijack was added to the Tribe by Pappy! Day 18519, 06:51:50: Pappy Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 18519, 07:13:41: Feel My Hijack froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18519, 08:00:39: Feel My Hijack froze Sunny-D - Lvl 257 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18519, 08:00:45: Pappy froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 243 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18602, 14:25:49: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 18602, 15:48:02: Pappy froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 257 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18603, 07:57:50: Pappy Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 18603, 08:22:49: Pappy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18603, 08:45:32: Pappy froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 257 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18606, 07:29:46: Feel My Hijack froze Next-Day Delivery - Lvl 257 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19005, 06:36:26: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19107, 11:18:52: Your 'Adobe Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19201, 04:02:32: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1591162487,"tribe":"Mafia logs":["Day 17309, 12:40:17: Brooksyyy was added to the Tribe! Day 17309, 14:47:51: Brooksyyy Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 74 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 17310, 01:24:00: Brooksyyy Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 29 (Raptor)! Day 17310, 17:04:21: Tribemember Brooksyyy - Lvl 37 was killed! Day 17321, 20:01:25: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)! Day 17322, 00:12:42: Brooksyyy claimed 'Jock - Lvl 210 (Pteranodon)'! Day 17322, 00:21:31: Brooksyyy claimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 234 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 17322, 00:54:12: Brooksyyy claimed 'Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex)'! Day 17322, 01:00:27: Brooksyyy claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 263 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 17322, 01:17:39: Brooksyyy claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17322, 03:46:28: Brooksyyy claimed 'Metal - Lvl 294 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 17322, 03:46:49: Brooksyyy claimed 'F Metal - Lvl 323 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 17322, 06:13:55: Brooksyyy froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 17322, 09:01:19: Brooksyyy froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 17322, 11:46:36: Brooksyyy froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 17322, 11:48:58: Brooksyyy froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 17322, 11:50:42: Brooksyyy froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 17322, 11:56:13: Brooksyyy froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 17322, 13:14:23: Brooksyyy froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 17322, 14:40:28: Brooksyyy froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 17323, 08:43:14: Brooksyyy claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis)'! Day 17323, 18:11:37: Brooksyyy claimed 'snowflake - Lvl 363 (Pteranodon)'! Day 17323, 18:14:01: Brooksyyy froze snowflake - Lvl 363 (Pteranodon) Day 17336, 01:26:55: Tribemember Brooksyyy - Lvl 72 was killed! Day 17338, 07:28:13: Brooksyyy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 138 (Pteranodon) Day 17363, 12:55:20: Your Sherman - Lvl 44 (Raptor) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 17363, 15:18:42: Brooksyyy claimed 'giga - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 17363, 18:52:25: Brooksyyy demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 17364, 10:53:08: Brooksyyy froze giga - Lvl 310 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17374, 06:03:32: Tribemember Brooksyyy - Lvl 94 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 15! Day 17374, 07:19:12: Tribemember Brooksyyy - Lvl 94 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 85! Day 17374, 07:23:30: Tribemember Brooksyyy - Lvl 94 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 17374, 07:58:01: Brooksyyy froze Jock - Lvl 212 (Pteranodon) Day 17374, 14:46:05: Brooksyyy claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 182 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 17374, 15:14:51: Brooksyyy claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17374, 15:15:21: Brooksyyy claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 133 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17374, 15:15:41: Brooksyyy claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17374, 15:16:08: Brooksyyy claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17374, 15:16:44: Brooksyyy claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17374, 15:17:09: Brooksyyy claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 138 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17374, 16:59:53: Brooksyyy froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 182 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17374, 17:02:16: Brooksyyy froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 182 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17374, 17:52:15: Brooksyyy froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 138 (Deinonychus) Day 17374, 18:00:07: Brooksyyy froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) Day 17374, 20:28:54: Brooksyyy froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) Day 17374, 20:33:45: Brooksyyy froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) Day 17374, 20:52:58: Brooksyyy froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 138 (Deinonychus) Day 17375, 01:15:54: Brooksyyy froze Adolescent R-Snow Owl - Lvl 182 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17381, 08:01:04: Brooksyyy claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 17381, 08:03:42: Brooksyyy froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17381, 09:13:09: Brooksyyy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 17381, 09:15:22: Brooksyyy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 17381, 14:23:16: Brooksyyy froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17381, 14:38:43: Brooksyyy froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 17390, 18:43:21: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 79 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 45! Day 17405, 18:56:05: Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) starved to death! Day 17481, 19:36:38: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 08:28:32: Your 'Plant Species X' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17714, 20:11:14: Brooksyyy's 'Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17768, 14:54:27: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 188 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 17779, 08:59:02: Ugg - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Ugg) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 17787, 23:42:29: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17787, 23:42:29: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17789, 07:53:10: Zenalis - Lvl 161 (Miki's Legacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 17789, 07:59:27: Zenalis - Lvl 161 (Miki's Legacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 290 (Rex)'! Day 17789, 08:06:58: Zenalis - Lvl 161 (Miki's Legacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 312 (Argentavis)'! Day 17789, 08:09:59: Zenalis - Lvl 161 (Miki's Legacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F Metal - Lvl 324 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 17789, 08:11:49: Zenalis - Lvl 161 (Miki's Legacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Metal - Lvl 294 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 17789, 08:15:30: Zenalis - Lvl 161 (Miki's Legacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 328 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 17789, 08:27:37: Zenalis - Lvl 161 (Miki's Legacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17789, 08:28:55: Zenalis - Lvl 161 (Miki's Legacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17789, 08:29:14: Zenalis - Lvl 161 (Miki's Legacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17789, 08:29:38: Zenalis - Lvl 161 (Miki's Legacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 142 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17789, 08:31:23: Zenalis - Lvl 161 (Miki's Legacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17955, 23:08:44: Lavender - Lvl 47 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jock - Lvl 212 (Pteranodon)'! Day 17976, 03:12:34: Anurama - Lvl 141 (Irrenanstalt) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 138 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18031, 18:13:27: Your 'Automated Turret' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18031, 18:13:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18031, 18:13:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18031, 18:13:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18031, 18:13:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18031, 18:13:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18031, 18:13:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18031, 18:13:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18031, 18:13:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18031, 18:13:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18031, 18:13:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18031, 18:13:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18031, 18:13:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18031, 18:13:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18310, 20:48:15: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18310, 20:48:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18310, 20:48:15: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18310, 20:48:15: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18310, 20:48:15: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18310, 20:48:15: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18310, 20:48:15: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18310, 20:48:15: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18310, 20:48:15: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18310, 20:48:15: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18310, 20:48:15: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18310, 20:48:15: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18310, 20:48:15: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18310, 20:48:15: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19022, 22:01:55: Tribemember Brooksyyy - Lvl 97 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 100!"] "tribeid":1589731949,"tribe":"Tribe of DuoMog logs":["Day 31433, 19:43:25: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 31433, 21:34:34: DuoMog claimed 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 39 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 31433, 23:48:33: DuoMog claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 31434, 02:43:01: DuoMog froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 102 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31434, 02:46:49: DuoMog froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 39 (Lystrosaurus) Day 31434, 02:50:50: DuoMog froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) Day 31434, 03:00:04: DuoMog froze Hector - Lvl 227 (Parasaur) Day 31434, 03:04:45: DuoMog froze Anke - Lvl 257 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31434, 03:08:47: DuoMog froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 80 (Dung Beetle) Day 31435, 09:04:06: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32311, 21:22:08: AmberSpectre - Lvl 69 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 32319, 09:52:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1587640760,"tribe":"Tribe of J~LuckyJoe2022 logs":["Day 23124, 21:53:35: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23126, 19:46:32: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23127, 05:01:10: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23127, 10:55:13: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23127, 14:30:08: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23127, 21:06:26: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23128, 19:06:15: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23129, 00:51:16: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23129, 05:21:51: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed by a Doedicurus - Lvl 50! Day 23129, 10:18:49: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23129, 15:31:44: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23130, 06:37:43: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 55! Day 23130, 12:06:54: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23130, 15:26:33: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 23130, 19:40:04: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: Dire Bear - Lvl 194 Day 23130, 19:41:25: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: Dire Bear - Lvl 217 Day 23130, 19:42:21: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: Dire Bear - Lvl 209 Day 23130, 19:43:53: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 204 Day 23130, 19:44:35: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 183 Day 23130, 19:45:38: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 185 Day 23130, 19:49:54: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 201 Day 23130, 19:50:47: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: Woolly Rhino - Lvl 194 Day 23130, 19:51:38: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: 42 M - Lvl 221 Day 23130, 19:55:25: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 185 (Pteranodon) Day 23130, 19:59:06: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Woolly Rhino - Lvl 194 (Woolly Rhino) Day 23130, 20:03:07: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Dire Bear - Lvl 209 (Dire Bear) Day 23130, 20:06:56: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 183 (Pteranodon) Day 23130, 20:13:24: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Dire Bear - Lvl 194 (Dire Bear) Day 23130, 20:16:55: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear) Day 23130, 20:20:32: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon) Day 23130, 20:24:42: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon) Day 23130, 22:20:23: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23132, 00:05:54: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: 37H 42M - Lvl 286 Day 23132, 00:06:47: Could not find Spawn Location for Rex, Destroying... Day 23132, 00:19:05: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 37H 42M - Lvl 286 (Rex) Day 23132, 00:21:41: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: Rex - Lvl 262 Day 23132, 00:28:15: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Rex - Lvl 262 (Rex) Day 23132, 00:45:58: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: Rex - Lvl 213 Day 23132, 00:47:24: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: 40 M - Lvl 224 Day 23132, 00:48:46: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: 35 HP - Lvl 217 Day 23132, 00:53:29: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: 39 W 35 S - Lvl 217 Day 23132, 00:55:22: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 264 Day 23132, 00:56:23: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 295 Day 23132, 00:57:48: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 202 Day 23132, 00:58:51: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 272 Day 23132, 01:00:03: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 213 Day 23132, 01:13:02: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 202 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23132, 01:17:53: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 23132, 01:21:45: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Maewing - Lvl 264 (Maewing) Day 23132, 01:25:26: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 39 W 35 S - Lvl 217 (Baryonyx) Day 23132, 01:32:47: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 40 M - Lvl 224 (Baryonyx) Day 23132, 01:37:52: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Maewing - Lvl 213 (Maewing) Day 23132, 01:43:23: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 272 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23132, 01:48:38: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 35 HP - Lvl 217 (Baryonyx) Day 23132, 01:52:17: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 295 (Tek Parasaur) Day 23132, 01:56:09: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 203 Day 23132, 01:57:10: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 210 Day 23132, 01:58:24: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 210 Day 23132, 01:59:19: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 258 Day 23132, 02:02:05: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: 40H 37S 34W - Lvl 217 Day 23132, 02:10:44: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 210 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23132, 02:14:45: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 295 (Tek Parasaur) Day 23132, 02:18:34: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 258 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23132, 02:23:19: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 203 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23132, 02:26:54: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 210 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23132, 05:11:49: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 135! Day 23132, 10:27:16: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 210 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23132, 10:30:02: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 203 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23132, 10:32:45: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 258 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23132, 10:35:49: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 210 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23132, 10:38:32: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 35 HP - Lvl 217 (Baryonyx) Day 23132, 10:41:19: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear) Day 23132, 10:43:58: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Woolly Rhino - Lvl 194 (Woolly Rhino) Day 23132, 10:46:53: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon) Day 23132, 10:49:40: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon) Day 23132, 10:52:24: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Dire Bear - Lvl 209 (Dire Bear) Day 23132, 10:56:08: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 183 (Pteranodon) Day 23132, 11:00:53: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Dire Bear - Lvl 194 (Dire Bear) Day 23132, 11:04:32: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 185 (Pteranodon) Day 23132, 11:09:07: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Maewing - Lvl 264 (Maewing) Day 23132, 11:13:01: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 37H 42M - Lvl 286 (Rex) Day 23132, 11:16:40: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Rex - Lvl 262 (Rex) Day 23132, 11:20:15: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 23132, 11:23:27: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 202 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23132, 11:27:04: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 40 M - Lvl 224 (Baryonyx) Day 23132, 11:31:44: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 39 W 35 S - Lvl 217 (Baryonyx) Day 23132, 11:35:15: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 272 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23132, 11:38:53: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Maewing - Lvl 213 (Maewing) Day 23132, 11:42:50: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Woolly Rhino - Lvl 224 (Woolly Rhino) Day 23132, 11:46:17: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 23132, 11:54:48: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Argentavis - Lvl 318 (Argentavis) Day 23132, 12:01:42: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 42 M - Lvl 221 (Sinomacrops) Day 23132, 12:05:28: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 40H 37S 34W - Lvl 217 (Sinomacrops) Day 23132, 12:47:30: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Woolly Rhino - Lvl 224 (Woolly Rhino) Day 23132, 12:56:00: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Bennson - Lvl 271 (Woolly Rhino) Day 23132, 13:21:56: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Bennson - Lvl 271 (Woolly Rhino) Day 23132, 19:11:00: J~LuckyJoe2022 demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 23132, 19:18:09: J~LuckyJoe2022 demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 23132, 19:20:07: J~LuckyJoe2022 demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 23132, 19:21:30: J~LuckyJoe2022 demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 23132, 19:26:10: J~LuckyJoe2022 demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 23132, 19:27:22: J~LuckyJoe2022 demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 23132, 19:29:06: J~LuckyJoe2022 demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 23132, 19:30:12: J~LuckyJoe2022 demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 23132, 21:40:49: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 320 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23133, 04:07:00: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23133, 04:44:40: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 320 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23133, 06:54:06: J~LuckyJoe2022 Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 209 (Mammoth)! Day 23133, 07:00:28: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Mammoth - Lvl 209 (Mammoth) Day 23133, 08:42:33: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23133, 13:57:46: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Mammoth - Lvl 214 (Mammoth) Day 23134, 00:21:48: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Mammoth - Lvl 219 (Mammoth) Day 23146, 00:03:21: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Mammoth - Lvl 219 (Mammoth) Day 23146, 00:47:44: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23146, 01:29:47: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 320 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23146, 19:44:45: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 320 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23146, 20:16:18: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 60! Day 23146, 22:39:09: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Argentavis - Lvl 318 (Argentavis) Day 23147, 04:08:32: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 279 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23147, 04:16:57: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 262 Day 23147, 04:17:38: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 233 Day 23147, 04:18:28: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: Sinomacrops - Lvl 226 Day 23147, 04:19:23: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: Baryonyx - Lvl 239 Day 23147, 04:21:02: J~LuckyJoe2022 uploaded a R-Thylacoleo: R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 262 Day 23147, 04:22:11: J~LuckyJoe2022 uploaded a Maewing: Maewing - Lvl 233 Day 23147, 04:23:32: J~LuckyJoe2022 uploaded a Sinomacrops: Sinomacrops - Lvl 226 Day 23147, 04:24:48: J~LuckyJoe2022 uploaded a Baryonyx: Baryonyx - Lvl 239 Day 23147, 17:03:57: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 279 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23148, 03:53:35: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Griffin - Lvl 217 (Griffin) Day 23148, 11:27:38: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 40 M - Lvl 224 (Baryonyx) Day 23148, 12:44:19: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 279 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23148, 19:39:36: J~LuckyJoe2022 Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus)! Day 23148, 19:48:59: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus) Day 23148, 20:20:27: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 40 M - Lvl 271 (Baryonyx) Day 23149, 00:17:12: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 280 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23149, 23:10:53: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: Baryonyx - Lvl 239 Day 23149, 23:11:52: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 279 Day 23149, 23:16:27: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 279 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23149, 23:22:17: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baryonyx - Lvl 239 (Baryonyx) Day 23150, 03:00:14: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23150, 11:39:40: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Doedicurus - Lvl 261 (Doedicurus) Day 23150, 19:53:59: J~LuckyJoe2022 Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)! Day 23150, 19:57:28: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 23151, 06:20:00: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23151, 08:01:24: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus) Day 23151, 08:50:19: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 320 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23151, 09:51:37: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 322 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23151, 10:36:08: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 322 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23151, 11:23:51: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus) Day 23151, 11:24:22: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 23151, 12:38:19: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus) Day 23151, 15:36:54: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23152, 11:07:08: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23153, 09:42:55: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23153, 09:54:24: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) Day 23155, 17:08:48: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baryonyx - Lvl 239 (Baryonyx) Day 23156, 00:30:30: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23156, 14:16:34: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) Day 23156, 18:44:55: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23156, 19:14:30: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 23156, 21:49:57: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 23156, 23:44:27: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) Day 23157, 00:27:18: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 40 M - Lvl 283 (Baryonyx) Day 23157, 12:22:40: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 262 Day 23157, 12:23:16: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 233 Day 23157, 12:24:00: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: Sinomacrops - Lvl 226 Day 23157, 12:28:16: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Maewing - Lvl 233 (Maewing) Day 23157, 12:31:44: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 226 (Sinomacrops) Day 23157, 12:35:13: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 262 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23157, 12:47:04: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 322 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23157, 13:05:37: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 322 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23157, 14:48:53: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Griffin - Lvl 240 (Griffin) Day 23157, 14:59:22: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23169, 12:56:35: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex)'! Day 23169, 13:07:45: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex)'! Day 23169, 15:39:34: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Griffin - Lvl 252 (Griffin) Day 23169, 16:24:29: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 23169, 17:38:07: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 23169, 18:05:02: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 185 (Pteranodon) Day 23169, 18:09:29: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 183 (Pteranodon) Day 23169, 18:12:58: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon) Day 23169, 18:16:55: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon) Day 23169, 18:44:50: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 40 M - Lvl 283 (Baryonyx) Day 23169, 19:42:15: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 39 W 35 S - Lvl 217 (Baryonyx) Day 23169, 19:45:57: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 35 HP - Lvl 217 (Baryonyx) Day 23169, 20:02:33: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 258 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23169, 22:20:41: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 23170, 04:15:31: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23170, 04:27:36: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 23170, 04:32:04: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 23170, 17:57:40: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23170, 23:07:53: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 324 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23170, 23:43:34: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 23171, 04:45:21: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23171, 06:07:51: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 324 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23171, 07:30:43: J~LuckyJoe2022 uploaded a R-Thylacoleo: Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 324 Day 23171, 09:53:37: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 23171, 10:00:30: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 23171, 13:09:00: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 23171, 14:42:40: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 27S - Lvl 194 (Woolly Rhino) Day 23171, 15:32:41: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 34H 39W 46M - Lvl 224 (Woolly Rhino) Day 23171, 17:16:29: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Woolly Rhino - Lvl 222 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 23171, 17:28:50: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby Woolly Rhino - Lvl 222 (Woolly Rhino) Day 23171, 17:35:35: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 27S - Lvl 194 (Woolly Rhino) Day 23171, 17:54:41: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 186 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23171, 17:57:47: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 186 (Pteranodon) Day 23171, 18:40:50: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis)'! Day 23171, 18:43:43: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 23171, 19:01:24: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23171, 19:05:51: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon) Day 23171, 19:09:32: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23171, 19:12:24: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon) Day 23171, 19:13:39: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 216 (Baryonyx)'! Day 23171, 19:17:47: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 216 (Baryonyx) Day 23171, 19:22:29: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 23171, 19:28:37: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 23171, 23:57:21: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 23172, 00:06:59: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 23172, 00:12:13: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 40H 37S 34W - Lvl 217 (Sinomacrops) Day 23172, 00:22:14: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 42 M - Lvl 221 (Sinomacrops) Day 23172, 02:58:57: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 219 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 23172, 03:05:04: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 219 (Sinomacrops) Day 23172, 03:41:07: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex)'! Day 23172, 03:41:39: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23172, 04:01:24: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 23172, 05:35:17: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 37H 33S - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear) Day 23172, 07:00:49: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 35M - Lvl 194 (Dire Bear) Day 23172, 07:04:10: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 37W - Lvl 209 (Dire Bear) Day 23172, 07:04:45: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Dire Bear - Lvl 235 (Dire Bear)'! Day 23172, 07:07:23: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby Dire Bear - Lvl 235 (Dire Bear) Day 23172, 07:08:20: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Dire Bear - Lvl 212 (Dire Bear)'! Day 23172, 07:11:10: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby Dire Bear - Lvl 212 (Dire Bear) Day 23172, 14:57:48: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Bennson - Lvl 283 (Woolly Rhino) Day 23173, 07:48:24: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 186 (Pteranodon) Day 23173, 08:06:18: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23173, 13:45:15: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon) Day 23173, 13:53:11: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon) Day 23173, 13:58:30: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 186 (Pteranodon) Day 23173, 16:29:32: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 95! Day 23173, 22:38:56: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Bennson - Lvl 283 (Woolly Rhino) Day 23173, 23:08:51: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Woolly Rhino - Lvl 222 (Woolly Rhino) Day 23173, 23:39:58: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Juvenile Dire Bear - Lvl 235 (Dire Bear) Day 23174, 02:43:18: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 40 M - Lvl 283 (Baryonyx) Day 23174, 03:05:54: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 204 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23174, 03:55:55: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baryonyx - Lvl 295 (Baryonyx) Day 23174, 04:22:16: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Rex - Lvl 262 (Rex) Day 23174, 04:44:04: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon) Day 23174, 05:03:57: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 191 (Pteranodon) Day 23174, 05:09:34: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon) Day 23174, 05:17:26: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 213 (Pteranodon) Day 23174, 06:01:48: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) Day 23174, 06:23:43: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 248 (Basilosaurus) Day 23174, 07:22:31: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Rex - Lvl 280 (Rex) Day 23174, 07:30:51: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon) Day 23174, 07:35:07: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 213 (Pteranodon) Day 23174, 08:25:58: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 191 (Pteranodon) Day 23174, 08:32:49: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 213 (Pteranodon) Day 23174, 10:02:41: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 23174, 14:45:37: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Adolescent Dire Bear - Lvl 212 (Dire Bear) Day 23174, 14:49:05: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Adolescent Dire Bear - Lvl 212 (Dire Bear) Day 23174, 14:53:10: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Adolescent Dire Bear - Lvl 235 (Dire Bear) Day 23174, 14:58:06: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 23174, 15:01:41: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 23174, 15:05:10: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 23174, 17:28:00: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Dire Bear - Lvl 235 (Dire Bear) Day 23174, 17:34:02: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Dire Bear - Lvl 212 (Dire Bear) Day 23174, 18:50:16: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23175, 02:54:07: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 23175, 03:12:03: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 23175, 08:46:22: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 324 Day 23175, 08:55:39: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 324 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23175, 09:30:13: J~LuckyJoe2022 uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 319 Day 23175, 09:55:42: J~LuckyJoe2022 downloaded a dino: Argentavis - Lvl 319 Day 23175, 09:56:49: J~LuckyJoe2022 uploaded a Griffin: Griffin - Lvl 252 Day 23175, 10:00:29: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Argentavis - Lvl 319 (Argentavis) Day 23180, 22:36:51: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 282 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23181, 09:36:22: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 287 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23191, 20:34:50: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 226 (Sinomacrops) Day 23191, 22:51:19: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Maewing - Lvl 282 (Maewing) Day 23195, 07:02:12: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Maewing - Lvl 286 (Maewing) Day 23195, 08:54:48: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 307 (Tek Parasaur) Day 23195, 09:04:24: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Argentavis - Lvl 280 (Argentavis) Day 23195, 15:02:56: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 284 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23203, 20:53:37: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Desmodus - Lvl 212 (Desmodus) Day 23204, 15:13:21: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Desmodus - Lvl 212 (Desmodus) Day 23246, 08:02:32: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 36W 35M - Lvl 237 (Desmodus) Day 23250, 21:38:16: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 23263, 10:27:24: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Maewing - Lvl 301 (Maewing) Day 23263, 19:36:39: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 282 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23264, 03:09:17: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 23264, 03:21:25: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 282 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23264, 14:56:25: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Griffin - Lvl 274 (Griffin) Day 23264, 17:48:50: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 282 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23264, 22:36:36: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 282 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23265, 05:18:41: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 23265, 05:26:17: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 282 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23266, 00:10:14: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Griffin - Lvl 274 (Griffin) Day 23266, 18:45:11: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 282 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23267, 02:53:47: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 282 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23267, 04:09:33: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 282 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23267, 06:41:41: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 213 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23267, 06:47:33: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 282 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23267, 20:40:24: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 282 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23268, 02:28:40: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 218 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23268, 03:06:03: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 282 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23274, 16:11:36: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze All good state 1.2 - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 23274, 18:52:15: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze All good state 1.2 - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 23274, 23:08:44: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze All good state 1.2 - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 23275, 02:21:46: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze All good state 1.2 - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 23275, 04:03:36: J~LuckyJoe2022 demolished a 'Cannon (Locked) '! Day 23275, 08:47:39: J~LuckyJoe2022 Tamed a Rock Elemental - Lvl 122 (Rock Elemental)! Day 23275, 08:52:39: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 122 (Rock Elemental) Day 23275, 08:57:56: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23275, 09:40:29: J~LuckyJoe2022 demolished a 'Metal Triangle Roof'! Day 23275, 11:01:58: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 332 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23275, 11:40:16: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze All good state 1.2 - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 23275, 11:45:00: J~LuckyJoe2022 uploaded a Maewing: Maewing - Lvl 301 Day 23290, 07:59:16: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze All good state 1.2 - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 23290, 11:31:50: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze All good state 1.2 - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 23297, 11:00:40: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 334 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23297, 11:24:24: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 309 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23297, 11:31:20: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 254 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23297, 11:34:43: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 289 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23297, 11:38:27: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 261 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23297, 11:59:51: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 334 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23297, 12:18:52: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze X-Otter - Lvl 205 (X-Otter) Day 23297, 13:41:56: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 334 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23297, 13:52:31: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 254 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23297, 14:13:02: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 261 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23297, 14:23:15: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 334 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23297, 14:36:23: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 334 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23297, 15:58:29: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 334 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23297, 16:21:08: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 334 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23297, 16:45:11: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 261 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23297, 17:16:15: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 261 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23297, 17:47:26: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 334 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23297, 19:14:29: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 334 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23297, 20:23:06: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 334 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23297, 20:59:21: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 309 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23297, 23:45:54: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 334 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23298, 00:09:20: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 334 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23298, 02:12:34: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 335 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23298, 03:14:47: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 335 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23298, 06:59:46: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 309 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23298, 11:08:32: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 262 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23298, 11:51:24: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 310 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23298, 14:09:16: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 335 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23298, 14:39:18: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 310 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23298, 15:02:20: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 335 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23298, 15:36:14: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 310 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23298, 15:58:06: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 310 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23298, 18:54:21: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 335 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23298, 19:34:54: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 310 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23298, 19:37:44: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 262 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23298, 20:21:51: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 335 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23298, 21:53:04: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 335 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23298, 22:23:18: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 310 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23298, 22:40:30: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 335 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23298, 23:48:01: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 262 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23299, 00:31:02: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 335 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23299, 01:05:35: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 310 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23299, 01:28:04: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 310 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23299, 05:01:40: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 335 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23299, 05:24:40: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 335 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23299, 08:31:51: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze X-Otter - Lvl 205 (X-Otter) Day 23299, 09:27:33: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 310 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23299, 09:34:37: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze X-Otter - Lvl 205 (X-Otter) Day 23524, 19:35:46: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 36M - Lvl 209 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23524, 19:50:12: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 338 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23524, 21:41:58: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze All good state 1.2 - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 23528, 17:02:40: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 317 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23629, 17:08:08: J~LuckyJoe2022 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 23629, 17:48:49: J~LuckyJoe2022 unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23863, 05:06:51: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Heal Bird - Lvl 298 (Snow Owl) Day 23886, 21:58:44: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Heal Bird - Lvl 299 (Snow Owl) Day 23886, 22:23:51: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 343 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23887, 01:03:37: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 343 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23887, 01:24:06: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 343 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23887, 01:54:04: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Heal Bird - Lvl 299 (Snow Owl) Day 23887, 07:00:26: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23887, 07:10:40: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Heal Bird - Lvl 299 (Snow Owl) Day 23887, 08:23:47: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 343 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23887, 08:48:02: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23887, 08:48:47: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 23887, 09:30:56: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23887, 09:37:49: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze ChickenWing V1 - Lvl 256 (Fjordhawk) Day 23922, 09:20:38: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 290 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23922, 16:52:31: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 290 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23923, 12:05:19: J~LuckyJoe2022 Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)! Day 23923, 12:25:02: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 36H41W - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 23923, 17:37:15: J~LuckyJoe2022 Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur)! Day 23923, 17:51:26: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 32M - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur) Day 23923, 20:21:56: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 125 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 23923, 21:59:23: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 23924, 02:10:08: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 290 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23924, 03:46:22: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 1 - Lvl 292 (Desmodus) Day 23924, 12:45:57: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze ChickenWing V1 - Lvl 269 (Fjordhawk) Day 23924, 13:06:30: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Griffin - Lvl 317 (Griffin) Day 24791, 10:23:46: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25098, 06:39:40: Your 'Loadout Mannequin' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1584242670,"tribe":"Tribe of Lowkey logs":["Day 27821, 20:16:31: Lowkey was added to the Tribe! Day 27821, 20:25:41: Xejr was added to the Tribe by Lowkey! Day 27823, 05:30:30: Xejr Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 27823, 12:39:28: Xejr Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 27823, 14:53:33: Xejr froze FFA - Lvl 208 (Argentavis) Day 27823, 19:28:05: Tribemember Xejr - Lvl 77 was killed! Day 27823, 21:37:02: Xejr uploaded a Argentavis: MB - H26 - S26 - W28 - Lvl 232 Day 27823, 21:55:11: Lowkey froze Maewing - Lvl 210 (Maewing) Day 27924, 15:34:36: Lowkey froze Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing) Day 28457, 01:31:26: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FFA - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28805, 11:22:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34123, 00:59:33: Tribemember Lowkey - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 34123, 01:59:33: Tribemember Lowkey - Lvl 98 was killed!"] "tribeid":1584125051,"tribe":"BeepodyBop logs":["Day 13871, 19:25:04: BoopadyBoop froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 313 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13872, 07:52:34: BoopadyBoop froze Ovis - Lvl 187 (Ovis) Day 13872, 09:09:39: BoopadyBoop - Lvl 94 requested an Alliance with A Long Ride Tribe. Day 13872, 09:10:49: BoopadyBoop added 'A Long Ride' Tribe to Wyvern and Boop Alliance! Day 13872, 11:26:46: BoopadyBoop froze Both Stats - Lvl 269 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13872, 11:28:31: BoopadyBoop froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 313 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13872, 11:31:05: BoopadyBoop froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 279 (Brontosaurus) Day 13872, 11:33:18: BoopadyBoop froze JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 247 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13872, 11:36:09: BoopadyBoop froze Awesome - Lvl 215 (Brontosaurus) Day 13872, 11:38:22: BoopadyBoop froze Rex - Lvl 152 (Rex) Day 13872, 11:41:36: BoopadyBoop froze Mr. Bean 252 - Lvl 299 (Tek Rex) Day 13872, 11:43:27: BoopadyBoop froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13872, 11:46:28: BoopadyBoop froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 181 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13872, 11:48:59: BoopadyBoop froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13872, 11:56:15: BoopadyBoop froze Tamed at 217 - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 13872, 11:59:15: BoopadyBoop froze Griffin - Lvl 208 (Griffin) Day 13872, 12:02:31: BoopadyBoop froze Tamed at 216 - Lvl 222 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13877, 23:20:00: BoopadyBoop froze Ovis - Lvl 189 (Ovis) Day 13877, 23:24:46: BoopadyBoop froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 13878, 08:48:25: BoopadyBoop Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 13878, 08:50:21: BoopadyBoop froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 13878, 12:11:14: BoopadyBoop Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 13878, 12:13:15: BoopadyBoop froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 13878, 15:21:28: BoopadyBoop froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 13878, 15:23:12: BoopadyBoop froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 13878, 20:05:05: BoopadyBoop froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 280 (Brontosaurus) Day 13879, 11:04:14: BoopadyBoop claimed 'Jhon The Worker - Lvl 174 (Gacha)'! Day 13879, 11:12:29: BoopadyBoop froze Jhon The Worker - Lvl 174 (Gacha) Day 13883, 13:28:51: Your Tribe Tamed a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 24 (Thorny Dragon)! Day 13883, 13:38:15: BoopadyBoop froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 24 (Thorny Dragon) Day 13883, 14:49:26: BoopadyBoop Tamed a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 149 (Thorny Dragon)! Day 13883, 14:52:33: BoopadyBoop froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 149 (Thorny Dragon) Day 13883, 16:23:39: BoopadyBoop Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 223 (Doedicurus)! Day 13883, 17:54:58: BoopadyBoop froze Doedicurus - Lvl 223 (Doedicurus) Day 13884, 00:46:08: BoopadyBoop froze Tamed at 216 - Lvl 222 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13884, 11:55:40: BoopadyBoop Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 224 (Castoroides)! Day 13884, 11:59:25: BoopadyBoop froze Castoroides - Lvl 224 (Castoroides) Day 13884, 13:18:54: BoopadyBoop froze Muy Perfecto - Lvl 247 (Argentavis) Day 13884, 14:43:24: BoopadyBoop froze Jhon The Worker - Lvl 174 (Gacha) Day 13884, 14:49:32: BoopadyBoop froze Both Stats - Lvl 277 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13884, 14:57:35: BoopadyBoop froze JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 273 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13884, 15:23:47: BoopadyBoop froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 97 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13884, 16:14:24: BoopadyBoop froze JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 273 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13884, 17:57:13: BoopadyBoop froze Triceratops - Lvl 256 (Triceratops) Day 13884, 17:58:39: BoopadyBoop froze OL 212 - Lvl 235 (Triceratops) Day 13884, 18:02:47: BoopadyBoop froze Griffin - Lvl 227 (Griffin) Day 13884, 18:04:51: BoopadyBoop froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 24 (Thorny Dragon) Day 13884, 18:06:38: BoopadyBoop froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 13884, 18:08:24: BoopadyBoop froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 13884, 18:10:20: BoopadyBoop froze Pteranodon - Lvl 104 (Pteranodon) Day 13884, 18:12:30: BoopadyBoop froze Ovis - Lvl 240 (Ovis) Day 13884, 18:14:11: BoopadyBoop froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 13884, 18:15:52: BoopadyBoop froze Ovis - Lvl 189 (Ovis) Day 13884, 18:17:49: BoopadyBoop froze Ovis - Lvl 187 (Ovis) Day 13884, 18:20:12: BoopadyBoop froze Ovis - Lvl 187 (Ovis) Day 13884, 18:22:58: BoopadyBoop froze Argentavis - Lvl 246 (Argentavis) Day 13884, 19:36:25: BoopadyBoop Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 170 (Tek Raptor)! Day 13884, 19:41:30: BoopadyBoop froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 170 (Tek Raptor) Day 13884, 21:04:12: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 37 (Dilophosaur)! Day 13884, 22:25:01: BoopadyBoop froze OL 212 - Lvl 242 (Triceratops) Day 13884, 22:28:51: BoopadyBoop froze Triceratops - Lvl 218 (Triceratops) Day 13884, 22:36:23: BoopadyBoop froze Raptor - Lvl 216 (Raptor) Day 13884, 22:41:12: BoopadyBoop froze Pteranodon - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon) Day 13884, 22:53:48: BoopadyBoop froze Pteranodon - Lvl 247 (Pteranodon) Day 13884, 23:04:34: BoopadyBoop froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 151 (Dilophosaur) Day 13884, 23:09:04: BoopadyBoop froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 224 (Dilophosaur) Day 13885, 01:11:39: BoopadyBoop froze Raptor - Lvl 216 (Raptor) Day 13885, 09:13:15: Your Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 276 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 13885, 09:13:15: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) (BeepodyBop)! Day 13885, 09:13:15: Your Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 276 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 13885, 09:13:15: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) (BeepodyBop)! Day 13885, 09:13:16: Your Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 276 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 13885, 09:13:16: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo) (BeepodyBop)! Day 13885, 09:13:18: Your Dodo - Lvl 200 (Dodo) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 276 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 13885, 09:13:18: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 200 (Dodo) (BeepodyBop)! Day 13885, 09:13:18: Your Dodo - Lvl 200 (Dodo) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 276 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 13885, 09:13:18: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 200 (Dodo) (BeepodyBop)! Day 13885, 09:13:21: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 39 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 276 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 13885, 09:13:21: Your Tribe killed Lystrosaurus - Lvl 39 (Lystrosaurus) (BeepodyBop)! Day 13885, 09:13:24: Your Dodo - Lvl 67 (Dodo) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 276 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 13885, 09:13:24: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 67 (Dodo) (BeepodyBop)! Day 13885, 09:13:25: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 135 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 276 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 13885, 09:13:25: Your Tribe killed Lystrosaurus - Lvl 135 (Lystrosaurus) (BeepodyBop)! Day 13885, 09:13:25: Your BippidyBop - Lvl 41 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 276 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 13885, 09:13:25: Your Tribe killed BippidyBop - Lvl 41 (Lystrosaurus) (BeepodyBop)! Day 13885, 09:16:05: BoopadyBoop froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 195 (Lystrosaurus) Day 13885, 18:47:29: BoopadyBoop froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 280 (Brontosaurus) Day 13885, 18:57:49: BoopadyBoop froze Both Stats - Lvl 279 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13885, 19:00:34: BoopadyBoop froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 181 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13885, 19:14:58: BoopadyBoop froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13885, 19:16:57: BoopadyBoop froze Tamed at 217 - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 13885, 19:18:54: BoopadyBoop froze Rex - Lvl 152 (Rex) Day 13885, 19:20:44: BoopadyBoop froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13885, 19:22:39: BoopadyBoop froze Awesome - Lvl 215 (Brontosaurus) Day 13890, 19:47:46: BoopadyBoop froze Triceratops - Lvl 218 (Triceratops) Day 13890, 19:51:03: BoopadyBoop froze Triceratops - Lvl 256 (Triceratops) Day 13891, 07:00:31: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 241 (Doedicurus) Day 13891, 09:25:08: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 241 (Doedicurus) Day 13891, 09:27:01: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 241 (Doedicurus) Day 13891, 11:42:00: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 241 (Doedicurus) Day 13891, 11:44:00: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 241 (Doedicurus) Day 13891, 11:45:52: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 241 (Doedicurus) Day 13891, 11:47:30: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 241 (Doedicurus) Day 13891, 11:49:09: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 241 (Doedicurus) Day 13891, 11:50:48: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 241 (Doedicurus) Day 13891, 14:07:12: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Doedicurus - Lvl 241 (Doedicurus) Day 13891, 14:08:51: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Doedicurus - Lvl 241 (Doedicurus) Day 13891, 16:17:54: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Doedicurus - Lvl 240 (Doedicurus) Day 13891, 16:19:43: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Doedicurus - Lvl 240 (Doedicurus) Day 13891, 16:21:36: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Doedicurus - Lvl 240 (Doedicurus) Day 13891, 16:23:11: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Doedicurus - Lvl 240 (Doedicurus) Day 13891, 16:24:53: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Doedicurus - Lvl 240 (Doedicurus) Day 13891, 16:26:41: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Doedicurus - Lvl 240 (Doedicurus) Day 13891, 16:28:32: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Doedicurus - Lvl 241 (Doedicurus) Day 13891, 18:40:26: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Doedicurus - Lvl 240 (Doedicurus) Day 13892, 05:32:04: BoopadyBoop claimed 'Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 248 (Doedicurus)'! Day 13892, 05:58:53: BoopadyBoop froze Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 248 (Doedicurus) Day 13892, 10:09:49: BoopadyBoop claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 223 (Argentavis)'! Day 13892, 10:11:26: BoopadyBoop froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 223 (Argentavis) Day 13892, 10:52:04: BoopadyBoop claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis)'! Day 13892, 10:53:45: BoopadyBoop froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 13892, 11:28:50: BoopadyBoop froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 280 (Brontosaurus) Day 13892, 13:30:41: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 13892, 13:50:03: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 248 (Doedicurus) Day 13892, 15:38:36: BoopadyBoop froze Baby Castoroides - Lvl 227 (Castoroides) Day 13892, 15:38:40: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 37 (Dilophosaur) was killed! Day 13892, 15:38:40: Dilophosaur - Lvl 37 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 13892, 15:46:58: BoopadyBoop froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 284 (Brontosaurus) Day 13892, 16:15:15: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 248 (Doedicurus) Day 13892, 17:10:18: BoopadyBoop Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 37 (Pachy)! Day 13892, 17:55:42: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 223 (Argentavis) Day 13892, 18:29:27: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 248 (Doedicurus) Day 13892, 18:31:33: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Castoroides - Lvl 227 (Castoroides) Day 13892, 18:33:58: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Ankylosaurus - Lvl 215 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13892, 18:35:40: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Castoroides - Lvl 227 (Castoroides) Day 13892, 18:37:00: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Ankylosaurus - Lvl 215 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13892, 19:08:49: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 223 (Argentavis) Day 13892, 19:10:15: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 13892, 19:12:17: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 248 (Doedicurus) Day 13892, 19:14:09: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Castoroides - Lvl 227 (Castoroides) Day 13892, 19:18:59: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Ankylosaurus - Lvl 215 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13893, 01:42:12: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 13893, 01:46:44: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 13893, 01:50:57: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 13893, 01:55:14: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 13893, 01:59:30: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 13893, 03:16:59: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Ankylosaurus - Lvl 215 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13893, 03:21:39: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Ankylosaurus - Lvl 215 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13893, 06:04:33: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 223 (Argentavis) Day 13893, 06:13:17: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 13893, 06:14:53: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 13893, 06:16:24: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 13893, 06:18:57: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 13893, 06:23:22: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 13893, 06:44:07: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Castoroides - Lvl 227 (Castoroides) Day 13893, 06:45:51: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Castoroides - Lvl 227 (Castoroides) Day 13893, 06:47:27: BoopadyBoop froze Juvenile Castoroides - Lvl 227 (Castoroides) Day 13893, 08:55:51: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Doedicurus - Lvl 248 (Doedicurus) Day 13893, 08:58:01: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Doedicurus - Lvl 248 (Doedicurus) Day 13893, 09:00:29: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Doedicurus - Lvl 248 (Doedicurus) Day 13893, 09:02:10: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Doedicurus - Lvl 248 (Doedicurus) Day 13893, 09:14:21: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Ankylosaurus - Lvl 215 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13893, 10:50:48: BoopadyBoop froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 13893, 13:32:53: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Castoroides - Lvl 227 (Castoroides) Day 13893, 13:34:31: BoopadyBoop froze Adolescent Castoroides - Lvl 227 (Castoroides) Day 13893, 18:52:42: Your Pachy - Lvl 37 (Pachy) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 13893, 19:01:50: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13893, 19:02:56: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13893, 19:04:21: Your Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 181 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed! Day 13894, 11:09:02: Your Griffin - Lvl 229 (Griffin) was killed by a Kentrosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 14079, 15:49:01: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14080, 13:16:38: Tribemember BoopadyBoop - Lvl 115 was killed! Day 14157, 11:56:05: BoopadyBoop froze Both Stats - Lvl 294 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14157, 11:57:39: BoopadyBoop froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 286 (Brontosaurus) Day 14157, 12:01:03: BoopadyBoop froze JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14157, 12:05:08: BoopadyBoop froze Mr. Bean 252 - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 14157, 12:07:19: BoopadyBoop froze Argentavis - Lvl 246 (Argentavis) Day 14157, 12:09:47: BoopadyBoop froze Ovis - Lvl 187 (Ovis) Day 14157, 12:12:47: BoopadyBoop froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 170 (Tek Raptor) Day 14157, 12:18:01: BoopadyBoop froze Jhon The Worker - Lvl 174 (Gacha) Day 14157, 12:25:04: BoopadyBoop froze Ovis - Lvl 189 (Ovis) Day 14157, 12:27:48: BoopadyBoop froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 14157, 12:31:56: BoopadyBoop froze Ovis - Lvl 240 (Ovis) Day 14157, 12:34:26: BoopadyBoop froze OL 212 - Lvl 235 (Triceratops) Day 14157, 12:36:15: BoopadyBoop froze Ovis - Lvl 187 (Ovis) Day 14157, 12:38:57: Your Thorny Dragon - Lvl 149 (Thorny Dragon) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:38:57: Your Tribe killed Thorny Dragon - Lvl 149 (Thorny Dragon) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:39:54: Your Castoroides - Lvl 237 (Castoroides) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:39:54: Your Tribe killed Castoroides - Lvl 237 (Castoroides) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:40:17: Your Triceratops - Lvl 256 (Triceratops) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:40:17: Your Tribe killed Triceratops - Lvl 256 (Triceratops) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:41:21: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 224 (Dilophosaur) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:41:21: Your Tribe killed Dilophosaur - Lvl 224 (Dilophosaur) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:41:24: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 104 (Pteranodon) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:41:24: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 104 (Pteranodon) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:41:49: Your Muy Perfecto - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:41:49: Your Tribe killed Muy Perfecto - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:41:49: Your Thorny Dragon - Lvl 24 (Thorny Dragon) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:41:49: Your Tribe killed Thorny Dragon - Lvl 24 (Thorny Dragon) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:42:27: Your Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:42:27: Your Tribe killed Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:42:52: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 151 (Dilophosaur) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:42:52: Your Tribe killed Dilophosaur - Lvl 151 (Dilophosaur) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:43:14: Your Argentavis - Lvl 227 (Argentavis) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:43:14: Your Tribe killed Argentavis - Lvl 227 (Argentavis) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:43:19: Your Raptor - Lvl 216 (Raptor) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:43:19: Your Tribe killed Raptor - Lvl 216 (Raptor) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:43:48: Your Triceratops - Lvl 218 (Triceratops) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:43:48: Your Tribe killed Triceratops - Lvl 218 (Triceratops) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:44:13: Your Rex - Lvl 152 (Rex) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:44:13: Your Tribe killed Rex - Lvl 152 (Rex) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:44:16: Your Tamed at 217 - Lvl 222 (Rex) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:44:16: Your Tribe killed Tamed at 217 - Lvl 222 (Rex) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:44:23: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 247 (Pteranodon) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:44:23: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 247 (Pteranodon) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:48:04: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:48:04: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:51:00: Your OL 212 - Lvl 242 (Triceratops) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:51:00: Your Tribe killed OL 212 - Lvl 242 (Triceratops) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:54:14: Your Argentavis - Lvl 241 (Argentavis) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 285 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:54:14: Your Tribe killed Argentavis - Lvl 241 (Argentavis) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:57:44: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 195 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 285 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 12:57:44: Your Tribe killed Lystrosaurus - Lvl 195 (Lystrosaurus) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 13:07:06: Your Awesome - Lvl 215 (Brontosaurus) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 285 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 13:07:06: Your Tribe killed Awesome - Lvl 215 (Brontosaurus) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 13:08:40: Your Doedicurus - Lvl 241 (Doedicurus) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 285 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 13:08:40: Your Tribe killed Doedicurus - Lvl 241 (Doedicurus) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 13:20:53: Your Doedicurus - Lvl 240 (Doedicurus) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 286 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 13:20:53: Your Tribe killed Doedicurus - Lvl 240 (Doedicurus) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 13:23:19: Your OL 212 - Lvl 235 (Triceratops) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 286 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 13:23:19: Your Tribe killed OL 212 - Lvl 235 (Triceratops) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 13:24:24: Your Argentavis - Lvl 246 (Argentavis) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 286 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 13:24:24: Your Tribe killed Argentavis - Lvl 246 (Argentavis) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 13:25:16: Your Tek Raptor - Lvl 170 (Tek Raptor) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 286 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 13:25:16: Your Tribe killed Tek Raptor - Lvl 170 (Tek Raptor) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 13:37:39: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 243 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 286 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 13:37:39: Your Tribe killed Ankylosaurus - Lvl 243 (Ankylosaurus) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 13:41:33: Tribemember BoopadyBoop - Lvl 115 was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 286 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 13:41:33: Your Tribe killed BoopadyBoop - Lvl 115 (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 13:47:38: BoopadyBoop unclaimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 287 (Doedicurus)'! Day 14157, 13:48:15: Your Castoroides - Lvl 245 (Castoroides) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 286 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 13:48:15: Your Tribe killed Castoroides - Lvl 245 (Castoroides) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 13:51:24: Your Argentavis - Lvl 256 (Argentavis) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 286 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 13:51:24: Your Tribe killed Argentavis - Lvl 256 (Argentavis) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 13:55:13: Your Tamed at 216 - Lvl 252 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 286 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 13:55:13: Your Tribe killed Tamed at 216 - Lvl 252 (Ankylosaurus) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 13:59:13: BoopadyBoop froze JimmyMcFlimmy II - Lvl 286 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14157, 14:05:50: Your Doedicurus - Lvl 246 (Doedicurus) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 106 (Lightning Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 14:05:50: Your Tribe killed Doedicurus - Lvl 246 (Doedicurus) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 14:12:43: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 226 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 107 (Lightning Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 14:12:43: Your Tribe killed Fire Wyvern - Lvl 226 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 14:17:16: BoopadyBoop unclaimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 318 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 14157, 14:25:42: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 70 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 107 (Lightning Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 14:25:42: Your Tribe killed Fire Wyvern - Lvl 70 (Fire Wyvern) (BeepodyBop)! Day 14157, 14:28:18: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 14157, 14:28:49: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Dino Leash (Locked) '! Day 14157, 14:30:24: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:31:10: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:31:30: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:31:53: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:32:20: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:32:49: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:33:13: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:33:37: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:34:01: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:34:23: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:34:51: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:35:20: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:36:43: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:38:14: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:38:44: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:39:05: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:39:30: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:39:58: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:40:23: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:40:43: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:41:17: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:46:07: BoopadyBoop unclaimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 107 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 14157, 14:48:04: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:48:34: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:48:57: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:49:22: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:50:11: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:50:45: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:51:13: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:51:53: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:53:17: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:53:40: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:54:02: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:54:26: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:54:56: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:55:21: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:55:45: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:56:07: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:56:33: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:56:59: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:57:24: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:57:47: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:58:09: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:58:37: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 14:59:07: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:00:04: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:00:59: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:01:24: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:01:52: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:02:19: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:02:40: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:03:10: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:03:37: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:04:00: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:04:24: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:04:48: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:05:12: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:05:36: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:06:01: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:06:26: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:06:51: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:07:18: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:07:44: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:09:11: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:09:32: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:10:27: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:11:04: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:11:47: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:12:35: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:12:58: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:13:28: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:13:55: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:14:21: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:14:49: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:15:13: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:15:36: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:16:09: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:16:35: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:17:01: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:17:24: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:19:18: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:19:43: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:20:04: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:20:51: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:21:12: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:21:37: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:21:57: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:22:21: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:22:47: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:23:14: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:23:38: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:24:02: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:24:49: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:25:10: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:25:39: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:26:48: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:27:08: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:27:36: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:27:58: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:28:25: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:28:48: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:29:11: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:29:34: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:30:02: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:30:30: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:30:55: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:31:52: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:32:14: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:32:39: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:33:05: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:33:30: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:33:59: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:34:26: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:36:02: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:36:28: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:36:52: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:37:20: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:37:44: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:38:10: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:38:35: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:39:50: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:40:36: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:41:02: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:41:27: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:41:54: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:42:32: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:42:57: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:43:21: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:43:55: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:44:33: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:45:08: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:46:34: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:47:00: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:47:23: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:47:43: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:48:11: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:48:30: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:48:53: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:49:39: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:50:18: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:50:55: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 15:51:27: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14157, 16:54:52: BoopadyBoop demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 14157, 17:05:22: BoopadyBoop was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1581837638,"tribe":"Tribe of john 1 logs":["Day 34391, 03:01:40: john 1 was added to the Tribe! Day 35154, 10:38:49: Tribemember john 1 - Lvl 17 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 85!"] "tribeid":1580608126,"tribe":"Tribe of Raven logs":["Day 14960, 20:08:39: Raven was added to the Tribe! Day 14960, 20:11:45: Jenufa added 'Tribe of Raven' Tribe to ssss Alliance! Day 14960, 20:16:48: EcStAsY added 'Tribe of Raven' Tribe to sufyaan Alliance! Day 14961, 03:02:49: Raven froze Pepper - Lvl 406 (Tek Rex) Day 14961, 03:07:52: Raven claimed 'Spice - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14961, 03:12:20: Raven froze Spice - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 14961, 05:31:36: Raven froze FishFingers - Lvl 265 (Pteranodon) Day 14961, 05:38:16: Raven froze FishFingers - Lvl 265 (Pteranodon) Day 14961, 11:34:56: Raven froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 268 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14961, 14:25:02: Raven froze Fawkes - Lvl 267 (Argentavis) Day 14961, 17:44:32: Raven claimed 'X-Rex - Lvl 209 (X-Rex)'! Day 14961, 17:46:47: Raven froze X-Rex - Lvl 209 (X-Rex) Day 14961, 18:05:56: Raven froze Nikki-ta - Lvl 298 (Argentavis) Day 14962, 16:49:49: Raven froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 348 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14962, 21:30:33: Raven froze Nikki-ta - Lvl 298 (Argentavis) Day 14962, 21:46:43: Raven froze Nikki-ta - Lvl 298 (Argentavis) Day 14986, 11:38:14: Raven froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 256 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15001, 11:30:15: Raven froze Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 15001, 11:43:25: Raven froze ® vesuvius - Lvl 195 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15001, 12:46:34: Raven froze ® vesuvius - Lvl 195 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15001, 12:49:18: Raven froze ® vesuvius - Lvl 195 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15001, 13:49:27: Raven froze ® vesuvius - Lvl 195 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15001, 14:01:23: Raven froze ® vesuvius - Lvl 195 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15001, 14:42:21: Raven froze ® vesuvius - Lvl 195 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15001, 14:55:23: Raven claimed 'Hider - Lvl 318 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 15001, 15:05:04: Raven unclaimed 'Hider - Lvl 318 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 15001, 15:26:25: Raven froze ® vesuvius - Lvl 195 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15001, 19:48:06: Raven froze ® vesuvius - Lvl 195 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15001, 19:51:11: Raven froze ® vesuvius - Lvl 195 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15001, 21:04:23: Raven froze ® vesuvius - Lvl 196 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15002, 17:41:48: Raven froze Phoenix - Lvl 112 (Phoenix) Day 15002, 17:51:46: Raven froze Phoenix - Lvl 112 (Phoenix) Day 15002, 18:20:57: Raven froze ® vesuvius - Lvl 201 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15002, 19:07:58: Raven froze Phoenix - Lvl 112 (Phoenix) Day 15002, 19:13:59: Raven froze ® vesuvius - Lvl 201 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15013, 10:56:12: Raven unclaimed 'MISS TURTLE FOR BOO BOO - Lvl 223 (Carbonemys)'! Day 15013, 10:57:54: Raven unclaimed 'FOR MY BOO - Lvl 223 (Carbonemys)'! Day 15013, 11:14:38: Raven froze ® Fishsticks - Lvl 212 (Pteranodon) Day 15013, 11:37:57: Raven froze ® Fishsticks - Lvl 212 (Pteranodon) Day 15015, 07:20:42: Raven froze ® SnowPiercer - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 15015, 12:42:39: Raven froze ® SnowPiercer - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 15057, 12:40:15: EcStAsY added 'of Light' Tribe to sufyaan Alliance! Day 15225, 04:28:27: EcStAsY added 'House of Buzoku' Tribe to sufyaan Alliance! Day 15237, 14:49:15: Jenufa added 'Impulse' Tribe to ssss Alliance! Day 15237, 14:56:45: Jenufa added 'Potato Heads' Tribe to ssss Alliance! Day 15569, 17:56:47: EcStAsY added 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe to sufyaan Alliance! Day 17587, 13:15:40: kokow22 added 'Sexy boys' Tribe to ssss Alliance! Day 20863, 16:08:55: kokow22 removed 'Sexy boys' Tribe from ssss Alliance! Day 20863, 21:49:30: kokow22 added 'Sexy boys' Tribe to ssss Alliance!"] "tribeid":1579445698,"tribe":"Baccy Tribe logs":["Day 16086, 09:54:50: Ben froze Adolescent ELEVEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 09:59:08: Ben froze Adolescent TWELVE - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 10:02:34: Ben froze Adolescent THIRTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 10:04:10: Ben froze Adolescent THIRTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 10:16:15: Ben froze Adolescent SIXTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 10:18:02: Ben froze Adolescent SIXTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 10:19:36: Ben froze Adolescent SIXTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 10:21:17: Ben froze Adolescent SIXTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 10:22:52: Ben froze Adolescent SIXTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 10:24:25: Ben froze Adolescent SIXTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 10:25:58: Ben froze Adolescent SIXTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 10:31:37: Ben froze Juvenile EIGHTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 10:33:40: Ben froze Adolescent SEVENTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 10:35:34: Ben froze Juvenile EIGHTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 10:37:10: Ben froze Juvenile EIGHTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 10:39:47: Ben froze Adolescent ONE - Lvl 231 (Rex) Day 16086, 10:41:55: Ben froze Adolescent TWO - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 10:43:44: Ben froze Adolescent THREE - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 10:45:07: Ben froze Adolescent FOUR - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 10:47:43: Ben froze Adolescent FIVE - Lvl 231 (Rex) Day 16086, 10:49:37: Ben froze Adolescent SIX - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 10:53:04: Ben froze Adolescent SIX - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 10:54:25: Ben froze Adolescent SEVEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 10:55:47: Ben froze Adolescent EIGHT - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 10:57:07: Ben froze Adolescent NINE - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 11:12:05: Ben froze Adolescent TEN - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 16086, 11:13:43: Ben froze Adolescent ELEVEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 11:15:04: Ben froze Adolescent TWELVE - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 11:16:25: Ben froze Adolescent THIRTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 11:18:13: Ben froze Adolescent FOURTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 11:19:52: Ben froze Adolescent FIFTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 11:21:18: Ben froze Adolescent SIXTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 11:22:42: Ben froze Adolescent EIGHTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 11:24:34: Ben froze Adolescent NINETEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 11:26:17: Ben froze Adolescent SEVENTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 11:41:45: Ben froze Adolescent ONE - Lvl 231 (Rex) Day 16086, 11:44:14: Ben froze Adolescent TWO - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 11:45:53: Ben froze Adolescent TWO - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 11:50:52: Ben froze Adolescent FOUR - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 11:52:29: Ben froze Adolescent FOUR - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 11:54:21: Ben froze Adolescent FIVE - Lvl 231 (Rex) Day 16086, 11:56:21: Ben froze Adolescent SIX - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 11:59:00: Ben froze Adolescent SIX - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 12:00:34: Ben froze Adolescent SIX - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 12:03:03: Ben froze Adolescent EIGHT - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 12:04:35: Ben froze Adolescent EIGHT - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 12:06:07: Ben froze Adolescent EIGHT - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 12:41:59: Ben froze Adolescent TWELVE - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 12:44:24: Ben froze Adolescent TWELVE - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 12:45:56: Ben froze Adolescent TWELVE - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 12:47:29: Ben froze Adolescent TWELVE - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 12:49:15: Ben froze Adolescent THIRTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 12:51:27: Ben froze Adolescent THIRTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 12:52:59: Ben froze Adolescent THIRTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 12:54:48: Ben froze Adolescent FOURTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 12:56:19: Ben froze Adolescent FOURTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 12:58:04: Ben froze Adolescent FIFTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 12:59:42: Ben froze Adolescent FIFTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 13:02:34: Ben froze Adolescent SIXTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 13:04:10: Ben froze Adolescent SIXTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 13:05:40: Ben froze Adolescent SIXTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 13:07:20: Ben froze Adolescent SIXTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 13:08:56: Ben froze Adolescent SIXTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 13:10:27: Ben froze Adolescent SIXTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 13:12:01: Ben froze Adolescent SIXTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 13:13:50: Ben froze Adolescent SEVENTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 13:15:26: Ben froze Adolescent SEVENTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 13:17:10: Ben froze Adolescent SEVENTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 13:19:57: Ben froze Adolescent EIGHTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 13:21:30: Ben froze Adolescent EIGHTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 14:18:53: Ben froze Adolescent TWO - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 14:21:04: Ben froze Adolescent FOUR - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 14:22:50: Ben froze Adolescent FIVE - Lvl 231 (Rex) Day 16086, 14:25:30: Ben froze Adolescent SIX - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 14:27:17: Ben froze Adolescent SIX - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 14:28:48: Ben froze Adolescent SIX - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 14:31:09: Ben froze Adolescent EIGHT - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 14:32:58: Ben froze Adolescent EIGHT - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 14:34:31: Ben froze Adolescent EIGHT - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 14:36:08: Ben froze Adolescent EIGHT - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 14:37:41: Ben froze Adolescent EIGHT - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 14:52:50: Ben froze Adolescent TEN - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 16086, 14:54:24: Ben froze Adolescent TEN - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 16086, 14:56:00: Ben froze Adolescent TEN - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 16086, 14:57:46: Ben froze Adolescent ELEVEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 14:59:19: Ben froze Adolescent ELEVEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 15:01:04: Ben froze Adolescent TWELVE - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 15:13:14: Ben froze Adolescent FIFTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 15:27:12: Ben froze Adolescent SIXTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 15:28:43: Ben froze Adolescent SIXTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 15:35:57: Ben froze Adolescent NINETEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 16:34:57: Ben froze Adolescent ONE - Lvl 231 (Rex) Day 16086, 16:37:10: Ben froze Adolescent TWO - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 16:38:43: Ben froze Adolescent TWO - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 16:40:24: Ben froze Adolescent TWO - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 16:41:57: Ben froze Adolescent TWO - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 16:47:10: Ben froze Adolescent TWO - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 16:48:39: Ben froze Adolescent TWO - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 16:51:32: Ben froze Adolescent SIX - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 16:53:04: Ben froze Adolescent SIX - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 16:55:44: Ben froze Adolescent SEVEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 16:57:21: Ben froze Adolescent SEVEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 16:59:01: Ben froze Adolescent SEVEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 17:01:57: Ben froze Adolescent NINE - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 17:03:29: Ben froze Adolescent NINE - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 17:08:01: Ben froze Adolescent EIGHT - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 17:14:35: Ben froze Adolescent TEN - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 16086, 17:16:08: Ben froze Adolescent TEN - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 16086, 17:17:51: Ben froze Adolescent TEN - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 16086, 17:21:55: Ben froze Adolescent ELEVEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 17:23:34: Ben froze Adolescent ELEVEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 17:25:04: Ben froze Adolescent ELEVEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 17:26:31: Ben froze Adolescent ELEVEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 17:28:09: Ben froze Adolescent ELEVEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 17:29:44: Ben froze Adolescent ELEVEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 17:31:16: Ben froze Adolescent ELEVEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 17:32:55: Ben froze Adolescent ELEVEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 17:35:29: Ben froze Adolescent ELEVEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 17:36:56: Ben froze Adolescent TWELVE - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 17:38:46: Ben froze Adolescent TWELVE - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 17:40:32: Ben froze Adolescent THIRTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 17:42:19: Ben froze Adolescent FOURTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 17:44:00: Ben froze Adolescent FOURTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 17:45:52: Ben froze Adolescent FIFTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 18:01:03: Ben froze Adolescent EIGHTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 18:02:52: Ben froze Adolescent SEVENTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 18:04:22: Ben froze Adolescent SEVENTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 18:06:15: Ben froze Adolescent SIXTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 18:07:46: Ben froze Adolescent SIXTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 18:09:25: Ben froze Adolescent SIXTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 18:11:26: Ben froze Adolescent NINETEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 18:13:39: Ben froze Adolescent NINETEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 18:15:08: Ben froze Adolescent NINETEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 18:16:42: Ben froze Adolescent NINETEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 18:18:55: Ben froze Adolescent SEVENTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 20:42:18: Ben froze Adolescent EIGHTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 20:47:21: Ben froze Adolescent EIGHT - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 20:54:53: Ben froze Adolescent SEVENTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 20:59:41: Ben froze Adolescent ELEVEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 21:03:46: Ben froze Adolescent TWELVE - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 21:07:47: Ben froze Adolescent THIRTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 21:12:23: Ben froze Adolescent FOURTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 21:19:38: Ben froze Adolescent SIXTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 21:23:28: Ben froze Adolescent NINETEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 21:39:30: Ben froze Adolescent EIGHTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 21:45:50: Ben froze Adolescent EIGHT - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 21:50:39: Ben froze Adolescent EIGHT - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 21:55:32: Ben froze Adolescent SEVENTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 22:04:37: Ben froze Adolescent ELEVEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 22:12:46: Ben froze Adolescent TWELVE - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16086, 22:21:03: Ben froze Adolescent THIRTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 22:25:45: Ben froze Adolescent THIRTEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16086, 22:30:30: Ben froze Adolescent FOURTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16087, 03:27:37: Ben froze Adolescent EIGHTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16087, 03:32:21: Ben froze Adolescent EIGHTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16087, 03:36:22: Ben froze Adolescent EIGHTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16087, 03:40:52: Ben froze Adolescent EIGHTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16087, 03:45:07: Ben froze Adolescent EIGHTEEN - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16087, 05:39:22: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 231 (Rex) Day 16087, 05:41:28: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16087, 05:43:20: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16087, 05:46:48: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16087, 05:49:07: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 231 (Rex) Day 16087, 05:51:08: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16087, 05:54:30: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16087, 05:56:52: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16087, 05:59:36: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16087, 06:02:58: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16087, 06:18:08: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16087, 06:20:20: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16087, 06:22:27: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16087, 06:24:42: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16087, 06:26:32: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16087, 06:28:04: Ben froze TEN - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 16087, 06:31:30: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 16087, 06:33:41: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16087, 06:35:36: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16087, 06:37:01: Ben froze NINETEEN - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16087, 06:39:49: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 16087, 06:44:24: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16087, 08:07:50: Ben froze Daddy - Lvl 419 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16093, 03:41:33: Ben froze Daddy - Lvl 419 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16093, 15:03:55: Ben Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 16093, 15:06:04: Ben froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 16093, 15:15:29: Ben Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 16093, 15:17:45: Ben froze Daddy - Lvl 419 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16093, 15:19:31: Ben froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 16093, 16:14:02: Ben froze Daddy - Lvl 419 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16144, 03:54:29: Pyr froze Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 211 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16144, 04:00:13: Pyr froze Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 211 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16144, 06:59:58: Pyr froze Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 211 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16144, 15:37:42: Pyr froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 211 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16144, 16:08:42: Pyr froze Night[InsertNameHere] - Lvl 286 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16145, 00:04:19: Pyr froze Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 221 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16145, 00:10:00: Pyr froze Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 221 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16145, 00:14:43: Pyr froze Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 221 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16145, 07:48:37: Pyr froze Adolescent R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 221 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16145, 07:51:53: Pyr froze Adolescent R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 221 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16145, 14:44:41: Pyr froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 221 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16145, 14:47:37: Pyr froze Night[InsertNameHere] - Lvl 286 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16145, 15:04:47: Pyr froze Night[InsertNameHere] - Lvl 286 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16145, 19:09:56: Pteranodon - Lvl 117 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 16156, 05:32:42: Pyr froze Night[InsertNameHere] - Lvl 294 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16157, 15:53:12: Pyr froze Baby Gigantopithecus - Lvl 205 (Gigantopithecus) Day 16157, 15:57:29: Pyr froze Baby Gigantopithecus - Lvl 205 (Gigantopithecus) Day 16157, 16:00:17: Pyr froze Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16157, 16:02:07: Pyr froze Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16157, 16:03:54: Pyr froze Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16157, 16:05:48: Pyr froze Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16157, 16:07:40: Pyr froze Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16157, 16:11:38: Pyr froze Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 222 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16157, 16:13:59: Pyr froze Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 222 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16157, 18:51:21: Pyr froze Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16157, 18:53:20: Pyr froze Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 222 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16157, 18:55:18: Pyr froze Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 222 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16157, 18:58:18: Pyr froze Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16157, 19:00:07: Pyr froze Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16157, 19:02:02: Pyr froze Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16157, 19:03:48: Pyr froze Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16157, 19:05:39: Pyr froze Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16157, 19:07:30: Pyr froze Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16157, 22:21:33: Pyr froze Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 222 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16157, 22:26:34: Pyr froze Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 222 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16157, 22:31:07: Pyr froze Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 222 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16157, 22:52:56: Pyr froze Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16158, 04:12:47: Pyr froze Adolescent R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16158, 04:19:57: Pyr froze Adolescent R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 222 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16158, 04:27:07: Pyr froze Adolescent R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 222 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16158, 07:18:56: Pyr froze Adolescent R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16158, 10:02:21: Pyr froze Adolescent R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16158, 10:04:00: Pyr froze Adolescent R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 222 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16158, 10:28:08: Pyr froze Night[InsertNameHere] - Lvl 294 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16182, 08:40:37: Ben froze Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 221 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16182, 08:43:03: Ben froze Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 221 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16182, 19:13:53: Ben froze Adolescent R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 221 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16182, 19:15:27: Ben froze Adolescent R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 221 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16182, 19:18:44: Ben froze Adolescent R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 221 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16183, 00:08:05: Ben froze Adolescent R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 221 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16183, 00:14:22: Ben froze Adolescent R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 221 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16340, 00:27:32: Pyr froze Night[InsertNameHere] - Lvl 307 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16394, 16:51:07: Megaloceros - Lvl 229 (Megaloceros) starved to death! Day 16433, 20:25:54: Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 16525, 11:54:13: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16561, 20:26:15: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 204 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 16691, 15:51:18: Your 'Wood Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16691, 15:51:18: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16828, 10:36:01: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 322 (Carbonemys)'! Day 16830, 05:45:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16830, 05:45:41: Your 'Greenhouse Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16830, 05:45:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16830, 05:45:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16830, 05:45:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16830, 05:45:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16830, 05:45:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16830, 05:45:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16830, 05:45:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16830, 05:45:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16830, 05:45:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16830, 05:45:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16830, 05:45:41: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16857, 18:37:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16857, 18:37:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16857, 18:37:24: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16857, 18:37:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16857, 18:37:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16857, 18:37:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16857, 18:37:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16864, 14:04:19: 's 'Baby Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16864, 14:04:19: 's 'Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 227 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16871, 16:02:19: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17023, 17:24:07: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21356, 13:04:08: Ben demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 21356, 13:04:53: Ben demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 21356, 13:05:49: Ben demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 21356, 13:06:47: Ben demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 21356, 13:07:33: Ben demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 21356, 13:08:15: Ben demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 21356, 13:09:15: Ben demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 21356, 13:09:57: Ben demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 21356, 13:10:46: Ben demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 21356, 13:11:49: Ben demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 21356, 13:12:31: Ben demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 21356, 13:13:18: Ben demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 21356, 13:15:52: Ben demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 21356, 13:16:37: Ben demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 21356, 13:17:21: Ben demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 21356, 13:18:04: Ben demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 21356, 13:19:01: Ben demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 21356, 13:19:51: Ben demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 21361, 15:55:16: Ben Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 21361, 18:24:17: Your Dog - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 95! Day 21362, 05:47:41: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 21377, 23:05:04: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 21378, 11:34:35: Ben Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 134 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 21378, 19:04:39: Tribemember Ben - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100! Day 21642, 18:15:52: Your Dog - Lvl 134 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 140! Day 21676, 02:49:38: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21958, 11:19:03: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21958, 11:19:03: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21958, 11:19:03: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21958, 11:19:03: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21958, 11:19:03: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21958, 11:19:03: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21958, 11:19:03: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21973, 09:08:53: J-D - Lvl 122 (Tribe of tribes) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 22085, 15:39:33: Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 22085, 16:16:50: Tribemember Ben - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 22112, 11:16:44: J-D - Lvl 122 (Tribe of tribes) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 22265, 10:42:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22265, 10:42:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1578262138,"tribe":"Banana Bois logs":["Day 41025, 12:40:50: Aidan Brodz was added to the Tribe! Day 41025, 12:43:16: Andyprime2110 was added to the Tribe by Aidan Brodz! Day 41026, 16:37:00: Tribemember Andyprime2110 - Lvl 18 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 41026, 16:37:31: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 214 (Parasaur)! Day 41026, 17:46:02: Tribemember Andyprime2110 - Lvl 18 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 41026, 18:16:29: Tribemember Andyprime2110 - Lvl 18 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 41026, 20:10:33: Tribemember Andyprime2110 - Lvl 20 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 41026, 23:19:40: Tribemember Andyprime2110 - Lvl 21 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 145! Day 41027, 05:03:42: Tribemember Andyprime2110 - Lvl 26 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 41027, 05:55:24: Tribemember Aidan Brodz - Lvl 33 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 140! Day 41027, 09:53:29: Aidan Brodz Tamed an Otter - Lvl 22 (Otter)! Day 41027, 10:01:52: Tribemember Aidan Brodz - Lvl 36 was killed by a Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 90 | 1.1x! Day 41027, 10:39:10: Tribemember Aidan Brodz - Lvl 36 was killed! Day 41027, 14:43:34: Chalicotherium - Lvl 130 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 41027, 14:44:43: Chalicotherium - Lvl 130 destroyed your 'Wooden Chair'! Day 41027, 14:45:53: Tribemember Andyprime2110 - Lvl 29 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 130! Day 41027, 14:49:22: Chalicotherium - Lvl 130 destroyed your 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 41027, 14:49:22: Chalicotherium - Lvl 130 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 41027, 14:51:56: Chalicotherium - Lvl 130 destroyed your 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 41027, 17:56:50: Andyprime2110 Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 37 (Iguanodon)! Day 41028, 00:16:20: Tribemember Aidan Brodz - Lvl 37 was killed! Day 41028, 07:28:33: Tribemember Andyprime2110 - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 41028, 11:17:46: Aidan Brodz Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 41028, 12:22:08: Aidan Brodz Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)! Day 41028, 13:37:15: Tribemember Aidan Brodz - Lvl 38 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 130! Day 41028, 13:49:59: Tribemember Aidan Brodz - Lvl 38 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 130! Day 41028, 15:57:20: Your PT-47A - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 130! Day 41028, 16:04:22: Tribemember Aidan Brodz - Lvl 38 was killed! Day 41028, 16:16:40: Tribemember Aidan Brodz - Lvl 38 was killed! Day 41029, 03:29:59: Tribemember Andyprime2110 - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 41029, 19:23:34: Tribemember Andyprime2110 - Lvl 44 was killed! Day 41030, 04:27:19: Andyprime2110 demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 41030, 04:28:17: Andyprime2110 demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 41030, 04:29:39: Andyprime2110 demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 41030, 06:25:34: Tribemember Aidan Brodz - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 41030, 07:43:28: Tribemember Andyprime2110 - Lvl 47 was killed! Day 41032, 09:40:24: Andyprime2110 Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 215 (Raptor)! Day 41032, 13:26:42: Andyprime2110 froze All FIGHT No Flight - Lvl 56 (Iguanodon) Day 41032, 13:32:00: Andyprime2110 froze Phillip - Lvl 215 (Raptor) Day 41032, 13:37:30: Andyprime2110 froze Demetrius - Lvl 230 (Parasaur) Day 41032, 13:42:05: Andyprime2110 froze PT-47B - Lvl 102 (Pteranodon) Day 41032, 13:49:09: Andyprime2110 froze Jumbo - Lvl 22 (Otter) Day 41197, 11:12:05: Rex - Lvl 55 destroyed your 'Wooden Chair'! Day 41197, 11:14:28: Tribemember Andyprime2110 - Lvl 54 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 55! Day 41197, 11:15:06: Rex - Lvl 55 destroyed your 'Bed'! Day 41610, 01:04:00: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41610, 01:04:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41610, 01:04:00: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41764, 13:28:28: Aidan Brodz's 'PT-47B - Lvl 102 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 41919, 03:44:19: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41919, 03:44:19: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41919, 03:44:19: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42164, 09:28:24: Tribemember Aidan Brodz - Lvl 44 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25!"] "tribeid":1577049307,"tribe":"Tribe of TiiteAnge logs":["Day 18537, 11:38:19: TiiteAnge was added to the Tribe! Day 18537, 11:40:59: Protocore was added to the Tribe by TiiteAnge! Day 18537, 22:49:31: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 18538, 10:24:18: TiiteAnge Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 223 (Castoroides)! Day 18538, 10:28:38: TiiteAnge froze F 150 - Lvl 223 (Castoroides) Day 18538, 16:14:12: TiiteAnge Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 209 (Castoroides)! Day 18538, 16:20:19: TiiteAnge froze M 140 - Lvl 209 (Castoroides) Day 18539, 07:58:23: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 18539, 18:44:52: TiiteAnge Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 201 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 18539, 18:51:09: TiiteAnge froze f -135 - Lvl 201 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18539, 18:58:32: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 18539, 21:30:13: TiiteAnge froze Zeus - Lvl 241 (Argentavis) Day 18539, 21:51:20: Protocore froze SPAWN - Lvl 256 (Argentavis) Day 18555, 08:32:57: TiiteAnge froze Zeus - Lvl 250 (Argentavis) Day 18555, 09:08:38: Protocore froze SPAWN - Lvl 271 (Argentavis) Day 18555, 10:27:57: Tribemember Protocore - Lvl 101 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 60! Day 18555, 10:31:28: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 53 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 18555, 10:35:03: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 97 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 18555, 17:32:42: TiiteAnge froze Zeus - Lvl 250 (Argentavis) Day 18555, 19:24:01: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 97 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 50! Day 18555, 19:25:20: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 187 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 50! Day 18555, 20:07:07: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 97 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 18555, 20:26:30: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 97 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 18555, 21:44:03: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 18556, 06:26:14: TiiteAnge Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon)! Day 18556, 13:10:05: TiiteAnge claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18556, 13:13:08: TiiteAnge froze Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon) Day 18556, 14:08:29: TiiteAnge froze F - 150 - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon) Day 18556, 16:20:25: TiiteAnge froze Zeus - Lvl 250 (Argentavis) Day 18556, 23:10:26: Tribemember Protocore - Lvl 102 was killed by an Alpha Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 18556, 23:29:51: TiiteAnge froze Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon) Day 18557, 01:06:47: Tribemember Protocore - Lvl 102 was killed! Day 18557, 05:38:07: TiiteAnge froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon) Day 18557, 05:42:33: TiiteAnge froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon) Day 18557, 07:35:01: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 98 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 60! Day 18557, 08:23:44: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 98 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 20! Day 18557, 12:16:32: TiiteAnge froze Pteranodon - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon) Day 18557, 15:23:42: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 98 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 18557, 15:28:25: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 226 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 18557, 15:51:22: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 98 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 55! Day 18557, 16:38:36: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 98 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 60! Day 18557, 17:06:00: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 98 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 18557, 17:46:57: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 18557, 19:25:29: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 18557, 19:51:08: TiiteAnge froze F - 150 - Lvl 231 (Pteranodon) Day 18557, 20:16:10: TiiteAnge froze Pteranodon - Lvl 242 (Pteranodon) Day 18557, 22:00:19: Protocore froze SPAWN - Lvl 271 (Argentavis) Day 18557, 22:01:05: TiiteAnge froze Zeus - Lvl 250 (Argentavis) Day 18631, 03:41:13: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 109 was killed by a Yutyrannus - Lvl 150! Day 18631, 05:39:59: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 109 was killed! Day 18631, 06:03:06: Protocore froze Chidori - Lvl 310 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18631, 06:06:30: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 109 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 18631, 09:29:17: Protocore froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 240 (Thylacoleo) Day 18631, 11:46:59: Protocore froze Chidori - Lvl 310 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18631, 11:51:09: Protocore froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 240 (Thylacoleo) Day 18632, 03:48:18: TiiteAnge Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus)! Day 18632, 04:06:20: TiiteAnge froze F 145 - 29 HP - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus) Day 18632, 06:17:46: Tribemember Protocore - Lvl 121 was killed by a Yutyrannus - Lvl 130! Day 18632, 09:00:07: TiiteAnge froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 241 (Thylacoleo) Day 18632, 09:46:53: Protocore froze Zeus - Lvl 257 (Argentavis) Day 18632, 11:12:55: Protocore froze Chidori - Lvl 310 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18632, 15:48:18: Protocore froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 241 (Thylacoleo) Day 18632, 17:09:12: Tribemember Protocore - Lvl 121 was killed by Chidori - Lvl 310 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of TiiteAnge)! Day 18632, 17:09:12: Your Tribe killed Protocore - Lvl 121 (Tribe of TiiteAnge)! Day 18632, 17:35:25: Tribemember Protocore - Lvl 121 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 90! Day 18632, 18:11:09: Tribemember Protocore - Lvl 121 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 85 | 1.0x! Day 18632, 19:07:46: Tribemember Protocore - Lvl 121 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 130! Day 18632, 21:05:47: Protocore froze Zeus - Lvl 257 (Argentavis) Day 18632, 23:13:07: TiiteAnge Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus)! Day 18632, 23:32:24: TiiteAnge froze M - 130 - Dégat 29 - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus) Day 18632, 23:37:38: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 18632, 23:44:52: TiiteAnge demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 18633, 00:33:39: Protocore froze Chidori - Lvl 310 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18633, 02:15:53: TiiteAnge froze M - 130 - Dégat 29 - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus) Day 18633, 02:22:40: TiiteAnge froze F 145 - 29 HP - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus) Day 18633, 03:49:39: Protocore froze Chidori - Lvl 310 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18633, 04:30:06: TiiteAnge froze Princesse - Lvl 287 (Thylacoleo) Day 18647, 16:31:02: TiiteAnge Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 201 (Doedicurus)! Day 18647, 16:38:06: TiiteAnge froze M - 135 - Lvl 201 (Doedicurus) Day 18647, 19:08:12: TiiteAnge Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 18647, 19:27:44: TiiteAnge froze M - 145 - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18647, 20:26:36: TiiteAnge froze Belle - Lvl 165 (Snow Owl) Day 18653, 10:58:11: TiiteAnge Tamed an Otter - Lvl 29 (Otter)! Day 18653, 11:11:00: TiiteAnge froze Otter - Lvl 29 (Otter) Day 18653, 14:45:10: TiiteAnge Tamed an Otter - Lvl 82 (Otter)! Day 18653, 14:58:26: TiiteAnge froze Otter - Lvl 82 (Otter) Day 18653, 18:19:11: Protocore froze Chidori - Lvl 310 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18653, 18:31:16: TiiteAnge froze Belle - Lvl 178 (Snow Owl) Day 18653, 20:34:14: TiiteAnge Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 202 (Daeodon)! Day 18653, 20:43:47: TiiteAnge froze M-135 - FOOD 31 - Lvl 202 (Daeodon) Day 18653, 20:51:15: Protocore froze Tigrou - Lvl 247 (Thylacoleo) Day 18653, 21:27:48: TiiteAnge froze Princesse - Lvl 287 (Thylacoleo) Day 18653, 22:54:28: Protocore froze Chidori - Lvl 310 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18653, 23:04:47: TiiteAnge froze Belle - Lvl 178 (Snow Owl) Day 18654, 08:06:52: TiiteAnge Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 202 (Daeodon)! Day 18654, 08:20:29: TiiteAnge froze Daeodon - Lvl 202 (Daeodon) Day 18654, 08:37:29: TiiteAnge froze F 135 - HP 23 - Lvl 202 (Daeodon) Day 18654, 09:03:38: Protocore froze Tigrou - Lvl 248 (Thylacoleo) Day 18654, 09:12:06: Protocore froze Chidori - Lvl 310 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18654, 09:15:06: TiiteAnge froze Princesse - Lvl 287 (Thylacoleo) Day 18672, 12:48:31: TiiteAnge froze Belle - Lvl 196 (Snow Owl) Day 18672, 13:16:48: Tribemember Protocore - Lvl 121 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15! Day 18672, 13:34:43: Tribemember Protocore - Lvl 121 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 145! Day 18672, 13:43:45: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 269 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15! Day 18672, 19:20:06: Tribemember Protocore - Lvl 121 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 15! Day 18672, 22:24:48: Tribemember Protocore - Lvl 121 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 18673, 00:49:09: Tribemember Protocore - Lvl 121 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50! Day 18673, 02:06:27: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 18673, 03:25:43: Tribemember Protocore - Lvl 121 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150! Day 18673, 08:06:49: Your F - 150 - Lvl 292 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 18673, 08:07:36: Tribemember Protocore - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 18673, 08:34:25: Protocore froze Belle - Lvl 196 (Snow Owl) Day 18673, 11:21:41: TiiteAnge froze Belle - Lvl 220 (Snow Owl) Day 18673, 11:56:13: Protocore froze SPAWN - Lvl 274 (Argentavis) Day 18681, 04:36:56: Tribemember Protocore - Lvl 121 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 18681, 05:31:43: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 208 (Snow Owl) Day 18681, 06:55:22: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 208 (Snow Owl) Day 18681, 14:33:29: Tribemember Protocore - Lvl 121 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150! Day 18681, 15:16:07: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 208 (Snow Owl) Day 18681, 15:51:55: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 208 (Snow Owl) Day 18681, 17:12:56: Tribemember Protocore - Lvl 121 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 18681, 17:24:30: Your PTE - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 18682, 03:50:57: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 211 (Snow Owl) Day 18683, 18:30:01: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 267 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 18683, 18:30:13: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 114 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 18683, 20:01:16: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 114 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 25! Day 18683, 20:26:29: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 114 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 45! Day 18684, 01:13:31: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 18684, 01:55:26: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 18684, 02:15:30: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 20! Day 18694, 23:35:45: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 254 (Snow Owl) Day 18695, 00:18:13: Protocore froze SMAUG - Lvl 214 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18695, 01:43:35: TiiteAnge froze F-28 - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon) Day 18695, 02:00:45: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 254 (Snow Owl) Day 18698, 11:46:25: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 254 (Snow Owl) Day 18698, 15:21:14: Protocore froze SMAUG - Lvl 265 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18698, 19:43:47: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 254 (Snow Owl) Day 18841, 05:36:12: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 18841, 08:39:04: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 18841, 10:56:46: Protocore froze Baryonyx - Lvl 195 (Baryonyx) Day 18841, 13:28:48: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 18841, 14:24:30: Tribemember Protocore - Lvl 121 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 150! Day 18841, 14:34:36: Your Baryonyx - Lvl 195 (Baryonyx) was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 150! Day 18841, 15:13:01: Tribemember Protocore - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 18841, 17:38:23: Tribemember Protocore - Lvl 121 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 150! Day 18841, 18:02:29: Your Tribe Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 202 (Baryonyx)! Day 18841, 18:54:16: Protocore froze Baryonyx - Lvl 202 (Baryonyx) Day 18841, 20:23:57: Protocore froze Reaper King - Lvl 351 (Reaper King) Day 18842, 05:34:37: Protocore froze Reaper King - Lvl 351 (Reaper King) Day 18842, 06:20:57: Protocore froze Reaper King - Lvl 351 (Reaper King) Day 18842, 06:23:57: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 18842, 13:56:20: Protocore froze Reaper King - Lvl 351 (Reaper King) Day 18842, 17:26:57: Protocore froze Gacha - Lvl 165 (Snow Owl) Day 18842, 19:41:44: Protocore Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 195 (Baryonyx)! Day 18842, 19:45:16: Protocore froze Baryonyx - Lvl 195 (Baryonyx) Day 18842, 20:34:28: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 18843, 03:11:33: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 18843, 04:56:28: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 18843, 18:06:25: Protocore Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 224 (Griffin)! Day 18843, 18:24:51: Protocore froze Griffin - Lvl 224 (Griffin) Day 18844, 04:55:33: Protocore froze Griffin - Lvl 224 (Griffin) Day 18844, 07:21:22: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 18844, 07:34:51: Protocore froze Reaper King - Lvl 351 (Reaper King) Day 18844, 08:24:40: Your Tribe Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin)! Day 18844, 08:33:29: Protocore froze Reaper King - Lvl 351 (Reaper King) Day 18844, 08:45:38: Protocore froze Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin) Day 18844, 11:30:04: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 18844, 20:49:39: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 18845, 01:28:20: Protocore froze Rock Drake - Lvl 253 (Rock Drake) Day 18845, 04:24:53: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 18845, 04:45:15: Protocore was promoted to a Tribe Admin by TiiteAnge! Day 18845, 05:15:19: TiiteAnge froze Belle - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 18845, 05:33:58: Protocore froze Griffin - Lvl 224 (Griffin) Day 18845, 06:36:24: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 18845, 06:39:32: Protocore froze Griffin - Lvl 224 (Griffin) Day 18845, 08:48:26: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 18845, 10:16:12: Linfar was added to the Tribe by Protocore! Day 18846, 02:17:10: Linfar Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 18846, 02:43:46: Protocore froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18846, 02:49:45: Protocore froze Rock Drake - Lvl 253 (Rock Drake) Day 18846, 02:58:05: Linfar froze Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin) Day 18846, 03:25:42: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 18858, 17:42:45: Linfar froze Griffin - Lvl 245 (Griffin) Day 18863, 05:20:18: Linfar Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)! Day 18863, 06:09:02: Linfar froze Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 18863, 08:12:38: Otter - Lvl 29 (Otter) starved to death! Day 18863, 16:44:31: Linfar Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)! Day 18863, 16:48:40: Linfar froze Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 18864, 02:12:36: Protocore claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 207 (Megatherium)'! Day 18864, 02:17:40: Protocore claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 188 (Megatherium)'! Day 18864, 02:22:05: Protocore froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 188 (Megatherium) Day 18864, 02:23:36: Linfar froze Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 18864, 02:28:59: Protocore froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 207 (Megatherium) Day 18864, 02:31:35: Linfar froze Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 18864, 02:47:23: Protocore froze Megatherium - Lvl 202 (Megatherium) Day 18864, 03:02:14: Linfar froze Griffin - Lvl 265 (Griffin) Day 18864, 03:04:00: Protocore froze Megatherium - Lvl 202 (Megatherium) Day 18864, 03:07:49: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 274 (Snow Owl) Day 18865, 13:25:23: Linfar froze Griffin - Lvl 266 (Griffin) Day 18889, 22:58:45: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 279 (Snow Owl) Day 18890, 12:30:41: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 279 (Snow Owl) Day 18890, 13:43:52: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 279 (Snow Owl) Day 18890, 18:30:26: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 279 (Snow Owl) Day 18890, 18:41:46: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 279 (Snow Owl) Day 18902, 10:23:27: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 282 (Snow Owl) Day 19005, 02:01:39: Otter - Lvl 82 (Otter) starved to death! Day 19742, 10:43:25: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19789, 07:41:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19789, 07:41:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19789, 07:41:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19789, 07:41:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1575739365,"tribe":"Tribe of Rogue logs":["Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41038, 11:21:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41407, 03:31:46: liz - Lvl 112 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 227 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 41407, 03:45:52: liz - Lvl 112 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hover Skiff (Hover Skiff)'! Day 41407, 03:50:55: liz - Lvl 112 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Quetzal - Lvl 299 (Quetzal)'! Day 41407, 03:56:56: liz - Lvl 112 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'HOOVER - Lvl 163 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 41407, 03:59:30: liz - Lvl 112 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Swoop - Lvl 261 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 41407, 04:02:35: liz - Lvl 112 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning McQueen - Lvl 324 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 41407, 04:05:31: liz - Lvl 112 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 387 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 41407, 04:13:08: liz - Lvl 112 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FRANC SUISSE - Lvl 319 (Argentavis)'! Day 41407, 04:15:43: liz - Lvl 112 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tritop - Lvl 229 (Triceratops)'! Day 41407, 04:18:24: liz - Lvl 112 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Herr Melone - Lvl 234 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 41407, 04:20:13: liz - Lvl 112 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 227 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 41407, 04:27:05: liz - Lvl 112 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chirp - Lvl 273 (Castoroides)'! Day 41407, 04:28:32: liz - Lvl 112 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BUBBA - Lvl 238 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 41407, 04:30:48: liz - Lvl 112 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 114 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 41407, 04:33:31: liz - Lvl 112 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41407, 04:36:09: liz - Lvl 112 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'EX77-292E187-6R - Lvl 194 (Enforcer)'! Day 41410, 16:13:29: liz - Lvl 112 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 264 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 41410, 16:16:29: liz - Lvl 112 (Tribe of the beast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 205 (Phiomia)'! Day 43243, 14:55:21: Lavender - Lvl 117 (Eevee) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andy - Lvl 281 (Ankylosaurus)'!"] "tribeid":1572847613,"tribe":"Tribe of Human1 logs":["Day 25462, 13:34:46: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 25462, 13:40:59: Human Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops)! Day 25476, 22:28:53: Human Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 25477, 11:05:01: Human Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 36 (Raptor)! Day 25483, 17:13:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 25484, 15:20:42: Tribemember Human - Lvl 42 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 25484, 16:09:37: Tribemember Human - Lvl 42 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 25484, 17:31:15: Tribemember Human - Lvl 42 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 25484, 18:27:34: Your Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 25484, 18:27:34: Your Raptor - Lvl 42 (Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 25484, 18:34:27: Tribemember Human - Lvl 42 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 25484, 19:20:01: Tribemember Human - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 25782, 10:34:29: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25867, 07:23:06: Moschops - Lvl 55 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 26468, 14:51:43: Pteranodon - Lvl 87 (Pteranodon) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1572603716,"tribe":"OLD GITS logs":["Day 31154, 10:27:57: Breach was added to the Tribe! Day 31155, 06:39:14: Breach froze Terina - Lvl 279 (Pteranodon) Day 31155, 10:50:47: Breach froze Terina - Lvl 279 (Pteranodon) Day 31155, 17:21:41: Judas was added to the Tribe by Breach! Day 31155, 18:18:46: Breach froze Terina - Lvl 279 (Pteranodon) Day 31155, 18:22:22: Breach froze Pteranodon - Lvl 269 (Pteranodon) Day 31163, 10:04:45: Breach froze Pteranodon - Lvl 273 (Pteranodon) Day 31163, 13:10:27: Breach froze Trevor - Lvl 267 (Spino) Day 31163, 23:52:17: Breach froze Pteranodon - Lvl 273 (Pteranodon) Day 31164, 07:23:07: Breach froze Trevor - Lvl 269 (Spino) Day 31164, 08:56:09: Breach froze Pteranodon - Lvl 273 (Pteranodon) Day 31164, 17:53:33: Breach claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31164, 17:56:29: Breach claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31165, 00:56:30: Breach froze Juvenile babs - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon) Day 31165, 01:08:12: Breach froze Juvenile baba - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon) Day 31165, 07:26:11: Breach froze Adolescent babs - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon) Day 31165, 07:43:49: Breach froze Adolescent babs - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon) Day 31165, 08:16:14: Breach froze Adolescent baba - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon) Day 31165, 12:45:18: Breach froze Adolescent baba - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon) Day 31165, 17:25:47: Breach froze baba - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon) Day 31165, 17:31:56: Breach froze babs - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon) Day 31165, 18:06:56: Breach froze Argie - Lvl 205 (Argentavis) Day 31165, 18:11:14: Breach froze Pteranodon - Lvl 273 (Pteranodon) Day 31167, 12:34:36: Breach froze Spike - Lvl 261 (Spino) Day 31167, 12:40:34: Breach froze Trevor - Lvl 270 (Spino) Day 31167, 13:10:01: Breach froze Terina - Lvl 282 (Pteranodon) Day 31168, 01:51:21: Breach froze Terina - Lvl 282 (Pteranodon) Day 31173, 01:16:40: Breach froze Rocky - Lvl 198 (Doedicurus) Day 31173, 01:29:46: Breach froze Woody - Lvl 281 (Castoroides) Day 31173, 07:10:36: Tribemember Judas - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 31175, 04:17:17: Breach froze Terina - Lvl 283 (Pteranodon) Day 31175, 09:47:10: Breach froze Terina - Lvl 283 (Pteranodon) Day 31175, 19:42:06: Breach froze Terina - Lvl 283 (Pteranodon) Day 31175, 21:27:05: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31176, 15:01:38: Breach froze Terina - Lvl 283 (Pteranodon) Day 31176, 16:46:54: Breach froze Terina - Lvl 283 (Pteranodon) Day 31176, 22:30:18: Breach froze Terina - Lvl 283 (Pteranodon) Day 31185, 03:32:05: Breach froze Terina - Lvl 283 (Pteranodon) Day 31198, 13:24:11: Breach claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 31198, 14:47:42: Breach claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 31198, 22:59:04: Breach froze Terina - Lvl 287 (Pteranodon) Day 31199, 00:29:15: Breach froze metty - Lvl 102 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31199, 04:41:05: Breach froze Juvenile ARC - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31199, 05:03:36: Breach froze Juvenile ARC - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31199, 14:01:57: Breach froze Juvenile ARC - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31200, 06:14:35: Breach froze Adolescent ARC - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31200, 06:18:48: Breach froze Adolescent ARC - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31201, 03:09:26: Breach froze Argie - Lvl 211 (Argentavis) Day 31201, 03:16:11: Breach froze ARC - Lvl 201 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31201, 03:26:58: Breach froze TIG - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31201, 06:21:44: Breach froze Terina - Lvl 287 (Pteranodon) Day 31201, 07:29:05: Breach froze Woody - Lvl 281 (Castoroides) Day 31201, 10:56:33: Breach froze Rocky - Lvl 203 (Doedicurus) Day 31201, 11:01:20: Breach froze Argie - Lvl 211 (Argentavis) Day 31201, 11:30:40: Breach froze Terina - Lvl 287 (Pteranodon) Day 31280, 03:35:15: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31292, 02:11:44: Breach froze ARC - Lvl 251 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31292, 19:36:52: Breach froze babs - Lvl 276 (Pteranodon) Day 31292, 19:40:21: Tribemember Breach - Lvl 109 was killed by ARC - Lvl 251 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 31292, 19:40:21: Your Tribe killed Breach - Lvl 109 (OLD GITS)! Day 31292, 20:15:46: Tribemember Breach - Lvl 109 was killed! Day 31293, 08:40:51: Tribemember Breach - Lvl 110 was killed! Day 31293, 09:50:56: Breach froze Terina - Lvl 301 (Pteranodon) Day 31293, 10:52:59: Breach froze Terina - Lvl 301 (Pteranodon) Day 31293, 10:59:32: Breach froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31294, 06:57:26: Breach froze Woody - Lvl 300 (Castoroides) Day 31294, 07:00:45: Breach froze Rocky - Lvl 219 (Doedicurus) Day 31294, 08:09:54: Breach froze ARC - Lvl 256 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31294, 22:04:27: Breach froze babs - Lvl 277 (Pteranodon) Day 31294, 22:15:03: Tribemember Breach - Lvl 112 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150! Day 31294, 22:40:23: Tribemember Breach - Lvl 112 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 50! Day 31296, 01:03:41: Breach froze babs - Lvl 277 (Pteranodon) Day 31296, 03:00:10: Breach froze ARC - Lvl 256 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31408, 19:39:14: Breach froze ARC - Lvl 256 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31409, 11:07:59: Breach froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 292 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31409, 20:58:04: Breach froze babs - Lvl 294 (Pteranodon) Day 31410, 20:52:28: Breach froze ARC - Lvl 274 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31411, 11:59:07: Breach froze Woody - Lvl 311 (Castoroides) Day 31411, 13:07:29: Breach froze Rocky - Lvl 224 (Doedicurus) Day 31411, 13:44:49: Breach froze Argie - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) Day 31411, 13:49:18: Breach froze Trevor - Lvl 310 (Spino) Day 31411, 17:47:32: Breach froze babs - Lvl 294 (Pteranodon) Day 31412, 03:47:14: Breach froze Argie - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) Day 32012, 07:21:27: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32035, 21:07:21: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32295, 18:14:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32319, 09:52:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32319, 09:52:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33252, 14:28:58: Tribemember Breach - Lvl 112 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 140!"] "tribeid":1564364677,"tribe":"Omlette Or Scrambled? logs":["Day 16741, 06:18:35: DEEE_BASS was added to the Tribe! Day 16741, 08:05:49: DEEE_BASS Tamed an Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus)! Day 16741, 11:36:25: DEEE_BASS Tamed an Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus)! Day 16741, 12:08:59: DEEE_BASS Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon)! Day 16741, 14:32:30: DEEE_BASS claimed 'Baby Equus - Lvl 32 (Equus)'! Day 16742, 08:20:52: Your Equus - Lvl 38 (Equus) was killed by a Compy - Lvl 90! Day 16742, 09:06:14: Tribemember DEEE_BASS - Lvl 28 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 45! Day 16742, 09:40:11: Tribemember DEEE_BASS - Lvl 28 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 45! Day 16742, 14:00:21: Your Equus - Lvl 36 (Equus) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 140! Day 16742, 14:06:41: Tribemember DEEE_BASS - Lvl 36 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 140! Day 16742, 14:30:04: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 16742, 14:31:21: Your 'Wood Floor' was destroyed! Day 16742, 14:37:30: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 16742, 14:37:47: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 16742, 14:38:58: Your 'Wood Floor' was destroyed! Day 16742, 14:39:08: Your Equus - Lvl 37 (Equus) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 55! Day 16744, 08:47:59: Tribemember DEEE_BASS - Lvl 45 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 16744, 09:06:51: Your Mr Blue Sky - Lvl 161 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 16744, 11:33:59: DEEE_BASS claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16745, 05:59:56: Tribemember DEEE_BASS - Lvl 53 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 20! Day 16746, 09:02:14: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 32 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 16746, 09:02:16: Tribemember DEEE_BASS - Lvl 56 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 16753, 03:19:40: DEEE_BASS claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 16753, 07:21:34: Tribemember DEEE_BASS - Lvl 57 was killed! Day 16753, 08:27:16: GoodWanker was added to the Tribe by DEEE_BASS! Day 16753, 10:08:22: Tribemember GoodWanker - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 16753, 10:13:36: GoodWanker claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 16753, 12:47:50: DEEE_BASS Tamed an Equus - Lvl 74 (Equus)! Day 16753, 16:03:13: Tribemember GoodWanker - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 16753, 18:05:26: Tribemember DEEE_BASS - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 16754, 06:02:09: DEEE_BASS demolished a 'Painting Canvas'! Day 16754, 09:46:32: Tribemember GoodWanker - Lvl 26 was killed! Day 16754, 16:15:28: Tribemember DEEE_BASS - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 16755, 04:06:07: DEEE_BASS demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 16755, 12:44:13: GoodWanker claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 16755, 17:09:51: DEEE_BASS demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 16755, 17:10:17: DEEE_BASS demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 16755, 17:10:41: DEEE_BASS demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 16755, 17:11:07: DEEE_BASS demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 16755, 22:31:21: DEEE_BASS Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 142 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 16756, 00:18:34: GoodWanker Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 149 (Pteranodon)! Day 16756, 05:24:33: Tribemember GoodWanker - Lvl 53 was killed! Day 16756, 05:25:39: Your (GoodWanker) Mrs Rodders - Lvl 80 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed! Day 16756, 06:40:48: Tribemember GoodWanker - Lvl 53 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 15! Day 16756, 06:40:49: Your (Tribe) Peter - Lvl 152 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 15! Day 16756, 08:05:48: Tribemember Mr Happy - Lvl 54 was killed! Day 16756, 08:05:48: Your Tribe killed Mr Happy - Lvl 54 (Omlette Or Scrambled?)! Day 16756, 08:23:53: DEEE_BASS froze (Tribe) Ben - Lvl 150 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16756, 09:29:54: Tribemember Mr Happy - Lvl 54 was killed! Day 16756, 09:29:54: Your Tribe killed Mr Happy - Lvl 54 (Omlette Or Scrambled?)! Day 16756, 09:51:05: DEEE_BASS froze (Tribe) Ben - Lvl 150 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16756, 11:23:34: DEEE_BASS froze (Tribe) Ben - Lvl 150 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16756, 11:42:48: Tribemember Mr Happy - Lvl 55 was killed by DEEE_BASS - Lvl 75 (Omlette Or Scrambled?)! Day 16756, 11:42:48: Your Tribe killed Mr Happy - Lvl 55 (Omlette Or Scrambled?)! Day 16756, 11:52:10: Tribemember Mr Happy - Lvl 55 was killed by DEEE_BASS - Lvl 75 (Omlette Or Scrambled?)! Day 16756, 11:52:10: Your Tribe killed Mr Happy - Lvl 55 (Omlette Or Scrambled?)! Day 16756, 12:14:49: Tribemember Mr Happy - Lvl 55 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 95! Day 16756, 12:30:39: Tribemember Mr Happy - Lvl 55 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 95! Day 16756, 13:09:51: Tribemember DEEE_BASS - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 16756, 13:30:20: Tribemember DEEE_BASS - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 16756, 13:54:30: Tribemember DEEE_BASS - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 16756, 14:37:12: DEEE_BASS froze (DEEE_BASS) Jaden - Lvl 231 (Poison Wyvern) Day 16756, 14:40:57: DEEE_BASS froze Adolescent Mr Rodders - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16756, 14:45:03: DEEE_BASS froze Zeba - Lvl 96 (Equus) Day 16756, 14:50:04: Mr Happy froze Zeba - Lvl 96 (Equus) Day 16756, 14:50:46: Tribemember Mr Happy - Lvl 55 was killed! Day 16756, 14:59:15: Mr Happy froze Zeba - Lvl 96 (Equus) Day 16758, 12:53:26: DEEE_BASS froze Adolescent Mr Rodders - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16779, 22:29:38: Tribemember DEEE_BASS - Lvl 77 was killed! Day 16795, 07:12:47: DEEE_BASS froze (Tribe) Ben - Lvl 192 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16795, 07:16:45: DEEE_BASS froze (Tribe) Ben - Lvl 192 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16795, 07:19:40: DEEE_BASS froze Mr Rodders - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16795, 09:19:47: DEEE_BASS froze (Tribe) Ben - Lvl 193 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16795, 15:25:34: Tribemember DEEE_BASS - Lvl 80 was killed by (DEEE_BASS) Jaden - Lvl 238 (Poison Wyvern) (Omlette Or Scrambled?)! Day 16795, 15:25:34: Your Tribe killed DEEE_BASS - Lvl 80 (Omlette Or Scrambled?)! Day 16796, 02:18:31: DEEE_BASS froze (Tribe) Ben - Lvl 195 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16797, 13:47:55: Your Zeba - Lvl 136 (Equus) was killed! Day 16797, 13:48:02: Tribemember Mr Happy - Lvl 55 was killed! Day 16797, 16:11:50: Mr Happy froze Mr Rodders - Lvl 189 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16798, 07:12:35: Tribemember Mr Happy - Lvl 74 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 145! Day 16798, 07:22:05: Tribemember Mr Happy - Lvl 74 was killed! Day 16798, 08:55:15: Tribemember DEEE_BASS - Lvl 88 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 145! Day 16798, 09:43:12: Your Tribe Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo)! Day 16968, 16:20:43: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16968, 16:20:43: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16968, 16:20:43: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16968, 16:20:43: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17148, 09:09:30: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17148, 09:09:30: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17148, 09:09:30: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17168, 06:15:07: Raven - Lvl 160 (Crackalakin Crew) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17168, 06:18:14: Raven - Lvl 160 (Crackalakin Crew) claimed your auto-decayed tame '(DEEE_BASS) Jaden - Lvl 250 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 17238, 02:47:40: 123 - Lvl 95 (Tribe of Cheesy) claimed your auto-decayed tame '(Tribe) Ben - Lvl 198 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17301, 06:29:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17315, 04:02:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17322, 18:21:48: Riddick - Lvl 124 (Peace and Ark) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mr Rodders - Lvl 232 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 17588, 21:58:00: Tribemember Mr Happy - Lvl 75 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 145! Day 25130, 13:48:10: Tribemember DEEE_BASS - Lvl 88 was killed!"] "tribeid":1563065140,"tribe":"Recnac logs":["Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16456, 08:15:01: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16520, 09:42:01: Luca - Lvl 105 (Frozen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 236 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 16520, 09:42:03: leSkimbeR - Lvl 109 (Frozen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 204 (Phiomia)'! Day 16520, 09:43:05: Luca - Lvl 105 (Frozen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Grendol's Wyvern - Lvl 356 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 16520, 09:43:13: leSkimbeR - Lvl 109 (Frozen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BOB - Lvl 335 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 16520, 09:44:25: Luca - Lvl 105 (Frozen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 279 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 16520, 09:45:15: Luca - Lvl 105 (Frozen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velo (M) - Lvl 222 (Velonasaur)'! Day 16520, 12:55:05: Tribemember Bob - Lvl 37 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 16520, 13:05:06: Tribemember Drederick Tatum - Lvl 109 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 145! Day 16520, 14:47:44: Tribemember Alfonzo - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Metal Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Metal Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16622, 10:36:35: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17648, 19:51:59: Your 'Tek Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20171, 05:49:53: Alfonzo was removed from the Tribe! Day 20401, 19:58:32: Your 'Tek Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1560537225,"tribe":"Tribe of NotHuman logs":["Day 16936, 19:17:34: NotHuman was added to the Tribe! Day 16936, 19:18:27: PIKACHUZIM was added to the Tribe by NotHuman! Day 16936, 19:20:41: PIKACHUZIM was promoted to a Tribe Admin by NotHuman! Day 16937, 07:59:02: Your Tribe Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 126 (Brontosaurus)! Day 17170, 19:44:35: Tribemember PIKACHUZIM - Lvl 34 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 17207, 10:44:20: Tribemember NotHuman - Lvl 37 was killed! Day 17226, 02:10:06: Pelagornis - Lvl 21 (Pelagornis) starved to death! Day 17236, 12:01:29: Fenrir - Lvl 67 (Tribe of Fenrir) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 126 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 18839, 08:39:10: Tribemember NotHuman - Lvl 37 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25!"] "tribeid":1560238619,"tribe":"PVE Beeps logs":["Day 20802, 19:32:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Wood Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20897, 07:16:46: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21072, 11:13:52: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tekky - Lvl 407 (Tek Rex)'! Day 21072, 11:27:18: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Feathers - Lvl 350 (Argentavis)'! Day 21072, 11:28:31: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'all-rounder - Lvl 298 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 21072, 11:29:02: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 290 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 21072, 11:29:51: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 280 (Castoroides)'! Day 21072, 11:30:39: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megaloceros - Lvl 157 (Megaloceros)'! Day 21072, 11:31:18: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aberrant Doedicurus - Lvl 269 (Aberrant Doedicurus)'! Day 21072, 11:31:40: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'm s - Lvl 350 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21072, 11:34:20: 's 'Rex 2 (Female, Reynix's) - Lvl 291 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21072, 11:34:20: 's 'Snow Owl - Lvl 212 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21072, 11:34:20: 's 'Direwolf - Lvl 117 (Direwolf)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21072, 11:34:20: 's 'free to use - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21072, 11:34:20: 's 'Thylo (baseF) - Lvl 281 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21072, 11:34:20: 's 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 35 (Tek Parasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21072, 11:34:20: 's 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 169 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21072, 11:38:48: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vulture - Lvl 97 (Vulture)'! Day 21072, 11:48:36: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Berry Collecter - Lvl 309 (Triceratops)'! Day 21072, 11:52:10: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argent (baseF) - Lvl 291 (Argentavis)'! Day 21072, 11:58:12: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BEST ARGY 4700 WEIGHT - Lvl 371 (Argentavis)'! Day 21072, 12:03:46: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argent (baseF) - Lvl 347 (Argentavis)'! Day 21072, 12:12:43: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argent (baseF) - Lvl 272 (Argentavis)'! Day 21072, 12:24:15: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argent (baseF) - Lvl 272 (Argentavis)'! Day 21072, 12:27:56: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argent (baseF) - Lvl 329 (Argentavis)'! Day 21072, 12:29:40: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21072, 12:30:17: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21072, 12:30:39: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 242 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21072, 12:30:59: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon)'! Day 21072, 12:34:14: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21072, 12:35:59: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21072, 12:37:16: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21072, 12:40:00: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21072, 12:41:57: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21072, 12:45:42: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21072, 12:46:07: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21072, 12:46:34: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21072, 12:47:15: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21072, 12:48:19: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21072, 12:48:48: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21072, 12:51:25: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oviraptor - Lvl 38 (Oviraptor)'! Day 21072, 12:56:18: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 222 (Maewing)'! Day 21072, 12:56:58: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 193 (Maewing)'! Day 21072, 16:43:16: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Procoptodon - Lvl 234 (Procoptodon)'! Day 21072, 16:43:45: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Procoptodon - Lvl 217 (Procoptodon)'! Day 21072, 17:25:41: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Procoptodon - Lvl 247 (Procoptodon)'! Day 21072, 18:29:53: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21073, 11:25:32: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21086, 01:27:39: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21107, 07:06:32: Kannan28 demolished a 'Processed (Vault) (Locked) '! Day 21107, 07:10:06: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 07:13:59: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 07:17:57: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 07:20:36: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 07:21:39: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 07:25:29: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 07:27:00: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 07:28:09: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 07:29:00: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 07:29:53: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 21107, 07:32:15: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 07:33:15: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 07:34:50: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 07:35:44: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 07:37:11: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 07:38:23: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 07:39:18: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 07:40:21: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 07:41:15: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 07:42:56: Kannan28 demolished a 'Industrial Forge (Locked) '! Day 21107, 07:47:00: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 07:48:25: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 21107, 07:49:47: Kannan28 demolished a 'Power Generator (Locked) '! Day 21107, 07:50:55: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 07:52:57: Kannan28 demolished a 'Sloped Metal Wall Left'! Day 21107, 07:54:03: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 07:55:09: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 07:56:16: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 07:57:18: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:02:36: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:04:26: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:06:41: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 21107, 08:07:42: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:09:06: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:09:58: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:11:40: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:15:16: Kannan28 demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 21107, 08:16:30: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:21:15: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:22:21: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:24:04: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:25:39: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:27:20: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:28:46: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:30:02: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:31:22: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:32:48: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:33:53: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:36:18: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:37:23: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:38:22: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:39:21: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:40:19: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:46:54: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:47:43: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:48:30: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:50:11: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:51:17: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:52:15: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:53:05: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:54:07: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:55:27: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'Choper - Lvl 335 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 196 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 344 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'Maewing - Lvl 220 (Maewing)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'Maewing - Lvl 213 (Maewing)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'free to use - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 78 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 122 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'Garry - Lvl 172 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'Snow Owl - Lvl 161 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'Snow Owl - Lvl 144 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'STAM - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'H AND M - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'Rock Drake - Lvl 208 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'Bloodstalker - Lvl 108 (Bloodstalker)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'Cave - Lvl 209 (Baryonyx)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'Bary - Lvl 145 (Baryonyx)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 245 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'Bloodstalker - Lvl 150 (Bloodstalker)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'HIGH W - Lvl 272 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:55:27: 's 'HIGH H - Lvl 291 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21107, 08:56:55: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 08:58:16: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 09:00:10: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 09:01:06: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 09:02:00: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 09:03:10: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 09:05:52: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 09:06:55: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 09:08:48: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 09:09:40: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 09:10:51: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 09:11:42: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 09:13:42: Kannan28 demolished a 'BPs and Boss Offerings (Vault) (Locked) '! Day 21107, 09:17:22: Kannan28 demolished a 'RAW (Vault) (Locked) '! Day 21107, 10:11:41: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 10:12:32: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 21107, 10:21:26: Kannan28 demolished a 'Industrial Cooker (Locked) '! Day 21107, 10:25:16: Kannan28 demolished a 'Metal Water Tank (Locked) '! Day 21107, 10:42:20: Kannan28 demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 21107, 10:46:31: Kannan28 demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21107, 10:47:50: Kannan28 demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21107, 10:48:50: Kannan28 demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21107, 10:49:47: Kannan28 demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21107, 13:21:15: Tribemember Kannan28 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 95! Day 21107, 13:30:37: Tribemember Reynix - Lvl 103 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 20! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21180, 13:32:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21670, 17:45:57: Reynix claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21670, 17:46:26: Reynix claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21670, 17:46:54: Reynix claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21670, 17:47:24: Reynix claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21670, 17:48:35: Reynix claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21670, 17:49:17: Reynix claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21670, 17:50:43: Reynix claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21670, 17:51:06: Reynix claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21670, 17:52:37: Reynix claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21670, 17:53:21: Reynix claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21670, 17:53:45: Reynix claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 21670, 17:58:10: Reynix claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 22137, 10:46:52: Tribemember Careless - Lvl 106 was killed! Day 22137, 11:26:56: Tribemember Kannan28 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 22248, 06:26:51: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 22248, 06:28:25: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mosasaurus - Lvl 173 (Mosasaurus)'! Day 22248, 06:32:53: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 202 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 22248, 06:33:36: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 209 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 22248, 07:13:38: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 34 (Ichthyosaurus)'! Day 22248, 08:23:54: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 22297, 19:27:58: Your Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) was killed! Day 22297, 19:27:59: Your Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) was killed! Day 22297, 19:28:06: Your Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) was killed! Day 22297, 19:28:09: Your Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) was killed! Day 22297, 19:28:11: Your Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) was killed! Day 22297, 19:28:17: Your Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) was killed! Day 22297, 19:28:21: Your Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) was killed! Day 22297, 19:28:34: Your Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex) was killed! Day 22297, 19:29:15: Your Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) was killed! Day 22297, 19:29:40: Your Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) was killed! Day 22297, 19:30:41: Your Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) was killed! Day 22297, 19:30:58: Your Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) was killed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22548, 20:01:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25207, 17:05:42: Tribemember cloudz - Lvl 21 was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 140! Day 25207, 17:06:30: Tribemember Dragon - Lvl 11 was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 140! Day 25207, 17:09:12: Tribemember Beep - Lvl 105 was killed by a Rock Elemental - Lvl 140! Day 26289, 14:36:28: Haggis - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 30945, 03:15:34: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex 12 - Lvl 260 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:17:43: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex 1 (Female) - Lvl 335 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:18:25: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex 6 (Male) - Lvl 335 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:20:00: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex 13 - Lvl 261 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:21:37: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex 10 - Lvl 261 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:23:27: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex 7 (Male) - Lvl 261 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:25:08: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex 11 - Lvl 261 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:26:26: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex 15 - Lvl 273 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:27:48: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex 9 - Lvl 261 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:28:45: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 333 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:29:41: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex 8 (Female) - Lvl 266 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:30:37: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 273 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:31:52: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex 4 (Female) - Lvl 262 (Rex)'! Day 30945, 03:35:17: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex 14 - Lvl 272 (Rex)'! Day 36102, 13:44:52: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Free boat, uncalim after (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1558125733,"tribe":"Schizophrenic logs":["Day 31886, 17:35:00: Johnny Bravo was added to the Tribe! Day 31886, 20:31:15: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Equus - Lvl 233 (Equus)'! Day 31886, 20:41:21: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31886, 21:39:48: Your Tribe Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 187 (Pachy)! Day 31887, 03:58:56: Johnny Bravo froze Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon) Day 31887, 14:39:15: Johnny Bravo froze birdie - Lvl 186 (Quetzal) Day 31887, 15:12:36: Johnny Bravo froze ISAIF - Lvl 259 (Griffin) Day 31887, 15:17:14: Johnny Bravo froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 245 (Sinomacrops) Day 31902, 13:26:36: Johnny Bravo froze Pachy - Lvl 187 (Pachy) Day 31902, 22:31:06: Johnny Bravo froze Asgwagandha horse - Lvl 236 (Equus) Day 31904, 14:03:50: Your Tek Stryder - Lvl 121 (Tek Stryder) was killed! Day 31904, 14:42:11: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31932, 16:39:37: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Equus - Lvl 224 (Equus)'! Day 31932, 18:50:21: Your Juvenile Equus - Lvl 224 (Equus) was killed by Johnny Bravo - Lvl 112 (Schizophrenic)! Day 31932, 18:50:21: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Equus - Lvl 224 (Equus) (Schizophrenic)! Day 31952, 12:15:15: Johnny Bravo froze Odetari - Lvl 352 (Tek Rex) Day 31952, 13:57:51: Johnny Bravo froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 252 (Sinomacrops) Day 31953, 11:28:46: Johnny Bravo froze Shadowmane - Lvl 218 (Shadowmane) Day 31953, 11:36:48: Johnny Bravo froze Shadowmane - Lvl 218 (Shadowmane) Day 31953, 11:47:04: Johnny Bravo froze Shadowmane - Lvl 218 (Shadowmane) Day 31953, 14:11:54: Johnny Bravo froze Shadowmane - Lvl 223 (Shadowmane) Day 31953, 14:36:35: Johnny Bravo froze Shadowmane - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane) Day 31953, 15:26:59: Johnny Bravo froze Odetari - Lvl 352 (Tek Rex) Day 31953, 16:22:54: Johnny Bravo froze Shadowmane - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane) Day 31954, 07:03:39: Johnny Bravo Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus)! Day 31954, 07:11:06: Johnny Bravo froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus) Day 31954, 21:14:54: Johnny Bravo froze Shadowmane - Lvl 236 (Shadowmane) Day 31954, 22:36:52: Johnny Bravo froze Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 31954, 23:14:38: Johnny Bravo froze Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 31955, 00:12:22: Johnny Bravo froze Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 31955, 00:16:02: Johnny Bravo froze Odetari - Lvl 352 (Tek Rex) Day 31955, 00:40:54: Tribemember Johnny Bravo - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 31955, 01:06:16: Johnny Bravo froze Asgwagandha horse - Lvl 240 (Equus) Day 31955, 02:54:06: Your ISAIF - Lvl 269 (Griffin) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 190! Day 31955, 03:34:06: Johnny Bravo froze Asgwagandha horse - Lvl 240 (Equus) Day 31955, 04:51:27: Johnny Bravo froze Asgwagandha horse - Lvl 240 (Equus) Day 31955, 21:33:16: Johnny Bravo Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 31955, 21:57:40: Johnny Bravo froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31956, 00:11:52: Johnny Bravo froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 31956, 00:23:09: Johnny Bravo froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 255 (Sinomacrops) Day 31957, 10:15:27: Johnny Bravo froze $crim - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 31957, 11:16:18: Johnny Bravo froze $crim - Lvl 246 (Shadowmane) Day 31957, 11:43:06: Johnny Bravo froze $crim - Lvl 246 (Shadowmane) Day 31957, 12:02:34: Johnny Bravo froze $crim - Lvl 246 (Shadowmane) Day 31957, 12:53:16: Johnny Bravo froze Odetari - Lvl 352 (Tek Rex) Day 31957, 13:21:14: Johnny Bravo froze $crim - Lvl 246 (Shadowmane) Day 31957, 22:19:42: Johnny Bravo Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 31980, 13:19:24: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Juvenile Equus - Lvl 226 (Equus)'! Day 31980, 13:23:18: Your Juvenile Equus - Lvl 226 (Equus) was killed by Johnny Bravo - Lvl 112 (Schizophrenic)! Day 31980, 13:23:18: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Equus - Lvl 226 (Equus) (Schizophrenic)! Day 31980, 16:58:16: Johnny Bravo froze fighter fem - Lvl 264 (Shadowmane) Day 31980, 22:07:45: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane)'! Day 31980, 22:08:46: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane)'! Day 31981, 21:09:10: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 255 (Sinomacrops) was killed! Day 31981, 21:09:10: Sinomacrops - Lvl 255 (Sinomacrops) starved to death! Day 31981, 23:45:58: Johnny Bravo froze Adolescent Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 31981, 23:52:15: Johnny Bravo froze Adolescent Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 31997, 05:27:23: Johnny Bravo froze Odetari - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex) Day 31997, 07:30:59: Johnny Bravo froze Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 261 (Shadowmane) Day 31997, 08:20:12: Johnny Bravo froze Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane) Day 31997, 08:46:38: Johnny Bravo froze Odetari - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex) Day 31997, 08:59:05: Johnny Bravo froze Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane) Day 31997, 09:36:15: Johnny Bravo froze Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 264 (Shadowmane) Day 31997, 09:48:13: Johnny Bravo froze Odetari - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex) Day 31998, 04:21:26: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31998, 04:22:25: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31998, 04:45:56: Your Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon) was killed by Johnny Bravo - Lvl 112 (Schizophrenic)! Day 31998, 04:45:56: Your Tribe killed Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon) (Schizophrenic)! Day 31998, 04:45:58: Your Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon) was killed by Johnny Bravo - Lvl 112 (Schizophrenic)! Day 31998, 04:45:58: Your Tribe killed Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon) (Schizophrenic)! Day 31998, 15:12:39: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane)'! Day 31998, 19:45:31: Johnny Bravo froze Juvenile Freddie Dredd - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 32004, 08:34:27: Johnny Bravo froze Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 274 (Shadowmane) Day 32004, 09:31:02: Johnny Bravo froze Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 275 (Shadowmane) Day 32004, 10:06:42: Johnny Bravo froze Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 278 (Shadowmane) Day 32004, 11:08:46: Johnny Bravo froze Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 278 (Shadowmane) Day 32021, 02:58:50: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane)'! Day 32021, 03:15:18: Johnny Bravo froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane) Day 32021, 03:34:08: Johnny Bravo froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane) Day 32027, 09:50:11: Lil Darkie - Lvl 225 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 32027, 11:51:16: Johnny Bravo froze Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 282 (Shadowmane) Day 32028, 19:19:55: Johnny Bravo froze Mayhem - Lvl 308 (Argentavis) Day 32028, 19:21:28: Johnny Bravo downloaded a dino: Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 310 Day 32028, 21:14:27: Johnny Bravo froze Gacha - Lvl 175 (Gacha) Day 32028, 22:17:51: Johnny Bravo froze Gacha - Lvl 27 (Gacha) Day 32028, 22:33:47: Johnny Bravo froze Gacha - Lvl 82 (Gacha) Day 32028, 22:37:52: Johnny Bravo froze Gacha - Lvl 27 (Gacha) Day 32028, 22:42:34: Johnny Bravo froze dw - Lvl 28 (Gacha) Day 32046, 17:07:00: Johnny Bravo froze Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 311 (Shadowmane) Day 32046, 19:44:21: Johnny Bravo Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 80 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 32046, 19:48:48: Johnny Bravo froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 80 (Tek Parasaur) Day 32074, 10:35:12: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane)'! Day 32074, 10:43:26: Johnny Bravo froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 32096, 13:54:40: Johnny Bravo froze Odetari - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex) Day 32110, 16:05:18: Your ez - Lvl 28 (Moschops) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 32110, 22:27:20: Johnny Bravo froze Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane) Day 32238, 05:05:10: Johnny Bravo froze Odetari - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex) Day 32238, 17:17:36: Johnny Bravo froze Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane) Day 32238, 18:10:03: Johnny Bravo froze Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane) Day 32238, 18:54:27: Johnny Bravo froze Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane) Day 32238, 20:04:46: Johnny Bravo froze Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane) Day 32241, 10:20:08: Johnny Bravo froze Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 32241, 11:04:40: Johnny Bravo froze Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 32241, 11:26:14: Johnny Bravo froze Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 32241, 12:40:14: Johnny Bravo froze Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 32241, 12:49:55: Johnny Bravo froze Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 32241, 18:42:11: Johnny Bravo froze Yeat - Lvl 235 (Ankylosaurus) Day 32254, 11:59:11: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 32282, 05:20:42: Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 32282, 05:20:42: Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 32282, 20:04:10: Johnny Bravo froze Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 315 (Shadowmane) Day 32282, 21:20:44: Johnny Bravo froze Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 315 (Shadowmane) Day 32282, 22:27:28: Johnny Bravo froze Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 316 (Shadowmane) Day 32282, 23:52:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 259 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 32283, 00:56:38: Johnny Bravo froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 259 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 32283, 18:39:39: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 32283, 20:46:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 142 (Doedicurus)! Day 32284, 05:22:44: Johnny Bravo froze Doedicurus - Lvl 142 (Doedicurus) Day 32284, 05:28:43: Johnny Bravo froze Yeat - Lvl 238 (Ankylosaurus) Day 32284, 15:15:01: Johnny Bravo froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 32285, 07:35:21: Johnny Bravo froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 270 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 32285, 11:48:25: Johnny Bravo froze Ruby Da Cherry - Lvl 317 (Shadowmane) Day 32286, 06:46:36: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane)'! Day 32286, 10:04:09: Johnny Bravo froze Freddie Dredd - Lvl 266 (Shadowmane) Day 32289, 14:00:20: Johnny Bravo froze Freddie Dredd - Lvl 272 (Shadowmane) Day 32290, 06:35:06: Johnny Bravo froze Managarmr - Lvl 200 (Managarmr) Day 32290, 10:58:38: Johnny Bravo froze Yeat - Lvl 242 (Ankylosaurus) Day 32290, 12:24:56: Johnny Bravo froze Freddie Dredd - Lvl 279 (Shadowmane) Day 32290, 12:31:23: Johnny Bravo froze Big Narstie - Lvl 264 (Argentavis) Day 32290, 13:49:23: Johnny Bravo uploaded a Quetzal: Free Bird - Lvl 238 Day 32328, 14:53:27: Johnny Bravo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 227 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32329, 22:12:39: Johnny Bravo froze Odetari - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 32329, 22:47:51: Johnny Bravo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 229 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32402, 20:33:27: Johnny Bravo froze Maewing - Lvl 180 (Maewing) Day 32407, 14:46:06: Johnny Bravo froze Mayhem - Lvl 308 (Argentavis) Day 32407, 15:21:41: Johnny Bravo froze Maewing - Lvl 185 (Maewing) Day 32420, 21:35:17: Tribemember Johnny Bravo - Lvl 112 was killed by a Woolly Rhino - Lvl 150! Day 32420, 22:21:14: Johnny Bravo demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 32420, 22:28:05: Johnny Bravo demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 32421, 00:01:51: Johnny Bravo froze 40ST 48F 47WE M OG - Lvl 263 (Pteranodon) Day 32427, 05:42:07: Johnny Bravo Tamed a Woolly Rhino - Lvl 219 (Woolly Rhino)! Day 32427, 05:55:18: Johnny Bravo froze MAe - Lvl 220 (Maewing) Day 32427, 06:16:38: Johnny Bravo froze Woolly Rhino - Lvl 219 (Woolly Rhino) Day 32427, 10:44:52: Johnny Bravo froze MAe - Lvl 220 (Maewing) Day 32469, 23:34:49: Johnny Bravo froze good stam/weight - Lvl 224 (Maewing) Day 32494, 19:36:20: Johnny Bravo froze Ezekiel - Lvl 264 (Shadowmane) Day 32494, 19:39:16: Johnny Bravo froze Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 32494, 20:16:36: Johnny Bravo froze good stam/weight - Lvl 233 (Maewing) Day 32497, 01:23:25: Johnny Bravo froze Playboi Carti - Lvl 187 (Pachy) Day 32497, 08:07:13: Johnny Bravo Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 209 (Vulture)! Day 32497, 08:23:55: Johnny Bravo froze Vulture - Lvl 209 (Vulture) Day 32497, 11:00:14: Johnny Bravo Tamed a Vulture - Lvl 37 (Vulture)! Day 32497, 11:03:37: Johnny Bravo froze Vulture - Lvl 37 (Vulture) Day 32497, 11:43:56: Johnny Bravo froze PERFECT STATS - Lvl 241 (Maewing) Day 32518, 12:09:31: Johnny Bravo froze PERFECT STATS - Lvl 248 (Maewing) Day 32544, 04:51:09: Johnny Bravo froze good stam/weight - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 32613, 16:42:19: Johnny Bravo froze BBNB - Lvl 300 (Maewing) Day 32637, 02:28:19: Gacha - Lvl 147 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 32637, 09:04:39: Johnny Bravo froze BBNB - Lvl 304 (Maewing) Day 32639, 04:09:52: Johnny Bravo froze BBNB - Lvl 304 (Maewing) Day 32667, 22:38:57: Pteranodon - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 32738, 07:27:37: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 219 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 32807, 23:41:58: Johnny Bravo froze Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 32807, 23:46:51: Johnny Bravo froze Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 32807, 23:50:22: Johnny Bravo froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 32807, 23:54:06: Johnny Bravo froze $crim - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 32807, 23:57:51: Johnny Bravo froze Dinopithecus - Lvl 234 (Dinopithecus) Day 32808, 00:09:18: Johnny Bravo froze Big Narstie - Lvl 265 (Argentavis) Day 32808, 00:17:06: Johnny Bravo froze Varg Vikernes - Lvl 262 (Equus) Day 32808, 02:00:49: Johnny Bravo froze Maewing - Lvl 324 (Maewing) Day 32809, 20:02:02: Johnny Bravo froze Desmodus - Lvl 87 (Desmodus) Day 32809, 20:04:48: Johnny Bravo froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 215 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32809, 23:34:08: Tribemember Johnny Bravo - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 32810, 01:36:14: Your Maewing - Lvl 324 (Maewing) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 20! Day 32810, 04:29:06: Johnny Bravo froze Desmodus - Lvl 87 (Desmodus) Day 32810, 05:43:40: Johnny Bravo froze Desmodus - Lvl 87 (Desmodus) Day 32810, 09:28:51: Johnny Bravo froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32810, 10:15:21: Johnny Bravo froze Desmodus - Lvl 89 (Desmodus) Day 32810, 10:47:55: Johnny Bravo froze Desmodus - Lvl 89 (Desmodus) Day 32821, 01:59:27: Johnny Bravo froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32821, 05:54:58: Johnny Bravo froze Desmodus - Lvl 90 (Desmodus) Day 32821, 06:31:41: Johnny Bravo froze Desmodus - Lvl 90 (Desmodus) Day 32821, 09:31:42: Johnny Bravo froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32821, 10:08:33: Johnny Bravo froze Desmodus - Lvl 91 (Desmodus) Day 32821, 11:04:02: Johnny Bravo froze Desmodus - Lvl 92 (Desmodus) Day 32995, 10:59:14: Johnny Bravo froze Desmodus - Lvl 92 (Desmodus) Day 32995, 18:21:50: Johnny Bravo froze Yeat - Lvl 254 (Ankylosaurus) Day 32995, 20:07:56: Johnny Bravo froze Yeat - Lvl 255 (Ankylosaurus) Day 32995, 22:37:22: Johnny Bravo froze Maewing - Lvl 312 (Maewing) Day 33080, 07:09:33: 23 Knives - Lvl 187 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 33287, 21:00:46: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33397, 06:49:37: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 80 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 33594, 19:58:00: Your 'Stone Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33594, 19:58:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33878, 09:14:25: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34161, 20:42:38: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34197, 19:57:41: Metallica - Lvl 230 (Equus) starved to death! Day 34197, 19:57:49: Euronymous - Lvl 233 (Equus) starved to death! Day 34199, 07:34:07: haythem - Lvl 127 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 34199, 07:43:34: haythem - Lvl 127 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Initial D - Lvl 274 (Pteranodon)'! Day 34199, 08:09:45: haythem - Lvl 127 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 231 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 34199, 08:48:21: haythem - Lvl 127 (Tribe of haythem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus)'! Day 34726, 00:59:57: Damirox - Lvl 112 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F Breeder - Lvl 310 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 34819, 02:58:57: swagz - Lvl 94 (Tribe of swagz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'AVALON (Raft)'! Day 34819, 03:03:43: swagz - Lvl 94 (Tribe of swagz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Led Zeppelin - Lvl 205 (Equus)'! Day 35512, 12:07:41: Taurusking - Lvl 7 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '48H F OG - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 36137, 06:08:33: Dead - Lvl 224 (Equus) starved to death! Day 37248, 14:42:34: 43DMG M OG - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 41581, 13:55:53: Steve - Lvl 146 (Tribe of Steve) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 255 (Basilosaurus)'!"] "tribeid":1552834708,"tribe":"Tribe of Cressy logs":["Day 24868, 09:43:15: Cressy was added to the Tribe! Day 24868, 09:44:24: Louis was added to the Tribe by Cressy! Day 24868, 14:07:44: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 24868, 15:55:30: Louis Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 131 (Parasaur)! Day 24868, 17:19:36: Louis Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 126 (Parasaur)! Day 24868, 20:11:54: Cressy uploaded a Parasaur: Parsavil - Lvl 138 Day 24868, 20:22:28: Louis uploaded a Parasaur: Twister - Lvl 129 Day 25027, 09:48:52: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25110, 19:38:27: mussy - Lvl 43 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 25766, 20:49:59: Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1552104408,"tribe":"Tribe of OCplayer1 logs":["Day 19737, 03:17:22: OCplayer1 was added to the Tribe! Day 19737, 03:18:37: Chosef Chungstar was added to the Tribe by OCplayer1! Day 19737, 03:34:36: OCplayer1 froze Equus - Lvl 27 (Equus) Day 19737, 04:11:41: Chosef Chungstar froze Pluto - Lvl 221 (Snow Owl) Day 19737, 06:14:44: OCplayer1 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 231 (Snow Owl) Day 19760, 01:58:23: OCplayer1 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 233 (Snow Owl) Day 19760, 04:04:39: OCplayer1 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 233 (Snow Owl) Day 19794, 23:57:26: OCplayer1 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 246 (Snow Owl) Day 19803, 22:57:43: OCplayer1 froze Alucard - Lvl 292 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19808, 16:33:58: Tribemember Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 122 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 19808, 18:25:38: Chosef Chungstar was removed from the Tribe! Day 19808, 19:31:22: Your Pluto - Lvl 238 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 20113, 04:32:15: Your Syl - Lvl 278 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 20113, 05:05:13: Tribemember OCplayer1 - Lvl 125 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 20113, 07:54:15: Tribe of Chosef Chungsta tribe was merged in by Chosef Chungstar! Day 20113, 07:54:15: Chosef Chungstar was added to the Tribe by OCplayer1! Day 20113, 09:16:14: Chosef Chungstar froze Vilentrenth - Lvl 247 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20113, 09:19:39: Chosef Chungstar froze Hermes - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 20130, 16:01:21: Chosef Chungstar froze Minerva - Lvl 294 (Snow Owl) Day 20162, 19:46:23: OCplayer1 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 287 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20226, 23:03:39: Your Hermes - Lvl 302 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 20226, 23:05:42: Tribemember Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 20227, 05:35:26: Chosef Chungstar froze Apple - Lvl 259 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26984, 06:43:37: Chosef Chungstar froze Prometheus - Lvl 229 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26994, 03:03:38: OCplayer1 froze Tempest - Lvl 242 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26999, 09:04:11: OCplayer1 froze Tempest - Lvl 253 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26999, 09:51:05: OCplayer1 froze Tempest - Lvl 253 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27054, 00:50:59: Chosef Chungstar froze Sunbeam - Lvl 277 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27214, 13:10:42: Beeeedle was added to the Tribe by OCplayer1! Day 27214, 18:38:50: OCplayer1 froze Whirlwind - Lvl 319 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27214, 22:29:40: OCplayer1 Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 194 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 27214, 23:38:35: OCplayer1 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 27214, 23:44:09: OCplayer1 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 194 (Giganotosaurus) Day 27214, 23:58:27: Beeeedle froze Dawnshot - Lvl 295 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27214, 23:58:36: OCplayer1 froze Whirlwind - Lvl 319 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27217, 18:10:56: Chosef Chungstar froze Sunbeam - Lvl 315 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27329, 05:30:17: OCplayer1 froze Whirlwind - Lvl 326 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27329, 07:16:11: OCplayer1 Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 224 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 27329, 07:20:14: OCplayer1 froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 224 (Tusoteuthis) Day 27329, 08:18:14: OCplayer1 froze Sausage - Lvl 359 (Basilosaurus) Day 27329, 10:44:51: OCplayer1 froze Whirlwind - Lvl 326 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27329, 10:55:45: OCplayer1 froze Whirlwind - Lvl 326 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27329, 14:17:11: OCplayer1 froze Sausage - Lvl 360 (Basilosaurus) Day 27329, 18:23:29: OCplayer1 froze Whirlwind - Lvl 326 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27711, 16:29:46: Chosef Chungstar froze Sunbeam - Lvl 323 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27711, 20:07:46: Chosef Chungstar froze Scary Terry - Lvl 341 (Therizinosaur) Day 27711, 20:46:22: Chosef Chungstar froze Sunbeam - Lvl 323 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27948, 15:18:17: Your Megalodon - Lvl 37 (Megalodon) was killed by a Plesiosaur - Lvl 135! Day 34529, 13:25:22: Chosef Chungstar froze Green Glizzy Goblin - Lvl 242 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34529, 17:04:50: Chosef Chungstar froze Green Glizzy Goblin - Lvl 242 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34548, 16:34:58: OCplayer1 froze Dante - Lvl 302 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 34548, 17:35:07: OCplayer1 Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 224 (Mantis)! Day 34548, 17:39:59: OCplayer1 froze Mantis - Lvl 224 (Mantis) Day 34548, 23:11:17: OCplayer1 froze Dante - Lvl 303 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 34574, 21:37:03: OCplayer1 froze Bolt 2 - Lvl 265 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34579, 17:13:21: OCplayer1 froze Bolt 2 - Lvl 273 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34581, 15:01:14: OCplayer1 froze Bolt 2 - Lvl 273 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34587, 07:06:56: OCplayer1 froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 212 (Basilosaurus) Day 34587, 08:45:06: OCplayer1 froze Bolt 2 - Lvl 274 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34609, 11:52:14: OCplayer1 froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 243 (Basilosaurus) Day 34609, 13:28:36: OCplayer1 froze Bolt 2 - Lvl 281 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34623, 01:25:18: OCplayer1 froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 308 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 34631, 13:39:19: OCplayer1 froze Bolt 2 - Lvl 282 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34631, 15:23:39: OCplayer1 Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 34631, 15:28:44: OCplayer1 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34631, 15:48:16: OCplayer1 froze Bolt 2 - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34703, 04:57:54: Chosef Chungstar froze Green Glizzy Goblin - Lvl 290 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34703, 05:10:47: Your squid bait - Lvl 134 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 25 | 1.0x! Day 34703, 05:42:56: Chosef Chungstar froze Green Glizzy Goblin - Lvl 290 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34703, 14:34:07: Chosef Chungstar froze Green Glizzy Goblin - Lvl 290 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34703, 16:24:56: Chosef Chungstar Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 34703, 18:48:12: Chosef Chungstar froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis) Day 34703, 18:53:30: Chosef Chungstar froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 224 (Tusoteuthis) Day 34703, 19:27:37: Chosef Chungstar froze Green Glizzy Goblin - Lvl 290 (R-Snow Owl) Day 36439, 14:06:24: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 229 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 25! Day 41771, 05:06:28: OCplayer1 claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 41771, 05:08:04: OCplayer1 claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 41771, 05:09:56: OCplayer1 claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 41771, 05:10:56: OCplayer1 claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 41771, 05:11:49: OCplayer1 claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 41771, 05:12:47: OCplayer1 claimed 'Herculumobile (Raft)'! Day 41771, 11:52:25: OCplayer1 froze Meleys - Lvl 293 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 41789, 22:30:01: OCplayer1 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 41820, 03:28:49: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 276 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41884, 16:01:16: Tribemember OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 95! Day 41884, 18:27:01: OCplayer1 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 264 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41884, 19:15:11: OCplayer1 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 264 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41884, 23:32:43: OCplayer1 Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 194 (Basilosaurus)! Day 41884, 23:38:10: OCplayer1 froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 194 (Basilosaurus) Day 41885, 04:02:28: OCplayer1 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 239 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 41885, 04:38:40: OCplayer1 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 239 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 41885, 05:07:05: OCplayer1 uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 239 Day 41885, 07:19:58: Tribemember OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 20! Day 41885, 07:52:17: Tribemember OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 was killed! Day 41885, 11:48:01: OCplayer1 downloaded a dino: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 239 Day 41885, 13:20:40: Tribemember OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 was killed! Day 41885, 15:55:32: OCplayer1 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 239 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 41885, 16:14:34: OCplayer1 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 265 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41885, 17:47:58: OCplayer1 Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 194 (Basilosaurus)! Day 41885, 17:54:38: OCplayer1 froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 194 (Basilosaurus) Day 41885, 18:36:37: OCplayer1 froze Maewing - Lvl 249 (Maewing) Day 41902, 13:14:58: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 291 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41902, 13:27:28: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 291 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41902, 14:13:22: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 291 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41903, 05:10:07: Chosef Chungstar Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis)! Day 41903, 05:15:06: Chosef Chungstar froze Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 41903, 05:15:20: Chosef Chungstar Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis)! Day 41903, 05:32:24: Chosef Chungstar froze Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 41903, 07:06:42: Chosef Chungstar froze Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 41903, 07:09:30: Chosef Chungstar froze Mantis - Lvl 224 (Mantis) Day 41903, 07:12:22: Chosef Chungstar froze Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 41903, 07:15:52: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 292 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41930, 21:54:00: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 297 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41961, 22:13:47: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 299 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41973, 16:54:22: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 300 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42048, 17:22:17: Chosef Chungstar froze Lestat - Lvl 240 (Desmodus) Day 42048, 19:50:33: Chosef Chungstar froze Caraxes - Lvl 266 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 42048, 22:48:52: Your Tribe Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus)! Day 42048, 23:35:38: Chosef Chungstar froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus) Day 42049, 01:15:38: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 306 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42080, 05:17:06: Chosef Chungstar Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 209 (Ovis)! Day 42080, 05:24:27: Chosef Chungstar froze Ovis - Lvl 209 (Ovis) Day 42080, 06:29:08: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 307 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42080, 09:45:47: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 215 (Ovis)'! Day 42080, 09:48:25: Chosef Chungstar froze Ovis - Lvl 209 (Ovis) Day 42080, 09:51:30: Chosef Chungstar froze Baby Ovis - Lvl 215 (Ovis) Day 42080, 09:55:13: Chosef Chungstar froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 42080, 10:34:37: Chosef Chungstar Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 29 (Ovis)! Day 42080, 10:38:53: Chosef Chungstar froze Ovis - Lvl 29 (Ovis) Day 42080, 14:21:20: Chosef Chungstar froze Ovis - Lvl 209 (Ovis) Day 42080, 14:25:03: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 307 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42081, 04:50:06: Tribemember Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 was killed by OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 (Tribe of OCplayer1)! Day 42081, 04:50:06: Your Tribe killed Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Tribe of OCplayer1)! Day 42081, 05:38:02: Chosef Chungstar froze Caraxes - Lvl 286 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 42081, 05:58:08: Chosef Chungstar froze Ovis - Lvl 29 (Ovis) Day 42081, 06:01:31: Chosef Chungstar froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 42081, 06:56:34: OCplayer1 froze Tomcat - Lvl 288 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42081, 07:17:25: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 227 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 42081, 07:27:51: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'EX77-292E187-6R - Lvl 194 (Enforcer)'! Day 42081, 07:31:35: Chosef Chungstar froze EX77-292E187-6R - Lvl 194 (Enforcer) Day 42081, 07:33:16: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Lightning McQueen - Lvl 324 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 42081, 07:40:30: Chosef Chungstar froze Lightning McQueen - Lvl 324 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42081, 07:53:44: Chosef Chungstar froze Caraxes - Lvl 287 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 42081, 07:59:00: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 307 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42081, 09:01:05: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'ALLO RHOADES - Lvl 295 (Allosaurus)'! Day 42081, 09:10:43: Chosef Chungstar froze ALLO RHOADES - Lvl 295 (Allosaurus) Day 42081, 10:43:53: Chosef Chungstar froze Caraxes - Lvl 293 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 42092, 14:52:49: Chosef Chungstar uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 227 Day 42092, 15:46:30: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Herr Melone - Lvl 234 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 42092, 15:58:34: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 307 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42092, 16:00:56: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'BUBBA - Lvl 238 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 42092, 16:08:46: Chosef Chungstar froze BUBBA - Lvl 238 (Beelzebufo) Day 42092, 16:44:02: Chosef Chungstar uploaded a Tek Stryder: Herr Melone - Lvl 234 Day 42092, 16:54:27: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 307 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42092, 16:55:53: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'HOOVER - Lvl 163 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 42092, 17:38:16: Chosef Chungstar uploaded a Tek Stryder: HOOVER - Lvl 163 Day 42092, 23:31:35: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 307 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42098, 19:01:51: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 42098, 19:02:01: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 42098, 19:02:10: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 42098, 19:02:35: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 42098, 19:02:47: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 42098, 19:03:10: Your Herculumobile (Raft) was destroyed! Day 42265, 02:24:08: Your Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 212 (R-Giganotosaurus) was killed by OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 (Tribe of OCplayer1)! Day 42265, 02:24:08: Your Tribe killed Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 212 (R-Giganotosaurus)! Day 42265, 06:58:55: OCplayer1 froze Tomcat - Lvl 307 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42270, 07:35:45: OCplayer1 froze Tessarion - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42305, 20:28:08: OCplayer1 froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 350 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 42305, 22:01:00: OCplayer1 froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 350 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 42305, 22:06:30: OCplayer1 froze Tomcat - Lvl 300 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42305, 22:47:49: OCplayer1 froze Tomcat - Lvl 300 (R-Snow Owl)"] "tribeid":1549616971,"tribe":"fugly logs":["Day 20034, 04:55:18: Drago was added to the Tribe! Day 20034, 05:11:32: Tribe of Big G tribe was merged in by Big G! Day 20034, 05:11:32: Big G was added to the Tribe by Drago! Day 20034, 06:36:58: Tribemember Big G - Lvl 1 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 20034, 06:37:01: Tribemember Drago - Lvl 4 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 20034, 09:47:23: Tribemember Drago - Lvl 6 was killed by Big G - Lvl 1 (fugly)! Day 20034, 09:47:23: Your Tribe killed Drago - Lvl 6 (fugly)! Day 20034, 09:53:42: Tribemember Big G - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 20034, 10:38:49: Drago Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 71 (Dilophosaur)! Day 20034, 15:25:10: Drago Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 20035, 01:13:07: Tribemember Big G - Lvl 7 was killed by Drago - Lvl 15 (fugly)! Day 20035, 01:13:07: Your Tribe killed Big G - Lvl 7 (fugly)! Day 20035, 05:17:49: Tribemember Big G - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 20035, 06:31:26: Drago Tamed an Equus - Lvl 74 (Equus)! Day 20035, 09:17:12: Tribemember Big G - Lvl 7 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 90! Day 20035, 12:07:20: Drago Tamed an Equus - Lvl 89 (Equus)! Day 20035, 12:40:58: Drago Tamed an Equus - Lvl 82 (Equus)! Day 20035, 16:59:03: Your Tribe Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 134 (Carbonemys)! Day 20035, 20:40:57: Tribemember Big G - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 20035, 21:19:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 62 (Triceratops)! Day 20035, 21:21:23: Tribemember Big G - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 20036, 01:04:22: Tribemember Big G - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 20036, 02:20:17: Your Object - Lvl 64 (Triceratops) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 20036, 02:21:03: Tribemember Big G - Lvl 16 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 20036, 10:03:53: Drago claimed 'lil chad - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 20036, 10:09:30: Tribemember Big G - Lvl 19 was killed by lil chad - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) (fugly)! Day 20036, 10:09:30: Your Tribe killed Big G - Lvl 19 (fugly)! Day 20036, 14:17:20: Your cum stain - Lvl 95 (Equus) was killed by Spitty boye - Lvl 202 (Poison Wyvern) (fugly)! Day 20036, 14:17:20: Your Tribe killed cum stain - Lvl 95 (Equus) (fugly)! Day 20036, 14:17:22: Tribemember Drago - Lvl 23 was killed by Spitty boye - Lvl 202 (Poison Wyvern) (fugly)! Day 20036, 14:17:22: Your Tribe killed Drago - Lvl 23 (fugly)! Day 20039, 10:55:02: Your Stupid Bird - Lvl 29 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 55! Day 20040, 18:53:51: Tribemember Drago - Lvl 23 was killed! Day 20190, 10:11:19: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20670, 09:47:58: Benedy - Lvl 122 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spitty boye - Lvl 202 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 20865, 19:40:52: Small G - Lvl 75 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 21050, 09:44:09: Rectum - Lvl 87 (Equus) starved to death! Day 21096, 10:10:20: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 135 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 21619, 20:45:02: Anus - Lvl 84 (Equus) starved to death! Day 23368, 18:03:22: Tribemember Big G - Lvl 19 was killed!"] "tribeid":1548928112,"tribe":"Tribe of Danasor logs":["Day 35657, 23:08:35: Danasor was added to the Tribe! Day 35657, 23:13:40: Henryxus was added to the Tribe by Danasor! Day 35658, 00:39:12: Tribemember Henryxus - Lvl 9 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 95! Day 35658, 00:43:55: Tribemember Danasor - Lvl 18 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 95! Day 35658, 07:19:09: Tribemember Danasor - Lvl 19 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 130! Day 35658, 07:20:38: Tribemember Henryxus - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 35658, 12:31:50: Henryxus Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 31 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 35658, 19:11:21: Henryxus Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 28 (Parasaur)! Day 35908, 16:25:37: Tribemember Danasor - Lvl 27 was killed! Day 35908, 16:47:25: Tribemember Henryxus - Lvl 18 was killed! Day 35908, 17:04:45: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 20! Day 36115, 04:36:32: Your Nelson - Lvl 34 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 36257, 06:24:48: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1547748274,"tribe":"IGP logs":["Day 39456, 18:51:05: Fruj was added to the Tribe! Day 39456, 19:10:45: Rueben was added to the Tribe by Fruj! Day 39456, 20:56:22: Rueben froze El Dorado - Lvl 185 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 39457, 18:12:28: Fruj Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 194 (Therizinosaur)! Day 39457, 18:29:18: Fruj froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 194 (Therizinosaur) Day 39457, 19:52:02: Fruj froze Thanatos - Lvl 260 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1547577350,"tribe":"Tribe of Tess <3 logs":["Day 30018, 16:38:19: Tess <3 was added to the Tribe! Day 30018, 16:40:13: desroy was added to the Tribe by Tess <3! Day 30018, 19:30:54: Tess <3 claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30018, 22:18:00: Tess <3 froze Louis - Lvl 325 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 30018, 23:16:35: Tess <3 froze Rowan - Lvl 297 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 30019, 05:24:13: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)! Day 30019, 07:02:36: Tribemember desroy - Lvl 112 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 30019, 07:04:53: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 173 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 160! Day 30019, 08:25:22: Tribemember desroy - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 30019, 09:35:23: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 233 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 30019, 09:36:39: Tribemember desroy - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 30019, 13:00:20: Sadie <3 was added to the Tribe by Tess <3! Day 30019, 14:21:44: Tess <3 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)! Day 30019, 14:39:02: Tribemember desroy - Lvl 112 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 20! Day 30019, 15:03:26: Tess <3 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 30019, 16:22:03: Tess <3 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon) Day 30019, 16:29:09: Sadie <3 froze Louis - Lvl 325 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 30019, 17:38:21: Tess <3 froze [Breeder] Tess's Circle - Lvl 350 (Managarmr) Day 30019, 17:41:32: Sadie <3 froze Sadie's love - Lvl 328 (Managarmr) Day 30019, 19:16:42: Tribemember desroy - Lvl 112 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 30087, 17:16:49: desroy froze jump strid - Lvl 288 (Managarmr) Day 30087, 19:11:55: desroy Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 30087, 20:16:34: desroy uploaded a Shadowmane: lionfish - Lvl 271 Day 30087, 20:26:06: desroy froze RAT - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 30172, 02:06:02: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30313, 17:48:31: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30394, 08:03:22: Your welly boot - Lvl 259 (Fjordhawk) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 90!"] "tribeid":1544655193,"tribe":"DEATH DOSE Tribe logs":["Day 18283, 23:51:45: shooter was added to the Tribe! Day 18284, 00:31:04: neek added 'theybeendroped' Tribe to brothers Alliance! Day 18284, 00:33:46: Tribemember shooter - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 18778, 21:42:32: Tribemember shooter - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 18779, 05:38:35: shooter froze parablu - Lvl 164 (Pteranodon) Day 18779, 07:31:11: shooter froze parablu - Lvl 164 (Pteranodon) Day 18780, 04:06:16: shooter claimed 'Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 85 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18780, 11:16:27: Tribemember shooter - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 18781, 01:57:10: stackin was added to the Tribe by shooter! Day 18781, 07:15:58: Tribemember stackin - Lvl 46 was killed! Day 18781, 08:33:23: Tribemember stackin - Lvl 46 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 18781, 09:18:50: Tribemember stackin - Lvl 46 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 85! Day 18782, 04:10:15: shooter claimed 'Direwolf - Lvl 98 (Direwolf)'! Day 18782, 10:22:24: shooter claimed 'Compy - Lvl 29 (Compy)'! Day 18782, 15:40:20: shooter claimed 'Pelagornis - Lvl 89 (Pelagornis)'! Day 18782, 16:48:57: shooter claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 67 (Parasaur)'! Day 18783, 01:48:24: shooter claimed 'Blu - Lvl 142 (Megalodon)'! Day 18830, 00:52:14: shooter claimed 'Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 121 (Doedicurus)'! Day 18830, 02:06:01: shooter froze Baby baby baa - Lvl 121 (Doedicurus) Day 18832, 08:38:51: shooter claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 29 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 18832, 20:41:11: shooter claimed 'Baby Compy - Lvl 92 (Compy)'! Day 18833, 06:18:13: shooter claimed 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 18833, 06:34:21: shooter claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18833, 16:52:37: shooter claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 169 (Rex)'! Day 18833, 20:56:47: shooter froze Baby Rex - Lvl 169 (Rex) Day 18841, 13:26:01: shooter demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 18841, 22:16:44: Tribemember shooter - Lvl 81 was killed! Day 18841, 23:33:15: Tribemember shooter - Lvl 81 was killed! Day 18842, 00:52:51: shooter claimed 'Redrum - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 18962, 06:33:18: Tribemember stackin - Lvl 46 was killed! Day 18984, 19:13:45: Parasaur - Lvl 87 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 19036, 08:10:32: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19177, 13:54:08: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19459, 23:39:23: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19459, 23:39:23: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19459, 23:39:23: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19469, 10:17:19: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Redrum - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 19469, 10:22:58: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'zues - Lvl 106 (Direwolf)'! Day 19469, 10:25:43: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'peter - Lvl 103 (Compy)'! Day 19511, 19:55:02: Inmate - Lvl 122 (Trikru) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 137 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 19511, 19:55:42: Inmate - Lvl 122 (Trikru) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 175 (Rex)'! Day 19511, 19:56:33: Inmate - Lvl 122 (Trikru) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 36 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 19511, 19:58:02: Inmate - Lvl 122 (Trikru) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'baby baa - Lvl 149 (Doedicurus)'! Day 19511, 19:58:58: Inmate - Lvl 122 (Trikru) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'the mighty moe (Canoe)'! Day 19511, 20:10:01: Inmate - Lvl 122 (Trikru) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Static - Lvl 83 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 19513, 22:27:12: Inmate - Lvl 122 (Trikru) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'the chip tooth (Raft)'! Day 19729, 09:23:34: Inmate - Lvl 122 (Trikru) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Compy - Lvl 29 (Compy)'! Day 19742, 10:43:25: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19742, 10:43:25: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19742, 10:43:25: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20048, 17:14:33: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20241, 19:52:58: SKiLLz - Lvl 133 (Tribe of SKiLLz - Admin Skillz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blu - Lvl 180 (Megalodon)'! Day 21152, 09:36:31: parablu - Lvl 176 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 22162, 06:54:08: Pelagornis - Lvl 107 (Pelagornis) starved to death! Day 23741, 07:37:02: Inmate - Lvl 122 (Trikru) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 110 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23741, 18:25:17: Tribemember shooter - Lvl 83 was killed!"] "tribeid":1542151937,"tribe":"tullinger logs":["Day 37171, 15:08:59: Gunjack was added to the Tribe! Day 37171, 15:13:35: Donna was added to the Tribe by Gunjack! Day 37172, 11:05:15: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 335 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37172, 11:14:57: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 292 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37173, 18:39:51: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 338 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37173, 18:49:54: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 292 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37175, 04:11:22: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 339 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37175, 23:49:04: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 293 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37189, 05:43:58: Gunjack froze Maewing - Lvl 271 (Maewing) Day 37189, 15:14:15: Gunjack froze Jacks - Lvl 357 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 37190, 11:17:52: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 293 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37190, 14:05:53: Gunjack froze Ole - Lvl 304 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37196, 16:50:05: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 294 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37221, 23:42:04: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 295 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37223, 01:31:27: LeeBoy was added to the Tribe by Gunjack! Day 37223, 15:55:19: Gunjack froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 37223, 16:50:27: Tribemember Gunjack - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 37224, 04:19:01: Gunjack froze Boss - Lvl 308 (Rex) Day 37224, 05:25:13: LeeBoy froze BoneCrusher - Lvl 397 (Tek Rex) Day 37224, 05:25:21: Gunjack froze Boss - Lvl 322 (Rex) Day 37224, 05:27:56: Donna froze SONJA - Lvl 333 (Rex) Day 37224, 05:30:21: Gunjack froze Boss - Lvl 336 (Rex) Day 37224, 05:33:37: Gunjack froze Boss - Lvl 298 (Rex) Day 37224, 05:36:32: Gunjack froze Boss - Lvl 277 (Rex) Day 37224, 05:39:40: Gunjack froze Boss - Lvl 315 (Rex) Day 37224, 05:40:40: LeeBoy froze Boss - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 37224, 05:41:01: Donna froze Boss - Lvl 319 (Rex) Day 37224, 05:42:49: Gunjack froze Boss - Lvl 302 (Rex) Day 37224, 05:44:21: LeeBoy froze Boss - Lvl 336 (Rex) Day 37224, 05:45:25: Donna froze Boss - Lvl 313 (Rex) Day 37224, 05:46:38: Gunjack froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 326 (Yutyrannus) Day 37224, 05:52:00: LeeBoy froze Expenables - Lvl 321 (Rex) Day 37224, 05:54:19: Gunjack froze Boss - Lvl 310 (Rex) Day 37224, 05:54:47: LeeBoy froze Boss - Lvl 286 (Rex) Day 37224, 05:57:54: Gunjack froze Boss - Lvl 306 (Rex) Day 37224, 06:00:50: Gunjack froze Boss - Lvl 317 (Rex) Day 37224, 06:02:56: LeeBoy froze EXspenable - Lvl 311 (Rex) Day 37224, 06:29:14: LeeBoy froze LeeBoy - Lvl 300 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37224, 07:28:36: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 295 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37224, 07:31:19: Gunjack froze Ole - Lvl 304 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37249, 13:20:00: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 296 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37270, 02:26:24: Donbay was added to the Tribe by Gunjack! Day 37270, 07:49:18: Tribemember LeeBoy - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 37270, 13:32:23: LeeBoy froze LeeBoy - Lvl 308 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37270, 13:50:42: Donbay froze Donbay - Lvl 438 (Tek Rex) Day 37270, 14:14:03: LeeBoy froze BoneCrusher - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 37270, 14:49:16: Donbay froze Donbay - Lvl 438 (Tek Rex) Day 37270, 14:51:55: Gunjack froze Daeodon - Lvl 274 (Daeodon) Day 37270, 15:28:42: Donbay froze DB Male - 200 - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37270, 15:29:39: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 37270, 15:36:27: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 37270, 15:40:38: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 413 (Tek Rex) Day 37270, 15:52:08: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 37270, 16:04:37: LeeBoy froze BoneCrusher - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 37270, 16:08:36: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 37270, 16:12:23: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 37270, 16:17:51: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 406 (Tek Rex) Day 37270, 16:31:00: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 37270, 16:34:13: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex) Day 37270, 16:46:04: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 397 (Tek Rex) Day 37270, 16:53:45: Gunjack froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 328 (Yutyrannus) Day 37270, 17:01:28: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 397 (Tek Rex) Day 37270, 17:04:48: Gunjack froze 58-60 - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 37270, 17:08:42: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 405 (Tek Rex) Day 37270, 17:14:58: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 406 (Tek Rex) Day 37270, 17:19:55: LeeBoy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 309 (R-Snow Owl) Day 37270, 17:21:01: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 37270, 17:23:52: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 37270, 17:50:32: LeeBoy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 309 (R-Snow Owl) Day 37270, 18:27:26: Gunjack froze Ole - Lvl 307 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37270, 18:45:52: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 297 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37272, 06:41:08: Gunjack froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 329 (Basilosaurus) Day 37272, 09:25:38: Gunjack froze Ole - Lvl 307 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37272, 10:08:12: Gunjack Tamed an Unicorn - Lvl 209 (Unicorn)! Day 37272, 10:16:38: Gunjack froze Unicorn - Lvl 209 (Unicorn) Day 37272, 10:46:59: Gunjack froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 329 (Basilosaurus) Day 37272, 12:01:48: Gunjack froze Ole - Lvl 307 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37272, 15:00:28: Gunjack froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 330 (Basilosaurus) Day 37272, 18:47:35: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 342 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37274, 05:06:27: Tribemember LeeBoy - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 37274, 05:06:27: Tribemember Gunjack - Lvl 136 was killed! Day 37274, 05:06:27: Tribemember Donna - Lvl 127 was killed! Day 37274, 05:06:27: Your 58-60 - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 37274, 05:06:27: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 399 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 37274, 05:06:27: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 415 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 37274, 05:06:27: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 399 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 37274, 05:06:27: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 328 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 37274, 05:06:27: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 399 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 37274, 05:06:27: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 397 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 37274, 05:06:27: Your BoneCrusher - Lvl 418 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 37274, 05:06:27: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 398 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 37274, 05:06:27: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 399 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 37274, 05:06:27: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 399 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 37274, 05:06:27: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 400 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 37274, 05:06:27: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 407 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 37274, 05:06:27: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 420 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 37274, 05:06:27: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 398 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 37274, 05:06:27: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 399 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 37274, 05:06:27: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 398 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 37274, 05:06:27: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 407 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 37274, 05:55:01: Gunjack froze Ole - Lvl 313 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37274, 06:33:32: LeeBoy froze LeeBoy - Lvl 309 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37274, 06:34:29: Gunjack froze Ole - Lvl 313 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37274, 07:23:06: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 298 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37292, 20:57:22: Gunjack froze Maewing - Lvl 286 (Maewing) Day 37293, 09:18:56: LeeBoy froze LeeBoy - Lvl 309 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37293, 16:41:57: Gunjack froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 342 (Basilosaurus) Day 37293, 21:53:05: LeeBoy froze Le3Boy - Lvl 321 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37294, 07:38:33: LeeBoy froze LeeBoy - Lvl 314 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37294, 08:13:15: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 300 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37294, 08:21:15: Gunjack froze Ole - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37314, 02:12:46: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 301 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37314, 02:34:46: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 301 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37339, 15:53:55: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 303 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37341, 17:23:48: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 393 (Tek Rex) Day 37341, 17:26:52: Gunjack froze FEM - Lvl 393 (Tek Rex) Day 37341, 17:30:11: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 37341, 17:33:58: Gunjack froze FEM - Lvl 393 (Tek Rex) Day 37341, 17:38:33: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 393 (Tek Rex) Day 37341, 17:42:28: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex) Day 37341, 17:45:39: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex) Day 37341, 17:53:59: Gunjack froze FEM - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex) Day 37341, 17:57:07: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 374 (Tek Rex) Day 37341, 18:00:04: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex) Day 37341, 18:02:58: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 393 (Tek Rex) Day 37341, 18:06:20: Gunjack froze FEM - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex) Day 37341, 18:09:42: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 401 (Tek Rex) Day 37341, 18:13:33: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 37341, 18:23:31: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex) Day 37341, 18:26:37: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex) Day 37341, 18:29:28: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex) Day 37341, 18:32:30: Gunjack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 393 (Tek Rex) Day 37341, 18:36:24: Gunjack froze FEM - Lvl 397 (Tek Rex) Day 37341, 20:07:33: LeeBoy froze LeeBoy - Lvl 316 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37341, 20:14:53: Gunjack froze Ole - Lvl 316 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37342, 04:45:56: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 303 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37380, 19:08:33: Gunjack froze Ole - Lvl 319 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37380, 22:01:39: Gunjack froze Jacks - Lvl 359 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 37381, 01:05:56: Gunjack froze Ole - Lvl 319 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37381, 10:51:08: Gunjack froze Ole - Lvl 319 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37381, 17:34:03: Gunjack froze Ole - Lvl 319 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37381, 17:47:20: Gunjack froze Argentavis - Lvl 305 (Argentavis) Day 37415, 05:46:14: Gunjack froze Ole - Lvl 319 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37415, 05:49:55: LeeBoy froze LeeBoy - Lvl 321 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37415, 05:53:39: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 303 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37415, 07:58:44: LeeBoy froze Le3Boy - Lvl 314 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 37415, 08:05:27: Donna froze Cave Beast - Lvl 314 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 37415, 08:18:15: Gunjack froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 297 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 37415, 09:12:57: Gunjack froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 297 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 37415, 09:15:51: LeeBoy froze Le3Boy - Lvl 314 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 37415, 09:17:38: Donna froze Cave Beast - Lvl 314 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 37415, 10:35:50: Gunjack froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 299 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 37415, 10:38:09: LeeBoy froze Le3Boy - Lvl 314 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 37415, 10:39:43: Donna froze Cave Beast - Lvl 314 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 37415, 10:54:53: Tribemember Gunjack - Lvl 136 was killed! Day 37415, 13:57:18: LeeBoy froze Le3Boy - Lvl 314 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 37415, 16:55:01: LeeBoy froze LeeBoy - Lvl 321 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37415, 16:57:56: Gunjack froze Ole - Lvl 320 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37415, 17:01:19: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 304 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37434, 08:16:41: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 304 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37434, 15:47:08: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 345 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37453, 22:18:41: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 304 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37556, 15:45:45: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 310 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37581, 14:20:54: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 310 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37596, 14:26:09: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 310 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37603, 14:25:08: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 311 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37615, 02:25:36: Gunjack claimed 'op유 - Lvl 236 (Shadowmane)'! Day 37615, 02:35:41: Gunjack froze op유 - Lvl 236 (Shadowmane) Day 37615, 03:31:14: Gunjack froze op유 - Lvl 236 (Shadowmane) Day 37615, 09:17:58: Gunjack froze Ole - Lvl 324 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37615, 09:21:42: Gunjack froze Otter - Lvl 315 (Otter) Day 37616, 05:13:56: LeeBoy froze Le3Boy - Lvl 358 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37616, 06:06:39: LeeBoy froze Dr.evil - Lvl 223 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 37616, 07:23:14: LeeBoy Tamed an Equus - Lvl 202 (Equus)! Day 37616, 07:36:02: LeeBoy froze m 135 - Lvl 202 (Equus) Day 37616, 08:10:26: LeeBoy froze Dr.evil - Lvl 223 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 37616, 08:16:40: LeeBoy Tamed an Unicorn - Lvl 29 (Unicorn)! Day 37616, 08:25:45: LeeBoy froze Unicorn - Lvl 29 (Unicorn) Day 37616, 12:00:04: LeeBoy froze Dr.evil - Lvl 224 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 37699, 16:27:59: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 311 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37724, 04:41:15: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 311 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37758, 12:45:51: LeeBoy froze Dr.evil - Lvl 231 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 37758, 13:06:01: LeeBoy froze Le3Boy - Lvl 362 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37758, 14:24:44: LeeBoy froze Le3Boy - Lvl 362 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37758, 15:00:01: LeeBoy froze Dr.evil - Lvl 231 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 37758, 16:29:03: LeeBoy froze Le3Boy - Lvl 362 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37758, 17:30:22: LeeBoy froze Le3Boy - Lvl 362 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37758, 18:16:28: LeeBoy froze Dr.evil - Lvl 231 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 37758, 20:21:21: LeeBoy froze Dr.evil - Lvl 231 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 37758, 22:03:14: LeeBoy froze Le3Boy - Lvl 362 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37758, 22:22:23: LeeBoy Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis)! Day 37758, 22:36:16: LeeBoy froze 145 - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 37759, 00:28:20: LeeBoy froze Le3Boy - Lvl 362 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37759, 01:05:03: LeeBoy froze Dr.evil - Lvl 231 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 37759, 02:03:22: LeeBoy froze Le3Boy - Lvl 362 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37759, 03:19:27: LeeBoy Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 194 (Mantis)! Day 37759, 04:38:27: LeeBoy froze 145 - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 37759, 04:42:57: LeeBoy froze 130 - Lvl 194 (Mantis) Day 37759, 04:49:34: LeeBoy froze Le3Boy - Lvl 362 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37759, 05:17:59: LeeBoy froze Dr.evil - Lvl 231 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 38008, 22:27:10: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 319 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38058, 07:48:00: Donna froze Sonja - Lvl 319 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38635, 17:47:57: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39231, 04:52:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1538289492,"tribe":"yes logs":["Day 13035, 08:42:08: sandwich was added to the Tribe! Day 13035, 08:47:13: Oscar was added to the Tribe by sandwich! Day 13035, 10:38:41: sandwich froze 27401 mutations - Lvl 340 (Snow Owl) Day 13049, 08:46:15: sandwich froze 27401 mutations - Lvl 341 (Snow Owl) Day 13093, 23:58:39: sandwich froze 27401 mutations - Lvl 346 (Snow Owl) Day 13094, 00:28:45: sandwich froze Alpha - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) Day 13094, 02:25:40: sandwich froze Lady Sif - Lvl 345 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13094, 02:44:44: sandwich froze 27401 mutations - Lvl 346 (Snow Owl) Day 13094, 11:28:40: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex)! Day 13094, 11:42:24: Oscar froze Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex) Day 13094, 12:14:19: Oscar froze Growl - Lvl 278 (Snow Owl) Day 13094, 12:22:56: sandwich froze 27401 mutations - Lvl 346 (Snow Owl) Day 13116, 03:49:11: sandwich froze 27401 mutations - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 13116, 03:52:40: Oscar froze Peng Ting - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) Day 13116, 04:25:04: Tribemember Oscar - Lvl 122 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 13116, 05:25:19: sandwich froze Quetzal - Lvl 267 (Quetzal) Day 13116, 06:55:42: Tribemember Oscar - Lvl 122 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 95! Day 13116, 09:28:03: sandwich froze 27401 mutations - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 13116, 09:29:57: Oscar froze Peng Ting - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) Day 13133, 04:52:34: sandwich froze 109604 mutations - Lvl 300 (Snow Owl) Day 13133, 05:18:12: sandwich froze 109604 mutations - Lvl 300 (Snow Owl) Day 13133, 09:38:34: sandwich froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 344 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13133, 13:48:02: Oscar froze Fighter - Lvl 302 (Snow Owl) Day 13134, 01:56:19: sandwich froze 109604 mutations - Lvl 309 (Snow Owl) Day 13134, 08:26:47: sandwich froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 344 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13134, 08:58:03: sandwich froze 109604 mutations - Lvl 309 (Snow Owl) Day 13245, 16:19:41: sandwich froze 109604 mutations - Lvl 331 (Snow Owl) Day 13245, 18:24:20: sandwich froze Alpha - Lvl 205 (Deinonychus) Day 13245, 23:03:06: sandwich froze Alpha - Lvl 205 (Deinonychus) Day 13246, 05:27:33: sandwich froze Alpha - Lvl 206 (Deinonychus) Day 13246, 07:02:42: Tribemember sandwich - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 13246, 08:14:09: sandwich uploaded a Snow Owl: 109604 mutations - Lvl 331 Day 13300, 12:34:43: Tribemember sandwich - Lvl 123 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 13300, 12:52:39: Your 109604 mutations - Lvl 336 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 13300, 15:21:43: Wish added 'yes' Tribe to Alliance Of The Alliance! Day 13300, 16:08:42: Tribemember sandwich - Lvl 123 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 13300, 18:01:27: Tribemember sandwich - Lvl 123 was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 15! Day 16339, 12:59:29: sandwich froze Perry - Lvl 226 (Maewing) Day 16353, 13:43:09: sandwich froze Perry - Lvl 241 (Maewing) Day 16353, 16:52:22: sandwich froze Perry - Lvl 241 (Maewing) Day 16353, 18:02:15: sandwich froze Perry - Lvl 241 (Maewing) Day 16353, 19:45:50: sandwich froze Perry - Lvl 241 (Maewing) Day 16354, 00:23:36: sandwich froze Perry - Lvl 241 (Maewing) Day 16354, 07:11:52: Oscar was added to the Tribe by sandwich! Day 16354, 07:41:36: Your Manny - Lvl 170 (Managarmr) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 140! Day 16354, 07:44:20: Your Tiny Spiney - Lvl 64 (Spino) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 100! Day 16354, 07:46:14: Your Spinasauraus - Lvl 28 (Spino) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 85! Day 16354, 21:03:31: sandwich froze Perry - Lvl 243 (Maewing) Day 16376, 14:32:08: Tribemember sandwich - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 16376, 16:37:36: sandwich froze Dough Dick - Lvl 90 (Doedicurus) Day 16377, 12:19:15: sandwich demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 16377, 12:20:15: sandwich demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 16378, 02:03:05: sandwich froze Dough Dick - Lvl 90 (Doedicurus) Day 16378, 09:25:27: sandwich froze Perry - Lvl 250 (Maewing) Day 16436, 12:55:15: Tribemember Oscar - Lvl 93 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 100! Day 16436, 15:04:41: Tribemember sandwich - Lvl 122 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 50! Day 16436, 18:52:19: Your Fluffer - Lvl 178 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 50! Day 16437, 05:44:43: Your Sargentavis - Lvl 282 (Argentavis) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 60! Day 16437, 12:44:38: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16437, 12:44:49: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16437, 12:45:36: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16437, 12:46:17: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16437, 12:48:15: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16437, 12:48:59: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 16445, 15:02:36: Tribemember Oscar - Lvl 93 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 145! Day 16733, 06:54:53: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16733, 06:54:53: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16830, 10:12:46: Mianthra - Lvl 97 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Crystal Meth - Lvl 207 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16880, 19:52:18: Mianthra - Lvl 121 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tyrant - Lvl 198 (Rex)'! Day 16881, 04:01:14: NeO - Lvl 112 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spiny - Lvl 90 (Spino)'! Day 16899, 10:59:40: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16899, 10:59:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17064, 22:52:49: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17064, 22:52:49: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22253, 10:54:59: Tribemember Oscar - Lvl 93 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 22253, 11:25:01: Oscar was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1532018563,"tribe":"Nightwalkers logs":["Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Giant Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Giant Trapdoor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22903, 05:48:21: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22926, 19:05:33: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22941, 11:01:25: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 122 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 22941, 11:01:30: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 134 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 22941, 11:01:33: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 22941, 11:01:38: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 22941, 11:01:41: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 133 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 22941, 11:01:50: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 22941, 11:02:00: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 22941, 11:02:02: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 22941, 11:02:06: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 129 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 22941, 11:02:09: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 128 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 22941, 11:02:18: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 22941, 11:02:28: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 22941, 11:02:30: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 22941, 11:02:46: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 22941, 11:03:02: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 22941, 11:03:33: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 142 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 22941, 11:03:44: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 22941, 11:04:12: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 138 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 22941, 11:04:17: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 23024, 04:30:24: Roxanne froze Raihna - Lvl 370 (Rock Drake) Day 24200, 19:05:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24484, 08:25:19: Your 'Tek Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33397, 17:50:20: Tribemember Roxanne - Lvl 158 was killed!"] "tribeid":1526473804,"tribe":"CyberTribe logs":["Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40871, 18:02:39: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41114, 21:36:47: Tribemember Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 196 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 130!"] "tribeid":1521645866,"tribe":"Tribe of Lonwe logs":["Day 19566, 06:03:48: Lonwe was added to the Tribe! Day 19566, 06:05:26: Aiidy was added to the Tribe by Lonwe! Day 19566, 06:34:48: Aiidy froze DumbDumb MK2 - Lvl 122 (Doedicurus) Day 19566, 06:35:04: Lonwe froze Sarah - Lvl 208 (Triceratops) Day 19566, 06:41:19: Aiidy froze Spike MK2 - Lvl 211 (Ankylosaurus) Day 19566, 06:42:28: Lonwe froze dumbdumb - Lvl 62 (Doedicurus) Day 19566, 06:53:14: Lonwe froze Castoroides - Lvl 242 (Castoroides) Day 19566, 07:01:29: Aiidy froze lvl 150 ruined tame - Lvl 200 (Rex) Day 19566, 08:07:10: Aiidy froze Argentavis - Lvl 178 (Argentavis) Day 19566, 08:30:27: Lonwe froze Argentavis - Lvl 340 (Argentavis) Day 19566, 19:22:08: Aiidy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 261 (Pteranodon) Day 19566, 19:30:13: Aiidy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 261 (Pteranodon) Day 19566, 20:09:56: Aiidy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 261 (Pteranodon) Day 19661, 14:24:36: Aiidy froze whitey - Lvl 286 (Argentavis) Day 20221, 22:51:37: Lonwe froze ROACH #2 - Lvl 266 (Rock Drake) Day 20569, 13:25:31: wahrani - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 27738, 09:42:24: Lonwe Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 223 (Castoroides)! Day 27738, 09:45:58: Lonwe froze Castoroides - Lvl 223 (Castoroides) Day 27738, 16:24:52: Lonwe froze Pteranodon - Lvl 250 (Pteranodon) Day 28040, 13:58:51: Lonwe froze Drayko - Lvl 284 (Rock Drake) Day 37170, 11:37:50: Your Tribe Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 149 (Castoroides)! Day 37170, 11:59:26: Lonwe froze Castoroides - Lvl 149 (Castoroides) Day 37170, 13:48:46: Lonwe froze Rock Drake - Lvl 103 (Rock Drake)"] "tribeid":1519198078,"tribe":"Sexy boys logs":["Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21486, 18:10:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22157, 12:46:05: Dalton343 froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 299 (Bloodstalker) Day 22157, 15:33:12: Dalton343 froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 299 (Bloodstalker) Day 22182, 07:00:05: Dalton343 froze GoldieLox - Lvl 359 (Griffin) Day 22182, 09:48:54: Dalton343 froze RockWell 1 - Lvl 395 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 22182, 14:06:41: Dalton343 froze RockWell 1 - Lvl 395 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 22182, 17:37:14: Dalton343 froze GoldieLox - Lvl 359 (Griffin) Day 23634, 06:21:10: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24271, 15:42:52: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 16:35:24: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)! Day 24926, 18:33:27: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 89 (Parasaur)! Day 24927, 13:27:34: Dalton343 claimed 'asdfg - Lvl 52 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 24927, 13:30:42: Dalton343 unclaimed 'asdfg - Lvl 52 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 24927, 16:48:31: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 24927, 17:00:01: Dalton343 froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24927, 17:09:35: Dalton343 froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24972, 09:42:57: Dalton343 froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24972, 14:11:58: Dalton343 froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24972, 14:15:46: Dalton343 froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24972, 18:55:57: Dalton343 froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24972, 18:59:09: Dalton343 froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24972, 19:02:19: Dalton343 froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24972, 19:05:42: Dalton343 froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24973, 00:38:58: Dalton343 froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24973, 10:45:38: Dalton343 froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24973, 15:14:27: Dalton343 froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24973, 15:17:43: Dalton343 froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24974, 01:34:36: Dalton343 froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24974, 15:32:39: Dalton343 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24993, 15:49:33: Dalton343 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24994, 16:02:17: Dalton343 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25011, 01:33:49: Dalton343 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25018, 10:41:31: Dalton343 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon) Day 25018, 11:45:31: Dalton343 froze Parasaur - Lvl 100 (Parasaur) Day 25018, 12:47:47: Dalton343 demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 25018, 12:49:20: Dalton343 demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 25018, 12:50:17: Dalton343 demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 25020, 03:29:05: Dalton343 Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 89 (Doedicurus)! Day 25021, 02:59:50: Dalton343 Tamed an Otter - Lvl 22 (Otter)! Day 25021, 17:22:06: Dalton343 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 224 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25021, 17:40:03: Dalton343 froze Parasaur - Lvl 108 (Parasaur) Day 25021, 17:56:05: Dalton343 froze Doedicurus - Lvl 115 (Doedicurus) Day 25045, 07:30:42: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 25045, 07:30:42: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 25045, 07:30:42: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 25045, 07:30:42: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 25045, 07:30:42: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 25045, 07:30:42: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 25045, 07:30:42: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 25045, 07:30:42: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 25046, 02:05:50: Your Parasaur - Lvl 131 (Parasaur) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 25! Day 25046, 04:29:19: Dalton343 froze Doedicurus - Lvl 141 (Doedicurus) Day 25046, 04:35:25: Dalton343 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 229 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25068, 19:17:21: Dalton343 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 233 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25069, 18:06:51: Dalton343 froze Doedicurus - Lvl 150 (Doedicurus) Day 25069, 18:14:03: Dalton343 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 236 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25092, 09:37:18: Dalton343 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 242 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25119, 03:43:51: Otter - Lvl 29 (Otter) starved to death! Day 25181, 06:58:23: Tribemember Dalton343 - Lvl 152 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 25181, 09:22:36: Dalton343 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 270 (Pteranodon) Day 25181, 14:18:02: Dalton343 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 270 (Pteranodon) Day 25184, 14:58:08: Dalton343 Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 25184, 17:22:08: Dalton343 Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 25184, 17:26:31: Dalton343 froze Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 25184, 23:41:20: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 25185, 01:03:27: Dalton343 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus) Day 25185, 05:29:40: Dalton343 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus) Day 25185, 06:05:58: Dalton343 froze Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 25185, 10:13:19: Dalton343 froze Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 25200, 04:21:14: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 25200, 04:28:31: Dalton343 froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25200, 22:48:24: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops)! Day 25200, 23:00:06: Dalton343 froze Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops) Day 25201, 06:04:59: Dalton343 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 257 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25208, 23:55:50: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 25209, 20:00:19: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 25210, 02:00:29: Dalton343 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 246 (Ankylosaurus) Day 25210, 03:34:59: Dalton343 froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25210, 03:41:42: Dalton343 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 257 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25222, 13:47:16: Dalton343 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 257 (Ankylosaurus) Day 25223, 06:00:43: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 25223, 08:05:51: Dalton343 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 25223, 10:13:24: Dalton343 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 260 (Ankylosaurus) Day 25223, 11:03:37: Dalton343 Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 209 (Raptor)! Day 25223, 11:58:18: Dalton343 froze Raptor - Lvl 209 (Raptor) Day 25223, 20:57:35: Dalton343 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 261 (Ankylosaurus) Day 25223, 21:03:27: Dalton343 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 258 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25224, 04:48:27: Dalton343 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25255, 07:11:09: Dalton343 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25255, 07:52:20: Dalton343 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 25255, 07:55:42: Dalton343 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 270 (Pteranodon) Day 25255, 09:01:42: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 162 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 25255, 09:19:09: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 162 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Dalton343 - Lvl 152 (Sexy boys)! Day 25255, 09:19:09: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 162 (Fire Wyvern) (Sexy boys)! Day 25255, 09:21:16: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25255, 09:22:29: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25255, 09:34:29: Your Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon) was killed by Dalton343 - Lvl 152 (Sexy boys)! Day 25255, 09:34:29: Your Tribe killed Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon) (Sexy boys)! Day 25255, 13:59:31: Dalton343 froze Juvenile IShowSpeed - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon) Day 25256, 08:29:32: Dalton343 froze Adolescent IShowSpeed - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon) Day 25256, 08:32:42: Dalton343 froze Adolescent IShowSpeed - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon) Day 25256, 16:34:45: Dalton343 froze IShowSpeed - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon) Day 25257, 06:50:12: Dalton343 froze Triceratops - Lvl 86 (Triceratops) Day 25257, 11:12:10: Dalton343 Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 25257, 11:17:47: Dalton343 froze Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 25257, 12:03:34: Dalton343 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 259 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25324, 15:12:30: Dalton343 froze Raptor - Lvl 209 (Raptor) Day 25324, 15:57:41: Dalton343 Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 209 (Raptor)! Day 25324, 16:03:28: Dalton343 froze Raptor - Lvl 209 (Raptor) Day 25324, 21:52:36: Dalton343 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 284 (Ankylosaurus) Day 25324, 23:27:07: Dalton343 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 25325, 06:10:03: Dalton343 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 262 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25325, 06:40:46: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25325, 08:20:14: Dalton343 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 270 (Pteranodon) Day 25325, 09:27:08: Dalton343 froze Raptor - Lvl 209 (Raptor) Day 25325, 09:29:52: Dalton343 froze Raptor - Lvl 209 (Raptor) Day 25325, 10:33:00: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 207 (Raptor)'! Day 25325, 10:45:23: Your Baby Raptor - Lvl 207 (Raptor) was killed by Dalton343 - Lvl 152 (Sexy boys)! Day 25325, 10:45:23: Your Tribe killed Baby Raptor - Lvl 207 (Raptor) (Sexy boys)! Day 25325, 13:57:16: Dalton343 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25325, 14:00:33: Dalton343 Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 127 (Dimorphodon)! Day 25325, 14:53:52: Dalton343 froze Juvenile Breeding (F) - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon) Day 25327, 10:32:24: Dalton343 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 285 (Ankylosaurus) Day 25327, 19:26:01: Dalton343 froze Argentavis - Lvl 269 (Argentavis) Day 25328, 04:52:20: Dalton343 froze Argentavis - Lvl 269 (Argentavis) Day 25328, 18:04:27: Dalton343 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 262 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25419, 23:43:32: Jonny - Lvl 277 (Basilisk) starved to death! Day 25475, 08:33:03: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25507, 03:18:05: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 214 (Raptor)'! Day 25507, 03:26:06: Your Baby Raptor - Lvl 214 (Raptor) was killed by Dalton343 - Lvl 152 (Sexy boys)! Day 25507, 03:26:06: Your Tribe killed Baby Raptor - Lvl 214 (Raptor) (Sexy boys)! Day 25507, 05:12:13: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 148 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 25507, 05:23:06: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 148 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Dalton343 - Lvl 152 (Sexy boys)! Day 25507, 05:23:06: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 148 (Fire Wyvern) (Sexy boys)! Day 25507, 15:17:05: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 212 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25507, 16:33:46: Dalton343 Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 259 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 25507, 16:41:29: Dalton343 froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 259 (Tek Parasaur) Day 25507, 19:38:27: Dalton343 froze Triceratops - Lvl 86 (Triceratops) Day 25585, 15:25:22: Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 212 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 25859, 12:15:05: Dalton343 froze Triceratops - Lvl 86 (Triceratops) Day 25859, 18:07:07: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 211 (Raptor)'! Day 25859, 18:20:05: Your Baby Raptor - Lvl 211 (Raptor) was killed by Dalton343 - Lvl 152 (Sexy boys)! Day 25859, 18:20:05: Your Tribe killed Baby Raptor - Lvl 211 (Raptor) (Sexy boys)! Day 25859, 23:19:47: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 25859, 23:30:53: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Dalton343 - Lvl 152 (Sexy boys)! Day 25859, 23:30:53: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) (Sexy boys)! Day 25860, 02:05:16: Dalton343 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 318 (Ankylosaurus) Day 25860, 05:50:42: Dalton343 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 286 (Pteranodon) Day 25860, 05:57:50: Dalton343 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 270 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25860, 12:42:06: Dalton343 froze IShowSpeed - Lvl 309 (Pteranodon) Day 25860, 17:42:33: Dalton343 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 270 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25860, 19:39:55: Dalton343 froze IShowSpeed - Lvl 309 (Pteranodon) Day 25861, 13:44:21: Dalton343 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 318 (Ankylosaurus) Day 25861, 21:09:29: Dalton343 froze Argentavis - Lvl 270 (Argentavis) Day 26057, 14:16:01: Dalton343 Tamed an Otter - Lvl 74 (Otter)! Day 26057, 20:21:47: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 26057, 20:31:14: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Dalton343 - Lvl 152 (Sexy boys)! Day 26057, 20:31:14: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Fire Wyvern) (Sexy boys)! Day 26057, 20:33:15: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon)'! Day 26057, 21:30:23: Dalton343 froze Baby Breeding Male - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon) Day 26057, 22:31:10: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 219 (Raptor)'! Day 26058, 00:08:30: Your Baby Raptor - Lvl 219 (Raptor) was killed by Dalton343 - Lvl 152 (Sexy boys)! Day 26058, 00:08:30: Your Tribe killed Baby Raptor - Lvl 219 (Raptor) (Sexy boys)! Day 26058, 11:18:33: Dalton343 Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 209 (Raptor)! Day 26058, 11:23:46: Dalton343 froze Raptor - Lvl 209 (Raptor) Day 26058, 15:50:01: Dalton343 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 319 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26058, 17:13:18: Dalton343 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 272 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26058, 19:20:14: Dalton343 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 319 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26058, 19:25:29: Dalton343 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 272 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26058, 21:12:09: Dalton343 froze Breeding Male - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon) Day 26059, 05:40:21: Dalton343 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 26059, 05:57:14: Dalton343 froze Breeding (F) - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon) Day 26059, 06:02:39: Dalton343 froze Breeding Male - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon) Day 26059, 07:02:01: Dalton343 froze IShowSpeed - Lvl 309 (Pteranodon) Day 26059, 07:16:06: Dalton343 froze 33/pts Stam - Lvl 209 (Raptor) Day 26059, 09:34:35: Dalton343 froze IShowSpeed - Lvl 309 (Pteranodon) Day 26059, 12:36:54: Dalton343 froze Argentavis - Lvl 301 (Argentavis) Day 26059, 16:29:24: Dalton343 froze Argentavis - Lvl 301 (Argentavis) Day 26065, 17:22:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26075, 20:56:20: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 217 (Raptor)'! Day 26075, 21:16:35: Your Baby Raptor - Lvl 217 (Raptor) was killed by Dalton343 - Lvl 152 (Sexy boys)! Day 26075, 21:16:35: Your Tribe killed Baby Raptor - Lvl 217 (Raptor) (Sexy boys)! Day 26076, 21:31:59: Dalton343 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 272 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26077, 13:49:59: Dalton343 Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)! Day 26077, 13:56:48: Dalton343 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 26172, 09:19:06: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 216 (Raptor)'! Day 26172, 09:31:42: Your Baby Raptor - Lvl 216 (Raptor) was killed by Dalton343 - Lvl 152 (Sexy boys)! Day 26172, 09:31:42: Your Tribe killed Baby Raptor - Lvl 216 (Raptor) (Sexy boys)! Day 26173, 05:06:33: Dalton343 Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex)! Day 26173, 05:20:02: Dalton343 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex) Day 26173, 11:17:26: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 244 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26173, 11:34:11: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 244 (Tek Rex) was killed by Dalton343 - Lvl 152 (Sexy boys)! Day 26173, 11:34:11: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 244 (Tek Rex) (Sexy boys)! Day 26173, 15:36:32: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 26173, 15:41:51: Your Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by Dalton343 - Lvl 152 (Sexy boys)! Day 26173, 15:41:51: Your Tribe killed Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) (Sexy boys)! Day 26308, 22:15:27: Otter - Lvl 88 (Otter) starved to death! Day 26359, 08:29:40: Dalton343 froze Jerboa - Lvl 45 (Jerboa) Day 26359, 09:47:21: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 147 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 26359, 09:51:07: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 147 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Dalton343 - Lvl 152 (Sexy boys)! Day 26359, 09:51:07: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 147 (Fire Wyvern) (Sexy boys)! Day 26359, 10:46:50: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 224 (Raptor)'! Day 26359, 11:01:34: Your Baby Raptor - Lvl 224 (Raptor) was killed by Dalton343 - Lvl 152 (Sexy boys)! Day 26359, 11:01:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Raptor - Lvl 224 (Raptor) (Sexy boys)! Day 26359, 11:19:56: Dalton343 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26359, 11:55:05: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 265 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26359, 12:03:47: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 265 (Tek Rex) was killed by Dalton343 - Lvl 152 (Sexy boys)! Day 26359, 12:03:47: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 265 (Tek Rex) (Sexy boys)! Day 26360, 09:19:42: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 26360, 09:27:20: Dalton343 froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26360, 09:29:19: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 26360, 09:36:41: Dalton343 froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26360, 12:09:08: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 155 (Rock Drake)'! Day 26360, 17:26:08: Dalton343 froze 41/pts Health (M) - Lvl 209 (Raptor) Day 26360, 17:32:24: Dalton343 froze 47/pts Melee (F) - Lvl 209 (Raptor) Day 26942, 07:04:57: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26975, 05:51:24: Hecate - Lvl 124 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame '58/melee (M) - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26975, 05:52:51: Hecate - Lvl 124 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame '44/Health (F) - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26975, 05:56:19: Hecate - Lvl 124 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 320 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 26975, 05:57:07: Hecate - Lvl 124 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame '616 weight lvl 150 - Lvl 243 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 26975, 05:58:19: Hecate - Lvl 124 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 26975, 06:00:01: Hecate - Lvl 124 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'IShowSpeed - Lvl 309 (Pteranodon)'! Day 26975, 06:01:11: Hecate - Lvl 124 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 278 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 26975, 06:03:26: Hecate - Lvl 124 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Breeding Male - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon)'! Day 26975, 06:04:00: Hecate - Lvl 124 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Breeding (F) - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon)'! Day 26975, 06:04:41: Hecate - Lvl 124 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame '41/pts Health (M) - Lvl 209 (Raptor)'! Day 26975, 06:05:09: Hecate - Lvl 124 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame '47/pts Melee (F) - Lvl 209 (Raptor)'! Day 27248, 04:03:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27248, 04:03:13: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27248, 04:03:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27531, 16:58:59: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27949, 09:56:06: J-Dizzle - Lvl 112 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 302 (Argentavis)'! Day 28086, 06:35:42: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (RaggyGuys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28086, 06:36:21: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (RaggyGuys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 155 (Rock Drake)'! Day 28086, 06:37:02: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (RaggyGuys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28086, 07:16:21: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (RaggyGuys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 161 (Doedicurus)'! Day 30432, 17:14:20: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 127 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30432, 20:16:57: Tribemember Dalton343 - Lvl 152 was killed! Day 30702, 05:20:11: Dalton343 Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 74 (Triceratops)! Day 30702, 05:38:27: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)! Day 30702, 08:03:39: Dalton343 claimed 'Jeffrey dahmer - Lvl 290 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30703, 10:29:21: Your Triceratops - Lvl 82 (Triceratops) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 145! Day 30703, 20:05:31: Dalton343 Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 209 (Moschops)! Day 30704, 05:28:30: Dalton343 was removed from the Tribe by Dalton343! Day 30704, 06:06:20: Dalton343 Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 30704, 17:34:21: Dalton343 froze Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 30704, 23:19:08: mickey was added to the Tribe by Dalton343! Day 30704, 23:35:00: Tribemember mickey - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 30705, 07:47:07: Tribemember mickey - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 30705, 12:57:41: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30706, 01:50:02: Your Moschops - Lvl 221 (Moschops) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 145! Day 30707, 14:34:02: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 30707, 14:44:09: Tribemember Dalton343 - Lvl 152 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 145! Day 30707, 15:58:54: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 30707, 16:03:25: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30708, 13:58:30: Tribemember mickey - Lvl 4 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 30708, 17:40:32: Tribemember mickey - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 30708, 18:30:00: Tribemember mickey - Lvl 7 was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 85! Day 30708, 19:52:36: Tribemember mickey - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 30709, 08:25:59: Dalton343 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon) Day 30726, 21:02:15: Your Pt 64 - Lvl 291 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 15! Day 30728, 21:25:58: Tribemember mickey - Lvl 11 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 55! Day 30728, 22:46:13: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30728, 22:46:13: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30728, 22:46:13: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30728, 22:46:13: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30728, 22:46:13: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30728, 22:46:13: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30728, 22:46:13: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30728, 22:46:13: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30728, 22:46:13: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30728, 22:46:13: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30728, 23:29:34: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30728, 23:29:34: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30728, 23:29:34: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30728, 23:29:34: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30728, 23:29:34: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30731, 19:07:08: Dalton343 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 30731, 19:18:03: Dalton343 froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30731, 19:28:14: Dalton343 froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30732, 05:26:01: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 201 (Parasaur)! Day 30732, 06:02:12: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30732, 06:03:25: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30732, 06:03:25: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30732, 06:08:03: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30732, 06:09:14: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30732, 06:09:14: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30732, 06:10:24: Your 'Cryopods (Storage Box) (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30732, 06:29:56: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30732, 06:29:56: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30732, 06:29:56: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30732, 06:29:56: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30732, 06:29:56: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30732, 06:44:22: Dalton343 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30732, 09:01:48: Dalton343 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30732, 09:51:20: Dalton343 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30732, 10:56:17: mickey claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 30732, 11:24:33: Dalton343 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30732, 15:16:01: Tribemember Dalton343 - Lvl 152 was killed! Day 30733, 02:31:50: Dalton343 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30733, 02:35:56: Dalton343 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30733, 02:40:35: Dalton343 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30733, 02:44:50: Dalton343 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30733, 05:39:09: Dalton343 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30733, 05:56:38: Dalton343 froze Argentavis - Lvl 258 (Argentavis) Day 30733, 06:08:30: Dalton343 froze Juvenile fire - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 30799, 11:02:04: Your Tribe Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 146 (Carbonemys)! Day 30799, 21:43:56: Your Parasaur - Lvl 210 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 30800, 00:43:02: mickey froze Adolescent fire - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 30865, 18:46:37: Dalton343 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30865, 18:50:38: Dalton343 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30865, 18:54:11: Dalton343 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30865, 18:57:31: Dalton343 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30865, 19:02:03: Dalton343 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30865, 19:05:19: Dalton343 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30865, 19:08:34: Dalton343 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30865, 23:10:52: Dalton343 froze Carbonemys - Lvl 147 (Carbonemys) Day 30866, 04:23:45: Dalton343 demolished a 'Dedicated Storage (Locked) '! Day 30866, 04:26:43: Dalton343 demolished a 'Dedicated Storage (Locked) '! Day 30869, 07:50:47: mickey claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 30870, 03:44:08: Dalton343 froze Juvenile Sparky - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30870, 16:01:17: Dalton343 claimed 'The Wooden PEarl (Raft)'! Day 30870, 19:14:24: Dalton343 Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 224 (Raptor)! Day 30871, 01:41:08: mickey froze Adolescent Sparky - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30875, 16:30:58: mickey froze Adolescent Sparky - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30876, 06:53:17: Dalton343 froze Rap-Ta - Lvl 232 (Raptor) Day 30876, 08:27:57: Dalton343 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 239 (Pteranodon) Day 30876, 12:28:03: mickey froze Sparky - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30918, 21:40:13: Dalton343 Tamed a Megalosaurus - Lvl 217 (Megalosaurus)! Day 30918, 21:50:30: Dalton343 froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 217 (Megalosaurus) Day 30919, 06:53:16: Dalton343 froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 233 (Megalosaurus) Day 30919, 06:58:01: Dalton343 froze Carbonemys - Lvl 164 (Carbonemys) Day 30919, 07:01:04: Dalton343 froze Rap-Ta - Lvl 232 (Raptor) Day 30919, 08:22:43: mickey froze Sparky - Lvl 209 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30919, 08:23:23: Dalton343 froze Blue - Lvl 198 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31102, 01:48:54: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 164 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 31209, 05:51:59: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31317, 11:50:52: Your Normandy (Raft) was destroyed by a Spino - Lvl 140! Day 31511, 07:04:52: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fire - Lvl 126 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 31516, 12:30:41: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31516, 12:30:41: Your 'Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31800, 04:01:59: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32003, 01:58:22: Dalton343 froze Desmodus - Lvl 120 (Desmodus) Day 32003, 08:11:57: Dalton343 froze Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus) Day 32003, 11:59:49: Dalton343 froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32003, 12:57:52: Dalton343 froze Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus) Day 32003, 13:26:01: Dalton343 froze Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus) Day 32003, 20:17:17: Dalton343 froze Desmodus - Lvl 122 (Desmodus) Day 32124, 11:51:25: Dalton343 froze Desmodus - Lvl 151 (Desmodus) Day 32124, 18:32:01: Dalton343 froze Desmodus - Lvl 152 (Desmodus) Day 32124, 19:22:53: Dalton343 froze Desmodus - Lvl 152 (Desmodus) Day 32124, 20:50:15: Dalton343 froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 286 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32124, 22:36:20: Dalton343 froze Desmodus - Lvl 152 (Desmodus) Day 32125, 00:32:00: Dalton343 froze Desmodus - Lvl 152 (Desmodus) Day 32125, 02:00:12: Dalton343 froze Desmodus - Lvl 152 (Desmodus) Day 32689, 17:40:31: John - Lvl 95 (The Badgers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Wooden Pearl (Raft)'! Day 33169, 16:04:17: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1518229653,"tribe":"Mad4MutZ logs":["Day 24433, 03:42:49: LOKI froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 216 (Yutyrannus) Day 24433, 04:01:24: LOKI froze Juvenile shemad4muts - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24433, 04:28:57: LOKI froze Juvenile shemad4muts - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24433, 15:49:07: LOKI froze Adolescent shemad4muts - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24433, 16:03:42: LOKI froze Adolescent shemad4muts - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24433, 16:08:38: LOKI froze Adolescent shemad4muts - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24433, 16:13:22: LOKI froze Adolescent shemad4muts - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24433, 16:20:37: LOKI froze Adolescent shemad4muts - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24433, 16:25:15: LOKI froze Adolescent shemad4muts - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24433, 16:29:13: LOKI froze Adolescent shemad4muts - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24433, 16:34:23: LOKI froze Adolescent shemad4muts - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24433, 16:39:16: LOKI froze Adolescent shemad4muts - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24433, 16:45:45: LOKI froze Adolescent shemad4muts - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24444, 09:00:40: LOKI claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 24444, 09:04:34: LOKI froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24578, 18:51:16: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24649, 16:03:51: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24684, 05:44:36: LOKI froze Argentavis - Lvl 355 (Argentavis) Day 24684, 06:48:00: LOKI froze shemad4muts - Lvl 266 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24684, 06:52:17: LOKI froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 244 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24684, 06:56:15: LOKI froze fff - Lvl 171 (Gacha) Day 24684, 07:01:19: LOKI froze Gacha - Lvl 162 (Gacha) Day 24684, 19:19:31: LOKI froze trough - Lvl 203 (Maewing) Day 24744, 05:33:55: Your 'Water Well' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25000, 03:43:22: LOKI froze Mammoth - Lvl 258 (Mammoth) Day 25000, 07:02:17: LOKI froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 187 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 25011, 00:40:18: Jellyman froze Yoda - Lvl 277 (Triceratops) Day 25181, 19:00:42: LOKI froze loki - Lvl 312 (Thylacoleo) Day 25181, 22:32:01: LOKI froze purple - Lvl 280 (Thylacoleo) Day 25181, 23:16:27: LOKI froze Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (Velonasaur) Day 25182, 00:08:50: LOKI froze Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (Velonasaur) Day 25394, 18:00:26: LOKI froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 227 (Ankylosaurus) Day 25394, 18:04:16: LOKI froze PRE OP - Lvl 352 (Ankylosaurus) Day 25394, 18:07:31: LOKI froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 361 (Ankylosaurus) Day 25394, 18:13:07: LOKI froze MRS KIBBLE - Lvl 224 (Megalosaurus) Day 25394, 18:16:27: LOKI froze MR KIBBLE - Lvl 224 (Megalosaurus) Day 25394, 21:42:38: LOKI froze MR KIBBLE - Lvl 224 (Megalosaurus) Day 25394, 21:47:34: LOKI froze Oviraptor - Lvl 44 (Oviraptor) Day 25395, 02:42:47: LOKI froze male hswmo - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex) Day 25395, 03:22:42: LOKI froze Dave - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 25395, 04:19:30: LOKI froze boss - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 25395, 04:24:27: LOKI froze Tek Rex - Lvl 388 (Tek Rex) Day 25465, 21:35:30: LOKI froze Otter - Lvl 386 (Otter) Day 26054, 08:45:38: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'breeder - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26054, 12:41:28: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shorty - Lvl 308 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 26055, 01:19:46: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'loki - Lvl 325 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 01:20:58: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'loki - Lvl 337 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 26055, 01:21:32: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'farmer - Lvl 127 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 26055, 01:22:52: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ELECTRO - Lvl 318 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 26055, 01:24:27: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 26055, 01:28:21: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 216 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 26055, 02:04:47: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oviraptor - Lvl 127 (Oviraptor)'! Day 26055, 02:07:15: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'hemad4mutz - Lvl 202 (Rex)'! Day 26055, 02:07:40: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice - Lvl 246 (Rex)'! Day 26055, 02:08:06: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Harry Henderson - Lvl 259 (Rex)'! Day 26055, 02:09:47: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame '7700.1hp1806st331.6dmg - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 26055, 02:10:35: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lois Lane - Lvl 272 (Rex)'! Day 26055, 02:11:51: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'shemad4mutz - Lvl 170 (Rex)'! Day 26055, 02:15:35: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'loki - Lvl 335 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 26055, 02:16:57: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ZUES - Lvl 283 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 26055, 02:21:52: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yoda - Lvl 277 (Triceratops)'! Day 26055, 02:22:47: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jellyman - Lvl 270 (Triceratops)'! Day 26055, 02:23:50: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalania - Lvl 77 (Megalania)'! Day 26055, 02:27:25: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 367 (Argentavis)'! Day 26055, 02:32:29: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Davina - Lvl 190 (Velonasaur)'! Day 26055, 02:32:58: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 179 (Velonasaur)'! Day 26055, 02:33:21: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dave - Lvl 233 (Velonasaur)'! Day 26055, 02:36:14: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus [Clone] - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 26055, 02:36:52: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus [Clone] - Lvl 206 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 26055, 02:37:22: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 26055, 02:40:48: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 02:43:01: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BOSS F - Lvl 293 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26055, 02:43:49: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BOSS F - Lvl 301 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26055, 02:48:40: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'shemad4muts - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 26055, 02:59:36: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BOSS F - Lvl 308 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26055, 03:00:01: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BOSS F - Lvl 290 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26055, 03:00:23: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BOSS F - Lvl 244 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26055, 03:02:12: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BOSS F - Lvl 308 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26055, 03:02:52: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BOSS F - Lvl 310 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26055, 03:25:44: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'loki - Lvl 222 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:26:14: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 227 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:26:31: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 304 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:26:54: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'miss jooliee - Lvl 236 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:27:32: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 380 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:28:33: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'green - Lvl 231 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:28:48: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'purple - Lvl 204 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:29:22: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'green - Lvl 227 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:29:45: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'loki - Lvl 193 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:30:40: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'yellow - Lvl 233 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:31:26: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 353 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:31:53: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 226 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:32:12: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 277 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:32:42: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 258 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:35:16: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'purple - Lvl 228 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:36:21: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'pur - Lvl 207 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 03:38:28: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 324 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 26055, 04:18:23: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BOSS F - Lvl 300 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26055, 04:19:50: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BOSS F - Lvl 306 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26055, 04:21:29: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BOSS F - Lvl 308 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26055, 04:22:23: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DMG - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26055, 04:23:46: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'HP - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26055, 04:48:17: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Otter - Lvl 386 (Otter)'! Day 26055, 05:53:52: Hound - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Hound) claimed your auto-decayed tame '10K WEIGHT - Lvl 416 (Argentavis)'! Day 26065, 17:22:19: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26065, 17:22:19: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26564, 18:32:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26627, 07:37:09: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26627, 07:37:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27791, 14:19:56: Your 'Egg Incubator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 08:39:48: Tribemember LOKI - Lvl 134 was killed! Day 28276, 05:46:41: 's 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 168 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 28276, 05:48:56: 's 'Shirley - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 28276, 05:48:56: 's 'boss - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 28276, 05:48:56: 's 'boss - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 28276, 05:51:40: 's 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 142 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 28276, 05:51:40: 's 'wwwww - Lvl 52 (Achatina)' died in a Cryopod! Day 32074, 09:45:37: LOKI downloaded a dino: 95 - Lvl 205 Day 32074, 15:05:39: LOKI claimed 'Hanky Panky The Anky - Lvl 227 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 32074, 15:06:58: LOKI claimed 'Dotty - Lvl 287 (Triceratops)'! Day 32074, 19:00:58: LOKI uploaded a Argentavis: 95 - Lvl 205 Day 32074, 19:02:07: LOKI uploaded a Ankylosaurus: Hanky Panky The Anky - Lvl 227 Day 32137, 23:18:10: LOKI froze Hanky Panky The Anky - Lvl 247 (Ankylosaurus) Day 32137, 23:32:32: LOKI froze 95 - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) Day 32137, 23:57:41: LOKI froze 95 - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) Day 32162, 16:19:30: LOKI froze Hanky Panky The Anky - Lvl 248 (Ankylosaurus) Day 32162, 16:40:40: LOKI froze 95 - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 32163, 04:10:16: LOKI froze 95 - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 32163, 04:13:09: LOKI downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 111 Day 32192, 09:43:13: LOKI uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 113 Day 32251, 02:28:04: LOKI froze 95 - Lvl 214 (Argentavis) Day 32286, 04:47:13: LOKI froze 95 - Lvl 214 (Argentavis) Day 32286, 04:49:51: LOKI downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 131 Day 32299, 13:59:51: LOKI uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 131 Day 32301, 13:06:09: LOKI claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 32301, 13:23:00: LOKI froze Baby loki170 - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32301, 17:37:37: LOKI froze Baby loki170 - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32301, 18:52:05: LOKI froze Juvenile loki170 - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32301, 19:06:05: LOKI claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 150 (Rock Drake)'! Day 32301, 19:46:40: LOKI froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 150 (Rock Drake) Day 32301, 19:52:53: LOKI froze Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 204 (Maewing) Day 32301, 20:01:29: LOKI froze Juvenile loki170 - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32301, 20:08:03: LOKI froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32301, 20:13:32: LOKI froze Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 204 (Maewing) Day 32302, 08:50:04: LOKI froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 204 (Maewing) Day 32304, 10:54:21: LOKI froze Maewing - Lvl 204 (Maewing) Day 32304, 17:38:25: LOKI froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32304, 17:50:47: LOKI froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32304, 18:10:54: LOKI froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32304, 18:18:25: LOKI froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32304, 18:24:39: LOKI froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32304, 18:31:13: LOKI froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32304, 18:38:02: LOKI froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32304, 18:47:23: LOKI froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32304, 19:01:11: LOKI froze Adolescent loki170 - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32305, 05:31:21: LOKI froze Adolescent loki170 - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32305, 07:50:18: LOKI froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32305, 07:54:50: LOKI froze Adolescent loki170 - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32305, 23:41:18: LOKI froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32305, 23:51:54: LOKI froze Adolescent loki170 - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32306, 23:20:43: LOKI froze Rock Drake - Lvl 150 (Rock Drake) Day 32307, 01:50:50: LOKI froze Adolescent loki170 - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32307, 05:20:45: LOKI demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 32307, 17:06:55: LOKI froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32307, 17:11:42: LOKI froze loki170 - Lvl 178 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32307, 21:51:18: LOKI uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: loki170 - Lvl 178 Day 32329, 12:13:20: LOKI froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex) Day 32340, 19:44:11: LOKI froze loki170 - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32340, 21:02:41: LOKI froze loki170 - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32341, 04:50:49: LOKI froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex) Day 32341, 06:53:13: LOKI froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex) Day 32341, 07:22:32: LOKI froze loki170 - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32755, 18:39:03: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dotty - Lvl 287 (Triceratops)'! Day 32933, 09:09:42: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32963, 17:52:32: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 32963, 17:57:13: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame '95 - Lvl 221 (Argentavis)'! Day 32963, 18:02:23: cocopop - Lvl 123 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hanky Panky The Anky - Lvl 248 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 33216, 22:19:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33216, 22:19:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33216, 22:19:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33216, 22:19:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1518171550,"tribe":"Rangers logs":["Day 25040, 13:43:21: Arkildur was added to the Tribe! Day 25040, 13:44:26: Tribemember Arkildur - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 25040, 23:57:25: Arkildur uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 233 Day 25055, 01:05:02: Arkildur downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 222 Day 25056, 13:30:23: Arkildur claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 25057, 17:32:32: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 293 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 25057, 19:13:02: Tribemember Arkildur - Lvl 96 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 90! Day 25108, 08:36:37: Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) starved to death! Day 25358, 05:50:17: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25640, 16:57:54: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26222, 16:52:46: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26312, 16:41:29: Titanic - Lvl 140 (Titanic's Titans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dire Bear - Lvl 108 (Dire Bear)'! Day 26312, 16:42:06: Titanic - Lvl 140 (Titanic's Titans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 204 (Equus)'! Day 26312, 16:42:29: Titanic - Lvl 140 (Titanic's Titans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 213 (Equus)'! Day 28110, 22:51:18: Neo - Lvl 5 (Milk) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 28221, 09:36:01: Spec - Lvl 85 (Tribe of AN7HONYCT) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baryonyx - Lvl 240 (Baryonyx)'!"] "tribeid":1516888993,"tribe":"The Empire logs":["Day 42593, 18:50:31: Joshy was added to the Tribe! Day 42593, 19:10:16: Joshy downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 186 Day 42593, 19:37:52: Christian Ron was added to the Tribe by Joshy! Day 42593, 19:52:57: Christian Ron downloaded a dino: MINI > SUPRA - Lvl 98 Day 42593, 21:53:03: Your MINI > SUPRA - Lvl 121 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 60! Day 42593, 21:53:37: Tribemember Christian Ron - Lvl 105 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 42594, 10:30:24: Christian Ron Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 42594, 20:44:03: Joshy uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 234 Day 42595, 02:11:40: Christian Ron claimed 'rex army - Lvl 300 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 02:13:45: Christian Ron claimed 'rex army - Lvl 302 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 02:17:52: Christian Ron claimed 'rex army - Lvl 300 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 02:18:41: Christian Ron claimed 'rex army - Lvl 301 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 02:20:06: Christian Ron claimed 'rex army - Lvl 303 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 02:20:48: Christian Ron claimed 'rex army - Lvl 301 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 02:21:42: Christian Ron claimed 'rex army - Lvl 304 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 02:22:15: Christian Ron claimed 'rex army - Lvl 301 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 02:22:39: Christian Ron claimed 'rex army - Lvl 298 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 02:23:57: Christian Ron claimed 'rex army - Lvl 298 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 02:40:05: Christian Ron claimed 'rex army - Lvl 301 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 02:41:38: Christian Ron claimed 'rex army - Lvl 301 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 02:42:49: Christian Ron claimed 'rex army - Lvl 299 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 02:50:48: Christian Ron claimed 'female creator base stat - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 03:00:55: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 03:02:12: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 03:04:00: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 03:05:56: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 03:06:58: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 03:07:47: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 03:08:54: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 03:10:08: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 03:10:57: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 03:11:39: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 03:12:46: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 03:13:46: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 03:14:53: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 03:16:58: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 03:18:00: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 03:19:13: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 03:20:56: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 03:22:14: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 03:23:14: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 03:24:21: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 03:25:28: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 03:26:30: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 03:27:37: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:13:09: Christian Ron claimed '1 mele mutation - Lvl 236 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:27:27: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:28:40: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:29:20: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:30:00: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:30:45: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:31:25: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:32:05: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:33:50: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:35:37: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:36:19: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:36:57: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:37:35: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:38:13: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:38:59: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:39:44: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:42:31: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:43:18: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:44:02: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:44:43: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:45:20: Christian Ron claimed 'breeder female - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:46:21: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:47:03: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:47:48: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:48:30: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:49:14: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:49:55: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:50:35: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 04:51:17: Christian Ron claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 42595, 23:40:13: Joshy froze rex army - Lvl 300 (Rex) Day 42595, 23:47:50: Joshy froze rex army - Lvl 301 (Rex) Day 42595, 23:51:44: Joshy froze rex army - Lvl 300 (Rex) Day 42595, 23:56:00: Joshy froze rex army - Lvl 303 (Rex) Day 42596, 00:00:07: Joshy froze rex army - Lvl 301 (Rex) Day 42596, 00:01:08: Christian Ron froze 1 mele mutation - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 42596, 00:04:55: Joshy froze rex army - Lvl 298 (Rex) Day 42596, 00:05:11: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 00:06:06: Joshy claimed 'rex army - Lvl 302 (Rex)'! Day 42596, 00:10:07: Joshy froze rex army - Lvl 298 (Rex) Day 42596, 00:15:30: Joshy froze rex army - Lvl 302 (Rex) Day 42596, 00:16:37: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 00:20:24: Joshy froze rex army - Lvl 301 (Rex) Day 42596, 00:22:20: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 00:26:52: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 00:26:54: Joshy froze rex army - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 42596, 00:37:31: Joshy froze rex army - Lvl 301 (Rex) Day 42596, 00:41:03: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 00:41:25: Joshy froze rex army - Lvl 299 (Rex) Day 42596, 00:45:06: Joshy froze rex army - Lvl 301 (Rex) Day 42596, 00:45:06: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 00:49:53: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 00:52:14: Joshy froze rex army - Lvl 302 (Rex) Day 42596, 00:54:54: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 00:58:59: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 01:03:11: Joshy froze female creator base stat - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 01:13:54: Joshy froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 01:15:01: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 01:17:53: Joshy froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 01:18:51: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 01:21:22: Joshy froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 01:23:25: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 01:26:34: Joshy froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 01:28:08: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 01:30:28: Joshy froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 01:33:33: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 01:38:07: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 01:40:50: Joshy froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 01:41:59: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 01:44:42: Joshy froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 01:46:08: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 01:48:24: Joshy froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 01:50:00: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 01:52:09: Joshy froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 01:53:48: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 01:57:28: Joshy froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 02:01:04: Joshy froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 02:04:35: Joshy froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 02:07:05: Christian Ron froze breeder female - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 02:09:43: Joshy froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 02:10:43: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 02:13:17: Joshy froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 02:14:59: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 02:17:11: Joshy froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 02:19:31: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 02:23:52: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 02:25:54: Joshy froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 02:28:19: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 02:29:37: Joshy froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 02:32:15: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 02:36:00: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 02:36:49: Joshy froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 02:40:03: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 02:40:30: Joshy froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 02:44:02: Joshy froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 02:47:36: Joshy froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 02:53:03: Joshy froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 03:00:49: Joshy froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 07:57:17: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 08:07:48: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 42596, 14:36:43: Christian Ron froze Rex - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 42596, 20:43:44: Christian Ron uploaded a Pteranodon: hello mate - Lvl 206 Day 42895, 07:46:17: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43180, 13:55:54: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43259, 15:06:07: THE MAN - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 43259, 15:08:48: THE MAN - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 43259, 15:27:32: THE MAN - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 43259, 15:28:30: THE MAN - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 234 (Pteranodon)'! Day 43259, 15:29:00: THE MAN - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 279 (Argentavis)'! Day 43259, 15:29:18: THE MAN - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 43467, 09:04:16: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43753, 03:49:50: Your 'Metal Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1516682611,"tribe":"Tribe of emofurrry logs":["Day 30155, 18:36:37: emofurrry was added to the Tribe! Day 30155, 19:16:11: Tribemember emofurrry - Lvl 5 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 30372, 02:42:56: Tribemember emofurrry - Lvl 5 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 145! Day 35794, 10:29:52: Tribemember emofurrry - Lvl 5 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 50! Day 36362, 16:14:41: Tribemember emofurrry - Lvl 6 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 15!"] "tribeid":1515400730,"tribe":"Kaos logs":["Day 14466, 19:28:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14466, 19:28:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14647, 18:02:42: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14849, 07:41:41: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 76 was killed! Day 14861, 07:09:03: Fruj Tamed an Equus - Lvl 125 (Equus)! Day 14861, 08:50:58: Fruj Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 183 (Pteranodon)! Day 14861, 19:30:40: Fruj uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 188 Day 14862, 12:23:34: Fruj downloaded a dino: Beanim - Lvl 213 Day 14862, 17:59:34: Fruj demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 14863, 12:41:39: Fruj downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 188 Day 14863, 12:42:02: Fruj downloaded a dino: WaterWorks - Lvl 138 Day 14863, 12:50:57: Fruj froze Pteranodon - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon) Day 14863, 12:52:53: Fruj froze WaterWorks - Lvl 138 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14871, 15:27:04: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 83 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 14871, 15:33:08: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 14871, 15:54:28: Fruj froze WaterWorks - Lvl 138 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14871, 16:12:54: Fruj froze Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) Day 14871, 16:34:43: Fruj froze Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) Day 14873, 07:21:08: Fruj Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)! Day 14873, 07:32:55: Fruj froze Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis) Day 14873, 08:43:13: Fruj froze Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis) Day 14873, 08:45:11: Fruj froze Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) Day 14873, 10:24:53: Fruj froze O-o - Lvl 237 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14874, 10:13:32: Fruj claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 93 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14874, 10:16:29: Fruj froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 93 (Deinonychus) Day 14874, 10:18:11: Fruj claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 76 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14874, 10:18:37: Fruj claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 76 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14874, 10:22:55: Fruj froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 76 (Deinonychus) Day 14874, 10:27:24: Fruj claimed 'Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 195 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 14874, 10:29:26: Fruj froze Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 195 (Ankylosaurus) Day 14874, 10:36:30: Fruj froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 76 (Deinonychus) Day 14874, 19:54:12: Fruj froze O-o - Lvl 245 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14874, 23:03:14: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 88 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 50! Day 14875, 00:26:36: Fruj froze Adolescent Ankylosaurus - Lvl 195 (Ankylosaurus) Day 14875, 01:46:57: Fruj froze O-o - Lvl 246 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14875, 03:40:15: Fruj froze O-o - Lvl 246 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14875, 05:18:15: Fruj froze O-o - Lvl 246 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14875, 05:48:23: Fruj froze Adolescent Ankylosaurus - Lvl 195 (Ankylosaurus) Day 14875, 05:50:10: Fruj froze Adolescent Ankylosaurus - Lvl 195 (Ankylosaurus) Day 14875, 18:42:21: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 201 (Doedicurus)! Day 14876, 05:15:58: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 76 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 14876, 05:15:58: Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 76 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14876, 05:30:39: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 76 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 14876, 05:30:39: Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 76 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14876, 06:47:06: Your Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 93 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 14876, 06:47:06: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 93 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14888, 17:02:42: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 194 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 14889, 06:35:00: Your O-o - Lvl 250 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 14889, 06:36:45: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 94 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 14889, 08:43:50: Fruj froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 194 (Ankylosaurus) Day 14889, 11:01:04: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 94 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 14889, 11:02:35: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 14889, 13:20:15: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 94 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 14914, 09:07:43: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 14918, 06:50:29: Fruj froze M S+W+M - Lvl 238 (Argentavis) Day 14918, 11:59:47: Fruj froze WaterWorks - Lvl 156 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14919, 05:50:04: Fruj demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14926, 15:58:52: Fruj claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14926, 16:01:14: Fruj froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14927, 04:07:24: Fruj froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14927, 15:09:15: Fruj Tamed a Rex - Lvl 74 (Rex)! Day 14927, 15:16:41: Fruj froze EG - Lvl 74 (Rex) Day 14929, 03:21:58: Fruj Tamed a Rex - Lvl 37 (Rex)! Day 14929, 03:36:33: Fruj froze Rex - Lvl 37 (Rex) Day 14929, 08:08:33: Fruj claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 59 (Rex)'! Day 14929, 08:12:10: Fruj froze Baby EG x2 - Lvl 59 (Rex) Day 14929, 13:45:20: Fruj claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 14929, 13:47:30: Fruj froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Ice Wyvern) Day 14929, 14:25:05: Fruj froze EG - Lvl 74 (Rex) Day 14929, 14:29:14: Fruj froze F H - Lvl 202 (Argentavis) Day 14929, 14:35:49: Fruj froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 256 (Ankylosaurus) Day 14929, 14:48:01: Fruj froze EG - Lvl 74 (Rex) Day 14929, 14:54:44: Fruj claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 14929, 14:56:33: Fruj froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Ice Wyvern) Day 14929, 16:03:33: Fruj claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 14929, 16:05:05: Fruj froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Ice Wyvern) Day 14929, 18:30:28: Fruj froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14929, 19:56:49: Fruj froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14929, 22:19:10: Fruj froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14940, 17:27:04: Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Ice Wyvern) starved to death! Day 14940, 17:27:04: Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Ice Wyvern) starved to death! Day 14940, 17:27:04: Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Ice Wyvern) starved to death! Day 14940, 18:08:33: Fruj froze EG x2 - Lvl 59 (Rex) Day 14940, 18:11:19: Fruj froze EG Multiplier - Lvl 37 (Rex) Day 14940, 18:14:21: Fruj froze EG - Lvl 74 (Rex) Day 14940, 18:56:32: Fruj froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14940, 19:19:14: Fruj froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14940, 20:13:36: Fruj claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 42 (Rex)'! Day 14940, 20:17:30: Fruj froze Baby Rex - Lvl 42 (Rex) Day 14940, 21:43:14: Fruj froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15039, 13:58:04: Fruj froze EG Multiplier - Lvl 37 (Rex) Day 15039, 13:59:55: Fruj froze EG x2 - Lvl 59 (Rex) Day 15039, 14:03:15: Fruj froze EG - Lvl 74 (Rex) Day 15039, 14:05:09: Fruj froze EG x3 - Lvl 42 (Rex) Day 15039, 15:05:33: Fruj froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15039, 20:01:26: Fruj froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15040, 07:41:05: Fruj claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 50 (Rex)'! Day 15040, 07:41:51: Fruj claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 60 (Rex)'! Day 15040, 07:42:35: Fruj claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 37 (Rex)'! Day 15040, 07:43:08: Fruj claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 49 (Rex)'! Day 15040, 07:44:41: Fruj froze Baby Rex - Lvl 49 (Rex) Day 15040, 07:49:07: Fruj froze Baby Rex - Lvl 50 (Rex) Day 15040, 07:50:31: Fruj froze Baby Rex - Lvl 60 (Rex) Day 15040, 07:51:54: Fruj froze Baby Rex - Lvl 37 (Rex) Day 15040, 08:59:01: Fruj froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15040, 13:13:24: Fruj froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 127 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15040, 15:12:57: Fruj claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15040, 15:15:27: Fruj froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15040, 16:04:01: Fruj froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15040, 19:24:57: Fruj froze PinkEye-193 - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15043, 06:21:47: Fruj froze 193 - Lvl 194 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15043, 07:50:49: Fruj claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 15043, 07:54:19: Fruj froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 15043, 11:51:07: Your Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 15043, 11:51:07: Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 15045, 05:29:02: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 106 was killed! Day 15045, 06:22:28: Jenufa added 'Kaos' Tribe to ssss Alliance! Day 15051, 10:09:41: Fruj claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 215 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 15051, 10:11:23: Fruj froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 215 (Therizinosaur) Day 15051, 10:33:09: Fruj claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 50 (Rex)'! Day 15051, 10:38:14: Fruj froze Baby Rex - Lvl 50 (Rex) Day 15051, 10:38:39: Fruj claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 50 (Rex)'! Day 15051, 10:41:12: Fruj froze Baby Rex - Lvl 50 (Rex) Day 15051, 10:41:43: Fruj claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 61 (Rex)'! Day 15051, 10:44:06: Fruj froze Baby Rex - Lvl 61 (Rex) Day 15051, 10:44:19: Fruj claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 61 (Rex)'! Day 15051, 10:46:42: Fruj froze Baby Rex - Lvl 61 (Rex) Day 15051, 10:46:57: Fruj claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 42 (Rex)'! Day 15051, 10:49:31: Fruj froze Baby Rex - Lvl 42 (Rex) Day 15051, 10:50:33: Fruj claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 61 (Rex)'! Day 15051, 10:52:02: Fruj froze Baby Rex - Lvl 61 (Rex) Day 15051, 10:52:32: Fruj claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15051, 10:54:34: Fruj froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15051, 13:12:59: Fruj froze Baby 193- - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15051, 17:50:28: Fruj froze Juvenile 193- - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15051, 17:53:26: Fruj froze Juvenile 193- - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15051, 20:09:47: Fruj froze Juvenile 193- - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15051, 20:12:44: Fruj froze Juvenile 193- - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15052, 06:11:00: Fruj froze Adolescent 193- - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15052, 10:41:54: Fruj froze Adolescent 193- - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15052, 11:28:29: Fruj claimed 'Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 197 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 15052, 11:29:16: Fruj claimed 'Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 185 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 15052, 11:31:31: Fruj claimed 'Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 185 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 15052, 11:33:00: Fruj froze Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 185 (Ankylosaurus) Day 15052, 11:34:28: Fruj froze Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 185 (Ankylosaurus) Day 15052, 11:36:05: Fruj froze Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 197 (Ankylosaurus) Day 15052, 11:36:44: Fruj claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis)'! Day 15052, 11:38:18: Fruj froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis) Day 15052, 11:40:18: Fruj claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 218 (Argentavis)'! Day 15052, 11:41:59: Fruj froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 218 (Argentavis) Day 15052, 11:42:39: Fruj claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 227 (Argentavis)'! Day 15052, 11:44:10: Fruj froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 227 (Argentavis) Day 15052, 11:50:18: Fruj claimed 'Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 182 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 15052, 11:51:52: Fruj froze Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 182 (Ankylosaurus) Day 15052, 11:52:48: Fruj claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)'! Day 15052, 11:53:18: Fruj claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)'! Day 15052, 11:54:40: Fruj froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 15052, 11:56:07: Fruj froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 15052, 12:11:25: Fruj froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 215 (Therizinosaur) Day 15052, 12:22:33: Fruj froze Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 182 (Ankylosaurus) Day 15052, 16:52:27: Fruj froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 227 (Argentavis) Day 15052, 17:02:57: Fruj froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 227 (Argentavis) Day 15052, 17:05:03: Fruj froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 227 (Argentavis) Day 15052, 17:43:18: Fruj froze 193 - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15052, 18:04:05: Fruj froze Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 185 (Ankylosaurus) Day 15052, 18:05:57: Fruj froze 193 - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15052, 18:08:07: Fruj froze Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 197 (Ankylosaurus) Day 15052, 18:16:55: Fruj froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 15052, 18:19:36: Fruj froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis) Day 15052, 18:22:19: Fruj froze Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 185 (Ankylosaurus) Day 15052, 18:33:33: Fruj froze EG x5 - Lvl 42 (Rex) Day 15052, 18:37:05: Fruj froze EG x4 - Lvl 50 (Rex) Day 15052, 18:57:13: Fruj froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 215 (Therizinosaur) Day 15053, 00:38:48: Fruj froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 227 (Argentavis) Day 15053, 18:06:31: Fruj froze PinkEye-193 - Lvl 253 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15065, 19:08:29: Fruj froze M S+W+M - Lvl 263 (Argentavis) Day 15065, 19:12:46: Fruj froze M S+W+M - Lvl 263 (Argentavis) Day 15068, 01:35:47: Fruj demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 15068, 14:48:48: Fruj froze PinkEye-193 - Lvl 257 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15068, 16:23:32: Fruj froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 248 (Ankylosaurus) Day 15068, 16:55:32: Fruj froze PinkEye-193 - Lvl 257 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15070, 12:09:34: Fruj Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)! Day 15070, 12:14:39: Fruj froze Melee - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 15070, 14:38:04: Fruj froze PinkEye-193 - Lvl 258 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15070, 20:40:07: Fruj froze Melee-217 - Lvl 218 (Megatherium) Day 15070, 21:54:47: Fruj froze PinkEye-193 - Lvl 260 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15077, 09:26:07: Fruj froze M+H-243 - Lvl 243 (Megatherium) Day 15077, 11:40:10: Fruj claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 233 (Megatherium)'! Day 15077, 11:41:58: Fruj froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 233 (Megatherium) Day 15081, 06:15:14: Juvenile M+1H-233 - Lvl 233 (Megatherium) starved to death! Day 15083, 01:07:52: Fruj claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 243 (Megatherium)'! Day 15083, 01:15:39: Fruj froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 243 (Megatherium) Day 15141, 16:31:16: Fruj claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 241 (Megatherium)'! Day 15141, 16:33:24: Fruj froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 241 (Megatherium) Day 15141, 16:34:13: Fruj claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 231 (Megatherium)'! Day 15141, 16:37:28: Fruj froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 231 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 11:32:30: Fruj froze Health-217 - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 11:49:53: Fruj froze M+H-241 - Lvl 241 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 11:51:57: Fruj froze M+H-231 - Lvl 231 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 11:53:22: Fruj froze M+H-231 - Lvl 231 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 11:55:20: Fruj froze M+H-243 - Lvl 243 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 12:00:02: Fruj froze Melee-217 - Lvl 218 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 12:03:53: Fruj froze M+H-243 - Lvl 243 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 12:06:21: Fruj froze M+H-243 - Lvl 243 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 12:08:55: Fruj froze M+H-241 - Lvl 241 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 12:10:57: Fruj froze M+H-241 - Lvl 241 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 12:16:55: Fruj froze M+H-231 - Lvl 231 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 12:19:12: Fruj froze M+H-231 - Lvl 231 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 12:21:10: Fruj froze M+H-231 - Lvl 231 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 14:50:28: Fruj claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 240 (Megatherium)'! Day 15148, 14:52:35: Fruj froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 240 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 14:53:09: Fruj claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 241 (Megatherium)'! Day 15148, 14:55:45: Fruj froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 241 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 14:57:59: Fruj claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 241 (Megatherium)'! Day 15148, 14:59:24: Fruj froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 241 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 15:00:05: Fruj claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 230 (Megatherium)'! Day 15148, 15:02:40: Fruj froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 230 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 15:09:11: Fruj claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 238 (Megatherium)'! Day 15148, 15:10:39: Fruj froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 238 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 15:40:57: Fruj froze Melee-217 - Lvl 218 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 15:44:08: Fruj froze M+H-241 - Lvl 241 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 15:46:25: Fruj froze M+H-241 - Lvl 241 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 15:48:43: Fruj froze M+H-241 - Lvl 241 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 15:51:55: Fruj froze M+H-241 - Lvl 241 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 15:54:25: Fruj froze M+H-241 - Lvl 241 (Megatherium) Day 15148, 17:35:24: Fruj claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 104 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15148, 17:36:20: Fruj claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 102 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15148, 17:37:57: Fruj claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 92 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15148, 17:39:47: Fruj froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 104 (Deinonychus) Day 15148, 17:41:54: Fruj froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 102 (Deinonychus) Day 15148, 17:44:02: Fruj froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 92 (Deinonychus) Day 15148, 18:02:20: Fruj froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 102 (Deinonychus) Day 15149, 12:41:44: Fruj froze Deinonychus - Lvl 102 (Deinonychus) Day 15149, 12:44:34: Fruj froze Deinonychus - Lvl 92 (Deinonychus) Day 15149, 12:47:31: Fruj froze Deinonychus - Lvl 104 (Deinonychus) Day 15149, 13:45:18: Fruj claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 92 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15149, 13:45:56: Fruj claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 104 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15149, 13:47:46: Fruj froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 104 (Deinonychus) Day 15149, 13:49:45: Fruj froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 92 (Deinonychus) Day 15150, 01:30:06: Fruj froze M+H+S1-240 - Lvl 240 (Megatherium) Day 15150, 01:42:06: Fruj froze M+H-241 - Lvl 241 (Megatherium) Day 15150, 05:28:25: Fruj froze Deinonychus - Lvl 104 (Deinonychus) Day 15150, 06:03:08: Fruj claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 245 (Megatherium)'! Day 15150, 06:04:39: Fruj froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 245 (Megatherium) Day 15229, 06:10:57: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15237, 14:49:15: Jenufa added 'Impulse' Tribe to ssss Alliance! Day 15237, 14:56:45: Jenufa added 'Potato Heads' Tribe to ssss Alliance! Day 15450, 08:31:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15505, 16:08:31: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15561, 02:01:37: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15561, 02:01:37: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15562, 10:38:29: Joanna - Lvl 137 (Kingdom of the Brute) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'EggSnatcher-193 - Lvl 225 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15562, 10:38:51: Joanna - Lvl 137 (Kingdom of the Brute) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PinkEye-193 - Lvl 262 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15562, 10:39:37: Joanna - Lvl 137 (Kingdom of the Brute) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 265 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 15562, 10:40:27: Joanna - Lvl 137 (Kingdom of the Brute) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M+H-245 - Lvl 245 (Megatherium)'! Day 15562, 10:41:03: Joanna - Lvl 137 (Kingdom of the Brute) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M+H+S1-240 - Lvl 240 (Megatherium)'! Day 15562, 10:41:25: Joanna - Lvl 137 (Kingdom of the Brute) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M+H-231 - Lvl 231 (Megatherium)'! Day 15562, 10:41:39: Joanna - Lvl 137 (Kingdom of the Brute) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M+H-241 - Lvl 241 (Megatherium)'! Day 15562, 10:41:56: Joanna - Lvl 137 (Kingdom of the Brute) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M+H-243 - Lvl 243 (Megatherium)'! Day 15562, 10:42:57: Joanna - Lvl 137 (Kingdom of the Brute) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M+H-243 - Lvl 243 (Megatherium)'! Day 15562, 10:43:36: Joanna - Lvl 137 (Kingdom of the Brute) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M+H-241 - Lvl 241 (Megatherium)'! Day 15562, 10:44:35: Joanna - Lvl 137 (Kingdom of the Brute) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 160 (Equus)'! Day 15562, 10:45:00: Joanna - Lvl 137 (Kingdom of the Brute) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 189 (Pteranodon)'! Day 15562, 10:45:37: Joanna - Lvl 137 (Kingdom of the Brute) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'WaterWorks - Lvl 193 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15562, 10:46:14: Joanna - Lvl 137 (Kingdom of the Brute) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F H - Lvl 240 (Argentavis)'! Day 15562, 10:46:25: Joanna - Lvl 137 (Kingdom of the Brute) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 258 (Argentavis)'! Day 15562, 10:46:37: Joanna - Lvl 137 (Kingdom of the Brute) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 257 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 15562, 10:46:52: Joanna - Lvl 137 (Kingdom of the Brute) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 256 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 15562, 10:47:19: Joanna - Lvl 137 (Kingdom of the Brute) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 266 (Doedicurus)'! Day 15562, 10:48:38: Joanna - Lvl 137 (Kingdom of the Brute) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'EG x5 - Lvl 42 (Rex)'! Day 15562, 10:49:41: Joanna - Lvl 137 (Kingdom of the Brute) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'EG x3 - Lvl 42 (Rex)'! Day 15562, 10:51:06: Joanna - Lvl 137 (Kingdom of the Brute) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 104 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15562, 11:06:17: Joanna - Lvl 137 (Kingdom of the Brute) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 104 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15574, 19:34:33: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15574, 19:34:33: Your 'Electric Cable Diagonal' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15574, 19:34:33: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15574, 19:34:33: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15574, 19:34:33: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15596, 22:53:05: Nefro - Lvl 154 (Impulse) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 102 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15596, 22:56:08: Nefro - Lvl 154 (Impulse) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 92 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15596, 23:02:50: Rhaelie - Lvl 154 (Impulse) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'EG Multiplier - Lvl 37 (Rex)'! Day 15610, 11:48:46: kokow22 - Lvl 166 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'EG x2 - Lvl 59 (Rex)'! Day 15610, 11:49:00: kokow22 - Lvl 166 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'EG x4 - Lvl 50 (Rex)'! Day 15610, 11:49:27: kokow22 - Lvl 166 (Arkoholics Fun Factory) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'EG - Lvl 74 (Rex)'! Day 15706, 14:38:21: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 121 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 90! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15740, 21:04:47: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15754, 18:09:51: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15754, 18:09:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15834, 16:25:45: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15862, 10:46:07: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15917, 17:47:16: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15917, 17:47:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15917, 17:47:16: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15917, 17:47:16: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15917, 17:47:16: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15917, 17:47:16: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16297, 12:26:06: 's 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 92 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16297, 12:26:06: 's 'Melee-217 - Lvl 218 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16297, 12:26:06: 's '193 - Lvl 194 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16297, 12:26:06: 's 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 218 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16297, 12:26:06: 's 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16297, 12:26:06: 's 'Baby Rex - Lvl 49 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16297, 12:26:06: 's '193 - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17587, 13:15:40: kokow22 added 'Sexy boys' Tribe to ssss Alliance! Day 20863, 16:08:55: kokow22 removed 'Sexy boys' Tribe from ssss Alliance! Day 20863, 21:49:30: kokow22 added 'Sexy boys' Tribe to ssss Alliance!"] "tribeid":1515208152,"tribe":"Tribe of Human logs":["Day 19474, 17:47:06: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 19474, 18:10:45: Human froze imprint test - Lvl 177 (Deinonychus) Day 19475, 15:22:56: Human Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 219 (Thylacoleo)! Day 19475, 15:30:33: Human froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 219 (Thylacoleo) Day 19475, 15:38:55: Human froze imprint test - Lvl 177 (Deinonychus) Day 19475, 21:36:50: Human froze Owen - Lvl 250 (Snow Owl) Day 19765, 15:59:51: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20354, 15:11:38: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1510837610,"tribe":"Tribe of TheDexicon logs":["Day 26443, 09:16:31: TheDexicon was added to the Tribe! Day 26443, 09:17:19: Chonk was added to the Tribe by TheDexicon! Day 26443, 23:55:33: Chonk froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 285 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26444, 01:39:23: TheDexicon froze M180 - Lvl 270 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26468, 11:15:17: Chonk froze Read Dead - Lvl 258 (Desmodus) Day 26468, 20:53:48: Chonk froze Read Dead - Lvl 258 (Desmodus) Day 26557, 03:55:10: TheDexicon froze Swoop Dawg - Lvl 306 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26557, 06:20:46: TheDexicon froze FB3 - Lvl 175 (Desmodus) Day 26557, 06:23:18: Chonk froze Red Dead - Lvl 265 (Desmodus) Day 26557, 11:48:08: Chonk froze Hades - Lvl 358 (Shadowmane) Day 26557, 12:18:37: TheDexicon froze Swoop Dawg - Lvl 307 (R-Snow Owl)"] "tribeid":1508822631,"tribe":"Tribe of Satan logs":["Day 35420, 11:03:32: Evelynn was added to the Tribe! Day 35420, 11:09:51: Evelynn was removed from the Tribe! Day 38600, 17:29:49: Your Direwolf - Lvl 202 (Direwolf) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 90!"] "tribeid":1508401222,"tribe":"Hench Mafia logs":["Day 23954, 13:06:14: big froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) Day 23954, 22:37:07: big froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) Day 23955, 04:35:52: big froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) Day 23955, 12:05:30: big froze Platypus - Lvl 324 (Maewing) Day 23955, 13:54:33: big froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) Day 23956, 02:24:15: big froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) Day 23956, 02:30:28: big froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) Day 23956, 07:16:07: big froze Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 23956, 08:30:20: big froze perry - Lvl 324 (Maewing) Day 23956, 11:49:54: big froze Rex - Lvl 232 (Rex) Day 23969, 16:12:53: big froze Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 23969, 19:23:02: big froze Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 23969, 19:30:58: big froze Hoodetta 3.0 - Lvl 381 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23969, 20:58:21: big froze perry - Lvl 324 (Maewing) Day 23971, 00:26:13: big froze Rex - Lvl 238 (Rex) Day 23971, 02:17:26: big froze Hoodetta 3.0 - Lvl 381 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23971, 21:19:47: Tribemember big - Lvl 125 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 23972, 03:00:52: big froze Rex - Lvl 239 (Rex) Day 23972, 05:33:42: big froze Moose - Lvl 233 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23972, 08:13:41: big Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo)! Day 23972, 08:35:22: big Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 223 (Dodo)! Day 23973, 02:54:29: big froze Hoodetta 3.0 - Lvl 381 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23973, 03:31:45: big froze Hoodetta 3.0 - Lvl 381 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23984, 04:24:08: mini froze Shadowmane - Lvl 406 (Shadowmane) Day 23984, 05:42:04: mini froze Shadowmane - Lvl 406 (Shadowmane) Day 23994, 10:28:31: big froze Rex - Lvl 239 (Rex) Day 23994, 10:31:28: big froze Rex - Lvl 205 (Rex) Day 23994, 10:38:29: big froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 163 (Tek Parasaur) Day 23994, 13:00:31: big uploaded a Dodo: Dodo - Lvl 74 Day 23994, 16:00:34: big froze Hoodetta 3.0 - Lvl 382 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23995, 07:59:12: big froze Dodo - Lvl 223 (Dodo) Day 24003, 01:46:48: big demolished a 'sulfur (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 24003, 02:11:04: big unclaimed 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 24003, 12:45:32: mini uploaded a Tek Stryder: Blacked - Lvl 130 Day 24003, 13:13:17: mini froze Mek - Lvl 51 (Mek) Day 24003, 17:57:24: mini froze Shadowmane - Lvl 406 (Shadowmane) Day 24004, 10:13:35: mini froze Mek - Lvl 51 (Mek) Day 24004, 11:08:56: big froze Hoodetta 3.0 - Lvl 382 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24004, 16:16:32: big Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 29 (Phiomia)! Day 24004, 18:43:27: mini froze Mek - Lvl 51 (Mek) Day 24004, 20:53:16: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 24004, 22:24:32: Tribemember big - Lvl 125 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 24004, 22:50:08: Your Phiomia - Lvl 29 (Phiomia) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 24005, 05:31:33: mini froze Shadowmane - Lvl 407 (Shadowmane) Day 24005, 07:37:50: big Tamed a Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)! Day 24005, 07:42:02: big froze Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) Day 24005, 08:35:01: big uploaded a R-Snow Owl: Hoodetta 3.0 - Lvl 382 Day 24044, 00:01:18: big froze Hoodonnie - Lvl 300 (Snow Owl) Day 24139, 13:10:04: mini froze branodn owl - Lvl 221 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24139, 15:27:21: mini froze branodn owl - Lvl 221 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24139, 19:55:07: mini froze Shadowmane - Lvl 287 (Shadowmane) Day 24139, 19:58:49: mini froze Shadowmane - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane) Day 24139, 20:02:31: mini froze Shadowmane - Lvl 279 (Shadowmane) Day 24139, 20:38:39: mini froze branodn owl - Lvl 221 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24140, 00:54:54: mini froze attack and health - Lvl 289 (R-Brontosaurus) Day 24140, 01:01:24: mini froze branodn owl - Lvl 221 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24140, 06:52:55: mini froze Shadowmane - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 24143, 02:53:08: mini froze Shadowmane - Lvl 329 (Shadowmane) Day 24295, 07:39:24: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24437, 01:57:39: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24909, 06:25:12: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28558, 11:59:10: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 127 was killed! Day 28558, 13:40:00: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 127 was killed! Day 28558, 20:19:43: Legend27 demolished a 'Sloped Thatch Roof'! Day 28558, 20:20:55: Legend27 demolished a 'Sloped Thatch Roof'! Day 28558, 20:22:04: Legend27 demolished a 'Sloped Thatch Roof'! Day 28558, 20:23:05: Legend27 demolished a 'Sloped Thatch Roof'! Day 28558, 23:12:09: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 127 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 145! Day 28559, 00:49:34: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 127 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 145! Day 28559, 12:16:03: Human was added to the Tribe by Legend27! Day 28559, 12:16:32: Tribemember Human - Lvl 1 was killed by Legend27 - Lvl 127 (Handsome Spartans)! Day 28559, 12:16:32: Your Tribe killed Human - Lvl 1 (Handsome Spartans)! Day 28559, 19:37:50: Legend27 demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 28560, 07:34:28: Legend27 Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 149 (Parasaur)! Day 28560, 08:41:29: Legend27 Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 223 (Parasaur)! Day 28560, 11:10:20: Legend27 claimed 'Baby Parasaur - Lvl 184 (Parasaur)'! Day 28560, 11:11:55: Legend27 claimed 'Baby Parasaur - Lvl 184 (Parasaur)'! Day 28560, 12:03:39: Human was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Legend27! Day 28560, 22:07:49: Tribemember Human - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 28561, 07:35:54: Legend27 claimed 'Baby Parasaur - Lvl 223 (Parasaur)'! Day 28561, 07:41:29: Human claimed 'Baby Parasaur - Lvl 175 (Parasaur)'! Day 28561, 18:00:44: Tribemember Human - Lvl 29 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 85! Day 28562, 05:37:02: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 127 was killed! Day 28562, 05:40:45: Your Parasaur - Lvl 227 (Parasaur) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 28562, 06:09:52: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 127 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 28562, 06:56:50: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 196 (Pteranodon)! Day 28562, 18:28:31: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 127 was killed! Day 28564, 16:57:24: Legend27 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 28564, 16:58:16: Tribemember Human - Lvl 40 was killed! Day 28564, 16:59:02: Legend27 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 28564, 17:00:38: Legend27 demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 28564, 17:01:40: Legend27 demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 28564, 17:02:25: Legend27 demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 28564, 17:03:13: Legend27 demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 28564, 17:04:14: Legend27 demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 28564, 17:04:59: Legend27 demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 28564, 17:10:45: Legend27 demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 28564, 17:11:26: Legend27 demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 28564, 17:12:27: Legend27 demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 28564, 17:13:05: Legend27 demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 28564, 17:14:23: Legend27 demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 28564, 17:15:05: Legend27 demolished a 'Thatch Doorframe'! Day 28564, 17:16:07: Legend27 demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 28564, 17:17:46: Tribemember Human - Lvl 41 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 28564, 17:18:32: Legend27 demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 28564, 17:31:54: Legend27 demolished a 'Meines lova (Sleeping Bag)'! Day 28564, 18:06:47: Legend27 demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28564, 21:31:23: Legend27 demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 28565, 00:05:03: Legend27 demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 28565, 00:06:23: Legend27 demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 28565, 02:34:24: Legend27 demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 28565, 03:47:05: Legend27 demolished a 'Sloped Wood Wall Right'! Day 28565, 04:03:10: Legend27 demolished a 'Sloped Wood Wall Right'! Day 28565, 04:45:10: Legend27 demolished a 'Sloped Wood Wall Left'! Day 28565, 04:47:42: Legend27 demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Roof'! Day 28565, 04:57:45: Legend27 demolished a 'Sloped Wood Wall Left'! Day 28565, 09:18:43: Legend27 demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 28573, 16:31:19: Legend27 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 28573, 17:46:26: Legend27 demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 28573, 17:47:55: Legend27 demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 28573, 17:57:47: Legend27 demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 28573, 18:27:33: Legend27 demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 28573, 21:05:40: Legend27 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 28574, 08:23:48: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 129 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 28574, 08:54:43: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 129 was killed! Day 28574, 10:18:45: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 129 was killed! Day 28574, 12:20:59: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 129 was killed! Day 28574, 13:30:53: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 129 was killed! Day 28589, 13:21:35: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 130 was killed! Day 28591, 11:53:33: Legend27 claimed 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 28591, 11:54:24: Legend27 claimed 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 51 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 28591, 11:55:19: Legend27 claimed 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 94 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 28592, 05:46:08: Legend27 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 28592, 11:41:18: Legend27 Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 28592, 18:42:33: Legend27 Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 28592, 23:27:27: Legend27 claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28593, 01:09:00: Legend27 claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)'! Day 28593, 04:08:54: Legend27 claimed 'Baby Parasaur - Lvl 223 (Parasaur)'! Day 28593, 07:06:25: Legend27 claimed 'Juvenile Parasaur - Lvl 184 (Parasaur)'! Day 28593, 07:07:28: Legend27 claimed 'Juvenile Parasaur - Lvl 192 (Parasaur)'! Day 28593, 07:09:58: Your Juvenile Parasaur - Lvl 192 (Parasaur) was killed by Legend27 - Lvl 131 (Handsome Spartans)! Day 28593, 07:09:58: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Parasaur - Lvl 192 (Parasaur) (Handsome Spartans)! Day 28593, 07:12:55: Your Juvenile Parasaur - Lvl 184 (Parasaur) was killed by Legend27 - Lvl 131 (Handsome Spartans)! Day 28593, 07:12:55: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Parasaur - Lvl 184 (Parasaur) (Handsome Spartans)! Day 28593, 14:16:23: Legend27 froze Adolescent Parasaur - Lvl 223 (Parasaur) Day 28593, 18:29:57: Legend27 froze Adolescent Parasaur - Lvl 223 (Parasaur) Day 28593, 21:42:28: Legend27 froze Argentavis - Lvl 216 (Argentavis) Day 28601, 07:36:47: Legend27 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 226 (Pteranodon) Day 28601, 07:42:54: Legend27 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon) Day 28601, 08:23:10: Legend27 froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28601, 08:26:26: Legend27 froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 80 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28601, 08:56:46: Your Parasaur - Lvl 240 (Parasaur) was killed by Poison Wyvern - Lvl 105 (Poison Wyvern) (Handsome Spartans)! Day 28601, 08:56:46: Your Tribe killed Parasaur - Lvl 240 (Parasaur) (Handsome Spartans)! Day 28601, 08:58:37: Your Parasaur - Lvl 165 (Parasaur) was killed by Poison Wyvern - Lvl 105 (Poison Wyvern) (Handsome Spartans)! Day 28601, 08:58:37: Your Tribe killed Parasaur - Lvl 165 (Parasaur) (Handsome Spartans)! Day 28601, 09:00:02: Your Stasys birka - Lvl 207 (Parasaur) was killed by Poison Wyvern - Lvl 105 (Poison Wyvern) (Handsome Spartans)! Day 28601, 09:00:02: Your Tribe killed Stasys birka - Lvl 207 (Parasaur) (Handsome Spartans)! Day 28601, 09:01:55: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) was killed by Poison Wyvern - Lvl 105 (Poison Wyvern) (Handsome Spartans)! Day 28601, 09:01:55: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) (Handsome Spartans)! Day 28601, 11:45:57: Legend27 froze Argentavis - Lvl 218 (Argentavis) Day 28601, 11:50:08: Legend27 froze Spenis - Lvl 184 (Parasaur) Day 28601, 11:53:27: Legend27 froze Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 28601, 11:59:37: Legend27 froze Parasaur - Lvl 232 (Parasaur) Day 28601, 12:03:57: Legend27 froze Jemalide - Lvl 205 (Parasaur) Day 28601, 12:36:40: Legend27 froze Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) Day 28605, 20:01:26: Legend27 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 28605, 20:10:04: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28605, 20:10:04: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28605, 20:10:04: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28605, 20:10:04: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28605, 20:10:04: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28605, 20:10:04: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28605, 20:10:04: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28605, 20:10:04: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28605, 20:10:04: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28606, 06:20:43: ScullyClaus was added to the Tribe! Day 28606, 06:28:00: ScullyClaus froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28606, 06:39:29: ScullyClaus was removed from the Tribe! Day 28626, 20:07:26: Legend27 froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28627, 11:52:19: Legend27 froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28628, 08:42:33: Legend27 froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28628, 08:45:46: Legend27 froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28628, 08:49:01: Legend27 froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28628, 08:51:58: Legend27 froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28628, 08:54:55: Legend27 froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28629, 13:09:28: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 28629, 14:29:36: Your Poison Wyvern - Lvl 110 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 28629, 14:29:36: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 28629, 15:53:31: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 85! Day 28629, 16:25:35: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed! Day 28629, 17:53:03: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed! Day 28629, 20:11:57: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed! Day 28630, 01:49:59: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 28630, 03:42:25: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 145! Day 28630, 05:55:23: Legend27 froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 108 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28630, 09:02:29: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 28630, 09:07:50: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed! Day 28630, 11:33:22: Tribemember Human - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 28630, 13:20:12: Legend27 froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 102 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28746, 11:18:34: Tribemember Human - Lvl 46 was killed! Day 28899, 19:25:07: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29040, 00:10:11: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29318, 08:30:39: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'haythem - Lvl 264 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 29333, 15:42:30: Legend27's 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 102 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29346, 16:06:47: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29346, 16:06:47: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29432, 23:31:47: Tribemember Human - Lvl 48 was killed! Day 29432, 23:47:24: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed! Day 29518, 13:50:20: Razer - Lvl 6 (Tribe of Razer) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 248 (Parasaur)'! Day 29804, 04:42:42: cocopop - Lvl 123 (cocopop) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 222 (Megalodon)'! Day 34417, 10:14:12: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed! Day 34459, 13:30:33: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed! Day 34459, 13:58:21: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 20! Day 34487, 21:51:37: Legend27 Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 34488, 13:37:09: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 34506, 18:36:55: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed! Day 34506, 18:47:26: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 45! Day 34506, 22:57:46: Legend28 was added to the Tribe by Legend27! Day 34507, 14:39:58: Legend28 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon)! Day 34507, 15:37:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 201 (Triceratops)! Day 34507, 19:43:25: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 34507, 20:22:49: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 34507, 22:53:29: Legend28 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 34508, 01:30:25: Legend27 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 195 (Equus)! Day 34508, 06:35:38: Your Chad - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 34508, 06:40:32: Your Tillay - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 34508, 06:49:53: Your Millay - Lvl 201 (Triceratops) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 34508, 07:38:10: Legend27 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 181 (Equus)! Day 34508, 12:05:49: Tribemember Legend28 - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 34508, 13:14:37: Legend27 claimed 'Baby Equus - Lvl 209 (Equus)'! Day 34508, 13:41:57: Tribemember Legend28 - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 34508, 22:57:31: Legend27 Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 34509, 17:17:33: Legend27 froze Zoey - Lvl 181 (Equus) Day 34509, 17:21:43: Legend27 froze Lord - Lvl 35 (Parasaur) Day 34509, 17:25:46: Legend27 froze Junior - Lvl 209 (Equus) Day 34509, 17:29:45: Legend27 froze Hank - Lvl 195 (Equus) Day 34509, 17:50:43: Legend27 froze Argentavis - Lvl 214 (Argentavis) Day 34510, 15:24:19: Your 'Tent (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34533, 17:22:00: Legend27 froze Zoey - Lvl 181 (Equus) Day 34533, 17:24:48: Legend27 froze Hank - Lvl 195 (Equus) Day 34533, 18:12:18: Legend27 froze Jaquis- - Lvl 209 (Equus) Day 34534, 09:00:54: Legend27 froze Argentavis - Lvl 214 (Argentavis) Day 34534, 19:13:00: Legend27 froze Argentavis - Lvl 214 (Argentavis) Day 34534, 19:59:46: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed! Day 34534, 21:13:57: Legend28 froze Hank - Lvl 195 (Equus) Day 34534, 21:38:27: Legend27 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon)! Day 34535, 01:59:42: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed! Day 34535, 02:08:50: Tribemember Legend28 - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 34535, 03:10:38: Tribemember Legend28 - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 34535, 03:14:11: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed! Day 34535, 06:34:13: Legend27 Tamed an Unicorn - Lvl 142 (Unicorn)! Day 34535, 06:57:08: Legend27 froze Unicorn - Lvl 142 (Unicorn) Day 34535, 08:19:12: Legend27 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 217 (Equus)! Day 34535, 08:24:23: Legend27 froze Equus - Lvl 217 (Equus) Day 34535, 09:28:29: Legend27 Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 34535, 10:14:21: Your Dil - Lvl 22 (Dodo) was killed by Legend27 - Lvl 132 (Hench Mafia)! Day 34535, 10:14:21: Your Tribe killed Dil - Lvl 22 (Dodo) (Hench Mafia)! Day 34535, 10:37:19: Tribemember Legend28 - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 34535, 11:01:57: Legend27 froze Jaquis- - Lvl 209 (Equus) Day 34535, 11:07:28: Tribemember Legend28 - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 34535, 11:30:01: Tribemember Legend28 - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 34535, 13:03:24: Tribemember Legend28 - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 34535, 17:06:09: Legend27 claimed 'Baby Equus - Lvl 225 (Equus)'! Day 34535, 17:08:46: Legend28 claimed 'Baby Equus - Lvl 195 (Equus)'! Day 34535, 17:51:31: Legend27 froze Baby Derulo - Lvl 225 (Equus) Day 34535, 17:54:34: Legend27 froze Baby Jasorn - Lvl 195 (Equus) Day 34535, 18:35:51: Legend27 froze Princess - Lvl 142 (Unicorn) Day 34535, 18:39:49: Legend27 froze Hank - Lvl 195 (Equus) Day 34535, 18:45:37: Legend27 froze Jaquis- - Lvl 209 (Equus) Day 34535, 18:49:25: Legend27 froze Jessicar - Lvl 217 (Equus) Day 34535, 18:57:09: Legend27 froze Zoey - Lvl 181 (Equus) Day 34535, 19:06:10: Legend27 froze 30 Cent - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon) Day 34535, 19:22:30: Legend27 froze Marie - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 34536, 04:24:05: Tribemember Legend28 - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 34536, 09:20:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 201 (Dodo)! Day 34536, 11:31:40: Legend28 Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 29 (Sabertooth)! Day 34536, 12:19:32: Legend27 froze Viper - Lvl 29 (Sabertooth) Day 34536, 12:36:54: Your Dido - Lvl 201 (Dodo) was killed by Legend28 - Lvl 34 (Hench Mafia)! Day 34536, 12:36:54: Your Tribe killed Dido - Lvl 201 (Dodo) (Hench Mafia)! Day 34536, 18:27:37: Legend27 froze Princess - Lvl 142 (Unicorn) Day 34537, 03:10:13: Legend27 Tamed an Unicorn - Lvl 224 (Unicorn)! Day 34537, 03:15:12: Legend27 froze Unicorn - Lvl 224 (Unicorn) Day 34537, 05:08:50: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34537, 05:08:54: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34537, 06:35:26: Legend27 froze Princess - Lvl 142 (Unicorn) Day 34537, 06:39:16: Legend27 froze Unicorn - Lvl 224 (Unicorn) Day 34537, 06:44:20: Legend27 froze Marie - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 34537, 06:59:35: Legend27 froze Garray - Lvl 214 (Argentavis) Day 34537, 07:35:08: Legend27 froze Viper - Lvl 33 (Sabertooth) Day 34537, 07:41:33: Legend27 froze 30 Cent - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon) Day 34547, 19:40:59: Your 30 Cent - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 34547, 20:00:22: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 34548, 03:06:58: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 34548, 03:58:02: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 34548, 04:43:46: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 145! Day 34548, 09:14:46: Legend27 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon)! Day 34548, 11:31:45: Legend27 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)! Day 34548, 12:57:57: Legend27 froze Kremo - Lvl 33 (Sabertooth) Day 34548, 16:04:05: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34549, 17:09:49: Legend27 demolished a 'Campfire (Unlocked) '! Day 34549, 23:18:45: Legend27 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 34551, 07:16:37: Legend27 froze Unicorn - Lvl 224 (Unicorn) Day 34551, 07:34:01: Legend27 froze Jessicar - Lvl 217 (Equus) Day 34551, 07:38:09: Legend27 froze Jaquis- - Lvl 209 (Equus) Day 34551, 07:51:45: Legend27 froze Hank - Lvl 195 (Equus) Day 34551, 07:56:16: Legend27 froze Zoey - Lvl 181 (Equus) Day 34551, 08:01:18: Legend27 froze Princess - Lvl 142 (Unicorn) Day 34551, 08:10:30: Legend27 froze Lord - Lvl 35 (Parasaur) Day 34551, 14:34:22: Legend27 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 34551, 17:26:41: Legend27 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 34551, 17:29:22: Legend27 froze 40 cent - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon) Day 34551, 17:41:16: Legend27 froze Jessicar - Lvl 217 (Equus) Day 34551, 17:47:19: Legend27 froze Jaquis- - Lvl 209 (Equus) Day 34551, 17:51:40: Legend27 froze Hank - Lvl 195 (Equus) Day 34551, 17:57:43: Legend27 froze Zoey - Lvl 181 (Equus) Day 34551, 18:13:56: Legend27 froze Princess - Lvl 142 (Unicorn) Day 34551, 18:18:40: Legend27 froze Unicorn - Lvl 224 (Unicorn) Day 34551, 18:24:04: Legend27 froze Lord - Lvl 74 (Parasaur) Day 34551, 18:36:45: Legend27 froze Marie - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 34551, 18:39:27: Legend27 froze Garray - Lvl 214 (Argentavis) Day 34551, 18:43:48: Legend27 froze Kremo - Lvl 36 (Sabertooth) Day 34552, 10:04:37: Legend27 froze 40 cent - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon) Day 34552, 10:24:02: Legend27 froze Lord - Lvl 74 (Parasaur) Day 34552, 10:35:01: Legend27 froze Unicorn - Lvl 224 (Unicorn) Day 34552, 10:56:51: Legend27 froze Princess - Lvl 142 (Unicorn) Day 34552, 11:17:48: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34552, 12:14:23: Tribemember Legend28 - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 34552, 17:54:51: Legend27 froze Lord - Lvl 74 (Parasaur) Day 34552, 19:20:48: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed! Day 34552, 22:58:41: Legend27 froze Lord - Lvl 74 (Parasaur) Day 34553, 00:12:49: Your Lord - Lvl 74 (Parasaur) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 34553, 00:16:35: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 34553, 05:20:46: Legend27 froze Argentavis - Lvl 433 (Argentavis) Day 34554, 14:46:35: Legend27 demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 34554, 14:47:25: Legend27 demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 34554, 14:48:16: Legend27 demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 34555, 05:27:32: Legend27 froze Montana - Lvl 224 (Unicorn) Day 34555, 05:36:05: Legend27 froze Princess - Lvl 142 (Unicorn) Day 34555, 11:15:14: Legend27 froze Argentavis - Lvl 433 (Argentavis) Day 34555, 14:25:38: Legend27 froze Kremo - Lvl 36 (Sabertooth) Day 34555, 14:28:39: Legend27 froze Zoey - Lvl 181 (Equus) Day 34555, 14:32:13: Legend27 froze Jessicar - Lvl 217 (Equus) Day 34555, 14:39:40: Legend27 froze Jaquis- - Lvl 209 (Equus) Day 34555, 14:42:55: Legend27 froze Hank - Lvl 195 (Equus) Day 34555, 14:46:08: Legend27 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 34555, 17:46:47: Legend27 froze 40 cent - Lvl 236 (Pteranodon) Day 34555, 18:22:16: Legend27 froze Argentavis - Lvl 433 (Argentavis) Day 34580, 13:01:18: Legend27 Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 179 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 34580, 14:05:38: Legend27 froze Argentavis - Lvl 433 (Argentavis) Day 34580, 14:08:51: Legend27 froze 40 cent - Lvl 236 (Pteranodon) Day 34580, 14:11:35: Legend27 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 34580, 16:33:53: Legend27 claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon)'! Day 34580, 16:43:26: Legend28 claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)'! Day 34581, 11:45:57: Legend27 froze Princess - Lvl 142 (Unicorn) Day 34581, 11:48:35: Legend27 froze Hannah Montana - Lvl 224 (Unicorn) Day 34581, 13:42:11: Legend27 froze Adolescent Libbay Mae - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 34581, 13:45:39: Legend27 froze Adolescent Abbay Mae - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon) Day 34581, 15:00:37: Legend27 froze Abbay Mae - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon) Day 34581, 15:12:38: Legend27 froze Libbay Mae - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 34581, 15:18:24: Legend27 froze Hank - Lvl 195 (Equus) Day 34581, 16:24:41: Legend27 demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 34581, 17:36:35: Legend27 demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 34581, 17:45:23: Legend27 demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 34581, 17:49:04: Legend27 demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 34581, 21:10:05: Legend28 froze Juvenile Jasorn - Lvl 195 (Equus) Day 34581, 21:18:04: Legend28 froze Juvenile Jasorn - Lvl 195 (Equus) Day 34581, 21:32:25: Legend28 froze Juvenile Derulo - Lvl 225 (Equus) Day 34785, 02:53:34: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34785, 02:53:34: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34826, 23:52:23: Legend27 froze Argentavis - Lvl 433 (Argentavis) Day 34856, 12:35:56: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35139, 18:05:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35139, 18:05:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35139, 18:05:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35139, 18:05:17: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35139, 18:05:17: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35139, 18:05:17: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35139, 18:05:17: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35314, 15:04:15: Garray (Argentavis)'s 'Juvenile Jasorn - Lvl 195 (Equus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 35314, 15:04:15: Garray (Argentavis)'s 'Abbay Mae - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 35314, 15:04:40: Legend27's 'Argentavis - Lvl 433 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 35425, 01:06:26: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35710, 10:08:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35710, 10:08:51: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35710, 10:08:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36195, 16:26:19: Daquan - Lvl 64 (Sabertooth) starved to death! Day 36274, 07:58:16: Raven - Lvl 95 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jaquis- - Lvl 266 (Equus)'! Day 36274, 07:58:53: Raven - Lvl 95 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zoey - Lvl 181 (Equus)'! Day 36274, 08:02:00: Raven - Lvl 95 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Marie - Lvl 239 (Argentavis)'! Day 36274, 08:03:24: Raven - Lvl 95 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Elektra - Lvl 179 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 36274, 08:04:57: Raven - Lvl 95 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jessicar - Lvl 217 (Equus)'! Day 36274, 08:05:57: Raven - Lvl 95 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Garray - Lvl 248 (Argentavis)'! Day 36274, 08:20:18: Raven - Lvl 95 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '40 cent - Lvl 260 (Pteranodon)'! Day 36274, 08:21:26: Raven - Lvl 95 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '40 Centina - Lvl 250 (Pteranodon)'! Day 36318, 16:33:11: big was removed from the Tribe! Day 36899, 09:11:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36899, 09:11:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37125, 17:18:53: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 132 was killed! Day 37125, 17:32:36: Tribemember Legend28 - Lvl 52 was killed! Day 37184, 16:50:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1507549387,"tribe":"Tribe of eto logs":["Day 22616, 16:47:23: eto was added to the Tribe! Day 22616, 16:48:54: Echoefx was added to the Tribe by eto! Day 22616, 16:50:16: Echoefx was promoted to a Tribe Admin by eto! Day 22616, 19:01:53: Tribemember eto - Lvl 6 was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 140! Day 22616, 19:34:24: Tribemember Echoefx - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 22752, 19:04:28: Tribemember Echoefx - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 150! Day 22752, 19:07:19: Tribemember eto - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 150!"] "tribeid":1507422801,"tribe":"Ram Ranch logs":["Day 23345, 11:07:59: EmerginTrd was added to the Tribe! Day 23345, 11:20:51: Calf Man was added to the Tribe by EmerginTrd! Day 23345, 19:29:00: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 23345, 22:23:01: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Vulture - Lvl 15! Day 23345, 22:29:33: Tribemember EmerginTrd - Lvl 101 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 23345, 23:14:58: Tribemember EmerginTrd - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 23345, 23:19:14: Tribemember Calf Man - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 23346, 01:07:57: Tribemember EmerginTrd - Lvl 101 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 23346, 02:06:35: Tribemember Calf Man - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 23361, 10:04:59: EmerginTrd Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 23361, 19:45:42: Your Phil - Lvl 27 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 23361, 19:47:32: Tribemember EmerginTrd - Lvl 101 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 23362, 00:06:01: Tribemember EmerginTrd - Lvl 101 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 23362, 02:33:14: Tribemember EmerginTrd - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 23362, 19:08:23: EmerginTrd claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23362, 19:45:25: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23362, 19:45:25: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23362, 19:48:54: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23367, 03:20:20: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23367, 03:22:04: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23367, 03:24:33: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23367, 03:26:14: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23367, 03:31:16: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23367, 03:45:12: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23367, 03:46:04: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23367, 03:48:55: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23367, 03:51:29: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23367, 04:59:24: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23367, 05:00:50: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23367, 05:02:33: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23367, 05:16:04: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23367, 05:20:16: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23367, 05:22:43: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23367, 05:44:51: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23367, 05:47:30: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23367, 05:50:14: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23367, 05:57:48: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23369, 00:55:57: Tribemember EmerginTrd - Lvl 102 was killed! Day 23395, 20:12:57: EmerginTrd Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 23489, 18:15:17: EmerginTrd Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 194 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 23526, 05:05:48: EmerginTrd claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 235 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23526, 05:08:46: EmerginTrd claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 201 (Doedicurus)'! Day 23526, 05:10:29: EmerginTrd claimed 'Bone Disease - Lvl 226 (Triceratops)'! Day 23526, 05:11:11: EmerginTrd claimed 'Falco - Lvl 84 (Equus)'! Day 23526, 05:11:41: EmerginTrd claimed 'Dire Bear - Lvl 96 (Dire Bear)'! Day 23526, 05:13:28: EmerginTrd claimed '140 The 2nd - Lvl 218 (Equus)'! Day 23526, 05:13:58: EmerginTrd claimed 'Bean - Lvl 29 (Equus)'! Day 23526, 05:14:40: EmerginTrd claimed '140 The 1st - Lvl 221 (Equus)'! Day 23526, 05:16:07: EmerginTrd claimed 'Equus - Lvl 202 (Equus)'! Day 23526, 05:16:39: EmerginTrd claimed 'Megan - Lvl 212 (Equus)'! Day 23526, 05:18:33: EmerginTrd claimed 'Tracer - Lvl 76 (Equus)'! Day 23526, 05:21:27: EmerginTrd claimed 'Maewing - Lvl 231 (Maewing)'! Day 23526, 05:22:41: EmerginTrd claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23526, 05:24:36: EmerginTrd claimed 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 215 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 23526, 05:26:51: EmerginTrd claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23526, 05:45:24: EmerginTrd claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 254 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23728, 15:07:23: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23728, 15:07:23: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23976, 01:47:46: Tribemember Calf Man - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 24177, 05:34:54: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24236, 09:50:25: Ross - Lvl 69 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 246 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 24236, 09:51:18: Ross - Lvl 69 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kevin - Lvl 139 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 24236, 10:03:04: Ross - Lvl 69 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 290 (Maewing)'! Day 24236, 10:06:55: Ross - Lvl 69 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24236, 10:09:20: Ross - Lvl 69 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perry - Lvl 251 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24236, 10:10:48: Ross - Lvl 69 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 257 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24236, 10:12:23: Ross - Lvl 69 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dire Bear - Lvl 103 (Dire Bear)'! Day 24236, 10:14:15: Ross - Lvl 69 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bone Disease - Lvl 232 (Triceratops)'! Day 24236, 10:21:26: Ross - Lvl 69 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fred - Lvl 224 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 24236, 11:14:01: Ross - Lvl 69 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 219 (Equus)'! Day 24236, 11:15:01: Ross - Lvl 69 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame '140 The 2nd - Lvl 238 (Equus)'! Day 24236, 11:15:32: Ross - Lvl 69 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame '140 The 1st - Lvl 239 (Equus)'! Day 24236, 11:16:17: Ross - Lvl 69 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Falco - Lvl 99 (Equus)'! Day 24236, 11:17:52: Ross - Lvl 69 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bean - Lvl 46 (Equus)'! Day 24236, 11:19:03: Ross - Lvl 69 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tracer - Lvl 87 (Equus)'! Day 24236, 12:26:48: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megan - Lvl 221 (Equus)'! Day 24236, 13:20:16: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (RogueHunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 211 (Doedicurus)'! Day 24286, 12:54:48: Teabelli - Lvl 8 (Tribe of del-icious) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24413, 11:00:31: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24413, 11:00:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24460, 16:42:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24744, 05:33:55: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25120, 13:40:19: Hecate - Lvl 61 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 215 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 25120, 14:04:59: Tribemember EmerginTrd - Lvl 115 was killed!"] "tribeid":1503139468,"tribe":"Tribe of mikatana logs":["Day 13046, 12:49:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 12:51:32: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was destroyed! Day 13046, 12:51:51: Your Bulbdog - Lvl 167 (Bulbdog) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 13046, 12:52:10: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 12:52:55: Your 'Power Generator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13046, 12:53:15: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 12:53:47: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:01:26: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:01:26: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:01:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:02:01: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:02:18: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:02:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:02:36: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:02:36: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:02:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:03:13: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:03:13: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:03:30: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:03:48: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:04:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:04:42: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:04:56: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:05:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:05:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:05:32: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:05:49: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:07:01: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:07:54: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:08:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:08:48: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:09:04: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:10:30: Your 'Wood Pillar' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:10:51: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:11:07: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:11:10: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:11:42: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:11:58: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:12:15: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:12:34: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:12:52: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:13:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:14:18: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:14:36: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:16:04: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:16:04: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:16:21: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:20:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:25:11: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:25:13: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:25:14: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:52:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:52:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:55:09: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:55:10: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:55:43: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:59:18: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was destroyed! Day 13046, 13:59:19: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:17:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:17:59: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:18:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:18:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:18:56: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:20:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:20:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:21:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:21:45: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:21:46: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:22:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:22:02: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:22:20: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:22:23: Your Eggbert - Lvl 240 (Oviraptor) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 13046, 14:22:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:24:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:25:21: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:30:41: Your 'Wood Pillar' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:30:42: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:33:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:34:03: Your 'Wood Pillar' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:34:23: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:34:42: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:35:01: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:35:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:38:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:38:58: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:40:26: Your Bostinha - Lvl 287 (Mesopithecus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 13046, 14:56:26: Your 'Refrigerator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:56:46: Your 'Power Generator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13046, 14:58:48: Your 'Fabricator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:00:02: Your 'Stone Cliff Platform' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:00:04: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:00:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:04:45: Your 'Wood Pillar' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:05:02: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:05:21: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:05:55: Your 'Stone Cliff Platform' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:06:46: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:06:48: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:07:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:07:23: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:07:24: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:08:14: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:08:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:14:09: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:14:26: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:25:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:27:28: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:29:35: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:39:49: Your Shadowjesus - Lvl 290 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 13046, 15:57:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:58:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:58:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:58:46: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:58:48: Your 'War Map' was destroyed! Day 13046, 15:59:24: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 16:02:46: Your 'Gasolina (Large Storage Box) (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13046, 16:08:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 16:09:14: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 13046, 16:10:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 16:10:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 13046, 16:11:03: Your 'Wood Pillar' was destroyed! Day 13046, 16:12:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was destroyed! Day 13046, 16:15:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 16:16:34: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 16:17:53: Your 'Wood Pillar' was destroyed! Day 13046, 16:20:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 13046, 16:23:03: Your Balance - Lvl 361 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 13047, 09:59:57: Your Illsa - Lvl 187 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 13047, 10:05:05: Your Jiktu - Lvl 175 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 13050, 07:26:52: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was destroyed! Day 13050, 07:27:53: Your 'Large Crop Plot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13078, 13:15:37: bolinoso demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 13078, 13:18:55: bolinoso demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 13078, 16:51:44: bolinoso demolished a 'Reinforced Double Door (Locked) '! Day 13078, 16:52:23: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Double Doorframe'! Day 13078, 16:57:33: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13078, 18:27:03: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13079, 01:54:32: bolinoso froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 232 (Bloodstalker) Day 13079, 13:54:25: bolinoso froze EZ Carry - Lvl 359 (Snow Owl) Day 13079, 15:36:20: bolinoso demolished a 'Vessel (Locked) '! Day 13079, 15:52:04: bolinoso demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 13079, 16:06:43: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 13079, 16:11:58: bolinoso demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 13079, 16:14:24: bolinoso demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 13079, 16:16:17: bolinoso demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 13079, 18:15:55: bolinoso froze EZ Carry - Lvl 359 (Snow Owl) Day 13080, 00:26:22: bolinoso demolished a 'Artifact Pedestal (Locked) '! Day 13080, 00:30:33: bolinoso demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 13080, 00:33:20: bolinoso demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 13080, 00:34:48: bolinoso demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 13080, 00:36:15: bolinoso demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 13080, 00:46:12: bolinoso demolished a 'Smithy (Locked) '! Day 13080, 05:45:43: bolinoso froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 243 (Bloodstalker) Day 13080, 05:49:07: bolinoso froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 277 (Ice Wyvern) Day 13088, 16:34:23: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 16:35:11: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 16:35:49: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 16:36:18: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 16:36:57: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 16:37:32: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 16:37:57: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 16:38:22: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 16:38:52: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 16:39:19: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 16:39:47: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 16:40:15: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 16:40:48: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 16:41:18: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 16:41:43: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 16:42:16: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 16:42:47: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 16:43:18: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 16:43:49: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 16:44:29: bolinoso demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 13088, 16:44:57: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 16:45:56: bolinoso demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 13088, 16:47:04: bolinoso demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 13088, 16:47:35: bolinoso demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 13088, 16:48:25: bolinoso demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 13088, 16:48:50: bolinoso demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 13088, 16:49:27: bolinoso demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 13088, 16:50:07: bolinoso demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 13088, 16:50:35: bolinoso demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 13088, 16:51:02: bolinoso demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 13088, 17:03:28: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 13088, 17:03:53: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 13088, 17:05:06: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 13088, 17:05:39: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 13088, 17:09:56: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 13088, 17:10:56: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 17:11:24: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 17:12:17: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 13088, 17:12:46: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 13088, 17:13:11: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 13088, 17:13:43: bolinoso demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 13088, 17:14:09: bolinoso demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 13088, 17:14:33: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 17:14:57: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 17:15:22: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13088, 17:42:17: bolinoso demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 13088, 17:42:46: bolinoso demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 13088, 17:43:15: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Stairs'! Day 13088, 17:43:50: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Stairs'! Day 13088, 17:44:15: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13088, 17:44:53: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13088, 19:59:40: bolinoso froze EZ Carry - Lvl 359 (Snow Owl) Day 13088, 22:58:22: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 13089, 11:32:52: bolinoso froze EZ Carry - Lvl 359 (Snow Owl) Day 13091, 01:11:40: bolinoso froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 276 (Tek Quetzal) Day 13091, 01:16:46: bolinoso froze Mercy - Lvl 408 (Snow Owl) Day 13091, 02:54:48: bolinoso froze Full Metal Doedicurus - Lvl 317 (Doedicurus) Day 13091, 03:45:09: bolinoso froze Taxi - Lvl 297 (Rock Drake) Day 13091, 03:51:05: bolinoso froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 255 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13091, 04:13:20: bolinoso froze TheDyr - Lvl 161 (Equus) Day 13091, 04:17:23: bolinoso froze Xenomorph - Lvl 362 (Reaper King) Day 13091, 04:22:52: bolinoso froze Basilisk - Lvl 229 (Basilisk) Day 13091, 04:30:46: bolinoso froze Predalien - Lvl 391 (Reaper King) Day 13091, 04:37:31: bolinoso froze Predalien - Lvl 391 (Reaper King) Day 13091, 04:57:02: bolinoso froze Icebane - Lvl 339 (Ice Wyvern) Day 13091, 05:07:49: bolinoso demolished a 'Spike Wall'! Day 13091, 05:10:59: bolinoso demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 13091, 05:12:31: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 13091, 05:25:47: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13091, 05:26:16: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13091, 05:27:30: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13091, 05:29:57: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13091, 05:35:10: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13091, 05:35:37: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13091, 05:45:17: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13091, 05:46:04: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13091, 05:46:48: bolinoso demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13093, 09:10:16: bolinoso froze EZ Carry - Lvl 359 (Snow Owl) Day 13093, 13:38:19: bolinoso demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 13093, 16:22:36: bolinoso froze Error 404 - Lvl 357 (Mosasaurus) Day 13108, 02:48:34: bolinoso froze EZ Carry - Lvl 359 (Snow Owl) Day 13108, 10:26:22: bolinoso froze EZ Carry - Lvl 359 (Snow Owl) Day 13143, 11:59:26: bolinoso froze EZ Carry - Lvl 359 (Snow Owl) Day 13143, 22:45:26: bolinoso froze EZ Carry - Lvl 359 (Snow Owl) Day 13144, 20:13:18: bolinoso froze EZ Carry - Lvl 359 (Snow Owl) Day 13145, 09:32:01: bolinoso froze Dark Kraken - Lvl 357 (Tusoteuthis) Day 13146, 09:06:25: bolinoso froze Bloody Anky - Lvl 309 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13146, 11:46:27: bolinoso froze EZ Carry - Lvl 359 (Snow Owl) Day 13146, 23:36:51: bolinoso froze EZ Carry - Lvl 360 (Snow Owl) Day 13147, 10:43:29: bolinoso froze Yeet - Lvl 240 (Aberrant Raptor) Day 13147, 11:00:11: bolinoso froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 153 (Managarmr) Day 13147, 11:14:25: bolinoso froze Flying Flash - Lvl 307 (Managarmr) Day 13147, 11:15:51: bolinoso froze Managarmr - Lvl 269 (Managarmr) Day 13147, 11:47:22: bolinoso froze Carnage - Lvl 301 (Megalania) Day 13147, 11:56:10: bolinoso froze Managarmr - Lvl 309 (Managarmr) Day 13147, 13:14:06: bolinoso froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 13147, 13:23:20: bolinoso froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 153 (Managarmr) Day 13147, 18:11:18: bolinoso froze Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 13147, 18:21:07: bolinoso froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 153 (Managarmr) Day 13147, 19:44:28: bolinoso froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 256 (Bloodstalker) Day 13147, 22:48:32: bolinoso froze Mammoth - Lvl 122 (Mammoth) Day 13147, 23:06:55: bolinoso froze Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13148, 06:49:09: Your Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 200 (Doedicurus) was killed! Day 13148, 06:49:09: Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 200 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 13148, 11:05:28: bolinoso froze EZ Carry - Lvl 360 (Snow Owl) Day 13148, 16:58:53: Your Tribe Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 17 (Achatina)! Day 13148, 17:04:39: bolinoso froze Achatina - Lvl 17 (Achatina) Day 13148, 18:50:12: bolinoso Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 29 (Achatina)! Day 13148, 18:52:26: bolinoso froze Achatina - Lvl 29 (Achatina) Day 13148, 19:01:29: bolinoso froze Achatina - Lvl 29 (Achatina) Day 13148, 19:47:04: bolinoso Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 70 (Achatina)! Day 13148, 19:49:43: bolinoso froze Achatina - Lvl 70 (Achatina) Day 13148, 22:27:04: bolinoso Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 127 (Achatina)! Day 13149, 00:25:05: bolinoso froze Achatina - Lvl 127 (Achatina) Day 13149, 01:09:26: bolinoso froze Achatina - Lvl 127 (Achatina) Day 13149, 01:13:46: bolinoso froze Achatina - Lvl 17 (Achatina) Day 13149, 01:17:56: bolinoso froze Achatina - Lvl 70 (Achatina) Day 13149, 01:37:28: bolinoso froze Achatina - Lvl 32 (Achatina) Day 13149, 05:29:18: bolinoso froze Simple Owl - Lvl 394 (Snow Owl) Day 13149, 05:37:53: bolinoso froze Error 404 - Lvl 358 (Mosasaurus) Day 13149, 09:21:03: bolinoso froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 298 (Tropeognathus) Day 13149, 09:24:21: bolinoso froze Mother - Lvl 349 (Pteranodon) Day 13149, 09:26:14: bolinoso froze Foguete - Lvl 171 (Managarmr) Day 13149, 09:35:26: bolinoso froze Pidgeot - Lvl 342 (Argentavis) Day 13149, 09:38:43: bolinoso froze Bloody Anky - Lvl 310 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13149, 09:40:39: bolinoso froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 283 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13158, 10:38:59: Your EZ Carry - Lvl 360 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 15! Day 13192, 06:57:04: bolinoso froze Achatina - Lvl 127 (Achatina) Day 13192, 07:01:45: bolinoso froze Achatina - Lvl 184 (Achatina) Day 13192, 07:07:44: bolinoso froze Achatina - Lvl 86 (Achatina) Day 13192, 07:12:59: bolinoso froze Achatina - Lvl 74 (Achatina) Day 13192, 08:56:42: bolinoso froze Error 404 - Lvl 358 (Mosasaurus) Day 13192, 10:15:54: bolinoso froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 292 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13205, 10:42:57: bolinoso froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13206, 08:06:11: bolinoso froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13206, 14:30:12: bolinoso froze PowerWolf - Lvl 325 (Direwolf) Day 13217, 08:21:45: bolinoso froze Sauron Eye - Lvl 278 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13217, 08:25:03: bolinoso froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 258 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13217, 08:57:32: bolinoso froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 273 (Snow Owl) Day 13217, 09:06:52: bolinoso froze Snow Flake - Lvl 404 (Snow Owl) Day 13217, 09:47:24: bolinoso froze Snow Owl - Lvl 412 (Snow Owl) Day 13217, 19:25:19: bolinoso froze Snow Owl - Lvl 412 (Snow Owl) Day 13217, 19:30:58: bolinoso froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 281 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13217, 19:37:06: bolinoso froze Sauron Eye - Lvl 279 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13217, 20:01:50: bolinoso froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 295 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13219, 05:23:41: Your 'Tent (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13233, 08:45:26: bolinoso froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 281 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13233, 09:16:31: bolinoso froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 281 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13233, 09:17:54: bolinoso froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 273 (Snow Owl) Day 13233, 09:27:11: bolinoso froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 273 (Snow Owl) Day 13233, 09:34:57: bolinoso froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 273 (Snow Owl) Day 13233, 09:36:38: bolinoso froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 273 (Snow Owl) Day 13233, 10:16:59: bolinoso froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 273 (Snow Owl) Day 13234, 16:27:09: bolinoso froze Sauron Eye - Lvl 279 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13234, 16:42:49: bolinoso froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 283 (Tek Quetzal) Day 13234, 16:44:21: bolinoso froze F pedra - Lvl 230 (Gacha) Day 13234, 18:49:27: bolinoso froze Tek Rex - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex) Day 13234, 18:51:40: bolinoso froze X-Rex - Lvl 283 (X-Rex) Day 13283, 20:15:45: bolinoso froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 286 (Ice Wyvern) Day 13284, 10:47:08: bolinoso froze Mercy - Lvl 411 (Snow Owl) Day 13288, 13:33:34: bolinoso froze Foguete - Lvl 232 (Managarmr) Day 13314, 20:23:10: noobkid froze Duffle Kerfuffle - Lvl 321 (Snow Owl) Day 13315, 07:22:08: noobkid froze Stivb - Lvl 257 (Deinonychus) Day 13315, 07:28:03: noobkid froze Psybrew - Lvl 208 (Deinonychus) Day 13315, 07:32:24: noobkid froze TocToc - Lvl 223 (Deinonychus) Day 13315, 07:38:00: noobkid froze koal - Lvl 205 (Deinonychus) Day 13315, 08:34:09: noobkid froze Duffle Kerfuffle - Lvl 321 (Snow Owl) Day 13316, 15:51:33: bolinoso froze Yeet - Lvl 250 (Aberrant Raptor) Day 13316, 16:48:42: bolinoso froze Tek Rex - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 13316, 17:09:20: bolinoso froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 287 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13441, 14:38:38: noobkid froze Piolin - Lvl 347 (Argentavis) Day 13441, 15:01:20: noobkid froze Achatina - Lvl 119 (Achatina) Day 13441, 15:05:43: noobkid froze Achatina - Lvl 191 (Achatina) Day 13441, 15:10:05: noobkid froze Achatina - Lvl 93 (Achatina) Day 13453, 02:53:35: noobkid froze Foguete - Lvl 250 (Managarmr) Day 13575, 11:14:59: noobkid froze Mercy - Lvl 411 (Snow Owl) Day 13575, 11:17:32: noobkid froze Shinehorn - Lvl 211 (Shinehorn) Day 13689, 16:45:25: noobkid froze ELEDM [Clone] - Lvl 276 (Gacha) Day 13689, 17:19:20: noobkid froze toctoc - Lvl 315 (Snow Owl) Day 14042, 07:23:18: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14042, 07:23:18: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14042, 07:23:18: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14042, 07:23:18: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14042, 07:23:18: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14203, 11:24:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14203, 11:24:27: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14203, 11:24:27: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14203, 11:24:27: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14341, 21:51:24: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14341, 21:51:24: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14341, 21:51:24: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14341, 21:51:24: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14341, 21:51:24: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14341, 21:51:24: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14341, 21:51:24: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14341, 21:51:24: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14383, 14:27:40: Your 'Refrigerator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14383, 14:27:40: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14383, 14:27:40: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14383, 14:27:40: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14383, 14:27:40: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14383, 14:27:40: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14383, 14:27:40: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14383, 14:27:40: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14383, 14:27:40: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14383, 14:27:40: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14383, 14:27:40: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14383, 14:27:40: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14383, 14:27:40: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14383, 14:27:40: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14383, 14:27:40: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14383, 14:27:40: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14383, 14:27:40: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14383, 14:27:40: Your 'Metal Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14388, 12:03:50: Tribemember bolinoso - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 14388, 12:06:16: Your Medusa - Lvl 248 (Sarco) was killed! Day 14516, 06:26:36: Zenalis - Lvl 135 (Tribe of Miki) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tusoteuthis - Lvl 85 (Tusoteuthis)'! Day 14550, 07:58:40: Your 'Tek Bridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16185, 23:23:42: Tribemember bolinoso - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 16186, 00:07:53: Tribemember bolinoso - Lvl 12 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 85! Day 16186, 01:54:19: Tribemember bolinoso - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 16367, 14:16:30: bolinoso claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 16368, 08:42:12: bolinoso froze Mercy - Lvl 415 (Snow Owl) Day 16437, 20:23:07: bolinoso froze Hedwig - Lvl 424 (Snow Owl) Day 16493, 02:58:13: bolinoso froze Mercy - Lvl 415 (Snow Owl) Day 16493, 13:36:49: bolinoso froze Mercy - Lvl 415 (Snow Owl) Day 16493, 16:51:36: bolinoso froze Mercy - Lvl 415 (Snow Owl) Day 16525, 09:01:20: bolinoso froze Mercy - Lvl 416 (Snow Owl) Day 16530, 08:30:40: bolinoso froze G2/N 124 - Lvl 307 (Therizinosaur) Day 16530, 14:06:11: bolinoso froze G2/N 124 - Lvl 307 (Therizinosaur) Day 16530, 16:49:16: bolinoso froze Mercy - Lvl 416 (Snow Owl) Day 16705, 12:29:01: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16885, 13:52:36: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16885, 13:52:36: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16885, 13:52:36: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16885, 13:52:36: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16885, 13:52:36: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16885, 13:52:36: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16885, 13:52:36: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16885, 13:52:36: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16885, 13:52:36: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16885, 13:52:36: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17028, 13:32:59: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 17051, 05:18:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21415, 20:41:50: Your 'Tek Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1502996581,"tribe":"Tribe of haythem logs":["Day 34568, 11:00:33: haythem claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 34568, 11:06:35: haythem claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 264 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 34568, 12:50:05: haythem froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 264 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34568, 15:28:53: haythem froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34568, 19:01:57: haythem froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34568, 19:26:30: haythem froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34568, 19:33:27: haythem froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34568, 19:37:30: haythem froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34568, 19:41:37: haythem froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34568, 21:30:46: haythem froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 264 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34568, 23:00:00: haythem froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34569, 05:15:42: haythem froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34569, 08:15:37: Your 'Plant Species Y trap' was destroyed! Day 34569, 08:23:43: Your 'Plant Species Y trap' was destroyed! Day 34569, 08:33:59: Your 'Plant Species Y trap' was destroyed! Day 34569, 08:36:34: Your 'Plant Species Y trap' was destroyed! Day 34569, 08:38:31: Your 'Plant Species Y trap' was destroyed! Day 34569, 08:39:39: Your 'Plant Species Y trap' was destroyed! Day 34569, 08:41:47: Your 'Plant Species Y trap' was destroyed! Day 34569, 08:42:18: haythem froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 253 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34569, 09:59:46: rawen najjar froze haytham - Lvl 359 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34569, 12:34:40: haythem froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34569, 12:40:26: haythem froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34569, 13:34:09: haythem froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 253 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34569, 13:40:15: haythem froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34569, 19:43:17: haythem froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34569, 21:49:39: haythem froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34570, 01:23:22: haythem froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34570, 01:27:45: haythem froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34570, 06:54:59: haythem froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 253 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34570, 07:04:50: haythem froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34570, 07:15:22: haythem froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34570, 07:20:47: haythem froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34570, 07:24:29: haythem froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34570, 07:45:06: haythem froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34570, 11:02:20: rawen najjar froze Desmodus - Lvl 334 (Desmodus) Day 34570, 11:16:05: haythem froze HAYTHEM - Lvl 352 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34570, 13:20:45: haythem froze hh - Lvl 353 (Desmodus) Day 34570, 15:14:21: haythem froze HAYTHEM - Lvl 353 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34570, 18:21:31: haythem froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34570, 18:36:58: haythem froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34570, 18:44:22: haythem froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34570, 19:08:49: haythem froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 264 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34570, 19:12:47: haythem froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 264 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34570, 19:16:34: haythem froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 264 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34571, 00:59:07: rawen najjar demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 34571, 09:05:16: haythem froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34571, 09:41:00: haythem froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 253 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34571, 09:46:27: haythem froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 253 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34571, 09:49:55: haythem froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 253 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34571, 10:52:19: haythem froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 264 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34571, 13:59:18: haythem froze hh - Lvl 353 (Desmodus) Day 34571, 14:38:18: haythem froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34571, 15:17:36: haythem froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 244 (Ankylosaurus) Day 34571, 16:10:06: haythem froze hh - Lvl 353 (Desmodus) Day 34571, 17:03:53: haythem froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34571, 17:12:35: rawen najjar froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 350 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34572, 18:58:52: haythem froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34573, 07:05:05: haythem froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34573, 07:15:38: haythem froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34573, 13:21:11: haythem froze Snow Owl - Lvl 76 (Snow Owl) Day 34573, 13:25:00: haythem froze chocolat - Lvl 155 (Snow Owl) Day 34573, 16:53:16: haythem froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34573, 17:00:47: haythem froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 264 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34573, 17:41:26: haythem froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34573, 18:09:42: haythem froze Shadowmane - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane) Day 34573, 18:19:38: haythem froze coco - Lvl 87 (Sabertooth) Day 34573, 18:23:12: haythem froze Deinonychus - Lvl 197 (Deinonychus) Day 34573, 18:30:50: haythem froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 243 (Ankylosaurus) Day 34573, 18:57:47: haythem froze Parasaur - Lvl 232 (Parasaur) Day 34573, 22:21:14: haythem froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34573, 22:26:12: haythem froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34573, 22:31:45: haythem froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34573, 22:50:06: haythem froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 264 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34574, 04:22:13: haythem froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34574, 04:33:45: haythem froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34574, 04:46:00: haythem froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34574, 05:05:30: haythem froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34574, 09:04:34: haythem froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34574, 09:09:02: haythem froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34574, 12:50:10: Your Tribe Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 73 (Iguanodon)! Day 34574, 17:43:17: Your Tribe Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 77 (Stegosaurus)! Day 34608, 08:18:36: R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 264 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 34624, 11:36:03: R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 34674, 09:03:19: R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 261 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 34746, 20:36:52: haythem froze h52 - Lvl 258 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34746, 20:41:44: haythem froze h53 - Lvl 272 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34746, 21:12:56: haythem froze h54 - Lvl 263 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34746, 21:50:12: haythem froze h54 - Lvl 269 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34746, 22:00:40: haythem froze Pteranodon - Lvl 38 (Pteranodon) Day 34746, 22:29:18: haythem froze 56 - Lvl 359 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34746, 22:36:06: haythem froze 56 - Lvl 366 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34747, 03:41:13: haythem froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 350 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34747, 03:53:37: haythem froze forse - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 34747, 04:00:38: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 278 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34747, 18:07:48: rawen najjar froze F almost perfect - Lvl 294 (Glowtail) Day 34748, 04:04:10: rawen najjar froze coco - Lvl 144 (Sabertooth) Day 34749, 09:53:59: rawen najjar claimed 'mike - Lvl 115 (Rex)'! Day 34749, 09:57:04: rawen najjar claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 267 (Triceratops)'! Day 34749, 09:58:11: rawen najjar claimed 'steven - Lvl 114 (Raptor)'! Day 34749, 09:58:38: rawen najjar claimed 'Sabertooth - Lvl 39 (Sabertooth)'! Day 34749, 10:06:56: rawen najjar froze mike - Lvl 115 (Rex) Day 34749, 11:04:09: rawen najjar demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 34749, 11:05:15: rawen najjar demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 34749, 11:07:03: rawen najjar demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 34749, 11:08:30: rawen najjar demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 34749, 11:12:25: rawen najjar demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 34749, 11:13:29: rawen najjar demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 34749, 11:15:01: rawen najjar demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 34749, 11:16:07: rawen najjar demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 34749, 11:17:08: rawen najjar demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 34749, 11:18:49: rawen najjar demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 34749, 14:27:10: rawen najjar froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 350 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34749, 18:21:35: rawen najjar claimed 'Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek)'! Day 34750, 04:44:41: Tribemember rawen najjar - Lvl 75 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 100! Day 34750, 08:01:40: rawen najjar froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 350 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34750, 10:18:54: rawen najjar froze Desmodus - Lvl 337 (Desmodus) Day 34762, 15:11:12: Tribemember rawen najjar - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 34765, 01:00:29: rawen najjar Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 34765, 08:03:39: rawen najjar froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 351 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34832, 16:55:35: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34889, 12:31:32: haythem froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 351 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34935, 16:17:22: Your Tribe Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 29 (Brontosaurus)! Day 34935, 21:40:40: haythem froze R-Equus - Lvl 383 (R-Equus) Day 34935, 23:47:35: haythem froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 352 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34936, 01:36:56: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 82 (Therizinosaur)! Day 34957, 15:50:16: haythem froze 56 - Lvl 368 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34957, 15:55:07: haythem froze h52 - Lvl 334 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34957, 15:59:02: haythem froze h54 - Lvl 345 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34957, 16:02:47: haythem froze h54 - Lvl 337 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34957, 16:07:37: haythem froze 56 - Lvl 375 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34957, 16:12:37: haythem froze h54 - Lvl 348 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34957, 16:30:43: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 346 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 34957, 18:29:12: rawen najjar demolished a 'Wood Signpost'! Day 34957, 20:39:34: haythem froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 352 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34957, 20:55:04: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 34958, 00:40:20: haythem froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 34958, 06:16:56: haythem froze Snow Owl - Lvl 76 (Snow Owl) Day 34958, 06:42:11: haythem froze hh - Lvl 356 (Desmodus) Day 34958, 07:10:12: haythem froze Argentavis - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 34958, 07:16:07: haythem froze chocolat - Lvl 246 (Snow Owl) Day 34958, 10:35:22: rawen najjar froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 34958, 11:36:09: rawen najjar froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 34958, 12:08:11: haythem froze Desmodus - Lvl 338 (Desmodus) Day 34958, 12:25:42: haythem froze chocolat - Lvl 246 (Snow Owl) Day 34958, 12:32:21: haythem froze Desmodus - Lvl 176 (Desmodus) Day 34958, 17:51:30: haythem froze hh - Lvl 356 (Desmodus) Day 34958, 18:26:01: haythem froze Argentavis - Lvl 341 (Argentavis) Day 34958, 19:02:23: haythem froze Argentavis - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 34958, 20:33:20: haythem froze Desmodus - Lvl 176 (Desmodus) Day 34958, 22:39:07: haythem froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 34958, 23:23:55: haythem froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 353 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34958, 23:34:26: haythem froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 353 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35033, 20:42:54: Your Sabertooth - Lvl 39 (Sabertooth) was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 35121, 06:02:42: Your Tribe Tamed a Diplodocus - Lvl 137 (Diplodocus)! Day 35350, 15:22:03: choco - Lvl 25 (Ichthyosaurus) starved to death! Day 35370, 21:47:24: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 267 (Triceratops)'! Day 35417, 14:46:03: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'steven - Lvl 123 (Raptor)'! Day 35455, 15:32:33: eve - Lvl 111 (shadow wizard money gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 35543, 22:11:38: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35604, 00:24:56: haythem froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 89 (Stegosaurus) Day 35604, 00:38:44: haythem froze 42 - Lvl 389 (Tek Rex) Day 35786, 13:55:03: haythem claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 435 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 35786, 15:14:23: haythem froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 435 (Brontosaurus) Day 35786, 15:50:32: haythem claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 265 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35786, 16:06:15: haythem froze Pteranodon - Lvl 274 (Pteranodon) Day 35786, 16:13:31: haythem claimed 'Workbird 3.0 - Lvl 385 (Argentavis)'! Day 35786, 16:33:06: haythem froze Workbird 3.0 - Lvl 385 (Argentavis) Day 35786, 16:53:47: haythem claimed 'M150 - Lvl 434 (Phiomia)'! Day 35786, 17:04:55: haythem froze M150 - Lvl 434 (Phiomia) Day 35786, 17:23:27: haythem froze Pteranodon - Lvl 274 (Pteranodon) Day 35786, 17:40:31: haythem claimed 'spaghettisaurus - Lvl 200 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 35786, 17:46:33: haythem froze spaghettisaurus - Lvl 200 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 35786, 17:48:37: haythem claimed 'Food - Lvl 261 (Ovis)'! Day 35786, 18:00:01: haythem froze Desmodus - Lvl 338 (Desmodus) Day 35786, 18:42:19: haythem froze Food - Lvl 271 (Ovis) Day 35786, 18:48:57: haythem claimed 'Flyboi2 - Lvl 276 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35786, 21:30:41: haythem froze Pteranodon - Lvl 274 (Pteranodon) Day 35786, 21:46:13: haythem froze Phiomia - Lvl 434 (Phiomia) Day 35786, 21:54:48: haythem froze Food - Lvl 271 (Ovis) Day 35786, 22:18:21: haythem froze Ovis - Lvl 271 (Ovis) Day 35786, 23:05:57: haythem froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 215 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 35787, 00:30:23: haythem froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 52 (Brontosaurus) Day 35853, 01:23:18: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35853, 01:23:18: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35853, 01:23:18: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35853, 01:23:18: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35853, 01:23:18: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35924, 09:33:11: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36077, 01:10:25: haythem froze h54 - Lvl 398 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 36077, 01:15:51: haythem froze h54 - Lvl 395 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 36077, 01:21:03: haythem froze h53 - Lvl 384 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 36077, 01:36:23: haythem froze 56 - Lvl 404 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 36077, 01:41:52: haythem froze 56 - Lvl 396 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 36077, 02:22:36: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 395 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 36077, 02:42:05: haythem froze h54 - Lvl 387 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 36376, 04:44:31: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36376, 04:44:31: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37033, 06:09:00: gogogogo - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 138 (Deinonychus)'! Day 37033, 06:09:45: gogogogo - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 288 (Deinonychus)'! Day 37033, 06:12:46: gogogogo - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 285 (Deinonychus)'! Day 37033, 06:13:45: gogogogo - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus)'! Day 37033, 06:15:27: gogogogo - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'haythem - Lvl 140 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 37033, 06:19:03: gogogogo - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 338 (Desmodus)'! Day 37033, 06:20:56: gogogogo - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane)'! Day 37033, 06:22:18: gogogogo - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 435 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 37033, 06:23:31: gogogogo - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'pinky - Lvl 132 (Rex)'! Day 37033, 06:28:57: gogogogo - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 284 (Pteranodon)'! Day 37033, 06:30:48: gogogogo - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 251 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 37033, 06:39:44: gogogogo - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 269 (Equus)'! Day 37033, 06:40:55: gogogogo - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Equus - Lvl 383 (R-Equus)'! Day 37033, 07:04:05: gogogogo - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Diplodocus - Lvl 158 (Diplodocus)'! Day 37033, 07:38:35: gogogogo - Lvl 3 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 68 (Phiomia)'! Day 37033, 11:36:02: gogogogo - Lvl 9 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iguanodon - Lvl 94 (Iguanodon)'! Day 37033, 11:37:41: gogogogo - Lvl 9 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 85 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 37035, 16:41:55: Sandra - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sandra) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 126 (Deinonychus)'! Day 37042, 01:05:23: Your 'Lamp Post' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37042, 01:05:23: Your 'Lamp Post' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37042, 01:05:23: Your 'Lamp Post' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37042, 01:05:23: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37042, 01:05:23: Your 'Wind Turbine' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37042, 01:05:23: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37042, 01:05:23: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37042, 01:05:23: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's 'h54 - Lvl 387 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's 'haythem - Lvl 395 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's '56 - Lvl 396 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's '56 - Lvl 404 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's 'h53 - Lvl 384 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's 'h54 - Lvl 398 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's 'h54 - Lvl 395 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's 'Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's '42 - Lvl 389 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 353 (R-Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 176 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 232 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 341 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's 'chocolat - Lvl 246 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's 'hh - Lvl 356 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's 'Snow Owl - Lvl 76 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's '57h - Lvl 346 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's '67h - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's '42 - Lvl 398 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's '63h - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's '53h - Lvl 357 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's '41 - Lvl 384 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's 'forse - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's '40 - Lvl 383 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's '44 - Lvl 383 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's '48 - Lvl 383 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's '388 mal - Lvl 388 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's '69h - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's '65h - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's 'R-Equus - Lvl 378 (R-Equus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 161 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's 'Phiomia - Lvl 18 (Phiomia)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's 'Haythem - Lvl 293 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 268 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37072, 19:02:11: 's 'haythem - Lvl 350 (Maewing)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37275, 09:57:38: Pteranodon - Lvl 25 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 37501, 08:42:29: haythem claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 37501, 10:30:52: haythem froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 37501, 14:00:53: haythem froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 37501, 20:06:44: haythem claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 264 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 37501, 22:08:24: haythem froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 264 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 37501, 22:36:53: haythem froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 37501, 22:55:46: haythem froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 264 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 37544, 19:29:08: haythem froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 264 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 37786, 01:59:53: haythem froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 264 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 38375, 01:06:14: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38478, 16:09:23: Raven - Lvl 100 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 405 (Shadowmane)'! Day 38548, 02:09:51: 인간 - Lvl 12 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'toto - Lvl 187 (Triceratops)'! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38659, 13:35:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38699, 17:54:57: MisterB - Lvl 153 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 385 (Argentavis)'! Day 38736, 16:14:21: Tribemember rawen najjar - Lvl 77 was killed! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 52 (Brontosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 215 (Tek Stegosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Phiomia - Lvl 434 (Phiomia)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 271 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 274 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 89 (Stegosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'coco - Lvl 144 (Sabertooth)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'F almost perfect - Lvl 294 (Glowtail)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 38 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Parasaur - Lvl 232 (Parasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 243 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 197 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Prettyinpink - Lvl 245 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Enforcer - Lvl 168 (Enforcer)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Astrodelphis - Lvl 333 (Astrodelphis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Perfect M (0) - Lvl 407 (Glowtail)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'F (39M) - Lvl 215 (Astrodelphis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 186 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 340 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'fem - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 161 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'coco - Lvl 141 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'lili - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 178 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 134 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 318 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Moschops - Lvl 203 (Moschops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'lolo - Lvl 172 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 161 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 156 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 181 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Rex - Lvl 118 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 220 (R-Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 290 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 303 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 290 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Initial D - Lvl 271 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 198 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'lili - Lvl 48 (Dilophosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'chocolat - Lvl 156 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'lina - Lvl 123 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'candy - Lvl 119 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Astrodelphis - Lvl 285 (Astrodelphis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 176 (Carnotaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 337 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'EJ64-908R751-0V - Lvl 132 (Enforcer)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Ferox - Lvl 305 (Ferox)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 232 (R-Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Parasaur - Lvl 280 (Parasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'R-Equus - Lvl 280 (R-Equus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 124 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 124 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Dino - Lvl 248 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 334 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Enforcer - Lvl 289 (Enforcer)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38911, 20:21:29: 's 'Ferox - Lvl 242 (Ferox)' died in a Cryopod! Day 40672, 21:21:15: Dilophosaur - Lvl 85 destroyed your 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Refrigerator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40753, 03:46:56: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41017, 11:46:55: Tribemember haythem - Lvl 127 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 42490, 11:15:08: Your 'Cryofridge' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1502833915,"tribe":"Tribe of Shakexion logs":["Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22714, 06:08:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22785, 03:33:44: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22785, 03:33:44: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22785, 03:33:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22785, 03:33:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22785, 03:33:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22785, 03:33:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22785, 03:33:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22785, 03:33:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22785, 03:33:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22785, 03:33:44: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22785, 03:33:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22785, 03:33:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43905, 18:04:06: bootha195 froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 295 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43905, 19:16:41: bootha195 Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 82 (Dung Beetle)! Day 43905, 19:24:01: bootha195 froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 82 (Dung Beetle) Day 43905, 19:45:29: bootha195 uploaded a Ember Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 295 Day 43911, 04:21:00: bootha195 froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 296 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43933, 23:00:31: bootha195 claimed 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 239 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 43933, 23:06:17: bootha195 froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 239 (Poison Wyvern) Day 43933, 23:24:54: bootha195 claimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 188 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 43933, 23:31:10: bootha195 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 188 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 43934, 00:41:34: bootha195 uploaded a Poison Wyvern: Poison Wyvern - Lvl 239 Day 43934, 00:53:54: bootha195 uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 188 Day 43934, 06:17:21: bootha195 froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 223 (R-Megatherium) Day 43934, 08:56:37: bootha195 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 283 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43934, 09:31:38: bootha195 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 283 (Fire Wyvern) Day 44120, 01:38:31: bootha195 Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle)! Day 44120, 01:44:14: bootha195 froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle) Day 44120, 03:13:58: bootha195 claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 227 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 44120, 06:07:18: bootha195 uploaded a Ember Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 225"] "tribeid":1502375693,"tribe":"Mango logs":["Day 13391, 07:14:36: Carl was added to the Tribe! Day 13391, 08:06:29: Carl froze Adolescent b2 - Lvl 239 (Rex) Day 13391, 12:56:06: Carl froze b2 - Lvl 239 (Rex) Day 13391, 13:16:54: Carl claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 13391, 13:21:04: Carl froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13391, 14:14:57: Carl froze b1 - Lvl 239 (Rex) Day 13391, 14:53:17: Carl froze b1 - Lvl 239 (Rex) Day 13391, 15:03:22: Carl claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 239 (Rex)'! Day 13391, 15:08:13: Carl froze Baby b4 - Lvl 239 (Rex) Day 13401, 11:04:27: Carl froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 230 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13402, 20:38:59: Carl downloaded a dino: Velonasaur - Lvl 126 Day 13402, 20:47:06: Carl froze Velonasaur - Lvl 126 (Velonasaur) Day 13402, 21:02:12: Carl froze Pteranodon - Lvl 236 (Pteranodon) Day 13402, 22:54:54: Carl froze Velonasaur - Lvl 132 (Velonasaur) Day 13403, 01:11:48: Carl froze Velonasaur - Lvl 132 (Velonasaur) Day 13403, 01:27:11: Carl froze Pteranodon - Lvl 236 (Pteranodon) Day 13403, 03:53:39: Carl froze Velonasaur - Lvl 134 (Velonasaur) Day 13403, 08:34:21: Carl froze b3 - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 13403, 08:51:04: Carl froze b3 - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 13403, 09:27:11: Carl claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 239 (Rex)'! Day 13403, 09:29:37: Carl claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex)'! Day 13403, 09:33:19: Carl froze Baby b12 - Lvl 239 (Rex) Day 13403, 09:34:30: Carl claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex)'! Day 13403, 09:38:53: Carl froze Baby b231 - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 13403, 09:41:58: Carl froze Baby b23 - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 13484, 10:20:16: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13605, 08:08:36: Dung Beetle - Lvl 75 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 13622, 04:43:06: Procoptodon - Lvl 44 (Procoptodon) starved to death! Day 13696, 10:06:30: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13696, 10:06:30: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13720, 12:13:23: Tribemember Carl - Lvl 122 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 13738, 02:35:23: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13738, 02:35:23: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13746, 16:15:42: Screpzy - Lvl 123 (kokow tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 135 (Velonasaur)'! Day 13748, 15:16:37: Muzzy - Lvl 138 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 13748, 15:17:12: Muzzy - Lvl 138 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'b3 - Lvl 221 (Rex)'! Day 13748, 15:17:35: Muzzy - Lvl 138 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'parasaur - Lvl 228 (Parasaur)'! Day 13748, 15:18:12: Muzzy - Lvl 138 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame '31h - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 13748, 15:18:50: Muzzy - Lvl 138 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 258 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 13748, 15:19:56: Muzzy - Lvl 138 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 272 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 13748, 15:20:47: Muzzy - Lvl 138 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'b1 - Lvl 256 (Rex)'! Day 13748, 15:22:00: Muzzy - Lvl 138 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame '31 - Lvl 276 (Rex)'! Day 13748, 15:23:19: Muzzy - Lvl 138 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'b2 - Lvl 244 (Rex)'! Day 13748, 16:13:43: Muzzy - Lvl 138 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 259 (Doedicurus)'! Day 13751, 20:42:21: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13751, 20:42:21: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13751, 20:42:21: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13751, 20:42:21: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13769, 18:21:37: Screpzy - Lvl 123 (kokow tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 236 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13769, 18:45:17: Screpzy - Lvl 123 (kokow tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 201 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13777, 11:20:07: UnKnown - Lvl 81 (HYPR) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 107 (Triceratops)'! Day 13896, 14:47:40: 's 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20088, 12:55:18: Tribemember Carl - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 95! Day 21472, 20:23:18: Tribemember Carl - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130!"] "tribeid":1499282503,"tribe":"Tribe of Brewskii logs":["Day 23896, 11:25:44: Brewskii was added to the Tribe! Day 23896, 11:42:35: Brewskii - Lvl 128 requested an Alliance with Tribe of ebony Tribe. Day 23896, 11:47:32: Brewskii - Lvl 128 requested an Alliance with Tribe of ebony Tribe. Day 23896, 11:49:44: Brewskii added 'Tribe of ebony' Tribe to brew Alliance! Day 23896, 12:34:26: Brewskii froze Griffo - Lvl 290 (Griffin) Day 23896, 16:41:36: Brewskii froze PamalaR - Lvl 409 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23896, 18:21:42: Brewskii froze PamalaR - Lvl 409 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23896, 19:40:22: Brewskii froze PamalaR - Lvl 409 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23896, 20:41:12: Brewskii froze PamalaR - Lvl 409 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23896, 22:57:58: Brewskii froze PamalaR - Lvl 409 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23896, 23:59:23: Brewskii froze PamalaR - Lvl 409 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23897, 00:05:01: Brewskii froze Raging Ruppert - Lvl 287 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23897, 00:53:58: Brewskii froze baba - Lvl 293 (Fjordhawk) Day 23897, 01:39:22: Brewskii froze Buster - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 23897, 08:51:38: Brewskii froze Buster - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 23897, 08:57:02: Brewskii froze Ollie - Lvl 181 (Otter) Day 23897, 09:01:18: Brewskii froze Griffo - Lvl 290 (Griffin) Day 23914, 01:38:10: Brewskii Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 23914, 01:47:16: Brewskii froze R-Daeodon - Lvl 259 (R-Daeodon) Day 23914, 02:05:19: Brewskii froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23914, 02:19:33: Brewskii froze Desmodus - Lvl 200 (Desmodus) Day 23914, 04:22:01: Brewskii froze Griffo - Lvl 293 (Griffin) Day 23967, 14:19:26: Brewskii claimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 233 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 23967, 14:24:50: Brewskii froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 233 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23967, 16:24:53: Brewskii - Lvl 128 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Overdrive Tribe. Day 23967, 16:29:57: Brewskii - Lvl 128 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Overdrive Tribe. Day 23967, 16:31:38: Brewskii added 'Tribe of Overdrive' Tribe to brew Alliance! Day 23967, 16:53:14: Brewskii froze Vision - Lvl 204 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23967, 18:13:59: Brewskii froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 234 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23968, 03:36:40: Brewskii froze Vision - Lvl 207 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23968, 05:33:42: Brewskii froze Vision - Lvl 207 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23968, 05:38:30: Brewskii froze baba - Lvl 301 (Fjordhawk) Day 23970, 22:50:56: Brewskii froze Vision - Lvl 219 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23971, 04:20:41: Brewskii - Lvl 128 requested an Alliance with Handsome Spartans Tribe. Day 23971, 04:24:39: Brewskii - Lvl 128 requested an Alliance with Handsome Spartans Tribe. Day 23971, 18:46:45: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 23972, 06:04:46: Brewskii froze baba - Lvl 301 (Fjordhawk) Day 23972, 06:09:50: Brewskii froze Vision - Lvl 226 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24035, 01:40:19: Brewskii froze Vi Vi - Lvl 244 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24035, 01:48:11: Brewskii froze baba - Lvl 307 (Fjordhawk) Day 24140, 10:00:39: Brewskii froze BOSS MAN - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) Day 24437, 01:57:39: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25310, 21:01:42: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26291, 05:32:41: Brewskii froze F (35M, 33F) - Lvl 321 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26291, 05:39:06: Brewskii froze baba - Lvl 329 (Fjordhawk) Day 26340, 02:09:52: Brewskii froze Daeodon - Lvl 346 (Daeodon) Day 26340, 02:19:51: Brewskii froze Griffo - Lvl 349 (Griffin) Day 26342, 02:38:01: Brewskii froze Mek - Lvl 244 (Mek) Day 26342, 02:44:46: Brewskii froze SIDE MAN - Lvl 409 (Tek Rex) Day 26342, 02:51:46: Brewskii froze BOSS MAN - Lvl 403 (Tek Rex) Day 26342, 07:00:15: Brewskii claimed 'Zombie Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Zombie Fire Wyvern)'! Day 26342, 07:12:57: Brewskii froze Zombie Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Zombie Fire Wyvern) Day 26342, 07:20:21: Brewskii claimed 'Zombie Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 26342, 08:02:05: Brewskii froze Zombie Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 26342, 13:12:16: Brewskii froze Mek - Lvl 244 (Mek) Day 26342, 16:29:26: Brewskii froze Griffo - Lvl 349 (Griffin) Day 26342, 16:36:08: Brewskii froze BOBBY BOO - Lvl 276 (Argentavis) Day 26669, 05:37:06: Brewskii Tamed a Liopleurodon - Lvl 7 (Liopleurodon)! Day 26669, 07:32:42: Brewskii froze BANE - Lvl 348 (Shadowmane) Day 26669, 08:15:56: Your LUCK CHARM - Lvl 7 (Liopleurodon) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 26669, 08:53:37: Brewskii froze BANE - Lvl 348 (Shadowmane) Day 26669, 09:43:39: Brewskii - Lvl 151 requested an Alliance with Stronghold Tribe. Day 26669, 09:45:15: Brewskii added 'Stronghold' Tribe to brew Alliance! Day 26669, 11:26:48: Brewskii froze FLEEK - Lvl 317 (Desmodus) Day 26669, 13:18:17: Brewskii froze FLEEK - Lvl 317 (Desmodus) Day 26669, 13:48:57: Brewskii - Lvl 151 requested an Alliance with Metal Farm - Admin Tribe. Day 26669, 13:51:32: Brewskii added 'Metal Farm' Tribe to brew Alliance! Day 26669, 15:07:39: Brewskii froze M (41S, 29M) - Lvl 213 (Velonasaur) Day 26670, 10:12:29: Brewskii froze BANE - Lvl 356 (Shadowmane) Day 26670, 12:32:23: Brewskii froze Griffo - Lvl 351 (Griffin) Day 26670, 12:38:14: Brewskii froze baba - Lvl 331 (Fjordhawk) Day 26672, 15:48:27: Brewskii froze VI VI - Lvl 294 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26672, 16:56:02: Brewskii froze Griffo - Lvl 351 (Griffin) Day 26672, 17:08:05: Your FILLER 5 - Lvl 375 (Rex) was killed by VI VI - Lvl 294 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 26672, 17:08:05: Your Tribe killed FILLER 5 - Lvl 375 (Rex)! Day 26672, 17:11:38: Brewskii froze VI VI - Lvl 294 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26672, 21:07:56: Brewskii Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 149 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 26672, 21:20:47: Brewskii froze F ? - Lvl 149 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 26672, 22:52:53: Brewskii froze Griffo - Lvl 351 (Griffin) Day 26673, 01:46:39: Brewskii froze M (42M,36S,30W) - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 26673, 01:54:03: Brewskii froze F ? - Lvl 149 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 26673, 02:04:45: Brewskii froze Griffo - Lvl 351 (Griffin) Day 26784, 13:09:57: Brewskii froze Daeodon - Lvl 347 (Daeodon) Day 26785, 05:43:34: Brewskii froze JAFFA CAKE - Lvl 337 (Griffin) Day 26785, 05:50:09: Brewskii froze 18 R1 - Lvl 335 (Sinomacrops) Day 26965, 21:25:07: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27082, 19:22:00: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27107, 19:24:21: Brewskii froze JAFFA CAKE - Lvl 340 (Griffin) Day 27107, 19:26:24: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) was killed by ROTTEN ROSEY - Lvl 467 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern)! Day 27107, 19:26:24: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex)! Day 27107, 22:53:56: Brewskii Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 222 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 27107, 23:14:08: Brewskii froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 222 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 27108, 00:14:48: Brewskii froze ROTTEN ROSEY - Lvl 467 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 27108, 01:39:39: Brewskii froze JAFFA CAKE - Lvl 340 (Griffin) Day 27108, 16:39:54: Brewskii froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 222 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 27108, 18:27:15: Brewskii froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 222 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 27108, 19:10:35: Brewskii froze JAFFA CAKE - Lvl 340 (Griffin) Day 27108, 20:12:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Pelagornis - Lvl 82 (Pelagornis)! Day 27119, 14:54:12: Your baba - Lvl 348 (Fjordhawk) was killed! Day 27119, 16:28:00: Brewskii froze JAFFA CAKE - Lvl 340 (Griffin) Day 27662, 17:40:43: Brewskii froze Daeodon - Lvl 347 (Daeodon) Day 27663, 07:32:01: Brewskii froze MY BOY - Lvl 428 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 27663, 08:05:59: Brewskii froze BANE - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 27663, 08:37:08: Brewskii demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 27663, 08:38:37: Brewskii demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 27663, 08:41:17: Brewskii demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 27663, 08:42:29: Brewskii demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 27663, 08:44:01: Brewskii demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 27663, 09:47:58: Timmy added 'Tribe of Brewskii' Tribe to The Click Alliance! Day 27663, 12:59:02: Brewskii froze FENRIR KILLA - Lvl 384 (Rex) Day 27663, 13:07:07: Brewskii froze BOSS 1.5K - Lvl 409 (Tek Rex) Day 27663, 13:22:37: Brewskii froze BOSS 1.5K - Lvl 423 (Tek Rex) Day 27663, 13:38:48: Brewskii froze BOSS 1.4K - Lvl 400 (Rex) Day 27663, 13:50:09: Brewskii froze BOSS 1.5K - Lvl 402 (Tek Rex) Day 27663, 13:59:07: Brewskii froze BOSS 1.5K - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 27663, 14:05:57: Brewskii froze BOSS 1.5K - Lvl 402 (Tek Rex) Day 27663, 14:13:24: Brewskii froze Boss Fight - Lvl 384 (Yutyrannus) Day 27663, 16:17:31: Brewskii froze Daeodon - Lvl 347 (Daeodon) Day 27663, 16:25:27: Brewskii froze JAFFA CAKE - Lvl 344 (Griffin) Day 27664, 08:40:55: Your 'Tent (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28829, 01:38:17: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34248, 15:05:41: Pelagornis - Lvl 110 (Pelagornis) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1492440303,"tribe":"Plebs logs":["Day 16825, 05:36:51: Rob was added to the Tribe! Day 16825, 05:49:32: ventrue was added to the Tribe by Rob! Day 16825, 07:59:34: Tribemember ventrue - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 16825, 09:36:48: Tribemember ventrue - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 16825, 10:53:47: Tribemember ventrue - Lvl 16 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 135! Day 16825, 14:29:49: Tribemember ventrue - Lvl 21 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 145! Day 16825, 16:14:32: Rob demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 16825, 23:27:31: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16826, 02:37:28: Tribemember ventrue - Lvl 34 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 60! Day 16826, 08:56:43: Rob Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 130 (Pteranodon)! Day 16826, 18:12:59: Tribemember ventrue - Lvl 44 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 100! Day 16826, 19:15:13: Rob Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 16826, 19:27:24: ventrue Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 16831, 12:52:58: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16831, 12:53:32: Your 'Compost Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16831, 15:51:22: Rob Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 37 (Triceratops)! Day 16831, 16:30:20: Rob Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 216 (Triceratops)! Day 16832, 03:19:50: Tribemember ventrue - Lvl 70 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 145! Day 16832, 05:31:32: Rob claimed '145 - M - Lvl 254 (Rex)'! Day 16832, 05:31:56: Rob claimed '180 - F - Lvl 277 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 16832, 05:32:53: Rob claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 245 (Allosaurus)'! Day 16832, 05:33:53: Rob claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 252 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 16832, 05:34:18: Rob claimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 211 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 16838, 05:44:14: Rob demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 16839, 03:10:55: Rob Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 67 (Argentavis)! Day 16839, 07:15:42: Rob Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 137 (Argentavis)! Day 16940, 22:25:26: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16999, 12:00:08: Your Stegosaurus - Lvl 211 (Stegosaurus) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17189, 23:25:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17198, 06:06:43: Zero - Lvl 121 (Zefinya) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 75 (Argentavis)'! Day 17198, 06:53:03: Zero - Lvl 121 (Zefinya) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon)'! Day 17198, 06:55:18: Zero - Lvl 121 (Zefinya) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'lickle - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon)'! Day 17199, 13:05:39: Your Bob - Lvl 140 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 135! Day 17201, 13:49:20: mini - Lvl 121 (Handsome Spartans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 143 (Argentavis)'! Day 17229, 18:56:47: 123 - Lvl 89 (Tribe of Cheesy) claimed your auto-decayed tame '145 - M - Lvl 259 (Rex)'! Day 17229, 18:59:59: 123 - Lvl 89 (Tribe of Cheesy) claimed your auto-decayed tame '180 - F - Lvl 285 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 17229, 19:00:12: 123 - Lvl 89 (Tribe of Cheesy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Berry boy 2.0 - Lvl 228 (Triceratops)'! Day 17229, 19:00:31: 123 - Lvl 89 (Tribe of Cheesy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Berry boy - Lvl 37 (Triceratops)'! Day 17229, 19:00:48: 123 - Lvl 89 (Tribe of Cheesy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 250 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17229, 19:03:54: 123 - Lvl 89 (Tribe of Cheesy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 253 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 17293, 05:55:49: Tribemember Rob - Lvl 71 was killed! Day 17356, 17:55:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17356, 17:55:23: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17356, 17:55:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17356, 17:55:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17356, 17:55:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17667, 11:11:24: Tribemember ventrue - Lvl 73 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 21575, 20:52:46: Tribemember Rob - Lvl 71 was killed! Day 21575, 22:06:57: Snow was added to the Tribe by Rob! Day 21575, 23:37:41: Tribemember Snow - Lvl 2 was killed! Day 21575, 23:43:31: Tribemember Rob - Lvl 72 was killed! Day 21576, 04:08:29: Tribemember Rob - Lvl 72 was killed! Day 21576, 04:09:49: Tribemember Snow - Lvl 3 was killed! Day 21576, 06:48:18: Tribemember Rob - Lvl 72 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 140! Day 21576, 06:50:38: Tribemember Snow - Lvl 6 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 140! Day 21576, 13:15:56: Tribemember Snow - Lvl 8 was killed by Rob - Lvl 72 (Plebs)! Day 21576, 13:15:56: Your Tribe killed Snow - Lvl 8 (Plebs)! Day 21576, 16:42:51: Tribemember Rob - Lvl 72 was killed! Day 21638, 14:41:47: Tribemember Snow - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 21787, 08:00:12: Tribemember Rob - Lvl 72 was killed! Day 21787, 14:45:57: Tribemember Snow - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 22245, 11:10:55: Tribemember Snow - Lvl 8 was killed!"] "tribeid":1491617386,"tribe":"Tribe of Valerioeus logs":["Day 19542, 08:03:28: Valerioeus was added to the Tribe! Day 19542, 08:05:15: nug was added to the Tribe by Valerioeus! Day 19543, 01:41:01: Tribemember nug - Lvl 93 was killed! Day 19543, 03:28:23: Tribemember nug - Lvl 93 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 19543, 07:33:26: Valerioeus froze manabro - Lvl 76 (Managarmr) Day 19543, 09:26:35: Valerioeus froze Snow White - Lvl 295 (Snow Owl) Day 19543, 10:20:32: nug froze minionz - Lvl 111 (Argentavis) Day 19593, 12:24:10: OBCT was added to the Tribe by Valerioeus! Day 19593, 16:21:23: Your Moe - Lvl 177 (Maewing) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190! Day 19593, 16:21:39: Tribemember OBCT - Lvl 118 was killed! Day 19593, 17:36:09: Valerioeus froze Snow White - Lvl 301 (Snow Owl) Day 19593, 17:42:45: Tribemember OBCT - Lvl 118 was killed! Day 19593, 18:31:04: Tribemember OBCT - Lvl 118 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 19593, 20:07:29: Valerioeus froze Vyzer - Lvl 254 (Ice Wyvern) Day 19593, 22:30:55: Valerioeus froze Snow White - Lvl 302 (Snow Owl) Day 19616, 22:37:44: Tribemember OBCT - Lvl 122 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 19617, 02:29:06: Tribemember OBCT - Lvl 122 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 15! Day 19617, 15:04:50: OBCT froze Fire High Lvl Male 3 - Lvl 183 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19710, 19:36:10: OBCT froze Polyamorus Com - Lvl 254 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19805, 16:20:44: OBCT froze The Guy Who Survived A R - Lvl 329 (Voidwyrm) Day 20001, 13:02:48: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20095, 23:08:14: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20967, 22:31:32: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22137, 20:39:51: Satoshi - Lvl 70 (Tribe of tweetkimbo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mini Joe - Lvl 272 (Fire Wyvern)'!"] "tribeid":1491274902,"tribe":"Tribe of Human1 logs":["Day 25766, 14:44:27: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 25766, 14:45:57: Sam Sam was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 25766, 15:15:31: Human froze SPEED - Lvl 234 (Pteranodon) Day 25766, 19:30:06: Sam Sam froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 88 (Dimorphodon) Day 25766, 21:11:50: Sam Sam froze Teagan - Lvl 306 (Argentavis) Day 25766, 23:57:10: Human Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 194 (Griffin)! Day 25767, 00:08:57: Human froze Buckbeak - Lvl 194 (Griffin) Day 25767, 00:15:48: Human froze TempistStorm - Lvl 101 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25767, 03:03:28: Human froze Buckbeak - Lvl 195 (Griffin) Day 25818, 02:04:35: Human froze wyv - Lvl 239 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 25818, 08:44:49: Human Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur)! Day 25818, 08:52:52: Human froze TherFem - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur) Day 25818, 10:30:38: Human froze wyv - Lvl 240 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 25823, 21:28:51: Human froze wyv - Lvl 244 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 25825, 10:01:39: Human froze wyv - Lvl 250 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 25892, 04:26:08: Sam Sam froze Geb - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon) Day 25892, 05:57:54: Sam Sam froze Geb - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon) Day 25892, 06:00:50: Sam Sam froze Charizard - Lvl 123 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25892, 06:11:26: Sam Sam froze Charizard - Lvl 123 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25892, 06:15:39: Sam Sam froze Charizard - Lvl 123 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25892, 07:30:47: Sam Sam Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 142 (Dung Beetle)! Day 25892, 07:35:07: Sam Sam froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 142 (Dung Beetle) Day 25892, 08:12:55: Sam Sam Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 82 (Dung Beetle)! Day 25892, 08:17:59: Sam Sam froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 82 (Dung Beetle) Day 25892, 09:28:47: Sam Sam Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 74 (Dung Beetle)! Day 25892, 09:31:54: Sam Sam froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 74 (Dung Beetle) Day 25892, 09:37:31: Sam Sam froze Charizard - Lvl 124 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25892, 10:14:28: Sam Sam Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle)! Day 25892, 10:17:54: Sam Sam froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle) Day 25892, 10:25:37: Sam Sam froze Charizard - Lvl 124 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25892, 10:29:58: Sam Sam froze Charizard - Lvl 124 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25892, 13:04:30: Sam Sam Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 194 (Dung Beetle)! Day 25892, 13:07:46: Sam Sam froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 194 (Dung Beetle) Day 25893, 01:09:09: Sam Sam Tamed an Equus - Lvl 26 (Equus)! Day 25893, 01:16:48: Sam Sam froze Equus - Lvl 26 (Equus) Day 25893, 01:36:48: Sam Sam Tamed an Equus - Lvl 74 (Equus)! Day 25893, 01:44:38: Sam Sam froze Equus - Lvl 74 (Equus) Day 25893, 06:09:22: Sam Sam froze Charizard - Lvl 124 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25893, 06:53:46: Sam Sam froze Charizard - Lvl 124 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25893, 07:27:15: Sam Sam froze Geb - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) Day 25893, 19:11:22: Sam Sam froze Charizard - Lvl 126 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26042, 03:53:21: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26183, 17:01:42: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26493, 21:00:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26658, 22:59:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1488848305,"tribe":"Tribe of kyrixx logs":["Day 27214, 09:06:48: kyrixx was added to the Tribe! Day 27214, 09:09:20: callum was added to the Tribe by kyrixx! Day 27214, 18:57:48: Tribemember kyrixx - Lvl 21 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 27215, 04:12:01: kyrixx Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 134 (Triceratops)! Day 27215, 06:07:42: Tribemember kyrixx - Lvl 23 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 27215, 06:32:36: Your Triceratops - Lvl 140 (Triceratops) was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 27215, 12:13:31: callum demolished a 'Storage Box (Unlocked) '! Day 27215, 12:16:05: callum demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 27215, 12:16:53: callum demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 27216, 10:07:41: Tribemember kyrixx - Lvl 42 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 95! Day 27216, 10:26:45: Tribemember callum - Lvl 35 was killed! Day 27216, 10:50:40: Tribemember callum - Lvl 35 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 95! Day 27216, 11:02:18: Tribemember kyrixx - Lvl 42 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 95! Day 27216, 12:39:36: Tribemember callum - Lvl 35 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 45! Day 27217, 05:11:58: callum demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 27217, 05:13:14: callum demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 27217, 05:14:23: callum demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 27217, 05:15:20: callum demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 27217, 07:24:30: kyrixx Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 27217, 11:15:29: callum Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 27217, 13:15:13: kyrixx Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 132 (Brontosaurus)! Day 27217, 20:54:34: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 27217, 20:57:25: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 27217, 22:12:02: Tribemember kyrixx - Lvl 50 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 130! Day 27218, 03:22:53: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 27218, 03:30:15: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 27218, 10:19:01: callum demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 27218, 17:01:16: callum demolished a 'Wooden Hatchframe'! Day 27218, 17:02:08: callum demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 27218, 19:50:05: callum demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 27218, 22:26:59: callum demolished a 'Bed'! Day 27218, 23:18:18: callum demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 27218, 23:19:19: callum demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 27218, 23:22:04: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 27232, 03:26:01: callum uploaded a Pteranodon: f breeder 1 - Lvl 238 Day 27232, 10:25:17: callum froze big fella - Lvl 134 (Brontosaurus) Day 27232, 12:03:01: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 27232, 17:59:57: Tribemember callum - Lvl 59 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 50! Day 27233, 05:35:46: Tribemember callum - Lvl 61 was killed by kyrixx - Lvl 66 (Tribe of kyrixx)! Day 27233, 05:35:46: Your Tribe killed callum - Lvl 61 (Tribe of kyrixx)! Day 27233, 21:14:01: kyrixx froze Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 27233, 22:07:13: Tribemember kyrixx - Lvl 67 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 85! Day 27234, 07:36:16: callum Tamed a Rex - Lvl 206 (Rex)! Day 27234, 07:44:33: callum froze chomp - Lvl 206 (Rex) Day 27235, 03:06:58: Suede was added to the Tribe by kyrixx! Day 27236, 11:55:36: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 27237, 17:51:24: Tribemember callum - Lvl 66 was killed by Suede - Lvl 16 (Tribe of kyrixx)! Day 27237, 17:51:24: Your Tribe killed callum - Lvl 66 (Tribe of kyrixx)! Day 27238, 15:32:49: callum Tamed a Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)! Day 27238, 21:46:10: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 228 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 95! Day 27239, 01:57:30: callum froze big fella - Lvl 150 (Brontosaurus) Day 27239, 08:59:28: callum froze max level - Lvl 230 (Rex) Day 27239, 12:41:31: kyrixx Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 223 (Doedicurus)! Day 27239, 12:46:30: callum froze max level - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 27239, 20:21:45: Tribemember callum - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 27239, 21:33:04: Tribemember kyrixx - Lvl 75 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 20! Day 27239, 21:43:03: Tribemember Suede - Lvl 40 was killed! Day 27239, 22:03:11: Tribemember kyrixx - Lvl 75 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 27240, 03:48:41: kyrixx Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 222 (Mesopithecus)! Day 27240, 03:57:12: Tribemember callum - Lvl 74 was killed! Day 27240, 10:40:57: kyrixx Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 216 (Castoroides)! Day 27240, 11:05:58: Tribemember Suede - Lvl 40 was killed! Day 27242, 10:22:07: callum froze Doedicurus - Lvl 226 (Doedicurus) Day 27242, 10:25:41: callum froze Castoroides - Lvl 219 (Castoroides) Day 27260, 23:18:16: callum froze max level - Lvl 243 (Rex) Day 27261, 00:14:02: callum froze Doedicurus - Lvl 257 (Doedicurus) Day 27261, 00:27:31: callum froze Castoroides - Lvl 250 (Castoroides) Day 27261, 12:07:58: Tribemember Suede - Lvl 40 was killed by callum - Lvl 75 (Tribe of kyrixx)! Day 27261, 12:07:58: Your Tribe killed Suede - Lvl 40 (Tribe of kyrixx)! Day 27261, 13:23:22: callum froze CHEEF - Lvl 226 (Ankylosaurus) Day 27261, 13:29:44: callum froze chomp - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 27261, 13:35:34: callum froze big fella - Lvl 159 (Brontosaurus) Day 27261, 16:37:33: callum demolished a 'Bed'! Day 27261, 18:02:22: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 27261, 18:03:14: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 27261, 18:04:37: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 27261, 18:05:51: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 27261, 18:06:05: kyrixx demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 27261, 18:06:45: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 27261, 18:06:59: kyrixx demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 27261, 18:07:38: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 27261, 18:07:55: kyrixx demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 27261, 18:08:49: kyrixx demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 27261, 18:10:38: kyrixx demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 27261, 18:11:41: kyrixx demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 27261, 20:29:43: Tribemember kyrixx - Lvl 77 was killed! Day 27262, 09:36:13: kyrixx froze Doedicurus - Lvl 258 (Doedicurus) Day 27262, 23:18:26: callum froze chomp - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 27262, 23:29:48: callum froze max level - Lvl 245 (Rex) Day 27286, 06:12:53: callum froze max level - Lvl 245 (Rex) Day 27289, 23:58:49: Tribemember kyrixx - Lvl 83 was killed! Day 27290, 03:31:29: Tribemember Suede - Lvl 40 was killed by kyrixx - Lvl 84 (Tribe of kyrixx)! Day 27290, 03:31:29: Your Tribe killed Suede - Lvl 40 (Tribe of kyrixx)! Day 27290, 07:04:43: Tribemember Suede - Lvl 40 was killed! Day 27300, 14:04:21: kyrixx froze Argentavis - Lvl 243 (Argentavis) Day 27300, 14:17:22: kyrixx froze Argentavis - Lvl 243 (Argentavis) Day 27300, 15:21:05: kyrixx froze max level - Lvl 248 (Rex) Day 27300, 16:24:10: kyrixx froze max level - Lvl 253 (Rex) Day 27300, 16:50:50: kyrixx froze Argentavis - Lvl 243 (Argentavis) Day 27300, 19:14:26: kyrixx froze max level - Lvl 259 (Rex) Day 27300, 21:33:00: kyrixx froze max level - Lvl 259 (Rex) Day 27304, 08:22:44: kyrixx claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 27304, 09:50:33: kyrixx froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Poison Wyvern) Day 27304, 13:17:27: callum demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 27304, 21:44:15: kyrixx froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Poison Wyvern) Day 27304, 23:23:46: kyrixx froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Poison Wyvern) Day 27305, 01:53:00: Tribemember Suede - Lvl 40 was killed by callum - Lvl 78 (Tribe of kyrixx)! Day 27305, 01:53:00: Your Tribe killed Suede - Lvl 40 (Tribe of kyrixx)! Day 27305, 03:42:38: callum froze max level - Lvl 261 (Rex) Day 27305, 08:24:23: callum froze chomp - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 27305, 10:06:27: kyrixx froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Poison Wyvern) Day 27305, 10:13:45: callum froze big fella - Lvl 159 (Brontosaurus) Day 27305, 16:24:53: callum froze max level - Lvl 261 (Rex) Day 27305, 16:39:04: callum froze chomp - Lvl 231 (Rex) Day 27305, 19:54:46: kyrixx froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Poison Wyvern) Day 27305, 20:00:30: kyrixx froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Poison Wyvern) Day 27305, 20:54:07: callum froze CHEEF - Lvl 230 (Ankylosaurus) Day 27306, 01:56:53: kyrixx froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Poison Wyvern) Day 27306, 02:01:56: kyrixx froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Poison Wyvern) Day 27306, 13:24:48: kyrixx froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Poison Wyvern) Day 27310, 02:34:11: kyrixx froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Poison Wyvern) Day 27310, 02:40:50: kyrixx froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Poison Wyvern) Day 27555, 08:40:57: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27873, 12:48:00: Blue - Lvl 5 (Tribe Of The Lost) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 27933, 07:54:36: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27990, 13:34:57: Blue - Lvl 113 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'chomp - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 27990, 13:35:47: Blue - Lvl 113 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'max level - Lvl 261 (Rex)'! Day 27990, 13:36:31: Blue - Lvl 113 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'big fella - Lvl 159 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 27991, 14:15:19: Blue - Lvl 113 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 198 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 27991, 15:09:23: Blue - Lvl 113 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 259 (Castoroides)'! Day 27991, 15:23:46: Blue - Lvl 113 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 280 (Doedicurus)'! Day 27991, 15:25:54: Blue - Lvl 113 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'CHEEF - Lvl 230 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 28145, 20:04:29: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28158, 18:59:52: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 245 (Argentavis)'! Day 28159, 07:29:11: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'f breeder 1 - Lvl 257 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28216, 16:18:21: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28295, 14:21:53: Crystal - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Crystal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 28517, 01:37:00: Kiwi - Lvl 123 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'bob - Lvl 241 (Mesopithecus)'! Day 30841, 21:19:10: Tribemember callum - Lvl 82 was killed! Day 30841, 21:21:10: Tribemember kyrixx - Lvl 93 was killed!"] "tribeid":1486603222,"tribe":"Coming for ya golem logs":["Day 18844, 16:42:25: Peppermint was added to the Tribe! Day 18844, 17:19:20: Duke was added to the Tribe by Peppermint! Day 18844, 17:38:10: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 261 (Shadowmane) Day 18844, 17:53:08: Tribemember Duke - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 50! Day 18844, 18:47:00: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane) Day 18844, 19:28:14: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane) Day 18844, 21:30:09: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane) Day 18844, 22:15:57: Duke froze [BS] Uber - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane) Day 18845, 00:10:07: Peppermint froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 319 (R-Velonasaur) Day 18845, 00:16:03: Duke froze [BS] R-Bing Bong - Lvl 269 (R-Velonasaur) Day 18845, 01:12:20: Tribemember Duke - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 18845, 09:58:55: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane) Day 18845, 15:22:35: Tribemember Duke - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 18845, 16:20:43: Tribemember Duke - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 18846, 07:02:48: Peppermint Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 18846, 07:08:47: Peppermint froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18846, 07:27:19: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 296 (Shadowmane) Day 18846, 07:45:25: Duke froze [BS] Uber - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 18884, 14:02:40: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 296 (Shadowmane) Day 18884, 14:50:34: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 296 (Shadowmane) Day 18884, 15:31:56: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 296 (Shadowmane) Day 18884, 17:24:14: Peppermint froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 319 (R-Velonasaur) Day 18884, 18:44:38: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 296 (Shadowmane) Day 18885, 06:26:48: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 304 (Shadowmane) Day 18889, 20:46:19: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 18889, 22:06:06: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 18889, 22:37:36: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 18889, 23:19:27: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 18889, 23:51:05: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 18890, 04:22:03: Peppermint froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 319 (R-Velonasaur) Day 18890, 06:02:13: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 18890, 10:28:49: Duke froze [BS] Thor - Lvl 236 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18890, 13:45:17: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 18934, 02:40:35: Duke froze [BS] Thor - Lvl 267 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19022, 22:41:54: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane) Day 19023, 09:32:59: Peppermint froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 326 (R-Velonasaur) Day 19023, 12:01:08: Peppermint froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 326 (R-Velonasaur) Day 19023, 12:49:43: Duke Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 19023, 13:47:26: Duke froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19023, 13:48:06: Peppermint froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 293 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19023, 14:28:34: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane) Day 19023, 14:41:34: Duke froze [BS] R-Pidgey - Lvl 253 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19045, 06:55:52: Peppermint claimed 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 213 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19045, 07:00:49: Peppermint froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 213 (Ice Wyvern) Day 19045, 07:23:17: Peppermint claimed 'cute guy - Lvl 265 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 19045, 07:28:59: Peppermint froze cute guy - Lvl 265 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19045, 07:34:36: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 344 (Shadowmane) Day 19201, 04:02:32: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19216, 11:06:29: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 221 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19216, 22:51:00: Peppermint froze [BS] Indom - Lvl 384 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19216, 23:34:41: Peppermint claimed 'Line 1 - 0 mut - Male - Lvl 212 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 19216, 23:49:37: Peppermint froze Line 1 - 0 mut - Male - Lvl 212 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 19217, 00:10:47: Peppermint uploaded a R-Snow Owl: Arc - Lvl 283 Day 19217, 00:41:25: Duke froze [BS] R-Candycane - Lvl 315 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21593, 05:12:33: Tribemember Duke - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 31172, 16:54:02: Duke was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1485145686,"tribe":"FanClub... logs":["Day 14080, 17:43:53: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14080, 17:44:35: Your Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) was killed! Day 14080, 17:44:35: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14080, 17:45:37: Your Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) was killed! Day 14080, 17:45:37: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14080, 17:46:13: Your Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) was killed! Day 14080, 17:46:13: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14080, 17:46:19: Your Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) was killed! Day 14080, 17:46:19: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14080, 17:53:06: Your Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) was killed by Kurt... - Lvl 143 (FanClub...)! Day 14080, 17:53:06: Your Tribe killed Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) (FanClub...)! Day 14080, 17:53:19: Your Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) was killed by Kurt... - Lvl 143 (FanClub...)! Day 14080, 17:53:19: Your Tribe killed Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) (FanClub...)! Day 14080, 17:53:31: Your Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) was killed by Kurt... - Lvl 143 (FanClub...)! Day 14080, 17:53:31: Your Tribe killed Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) (FanClub...)! Day 14080, 17:54:54: Your Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) was killed! Day 14080, 17:54:54: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14080, 17:56:07: Your Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) was killed! Day 14080, 17:56:07: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14080, 17:57:20: Your Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) was killed! Day 14080, 17:57:20: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14080, 17:57:25: Your Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) was killed! Day 14080, 17:57:25: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14080, 17:57:27: Your Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) was killed! Day 14080, 17:57:27: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14084, 04:42:02: Kurt... downloaded a dino: Mercy Main - Lvl 338 Day 14084, 04:51:17: Kurt... froze Mercy Main - Lvl 338 (Snow Owl) Day 14084, 14:44:17: Kurt... froze (ZZZ) Thorfinn - Lvl 380 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14084, 19:10:55: Kurt... froze (zzz)Rikka - Lvl 340 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14084, 19:13:57: Kurt... froze (zzz)JoJo - Lvl 358 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14084, 20:19:08: Kurt... froze (zzz) Eren - Lvl 308 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14084, 20:20:42: Kurt... froze (zzz)JoJo - Lvl 358 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14084, 21:47:22: Kurt... froze (zzz)Mr Mr - Lvl 277 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14085, 07:44:18: Kurt... froze Mercy Main - Lvl 338 (Snow Owl) Day 14086, 04:11:43: Kurt... froze (zzz)Rikka - Lvl 340 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14086, 04:19:52: Kurt... froze (ZZZ) Thorfinn - Lvl 380 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14086, 04:24:40: Kurt... froze (zzz)JoJo - Lvl 358 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14086, 04:48:12: Kurt... froze (zzz) Eren - Lvl 308 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14086, 04:51:47: Kurt... froze (zzz)Hiku - Lvl 294 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14086, 04:55:25: Kurt... froze (zzz)Mr Mr - Lvl 277 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14086, 08:45:21: Kurt... froze Mantis - Lvl 324 (Mantis) Day 14086, 08:47:43: Kurt... froze Ele farmer - Lvl 243 (Mantis) Day 14086, 08:53:43: Kurt... froze Mantis - Lvl 327 (Mantis) Day 14087, 05:56:13: Kurt... froze (ZZZ) Thorfinn - Lvl 380 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14087, 05:59:20: Kurt... froze (zzz)Hiku - Lvl 294 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14087, 06:45:42: Kurt... froze (zzz)Hiku - Lvl 294 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14087, 06:47:58: Kurt... froze (ZZZ) Thorfinn - Lvl 380 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14088, 10:10:44: Kurt... froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 353 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14088, 12:11:40: Kurt... froze Reaper King - Lvl 155 (Reaper King) Day 14096, 10:11:44: Kurt... froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 353 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14096, 10:23:53: Kurt... froze Kai - Lvl 233 (Magmasaur) Day 14096, 11:07:29: Kurt... froze Reaper King - Lvl 158 (Reaper King) Day 14096, 11:58:13: Kurt... froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 354 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14096, 13:47:36: Kurt... froze Oviraptor - Lvl 181 (Oviraptor) Day 14096, 13:57:58: Kurt... froze Oviraptor - Lvl 181 (Oviraptor) Day 14096, 16:07:03: Kurt... froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 354 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14096, 20:11:34: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 14096, 20:11:58: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 14096, 22:35:21: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 14096, 22:52:47: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 14096, 22:54:03: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 14096, 22:56:45: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 14096, 23:15:34: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 211 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 14096, 23:39:31: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 226 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 14097, 00:18:27: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 14097, 04:41:05: Kurt... froze Baby (zzz)Toosaka - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14097, 05:19:10: Kurt... froze Baby (zzz) Matoi - Lvl 226 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14097, 07:07:02: Kurt... froze Baby (zzz) Oreki - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14097, 08:13:38: Kurt... froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 354 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14097, 08:26:55: Kurt... froze Juvenile (zzz) Zero Two - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14097, 09:35:35: Kurt... froze Juvenile (zzz)Toosaka - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14097, 09:37:29: Kurt... froze Juvenile (zzz)Toosaka - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14097, 09:38:58: Kurt... froze Juvenile (zzz)Toosaka - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14097, 11:40:28: Kurt... froze Juvenile (zzz) EvenGarden - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14097, 12:18:15: Kurt... froze Juvenile (zzz) Kamado - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14097, 13:47:25: Kurt... froze Managarmr - Lvl 161 (Managarmr) Day 14097, 13:49:18: Kurt... froze [150]Haru - Lvl 224 (Managarmr) Day 14097, 17:27:32: Kurt... froze Juvenile (zzz) Zero Two - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14097, 21:34:09: Kurt... froze Juvenile (zzz) EvenGarden - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14097, 21:38:47: Kurt... froze Juvenile (zzz) EvenGarden - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14097, 21:42:56: Kurt... froze Juvenile (zzz) EvenGarden - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14097, 22:06:15: Kurt... froze Juvenile (zzz) Hei - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14097, 22:11:11: Kurt... froze Juvenile (zzz) Hei - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14097, 22:32:00: Kurt... froze Juvenile (zzz)Toosaka - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14098, 06:54:25: Kurt... froze Juvenile (zzz) Nami - Lvl 211 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14098, 07:51:12: Kurt... froze Juvenile (zzz) Yato - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14098, 11:39:48: Kurt... froze Juvenile (zzz) Hei - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14098, 13:41:02: Kurt... froze Juvenile (zzz) EvenGarden - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14098, 14:50:55: Kurt... froze Juvenile (zzz) Zero Two - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14098, 15:59:43: Kurt... froze Juvenile (zzz) EvenGarden - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14098, 18:15:14: Kurt... froze Adolescent (zzz) Matoi - Lvl 226 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14098, 18:33:26: Kurt... froze Adolescent (zzz) Oreki - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14098, 19:26:41: Kurt... froze Adolescent (zzz) Yato - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14098, 19:30:27: Kurt... froze Adolescent (zzz) Zero Two - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14098, 21:02:25: Kurt... froze Adolescent (zzz) Hei - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14098, 21:08:03: Kurt... froze Adolescent (zzz) Hei - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14098, 21:25:20: Kurt... froze Adolescent (zzz) Oreki - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14099, 06:27:58: Kurt... froze Adolescent (zzz)Toosaka - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14099, 07:40:24: Kurt... froze Adolescent (zzz) Yato - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14099, 07:42:41: Kurt... froze Adolescent (zzz) Zero Two - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14099, 08:36:07: Kurt... froze Adolescent (zzz) Matoi - Lvl 226 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14099, 08:41:49: Kurt... froze Adolescent (zzz) Matoi - Lvl 226 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14099, 08:43:19: Kurt... froze Adolescent (zzz) EvenGarden - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14099, 08:48:11: Kurt... froze Adolescent (zzz) Nami - Lvl 211 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14099, 08:53:38: Kurt... froze Adolescent (zzz)Toosaka - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14099, 09:00:01: Kurt... froze Adolescent (zzz) Hei - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14099, 09:01:23: Kurt... froze Adolescent (zzz) Kamado - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14099, 09:30:23: Kurt... froze Adolescent (zzz) Oreki - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14102, 08:38:16: Kurt... downloaded a dino: SUCCZ - Lvl 231 Day 14102, 09:01:48: Kurt... downloaded a dino: Mercy Main - Lvl 339 Day 14103, 03:14:51: Kurt... froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 280 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14103, 04:50:29: Kurt... froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 280 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14113, 22:24:59: Kurt... froze Kai - Lvl 236 (Magmasaur) Day 14114, 10:53:53: Kurt... froze Adolescent (zzz) Zero Two - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14114, 10:56:37: Kurt... froze Adolescent (zzz)Toosaka - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14115, 06:44:38: Kurt... froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 355 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14115, 07:34:19: Kurt... froze Reaper King - Lvl 159 (Reaper King) Day 14116, 09:43:23: Kurt... - Lvl 143 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Dyason Tribe. Day 14116, 09:45:42: Kurt... - Lvl 143 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Dyason Tribe. Day 14116, 09:48:57: Kurt... - Lvl 143 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Dyason Tribe. Day 14116, 09:50:07: Kurt... added 'Tribe of Dyason' Tribe to ssss Alliance! Day 14116, 10:15:30: Kurt... froze GOD - Lvl 326 (Managarmr) Day 14116, 18:01:10: Kurt... froze GOD - Lvl 326 (Managarmr) Day 14116, 18:58:33: Tribemember Kurt... - Lvl 143 was killed! Day 14117, 04:44:06: Kurt... froze SUCCZ - Lvl 232 (Bloodstalker) Day 14117, 12:43:29: Kurt... froze (zzz) Zero Two - Lvl 222 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14117, 12:45:06: Kurt... froze (zzz)Toosaka - Lvl 216 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14117, 12:46:31: Kurt... froze (zzz) Kamado - Lvl 219 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14117, 12:48:33: Kurt... froze (zzz) Oreki - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14117, 12:50:13: Kurt... froze (zzz) Matoi - Lvl 228 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14117, 12:51:45: Kurt... froze (zzz) EvenGarden - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14117, 12:53:34: Kurt... froze (zzz) Yato - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14117, 12:58:52: Kurt... froze (zzz) Nami - Lvl 211 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14117, 13:02:08: Kurt... froze (zzz) Hei - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14117, 13:08:37: Kurt... froze Oviraptor - Lvl 181 (Oviraptor) Day 14117, 21:52:17: Kurt... froze Oviraptor [Clone] - Lvl 135 (Oviraptor) Day 14117, 22:04:39: Kurt... froze Oviraptor [Clone] - Lvl 135 (Oviraptor) Day 14123, 13:38:45: Kurt... demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 14123, 14:33:57: Kurt... demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 14123, 15:20:42: Kurt... demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 14123, 15:22:38: Kurt... froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 14123, 15:32:02: Kurt... froze Mercy Main - Lvl 339 (Snow Owl) Day 14123, 17:50:13: Kurt... froze Spino - Lvl 224 (Spino) Day 14123, 18:17:34: Kurt... froze Spino - Lvl 224 (Spino) Day 14123, 19:30:18: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 225 (Spino)'! Day 14123, 19:32:41: Kurt... froze Baby Spino - Lvl 225 (Spino) Day 14123, 23:40:08: Kurt... froze Oviraptor [Clone] - Lvl 135 (Oviraptor) Day 14123, 23:44:36: Kurt... froze Oviraptor [Clone] - Lvl 135 (Oviraptor) Day 14124, 09:59:56: Kurt... froze Juvenile Spino - Lvl 225 (Spino) Day 14124, 11:15:18: Kurt... froze Reaper King [Clone] - Lvl 95 (Reaper King) Day 14124, 11:59:21: Kurt... froze Juvenile Spino - Lvl 202 (Spino) Day 14124, 12:13:40: Kurt... froze Adolescent Spino - Lvl 225 (Spino) Day 14124, 12:15:15: Kurt... froze Adolescent Spino - Lvl 225 (Spino) Day 14124, 12:16:45: Kurt... froze Adolescent Spino - Lvl 225 (Spino) Day 14124, 22:09:35: Kurt... froze Adolescent Spino - Lvl 202 (Spino) Day 14125, 08:12:19: Kurt... froze Adolescent Spino - Lvl 202 (Spino) Day 14125, 10:25:43: Kurt... froze Adolescent Spino - Lvl 202 (Spino) Day 14125, 11:56:37: Kurt... froze GOD - Lvl 327 (Managarmr) Day 14125, 12:37:16: Kurt... froze Reaper King - Lvl 167 (Reaper King) Day 14128, 11:47:31: Kurt... froze Juvenile Shinehorn - Lvl 100 (Shinehorn) Day 14129, 01:24:56: Kurt... froze Adolescent Shinehorn - Lvl 100 (Shinehorn) Day 14129, 01:50:57: Kurt... froze Mercy Main - Lvl 339 (Snow Owl) Day 14129, 06:37:20: Kurt... froze (zzz) EvenGarden - Lvl 254 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14129, 06:38:55: Kurt... froze (zzz) Oreki - Lvl 253 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14129, 06:40:34: Kurt... froze Mercy Main - Lvl 339 (Snow Owl) Day 14129, 07:06:53: Kurt... froze Mantis - Lvl 390 (Mantis) Day 14129, 07:11:18: Kurt... froze Mantis - Lvl 336 (Mantis) Day 14129, 18:14:44: Kurt... froze Mantis - Lvl 336 (Mantis) Day 14129, 18:18:16: Kurt... froze Ele farmer - Lvl 243 (Mantis) Day 14131, 05:22:26: Kurt... froze MAINNNNNNNNN BBBBB - Lvl 319 (Megatherium) Day 14131, 21:08:04: Kurt... froze GOD - Lvl 327 (Managarmr) Day 14132, 14:25:55: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14132, 14:29:14: Kurt... froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14139, 06:44:08: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14139, 06:44:08: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14139, 06:44:09: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14140, 04:54:56: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14140, 04:54:56: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14140, 04:54:56: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14140, 04:54:56: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14140, 04:54:56: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14140, 04:54:56: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14140, 04:54:56: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14140, 04:54:56: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14140, 04:54:56: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14140, 04:54:56: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14140, 04:54:56: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14140, 04:54:56: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14140, 04:54:56: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14140, 04:54:56: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14140, 04:54:56: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14140, 04:54:56: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14140, 04:54:56: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14140, 04:54:56: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14140, 04:54:56: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14140, 04:54:56: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14140, 04:54:56: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14140, 04:54:56: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14140, 04:54:56: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14140, 07:06:19: Kurt... froze Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) Day 14140, 09:20:09: Kurt... froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 355 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14140, 10:05:32: Kurt... froze (zzz) Oreki - Lvl 323 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14140, 10:50:11: Kurt... demolished a 'Straight Metal Water Pipe'! Day 14140, 11:14:29: Kurt... froze Code 1 - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex) Day 14140, 11:15:53: Kurt... froze Code 3 - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 14140, 11:17:23: Kurt... froze Code 9 - Lvl 255 (Tek Rex) Day 14140, 11:21:48: Kurt... froze Code 4 - Lvl 348 (Tek Rex) Day 14140, 11:23:11: Kurt... froze 28 melee - Lvl 257 (Tek Rex) Day 14140, 11:24:50: Kurt... froze Code 10 - Lvl 257 (Tek Rex) Day 14140, 11:28:04: Kurt... froze Code 7 - Lvl 309 (Tek Rex) Day 14140, 11:39:38: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 186 (Spino)'! Day 14140, 11:40:15: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 225 (Spino)'! Day 14140, 11:40:47: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 235 (Spino)'! Day 14140, 14:17:22: Kurt... froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14140, 15:37:29: Kurt... demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14140, 15:38:44: Kurt... demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14140, 15:39:21: Kurt... demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14140, 15:39:55: Kurt... demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 14140, 19:47:16: Kurt... froze Juvenile Spino - Lvl 235 (Spino) Day 14141, 05:43:05: Kurt... froze Adolescent Spino - Lvl 235 (Spino) Day 14141, 05:45:03: Kurt... froze Adolescent Spino - Lvl 225 (Spino) Day 14141, 08:02:17: Kurt... froze Adolescent Spino - Lvl 235 (Spino) Day 14141, 08:03:48: Kurt... froze Adolescent Spino - Lvl 235 (Spino) Day 14141, 08:07:20: Kurt... froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14141, 08:08:52: Kurt... froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14141, 10:37:55: Kurt... froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14143, 00:41:24: Kurt... froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 203 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14143, 00:51:32: Kurt... froze Kurt - Muzzy Combine Ef - Lvl 225 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14143, 00:55:28: Kurt... froze 150 female 28 melee - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14143, 01:01:05: Kurt... froze X-Spino - Lvl 217 (X-Spino) Day 14143, 09:52:25: Caulkinator added 'Kingdom of the Brute' Tribe to ssss Alliance! Day 14145, 01:57:23: Kurt... froze 150 female 28 melee - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14145, 02:02:46: Kurt... froze 150 female 28 melee - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14145, 02:12:39: Kurt... froze 150 female 28 melee - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14145, 02:43:54: Kurt... froze 150 female 28 melee - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14145, 02:47:37: Kurt... froze Kurt - Muzzy Combine Ef - Lvl 225 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14145, 04:06:25: Kurt... froze Spino - Lvl 186 (Spino) Day 14145, 05:54:48: Kurt... froze [89] Sht Machie - Lvl 89 (Snow Owl) Day 14145, 05:56:12: Kurt... froze zzzzzzzzzzz - Lvl 354 (Snow Owl) Day 14145, 05:57:35: Kurt... froze [112] Sht mAchine - Lvl 112 (Snow Owl) Day 14145, 07:01:04: Kurt... froze Spino - Lvl 235 (Spino) Day 14145, 07:02:33: Kurt... froze Spino - Lvl 239 (Spino) Day 14145, 08:10:16: Kurt... froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 80 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 14145, 09:42:15: Kurt... froze (zzz) Oreki - Lvl 324 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14153, 07:28:02: Tribemember Kurt... - Lvl 143 was killed! Day 14153, 14:36:00: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 183 (Snow Owl)'! Day 14153, 14:38:20: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 192 (Snow Owl)'! Day 14153, 14:38:38: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 205 (Snow Owl)'! Day 14153, 14:45:47: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 95 (Snow Owl)'! Day 14153, 14:46:09: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 254 (Snow Owl)'! Day 14153, 16:55:40: Kurt... froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 183 (Snow Owl) Day 14153, 16:57:18: Kurt... froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 183 (Snow Owl) Day 14153, 16:59:30: Kurt... froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 205 (Snow Owl) Day 14153, 17:02:04: Kurt... froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 95 (Snow Owl) Day 14153, 17:04:12: Kurt... froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 254 (Snow Owl) Day 14153, 17:06:02: Kurt... froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 192 (Snow Owl) Day 14153, 19:26:56: Kurt... froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 254 (Snow Owl) Day 14153, 23:07:40: Kurt... froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 205 (Snow Owl) Day 14153, 23:12:11: Kurt... froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 183 (Snow Owl) Day 14153, 23:30:25: Kurt... froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 192 (Snow Owl) Day 14153, 23:42:35: Kurt... froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 254 (Snow Owl) Day 14154, 04:55:25: Kurt... froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 205 (Snow Owl) Day 14154, 04:59:21: Kurt... froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 205 (Snow Owl) Day 14154, 05:07:18: Kurt... froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 183 (Snow Owl) Day 14154, 05:11:01: Kurt... froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 183 (Snow Owl) Day 14154, 05:14:47: Kurt... froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 183 (Snow Owl) Day 14154, 05:24:47: Kurt... froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 95 (Snow Owl) Day 14154, 05:27:19: Kurt... froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 95 (Snow Owl) Day 14154, 05:28:52: Kurt... froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 95 (Snow Owl) Day 14154, 07:26:11: Kurt... froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 205 (Snow Owl) Day 14154, 07:30:42: Kurt... froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 183 (Snow Owl) Day 14154, 07:32:14: Kurt... froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 183 (Snow Owl) Day 14154, 07:33:47: Kurt... froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 183 (Snow Owl) Day 14154, 07:35:13: Kurt... froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 183 (Snow Owl) Day 14154, 07:36:47: Kurt... froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 183 (Snow Owl) Day 14154, 07:39:02: Kurt... froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 254 (Snow Owl) Day 14154, 16:26:51: Kurt... froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 119 (Gacha) Day 14154, 20:03:32: Kurt... froze (zzz) Hei - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14154, 20:07:22: Kurt... froze (zzz) Kamado - Lvl 219 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14154, 20:09:29: Kurt... froze (zzz) Matoi - Lvl 228 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14154, 20:13:31: Kurt... froze (zzz) EvenGarden - Lvl 254 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14154, 21:05:08: Kurt... froze (zzz)Toosaka - Lvl 216 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14154, 21:09:34: Kurt... froze (zzz) Yato - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14154, 21:15:25: Kurt... froze (zzz) Nami - Lvl 211 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14154, 21:19:09: Kurt... froze (zzz) Zero Two - Lvl 222 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14156, 09:16:32: Kurt... froze (zzz) Zero Two - Lvl 222 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14156, 09:19:06: Kurt... froze (zzz) Nami - Lvl 211 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14156, 09:20:51: Kurt... froze (zzz) Kamado - Lvl 219 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14156, 09:22:16: Kurt... froze (zzz) Oreki - Lvl 324 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14156, 09:26:14: Kurt... froze (zzz) Yato - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14156, 09:27:37: Kurt... froze (zzz) Matoi - Lvl 228 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14156, 09:29:38: Kurt... froze (zzz)Toosaka - Lvl 216 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14156, 09:33:40: Kurt... froze (zzz) EvenGarden - Lvl 254 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14156, 09:35:02: Kurt... froze (zzz) Hei - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14157, 09:36:35: Kurt... froze Snow Owl - Lvl 183 (Snow Owl) Day 14157, 11:34:47: Kurt... froze (zzz) Oreki - Lvl 324 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14157, 12:00:49: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 159 (Snow Owl)'! Day 14157, 12:01:23: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 93 (Snow Owl)'! Day 14157, 12:02:00: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 179 (Snow Owl)'! Day 14157, 13:52:43: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 223 (Ovis)'! Day 14157, 14:09:35: Kurt... froze Baby Ovis - Lvl 223 (Ovis) Day 14157, 14:24:05: Kurt... froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 93 (Snow Owl) Day 14157, 14:27:30: Kurt... froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 93 (Snow Owl) Day 14157, 14:29:19: Kurt... froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 93 (Snow Owl) Day 14157, 14:45:21: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 210 (Ovis)'! Day 14157, 14:47:02: Kurt... froze Baby Ovis - Lvl 210 (Ovis) Day 14157, 15:02:06: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 199 (Ovis)'! Day 14157, 15:07:31: Kurt... froze Baby Ovis - Lvl 199 (Ovis) Day 14157, 16:34:38: Kurt... froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 159 (Snow Owl) Day 14157, 16:43:38: Kurt... froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 93 (Snow Owl) Day 14157, 18:50:17: Kurt... froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 159 (Snow Owl) Day 14157, 18:51:55: Kurt... froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 159 (Snow Owl) Day 14157, 18:53:55: Kurt... froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 159 (Snow Owl) Day 14157, 18:56:26: Kurt... froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 159 (Snow Owl) Day 14157, 18:58:03: Kurt... froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 159 (Snow Owl) Day 14157, 19:05:03: Kurt... froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 159 (Snow Owl) Day 14157, 19:07:21: Kurt... froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 93 (Snow Owl) Day 14157, 22:55:06: Kurt... froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 159 (Snow Owl) Day 14157, 23:13:31: Kurt... froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 93 (Snow Owl) Day 14158, 05:32:32: Kurt... froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 179 (Snow Owl) Day 14158, 05:34:04: Kurt... froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 179 (Snow Owl) Day 14158, 09:15:10: Kurt... froze (zzz) Oreki - Lvl 325 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14166, 09:24:18: Your Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) was killed! Day 14166, 09:24:18: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14166, 09:24:47: Kurt... froze Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) Day 14166, 09:26:08: Kurt... froze Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) Day 14166, 12:27:47: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 136 (Snow Owl)'! Day 14166, 12:28:28: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 93 (Snow Owl)'! Day 14166, 12:29:13: Kurt... claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 150 (Snow Owl)'! Day 14166, 12:30:10: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 93 (Snow Owl) was killed by Kurt... - Lvl 143 (FanClub...)! Day 14166, 12:30:10: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 93 (Snow Owl) (FanClub...)! Day 14166, 12:33:26: Kurt... froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 136 (Snow Owl) Day 14166, 12:35:16: Kurt... froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 150 (Snow Owl) Day 14166, 12:44:44: Kurt... froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 150 (Snow Owl) Day 14166, 14:35:54: Kurt... froze Spino - Lvl 239 (Spino) Day 14166, 14:54:46: Kurt... froze Spino - Lvl 235 (Spino) Day 14166, 16:20:14: Kurt... froze Spino - Lvl 277 (Spino) Day 14166, 16:22:26: Kurt... froze Spino - Lvl 271 (Spino) Day 14166, 23:08:25: Kurt... froze Mantis - Lvl 396 (Mantis) Day 14168, 11:04:00: Your Tribe Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 14168, 11:08:04: Kurt... Tamed a Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)! Day 14168, 12:03:32: Kurt... Tamed a Procoptodon - Lvl 224 (Procoptodon)! Day 14168, 18:33:04: Kurt... froze Kai - Lvl 236 (Magmasaur) Day 14183, 05:06:43: Kurt... froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 355 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14183, 10:36:05: Kurt... froze Mercy Main - Lvl 340 (Snow Owl) Day 14184, 16:07:21: Kurt... froze Spino - Lvl 277 (Spino) Day 14184, 16:08:50: Kurt... froze Spino - Lvl 286 (Spino) Day 14213, 05:47:02: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14213, 05:47:03: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14213, 05:47:04: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14213, 05:47:04: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14213, 05:47:05: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14213, 05:47:12: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14213, 05:47:13: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14213, 05:47:16: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14213, 05:47:16: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14213, 05:47:17: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14213, 05:47:18: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14213, 05:47:19: Achatina [Clone] - Lvl 14 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 14254, 13:25:06: Scully84 was added to the Tribe! Day 14254, 14:06:31: Scully84 was removed from the Tribe! Day 14290, 06:50:57: [112] Sht mAchine - Lvl 112 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 14295, 04:57:38: [89] Sht Machie - Lvl 89 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 14349, 19:24:56: Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 14353, 06:08:01: Your Brontosaurus - Lvl 216 (Brontosaurus) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 14363, 07:17:53: Caulkinator removed 'Mr Tek' Tribe from ssss Alliance! Day 14405, 09:36:26: Snow Owl - Lvl 93 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 14405, 09:36:26: Snow Owl - Lvl 95 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 14425, 08:25:53: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14425, 08:25:53: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14606, 02:54:37: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14640, 07:46:15: Ghost - Lvl 20 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '[224] Metl Getr - Lvl 320 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 14726, 01:45:38: Mantis - Lvl 156 (Mantis) starved to death! Day 14739, 12:27:21: Gregory Snape - Lvl 122 (House of Buzoku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MAINNNNNNNNN BBBBB - Lvl 319 (Megatherium)'! Day 14759, 00:07:51: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14759, 00:07:51: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14759, 00:07:51: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14759, 00:07:51: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14759, 00:07:51: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14759, 00:07:51: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14800, 16:41:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14800, 16:41:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14800, 16:41:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14800, 16:41:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14800, 16:41:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14800, 16:41:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14800, 16:41:57: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14822, 06:40:52: Ferox - Lvl 287 (Ferox) starved to death! Day 14822, 07:01:46: Scully84 was added to the Tribe! Day 14822, 07:16:52: Scully84 was removed from the Tribe! Day 14822, 07:16:52: Tribe Owner was changed to Kurt...! Day 14876, 08:58:47: kokow22 added 'Anthill' Tribe to ssss Alliance! Day 14960, 20:11:45: Jenufa added 'Tribe of Raven' Tribe to ssss Alliance! Day 15196, 06:54:10: Jenufa added 'Tribe of Raven' Tribe to ssss Alliance! Day 15237, 14:49:15: Jenufa added 'Impulse' Tribe to ssss Alliance! Day 15237, 14:56:45: Jenufa added 'Potato Heads' Tribe to ssss Alliance! Day 16481, 17:14:29: Tribemember Kurt... - Lvl 143 was killed! Day 17587, 13:15:40: kokow22 added 'Sexy boys' Tribe to ssss Alliance! Day 20863, 16:08:55: kokow22 removed 'Sexy boys' Tribe from ssss Alliance! Day 20863, 21:49:30: kokow22 added 'Sexy boys' Tribe to ssss Alliance!"] "tribeid":1475890037,"tribe":"Nariki and the Pepegasus logs":["Day 32573, 10:43:52: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 32573, 10:50:08: Your 'Fabricator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 32573, 10:52:04: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 32573, 10:52:07: Your 'Refining Forge (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 32573, 10:52:16: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 100 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 32573, 10:56:00: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 32573, 10:56:16: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 32573, 11:01:22: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 32573, 11:05:39: Your Fighter Fem Peda - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 32573, 11:07:08: Your beaves - Lvl 264 (Castoroides) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 32573, 11:08:11: Your fem - Lvl 228 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 32573, 18:10:49: hp stam food fem - Lvl 221 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 32573, 21:21:51: Your all- oxy food male - Lvl 193 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 32573, 21:30:33: Your all-weight fem - Lvl 213 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 32582, 16:44:52: R-Daeodon - Lvl 221 (R-Daeodon) starved to death! Day 32582, 16:46:11: R-Daeodon - Lvl 208 (R-Daeodon) starved to death! Day 32585, 16:43:19: Your 'Water Well (Unlocked) ' was destroyed! Day 32585, 17:36:52: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 32585, 17:36:55: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 32585, 18:30:48: Your 'Refrigerator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 32585, 18:30:48: Your 'Refrigerator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 32585, 18:31:09: Your 'Refrigerator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 32585, 18:31:09: Your 'Refrigerator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 32585, 18:36:59: Your fighter fem - Lvl 223 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 32585, 18:43:39: Your Moschops - Lvl 209 (Moschops) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 32585, 18:51:29: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 32585, 18:51:29: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 32585, 18:51:29: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 32585, 18:51:29: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 32585, 18:51:29: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 32585, 18:51:29: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 32585, 18:51:29: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 32585, 18:52:43: Your 'Power Generator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 32585, 18:52:46: Your 'Refrigerator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 32585, 18:53:46: Your R-Snow Owl - Lvl 248 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 32585, 18:54:26: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 32585, 19:30:10: Your Mama Argi - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160! Day 32585, 19:38:04: Your Argentavis - Lvl 206 (Argentavis) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160! Day 32585, 20:09:01: Your Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 32585, 20:20:09: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 32585, 20:25:42: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 32585, 20:25:53: Your Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 32585, 20:30:21: Your Sepp der Träger - Lvl 314 (Argentavis) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 32585, 20:31:05: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 32585, 20:31:51: Your fem - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 32585, 20:41:07: Your Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 32585, 20:55:44: Your fem - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 32585, 21:00:53: Your food muta fem - Lvl 245 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 32585, 21:19:14: Your hp speed food oxy fem - Lvl 261 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160! Day 32585, 21:21:02: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160! Day 32586, 18:09:23: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus) was killed by an Alpha Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 32586, 20:13:43: Your Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) was killed by an Alpha Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 32591, 13:00:44: Your Astrodelphis - Lvl 218 (Astrodelphis) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 32591, 17:49:32: Nariki froze speedmale 3 - Lvl 299 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32591, 18:00:05: Nariki froze stam melee weight male - Lvl 243 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32591, 19:13:58: Nariki froze Shadowmane - Lvl 306 (Shadowmane) Day 32591, 20:43:57: Nariki froze hp melee stam fem - Lvl 224 (Sinomacrops) Day 32591, 20:52:18: Nariki froze Desmodus - Lvl 263 (Desmodus) Day 32595, 15:24:51: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 132 was killed! Day 32595, 17:13:02: Nariki froze fighter male - Lvl 273 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32595, 17:51:15: Nariki froze all- oxy food male - Lvl 234 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32605, 07:18:49: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 32605, 07:51:03: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 32609, 07:43:47: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 32635, 00:33:56: Nariki froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 00:38:36: Nariki froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 00:42:43: Nariki froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 00:47:19: Nariki froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 00:55:45: Nariki froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 01:02:23: Nariki froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 01:08:11: Nariki froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 01:14:43: Nariki froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 01:19:19: Nariki froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 01:35:04: Nariki froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 01:52:25: Nariki froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 01:59:29: Nariki froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 02:04:28: Nariki froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 02:08:32: Nariki froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 03:16:55: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 202 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 130! Day 32635, 06:15:58: Nariki froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 06:24:04: Nariki froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 08:02:34: Nariki froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 08:13:45: Nariki froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 08:17:01: Nariki froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 16:47:05: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 16:52:33: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 16:56:26: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 17:01:31: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 17:21:25: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 22:53:59: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 22:57:45: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 23:01:27: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 23:10:26: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 32635, 23:14:43: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32636, 04:33:35: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32636, 04:40:56: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32636, 04:50:11: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32636, 04:53:56: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32636, 04:58:55: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32636, 05:02:43: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32636, 05:06:50: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32636, 05:10:46: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32636, 05:14:31: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32636, 05:22:21: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 32636, 05:25:42: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 32636, 05:28:36: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 32636, 05:40:11: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 32636, 09:14:10: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32636, 09:17:03: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32636, 09:19:59: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32636, 09:56:48: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 32636, 10:06:59: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 32636, 10:11:18: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32636, 10:14:13: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32636, 10:17:35: Nariki froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32636, 13:34:59: Nariki froze all- melee fem - Lvl 202 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32636, 15:37:23: Nariki froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32636, 21:15:11: Nariki claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 32636, 21:19:03: Nariki froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32636, 22:45:37: Nariki froze Shadowmane - Lvl 322 (Shadowmane) Day 32637, 03:14:07: Nariki froze Shadowmane - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 32637, 07:03:13: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 132 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 32650, 07:18:09: Managarmr's 'Managarmr - Lvl 206 (Managarmr)' died in a Cryopod! Day 32657, 13:54:25: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 132 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 145! Day 32657, 15:58:17: Nariki claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane)'! Day 32657, 16:01:01: Nariki froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32657, 16:03:47: Nariki froze Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32657, 16:08:43: Nariki froze Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 32657, 16:12:20: Nariki froze Shadowmane - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 32657, 16:13:11: Nariki claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 267 (Shadowmane)'! Day 32657, 16:16:08: Nariki froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 267 (Shadowmane) Day 32657, 16:19:46: Nariki froze Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 32657, 16:27:47: Nariki froze Shadowmane - Lvl 330 (Shadowmane) Day 32657, 16:31:53: Nariki froze Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 32657, 16:34:45: Nariki froze Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32657, 16:38:47: Nariki froze Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 32657, 16:47:32: Nariki froze Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing) Day 32657, 17:19:29: Nariki froze speedfem - Lvl 252 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32673, 09:41:53: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32673, 09:41:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32753, 02:53:27: hp melee oxy speed male - Lvl 191 (Carcharodontosaurus) starved to death! Day 32783, 07:54:37: Nariki froze speedfem - Lvl 282 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32783, 16:42:18: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 16:43:15: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 16:44:59: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 92 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 16:46:43: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 16:49:07: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 99 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 16:50:31: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 16:55:44: Nariki froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 16:58:33: Nariki froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 17:01:30: Nariki froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 92 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 17:04:26: Nariki froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 99 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 17:13:18: Nariki froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 17:16:22: Nariki froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 17:18:31: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 110 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 17:19:30: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 118 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 17:22:21: Nariki froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 110 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 17:25:26: Nariki froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 118 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 17:31:56: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 101 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 17:33:38: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 101 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 17:36:58: Nariki froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 101 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 17:39:45: Nariki froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 101 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 17:46:01: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 101 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 17:46:54: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 17:50:17: Nariki froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 17:53:50: Nariki froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 101 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 18:13:10: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 101 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 18:14:46: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 99 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 18:15:52: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 124 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 18:16:41: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 18:17:47: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 101 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 18:19:09: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 88 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 18:20:34: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 101 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 18:21:28: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 101 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 18:22:32: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 117 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 18:24:15: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 111 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 18:25:03: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 138 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 18:26:09: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 99 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 18:28:39: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 111 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 18:29:42: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 18:32:18: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 98 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 18:33:21: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 18:39:33: Nariki froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 98 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 18:42:20: Nariki froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 18:45:07: Nariki froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 111 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 18:48:00: Nariki froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 138 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 20:00:57: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 117 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 32783, 20:00:57: Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 117 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 32783, 20:03:40: Your Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 124 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 32783, 20:03:40: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 124 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 32783, 20:09:23: Your Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 101 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 32783, 20:09:23: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 101 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 32783, 20:11:29: Your Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 99 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 32783, 20:11:29: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 99 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 32783, 20:13:29: Your Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 101 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 32783, 20:13:29: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 101 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 32783, 20:13:51: Your Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 101 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 32783, 20:13:51: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 101 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 32783, 20:15:58: Your Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 101 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 32783, 20:15:58: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 101 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 32783, 20:19:23: Your Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 99 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 32783, 20:19:23: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 99 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 32783, 20:27:58: Your Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 32783, 20:27:58: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 32783, 21:07:00: Nariki froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 21:10:34: Nariki froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 111 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 21:15:02: Nariki claimed 'Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 111 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 21:18:46: Nariki froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 111 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 21:20:33: Nariki claimed 'Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 120 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 21:24:04: Nariki froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 120 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 21:24:52: Nariki claimed 'Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 21:28:40: Nariki froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 21:29:56: Nariki claimed 'Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 117 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 21:33:22: Nariki froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 117 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 21:35:58: Your Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 88 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 32783, 21:35:58: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 88 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 32783, 22:03:15: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 115 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 22:04:41: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 22:07:17: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 22:22:47: Nariki froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 115 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 22:26:20: Nariki froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 22:31:05: Nariki froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 22:34:19: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 22:35:25: Nariki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32783, 22:39:39: Nariki froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 22:43:33: Nariki froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus) Day 32783, 23:28:02: Nariki froze speedfem - Lvl 282 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32785, 10:49:57: Wortnik - Lvl 147 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 142 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 32785, 10:50:37: Wortnik - Lvl 147 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 201 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 32785, 10:51:20: Wortnik - Lvl 147 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 37 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 32805, 19:19:41: Managarmr's 'Managarmr - Lvl 204 (Managarmr)' died in a Cryopod! Day 32805, 19:19:41: Managarmr's 'Mantis - Lvl 194 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 32805, 19:19:41: Managarmr's 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 201 (Brontosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 32875, 07:13:22: New base breeder male - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 32875, 07:18:47: Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 32896, 18:34:44: Console Peasant - Lvl 162 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 194 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 32933, 09:09:42: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32933, 09:09:42: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32957, 00:30:10: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32963, 07:31:02: Maewing - Lvl 273 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 33004, 06:42:58: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 12:37:27: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33075, 04:21:40: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33146, 01:24:18: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33229, 12:50:46: Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 33281, 19:58:12: hp stam melee fem - Lvl 224 (Sinomacrops) starved to death! Day 33382, 09:30:19: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33397, 07:15:11: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fighter fem - Lvl 256 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33397, 07:40:27: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'hp speed oxy fem - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 07:54:36: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 08:16:24: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 08:19:53: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 08:20:40: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 08:59:02: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 244 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 09:00:36: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 09:10:43: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Managarmr - Lvl 214 (Managarmr)'! Day 33397, 09:48:31: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'all- melee food fem - Lvl 190 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33397, 09:55:33: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base breeder fem - Lvl 223 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33397, 10:00:44: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fighter fem - Lvl 218 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33397, 11:21:48: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dirty Beast - Lvl 319 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 11:31:24: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Managarmr - Lvl 283 (Managarmr)'! Day 33397, 11:49:40: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base breeder male - Lvl 223 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33397, 11:58:50: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Managarmr - Lvl 149 (Managarmr)'! Day 33397, 12:11:18: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 12:11:47: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'stam melee food fem - Lvl 217 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 12:12:43: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 236 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 12:20:04: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 12:26:10: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fem - Lvl 228 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 12:31:19: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 12:48:44: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'melee muta 43?? - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 12:56:23: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 14:05:06: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Odogaron - Lvl 304 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 14:19:12: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'hp stam oxy fem - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33397, 14:46:14: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'weight stam fem - Lvl 183 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33397, 15:14:50: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'oxy fem - Lvl 160 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33397, 16:52:28: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fighter male - Lvl 223 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33397, 17:06:09: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'melee muta male - Lvl 216 (Managarmr)'! Day 33397, 17:41:33: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'melee muta male - Lvl 216 (Managarmr)'! Day 33397, 18:01:42: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 18:10:21: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 18:16:48: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 18:22:13: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fem - Lvl 266 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 18:28:45: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'hp melee food fem - Lvl 184 (Desmodus)'! Day 33397, 18:41:37: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 18:45:52: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 18:59:58: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 19:38:18: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Managarmr - Lvl 89 (Managarmr)'! Day 33397, 19:53:05: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fem - Lvl 246 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 20:11:12: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fem - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 20:26:49: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beta 2 - Lvl 233 (Argentavis)'! Day 33397, 20:38:35: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sepp - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 33397, 20:52:38: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Managarmr - Lvl 211 (Managarmr)'! Day 33397, 21:02:47: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fighter male 1 - Lvl 259 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33397, 21:10:33: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Managarmr - Lvl 205 (Managarmr)'! Day 33397, 21:28:13: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Managarmr - Lvl 210 (Managarmr)'! Day 33397, 21:36:15: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 21:38:37: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fem - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33397, 22:01:23: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Managarmr - Lvl 214 (Managarmr)'! Day 33397, 22:23:31: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M001 - Lvl 280 (Aberrant Doedicurus)'! Day 33398, 11:05:34: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 11:29:36: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'food fem - Lvl 182 (Bloodstalker)'! Day 33398, 11:49:09: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 11:56:51: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 12:23:24: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 255 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 13:02:31: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 13:08:55: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 13:25:21: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 13:44:50: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 13:51:05: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 14:04:08: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 14:10:58: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 14:38:52: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'weight muta fem - Lvl 245 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 16:12:09: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fighter male - Lvl 220 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33398, 16:54:49: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fem - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 17:15:54: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 244 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33398, 19:27:11: Rinwood - Lvl 119 (Tribe of offe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 09:43:47: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 09:50:02: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 09:55:18: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'hp stam melee food fem - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 09:58:20: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'all- weight fem - Lvl 244 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:02:39: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:07:13: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:16:38: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:17:30: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:17:52: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fem - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:21:42: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:27:42: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:31:03: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base breeder fem - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:40:11: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:40:34: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:41:02: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 10:50:37: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 11:08:44: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 13:50:43: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'all- melee food fem - Lvl 206 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33412, 14:20:55: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'all- food fem - Lvl 218 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 33412, 14:59:21: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 15:36:28: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fem - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 15:39:36: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'all- stam speed fem - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 15:44:12: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 15:48:03: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 16:01:08: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 16:03:57: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 16:11:16: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 16:19:37: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 16:25:46: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 235 (Argentavis)'! Day 33412, 16:45:19: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 16:49:43: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 16:52:39: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 16:55:50: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fem - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 17:01:42: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 17:04:23: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 17:07:33: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 17:10:32: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 228 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 17:13:21: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 17:20:59: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 17:23:57: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fem - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 17:26:45: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 17:29:32: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 17:53:15: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 18:00:12: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'hp stam fem - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 18:01:26: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base breeder fem - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33412, 18:17:23: TK - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'stam melee food fem - Lvl 217 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33524, 01:15:12: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33629, 06:23:02: Wolf - Lvl 121 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 216 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 33629, 06:24:49: Wolf - Lvl 121 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 74 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 33629, 06:43:32: Wolf - Lvl 121 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 209 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 33629, 06:46:18: Wolf - Lvl 121 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 194 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 33629, 07:33:56: Wolf - Lvl 121 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 209 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 33629, 08:09:14: Wolf - Lvl 121 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 209 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 33665, 17:19:40: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33749, 20:44:17: Dung Beetle - Lvl 212 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 33775, 11:22:12: Brontosaurus - Lvl 171 (Brontosaurus) starved to death! Day 33949, 06:16:53: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34215, 03:36:02: Morde - Lvl 105 (New 883) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'all- hp melee fem - Lvl 198 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 34215, 04:52:39: Morde - Lvl 105 (New 883) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'stam oxy weight fem - Lvl 182 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 34223, 10:08:02: Morde - Lvl 109 (New 883) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tauboss - Lvl 278 (Argentavis)'! Day 34241, 08:09:56: male - Lvl 268 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 34246, 11:19:00: Morde - Lvl 112 (The New 883) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'stam oxy food fem - Lvl 188 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 34246, 12:10:36: Morde - Lvl 112 (The New 883) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fighter male 3 - Lvl 251 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 34682, 06:06:25: Sir Elias Quinn - Lvl 138 (Tribe of Sir Elias Quinn) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'stam weight oxy fem - Lvl 197 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 34682, 06:18:51: Sir Elias Quinn - Lvl 138 (Tribe of Sir Elias Quinn) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fighter male 2 - Lvl 278 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 35094, 11:58:17: Your 'Egg Incubator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35094, 11:58:17: Your 'Egg Incubator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35094, 11:58:17: Your 'Egg Incubator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35293, 10:31:49: Sir Elias Quinn - Lvl 138 (Desert City(Atlantis)) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 201 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 35368, 22:57:02: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 35368, 23:07:53: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus)'! Day 35368, 23:15:56: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Potato Heads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 35394, 22:56:46: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Satan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'all- food fem - Lvl 218 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 35686, 14:50:12: Your 'Cryofridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35686, 14:50:12: Your 'Cryofridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35686, 14:50:12: Your 'Cryofridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35686, 14:50:12: Your 'Cryofridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35686, 14:50:12: Your 'Cryofridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36102, 14:13:48: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 36151, 14:07:06: Piranha - Lvl 90 | 1.1x (Piranha) starved to death! Day 36257, 06:24:48: Your 'Industrial Cooker' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36273, 00:59:31: Yutyrannus - Lvl 166 (Yutyrannus) starved to death! Day 38699, 16:07:22: hp melee weight fem - Lvl 219 (Sinomacrops) starved to death! Day 38818, 17:29:35: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Tesco's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ALL-FOOD MALE - Lvl 239 (Lightning Wyvern)'!"] "tribeid":1473549104,"tribe":"Tribe of 123 logs":["Day 40008, 14:04:38: 123 was added to the Tribe! Day 40008, 14:46:32: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 40008, 18:03:49: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon)! Day 40008, 22:44:58: 123 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 40009, 01:45:28: 123 uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 33 Day 40009, 01:46:20: 123 uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 222 Day 40009, 01:47:12: 123 uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 129 Day 40300, 10:20:49: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1470298652,"tribe":"Anthill logs":["Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16028, 08:35:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16038, 16:52:06: Your 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16049, 22:12:46: charlie - Lvl 94 (Tribe of Elv) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 106 (Phiomia)'! Day 17587, 13:15:40: kokow22 added 'Sexy boys' Tribe to ssss Alliance! Day 17712, 09:38:23: Tribemember Antman - Lvl 142 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 15! Day 20863, 16:08:55: kokow22 removed 'Sexy boys' Tribe from ssss Alliance! Day 20863, 21:49:30: kokow22 added 'Sexy boys' Tribe to ssss Alliance!"] "tribeid":1467300980,"tribe":"The Lost Tribe logs":["Day 22231, 01:06:31: Tarzan was added to the Tribe! Day 22231, 01:11:35: JungleQueen was added to the Tribe by Tarzan! Day 22231, 03:08:22: Tarzan Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 127 (Moschops)! Day 22231, 09:57:47: JungleQueen Tamed an Equus - Lvl 194 (Equus)! Day 22232, 12:13:36: Tarzan Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 22232, 19:23:20: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 22232, 19:32:16: Your Temp Flier - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 22233, 00:48:20: Tribemember JungleQueen - Lvl 27 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 22233, 02:28:13: Tribemember JungleQueen - Lvl 27 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 22233, 03:05:22: Your Mini Farmer - Lvl 158 (Moschops) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 22235, 03:48:16: Deceptic was added to the Tribe by Tarzan! Day 22235, 18:08:19: Tarzan Tamed an Equus - Lvl 209 (Equus)! Day 22235, 21:11:34: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 22235, 23:01:52: Tribemember Deceptic - Lvl 15 was killed! Day 22236, 01:02:17: Tarzan Tamed an Equus - Lvl 209 (Equus)! Day 22245, 04:02:29: JungleQueen Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)! Day 22406, 20:11:20: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22832, 09:11:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22940, 03:21:43: Kiwi - Lvl 122 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)'! Day 22940, 03:24:19: Kiwi - Lvl 122 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 240 (Pteranodon)'! Day 22940, 04:11:35: Kiwi - Lvl 122 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame '140 The 1st - Lvl 221 (Equus)'! Day 22940, 04:15:52: Kiwi - Lvl 122 (Children of the Bean) claimed your auto-decayed tame '140 The 2nd - Lvl 218 (Equus)'! Day 23115, 18:17:24: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23361, 06:51:04: Tribemember Tarzan - Lvl 56 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60! Day 23361, 06:52:23: Tribemember Deceptic - Lvl 32 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60! Day 23412, 05:58:45: Human - Lvl 70 (Tribe of BIG BLACK MAN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 218 (Equus)'! Day 23422, 01:39:34: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31768, 19:51:53: Tribemember JungleQueen - Lvl 33 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 55!"] "tribeid":1466968462,"tribe":"Black Water logs":["Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20496, 07:27:53: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20505, 01:07:36: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sariel - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 20505, 01:10:20: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fade Away - Lvl 220 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 20505, 01:11:40: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Morningstar - Lvl 187 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 20505, 01:19:29: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mountain Sound - Lvl 236 (Doedicurus)'! Day 20505, 01:24:53: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wait by the River - Lvl 123 (Dimetrodon)'! Day 20505, 01:26:24: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Don't Do Sadness - Lvl 101 (Dimetrodon)'! Day 20505, 08:23:05: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lampost - Lvl 289 (Bulbdog)'! Day 20519, 09:35:10: LilConqueror froze Back to the Earth - Lvl 389 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20519, 10:50:53: LilConqueror froze Back to the Earth - Lvl 389 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20519, 14:34:51: LilConqueror froze Back to the Earth - Lvl 389 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20578, 15:26:05: LilConqueror froze Back to the Earth - Lvl 389 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20579, 01:38:36: LilConqueror froze The rock - Lvl 295 (Rock Elemental) Day 20579, 01:54:11: Tinyelephant froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 280 (Tropeognathus) Day 20579, 02:24:13: Tinyelephant froze Back to the Earth - Lvl 392 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20579, 02:52:10: Tinyelephant froze Dawning Sun - Lvl 262 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 20579, 03:35:35: Tinyelephant froze Dawning Sun - Lvl 262 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21156, 22:10:43: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21156, 22:10:43: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21156, 22:10:43: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21185, 21:35:26: 's 'Dawning Sun - Lvl 262 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21185, 21:35:26: 's 'Back to the Earth - Lvl 392 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21185, 21:35:26: 's 'Tropeognathus - Lvl 280 (Tropeognathus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21185, 21:35:26: 's 'The rock - Lvl 295 (Rock Elemental)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21185, 21:35:26: 's 'Idir - Lvl 381 (R-Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21185, 21:35:26: 's 'Baby Dimetrodon - Lvl 77 (Dimetrodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21185, 21:35:26: 's 'Winterspell - Lvl 161 (Ice Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21185, 21:35:26: 's 'Varus - Lvl 339 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21185, 21:35:26: 's 'Ravager - Lvl 346 (Ravager)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21185, 21:35:26: 's 'Ravager - Lvl 350 (Ravager)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21185, 21:35:26: 's 'hp attack - Lvl 335 (Ravager)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21185, 21:35:26: 's 'Eclipse - Lvl 161 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21185, 21:35:26: 's 'Shadow - Lvl 290 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21185, 21:35:26: 's 'Shoot to Kill - Lvl 270 (R-Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21185, 21:35:26: 's 'Ember - Lvl 275 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21185, 21:35:26: 's 'weight female - Lvl 342 (Ravager)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21185, 21:35:26: 's 'Vanessa_Myst - Lvl 329 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21185, 21:35:26: 's 'No Man's Land - Lvl 153 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21185, 21:35:26: 's 'Other Side of Paradise - Lvl 153 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21336, 11:35:10: Tribemember LilConqueror - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22052, 22:01:16: Your 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22359, 13:40:58: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23976, 04:00:08: Tribemember Tinyelephant - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24875, 10:19:58: Tribemember LilConqueror - Lvl 123 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 135! Day 24875, 11:26:42: Tribemember LilConqueror - Lvl 123 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 15! Day 24875, 12:27:52: Tribemember Tinyelephant - Lvl 121 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 45! Day 24875, 12:56:23: LilConqueror claimed 'Drogon - Lvl 108 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 24875, 15:01:09: LilConqueror unclaimed 'Drogon - Lvl 109 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 29093, 16:54:37: LilConqueror froze Glisten - Lvl 352 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29096, 20:05:17: LilConqueror froze Glisten - Lvl 352 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29105, 02:11:33: LilConqueror froze Glisten - Lvl 352 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 30607, 19:27:50: LilConqueror froze Firnen - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 30607, 19:32:39: LilConqueror froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 326 (Sinomacrops)"] "tribeid":1466815526,"tribe":"Tribe of StalkinNinja logs":["Day 19875, 08:11:37: StalkinNinja was added to the Tribe! Day 19875, 08:12:51: Ginge was added to the Tribe by StalkinNinja! Day 19875, 09:14:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 216 (Pteranodon)! Day 19875, 10:55:18: Ginge Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)! Day 19939, 17:22:10: Tribemember Ginge - Lvl 26 was killed! Day 19939, 17:28:46: Tribemember StalkinNinja - Lvl 39 was killed! Day 20166, 18:56:52: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20579, 01:25:13: Your Boris - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 21566, 04:41:36: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 60!"] "tribeid":1463922493,"tribe":"Miki's Legacy logs":["Day 16241, 08:59:16: Zenalis froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 124 (Managarmr) Day 16241, 09:01:38: Zenalis froze Adolescent Shadow - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane) Day 16241, 09:03:29: Zenalis froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (Snow Owl) Day 16241, 09:07:00: Zenalis froze Adolescent Astrodelphis - Lvl 223 (Astrodelphis) Day 16747, 02:41:00: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 11:44:45: Your 'Dino Leash' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 11:44:45: Your 'Rope Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Sloped Adobe Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Sloped Adobe Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Sloped Adobe Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Sloped Adobe Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Sloped Adobe Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16982, 14:19:07: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17253, 09:03:01: Tribemember Miki - Lvl 121 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 140! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17551, 15:34:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17607, 11:21:23: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hover Skiff (Hover Skiff)'! Day 17676, 16:55:48: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17676, 16:55:48: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17676, 16:55:48: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17676, 16:55:48: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17676, 16:55:48: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17676, 16:55:48: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17718, 11:39:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17764, 17:56:39: Zenalis demolished a 'Dedicated Storage (Locked) '! Day 17764, 18:08:06: Zenalis demolished a 'Dedicated Storage (Locked) '! Day 17782, 12:49:17: Selim was added to the Tribe by Zenalis! Day 17782, 17:54:10: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 139 (Parasaur)! Day 17783, 10:27:06: Your Parasaur - Lvl 153 (Parasaur) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 17783, 14:17:30: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 17783, 14:52:55: Zenalis Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 17784, 05:55:13: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 17784, 06:00:32: Your Tribe Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 149 (Allosaurus)! Day 17784, 06:37:44: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 17784, 11:51:09: Your Tribe Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 142 (Allosaurus)! Day 17784, 14:02:44: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 17784, 14:03:42: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 161 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 17784, 17:38:35: Zenalis unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 44 (Pteranodon)'! Day 17784, 18:07:27: Zenalis uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 234 Day 17784, 18:08:00: Zenalis uploaded a Allosaurus: Allosaurus - Lvl 149 Day 17784, 18:08:26: Zenalis uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 205 Day 17784, 18:08:57: Zenalis uploaded a Allosaurus: Allosaurus - Lvl 162 Day 17789, 07:53:10: Zenalis claimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 17789, 07:59:27: Zenalis claimed 'Rex - Lvl 290 (Rex)'! Day 17789, 08:06:58: Zenalis claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 312 (Argentavis)'! Day 17789, 08:09:59: Zenalis claimed 'F Metal - Lvl 324 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 17789, 08:11:49: Zenalis claimed 'Metal - Lvl 294 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 17789, 08:15:30: Zenalis claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 328 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 17789, 08:27:37: Zenalis claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17789, 08:28:55: Zenalis claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17789, 08:29:14: Zenalis claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17789, 08:29:38: Zenalis claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 142 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17789, 08:31:23: Zenalis claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17789, 08:46:06: Zenalis unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 142 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17789, 08:47:47: Zenalis unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17789, 08:50:05: Zenalis unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17789, 08:51:46: Zenalis unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17789, 10:18:15: Zenalis unclaimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 329 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 17789, 10:20:24: Zenalis unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17789, 12:56:01: Zenalis froze [TD] Rust - Lvl 256 (Fire Wyvern) Day 17795, 18:13:43: Selim claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 329 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 17795, 18:14:53: Selim claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17795, 18:44:04: Zenalis unclaimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 329 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 17795, 18:45:40: Zenalis unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17795, 18:55:01: Zenalis froze Rex - Lvl 290 (Rex) Day 17795, 18:58:23: Selim froze Argentavis - Lvl 312 (Argentavis) Day 17795, 19:32:51: Zenalis uploaded a Ankylosaurus: Metal - Lvl 294 Day 17795, 19:34:23: Zenalis uploaded a Ankylosaurus: F Metal - Lvl 324 Day 17795, 19:41:15: Zenalis uploaded a Rex: Rex - Lvl 290 Day 17795, 19:43:44: Zenalis froze [TD] Rust - Lvl 257 (Fire Wyvern) Day 17795, 19:47:06: Selim froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17795, 19:49:04: Zenalis uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 312 Day 17883, 14:56:24: Selim froze Snow Owl - Lvl 428 (Snow Owl) Day 18326, 19:23:39: Zenalis froze [EX]Shiro - Lvl 275 (Managarmr) Day 18357, 19:51:06: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18484, 03:24:54: Selim's 'Snow Owl - Lvl 428 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 18640, 03:15:32: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18640, 03:15:32: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18640, 03:15:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18640, 03:15:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18922, 15:17:05: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18985, 03:23:10: Zenalis froze [EX]Otter - Lvl 281 (Otter) Day 18985, 03:26:54: Zenalis froze [EX]Shiro - Lvl 275 (Managarmr) Day 19181, 07:30:06: Zenalis froze X-Otter - Lvl 326 (X-Otter) Day 19181, 07:34:06: Zenalis froze [EX]Shiro - Lvl 275 (Managarmr) Day 19566, 13:36:29: BOFI was added to the Tribe by Zenalis! Day 19567, 02:43:55: Miki was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Zenalis! Day 19567, 02:53:31: BOFI was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Zenalis! Day 19567, 09:21:07: Iuliandr was added to the Tribe by BOFI! Day 19567, 13:48:25: BOFI Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 194 (Dodo)! Day 19567, 14:38:02: Iuliandr Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 181 (Dodo)! Day 19567, 18:41:40: Tribemember Iuliandr - Lvl 10 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 95! Day 19567, 18:54:58: Your Fringila - Lvl 181 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 95! Day 19568, 05:45:34: BOFI Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 87 (Parasaur)! Day 19568, 06:51:51: Your perry - Lvl 89 (Parasaur) was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 50! Day 19568, 06:55:19: Tribemember Iuliandr - Lvl 14 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 95! Day 19568, 07:12:44: Your 'Tent (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19568, 08:55:14: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19568, 09:20:51: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19568, 09:33:35: Tribemember BOFI - Lvl 24 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 95! Day 19568, 09:33:35: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19568, 09:41:22: Your Cori - Lvl 194 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 95! Day 19568, 18:18:05: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 19569, 00:32:23: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19569, 02:27:25: Iuliandr Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 80 (Carbonemys)! Day 19569, 08:58:23: BOFI Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 89 (Dilophosaur)! Day 19571, 12:16:38: Your 'Tent (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19587, 07:42:15: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 201 (Parasaur)! Day 19587, 19:26:05: BOFI Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon)! Day 19588, 12:34:59: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 85 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45! Day 19588, 12:37:48: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 161 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 45! Day 19588, 14:29:54: Your albino boy - Lvl 133 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 19588, 14:31:11: Tribemember BOFI - Lvl 56 was killed! Day 19588, 15:53:23: Zenalis froze C'thun - Lvl 367 (Pteranodon) Day 19588, 18:35:37: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 350 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 19588, 18:35:55: Tribemember BOFI - Lvl 56 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 19588, 20:59:49: Tribemember BOFI - Lvl 56 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185! Day 19588, 22:01:35: Zenalis froze Pteranodon - Lvl 278 (Pteranodon) Day 19588, 23:38:43: Zenalis froze C'thun - Lvl 367 (Pteranodon) Day 19589, 02:34:41: Zenalis claimed 'X-Rex - Lvl 269 (X-Rex)'! Day 19589, 02:42:18: Zenalis froze X-Rex - Lvl 269 (X-Rex) Day 19589, 03:01:43: Zenalis claimed 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 236 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 19589, 03:37:17: Zenalis claimed '140 Allo - Lvl 209 (Allosaurus)'! Day 19589, 03:37:53: Zenalis claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 19589, 03:39:11: Zenalis claimed 'Castoroides - Lvl 242 (Castoroides)'! Day 19589, 03:39:40: Zenalis claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 212 (Doedicurus)'! Day 19589, 03:40:10: Zenalis claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 90 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 19589, 03:40:43: Zenalis claimed 'Zebedy - Lvl 216 (Equus)'! Day 19589, 03:41:45: Zenalis claimed 'Megaloceros - Lvl 152 (Megaloceros)'! Day 19589, 03:42:02: Zenalis claimed 'Equus - Lvl 194 (Equus)'! Day 19589, 03:42:33: Zenalis claimed 'Equus - Lvl 205 (Equus)'! Day 19589, 03:43:26: Zenalis claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19589, 03:44:50: Zenalis claimed 'Equus - Lvl 142 (Equus)'! Day 19589, 03:45:28: Zenalis claimed '150 - Lvl 224 (Equus)'! Day 19589, 03:46:04: Zenalis claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 245 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19589, 03:50:28: Zenalis claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)'! Day 19589, 04:36:11: Zenalis claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 161 (Triceratops)'! Day 19589, 04:45:42: Miki froze Yogg'Saron - Lvl 243 (Pteranodon) Day 19589, 06:44:18: Zenalis froze [RK] Meki Protector - Lvl 348 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19589, 14:24:12: BOFI claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 19589, 14:36:11: Zenalis claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 19589, 16:36:39: Zenalis unclaimed 'Megaloceros - Lvl 152 (Megaloceros)'! Day 19589, 16:38:48: Zenalis unclaimed 'Zebedy - Lvl 216 (Equus)'! Day 19589, 16:41:16: Zenalis unclaimed 'Equus - Lvl 194 (Equus)'! Day 19589, 16:44:03: Zenalis unclaimed '150 - Lvl 224 (Equus)'! Day 19589, 16:47:03: Zenalis unclaimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 19589, 16:49:53: Zenalis unclaimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 161 (Triceratops)'! Day 19589, 16:51:49: Zenalis unclaimed 'Equus - Lvl 205 (Equus)'! Day 19589, 16:53:55: Zenalis unclaimed 'Equus - Lvl 142 (Equus)'! Day 19589, 18:59:29: Zenalis froze Baby euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19589, 19:03:14: Zenalis froze Juvenile euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19589, 19:07:04: Zenalis froze Juvenile euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19589, 19:08:20: BOFI froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19589, 19:12:54: BOFI froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19589, 20:08:00: BOFI unclaimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 93 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 19589, 20:18:41: Zenalis claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 93 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 19589, 20:45:41: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 93 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by [RK] Meki Protector - Lvl 348 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 19589, 20:45:41: Your Tribe killed Ankylosaurus - Lvl 93 (Ankylosaurus) (Miki's Legacy)! Day 19589, 20:54:22: Zenalis froze [RK] Meki Protector - Lvl 348 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19590, 00:52:18: Zenalis froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19590, 00:58:18: BOFI froze Juvenile euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19590, 01:05:00: BOFI froze Juvenile euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19590, 06:36:24: BOFI froze Juvenile euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19590, 06:40:19: Zenalis froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19590, 06:43:42: Zenalis froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19590, 06:51:37: BOFI froze Juvenile euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19590, 07:21:44: BOFI froze Juvenile euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19590, 07:52:04: Zenalis froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19590, 11:39:44: BOFI froze Juvenile euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19590, 11:43:29: BOFI froze Juvenile euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19590, 11:46:53: BOFI froze Juvenile euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19590, 11:50:24: BOFI froze Juvenile euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19590, 11:54:17: BOFI froze Juvenile euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19608, 20:32:26: Zenalis froze [RK] Meki Protector - Lvl 348 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19608, 21:27:34: Zenalis froze [RK] Meki Protector - Lvl 348 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19609, 01:19:12: Zenalis froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19609, 01:23:53: Zenalis froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19609, 01:28:23: Zenalis froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19609, 01:33:01: Zenalis froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19609, 05:44:00: Zenalis froze C'thun - Lvl 367 (Pteranodon) Day 19609, 06:55:20: Zenalis froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19609, 08:19:04: Zenalis froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 395 (Ankylosaurus) Day 19609, 08:43:55: Zenalis froze Juvenile euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19609, 08:47:30: Zenalis froze Juvenile euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19609, 08:50:55: Zenalis froze Juvenile euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19609, 08:54:47: Zenalis froze Juvenile euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19609, 08:58:58: Zenalis froze Juvenile euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19609, 09:02:43: Zenalis froze Juvenile euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19609, 13:31:35: Zenalis froze Adolescent euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19609, 13:36:26: Zenalis froze Adolescent euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19609, 13:40:08: Zenalis froze Adolescent euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19609, 13:43:38: Zenalis froze Adolescent euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19609, 13:47:05: Zenalis froze Adolescent euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19609, 13:50:36: Zenalis froze Adolescent euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19609, 13:53:55: Zenalis froze Adolescent euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19609, 13:57:07: Zenalis froze Adolescent euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19609, 19:20:51: BOFI froze Adolescent euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19609, 20:32:55: BOFI froze Adolescent euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19609, 20:39:38: BOFI froze Adolescent euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19610, 02:30:22: Zenalis froze Adolescent euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19610, 02:37:44: Zenalis froze Adolescent euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19610, 02:41:34: BOFI froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19610, 02:43:16: Zenalis froze Adolescent euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19610, 02:46:28: BOFI froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19610, 02:48:07: Zenalis froze Adolescent euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19610, 02:52:23: Zenalis froze Adolescent euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19610, 02:57:20: Zenalis froze Adolescent euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19610, 03:02:35: Zenalis froze Adolescent euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19610, 03:06:54: Zenalis froze Adolescent euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19610, 07:49:41: Zenalis froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19610, 07:53:17: Zenalis froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19610, 07:57:01: Zenalis froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19610, 12:48:13: Zenalis froze Adolescent euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19610, 12:51:25: Zenalis froze Adolescent euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19610, 12:54:28: Zenalis froze Adolescent euklentzea - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19610, 22:14:11: Zenalis claimed 'sadsd - Lvl 60 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 19610, 23:17:48: Zenalis froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 80 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19611, 00:07:18: Zenalis froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 111 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19611, 00:08:06: BOFI froze euklentzea - Lvl 115 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19612, 12:06:50: Iuliandr Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 257 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 19657, 13:40:45: Your Ice Wyvern - Lvl 242 (Ice Wyvern) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 19657, 13:42:26: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 161 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 19657, 19:05:54: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 161 was killed! Day 19713, 01:07:05: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19713, 01:07:05: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19713, 11:01:54: Zenalis uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 153 Day 19713, 11:03:07: Zenalis uploaded a Ankylosaurus: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 395 Day 19713, 11:04:35: Zenalis uploaded a Doedicurus: Doedicurus - Lvl 219 Day 19713, 11:05:57: Zenalis uploaded a Parasaur: Parasaur - Lvl 220 Day 19713, 11:14:24: Zenalis uploaded a X-Rex: X-Rex - Lvl 276 Day 19713, 11:15:24: Zenalis uploaded a Castoroides: Castoroides - Lvl 251 Day 19713, 11:17:29: Zenalis uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 226 Day 19713, 11:28:59: Zenalis uploaded a Tek Parasaur: Sonic - Lvl 262 Day 19713, 11:30:03: Zenalis uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 234 Day 19713, 11:30:47: Zenalis uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 279 Day 19713, 11:46:09: BOFI froze Pteranodon - Lvl 252 (Pteranodon) Day 19713, 15:27:31: Zenalis froze [EX]Shiro - Lvl 275 (Managarmr) Day 19713, 16:15:35: Zenalis froze [EX]Shiro - Lvl 275 (Managarmr) Day 19713, 22:03:11: BOFI froze euklentzea - Lvl 117 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19713, 23:59:13: BOFI froze euklentzea - Lvl 117 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19714, 01:02:16: Zenalis froze Zombie Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 404 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 19714, 03:39:19: BOFI froze euklentzea - Lvl 117 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19714, 14:59:21: Zenalis froze [EX]Shiro - Lvl 275 (Managarmr) Day 19714, 15:59:28: Tribemember BOFI - Lvl 72 was killed by an Iceworm Male - Lvl 1! Day 19714, 16:05:59: Zenalis froze X-Otter - Lvl 346 (X-Otter) Day 19714, 20:41:25: Zenalis froze Zombie Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 404 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 19714, 22:27:09: Zenalis froze [EX]Shiro - Lvl 275 (Managarmr) Day 19773, 11:48:26: Zenalis froze Smol Fuc - Lvl 376 (Otter) Day 19773, 14:21:12: Zenalis froze [EX]Shiro - Lvl 275 (Managarmr) Day 19774, 14:02:53: BOFI froze euklentzea - Lvl 117 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19875, 07:29:09: nu se calareste ca e mic - Lvl 109 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 19930, 17:46:45: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19939, 19:04:02: Your Clara - Lvl 102 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 19939, 19:07:33: Your 140 Allo - Lvl 240 (Allosaurus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20072, 08:54:23: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20354, 15:11:38: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20536, 16:08:13: Starlite - Lvl 5 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 254 (Pteranodon)'! Day 20637, 21:20:20: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20891, 21:56:41: Tribemember Iuliandr - Lvl 40 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 20944, 08:28:55: Your 'Preserving Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20944, 08:28:55: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22009, 15:47:38: Zenalis froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 22009, 16:33:37: Zenalis froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 22009, 16:36:38: Zenalis froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 22009, 16:39:38: Zenalis froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 22009, 18:33:51: Zenalis froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 22009, 18:39:30: Zenalis froze [EX]Shiro - Lvl 275 (Managarmr) Day 24901, 12:44:44: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1463561768,"tribe":"chippys drippy tribe logs":["Day 22646, 21:07:32: chippy was added to the Tribe! Day 22646, 22:58:25: Small Child added 'chippys drippy tribe' Tribe to Dino's & Dodo's Alliance! Day 22646, 23:54:09: chippy claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 149 (Pteranodon)'! Day 22647, 18:00:31: chippy Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 224 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 22647, 18:12:52: chippy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 224 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22648, 01:54:51: chippy Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 224 (Doedicurus)! Day 22648, 02:06:21: chippy froze Doedicurus - Lvl 224 (Doedicurus) Day 22648, 06:56:57: chippy Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 127 (Parasaur)! Day 22648, 07:48:40: chippy claimed 'Equus - Lvl 223 (Equus)'! Day 22648, 13:35:29: chippy Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 134 (Raptor)! Day 22649, 17:00:31: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur)! Day 22649, 17:37:31: chippy froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur) Day 22649, 21:39:55: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo)! Day 22649, 21:58:04: chippy Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 201 (Dodo)! Day 22649, 22:50:48: chippy Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 200 (Dodo)! Day 22650, 00:28:08: chippy Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 134 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 22650, 01:11:51: chippy Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo)! Day 22650, 02:33:52: chippy Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 84 (Dilophosaur)! Day 22650, 03:46:20: Your Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 85! Day 22650, 04:42:01: Your Dodo - Lvl 142 (Dodo) was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 20! Day 22680, 22:28:22: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 134 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 50! Day 22680, 22:40:20: Your Dodo - Lvl 202 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 50! Day 22837, 08:22:45: Your Raptor - Lvl 140 (Raptor) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 22940, 09:04:45: daddy mocho - Lvl 100 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 22950, 10:46:46: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22950, 10:46:46: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22950, 10:46:46: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23131, 08:06:14: Dilophosaur - Lvl 84 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 23203, 20:23:58: Your Dodo - Lvl 200 (Dodo) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 145! Day 23203, 21:30:39: Your Equus - Lvl 229 (Equus) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 145! Day 23203, 23:09:08: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 232 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 145! Day 23223, 12:00:32: Tribemember chippy - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 23249, 05:58:30: Slick - Lvl 32 (Lavender Envelopes) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 211 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 23249, 06:18:01: Slick - Lvl 32 (Lavender Envelopes) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 231 (Doedicurus)'! Day 23249, 15:17:43: Slick - Lvl 36 (Lavender Envelopes) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 157 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23338, 23:28:09: Your Parasaur - Lvl 133 (Parasaur) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 135! Day 23823, 02:30:21: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28114, 20:04:55: Tribemember chippy - Lvl 42 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 90! Day 28114, 20:57:21: Tribemember chippy - Lvl 42 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 28115, 02:40:45: Tribemember chippy - Lvl 42 was killed!"] "tribeid":1463130456,"tribe":"Tribe of Alexxe logs":["Day 29450, 21:54:49: Alexxe was added to the Tribe! Day 29451, 08:54:25: Alexxe froze {A} #1 - Lvl 343 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 30765, 09:49:12: Alexxe froze 8474H. 282M 1HM - Lvl 351 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 30765, 09:53:54: Alexxe froze Base - Lvl 96 (Sinomacrops) Day 32537, 18:50:34: Alexxe froze 8474H. 282M 1HM - Lvl 365 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32537, 18:55:41: Alexxe froze Captain Flaps - Lvl 342 (Sinomacrops) Day 32539, 09:02:36: Alexxe froze 8474H. 282M 1HM - Lvl 365 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32539, 10:29:48: Alexxe froze Captain Flaps - Lvl 342 (Sinomacrops) Day 32539, 10:51:35: Tribemember Alexxe - Lvl 122 was killed by an Arthropluera - Lvl 45! Day 32539, 12:57:48: Alexxe claimed 'FIRE - Lvl 164 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 32539, 13:03:57: Alexxe froze FIRE - Lvl 164 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32539, 13:13:52: Alexxe claimed 'MK1 - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 32539, 13:26:05: Alexxe froze MK1 - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32539, 13:42:26: Alexxe claimed 'Kuraz - Lvl 189 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 32539, 14:01:26: Alexxe froze Kuraz - Lvl 189 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32539, 16:43:27: Alexxe froze 8474H. 282M 1HM - Lvl 365 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32539, 19:08:45: Alexxe froze 8474H. 282M 1HM - Lvl 365 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32539, 19:15:13: Alexxe froze Captain Flaps - Lvl 342 (Sinomacrops) Day 32557, 15:33:40: Alexxe froze 8474H. 282M 1HM - Lvl 365 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32559, 23:09:14: Alexxe froze 8474H. 282M 1HM - Lvl 365 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32609, 02:45:07: Alexxe froze 8474H. 282M 1HM - Lvl 365 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 33571, 06:40:09: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33854, 16:54:29: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1457743690,"tribe":"Tribe of Jukes logs":["Day 42428, 14:19:18: Jukes was added to the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1456488076,"tribe":"Tribe of Asto logs":["Day 20862, 13:35:58: Asto was added to the Tribe! Day 20862, 13:38:35: Aditzu added 'Tribe of Asto' Tribe to THE PROFESIONAL Alliance! Day 20862, 13:46:53: Aditzu added 'Arkoholics Fun Factory' Tribe to THE PROFESIONAL Alliance! Day 20862, 17:59:39: Asto froze Tek Rex - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 20863, 04:29:29: Aditzu added 'Sexy boys' Tribe to THE PROFESIONAL Alliance! Day 20863, 10:42:14: Asto froze Tek Rex - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 20863, 10:49:07: Asto froze Tek Rex - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 20863, 10:55:28: Asto froze Tek Rex - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex) Day 20863, 11:10:20: Asto froze Tek Rex - Lvl 368 (Tek Rex) Day 20863, 11:43:30: Asto froze Healer - Lvl 329 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22029, 07:41:57: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22029, 07:41:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22029, 07:41:57: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23413, 05:47:59: Tribemember Asto - Lvl 128 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 23413, 15:45:58: Your Mvmnt - Lvl 374 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 50! Day 23414, 13:59:06: Tribemember Asto - Lvl 128 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 60! Day 23416, 05:24:33: Asto unclaimed 'pls dont claim - Lvl 303 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 23416, 05:42:31: Asto froze Rock Drake - Lvl 326 (Rock Drake)"] "tribeid":1453492643,"tribe":"BigMonkeyGaming logs":["Day 31637, 05:55:12: FlacidNoodles was added to the Tribe! Day 31637, 05:57:49: Sam Sam was added to the Tribe by FlacidNoodles! Day 31637, 08:46:41: Your Jerry (bait) - Lvl 155 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 31637, 08:50:29: Tribemember Sam Sam - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 31637, 13:18:52: Tribemember Sam Sam - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 31637, 14:52:02: FlacidNoodles Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 31637, 14:59:34: FlacidNoodles froze Jerry V2 (Sacrifice) - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 31637, 15:16:23: FlacidNoodles Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon)! Day 31637, 15:22:43: FlacidNoodles froze Jerry V3 (Sacrifice) - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon) Day 31637, 15:57:53: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 272 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31637, 16:01:47: FlacidNoodles uploaded a Pteranodon: Jerry V3 (Sacrifice) - Lvl 127 Day 31640, 09:15:14: FlacidNoodles froze Barry Alan - Lvl 229 (Baryonyx) Day 31640, 10:04:37: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 275 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31650, 16:17:27: FlacidNoodles froze FUTUREEEE - Lvl 169 (Tusoteuthis) Day 31650, 16:47:50: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 299 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31737, 08:08:50: FlacidNoodles Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 31737, 08:20:30: FlacidNoodles froze GIGA MALE - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 31737, 08:53:10: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 302 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31761, 11:55:09: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 303 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31765, 03:58:09: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 304 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31810, 01:00:53: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 306 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31810, 06:17:23: FlacidNoodles froze Macaw - Lvl 236 (Argentavis) Day 31810, 06:21:29: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 306 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31810, 07:18:12: Sam Sam froze Maewing - Lvl 282 (Maewing) Day 31810, 09:16:22: Sam Sam froze Maewing - Lvl 282 (Maewing) Day 31810, 09:57:10: FlacidNoodles froze Dwayne the cock johnson - Lvl 228 (Rex) Day 31810, 11:13:53: FlacidNoodles froze Dwayne the cock johnson - Lvl 228 (Rex) Day 31810, 11:30:38: FlacidNoodles froze Hedwig - Lvl 262 (Snow Owl) Day 31810, 17:06:49: FlacidNoodles froze GOOD STATS - Lvl 294 (Rex) Day 31810, 17:25:59: Sam Sam froze Dwayne the cock johnson - Lvl 252 (Rex) Day 31810, 17:38:23: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 306 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31810, 18:23:06: Sam Sam froze Maewing - Lvl 282 (Maewing) Day 31841, 02:04:00: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 307 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31953, 07:46:53: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 309 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31955, 18:12:08: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 309 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31965, 00:05:40: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31982, 00:30:29: Sam Sam froze Scald - Lvl 306 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31982, 11:53:20: Sam Sam froze sams - Lvl 321 (Rex) Day 31982, 13:51:57: Sam Sam froze Scald - Lvl 306 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31985, 09:04:05: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 311 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32006, 15:33:08: Sam Sam froze sams - Lvl 323 (Rex) Day 32006, 15:37:07: Sam Sam froze sams - Lvl 323 (Rex) Day 32006, 15:41:13: Sam Sam froze sams - Lvl 323 (Rex) Day 32006, 16:16:10: Sam Sam Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 89 (Dung Beetle)! Day 32006, 16:21:52: Sam Sam froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 89 (Dung Beetle) Day 32006, 17:27:11: Sam Sam Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle)! Day 32006, 17:30:33: Sam Sam froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle) Day 32006, 17:41:43: Sam Sam froze Scald - Lvl 307 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32006, 17:58:57: Sam Sam froze sams - Lvl 323 (Rex) Day 32006, 18:14:23: Sam Sam Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle)! Day 32006, 18:18:22: Sam Sam froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle) Day 32006, 18:23:28: Sam Sam froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle) Day 32006, 18:27:42: Sam Sam froze sams - Lvl 323 (Rex) Day 32006, 19:39:27: Sam Sam Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 142 (Dung Beetle)! Day 32006, 19:42:03: Sam Sam froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 142 (Dung Beetle) Day 32006, 20:13:34: Sam Sam Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle)! Day 32006, 20:16:57: Sam Sam froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle) Day 32006, 20:57:28: Sam Sam froze sams - Lvl 324 (Rex) Day 32006, 21:14:34: Sam Sam froze sams - Lvl 324 (Rex) Day 32006, 21:23:57: Sam Sam Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 74 (Dung Beetle)! Day 32006, 21:29:00: Sam Sam froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 74 (Dung Beetle) Day 32006, 22:38:37: Sam Sam froze sams - Lvl 324 (Rex) Day 32006, 22:57:51: Sam Sam Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle)! Day 32006, 23:01:24: Sam Sam froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle) Day 32007, 00:08:59: Sam Sam froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle) Day 32007, 00:17:10: Sam Sam Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 217 (Dung Beetle)! Day 32007, 00:21:53: Sam Sam froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 217 (Dung Beetle) Day 32007, 01:50:57: Sam Sam Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle)! Day 32007, 01:55:34: Sam Sam froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle) Day 32007, 02:40:47: Sam Sam froze sams - Lvl 324 (Rex) Day 32007, 04:05:35: Sam Sam Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 142 (Dung Beetle)! Day 32007, 04:48:31: Sam Sam froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 144 (Dung Beetle) Day 32007, 04:55:51: Sam Sam froze sams - Lvl 324 (Rex) Day 32007, 05:25:01: Sam Sam froze Scald - Lvl 307 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32007, 09:40:50: Sam Sam froze Scald - Lvl 307 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32123, 03:01:32: Sam Sam froze Pteranodon - Lvl 372 (Pteranodon) Day 32138, 23:19:48: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 318 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32139, 00:23:13: FlacidNoodles froze FUTUREEEE - Lvl 264 (Tusoteuthis) Day 32139, 01:15:54: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 318 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32139, 02:53:40: FlacidNoodles froze FUTUREEEE - Lvl 264 (Tusoteuthis) Day 32139, 03:52:26: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 318 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32886, 02:13:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 21:01:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42074, 17:35:55: SXMM was added to the Tribe by FlacidNoodles! Day 42074, 18:12:23: Anos was added to the Tribe by FlacidNoodles! Day 42074, 18:26:46: Sam Sam was removed from the Tribe by FlacidNoodles! Day 42074, 23:51:20: Tribemember Anos - Lvl 7 was killed by SXMM - Lvl 12 (BigMonkeyGaming)! Day 42074, 23:51:20: Your Tribe killed Anos - Lvl 7 (BigMonkeyGaming)! Day 42075, 00:30:44: Tribemember SXMM - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 42075, 04:43:19: Tribemember SXMM - Lvl 15 was killed by FlacidNoodles - Lvl 127 (BigMonkeyGaming)! Day 42075, 04:43:19: Your Tribe killed SXMM - Lvl 15 (BigMonkeyGaming)! Day 42075, 11:20:43: SXMM Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 202 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 42075, 12:56:51: Tribemember SXMM - Lvl 23 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 50! Day 42075, 17:54:39: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 74 (Triceratops)! Day 42075, 19:59:07: Tribemember Anos - Lvl 22 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 55! Day 42076, 11:16:06: SXMM demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 42076, 11:19:00: SXMM demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 42076, 11:21:43: SXMM demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 42076, 11:22:38: SXMM demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 42076, 11:27:45: SXMM demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 42076, 11:28:43: SXMM demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 42076, 13:28:09: FlacidNoodles Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 197 (Pteranodon)! Day 42077, 12:09:17: SXMM Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 42078, 04:44:46: FlacidNoodles downloaded a dino: SCARY - Lvl 133 Day 42078, 13:08:20: Tribemember Anos - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 42078, 19:46:25: Tribemember SXMM - Lvl 49 was killed! Day 42078, 23:55:49: Tribemember Anos - Lvl 26 was killed! Day 42079, 00:08:25: Tribemember Anos - Lvl 26 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 100! Day 42079, 02:44:13: Tribemember SXMM - Lvl 50 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 95! Day 42079, 05:11:08: Tribemember Anos - Lvl 26 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 45! Day 42079, 05:51:55: SXMM uploaded a Pteranodon: Abby V2 - Lvl 226 Day 42079, 07:56:36: FlacidNoodles Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 42079, 11:01:41: Tribemember Anos - Lvl 26 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 25! Day 42079, 15:49:19: Tribemember Anos - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 42080, 02:32:37: Tribemember Anos - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 42080, 08:08:45: Anos demolished a 'Wooden Cage (Locked) '! Day 42080, 14:27:03: Anos Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 77 (Parasaur)! Day 42080, 22:22:34: SXMM downloaded a dino: Abby V2 - Lvl 278 Day 42093, 12:16:13: Your Abby V2 - Lvl 280 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 20! Day 42093, 12:16:21: Tribemember SXMM - Lvl 76 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 20! Day 42094, 13:20:25: Triceratops - Lvl 130 destroyed your 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 42094, 13:20:25: Triceratops - Lvl 130 destroyed your 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 42094, 13:20:25: Triceratops - Lvl 130 destroyed your 'Bed'! Day 42094, 13:20:29: Triceratops - Lvl 130 destroyed your 'Bed'! Day 42094, 13:22:30: Triceratops - Lvl 130 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 42094, 16:35:35: FlacidNoodles Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 223 (Doedicurus)! Day 42094, 16:40:35: FlacidNoodles froze Oniz - Lvl 223 (Doedicurus) Day 42095, 14:46:47: FlacidNoodles Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 203 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 42095, 14:51:45: FlacidNoodles froze Tony Stank - Lvl 203 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42098, 07:04:43: FlacidNoodles froze Triceratops - Lvl 101 (Triceratops) Day 42098, 11:25:44: FlacidNoodles froze Triceratops - Lvl 101 (Triceratops) Day 42098, 11:30:07: FlacidNoodles froze Oniz - Lvl 241 (Doedicurus) Day 42098, 11:36:36: FlacidNoodles froze BuckBeak - Lvl 240 (Argentavis) Day 42098, 13:41:15: SXMM Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 208 (Dodo)! Day 42099, 18:27:05: SXMM Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 209 (Castoroides)! Day 42099, 18:31:09: FlacidNoodles froze Castoroides - Lvl 209 (Castoroides) Day 42099, 19:51:52: FlacidNoodles froze Oniz - Lvl 241 (Doedicurus) Day 42099, 19:56:03: FlacidNoodles froze Triceratops - Lvl 103 (Triceratops) Day 42099, 20:10:30: FlacidNoodles froze BuckBeak - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 42104, 15:35:00: SXMM Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 42104, 17:28:40: SXMM froze Pteranodon - Lvl 31 (Pteranodon) Day 42105, 06:23:43: SXMM downloaded a dino: Josh - Lvl 203 Day 42105, 06:29:10: SXMM froze Pteranodon - Lvl 33 (Pteranodon) Day 42105, 07:41:44: SXMM froze Tony Stank - Lvl 215 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42106, 03:36:37: SXMM Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 42106, 03:45:05: SXMM froze Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 42106, 06:35:21: SXMM unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 42116, 16:01:21: FlacidNoodles froze Tony Stank - Lvl 219 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42117, 01:08:09: SXMM froze Dodo - Lvl 215 (Dodo) Day 42117, 01:23:05: SXMM froze woody - Lvl 77 (Parasaur) Day 42117, 10:18:49: SXMM froze Josh - Lvl 219 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 42118, 07:55:28: Tribemember Anos - Lvl 37 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 55! Day 42118, 12:06:26: Tribemember Anos - Lvl 37 was killed! Day 42118, 12:34:13: Tribemember Anos - Lvl 37 was killed! Day 42118, 13:21:34: FlacidNoodles froze SCARY - Lvl 173 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 42119, 07:39:54: SXMM downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 106 Day 42119, 07:40:30: SXMM downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 30 Day 42119, 12:21:05: SXMM unclaimed 'MAT FARMER - Lvl 119 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 42119, 12:36:22: SXMM unclaimed '135 m - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 42119, 12:50:55: SXMM unclaimed 'SXMM :) - Lvl 134 (Rex)'! Day 42119, 13:13:52: SXMM unclaimed 'GUNNER - Lvl 30 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 42119, 14:11:36: SXMM froze Tapejara - Lvl 33 (Tapejara) Day 42119, 19:16:50: Tribemember Anos - Lvl 42 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 55! Day 42119, 21:59:40: FlacidNoodles demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 42124, 16:34:37: FlacidNoodles froze Tony Stank - Lvl 222 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42124, 21:41:48: FlacidNoodles froze Tony Stank - Lvl 225 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42124, 21:47:32: FlacidNoodles froze BuckBeak - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) Day 42125, 14:37:32: FlacidNoodles froze SCARY - Lvl 175 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 42126, 15:40:14: FlacidNoodles froze SCARY - Lvl 176 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 42144, 10:46:43: Tribemember Anos - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 42190, 19:13:58: SXMM claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 42191, 01:41:36: SXMM demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 42252, 13:22:24: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42344, 18:28:45: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42395, 05:27:36: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42419, 00:26:06: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42419, 00:26:06: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42490, 11:15:08: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42490, 11:15:08: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42514, 07:06:37: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42776, 06:00:13: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42790, 06:26:49: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tapejara - Lvl 33 (Tapejara)'! Day 42790, 06:30:19: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Josh - Lvl 240 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 42790, 07:20:49: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 41 (Pteranodon)'! Day 42790, 07:47:23: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BuckBeak - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 42813, 01:31:47: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oniz - Lvl 273 (Doedicurus)'! Day 42813, 01:47:14: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tony Stank - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 42813, 01:57:58: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 230 (Castoroides)'! Day 42832, 01:26:21: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jack Attack - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon)'! Day 42832, 06:19:48: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 42832, 06:32:33: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 217 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 42832, 06:57:47: Haggis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Haggis) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SCARY - Lvl 176 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 42854, 18:32:54: Lavender - Lvl 117 (Eevee) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'woody - Lvl 77 (Parasaur)'! Day 42854, 18:33:59: Lavender - Lvl 117 (Eevee) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 215 (Dodo)'! Day 43061, 12:39:10: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43061, 12:39:10: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43061, 12:39:10: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43061, 12:39:10: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43061, 12:39:10: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43061, 12:39:10: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43061, 12:39:10: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43061, 12:39:10: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43061, 12:39:10: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43061, 12:39:10: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43061, 12:39:10: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43085, 08:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43195, 07:38:02: Tribemember FlacidNoodles - Lvl 127 was killed! Day 43195, 08:08:26: Tribemember SXMM - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 43196, 11:02:17: Your Kru - Lvl 109 (Triceratops) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 60! Day 43371, 02:22:47: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43371, 02:22:47: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1453297232,"tribe":"Tribu de barthalan logs":["Day 22161, 17:07:05: barthalan was added to the Tribe! Day 22162, 11:20:25: barthalan uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: tazz - Lvl 272 Day 22226, 06:55:36: barthalan froze for aberation (la mort) - Lvl 273 (Rock Drake) Day 22226, 06:57:19: barthalan downloaded a dino: tazz - Lvl 273 Day 22226, 07:01:26: barthalan froze tazz - Lvl 273 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22248, 00:52:05: barthalan claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 22248, 02:35:17: barthalan downloaded a dino: tazz - Lvl 273 Day 22248, 06:26:51: barthalan claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 22248, 06:28:25: barthalan claimed 'Mosasaurus - Lvl 173 (Mosasaurus)'! Day 22248, 06:32:53: barthalan claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 202 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 22248, 06:33:36: barthalan claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 209 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 22248, 07:10:45: barthalan froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 320 (Basilosaurus) Day 22248, 07:13:38: barthalan claimed 'Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 34 (Ichthyosaurus)'! Day 22248, 07:17:56: barthalan froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 34 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 22248, 07:38:28: barthalan froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 221 (Basilosaurus) Day 22248, 07:55:45: barthalan froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 202 (Basilosaurus) Day 22248, 08:18:27: barthalan froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 173 (Mosasaurus) Day 22248, 08:23:54: barthalan claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 22248, 08:26:38: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 22248, 15:35:53: barthalan uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: tazz - Lvl 274 Day 22248, 15:36:43: barthalan downloaded a dino: tazz - Lvl 274 Day 22248, 15:40:41: barthalan froze tazz - Lvl 274 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22298, 01:46:56: barthalan froze Lyn - Lvl 289 (Argentavis) Day 22298, 02:18:46: barthalan froze Lyn - Lvl 289 (Argentavis) Day 22298, 02:24:30: barthalan froze tazz - Lvl 279 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22373, 23:21:03: barthalan froze tazz - Lvl 281 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22393, 19:40:58: barthalan froze tazz - Lvl 281 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22396, 09:28:56: barthalan claimed 'le preque parfait - Lvl 184 (Argentavis)'! Day 22396, 09:31:55: barthalan unclaimed 'le preque parfait - Lvl 184 (Argentavis)'! Day 22396, 13:43:57: barthalan froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22400, 11:54:17: barthalan claimed 'Owlin - Lvl 396 (Snow Owl)'! Day 22400, 12:42:05: barthalan uploaded a Snow Owl: Owlin - Lvl 396 Day 22439, 08:45:01: barthalan froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22557, 23:37:41: barthalan froze Argentavis - Lvl 301 (Argentavis) Day 22558, 01:32:38: barthalan froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 257 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22628, 06:05:10: barthalan froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 264 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22646, 15:22:54: barthalan froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 22646, 15:27:09: barthalan froze Argentavis - Lvl 264 (Argentavis) Day 22646, 16:14:52: barthalan froze Argentavis - Lvl 296 (Argentavis) Day 22693, 01:12:30: barthalan froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 266 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22909, 18:42:48: Your Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 289 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 22909, 19:29:35: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 22936, 21:51:57: barthalan froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 22936, 21:57:22: barthalan froze Aquila - Lvl 327 (Argentavis) Day 22936, 22:14:01: barthalan froze Argentavis - Lvl 325 (Argentavis) Day 22937, 02:28:26: barthalan froze Argentavis - Lvl 325 (Argentavis) Day 22937, 03:51:19: barthalan froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 269 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22975, 13:58:49: barthalan froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 207 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22976, 13:53:50: barthalan froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23056, 23:57:52: barthalan froze chorizo - Lvl 247 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23221, 22:20:06: barthalan froze flash - Lvl 290 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23405, 19:53:05: barthalan froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 248 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23930, 14:45:21: barthalan froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 23930, 21:52:47: barthalan froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 241 (Ice Wyvern) Day 23930, 21:57:22: barthalan froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 23933, 12:56:32: barthalan froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 242 (Ice Wyvern) Day 24118, 17:26:06: Your Ice Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Ice Wyvern) was killed! Day 24118, 18:22:18: thefurge200 was added to the Tribe by barthalan! Day 24119, 05:48:08: Your Desmodus - Lvl 42 (Desmodus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 24119, 05:49:58: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 24119, 06:42:05: barthalan froze Snow Owl - Lvl 333 (Snow Owl) Day 24546, 14:22:17: Doedicurus - Lvl 124 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 24830, 09:21:54: Steve - Lvl 118 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 24875, 12:56:23: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Drogon - Lvl 108 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 25003, 17:40:09: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25192, 17:19:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25229, 09:00:34: barthalan froze magnum - Lvl 286 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26126, 23:13:07: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 26129, 22:27:11: barthalan froze magnum - Lvl 287 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26131, 06:57:11: barthalan claimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 436 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 26131, 06:57:11: OverK2ll - Robert - Lvl 121 (Tribe of OverK2ll - Robe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 436 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 26131, 10:34:09: barthalan froze magnum - Lvl 287 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26144, 10:23:00: barthalan froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 26144, 10:26:14: barthalan froze magnum - Lvl 288 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26144, 14:01:13: barthalan froze Aquila - Lvl 341 (Argentavis) Day 26838, 08:49:51: Oleg - Lvl 4 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 27017, 19:40:51: barthalan claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 80 (Argentavis)'! Day 27017, 19:47:51: barthalan froze Argentavis - Lvl 80 (Argentavis) Day 27017, 23:19:15: barthalan froze magnum - Lvl 289 (Ice Wyvern) Day 29425, 15:57:35: barthalan froze wyverne tropicale M - Lvl 376 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 30677, 22:39:53: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 30678, 02:08:13: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 30678, 05:08:09: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 50! Day 30678, 09:30:58: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 30678, 09:43:06: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 30678, 11:53:15: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 30678, 12:13:32: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 30678, 12:23:32: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 135! Day 30678, 13:19:36: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 30678, 16:02:48: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 30727, 04:52:10: barthalan froze Repro Femelle - Lvl 363 (Pteranodon) Day 31056, 08:42:54: barthalan froze mon ptera !!!!! - Lvl 363 (Pteranodon)"] "tribeid":1453221153,"tribe":"Tribe of best ark player logs":["Day 27116, 06:18:42: best ark player was added to the Tribe! Day 27116, 06:20:25: best ark player Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 127 (Dodo)! Day 27116, 06:55:39: Astral was added to the Tribe by best ark player! Day 27116, 07:04:19: best ark player uploaded a Dodo: Dodo - Lvl 38 Day 27116, 07:21:59: best ark player uploaded a Dodo: Dodo - Lvl 127 Day 27116, 13:33:15: best ark player Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 207 (Dilophosaur)! Day 27116, 17:07:28: Tribemember Astral - Lvl 11 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 27116, 18:04:07: Tribemember best ark player - Lvl 15 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 27116, 19:08:47: Tribemember Astral - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 27116, 20:19:08: Tribemember best ark player - Lvl 15 was killed! Day 27413, 13:29:15: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27628, 15:02:17: Tribemember Astral - Lvl 11 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 140! Day 28219, 18:09:06: Your dildo - Lvl 207 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130!"] "tribeid":1451819029,"tribe":"Tribe of Bot AimZ logs":["Day 33272, 23:50:41: Bot AimZ was added to the Tribe! Day 33273, 20:42:41: Bot AimZ froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 33571, 06:40:09: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33611, 05:12:32: Bot AimZ froze Surface Dweller - Lvl 227 (Managarmr) Day 33611, 06:52:21: Bot AimZ froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 198 (Lightning Wyvern)"] "tribeid":-2147483648,"tribe":"[ASV Abandoned]" "tribeid":2000000000,"tribe":"[ASV Unclaimed]"}]